Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-29 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Thanks very much, friends.  I appreciate your support here a lot. Lot of these 
cranks here don't have hardly anything to do with Fairfield or meditating now.


 nablusoss1008 writes, Very nice Buck, continue ! And don't let the TM-haters 
in here get to you.

 Awoelflebater writes: ..There is not one thing that Buck said that Bawwy is 
addressing. Read it again Bawwy and this time s-l-o-w-l-y.

 Buck offers:
   Yes, I am quite satisfied with my meditation. MY FAITH IS STRONG by Virtue 
of Experience AND MY LIFE [Perfectly] SUCCESSFUL by the Natural Law of the 
Unified Field. -Buck in the Dome


 turquoiseb writes Sure it is, "Buck." That's why you spend so much time on an 
obscure Internet forum writing diatribes about Bevan and the other people in 
charge of the TM movement, all under a pseudonym. If that's "[Perfectly] 
SUCCESSFUL" in your book, you might consider returning it to the bookseller for 
a refund.  :-)





 awoelflebater writes: Bawwy seems to be having reading difficulties here. 
There is not one thing that Buck said that Bawwy is addressing. Read it again 
Bawwy and this time s-l-o-w-l-y.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/28/2014 9:03 AM, wrote:
Sad, but that's what happens when you turn your mind over to someone 
early in life and then never have the balls to take it back.

So much time and wasted energy berating others for some perceived 
error on their part and here you are obsessed with critiquing Lawson 
(or anyone else) who doesn't exhibit black and white opinions on a 
subject. Always demeaning, always the same, Bawwy. For a subject you 
figure you have enough "balls" to have moved past you are certainly 
heavily invested and compulsively driven to continually comment on. 
What does this mean, oh testicular paragon of god-like gonads?

Maybe we should make Barry the same offer - if he wants to, he can 
*/take back/* all his claims to paranormal perception, such as 
levitation events and stuff - the stuff he believed in */early in his 
life when he turned his mind over to Rama/* and what happens to people 
*/who continue be True Believers. /*

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 The fascinating thing from my point of view is that Lawson seems to actually 
believe that the things you, I, Curtis, and Michael say are some kind of 
"fringe" opinions spouted by those with a grudge against the TM movement. That 
belief *alone* is True Believerism to the max. It's like when someone (I think 
the Judester) pretended that the obit article written at the time of 
Maharishi's death and posted here was "biased." It really wasn't. It was HOW 

 That is, as a spiritual con man, he is notable only for the financial success 
and the number of people he sucked into his cons. That's the only area in which 
he ever excelled at anything.


 Except for a tiny, tiny fraction of people who are still brainwashed from 
their time in the TM movement (probably less than the made-up "square root of 
1%) of the population), NO ONE looks at him as a "great saint," much less "the 
greatest who has ever lived." You have to be REEEAALLLY REEEAALLLY STOOPID to 
believe something like that. And most of the world isn't nearly that stupid.

 Lawson's never been on the "inside" of the TM movement to see how it was 
really run. He's never seen course leaders trying to sneak people who have had 
nervous breakdowns or who have attempted suicide on courses out of the country 
so that nothing makes the evening news. He's never been there when the people 
who commissioned courses like the one at Poland Spring back in the early days 
discover that the people running the kitchen were buying spoiled and 
near-spoiled produce to feed to the course participants because it was cheaper 
-- *and then told them to keep doing it*, because the alternative would have 
cost them more money. He's never been there when Maharishi told people not to 
pay law firms and PR firms that the TM movement had contracted with because the 
results of the court case or the PR attempt they'd contracted for didn't turn 
out the way he expected it to. He's never been asked to carry a suitcase of 
money back to India to give to Maharishi's relatives. 


 The only thing I think he *has* seen are the fantasies running around in his 
head, fantasies that he *desperately* needs to believe are true to justify all 
the belief and proselytizing and money he's thrown their way for decades. He's 
desperate to believe "the science" NOT because he really believes it'll 
convince other people or the public, but because he's desperate to convince 
*himself* that he hasn't wasted his life on bullshit sold to him by a con man. 
He is the perfect -- and only -- target audience for all of that bullshit 


 Sad, but that's what happens when you turn your mind over to someone early in 
life and then never have the balls to take it back. 


 So much time and wasted energy berating others for some perceived error on 
their part and here you are obsessed with critiquing Lawson (or anyone else) 
who doesn't exhibit black and white opinions on a subject. Always demeaning, 
always the same, Bawwy. For a subject you figure you have enough "balls" to 
have moved past you are certainly heavily invested and compulsively driven to 
continually comment on. What does this mean, oh testicular paragon of god-like 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread LEnglish5
Fred Travis doesn't publish research on Maharishi AYurveda that I am aware of. 

 And I was not defending any claims made anywhere by MMY or anyone else (other 
than Travis' specific findings in his research, which are always, of course, 
subject to challenge by replicating his research).


---In,  wrote :



I love the way you say "merely" wrong about something. But you are a master at 
making all this insanity seem reasonable. 

 What you have to remember is that for most people in the TMO Marshy was 
incapable of being wrong about something and they act accordingly no matter how 
contradictory or just plain stupid his ideas were.

 There are two important  things here. First is that MJ is right, the TMO tries 
on all sorts of crap just to make money. None of it is tested in anyway other 
than in having a few true believers say they had a good "experience" while 
doing it. Take MVVT for instance, a masterstroke in that it depends entirely 
for it's perceived credibility on people having read King Tony's book which 
came out a few years earlier.

 I was on a long rounding course when MVVT was introduced and was to be tried 
on people at a discount price to get feedback for the brochures. I predicted to 
all who would listen (not many) that it would work out to have the same 
effectiveness as a placebo, I thought it might be better slightly because of 
the self-selecting group of volunteers but no, a placebo it is. Was it removed 
from the Marshy catalogue of products? No. 

 And nor was anything else that gets sold based on the myth of vedic 
superiority, like yagyas or just plain ayurveda itself. I still get monthly 
notices that an expert in this "world's greatest system of natural healthcare" 
is visiting the country with his "time tested" formulas for perfect health. The 
fact that the TMO has been sued many times because of poisonous medicines isn't 
mentioned anywhere. And the first thing any sensible ayurvedic doctor does when 
a patient gets ill is recommend they go to a specialist! They often ignore that 
advice and effectively kill themselves by relying on rasayanas but that's 
brainwashing for you.

 You couldn't make this stuff up. But people really honestly believe it still 
regardless of the contrary evidence. At best it's folie a deux, at worst they 
know damn well that Marshy products, like yagyas or amrit kalash, aren't any 
better than not doing anything at all and should quit it.


 PS "Time tested". What does that even mean?

---In,  wrote :

 Well, "enlightened" is such a vague term. 

 Fred Travis' studies on enlightened TMers (preliminary CC) don't assert that 
they are perfect, only that they report a certain kind of internal "experience" 
and that there is a physiological pattern associated with the self-reports. It 
says nothing about whether they are correct in everything that they do.

 That was Maharishi's thing: to assert that enlightened people (meeting his 
definition) were going to be perfect in some way.

 As for spin-doctoring, this assertion from you has no basis in fact, but is 
merely your desire to show that Maharishi was a bad person, rather than merely 
wrong about something:

 The more likely cause of these folks deaths are that Marshy
didn't know a damn thing about ayurveda and simply used
it as another spring board to financial comfort for Marshy
and family. The fact that he used human lives in his hunt
for fame and comfort is I am sure incidental to Indian
sensibilities but seems rather cavalier to us in the



---In,  wrote :

 How can that be if he was enlightened? And what part of my erudite writing do 
you feel is spin doctored?
 On Sun, 4/27/14, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised
 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 4:03 PM
 The most likely cause of the deaths is that
 Ayurveda, Maharishi or otherwise, isn't as perfect as
 Maharishi thought it was.
 The rest is spin-doctoring on your
  wrote :
 Refined mercury is
 not used in every single ayurvedic formula for every ailment
 under the sun. Given the fact that lots of terminally ill
 patients with various kinds of ailments went to this clinic,
 it is unlikely that every formula used called for mercury
 and as you know ayurveda doesn't just rely on herbal
 formulas - there are a lot of techniques that traditional
 ayurved uses that don't involve herbs at all such as oil
 pulling routi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 From: "dhamiltony2k5@..." 
 Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 1:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised
   Yes, I am quite satisfied with my meditation. MY FAITH IS STRONG by Virtue 
of Experience AND MY LIFE [Perfectly] SUCCESSFUL by the Natural Law of the 
Unified Field.

 Sure it is, "Buck." That's why you spend so much time on an obscure Internet 
forum writing diatribes about Bevan and the other people in charge of the TM 
movement, all under a pseudonym. If that's "[Perfectly] SUCCESSFUL" in your 
book, you might consider returning it to the bookseller for a refund.  :-)


 Bawwy seems to be having reading difficulties here. There is not one thing 
that Buck said that Bawwy is addressing. Read it again Bawwy and this time 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/28/2014 8:14 AM, wrote:
Nor does he know what "most people on the planet" think of Maharishi, 
if they think of him at all. 

It's pretty clear at least that Barry/*thinks about the Maharishi a 
lot*/ every day. Go figure.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/28/2014 6:46 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Like everything else he talked about, it was mostly hot air. 
You got to work really early today!

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/28/2014 3:20 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
You couldn't make this stuff up. But people really honestly believe it 
still regardless of the contrary evidence. At best it's folie a deux, 
at worst they know damn well that Marshy products, like yagyas or 
amrit kalash, aren't any better than not doing anything at all and 
should quit it.

Some people really do believe humans can levitate, regardless of the 
evidence. Apparently you're one of the True Believers. You and the TB 
must have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on various nostrums 
over the years. You're starting to sound more like an enabler than a 
skeptic. Go figure.

"The levitation I and thousands of other people witnessed *was* real.  
We saw it.  We felt it." - TurquoiseB

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/28/2014 12:38 AM, wrote:
> As for spin-doctoring, this assertion from you has no basis in fact, 
> but is merely your desire to show that Maharishi was a bad person, 
> rather than merely wrong about something:
It's just amazing how some people can dislike other people on the basis 
of their religion or ethnicity - someone they never even met or knew. 
Usually on discussion groups, these kinds of inflammatory messages are 
termed as hate messages and are often meant to incite a flame war. These 
kinds of posts often tell more about the sender than anything else. 
Where I come from, silence usually indicates agreement. Go figure.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread authfriend
What a crashingly stupid paragraph. There were, of course (as Barry knows), 
umpty obits published after MMY died. As I recall, quite a few of them were 
posted or linked to here. Some were biased negatively, some were biased 
positively, some were nicely balanced. I probably did critique one of the 
negatively biased ones, but Barry's pretense that I was "pretending" it was 
biased is just laughable.

 Nor does he know what "most people on the planet" think of Maharishi, if they 
think of him at all. Many of those who do have an opinion, however, most likely 
think what the media tells them to think; and especially in the U.S., the media 
assumes that Eastern guru-types are all swindlers and portrays them as 
negatively as they can manage. So the point Barry thinks he's making is 
absurdly circular.




