Use Python to parse HTML and integrating said script into Django

2009-04-12 Thread Tonne


I'm not too sure how to ask this correctly (not an experienced
developer so my vocab is not very accurate), but I'll try.

I have created a Python script (collection of functions) that
generates a calendar of sorts, really just a long list of dates from a
4 year date range. It also parses the HTML, as I couldn't work out how
to do this with the limited logic available the templating language.

My question are:

Is it possible to use a "freeform" python within the Django framework,
and yet let it receive arguments from the model?

I was intially thinking of making a custom view, but then I have all
this parsed HTML and am not sure how to get it into a template.

Or should I be looking at making a custom tag?

If not the above, do you have any other pointers on how to go about

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Re: Business Logic Architecture Questions on Models & ModelManagers

2009-04-12 Thread Sean Neilan

Hey Malcolm,

Thank you very much for your thoughts on those questions!

I will definitely be referring to your advice when I'm writing this

I had been thinking about those questions when I was on spring break
(about a week or so) and couldn't seem to reach a conclusion, but, I
think I'll be a bit better off now.

Thank you again.


On Apr 12, 11:16 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick 
> On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 20:41 -0700, Sean Neilan wrote:
> > I'm building a large web application & I'm trying to figure out ways
> > to organize my business logic (just the queries). I figure I should
> > either put all my queries inside Model functions or ModelManager
> > functions. I've searched all over the internet for documentation on
> > where the business logic goes, but, didn't find what I was looking
> > for.
> > I have a couple questions:
> Opinions vary a bit on these sorts of things. What follows are mine...
> > 1) Should Model methods not contain any queries? Only calculations
> > based on the attributes of that model. Much like
> >
> When you have a model instance, it represents a single row in the
> database. Methods on a Python class instance tend to act on that
> instance, so it makes sense to have model methods act on the particular
> data for that instance, not be more general.
> Now, it could well be that "acting on the instance" really means
> "related to that instance" and does other queries to pull in
> information. For example, my blog code currently has the world's lamest
> tagging system (a very simple tag model with a name and a pointer to
> itself for the parent) and I have methods on the model that are "get all
> the descendents of this instance" and "get the ancestors of this
> instance". They are methods that are specific to the instance at hand.
> > 2) Is it a good idea to encapsulate _all_ queries as methods inside of
> > a manager class? Thus making it slightly easier to reuse queries.
> Abstracting everything to the n-th degree can often make code a lot
> harder to read, so curb your enthusiasm a little bit here.
> Model managers tend to be a good place to put methods that act on the
> collection of model instances. For example, using my lame tag example
> again, a method to query all the tags matching a particular name prefix.
> The documentation describes these as table-level methods, which tends to
> be the way I've thought of them over the years.
> For genuinely reusable query fragments, I find myself writing normal
> Python functions that accept a queryset as an argument. Then they aren't
> tied to any particular model, although I have some implicit contract
> with myself (as the user of those functions) that they querysets I pass
> in will be for objects that, say, have a "title" attribute so I can
> filter on the title.
> I will point out that some people like using classmethods for this sort
> of stuff. For model class-level queries -- the table-level stuff -- I
> find this looks very odd in code. It's one of those cases of not looking
> like almost all other Django code.
> In general, I'm fairly negative about classmethods in Python, though,
> since they're fairly unnecessary as Python already has ample namespacing
> capabilities. Other languages have classmethod equivalents because
> they're namespacing isn't as good. So you won't see me using classmethod
> style operations and there's swearing involved when I have to use
> somebody else's code that does (something that's happening in a
> side-project at the moment -- the other app is making my code looking
> fugly!)
> > 3) Is it a bad thing if a query inside of a Manager function uses
> > filter() to join with or even return another object type/list? This
> > obviously couples the query to the name of a model, but, also couples
> > the manager to an object that it doesn't manage. (The object that it
> > doesn't manage being joined in the query.)
> Trying to frame things as "bad" or "good" is probably not going to help
> very much, since it leads to discussions about what is really bad or
> good. I personally don't write things like that, since I like my
> managers methods on model X to returns things about model X.
> However, I'm not a slave to "everything must be in a class" and normal
> Python module-level functions are my good friends. So if I'm got
> something that is related to model X and returns something that isn't a
> queryset, I'll often just make it a function. The import statements
> elsewhere in the code namespace it usefully and using the function is
> pretty easy and not overly verbose.
> > 4) Also, Is it possible for a ModelManager object to gain access to
> > request.user so that the objects returned depend on who's logged in?
> Not unless you pass it in. Models are completely independent of the
> request/response cycle. They are only concerned with the persistent
> storage of 

Re: newbie question: django-registration

2009-04-12 Thread Praveen

You should change the site domain name to
check in your django-site table..
637cd08106eea9b1139efd34a0fa79a5d7f90494/  for instance

On Apr 13, 12:55 am, Angel Cruz  wrote:
> Eh,
> Never mind.  Something is wrong with my root url (fixing the link from the
> email activated the account).
> I will fix it.
> On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 12:21 PM, MrBodjangles wrote:
> > Hi Folks and Happy Easter!
> > OK, making slow but sure progress on learning Django.
> > I am using django-registration, have provided the simple templates
> > required, and am to the point that a user can register (their usename,
> > password, etc. get populated in the auth_user table of the PostgreSQL
> > databae I am using), and receives an email.
> > I am stuck on the activation.
> > When I check my email and click on the link, I receive the following:
> > "The requested URL /accounts/activate/
> > 637cd08106eea9b1139efd34a0fa79a5d7f90494/ was not found on this
> > server"
> > I had assumed that the /accounts/activate/ folder
> > would have been automatically generated?
> > I added this line to my URLConf, thinking this was the reason:
> >    (r'^accounts/activate//
> > $','registration.views.activate'),
> > What step am I missing?
> > Advanced Thanks!
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Re: Registration form and Profile form is not saving

2009-04-12 Thread Praveen

How the current user logging-in first while registration.. you mean to
say after successfully registration the user must login automatically.

On Apr 11, 7:55 pm, Praveen  wrote:
> Hi all, i am really fed up and have tried number of way. Please read
> my last line which really describe where i am facing problem.
> First Attempt.
> -
> class UserProfile(models.Model):
>     user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True, verbose_name=_
> ('user'))
>     gender = models.CharField(_('gender'), max_length=1,
> choices=GENDER_CHOICES, blank=True)
>     dob = models.DateField(_('dob'), max_length=10, help_text=_
> ("Should be in date format"), null=True, blank=True)
>     city = models.CharField(_('res_city'), max_length=30,
> choices=CITY_CHOICES, blank=True)
> class RegistrationForm(forms.Form):
>     """The basic account registration form."""
>     title = forms.CharField(max_length=30, label=_('Title'),
> required=False)
>     email = forms.EmailField(label=_('Email address'),
>         max_length=75, required=True)
>     password2 = forms.CharField(label=_('Password (again)'),
>         max_length=30, widget=forms.PasswordInput(), required=True)
>     password1 = forms.CharField(label=_('Password'),
>         max_length=30, widget=forms.PasswordInput(), required=True)
>     first_name = forms.CharField(label=_('First name'),
>         max_length=30, required=True)
>     last_name = forms.CharField(label=_('Last name'),
>         max_length=30, required=True)
>     #gender = forms.CharField(label = _('Gender'), widget =
> forms.Select(choices=GENDER_CHOICES,attrs=attrs_dict))
>     #dob = forms.DateTimeField(widget=forms.DateTimeInput(attrs=dict
> (attrs_dict, max_length=75)), label=_(u'date of birth'))
>     #city = forms.CharField(label = _('res_city'), widget =
> forms.Select(choices=CITY_CHOICES,attrs=attrs_dict))
>     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
> = None
>         super(RegistrationForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
>     newsletter = forms.BooleanField(label=_('Newsletter'),
>         widget=forms.CheckboxInput(), required=False)
>     def clean_password1(self):
>         """Enforce that password and password2 are the same."""
>         p1 = self.cleaned_data.get('password1')
>         p2 = self.cleaned_data.get('password2')
>         if not (p1 and p2 and p1 == p2):
>             raise forms.ValidationError(
>                 ugettext("The two passwords do not match."))
>         # note, here is where we'd put some kind of custom
>         # validator to enforce "hard" passwords.
>         return p1
>     def clean_email(self):
>         """Prevent account hijacking by disallowing duplicate
> emails."""
>         email = self.cleaned_data.get('email', None)
>         if email and User.objects.filter(email=email).count() > 0:
>             raise forms.ValidationError(
>                 ugettext("That email address is already in use."))
>         return email
>     def save(self, request=None, **kwargs):
>         """Create the contact and user described on the form.  Returns
> the
>         `contact`.
>         """
>         if
>             log.debug('skipping save, already done')
>         else:
>             self.save_contact(request)
>         return
>     def save_contact(self, request):
>         print " i am in save_contact "
>         log.debug("Saving contact")
>         data = self.cleaned_data
>         password = data['password1']
>         email = data['email']
>         first_name = data['first_name']
>         last_name = data['last_name']
>         username = data['title']
>         #dob = data['dob']
>         #gender = data['gender']
>         #city = data['city']
>         verify = (config_value('SHOP', 'ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION') ==
> 'EMAIL')
>         if verify:
>             from registration.models import RegistrationProfile
>             user = RegistrationProfile.objects.create_inactive_user(
>                 username, password, email, send_email=True)
>         else:
>             user = User.objects.create_user(username, email, password)
>         user.first_name = first_name
>         user.last_name = last_name
>         # If the user already has a contact, retrieve it.
>         # Otherwise, create a new one.
>         try:
>             contact = Contact.objects.from_request(request,
> create=False)
>             #profile = UserProfile.objects.form_request(request,
> create=False)
>         except Contact.DoesNotExist:
>             contact = Contact()
>         contact.user = user
>         contact.first_name = first_name
>         contact.last_name = last_name
> = email
>         contact.role = 'Customer'
>         contact.title = data.get('title', '')
>         if 'newsletter' not in data:
>             subscribed = False
>         else:
>             subscribed 

