RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Fwd: The New Down Town Flying Hall Takes Off

2013-09-29 Thread m2smart4u2000
Title: New Downtown Flying Hall

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amanda Knox to be Retried in Italy

2013-03-26 Thread m2smart4u2000

--- In, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 John, do you think she is innocent?  I read about the case on wiki.  And I 
 learned of something new today:  forensic astrology.  The article about 
 Meredith Kercher's murder in the url below amazes me in how much detail it 
 contains.  The astrologer describes the murder's appearance at length as 
 well as motive, timing and circumstances such as their going to the room to 
 retrieve something like jewelry.

Forensic astrology can be very specific as to where missing people are hidden 
and all sorts of morbid details. Hilarious to see this post because i looked up 
her chart this morning when i read the news.

here is the one i read and it says she's innocent:
  From: John jr_esq@...
 Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 10:57 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Amanda Knox to be Retried in Italy
 That's double jeopardy in American law.  IMO, she shouldn't go back to Italy 
 for the retrial.  She should fight any extradition order using the American 
 laws, if that's possible.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-24 Thread m2smart4u2000

--- In, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

  --- In, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
   --- In, Buck wrote:

--- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:

 You should know that this guy is MMY's nephew. In India, due to their 
 belief in reincarnation, nepotism is the norm and is usually 
 celebrated as the proper way things get done.  The first Prime 
 Minister of India was named Jawaharlal Nehru. Coincidentally, Indira 
 Ghandi was his granddaughter, and Rajiv Ghandi was his 
 The swami named in the will to succeed Gurudev was Gurudev's nephew, 
 it turns out. Indians just assume that their relatives are the best 
 person for the job because the cosmos chose them for it by causing 
 them to be born as relatives of the person in power.
 That said, I've heard the rumors of the nephews of MMY being bad 
 people for years. But those same rumors say that TM doesn't work, 
 that all the research is bogus and so on. It wouldn't be surprising 
 if some of the rumors were true. It also wouldn't be surprising if 
 some of the rumors were false.

We've been hearing about Girish extorting kick-backs and such around 
pundits in the pundit program for some long time.  I would not want to 
be the Westerners wading into figure out what is going on in the 
workings of the TM movement there.  Sociopaths are not likely to put 
capable honorable people around them either.  For as big as it is this 
is going to be extremely complicated for Tony and the board of trustees 
to manage.  I'd really fear for their safety if and when they go over 
there to help straighten it out. 
   You mean, that despite the huge piles of money Girish and family have 
   stashed away, and living very well indeed, he felt the need to make a few 
   dollars from kickbacks from pundits?  And people in Fairfield know about 
   this for a long time?  Bevan and John H knew this and stood by?  The 
   Rajas?  They all looked the other way? If that is true, then trouble is 
   ahead, big trouble. 
   So Buck, are people talking about this is Fairfield?  What is the general 
   feeling about this? About the TMO's future given this?   

  Folks are only just finding out about this.  Within the Fairfield 
  meditating community, yes people are talking about this amongst themselves 
  as they learn about it.  In Fairfield there are different elements to the 
  whole meditator community.  Only a very few people actually have a place or 
  participate at the upper level.  Most meditators do not have much contact 
  or much interaction with the organizational movement as such.

 --- In, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
  Given that perspective by people who knew him when, how did he come 
  to run the hugely lucrative TMO India?  And why didn't people speak 
  up?  (Maybe they did but we would never know). Why did the American 
  Rajas over there put up with this crap all these years?  Surely 
  they must have seen and sensed that things were not right.

 Susan, you know our TM organization is not known for its transparent process. 
  Everything is opaque but they do give us a lot to talk about.  However, even 
 with all the rackets the guy evidently had going in the end it was tax 
 evasion that got Al Capone his hard time.  [Old Proverb: When prominent 
 people fail, their failure is more dramatic.] The Indian government will 
 probably have something to say at some point about Girish as its depositions 
 get going and the fourth estate it seems is already interested and ready to 
 find out.  We'll all know more in a while.
 --- In, navashok no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
   That said, I've heard the rumors of the nephews of MMY being bad people 
  Me too, as soon as the late 70ies.
   But those same rumors say that TM doesn't work, that all the research is
 bogus and so on.
  I heard those reports from people in the movement who had no doubts about 
 who were dedicated governors, some working in India, no anti TMers at all. I
 also saw him giving a talk to movement people late 80ies, it was all about
 money, he needed a special introduction, because people there, again no
 anti-TMers, were all repelled by him.

Accusation doesn't mean he's guilty. You guys go on and on with rumors about 
how bad Maharishis' relatives were. Did you really know any of them? Did you 
see their homes or cars? I met Maharishi's relatives and they lived very 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment

2013-03-24 Thread m2smart4u2000

--- In, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 --- In, m2smart4u2000 no_reply@ wrote:
  Accusation doesn't mean he's guilty. You guys go on and on with rumors 
  about how bad Maharishis' relatives were. Did you really know any of them? 
  Did you see their homes or cars? I met Maharishi's relatives and they lived 
  very modestly. They didn't have a car. Some of your rantings and rumor 
  mongering is really disgusting. Lots of people with money get targeted. You 
  all assume that Girish is guilty.
 As I said (yes I know you weren't responding directly to me, but I'm one of 
 the guys in this thread), it wouldn't surprise me if some of the rumors 
 were true and it wouldn't surprise me if some of the rumors were false.
 I haven't seen anything new lately out of the Indian press II have access to 
 through google, has anyone else?

With all that building going on, someone would think it possible to blackmail 
some money. Lots of building, looks like lots of money. Someone always is 
trying to cash in on it.That is to be expected to some degree. It doesn't mean 
that we can all start bad mouthing everyone.

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Open Letter to Bevan Morris

2011-09-22 Thread m2smart4u2000
this letter is s self serving. Get over it and move on with your life. 

--- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@... wrote:

 n Sep 22, 2011, at 5:43 PM, maskedzebra wrote:
  An Open Letter to Bevan Morris
 An open request to maskedzebra…
 how many more times are you planning on 
 sending this?  My count is 3 already.
 Want to try for an even dozen?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The unreasonable price of TM instruction

2011-09-01 Thread m2smart4u2000
It's my opinion that American's just don't value anything that is free. 
Everythings value is determined by price and hence the high price of TM

--- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 I'll teach any homeless person for free (if they are stable enough).  
 But it won't be TM but the meditation technique I been given to teach 
 through my tantra studies.  It included shaktipat for the jump start.
 On 08/30/2011 02:39 PM, seekliberation wrote:
  I know well over a dozen close friends and family very intrigued by TM, but 
  $1500 is way out of question.  $375 would be great, even $500 is 
  reasonable.  I'm sure many TMer's know many friends that are in the same 
  Apparently, either TMO or MMY are not good at math.  Perhaps some people in 
  America could drop $1500 easily, but there are also many working class 
  people who are barely making ends meet who could benefit a lot from TM.  
  The $1500 price, IMO, is putting it out of reach for those who get their 
  hands dirty for a living.  A basic working class man/woman who makes 40k 
  per year who wants a decent place to stay and medical care along with 
  children/family, wellyou can kiss a $1500 spiritual technique goodbye.
  This whole 'Top-Down' theory is what I think partly inspired the ridiculous 
  price.  The idea was to get rich, wealthy, powerful and famous people to 
  practice, and all of a sudden it would trickle down, just like Reaganomics. 
   Hopefully the whole DLF thing works out.  But I doubt we're going to have 
  a mass population take up the practice given the current price.
  --- In, nablusoss1008no_reply@  wrote:
  --- In, sparaigLEnglish5@  wrote:
  Everyone constantly harps on how much TM costs. They are full of it.
   From the David Lynch website:
  Funding Target: $75,000 per year for each specially trained teacher to 
  provide an intensive 12-month program of individualized instruction and 
  follow-up in the Transcendental Meditation program for 200 at-risk 
  veterans. Total funding: 50 trainers to serve 10,000 at-risk veterans: 
  $3.75 million.
  That's $75,000/200 = $375 per vet including initial instruction and  
  regular checking in a formal setting for 12 months.
  Nice.  With the huge success the DLF is having around the world this could 
  easily by the new policy adopted by the TMO !

[FairfieldLife] Re: In Memorial, Harry Pavelka

2011-03-23 Thread m2smart4u2000

How is Susan doing?
--- In, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Harry passed away today.
 Om Jai Harry Pavelka!
 Through TM he's an old friend.
 I've known Harry a long time.
 I'm a little bereft today.
 I will miss him along the way.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Potassium iodide

2011-03-19 Thread m2smart4u2000
Offering a few other opinions. I don't see how the radiation levels are being 
reviewed when there are only a few spots around doing the monitoring. You can 
tell that most of the West coast doesn't believe that the radiation is 
insignificant. I don't think we've had it around long enough to really know, 
kind of like vacinations. Who really knows the long term affects? 

Here's one little part of the following article:

FIRST WARNING SYSTEM: The first warning systems along North America's West 
Coast are not properly equipped. They currently have no 'noble gas monitoring' 
capability and have too little coverage.  Washington State, for example, has 
only 4 EPA stations.  

It is crucial to understanding this because official statements from experts 
about your exposures in the following days and weeks will sound reassuring and 
convincing but these statements are as weak as the deficiencies in radiation 
warning systems.

If that doesn't scare you the following will. It's about the testing of back up 
systems for nuclear disasters:

--- In, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 Excellent resource for information about the
 Japan nuclear crisis at the Web site All Things
 Nuclear, the blog of the Global Security Program
 at the Union of Concerned Scientists (see more
 about UCS at the end of this post):
 Among other things, it has posted this statement 
 by the Union of Concerned Scientists about 
 potassium iodide pills:
 The people of Japan should be given priority 
 access to potassium iodide (KI) pills used to 
 protect against thyroid cancer following 
 inhalation of radioactive iodine.
 Given the fact that Japan is thousands of miles 
 from the United States, it is highly unlikely 
 that Americans would be exposed to radioactive 
 iodine from direct inhalation of a plume from 
 the Fukushima nuclear complex. Direct inhalation 
 is the kind of exposure that potassium iodide 
 pills would be most effective against.
 Regardless, there are reports that global 
 supplies of potassium iodide pills are being 
 depleted because Americans are buying them, 
 prompting fears that there will not be adequate 
 supplies in Japan in the event of a larger 
 radiological release.
 Besides inhalation, another way Americans could 
 be exposed to radioactive iodine is if 
 agricultural products were contaminated. 
 Radioactive iodine could be ingested by dairy 
 cows, for example, and then would be 
 concentrated in milk. Potassium iodide, however, 
 would not be an effective countermeasure in that 
 situation. Moreover, federal and state health 
 authorities would test for such contamination 
 and could take products off the market if 
 If you're inclined to pooh-pooh the Union of
 Concerned Scientists as just another 
 Establishment group, you might find what various
 critics have said about it of interest:
 The most vocal critics of the Union of 
 Concerned Scientists assert that the 
 organization harbors a liberal 'pro-regulation, 
 anti-business' agenda. In 2004, the conservative 
 media watchdog Media Research Center called the 
 UCS an 'unlabeled left-wing activist group'; in 
 2007, the watchdog's founder L. Brent Bozell 
 reiterated this assertion. In 2009, the 
 conservative website NewsMax described the UCS 
 as a 'left-wing' organization that 'receives 
 substantial donations from liberal-leaning 
 foundations.' Libertarian author and television 
 personality John Stossel has also accused the 
 organization of having a 'left-wing' agenda.
 In 2006, two physicists associated with the 
 American Physical Society criticized the UCS for 
 not supporting a government-run nuclear waste 
 reprocessing program. The UCS has also been 
 criticized by skeptics of global warming. In 
 2007, the conservative think tank Capital 
 Research Center accused the UCS of waging a 
 'jihad against climate skeptics', and 
 televangelist Jerry Falwell even cautioned 
 Evangelical Christians against 'falling warming hocus-pocus' propagated in 
 the mass media, with the UCS 'leading the 
 Dunno about anybody else, but any organization
 criticized by NewsMax as having a liberal 'pro-
 regulation, anti-business' agenda is OK with me.
 Another source I don't suspect of siding with 
 the Establishment is Boing Boing, which has this 
 thoroughly researched post on radiation levels
 in the U.S.:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Potassium iodide

2011-03-19 Thread m2smart4u2000
And yes, I have taken iodine, but then you can't control the next door neighbor 
from spraying round up!!! LOL, 

--- In, m2smart4u2000 no_reply@... wrote:

 Offering a few other opinions. I don't see how the radiation levels are being 
 reviewed when there are only a few spots around doing the monitoring. You can 
 tell that most of the West coast doesn't believe that the radiation is 
 insignificant. I don't think we've had it around long enough to really know, 
 kind of like vacinations. Who really knows the long term affects? 
 Here's one little part of the following article:
 FIRST WARNING SYSTEM: The first warning systems along North America's West 
 Coast are not properly equipped. They currently have no 'noble gas 
 monitoring' capability and have too little coverage.  Washington State, for 
 example, has only 4 EPA stations.  
 It is crucial to understanding this because official statements from experts 
 about your exposures in the following days and weeks will sound reassuring 
 and convincing but these statements are as weak as the deficiencies in 
 radiation warning systems.
 If that doesn't scare you the following will. It's about the testing of back 
 up systems for nuclear disasters:
 --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Excellent resource for information about the
  Japan nuclear crisis at the Web site All Things
  Nuclear, the blog of the Global Security Program
  at the Union of Concerned Scientists (see more
  about UCS at the end of this post):
  Among other things, it has posted this statement 
  by the Union of Concerned Scientists about 
  potassium iodide pills:
  The people of Japan should be given priority 
  access to potassium iodide (KI) pills used to 
  protect against thyroid cancer following 
  inhalation of radioactive iodine.
  Given the fact that Japan is thousands of miles 
  from the United States, it is highly unlikely 
  that Americans would be exposed to radioactive 
  iodine from direct inhalation of a plume from 
  the Fukushima nuclear complex. Direct inhalation 
  is the kind of exposure that potassium iodide 
  pills would be most effective against.
  Regardless, there are reports that global 
  supplies of potassium iodide pills are being 
  depleted because Americans are buying them, 
  prompting fears that there will not be adequate 
  supplies in Japan in the event of a larger 
  radiological release.
  Besides inhalation, another way Americans could 
  be exposed to radioactive iodine is if 
  agricultural products were contaminated. 
  Radioactive iodine could be ingested by dairy 
  cows, for example, and then would be 
  concentrated in milk. Potassium iodide, however, 
  would not be an effective countermeasure in that 
  situation. Moreover, federal and state health 
  authorities would test for such contamination 
  and could take products off the market if 
  If you're inclined to pooh-pooh the Union of
  Concerned Scientists as just another 
  Establishment group, you might find what various
  critics have said about it of interest:
  The most vocal critics of the Union of 
  Concerned Scientists assert that the 
  organization harbors a liberal 'pro-regulation, 
  anti-business' agenda. In 2004, the conservative 
  media watchdog Media Research Center called the 
  UCS an 'unlabeled left-wing activist group'; in 
  2007, the watchdog's founder L. Brent Bozell 
  reiterated this assertion. In 2009, the 
  conservative website NewsMax described the UCS 
  as a 'left-wing' organization that 'receives 
  substantial donations from liberal-leaning 
  foundations.' Libertarian author and television 
  personality John Stossel has also accused the 
  organization of having a 'left-wing' agenda.
  In 2006, two physicists associated with the 
  American Physical Society criticized the UCS for 
  not supporting a government-run nuclear waste 
  reprocessing program. The UCS has also been 
  criticized by skeptics of global warming. In 
  2007, the conservative think tank Capital 
  Research Center accused the UCS of waging a 
  'jihad against climate skeptics', and 
  televangelist Jerry Falwell even cautioned 
  Evangelical Christians against 'falling warming hocus-pocus' propagated in 
  the mass media, with the UCS 'leading the 
  Dunno about anybody else, but any organization
  criticized by NewsMax as having a liberal 'pro-
  regulation, anti-business' agenda is OK with me.
  Another source I don't suspect of siding with 
  the Establishment is Boing Boing, which has this 
  thoroughly researched post on radiation levels
  in the U.S

[FairfieldLife] Re: Radiation Hits California

2011-03-19 Thread m2smart4u2000
We think we have free speech but the news agencies are owned by government and 
Republicans. Do you believe them? Apparently most of the west coast does not. 
I'm a bit prejudice that the intelligentsia of the world lives here!

--- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 Feel good news story from the ministry of propaganda at ABC News:
 Be sure to chortle on cue for the end comment.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Radiation Hits California

2011-03-19 Thread m2smart4u2000

--- In, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In, m2smart4u2000 no_reply@
  We think we have free speech but the news agencies are owned by
 government and Republicans.
 Would you care to substantiate this statement?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Potassium iodide

2011-03-19 Thread m2smart4u2000
Not to mention that in one of those links, the two engineers who tattled on 
nuclear plant owners were blacklisted forever. That hits home pretty hard. They 
cannot get jobs now. 

--- In, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  --- In, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Nuclear power would make terrific sense, IMHO, IF we could
   trust the folks who design, build, and run the plants, or
   at least trust the government to inspect and regulate them
  Unfortunately, I ascribe to the notion that we have the best 
  governement money can buy.
 In that case, we can't afford nuclear.
  But regulating nuclear plants  would seem to be a
  relatively easy thing to do-politically speaking.  I mean,
  I know the FDA does a mediocre job at best inspecting meat
  plants, and yet the food supply seems relatively safe.
  But regulating nuclear plants, when the payoff for safe
  nuclear energy is so immense?  I don't see where the
  opposition would come from?
 Industry *always* resists regulation because it reduces
 their potential profits. It costs more to keep a nuke
 plant running safely. If they think they can reap the same
 payoff without worrying about whether the plants are safe,
 they will. They pay lobbyists lots of money to convince
 legislators to let up on regulation oversight and to
 repeal regulation when possible, or just to give the
 agencies less money to do their jobs.
 See the NYTimes article I just posted a link to on the
 Union of Concerned Scientists report on the failures of
 regulation of nuclear plants.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What the Mayan Elders are Saying About 2012 by Carlos Barrios, Mayan Elder

2011-02-21 Thread m2smart4u2000
why do they have to print these things in some weird type that makes it hard to 
read. Geez, hurts my eyes.

--- In, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

   What  the Mayan Elders are Saying About 2012 by Carlos  Barrios

   Carlos Barrios, Mayan  elder and Ajq'ij (is a ceremonial priest and
 spiritual  guide) of the Eagle Clan. Carlos initiated an  investigation into
 the different Mayan calendars  circulating. Carlos along with his brother
 Gerardo  studied with many teachers and interviewed nearly 600  traditional
 Mayan elders to widen their scope of  knowledge. 
 Carlos found out quickly there were several  conflicting interpretations of
 Mayan hieroglyphs,  petroglyphs, Sacred Books of 'Chilam Balam' and various
 ancient text. Carlos found some strong words for those  who may have
 contributed to the  confusion: 
 Carlos Barrios: Anthropologists visit the  temple sites and read the
 inscriptions and make up  stories about the Maya, but they do not read the
 signs  correctly. It's just their imagination. Other people  write about
 prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say  that the world will end in
 December 2012. The Mayan  elders are angry with this. The world will not
 end. It  will be transformed.
 We are no longer in the World of the  Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the
 World of the Fifth  Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of
 transition. As we pass through transition there is a  colossal, global
 convergence of environmental  destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing
 Earth  Changes.
 He continues: Humanity will continue, but  in a different way. Material
 structures will change.  From this we will have the opportunity to be more
 human.  We are living in the most important era of the Mayan  calendars and
 prophecies. All the prophecies of the  world, all the traditions are
 converging now. There is  no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era
 is  action.
 Carlos tells us: The indigenous have the  calendars and know how to
 accurately interpret it -- not  others. The Mayan Calendars comprehension of
 time,  seasons, and cycles has proven itself to be vast and  sophisticated.
 The Maya understand 17 different  calendars such as the Tzolk'in or
 Cholq'ij, some of them  charting time accurately over a span of more than
 ten  million years.
 All was predicted by the mathematical  cycles of the Mayan calendars. -- It
 will change  --everything will change. Mayan Day-keepers view the  Dec. 21,
 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World  of the Fifth Sun. It will be
 the start of a new era  resulting from and signified by the solar meridian
 crossing the galactic equator and the Earth aligning  itself with the center
 of the  galaxy.
 At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the  first time in 26,000 years the Sun
 rises to conjunct the  intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the
 ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an  embodiment of the Sacred
 Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree  remembered in all the world's spiritual
 Some observers say this alignment with the heart  of the galaxy in 2012 will
 open a channel for cosmic  energy to flow through the Earth, cleansing it
 and all  that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of  vibration.
 Carlos reminds us: This process has already  begun. Change is accelerating
 now and it will continue  to accelerate. 
 If the people of the Earth can  get to this 2012 date in good shape without
 having  destroyed too much of the Earth, we will rise to a new,  higher
 level. But to get there we must transform  enormously powerful forces that
 seek to block the  way.
 The date specified in the calendar Winter  Solstice in the year 2012 does
 not mark the end of the  world. Many outside people writing about the Mayan
 calendar sensationalize this date, but they do not know.  The ones who know
 are the indigenous elders who are  entrusted with keeping the  tradition.
 Carlos tells us: The economy now is a  fiction. The first five-year stretch
 of transition from  August 1987 to August 1992 was the beginning of the
 destruction of the material world. We have progressed  ten years deeper into
 the transition phase by now, and  many of the so-called sources of financial
 stability are  in fact hollow. The banks are weak. This is a delicate
 moment for them. They could crash globally, if we don't  pay attention. Now,
 people are paying  attention.
 The North and South Poles are both breaking  up. The level of the water in
 the oceans is going to  rise. But at the same time land in the ocean,
 especially  near Cuba, is also going to rise. Carlos tells a story  about
 the most recent Mayan New Year ceremonies in  Guatemala. He said that one
 respected Mam elder, who  lives all year in a solitary mountain cave,
 journeyed to  Chichicastenango to speak with the people at the  ceremony.
 The elder 

[FairfieldLife] MERS and the mortgage mess

2011-02-18 Thread m2smart4u2000
The banks cannot legally foreclose because they did not record title changes 
property. They have divided title using MERS as their local county recording 
office. Your servicer (who you pay your mortgage to) is NOT the same as the 
owner of the note. Underneath that servicer, the notes are bundled and sold 
multiple times. In order to keep that more discrete, the banks use MERS to 
record the change in ownership. The homeowners are challenging the banks right 
to foreclose. The judges are state by state ruling in favor of the homeowner 
because what the banks did by avoiding proper change in title is lose their 
right to enforce the mortgages. When the banks foreclose they make back most of 
their money (at least 92%) which, in most cases is insured by fannie mae or 
mortgage insurance. When the foreclosure is done, banks go to fannie mae and 
say, where's my money If banks can't foreclose then they will lose all the 
money on the homes and as more homeowners are underwater they realize that the 
best business, financial decision is to walk or challenge the banks. This has 
snowballed and there is no way the banks can fix it now. They cannot go back 
and redo the title as that is akin to back dating a legal document.In Florida, 
in just one week, the banks dismissed (did not challenge) 1500 lawsuits against 
them. This week, a judge ruled against the main legal office doing foreclosures 
in Florida for flawed processes and told them that they could not foreclose or 
start over on the process. That legal office fired 568 employees the following 
day. If the banks can't get their money back from fannie mae, because they 
cannot foreclose, they will crash.

Here's a simple explanation
MERS ruling in NY which is very significant being that the judge basically 
ruled the MERS is not a legal entity and has no rights.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Charlie Lutes

2011-02-05 Thread m2smart4u2000
I thought Charlie died like, 5 years ago? 

--- In, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Feb 5, 2011, at 3:15 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
  It's hard to understand the malice some people feel when confronted with 
  - Charlie Lutes
 LOL, so says Charlie Lutes, strip club addict.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Keith Olbermann Out at MSNBC

2011-01-21 Thread m2smart4u2000
he was fired since Comcast bought NBC. Definately has political overtones.

--- In, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kennedy Points Finger at Sarah Palin

2011-01-11 Thread m2smart4u2000
Rachel Maddow had a GREAT show last night on the topic of ...
who's to blame very well said by brilliant Rachel

--- In, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

 Rick Archer:
  Kennedy Points Finger at Sarah Palin 
 Well, I think it's fair to say that 
 Loughner was not exactly a Tea Partier! 
 Obviously he was too riled up by Sarah 
 Palin and the Tea Party movement to make 
 it to the polls, since he seems not to 
 have voted in the last election.
 Read more:
 Loughner Friend Explains Grudge Against Giffords:
 Posted by John Hindraker
 Powerline, January 10, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Re: Nancy Cooks passing

2010-12-29 Thread m2smart4u2000
what happened to Nancy? She was a beautiful lady

--- In, Buck dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Shoot, there goes a lit one.  We'll all miss her bright light around.
 Run her race, Nancy was a great soul while here.
 Jai Nancy Cook!
  -D in FF
 --- In, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Dear everyone,
  Tuesday night just past 9:30 pm  Nancy took her last breath and
  peacefully left her body.  She was surrounded by her four sons, Scott,
  hartley, myself, and all the love and blessings you and so many others
  have sent.
  I only have time for a short group please let the others
  know if you would.
  Nancy's body will remain here in the home for the next 72 hours.  Any
  prayers, ceremonies, pujas you feel to do to help her in her
  transition would be so appreciated.
  Thank you all for your love and support.   Much love, kelly

[FairfieldLife] Re: Was Jesus Really Born on December 25th?

2010-12-29 Thread m2smart4u2000

well according to Charlie Lutes, Jesus was a blond haired blue eyed LEO
born in August and celebrated during the equinox to fool the Romans so they 
would not be persecuted for being Christians.

--- In, emptybill emptyb...@... wrote:

 Good gosh ...  is there not even a single person here who
 knows that Saturnalia was the pagan origin of Christmas?
 --- In, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  It may have been too cold at that time period to perform a census

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Trustees Meeting this wk

2010-06-25 Thread m2smart4u2000

--- In, Buck dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Big wigs in town this week.
 Old and new trustees. Some lot of new
 trustees added too since Mhaharishi's death.
 Looking at the numbers   
 Mapping the future.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Joran Van der Sloot Jyotish

2010-06-07 Thread m2smart4u2000
Nov/Dec 2011 is over a year away. 

--- In, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In, Hugo fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In, m2smart4u2000 no_reply@ wrote:
   So this will be a difficult time for Joran, and the
   planetary energy is indicating prison time for him.
   Transit Saturn will aspect natal Jupiter, the ascendant
   lord in the months of Nov/Dec 2011, a very bad time.
  With that staggering amount of knowledge gleaned simply from
  a birthdate you should be able to give us a rather good prediction
  about the eventual outcome. Care to put something in writing? 
 Two predictions above: prison time, and two months that
 will be especially difficult for him. His trial, maybe?
  And was this guy tracked down because of his horoscope?
  And couldn't you have predicted and prevented the crime
  in the first place? Otherwise what possible use is it
  other than as a kind of New-age Philip K Dick movie,
  Through a Minority Jyotishee Boredly perhaps.
 Useful for study purposes, actually, to see how a chart
 reflects a life. It's standard in Western astrology as
 well. Theoretically, if you examine many charts of people
 about whose lives you know something, you can see how
 the charts predicted their lives, how the principles of
 astrology apply. You then presumably use that knowledge
 to make your own predictions of things that haven't
 happened yet. It's a little like learning a language.

[FairfieldLife] Joran Van der Sloot Jyotish

2010-06-06 Thread m2smart4u2000

Joran Andreas Petrus van der Sloot (born August 6, 1987 at 10:38 PM in Arnhem, 
Netherlands) is a Dutch national who lived in Aruba. He is charged in US 
related to the whereabouts of Natalee Holloway, who disappeared in Aruba on May 
30, 2005, and is the main suspect in the murder investigation of Stephany 
Flores Ramirez, who died on May 30, 2010, in Lima Peru, exactly five years 
after Holloway's disappearance. 

According to Vedic Astrology Joran is a Pisces ascendant ruled by Jupiter, with 
ascendant degree at 6 degrees 54 minutes. The ascendant lord of an astrology 
chart tells a lot about the character of a person, whether a person is a killer 
or a criminal or a thief or a business person or a spiritual person. When the 
Ascendant lord in any astrology chart is connected with the Badhaka 
(obstruction) house, 8th house  12th house through constellations 
(nakshatras), and is placed in that part of the zodiac ruled by planets which 
are significators of Badhaka house, 8th house and 12th house, the person will 
be a killer, a criminal or a thief, and will not be fair to other people in 
their dealings. Since Joran is a Pisces ascendant, so the 7th house of 
relationships is a Badhaka house in his astrology chart. The Ascendant lord 
Jupiter is in Ketu's constellation, and Ketu is placed in the Badhaka house in 
Mercury's sign. Ketu is in 7th house, it represents Mercury the Badhaka planet, 
and Mercury is in 12th lord Saturn's constellation. Ketu is in 5th house lord 
Moon's constellation, which represents sex and love affairs. As the ascendant 
lord Jupiter is connected with Badhaka house, 12th house, and 5th house at same 
time so the astrology chart clearly indicates Joran is a killer, and is 
involved in sex trade profession.

For Pisces ascendant Mercury rules the 7th house which is the Badhaka house, a 
killer house. Venus rules 8th house of punishment, and Saturn rules 12th house 
of confinement. In Joran's astrology chart almost every planet is either in 
Mercury's constellation or Saturn's constellation or Venus's constellation, the 
three evil planets for Pisces ascendant. This indicates the person will be a 
killer, a very unfortunate person in life, and will spend considerable amount 
of time in confinement. In order for a person to spend time in prison, the 
significators of 3rd house (leaving one's home), 8th house (punishment by law, 
fine), 12th house (confinement), and of course the significators of Badhaka 
house must operate in their lifetime through mahadasha, Bhukti  Anthara. Joran 
has many planets in his astrology chart connected with these houses. Joran was 
going through Venus mahadasha (3rd  8th lord in the constellation of 12th lord 
Saturn), Mercury bhukti (Badhaka planet in the constellation of 12th lord 
Saturn), and Saturn anthara (12th lord in the constellation of badhaka lord 
Mercury), when he was arrested in connection with the disappearance of Natalee 
Halloway in May/June 2005. Finally he came out of Prison in December 2007 for 
lack of enough evidence, when Joran entered Mars bhukti in Nov 2007. Planet 
Mars saved him last time as Mars is the best planet for Pisces ascendant 
because it rules 2nd, and 9th house . Then Joran remain outside prison during 
Rahu and Jupiter Bhukti's in Sun mahadasha, as Jupiter is the ascendant lord 
and Rahu is in Jupiter sign. Last year in November Joran came under the 
influence of Saturn Bhukti, the ruler of 12th house in Badhaka planet Mercury's 
constellation. Moon anthara, the significator of 3rd and 8th house operated in 
Mercury's Bhutki starting May 31st, 2010 when Joran became the main suspect in 
the murder investigation of Stephany Flores Ramirez, who died on May 30, 2010.

This time Joran is in deep trouble because he is in Saturn bhukti, the ruler of 
12th house in Badhaka planets Mercury's constellation, and transit Saturn is 
aspecting the transit Jupiter, the ruler of Joran's Pisces ascendant at this 
moment. Transit Saturn is going to aspect transit Jupiter couple of times until 
March 2011. So this will be a difficult time for Joran, and the planetary 
energy is indicating prison time for him. Transit Saturn will aspect natal 
Jupiter, the ascendant lord in the months of Nov/Dec 2011, a very bad time. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Backyard Chicken Economics: Are They Actually Cost-Effective?

