RE: Existential operator (was: ||= is much needed?)

2012-06-19 Thread Domenic Denicola
What struck me from Jeremy's explanation was the uniformity of CoffeeScript's ? 
operator (modulo the small issue he mentioned for function calls). It seems to 
combine the currently-strawman'ed ??/??= and ?. into one very simple semantic.

What about adopting ?? as CoffeeScript's ? operator? Would this solve the 
lookahead problems? So you could do

This would unfortunately imply, for uniformity, that

object ?? other
object ??= other

become null + undefined tests instead of just undefined. But that might be 
worth paying.

For the record that leaves object?? as the only unimplemented CoffeeScript 

From: [] on behalf 
of Brendan Eich []
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 14:08
To: Jeremy Ashkenas
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: Existential operator (was: ||= is much needed?)

Jeremy Ashkenas wrote:

 Everywhere else in the language, `?` means existence (not null or
 undefined) -- but when used to call a function, the check ensures that
 the value is callable as well. In a DWIM sense, this makes sense,
 because the only things you'd ever want to try to call in JavaScript
 must be callable ... but I think it's strange that the meaning of
 existence alters itself just for this use case. I opened a ticket
 talking about rolling it back to null or undefined semantics here:

Apart from people misreading the proposal in this issue, it does seem to
be removing a bit of utility, but perhaps that's not actually used? Do
CS users try to ?(-invoke a maybe-function that is sometimes neither
null nor undefined nor typeof-type function, but rather something that
coerces to object?

The way to get ?( into JS is by a longer spelling:


Pretty ugly, but it puts the ? magic right where the maybe-test belongs.


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Re: Default operator strawman - ||| rather than ??

2012-06-14 Thread Domenic Denicola
In our experience writing large apps, the distinction is useful. Undefined 
means I forgot to do something (e.g. set a property or pass an argument); null 
means I tried to get something but it didn't exist.

Very roughly, it becomes undefined = caller error outside of my control, null = 
my error and I should use the API more correctly.

On Jun 14, 2012, at 11:27, John Lenz wrote:

My two sense.  In my experience (large applications, rather than tight 
libraries), distinguishing between null and undefined is the exception, not the 
rule.  When it is distinguished, as often as not the author would be more 
correct in either including null or making an property existence check (foo in 
bar) rather than an explicit check for undefined.

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 11:18 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
Okay, further testing shows that my knowledge was incomplete.  Null
and undefined compare as double-equal, but neither are double-equal to
other falsey values.

This is intentional, believe it or don't :-P.

In ancient days, void 0 was the only way to spell undefined, and users 
immediately tested o.p != null to existing-check. There was even some confusion 
where missing array elements in primordial JS evaluated to null not undefined. 
Argh, I had made myself forget that, now I remember.

However, my argument stands - being undefined-specific is not
arbitrary, because that's what is actually returned by such things.
Both args without values and properties that don't exist give the
value undefined when you try to reference them.

Agree still. I do not see use-cases for including null. Maybe they exist, 
though -- someone please cite some github-hosted JS.

Even the Node workaround/premature-optimization of storing null rather than 
using delete doesn't argue for defaulting based on LHS value in {null, 

 Using a double-equal
check against null to test for whether something is undefined only
works because double-equal is pretty screwed up.

It is screwed up but for reasons. Bad reasons, kind of like history or biology. 
Not just Homer Simpson Life is just a bunch of things that happen randomness, 
mind you! :-P

The most principled reason I've heard, IIRC from @jashkenas, is that null and 
undefined are confusingly similar, in part due to being ==. This is true, but I 
still do not see actual use-cases where null is passed into code that uses || 
to select a default value. Would love to see such real-world code.


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Re: Default operator strawman - ||| rather than ??

2012-06-14 Thread Domenic Denicola
On Jun 14, 2012, at 14:03, Rick Waldron wrote:

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
In our experience writing large apps, the distinction is useful. Undefined 
means I forgot to do something (e.g. set a property or pass an argument); null 
means I tried to get something but it didn't exist.

null is intentional, its presence is explicit -- doesn't this imply that 
something _does_ exist? (...and its value is null)



Right, I wasn't exactly clear—I meant more the case of e.g. nothing exists in 
the database, so I gave you back a null or even there wasn't any error, so I 
called you back with a null as the first param.
es-discuss mailing list

RE: Error stack

2012-06-07 Thread Domenic Denicola
Machine-parsability might be reaching too far, especially if you lose the 
benefits of nice function/method name inference. Instead, perhaps a separate 
strawman to standardize something like the V8 stack trace API [1]?

It is used in Node for providing long stack traces [2], [3], [4]. It's a bit 
cumbersome, e.g. maybe a separate error.stackFrames getter would be nicer and 
the Java-style getFileName() methods could become simple properties. But the 
fact that it exists is extremely useful.


From: [] on behalf 
of Erik Arvidsson []
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 16:39
To: Jason Orendorff
Subject: Re: Error stack

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Jason Orendorff wrote:
 This isn't machine parseable in all cases, since the .message may
 contain newlines and can end with something like \n  at ...

That is a good point. This also applies to the name of a function
(and object when included). It is trivial to create a function name
that breaks the V8 style formatting. SpiderMonkey gets away with
this by using the name of the function expression and it does not try
to deduce a name based on the code..

window['\n@'] = function() {
  alert(new Error().stack);

When I first set out to write the proposal I was set on the
SpiderMonkey formatting but as I researched this I drifted closer and
closer to the V8 formatting. The thing that convinced me was eval.

I also don't think that providing ErrorName: ErrorMessage is a hard
requirement. The same information is already available using and errorObject.message.

If we remove the first line and require that non identifiers are
quoted I think we can guarantee that the value is machine parseable

 Changing this in Firefox would affect any Firefox addons that use
 Error.stack, but maybe we can take that hit.

For web apps we already have to parse two different versions so I'm
not too concerned about that case. The WebKit mobile web does not
depend on either format (Safari doesn't have it in any shipping
version yet) so the two problematic big eco systems are Firefox and
Chrome extensions (and Node.js?)

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RE: super, methods, constructors Co.

2012-06-01 Thread Domenic Denicola
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:es-discuss-] On Behalf Of Allen Wirfs-Brock
 Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 04:05

 We haven't eliminated the ability to define object literals that inherit
 from objects other than Object.prototype.  We have just changed the
 syntax for specifying them from:
proto | {}
{__proto__: proto}

For anyone who (like me) was confused by this in light of all the talk that 
colons in object literals always do a [[DefineOwnProperty]], there is an 
exemption made for __proto__ in section B.3.1.3 of the latest spec.
es-discuss mailing list

RE: arrows and a proposed softCall

2012-05-31 Thread Domenic Denicola
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:es-discuss-] On Behalf Of Mark S. Miller
 Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 22:24

 Non-strict mode is so bizzarre that I wouldn't be surprised, but I can't
 think of an example. Is my proposed rule unsound as stated, since it
 doesn't distinguish strict and non-strict functions? Is there some way
 for a non-strict function that doesn't mention this and does not
 contain a direct eval operator to nevertheless be this-sensitive?

I can't quite find the answer: would setTimeout/setInterval/setImmediate have 
the capabilities necessary? I would assume they all behave as indirect eval, 
but since they are outside the language spec, it seems possibly 

Other candidates are window.execScript in IE or vm.runInNewContext in Node, but 
I think both of those are explicitly global scoped, and thus could not 
reference this. Nevertheless, the idea of implementations providing specific 
methods with the same abilities as direct eval seems possible.
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RE: Subclassing built-in constructors

2012-05-26 Thread Domenic Denicola
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:es-discuss-] On Behalf Of Brendan Eich
 Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2012 15:08
 New syntax may some day clean all this up but the short path wins and
 it'll be hard to displace. Let's be realistic. I agree we should,
 assuming classes make it, support DOM subclassing. That is good but it
 won't relieve DOM implementors from supporting __proto__.