Re: how to use email instead of username for user authentication?

2009-04-12 Thread pkenjora

Malcolm,  <- Remembered the 'l' this time!

To keep things simple and avoid fragmenting this discussion into a
million different dead end tit for tats , I'll try to reign in the
main points.

1. The default authentication method in Django should have no inherent
restrictions.  Such as blocking '@' in the username.  This leaves the
default framework open and free of workarounds.  This approach would
not preclude any project specific requirements.

2. Any authentication method having restrictions should be an opt in
method.  The current method is a restrictive authentication method,
one that does not allow email, and should be made optional.

3. When you boil down the hundreds of specific use cases out there you
still end up with the above two points.  In which case I would make
the argument that if you need to block emails as user names then it is
you who should write a new authentication handler.  In your own words,
the framework allows this and its only a few lines of code.

Now for the dead end tit for tat... this is really project philosophy
not framework philosophy... hence I feel like it is circular
discussion that distracts from the main point...

Authenticating by email does not require me to check my email every
time I log in.  So if my email is no longer accessible (left my job) I
can simply log in and change it to a new one.  If changing the
username requires checking my email then I will have the same problem
if I use email as my username or not.

You yourself identify the username as mainly an authentication
mechanism not necessarily a display value.  Thats all the more reason
to have a robust restriction free out of the box implementation of

Thanks for reading the feedback, I still fail to see how you can
include project specific requirements in a framework? The
implementation you are advocating is a subset of the general
implementation I would like to see bundled out of the box.  Why not
move it into an optional module?


On Apr 11, 4:13 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick 
> On Sat, 2009-04-11 at 07:52 -0700, pkenjora wrote:
> > Malcom,
> Well, I'm not "Malcom" (sic), but I'll reply anyway.
> >    Google, FaceBook, and LinkedIn have been using email authentication
> > for how long now?  With the default constraints you've put on Django a
> > developer would have to "work around" the out of the box code to make
> > the project behave like the big 3 names on the web.
> There's some assumption there that what they're doing is a good idea.
> Their systems have the usability problems I've mentioned. It's also not
> clear their authentication methods are the best around. In any case, as
> I note below (and have written elsewhere), you're simply not restricted
> from using this system and can do so without patching Django, if that's
> the way you want to go. There's no restriction in place here!
> The combined size of forums and social networking sites not pretending
> that my "handle" is an email address is, I'll wager, larger than
> Facebook or LinkedIn, certainly. Which has precisely the same small
> weight as your examples. The point being that there are valid use-cases
> in both directions and you'll notice that that's never been disputed.
> [...]
> >   As far as your reasons go, I'm fairly sure its just as easy to
> > change the email as it is the username,
> I'm sorry you feel that way. It's patently false. The username is only
> used on the site you are creating an account for. Your email address has
> much wider usage and creating a new one isn't always possible or
> desirable (signing up to one of the hosted services requires agreeing to
> T that are often unpleasant). The username when creating a new account
> on a site has much less currency.
> > I would even argue that my
> > username (display name) could change but my login credentials should
> > stay the same.
> You are assuming that the username is the display name. That might be a
> secondary use for it and it sometimes works well for that. However, the
> username is primarily the unique identifier for the user within the
> system. It's the thing that won't change. Having a display name,
> particularly one that can change is also quite common and it's for
> extensions like that that user profile exist for.
> Login credentials are not the same as identifier within the system. The
> login credentials should definitely be permitted to change. Having an
> account tied to an email address is tragic when that email address is no
> longer accessible to you (for example, it was a company address and
> you've since left the company). Allowing the email address to change --
> and hence not making it the entity identifier -- is a good thing.
> >   You are correct, username authentication has always been around.
> > However, the explicit banning and obfuscating of email authentication
> > in the default module has not.
> I'm sorry, but that's simply not correct. I pointed 

Re: Business Logic Architecture Questions on Models & ModelManagers

2009-04-12 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 20:41 -0700, Sean Neilan wrote:
> I'm building a large web application & I'm trying to figure out ways
> to organize my business logic (just the queries). I figure I should
> either put all my queries inside Model functions or ModelManager
> functions. I've searched all over the internet for documentation on
> where the business logic goes, but, didn't find what I was looking
> for.
> I have a couple questions:

Opinions vary a bit on these sorts of things. What follows are mine...

> 1) Should Model methods not contain any queries? Only calculations
> based on the attributes of that model. Much like

When you have a model instance, it represents a single row in the
database. Methods on a Python class instance tend to act on that
instance, so it makes sense to have model methods act on the particular
data for that instance, not be more general.

Now, it could well be that "acting on the instance" really means
"related to that instance" and does other queries to pull in
information. For example, my blog code currently has the world's lamest
tagging system (a very simple tag model with a name and a pointer to
itself for the parent) and I have methods on the model that are "get all
the descendents of this instance" and "get the ancestors of this
instance". They are methods that are specific to the instance at hand.
> 2) Is it a good idea to encapsulate _all_ queries as methods inside of
> a manager class? Thus making it slightly easier to reuse queries.

Abstracting everything to the n-th degree can often make code a lot
harder to read, so curb your enthusiasm a little bit here.

Model managers tend to be a good place to put methods that act on the
collection of model instances. For example, using my lame tag example
again, a method to query all the tags matching a particular name prefix.
The documentation describes these as table-level methods, which tends to
be the way I've thought of them over the years.

For genuinely reusable query fragments, I find myself writing normal
Python functions that accept a queryset as an argument. Then they aren't
tied to any particular model, although I have some implicit contract
with myself (as the user of those functions) that they querysets I pass
in will be for objects that, say, have a "title" attribute so I can
filter on the title.

I will point out that some people like using classmethods for this sort
of stuff. For model class-level queries -- the table-level stuff -- I
find this looks very odd in code. It's one of those cases of not looking
like almost all other Django code.

In general, I'm fairly negative about classmethods in Python, though,
since they're fairly unnecessary as Python already has ample namespacing
capabilities. Other languages have classmethod equivalents because
they're namespacing isn't as good. So you won't see me using classmethod
style operations and there's swearing involved when I have to use
somebody else's code that does (something that's happening in a
side-project at the moment -- the other app is making my code looking

> 3) Is it a bad thing if a query inside of a Manager function uses
> filter() to join with or even return another object type/list? This
> obviously couples the query to the name of a model, but, also couples
> the manager to an object that it doesn't manage. (The object that it
> doesn't manage being joined in the query.)