2010-06-04 Thread m2smart4u2000
Raising chickens has never really been about the cost effectiveness. I have 
seven chickens. Raising chickens is for self sufficiency. If the economy 
crashes more then we will need to be responsible for our own food. Although you 
buy feed for chickens, I think this is greatly over emphasized, afterall, there 
are wild chickens who are not given feed daily.Feed stores would have you 
believe that you cannot raise chickens without it. I just feed my chickens the 
skins from a butternut squash, which they devoured. Eggs may become the new 

--- In, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

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   [RSS] Backyard Chicken
 Economics: Are They Actually Cost-Effective?\
 Mon, May 10, 2010
 Farmers , Sustainability
 Line Break
 Author: Joshua Levin 
 (29 Articles)
 Joshua Levin is a consultant to non-profits and their corporate partners
 in sustainable agriculture business development and sustainable food
 markets. Joshua holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business,
 where he was a Catherine B. Reynolds Fellow in Social Entrepreneurship,
 and a BA from Harvard University. He lives with his wife in Brooklyn,
 0the%20GoodEater%20Collaborativesrc=sp  14   1diggdigg
 If you haven't noticed, there's a nation-wide underground craze
 for backyard and urban chickens, to which I too have fallen prey.  Yet
 the farmer in me has not yet smothered the MBA.  The following is an
 objective analysis of whether or not the output of backyard chickens can
 ultimately re-coop the costs.  The answer was surprising, and
 I have produced 5 key recommendations for economically raising backyard
 Friends frequently ask me whether or not raising my hens is
 cost-effective.  Everything I've read on the subject in
 blogs and books says NO.  Instead, enthusiasts emphasize personal
 satisfaction and pet-potential.  These are no doubt the true goals of
 backyard chicken-raising.  Yet I am weary of deflecting this common
 question, and I am happy to further study my birds.  Not to mention that
 my personal flock serves as a wonderful test case.  I raise two hens
 (the minimum flock size) in New York City (the most costly and crowded
 environment).  If I can do this cost-effectively, anyone can!
   [IMG 54832 225x300 %organic food]
 I'll address assumptions as we go, but it is important to note that
 I have sought to save money whenever possible, using found objects and
 substituting my labor for fancy equipment.  The most significant example
 is the chicken coop itself.  Good wooden chicken coops for small flocks
 sell for $300-450.  Yet it would take a long time to recoup that money. 
 I was about to join those ranks, until I found, the dresser. . .
 Returning home from a night on the town, I came across a solid wooden
 dresser down the block.  With a weekend of work, I turned her into a
 chicken mansion — 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Acedia Fairfield

2010-06-04 Thread m2smart4u2000
I was once married to someone who is bipolar and he has taken meds.  for many 
years.The crucial point to me was that the patient needs a really good 
psychiatrist who can find the right medicine. There have been great advances in 
medicine for depression and I'm sure that many of them do not hurt your 
experience. When someone is really managing their illness, they know the signs 
of a depression comming on and at that point it is more crisis management and 
good spiritual experience is not as much the foucs. When in maintenance mode 
one can reduce medicines and work closely with a good doctor and have good 
experience as well as add other alternative practices to help reduce the 
occurence of depression. Russ England is a great psychiatrist/governor in 
Fairfield. He is up to date on the advancements. I think the problem for many 
is the affordability of a really good psychiatrist. Insurance often pays half 
the bill and one visit could be $300 or more.
With bipolar illness, a person may seem very enlightened with the high (or is 
it manic depression?)... anyway the mania, or good experience makes it appear 
that they are very evolved and nothing bothers them. then depression can set it 
and this is very contrasting. My X had his first depression in his twenties. I 
think the lack of having prior experience of depression can leave one 
ill-equipted to know what to do. I was at a total loss the first time I saw him 
go into depression. Education is key to knowing what do to. 

--- In, Buck dhamiltony...@... wrote:

  In the news, a young person of the meditating community put an end to his 
  life this last week.
 Does taking Anti-depressants preclude spiritual experience?
 Just wondering given the recent experience of exulted experiences and suicide.
 Exulted transcendental experiences and depressed.  Does taking 
 anti-depressants also shut off the spiritual experience?  Get in the way of 
 I don't know.  I'm just wondering given the recent example.  Spiritual 
 experiences and anti-D's?  Anybody got real experience to relate to?  Dr. 
 Pete, what do you know?
 Acedia as spiritual depression, is there a place for anti-D's in spiritual 
 depression?  Should meditators be afraid of taking anti-D's?  Anti-psychs?
 Thanks in advance,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Acedia Fairfield

2010-06-04 Thread m2smart4u2000
My X manages his bipolar very well. Because we have kids together and it is 
often inherited, we have educated them on the disease. He recently felt the 
depression coming on again so he made an urgent appt with his doctor and his 
meds were adjusted. His depression improved with the adjustment. With the 
advancements in this illness and his good doctor he does pretty well. The 
problem again for many is 1. Not having the where-with-all to get to a good 
doctor immediately. Had I understood this first time around, I would have 
forgotten the stigma of mental illness and got him into a good pschiatric 
hospital. 2. the affordability of a PSCHIATRIST. When I hear of someone taking 
PROZAC, i squirm. I think it is a generic type medicine. (not sure tho) The 
first medicine prescribed to my X, had no affect, then he got onto lithium (21 
years ago) and it was like a miracle drug. He could not focus or do any work 
due to his depression but after a few days of lithium, he was able to do work. 
Being able to focus and do work, at least gave him something to do, other than 
think about how terrible he felt. This was the beginning of recovery.

--- In, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In, m2smart4u2000 no_reply@ wrote:
  With bipolar illness, a person may seem very enlightened with
  the high (or is it manic depression?)... 
 Same illness, different terms for it.
 Great post.
 One thing's for sure, if a person is clinically depressed
 (whether as one pole of bipolar disorder, or just by
 itself), they're not likely to have much in the way of
 good spiritual experiences (if they even have the
 motivation to do their practice). So they're most likely a
 lot better off taking the medication (if it works), even
 if it does interfere with spiritual experiences. If the
 practice is effective, it should be doing the person some
 good even if it feels flat.
  anyway the mania, or good experience makes it appear that
  they are very evolved and nothing bothers them.
 One of the big problems with bipolar disorder, in my
 understanding, is that the manic phase feels so good the
 person may stop taking their medication, thinking they
 don't need it any more. And then the mania is likely to go
 completely out of control. It's difficult to get the 
 dosage balanced so it keeps the person in between mania
 and depression.
  then depression can set it and this is very contrasting.
  My X had his first depression in his twenties. I think
  the lack of having prior experience of depression can
  leave one ill-equipted to know what to do. I was at a
  total loss the first time I saw him go into depression.
  Education is key to knowing what do to. 
 Good point. How is your X doing now, do you know?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pending home sales rise 8.2 percent in February

2010-04-05 Thread m2smart4u2000
The housing market is not going to improve anytime soon with the Wall Street 
Journal and other prominant financial papers advising people to walk away from 
their mortgages. Our area is down in value about 33% with in many cases is 

It is estimated that at Least 25% of people in default are strategic defaults. 
This is unprecedented in history. The only way out of this is for the banks or 
federal government slash the debt/ principle on these loans. 

Wall street journal's_Most_Popular

More homeowners are opting for 'strategic defaults'
Underwater on their mortgages and angry at banks, more borrowers are choosing 
to hand over the keys, even if they can afford the payments.
March 17, 2010|By Alana Semuels
Wynn Bloch has always dutifully paid her bills and socked away money for 
retirement. But in December she defaulted on the mortgage on her Palm Desert 
home, even though she could afford the payments.

Bloch paid $385,000 for the two-bedroom in 2006, when prices were still 
surging. Comparable homes are now selling in the low-$200,000s. At 66, the 
retired psychologist doubted she'd see her investment rebound in her lifetime. 
Plus, she said she was duped into an expensive loan.

The way she sees it, big banks that helped fuel the mess all got bailouts while 
small fry like her are left holding the bag. No more.

There was not a chance that house was ever going to be worth anywhere near 
what my mortgage was, said Bloch, who is now renting a few miles away after 
defaulting on the $310,000 loan. I haven't cheated or stolen.

Time was when Americans would do almost anything to hang on to their homes. But 
that commitment appears to be fraying as more people fall behind on their loans 
while watching the banks and lenders that helped trigger the financial crisis 
return to prosperity.

Nearly one-quarter of U.S. mortgages, or about 11 million loans, are 
underwater, i.e. the houses are worth less than the balance of their loans. 
While home values are regaining ground -- median prices rose 10% in Southern 
California last month to $275,000 compared with a year earlier -- they remain 
far below the July 2007 peak of $505,000.

Many homeowners are just coming to grips with the idea that prices will take 
years to reach the pre-crash peak: as long as 14 years in California, according 
to economist Chris Thornberg.

Stuck with properties whose negative equity won't recover for years, and 
feeling betrayed by financial institutions that bankrolled the frenzy, some 
homeowners are concluding it's smarter to walk away than to stick it out.

There is a growing sense of anger, a growing recognition that there is a 
double standard if it's OK for financial institutions to look after themselves 
but not OK for homeowners, said Brent T. White, a law professor at the 
University of Arizona who wrote a paper on the subject.

Just how many are walking away isn't clear. But some researchers are convinced 
that the numbers are growing. So-called strategic defaults accounted for about 
35% of defaults by U.S. homeowners in December 2009, up from 23% in March of 
2009, according to Luigi Zingales, a professor at the University of Chicago's 
Booth School of Business.

When It's OK to Walk Away From Your Home By BRETT ARENDS..ArticleComments 
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.Millions of Americans are now deeply underwater on their mortgage. If you're 
among them, you need to stop living in a dream world and give serious thought 
to walking away from the debt.

No, you shouldn't feel bad about it, and you shouldn't feel guilty. The lenders 
would do the same to you—in a heartbeat. You need to put yourself and your 
family's finances first.

How widespread is this? More than 11 million families are in negative 
equity—that is, they owe more on their home than it is worth—according to a 
report out this week by FirstAmerican Core Logic, a real-estate data firm. 
That's a quarter of all families with mortgages. And for more than five million 
of those borrowers, the crisis is extreme: They are more than 25% 
underwater—the equivalent of having a $100,000 loan on a property now worth 
just $75,000 or less. That's true for a fifth of mortgage holders in 
California, nearly a third in Florida and an incredible 50% in Nevada.

Are you in this situation? Are you still battling to pay the bills each month, 
even when it may make little financial sense to do so?

It's time for some tough talk.

Stop trying to chase your lost equity. That money is gone. Don't think like the 
gambler who blows more and more cash trying to win back his losses. That's how 
a lot of people turn a small loss into a big one.

And do 

[FairfieldLife] Re: God this is Painful!

2008-10-03 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Oct 2, 2008, at 11:07 PM, m2smart4u2000 wrote:
  I'm a Republican but Palin is getting ripped apart by Biden in 
  debate, who appears much more informed and is debating the issues
  more finesse. Palin keeps trying to stick to her notes, while 
  pointedly making Palin's statements look inaccurate.
  I wonder how much the VP choice affects voters preferences here?
  I heard on the news today it was the 7th most important issue, so
  perhaps the VP issue won't throw the election.
  Biden wins this one and Palin looks like a beginner.
  Yes it looked like an adult having a debate with a three year 
  She was all rah rah but no substance.
 It was like she was at a cheerleading rally or something.
 I swore that if she *winked* one more time I was
 going to throw my slipper at the TV.
 Fortunately, the TV survived.

This is for you Sal

Sarah Palin Serial Winker

[FairfieldLife] Re: God this is Painful!

2008-10-02 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, Jonathan Chadwick 

 But the read out there is that she didn't fall down and die.  Be 
sure that we won't be hearing from her unscripted for the rest of the 
 --- On Thu, 10/2/08, pranamoocher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: pranamoocher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] God this is Painful!
 Date: Thursday, October 2, 2008, 9:53 PM
 I'm a Republican but Palin is getting ripped apart by Biden in this
 debate, who appears much more informed and is debating the issues 
 more finesse. Palin keeps trying to stick to her notes, while Biden 
 pointedly making Palin's statements look inaccurate.
 I wonder how much the VP choice affects voters preferences here?
 I heard on the news today it was the 7th most important issue, so
 perhaps the VP issue won't throw the election.
 Biden wins this one and Palin looks like a beginner.

Yes it looked like an adult having a debate with a three year old. 
She was all rah rah but no substance.

[FairfieldLife] Did McCain try to get out of the debates due to a stroke?

2008-09-28 Thread m2smart4u2000

Can anyone tell by his jyotish about when he is gonna die or be 
debilitated? has anyone posted Palin's jyotish?

[FairfieldLife] Re: 8 houses! I don't think John McCain owns ONE house...

2008-09-20 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 ...I think Cindy owns everything.
 In my business, I often have to use the database of the Maricopa 
 County Recorder's office to look up deeds, etc.  The Recorder's 
 office has put everything online, something that not every county 
 the country has done.
 So I looked up Cindy McCain and it looks as though everything is in 
 HER name...probably pursuant to the pre-nup that it is reported 
 John signed when he married her.
 So I think that when he was asked how many houses he owned his 
 fumbling answer may have been a function of his embarrassment of 
 owning any homes or that he may own or be a joint owner of one or 
 but he didn't want to be confronted with the fact that it was his 
 wife that was the owner, not him (typical male ego).
 Here is what comes up under Cindy McCain:
Absolute stupidity for anyone with great wealth to deed property in 
their own name. Property should be held in LLC's, Land trusts etc so 
that when someone wants to sue you, they cannot find your assets. 
LLC's provide additional protection. someone that rich should have 
decent legal advice. Also it is good advice to NOT use your personal 
name in the name of the LLC for privacy and protection. 

[FairfieldLife] Jon Stewart and Gloria Steinem on Palin

2008-09-07 Thread m2smart4u2000

you gotta watch this video

[FairfieldLife] Promises and Ethics

2008-06-05 Thread m2smart4u2000
Regarding advanced techniques, you would have signed an agreement to 
keep the teaching  private. Do promises mean nothing anymore? It seems 
that people are proud to divulge information given on condition of 
confidentiality. You promised before getting the technique to not talk 
about it, so if you had a problem about that, why didn't you just walk 
away and not take instruction? 
In my profession, if i told private financial information about anyone 
I did work for (even work 20 years ago)I would consider myself 
In personal life the same holds true. 
Does it matter whether or not you belive Marharishi did this thing or 
that? Does some accusation on your part, invalidate your word? 
Rick, you were on Maharishi's team for a long time. You sound a little 
like MacLellan. A little late to complain about Maharishi's actions. 
You were an adult at the time no? Why don't you delete those posts?
Where is your level of responsibility? Where are your ethical standards?
The only person you can control is yourself, so the responsibilty to do 
the right things lies with you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone offer a cogent rebuttal to this?

2008-06-05 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Behalf Of sandiego108
 Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 3:12 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone offer a cogent rebuttal to 
 Yep, its in the past...and also a masterful piece of reverse 
 engineering. In other words, if Hillary had won, the piece would've 
 never been written. Just someone trying to paint a picture of 
 to fit their emotional reaction.
 But the person who sent me this would argue that Hillary couldn't 
have won
 because things were rigged as this piece alleges.
This is the best so far

[FairfieldLife] Re: Promises and Ethics

2008-06-05 Thread m2smart4u2000
And what broken promise specifically do you feel justifies your 
broken promise regarding confidentiality? 
Using the word movement creates a broad context. I think you should 
stay on track with advanced techniques and your privacy agreement 
regarding  that technique and the contract with that entity. You made 
a legally binding contract, do you dispute that? People are always 
whining after signing a legal contract. I suggest complaining 
beforehand or don't sign the contract if you don't like it. There is 
no give and take in a contract.If you were of legal age and signed 
the contract then stick to your agreement.

