Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I don't define a "successful" business by its profit margin, that is true.  A 
business built through exploitation is not my idea of something to point at as 
a "success." Your harping on the idea that "Trump is a good businessman" 
because he's made "billions" and therefore would be a good president is 
ridiculous, given what we know of his business history.  

 So, how do you define the success of a business? My point about Trump's 
success is that he has started numerous businesses, most have been successful. 
He understand what it takes for a businesses to get off the ground and grow. 
and what stifles businesses. Hillary and Obama have no business experience. 
They've never started one or run one. They rely almost entirely on people that 
never have run one either. "well, the theory is..."

 People want jobs and a better economy.


 Let me see if you can grasp some simple concepts here, Mike. If you and Trump 
were the only ones marooned on a desert island he would take the last coconut, 
bonk you on the head with it and proceed to eat all of it himself. If there was 
one spot left on a lifeboat of a sinking ship he would throw granny overboard 
along with the two year old child just so he could have the last spot and 
plenty of room to boot. If Trump had the choice to spend $25 in order to save 
someone from a day of hunger but it involved him crossing the street to give it 
to that someone he would refrain because it might inconvenience him. I could 
give you lots more examples but hopefully you get my drift. And for a guy who's 
50 pounds overweight what gives him the audacity to call someone else "Miss 
Piggy"? The man's a living, breathing aberration and you just might end up 
deserving him as President. What does that say about you?

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 2:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now


---In,  wrote :

 Oh Emily, are you saying that Trump is *no* saint but Hillary *is*? 


 So you don't define a successful business as to how profitable it is but 
whether it is worthy of the beatitudes? 


 BTW, Christ never advocated  *for* poverty. Many of his parables were about 
rich people and creating wealth and how blessed and wise they were. Abraham, 
Issac and Jacob, the patriarchs of Judaism were quite wealthy and they didn't 
charge five hundred thousand dollars for a twenty minute speech promising 
access for favors.


 Never said he did.  You missed my point entirely.  

 Not the same person but share the same ideology. She was his Secretary of 
State. Of course you don't blame Obama or Hillary for world events, unless they 
were good events.

 Nope, don't do that either.  

 Obama dropped the planned defensive missile shield for Europe. Putin was very 
appreciative of that. It also emboldened him.Notice, Georgia was then invaded 
along with the Crimea and other parts of the Ukraine. Obama threatened Assad 
about the use of chemical weapons and pronounced that he must go, line in the 
sand. Putin came to Assad's aid and the civil war goes on along with millions 
of refugees . Obama and Clinton arranged aid to the rebels, many of whom turned 
out to be ISIS. Obama and Hillary abandoned Mubarak, a long time ally, that 
kept Egypt stable and at peace. They recognized the revolutionary government of 
the Muslim Brotherhood that took control and Obama and Clinton were 
instrumental in the collapse of Libya and overthrow of Kaddhafi who was a 
scoundrel but he had become *our* scoundrel and kept Libya out of the hands of 
terrorists. It's all a matter of leadership, something neither he nor Hillary 


 It's easy to create a history that supports one's politics.  You repeat the 
story you like over and over and over and over and reinforce it with what you 
read and watch and basically brainwash yourself.  I believe what I posted 
yesterday to Bhairitu:

 History, Wineburg notes, is messy. And the most responsible thing for 
educators to do is to leave elbowroom for the mess. "History as truth, issued 
from the left or the right, abhors shades of gray," Wineburg writes, adding, 
"Such a history atrophies our tolerance for complexity. It makes us allergic to 
exceptions to the rule. Worst of all it depletes the moral courage we need to 
revise our beliefs in the face of new evidence.
 "It insures ultimately that tomorrow we will think exactly as we thought 
yesterday – and the day before and the day before that." 

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 4:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

   The measure of a person is not determined by how many billions they made.  
Is that the criteria you are using to

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The point about ISIS is that it didn't become powerful enough to be a real 
threat until after she had left office.



 ---In,  wrote :

 According to what I've read, Hillary Clinton served as United States Secretary 
of State from 2009 to 2013 and United States Senator representing New York from 
2001 to 2009.

 The ISIS group originated in 1999 and pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda 
participating in the Iraqi insurgency after the March 2003 invasion of Iraq by 
the U.S., proclaiming the formation of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in 
October 2006.
---In,  wrote :

 The point about ISIS is that it didn't become powerful enough to be a real 
threat until after she had left office.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Can you name a few pieces of legislation that she wrote or co-authored? I 
think there are three.
 She watched ISIS grow as Secretary of State.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 12:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now
   What's a "carrier politician"?

 As to Hillary's accomplishments in the Senate, I posted a link to her 
legislative history. I guess you didn't bother to look at it.

 And regarding Hillary as secretary of state, it looks like you've been 
hoodwinked by Trump again. ISIS was founded before she became SoS, and it 
didn't start expanding its territory until after she had left office.


---In,  wrote :

 Better check the polls again. You may see Francis the Mule in the winners 
circle. If Hillary can't mop the floor with Trump, there is something terribly 
wrong. He's not a carrier politician and I doubt any debate skills.
 Nobody is going to riot if Hillary is elected. That is too *ghetto*. Trump 
voters will be back at work the next day.
 Just who is it that hasn't accomplished anything? Trump has created successful 
business around the world. That means he has created lots of jobs.
 Hillary, on the other hand, what has she accomplished? Rode her husbands 
coattails into the Senate and has accomplished  zip. No major pieces or minor 
for that fact, of legislation.
 Secretary of State... well the middle- east and refugee situation and ISIS 
says enough. not to mention Russia invading Georgia and the Ukraine. Murder, 
destruction and millions of refugees homeless and flooding into Europe. What an 

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 11:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

   Keep dreaming. Trump has as much chance of succeeding in the election, as a 
mule winning the next Kentucky Derby. Hope you will be watching tonight's 
debate, when Hillary cleans the floor with Mop Top. 

I also hope you don't riot in the streets when The Donald loses. It won't be a 
"rigged election" either. That is just the excuse Mr Small Hands will use to 
justify his trouncing, and Clinton's victory. This country has no patience for 
someone who has accomplished nothing in his life, but to hurt others and 
generate controversy. Can't wait to see his ample rear end in the rear view 

 ---In,  wrote :

 And that would guarantee a Hillary victory. More important than voting *for* 
someone, is keeping someone *out*! 
 Hillary is absolutely unacceptable. Trump is the only one that can stop her.

 From: "archonangel@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 11:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

   To not vote for Trump, or Clinton, you would have to vote for Gary Johnson 
or Jill Stein.


---In,  wrote :

 Please Emily. I'm not voting for Trump. I'm voting against Hillary. She is 
totally unacceptable, not simply because she's a liar and a crook and 
untrustworthy, most politicians are to some degree, but because of the policies 
she advocates. I will never accept the open borders she advocates or the 
bringing of a half million ,nearly un-vetted, Syrian refugees to resettle here.
 I didn't support one Republican with these views nor will I support any 
Democrat with the same.
 Dailykos,, New York Times etc, please. These are all mouth pieces 
for the Democratic party, like Pravda was the Communist Party mouth piece.

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 10:51 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now



---In,  wrote :

 I've had it and so, evidently, has this writer. It is getting down to the wire 
and I see this kind of thing all over th

[FairfieldLife] Re: Weds. Group Meditation also for Fairfield No-badge-nik Meditators

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
On the 40th Day to the Election.. 

---In,  wrote :

 This Weds. A silent meditation at 5:00pm downtown at the Fairfield Square, 
front door facing the Fairfield, Iowa town square..  51 N. Court.  


 Hi Friends 
 In support of the collective need for peaceful influences in our lives/world 
we are offering opportunities for a silence-based group meditation.

 This is an unprogrammed silence-based meditative experience
 that will last for about an hour.

 Meeting As Simple Practicing Meditators we have,
 no formal creed
 no paid ministers
 no preaching
 no rites
 speaking during this meeting for collective meditation only as to where 
speaking out may improve upon the silence of the meeting.

 Ours is a silence-based
 corporate spiritual practice.

 This is an old practice,

 You are welcome to come in and sit down in silence with us.

 A service project of the Fairfield Iowa Society of Meditating Friends 


---In,  wrote :

 Hi Friends 
 In support of the collective need for peaceful influences in our lives/world 
we are offering opportunities for a silence-based group meditation.


 Weds. Silent meditation at 5:00pm downtown Fairfield Square, front door,  51 
N. Court. Fairfield, Iowa  


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

2016-09-27 Thread anon_alias
According to what I've read, Hillary Clinton served as United States Secretary 
of State from 2009 to 2013 and United States Senator representing New York from 
2001 to 2009.

