[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-09 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 Curtis, I think you studied hypnotherapy?  Does it make you wonder if 
 Lenz did some sort of mass hypnosis? 

Sorry I missed this first time around Bhairitu.  The way I'm thinking about it 
is that he didn't have to DO anything. He had a group that was accustomed to 
going into a state where there was an erosion of the distinction between inner 
and outer perception.  Sitting together should be enough allow some of the 
qualities of hypnosis to emerge naturally. 

And this can be a very good thing.  It is key to the creative process where an 
artist see an outer sunset and draws it into his own mind for reproduction on 
his canvas.  He may experience time distortion as he sits there letting the 
qualities of the sunset he will paint be absorbed.  

I think the term mass hypnosis has a far fetched quality to it, but creating 
the conditions for hypnotic qualities to emerge is much more common.  Once they 
are in place anything you can imagine can be experienced as if it is a outside 
sensory perception. On the other hand I don't suspect any leader of this kind 
of spiritual group is completely innocent of knowing how to give his followers 
the biggest bang for their buck. 

As an aside, Milton Erickson's favorite way to induce the shift into this state 
was to bore the shit out of his clients!  Makes you think about those long 
hours waiting for Maharishi and then how wonderful the darshon felt when he 
finally showed up.  It might have all been a different experience if we all had 
smart phones back then and didn't just have to sit like zombies all that time!  
I even remember times being told to sit with eyes closed but not meditate.  WTF!

 There was this Sci-Fi series 
 called Stormfront was based on a series of books about a supernatural 
 investigator by a martial arts instructor.  In one episode a character 
 was doing shape shifting but winds up explaining to the protagonist that 
 his body didn't actually change shape but the technique he had made 
 somebody think he did.
 That said, my tantra teacher said he has floated and said I probably 
 would but haven't.  He didn't indicate there was any specific technique 
 involved but he just noticed something funny during meditation and 
 opened his eyes enough to see he was floating several feet off the ground.
 Probably like others I have dreams where I just step up into space and 
 sail along like surfing through air.  It seems ridiculously simple and 
 confuses the mind when you wake up as to why it just doesn't work that way.
 On 09/06/2012 10:46 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
  Thanks for weighing in Barry because this demonstrates what I was trying to 
  get at with Robin.  I was looking for the reasons he has for giving these 
  accounts credibility.
  Your reasons are transparent, you witnessed it. Even then you show some 
  restraint in evaluating what it all means and I believe that is appropriate 
  given the conditions under which you saw these things.  But the reasons for 
  your belief are present.  And you are not extending the claim very far 
  beyond your own experience.  I have always enjoyed this wrinkle in the 
  fabric of skepticism to have you say you saw this many times.  I am not 
  inclined to go any further than that you are reporting that you saw it.  I 
  can't verify if others did, or that they all saw the same thing, and I am 
  not inclined to immediately assume that this guy actually could break the 
  known laws of physics.
  It goes into my category of the relationship between perception and 
  conception in our sensory perception for me.  It is not a mechanical 
  process and as we learn more how our minds construct our reality out of the 
  jumble of choices available, it makes me less rather than more confident of 
  our ability to sort this kind of perception out.  Does this make me flawed 
  as a skeptic because I don't automatically take your word for what it 
  means?  No, in fact it aligns me with your own caution about its objective 
  People can see weird shit. Now the personal implications of how this would 
  affect a person is a different story.  This sounds like the potential for 
  some heavy cognitive dissonance and I don't envy your position...or maybe I 
  do!  Shit I would love to see someone floating above a desert.  But if I 
  had to bet, I would say that the chances of its objective reality might be 
  diminished a bit by the fact that this amazing thing didn't cause more of a 
  stir or was recorded somehow for outsiders to evaluate.  Like Maharishi the 
  guy seemed to like PR and this sure would have put him over the top if he 
  could do it for the cameras with magician's present.  My best guess is that 
  it has a connection to the darshon experiences I had with Maharishi.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-08 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Susan, I'd like to do what I forgot to do when first 
  replying, and thank you for the way in which you asked
  your questions. That is, curious and more than a little
  skeptical, but not hostile. That is rare, and why I don't
  talk about this stuff here very much, and why I won't
  talk about it again for a while after this post.
 You're welcome. And thanks for taking the time to answer 
 all the questions I had. 

Not a problem. You're always a pleasure to chat with, 
and I think I can even put words to WHY. You tend to
almost always come across as agenda neutral when you
post. The vibe I get is curiosity and a desire to explore
the world of ideas, in a kind of interactive way with
other people who feel the same.

 I have a now deceased friend who was with Rama, too, and 
 talked of these things. I have no doubt whatsoever that 
 you and he saw Rama do these miraculous things. But, like 
 you, my question is what does it mean?  

I'm not sure it means anything. It's just what was.

 I too do not equate the ability to do siddhis or miracles 
 with enlightenment. Rama did not call in the TV cameras 
 and perhaps the purpose was to just stretch the mindsets 
 of his viewers. 

I think that part of the issue was that he had no 
interest in convincing large numbers of people of
things; he was looking for a small number of students
with whom to work intimately and interactively. 

 Or maybe there was no purpose, he was just goofing and 
 having fun.

That is also a possibility. In his better moments, 
he was still the funniest, most spontaneously 
humorous person I've ever encountered on this rock,
faster on his feet in many ways than even Robin

 But the fundamental question is how do you integrate 
 seeing this with the seemingly concrete world around us, 
 the laws of physics, the need to have explanations for 
 events, and also the need to believe in something 
 greater and different than we have all around us. 

Well, I think a lot of your question depends on 
predilection. Speaking for myself, I feel no need
to come up with explanations for things that Just
Are. I also have no need to believe in something
greater. The World As It Is seems more than enough
to inspire my sense of wonder and awe.

 Glad you got to see Rama do this. I am at a point in 
 life where I think Enlightenment is possible, but that 
 it might only be a style of brain functioning where 
 you kill off the ego part (perhaps by slowing down the 
 whirlwind of interconnections and messages so that the 
 sense of self and doing and are undone) and are left 
 feeling calm, happy, and infinite. Not bad at all in 
 many ways, but not mystical.   

I can certainly groove behind this idea of enlightenment.

 But I am not sure that there is anything after the body 
 dies, only energy or consciousness.  

I have suspicions or intuitions that something continues
after physical death, but naturally I won't know that
for sure until after I kick the bucket. And if there is
nothing after death but the Big Black, I won't know it
even then because there won't be any I to know
diddleysquat. :-)

 This half-baked and evolving view could accept other 
 realities that coexist with ours, and still not 
 necessarily believe in God or life after death.  

Indeed. I do not believe in God, but certainly believe
in congruent and coexistent multiple realities.

 The whole thing is pretty amazing and as I have said 
 before, I really would love to be around for the 
 scientific progress of the next hundred years or so. 

I suspect many advances will be made, but I suspect
that the state of science when it comes to understanding
how the brain works or understanding how life works
will be no closer to how these things really work 100
years from now than they are now. They'll claim other-
wise, of course, just as scientists do today, but that
won't be true. 

  From my point of view, the important thing about my first
  post on this subject yesterday was the last sentence: 
  Lemme tell you, that is a great deal harder to live with 
  than those who think that witnessing levitation would be 
  a Good Thing That Would Make Their Incarnation might think.
  THAT is really the bottom line. THAT, if there was one,
  was the benefit of having witnessed extraordinary things.
  NOT the having done it, but the having to *live with*
  having done it. 
  What do you DO with having experienced something that
  you and everyone around you knows could not have 
  happened, if the world is really as it has been 
  described to us all our lives? 
  Do you talk about it? Do you try to convince others that
  it was real, and tell them what you think it meant?
  Good luck with that. :-) You CAN'T ever convince someone
  who hasn't seen or experienced something like this that
  it was real. 
 My brother and his wife and kids 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-08 Thread Richard J. Williams

 I really *DO* feel that I can get a good intuitive
 sense of the overall vibe or *intent* of a post
 from the first 10-20 words of it I see in Message

Actual photo of Fredrick Lenz levitating.

The odd thing is that, not a single person on the
entire internet has posted anything about seeing
Lenz levitate in front of large groups of students.

Go figure.

So, perception is Reality? Rama's levitation was
apparently just a parlor trick in order to get girls,
heck, I once saw a UFO and was abducted into a ship
and experienced time travel to a distant universe
and back again in a matter of minutes! No biggie.


 You simply can't go back to them weeks or months
 or years later and accurately recapture what went

So much more so when you try to remember events
that happened forty years ago when you were stoned
on LSD! LoL!

'Take Me For A Ride'
by Mark Laxer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-08 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

 Well, if you are so worried about your online 
 reputation, maybe you'd want to skip the 'ball 
 gag' jokes! Lol!

I am always confused when you bring this up because when you do a search on 
this term, you have to go back to Jan 09 for my last use of the term in a joke, 
with a few more in 08, but you have usee the term dozens of times ever since in 
a misguided shame campaign.  If you are trying to shame me for using it here 
your obvious obsession with the term isn't working.  If you think it never 
should have been mentioned in this polite society,why are you using it so often?

Are you trying to point out that the bluesguy sometimes uses risque humor? Is a 
little edgy? Is that really a newsflash?  Have you heard the songs I wrote and 
recorded?  Do you know what rock 'N Roll actually means?

