Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-11-02 Thread Mike Dixon
Judy, what exactly do you think the purpose of the photo Roberrt originally 
posted was intended to do? I think it was intended to paint President Reagan as 
a Taliban sympathizer in cahoots with the Taliban and as a drug trafficer. When 
I asked for proof that anyone in that picture was Taliban, neither Robert nor 
Acidreflux could, they dodged the question. Secondly, Robert was inspiring 
Xenaphobia by painting a picture that anybody dressed *funny* and was a 
resistance fighter against the Soviet Union was a Taliban and drug 
trafficer not to be trusted. What exactly would I be accused of had I posted a 
photo of Obama meeting with a bunch of inner city blacks and titled it *Obama 
meeting with drug dealers and prostitutes in order to get his fair cut*? That 
is exactly what Robert was doing but instead of race he substituted Afghan 

From: authfriend
Sent: Sun, November 1, 2009 8:32:53 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ ... wrote:

 Still dodging the question, eh? How do you know anybody in
 the photo of Reagan meeting Afghan Mujaheddin were Taliban
 or belonged to any other group?

See response to your last point below. Basically, it's
a distinction without a difference.

 Taliban never driven out of Afghanistan? Tell that to
 Mullah Omar and his government, tens of thousands of Afghani
 refugees living in Pakistan's tribal regions and Obama Bin

Uh, some were driven out, a lot were not.

 They are radical Muslim Mujahidin. The Taliban is/was
 a faction of that group. Sorry, but it sounds like you
 are equating all Mujaheddin as radical Muslims on a level
 with the Taliban.

Point is, back then we didn't bother to make such fine
distinctions. Anybody who was fighting the Russkies was
A-OK with us. To paraphrase somebody-or- other, they may
have been sons-of-bitches, but they were *our* sons-

I doubt you'll find anything from that era approving of
the mujahidin in general but singling out the Taliban for
special condemnation. We really didn't care.

By the same token, however, it's a little disingenuous
to claim Reagan *approved* of the Taliban qua Taliban.
What he approved of was hostility to the Russians; other
qualities were unimportant.

 Don't they call that *painting with a broad brush*,


From Mr. Dictionary:

xenophobia-- fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or
of anything that is strange or foreign


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-11-02 Thread authfriend
--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@... wrote:

 Judy, what exactly do you think the purpose of the photo
 Roberrt originally posted was intended to do? I think it
 was intended to paint President Reagan as a Taliban
 sympathizer in cahoots with the Taliban and as a drug

Mike, did you read my post? I explicitly said:

  By the same token, however, it's a little disingenuous
  to claim Reagan *approved* of the Taliban qua Taliban.
  What he approved of was hostility to the Russians; other
  qualities were unimportant.

 When I asked for proof that anyone in that picture was
 Taliban, neither Robert nor Acidreflux could, they
 dodged the question.

See above. It appears to me that John was saying it didn't
matter who was in that picture. The larger point was that
Reagan supported all the Afghan freedom fighters, and
that included the Taliban. My point was that it's
accurate but misleading to say Reagan supported the 
Taliban as if he singled them out for support; but it's
flat-out wrong to say he didn't support them at all.

 Secondly, Robert was inspiring Xenaphobia by painting a
 picture that anybody dressed *funny* and was a resistance
 fighter against the Soviet Union was a Taliban and drug 
 trafficer not to be trusted.

You asked if xenophobia meant painting with a broad
brush. At most, xenophobia is one of many different
forms of painting with a broad brush. One might say that
Reagan was painting with a broad brush in that he didn't
make any distinctions between the various factions of
freedom fighters in Afghanistan; they were all OK with
him because they were fighting the Russians. But in his
case, that wouldn't be xenophobia because his painting
was positive rather than negative.

In other words: You can paint with a broad brush without
being xenophobic. I'll leave you to fight it out with
Robert as to whether his painting was xenophobic.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-11-02 Thread Robert

--- In, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ wrote:
  Judy, what exactly do you think the purpose of the photo
  Robert originally posted was intended to do?  

Just for the record, I did not post the picture of Mr.Reagan...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-11-01 Thread Mike Dixon
If  FairfieldLife's very own expatriot postal worker was trying to answer for 
Robert, you failed. The Question was, How dou you know the Afganis in that 
photo were Taliban? Mujaheddin had several factions, one of which were Taliban. 
The Northern Alliance helped our special forces drive the Taliban out of 
Afghanistan. Equating anybody that opposed the Soviet Union as *Taliban* sounds 

From: do.rflex
Sent: Sat, October 31, 2009 2:16:50 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ ... wrote:

 So, how is it that you know that those are Taliban? 

