[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-25 Thread Mark Lanctot

BTW the final options I ended up with:


robocopy k:\ m:\ /mir /xd "System Volume Information" /log:"C:\Documents 
and Settings\Mark\Desktop\Music Backup.log" /np /tee

So that's:

- copying from k:\, my internal 250 GB music drive, to m:\, my external
backup drive
- /mir: mirroring the drives, which entails copying over all new files,
any file that has changed and deleting files in the destination that
have been deleted in the source
- /xd: ignoring the "System Volume Information" directory that Windows
XP puts in each drive yet is locked out
- /log: logging to a file on my desktop
- /np: don't show progress bars in the log (kind of useless after the
job is finished and you look at the file, no?  :-) )
- /tee: display the progress on the screen.  Useful to see what it's
currently doing.  I suppose that might make the progress bars useful
again, but now that the bulk of my music collection is backed up there
will only be incremental changes from now on.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-25 Thread ceejay

FYI, I've just added a link to this thread from the
BeginnersGuideToServers (backup section)

So if there are any more bright ideas of tackling this problem, lets
have them!



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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-24 Thread Mark Lanctot

Awesome guys, thanks for the help.  I got robocopy to skip System Volume
Information using the /XD switch.

Haven't quite got /LOG working yet.  What's strange is that it says
it's bad, yet writes a log anyway!  :-)

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-24 Thread Steve Baumgarten

Mark Lanctot wrote:

It's because it's erroring out at the end.  It tries, errors, waits 30
seconds, tries again, errors, waits 30 seconds etc.  I have to kill the

I'm pretty sure if it completed successfully I'd get a report.

You need to tell it to not retry open files a million times (really, 
that's the default retry number: 100). Or you can tell it skip 
particular files/folders that you know you don't want backed up or that 
will always be open/locked. I have a robocopy script that backs up my 
Firefox application data directory and I have it skip the cache folder 
as well as the ".lock" file so all runs smoothly.

Add these options:

/R:n : number of Retries on failed copies - default is 1 million.
/W:n : Wait time between retries - default is 30 seconds.

So you could do:


That will cause robocopy to report on files it can't copy but then just 
skip them.

To always skip particular files or directories (like that System Volume 
Information folder you mentioned) that you know ahead of time you aren't 
interested in:

/XF file [file]... : eXclude Files matching given names/paths/wildcards.
/XD dirs [dirs]... : eXclude Directories matching given names/paths.

XF and XD can be used in combination  e.g.
   ROBOCOPY c:\source d:\dest /XF *.doc *.xls /XD c:\unwanted /S

It's a powerful utility, but yes, there are an awful lot of options.



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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-24 Thread Mark Lanctot

dangerous_dom Wrote: 
> Are you sure you are not missing something? I always get a full report
> on exactly what it has done, any errors and time etc. Is the 
> cmd window closing before you have had cance to read it? If so, use a
> batch file and put a pause at the end.
> http://www.ss64.com/nt/robocopy.html

It's because it's erroring out at the end.  It tries, errors, waits 30
seconds, tries again, errors, waits 30 seconds etc.  I have to kill the

I'm pretty sure if it completed successfully I'd get a report.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-24 Thread JJZolx

Use robocopy's ability to create log files and check the logs
afterwards.  A typical robocopy operation that operates on thousands of
files isn't necessarily something you can read onscreen.


  Logging options
  /L : List only - don't copy, timestamp or delete any files.
  /NP : No Progress - don't display % copied.
  /LOG:file : output status to LOG file (overwrite existing log).
  /LOG+:file : output status to LOG file (append to existing log).
  /TS : include source file Time Stamps in the output.
  /FP : include Full Pathname of files in the output.
  /NS : No Size - don't log file sizes.
  /NC : No Class - don't log file classes.
  /NFL : No File List - don't log file names.
  /NDL : No Directory List - don't log directory names.
  /TEE : output to console window, as well as the log file.
  /NJH : No Job Header.
  /NJS : No Job Summary.



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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-24 Thread Kyle

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> ... but it would be nice to have a report saying what it did and
> reporting speed like XXCOPY does.
Mark, are you not seeing the data that robocopy gives at the end of its
process, or are you used to getting more data than that?


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-24 Thread dangerous_dom

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> Yup, robocopy /MIR does exactly what I want except that it tries to copy
> the System Volume Information over and errors out.  

I'm sure there is a switch to stop that.

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> it would be nice to have a report saying what it did and reporting speed
> like XXCOPY does.

Are you sure you are not missing something? I always get a full report
on exactly what it has done, any errors and time etc. Is the 
cmd window closing before you have had cance to read it? If so, use a
batch file and put a pause at the end.



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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-24 Thread Mark Lanctot

Since I just got a USB drive enclosure and a 250 GB backup drive, I'm
playing around with this today.

I wanted to use XXCOPY, and so far I have it doing a nice backup with
the \BU switch.  This will ignore any files that haven't changed, add
any that were added in the source drive and modify any that were
modified in the source drive.

The only thing I *can't* get it to do is to delete files that were
deleted in the source directory.  I tried the /RD and /RX switches but
both wanted to remove the whole destination directory!  :-O Thank
goodness it asked first.

Did I miss something with XXCOPY?  The other delete switches all deal
with deleting files in the source directory, which is not what you want
to do with a backup...