 The ISIS group originated in 1999 and pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda 
participating in the Iraqi insurgency after the March 2003 invasion of Iraq by 
the U.S., proclaiming the formation of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in 
October 2006.
---In,  wrote :

 The point about ISIS is that it didn't become powerful enough to be a real 
threat until after she had left office.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Can you name a few pieces of legislation that she wrote or co-authored? I 
think there are three.
 She watched ISIS grow as Secretary of State.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 12:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now
   What's a "carrier politician"?

 As to Hillary's accomplishments in the Senate, I posted a link to her 
legislative history. I guess you didn't bother to look at it.

 And regarding Hillary as secretary of state, it looks like you've been 
hoodwinked by Trump again. ISIS was founded before she became SoS, and it 
didn't start expanding its territory until after she had left office.


---In,  wrote :

 Better check the polls again. You may see Francis the Mule in the winners 
circle. If Hillary can't mop the floor with Trump, there is something terribly 
wrong. He's not a carrier politician and I doubt any debate skills.
 Nobody is going to riot if Hillary is elected. That is too *ghetto*. Trump 
voters will be back at work the next day.
 Just who is it that hasn't accomplished anything? Trump has created successful 
business around the world. That means he has created lots of jobs.
 Hillary, on the other hand, what has she accomplished? Rode her husbands 
coattails into the Senate and has accomplished  zip. No major pieces or minor 
for that fact, of legislation.
 Secretary of State... well the middle- east and refugee situation and ISIS 
says enough. not to mention Russia invading Georgia and the Ukraine. Murder, 
destruction and millions of refugees homeless and flooding into Europe. What an 

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 11:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

   Keep dreaming. Trump has as much chance of succeeding in the election, as a 
mule winning the next Kentucky Derby. Hope you will be watching tonight's 
debate, when Hillary cleans the floor with Mop Top. 

I also hope you don't riot in the streets when The Donald loses. It won't be a 
"rigged election" either. That is just the excuse Mr Small Hands will use to 
justify his trouncing, and Clinton's victory. This country has no patience for 
someone who has accomplished nothing in his life, but to hurt others and 
generate controversy. Can't wait to see his ample rear end in the rear view 

 ---In,  wrote :

 And that would guarantee a Hillary victory. More important than voting *for* 
someone, is keeping someone *out*! 
 Hillary is absolutely unacceptable. Trump is the only one that can stop her.

 From: "archonangel@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 11:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

   To not vote for Trump, or Clinton, you would have to vote for Gary Johnson 
or Jill Stein.


---In,  wrote :

 Please Emily. I'm not voting for Trump. I'm voting against Hillary. She is 
totally unacceptable, not simply because she's a liar and a crook and 
untrustworthy, most politicians are to some degree, but because of the policies 
she advocates. I will never accept the open borders she advocates or the 
bringing of a half million ,nearly un-vetted, Syrian refugees to resettle here.
 I didn't support one Republican with these views nor will I support any 
Democrat with the same.
 Dailykos,, New York Times etc, please. These are all mouth pieces 
for the Democratic party, like Pravda was the Communist Party mouth piece.

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 10:51 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now



---In,  wrote :

 I've had it and so, evidently, has this writer. It is getting down to the wire 
and I see this kind of thing all over the place all of a sudden. People have 
simply had enough.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Insiders: Hillary won 
 Insiders: Hillary won Eight 
in 10 agree Donald Trump lost the first debate. But Republicans aren't 
convinced it will hurt him.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 “Trump was an embarrassment,” an Iowa Republican said. “I'd hate to be the guy 
in the spin room lying about how Trump won the debate.”




---In,  wrote :

 According to what I've read, neither Trump or Clinton scored a knockout in the 
first debate. Many issues were left out but will probably be raised in future 
debates. Bottom line, Trump didn't fall on his face, and that means "...the 
draw goes to the challenger rather than the quarter-century Washington 

 Debate wrap-up: Does a draw go to the challenger? - Hot Air
 Debate wrap-up: Does a draw go to the challenger? - Hot ... No 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Exactly.  The debate was like Clinton, a lawyer, was trying to prosecute Trump 
and convince the jury.  But that approach won't work anymore because juries are 
wiser. Did she forget that smirking at Trump's points didn't work too well for 
Marco Rubio?
 And yes Trump got her on the TPP.  And of course we have Hillary offering "a 
chicken in every pot" which doesn't work anymore either.
 I'm not a Trump supporter but just thinking how the debate actually played out 
in the minds of the public and not with our current non-objective press.
 On 09/27/2016 07:13 AM, anon_alias wrote:
   Trump's best moment in the debate was on the economy and trade. According to 
Bernie, the trade deals take jobs away from the U.S. to other countries and 
leads to massive layoffs. This has got to stop! Trump agrees. 
 The economy is the single most important issue in the debate. 
 We've got to improve the economy so people get jobs and make more money. 
Clinton's proposed policies will not bring back American employment. The NAFTA, 
favored by Bill Clinton and the TPP favored by Hillary Clinton are big 
 Incompetent politicians in Washington are to blame for the loss of jobs in 
America to Mexico and China. Bernie was right to blast Clinton on her support 
of the TPP. She told a fib about it in the debate - she once said it was the 
"Gold Standard."
 Time for a change in leadership to get the American economy great again. 
 mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :
 Dream on. She stomped all over him and she did it just right. What, is Michael 
Moore your guru? 
 ---In, wrote :
 Michael Moore says Trump won the debate: “Pro-Hillary gloaters doing end-zone 
dance again when still on 50-yd line,” Moore tweeted. “You must get it in your 
head Trump is gonna win and act accordingly!”
 mailto:j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :
 I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I want to 
sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I did my civic duty 
this morning and watched an edited video containing the most salient points.
 mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :
 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL
 mailto:olliesedwuz@... wrote :
 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Test

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Feste, I am fine with anyone and Sal being here if they moderate themselves 
according to the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those guidelines have been made 
plenty clear.

 The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines:

 For instance see the longer FFL discussion and annotation of Yahoo-groups 
guidelines at FFL post 


---In,  wrote :

 I'm noting that FFL has had more posts this month than in any month for more 
than a year. We need a variety of voices here, and I am glad Sal Sunshine has 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 to be throttled is just unacceptable, under these circumstances.  you've got 
to be able to vent, and it is obvious to most anyone what is venting, and what 
is goading.

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks Steve.  But it's up to Doug at this point.  I can't really figure out 
where the threshold is.  I mean, if he feels that "Doug, might I suggest that 
you need to get out more, do some interesting things, and stop worrying about 
what others are doing or practicing?  

 It's the sign of a small mind" is, in his mind, "run aground the yahoo-groups 
guidelines" I would like to politely suggest he's in the throes of some kind of 
a delusion, since I am quite sure no rules were broken in the making of my 
post, above.

 Notice how Doug never actually *quotes* any rules he feels are being broken?  
So how about it Doug, which rule or rules, specifically, did I "run aground"?  
(FWIW I'm assuming he meant "run afoul of.")


 OK, I have evidently missed something here. Did you say something "against the 
rules"? Did Doug say you were to go to the Principal's office? If so, it was so 
small and insignificant that I missed it. I think you should go back to class 
and forget about it.

 On Sep 26, 2016, at 10:05 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

 We can't lose you Sal.  (-:

 wrote :

 Just testing out your threat, Doug. 




[FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 28-Sep-16 00:15:06 UTC

2016-09-27 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 09/24/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 10/01/16 00:00:00
159 messages as of (UTC) 09/27/16 22:47:25

 22 authfriend
 19 awoelflebater
 18 emily.mae50
 17 anon_alias 
 13 dhamiltony2k5
 11 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 10 olliesedwuz
 10 Bhairitu noozguru
  8 steve.sundur
  5 jr_esq
  5 Share Long sharelong60
  5 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
  4 archonangel
  3 yifuxero
  3 feste37 
  2 wleed3 WLeed3
  2 'Rick Archer' rick
  1 ultrarishi 
  1 j_alexander_stanley
Posters: 19
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
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Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I don't define a "successful" business by its profit margin, that is true.  A 
business built through exploitation is not my idea of something to point at as 
a "success." Your harping on the idea that "Trump is a good businessman" 
because he's made "billions" and therefore would be a good president is 
ridiculous, given what we know of his business history.  

 So, how do you define the success of a business? 

 I am not a business owner.  I haven't studied all the metrics one looks at.  
"Success" is a subjective term.  You define it by one criteria - the one Donald 
tells you to.  What, really, do you know about any of his businesses, how they 
operate, etc.?  

