[FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
 no_reply@ wrote:
  Ha-Ha-- i figured someone was going to say that! all the emphasis 
  with the TMers on hovering and flying around through the air is the 
  attempt by the ego to hold onto something while it dissolves. that 
  is all. i did the TMSP until i didn't feel like it anymore. just 
  lost interest-- i found the techniques very powerful and hugely 
  useful, and i enjoyed lots of success, but not for me anymore.
 What kind of success?

Sex change. The TMO doesn't like her (formerly him)
to talk about it much.


[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:

 Enlightenment is not what you think.

Hey, Pete, mind if I rephrase your one-liner?

Enlightenment just is. What you think *about* 
it is not what you think.

I'm more than open to the possibility of altered
states of consciousness that many people in the
past have experienced and described as enlight-
enment. I have no problem with the altered
states having been real, for the people doing 
the describing. It's just that I think that the
descriptions were fanciful imaginings based on
a combination of what they had been told about
enlightenment and the subjective effects of
the altered states themselves on the describers'
mental state and thinking processes.

What I suspect is that they were having real
subjective experiences, experiences that don't
quite map to everyday reality as most people
experience it. But then they try to describe
these altered states and fail, relying on either
old descriptions from the past of what the 
altered states mean, or equally invalid new
descriptions, based on solipsism.

In other words, the experiences are real, if 
only in a subjective sense. But anything that
the person says *about* the experiences and
what they mean is bullshit.

I'm not just being contrary or argumentative
here. This is actually what I believe. Today,
anyway. :-)

 --- On Tue, 1/27/09, ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
  From: ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 5:10 PM
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
  no_reply@ wrote:
   enlightenment is that state of consciousness in which
  a person no 
   longer identifies with, and gets lost in, the objects
  of perception. 
  This sounds like the I don't care anymore
  definition of enlightenment. 
  To subscribe, send a message to:
  Or go to: 
  and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: Phonology for Fairy Field Flyers: minimal pair

2009-01-28 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:

 Minimal pair
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 In phonology, minimal pairs are pairs of words or phrases in a
 particular language, which differ in only one phonological element,
 such as a phone, phoneme, toneme or chroneme and have a distinct
 meaning. They are used to demonstrate that two phones constitute two
 separate phonemes in the language.

Chroneme is IMO an important phonemic feature also in Sanskrit,
for instance in the minimal pair

sama (same)  saama (possession; song, etc.), as in 'saama-veda'.

Don't read more:


[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_re...@... wrote:

 bravo monkey! chatter, chatter, chatter. are you done playing with 
 your banana, and have decided to begin chattering again?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:

ED, I have noticed that you tend to snip arguments
that you have no idea how to deal with, as you did
above, and limit yourself to just what you consider
a brilliant putdown. You also tend to get carried
away with (and dare I say it, identified with) 
these putdowns, to the point of fouling out on 
posts. That reminds me of another poster in FFL's 
past. :-)

But I've decided to let the question of who you 
posted as in the past drop and deal with you just 
as who you are posting as now. 

So here's a question for enlightened_dawn11, whoever
that might be:

One cannot help but notice that you make assertions
about the nature of enlightenment as if those asser-
tions were fact. You almost never present any reasons
for the assertions; it's as if you believe that the
fact that you write them is enough, and that the
fact *that* you wrote them should pretty much end
the discussion. You often seem befuddled that your
assertions do NOT end the discussion, as you 
clearly intended them to do. There is almost an 
anti-intellectual quality to these declarations of 
certainty, as if anyone who challenges what you say 
about enlightenment is guilty of some failing for 
not believing what you say as if it were Truth 

Having seen this phenomenon before, on this forum
and in the broader spiritual smorgasbord, I guess 
my question to you is: Are you claiming to be

My followup question, if the answer is Yes, is:
Why should anyone believe you?

I'm phrasing this question in personal terms, as it
relates to you, ED11, whoever you are. But naturally
it has broader implications. Why should we believe
*anyone* who claims to be enlightened? What are some
of the reasons you can think of for doing so? 

[FairfieldLife] The World according to Monsant

2009-01-28 Thread nablusoss1008
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Check out the trailer at 

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[FairfieldLife] UFO-star, Costa Rica 3. January 2009

2009-01-28 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread TurquoiseB
Consider this an Edg-like rap, in the tradition of
determining whether anyone here on FFL is interested
in the odd things I am, and wants to swap stories.
It's also a rap addressing ED's complaint that nobody
ever talks about their spiritual experiences.

I recently posted a rap about Lucid Dreaming. It is
pasted in at the bottom of this post. What I'm inter-
ested in is whether anyone on FFL has had experiences
of this sort, and wants to rap about them. No experts,
no dogma, just rappin'...trying to figure things out.

The Rama fellow I studied with for many years taught
Lucid Dreaming. He taught it in the context of Tibetan
Dream Yoga, but the techniques were the same as those
I've later found in Native American shamanism and 
other disciplines. The Tibetan connection is that
in that tradition Lucid Dreaming is seen as analogous
to (or synonymous with) the Bardo state between death
and rebirth, and thus developing a facility with 
waking up in the dream, and being able to manipulate
the dream state is seen as valuable to a culture in
which the teachings of The Tibetan Book Of The Dead
are assumed as a given. If you can wake up in a normal
dream, and use your intention there in the astral, then 
it is assumed that you might also be able to do the 
same thing in the Bardo, and thus have a shot at a 
cooler rebirth.

Basically, the definition of Lucid Dreaming I am using
for this rap, and calling for stories about, has to do
with the *interactive* nature of Lucid Dreaming. It is
*not* the same as witnessing dreams, because that
phenomenon is usually described as passive. Depending
on the spiritual culture, the witness in witnessing
dreams may be considered to be the self, or the Self.
For the purposes of this rap, that distinction doesn't
matter. All that matters is when that self or Self
decides to wake up and take an interactive, 
*intentional* role in the dream.

For example, if you wake up in the dream and find yourself
in a room that has purple wallpaper, and you don't like
the color purple, you can change the color of it in an
instant. Just *intend* the color blue, and zap!, you're
in a blue-colored room. If you find yourself in a location
that doesn't quite do it for you, you can switch locations
equally quickly and easily. That sorta thing.

In the Rama trip, he first taught all of his students the
basics of Dream Yoga or Lucid Dreaming, and had us prac-
tice on our own for some time. Then, after enough students
reported gaining a facility with it, he started having
dream seminars. They were fun.

What he'd do is announce that on a certain night he was
open for business as a spiritual teacher, but in the
dream plane. He wouldn't tell us where, or how to get
there. That was our challenge, or task. To accomplish it,
you'd have to first wake up in the dream, and then focus 
on his vibe or energy, and see if you could find the
group. If you did, there was often a talk going on, or
a demonstration of some abilities or siddhis, or just a
party. Interestingly, many times students would see other
students that they recognized in the dream seminars,
say something to them, and then ask them later in the 
waking state to repeat it back to them. They were often
able to do so. Go figure.

Anyway, I always thought that Lucid Dreaming was FUN, and
so I continued practicing it after I left the Rama trip,
first from books on the subject, but later with a group
that my girlfriend at the time (a Native American who was
interested in such things) stumbled onto in Santa Fe. 
Again, the same sorts of scenarios took place. It was fun,
but I lost interest in the group about the same time the
girlfriend lost interest in me. She was 24 years younger
than I was, so this did not exactly take me by surprise
or devastate my world. :-)

I guess the coolest Lucid Dreaming story I could tell is
the funniest (from my point of view, anyway). For whatever
reason, I just don't DO nightmares. I can count the number
of nightmares or bad dreams I've had in my life on one
hand. But in one of these rare bad dreams, I had awakened
in the dream and found myself being pursued by astral bad-
asses who clearly intended to do me harm. I ran from them,
and astral teleported to other locations to try to get
away from them, but nothing worked. They kept following me,
and kept threatening me. So I decided, in the dream, to
wake up *from* the dream. 

Voila. I found myself in my own bed at home. The rare bad
dream had been bad enough that I was still feeling some
uneasiness from it, so on impulse I reached over and grabbed 
the katana (Japanese samurai sword) that I keep by my bed.
(Old habit from my martial arts days...don't ask.) Anyway,
I brought the sword back into bed with me and closed my
eyes and tried to go back to sleep, since it was still the
middle of the night and I had to work the next morning.

Voila. I'm back in the same dream, with the same having
woken up in the dream mindstate, and faced with the same
badasses. But there's a 

[FairfieldLife] Memories grow sweeter with time?

2009-01-28 Thread cardemaister

In Finnish we say Aika kultaa muistot. (Time guilds memories.)[1]
Just checked that out, the corresponding English expression
seems to be Memories grow sweeter with time.

My memories seem to grow more bitter and depressing. 
Almost everything I can recall from my past life
during this incarnation (provided reincarnation is true...) seems to
have some kind of negative emotional connotation.

I don't claim to be a vivekii or yogii by any standard, but
perhaps that negativity is a part of what Patañjali
means when he says:

...duHkham eva sarvaM vivekinaH (everything is duHkha[2] for
a vivekii[3]).

1. ~ eye-kah gool-taah muy-stott

2. duHkha adj: uneasy, unpleasant; noun: uneasiness, pain, sorrow 

3. vivekin [nominative singular: vivekii -- card] mfn. discriminating
, distinguishing Ra1jat. ; separated , kept asunder (in %{a-viv-})
Kuval. ; examining , investigating Cat. ; discriminative , judicious ,
prudent , discreet , wise 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A reply to Vaj about Mantras, Religion, etc.

2009-01-28 Thread Vaj

On Jan 27, 2009, at 10:17 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

So, what specifically did MMY say concerning the vibration of the

that they were life supporting is about all i recall. that by
repeating the mantra silently like any other thought, the mind
trasnscends until it reaches its ground state, no thought, absolute
being. i am sure an intro lecture could do this far better justice
than i can. experience is the key vs. collecting information

Wow! That sounds just like the brochure! In fact, not at all different.

You should do a TV ad.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread Vaj

On Jan 27, 2009, at 10:20 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_reply@ wrote:

Ha-Ha-- i figured someone was going to say that! all the emphasis
with the TMers on hovering and flying around through the air is


attempt by the ego to hold onto something while it dissolves. that
is all. i did the TMSP until i didn't feel like it anymore. just
lost interest-- i found the techniques very powerful and hugely
useful, and i enjoyed lots of success, but not for me anymore.

What kind of success?

various manifestations of the sidhis themselves. they produced results
for me as taught.

Wow! Just like the brochure said!

You should do a TV ad.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread Vaj

On Jan 28, 2009, at 3:35 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@...  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_reply@ wrote:

Ha-Ha-- i figured someone was going to say that! all the emphasis
with the TMers on hovering and flying around through the air is the
attempt by the ego to hold onto something while it dissolves. that
is all. i did the TMSP until i didn't feel like it anymore. just
lost interest-- i found the techniques very powerful and hugely
useful, and i enjoyed lots of success, but not for me anymore.

What kind of success?

Sex change. The TMO doesn't like her (formerly him)
to talk about it much.

That would explain the obsession with bananas.

Re: [FairfieldLife] OffWorld annhilates Vaj and Cardemeister---------was/// TM puja is religious

2009-01-28 Thread Vaj

On Jan 27, 2009, at 11:01 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@...  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@  

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  

The word 'puja' either means 'preparing for purifying', or  

(begining) of the purifying life' . That is its ACTUAL  

   Sorry Off, but I think that's a bit like claiming, for instance,
   that 'purpose' is equivalent to 'poor pose'
  You need to check your sanskrit.
  'Pu' is 'purifying'; cleansing.
  'Ja' is 'born' or 'beginning'.


Cardemeister you  just tie yourself in knots with your  
misunderstanding of Sanskrit and Indo-European. You are all still  
working with outdated 19th century etymology. What a joke !

 You and Vaj are completely boxed in and cannot get around it.

*pu- clean

  pu:-to clean Sanskrit
  pu:rus  pure Latin
  pu:ta   cleaned  Sanskrit
  pu:ti   cleaning Sanskrit
  pûtih   whiteMalay
  putih   whiteJavanese
  futsi, futchi   whiteMadagascar
  maputi  whiteTagalog
  ma-pute whiteBuginese

UEL 23, 24, 25:
  *pewH-  clean, purifyProto- 

+ nominalising *-eno-
  *pewH-eno- Proto-IndoEuopean
  pávana (n.) sieveSanskrit
 (n., m.) cleaning (by threshing)  Sanskrit
  pavana   id.   Pali
  pona: (m.)  perforated iron ladle for
   skimming or strainingHindi

loaned into

  puz^, púz^  sieveVotyak
  puz^ni_ sift Votyak
  po,z^   sieveZyryan (SE-dial.)
  puz^sieveZyryan (East  

  poz^n-al-   sift Zyryan

  o-grade + causative suffix *-eye/o-

  *fauja Proto-Germanic
  fewen (fouwen)  sift (cereal), clean Old High German
  vöuwen   id.   Middle High  
  fe.ibm, veben   sift German dial.  
  fäensift finely (cereal), winnow German dial.  

  payávaticleans, purifies Sanskrit

loaned into

  *pows^e-   Early Proto- 

+ causative suffix *-ta-
  (inf. pohtoa)   winnow   Finnish

  pohti-  consider Finnish
  puohtua (inf.)  winnow   Carelian
  pohtta  (inf.)   id.   Vepsian
  pohta:  (inf.)   id.   Votic
  puhetama id.   Estonian dial.

  *pu-n-H- (v.)  Proto- 

  punáti  he cleans, winnows   Sanskrit
  puni:máh.   we clean, winnow Sanskrit
  punánti they clean, winnow   Sanskrit
  puna:ti cleans, siftsPa:li
  pun.aï  cleans, winnows  Pra:krit

loaned into

  *pons^e-   BalticFinnic- 

+ Mordvin causative suffix -vt(o)- (Ersa)
  ponz^avto-  winnow (cereal)  Mordvin (Ersa)
+ Mordvin causative suffix -ft(^)- (Moks^a)
  pon´dz^aft^-   winnow (cereal)  Mordvin (Moks^a)

  zero-grade + participal *-to-
  *puH-to-s  Proto- 

  pu:tá-h.cleaned, purifiedSanskrit

loaned into

  *pus^tas   Proto-Finnic
common Baltic Finnic, eg.
  puhtaan (gen.)  clean, pure  Finnish
  puhta   (gen.)   id.   Estonian

HSED 2008:
  *puk-   winnow
  *fVk-   winnow, peel (corn)  Berber
  fukk-t- id.   

[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 What I'm inter-
 ested in is whether anyone on FFL has had experiences
 of this sort, and wants to rap about them. No experts,
 no dogma, just rappin'...trying to figure things out.
 The Rama fellow I studied with for many years taught
 Lucid Dreaming. He taught it in the context of Tibetan
 Dream Yoga, but the techniques were the same as those
 I've later found in Native American shamanism and 
 other disciplines. The Tibetan connection is that
 in that tradition Lucid Dreaming is seen as analogous
 to (or synonymous with) the Bardo state between death
 and rebirth, and thus developing a facility with 
 waking up in the dream, and being able to manipulate
 the dream state is seen as valuable to a culture in
 which the teachings of The Tibetan Book Of The Dead
 are assumed as a given. If you can wake up in a normal
 dream, and use your intention there in the astral, then 
 it is assumed that you might also be able to do the 
 same thing in the Bardo, and thus have a shot at a 
 cooler rebirth.

Hi Turq,

Yeah, there is at least one Satsang in FF that works with this as 
technique or method for cultivating clarity of experience with 
immortal soul.  Is a type of meditation for them along with TM.  
Spiritual practice, not spiritism.  Some people quite adept at it.

-D in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5
dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  What I'm inter-
  ested in is whether anyone on FFL has had experiences
  of this sort, and wants to rap about them. No experts,
  no dogma, just rappin'...trying to figure things out.
  The Rama fellow I studied with for many years taught
  Lucid Dreaming. He taught it in the context of Tibetan
  Dream Yoga, but the techniques were the same as those
  I've later found in Native American shamanism and 
  other disciplines. The Tibetan connection is that
  in that tradition Lucid Dreaming is seen as analogous
  to (or synonymous with) the Bardo state between death
  and rebirth, and thus developing a facility with 
  waking up in the dream, and being able to manipulate
  the dream state is seen as valuable to a culture in
  which the teachings of The Tibetan Book Of The Dead
  are assumed as a given. If you can wake up in a normal
  dream, and use your intention there in the astral, then 
  it is assumed that you might also be able to do the 
  same thing in the Bardo, and thus have a shot at a 
  cooler rebirth.
 Hi Turq,
 Yeah, there is at least one Satsang in FF that works with this as 
 technique or method for cultivating clarity of experience with 
 immortal soul.  Is a type of meditation for them along with TM.  
 Spiritual practice, not spiritism. Some people quite adept at it.

Cool. I had to ask because, of course, no such
studies were present in the TMO, at least not
during my time with it, or as reported here or
on a.m.t. in the years afterwards.

I found it a rewarding study, if on no other 
level than fun. ( Which for me is a valid reason
for doing almost anything. :-) Its practical
application ( other than general self knowledge )
might be limited to its relationship with pho-wa,
the Tibetan study of what takes places after death,
and making the transition between death and rebirth
as conscious a process, and as productive as possible, 
but it sure was fun.

Come to think of it, though, some people who, unlike
me, tended to have nightmares or bad dreams were
able to use Lucid Dreaming to address and neutralize
or dissolve their fears. They just woke up in the
dream and faced down the bogeymen who were threat-
ening them. Do this enough times in the dream plane,
and it starts to roll over into one's waking state
as well.

The parallels between the experience of the astral
plane in dreaming and the experience of possibly
the same astral plane in the Bardo are many. Of
course, you won't know whether these parallels 
are anything other than idle speculation until you
Bite The Big One and die. :-)

But if there *is* some connection, it seems to me
that having developed a facility with intentionally
directing the movie in dreams might be handy when
placed in a similar movie in the Bardo. Better IMO
than finding yourself a powerless actor in Someone
Else's Movie. 