They are the radical Muslim Mujahidin. The Taliban is/was a faction of that 

I guess in 1983 they could have been, although the taliban didn't take control 
of Afghjanistan till some time in the 90's. The Saudis backed the Taliban and 
the US backed the Northern Alliance, who helped kick the Taliban out of the 

The Southern redneck needs a good history review:

Fisking the War on Terror

by Juan Cole - August 02, 2005

Once upon a time, a dangerous radical gained control of the US Republican Party.

Reagan increased the budget for support of the radical Muslim Mujahidin 
conducting terrorism against the Afghanistan government to half a billion 
dollars a year.

One fifth of the money, which the CIA mostly turned over to Pakistani military 
intelligence to distribute, went to Gulbuddin Hikmatyar, a violent extremist 
who as a youth used to throw acid on the faces of unveiled girls in Afghanistan.

Not content with creating a vast terrorist network to harass the Soviets, 
Reagan then pressured the late King Fahd of Saudi Arabia to match US 
contributions. He had earlier imposed on Fahd to give money to the Contras in 
Nicaragua, some of which was used to create rightwing death squads. (Reagan 
liked to sidestep Congress in creating private terrorist organizations for his 
foreign policy purposes, which he branded freedom fighters, giving terrorists 
the idea that it was all right to inflict vast damage on civilians in order to 
achieve their goals). 

Fahd was a timid man and resisted Reagan's instructions briefly, but finally 
gave in to enormous US pressure.

Fahd not only put Saudi government money into the Afghan Mujahideen networks, 
which trained them in bomb making and guerrilla tactics, but he also instructed 
the Minister of Intelligence, Turki al-Faisal, to try to raise money from 
private sources.

Turki al-Faisal checked around and discovered that a young member of the 
fabulously wealthy Bin Laden construction dynasty, Usama, was committed to 
Islamic causes. Turki thus gave Usama the task of raising money from Gulf 
millionaires for the Afghan struggle. This whole effort was undertaken, 
remember, on Reagan Administration instructions.

Bin Laden not only raised millions for the effort, but helped encourage Arab 
volunteers to go fight for Reagan against the Soviets and the Afghan 
communists. The Arab volunteers included people like Ayman al-Zawahiri, a young 
physician who had been jailed for having been involved in the assassination of 
Egyptian president Anwar El-Sadat. Bin Laden kept a database of these 
volunteers. In Arabic the word for base is al-Qaeda.

In the US, the Christian Right adopted the Mujahideen as their favorite 
project. They even sent around a biblical checklist for grading US 
congressman as to how close they were to the Christian political line. If a 
congressman didn't support the radical Muslim Muj, he or she was downgraded by 
the evangelicals and fundamentalists.

Reagan wanted to give more and more sophisticated weapons to the Mujahideen 
(freedom fighters). The Pakistani generals were forming an alliance with the 
fundamentalist Jamaat-i Islam and begining to support madrasahs or hardline 
seminaries that would teach Islamic extremism. But even they balked at giving 
the ragtag Muj really advanced weaponry. Pakistan had a close alliance with 
China, and took advice from Beijing.

In 1985 Reagan sent Senator Orrin Hatch, Undersecretary of Defense Fred Iklé 
and others to Beijing to ask China to put pressure on Pakistan to allow the US 
to give the Muslim radicals, such as Hikmatyar, more sophisticated weapons. 
Hatch succeeded in this mission.

By giving the Muj weaponry like the stinger shoulderheld missile, which could 
destroy advanced Soviet arms like their helicopter gunships, Reagan 
demonstrated to the radical Muslims that they could defeat a super power.

Reagan also decided to build up Saddam Hussein in Iraq as a counterweight to 
Khomeinist Iran, authorizing US and Western companies to send him precursors 
for chemical and biological weaponry. At one point Donald Rumsfeld was sent to 
Iraq to assure Saddam that it was all right if he used chemical weapons against 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-11-01 Thread Mike Dixon
So, the CIA's main business is to keep the drugs flowing so they can make 
money, but not to keep blacks down. Robert a *real* liberal (progressive) would 
recognize the CIA not only sees to it that blacks are kept down on drugs but 
are also infected with CIA engineered HIV, jees, you really do need to go to 
church more often or atleast subscribe to Rev Wrights audio tapes.

From: Robert
Sent: Sat, October 31, 2009 9:10:19 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ ... wrote:

 So, how is it that you know that those are Taliban? I guess in 1983 they 
 could have been, although the taliban didn't take control of Afghjanistan 
 till some time in the 90's. The Saudis backed the Taliban and the US backed 
 the Northern Alliance, who helped kick the Taliban out of the country. So 
 Robert, do you go to Reverend Wrights church? I mean if the CIA is in control 
 of Afghan Opium it must be to keep our *uppidy* negros down, doncha think?