--- In, guyfawkes91 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 It's a case of give and take. The TMO doesn't pay attention to 
 moral standards and fancy things like keeping promises. So people 
 that the contract has been broken. If the movement kept its promises
 and maintained ethical standards in its dealings with people then
 everyone would feel a bit uncomfortable about breaking their side of
 the bargain
 --- In, m2smart4u2000 no_reply@ 
  Regarding advanced techniques, you would have signed an agreement 
  keep the teaching  private. Do promises mean nothing anymore? It 
  that people are proud to divulge information given on condition 
  confidentiality. You promised before getting the technique to not 
  about it, so if you had a problem about that, why didn't you just 
  away and not take instruction? 
  In my profession, if i told private financial information about 
  I did work for (even work 20 years ago)I would consider myself 
  In personal life the same holds true. 
  Does it matter whether or not you belive Marharishi did this 
thing or 
  that? Does some accusation on your part, invalidate your word? 
  Rick, you were on Maharishi's team for a long time. You sound a 
  like MacLellan. A little late to complain about Maharishi's 
  You were an adult at the time no? Why don't you delete those 
  Where is your level of responsibility? Where are your ethical 
  The only person you can control is yourself, so the responsibilty 
to do 
  the right things lies with you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Promises and Ethics

2008-06-05 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Behalf Of m2smart4u2000
 Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 2:48 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Promises and Ethics
 Does it matter whether or not you belive Marharishi did this thing 
 that? Does some accusation on your part, invalidate your word? 
 Rick, you were on Maharishi's team for a long time. You sound a 
 like MacLellan. A little late to complain about Maharishi's 
 You were an adult at the time no? Why don't you delete those posts?
 Where is your level of responsibility? Where are your ethical 
 The only person you can control is yourself, so the responsibilty 
to do 
 the right things lies with you.
 I admire what McLellan did. Better late than never. When I was in 
the TMO, I
 wasn't aware of a lot of the stuff that was going on. Had I been, I 
 would have left sooner. Having said that, I still appreciate 
 the good TM has done me and others. But nonetheless, I don't 
believe that
 the TMO should get away scot-free with some of the shit it has 
pulled. I

Amazing to me that people blame someone else when they lack moral 
character. It must be the movement's fault that I didn't keep my 
promise. Somehow this justifies my lack of ethics. It's a broad 
excuse to justify anything and everything. Just look at what you 
wrote, I don't believe that the TMO should get away scot-free, so 
therefore YOU are going to be the one chosen to deliver whatever you 
deem fair recompense for (again broad undescribable term)the TMO. 
Anything goes right? Maybe there could be some level of honor and 
still maintain a discussion without lowering yourself to breaking of 
legal contracts that you signed.

 feel it has the potential to evolve into an ethical, genuinely 
 organization, and there are some early signs since MMY's death that 
this may
 happen. Honest discussion about its foibles will facilitate this.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Promises and Ethics

2008-06-05 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Behalf Of m2smart4u2000
 Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 5:26 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Promises and Ethics
 Amazing to me that people blame someone else when they lack moral 
 character. It must be the movement's fault that I didn't keep my 
 promise. Somehow this justifies my lack of ethics. It's a broad 
 excuse to justify anything and everything. Just look at what you 
 wrote, I don't believe that the TMO should get away scot-free, so 
 therefore YOU are going to be the one chosen to deliver whatever 
 deem fair recompense for (again broad undescribable term)the TMO. 
 Anything goes right? Maybe there could be some level of honor and 
 still maintain a discussion without lowering yourself to breaking 
 legal contracts that you signed.
 Which ones have I broken?

Confidentiality of the techniques. You are the moderator of this 
website so you can delete things that break that promise. 
I am sure you promised not to reveal the techniques and that you 
accepted that you were not guaranteed  that you would be satisfied 
with the results of them.

Even if you divorce yourself from someone,you don't go  speak all 
their secrets. 

I have seen, in the past that you are careful to not reveal names of 
people who you have suggested had inappropriate relations, and yet 
you allow the techniques that you promised to protect to be discussed 
in full.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Promises and Ethics

2008-06-05 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Jun 5, 2008, at 7:37 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
  Amazing to me that people blame someone else when they lack moral
  character. It must be the movement's fault that I didn't keep 
  promise. Somehow this justifies my lack of ethics. It's a broad
  excuse to justify anything and everything. Just look at what you
  wrote, I don't believe that the TMO should get away scot-free, 
  therefore YOU are going to be the one chosen to deliver whatever 
  deem fair recompense for (again broad undescribable term)the TMO.
  Anything goes right? Maybe there could be some level of honor and
  still maintain a discussion without lowering yourself to breaking 
  legal contracts that you signed.
  Which ones have I broken?
 JOOC, what brought on this whole rant?  Surely it couldn't
 have been my obvious joke about the 6th AT.  And what
 makes her think you've broken any promises?  And why
 single out just you?
 Maybe it's the heat, but she lost me with her first post.

Ka-ching was a riot. I have no problem with those kind of jokes. I 
appreciate that kind of humor. 
Rick knows what I am referring to.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Promises and Ethics

2008-06-05 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Behalf Of m2smart4u2000
 Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 8:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Promises and Ethics
 --- In , Rick Archer rick@ 
  Which ones have I broken?
 Confidentiality of the techniques. You are the moderator of this 
 website so you can delete things that break that promise. 
 I am sure you promised not to reveal the techniques and that you 
 accepted that you were not guaranteed that you would be satisfied 
 with the results of them.
 Even if you divorce yourself from someone,you don't go speak all 
 their secrets. 
 I have seen, in the past that you are careful to not reveal names 
 people who you have suggested had inappropriate relations, and yet 
 you allow the techniques that you promised to protect to be 
 in full.
 Your point is not without merit. I do feel a bit squeamish when 
people start
 revealing mantras and techniques. I have occasionally deleted posts 
 something was said that left a permanent record on the net 
 someone. For instance, there was a fellow in town who had some 
 problems and there were some posts about him here which his mother 
 want him to find. So she asked me to delete them and I did. I also 
have to
 contact the webmaster of a mirror site and have him delete stuff, 
which is
 an imposition. But if I agreed to delete everything which the TMO 
 want posted, it would be a full-time job. That info about the 
mantras and
 techniques is posted elsewhere on the web, in numerous places, so 
having it
 on FFL is merely redundant. I want to maintain freedom of speech 
here, and
 that means that very few things are going to qualify for censorship.

I understand your desire for freedom of speech but the limit comes 
with your responsibility to the promises you made and the intention 
of this website. Alot of the stuff I don't really care about, people 
vent,have different opinions about ayurveda, chopra, stapatya veda 
etc. If those opinions bothered me, I wouldn't read the messages 
here.Allowing posting of the  details of techniques makes you 
squeamish for a reason. Listen to your gut reaction and keep the 
promises you agreed to. I realize that that imformation is available 
on certain other sights, however the point of those sites is 
extremely anti TM. They want to completely destroy the movement and 
the revelations are intentionally to hurt. That is not the object of 
this website. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gas tax?

2008-05-05 Thread m2smart4u2000
I thought the gas tax just went for roads

--- In, Richard J. Williams 

 Wait just a minute. I thought the economists 
 were always telling us NOT to tax corporations 
 because They just pass the tax on to the 
 Now, they're telling us, don't cut taxes 
 because the corporations will keep the money 
 and NOT pass the lower prices on to the 
 consumer. So which is it?
 Read more:
 Althouse, Sunday, May 04, 2008:
 'Gas tax stuck in neutral, but could still 
 rev up Hillary's campaign'
 By Lynn Sweet
 Chicago Sun-Times, May 5, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Links to Jyotish Presidential win?

2008-04-24 Thread m2smart4u2000
The message search is not working, so sorry if this subject has been 
covered. George Michael Scallion predicts Obama to win, the jyoitshee 
from fairfield (Lu?) said it would be Clinton. How can they differ in 
opinion if jyotish is accurate??
Any quesses on vice presidential candidate? Jyotish on that?

[FairfieldLife] I shook Obama's hand today

2008-03-22 Thread m2smart4u2000
I am sure many of you have seen him already. When asked about the 
environment he said that many changes in the Bush administration were 
through executive order and the first job of his attorney general would 
be to review all executive orders since he can rescind them. He spoke 
about the same with regards to our civil liberties. He said most of the 
violations were through executive order. He said  that if Iraq cannot 
get its act together to govern itself with five years of our help, it 
wasn't going to do it. He will have the troops out within 18 monthes 
and that makes 7 years for Iraq to learn self government. 
I really feel like he is there to represent the people truly. Yahoo. 
I am jazzed. I have not been into any candidate my whole life. 
When I said the future president of the United States He 
replied thank you. Love that graciousness. He brings back eloquence 
and honor.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Time for a new approach.

2008-03-22 Thread m2smart4u2000
-I watched a CNN discussion about the democratic race and the 
agreement of all political analysts was that it would be impossible 
for Clinton to win unless Obama fell flat on his face, that is really 
her only hope... and so the search for dirt goes on,
They said she would need 60-65% of the popular vote in every primary 
that is left and that would be nearly impossible.
I do not like the Obama/Clinton ticket YUCK. If we are looking for a 
true representative, then we need someone who is not going to do the 
same ole, same ole, We need an entire paradygm shift and that would 
be Obama. It is very clear from the world of finance and Real estate 
that we could have an entire economic collapse. This could allow us 
to create a new style of barter, re-definiation of property ownership 
etc., but the country would have to let go of fear. Obama made it 
clear today that fear would not drive him to sacrifice our freedom. 
Hillary would just try to re-build the old instead of create an 
entire new paradygm. The higher consciousness demands a change. 
I was thinking of Edwards for a VP until I heard him today 
complementing both Clinton and Obama, like he would play them both 
incase he got offered the VP from either one.

-- In, mainstream20016 

 A candidate with a consistent 47% negative rating is not a strong 
candidate, despite 
 world-class name recognition.  Sorry, Hillary, Obama doesn't need 
a 'two-fer' VP.  Perhaps 
 McCain would put you (and Bill) on his ticket as VP.  remember 
where you heard it first..
 --- In, Louis McKenzie ltm457@ 
  One big problem I have with the competition between
  Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is that they are very
  much on the same page on many issues.That said it
  is hard for me to believe that the CLinton camp will
  go past Pennsylvania with this win at any cost
  politics.   One reason is that Hillary, IF, she wins
  Pennsylvania will not win with enough of a margin to
  change what is already and that is that Barack has
  nearly a 150 delegate lead over her.   
  Therefore in consideration that Barack Obama stands
  for all of what the CLintons have claimed to stand
  for, for nearly 40 years, I believe that after Penn
  there will be a change in the way they do things.   I
  believe it is time for them to sit down with Barack
  Obama and map out a partnership.   No more campaigning
  for McCain.   No one person can change America,
  America will only be changed by everyone working
  together to make that change.   
  The only real difference between Bill CLinton and
  Barack Obama is that Bill Clinton had Jessica Flowers
  and several other women in his closet not a minister
  who get over zealous in his sermons.   For the last
  two weeks the press has been trying to make something
  out of nothing.  In their efforts they have proven
  that Barack Obama is a christian not Muslim that he is
  a stand up guy not a slime bag.   They have proven he
  will not stab his friends in the back.  These are
  important things
  If Barack wins Pennsylvania or any of the coming
  primaries it will put an end to these attacks, because
  it will show that America is not listening.   On the
  other hand with Bill Clinton after Jessica, and WHite
  water he could not keep still he had to fall for a set
  up and go after Monica Lewinsky.In other words
  once he won all the battles he had to stick a knife in
  his own back.   I hope Barack is not so stupid.   
  Point it is time to stop campaigning for McCain it is
  time for the Democrats to come together and stand
  together for America...

  Looking for last minute shopping deals?  
  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Time for a new approach.

2008-03-22 Thread m2smart4u2000
-I watched a CNN discussion about the democratic race and the 
agreement of all political analysts was that it would be impossible 
for Clinton to win unless Obama fell flat on his face, that is really 
her only hope... and so the search for dirt goes on,
They said she would need 60-65% of the popular vote in every primary 
that is left and that would be nearly impossible.
I do not like the Obama/Clinton ticket YUCK. If we are looking for a 
true representative, then we need someone who is not going to do the 
same ole, same ole, We need an entire paradygm shift and that would 
be Obama. It is very clear from the world of finance and Real estate 
that we could have an entire economic collapse. This could allow us 
to create a new style of barter, re-definiation of property ownership 
etc., but the country would have to let go of fear. Obama made it 
clear today that fear would not drive him to sacrifice our freedom. 
Hillary would just try to re-build the old instead of create an 
entire new paradygm. The higher consciousness demands a change. 
I was thinking of Edwards for a VP until I heard him today 
complementing both Clinton and Obama, like he would play them both 
incase he got offered the VP from either one.

-- In, mainstream20016 

 A candidate with a consistent 47% negative rating is not a strong 
candidate, despite 
 world-class name recognition.  Sorry, Hillary, Obama doesn't need 
a 'two-fer' VP.  Perhaps 
 McCain would put you (and Bill) on his ticket as VP.  remember 
where you heard it first..
 --- In, Louis McKenzie ltm457@ 
  One big problem I have with the competition between
  Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is that they are very
  much on the same page on many issues.That said it
  is hard for me to believe that the CLinton camp will
  go past Pennsylvania with this win at any cost
  politics.   One reason is that Hillary, IF, she wins
  Pennsylvania will not win with enough of a margin to
  change what is already and that is that Barack has
  nearly a 150 delegate lead over her.   
  Therefore in consideration that Barack Obama stands
  for all of what the CLintons have claimed to stand
  for, for nearly 40 years, I believe that after Penn
  there will be a change in the way they do things.   I
  believe it is time for them to sit down with Barack
  Obama and map out a partnership.   No more campaigning
  for McCain.   No one person can change America,
  America will only be changed by everyone working
  together to make that change.   
  The only real difference between Bill CLinton and
  Barack Obama is that Bill Clinton had Jessica Flowers
  and several other women in his closet not a minister
  who get over zealous in his sermons.   For the last
  two weeks the press has been trying to make something
  out of nothing.  In their efforts they have proven
  that Barack Obama is a christian not Muslim that he is
  a stand up guy not a slime bag.   They have proven he
  will not stab his friends in the back.  These are
  important things
  If Barack wins Pennsylvania or any of the coming
  primaries it will put an end to these attacks, because
  it will show that America is not listening.   On the
  other hand with Bill Clinton after Jessica, and WHite
  water he could not keep still he had to fall for a set
  up and go after Monica Lewinsky.In other words
  once he won all the battles he had to stick a knife in
  his own back.   I hope Barack is not so stupid.   
  Point it is time to stop campaigning for McCain it is
  time for the Democrats to come together and stand
  together for America...

  Looking for last minute shopping deals?  
  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[FairfieldLife] Re: FW: eye-witness at the cremation

2008-03-06 Thread m2smart4u2000
Who specifically told you to leave?
Was it a westerner? That would seem inappropriate in India, dhamiltony2k5 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 This is good.  Your encyclo source is saying then that it was a 
 traditional Hindu funeral.  Different than Vedic.  
 Same thing i got from asking around to other sources.  As in, 
 is based on vedic scripture; and as such, older than the religion 
 Hence, the funeral was evidently 'traditional' Hindu, by these 
 rites.  Not necessarily Vedic just because they say it was.  
 women out at Hindu funerals that way evidently is not necessarily 
 vedic by this or universally recognized there.  Is Hindu 
 So i am told by people who seem to know these things.  Enlighten 
 some more if you know otherwise.  Thanks for your e-mails.  
 Regardless, was odd feeling for people who had come to pay their 
 respects.  Western women and Indian women, who had come there  
 were 'held back' in areas at a remote location.  
 -Doug in FF  
 --- In, Michael soulchild@ wrote:
  --- In, dhamiltony2k5
  dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   Well, nothing in the 'vedic scripture' proscribes this 
   distinction about funeral rites.  No separation by gender from 
   scripture in Shastra and the like, hence this particular 
   about gender Jim-crow is not 'Vedic'.  It was conceived. 
  All the relations present, men and women bow to the dead. 
  corpse is put upon a ladder-like bier of bamboo and borne by four
  persons on their shoulders to the crematin ground, the priest 
  chief mourner (who holds the sacred fire for burning the dead 
  walking in front of the bier. Women do not accompany a funeral
   Not vedic, it was just in the choreography and power-tripping 
   unique event.  Keeping the Westerners at bay in a way too.  
   Indian movement was respectful when they had to be, but 
   as inclusive.  Inner and outer circles.  You'll notice Nadir 
   walked behind and was not in their boat?  
   It was just part of the story there.  Nobody stood up for the 
   when it could have been done, except those soldiers later in 
   story.  Probably as likely that nobody wanted to deal with or 
   out the logistics.  So it boiled down to:  Just tell them 
   its 'Vedic', and keep them out.