Other than that, for which I like everyone else will
have to play wait and see to determine the truth
of, all I can say is that it's great fun. Once a
group of four of us decided to get together in
the dream plane to play poker. It was hilarious!
Everyone kept changing not only the rules (a la
Calvinball in Calvin and Hobbes), but the pictures
on the cards. They'd never be the same from hand
to hand, so the dealer would have to make up new
rules to go with the new cards. I'm laughing out
loud just remembering it.  :-)  :-)  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread Vaj
I've had a number of bizarre dreams over the years, but of course  
they typically don't seem strange while dreaming, it's only in the  
waking state that they seem strange.

One odd dream was with my root teacher, who's a master of dream yoga  
and sleep. We were on retreat and I had brought a rare rasayana for  
him as a gift. The night after I gave it to him, he appears in a  
lucid dream in which we are in a particular situation where I'm  
standing directly next to his teaching throne and he tilts it to show  
me the opened jar and how he'd used a spoon to scoop out the rasayana  
in a certain pattern, so it's scraped out like a little bowl.

The day after I gave it to him I was waiting to see him in line. As  
soon as the person in front of me walks away, he leans over picks up  
the jar, tilts the jar and holds the spoon just like in the dream. As  
I look inside it's exactly like the dream. The instant he sees my  
startle, he breaks out into a huge smile and a sense of unified  
spaciousness and warmth covers everything. The question I had, is  
gone. With nothing to say and everything I needed gained. I just  
smile, bow and walk away. He continues on as if nothing happened.

One of the stranger series of dreams I've had surrounds UFO sitings I  
had with a group of family and friends when I was a young teenager.  
They developed over the course of my life. At the point they began to  
have stronger significance, I had dreams over several nights, each  
dream in sequence, picking up where the other one left off. The odd  
thing was, in recollecting them after the sequence had completed, I  
could ONLY remember them as one continuous whole, as if they had  
arisen out of something more unified, that had no break in  
continuity. Very strange.

When I was first learning to do a form of nondual contemplation  
called the shattering of tensions, I would often find myself in  
dreams where I was challenged to perform this style of practice in  
the dream. The dynamic was usually where some set of repeating karmic  
patterns presented themselves in the dream; this might mean being in  
a room where certain phenomenon would repeat to the point of being  
very annoying. I eventually learned that if I applied the technique  
at the precise moment the annoyance crescendoed, the dream elements  
would freeze in time and I could then transform the dream or allow  
the individual karmic constructs which made up the dream, dissolve  
back into the void, liberating the patterns that held them in place.  
That's one of the ways I was taught nondual contemplation. On waking  
I just immediately understood how to do the practice in waking state,  
a point that had alluded me before.

In the dream state you're not a hampered by time, you can even play  
dreams in reverse or examine individual dream elements. Once one  
could shatter the constructs of the dreams, you could reduce it to a  
bare presence, even less than a 'witness', just a permeating clear  

Those are some of the tamer examples. Some are simply too bizarre to  
share on a public list.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 In the dream state you're not a hampered by time, you can even 
 play dreams in reverse or examine individual dream elements. Once 
 one could shatter the constructs of the dreams, you could reduce 
 it to a bare presence, even less than a 'witness', just a 
 permeating clear presence.
 Those are some of the tamer examples. Some are simply too bizarre 
 to share on a public list.

Thanks for sharing your stories, Vaj. I figured
you'd have had a few, given your studies.

The story with your teacher is interesting because
it so clearly maps from dream state to waking
state. You can remember the incident and find some
way of expressing it in the waking state because
it uses waking state images and metaphors.

But did you ever encounter teachings in the dream
plane that just don't map to the waking state at
all? I've had that experience many times, and it's
always fascinating.

The teaching itself was always clear as a bell *in*
the dream plane. Whatever was being discussed or
whatever ability was being taught was no problem 
to follow or learn. But upon waking, any attempt 
to remember it clearly or to put it into words or
to even describe it in terms of everyday reality
failed miserably because the teaching took place
in a separate reality, as Castaneda would put it.

Some things just don't map from astral to waking.
There is no *counterpart* for them in everyday wak-
ing reality. They cannot be expressed here or even
conceived of here. That is one reason why the Rama
guy and at least one Tibetan teacher I've worked 
with preferred to do some of their teaching in the
dream plane. They could get into things there in
a way that they just can't in the waking state.

Re: [FairfieldLife] My first MM's!

2009-01-28 Thread Kirk

- Original Message - 
From: cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 1:38 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] My first MM's!

 Just bought my first package of MM's ever. They been
 available here in East-of-Sweden, quite near the Russian
 border, only a couple of months now. :0

[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread raunchydog
Excellent, Peter. It's exactly the map of the territory Maharishi has
been telling grasshopper, identifying for years with the weeds he's
been smokin'.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:

 Enlightenment is not what you think because:
 You can not get enlightened.
 A thought is necessarily bound by time and space and therefore has
nothing to do with enlightenment.
 You can not model enlightenment.
 So with those caveats.
 In ignorance you are somebody. A psychological private self that
relates to the world.
 Then you get 1st stage enlightenment and you are nobody. Actually,
no you to be or not to be. Consciousness becomes conscious of its
own consciousness and withdraws identity with any space/time
experience. No-Self. No localization of consciousness. Weird as shit
for the mind. You no longer exist, only consciousness within which
everything occurs.
 Then you get 2nd stage enlightenment Grasshopper. Now you are
everybody. Consciousness awakens to its bound value of space and time
as simply consciousness. All moving within itself. From here to here
through there according to Maharishi. Those are good words. 
 --- On Tue, 1/27/09, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:
  From: Peter drpetersutp...@...
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 8:18 PM
  Enlightenment is not what you think.
  --- On Tue, 1/27/09, ruthsimplicity
  no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   From: ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 5:10 PM
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
   no_reply@ wrote:
enlightenment is that state of consciousness in
   a person no 
longer identifies with, and gets lost in, the
   of perception. 
   This sounds like the I don't care
   definition of enlightenment. 
   To subscribe, send a message to:
   Or go to: 
   and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups

  To subscribe, send a message to:
  Or go to: 
  and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread Vaj

On Jan 28, 2009, at 8:44 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

But did you ever encounter teachings in the dream
plane that just don't map to the waking state at
all? I've had that experience many times, and it's
always fascinating.

The teaching itself was always clear as a bell *in*
the dream plane. Whatever was being discussed or
whatever ability was being taught was no problem
to follow or learn. But upon waking, any attempt
to remember it clearly or to put it into words or
to even describe it in terms of everyday reality
failed miserably because the teaching took place
in a separate reality, as Castaneda would put it.

Some things just don't map from astral to waking.
There is no *counterpart* for them in everyday wak-
ing reality. They cannot be expressed here or even
conceived of here. That is one reason why the Rama
guy and at least one Tibetan teacher I've worked
with preferred to do some of their teaching in the
dream plane. They could get into things there in
a way that they just can't in the waking state.

A number of the things I'd previously described simply cannot be done  
(as they were done in the dream) in the waking state, but they almost  
always will have some waking or meditative state counterpart that I  
had to realize or flash to. Occasionally I would tap into strata  
that I was not ready to integrate across states, despite being  
elaborate teachings which were clearly relevant, taught important  
practical lessons, meditative states etc. and the being that revealed  
them would simply collapse them to a point and reintroduce them into  
my (subconscious) mindstream. As linear events unfold, I can sense  
that enfolded mandala providing datum that teaches along a sequence  
of unfolding waking time (if that makes sense).

Another thing I realized was that sometimes the teaching may not have  
any value outside the dream or trance state other than to introduce  
to the mind the possibility that a certain thing, state of  
consciousness, type of practice is possible. Not only does it have  
the advantage of expanding the realm of possibilities of what the  
mind can conceive, but also expanding the possibility of what it can  
believe. Once it establishes the possibility of belief, the  
possibility of that thing actually occurring, it automatically  
removes an impediment to those things occurring. In yet other cases a  
certain bizarre experience may simply form a passage which creates a  
samskara or mind-imprint which will create a foothold or seed-form,  
usually along with other seed forms to allow other experiences and  
states of consciousness to develop--but an and of themselves they  
possess no real meaning, they're just necessary ordeals.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Memories grow sweeter with time?

2009-01-28 Thread Kirk
No, it is from ones own imperfect intentions.  If you perfect your good 
intentions you will come to expect nothing but good things. In time, you 
will look back and see only good. Be proactive and shape your destiny. This 
of course sounds easier than it is.  So take some time to get used to 
repetition of positives, or better yet, smoke a joint and then meditate and 
get out of that negative mind set. It doesn't help anything. Make love. 
Remember, it's not what you did as you get older that you regret, it's what 
you didn't do. Yogis mostly are very much in love with life. Overwhelmingly 

- Original Message - 
From: cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 5:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Memories grow sweeter with time?

In Finnish we say Aika kultaa muistot. (Time guilds memories.)[1]
Just checked that out, the corresponding English expression
seems to be Memories grow sweeter with time.

My memories seem to grow more bitter and depressing.
Almost everything I can recall from my past life
during this incarnation (provided reincarnation is true...) seems to
have some kind of negative emotional connotation.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread Kirk
I was fascinated with lucid dreaming and read the classic book when I was 
about ten years old. I tried to do it a few times.

I have had many intermeditation dreams which were very much awake at the 
same time. I have never and do not now practice any sort of dream meditation 
or structure as I see no reason to learn to control phantoms. However,

I have dreams of the future if I dream. For instance I had a dream one night 
about driving really far and trying to get gas and someone at the pump 
spilling it out all over my feet, and then waking up and hearing about the 
huge oil spill in Russia. I am not certain if I am not just able somehow to 
maybe hear very clearly while asleep and picking up on television from 
someone nearby, or whatever,

but if I let them dreams will show me everything before the next days events 
to look out for
people should probably understand however that this probably comes from a 
lifetime of reading Tarot cards as a confidant and friend and counselor.

There was a time a couple years back where I went yajna crazy and all the 
energy from priests on me every night in India kept me from sleeping for 
months on end.  In the end I had to cut out all yajnas as even 'bogus' ones 
I find powerful as its ones intention which has the basic power. During that 
time, I slept fitfully for about an hour or two a night, and my dreams were 
filled with the occult knowledge of all ages. I was transformed into Hermes 
or Melchezidek.  It was pretty intense, and I am glad it has passed.

That was enough outright tampering with destiny for one lifetime.

Probably the most lucid dream I ever had was again a meditation dream, that 
is, dreaming in a sitting position, and I watched my mind fall asleep and 
then it was empty of object and then images started going as if I were 
driving some place and then I saw a marina and the yachts and it was pretty. 
That was all. But startlingly clear.

Nothing very meaningful to it however. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 A number of the things I'd previously described simply cannot be 
 done (as they were done in the dream) in the waking state, but 
 they almost always will have some waking or meditative state 
 counterpart that I had to realize or flash to. Occasionally I 
 would tap into strata that I was not ready to integrate across 
 states, despite being elaborate teachings which were clearly 
 relevant, taught important practical lessons, meditative states 
 etc. and the being that revealed them would simply collapse them 
 to a point and reintroduce them into my (subconscious) mindstream. 
 As linear events unfold, I can sense that enfolded mandala 
 providing datum that teaches along a sequence of unfolding 
 waking time (if that makes sense).

It does make sense, because I once tried to write
a story about one of these doesn't map dreams.
In the dream, I showed up at one of Rama's dream
seminars mentioned earlier. However, this happened
during a period of time when I was no longer one of
his students, so I found it interesting, to say the
least. What reminded me of it was your image of 
collapsing the knowledge into a point and storing 
it somewhere in your mind, conscious or subconscious.
Here's the story, written as I saw it at the time, 
with all of the emotionality of the time. I doubt 
that I would express it the same way now. 


 Another thing I realized was that sometimes the teaching may 
 not have any value outside the dream or trance state other 
 than to introduce to the mind the possibility that a certain 
 thing, state of consciousness, type of practice is possible. 

I fully agree.

 Not only does it have the advantage of expanding the realm of 
 possibilities of what the mind can conceive, but also expanding 
 the possibility of what it can believe. 

Exactly. This applies to experience of witnessing
the siddhis being performed as well.

 Once it establishes the possibility of belief, the  
 possibility of that thing actually occurring, it automatically  
 removes an impediment to those things occurring. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread Larry
I don't know if this qualifies as Lucid Dreaming or not - but about
1-2 times per month I will find myself in a frustrating dream.  I
attempt to salvage the dream by removing the frustration, but
eventually just decide to end it and wake up.

Just last night I dreamt I was on a jet flight and was stuck with this
super annoying passenger. He was bugging the crap out of me - and
everyone else on the plane.  

At some point I got fed up with everything and I step in and decided
to have the plane land far short of the runway on a city street just
so I could get off the plane and away from this guy.

I remember looking out the passenger window and 'flying' the plane
down thru this city street, the wings  get knocked off by the
buildings.  I remember the potholes and even a stretch of cobblestone.
 Beautiful landing.

The plane comes to a stop - I get off and away from this guy, then
it's back to dream mode - in other words, back to more frustration.

Cuz this guy reappears and tells me he going to go to O'Hare with me
but first he's got to take a leak . . . 

Anyways, sorry about the boring details, but the nuts and bolts are
the following:

1) frustration in a dream
2) I 'step in', put the dream on hold, and attempt to remove the
3) if I am successful, dream will continue
4) either way, eventually the 'frustration stack' will get to me and I
decide to wake up and end it
5) my first thought upon waking is always regret - I should have given
the dream one more chance.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Consider this an Edg-like rap, in the tradition of
 determining whether anyone here on FFL is interested
 in the odd things I am, and wants to swap stories.
 It's also a rap addressing ED's complaint that nobody
 ever talks about their spiritual experiences.
 I recently posted a rap about Lucid Dreaming. It is
 pasted in at the bottom of this post. What I'm inter-
 ested in is whether anyone on FFL has had experiences
 of this sort, and wants to rap about them. No experts,
 no dogma, just rappin'...trying to figure things out.
 The Rama fellow I studied with for many years taught
 Lucid Dreaming. He taught it in the context of Tibetan
 Dream Yoga, but the techniques were the same as those
 I've later found in Native American shamanism and 
 other disciplines. The Tibetan connection is that
 in that tradition Lucid Dreaming is seen as analogous
 to (or synonymous with) the Bardo state between death
 and rebirth, and thus developing a facility with 
 waking up in the dream, and being able to manipulate
 the dream state is seen as valuable to a culture in
 which the teachings of The Tibetan Book Of The Dead
 are assumed as a given. If you can wake up in a normal
 dream, and use your intention there in the astral, then 
 it is assumed that you might also be able to do the 
 same thing in the Bardo, and thus have a shot at a 
 cooler rebirth.
 Basically, the definition of Lucid Dreaming I am using
 for this rap, and calling for stories about, has to do
 with the *interactive* nature of Lucid Dreaming. It is
 *not* the same as witnessing dreams, because that
 phenomenon is usually described as passive. Depending
 on the spiritual culture, the witness in witnessing
 dreams may be considered to be the self, or the Self.
 For the purposes of this rap, that distinction doesn't
 matter. All that matters is when that self or Self
 decides to wake up and take an interactive, 
 *intentional* role in the dream.
 For example, if you wake up in the dream and find yourself
 in a room that has purple wallpaper, and you don't like
 the color purple, you can change the color of it in an
 instant. Just *intend* the color blue, and zap!, you're
 in a blue-colored room. If you find yourself in a location
 that doesn't quite do it for you, you can switch locations
 equally quickly and easily. That sorta thing.
 In the Rama trip, he first taught all of his students the
 basics of Dream Yoga or Lucid Dreaming, and had us prac-
 tice on our own for some time. Then, after enough students
 reported gaining a facility with it, he started having
 dream seminars. They were fun.
 What he'd do is announce that on a certain night he was
 open for business as a spiritual teacher, but in the
 dream plane. He wouldn't tell us where, or how to get
 there. That was our challenge, or task. To accomplish it,
 you'd have to first wake up in the dream, and then focus 
 on his vibe or energy, and see if you could find the
 group. If you did, there was often a talk going on, or
 a demonstration of some abilities or siddhis, or just a
 party. Interestingly, many times students would see other
 students that they recognized in the dream seminars,
 say something to them, and then ask them later in the 
 waking state to repeat it back to them. They were often
 able to do so. Go figure.
 Anyway, I always thought that Lucid Dreaming was FUN, and
 so I continued practicing it after I left 

[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:

 --you say, to paraphrase: (according to MMY, those are good words).
 But You can not get enlightened are your words, not his.
 He didn't often use the E word (if ever) in the context of a 
 progression from CC - BC - UC; but he might have said something 
You can reach Unity Consciousness. That being the case, MMY's 
 teachings would conflict with your Neo-Advaitin nonsense.

Who you calling a knuckle dragging Neo-Advaitin, Buster? Them's
fighten' words. Peter is obviously Advaitin, there's not an ounce of
Neo in him. Just to clarify the splitting of hairs, here's an
excellent description of Traditional Advaita versus Neo-Advaita:

In support of Peter the Great:

The range of creative intelligence is from here to here. So
obviously there's no place to go. If I could go, I'd hop a bus to
there. So here it is: the clown bus, the crazy passengers and the
fun ride (knowledge, knower and the process of knowing) beautifully
woven together as one. Innocently pull one tread in one amazing
moment of just be and the mistake of intellect instantly unravels.
MMY wasn't jiving us when he said the concept of a path is for the
ignorant. So leave or stay on the bus, whatever, I'm just glad MMY
provided [keys to the bus (TM) and] such a glorious map [SCI] to just
be nowhere.

post #203856

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread Vaj

On Jan 28, 2009, at 9:52 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Not only does it have the advantage of expanding the realm of
possibilities of what the mind can conceive, but also expanding
the possibility of what it can believe.

Exactly. This applies to experience of witnessing
the siddhis being performed as well.