 The fascinating thing from my point of view is that Lawson seems to actually 
believe that the things you, I, Curtis, and Michael say are some kind of 
"fringe" opinions spouted by those with a grudge against the TM movement. That 
belief *alone* is True Believerism to the max. It's like when someone (I think 
the Judester) pretended that the obit article written at the time of 
Maharishi's death and posted here was "biased." It really wasn't. It was HOW 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread nablusoss1008

 You are free to have an opinion but since both Triguna and Trivedi claimed it 
was possible to purify mercury I lean more in the direction of these experts.

---In,  wrote :

 There is no such thing as 'safe levels' for lead, mercury 
and cadmium.  Even one atom of lead causes damage to the 
body. It impairs neural functioning and disrupts cell 

The assertion of ayurveda that they can be neutralized is 
not proved. There is no clear data on it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread jedi_spock


> ---  wrote :
 > Show me what he knew for a fact, Lawson. Like everything else he talked 
 > about, it was mostly hot air. He had a habit of talking in circles that led 
 > nowhere. If you were being "vibbed" by him, you sat there in awe of his 
 > wonderfullness and never saw and heard clearly that he was talking about a 
 > bunch of airy fairy nothing. When M spoke in ayurveda, he talked about the 
 > glories of it with NO SPECIFICS. I have studied ayurveda as a layman since 
 > 1986 and I have listened to people who actually know ayurveda and read some 
 > of their books like Vasant Lad. Marshy didn't even know the basic principles 
 > of ayurveda. He was merely using it as a platform to sell stuff and you know 
 > it.
 > Look at what MAPI was and has become. For the most part it sells nostrums to 
 > what we used to call yuppies with money. Stuff to help you study better, 
 > stuff to help you deal with allergies. NONE of the really helpful, truly 
 > substantive formulas are sold by MAPI. Formulas for diabetes, kidney stones, 
 > and on and on. I have used some ayurvedic formulas (not from MAPI for many 
 > reasons) to good effect in my own health care, and I know what I'm talking 
 > about.
 > You are also ignoring common sense and what I am saying. In India today and 
 > for many years they have used purification techniques to render heavy metals 
 > inert as to toxic effects in the human body in certain formulas. Nabbys 
 > fantasy that they couldn't refine it properly is nonsense and you are 
 > ignoring the assertion that Bevan and indeed the entire Movement has made 
 > for decades that M was enlightened and DID cognize the full value of natural 
 > law in ayurveda, bringing rejuvenation back to a decaying art. Which is a 
 > lie. If it had been true, then the MAHARISHI ayurveda being practiced at the 
 > clinic in India would have cured the people instead of letting them die. 
 > Marshy was a liar and a huckster who in this case used people's gullibility 
 > to attempt to gain prestige and money but it backfired. But I bet he didn't 
 > give the relatives of those dead people any refunds now did he?
 > ---

There is no such thing as 'safe levels' for lead, mercury 
and cadmium.  Even one atom of lead causes damage to the 
body. It impairs neural functioning and disrupts cell 

The assertion of ayurveda that they can be neutralized is 
not proved. There is no clear data on it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread Michael Jackson
show me what he knew for a fact, Lawson. Like everything else he talked about, 
it was mostly hot air. He had a habit of talking in circles that led nowhere. 
If you were being "vibbed" by him, you sat there in awe of his wonderfullness 
and never saw and heard clearly that he was talking about a bunch of airy fairy 
nothing. When M spoke in ayurveda, he talked about the glories of it with NO 
SPECIFICS. I have studied ayurveda as a layman since 1986 and I have listened 
to people who actually know ayurveda and read some of their books like Vasant 
Lad. Marshy didn't even know the basic principles of ayurveda. He was merely 
using it as a platform to sell stuff and you know it.

Look at what MAPI was and has become. For the most part it sells nostrums to 
what we used to call yuppies with money. Stuff to help you study better, stuff 
to help you deal with allergies. NONE of the really helpful, truly substantive 
formulas are sold by MAPI. Formulas for diabetes, kidney stones, and on and on. 
I have used some ayurvedic formulas (not from MAPI for many reasons) to good 
effect in my own health care, and I know what I'm talking about.

You are also ignoring common sense and what I am saying. In India today and for 
many years they have used purification techniques to render heavy metals inert 
as to toxic effects in the human body in certain formulas. Nabbys fantasy that 
they couldn't refine it properly is nonsense and you are ignoring the assertion 
that Bevan and indeed the entire Movement has made for decades that M was 
enlightened and DID cognize the full value of natural law in ayurveda, bringing 
rejuvenation back to a decaying art. Which is a lie. If it had been true, then 
the MAHARISHI ayurveda being practiced at the clinic in India would have cured 
the people instead of letting them die. Marshy was a liar and a huckster who in 
this case used people's gullibility to attempt to gain prestige and money but 
it backfired. But I bet he didn't give the relatives of those dead people any 
refunds now did he?

On Mon, 4/28/14,  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised
 Date: Monday, April 28, 2014, 5:38 AM
   Well, "enlightened" is such a vague
 Fred Travis'
 studies on enlightened TMers (preliminary CC) don't
 assert that they are perfect, only that they report a
 certain kind of internal "experience" and that
 there is a physiological pattern associated with the
 self-reports. It says nothing about whether they are correct
 in everything that they do.
 That was Maharishi's thing: to
 assert that enlightened people (meeting his definition) were
 going to be perfect in some way.
 As for spin-doctoring, this
 assertion from you has no basis in fact, but is merely your
 desire to show that Maharishi was a bad person, rather than
 merely wrong about something:
 more likely cause of these folks deaths are that Marshy
 didn't know a damn thing about ayurveda and
 simply used
 it as another spring board to
 financial comfort for Marshy
 and family. The
 fact that he used human lives in his hunt
 for fame and comfort is I am sure incidental to
 sensibilities but seems rather
 cavalier to us in the
  wrote :
 can that be if he was enlightened? And what part of my
 erudite writing do you feel is spin doctored?
 On Sun, 4/27/14, LEnglish5@... 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji
 is to be praised
 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 4:03 PM
 The most likely cause of the deaths is that
 Ayurveda, Maharishi or otherwise, isn't as perfect as
 Maharishi thought it was.
 The rest is spin-doctoring on your
  wrote :
 Refined mercury is
 not used in every single ayurvedic formula for every
 under the sun. Given the fact that lots of terminally ill
 patients with various kinds of ailments went to this
 it is unlikely that every formula used called for mercury
 and as you know ayurveda doesn't just rely on herbal
 formulas - there are a lot of techniques that traditional
 ayurved uses that don't involve herbs at all such as
 pulling routines. 
 The PR that was always done on Maharishi Ayurveda since
 first unveiling in 1986 was that Marshy was able, with
 enlightened awareness to "cognize the full value of
 natural law" in the now fragmented and incomplete
 practice of ayurveda, thus ayurveda was
 in terms of its fu

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 The fascinating thing from my point of view is that Lawson seems to actually 
believe that the things you, I, Curtis, and Michael say are some kind of 
"fringe" opinions spouted by those with a grudge against the TM movement. That 
belief *alone* is True Believerism to the max. It's like when someone (I think 
the Judester) pretended that the obit article written at the time of 
Maharishi's death and posted here was "biased." It really wasn't. It was HOW 

 Just to underline it, it isn't remotely acceptable to fly hundreds of people 
round the world to try untested drugs on them. Not even a little bit. I mean, 
did they get proper palliative care while they were waiting for the amrit 
kalash to work?

 They may have had nothing to lose but it's still fucking outrageous and not 
even remotely ethical to try anything without some sort of track record or even 
a proposed method about why it might work. No wonder they keep quiet about it 

 "Time tested" simply means that people still believe it, for some reason...




 That is, as a spiritual con man, he is notable only for the financial success 
and the number of people he sucked into his cons. That's the only area in which 
he ever excelled at anything.


 Except for a tiny, tiny fraction of people who are still brainwashed from 
their time in the TM movement (probably less than the made-up "square root of 
1%) of the population), NO ONE looks at him as a "great saint," much less "the 
greatest who has ever lived." You have to be REEEAALLLY REEEAALLLY STOOPID to 
believe something like that. And most of the world isn't nearly that stupid.

 Lawson's never been on the "inside" of the TM movement to see how it was 
really run. He's never seen course leaders trying to sneak people who have had 
nervous breakdowns or who have attempted suicide on courses out of the country 
so that nothing makes the evening news. He's never been there when the people 
who commissioned courses like the one at Poland Spring back in the early days 
discover that the people running the kitchen were buying spoiled and 
near-spoiled produce to feed to the course participants because it was cheaper 
-- *and then told them to keep doing it*, because the alternative would have 
cost them more money. He's never been there when Maharishi told people not to 
pay law firms and PR firms that the TM movement had contracted with because the 
results of the court case or the PR attempt they'd contracted for didn't turn 
out the way he expected it to. He's never been asked to carry a suitcase of 
money back to India to give to Maharishi's relatives. 


 The only thing I think he *has* seen are the fantasies running around in his 
head, fantasies that he *desperately* needs to believe are true to justify all 
the belief and proselytizing and money he's thrown their way for decades. He's 
desperate to believe "the science" NOT because he really believes it'll 
convince other people or the public, but because he's desperate to convince 
*himself* that he hasn't wasted his life on bullshit sold to him by a con man. 
He is the perfect -- and only -- target audience for all of that bullshit 


 Sad, but that's what happens when you turn your mind over to someone early in 
life and then never have the balls to take it back. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: "" 

Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

Yes, I am quite satisfied with my
meditation.  MY FAITH IS STRONG by Virtue of Experience AND MY LIFE
[Perfectly] SUCCESSFUL by the Natural Law of the Unified Field.

Sure it is, "Buck." That's why you spend so much time on an obscure Internet 
forum writing diatribes about Bevan and the other people in charge of the TM 
movement, all under a pseudonym. If that's "[Perfectly] SUCCESSFUL" in your 
book, you might consider returning it to the bookseller for a refund.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread nablusoss1008
"That was Maharishi's thing: to assert that enlightened people (meeting his 
definition) were going to be perfect in some way."  Never heard him say that. 
Better as before E, as in free of attachments, more happiness and wiser, but 
perfect, never.

---In,  wrote :

 Well, "enlightened" is such a vague term. 

 Fred Travis' studies on enlightened TMers (preliminary CC) don't assert that 
they are perfect, only that they report a certain kind of internal "experience" 
and that there is a physiological pattern associated with the self-reports. It 
says nothing about whether they are correct in everything that they do.

 That was Maharishi's thing: to assert that enlightened people (meeting his 
definition) were going to be perfect in some way.