[FairfieldLife] Lou's predictions for 2008 including Maharishi

2008-01-11 Thread m2smart4u2000
Maybe you already saw this:
So, with all that has been said here are the predictions for 2008. 

Some of the predictions I made for 2007 will continue on through the 
end of 2009. The first contact of UFO landings of a large kind I am 
predicting will be from June 2009 through the beginning of 2010. This 
is not a guarantee because they will not have a mass landing if the 
auric field of the earth is still filled with stress and fear. 

However, the spring of 2009 brings about a very spiritual energy that 
is much different than what we have felt over the last eight years. 

The Political energy is starting to percolate. In 2008 a new 
Presidential candidate will take on the highest seat of the land. I 
am predicting that Hillary Rodham Clinton will not only win the 
Democratic nomination but will choose Senator Barak Obama as her 
running mate and this team will represent the next eight years of 

The reason that Hillary is going to win is threefold. 

Firstly, Pluto is moving into Capricorn for the first half of 2008 
and returning by the end of 2008 and strongly influencing 2009. Pluto 
belongs to Scorpio. Hillary is not only a Scorpio but she has 
transiting Pluto moving into her 7th house of public recognition 
where it has not been since she started her political career. This 
gives her the needed personification of power to gain attention. 

The second reason for her winning is the 7th house also rules one to 
one partnerships and marriage so Bill Clinton becomes the main backup 
supporter during her campaign. Not a bad person to have on your side 
if you want to win an election. He will be in one state campaigning 
for her while she is in another. 

Thirdly, the Goddess energy becomes stronger as Pluto moves into 
Capricorn and tears down the old model of patriarchal domination. 
Pluto belongs to Shiva and in the Hindu religion Shiva is the 
spiritualizer or transformer. What appears to be death and chaos on 
the surface is Shiva pouring his energies into the government bodies 
of the world and allowing a new model of government to be formed for 
and by the people. 

Since Pluto will be transiting (moving) through Capricorn in the 
beginning degrees for the next couple of years Hillary Clinton could 
find herself inheriting a mess as she starts off 2009 as the next 
president. I predict that America will be in a recession by the time 
the November of 2008 election starts. 

Pluto rules petroleum oil and we could see problems with terrorists 
worldwide attacking oil reserves to the point that it drives the 
price per barrel up and we are paying over $5.00 a gallon or more 
when all is said and done. This could happen in the spring or summer 
time of 2008. And when you have a recession, high energy costs and a 
war going on all at the same time during an election who is to blame? 
The Republican president which means the Republican party has no 

By the spring of 2009, Hillary and Obama will try to form grassroots 
organizations and also work with already established organizations to 
solve most of the stress and imbalances that an unhealthy economy can 
create. Creating villages everywhere of 50 to 100 people that network 
with each other on a daily basis. Bartering service for service and 
moving away from a co-dependent relationship with the federal 
government and the IRS. Moving away from a taxing system to one that 
is self sufficient by allowing people to exchange energy with one 
another as a service oriented model of sharing rather than taking and 

When this happens the energy will be freed up and the stress levels 
will diminish and prepare for a mass landing of UFO´s from other 
races. The Pleiadians at this point are the most protective of planet 
earth and will be working with all of the governments of the 
intergalactic councils and the government bodies of planet earth to 
set up a much different life than what we have seen over the last 
26,000 years. 

This is not a guarantee. The collective madness needs to be calmed 
down and stabilized before we can have a mass contact. Therefore, 
this whole scenario could get delayed as it has in the past. A mass 
landing was predicted by Sheldon Nidle in 1995 and 1996 and it has 
not happened. We have a better chance of it happening in the summer 
of 2009 and if not then we may have to wait till 2012 or 2015. 

We have seen instability in the elements regarding tornadoes, fires, 
earthquakes and floodings. This will continue but we have seen the 
hurricane season soften. The prayers and meditations from everyone 
are changing the aggressive behavior of Mother Nature. The world 
still awaits a massive tsunami in the pacific basin that will push 
Lemuria back up to the surface of the ocean. This will reveal a huge 
chunk of history. 

As Neptune and Uranus continue their mutual reception we will 
continue to see spiritual grassroots organizations grow. Knowledge of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone have a good dal recipe?

2008-01-01 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In, Vaj
  vajranatha@ wrote:
   On Dec 31, 2007, at 10:22 PM, Vaj wrote:
On Dec 31, 2007, at 11:53 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:
Yes? Please share.
That would depend.
What's your dosha(s)?
   PS: If you don't know your dosha go to:
   ...and write down all your results.
  Pitta Vatta. got a problem with...oh never mind, 
  To subscribe, send a message to:
  Or go to:
  and click 'Join This Group!' 
  Yahoo! Groups Links
  heat ghee, add black mustard seeds until they pop, add 1 tsp 
freshly ground cumin, coriander, 1/2 tsp tumeric, asofoteda and garam 
marsala, 1/4 tsp cayenne. add dal plus water, cover and cook. 
Option to add after cooked,
Lots of salt
1/2 can cream coconut
1/2 cup cream
TBSP of tamarind consentrate

chopped fresh cilantro
 Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

[FairfieldLife] Font size

2007-11-10 Thread m2smart4u2000
Is it just some change that occured on my computer, or did the yahoo 
groups font size reduce?

[FairfieldLife] Colbert/Stewart 2008

2007-10-21 Thread m2smart4u2000

I love the banner Stewart/Colbert... it's time to change the sheets

Maybe this will be a re-take on the Jessie Ventura story.

[FairfieldLife] Why are people dressing their dogs?

2007-10-20 Thread m2smart4u2000
has the world gone completely MAD? Even Penney's catalogue has 
a matching doggie hoodie to wear with your suit. 
Most of the world's children have no dental or medical care but we can 
buy friggin DOG outfits to match, not to mention cute carrying purses. 
Is this some kind of doll substitute? I think we should get a 
psychologist's opinion on this minature doggy foo foo stuff.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crash stock markets.

2007-10-20 Thread m2smart4u2000
When someone is losing money, someone else is making it. Changes in 
market are almost always opportunities to make big money.
I would not let a prediction scare me away.
There is this senseless chatter about mercury retrograde. I have 
been observing its affect on my life for a long time since I have 
exalted mercury prominently in my chart. I have signed several major 
contracts during mercury retrograde, having full knowlege of the 
retrograde motion. Our instincts about our own lives are probably 
better than the predictions. I listen to the jyoitsh, but move by 
instinct. One review I read about mercury retrograde said that it is 
a chance to Re view something in our lives. RETRO in MIND or 
mercury is simply like going back, transcending something old 
and redoing it. After I read that I thought, OK that is why I re-
financed my house in mercury retrograde even though one is told not 
to sign contracts. Signing an auto purchase agreement during mercury 
retrograde, was for me a different kind of review. It makes more 
sense to me in retrospect and that is why I think it is better to 
trust our instincts not fear. The planetary effects are very 

 In, shukra69 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Mercury goes retrograde quite often. It also that Saturn is right 
 conjunct Ketu, and also right now Saturn is not only afflicted by 
 that but also weak due to its dispositor being weak (the Sun, at 
 moment changing signs. This will impact some individuals and 
 very badly depending on their ascendant and if they have a birth 
 planet around the same approx 11 degrees in odd signs.
 But the worst is already averted.
 --- In, george_deforest 
 george.deforest@ wrote:
  all the jyotishees are so inclined, because of the present
  transit of Mercury.
  this msg from Team CyberAstro (
  summarizes it well:
  Mercury is the planet of intelligence and exchange/transaction 
  in our daily life. During retrograde motion, Mercury will cause
  confusion, rumour galore, and communication bottlenecks in our 
  In mundane astrology, retrograde Mercury reverses the present 
  in the stock market. So, watch out! 
  Take a little more care on house keeping activities on your 
  computer and mail systems. 
  Of course effect of retrograde Mercury will be different 
  on different people based on their individual charts 
  and specific house and life aspects that Libra represents 
  in the individual chart.
  also, Fairfielder David Hawthorne has this to say:
  Mercury transits Libra from 12:39 to 04:43
  and moves away from the aspects of Saturn and Rahu. 
  Mercury is combust until Oct. 29, and retrograde until Nov. 1
  Be careful with your stocks, business and communications.
   docu1000 wrote:
   Below is a free alert from Mahendra Sharma (link
   I wonder what Maharishi Jyotish predicts.
   Dear Member,
   We are approaching toward worst volatile period like 1929 and 
   I advise please stay alert and just watch market. 
   Hold cash as many will fall with fall of commodities, 
   stock market and hot bubble currencies.
   This will happen in the next two weeks.
   As predicted today all commodities will remain very volatile.
   Trading up can move down during the day 
   (This apply for metals, oil and grains).
   I mentioned in newsletter that today is the day to sell 
   Canadian and Australian dollar and yes once again I confirm 
   Currently December contract are trading at $1.0243 and 0.9009.
   Dollar index trading stable and it should trade positive.
   I predicted major crash in all stock market from 18 October 
   so watch this date closely and plan your trades accordingly. 
   There will blood-bath in Asian market and may few of the market
   will close down for few days so watch carefully. 
   Get out from all position before 18 October including metals,
   Uranium and Alternative energy stocks.
   Coffee and cotton to remain positive.
   Thanks  God Bless
   Mahendra Sharma, 11 Oct 5.50AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crash stock markets.

2007-10-20 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, pray tell, how do we all become the ones that make big 
money?  :D 
 That is without having to spend a lot of time learning about 
 and having the luck to win in the market (which I consider just 
a form 
 of gambling).  I'm pretty right brained and get bored pretty 
 reading the investment stuff my broker sends me.   Let's face it 
 people on the planet aren't money nuts.

Money can be made in many areas ofcourse. you have to know your  
niche and be educated in that area. Real Estate is starting to 
happen now with the drop. There are lots of changes in how people 
sell property. I Just went to an aucton this week. Wholesaling 
houses is good. The REO prices are still high, but I am watching it.
The typical process seems to be:
House in default (mayabe listed as a short sale on MLS)
House in foreclosure
Auction at foreclosure
Listed for sale through MLS
If not sold, goes to auction (bank owned auction)
the house I just watched had been purchased in 2005 for $130, 
foreclosed on, listed on MLS for $9lk and didn't sell, went to 
auction and sold for $56k (which i thought was high)
another similar situation the house sold for $25k and the buyers 
turned around and sold it in a day for $50k. That is where you want 
to be. 
One guy here just buys houses at foreclosure auction and resales 
them for 10% increase. This can get a great deal for both buyers 
since you MUST have all cash to buy at foreclosure auctions (in 
Oregon). There are hundreds of ways to struction the deals,lots of 
contacts and online sights to use. Many of those sights require 
membership, but not all.
 m2smart4u2000 wrote:
  When someone is losing money, someone else is making it. Changes 
  market are almost always opportunities to make big money.
  I would not let a prediction scare me away.
  There is this senseless chatter about mercury retrograde. I have 
  been observing its affect on my life for a long time since I 
  exalted mercury prominently in my chart. I have signed several 
  contracts during mercury retrograde, having full knowlege of the 
  retrograde motion. Our instincts about our own lives are 
  better than the predictions. I listen to the jyoitsh, but move 
  instinct. One review I read about mercury retrograde said that 
it is 
  a chance to Re view something in our lives. RETRO in MIND 
  mercury is simply like going back, transcending something old 
  and redoing it. After I read that I thought, OK that is why 
I re-
  financed my house in mercury retrograde even though one is told 
  to sign contracts. Signing an auto purchase agreement during 
  retrograde, was for me a different kind of review. It makes 
  sense to me in retrospect and that is why I think it is better 
  trust our instincts not fear. The planetary effects are very 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crash stock markets.

2007-10-20 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 m2smart4u2000 wrote:
  --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  So, pray tell, how do we all become the ones that make big 
  money?  :D 

  That is without having to spend a lot of time learning about 

  and having the luck to win in the market (which I consider 
  a form 

  of gambling).  I'm pretty right brained and get bored pretty 

  reading the investment stuff my broker sends me.   Let's face 

  people on the planet aren't money nuts.
  Money can be made in many areas ofcourse. you have to know your  
  niche and be educated in that area. Real Estate is starting to 
  happen now with the drop. There are lots of changes in how 
  sell property. I Just went to an aucton this week. Wholesaling 
  houses is good. The REO prices are still high, but I am watching 
  The typical process seems to be:
  House in default (mayabe listed as a short sale on MLS)
  House in foreclosure
  Auction at foreclosure
  Listed for sale through MLS
  If not sold, goes to auction (bank owned auction)
  the house I just watched had been purchased in 2005 for $130, 
  foreclosed on, listed on MLS for $9lk and didn't sell, went to 
  auction and sold for $56k (which i thought was high)
  another similar situation the house sold for $25k and the buyers 
  turned around and sold it in a day for $50k. That is where you 
  to be. 
  One guy here just buys houses at foreclosure auction and resales 
  them for 10% increase. This can get a great deal for both buyers 
  since you MUST have all cash to buy at foreclosure auctions (in 
  Oregon). There are hundreds of ways to struction the deals,lots 
  contacts and online sights to use. Many of those sights require 
  membership, but not all.

 Thanks.  But see that works for you because you're into those kind 
 things.  It reminds me of the time right after I became a TM 
 that there was an Amway craze going through the movement.  What 
 learned from that experience was that I'm not a salesman and the 
 who did good at Amway would have done good selling widgets too.   
It has 
 to be in your blood.
 We all have personality types which aren't even transcended if 
 enlightened.  When I worked for a tech company that went public 
 artists in the company were complaining that they didn't know what 
to do 
 with their stocks (401K even) and thought they were as much a 
curse as a 
 blessing.   This drove the more left brain people nuts who 
 understand them.  Now if they had held on to their stock and sold 
 today even with meager options they would be retired today because 
 company was sold and over the years that companies stock has split 
 several times and is worth a whole lot.  But not even the most 
 investment counselor would have told any of us to hold on because 
 companies were a huge risk and really only rose later on during 
the tech 
 bubble.  If we held on that stock could have just as easily become 
 worthless too.
 BTW, what year was that house built?  I'm in the Bay Area and my 
 built house is still worth close to $500K even though the market 
 softened a bit (my neighbor who was the selling agent for the 
 tells me it is back to pre-boom normal business).   That is 
 some folks who bought further out are able to buy further in to 
 their commutes.  Around here $56K would get you a tool shed.  :)

yeah we have seen the same thing here. Ashland market has somewhat 
held its price at well over $200 per square foot while medford (10 
miles away) has dropped more in value. I see much less sales but not 
a huge drop in value.(either that, or sellers are adamantly refusing 
to drop the price, hence the house just sits on the market)
 The house I refered to was a remote old logging area called butte 
falls and the house was 1194 square feet in bad condition (mostly 
easy to fix). This is one area where, at that price, you could rent 
the house for it's mortgage payment without much negative cash flow. 
As far as knowlege in real estate, I kind of fell into it but 
continued to educate myself. One has to love what they are doing to 
contiune with a passion. 
I have been doing accounting and legal work in Real estate for over 
4 years for LLC's, SubS, 401k, including rentals, fixer-uppers, 
development etc.  I was kind of wondering WHY i was doing this. BUT 
now i get it because i am poised to create my own deals. when you 
have to make something clear legally and tax-wise, you have to GET 
IT. Meanwhile, my chart is saying, great big money, play big. 
There is that side that nature put me there and that side 
of educating and being prepared then jyoitsh says the time is 
here and viola. That's the free will/destiny combo! Now I will see

[FairfieldLife] Gordon Michael Scalllion on the next president

2007-10-06 Thread m2smart4u2000
CK: Who will be the next U.S. President?

GMS:If there are no new entries into the field then Lincoln shall 
return and occupy the White House again.

CK:Do you want to tell us who Lincoln is?

GMS: Obama

[FairfieldLife] Why is search not working?

