[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-09 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jeff.evans60 jeff.evan...@... wrote:

 Judy's Native American name may indeed be splitting hairs !

Splitting Hairs is excellent. Almost Whedonesque.
Although I think that Stands With Her Knickers In
A Twist is a possible contender.  :-)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Perfect way to end my posting week, by pointing
  out that the *other* self-proclaimed feminist on
  this forum seems to *agree* with Judy characterizing
  another woman as a slut or prostitute *on the basis
  of her hairstyle*.
  Look up the word slattern. Note its synonyms: slut
  and prostitute. Note definitions such as: a pros-
  titute who attracts customers by walking the streets
  and a loose woman. 
  This from the two feminists who suggested that me
  pointing out that IMO Sarah Palin is a very ordinary-
  looking woman and that the only reason anyone thinks
  otherwise is because of makeup was misogyny and
  hatred of women.
  The two feminists seem to feel that *they* are able
  to refer to *another woman* as a slattern FOR NO
  HER HAIRCUT. That's not hatred of women. 
  But pointing out that Sarah Palin has to wear a ton 
  of makeup to look good on camera is. Go figure. 
  Now, having set the stage for the meltdown that will
  follow today and the early part of next week, I shall
  again withdraw and allow the two unpersons to make my
  points for me. Have a nice rest of Friday folks...I'm
  off to Barcelona for the evening while they sit in their
  houses and plot their revenge.  :-) :-) :-)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   It's all about Judyagain. Didn't Barry make a formal 
   declaration that she was a non-person? Didn't he vow to 
   not read her posts beyond the message view because he's too 
   cowardly to admit to himself how badly she mops the floor 
   with him EVERY TIME? Now he's cruising for a bruising...
   again? Pass the popcorn. This is going to be fun. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
This followup to a followup is just for fun, because we all know that
Judy is out there somewhere, chomping at the bit to come running
back to FFL and call me a LIAR for saying the things below. Let's
compare my characterization of her freakout over unkempt hair
to her *actual words* on the subject, shall we?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:

 Just as a followup, doncha think it's
 fascinating that a supposed feminist
 throws away several posts 1) picking a
 nit about another woman's unkempt
 appearance as if that somehow offended
 her, and 2) does so by suggesting that
 it is somehow inauthentic for a woman
 in any era to wear her hair the way she
 wants to?

 Presumably the ideal woman Judy has in
 mind would submit to what the society
 she lived in (*especially* other women
 who bitchily criticized her unkempt
 appearance) wanted from her, rather than
 express her own taste in hairstyles. :-)

The following -- emphasis mine but the words Judy's -- is what
she actually *said* about Mary McDonnell's hair after seeing
Dances With Wolves. (*IF* she ever saw it, that is...I think
we all know there is a possibility she never did, and is basing
these rants purely on what she was told about the film by
someone else, as she's done in the past with Apocalypto and
other films.)

Note the...uh...lack of equanimity in the following quotes. Note
that Judy is almost *out of control* with anger at having been
forced to view the hairstyle of a slattern (her term) on another
woman. Note that this supposed feminist wants the right to
impose *her* ideas of a proper hairstyle on another woman.

Ponder its meaning and have as much fun laughing at feminist
Judy as I have. Doncha get the feeling that someone in her past
said all of these things to Judy about *her* hair, and now years
later she is still so programmed by that as to feel that she has
the right to say them about another woman's? Some feminist.

 Yeah, but my point was that *her hair was just slovenly
 looking*. *You'd think if she wanted so badly to belong to
 the Lakota culture, she'd have found a way to keep it
 neat*. You can make perfectly good braids with curly
 hair, and hers wasn't all *that* curly, really just

 I don't know, maybe they thought the *messy hair* kept
 her from looking too glamorous. But she was by far the
 most prominent woman in the film, and *it gave the
 impression that she had somehow become wild and savage*

 She'd been taken in by the tribe
 when she was a little girl. *I don't think at that point
 she would have had a cultural identity that would have

[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-09 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 compare my characterization of her freakout over unkempt hair
 to her *actual words* on the subject, shall we?