 As for spin-doctoring, this assertion from you has no basis in fact, but is 
merely your desire to show that Maharishi was a bad person, rather than merely 
wrong about something:

---In,  wrote :

 How can that be if he was enlightened? And what part of my erudite writing do 
you feel is spin doctored?
 On Sun, 4/27/14, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised
 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 4:03 PM
 The most likely cause of the deaths is that
 Ayurveda, Maharishi or otherwise, isn't as perfect as
 Maharishi thought it was.
 The rest is spin-doctoring on your
  wrote :
 Refined mercury is
 not used in every single ayurvedic formula for every ailment
 under the sun. Given the fact that lots of terminally ill
 patients with various kinds of ailments went to this clinic,
 it is unlikely that every formula used called for mercury
 and as you know ayurveda doesn't just rely on herbal
 formulas - there are a lot of techniques that traditional
 ayurved uses that don't involve herbs at all such as oil
 pulling routines. 
 On Sun, 4/27/14, nablusoss1008>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji
 is to be praised
 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 12:16 PM

 Ayurved has some very powerful tools for boosting
 the immunesystem and for rejuvenation. Triguna was behind
 the efforts for terminally ill patients so the question
 why it wasn't more successful. From what I've
 it boils down to the failure in purifying mercury which
 vital in many of the recipy's. Maharishi through
 millions on this particular project and had top Vaidyas
 working on this since early 80's in Seelisberg. The
 that is safely possible Ayurveda will revamp medicine.
  wrote :
 know as much as I do: they built this massive 5-star
 facility that was The Raj on steroids, and invited
 patients from all over the world to come and get
 died. Virtually all of them died.
 surprising since only the absolute, most hopeless cases
 supposed to come in the first place as their last hope.
 was meant to show the utter superiority of Maharishi
 Ayurveda Done Right™ to the World. And...
 died. Virtually all of them died.
 of story.
 told the Movement to just "walk away" from such
 place of death and they did.
 place is now just ruins.
  wrote :
 have never heard this story of the failure of TM ayurveda
 got any details?
 On Sat, 4/26/14,
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji
 to be praised
 Date: Saturday, April 26, 2014, 5:15 PM
 I don't speak any Indian language, but none of
 the English reports I have seen (including the links
 say that Girish has that kind of wealth, only that he is
 part of a 12-member committee that has control of that
 wealth (12,000 acres).
 And of course, if you actually look
 at the figures, the estimates of how much the land is
 is obviously exaggerated: the largest single item is the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread salyavin808


I love the way you say "merely" wrong about something. But you are a master at 
making all this insanity seem reasonable. 

 What you have to remember is that for most people in the TMO Marshy was 
incapable of being wrong about something and they act accordingly no matter how 
contradictory or just plain stupid his ideas were.

 There are two important  things here. First is that MJ is right, the TMO tries 
on all sorts of crap just to make money. None of it is tested in anyway other 
than in having a few true believers say they had a good "experience" while 
doing it. Take MVVT for instance, a masterstroke in that it depends entirely 
for it's perceived credibility on people having read King Tony's book which 
came out a few years earlier.

 I was on a long rounding course when MVVT was introduced and was to be tried 
on people at a discount price to get feedback for the brochures. I predicted to 
all who would listen (not many) that it would work out to have the same 
effectiveness as a placebo, I thought it might be better slightly because of 
the self-selecting group of volunteers but no, a placebo it is. Was it removed 
from the Marshy catalogue of products? No. 

 And nor was anything else that gets sold based on the myth of vedic 
superiority, like yagyas or just plain ayurveda itself. I still get monthly 
notices that an expert in this "world's greatest system of natural healthcare" 
is visiting the country with his "time tested" formulas for perfect health. The 
fact that the TMO has been sued many times because of poisonous medicines isn't 
mentioned anywhere. And the first thing any sensible ayurvedic doctor does when 
a patient gets ill is recommend they go to a specialist! They often ignore that 
advice and effectively kill themselves by relying on rasayanas but that's 
brainwashing for you.

 You couldn't make this stuff up. But people really honestly believe it still 
regardless of the contrary evidence. At best it's folie a deux, at worst they 
know damn well that Marshy products, like yagyas or amrit kalash, aren't any 
better than not doing anything at all and should quit it.


 PS "Time tested". What does that even mean?

---In,  wrote :

 Well, "enlightened" is such a vague term. 

 Fred Travis' studies on enlightened TMers (preliminary CC) don't assert that 
they are perfect, only that they report a certain kind of internal "experience" 
and that there is a physiological pattern associated with the self-reports. It 
says nothing about whether they are correct in everything that they do.

 That was Maharishi's thing: to assert that enlightened people (meeting his 
definition) were going to be perfect in some way.

 As for spin-doctoring, this assertion from you has no basis in fact, but is 
merely your desire to show that Maharishi was a bad person, rather than merely 
wrong about something:

 The more likely cause of these folks deaths are that Marshy
didn't know a damn thing about ayurveda and simply used
it as another spring board to financial comfort for Marshy
and family. The fact that he used human lives in his hunt
for fame and comfort is I am sure incidental to Indian
sensibilities but seems rather cavalier to us in the



---In,  wrote :

 How can that be if he was enlightened? And what part of my erudite writing do 
you feel is spin doctored?
 On Sun, 4/27/14, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised
 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 4:03 PM
 The most likely cause of the deaths is that
 Ayurveda, Maharishi or otherwise, isn't as perfect as
 Maharishi thought it was.
 The rest is spin-doctoring on your
  wrote :
 Refined mercury is
 not used in every single ayurvedic formula for every ailment
 under the sun. Given the fact that lots of terminally ill
 patients with various kinds of ailments went to this clinic,
 it is unlikely that every formula used called for mercury
 and as you know ayurveda doesn't just rely on herbal
 formulas - there are a lot of techniques that traditional
 ayurved uses that don't involve herbs at all such as oil
 pulling routines. 
 The PR that was always done on Maharishi Ayurveda since its
 first unveiling in 1986 was that Marshy was able, with his
 enlightened awareness to "cognize the full value of
 natural law" in the now fragmented and incomplete
 practice of ayurveda, thus ayurveda was "re-enlivened
 in terms of its fundamental principles by Maha

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-28 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: "" 

Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

Well, "enlightened" is such a vague term.
Fred Travis' studies on enlightened TMers (preliminary CC) don't assert that 
they are perfect, only that they report a certain kind of internal "experience" 
and that there is a physiological pattern associated with the self-reports. It 
says nothing about whether they are correct in everything that they do.

That was Maharishi's thing: to assert that enlightened people (meeting his 
definition) were going to be perfect in some way.

As for spin-doctoring, this assertion from you has no basis in fact, but is 
merely your desire to show that Maharishi was a bad person, rather than merely 
wrong about something...

Finally, there is a perfect metaphor for the TM True Believers who have to 
invent fantasies of persecution at the hands of "ant-TM" and "anti-Maharishi" 
critics to get through another day of self-importance:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread LEnglish5
Well, "enlightened" is such a vague term. 

 Fred Travis' studies on enlightened TMers (preliminary CC) don't assert that 
they are perfect, only that they report a certain kind of internal "experience" 
and that there is a physiological pattern associated with the self-reports. It 
says nothing about whether they are correct in everything that they do.

 That was Maharishi's thing: to assert that enlightened people (meeting his 
definition) were going to be perfect in some way.

 As for spin-doctoring, this assertion from you has no basis in fact, but is 
merely your desire to show that Maharishi was a bad person, rather than merely 
wrong about something:

 The more likely cause of these folks deaths are that Marshy
didn't know a damn thing about ayurveda and simply used
it as another spring board to financial comfort for Marshy
and family. The fact that he used human lives in his hunt
for fame and comfort is I am sure incidental to Indian
sensibilities but seems rather cavalier to us in the



---In,  wrote :

 How can that be if he was enlightened? And what part of my erudite writing do 
you feel is spin doctored?
 On Sun, 4/27/14, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised
 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 4:03 PM
 The most likely cause of the deaths is that
 Ayurveda, Maharishi or otherwise, isn't as perfect as
 Maharishi thought it was.
 The rest is spin-doctoring on your
  wrote :
 Refined mercury is
 not used in every single ayurvedic formula for every ailment
 under the sun. Given the fact that lots of terminally ill
 patients with various kinds of ailments went to this clinic,
 it is unlikely that every formula used called for mercury
 and as you know ayurveda doesn't just rely on herbal
 formulas - there are a lot of techniques that traditional
 ayurved uses that don't involve herbs at all such as oil
 pulling routines. 
 The PR that was always done on Maharishi Ayurveda since its
 first unveiling in 1986 was that Marshy was able, with his
 enlightened awareness to "cognize the full value of
 natural law" in the now fragmented and incomplete
 practice of ayurveda, thus ayurveda was "re-enlivened
 in terms of its fundamental principles by Maharishi Mahesh
 Yogi in collaboration with leading Ayurvedic physicians and
 restored to its completeness."
 I heard Bevan say many a time at MIU that Marshy's
 enlightened awareness enabled him to cognize all the various
 deep and subtle aspects of ayurveda that had been missing
 for centuries in India and thus ahd restored ayurveda to its
 If that were the case, it seems clear that it would be
 impossible to for there to be a lack of knowledge or
 technique on how to refine the mercury to the proper level.
 Also given the fact that in India they still use heavy
 metals that have been refined in various ayurvedic formulas
 with no apparent ill effect and the fact that ayurvedic big
 shots like Balraj Maharshi, Dwivedi and especially Triguna
 were "working" with Marshy, seems impossible that
 such lack of technique could exist, although in
 Triguna's case everyone I ever heard from who had a
 consultation with him said it was a blast to see him
 especially in India where his followers would run around
 like Keystone cops doing his bidding cause he was so famous,
 yet none of them were ever cured of their ailments by his
 herbal prescriptions.
 The more likely cause of these folks deaths are that Marshy
 didn't know a damn thing about ayurveda and simply used
 it as another spring board to financial comfort for Marshy
 and family. The fact that he used human lives in his hunt
 for fame and comfort is I am sure incidental to Indian
 sensibilities but seems rather cavalier to us in the
 On Sun, 4/27/14, nablusoss1008>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji
 is to be praised
 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 12:16 PM

 Ayurved has some very powerful tools for boosting
 the immunesystem and for rejuvenation. Triguna was behind
 the efforts for terminally ill patients so the question
 why it wasn't more successful. From what I've
 it boils down to the failure in purifying mercury which
 vital in many of the recipy's. Maharishi through
 millions on this particular project and had top Vaidyas
 working on

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Rehabilitating Girish; if they are going to keep Girish Varma as one of the 
twelve trustee apostles of the whole thing then one would hope that in the 
rehabilitation of Girish to Brahmachari that he could be brought to Fairfield 
and speak directly with the meditating community here. The modern day last 
trial of Socrates? May be even be part of the symposium planned by Maharaja 
Adhiraj Rajaraam for next fall in Fairfield, Iowa. Girish should be given a 
fair chance to defend himself before the people of the meditating movement,

 Brahmachari Girish Ji 
 Brahmachari Girish Ji Fanpage of 
Girish Chandra Varma, respectfully known as Brahmachari Girish Ji by one of his 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 LEnglish5 writes:

 I don't speak any Indian language, but none of the English reports I have seen 
(including the links below) say that Girish has that kind of wealth, only that 
he is part of a 12-member committee that has control of that wealth (12,000 

 And of course, if you actually look at the figures, the estimates of how much 
the land is worth is obviously exaggerated: the largest single item is the old 
Maharishi Ayurveda complex which now lies in utter disrepair. 