 Personally, I have nothing against making money or a profitable business, but 
to me, the word "success" encompasses far more than just the bottom line on a 
spreadsheet.  For example, how that profit was generated would be important to 
me, yes.  And, how that profit benefits employees in the company, communities, 
social justice issues, etc. would be important to me.  


 My point is that you are ignoring the large and documented and exploitive and 
ethically questionable business practices of Trump and simply believing and 
regurgitating what he is telling you, including the way he wants you to think 
about "success."  "I have a lot of money, a huge amount, a terrifically 
ginormous amount.."

 My point about Trump's success is that he has started numerous businesses, 
most have been successful. 


 How are you defining success?  When you say "most," what are you talking 
about? How in the heck do you know this?  I'm sorry, but you are talking out of 
your ear.  There is a long list of failed Trump businesses is what there is. He 
sells his name; that doesn't give him any credibility or experience in running 
a country. Certainly he has personally lined his pockets with the "proceeds" of 
his "businesses," including his campaign. Where is the support of his business 
community? H..Basically, he's a confidence man and you are one of his 
marks.  I'm trying to enlighten you, but I fear you are just too far gone.  

 5 Ways Donald Trump Is Making Money Off His Own Campaign 
 5 Ways Donald Trump Is Making Money Off His Ow... $18 per taco bowl
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 He understand what it takes for a businesses to get off the ground and grow. 
and what stifles businesses. 

 And on what are you basing any of those remarks on.  How does he understand 
any of that in a way that translates to qualifying him for President.  Did you 
not hear what he said?  Direct quotes from The Donald.  

 Donald Trump's Messy Ideas For Handling The National Debt, Explained
 Donald Trump's Messy Ideas For Handling The National...
 Does Donald Trump want investors to accept a haircut? Or does he just want 
trillions more dollars printed? The Donald's messy economic plans show ...
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Hillary and Obama have no business experience. They've never started one or 
run one. They rely almost entirely on people that never have run one either. 
"well, the theory is..."


 So, this is your criteria - the only criteria you have.  "Donald started a 
business.and now he's rich."  

 People want jobs and a better economy.

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 2:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now


---In,  wrote :

 Oh Emily, are you saying that Trump is *no* saint but Hillary *is*? 


 So you don't define a successful business as to how profitable it is but 
whether it is worthy of the beatitudes? 


 BTW, Christ never advocated  *for* poverty. Many of his parables were about 
rich people and creating wealth and how blessed and wise they were. Abraham, 
Issac and Jacob, the patriarchs of Judaism were quite wealthy and they didn't 
charge five hundred thousand dollars for a twenty minute speech promising 
access for favors.


 Never said he did.  You missed my point entirely.  

 Not the same person but share the same ideology. She was his Secretary of 
State. Of course you 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

2016-09-27 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I don't define a "successful" business by its profit margin, that is true.  A 
business built through exploitation is not my idea of something to point at as 
a "success." Your harping on the idea that "Trump is a good businessman" 
because he's made "billions" and therefore would be a good president is 
ridiculous, given what we know of his business history.  

So, how do you define the success of a business? My point about Trump's success 
is that he has started numerous businesses, most have been successful. He 
understand what it takes for a businesses to get off the ground and grow. and 
what stifles businesses. Hillary and Obama have no business experience. They've 
never started one or run one. They rely almost entirely on people that never 
have run one either. "well, the theory is..."
People want jobs and a better economy.
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 2:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

---In,  wrote :

Oh Emily, are you saying that Trump is *no* saint but Hillary *is*? 
So you don't define a successful business as to how profitable it is but 
whether it is worthy of the beatitudes? 

BTW, Christ never advocated  *for* poverty. Many of his parables were about 
rich people and creating wealth and how blessed and wise they were. Abraham, 
Issac and Jacob, the patriarchs of Judaism were quite wealthy and they didn't 
charge five hundred thousand dollars for a twenty minute speech promising 
access for favors.

Never said he did.  You missed my point entirely.  
Not the same person but share the same ideology. She was his Secretary of 
State. Of course you don't blame Obama or Hillary for world events, unless they 
were good events.
Nope, don't do that either.  
Obama dropped the planned defensive missile shield for Europe. Putin was very 
appreciative of that. It also emboldened him.Notice, Georgia was then invaded 
along with the Crimea and other parts of the Ukraine. Obama threatened Assad 
about the use of chemical weapons and pronounced that he must go, line in the 
sand. Putin came to Assad's aid and the civil war goes on along with millions 
of refugees . Obama and Clinton arranged aid to the rebels, many of whom turned 
out to be ISIS. Obama and Hillary abandoned Mubarak, a long time ally, that 
kept Egypt stable and at peace. They recognized the revolutionary government of 
the Muslim Brotherhood that took control and Obama and Clinton were 
instrumental in the collapse of Libya and overthrow of Kaddhafi who was a 
scoundrel but he had become *our* scoundrel and kept Libya out of the hands of 
terrorists. It's all a matter of leadership, something neither he nor Hillary 

It's easy to create a history that supports one's politics.  You repeat the 
story you like over and over and over and over and reinforce it with what you 
read and watch and basically brainwash yourself.  I believe what I posted 
yesterday to Bhairitu:
History, Wineburg notes, is messy. And the most responsible thing for educators 
to do is to leave elbowroom for the mess. "History as truth, issued from the 
left or the right, abhors shades of gray," Wineburg writes, adding, "Such a 
history atrophies our tolerance for complexity. It makes us allergic to 
exceptions to the rule. Worst of all it depletes the moral courage we need to 
revise our beliefs in the face of new evidence."It insures ultimately that 
tomorrow we will think exactly as we thought yesterday – and the day before and 
the day before that." 
  From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 4:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now
 The measure of a person is not determined by how many billions they made.  Is 
that the criteria you are using to define "success?"  How many billions have 
*you* made?  Shallow thinking there, Mike.  What does the Sermon on the Mount 
say again?
You seem to think that Obama and Hillary are the same person.  Am I right?  You 
refer to them interchangeably.  All I can say is, I don't lay the 
responsibility of world conflicts or the antics of dictators solely at the feet 
of Obama and Hillary.  Too simplistic a conclusion, dontcha think?  

---In,  wrote :

She *rest* the relationship with Russia, I'm sure at Obama's behest . Obama 
stopped the missile defense system for Europe. Putin knew he was dealing with a 
pansy. And the *red lines* that Obama drew in the sand for Assad proved it. 
Don't forget the debacles in Egypt and Libya.Actually, I said Trump has created 
*successful* businesses.Trump has made billions with his businesses. How about 
you? Tell us about the billions you've made Emily. I won't even ask to see your 

  From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Maharishi also said Bush and those like him were opening the gates of hell. 
Maybe that accounts for Trump's orange hair and perpetual tan? Donnie is 
probably shoe shine boy, massage therapist, and concierge for the Anti-Christ.
---In,  wrote :

 Your response reeks of desperation. Hillary in November.
You ever hear of what Maharishi said about *positive* thinking?

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 12:20 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

---In,  wrote :

 He should have gone more off-topic, in my opinion. He should have mentioned 
that he got the "birther" idea from Obama himself, after reading his book 
promotion bio where he says he was from Kenya.  

 He could have brought up the fact that Obama came into office as a confessed 
coke user. Now that would be funny since you mentioned "Sniffles." You sound 
kind of biased!

 He left out the part about Hillary being Bill's enabler. There are a lot of 
people that don't want Bill back living in the White House, at any cost. Trump 
should have brought up Flowers, Broaddrick, Jones and Lewinsky. 
---In,  wrote :

 No doubt Sniffles will blame it all on the meanie ads Hillary is running 
(which just contain quotes of his). Or go off topic, talking about...*Rosie 
O'Donnell*?!!? again. What a loon. Looking less presidential by the hour.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Everybody who was going to vote for Hillary before the debate is still going 
to vote for her and most who were going to vote for Sniffles will mostly still 
vote for him but those who weren't sure who to vote for will plump up those 
poll numbers for Clinton in the next few days. She definitely swayed some 
undecideds to her side. 
---In,  wrote :

 Trump wasn't solid and forceful about anything - He is like a small child 
yelling constantly for attention, and once the adults give it to him, or he 
butts in with no manners, the only thing he can do is begin whining and 
criticizing again. He is empty. Anyone could do the job of GOP candidate better 
than he is doing. He exists inside his own echo chamber, and no matter how much 
the misguided and opportunistic try to prop him up, the more spineless and 
confused he becomes. 