So I'll play with robocopy now and see if it does what I want.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-24 Thread dangerous_dom

No problem, play around and make it your own. Just make sure you always
put it in the order of 'robocopy [source] [destination]' so you don't
overwrite the orginals.

Also, you can take the pauses out to make run all the way through
without asking for a key press if you want. It's just that i like to
see the summory to check for any errors etc.


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-24 Thread Kyle

dangerous_dom Wrote: 
> Create a new file called, say, backup.BAT. It's the .BAT thats the
> standard extention thats been used since the old DOS days. Then just
> double click it and off you go. You can edit as and when you like. I
> should ask you to input an option then.

Thanks!  Works perfectly.


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-24 Thread dangerous_dom

Kyle Wrote: 
> Shouldn't it ask for input from me?
> Also, is there a way to keep this script somewhere and run it
> automatically, or do I need to open a command window and copy it there
> each time?  I use WindowsXP.

Oh i see, yes it's ment to be used in a batch file, not cut and pasted
to the command prompt. 

Create a new file called, say, backup.BAT. It's the .BAT thats the
standard extention thats been used since the old DOS days. Then just
double click it and off you go. You can edit as and when you like. I
should ask you to input an option then.

Take a look at the URL i gave you above for more info on making batch


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-24 Thread Kyle

dangerous_dom Wrote: 
> Assuming you have robocopy installed and your paths are right (go to the
> command prompt and type 'robocopy' to test it), you will then have to
> edit the drive/folders to match yours. Works great for me but you will
> have different folder names. Also, what OS are you using?
> For more help with batch file commands, try here
> http://www.computerhope.com/batch.htm
I adjusted the paths to match mine but it appeared to actually perform
the functions rather than offer me a choice of mirror or backup. 
Here's what I get:


echo  Dom's Backup Script
Dom's Backup Script
echo  ---

set /p choice= Backup, Mirror or Quit (B/M/Q)? :
Backup, Mirror or Quit (B/M/Q)? :
if '%choice%'=='b' goto startbackup
if '%choice%'=='m' goto startmirror
if '%choice%'=='q' goto end
goto startbatch

robocopy /S /IT "C:\documents and settings\jim\desktop\folder1"
"C:\documents a
nd settings\jim\desktop\folder3"

ROBOCOPY :: Robust File Copy for Windows :: Version

Started : Fri Mar 24 09:22:19 2006

Source : C:\documents and settings\jim\desktop\folder1\
Dest : C:\documents and settings\jim\desktop\folder3\

Files : *.*

Options : *.* /S /COPY:DAT /IT /R:100 /W:30


0C:\documents and
3C:\documents and
3C:\documents and


TotalCopied   Skipped  MismatchFAILED   
Dirs : 3 0 3 0 0
Files : 6 0 6 0 0
Bytes :   705.0 k 0   705.0 k 0 0
Times :   0:00:00   0:00:00   0:00:00  

Ended : Fri Mar 24 09:22:19 2006
goto finish

robocopy /MIR "C:\documents and settings\jim\desktop\folder1"
"C:\documents and

ROBOCOPY :: Robust File Copy for Windows :: Version

Started : Fri Mar 24 09:22:20 2006

Source : C:\documents and settings\jim\desktop\folder1\
Dest : C:\documents and settings\jim\desktop\folder3\

Files : *.*

Options : *.* /S /E /COPY:DAT /PURGE /MIR /R:100 /W:30

Shouldn't it ask for input from me?


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-24 Thread dangerous_dom

Kyle Wrote: 
> dom, how does your script work?  I copied it to test and thought it
> would ask me whether I wanted to backup, mirror or quit, but it didn't.

Assuming you have robocopy installed and your paths are right (go to
the command prompt and type 'robocopy' to test it), you will then have
to edit the drive/folders to match yours. Works great for me but you
will have different folder names. Also, what OS are you using?

For more help with batch file commands, try here


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-23 Thread Kyle

dangerous_dom Wrote: 
> If anyone is interested, this is the batch script i made for robocopy;
dom, how does your script work?  I copied it to test and thought it
would ask me whether I wanted to backup, mirror or quit, but it didn't.


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RE: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-21 Thread Emile_Weekes
I use Cobian Backup to backup to a 1TB LaCie Bigger disk. Works great
and I do a incremental backup when ever I rip new music

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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-20 Thread stevieweevie

Using XXCopy ... (WIN32)

set source=\\htpc\d\media\music\
set dest=g:\backups\music\
xxcopy %source% %dest% /bb /s /oNxxcopylog.txt

Only copies new files to the backup.  Any changed files get ignored. 
If I know a file has changed, I delete it from the destination


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-20 Thread bklaas

rsnapshot, previously mentioned by me and a few others in this thread,
is a nice packaged implementation of just what Jack described in the
previous post. It uses rsync together with hardlinking to be able to
store multiple snapshots of whatever it is you want to backup with only
a "delta" more HD space used for each snapshot. It is highly
configurable and works like a charm.

For my personal data, I take and save a snapshot of my HD each day
(saving the last 5), each week (saving the last 2), each month (saving
the last 3). I've never, ever lost a file with this system, and I've
deleted several files that I didn't want to (grabbed it from the
snapshot backup without incident), as well as survived a HD crash
(rsnapshot restored my data easily after HD was replaced).

And these are the sizes of the data drive and the BACKUP drive. 
/dev/sda4 208G  101G  108G  49% /data
/dev/sdb1 230G  122G   97G  56% /BACKUP
10 full HD backups for only a small amount more space than the current.
Pretty sweet.

