Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-05-11 Thread Ashish Deshpande
Very interesting discussion indeed. I've been experimenting with 
building visual REST applications – I used href="";>frevvo and";>Restlet (I work for frevvo). I've 
posted a couple of blog articles about my experiences and I'm definitely 
interested in knowing how other people are building visual web 
applications with REST. You can find much more including diagrams, 
examples and source code at:";>Visual REST apps: Part 1";>Visual REST apps: Part 2

I tend to think in terms of View Resource (forms) that compose Entity 
Resources (documents). The View Resource can update existing entities, 
create new ones, store locally or update remotely – all in a uniform 
RESTful manner. IMO, it's a very powerful and flexible way to interact 
with the web and create REST applications that handle complex visual 
elements without compromising REST principles.

I'd be very interested in your thoughts.

Matthieu Hug wrote:

Vincent> writes:

Hi Matthieu,

Hello Vincent

You'll find comments within the text below. Best regards,

Basically I've a rich client application (Flex) accessing 

Ah, but it's quite a different story, as the final (visual) representation is
assembled on the client, not on the server.


 I considered each resource as
being kind of a "virtual web page", with one URI and  one (or several if
required) "layouts" (representations). The application accesses the  required
resources, and assembles them for display. 

So if one page displays A and B, and another page displays A, B, and C,
 A knows it has two layouts (a/B and A/B/C). If you later add D to the page,
you'll add a third layout for A. Is that correct?

"layout" is really misleading, sorry about that: it was meant to relate to
restlet's representation (the way the resource is viewed by the client), not to
the display within the client. All resources are represented as  atom feeds: so
the representation (which I wrongly called "layout") in restlet sense is this
atom feed; then the client displays it as it wishes. So A does not know (and
shouldn't IMHO) it can be dispayed with B or with B/C. If D is added later, and
it is independent from A and it is only a client issue. 

An important point is that each resource includes links to all other
resources it is logically linked to: the client has absolutly NO 
knowledge of the links between resources, it virtually navigates between

them as needed. If A is linked  to A and B, when the client accesses A it
 receives its representation, including a link to B and a link to C;
Let say these resources are independent one of another (For instance if 
A is a weather report, B a news feed, and C your profile). Who is responsible 
for linking them together? Does A know it's linked to B and C, or are these

associations established at a higher level?

If resources are independent there're not linked together. The link must be
meaningful in a business sense. There could definitly be a higher level resource
that associates independent resources. For instance, let's say that your example
relates to a personal mashup, something like google personal page or netvibes.
Then you could consider that C contains links to B and A (the user chose B and A
among a series of mashups, and its part of his profile), but A and B are not
linked together (another user could use A without B). In that case C would stand
for  the higher level resource. 

A's representation contains a link to B and C, which means the client has 
to GET  and C, and pass their representation to the template in order to

generate the page. So, do B and C's representations contain links to A?

The client indeed navigates through the resources and the links  provided in
their representation exactly like a human would navigate through web pages: it
has no other knowledge  than the links provided by resources (no resource can be
accessed if it is not linked by a previously loaded resource).
Then it is not mandatory to have symmetric links. Resources are really
analoguous to web pages: many pages have links to Amazon, but Amazon does not
have symmetric links to all of them. However until now symmetric  links proved
to be useful to navigate between resources of the application.  


Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-22 Thread John D. Mitchell

On 4/12/07, Jerome Louvel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What is essential is that your core domain model is well defined and reused
by all your view resources. This core domain model can also be distributed
and implemented as RESTful resource if you can afford this flexibility.

FWIW, I think people use performance as an excuse to not model their
systems this way to begin with.  Indeed, the flexibility can help
improve performance.

> I've been thinking a lot about this too, and I came to the
> conclusion that
> the best way to put a face on a restfull app is the have the
> client -not
> the server- assemble the view.
> The simplest (an ugliest) way is to use frames; a better solution is
> to make Ajax calls to the server to retrieve individual
> resources, and
> insert the returned html (or xml, json, etc) in the page.
> It also scales better if the application is stateless (no
> need to retrieve the
> profile each time we display a post).
> Of course, this is valid only for relatively complex
> application(e.g. a webmail
>  client). But if your application is restul and your UI
> moderately complex, it
> calls for a single-page UI (a la GWT) as opposed as the
> standard multi-page
> design.

My concern with those approaches (AJAX) is that they somewhat break the
hyperlink design of the Web, and the ability to bookmark each state of your

Well, our application ( is a pretty hardcore AJAX
application.  In terms of Vincent's points, AJAX is a perfectly
reasonable solution (but has other tradeoffs).