Well even in the case of siddhis you have not experienced in waking  
state. For example some of my teachers have spontaneously displayed  
various siddhis while I was present, others when I wasn't around to  
witness. My degree of trust is so established, when I hear of other  
phenomenon by the same teacher, I have a base of practical  
understanding to accommodate experiences I have not experienced first  
hand myself. For example, my one teacher was handed a tiny yellow  
scroll with minute dakini-script writing on it in a dream. He later  
awoke with his fists still clenched around it. He literally pries  
open his fists and there, in waking state, is the yellow scroll from  
the dream. I did not experience this first hand, but the level of  
trust, along with my own first hand experiences, tells me that as  
strange as it sounds, this actually did happen, as described. It also  
jives with my growing perception of the super-seamlessness of so-call  
different states of consciousness. :-)

Conversely, hearing stories of MMY walking thru walls from a concrete  
salesman theosophist are more likely to have me chuckling rather than  
even considering them as valid. There's just no credibility or  
integrity there to support it. Quite the opposite really. There's  
that sleazy feeling you're being set up. It is interesting to me that  
some people are willing to go to such extremes to sell their product  
or to get people to buy into their belief system that they'll just  
make stuff up becasue they no some people will buy it hook-line-and- 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread TurquoiseB
I am far from an expert on all this myself, and
thus can't say whether this is a legitimate 
example of Lucid Dreaming or not. Sounds like it, 
if you intentionally changed the direction of the
dream, even if you didn't have the sensation of
waking up in the dream.

On the other hand, if I'm ever on a plane with you 
sometime, you'll have to forgive me if I sit in 
another row, just in case.  :-)  :-)  :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Larry inmadi...@... wrote:

 I don't know if this qualifies as Lucid Dreaming or not - but about
 1-2 times per month I will find myself in a frustrating dream.  I
 attempt to salvage the dream by removing the frustration, but
 eventually just decide to end it and wake up.
 Just last night I dreamt I was on a jet flight and was stuck with this
 super annoying passenger. He was bugging the crap out of me - and
 everyone else on the plane.  
 At some point I got fed up with everything and I step in and decided
 to have the plane land far short of the runway on a city street just
 so I could get off the plane and away from this guy.
 I remember looking out the passenger window and 'flying' the plane
 down thru this city street, the wings  get knocked off by the
 buildings.  I remember the potholes and even a stretch of cobblestone.
  Beautiful landing.
 The plane comes to a stop - I get off and away from this guy, then
 it's back to dream mode - in other words, back to more frustration.
 Cuz this guy reappears and tells me he going to go to O'Hare with me
 but first he's got to take a leak . . . 
 Anyways, sorry about the boring details, but the nuts and bolts are
 the following:
 1) frustration in a dream
 2) I 'step in', put the dream on hold, and attempt to remove the
 3) if I am successful, dream will continue
 4) either way, eventually the 'frustration stack' will get to me and I
 decide to wake up and end it
 5) my first thought upon waking is always regret - I should have given
 the dream one more chance.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread Duveyoung

I find it strange that you are being somewhat pro lucid dreaming
when I compare that to your POV about oogabooganess in general.

I've but dabbled with lucid dreaming, so I can't go toe to toe with
you, but I can ask questions of you that should clarify some things
for me if you honestly answer.

If you truly believe that you and others were meeting in the astral
or were in the same dream . . . whatever, then there's easy and
scientific experiments you could conduct that would prove if such an
experience is real or merely imagination.

So, here's an experiment:  All you have to do is come out of a lucid
dream and tell what you saw in another physical location and then
check to see if that is true.  

I have four statues on my desk, so presumably an adept at lucid
dreaming should be able to hover over my desk and wake up with
information about the statues.  I'm betting you'll say you personally
cannot do this, but it seems you'll also say that IT CAN BE DONE.  I'm
saying that if someone cannot pony up the correct information about my
statues (or meet other such testing challenges) then astral
traveling remains unproved.  But you seem to be a cheerleader for the
validity of the concept, and that seems at odds with your other POVs.

I'm shocked that you are being such a pushover about the reports
about lucid dreaming, and I'm at the same time fascinated and wanting
to know how that all works inside your logic systems.  Your statement
about actually doing lucid dreaming that is, to you, valid, and that
you are saying that almost anyone can gain this skill, makes it
astounding that science hasn't nailed this phenomenon down pat by now.
 In fact, I would challenge ANY lucid dreamer to pass The Great
Randi's test and collect his cash reward -- surely, also, the NSA and
other black-op governmental wogs would be all over this ability as a
threat to national security -- some terrorist should be able to dream
about, what?, passwords, account numbers, conversations the President
is having with top militarists, spy on any operation, etc.

The whole thing stinks of scam when real world concerns would have
discovered and used the ability to astral travel for many many many
reasons.  Where's the beef?  

All that said, how's 'bout this:  If someone can guide their dreams,
then why not simply have the intention to be enlightened, or, say,
meet Krishna, or, hey, my favorite, have the dream character
meditate and see what happens, cuz, in the astral, why, you're right
next door to ritam levels, and the siddhis surely must be far more
intense and productive etc. when one can mindfully be at that lesser
state of excitation that, by definition, the astral state must be. 
So???  Got beef?

But these things are not commonly attempted by lucid dreamers, and in
fact, a brief survey of lucid dreamers' accounts of their experiences
will yield a vast profusion of the most ordinary kind of dreaming
material -- there is almost no clamoring in the lucid dreaming
community for having their best dreamers be tested as The Great
Randi might suggest.

I do agree that witnessing dreams is possible, but I think it's a
skill that only the most adept yogi-types can be expected to have much
skill in doing.

I'm convinced that it is a case of what happens in meat, only happens
in meat.  Imagination is incredibly powerful, and the willingness to
be fooled is commonplace.

A good lucid dreamer should be able to completely convince any
scientist in short order -- but it simply has not happened, right?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Consider this an Edg-like rap, in the tradition of
 determining whether anyone here on FFL is interested
 in the odd things I am, and wants to swap stories.
 It's also a rap addressing ED's complaint that nobody
 ever talks about their spiritual experiences.
 I recently posted a rap about Lucid Dreaming. It is
 pasted in at the bottom of this post. What I'm inter-
 ested in is whether anyone on FFL has had experiences
 of this sort, and wants to rap about them. No experts,
 no dogma, just rappin'...trying to figure things out.
 The Rama fellow I studied with for many years taught
 Lucid Dreaming. He taught it in the context of Tibetan
 Dream Yoga, but the techniques were the same as those
 I've later found in Native American shamanism and 
 other disciplines. The Tibetan connection is that
 in that tradition Lucid Dreaming is seen as analogous
 to (or synonymous with) the Bardo state between death
 and rebirth, and thus developing a facility with 
 waking up in the dream, and being able to manipulate
 the dream state is seen as valuable to a culture in
 which the teachings of The Tibetan Book Of The Dead
 are assumed as a given. If you can wake up in a normal
 dream, and use your intention there in the astral, then 
 it is assumed that you might also be able to do the 
 same thing in the Bardo, and thus have a shot at a 
 cooler rebirth.
 Basically, the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
agreed-- really well said dr. pete. enlightenment is real, viable 
and experienced-- just not by -thinking-

raunchydog, i don't get your comments at all- care to clarify please?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... 

 Excellent, Peter. It's exactly the map of the territory Maharishi 
 been telling grasshopper, identifying for years with the weeds he's
 been smokin'.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 
  Enlightenment is not what you think because:
  You can not get enlightened.
  A thought is necessarily bound by time and space and therefore 
 nothing to do with enlightenment.
  You can not model enlightenment.
  So with those caveats.
  In ignorance you are somebody. A psychological private self that
 relates to the world.
  Then you get 1st stage enlightenment and you are nobody. 
 no you to be or not to be. Consciousness becomes conscious of its
 own consciousness and withdraws identity with any space/time
 experience. No-Self. No localization of consciousness. Weird as 
 for the mind. You no longer exist, only consciousness within 
 everything occurs.
  Then you get 2nd stage enlightenment Grasshopper. Now you are
 everybody. Consciousness awakens to its bound value of space and 
 as simply consciousness. All moving within itself. From here to 
 through there according to Maharishi. Those are good words. 
  --- On Tue, 1/27/09, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
   From: Peter drpetersutphen@
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of 
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 8:18 PM
   Enlightenment is not what you think.
   --- On Tue, 1/27/09, ruthsimplicity
   no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
From: ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 5:10 PM
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
no_reply@ wrote:

 enlightenment is that state of consciousness in
a person no 
 longer identifies with, and gets lost in, the
of perception. 

This sounds like the I don't care
definition of enlightenment. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: My first MM's!

2009-01-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
surely you were able to buy Smarties previously? (similar candy made 
in the UK, only with as i recall, a matte finish shell vs. MMs gloss 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... 

 Just bought my first package of MM's ever. They been
 available here in East-of-Sweden, quite near the Russian
 border, only a couple of months now. :0
  Perhaps I shouldn't've done that...they feel rather addictive!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread raunchydog
Jumping in. I've never had any instruction on how to control lucid
dreams, have no intention intention to do so, but find that I can if I
want to. If lucid dreaming spontaneously occurs, it sometimes happens
in the dome during rest after program. If I had a particularly
blissful program, during rest, maybe it's kundalini, I don't really
know, but it feels like my crown chakra is plugged into a light
socket. Here's the re-occurring sequence: I'm resting, my eyes are
closed but I see everything and everyone in the dome. I start to
fly above everyone and can control where I go and what I see. As I
rise higher above everyone I can fly anywhere, over roof tops, into
the clouds, to the moon, the stars, the sun, wherever. The longer I
fly the move intense the feeling of electricity flooding my brain.
Sometimes I hear choirs of angels and I can direct the music.
Sometimes, I see Maharishi or Guru Dev or a bright light that looks
like me looking back at me or a third eye right in front of my third
eye, but more like an elephant eye, like Ganesha and I can decide to
observe it. I don't know what it means and I don't care. I take a
neutral attitude toward it and I just enjoy it when it happens. Some
might call my experience astral travel but on this subject I do
remember Maharishi cautioning We don't leave the house if it isn't
clean. If I am astral traveling hopefully, my house is clean enough
that I can leave it for a few minutes without having uninvited guests
showing up.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Consider this an Edg-like rap, in the tradition of
 determining whether anyone here on FFL is interested
 in the odd things I am, and wants to swap stories.
 It's also a rap addressing ED's complaint that nobody
 ever talks about their spiritual experiences.
 I recently posted a rap about Lucid Dreaming. It is
 pasted in at the bottom of this post. What I'm inter-
 ested in is whether anyone on FFL has had experiences
 of this sort, and wants to rap about them. No experts,
 no dogma, just rappin'...trying to figure things out.
 The Rama fellow I studied with for many years taught
 Lucid Dreaming. He taught it in the context of Tibetan
 Dream Yoga, but the techniques were the same as those
 I've later found in Native American shamanism and 
 other disciplines. The Tibetan connection is that
 in that tradition Lucid Dreaming is seen as analogous
 to (or synonymous with) the Bardo state between death
 and rebirth, and thus developing a facility with 
 waking up in the dream, and being able to manipulate
 the dream state is seen as valuable to a culture in
 which the teachings of The Tibetan Book Of The Dead
 are assumed as a given. If you can wake up in a normal
 dream, and use your intention there in the astral, then 
 it is assumed that you might also be able to do the 
 same thing in the Bardo, and thus have a shot at a 
 cooler rebirth.
 Basically, the definition of Lucid Dreaming I am using
 for this rap, and calling for stories about, has to do
 with the *interactive* nature of Lucid Dreaming. It is
 *not* the same as witnessing dreams, because that
 phenomenon is usually described as passive. Depending
 on the spiritual culture, the witness in witnessing
 dreams may be considered to be the self, or the Self.
 For the purposes of this rap, that distinction doesn't
 matter. All that matters is when that self or Self
 decides to wake up and take an interactive, 
 *intentional* role in the dream.
 For example, if you wake up in the dream and find yourself
 in a room that has purple wallpaper, and you don't like
 the color purple, you can change the color of it in an
 instant. Just *intend* the color blue, and zap!, you're
 in a blue-colored room. If you find yourself in a location
 that doesn't quite do it for you, you can switch locations
 equally quickly and easily. That sorta thing.
 In the Rama trip, he first taught all of his students the
 basics of Dream Yoga or Lucid Dreaming, and had us prac-
 tice on our own for some time. Then, after enough students
 reported gaining a facility with it, he started having
 dream seminars. They were fun.
 What he'd do is announce that on a certain night he was
 open for business as a spiritual teacher, but in the
 dream plane. He wouldn't tell us where, or how to get
 there. That was our challenge, or task. To accomplish it,
 you'd have to first wake up in the dream, and then focus 
 on his vibe or energy, and see if you could find the
 group. If you did, there was often a talk going on, or
 a demonstration of some abilities or siddhis, or just a
 party. Interestingly, many times students would see other
 students that they recognized in the dream seminars,
 say something to them, and then ask them later in the 
 waking state to repeat it back to them. They were often
 able to do so. Go figure.
 Anyway, I always thought that Lucid Dreaming was FUN, and
 so I continued practicing it after I left the Rama trip,

[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_re...@... wrote:

 agreed-- really well said dr. pete. enlightenment is real, viable 
 and experienced-- just not by -thinking-
 raunchydog, i don't get your comments at all- care to clarify please?

Just jiving Peter. It's an analogy that obviously failed. It's a
stretch but my point was, the grasshopper identifies with the weeds in
which he lives so much so that he smokes the weed and hallucinates
his existence to be something real. Sorry, I can't wrap my brain
around it any further than that. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
  Excellent, Peter. It's exactly the map of the territory Maharishi 
  been telling grasshopper, identifying for years with the weeds he's
  been smokin'.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 
   Enlightenment is not what you think because:
   You can not get enlightened.
   A thought is necessarily bound by time and space and therefore 
  nothing to do with enlightenment.
   You can not model enlightenment.
   So with those caveats.
   In ignorance you are somebody. A psychological private self that
  relates to the world.
   Then you get 1st stage enlightenment and you are nobody. 
  no you to be or not to be. Consciousness becomes conscious of its
  own consciousness and withdraws identity with any space/time
  experience. No-Self. No localization of consciousness. Weird as 
  for the mind. You no longer exist, only consciousness within 
  everything occurs.
   Then you get 2nd stage enlightenment Grasshopper. Now you are
  everybody. Consciousness awakens to its bound value of space and 
  as simply consciousness. All moving within itself. From here to 
  through there according to Maharishi. Those are good words. 
   --- On Tue, 1/27/09, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
From: Peter drpetersutphen@
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 8:18 PM
Enlightenment is not what you think.

--- On Tue, 1/27/09, ruthsimplicity
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 From: ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 5:10 PM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 no_reply@ wrote:
  enlightenment is that state of consciousness in
 a person no 
  longer identifies with, and gets lost in, the
 of perception. 
 This sounds like the I don't care
 definition of enlightenment. 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 I find it strange that you are being somewhat pro lucid dreaming
 when I compare that to your POV about oogabooganess in general.

Edg, I have *no problem* with oogabooganess.

I have a problem with *unexamined* oogabooganess. :-)

That is, I have respect for those who accept their
out-of-the-ordinary experiences as valid experiences.
But I have little for those who buy into someone else's
ego-stroking explanation of what those experiences

To quote Blade Runner, I've seen things you people
wouldn't believe. But I don't claim to know what
those things meant. And I don't claim that having
seen them makes me special, or highly evolved, 
only lucky.

 I've but dabbled with lucid dreaming, so I can't go toe to toe with
 you, but I can ask questions of you that should clarify some things
 for me if you honestly answer.
 If you truly believe that you and others were meeting in the 
 astral or were in the same dream . . . whatever, then there's 
 easy and scientific experiments you could conduct that would prove 
 if such an experience is real or merely imagination.

Yup. I suggest you get in touch with some group that
practices Lucid Dreaming and propose your experiment
to them. I'm not involved with such a group.

 So, here's an experiment:  All you have to do is come out of a lucid
 dream and tell what you saw in another physical location and then
 check to see if that is true.  

Been there, done that many times. But for me to say 
so now means as little as for me to say that I've
seen real levitation. Both are true, from my subjec-
tive experience, but I can't prove it to you. I don't
even care to try. I'm merely reporting my experiences;
you can make of them what you want.

But I agree with you that some of the Lucid Dreaming
experiences could be objectively verified. I hope you
get in touch with some group that is interested in
putting them to the test. I'm not in touch with any
such group at this time, so I can't help you.

 I have four statues on my desk, so presumably an adept at lucid
 dreaming should be able to hover over my desk and wake up with
 information about the statues.  I'm betting you'll say you 
 personally cannot do this...

I wouldn't want to. Besides, in my experience I was
usually only able to dream teleport to the *astral
counterpart* of places I'd been to in real life, for
the most part. It was rarer for me to be able to go
to somewhere I'd never been before. 

As for astral counterpart, I'm saying that sometimes
the quality of the place was different in dreaming
than in waking state. Lighting could be different, 
doors could be present in dreaming that aren't there
in real life, that sorta thing. Again, I'm not trying
to explain this stuff or make excuses for it; I'm
merely reporting what my experiences were.

 ...but it seems you'll also say that IT CAN BE DONE.  

I have no idea whether it can be done or not. I think
yours is an unrealistic test. If you find someone who
cares enough about proving things to take you up on
your challenge, based on my experience I'd suggest 
giving them the option of going somewhere they have
been able to go before. You can control what appears
in that location you want, as part of the test, but
picking an arbitrary location they've never been before
seems like a bad test to me, based on my experiences.

 I'm saying that if someone cannot pony up the correct information 
 about my statues (or meet other such testing challenges) then 
 astral traveling remains unproved.  

And I'm saying that yours is an unrealistic test. See

 But you seem to be a cheerleader for the validity of the concept, 
 and that seems at odds with your other POVs.

Not at all. I am merely at odds with accepting one and
only one interpretation of one's experiences as the
correct one. I continually examine and reexamine my
experiences, and am open to many ways of seeing them.
It's only when someone declares *This* is what my
experience 'means' that I give them a tough time.

 I'm shocked that you are being such a pushover about the 
 reports about lucid dreaming...

I'm shocked that you can't read. I have said *nothing*
about reports about lucid dreaming. I have merely
reported my own subjective experiences.