I also find this a MUCH better solution than RAID, which I find a
troubling amount of people using it as 100% of their backup system.
RAID's a really cool technology, but that was never what it was
intended for...



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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-20 Thread Jack Coates

JJZolx wrote:
hickinbottoms Wrote: 

I use boxbackup to continuously sync my music (and anything I want to
back up), to a disc I've installed remotely at a friends house over


It's saved my bacon in the past.

Although I know a lot of people are doing automated syncs using any
number of software solutions, I have a real problem with considering
this a safe backup solution.  It's not so much the sync part - it's the
_automated_ part.  For example: You accidentally delete a few folders of
important data without noticing, the sync then deletes them on the
"backup" copy.  You're SOL.
all solutions are vulnerable to user error. At some point, you just 
gotta give up on trying to make the computer be smarter than the user. 


Now, if you can keep multiple generations of copies, automating the
process isn't so unsafe, so long as you think you'll catch a deletion
or corruption before all of the copies are overwritten.  That's usually
not an option, though, when we're talking about multi-hundred-gigabyte
media libraries.


Once again, this problem was solved years ago on *nix. It's called 
hard-linking, and it allows the unchanged copies to exist without making 
multiples. http://www.monkeynoodle.org/comp/tools/backups

Jack at Monkeynoodle dot Org: It's a Scientific Venture...
Riding the Emergency Third Rail Power Trip Since 1996

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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-20 Thread JJZolx

hickinbottoms Wrote: 
> I use boxbackup to continuously sync my music (and anything I want to
> back up), to a disc I've installed remotely at a friends house over
> ...
> It's saved my bacon in the past.
Although I know a lot of people are doing automated syncs using any
number of software solutions, I have a real problem with considering
this a safe backup solution.  It's not so much the sync part - it's the
_automated_ part.  For example: You accidentally delete a few folders of
important data without noticing, the sync then deletes them on the
"backup" copy.  You're SOL.

Syncing is a nice, easy way to make backup copies, but I'd reserve it
for manual operations only.  It's best to have a very high level of
confidence in the integrity of the original before you push it to your
only sync'd copy.

Now, if you can keep multiple generations of copies, automating the
process isn't so unsafe, so long as you think you'll catch a deletion
or corruption before all of the copies are overwritten.  That's usually
not an option, though, when we're talking about multi-hundred-gigabyte
media libraries.



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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-20 Thread hickinbottoms

I use boxbackup to continuously sync my music (and anything I want to
back up), to a disc I've installed remotely at a friends house over


This is a secure solution in that the connection is encrypted with SSL
and authenticated with certificates, is totally automatic (it
continually syncs, keeps old versions of files, as well as deleted
files), and is stored encyrpted at the server end and so is most useful
when the server is in an untrusted network (ie not your own).

Thoroughly recommended - the only drawback is that there isn't a
Windows server at the moment (although there are Windows clients that
work well).

It's saved my bacon in the past.


-"Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after
- with Lazy Searching!"-

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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-19 Thread dangerous_dom

If anyone is interested, this is the batch script i made for robocopy;


  echo  Dom's Backup Script
  echo  ---
  set /p choice= Backup, Mirror or Quit (B/M/Q)? :  
  if '%choice%'=='b' goto startbackup
  if '%choice%'=='m' goto startmirror
  if '%choice%'=='q' goto end
  goto startbatch
  robocopy /S /IT "F:\Audio" "D:\BACKUP\Audio"
  robocopy /S /IT "F:\Drivers & Manuals" "D:\BACKUP\Drivers & Manuals"
  robocopy /S /IT "F:\Downloads" "D:\BACKUP\Downloads"
  robocopy /S /IT "F:\Photos" "D:\BACKUP\Photos"
  goto finish
  robocopy /MIR "F:\Audio" "D:\BACKUP\Audio"
  robocopy /MIR "F:\Drivers & Manuals" "D:\BACKUP\Drivers & Manuals"
  robocopy /MIR "F:\Downloads" "D:\BACKUP\Downloads"
  robocopy /MIR "F:\Photos" "D:\BACKUP\Photos"
  goto finish
  echo Aborted

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. If anyone can
suggest any ways i could improve this, please do.

Also, if anyone does not want to use robocopy and write a batch, i also
came acrross this usful backup utility -


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-18 Thread dangerous_dom

Well thanks for al the info guys.

I now have robocopy and it's just what i needed. I had not writen a
complex batch file for some years, so i was a bit rusty, but now i have
a nice batch with a menu that can select mirror or backup modes. If
anyone wants to see it, i will post the code.


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread m1abrams

JJZolx Wrote: 
> Yes, you can.  At some point it becomes either prohibitively expensive
> or overly time consuming to manage, just to gain some very small extra
> degree of security.

Sorry I am coming from a industry background not a music background on
this topic.  In industry the price of the data sometimes is priceless. 
Yes with music you can usually get a replacement at some cost. (I do
have CDs I have lost that are virtually unreplacable).  However photos
of your childs first step, what is the price of that?

