Re: My interest in contributing to the D language and participation in the Symmetry Autumn of code

2024-05-15 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 18:42:56 UTC, Dennis wrote:
Hello everyone, My name is Dennis and I’m from Nigeria and I 
want to contribute to the D language, perhaps engage in the 
upcoming Symmetry Autumn of code, and contribute immensely to 
the D language and beyond.
I’m open to anyone directing me on things to work on. I'd 
really appreciate that.

Hi Dennis!

We have a bunch of projects that you could work on, however, 
choosing the right project depends of what you are interested in 
and your experience with the concepts involved. Generally, we 
have multiple fronts that work could be done on: the compiler, 
the runtime library, the standard library, ecosystem tools etc. I 
suggest you pick one of the categories, get the code, try to fix 
the issues (you can find our list of issues here: - searching for the keywork "bootcamp" 
will list issues that are considered entry level, but note that 
some of those might be more complicated then you would expect at 
a first glance) and then we can have a chat on projects you can 
work on. How does that sound?


Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-15 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 16:52:06 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 16:23:05 UTC, Tim wrote:
The visitor can already be `extern(D)`. Only member functions 
overriding those in the base class need to be `extern(C++)`. 
Other member functions can then use paratemers, which would be 
incompatible with `extern(C++)`.

Wow, it really was that simple all along. Thanks for the tip!

That's not a complete solution. If you template the visitor and 
have some member functions that override the extern(C++) base 
class methods, then you will still end up with errors if you use 
any types that use non-mapable C++ types because of the mangling. 
For example:

extern(C++) class DMDVisitor
void visit(Expression e) {}

class MyVisitor(T) : DMDVisitor
T field;
extern(C++) override void visit(Expression e) {}   // 
troubled line


Instantiating MyVisitor with a string type will issue an error at 
the troubled line because the mangler needs to take into account 
the template instance. Since C++ has no dynamic array 
correspondent you essentially cannot call MyVisitor.visit from 
C++ and therefore the compiler issues an error.

However, if you don't use templated visitors you are fine, you 
can just mark your introducing functions/fields as extern(D) and 
even if the class is extern(C++) it will work.

Re: DLF September 2023 Monthly Meeting Summary

2023-11-13 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 12 November 2023 at 21:55:31 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Sunday, 12 November 2023 at 19:50:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

There was a side discussion about how the `extern(C++)` 
interface affects dmd-as-a-library.

Personally, my number-one complaint with dmd-as-a-library is 
that I am forced to use `extern(C++)` when creating my own 
`Visitor` classes.

In [`dmdtags`][1], this requirement has made it necessary for 
me to implement my own C++-compatible [`Span`][2] and 
[`Appender`][3] types, just to avoid the C++ mangling errors 
caused by D's built-in `T[]` slices.

I have no use for overriding AST nodes, but the ability to use 
`extern(D)` visitors with dmd-as-a-library would be a welcome 


I have already brought that up to one of our work group meetings 
regarding dmd as a library as I have stumbled upon this also. We 
have a solution for this, I'm going to try to implement it this 


Re: Dlings first release

2023-02-15 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 23 January 2023 at 10:21:04 UTC, João Lourenço wrote:


Maybe you can find some inspiration from our D summer school 
exercices[1][2]. Many of them are inspired by Ali's book.


Re: SAOC 2022 Result

2023-02-07 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 5 February 2023 at 16:15:38 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
We had three participants in SAOC 2022. You may have noticed 
their periodic updates in the General forum. Keeping the 
community informed through those updates is one of the 
requirements of the event each year. They also have to submit 
reports on their progress at the end of each milestone, and 
their mentors send along evaluations at the same time.


Congratulations to all participants and thank you Symmetry!

Re: Druntime merged into dmd repo

2022-07-15 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 15 July 2022 at 05:46:53 UTC, StarCanopy wrote:

On Tuesday, 12 July 2022 at 07:12:25 UTC, RazvanN wrote:
This is not something a user is going to be affected by. But 
it will make it much easier for the compiler/druntime devs to 
do work. DMD and druntime are very strictly coupled and 
sometimes modifying one requires changes in the other. That 
lead to situations where it was practically impossible to 
integrate changes without temporarily breaking the CI. 
Moreover, it was a pain to bisect bugs that were affected by 
both druntime/dmd changes.