He only likes attention and approval for himself, like an infant. There isn't 
anything else in his very small world, and that was vividly on display last 
night. Sputtering, interrupting constantly, and absolutely devoid of anything 
to say. We've heard his shopworn attacks so many times. He is like a one hit 
wonder who came out with a top single 40 years ago, and every time he shows up, 
out comes the same old tune. The fans love it, and everyone else finds him 
boring, weird, and irrelevant. Maybe his new nickname oughta be "Sniffles".

 ---In,  wrote :

 Trump was solid and forceful when he talked about the economy and trade. He 
panned policies that have led to unemployment in the U.S. and he was aggressive 
for her past support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. 

  In over thirty years of public service, Clinton is still repeating the same 
old playbook. Time for a change. 

 "The centerpiece of Trump's case against Clinton was that the former senator 
and secretary of state is little more than a career politician who has 
squandered opportunities to address the domestic and international she's now 
pledging to tackle as president."

 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) — In a combative opening debate, Hillary Clinton 
emphatically denounced Donald Trump Monday night for keeping his personal tax 
returns and busi...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushov

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Oh Emily, are you saying that Trump is *no* saint but Hillary *is*? 


 So you don't define a successful business as to how profitable it is but 
whether it is worthy of the beatitudes? 

 I don't define a "successful" business by its profit margin, that is true.  A 
business built through exploitation is not my idea of something to point at as 
a "success." Your harping on the idea that "Trump is a good businessman" 
because he's made "billions" and therefore would be a good president is 
ridiculous, given what we know of his business history.  

 BTW, Christ never advocated  *for* poverty. Many of his parables were about 
rich people and creating wealth and how blessed and wise they were. Abraham, 
Issac and Jacob, the patriarchs of Judaism were quite wealthy and they didn't 
charge five hundred thousand dollars for a twenty minute speech promising 
access for favors.


 Never said he did.  You missed my point entirely.  

 Not the same person but share the same ideology. She was his Secretary of 
State. Of course you don't blame Obama or Hillary for world events, unless they 
were good events.

 Nope, don't do that either.  

 Obama dropped the planned defensive missile shield for Europe. Putin was very 
appreciative of that. It also emboldened him.Notice, Georgia was then invaded 
along with the Crimea and other parts of the Ukraine. Obama threatened Assad 
about the use of chemical weapons and pronounced that he must go, line in the 
sand. Putin came to Assad's aid and the civil war goes on along with millions 
of refugees . Obama and Clinton arranged aid to the rebels, many of whom turned 
out to be ISIS. Obama and Hillary abandoned Mubarak, a long time ally, that 
kept Egypt stable and at peace. They recognized the revolutionary government of 
the Muslim Brotherhood that took control and Obama and Clinton were 
instrumental in the collapse of Libya and overthrow of Kaddhafi who was a 
scoundrel but he had become *our* scoundrel and kept Libya out of the hands of 
terrorists. It's all a matter of leadership, something neither he nor Hillary 


 It's easy to create a history that supports one's politics.  You repeat the 
story you like over and over and over and over and reinforce it with what you 
read and watch and basically brainwash yourself.  I believe what I posted 
yesterday to Bhairitu:

 History, Wineburg notes, is messy. And the most responsible thing for 
educators to do is to leave elbowroom for the mess. "History as truth, issued 
from the left or the right, abhors shades of gray," Wineburg writes, adding, 
"Such a history atrophies our tolerance for complexity. It makes us allergic to 
exceptions to the rule. Worst of all it depletes the moral courage we need to 
revise our beliefs in the face of new evidence.
 "It insures ultimately that tomorrow we will think exactly as we thought 
yesterday – and the day before and the day before that." 

 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 4:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now
   The measure of a person is not determined by how many billions they made.  
Is that the criteria you are using to define "success?"  How many billions have 
*you* made?  Shallow thinking there, Mike.  What does the Sermon on the Mount 
say again?

 You seem to think that Obama and Hillary are the same person.  Am I right?  
You refer to them interchangeably.  All I can say is, I don't lay the 
responsibility of world conflicts or the antics of dictators solely at the feet 
of Obama and Hillary.  Too simplistic a conclusion, dontcha think?  
---In,  wrote :

 She *rest* the relationship with Russia, I'm sure at Obama's behest . Obama 
stopped the missile defense system for Europe. Putin knew he was dealing with a 
pansy. And the *red lines* that Obama drew in the sand for Assad proved it. 
Don't forget the debacles in Egypt and Libya.
 Actually, I said Trump has created *successful* businesses.Trump has made 
billions with his businesses. How about you? Tell us about the billions you've 
made Emily. I won't even ask to see your taxes.


 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 2:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

   Ah ha ha Mikelike one person has the responsibility for all the world's 
ills.  Can you try and be a little more dramatic in your accusations?  And your 
insistence that Trump is a "good businessman" is hilarious.  

 "Secretary of State... well the middle- east and refugee situation and ISIS 
says enough. not to mention Russia invading Georgia and the Ukraine. Murder, 
destruction and millions of refugees homeless and flooding into Europe. What an 

---In Fairfiel

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Your response reeks of desperation. Hillary in November.
You ever hear of what Maharishi said about *positive* thinking?
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 12:20 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

---In,  wrote :

He should have gone more off-topic, in my opinion. He should have mentioned 
that he got the "birther" idea from Obama himself, after reading his book 
promotion bio where he says he was from Kenya. 
He could have brought up the fact that Obama came into office as a confessed 
coke user. Now that would be funny since you mentioned "Sniffles." You sound 
kind of biased!

He left out the part about Hillary being Bill's enabler. There are a lot of 
people that don't want Bill back living in the White House, at any cost. Trump 
should have brought up Flowers, Broaddrick, Jones and Lewinsky.
---In,  wrote :

No doubt Sniffles will blame it all on the meanie ads Hillary is running (which 
just contain quotes of his). Or go off topic, talking about...*Rosie 
O'Donnell*?!!? again. What a loon. Looking less presidential by the hour.

---In,  wrote :

Everybody who was going to vote for Hillary before the debate is still going to 
vote for her and most who were going to vote for Sniffles will mostly still 
vote for him but those who weren't sure who to vote for will plump up those 
poll numbers for Clinton in the next few days. She definitely swayed some 
undecideds to her side.
---In,  wrote :

Trump wasn't solid and forceful about anything - He is like a small child 
yelling constantly for attention, and once the adults give it to him, or he 
butts in with no manners, the only thing he can do is begin whining and 
criticizing again. He is empty. Anyone could do the job of GOP candidate better 
than he is doing. He exists inside his own echo chamber, and no matter how much 
the misguided and opportunistic try to prop him up, the more spineless and 
confused he becomes. 

He only likes attention and approval for himself, like an infant. There isn't 
anything else in his very small world, and that was vividly on display last 
night. Sputtering, interrupting constantly, and absolutely devoid of anything 
to say. We've heard his shopworn attacks so many times. He is like a one hit 
wonder who came out with a top single 40 years ago, and every time he shows up, 
out comes the same old tune. The fans love it, and everyone else finds him 
boring, weird, and irrelevant. Maybe his new nickname oughta be "Sniffles".
---In,  wrote :

Trump was solid and forceful when he talked about the economy and trade. He 
panned policies that have led to unemployment in the U.S. and he was aggressive 
for her past support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. 
 In over thirty years of public service, Clinton is still repeating the same 
old playbook. Time for a change. 
"The centerpiece of Trump's case against Clinton was that the former senator 
and secretary of state is little more than a career politician who has 
squandered opportunities to address the domestic and international she's now 
pledging to tackle as president."
Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
|  |
|  | |  | Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror 
HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) — In a combative opening debate, Hillary Clinton 
emphatically denounced Donald Trump Monday night for keeping his personal tax 
returns and busi... |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


---In,  wrote :

I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL
---In,  wrote :

If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and thir

[FairfieldLife] Water Vapor Plumes on Europa Found

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
By Hubble Space Telescope.  But NASA has planned space missions in 2022 to get 
closer to the moon of Jupiter to test for possible life inside its frozen ocean.

 Hubble Directly Images Possible Plumes on Europa 
 Hubble Directly Images Possible Plumes on Europa NASA's Hubble 
Space Telescope took direct ultraviolet images of the icy moon Europa 
transiting across the disk of Jupiter. Out of ten observations, Hubbl...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Your response reeks of desperation. Hillary in November.
---In,  wrote :

 He should have gone more off-topic, in my opinion. He should have mentioned 
that he got the "birther" idea from Obama himself, after reading his book 
promotion bio where he says he was from Kenya.  

 He could have brought up the fact that Obama came into office as a confessed 
coke user. Now that would be funny since you mentioned "Sniffles." You sound 
kind of biased!