I think it is time for you to give this one a rest Richard.  You have now 
exceeded my use of the term by a factor of 10.  And it isn't the most hateful 
term for people into that stuff.  For non apparatus people it seems a little 
funny and contrived, like Opera to non opera lovers.  But it isn't a term that 
should warrant years of bringing it up as if I cooked a pot full of puppies and 
brought it to my local church's potluck dinner.  (It's the cumin that makes it 

It isn't as bad as trying to make sure that a passing visual joke stays alive 
for years for no comedic purpose.  Do you want a personal apology for repeating 
an image used in one of my favorite movies, Pulp Fiction, whose script I 
sometimes quoted when I used the image as a joke?  Were you personally offended 
because you found out that for all these years your own pleasure was cut short 
because of your lack of knowing such a device existed?  Did my bringing it up 
get in your craw because it is a touchy subject for you somehow, having once 
been left with one on past your repeated use of the safe word? (In my defense 
it was a little hard to understand you with that thing in so I thought you were 
saying Please hit me with the Cat-O-nine harder because I have been a naughty 
naughty boy and my master needs to turn my bare bottom into a Jackson Pollock 
of pure pleasure.)

Or is this some kind of heavy handed guy joke thing where you punch my arm a 
little too hard in a joke and later I'll make sure the football hits your 
nuts when we throw the football around and we both think that is hilarious?

If it helps any, your constant repetition has killed any use of it as a comic 
device now.  Your overuse accompanied with your finger wagging spin has turned 
the term into the most boring image I could invoke.  You killed it Richard.  It 
is dead.  Diseased.  

'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This joke image is no more! He has ceased to 
be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e
 rests in peace! If you hadn't repeated it so often since I used it 'e'd be 
pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the 
twig! 'E's kicked the
 bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined 
the bleedin' choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX JOKE IMAGE!! 
(Thanks Monty)

So time to take off your Edwardian dress with the too tight corset and putting 
on your full head leather gimp mask and leopard print handcuffs, easing 
yourself into the swing in your makeshift dungeon that used to be your kid's 
playroom before they grew up and left home, and do whatever it is people do who 
are obsessed with this stuff.  For me the use of this joke served its purpose 
and died an undeserved death.  I would appreciate your not pulling it out of 
the grave and hitting it with the electro shock paddles every time you want to 
tweek my nose.

Get some new material Richard.  Apply yourself.  

   ...do you really think this particular post of 
   Ravi's was geared towards harming your online 
  Yes I do and I'll tell you why. This is the 
  second time he has accused me of making threats 
 Well, if you are so worried about your online 
 reputation, maybe you'd want to skip the 'ball 
 gag' jokes! Lol!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-08 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Well, if you are so worried about your online 
  reputation, maybe you'd want to skip the 'ball 
  gag' jokes! Lol!
 I am always confused when you bring this up because 
 when you do a search on this term, you have to go 
 back to Jan 09 for my last use of the term in a 

A ball gag joke on a spiritual forum that has a bunch
of ladies on it. LoL! It was a joke, Curtis. Get it?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-08 Thread awoelflebater
I have no trouble believing Lenz is levitating in this photo. What I can't 
believe is that there are really mountains that beautiful on this earth. Now 
that is a stretch in terms of credibility, a true wonder.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

  I really *DO* feel that I can get a good intuitive
  sense of the overall vibe or *intent* of a post
  from the first 10-20 words of it I see in Message
 Actual photo of Fredrick Lenz levitating.
 The odd thing is that, not a single person on the
 entire internet has posted anything about seeing
 Lenz levitate in front of large groups of students.
 Go figure.
 So, perception is Reality? Rama's levitation was
 apparently just a parlor trick in order to get girls,
 heck, I once saw a UFO and was abducted into a ship
 and experienced time travel to a distant universe
 and back again in a matter of minutes! No biggie.
  You simply can't go back to them weeks or months
  or years later and accurately recapture what went
 So much more so when you try to remember events
 that happened forty years ago when you were stoned
 on LSD! LoL!
 'Take Me For A Ride'
 by Mark Laxer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-08 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

   Well, if you are so worried about your online 
   reputation, maybe you'd want to skip the 'ball 
   gag' jokes! Lol!
  I am always confused when you bring this up because 
  when you do a search on this term, you have to go 
  back to Jan 09 for my last use of the term in a 
 A ball gag joke on a spiritual forum that has a bunch
 of ladies on it. LoL! It was a joke, Curtis. Get it?

Well Sir if y'all ahr implying that the fairer genda is unfamiliar with the 
activities between the gendas that only men know about and mustn't singe their 
pretty little ears with such unwholesome talk, then ah suggest that you stop 
repeat'n it so often.  Why I suspect that a few years time since the last time 
ah ill-advisedly used this bawdy term in mixed company would be enough for the 
ladies in the group to recover their composure and reapply their powders to 
hide the glow they developed when they heard the term which both repulses and 
attracts a lady with memories of when they had to submit to the wonton desires 
of their husbands when they did their duty to make babies so long ago.

To all the ladies here I have a little ditty designed to help them recover from 
their vapors:

Today is the day they give babies away with a half a pound of tea.
So if you know any ladies who want any babies, just send them around to me!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-08 Thread awoelflebater

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@ wrote:
Well, if you are so worried about your online 
reputation, maybe you'd want to skip the 'ball 
gag' jokes! Lol!
   I am always confused when you bring this up because 
   when you do a search on this term, you have to go 
   back to Jan 09 for my last use of the term in a 
  A ball gag joke on a spiritual forum that has a bunch
  of ladies on it. LoL! It was a joke, Curtis. Get it?
 Well Sir if y'all ahr implying that the fairer genda is unfamiliar with the 
 activities between the gendas that only men know about and mustn't singe 
 their pretty little ears with such unwholesome talk, then ah suggest that you 
 stop repeat'n it so often.  Why I suspect that a few years time since the 
 last time ah ill-advisedly used this bawdy term in mixed company would be 
 enough for the ladies in the group to recover their composure and reapply 
 their powders to hide the glow they developed when they heard the term which 
 both repulses and attracts a lady with memories of when they had to submit to 
 the wonton desires of their husbands when they did their duty to make babies 
 so long ago.
 To all the ladies here I have a little ditty designed to help them recover 
 from their vapors:
 Today is the day they give babies away with a half a pound of tea.
 So if you know any ladies who want any babies, just send them around to me!

There's nothing like the South.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-08 Thread Emily Reyn
Darlin', take two tent revivals and a dose of sausage gravy and call me in the 

 From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 8, 2012 8:39 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

   Well, if you are so worried about your online 
   reputation, maybe you'd want to skip the 'ball 
   gag' jokes! Lol!
  I am always confused when you bring this up because 
  when you do a search on this term, you have to go 
  back to Jan 09 for my last use of the term in a 
 A ball gag joke on a spiritual forum that has a bunch
 of ladies on it. LoL! It was a joke, Curtis. Get it?

Well Sir if y'all ahr implying that the fairer genda is unfamiliar with the 
activities between the gendas that only men know about and mustn't singe their 
pretty little ears with such unwholesome talk, then ah suggest that you stop 
repeat'n it so often.  Why I suspect that a few years time since the last time 
ah ill-advisedly used this bawdy term in mixed company would be enough for the 
ladies in the group to recover their composure and reapply their powders to 
hide the glow they developed when they heard the term which both repulses and 
attracts a lady with memories of when they had to submit to the wonton desires 
of their husbands when they did their duty to make babies so long ago.

To all the ladies here I have a little ditty designed to help them recover from 
their vapors:

Today is the day they give babies away with a half a pound of tea.
So if you know any ladies who want any babies, just send them around to me!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-07 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
 j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen 
  maskedzebra@ wrote:
  Proof that God heals amputees:

And this is a joke to make us think you're more credulous
than you are so you can accuse us of being too stupid to 
see the irony.

Or am I joking in assuming no-one else realised the irony
and want to call you stupid for thinking I'm not clever
enough to see what everyone could see instantly and considered
not worth commenting on.
   Q.E.D. = quod erat demonstrandum, it has been demonstrated
   (literally, which was to be demonstrated)
   In this case, salyavin, what is it that Robin is saying has
   been demonstrated?
   Careful, now. You might want to review what has gone before.
   Irony sometimes has more than one layer.
  Erm, you didn't have to take that seriously you know...
 OK, you didn't get beyond the top layer. Too bad. The
 next layer down is funnier.

I think you've gone and drifted off into a little superior
world of your own.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-07 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 wayback71@ wrote:
  Barry, when you saw Lenz levite
  1.  had you heard before that he did this sort of thing?
 No. Not the first time I saw him/it.

Susan, I'd like to do what I forgot to do when first 
replying, and thank you for the way in which you asked
your questions. That is, curious and more than a little
skeptical, but not hostile. That is rare, and why I don't
talk about this stuff here very much, and why I won't
talk about it again for a while after this post.

From my point of view, the important thing about my first
post on this subject yesterday was the last sentence: 
Lemme tell you, that is a great deal harder to live with 
than those who think that witnessing levitation would be 
a Good Thing That Would Make Their Incarnation might think.

