Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-03 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
I have a question regarding selectors. I wanted to set a 
double-click action in the tableview example. Currently i get the 
selector like this:

objc.runtime.SEL doubleAction = 
cast(objc.runtime.SEL)AppDelegate.doubleClickAction ;

demoTableView.setDoubleAction(doubleAction) ;

Is this the recommended/right way to do it?

Then the double-click action looks like this:

void doubleClickAction(NSObject sender) {

NSTableView tableView = cast(NSTableView)sender ;

if (sender is demoTableView) {
 NSInteger clickedRow = demoTableView.clickedRow() ;
	 Item item = 
cast(Item)_applications.objectAtIndex(clickedRow) ;


I would expect to be using an ObjcObject instead of an NSObject 
here, but this does not compile. The signature of the target 
action seems to be irrelevant, it may have no or more parameters. 
I guess this is just ok and the expected behavior. In 
Objective-C, if the action signature does not comply you will get 
warnings or errors.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-03 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-03 09:51, Christian Schneider wrote:

I have a question regarding selectors. I wanted to set a double-click
action in the tableview example. Currently i get the selector like this:

 objc.runtime.SEL doubleAction =
cast(objc.runtime.SEL)AppDelegate.doubleClickAction ;
 demoTableView.setDoubleAction(doubleAction) ;

Is this the recommended/right way to do it?

No, have a look at the tests for selectors [1]. I'm not sure if you need 
to cast it to SEL. Try just using auto:

auto doubleAction = AppDelegate.doubleClickAction;

Then the double-click action looks like this:

 void doubleClickAction(NSObject sender) {

 NSTableView tableView = cast(NSTableView)sender ;

 if (sender is demoTableView) {
  NSInteger clickedRow = demoTableView.clickedRow() ;
  Item item = cast(Item)_applications.objectAtIndex(clickedRow) ;
NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().launchApplication(item.itemDisplayName()) ;

I would expect to be using an ObjcObject instead of an NSObject here,
but this does not compile. The signature of the target action seems to
be irrelevant, it may have no or more parameters. I guess this is just
ok and the expected behavior.

Hmm, that sounds strange. What exact errors do you get?


/Jacob Carlborg

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Re: Errors when compiling

2014-11-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/2014 2:36 AM, James wrote:

It's telling me that the libraries are in an invalid format. How can I
get the correct ones ? I got those from the GLFW website

Since you're compiling with -m64, make sure you have the 64-bit GLFW 
binaries and not the 32-bit. Also, you won't need your own copy of 
opengl32.lib if you've installed the Windows SDK along with your Visual 
Studio toolchain.

If you were to use the DerelictGLFW3 [1]  DerelictGL3 [2] bindings 
(preferably using DUB [3] to manage your project) then you would not 
have any link-time dependencies. With DUB, you don't even need to 
download the bindings, since it will manage it all for you. All you 
would need is the shared libraries (the DLLs). The Derelict bindings 
load the shared libraries at run time (see the README in the github repo 
for each project for details). You still have to make sure you're using 
the appropriate GLFW DLL (32-bit vs 64-bit).


Re: DIP66 v1.1 (Multiple) alias this.

2014-11-03 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/2/14 6:55 AM, IgorStepanov wrote:

* At the AliasThis declaration semantic stage, the compiler can
perform the initial checks and reject the obviously incorrect
AliasThis declarations. - it might be simpler (for the sake of
simplifying generic code) to just delay all error checking to the
first use.

I disagree with that. Current check is not recursive and prevent you
code from a silly errors:

struct X(T, V)
T t;
V v;
alias t this;
alias v this; //Error if is(T == V). However this code is
fundamentally broken, and this error should be raised as soon as possible.

The code is not fundamentally broken if alias this is never used. I 
agree rejecting the code compulsively is also sensible, ONLY if there is 
a simple way to write a static if condition to make the code work. Meaning:

struct X(T, V)
T t;
V v;
static if (please_fill_this)
alias t this;
static if (please_fill_this_too)
alias v this;

If the two conditions are too hard to write then it would be difficult 
to argue this point successfully.

class A : B
B b;
alias b this; //Error: super type (B) always hides aliasthised
type B because base classes should be processed before alias this types.

That's fine to reject in all cases.

* Regarding the lookup, opDispatch shouldn't come before alias this,
or should come before base class lookup. Essentially alias this is
subtyping so it should enjoy similar privileges to base classes. A
different way to look at it is opDispatch is a last resort lookup
mechanism, just one step above the UFCS lowering.

I agree with this suggestion, however it breaks an existing code.

Walter and I would agree to making the presence of BOTH alias this and 
opDispatch a compile-time error. That would break existing code but not 
change semantics silently.

When alias this was introduced the decision of opDispatch vs. alias this 
was not deeply elaborated. In hindsight opDispatch should probably have 
come after because it's really a method not found catch-all whereas 
alias this is subtyping. That said, compelling arguments might come 
later the other direction. So making it an error for now would be 
sensible. It should only affect rather obscure code.

opDispatch shouldn't come before base type lookup, because it will hide
basic methods like toString.


opDispatch may come after alias this lookup, however it will
fundamentally change program behaviour.


Current (implemented is released compiler) behaviour:


Understood. All: okay to make alias this + opDispach applicable to the 
same expression an error?

And, TBH, this issue not relevant with multiple alias this :-)

Agreed. It is, however, good to revisit the decision and tighten that 
screw properly now that we have the opportunity.

* The DIP should specify the working of alias this as
rewrites/lowerings, not pseudocode. Basically for each kth declaration
alias symbolk this; the compiler rewrites as and then does the usual lookup on that expression.
That means the whole algorithms is applied again etc. If more than one
rewrite typechecks, that's an ambiguity error.

Ok. I've removed pseudocode. Is it better now?

I'm flying now :o)... will take a look.

* IMPORTANT: The DIP must discuss rvalue vs. lvalue cases.

Done. I've added corresponding chapter to the DIP and commit to the PR.

I'm sending this now with these points, will make one more pass through 
the DIP when I'm online again.


Re: std.experimental.logger formal review round 3

2014-11-03 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/2/14 10:07 PM, Dicebot wrote:

On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 18:42:20 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:

Imagine somebody has a type that cannot be @trusted because of
whatever reason. Maybe because it's legacy code, maybe it uses
resources it does not manage, … If you forcibly make logf @safe, then
this type cannot be used with logf without some crazy workaround
(simply using to!string might produce an unneeded allocation if the
type uses the sink-delegate signature for toString).

Why not leave this up to the compiler and support more use cases
without degrading the experience for @safe clients?


You mean something like user type toString() which is legitimately
@system and can't be made @trusted? Yes, this makes sense. Will need to
also add tests for that.

Consider me convinced :)

Fantastic, thanks! -- Andrei

Re: Programming Language for Games, part 3

2014-11-03 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/2/14 11:11 PM, bearophile wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu:

Is that a best-effort kind of approach? If so, that would be pretty

I don't exactly know how that Rust macro works, sorry, I am still rather
ignorant about Rust.

Then don't mention it in the first place. You either make points you can 
stand by on don't. Don't fumble around. -- Andrei

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/14 8:45 AM, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 2 November 2014 04:15, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Why would templates make you nervous? They're not C++ templates!

What do you mean? How are D templates any different than C++ templates
in a practical sense?

Probably about three times easier to read and write.

I want a binary lib to be a binary lib. I don't think it's good form
for the lowest level library in the language ecosystem to depend on
templates (ie, client-side code generation).
This is the fundamental lib that will be present in every D
application there is. If it is not a binary lib, then it can't be

Consider performance improvements are made to druntime, which every
application should enjoy. If the code is templates, then the old
version at time of compiling is embedded into existing client
software, the update will have no effect unless the client software is
More important, what about security fixes in druntime... imagine a
critical security problem in druntime (I bet there's lots!); if we
can't update druntime, then *every* D application is an exploit. Very
shaky foundation for an ecosystem...

The same argument goes for all statically linked libraries.

druntime is a fundamental ecosystem library. It should be properly
semantically version-ed, and particularly for security reasons, I
think this should be taken very very seriously.

This argument could equally be applicable to phobos, and I've always
been nervous about it too for the same reasons... but I'll draw a line
there, in that phobos is not critical for an application to build and
link, and so much of the API is already templates, it would be
impossible to change that now.

Within reason, most of the runtime and standard library ought to be 
generic so as to adapt best to application needs. Generics are a very 
powerful mechanism for libraries.


Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/2/2014 11:45 PM, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 2 November 2014 04:15, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Why would templates make you nervous? They're not C++ templates!

What do you mean? How are D templates any different than C++ templates
in a practical sense?

They're much more straightforward to use, syntactically and semantically.

I want a binary lib to be a binary lib. I don't think it's good form
for the lowest level library in the language ecosystem to depend on
templates (ie, client-side code generation).

What's the problem with that?

This is the fundamental lib that will be present in every D
application there is. If it is not a binary lib, then it can't be

Have you ever looked at the C openssl.lib? The .h files with it are loaded with 
metaprogramming done with C macros. Yet I've never heard anyone complain about 
it. C .h files for DLLs are typically stuffed with C macros.

Consider performance improvements are made to druntime, which every
application should enjoy. If the code is templates, then the old
version at time of compiling is embedded into existing client
software, the update will have no effect unless the client software is
More important, what about security fixes in druntime... imagine a
critical security problem in druntime (I bet there's lots!); if we
can't update druntime, then *every* D application is an exploit. Very
shaky foundation for an ecosystem...

The defense presents openssl as Exhibit A!

(The templates really only present the interface to the dll, not the guts of 

druntime is a fundamental ecosystem library. It should be properly
semantically version-ed, and particularly for security reasons, I
think this should be taken very very seriously.


BTW, you should know that if a template is instantiated by the library itself, 
the compiler won't re-instantiate it and insert that in the calling code. It'll 
just call the instantiated binary.

Re: Programming Language for Games, part 3

2014-11-03 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d

Andrei Alexandrescu:

Then don't mention it in the first place. You either make 
points you can stand by on don't. Don't fumble around. -- Andrei

There's also a third option, offer the information I have, if 
it's valuable, even when it's not complete because others can get 
interested and find the full information themselves (note: this 
is how science works in laboratories).


Re: The cost of write barriers

2014-11-03 Thread thedeemon via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 10:36:13 UTC, Jonathan Barnard 

On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 10:30:21 UTC, Araq wrote:

And I think these are meaningless results. You can see here 
for instance what a write barrier can look like:

Btw, how are write barriers implemented in Go now?

Would such an implementation also be possible in a language 
like Go or D with internal/'thin' pointers?

Yes, however the compiler needs to know all the places where your 
code mutates pointers. That means you can't use memcpy to copy 
some data with pointers into an old object or array. And you 
can't mutate pointers from C code.

Re: The cost of write barriers

2014-11-03 Thread Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 11:50:57 UTC, thedeemon wrote:
On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 10:36:13 UTC, Jonathan Barnard 

On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 10:30:21 UTC, Araq wrote:

And I think these are meaningless results. You can see here 
for instance what a write barrier can look like:

Btw, how are write barriers implemented in Go now?

Some information on the upcoming release notes.

Would such an implementation also be possible in a language 
like Go or D with internal/'thin' pointers?

Yes, however the compiler needs to know all the places where 
your code mutates pointers. That means you can't use memcpy to 
copy some data with pointers into an old object or array. And 
you can't mutate pointers from C code.

Now it is officially forbidden to just give a Go pointer directly 
to a C function.

It needs to be given as an uintptr, if I am not mistaken.