It's certainly possible to support both a clean, pure page approach as
well as an AJAX client.  This is where having a multiple views
approach can really payoff big (especially when you think about also
having a public api :-).

Supporting bookmarkable URLs in AJAX applications is more of a UI
issue than a technical one.

Back button support is a much more painful topic. :-)

Take care,

Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-22 Thread John D. Mitchell

On 4/11/07, Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think it's helpful to think in terms of fundamental, "base"
> resources and composite, "view" resources.
> [...]
> For other cases, I think it makes more sense to have the facets more
> or less completely disjoint.  The human useful, composite views may
> make a lot more sense to the user if they have their own naming
> hierarchy, etc. and just use the various, lower-level resources as
> services, if you will, that are managed separately.

Are you saying views should be first-class resources. and GET 'lower-level'
resources to assemble the page? If yes, what's the need for the
lower-level resources? The ForumView resource would just retrieve the
object it needs from the DB (profile and post in Jeff's example), inject them in
the  template and return the template's result.

If the lower level resources are all completely captive to a single
server then there's arguably no benefit.

However, it makes things a lot easier to horizontally and vertically
partition and otherwise scale the system.  For example, what happens
when the lower level resource starts dominating the run-time?  If it's
already a clearly defined and easily identified resource then it
should be trivially easy to move it to another server.

Hope this helps,

Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-18 Thread Vincent
Hi Jerome,

> > 
> > But maybe the page you return to depends on the result of the 
> > operation. It's not a decision the client can make.
> Ok, in this case your "/orange/editor" resource can issue a redirect to the
> target URI dynamically generated.

I guess the problem is that when you design a restful application you start 
modeling your domain model into resources. When you need to plug in a web 
interface on top of this, you realize that you need a whole new set of resources
 (page, editor, etc). 
I think the post that started this thread was about what those resources should
look like. I still don't have a clear answer. My client is a swing app;
therefore, I'm only concerned with my domain resources. Same thing with a
GWT-type UI. 
It'd be to have the proverbial pet shop application ported to the Restlet 
How about running a poll to find out what presentation layer people use with
their restlet app?

[] dotnet/swing/swing
[] flex
[] html - pages assembled on the server(jsp, velocity, etc.)
[] html - pages assembled on the client (one-page apps a la GWT)

> > Would not that be like saying:
> >/document/123;font=large
> >/document/123;font=small
> > 
> > identify 2 resources?
> Exactly, each time you change the URI, even to simply add a query parameter,
> you create a different identifier. This new identifier correspond to a
> different target resource! Why would you diffentiate
> "/document/123;font=large" from "/document/123/large"? From the REST/HTTP
> point of view, two different URIs identify two different resources.

Point taken.


Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-17 Thread Matthieu Hug
Vincent> writes:

> Hi Matthieu,

Hello Vincent

You'll find comments within the text below. Best regards,

> > Basically I've a rich client application (Flex) accessing 
> Ah, but it's quite a different story, as the final (visual) representation is
> assembled on the client, not on the server.


> >  I considered each resource as
> > being kind of a "virtual web page", with one URI and  one (or several if
> > required) "layouts" (representations). The application accesses the  
> > required
> > resources, and assembles them for display. 
> So if one page displays A and B, and another page displays A, B, and C,
>  A knows it has two layouts (a/B and A/B/C). If you later add D to the page,
> you'll add a third layout for A. Is that correct?

"layout" is really misleading, sorry about that: it was meant to relate to
restlet's representation (the way the resource is viewed by the client), not to
the display within the client. All resources are represented as  atom feeds: so
the representation (which I wrongly called "layout") in restlet sense is this
atom feed; then the client displays it as it wishes. So A does not know (and
shouldn't IMHO) it can be dispayed with B or with B/C. If D is added later, and
it is independent from A and it is only a client issue. 

> > 
> > An important point is that each resource includes links to all other
> > resources it is logically linked to: the client has absolutly NO 
> > knowledge of the links between resources, it virtually navigates between
> >them as needed. If A is linked  to A and B, when the client accesses A it
> >  receives its representation, including a link to B and a link to C;
> Let say these resources are independent one of another (For instance if 
> A is a weather report, B a news feed, and C your profile). Who is responsible 
> for linking them together? Does A know it's linked to B and C, or are these
> associations established at a higher level?