Thank you for the elucidation!
I might be wrong, but some time ago, there was talk of 
deprecating druntime or something to that effect, and I 
wondering whether this was step in that direction, but it 
appears that is not the case.

No, there is no talk about deprecating druntime. However, work is 
being done
to templatize druntime as much as possible so that it becomes a 


Re: Druntime merged into dmd repo

2022-07-12 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 12 July 2022 at 03:36:42 UTC, StarCanopy wrote:

On Saturday, 9 July 2022 at 22:24:45 UTC, max haughton wrote:

Say thank you to Iain, Mathias, Vladimir, and Martin.

This will make D better. More details to come.

I'm ignorant. Why is this significant?

This is not something a user is going to be affected by. But it 
will make it much easier for the compiler/druntime devs to do 
work. DMD and druntime are very strictly coupled and sometimes 
modifying one requires changes in the other. That lead to 
situations where it was practically impossible to integrate 
changes without temporarily breaking the CI. Moreover, it was a 
pain to bisect bugs that were affected by both druntime/dmd 

Re: Druntime merged into dmd repo

2022-07-12 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 10 July 2022 at 17:17:30 UTC, IGotD- wrote:

On Saturday, 9 July 2022 at 22:24:45 UTC, max haughton wrote:

Say thank you to Iain, Mathias, Vladimir, and Martin.

This will make D better. More details to come.

Does this mean that druntime for LDC and GDC were also moved 
into the same repo? Same branch?


Winners of the April 1st - July 1st 2022 Bugzilla Cycle

2022-07-05 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hello everyone,

It is my pleasure to announce that the winners of the 2nd 
bugzilla cycle of the year are:

1. BorisCarvajal - 370 points
2. MoonlightSentinel - 135 points
3. FeepingCreature   - 120 points


The cycle standings are here:
The overall standings hierarchy, which counts all the points that 
have been collected since the system was put in place, is here:

A new bugzilla cycle has started on the 1st of July and will end 
on the 30th of September.


Re: A New Game Written in D

2022-05-19 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 17 May 2022 at 16:36:34 UTC, Kenny Shields wrote:


I've been building a game engine in D for the past 2 and a half 
years and have finally reached a point where it's usable in 
day-to-day game development. Earlier this year I decided to 
make a simple shooter game to serve as a tech demo for the 
engine's capabilities, and also just to get a general idea of 
how well it works when used in a real application. I did an 
initial release of the game yesterday on, you can find 
more information on the product page if you are interested:

This isn't an open-source project, but I wanted to post this 
here for anyone who might be interested in seeing D used for 
cross-platform game development. Any questions/comments about 
the implementation and design of the game/engine are welcome.

On a side note, I'd like to give special thanks to Walter and 
all of you who who contribute to D to make it what it is today. 
D is a fantastic language and really can't see myself using 
anything else for development at this point. Also, shout-out to 
the LDC developers as well, really great compiler.

Congratulations! Would you consider presenting the game and your 
experience with D in an oral presentation at Dconf? I think this 
sort of material would interest a lot of people in the community. 
All you need to do is put up a small description of the project 
and send it to If it gets selected you could 
participate to dconf for free + all your expenses regarding the 
trip (flight + accommodation) will be paid by the Foundation. For 
more info check [1]. The deadline should have been 15 May but 
late submissions might be considered too.



Re: D Language Foundation April Quarterly Meeting and Server Meeting Summaries

2022-05-05 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 21:31:44 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
For me the bug that is potentially limiting me (design wise) 


Good stuff moving forward and that tool looks interesting to 
try out.

Potential fix:

Winners of the 1st Jan - 31st March 2022 Bugzilla Cycle

2022-04-04 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hello everyone,

I am happy to announce that this bugzilla rewarding cycle winners 

1. MoonlightSentinel 830 points
2. ljmf00270 points
3. aG0aep6G  240 points

The prizes that the winners will be getting are 100$, 50$ and 25$ 
Amazon eGift cards. Congrats!