Re: `alias newSymbol = existingSymbol` or `alias existingSymbol newSymbol`

2014-11-03 Thread Tofu Ninja via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 02:43:03 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:
On Tuesday, 28 October 2014 at 08:29:22 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
via Digitalmars-d wrote:
I see no reason to say anything about the alias syntax in the 
style guide.

Consistency, and thus less confusion/mental overhead.

I don't think that you'll be able to make a strong case for 
Either it should be considered fine to use, or we should 
deprecate it. If we started with a clean slate today, there 
wouldn't be a good reason to include the old syntax. It is an 
outlier as we've generally moved away from C-style ordering of 
types/declarations, and also can't do inline templates. And if 
we agree that the new syntax is to be preferred – and it seems 
like except for you we pretty unambiguously do –, I don't see 
why we shouldn't put that out as an official recommendation.

Of course, breaking legacy code over this by deprecating the 
old syntax might ultimately not be worth it. I don't see how 
this can be construed as an argument against putting it in the 
style guide, however. In fact, if we planned to deprecate it 
anyway, this would rather be a reason _not_ to to bother with 
putting it in the style guide first.

To summarize why the new syntax is better than the old one:
 - It's more straightforward for newcomers, its order is the 
same as for basic assignments. If you somehow find that 
unnatural like you've claimed earlier, then you've merely 
trained your brain to read alias assignments backwards compared 
to assign expressions.

 - Arguably the new syntax also makes it easier to skim-read 
the code, as the most important part (the symbol introduced) is 
at the beginning of the line, not hidden after some potentially 
multi-line template instantiation. Granted, you might say that 
this is not very relevant, but I think you'd find it hard to 
argue that the syntax is _less_ readable.

 - The new syntax also has the advantage that it allows to 
easily declare template aliases, for example:

alias Seq(T...) = T;

By the way, using is regularly recommended for use in C++11 
and up now instead of typedef for much the same reasons (just 
look at the CppCon talks for some data points).


I agree with basically everything you said.

I only have one thing I want to say. The only reason the new 
syntax was introduced is because its an improvement on the old, 
it would never have been added otherwise. That alone should be 
reason enough for it to be prefered.

Re: bug in assigning to dynamic array element

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 11/1/14 8:04 AM, ketmar via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Sat, 01 Nov 2014 11:55:53 +
anonymous via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Saturday, 1 November 2014 at 11:50:34 UTC, ketmar via
Digitalmars-d wrote:

this *IS* a bug. either compiler should error on this, or it
modify random memory. imagine the situation when old array
contents not
only collected by GC, but that memory was allocated to something
completely different.

The old array is still alive and kicking. The left-hand side
still references it. It wasn't collected. You're not writing to
random memory.

so it's not only writes to the stale copy, but protects that copy from
GC. what a great thing! and all this without even a small warning from
compiler. i can expect such behavior from c or c++ with all their UB,
but not from D. this is not only ugly, this is plainly wrong.

No, it's not. It's exactly as you requested when you wrote that code :)

Note, you can fix this by overloading opAssign in Info, and it should 
work as you expect. This will force a delay in the evaluation of which 
array is used until *after* the RHS is done.


Re: bug in assigning to dynamic array element

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 11/1/14 10:44 AM, Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 1 November 2014 14:19, ketmar via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Sat, 1 Nov 2014 13:56:49 +
Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d wrote:

if such assigns will be forbidden for any arrays... this is even worse.
what? your shiny language can't do what even the simpliest C compiler
can do? now try to convince me that D is not a toy.

That - for sure - is where you're wrong. :-)

i was talking about C, not that abomination. but if D will compete with
C++ for the quirks... than C++ is a winner. ;-)

besides, i clearly see 'list.ptr' there. i don't see 'dynArray.ptr' in
D code. if i was using '.ptr' directly and it changes by the way... ok,
it was my fault. but i never used '.ptr' in my sample!

You can clearly see the 'list.length' though.  You can't possibly go
off the assumption that if you grow the size of a dynamic array, it's
area in memory won't be relocated.

I think his assumption is that an array reference should not *re-alias* 
into another array.

This is the problem with calling them dynamic arrays -- they are slices 
of dynamic arrays. And altering the length of a slice can make it point 
at an entirely new dynamic array, with the original array (and in fact 
the original slice) still intact.

If, for example, the array was an object, and it's *private* underlying 
storage moved, well then the opIndexAssign would use the new storage, 
and the array reference doesn't actually change. I don't think it's 
unreasonable to expect this, but that's based on an incorrect 
understanding of how D dynamic arrays work.

There is a reason we get at least 1 question a week on how D arrays work.


Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 10/31/14 4:50 PM, Jonathan Marler wrote:

I wrote a Windows CE app to run on our printers here at HP to test what
the Microsoft ARM compiler does with virtual function calls.  I had to
do an operation with a global volatile variable to prevent the compiler
from inlining the non-virtual function call but I finally got it to work.

Calling the function 100 million times yielded the following times:

Windows Compiler on ARM (Release)
NonVirtual: 0.537000 seconds
Virtual   : 1.281000 seconds

Windows Compiler on x86 (Release)
NonVirtual: 0.226000 seconds
Virtual   : 0.226000 seconds

Windows Compiler on x86 (Debug)
NonVirtual: 2.94 seconds
Virtual   : 3.204000 seconds

Here's the link to the code:

Thanks, this is helpful.


Re: DIP66 v1.1 (Multiple) alias this.

2014-11-03 Thread IgorStepanov via Digitalmars-d
* At the AliasThis declaration semantic stage, the compiler 

perform the initial checks and reject the obviously incorrect
AliasThis declarations. - it might be simpler (for the sake 
simplifying generic code) to just delay all error checking to 

first use.

I disagree with that. Current check is not recursive and 
prevent you

code from a silly errors:

struct X(T, V)
   T t;
   V v;
   alias t this;
   alias v this; //Error if is(T == V). However this code is
fundamentally broken, and this error should be raised as soon 
as possible.


The code is not fundamentally broken if alias this is never 
used. I agree rejecting the code compulsively is also sensible, 
ONLY if there is a simple way to write a static if condition to 
make the code work. Meaning:

struct X(T, V)
T t;
V v;
static if (please_fill_this)
alias t this;
static if (please_fill_this_too)
alias v this;

If the two conditions are too hard to write then it would be 
difficult to argue this point successfully.

This code can be rewritten as:

struct X(T, V)
T t;
V v;
alias t this;
static if (!is(V == T))
alias v this;

The code is not fundamentally broken if alias this is never

I meant that when you say that X is a subtype of T and X is a 
subtype of V where you don't know what T and V are, it means you 
don't really know what you're doing. And that is an error and the 
compiler should inform you about it as soon as possible. However 
I may be mistaken.

Understood. All: okay to make alias this + opDispach applicable 
to the

same expression an error?

I think it will be nice.

I'm sending this now with these points, will make one more pass 

the DIP when I'm online again.

Ok, I'll wait.

And please, answer the question about the is-expression.

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 11/1/14 9:30 AM, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 31 October 2014 01:30, Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

Sorry, I meant future *D supported* platforms, not future not-yet-existing

I'm not sure what you mean. I've used D on current and existing games
consoles. I personally think it's one of D's most promising markets...
if not for just a couple of remaining details.

I don't think D officially supports these platforms. I could be wrong.

Also, my suggestion will certainly perform better on all platforms.
There is no platform that can benefit from the existing proposal of an
indirect function call per write vs something that doesn't.

Performance isn't the only consideration. In your case, it has a higher 
priority than ease of implementation, flexibility, or usability. But 
that's not the case everywhere.

Consider the flip-side: on x86, your mechanism may be a hair faster than 
just having a delegate. Is it worth all the extra trouble for those 
folks to have to save some state or deal with reallocating buffers in 
their toString functions?

Before we start ripping apart our existing APIs, can we show that the
performance is really going to be so bad? I know virtual calls have a bad
reputation, but I hate to make these choices absent real data.

My career for a decade always seems to find it's way back to fighting
virtual calls. (in proprietary codebases so I can't easily present
case studies)
But it's too late now I guess. I should have gotten in when someone
came up with the idea... I thought it was new.

At the moment, you are stuck with most toString calls allocating on the 
GC every time they are called. I think the virtual call thing should be 
a pleasant improvement :)

But in all seriousness, I am not opposed to an alternative API, but the 
delegate one seems to find the right balance of flexibility and ease of 

I think we can use any number of toString APIs, and in fact, we should 
be able to build on top of the delegate version a mechanism to reduce 
(but not eliminate obviously) virtual calls.

For instance, D's underlying i/o system uses FILE *, which is about as
virtual as you can get. So are you avoiding a virtual call to use a buffer
to then pass to a virtual call later?

I do a lot of string processing, but it never finds it's way to a
FILE*. I don't write console based software.

Just an example. Point taken.

A reentrant function has to track the state of what has been output, which
is horrific in my opinion.

How so? It doesn't seem that bad to me. We're talking about druntime
here, the single most used library in the whole ecosystem... that shit
should be tuned to the max. It doesn't matter how pretty the code is.

Keep in mind that any API addition is something that all users have to 
deal with. If we are talking about a specialized, tuned API that 
druntime and phobos can use, I don't think it would be impossible to 
include this.

But to say we only support horrible allocate-every-toString-call 
mechanism, and please-keep-your-own-state-machine mechanism is not good. 
The main benefit of the delegate approach is that it's easy to 
understand, easy to use, and reasonably efficient. It's a good middle 
ground. It's also easy to implement a sink. Both sides are easy, it 
makes the whole thing more approachable.

The largest problem I see is, you may not know before you start generating
strings whether it will fit in the buffer, and therefore, you may still end
up eventually calling the sink.

Right. The api should be structured to make a virtual call _only_ in
the rare instance the buffer overflows. That is my suggestion.
You can be certain to supply a buffer that will not overflow in many/most cases.

I, and I'm sure most of the developers, are open to new ideas to make 
something like this as painless as possible. I still think we should 
keep the delegate mechanism.

Note, you can always allocate a stack buffer, use an inner function as a
delegate, and get the inliner to remove the indirect calls. Or use an
alternative private mechanism to build the data.

We're talking about druntime specifically. It is a binary lib. The
inliner won't save you.

Let's define the situation here -- there is a boundary in druntime in 
across which no inlining can occur. Before the boundary or after the 
boundary, inlining is fair game.

So for instance, if a druntime object has 3 members it needs to toString 
in order to satisfy it's own toString, those members will probably all 
be druntime objects as well. In which case it can optimize those sub-calls.

And let's also not forget that druntime has template objects in it as 
well, which are ripe for inlining.

This is what I meant.

Would you say that *one* delegate call per object output is OK?

I would say that an uncontrollable virtual call is NEVER okay,
especially in otherwise trivial and such core functions like toString
in druntime. But one is certainly better than 

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 10/31/14 3:04 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 10/27/2014 12:42 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

I'm planning on doing a pull request for druntime which rewrites every
function within druntime to use the new sink signature. That way
druntime would
cause a lot less allocations which end up beeing garbage right away.
Are there
any objections against doing so? Any reasons why such a pull request
would not
get accepted?

Why a sink version instead of an Output Range?

A sink is an output range. Supporting all output ranges isn't necessary.


Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 10/31/14 3:07 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 12:04:24PM -0700, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 10/27/2014 12:42 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

I'm planning on doing a pull request for druntime which rewrites
every toString function within druntime to use the new sink
signature. That way druntime would cause a lot less allocations which
end up beeing garbage right away. Are there any objections against
doing so? Any reasons why such a pull request would not get accepted?

Why a sink version instead of an Output Range?

To allow toString to be a virtual function, perhaps?