If resources are independent there're not linked together. The link must be
meaningful in a business sense. There could definitly be a higher level resource
that associates independent resources. For instance, let's say that your example
relates to a personal mashup, something like google personal page or netvibes.
Then you could consider that C contains links to B and A (the user chose B and A
among a series of mashups, and its part of his profile), but A and B are not
linked together (another user could use A without B). In that case C would stand
for  the higher level resource. 

> A's representation contains a link to B and C, which means the client has 
> to GET  and C, and pass their representation to the template in order to
> generate the page. So, do B and C's representations contain links to A?

The client indeed navigates through the resources and the links  provided in
their representation exactly like a human would navigate through web pages: it
has no other knowledge  than the links provided by resources (no resource can be
accessed if it is not linked by a previously loaded resource).
Then it is not mandatory to have symmetric links. Resources are really
analoguous to web pages: many pages have links to Amazon, but Amazon does not
have symmetric links to all of them. However until now symmetric  links proved
to be useful to navigate between resources of the application.  

> -vincent.

RE: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-17 Thread Jerome Louvel

Hi Vincent,

> > You add a query parameter with an URI to return to after edition:
> > 
> > /orange/editor?return=/main?orange=picture&apple=text
> But maybe the page you return to depends on the result of the 
> operation. It's not a decision the client can make.

Ok, in this case your "/orange/editor" resource can issue a redirect to the
target URI dynamically generated.

> > The orange never includes the apples, only the main page 
> resource does
> > include both of them. To make sure we are on the same page, 
> do you agree
> > that the following URIs identify different resources?
> >  - "/main"
> >  - "/main?orange=picture"
> >  - "/main?orange=picture&apple=text"
> >  - "/main?orange=picture&apple=picture"
> Actually, I don't. To me they all identify the main page, in 
> different states.
> Would not that be like saying:
> identify 2 resources?

Exactly, each time you change the URI, even to simply add a query parameter,
you create a different identifier. This new identifier correspond to a
different target resource! Why would you diffentiate
"/document/123;font=large" from "/document/123/large"? From the REST/HTTP
point of view, two different URIs identify two different resources.

Now, at the Restlet level, you can perfectly reuse the same Resource
subclass for all similar target resources, but each instance of the class
will be corresponding to a different target resource.

Best regards,

Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-16 Thread Vincent

> You add a query parameter with an URI to return to after edition:
> /orange/editor?return=/main?orange=picture&apple=text

But maybe the page you return to depends on the result of the operation.
It's not a decision the client can make.

> The orange never includes the apples, only the main page resource does
> include both of them. To make sure we are on the same page, do you agree
> that the following URIs identify different resources?
>  - "/main"
>  - "/main?orange=picture"
>  - "/main?orange=picture&apple=text"
>  - "/main?orange=picture&apple=picture"

Actually, I don't. To me they all identify the main page, in different states.
Would not that be like saying:

identify 2 resources?


RE: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-15 Thread Jerome Louvel

Hi Vincent,

> > No it wouldn't make sense. You would instead directly 
> modify the Orange
> > resource, either directly from the browser or via some 
> edition pages (to
> > allow multi-page edition for example).
> But then how you return to the main page after you've 
> modified the orange? 

You add a query parameter with an URI to return to after edition:


> Now we're saying that the orange needs not be aware 
> of the apple (the links are managed at a higher level 
> (the main page)); 

Yes, unless there was a natural link between oranges and apples, which is
not the case here.

> So what does the PUT operation return? A description of the orange? 
> It's not what we need. a
> /main?orange=picture&apple=text uri? But how does the orange 
> know it has to include the apple?

The orange never includes the apples, only the main page resource does
include both of them. To make sure we are on the same page, do you agree
that the following URIs identify different resources?
 - "/main"
 - "/main?orange=picture"
 - "/main?orange=picture&apple=text"
 - "/main?orange=picture&apple=picture"

Best regards,

Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-13 Thread Vincent
Hi Matthieu,

> Basically I've a rich client application (Flex) accessing 

Ah, but it's quite a different story, as the final (visual) representation is
assembled on the client, not on the server.

>  I considered each resource as
> being kind of a "virtual web page", with one URI and  one (or several if
> required) "layouts" (representations). The application accesses the  required
> resources, and assembles them for display. 

So if one page displays A and B, and another page displays A, B, and C,
 A knows it has two layouts (a/B and A/B/C). If you later add D to the page,
you'll add a third layout for A. Is that correct?