No matter how many of my actual words you bold,
Barry, they don't say anything even remotely like
what you claim. This is your freakout, not mine.

As to your assertion that it's somehow anti-feminist
for women to go along with the fashions of the
society they live in, here you are describing your
attendance at a feminist conference:

Going with them to this gala event involved me being one
of two men in a room full of 600 staggeringly attractive
wommen who were dressed to the nines

I should give the Fashion Report.

To Die For. First, we are talking about a room full of
healthy, trim, worked-out, and stunningly beautiful
women. Second, we are talking a room full of them given
a chance to play dress-upThe fancy dresses and high
heels and makeup...were just icing on the cake.


FWIW, unlike your feminists, I decided about,
oh, 25 years or so ago that I was tired of
submitting to society's mandate that women wear
heels and makeup and spend lots of time and money
on their hair, and I haven't done so since.

[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-09 Thread authfriend
Good grief. This is, what, Barry's *third* off-the-
rails rant now about McDonnell's hair?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Perfect way to end my posting week, by pointing
 out that the *other* self-proclaimed feminist on
 this forum seems to *agree* with Judy characterizing
 another woman as a slut or prostitute *on the basis
 of her hairstyle*.

Neither of us characterized anybody that way.
Barry's enraged because Raunchy nailed him about
paying so much attention to me after having
declared me an unperson whose posts he was
never going to read.

 Look up the word slattern. Note its synonyms: slut
 and prostitute. Note definitions such as: a pros-
 titute who attracts customers by walking the streets
 and a loose woman.

Or note the definition in my dictionary:

slattern: an untidy slovenly woman; also : slut,

The term slattern does not automatically imply
prostitute or loose woman, except, apparently,
in Barry's mind.

And that tells us why Barry is so anxious for
women to have messy hair, because he thinks it
means he has a better chance of getting into
their pants.

 This from the two feminists who suggested that me
 pointing out that IMO Sarah Palin is a very ordinary-
 looking woman and that the only reason anyone thinks
 otherwise is because of makeup was misogyny and
 hatred of women.

No, neither of us ever said that was the reason. I
may have suggested Palin Derangement Syndrome as
the reason, however.

[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-09 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirt...@... wrote:

 I'm looking forward to the day when we are inclusive and have ceased being 
 The state of the heart 
 is relevant and not the state of hair.
 Perhaps it is my being an artist, but i like the abstractness of a bedhead.
 I may even wear sticks, feathers, flowers, or anything that gives me delight 
 in my hair.
 You may wear your hair anyway you like.
 It's okay.
 One day, we will look in our irisses/pupils and see the hearts of entities, 
 and not be so mindful of the outside things.

Meow, dear, looks like you've been misled by
what Barry said about my posts. They didn't say
the state of the hair was relevant to anything
at all--*except* in the context of one particular
movie, made 20 years ago and set in the 1860s,
in which the choice of hairstyle for the lead
actress exemplified in a racist attitude, one of
the most pernicious of all exclusionary tendencies,
in the hearts of the filmmakers.

By me, you're more than welcome to wear sticks
and feathers in your hair. Heck, you can even
wear your *bed* in your hair for all I care. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-09 Thread m 13
I'll have to grow my hair longer if I am to tuck my bed in it.
Pass the biotin please!
If the reference was to Dances with Wolves,I wondered myself , if she was 
raised in the Indian tradition, why the women would not braid it,as they did.
Maybe they just left it wild and natural?
Haven't seen Avatar.


[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-09 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirt...@... wrote:

 I'll have to grow my hair longer if I am to tuck my bed in it.
 Pass the biotin please!

As would Judy. One might suggest that her...uh...
somewhat strong opinions about Mary McDonnell's
hair are somewhat reflected in her own current 
choice of hairstyle. Check out the photo she 
posted to FFL. I've seen more fuzz on a peach. 
Presumably this is an acceptable feminist
hairstyle. :-)

 If the reference was to Dances with Wolves,I wondered myself, 
 if she was raised in the Indian tradition, why the women 
 would not braid it,as they did.
 Maybe they just left it wild and natural?