 ...and I'm at the same time fascinated and wanting
 to know how that all works inside your logic systems. Your statement
 about actually doing lucid dreaming that is, to you, valid, and that
 you are saying that almost anyone can gain this skill, makes it
 astounding that science hasn't nailed this phenomenon down pat by 

Makes sense to me. But it is not my interest to do so.
Never has been, never will be. If it's yours, by all
means pursue it. I only dabbled in lucid dreaming for

 In fact, I would challenge ANY lucid dreamer to pass The Great
 Randi's test and collect his cash reward -- surely, also, the NSA 
 and other black-op governmental wogs would be all over 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread Larry
Hey Edg,

I'll have to check again tonight, but when I floated thru your office
the other night, I thot for sure one of those stautues was a bust. 
Speaking of busts, those old Playboys you've got stashed away are a hoot.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 I find it strange that you are being somewhat pro lucid dreaming
 when I compare that to your POV about oogabooganess in general.
 I've but dabbled with lucid dreaming, so I can't go toe to toe with
 you, but I can ask questions of you that should clarify some things
 for me if you honestly answer.
 If you truly believe that you and others were meeting in the astral
 or were in the same dream . . . whatever, then there's easy and
 scientific experiments you could conduct that would prove if such an
 experience is real or merely imagination.
 So, here's an experiment:  All you have to do is come out of a lucid
 dream and tell what you saw in another physical location and then
 check to see if that is true.  
 I have four statues on my desk, so presumably an adept at lucid
 dreaming should be able to hover over my desk and wake up with
 information about the statues.  I'm betting you'll say you personally
 cannot do this, but it seems you'll also say that IT CAN BE DONE.  I'm
 saying that if someone cannot pony up the correct information about my
 statues (or meet other such testing challenges) then astral
 traveling remains unproved.  But you seem to be a cheerleader for the
 validity of the concept, and that seems at odds with your other POVs.
 I'm shocked that you are being such a pushover about the reports
 about lucid dreaming, and I'm at the same time fascinated and wanting
 to know how that all works inside your logic systems.  Your statement
 about actually doing lucid dreaming that is, to you, valid, and that
 you are saying that almost anyone can gain this skill, makes it
 astounding that science hasn't nailed this phenomenon down pat by now.
  In fact, I would challenge ANY lucid dreamer to pass The Great
 Randi's test and collect his cash reward -- surely, also, the NSA and
 other black-op governmental wogs would be all over this ability as a
 threat to national security -- some terrorist should be able to dream
 about, what?, passwords, account numbers, conversations the President
 is having with top militarists, spy on any operation, etc.
 The whole thing stinks of scam when real world concerns would have
 discovered and used the ability to astral travel for many many many
 reasons.  Where's the beef?  
 All that said, how's 'bout this:  If someone can guide their dreams,
 then why not simply have the intention to be enlightened, or, say,
 meet Krishna, or, hey, my favorite, have the dream character
 meditate and see what happens, cuz, in the astral, why, you're right
 next door to ritam levels, and the siddhis surely must be far more
 intense and productive etc. when one can mindfully be at that lesser
 state of excitation that, by definition, the astral state must be. 
 So???  Got beef?
 But these things are not commonly attempted by lucid dreamers, and in
 fact, a brief survey of lucid dreamers' accounts of their experiences
 will yield a vast profusion of the most ordinary kind of dreaming
 material -- there is almost no clamoring in the lucid dreaming
 community for having their best dreamers be tested as The Great
 Randi might suggest.
 I do agree that witnessing dreams is possible, but I think it's a
 skill that only the most adept yogi-types can be expected to have much
 skill in doing.
 I'm convinced that it is a case of what happens in meat, only happens
 in meat.  Imagination is incredibly powerful, and the willingness to
 be fooled is commonplace.
 A good lucid dreamer should be able to completely convince any
 scientist in short order -- but it simply has not happened, right?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Consider this an Edg-like rap, in the tradition of
  determining whether anyone here on FFL is interested
  in the odd things I am, and wants to swap stories.
  It's also a rap addressing ED's complaint that nobody
  ever talks about their spiritual experiences.
  I recently posted a rap about Lucid Dreaming. It is
  pasted in at the bottom of this post. What I'm inter-
  ested in is whether anyone on FFL has had experiences
  of this sort, and wants to rap about them. No experts,
  no dogma, just rappin'...trying to figure things out.
  The Rama fellow I studied with for many years taught
  Lucid Dreaming. He taught it in the context of Tibetan
  Dream Yoga, but the techniques were the same as those
  I've later found in Native American shamanism and 
  other disciplines. The Tibetan connection is that
  in that tradition Lucid Dreaming is seen as analogous
  to (or synonymous with) the Bardo state between death
  and rebirth, and thus developing a facility with 
  waking up in the dream, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifuxero@ wrote:
  --you say, to paraphrase: (according to MMY, those are good words).
  But You can not get enlightened are your words, not his.
  He didn't often use the E word (if ever) in the context of a 
  progression from CC - BC - UC; but he might have said something 
 You can reach Unity Consciousness. That being the case, MMY's 
  teachings would conflict with your Neo-Advaitin nonsense.
 Who you calling a knuckle dragging Neo-Advaitin, Buster? Them's
 fighten' words. Peter is obviously Advaitin, there's not an ounce of
 Neo in him. Just to clarify the splitting of hairs, here's an
 excellent description of Traditional Advaita versus Neo-Advaita:
 In support of Peter the Great:
 The range of creative intelligence is from here to here. So
 obviously there's no place to go. If I could go, I'd hop a bus to
 there. So here it is: the clown bus, the crazy passengers and the
 fun ride (knowledge, knower and the process of knowing) beautifully
 woven together as one. Innocently pull one tread in one amazing
 moment of just be and the mistake of intellect instantly unravels.
 MMY wasn't jiving us when he said the concept of a path is for the
 ignorant. So leave or stay on the bus, whatever, I'm just glad MMY
 provided [keys to the bus (TM) and] such a glorious map [SCI] to just
 be nowhere.
 post #203856

MMY spent 99% of his time talking about, aggressively marketing,
obsessing over, developing world govts to rule over, and trying to
black list anything that wasn't: HIS keys to the bus and HIS roadmap,
and 1% doing from here to here talk.  If you look at tmo culture,
how people in the tmo actually think and live, it's all keys and bus,
or to be more precise, Maharishi's Supreme Vedic Golden Keys and
Maharishi's Most Glorious Unified Global Enlightened Sat Yuga (with a
pure gold hemi-powered) Bus, please show your paid up in full
officially approved dome badge to get on.

MMY is worse than the Bible; you can support anything with maharishi
says talk.  I don't get picking out some phrases he might have said
in the 70s to disprove what he and the tmo obviously are today.

That a (shocking small) percentage of long term sidhas have had from
here to here advaita experiences doesn't prove anything about what
MMY really taught and nurtured in his followers.  Reality is from
here to here, people in every spiritual movt and probably more not
in any movt have these natural advaita experiences, and so naturally
some MMY devotees have too.  But I'd say right now there are more
sidhas in ffld being blocked from that natural experience by the keys
that MMY/tmo have provided.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread Peter

You can not get enlightened. This is very true. In waking state there is an 
experience of an individuality; a private psychological self. In waking state 
there is a mistaken notion that this individuality will get enlightened; that 
it will have some sort of enlightened experience. But the only reason a you 
exists is because consciousness is identified with and projected into some 
relative vehicle of mind and consciousness has become the object it identifies 
with. When consciousness becomes conscious of its own consciousness this 
identification is withdrawn and there is no longer a bound identity to 
consciousness. A you no longer exists. There is the mind, emotions and 
everything else, but there is no longer an identity with these vehicles. They 
just happen within a context of pure consciousness. They always were 
functioning like this, but a delusion of a you was present.  

--- On Tue, 1/27/09, yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com wrote:

 From: yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 11:00 PM
 --you say, to paraphrase: (according to MMY, those are good
 But You can not get enlightened are your words,
 not his.
 He didn't often use the E word (if ever) in the context
 of a 
 progression from CC - BC - UC; but he might have
 said something 
You can reach Unity Consciousness. That
 being the case, MMY's 
 teachings would conflict with your Neo-Advaitin nonsense.
 - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
 drpetersutp...@... wrote:
  Enlightenment is not what you think because:
  You can not get enlightened.
  A thought is necessarily bound by time and space and
 therefore has 
 nothing to do with enlightenment.
  You can not model enlightenment.
  So with those caveats.
  In ignorance you are somebody. A psychological private
 self that 
 relates to the world.
  Then you get 1st stage enlightenment and you are
 nobody. Actually, 
 no you to be or not to be. Consciousness
 becomes conscious of its 
 own consciousness and withdraws identity with any
 experience. No-Self. No localization of consciousness.
 Weird as shit 
 for the mind. You no longer exist, only
 consciousness within which 
 everything occurs.
  Then you get 2nd stage enlightenment Grasshopper. Now
 you are 
 everybody. Consciousness awakens to its bound value of
 space and time 
 as simply consciousness. All moving within itself. From
 here to here 
 through there according to Maharishi. Those are good
  --- On Tue, 1/27/09, Peter drpetersutp...@...
   From: Peter drpetersutp...@...
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions
 of enlightenment
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 8:18 PM
   Enlightenment is not what you think.
   --- On Tue, 1/27/09, ruthsimplicity
   no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
From: ruthsimplicity
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More
 definitions of
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 5:10 PM
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
no_reply@ wrote:

 enlightenment is that state of
 consciousness in
a person no 
 longer identifies with, and gets lost
 in, the
of perception. 

This sounds like the I don't care
definition of enlightenment. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread Duveyoung
No busts over here.  Wanna try another guess?

Playboys?  Here?  As if.  Real sex is how I roll.

What I do think you DO know is why you posted this.  And, if you
could expound on that, hey, we'd all be agog if it were done with

I'm an easy target here for this kind of teasing, but far harder to
see is the mechanics of how my presentation triggers responses in
others.  I don't mind the elbow in the ribs, but I do wonder about the
motivation to have done so.

Maybe I'm reading you wrongly, Larry, er, what was your intent with
the post?  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Larry inmadi...@... wrote:

 Hey Edg,
 I'll have to check again tonight, but when I floated thru your office
 the other night, I thot for sure one of those stautues was a bust. 
 Speaking of busts, those old Playboys you've got stashed away are a
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  I find it strange that you are being somewhat pro lucid dreaming
  when I compare that to your POV about oogabooganess in general.
  I've but dabbled with lucid dreaming, so I can't go toe to toe with
  you, but I can ask questions of you that should clarify some things
  for me if you honestly answer.
  If you truly believe that you and others were meeting in the astral
  or were in the same dream . . . whatever, then there's easy and
  scientific experiments you could conduct that would prove if such an
  experience is real or merely imagination.
  So, here's an experiment:  All you have to do is come out of a lucid
  dream and tell what you saw in another physical location and then
  check to see if that is true.  
  I have four statues on my desk, so presumably an adept at lucid
  dreaming should be able to hover over my desk and wake up with
  information about the statues.  I'm betting you'll say you personally
  cannot do this, but it seems you'll also say that IT CAN BE DONE.  I'm
  saying that if someone cannot pony up the correct information about my
  statues (or meet other such testing challenges) then astral
  traveling remains unproved.  But you seem to be a cheerleader for the
  validity of the concept, and that seems at odds with your other POVs.
  I'm shocked that you are being such a pushover about the reports
  about lucid dreaming, and I'm at the same time fascinated and wanting
  to know how that all works inside your logic systems.  Your statement
  about actually doing lucid dreaming that is, to you, valid, and that
  you are saying that almost anyone can gain this skill, makes it
  astounding that science hasn't nailed this phenomenon down pat by now.
   In fact, I would challenge ANY lucid dreamer to pass The Great
  Randi's test and collect his cash reward -- surely, also, the NSA and
  other black-op governmental wogs would be all over this ability as a
  threat to national security -- some terrorist should be able to dream
  about, what?, passwords, account numbers, conversations the President
  is having with top militarists, spy on any operation, etc.
  The whole thing stinks of scam when real world concerns would have
  discovered and used the ability to astral travel for many many many
  reasons.  Where's the beef?  
  All that said, how's 'bout this:  If someone can guide their dreams,
  then why not simply have the intention to be enlightened, or, say,
  meet Krishna, or, hey, my favorite, have the dream character
  meditate and see what happens, cuz, in the astral, why, you're right
  next door to ritam levels, and the siddhis surely must be far more
  intense and productive etc. when one can mindfully be at that lesser
  state of excitation that, by definition, the astral state must be. 
  So???  Got beef?
  But these things are not commonly attempted by lucid dreamers, and in
  fact, a brief survey of lucid dreamers' accounts of their experiences
  will yield a vast profusion of the most ordinary kind of dreaming
  material -- there is almost no clamoring in the lucid dreaming
  community for having their best dreamers be tested as The Great
  Randi might suggest.
  I do agree that witnessing dreams is possible, but I think it's a
  skill that only the most adept yogi-types can be expected to have much
  skill in doing.
  I'm convinced that it is a case of what happens in meat, only happens
  in meat.  Imagination is incredibly powerful, and the willingness to
  be fooled is commonplace.
  A good lucid dreamer should be able to completely convince any
  scientist in short order -- but it simply has not happened, right?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   Consider this an Edg-like rap, in the tradition of
   determining whether anyone here on FFL is interested
   in the odd things I am, and wants to swap stories.
   It's also a rap addressing ED's complaint that nobody
   ever talks about their spiritual experiences.
   I recently posted a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
lol-- i got as far as the grasshopper living among the weeds and 
then got lost...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
 no_reply@ wrote:
  agreed-- really well said dr. pete. enlightenment is real, 
  and experienced-- just not by -thinking-
  raunchydog, i don't get your comments at all- care to clarify 
 Just jiving Peter. It's an analogy that obviously failed. It's a
 stretch but my point was, the grasshopper identifies with the 
weeds in
 which he lives so much so that he smokes the weed and 
 his existence to be something real. Sorry, I can't wrap my brain
 around it any further than that. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
   Excellent, Peter. It's exactly the map of the territory 
   been telling grasshopper, identifying for years with the weeds 
   been smokin'.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 
Enlightenment is not what you think because:

You can not get enlightened.

A thought is necessarily bound by time and space and 
   nothing to do with enlightenment.

You can not model enlightenment.

So with those caveats.

In ignorance you are somebody. A psychological private self 
   relates to the world.

Then you get 1st stage enlightenment and you are nobody. 
   no you to be or not to be. Consciousness becomes conscious 
of its
   own consciousness and withdraws identity with any space/time
   experience. No-Self. No localization of consciousness. Weird 
   for the mind. You no longer exist, only consciousness within 
   everything occurs.

Then you get 2nd stage enlightenment Grasshopper. Now you are
   everybody. Consciousness awakens to its bound value of space 
   as simply consciousness. All moving within itself. From here 
   through there according to Maharishi. Those are good words. 

--- On Tue, 1/27/09, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:

 From: Peter drpetersutphen@
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 8:18 PM
 Enlightenment is not what you think.
 --- On Tue, 1/27/09, ruthsimplicity
 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
  From: ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 5:10 PM
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  no_reply@ wrote:
   enlightenment is that state of consciousness in
  a person no 
   longer identifies with, and gets lost in, the
  of perception. 
  This sounds like the I don't care
  definition of enlightenment. 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread Peter

--- On Wed, 1/28/09, boo_lives boo_li...@yahoo.com wrote:

 From: boo_lives boo_li...@yahoo.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 12:27 PM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog
 raunchy...@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 yifuxero yifuxero@ wrote:
   --you say, to paraphrase: (according to MMY,
 those are good words).
   But You can not get enlightened are
 your words, not his.
   He didn't often use the E word (if ever) in
 the context of a 
   progression from CC - BC - UC; but he
 might have said something 
  You can reach Unity Consciousness.
 That being the case, MMY's 
   teachings would conflict with your Neo-Advaitin
  Who you calling a knuckle dragging Neo-Advaitin,
 Buster? Them's
  fighten' words. Peter is obviously Advaitin,
 there's not an ounce of
  Neo in him. Just to clarify the splitting of hairs,
 here's an
  excellent description of Traditional Advaita
 versus Neo-Advaita:
  In support of Peter the Great:
  The range of creative intelligence is from here
 to here. So
  obviously there's no place to go. If I
 could go, I'd hop a bus to
  there. So here it is: the
 clown bus, the crazy passengers and the
  fun ride (knowledge, knower and the process of
 knowing) beautifully
  woven together as one. Innocently pull one tread in
 one amazing
  moment of just be and the mistake of
 intellect instantly unravels.
  MMY wasn't jiving us when he said the concept of a
 path is for the
  ignorant. So leave or stay on the bus, whatever,
 I'm just glad MMY
  provided [keys to the bus (TM) and] such a glorious
 map [SCI] to just
  be nowhere.
  post #203856
 MMY spent 99% of his time talking about, aggressively
 obsessing over, developing world govts to rule over, and
 trying to
 black list anything that wasn't: HIS keys to the bus
 and HIS roadmap,
 and 1% doing from here to here talk.  If you
 look at tmo culture,
 how people in the tmo actually think and live, it's all
 keys and bus,
 or to be more precise, Maharishi's Supreme Vedic Golden
 Keys and
 Maharishi's Most Glorious Unified Global Enlightened
 Sat Yuga (with a
 pure gold hemi-powered) Bus, please show your paid up in
 officially approved dome badge to get on.
 MMY is worse than the Bible; you can support anything with
 says talk.  I don't get picking out some phrases
 he might have said
 in the 70s to disprove what he and the tmo obviously are
 That a (shocking small) percentage of long term sidhas have
 had from
 here to here advaita experiences doesn't prove
 anything about what
 MMY really taught and nurtured in his followers.  Reality
 is from
 here to here, people in every spiritual movt
 and probably more not
 in any movt have these natural advaita experiences, and so
 some MMY devotees have too.  But I'd say right now
 there are more
 sidhas in ffld being blocked from that natural experience
 by the keys
 that MMY/tmo have provided.

It is amazing that more people are not Realized in the TMO. One reason, as you 
imply, is that Maharishi was way too successful in creating a waking state 
model that explained enlightenment. People have become trapped in the model. 
How this happens I don't know. But about Maharishi, make no mistake about it, 
he was a profoundly realized being. All that other bullshit was there too. I 
won't deny that, but his Realization was huge. If you experienced him directly, 
I don't see how you could miss this infinity walking around in a human body 
with a pretty curious Indian businessman personality. Maharishi's presence 
functioned as a profound catalyst for altering the foundations of my 
consciousness. I don't think there ever was an encounter with him that didn't 
blast me into some profound state of altered consciousness. I'd be a fool to 
reduce my conceptual understanding of him to some sort of un-enlightened con 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM puja is religious, as are other elements of TM practice

2009-01-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 10:13 PM, grate. swan no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:

 Yes but if you really really feel it in your gut, its true. That's how
 I roll. And if God talks to you, its slam dunk true.