 In its hey-day, it was meant to be The Raj on a grand scale: a complex of 
hospitals and hostels with 3200 5-star hotel rooms meant to provide an 
absolutely nourishing environment for those unfortunate people who were deemed 
"terminal" by Western medicine but could be saved due to the miraculous 
superiority of Ayurvedic treatments.

 When the masses of terminally ill patients did what Western treatment said 
would happened, and died by the thousands, Maharishi told the TM movement to 
"walk away" from the halls of death (or words to that effect) and the complex 
fell into complete ruin.

 It ain't worth $1.5 billion and there's no way it will ever be because it 
wasn't built as a 5-star *resort* but as a 5-star *hospital* and there's no way 
3200 tourists at-a-time are going to want to pay 5-star prices to say in that 
particular region for any length of time. Without the promised miracle cures of 
Ayurveda, it is a completely worthless venture.


---In,  wrote :

 Maharishi through billions at the guy but only 8% of His assets. He is after 
all family and he deserved a chance. It was a personal Yagya from His side. 
Everything else went to the Brahmananda Saraswathi Trust.

---In,  wrote :

 ... according to some publication and report Girish Chandra Varma(GCV) owns 
himself  only 7000 crore worth of property. (7000 crore rupees or 1.5 Billion 
US )... records?


---In,  wrote :

 By the way, why does everyone say that GIrish Varma is a billionaire? Has 
anyone seen his bank accounts or tax records?

just wait for result of land grab charges and investigation
BTW people who loves MMY  are trying to distance themselves from him for 
yearsyou seems to be quite out of touch Lord L.

---In,  wrote :

 What *you* have said doesn't make any sense at all.  

---In,  wrote :

 Girish is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he would have to 
resort to threats to have sex.

---In,  wrote :

 Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma. 

 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period 
of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife k

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread Michael Jackson
How can that be if he was enlightened? And what part of my erudite writing do 
you feel is spin doctored?

On Sun, 4/27/14,  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised
 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 4:03 PM
   The most likely cause of the deaths is that
 Ayurveda, Maharishi or otherwise, isn't as perfect as
 Maharishi thought it was.
 The rest is spin-doctoring on your
  wrote :
 Refined mercury is
 not used in every single ayurvedic formula for every ailment
 under the sun. Given the fact that lots of terminally ill
 patients with various kinds of ailments went to this clinic,
 it is unlikely that every formula used called for mercury
 and as you know ayurveda doesn't just rely on herbal
 formulas - there are a lot of techniques that traditional
 ayurved uses that don't involve herbs at all such as oil
 pulling routines. 
 The PR that was always done on Maharishi Ayurveda since its
 first unveiling in 1986 was that Marshy was able, with his
 enlightened awareness to "cognize the full value of
 natural law" in the now fragmented and incomplete
 practice of ayurveda, thus ayurveda was "re-enlivened
 in terms of its fundamental principles by Maharishi Mahesh
 Yogi in collaboration with leading Ayurvedic physicians and
 restored to its completeness."
 I heard Bevan say many a time at MIU that Marshy's
 enlightened awareness enabled him to cognize all the various
 deep and subtle aspects of ayurveda that had been missing
 for centuries in India and thus ahd restored ayurveda to its
 If that were the case, it seems clear that it would be
 impossible to for there to be a lack of knowledge or
 technique on how to refine the mercury to the proper level.
 Also given the fact that in India they still use heavy
 metals that have been refined in various ayurvedic formulas
 with no apparent ill effect and the fact that ayurvedic big
 shots like Balraj Maharshi, Dwivedi and especially Triguna
 were "working" with Marshy, seems impossible that
 such lack of technique could exist, although in
 Triguna's case everyone I ever heard from who had a
 consultation with him said it was a blast to see him
 especially in India where his followers would run around
 like Keystone cops doing his bidding cause he was so famous,
 yet none of them were ever cured of their ailments by his
 herbal prescriptions.
 The more likely cause of these folks deaths are that Marshy
 didn't know a damn thing about ayurveda and simply used
 it as another spring board to financial comfort for Marshy
 and family. The fact that he used human lives in his hunt
 for fame and comfort is I am sure incidental to Indian
 sensibilities but seems rather cavalier to us in the
 On Sun, 4/27/14, nablusoss1008 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji
 is to be praised
 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 12:16 PM
 Ayurved has some very powerful tools for boosting
 the immunesystem and for rejuvenation. Triguna was behind
 the efforts for terminally ill patients so the question
 why it wasn't more successful. From what I've
 it boils down to the failure in purifying mercury which
 vital in many of the recipy's. Maharishi through
 millions on this particular project and had top Vaidyas
 working on this since early 80's in Seelisberg. The
 that is safely possible Ayurveda will revamp medicine.
  wrote :
 know as much as I do: they built this massive 5-star
 facility that was The Raj on steroids, and invited
 patients from all over the world to come and get
 died. Virtually all of them died.
 surprising since only the absolute, most hopeless cases
 supposed to come in the first place as their last hope.
 was meant to show the utter superiority of Maharishi
 Ayurveda Done Right™ to the World. And...
 died. Virtually all of them died.
 of story.
 told the Movement to just "walk away" from such
 place of death and they did.
 place is now just ruins.
  wrote :
 have never heard this story of the failure of TM ayurveda
 got any details?
 On Sat, 4/26/14,
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji
 to be prais

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread Bhairitu
We have some places offering oil massages around here done by lovely 
young women.  Maybe you would like those.  I'm always reading about them 
in the local news. :-D

On 04/27/2014 09:41 AM, wrote:

I've been there for PK, although not in many years. As you can 
probably imagine, having men oil my body and stick things in my butt 
is just not something I'd be into.

---In,  wrote :

Now, has anybody on this list been to the Raj in Fairfiled - the one 
out by Vedic City?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread Bhairitu

On 04/27/2014 10:11 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 4/27/2014 11:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> Ayurveda is just applied biochemistry. You can't hope that it will
> cure you if you are on your deathbed. It's often just a little too
> late then. My late brother often mocked my interest in natural cures
> but then when he was dying of colon cancer developed a different
> attitude. It was a little too late then.
That's what I'm saying!

A friend is in the hospital for COPD. He developed a mild case which was
aggravated by seasonal allergies and a low sodium condition. He got the
low sodium condition because he drank lots of water and quit using table
salt - IMHO.

And, I told him over a year ago to drink Gatorade or something to keep
his metabolic balance, but he wouldn't listen to me. Go figure.

In your brothers case, a lot can be said for early detection.

Not that he would have done it.  Even his VA doctor thought it was his 
poor health habits responsible (he drank a lot).   OTOH, he died at age 
53 and many family members said he would have never liked "getting old."

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread Share Long
Richard, Dr. Lansdorf has her own practice now. She's not associated with The 
Raj any more. I've been there for consultations, but not PK because I got PK 
for free when I was on MUM staff. 

On Sunday, April 27, 2014 11:47 AM, Richard J. Williams  
On 4/27/2014 11:41 AM, wrote:

I've been there for PK, although not in many years. As you can probably 
imagine, having men oil my body and stick things in my butt is just not 
something I'd be into.
Thanks, maybe we will try it out when we get to Vedic City - Rita
will appreciate the oil rubs, but I want to see Nancy Lonsdorf, the
M.D. I wonder if she takes Medicare Part B?

P.S. Has anyone on this list been to The Maharishi Ayurveda Hospital in India, 
located at B P-Block, West Shalimar Bagh, in New Delhi?

>---In,  wrote :
>Now, has anybody on this list been to the Raj in Fairfiled
  - the one
  out by Vedic City?

   This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/27/2014 11:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> Ayurveda is just applied biochemistry.  You can't hope that it will 
> cure you if you are on your deathbed.  It's often just a little too 
> late then.  My late brother often mocked my interest in natural cures 
> but then when he was dying of colon cancer developed a different 
> attitude.  It was a little too late then.
That's what I'm saying!

A friend is in the hospital for COPD. He developed a mild case which was 
aggravated by seasonal allergies and a low sodium condition. He got the 
low sodium condition because he drank lots of water and quit using table 
salt - IMHO.

And, I told him over a year ago to drink Gatorade or something to keep 
his metabolic balance, but he wouldn't listen to me. Go figure.

In your brothers case, a lot can be said for early detection.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread Bhairitu
Ayurveda is just applied biochemistry. You can't hope that it will cure 
you if you are on your deathbed. It's often just a little too late 
then.  My late brother often mocked my interest in natural cures but 
then when he was dying of colon cancer developed a different attitude.  
It was a little too late then.

On 04/27/2014 07:18 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

Refined mercury is not used in every single ayurvedic formula for 
every ailment under the sun. Given the fact that lots of terminally 
ill patients with various kinds of ailments went to this clinic, it is 
unlikely that every formula used called for mercury and as you know 
ayurveda doesn't just rely on herbal formulas - there are a lot of 
techniques that traditional ayurved uses that don't involve herbs at 
all such as oil pulling routines.

The PR that was always done on Maharishi Ayurveda since its first 
unveiling in 1986 was that Marshy was able, with his enlightened 
awareness to "cognize the full value of natural law" in the now 
fragmented and incomplete practice of ayurveda, thus ayurveda was 
"re-enlivened in terms of its fundamental principles by Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi in collaboration with leading Ayurvedic physicians and 
restored to its completeness."

I heard Bevan say many a time at MIU that Marshy's enlightened 
awareness enabled him to cognize all the various deep and subtle 
aspects of ayurveda that had been missing for centuries in India and 
thus ahd restored ayurveda to its fullness.

If that were the case, it seems clear that it would be impossible to 
for there to be a lack of knowledge or technique on how to refine the 
mercury to the proper level. Also given the fact that in India they 
still use heavy metals that have been refined in various ayurvedic 
formulas with no apparent ill effect and the fact that ayurvedic big 
shots like Balraj Maharshi, Dwivedi and especially Triguna were 
"working" with Marshy, seems impossible that such lack of technique 
could exist, although in Triguna's case everyone I ever heard from who 
had a consultation with him said it was a blast to see him especially 
in India where his followers would run around like Keystone cops doing 
his bidding cause he was so famous, yet none of them were ever cured 
of their ailments by his herbal prescriptions.

The more likely cause of these folks deaths are that Marshy didn't 
know a damn thing about ayurveda and simply used it as another spring 
board to financial comfort for Marshy and family. The fact that he 
used human lives in his hunt for fame and comfort is I am sure 
incidental to Indian sensibilities but seems rather cavalier to us in 
the West.