 He left out the part about Hillary being Bill's enabler. There are a lot of 
people that don't want Bill back living in the White House, at any cost. Trump 
should have brought up Flowers, Broaddrick, Jones and Lewinsky. 
---In,  wrote :

 No doubt Sniffles will blame it all on the meanie ads Hillary is running 
(which just contain quotes of his). Or go off topic, talking about...*Rosie 
O'Donnell*?!!? again. What a loon. Looking less presidential by the hour.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Everybody who was going to vote for Hillary before the debate is still going 
to vote for her and most who were going to vote for Sniffles will mostly still 
vote for him but those who weren't sure who to vote for will plump up those 
poll numbers for Clinton in the next few days. She definitely swayed some 
undecideds to her side. 
---In,  wrote :

 Trump wasn't solid and forceful about anything - He is like a small child 
yelling constantly for attention, and once the adults give it to him, or he 
butts in with no manners, the only thing he can do is begin whining and 
criticizing again. He is empty. Anyone could do the job of GOP candidate better 
than he is doing. He exists inside his own echo chamber, and no matter how much 
the misguided and opportunistic try to prop him up, the more spineless and 
confused he becomes. 

He only likes attention and approval for himself, like an infant. There isn't 
anything else in his very small world, and that was vividly on display last 
night. Sputtering, interrupting constantly, and absolutely devoid of anything 
to say. We've heard his shopworn attacks so many times. He is like a one hit 
wonder who came out with a top single 40 years ago, and every time he shows up, 
out comes the same old tune. The fans love it, and everyone else finds him 
boring, weird, and irrelevant. Maybe his new nickname oughta be "Sniffles".

 ---In,  wrote :

 Trump was solid and forceful when he talked about the economy and trade. He 
panned policies that have led to unemployment in the U.S. and he was aggressive 
for her past support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. 

  In over thirty years of public service, Clinton is still repeating the same 
old playbook. Time for a change. 

 "The centerpiece of Trump's case against Clinton was that the former senator 
and secretary of state is little more than a career politician who has 
squandered opportunities to address the domestic and international she's now 
pledging to tackle as president."

 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) — In a combative opening debate, Hillary Clinton 
emphatically denounced Donald Trump Monday night for keeping his personal tax 
returns and busi...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL 
---In,  wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up ever

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread anon_alias
He should have gone more off-topic, in my opinion. He should have mentioned 
that he got the "birther" idea from Obama himself, after reading his book 
promotion bio where he says he was from Kenya.  

 He could have brought up the fact that Obama came into office as a confessed 
coke user. Now that would be funny since you mentioned "Sniffles." You sound 
kind of biased!

 He left out the part about Hillary being Bill's enabler. There are a lot of 
people that don't want Bill back living in the White House, at any cost. Trump 
should have brought up Flowers, Broaddrick, Jones and Lewinsky. 
---In,  wrote :

 No doubt Sniffles will blame it all on the meanie ads Hillary is running 
(which just contain quotes of his). Or go off topic, talking about...*Rosie 
O'Donnell*?!!? again. What a loon. Looking less presidential by the hour.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Everybody who was going to vote for Hillary before the debate is still going 
to vote for her and most who were going to vote for Sniffles will mostly still 
vote for him but those who weren't sure who to vote for will plump up those 
poll numbers for Clinton in the next few days. She definitely swayed some 
undecideds to her side. 
---In,  wrote :

 Trump wasn't solid and forceful about anything - He is like a small child 
yelling constantly for attention, and once the adults give it to him, or he 
butts in with no manners, the only thing he can do is begin whining and 
criticizing again. He is empty. Anyone could do the job of GOP candidate better 
than he is doing. He exists inside his own echo chamber, and no matter how much 
the misguided and opportunistic try to prop him up, the more spineless and 
confused he becomes. 

He only likes attention and approval for himself, like an infant. There isn't 
anything else in his very small world, and that was vividly on display last 
night. Sputtering, interrupting constantly, and absolutely devoid of anything 
to say. We've heard his shopworn attacks so many times. He is like a one hit 
wonder who came out with a top single 40 years ago, and every time he shows up, 
out comes the same old tune. The fans love it, and everyone else finds him 
boring, weird, and irrelevant. Maybe his new nickname oughta be "Sniffles".

 ---In,  wrote :

 Trump was solid and forceful when he talked about the economy and trade. He 
panned policies that have led to unemployment in the U.S. and he was aggressive 
for her past support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. 

  In over thirty years of public service, Clinton is still repeating the same 
old playbook. Time for a change. 

 "The centerpiece of Trump's case against Clinton was that the former senator 
and secretary of state is little more than a career politician who has 
squandered opportunities to address the domestic and international she's now 
pledging to tackle as president."

 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) — In a combative opening debate, Hillary Clinton 
emphatically denounced Donald Trump Monday night for keeping his personal tax 
returns and busi...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL 
---In,  wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straig

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread anon_alias
According to what I've read, neither Trump or Clinton scored a knockout in the 
first debate. Many issues were left out but will probably be raised in future 
debates. Bottom line, Trump didn't fall on his face, and that means "...the 
draw goes to the challenger rather than the quarter-century Washington 

 Debate wrap-up: Does a draw go to the challenger? - Hot Air 
 Debate wrap-up: Does a draw go to the challenger? - Hot ... No 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 Exactly.  The debate was like Clinton, a lawyer, was trying to prosecute Trump 
and convince the jury.  But that approach won't work anymore because juries are 
wiser. Did she forget that smirking at Trump's points didn't work too well for 
Marco Rubio?
 And yes Trump got her on the TPP.  And of course we have Hillary offering "a 
chicken in every pot" which doesn't work anymore either.
 I'm not a Trump supporter but just thinking how the debate actually played out 
in the minds of the public and not with our current non-objective press.
 On 09/27/2016 07:13 AM, anon_alias wrote:
   Trump's best moment in the debate was on the economy and trade. According to 
Bernie, the trade deals take jobs away from the U.S. to other countries and 
leads to massive layoffs. This has got to stop! Trump agrees. 
 The economy is the single most important issue in the debate. 
 We've got to improve the economy so people get jobs and make more money. 
Clinton's proposed policies will not bring back American employment. The NAFTA, 
favored by Bill Clinton and the TPP favored by Hillary Clinton are big 
 Incompetent politicians in Washington are to blame for the loss of jobs in 
America to Mexico and China. Bernie was right to blast Clinton on her support 
of the TPP. She told a fib about it in the debate - she once said it was the 
"Gold Standard."
 Time for a change in leadership to get the American economy great again. 
 mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :
 Dream on. She stomped all over him and she did it just right. What, is Michael 
Moore your guru? 
 ---In, wrote :
 Michael Moore says Trump won the debate: “Pro-Hillary gloaters doing end-zone 
dance again when still on 50-yd line,” Moore tweeted. “You must get it in your 
head Trump is gonna win and act accordingly!”
 mailto:j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :
 I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I want to 
sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I did my civic duty 
this morning and watched an edited video containing the most salient points.
 mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :
 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL
 mailto:olliesedwuz@... wrote :
 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 
 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Exactly.  The debate was like Clinton, a lawyer, was trying to prosecute 
Trump and convince the jury. But that approach won't work anymore 
because juries are wiser. Did she forget that smirking at Trump's points 
didn't work too well for Marco Rubio?

And yes Trump got her on the TPP.  And of course we have Hillary 
offering "a chicken in every pot" which doesn't work anymore either.

I'm not a Trump supporter but just thinking how the debate actually 
played out in the minds of the public and not with our current 
non-objective press.

On 09/27/2016 07:13 AM, anon_alias wrote:
Trump's best moment in the debate was on the economy and trade. 
According to Bernie, the trade deals take jobs away from the U.S. to 
other countries and leads to massive layoffs. This has got to stop! 
Trump agrees.

The economy is the single most important issue in the debate.

We've got to improve the economy so people get jobs and make more 
money. Clinton's proposed policies will not bring back American 
employment. The NAFTA, favored by Bill Clinton and the TPP favored by 
Hillary Clinton are big mistakes.

Incompetent politicians in Washington are to blame for the loss of 
jobs in America to Mexico and China. Bernie was right to blast Clinton 
on her support of the TPP. She told a fib about it in the debate - she 
once said it was the "Gold Standard."

Time for a change in leadership to get the American economy great again.

---In,  wrote :

Dream on. She stomped all over him and she did it just right. What, is 
Michael Moore your guru?

---In,  wrote :

Michael Moore says Trump won the debate: “Pro-Hillary gloaters doing 
end-zone dance again when still on 50-yd line,” Moore tweeted.“You 
must get it in your head Trump is gonna win and act accordingly!”

---In,  wrote :

I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I 
want to sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I 
did my civic duty this morning and watched an edited video containing 
the most salient points.