> An important point is that each resource includes links to all other
> resources it is logically linked to: the client has absolutly NO 
> knowledge of the links between resources, it virtually navigates between
>them as needed. If A is linked  to A and B, when the client accesses A it
>  receives its representation, including a link to B and a link to C;

Let say these resources are independent one of another (For instance if 
A is a weather report, B a news feed, and C your profile). Who is responsible 
for linking them together? Does A know it's linked to B and C, or are these
associations established at a higher level?

A's representation contains a link to B and C, which means the client has 
to GET  and C, and pass their representation to the template in order to
generate the page. So, do B and C's representations contain links to A?


Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-13 Thread Vincent

Hi Jerome,

> Why not, the URI design is important too, I would probably do:
>  For the apple: /main?orange=picture&apple=text
>  For the orange: /main?orange=text&apple=picture
> > What if we want to modify the orange? Do we PUT the mainPage, 
> > passing it the Orange info?
> No it wouldn't make sense. You would instead directly modify the Orange
> resource, either directly from the browser or via some edition pages (to
> allow multi-page edition for example).

But then how you return to the main page after you've modified the orange? Now
we're saying that the orange needs not be aware of the apple (the links are
managed at a higher level (the main page)); So what does the PUT operation
return? A description of the orange? It's not what we need. a
/main?orange=picture&apple=text uri? But how does the orange know it has to
include the apple?


Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-13 Thread Vincent
Jerome Louvel> writes:

> Vincent,
> > Sorry if I wasn't clear. Let me try again.
> > 
> > You display 2 resources on one page: 
> >
> > 1) your profile. By default, the Profile section display your 
> > name, but it include a More link that let's you display your 
> > name, your email, the number of posts you've made, etc.
> >
> > 2) the forum
> > When you click on a forum thread, the Forum resource must pull the
> > Profile resource out of the DB in order to redisplay the page.
> > 
> > When you click on the More link (in the Profile section), the 
> > Profile resource must pull out the Forum info out of the DB to 
> > be able to retrieve the page.
> > 
> > So, you're introducing a dependency between these two resources.
> > 
> > If you later decide to display the weather report on that 
> > page, both the 
> > Profile and Forum resources will have to be made aware of the 
> > WeatherReport
> > resource in order to display the page. And so on.
> > 
> > If you say that the Profile and WeatherReport resources are 
> > part of the
> > representation of the Forum resource, you must also admit that the
> > Forum is part of the Profile's (or WeatherReport's) representation.
> > 
> > I think this creates an unmanageable graph.
> I wouldn't say that a resource is part of a representation, rather that a
> representation can be a composite representation, agregating several
> representations into a larger one.
> In a typical object-oriented model, you will frequently have such
> cross-references in your domain model, there is nothing wrong about that.

What is wrong is to violate the abstraction layer your created with your OO
model. A car has a rear mirror and four wheels (among other things), but the
wheels do not need to reference the mirror.
 We started this discussion by saying that is a page displays resource A and
resource B, resource B is part of the 'contextual information' of resource A,
and -therefore- A should reference B in order to create a reference of itself.
Now, the agreement seems to be that the resource is the page, and we might or
might not model A and B as resources, depending on whether we need to access
them individually. 

> Nothing forces your to model everything as resources, you could rely on a
> set of EJB Entities or on POJOs persisted in db4o for examples. They would
> handle this cross-references naturally. Even if you model everything as
> resources, you can also model hyperlinks between all resources. Sorry, I
> don't see what is unmanageable here...

What is unmanageable is if you create cross-reference between all resources on a
page.  When you add the resource, you have to modifies the other ones so that
they reference this one too.
Of course, is we're modeling the page (the container) as a resource, the
complexity no longer exists.



Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-13 Thread Matthieu Hug
Jeff Walter> writes:

> Hey All,Little philosophical/architectural question here...


Interesting question; I'll try to provide a possible answer by sketching the way
I build my application. 

Basically I've a rich client application (Flex) accessing (create, modify, view)
various resources on the server. These resources are exactly all the "objects"
that can be manipulated within the application. I considered each resource as
being kind of a "virtual web page", with one URI and  one (or several if
required) "layouts" (representations). The application accesses the  required
resources, and assembles them for display. 

To be a little more specific, my resources' representation currently  rely on
atom (which is indeed a generic resource format, blogs being only a specific and
restrained use; other formats may be used, rss, custom xml, etc): when the
client GETs a resource, it receives an atom feed, and it applies to it a display
template, corresponding to the way that resource's representation should be
presented to the user in the current context of the application (eg the
application is made of interacting zones, each one displaying a template
populated by a resource's representation). 