THAT is really the bottom line. THAT, if there was one,
was the benefit of having witnessed extraordinary things.
NOT the having done it, but the having to *live with*
having done it. 

What do you DO with having experienced something that
you and everyone around you knows could not have 
happened, if the world is really as it has been 
described to us all our lives? 

Do you talk about it? Do you try to convince others that
it was real, and tell them what you think it meant?
Good luck with that. :-) You CAN'T ever convince someone
who hasn't seen or experienced something like this that
it was real. 

Some people actually are so freaked out by what they 
realize are the implications of having seen something
like this that they try to make the experience GO AWAY.
For example, I once took an ex-girlfriend, a die-hard
TMer who still is one to this day, to see Rama. I didn't
push it on her, because I knew what a stick-up-her-butt
TM TB she was, but she asked, so I brought her along to
a public talk. At one point during one of the meditations,
she, sitting right beside me, opened her eyes and looked
at Rama and said Oh my God! I opened my eyes and looked
at her and she was quivering, shaking. I looked up at 
Rama and sure enough, he was hovering about a foot above 
the sofa he had been sitting on. 

I whispered to her, What are you seeing? She said, He
is levitating. She stared at him for some minutes, 
clearly somewhat shaken by the experience, and then 
closed her eyes again and meditated. After the talk, I
asked her about it and she said, Yes, there is no 
question about it...he was levitating. Not bouncing,

Two days later I ran into her, and she denied ever having
said that, or ever having seen it. Some weeks later I 
heard through the gravevine that she now denied ever having
gone to see Rama in the first place, because that would
have been perceived as Off The Program.

THIS is the thing that people who think All we'd have
to do to get everyone to sign up to learn TM is to 
demonstrate real flying don't understand. They really
don't get the power of denial, and of clinging to what
they've been told about the world and how it works, even
*in the face of their own experience to the contrary*.

That is one of the things that appealed to me about the
Carlos Castaneda books. I discovered them *after* having
seen many of the extraordinary things he wrote about, in
the desert with Rama. What resonated with me, however,
is that Carlos was honest about what seeing these things
*put him through*. He was sitting there shaking in his
boots during many of these experiences, because they HAD
just rocked his world, and changed his perception of
that world in ways that -- if he was honest with himself
about having seen what he just saw -- he could never
go back to his previous way of seeing it. He had been
changed forever by the experience.

Many people don't WANT to be changed forever. They may
claim that they do, but that's a pile of crap. They want
enlightenment to be as it was described to them by MMY,
a slow and linear process, in which waking state is
followed by CC and then CC is followed by GC and all
of these transitions are easy and don't really rock
your world all that much.

That is not my experience of how such things often happen.
IMO, the different states of consciousness are not linear,
they are coexistent and congruent, ALL of them happening
to ALL of us at once, simultaneously. We just focus on
and get attached to one of them at a time, that's all.
I've bounced in and out of various of Maharishi's Seven
states of consciousness for years, and not one of them
was IMO any better than another, or all that different
from one another. It was more like turning the dial on
a TV and choosing to listen to and watch a different show,
that's all. And it was the SAME show, only totally 
different because you'd changed the subjective point
of view from which you were watching it. 

But now imagine having experiences of CC or GC or UC 
and trying to tell someone who has never experienced
them about them. Should they believe you? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-07 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 You are not interested in the argument that can be made against your judgment 
 on this issue of miracles, Curtis--and your way of making sure your judgment 
 remains as it is, is to insinuate a protocol of debate which actually does 
 not even exist inside of your mind. That anything could ever be said which 
 would substantiate these claims that certain Catholic Saints levitated, or 

Or any other spiritual phenomenon. Curtis is easily the most fanatically 
anti-spiritual soul who has ever graced this forum.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-07 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 wayback71@ wrote:
   Barry, when you saw Lenz levite
   1.  had you heard before that he did this sort of thing?
  No. Not the first time I saw him/it.
 Susan, I'd like to do what I forgot to do when first 
 replying, and thank you for the way in which you asked
 your questions. That is, curious and more than a little
 skeptical, but not hostile. That is rare, and why I don't
 talk about this stuff here very much, and why I won't
 talk about it again for a while after this post.
 From my point of view, the important thing about my first
 post on this subject yesterday was the last sentence: 
 Lemme tell you, that is a great deal harder to live with 
 than those who think that witnessing levitation would be 
 a Good Thing That Would Make Their Incarnation might think.
 THAT is really the bottom line. THAT, if there was one,
 was the benefit of having witnessed extraordinary things.
 NOT the having done it, but the having to *live with*
 having done it. 
 What do you DO with having experienced something that
 you and everyone around you knows could not have 
 happened, if the world is really as it has been 
 described to us all our lives? 
 Do you talk about it? Do you try to convince others that
 it was real, and tell them what you think it meant?
 Good luck with that. :-) You CAN'T ever convince someone
 who hasn't seen or experienced something like this that
 it was real. 
 Some people actually are so freaked out by what they 
 realize are the implications of having seen something
 like this that they try to make the experience GO AWAY.
 For example, I once took an ex-girlfriend, a die-hard
 TMer who still is one to this day, to see Rama. I didn't
 push it on her, because I knew what a stick-up-her-butt
 TM TB she was, but she asked, so I brought her along to
 a public talk. At one point during one of the meditations,
 she, sitting right beside me, opened her eyes and looked
 at Rama and said Oh my God! I opened my eyes and looked
 at her and she was quivering, shaking. I looked up at 
 Rama and sure enough, he was hovering about a foot above 
 the sofa he had been sitting on. 
 I whispered to her, What are you seeing? She said, He
 is levitating. She stared at him for some minutes, 
 clearly somewhat shaken by the experience, and then 
 closed her eyes again and meditated. After the talk, I
 asked her about it and she said, Yes, there is no 
 question about it...he was levitating. Not bouncing,
 Two days later I ran into her, and she denied ever having
 said that, or ever having seen it. Some weeks later I 
 heard through the gravevine that she now denied ever having
 gone to see Rama in the first place, because that would
 have been perceived as Off The Program.
 THIS is the thing that people who think All we'd have
 to do to get everyone to sign up to learn TM is to 
 demonstrate real flying don't understand. They really
 don't get the power of denial, and of clinging to what
 they've been told about the world and how it works, even
 *in the face of their own experience to the contrary*.
 That is one of the things that appealed to me about the
 Carlos Castaneda books. I discovered them *after* having
 seen many of the extraordinary things he wrote about, in
 the desert with Rama. What resonated with me, however,
 is that Carlos was honest about what seeing these things
 *put him through*. He was sitting there shaking in his
 boots during many of these experiences, because they HAD
 just rocked his world, and changed his perception of
 that world in ways that -- if he was honest with himself
 about having seen what he just saw -- he could never
 go back to his previous way of seeing it. He had been
 changed forever by the experience.
 Many people don't WANT to be changed forever. They may
 claim that they do, but that's a pile of crap. They want
 enlightenment to be as it was described to them by MMY,
 a slow and linear process, in which waking state is
 followed by CC and then CC is followed by GC and all
 of these transitions are easy and don't really rock
 your world all that much.
 That is not my experience of how such things often happen.
 IMO, the different states of consciousness are not linear,
 they are coexistent and congruent, ALL of them happening
 to ALL of us at once, simultaneously. We just focus on
 and get attached to one of them at a time, that's all.
 I've bounced in and out of various of Maharishi's Seven
 states of consciousness for years, and not one of them
 was IMO any better than another, or all that different
 from one another. It was more like turning the dial on
 a TV and choosing to listen to and watch a different show,
 that's all. And it was the SAME show, only totally 
 different because you'd changed the subjective point
 of view from 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 That's my reading of the situation.

No you don't get to claim this after both parties have refuted this 
interpretation.  What you are doing it trying to repeat an unsupported 
accusation meant to give a false damaging impression of my participation 

 Please take this needy, whiny, drama queenery elsewhere. You post as an  
 anonymous poster, no one knows your last name.

This is also untrue.  Through a quick search anyone can find both my real last 
name and my professional name from this board. And if you are in the DC area, 
there is only one guy named Curtis involved with Delta blues.  Of course as a 
computer professional yourself you know this, so this is all smoke screen for 
your bad online behavior. 

 I post as myself - my online
 reputation is being more harmed by you than the other way around.

You have chosen to represent yourself the way you have and must live with it.  
But you don't get hired the way I do, job by job.  So if your employer is happy 
with how you are online you are gunna be fine.  The slanderous lies you have 
chosen as your troll bait here are particularly damaging to me in my career.  I 
didn't realize what you were up to last time till it was too late.  This time I 
am defending myself upfront.

 I'm talking to Emily here, so to use Barry's phrases - Bzzt..back off.

This is dishonest, you were slandering me.  It is also hypocritical since you 
were butting into a post we were making to each other and both understood so 
you could interject your troll tourette's damaging phrase.  If you weren't 
butting into conversations I have been having with others, we would have no 
interaction here.

 Stop stalking me. Stop being such an attention vampire. You are not in my  
 list of interesting persons.

This is so revealing on so many levels I will leave it without commentary. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-07 Thread merudanda
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

  (I just got my magazine page from the 1930s of Santa with a cigarette
in his hand, it is my kind of Christmas cheer!)

