Re: [Elecraft] Straight Key on my K2

2006-07-28 Thread Alexandra Carter
Try the Vibroplex Code-Mite, looks like a toy but it's not, it's a  
nice solid little key. 73 de NS6Y. Alex.

On Jul 28, 2006, at 10:50 AM, David Pratt wrote:

In a recent message, Tom Althoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote ...
I connected a diode in series with the tip and a diode in series  
with the ring across the paddle mini-plug and out to my sparkless  
Navy straight key.

So can send with the paddle and the straight key just by moving my  
hand from device to the other.

I am pleased to learn that you have had success in doing this, Tom.  
I am afraid that in trying to do this I get alternate dots and  
dashes occasionally when pressing the straight key.  Following  
suggestions on here, I have even tried using matched Schottky  
diodes but still get the trouble.  I find that the only sure way of  
sending using the straight key is to change the menu to InP HAnd

73 de David G4DMP

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Re: [Elecraft] OT: Difference between PN2222 and PN2222A?

2006-07-25 Thread Alexandra Carter
My understanding is the A is the military spec version. Maybe I'm  
wrong, but it's got to be something like that, either that or a  
slightly later version.. you might try googling a bit, spec  
sheets for common parts can be pretty easy to find, I'm always  
looking up the simple stuff myself. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jul 25, 2006, at 11:28 AM, Ben Hofmann KB1AHR wrote:

What's the difference between a PN and a PNA transistor?   
When used as a switch, can a PN be used as a substitute for the  
PNA?  Thanks.

  -Ben  K1NT
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Re: [Elecraft] Smoked my K1

2006-07-23 Thread Alexandra Carter

I'd do my troubleshooting with an ohmmeter FIRST. 73 de alex NS6Y

On Jul 23, 2006, at 4:58 PM, Rick Tavan N6XI wrote:

Hi, guys. I smoked my K1 by plugging in the wrong DC cable. It came  
from a
35V supply instead of 12V. The radio worked for about 15 seconds,  
then died
with an odor of burning components; no visible smoke. Realizing  
what I had
done, I connected it to 12V to troubleshoot. I see only 1Hz pops of  
voltage on the 12V line using an analog meter. I hear a weak 1 Hz  
click from
the speaker, see nothing on the display.  I removed all daughter  
boards. I
see no visibly burned components. I removed and checked C35 and it  
acts like a capacitor. I measured 4 ohms on the 12V line which  
seemed low to
me. I removed U5 and saw the same 4 ohms. I reinstalled C35 and U5  

I suppose U5 could be the victim/culprit itself) and, per the
troubleshooting suggestions in the manual, measured 5.5K on the 8V  
line and
670 ohms on the 6V line.  RF-Q7 tab measures 3.5 ohms to ground. No  
what these resistances should be. Should I just replace U5? Look  

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks & 73,

/Rick N6XI
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Re: [Elecraft] Grumman (was Weller)

2006-07-23 Thread Alexandra Carter

It means you got to play with the GOOD stuff! 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jul 23, 2006, at 6:55 AM, Vin Cortina wrote:
 I was doing field service on what we called Test and Measurement  
equipment, and I was specializing in microwave network analysis.


Vin  KR2F

K1-4 s/n:1977
KX1  s/n:1476

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Re: [Elecraft] Soldering Stations Question

2006-07-22 Thread Alexandra Carter
OK here's what you do. You get the handpiece to the Weller WTCPT and  
you just run it on DC. The base unit is just a transformer. Actually  
maybe not DC, run the handpiece on AC, use a transformer to step down  
your wall voltage and there you go. The temp control is all in the  
handpiece with these. Yes, Curie was a genius.

Goot makes good (or goot?) stuff. Hakko is also good.

For desoldering, I just use braid these days. I know enough about  
Pace desoldering stuff to go work for 'em rebuilding their stations,  
but I just use braid. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jul 21, 2006, at 10:56 PM, Wyn Hughes wrote:

I agee with these comments. Weller has a good reputation but is  
also a very high end product price wise here in Hong Kong. Hakko,  
Goot, though 'made in Japan' are similar and also made with  
outsourced parts and probbaly labour. A Hakko 936 runs about $150  
and a Hakko 808 desoldering gun around $200 here. Importing from  
the US is not very satisfactory, as local voltage here is 220VAC
I bought a Gordak 936A (China made clone of the Hako 936ESD) to  
build my K2. Cost $35. It worked perfectly satisfactorily although  
I did buy a Hakko 'made in Japan' steel tip, 1.6mm for the job. I  
used it for every solder joint in the K2, the tip still has llife  
left in it. I treated it to the recommended Kester 44 solder, which  
I had to import from Mouser, as I would be reluctant to trust  
'brand x' China made solder at this stage of their development,  
warranty issues apart.
Also have a Aoyue 936A which is similar. I also have a Aoyue 808  
desoldering gun (China clone of the Hakko 808, cost about $55).  
That worked ok too using the standard (China made alloy) nozzle, as  
the Hakko nozzles were $25 here which I felt was too expensive. As  
things turned out I only had to use the desoldering gun a couple of  
times. Maybe it will fall apart in due time but it has served its  
purpose to date. The China made products seem reasonably well made  
and are good value for money out in thispart of the world. I have a  
Aoyue 474 desoldering station (Hakko 474 clone) waiting in the  
wings unused for that time!

Wyn, VR2AX

Weller is good but not made in the USA. At least not anymore.  
Components are made in China and Mexico like everything else.
Get whatever you are comfortable with. Many soldering stations are  
overkill for most hobbiest. Pace makes a nice small soldering  
station called the
Heatwise and like the METCAL uses the Currie effect to maintain  
very stable tip temp regardless of thermal load.

Bottom line is to get something that your comfortable with and  
won't empty your wallet.

Robert VE3RPF
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Re: [Elecraft] Soldering Stations Question

2006-07-21 Thread Alexandra Carter
I'm glad you brought that up since I love the Metcal. You can get  
decent Metcal stuff on Ebay. If I had to choose one iron, and I did,  
since I had a Metcal too, I'd choose my Weller. There's another  
brand, Japanese, called Hakko and imitators of the Weller stuff but  
that's ok they're good.

The Weller WTCPT is the sweet spot, the most high quality iron for  
the cheapest price, spend $120 and you have a good soldering iron for  
life. Mine is USA-made, as far as I can tell the tips are, I don't  
know about the new stuff, they'd better not be making it in China but  
you'd better check the label if you want to avoid paying the people  
putting us out of work.

Yes, the Weller Magnetrol system uses the Curie effect, it's really  
neat! 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jul 21, 2006, at 4:03 PM, Robert wrote:

I use a METCAL soldering station and a METCAL Desoldering station.   
This is a real high end and expensive set-up and not for everyone.
Weller is good but not made in the USA. At least not anymore.   
Components are made in China and Mexico like everything else.
Get whatever you are comfortable with.  Many soldering stations are  
overkill for most hobbiest.  Pace makes a nice small soldering  
station called the
Heatwise and like the METCAL uses the Currie effect to maintain  
very stable tip temp regardless of thermal load.

Bottom line is to get something that your comfortable with and  
won't empty your wallet.

Robert VE3RPF

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Re: [Elecraft] Soldering Stations Question

2006-07-21 Thread Alexandra Carter
This is why you need to get a Weller WTCPT which still uses real  
copper, iron-clad tips and is made in the USA. I swear by my Weller,  
life is too short for junky irons! 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jul 21, 2006, at 11:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I recently purchased a Xytronic 379 Auto-Temp soldering station.
I also purchased several optional tips.I was mainly  interested in
the XY-B03 fine tip for circuit boards with tiny pads such as the K2
SSB board.I've found the long Xy-B03 fine tip to be  worthless  
due to it

made out of hollow steel that wont hold the heat.   The all  steel  
tip that

with the iron is just fine if your careful in tight areas.

So my question is:   Do any of the soldering stations currently   
being sold
come with real brass or copper tips?   I'm not talking about the   

stations purchased 10 yrs ago.   I mean the current production  irons.
Most - if not all - of todays offerings appear to be made in China  
and  my

 is all them have gone to 100% steel  tips.
The irons I have used previously from 25 yrs ago had brass or   
copper alloy
which have a protective layer of iron on the tip.  And they  
hold the

heat perfectly, unlike these new all steel tips.  Even though this
Xytronic 379
has auto temp control,  it cant keep up with the heat loss of the  
B03  hollow

and I've found it completely useless for even a tinniest of  pads.

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Re: [Elecraft] N-Gen Output

2006-07-17 Thread Alexandra Carter
I seem to remember not being able to see much more than a hint that a  
signal was there on my scope, but on a spectrum analyzer, which is  
essentially a receiver, I was able to see it just fine - adjust it  
just right, and the output looked like a fuzzy little caterpillar! 73  
de Alex NS6Y.

On Jul 17, 2006, at 4:04 AM, Stewart Baker wrote:

Hi Kevin,

If your calculations are right ( and I have not checked them) then  
56 uV would
be very difficult, if not impossible to see on the average  

On most oscilloscopes the maximum Y axis sensitivity  is 1 to 5mV/ 
cm, so you are

trying to measure something approx 100 times smaller.

Stewart G3RXQ

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Re: [Elecraft] Passed Amateur Extra Class License Today

2006-07-17 Thread Alexandra Carter

Congrats to the new Extra!

I wish I'd done my 20WPM Extra back in the early 80s when I had all  
that momentum built up from getting my Advanced. I really wish I'd  
done it now that I hear you can get an FCC 2nd class radiotelegraph  
license and get credit for the code part if you're a 20WPM Extra.  
Instead, if I want to do this, I have to study like mad and do the  
actually rather harder FCC commercial test.

73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jul 16, 2006, at 5:56 PM, Vin Cortina wrote:

Congratulations Lynn!!!

Good for you, we look forward to seeing you in the "Extra  
subband".  Of course now we'll have to teach you the secret  
handshake...  :)
I was one of the last "20 WPM extras", but hey, if you want to  
learn it, you will.

See you on the bands.

Vin  KR2F
k1-4  s/n:1977
KX1  s/n:1476 (under construction)

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Re: [Elecraft] K1 problem

2006-07-14 Thread Alexandra Carter
I'm working on one too, and the flat sides are printed on the board  
but you have to look close and use some imagination. There are also  
photos of the boards finished in the back of the manual. There's also  
looking at the schematic and seeing what connects to what, and  
finally some have built K1's and put photos of the boards on the net,  
you can look for that kind of info. Hope this is helpful, 73 de Alex  

On Jul 12, 2006, at 4:46 PM, Dr. Dan Swartling wrote:

I am half-way through building my K1 # and have hit a stumbling  
block. How are trimmer caps C13 and C20 installed? On the revision  
E board it is not obvious (to me) which way to orient the flat side.

To make a difference, one must first be different.
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Re: [Elecraft] New Member

2006-07-14 Thread Alexandra Carter
Fine Business! A lot of us don't have time to build our own, Welcome!  
73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jul 12, 2006, at 8:16 PM, Harry wrote:

Just aquired a K2 with 100 watts with tuner Just joined the list.  
any other sites that would be good to Join .

Harry Ve7JHParksville BC
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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 vs. FT-817

2006-07-12 Thread Alexandra Carter

Yes, two completely different animals.

I recently bought an Icom IC-7000, my friend Dale got one and if it's  
good enough for him it's darned good. My impressions so far are,  
Darned Good! But, which would I rather have out on the park here on  
our Thursday lunchtime get-togethers? Probably the K1 I'm building.  
Which is easiest to pull out of a backpack, throw a wire up into a  
tree, and work some CW from the bluffs overlooking Maverick's? Sure I  
can take the 7000 places but it needs many lbs of batts.