An important point is that each resource includes links to all other resources
it is logically linked to: the client has absolutly NO knowledge of the links
between resources, it virtually navigates between them as needed. If A is linked
to A and B, when the client accesses A it receives its representation, including
a link to B and a link to C; then if the client wants to access B it uses that
link (equivalent to a human "clicking" on a link). The navigation logic (links)
is part of the resources (=controller), each resource is published to the
application/browser using a representation format, the application/browser
aggregates a meaningful and "pretty" display of several resources 

Example: think of iTunes. Your songs and playlist are resources, as well as
authors, music types, albums, etc, all linked together. iTMS online content is
also a set of similar resources. All of them are represented in a XML format
specific to Apple; iTunes is responsible for displaying several resources at the
same time, allowing navigation between navigation, switching views, etc. 

I hope this makes sense.


RE: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-13 Thread Jerome Louvel


> So, say we have a page that displays a picture of an apple 
> and a picture
> of an orange.
> When we click on either picture, we want to replace it by the text 
> representation of the selected fruit (we we want to keep displaying 
> the picture of the other fruit).

OK. In the REST/HTTP sense there is only one composite representation here
(the page) and one resource (the composite resource represented by the
page). But it is also interesting to try to decompose your composite
resource/representation, especially if you can display your Orange and Apple
resources separately.

> We have 3 resources: MainPage, Apple, Orange. Apple and 
> Orange are what
> you call 'low-level' resources'; the Mainpage resource is the highest 
> abstraction.

More or less, it is really a design choice. If you let the user view an
Apple resource independently, then is becomes higher-level too. Maybe you
will want to have a view resource called ApplePage instead, to keep a strict
separation between core reusable resources and view/page resources.

> To display the main page you GET /mainPage
> What are the apppe's and orange's URI's like?
> For the apple: /mainPage?orange=picture&apple=text
> For the orange: /mainPage?orange=text&apple=picture
> Is that what you had in mind?

Why not, the URI design is important too, I would probably do:
 For the apple: /main?orange=picture&apple=text
 For the orange: /main?orange=text&apple=picture
> What if we want to modify the orange? Do we PUT the mainPage, 
> passing it the Orange info?

No it wouldn't make sense. You would instead directly modify the Orange
resource, either directly from the browser or via some edition pages (to
allow multi-page edition for example).

Best regards,

RE: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-13 Thread Jerome Louvel


> Sorry if I wasn't clear. Let me try again.
> You display 2 resources on one page: 
> 1) your profile. By default, the Profile section display your 
> name, but it include a More link that let's you display your 
> name, your email, the number of posts you've made, etc.
> 2) the forum
> When you click on a forum thread, the Forum resource must pull the
> Profile resource out of the DB in order to redisplay the page.
> When you click on the More link (in the Profile section), the 
> Profile resource must pull out the Forum info out of the DB to 
> be able to retrieve the page.
> So, you're introducing a dependency between these two resources.
> If you later decide to display the weather report on that 
> page, both the 
> Profile and Forum resources will have to be made aware of the 
> WeatherReport
> resource in order to display the page. And so on.
> If you say that the Profile and WeatherReport resources are 
> part of the
> representation of the Forum resource, you must also admit that the
> Forum is part of the Profile's (or WeatherReport's) representation.
> I think this creates an unmanageable graph.

I wouldn't say that a resource is part of a representation, rather that a
representation can be a composite representation, agregating several
representations into a larger one.

In a typical object-oriented model, you will frequently have such
cross-references in your domain model, there is nothing wrong about that.
Nothing forces your to model everything as resources, you could rely on a
set of EJB Entities or on POJOs persisted in db4o for examples. They would
handle this cross-references naturally. Even if you model everything as
resources, you can also model hyperlinks between all resources. Sorry, I
don't see what is unmanageable here...

Best regards,

Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-12 Thread Vincent

> I agree and would add that those lower-level resources (or core resources)
> could be modelled and exposed as either:
>  - persistent POJOs (db4o, EJB3, etc.)
>  - RESTful resources (via a separate Restlet application for example)
> In the second case, you could even think about a two-layer approach, where
> on Web Component would remotely access to an internal Core/Business
> Component. This way, your Core Component could be shared between several
> 'view' applications/components.

So, say we have a page that displays a picture of an apple and a picture
of an orange.
When we click on either picture, we want to replace it by the text 
representation of the selected fruit (we we want to keep displaying 
the picture of the other fruit).

We have 3 resources: MainPage, Apple, Orange. Apple and Orange are what
you call 'low-level' resources'; the Mainpage resource is the highest 

To display the main page you GET /mainPage
What are the apppe's and orange's URI's like?