The official standings are here [1].

@aG0aep6G please contact me at so that we 
can discuss the details of how you will receive your gift card. 
@ljmf00 @MoonlightSentinel I have tried contacting you privately, 
but if my messages have not been received, please also contact me.



Re: Bugzilla Reward System

2021-09-17 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 16 September 2021 at 14:35:08 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Thursday, 16 September 2021 at 11:56:21 UTC, Mike Parker 

From the post:

The scoring is designed to reward contributors based on the 
importance of the issues they fix, rather than the total 
number fixed. As such, issues are awarded points based on 

In my experience, the only severity settings most people 
actually use when filing issues on Bugzilla are "enhancement", 
"normal", and "regression". And when people do use the other 
settings, there's no consistency to how they get applied. For 
example, the first two search results for priority "blocker", 
issues [22283][] and [22148][], have no indication of what (if 
anything) they block. Meanwhile, issues [14196][] and [13983][] 
are both enhancement requests but have their priority set to 
"major", and issue [22136][] is listed as "critical" even 
though it is actually a regression!

I don't blame anyone who files reports like these. The fact is, 
there is no official guidance anywhere about what distinguishes 
a "minor" issue from a "normal" one, or a "normal" issue from a 
"major" one, so people just guess. But treating the output of 
this guessing process as though it were meaningful data is 
probably a mistake.


Given that points are obtained depending on severity, my 
expectation is that reviewers will pay more attention to it when 
a PR is submitted. In addition, people that try to score as much 
points as possible will be interested in making sure that the 
competition does get the right amount of points. Therefore, I 
think that the rewarding system will improve the status quo with 
regards to labeling bugs.

Re: Bugzilla Reward System

2021-09-17 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 17 September 2021 at 01:07:09 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 9/16/21 4:56 AM, Mike Parker wrote:

> This was Razvan Nitu's baby from conception to implementation

Thank you, Razvan! Great job and a great article.

Thank you, Ali!

What I missed in the article is whether we are going to reward 
all contributors or whether certain people like Walter are 
excused? :)

Foundation people like Walter and myself are not going to be 
rewarded, however,
unaffiliated titans such as Iain, Vladimir and kinke have the 
opportunity of being rewarded. Of course, it is their decision if 
they do or don't want to participate in the race. Either way, the 
scoring system is going to track everyone's activity and then we 
can exclude foundation members and take into account potential 
prize yields.

Also, if a regression is best fixed by the person who caused it 
in the first place, regressions may become a good thing. ;)

If you are hinting at intentionally introduced regressions, I 
think that it is the burden of the reviewer to catch them at 
review time. If not, it really depends on who has time to fix it. 
I, personally, fixed tons of regressions and only a small part of 
those where introduced by me. I think that we can just assume 
good faith and acknowledge the fact that people make mistakes and 
it's fine to reward them if they fix them.



Re: D Summer School v3

2021-08-27 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 27 August 2021 at 07:45:42 UTC, M.M. wrote:

On Thursday, 26 August 2021 at 14:33:25 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Very nice event and blog.


I wonder about the hackathon: did you, Razvan et al., 
pre-selected a list of bugzilla issues to work on?

We do have a keyword, "bootcamp", for simpler issues, but
some of those could be fairly complicated, therefore,
we internally selected a list of 10-20 issues that we
considered trivial.

About the intimidacy of contributing bugfixes: it could be 
worth trying to demonstrate during a lecture how fixing such an 
PR actually works, including the (technical) process of 
submitting a PR, with all the comments, naming conventions, etc.

That's an interesting proposal. It could potentially benefit both 
DSS students and first time contributors. Thanks for the 


Re: A Pull Request Manager's Perspective

2021-05-18 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 18 May 2021 at 14:28:52 UTC, Dennis wrote:

On Tuesday, 18 May 2021 at 12:58:51 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Ths emphasizes the fact that druntime needs more love.