Besides, the sink version basically allows encapsulation of an output
range -- instead of calling x.toString(outputRange) you just write:

x.toString((const(char)[] data) { outputRange.put(data); });

No, please don't do that. It's put(outputRange, data);


Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 10/31/14 5:01 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 10/31/2014 12:07 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 12:04:24PM -0700, Walter Bright via
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 10/27/2014 12:42 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

I'm planning on doing a pull request for druntime which rewrites
every toString function within druntime to use the new sink
signature. That way druntime would cause a lot less allocations which
end up beeing garbage right away. Are there any objections against
doing so? Any reasons why such a pull request would not get accepted?

Why a sink version instead of an Output Range?

To allow toString to be a virtual function, perhaps?

Output ranges can be virtual functions. All an output range is is a type
with a put method.

He said toString not sink. And there are more use cases than a type 
that implements 'put'.

What I object to with the sink design is there is no consistency in
design - we cannot preach ranges as a best practice and then use some
other methodology.

Keep in mind that saying toString will take output ranges means that 
ALL toString implementers must handle ALL forms of output ranges. It's 
not an issue with we don't know what we're doing, it's an issue of 
let's not make everyone who wants to spit out a simple string handle 5+ 
different use cases, and you'd better test for them, because the 
compiler won't complain until it's used!

I think toString should be first and foremost SIMPLE. It already was -- 
return a string. But that forces people to allocate, and we want to 
avoid that. Using a sink is pretty much just as simple.

BTW, just to be clear, I applaud fixing druntime to remove unnecessary
GC allocations, and agree that with proper design most of the
allocations can go away. It's just that sink and output ranges are both
designed to solve the same problem in pretty much the same way. The
difference appears to be little more than tomayto tomahto.

It is a huge difference to say EVERYONE who implements toString will 
take any templated type that purports to be an output range, vs giving 
one case to handle.


Re: Programming Language for Games, part 3

2014-11-03 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/14 12:12 PM, bearophile wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu:

Then don't mention it in the first place. You either make points you
can stand by on don't. Don't fumble around. -- Andrei

There's also a third option, offer the information I have, if it's
valuable, even when it's not complete because others can get interested
and find the full information themselves (note: this is how science
works in laboratories).

That's fine so long as it comes with clear disclosure. -- Andrei

Re: bug in assigning to dynamic array element

2014-11-03 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 00:16:48 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

error-prone code. no, this is not another task for lint. not
rejecting such code is safe in the terms of program will not
segfault, but it's obviously not safe in terms of correct 

Yes, this is a common complaint. Without solid semantic analysis 
it would probably be better to only have dynamic vectors as a 
library type with fat slices that are locked to the underlying 
array. That's what everybody expects from a dynamic array type 
anyway. …it is a reaaallyyy good idea to support what most 
people's assumptions about dynamic arrays…

D would gain more from relaxing memory safe language constructs 
and focus more on supporting programming constructs by semantic 
analysis. This is an area where the C++ crowd will be gridlocked 
to their backwards compatible mindset. But they are getting 
increasingly more powerful sanitizers…

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Tobias Müller via Digitalmars-d
Walter Bright wrote:


 Have you ever looked at the C openssl.lib? The .h files with it are
 loaded with metaprogramming done with C macros. Yet I've never heard
 anyone complain about it.

Those macros are a very common common complaint in my experience.

 C .h files for DLLs are typically stuffed with C macros.


 The defense presents openssl as Exhibit A!

Presenting OpenSSL as a case for good interface design is a crime by


Re: Programming Language for Games, part 3

2014-11-03 Thread Nick Treleaven via Digitalmars-d

On 02/11/2014 20:33, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/2/2014 12:12 PM, bearophile wrote:

I think the free mixing of signed and unsigned integral values is not
a good
idea in D.

It's simply not workable to put a wall between them. Every proposal for
it has entailed various unfortunate, ugly, and arbitrary consequences.

We need warnings like gcc has:

Warn when a comparison between signed and unsigned values could 
produce an incorrect result when the signed value is converted to unsigned.

Warn for implicit conversions that may alter a value. This includes 
... conversions between signed and unsigned, like unsigned ui = -1 ... 
Warnings about conversions between signed and unsigned integers can be 
disabled by using -Wno-sign-conversion.

It is really unfortunate that D is more bug-prone than gcc in this case. 
There was some promising work here:

Fwd: char16_t and char32_t

2014-11-03 Thread Shriramana Sharma via Digitalmars-d
I wonder if posting this message to this list is more appropriate than
to d.learn?

-- Forwarded message --
In the following pages (which have differing file naming patterns for
whatever reason!):

I would suggest to add the info that wchar is compatible with the
char16_t and dchar with char32_t of C11. See:

Currently wchar and dchar are marked as being compatible with wchar_t
depending on the sizeof(wchar_t). That's true, but I guess
char{16,32}_t provide a stable mapping.

Shriramana Sharma ஶ்ரீரமணஶர்மா श्रीरमणशर्मा

Fwd: Interfacing with C++

2014-11-03 Thread Shriramana Sharma via Digitalmars-d
It was recommended that I discuss this on this list rather than
d.learn... (I didn't think I'd graduate out of d.learn *that*

-- Forwarded message --

Hello. I really really need to be able to interface well with a C++
library which contains lots of classes if I am going to further invest
time into D.

Now from the I find out the current
status of built-in C++ interfacing support. I'm working on Linux so
using the COM support is not an option for me (whatever COM may be!).

A few queries:

1) How mature is the SWIG support for wrapping a library into D?
Specifically does the above SWIG support take advantage of the
built-in C++ support features like connecting directly to virtual

2) Is there any further work underway to implement support for static
and non-virtual class member functions? Or is this not at all
possible? If so, why?

3) The page speaks about having to integrate an entire C++ compiler
into the D compiler. Could the usage of libclang help here in having
to avoid writing a new C++ compiler module or am I talking through my
(non-existent) hat?

Shriramana Sharma ஶ்ரீரமணஶர்மா श्रीरमणशर्मा

Re: Programming Language for Games, part 3

2014-11-03 Thread Shriramana Sharma via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 3:42 PM, bearophile via Digitalmars-d wrote:

 There's also a third option, offer the information I have, if it's valuable,
 even when it's not complete because others can get interested and find the
 full information themselves

That's true. But when making points to high-level decision makers like
Andrei, it is often more productive to do the research oneself and
present the result and not just chime in with pointers because they
don't have the time to follow those pointers. (pun intended)

Shriramana Sharma ஶ்ரீரமணஶர்மா श्रीरमणशर्मा

Re: `alias newSymbol = existingSymbol` or `alias existingSymbol newSymbol`

2014-11-03 Thread Shriramana Sharma via Digitalmars-d
Hello people. FWIW, for those who want to alias one symbol to multiple
other symbols and saying that only the old syntax helps them, how
about allowing alias a = b = c = int? It is merely an extension of the
assignment-based new syntax, no?

Shriramana Sharma ஶ்ரீரமணஶர்மா श्रीरमणशर्मा

Re: Fwd: Interfacing with C++

2014-11-03 Thread Daniel Murphy via Digitalmars-d
Shriramana Sharma via Digitalmars-d  wrote in message

Hello. I really really need to be able to interface well with a C++
library which contains lots of classes if I am going to further invest
time into D.

Now from the I find out the current
status of built-in C++ interfacing support. I'm working on Linux so
using the COM support is not an option for me (whatever COM may be!).

That page is out of date.  Support has improved significantly since then.

A few queries:

1) How mature is the SWIG support for wrapping a library into D?
Specifically does the above SWIG support take advantage of the
built-in C++ support features like connecting directly to virtual

No idea.

2) Is there any further work underway to implement support for static
and non-virtual class member functions? Or is this not at all
possible? If so, why?

Work is complete.  IIRC it was in the last release, you might need to grab 
master/an alpha for very latest stuff.  Special member functions 
(dtor/operators) generally don't work.

3) The page speaks about having to integrate an entire C++ compiler
into the D compiler. Could the usage of libclang help here in having
to avoid writing a new C++ compiler module or am I talking through my
(non-existent) hat?

Yes.  But adding a second compiler to the compiler is problematic even if 
you don't have the write the second compiler.  You however could make a C++ 
binding generator with clang (see dstep).

Also, note that you can still use some aspects of C++ templates from D - you 
can pass a templated struct or class between the languages (but you will 
have to more or less re-write it on the other side).  This is done in ddmd 
(magicport2/newmagic) with root.array.

You can also call templated functions with some hacks, if you are careful 
about ensuring they're instantiated on the C++ side.  (ie use 

So, a lot is possible, but when things go wrong you'll be fighting nasty abi 
and alignment bugs. 

Re: DIP66 v1.1 (Multiple) alias this.

2014-11-03 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 15:39:42 UTC, IgorStepanov wrote:
I meant that when you say that X is a subtype of T and X is a 
subtype of V where you don't know what T and V are, it means 
you don't really know what you're doing. And that is an error 
and the compiler should inform you about it as soon as 
possible. However I may be mistaken.

IMO the behaviour should be analogous to name lookup for modules: 
there should be an error only on use. It's hard to come up with a 
non-artificial example, but I can imagine there are some valid 
use cases in generic code. It won't hurt to report the ambiguity 
error on use, while it could theoretically hurt to report it 
early, so I'd suggest to go with the former.

Re: Programming Language for Games, part 3

2014-11-03 Thread John via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 1 November 2014 at 20:14:15 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Jonathan is reinventing D with a somewhat different syntax. 
Some points on the video:

May be you should have a couple of beers with him too, just like 
you did with Andrei a long time ago! :)

Re: Fwd: Interfacing with C++

2014-11-03 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 18:24:12 UTC, Shriramana Sharma via
Digitalmars-d wrote:

It was recommended that I discuss this on this list rather than
d.learn... (I didn't think I'd graduate out of d.learn *that*

-- Forwarded message --

Hello. I really really need to be able to interface well with a 
library which contains lots of classes if I am going to further 

time into D.

You might find my project Smidgen
( useful, It's not finished
but you might consider extending it rather than starting
elsewhere. The build systems works on Linux 64 using cmake so you
should be able to get started fairly easily, and there is a
sample mini set of C++ classes used for testing which you can
look at.  It was created to wrap Qt, using the same *.sip file
definitions as are used by PyQt. The FEATURE list TODO and DONE
list is as follows:


* All D
* Understandable, maintainable code
* Wraps protected and virtual methods, allows virtual methods to
be overridden in D
* Mixin classes in target C++ library supported
* Allows custom type conversions between C++ and D types
* C++ enums mapped to D enums and are type checked in D
* Wraps nested C++ classes
* Tested
* Based on the sip format. This is well proven and allows
simplified maintenance of wrappers for multiple versions of the
target library. (All larger target libraries will need some
ongoing maintenance of the wrapper regardless of the wrapping


* Currently works with wrapped method arguments/return types of
X, X* and X
but not implemented are X* etc.
* Wrapped types which are returned by value must have a copy
constructor (could be changed later)
* DO NOT capture references to (stack-based) arguments when
overriding wrapped
virtual methods. They are destroyed by the wrapper when the
virtual method ends.
* (Qt only) When emitting signals, must use emit! notation, not
just call signal.

* An invalid getClassNameC can cause segfaults when compiling the
target application because it is used in template instantiation
* If getClassName does not work for a subclass (QMoveEvent) when
we are expecting T = the base class (QEvent),
and it was created as the base class (QEvent) (because
getClassName did not work) then it casts
to the sub class (QMOveEvent) on a later lookup (because it is
defined on the
other method as the return type) and crashes.