The U.S. left the Northern Alliance, hanging, and their main leader was 
assassinated. ..
I am not sure what you mean by uppity negros, other than it shows your 
Most of the Opium, from Afghanistan, will be mostly traveling to the addicts in 
Europe...although, I am sure some will make it to the United States...
The Republican War Machine, like money to come in steadily, on commodities, 
that people need, like oil...when you run out of gas, you don't have a choice, 
but to give more money to the Texas/Saudi Connection.. .right?
When you have people addicted to Heroin, they will be sure to get you the 
money, for the drug, any way they can...the Republicans like that...
That is why they are fighting so hard to keep the medical system the, 
they can get their cut...
I know for a fact, that the CIA's main business, is to keep the drugs flowing...
They don't want to legalize marijuana, because, it's too easy to grow, and they 
will lose business...
Sorry if this blows your image of what really goes on...



[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-11-01 Thread do.rflex

--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@... wrote:

 If  FairfieldLife's very own expatriot postal worker was trying to answer for 
 Robert, you failed. The Question was, How dou you know the Afganis in that 
 photo were Taliban? Mujaheddin had several factions, one of which were 
 Taliban. The Northern Alliance helped our special forces drive the Taliban 
 out of Afghanistan. 

News Flash for Southern Man: The Taliban were never driven out of Afghanistan 
by the Northern Alliance or anybody else. 

Equating anybody that opposed the Soviet Union as *Taliban* sounds ...xenophbic.

Making a distorted, false suggestion like that confirms that don't have a clue 
what you're talking about.

 From: do.rflex do.rf...@...
 Sent: Sat, October 31, 2009 2:16:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'
 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ ... wrote:
  So, how is it that you know that those are Taliban? 
 They are the radical Muslim Mujahidin. The Taliban is/was a faction of that 
 I guess in 1983 they could have been, although the taliban didn't take 
 control of Afghjanistan till some time in the 90's. The Saudis backed the 
 Taliban and the US backed the Northern Alliance, who helped kick the Taliban 
 out of the country. 
 The Southern redneck needs a good history review:
 Fisking the War on Terror
 by Juan Cole - August 02, 2005
 Once upon a time, a dangerous radical gained control of the US Republican 
 Reagan increased the budget for support of the radical Muslim Mujahidin 
 conducting terrorism against the Afghanistan government to half a billion 
 dollars a year.
 One fifth of the money, which the CIA mostly turned over to Pakistani 
 military intelligence to distribute, went to Gulbuddin Hikmatyar, a violent 
 extremist who as a youth used to throw acid on the faces of unveiled girls in 
 Not content with creating a vast terrorist network to harass the Soviets, 
 Reagan then pressured the late King Fahd of Saudi Arabia to match US 
 contributions. He had earlier imposed on Fahd to give money to the Contras in 
 Nicaragua, some of which was used to create rightwing death squads. (Reagan 
 liked to sidestep Congress in creating private terrorist organizations for 
 his foreign policy purposes, which he branded freedom fighters, giving 
 terrorists the idea that it was all right to inflict vast damage on civilians 
 in order to achieve their goals). 
 Fahd was a timid man and resisted Reagan's instructions briefly, but finally 
 gave in to enormous US pressure.
 Fahd not only put Saudi government money into the Afghan Mujahideen networks, 
 which trained them in bomb making and guerrilla tactics, but he also 
 instructed the Minister of Intelligence, Turki al-Faisal, to try to raise 
 money from private sources.
 Turki al-Faisal checked around and discovered that a young member of the 
 fabulously wealthy Bin Laden construction dynasty, Usama, was committed to 
 Islamic causes. Turki thus gave Usama the task of raising money from Gulf 
 millionaires for the Afghan struggle. This whole effort was undertaken, 
 remember, on Reagan Administration instructions.
 Bin Laden not only raised millions for the effort, but helped encourage Arab 
 volunteers to go fight for Reagan against the Soviets and the Afghan 
 communists. The Arab volunteers included people like Ayman al-Zawahiri, a 
 young physician who had been jailed for having been involved in the 
 assassination of Egyptian president Anwar El-Sadat. Bin Laden kept a database 
 of these volunteers. In Arabic the word for base is al-Qaeda.
 In the US, the Christian Right adopted the Mujahideen as their favorite 
 project. They even sent around a biblical checklist for grading US 
 congressman as to how close they were to the Christian political line. If a 
 congressman didn't support the radical Muslim Muj, he or she was downgraded 
 by the evangelicals and fundamentalists.
 Reagan wanted to give more and more sophisticated weapons to the Mujahideen 
 (freedom fighters). The Pakistani generals were forming an alliance with 
 the fundamentalist Jamaat-i Islam and begining to support madrasahs or 
 hardline seminaries that would teach Islamic extremism. But even they balked 
 at giving the ragtag Muj really advanced weaponry. Pakistan had a close 
 alliance with China, and took advice from Beijing.
 In 1985 Reagan sent Senator Orrin Hatch, Undersecretary of Defense Fred Iklé 
 and others to Beijing to ask China to put pressure on Pakistan to allow the 
 US to give the Muslim radicals, such as Hikmatyar, more sophisticated 
 weapons. Hatch succeeded in this mission.
 By giving the Muj weaponry like the stinger shoulderheld missile, which could 
 destroy advanced Soviet arms like 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-11-01 Thread Mike Dixon
Still dodging the question, eh? How do you know anybody in the photo of Reagan 
meeting Afghan Mujaheddin were Taliban or belonged to any other group? Taliban 
never driven out of Afghanistan? Tell that to Mullah Omar and his government, 
tens of thousands of Afghani refugees living in Pakistan's tribal regions and 
Obama Bin Laden. They are radical Muslim Mujahidin. The Taliban is/was a 
faction of that group. Sorry, but it sounds like you are equating all 
Mujaheddin as radical  Muslims on a level with the Taliban. Don't they call 
that *painting with a broad brush*, xenaphobic?