There is actually a scene in Dances With Wolves
in which an Indian woman is helping Stands With
A Fist comb her hair. Obviously, that is something
she did regularly. Obviously, it didn't work for
very long. Obviously, the Sioux women had zero
problem with this.

 Haven't seen Avatar.

I'm looking forward to Judy's Shemp review of it,
in which she tells us what *she* saw in the film.
I don't think I'm out of line in suggesting that
the only memorable thing she might see in the film
is that it's a story about the oppression of women
by men. After all, don't all the Na'Vi, male and
female, *submit* to the will of a...spit...man,
just because he has a little charisma?

Oh wait...that's the story of the TM movement, too.
Maybe she'll see some other nefarious plot. The 
Na'Vi have really long hair and they wear it braided,
so she can't go postal on the unkempt thang. What-
ever the nitpick that allows her to dump on a cool
vision is, I'm pretty sure that she'll come up with
one, and that it'll be more entertaining than her
normal stuff. I might even read it.

[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-09 Thread authfriend
Fifth or sixth unhinged Barryrant about McDonnell's hair?
I've lost count.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 meowthirteen@ wrote:
  I'll have to grow my hair longer if I am to tuck my bed in it.
  Pass the biotin please!
 As would Judy. One might suggest that her...uh...
 somewhat strong opinions about Mary McDonnell's
 hair are somewhat reflected in her own current 
 choice of hairstyle. Check out the photo she 
 posted to FFL. I've seen more fuzz on a peach.

You should see it right after I've had it cut!

 Presumably this is an acceptable feminist
 hairstyle. :-)

Has nothing to do with feminism or McDonnell. Has
to do only with my unwillingness to spend time
fussing with my hair. This cut is wash-'n'wear.

[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-09 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 There is actually a scene in Dances With Wolves
 in which an Indian woman is helping Stands With
 A Fist comb her hair. Obviously, that is something
 she did regularly. Obviously, it didn't work for
 very long. Obviously, the Sioux women had zero
 problem with this.

Hey, Kevin, you know, it really looks kind of strange
for Mary's hair to be so unkempt when all the Indian
women wear theirs neatly in braids or tied back,
especially when her character is supposedly so loyal to
the tribe.

Well, I was thinking that her hair reflected how she'd
lost the veneer of civilization because she was brought
up by Indians.

You mean, that she'd become wild and savage just
like them?

Er...I see what you mean. Hadn't thought of it that
way. But we've shot too many scenes now to do them
over. Wait, I have an idea. In the scene we're about
to shoot where she's preparing for her wedding, we'll
just have one of the Indian women helping her comb
her hair. That way, if anybody accuses us of racism,
we'll point to that scene to show she's making a stab
at good grooming, and that the Indians don't hold her
hair against her. That ought to work. Whaddya think?

Well...for CYA purposes, maybe.

Great, glad you agree. Appreciate your bringing this
to my attention. Say, Mary...

[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  There is actually a scene in Dances With Wolves
  in which an Indian woman is helping Stands With
  A Fist comb her hair. Obviously, that is something
  she did regularly. Obviously, it didn't work for
  very long. Obviously, the Sioux women had zero
  problem with this.
 Hey, Kevin, you know, it really looks kind of strange
 for Mary's hair to be so unkempt when all the Indian
 women wear theirs neatly in braids or tied back,
 especially when her character is supposedly so loyal to
 the tribe.
 Well, I was thinking that her hair reflected how she'd
 lost the veneer of civilization because she was brought
 up by Indians.
 You mean, that she'd become wild and savage just
 like them?
 Er...I see what you mean. Hadn't thought of it that
 way. But we've shot too many scenes now to do them
 over. Wait, I have an idea. In the scene we're about
 to shoot where she's preparing for her wedding, we'll
 just have one of the Indian women helping her comb
 her hair. That way, if anybody accuses us of racism,
 we'll point to that scene to show she's making a stab
 at good grooming, and that the Indians don't hold her
 hair against her. That ought to work. Whaddya think?
 Well...for CYA purposes, maybe.
 Great, glad you agree. Appreciate your bringing this
 to my attention. Say, Mary...