Today the depiction of any character, particularly one that appeals to
children, as a smoker of any kind would be shocking and horrifying to
politically correct adults and traumatic to their overly-protected
children. But back in the Analog Age pipe smoking just seemed like a
nice, warm thing that friendly grandfatherly types like Santa do:

The oldest and most bizarre cigarette ad with Santa You've come across
seems one from 1919 for a long-gone brand, Murad Turkish Cigarettes. A
scary, sinister-looking Santa smokes one through a long holder and
claims that the grown-ups all wanted Murads for a present.

  Alan Hale, Sr. (the Skipper's dad) played a smoking Santa (also using a
cigarette holder) in a Chesterfield ad from 1947, offering lots more
smoking pleasure and A Hale and Hearty Good wish. Note the nice
Christmas cigarette cartons featuring Santa. for Lucky Strike, too

And jolly old Santa himself exhales that smooth, unfiltered smoke from a
Pall Mall without bothering with a cigarette holder, guarding against
throat-scratch, in a 1950 magazine ad.

Santa reading your post curtisdeltablues :

but hold on
hold on
there is a solution:

The buttonholes, the sizing, the facing, the characters
Printed in black on neckband and tail. The shape,
The label, the labor, the color, the shade. The shirt.
touches his neck
and smooths over his back.
It slides down his sides.
It even goes down below his belt—
down into his pants.
Lucky shirt.
  PS plead forgiveness for snipping
as always the better and blessed are left out... [:D]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  You are not interested in the argument that can be made against your 
  judgment on this issue of miracles, Curtis--and your way of making sure 
  your judgment remains as it is, is to insinuate a protocol of debate which 
  actually does not even exist inside of your mind. That anything could ever 
  be said which would substantiate these claims that certain Catholic Saints 
  levitated, or flew.
 Or any other spiritual phenomenon. Curtis is easily the most fanatically 
 anti-spiritual soul who has ever graced this forum.

Gee Nabby, thanks!  Let me return the favor that I have found you the most 
omnivorous believer of unfounded claims of anyone I have run into here.  Your 
bar for admission into your eclectic beliefs is so low that an aphid, finding 
your epistemological bar in the way of a delicious sap filled flower, would 
simply step OVER it without losing one step of momentum in the gate of his 
tiny, tiny legs.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-07 Thread merudanda

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  ..
so how about you do it-- wasn't stardust this reindeer cornflakes
--whatever it is that made the children who walk on air or what what
would happen if you would you support me- stronger self-explanatory and
you make a difference flat environment like this
Christmas Two

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

  (I just got my magazine page from the 1930s of Santa with a cigarette
in his hand, it is my kind of Christmas cheer!)

Today  the depiction of any character, particularly one that appeals to 
children, as a smoker of any kind would be shocking and horrifying to 
politically correct adults and traumatic to their overly-protected 
children. But back in the Analog Age pipe smoking just seemed like a 
nice, warm thing that friendly grandfatherly types like Santa do:

The  oldest and most bizarre cigarette ad with Santa You've come across 
seems one from 1919 for a long-gone brand, Murad Turkish Cigarettes. A 
scary, sinister-looking Santa smokes one through a long holder and 
claims that the grown-ups all wanted Murads for a present.

  Alan  Hale, Sr. (the Skipper's dad) played a smoking Santa (also using
a  cigarette holder) in a Chesterfield ad from 1947, offering lots more
smoking pleasure and A Hale and Hearty Good wish. Note the nice 
Christmas cigarette cartons featuring Santa. for Lucky Strike, too

And  jolly old Santa himself exhales that smooth, unfiltered smoke from
a  Pall Mall without bothering with a cigarette holder, guarding against
throat-scratch, in a 1950 magazine ad.

Santa reading your post curtisdeltablues :

but hold on
hold on
there is a solution:

The buttonholes, the sizing, the facing, the characters
Printed in black on neckband and tail. The shape,
The label, the labor, the color, the shade. The shirt.
touches his neck
and smooths over his back.
It slides down his sides.
It even goes down below his belt—
down into his pants.
Lucky shirt.
  PS plead forgiveness for snipping
as always the better and blessed are left out... [:D]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-07 Thread Share Long
Like what you say here Raunchy, especially about filing in anything is possible 
and remaining open to wonder.  Yay!

 From: raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2012 9:01 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 wayback71@ wrote:
   Barry, when you saw Lenz levite
   1.  had you heard before that he did this sort of thing?
  No. Not the first time I saw him/it.
 Susan, I'd like to do what I forgot to do when first 
 replying, and thank you for the way in which you asked
 your questions. That is, curious and more than a little
 skeptical, but not hostile. That is rare, and why I don't
 talk about this stuff here very much, and why I won't
 talk about it again for a while after this post.
 From my point of view, the important thing about my first
 post on this subject yesterday was the last sentence: 
 Lemme tell you, that is a great deal harder to live with 
 than those who think that witnessing levitation would be 
 a Good Thing That Would Make Their Incarnation might think.
 THAT is really the bottom line. THAT, if there was one,
 was the benefit of having witnessed extraordinary things.
 NOT the having done it, but the having to *live with*
 having done it. 
 What do you DO with having experienced something that
 you and everyone around you knows could not have 
 happened, if the world is really as it has been 
 described to us all our lives? 
 Do you talk about it? Do you try to convince others that
 it was real, and tell them what you think it meant?
 Good luck with that. :-) You CAN'T ever convince someone
 who hasn't seen or experienced something like this that
 it was real. 
 Some people actually are so freaked out by what they 
 realize are the implications of having seen something
 like this that they try to make the experience GO AWAY.
 For example, I once took an ex-girlfriend, a die-hard
 TMer who still is one to this day, to see Rama. I didn't
 push it on her, because I knew what a stick-up-her-butt
 TM TB she was, but she asked, so I brought her along to
 a public talk. At one point during one of the meditations,
 she, sitting right beside me, opened her eyes and looked
 at Rama and said Oh my God! I opened my eyes and looked
 at her and she was quivering, shaking. I looked up at 
 Rama and sure enough, he was hovering about a foot above 
 the sofa he had been sitting on. 
 I whispered to her, What are you seeing? She said, He
 is levitating. She stared at him for some minutes, 
 clearly somewhat shaken by the experience, and then 
 closed her eyes again and meditated. After the talk, I
 asked her about it and she said, Yes, there is no 
 question about it...he was levitating. Not bouncing,
 Two days later I ran into her, and she denied ever having
 said that, or ever having seen it. Some weeks later I 
 heard through the gravevine that she now denied ever having
 gone to see Rama in the first place, because that would
 have been perceived as Off The Program.
 THIS is the thing that people who think All we'd have
 to do to get everyone to sign up to learn TM is to 
 demonstrate real flying don't understand. They really
 don't get the power of denial, and of clinging to what
 they've been told about the world and how it works, even
 *in the face of their own experience to the contrary*.
 That is one of the things that appealed to me about the
 Carlos Castaneda books. I discovered them *after* having
 seen many of the extraordinary things he wrote about, in
 the desert with Rama. What resonated with me, however,
 is that Carlos was honest about what seeing these things
 *put him through*. He was sitting there shaking in his
 boots during many of these experiences, because they HAD
 just rocked his world, and changed his perception of
 that world in ways that -- if he was honest with himself
 about having seen what he just saw -- he could never
 go back to his previous way of seeing it. He had been
 changed forever by the experience.
 Many people don't WANT to be changed forever. They may
 claim that they do, but that's a pile of crap. They want
 enlightenment to be as it was described to them by MMY,
 a slow and linear process, in which waking state is
 followed by CC and then CC is followed by GC and all
 of these transitions are easy and don't really rock
 your world all that much.
 That is not my experience of how such things often happen.
 IMO, the different states of consciousness are not linear,
 they are coexistent and congruent, ALL of them happening
 to ALL of us at once, simultaneously. We just focus on
 and get attached to one of them at a time, that's all.
 I've bounced in and out of various of Maharishi's Seven

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:

  You are not interested in the argument that can be made against your
judgment on this issue of miracles, Curtis--and your way of making sure your
judgment remains as it is, is to insinuate a protocol of debate which actually
does not even exist inside of your mind. That anything could ever be said which
would substantiate these claims that certain Catholic Saints levitated, or flew.

 Or any other spiritual phenomenon. Curtis is easily the most fanatically
anti-spiritual soul who has ever graced this forum.

Gee Nabby, thanks! Let me return the favor that I have found you the most 
omnivorous believer of unfounded claims of anyone I have run into here. Your 
bar for admission into your eclectic beliefs is so low that an aphid, finding 
your epistemological bar in the way of a delicious sap filled flower, would 
simply step OVER it without losing one step of momentum in the gait of his 
tiny, tiny legs.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-07 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 wayback71@ wrote:
   Barry, when you saw Lenz levite
   1.  had you heard before that he did this sort of thing?
  No. Not the first time I saw him/it.
 Susan, I'd like to do what I forgot to do when first 
 replying, and thank you for the way in which you asked
 your questions. That is, curious and more than a little
 skeptical, but not hostile. That is rare, and why I don't
 talk about this stuff here very much, and why I won't
 talk about it again for a while after this post.