For the apple: /mainPage?orange=picture&apple=text
For the orange: /mainPage?orange=text&apple=picture

Is that what you had in mind?

What if we want to modify the orange? Do we PUT the mainPage, passing it the
Orange info?



Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-12 Thread Vincent
Hi Jerome,

> > So you're forcing one resource to be aware of other resources 
> > just because of
> > the way your user interface in designed. If you switch to 
> > HTML frames, you no
> > longer need these dependencies because each frame displays 
> > only one resource
> > (the content frame, the profile frame, the navigation frame, etc.). 
> Yes, in this case the resource is a "view resource". The addition of frames
> wouldn't break the design, the Web representation would just remove the
> contextual information (sidebar, etc.) and we would add new dedicated
> resources for the other frames.
> > And what about cross references? If you click on a post in 
> > one of the thread, 
> > the 'post' resource must know about the 'profile' resource 
> > because it's 
> > part of its 'contextual information'. Now let's say you have 
> > a 'More' link in
> > the profile section to display more of your profile info. In 
> > order to redisplay
> > the page, the 'profile' resource will have to know about the 
> > 'post' resource
> > too (because when you GET /profile/123;details, you need to 
> > include the
> > current post). Imagine the graph (and the resulting 
> > maintenance nightmare) if 
> > you  have 5 resources displayed on one page.  
> I'm not sure to follow you precisely, but for sure a Web page is a
> representation of a single target resource. It doesn't matter how many
> sub-resources or domain objects were used to build this representation.
Sorry if I wasn't clear. Let me try again.

You display 2 resources on one page: 
1) your profile. By default, the Profile section display your name, but
it include a More link that let's you display your name, your email,
the number of posts you've made, etc.
2) the forum

When you click on a forum thread, the Forum resource must pull the
Profile resource out of the DB in order to redisplay the page.

When you click on the More link (in the Profile section), the 
Profile resource must pull out the Forum info out of the DB to 
be able to retrieve the page.

So, you're introducing a dependency between these two resources.

If you later decide to display the weather report on that page, both the 
Profile and Forum resources will have to be made aware of the WeatherReport
resource in order to display the page. And so on.

If you say that the Profile and WeatherReport resources are part of the
representation of the Forum resource, you must also admit that the
Forum is part of the Profile's (or WeatherReport's) representation.

I think this creates an unmanageable graph.


RE: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-12 Thread Jerome Louvel

Hi Vincent,

> So you're forcing one resource to be aware of other resources 
> just because of
> the way your user interface in designed. If you switch to 
> HTML frames, you no
> longer need these dependencies because each frame displays 
> only one resource
> (the content frame, the profile frame, the navigation frame, etc.). 

Yes, in this case the resource is a "view resource". The addition of frames
wouldn't break the design, the Web representation would just remove the
contextual information (sidebar, etc.) and we would add new dedicated
resources for the other frames.

> And what about cross references? If you click on a post in 
> one of the thread, 
> the 'post' resource must know about the 'profile' resource 
> because it's 
> part of its 'contextual information'. Now let's say you have 
> a 'More' link in
> the profile section to display more of your profile info. In 
> order to redisplay
> the page, the 'profile' resource will have to know about the 
> 'post' resource
> too (because when you GET /profile/123;details, you need to 
> include the
> current post). Imagine the graph (and the resulting 
> maintenance nightmare) if 
> you  have 5 resources displayed on one page.  

I'm not sure to follow you precisely, but for sure a Web page is a
representation of a single target resource. It doesn't matter how many
sub-resources or domain objects were used to build this representation.

> And what if the same resource can be displayed in several 
> type of views? Take
> this forum, for instance: 
> When you a click on a thread, the post is displayed in the 
> bottom part of the
> screen. You can also click on the direct-link and have the 
> post displayed on a
> new page (without the threads). gmane uses frames to achieve 
> this, but how would
> you do it without frames? Include the view in the url?
> GET 
> GET;view=single
> Or you could decide that what you're viewing is the form, and 
> the uri becomes:
> The danger with this approach is that it forces you to think 
> in terms of pages
> (the forum, the main page, etc.) instead of resources. Or 
> more exactly: 
> your pages become your resources.

Exactly, and their is nothing fundamentaly wrong with this. What is
important is that you don't create unnecessary "page" resources. As soon as
you add a "?page=2" query parameter, you identify a resource that is
separate from the one identified by "?page=3". There is nothing you can do
against this.