[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-08 Thread TurquoiseB
This followup to a followup is just for fun, because we all know that
Judy is out there somewhere, chomping at the bit to come running
back to FFL and call me a LIAR for saying the things below. Let's
compare my characterization of her freakout over unkempt hair
to her *actual words* on the subject, shall we?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Just as a followup, doncha think it's
 fascinating that a supposed feminist
 throws away several posts 1) picking a
 nit about another woman's unkempt
 appearance as if that somehow offended
 her, and 2) does so by suggesting that
 it is somehow inauthentic for a woman
 in any era to wear her hair the way she
 wants to?

 Presumably the ideal woman Judy has in
 mind would submit to what the society
 she lived in (*especially* other women
 who bitchily criticized her unkempt
 appearance) wanted from her, rather than
 express her own taste in hairstyles. :-)

The following -- emphasis mine but the words Judy's -- is what
she actually *said* about Mary McDonnell's hair after seeing
Dances With Wolves. (*IF* she ever saw it, that is...I think
we all know there is a possibility she never did, and is basing
these rants purely on what she was told about the film by
someone else, as she's done in the past with Apocalypto and
other films.)

Note the...uh...lack of equanimity in the following quotes. Note
that Judy is almost *out of control* with anger at having been
forced to view the hairstyle of a slattern (her term) on another
woman. Note that this supposed feminist wants the right to
impose *her* ideas of a proper hairstyle on another woman.

Ponder its meaning and have as much fun laughing at feminist
Judy as I have. Doncha get the feeling that someone in her past
said all of these things to Judy about *her* hair, and now years
later she is still so programmed by that as to feel that she has
the right to say them about another woman's? Some feminist.

 Yeah, but my point was that *her hair was just slovenly
 looking*. *You'd think if she wanted so badly to belong to
 the Lakota culture, she'd have found a way to keep it
 neat*. You can make perfectly good braids with curly
 hair, and hers wasn't all *that* curly, really just

 I don't know, maybe they thought the *messy hair* kept
 her from looking too glamorous. But she was by far the
 most prominent woman in the film, and *it gave the
 impression that she had somehow become wild and savage*

 She'd been taken in by the tribe
 when she was a little girl. *I don't think at that point
 she would have had a cultural identity that would have
 made her grow up never combing her hair and looking
 like a slattern*. Her real mother would never have let
 her look like that.

 *That made it appear as though she never combed her
 hair*? What were the filmmakers thinking *to allow
 her to choose to look slovenly*, in contrast to all the
 Indian women?

 Even if they couldn't bring themselves to have her
 wear braids, there was no other way they could find
 to style her hair so it looked like she took care
 of it? Loose and flowing could have worked, but
 there was no reason for it to be *matted and tangled*.

 Were they afraid she wasn't a good enough actress
 to put the character across convincingly as not
 uptight unless *her hair was a snarled, dirty-
 looking mess* to convey how unconstrained and
 spontaneous she was?

 Even at her wedding to Dunbar, when she's dressed
 to the nines in gorgeous festive Indian garb, *her
 hair looks like a rat's nest*.

[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-08 Thread raunchydog
It's all about Judyagain. Didn't Barry make a formal declaration that she 
was a non-person? Didn't he vow to not read her posts beyond the message view 
because he's too cowardly to admit to himself how badly she mops the floor with 
him EVERY TIME? Now he's cruising for a bruising...again? Pass the popcorn. 
This is going to be fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myknrlmt1Y4