Trying to frame things as "bad" or "good" is probably not going to help
very much, since it leads to discussions about what is really bad or
good. I personally don't write things like that, since I like my
managers methods on model X to returns things about model X.

However, I'm not a slave to "everything must be in a class" and normal
Python module-level functions are my good friends. So if I'm got
something that is related to model X and returns something that isn't a
queryset, I'll often just make it a function. The import statements
elsewhere in the code namespace it usefully and using the function is
pretty easy and not overly verbose.

> 4) Also, Is it possible for a ModelManager object to gain access to
> request.user so that the objects returned depend on who's logged in?

Not unless you pass it in. Models are completely independent of the
request/response cycle. They are only concerned with the persistent
storage of data (not even necessarily business rules -- they're not the
capital-M, MVC models). Request.user isn't a data storage thing.

> Perhaps, if this is not a good design pattern (coupling the
> authentication mechanisms to the ModelManager), should I simply take a
> User object as a parameter on the ModelManager functions?

I prefer that approach. Explicit over implicit. Some people shove
request.user into threadlocals and use that. I personally don't like it,
but I've used it from time to time as a last resort (or because the
existing code did). The problem there is that 

Business Logic Architecture Questions on Models & ModelManagers

2009-04-12 Thread Sean Neilan

I'm building a large web application & I'm trying to figure out ways
to organize my business logic (just the queries). I figure I should
either put all my queries inside Model functions or ModelManager
functions. I've searched all over the internet for documentation on
where the business logic goes, but, didn't find what I was looking

I have a couple questions:

1) Should Model methods not contain any queries? Only calculations
based on the attributes of that model. Much like

2) Is it a good idea to encapsulate _all_ queries as methods inside of
a manager class? Thus making it slightly easier to reuse queries.

3) Is it a bad thing if a query inside of a Manager function uses
filter() to join with or even return another object type/list? This
obviously couples the query to the name of a model, but, also couples
the manager to an object that it doesn't manage. (The object that it
doesn't manage being joined in the query.)

4) Also, Is it possible for a ModelManager object to gain access to
request.user so that the objects returned depend on who's logged in?
Perhaps, if this is not a good design pattern (coupling the
authentication mechanisms to the ModelManager), should I simply take a
User object as a parameter on the ModelManager functions? (I'm asking
this question because perhaps there's a better way to couple the
authentication mechanism or User object to the ModelManager)

Thank you for your time.

--Sean Neilan

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Re: Question about administration

2009-04-12 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 9:31 PM, Joshua Williams  wrote:
> That was the nugget I was looking for.  I think that my use case falls
> into the latter, which is currently not available.  Good news is, as
> long as i only support 1 "working area" i should be ok.

It's true that there's no "push this button and it magically works
that way" option. However, setting up something like "Mary can only
edit her own stories" is actually pretty easy if you just tweak a
couple things on your ModelAdmin subclass:

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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Re: Question about administration

2009-04-12 Thread Joshua Williams

Thank you pointing me to these docs.  In the link:
> If that doesn't tickle your fancy, check out the following:
I found the following statement:
For example, it's possible to say "Mary may change news stories," but  
it's not currently possible to say "Mary may change news stories, but  
only the ones she created herself" or "Mary may only change news  
stories that have a certain status, publication date or ID." The  
latter functionality is something Django developers are currently  
That was the nugget I was looking for.  I think that my use case falls  
into the latter, which is currently not available.  Good news is, as  
long as i only support 1 "working area" i should be ok.


On Apr 12, 2009, at 3:24 PM, Jacolyte wrote:

> On Apr 12, 8:16 am, Karlw  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I had a general question about administration in Django.  So I do not
>> think my situation is unique, so I don't want to go out and make a
>> customer solution if there is already something out there.
>> What i would like to have happen would be to separate my site into
>> "working areas", and each working area only has the ability to
>> interact with other items in their area.  This would keep a user in
>> area 1 from interacting with a user in area 2, and furthermore admins
>> from doing the same.
>> A way that I know how to do this would be to roll out a new django
>> project for each "working area".  But have the "working area"  
>> solution
>> that i have in my head seems to be a bit more elegant.  You would
>> update the views/models on 1 project instead of having to script a
>> deployment across several.
>> Is there some django app that already has this built in?  Any info
>> would be helpful.
>> Best Regards,
>> Karlw
> If I understood you correctly, you just want to restrict areas of a
> website, such as apps or certain models. If that's the case, check out
> the following snippet:
> If that doesn't tickle your fancy, check out the following:
> and
> >

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Re: Mulitple Time Zone support?

2009-04-12 Thread Brian Neal

On Apr 12, 7:15 pm, ydjango  wrote:
> What is the best way to provide multiple Time zone support?

Definitely check out the Python pytz module.

> (Also where can I get list of all time zones to populate the  select
> dropdown.)

There is almost 400 time zones in the "common timezones" in pytz. The
timezones are of the forum "area/city", so I created a drop down for
area and then a 2nd drop down for city (with Javascript that populates
the city based on the area chosen). That's still a lot of timezones to
choose from but it was better than having 400 in one list.
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Re: Simple Query?

2009-04-12 Thread Karen Tracey
On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 8:24 PM, jrs_66  wrote:

> Thanks Karen,
> models are as follows...
> class MediaAndContainer(models.Model):
>media = models.ForeignKey(MediaLocal)
>order = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True)
> class MediaLocal(models.Model):
>name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True)
>height = models.IntegerField(null=True, editable=False)
>width = models.IntegerField(null=True, editable=False)
> I'm trying to get everything from the MediaLocal model and the 'order'
> field from the MediaAndContainer model...

For which you were trying:

media = MediaLocal.objects.select_related('order').filter(
   mediaandcontainer__media__exact = 1

and expecting media.order to then exist.

What you are trying has a few problems.

First, select_related('order') on a MediaLocal QuerySet doesn't do anything,
since MediaLocal doesn't have 'order' as a ForeignKey field.  (I'm a little
surprised it doesn't raise an error.)  At any rate, be aware select_related
is purely a performance optimization, and does not affect what related
objects you can access from your Python code -- it just affects how many SQL
queries are executed under the covers when you actually access the related
objects.  For reference, the complete doc for select_related is here:

Second, 'media' in the above code is the result of filter() on a QuerySet,
and thus is a QuerySet itself (see
Trying to access something like media.order implies you are trying to treat
the filter() result as an instance of one of your model objects, but it
won't be, it will be a QuerySet.  If you want a model instance, you need to
retrieve a specific instance from a QuerySet, possibly by using get()
instead of filter().

Third, as you have these models defined, any particular MediaLocal instance
may have many associated MediaAndContainer instances pointing to it.  So
there are potentially many MediaAndContainer.order values for a given
MediaLocal instance.  Yet your question seems to imply there is only one?
So I'm confused.  In case it helps, I'll note you can access the set of
MediaAndContainer.order values for a given MediaLocal instance via the
order_set attribute of a MediaLocal model instance.  So if you had:

media = MediaLocal.objects.get(pk=1)

then you could iterate through media.order_set.all() and get the related
MediaAndContainer instances, each with its own order field.  But since you
seem to be expecting to be able to get a single order value, I'm not sure
these models are accurately reflecting your data.  Perhaps your media
ForeignKey in the MediaAndContainer model should be a OneToOneField (
instead?  Or possibly you have the ForeignKey in the wrong model, I'm not

(BTW the 'pk=1' above is, I believe, equivalent to what you were trying to
get at with 'mediaandcontainer__media__exact = 1', see
I am not sure why you were using the much longer version?)


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Re: Fwd: Default ManyToMany ordering

2009-04-12 Thread R. Gorman

If it's for the admin interface the admin option ordering (http:// might do
the trick.
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Re: Simple Query?

2009-04-12 Thread R. Gorman

The easiest answer is your foreignkey is pointing the wrong way. With
your current model definitions you could do
MediaAndContainer.objects.select_related('name'). To go in the
opposite direction you need to use _set (
en/dev/topics/db/queries/#following-relationships-backward) to go
backwards; or restructure your model.
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Re: Send validation error message to the screen

2009-04-12 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 17:22 -0700, Joshua Partogi wrote:
> Thanks Malcolm,
> What I'm looking after is sending my custom validation error message
> that is not covered by django.