* Static methods
* Default values
* Enums
* Multiple packages / modules
* Nested classes e.g. QMetaObject::Connection
* Transfer, TransferThis and TransferBack for arguments
* Destructors - and deregister instance from createdInD
* Multiple inheritance = multiple pointers
* Conversion functions in package_wrapper.cpp should have ability
to add #include directives
at the top of package_wrapper.cpp
* Virtual functions
* Protected functions
* Sip If clauses for features, platforms


* non-primitive Typedefs
* Primitive types C - D conversion
- *.conf file
%CToDType long = long
%CToDType unsigned char = ubyte
* Sip If clauses for timelines
%Timeline {Qt_5_0_0 Qt_5_0_1 Qt_5_0_2}
* KeepReference for arguments + tests for Transfer etc. - Easy,
in class with KeepRef
e.g. View.setModel(model /KeepReference/) it has an extra
- void* setModel_SMIKeepRef
then in setModel() {
setModel_SMIKeepRef = model;
This will make D keep a reference to the model as long as the
View instance is alive.
Each view will have its own reference so the total can go above 1
for a given model.
* getCastPointerForInterface can be easily improved by not
switching on a name but instead
each class has a separate variable for each base class pointer,
that is populated in
the constructor
- each class has one extra pointer per interface implemented
- override virtual void*[] getExtraPointers() {
void*[] extraPointers = super.getExtraPointers();
extraPointers ~= wrappedObject_Calculator;
return extraPointers;
- in constructor this() {
wrappedObject_Calculator = castRectAsCalculator(wrappedObject);
- in destructor ~this() {
* instance_wrapper et al., need to also register base class
* getWrappedObject / getClassName - how to handle this in a
x-module fashion.
* Add support for wrapping members
* Add QTest support
* int arguments that take a default enum value  enum defaults
* char** - Use this _idea_
this(string[] args)
// if (m_instance != null)
// throw new RuntimeException(QCoreApplication can only be
initialized once);
argc = cast(int)args.length;
argv = toStringzArray(args);
this(argc, argv);
// m_instance.aboutToQuit.connect(m_instance,
* Threading? - wrappedObjects[] should be shared as with CPP
instance tracker. Use signal.d's
WeakRef and InvisibleAddress
* qRegisterMetaType??
* Add %UsesConverter to package.sip, so that 

Re: Fwd: Interfacing with C++

2014-11-03 Thread Abdulhaq via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 20:32:34 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 18:24:12 UTC, Shriramana Sharma 

Digitalmars-d wrote:

It was recommended that I discuss this on this list rather than
d.learn... (I didn't think I'd graduate out of d.learn *that*

-- Forwarded message --

Hello. I really really need to be able to interface well with 
a C++
library which contains lots of classes if I am going to 
further invest

time into D.

You might find my project Smidgen
( useful, It's not 

but you might consider extending it rather than starting
elsewhere. The build systems works on Linux 64 using cmake so 

should be able to get started fairly easily, and there is a
sample mini set of C++ classes used for testing which you can
look at.  It was created to wrap Qt, using the same *.sip file
definitions as are used by PyQt. The FEATURE list TODO and DONE
list is as follows:

BTW one of the reasons that I have not yet completed this project 
is that I don't have a handle on where the current C++ 
interfacing work is going and don't want to work on something 
only to have it made redundant. Also, it has to use a hack to 
work around the lack of weak references and if the GC is changed 
to relocate objects then it will break this aspect of the code.

Re: std.experimental.logger formal review round 3

2014-11-03 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

I will remove the trusted later this week

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 15:42:57 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
At the moment, you are stuck with most toString calls 
allocating on the GC every time they are called. I think the 
virtual call thing should be a pleasant improvement :)

Note that delegates aren't virtual calls, but indirect calls. The 
former need 2 memory access, the latter none (or 3 vs. 1 if the 
delegate/object isn't yet in a register).

Re: Fwd: Interfacing with C++

2014-11-03 Thread deadalnix via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 18:24:12 UTC, Shriramana Sharma via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

1) How mature is the SWIG support for wrapping a library into D?
Specifically does the above SWIG support take advantage of the
built-in C++ support features like connecting directly to 


I investigated this recently. It actually work fairly well, minus 
2 things:
 - swig use 0 terminated sting to pass string back en forth. But 
in C++, char* can be a string or a buffer, and when it is the 
later, you can run into problems.

 - swig generate unnecessary garbage in the binding layer.

I tried to work on it, but swig require serious ramp up to 
contribute to.

Re: Programming Language for Games, part 3

2014-11-03 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/14 10:10 PM, John wrote:

On Saturday, 1 November 2014 at 20:14:15 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Jonathan is reinventing D with a somewhat different syntax. Some
points on the video:

May be you should have a couple of beers with him too, just like you did
with Andrei a long time ago! :)

I'm considering writing an open letter responding to all videos, give 
Jonathan a first crack at reviewing it, and then meeting for beers. -- 

Re: DIP66 v1.1 (Multiple) alias this.

2014-11-03 Thread IgorStepanov via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 20:06:27 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 15:39:42 UTC, IgorStepanov wrote:
I meant that when you say that X is a subtype of T and X is a 
subtype of V where you don't know what T and V are, it means 
you don't really know what you're doing. And that is an error 
and the compiler should inform you about it as soon as 
possible. However I may be mistaken.

IMO the behaviour should be analogous to name lookup for 
modules: there should be an error only on use. It's hard to 
come up with a non-artificial example, but I can imagine there 
are some valid use cases in generic code. It won't hurt to 
report the ambiguity error on use, while it could theoretically 
hurt to report it early, so I'd suggest to go with the former.

There are two cases:
1: when alias a this tries to override base class typeof(a)
2: when alias a this tries to override alias b this where 
is(typeof(a) == typeof(b))

The first check is hard to implement at lookup-time, because base 
classes are resolved before alias this.
The second check may be easely dropped (anyway alias this 
conflicts are resolved properly at lookup time).

Do you accept this scheme (remove the second check but still 
alive the first check)?

Re: Programming Language for Games, part 3

2014-11-03 Thread MattCoder via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 21:11:07 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu

and then meeting for beers. -- Andrei

Be aware that he doesn't drink (alcohol) too much:


Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/2014 9:36 AM, Tobias Müller wrote:

Presenting OpenSSL as a case for good interface design is a crime by

Not at all. I presented it as an example of a C library that has a 
metaprogramming interface, but that interface has not prevented bug fix updates 
to the shared library itself without requiring recompiling of apps that call it.

All shared C libraries have a metaprogramming interface if they have macros in 
the .h file.

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/2014 8:09 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

It is a huge difference to say EVERYONE who implements toString will take any
templated type that purports to be an output range, vs giving one case to 

All an output range is is a type with a 'put' method. That's it. You're making 
it out to be far more complex than it is.

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/14 4:37 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/3/2014 9:36 AM, Tobias Müller wrote:

Presenting OpenSSL as a case for good interface design is a crime by

Not at all. I presented it as an example of a C library that has a
metaprogramming interface, but that interface has not prevented bug fix
updates to the shared library itself without requiring recompiling of
apps that call it.

All shared C libraries have a metaprogramming interface if they have
macros in the .h file.

I had a very nasty experience with using a template-based API. I vowed 
to avoid it wherever possible.

The culprit was std::string -- it changed something internally from one 
version of libc++ to the next on Linux. So I had to recompile 
everything, but the whole system I was using was with .so objects.

templates do NOT make good API types IMO.


Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/14 4:40 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/3/2014 8:09 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

It is a huge difference to say EVERYONE who implements toString will
take any
templated type that purports to be an output range, vs giving one case
to handle.

All an output range is is a type with a 'put' method. That's it. You're
making it out to be far more complex than it is.

Directly from the docs: 

void myprint(in char[] s) { }
static assert(isOutputRange!(typeof(myprint), char));

No 'put' in sight, except as a substring of isOutputRange.

I don't think you realize what a beast supporting all output ranges is, 
or using them (hint: calling r.put for a generic output range is an ERROR).


Re: std.experimental.logger formal review round 3

2014-11-03 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 20:41:14 UTC, Robert burner Schadek 

I will remove the trusted later this week

After few tweaks (to allows @system toString()) in my branch you 
should be able to just merge it directly to your PR branch if you 
are ok with proposed changes.

Re: Fwd: char16_t and char32_t

2014-11-03 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 18:24:13 UTC, Shriramana Sharma via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
In the following pages (which have differing file naming 
patterns for

whatever reason!):

I would suggest to add the info that wchar is compatible with 

char16_t and dchar with char32_t of C11. See:

Currently wchar and dchar are marked as being compatible with 

depending on the sizeof(wchar_t). That's true, but I guess
char{16,32}_t provide a stable mapping.

If you believe the D documentation needs updating, you are 
welcome and encouraged to submit a pull request to  Also see 
For info on compiling the dd files.


Re: Programming Language for Games, part 3

2014-11-03 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/2014 12:10 PM, John wrote:

On Saturday, 1 November 2014 at 20:14:15 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Jonathan is reinventing D with a somewhat different syntax. Some points on the

May be you should have a couple of beers with him too, just like you did with
Andrei a long time ago! :)

I'd like that. Jonathan is quite a likable fellow, and we've been exchanging 
some nice emails.

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Jonathan Marler via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 22:33:25 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 11/3/14 4:40 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/3/2014 8:09 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
It is a huge difference to say EVERYONE who implements 
toString will

take any
templated type that purports to be an output range, vs giving 
one case

to handle.

All an output range is is a type with a 'put' method. That's 
it. You're

making it out to be far more complex than it is.

Directly from the docs: 

void myprint(in char[] s) { }
static assert(isOutputRange!(typeof(myprint), char));

No 'put' in sight, except as a substring of isOutputRange.

I don't think you realize what a beast supporting all output 
ranges is, or using them (hint: calling r.put for a generic 
output range is an ERROR).


In many cases templates are good because they provide the a way 
for the programmer to use a library optimized for their 
particular application.  This is the case for the toString 
function.  An argument can be made that using templates is 
dangerous because if they are used incorrectly, the number of 
template instantiates can blow up.  But this can always be solved 
by the programmer by changing all their template calls to use the 
same template parameters.  This allows the template solution to 
simultaneously support a sink that represents a real function, or 
a delegate, or whatever the application needs.