The original point was, Why was I able to hear so much more on my 817  
than on my KX1? And I think the conclusion was that I'd not built my  
KX1 right somehow, and some testing with a decent sig-gen and seeing  
if it would meet factory specs would have shown me that. 73 de Alex  

On Jul 11, 2006, at 8:19 AM, Karl Larsen wrote:

   When you try to compare two radios you get into a can of worms.  
I own an FT-817 of about 5 years ago and it's a fine radio. It  
covers 6 meters and the two VHF-UHF bands that are not on a KX1.

   But the KX1 uses less input power on receive and thus will last  
a lot longer on the internal battery pack.

   But the KX1 has no SSB and the FT-817 does.

   You go around like this and miss the real good points of both  
radios :-)

The KX1 is made to be carried in a pack to hard to walk to places.  
It has a built in paddle and it works fine. I have taken my FT-817  
on similar trips and it does well too, but it needs more battery.

   So both radios do the same thing but the FT-817 does a few more  

73 Karl K5DI

Alexandra Carter wrote:

I am very happy to announce that I am apparently all wet!

From the sound of it, the KX1 I built a couple of years ago had  
some undocumented "features" built in like perhaps the partial  
deafness problem. Some serious testing on my part would have  
sniffed this out and caused me to hunt down and solve the problem.

I am working on a K1 now, and when it's done I'll make sure it's  
recieving the way it ought to.

73 de Alex NS6Y

On Jul 10, 2006, at 1:56 PM, ron wrote:

I always thought them KX1's were far superior to them  817's!


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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 vs. FT-817

2006-07-11 Thread Alexandra Carter

I am very happy to announce that I am apparently all wet!

From the sound of it, the KX1 I built a couple of years ago had some  
undocumented "features" built in like perhaps the partial deafness  
problem. Some serious testing on my part would have sniffed this out  
and caused me to hunt down and solve the problem.

I am working on a K1 now, and when it's done I'll make sure it's  
recieving the way it ought to.

73 de Alex NS6Y

On Jul 10, 2006, at 1:56 PM, ron wrote:

I always thought them KX1's were far superior to them  817's!

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Re: [Elecraft] plexiglass

2006-07-10 Thread Alexandra Carter
Aha that sounds like Pycrete! Fine wood fibers, mixed with water to  
make a slurry, and frozen. Interesting stuff, read up on it if you  
want to be entertained! 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jul 9, 2006, at 7:26 AM, J F wrote:

Didn't the allies look into building aircraft carriers
from ice? if you had impregnated the ice with say fine
copper mess, would it not also be somewhat of an RF
sheild... or maybe just a good ground plane for the
minature 160M vertical ummm I've said too much
already  ;o)


Some nice QRP signals on 40M SSB during IARU

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Re: [Elecraft] plexiglass

2006-07-10 Thread Alexandra Carter
In my reading about green radios I can't afford (but want anyway) and  
in various readings I've heard that detecting the 455-kHz LO of a  
superhet isn't all that hard, and that for instance in countries that  
require a radio license, they use such techniques to check if people  
in their houses have radios (or TVs) that they're not on record of  
having licenses for! And, in a lot of the military radios, the  
shielding is VERY good so that detection is much harder to do.

73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jul 9, 2006, at 5:29 AM, Gil Stacy wrote:

"But the German radar detector receivers used supperregenerative
detectors,which radiate a weak signal."

Don't know whether this is apocryphal or not, but I had heard from a
former USAF EW tech that the VC in Viet Nam in the early days  
figured out
how to make U.S. field superhets' LO "howl" , giving away qth,  
causing some

units to switch to TRF technology.


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[Elecraft] KX1 vs. FT-817

2006-07-10 Thread Alexandra Carter

With all this talk of nearly-deaf KX1's I'm beginning to wonder.

Which has a better reciever, the KX1 or the Yaesu FT-817? Because in  
my experience, the FT-817 is Much better. Could I have built my KX1  
with the deafness problem and not known it?

73 de Alex NS6Y

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Re: [Elecraft] Alignment tools

2006-07-10 Thread Alexandra Carter
There are some ceramic tools out there, under the name pro'skit or  

Made in Japan, good stuff! I think has 'em.

73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jul 7, 2006, at 12:16 PM, Steve Knapp wrote:

When trying to tweak my KX1 I noticed that most of my plastic tools  
were too

weak, and metal tools changed the setting.

Looking around I found a few that seemed interesting. 

Having had good luck with Wiha, I bought one of those. We'll see  
how it works


Steve K.

Steve Knapp
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Re: [Elecraft] FD wipe-out-need advice on the Iambic key

2006-07-05 Thread Alexandra Carter
I myself regret not sticking around during FD to work code, I seem to  
be good for about 13WPM and I thought that was too slow, but frankly,  
sub-10 making contacts is better than 13 and staying home! And so  
what if I flubbed a few calls, including my own? We'd have muddled  
through. This FD, my first, was not spectacularly fun for me, but  
wait'll next year. ! 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 28, 2006, at 3:05 PM, William Moore wrote:

10 wpm isn't terribly fast for Field Day. Typical speed is closer  
to 15-30 wpm.

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Bands?

2006-07-05 Thread Alexandra Carter

Thanks for posting this, since I've been really itching to know if  
the K2 can be used to listen to some of that interesting "other  
stuff" out there. Thanks! 73 de Alex NS6Y

See for one example.  

every rig will be slightly different though.

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Re: [Elecraft] Solar Panels

2006-07-03 Thread Alexandra Carter
I just got a copy of the ARRL book Emergency Power and I am  
impressed! That stuff may be old hat to some of you, but I'm a real  
noob at this and it looks very good for getting up to speed. Lots of  
basic stuff like Don't let shadows fall across your panel and more  
advanced stuff like charge controller theory and schematics.

Let me get my k1 done then I may well build or at least buy a no- 
frills K2. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jul 3, 2006, at 3:23 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 3 Jul 2006 14:38:59 -0500 "Don Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

I sell the low power solar controller kits.

Just want to add a testimonial for Don's solar charge controller  
kits. We
used one at Field Day to run a 12 A-hr battery (RS Jump Starter)  
with a

15 watt panel for the K2,  and also with a set of three 15 watt panels
and a 100 A-hr marine battery to run the inverter for the logging
computer - gotta figure out a better, more QRP friendly logger - maybe
cellulose fiber graphic panels coupled with a manually vectored  
character generator - I'm told they support the full ASCII set and  

integrated error correction.

Anyway, Don's kit are great - good parts, good boards, and good
instructions, at a good price...

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[Elecraft] OT - iMac Macintosh G5 for sale

2006-06-30 Thread Alexandra Carter
Is this OK to post? I have an iMac G5, a little over a half a gig of  
ram, 17 inch screen, works great, photos on request, $700, rather see  
someone on the EleList get it, tired of the flakes on Craigs List, 73  
de Alex NS6Y.

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Re: [Elecraft] Antennas for KX-1

2006-06-30 Thread Alexandra Carter

(1) Wire up in a tree,
(2) Pac-12.

Between those two, you're taken care of with the KX1. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 29, 2006, at 6:20 PM, J. Coote wrote:

I've been following the 4-band antennas for KX-1 thread.   
Interesting and a
real challenge for field operations.  K2HYD's idea of a 51 foot  
antenna and

counterpoise was helpful.

Some additional thoughts-  the ATU in the KX-1 is a little limited, as
compared to other larger ATUs with more combinations, so we need  

lengths which are relatively close to 50 ohms and nonreactive.

The G5RV has already been done, but I am thinking of getting out my  
bridge thingie and trying flattop/feeder, or antenna/counterpoise  
combinations (other than the G5RV) that will work well, and  
repeatably with

the KX-1 internal ATU.

Seems to me there have to be many flattop/feeder or antenna/ 

length combinations.


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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 #1403 Antenna Project

2006-06-29 Thread Alexandra Carter
Well, it's probably the Pac-12. Add 1-2 more of those sections to the  
part below the coil, use plenty of radials, and try something I saw  
someone set up, they just use the 40m coil with a jumper with an E-Z  
Hook on it to select turns for higher bands. It's a nice antenna! 73  
de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 28, 2006, at 10:39 PM, Jack Regan wrote:

I have been following the antenna threads since I started building  
the KX1.
These experiments are based on that thread, the ARRL Handbook 2004,  

research into commercial verticals and my own experience.

The goals are to find the best antenna for the KX1 under various  


1.   Smallest, lightest, easiest to set up 4 band backpacking  

2.   Smallest, lightest, easiest to set up for 1, 2, or 3 bands  


3.   Most efficent antenna for 4 bands but still backpackable.

4.   Most efficent 1, 2, or 3 band antennas but still  

5.   Learn Antenna Theory and Practice.  Formulas, Software,  

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Re: [Elecraft] American Morse Paddle?

2006-06-29 Thread Alexandra Carter
I have one too and don't plan to give it up, BTW rather than screwing  
down the nuts and hoping they'll stay, I use washers for shims and  
just tighten it all down, it stays put, the paddle's a bit "rattly"  
but I like it. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 28, 2006, at 7:50 PM, Sam Binkley wrote:

Anyone have a American Morse Paddle gathering dust in their pile  
of 'I

never use this thing I should get rid it'  ~ Steve/n0tu


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[Elecraft] Using Elecraft 100W antenna tuners with any rig

2006-06-28 Thread Alexandra Carter
Is there a way to use the antenna tuner that is meant for the 100W  
k2, with an arbitrary other rig? I mean, it's an Elecraft it's a GOOD  
tuner, is there any thought in mind of making an interface box or  
something that allows this?

I'm seeing a lot of autotuner complaints on eham etc lately and had a  
few myself, I'd happily build a 100W Elecraft tuner for my applience,  
hehe. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Hi Alex

2006-06-26 Thread Alexandra Carter
Sad attempt at rebuttal posted for everyone's edification - much  
hiliarity ensues.

Just think, this guy can't give up and neither can I, we may end up  
at war with a country that at least isn't so darned sandy. 73 de Alex  

On Jun 26, 2006, at 1:33 PM, Randy Rathbun NV0U wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Alex, I thought it was funny too... I think that guy has been  
smoking too much back bacon.

Like the French, Canadians seem to be easily ticked off at the  
stupidest things. I had some Canuk get mad because I said his  
logging program was okay, but not great. He then proceeded to make  
a fool of himself to the rest of the world.

I see the guy just posted posted a rebuttal with all that "how dare  
you show the world what a stupid message I sent!" stuff to the  
reflector just now. No wonder Quebec wants to be it's own country! :)

73 and all that stuff...

Randy NV0U

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[Elecraft] Re: Hi Alex

2006-06-26 Thread Alexandra Carter
This only gets funnier! Well, Canada DOES suck, don't get me wrong.  
One of the largest groups marrying Americans to get that all- 
important green card are Canadians. Kinda reminds me of the old  
Father Guido Sarducci routine, "Help, they are keeping me in here,  
they feed me poutine 3 times a day, ." lol. You're just hurt  
because the "what's wrong with
Hawaii, Alaska, Canada" guy spoke truth. Here's a helpful household  
hint and for free: get to work processing your US visa/green card  
paperwork now, since these things can take time. And when in doubt,  
you can always petition to join the US Army, a caution though,  
they'll make you do push-ups. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 26, 2006, at 12:13 PM, Valveman wrote:

I find it interesting you excuse your comments as an
attempt at humour.

You just shown your true feelings about my Country
with this comment "Again proof that humor also stops
at the US'ian border."

I can guarantee you if I made the same comments about
the US, you nor anyone else would have considered it
That's all I have to say.  No need to reply.