But what does this mean? How is it different from passing any other
piece of information to a template via the context you pass to
Template.render() or render_to_response()? I'm still not understanding
what the problem is here.


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Re: Mulitple Time Zone support?

2009-04-12 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 17:15 -0700, ydjango wrote:
> What is the best way to provide multiple Time zone support?
> The registered user visiting the website should see all times and
> dates as per his/her time zone and not as per time zone in

If I were doing this, I'd create a templatetag that formats the datetime
object into the appropriate timezone. You could use, say, a context
processor or some consistent thing you call from your views to populate
the context with the user's timezone.

You could also use a filter for this, although the design has to be
slightly different. Filters are unaware of the template they're
rendering in, so they don't have access to the context. Therefore, you'd
have to pass the appropriate timezone (or an object containing the
timezone) to the filter as an argument.

So it's a choice between a couple of possibilities, at least:

(1) {% tz_convert obj as obj2 %}

Accepts "obj" (a date or datetime object), uses something in the
context to work out the timezone and then creates a new object
in the context ("obj2") that you can use later and which has the
right timezone value.

(2) {{ obj|tz_convert:tz }}

Converts a date or datetime object to an equivalent object in
the right timezone, the timezone being passed in via the "tz"
variable, in this case.

I can imagine either solution being more appropriate than the other in
different circumstances, so I'd just go for whichever approach seems
best, rather than worrying too much about whether there's a single best
answer here. There's no doubt other possibilities as well; the above
were the two I could come up with quickly that seem to hold up against a
few hypothetical usages I threw at them.


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Re: Simple Query?

2009-04-12 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 14:06 -0700, jrs_66 wrote:
> On a broader level, is Django's ORM intended for people who don't know
> how to write SQL?  It seems that many hoops have to be jumped through
> to get basic SQL results...

I think that impression is probably only because you're still learning
Django. Simple SQL queries are generally very simple querysets and even
complex SQL queries are relatively simple querysets (that's where the
ORM really comes into it's own, because the complexity of SQL increases
rapidly, whilst the corresponding queryset expression remains as a
straightforward series of changed filters and annotations). That being
said, Django isn't intended to be an SQL replacement. There are things
it intentionally doesn't do (although your problem isn't one of those)
and the ORM is designed to make working with the Python models look
"Pythonic", not to provide a Pythonic way to write SQL. If you're ever
in a position to need a particular piece of SQL, the solution is to use


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Re: Simple Query?

2009-04-12 Thread jrs_66

Thanks Karen,

models are as follows...

class MediaAndContainer(models.Model):
media = models.ForeignKey(MediaLocal)
order = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True)

class MediaLocal(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True)
height = models.IntegerField(null=True, editable=False)
width = models.IntegerField(null=True, editable=False)

I'm trying to get everything from the MediaLocal model and the 'order'
field from the MediaAndContainer model...

On Apr 12, 8:00 pm, Karen Tracey  wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 5:06 PM, jrs_66  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm new to django, but not new to SQL.  I have a (seemingly) trivial
> > query to run.  In SQL it looks like-
> > SELECT media.*, media_and_containers.order
> > FROM media
> > INNER JOIN media_and_containers ON
> > = media_and_containers.media_id
> > WHERE = 1
> > In the django ORM I think it should be-
> > media = MediaLocal.objects.select_related('order').filter(
> >                mediaandcontainer__media__exact = 1
> >            )
> > Yet, it seems, media.order does not exist...
> > What am I missing?
> You would likely get better responses if you posted the model definitions
> you are using here.  Your question as it stands requires anyone who might
> want to help to reverse-engineer what your models maybe look like, and that
> is both error prone and a bit more work than many people will want to go
> through to help someone out.  If the models are large with many fields, do
> cut it down to essentials, but it would be helpful to see how you have
> defined the relationship between these tables.
> > On a broader level, is Django's ORM intended for people who don't know
> > how to write SQL?  It seems that many hoops have to be jumped through
> > to get basic SQL results...
> Django's ORM is intended to make it easy to access and manipulate your
> relational data via Python objects.  In-depth knowledge of SQL is not
> necessary to use it, but nor should such knowledge hurt.  If you have such
> knowledge, it may help if you try to think of what you are trying to do in
> terms of the Python models and not jump straight to the SQL you would use if
> you were coding it directly in SQL.
> Karen
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Re: Send validation error message to the screen

2009-04-12 Thread Joshua Partogi

Thanks Malcolm,

What I'm looking after is sending my custom validation error message
that is not covered by django.

Thank you very much

On Apr 13, 10:15 am, Malcolm Tredinnick 
> On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 23:37 +1000, Joshua Partogi wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > I want to send and display validation error message from the view to
> > the template, how do I do this in Django? I tried searching on the
> > documents but could not find any topics on error message. Could anyone
> > give me a hint on how to do this?
> Do you mean validation errors that are generated by a form when calling
> is_valid()? If so, this happens automatically when the form is
> redisplayed:
>         def my_view(request, ...):
>            if request.method == "POST":
>               form = MyForm(request.POST)
>               if form.is_valid():
>                  ...
>            else:
>               # The "GET" path
>               form = MyForm()
>            ctxt = {
>               "form": form,
>               ...
>            }
>            return render_to_response("my_template.html", ctxt)
> In this sort of path, if an error occurs in the form, the form object
> passed back to the template is the version with the data populated and
> errors in place. So when the template displays the form, it will no
> longer be an empty form (like it was the first time), but a form with
> the initial submission filled in and error messages available.
> This is documented ([1]) but it's not necessarily the easiest thing to
> find at the moment.
> [1]
> Is that what you were after?
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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Re: Mulitple Time Zone support?

2009-04-12 Thread Alex Gaynor
On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 8:15 PM, ydjango  wrote:

> What is the best way to provide multiple Time zone support?
> The registered user visiting the website should see all times and
> dates as per his/her time zone and not as per time zone in
> We will keep user's time zone in our database. Dates and times will be
> stored in Mysql DB  and I think by default will be in Time zone of
> (Also where can I get list of all time zones to populate the  select
> dropdown.)
> I am sure like pretty much everything else Django has a easy solution
> to it.
> >
Take a look at django-timezones: uses the pytz module
for this.


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Re: Does Django use persistent DB connection?

2009-04-12 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 06:39 -0700, Continuation wrote:
> I can't find any info on that in the doc.
> Does that mean DB connections are not reused? If so, why? Seeing how
> establishing DB connection is a pretty expensive operation I'd think
> it makes sense to reuse them.

One connection per request and then it's closed.
> Any way to have persistent connection with Django?

Managing database connections in any advanced manner is quite complex
and definitely out of scope for Django, because there are better tools.
Django is a "shared nothing" (well, as close as possible) architecture,
which means there is no requirement or dependency on anything have a
lifecycle beyond a single request/response.

If you want persistent connections, there are appropriate
database-specific tools for making that happen transparently. For
example, pgpool2 for PostgreSQL -- Django opens a connection to it (it
behaves like a database server from an API perspective) and it manages
the connections to the remote server.


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Re: Send validation error message to the screen

2009-04-12 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 23:37 +1000, Joshua Partogi wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want to send and display validation error message from the view to
> the template, how do I do this in Django? I tried searching on the
> documents but could not find any topics on error message. Could anyone
> give me a hint on how to do this?

Do you mean validation errors that are generated by a form when calling
is_valid()? If so, this happens automatically when the form is

def my_view(request, ...):
   if request.method == "POST":
  form = MyForm(request.POST)
  if form.is_valid():
  # The "GET" path
  form = MyForm()
   ctxt = {
  "form": form,
   return render_to_response("my_template.html", ctxt)

In this sort of path, if an error occurs in the form, the form object
passed back to the template is the version with the data populated and
errors in place. So when the template displays the form, it will no
longer be an empty form (like it was the first time), but a form with
the initial submission filled in and error messages available.

This is documented ([1]) but it's not necessarily the easiest thing to
find at the moment.


Is that what you were after?


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Mulitple Time Zone support?

2009-04-12 Thread ydjango

What is the best way to provide multiple Time zone support?

The registered user visiting the website should see all times and
dates as per his/her time zone and not as per time zone in

We will keep user's time zone in our database. Dates and times will be
stored in Mysql DB  and I think by default will be in Time zone of

(Also where can I get list of all time zones to populate the  select

I am sure like pretty much everything else Django has a easy solution
to it.
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Re: Simple Query?