I understand that people like having a binary library that 
instantiates it's own functions that have a static interface and 
I think there's value to that.  But most of the value is in 
dynamic libraries that the compiler cannot optimize.  When the 
compiler can optimize, let it:)

I updated my test code to use a templated sink, here the link:

   Method 1: ReturnString
 string toString();
   Method 2: SinkDelegate
 void toString(void delegate(const(char)[]) sink);
   Method 3: SinkTemplate
 void toString(T)(T sink) 

   Method 4: SinkDelegateWithStaticHelperBuffer
 struct SinkStatic { char[64] buffer; void 
delegate(const(char)[]) sink; }

 void toString(ref SinkStatic sink);
   Method 5: SinkDelegateWithDynamicHelperBuffer
 struct SinkDynamic { char[] buffer; void 
delegate(const(char)[]) sink; }

 void toString(ref SinkDynamic sink);
 void toString(SinkDynamic sink);

(DMD Compiler on x86) dmd dtostring.d
RuntimeString run 1 (loopcount 1000)
  Method 1 : 76 ms
  Method 2 : 153 ms
  Method 3 : 146 ms
  Method 4 : 157 ms
  Method 5ref  : 165 ms
  Method 5noref: 172 ms
StringWithPrefix run 1 (loopcount 100)
  Method 1 : 149 ms
  Method 2 : 22 ms
  Method 3 : 21 ms
  Method 4 : 80 ms
  Method 5ref  : 81 ms
  Method 5noref: 82 ms
ArrayOfStrings run 1 (loopcount 100)
  Method 1 : 1 sec
  Method 2 : 81 ms
  Method 3 : 77 ms
  Method 4 : 233 ms
  Method 5ref  : 232 ms
  Method 5noref: 223 ms

(DMD Compiler on x86 with Optimization) dmd -O dtostring.d
RuntimeString run 1 (loopcount 1000)
  Method 1 : 30 ms
  Method 2 : 65 ms
  Method 3 : 55 ms
  Method 4 : 68 ms
  Method 5ref  : 68 ms
  Method 5noref: 67 ms
StringWithPrefix run 1 (loopcount 100)
  Method 1 : 158 ms
  Method 2 : 9 ms
  Method 3 : 8 ms
  Method 4 : 63 ms
  Method 5ref  : 64 ms
  Method 5noref: 66 ms
ArrayOfStrings run 1 (loopcount 100)
  Method 1 : 1 sec, 292 ms
  Method 2 : 35 ms
  Method 3 : 34 ms
  Method 4 : 193 ms
  Method 5ref  : 198 ms
  Method 5noref: 200 ms

The results aren't suprising.  The template out performs the 
delegate sink.  In a very big project one might try to limit the 
number of instantiations of toString by using a specific toString 
instance that accepts some type common OutputRange wrapper which 
would make the template version perform the same as the sink 
delegate version, but for projects that don't need to worry about 
that, you will get better performance from more compiler 

Re: Programming Language for Games, part 3

2014-11-03 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/14 11:27 PM, MattCoder wrote:

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 21:11:07 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu

and then meeting for beers. -- Andrei

Be aware that he doesn't drink (alcohol) too much:


Thanks. Coffee is even better! -- Andrei

Re: Programming Language for Games, part 3

2014-11-03 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/2014 10:03 AM, Nick Treleaven wrote:

On 02/11/2014 20:33, Walter Bright wrote:

It's simply not workable to put a wall between them. Every proposal for
it has entailed various unfortunate, ugly, and arbitrary consequences.

We need warnings like gcc has:

 Warn when a comparison between signed and unsigned values could produce an
incorrect result when the signed value is converted to unsigned.

 Warn for implicit conversions that may alter a value. This includes ...
conversions between signed and unsigned, like unsigned ui = -1 ... Warnings
about conversions between signed and unsigned integers can be disabled by using

I find these to suffer from the same problems as all the proposals to fix the 
issue - they motivate the user to fix them with unfortunate, ugly, and 
arbitrary consequences.

We need to be very careful with the idea of just add a warning. Warnings are a 
sure sign of wishy-washy language design where the designers cannot make up 
their mind, so they dump it on the user. One person's warning become another 
person's must fix, and the language becomes balkanized, which is not good for 
portability, comprehensibility, and best practices.

It is really unfortunate that D is more bug-prone than gcc in this case.

I'm afraid that is a matter of opinion.

There was some promising work here:

Re: Programming Language for Games, part 3

2014-11-03 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, Nov 03, 2014 at 04:29:17PM -0800, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On 11/3/2014 10:03 AM, Nick Treleaven wrote:
 On 02/11/2014 20:33, Walter Bright wrote:
 It's simply not workable to put a wall between them. Every proposal
 for it has entailed various unfortunate, ugly, and arbitrary
 We need warnings like gcc has:
  Warn when a comparison between signed and unsigned values could
  produce an incorrect result when the signed value is converted
  to unsigned.
  Warn for implicit conversions that may alter a value. This
  includes ... conversions between signed and unsigned, like
  unsigned ui = -1 ... Warnings about conversions between signed
  and unsigned integers can be disabled by using
 I find these to suffer from the same problems as all the proposals to
 fix the issue - they motivate the user to fix them with
 unfortunate, ugly, and arbitrary consequences.
 We need to be very careful with the idea of just add a warning.
 Warnings are a sure sign of wishy-washy language design where the
 designers cannot make up their mind, so they dump it on the user. One
 person's warning become another person's must fix, and the language
 becomes balkanized, which is not good for portability,
 comprehensibility, and best practices.

Don't add a warning, just make it outright illegal to assign signed to
unsigned and vice versa unless an explicit cast is given. Code that
*needs* to assign signed to unsigned *should* be self-documented with a
cast indicating a reinterpretation of the bit representation of the
value, and code that *unintentionally* mixes signs is buggy and
therefore *should* result in a compile error so that the programmer can
fix the problem.

There are no unfortunate, ugly, or arbitrary consequences here.
Much like the recent (or not-so-recent) change of prohibiting implicit
conversion of a pointer to bool in an if-condition, or the requirement
of a default case in a non-final switch, or so many other improvements
in D over C/C++, such a change will (1) make problematic code an error
so that it will get fixed, and (2) force users to rewrite
non-problematic code to be more self-documenting so that their intent is
clearer. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.


Bomb technician: If I'm running, try to keep up.

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/2014 2:28 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

I had a very nasty experience with using a template-based API. I vowed to avoid
it wherever possible.

The culprit was std::string -- it changed something internally from one version
of libc++ to the next on Linux. So I had to recompile everything, but the whole
system I was using was with .so objects.

templates do NOT make good API types IMO.

It seems this is blaming templates for a different problem.

If I have:

  struct S { int x; };

in my C .h file, and I change it to:

  struct S { int x,y; };

Then all my API functions that take S as a value argument will require 
recompilation of any code that uses it.

Would you conclude that C sux for making APIs? Of course not. You'd say that a 
stable API should use reference types, not value types.

Having templates or not is irrelevant.

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/2014 2:33 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On 11/3/14 4:40 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/3/2014 8:09 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

It is a huge difference to say EVERYONE who implements toString will
take any
templated type that purports to be an output range, vs giving one case
to handle.

All an output range is is a type with a 'put' method. That's it. You're
making it out to be far more complex than it is.

Directly from the docs: (

void myprint(in char[] s) { }
static assert(isOutputRange!(typeof(myprint), char));

No 'put' in sight, except as a substring of isOutputRange.

I don't think you realize what a beast supporting all output ranges is, or using
them (hint: calling r.put for a generic output range is an ERROR).

The documentation says, more specifically, that the requirement is that it 
support put(r,e). The array operands are output ranges NOT because the output 
ranges need to know about arrays, but because arrays themselves have a put() 
operation (as defined in std.array).

All the algorithm (such as a toString()) needs to do is call put(r,e). It 
doesn't need to do anything else. It isn't any more complicated than the sink 

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/14 8:09 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/3/2014 2:28 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

I had a very nasty experience with using a template-based API. I vowed
to avoid
it wherever possible.

The culprit was std::string -- it changed something internally from
one version
of libc++ to the next on Linux. So I had to recompile everything, but
the whole
system I was using was with .so objects.

templates do NOT make good API types IMO.

It seems this is blaming templates for a different problem.

If I have:

   struct S { int x; };

in my C .h file, and I change it to:

   struct S { int x,y; };

Then all my API functions that take S as a value argument will require
recompilation of any code that uses it.

Would you conclude that C sux for making APIs? Of course not. You'd say
that a stable API should use reference types, not value types.

a string is a reference type, the data is on the heap.

But that is not the issue. The issue is that it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to 
ensure std::string remains stable, because it's necessarily completely 
exposed. There is no encapsulation.

Even if I used a pointer to a std::string, the implementation change is 
going to cause issues.

On the contrary, having C-strings as a parameter type has never broken 
for me. In later projects, I have added simple immutable string type 
modeled after D, which works so much better :)


Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/14 8:16 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/3/2014 2:33 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On 11/3/14 4:40 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/3/2014 8:09 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

It is a huge difference to say EVERYONE who implements toString will
take any
templated type that purports to be an output range, vs giving one case
to handle.

All an output range is is a type with a 'put' method. That's it. You're
making it out to be far more complex than it is.

Directly from the docs:

void myprint(in char[] s) { }
static assert(isOutputRange!(typeof(myprint), char));

No 'put' in sight, except as a substring of isOutputRange.

I don't think you realize what a beast supporting all output ranges
is, or using
them (hint: calling r.put for a generic output range is an ERROR).

The documentation says, more specifically, that the requirement is that
it support put(r,e). The array operands are output ranges NOT because
the output ranges need to know about arrays, but because arrays
themselves have a put() operation (as defined in std.array).

You can't import std.array from druntime.

All the algorithm (such as a toString()) needs to do is call put(r,e).
It doesn't need to do anything else. It isn't any more complicated than
the sink interface.

Again, std.range.put isn't defined in druntime.

And neither is isOutputRange. Are you planning on moving these things to 


Re: bug in assigning to dynamic array element

2014-11-03 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, 03 Nov 2014 16:39:43 +
via Digitalmars-d wrote:

 On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 00:16:48 UTC, ketmar via 
 Digitalmars-d wrote:
  error-prone code. no, this is not another task for lint. not
  rejecting such code is safe in the terms of program will not
  segfault, but it's obviously not safe in terms of correct 
 Yes, this is a common complaint. Without solid semantic analysis 
 it would probably be better to only have dynamic vectors as a 
 library type with fat slices that are locked to the underlying 
 array. That's what everybody expects from a dynamic array type 
 anyway. …it is a reaaallyyy good idea to support what most 
 people's assumptions about dynamic arrays…
 D would gain more from relaxing memory safe language constructs 
 and focus more on supporting programming constructs by semantic 
 analysis. This is an area where the C++ crowd will be gridlocked 
 to their backwards compatible mindset. But they are getting 
 increasingly more powerful sanitizers…
good semantic analysis as a big task, i think we all understand it. as
moving dynamic arrays out of core language is the thing that surely
won't be approved, the only sane way to safely fix this issue without
starting discussion about when .ptr must be loaded is just reject
impure assigns to dynamic array elements. sure this will reject some
cases where impure assigns are ok, but better be safe that sorry, isn't
it? ah, it isn't for D.

sure, this decision will break some code. that's why it will never be
approved, despite all hype about safety.

at least leaving this feature as is should help C++ programmers to
adopt D. they used to languages that has nothing common with
sanity. ;-)

Description: PGP signature

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/2014 5:47 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Again, std.range.put isn't defined in druntime.


And neither is isOutputRange.

Wouldn't really be needed.

Are you planning on moving these things to druntime?

This illustrates a long running issue about what goes in druntime and what in 

It's not much of an argument for having a different API that does the same 
thing, only incompatible.

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, Nov 03, 2014 at 05:56:56PM -0800, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On 11/3/2014 5:47 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
 Again, std.range.put isn't defined in druntime.
 And neither is isOutputRange.
 Wouldn't really be needed.
 Are you planning on moving these things to druntime?
 This illustrates a long running issue about what goes in druntime and
 what in phobos.

Another prime example is std.typecons.Tuple, which blocked the
implementation of byPair in AA's.


Political correctness: socially-sanctioned hypocrisy.

Re: Programming Language for Games, part 3

2014-11-03 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/2014 4:49 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Don't add a warning, just make it outright illegal to assign signed to
unsigned and vice versa unless an explicit cast is given.

This has been proposed before.

There are no unfortunate, ugly, or arbitrary consequences here.
Much like the recent (or not-so-recent) change of prohibiting implicit
conversion of a pointer to bool in an if-condition, or the requirement
of a default case in a non-final switch, or so many other improvements
in D over C/C++, such a change will (1) make problematic code an error
so that it will get fixed, and (2) force users to rewrite
non-problematic code to be more self-documenting so that their intent is
clearer. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

Should be careful with analogies like that. Each case is different. Your 
proposal (which has been proposed many times before) requires, as you say, 
explicit casting. You are glossing over and dismissing the problems with 
explicit casts, and the problems with overloading, etc.