What is essential is that your core domain model is well defined and reused
by all your view resources. This core domain model can also be distributed
and implemented as RESTful resource if you can afford this flexibility. 

> I've been thinking a lot about this too, and I came to the 
> conclusion that 
> the best way to put a face on a restfull app is the have the 
> client -not
> the server- assemble the view.
> The simplest (an ugliest) way is to use frames; a better solution is
> to make Ajax calls to the server to retrieve individual 
> resources, and 
> insert the returned html (or xml, json, etc) in the page.
> It also scales better if the application is stateless (no 
> need to retrieve the
> profile each time we display a post). 
> Of course, this is valid only for relatively complex 
> application(e.g. a webmail
>  client). But if your application is restul and your UI 
> moderately complex, it
> calls for a single-page UI (a la GWT) as opposed as the 
> standard multi-page
> design. 

My concern with those approaches (AJAX) is that they somewhat break the
hyperlink design of the Web, and the ability to bookmark each state of your

Best regards,

RE: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-12 Thread Jerome Louvel

Hi John,


> I think it's helpful to think in terms of fundamental, "base"
> resources and composite, "view" resources.  An analogy is the
> difference between "tables" and "views" in a relational database such
> as Oracle.

I agree, this is a useful analogy.
> As you noted, in your example, it could be modelled where the same URL
> is used but the two facets are distinguished by whether the caller
> asks for the base (e.g., application/xml) or a human version (e.g.,
> xhtml).
> For other cases, I think it makes more sense to have the facets more
> or less completely disjoint.  The human useful, composite views may
> make a lot more sense to the user if they have their own naming
> hierarchy, etc. and just use the various, lower-level resources as
> services, if you will, that are managed separately.

I agree and would add that those lower-level resources (or core resources)
could be modelled and exposed as either:
 - persistent POJOs (db4o, EJB3, etc.)
 - RESTful resources (via a separate Restlet application for example)

In the second case, you could even think about a two-layer approach, where
on Web Component would remotely access to an internal Core/Business
Component. This way, your Core Component could be shared between several
'view' applications/components.

Best regards,

Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-11 Thread Vincent

> I think it's helpful to think in terms of fundamental, "base"
> resources and composite, "view" resources. 
> [...]
> For other cases, I think it makes more sense to have the facets more
> or less completely disjoint.  The human useful, composite views may
> make a lot more sense to the user if they have their own naming
> hierarchy, etc. and just use the various, lower-level resources as
> services, if you will, that are managed separately.

Are you saying views should be first-class resources. and GET 'lower-level'
resources to assemble the page? If yes, what's the need for the 
lower-level resources? The ForumView resource would just retrieve the
object it needs from the DB (profile and post in Jeff's example), inject them in
the  template and return the template's result.


Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-11 Thread Vincent

> To me, it seems fine if the Web representation of the resource "thread
> number 3 of the help forum" contains navigation data and other contextual
> help. This is just how you "represent" your resource on a Web page. The same
> resource could expose a more focus XML representation for programmatic
> clients.
> Now, in term of coding, your ThreadResource class should have access to all
> the domain objects (POJOs) required to return the Web representation:
> Thread, User, Connections, etc.

So you're forcing one resource to be aware of other resources just because of
the way your user interface in designed. If you switch to HTML frames, you no
longer need these dependencies because each frame displays only one resource
(the content frame, the profile frame, the navigation frame, etc.). 

And what about cross references? If you click on a post in one of the thread, 
the 'post' resource must know about the 'profile' resource because it's 
part of its 'contextual information'. Now let's say you have a 'More' link in
the profile section to display more of your profile info. In order to redisplay
the page, the 'profile' resource will have to know about the 'post' resource
too (because when you GET /profile/123;details, you need to include the
current post). Imagine the graph (and the resulting maintenance nightmare) if 
you  have 5 resources displayed on one page.  

And what if the same resource can be displayed in several type of views? Take
this forum, for instance: 
When you a click on a thread, the post is displayed in the bottom part of the
screen. You can also click on the direct-link and have the post displayed on a
new page (without the threads). gmane uses frames to achieve this, but how would
you do it without frames? Include the view in the url?


Or you could decide that what you're viewing is the form, and the uri becomes:

The danger with this approach is that it forces you to think in terms of pages
(the forum, the main page, etc.) instead of resources. Or more exactly: 
your pages become your resources.