You're welcome. And thanks for taking the time to answer all the questions I 
had. I have a now deceased friend who was with Rama, too, and talked of these 
things.  I have no doubt whatsoever that you and he saw Rama do these 
miraculous things.  But, like you, my question is what does it mean?  I too do 
not equate the ability to do siddhis or miracles with enlightenment.   Rama did 
not call in the TV cameras and perhaps the purpose was to just stretch the 
mindsets of his viewers. Or maybe there was no purpose, he was just goofing and 
having fun.

But the fundamental question is how do you integrate seeing this with the 
seemingly concrete world around us, the laws of physics, the need to have 
explanations for events, and also the need to believe in something greater and 
different than we have all around us. Glad you got to see Rama do this.  I am 
at a point in life where I think Enlightenment is possible, but that it might 
only be a style of brain functioning here you kill off the ego part (perhaps 
by slowing down the whirlwind of interconnections and messages so that the 
sense of self and doing and are undone) and are left feeling calm, happy, and 
infinite.  No bad at all in many ways, but not mystical.   But I am not sure 
that there is anything after the body dies, only energy or consciousness.  This 
half-baked and evolving view could accept other realities that coexist with 
ours, and still not necessarily believe in  God or life after death.  The whole 
thing is pretty amazing and as I have said before, I really would love to be 
around for the scientific progress of the next hundred years or so. 
 From my point of view, the important thing about my first
 post on this subject yesterday was the last sentence: 
 Lemme tell you, that is a great deal harder to live with 
 than those who think that witnessing levitation would be 
 a Good Thing That Would Make Their Incarnation might think.
 THAT is really the bottom line. THAT, if there was one,
 was the benefit of having witnessed extraordinary things.
 NOT the having done it, but the having to *live with*
 having done it. 
 What do you DO with having experienced something that
 you and everyone around you knows could not have 
 happened, if the world is really as it has been 
 described to us all our lives? 
 Do you talk about it? Do you try to convince others that
 it was real, and tell them what you think it meant?
 Good luck with that. :-) You CAN'T ever convince someone
 who hasn't seen or experienced something like this that
 it was real. 

My brother and his wife and kids and several adult friends and many adult 
patrons saw something odd in Costa Rica years go-  a large round disc (just 
like your would think a UFO would look) hovering silently on a mountainside 
just about 50 yards from where they sat in a restaurant.  It stayed there for a 
good 10 minutes, then flew off at lightening speed, silently.  They never talk 
about it!! None of them  You can't explain it to others and so you file it 
 Some people actually are so freaked out by what they 
 realize are the implications of having seen something
 like this that they try to make the experience GO AWAY.
 For example, I once took an ex-girlfriend, a die-hard
 TMer who still is one to this day, to see Rama. I didn't
 push it on her, because I knew what a stick-up-her-butt
 TM TB she was, but she asked, so I brought her along to
 a public talk. At one point during one of the meditations,
 she, sitting right beside me, opened her eyes and looked
 at Rama and said Oh my God! I opened my eyes and looked
 at her and she was quivering, shaking. I looked up at 
 Rama and sure enough, he was hovering about a foot above 
 the sofa he had been sitting on. 
 I whispered to her, What are you seeing? She said, He
 is levitating. She stared at him for some minutes, 
 clearly somewhat shaken by the experience, and then 
 closed her eyes again and meditated. After the talk, I
 asked her about it and she said, Yes, there is no 
 question about it...he was levitating. Not bouncing,
 Two days later I ran into her, and she denied ever having
 said that, or ever having seen it. Some weeks later I 
 heard through the gravevine that she now denied ever having
 gone to see Rama in the first 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-07 Thread Richard J. Williams

  ...do you really think this particular post of 
  Ravi's was geared towards harming your online 
 Yes I do and I'll tell you why. This is the 
 second time he has accused me of making threats 

Well, if you are so worried about your online 
reputation, maybe you'd want to skip the 'ball 
gag' jokes! Lol!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:


It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
the invention of cinema.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
 It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
 the invention of cinema.

I am so glad that I didn't offer my wordy response before you nailed everything 
I could have said in just sixteen words!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
  the invention of cinema.
 I am so glad that I didn't offer my wordy response before you nailed 
 everything I could have said in just sixteen words!

Oh, I like your wordy responses. I'll give it five minutes
next time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
 It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
 the invention of cinema.

RESPONSE: No, they seem to have stopped because they stopped. God--or the 
supernatural grace which precipitated this miracles--said: Fuck it! I've had 
it. I'm going to change up the game.

And ever since then (just before our lifetime) there ain't no miracles (or if 
there are, they are not being done through the agency which determined the 
miracles in this article).

I think if cinema had been around in the 13th to 16th centuries in particular, 
the Holy Ghost might have permitted there to be a few miracles filmed. But 
maybe not. It might have destroyed the meritorious value of faith. Show me the 
nail marks, Jesus, baby--that is, if you really resurrected.

The veracity or purported veracity of an eyewitness account is of course a 
special field of investigation. But, even were I totally skeptical, I would, in 
going through all what is said in this article, find my skepticism 
significantly challenged.

I suspect that it what happened to you--when you began reading.

No, the present ontological context of the universe would make Saint Francis of 
Assisi probably an honest existentialist (of the atheistic variety).

No one will levitate or fly in my lifetime. This seems certain to me, because I 
sense zero miracle potential in the universe.

But when I read these accounts *it is a very different metaphysic* I encounter. 
A metaphysic which simply does not exist and therefore would seem never to have 

I think your reaction a normal and healthy one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 The veracity or purported veracity of an eyewitness account is of course a 
 special field of investigation. But, even were I totally skeptical, I would, 
 in going through all what is said in this article, find my skepticism 
 significantly challenged.

Come on Robin, the sources for these outlandish claims are not even given.  It 
doesn't rise to even the level of the proven to be unreliable eyewitness 
accounts.  This is at best hearsay through the distortion filter of many years 
and an obvious agenda to promote a cause.  This is the telephone game played 
through centuries.  You can't make any realistic distinction between these 
claims and sightings of aliens or bigfoot.

These are stories, told by people with a purpose to inspire others that their 
internal experience was extraordinary just as Maharishi did with his flying 
promises.  They may never have been meant to be taken literally, but if they 
were. there is no good reason to take these claims seriously.  Or if we do just 
accept any old claim we have to include all the nonsense people have claimed to 
have witnessed. 

Oh hell, I should have just left it to the 16 words I haven't helped this cause 
at all! 

But if you have a case to make that I have missed some good reason to take 
these claims seriously I would be happy to read it. Start with how you build 
credibility for an unknown source. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
  the invention of cinema.
 RESPONSE: No, they seem to have stopped because they stopped. God--or the 
 supernatural grace which precipitated this miracles--said: Fuck it! I've had 
 it. I'm going to change up the game.
 And ever since then (just before our lifetime) there ain't no miracles (or if 
 there are, they are not being done through the agency which determined the 
 miracles in this article).
 I think if cinema had been around in the 13th to 16th centuries in 
 particular, the Holy Ghost might have permitted there to be a few miracles 
 filmed. But maybe not. It might have destroyed the meritorious value of 
 faith. Show me the nail marks, Jesus, baby--that is, if you really 
 The veracity or purported veracity of an eyewitness account is of course a 
 special field of investigation. But, even were I totally skeptical, I would, 
 in going through all what is said in this article, find my skepticism 
 significantly challenged.
 I suspect that it what happened to you--when you began reading.
 No, the present ontological context of the universe would make Saint Francis 
 of Assisi probably an honest existentialist (of the atheistic variety).
 No one will levitate or fly in my lifetime. This seems certain to me, because 
 I sense zero miracle potential in the universe.
 But when I read these accounts *it is a very different metaphysic* I 
 encounter. A metaphysic which simply does not exist and therefore would seem 
 never to have existed.
 I think your reaction a normal and healthy one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread Robin Carlsen
Curtis, the fanaticism of your disbelief is more unyielding to reality--or any 
ontological contingencies--than the fanaticism of those Evangelical Christians 
who tried to make you Accept the Lord into you life. I don't quite understand 
it, but there is a ferocious intransigence there, almost as if you secretly 
believed in these accounts more than anyone could on FFL.

I am sorry, but you are the guy who if Santa Claus appeared at your fireplace 
on Christmas night--with his full compliment of reindeer--you would shout him 
out of your house, and even as you saw him flying away in the sky you would be 
cursing him (undoubtedly with some very barbed wit).

There is a terrible and tragic compulsion in you to simplify this business of 
what is real, Curtis. You will accuse me of failing to address your question, 
but the coercive intent of your dogmatic view of the matter of the mystery of 
Why there is something rather than nothing? just vacuums up all the space that 
I think should be there were your convictions originating in an innocent 

This is the problem between us, Curtis: It was an intellectual love fest in the 
beginning [Robin realizes he has totally lost Curtis at this point in his post: 
Curtis's FPOT is erupting in disgust]; but gradually it turned to intellectual 
estrangement of a very high order.
I dont want to go down that road again with you, Curtis; but know this: there 
is an argument to be made for the veracity of the phenomenon described in these 
accounts and it is dramatically more complex and multi-layered and interesting 
than your simple and outright--and nonempirical--denial.

Let's just be friends, Curtis. We are looking at the universe--and all the 
beings inside of it--from very different perspectives. Let us leave it at that. 
The writers, the witnesses, the Saints, in this article they are not fairly 
represented by an idea that makes of all this the equivalent of someone 
insisting the earth is really flat, or that my pet unicorn threw up in the sink 
this morning.