I'm sorry.  I was looking over another planet.  Did you summon me?

Incidently, quite a number of the  FFL members and I need to have a serious
talk.  How about let's all meet at my house before the game on Sunday?
Bring the kids.  Oh.  And none of this puja stuff.  Remember my first
commandment?   Oh one more thing.  Keep using my name in vain and I'll make
rush hour longer.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread Peter
Me, EnlightenDawn and Raunch sit around, smoking grasshopper weed and engage in 
mental tantric practices between the domes. Oh, by the way, many years ago I 
walked between the domes when everybody was flying. Oh my God! I almost got 
electrocuted! The energy exchange between the domes was mind blowing. One big 
yoni, one big lingam. Stand back!

--- On Wed, 1/28/09, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 From: enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 12:40 PM
 lol-- i got as far as the grasshopper living among the weeds
 then got lost...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 raunchydog raunchy...@... 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  no_reply@ wrote:
   agreed-- really well said dr. pete. enlightenment
 is real, 
   and experienced-- just not by -thinking-
   raunchydog, i don't get your comments at all-
 care to clarify 
  Just jiving Peter. It's an analogy that obviously
 failed. It's a
  stretch but my point was, the grasshopper identifies
 with the 
 weeds in
  which he lives so much so that he smokes the
 weed and 
  his existence to be something real. Sorry,
 I can't wrap my brain
  around it any further than that. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 raunchydog raunchydog@ 
Excellent, Peter. It's exactly the map
 of the territory 
been telling grasshopper, identifying for
 years with the weeds 
been smokin'.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter

 Enlightenment is not what you think
 You can not get enlightened.
 A thought is necessarily bound by time
 and space and 
nothing to do with enlightenment.
 You can not model
 So with those caveats.
 In ignorance you are somebody. A
 psychological private self 
relates to the world.
 Then you get 1st stage enlightenment
 and you are nobody. 
no you to be or not to be.
 Consciousness becomes conscious 
 of its
own consciousness and withdraws identity
 with any space/time
experience. No-Self. No localization of
 consciousness. Weird 
for the mind. You no longer
 exist, only consciousness within 
everything occurs.
 Then you get 2nd stage enlightenment
 Grasshopper. Now you are
everybody. Consciousness awakens to its
 bound value of space 
as simply consciousness. All moving within
 itself. From here 
through there according to Maharishi.
 Those are good words. 
 --- On Tue, 1/27/09, Peter
 drpetersutphen@ wrote:
  From: Peter
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:
 More definitions of 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009,
 8:18 PM
  Enlightenment is not what you
  --- On Tue, 1/27/09,
   From: ruthsimplicity
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:
 More definitions of
   Date: Tuesday, January 27,
 2009, 5:10 PM
   --- In
   no_reply@ wrote:
enlightenment is that
 state of consciousness in
   a person no 
longer identifies with,
 and gets lost in, the
   of perception. 
   This sounds like the I
 don't care
   definition of enlightenment. 
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   Or go to: 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread Larry
On the long-shot that I was correct about the bust(s), then I could
finally tell my Mom my one year at MIU paid off because it expanding
my 'hunch power'

If I was way off, I fall back on gentle ribbing.  Since you caught me
on both accounts, I apologize and won't do it again.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 No busts over here.  Wanna try another guess?
 Playboys?  Here?  As if.  Real sex is how I roll.
 What I do think you DO know is why you posted this.  And, if you
 could expound on that, hey, we'd all be agog if it were done with
 I'm an easy target here for this kind of teasing, but far harder to
 see is the mechanics of how my presentation triggers responses in
 others.  I don't mind the elbow in the ribs, but I do wonder about the
 motivation to have done so.
 Maybe I'm reading you wrongly, Larry, er, what was your intent with
 the post?  
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Larry inmadison@ wrote:
  Hey Edg,
  I'll have to check again tonight, but when I floated thru your office
  the other night, I thot for sure one of those stautues was a bust. 
  Speaking of busts, those old Playboys you've got stashed away are a
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   I find it strange that you are being somewhat pro lucid dreaming
   when I compare that to your POV about oogabooganess in general.
   I've but dabbled with lucid dreaming, so I can't go toe to toe with
   you, but I can ask questions of you that should clarify some things
   for me if you honestly answer.
   If you truly believe that you and others were meeting in the
   or were in the same dream . . . whatever, then there's easy and
   scientific experiments you could conduct that would prove if such an
   experience is real or merely imagination.
   So, here's an experiment:  All you have to do is come out of a lucid
   dream and tell what you saw in another physical location and then
   check to see if that is true.  
   I have four statues on my desk, so presumably an adept at lucid
   dreaming should be able to hover over my desk and wake up with
   information about the statues.  I'm betting you'll say you
   cannot do this, but it seems you'll also say that IT CAN BE
DONE.  I'm
   saying that if someone cannot pony up the correct information
about my
   statues (or meet other such testing challenges) then astral
   traveling remains unproved.  But you seem to be a cheerleader
for the
   validity of the concept, and that seems at odds with your other
   I'm shocked that you are being such a pushover about the reports
   about lucid dreaming, and I'm at the same time fascinated and
   to know how that all works inside your logic systems.  Your
   about actually doing lucid dreaming that is, to you, valid, and that
   you are saying that almost anyone can gain this skill, makes it
   astounding that science hasn't nailed this phenomenon down pat
by now.
In fact, I would challenge ANY lucid dreamer to pass The Great
   Randi's test and collect his cash reward -- surely, also, the
NSA and
   other black-op governmental wogs would be all over this ability as a
   threat to national security -- some terrorist should be able to
   about, what?, passwords, account numbers, conversations the
   is having with top militarists, spy on any operation, etc.
   The whole thing stinks of scam when real world concerns would have
   discovered and used the ability to astral travel for many many
   reasons.  Where's the beef?  
   All that said, how's 'bout this:  If someone can guide their dreams,
   then why not simply have the intention to be enlightened, or, say,
   meet Krishna, or, hey, my favorite, have the dream character
   meditate and see what happens, cuz, in the astral, why, you're right
   next door to ritam levels, and the siddhis surely must be far more
   intense and productive etc. when one can mindfully be at that lesser
   state of excitation that, by definition, the astral state must be. 
   So???  Got beef?
   But these things are not commonly attempted by lucid dreamers,
and in
   fact, a brief survey of lucid dreamers' accounts of their
   will yield a vast profusion of the most ordinary kind of dreaming
   material -- there is almost no clamoring in the lucid dreaming
   community for having their best dreamers be tested as The Great
   Randi might suggest.
   I do agree that witnessing dreams is possible, but I think it's a
   skill that only the most adept yogi-types can be expected to
have much
   skill in doing.
   I'm convinced that it is a case of what happens in meat, only
   in meat.  Imagination is incredibly powerful, and the
willingness to
   be fooled is commonplace.
   A good lucid dreamer should be able to completely convince any
   scientist in short order 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread Vaj

On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:27 PM, boo_lives wrote:

That a (shocking small) percentage of long term sidhas have had from
here to here advaita experiences doesn't prove anything about what
MMY really taught and nurtured in his followers.  Reality is from
here to here, people in every spiritual movt and probably more not
in any movt have these natural advaita experiences, and so naturally
some MMY devotees have too.  But I'd say right now there are more
sidhas in ffld being blocked from that natural experience by the keys
that MMY/tmo have provided.

Of course you nailed that one right on the head--and let's not forget  
that these are now coached advaita experiences ever since MMY  
presided over the course dredging for moods. People are being  
encouraged to moodmake their own projected feeling-tones into advaita  
experiences. It's the in thing I hear. Without exception, they never  
vary from the pre-programmed script. 'They're all actors and the Dome  
is their stage.'

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread Vaj

Don't worry, we've set the blade extra low on the akashic landmower.

On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:40 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

lol-- i got as far as the grasshopper living among the weeds and
then got lost...

[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... 

 You can not get enlightened. This is very true. In waking state 
there is an experience of an individuality; a private psychological 
self. In waking state there is a mistaken notion that this 
individuality will get enlightened; that it will have some sort 
of enlightened experience. 

lol- yeah, one description of the way it goes down is as if you are 
riding an elevator upwards in waking state, convinced that the 
higher you get, the closer to enlightenment you are-- 27th floor, 
yeah! --52nd floor, wow, i am SO CLOSE! I had a witnessing 
experience! --93rd floor, uh-HUH!! This is almost IT! and then 
without warning, the floor in the elevator vanishes, and before you 
have a chance to even think about grabbing onto something, you are 
falling, and falling and falling, and falling, and falling. falling 
away into nothingness, falling away into freedom, and lest i say it? 

But the only reason a you exists is because consciousness is 
identified with and projected into some relative vehicle of mind and 
consciousness has become the object it identifies with. When 
consciousness becomes conscious of its own consciousness this 
identification is withdrawn and there is no longer a bound identity 
to consciousness. A you no longer exists. There is the mind, 
emotions and everything else, but there is no longer an identity 
with these vehicles. They just happen within a context of pure 
consciousness. They always were functioning like this, but a 
delusion of a you was present.  
 --- On Tue, 1/27/09, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:
  From: yifuxero yifux...@...
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 11:00 PM
  --you say, to paraphrase: (according to MMY, those are good
  But You can not get enlightened are your words,
  not his.
  He didn't often use the E word (if ever) in the context
  of a 
  progression from CC - BC - UC; but he might have
  said something 
 You can reach Unity Consciousness. That
  being the case, MMY's 
  teachings would conflict with your Neo-Advaitin nonsense.
  - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
  drpetersutphen@ wrote:
   Enlightenment is not what you think because:
   You can not get enlightened.
   A thought is necessarily bound by time and space and
  therefore has 
  nothing to do with enlightenment.
   You can not model enlightenment.
   So with those caveats.
   In ignorance you are somebody. A psychological private
  self that 
  relates to the world.
   Then you get 1st stage enlightenment and you are
  nobody. Actually, 
  no you to be or not to be. Consciousness
  becomes conscious of its 
  own consciousness and withdraws identity with any
  experience. No-Self. No localization of consciousness.
  Weird as shit 
  for the mind. You no longer exist, only
  consciousness within which 
  everything occurs.
   Then you get 2nd stage enlightenment Grasshopper. Now
  you are 
  everybody. Consciousness awakens to its bound value of
  space and time 
  as simply consciousness. All moving within itself. From
  here to here 
  through there according to Maharishi. Those are good
   --- On Tue, 1/27/09, Peter drpetersutphen@
From: Peter drpetersutphen@
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions
  of enlightenment
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 8:18 PM
Enlightenment is not what you think.

--- On Tue, 1/27/09, ruthsimplicity
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 From: ruthsimplicity
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More
  definitions of
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 5:10 PM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 no_reply@ wrote:
  enlightenment is that state of
  consciousness in
 a person no 
  longer identifies with, and gets lost
  in, the
 of perception. 
 This sounds like the I don't care
 definition of enlightenment. 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
and you know this, monkey, from your VAST EXPERIENCE with TM, 
right??? lets see, 4 years worth according to you, several decades 
ago...yup, qualifies for a banana...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:27 PM, boo_lives wrote:
  That a (shocking small) percentage of long term sidhas have 
had from
  here to here advaita experiences doesn't prove anything about 
  MMY really taught and nurtured in his followers.  Reality is from
  here to here, people in every spiritual movt and probably more 
  in any movt have these natural advaita experiences, and so 
  some MMY devotees have too.  But I'd say right now there are more
  sidhas in ffld being blocked from that natural experience by the 
  that MMY/tmo have provided.
 Of course you nailed that one right on the head--and let's not 
 that these are now coached advaita experiences ever since MMY  
 presided over the course dredging for moods. People are being  
 encouraged to moodmake their own projected feeling-tones into 
 experiences. It's the in thing I hear. Without exception, they 
 vary from the pre-programmed script. 'They're all actors and the 
 is their stage.'

[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... 

 It is amazing that more people are not Realized in the TMO. One 
reason, as you imply, is that Maharishi was way too successful in 
creating a waking state model that explained enlightenment. People 
have become trapped in the model. How this happens I don't know. But 
about Maharishi, make no mistake about it, he was a profoundly 
realized being. All that other bullshit was there too. I won't deny 
that, but his Realization was huge. If you experienced him directly, 
I don't see how you could miss this infinity walking around in a 
human body with a pretty curious Indian businessman personality. 
Maharishi's presence functioned as a profound catalyst for altering 
the foundations of my consciousness. I don't think there ever was 
an encounter with him that didn't blast me into some profound state 
of altered consciousness. I'd be a fool to reduce my conceptual 
understanding of him to some sort of un-enlightened con artist.
i think you have something there, that in his attempts to wake 
people up to the allure of enlightened life, MMY brought out so much 
knowledge that seekers burrow into it as a comfy cocoon, or get lost 
in argument over the myriad details of it all, rather than use it as 
a chrysalis for enlightenment. 

[FairfieldLife] [FairfieldLife] Re: More defications of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread Arhata Osho
The general public cares 'shit' about enlightenment compared to love and
'economic survival'.  Interesting to see the excitement over this word here!
Rare is it to see any group, especially Christian, evolved enough to inquire
about this 'type of salvation'. Seems Christians would like to hear about
this phenomenon while in Heaven. Do 'enlightened people' watch football?
What proportion of women are enlightened relative to men, and in whose

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Peter drpetersutphen@ ... 




 You can not get enlightened. This is very true. In waking state 

there is an experience of an individuality; a private psychological 

self. In waking state there is a mistaken notion that this 

individuality will get enlightened; that it will have some sort 

of enlightened experience. 

lol- yeah, one description of the way it goes down is as if you are 

riding an elevator upwards in waking state, convinced that the 

higher you get, the closer to enlightenment you are-- 27th floor, 

yeah! --52nd floor, wow, i am SO CLOSE! I had a witnessing 

experience! --93rd floor, uh-HUH!! This is almost IT! and then 

without warning, the floor in the elevator vanishes, and before you 

have a chance to even think about grabbing onto something, you are 

falling, and falling and falling, and falling, and falling. falling 

away into nothingness, falling away into freedom, and lest i say it? 

unboundedness. ..

But the only reason a you exists is because consciousness is 

identified with and projected into some relative vehicle of mind and 

consciousness has become the object it identifies with. When 

consciousness becomes conscious of its own consciousness this 

identification is withdrawn and there is no longer a bound identity 

to consciousness. A you no longer exists. There is the mind, 

emotions and everything else, but there is no longer an identity 

with these vehicles. They just happen within a context of pure 

consciousness. They always were functioning like this, but a 

delusion of a you was present.  



 --- On Tue, 1/27/09, yifuxero yifux...@.. . wrote:


  From: yifuxero yifux...@.. .

  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

  To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

  Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 11:00 PM

  --you say, to paraphrase: (according to MMY, those are good


  But You can not get enlightened are your words,

  not his.

  He didn't often use the E word (if ever) in the context

  of a 

  progression from CC - BC - UC; but he might have

  said something 


 You can reach Unity Consciousness . That

  being the case, MMY's 

  teachings would conflict with your Neo-Advaitin nonsense.


  - In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Peter

  drpetersutphen@  wrote:


   Enlightenment is not what you think because:


   You can not get enlightened.


   A thought is necessarily bound by time and space and

  therefore has 

  nothing to do with enlightenment.


   You can not model enlightenment.


   So with those caveats.


   In ignorance you are somebody. A psychological private

  self that 

  relates to the world.


   Then you get 1st stage enlightenment and you are

  nobody. Actually, 

  no you to be or not to be. Consciousness

  becomes conscious of its 

  own consciousness and withdraws identity with any


  experience. No-Self. No localization of consciousness.

  Weird as shit 

  for the mind. You no longer exist, only

  consciousness within which 

  everything occurs.


   Then you get 2nd stage enlightenment Grasshopper. Now

  you are 

  everybody. Consciousness awakens to its bound value of

  space and time 

  as simply consciousness. All moving within itself. From

  here to here 

  through there according to Maharishi. Those are good







   --- On Tue, 1/27/09, Peter drpetersutphen@ 



From: Peter drpetersutphen@ 

Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions

  of enlightenment

To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 8:18 PM

Enlightenment is not what you think.

--- On Tue, 1/27/09, ruthsimplicity

no_re...@yahoogroup s.com wrote:

 From: ruthsimplicity

  no_re...@yahoogroup s.com

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More

  definitions of


 To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

 Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 5:10 PM

 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com,

enlightened_ dawn11

 no_reply@ wrote:



  enlightenment is that state of

  consciousness in


 a person no 

  longer identifies with, and gets lost

  in, the


 of perception. 



 This sounds like the I don't care


 definition of enlightenment. 





[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 If you played poker in the astral with your buddies, and they all 
 said the next day that they had had the same experience and 
 considered it true to say we were actually in each other's 
 presense, actually had really experiences, actually could map point 
 for point our get-together, then I say, you're making a statement 
 about laws of physics of the real world, and it's simply too 
 powerful a statement to go unchallenged, since it represents a 
 siddhi of immense worth to the real world.  

What's the worth? We were in a DREAM, dude? :-)

It was DREAM poker. Yes, we all laughed about it
IN the dream, and the next day, OUT of the dream,
comparing notes, but that has no worth. 

You can challenge it all you want. I can laugh
at your challenge -- and at you -- all I want. 
Now THAT is real world.  :-)

 I suspect you'd back off saying that the poker playing was an actual
 event and that all of the participants were merely imagining up the
 scenario with a high degree of synchronicity like that. If you are
 going to contend that the event really happened, then extraordinary
 claims require extraordinary proof.

*Of course* it really happened. For *all* of us.
In a DREAM. 

Prove to me that the things that happened in *your*
dreams last night really happened. I'll wait. :-)

 To me, the big tell about your report is that you feign an
 indifference to the truth that might be easily revealed by
 experimentation. Sure sounds like the TMO research attitude to me. 
 It's like you're saying, Yeah, I astral travel for real, but the
 obvious advantages of such an ability don't interest me. 

First, Edg, you *really* need to learn the difference
between astral travel and going to different places
in dreams. What happens in dreams *happens in dreams*.
What I've heard about astral travel is usually 
initiated from the waking state and claims to have
gone to these place *in the waking state* and being
able to describe what's going on there in the waking
state, in real time. I made no such claims. I went 
to places IN DREAMS and described what happened
there IN THE DREAMS. Apples and oranges. Don't be 
so fuckin' ignorant.