Re: bug in assigning to dynamic array element

2014-11-03 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, 03 Nov 2014 09:50:26 -0500
Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

 There is a reason we get at least 1 question a week on how D arrays work.
and this is a clear sign that something is *very* wrong with them. i
fully understand the mechanics behind dynamic arrays, slicing and so
on. what i *can't* understand here is why compiler allowing me to shoot
my foot even without a warning.

compiler *knows* that this is dynamic array. it *knows* that assign is
impure (as saveIt() obviously not pure and it can't be). yet it
silently allows me do that. it's *very* error-prone code. it's easy for
compiler to reject such code (or at least warn me). but it choses to
carefully hide the possible bug.

i'm nat talking about it must work as i expect! here. what i'm
talking about is that D compiler allows potentialy unsafe and
error-prone code. it's ok for pointers, i'm walking in dangerous area
with pointers, but it's not ok when i using *built-in* *type*! it's
like ahahaha, let's see how smart you are! i will not warn you about
problematic code (despite i can do that without big problems) and we'll
see how fast you'll find that gotcha!

it's very funny to read discussions about safety and environment
variables here. they were boring before, but now i realised the
sarcasm, and they becomes very amusing.

Description: PGP signature

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 11/3/14 6:05 PM, Jonathan Marler wrote:

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 22:33:25 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On 11/3/14 4:40 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/3/2014 8:09 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

It is a huge difference to say EVERYONE who implements toString will
take any
templated type that purports to be an output range, vs giving one case
to handle.

All an output range is is a type with a 'put' method. That's it. You're
making it out to be far more complex than it is.

Directly from the docs:

void myprint(in char[] s) { }
static assert(isOutputRange!(typeof(myprint), char));

No 'put' in sight, except as a substring of isOutputRange.

I don't think you realize what a beast supporting all output ranges
is, or using them (hint: calling r.put for a generic output range is
an ERROR).


In many cases templates are good because they provide the a way for the
programmer to use a library optimized for their particular application.
This is the case for the toString function.  An argument can be made
that using templates is dangerous because if they are used incorrectly,
the number of template instantiates can blow up.  But this can always be
solved by the programmer by changing all their template calls to use the
same template parameters.  This allows the template solution to
simultaneously support a sink that represents a real function, or a
delegate, or whatever the application needs.

If we make toString a template, we precludes it as a virtual function, 
and we force the object to expose its inner workings.

I think the template solution has advantages, one being the possibility 
for optimization. But I don't think the gains are significant enough. 
It's also more complex than necessary.

I understand that people like having a binary library that instantiates
it's own functions that have a static interface and I think there's
value to that.  But most of the value is in dynamic libraries that the
compiler cannot optimize.  When the compiler can optimize, let it:)

I updated my test code to use a templated sink, here the link:

Method 1: ReturnString
  string toString();
Method 2: SinkDelegate
  void toString(void delegate(const(char)[]) sink);
Method 3: SinkTemplate
  void toString(T)(T sink) if(isOutputRange!(T,const(char)[]));
Method 4: SinkDelegateWithStaticHelperBuffer
  struct SinkStatic { char[64] buffer; void
delegate(const(char)[]) sink; }
  void toString(ref SinkStatic sink);
Method 5: SinkDelegateWithDynamicHelperBuffer
  struct SinkDynamic { char[] buffer; void
delegate(const(char)[]) sink; }
  void toString(ref SinkDynamic sink);
  void toString(SinkDynamic sink);

(DMD Compiler on x86) dmd dtostring.d
RuntimeString run 1 (loopcount 1000)
   Method 1 : 76 ms
   Method 2 : 153 ms
   Method 3 : 146 ms
   Method 4 : 157 ms
   Method 5ref  : 165 ms
   Method 5noref: 172 ms
StringWithPrefix run 1 (loopcount 100)
   Method 1 : 149 ms
   Method 2 : 22 ms
   Method 3 : 21 ms
   Method 4 : 80 ms
   Method 5ref  : 81 ms
   Method 5noref: 82 ms
ArrayOfStrings run 1 (loopcount 100)
   Method 1 : 1 sec
   Method 2 : 81 ms
   Method 3 : 77 ms
   Method 4 : 233 ms
   Method 5ref  : 232 ms
   Method 5noref: 223 ms

(DMD Compiler on x86 with Optimization) dmd -O dtostring.d
RuntimeString run 1 (loopcount 1000)
   Method 1 : 30 ms
   Method 2 : 65 ms
   Method 3 : 55 ms
   Method 4 : 68 ms
   Method 5ref  : 68 ms
   Method 5noref: 67 ms
StringWithPrefix run 1 (loopcount 100)
   Method 1 : 158 ms
   Method 2 : 9 ms
   Method 3 : 8 ms
   Method 4 : 63 ms
   Method 5ref  : 64 ms
   Method 5noref: 66 ms
ArrayOfStrings run 1 (loopcount 100)
   Method 1 : 1 sec, 292 ms
   Method 2 : 35 ms
   Method 3 : 34 ms
   Method 4 : 193 ms
   Method 5ref  : 198 ms
   Method 5noref: 200 ms

The results aren't suprising.  The template out performs the delegate
sink.  In a very big project one might try to limit the number of
instantiations of toString by using a specific toString instance that
accepts some type common OutputRange wrapper which would make the
template version perform the same as the sink delegate version, but for
projects that don't need to worry about that, you will get better
performance from more compiler optimization.

I think the performance gains are minimal. The only one that is 
significant is StringWithPrefix, which has a 11% gain. But that's still 
only 1ms, and 1ms on a PC can be attributed to external forces. I would 
increase the loop count on that one.

Note, if you really want to see gains, use -inline.


Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread Jonathan Marler via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 4 November 2014 at 02:49:55 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 11/3/14 6:05 PM, Jonathan Marler wrote:
In many cases templates are good because they provide the a 
way for the
programmer to use a library optimized for their particular 
This is the case for the toString function.  An argument can 
be made
that using templates is dangerous because if they are used 
the number of template instantiates can blow up.  But this can 
always be
solved by the programmer by changing all their template calls 
to use the

same template parameters.  This allows the template solution to
simultaneously support a sink that represents a real function, 
or a

delegate, or whatever the application needs.

If we make toString a template, we precludes it as a virtual 
function, and we force the object to expose its inner workings.

I think the template solution has advantages, one being the 
possibility for optimization. But I don't think the gains are 
significant enough. It's also more complex than necessary.

I was thinking you could have the best of both worlds with 
templates.  For example, you could define the toString template 
like this:

  void toStringTemplate(T)(T sink) 

Then you could declare an alias like this:

  alias toString = toStringTemplate!(void 

Which (correct me if I'm wrong) I believe is equivalent to the 
original sink delegate function.  This allows programmers to 
write the logic for toString once and allow a developer using the 
library to choose whether they want to use the delegate version 
or the generic output range version.

This gives the user of the library the ability to choose the best 
version for their own application.

Note: I added this alias method to my dtostring.d test code and 
it wasn't as fast as the delegate version.  I'm not sure why as I 
thought the generated code would be identical.  If anyone has any 
insight as to why this happened let me know.

code is at

Re: The cost of write barriers

2014-11-03 Thread deadalnix via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 08:48:46 UTC, Jonathan Barnard 
The upcoming version 1.4 of Go uses write barriers in 
preparation for the future implementation of a concurrent and 
generational GC. On the mailing list thread discussing the beta 
a few people note speed reductions of 30-50% in their 
benchmarks. I think this vindicates to a degree D's decision to 
avoid garbage collection strategies that require write barriers.

Write barrier are only required on objects that contain mutable 
pointer and are shared. in D, that is a subset of the shared 
heap. D's type system would allow to use such strategy while 
mitigating the cost quite a lot.

Re: toString refactor in druntime

2014-11-03 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 4 November 2014 at 04:34:09 UTC, Jonathan Marler 
On Tuesday, 4 November 2014 at 02:49:55 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 11/3/14 6:05 PM, Jonathan Marler wrote:
In many cases templates are good because they provide the a 
way for the
programmer to use a library optimized for their particular 
This is the case for the toString function.  An argument can 
be made
that using templates is dangerous because if they are used 
the number of template instantiates can blow up.  But this 
can always be
solved by the programmer by changing all their template calls 
to use the
same template parameters.  This allows the template solution 
simultaneously support a sink that represents a real 
function, or a

delegate, or whatever the application needs.

If we make toString a template, we precludes it as a virtual 
function, and we force the object to expose its inner workings.

I think the template solution has advantages, one being the 
possibility for optimization. But I don't think the gains are 
significant enough. It's also more complex than necessary.

I was thinking you could have the best of both worlds with 
templates.  For example, you could define the toString template 
like this:

  void toStringTemplate(T)(T sink) 

Then you could declare an alias like this:

  alias toString = toStringTemplate!(void 

Which (correct me if I'm wrong) I believe is equivalent to the 
original sink delegate function.  This allows programmers to 
write the logic for toString once and allow a developer using 
the library to choose whether they want to use the delegate 
version or the generic output range version.

This gives the user of the library the ability to choose the 
best version for their own application.

Note: I added this alias method to my dtostring.d test code 
and it wasn't as fast as the delegate version.  I'm not sure 
why as I thought the generated code would be identical.  If 
anyone has any insight as to why this happened let me know.

code is at

I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but you should try ldc/gdc 
as they have much more capable optimisers.

Re: spawnProcess() not child?

2014-11-03 Thread Bauss via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is there nobody that knows a solution? :(

Re: spawnProcess() not child?

2014-11-03 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 00:59:43 UTC, Bauss wrote:
Is there a way to spawn a process that won't be a child 
process, because I can't seem to kill any processes created 
with spawnProcess() It keeps giving me access denied for the 
processes and it's necessary for me to kill a process, compile 
it and then spawn it again.

Taking a blind guess: Could it be that the process has already 
exited, and the PID got recycled and assigned to a new process? 
Then you would try to kill that process instead of your spawned 
one, which would fail if it doesn't belong to you.

Re: spawnProcess() not child?

2014-11-03 Thread angel via Digitalmars-d-learn

The parent / child relationship always exists.
In POSIX OSs, you may ignore SIGCHLD signal (announcing child 
process death), so that in case of child process exit it will not 
become zombie, rather it will be disposed on the spot.
As a side note, in Linux, there exist a system call allowing 
process re-parenting, but it is intended for use in 
experimenting, rather than in normal use case.
Side note II, there is no real chance of wrapping PID numbers 
around in a reasonable time frame.

Re: shallow copy of const(Object)[]

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 10/31/14 2:38 PM, anonymous wrote:

I have a const(Object)[] and I want a shallow copy of the array.
..dup doesn't do it, which I thought a bug, but according to
Martin Nowak it's by design [1].
std.array.array fails, too. Is there really nothing in phobos for

static import std.array;
void main()
  const(Object)[] a;

  version(dup) auto b = a.dup;
  /* Nope. Apparently, dup is supposed to convert the elements
to mutable [1],
  which doesn't work with const(Object), of course. */

  version(array) auto c = std.array.array(a);
  /* Nope. Tries to convert to mutable, too? */

  typeof(a) d;
  foreach(e; a) d ~= e;


Well, it's a matter of how you look at it when you request dup. 
Traditionally in D, dup has meant give me a copy with all the elements 
being mutable. If we were forward thinkers, we would have called this 

We don't have a way to say give me a copy and keep all the attributes 
the same.

I think in order to get what you want, we need a new method. I would 
propose one that is pure, and can be deduced to have the result be 
unique, and therefore implicitly castable to any constancy.

What I like about that is:

1. It works with any change of constancy that would normally be allowed.
2. It works with const - const, which is what we don't currently have 

I think if you change the name (an unfortunate requirement), and then 
add pure and inout appropriately, we have something that may supplant 
dup as the main mechanism to copy arrays.

I think we need 2 overloads. One that takes a const array and returns a 
mutable one, when no indirections are in the elements, and one that 
takes an inout array and returns an inout one for indirections. Both 
should be pure.