Is there a parallel to be drawn with __(define|lookup)(Getter|Setter)__, or is 
__proto__ different? I quite liked Allen's blog post about why IE decided to 
never support them [1]. Following that reasoning seems to lead to specifying 
Object.setPrototypeOf as a __proto__ replacement, and hoping library authors 
follow suit in switching to that from __proto__, just like they did for the 
property API.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: minutes, TC39 meeting Tues 5/22/2012

2012-05-23 Thread Domenic Denicola
The prototyping efforts are appreciated, but can rarely be used in a 
comfortable way. (Compared to, say, HTML5.) I've thought a lot about how to 
feasibly use Harmony features in real-world code, but have fallen down every 
time. Here are some of the stumbling blocks I've encountered:
* Node.js with --harmony flag gets you collections, old proxies, and 
(significantly) block scoping. But Node does not make it easy to indicate this 
file needs to be run with --harmony, or e.g. to require harmony-using files 
from non-harmony-using libraries. So this ends up being a nonstarter for 
library authors, leaving it only usable by application writers. Besides, the 
proxies are still old, which is really unfortunate. And the iteration rate is 
slowww: stuff like destructuring has been harmonized for a long time, but shows 
no sign of making it into V8.

* The same problems apply to desktop apps written with Chromium Embedded 
Framework. These will probably have more app code, but then if you want to 
factor any of it out into smaller redistributable modules, you limit your 

* SpiderMonkey has a lot of stuff that we would love to use, and a fairly fast 
iteration time. (Direct proxies are almost landed, according to my bugmail!) 
The spec is tracked pretty well, too. But SpiderMonkey has very little uptake 
outside of Firefox, and most code written for Firefox must be web-compatible, 
so nobody except Firefox extension authors gets to use its many features.

* Traceur seems to be coming along nicely, but its alignment with the spec 
leaves a lot to be desired. Destructuring just got fixed a few days ago, and 
they have a class syntax you have to avoid to write ES6-as-it-is--compatible 
code. They have features like private names that are not (really) in the spec 
yet, using speculative syntax (`new Name` was never harmonized, was it?). 
Monocle-mustache is in, somehow. Etc. It's ES6-like, but doesn't reflect TC39's 
actual progress, instead reflecting the Traceur team's interpretation of where 
TC39 might eventually, hopefully, end up. Subsetting might be a solution, 
assuming the semantics of the subsetted features are aligned with the spec, but 
determining that would require further investigation.

* And of course there's the usual elephant in the room, viz. Internet Explorer. 
We (Barnes reached out to Microsoft about including some basic, 
already-harmonized features in IE10 for use in writing desktop apps in HTML5/JS 
as per their new Windows Runtime framework. (This was desired since we are 
using some of them in our existing Chromium-based desktop app, namely block 
scoping and weak maps.) But even as a first class partner (or something), 
they were unable to grant us this request. The attitude that I personally 
inferred was that ES6 won't make it into IE before a finalized spec is 
available. This not only stalls web progress, but also that of anything that 
embeds Chakra (a fairly common operation on Windows, about to become much more 
common with Windows 8).

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:es-discuss-] On Behalf Of Brendan Eich
 Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 22:20
 To: Brandon Benvie
 Cc: Steen
 Subject: Re: minutes, TC39 meeting Tues 5/22/2012
 Play fair now. SpiderMonkey in Firefox prototyped let, const, generators,
 iterators (an earlier form), destructuring (close to final ES6),
 comprehensions, generator expressions, and more recently proxies, weak
 maps, maps, and sets. V8 joined in the proxies, weak maps, maps, and sets
 fun. The for-of loop from ES6 is in SpiderMonkey now. Most significantly,
 modules are under way in SpiderMonkey and V8.
 We prototype as we go. V8 has kept stuff under a flag and that's fair --
 we may do likewise, certainly with new stuff likely to change, in
 SpiderMonkey. But saying nothing is coming out of TC39 is inaccurate.
 If you mean classes are not being prototyped because 'const class' or
 equivalent is not part of the almost-at-consensus maximally minimal
 classes strawman, you're right. If we must have a way to fix the
 properties of a class instance as Waldemar wishes, then I predict classes
 won't be in ES6 and it will be hard to justify prototyping less than the
 full required (as yet unwritten) proposal that satisfies everyones'
 That is a shame, and a stain on TC39's escutcheon. But you should be
 accurate about the many other things we have done, which are coming
 Brandon Benvie wrote:
  The last discussion point there is really important I think. I get a
  strong sense of the general JS developer world feeling no connection
  at all to this process, and much can be put directly on the sheer
  timescale. We've seen 2 month browser version cycles come in force,
  the living standard that is HTML5 and the as of recent rapid
  movement of new APIs coming out to JS from not-TC39. People don't feel
  connected to the 

RE: minutes, TC39 meeting Tues 5/22/2012

2012-05-23 Thread Domenic Denicola
You are of course right, Brendan, and thanks for addressing my points. 
Certainly part of this was fueled more by frustration than informed knowledge 
(see below).

 -Original Message-
 From: Brendan Eich []

  The prototyping efforts are appreciated, but can rarely be used in a
  comfortable way. (Compared to, say, HTML5.)
 Remember, HTML5 started in 2004 (WHATWG founding) and still isn't done.
 Eight years ago.

Fair point. I think I and others would be reassured if we had some analogies 
drawn with the HTML5 timescale: e.g. how long from article, section etc. 
until they got included in default browser stylesheets, or how long from input 
type=date to browser UIs. (That last one is actually a pretty good example 
of slow implementation progress; I feel a lot better about ES6's progress when 
I think about how we are just now getting a UI for input type=date in 

  * Node.js with --harmony flag gets you collections, old proxies, and
 (significantly) block scoping. But Node does not make it easy to indicate
 this file needs to be run with --harmony, or e.g. to require harmony-
 using files from non-harmony-using libraries. So this ends up being a
 nonstarter for library authors, leaving it only usable by application
 writers. Besides, the proxies are still old, which is really unfortunate.
 That'll be fixed this year, soon I'm told.

The proxies, or Node.js? In either case, great news! And in either case, how 
did you learn about this? I try to stay up to date on all relevant blogs, 
Twitter feeds, mailing lists, etc., but certainly could have missed one. If it 
was private communication, perhaps in the interest of helping developers see 
ES6 progress (as per Brandon's original point) such things could be more 
publicized in the future? I imagine that's complicated though.

And the iteration rate is slowww: stuff like destructuring has been
 harmonized for a long time, but shows no sign of making it into V8.
 How would you see the signs? Just asking. I know the Munich team is going
 strong and they have skills. I don't know detailed schedule, but there is
 no need to presume inaction or action. Let's ask.

I guess I can't really expect to see all the signs through public channels, as 
above. Still, I think opening such channels would be a valuable thing for the 

es-discuss mailing list

RE: minutes, TC39 meeting Tues 5/22/2012

2012-05-23 Thread Domenic Denicola
From: Rick Waldron [] 

 Etc. It's ES6-like, but doesn't reflect TC39's actual progress, instead 
 reflecting the Traceur team's interpretation of where TC39 might eventually, 
 hopefully, end up. 

 I don't think this is a fair claim to make, considering Traceur had no real 
 attention for quite some time and Erik Arvidsson really stepped it up to get 
 a nice cross section of features prototyped in a short amount of time. I 
 think what you meant to say was thank you.

Indeed you're right, that is what I meant to say. Apologies to Erik, and thanks 
to JJB for pointing out Traceur is much better suited for my purposes than I 
thought. I will definitely give it another try.
es-discuss mailing list


2012-05-21 Thread Domenic Denicola
I was going over the latest draft and noticed that, while binary and octal 
literals have been introduced in 7.8.3, they weren’t added to 
(“ToNumber applied to the String type”). Should they be?

Pros: symmetry. Cons: breaks backward compatibility (currently 
ToNumber(0b1001) returns NaN).
es-discuss mailing list

Re-throwing errors

2012-05-11 Thread Domenic Denicola

try {
} catch (e) {
console.log(uh oh, got an e, e);
throw e;

In Node and in all browsers I've tested with, this currently loses the stack 
trace for `e`, and more importantly loses debugger step-back-ability in tools 
like Firebug and Web Inspector.