2009-04-12 Thread Karen Tracey
On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 5:06 PM, jrs_66  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new to django, but not new to SQL.  I have a (seemingly) trivial
> query to run.  In SQL it looks like-
> SELECT media.*, media_and_containers.order
> FROM media
> INNER JOIN media_and_containers ON
> = media_and_containers.media_id
> WHERE = 1
> In the django ORM I think it should be-
> media = MediaLocal.objects.select_related('order').filter(
>mediaandcontainer__media__exact = 1
> Yet, it seems, media.order does not exist...
> What am I missing?

You would likely get better responses if you posted the model definitions
you are using here.  Your question as it stands requires anyone who might
want to help to reverse-engineer what your models maybe look like, and that
is both error prone and a bit more work than many people will want to go
through to help someone out.  If the models are large with many fields, do
cut it down to essentials, but it would be helpful to see how you have
defined the relationship between these tables.

> On a broader level, is Django's ORM intended for people who don't know
> how to write SQL?  It seems that many hoops have to be jumped through
> to get basic SQL results...

Django's ORM is intended to make it easy to access and manipulate your
relational data via Python objects.  In-depth knowledge of SQL is not
necessary to use it, but nor should such knowledge hurt.  If you have such
knowledge, it may help if you try to think of what you are trying to do in
terms of the Python models and not jump straight to the SQL you would use if
you were coding it directly in SQL.


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Re: Strange issue with session not being saved

2009-04-12 Thread Julien Phalip

On Apr 13, 9:43 am, Julien Phalip  wrote:
> Hi,
> I've implemented and ajax upload progress bar and I've got a strange
> issue with sessions. I've reused the exact same code from another
> project where it works perfectly, so I assume there is some kind of
> configuration problem. Any hint on how to debug this would be very
> welcome.
> Basically, the way it works is that a custom upload handler updates a
> session entry with the progress of the upload as new chunks of a big
> file are received. In parallel, an ajax request is periodically sent
> to fetch the session entry and update the progress bar in the
> frontend.
> However, the problem is that the session entry is not saved until the
> file has finished being uploaded. Whenever the ajax requests are sent
> the new session entry is not accessible at all. It doesn't seem to be
> saved.
> I've tried to set the "SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST = False" setting,
> and I also tried to set "request.session.modified = True" right before
> saving the session entry. But that didn't make a difference. Both the
> upload and ajax requests use the same domain. Both projects (the one
> that works and the one that doesn't) use MySQL.
> Could that be a problem in Django's or Apache configurations?

Hello again,

My colleague has found something interesting in the error logs on the

2009/04/12 01:21:19 [warn] 23290#0: *101972 a client request body is
buffered to a temporary file /usr/local/nginx/client_body_temp/
05, client:, server:, request:
"POST /tester/?X-Progress-ID=1914b38e-272a-11de-92cd-00221924bc8a HTTP/
1.1", host: "", referrer: ";

It seems like Nginx is messing things up. (BTW, Nginx is not set up on
the server of the project that works, but it is set up on the project
that doesn't work).

Does it mean that Nginx, as it is currently configured, may prevent
multiple POST requests to be processed at the same time?

Thanks a lot!

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Strange issue with session not being saved

2009-04-12 Thread Julien Phalip


I've implemented and ajax upload progress bar and I've got a strange
issue with sessions. I've reused the exact same code from another
project where it works perfectly, so I assume there is some kind of
configuration problem. Any hint on how to debug this would be very

Basically, the way it works is that a custom upload handler updates a
session entry with the progress of the upload as new chunks of a big
file are received. In parallel, an ajax request is periodically sent
to fetch the session entry and update the progress bar in the

However, the problem is that the session entry is not saved until the
file has finished being uploaded. Whenever the ajax requests are sent
the new session entry is not accessible at all. It doesn't seem to be

I've tried to set the "SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST = False" setting,
and I also tried to set "request.session.modified = True" right before
saving the session entry. But that didn't make a difference. Both the
upload and ajax requests use the same domain. Both projects (the one
that works and the one that doesn't) use MySQL.

Could that be a problem in Django's or Apache configurations?

Any help would be much appreciated :)


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Re: Simple Query?

2009-04-12 Thread jrs_66

Thanks for the tip, however, it doesn't really help me out.  I've read
the docs, repeatedly, my problem is that I can't seem to get data from
a related table (see my question above).


On Apr 12, 7:00 pm, Ovnicraft  wrote:
> 2009/4/12 jrs_66 
> > Hi,
> > I'm new to django, but not new to SQL.  I have a (seemingly) trivial
> > query to run.  In SQL it looks like-
> > SELECT media.*, media_and_containers.order
> > FROM media
> > INNER JOIN media_and_containers ON
> > = media_and_containers.media_id
> > WHERE = 1
> > In the django ORM I think it should be-
> > media = MediaLocal.objects.select_related('order').filter(
> >                mediaandcontainer__media__exact = 1
> >            )
> > Yet, it seems, media.order does not exist...
> > What am I missing?
> > On a broader level, is Django's ORM intended for people who don't know
> > how to write SQL?  It seems that many hoops have to be jumped through
> > to get basic SQL results...
> remember MVC, so That is not just for dont write SQL, it is to make the code
> more clean and no has mixed lang and many reasons you can find, but if you
> need write SQL would be better if you read the documentation.
> > Thanks,
> > jim
> --
> Cristian Salamea
> CEO GnuThink Software Labs
> Software Libre / Open Source
> (+593-8) 4-36-44-48
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Re: Simple Query?

2009-04-12 Thread Ovnicraft
2009/4/12 jrs_66 

> Hi,
> I'm new to django, but not new to SQL.  I have a (seemingly) trivial
> query to run.  In SQL it looks like-
> SELECT media.*, media_and_containers.order
> FROM media
> INNER JOIN media_and_containers ON
> = media_and_containers.media_id
> WHERE = 1
> In the django ORM I think it should be-
> media = MediaLocal.objects.select_related('order').filter(
>mediaandcontainer__media__exact = 1
> Yet, it seems, media.order does not exist...
> What am I missing?
> On a broader level, is Django's ORM intended for people who don't know
> how to write SQL?  It seems that many hoops have to be jumped through
> to get basic SQL results...

remember MVC, so That is not just for dont write SQL, it is to make the code
more clean and no has mixed lang and many reasons you can find, but if you
need write SQL would be better if you read the documentation.

> Thanks,
> jim
> >

Cristian Salamea
CEO GnuThink Software Labs
Software Libre / Open Source
(+593-8) 4-36-44-48

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Simple Query?

2009-04-12 Thread jrs_66


I'm new to django, but not new to SQL.  I have a (seemingly) trivial
query to run.  In SQL it looks like-

SELECT media.*, media_and_containers.order
FROM media
INNER JOIN media_and_containers ON = media_and_containers.media_id

In the django ORM I think it should be-

media = MediaLocal.objects.select_related('order').filter(
mediaandcontainer__media__exact = 1

Yet, it seems, media.order does not exist...

What am I missing?

On a broader level, is Django's ORM intended for people who don't know
how to write SQL?  It seems that many hoops have to be jumped through
to get basic SQL results...


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Re: newbie question: django-registration

2009-04-12 Thread Angel Cruz
Never mind.  Something is wrong with my root url (fixing the link from the
email activated the account).

I will fix it.

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 12:21 PM, MrBodjangles wrote:

> Hi Folks and Happy Easter!
> OK, making slow but sure progress on learning Django.
> I am using django-registration, have provided the simple templates
> required, and am to the point that a user can register (their usename,
> password, etc. get populated in the auth_user table of the PostgreSQL
> databae I am using), and receives an email.
> I am stuck on the activation.
> When I check my email and click on the link, I receive the following:
> "The requested URL /accounts/activate/
> 637cd08106eea9b1139efd34a0fa79a5d7f90494/ was not found on this
> server"
> I had assumed that the /accounts/activate/ folder
> would have been automatically generated?
> I added this line to my URLConf, thinking this was the reason:
> $','registration.views.activate'),
> What step am I missing?
> Advanced Thanks!