And the example of nuke inside DC, well yea that is silly to protect
against.  However fire damage of ones home is not so silly to protect


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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread Robin Bowes
JJZolx wrote:
> Robin Bowes Wrote: 
>>>1) Original CDs in storage
>>>2) Copy of ripped music on 2 different hard drives
>>>3) Copy burned to 2 sets of DVD-Rs, one off-site
>>>4) Copy on a RAID 5 NAS[/color]
>>That's nice and thorough.
>>I'm not quite there yet. I've currently got:
>>1. Original CDs in storage. Well, for *most* of my collection ;)
>>2. Ripped music on RAID5 drive (linux software RAID). Server on UPS.
>>3. Copy of music on 500GB drive in Xbox offsite.
>>I really must get round to either burning to DVD-R or 15GB DLTs before
>>the inevitable happens.
> What's the "inevitable"?  A freak tornado hits both your house and your
> offsite backup location and blows away your original CDs, your RAID 5
> array and the XBox backup?  You must live under a very dark cloud if
> you think that's inevitable.

Sorry, I wasn't clear.

Whilst I have a (nearly) full back up of my lossless collection (18GB of
Mozart wouldn't fit on the 500GB drive) I need to back up my lossy
collection, plus DR backups for the rest of my systems.

As for the inevitable, it's exceedingly common for >1 drives to fail in
a RAID5 system because the stress of rebuilding the array following a
failure often causes one or more of the the other drives to fail too.

I don't worry about whether my discs will fail or not - they will, it's
just a matter of time.


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread stevieweevie

I have a 250GB external drive ... using XXCopy I either write a full
backup, or an incremental either based on new files, or changed files.

Prior to making any backup I run MP3Test against the source data.  My
MP3's are mostly encoded with CRC's, so this helps with regard to


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread JJZolx

m1abrams Wrote: 
> When it comes to backups you can NEVER have too much.
Yes, you can.  At some point it becomes either prohibitively expensive
or overly time consuming to manage, just to gain some very small extra
degree of security.



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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread Jim Dibb
If the cost of the backups is more than the data is worth, you have too much.On 3/17/06, m1abrams <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:When it comes to backups you can NEVER have too much.
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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread Pat Farrell
m1abrams wrote:
> JJZolx Wrote: 
>>What's the "inevitable"?  A freak tornado hits both your house and your
>>offsite backup location and blows away your original CDs, your RAID 5
>>array and the XBox backup?  You must live under a very dark cloud if
>>you think that's inevitable.
> When it comes to backups you can NEVER have too much.

It really  is both an emotional and an engineering question.
Economics play a big part of the decision process.
This is true of any backup situation.

If you have the need, you have to have two physical locations
preferably a thousand or more miles apart.

I have a bit over 700 CDs. at $10 a piece, that is $7,000
worth of music. So if it all was destroyed, I have to look at
$7000 plus time to re-rip. There is no way I'm going to spend
$25,000 on a backup strategy for $7000 worth of music.

I live "inside the Beltway" in the Washington DC area. If the
Russians drop a nuke on the Pentagon, my house will be vaporized.
If that happens, all my music is gone. But I don't worry about
that, because if I'm home at the time, I've got other problems.
Or maybe no more problems ever.

If I really cared, I bet that there is some SqueezeBox
owner in Europe that would be willing to hold a 400GB disk for me
while I did the same for them. Access could be instant over the
'net, or via DHL in a couple of days. You can get about
anything you want to pay for.


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread m1abrams

JJZolx Wrote: 
> What's the "inevitable"?  A freak tornado hits both your house and your
> offsite backup location and blows away your original CDs, your RAID 5
> array and the XBox backup?  You must live under a very dark cloud if
> you think that's inevitable.

When it comes to backups you can NEVER have too much.


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread JJZolx

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> > 1) Original CDs in storage
> > 2) Copy of ripped music on 2 different hard drives
> > 3) Copy burned to 2 sets of DVD-Rs, one off-site
> > 4) Copy on a RAID 5 NAS[/color]
> That's nice and thorough.
> I'm not quite there yet. I've currently got:
> 1. Original CDs in storage. Well, for *most* of my collection ;)
> 2. Ripped music on RAID5 drive (linux software RAID). Server on UPS.
> 3. Copy of music on 500GB drive in Xbox offsite.
> I really must get round to either burning to DVD-R or 15GB DLTs before
> the inevitable happens.
What's the "inevitable"?  A freak tornado hits both your house and your
offsite backup location and blows away your original CDs, your RAID 5
array and the XBox backup?  You must live under a very dark cloud if
you think that's inevitable.



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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread Robin Bowes
Kevin O. Lepard wrote:
> Multiple layers of protection:
> 1) Original CDs in storage
> 2) Copy of ripped music on 2 different hard drives
> 3) Copy burned to 2 sets of DVD-Rs, one off-site
> 4) Copy on a RAID 5 NAS

That's nice and thorough.

I'm not quite there yet. I've currently got:

1. Original CDs in storage. Well, for *most* of my collection ;)
2. Ripped music on RAID5 drive (linux software RAID). Server on UPS.
3. Copy of music on 500GB drive in Xbox offsite.

I really must get round to either burning to DVD-R or 15GB DLTs before
the inevitable happens.


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread Kevin O. Lepard

Multiple layers of protection:

1) Original CDs in storage
2) Copy of ripped music on 2 different hard drives
3) Copy burned to 2 sets of DVD-Rs, one off-site
4) Copy on a RAID 5 NAS
Kevin O. Lepard

Happiness is being 100% Microsoft free.
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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread Kyle

JJZolx Wrote: 
> Post the code you're using.  And _definitely_ use test folders until
> you're 110% sure you have both the syntax and the logic correct. 
> Otherwise, if you're using robocopy's mirroring commands you risk
> wiping out your music collection if you were to accidentally mirror in
> the wrong direction.
I downloaded SyncToy and played around with it last night.  It seems to
work fine with a GUI, so it's much easier for me.  It also moves deleted
files to the trashcan, so you can retreive them if you lose something
you didn't mean to.