From: do.rflex
Sent: Sun, November 1, 2009 7:33:26 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ ... wrote:

 If  FairfieldLife' s very own expatriot postal worker was trying to answer 
 for Robert, you failed. The Question was, How dou you know the Afganis in 
 that photo were Taliban? Mujaheddin had several factions, one of which were 
 Taliban. The Northern Alliance helped our special forces drive the Taliban 
 out of Afghanistan. 

News Flash for Southern Man: The Taliban were never driven out of Afghanistan 
by the Northern Alliance or anybody else. 

Equating anybody that opposed the Soviet Union as *Taliban* sounds ...xenophbic.

Making a distorted, false suggestion like that confirms that don't have a clue 
what you're talking about.

  _ _ __
 From: do.rflex do.rf...@.. .
 To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
 Sent: Sat, October 31, 2009 2:16:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'
 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ ... wrote:
  So, how is it that you know that those are Taliban? 
 They are the radical Muslim Mujahidin. The Taliban is/was a faction of that 
 I guess in 1983 they could have been, although the taliban didn't take 
 control of Afghjanistan till some time in the 90's. The Saudis backed the 
 Taliban and the US backed the Northern Alliance, who helped kick the Taliban 
 out of the country. 
 The Southern redneck needs a good history review:
 Fisking the War on Terror
 by Juan Cole - August 02, 2005
 Once upon a time, a dangerous radical gained control of the US Republican 
 Reagan increased the budget for support of the radical Muslim Mujahidin 
 conducting terrorism against the Afghanistan government to half a billion 
 dollars a year.
 One fifth of the money, which the CIA mostly turned over to Pakistani 
 military intelligence to distribute, went to Gulbuddin Hikmatyar, a violent 
 extremist who as a youth used to throw acid on the faces of unveiled girls in 
 Not content with creating a vast terrorist network to harass the Soviets, 
 Reagan then pressured the late King Fahd of Saudi Arabia to match US 
 contributions. He had earlier imposed on Fahd to give money to the Contras in 
 Nicaragua, some of which was used to create rightwing death squads. (Reagan 
 liked to sidestep Congress in creating private terrorist organizations for 
 his foreign policy purposes, which he branded freedom fighters, giving 
 terrorists the idea that it was all right to inflict vast damage on civilians 
 in order to achieve their goals). 
 Fahd was a timid man and resisted Reagan's instructions briefly, but finally 
 gave in to enormous US pressure.
 Fahd not only put Saudi government money into the Afghan Mujahideen networks, 
 which trained them in bomb making and guerrilla tactics, but he also 
 instructed the Minister of Intelligence, Turki al-Faisal, to try to raise 
 money from private sources.
 Turki al-Faisal checked around and discovered that a young member of the 
 fabulously wealthy Bin Laden construction dynasty, Usama, was committed to 
 Islamic causes. Turki thus gave Usama the task of raising money from Gulf 
 millionaires for the Afghan struggle. This whole effort was undertaken, 
 remember, on Reagan Administration instructions.
 Bin Laden not only raised millions for the effort, but helped encourage Arab 
 volunteers to go fight for Reagan against the Soviets and the Afghan 
 communists. The Arab volunteers included people like Ayman al-Zawahiri, a 
 young physician who had been jailed for having been involved in the 
 assassination of Egyptian president Anwar El-Sadat. Bin Laden kept a database 
 of these volunteers. In Arabic the word for base is al-Qaeda.
 In the US, the Christian Right adopted the Mujahideen as their favorite 
 project. They even sent around a biblical checklist for grading US 
 congressman as to how close they were to the Christian political line. If a 
 congressman didn't support the radical Muslim Muj, he or she was downgraded 
 by the evangelicals and fundamentalists.
 Reagan wanted to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-11-01 Thread authfriend
--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@... wrote:

 Still dodging the question, eh? How do you know anybody in
 the photo of Reagan meeting Afghan Mujaheddin were Taliban
 or belonged to any other group?