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Re: Question about administration

2009-04-12 Thread Jacolyte

On Apr 12, 8:16 am, Karlw  wrote:
> Hey all,
> I had a general question about administration in Django.  So I do not
> think my situation is unique, so I don't want to go out and make a
> customer solution if there is already something out there.
> What i would like to have happen would be to separate my site into
> "working areas", and each working area only has the ability to
> interact with other items in their area.  This would keep a user in
> area 1 from interacting with a user in area 2, and furthermore admins
> from doing the same.
> A way that I know how to do this would be to roll out a new django
> project for each "working area".  But have the "working area" solution
> that i have in my head seems to be a bit more elegant.  You would
> update the views/models on 1 project instead of having to script a
> deployment across several.
> Is there some django app that already has this built in?  Any info
> would be helpful.
> Best Regards,
> Karlw

If I understood you correctly, you just want to restrict areas of a
website, such as apps or certain models. If that's the case, check out
the following snippet:

If that doesn't tickle your fancy, check out the following:
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newbie question: django-registration

2009-04-12 Thread MrBodjangles

Hi Folks and Happy Easter!

OK, making slow but sure progress on learning Django.

I am using django-registration, have provided the simple templates
required, and am to the point that a user can register (their usename,
password, etc. get populated in the auth_user table of the PostgreSQL
databae I am using), and receives an email.

I am stuck on the activation.

When I check my email and click on the link, I receive the following:
"The requested URL /accounts/activate/
637cd08106eea9b1139efd34a0fa79a5d7f90494/ was not found on this

I had assumed that the /accounts/activate/ folder
would have been automatically generated?

I added this line to my URLConf, thinking this was the reason:

What step am I missing?

Advanced Thanks!
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Re: Question about administration

2009-04-12 Thread J. Williams

The main difference between "working areas" and the sites framework is
that I would like to have a single login page.  Also, this might be my
lack of understanding of the site framework, but it seems that it's
main focus is for separate domains to share information.  The "work
area" idea that I shared below restricts users for sharing information
that exists in the same domain/site.

The best example that I was able to stumble across is detailed in the
following link:

They say something along the lines "We’ll need to create our own
access limits on a per-record basis".  I guess if there is no easy
answer, I just need to try to hack this out as best I can.

Thanks a lot for the feedback and I plan on staying subscribed to this
mailing list, maybe I can jump on the questions that have the easy


On Apr 12, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Andy Lei  wrote:

> is this what you're looking for?
> On Apr 12, 10:16 am, Karlw  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I had a general question about administration in Django.  So I do not
>> think my situation is unique, so I don't want to go out and make a
>> customer solution if there is already something out there.
>> What i would like to have happen would be to separate my site into
>> "working areas", and each working area only has the ability to
>> interact with other items in their area.  This would keep a user in
>> area 1 from interacting with a user in area 2, and furthermore admins
>> from doing the same.
>> A way that I know how to do this would be to roll out a new django
>> project for each "working area".  But have the "working area"
>> solution
>> that i have in my head seems to be a bit more elegant.  You would
>> update the views/models on 1 project instead of having to script a
>> deployment across several.
>> Is there some django app that already has this built in?  Any info
>> would be helpful.
>> Best Regards,
>> Karlw
> >

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Re: deletion of "distant" related objects

2009-04-12 Thread Margie

> For a model such as Book, you could iterate through
> Book._meta.get_all_field_names(),  call Book._meta.get_field_by_name()
> for each name and look at the "direct" component of the returned result
> to see which are the reverse relations. Those are then the things
> pointing to your model.
> There are docstrings on get_field_by_name() and get_all_field_names() in
> django/db/models/ that will help you out there.

Great, this was very helpful.

> > One other thought - let me know if you see any issue with this.  Let's
> > say I just never want my reader objects to get deleted based on
> > related object deletions.  I think I can just define
> > class Reader:
> >   def delete(self):
> > pass
> > Then delete will do nothing and if I really want to delete my reader I
> > can call some other method that I define that then calls super(Reader,
> > self).delete().
> That will work for a direct call. Isn't there going to be some related
> object deletion cases that still won't be caught, though? Isn't this
> exactly the case that you were examining in the initial post?

Yes, of course you are right.  I still hadn't fully grocked that delete
() never get called in this case.  I get that now.

> Ultimately, Python is a language for consenting adults. If you don't
> want the object to be deleted, don't call delete on things involving
> that object.
Well, that seems a little heavy handed.  I mean, when trying to create
db driven web app, I think it is important to allow the users to
delete the objects and not have bad side effects.  That said, I
understand that django is a developer's tool and there is always a
workaround that a developer can come up with. I found one that works
fine for my particular app.

> It's understood that delete behaviour is something that has a few
> different options. Coming up with a save API for controlling those which
> doesn't leak SQL-juice all over the Python level code or make things
> horribly an untenably inefficient, has been something we've been
> wrestling with for quite a while. So far without really having a great
> solution that we're happy committing. This isn't for want of actual hard
> thinking on the problem by a number of people.

> For now, it's a matter of being careful and trusting your users to not
> do crazy stuff.
> It's not optimal, but it is survivable.

yup, agreed it is a hard problem.  I appreciate that you guys no doubt
have your hands full and am absolutely fine with dealing with it as
is.   Thanks for your pointers, they were very helpful and I've dug my
self out of my hole.

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Re: Question about administration

2009-04-12 Thread Andy Lei

is this what you're looking for?

On Apr 12, 10:16 am, Karlw  wrote:
> Hey all,
> I had a general question about administration in Django.  So I do not
> think my situation is unique, so I don't want to go out and make a
> customer solution if there is already something out there.
> What i would like to have happen would be to separate my site into
> "working areas", and each working area only has the ability to
> interact with other items in their area.  This would keep a user in
> area 1 from interacting with a user in area 2, and furthermore admins
> from doing the same.
> A way that I know how to do this would be to roll out a new django
> project for each "working area".  But have the "working area" solution
> that i have in my head seems to be a bit more elegant.  You would
> update the views/models on 1 project instead of having to script a
> deployment across several.
> Is there some django app that already has this built in?  Any info
> would be helpful.
> Best Regards,
> Karlw
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Re: Generic relations swamp

2009-04-12 Thread zayatzz

Admin for language:
from kyss.front.models import lang
from django.contrib import admin
class FrontAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
fieldsets = [
('General info', {'fields': ['name', 'short', 'locale', 
'url', 'fdef', 'bdef']}),
('SEO stuff', {'fields': ['title', 'metadesc', 'metakeyw',
'websitename', 'websiteslogan']}),
], FrontAdmin)

Admin for poll and translations:
from kyss.poll.models import Poll
from kyss.poll.models import Question
from kyss.poll.models import Choice
from kyss.poll.models import Trans
from kyss.front.models import lang
from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic

class QuestionInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Question
extra = 2

class ChoiceInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Choice
extra = 4

class TranslationInline(generic.GenericTabularInline):
model = Trans
extra = len(lang.objects.all())

class TransAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ['id', 'name']

class QuestionAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [ TranslationInline ]

class ChoiceAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [ TranslationInline ]

class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
fieldsets = [
('Date information', {'fields': ['pub_date'], 'classes':
('Is this poll active', {'fields': ['active'] }),
inlines = [ TranslationInline ], PollAdmin), QuestionAdmin), ChoiceAdmin), TransAdmin)

Models have not been changed.

On Apr 12, 4:27 pm, matehat  wrote:
> Hi,
> can you show us the code for each of your admin classes? This probably
> has something to do with some method overrides, but I can't say much
> about the cause of your problem from the error message you gave...
> Cheers
> Mathieu
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Fwd: Default ManyToMany ordering

2009-04-12 Thread Andy Lei
hi guys,
let's say i have a ManyToMany relationship with an intermediary model;
something like this:

class Person(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=128)
class Group(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=128)
members = models.ManyToManyField(Person, through='Membership')
class Membership(models.Model):
person = models.ForeignKey(Person)
group = models.ForeignKey(Group)
order = models.IntegerField()

how do i set it up so that when i query Persons belonging to Groups, it
returns results in order?
so that, if I have

g = Group.objects.get(pk=1)

then, the line

should return the members sorted by order.  I tried adding
class Meta:
 ordering = ('order',)
into the Membership class, but it's not working.

the reason i need this is that i have an admin interface for Groups, but the
members are getting found in the wrong order, which messes things up in the

thanks in advance for your help!