Robert VE3RPF

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Canada

2006-06-26 Thread Alexandra Carter
Yeah, I know, I just had to laugh when a Canadian said "What's wrong  
with Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada?" with the tacit assumption that  
Canada's just another part of the US, aww come on. And Canada is  
better off just being Canada, beating us at hockey, and that way  
we'll not have to learn what poutine is all about. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 26, 2006, at 2:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey Alexandra - just a minute.   We need Canada for the
Commonwealth Contest - without the VEs, the ZLs and VKs would
have only each other to work for much of the contest. 

I know it's off-topic, but look for Jacky ZM8CW from Raoul Island
(Kermadecs) during the next few days- mostly 20,40 and 80m.
I offered him one of my K2s but as he's going there by ship, weight is
not a problem so he's taking his own rig and amp.  He's a great CW
op - QSL via Ron ZL1AMO.
73, Ken ZL1AIH

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[Elecraft] Re: Hi Alex

2006-06-26 Thread Alexandra Carter

Again proof that humor also stops at the US'ian border.

I'm sorry but when the guy wrote, "What's wrong with Alaska, Hawaii,  
and Canada?" I just had to laugh. Hilarious! It's FUNNY, see?  
Especially coming from a Canadian!

Really, we need to print up a Humor For Dummies book (the "For  
Dummies" series are actually great for getting up to speed on a  
subject) and put it online for free.

Oh, and give my regards to the  Queen and all, 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 26, 2006, at 8:32 AM, Valveman wrote:

"Sellers often restrict sales to the continental US or
"CONUS",  because of shipping troubles, perceived
higher costs, etc. In my own  case (I sell on Ebay)
I'll ship anywhere in the Empire, but it MUST  be part
of the Empire. Thus, Alaska, Hawaii, US bases
overseas, no  problem. However, absolutely NOT Canada.
You see, Canada is not  actually part of the USA. Many
Canadians wish it were, and your  message shows you
are one of these. I feel for you, almost everyone  in
the world wishes they were in our wonderful Empire. I
suggest you  write to whatever you use for politicians
up there and see if you can  initiate a movement to
beg the USA to incorporate Canada as a state,  after
all, you guys have oil. Good luck! Let us know how it
goes, and  we wish your success! 73 de Alex NS6Y."

I find you comments rude, arrogant and insulting. If
your intention was to piss off a few people then
missson accomplished.  You should use some tact next

Robert VE3RPF

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: FS Elecraft K- twins

2006-06-25 Thread Alexandra Carter
Chalk it up to pure xenophobia, that and the fact that the  
crookedness/fraud/psycho rate is over 50%. It's profitable to hate  
foreigners just like it's profitable to avoid really bad parts of  
town at midnight with $100 bills hanging out of one's pocket.  
Xenophobia - it's a good thing.  73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 25, 2006, at 7:22 PM, michael taylor wrote:

Is is shipping costs? Legal hassle? Bad deals? Xenophobia? Dislike of
other countries? Longer line-ups or slower service at the post office
to send foreign mail?

-Michael, VE3TIX

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Re: [Elecraft] Field Day at Home

2006-06-25 Thread Alexandra Carter
Thanks for the encouragement! Actually, I feel this is a valuable  
learning experience:

(1) Bring your own gear and be familiar with its use in the field  
through practice, that way you'll always have a rig to plop yourself  
down in front of and operate - yours.

(2) Bring salt and pepper for the burgers, and mayo too, sriracha  
perhaps too, just to see if anyone tries it (super hot sauce found in  
all vietnamese noodle shops)

(3) Be good at code - If I were more up to speed on code, I'd have  
felt confident to just wait in the very short line to get on the CW  
station. Problem is, while I've been putting in work on it and  
getting better, I just wasn't "there" yet.

(4) Nice simple antennas work great, think long hunks of wire + tall  
trees = happiness.

(5) Computers are NOT your friends!! I signed up to do the digital  
station (psk31) because I can type better than most in the group and  
at least it's one thing I can do. Computers crapped out both for  
logging and I think when the one guy who set up the PSK31 station  
went home, the station went with him, at sundown. At the SSB station,  
same story, computer problems and unreliability. The GOTA station  
started humming right along once their computer died and they started  
a proper paper log. Learn to write well, quickly and cleanly, look up  
"directed script" or whatever it's called that the old time CW ops  
used. It can be transferred into a logging program that checks for  
dupes etc later, but in the 24-hour time window of FD, computers only  
slow ya down.

Now, I actually don't have any Elecraft rigs right now. It's a long  
story. if I build yet ANOTHER KX1 I'll prolly just get the stock one  
and the internal tuner, and not mess with additional bands. I could  
always add them later, but keep it really simple at first. And I'll  
probably just use my own paddle - I have one of the little American  
Morse jobs and it's neat. Also, a Vibroplex Code-Mite straight key  
which looks like a toy but isn't, it's a very nice, sturdy, good- 
feeling little key.

Oh, and I have an IC-7000 I just got.

73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 25, 2006, at 4:05 PM, Joseph Trombino Jr wrote:

Howdy Alex:

I gave up on participating in club Field Day efforts many years ago  
precisely because of the points you raised.

But don't give up on Field Day are a QRP'er  
which makes you a special breedtake your QRP gear out to the  
field and have fun.

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Re: [Elecraft] Field Day at Home

2006-06-25 Thread Alexandra Carter
Rock you're a genius. I tried my first Field Day with a club and know  
why I've stayed strictly away from it in 23 years of being licensed.  
Lots of watching others operate, watching computers (which have no  
place near a radio or anything fun) fail, freeze, and piss people  
off, watching a rat's nest of mutually not-always-compatible antennas  
get put up with varying degrees of success, and enough safety  
violations to make an OSHA officer crap their pants.

Next time I'm staying home. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 25, 2006, at 1:23 PM, Kevin Rock wrote:

Good Afternoon,

I took Wayne's advice and had a little fun during Field Day.  I did  
want to work with other folks for a change but the cancellation at  
the very last minute did not allow me to find another group.  So I  
worked about 220 contacts on 20, 40, and 80 meters using only CW  
with a solely search and pounce technique.  I did get a couple  
hours of 40 contacts or more but I did take a number of hours off  
to do chores and to write some assembly language.  It is my way of  
relaxing :)

I ran the entire time on emergency power (1E) but ran from two  
rigs, two sets of paddles, and five separate antennas from three  
locations.  The power jumped all over the place from 3 watts to 100  
watts.  Since I am not submitting any log this does not matter.  I  
just have fun handing out points to others and seeing who I can  
hear.  It is fun to test my CW skills against the fast and slow  
ops.  There were a wide variety of fists as well ;)

My goal was to beat what I did last year.  I did that.  I also  
wanted to work with a group of folks to get the full effect of the  
field day crowd.  I did not get to do that.  So a resolution for  
next year will be to start very early to find a group who will not  
bail out at the last minute.  I also need to find a group who wants  
a CW operator.  I was not successful with finding one in Oregon.   
Around here you have to be careful if you mention the mode.  Too  
many folks are adamantly opposed to its use or even its existence.   
I had no idea of the depth of feeling until I mentioned how much  
fun I had running CW.  I was never again welcome at that club!

Now to ask a favor of folks in Washington, Northern California,  
Idaho, Nevada, Utah, or Montana.  Is there any group who would have  
me as a CW op for next year's Field Day?  I am willing to travel  
with my radio and camping gear to work with a friendly group of  
folks.  QRP or not, it does not matter to me.  I just want to work  
CW.  If there are others working voice and data modes that is  
fine.  I simply want to find a group where I will not be shunned  
for mentioning my enjoyment of CW.

I've met a great number of very nice folks while working CW and  
especially after I started the Elecraft CW Net.  I am sure I can  
find a group in the Pacific Northwest who will have me for next  
year's Field Day outing.

   Take care,
  Kevin.  KD5ONS

P.S.  Next week we will have both nets at their normal times and  

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: FS Elecraft K- twins

2006-06-25 Thread Alexandra Carter
Sellers often restrict sales to the continental US or "CONUS",  
because of shipping troubles, perceived higher costs, etc. In my own  
case (I sell on Ebay) I'll ship anywhere in the Empire, but it MUST  
be part of the Empire. Thus, Alaska, Hawaii, US bases overseas, no  
problem. However, absolutely NOT Canada. You see, Canada is not  
actually part of the USA. Many Canadians wish it were, and your  
message shows you are one of these. I feel for you, almost everyone  
in the world wishes they were in our wonderful Empire. I suggest you  
write to whatever you use for politicians up there and see if you can  
initiate a movement to beg the USA to incorporate Canada as a state,  
after all, you guys have oil. Good luck! Let us know how it goes, and  
we wish your success! 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 25, 2006, at 4:57 AM, Robert C. Abell wrote:

Why Do you restrict your sale to Continental U.S. ? Whats the  
matter with Alaska, Hawaii and Canada ???

Bob, VE3XM
K2 S/N 4031
K2/100 S/N 4575

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Re: [Elecraft] Anyone got their KXB3080?

2006-06-24 Thread Alexandra Carter
Ugh. The 30m module kicked my butt, had to install it 2X plus lots  
and lots of fiddling around with it.
I can't imagine doing the 3080 now. I guess for multi-band the  
easiest was always the NorCal Sierra, plug 'em in and plop! there's  
another band lol. 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Jun 24, 2006, at 10:02 AM, Don Wilhelm wrote:

As you no doubt noticed when reading the instructions, the KXB3080  
does take
a bit more care and patience than most.  In fact, I would rate it  
as the

most critical construction item that Elecraft has produced.

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Re: [Elecraft] Watkins-Johnson (now audio filters)

2006-06-22 Thread Alexandra Carter
That SCAF sounds fine business. I might well go with one of those  
when I can. My radio earphones are old WWII "can" jobs, they work  
great, they do take some of the noise out. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 22, 2006, at 1:46 PM, Rick Dettinger wrote:


I recently built an Idiom Press SCAF-1 audio filter and it was a vast
improvement for my Icom-706IIG (it doesn't do much if anything for  
the K2).


I built the SCAF 1 and agree with one exception:  I don't have good
communication headphones and use Sony stereo 'phones.  These are  
hifi and I
get serious thumps from the K2, even with the AF 1 turned on.  This  
is true
with other rigs as well.  The SCAF 1 removes this noise.  I just  
need to
make sure I don't overdrive the SCAF 1 as it is very sensitive to  
this.  The
filter really cleans up less than pure sidetone audio, too.  I  
would like to
get some good communication 'phones, without the microphone  
thingee.  Any
recommendations.  I like the kind that seal out external noise.  I  
like to

use a bug but the damper clacking is distracting to me.
Rick Dettinger

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Re: [Elecraft] Watkins-Johnson

2006-06-21 Thread Alexandra Carter
I do not intend to use this near transmitters, so that should solve  
that, I hope!

As for that batt, you have a point and thanks for the reminder. I  
need to get in there and see where that batt is, and see if it's ok.  
I need to make a replacement bottom panel for it too! 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 21, 2006, at 10:05 PM, Stuart Rohre wrote:

Have you read the reviews of it on eham and the companion full rack  
radio?  There is a chance of blowing the front end, as these were  
used in

listening posts, not near transmitters.

Another reviewer mentioned the back up battery being prone to  
leaking and

has posted the substitution of a back panel battery on pigtails to
circumvent this problem.  He used a RS battery of 2.4 volts as a
replacement.  I think that was on the 8718A full rack model, but  

yours will also have a battery back up.