Question about eponymous template trick

2014-11-03 Thread Uranuz via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have an example of code like this:

template Node(String)
struct Node {}
struct Name {}
struct Attr {}


void main()
alias MyNode = Node!(string).Node;
alias MyName = Node!(string).Name;
alias MyAttr = Node!(string).Attr;


This code fails during compilation with message:

Compilation output:

/d228/f410.d(12): Error: no property 'Node' for type 
'Node!string' /d228/f410.d(12): Error: no property 'Node' for 
type 'Node!string' /d228/f410.d(13): Error: no property 'Name' 
for type 'Node!string' /d228/f410.d(13): Error: no property 
'Name' for type 'Node!string' /d228/f410.d(14): Error: no 
property 'Attr' for type 'Node!string' /d228/f410.d(14): Error: 
no property 'Attr' for type 'Node!string'

So question is: is this intended behaviour and I'm missing 
something about eponymous templates? Or is it a bug in compiler?

Re: spawnProcess() not child?

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 11/3/14 6:34 AM, angel wrote:

The parent / child relationship always exists.
In POSIX OSs, you may ignore SIGCHLD signal (announcing child process
death), so that in case of child process exit it will not become zombie,
rather it will be disposed on the spot.
As a side note, in Linux, there exist a system call allowing process
re-parenting, but it is intended for use in experimenting, rather than
in normal use case.
Side note II, there is no real chance of wrapping PID numbers around in
a reasonable time frame.

From OP's code, he is on Windows.


Re: Question about eponymous template trick

2014-11-03 Thread MrSmith via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 14:07:55 UTC, Uranuz wrote:

I have an example of code like this:

template Node(String)
struct Node {}
struct Name {}
struct Attr {}


void main()
alias MyNode = Node!(string).Node;
alias MyName = Node!(string).Name;
alias MyAttr = Node!(string).Attr;


This code fails during compilation with message:

Compilation output:

/d228/f410.d(12): Error: no property 'Node' for type 
'Node!string' /d228/f410.d(12): Error: no property 'Node' for 
type 'Node!string' /d228/f410.d(13): Error: no property 'Name' 
for type 'Node!string' /d228/f410.d(13): Error: no property 
'Name' for type 'Node!string' /d228/f410.d(14): Error: no 
property 'Attr' for type 'Node!string' /d228/f410.d(14): Error: 
no property 'Attr' for type 'Node!string'

So question is: is this intended behaviour and I'm missing 
something about eponymous templates? Or is it a bug in compiler?

Looks like compiler looks for Node, Name and Attr in Node struct, 
because of eponymous thing.

This code works though:

template N(String)
struct Node {}
struct Name {}
struct Attr {}


void main()
alias MyNode = N!(string).Node;
alias MyName = N!(string).Name;
alias MyAttr = N!(string).Attr;


Re: API hooking in Dlang?

2014-11-03 Thread Dirk via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 07:46:57 UTC, Jack wrote:

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 06:51:11 UTC, Dirk wrote:

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 04:31:40 UTC, Dirk wrote:

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 03:41:19 UTC, Dirk wrote:
I am wondering if there is any libraries I have missed for 
API hooking? Preferably on windows, and linux, although just 
windows is fine. I found one named 
kong(, although it has 
been abandoned and only supports xp on windows. Or if there 
is any detours bindings anywhere that would be great.

Im a little surprised there isn`t much on Dll Injection/API 
hooking on Dlang. I figure people must be doing it as it is 
very common. Could anyone point me in the right direction?

I should of mentioned that I have also seen the MadCodeHook 
Library bindings, which is great but the MCH library is very 

I ended up finding an example on 
github(, not sure how I 
missed it. With that said it is alot easier than I thought. I 
am beginning to love D :).

You should find some at

That was actually the first place I checked. The only example was 
dmadhook which is a wrapper of the MadCodeHook paid library. 
Thanks for helping though.

accessing numeric template parameters

2014-11-03 Thread Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via Digitalmars-d-learn
If I have a struct with numeric template parameter, how can I 
access it within member functions? Like normal member variables? 
And how about the constructor?

struct polynomial(uint base)
   uint[] N;
   this(uint x) { base = x; }
   void add(Polynomial!base P)
  if(N.length  P.N.length) N.length = P.N.length;
  foreach(i; 0..P.N.length)
 N[i] = (N[i]+P.N[i]) % base;

This doesn't work for me :-/

Re: API hooking in Dlang?

2014-11-03 Thread Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 04:31:40 UTC, Dirk wrote:

I should of mentioned that I have also seen the MadCodeHook 
Library bindings, which is great but the MCH library is very 

Weird, it used to be open source and free.

Re: [SDL + TKD] Seg fault from creating DirectoryDialog

2014-11-03 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 23:05:05 UTC, Jack wrote:
On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 17:39:46 UTC, Gary Willoughby 

On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 12:11:23 UTC, Jack wrote:

Whole error is:

That's not the true error. That's dub throwing an exception 
when trying to run the built executable. As shown here:

I would suggest building the application without using dub 
then run the program through a debugger to find the location 
in the source where it's actually seg-faulting. I personally 
use this one:

Thank you. I built the program using the compiler and debugged 

with the C::B gui version of gdb, and it spewed out information
about call stacks and things that, I confess, I have no idea 

the hell it is:

and it seems to point to line 123 in tcl.d as shown here:

And now, as I said before, don't know what this is exactly.

Looks like a threading error somewhere. What version of Tcl/Tk 
are you linking against? Are you using threads in your program? 
Tcl/Tk can be a pain with threading as i've read. There exists 
thread-friendly versions as seen here: Notice the 
--enable-threads switch.

I don't really know what to suggest. Try reducing the program 
down until you've found where the issue stops happening. It may 
be an incompatibility with SDL?

Re: accessing numeric template parameters

2014-11-03 Thread MrSmith via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 14:27:47 UTC, Dominikus Dittes 
Scherkl wrote:
If I have a struct with numeric template parameter, how can I 
access it within member functions? Like normal member 
variables? And how about the constructor?

struct polynomial(uint base)
   uint[] N;
   this(uint x) { base = x; }
   void add(Polynomial!base P)
  if(N.length  P.N.length) N.length = P.N.length;
  foreach(i; 0..P.N.length)
 N[i] = (N[i]+P.N[i]) % base;

This doesn't work for me :-/

You cannot assign to it, because it is only avaliable during 
compilation. Think of it as an immediate value, not variable.

Re: Question about eponymous template trick

2014-11-03 Thread Uranuz via Digitalmars-d-learn
Looks like compiler looks for Node, Name and Attr in Node 
struct, because of eponymous thing.

I understand it but I want to know if it is documented behaviour 
or not. Could anybody clear what happens with eponymous stuff and 
why I can't get acces to *other* declarations inside eponymous 
template? I guess that it is not intended behaviour.

Re: Templates for structures

2014-11-03 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 11/02/2014 04:10 AM, novice2 wrote:


I need write some wrapper around legacy data structure.
May be it should be class. May be structure with methods.
The problem is writing repetitive code for underlying data.
For example:
  - code to read length-byte-prefixed string to D string for every field
in every structure;
  - code to write D string back to length-byte-prefixed string;

Is it possible to write some template or mixin, and then just write
myStruct.addFiled(type=ByteLengthString, name=name)
myStruct.addFiled(type=ShortLengthString, name=filed2)
myStruct.addFiled(type=WeirdStoredInteger, name=counter)

May be it can be done with template, mixin, UDA, ...?

May be something already realized, and i can see sources as example?

Any ideas or examples please.
Just show direction for me )


It sounds possible but I don't understand it yet. Can you give an 
example of the input and output to the D code?


Re: Question about eponymous template trick

2014-11-03 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 11/03/2014 06:36 AM, Uranuz wrote:

Looks like compiler looks for Node, Name and Attr in Node struct,
because of eponymous thing.

I understand it but I want to know if it is documented behaviour or not.
Could anybody clear what happens with eponymous stuff and why I can't
get acces to *other* declarations inside eponymous template? I guess
that it is not intended behaviour.

I think it's the intended behavior. I think documentation is outdated.


Re: Question about eponymous template trick

2014-11-03 Thread Uranuz via Digitalmars-d-learn
I think it's the intended behavior. I think documentation is 


Thanks. So I will modify my programme to workaround this.

Re: Question about eponymous template trick

2014-11-03 Thread Uranuz via Digitalmars-d-learn
Also I failed to find any documentation about eponymous stuff in 
language reference. As far as I remember it was here but now 
looks like it is missing.

Re: Question about eponymous template trick

2014-11-03 Thread Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 14:58:03 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

I think it's the intended behavior. I think documentation is 

Both forms should really work though.  I had always thought that 
the short form was simply possible if the names matched.

simd and dmd compiler v 2.066 and 2.067.0-b1

2014-11-03 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn


Not sure if my code is correct - I wanted to build the simplest 
working example of simd use.  The following compiles and works 
under ldc (I have not disassessembled the result to see if it is 
using simd instructions), but generates a compiler error under 
dmd (2.066 and 2.067.0-b1 running under Fedora 20).

The only message is:

Internal error: backend/el.c 2874

Let me know if you think the code is okay, and if so I will see 
if I can figure out how to generate a bug report (if it's not 
something already known).



import std.stdio;
import core.simd;

void main()
short8 vec;

Re: API hooking in Dlang?

2014-11-03 Thread Dirk via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 14:32:05 UTC, Sean Kelly wrote:

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 04:31:40 UTC, Dirk wrote:

I should of mentioned that I have also seen the MadCodeHook 
Library bindings, which is great but the MCH library is very 

Weird, it used to be open source and free.

Apparently you can still download it, but you need to have a nag 
scree running in the background. Their reasoning behind making it 
premium, from what I gather is that it was being used in Malware 
which was causing AV's to give a false positive for any 
legitimate applications using the MCH lib.

Re: Question about eponymous template trick

2014-11-03 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 11/3/14 9:07 AM, Uranuz wrote:

I have an example of code like this:

template Node(String)
 struct Node {}
 struct Name {}
 struct Attr {}


void main()
 alias MyNode = Node!(string).Node;
 alias MyName = Node!(string).Name;
 alias MyAttr = Node!(string).Attr;


This code fails during compilation with message:

Compilation output:

/d228/f410.d(12): Error: no property 'Node' for type 'Node!string'
/d228/f410.d(12): Error: no property 'Node' for type 'Node!string'
/d228/f410.d(13): Error: no property 'Name' for type 'Node!string'
/d228/f410.d(13): Error: no property 'Name' for type 'Node!string'
/d228/f410.d(14): Error: no property 'Attr' for type 'Node!string'
/d228/f410.d(14): Error: no property 'Attr' for type 'Node!string'

So question is: is this intended behaviour and I'm missing something
about eponymous templates? Or is it a bug in compiler?

This is troubling. So you can never access struct Name inside there? 
This USED to work IIRC, but then again, the eponymous trick only used to 
work if there was only one member in the template.


Re: simd and dmd compiler v 2.066 and 2.067.0-b1

2014-11-03 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 15:33:00 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:


Not sure if my code is correct - I wanted to build the simplest 
working example of simd use.  The following compiles and works 
under ldc (I have not disassessembled the result to see if it 
is using simd instructions), but generates a compiler error 
under dmd (2.066 and 2.067.0-b1 running under Fedora 20).

The only message is:

Internal error: backend/el.c 2874

Let me know if you think the code is okay, and if so I will see 
if I can figure out how to generate a bug report (if it's not 
something already known).



import std.stdio;
import core.simd;

void main()
short8 vec;

It looks OK to me.

Whether or not the code is correct, any internal compiler error 
or segfault is a bug.

Re: spawnProcess() not child?

2014-11-03 Thread Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 14:09:21 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

From OP's code, he is on Windows.

I believe on Windows you have to sort out some kind of 
permissions to terminate a process.  No idea if std.process does 
this, but it sounds like probably not.

Struct template

2014-11-03 Thread deed via Digitalmars-d-learn

struct Internal { int i; double d; string s; }

struct External_int {
  Internal internal;
  @property Internal* ptr () { return internal; }

  this (int a)
internal.s = int;
internal.i = a;

struct External (T) {
  Internal internal;
  @property Internal* ptr () { return internal; }

  static if (is(typeof(T) == int))
this (T a)
  internal.s = int;
  internal.i = a;

void main ()
  auto e1 = External_int(1); // Ok
  auto e2 = External!int(1); // Nope, cannot implicitly
 // convert expression (1)
 // of type int to Internal

Why? And how is this fixed? Thanks.

Re: Struct template

2014-11-03 Thread deed via Digitalmars-d-learn

static if (is(typeof(T) == int))

should be

static if (is(T == int))

T is already a type.

Ahh. Thanks!

Re: Struct template

2014-11-03 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 17:03:33 UTC, deed wrote:

struct Internal { int i; double d; string s; }

struct External_int {
  Internal internal;
  @property Internal* ptr () { return internal; }

  this (int a)
internal.s = int;
internal.i = a;

struct External (T) {
  Internal internal;
  @property Internal* ptr () { return internal; }

  static if (is(typeof(T) == int))
this (T a)
  internal.s = int;
  internal.i = a;

void main ()
  auto e1 = External_int(1); // Ok
  auto e2 = External!int(1); // Nope, cannot implicitly
 // convert expression (1)
 // of type int to Internal

Why? And how is this fixed? Thanks.

static if (is(typeof(T) == int))

should be

static if (is(T == int))

T is already a type.

Reading unicode string with readf (%s)

2014-11-03 Thread Ivan Kazmenko via Digitalmars-d-learn


The following code does not correctly handle Unicode strings.
import std.stdio;
void main () {
string s;
readf (%s, s);
write (s);

Example input (Test. in cyrillic):
(hex: D0 A2 D0 B5 D1 81 D1 82 2E 0D 0A)

Example output:
(hex: C3 90 C2 A2 C3 90 C2 B5 C3 91 C2 81 C3 91 C2 82 2E 0D 0A)

Here, the input bytes are handled separately: D0 - C3 90, A2 - 
C2 A2, etc.

On the bright side, reading the file with readln works properly.

Is this an expected shortcoming of %s-reading a string?
Could it be made to work somehow?
Is it worth a bug report?

Ivan Kazmenko.

Re: Embedding D Shared Library in WSGI Web Server

2014-11-03 Thread John McFarlane via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 28 October 2014 at 09:34:33 UTC, Chris wrote:
On Tuesday, 28 October 2014 at 00:16:03 UTC, John McFarlane 


I've written a modest shared library in D that I'd like to 
call directly from a Python web server (Linux/OS X, Apache, 
WSGI, Pyramid). I can call it reliably from within Python unit 
tests but on a running server, the library causes a SIGSEGV as 
soon as I try anything as complicated as a writeln call. Under 
Linux, I've tried using Pyd, CFFI and ctypes to bind the 
native .so to Python with the same result. I've tried calling 
Runtime.initialize();from an init function on server startup 
and from the D function being called as part of the web 
request. I've even tried writing a shim in C to make these 
calls and call through to the D.

I've compiled with DMD and GDC with a variety of switches. 
Currently my build command looks like:

   dmd ./d/*.d -version=library -release -shared -O -inline -fPIC

The extern(C) function takes a string and returns a string. 
I've tried holding onto a pointer to the returned string and 
passing in an adequately sized byte array from Python. Smaller 
strings seem to cause a crash with lower probability but 
typically the input and output strings are a few KB in size 
and consistently crash. I taken measures to ensure that they 
are correctly encoded and null terminated. I've also tried 
disabling the GC, calling terminate on function exit (after 
copying result into received buffer) and various other 
measures in an attempt to get something working.

I'm guessing that the web server spawns/relies on a thread or 
process for each request and I've read that runtime 
initialization should be invoked from the main thread. Does 
this always mean the first thread that was created on process 
start up or does it just have to be consistent? If calling 
from a thread other than the one used to initialize, is that a 
problem? Are other threads created when GC is invoked which 
might last past the extern function being called and if so, 
can I prevent this by controlling collection explicitly?

Thanks, John

I had a similar problem with a DLL for Python. The reason my 
DLL would crash were some writeln statements. After removing 
them it worked fine. I suppose the writeln messes things up, be 
it because of threads or because of conflicts in the file 
system (remember writeln is a file system operation). I suggest 
you have your lib not print things to console, but use a 
different mechanism instead, e.g. pass a string back to Python 
and have Python do the printing (if needs be).

You could also try to set your lib up as a small socket server 
that waits for input and answers. That usually works for me.

Thanks for the suggestion. I looked into removing all of my 
writeln calls and
found the I still had the same problem. Simply a call to 
to!string with the
input char* is enough to cause a crash. I will go with the socket 
server as a
last resort but it would be much easier (especially from a 
testing POV) if I

could call the native D code directly from the web server.

Re: Reading unicode string with readf (%s)

2014-11-03 Thread Ivan Kazmenko via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 19:37:20 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:

readf (%s, s);

Worth noting: this reads to end-of-file (not end-of-line or 
whitespace), and reading the whole file into a string was what I 
indeed expected it to do.

So, if there is an idiomatic way to read the whole file into a 
string which is Unicode-compatible, it would be great to learn 
that, too.

Re: Reading unicode string with readf (%s)

2014-11-03 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 11/03/2014 11:47 AM, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 19:37:20 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:

readf (%s, s);

Worth noting: this reads to end-of-file (not end-of-line or whitespace),
and reading the whole file into a string was what I indeed expected it
to do.

So, if there is an idiomatic way to read the whole file into a string
which is Unicode-compatible, it would be great to learn that, too.

I don't know the answer to the Unicode issue with readf but you can read 
the file by chunks:

import std.stdio;
import std.array;
import std.exception;

string readAll(File file)
char[666] buffer;
char[] contents;
char[] piece;

do {
piece = file.rawRead(buffer);
contents ~= piece;

} while (!piece.empty);

return assumeUnique(contents);

void main () {
string s = stdin.readAll();

write (s);


Re: Reading unicode string with readf (%s)

2014-11-03 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 19:47:17 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:
So, if there is an idiomatic way to read the whole file into a 
string which is Unicode-compatible, it would be great to learn 
that, too.

Maybe something like this:

import std.stdio;
import std.array;
import std.conv;

string text = stdin

Re: Why ByChunk is not regnize by st.range.takeOne and why Section has no value

2014-11-03 Thread bioinfornatics via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 06:43:50 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 11/02/2014 04:58 PM, bioinfornatics wrote:

 Some problem to build this code:

 $ ldc2 fasta_test.d
 /usr/include/d/std/range.d(3605): Error: template
 cannot deduce function from argument types !()(ByChunk),
 candidates are:

I think that is due to the too permissive template constraint 
of takeOne in phobos/std/range.d. Even though it say 
isInputRange!R, it clearly needs isForwardRange!R because 
it calls .save() on that range:

@property auto save() { return Result(, empty); 

So, the following is wrong:

  auto takeOne(R)(R source) if (isInputRange!R)

It should be:

  auto takeOne(R)(R source) if (isForwardRange!R)

If you modify range.d locally to require ForwardRange, you will 
see that your following call will get an error message because 
byChunk is not a ForwardRange:

// Take a piece of byte from current file
ubyte[] buffer =  takeOne(inputRange);

I think this issue is already reported as a part of the 
following bug:


Ok but I do not see why to use save method for a takeOne function
is possible to write this function without to use it

Re: accessing numeric template parameters

2014-11-03 Thread Philippe Sigaud via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 3:27 PM, Dominikus Dittes Scherkl via
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
 If I have a struct with numeric template parameter, how can I access it
 within member functions? Like normal member variables? And how about the

 struct polynomial(uint base)
uint[] N;
this(uint x) { base = x; }

base is part of the type. polynomial is just a 'recipe' for a type,
the real struct would be Polynomial!(0), Polynomial!(1), etc. Note
that Polynomial!0, Polynomial!1, ... are all different types.

Being part of the type means it's defined only at compile-time, you
cannot use a runtime value (like 'x') to initialize it.

Note that with your current code, `base' is not visible outside
Polynomial. You can alias it to a field to make it visible:

struct Polynomial(uint base)
alias b = base; // b is visible outside (but set at compile-time !)

You can create one like this:

Polynomial!2 poly;
poly.N = [0,1,0,0,1,1];

assert(poly.b == 2);

Of course, you cannot change b: `poly.b = 3;' is forbidden.

Re: simd and dmd compiler v 2.066 and 2.067.0-b1

2014-11-03 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn

Reduced testcase:

import core.simd;

void main()
short8 vec;

I've filed a bug report:

Re: Why ByChunk is not regnize by st.range.takeOne and why Section has no value

2014-11-03 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, November 03, 2014 21:03:51 bioinfornatics via Digitalmars-d-learn 
 Ok but I do not see why to use save method for a takeOne function
 is possible to write this function without to use it

It looks like the idea was that beacause you know that there's only one
element, you can make it random-access range with opSlice and popBack and the
whole shebang. And that works great if the range is at least a forward range,
but it currently falls apart with an input range, because while you can easily
emulate stuff like back and opIndex by forwarding it to front, save can't be
emulated so easily. So, either front needs to be accessed and saved in the
Result struct rather than than simply having it contain the range that it's
forwarding to, or it needs to have another branch of the static if for
handling input ranges separately. Though to be honest, I'm not sure that
using takeOne makes a lot of sense over take in that case. You don't really
get a performance boost, and since you can't add on the random-access range
capabilities without making it eager and saving the result of front (which is
an iffy thing to do with some input ranges), it's really not adding anything
over plain take. I'd honestly favor just fixing takeOne's template constraint
so that it checked for forward ranges. The only reason that I see to make
takeOne work with input ranges is simply so that no one will be surprised when
it doesn't work with an input range. But that's not really adding any useful
functionality as far as I can tell. Though maybe there's something that I'm

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Why ByChunk is not regnize by st.range.takeOne and why Section has no value

2014-11-03 Thread bioinfornatics via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 21:03:51 UTC, bioinfornatics wrote:

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 06:43:50 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 11/02/2014 04:58 PM, bioinfornatics wrote:

 Some problem to build this code:

 $ ldc2 fasta_test.d
 /usr/include/d/std/range.d(3605): Error: template
 cannot deduce function from argument types !()(ByChunk),
 candidates are:

I think that is due to the too permissive template constraint 
of takeOne in phobos/std/range.d. Even though it say 
isInputRange!R, it clearly needs isForwardRange!R because 
it calls .save() on that range:

   @property auto save() { return Result(, empty); 

So, the following is wrong:

 auto takeOne(R)(R source) if (isInputRange!R)

It should be:

 auto takeOne(R)(R source) if (isForwardRange!R)

If you modify range.d locally to require ForwardRange, you 
will see that your following call will get an error message 
because byChunk is not a ForwardRange:

   // Take a piece of byte from current file
   ubyte[] buffer =  takeOne(inputRange);

I think this issue is already reported as a part of the 
following bug:


Ok but I do not see why to use save method for a takeOne 

is possible to write this function without to use it


auto takeOne(R)(ref R source) if (isInputRange!R)
 static if (hasSlicing!R)
 return source[0 .. !source.empty];
 typeof(R.front) r;
 r = source.front;

 return r;

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