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Re: Templates in models and i18n.

2009-04-12 Thread Poromenos
It's not an entire template, I'm just using the template system as an  
alternative to string formatting because of its name resolution  
capabilities. I found out how to do it, actually, I used ugettext  
instead of lazy an it works well!


On 12 Απρ 2009, at 19:52, Karen Tracey  wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Poromenos   
> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to render a template in my models (to get the model
> details in a printable format), but I want the template string to be
> internationalised. ugettext_lazy does not return a string object, and
> the template returns nothing. My code is:
> template = Template(_("{{ }}"))
> context = Context({"self": self}).render
> return template.render(context)
> This fails. Is there something I can do , or do I have to forget about
> internationalisation? Can I just use ugettext() instead?
> Have you read:
> particularly: 
> ?
> You don't want to be translating an entire template, you want to  
> translate individual bits within the template.  Consider that in  
> general a template will be filled with html tags, template  
> constructs (such as the {{ }} you have in yours), and such that it  
> makes no sense to translate.
> Karen
> >

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Re: Templates in models and i18n.

2009-04-12 Thread Karen Tracey
On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Poromenos  wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to render a template in my models (to get the model
> details in a printable format), but I want the template string to be
> internationalised. ugettext_lazy does not return a string object, and
> the template returns nothing. My code is:
> template = Template(_("{{ }}"))
> context = Context({"self": self}).render
> return template.render(context)
> This fails. Is there something I can do , or do I have to forget about
> internationalisation? Can I just use ugettext() instead?

Have you read:



You don't want to be translating an entire template, you want to translate
individual bits within the template.  Consider that in general a template
will be filled with html tags, template constructs (such as the {{ }} you
have in yours), and such that it makes no sense to translate.


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doctest testing with templatefilters

2009-04-12 Thread Julian


I am testing some of my filters with doctests. it's very easy, but I
have to call the module with the filters manually:

python /foo/bar/templatetags/ -v

to let the doctest run.

Now I've added at the end of the the following code:

def run_doctest():
import doctest

and at the beginning of the the following:

from foo/bar/templatetags/ import run_doctest


but nothing happens.

what can I do that that the doctests in the template filters are run
with ./ test?

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Templates in models and i18n.

2009-04-12 Thread Poromenos

I am trying to render a template in my models (to get the model
details in a printable format), but I want the template string to be
internationalised. ugettext_lazy does not return a string object, and
the template returns nothing. My code is:

template = Template(_("{{ }}"))
context = Context({"self": self}).render
return template.render(context)

This fails. Is there something I can do , or do I have to forget about
internationalisation? Can I just use ugettext() instead?
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Question about administration

2009-04-12 Thread Karlw

Hey all,

I had a general question about administration in Django.  So I do not
think my situation is unique, so I don't want to go out and make a
customer solution if there is already something out there.

What i would like to have happen would be to separate my site into
"working areas", and each working area only has the ability to
interact with other items in their area.  This would keep a user in
area 1 from interacting with a user in area 2, and furthermore admins
from doing the same.

A way that I know how to do this would be to roll out a new django
project for each "working area".  But have the "working area" solution
that i have in my head seems to be a bit more elegant.  You would
update the views/models on 1 project instead of having to script a
deployment across several.

Is there some django app that already has this built in?  Any info
would be helpful.

Best Regards,


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Re: Generic relations swamp

2009-04-12 Thread matehat


can you show us the code for each of your admin classes? This probably
has something to do with some method overrides, but I can't say much
about the cause of your problem from the error message you gave...


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Send validation error message to the screen

2009-04-12 Thread Joshua Partogi

Dear all,

I want to send and display validation error message from the view to
the template, how do I do this in Django? I tried searching on the
documents but could not find any topics on error message. Could anyone
give me a hint on how to do this?

Thank you very much

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Re: UnpickleableError when sessions are saved

2009-04-12 Thread matehat

As Alex pointed out, only picklable data can be put in the session. If
you really need that ImagingCore object in the session, you have to
make it somehow picklable by adding "__getstate__" and "__setstate__"
method for picklability (see
Basically, you'd need to find out what data identifies the object as
it is now (the image path for example) so that it can be constructed
back from scratch into its current state from that data alone, which
must in turn by picklable.

Of course if the ImagingCore class is not one of your own, you'll have
to inspect then subclass it.
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Does Django use persistent DB connection?

2009-04-12 Thread Continuation

I can't find any info on that in the doc.

Does that mean DB connections are not reused? If so, why? Seeing how
establishing DB connection is a pretty expensive operation I'd think
it makes sense to reuse them.

Any way to have persistent connection with Django?
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usage of Django in Atlanta?

2009-04-12 Thread Tech Scout

What companies do you know of that are using Django in the Atlanta

Marcel Duffoo

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how to copy django session to tomcat?

2009-04-12 Thread yinminyinmin2005
HI,every body,i have a need: my searching system is doing by lucene,so i use 
tomcat,but all the other parts are running under 
one user already has logined successful,but when he uses searching system,my 
site tells him that he had not logined, I knows it is beacause the Apache and 
tomcat did not share sessions,so i want to copy seesion in apache to tomcat,how 
to do?thanks!
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Re: SQL Between query in sqlite3

2009-04-12 Thread Nalini

Thank you Alex

On Apr 11, 11:47 am, Alex Gaynor  wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 2:44 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves
> wrote:
> > On Saturday 11 April 2009 11:16:52 Nalini wrote:
> > > select * from Table where dates BETWEEN '2009-01-01' AND  '2009-01-31'
> > >  Can any one help me?
> > Model.objects.filter(mydate__gte='2009-01-01'
> > ).filter(mydate__lte='2009-01-31')
> > --
> > regards
> > kg
> >
> You can also do mydate__range=(datetime_obj1, datetime_obj2).
> Alex
> --
> "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to
> say it." --Voltaire
> "The people's good is the highest law."--Cicero
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Re: SQL Between query in sqlite3

2009-04-12 Thread Nalini

Hi Kg,

Thank you very much

On Apr 11, 11:44 am, Kenneth Gonsalves  wrote:
> On Saturday 11 April 2009 11:16:52 Nalini wrote:
> > select * from Table where dates BETWEEN '2009-01-01' AND  '2009-01-31'
> >  Can any one help me?
> Model.objects.filter(mydate__gte='2009-01-01' 
> ).filter(mydate__lte='2009-01-31')
> --
> regards
> kg
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Re: deletion of "distant" related objects

2009-04-12 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 00:40 -0700, Margie wrote:
> Let's say that my Publisher and Book classes are in one app, and that
> app doesn't know anything about the readers.  Is there any simple way
> to find all related object fields that point to book and clear them
> out, without having to know their names

For a model such as Book, you could iterate through
Book._meta.get_all_field_names(),  call Book._meta.get_field_by_name()
for each name and look at the "direct" component of the returned result
to see which are the reverse relations. Those are then the things
pointing to your model.

There are docstrings on get_field_by_name() and get_all_field_names() in
django/db/models/ that will help you out there.

> ?
> One other thought - let me know if you see any issue with this.  Let's
> say I just never want my reader objects to get deleted based on
> related object deletions.  I think I can just define
> class Reader:
>   def delete(self):
> pass
> Then delete will do nothing and if I really want to delete my reader I
> can call some other method that I define that then calls super(Reader,
> self).delete().

That will work for a direct call. Isn't there going to be some related
object deletion cases that still won't be caught, though? Isn't this
exactly the case that you were examining in the initial post?

> The actual object that is my "reader" (the above example was used just
> for simplicity) is really my UserProfile object.  I would think that
> this is a common problem

Boy do I hate that phrase! For every possible programming problem, there
is certainly a non-zero number of people who want some particular piece
of behaviour. But there's pretty much no way to measure "common" unless
you have a total userbase of, like, 17 people. At some point, everything
is both common to some group and pretty much irrelevant to the majority.

>  - not wanting one's userProfiles to ever get
> deleted.

Ultimately, Python is a language for consenting adults. If you don't
want the object to be deleted, don't call delete on things involving
that object.

It's understood that delete behaviour is something that has a few
different options. Coming up with a save API for controlling those which
doesn't leak SQL-juice all over the Python level code or make things
horribly an untenably inefficient, has been something we've been
wrestling with for quite a while. So far without really having a great
solution that we're happy committing. This isn't for want of actual hard
thinking on the problem by a number of people.