That conclusion is given along with these numbers:

|| dmd | phobos | druntime |
|open bug reports| 3000| 900|   300|
|Pull requests / month   |  85 | 130|30|
|contributors last month |  10 |   5| 4|

To me, that looks like dmd needs more love, given the vast 
amount of bugs (3000) compared to druntime (300).

The opened druntime PRs do not necessarily fix any issues or add 
new features, but rather contain minor refactorings of small, 
unreported, bug fixes. So I would say that there is no 
relationship betweem the number of bugs of a component and the 
number of PRs that are opened.

The fundamental reason why dmd has more opened bugs is because it 
is the oldest codebase among the 3. Also, some bugs are reported 
as belonging to dmd when they're actually druntime bugs, because 
it is difficult to properly identify the component if you are not 
a contributor. I have changed the component part of many dmd bugs 
to druntime over time.

Re: [GSoC] Google Summer of Code 2021: Organization Applications Open

2021-02-03 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 31 January 2021 at 00:45:18 UTC, Ahmet Sait wrote:

Hi everyone!

It's that time of the year again. Google announced that 
mentoring organizations can now apply for summer of code in 
their blog:
And in the mailing list:


Hi! Thanks for the heads up, we are already working on this. I 
will come back with details about this.


Re: Say Hello to Our Two New Pull-Request/Issue Managers

2021-01-14 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 13 January 2021 at 11:33:44 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I'm very, very happy that I can finally announce the news. Some 
of you may recall the job announcements I put out on the blog 
back in September [1]. Symmetry Investments offered to fund one 
full-time, or two part-time, Pull Request Manager positions, 
the goal being to improve the efficiency of our process 
(prevent pull requests from stagnating for ages, make sure the 
right people see the PRs in need of more than a simple review, 
persuade the right people to help with specific Bugzilla 
issues, etc).


On Wednesday, 13 January 2021 at 11:33:44 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Thanks Mike! And thanks to everyone for your support.

Re: D mentionned in the ARTIBA webzine for an article on Silq

2020-09-02 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 2 September 2020 at 07:38:01 UTC, JN wrote:

On Wednesday, 2 September 2020 at 00:35:07 UTC, user1234 wrote:


One thing I always feel this forum is missing is a section for 
work in progress projects, even if they never end up anywhere. 
Right now people are shy about their projects, so the only way 
you learn about them is by finding mentions of them such as 
these, when they're released on DUB repository or when someone 
makes an announcement post on Announce. The problem with 
Announce is that people only use it for official releases - and 
that's good - but we're missing out on all the work in progress 


This sounds like a great idea. +1

Re: DIP1028 - Rationale for accepting as is

2020-05-27 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 at 10:40:18 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 5/27/2020 3:07 AM, Johannes Loher wrote:
This is a very specific situation. There are a lot of teams / 
that do not work in this manner. I don't know the numbers so I 
will make
no statement about what is more common but my personal 
experience is a

different one.

I've seen larger companies operate this way. Smaller ones 
cannot afford to.

Also what is the difference between your QA department telling 
you to
correctly annotate C declarations and the compiler telling you 

> If you expect people to ignore what the compiler is telling
them, why do
> you expect them to listen to the QA department?

The QA dept is motivated to not be taken in by greenwashing.

(Back in my days at Boeing, I worked in the design department. 
There was an entirely separate organization call the Stress 
Group. Their job was to sign off on every nitpicky detail. If 
they signed off on something that turned out to be wrong, it 
was bad for their careers. Your designs did not move forward 
without Stress signoff. If you tried to trick Stress, that was 
the end of your career at Boeing.)

So yeah, there's a huge difference between tricking the 
compiler and tricking the QA department.

In my opinion, the
compiler actually _is_ one of the best QA departments.

Indeed it is, and that's the whole point to @safe. My 
motivation here is make suspicious code stand out. @trusted 
code does not stand out so much, because it is required to 

I'm utterly confused by this.

