Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/30/2014 11:48 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

What I find rather funny, is that this kid's piece was a relatively 
gentle reflection on his childhood and youth.

And he seems to have come to terms with what he felt may have been a 
dysfunctional upbringing, and has been able to put that 
dysfunctionality into perspective.

But it appears to have driven Barry, absolutely bat shit crazy that 
the guy is not full of anger and resentment and lashing out at his 
parents and the TM organization.

Barry evidently feels that the kid needs to be reeducated, or 
deprogrammed, or at the very least, get a good scolding.

Barry cannot comprehend that one might be able to put things behind 
them and move on.

Why would this be?

Maybe because Barry apparently has never been to any cult-exit 
counseling to get therapy for his cognitive dissonance? Obviously this 
guy calling himself the TurquoiseB is nuts and insane and goes bat 
shit crazy at the very mention one of his dead teachers. Maybe Barry is 
bi-polar and remains in a more or less permanent trance-induction state, 
kind of like a programmed mechanical robot. Go figure.

/This sounds like a pretty normal event, and it is, but you have to 
consider that standing next to me was the gentleman I had seen a few 
hours ago in the desert disappearing and walking several inches above 
the ground and making the stars move around.///

Accessed on October 30, 2014:

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

You took the words out of my mouth (oops, bad analogy at the moment), 
Ann. I chanced upon a recent photo of b on-line, and I have it in me, 
less and less, to respond to, or comment on, his repetitious 
diatribes. Kinda like mugging an old man. Seriously. So, what was fun 
when I considered him a peer, isn't any longer. There are plenty of 
other things that catch my mind, so, on to them!!

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

Orwhat you are saying, is that he isn't reacting the way, 
I think he should be reacting.

For most people who aren't obsessed with finding cult tendencies, 
his piece is just a reflection, a writing exercise of sorts, dealing 
with a piece of his growing up.

Obviously, you miss this, because you are so invested in your own 
particular mindset, that you miss any nuance of what his purpose in 
writing this piece might be.

And, of course we've seen many of examples of this, (missing nuance) 
on your part, especially over the past few month. perhaps coinciding 
with end of you technical writing gig at BB.

Good luck with this Barry.  Try to step back, and take in a bigger 
picture.  The worldreally is bigger than the TMO and members of this 

Steve, I'm sure you have something much better to do, like de-fleaing 
the cat, than responding to or even reading bawee's mind loops here. 
He only participates to hear himself talk and to see others respond to 
him because there are only two or three people who seem to like him 
and his life seems to consist of lonely trips to his drinking venues 
and back home again. I give you an A for effort and compassion 
here but I think your cat needs some attention. Don't you hear it 
meowing for you?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Growing Up in Utopia
When your family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can 
sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 

This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is 
IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. 
Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation 
at the black belt level,' it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck 
with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, 
watching you carefully and hoping that you weren't following them so that they 
didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on this 
forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they are, and how 
insane the things they believe are. 

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've actually 
talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this cult nonsense they 
way they were that they've forgotten how these normal people think and act. 
They're used to interfacing with people who don't bat an eyelash when you 
announce to them, to's time for me to go fly now. 

Hint: That's insane. No one is flying. No one has EVER flown in *any* of 
the TM flying halls. And no one ever will. 

Most people, told that this would even be *possible*, would react with either 
laughter or derision, and walk away. TMSPers reacted by paying several thousand 
dollars to learn how. 

Hint: That's insane. 

And it's as insane now as it was when you first paid those thousands of 
dollars. The only reason people on this forum and around you in Fairfield don't 
think so is that you live in an enormous insane asylum, in which the residents 
are reinforcing their shared delusions by pretending that they're saving the 
world instead of acting out less-than-sane fantasies. 

Some of these inmates who post to this forum get upset when I or Michael or 
Salyavin or Curtis point out HOW far away from mainstream definitions of sanity 
they are to believe that there actually IS such a thing as the 'Maharishi 
Effect.' I imagine that inmates in mental hospitals feel the same way when 
doctors and nurses point out that they're not *really* Napoleon or Jesus 

To these people I say, GET OVER IT. Wake the fuck up, take a look around at 
international standards for sanity, shake yourself, and realize that if you 
actually believe that bouncing on your butt can be called 'flying' and that 
performing this bouncing is creating world're INSANE. You're 
NOT special or more evolved or 10,000 X more powerful than lesser people, 
you're INSANE. 

It's OK to *be* insane, if your insane beliefs give you some sense of comfort 
and don't hurt anybody. After all, millions of people believe in an invisible 
man in the sky who watches everything they do, and as long as they don't get in 
other people's faces about it, they can be that insane and still be considered 
productive members of society. 

But ferchrissakes don't pretend that the things you believe AREN'T insane, and 
don't pretend to be outraged because other people point out the insanity. You 
CHOSE to be considered insane the moment you signed that check and paid 
thousands of dollars to learn how to 'fly.' Live with that choice now, and try 
not to pretend that you're still sane after having made it. Having made that 
choice makes you an outlier, an anomaly within human society. A nut case. 


It's not. And no amount of claiming 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Ethnography.  Om no that first paragraph was really fine. It gave a lot of 
information to get going and you see it is an article where you the reader get 
to roll up your sleeves up to work with it.  You're being way too cranky and 
 As written it is actually an important article in ethnography about the group 
of meditators having come to live in Fairfield, Iowa. For those of us who live 
here in FF the writing captures things that we all live with. Things that are 
very familiar. Writing like this is an important adjunct to journalism by 
outside writers or in scholarly papers written by people who have not lived it. 
This article is worth a bookmark, like that article that Donna Schill Cleveland 
should have one. These are important voices that should be cultivated for the 
perspective they have.
 -Buck in the Dome

 turquoiseb wrote :
 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Growing Up in Utopia When your 
family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can sometimes feel 
out of place in small-town Iow…

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 

This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is 
IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. 
Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation 
at the black belt level,' it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck 
with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, 
watching you carefully and hoping that you weren't following them so that they 
didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on this 
forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they are, and how 
insane the things they believe are. 

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've actually 
talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this cult nonsense they 
way they were that they've forgotten how these normal people think and act. 
They're used to interfacing with people who don't bat an eyelash when you 
announce to them, to's time for me to go fly now. 

Hint: That's insane. No one is flying. No one has EVER flown in *any* of 
the TM flying halls. And no one ever will. 

Most people, told that this would even be *possible*, would react with either 
laughter or derision, and walk away. TMSPers reacted by paying several thousand 
dollars to learn how. 

Hint: That's insane. 

And it's as insane now as it was when you first paid those thousands of 
dollars. The only reason people on this forum and around you in Fairfield don't 
think so is that you live in an enormous insane asylum, in which the residents 
are reinforcing their shared delusions by pretending that they're saving the 
world instead of acting out less-than-sane fantasies. 

Some of these inmates who post to this forum get upset when I or Michael or 
Salyavin or Curtis point out HOW far away from mainstream definitions of sanity 
they are to believe that there actually IS such a thing as the 'Maharishi 
Effect.' I imagine that inmates in mental hospitals feel the same way when 
doctors and nurses point out that they're not *really* Napoleon or Jesus 

To these people I say, GET OVER IT. Wake the fuck up, take a look around at 
international standards for sanity, shake yourself, and realize that if you 
actually believe that bouncing on your butt can be called 'flying' and that 
performing this bouncing is creating world're 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: [FairfieldLife]

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

Ethnography.  Om
no that first paragraph was really fine.  It gave a lot of
information to get going and you see it is an article where you the
reader get to roll up your sleeves up to work with it.  You're being way too 
cranky and hard-minded.