For now, it's a matter of being careful and trusting your users to not
do crazy stuff.

It's not optimal, but it is survivable.


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Re: deletion of "distant" related objects

2009-04-12 Thread Margie

I see.  So then I think what you are saying is that if I want to avoid
these "readers" getting deleted, prior to deleting my publisher I need
to find all readers of the books publised by that publisher, and clear
them out so that they are no longer readers of those books.

Let's say that my Publisher and Book classes are in one app, and that
app doesn't know anything about the readers.  Is there any simple way
to find all related object fields that point to book and clear them
out, without having to know their names?

One other thought - let me know if you see any issue with this.  Let's
say I just never want my reader objects to get deleted based on
related object deletions.  I think I can just define

class Reader:
  def delete(self):

Then delete will do nothing and if I really want to delete my reader I
can call some other method that I define that then calls super(Reader,

The actual object that is my "reader" (the above example was used just
for simplicity) is really my UserProfile object.  I would think that
this is a common problem - not wanting one's userProfiles to ever get
deleted.  In my case my UserProfile contains a ForeignKey to a
particular "Chip" object, identifying it as the "current chip" (ie,
the one they want to be looking at).  If that Chip gets deleted, I
don't want my UserProfile to get deleted.  As I write this, it occurs
to me that another option would be to make the UserProfile contain a
manytomany field that identifies the current chip (rather than a
foreingKey).  I think if I did that, I would not have this problem,
right?  Is there a down side to making it a ManyToMany field rather
than a ForeignKey?  It's misleading (since there can be only one
current chip pointed at by the userprofile), but it seems to solve the


On Apr 12, 12:06 am, Malcolm Tredinnick 
> On Sat, 2009-04-11 at 23:29 -0700, Margie wrote:
> > I am having some trouble with the deletion of related objects that are
> > multiple levels away from the object being deleted.  I've read a bunch
> > of stuff written on deletion of related objects, but nothing on this
> > particular problem  - hoping someone can help.
> > Say I have a model like this:
> > class Publisher(models.Model):
> >     name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
> > class Book(models.Model):
> >     publisher = models.ForeignKey(Publisher, blank=True, null=True)
> > class Reader(models.Model):
> >     book = models.ForeignKey(Book, blank=True, null=True)
> > When a publisher is deleted, I would its book_set to be deleted, and
> > this happens by default.  However, when a book is deleted, either by
> > deleting the book explicitely or due to its related publisher being
> > deleted, I don't want the book's reader_set to be deleted.  In Book I
> > have this:
> > class Book(models.Model):
> >   def delete(self):
> >     self.reader_set.clear()  # make any readers of the book no longer
> > reference the book to be deleted
> >     super(Book, self).delete()
> The basic problem you're up against here is that a model's delete()
> method is not necessarily going to be run when it is deleted indirectly.
> Django tries to optimise deletes and updates so that they are single (or
> minimal numbers of) SQL queries, which means not calling a method on
> each instance, but, rather, doing a bulk delete at the database level.
> This is documented, although it's one of those things that doesn't
> immediately jump 
> out:
> (The queryset and model documentation is a bit all over the place at the
> moment -- we need a few more links between places.)
> I think that's really going to be the showstopper here. You can't hope
> to control the bulk delete (which includes related object deletion) at
> that sort of level.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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Re: deletion of "distant" related objects

2009-04-12 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Sat, 2009-04-11 at 23:29 -0700, Margie wrote:
> I am having some trouble with the deletion of related objects that are
> multiple levels away from the object being deleted.  I've read a bunch
> of stuff written on deletion of related objects, but nothing on this
> particular problem  - hoping someone can help.
> Say I have a model like this:
> class Publisher(models.Model):
> name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
> class Book(models.Model):
> publisher = models.ForeignKey(Publisher, blank=True, null=True)
> class Reader(models.Model):
> book = models.ForeignKey(Book, blank=True, null=True)
> When a publisher is deleted, I would its book_set to be deleted, and
> this happens by default.  However, when a book is deleted, either by
> deleting the book explicitely or due to its related publisher being
> deleted, I don't want the book's reader_set to be deleted.  In Book I
> have this:
> class Book(models.Model):
>   def delete(self):
> self.reader_set.clear()  # make any readers of the book no longer
> reference the book to be deleted
> super(Book, self).delete()

The basic problem you're up against here is that a model's delete()
method is not necessarily going to be run when it is deleted indirectly.
Django tries to optimise deletes and updates so that they are single (or
minimal numbers of) SQL queries, which means not calling a method on
each instance, but, rather, doing a bulk delete at the database level.

This is documented, although it's one of those things that doesn't
immediately jump out:

(The queryset and model documentation is a bit all over the place at the
moment -- we need a few more links between places.)

I think that's really going to be the showstopper here. You can't hope
to control the bulk delete (which includes related object deletion) at
that sort of level.


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Re: How to find the version of Django?

2009-04-12 Thread Alex Gaynor
On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 2:38 AM, ydjango  wrote:

> How do I find which version of django I have on my server?
> >
import django; print django.VERSION

That should have a tuple with the version info.


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How to find the version of Django?

2009-04-12 Thread ydjango

How do I find which version of django I have on my server?
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deletion of "distant" related objects

2009-04-12 Thread Margie

I am having some trouble with the deletion of related objects that are
multiple levels away from the object being deleted.  I've read a bunch
of stuff written on deletion of related objects, but nothing on this
particular problem  - hoping someone can help.

Say I have a model like this:

class Publisher(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Book(models.Model):
publisher = models.ForeignKey(Publisher, blank=True, null=True)

class Reader(models.Model):
book = models.ForeignKey(Book, blank=True, null=True)

When a publisher is deleted, I would its book_set to be deleted, and
this happens by default.  However, when a book is deleted, either by
deleting the book explicitely or due to its related publisher being
deleted, I don't want the book's reader_set to be deleted.  In Book I
have this:

class Book(models.Model):
  def delete(self):
self.reader_set.clear()  # make any readers of the book no longer
reference the book to be deleted
super(Book, self).delete()

This works if I explicitly delete a book (ie, by "works", I mean that
the book's readers stay around).  However, if I delete a publisher, it
seems that during Model::delete(), when _collect_sub_objects() runs,
it runs through all of the related objects finds the related books,
and then runs through the books' related objects and find the related
readers.  It targets them for deletion and then at some point they get
deleted.  It seems to me (I don't fully grock this code, so I could be
wrong here)  that by the time my Book::delete() code runs, the readers
of the book have already been targeted for deletion and the
self.reader_set.clear() is not having the effect I want.   So I'm
trying to figure out how I should avoid the readers getting deleted in
this case?

Thanks for any insights!


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Re: Help! PNG file upload error...

2009-04-12 Thread higer

Thanks for your suggestion. But Python 2.5 already has zlib moudle.
To png file,I wrote lines of code to save it first on disk and then
handled the saved copy,then that works.
I do not why there is some differencies between png file and file of
other formats.The following is my code:

parser = ImageFile.Parser()
for chunk in f.chunks():
img = parser.close()

if format == 'png':
des_origin_f = open("tmp.png","ab")
for chunk in f.chunks():
img ="tmp.png")

##other operations to handle the image"test"+"."+fileExt) #save this image

I can not make sure whether the problem is caused by Django. Because
what my code tells is that PIL can handle the png file from a disk,but
can not handle a png file from a Django response(you can see my code
in the first message and compare with the code above).

On Apr 10, 9:46 pm, Brian Neal  wrote:
> On Apr 9, 12:45 am, higer  wrote:
> > When I upload a PNG file and usePILto handle it,there will be an
> > error occured:
> > 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable
> > I do not know why and other formats(BMP GIF JPG JPEG) are all ok.
> I don't know if this is your problem, but in order to use certain file
> formats inPILyou have to have some prequisites installed. Here is
> thePILdoc page for PNG support:
> In particular, note:
> "PILidentifies, reads, and writes PNG files containing "1", "L", "P",
> "RGB", or "RGBA" data. Interlaced files are currently not supported."
> And also:
> "Note: To enable PNG support, you need to build and install the ZLIB
> compression library before building the Python Imaging Library. See
> the distribution README for details."
> BN
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