One solution would be to hope V8 and the browser vendors simply don't throw 
away this stack trace, like they do currently. This seems like a win to me, but 
the fact that it hasn't happened implies there must be something wrong with the 
idea, e.g. maybe it breaks down in less-than-trivial cases. Is that true?

If so, then in C++ and C# they solve this by saying that an empty `throw` is an 
explicit re-propagation [1]. Would this be a possible feature to introduce into 

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Re-throwing errors

2012-05-11 Thread Domenic Denicola
Eeek, how embarrassing. This seems to have been fixed while I wasn't looking, 
and/or my testing wasn't as complete as I thought. I should have re-tested 
before emailing. My apologies for wasting everyone's time.

The debugger step-back-ability isn't there in Chrome, at least, but that's a 
much smaller problem.

From: Rick Waldron []
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2012 16:10
To: Brendan Eich
Cc: Domenic Denicola;
Subject: Re: Re-throwing errors

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 2:43 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
Domenic Denicola wrote:

try {
} catch (e) {
   console.log(uh oh, got an e, e);
   throw e;

In Node and in all browsers I've tested with, this currently loses the stack 
trace for `e`, and more importantly loses debugger step-back-ability in tools 
like Firebug and Web Inspector.

One solution would be to hope V8 and the browser vendors simply don't throw 
away this stack trace, like they do currently. This seems like a win to me, but 
the fact that it hasn't happened implies there must be something wrong with the 
idea, e.g. maybe it breaks down in less-than-trivial cases. Is that true?

This is fascinating, but I can't reproduce - can you confirm:


So V8 overwrites e.stack on the re-throw?

SpiderMonkey does not:

js function f() {

try {
} catch (e) {
   console.log(uh oh, got an e, e);
   throw e;
js function g() {f()}
js function h() {g()}
js function doStuff() {uh.oh}
js console = {log: print}
({log:function print() {[native code]}})
js try {h()}catch (e){E=e}
uh oh, got an e ReferenceError: uh is not defined
(new ReferenceError(uh is not defined, typein, 11))
js e.stack
typein:15: ReferenceError: e is not defined
js E.stack

Since the explicit re-throw is not creating the exception object, it should not 
be mutating it to clobber the original .stack value.


If so, then in C++ and C# they solve this by saying that an empty `throw` is an 
explicit re-propagation [1]. Would this be a possible feature to introduce into 

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Re: caller poison pills, revisited (Was: A few arrow function specification issues)

2012-04-23 Thread Domenic Denicola
 I'm becoming increasing convinced that the poison pill approach to securing 
 the caller chain is a poor approach.  We keep finding leaks in and it does 
 nothing to prevent implementation from inventing new ways to expose the 
 stating they are trying to hide. I now think we would be better off with a 
 general,non-algorithmic restriction on conforming implementation that forbid 
 them from exposing elements of the caller chain in the situations that the 
 poison pills were intended to address.

This sounds a bit drastic—wouldn't it preclude V8's Error.captureStackTrace?
es-discuss mailing list

RE: A few arrow function specification issues

2012-04-23 Thread Domenic Denicola
As a day-to-day user who was not using strict until recently (stubborn other 
team member for the loss), I can say that moving to strict was much more a 
cleanup experience than a mode experience, with only a few small exceptions:

1) Poison-pilling arguments.callee: some code on the internet (notably [1], but 
elsewhere too) uses this property.

2) Throw on `delete`ing non-configurables: unlike the other 
throw-on-doing-something-bad, `delete`ing non-configurable properties was 
something we actually did on purpose. E.g. using it to clear an entry in a 
map, whether or not that entry was ever filled. (Cf. [2].) We never tried 
writing to a non-writable property, because that would cause bugs, but 
`delete`ing a property that doesn't exist was a common pattern.



Otherwise, it was just cleanup: we got to get rid of our global detector 
(`setInterval(compareWindowPropertiesToLastTimeYouChecked(), 1000)`), never 
missed `with` or evil-`eval`, and due to a V8 bug never had boxed `this` in the 
first place. We're using it transparently throughout the codebase, in fact, due 
to using an XHR+`eval` module loader that can insert the `use strict` pragma 
before `eval`ing.

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:es-discuss-] On Behalf Of David Herman
 Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 19:11
 To: Brendan Eich
 Cc: es-discuss
 Subject: Re: A few arrow function specification issues
 On Apr 23, 2012, at 2:44 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
  Brendan Eich wrote:
  Without arguments runtime semantic shifts, and with |this| lexical,
 there aren't many strict mode changes left IIRC, and they are pretty edgy
 edge cases.
  True enough, but I hang tough on wanting arrows to imply strictness. I
 may be wrong but the edge cases cited so far (global variable creation by
 assignment, 'with', direct eval injecting 'var' into its dynamic scope)
 along with this |this|-boxing one are underwhelming.
 IMO, this decision hangs on whether we think strict mode can be thought
 of as a cleaning up that will mostly just catch bugs, resulting in
 failing faster but otherwise not changing program behavior significantly.
 POSITION CLEANUP: If it's just a cleanup, then it makes sense to
 introduce strict mode in a bunch of places in the language. It'll catch
 bugs, and for the most part people won't have to think to themselves is
 this strict code?
 POSITION MODE: If it's something that is likely to change behavior in
 meaningful ways other than failing faster, then it's something
 programmers will have to be mindful of. In that case, having multiple
 constructs that implicitly introduce strict mode imposes a burden on
 programmers: they have to know which features are strict and which ones
 Every fiber of my being screams MODE. Brendan argues CLEANUP based on the
 rationale that the non-error semantic changes of strict mode are unlikely
 edge cases. This is the strongest argument against MODE. I can't prove it
 wrong, but it's a risky bet. If it turns out to be the case that in
 practice you need to keep track of whether you're in strict mode, then
 weak programmers who don't know better will end up with a confusing mess,
 and strong programmers will prophylactically make sure to put their
 entire programs in strict mode rather than memorize which subset of
 syntaxes opt in. Since strong programmers have the option to do that
 anyway even without multiple implicit opt-ins, why take the risk?
 Pascal^H^H^H^H^H^H Dave
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RE: A few arrow function specification issues

2012-04-21 Thread Domenic Denicola
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:es-discuss-] On Behalf Of Angus Croll
 Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 16:03
 To: Allen Wirfs-Brock
 Cc: es-discuss
 Subject: Re: A few arrow function specification issues
 4) Should it be a dynamic error to try to use apply/call to set the
 this binding of an arrow function.
 To much existing code speculatively binding the this value when
 invoking a function.
 I propose that call/apply simply ignore the this value when invoked on
 an arrow function.
 What is the pro of ignoring explicit |this| binding instructions in
 call/apply on arrow functions?
 What is the con of continuing to allow legacy code to speculatively bind
 the |this| value when invoking any function?
 Why is it so important that fat arrows do a hard |this| binding?

It's important, as someone who hands off an arrow function to another part of 
the system, to ensure that `this` means what it meant while I was originally 
writing the code. This guarantee is vital for predictability of behavior. 

let mapped = = el * this.x)

If I cannot guarantee a lexical `this`, I am back to programming with `let that 
= this`, which is part of what arrow functions are trying to avoid. The only 
alternative is reading the source code and/or spec for every system that I hand 
off an arrow function to, since I need to know if they will clobber the lexical 
`this` I was trying to program against.

Note that this isn't a security issue---I'm not worried about malicious code 
messing me up. I'm simply trying to juggle the minimum number of factors on my 
precious brainstack, and when I'm trying to get a mapped array, I really don't 
want to think about whether `map` is going to mess with my `this`.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: try without catch or finally

2012-04-17 Thread Domenic Denicola
Tangentially related:

From: [] on behalf 
of Nebojša Ćirić []
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 16:39
To: Jussi Kalliokoski
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: try without catch or finally

It's easy to forget to catch in cases you wanted to.

Maybe adding a new keyword:

try {
} drop;

17. април 2012. 13.35, Jussi Kalliokoski је написао/ла:
I'm not sure if this has been discussed before, but is it a terribly bad idea 
to make catch/finally optional for a try block?