As for my indifference, you DAMN BETCHA I am indif-
ferent. They were DREAMS, dude. The nature of dreams
is *subjective*. I don't CARE about your seemingly
psychotic need for proof about my DREAMS. Get a

If I were involved in trying to sell courses in lucid
dreaming, or if I were involved in trying to convince
you of anything or change your mind about anything,
you might have a reason to be so demanding of proof.
I'm not. You're just going a little crazy, that's all.
We've all seen you do it before, and we'll see you
do it again. 

 As for your attitude of being indignant about my post...

I am NOT indignant at your post. I am LAUGHING 
at you, and trying to get you to laugh at yourself.

 ...well at least
 you're consistent and take everything I write about you in the worst
 possible way.  I find some interest in how well you're able to find
 yourself being wronged by me; it's a study of your denial and 
 meanness skills.  But I tire of it, dude, honest.  

I notice you have not admitted that pretty much 
everything you wronged me with was *made up*.
You don't seem all that tired to me. :-)

You are being LAUGHABLE, Edg. You're cuckoo, over
the top, several cans short of a six-pack. I'm
just trying to point that out so you'll lighten
up and learn to *notice* when you go crazy like

 In this day of Obamaficational good intentions, maybe your can mood 
 make yourself to a higher intention to speak the sweet truth.  

The sweet truth is that your outrage exists only
in your own head. You know, like the outrage you
spouted for months about me being a predator
existed only in your own head. 

YOU MAKE SHIT UP, EDG. And then you get *outraged*
about the shit you make up. 

I'm just trying to help you realize this, so you
won't come off as so much of a buffoon.

 I'm trying over here, honest.  Not that this post is a good 
 example of such, since you did prong me enough to get negative 
 on your ass.

Edg, the ONLY thing I did to prong you was to
write honestly about my personal experiences.

Your decision to go negative was based entirely
on your own overreaction to hearing those exper-
iences. I wasn't trying to sell you anything; I
wasn't trying to convince you of anything. You
decided to go crazy ALL ON YOUR OWN.

 So fuck your attitude and fuck you for bashing me gratuitously 
 when I'm trying to make nice here and simply have an exchange 
 of some worth with you. 

Poor, poor, victimized Edg. You bash the shit out
of me, over stuff that EXISTS ONLY IN YOUR HEAD,
and you portray that as making nice.

You're not only a little crazy, Edg, you are 
hypocritically crazy. Learn to laugh at yourself,
dude. Everyone else is. You'll feel better if you
join in with the laughter.

 Seems you're still smarting from my many 

[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:27 PM, boo_lives wrote:
  That a (shocking small) percentage of long term sidhas have had from
  here to here advaita experiences doesn't prove anything about what
  MMY really taught and nurtured in his followers.  Reality is from
  here to here, people in every spiritual movt and probably more not
  in any movt have these natural advaita experiences, and so naturally
  some MMY devotees have too.  But I'd say right now there are more
  sidhas in ffld being blocked from that natural experience by the keys
  that MMY/tmo have provided.
 Of course you nailed that one right on the head--and let's not forget  
 that these are now coached advaita experiences ever since MMY  
 presided over the course dredging for moods. People are being  
 encouraged to moodmake their own projected feeling-tones into advaita  
 experiences. It's the in thing I hear. Without exception, they never  
 vary from the pre-programmed script. 'They're all actors and the Dome  
 is their stage.'

Could you say more about the script - I'm curious what flavor of
enlightenment experience has gotten the approval. Is it still going on
now that mmy is gone?  Who listens to the experience?  Are they using
typical tmo buzzwords or are there new buzzwords?

I'd heard quite a while ago that thmds were giving experiences to mmy
most every day and it was a big thing - to come up with an experience
that gets the ok from mmy is big currency on thmd (though not as big
as real currency) and it seemed women were really working on and
fretting over the wording of their experience flavors hoping it would
get a positive response.  I'm curious about the buzzwords because I
believe there is a high percentage of deflected kundalini shakti
risings on thmd and I wonder if mmy, most likely another deflected,
likes those type of experiences or some other?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread Vaj

On Jan 28, 2009, at 1:02 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

and you know this, monkey, from your VAST EXPERIENCE with TM,
right??? lets see, 4 years worth according to you, several decades
ago...yup, qualifies for a banana...

Four years?

Not according to me!

[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread yifuxero
--Thx raunch. I like you.
  Short of defining them, it's easier to say that Neo-Advaitins focus 
solely on Being or whatever term they use (perhaps the Self); but 
without giving an account of their transition through the relative 
layers of existence and diminishing the importance of everything 
 MMY was clearly a 200%-er, not a 100%-er.  Definitions would be less 
productive now that simply listing some of the chronic/acute Neo-
Advaitins: Eckart Tolle, Wayne Liquorman, Ramesh Balsekar, 
Nisargadatta Maharaj...the list goes on and on.
 A quick google search will uncover about 100 of them.
 The Neo-Advaitins say you are already Enlightened.  (nonsense!)
They spend a lot of time in Satsangs saying Yet are Enlightened!;
and criticize others whose opinions differ by saying their opponents 
are monkey minds.
 MMY presented a package deal of progressive evolution, the focus 
being CC, GC, and UC.
 To Neo-Advaitins, progressivism is out of the picture and irrelevant.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifuxero@ wrote:
  --you say, to paraphrase: (according to MMY, those are good 
  But You can not get enlightened are your words, not his.
  He didn't often use the E word (if ever) in the context of a 
  progression from CC - BC - UC; but he might have said something 
 You can reach Unity Consciousness. That being the case, 
  teachings would conflict with your Neo-Advaitin nonsense.
 Who you calling a knuckle dragging Neo-Advaitin, Buster? Them's
 fighten' words. Peter is obviously Advaitin, there's not an ounce of
 Neo in him. Just to clarify the splitting of hairs, here's an
 excellent description of Traditional Advaita versus Neo-Advaita:
 In support of Peter the Great:
 The range of creative intelligence is from here to here. So
 obviously there's no place to go. If I could go, I'd hop a bus 
 there. So here it is: the clown bus, the crazy passengers and 
 fun ride (knowledge, knower and the process of knowing) beautifully
 woven together as one. Innocently pull one tread in one amazing
 moment of just be and the mistake of intellect instantly unravels.
 MMY wasn't jiving us when he said the concept of a path is for the
 ignorant. So leave or stay on the bus, whatever, I'm just glad MMY
 provided [keys to the bus (TM) and] such a glorious map [SCI] 
to just
 be nowhere.
 post #203856

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread Arhata Osho
Men who extol 'enlightenment talk' are rarely not on 'hallucinogenics' and never
have adequate personal love experience worth talking about.


--- On Wed, 1/28/09, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

From: enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 4:56 PM

agreed-- really well said dr. pete. enlightenment is real, viable 

and experienced- - just not by -thinking-

raunchydog, i don't get your comments at all- care to clarify please?

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, raunchydog raunchydog@ ... 


 Excellent, Peter. It's exactly the map of the territory Maharishi 


 been telling grasshopper, identifying for years with the weeds he's

 been smokin'.


 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Peter drpetersutphen@  



  Enlightenment is not what you think because:


  You can not get enlightened.


  A thought is necessarily bound by time and space and therefore 


 nothing to do with enlightenment.


  You can not model enlightenment.


  So with those caveats.


  In ignorance you are somebody. A psychological private self that

 relates to the world.


  Then you get 1st stage enlightenment and you are nobody. 


 no you to be or not to be. Consciousness becomes conscious of its

 own consciousness and withdraws identity with any space/time

 experience. No-Self. No localization of consciousness. Weird as 


 for the mind. You no longer exist, only consciousness within 


 everything occurs.


  Then you get 2nd stage enlightenment Grasshopper. Now you are

 everybody. Consciousness awakens to its bound value of space and 


 as simply consciousness. All moving within itself. From here to 


 through there according to Maharishi. Those are good words. 






  --- On Tue, 1/27/09, Peter drpetersutphen@  wrote:


   From: Peter drpetersutphen@ 

   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of 


   To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

   Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 8:18 PM

   Enlightenment is not what you think.



   --- On Tue, 1/27/09, ruthsimplicity

   no_re...@yahoogroup s.com wrote:


From: ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroup s.com

Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of


To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 5:10 PM

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com,

   enlightened_ dawn11

no_reply@ wrote:

 enlightenment is that state of consciousness in


a person no 

 longer identifies with, and gets lost in, the


of perception. 

This sounds like the I don't care


definition of enlightenment. 

 - - --

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[FairfieldLife] Re: A reply to Vaj about Mantras, Religion, etc.

2009-01-28 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_re...@... wrote:

  So, what specifically did MMY say concerning the vibration of the
 that they were life supporting is about all i recall. that by 
 repeating the mantra silently like any other thought, the mind 
 trasnscends until it reaches its ground state, no thought, absolute 
 being. i am sure an intro lecture could do this far better justice 
 than i can. experience is the key vs. collecting information 

I was looking for something more specific referring to vibrations.
Wondering what he meant, if he said it at all, by vibration.

[FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
  no_reply@ wrote:

 various manifestations of the sidhis themselves. they produced results 
 for me as taught.

Such as?  

[FairfieldLife] US Civil Engineers rate the US infrastructure a D

2009-01-28 Thread I am the eternal
I was hoping that The One would get us to bite the bullet and replace and
build out our crumbling infrastructure but he's going to do very little,
most of it tax cuts ,which are a very good idea because they act quickly,
and symbols.  What little his stimulus bill will do beyond tax cuts is aimed
at his misguided idea that if we just insulate here and there and build cars
that get hundreds of miles to the gallon (yeah, right), we'll all be in
great shape.  That's not exactly the way Brazil, which is energy
independent, did it.  But why look to other countries for examples?



[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 28, 2009, at 1:02 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
  and you know this, monkey, from your VAST EXPERIENCE with TM,
  right??? lets see, 4 years worth according to you, several 
  ago...yup, qualifies for a banana...
 Four years?
 Not according to me!

your post 205746 Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: PAUL MCCARTNEY CONCERT and 
Consciousness-based Education 
... are they may be the future of school based meditation, esp. 
since good, solid research backs them up. I too did TM throughout 
college and I'd have to say it's primary benefit was 20 min. of 
rest, two times a day...  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 12:18 PM, TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:

So we never leave the dream world.  We lived a dream world in the TMO and we
left to live in an even dreamier world?

I'm going back to the Self.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Consider this an Edg-like rap, in the tradition of
 determining whether anyone here on FFL is interested
 in the odd things I am, and wants to swap stories.
 It's also a rap addressing ED's complaint that nobody
 ever talks about their spiritual experiences.

Only fools and inexperienced souls like The Turq would consider 
dreams and astral travel spiritual experiences. Yet he does, thus 
demonstrating his spiritual naivite.

It's not spiritual, these are harmless experiences for many, many 
people, often born from lack of mind-body coordination and often due 
to the over-use of drugs.

For some Buddhists like Vaj and The Turq a simple out outofthebody-
experience will be spiritual.
For TM-er's this is a field of astral tricks long ago transcended.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread Vaj

On Jan 28, 2009, at 1:23 PM, boo_lives wrote:

Of course you nailed that one right on the head--and let's not forget
that these are now coached advaita experiences ever since MMY
presided over the course dredging for moods. People are being
encouraged to moodmake their own projected feeling-tones into advaita
experiences. It's the in thing I hear. Without exception, they never
vary from the pre-programmed script. 'They're all actors and the Dome
is their stage.'

Could you say more about the script - I'm curious what flavor of
enlightenment experience has gotten the approval. Is it still going on
now that mmy is gone?  Who listens to the experience?  Are they using
typical tmo buzzwords or are there new buzzwords?

It used to be when MMY would listen in at the dome, people spoke at  
the microphone and gave experiences. He praised some experiences and  
so that was what people learned to provide.

I'd heard quite a while ago that thmds were giving experiences to mmy
most every day and it was a big thing - to come up with an experience
that gets the ok from mmy is big currency on thmd (though not as big
as real currency) and it seemed women were really working on and
fretting over the wording of their experience flavors hoping it would
get a positive response.  I'm curious about the buzzwords because I
believe there is a high percentage of deflected kundalini shakti
risings on thmd and I wonder if mmy, most likely another deflected,
likes those type of experiences or some other?

'I am the Eternal' could probably tell you more, I think they were  
calling it 'the one' experience or something like that. He's shared  
some humorous examples.

I think there are a lot of deflected risings in long term sidhas  
period. In deflected arisings my limited insight (not being on IAC)  
seems to indicate you're right, it's normal to have some kinds of  
experience like advaitic glimpses or even bipolar type manifestations  
and these are what MMY was coaching. But cultivation of siddhis does  
naturally favor that style of rising anyway. Sidhi practice seems to  
directly stimulate the cerebral cortex in some way that it follows an  
unusual path neurologically. Such deflected risings are of great  
benefit as these type of people stick around forever and even if they  
do leave the overall group are programmed parroters, like out of a TM  
brochure or an SCI tape.

[FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
   no_reply@ wrote:
  various manifestations of the sidhis themselves. they produced 
  for me as taught.
 Such as?

you'll just have to try them and see. each formula is targeted at a 
specific result.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
c'mon monkey, you're just making shit up to fit your prejudices-- 
the reason no one tells you anything except the crumbs you can find 
scampering under the table is that you're too full of yourself to 
even hear it. have a banana and stfu.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 28, 2009, at 1:23 PM, boo_lives wrote:
  Of course you nailed that one right on the head--and let's not 
  that these are now coached advaita experiences ever since MMY
  presided over the course dredging for moods. People are being
  encouraged to moodmake their own projected feeling-tones into 
  experiences. It's the in thing I hear. Without exception, they 
  vary from the pre-programmed script. 'They're all actors and 
the Dome
  is their stage.'
  Could you say more about the script - I'm curious what flavor of
  enlightenment experience has gotten the approval. Is it still 
going on
  now that mmy is gone?  Who listens to the experience?  Are they 
  typical tmo buzzwords or are there new buzzwords?
 It used to be when MMY would listen in at the dome, people spoke 
 the microphone and gave experiences. He praised some experiences 
 so that was what people learned to provide.
  I'd heard quite a while ago that thmds were giving experiences 
to mmy
  most every day and it was a big thing - to come up with an 
  that gets the ok from mmy is big currency on thmd (though not as 
  as real currency) and it seemed women were really working on and
  fretting over the wording of their experience flavors hoping it 
  get a positive response.  I'm curious about the buzzwords 
because I
  believe there is a high percentage of deflected kundalini shakti
  risings on thmd and I wonder if mmy, most likely another 
  likes those type of experiences or some other?
 'I am the Eternal' could probably tell you more, I think they 
 calling it 'the one' experience or something like that. He's 
 some humorous examples.
 I think there are a lot of deflected risings in long term sidhas  
 period. In deflected arisings my limited insight (not being on 
 seems to indicate you're right, it's normal to have some kinds of  
 experience like advaitic glimpses or even bipolar type 
 and these are what MMY was coaching. But cultivation of siddhis 
 naturally favor that style of rising anyway. Sidhi practice seems 
 directly stimulate the cerebral cortex in some way that it follows 
 unusual path neurologically. Such deflected risings are of great  
 benefit as these type of people stick around forever and even if 
 do leave the overall group are programmed parroters, like out of a 
 brochure or an SCI tape.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Memories grow sweeter with time?

2009-01-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 5:56 AM, cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:

 In Finnish we say Aika kultaa muistot. (Time guilds memories.)[1]
 Just checked that out, the corresponding English expression
 seems to be Memories grow sweeter with time.

 My memories seem to grow more bitter and depressing.
 Almost everything I can recall from my past life
 during this incarnation (provided reincarnation is true...) seems to
 have some kind of negative emotional connotation.

I suspect the better English expression you seek is time heals all

There is much power in Maharishi's saying that what you place your
attention on will grow and in Maharishi's term mood making.

I have picked myself up from being testy, grumpy, angry and feeling robbed
in life to having people in shops, restaurants, wherever be attracted to me
because I radiate love, joy, bliss and optimism.  Life is exciting and
wonderful and it gets better each day.

What am I doing?  I am following Rhonda Byrne's advice to write down, in a
thankful and grateful mood 100 things that you are thankful and grateful for
each day.  I have found that the time I spend doing this each day has become
a more and more powerful drug to me.  I look forward to the time in which
I'll sit down to write.  And each day I'm filled with more and more bliss
and joy as I write.  Also, I'm noticing that more wonderful things happen in
my life and fewer and that there are fewer unhappy things.

The brain isn't just about sensations, motor and facts.  It's about
emotions.  We have state dependent learning, state dependent recall.  There
are states of intoxication but even more there is the state of happiness.
We can decide what we'll recall but even more than that we can decide what
new happy things will come to us to store away in memory.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A reply to Vaj about Mantras, Religion, etc.

2009-01-28 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:34 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:

So, what specifically did MMY say concerning the vibration of  


that they were life supporting is about all i recall. that by
repeating the mantra silently like any other thought, the mind
trasnscends until it reaches its ground state, no thought, absolute
being. i am sure an intro lecture could do this far better justice
than i can. experience is the key vs. collecting information

I was looking for something more specific referring to vibrations.
Wondering what he meant, if he said it at all, by vibration.

I think he meant Good Vibrations, Ruth.
He was a closet Beachboys fan.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... 

 Jumping in. I've never had any instruction on how to control lucid
 dreams, have no intention intention to do so, but find that I can 
if I
 want to. If lucid dreaming spontaneously occurs, it sometimes 
 in the dome during rest after program. If I had a particularly
 blissful program, during rest, maybe it's kundalini, I don't really
 know, but it feels like my crown chakra is plugged into a light
 socket. Here's the re-occurring sequence: I'm resting, my eyes are
 closed but I see everything and everyone in the dome. I start to
 fly above everyone and can control where I go and what I see. 
As I
 rise higher above everyone I can fly anywhere, over roof tops, 
 the clouds, to the moon, the stars, the sun, wherever. The longer I
 fly the move intense the feeling of electricity flooding my 
 Sometimes I hear choirs of angels and I can direct the music.
 Sometimes, I see Maharishi or Guru Dev or a bright light that 
 like me looking back at me or a third eye right in front of my 
 eye, but more like an elephant eye, like Ganesha and I can decide to
 observe it. I don't know what it means and 

I don't care.