---In,  wrote :

I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a 
glass of wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I 
could keep watching was because it was evident that Hillary was under 
complete control. As I watched her I saw her being able to think ahead 
to the next debate as she watched her opponent stumble bumble his way 
and she was already figuring out how to deal with him and his terrible 
lack of preparation going forward. He was a pushover - confused, 
blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if his incessant 
sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a 
deadly disease for sure. LOL

,  wrote :

If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, 
to 0 Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his 
thoughts or agenda straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several 
times out of desperation. Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. 
Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton on the other hand came across 
as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and the only adult at 
either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a cakewalk for 
Hillary. This one sure was.

Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless 
laziness and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred 
campaign stops, never reality tested, and transparently empty and 
deceptive. Trump even got caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster 
anything except weak denials. His response to his being the only major 
candidate in 40 years not to release his tax returns gave Clinton a 
field day, and more incoherent denials from Spray-Tan. That was the 
main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, and outplayed. He 
will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the 
nation. Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)

---In,  wrote :

Dream on. She stomped all over him and she did it just right. What, is 
Michael Moore your guru?

---In,  wrote :

Michael Moore says Trump won the debate: “Pro-Hillary gloaters doing 
end-zone dance again when still on 50-yd line,” Moore tweeted.“You 
must get it in your head Trump is gonna win and act accordingly!”

---In,  wrote :

I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I 
want to sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I 
did my civic duty this morning and watched an edited video containing 
the most salient points.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

2016-09-27 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Oh Emily, are you saying that Trump is *no* saint but Hillary *is*? So you 
don't define a successful business as to how profitable it is but whether it is 
worthy of the beatitudes? BTW, Christ never advocated  *for* poverty. Many of 
his parables were about rich people and creating wealth and how blessed and 
wise they were. Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the patriarchs of Judaism were quite 
wealthy and they didn't charge five hundred thousand dollars for a twenty 
minute speech promising access for favors.
Not the same person but share the same ideology. She was his Secretary of 
State. Of course you don't blame Obama or Hillary for world events, unless they 
were good events.Obama dropped the planned defensive missile shield for Europe. 
Putin was very appreciative of that. It also emboldened him.Notice, Georgia was 
then invaded along with the Crimea and other parts of the Ukraine. Obama 
threatened Assad about the use of chemical weapons and pronounced that he must 
go, line in the sand. Putin came to Assad's aid and the civil war goes on along 
with millions of refugees . Obama and Clinton arranged aid to the rebels, many 
of whom turned out to be ISIS. Obama and Hillary abandoned Mubarak, a long time 
ally, that kept Egypt stable and at peace. They recognized the revolutionary 
government of the Muslim Brotherhood that took control and Obama and Clinton 
were instrumental in the collapse of Libya and overthrow of Kaddhafi who was a 
scoundrel but he had become *our* scoundrel and kept Libya out of the hands of 
terrorists. It's all a matter of leadership, something neither he nor Hillary 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 4:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now
    The measure of a person is not determined by how many billions they made.  
Is that the criteria you are using to define "success?"  How many billions have 
*you* made?  Shallow thinking there, Mike.  What does the Sermon on the Mount 
say again?
You seem to think that Obama and Hillary are the same person.  Am I right?  You 
refer to them interchangeably.  All I can say is, I don't lay the 
responsibility of world conflicts or the antics of dictators solely at the feet 
of Obama and Hillary.  Too simplistic a conclusion, dontcha think?  

---In,  wrote :

She *rest* the relationship with Russia, I'm sure at Obama's behest . Obama 
stopped the missile defense system for Europe. Putin knew he was dealing with a 
pansy. And the *red lines* that Obama drew in the sand for Assad proved it. 
Don't forget the debacles in Egypt and Libya.Actually, I said Trump has created 
*successful* businesses.Trump has made billions with his businesses. How about 
you? Tell us about the billions you've made Emily. I won't even ask to see your 

  From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 2:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now
 Ah ha ha Mikelike one person has the responsibility for all the world's 
ills.  Can you try and be a little more dramatic in your accusations?  And your 
insistence that Trump is a "good businessman" is hilarious.  
"Secretary of State... well the middle- east and refugee situation and ISIS 
says enough. not to mention Russia invading Georgia and the Ukraine. Murder, 
destruction and millions of refugees homeless and flooding into Europe. What an 

---In,  wrote :

Better check the polls again. You may see Francis the Mule in the winners 
circle. If Hillary can't mop the floor with Trump, there is something terribly 
wrong. He's not a carrier politician and I doubt any debate skills.
Nobody is going to riot if Hillary is elected. That is too *ghetto*. Trump 
voters will be back at work the next day.Just who is it that hasn't 
accomplished anything? Trump has created successful business around the world. 
That means he has created lots of jobs.
Hillary, on the other hand, what has she accomplished? Rode her husbands 
coattails into the Senate and has accomplished  zip. No major pieces or minor 
for that fact, of legislation.Secretary of State... well the middle- east and 
refugee situation and ISIS says enough. not to mention Russia invading Georgia 
and the Ukraine. Murder, destruction and millions of refugees homeless and 
flooding into Europe. What an accomplishment!
  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 11:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Exactly How I'm Feeling Just about Now

 Keep dreaming. Trump has as much chance of succeeding in the election, as a 
mule winning the next Kentucky Derby. Hope you will be watching tonight's 
debate, when Hillary cleans the floor with Mop Top. 

I also hope y

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
No doubt Sniffles will blame it all on the meanie ads Hillary is running (which 
just contain quotes of his). Or go off topic, talking about...*Rosie 
O'Donnell*?!!? again. What a loon. Looking less presidential by the hour.

 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Trump wasn't solid and forceful about anything - He is like a small child 
yelling constantly for attention, and once the adults give it to him, or he 
butts in with no manners, the only thing he can do is begin whining and 
criticizing again. He is empty. Anyone could do the job of GOP candidate better 
than he is doing. He exists inside his own echo chamber, and no matter how much 
the misguided and opportunistic try to prop him up, the more spineless and 
confused he becomes. 

He only likes attention and approval for himself, like an infant. There isn't 
anything else in his very small world, and that was vividly on display last 
night. Sputtering, interrupting constantly, and absolutely devoid of anything 
to say. We've heard his shopworn attacks so many times. He is like a one hit 
wonder who came out with a top single 40 years ago, and every time he shows up, 
out comes the same old tune. The fans love it, and everyone else finds him 
boring, weird, and irrelevant. Maybe his new nickname oughta be "Sniffles".

 Everybody who was going to vote for Hillary before the debate is still going 
to vote for her and most who were going to vote for Sniffles will mostly still 
vote for him but those who weren't sure who to vote for will plump up those 
poll numbers for Clinton in the next few days. She definitely swayed some 
undecideds to her side.
---In,  wrote :

 Trump was solid and forceful when he talked about the economy and trade. He 
panned policies that have led to unemployment in the U.S. and he was aggressive 
for her past support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. 

  In over thirty years of public service, Clinton is still repeating the same 
old playbook. Time for a change. 

 "The centerpiece of Trump's case against Clinton was that the former senator 
and secretary of state is little more than a career politician who has 
squandered opportunities to address the domestic and international she's now 
pledging to tackle as president."

 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) — In a combative opening debate, Hillary Clinton 
emphatically denounced Donald Trump Monday night for keeping his personal tax 
returns and busi...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL 
---In,  wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Empty spin. To even think that Trump will win this election takes a willfulness 
that truly defies reality. A head garment made of tinfoil helps though, 
insulating the wearer from evil Hillary cooties, and invisible brainwashing by 
"the MSM". 
---In,  wrote :

 According to what I've read, Clinton is losing ground in the some key pivotal 
states: "Indeed, while polls said that Clinton won the first general election 
debate with Donald Trump Monday, she may not have won actual votes."

 Presidential debate surprise: Clinton loses ground among some voters in North 
 Presidential debate surprise: Clinton loses ground among... 
Hillary Clinton lost ground in Monday's debate with Donald Trump. Four of 21 
North Carolina voters interviewed in a focus group by McClatchy and the 
Charlotte O...

 View on www.charlotteobser...
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 You can't be serious. This time around the press has no choice but to award 
the (substantial) win to Clinton, reporting it widely, and the undecided voters 
are swinging in Hillary's direction. There is a hardcore 30% of the electorate 
who will back Trump, regardless. The rest are moving towards Clinton. It is a 
rout from here on in. 