On Sun, 4/27/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be 

Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 12:16 PM

Ayurved has some very powerful tools for boosting
the immunesystem and for rejuvenation. Triguna was behind
the efforts for terminally ill patients so the question is
why it wasn't more successful. From what I've heard
it boils down to the failure in purifying mercury which is
vital in many of the recipy's. Maharishi through
millions on this particular project and had top Vaidyas
working on this since early 80's in Seelisberg. The day
that is safely possible Ayurveda will revamp medicine.

 wrote :

know as much as I do: they built this massive 5-star
facility that was The Raj on steroids, and invited terminal
patients from all over the world to come and get
died. Virtually all of them died.
surprising since only the absolute, most hopeless cases were
supposed to come in the first place as their last hope. It
was meant to show the utter superiority of Maharishi
Ayurveda Done Right™ to the World. And...
died. Virtually all of them died.
of story.
told the Movement to just "walk away" from such a
place of death and they did.

place is now just ruins.
 wrote :

have never heard this story of the failure of TM ayurveda -
got any details?

On Sat, 4/26/14,

Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is
to be praised


Date: Saturday, April 26, 2014, 5:15 PM

I don't speak any Indian language, but none of

the English reports I have seen (including the links

say that Girish has that kind of wealth, only that he is

part of a 12-member committee that has control of that

wealth (12,000 acres).

And of course, if you actually look

at the figures, the estimates of how much the land is

is obviously exaggerated: the largest single item is the

Maharishi Ayurveda complex which now

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/27/2014 11:41 AM, wrote:

I've been there for PK, although not in many years. As you can 
probably imagine, having men oil my body and stick things in my butt 
is just not something I'd be into.

Thanks, maybe we will try it out when we get to Vedic City - Rita will 
appreciate the oil rubs, but I want to see Nancy Lonsdorf, the M.D. I 
wonder if she takes Medicare Part B?

P.S. Has anyone on this list been to /The Maharishi Ayurveda Hospital in 
India,/ located at B P-Block, West Shalimar Bagh, in New Delhi? 

---In,  wrote :

Now, has anybody on this list been to the Raj in Fairfiled - the one 
out by Vedic City?

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread j_alexander_stanley
I've been there for PK, although not in many years. As you can probably 
imagine, having men oil my body and stick things in my butt is just not 
something I'd be into.

---In,  wrote :

 Now, has anybody on this list been to the Raj in Fairfiled - the one out by 
Vedic City?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/27/2014 11:05 AM, wrote:

He knows that, Lawson. He's trolling.

Is it alright with you if I put in a word edgewise? Just for about four 
minutes? IS THAT ALRIGHT WITH YOU? Thank you.

Now, has anybody on this list been to the Raj in Fairfiled - the one out 
by Vedic City?

The Raj is in the USA. We're talking about the Maharishi AYurveda 
facility in India that the press says is worth $1.5 billion US.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/27/2014 9:18 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> The more likely cause of these folks deaths are that Marshy didn't 
> know a damn thing about ayurveda 
You are probably incorrect - I would suppose that MMY knew quite a lot 
about Indian ayurveda since he was probably surrounded by experts like 
Sharma, Chopra and Triguna.

Probably MMY would be knowing more than MJ, who has apparently never 
even taken a cooking course at a community college. Go figure.

So, I wouldn't be surprised if MMY was raised in an ayervedic home - 
apparently his uncle, Raj Varma, was quite a pundit on the subject of 
traditional Indian medicine.

> and simply used it as another spring board to financial comfort for 
> Marshy and family.
It's not a crime to earn a living and help support your family.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread authfriend
He knows that, Lawson. He's trolling. 


 The Raj is in the USA. We're talking about the Maharishi AYurveda facility in 
India that the press says is worth $1.5 billion US. 

---In,  wrote :

 On 4/27/2014 4:29 AM, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... wrote:
 > The place is now just ruins.
 Google Earth view of the Raj at Vedic City:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread LEnglish5
The most likely cause of the deaths is that Ayurveda, Maharishi or otherwise, 
isn't as perfect as Maharishi thought it was. 

 The rest is spin-doctoring on your part.


---In,  wrote :

 Refined mercury is not used in every single ayurvedic formula for every 
ailment under the sun. Given the fact that lots of terminally ill patients with 
various kinds of ailments went to this clinic, it is unlikely that every 
formula used called for mercury and as you know ayurveda doesn't just rely on 
herbal formulas - there are a lot of techniques that traditional ayurved uses 
that don't involve herbs at all such as oil pulling routines. 
 The PR that was always done on Maharishi Ayurveda since its first unveiling in 
1986 was that Marshy was able, with his enlightened awareness to "cognize the 
full value of natural law" in the now fragmented and incomplete practice of 
ayurveda, thus ayurveda was "re-enlivened in terms of its fundamental 
principles by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in collaboration with leading Ayurvedic 
physicians and restored to its completeness."
 I heard Bevan say many a time at MIU that Marshy's enlightened awareness 
enabled him to cognize all the various deep and subtle aspects of ayurveda that 
had been missing for centuries in India and thus ahd restored ayurveda to its 
 If that were the case, it seems clear that it would be impossible to for there 
to be a lack of knowledge or technique on how to refine the mercury to the 
proper level. Also given the fact that in India they still use heavy metals 
that have been refined in various ayurvedic formulas with no apparent ill 
effect and the fact that ayurvedic big shots like Balraj Maharshi, Dwivedi and 
especially Triguna were "working" with Marshy, seems impossible that such lack 
of technique could exist, although in Triguna's case everyone I ever heard from 
who had a consultation with him said it was a blast to see him especially in 
India where his followers would run around like Keystone cops doing his bidding 
cause he was so famous, yet none of them were ever cured of their ailments by 
his herbal prescriptions.
 The more likely cause of these folks deaths are that Marshy didn't know a damn 
thing about ayurveda and simply used it as another spring board to financial 
comfort for Marshy and family. The fact that he used human lives in his hunt 
for fame and comfort is I am sure incidental to Indian sensibilities but seems 
rather cavalier to us in the West.
 On Sun, 4/27/14, nablusoss1008> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised
 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 12:16 PM
 Ayurved has some very powerful tools for boosting
 the immunesystem and for rejuvenation. Triguna was behind
 the efforts for terminally ill patients so the question is
 why it wasn't more successful. From what I've heard
 it boils down to the failure in purifying mercury which is
 vital in many of the recipy's. Maharishi through
 millions on this particular project and had top Vaidyas
 working on this since early 80's in Seelisberg. The day
 that is safely possible Ayurveda will revamp medicine.
  wrote :
 know as much as I do: they built this massive 5-star
 facility that was The Raj on steroids, and invited terminal
 patients from all over the world to come and get
 died. Virtually all of them died.
 surprising since only the absolute, most hopeless cases were
 supposed to come in the first place as their last hope. It
 was meant to show the utter superiority of Maharishi
 Ayurveda Done Right™ to the World. And...
 died. Virtually all of them died.
 of story.
 told the Movement to just "walk away" from such a
 place of death and they did.
 place is now just ruins.
  wrote :
 have never heard this story of the failure of TM ayurveda -
 got any details?
 On Sat, 4/26/14,
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is
 to be praised
 Date: Saturday, April 26, 2014, 5:15 PM
 I don't speak any Indian language, but none of
 the English reports I have seen (including the links
 say that Girish has that kind of wealth, only that he is
 part of a 12-member committee that has control of that
 wealth (12,000 acres).
 And of course, if you actually look

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread LEnglish5
The Raj is in the USA. We're talking about the Maharishi AYurveda facility in 
India that the press says is worth $1.5 billion US. 

---In,  wrote :

 On 4/27/2014 4:29 AM, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... wrote:
 > The place is now just ruins.
 Google Earth view of the Raj at Vedic City:
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread Michael Jackson
Refined mercury is not used in every single ayurvedic formula for every ailment 
under the sun. Given the fact that lots of terminally ill patients with various 
kinds of ailments went to this clinic, it is unlikely that every formula used 
called for mercury and as you know ayurveda doesn't just rely on herbal 
formulas - there are a lot of techniques that traditional ayurved uses that 
don't involve herbs at all such as oil pulling routines. 

The PR that was always done on Maharishi Ayurveda since its first unveiling in 
1986 was that Marshy was able, with his enlightened awareness to "cognize the 
full value of natural law" in the now fragmented and incomplete practice of 
ayurveda, thus ayurveda was "re-enlivened in terms of its fundamental 
principles by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in collaboration with leading Ayurvedic 
physicians and restored to its completeness."

I heard Bevan say many a time at MIU that Marshy's enlightened awareness 
enabled him to cognize all the various deep and subtle aspects of ayurveda that 
had been missing for centuries in India and thus ahd restored ayurveda to its 

If that were the case, it seems clear that it would be impossible to for there 
to be a lack of knowledge or technique on how to refine the mercury to the 
proper level. Also given the fact that in India they still use heavy metals 
that have been refined in various ayurvedic formulas with no apparent ill 
effect and the fact that ayurvedic big shots like Balraj Maharshi, Dwivedi and 
especially Triguna were "working" with Marshy, seems impossible that such lack 
of technique could exist, although in Triguna's case everyone I ever heard from 
who had a consultation with him said it was a blast to see him especially in 
India where his followers would run around like Keystone cops doing his bidding 
cause he was so famous, yet none of them were ever cured of their ailments by 
his herbal prescriptions.

The more likely cause of these folks deaths are that Marshy didn't know a damn 
thing about ayurveda and simply used it as another spring board to financial 
comfort for Marshy and family. The fact that he used human lives in his hunt 
for fame and comfort is I am sure incidental to Indian sensibilities but seems 
rather cavalier to us in the West.

On Sun, 4/27/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised
 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 12:16 PM
   Ayurved has some very powerful tools for boosting
 the immunesystem and for rejuvenation. Triguna was behind
 the efforts for terminally ill patients so the question is
 why it wasn't more successful. From what I've heard
 it boils down to the failure in purifying mercury which is
 vital in many of the recipy's. Maharishi through
 millions on this particular project and had top Vaidyas
 working on this since early 80's in Seelisberg. The day
 that is safely possible Ayurveda will revamp medicine.
  wrote :
 know as much as I do: they built this massive 5-star
 facility that was The Raj on steroids, and invited terminal
 patients from all over the world to come and get
 died. Virtually all of them died.
 surprising since only the absolute, most hopeless cases were
 supposed to come in the first place as their last hope. It
 was meant to show the utter superiority of Maharishi
 Ayurveda Done Right™ to the World. And...
 died. Virtually all of them died.
 of story.
 told the Movement to just "walk away" from such a
 place of death and they did.
 place is now just ruins.
  wrote :
 have never heard this story of the failure of TM ayurveda -
 got any details?
  On Sat, 4/26/14,
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is
 to be praised
 Date: Saturday, April 26, 2014, 5:15 PM
 I don't speak any Indian language, but none of
 the English reports I have seen (including the links
 say that Girish has that kind of wealth, only that he is
 part of a 12-member committee that has control of that
 wealth (12,000 acres).
 And of course, if you actually look
 at the figures, the estimates of how much the land is
 is obviously exaggerated: the largest single item is the
 Maharishi Ayurveda complex which now lies in utter
 In its
 hey-day, it was meant to be The Raj on a grand scale: a
 complex of hospitals and hostels with 3200 5-star hotel
 rooms meant to provide an absolutely nourishing
 for those unfor

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised [1 Attachment]

2014-04-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/27/2014 4:29 AM, wrote:
> The place is now just ruins.
Google Earth view of the Raj at Vedic City:

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread nablusoss1008
Ayurved has some very powerful tools for boosting the immunesystem and for 
rejuvenation. Triguna was behind the efforts for terminally ill patients so the 
question is why it wasn't more successful. From what I've heard it boils down 
to the failure in purifying mercury which is vital in many of the recipy's. 
Maharishi through millions on this particular project and had top Vaidyas 
working on this since early 80's in Seelisberg. The day that is safely possible 
Ayurveda will revamp medicine.