Kyle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2541
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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread jeffmeh

No, briefcase does not update upon startup, or even automatically,
unless you set it up to do so.

You are correct that if I lose a source file and then update the
briefcase, then the update will delete the associated file in the
briefcase.  However, I initiate the update myself, and the update
process also tells me everything it is going to do and asks me whether
I wish to continue.  If I see that it intends to delete a file, I can
decide whether that is consistent with my expectations and either
continue or bail out.  In my view, that gives me enough of a margin of

I also find the synchronization very helpful, particularly when I am
renaming and reorganizing files, as those changes are reflected in the
briefcase upon update.  But you seem to be looking for a simple
automated copy function.  Just pick one of the suggestions and try it

By the way, many of the tools people are citing would work the same way
as briefcase if you set them up to "mirror" or "synchronize."  Some
people have said they do this with automated scripts, which I think is
pretty risky for just the reason you cited.

My music sits on an Infrant NAS in RAID 0, so I already have a
"mirroring" solution which will protect me from a disk failure.  I set
up the briefcase on another disk on the network, and I am very careful
when I update it.  This provides some additional protection from bugs,
viruses, and my own stupidity, unless that stupidity includes updating
the briefcase without being careful, as you have pointed out.

Every backup scheme has to deal with this in one way or another.  Even
if you keep many generations of full backups, you can still get into a
situation where a problem was introduced 5 days ago, you did not catch
it until today, but you did a significant amount of work yesterday.  If
you restore the backup from before the problem you no longer have the
problem, but you lose all the work you did yesterday.  If you stay
where you are and do not restore a backup, you do not have to repeat
yesterday's work, but you do have to figure out how to fix the problem
some other way.  Either approach can be the better one, depending upon
the specifics of the circumstances.

I am in no way saying that briefcase is a great tool for backups,
merely that if you are on Windows you already have it, and that what it
provides it provides pretty well.  YMMV

dangerous_dom Wrote: 
> NO! Correct me if i am wrong, but if you lost some of your master files
> and the briefcase gets updated it will delete the copies in the
> briefcase! And i think briefcase updates on start up. So, you lose your
> files somehow and then your PC reboots. Boom, back up gone :(
> Briefcase is a synchronization solution for working documents, not a
> backup solution.
> Right, this is starting to do my head in now. I just can't find the
> solution that is _just_ right for me. But i think with a bit of playing
> around, Robocopy will do what i want.
> What i want is this; 
> Automated copying of new/modified files to my second HDD. If i delete
> my master files, i dont want my backup files deleted. However, i do
> want my _modified_ files copying over. Can robocopy do this?


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread dangerous_dom

Could some please email me the lastet robocopy.exe to
domrevans-AT-yahoo-DOT-co-DOT-uk please! :)


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread Browny

dangerous_dom Wrote: 
> What i want is this; 
> Automated copying of new/modified files to my second HDD. If i delete
> my master files, i dont want my backup files deleted. However, i do
> want my _modified_ files copying over. Can robocopy do this?

Yes - should be something like:

Robocopy /E /IT

so long as you don't use the /MIR or /PURGE options Robocopy won't
delete files from the backup.

Robocopy is your friend!!  Probably the best freeby from M$ - don't
know why they have'nt put it in the base OS yet.



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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-17 Thread dangerous_dom

jeffmeh Wrote: 
> You can also use the Windows "Briefcase" functionality to keep a
> synchronized set of folders.

NO! Correct me if i am wrong, but if you lost some of your master files
and the briefcase gets updated it will delete the copies in the
briefcase! And i think briefcase updates on start up. So, you lose your
files somehow and then your PC reboots. Boom, back up gone :(

Briefcase is a synchronization solution for working documents, not a
backup solution.

Right, this is starting to do my head in now. I just can't find the
solution that is _just_ right for me. But i think with a bit of playing
around, Robocopy will do what i want.

What i want is this; 
Automated copying of new/modified files to my second HDD. If i delete
my master files, i dont want my backup files deleted. However, i do
want my _modified_ files copying over. Can robocopy do this?


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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Michael Herger

I use rsync over the 'net from my server at work to my server at home.

If you don't want to install cygwin (which is a great tool not only for  
Linux users bound to a Windows PC :-)), but still would like to use rsync,  
there's a stripped down rsync package with only the few files needed to  
run it on Windows (plus documentation):


Much easier to configure than cygwin - at a fraction of the download size.



Help translate SlimServer by using the
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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread JJZolx

I have my music library on an Infrant NAS running RAID 5 with 878 GB of
storage on my home network.  I bought the NAS primarily for the large,
contiguous file space that it offers and I also use it for storing
video and computer backups.  The RAID part is secondary.  I did have a
bad disk when I first set it up last summer, but that meant I had to
run the array in a degraded state (cross your fingers, lose a 2nd drive
ane you're toast) for about 10 days (the only alternative being to shut
it down) while the disk was RMA'd.