See response to your last point below. Basically, it's
a distinction without a difference.

 Taliban never driven out of Afghanistan? Tell that to
 Mullah Omar and his government, tens of thousands of Afghani
 refugees living in Pakistan's tribal regions and Obama Bin

Uh, some were driven out, a lot were not.

 They are radical Muslim Mujahidin. The Taliban is/was
 a faction of that group. Sorry, but it sounds like you
 are equating all Mujaheddin as radical Muslims on a level
 with the Taliban.

Point is, back then we didn't bother to make such fine
distinctions. Anybody who was fighting the Russkies was
A-OK with us. To paraphrase somebody-or-other, they may
have been sons-of-bitches, but they were *our* sons-

I doubt you'll find anything from that era approving of
the mujahidin in general but singling out the Taliban for
special condemnation. We really didn't care.

By the same token, however, it's a little disingenuous
to claim Reagan *approved* of the Taliban qua Taliban.
What he approved of was hostility to the Russians; other
qualities were unimportant.

 Don't they call that *painting with a broad brush*,


From Mr. Dictionary:

xenophobia--fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or
of anything that is strange or foreign

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-11-01 Thread do.rflex

--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@...

 Still dodging the question, eh? How do you know anybody in the photo
of Reagan meeting Afghan Mujaheddin were Taliban or belonged to any
other group?

You're not paying attention, fella. The Taliban are/were a faction of
the radical Muslim Mujahidin.

Taliban never driven out of Afghanistan? Tell that to Mullah Omar and
his government, tens of thousands of Afghani refugees living in
Pakistan's tribal regions and Obama Bin Laden.

The Taliban is today classified by security analysts as an alternative
government in Afghanistan. It operates fifteen Sharia law  courts in the country's
southern provinces handling civil and commercial cases and collects
taxes on harvests in farming areas. Reflecting its persistent power to
intimidate the populace, the Taliban implemented one of the strictest
interpretation[s] of Sharia law ever seen in the Muslim world , yet still occasionally
updates its code of conduct.[11]

In mid-2009, it established an ombudsman  office in northern Kandahar , which has been described as a
direct challenge to the ISAF [International Security Assistance Force
(ISAF) in Afghanistan].

= =

Taliban strength in Afghanistan nears military proportionMcClatchy - Wed
Oct 14, 2009

WASHINGTON -- A recent U.S. intelligence assessment has raised the
estimated number of full-time Taliban -led insurgents fighting in
Afghanistan to at least 25,000, underscoring how the crisis has worsened
even as the U.S. and its allies have beefed up their military forces, a
U.S. official said Thursday.
The U.S. official, who requested anonymity because the assessment is
classified, said the estimate represented an increase of at least 5,000
fighters, or 25 percent, over what an estimate found last year.

They are radical Muslim Mujahidin. The Taliban is/was a faction of
that group. Sorry, but it sounds like you are equating all Mujaheddin
as radical  Muslims on a level with the Taliban.

Now the Southern Man makes up stuff. Never did I equate the radical
Muslim Mujahidin on the same level with the Taliban. All I did was state
that the Taliban was a faction of the radical Muslim Mujahidin.

The KKK, it could be said, is a faction of the Confederate loving South.
That doesn't mean that all Southerners are members of the KKK. They
certainly aren't.

What's with your bullshit, Dixon?

Don't they call that *painting with a broad brush*, xenaphobic?

There's nothing xenophobic about reporting the facts, Southern Man.

 From: do.rflex do.rf...@...
 Sent: Sun, November 1, 2009 7:33:26 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ ...
  If  FairfieldLife' s very own expatriot postal worker was trying to
answer for Robert, you failed. The Question was, How dou you know the
Afganis in that photo were Taliban? Mujaheddin had several factions, one
of which were Taliban. The Northern Alliance helped our special forces
drive the Taliban out of Afghanistan.

 News Flash for Southern Man: The Taliban were never driven out of
Afghanistan by the Northern Alliance or anybody else.

 Equating anybody that opposed the Soviet Union as *Taliban* sounds

 Making a distorted, false suggestion like that confirms that don't
have a clue what you're talking about.