There's a lot of code like this out there:

try { /* something here */ } catch (e) { /* nothing here */ }


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Nebojša Ćirić
es-discuss mailing list

RE: callable objects ?

2012-04-17 Thread Domenic Denicola
It seems rather non-intention-revealing.

From: [] on behalf 
of Mark S. Miller []
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 17:20
To: Brendan Eich
Cc: Tom Van Cutsem; Mark Miller; es-discuss
Subject: Re: callable objects ?

+1 for simple enough. It's also shorter (12 vs 20)

On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
Brendan Eich wrote:
This last point is important: we do not want an object's typeof-type to change 
by giving it a @call property. But we do want to enable call and construct 
protocols to be built by users, by giving objects @call and @construct 

I did not include an Object.isCallable(v) API that returns true if (@call in 
v), but we could add that. Testing (@call in v) seems simple enough.

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RE: undefined being treated as a missing optional argument

2012-04-13 Thread Domenic Denicola
I'm sympathetic toward `undefined` as a sentinel for no value of the expected 
type, whereas `null` means we have a value of the expected type, but that 
value represents 'nothing.' Not sure if anyone else sees it that way, though, 
and admittedly it's based on vague hand-wavey arguments.
es-discuss mailing list

RE: Fun impossible Firefox JS challenge

2012-04-12 Thread Domenic Denicola
The real question is, are there test-262's for this behavior? Or for the 
original nonconforming `function true() { }`?

From: [] on behalf 
of Mathias Bynens []
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 11:06
To: Lasse Reichstein
Cc: es-discuss Steen
Subject: Re: Fun impossible Firefox JS challenge

For those interested, Spidermonkey doesn’t handle the following correctly:

function \u0074rue() { alert('PASS'); }

function \u0074rue() { alert('PASS'); }

Both these examples should alert 'PASS' in web browsers.

I filed this as bug 744784:
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RE: Fun impossible Firefox JS challenge

2012-04-12 Thread Domenic Denicola
var tru\u0065; = Expected identifier error in IE9.
console.log(fals\u0065) = Syntax error in IE9.

Can test IE10 when I get home from work.

From: [] on behalf 
of Brendan Eich []
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 13:38
To: Allen Wirfs-Brock
Cc: es-discuss Steen
Subject: Re: Fun impossible Firefox JS challenge

Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 1) Understand the actual browser interop situation. For example, do
 all major browsers accept:
   var tru\u0065;

SpiderMonkey shell:

js var tru\u0065;
typein:1: SyntaxError: missing variable name:
typein:1: var tru\u0065;
typein:1: ^

It looks like Carakan (Opera), JSC and V8 allow this. I can't test IE.

 2) Within the constraints of 1) decide what we actually want to
 specify.  Do we want
 to print false or undefined?

Carakan, JSC and V8 alert undefined.

Anyone have IE results?

Looks like SpiderMonkey implemented ES5 not ES3, probably accidentally
and ahead of time.


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es-discuss mailing list

RE: Fun impossible Firefox JS challenge

2012-04-12 Thread Domenic Denicola
IE10 (Windows 8 Consumer Preview edition):

var tru\u0065;  = The use of a keyword for an identifier is invalid
console.log(fals\u0065) = Syntax error

So same thing but better error message for the former case.

-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Domenic Denicola
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 13:49
To: Brendan Eich; Allen Wirfs-Brock
Cc: es-discuss Steen
Subject: RE: Fun impossible Firefox JS challenge

var tru\u0065; = Expected identifier error in IE9.
console.log(fals\u0065) = Syntax error in IE9.

Can test IE10 when I get home from work.

From: [] on behalf 
of Brendan Eich []
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 13:38
To: Allen Wirfs-Brock
Cc: es-discuss Steen
Subject: Re: Fun impossible Firefox JS challenge

Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 1) Understand the actual browser interop situation. For example, do 
 all major browsers accept:
   var tru\u0065;

SpiderMonkey shell:

js var tru\u0065;
typein:1: SyntaxError: missing variable name:
typein:1: var tru\u0065;
typein:1: ^

It looks like Carakan (Opera), JSC and V8 allow this. I can't test IE.

 2) Within the constraints of 1) decide what we actually want to 
 specify.  Do we want
 to print false or undefined?

Carakan, JSC and V8 alert undefined.

Anyone have IE results?

Looks like SpiderMonkey implemented ES5 not ES3, probably accidentally and 
ahead of time.


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es-discuss mailing list

RE: Terminology: “non-method function”

2012-04-11 Thread Domenic Denicola
We use `Function.prototype.partial` in our codebase. We consider 
`Function.prototype.papply` but thought that would be too confusing with 

From: [] on behalf 
of Axel Rauschmayer []
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 12:54
To: Allen Wirfs-Brock
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: Terminology: “non-method function”

Great idea. Do we need similar this-less variants for call and apply? Probably 
not, the former is just a normal function call. The latter can by handled by 
the spread operator.

IIRC, what one actually does here is not currying, but partial application. 
However, I don’t see any good method name being derived from “partial 

On Apr 11, 2012, at 18:44 , Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

On Apr 11, 2012, at 7:12 AM, Peter van der Zee wrote:

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 1:01 AM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
What is a good term for functions that don’t have/use dynamic `this`?

A bound function?

I'm leaning in that direction.  A bound function has an unbound (dynamic) this 
while a bound function has a bound (fixed) this.

To further clarify this it might be useful to better differentiate  binding 
this from currying the arguments.

We might do this by adding a new Function.prototype.curry function that doesn't 
have a this value as its first argument.

You would then

If you want to create a curried function from fn with 1 and 2 as the first two 
fn arguments. and:


if you want to created a bound version of fn where this is bound to the value 
of foo.

The semantics of


could then be explained as being equivalent to



Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

home: rauschma.de
blog: 2ality.com

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Extra functions on Arrays, Maps, etc..

2012-04-07 Thread Domenic Denicola
On Apr 7, 2012, at 20:37, Rick Waldron wrote:

On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 8:31 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:
On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 17:28, Rick Waldron wrote:
 As in, its [[Class]] is Array and Array.isArray( nodes ) would evaluate to

No, it means that Object.getPrototypeOf(NodeList.prototype) === Array.prototype.

Yes, this part was clear in the links you sent. The question I had was about 
two things that were not addressed in the links (that I could see, please 
correct if I missed them)

There will be much confusion on the web if Array.isArray(nodes) returns false, 
while nodes.push( node ), nodes.slice( 0, 2 ) just work, especially during 
periods of transition from DOMx to DOM4.


Fortunately all the Array.prototype methods are generic so it all just works.


I think the benefits are so great I'm happy to deal with any confusion.

Although, it sounds like I'll be wanting to go back to `instanceof Array`, 
which is kind of funny.
es-discuss mailing list

RE: Do Maximally Minimal classes carry their weight?

2012-03-31 Thread Domenic Denicola
As a quick follow-up:

Perhaps adding non-arcane-incantation private name declarations would be enough 
to push maximally-minimal classes from “nice, but are they worth it?” to “this 
gives us something we can’t get anywhere else.” To wit:

class Set extends Collection {
private setContents, setTally

constructor(initialSize = 2) {
@setContents: new Array(initialSize),
@setTally: 0

// ...
es-discuss mailing list

RE: March 28 meeting notes

2012-03-29 Thread Domenic Denicola
Great to gain consensus indeed. This looks just about as nice as it can be.

Minor question: There are no examples of very empty arrow functions, e.g. 
`=` or `= 5`. And from what I can tell reading the grammar , they are not 
allowed. Is this necessary? CoffeeScript's allowance of `- (expr)` gives some 
nice-looking code, for example see [1].

Bigger question: It sounds like TCP was sacrificed in favor of maximal 
minimalism, which makes sense. But, is this strawman friendly toward future TCP 
endeavors, perhaps in For example, if `do` expressions were 
specced in the way discussed previously, could putting one to the right of the 
= result in TCP semantics?