My library is under 180 MB, so I back up the library by mirroring it
using robocopy to a spare drive in one of my Windows XP PCs on the
network.  I could just as easily do it the other way around - storing
the library on a local disk in the music server and doing backups to
the NAS.  That would certainly be faster for SlimServer scanning, but
I'm anticipating eventually needing the large amount of storage that
the NAS gives.  Backups at that point may have to be to another
similarly configured NAS, or else I'll build a dedicated storage

The downside to living in an age where you can have enormous amounts of
cheap disk storage is that if you actually start filling it up with
_valuable_ data, then you have no good, inexpensive way to back it up. 
Disk-to-disk backups end up being among the least expensive way, but it
means that you need to at least double your storage space to accomplish



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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread JJZolx

Kyle Wrote: 
> I cannot get the syntax right for robocopy.  I have tried to copy a test
> folder named "folder1" on my desktop to another folder named "folder2",
> but I keep getting syntax errors in WindowsXP.  Can someone help before
> I try my actual music files?
Post the code you're using.  And _definitely_ use test folders until
you're 110% sure you have both the syntax and the logic correct. 
Otherwise, if you're using robocopy's mirroring commands you risk
wiping out your music collection if you were to accidentally mirror in
the wrong direction.



JJZolx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10
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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Kyle

I cannot get the syntax right for robocopy.  I have tried to copy a test
folder named "folder1" on my desktop to another folder named "folder2",
but I keep getting syntax errors in WindowsXP.  Can someone help before
I try my actual music files?


Kyle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2541
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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread rupped

boerner Wrote: 
> I have been using an application called SyncBack on Windows which proves
> very flexible. Check it out at:
> http://www.2brightsparks.com

I have been using SyncBack for 6 months with multiple external drives. 
It is simple to set up, and previews what it is going to do (and allows
you to make changes). Plus it's free - what's not to like??



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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread dancarne

I use Acronis True Image for backups.  And, my music drive is RAID1.


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RE: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Thomas J. Angstman
I use rsync over the 'net from my server at work to my server at home.

Mine is a *nix system (http://samba.org/rsync/), but it works on
windows, too:



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 10:46 AM
Subject: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

Sorry, running XP. Don't need CD/DVD buring either.


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Mr_Smiley

I use mp3tunes.com It's a nominal fee ($30/year) for unlimited music
storage.  It supports mp3, windows and apple drm formats.  I think
that's it for formats.  I stick with mp3's since my ear isn't good
enough to notice much difference.  It'll even backup iTunes purcahsed
music.  It has a sync program witch can up/down load files to sync up. 
It also has an iTunes sync ability.  You have the added benefit of
accessing your library and playlists through a web interface.  It's
relieved my wories of hardware failure.  Your also alowed 2
simultaneous log ins, in case you and your spouse both listen to the
web interface at work.


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread twylie

sfraser Wrote: 
> I have been doing something similar, have you ran into RDP issues with
> certain microsoft security patchs? I ended up un-installing a few
> patchs because they kept on causing RDp encryption errors.
> Scott

No issues on my side.  My first "server" runs XP Pro and my secodn one
runs Server2k3.  Sorry, but no help on that one.



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RE: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread marty
I've not seen anybody use ntbackup (the backup utility built-in to Windows
XP and 2k).

I have my music in a single RAID 1 array on a dedicated music server, and I
schedule an ntbackup to run an incremental backup twice a week and a full
backup once a week onto a separate disk on the same server.  All backups are
verified as well to ensure the success of the backup.  Works well for me.
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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread ceejay

Put me down as another happy SyncToy user.  My main slimserver library
is backed up when I feel like it, using SyncToy, to an external disc on
another computer.

I also use SyncToy to copy just the AAC branch of the library (I have
FLAC, MP3 and AAC) to my laptop to be played with iTunes while

The external disc is only powered and plugged in when I'm doing a
backup (eliminates the lightning risk) and I've deliberately gone for a
manually triggered backup to avoid a case where my main system went
bananas, damaged its own data and then, before I had a chance to stop
it, wrecked the backup as well.

Even if I leave it a month, thats at worst a few CDs worth of data. If
I ever do a big retagging effort, I know its time to backup.

So... just at the moment I'm feeling snug and smug.  My problem now is
that the "huge" disc I thought I'd bought a year ago - with plenty of
room for growth - has nearly been filled up by the extraordinary amount
of music I've bought in that time!  So now I've got to consider buying
another drive for the server, and another external drive for backup,
and all of a sudden the backup scenario looks a lot harder.  H...



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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Dondi Fusco
My $.02...

I have my SlimServer on a dedicated WinXP workstaion
with an external 640GB FireWire800 RAID-5 array
attached to the PC in my back room. In the living room
I also have a M$ Media Center edition with a dedicated
500GB LaCie FireWire800 HD for a duplicate music
library. In having a very very very large library
(>67,000) that has been painstakenly tagged to
accommodate both SlimServer & Windows Media Player to
my liking, there are times when retagging and/or
tweaking is necessary. As I only like to do this once
and forget about it, I have incorporated a free M$
PowerToy applet named SyncToy. It doesn't matter which
library I amend, add-to or delete from. If I make a
change on one, it can update the other as well. It
also ensures that files don't get totally deleted. I
manually run SyncToy, but you can have this as an
automated process. I only run it when I have changed
anything in either of my libraries. It's free, it
works on attached drives on seperate PCs, it has a GUI
and hasn't messed-up anything in my libraries.