Trusted code is always suspicious and always stands out because 
it is not formally verified whereas @safe code should be 
bulletproof. Why would anyone bother to manually check code that 
is supposed to be @safe? Trusted code is the villain here; 
wherever you see @trusted you know that the code might contain 
vulnerabilities because it was audited by a human and not by a 

If you have @safe code that has memory safety issues (from 
callinc C functions) then what's the point of @safe?

Also in my opinion, a competent QA department should carefully 
look at
any @trusted code /declarations. Maybe it is not a "red flag" 
but it is

definitely something that needs to be checked with extra care.

Looking at un-annotated declarations should be the first step. 
If it is annotated with @trusted, at least there's the coffee 
stain on the drawing indicating that somebody looked at it.

Re: The Serpent Game Framework - Open Source!!

2020-03-01 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 27 February 2020 at 22:29:41 UTC, aberba wrote:
There's this ongoing open source game framework by Ikey. I knew 
him to be a diehard C guru (from the Solus Project) but is now 
rocking D, hence Serpent.

Check is out and support if you can, please.

I don't know how he does it but Ikey can code stuff like crazy.

Maybe we should add this project to our CI infrastructure.

Re: GSOC 2020 projects

2020-02-24 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 24 February 2020 at 17:43:41 UTC, Panke wrote:

On Monday, 24 February 2020 at 02:52:04 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

On Tuesday, 18 February 2020 at 05:59:47 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

Hello everyone!

In a couple of days we should find out if The Dlang 
Foundation was accepted as a mentoring organization for 
Google Summer of Code 2020. If we get accepted, I think that 
we should have a list of priority projects that we should 
propose to students. I have started tagging what I find the 
most useful projects with the gsoc2020 tag [1]. If you want 
to help in this process you can:


Unfortunately, Dlang has not been accepted this year as a GSOC 
mentoring organization. Maybe we will have better luck next 


Do we know why?

They simply notify if you have been accepted or not without 
offering any details, but I think that they want to offer a 
chance to everyone. Apart from big organizations that are offered 
spots every year, the small organizations are usually rotated, 
but we can't know for sure if there was something wrong with our 
application or they simply wanted to give someone else a chance.

Re: GSOC 2020 projects

2020-02-23 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 18 February 2020 at 05:59:47 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

Hello everyone!

In a couple of days we should find out if The Dlang Foundation 
was accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of 
Code 2020. If we get accepted, I think that we should have a 
list of priority projects that we should propose to students. I 
have started tagging what I find the most useful projects with 
the gsoc2020 tag [1]. If you want to help in this process you 


Unfortunately, Dlang has not been accepted this year as a GSOC 
mentoring organization. Maybe we will have better luck next year,


GSOC 2020 projects

2020-02-17 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hello everyone!

In a couple of days we should find out if The Dlang Foundation 
was accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of 
Code 2020. If we get accepted, I think that we should have a list 
of priority projects that we should propose to students. I have 
started tagging what I find the most useful projects with the 
gsoc2020 tag [1]. If you want to help in this process you can:

1. Go through the issues in the projects repo [2] and propose a 
specific issue to be tagged for gsoc2020. If one of the proposed 
projects on the repo is important for you and you want to see it 
implemented, create a thread on the General forum so that we can 
discuss the importance of the project and then decide if we tag 
the issue or not.

2. Go through the issues in the project repo and volunteer to 
mentor a specific project that is of interest to you. If you want 
to be a mentor please post a comment stating your intention on 
the project page and email me at .

3. Create new issues on the projects repo [2] detailing what the 
project is, what are the rough milestones and who are the persons 
of contact.

GSOC is a great opportunity to push things forward so let's see 
what are the most important points that we want to see across the 
finish line,




Re: "D for a @safer Linux Kernel" poster presentation at APLAS

2019-10-04 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 3 October 2019 at 17:30:20 UTC, Arun Chandrasekaran 

On Thursday, 3 October 2019 at 11:21:41 UTC, RazvanN wrote:


Good to know. May be you could publish the code on 
GitHub/GitLab and that could attract interest among people who 
care about performance to take a look. It's tricky to measure 
performance at this scale.