Good luck with the radio,

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[Elecraft] Watkins-Johnson

2006-06-21 Thread Alexandra Carter
OT here, but I recently got a Watkins-Johnson 8709 and wow do I ever  
love it! OK so the bottom case sheet metal is missing, gonna have to  
replace that with something, and one of the pushbuttons came off and  
fell on the floor this morning (I pushed it back onto its post) and  
it's idea of a narrow filter is 2.5kHz, this thing can really dig 'em  

Two questions - #1 do you think this is about as good as a K2 as a  
reciever, better, or worse, or what? Just curious.

And #2, how well do audio filters, or even audio DSP like SGC sells,  
for narrowing things down for listening to CW?

Man this thing is the bees knees. 73 Alex NS6Y

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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 Issue

2006-06-20 Thread Alexandra Carter
If it won't tune to a dummy load then something is really wrong. 73  
de Alex NS.Y.

On Jun 20, 2006, at 6:24 AM, Brian Murrey wrote:

Any experts on KXAT1 debugging?

Yesterday I had the KX1 in the car with the 20m hamstick and for  
about half

day I was about to work Florida, Mass, Texas...with 2w and the  
KX1.  I was
using the KXAT1 to tune my hamstick, even though I have the  
hamstick adjusted

to 1.2 : 1 without the tuner.

BIG storm comes along, I'm not running CW now, I'm driving and  
listening to CW
and lots of static.  So I shut off the rig and keep tooling on down  
the road.

About 20 mins later I pull into Riley Park in Greenfield IN and and  
park so I
can play radio...except the KXAT1 is saying I am only putting out . 
05 watts,
then sometimes maybe .09 watts...SWR is like 8:1 now.  So I move  
the car...I

am in the clear...nothing metal near me...same thing.  huh.

When I get home I take the rig in to the radio room and attach it  
to the attic

dipole, that never fails.

I put it in auto tune mode...on 40m...SWR reads 9:1 on the KX1 but  
1.2:1 on my
external meter. I take it out of auto a manual  
tune...KXAT! says SWR
is 9.9:1 and power out is less than half a watt...on a 14.0v power  

So I go through the ATU setting, no error code (showing E00).  I  
yank the

KXAT1, jumper pins 1 and 3 on J7...which now makes it a KX1 without an
internal ATU.

I connect it to my external antenna tuner/SWR meter and tune for  
1:1 SWR and

I'm getting almost 3w on 40m, 4w on 30m, and 2.8w on 20mlike
normal...according to the external meter.  Made a couple of QSO's  
and got 579

599...meter showing just about 3w as expected.

So what happened to my KXAT1?   Did the firmware take a dive?

I also notice that when I transmit now, I only get one LED at the  
far left of
the display to pop used to show three or four...external  
meter shows
3w usually.  I did reset to factory defaults, turned the 30m back  
on...maybe I

don't know what the SIG settings should be...

Anyone have any ideas? I have tuned C9 on the KXAT1 for the lowest  
DC voltage
at the REFL point...I'm getting .62 vDC. I have stepped through the  
relays and
they all click when activated, so I'm kind of stumped other than  
thinking the
firmware got hosered up somehow in the storm. It will not tune to a  

load...or at least the LED display says it won't.

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: What's wrong with Serial

2006-06-20 Thread Alexandra Carter
I have to side with Mario on this one - while I hate computers and  
love the idea of 'em getting fried, it can still be damned  
inconvenient. I know there's an RS-232 connection that uses a little  
connector that looks like the old one on the IBM PS/2 mouse, little  
round thing, could that be used? 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Jun 20, 2006, at 12:53 AM, Mario Lorenz wrote:

Am 19. Jun 2006, um 22:03:11 schrieb wayne burdick:

Correct. Then the principle designer, N6KR, wrote:

We didn't have room for two connectors.


Sorry to have to disagree. The issue is that you use what is
a commonly used connector for a commonly used purpose (ie, a db9 for
serial communications) in a way that is non-standard so badly that
it might cause equipment damage when someone mistakenly assumes its

If space were the issue, you could have opted for even smaller  

connectors that are not _that_ widely used for serial communications
like RJ45 (Cisco routers being a notable exception), or, probably even
better - a VGA connector, which gives you lots more pins on the same


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Re: [Elecraft] Re: UK import duty

2006-06-18 Thread Alexandra Carter
Except that, having a car isn't as required in the UK as in the US,  
and I don't think you have average ppl in the UK doing 20K miles a  
year. I myself am quite a light driver, only doing about 7k a year.  
And, car insurance in the US is generally $100 a month and up, not  
sure what it is in the UK.

73 de Alex NS6Y

On Jun 18, 2006, at 1:19 AM, Nick Waterman wrote:

David [M0WAM] wrote:
 Sorry to continue such an OT thread, but you US citizens should  

count your blessings...

In 2002 total tax burdens as percentage of GNP were:

S, nobody tell them how much we pay for petrol - they'd have a
heart attack if their "gas" cost anywhere near as much

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: UK import duty

2006-06-17 Thread Alexandra Carter
Yes, indeed. The US has probably the highest tax rate in the world,  
the better to support all those illegals getting benefits under 7  
different names, I'm only halfway joking, we have a serious problem  
with things like this! 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Jun 16, 2006, at 11:45 PM, David Douglass wrote:


I always though we had one of the highest levels of Tax in the  
world !!

Looks like the US must hold the record on this !!!


David, VK2NU

-Original Message-
From: Alexandra Carter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 16 June 2006 4:08 PM
To: David Douglass
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: UK import duty

Ugh, try living in the US. For a single working person, about 1/3 of
earnings go for federal taxes, then there are state taxes, then there
are sales taxes of an average of close to 9%! And none of our postal
people are that "cool" lol! 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Jun 15, 2006, at 4:40 AM, David Douglass wrote:

When I got my first K2, I had to pay 10% of valve (~$75AUS) at the
office before I could collect it. I was told this was applicable
for all
imported items above $500AUS. When I got my second K2 earlier this
year I
also expected to have to pay the same amount, but was informed by
the local
postmaster, that customs couldn't be bothered to collect the money
on postal
items anymore, and I didn't have to pay a thing.

Obviously the Australian government are ripping us off enough in
income tax,
to not have to worry about VAT on imports..

David, Vk2NU

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Re: [Elecraft] Pelican Case for K2 Portable Station

2006-06-12 Thread Alexandra Carter
Sounds like you'd better consider the kind of Pelican case rifle  
shooters use! Honestly! 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 12, 2006, at 7:23 AM, Mark Baugh wrote:

Has anyone already solved the question of what Pelican
case to use
with a K2 "complete" station?

I would like to put a K2, with antenna and K1EL K-40,
a Heil set,
computer keyboard and associated cables into a
Pelican.  I'm
thinking about the Buddipole but an not yet decided.

Links to photos and specs would be greatly


I use a Pelican 1600 case; plenty big to hold the
whole station but not too big to handle.  About the
size of a medium suitcase.

73, Byron

Mark Baugh
Grenada MS

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Re: [Elecraft] Building KX-2 SN 1482 Question

2006-06-06 Thread Alexandra Carter
Definately keep the BNC connector on there, and just use an adaptor.  
Alligator clip pigtails will be much more of a headache than you  
realize at this time. 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Jun 6, 2006, at 10:08 AM, Larry Wright wrote:

The build is going well.  My question is this:  has anyone used  
alligator clip outputs in place of the BNC connector?  What do you  
see as the pros and cons of using alligator clips?

I have been using the SST and the L-tuner (which has alligator clip  
outputs) since last fall and so am accustomed to using alligator  
clips.  I anticapate mostly using the KX-1 for camping,  
backpacking, and portable use with an endfed wire and  
counterpoise..  So instead of using the BNC and an adapter,  I am  
considering contructing it with alligator clip outputs.  It would  
appear to me to be easy to put the BNC connector in later if I  
decide the alligator clips are not a good choice.  Removing the BNC  
looks like a difficult task if I later decide I don't like it.

I welcome any comments.


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Re: [Elecraft] Black Widow paddle kit

2006-06-06 Thread Alexandra Carter
From the looks of it, the paddles themselves are guitar picks -  
which are easy to get replacements for, and REALLY hard to break  
(essentially can't be), esp. the heavier thicknesses, which is what  
it looks like are on the paddle in the picture.

I think you guys may make me decide to get one. It looks like a neat  
little key! Speaking of neat little keys, I recently got a "code  
mite" key from Vibroplex, which is a little straight key, and it's  
neat! I really like this little key. 73 de Alex NS6Y

It looks to be a fine piece of engineering, Eric, apart from the  
paddles which seem very fragile. Considering that the force of  
the thumb and index finger will be pushing against the paddles  
which only have a screw head supporting them, my guess is that  
one would need to be very light fisted. Just an observation from  
the picture - I could be wrong.

Timothy A. Raymer
Missouri Department of
Health and Senior Services

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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 EMBARKATION of #001363

2006-06-03 Thread Alexandra Carter
As for crystal clear, I'll just say now, read the instructions  
carefully on the crystals, since the GND wires are placed on the  
sides not on the tops like you've seen in tons of stuff, and keep  
some nice wires like off of LEDs or even your own bus wire for the  
ground wires since the regular old resistor leads etc are often  
copper plated and tinned soft iron and will want to stick to your  
soldering iron tip. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 3, 2006, at 4:11 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well the games have begun, I started building KX1 serial #001363

It looked intimidating at first.; but yes, the instruction are  
crystal clear!!  That's just what this reflector said.

THIS WILL BE LOTS OF FUN...BTW my new HAKKO 936 from dayton sure is  
a pleasure to use.

Ken K1UM

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[Elecraft] kx1 for sale

2006-06-02 Thread Alexandra Carter
Well, I've gone through my equipment inventory and my finances, and I  
can keep my spectrum analyzer or my KX1 not both, I got the KX1 then  
ended up with the spec-an, and my ft-897 which I love, and I have to  
trim the inventory down now. So, I've put the kx1 on ebay, I'm sure  
it's the only half built on one there, so have a look if you guys  
like and ask me any questions you may have. 73 de Alex NS6Y

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Re: [Elecraft] Useful DMM/Cap/Transistor Meters

2006-06-01 Thread Alexandra Carter
Thanks, I was wondering. Seems my missive against PayPal was  
"disappeared" Alex.

On May 31, 2006, at 10:56 PM, Mark Bayern wrote:

Looks like you are!

Mark  AD5SS

On 6/1/06, Alexandra Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Testing testing test message. Am I still on this list? Alex.

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Re: [Elecraft] Useful DMM/Cap/Transistor Meters

2006-05-31 Thread Alexandra Carter

Testing testing test message. Am I still on this list? Alex.

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Re: [Elecraft] Just built AADE capacitance meter - great!

2006-05-31 Thread Alexandra Carter
Aren't those just the greatest little toys? I've built one too and  
they're great! I can also recommend the M2 Electronix Component  
Analyzer. That will tell you what kind of transistor/diode you have,  
it's hfe and stuff like that, another cool little toy. 73 de Alex NS6Y

On May 31, 2006, at 7:04 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just a burst of enthusiasm from a satisified customer - I just  
built an AADE capacitance/inductance meter. Went together in about  
1 1/2 hours, worked at first power up -- what a nice instrument!

I will be building an HFPacker amp for use with my K1, thought it  
would be a good idea to be able to check the caps as they go in. I  
do this routinely for resistors.

73, Mike N2HTT

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Re: [Elecraft] Way OT - eBay - HELP

2006-05-31 Thread Alexandra Carter

OK people. Listen up and listen up good.

DON'T have anything to do with PayPal until you have read the sites and - then look into the  
many class-action and individual lawsuits against PayPal and then and  
only then will you be equipped to decide if you want them to own a  
piece of your life forever.