---In,  wrote :

 You know as much as I do: they built this massive 5-star facility that was The 
Raj on steroids, and invited terminal patients from all over the world to come 
and get cured. 

 They died. Virtually all of them died.

 Not surprising since only the absolute, most hopeless cases were supposed to 
come in the first place as their last hope. It was meant to show the utter 
superiority of Maharishi Ayurveda Done Right™ to the World. And...

 They died. Virtually all of them died.

 End of story.

 Maharishi told the Movement to just "walk away" from such a place of death and 
they did.


 The place is now just ruins.

---In,  wrote :

 I have never heard this story of the failure of TM ayurveda - got any details?
 On Sat, 4/26/14, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@...> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised
 Date: Saturday, April 26, 2014, 5:15 PM
 I don't speak any Indian language, but none of
 the English reports I have seen (including the links below)
 say that Girish has that kind of wealth, only that he is
 part of a 12-member committee that has control of that
 wealth (12,000 acres).
 And of course, if you actually look
 at the figures, the estimates of how much the land is worth
 is obviously exaggerated: the largest single item is the old
 Maharishi Ayurveda complex which now lies in utter
 In its
 hey-day, it was meant to be The Raj on a grand scale: a
 complex of hospitals and hostels with 3200 5-star hotel
 rooms meant to provide an absolutely nourishing environment
 for those unfortunate people who were deemed
 "terminal" by Western medicine but could be saved
 due to the miraculous superiority of Ayurvedic
 When the
 masses of terminally ill patients did what Western treatment
 said would happened, and died by the thousands, Maharishi
 told the TM movement to "walk away" from the halls
 of death (or words to that effect) and the complex fell into
 complete ruin.
 ain't worth $1.5 billion and there's no way it will
 ever be because it wasn't built as a 5-star *resort* but
 as a 5-star *hospital* and there's no way 3200 tourists
 at-a-time are going to want to pay 5-star prices to say in
 that particular region for any length of time. Without the
 promised miracle cures of Ayurveda, it is a completely
 worthless venture.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-27 Thread LEnglish5

 You know as much as I do: they built this massive 5-star facility that was The 
Raj on steroids, and invited terminal patients from all over the world to come 
and get cured. 

 They died. Virtually all of them died.

 Not surprising since only the absolute, most hopeless cases were supposed to 
come in the first place as their last hope. It was meant to show the utter 
superiority of Maharishi Ayurveda Done Right™ to the World. And...

 They died. Virtually all of them died.

 End of story.

 Maharishi told the Movement to just "walk away" from such a place of death and 
they did.


 The place is now just ruins.

---In,  wrote :

 I have never heard this story of the failure of TM ayurveda - got any details?
 On Sat, 4/26/14, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@...> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised
 Date: Saturday, April 26, 2014, 5:15 PM
 I don't speak any Indian language, but none of
 the English reports I have seen (including the links below)
 say that Girish has that kind of wealth, only that he is
 part of a 12-member committee that has control of that
 wealth (12,000 acres).
 And of course, if you actually look
 at the figures, the estimates of how much the land is worth
 is obviously exaggerated: the largest single item is the old
 Maharishi Ayurveda complex which now lies in utter
 In its
 hey-day, it was meant to be The Raj on a grand scale: a
 complex of hospitals and hostels with 3200 5-star hotel
 rooms meant to provide an absolutely nourishing environment
 for those unfortunate people who were deemed
 "terminal" by Western medicine but could be saved
 due to the miraculous superiority of Ayurvedic
 When the
 masses of terminally ill patients did what Western treatment
 said would happened, and died by the thousands, Maharishi
 told the TM movement to "walk away" from the halls
 of death (or words to that effect) and the complex fell into
 complete ruin.
 ain't worth $1.5 billion and there's no way it will
 ever be because it wasn't built as a 5-star *resort* but
 as a 5-star *hospital* and there's no way 3200 tourists
 at-a-time are going to want to pay 5-star prices to say in
 that particular region for any length of time. Without the
 promised miracle cures of Ayurveda, it is a completely
 worthless venture.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-26 Thread Michael Jackson
I have never heard this story of the failure of TM ayurveda - got any details?

On Sat, 4/26/14,  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised
 Date: Saturday, April 26, 2014, 5:15 PM
   I don't speak any Indian language, but none of
 the English reports I have seen (including the links below)
 say that Girish has that kind of wealth, only that he is
 part of a 12-member committee that has control of that
 wealth (12,000 acres).
 And of course, if you actually look
 at the figures, the estimates of how much the land is worth
 is obviously exaggerated: the largest single item is the old
 Maharishi Ayurveda complex which now lies in utter
 In its
 hey-day, it was meant to be The Raj on a grand scale: a
 complex of hospitals and hostels with 3200 5-star hotel
 rooms meant to provide an absolutely nourishing environment
 for those unfortunate people who were deemed
 "terminal" by Western medicine but could be saved
 due to the miraculous superiority of Ayurvedic
 When the
 masses of terminally ill patients did what Western treatment
 said would happened, and died by the thousands, Maharishi
 told the TM movement to "walk away" from the halls
 of death (or words to that effect) and the complex fell into
 complete ruin.
 ain't worth $1.5 billion and there's no way it will
 ever be because it wasn't built as a 5-star *resort* but
 as a 5-star *hospital* and there's no way 3200 tourists
 at-a-time are going to want to pay 5-star prices to say in
 that particular region for any length of time. Without the
 promised miracle cures of Ayurveda, it is a completely
 worthless venture.
  wrote :
 through billions at the guy but only 8% of His assets. He
 is after all family and he deserved a chance. It was a
 personal Yagya from His side. Everything else went to the
 Brahmananda Saraswathi Trust.
  wrote :
 according to some publication and report Girish Chandra
 Varma(GCV) owns
 himself  only 7000 crore worth of property. (7000 crore
 rupees or 1.5
 Billion US )... records?
 ---In,  wrote
 the way, why does everyone say that GIrish Varma is a
 billionaire? Has anyone seen his bank accounts or tax
 wait for result of land grab charges and
 BTW people who loves MMY 
 are trying to distance themselves from him for yearsyou
 seems to be quite out of touch Lord L.
 ---In,  wrote
 *you* have said doesn't make any sense at all.  
  wrote :
 is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he
 would have to resort to threats to have sex.
 ---In,  wrote
 anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are
 hostile to Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation
 of rape is interesting because the behavior allegedly lasted
 for about 15 years, and involved the wife of his assistant
 being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that
 Varma would be able to access the room of the husband and
 wife whenever he wanted while the husband was doing errands
 for Varma.
 According to the
 wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period
 of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her
 mouth shut on the threat that her husband and she would lose
 their jobs if she said anything. The husband says that he
 knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so ago
 when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she
 confessed the arrangement to him and they went to the
 This is India
 we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the
 scenario is within that culture.
 #yiv3396094494 #yiv3396094494 --
   #yiv3396094494ygrp-mkp {
 border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px
 0;padding:0 10px;}
 #yiv3396094494 #yiv3396094494ygrp-mkp hr {
 border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}
 #yiv3396094494 #yiv3396094494ygrp-mkp #yiv3396094494hd {
 #yiv3396094494 #yiv3396094494ygrp-mkp #yiv3396094494ads {

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-26 Thread LEnglish5
I don't speak any Indian language, but none of the English reports I have seen 
(including the links below) say that Girish has that kind of wealth, only that 
he is part of a 12-member committee that has control of that wealth (12,000 

 And of course, if you actually look at the figures, the estimates of how much 
the land is worth is obviously exaggerated: the largest single item is the old 
Maharishi Ayurveda complex which now lies in utter disrepair. 

 In its hey-day, it was meant to be The Raj on a grand scale: a complex of 
hospitals and hostels with 3200 5-star hotel rooms meant to provide an 
absolutely nourishing environment for those unfortunate people who were deemed 
"terminal" by Western medicine but could be saved due to the miraculous 
superiority of Ayurvedic treatments.

 When the masses of terminally ill patients did what Western treatment said 
would happened, and died by the thousands, Maharishi told the TM movement to 
"walk away" from the halls of death (or words to that effect) and the complex 
fell into complete ruin.

 It ain't worth $1.5 billion and there's no way it will ever be because it 
wasn't built as a 5-star *resort* but as a 5-star *hospital* and there's no way 
3200 tourists at-a-time are going to want to pay 5-star prices to say in that 
particular region for any length of time. Without the promised miracle cures of 
Ayurveda, it is a completely worthless venture.


---In,  wrote :

 Maharishi through billions at the guy but only 8% of His assets. He is after 
all family and he deserved a chance. It was a personal Yagya from His side. 
Everything else went to the Brahmananda Saraswathi Trust.

---In,  wrote :

 ... according to some publication and report Girish Chandra Varma(GCV) owns 
himself  only 7000 crore worth of property. (7000 crore rupees or 1.5 Billion 
US )... records?


---In,  wrote :

 By the way, why does everyone say that GIrish Varma is a billionaire? Has 
anyone seen his bank accounts or tax records?

just wait for result of land grab charges and investigation
BTW people who loves MMY  are trying to distance themselves from him for 
yearsyou seems to be quite out of touch Lord L.

---In,  wrote :

 What *you* have said doesn't make any sense at all.  

---In,  wrote :

 Girish is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he would have to 
resort to threats to have sex.

---In,  wrote :

 Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma. 

 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period 
of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

 This is India we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the 
scenario is within that culture.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-25 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Om, a few Rupees here and a few Rupees there and pretty soon we're talking real 
 By the way, why does everyone say that GIrish Varma is a billionaire? Has 
anyone seen his bank accounts or tax records? -L

 1,5 Billion US?   That is only 8 percent?

 Maharishi [threw] billions at the guy but only 8% of His assets. He is after 
all family and he deserved a chance. It was a personal Yagya from His side. 
Everything else went to the Brahmananda Saraswati Trust.

 Dateline, Merudanda on the scene offers:

 ... according to some publication and report Girish Chandra Varma(GCV) owns 
himself  only 7000 crore worth of property. (7000 crore rupees or 1.5 Billion 
US )... records?