   _ _ __
  From: do.rflex do.rflex@ .
  To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
  Sent: Sat, October 31, 2009 2:16:50 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'
  --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@
... wrote:
   So, how is it that you know that those are Taliban?
  They are the radical Muslim Mujahidin. The Taliban is/was a faction
of that group.
  I guess in 1983 they could have been, although the taliban didn't
take control of Afghjanistan till some time in the 90's. The Saudis
backed the Taliban and the US backed the Northern Alliance, who helped
kick the Taliban out of the country.
  The Southern redneck needs a good history review:
  Fisking the War on Terror
  by Juan Cole - August 02, 2005
  Once upon a time, a dangerous radical gained control of the US
Republican Party.
  Reagan increased the budget for support of the radical Muslim
Mujahidin conducting terrorism against the Afghanistan government to
half a billion dollars a year.
  One fifth of the money, which the CIA mostly turned over to

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-11-01 Thread Robert

--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@... wrote:

 So, the CIA's main business is to keep the drugs flowing so they can make 
 money, but not to keep blacks down.  
I'm not sure, who they are trying to keep 'Down'...
I think they are an equal opportunity organization.
Their their primary interest is Money and Control(In God We Trust!)...

If they are attempting to keep the 'Blacks' down, they aren't doing such a good 
job, since we miraculously have a black President...

I don't think they care anything, for anybody, other than to keep power at all 

You notice what just happened in Afghanistan...status quo..all the way.

I first learned of this, through a friend, in Philly, who claimed he made a 
million dollars, flying heroin in from Thailand, with CIA clearance, in the 

He had no reason to make up such a story...

He also told me, that the money he made, was 'Dirty Money'...
And when he decided to 'Clean up his Life'...
He had to go through and spend all the dirty money, and start over...
I remember Maharishi saying, that the way money is earned, affects it's karma...
So, all the money involved with drugs, weapons sales, and the other Billions, 
have bad karma attached to it...


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-10-31 Thread do.rflex

--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@...

 Yeah, those Afghanis were s much better off under Mullah Omar and
the Taliban and so were we...

Ronald Reagan seemed to think so. Here Saint Ronny hosts the Taliban at
the White House.

Reagan chats with the Taliban in the White House in 1983


those were the days my friend, I thought they'd never end... as Willytex
would say, don't you just hate America for not making everything
pertfect in the world!

 From: Robert babajii...@...
 Sent: Sat, October 31, 2009 1:39:25 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs'
 Â By Dave Lindorff

 Next time you see a junkie sprawled at the curb in the downtown of
your nearest city, or read about someone who died of a heroin overdose,
just imagine a big yellow sign posted next to him or her saying:
“Your Federal Tax Dollars at Work.” Kudos to the New York
Times, and to reporters Dexter Filkins, Mark Mazzetti and James Risen,
for their lead article today reporting that Ahmed Wali Karzai, brother
of Afghanistan' s stunningly corrupt President Hamid Karzai, a leading
drug lord in the world's major opium-producing nation, has for eight
years been on the CIA payroll. Okay, the article was lacking much
historical perspective (more on that later), and the dead hand of top
editors was evident in the overly cautious tone (I loved the third
paragraph, which stated that “The financial ties and close
working relationship between the intelligence agency and Mr. Karzai
raises significant questions about America's war strategy, which is
currently under
  review at the White House.” Well, duh! It should be raising
questions about why we are even in Afghanistan, about who should be
going to jail at the CIA, and about how can the government explain this
to the over 1000 soldiers and Marines who have died supposedly helping
to build a new Afghanistan) . But that said, the newspaper that helped
cheerlead us into the pointless and criminal Iraq invasion in 2003, and
that prevented journalist Risen from running his exposé of the
Bush/Cheney administration' s massive warrantless National Security
Agency electronic spying operation until after the 2004 presidential
election, this time gave a critically important story full timely play,
and even, appropriately, included a teaser in the same front-page story
about October being the most deadly month yet for the US in Afghanistan.
What the article didn't mention at all is that there is a clear
historical pattern here. During the Vietnam War, the CIA, and its Air
  America airline front-company, were neck deep in the Southeast Asian
heroin trade. At the time, it was Southeast Asia, not Afghanistan, that
was the leading producer and exporter of opium, mostly to the US, where
there was a resulting heroin epidemic. A decade later, in the 1980s,
during the Reagan administration, as the late investigative journalist
Gary Webb so brilliantly documented first in a series titled
“Dark Alliance” in the San Jose Mercury newspaper, and
later in a book by that same name, the CIA was deeply involved in the
development of and smuggling of cocaine into the US, which was soon
engulfed in a crack cocaine epidemicâ€one that continues to
destroy African American and other poor communities across the country.
(The Times' role here was sordidâ€it and other leading papers,
including the Washington Post and Los Angeles Timesâ€did
despicable hit pieces on Webb shamelessly trashing his work and his
career, and ultimately driving
  him to suicide, though his facts have held up.) In this case, Webb
showed that the Agency was actually using the drugs as a way to fund
arms, which it could use its own planes to ferry down to the Contra
forces it was backing to subvert the Sandinista government in Nicaragua
at a time Congress had barred the US from supporting the Contras. And
now we have Afghanistan, once a sleepy backwater of the world with
little connection to drugs (the Taliban, before their overthrow by US
forces in 20001, had, according to the UN, virtually eliminated opium
production there), but now responsible for as much as 80 percent of the
world's opium productionâ€this at a time that the US effectively
finances and runs the place, with an occupying army that, together with
Afghan government forces that it controls, outnumbers the Taliban 12-1
according to a recent AP story. The real story here is that where the US
goes, the drug trade soon follows, and the leading role in
  developing and nurturing that trade appears to be played by the
Central Intelligence Agency. Your tax dollars at work. The issue at this
point should not be how many troops the US should add to its total in
Afghanistan. It shouldn't even be over whether the US should up 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-10-31 Thread Robert
 --- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@
  Yeah, those Afghanis were s much better off under Mullah Omar and
 the Taliban and so were we...
 Ronald Reagan seemed to think so. Here Saint Ronny hosts the Taliban at
 the White House.
 Reagan chats with the Taliban in the White House in 1983
Reagan and his boys, used the Taliban, when it was in their interest, to fight 
the 'Soviets'...
When the Taliban, did away with the Opium Crops, that was not in their 
interests, as the CIA, needs to drug money...
So, that is the real reason, for this whole thing..
Drug money...
It's only too obvious...
Why else would they be so interested in Afghanistan?
To free the people? 
No it's all about moneyand they will do anything to get their cut...
They are MAFIA!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-10-31 Thread Mike Dixon
So, how is it that you know that those are Taliban? I guess in 1983 they could 
have been, although the taliban didn't take control of Afghjanistan till some 
time in the 90's. The Saudis backed the Taliban and the US backed the Northern 
Alliance, who helped kick the Taliban out of the country. So Robert, do you go 
to Reverend Wrights church? I mean if the CIA is in control of Afghan Opium it 
must be to keep our *uppidy* negros down, doncha think?