No, I'm being realistic, because at one point in my life I was as insane as the 
people in Fairfield who believe that by bouncing on their butts they are 
flying. But in my case this delusion only lasted for about a year. I regained 
my sanity and left long before the TMO started claiming that by bouncing on my 
butt I could create world peace, which is actually a more troubling level of 
insanity than believing it could make them fly. I'm presenting on this forum 
(that was *created* to discuss alternative views of TM, BTW) a different point 
of view on the insanity TM dome goers are living with on a daily basis, 
because it appears they're not likely to ever get that point of view from 
within Fairfield itself. There is too much effort being expended by people like 
you to candy coat this insanity and try to present it as if it were normal. 
It isn't. It never was. It never will be. What it is is insanity. If you can 
admit that, you might become sane
 someday. If you can't, you probably never will. 

As written it is actually an
important article in ethnography about the group of meditators having
come to live in Fairfield, Iowa.  For those of us who live here in FF
the writing captures things that we all live with.  Things that are
very familiar.  Writing like this is an important adjunct to
journalism by outside writers or in scholarly papers written by
people who have not lived it.  This article is worth a bookmark, like
that article that Donna Schill Cleveland should have one.  These are important
voices that should be cultivated for the perspective they have.

turquoiseb wrote :

From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
Growing Up in Utopia
When your family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can 
sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 

This person (although his
intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is IMO *still* suffering from 
the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. Bouncing around on one's 
butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation at the black belt level,' 
it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck 
with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, 
watching you carefully and hoping that you weren't following them so that
they didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on this 
forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they are, and how 
insane the things they believe are. 

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've actually 
talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this cult nonsense they 
way they were that they've forgotten how these normal people think and act. 
They're used to interfacing with people who don't bat an eyelash when you 
announce to them, to's time for me to go fly now. 

Hint: That's insane. No one is flying. No one has EVER flown in *any* of 
the TM flying halls. And no one ever will. 

Most people, told that this would even be *possible*, would react
with either laughter or derision, and walk away. TMSPers reacted by paying 
several thousand dollars to learn how. 

Hint: That's insane. 

And it's as insane now as it was when you first paid those thousands of 
dollars. The only reason people on this forum and around you in Fairfield don't

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry, what are you going to do about this?!  People are still bouncing on 
their butts on foam with this misguided notion that they are doing something 
positive for the world. This is a national, nay, a global scourge, and your 
efforts to enlist the LR, evidently is not paying off. 

 Again, you've got to do more.  It's either them or you, and they seem to be 
winning, at least in the area of driving you bat shit crazy

 P.S. I did get to at least the second paragraph of you manifesto.

 Hey good people of the Netherlands, if you see some guy frantically pacing 
back and forth in one one your cafes, muttering something along the lines, 
they're not listening to me.  WTF are they not listening to me?  My LR are 
letting me down.  Buy him a beer or something.  Put in on our tab, or just do 
it as a Good Samaritan.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Growing Up in Utopia When your 
family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can sometimes feel 
out of place in small-town Iow…

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 

This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is 
IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. 
Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation 
at the black belt level,' it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck 
with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, 
watching you carefully and hoping that you weren't following them so that they 
didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on this 
forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they are, and how 
insane the things they believe are. 

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've actually 
talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this cult nonsense they 
way they were that they've forgotten how these normal people think and act. 
They're used to interfacing with people who don't bat an eyelash when you 
announce to them, to's time for me to go fly now. 

Hint: That's insane. No one is flying. No one has EVER flown in *any* of 
the TM flying halls. And no one ever will. 

Most people, told that this would even be *possible*, would react with either 
laughter or derision, and walk away. TMSPers reacted by paying several thousand 
dollars to learn how. 

Hint: That's insane. 

And it's as insane now as it was when you first paid those thousands of 
dollars. The only reason people on this forum and around you in Fairfield don't 
think so is that you live in an enormous insane asylum, in which the residents 
are reinforcing their shared delusions by pretending that they're saving the 
world instead of acting out less-than-sane fantasies. 

Some of these inmates who post to this forum get upset when I or Michael or 
Salyavin or Curtis point out HOW far away from mainstream definitions of sanity 
they are to believe that there actually IS such a thing as the 'Maharishi 
Effect.' I imagine that inmates in mental hospitals feel the same way when 
doctors and nurses point out that they're not *really* Napoleon or Jesus 

To these people I say, GET OVER IT. Wake the fuck up, take a look around at 
international standards for sanity, shake yourself, and realize that if you 
actually believe that bouncing on your butt can be called 'flying' and that 
performing this bouncing is creating world 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry Emanuel.  He is among us.  This anti cult messiah is among us.  A mission 
of mercy on the part of Barry.  Praise God!

 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 If you can admit that, you might become sane someday. If you can't, you 
probably never will.


 As written it is actually an important article in ethnography about the group 
of meditators having come to live in Fairfield, Iowa. For those of us who live 
here in FF the writing captures things that we all live with. Things that are 
very familiar. Writing like this is an important adjunct to journalism by 
outside writers or in scholarly papers written by people who have not lived it. 
This article is worth a bookmark, like that article that Donna Schill Cleveland 
should have one. These are important voices that should be cultivated for the 
perspective they have.

 turquoiseb wrote :
 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Growing Up in Utopia When your 
family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can sometimes feel 
out of place in small-town Iow…

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 

This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is 
IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. 
Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation 
at the black belt level,' it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck 
with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, 
watching you carefully and hoping that you weren't following them so that they 
didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on this 
forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they are, and how 
insane the things they believe are. 

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've actually 
talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this cult nonsense they 
way they were that they've forgotten how these normal people think and act. 
They're used to interfacing with people who don't bat an eyelash when you 
announce to them, to's time for me to go fly now. 

Hint: That's insane. No one is flying. No one has EVER flown in *any* of 
the TM flying halls. And no one ever will. 

Most people, told that this would even be *possible*, would react with either 
laughter or derision, and walk away. TMSPers reacted by paying several thousand 
dollars to learn how. 

Hint: That's insane. 

And it's as insane now as it was when you first paid those thousands of 
dollars. The only reason people on this forum and around you in Fairfield don't 
think so is that you live in an enormous insane asylum, in which the residents 
are reinforcing their shared delusions by pretending that they're saving the 
world instead of acting out less-than-sane fantasies. 

Some of these inmates who post to this forum get upset when I or Michael or 
Salyavin or Curtis point out HOW far away from mainstream definitions of sanity 
they are to believe that there actually IS such a thing as the 'Maharishi 
Effect.' I imagine that inmates in mental hospitals feel the same way when 
doctors and nurses point out that they're not *really* Napoleon or Jesus 

To these people I say, GET OVER IT. Wake the fuck up, take a look around at 
international standards for sanity, shake yourself, and realize that if you 
actually believe that bouncing on your butt can be called 'flying' and that 
performing this bouncing is 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
One of the more interesting things in this piece is his reference to a private 
blog group called Cult Bros which is a group of people who grew up in the 

for many of my friends who have left, their relationship with home is a 
fraught one. Somewhere on the Internet there’s a listserv or private 
group blog called Cult Bros, where a group of Gen-Xers and Millennials 
who grew up in the Movement air their grievances. 

I’m not a Cult Bros 
member myself, but I can anticipate their conversations — they’d be 
familiar to anyone who grew up in a community defined by certain dogma, 
religious or otherwise. 