Some are saying Trump will duck the remaining two debates. That would be a wise 
thing to do, as every unlikable, petty, thoughtless, untrustworthy trait on 
display last night, will show up again, only worse, because he will only repeat 
himself. As substantial as tissue paper, that one.
---In,  wrote :

 You are right, of course, but now watch Trump continue to inch up in the 
---In,  wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Trump wasn't solid and forceful about anything - He is like a small child 
yelling constantly for attention, and once the adults give it to him, or he 
butts in with no manners, the only thing he can do is begin whining and 
criticizing again. He is empty. Anyone could do the job of GOP candidate better 
than he is doing. He exists inside his own echo chamber, and no matter how much 
the misguided and opportunistic try to prop him up, the more spineless and 
confused he becomes. 

He only likes attention and approval for himself, like an infant. There isn't 
anything else in his very small world, and that was vividly on display last 
night. Sputtering, interrupting constantly, and absolutely devoid of anything 
to say. We've heard his shopworn attacks so many times. He is like a one hit 
wonder who came out with a top single 40 years ago, and every time he shows up, 
out comes the same old tune. The fans love it, and everyone else finds him 
boring, weird, and irrelevant. Maybe his new nickname oughta be "Sniffles".

 Everybody who was going to vote for Hillary before the debate is still going 
to vote for her and most who were going to vote for Sniffles will mostly still 
vote for him but those who weren't sure who to vote for will plump up those 
poll numbers for Clinton in the next few days. She definitely swayed some 
undecideds to her side.
---In,  wrote :

 Trump was solid and forceful when he talked about the economy and trade. He 
panned policies that have led to unemployment in the U.S. and he was aggressive 
for her past support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. 

  In over thirty years of public service, Clinton is still repeating the same 
old playbook. Time for a change. 

 "The centerpiece of Trump's case against Clinton was that the former senator 
and secretary of state is little more than a career politician who has 
squandered opportunities to address the domestic and international she's now 
pledging to tackle as president."

 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) — In a combative opening debate, Hillary Clinton 
emphatically denounced Donald Trump Monday night for keeping his personal tax 
returns and busi...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL 
---In,  wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 You can't be serious. This time around the press has no choice but to award 
the (substantial) win to Clinton, reporting it widely, and the undecided voters 
are swinging in Hillary's direction. There is a hardcore 30% of the electorate 
who will back Trump, regardless. The rest are moving towards Clinton. It is a 
rout from here on in. 

Some are saying Trump will duck the remaining two debates. That would be a wise 
thing to do, as every unlikable, petty, thoughtless, untrustworthy trait on 
display last night, will show up again, only worse, because he will only repeat 
himself. As substantial as tissue paper, that one.

 Well, you do realize his mic wasn't working correctly, right? That explains 
---In,  wrote :

 You are right, of course, but now watch Trump continue to inch up in the 

---In,  wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Trump wasn't solid and forceful about anything - He is like a small child 
yelling constantly for attention, and once the adults give it to him, or he 
butts in with no manners, the only thing he can do is begin whining and 
criticizing again. He is empty. Anyone could do the job of GOP candidate better 
than he is doing. He exists inside his own echo chamber, and no matter how much 
the misguided and opportunistic try to prop him up, the more spineless and 
confused he becomes. 

He only likes attention and approval for himself, like an infant. There isn't 
anything else in his very small world, and that was vividly on display last 
night. Sputtering, interrupting constantly, and absolutely devoid of anything 
to say. We've heard his shopworn attacks so many times. He is like a one hit 
wonder who came out with a top single 40 years ago, and every time he shows up, 
out comes the same old tune. The fans love it, and everyone else finds him 
boring, weird, and irrelevant. Maybe his new nickname oughta be "Sniffles".
---In,  wrote :

 Trump was solid and forceful when he talked about the economy and trade. He 
panned policies that have led to unemployment in the U.S. and he was aggressive 
for her past support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. 

  In over thirty years of public service, Clinton is still repeating the same 
old playbook. Time for a change. 

 "The centerpiece of Trump's case against Clinton was that the former senator 
and secretary of state is little more than a career politician who has 
squandered opportunities to address the domestic and international she's now 
pledging to tackle as president."

 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) — In a combative opening debate, Hillary Clinton 
emphatically denounced Donald Trump Monday night for keeping his personal tax 
returns and busi...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL 
---In,  wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)




[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread anon_alias
According to what I've read, Clinton is losing ground in the some key pivotal 
states: "Indeed, while polls said that Clinton won the first general election 
debate with Donald Trump Monday, she may not have won actual votes."

 Presidential debate surprise: Clinton loses ground among some voters in North 
 Presidential debate surprise: Clinton loses ground among... 
Hillary Clinton lost ground in Monday's debate with Donald Trump. Four of 21 
North Carolina voters interviewed in a focus group by McClatchy and the 
Charlotte O...
 View on www.charlotteobser... 
 Preview by Yahoo 
---In,  wrote :

 You can't be serious. This time around the press has no choice but to award 
the (substantial) win to Clinton, reporting it widely, and the undecided voters 
are swinging in Hillary's direction. There is a hardcore 30% of the electorate 
who will back Trump, regardless. The rest are moving towards Clinton. It is a 
rout from here on in. 

Some are saying Trump will duck the remaining two debates. That would be a wise 
thing to do, as every unlikable, petty, thoughtless, untrustworthy trait on 
display last night, will show up again, only worse, because he will only repeat 
himself. As substantial as tissue paper, that one.
---In,  wrote :

 You are right, of course, but now watch Trump continue to inch up in the 
---In,  wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread anon_alias
Trump was solid and forceful when he talked about the economy and trade. He 
panned policies that have led to unemployment in the U.S. and he was aggressive 
for her past support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. 

  In over thirty years of public service, Clinton is still repeating the same 
old playbook. Time for a change. 

 "The centerpiece of Trump's case against Clinton was that the former senator 
and secretary of state is little more than a career politician who has 
squandered opportunities to address the domestic and international she's now 
pledging to tackle as president."

 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror
 HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) — In a combative opening debate, Hillary Clinton 
emphatically denounced Donald Trump Monday night for keeping his personal tax 
returns and busi...
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL 
---In,  wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)




Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread anon_alias
Keep it classy, Iowa!

---In,  wrote :

 I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually was on coke.   

On Sep 27, 2016, at 5:27 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... 
mailto:j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]> wrote:
I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I want to 
sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I did my civic duty 
this morning and watched an edited video containing the most salient points. 
mailto:awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL 
 wrote :
 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 
 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)



[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread anon_alias
Trump's best moment in the debate was on the economy and trade. According to 
Bernie, the trade deals take jobs away from the U.S. to other countries and 
leads to massive layoffs. This has got to stop! Trump agrees. 

 The economy is the single most important issue in the debate. 

 We've got to improve the economy so people get jobs and make more money. 
Clinton's proposed policies will not bring back American employment. The NAFTA, 
favored by Bill Clinton and the TPP favored by Hillary Clinton are big 

 Incompetent politicians in Washington are to blame for the loss of jobs in 
America to Mexico and China. Bernie was right to blast Clinton on her support 
of the TPP. She told a fib about it in the debate - she once said it was the 
"Gold Standard."

 Time for a change in leadership to get the American economy great again. 

---In,  wrote :

 Dream on. She stomped all over him and she did it just right. What, is Michael 
Moore your guru? 
---In,  wrote :

 Michael Moore says Trump won the debate: “Pro-Hillary gloaters doing end-zone 
dance again when still on 50-yd line,” Moore tweeted. “You must get it in your 
head Trump is gonna win and act accordingly!”
---In,  wrote :

 I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I want to 
sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I did my civic duty 
this morning and watched an edited video containing the most salient points.

 ---In,  wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL

 wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)






---In,  wrote :

 Dream on. She stomped all over him and she did it just right. What, is Michael 
Moore your guru? 
---In,  wrote :

 Michael Moore says Trump won the debate: “Pro-Hillary gloaters doing end-zone 
dance again when still on 50-yd line,” Moore tweeted. “You must get it in your 
head Trump is gonna win and act accordingly!”
---In,  wrote :

 I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I want to 
sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I did my civic duty 
this morning and watched an edited video containing the most salient points.

 ---In,  wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of p

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread feste37
I hope you're right. I find myself full of admiration for Hillary Clinton for 
her performance last night. However, Nate Silver at 538 gives her a 55.5% 
chance of winning the election, with Trump at 44.5%. (That's from before last 
night.) That's way too close for comfort, and I doubt whether the debate will 
alter it much. I still think Trump will win, but hope to be wrong. 

---In,  wrote :

 You can't be serious. This time around the press has no choice but to award 
the (substantial) win to Clinton, reporting it widely, and the undecided voters 
are swinging in Hillary's direction. There is a hardcore 30% of the electorate 
who will back Trump, regardless. The rest are moving towards Clinton. It is a 
rout from here on in. 