 I take a
 neutral attitude toward it and I just enjoy it when it happens. Some
 might call my experience astral travel but on this subject I do
 remember Maharishi cautioning We don't leave the house if it isn't
 clean. If I am astral traveling hopefully, my house is clean 
 that I can leave it for a few minutes without having uninvited 
 showing up.

I like that you say I don't care because these experiences belong 
to the gap between the relative and the absolute, they are as such 
not interesting but for the personality to enjoy temporarily. 

They are a an amusing by-product of what you just experienced in 

Whereas for people like the Turq or Vaj (who never did TMSP in the 
first place) these little things are paramount and very interesting.

I was present when someone presented a similar story as yours, in 
Seelisberg. Maharishi did not caution the fellow but rather said that 
since you already are the universe he could roam wherever he wanted 
without fear.

You are certainly clean. Have no fears. Enjoy !
Jai Guru Dev

Re: [FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:35 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_re...@... wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_reply@ wrote:

various manifestations of the sidhis themselves. they produced  

for me as taught.

Such as?

Clarity of thought, sincerity, honesty, friendliness,
compassion...you know, all the qualities ED demonstrates
so well here. :)


[FairfieldLife] The Ramayana

2009-01-28 Thread John
To All:

In this book, we find a story of a race of monkeys who helped Rama 
defeat Ravana and his ilk.  Since this story is supposedly millions of 
years old, is it possible that these monkies were the Neanderthals that 
existed eons of years ago?

Or, from the level of symbolism, do these monkies actually represent 
certain humans who have not learned to develop their consciousness, or 
those who have not reached the true human potential?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Consider this an Edg-like rap, in the tradition of
  determining whether anyone here on FFL is interested
  in the odd things I am, and wants to swap stories.
  It's also a rap addressing ED's complaint that nobody
  ever talks about their spiritual experiences.
 Only fools and inexperienced souls like The Turq would consider 
 dreams and astral travel spiritual experiences. Yet he does, thus 
 demonstrating his spiritual naivite.
 It's not spiritual, these are harmless experiences for many, many 
 people, often born from lack of mind-body coordination and often 
 to the over-use of drugs.
 For some Buddhists like Vaj and The Turq a simple out 
 experience will be spiritual.
 For TM-er's this is a field of astral tricks long ago transcended.

Just to add; for some souls these experiences goes on for many, many 
years and they are real and not tricks. In my experience, and 
that of many others they will wane, being overtaken by a situation 
of Heaven on Earth where both realities are expeienced 

[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 
  You can not get enlightened. This is very true. In waking state 
 there is an experience of an individuality; a private psychological 
 self. In waking state there is a mistaken notion that this 
 individuality will get enlightened; that it will have some sort 
 of enlightened experience. 
 lol- yeah, one description of the way it goes down is as if you are 
 riding an elevator upwards in waking state, convinced that the 
 higher you get, the closer to enlightenment you are-- 27th floor, 
 yeah! --52nd floor, wow, i am SO CLOSE! I had a witnessing 
 experience! --93rd floor, uh-HUH!! This is almost IT! and then 
 without warning, the floor in the elevator vanishes, and before you 
 have a chance to even think about grabbing onto something, you are 
 falling, and falling and falling, and falling, and falling. falling 
 away into nothingness, falling away into freedom, and lest i say it? 

Sounds awful. What's desirable about that? 

[FairfieldLife] With no job and 5 kids, 'better to end our lives,' man wrote

2009-01-28 Thread I am the eternal
Sorry to butt in on y'all's lucid dreaming, but...



[FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... 

  On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:35 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
  no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
  no_reply@ wrote:
  various manifestations of the sidhis themselves. they produced  
  for me as taught.
  Such as?
 Clarity of thought, sincerity, honesty, friendliness,
 compassion...you know, all the qualities ED demonstrates
 so well here. :)

wow-- monkey see, monkey do, eh Sal? here, have a banana!

in all clarity, sincerity, and honesty, i made a point about not 
spewing crap, as monkeys do, when you have no, or very dated,  
experience regarding the subject discussed, which was at the time 
the practice of TM. 

and for that, you and others in your troupe are chattering away, 
flinging poo, and hopping from branch to branch. and that is 
supposed to set the standard for behavior here on FFL? dream on, my 
darling little monkey, dream on.

[FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@...

  On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:35 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
  no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
  no_reply@ wrote:
  various manifestations of the sidhis themselves. they produced  
  for me as taught.
  Such as?
 Clarity of thought, sincerity, honesty, friendliness,
 compassion...you know, all the qualities ED demonstrates
 so well here. :)


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Ramayana

2009-01-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 To All:
 In this book, we find a story of a race of monkeys who helped 
 Rama defeat Ravana and his ilk.  Since this story is supposedly 
 millions of years old, is it possible that these monkies were 
 the Neanderthals that existed eons of years ago?
 Or, from the level of symbolism, do these monkies actually 
 represent certain humans who have not learned to develop their 
 consciousness, or those who have not reached the true human 

enlightened_dawn should pay attention to this.

According to John, this million-year-old book
portrays monkeys as willing partners in genocide.
They fought alongside Rama for eighteen months,
until every member of the clan they decided had
to be wiped from the face of the planet was dead.
Some commentaries on the Ramayana say that this
clan numbered over 100,000 people (the entire
population of modern-day Sri Lanka), before 
Rama decided in his Infinite Wisdom that they 
needed to be exterminated.

I understand that you've been saying that in your
view monkeys are warm and fuzzy and cuddly, and
thus that's what you have in mind when you call
people on this forum monkeys. But now you know
the Truth, as revealed by this Holy Million-Year-
Old Book. And as John has told us many, many times,
this work is part of the Vedic Literature that is
synonymous with Eternal Truth. Thus, according to
this book of Eternal Truth, modern-day monkeys 
are most likely descended from their counterparts
in the Ramayana, who were practitioners of genocide.

Maybe you'd do better by calling the people who
don't accept what *you* are saying as Eternal Truth
koala bears instead. They're warm and fuzzy and
cuddly, too, and they don't have a history of


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Ramayana

2009-01-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 To All:
 In this book, we find a story of a race of monkeys who helped Rama 
 defeat Ravana and his ilk.  Since this story is supposedly millions of 
 years old, is it possible that these monkies were the Neanderthals that 
 existed eons of years ago?
 Or, from the level of symbolism, do these monkies actually represent 
 certain humans who have not learned to develop their consciousness, or 
 those who have not reached the true human potential?

You sound like a Christian fundamentalist trying to legitimize the
Noah's Ark story.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jan 28, 2009, at 1:51 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@

On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:35 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_reply@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_reply@ wrote:

various manifestations of the sidhis themselves. they
produced results for me as taught.

Such as?

Clarity of thought, sincerity, honesty, friendliness,
compassion...you know, all the qualities ED demonstrates
so well here. :)


Now, now, do. Those same qualities were the
same as the ones that Jim Flanegin (Sandy Ego)
demonstrated, and we all know that *he* was
enlightened. Right? Right?

Maybe ED is similarly enlightened. I notice
that there has been no reply to the post in
which I asked.

I think she's still trying to recover from that
horrendous elevator fall.


[FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
   On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:35 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
   no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
 no_reply@ wrote:
various manifestations of the sidhis themselves. they   
produced results for me as taught.
   Such as?
  Clarity of thought, sincerity, honesty, friendliness,
  compassion...you know, all the qualities ED demonstrates
  so well here. :)

Now, now, do. Those same qualities were the 
same as the ones that Jim Flanegin (Sandy Ego)
demonstrated, and we all know that *he* was
enlightened. Right? Right?

Maybe ED is similarly enlightened. I notice
that there has been no reply to the post in
which I asked.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net wrote:

 Of course you nailed that one right on the head--and let's not forget that
 these are now *coached* advaita experiences ever since MMY presided over
 the course dredging for moods. People are being encouraged to moodmake their
 own projected feeling-tones into advaita experiences. It's the in thing I
 hear. Without exception, they never vary from the pre-programmed script.
 'They're all actors and the Dome is their stage.'

This definitely goes on in with the THP and THMD, whose experiences,
incidently, are not read by the person having them.

It is considerably less so (I re-read my own experiences every so often) in
the two domes on campus.  There there is an amazing amount of heart and none
of this let's use as many of the words Maharishi taught us in his final
year in every sentence in the experiences.


2009-01-28 Thread Arhata Osho

When Conyers subpoenaed Rove last 

year, Bush lawyers invoked executive 

immunity to stop 
Rove from 
But now Bush is no longer president. 


*? 2 ALL: 


The Attorney General and the Counsel to the 
President, Obama said in an executive order Jan. 21, in the 
exercise of their discretion and after appropriate review and consultation 
subsection (a) of this section, may jointly determine that invocation of 
executive privilege is not justified, The Archivist shall 
be notified promptly of any such determination.

Do you think this Obama 
executive order will trip up Rove? Why or why not?
http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/SECULARHUM ANIST
Obama - A New Beginning

Obama order could present 
problems for Rove 

John Byrne
Published: Tuesday January 
  27, 2009





A little-noticed twist in an order issued by 
President Barack Obama the day after his inauguration may present problems for 
former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove and other Bush 
officials that have been targeted for their alleged role in various 

Rove was subpoenaed Monday afternoon by House Judiciary 
Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-MI). 
Determination of executive 
privilege must now also be examined by President Obama's lawyers. In fact, 
Rove's lawyer made direct reference to Obama's role in any future decision to 
enjoin Rove's appearance on the congressional witness stand Monday 

It's generally agreed that former presidents retain executive 
privilege as to matters occurring during their term, Rove's lawyer, Robert 
Luskin, told The Washington 
Post. We'll solicit the views of the new White House counsel and, if there 
is a disagreement, assume that the matter will be resolved among the courts, 
president and the former president.

Luskin doesn't concede that Rove 
isn't covered by Bush's blanket immunity, but appears to acknowledge that the 
question of keeping Rove off the witness stand has become more 

In addition, a White House counsel to President Bill Clinton 
told The Washington Post late 
Monday that a recent executive order issued by President Obama directing the 
National Archives to consult with Justice Department and White House lawyers 
concerning the Archivist's determination as to whether to honor the former 
president's claim of privilege or instead to disclose the presidential records 
notwithstanding the claim of privilege, could open the door to the release of 
more information relating to controversies under the Bush 

The language, the Post wrote, according to W. 
Neil Eggleston, a White House associate counsel during the Clinton 
administration, leaves open the possibility that more information could emerge 
in some long-running controversies.

Whether Rove can stay off the 
witness stand indefinitely is an open question. He could certainly plead the 
Fifth -- invoking his constitutional right to avoid self-incrimination -- and 
refuse to answer questions. But Obama's order opened the door to the release of 
presidential records the Bush Administration fought aggressively to keep out of 
the public eye.

On the flip side, Vice President Dick Cheney recently won 
a court case seeking his vice presidential records; the court said that the 
President alone gets to make the determination as to which records are personal 
and which records should become public. The Presidential Records Act, which 
requires Administrations to surrender their files to the National Archives upon 
leaving office, provides an exemption for records of a personal 

Obama might also effectively protect Rove and President Bush by 
retaining a broad interpretation of executive privilege. Such an interpretation 
wouldn't be designed to save Rove from congressional investigators -- instead, 
it would allow Obama to protect himself and his team upon his own departure 
the Oval Office. 








Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 12:23 PM, boo_lives boo_li...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 Could you say more about the script - I'm curious what flavor of
 enlightenment experience has gotten the approval. Is it still going on
 now that mmy is gone?  Who listens to the experience?  Are they using
 typical tmo buzzwords or are there new buzzwords?

 I'd heard quite a while ago that thmds were giving experiences to mmy
 most every day and it was a big thing - to come up with an experience
 that gets the ok from mmy is big currency on thmd (though not as big
 as real currency) and it seemed women were really working on and
 fretting over the wording of their experience flavors hoping it would
 get a positive response.  I'm curious about the buzzwords because I
 believe there is a high percentage of deflected kundalini shakti
 risings on thmd and I wonder if mmy, most likely another deflected,
 likes those type of experiences or some other?

Been there, done that, plan to go back and do it again.

There is no script given to the IA CPs.  There is no script.  However TMO
people will be TMO people.

What's expected is that you'll relate a #1 (Unity or beyond) experience.  In
the two domes, these experiences take the form of describing, with lots of
heart, experiences that have to do with loss of self, with experiencing The
Self, with experiences of infinity, bliss in every direction and in every
thing.  Each experience in the two domes is quite unique, stated in the
idiom of the experiencer.  The sidhi administrators read the experiences and
make SUGGESTIONS about what to leave in, what to leave out before the
experience is read.

The off campus experiences seem to be pages out of the same book.  Some THMD
will go on and on about experiencing the primal sounds, for example, and
throw in as many of Maharishi's words used during his last year of teaching
to us, just to let us know that these words have validity.  One could be
cynical here, but let's just let it be that what you place your attention on
will grow and since Maharishi placed out attention there, that area will
grow into #1 experiences.

I have no idea what the THMD/THP feel about the experiences in the domes.
In the domes the reaction to the THMD/THP experiences is bullshit.  Why
does it take all of these special buzz words to describe an experience?  Why
further is it necessary to seemingly continue on with one of Maharishi's
last lectures with show and tell or a lab demonstration?

Bevin and Hagelin give first preference to THMD/THP experiences and if there
are none then experiences in the domes can be read.

[FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
  no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_reply@ wrote:
   various manifestations of the sidhis themselves. they produced 
   for me as taught.
  Such as?
 you'll just have to try them and see. each formula is targeted at a 
 specific result.

I know that.  I am asking what results were produced in you.  

[FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:35 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_reply@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
  no_reply@ wrote:

 various manifestations of the sidhis themselves. they   
 produced results for me as taught.

Such as?
   Clarity of thought, sincerity, honesty, friendliness,
   compassion...you know, all the qualities ED demonstrates
   so well here. :)
 Now, now, do. Those same qualities were the 
 same as the ones that Jim Flanegin (Sandy Ego)
 demonstrated, and we all know that *he* was
 enlightened. Right? Right?
 Maybe ED is similarly enlightened. I notice
 that there has been no reply to the post in
 which I asked.

She embarrasses herself. Her cringe inducing commentary has all the
intellectual depth of an obnoxious know-it-all Jr High school Madonna
fan sharing her 'expert knowledge' about how Madonna's music has
influenced her social life ...and what it means for the world. 

[FairfieldLife] Fairfield 1st Fridays Art Walk 5th Annual Film Expo

2009-01-28 Thread Rick Archer





February 2009 

Fairfield 1st Fridays Art Walk 5th Annual Film Expo - February 6th  7th, 2009 


Plan to attend the Fairfield 1st Fridays Art Walk 5th Annual Film Expo February 
6th  7th. Bring your family and friends and join the film-loving crowds at 
this weekend’s festivities. The Fairfield Public Library will be hosting the 
Young People's Film Project workshop for 5th - 8th graders where kids can 
create a short 3-5 minute film and put it on YouTube! Be a Hollywood hotshot 
and create your own 5-10 minute short film to enter in the do-it-yourself Art 
Walk Short Film Contest. Or learn about the wonderful world of creating 
high-end film animation. Discover your hidden talent at this year's 5th Annual 
Film Expo!

 Read more



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 The Rama fellow I studied with for many years taught
 Lucid Dreaming. He taught it in the context of Tibetan
 Dream Yoga, but the techniques were the same as those
 I've later found in Native American shamanism and 
 other disciplines. The Tibetan connection is that
 in that tradition Lucid Dreaming is seen as analogous
 to (or synonymous with) the Bardo state between death
 and rebirth, and thus developing a facility with 
 waking up in the dream, and being able to manipulate
 the dream state is seen as valuable to a culture in
 which the teachings of The Tibetan Book Of The Dead
 are assumed as a given. If you can wake up in a normal
 dream, and use your intention there in the astral, then 
 it is assumed that you might also be able to do the 
 same thing in the Bardo, and thus have a shot at a 
 cooler rebirth.
Boy Art Bell's cousin sure had an effect on you. :-D

I've mentioned one lucid dream I've had several times on FFL and that 
was the one with Jesus who looked more like Naveen Andrews than the 
way that Christianity portrays him.  He told me he wanted to tell me 
something and I had to walk over to talk to him and there were 
fundamentalist Christians who seemed to be stuck in the ground telling 
me I had no right to talk to him.  He just nodded at them in disgust and 
said pay no attention to them.   He essentially warned me that things 
were going to get really bad in the world (and it did happen).  The 
experience makes it a little difficult for me as I really didn't think 
there actually was such an individual as Roman history makes no mention 
of him (and they were good historians) and might actually may be a work 
of fiction derived possibly from some activist's activities (which would 
have been so minor the Romans wouldn't have bothered with a mention) and 
a mystic at the time.  Some theologians seem to buy into this idea.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Ramayana

2009-01-28 Thread guyfawkes91

 Or, from the level of symbolism, do these monkies actually represent 
 certain humans who have not learned to develop their consciousness, or 
 those who have not reached the true human potential?
It's a fairy story, grow up.

[FairfieldLife] unpopular names crime: (cause and effect?)

2009-01-28 Thread yifuxero
from  Yahoo news:

Boys With Unpopular Names More Likely to Break Law
 Buzz Up Send 

livescience.com – 2 hrs 25 mins agoBoys in the United States with 
common names like Michael and David are less likely to commit crimes 
than those named Ernest or Ivan. 

David E. Kalist and Daniel Y. Lee of Shippensburg University in 
Pennsylvania compared the first names of male juvenile delinquents to 
the first names of male juveniles in the population. The researchers 
constructed a popularity-name index (PNI) for each name. For example, 
the PNI for Michael is 100, the most frequently given name during the 
period. The PNI for David is 50, a name given half as frequently as 
Michael. The PNI is approximately 1 for names such as Alec, Ernest, 
Ivan, Kareem, and Malcolm. 

Results show that, regardless of race, juveniles with unpopular names 
are more likely to engage in criminal activity. The least popular 
names were associated with juvenile delinquency among both blacks and 

The findings, announced today, are detailed in the journal Social 
Science Quarterly. 