There’s the resentment of the years spent trying to be perfect little yogis, 
frustrations over growing up in what can be a very socially conservative 
environment, anger at the time and effort 
and money spent working toward the unattainable goal that is world peace with 
very little payoff. 

There’s questioning of the traditions we grew 
up with, the means to this impossible end — the pujas, the mantras, the jai 
Guru Devs, the Golden Domes, the yogic flying. Questioning all of the Hindu 
that’s wrapped up this thing we were told was not a religion. Like 
anyone from anywhere, the Cult Bros are trying to come to terms with 
their home.

 From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Growing Up in Utopia
When your family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can 
sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 

This person (although his
 intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is IMO *still* suffering from 
the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. Bouncing around on one's 
butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation at the black belt level,' 
it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck 
with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, 
watching you carefully and hoping that you weren't following them so that
 they didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on this 
forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they are, and how 
insane the things they believe are. 

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've actually 
talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this cult nonsense they 
way they were that they've forgotten how these normal people think and act. 
They're used to interfacing with people who don't bat an eyelash when you 
announce to them, to's time for me to go fly now. 

Hint: That's insane. No one is flying. No one has EVER flown in *any* of 
the TM flying halls. And no one ever will. 

Most people, told that this would even be *possible*, would react
 with either laughter or derision, and walk away. TMSPers reacted by paying 
several thousand dollars to learn how. 

Hint: That's insane. 

And it's as insane now as it was when you first paid those thousands of 
dollars. The only reason people on this forum and around you in Fairfield don't 
think so is that you live in an enormous insane asylum, in which the residents 
are reinforcing their shared delusions by pretending that they're saving the 
world instead of acting out less-than-sane fantasies. 

Some of these inmates who post to this forum get upset when I or Michael or 
Salyavin or Curtis point out HOW far away from mainstream definitions of sanity 
they are to believe that there actually IS such a thing as the 'Maharishi 
Effect.' I imagine that inmates in mental hospitals

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

One of the more interesting things in this piece is his reference to a private 
blog group called Cult Bros which is a group of people who grew up in the 

for many of my friends who have left, their relationship with home is a 
fraught one. Somewhere on the Internet there’s a listserv or private 
group blog called Cult Bros, where a group of Gen-Xers and Millennials 
who grew up in the Movement air their grievances. 

I’m not a Cult Bros 
member myself, but I can anticipate their conversations — they’d be 
familiar to anyone who grew up in a community defined by certain dogma, 
religious or otherwise. 

There’s the resentment of the years spent trying to be perfect little yogis, 
frustrations over growing up in what can be a very socially conservative 
environment, anger at the time and effort 
and money spent working toward the unattainable goal that is world peace with 
very little payoff. 

There’s questioning of the traditions we grew 
up with, the means to this impossible end — the pujas, the mantras, the jai 
Guru Devs, the Golden Domes, the yogic flying. Questioning all of the Hindu 
that’s wrapped up this thing we were told was not a religion. Like 
anyone from anywhere, the Cult Bros are trying to come to terms with 
their home.

I actually think that the Cult Bros thang is healthy, and the fact that the 
author of this fluff piece ISN'T a member and doesn't seem to be doing any real 
examination of the insanity he grew up with strikes me as far less healthy. The 
very fact that he could refer to the made-up, non-existent Yogic Flying as 
the black belt of meditation indicates to me that he's never understood 
meditation, much less anything to do with black belts. He's written a puff 
piece to make money, and pooh-pooh his own history growing up as if he's all 
adult now, and looks back on it as if it were just silly. My point is that it's 
a great deal MORE than silly -- it's insanity, on a mass scale. This guy has 
never really dealt with that. I have more respect for his bros in Cult Bros, 
who at least understand and acknowledge what they were part of. 

 From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Growing Up in Utopia
When your family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can 
sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 

This person (although his
 intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is IMO *still* suffering from 
the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. Bouncing around on one's 
butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation at the black belt level,' 
it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck 
with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, 
watching you carefully
 and hoping that you weren't following them so that
 they didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on this 
forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they are, and how 
insane the things they believe are. 

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've actually 
talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this cult nonsense they 
way they were that they've forgotten how these normal people think and act. 
They're used to interfacing

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread salyavin808


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 One of the more interesting things in this piece is his reference to a private 
blog group called Cult Bros which is a group of people who grew up in the 

for many of my friends who have left, their relationship with home is a 
fraught one. Somewhere on the Internet there’s a listserv or private group blog 
called Cult Bros, where a group of Gen-Xers and Millennials who grew up in the 
Movement air their grievances. 


 I’m not a Cult Bros member myself, but I can anticipate their conversations — 
they’d be familiar to anyone who grew up in a community defined by certain 
dogma, religious or otherwise. 


 There’s the resentment of the years spent trying to be perfect little yogis, 
frustrations over growing up in what can be a very socially conservative 
environment, anger at the time and effort and money spent working toward the 
unattainable goal that is world peace with very little payoff. 


 There’s questioning of the traditions we grew up with, the means to this 
impossible end — the pujas, the mantras, the jai Guru Devs, the Golden Domes, 
the yogic flying. Questioning all of the Hindu mythology that’s wrapped up this 
thing we were told was not a religion. Like anyone from anywhere, the Cult Bros 
are trying to come to terms with their home.

 I had a search around but couldn't find them. 

 I thought a good bit of writing was his insight that yogic flying is the 
TMO's Xenu. 

 Xenu being the Scientology creator god who enslaved a then extraterrestrial 
humanity a billion years ago and threw our souls into a volcano on Earth (or 
some such bollocks). The joke is that Scientologists spend decades working 
towards (and paying) for what is supposed to be the ultimate knowledge and is 
revealed to you only when you've proved yourself worthy enough.

 When you've reached these dizzy heights of acceptability you are taken into a 
room and shown this revealed Truth, written in Elrons own hand no less. A cheap 
sci-fi novel. Imagine how pissed off you'd be? But no, everyone is so caught up 
in the mind game that is cult beliefs that they accept it and even feel 
honoured. All their friends know and believe the great secret so why not? So 
much to lose if you pull out by then...

 I remember the first day of my TMSP course when I got the first sutra and 
found out that it wasn't some enigmatic sanskrit term but the word 
friendliness. How pissed off was I? A lot. But I stayed and got the rest and 
practised them for ten years.

 That's the way it works. You, me and Xenu.

 From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 5:46 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM
   From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Growing Up in Utopia When your 
family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can sometimes feel 
out of place in small-town Iow…

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 

This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is 
IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. 
Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation 
at the black belt level,' it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck 
with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, 
watching you carefully and hoping that you weren't following them so

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/29/2014 8:33 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I'm with you on that assessment.

/The story he posted sucks. The troll just can't seem to face reality: 
he was fired from his position in the MIU cafeteria kitchen and kicked 
off the campus for good reason a decade ago. He sucked as a dish-washer 
and he sucked at practicing meditation. He sucks as an informant./

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/29/2014 9:47 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
mailto:mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

/This has got to be one of the most boring stories about growing up in 
Fairfield I have ever read. The only interesting part is realizing 
that you must dream about this stuff in your sleep. Go figure./


Growing Up in Utopia

When your family and friends want to save the world by meditating,
you can sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…

View on

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
They are comfortable using the more precise C word to describe what it is 
they were part of. He isn't. He's still trying to pretend it was just silly. 

From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
Growing Up in Utopia
When your family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can 
sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't
get past the first paragraph. Whatever the author's intention in writing it is 
or was, his cluelessness in that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and 
kept me from reading any further:

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 

This person (although his
intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is IMO *still* suffering from 
the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. Bouncing around on one's 
butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation at the black belt level,' 
it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck 
with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, 
watching you carefully
and hoping that you weren't following them so that
they didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on this 
forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they are, and how 
insane the things they believe are. 