-- D

--- Steve Baumgarten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The other nice thing about robocopy is that it does
> write verification; 
> the "robo" prefix stands for "robust", according to
> the docs.
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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Steve Baumgarten
The other nice thing about robocopy is that it does write verification; 
the "robo" prefix stands for "robust", according to the docs.


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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Steve Baumgarten

Kyle wrote:

This sounds like what I need.  If my music files are in a folder called
"FLAC Files" on both drives, and I only want to mirror that folder, how
would I write the command?  Would it be: 

/mir h:FLAC Files\source i:FLAC Files\dest

That's correct, assuming you want to mirror that folder *and all 
sub-folders underneath it*. (You'll probably have to put the names in 
quotes, though, since they have a space character in them.)


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread jeffmeh

You can also use the Windows "Briefcase" functionality to keep a
synchronized set of folders.


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread boerner

I have been using an application called SyncBack on Windows which proves
very flexible. Check it out at:



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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread dangerous_dom

Could some kind person please email me just the robocopy.exe to



dangerous_dom's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1763
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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread ron thigpen

dangerous_dom wrote:

I notice a few GUI's are around for it, but the ones i have seen only
do single folders. Any worth bothering with?

not if you can read simple docs and save text files with a .bat extension.

One other thing, i take it that robocopy only copies new/changed files,

correct.  it only does the copy if the file has changed.

this may be an  overrideable default.  and you may be able to define 
what constitutes 'changed'.  don't recall precisely.  it's all in the docs.

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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Kyle

Steve Baumgarten Wrote: 
> You'd do:
> robocopy /mir h:\source i:\dest
This sounds like what I need.  If my music files are in a folder called
"FLAC Files" on both drives, and I only want to mirror that folder, how
would I write the command?  Would it be: 

/mir h:FLAC Files\source i:FLAC Files\dest


Kyle's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2541
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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread dangerous_dom

Looks like robocopy + batch file might be just the ticket then.

I notice a few GUI's are around for it, but the ones i have seen only
do single folders. Any worth bothering with?

One other thing, i take it that robocopy only copies new/changed files,
right? I won't copy the whoel lot, regardless of if they have been
changed will it?


dangerous_dom's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1763
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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Richie
> Is robocopy part of Windows XP or does it require a separate install?
> It seems that robocopy and xxcopy are similar.  Let's say I've got an
> updated music folder on drive H and an outdated music folder (some new
> files not there) on drive I.  What command would I use to update the
> drive I folder to the drive H one?

It's available as part of the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools
available here:


The help is quite good. I can't remember what commands you'd use
offhand, but I recall it's syntax being quite easy to pick up. Just
have a practice on some test files first.

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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Steve Baumgarten

Kyle wrote:

Is robocopy part of Windows XP or does it require a separate install? 
It seems that robocopy and xxcopy are similar.  Let's say I've got an

updated music folder on drive H and an outdated music folder (some new
files not there) on drive I.  What command would I use to update the
drive I folder to the drive H one?

You'd do:

robocopy /mir h:\source i:\dest

The "/mir" switch tells it to delete files in the destination folder 
that have been deleted from the source folder. There are other ways to 
run robocopy such that it only copies/updates, but doesn't delete. 
Depends on what you want. I always run it as above so I keep a perfect 
mirror copy.

It's freely available as part of the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools:


Don't let the name fool you -- it works fine with XP Home as well.


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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread ron thigpen

Kyle wrote:
Is robocopy part of Windows XP or does it require a separate install? 

robocopy is part of a windows resource kit.  google it and pull the 
installer and docs from the microsoft site.

It seems that robocopy and xxcopy are similar.  Let's say I've got an
updated music folder on drive H and an outdated music folder (some new
files not there) on drive I.  What command would I use to update the
drive I folder to the drive H one?

ms is the source for docs.  there are quite a few CL switches for 
various options.

for most cases it's something like this:

robocopy /MIR H:\dir I:\dir


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Kyle

Is robocopy part of Windows XP or does it require a separate install? 
It seems that robocopy and xxcopy are similar.  Let's say I've got an
updated music folder on drive H and an outdated music folder (some new
files not there) on drive I.  What command would I use to update the
drive I folder to the drive H one?


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Browny

dangerous_dom Wrote: 
> Also, say i deleted a file(s) or folder(s) from the source, will it
> remove the one(s) in the backup. If it does, i will give it a go.

Yes - this is the /MIR switch - it will ensure the destination always
has the same contents as the source.



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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread cliveb

twylie Wrote: 
> About 3 years ago, I sucked it up and built a dedicated server with
> hardware RAID.
I have a rather unfortunate tale to tell which may make you rethink
whether total reliance on RAID is a good idea.

In my day job, I support a database for a large national company
involved in the transport business (I better not identify them). That
database was stored on a hardware RAID array. Back in 2002, we suffered
a hardware or firmware fault (we never found out which) in the RAID
controller, which decided to scribble over the file system allocation
tables on all five disks. Moral of the story: valuable data should be
backed up, even if it's on a nominally fault-tolerant RAID array. (I
suppose in the case of CD rips, you could rationalise that a fault like
this is so unlikely that you're prepared to re-rip everything if the
unthinkable happens).


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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread ron thigpen

dangerous_dom wrote:

Can robocopy do multiple root folders at once, or can it only do one
folder and it sub folders?

i've only used it for one root and it's subs per command line 
invocation.  a simple batch file will let you do multi.