From: Robert
Sent: Sat, October 31, 2009 1:10:39 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'


 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ 
  Yeah, those Afghanis were s much better off under Mullah Omar and
 the Taliban and so were we...
 Ronald Reagan seemed to think so. Here Saint Ronny hosts the Taliban at
 the White House.
 Reagan chats with the Taliban in the White House in 1983
Reagan and his boys, used the Taliban, when it was in their interest, to fight 
the 'Soviets'...
When the Taliban, did away with the Opium Crops, that was not in their 
interests, as the CIA, needs to drug money...
So, that is the real reason, for this whole thing..
Drug money...
It's only too obvious...
Why else would they be so interested in Afghanistan?
To free the people? 
No it's all about moneyand they will do anything to get their cut...
They are MAFIA!


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-10-31 Thread do.rflex

--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@...

 So, how is it that you know that those are Taliban?

They are the radical Muslim Mujahidin. The Taliban is/was a faction of
that group.

I guess in 1983 they could have been, although the taliban didn't take
control of Afghjanistan till some time in the 90's. The Saudis backed
the Taliban and the US backed the Northern Alliance, who helped kick the
Taliban out of the country.

The Southern redneck needs a good history review:

Fisking the War on Terror

by Juan Cole - August 02, 2005

Once upon a time, a dangerous radical gained control of the US
Republican Party.

Reagan increased the budget for support of the radical Muslim Mujahidin
conducting terrorism against the Afghanistan government to half a
billion dollars a year.

One fifth of the money, which the CIA mostly turned over to Pakistani
military intelligence to distribute, went to Gulbuddin Hikmatyar, a
violent extremist who as a youth used to throw acid on the faces of
unveiled girls in Afghanistan.

Not content with creating a vast terrorist network to harass the
Soviets, Reagan then pressured the late King Fahd of Saudi Arabia  to match
US contributions. He had earlier imposed on Fahd to give money to the
Contras in Nicaragua, some of which was used to create rightwing death
squads. (Reagan liked to sidestep Congress in creating private terrorist
organizations for his foreign policy purposes, which he branded freedom
fighters, giving terrorists the idea that it was all right to inflict
vast damage on civilians in order to achieve their goals).

Fahd was a timid man and resisted Reagan's instructions briefly, but
finally gave in to enormous US pressure.

Fahd not only put Saudi government money into the Afghan Mujahideen
networks, which trained them in bomb making and guerrilla tactics, but
he also instructed the Minister of Intelligence, Turki al-Faisal, to try
to raise money from private sources.