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've actually 
talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this cult nonsense they 
way they were that they've forgotten how these normal people think and act. 
They're used to interfacing with people who don't bat an eyelash when you 
announce to them, to's time for me to go fly now. 

Hint: That's insane. No one is flying. No one has EVER flown in *any* of 
the TM flying halls. And no one ever will. 

Most people, told that this would even be *possible*, would react
with either laughter or derision, and walk away. TMSPers reacted by paying 
several thousand dollars to learn how. 

Hint: That's insane. 

And it's as insane now as it was when you first paid those thousands of 
dollars. The only reason people on this forum and around you in Fairfield don't 
think so is that you live in an enormous insane asylum, in which the residents 
are reinforcing their shared delusions by pretending that they're saving the 
world instead of acting out less-than-sane fantasies. 

Some of these inmates who post to this forum get upset when I or Michael or 
Salyavin or Curtis point out HOW far away from mainstream definitions of sanity 
they are to believe that there actually IS such a thing as the 'Maharishi 
Effect.' I imagine that
inmates in mental hospitals feel the same way when doctors and nurses point out
that they're not *really* Napoleon or Jesus Christ. 

To these people I say, GET OVER IT. Wake the fuck up, take a look around at 
international standards for sanity, shake yourself, and realize that if you 
actually believe that bouncing on your butt can be called 'flying' and that 
performing this bouncing is creating world're INSANE. You're 
NOT special or more evolved or 10,000 X more powerful than lesser people, 
you're INSANE. 

It's OK to *be* insane, if your insane beliefs give you some sense of comfort 
and don't hurt anybody. After all, millions of people believe in an invisible 
man in the sky who watches everything they do, and as long as they don't get in 
other people's faces about it, they can be that insane and still be considered 
productive members of society. 

But ferchrissakes don't pretend
that the things you believe AREN'T insane, and don't pretend to be outraged 
because other people point out the insanity. You CHOSE to be considered insane 
the moment you signed that check and paid thousands of dollars to learn how to 
'fly.' Live with that choice now, and try not to pretend

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Doug, I guess you should resign yourself to henceforth being the main target of 
Barry's anti cult tirades. 

 I don't know the exact reason for this, but I suspect because after a almost 
decades long effort he finally was able to get some notice in an obscure zine, 
mentioning your name as an example of a cult apologist.

 To most here, you comment was an example of over the top hyperbole, not to be 
condoned, but not rising to level Barry wished to present it.  

 Of course, that matters not to Barry.  It gave him some measure of 
vindication, and some assurance, (I guess), that his valiant efforts have not 
been for vain.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 11:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM
   Ethnography.  Om no that first paragraph was really fine. It gave a lot of 
information to get going and you see it is an article where you the reader get 
to roll up your sleeves up to work with it.  You're being way too cranky and 

 No, I'm being realistic, because at one point in my life I was as insane as 
the people in Fairfield who believe that by bouncing on their butts they are 
flying. But in my case this delusion only lasted for about a year. I regained 
my sanity and left long before the TMO started claiming that by bouncing on my 
butt I could create world peace, which is actually a more troubling level of 
insanity than believing it could make them fly. I'm presenting on this forum 
(that was *created* to discuss alternative views of TM, BTW) a different point 
of view on the insanity TM dome goers are living with on a daily basis, 
because it appears they're not likely to ever get that point of view from 
within Fairfield itself. There is too much effort being expended by people like 
you to candy coat this insanity and try to present it as if it were normal. 
It isn't. It never was. It never will be. What it is is insanity. If you can 
admit that, you might become sane someday. If you can't, you probably never 


 As written it is actually an important article in ethnography about the group 
of meditators having come to live in Fairfield, Iowa. For those of us who live 
here in FF the writing captures things that we all live with. Things that are 
very familiar. Writing like this is an important adjunct to journalism by 
outside writers or in scholarly papers written by people who have not lived it. 
This article is worth a bookmark, like that article that Donna Schill Cleveland 
should have one. These are important voices that should be cultivated for the 
perspective they have.

 turquoiseb wrote :
 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Growing Up in Utopia When your 
family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can sometimes feel 
out of place in small-town Iow…

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 

This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is 
IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. 
Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation 
at the black belt level,' it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck 
with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, 
watching you carefully and hoping that you weren't following them so that they 
didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Orwhat you are saying, is that he isn't reacting the way, I think 
he should be reacting. 

 For most people who aren't obsessed with finding cult tendencies, his piece 
is just a reflection, a writing exercise of sorts, dealing with a piece of his 
growing up.

 Obviously, you miss this, because you are so invested in your own particular 
mindset, that you miss any nuance of what his purpose in writing this piece 
might be.

 And, of course we've seen many of examples of this, (missing nuance) on your 
part, especially over the past few month. perhaps coinciding with end of you 
technical writing gig at BB.

 Good luck with this Barry.  Try to step back, and take in a bigger picture.  
The world really is bigger than the TMO and members of this forum.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :
I actually think that the Cult Bros thang is healthy, and the fact that the 
author of this fluff piece ISN'T a member and doesn't seem to be doing any real 
examination of the insanity he grew up with strikes me as far less healthy. The 
very fact that he could refer to the made-up, non-existent Yogic Flying as 
the black belt of meditation indicates to me that he's never understood 
meditation, much less anything to do with black belts. He's written a puff 
piece to make money, and pooh-pooh his own history growing up as if he's all 
adult now, and looks back on it as if it were just silly. My point is that it's 
a great deal MORE than silly -- it's insanity, on a mass scale. This guy has 
never really dealt with that. I have more respect for his bros in Cult Bros, 
who at least understand and acknowledge what they were part of. 


 From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 5:46 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM
   From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Growing Up in Utopia When your 
family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can sometimes feel 
out of place in small-town Iow…

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 

This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is 
IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. 
Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation 
at the black belt level,' it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck 
with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, 
watching you carefully and hoping that you weren't following them so that they 
didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on this 
forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they are, and how 
insane the things they believe are. 

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've actually 
talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this cult nonsense they 
way they were that they've forgotten how these normal people think and act. 
They're used to interfacing with people who don't bat an eyelash when you 
announce to them, to's time for me to go fly now. 

Hint: That's insane. No one is flying. No one has EVER flown in *any* of 
the TM flying halls. And no one ever will. 

Most people, told that this would even be *possible*, would react with either 
laughter or derision, and walk away. TMSPers reacted by paying several thousand 
dollars to learn how. 

Hint: That's

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 absolutely INSANE to believe any of this 
stuff? This fellow's cult bro friends seem more advanced that he does to me. 
They are comfortable using the more precise C word to describe what it is 
they were part of. He isn't. He's still trying to pretend it was just silly. 

From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 5:46 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM
   From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Growing Up in Utopia When your 
family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can sometimes feel 
out of place in small-town Iow…

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 

This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is 
IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. 
Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation 
at the black belt level,' it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck 
with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, 
watching you carefully and hoping that you weren't following them so that they 
didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on this 
forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they are, and how 
insane the things they believe are. 

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've actually 
talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this cult nonsense they 
way they were that they've forgotten how these normal people think and act. 
They're used to interfacing with people who don't bat an eyelash when you 
announce to them, to's time for me to go fly now. 

Hint: That's insane. No one is flying. No one has EVER flown in *any* of 
the TM flying halls. And no one ever will. 