2007-09-28 Thread m2smart4u2000
Has anyone else noticed this?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Malaria

2007-07-01 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, m2smart4u2000 no_reply@ 
 I thought I read in A shot in the Dark and other 
  anti-immunization books that diseases may have some unknown cycle 
  and that we have not really erradicated them. Those who created 
  vaccinations claimed that they elimiated disease but did not 
  consider that diseases have cycles.
 And this hypothesis is based on what studies?

The point is that any study has to consider all parameters. There may 
be some parameters that are unknown, such as this above possibility. 
How can you explain that Malaria no longer exists in the USA? There is 
some unknown.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Malaria

2007-06-30 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
  You're wasting your breath, Bob, telling people on this forum 
  the plight of poor people dying from malaria.
  One of the people responsible for 10s of millions of those 
deaths --
  Rachel Carson -- is a hero to many on this forum.
 The elimination of DDT is not very consequential in the malaria 
 story, because the rapid turnover of generations of mosquitoes 
 ensures that selection for resistance to DDT happens quickly 
 are always a few outliers in the mosquito population who have some 
 resistance to DDT):
  --- In, bob_brigante no_reply@ 
   We live on a malarious planet. It may not seem that way from 
   vantage point of a wealthy country, where malaria is sometimes 
   thought of, if it is thought of at all, as a problem that has 
   been solved, like smallpox or polio. In truth, malaria now 
   more people than ever before. It's endemic to 106 nations, 
   threatening half the world's population. In recent years, the 
   parasite has grown so entrenched and has developed resistance 
   many drugs that the most potent strains can scarcely be 
   This year malaria will strike up to a half billion people. At 
   million will die, most of them under age five, the vast 
   living in Africa. That's more than twice the annual toll a 
   The outcry over this epidemic, until recently, has been muted. 
   Malaria is a plague of the poor, easy to overlook. The most 
   unfortunate fact about malaria, some researchers believe, is 
   prosperous nations got rid of it. In the meantime, several 
   unprosperous regions have reached the brink of total malarial 
   collapse, virtually ruled by swarms of buzzing, flying 
   To witness the full force of malaria's stranglehold on Zambia, 
   essential to leave the capital city, Lusaka. Drive north, 
   verdant plains, past the banana plantations and the copper 
   copper is Zambia's primary export—and into the forested region 
   between the borders of Angola and the Democratic Republic of 
   Congo. This is the North-Western Province. It is almost 
   rural; many villages can be reached only by thin footpaths 
   the beet-red soil. A nationwide health survey in 2005 
   for every thousand children under age five living in the North-
   Western Province, there were 1,353 cases of malaria. An annual 
   of more than 100 percent seems impossible, a typo. It is not. 
   means is that many children are infected with malaria more 
   a year.
 I thought that no one knew for sure why the US does not have 
Malaria anymnore. I thought I read in A shot in the Dark and other 
anti-immunization books that diseases may have some unknown cycle 
and that we have not really erradicated them. Those who created 
vaccinations claimed that they elimiated disease but did not 
consider that diseases have cycles. We do not vaccinate against 
Malaria here and yet it disappeared. Why did it go away?
My daughter is in Kenya now, where Malaria is a common illness. She 
purchased anti-malaria pills in the US but found that the treatment 
and preventative medicines in Africa were really cheap.  (for us) I 
am sure that most of the people in Africa cannot afford it though. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread m2smart4u2000
I never could figure out if I am supposed to write at the top or 
bottom of the reply page..

Charlie was certainly entertaining, and I really enjoyed his talks 
and stories. He was always available for personal questions and gave 
very practical advice, contrary to what one might expect. I think he 
and Helen saved a boat-load of people from going over the deep-end, 
just by caring enough to listen to them complain about their 
problems. The Lutes were very generous that way, and always kind and 
loving people. 
The space ships, blue star (planet?) and Christ stories were 
inspiring to me, even if they didn't happen! Charlie gets and A+ for 
spiritual entertainment. Lets see:

Take the spherical spaceships not the cigar shaped ones
Go with the good looking, not the lizards
When the blue star comes it will be light 24/7
Christ was a leo (duh)
Christ was blond and blue eyed (double duh)

 In, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, I've got to admit, that over the 20+ years I heard Charlie 
 I did hear a few strange things, but then I think you have to 
 this Eastern 'religion' thing was new to all of us, and him at the 
 One thing struck me as odd when he said in 10 or X years (don't
 remember exact time) all the prisoners would just 'miraculously'
 disappear from the prisons, apparently to make way for the 'new 
 Finally toward the very end I quit going due to the small group of
 'groupies' that had 'worshiped' him, it gave me the creeps, 
 to them he was CC and higher.  I never looked at him that way, he
 enriched my life with his esoteric knowledge he gleaned from Max
 Heindel, Manly P. Hall and a few others.
 Also Charlie had character and integrity...yeah, perhaps he
 exaggerated a little but I never took those things seriously. 
 he was a great spiritual mentor and the closest thing to a personal
 guru I've ever had!  BillyG.
 P.S. One Friday night he said Lord Maitreya had been reborn on 
 a few nights later he said his 'reliable' source had been 'duped' 
by a
 --- In, Jason Spock jedi_spock@ 
  This is what three TM-tutors in the indian TM-org told 
  TM was formulated about Two thousand years before the 
 of Adi Sankara..!!  TM is more than four thousand years old..!!
  GuruDev Bramananda Sarasvati taught TM to Maharishi,,,
 almost literaly giving it to him on a Silver plate..!!
   Maharishi did NOT travel by foot.  People sponsored his
 trips which he went by trains and buses.
  CurtisDeltaBlues curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 16:48:53 -
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days
Thanks for posting this Bob. There is a contradictions in his 
  from MMY's own account. Since he was so close to MMY it is
  interesting that he would tell a different story. I am beginning 
  wonder if it is MMY who told different versions to different 
  But for his official version that is played repeatedly on his 
  we are all familiar with that one so my pointing out the 
  certainly wont bring a flurry of resistance, it will just be an
  obvious fact that we can work out together...
  C: A few years before he became Shankaracharya, the old sage 
made one
  of his rare ventures out of the wilderness. It was at this time 
  Maharishi saw him in a procession and the experience was 
  like spiritual love at first sight. Maharishi, a twenty-year- old
  student, felt an overwhelming desire to be near and serve the 
  Me: In his taped account he came to see Guru Dev in a house at 
  for the first time and caught a flashy glimpse when a car 
  illuminated his face. There was no procession.
  C: He sought out the Guru Dev who told him to first finish his
  education and then come. Two years later, having earned his 
  Maharishi headed for the monastery of Jyotir Math in the 
  religious center of Badrinath, there to devote his life to the 
  Dev, to serve at the feet of my master. And this he did for 
  years until the swami passed on.
  Over the years, Maharishi would be asked hundreds of times to 
  about his past. Reporters were especially curious. But his 
answer was
  always the same: Once you take the vows of the monk, past life 
  He told me long ago that when you become a bramachari, or monk, 
you no
  longer relate to your family or to any of your background.
  Me: So is his obvious connection with his family in the indian
  movement a departure from his vows? He set them up with sweet 
  that is definitely relating to them, in fact showing them 
  If in fact they are actually getting big bank accounts from the
  movement's finances, this would also seem to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Drummer in a previous lifetime?

2007-05-26 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  I was thinking ADHD and a few years of practice.  He needs to 
  love and have his heart broken a few times to find his feel.  
  is what a lifetime of living and drumming in this style can 
 produce:  I'm sure you already 
  him Card, Buddy Rich! 
 I'm sorry to say, but I don't like Buddy Rich's
 playing that much. For me he sounds too academic 
 and technocratic! Sure, his technique is superb, with that one 
 hand roll (I think)and stuff.
 Of those old chaps, I like for instance Louie Bellson more.
 At least he's got more humor in his playing than Buddy, IMO.
  I am not really into this style of music or
  drumming but he completely sucked me in, what a feel he has!
  I just met and heard an amazing drummer at a School show 
  the  local arts council.  His name is Tom Teasley.
  He did more with tambourines than I see most people do with a 
  kit.  One cool crossover from ancient traditional drumming 
  he put his elbow on his floor tom to shape the tone of the drum 
  he hit it.  Kind of a Tabla effect, very cool. I love when kit
  drummers use techniques from more ancient types of drums. He 
  play different percussion instruments together switching from the
  Malian Barimba to a Doumbek in mid riff.
  BTW I stepped up and bought the huge harp Sonny Boy plays in Bye 
  Bird for a show I have Monday night.  I found out that this 
  harp is a full octave below the C tuning of most harps.  The 
  amazing, as deep as the one in Sonny's video.  It will make an 
  bigger impression when I smoke the thing!  I'll be tipping my 
  you when I do it. 
 Cool! :D

Ok I had to add my favorite. This is doumbek genious. You cannot 
help but gasp outload when you hear him play
This is Tobias Roberson. He can break each beat into perfectly into 
100 units while he is doing this!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Home Loan Alternative

2007-05-25 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In, suziezuzie msilver1951@
  --- In, new.morning no_reply@ 
   --- In, suziezuzie 

What these banks do is charge you all the interest up front. 
   The banks are not front-loading interest. They are charging 
   on a pay-as-you-go basis. That is, they are charging 
interest on 
   outstanding principal. No more, no less. As the principal 
   does the interest on the remaining principal.
  This is true for short term loans only, not 30 year fixed loans. 
 Not true. The principle is the same. If you have a teaser low 
 loan for the first 5 years, or an ARM, or other more complex loan,
 then its a slightly different structure -- but the principle is the
 same -- you pay interest on the outstanding principal. 
 You and the author of the link you gave appear to feel that because
 initial interest payments are more than principal in the first 
 of the mortgage, that it is front loaded. Thats an odd 
definition of
 front-loaded. Front loaded traditionally means paying MORE interst
 than is warranted by what is due on remaining principal. 
 Create a payment and interest stream in Excel or Google SS and you
 will understand whats going on. 
 I have put  an excel ss that mimics your case in the FFL files
 Service. Actual interest does not sink to the level of principal
 until year 21. But that is NOT front loading in the traditional
 finance sense of the word.
  It appears on my statements that the interest IS frontloaded for 
  example on a loan of $117,000, for two years now, I've paid 
  in iterest and $3000 in principle. The $900 a month I'm paying 
  paying off mainly interest first for the first ten years 
  (approximately). If I were to increase the principle amount of 
  payback, they would recalculate the interest and it's true that 
  higher percentage of the principle would be coveredt. Mark
   For example, in the last boom phase of the real estate market,
   interest only loans were prevalent --- at least they 
  were interest
   only for the first 5 years or so of the loan. Thus, for a 
   principal, $6,000 of interst would be paid (assuming annual 
   -- a simplification for this example.) For five years, no 
   paid off.
   On the other had, a 30 year loan requires / allows the payment 
   same interest as above, plus some repyament of principal, 
   so that the full principal is paid off in 30 years. Again 
   the same principle, that interest is charged on the outstanding
   principal in each payment period. 
   A 15 year loan pays back more principal each payment period. A 
   loan even more so.
   If you want to pay less interest, simply pre-pay down your 
   each month. If the mortgage payment is $1000, pay that, plus 
   month principal paydown. You will end up shortening the term 
of the
   loan -- and end up paying less interest.

I am really astounded that anyone would get a loan without 
understanding the legal loan docs or having an amortization 
schedule. this stuff is very basic math and simple excel document 
stuff. Mortgage lenders are required to give you a truth in lending 
statement. Anyone who gets a loan, signs a slew of legal docs, 
promissory notes etc. If you are mature enough to sign for a loan, 
it seems that you should know what it means. I am kind of tired of 
the big wa about loans. Read before you sign. ASk questions 
before getting the loan. This is very very basic stuff. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Home Loan Alternative

2007-05-22 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In, suziezuzie msilver1951@
  This is totally off the topic so I expect some really, good off 
  topic responses. I bought a house two years ago here in 
  Colorado and throughout that time, the more I thought about the 
  the madder I started getting, specifically, paying all the 
  up front. I borrowed a little over $100K and came up with the 
  The total cost of the house was $233,000. 
  What these banks do is charge you all the interest up front. 
 The banks are not front-loading interest. They are charging 
 on a pay-as-you-go basis. That is, they are charging interest on 
 outstanding principal. No more, no less. As the principal 
declines, so
 does the interest on the remaining principal. 
 For example, in the last boom phase of the real estate market,
 interest only loans were prevalent --- at least they 
were interest
 only for the first 5 years or so of the loan. Thus, for a $100,000
 principal, $6,000 of interst would be paid (assuming annual 
 -- a simplification for this example.) For five years, no 
principal is
 paid off.
 On the other had, a 30 year loan requires / allows the payment of 
 same interest as above, plus some repyament of principal, 
 so that the full principal is paid off in 30 years. Again following
 the same principle, that interest is charged on the outstanding
 principal in each payment period. 
 A 15 year loan pays back more principal each payment period. A 5 
 loan even more so.
 If you want to pay less interest, simply pre-pay down your 
 each month. If the mortgage payment is $1000, pay that, plus $500/
 month principal paydown. You will end up shortening the term of the
 loan -- and end up paying less interest.

Your loan payment goes up, your principal goes down and your taxes 
go up, you chose.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Advice Sought

2007-05-22 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In, John Davis mcxg46@ 
   I'm new to this list, so I hope the following post is 
  It is 
   also somewhat lengthy, for which I apologise - conciseness was 
  never my 
   strong point. But I am in search of a spot of advice, and 
  if anyone 
   here could help...
  Hi John, I've been meditating (TM) 2x every day since 1975, and 
  experienced insomnia from time to time. I've found that some 
  vigorous exercise like jogging a few miles really helps. Also, I 
  don't know what your diet is like, but have also found that some 
  heavier food helps the sleep issue.
 I don't think anybody has asked him whether
 he's tired during the day. At one point I went
 through a period of insomnia where I wasn't
 getting much sleep at night, but I didn't feel
 tired during the day, didn't even fall asleep
 in meditation, so apparently I was getting
 enough rest.

See a doctor. If you are really insomniac, none of this advice will 
help you one bit. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Codicil 371.3

2007-04-05 Thread m2smart4u2000
This whole commentary is on the level of logic and thinking and even 
though it has a value, it is just not expansive enough to evaluate 
Maharishi's work and destiny. 
My favorite quote remains, there is no right or wrong, only the 
will of God
Although we have intellect and logic to evaluate, it will always 
fall short of really knowing whether or not someone is doing the 
will of God.
Just like in the Mahabharata, when Krisna tells Arjuna to strike 
beneath the knees (or something like that), those who did not 
realize that God in the form of Krisna had given that  command, (and 
that command  was against dharmic law)exclaimed what has the world 
come to now, even Arjuna, who is the embodiement of dharma has 
broken the law. those in the know realized that Arjuna was 
performing right action, the will of God, which is the highest 
action and most dharmic (even if it breaks man-made law)
Who knows the truth? Only your hairdresser knows for sure. 

--- In, dhamiltony2k5 

 codicil 371.3 of Natural Law,
 which says, He who cuts the biggest check gets the most
 strokes, and achieves enlightenment first. Plus, he
 gets to wear robes and a Burger King crown.
 --- In, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In, dhamiltony2k5
  dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   --- In, dhamiltony2k5
  dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
 What could Maharishi have done or said to bring 
 meditators back to the domes and group meditation,
 to get the numbers needed, even way back last 
 summer when this latest TM course started?
 Is interesting that even with even with paying people 
 to meditate, bringing by the hundreds hire-ling 
 student pandits from India, giving the sidhi's away 
 in exchange for practicing in the domes, they can 
 not get the numbers in the dome.
  According to the plan I (Raja W.) have mentioned 
 before, another 500 Pandits will be arriving over 
 the next few months, bringing the total here to 
 1,000. This number of Pandits will assure that there 
 will always be more than the Super Radiance number 
 of 1732 Yogic Flyers necessary to maintain permanent 
 invincibility for America.
Mayor and 'Raja' Wynne says it and confirms it all right 

Strong commentary on the predicament of Maharishi at the 
Where did his meditators go?  
  On the whole, they followed his lead. They holed
  up somewhere safe and let other people worry about
  (and work to relieve) the problems of the world.
Used to be thousands would show up on a phone call.  
  Back when Maharishi still had an ounce of credibility,
  and more important, still had the ability to inspire 
  others without bullying, scaring, or threatening them.
Now, a few hundreds?