The code is public:

Re: "D for a @safer Linux Kernel" poster presentation at APLAS

2019-10-03 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 3 October 2019 at 07:13:05 UTC, Arun Chandrasekaran 

On Friday, 27 September 2019 at 09:26:22 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

Hello all,

Alexandru Militaru's work "D for a @safer Linux Kernel" [1] 
has just been accepted for a poster presentation at APLAS [2]. 
We hope that this will be good publicity for D,



Nice. Has there been any recent performance improvements? There 
was a similar talk recently at the Linux Security Summit [1] 
yesterday from the Rust community.


It seems that they are creating a framework for developing kernel 
modules in rust that can be integrated with the linux kernel. 
They haven't tested the performance of a particular rust driver 
compared to a C one. This is a bit different from what we did: we 
directly ported a C driver to D and integrated it with the 
kernel, with negligible performance loss. The 4% performance loss 
that was encountered in some situations is due to the fact that 
we have D wrappers over C function calls and some macros are 
translated as functions that are called at runtime - they are not 
inlined -; one thing we still need to do is to test with the 
recent link time optimizations (LTO) and profile guided 
optimizations (PGO) flags in clang; we are confident that this 
will enhance the performance of the ported driver).

Re: "D for a @safer Linux Kernel" poster presentation at APLAS

2019-09-27 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 27 September 2019 at 10:39:42 UTC, M.M. wrote:

On Friday, 27 September 2019 at 09:26:22 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

Hello all,

Alexandru Militaru's work "D for a @safer Linux Kernel" [1] 
has just been accepted for a poster presentation at APLAS [2]. 
We hope that this will be good publicity for D,



Congratulations! Hopefully, you will make a research paper out 
of it as well. That will make the content available to much 
broader audience!

Thanks you! That is our plan also. We hope we will finish the 
paper until late December and we will see where we can submit.

"D for a @safer Linux Kernel" poster presentation at APLAS

2019-09-27 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hello all,

Alexandru Militaru's work "D for a @safer Linux Kernel" [1] has 
just been accepted for a poster presentation at APLAS [2]. We 
hope that this will be good publicity for D,



Re: The New Bug Bounty System

2019-08-19 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 17 August 2019 at 12:04:46 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Thanks to BOS Platform Korea, the new Bug Bounty system is 
live. Anyone willing to seed new bounties or increase the 
existing ones is free to do so. We hope to see the number of 
bounties grow and a few folks make some money from it. The 
details are in the blog post:


And for those who want to skip the blog post for now and get 
straight to work (read it later, though!):

I'll see about getting this into the Community menu sometime 

Awesome! Now we can fix bugs AND get rich at the same time!

UPB D Summer School

2019-07-17 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce


Edi and myself are glad to announce that the first edition of the 
D Summer School that we organized for the students at the 
University Politehnica of Bucharest has just ended.

We had 8 practical sessions and a hackathon, during which 
students had to work on their project a peer-to-peer client 
implementation using vibe.d). The students were lucky enough to 
actually have Andrei present them the "Design by Introspection" 
course. It goes without saying that they were thrilled.

Our materials can be found here [1] if anybody is interested ( 
big thanks to Ali for his approval on basing our course on his 
book). Photos from the hackathon and Andrei's lecture can be 
found here [2].

We hope that by bringing D bootcamp courses to students we can 
raise awarness on D and increase its popularity and enlarge our 

We have encouraged the graduating students to participate to SAOC 
and also we are in discussions with some of them to initiate them 
into contributing to D.



Re: DConf 2019 Livestream

2019-05-08 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 8 May 2019 at 12:13:18 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, 8 May 2019 at 10:13:35 UTC, Ethan wrote:

Good news everyone! A Youtube stream will be arriving after 
the lunch break.

Cheers for your patience.

Now I get to bring the bad news. There's an issue right now 
with YouTube flipping the video horizontally in the livestream 
such that everything is backwards. They've been trying to find 
a solution for it but are so far unable to. As such, we're 
stuck with WebEx for the remainder of the day. They'll try to 
get it sorted this evening so that we can stream on YouTube 

Sorry for those of you having difficulties with WebEx.