 LEnglish5 writes:


 By the way, why does everyone say that GIrish Varma is a billionaire? Has 
anyone seen his bank accounts or tax records? 

just wait for result of land grab charges and investigation
BTW people who loves MMY  are trying to distance themselves from him [ GCV ] 
for yearsyou seems to be quite out of touch Lord L.

---In,  wrote :

 What *you* have said doesn't make any sense at all.  

---In,  wrote :

 Girish is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he would have to 
resort to threats to have sex.

---In,  wrote :

 Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma. 

 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period 
of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

 This is India we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the 
scenario is within that culture.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised

2014-04-25 Thread nablusoss1008

 Maharishi through billions at the guy but only 8% of His assets. He is after 
all family and he deserved a chance. It was a personal Yagya from His side. 
Everything else went to the Brahmananda Saraswathi Trust.

---In,  wrote :

 ... according to some publication and report Girish Chandra Varma(GCV) owns 
himself  only 7000 crore worth of property. (7000 crore rupees or 1.5 Billion 
US )... records?


---In,  wrote :

 By the way, why does everyone say that GIrish Varma is a billionaire? Has 
anyone seen his bank accounts or tax records?

just wait for result of land grab charges and investigation
BTW people who loves MMY  are trying to distance themselves from him for 
yearsyou seems to be quite out of touch Lord L.

---In,  wrote :

 What *you* have said doesn't make any sense at all.  

---In,  wrote :

 Girish is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he would have to 
resort to threats to have sex.

---In,  wrote :

 Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma. 

 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period 
of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

 This is India we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the 
scenario is within that culture.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"

2014-04-25 Thread merudanda
... according to some publication and report Girish Chandra Varma(GCV) owns 
himself  only 7000 crore worth of property. (7000 crore rupees or 1.5 Billion 
US )... records?


---In,  wrote :

 By the way, why does everyone say that GIrish Varma is a billionaire? Has 
anyone seen his bank accounts or tax records?

just wait for result of land grab charges and investigation
BTW people who loves MMY  are trying to distance themselves from him for 
yearsyou seems to be quite out of touch Lord L.

---In,  wrote :

 What *you* have said doesn't make any sense at all.  

---In,  wrote :

 Girish is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he would have to 
resort to threats to have sex.

---In,  wrote :

 Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma. 

 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period 
of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

 This is India we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the 
scenario is within that culture.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread LEnglish5

 By the way, why does everyone say that GIrish Varma is a billionaire? Has 
anyone seen his bank accounts or tax records?


---In,  wrote :

 What *you* have said doesn't make any sense at all.  

---In,  wrote :

 Girish is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he would have to 
resort to threats to have sex.

---In,  wrote :

 Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma. 

 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period 
of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

 This is India we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the 
scenario is within that culture.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread nablusoss1008

  "But, so far, it looks there are no convictions in the Satya Sai Baba case. 
Was he ever charged with a crime? Go figure."

 Of course not, the allegations are constructions by bored atheists who don't 
have anything better to do. 

---In,  wrote :

 On 4/23/2014 2:47 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

 Of the many documentaries and newspaper articles about Sai Baba's laughable 
"materialisations" and alleged child abuse, some were from the BBC and Channel 
4 others from Canada and within India. > 
 The Wikipedia entry covers the documentary and I'm not disputing the magic 
tricks - according to Barry, Rama used to do this all the time. But, so far, it 
looks there are no convictions in the Satya Sai Baba case. Was he ever charged 
with a crime? Go figure. 

 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/23/2014 2:47 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
Of the many documentaries and newspaper articles about Sai Baba's 
laughable "materialisations" and alleged child abuse, some were from 
the BBC and Channel 4 others from Canada and within India.

The Wikipedia entry covers the documentary and I'm not disputing the 
magic tricks - according to Barry, Rama used to do this all the time. 
But, so far, it looks there are no convictions in the Satya Sai Baba 
case. Was he ever charged with a crime? Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread Michael Jackson
I don't think its love - its sycophantic insanity and desire to associate with 
god in the flesh, which that faker was not - but just think about it - if 
someone were to be really well trained in magic tricks and went to India to 
fake being a God man, god almighty they could clean up!

On Wed, 4/23/14, salyavin808  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be 
 Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 7:47 PM
 Of the many
 documentaries and newspaper articles about Sai Baba's
 laughable "materialisations" and alleged child
 abuse, some were from the BBC and Channel 4 others from
 Canada and within India.
 Of the many
 documentaries and newspaper articles about Sai Baba's
 laughable "materialisations" and alleged child
 abuse, some were from the BBC and Channel 4 others from
 Canada and within India.
 The Channel
 4 documentary about Baba was priceless. He was performing
 the worst conjuring tricks I have ever
 This is the
 best example I can find on youtube
 The most
 interesting thing is how the devotees are completely fooled
 by it! Love is indeed blind.  
  wrote :
 Anyone could make
 a "well-documented" evidence. Cook up a
 manuscript, pay a dozen poor Hindu-boys a few rupies to read
 it in front of a camera and, viola ! That's what the
 britishers did to use in their smear-campaign against Sai
 Baba. At least I believe they were britishers due to the
 plumpness of their efforts. It had the "SUN"
 written all over it.
 wrote :
 4/23/2014 8:26 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
  > Just as Satya Sai
 Baba, whose exploits as a serial child molester 
 > couldn't have *been* more well-documented, escaped
 any kind of 
 > prosecution during his (sorry) life. 
 Maybe you could post the
 "well-documented" evidence for us to read, 
 because I didn't find much convincing evidence here. Has
 he ever been 
 convicted of a crime? I'm not trying to defend Sai Baba,
 but your claims 
 are suspect to say the least. Go figure.
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast!
 Antivirus protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread salyavin808

 Of the many documentaries and newspaper articles about Sai Baba's laughable 
"materialisations" and alleged child abuse, some were from the BBC and Channel 
4 others from Canada and within India.

 Of the many documentaries and newspaper articles about Sai Baba's laughable 
"materialisations" and alleged child abuse, some were from the BBC and Channel 
4 others from Canada and within India.


 The Channel 4 documentary about Baba was priceless. He was performing the 
worst conjuring tricks I have ever seen. 

 This is the best example I can find on youtube

 The most interesting thing is how the devotees are completely fooled by it! 
Love is indeed blind.



---In,  wrote :

 Anyone could make a "well-documented" evidence. Cook up a manuscript, pay a 
dozen poor Hindu-boys a few rupies to read it in front of a camera and, viola ! 
That's what the britishers did to use in their smear-campaign against Sai Baba. 
At least I believe they were britishers due to the plumpness of their efforts. 
It had the "SUN" written all over it.

---In,  wrote :

 On 4/23/2014 8:26 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
 > Just as Satya Sai Baba, whose exploits as a serial child molester 
 > couldn't have *been* more well-documented, escaped any kind of 
 > prosecution during his (sorry) life. 
 Maybe you could post the "well-documented" evidence for us to read, 
 because I didn't find much convincing evidence here. Has he ever been 
 convicted of a crime? I'm not trying to defend Sai Baba, but your claims 
 are suspect to say the least. Go figure.
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread nablusoss1008
Anyone could make a "well-documented" evidence. Cook up a manuscript, pay a 
dozen poor Hindu-boys a few rupies to read it in front of a camera and, viola ! 
That's what the britishers did to use in their smear-campaign against Sai Baba. 
At least I believe they were britishers due to the plumpness of their efforts. 
It had the "SUN" written all over it.

---In,  wrote :

 On 4/23/2014 8:26 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
 > Just as Satya Sai Baba, whose exploits as a serial child molester 
 > couldn't have *been* more well-documented, escaped any kind of 
 > prosecution during his (sorry) life. 
 Maybe you could post the "well-documented" evidence for us to read, 
 because I didn't find much convincing evidence here. Has he ever been 
 convicted of a crime? I'm not trying to defend Sai Baba, but your claims 
 are suspect to say the least. Go figure.
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/23/2014 8:26 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
> Just as Satya Sai Baba, whose exploits as a serial child molester 
> couldn't have *been* more well-documented, escaped any kind of 
> prosecution during his (sorry) life. 
Maybe you could post the "well-documented" evidence for us to read, 
because I didn't find much convincing evidence here. Has he ever been 
convicted of a crime? I'm not trying to defend Sai Baba, but your claims 
are suspect to say the least. Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread emilymaenot
What *you* have said doesn't make any sense at all.  

---In,  wrote :

 Girish is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he would have to 
resort to threats to have sex.

---In,  wrote :

 Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma. 

 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period 
of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

 This is India we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the 
scenario is within that culture.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: TurquoiseBee 

To: ""  
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

From: "" 

Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 8:57 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma.
According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period of 
15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

Just as a followup, Lawson, if you feel like it, I'd love to know what you 
meant by "interesting" in your second sentence above. 

Is it not rape if it took place over a period of 15 years? Is it not rape if 
she obviously consented, if only as the result of coercion and threats that she 
and her husband would lose their jobs?

Having seen the incredibly destructive results of such goings-on in many 
spiritual organizations over the years, I've become pretty hard core about the 
issue. I see almost ANY sexual relations between a spiritual teacher who holds 
a position of authority over one of his or her own students and that student as 
a form of rape. 

Coercion is *implied* in such a situation. The teacher holds a position of 
power over the student. If the student feels strongly about the study she or he 
has engaged in, and the teacher has the power to remove them from that study, 
they're being coerced to say "Yes" to whatever the teacher asks of them, just 
to stay in the group. Throw into the mix the fact that many students in 
spiritual organizations have been conditioned to believe that the teacher 
basically can do no wrong because he or she is "in tune with the laws of 
nature" or "enlightened." To such a person, saying "No" is not an option 
because they've been taught that to utter that syllable when their teacher asks 
something of them is adharmic, and thus something they can't even conceive of 

Add to this the fact that the slimeball in question has had the audacity to 
refer to himself as *Brahmacharya* Girish Varma for all of the 15 years he's 
been banging his student/employee's wife, and IMO you definitely have rape. 

In India, however, where judges can be bought for less than the price of a new 
car and many of them don't even have to be bought because they're disciples of 
the spiritual teacher being accused of something, justice rarely prevails. 
Girish will probably go scot-free. Just as Satya Sai Baba, whose exploits as a 
serial child molester couldn't have *been* more well-documented, escaped any 
kind of prosecution during his (sorry) life. 

Shit happens. But one of the reasons it *continues* to happen is that the other 
students, who in many cases have seen this happening with their fellow 
students, pretend not to see it in order to preserve their unwarranted view of 
the "holiness" of their spiritual teacher. It's very much the same mindset that 
allowed Catholic priests to molest children and adults for centuries without 
doing anything about it. The problem with India seems to be that this cult 
mindset extends to include many of the most powerful people in law and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread authfriend
Oh, for crying out loud, Michael. This is just as extreme, and just as 
laughably unrealistic, as the effusions of the blissninniest TM TB. 