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 This followup to a followup is just for fun, because we all know that
 Judy is out there somewhere, chomping at the bit to come running
 back to FFL and call me a LIAR for saying the things below. Let's
 compare my characterization of her freakout over unkempt hair
 to her *actual words* on the subject, shall we?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Just as a followup, doncha think it's
  fascinating that a supposed feminist
  throws away several posts 1) picking a
  nit about another woman's unkempt
  appearance as if that somehow offended
  her, and 2) does so by suggesting that
  it is somehow inauthentic for a woman
  in any era to wear her hair the way she
  wants to?
  Presumably the ideal woman Judy has in
  mind would submit to what the society
  she lived in (*especially* other women
  who bitchily criticized her unkempt
  appearance) wanted from her, rather than
  express her own taste in hairstyles. :-)
 The following -- emphasis mine but the words Judy's -- is what
 she actually *said* about Mary McDonnell's hair after seeing
 Dances With Wolves. (*IF* she ever saw it, that is...I think
 we all know there is a possibility she never did, and is basing
 these rants purely on what she was told about the film by
 someone else, as she's done in the past with Apocalypto and
 other films.)
 Note the...uh...lack of equanimity in the following quotes. Note
 that Judy is almost *out of control* with anger at having been
 forced to view the hairstyle of a slattern (her term) on another
 woman. Note that this supposed feminist wants the right to
 impose *her* ideas of a proper hairstyle on another woman.
 Ponder its meaning and have as much fun laughing at feminist
 Judy as I have. Doncha get the feeling that someone in her past
 said all of these things to Judy about *her* hair, and now years
 later she is still so programmed by that as to feel that she has
 the right to say them about another woman's? Some feminist.
  Yeah, but my point was that *her hair was just slovenly
  looking*. *You'd think if she wanted so badly to belong to
  the Lakota culture, she'd have found a way to keep it
  neat*. You can make perfectly good braids with curly
  hair, and hers wasn't all *that* curly, really just
  I don't know, maybe they thought the *messy hair* kept
  her from looking too glamorous. But she was by far the
  most prominent woman in the film, and *it gave the
  impression that she had somehow become wild and savage*
  She'd been taken in by the tribe
  when she was a little girl. *I don't think at that point
  she would have had a cultural identity that would have
  made her grow up never combing her hair and looking
  like a slattern*. Her real mother would never have let
  her look like that.
  *That made it appear as though she never combed her
  hair*? What were the filmmakers thinking *to allow
  her to choose to look slovenly*, in contrast to all the
  Indian women?
  Even if they couldn't bring themselves to have her
  wear braids, there was no other way they could find
  to style her hair so it looked like she took care
  of it? Loose and flowing could have worked, but
  there was no reason for it to be *matted and tangled*.
  Were they afraid she wasn't a good enough actress
  to put the character across convincingly as not
  uptight unless *her hair was a snarled, dirty-
  looking mess* to convey how unconstrained and
  spontaneous she was?
  Even at her wedding to Dunbar, when she's dressed
  to the nines in gorgeous festive Indian garb, *her
  hair looks like a rat's nest*.

[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-08 Thread TurquoiseB
Perfect way to end my posting week, by pointing
out that the *other* self-proclaimed feminist on
this forum seems to *agree* with Judy characterizing
another woman as a slut or prostitute *on the basis
of her hairstyle*.

Look up the word slattern. Note its synonyms: slut
and prostitute. Note definitions such as: a pros-
titute who attracts customers by walking the streets
and a loose woman. 

This from the two feminists who suggested that me
pointing out that IMO Sarah Palin is a very ordinary-
looking woman and that the only reason anyone thinks
otherwise is because of makeup was misogyny and
hatred of women.

The two feminists seem to feel that *they* are able
to refer to *another woman* as a slattern FOR NO
HER HAIRCUT. That's not hatred of women. 
But pointing out that Sarah Palin has to wear a ton 
of makeup to look good on camera is. Go figure. 