Will the recordings be uploaded somewhere (preferably youtube)?

Re: DIP 1018--The Copy Constructor--Formal Review

2019-02-26 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 24 February 2019 at 10:46:37 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Walter and Andrei have requested the Final Review round be 
dropped for DIP 1018, "The Copy Constructor", and have given it 
their formal approval. They consider copy constructors a 
critical feature for the language.

Walter provided feedback on Razvan's implementation. When it 
reached a state with which he was satisfied, he gave the green 
light for acceptance.

The DIP:

The implementation:

Are there any other concerns regarding the copy constructor DIP? 
Although the debate about the value of const's transitivity is an 
interesting one, it is orthogonal to this proposal.

Regarding the mutability of the copy constructor source: it is 
not mandatory that the source is mutable; you can define it as 
const, it's just that it is not going to work with mutable 
objects that contain indirections. There is no workaround for 
this, and per the current language rules this is not a problem.

As for the *by ref* rvalue DIP, I suggest that the discussion 
should be moved in an other forum thread, as the discussion is 
hijacked from getting feedback for DIP 1018


Re: Blog post: What D got wrong

2018-12-13 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 13 December 2018 at 10:14:45 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

On Thursday, 13 December 2018 at 09:40:45 UTC, RazvanN wrote:
On Tuesday, 11 December 2018 at 10:45:39 UTC, Atila Neves 

A few things that have annoyed me about writing D lately:

That was a really good blog post, however I am strongly 
against the following sentence:

"I think there’s a general consensus that @safe, pure and 
immutable should be default."

It's not at all a general consensus and doing this would 
literally break all the existing D code. Without discussing 
all the technical aspects, this will severely impact the 
adoption rate of D because it will make it very complicated 
for people coming from a C/C++/Java background to accommodate 
with the language. In addition, this is completely against D's 
liberal philosophy where you can program however you want.

My impression is that it's a consensus that it _should_, but 
it's not going to happen due to breaking existing code.

this will severely impact the adoption rate of D because it 
will make it very complicated for people coming from a 
C/C++/Java background to accommodate with the language

How? Rust has immutable and safe by default and it's doing fine.

D and Rust are competing to get the C/C++/Java/Python market 
share. In order to do that they should make it simple for 
developers to convert to the new language. Due to its design, 
Rust is insanely hard to master, which on the long run I think 
will kill the language despite of the advantages it offers. On 
the other side, consider die hard C fans: they are willing to 
accept the possibility of a buffer overflow simply because they 
want more power. Do you honestly think that they will ever take D 
into account if @safe and immutable data will be the default?

this is completely against D's liberal philosophy where you 
can program however you want.

It would be if the change weren't accompanied by adding 
`impure` and some sort of mutable auto. @system already exists. 
It's a question of opting out (like with variable 
initialisation) instead of opting in.

It still is, because the user is imposed to work in certain 
conditions that some might not want to.

Re: Blog post: What D got wrong

2018-12-13 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 11 December 2018 at 10:45:39 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

A few things that have annoyed me about writing D lately:

That was a really good blog post, however I am strongly against 
the following sentence:

"I think there’s a general consensus that @safe, pure and 
immutable should be default."

It's not at all a general consensus and doing this would 
literally break all the existing D code. Without discussing all 
the technical aspects, this will severely impact the adoption 
rate of D because it will make it very complicated for people 
coming from a C/C++/Java background to accommodate with the 
language. In addition, this is completely against D's liberal 
philosophy where you can program however you want.

Re: The #dbugfix Campaign Round 1 Report

2018-11-06 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 6 November 2018 at 11:12:44 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 6 November 2018 at 08:45:13 UTC, RazvanN wrote:


It faded out. It went well in the first round, then I got only 
a handful in the second round (all from two people), then it 
went quiet. There were only two people actively in 
communication with me about volunteering, and the small pool of 
issues that did come in were beyond what they had the time or 
knowledge to fix. So without enough #bugfix posts or tweets 
coming in, I finally gave up.