You have a reflex about this, Curtis. If in the end it is proven there is a God 
you will tell him he doesn't exist.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  The veracity or purported veracity of an eyewitness account is of course a 
  special field of investigation. But, even were I totally skeptical, I 
  would, in going through all what is said in this article, find my 
  skepticism significantly challenged.
 Come on Robin, the sources for these outlandish claims are not even given.  
 It doesn't rise to even the level of the proven to be unreliable eyewitness 
 accounts.  This is at best hearsay through the distortion filter of many 
 years and an obvious agenda to promote a cause.  This is the telephone game 
 played through centuries.  You can't make any realistic distinction between 
 these claims and sightings of aliens or bigfoot.
 These are stories, told by people with a purpose to inspire others that their 
 internal experience was extraordinary just as Maharishi did with his flying 
 promises.  They may never have been meant to be taken literally, but if they 
 were. there is no good reason to take these claims seriously.  Or if we do 
 just accept any old claim we have to include all the nonsense people have 
 claimed to have witnessed. 
 Oh hell, I should have just left it to the 16 words I haven't helped this 
 cause at all! 
 But if you have a case to make that I have missed some good reason to take 
 these claims seriously I would be happy to read it. Start with how you build 
 credibility for an unknown source. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
   It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
   the invention of cinema.
  RESPONSE: No, they seem to have stopped because they stopped. God--or the 
  supernatural grace which precipitated this miracles--said: Fuck it! I've 
  had it. I'm going to change up the game.
  And ever since then (just before our lifetime) there ain't no miracles (or 
  if there are, they are not being done through the agency which determined 
  the miracles in this article).
  I think if cinema had been around in the 13th to 16th centuries in 
  particular, the Holy Ghost might have permitted there to be a few miracles 
  filmed. But maybe not. It might have destroyed the meritorious value of 
  faith. Show me the nail marks, Jesus, baby--that is, if you really 
  The veracity or purported veracity of an eyewitness account is of course a 
  special field of investigation. But, even were I totally skeptical, I 
  would, in going through all 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:


Proof that God heals amputees:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
 Proof that God heals amputees:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
  the invention of cinema.
 RESPONSE: No, they seem to have stopped because they stopped. God--or the 
 supernatural grace which precipitated this miracles--said: Fuck it! I've had 
 it. I'm going to change up the game.
 And ever since then (just before our lifetime) there ain't no miracles (or if 
 there are, they are not being done through the agency which determined the 
 miracles in this article).
 I think if cinema had been around in the 13th to 16th centuries in 
 particular, the Holy Ghost might have permitted there to be a few miracles 
 filmed. But maybe not. It might have destroyed the meritorious value of 
 faith. Show me the nail marks, Jesus, baby--that is, if you really 

I think you've inadvertently hit the nail on the head (sorry) these
things are all about faith, specifically the church keeping its
flock enthralled by the supposed power of devotion. If the only
evidence people have is of the leaders they have been brought up
to believe have a hotline to the almighty, then a few stories like
this would sure help the donations flood in and if people suddenly
had a way of checking for themselves the miracles would dry up, 
which we all agree they have done.

 The veracity or purported veracity of an eyewitness account is of course a 
 special field of investigation. But, even were I totally skeptical, I would, 
 in going through all what is said in this article, find my skepticism 
 significantly challenged.

 I suspect that it what happened to you--when you began reading.

I've heard it all before actually, levitation, sea serpents, UFOs
from venus, they all disappear once understanding increases to the
point that the objects of faith can't even fit into the way we now
see the world as being.

UFOs are a particular favourite subject of mine, the speed at which
the angelic beings from Venus stopped visiting us once we discovered 
that it rains flouro-sulphuric acid on their home world is amazing.
All of a sudden the aliens came from much further away.

Levitation might have been a poetic way of saying saints can get close to god 
or be drawn to heaven but once the four fundamental forces were nailed down and 
realised to be *not* optional without 
the universe falling apart the saints were seen as mere flesh 
after all and the miracles stopped. 

 No, the present ontological context of the universe would make Saint Francis 
 of Assisi probably an honest existentialist (of the atheistic variety).
 No one will levitate or fly in my lifetime. This seems certain to me, because 
 I sense zero miracle potential in the universe.

I don't know about that, religion still seems to be the order
of most people's day. I think god is missing a trick in not
manifesting something paranormal now. 
 But when I read these accounts *it is a very different metaphysic* I 
 encounter. A metaphysic which simply does not exist and therefore would seem 
 never to have existed.

 I think your reaction a normal and healthy one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
 Proof that God heals amputees:

Hmm, I suspect that this is a left wing plot to discredit
the republicans. Am I right?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Curtis, the fanaticism of your disbelief is more unyielding to reality--or 
 any ontological contingencies--than the fanaticism of those Evangelical 
 Christians who tried to make you Accept the Lord into you life. I don't quite 
 understand it, but there is a ferocious intransigence there, almost as if you 
 secretly believed in these accounts more than anyone could on FFL.
 I am sorry, but you are the guy who if Santa Claus appeared at your fireplace 
 on Christmas night--with his full compliment of reindeer--you would shout him 
 out of your house, and even as you saw him flying away in the sky you would 
 be cursing him (undoubtedly with some very barbed wit).
 There is a terrible and tragic compulsion in you to simplify this business of 
 what is real, Curtis. You will accuse me of failing to address your question, 
 but the coercive intent of your dogmatic view of the matter of the mystery of 
 Why there is something rather than nothing? just vacuums up all the space 
 that I think should be there were your convictions originating in an innocent 
 This is the problem between us, Curtis: It was an intellectual love fest in 
 the beginning [Robin realizes he has totally lost Curtis at this point in his 
 post: Curtis's FPOT is erupting in disgust]; but gradually it turned to 
 intellectual estrangement of a very high order.
 I dont want to go down that road again with you, Curtis; but know this: there 
 is an argument to be made for the veracity of the phenomenon described in 
 these accounts and it is dramatically more complex and multi-layered and 
 interesting than your simple and outright--and nonempirical--denial.
 Let's just be friends, Curtis. We are looking at the universe--and all the 
 beings inside of it--from very different perspectives. Let us leave it at 
 that. The writers, the witnesses, the Saints, in this article they are not 
 fairly represented by an idea that makes of all this the equivalent of 
 someone insisting the earth is really flat, or that my pet unicorn threw up 
 in the sink this morning.
 You have a reflex about this, Curtis. If in the end it is proven there is a 
 God you will tell him he doesn't exist.

I think if Santa appeared it would be the same as someone
levitating, case proved.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   The veracity or purported veracity of an eyewitness account is of course 
   a special field of investigation. But, even were I totally skeptical, I 
   would, in going through all what is said in this article, find my 
   skepticism significantly challenged.
  Come on Robin, the sources for these outlandish claims are not even given.  
  It doesn't rise to even the level of the proven to be unreliable eyewitness 
  accounts.  This is at best hearsay through the distortion filter of many 
  years and an obvious agenda to promote a cause.  This is the telephone game 
  played through centuries.  You can't make any realistic distinction between 
  these claims and sightings of aliens or bigfoot.
  These are stories, told by people with a purpose to inspire others that 
  their internal experience was extraordinary just as Maharishi did with his 
  flying promises.  They may never have been meant to be taken literally, but 
  if they were. there is no good reason to take these claims seriously.  Or 
  if we do just accept any old claim we have to include all the nonsense 
  people have claimed to have witnessed. 
  Oh hell, I should have just left it to the 16 words I haven't helped this 
  cause at all! 
  But if you have a case to make that I have missed some good reason to take 
  these claims seriously I would be happy to read it. Start with how you 
  build credibility for an unknown source. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 


It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
the invention of cinema.
   RESPONSE: No, they seem to have stopped because they stopped. God--or 
   the supernatural grace which precipitated this miracles--said: Fuck it! 
   I've had it. I'm going to change up the game.
   And ever since then (just before our lifetime) there ain't no miracles 
   (or if there are, they are not being done through the agency which 
   determined the miracles in this article).
   I think if cinema had been around in the 13th to 16th centuries in 
   particular, the Holy Ghost might have permitted there to be a few 
   miracles filmed. But maybe not. It might have destroyed the meritorious 
   value of faith. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  Proof that God heals amputees:

And this is a joke to make us think you're more credulous
than you are so you can accuse us of being too stupid to 
see the irony.

Or am I joking in assuming no-one else realised the irony
and want to call you stupid for thinking I'm not clever
enough to see what everyone could see instantly and considered
not worth commenting on.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread curtisdeltablues
-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 Curtis, the fanaticism of your disbelief is more unyielding to reality--or 
 any ontological contingencies--than the fanaticism of those Evangelical 
 Christians who tried to make you Accept the Lord into you life. I don't quite 
 understand it, but there is a ferocious intransigence there, almost as if you 
 secretly believed in these accounts more than anyone could on FFL.

No the ad hominem route doesn't cut it Robin. You and I share a similar proof 
system if a guy on the street handed us a bottle of pills and said take these 
and you will be better in every way.  We would go through the same realistic 
questions concerning the claim, where did they come from, who made them, what 
is in them, how do you know what they do etc.