THEN, if you get SPAM from PayPal, forward it with full headers to  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] You see, PayPal is owned by Ebay therefore all PayPal  
scams and spoofs are actually done by Ebay.

Anything newsworthy, go to your news media right away - if it bleeds  
it leads and PayPal/Ebay make plenty of people do just that, all  
accounts cleaned out and the victem left living under a bridge and  
begging for a living.

de Alex NS6Y.
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Enclosure for Elecraft T1 tuner

2006-05-30 Thread Alexandra Carter

OH, ok, I guess I feel better now! 73/72/HP-41C de Alex NS6Y

On May 29, 2006, at 2:39 PM, W2AGN wrote:

FYI, for many years "72" has been used among QRPers to indicate  
"Best QRP."

Originated by Oleg, RV3GM back in 1994 or 1995.

   _ _ _ _ _
  / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   John L. Sielke
 ( W ) ( 2 ) ( A ) ( G ) ( N )
  \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/   \_/

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[Elecraft] Re: Enclosure for Elecraft T1 tuner

2006-05-29 Thread Alexandra Carter
This is a letter/replay to American Morse Guess I only rate a 72  
lol! But, who knows, this may happen. for the record the plastic  
case is fine with me! Alex.

On May 29, 2005, at 1:30 PM, Doug Hauff wrote:

Thanks, Alex, I'll check it out!

Doug  W6AME

You ought to make an enclosure for the Elecraft T1 tuner, I've  
just  read through the reviews of it on Eham and a lot of people  
don't like  the plastic case. 73 de Alex NS6Y

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Re: [Elecraft] Wha'ts Wrong With Our Radios (WAS:NewProducts, Building Demo, ...

2006-05-29 Thread Alexandra Carter

I think the influence may have been military. Pre-WWII radios are the  
long shallow model, some early 1930s mil rigs were, but as WWII got  
more serious, the rigs seemed to settle on the small panel-deep  
chassis form factor. It makes sense when you're cramming a lot of  
gear into an airplane, making a radio to fit in a backpack or Jeep,  
in a tank, etc. Since a lot of ham gear was actually ex-military gear  
following WWII, and since the US's warlike nature has supplied hams  
with a constant supply of military surplus stuff since, (this has  
only recently dried up, due to the classified/controlled nature of  
the modern mil gear) we seem to have radios these days that are about  
the same shape as military ones.

Frankly, if you're putting a radio in your car or RV or boat, taking  
one along in a backpack, etc. the military type of shape makes sense.  
I notice these days there are radios with the old prewar form factor,  
such as the FT-1000 series and the new $5000-$10 rigs the makers  
have just come out with. Those are not meant to go into anyone's car  
or boat... or tank. And they are relatively wide and shallow. The  
megabuck rigs even allow for a computer screen to be added, making  
the total thing even wider and shallower overall. Just some thoughts,  
73 de Alex NS6Y.

On May 26, 2006, at 9:30 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Whether the rig was simple or complex, the small panel/deep
chassis idea became the most common, even for rigs that would
obviously never be
used mobile. It became electro-politically incorrect to build a ham
rig any
other way, even though the original reason for the form factor was
gone (2). That
influence continues to the present day.

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[Elecraft] Re: T1 tuner from elephant-craft

2006-05-26 Thread Alexandra Carter
Yerg, but Eham's still down. I'll write an even better one when the  
site's back up, it'll be the bestest review in the whole wide world!  
Or something. I have to admit, when I first heard the name Elecraft,  
I imagined a cartoon of a bunch of elephants sitting around a table  
building stuff. ought to draw it someday. 73 de Alex NS6Y

On May 26, 2006, at 8:43 AM, wayne burdick wrote:

Thanks, Alex  :)

This would make a great T1 review on eHam (better written than  
most) when they come back up, someday  the URL for T1 reviews is:


On May 26, 2006, at 1:36 AM, Alexandra Carter wrote:

It never forgets! That it's a tuner! The AT-897 from LDG often  
forgot it was a tuner and thought it was a rock. I returned it and  
ordered a T1 kit, and what a neat lil' tuner!

Works tickety-boo as I think they say in Oz, and while the  
"operator interface" is 3 LEDs and 2 buttons, it's both easy to  
work with and tells you a lot. Tells me a lot. Tells one a lot. It  
does tune right down to a very low SWR, brrt brrt brt and  
there you are. I took it to the park today with my 897 and a bunch  
of wire and got 12 feet of that wire up in a tree (took 3 throws)  
and laid out a counterpoise... here and there and talked to  
Minnesota on 20W.

Don't feel ashamed if you choose to order it already built, they  
sure earn that $50 or so difference at the factory, this is harder  
than any of the mini-kits or rig accessories I've built, although  
there's less to it than to a KX1 or K1. You get to wind about 10  
or so toroids, really no problem, and when you're done toroids  
will be familiar territory for you. The smallest value one is  
wound left-handed for a change, meanwhile I'm left-handed and have  
learned to wind toroids right-handed because that's the standard.

With an 800 degree iron the BNC conns are easy to solder, for the  
rest a 700-degree pointy tip iron is just right. One row of relays  
has .1uF SMD caps between their legs so you have to solder a bit  
carefully. The control board needs to have its components trimmed  
close so have good flush cutters and solder "the Elecraft way"  
without leaving a big blobby fillet. It was greatly satisfying to  
see everything clearing the CPU very nicely when it all went  
together. When inserting the CPU get those legs at a nice perfect  
90 degrees and make sure it all lines up when you install it in  
the socket, because it's going into a bit of a tight spot. It  
doesn't hurt to look at it from a few different angles to make  
sure the legs are all going in, as you squeeze it down bit by bit.  
That's a very high quality socket Elecraft uses so once it's in  
there right It's going to stay right. I'd say go slow and do it  
right, I did it in 2 evenings, someone else told me theirs took a  
bit longer, it's possible to put one together in one sitting I  
guess .

With my 897 on battery power I'm limited to 20W and this is a 20W  
"max" tuner, so it works out just right. Everything is very  
logically laid out so I feel if I ever zorch something I can  
easily order the parts and fix it.

Great, great little tuner! 73 de Alex NS6Y
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[Elecraft] T1 tuner from elephant-craft

2006-05-26 Thread Alexandra Carter
It never forgets! That it's a tuner! The AT-897 from LDG often forgot  
it was a tuner and thought it was a rock. I returned it and ordered a  
T1 kit, and what a neat lil' tuner!

Works tickety-boo as I think they say in Oz, and while the "operator  
interface" is 3 LEDs and 2 buttons, it's both easy to work with and  
tells you a lot. Tells me a lot. Tells one a lot. It does tune right  
down to a very low SWR, brrt brrt brt and there you are. I took  
it to the park today with my 897 and a bunch of wire and got 12 feet  
of that wire up in a tree (took 3 throws) and laid out a  
counterpoise... here and there and talked to Minnesota on 20W.

Don't feel ashamed if you choose to order it already built, they sure  
earn that $50 or so difference at the factory, this is harder than  
any of the mini-kits or rig accessories I've built, although there's  
less to it than to a KX1 or K1. You get to wind about 10 or so  
toroids, really no problem, and when you're done toroids will be  
familiar territory for you. The smallest value one is wound left- 
handed for a change, meanwhile I'm left-handed and have learned to  
wind toroids right-handed because that's the standard.

With an 800 degree iron the BNC conns are easy to solder, for the  
rest a 700-degree pointy tip iron is just right. One row of relays  
has .1uF SMD caps between their legs so you have to solder a bit  
carefully. The control board needs to have its components trimmed  
close so have good flush cutters and solder "the Elecraft way"  
without leaving a big blobby fillet. It was greatly satisfying to see  
everything clearing the CPU very nicely when it all went together.  
When inserting the CPU get those legs at a nice perfect 90 degrees  
and make sure it all lines up when you install it in the socket,  
because it's going into a bit of a tight spot. It doesn't hurt to  
look at it from a few different angles to make sure the legs are all  
going in, as you squeeze it down bit by bit. That's a very high  
quality socket Elecraft uses so once it's in there right It's going  
to stay right. I'd say go slow and do it right, I did it in 2  
evenings, someone else told me theirs took a bit longer, it's  
possible to put one together in one sitting I guess .

With my 897 on battery power I'm limited to 20W and this is a 20W  
"max" tuner, so it works out just right. Everything is very logically  
laid out so I feel if I ever zorch something I can easily order the  
parts and fix it.

Great, great little tuner! 73 de Alex NS6Y
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Re: [Elecraft]

2006-05-25 Thread Alexandra Carter
I just checked and still no Eham, let's hope whatever's broken can be  
fixed and they're back soon! 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On May 25, 2006, at 12:04 AM, Tom Harson wrote: site is back up!

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[Elecraft] Re: eham site down?

2006-05-25 Thread Alexandra Carter
I've dug around and they're worried about it too on QRZ, the word is  
they're doing some rebuilding. Sheesh DOS attacks, won't some ppl  
grow up? 73 de Alex NS6Y.

PS just built the little ciggy-pack ATU and checked for basic  
heartbeat, it's aliive! I have to do more testing now, you see  
the only time I get for hamming is after midnight and I have to pay  
for it with decreased sleep.

On May 24, 2006, at 10:44 PM, wayne burdick wrote:

They may have shut down because of a denial-of-service attack. This  
has happened several times. On one occasion they were down for over  
four days rebuilding and/or moving to a different server.


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[Elecraft] Re: failure notice

2006-05-24 Thread Alexandra Carter

Here is the message again.

I keep going back and checking, and they've been nuked off of the
face of the earth. I have visions of the owner/webmaster either
making a panicky buy of plane tickets under assumed names to
Switzerland or Brazil, or of them under a bridge right now, deciding
who gets the Spam and who gets the pork'n'beans and who keeps first

The site was very, very, very good. The reviews were an irreplaceable
service. They will be missed. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

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Re: [Elecraft] Begali contacts - old thread reprise...

2006-05-24 Thread Alexandra Carter
Interesting post on the DeOxit.. I just got a bug and was told,  
"They're not as good as modern keyers, they truncate their dits". But  
maybe some DeOxit and paper burnishing will change this. Thanks for  
the info, 73 de Alex NS6Y

On May 24, 2006, at 9:11 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

I'm one of those who has used DeOxit on some old keys - two "bugs"  
from the

1950's that see regular service on my operating desk.

I was having to constantly "buff" the contacts. I used bit of  
paper, drawing
it through the contacts while holding them closed several times. If  
I didn't

use a particular key for several days, it'd be needing a considerable
cleaning. Even when in constant use, I'd have to do a cleaning  
every week or
so. Keep in mind that the contact closure is far more critical on a  
bug than
it is on paddles. If the logic sees a contact closure when using a  
it'll make a dot or dash of exactly the correct length. With a bug,  
that dot

or dash length is totally dependent upon the rig seeing a good, stable
contact closure for exactly the right length of time. If the  
contact is
dirty, the element will be truncated. The sending is often  
described as
"scratchy" with the carrier jumping on and off perhaps several  
times in the

length of one dash at 20 wpm as the keying circuit interprets the poor
contact is alternately an open or closed circuit. It really makes  
for nasty


One day I was launching into yet another cleaning and saw, right  
next to my
key, a little squeeze bottle of Caig DeOxit. So I put a small drop  
on the
contacts. The surface tension held it in place with the contacts  
open. A few
minutes later I tried the key. Perfect contact action. I did have  
to remove
the excess DeOxit from the dot contacts since the liquid interfered  
with the
smooth action of the pendulum that makes dots on a bug. So all that  
was left
was the very thin film of DeOxit that clung to the metal. It was  
more than
six months later that I noticed the contacts needing help. Before I  
had to
clean them ever few days. I now keep a little squeeze bottle of  
DeOxit at

the operating desk .