Most people, told that this would even be *possible*, would react with either 
laughter or derision, and walk away. TMSPers reacted by paying several thousand 
dollars to learn how. 

Hint: That's insane. 

And it's as insane now as it was when you first paid those thousands of 
dollars. The only reason people on this forum and around you in Fairfield don't 
think so is that you live in an enormous insane asylum, in which the residents 
are reinforcing their shared delusions by pretending that they're saving the 
world instead of acting out less-than-sane fantasies. 

Some of these inmates who post to this forum get upset when I or Michael or 
Salyavin or Curtis point out HOW far away from mainstream definitions of sanity 
they are to believe that there actually IS such a thing as the 'Maharishi 
Effect.' I imagine that inmates in mental hospitals feel the same way when 
doctors and nurses point out that they're not *really* Napoleon or Jesus 

To these people I say, GET OVER IT. Wake the fuck up, take a look around at 
international standards for sanity, shake yourself, and realize that if you 
actually believe that bouncing on your butt can be called 'flying' and that 
performing this bouncing is creating world're INSANE. You're 
NOT special or more evolved or 10,000 X more powerful than lesser people, 
you're INSANE. 

It's OK to *be* insane, if your insane beliefs give you some sense of comfort 
and don't hurt anybody. After all, millions of people believe in an invisible 
man in the sky who watches everything they do, and as long as they don't get in 
other people's faces

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Orwhat you are saying, is that he isn't reacting the way, I 
think he should be reacting. 

 For most people who aren't obsessed with finding cult tendencies, his piece 
is just a reflection, a writing exercise of sorts, dealing with a piece of his 
growing up.

 Obviously, you miss this, because you are so invested in your own particular 
mindset, that you miss any nuance of what his purpose in writing this piece 
might be.

 And, of course we've seen many of examples of this, (missing nuance) on your 
part, especially over the past few month. perhaps coinciding with end of you 
technical writing gig at BB.

 Good luck with this Barry.  Try to step back, and take in a bigger picture.  
The world really is bigger than the TMO and members of this forum.

 Steve, I'm sure you have something much better to do, like de-fleaing the cat, 
than responding to or even reading bawee's mind loops here. He only 
participates to hear himself talk and to see others respond to him because 
there are only two or three people who seem to like him and his life seems to 
consist of lonely trips to his drinking venues and back home again. I give 
you an A for effort and compassion here but I think your cat needs some 
attention. Don't you hear it meowing for you?





Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/30/2014 4:46 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 

I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first 
paragraph. Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, 
his cluelessness in that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and 
kept me from reading any further:

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, 
and this isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically 
meditation at the black-belt level, offers the potential of human 
levitation -- although in actuality it looks more like energetic, if 
not rather effortless, cross-legged hopping.

The guy just can't compare to your eloquent and interesting 
introduction, Barry. LoL!

//What I'm talking about is slowly lifting up off the sofa and sitting//
//in midair for two to three minutes. Or stepping up off the ground in//
//the desert and then flying around several feet above the ground for //
//a while. /- TurquoiseB

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/30/2014 4:46 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 
 I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 
 The guy just can't compare to your eloquent and interesting introduction, 
Barry. LoL!

 I'd say, for a guy who thinks Fritz the Cat is brilliant and who wrote 
Roadtrip Mind or whatever the name of bawee's Rama fluff piece was really 
doesn't hold the highest literary credibility with me. 
 What I'm talking about is slowly lifting up off the sofa and sitting
 in midair for two to three minutes. Or stepping up off the ground in
 the desert and then flying around several feet above the ground for 
 a while.  - TurquoiseB

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/30/2014 4:46 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
To these people I say, GET OVER IT. Wake the fuck up, take a look 
around at international standards for sanity, shake yourself, and 
realize that if you actually believe that bouncing on your butt can be 
called 'flying' and that performing this bouncing is creating world're INSANE. You're NOT special or more evolved or 
10,000 X more powerful than lesser people, you're INSANE. 

It looks like Barry got his buttons pushed. Go figure.

It's starting to look like Barry has got a real bad case of cognitive 
dissonance. I sometimes wonder what's going on in his mind - does he 
really think anyone is going to take him seriously after he posted 
numerous claims to having witnessed a guy levitate at a Denny's 
Restaurant in L.A., and nobody but him noticed it? Now, that's insane.

//I've seen someone levitate. Many times. In many settings, from the 
Los Angeles //
//Convention Center to the Anza-Borrego Desert to a Denny's restaurant 
in the wee //

//hours of the night./ - TurquoiseB

Subject: TM is a Cult?
Author: TurquoiseB
Group: Yahoo Fairfieldife
Date: Friday, 23 May 2014

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/30/2014 4:46 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
That's insane. No one is flying. No one has EVER flown in *any* of 
the TM flying halls. And no one ever will. 

Nobody could ever compare to your teacher and his accomplishments, 
Barry. You win for the amount of time and money anyone on FFL has ever 
spent on learning how to fly. You win the debate - you are just an 
awesome seeker; so old  and so wise and experienced in spiritual pursuits!

/Just to be clear, this wasn't in a TM context. The person levitating 
or flying through the air was a guy named Frederick Lenz, who also 
called himself Rama. He taught a hodge-podge of things from different 
traditions, but the majority of them were Buddhist. He didn't teach how 
to do this stuff directly; he just did it. As far as I know, none of his 
students ever developed the knack.///

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/30/2014 4:46 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 


It is now official - the FFL science writer-reporter has declared 
himself to be insane. He got his buttons pushed today and now he is 
lashing out at his imagined enemies. Obviously this guy is afflicted 
with chronic cognitive dissonance. BARRY WRIGHT IS a nutcase. Rama had a 
black belt in karate. Go figure.

/Suffice it to say that over an extended number of years I witnessed 
almost every siddhi described by Patanjali and quite a few that were 
not./ - Uncle Tantra

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, Ann, I am indulging. 

 But, does it strike anyone else as hilarious that you've got three people 
here, going through the little writing exercise this guy did as though it's a 
pilfered document from Area 51.

 Their musing run along the lines of:

 What do you think he meant by this?

 I think he said this, but really means this

 And the Cult Bros, I've looked into it, but I haven't found anything

 Who wants to be on the other side of this bet: that Michael has already 
contacted this guy, trying to suss out more information about the CBs, and 
fishing out any other insights.

 And yet, others here, are the cult obsessed?


---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Orwhat you are saying, is that he isn't reacting the way, I 
think he should be reacting. 

 For most people who aren't obsessed with finding cult tendencies, his piece 
is just a reflection, a writing exercise of sorts, dealing with a piece of his 
growing up.

 Obviously, you miss this, because you are so invested in your own particular 
mindset, that you miss any nuance of what his purpose in writing this piece 
might be.

 And, of course we've seen many of examples of this, (missing nuance) on your 
part, especially over the past few month. perhaps coinciding with end of you 
technical writing gig at BB.

 Good luck with this Barry.  Try to step back, and take in a bigger picture.  
The world really is bigger than the TMO and members of this forum.

 Steve, I'm sure you have something much better to do, like de-fleaing the cat, 
than responding to or even reading bawee's mind loops here. He only 
participates to hear himself talk and to see others respond to him because 
there are only two or three people who seem to like him and his life seems to 
consist of lonely trips to his drinking venues and back home again. I give 
you an A for effort and compassion here but I think your cat needs some 
attention. Don't you hear it meowing for you?





Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/30/2014 6:42 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
*From:* [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Thursday, October 30, 2014 11:57 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

Ethnography.  Om no that first paragraph was really fine. It gave a 
lot of information to get going and you see it is an article where you 
the reader get to roll up your sleeves up to work with it.  You're 
being way too cranky and hard-minded.

No, I'm being realistic, because at one point in my life I was as 
insane as the people in Fairfield who believe that by bouncing on 
their butts they are flying. But in my case this delusion only 
lasted for about a year.

Lasted about a year? Maybe you could explain to us why your 
autobiography is still up on your Rama Lenz site:

/Anyway, if you're interested, I wrote some stuff about the fellow and 
what it //

//was like to study with him in a book that's on the Web.../ - TurquoiseB

Accessed on October 30, 2014

I regained my sanity and left long before the TMO started claiming 
that by bouncing on my butt I could create world peace, which is 
actually a more troubling level of insanity than believing it could 
make them fly. I'm presenting on this forum (that was *created* to 
discuss alternative views of TM, BTW) a different point of view on the 
insanity TM dome goers are living with on a daily basis, because it 
appears they're not likely to ever get that point of view from within 
Fairfield itself. There is too much effort being expended by people 
like you to candy coat this insanity and try to present it as if it 
were normal. It isn't. It never was. It never will be. What it is is 
insanity. If you can admit that, you might become sane someday. If you 
can't, you probably never will.

As written it is actually an important article in ethnography about 
the group of meditators having come to live in Fairfield, Iowa. For 
those of us who live here in FF the writing captures things that we 
all live with. Things that are very familiar. Writing like this is an 
important adjunct to journalism by outside writers or in scholarly 
papers written by people who have not lived it. This article is worth 
a bookmark, like that article that Donna Schill Cleveland should have 
one. These are important voices that should be cultivated for the 
perspective they have.

turquoiseb wrote :

*From:* Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]


Growing Up in Utopia
When your family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you 
can sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…

View on

Preview by Yahoo

I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first 
paragraph. Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, 
his cluelessness in that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and 
kept me from reading any further:

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, 
and this isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically 
meditation at the black-belt level, offers the potential of human 
levitation -- although in actuality it looks more like energetic, if 
not rather effortless, cross-legged hopping.

This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the 
opposite) is IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up 
in an insane asylum. Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 
'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation at the black belt level,' it's 
INSANITY at the black belt level.

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping 
people at random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a 
day I bounce around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other 
people who do the same thing because we are convinced that doing this 
will reduce crime, affect the weather, and create world peace. What do 
you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to 
me...good luck with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as 
they were edging away, watching you carefully and hoping that you 
weren't following them so that they didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on 
this forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they 
are, and how insane the things they believe are.

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've 
actually talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this 
cult nonsense they way

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/30/2014 6:55 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Barry, what are you going to do about this?!  People are still 
bouncing on their butts on foam with this misguided notion that they 
are doing something positive for the world. This is a national, nay, a 
global scourge, and your efforts to enlist the LR, evidently is not 
paying off.

Again, you've got to do more.  It's either them or you, and they 
seem to be winning, at least in the area of driving you bat shit crazy

P.S. I did get to at least the second paragraph of you manifesto.

/Barry's full manifesto can be found here://

Hey good people of the Netherlands, if you see some guy frantically 
pacing back and forth in one one your cafes, muttering something along 
the lines, they're not listening to me.  WTF are they not listening 
to me?  My LR are letting me down.  Buy him a beer or something.  Put 
in on our tab, or just do it as a Good Samaritan.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

*From:* Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]


Growing Up in Utopia
When your family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you 
can sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…

View on

Preview by Yahoo

I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first 
paragraph. Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, 
his cluelessness in that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and 
kept me from reading any further:

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, 
and this isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically 
meditation at the black-belt level, offers the potential of human 
levitation -- although in actuality it looks more like energetic, if 
not rather effortless, cross-legged hopping.

This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the 
opposite) is IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up 
in an insane asylum. Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 
'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation at the black belt level,' it's 
INSANITY at the black belt level.

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping 
people at random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a 
day I bounce around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other 
people who do the same thing because we are convinced that doing this 
will reduce crime, affect the weather, and create world peace. What do 
you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to 
me...good luck with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as 
they were edging away, watching you carefully and hoping that you 
weren't following them so that they didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on 
this forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they 
are, and how insane the things they believe are.

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've 
actually talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this 
cult nonsense they way they were that they've forgotten how these 
normal people think and act. They're used to interfacing with people 
who don't bat an eyelash when you announce to them, to's time for me to go fly now.

Hint: That's insane. No one is flying. No one has EVER flown in 
*any* of the TM flying halls. And no one ever will.

Most people, told that this would even be *possible*, would react with 
either laughter or derision, and walk away. TMSPers reacted by paying 
several thousand dollars to learn how.

Hint: That's insane.

And it's as insane now as it was when you first paid those thousands 
of dollars. The only reason people on this forum and around you in 
Fairfield don't think so is that you live in an enormous insane 
asylum, in which the residents are reinforcing their shared delusions 
by pretending that they're saving the world instead of acting out 
less-than-sane fantasies.

Some of these inmates who post to this forum get upset when I or 
Michael or Salyavin or Curtis point out HOW far away from mainstream 
definitions of sanity they are to believe that there actually IS such 
a thing as the 'Maharishi Effect.' I imagine that inmates in mental 
hospitals feel the same way when doctors and nurses point out that 
they're not *really* Napoleon or Jesus Christ.

To these people I say, GET OVER IT. Wake the fuck up, take a look 
around at international standards for sanity, shake yourself, and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/30/2014 7:31 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
One of the more interesting things in this piece is his reference to a 
private blog group called Cult Bros which is a group of people who 
grew up in the Movement:

/There is no group on the internet called Cult Bros. If there was, you 
would probably be it's moderator. Apparently you grew up in the cult and 
then got kicked out after twelve years. Now you're just upset at the 
rejection. According to Barry, you were insane. It looks like you are 
still pretty nutty. Go figure./

for many of my friends who have left, their relationship with home is 
a fraught one. Somewhere on the Internet there’s a listserv or private 
group blog called Cult Bros, where a group of Gen-Xers and Millennials 
who grew up in the Movement air their grievances.

I’m not a Cult Bros member myself, but I can anticipate their 
conversations — they’d be familiar to anyone who grew up in a 
community defined by certain dogma, religious or otherwise.

There’s the resentment of the years spent trying to be perfect little 
yogis, frustrations over growing up in what can be a very socially 
conservative environment, anger at the time and effort and money spent 
working toward the unattainable goal that is world peace with very 
little payoff.

There’s questioning of the traditions we grew up with, the means to 
this impossible end — the pujas, the mantras, the /jai Guru Devs, /the 
Golden Domes, the yogic flying. Questioning all of the Hindu mythology 
that’s wrapped up this thing we were told was not a religion. Like 
anyone from anywhere, the Cult Bros are trying to come to terms with 
their home.

*From:* TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Thursday, October 30, 2014 5:46 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

*From:* Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]


Growing Up in Utopia
When your family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you 
can sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…

View on

Preview by Yahoo

I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first 
paragraph. Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, 
his cluelessness in that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and 
kept me from reading any further:

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, 
and this isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically 
meditation at the black-belt level, offers the potential of human 
levitation -- although in actuality it looks more like energetic, if 
not rather effortless, cross-legged hopping.

This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the 
opposite) is IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up 
in an insane asylum. Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 
'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation at the black belt level,' it's 
INSANITY at the black belt level.