You have deviated from this reasoning process in the case of the fantastic 
claim that people flew a long time ago and I am wondering why?  You proposed 
that these claims ring true and you have turned it into an accusation that I 
am somehow deficient for asking what you are basing this confidence in.

 I am sorry, but you are the guy who if Santa Claus appeared at your fireplace 
 on Christmas night--with his full compliment of reindeer--you would shout him 
 out of your house, and even as you saw him flying away in the sky you would 
 be cursing him (undoubtedly with some very barbed wit).

Well I might be asleep and dreamed that I saw him, would it be unreasonable to 
check that out first?   Would it be wrong to ask if someone else saw him? I 
have the same cognitive gaps you do Robin.  You are building a case that I am 
somehow uniquely flawed by unreasonable skepticism, but you reject many ideas 
that I do and often from the same analysis of the baselessness of their claims. 
 I suspect that you didn't attend any services for the late Sun Myung Moon 
because the Lord died, right?  Does that make you this same guy you are trying 
to paint me as because you didn't find substance in his claims that he and many 
followers made that he was God on earth?

 There is a terrible and tragic compulsion in you to simplify this business of 
 what is real, Curtis. You will accuse me of failing to address your question,

I will because you are.  You know better to slip an ad hominem attack in place 
of reasons Robin.

 but the coercive intent of your dogmatic view of the matter of the mystery of 
Why there is something rather than nothing? 

Just finished a great book by a physicist on this very subject. It turns out 
that from the physic's perspective nothing is less stable a state than 
something. Of course this doesn't clear up the mystery for a non physicist like 
me, but it does a bit better than just interjecting the word God as if that 
word explains it all.

just vacuums up all the space that I think should be there were your 
convictions originating in an innocent experience.

You are making a subjective assessment of how innocent my experience is here. 
You are of course welcome to make it, but don't think it advances your 
epistemological solitary, it is more ad hominem.  It is a more gentile way of 
saying my pants are full of poop and yours are not so you don't have to give 
any supporting reasons for believing unsourced accounts of people flying posted 
on the Internet should be taken seriously.

 This is the problem between us, Curtis: It was an intellectual love fest in 
 the beginning [Robin realizes he has totally lost Curtis at this point in his 
 post: Curtis's FPOT is erupting in disgust];

Hey I liked you a lot and still do Robin (when you aren't trying to make a case 
that I am uniquely flawed for thinking differently than you do or challenging 
assertions you make), because of our disagreements as much as where we agree.  

 but gradually it turned to intellectual estrangement of a very high order.

I would rather discuss how we are putting our world views together differently, 
the reasons we have rather than long discussions of my personal faults through 
your perspective.  Take a look at this very discussion Robin.  I have 
challenged you for dodging my specific question about what you base your 
confidence on for those claims.  I have further shown you where I specifically 
label what you have written as an attack on me as a person instead of rather 
than supporting your belief.

What I have not done is to go into a list of what this means about the kind of 
person you are.  I am not attacking you personally or characterizing you as  a 
Bah Humbug Santa denier.  (I just got my magazine page from the 1930s of Santa 
with a cigarette in his hand, it is my kind of Christmas cheer!)

 I dont want to go down that road again with you, Curtis; but know this: there 
 is an argument to be made for the veracity of the phenomenon described in 
 these accounts and it is dramatically more complex and multi-layered and 
 interesting than your simple and outright--and nonempirical--denial.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
   Proof that God heals amputees:
 And this is a joke to make us think you're more credulous
 than you are so you can accuse us of being too stupid to 
 see the irony.
 Or am I joking in assuming no-one else realised the irony
 and want to call you stupid for thinking I'm not clever
 enough to see what everyone could see instantly and considered
 not worth commenting on.

Q.E.D. = quod erat demonstrandum, it has been demonstrated
(literally, which was to be demonstrated)

In this case, salyavin, what is it that Robin is saying has
been demonstrated?

Careful, now. You might want to review what has gone before.

Irony sometimes has more than one layer.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@
  It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
  the invention of cinema.

 I am so glad that I didn't offer my wordy response before you nailed
 I could have said in just sixteen words!

Just to pour gasoline on already-roaring flames, and to save a certain
someone from bringing it up in an attempt to demonize me :-), I shall
weigh in on the subject of levitation from a unique point of view. Other
than Nabby, whose credibility I submit is in the same ballpark as Rush
Limbaugh's or Paul Ryan's, I think I'm the only person here who has
claimed to have witnessed real, hang-there-in-mid-air levitation.

And I have. Not once, but dozens of times, over a period of 14 years.
And it wasn't only me. Often I was one of a group of 200-500 students
watching the guy do this, in various locations, ranging from out in the
desert in the middle of the night to the Los Angeles Convention Center
to Carnegie Hall. In those environments, Rama - Frederick Lenz didn't
hop on his butt like a frog, he just lifted gently up off of the sofa or
the sand he was sitting on or standing on, and hovered there in mid-air
in exactly the way that a brick doesn't. For extended periods of time --
minutes, not seconds.

That said, I can tell you nothing whatsoever about the nature of what it
was that I saw other than I and others saw it.

I do not know whether video or movie cameras trained on the guy as he
lifted off would have captured it; I strongly suspect that they would
not have. If I had to speculate, I would suspect that the phenomenon we
witnessed was -- if it truly existed -- taking place on an alternate
level of reality that might not have been captured by technology on this
level of reality.

I am equally comfortable with the notion that it didn't really exist at
all, but that brings up more unanswerable questions. I don't know about
you, but I have a harder time with the notion that someone can hypnotize
200-500 people at a time into seeing the same thing -- *without ever
pre-announcing what it was that they were going to see* -- less
believable than that something was actually happening. Something else.

WHAT that something else was, I have no idea.

Do I feel somewhat uncomfortable saying this? You betcha. I share almost
all of Curtis and salyavin's skepticism about such things. But I really
*did* see this shit. Over and over and over, for an extended period of

Am I supposed to *deny* that I saw it, or come up with some convenient
skeptic's explanation for what it was I and hundreds of others saw?
That, to me, would be the easy path, a cop-out.

I *did* see it. I have NO FUCKING IDEA what exactly it was that I saw,
only that I saw it. Many times.

Lemme tell you, that is a great deal harder to live with than those who
think that witnessing levitation would be a Good Thing That Would Make
Their Incarnation might think.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  I think if cinema had been around in the 13th to 16th
  centuries in particular, the Holy Ghost might have
  permitted there to be a few miracles filmed. But maybe
  not. It might have destroyed the meritorious value of 
  faith. Show me the nail marks, Jesus, baby--that is,
  if you really resurrected.
 I think you've inadvertently hit the nail on the head (sorry)
 these things are all about faith, specifically the church
 keeping its flock enthralled by the supposed power of
 devotion. If the only evidence people have is of the leaders
 they have been brought up to believe have a hotline to the 
 almighty, then a few stories like this would sure help the 
 donations flood in and if people suddenly had a way of
 checking for themselves the miracles would dry up, which we
 all agree they have done.

Is it just purported miracles that could be checked out
that have dried up? Or have purported miracles for which
there is no good explanation dried up as well?

On the other hand, have donations stopped flooding in?

  The veracity or purported veracity of an eyewitness account
  is of course a special field of investigation. But, even
  were I totally skeptical, I would, in going through all
  what is said in this article, find my skepticism
  significantly challenged.
  I suspect that it what happened to you--when you began reading.
 I've heard it all before actually, levitation, sea serpents,
 UFOs from venus, they all disappear once understanding
 increases to the point that the objects of faith can't even
 fit into the way we now see the world as being.

You're using faith here in the generic sense--i.e., not
just religious faith. (There are still Nessie and similar
sightings, by the way, so maybe sea serpents isn't the
best example here.)

Are there other examples that increased understanding has
failed so far to explain?

BTW, to have one's skepticism significantly challenged
is not the same as to make a believer out of the skeptic.

 UFOs are a particular favourite subject of mine, the speed at
 which the angelic beings from Venus stopped visiting us once
 we discovered that it rains flouro-sulphuric acid on their
 home world is amazing. All of a sudden the aliens came from
 much further away.

And this isn't a very good example either, because the
aliens are still coming (or still being reported), despite
the knowledge that they're unlikely to be coming from
Venus. Venus was a perfectly reasonable guess at first
since it's the closest planet to us.

There are good cases to be made as to why alien visitation
in general is unlikely, but that Venus is inhospitable to
life ain't one of them.

For that matter, we keep discovering that life can exist
on earth in more and more apparently inhospitable places
(not just more and more places, but places that are more
and more inhospitable).

 Levitation might have been a poetic way of saying saints can
 get close to god or be drawn to heaven but once the four 
 fundamental forces were nailed down and realised to be *not* 
 optional without the universe falling apart the saints were
 seen as mere flesh after all and the miracles stopped.

What's the specific chronology?--of once the four
forces were nailed down etc. and the miracles

My intention here is not to disagree with you but
rather to get you to tighten up your case.

To paraphrase Robin's comment on reports of saintly

There is an argument to be made for the veracity of
certain apparently miraculous phenomena that is
dramatically more complex and multi-layered and
interesting than most skeptics are willing to take
into account.