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David A.  

Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 7:48 PM
Cc: 'Elecraft Reflector'
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Begali contacts - old thread reprise...

Yes.  It's fantastic for virtually all contacts and pots.

dave belsley, w1euy

On May 24, 2006, at 10:28 PM, ROBERT CARROLL wrote:


I bought a Graciella at Dayton so am very interested in this
thread.  Are
you talking about Caig Deoxit or something else?

Bob W2WG

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David A.
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 10:21 PM
To: Kenneth Moorman
Cc: Elecraft Reflector
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Begali contacts - old thread reprise...

I put the stuff on my keys a couple of years ago and haven't had any
problems since.  I think it will last indefinitely.  I learned about
the stuff on this reflector, so I suspect there are those with even
longer experience who may want to chime in.

best wishes,

dave belsley, w1euy

On May 24, 2006, at 9:54 PM, Kenneth Moorman wrote:

Hi David,

How long will the Deoxit treatment last?


Ken, NU4I

- Original Message - From: "David A. Belsley"
To: "n3drk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "elecraft" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Begali contacts - old thread reprise...

A tenth-drop of Deoxit on the contacts will produce the same effect
with no abrasion at all. best wishes,
dave belsley, w1euy

david a. belsley
professor of economics

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david a. belsley
professor of economics

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[Elecraft] eham site down?

2006-05-24 Thread Alexandra Carter
I think the web site is down, as in permenantly. This is a  
loss because it's a useful source of reviews on all kinds of  
equipment, not only Elecraft but other makers too. As well as  
articles, discussions, "elmers" Q&A, and a bunch of other great  

However, they've been down for a few days now, with not even a  
"placeholder" message telling when they'll be back up. Disappearances  
like this are seen in cases like: Hurricane Katrina (when the servers  
are at least 10ft below the water line), direct missile strikes, or  
sudden and severe cases of bankruptcy where the site owner,  
webmaster, etc. dont' have time to leave any info because they have  
to catch that redeye flight out of country.

However Eham has come to its demise, it will be missed. It was a  
really good site. RIP.

73 de Alex NS6Y.
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Re: Re [Elecraft] DX News and two questions

2006-05-24 Thread Alexandra Carter
Yes, 2-meters is no problem, HF may be a bit harder but not  
impossible. Our trains here are kinda noisy though, I swear some of  
those cars have square wheels! 73 de Alex NS6Y

On May 24, 2006, at 12:17 AM, Sverre Holm wrote:

Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 00:13:12 +0300
From: Bekir Kemal Ataman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Is it possible at all to work from a train in motion?

de TA2RX

Merhebe Bekir,

Yes, you can operate from a train, see LA5XOA's story from last  
year about
LA1TRAIN - LA9TRAIN where they also operated in motion from a steam- 


I think you will have a fun time doing this!



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Re: [Elecraft] New KX1

2006-05-14 Thread Alexandra Carter

yeah, sadly. Tis true though. 73 de Alex NS6Y

On May 14, 2006, at 4:19 PM, wayne burdick wrote:

That's all ham radio needs is a good, solid, 9-out-of-100  
apocalypse. Restore our faith in independent communications


On May 14, 2006, at 10:55 AM, Alexandra Carter wrote:

Congrats!! It is truly The Apocalyptic Radio! 73 de Alex NS6Y

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Re: [Elecraft] New KX1

2006-05-14 Thread Alexandra Carter

Congrats!! It is truly The Apocalyptic Radio! 73 de Alex NS6Y

On May 13, 2006, at 5:20 AM, a.yoshida wrote:


Finished asembling KX1/KXAT1.
What a great Tranceiver it is !!!

73 de aki, ja1nlx
K2 #4504, K1 #1963, KX1 #1450

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Re: [Elecraft] Antenna Question for KX1

2006-04-30 Thread Alexandra Carter
Try taking a big fat toroid from somewhere and looping your coax 
through that about 15 times at the antenna end and see how that works 
for you. Alternately, put a bunch of clip-on beads on the coax at the 
antenna end and try that. Alternately, try lengthening the antenna on 
the 'hot' side as the coax braid may be acting as the ground side. Not 
saying I know, just saying, Try. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Apr 30, 2006, at 5:49 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:


A balun may or may not help. and in any case, a balun or no balun is 
not the
answer to your situation - the 20 ft of coax is acting like an 
transformer, and without a thorough analysis of your antenna and 

system, it is difficult to say what would help.  Perhaps some
experimentation is in order - add a 4:1 balun and see what happens, 
try a 1:1 balun, try changing the length of the parallel feedline, and 

changing the length of the coax.  All these things will influence the
results, as will changing the length of the antenna wires.  If you do 

have adequate instrumentation to analyze the system, then a bit of old
fashioned 'cut and try' may be the way to properly answer your 
questions -
in any case, keep notes of what happens so you will know which way to 
when making future changes.  When you find something that works, 
rejoice and
let us know, perhaps some of us can give you some info relating to why 



-Original Message-

I have been playing with my KX1 in the back yard the last week or so 

found that about 26ft of wire in the hot side of the bnc
connector and about
the same to the cold side gets me a good match with the built in ATU 


Now if I use the same wires but add 20ft of coax between the
radio and these
wires I find it very hard to get a match on any band, do I need to 
use a

balun at the end of the coax?

Any thoughts



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2006-04-23 Thread Alexandra Carter
Tungsten carbide bits live a LOT longer if they're used an a drill 
press, they just can't stand ANY side forces. 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 23, 2006, at 7:11 AM, Tom Hammond wrote:

Just a note for builders, especially those who make their own PC 

While you CAN use high-speed steel drill bits to drill your 
glass-epoxy PC boards, you'll find that they (the bits) will dull very 
quickly (sometimes within the first dozen holes) due to heating 
(especially when turned at high rotational speeds) and the dulling 
effects of the fiberglass in the PC board substrate.

For drilling holes in PC boards, drill bits made of Tungsten Carbide 
will last MUCH LONGER (typically several THOUSAND holes), even when 
turned at very high speeds.

The problem with carbide bits though is that they are EXTREMELY 
BRITTLE and will break if you even look at them askance, or if they're 
subjected to lateral stress. Run them straight up 'n down and they'll 
last for a LONG time, but apply even a small amount of lateral stress 
and you'll be replacing the bit in a heartbeat. JUST A WORD TO THE 

For the past 20+ years, I've been making my own PC boards... in the 
kitchen... with the kind forbearance of my dear XYL, Jeri (K0RPH). And 
I've been using an old Dremel MotoTool, secured in a drill stand 
designed to hold the device, for virtually all drilling tasks. The 
drill stand allows me to run the drill motor (and bit) straight up and 
down, with virtually no lateral stress on the bit (unless I try to 
move the PC board before the bit's fully exited the last-drilled hole 
(bad things happen then!).

I've had problems finding reasonably-priced suitable tungsten-carbide 
bits however. Most new bits run $4-$5 (US) each and I shudder to think 
of breaking one each time I chuck it up into the drill motor.

I found a semi-local source of used bits (but still good for a few 
thousand holes), but I think he's no longer available, so I've had to 
search for another source. Fortunately a friend, Willie, KH6NO/7, has 
found a source of resharpened tungsten-carbide bits in Drill Bit 

While the prices ($0.90/bit) are not those I was paying a year or two 
ago, they're still a LOT better than 4X to 5X that price, for bit 
which will break just as fast, and which won't drill any more holes 
than a resharpened bit.

Just thought I'd bring this to the attention of anyone who might be 
searching for a more reasonable price for their PC board drill bits.

A sharp tungsten-carbide bit, chucked up in a high-speed drill motor 
will go thru PC board like a hot knife thru butter.



Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] Soldering tip

2006-04-23 Thread Alexandra Carter

Translation: Wipe on a wet sponge before use. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Apr 23, 2006, at 7:35 AM, Tom Hammond wrote:


There has been alot of soldering how-to on the reflector.  No matter 
what I do my soldering station tip does not stay shiny.  It seems 
that I must retin it after every connection...  What could cause 

The following comments are from my personal experience from 40+ years 
particularly in the company of some of the folks here on this 

HEAT will cause the tip to develop a thin coating of oxidized lead in 
a very short period of time, as will burnt flux. DO NOT EXPECT the tip 
to remain bright and shiny when it's sitting, waiting for the next 
joint. And be sure to set your tip temperature at a level which is 
appropriate for your soldering operations. Generally 700-725 deg. F 
seems to work pretty well for most kit soldering. If you leave the 
iron setting for long periods of time, TURN THE TEMP DOWN... or OFF.

There's little (if any) need to clean the tip AFTER you complete a 
soldered joint... the solder remaining on the tip will help to protect 
it from excessive  oxidation of the iron cladding on the tip. However, 
keep a 'cleaning pad' of some sort next to your soldering station and 
wipe the tip on the pad each time JUST BEFORE you solder that next 

There has been some discussion with regard to what type of 'wiping 
pad' to use. Some prefer to use a dampened sponge, others a damp rag, 
and I personally prefer to use a coiled stainless steel kitchen 
'scrubbie'... similar to those offered by Hakko for its line of 
soldering stations.

From experience, I've found that rubbing the tip of my soldering iron 
against a damp pad of any type does a nice job of cleaning off the 
crud which has built up on the tip of the iron, but it also cools down 
the tip just at the instant I'm wanting to use it... never quite rang 
true for me... cool the tip just before you use it... but I found that 
merely inserting the tip of my iron down into the coils of a stainless 
steel kitchen scrubbie...

will produce a nice clean tip with minimal tip cooling. And any 
'dross' scraped off the tip filters down to the bottom of the 
enclosure I'm using to hold the scrubbie, so I can pull it out once a 
month and dump out the crud into the wastebasket. I've used this 
cleaning method for the past 15-20 years on all sorts of soldering 
iron tips and have never experienced ANY evidence of excessive tip 
wear or abrading of the plated-on iron coatings of any of my tips.

Now once I get this soldering tip matter cured,  then I'm ready to  
start the KX1

Hope these suggestions might help a bit.

Now, I'll wait for the rebuttals from those who know what they're 


Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 U1 part number

2006-04-21 Thread Alexandra Carter
You know that little white light in your KX1? Well, that's an LED. The 
KX1 LED. 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 21, 2006, at 3:31 PM, Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/KC8NHF wrote:

I've not got a KX1 LED. Do I need one?

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 U1 part number

2006-04-21 Thread Alexandra Carter
Yep the NE602/SA602/SA612 are the same part as far as I know! 73 de 
Alex NS6Y

(KX1 LED still white, just checked!)

On Apr 21, 2006, at 3:15 PM, Bill Reid wrote:

The K2 manual lists SA602 for U1 on the control board and the part 
number in my kit is SA612.  Is this IC OK to install?

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 U1 part number

2006-04-21 Thread Alexandra Carter

The way I do it, is melt slobber and "goo" ahead! 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 21, 2006, at 3:24 PM, Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/KC8NHF wrote:

Same device, different number. Goo ahead and melt solder.

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Re: [Elecraft] Second RX

2006-04-21 Thread Alexandra Carter

Just get a 2nd K2!

By "boots" I suspect you mean an amp, they're out there, the HFpack 
group has an amp in the works, I think you can buy the kit, and there 
are other kits out there. Our FCC in the US is very uneasy about 
anything that could be conceivably be used on CB, so HF QRP amps are 
not as common on the US market as they could be.

73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 21, 2006, at 2:25 PM, Mike Harris wrote:


Had the chance to play with a Yaesu MP1000-M Mk.V (apologies for 

today and was most impressed with the functionality that the second RX
path gives when working split.  Never experienced that before.  Other 

that a bit OTT for me.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a second RX module, rather like the 
VFO of old, slaved to the main K2 chassis.  Or maybe an interface 
that enables another RX to be coupled to the K2 for common antenna 

switching and muting.

Something else I thought about was boots for the KX1.  20W or so would
make it handy as a slightly more potent, holiday, restricted bands, 

rig.  It would still be a pretty compact combo.


Mike VP8NO 

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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 RX deaf after KB3080 installation

2006-04-20 Thread Alexandra Carter
I got so. dismayed... .with this problem with my 30m module I just 
finally decided to remove it and see if the KX1 would work again, I did 
and it did. Then I replaced the pieces of wire for the 30m module and 
started again, really from scratch, installed it again, and the 2nd 
time worked the charm. It's kind of the IBM Field Tech way to fix a 
problem but it did work.. 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 20, 2006, at 11:42 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

I can't see anything wrong with L6 or the circuitry around CA and C26. 
lift one end of L6 tomorrow- but now I'm starting to wonder if Q7 
might be



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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 RX deaf after KB3080 installation

2006-04-20 Thread Alexandra Carter
This sounds like the problem I had with the old 30m module, finally I 
just took it out and re-installed, I never did figure out what I did 
wrong although I'm sure one wire went in the wrong hole, then went in 
the right one the 2nd go. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Apr 20, 2006, at 9:54 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

L6 is good, it measures 1 ohm. But I'm seeing only 1 to 4 ohms from 
min to

RF gain. That tallies with what I'm hearing- the RF gain has almost no
on received sigs. So I'll look for whatever is pulling R1 down.

Thanks again- it always helps to have a second set of "eyes".


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Re: [Elecraft] K2 problem or is it the antenna? - SOLVED

2006-04-20 Thread Alexandra Carter
Never take cables completely for granted. I recently had a Pomona BNC 
jumper, looked good, ohm'ed out good, but on my analyzer was BAD. It 
was weird! Physically looked beautiful, tested out perfect with the 
DMM, but wow, was it ever a baddie on the RF analyzer.

Here's how to check: Put a dummy load on the end and test'um. You 
should see 50 ohms all across the range, SWR 1:1 across the range.

Yes, I threw the bad cable in the trash, don't worry no one will buy it 
from me for $1 at the next ham swap meet! 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 20, 2006, at 4:48 AM, Darwin, Keith wrote:

Last night, while driving home from work, I was formulating my plan of
attack.  First I'd do a walk around at the antenna base to see if 

are good there.  I noticed the connection between the coax and the
antenna was just a tad loose.  I hand tightened it and then checked the
system with my analyzer.

All was back the way it should be.  Tuner settings on 40 meters is once
again wide and forgiving.  I'm getting 200 KHz of more of 2:1 bandwidth
and the settings are back to where they used to be.

K2 is once again happy and the Palstar meter are saying I have a good
match.  To celebrate, I made a CW contact on 40 with the K2.  Very nice

Thanks for all the suggestions & such.  It helps to get a guys thoughts


- Keith -

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Re: [Elecraft] DSL filters as RFI filters -- don't bother!

2006-04-17 Thread Alexandra Carter
My own understanding is that DSL operates in the 1-2 MHz range, read 
it in some manual somewhere. 73 de Alex NS6Y

At 02:34 PM 4/17/2006, Vic K2VCO wrote: Although the DSL signal is 
much lower in frequency than ham signals (I believe 10-100 KHz, 
correct me if I'm wrong), I thought it would be worth a try.73,

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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Re: [Elecraft] Soldering stations

2006-04-15 Thread Alexandra Carter
WRONG. You do have to change the tip on the Magnetrol type Weller 
stations, of which the WTCPT is one, that's the beauty of it - no 
nimrod technicians cranking a variable control up to 900 degrees and 
lifting pads. I was just in fry's today buying two tips for my own 
beloved WTCPT, a 700 degree fine point tip and an 800 degree flat tip. 
73 de Alex NS6Y (whose KX1 LED turns out to be white after all).

On Apr 15, 2006, at 3:13 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

Jerry WA2DKG wrote:
Once again I read about having to change the tip in the Weller WTCP
soldering station in order to change the temperature...This is just 
not so

and makes me wonder if I am listening to someone who has never used the
Weller...I have both the Weller WTCP and the Hakko 936 and the Weller 
hands down...In my working days, over 40 years of soldering, I used 
Paces, Edsyns, you name it, the Weller WTCP is my first choice...And, 
it is


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Re: [Elecraft] soldering station info

2006-04-15 Thread Alexandra Carter

I'll second all of that!! Good rundown on slobbering irons.

I deal in electronic surplus and see broken temp-adjustable irons all 
the time, at the same time there are tons of Magnetrol type Wellers out 
there, some as old as I am, still working fine. (Got the tuner, key, 
and first part of my KX1 done with my trusty Weller myself last night.) 
73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 15, 2006, at 6:55 AM, G. Beat wrote:

Some comments, each station design has its strengths and weaknesses

The Haako 936 uses ceramic heaters - some users swear by them other 
swear at them.
The true Haako replacement heaters are NOT cheap - and their are 
already Chinese copies of poorer quality (users beware of future 
"cheap" replacements.  IF you drop the iron - the ceramic can (and 
does crack) - causing failures.

The Weller "EC" series (EC1002, EC2002) was discontinued by Weller in 
2002. The Weller WES51 (WES50 earlier) was introduced around 1999 as a 
direct competitor for the Haako 936.  The Pace ST-25 is also of this 
same "class" of station

The price points (~ $90 ) are virtually identical for the Haako 936 
and WES51 (Fry's Electronics still has cheapest price for a walk-in 
store purchase in US)  - both are temperature controlled (knob up 
front) - as well as the Pace.

The WES51 offers a magnetic wand to "set" or "lock" the temperature.  
The replacement iron for the WES51 is $30 .. significantly less than 
the Haako or its heater.

The more expensive units (Hakko, OKI, Weller, Pace etc.) feature 
temperature set-backs

The Weller "TCP" series is still a tremendous bargain (and still made 
after 40 years of production and 50 years after first patent filing.  
Either used or new - any competent Elecraft builder can repair it !
The surface mounted control board (knob and all) stations -- require 
expensive control boards, thermostats or heater assemblies - and MUST 
be properly calibrated for temperature - or the knob has NO meaning !!


Sometime simplicity

Like you, I have a Hakko 936. The reason I like it over the Weller in 
a $100
soldering station is for the Hakko's front-panel temperature control 
of changing tips to change temperatures. Of course Weller offers 

temperature change too, but at substantially more money than the Hakko.

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Re: [Elecraft] I'm In!!!/palm paddles

2006-04-14 Thread Alexandra Carter
One possibility is to get the Elecraft paddles for the KX1 and either 
mounting them on a base or making a bracket or something that allows 
their use with the K1. 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 14, 2006, at 2:03 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Many thanks to all who responded to my post. There are plenty of 
options to mull over on the paddles. First things first, I guess. Now 
is the time to clear the bench and dust off the scope.

73s and Happy Easter
-Pete wd4lst

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Under Construction #5459 - Flux Remover

2006-04-14 Thread Alexandra Carter
If you like, you can use flux remover carefully with Q-Tips right where 
the flux is, DON'T douse the whole board in it! 72s de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 14, 2006, at 1:22 PM, Mark RAYBOULD wrote:

Just to make the PCBs sparkle, is there any reason why I should not 
spray a completed PCB with a Flux Remover/PCB Cleaner.  I have not 
used one in the past for the K1 or KX1 builds, but as the K2 task is 
slightly bigger, it would keep everything spic-and-span.  Comments 

Mark Raybould

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Re: [Elecraft] soldering station info, from a guy who does it all day: slightly OT

2006-04-14 Thread Alexandra Carter
There are cheapie soldering irons made by almost everyone, including 
Weller. The minimum Weller model is the WTCPT, the minimum Hakko is 
whatever model is in that same price range. 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 14, 2006, at 1:16 PM, Bob Nielsen wrote:

On Apr 14, 2006, at 12:40 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

The Pace and Edsyn soldering stations are in the $130 range. The OKI 
Metcal) soldering stations like the Wellers with front-panel 
controls get up near $200. Of course, they all have special purpose 
that cost much, much more, but which do different things such as 
provide far
higher heats one would ever use on a PCB (up to 1000F), desoldering 


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Re: [Elecraft] Hakko soldering station

2006-04-14 Thread Alexandra Carter
I think any Hakko is worth it, but I'll extend that to say any 
soldering station costing more than $100 is worth it these days. 73 de 
Alex NS6Y

On Apr 14, 2006, at 1:53 AM, Paul Gates, KD3JF wrote:

In fact if I went back to some folders on soldering of mine I think 
you are the one who recommended that I get the Hako 936. A good 
choice. I would like to get their de-soldering station.

Paul, KD3JF
Central Maryland
FM19qd (Map Grid Square)

- Original Message 
From: Alexandra Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ron D'Eau Claire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 12:48:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Hakko soldering station

I'm a diehard Weller user and I agree - I think the Hakkos are a good
increment better - they've taken the basic functionality of the Weller
and refined it, the handpiece is smaller, etc., and they're used in
production work so they're good instruments. 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 13, 2006, at 9:29 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

> Dave K4TO asked:
> Any opinions about the model 936 Hakko soldering station...any better
> recommendations?
> It's a great soldering station. I've had one for several years. I
> especially
> like being able to adjust the temperature with a knob on the front
> panel.
> Lots of heat output: comes up to full temperature from cold very fast
> and
> the temp remains constant in spite of the soldering activity.
> The only real competition I know of are the Wellers.  After using it
> for a
> few years I'll take the Hakko over a Weller any day.
> Ron AC7AC

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Re: [Elecraft] Hakko soldering station

2006-04-13 Thread Alexandra Carter
I'm a diehard Weller user and I agree - I think the Hakkos are a good 
increment better - they've taken the basic functionality of the Weller 
and refined it, the handpiece is smaller, etc., and they're used in 
production work so they're good instruments. 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 13, 2006, at 9:29 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

Dave K4TO asked:

Any opinions about the model 936 Hakko soldering station...any better

It's a great soldering station. I've had one for several years. I 
like being able to adjust the temperature with a knob on the front 
Lots of heat output: comes up to full temperature from cold very fast 

the temp remains constant in spite of the soldering activity.

The only real competition I know of are the Wellers.  After using it 
for a

few years I'll take the Hakko over a Weller any day.


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Re: [Elecraft] LED light

2006-04-11 Thread Alexandra Carter
OK maybe I goofed, I thought it was red to prevent destroying night 
vision. 73 de Alex nS6y

The LED light in the KX1 is red, and will not allow you to read color
codes. That is not its purpose. 73 de Alex NS6Y
My LED (map reading) light on the front side is very bright white.
It works very well for color recognition.  Geoff, 

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Re: [Elecraft] LED light

2006-04-11 Thread Alexandra Carter
The LED light in the KX1 is red, and will not allow you to read color 
codes. That is not its purpose. 73 de Alex NS6Y

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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 and KXB3080 L3 Mod

2006-04-10 Thread Alexandra Carter
Now I'm a little less worried about the 3080 module, I guess it won't 
turn the KX1 into a QRPp rig after all! 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 10, 2006, at 6:15 PM, Chuck Gehring wrote:

My KXB3080 L3 Modification

The L3 Mod is complete and working fine.