What I can do, though, is assemble a list of all of the 
#dbugfix tweets and forum posts that I'm aware of and send them 
to you. Then you can choose some to work on and we can do a 
blog post about it. Maybe we can get something going again from 

Sounds good. Thanks!

Re: The #dbugfix Campaign Round 1 Report

2018-11-06 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 14 May 2018 at 15:23:41 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I planned an extended vacation with my wife around DConf this 
year and, despite my intentions before we left, fell quite far 
behind on my D duties. I'm in the process of getting caught up 
with everything, and that includes publishing the results of 
the first round of the #dbugfix campaign.

As far as I'm concerned, it was a successful run. Now, I'm 
eager to improve upon it. Send some more #dbugfix nominations 
out into the ether and, while you're at it, volunteer to review 
some PRs. The issue queue isn't going to shrink all that much 
until the PR queue gets smaller.

Thanks to everyone who nominated an issue or voiced support for 
a nomination in Round 1, and thanks in advance to those who 
will in the future!

The blog:


Is this still happening? If yes, I am willing to volunteer.

Re: Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-10-08 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 8 October 2018 at 10:26:17 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

On Monday, 8 October 2018 at 10:14:51 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 October 2018 at 09:26:34 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

Hi all,

I just pushed another version of the DIP in which the major 
modifications among otthers are removing implicit and use 
copy constructor calls in all situations where a copy is 
made. For more details, please visit [1] and if you have the 
time, please offer some feedback,

Thank you,


I've made all the changes in the code that the DIP includes[1] 
and the tests seem to be all green. I still need to add more 
tests; if you have any tests that you want to make sure the 
implementation takes into account please post them.



Both the DIP and the implementation still lack a -dip10xx 

After discussing with Walter and Andrei we came to the conclusion 
that a flag is not necessary in this case. Immediately after the 
DIP is accepted, the postblit will be deprecated.

Re: Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-10-08 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 2 October 2018 at 09:26:34 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

Hi all,

I just pushed another version of the DIP in which the major 
modifications among otthers are removing implicit and use copy 
constructor calls in all situations where a copy is made. For 
more details, please visit [1] and if you have the time, please 
offer some feedback,

Thank you,


I've made all the changes in the code that the DIP includes[1] 
and the tests seem to be all green. I still need to add more 
tests; if you have any tests that you want to make sure the 
implementation takes into account please post them.



Re: Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-10-02 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hi all,

I just pushed another version of the DIP in which the major 
modifications among otthers are removing implicit and use copy 
constructor calls in all situations where a copy is made. For 
more details, please visit [1] and if you have the time, please 
offer some feedback,

Thank you,


Copy Constructor DIP and implementation

2018-09-11 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hello everyone,

I have finished writing the last details of the copy constructor 
DIP[1] and also I have published the first implementation [2]. As 
I wrongfully made a PR for the DIP queue in the early stages of 
the development of the DIP, I want to announce this way that the 
DIP is ready for the draft review now. Those who are familiar 
with the compiler, please take a look at the implementation and 
help me improve it!



Postblit documentation

2018-03-29 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hi all,

I've been documenting how the postblit works [1] and discovered 
that it has some major issues when used with qualifiers. I will 
try to come up with an alternative design, but until then, anyone 
interested please take look and modify/add anything you find 



Re: Please say hello to our third team member: Razvan Nitu

2016-10-19 Thread RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 18 October 2016 at 18:21:31 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Hi everyone,

Please join me in welcoming Razvan Nitu to our fledgling team 
of Romanian graduate students.

Razvan has already some solid industrial experience and has a 
broad area of interests such as low-level kernel-level 
development, networking, distributed filesystems, and more. 
We're sure he'll find something to pique his interest :o).

We are setting up the team in an office at University 
"Politehnica" Bucharest, close to their academic advisors. For 
now they're in bootcamp getting familiar with our toolchain. 
Please help me in getting everyone up to speed.

Welcome, Razvan!


Hello, everyone! I'm glad and honored to be on this team and I 
hope we will achieve great things together. Thank you for your 
warm welcome,

Have a nice day,