Also, say i deleted a file(s) or folder(s) from the source, will it
remove the one(s) in the backup. If it does, i will give it a go.

there are command line switches that control this behavior.  i usually 
make my automated passes w/o deletes, and then occasionally do a manual 
run with deletes (i keep two batch files).  this protects against 
accidental deletions of the sources unintentionally carrying over to the 


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread dangerous_dom

Can robocopy do multiple root folders at once, or can it only do one
folder and it sub folders?

Also, say i deleted a file(s) or folder(s) from the source, will it
remove the one(s) in the backup. If it does, i will give it a go.


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread radish

I have a seperate server which gets robocopy'd to by a simple script
every night.


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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Pale Blue Ego

I have my music files on 2 drives in my Linux fileserver.  To backup, I
connect a 400GB external USB drive to my Windows computer and use a
tool called xxcopy 


xxcopy is a Windows command-line program that is very flexible, but
basically I only use the /clone switch, which will mirror the source
drive(s) to the destination drive.

The reason I use a (slower) backup over the network is the Linux box is
tucked away and hard to get at, plus it doesn't have USB 2.0.

I also back up to DVD-R as I add new stuff.

Pale Blue Ego

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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread kefa

fuzzyT Wrote: 
> dangerous_dom wrote:
> > So what software people here use and would recommend for me?
> What OS are you running?
> For Linux, look into rsync.
> For Windows look into robocopy.
> Either can be scripted and scripts scheduled.
> --rt

rsync is the bomb with 2 x HDD! I don't schedule anything
automatically, I just kick off an rysnc script manually every few weeks
as I'm sure if I ran this automagically I would end up deleting some
files before the deletions were automatigcally rsynced over.

As an aside, I also use rsync on my windows laptop (under cygwin) to
backup to my linux desktop.


Fedora Core 4, Slimserver 6.2.1, Netgear  DG834GT
Squeezebox 3, Primare SPA20, Monitor Audio GR20
Squeezebox 2, Denon UD-M30, Monitor Audio PMC703

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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread sfraser

I Set up a file server in the basement with 1.6 TB of disk space, of
which 900GB is on a RAID5 system. Music and other important docs goes
on the RAID file system. Also in the process of setting up a 100 mbps
ethernet network with my neighbor (squeezebox owner as well) he wants
to use my slimserver, instead of duplicating my setup. When our houses
are networked, I think I will setup a NAS at his house for some offsite
storage. It cost a bit more than I liked, but it has taken me way to
much time to burn my entire CD catalog, just to lose it "WHEN" a hard
drive fails.



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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Heuer

Norton Ghost to a second HD. Does scheduled incremental backups so saves
on disk space. You can also use a USB drive.


Heuer's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2543
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Re: [slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Michael Herger

I also have a 2HD system that I backup daily from one to the other. I
use rsnapshot (http://rsnapshot.org), which is a great backup utility
built on rsync for *nix operating systems. Given you didn't mention
your OS, I'm assuming you are on Windows, so this won't be available to
you. :(

Add my vote for rsnapshot - I even use it to backup Windows machines to my  
Linux server (with cwRsync on the Windows side). Not as effective as with  
Linux only systems, but still great to have a history of your files  



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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread twylie

I, too got tired of backing up to external drives and wasn't happy about
having to keep burning plastic.  It wasn't the music so much as a video
archiving project that drove me over the edge - 12GB per hour of video
in raw format.  About 3 years ago, I sucked it up and built a dedicated
server with hardware RAID.  It has been running 6 * 250GB drives in
RAID5 with hotspare for 1TB of storage.  A year later, I built a second
server with 1.75TB in RAID5 using 8 * 250GB drives.  Both servers have
been runnign 24x7 in my basement since they were built.  I use RDP to
control and admin each of them.  Although this gave me some improvement
over losing a single hard drive, all my digital financial records,
pictures, and source videos were loaded on a 300GB USB drive I sent to
my parents house in another state.  I update that drive about once a
quarter with them.


twylie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=956
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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread jmpage2

All of my music and other data is backed up from a server with mirrored
hard disks to an external hard drive in another part of the house.

I run M$FT robocopy utility to synch the data nightly.

If I was really anal retentive I would buy a 2nd external enclosure and
keep a rotated backup in my fire safe or periodically send it to Aunt
Glenda in the Ozarks for safe keeping.


jmpage2's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=41
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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread bklaas

All new music goes into a folder called new_additions. Periodically I
burn this to CD or DVD, at which point I parse the new_additions
content to appropriate folders.

I also have a 2HD system that I backup daily from one to the other. I
use rsnapshot (http://rsnapshot.org), which is a great backup utility
built on rsync for *nix operating systems. Given you didn't mention
your OS, I'm assuming you are on Windows, so this won't be available to
you. :(



bklaas's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58
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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread dangerous_dom

Sorry, running XP. Don't need CD/DVD buring either.


dangerous_dom's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1763
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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread jonheal

I've got my music on a drive connected to a Linksys NSLU2. Once a week,
the NSLU2 copied the entire drive to the other identical drive that is
connected to it.


Jon Heal says:
Have a nice day!

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[slim] Re: How do YOU backup your music?

2006-03-16 Thread Steven Moore

As I scan a cd into itunes I keep a copy of it in a folder, when the
folder reaches 4.4gb I burn it to dvd.

Steven Moore

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