What could he have said or done otherwise to get this 
going with his old TM'er movement?  What went wrong 
for Maharishi?
  I think that those who are interested in this question
  might benefit from a reading of (or re-reading of)
  Hermann Hesse's Magister Ludi: The Glass Bead Game.
  It's the story of a long-term spiritual tradition
  falling apart because its leaders holed up inside
  the walls of their monastery and 1) stopped having
  anything to do with the unspiritual people outside
  the walls, 2) stopped even *listening* to these
  unspiritual people outside the walls, and 3) stop-
  ped listening to anyone who *was* inside the walls
  who suggested that they should do more for those
  outside of them. It's the story of a spiritual
  movement gone mad from self-indulgence and the
  focus on its own self-importance.
  As the focus shifted away from actual teaching of TM
  (which involves and *requires* daily interaction with
  the great unwashed, the people outside the walls of
  the ashram, the self importance of the TM movement
  and its core followers grew larger and larger, at
  the same time that the minds and the compassion of 
  these core followers grew smaller and smaller.
  Cutting a check so that *other* people could interact
  with the great unwashed and teach TM became prefer-
  able to interacting with these lesser-evolved people
  oneself. And lo, cutting a check was rewarded with
  strokes from the guru, and with proximity to him. 
  Other followers, brought up on the shining example
  of Trotakacharya and others who supposedly realized
  their enlightenment through nothing *but* proximity
  to the guru looked at this phenomenon and made the
  obvious (to them) choice. Why work our butts off in
  the field catering to these people who are so much
  less evolved than we are when we can gain proximity
  to the guru (and thus our own all-important enlight-
  enment) by simply cutting a check? And yea verily,
  cutting a check became the new pathway to enlight-
  There are 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question for the astrologers / Jyotishi here

2007-03-31 Thread m2smart4u2000
Just found this. I was interested in your post because I just look at 
what is happening in the sky and compare it to how I am feeling. I 
just got to the point of I have had it with the kids not cleaning up 
and just about skewered (sp) my kids. So, naturally, I want to see 
what other influence might be going on other than MY OWN STUFF. 

By the 25th when Mars conjuncts Neptune we will want to be very 
careful what we say and do. The combination of the drive and energy of 
Mars with the deceptive ability of Neptune can lead to results that 
are unexpected and not what we set out to do as we go off the deep end 
in pursuit of our dream. Neptune can confuse Mars and create a 
situation where we or others are sacrificed for a cause. This can also 
lead to self-destructive behavior, particularly since Saturn is still 
in range of both Mars and Neptune and attempting to set boundaries 
wherever possible. Fortunately, Mars moves quickly and by the end of 
March this influence will have passed.

On March 31, Pluto will turn retrograde for the first time since last 
year. This is significant because it will move back to its conjunction 
to the Galactic Center in July and then again in October for one final 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lunar Eclipse March 3rd

2007-03-03 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you're initiated into certain practices (e.g. certain forms of  
 Tara, etc.) their influence is magnified many times. It's fun 
 your mala outside and practicing while you watch--esp. with a group  
 of friends. Even if you don't believe there's anything to it, it's  
 expanding to participate in cosmic events.
 On Feb 28, 2007, at 2:06 AM, m2smart4u2000 wrote:
  What is the affect jyotish wise? isn't it occurring in mercury? I
  thought it was a good time to have a yagya???

Well the full moon is in virgo, so there must be some specific affect 
with respect to  the full moon in virgo. 
Isn't it supposed to be at 3:00 pacific time?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lunar Eclipse March 3rd

2007-02-28 Thread m2smart4u2000
I thought that it occurs in Mercury so doesn't it affect Mercury?
I have exalted mercury, my yoga karaka something or other. Plus 
mercury is retrograde. I do not necessarily find that mercury 
retrograde is a bad thing. I have signed contracts during periods of 
retrograde that I felt had good results. Now we will have an eclipse 
in mercury.??

 In, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Also Holi and the eclipse coincide this time.  Two for the price 
of one! :)
 Vaj wrote:
  If you're initiated into certain practices (e.g. certain forms 
  Tara, etc.) their influence is magnified many times. It's fun 
  your mala outside and practicing while you watch--esp. with a 
group of 
  friends. Even if you don't believe there's anything to it, it's 
  expanding to participate in cosmic events.
  On Feb 28, 2007, at 2:06 AM, m2smart4u2000 wrote:
  What is the affect jyotish wise? isn't it occurring in mercury? 
  thought it was a good time to have a yagya???

[FairfieldLife] Lunar Eclipse March 3rd

2007-02-27 Thread m2smart4u2000
What is the affect jyotish wise? isn't it occurring in mercury? I 
thought it was a good time to have a yagya

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO community?

2007-01-19 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
  On Jan 19, 2007, at 5:42 AM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:
   I understand that someone committed suicide on campus the 
other day,
   shooting themselves in the head.
   And now also in utopia Park on campus is someone else, a 
   movement person who is passing away of some disease process.  
   money, no family, no primary care-giver, not able to hire 
anyone to
   nurse him in the end.
  Well, who are these people, Doug?  I hadn't heard about either 
of them, 
  not that I'm exactly in the know.  But I would think the former 
  least would have made local news.
 John Knapp is starting up his website again (Kudos to the 
rivalmeditation school that did 
 the public service to keep the archives available for so 
long...), so I'm sure he will have all 
 the skinny on everything evil in the TMO before long...
   A guy who has been on the Purusha program for years with the
   movement, come here to FF to die.
   Does the movement have no care program for its old?
   Somehow I would bet that if there were old people in the 
   movement or several other spiritual movements that there would 
   sympathetic care given to their own in the last days.   Is the 
   of Maharishi too consumed with fund-raising and building 
utopias to
   care about its people?
  Well, yeah, and has been for quite a while now.
Why doesn't anyone ever name names on this site. Who is dying and 
who shot themselves?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Masterbation and Yoga...(Sorry Judy, men only!)

2007-01-19 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Men throughout the ages have all of this pride in celibacy. All of 
them  fail 
 at it. The information that I have
 through channeled 7th dimensional masters is that Guru Deve was 
not a life  
 long celibate. You cannot have one side of the coin without the 
other. Balance  
 is the key, not complete denial about your shakti energy. If
 one is to ascend then one much embrace the root chakra as well as 
 others. Also, the goddess energy
 is in a state of denial when you avoid the sexual aspect of life. 
Men have  
 denied themselves the goddess and the goddess has felt ashamed of 
its sexuality 
  because men are threatened by her power. So they told her
 she should be ashamed. In the higher worlds of the fifth, sixth 
and seventh  
 dimensions it is normal to exchange energy with others on a daily 
basis. They  
 are more concerned with upper charka climax. The climax they 
 through  the crown chakra is 100 times more powerful and enjoyable 
than the genital 
  climax. On earth we are primarily concerned with genital climax 
and this 
 limits  our appreciation for the sexual experience. As we continue 
to grow in 
 higher  states of consciousness we will eventually be more drawn 
to a 
 neurological  climax. Until then we have to process our limited 
view of sexuality till we 
 can  achieve a new approach to love making. Those who have a lot 
of sexual 
 energy and  enjoy the fantasy of love making or pure sex should 
not be ashamed 
 as they  process there own experiences through masturbation or 
with another 
 human being.  Ideally one would be processing their stuff with 
another spiritual 
 human being  and work together to develop a more enlightened 
aspect of 
 sexuality. Tantra Yoga  offers a start to this type of experience 
but the emphasis on 

 saving energy and  controlling the experience is not a part of a 
 teaching of Tantra. Love  and Light. Lou Valentino.

Good post. When the ego is attached to the IDEA of celebacy and 
there is pride and effort involved then this is mood making. 
The holier than thou idea of celibacy is a contradiction to 
Effort and moodmaking is equivilant to suppression, and that creates 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO community?

2007-01-19 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Jan 19, 2007, at 9:59 PM, m2smart4u2000 wrote:
  Why doesn't anyone ever name names on this site. Who is dying and
  who shot themselves?
 M2, you're on campus, right?  Heard anything about any suicides?  I 
 haven't, and there hasn't been anything in the papers either.   
 definitely be front-page news in a town this size.
No, I'm in Oregon and read the FF Ledger online. I think I'll check 
the obituaries since no one is willing to say. It is odd to me that 
everyone talks about stuff but never uses names ARG

[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO community?

2007-01-19 Thread m2smart4u2000
OK Doug H, you were the original poster. Who is dying and who 
committed suicide?

[FairfieldLife] M.P. Uniyal

2007-01-06 Thread m2smart4u2000
I heard today that he passed away on December 25th. Does anyone have 
any news about him?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bad Santa

2006-12-15 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Friday Wall Street Journal
 There's all this forced cheer at Christmastime that we're all so 
 sick of, so it makes sense that there's a rebellion, says Maud 
 Lavin, editor of The Business of Holidays and professor of 
 and critical arts at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. 
 Ms. Lavin, the idea of a Bad Santa evokes photos of children 
 on a mall employee's lap and crying hysterically in fear. Of all 
 things that were forced on us during the holidays, he's the one 
 could actually be scary.
 Mo Donahue, owner of Party Crashers Entertainment in Minneapolis, 
 the inspiration five years ago, when, in desperation, she hired an 
 unfamiliar actor for a holiday party. He showed up in a sulky, 
 unprofessional mood, and guests complained afterward that he 
 even say ho, ho, ho. They kept referring to him as this surly 
 Santa, Ms. Donahue says. And I thought, 'That could be a really 
 funny idea.'
 In 2002, Ms. Donahue began offering a Bad Santa for singing 
 and party visits. It was slow to catch on the first year, she 
 but since then about one-third of her Santa bookings each holiday 
 season have been deliberately cranky characters. Her Bad Santa, 
 services start at $110 for 15 minutes, sings Christmas carols with 
 unprintable lyrics, breaks down in tears or perhaps throws gifts 
 across the room. Clients decide ahead of time how shocking they 
 his behavior to be. The company also offers a trophy bride Mrs. 
 Claus in a fur-trimmed red minidress and a blond wig. It has to 
 the right crowd, says Ms. Donahue.

I was relieved to read that other families have fights over 
decorating the Christmas tree. 
I begged my kids to not fight this year blah blah, but after 
flipping a coin for who got to pick the tree this year etc 
I was singing
to the tune of rockin around the christmas tree
fighting around the christmas tree have a rotten holiday
and to the tune of 
I'll be home for christmas
Buy me a gun for christmas, shoot me in the head blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah, I wish that I were dead
I keep threatening to put coal in the stockings and buy myself a 
face lift instead of buying the kids presents, but i always cop out. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Three ways to experience orgasm

2006-12-12 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 hot monkey love!
 After the researchers tested various evolutionary models, the data 
 appeared best explained if the human and chimp lineages split but 
 began mating again, producing a hybrid that could be a forebear of 
 humans. The final breakup came as late as 5.4 million years ago, the 
 team calculated.


[FairfieldLife] Molly McMahon

2006-08-25 Thread m2smart4u2000
Does anybody have any updates on the accident or condition of Molly?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Molly McMahon

2006-08-25 Thread m2smart4u2000
---Front page of the ledger tonight. she is 18, a friend of my 
daughter, she is not a Roo but her family is well know in FF

 In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 n 8/25/06 10:20 PM, m2smart4u2000 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anybody have any updates on the accident or condition of 
 Is she a Fairfielder? What accident? When?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Domash

2006-05-21 Thread m2smart4u2000

--- In, blissbunn1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I don't know if the police were called.
 --- In, Rick Archer fairfieldlife@ 
  on 5/21/06 12:34 PM, blissbunn1 at blissbuni@ wrote:
   To my knowledge he assaulted Jane Doe at gunpoint as MIU 
  That's pretty heavy. What was their relationship? Were the police 
Allright already with the Jane Doe stuff. Who do you think you are 
protecting? Yourelf maybe, if it isn't true. Let's not pretend it is 
not gossip. If you are going to tell the story, I think you should 
tell the WHOLE story,names and all, otherwise why bother?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mover

2006-05-21 Thread m2smart4u2000

--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Absolutely, I've used him several times--once when I moved here, and 
 then for smaller jobs since then. I recommend him highly.
 On May 21, 2006, at 1:10 PM, blissbunn1 wrote:
  Is Joe Verstrepen a reliable mover?

Joe is the best, he really went the extra mile for me. He did little 
extras and was very considerate. he's a good guy

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Notice the swastika

2006-03-15 Thread m2smart4u2000
I thought Hitler had a backwards swastika?

-- In, mrfishey2001 

 --- In, bbrigante no_reply@ wrote:
 Just because some idiot used it for twelve years in his thousand 
 year reich doesn't mean that the cultures of Asia and America who 
 have used it for years have to discard this symbol. The Klan uses 
 type of cross in its symbol, but this does not mean that 
 have to abandon the symbol.
 This doesnÕt excuse anyone from ignoring its recent defacement nor 
 symbolic power.  Many in the civilized world find any reference to 
 swastika simply objectionable. Pageantry, as second rate as this 
 be, is a conscious social construct. Chief among its symbolic 
 functions is the inculcation of power. The Christian cross, 
burning or 
 otherwise, only underscores the self-evident; power in all forms 
 should be questioned. The posters jingoist myopia comes as no 
 The recently crowned however should know better. 

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[FairfieldLife] How will the world be without Maharishi?

2006-02-03 Thread m2smart4u2000
Global Press Conference,  1.2.06
How will  the world be without Maharishi?
MAHARISHI:It doesn`t matter. There is a phrase: `man is the 
master of his own destiny`. The destiny of every man doesn`t depend 
on the existence of Maharishi or his absence. Man is the master of 
his own destiny. Maharishi is showing a way. Who comes on the 
lighted way, he`ll get to the target, he`ll get to the goal of the 
way. Those who don`t they don`t, that`s all. Man has the choice. 
Education is so very limited today. 
Whether this generation understands the words of Maharishi or not,  -
 those who will understand will be better off. They will be the 
masters of their own destiny. Others will remain slaves of 
circumstances and situations. Doesn`t matter, Maharishi`s message 
does not remain limited to his physical body. This is the message 
that was there before the body of Maharishi and it will remain there 
when the body of Maharishi will not come up. These (the question) 
are waste of thoughts. 

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[FairfieldLife] Finding True East

2006-01-27 Thread m2smart4u2000
If we are building our houses according to Stapatya veda, and they are 
supposed to face east, do we all have to rebuild them every 10 years? 
The declination in my area changes .16 degrees per year. I get the 
impression that the buildings are supposed to face exact true 
east.Have any of the Rajas discussed this? If we rebuild the world, we 
are gonna have to rebuild it again in 10 years.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Purusha's descent from Heavenly Mountain unto Earth

2006-01-23 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, shempmcgurk 

 --- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a message dated 1/22/06 4:21:27 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
  Any U.S.  citizen who is low/no income qualifies for SSI at age 
  regardless of  work history/pay-ins to Social Security. Anybody 
  is a permanent legal  resident (not a U.S. citizen) qualifies 
  with only 40 quarters of  Social Security pay-in work history:
  No wonder the system is going  broke.
 The system cannot and will not go broke.
 Because the government holds the right to tax...AND raise the 
 of SS contributions anytime they damn well please.  So they can 
 the program fully any time it appears to be faltering.
 It may interest you to know that at the time that FDR pushed SS 
 law back in 1935 there was a big hue and cry from many quarters.  
 the time, the contribution into SS was about 1.5%.  Roosevelt 
 promised it would NEVER, EVER go up.
 Well, today, the combined employee/employer SS contribution is 
lets not forget the medicare too which gives a total of 15.3%. The 
IRs keeps raising the limit on contributions ie years ago SS 
withholding topped out after you earned about $60k in a year, that 
keeps going up and medicare has no limit. The self employed get 
screwed paying the total 15.3% SE tax themselves PLUS federal and 
state income tax.

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[FairfieldLife] Evangelical Christianity

2006-01-22 Thread m2smart4u2000
did you see that special by Barbara Walters on heaven? She interviewed 
people from the Muslim faith and evangelical christians and they both 
thought that only their group would go to heaven. What is with this 
idea? It sounds like Hitler's white supremacy all over again. It is 
really scary to think that people with decent intellects could believe 
that they are a select supreme group. On top of that idea, they seem 
to beleive that it is their duty to spread the word. Can anyone 
really psychoanalyze what goes on in the mind with this? 
Maybe we are a bit like this too!!

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[FairfieldLife] Evangelical Christianity

2006-01-22 Thread m2smart4u2000
did you see that special by Barbara Walters on heaven? She interviewed 
people from the Muslim faith and evangelical christians and they both 
thought that only their group would go to heaven. What is with this 
idea? It sounds like Hitler's white supremacy all over again. It is 
really scary to think that people with decent intellects could believe 
that they are a select supreme group. On top of that idea, they seem 
to beleive that it is their duty to spread the word. Can anyone 
really psychoanalyze what goes on in the mind with this? 
Maybe we are a bit like this too!!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Purusha's descent from Heavenly Mountain unto Earth

2006-01-21 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In, Rick Archer 
  From: Michael Jansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 22:00:01 -0500
  To: Michael Jansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Conversation: Purusha's descent from Heavenly Mountain unto Earth
  Subject: Purusha's descent from Heavenly Mountain unto Earth
 This strikes me as a strange group for the West. Unlike Thailand 
 India, we have no tradition here of directly supporting monks. And 
 unlike the traditional monks like the Benedictines, aligned and 
 supported by the Catholic church, these guys have to beg regularly 
 support their lifestyles, living in poverty, and for what? It 
 like a very strange thing to put oneself through...building 
castles in 
 the air.

They are not living in poverty though. The accomodations are very 
high class, I imagine the food also is expensive organic food. They 
may not have alot of cash, but compared to alot of America, they 
live quite nicely and the lifestyle is not too rough.
I would not equate poverty with lack of cash entirely.

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[FairfieldLife] What happened to purusha?

2006-01-13 Thread m2smart4u2000
I heard the plans changed and they didn't go to Vldrop. Does anyone 

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[FairfieldLife] And what is with all those beards?

2006-01-13 Thread m2smart4u2000
Did MMy tell the rajas to grow beards?

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[FairfieldLife] A Celebration of the life of Laura Calvert

2005-12-03 Thread m2smart4u2000
Laura Calvert, that great southern belle has moved on to the glory of 
the other side. Laura passed away in Purcell Oklahoma this Thursday 
afternoon. Laura is one great spunky lady and fellow virgo.

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[FairfieldLife] A Celebration of the life of Laura Calvert

2005-12-03 Thread m2smart4u2000
Laura Calvert, that great southern belle has moved on to the glory of 
the other side. Laura passed away in Purcell Oklahoma this Thursday 
afternoon. Laura is one great spunky lady and fellow virgo.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: press report: Peace Palace in Nova Scotia, Canada

2005-10-18 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  How high did you go and for how long?
 I'm not sure how high I went up. Probably not too
 high. It was straight up and I came down pretty fast.
 I was impressed because it was, at least to me, a
 sidhi. I've tried since then, but there's no way I
 have ever been able to duplicate that kind of upward
 movement when sitting in full lotus with back
 completely straight, no matter how much muscular
 effort I put into it and no matter how much shakti is
 --- Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  on 10/17/05 11:55 PM, gullible fool at

   Even now though, when Maharishi and others talk
   about it, they imply that
   something other than muscular thrust is causing
   body to lift up, i.e.,
   that Newtonian physics is being defied, which it
   My very first hop was indeed a sidhi. Someone on
   flying block recommended I think to myself I want
   hop and I did and I went straight up. I was
   in full lotus with my back straight, and there's
   way I can do the usual hopping that is half shakti
   half muscular effort in full lotus with my back
   straight. Someone witnessed it, too, so I know it
   happened. It happened only once.
  How high did you go and for how long?

I have also had some pretty big hops, but I think what i remember 
most was the really super blissful experience. The first year of 
flying was just sooo awesome. I looked forward to flying as the most 
enchanting part of each day. I felt such amazing bliss.
I assumed that most everyone had that experience.
When we first got our sidhis and starting the flying block, I was 
seated next to two other ladies. We all started flying in perfect 
unison. For all three of us, it was our first flying experience. How 
could you orchestrate that? Also, I remember that whenever someone 
was about to hop for the first time, they were like a magnet and the 
whole group would immediately be hopping in unison around that 
person. The whole flying hall would just go crazy. It was a total 
blast. I don't think anyone could mood make that experience into 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Doumbek

2005-10-11 Thread m2smart4u2000
-here is the most amazing doumbek player you have ever heard. check 
out his cd's. I took private lessons with him. absolutely astounding.
Tobias roberson is his name.


 Bought a doumbek at Guitar Center last weekend. Man
 that drum is cool. It's a middle eastern drum that
 you hear playing for belly dancers. It produces a low,
 resonant Dum and a high, ringing Tek. Lots of
 rhythms on the internet to learn. Rick, have you
 played one of these?  
 Yahoo! Music Unlimited 
 Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Bush Tax Panel Recommendations

2005-10-11 Thread m2smart4u2000
It seems that getting health insurance is just a losing game. 
S Corps cannot deduct, as an expense, health insurance paid for 
employees, C corps can deduct it. If you pay for your own health 
insurance and are self employeed, you can deduct it. Now they want to 
tax the health insurance benefit? This is weird. I read that the 
interest deduction would be limited to primary residence. 
Seems to me, that this change hurts the middle class, which is quickly 

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[FairfieldLife] Gordon- Michael Scallion predicts West Coast Quake

2005-09-26 Thread m2smart4u2000
Sep 26, 2005, 08:32
Earth Changes 
Quake Hits Peru - Third Part of 4-Quake Scenario Fulfilled

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.0 (updated 
9.26.05 to 7.5) hit northern Peru late Sunday, causing power outages 
and cutting phone service throughout much of the region. 

Peru's Geophysics Institute said the quake struck at 8:55 p.m. and 
was centered about 60 miles northeast of the jungle city Moyobamba, 
420 miles 

This event fulfils the third part of my 4-Quake Scenario (see askgms 
update Sept. 12 for details on scenario). I am now having an uneasy 
feeling about Oct. as regards to geophysical activity along the West 
Coast of America. I have had recent dream insights of seeing a map 
of California from a high vantage point and then zooming in on Palm 
Springs, California and along a line from Eureka to Bakersfield. 
Should the 4th event in my 4-Quake Scenario occur, then within weeks 
of the recent earthquake in Peru, again October is in my visions, a 
magnitude 7.0-8.0 earthquake could occur in California. I will keep 
you posted. 

Note: an error in uploading data into this update listed the wrong 
earthquake and date. The correct data is included above.

Sep 12, 2005, 07:30
Earth Changes 
4-Quake Scenario Update

I received 56 letters on my 4-Quake Scenario in the past two days 
alone asking for an update to my 4-Quake Scenario, which states that 
if a quake with a magnitude 7.0 or greater hits Japan, then within 
weeks, or at most two months, a second similar quake in magnitude 
would hit the Indian Ocean region, followed by another similar quake 
within weeks, or at most two months, in South America or Mexico, and 
finally a forth quake of similar magnitude would hit the West Coast 
of America, again within weeks at most within two months. 


Here is what is unfolding regarding my 4-Quake Scenario; On August 
16 a magnitude 7.2 earthquake hit Honshu Japan. This began a new 4-
Quake Scenario. Then within weeks on September 9, 2005, a second 
quake measuring magnitude 7.7 hit Papua New Guinea in the New 
Ireland Region. This was the second quake in my 4-Quake Scenario. I 
am now looking for the third quake to hit South America or Mexico 
this month or early next month. Should this occur, then I believe 
there is a better than 50% chance that a quake greater than 
magnitude 7.0 will hit the West Coast of America this year. The 
location and exact timing of such a quake is unknown at this time. 
Updates as I receive them. 

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[FairfieldLife] Jane Hopson

2005-09-18 Thread m2smart4u2000
What is the Jane Hopson story? Was she living in Fairfield? What did 
she die of?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Art

2005-09-13 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Does anyone know who this is and whats the scoop?

I am pretty sure that I met this couple a few weeks ago at group 
program in Ashland. 
The names stood out at the time (obviously)
I can check with friends if you are interested

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[FairfieldLife] Re: why do we pick on T(rue) B(elievers)?

2005-09-06 Thread m2smart4u2000
--- In, shempmcgurk 
 --- In, m2smart4u2000 
  it is one thing to post what you have heard, or believe etc, but 
 to go 
  on and on as though you are the only one who knows the truth, 
  off as an ignorant know it all. If you were really enlightened 
  or above it all you wouldn't give a damn what anyone else 
  Either you know the truth or you have some belief. Why is any 
  belief here, any better than anyone elses? my guru is better 
  yours is immature and tiresome. I appreciate all the 
  when it turns into personal slams, the appeal is lost. 
 And the TBers have MADE it into a belief/cult system.
 And that's why they are and SHOULD be picked on.

All of life is based on belief, that is the point. That is what I 
meant by the above, Either you know or you believe. This is just 
a fact about life. I doubt that very many people really know the 
truth. You can point the finger at TMers saying how stupid they are 
to have some belief, however, everyone is in the same boat, only 
they just believe different things. That is what I meant, no one is 
any better off than anyone else.
  -- In, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Whether TBs believe Maharishi had sex or not, whether they 
   as their saviour, whether they want to keep giving money or 
   do we keep picking on them, hypothesizing what they would or 
   do if this that or the other thing occurs?  
   It's like listening to a bunch of geriatric ladies sitting on
   benches cackling with nothing nice to say, as if the only 
   have left are vitriolic memories they must spew. 
   Leave the TBs alone and find something more useful to do with 
   time-take a walk, love your so, play an instrument, eat good 
   Is your life so much better for your belief's than theirs?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The facts about 'The Maharishi' biography

2005-09-06 Thread m2smart4u2000

In, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  --- In, akasha_108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   And I have been greatly impressed by Pauls SBS research and
   homepage. Great work.
  I've complimented Paul on this as well.  It's clearly
  a labor of great love and a terrific resource.
  However, I wonder about the suggestion Paul made on
  alt.m.t that Maharishi has deliberately refrained
  from making Guru Dev's teaching available to TMers
  because MMY is afraid it would make him, MMY, look
  bad by comparison.
  I also wonder how much honor it pays to Guru Dev
  to use one's professed reverence for the master
  as a basis for attacking one of his most devoted
  followers, whatever one may think of that follower.
 I rarely read AMT and don't wish to dip into a discussion that I am
 not part of and that probably has a larger context and set of 
 However, my own observations: MMY from my earliest days of seeing 
 67, and ever since, emphasised NOT reading and seeing other 
 To my surprise SSRS has made similar points, indicating it can 
 confusion.  He even says this is the meaning of Jesus's comment I 
 the ONLY way and is applicable to all teachers. If you follow a
 teacher, they offer an integrated package, internally consistant, 
 will get you to the goal. While the parts of each program are
 internally consistant, they are not inter-program exchangable and
 consistant. They may conflict. Thus, on an itner-program basis, 
 component is not necessarily internally consistant and a hodge-
 chinese menu, a la carte menu of practices, drawn across various
 teachers' offerings, is not productive, for the most part. Or at 
 not supported, not tested, and not guaranteed. 
 MMY once said that the Veda is so vast that any statement could be
 made that is consistent with the Veda. As will be its opposite. 
 it is not hard to see that taking one angle, an internally 
 system can be created. And taking another angle, a different, but
 valid system can also be created. Sort of parallel to Euclidean and
 non-Euclidean geometries. Though each of them are correct, their
 parts are not interchangable.
 SBS is a different teacher that MMY. I don't think MMY ever 
claimed to
 be teaching everything SBS taught. Indeed he has said he is not. 
 has his own angle of teaching. And SBS did not teach exactly the 
 package as his teacher Krishanand, I presume. And each disciple of 
 does not teach the same package. 
 The key thing that teachers pass down to their students is the full
 light of Consciousness.  Each student in the full light of
 Consciousness, and given their propensities and inclinations 
 as detailed by jyotish chart), their total training -- from all
 teachers, their past life experience, the needs and karmas of their
 students, the needs of the time, etc, derive an integrated, 
 consistent, sadhana that fits them and the times in which they 
 It will not be the same as what other fully lit teachers will do, 
  those who come from the same teacher.  
 Just as SSRS, who honors MMY as his teacher, teaches his own
 integrated package. Mixing and matching methods from SBS, MMY and 
 could be a messy and inefficient sadhana. As would mixing and 
 methods solely of MMY and SBS. That is why I belive MMY does not 
 about all the things SBS did and taught. All of that is NOT MMY's
 program. And SBS would not mix and match, borowing from MMY if he 
 (explicitly) teaching today. Each teacher takes their own angle. 
 So to observe that MMY is not teaching all that SBS taught, or is 
 revealing all things of SBS, does not seem odd or even a 
 It would be inefficient to mix and match. As to other reasons why
 teachers focus on their angles, and not other teachers, everyone 
 have their theories. Paul may have his. You may have yours. Its all
 fun speculation. While perhaps as useful as gossip, its not a huge 
 either, IMO.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: why do we pick on T(rue) B(elievers)?

2005-09-05 Thread m2smart4u2000
it is one thing to post what you have heard, or believe etc, but to go 
on and on as though you are the only one who knows the truth, comes 
off as an ignorant know it all. If you were really enlightened 
or above it all you wouldn't give a damn what anyone else believes.
Either you know the truth or you have some belief. Why is any one 
belief here, any better than anyone elses? my guru is better than 
yours is immature and tiresome. I appreciate all the information, but 
when it turns into personal slams, the appeal is lost. 

-- In, anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Whether TBs believe Maharishi had sex or not, whether they believe 
 as their saviour, whether they want to keep giving money or not, why
 do we keep picking on them, hypothesizing what they would or wouldn't
 do if this that or the other thing occurs?  
 It's like listening to a bunch of geriatric ladies sitting on
 benches cackling with nothing nice to say, as if the only thing they 
 have left are vitriolic memories they must spew. 
 Leave the TBs alone and find something more useful to do with your
 time-take a walk, love your so, play an instrument, eat good food.
 Is your life so much better for your belief's than theirs?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The destruction of New Orleans, the purification of A...

2005-09-02 Thread m2smart4u2000

Here is what Gordon-Michael Scallion has to say about rebuilding New 

New Orleans Update

All of our hearts go out to the people in Louisiana and Mississippi. 
Many of you have written asking what you can do to help. Here at 
Matrix Institute we have been long time supporters of the Red Cross. 
They are usually the first ones on the scene at these times. You 
might consider making a donation to this fine organization.

Hundreds of you have written me in the past 48 hours asking, What's 
Next?  regarding New Orleans? If you have my Future Map of North 
America you know that New Orleans is shown as being under water. In 
Jan `04 issue of Intuitive Flash, I reported that I had a vision 
where I saw New Orleans under water, and in Jan. of this year, I 
stated that this year would be dominated by the element water and 
that storms and high winds would plague Florida, Louisiana… Even 
earlier, in IF, April '04 we reported in the Sinking of New 
Orleans that the city was considered to be a major risk if a 
hurricane approached and that much of it would be underwater. Now 
that this tragedy has happened, the real question is what would be 
the best policy to follow for the future on this region. My sense is 
that a major rebuilding project will be undertaken with new flood 
controls. This will be a major mistake as this region will flood 
again, possibly this year or next. We try to tame Nature but in the 
end Nature always wins. Better to begin a relocation process to 
higher ground.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: A Request -- what are your favorite offbeat spiritual films?

2005-08-25 Thread m2smart4u2000
Gadjo Dilo or The Crazy Stranger
by Toni Gatlif. It is in French and Romany with english subtitles. 
Its a favorite quirky romantic gypsy movie. The love scene is AH 
well,you have to see it.

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[FairfieldLife] MP Uniyal

2005-08-22 Thread m2smart4u2000
Can anyone relate their experience with this jyotishee?
Have you had good results from your yagyas?

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