-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Brendan Eich
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 02:30
To: Waldemar Horwat
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: March 28 meeting notes

Waldemar Horwat wrote:
 Consensus on:
 - Have only one arrow, namely =
 - this is always static.  No provision for dynamic this.
 - Other than the treatment of this, the function behaves like a normal 
 function.  return, break, etc. behave as though the function body were 
 in a function(...){...}.

 To be discussed later:
 The thing that comes after the arrow:
 1. Always an expression (possibly a do expression)?
 2. A block if it starts with {, otherwise an expression.

See -- I'm a 
bit tired from travel so may have made a mistake or two, and I know some of the 
examples should be better. Comments welcome.

Great to gain consensus on this today!

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Re: Finding a safety syntax for classes

2012-03-27 Thread Domenic Denicola
On Mar 27, 2012, at 13:10, David Herman wrote:

 I recognize the C.prototype.constructor idiom already exists, but it's a weak 
 idiom. I'm not crazy about the idea of strengthening a problematic but 
 currently unreliable and rarely used idiom.

Speaking as a dev, I would like this idiom to be stronger (i.e. be there by 
default in a classy world). One use case that immediately springs to mind is 
try { } catch (e) { switch(e.constructor) { } }, which we've used a couple 
times in the absence of Mozilla-style exception guards.

Your concern about possibly not wanting to expose the constructor makes a lot 
of sense, but perhaps we could leave .prototype.constructor configurable and 
let people in such a situation explicitly delete it.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: RegExps in array functions

2012-03-23 Thread Domenic Denicola
Does passing /foo/i.test not work? (Away from computer.) Perhaps it should, if 
it doesn't?

On Mar 23, 2012, at 16:28, Felix Böhm wrote:

Hi guys,

just a first try for a proposal: Array.prototype.[filter/some/every] currently 
require a function as an argument. Most of the time, everything I want to do is 
check if they match a certain pattern. So what I end up writing is a RegExp 
that matches the pattern, and calling its test() method for every member of the 

My proposal is to allow people to use a regular expression as an argument for 
the three methods. Current implementations throw an error when they don't get a 
function as an argument, so this won't break any (working) code.

An example:

[fOo,bAr].filter(function(elem){ return /foo/i.test(elem); });

should be replaceable with


For non-string members of the array, the current behavior of the 
RegExp.prototype.test method (ie. converting the value to a string) applies.

Any reasons why this is a bad idea? (Or is it just my bad attitude? :D )
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es-discuss mailing list

Re: RegExps in array functions

2012-03-23 Thread Domenic Denicola
Would it be a reasonable language upgrade to pre-bind test? I imagine there 
would be philosophical objections, but would be interested in hearing them 
enunciated. (Are there other pre-bound methods in ES5's standard library?)

On Mar 23, 2012, at 21:48, Russell Leggett wrote:

On Mar 23, 2012, at 9:05 PM, John Tamplin wrote:

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 8:21 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
Does passing /foo/i.test not work? (Away from computer.) Perhaps it should, if 
it doesn't?

It does, if you bind it to the regex first.  Ie:

var re = /foo/i;
var filtered = array.filter(re.test.bind(re));

So that doesn't look better than just passing an anonymous function wrapper 
(though you probably want to build the regex once).

Yeah, gotta watch your receiver. If you find yourself doing this a lot, just 
make a function. You can either add a method to RegExp that returns a bound 
version of test, or make a function that takes a regex and returns a bound 
version of test like

function predicate(regex){
return regex.test.bind(regex);

var filtered = array.filter(predicate(/foo/i));

- Russ

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google
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es-discuss mailing list

RE: simpler, sweeter syntax for modules

2012-03-22 Thread Domenic Denicola
Callable modules are a hugely important use case. jQuery and Underscore spring 
to mind. I’ve made one myself [1].

Also important: what about construct-able modules? Or to put it another way, 
what about exporting a module that is a class? Examples from Node [2] [3] and 
Node-land [4] [5] are abundant.

It makes me think a more generic mechanism would be required to export any 
arbitrary object as the module itself. Perhaps

export module as function jQuery(selector, context) { … }
// or
function jQuery(selector, context) { … }
export module as jQuery;

export module as class Runnable { … }
// or
class Runnable { … }
export module as Runnable;


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Andreas Rossberg
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 07:55
To: es-discuss
Subject: Re: simpler, sweeter syntax for modules

One point that I haven't seen mentioned yet (and it is unrelated to syntax): 
export call makes me cringe -- making modules callable is not just weird, it 
seems completely future-hostile to the possibility of having parameterized 
modules. I don't think it is worth bending the notion of module like that if 
all that is gained is minor convenience.


es-discuss mailing list

RE: Using Object Literals as Classes

2012-03-16 Thread Domenic Denicola
Just to contribute to this... er... fun-thread...

My team uses the closure pattern for our classes (i.e. no prototype methods 
at all), since we value encapsulation. I can't imagine we're alone.

So any class solution that doesn't fully incorporate private names (e.g. by 
making them awkward via manual Name.create(), etc.) will leave that audience 
behind, still using closures and ignoring any new class sugar.

From: [] on behalf 
of Russell Leggett []
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 17:07
To: Kevin Smith
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: Using Object Literals as Classes

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Kevin Smith wrote:
Thanks, David.

First, I'd like to point out that in the blog post I'm putting on the hat of a 
library author (I happen to be one, but that's beside the point).

One of the first conclusions that I come to (as a library author) is that the 
idiom described here:

provides a worse user experience than what I already have.  The goal post for 
any class syntax or idiom is not this:

   function Blah()
   Blah.prototype = Object.create(BaseClass.prototype);
   Blah.prototype.a = function() {};
   Blah.prototype.b = function() {};

It is rather this:

var MyClass = new Class({
extends: BaseClass,
a: function() {},
b: function() {}

And in the post I conclude fairly early on that the object extension literal 
class pattern described above does not meet or exceed this goal post, not by a 
long shot.

+1, agreed, not by a long shot

Now, if object literal extensions were such that I could use them in a class 
library (any class library), then that would be fine.  But as indicated in the 
post, they cannot.  The full advantages to be derived from object literal 
extensions with respect to class construction are *unbreakably bound* to the | 

As such | does not fill in missing low-level pieces of the puzzle, so much as 
dictate how higher level abstractions must be built.  I cannot build a higher 
level class abstraction from fundamentals without leaking the implementation of 
that abstraction.

The answer cannot be that I ought not build higher level abstractions.

If the answer is that we'll have a class syntax, then great.  But then we have 
to ask the related question, should super et. all defined on the object 
literal level?  And do we even need special | or .{} syntax, then?

Again, thanks David for reading and replying.  I have great respect for 
everyone's ideas, and I'm just trying to fully explore this one.

I am also a library author, and *yes* I've also created yet another class 
abstraction (seemed like a good idea at the time, 5 years ago) and I have to 
say, I totally agree. As much as I want to take advantage of |, its just not 
good enough at the high or the low level. Because it has to take a literal on 
the RHS, it can't be used inside a class abstraction library, and because its 
still so imperative, its not very good at the high level.

I think the people that will really be able to take advantage of this will be 
language designers that target JS. CoffeeScript could probably put this to good 

- Russ


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RE: usable enough private names (was: Re: Using Object Literals as Classes)

2012-03-16 Thread Domenic Denicola
Yes, this looks pretty solid, although I can't remember seeing it anywhere.

(Sorry for the top-posting; my webmail doesn't want to add the 's for me so I 
figured this is better than the alternative.)

From: Herby Vojčík []
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 17:20
To: Domenic Denicola
Cc: Russell Leggett; Kevin Smith; es-discuss
Subject: usable enough private names (was: Re: Using Object Literals as Classes)

Domenic Denicola wrote:
 Just to contribute to this... er... fun-thread...

 My team uses the closure pattern for our classes (i.e. no prototype
 methods at all), since we value encapsulation. I can't imagine we're alone.

 So any class solution that doesn't fully incorporate private names (e.g.
 by making them awkward via manual Name.create(), etc.) will leave that
 audience behind, still using closures and ignoring any new class sugar.

Is the current (the last winning alternative afaicr) state good enough
for you?