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping 
people at random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a 
day I bounce around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other 
people who do the same thing because we are convinced that doing this 
will reduce crime, affect the weather, and create world peace. What do 
you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to 
me...good luck with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as 
they were edging away, watching you carefully and hoping that you 
weren't following them so that they didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on 
this forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they 
are, and how insane the things they believe are.

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've 
actually talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this 
cult nonsense they way they were that they've forgotten how these 
normal people think and act. They're used to interfacing with people 
who don't bat an eyelash when you announce to them, to's time for me to go fly now.

Hint: That's insane. No one is flying. No one has EVER flown in 
*any* of the TM flying halls. And no one ever will.

Most people, told that this would even be *possible*, would react with 
either laughter or derision, and walk away. TMSPers reacted by paying 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry, you are always in conflict. On the one hand, you want to be the rebel, 
telling everyone who will listen, about how Lenz levitated and YOU SAW IT. On 
the other, you are a suck up to authority, denigrating yogic fliers (aka the 
black belt of meditation), because people on the street would find it absurd. I 
don't know if you are aware how incoherent your thinking is. Probably not. I 
sincerely hope that you get over it. Have you played with Maya today?

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/30/2014 6:42 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife] 
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 11:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM
   Ethnography.  Om no that first paragraph was really fine. It gave a lot of 
information to get going and you see it is an article where you the reader get 
to roll up your sleeves up to work with it.  You're being way too cranky and 
 No, I'm being realistic, because at one point in my life I was as insane as 
the people in Fairfield who believe that by bouncing on their butts they are 
flying. But in my case this delusion only lasted for about a year. 

 Lasted about a year? Maybe you could explain to us why your autobiography is 
still up on your Rama Lenz site:
 Anyway, if you're interested, I wrote some stuff about the fellow and what it 
 was like to study with him in a book that's on the Web... - TurquoiseB
 Accessed on October 30, 2014
 I regained my sanity and left long before the TMO started claiming that by 
bouncing on my butt I could create world peace, which is actually a more 
troubling level of insanity than believing it could make them fly. I'm 
presenting on this forum (that was *created* to discuss alternative views of 
TM, BTW) a different point of view on the insanity TM dome goers are living 
with on a daily basis, because it appears they're not likely to ever get that 
point of view from within Fairfield itself. There is too much effort being 
expended by people like you to candy coat this insanity and try to present it 
as if it were normal. It isn't. It never was. It never will be. What it is is 
insanity. If you can admit that, you might become sane someday. If you can't, 
you probably never will. 
 As written it is actually an important article in ethnography about the group 
of meditators having come to live in Fairfield, Iowa. For those of us who live 
here in FF the writing captures things that we all live with. Things that are 
very familiar. Writing like this is an important adjunct to journalism by 
outside writers or in scholarly papers written by people who have not lived it. 
This article is worth a bookmark, like that article that Donna Schill Cleveland 
should have one. These are important voices that should be cultivated for the 
perspective they have.
 turquoiseb wrote :
 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Growing Up in Utopia When your family and friends want to save the world by 
meditating, you can sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo

 I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 
 I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 
 This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is 
IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. 
Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation 
at the black belt level,' it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 
 Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 10/30/2014 05:47 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

I remember the first day of my TMSP course when I got the first sutra 
and found out that it wasn't some enigmatic sanskrit term but the word 
friendliness. How pissed off was I? A lot. But I stayed and got the 
rest and practised them for ten years.

You were looking for akarsha? :-D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]


One of the more interesting things in this piece is his reference to a 
private blog group called Cult Bros which is a group of people who 
grew up in the Movement:

On 10/30/2014 7:42 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 

I actually think that the Cult Bros thang is healthy, and the fact 
that the author of this fluff piece ISN'T a member and doesn't seem to 
be doing any real examination of the insanity he grew up with strikes 
me as far less healthy. The very fact that he could refer to the 
made-up, non-existent Yogic Flying as the black belt of meditation 
indicates to me that he's never understood meditation, much less 
anything to do with black belts.

/His fluff piece wasn't much different from your fluff piece about Rama 
on your web site.

You even bragged about how Rama had a black belt in the martial arts and 
could levitate up off of a sofa. This is actually far less healthy than 
just being in a trance-induction state and still trying to write science 
reports. You can deal with the cognitive dissonance but it's going to be 
a lot more difficult dealing with your own insanity./

He's written a puff piece to make money, and pooh-pooh his own history 
growing up as if he's all adult now, and looks back on it as if it 
were just silly. My point is that it's a great deal MORE than silly -- 
it's insanity, on a mass scale. This guy has never really dealt with 
that. I have more respect for his bros in Cult Bros, who at least 
understand and acknowledge what they were part of.

/Wake up, Barry - this is the Cult Bros./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]


Ethnography.  Om no that first paragraph was really fine. It gave a 
lot of information to get going and you see it is an article where you 
the reader get to roll up your sleeves up to work with it.  You're 
being way too cranky and hard-minded.

On 10/30/2014 6:42 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 

There is too much effort being expended by people like you to candy 
coat this insanity and try to present it as if it were normal. It 
isn't. It never was. It never will be. What it is is insanity. If you 
can admit that, you might become sane someday. If you can't, you 
probably never will...

/You admit you were insane back then for over ten years, but you failed 
to explain why for another ten years you believed in the Rama cult of 
insanity. You must still be insane to think that anyone today is going 
to believe you witnessed hundreds of levitation events by Fred Lenz. 
How, that's insanity! Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
, which is just a load of bollocks about how light 
cotton fiber is. In English. 

That's the way it works. You, me and Xenu.
I still wish that this guy had written a somewhat ballsier piece, dealing with 
the real meat of the cognitive dissonance that his more honest Cult Bro 
friends are dealing with. A better article would have been less fluffy and less 
Weren't we silly to believe this stuff? An honest article would be more real, 
more along the lines of,Weren't we absolutely INSANE to believe any of this 
stuff? This fellow's cult bro friends seem more advanced that he does to me. 
They are comfortable using the more precise C word to describe what it is 
they were part of. He isn't. He's still trying to pretend it was just silly. 

From: TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 5:46 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM
   From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Growing Up in Utopia When your 
family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can sometimes feel 
out of place in small-town Iow…

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. 
Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in 
that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any 

I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this 
isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the 
black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in 
actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged 

This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is 
IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. 
Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation 
at the black belt level,' it's INSANITY at the black belt level. 

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at 
random, and explaining to them, I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce 
around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same 
thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the 
weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?

My bet is that you would get answers like, Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck 
with that... spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, 
watching you carefully and hoping that you weren't following them so that they 
didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on this 
forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they are, and how 
insane the things they believe are. 

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've actually 
talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this cult nonsense they 
way they were that they've forgotten how these normal people think and act. 
They're used to interfacing with people who don't bat an eyelash when you 
announce to them, to's time for me to go fly now. 

Hint: That's insane. No one is flying. No one has EVER flown in *any* of 
the TM flying halls. And no one ever will. 

Most people, told that this would even be *possible*, would react with either 
laughter or derision, and walk away. TMSPers reacted by paying several thousand 
dollars to learn how. 

Hint: That's insane. 

And it's as insane now as it was when you first paid those thousands of 
dollars. The only reason people on this forum and around you in Fairfield don't 
think so is that you live in an enormous insane asylum, in which the residents 
are reinforcing their shared delusions by pretending that they're saving the 
world instead of acting out less-than-sane fantasies. 