Turki al-Faisal checked around and discovered that a young member of the
fabulously wealthy Bin Laden construction dynasty, Usama, was committed
to Islamic causes. Turki thus gave Usama the task of raising money from
Gulf millionaires for the Afghan struggle. This whole effort was
undertaken, remember, on Reagan Administration instructions.

Bin Laden not only raised millions for the effort, but helped encourage
Arab volunteers to go fight for Reagan against the Soviets and the
Afghan communists. The Arab volunteers included people like Ayman
al-Zawahiri, a young physician who had been jailed for having been
involved in the assassination of Egyptian president Anwar El-Sadat. Bin
Laden kept a database of these volunteers. In Arabic the word for base
is al-Qaeda.

In the US, the Christian Right adopted the Mujahideen as their favorite
project. They even sent around a biblical checklist for grading US
congressman as to how close they were to the Christian political line.
If a congressman didn't support the radical Muslim Muj, he or she was
downgraded by the evangelicals and fundamentalists.

Reagan wanted to give more and more sophisticated weapons to the
Mujahideen (freedom fighters). The Pakistani generals were forming an
alliance with the fundamentalist Jamaat-i Islam and begining to support
madrasahs or hardline seminaries that would teach Islamic extremism. But
even they balked at giving the ragtag Muj really advanced weaponry.
Pakistan had a close alliance with China, and took advice from Beijing.

In 1985 Reagan sent Senator Orrin Hatch, Undersecretary of Defense Fred
Iklé and others to Beijing to ask China to put pressure on Pakistan
to allow the US to give the Muslim radicals, such as Hikmatyar, more
sophisticated weapons. Hatch succeeded in this mission.

By giving the Muj weaponry like the stinger shoulderheld missile, which
could destroy advanced Soviet arms like their helicopter gunships,
Reagan demonstrated to the radical Muslims that they could defeat a
super power.

Reagan also decided to build up Saddam Hussein in Iraq as a
counterweight to Khomeinist Iran, authorizing US and Western companies
to send him precursors for chemical and biological weaponry. At one
point Donald Rumsfeld was sent to Iraq to assure Saddam that it was all
right if he used chemical weapons against the Iranians. Reagan had no
taste in friends.

On becoming president, George H. W. Bush made a deal with the Soviets
that he would cut the Mujahideen off if the Soviets would leave
Afghanistan. The last Soviet troops departed in early 1989. The US then
turned its back on Afghanistan and allowed it to fall into civil war, as
the radical Muslim factions fostered by Washington and Riyadh turned
against one another and used their extensive weaponry on each other and
on civilians.

In the meantime, Saddam, whom the US had built up as a major military
power, invaded Kuwait. The Bush senior administration now had to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-10-31 Thread Robert

--- In, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@... wrote:

 So, how is it that you know that those are Taliban? I guess in 1983 they 
 could have been, although the taliban didn't take control of Afghjanistan 
 till some time in the 90's. The Saudis backed the Taliban and the US backed 
 the Northern Alliance, who helped kick the Taliban out of the country. So 
 Robert, do you go to Reverend Wrights church? I mean if the CIA is in control 
 of Afghan Opium it must be to keep our *uppidy* negros down, doncha think?

The U.S. left the Northern Alliance, hanging, and their main leader was 
I am not sure what you mean by uppity negros, other than it shows your 
Most of the Opium, from Afghanistan, will be mostly traveling to the addicts in 
Europe...although, I am sure some will make it to the United States...
The Republican War Machine, like money to come in steadily, on commodities, 
that people need, like oil...when you run out of gas, you don't have a choice, 
but to give more money to the Texas/Saudi Connection...right?
When you have people addicted to Heroin, they will be sure to get you the 
money, for the drug, any way they can...the Republicans like that...
That is why they are fighting so hard to keep the medical system the, 
they can get their cut...
I know for a fact, that the CIA's main business, is to keep the drugs flowing...
They don't want to legalize marijuana, because, it's too easy to grow, and they 
will lose business...
Sorry if this blows your image of what really goes on...


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'

2009-10-31 Thread Robert
To make it real simple for the simple folk, goes something like 

The idea, is to get control over every possible situation, in the world, so 'We 
come out on Top'...

Whether, it's control of oil, drugs, medicine, prescription drugs, guns, nukes, 
subs, fighter jets, financial instruments, everything that relates to power and 
Not a whole lot different, than the Romans, in their day, or the the European 
Powers, in their day...

The thing that really bothers me about it, is that they hide it all behind the 
word, 'Christianity'...

I know how evil they are, you know how evil they are...
So, hiding behind the word, 'Christian' really bothers it is the 
biggest LIE of All...

There is nothing in their crazed lust for power at all costs, that relate 
anything, or anywhere to Jesus' teaching...

The use people, as they use everything else...
They are murderers, and have lost their souls, their conscious, many, many eons 