---In,  wrote :

 Nope this WAS the plan all along - to use the idea of enlightenment and 
whatever else would sell to get rich, be held up as a god and get laid as often 
as possible 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread Michael Jackson
Nope this WAS the plan all along - to use the idea of enlightenment and 
whatever else would sell to get rich, be held up as a god and get laid as often 
as possible - Girish is just following in his uncle's footsteps. As usual the 
reality of what the TM leaders produces is very different than what they 
blabber about and sell to the willing to believe crowd who themselves keep 
getting weirder and weirder - things like believing that MArshy was the 
incarnation of Shiva and even our very of FFL'ers Buck, NAbby and a couple 
others claiming the Ukraine and surrounding areas situation was created by 
Marshy's plan and all the purusha and yogic flyers. You might note that none of 
them responded to my last post on the latest news of Jews being ordered to 
register, murders and so forth - they can't stand to look at what is supposed 
to be the "accomplishments" of the TMO in the light of day cause it is mighty 
ugly when you see it without blinders on. Not that the
 Ukraine situation actually WAS in any way caused by purusha (at least I hope 
not). Just more of their need to create fantasy about what TM will do. 

On Wed, 4/23/14, salyavin808  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?
 Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 11:43 AM
 It's you who are puzzled as to why someone
 with a lot of money might need to resort to threats. The
 question marks are a way of saying 'what about power or
 control' as personality traits or needs someone might
 use as justification for abuse.
 And nowhere do I try and mix any accusations,
 it's YOU who told us he was a
 But you're right that no one has any idea
 about this case. Other than it's the Age of
 Enlightenment and just
 maybe this wasn't in the glorious
  wrote :
 posted several question marks meaning you have no more clue
 to this case than anyone else. And you're making an
 effort to make a mess of this case by mixing where
 the money came from and an accusation of rape. Most people
 won't see this as a relevant connection.
  wrote :
  wrote :
 is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he
 would have to resort to threats to have sex.
 And why are you so sanguine
 about the fact he's a billionaire anyway, any money
 he's got came from yagya's and teaching fees. If
 most people in the TMO knew their donations went on
 air-conditioned Mercedes do you think they'd be happy
 about any of this? 
 But it doesn't get past
 the editors of Global Good News so they have no
 wrote :
 anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are
 hostile to Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation
 of rape is interesting because the behavior allegedly lasted
 for about 15 years, and involved the wife of his assistant
 being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that
 Varma would be able to access the room of the husband and
 wife whenever he wanted while the husband was doing errands
 for Varma.
 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have
 sex with her over a period of 15 years whenever her husband
 went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the threat that
 her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said
 anything. The husband says that he knew nothing of the
 arrangement until about a year or so ago when he was fired,
 and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the
 arrangement to him and they went to the police.
 This is India we are talking about,  so I
 nave no idea how plausible the scenario is within that

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread Michael Jackson
only people who want to ignore the reality and facts about TM and the people 
who have gotten rich selling it to the masses

On Wed, 4/23/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?
 Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 11:05 AM
 You posted several
 question marks meaning you have no more clue to this case
 than anyone else. And you're making an effort to
 make a mess of this case by mixing where the money came
 from and an accusation of rape. Most people won't see
 this as a relevant connection.
  wrote :
  wrote :
 is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he
 would have to resort to threats to have sex.
 And why are
 you so sanguine about the fact he's a billionaire
 anyway, any money he's got came from yagya's and
 teaching fees. If most people in the TMO knew their
 donations went on air-conditioned Mercedes do you think
 they'd be happy about any of
 But it
 doesn't get past the editors of Global Good News so they
 have no idea.
 wrote :
 anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are
 hostile to Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation
 of rape is interesting because the behavior allegedly lasted
 for about 15 years, and involved the wife of his assistant
 being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that
 Varma would be able to access the room of the husband and
 wife whenever he wanted while the husband was doing errands
 for Varma.
 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have
 sex with her over a period of 15 years whenever her husband
 went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the threat that
 her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said
 anything. The husband says that he knew nothing of the
 arrangement until about a year or so ago when he was fired,
 and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the
 arrangement to him and they went to the police.
 This is India we are talking about,  so I
 nave no idea how plausible the scenario is within that

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread Michael Jackson
Nex time Maha King Tony comes to see y'all in the Domes axe him and see what he 

On Wed, 4/23/14,  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?
 Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 4:03 AM
  BJP administration?
 was he [ Girish Varma ] convicted on the charges or not?
  Has he had a trial on the charges?  Had to
 forfeit the $800K bail, or not?  Who got the money
 back, if anyone?  What do you know?  So, what is
 our relationship with this Girish Varma, the Maharishi
 Schools in India and the pundit program now and the
  Got any links to journalism, articles that would
 clarify his state?  Does he represent TM still?
  He is still the Indian "partner" of the
 larger TM movement?  A trustee?  Just
 wondering,-Buck, an old and practitioner Western TM meditator in
 Fairfield, Iowa.
 srijau@ymail.comwrites:Honorable Ex-Minister of Higher
 Education, Shri
 Mukesh Nayak Ji (Congress)praises His Holiness Maharishi
 Mahesh Yogi Ji for
 spreading Vedic Knowledge world-wide. He assures
 Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji has all capabilities to take
 Vedic knowledge & programmes to everyone in the world.
 He said
 Brahmachari Girish Ji is a true representative of Maharishi
 Mahesh Yogi
 Ji. Brahmachari Girish Ji had an unique Guru-Shishya
 relationship with
 His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji which is incomparable
 and to be
 Girish Ji!
 now just wait for BJP administation!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread authfriend
For once I completely agree with Barry: the guy is positively icky. 

 But then, that's what I thought about Fred Lenz too. (Maybe even ickier given 
that he was better looking.)



 Run away! Run away!


When it comes to Girish Varma, IMO anyone who couldn't just look at photos of 
him and see what a slimeball he was, even before this happened, is more than a 
little light in the loafers, discrimination-wise. The guy is positively icky. 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread salyavin808


 It's you who are puzzled as to why someone with a lot of money might need to 
resort to threats. The question marks are a way of saying 'what about power or 
control' as personality traits or needs someone might use as justification for 

 And nowhere do I try and mix any accusations, it's YOU who told us he was a 

 But you're right that no one has any idea about this case. Other than it's the 
Age of Enlightenment and just maybe this wasn't in the glorious plan?


---In,  wrote :

 You posted several question marks meaning you have no more clue to this case 
than anyone else. And you're making an effort to make a mess of this case by 
mixing where the money came from and an accusation of rape. Most people won't 
see this as a relevant connection.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Girish is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he would have to 
resort to threats to have sex.


 Power? Control? 

 And why are you so sanguine about the fact he's a billionaire anyway, any 
money he's got came from yagya's and teaching fees. If most people in the TMO 
knew their donations went on air-conditioned Mercedes do you think they'd be 
happy about any of this? 

 But it doesn't get past the editors of Global Good News so they have no idea.

---In,  wrote :

 Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma. 

 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period 
of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

 This is India we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the 
scenario is within that culture.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread nablusoss1008

 You posted several question marks meaning you have no more clue to this case 
than anyone else. And you're making an effort to make a mess of this case by 
mixing where the money came from and an accusation of rape. Most people won't 
see this as a relevant connection.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Girish is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he would have to 
resort to threats to have sex.


 Power? Control? 

 And why are you so sanguine about the fact he's a billionaire anyway, any 
money he's got came from yagya's and teaching fees. If most people in the TMO 
knew their donations went on air-conditioned Mercedes do you think they'd be 
happy about any of this? 

 But it doesn't get past the editors of Global Good News so they have no idea.

---In,  wrote :

 Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma. 

 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period 
of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

 This is India we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the 
scenario is within that culture.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Girish is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he would have to 
resort to threats to have sex.


 Power? Control? 

 And why are you so sanguine about the fact he's a billionaire anyway, any 
money he's got came from yagya's and teaching fees. If most people in the TMO 
knew their donations went on air-conditioned Mercedes do you think they'd be 
happy about any of this? 

 But it doesn't get past the editors of Global Good News so they have no idea.

---In,  wrote :

 Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma. 

 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period 
of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

 This is India we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the 
scenario is within that culture.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread nablusoss1008

 Girish is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he would have to 
resort to threats to have sex.

---In,  wrote :

 Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma. 

 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period 
of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

 This is India we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the 
scenario is within that culture.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-23 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: "" 

Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 8:57 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma.
According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period of 
15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

This is India we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the 
scenario is within that culture.

I don't think that this scenario is in any way culture-dependent (meaning 
related to the country it takes place in). It's culture-dependent in terms of 
spiritual group culture in which there is a teacher or leader in charge of the 
organization whose word is perceived as law, if not the word of God. 

I've heard of and seen this scenario acted out in *dozens* of spiritual groups. 
The teacher (usually male) seduces the wife of a guy who is *also* his devotee, 
and conducts a clandestine affair with her. It's as if the teachers who do this 
get as much pleasure from deceiving the guy as they do from screwing the gal. 
In many cases, the teachers do this *openly*, making the husband accept it as a 
"test of faith." I've even heard of a couple of female teachers who did exactly 
the same thing, forcing the wives of the male students they were screwing to 
"accept it or leave." 

If I remember correctly, you've never spent any time on the *inside* of a 
cult-like group, Lawson. If you had, you'd know how common this is. And you'd 
also be closer to realizing that the teachers who run this number are 
slimeballs for whom no possible excuse can be made. It's an *abuse of trust* 
issue. They're taking advantage of people who have been indoctrinated to 
believe that they can do no wrong. IMO they should be tarred and feathered and 
run out of town on a rail. 

When it comes to Girish Varma, IMO anyone who couldn't just look at photos of 
him and see what a slimeball he was, even before this happened, is more than a 
little light in the loafers, discrimination-wise. The guy is positively icky. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-22 Thread LEnglish5
Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma. 

 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period 
of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

 This is India we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the 
scenario is within that culture.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"?

2014-04-22 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Guru-Shishya?  BJP administration?

 So was he [ Girish Varma ] convicted on the charges or not?  Has he had a 
trial on the charges?  Had to forfeit the $800K bail, or not?  Who got the 
money back, if anyone?  What do you know?  So, what is our relationship with 
this Girish Varma, the Maharishi Schools in India and the pundit program now 
and the  Got any links to journalism, articles that would clarify his 
state?  Does he represent TM still?  He is still the Indian "partner" of the 
larger TM movement?  A trustee?  Just wondering,
 -Buck, an old and practitioner Western TM meditator in Fairfield, Iowa.

 Honorable Ex-Minister of Higher Education, Shri Mukesh Nayak Ji 
(Congress)praises His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji for spreading Vedic 
Knowledge world-wide. He assures that Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji has all 
capabilities to take Maharishi's Vedic knowledge & programmes to everyone in 
the world. He said Brahmachari Girish Ji is a true representative of Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi Ji. Brahmachari Girish Ji had an unique Guru-Shishya relationship 
with His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji which is incomparable and to be 
 Jai Girish Ji!
now just wait for BJP administation!