Before I installed the R11, R30 resistors, my KX1 power out with 13.7 


80m 3.1 watts
40m 2.9 watts
30m 3.4 watts
20m 2.6 watts

With the R11, R30 resistors installed and 13.7 VDC power out was:

80m 3.7 watts
40m 3.6 watts
30m 4.2 watts
20m 3.3 watts

I just completed the L3 modification and my KX1 power out is:

80m 3.9 watts
40m 3.7 watts
30m 4.3 watts
20m 3.4 watts

Chuck Gehring

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Re: [Elecraft] Color code help?

2006-04-10 Thread Alexandra Carter
I use an Ott-Lite, an even-spectrum light sold in art and office supply 
stores, great for kitbuilding and taking photos of small stuff too. In 
a pinch, a white LED light is also a very good light source - at worst 
some of them seem slightly bluish, most of the time the problem with 
lighting is too much yellow.

I also swear by having a dependable meter (fluke) and my AADE LC Meter 
for those cap and inductor jobs. The LC meter is a very easy kit, and 
costs $100, $130 or so if you order it built. When in doubt, check that 

73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 10, 2006, at 1:57 AM, ron_w wrote:

 I just made a discovery today that might help others having 
difficulty identifying color code bands on resistors and the 
like...especially if you aren't working in natural lighting 
conditions. Go buy one of those dinky LED torches and shine that on 
the resistorsit makes the colors *really* stand out..far more 
so  than a "normal" torch.

Cheers...Ron ZL1TW

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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2, KDSP2 or BMF2

2006-04-06 Thread Alexandra Carter
Glad you posted this, it's a FB handy household hint to save hearing! 
73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 6, 2006, at 11:01 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

Look at these commercial operators at work for examples of what Jim is
talking about:


-Original Message-


A lot of us "older hams" developed the habit of wearing our "cans" (as
the headphones were
known) a bit in front of our ears when working CW. 

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Re: [Elecraft] WA3WSJ Red Hot Vertical - Backpacker's Special!

2006-04-06 Thread Alexandra Carter
Sir, you are my hero, since you are not just talking about designing 
antennas, you are designing 'em.

Let me know your web site or something when this is ready for prime 
time, I may well buy one!

73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 6, 2006, at 6:27 PM, Edward R. Breneiser wrote:

Hello all!

I'm very excited about this vertical as hiking season is here.
I'm still in the prove-in stage, but it looks very promising.
I have a vertical antenna system that should weigh-in around
7oz excluding the coax on 40m, 30m and 20m with SWRs
around 1.5 or so. Today I just added some 15m components and it looks
good on 15m too. It looks like I'll use a separate radiator for 15m and
10m. So I now have a small lightweight vertical for the trail that
plays on 40m,30m,20m,15m and 10m. All the pieces fit in a small baggie
and weigh-in around 9oz for 5-band operation! This vertical is designed
to hang from a tree etc. More to come soon as I now look to further
refine the system.

Oh yes - no tuner needed!

One last item before I head up to watch TV, don't forget to look for
N7UN, NU3E and WA3WSJ operating from the AT in NJ next Saturday and
Sunday morning. We plan to hike inside the Delaware Water Gap and play
radio. I'll be testing my Red Hot Vertical during the hike.


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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Alexandra Carter
To me that's like saying "The MFJ antenna analyzer has given me nothing 
but trouble therefore I won't buy ANY antenna analyzer".

I won't go into what company I think is gradually buying Ten-Tec as 
their founders die off.. Alex.

On Apr 6, 2006, at 3:10 AM, Tom Althoff wrote:

It depends on how you operate Alexander.My experience with the 
Ten-Tec Orion's DSP as well as external audio DSP's on the K2 
convinced me not to buy the KDSP2 option for the K2.Tom K2TA

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Re: [Elecraft] KXB3080 Manual - minor mistake but important for newbies?

2006-04-03 Thread Alexandra Carter
Weller WTCPT baby! Read the solder tutorial on the Elecraft site, it's 
the best I've seen anywhere! 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 3, 2006, at 11:34 AM, Martin Gillen wrote:

I was just going out to buy equipment to build this when I noticed:

Fine-tip temperature-controlled ESD-safe soldering station with 700 
to 800°F tip
(370-430°C). Recommend a spade tip approx. 0.05" (0.13 mm) wide. Do 
not use a
high-wattage iron or soldering gun since this can damage pads, 
traces, or the parts


I know it's minor but 0.05" is more like 1.3mm than 0.13mm...

Looking forward to getting my 80m on the air!


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Re: [Elecraft] WTB Norcal BLT Tuner or Similar

2006-04-03 Thread Alexandra Carter
You know, Elecraft makes a NEAT little tuner that's smaller and lighter 
than anything, puts the Emtech, BLT, etc in the dark. Literally as 
small and light as a pack of ciggies.  I'd get one of those. 73 de Alex 

On Apr 3, 2006, at 7:28 PM, Richard Powers wrote:

I am looking for an external tuner for my Elecraft K1 preferably for 
10 thru 40 meters while out camping.

  73, Dick WB9PWQ

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[Elecraft] KX1 #2

2006-04-03 Thread Alexandra Carter
Got it today, United Parcel Slingers damaged one corner of the outer 
box a little but the inner's perfect, plus I got some packing peanuts 
to recycle (I'm a recycling fool) and this came at 10AM! I'd have 
gotten right on it already except I have some antenna fiddling to do 
first and other stuff. Whoohoo build time! 73 de Alex NS6Y

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[Elecraft] 30-80 module for the kx1

2006-04-02 Thread Alexandra Carter
I was told on the weekend by a guy who just built one, they they need 
to change the toroids in the 3080 module, the present one lowers the 
KX1's power to 2W across the bands. Is this true? My kx1 comes 
tomorrow, with the 3080 backordered, and I don't mind, I'm sure 
Elecraft will come up with some new version that increases output 
across the bands hihi! 73 de Alex NS6Y

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2006-04-02 Thread Alexandra Carter
I just put mine on Mountain time, if I find it an hour fast later I'll 
just put it back on Pacific time. Thanks for the answers all! 73 de 
Alex NS6Y.

On Apr 2, 2006, at 3:36 PM, John R. Lonigro wrote:

Mine has a bug in the DST function.  I disable that feature and then 
do what Alexandra does to make it read properly in the Spring/Summer.

John AA0VE

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2006-04-02 Thread Alexandra Carter
Meanwhile my dumb atomic clock has decided it doesn't believe in this 
stuff either, right now I have it on mountain time to keep it ahead an 
hour of where it was. Is WWV/WWVH not sending info that accounts for 
daylight savings time any more? 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 2, 2006, at 8:48 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Kevin Rock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If the April 28, 2005, Indiana state legislation stands up, on April 
2, 2006, Indiana will no longer be counted as one of three states 
which do not Spring ahead from "standard" to "daylight saving" time or 
Fall back from daylight to standard six months later. The Indiana 
Legislature voted to approve Daylight Saving Time for Indiana and to 
petition the US Department of Transporation to hold hearings to 
determine the location of the dividing line between the Eastern and 
Central time zones, relative to Indiana.

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Re: [Elecraft] high altitude solder

2006-04-02 Thread Alexandra Carter
I need to trot right up to NASA up the street and ask to trade my 
recently acquired 50 rolls of Kester 44 for some of that HAHA, I saw 
these messages about high altitude solder last night and never heard of 
anything so dumb! April Fool's! 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 2, 2006, at 8:23 AM, Jeremiah McCarthy wrote:

Kester 44HA will be available at any NASA facility commissary in the 
near future...The crew returning from the space station this week 
brought back 5,000 1 pound rolls that were taken up there in order to 
out-gas them for high altitude use...Prices will be high...

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Re: [Elecraft] My new K2

2006-04-02 Thread Alexandra Carter

You sure as heck aren't in California! 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 2, 2006, at 1:56 PM, n3drk wrote:

Its 81 degrees outside. Put the kit away till next winter and go out 
and plant some azaleas.


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Re: [Elecraft] kx1 weak recieve

2006-03-29 Thread Alexandra Carter

On Mar 29, 2006, at 2:58 PM, Alexandra Carter wrote:

I didn't test for sensitivity, and I could have at least made relative 
measurements. I guess this is what the XG1 is for, and that's 
especially good since it's a dead-stable calibrated source. And I sold 
mine. And I want another one now. time to write a check to 
Elecraft. I'll get the XG2.

My understanding of the peaking is, you're using antenna noise to do 
the peaking, so by definition a good peak means it's more sensitive on 
receive. So, "weak on receive" must mean in comparison to something 
else. For me, the something else was an FT-817, which hears stuff the 
KX1 doesn't. Breaking news, it's got a pre-amp, and I understand has a 
pretty hot little receiver. I don't think the KX1's receiver is going 
to make anyone give up their full-sized modern rig for receiver duty. 
I think the KX1 is a "milder" receiver, which means you're more likely 
to hear the folks who can hear you too.

I think the proper way to go about this is to look up the specs on the 
KX1 and see how many uVolts this thing is supposed to be able to pick 
up in the different bands, then using a signal generator or XG2 etc., 
see if your KX1 performs to spec. You have me interested in doing this 
also, and I have my KX1 #2 (sold the first one, sadly) coming in the 
mail any day now. 73 de Alex NS6Y

PS - Prior proper preparation prevents piss-poor performance! When in 
doubt, Peak!

On Mar 29, 2006, at 2:42 PM, tom martin wrote:

Alex, thanks for getting back to me. I do get a definite peak on both 
but it sounds weak on recieve. Do you remember a difference in 
or an increase in sensitivity after completing the radio and re 
peaking, or

was it the same

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Re: [Elecraft] kx1 weak recieve

2006-03-29 Thread Alexandra Carter
I noticed myself that going back and forth between bands and peaking 
and re-peaking, seemed to get things dialed in well. 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Mar 28, 2006, at 7:20 PM, tom martin wrote:

hello to all. I have made the first peaking adjustments on my Kx1. I 
do get a peak on recieve but it seems to be low in sensitivity. Is 
this normal for the first adjustment cycle? looking for a specific way 
to verify if there is an issue? Any suggestions would be helpful.. 
 Tom  km4cu

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Re: [Elecraft] LP-100 Digital Vector Wattmeter kit

2006-03-25 Thread Alexandra Carter

OK that's OK, I have some Elecraft stuff to build!

I put a credit card order in to Universal Radio over a week ago, and a 
mailed-in order with a personal check in to Elecraft in yesterday's 
mail - which do you think I"ll have in my hands first? I'm betting the 
Elecraft order will be here and built by the time I find out what's 
happened to my money at Universal Radio, much less have thing thing I 
ordered, if I get it from them. Once my 2nd KX1 etc is built, I can 
look at watt meters 73 de Alex NS6Y

On Mar 25, 2006, at 9:20 PM, Larry Phipps wrote:

The handheld unit will be for sale shortly. I will be showing both at 
Dayton, BTW. I haven't been assigned a booth number yet, but I'll post 
it when I have. I'll also be at QRP-ARCI vendor night with the 
handheld unit. There's also link to a comparison page with a good 
comparison of the three wattmeter products.

Larry N8LP

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Re: [Elecraft] LP-100 Digital Vector Wattmeter kit

2006-03-25 Thread Alexandra Carter
OK looks like it's down there, in the grass. but there. I"m more 
interested in the handheld unit, - at least the seller is right 
regarding PayPal, charge an extra fee, PayNotYourPal only wants 10% of 
all you make now, and 100% of all you have next week! 74 de NS6Y Alex.

On Mar 25, 2006, at 8:25 PM, Vic K2VCO wrote:

Alexandra Carter wrote:
If I were you, I'd not expect much enthusiasm until I listed some 
prices and how to order on the web page

I found it at <>, etc.  Click the 
links above the pictures of the units.  Very interesting.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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