I've been thinking a lot about this too, and I came to the conclusion that 
the best way to put a face on a restfull app is the have the client -not
the server- assemble the view.
The simplest (an ugliest) way is to use frames; a better solution is
to make Ajax calls to the server to retrieve individual resources, and 
insert the returned html (or xml, json, etc) in the page.
It also scales better if the application is stateless (no need to retrieve the
profile each time we display a post). 
Of course, this is valid only for relatively complex application(e.g. a webmail
 client). But if your application is restul and your UI moderately complex, it
calls for a single-page UI (a la GWT) as opposed as the standard multi-page


Re: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-11 Thread John D. Mitchell

On 4/10/07, Jeff Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd like to know how many other people are using Restlet to build visual web
applications, and how they feel about aggregating resource data on their

What do you mean by "visual" web applications? I'm going to presume
that you mean "for consumption by humans" as opposed to use as e.g. a
programmatically accessible "API".

Let's take a simple example:

We have a Resource for a thread on a forum:

On this page, we display the thread Resource, but we also want to show in a
sidebar, lets say other online users browsing the help forum, and the latest
3 posts to the help forum (the actual data is unimportant, but the fact that
the data is not a part of the single thread Resource is).

In Restlet, accessing this URL would load up a Thread Resource and pick its
HTML representation (let's say using a Freemarker template).  To display the
extraneous data in the sidebar, the Thread resource is going to have to
access other Resources information to then pass to the template.
Additionally, if this forum requires that a user be logged-in to participate
in discussions, the header on the page might contain a "logout" link if the
user is logged in (or "login" link if they weren't already logged-in).

Having "extraneous" information on a web page is pretty common requirement,
but it seems to not "feel right" to me in terms of Resource implementation
in Restlet.  How do people feel about Resources loading the extra Resource
data to feed to the templates?  Is this just par for the course and
necessary? Are there best practices people like to employ to accomplish this
without feeling like you are defeating the nice separation of Resources the
framework creates for you?

I think it's helpful to think in terms of fundamental, "base"
resources and composite, "view" resources.  An analogy is the
difference between "tables" and "views" in a relational database such
as Oracle.

As you noted, in your example, it could be modelled where the same URL
is used but the two facets are distinguished by whether the caller
asks for the base (e.g., application/xml) or a human version (e.g.,

For other cases, I think it makes more sense to have the facets more
or less completely disjoint.  The human useful, composite views may
make a lot more sense to the user if they have their own naming
hierarchy, etc. and just use the various, lower-level resources as
services, if you will, that are managed separately.

Hope this helps,

RE: Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet

2007-04-11 Thread Jerome Louvel

Hi Jeff,

This is an interesting question and I'm also curious to see how others
handle this case.

To me, it seems fine if the Web representation of the resource "thread
number 3 of the help forum" contains navigation data and other contextual
help. This is just how you "represent" your resource on a Web page. The same
resource could expose a more focus XML representation for programmatic

Now, in term of coding, your ThreadResource class should have access to all
the domain objects (POJOs) required to return the Web representation:
Thread, User, Connections, etc.

Best regards,

> -Message d'origine-
> De : Jeff Walter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Envoyé : mercredi 11 avril 2007 06:19
> À :
> Objet : Question to all about visual webapps and Restlet
> Hey All,
> Little philosophical/architectural question here...
> I'd like to know how many other people are using Restlet to 
> build visual web applications, and how they feel about 
> aggregating resource data on their pages? 
> Let's take a simple example:
> We have a Resource for a thread on a forum: 
> On this page, we display the thread Resource, but we also 
> want to show in a sidebar, lets say other online users 
> browsing the help forum, and the latest 3 posts to the help 
> forum (the actual data is unimportant, but the fact that the 
> data is not a part of the single thread Resource is). 
> In Restlet, accessing this URL would load up a Thread 
> Resource and pick its HTML representation (let's say using a 
> Freemarker template).  To display the extraneous data in the 
> sidebar, the Thread resource is going to have to access other 
> Resources information to then pass to the template.  
> Additionally, if this forum requires that a user be logged-in 
> to participate in discussions, the header on the page might 
> contain a "logout" link if the user is logged in (or "login" 
> link if they weren't already logged-in). 
> Having "extraneous" information on a web page is pretty 
> common requirement, but it seems to not "feel right" to me in 
> terms of Resource implementation in Restlet.  How do people 
> feel about Resources loading the extra Resource data to feed 
> to the templates?  Is this just par for the course and 
> necessary? Are there best practices people like to employ to 
> accomplish this without feeling like you are defeating the 
> nice separation of Resources the framework creates for you? 
> Any thoughts would be appreciated... just wanted to hear some 
> ideas/start a discussion.
> Thanks!
> Jeff