Some are saying Trump will duck the remaining two debates. That would be a wise 
thing to do, as every unlikable, petty, thoughtless, untrustworthy trait on 
display last night, will show up again, only worse, because he will only repeat 
himself. As substantial as tissue paper, that one.
---In,  wrote :

 You are right, of course, but now watch Trump continue to inch up in the 

---In,  wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Test

2016-09-27 Thread feste37
I'm noting that FFL has had more posts this month than in any month for more 
than a year. We need a variety of voices here, and I am glad Sal Sunshine has 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 to be throttled is just unacceptable, under these circumstances.  you've got 
to be able to vent, and it is obvious to most anyone what is venting, and what 
is goading.

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks Steve.  But it's up to Doug at this point.  I can't really figure out 
where the threshold is.  I mean, if he feels that "Doug, might I suggest that 
you need to get out more, do some interesting things, and stop worrying about 
what others are doing or practicing?  

 It's the sign of a small mind" is, in his mind, "run aground the yahoo-groups 
guidelines" I would like to politely suggest he's in the throes of some kind of 
a delusion, since I am quite sure no rules were broken in the making of my 
post, above.

 Notice how Doug never actually *quotes* any rules he feels are being broken?  
So how about it Doug, which rule or rules, specifically, did I "run aground"?  
(FWIW I'm assuming he meant "run afoul of.")


 OK, I have evidently missed something here. Did you say something "against the 
rules"? Did Doug say you were to go to the Principal's office? If so, it was so 
small and insignificant that I missed it. I think you should go back to class 
and forget about it.

 On Sep 26, 2016, at 10:05 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

 We can't lose you Sal.  (-:

 wrote :

 Just testing out your threat, Doug. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually was on coke.  


On Sep 27, 2016, at 5:27 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I want to 
sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I did my civic duty 
this morning and watched an edited video containing the most salient points. 

---In ,>> wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 

Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)

I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread anon_alias
It was weird that Holt didn't ask Clinton any questions about Benghazi, Libya, 
the 3,000 deleted emails on her private server, or the Clinton Foundation and 
pay-for-play as Secretary of State. 

 "Nearly all of Holt's followups and fact-checking efforts were directed at 
Trump, not Clinton." - Howard Kurtz

---In,  wrote :

 You are right, of course, but now watch Trump continue to inch up in the 
---In,  wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You can't be serious. This time around the press has no choice but to award the 
(substantial) win to Clinton, reporting it widely, and the undecided voters are 
swinging in Hillary's direction. There is a hardcore 30% of the electorate who 
will back Trump, regardless. The rest are moving towards Clinton. It is a rout 
from here on in. 

Some are saying Trump will duck the remaining two debates. That would be a wise 
thing to do, as every unlikable, petty, thoughtless, untrustworthy trait on 
display last night, will show up again, only worse, because he will only repeat 
himself. As substantial as tissue paper, that one.
---In,  wrote :

 You are right, of course, but now watch Trump continue to inch up in the 

---In,  wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fairfield Transcendentalists, ..Fun to See

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Vedanta perhaps. 

 Shankara said, "I prostate not to the gods. One who is beyond all gods does 
not salute a god. After that stage, one does no prescribed act. I prostrate 
again and again to my own self which is the root of all endeavors."

 We seek experiences not had, beyond us — some materialize, some, just 

 What is sought is the end of transcendence. What initially seemed beyond 
becomes home and was always home. 

 Then all is still even when things are done.

---In,  wrote :

 A Transcendentalist?Your offered definition here below sounds something 
like it could be the neo-advaitin version of Transcendentalist.  That can be a 
definition of it and that is fine.

This academic definition of transcendentalism otherwise I find becomes useful 
towards describing something more of what spiritual Fairfield, Iowa is about,


 Our initial working definition of transcendentalism, however, will stress a 
divine force in each individual, a force that is also linked to nature and has 
the power to transform lives, as well as social institutions. -Professor Ashton 
Nichols, Emerson, Thoreau, and the Transcendentalist Movement


 What is going on in Fairfield, Iowa?  How is it going in Fairfield, Iowa?  
 Anymore in reply I usually start off by confirming, “..We’re a bunch of 
Transcendentalists”, to contextualize what is going on here. 

 This last winter a journalist coming through Fairfield, Iowa during the 
Presidential caucus cycle coined this term in describing the meditating 
community here, which I feel is a pretty fair description.  


 The transcendental meditationists

 The transcendental meditationists who turned an Iowa farm town into a Bernie 
 The transcendental meditationists who turned a...
 Fairfield, the enlightenment capital of southeast Iowa, is backing Sen. 
Sanders in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

 View on www.washingtonpost...
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 It should be noted that a transcendentalist is a spiritual person in progress, 
but one who has not accomplished the goal. 

 If the goal is accomplished, there is nothing that remains transcendent. 

 The purpose of going beyond is to secure that beyond so it is no longer out of 
reach, no longer beyond.

---In,  wrote :

 None? That is quite a narrow assumption of what is a spiritual yahoo-group 
community.  Of course this is likely of interest to a people who are 
experienced transcendentalists if someone is cultivating their native 
spirituality in practice.  It would certainly be of note if these young Royals 
have studied with The David Lynch Foundation which has touched and opened up so 
many power brokers of popular culture. Or, likewise have they engaged 
buddhistic meditational practice or studied with Oprah and Dr. Chopra? It could 
speak some volumes about where they are at.


 Not the customary analysis of politics and economics but  a conversation about 
spiritual questions.   What did it mean for our spiritual lives?"   -FRONTLINE

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Michael Moore says Trump won the debate: “Pro-Hillary gloaters doing end-zone 
dance again when still on 50-yd line,” Moore tweeted. “You must get it in your 
head Trump is gonna win and act accordingly!”

 Dream on. She stomped all over him and she did it just right. What, is Michael 
Moore your guru?
---In,  wrote :

 I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I want to 
sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I did my civic duty 
this morning and watched an edited video containing the most salient points.

 ---In,  wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL

 wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)




[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Poor Michael. He's going to be *so* upset if Hillary wins and makes him look 
like a fool. 



 ---In,  wrote :

 Michael Moore says Trump won the debate: “Pro-Hillary gloaters doing end-zone 
dance again when still on 50-yd line,” Moore tweeted. “You must get it in your 
head Trump is gonna win and act accordingly!”
---In,  wrote :

 I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I want to 
sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I did my civic duty 
this morning and watched an edited video containing the most salient points.

 ---In,  wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL

 wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)




[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I want to 
sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I did my civic duty 
this morning and watched an edited video containing the most salient points.

 OMG Priceless. How fast these things emerge on social media. Brilliant!


---In,  wrote :


 wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)


 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Test

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 to be throttled is just unacceptable, under these circumstances.  you've got 
to be able to vent, and it is obvious to most anyone what is venting, and what 
is goading.

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks Steve.  But it's up to Doug at this point.  I can't really figure out 
where the threshold is.  I mean, if he feels that "Doug, might I suggest that 
you need to get out more, do some interesting things, and stop worrying about 
what others are doing or practicing?  

 It's the sign of a small mind" is, in his mind, "run aground the yahoo-groups 
guidelines" I would like to politely suggest he's in the throes of some kind of 
a delusion, since I am quite sure no rules were broken in the making of my 
post, above.

 Notice how Doug never actually *quotes* any rules he feels are being broken?  
So how about it Doug, which rule or rules, specifically, did I "run aground"?  
(FWIW I'm assuming he meant "run afoul of.")


 OK, I have evidently missed something here. Did you say something "against the 
rules"? Did Doug say you were to go to the Principal's office? If so, it was so 
small and insignificant that I missed it. I think you should go back to class 
and forget about it.

 On Sep 26, 2016, at 10:05 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

 We can't lose you Sal.  (-:

 wrote :

 Just testing out your threat, Doug. 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread feste37
You are right, of course, but now watch Trump continue to inch up in the polls. 

---In,  wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread anon_alias
Michael Moore says Trump won the debate: “Pro-Hillary gloaters doing end-zone 
dance again when still on 50-yd line,” Moore tweeted. “You must get it in your 
head Trump is gonna win and act accordingly!”
---In,  wrote :

 I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I want to 
sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I did my civic duty 
this morning and watched an edited video containing the most salient points.

 ---In,  wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL

 wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)




[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary sacks Trump in first debate

2016-09-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I was asleep before 9pm, and I slept a solid 6 hours. Usually, if I want to 
sleep more than 5 hours, I have to take a Lorazepam. But, I did my civic duty 
this morning and watched an edited video containing the most salient points.


---In,  wrote :


 wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)


 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL