Re: Funding code-d

2018-07-13 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 13 July 2018 at 14:20:19 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
As promised in my tweet of June 30 (and to the handful of 
people who emailed me), the cloud of mystery surrounding the 
use of the money raised for code-d and its supporting tools has 
now been (partially) lifted!

In this post, I lay out the details of how the first $1000 will 
be paid out to project maintainer Jan Jurzitza, a.k.a 
Webfreak001, and explain what we hope to achieve with this 
ecosystem fundraising initiative going forward.

This time around, it all came together in the background of 
prepping for DConf with little forethought beyond activating an 
Open Collective goal and then working with Jan to determine the 
details. Lessons were learned. Later this year, you'll see the 
result when we announce the next of what we hope to be an 
ongoing series of funding targets.

In the meantime:

The blog


I think this is a worthy cause for the money. I'm glad to see the 
D foundation looking more towards investing in these kinds of 
community projects, as they make up the D ecosystem that many 
opponents of D describe as lacking.

Re: d-apt update

2017-12-08 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 8 December 2017 at 15:53:24 UTC, Jordi Sayol wrote:

d-apt  release dmd v2.077.1

In this release, d-apt splits "dmd-bin" deb package into 
"dmd-compiler" (the command line compiler) and "dmd-tools" 
(includes: dumpobj, obj2asm, rdmd, ddemangle and dustmite).

Best regards,

Yeah this update seemed to break a couple of packages, but was 
fixed just fine.

Re: Release D v2.077.1

2017-11-30 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 30 November 2017 at 13:52:00 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce D v2.077.1.

This point release fixes a few issues over v2.077.1, see the 
changelog for more details.

- -Martin

Thanks for all your work, it doesn't go unnoticed!

Re: New LDC feature: dynamic compilation

2017-11-13 Thread Michael V. Franklin via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 13 November 2017 at 19:04:16 UTC, Ivan Butygin wrote:

You need to explicitly compile `@dynamicCompile` functions 
before using any of them.

Interesting feature.  So is the executable linked to an installed 
instance of LDC/LLVM to make this happen, or is there some 
limited compiler embedded in the executable or Druntime?  More 
details about the implementation please.


Re: D as a Better C

2017-08-29 Thread Michael V. Franklin via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 00:29:19 UTC, Parke wrote:

But my original question was about what you (Kagamin) called
"intermediate D".  I was trying to understand what 
"intermediate D"
is, and whether or not I could use "intermediate D" (whatever 
it is)

to produce small(er) executables.

"Intermediate D" probably refers to not use the -betterC switch, 
not linking in the official druntime, and instead implementing 
the features of D required by your program yourself.

For example, the following is the most minimal "Hello World" I 
can make with D that does not require the -betterC switch, and 
does not use the official D runtime.  Instead the runtime 
features required by this program are implemented in object.d.


module object;

alias immutable(char)[] string;

struct ModuleInfo { }

class Object { }

class TypeInfo
bool equals(in void* p1, in void* p2) const
return p1 == p2;

int compare(in void* p1, in void* p2) const
return _xopCmp(p1, p2);

class TypeInfo_Class : TypeInfo
ubyte[136] ignore;

alias TypeInfo_Class ClassInfo;

class TypeInfo_Struct : TypeInfo
ubyte[120] ignore;

extern (C) Object _d_newclass(const ClassInfo ci)
return null;

extern(C) void _d_throwc(Object h) { }

class Throwable { }

class Error : Throwable
this(string x)
{ }

extern(C) void _d_throwdwarf(Throwable o) { }

extern(C) void _d_dso_registry(void* data) { }

// The following code basically replaces the C runtime
extern extern(C) int main(int argc, char** argv);

extern(C) void sys_exit(long arg1)
mov RAX, 60;
mov RDI, arg1;

extern(C) void _start()
auto ret = main(0, null);

private alias extern(C) int function(char[][] args) MainFunc;

extern (C) int _d_run_main(int argc, char **argv, MainFunc 

// ignore args for now
return mainFunc(null);

module main;

long sys_write(long arg1, in void* arg2, long arg3)
long result;

mov RAX, 1;
mov RDI, arg1;
mov RSI, arg2;
mov RDX, arg3;

return result;

void write(in string text)
sys_write(2, text.ptr, text.length);

void main()

Building and executing
On Linux 64-bit compile with:
$ dmd -c -fPIC -release object.d main.d -of=main.o

Link with:
$ ld main.o -o main

Report size:
$ size main
   textdata bss dec hex filename
   10701872   82950 b86 main

Text execution:
$ ./main

If you link with:
$ ld main.o -o main --gc-sections

You end up with:
$ size main
   textdata bss dec hex filename
9501688   02638 a4e main

This illustration does not require -betterC, but instead requires 
you to implement a "minimal D runtime" specific to your program, 
and the features of D that it employs.  In this illustration that 
"minimal D runtime" is object.d.

As you can see it is not a polished experience and gets much 
worse when you start employing more features of D.  This could be 
improved, and in fact, with GDC you need even less useless 
boilerplate in object.d and may end up with an even smaller 
executable. (Maybe I'll follow up later with GDC illustration.  
Right now I don't have a computer with the latest GDC installed). 
 If you try this experiment with LDC, you may end up with a 
multi-gigabyte file and crash your PC due to

Hopefully we can improve the compiler/runtime implementation so 
doing this kind of programming won't require so many useless 
stubs, and users can implement just the features of D that they 
need for their program without having to rely on the on the blunt 
and heavy hand of -betterC.


Re: D as a Better C

2017-08-25 Thread Michael V. Franklin via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 23:13:53 UTC, Mengu wrote:
On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 00:24:14 UTC, Michael V. Franklin 
On Thursday, 24 August 2017 at 19:21:31 UTC, Walter Bright 


Great! I look forward to seeing improvements and hope to help.


i believe that should be an opt-out. what about newcomers? will 
they have to learn how to link std lib?

No, because the dmd.conf that is delivered with the toolchain is 
already ready to go with reasonable defaults; and not hard-coded 
into the compiler.  Advanced users can update dmd.conf or point 
the compiler to a different dmd.conf as they choose.


Re: D as a Better C

2017-08-24 Thread Michael V. Franklin via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 24 August 2017 at 19:21:31 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 8/24/2017 11:56 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
I find -betterC to be somewhat of a copout for avoiding the 
hard work of improving D's implementation.

On the contrary, I view it as providing motivation for dealing 
with those issues. The PR above is stalled for lack of 

-betterC also brings into sharp focus exactly what the issues 

Great! I look forward to seeing improvements and hope to help.

Allow me to point out a recent pull request that should have 
resulted in an improvement in the full-featured D implementation 
rather than the -betterC implementation.

DMD should never link in Phobos or druntime automatically. 
Rather, I think such dependencies should be specified on a 
platform-by-platform basis using a dmd.conf, linker script, or 
some other configuration file that is distributed with the 
toolchain's package.

This puts the power in the hands of the user to avoid linking in 
Phobos and druntime without having to use the -betterC switch 
which is especially useful if the user is providing their own 
minimal runtime implementation to support features of D that are 
excluded with the heavy hand of -betterC.


Re: D as a Better C

2017-08-24 Thread Michael V. Franklin via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 24 August 2017 at 18:26:37 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

For instance, a D project targeting STM board, makes heavy use 
of classes and templates, resultant code segment is 3k.

To be fair, though, the above-mentioned project did have to 
create a stub druntime in order to get things to work.  Not 
everyone may have the know-how required to construct a minimal 
druntime that works for their purposes.

Those runtime stubs are needed precisely because of problems in 
D's implementation.  If the implementation were fixed, none of 
those stubs would be required, and neither would the -betterC 

Because the project above is not using any feature provided by 
those runtime stubs, those stubs should not be required, and 
neither should the -betterC switch.

GDC has made some improvements here, and that is why the project 
above only compiles with GDC.

LDC doesn't even display an error message when those stubs aren't 
created.  Instead it enters a codegen loop generating a 
gargantuan multi-gigabyte file, ultimately crashing my VM 

Sometimes, however, it is not known whether a runtime feature 
will be needed until link-time.  In that case, it's OK for the 
compiler to emit TypeInfo, ModuleInfo, etc..., but it should do 
so in a way that the linker (with either LTO or --gc-sections) 
can determine what is needed and what isn't and discard that 
which isn't needed.  Once unneeded object code is discarded, the 
linker errors disappear, and you get a functioning executable 
without linking in the runtime and without a -betterC switch.

GDC recently implemented such an improvement 
(  It brought 
my binary size from 600kB to 6KB, so now I can get back to 
microcontroller programming in D.  This is the kind of work 
that's needed.


Re: D as a Better C

2017-08-23 Thread Michael V. Franklin via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 23 August 2017 at 17:44:31 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

I confess that I tend to think of betterC as a waste of time. 
Clearly, there are folks who find it useful, but it loses so 
much that I see no point in using it for anything unless I have 
no choice. As long as attempts to improve it don't negatively 
impact normal D, then I don't really care what happens with it, 
but it's clearly not for me.

And it _is_ possible to use full-featured D from C/C++ when D 
does not control main. It's just more of a pain.

I'm somewhat in agreement here.  I wouldn't call it a "waste of 
time", but I would prefer refactoring D's implementation to make 
using full-featured D from C/C++ less of a pain.  I fear, 
however, that -betterC will be the favored excuse for not 
pursuing or prioritizing such improvements.

Consider this:  Rust doesn't need a special switch to make it 
interoperable with C.  What's wrong with D's implementation that 
requires such things?  Granted, D is not Rust, but D's 
implementation could be improved to make it more competitive with 
Rust in these use cases.  For example, there is really no need 
for TypeInfo if you're not doing any dynanmic casts, but the 
current implementation generates it regardless.  I find -betterC 
to be somewhat of a copout for avoiding the hard work of 
improving D's implementation.


Re: I'm the new package maintainer for D on ArchLinux

2017-08-09 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 9 August 2017 at 20:42:48 UTC, Wild wrote:

Hi everyone,

The D packages for ArchLinux has been orphaned since Dicebot 
stepped down as the maintainer and no one else stepped up. So I 
decided to step up and apply to become a Trusted User, and I 
got accepted yesterday[1]. So from now on I will be the one who 
maintains all the D packages (in the [community] repo), and it 
will be my job to fix them if they break.


You are very much appreciated! Thanks for all your work!

Re: Calling D from Ruby for GPU computing

2017-08-04 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 29 July 2017 at 06:54:47 UTC, Prasun Anand wrote:


I wrote a Linear Mixed Model tool for Genome Wide Association 
Studies(GWAS) called
[faster_lmm_d]( It 
is built on LDC
and is faster than its Python alternative. Also, its the only 
GWAS tool with a GPU


I am interested in porting ` faster_lmm_d` to Ruby. Though, it 
is still a work in progress, I have written a blog about my 


I would love to hear your feedback.


[Previously posted on LDC thread:]

I don't know much about your work but it sounds like an 
interesting application for D. How easy was it interfacing with 
cuda? Was it just cuda you targeted or would it also work with 
OpenCL? What made you choose D over going straight to C to work 
directly with cuda?

Re: D books for $5

2017-08-03 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 16 December 2016 at 05:43:02 UTC, Kai Nacke wrote:

Hi all,

Packt Publishing offers eBooks for $5 for a limited time. If 
your collection of D eBooks is still incomplete then this is a 
great chance for you. :-)

D Cookbook by Adam D. Ruppe 
Learning D by Michael Parker 
D Web Development by myself 


Any chance the print books are going on sale? I buy too many 
books as a student but would love to learn web dev in D.

Re: Visual D 0.45 released - better VS2017 integration

2017-08-03 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 3 August 2017 at 07:04:55 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:


there is a new version 0.45 of Visual D available at

Most changes are bug fixes and incremental improvements, maybe 
standing out:

* improved VS 2017 integration
* task list support
* dparser update to recent language additions

for the full version history.

Visual D is a Visual Studio extension that adds D language 
support to VS2008-2017. It is written in D, its source code can 
be found on github:, pull 
requests welcome.


Good work! You guys integrating D support into editors are 
awesome and we appreciate the work you do.

Re: Boston D Meetup 2/9: `shared` Experiences

2017-02-17 Thread Michael Coulombe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 18 February 2017 at 02:20:07 UTC, Arun 
Chandrasekaran wrote:
On Saturday, 18 February 2017 at 00:08:28 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 1/30/17 4:48 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
Attention fellow Boston D enthusiasts: I have set up a meetup 

February, and Michael Coulombe will give a presentation on his
experiences with shared.

As before, this will be at the Capital One Cafe in the back 
bay (across

from Prudential center).

Hope to see you all there!

Here is the live stream:


This is a nice talk. Thanks for sharing!

Glad you enjoyed it.

The recorded footage can be found at:

Re: Boston D Meetup 2/9: `shared` Experiences

2017-02-06 Thread Michael Coulombe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 6 February 2017 at 11:58:40 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 

On Friday, 3 February 2017 at 21:25:48 UTC, bitwise wrote:
On Monday, 30 January 2017 at 21:48:57 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:


Will there be a recording of this?

+1 some knowledge sharing about 'shared' would be great.

Hello everyone! Glad to hear interest. I do hope to stream or 
record the presentation like before.

In anticipation of the talk, I finished cobbling together the 
code that this talk is based on and have released it as a dub 

My talk will not assume prior knowledge of the code. It is not 
marked as v1.0.0 yet, as the original code did not use 
std.experimental.allocator and my current attempt at integrating 
it may change. I hope to spend some time in the talk discussing 
memory management.

If you do check out the repository, I'll keep my eyes out for 
questions/comments in this thread.

Re: daffodil, a D image processing library

2016-07-01 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 1 July 2016 at 11:09:49 UTC, Relja Ljubobratovic wrote:
On Thursday, 30 June 2016 at 21:35:37 UTC, Benjamin Schaaf 


Hi there. Took a quick look at the source and it seems really 
nice! I like your idea of extensibility for color conversion. 
Also, image I/O seems to be set up quite nicely for a starting 
point. Although I have to comment that bit depth shouldn't be a 
template argument, in my opinion. When loading images, bit 
depth should be determined in the runtime, depending on the 
image you'd be loading at the moment. Or am I wrong? - do you 
have some other way of handing this case?

Also wanted to let you know I've been working on a similar 
library for some time now [1].
Hope we could merge some modules and learn from each other, and 
not have multiple different implementations of the same stuff. 
Please let me know if your interested.


This is how responses should be, so thanks for adding to the 
conversation, unlike the initial commenter.

I do think, as there has been multiple proposed libraries for 
audio/CV/UI models, that some collaboration and merging of the 
more similar modules would benefit greatly from the combined 
effort and increased output, as getting these kinds of libraries 
off the ground seems to be quite slow at first. I'd love to start 
using some CV libraries in D for video processing.

Re: Release D 2.071.1

2016-06-28 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 23:26:25 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:
On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 23:15:06 UTC, Robert burner Schadek 

Awesome, releases are becoming more and more boring. I like it!

I wouldn't call 1.0 * -1.0 == 1.0 boring!

Yeah I was thinking this haha.

Re: Beta D 2.071.1-b1

2016-05-18 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 16 May 2016 at 20:59:41 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:

On Sunday, 15 May 2016 at 04:40:21 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

First beta for the 2.071.1 point release.
A few issues remain to be fixed before the next beta.

Please report any bugs at


This should probably be stalled until is pulled.

Agreed. A silent regression of this kind is pretty serious, and I 
think it needs to make it into the stable release as soon as 

Re: Computer Vision Library in D

2016-04-28 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 28 April 2016 at 11:50:55 UTC, Edwin van Leeuwen 

On Thursday, 28 April 2016 at 11:32:25 UTC, Michael wrote:
And I would also like to see some more scientific libraries 
make it into D. Though I understand that including it in the 
standard library can cause issues, it would be nice to at 
least get some Linear Algebra libraries in experimental or 
over with the rest of the science libraries.

As I understand it that is part of the goal of mir:

Not sure if you were aware, but there is also a group with the 
aim to promote scientific dlang work:

I've seen the mir project and it looks promising. I'm also aware 
of Dlang science and I hope that it gains some support.

Visual Studio Community and .NET Open Source

2014-11-12 Thread Michael via Digitalmars-d-announce

It's happening.

Studio Pro for free ;)

.NET Open Source

.NET have a good and open sourced GC, so maybe it's possible to 
get something useful from it?

Re: The D in Novosibirsk State University

2013-11-11 Thread Michael

On Sunday, 10 November 2013 at 23:19:22 UTC, Froglegs wrote:
 Slides are in English, do most Russian programmers speak 

Not only programmers and English.
It's mix of education, culture and pro activity (Internet helps).

Also additional language adds additional + to karma ;)

The D in Novosibirsk State University

2013-11-10 Thread Michael

Yes, Russia)

Topic: The D Programming Language: features and application.
Author: Nikolai Tolstokulakov.

Event: NSU Tech Talks
Date: Nov 05, 2013



Re: [Somewhat OT] Textadept 6.6 released

2013-08-22 Thread Michael

On Sunday, 2 June 2013 at 08:06:52 UTC, Michael wrote:

Looks good. Definitely will try.


Text Adept 7.0 beta 2 (11 Aug 2013) available ;)

Re: dmc 8.57 now available for download

2013-08-02 Thread Michael

On Thursday, 1 August 2013 at 22:32:09 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Using it to compile dmd for win32 will result in a faster dmd.

Change log?

Re: [Phoronix] D Language Still Showing Promise, Advancements

2013-06-20 Thread Michael
From version to another version a changes are very huge in Rust 
even in comparison with D.

Also 3 types of pointers scares me.
Version 1.0 promises be usable for wide public. Now on windows 
it's very slow and buggy.

Re: [Somewhat OT] Textadept 6.6 released

2013-06-02 Thread Michael

Looks good. Definitely will try.

Re: D at University of Minnesota

2013-05-07 Thread Michael Engelhardt

Am 07.05.2013 00:37, schrieb Carl Sturtivant:

Yes, I will be teaching CSci 1902 in D during the eight week summer term.

As CSci 1902 is being taught in the summer, there will only be about 60
students instead two or three times as many during Spring or Fall semester.

Any chances that the course will be public available eg. on coursera?

Kind regards


Re: DConf 2013 on twitter

2013-05-03 Thread Michael

On Friday, 3 May 2013 at 18:35:21 UTC, F i L wrote:

Excited to see the videos when they come out!

Is there any ETA on the video? I am slowing learning that 
refreshing d programming language conference search on youtube 
every ten minutes is not a very efficient way to do it. xD


Re: D Language, chained null checks and the Maybe monad - article

2013-02-25 Thread Michael

Updated upto version 3.0.

- new api
- added unit tests
- code in d style guide

Re: New Russian site about D Programming Language

2013-02-23 Thread Michael

Good news, congrats ;)

P.S.: Never even googled about

Re: D 2.062 release

2013-02-19 Thread Michael
Yes, that's because the web site was pushed from master rather 
than the 2.062 branch.


std: Core library modules
 std.base64 Functions that operate on ASCII characters.
 std.base64 Encode/decode base64 format.

Re: vibe.d 0.7.12 released

2013-02-13 Thread Michael
Another one template engine that has pretty syntax is Razor in 
ASP.NET MVC. It's opensource and can be used in non-web areas.

Although it would be good to read a simple tutorial how to 
use/integrate 3rd party template engine with vibe.d.

Re: Another opportunity for a major design win has presented itself

2013-02-09 Thread Michael
If option -shared is selected, will it automatically generate 
as PIC, or do you have to also specify -fPIC?

When I used gfortran, it was -shared only on windows, on linux 
both options: -shared and -fPIC.

Was obtained empirically.

Re: D Language, chained null checks and the Maybe monad - article

2013-02-09 Thread Michael


According to D Style Guide added proper casing and naming (before 
- after): Do - call, If - when, Return - select, With - 
select, WithValue - selectValue.

Removed property attribute @property because these functions are 
not properties that belonging to object, there is no sence in 
UFCS to property.

Any thoughts?

P.S.: Sources not yet updated.

Re: Higgs, a JavaScript JIT done in D

2013-02-06 Thread Michael
As she noted in its journal, maybe she give a keynote talk at 
DConf 2013.
Additionaly, I think it would be great to take an interview with 

Re: D Language, chained null checks and the Maybe monad - article

2013-02-05 Thread Michael

Inspired by. It's noted at top)

Re: Higgs, a JavaScript JIT done in D

2013-02-04 Thread Michael

Yes, you are right. But it's all is just nuances )))

Re: Higgs, a JavaScript JIT done in D

2013-02-04 Thread Michael

On Monday, 4 February 2013 at 19:19:06 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:

Nick Sabalausky wrote:

On Sun, 03 Feb 2013 22:15:09 +0100
Michael wrote:

Best code, it's which works and the client is satisfied.

And the end users are satisfied. AND doesn't cause problems 
when it
inevitably needs maintenance. And isn't prone to crapping out 

breaches of security.

AND you expect that from ONE, single person who is implementing 
something like

Higgs? :) Come on, be realistic...

Yes, you are right. But it's all is just nuances )))

P.S.: For completeness ;)

D Language, chained null checks and the Maybe monad - article

2013-02-04 Thread Michael

Hi, all)

It's about chained null checks and the Maybe Monad, in Russian.
Code is written as always in ;D

link -


Re: Higgs, a JavaScript JIT done in D

2013-02-03 Thread Michael

Best code, it's which works and the client is satisfied.

Re: vibe.d 0.7.10 released

2013-01-03 Thread Michael

Pretty cool stuff, congratulations.


Re: CrossCompiling ?

2012-10-19 Thread Michael

Most relevant$2uli$

Re: D1 D2 alpha's for Win64

2012-10-16 Thread Michael

On Tuesday, 16 October 2012 at 16:44:59 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 10/16/2012 8:58 AM, Gor Gyolchanyan wrote:

It worked fine for me at first! This is awesome!


I tried a different lib paths, got same unresolved symbols.

I have VC 10  VC 11 Express editions. amd64 folder only in VC 
11. Maybe it only work on Pro editions of VS?

Re: D1 D2 alpha's for Win64

2012-10-15 Thread Michael

On Sunday, 14 October 2012 at 19:55:20 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Be the first kid on your block to build a dmd Win64 app!

On Win 2008 R2:

1. Path for VS 11:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 

Simple can be renamed to ..\amd64

2. mspdb110.dll not found:

In cmd:

C:\dmd2\windows\binpath=%path%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft 
Visual Studio 1



C:\dmd2\windows\bindmd -m64 t64.d
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 11.00.50727.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'phobos64.lib'
--- errorlevel 1104

If phobos.lib renamed to phobos64.lib

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 11.00.50727.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

.\..\lib\phobos64.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; 
library ignored

t64.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol main ...

Re: D1 D2 alpha's for Win64

2012-10-15 Thread Michael

But in 32 mode with same sc.ini works fine.

Re: D1 D2 alpha's for Win64

2012-10-15 Thread Michael

On Monday, 15 October 2012 at 20:39:14 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 10/15/2012 1:27 PM, Michael wrote:

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'phobos64.lib'
--- errorlevel 1104


dmd -m64 t64.d

import std.stdio;

void main()
writeln(Win 64!);

.\..\lib\shell32.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; 
library ignored
.\..\lib\kernel32.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; 
library ignored
.\..\lib\shell32.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; 
library ignored
.\..\lib\kernel32.lib : warning LNK4003: invalid library format; 
library ignored
LIBCMT.lib(a_map.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
__imp_WideCharToMultiByte referenced in function int __cdecl 
__crtLCMapStringA_stat(struct localeinfo_struct *,wchar_t const 
*,unsigned long,char const *,int,char *,int,int,int) 
LIBCMT.lib(a_loc.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved 
external symbol __imp_WideCharToMultiByte
LIBCMT.lib(a_env.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
LIBCMT.lib(wctomb.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external 
symbol __imp_WideCharToMultiByte
LIBCMT.lib(write.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved 
external symbol IsDebuggerPresent referenced in function main
phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved 
external symbol LocalFree referenced in function main
phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved 
external symbol GetCommandLineW referenced in function main
phobos64.lib(dmain2_4a7_1a5.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved 
external symbol CommandLineToArgvW referenced in function main
phobos64.lib(thread_1b9_21c.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved 
external symbol __imp_InitializeCriticalSection
phobos64.lib(mutex_335_213.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved 
external symbol __imp_InitializeCriticalSection
phobos64.lib(monitor__519_6fd.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved 
external symbol __imp_InitializeCriticalSection referenced in 
function _d_monitor_create

and ... ... ...

Re: D Language and Fortran DLL article

2012-08-15 Thread Michael

I was referring to indentation, i.e.
else version

Without indentation it looks like C++ #if defined that's ugly for 

On Tuesday, 14 August 2012 at 07:32:05 UTC, xenon325 wrote:

3. Some lines of code are outside of main area (like 49, 50).
 Tested on Opera, FF, IE.

BitBucket bug, but fixed manually.

Hm, I still see lines are outside.

What is your browser? IE, FF, Chrome, Opera - ok.

Another one. I don't have d compiler at hand (and for some 
reason DPaste isn't working too), but I think this should work 

void checkAndThrow(void * pointer, int line = __LINE__)

and than call it just like

checkAndThrow( ptr);

Thanks, it works on dmd 2.060.

Re: D Language and Fortran DLL article

2012-08-14 Thread Michael

On Tuesday, 14 August 2012 at 15:36:42 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
According to (rather, that is linked 
from it ;)) there are Japanese, German, Russian, Chinese...

Current russian website seems to died and resurrected at 2010 as 
copy from web archive.

Re: D Language and Fortran DLL article

2012-08-14 Thread Michael

On Tuesday, 14 August 2012 at 07:32:05 UTC, xenon325 wrote:


1. why not use DDoc ? E.g. @Author, @License


2. formatting :). I know, I know it's a moot point.
   Now it looks a bit like Windows version is more primary.
   I like it more:

version ( ) {
else version ( ){


Windows is main dev OS.

3. Some lines of code are outside of main area (like 49, 50).
   Tested on Opera, FF, IE.

BitBucket bug, but fixed manually.

Re: OSX and 64-bit [Re: First working Win64 program!]

2012-08-13 Thread Michael
No doubt that COFF 64 bits it are good and with high priority, 
though small, but support of COFF 32 bits will be a gift that 
will add popularity to dmd. Anyway I have words that add + to 64 
bit and to 32 bit tools that supports linking with ms toolset.

Re: First working Win64 program!

2012-08-11 Thread Michael

  dmd -c -m64 hello.d
  cl hello.obj

hello world!

Yeehaa! Best news of the last years and even two news that is 


Re: Binding D to C

2012-08-06 Thread Michael
On Monday, 6 August 2012 at 15:42:48 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Not sure whether this has been announced here:


Really cool)

Re: D Conference 2012 - postponed until 2013

2012-07-24 Thread Michael Kerrisk

On Tuesday, 26 June 2012 at 18:12:03 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/26/2012 8:41 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 16:24:24 Dejan Lekic wrote:

On 26/06/12 10:17, deadalnix wrote:

Le 23/06/2012 22:50, Walter Bright a écrit :
Due to there not being sufficient time left to get enough 
speakers lined


That is sad. But hopefully, I'll probably be able to 
participate in 2013.

Seattle is too damn far... :(

Well, no matter where you pick, it's too far for someone.

The Astoria location enables us to keep the registration costs 
low, without compromising. It's a great location.


I've never been there, but from your word I've no doubt that the 
Astoria is a nice venue.

However, for anyone outside the continental US, this location 
makes the statement that we're not terribly interested in having 
you attend: we'll make you take at least two flights (not so 
many international connections to Portland) or even three (if you 
don't live near a major air hub in your own country), and then 
hire a car (there go the savings you got with the cheap 
registration cost) to drive for 2+ hours after you get off your 
international flight. Even from a hub location in Europe, this 
will typically mean 15 or more hours between the airports, plus 
an unfamiliar drive through Oregon. That's quite a demand on 

Astoria is a niche location. If you want to broaden your 
audience, I think a more mainstream location would generate more 
interest internationally, and perhaps even domestically. For 
example, even just Portland itself, but perhaps better--and I 
know it's unoriginal--Silicon Valley or US East Coast.



PS Is there an announce mailing list where one can sign up to get 
information about the 2013 conference?

Re: DMD 2.059 ??

2012-04-20 Thread Michael Rynn
On Thu, 12 Apr 2012 15:08:54 -0400, Matt Soucy wrote:

 On 04/12/2012 02:58 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
 On 04/12/2012 11:49 AM, Alvaro wrote:
 The changelog mentions DMD 2.059 as released on April 1, 2012, but
 there is no link to it. Is it released?

 I don't think it was intended but don't trust anything that is dated
 April 1. :p

 I noticed that as well last night, got excited, and then was quickly
 confused. :/ Especially since it's clickable.

All it needs is a paragraph to state the truth.
next release is still in progress, can be checked out from github 
linkhere, built, tested,
these are the features and fixes thought already done, 
list of other stable point goal feature/fixes of next release, hopeful 
date when done. Usual warning of unstable bits.

Or point a link to github page stating similar. 

Surely thats not too difficult?

First stable version of boxen (audio player written in D)

2011-09-25 Thread Michael Mittner
Hey there!

I've just released the first stable version of my audio player (which is written
in D1). If you want to try it out:


Re: boxen - an audio player written in D

2011-01-20 Thread Michael Mittner
Oh, I forgot to mention D! I'll edit it in ASAP :)

And you're right about the directory thing, I'll put it on my TODO
list. Thanks!

std.xml2 candidate

2010-12-11 Thread Michael Rynn

Availability of Updated xml parser for D2,   
organised very presumptively as std.xml2

Downloadable with SVN. 

svn co
(release 20).

This imports a conventional DOM of linked nodes -- std.xmlp.linkdom
A Core parser which emits parsed items -- std.xmlp.coreparse.
A validating parser including DOCTYPE validation. std.xmlp.domparse.

Performance seems not too bad.  There are more lines of code, 
but it does the same work of std.xml in about 65% of the time.

Well-formed-ness check is done during the parse, so there is no need to
do separate check. 

It takes string inputs  or file inputs in various encodings.

The DOMErrorHandler DOM interface is included 
in the Validating parser for the linkdom.

The parsers and DOM have a straight forward interface.

There is aso a very nearly compatible version of the DOM used in std.xml. 
-- std.xmlp.arraydom.  
The arraydom DocumentParser is also faster than the std.xml,
 as it uses the std.xmlp.coreparse.

Its not complete or final, nor much reviewed.

The layout and interfaces seem to be OK.
I expect its already more useful than std.xml.

Michael Rynn.

Re: Visual D released

2010-04-23 Thread Michael Rynn
On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 17:06:22 +0200, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

 I'd like to announce the initial release of Visual D, a Visual Studio
 package providing both project management and language services for
 integration of the D programming language into Visual Studio.

The cv2pdb was already very useful, by itself, but with automatic 
integration, this should be popular with catchy title as well.

But this means we need a new super fast server at Dsource, because it is 
awful slow now.  I have managed to get the home page once, but nothing 
else. Connection times out.  Is this an onslaught or just a normal 


Re: Decimal Arithmetic module available

2010-03-16 Thread Michael Rynn
On Tue, 16 Mar 2010 12:41:25 +1100, Daniel Keep wrote:

 BCS wrote:
 Maybe we need a std.arithmetic.* for all the a little more than just a
 number types.
 Phobos with subpackages?!  Blasphemy!  That's what those filthy Tango
 heathens do and everyone knows that's just morally WRONG.
 (Yes, I know about std.c.*.)

Then all of Java must be wrong too?

The list of std modules is getting a bit too long. Maybe a tree structure 
would work.  After all it is for a programming language.  Another idea 
would be to make another root,  like  dlang. or lang. Having std. in 
front of nearly makes it a piece of superflous, redundent information. 
There are many roots more to choice from, and maybe it be nice to have 
the root module path be more informative?

-- Michael Rynn


2010-02-15 Thread Michael P.
Joel Christensen Wrote:

 I've tried to build a progam using 32 bit Windows DMD 2.039:
 C:\svn\sfml2\DSFMLdmd hello.d -Iimport
 OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.2
 Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2009  All rights reserved.
   Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D5dsfml8graphics3all12__ModuleInfoZ
   Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D5dsfml6window3all12__ModuleInfoZ
   Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D5dsfml6system3all12__ModuleInfoZ
   Error 42: Symbol Undefined 
   Error 42: Symbol Undefined 
   Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D5dsfml6window5event5Event6__initZ
 --- errorlevel 6
 Thanks for any help.

Try using rebuild/dsss or bud. The libs for SFML probably aren't being linked.
You could also do this with dmd, but it's easier with those tools.

Re: boxen - a media player written in D (preview)

2010-02-10 Thread Michael Mittner
bobef wrote:

 It requires zlib1.dll (not in the package). Blue screened my xp sp2 twice.
 Something audio driver related. Even when not crashing it is not playing
 anything I drop on it.

Oh my. Looks like it's still in a lot worse shape than I thought. May I ask 
what audio interface you're using?

If you've got some time to spare ... it would be great if you could start it 

boxen -magic:useDummyAudio

and see if it plays anything then.

Thanks for trying,

Re: boxen - a media player written in D (preview)

2010-02-10 Thread Michael Mittner
bobef wrote:

 Blue screened my xp sp2 twice.

I've borrowed a couple of audio devices and I'm testing right now, and I got 
the bluescreen too. Being aware of the problem is halfway there to fixing it 

boxen media player preview, part 2

2010-02-10 Thread Michael Mittner
For all who read my last post, I've fixed the bluescreen bug that was in the 
last preview (and tested with a couple of audio interfaces from different 
manufacturers, turns out that my own hardware is just immune to buffer 
overflows). So I figured I put up another .zip, this time with all needed 
files and the fixed version (and upgraded to Tango 0.99.9).

Maybe I should go into a bit more detail of what this project is all about. 
To call it a media player right now is a bit wrong - currently it's audio 
only. Video is definitely planned and bits of the video infrastructure are 
in place already, but video is no priority for now.

Playing audio files is just the first stage of this project. In its current 
form it is more or less a tech demo. Having a useful purpose (playing audio 
files) allows me to build all the components (especially the user interface) 
and test them before going on to build more complicated things with it.

When the first stage is finished, which is after some planned refactoring 
and putting in MIDI (and lots of small features like m3u support for 
example) the system will be usable as a reference audio player for musicians 
and audio technicians; I'm trying to make it as correct and accurate as 
possible. This milestone also incorporates a Windows installer, Linux 
repository and project website.

The next milestone will be a D2 port, the addition of virtual turntables, 
MIDI controllers, audio effects and various other functionality that is 
needed for digital DJing. I already have a rather complete VST 2.4 
implementation which will be in there as well; the Linux port will support 
LADSPA of course.

And from there on I have planned lots of things, but I don't yet know what 
is actually doable and what not, so I figure I'll focus on building an audio 
player first.

Anyway, that's it and I'll be back to work then.


boxen - a media player written in D (preview)

2010-02-09 Thread Michael Mittner

I have hacked together a preview version of the media player I'm working on. 
It's developing rather nicely and last weekend I was able to tie together a 
lot of loose ends. The project is in a presentable state for the first time 
now, so I wanted to just release a quick preview for the D community before 
starting the next round of refactoring.

Unfortunately it's currently Windows only and you need an audio interface 
with ASIO for it. If you like to try it out please fell free to download. 
There's also a PDF in the archive with some more information.

I would be glad if you guys could have a look at it and tell me what you 
think. If you are affiliated with one of the open source projects I use 
(Cairo, FFmpeg) please forgive me that I haven't yet put in the proper 
attribution. I'm planning on making the first official release after the 
next round of refactoring, and I will put in the relevant notices then.


Re: Progopedia - encyclopedia of programming languages

2009-11-23 Thread Michael Mittner
 A KR type book for D, “The D Programming Language”, written by Andrei 
Alexandrescu and published by Addison-Wesley Professional is scheduled for 
publication in May 1010.

D has come a long way!

Re: dmd 1.050 and 2.035 release

2009-10-23 Thread Michael P.
digited Wrote:

 Walter Bright Wrote:
  The main purpose of this is to correct a couple of regressions that were 
  blocking QtD and Tango.
  Many thanks to the numerous people who contributed to this update.
 Thanks again for small commits to svn!
 Today i've built DMD1 on Mac 10.5 (Intel) just like this:
 svn co dmd
 cd dmd
 make -f osx.mak
 and it's a godsand - no more downloading 8 MB of unusable stuff (and obsolete 
 because some patches are already in trunk).

I'm surprised that isn't fixed yet.
 btw, i had to change #include ../mars/mars.h to #include ../mars.h in 
 backend/dwarf.c and backend/machobj.c to compile it.

Re: Brief interview by Intel: The Case for D

2009-08-25 Thread Michael Mittner
Audio seems to be broken from [5:45 .. $].

std2.xml and std2.encoding for D 1.0 available at D source

2009-08-12 Thread Michael Rynn

I have made a little beginning attempt at understanding the phobos xml
modules.  For a warm up exercise, I took the std.xml and std.encoding
from phobos 2, and made them into std2.xml and std2.encoding in the
DSource project std2, so the dmd 1.0 compiler took a tour tripping up
all over the code.