Now, having set the stage for the meltdown that will
follow today and the early part of next week, I shall
again withdraw and allow the two unpersons to make my
points for me. Have a nice rest of Friday folks...I'm
off to Barcelona for the evening while they sit in their
houses and plot their revenge.  :-) :-) :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 It's all about Judyagain. Didn't Barry make a formal 
 declaration that she was a non-person? Didn't he vow to 
 not read her posts beyond the message view because he's too 
 cowardly to admit to himself how badly she mops the floor 
 with him EVERY TIME? Now he's cruising for a bruising...
 again? Pass the popcorn. This is going to be fun. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  This followup to a followup is just for fun, because we all know that
  Judy is out there somewhere, chomping at the bit to come running
  back to FFL and call me a LIAR for saying the things below. Let's
  compare my characterization of her freakout over unkempt hair
  to her *actual words* on the subject, shall we?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   Just as a followup, doncha think it's
   fascinating that a supposed feminist
   throws away several posts 1) picking a
   nit about another woman's unkempt
   appearance as if that somehow offended
   her, and 2) does so by suggesting that
   it is somehow inauthentic for a woman
   in any era to wear her hair the way she
   wants to?
   Presumably the ideal woman Judy has in
   mind would submit to what the society
   she lived in (*especially* other women
   who bitchily criticized her unkempt
   appearance) wanted from her, rather than
   express her own taste in hairstyles. :-)
  The following -- emphasis mine but the words Judy's -- is what
  she actually *said* about Mary McDonnell's hair after seeing
  Dances With Wolves. (*IF* she ever saw it, that is...I think
  we all know there is a possibility she never did, and is basing
  these rants purely on what she was told about the film by
  someone else, as she's done in the past with Apocalypto and
  other films.)
  Note the...uh...lack of equanimity in the following quotes. Note
  that Judy is almost *out of control* with anger at having been
  forced to view the hairstyle of a slattern (her term) on another
  woman. Note that this supposed feminist wants the right to
  impose *her* ideas of a proper hairstyle on another woman.
  Ponder its meaning and have as much fun laughing at feminist
  Judy as I have. Doncha get the feeling that someone in her past
  said all of these things to Judy about *her* hair, and now years
  later she is still so programmed by that as to feel that she has
  the right to say them about another woman's? Some feminist.
   Yeah, but my point was that *her hair was just slovenly
   looking*. *You'd think if she wanted so badly to belong to
   the Lakota culture, she'd have found a way to keep it
   neat*. You can make perfectly good braids with curly
   hair, and hers wasn't all *that* curly, really just
   I don't know, maybe they thought the *messy hair* kept
   her from looking too glamorous. But she was by far the
   most prominent woman in the film, and *it gave the
   impression that she had somehow become wild and savage*
   She'd been taken in by the tribe
   when she was a little girl. *I don't think at that point
   she would have had a cultural identity that would have
   made her grow up never combing her hair and looking
   like a slattern*. Her real mother would never have let
   her look like that.
   *That made it appear as though she never combed her
   hair*? What were the filmmakers thinking *to allow
   her to choose to look slovenly*, in contrast to all the
   Indian women?
   Even if they couldn't bring themselves to have her
   wear braids, there was no other way they could find
   to style her hair so it looked like she took care
   of it? Loose and flowing could have worked, but

[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-08 Thread m 13
I'm looking forward to the day when we are inclusive and have ceased being 
The state of the heart 
is relevant and not the state of hair.
Perhaps it is my being an artist, but i like the abstractness of a bedhead.
I may even wear sticks, feathers, flowers, or anything that gives me delight in 
my hair.
You may wear your hair anyway you like.
It's okay.
One day, we will look in our irisses/pupils and see the hearts of entities, and 
not be so mindful of the outside things.
-to that day-*clink*(a toast)
Daisy?(peace offering)
You can put it in your hair.
(to all, the smooth and wiry haired)


[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-08 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 This from the two feminists who suggested that me
 pointing out that IMO Sarah Palin is a very ordinary-
 looking woman and that the only reason anyone thinks
 otherwise is because of makeup was misogyny and
 hatred of women.

I'm afraid without makeup most Caucasian women look 
rather like -- as the saying goes at least hereabouts --
 grey sparrows. :/

That might not be true in the case, say, Spanish women...

[FairfieldLife] Judy's Hair Club For Women (was Re: 'Avatar' arouses conservatives' ire)

2010-01-08 Thread jeff.evans60
Judy's Native American name may indeed be splitting hairs !