Some of these inmates who post to this forum get upset when I or Michael or 
Salyavin or Curtis point out HOW far away from mainstream definitions of sanity 
they are to believe that there actually IS such a thing as the 'Maharishi 
Effect.' I imagine that inmates in mental hospitals feel the same way when 
doctors and nurses point out that they're not *really* Napoleon or Jesus 

To these people I say, GET OVER IT. Wake the fuck up, take a look around at 
international standards for sanity, shake yourself, and realize that if you 
actually believe that bouncing

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread srijau
this is all about that adolescent mentality of worrying about what other people 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You took the words out of my mouth (oops, bad analogy at the moment), Ann. I 
chanced upon a recent photo of b on-line, and I have it in me, less and less, 
to respond to, or comment on, his repetitious diatribes. Kinda like mugging an 
old man. Seriously. So, what was fun when I considered him a peer, isn't any 
longer. There are plenty of other things that catch my mind, so, on to them!! 
---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Orwhat you are saying, is that he isn't reacting the way, I 
think he should be reacting. 

 For most people who aren't obsessed with finding cult tendencies, his piece 
is just a reflection, a writing exercise of sorts, dealing with a piece of his 
growing up.

 Obviously, you miss this, because you are so invested in your own particular 
mindset, that you miss any nuance of what his purpose in writing this piece 
might be.

 And, of course we've seen many of examples of this, (missing nuance) on your 
part, especially over the past few month. perhaps coinciding with end of you 
technical writing gig at BB.

 Good luck with this Barry.  Try to step back, and take in a bigger picture.  
The world really is bigger than the TMO and members of this forum.

 Steve, I'm sure you have something much better to do, like de-fleaing the cat, 
than responding to or even reading bawee's mind loops here. He only 
participates to hear himself talk and to see others respond to him because 
there are only two or three people who seem to like him and his life seems to 
consist of lonely trips to his drinking venues and back home again. I give 
you an A for effort and compassion here but I think your cat needs some 
attention. Don't you hear it meowing for you?





Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 You took the words out of my mouth (oops, bad analogy at the moment), Ann. I 
chanced upon a recent photo of b on-line, and I have it in me, less and less, 
to respond to, or comment on, his repetitious diatribes. Kinda like mugging an 
old man. Seriously. So, what was fun when I considered him a peer, isn't any 
longer. There are plenty of other things that catch my mind, so, on to them!!

 Your mouth must look great but maybe not feel so good. I'm sure you're glad 
that dental appointment is over.
 And yes, I have lost the heart to read or respond to a majority of bawee's 
posts anymore. There is only so much that I can read time and time again. 
---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Orwhat you are saying, is that he isn't reacting the way, I 
think he should be reacting. 

 For most people who aren't obsessed with finding cult tendencies, his piece 
is just a reflection, a writing exercise of sorts, dealing with a piece of his 
growing up.

 Obviously, you miss this, because you are so invested in your own particular 
mindset, that you miss any nuance of what his purpose in writing this piece 
might be.

 And, of course we've seen many of examples of this, (missing nuance) on your 
part, especially over the past few month. perhaps coinciding with end of you 
technical writing gig at BB.

 Good luck with this Barry.  Try to step back, and take in a bigger picture.  
The world really is bigger than the TMO and members of this forum.

 Steve, I'm sure you have something much better to do, like de-fleaing the cat, 
than responding to or even reading bawee's mind loops here. He only 
participates to hear himself talk and to see others respond to him because 
there are only two or three people who seem to like him and his life seems to 
consist of lonely trips to his drinking venues and back home again. I give 
you an A for effort and compassion here but I think your cat needs some 
attention. Don't you hear it meowing for you?





Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
What I find rather funny, is that this kid's piece was a relatively gentle 
reflection on his childhood and youth. 

 And he seems to have come to terms with what he felt may have been a 
dysfunctional upbringing, and has been able to put that dysfunctionality into 

 But it appears to have driven Barry, absolutely bat shit crazy that the guy 
is not full of anger and resentment and lashing out at his parents and the TM 

 Barry evidently feels that the kid needs to be reeducated, or deprogrammed, or 
at the very least, get a good scolding.

 Barry cannot comprehend that one might be able to put things behind them and 
move on.

 Why would this be?

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 You took the words out of my mouth (oops, bad analogy at the moment), Ann. I 
chanced upon a recent photo of b on-line, and I have it in me, less and less, 
to respond to, or comment on, his repetitious diatribes. Kinda like mugging an 
old man. Seriously. So, what was fun when I considered him a peer, isn't any 
longer. There are plenty of other things that catch my mind, so, on to them!! 
---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Orwhat you are saying, is that he isn't reacting the way, I 
think he should be reacting. 

 For most people who aren't obsessed with finding cult tendencies, his piece 
is just a reflection, a writing exercise of sorts, dealing with a piece of his 
growing up.

 Obviously, you miss this, because you are so invested in your own particular 
mindset, that you miss any nuance of what his purpose in writing this piece 
might be.

 And, of course we've seen many of examples of this, (missing nuance) on your 
part, especially over the past few month. perhaps coinciding with end of you 
technical writing gig at BB.

 Good luck with this Barry.  Try to step back, and take in a bigger picture.  
The world really is bigger than the TMO and members of this forum.

 Steve, I'm sure you have something much better to do, like de-fleaing the cat, 
than responding to or even reading bawee's mind loops here. He only 
participates to hear himself talk and to see others respond to him because 
there are only two or three people who seem to like him and his life seems to 
consist of lonely trips to his drinking venues and back home again. I give 
you an A for effort and compassion here but I think your cat needs some 
attention. Don't you hear it meowing for you?





[FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-29 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Growing Up in Utopia
When your family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can 
sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-29 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/29/2014 9:47 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

/This has got to be one of the most boring stories about growing up in 
Fairfield I have ever read. The only interesting part is realizing that 
you must dream about this stuff in your sleep. Go figure./


Growing Up in Utopia
When your family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you 
can sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…

View on

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'm with you on that assessment.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/29/2014 9:47 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 This has got to be one of the most boring stories about growing up in 
Fairfield I have ever read. The only interesting part is realizing that you 
must dream about this stuff in your sleep. Go figure.
 Growing Up in Utopia When your family and friends want to save the world by 
meditating, you can sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo



Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 I'm with you on that assessment.

 Actually, I enjoyed this little piece. I can remember those small children 
growing up on campus and maybe he was one of them. He tells a true tale, a 
story from his viewpoint. I didn't find it negative or unbalanced. It was just 
a quaint little account of his memories and his feelings about his experiences 
growing up in FF. I think much of it resonates with what I remember from my 
days there.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/29/2014 9:47 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 This has got to be one of the most boring stories about growing up in 
Fairfield I have ever read. The only interesting part is realizing that you 
must dream about this stuff in your sleep. Go figure.
 Growing Up in Utopia When your family and friends want to save the world by 
meditating, you can sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo



Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Re I resorted to an old trick: Talk about the weather.:  Gee, is this guy 
English? That's what we do. At the moment it's quite warm for October but it 
gets dark early . . . 

 Re pork tenderloin sandwich: 
 I like Yank food (burgers and what-have-you) but I'll draw the line at a pork 
tenderloin sandwich thank you. Boca burgers never made it across the Atlantic 
but sound more appetizing.

 Re There’s John Lennon signing jai guru deva in “Across the Universe,” 
drawing out what should be a silent a: 
 Is that right? I know that Jai Guru Dev is the correct masculine form but 
Lennon went for the Deva variant - the feminine version - as it went better 
with the song. Good for him. In that case - ie, accepting that we're saying I 
give thanks to Guru Dev(a) or even victory to the greatness in you in the 
feminine form then the a should *not* be silent, no?

 (Don't spoil one of my favourite Beatles' songs!)