While the names are likely not the cause of crime, the researchers 
argue that they are connected to factors that increase the tendency 
to commit crime, such as a disadvantaged home environment, residence 
in a county with low socioeconomic status, and households run by one 

Also, adolescents with unpopular names may be more prone to crime 
because they are treated differently by their peers, making it more 
difficult for them to form relationships, according to a statement 
released by the journal's publisher. Juveniles with unpopular names 
may also act out because they consciously or unconsciously dislike 
their names. 

The findings could help officials  identify individuals at high risk 
of committing or recommitting crime, leading to more effective and 
targeted intervention programs, the authors conclude. 

Crime News and Information 

Girls Gone Bad: Statistics Distort the Truth 
Graffiti Triggers Crime and Littering 
Original Story: Boys With Unpopular Names More Likely to Break Law
LiveScience.com chronicles the daily advances and innovations made in 
science and technology. We take on the misconceptions that often pop 
up around scientific discoveries and deliver short, provocative 
explanations with a certain wit and style. Check out our science 
videos, Trivia  Quizzes and Top 10s. Join our community to debate 
hot-button issues like stem cells, climate change and evolution. You 
can also sign up for free newsletters, register for RSS feeds and get 
cool gadgets at the LiveScience Store.

Read Full Article

[FairfieldLife] Paul Mc Cartney, the TMO

2009-01-28 Thread Paul Mason
TMO issues aside, I would love to hear Paul McCartney  Mike Love duet 
on 'Back in the USSR' - also to hear Paul Horn blow some airy flute  
what about Ringo  Paul working together again, that would be nice.
Someone compared the Paul concert to George's concert in England. If it 
is a fraction as good, then it will be really very good. I attended 
George's concert  it was rivetting - Ringo turned up for the encore 
and it was a real pleasure to hear them play!!!

With regards to the TMO hopefully the TMO will collapse, very 
quickly, and if it does, I predict this would put meditation back at 
the grass roots level, where it belongs, out of the clutches of the 
Lords and Ladies of the New Raj. Why I reckon there would be a lot more 
interest in meditation if there weren't this queer organisation lurking 
about, giving people the willies!

Re: [FairfieldLife] US Civil Engineers rate the US infrastructure a D

2009-01-28 Thread Bhairitu
I am the eternal wrote:
 I was hoping that The One would get us to bite the bullet and replace and
 build out our crumbling infrastructure but he's going to do very little,
 most of it tax cuts ,which are a very good idea because they act quickly,
 and symbols.  What little his stimulus bill will do beyond tax cuts is aimed
 at his misguided idea that if we just insulate here and there and build cars
 that get hundreds of miles to the gallon (yeah, right), we'll all be in
 great shape.  That's not exactly the way Brazil, which is energy
 independent, did it.  But why look to other countries for examples?


Obama is not a magician.  He still has to deal with the bureaucracy in 
Washington.   It  will take time if he can do anything at all. I'm not 
that optimistic.  I think that the Republicans have managed to trash 
this country beyond repair.  We might as well call the place New India 
in a reference to how Indians when the Brits left just let so much of 
the infrastructure the Brits created go to hell.  It's not that we want 
our infrastructure to go to hell it's that we can't afford to do 
anything about it.  All that money we wasted in Iraq put to work on the 
infrastructure would have done wonders.

And as for jobs?  Do we actually need them?  Technology is doing away 
with many jobs that are so boring that humans shouldn't even be doing 
them.  Instead just pay everyone a stipend and those who want to work or 
create a business can do so for extra money.  It probably won't cost us 
anymore than the problems we have now.  Our thinking is still stuck in 
old ruts.

On Monday California will be bankrupt unless they pass a budget at the 
last minute (very unlikely) and personally I believe there is a faction 
that wants California government to completely collapse.  We'll see next 
week.  It may become the wild west again.

[FairfieldLife] You´re in the Movies

2009-01-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 Fairfield 1st Fridays Art Walk 5th Annual Film Expo - 
 February 6th  7th, 2009 
 Plan to attend the Fairfield 1st Fridays Art Walk 5th Annual 
 Film Expo February 6th  7th. Bring your family and friends 
 and join the film-loving crowds at this weekend’s festivities. 
 The Fairfield Public Library will be hosting the Young People's 
 Film Project workshop for 5th - 8th graders where kids can create 
 a short 3-5 minute film and put it on YouTube! Be a Hollywood 
 hotshot and create your own 5-10 minute short film to enter in 
 the do-it-yourself Art Walk Short Film Contest. Or learn about 
 the wonderful world of creating high-end film animation. Discover 
 your hidden talent at this year's 5th Annual Film Expo!

This sounds like fun, Rick, and if I were
in the area I´d definitely go. 

But it was the wording of the blurb and the
invitation to ¨discover your hidden talent¨
and ¨be a Hollywood hotshot¨ that reminded
me of something I wanted to post to FFL.

In the latest issue of one of my French film
magazines is a full-page ad for an XBOX game
called ¨You´re in the Movies.¨ It shows an
extremely cheezy (and, let´s face it, no one
can be as cheezy as him) Burt Reynolds smiling
and saying, ¨You´re in the Movies, c´est le 
meilleur jeu video sur le cinema que j´aie 
jamais vu.¨ ( YITM is the best video game on
movies that I´ve ever seen. ) The quote is
attributed to ¨Burt Reynolds, Acteur Charis-
matique,¨ which requires no translation. :-)

It´s very funny. At the bottom of the ad it
says, ¨Camera included. Burt Reynolds sold

Anyway, I looked it up, and it really does 
come with a video camera, and you really do
shoot footage of yourself and your friends,
and then put them in the canned ¨movies¨
that come with the game. 

Yeah, it´s cheezy, but it also sounds like a
shitload of fun to me. If I had an XBOX, I´d
buy one. Check out the YouTube link below,
and you´ll see why I´m describing Burt´s 
presentation as ¨cheezy.¨ It´s intentionally




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread Bhairitu
ruthsimplicity wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
 no_re...@... wrote:
 enlightenment is that state of consciousness in which a person no 
 longer identifies with, and gets lost in, the objects of perception. 


 This sounds like the I don't care anymore definition of enlightenment. 
I usually ignore these threads because they really show how ignorant 
many people are on FFL about enlightenment.  The best model is just the 
simple models that Indian adhere too.  MMY complicated it to extract 
more money out of his followers.  Keep raising the carrot.  What we have 
he is a lot of anxiety over enlightenment.  Enlightenment is simply 
moksha but one can intellectually masturbate all over that subject.  As 
I've said many times one is on the road to enlightenment one once they 
no longer are anxious about it.  To dissect the state is not going to 
get anyone there any faster.

Re: [FairfieldLife] You´re in the Movies

2009-01-28 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jan 28, 2009, at 2:40 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

It´s very funny. At the bottom of the ad it
says, ¨Camera included. Burt Reynolds sold

I love it!


[FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
   no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
 no_reply@ wrote:
various manifestations of the sidhis themselves. they 
for me as taught.
   Such as?
  you'll just have to try them and see. each formula is targeted 
at a 
  specific result.
 I know that.  I am asking what results were produced in you.

ok- long hops during the flying sutra-- stuff that i couldn't have 
accomplished athletically, seeing inside my body-- tendons, 
ligaments, muscles, blood flowing through arteries, visions, hearing 
and touch of celestial beings, traveling through outer space and 
between planets. that's all i recall...stuff i've lost interest in 
pursuing further. 

[FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
your posts in that regard are hilarious to me (and boring)! i don't 
know anyone by either of the names you mentioned-- let's see: i am a 
blonde female with an indian sounding name, who may be a man, who 
doesn't meditate, but pretends to in order to argue with you, who 
posts in chat rooms, who claims they are enlightened. did i get all 
that? wow. 

you claim to do lucid dreaming, though i think you have to work on 
lucid waking state- lol.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:35 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_reply@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
  no_reply@ wrote:

 various manifestations of the sidhis themselves. they   
 produced results for me as taught.

Such as?
   Clarity of thought, sincerity, honesty, friendliness,
   compassion...you know, all the qualities ED demonstrates
   so well here. :)
 Now, now, do. Those same qualities were the 
 same as the ones that Jim Flanegin (Sandy Ego)
 demonstrated, and we all know that *he* was
 enlightened. Right? Right?
 Maybe ED is similarly enlightened. I notice
 that there has been no reply to the post in
 which I asked.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Ramayana

2009-01-28 Thread enlightened_dawn11
nope, i refer to you as a monkey king because monkeys chatter, 
chatter, chatter about subjects they know nothing about, like you 

i don't personally care if you, (or anyone else here), agrees, 
disagrees with, believes or even concerns themselves with what i 

you are the one with issues, monkey, not me. here, have a banana!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  To All:
  In this book, we find a story of a race of monkeys who helped 
  Rama defeat Ravana and his ilk.  Since this story is supposedly 
  millions of years old, is it possible that these monkies were 
  the Neanderthals that existed eons of years ago?
  Or, from the level of symbolism, do these monkies actually 
  represent certain humans who have not learned to develop their 
  consciousness, or those who have not reached the true human 
 enlightened_dawn should pay attention to this.
 According to John, this million-year-old book
 portrays monkeys as willing partners in genocide.
 They fought alongside Rama for eighteen months,
 until every member of the clan they decided had
 to be wiped from the face of the planet was dead.
 Some commentaries on the Ramayana say that this
 clan numbered over 100,000 people (the entire
 population of modern-day Sri Lanka), before 
 Rama decided in his Infinite Wisdom that they 
 needed to be exterminated.
 I understand that you've been saying that in your
 view monkeys are warm and fuzzy and cuddly, and
 thus that's what you have in mind when you call
 people on this forum monkeys. But now you know
 the Truth, as revealed by this Holy Million-Year-
 Old Book. And as John has told us many, many times,
 this work is part of the Vedic Literature that is
 synonymous with Eternal Truth. Thus, according to
 this book of Eternal Truth, modern-day monkeys 
 are most likely descended from their counterparts
 in the Ramayana, who were practitioners of genocide.
 Maybe you'd do better by calling the people who
 don't accept what *you* are saying as Eternal Truth
 koala bears instead. They're warm and fuzzy and
 cuddly, too, and they don't have a history of

[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 I recently posted a rap about Lucid Dreaming. It is
 pasted in at the bottom of this post. What I'm inter-
 ested in is whether anyone on FFL has had experiences
 of this sort, and wants to rap about them. No experts,
 no dogma, just rappin'...trying to figure things out.

I have long been able to be conscious of my dreams as dreams and control
their outcome.  When I was a child, like many, I had terrible
nightmares.  My mother said think about looking for signs for knowing
something is a dream.  That suggestion was an effective way of teaching
me to lucid dream.  Also, we did a lot of dream talk at home which
encouraged the remembering of dreams.  Reviewing your dreams after they
occur help you remember them plus helps you get some measure of control.
When thinking about this thread I went to the wikipedia entry on lucid
dreaming.  The article gives some suggestions on how to lucid dream. 
What I thought was interesting was the section where it talks about
going to sleep while maintaining some awareness, which will then allow
you to lucid dream.  The description which I quote below sounds like
something a meditator would describe:

During the actual transition into the dream state, one is likely to
experience sleep paralysis, including rapid vibrations,[15] a sequence
of loud sounds and a feeling of twirling into another state of body
awareness, to drift off into another dimension, or the feeling like
passing the interface between water into air face-front body first, or
images or sceneries they are thinking of and trying to visualize
gradually sharpen and become real, which they can actually see,
instead of the fuzzy indefinable sensations one feels when trying to
imagine something when wide awake.

[FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_re...@... wrote:

 your posts in that regard are hilarious to me (and boring)! i don't 
 know anyone by either of the names you mentioned-- let's see: i am a 
 blonde female with an indian sounding name, who may be a man, who 
 doesn't meditate, but pretends to in order to argue with you, who 
 posts in chat rooms, who claims they are enlightened. did i get all 
 that? wow. 
 you claim to do lucid dreaming, though i think you have to work on 
 lucid waking state- lol.

Funny recap!  I am afraid my last question might have been lost in the
snark.  I really am interested in what specific results you
experienced from the siddhis.  I have over the years heard too many
vague statements about results without specificity.  I would like
someone to say something specific. E

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread Vaj
Thanks for taking the time to openly respond to this question. Your  
openness is appreciated.

On Jan 28, 2009, at 3:12 PM, I am the eternal wrote:

Been there, done that, plan to go back and do it again.

There is no script given to the IA CPs.  There is no script.   
However TMO people will be TMO people.

What's expected is that you'll relate a #1 (Unity or beyond)  
experience.  In the two domes, these experiences take the form of  
describing, with lots of heart, experiences that have to do with  
loss of self, with experiencing The Self, with experiences of  
infinity, bliss in every direction and in every thing.  Each  
experience in the two domes is quite unique, stated in the idiom of  
the experiencer.  The sidhi administrators read the experiences and  
make SUGGESTIONS about what to leave in, what to leave out  
before the experience is read.

So they make editorial suggestions? Why? I'm sorry, but that seems  
odd. Edited experiences, movement approved? This doesn't mean there  
is a script (of acceptable or not acceptable)? If the experiences are  
turned down, one would have to be on the (unspoken) script to get a  
mention wouldn't they?

Perhaps I'm missing something.

The off campus experiences seem to be pages out of the same book.   
Some THMD will go on and on about experiencing the primal sounds,  
for example, and throw in as many of Maharishi's words used during  
his last year of teaching to us, just to let us know that these  
words have validity.  One could be cynical here, but let's just let  
it be that what you place your attention on will grow and since  
Maharishi placed out attention there, that area will grow into #1  

I have no idea what the THMD/THP feel about the experiences in the  
domes.  In the domes the reaction to the THMD/THP experiences is  
bullshit.  Why does it take all of these special buzz words to  
describe an experience?  Why further is it necessary to seemingly  
continue on with one of Maharishi's last lectures with show and tell  
or a lab demonstration?

Good question. You're closer to the source so I'll have to defer to  
your impressions!

Bevin and Hagelin give first preference to THMD/THP experiences and  
if there are none then experiences in the domes can be read.

Oh that's just too funny. It's not easy being king.

[FairfieldLife] Monkeys vs Meat (Re: Mantras, Religion and finally a statement . . .)

2009-01-28 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_re...@... wrote:

  I know that.  I am asking what results were produced in you.
 ok- long hops during the flying sutra-- stuff that i couldn't have 
 accomplished athletically, seeing inside my body-- tendons, 
 ligaments, muscles, blood flowing through arteries, visions, hearing 
 and touch of celestial beings, traveling through outer space and 
 between planets. that's all i recall...stuff i've lost interest in 
 pursuing further.

Thank you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Call for Lucid Dreaming stories

2009-01-28 Thread ruthsimplicity
Here is an interesting article on lucid dreaming and the blurred lines
between awake and sleep:  http://www.lucidity.com/SleepAndCognition.html

Re: [FairfieldLife] unpopular names crime: (cause and effect?

2009-01-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:33 PM, yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com wrote:

 from  Yahoo news:

 Boys With Unpopular Names More Likely to Break Law
 Buzz Up Send

 livescience.com – 2 hrs 25 mins agoBoys in the United States with
 common names like Michael and David are less likely to commit crimes
 than those named Ernest or Ivan.

And I'm sure it's no coincidence that black guys and black women in the US
all have to have their own cult names.  So not only can you spot someone on
the phone with the black variant of the southern accident, you can spot 'em
by their name as well.

If only black mothers gave as much consideration to how they will rear a
child they've just spawned as they give to coming up with a unique name for
the child.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Paul Mc Cartney, the TM

2009-01-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Paul Mason premanandp...@yahoo.co.ukwrote:

 TMO issues aside, I would love to hear Paul McCartney  Mike Love duet
 on 'Back in the USSR' - also to hear Paul Horn blow some airy flute 
 what about Ringo  Paul working together again, that would be nice.
 Someone compared the Paul concert to George's concert in England. If it
 is a fraction as good, then it will be really very good. I attended
 George's concert  it was rivetting - Ringo turned up for the encore
 and it was a real pleasure to hear them play!!!

 With regards to the TMO hopefully the TMO will collapse, very
 quickly, and if it does, I predict this would put meditation back at
 the grass roots level, where it belongs, out of the clutches of the
 Lords and Ladies of the New Raj. Why I reckon there would be a lot more
 interest in meditation if there weren't this queer organisation lurking
 about, giving people the willies!

Hmm.  I didn't realize it, but I belong to a dead society.  Very few people
know it exists.  'Twould be interesting if it just faded away.  Maybe then
some former teachers would go around teaching meditation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment

2009-01-28 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
no_re...@... wrote:

 lol-- i got as far as the grasshopper living among the weeds and 
 then got lost...

So did the grasshopper.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
  no_reply@ wrote:
   agreed-- really well said dr. pete. enlightenment is real, 
   and experienced-- just not by -thinking-
   raunchydog, i don't get your comments at all- care to clarify 
  Just jiving Peter. It's an analogy that obviously failed. It's a
  stretch but my point was, the grasshopper identifies with the 
 weeds in
  which he lives so much so that he smokes the weed and 
  his existence to be something real. Sorry, I can't wrap my brain
  around it any further than that. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
Excellent, Peter. It's exactly the map of the territory 
been telling grasshopper, identifying for years with the weeds 
been smokin'.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 

 Enlightenment is not what you think because:
 You can not get enlightened.
 A thought is necessarily bound by time and space and 
nothing to do with enlightenment.
 You can not model enlightenment.
 So with those caveats.
 In ignorance you are somebody. A psychological private self 
relates to the world.
 Then you get 1st stage enlightenment and you are nobody. 
no you to be or not to be. Consciousness becomes conscious 
 of its
own consciousness and withdraws identity with any space/time
experience. No-Self. No localization of consciousness. Weird 
for the mind. You no longer exist, only consciousness within 
everything occurs.
 Then you get 2nd stage enlightenment Grasshopper. Now you are
everybody. Consciousness awakens to its bound value of space 
as simply consciousness. All moving within itself. From here 
through there according to Maharishi. Those are good words. 
 --- On Tue, 1/27/09, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
  From: Peter drpetersutphen@
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 8:18 PM
  Enlightenment is not what you think.
  --- On Tue, 1/27/09, ruthsimplicity
  no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   From: ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 5:10 PM
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
   no_reply@ wrote:
enlightenment is that state of consciousness in
   a person no 
longer identifies with, and gets lost in, the
   of perception. 
   This sounds like the I don't care
   definition of enlightenment. 
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