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Perfect way to end my posting week, by pointing
 out that the *other* self-proclaimed feminist on
 this forum seems to *agree* with Judy characterizing
 another woman as a slut or prostitute *on the basis
 of her hairstyle*.
 Look up the word slattern. Note its synonyms: slut
 and prostitute. Note definitions such as: a pros-
 titute who attracts customers by walking the streets
 and a loose woman. 
 This from the two feminists who suggested that me
 pointing out that IMO Sarah Palin is a very ordinary-
 looking woman and that the only reason anyone thinks
 otherwise is because of makeup was misogyny and
 hatred of women.
 The two feminists seem to feel that *they* are able
 to refer to *another woman* as a slattern FOR NO
 HER HAIRCUT. That's not hatred of women. 
 But pointing out that Sarah Palin has to wear a ton 
 of makeup to look good on camera is. Go figure. 
 Now, having set the stage for the meltdown that will
 follow today and the early part of next week, I shall
 again withdraw and allow the two unpersons to make my
 points for me. Have a nice rest of Friday folks...I'm
 off to Barcelona for the evening while they sit in their
 houses and plot their revenge.  :-) :-) :-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  It's all about Judyagain. Didn't Barry make a formal 
  declaration that she was a non-person? Didn't he vow to 
  not read her posts beyond the message view because he's too 
  cowardly to admit to himself how badly she mops the floor 
  with him EVERY TIME? Now he's cruising for a bruising...
  again? Pass the popcorn. This is going to be fun. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   This followup to a followup is just for fun, because we all know that
   Judy is out there somewhere, chomping at the bit to come running
   back to FFL and call me a LIAR for saying the things below. Let's
   compare my characterization of her freakout over unkempt hair
   to her *actual words* on the subject, shall we?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
Just as a followup, doncha think it's
fascinating that a supposed feminist
throws away several posts 1) picking a
nit about another woman's unkempt
appearance as if that somehow offended
her, and 2) does so by suggesting that
it is somehow inauthentic for a woman
in any era to wear her hair the way she
wants to?
Presumably the ideal woman Judy has in
mind would submit to what the society
she lived in (*especially* other women
who bitchily criticized her unkempt
appearance) wanted from her, rather than
express her own taste in hairstyles. :-)
   The following -- emphasis mine but the words Judy's -- is what
   she actually *said* about Mary McDonnell's hair after seeing
   Dances With Wolves. (*IF* she ever saw it, that is...I think
   we all know there is a possibility she never did, and is basing
   these rants purely on what she was told about the film by
   someone else, as she's done in the past with Apocalypto and
   other films.)
   Note the...uh...lack of equanimity in the following quotes. Note
   that Judy is almost *out of control* with anger at having been
   forced to view the hairstyle of a slattern (her term) on another
   woman. Note that this supposed feminist wants the right to
   impose *her* ideas of a proper hairstyle on another woman.
   Ponder its meaning and have as much fun laughing at feminist
   Judy as I have. Doncha get the feeling that someone in her past
   said all of these things to Judy about *her* hair, and now years
   later she is still so programmed by that as to feel that she has
   the right to say them about another woman's? Some feminist.
Yeah, but my point was that *her hair was just slovenly
looking*. *You'd think if she wanted so badly to belong to
the Lakota culture, she'd have found a way to keep it
neat*. You can make perfectly good braids with curly
hair, and hers wasn't all *that* curly, really just
I don't know, maybe they thought the *messy hair* kept
her from looking too glamorous. But she was by far the
most prominent woman in the film, and *it gave the
impression that she had somehow become wild and savage*
She'd been taken in by the tribe
when she was a little girl. *I don't think at that point
she would have had a cultural identity that would have
made her grow up never combing her hair and looking
like a slattern*. Her real mother would never have let
her look like that.
*That made it appear as though she never combed her
hair*? What were the filmmakers thinking *to allow
her to choose to look slovenly*, in contrast to all the