In a few words:

   private x,y;

will be desugared to

   const x = Name.create(), y = Name.create();

So you would need to write your code as:

module ... {
   private foo, bar;
   class Alpha  {
 ... uses names foo, bar in constructor and methods

   ... maybe use the same name in subsequent classes and functions


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Using Object Literals as Classes

2012-03-16 Thread Domenic Denicola

On Mar 16, 2012, at 18:05, David Bruant wrote:

Le 16/03/2012 23:00, Rick Waldron a écrit :
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
Just to contribute to this... er... fun-thread...

My team uses the closure pattern for our classes (i.e. no prototype methods 
at all), since we value encapsulation. I can't imagine we're alone.

For my own curiosity, can you point me to some examples where you are 
strategically avoiding the use of the prototype pattern?
When he needs actual encapsulation.
Unfortunately, methods on prototype require to have properties that are public.

If you avoid prototype methods, all your attributes and private methods can be 
shared by public method scopes.


Exactly. I am away from computer right now, so I cannot dig up examples from 
our codebase at work, but essentially we use the pattern described by Crockford 

And we use only privileged methods (on the instance), not public ones (on 
the prototype). This also neatly avoids binding problems via a single `var that 
= this` at the top of the constructor.

Here is an example from some of my own open-source code:

(The `var that = this` in that particular example is unnecessary since no 
public methods call each other; it's just there as part of the boilerplate 
encapsulated-class pattern I always use.)

Hope this helps, despite being cobbled together on an iPhone.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Using Object Literals as Classes

2012-03-16 Thread Domenic Denicola

On Mar 16, 2012, at 18:12, Rick Waldron wrote:

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 6:04 PM, David Bruant wrote:
Le 16/03/2012 23:00, Rick Waldron a écrit :
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
Just to contribute to this... er... fun-thread...

My team uses the closure pattern for our classes (i.e. no prototype methods 
at all), since we value encapsulation. I can't imagine we're alone.

For my own curiosity, can you point me to some examples where you are 
strategically avoiding the use of the prototype pattern?
When he needs actual encapsulation.
Unfortunately, methods on prototype require to have properties that are public.

If you avoid prototype methods, all your attributes and private methods can be 
shared by public method scopes.

Sorry, I don't subscribe to this as an adequate argument against prototypes. 
jQuery has a whole lot of hidden, private functions and data - using an IIFE. 
Ultimately, the developer makes the decision to write well encapsulated code - 
prototype or closure pattern should have no bearing.



That only works for singleton modules, not multi-instance classes.

WeakMaps and private names both provide solutions for associating private data 
to an instance, without abandoning prototypes, but that brings me back to my 
original point: class sugar must make such association easier than manual 
`Name.create()` usage, on par with the ease of the closure pattern.
es-discuss mailing list

RE: Using Object Literals as Classes

2012-03-16 Thread Domenic Denicola

From: Rick Waldron []
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 18:40
To: Domenic Denicola
Cc: David Bruant; es-discuss
Subject: Re: Using Object Literals as Classes

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 6:20 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

On Mar 16, 2012, at 18:12, Rick Waldron wrote:

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 6:04 PM, David Bruant wrote:
Le 16/03/2012 23:00, Rick Waldron a écrit :
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
Just to contribute to this... er... fun-thread...

My team uses the closure pattern for our classes (i.e. no prototype methods 
at all), since we value encapsulation. I can't imagine we're alone.

For my own curiosity, can you point me to some examples where you are 
strategically avoiding the use of the prototype pattern?
When he needs actual encapsulation.
Unfortunately, methods on prototype require to have properties that are public.

If you avoid prototype methods, all your attributes and private methods can be 
shared by public method scopes.

Sorry, I don't subscribe to this as an adequate argument against prototypes. 
jQuery has a whole lot of hidden, private functions and data - using an IIFE. 
Ultimately, the developer makes the decision to write well encapsulated code - 
prototype or closure pattern should have no bearing.



That only works for singleton modules, not multi-instance classes.

Multi-instance as in many instances created from a class? Every call to 
jQuery or its alias $ actually produces a new, unique object instance from a 
real constructor.

The example you gave produces a constructor that wraps a handful of instance 
method definitions along with several function declarations - which I'm arguing 
could just as easily be outside of that function declaration, but inside of an 

There are two issues here:

1) “Private methods” could be moved outside to the module level (IIFE level if 
you wish).

This is true, but would necessitate passing the private state into these 
methods: `callListener` would need `options`, which then propagates to an extra 
parameter on `callListenersForSync` and `callListenersForAsync`. Obviously this 
problem multiplies as you add more private state to the object, eventually 
ending up passing around a “secrets” object containing all your private state, 
which is a bundle of joy to program against. /sarcasm

2) “Public methods” cannot be moved outside to the prototype level.

If instead of `that.publish = function () { ... }` inside the constructor, I 
had `Publisher.prototype.publish = function () { ... }` outside the 
constructor, then the function body could not access the “private instance 
variables” `normalListeners` and `oneTimeListeners`, or the constructor 
parameter `options`.

The only way to allow a `Publisher.prototype.publish` method to access this 
per-instance state would be to un-encapsulate it, making it public so that they 
could be accessed as e.g. `this._normalListeners`.

This is what I mean when I say I eschew the prototypal pattern in favor of the 
closure pattern. All of my methods are instance methods, because they need 
access to private, encapsulated state.
es-discuss mailing list

RE: Using Object Literals as Classes

2012-03-16 Thread Domenic Denicola

From: Axel Rauschmayer []
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 18:35
To: Domenic Denicola
Cc: Russell Leggett; Kevin Smith; es-discuss
Subject: Re: Using Object Literals as Classes

Just to contribute to this... er... fun-thread...

My team uses the closure pattern for our classes (i.e. no prototype methods 
at all), since we value encapsulation. I can't imagine we're alone.

Do you see privacy via closures and prototypes as mutually exclusive? In my 
experience, they work well in combination. Do you add all of your methods to 
the instance? That would have the advantage of making it easier to access 
private data from public methods, but would consume more memory.

In theory I see them as complementary, but in practice I have never been able 
to integrate prototypes. Consider: a method can only be attached to a prototype 
if it needs access to an instance’s public state only, and not to its private 
state. These cases are extremely rare. And when they do occur, I usually ask 
myself—is this really an instance-level method? Why not make it a module-level 
method that operates on instances of my class?

We have so far made the trade-off of sacrificing memory for encapsulation. 
(Although, I still find it strange that modern JITers don’t pull out of the 
code of the method to reuse in each instance, and instead duplicate it every 
time. Cf. the “Joining” section of [1].) It hasn’t bitten us yet.


So any class solution that doesn't fully incorporate private names (e.g. by 
making them awkward via manual Name.create(), etc.) will leave that audience 
behind, still using closures and ignoring any new class sugar.

True. Something along the lines of:

class C {
private {
age, strength
/* syntactic sugar for
module name from @name;
var age = name.create();
var strength = name.create();

// private method
@incAge() {

This does look familiar, and quite useful. But it’s certainly outside the scope 
of “object literals as classes,” which I think ties to my original point in 
supporting the OP that object literals alone are not sufficient.
es-discuss mailing list

RE: Using Object Literals as Classes

2012-03-16 Thread Domenic Denicola
From: Rick Waldron []
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 19:28
To: Domenic Denicola
Cc: David Bruant; es-discuss
Subject: Re: Using Object Literals as Classes

On Mar 16, 2012, at 7:11 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

From: Rick Waldron 
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 18:40
To: Domenic Denicola
Cc: David Bruant; es-discuss
Subject: Re: Using Object Literals as Classes

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 6:20 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

On Mar 16, 2012, at 18:12, Rick Waldron wrote:

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 6:04 PM, David Bruant wrote:
Le 16/03/2012 23:00, Rick Waldron a écrit :
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
Just to contribute to this... er... fun-thread...

My team uses the closure pattern for our classes (i.e. no prototype methods 
at all), since we value encapsulation. I can't imagine we're alone.

For my own curiosity, can you point me to some examples where you are 
strategically avoiding the use of the prototype pattern?
When he needs actual encapsulation.
Unfortunately, methods on prototype require to have properties that are public.

If you avoid prototype methods, all your attributes and private methods can be 
shared by public method scopes.

Sorry, I don't subscribe to this as an adequate argument against prototypes. 
jQuery has a whole lot of hidden, private functions and data - using an IIFE. 
Ultimately, the developer makes the decision to write well encapsulated code - 
prototype or closure pattern should have no bearing.



That only works for singleton modules, not multi-instance classes.

Multi-instance as in many instances created from a class? Every call to 
jQuery or its alias $ actually produces a new, unique object instance from a 
real constructor.

The example you gave produces a constructor that wraps a handful of instance 
method definitions along with several function declarations - which I'm arguing 
could just as easily be outside of that function declaration, but inside of an 

There are two issues here:

1) “Private methods” could be moved outside to the module level (IIFE level if 
you wish).

This is true, but would necessitate passing the private state into these 
methods: `callListener` would need `options`, which then propagates to an extra 
parameter on `callListenersForSync` and `callListenersForAsync`. Obviously this 
problem multiplies as you add more private state to the object, eventually 
ending up passing around a “secrets” object containing all your private state, 
which is a bundle of joy to program against. /sarcasm

There is more then one way to skin a goose...

2) “Public methods” cannot be moved outside to the prototype level.

I should've used a period, or perhaps a whole new paragraph, because I never 
meant to imply that they could or should.

If instead of `that.publish = function () { ... }` inside the constructor, I 
had `Publisher.prototype.publish = function () { ... }` outside the 
constructor, then the function body could not access the “private instance 
variables” `normalListeners` and `oneTimeListeners`, or the constructor 
parameter `options`.

Inside the IIFE, WeakMap (or shimmed equivalent) with instance as key, pointing 
to an object with all of those goodies stored in it.

The only way to allow a `Publisher.prototype.publish` method to access this 
per-instance state would be to un-encapsulate it, making it public so that they 
could be accessed as e.g. `this._normalListeners`.

See WeakMap strategy above

This is what I mean when I say I eschew the prototypal pattern in favor of the 
closure pattern. All of my methods are instance methods, because they need 
access to private, encapsulated state.

I still say that this can all be accomplished with prototypes and IIFEs.

I agree, it can all be done with WeakMaps or private names combined with 
modules and IIFEs, as I pointed out a few emails back and as Tab points out in 
another reply. But at that point (especially with WeakMaps, but also with 
unsugared private names) I am jumping through enough hoops that I’d rather just 
go the closure route.

In my opinion, if ES6 delivers no sugar for private names, very few 
closure-pattern-using developers will jump through the necessary hoops to 
convert from closures to prototypes. (They’d also have to deal with losing the 
guaranteed `that = this` binding, but that’s another story.) That’s really the 
only point I wanted to make in this thread; I think we got sidetracked talking 
past each other about implementation patterns in current ES5/ES5-plus-WeakMaps 

RE: optional function keyword

2012-03-06 Thread Domenic Denicola
This wins on so many levels:
 * Short but C-like x*x) syntax for the most common cases, where 
TCP doesn't matter.
 * Full TCP support via an entirely new, but still pretty C-like, syntax with do { … }).
 * The two are sufficiently close to each other and to the existing syntax to 
be recognizable as functions, but sufficiently different to convey new 

The earlier Prototype 1.6 example:

inGroupsOf(number, fillWith) {
 fillWith = Object.isUndefined(fillWith) ? null : fillWith;
 return this.eachSlice(number, (slice) do {
   while(slice.length  number) slice.push(fillWith);

inject(memo, iterator, context) {
 iterator = iterator.bind(context);
 this.each((value, index) do {
   memo = iterator(memo, value, index);
 return memo;

invoke(method) {
 var args = $A(arguments).slice(1);
 return value[method](...args));

From: [] On 
Behalf Of David Herman
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 17:58
To: Brendan Eich
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: optional function keyword

On Mar 6, 2012, at 2:56 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

David Herman wrote:

Moreover, if you wanted to do some control along with an expression, you could 
use do-expressions: do { for (...) { ... } f(x) })

Note that combination (expression closures + do-expressions) brings back the 
exact same expressiveness of block-lambda.

Not so, because no TCP. Only block-lambdas preserve TCP fully.

Says you! :)

To be clear: what I'm suggesting is that expression closures would *not* be 
syntactic sugar for statement bodies, but rather would be TCP-respecting. Most 
of the time this wouldn't even be noticeable, until you use do-expressions.


es-discuss mailing list

RE: How about replacing | with -

2012-03-03 Thread Domenic Denicola
If we’re taking votes:

-1. I would actively avoid using this in my own ES6 code, because of the 
unnecessary confusion it would cause to those coming from CoffeeScript.

From: Carlos Prado García
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2012 17:58:38
To: es-discuss
Subject: Re: How about replacing | with -

+1 for - syntax.
es-discuss mailing list

RE: set.delete method name

2012-02-28 Thread Domenic Denicola
 I appreciate the feedback, but I do not understand the rationale.

The rationale I found compelling from upthread was that remove is a more apt 
antonym to add.

To compare, delete's natural counterpart would be put.
es-discuss mailing list

RE: Typeof this in getters (was: eval on non-strings)

2012-02-28 Thread Domenic Denicola
Both IE10 Developer Preview (10.0.8102.0) and IE10 Platform Preview 4 
(10.0.8103.0) output

number  object

We'll see if tomorrow's drop does any better.

Sounds like I should file test262 bugs as well.

From: Mark S. Miller [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 14:38
To: Domenic Denicola
Cc: Allen Wirfs-Brock; Brendan Eich;
Subject: Re: Typeof this in getters (was: eval on non-strings)

I like the output display on a bit better. I just 
tried it on very recent versions of 4 or the 5 major browsers. I was shocked to 
see that all of them were wrong.

Correct would be

    number      number
    object        object

Chrome 19 gave

    number      number
    object        number

Opera 12, Safari WebKit 5.1.3 (7534.53.10, r109097), and Mozilla FF Nightly 13 
all gave

    number      object
    object        object

What does the latest IE10 preview do?

Domenic, as you post bugs against the browsers, please send me the URLs. Thanks.

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
 Specifically regarding ToObject.  It's use is important in minimizing the 
 semantic differences between primitive values and Objects. In ES5 we 
 eliminated the automatic wrapping of primitive values  used as this values in 
 method invocations.  That means that in most cases 42 and (new Number(42)) 
 can be used interchangeably. If we start leaving out ToObject calls in random 
 places the distinction between a primitive value and a wrapped primitive 
 values will start tripping people up.

This actually is apropos of something I'd been meaning to ask about. Consider 
the following JSFiddle:

It seems reasonably clear that the result for functions should be object 
(non-strict)/number (strict), according to section 10.4.3.

But for getters, the major browsers disagree, and my spec-fu can't find 
anything besides the abovementioned section. Firefox and IE9 say object/object, 
while V8 says number/number. And at least one version of JavaScriptCore we have 
lying around says number/object. If someone could walk me through the spec 
correctly, I'd be happy to file appropriate browser bugs.

Note that this is a real-world issue. The Chai.js assertion library is trying 
to break free of V8 and become useful in browsers, but is encountering problems 
due to this behavior:

Thanks all,
es-discuss mailing list

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RE: Typeof this in getters (was: eval on non-strings)

2012-02-28 Thread Domenic Denicola
 To clarify, the expected results here are:
 Typeof this inside a function when called on a number: object
 Typeof this inside an Object.prototype getter when used on a number: object

 Typeof this inside a function when called on a number: number
 Typeof this inside an Object.prototype getter when used on a number: number



 There’s over a hundred test cases that have already been created, and will be 
 contributed ‘soon’ to cover  
 One such test case is:
  function foo()
    'use strict';
    return typeof(this);
  function bar()
    return typeof(this);
  return === 'number' === 'object';

Chrome fails this one with `'number'`, but everyone else passes.

 Another that seem relevant here is:
 function testcase() {
 var o = {};
 Object.defineProperty(o, foo, { get: function() { use strict; return 
 this; } });

This is irrelevant because it is not testing primitives and boxing. (More 
formally, it is not testing the relevant part of 10.4.3 that we are discussing.)

 On that note, is there anything that’s particularly interesting spec-wise in 
 defining foo on Object.prototype instead of a generic object and validating 

It's relevant because it allows use on numbers, i.e. `(0).getMe`. The same 
results happen if you define on `Number.prototype`.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Array.prototype.contains

2012-02-23 Thread Domenic Denicola
Perhaps using indexOfIdentical from

From: [] on behalf 
of Erik Arvidsson []
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 15:15
Subject: Array.prototype.contains

DOM4 added a new interface called DOMStringList for the sole reason
that Array does not have contains. Before this the return type was an
Array of Strings so we could use indexOf, map, forEach etc. Now that
it is using a non Array we lost all of that.

Proposal: Add Array.prototype.contains, implemented as:

Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'contains', {
  value: function(value) {
return this.indexOf(value) !== -1;
  enumerable: false,
  configurable: true,
  writable: true

This is trivial enough to do in user code but since DOM4 depends on it
we should just put it in the right place; In ES6.

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RE: Set iterators

2012-02-13 Thread Domenic Denicola
 As a starting point, would it make sense to provide an API that matches 
 Array.prototype methods (where applicable)?

I think this ties in to my earlier desire to make Array.prototype methods work 
with iterators in general [1]. That is, I think the correct way to do this 
would be:

1) To specify that set is an iterator that, when iterated over, returns its 
2) To specify that all iterators get (at least): every, filter, forEach, map, 
reduce, reduceRight, some

One potential sticking point is that we might want filter and map to return 
sets themselves.


es-discuss mailing list

RE: __proto__ security

2012-02-10 Thread Domenic Denicola
I am generally with Brendan that specifying __proto__ is not very necessary. 
But, one thing I would like enshrined in the spec is that `__proto__ in 
Object.create(null) === false`.
es-discuss mailing list

RE: lexical for-in/for-of loose end

2012-02-07 Thread Domenic Denicola
This seems like a highly compelling argument. I hope I'm not the only one who 
thinks the existing behavior of `for(;;)` makes sense. Granted, that comes from 
understanding the detail that closures close over variables and not values, 
which most users will not. But in general, `for(;;)` makes it very clear that 
there's a single mutating variable, which the desugarings proposed here seem to 
overcomplicate and contradict.

As exemplified by the comments to Eric's blog post, the current behavior is not 
very astonishing to many developers, and once it's explained once, becomes 
intuitive. (Yes, sampling bias, but still.) The question is whether saving that 
pedagogic burden is worthwhile.

I argue that it isn't. `for(;;)` is a low-level construct even in ES5, where 
`Array.prototype.forEach` supplants it for the most part. It doesn't have to do 
what I mean; it should do what I say. Introducing an extra set of curly 
braces around the loop so that my `let` loop variables don't get hoisted to 
the outer scope is the most work that makes sense to me.


-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Andy Wingo
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 5:15
Subject: Re: lexical for-in/for-of loose end

Hi Allen,

On Mon, 2012-02-06 at 11:08 -0800, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 We're putting a lot of energy into trying to figure out how to fix
 for(let;;) when it probably shouldn't even be the preferred form of 
 numeric looping going forward. If we can make for-in/for-of attractive 
 enough then it is less clear why we need to fix for(;;)
 Maybe don't even add let/const forms to for(;;).

Just as food for thought, here's a C# designer on why they decided to leave 
for (int i=0; iN; i++) alone, when they decided to make for (int i in L) 
bind a fresh i:

We have this same problem in for blocks, but for blocks are
much looser about what the loop variable is; there can be more
than one variable declared in the for loop header, it can be
incremented in odd ways, and it seems implausible that people
would consider each iteration of the for loop to contain a
fresh crop of variables. When you say for(int i; i  10; i += 1)
it seems dead obvious that the i += 1 means increment the
loop variable and that there is one loop variable for the whole
loop, not a new fresh variable i every time through! We
certainly would not make this proposed change apply to for


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Array extras functionality for iterators

2012-02-04 Thread Domenic Denicola
ES5's existing array extras make working with arrays a joy.

However, sometimes arrays are not the right tool for the job. Perhaps you want 
lazy evaluation semantics (generators). Or perhaps you want to communicate that 
the list is immutable (compare .NET's `IEnumerableT` or Java's 
`IterableT`). ES Harmony seems to have the answer: iterators! Like 
`IEnumerableT` or `IterableT`, they are the most basic primitive of 
iteration. Yay!

But, if my `fetchAllProducts()` method returns an iterator, I don't get my 
array extras. Sad.


This may be solvable in library-space, but the iterator proposal doesn't seem 
to have an Iterator.prototype I could extend. So we end up with unfortunate 
underscore-style wrappers:

_.some(, mapper), predicate)

I propose adding the array extras to any iterator (in some way), such that we 
can have syntax similar to the following: // returns an iterator

The methods I would like to see are:
* every, filter, forEach, map, reduce, reduceRight, some
* Optionally: join, toString
* Controversially: sorted, reversed (non-mutating versions of sort and reverse)

What do you think?

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Array extras functionality for iterators

2012-02-04 Thread Domenic Denicola
 I'd say every and other methods like that should take another argument that 
 specifies the number if times to test.

This seems reasonable. Preferably that parameter would be optional, since the 
majority of the time my iterators will not be derived from infinite generators 
(and I know this). Otherwise I'd just keep passing `Infinity` as the third 
argument to my methods.

Is it possible to detect infinite generators ahead of time? My intuition says 
 map and filter clearly would be very useful. I'm not sure about the others.

Losing the others would be a shame. As I mentioned, much of the time I want to 
expose something with the semantics of an iterator, even if internally to my 
module or class I am storing the data as an array. So even if infinite 
generators cause problems for implementing `every` et al., the vast majority of 
real-world iterators would not be derived from infinite generators. Thus my 
above desire for the extra argument being optional.

Currently in our codebase, we have a number of these methods (like 
`fetchAllProducts()`) that return `slice()`ed copies of internal arrays, since 
we don't want to expose the arrays directly. (Iterators would of course be the 
best solution here.) Over the course of 77K LOC, the only methods we don't use 
on the products collection are `join`, `reduceRight`, `reverse`, and 
`toString`. And we do use `join` on some of the simpler collections 
(`fetchProductTags()`). So they're all useful!


On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 10:06 PM, Michael A. Smith wrote:
 Sorry for the resend. Meant to include the list.

 I like this idea a lot! However, what would be the correct behavior of 
 a method like 'every' on an infinite generator?

 -Michael A. Smith

 On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
 ES5's existing array extras make working with arrays a joy.

 However, sometimes arrays are not the right tool for the job. Perhaps you 
 want lazy evaluation semantics (generators). Or perhaps you want to 
 communicate that the list is immutable (compare .NET's `IEnumerableT` or 
 Java's `IterableT`). ES Harmony seems to have the answer: iterators! Like 
 `IEnumerableT` or `IterableT`, they are the most basic primitive of 
 iteration. Yay!

 But, if my `fetchAllProducts()` method returns an iterator, I don't get my 
 array extras. Sad.


 This may be solvable in library-space, but the iterator proposal doesn't 
 seem to have an Iterator.prototype I could extend. So we end up with 
 unfortunate underscore-style wrappers:

 _.some(, mapper), predicate)

 I propose adding the array extras to any iterator (in some way), such that 
 we can have syntax similar to the following: // returns an iterator

 The methods I would like to see are:
 * every, filter, forEach, map, reduce, reduceRight, some
 * Optionally: join, toString
 * Controversially: sorted, reversed (non-mutating versions of sort 
 and reverse)

 What do you think?

 es-discuss mailing list

 es-discuss mailing list

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RE: Array extras functionality for iterators

2012-02-04 Thread Domenic Denicola
 someVeryLargeArray.iMap(someFunction); // Lazy, guaranteed only to be iterable

How about `someVeryLargeArray.asIterator().map(someFunction)`?

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