They are attached as files on the

I cannot believe that anybody actually uses the std2 project files.

I  took away all the safety features of const, immutable and any other
things that dmd 1.0 complains about, as recommended for the std2.

Inserted a few support functions not immediately avalable in Phobos
1.0,  notably some  suggested better code  for the encode (xml entity)
, and renamed it as encodeStdEntity, from a Tango fan in the D bugs

Ran unit tests and also successfully rab the books.xml example.

Re-enabled the disabled unittest in std.encoding, and fixed the little
bug that was spoiling it, also posting that to the D bugs.


Re: CDC- Compile D Code

2009-07-03 Thread Michael P.
Eric Poggel Wrote:

 I wrote a new build tool for D.  I'm calling it CDC (for Compile D 
 Code).  It's hosted at .  I'm open to 
 any ideas or constructive criticism.  My target here is anyone looking 
 for a very simple build solution, not an everything and the kitchen sink 
 project like DSSS (not that that's a bad thing).
  From the project description:
 This is a D programming language build script (and library) that can be 
 used to compile D (version 1) source code. Unlike Bud, DSSS/Rebuild, 
 Jake, and similar tools, CDC is contained within a single file that can 
 easily be distributed with projects. This simplifies the build process 
 since no other tools are required. The customBuild() function can be 
 utilized to turn CDC into a custom build script for your project.
 CDC's only requirement is a D compiler. It is/will be supported on any 
 operating system supported by the language. It works with dmd, ldc 
 (soon), and gdc, phobos or tango.
 CDC can be used just like dmd, except for the following improvements.
  * CDC can accept paths as as well as individual source files for
compilation. Each path is recursively searched for source,
object, and ddoc files.
  * CDC automatically creates a modules.ddoc file for use with
CandyDoc? and similar documentation utilities.
  * CDC defaults to use the compiler that was used to build itself.
Compiler flags are passed straight through to that compiler.
  * The -op flag is always used, to prevent name conflicts in object
and doc files.
  * Documentation files are all placed in the same folder with their
full package names. This makes relative links between documents

It didn't build right away for me with DMD1.045 + Phobos.
I changed line 141 which is:
import std.c.time : sleep;
import std.c.time : sleep, usleep;
And it built fine.
The errors were:
mich...@ubuntu:~/d/cdc/trunk$ dmd cdc.d
cdc.d(623): Error: undefined identifier usleep
cdc.d(623): Error: function expected before (), not usleep of type int

Re: CDC- Compile D Code

2009-07-03 Thread Michael P.
Eric Poggel Wrote:

 Michael P. wrote:
  Eric Poggel Wrote:
  I wrote a new build tool for D.  I'm calling it CDC (for Compile D 
  Code).  It's hosted at .  I'm open to 
  any ideas or constructive criticism.  My target here is anyone looking 
  for a very simple build solution, not an everything and the kitchen sink 
  project like DSSS (not that that's a bad thing).
   From the project description:
  This is a D programming language build script (and library) that can be 
  used to compile D (version 1) source code. Unlike Bud, DSSS/Rebuild, 
  Jake, and similar tools, CDC is contained within a single file that can 
  easily be distributed with projects. This simplifies the build process 
  since no other tools are required. The customBuild() function can be 
  utilized to turn CDC into a custom build script for your project.
  CDC's only requirement is a D compiler. It is/will be supported on any 
  operating system supported by the language. It works with dmd, ldc 
  (soon), and gdc, phobos or tango.
  CDC can be used just like dmd, except for the following improvements.
   * CDC can accept paths as as well as individual source files for
 compilation. Each path is recursively searched for source,
 object, and ddoc files.
   * CDC automatically creates a modules.ddoc file for use with
 CandyDoc? and similar documentation utilities.
   * CDC defaults to use the compiler that was used to build itself.
 Compiler flags are passed straight through to that compiler.
   * The -op flag is always used, to prevent name conflicts in object
 and doc files.
   * Documentation files are all placed in the same folder with their
 full package names. This makes relative links between documents
  It didn't build right away for me with DMD1.045 + Phobos.
  I changed line 141 which is:
  import std.c.time : sleep;
  import std.c.time : sleep, usleep;
  And it built fine.
  The errors were:
  mich...@ubuntu:~/d/cdc/trunk$ dmd cdc.d
  cdc.d(623): Error: undefined identifier usleep
  cdc.d(623): Error: function expected before (), not usleep of type int
 Thanks.  Your patch is now committed.

No problem.
Also, on the home page,, it says the homepage 
is in that little box. Might want to change that as well.

Re: DAllegro release

2009-03-28 Thread Michael P.
torhu Wrote:

 Since there's still some interest in this project, I'm making a release. 
 DAllegro enables the use of Allegro 4.2.2 with the D programming 
 language.  Allegro is a game programming library written in C.
 Project page:
 Here's the changelog:
 - Compatibility with DMD 1.041 and 2.026.
 - Compatibility with Tango 0.99.7 and 0.99.8, and some older versions.
 - Support for building examples etc. with DSSS (Windows only for now).
 - Minor tweaks to DBlocks.
 I wasn't able to test on OS X, but hopefully it'll still work there. 
 DAllegro probably won't work with DMD on OS X, though. No idea about the 
 LDC compiler either. So GDC is the only option, unless someone with a 
 Mac wants to help out. :)

Cool, thanks. :)