That's unfortunate, IMHO. We learn much more about a
controversial issue when each side addresses its
opponent's best case.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@
   It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
   the invention of cinema.
  I am so glad that I didn't offer my wordy response before you nailed
  I could have said in just sixteen words!
 Just to pour gasoline on already-roaring flames, and to save
 a certain someone from bringing it up in an attempt to
 demonize me :-),

Barry has never been demonized by me for reporting his
experience of seeing Lenz levitate.

Bad start to an otherwise unusually honest and thoughtful

 I shall
 weigh in on the subject of levitation from a unique point of view. Other
 than Nabby, whose credibility I submit is in the same ballpark as Rush
 Limbaugh's or Paul Ryan's, I think I'm the only person here who has
 claimed to have witnessed real, hang-there-in-mid-air levitation.
 And I have. Not once, but dozens of times, over a period of 14 years.
 And it wasn't only me. Often I was one of a group of 200-500 students
 watching the guy do this, in various locations, ranging from out in the
 desert in the middle of the night to the Los Angeles Convention Center
 to Carnegie Hall. In those environments, Rama - Frederick Lenz didn't
 hop on his butt like a frog, he just lifted gently up off of the sofa or
 the sand he was sitting on or standing on, and hovered there in mid-air
 in exactly the way that a brick doesn't. For extended periods of time --
 minutes, not seconds.
 That said, I can tell you nothing whatsoever about the nature of what it
 was that I saw other than I and others saw it.
 I do not know whether video or movie cameras trained on the guy as he
 lifted off would have captured it; I strongly suspect that they would
 not have. If I had to speculate, I would suspect that the phenomenon we
 witnessed was -- if it truly existed -- taking place on an alternate
 level of reality that might not have been captured by technology on this
 level of reality.
 I am equally comfortable with the notion that it didn't really exist at
 all, but that brings up more unanswerable questions. I don't know about
 you, but I have a harder time with the notion that someone can hypnotize
 200-500 people at a time into seeing the same thing -- *without ever
 pre-announcing what it was that they were going to see* -- less
 believable than that something was actually happening. Something else.
 WHAT that something else was, I have no idea.
 Do I feel somewhat uncomfortable saying this? You betcha. I share almost
 all of Curtis and salyavin's skepticism about such things. But I really
 *did* see this shit. Over and over and over, for an extended period of
 Am I supposed to *deny* that I saw it, or come up with some convenient
 skeptic's explanation for what it was I and hundreds of others saw?
 That, to me, would be the easy path, a cop-out.
 I *did* see it. I have NO FUCKING IDEA what exactly it was that I saw,
 only that I saw it. Many times.
 Lemme tell you, that is a great deal harder to live with than
 those who think that witnessing levitation would be a Good
 Thing That Would Make Their Incarnation might think.

And bad ending. But we can and should appreciate what comes
in the middle.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:

  I've heard it all before actually, levitation, sea serpents,
  UFOs from venus, they all disappear once understanding
  increases to the point that the objects of faith can't even
  fit into the way we now see the world as being.
 You're using faith here in the generic sense--i.e., not
 just religious faith. (There are still Nessie and similar
 sightings, by the way, so maybe sea serpents isn't the
 best example here.)

Sea serpents are a great example as they used to be reported
all over the world. They either died out (unlikely without
good reason) or, most likely, they got reclassified as whales
when man got interested in *actually* knowing what was out there.
The descriptions people gave prior to that were seen as 
exaggerations of half-glimpsed features. No sea serpents have
ever popped up, alive, dead or even fossilized to defend

That people still see Nessie is funny more than anything else,
there isn't enough food to support a breeding population of
large predators in Loch Ness and the whole place has been mapped
with sonar many times. Try telling that to the locals though...

  UFOs are a particular favourite subject of mine, the speed at
  which the angelic beings from Venus stopped visiting us once
  we discovered that it rains flouro-sulphuric acid on their
  home world is amazing. All of a sudden the aliens came from
  much further away.
 And this isn't a very good example either, because the
 aliens are still coming (or still being reported), despite
 the knowledge that they're unlikely to be coming from
 Venus. Venus was a perfectly reasonable guess at first
 since it's the closest planet to us.

It wasn't a guess, it's where they said they were coming from
to the contactees of the 50's. 

 There are good cases to be made as to why alien visitation
 in general is unlikely, but that Venus is inhospitable to
 life ain't one of them.
 For that matter, we keep discovering that life can exist
 on earth in more and more apparently inhospitable places
 (not just more and more places, but places that are more
 and more inhospitable).

Sure life can *adapt* to bizarre conditions but I was talking
about humanoid life, breathing air, speaking English that
claimed to come from somewhere that turns out has a surface temperature that 
would melt lead.

Nowadays they all come from other dimensions or the Pleidaes,
which actually have their own entertainingly serious problems preventing life 
like ours from evolving. The channellers should
have researched it first methinks.

What life needs to get going is another story.

What it might need to be able to bypass the physical laws that underpin its 
existence is another one again. 

  Levitation might have been a poetic way of saying saints can
  get close to god or be drawn to heaven but once the four 
  fundamental forces were nailed down and realised to be *not* 
  optional without the universe falling apart the saints were
  seen as mere flesh after all and the miracles stopped.
 What's the specific chronology?--of once the four
 forces were nailed down etc. and the miracles

 My intention here is not to disagree with you but
 rather to get you to tighten up your case.

Why bother? My case is that times change and people are
more versed in science and the way things really are
and demand better evidence than the word of a dead religious
person. A lot of people anyway, plenty still take the
holy word for it but it has to be said miracles are a bit
thin on the ground since we've had ways of recording them.

 To paraphrase Robin's comment on reports of saintly
 There is an argument to be made for the veracity of
 certain apparently miraculous phenomena that is
 dramatically more complex and multi-layered and
 interesting than most skeptics are willing to take
 into account.

 That's unfortunate, IMHO. We learn much more about a
 controversial issue when each side addresses its
 opponent's best case.

Well I'm going to take my foot off the paradigm clutch
if that was the best case for levitation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
   j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 


Proof that God heals amputees:

  And this is a joke to make us think you're more credulous
  than you are so you can accuse us of being too stupid to 
  see the irony.
  Or am I joking in assuming no-one else realised the irony
  and want to call you stupid for thinking I'm not clever
  enough to see what everyone could see instantly and considered
  not worth commenting on.
 Q.E.D. = quod erat demonstrandum, it has been demonstrated
 (literally, which was to be demonstrated)
 In this case, salyavin, what is it that Robin is saying has
 been demonstrated?
 Careful, now. You might want to review what has gone before.
 Irony sometimes has more than one layer.

Erm, you didn't have to take that seriously you know...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread curtisdeltablues
Thanks for weighing in Barry because this demonstrates what I was trying to get 
at with Robin.  I was looking for the reasons he has for giving these accounts 

Your reasons are transparent, you witnessed it. Even then you show some 
restraint in evaluating what it all means and I believe that is appropriate 
given the conditions under which you saw these things.  But the reasons for 
your belief are present.  And you are not extending the claim very far beyond 
your own experience.  I have always enjoyed this wrinkle in the fabric of 
skepticism to have you say you saw this many times.  I am not inclined to go 
any further than that you are reporting that you saw it.  I can't verify if 
others did, or that they all saw the same thing, and I am not inclined to 
immediately assume that this guy actually could break the known laws of physics.

It goes into my category of the relationship between perception and conception 
in our sensory perception for me.  It is not a mechanical process and as we 
learn more how our minds construct our reality out of the jumble of choices 
available, it makes me less rather than more confident of our ability to sort 
this kind of perception out.  Does this make me flawed as a skeptic because I 
don't automatically take your word for what it means?  No, in fact it aligns me 
with your own caution about its objective reality.  

People can see weird shit. Now the personal implications of how this would 
affect a person is a different story.  This sounds like the potential for some 
heavy cognitive dissonance and I don't envy your position...or maybe I do!  
Shit I would love to see someone floating above a desert.  But if I had to bet, 
I would say that the chances of its objective reality might be diminished a bit 
by the fact that this amazing thing didn't cause more of a stir or was recorded 
somehow for outsiders to evaluate.  Like Maharishi the guy seemed to like PR 
and this sure would have put him over the top if he could do it for the cameras 
with magician's present.  My best guess is that it has a connection to the 
darshon experiences I had with Maharishi. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@
   It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
   the invention of cinema.
  I am so glad that I didn't offer my wordy response before you nailed
  I could have said in just sixteen words!
 Just to pour gasoline on already-roaring flames, and to save a certain
 someone from bringing it up in an attempt to demonize me :-), I shall
 weigh in on the subject of levitation from a unique point of view. Other
 than Nabby, whose credibility I submit is in the same ballpark as Rush
 Limbaugh's or Paul Ryan's, I think I'm the only person here who has
 claimed to have witnessed real, hang-there-in-mid-air levitation.
 And I have. Not once, but dozens of times, over a period of 14 years.
 And it wasn't only me. Often I was one of a group of 200-500 students
 watching the guy do this, in various locations, ranging from out in the
 desert in the middle of the night to the Los Angeles Convention Center
 to Carnegie Hall. In those environments, Rama - Frederick Lenz didn't
 hop on his butt like a frog, he just lifted gently up off of the sofa or
 the sand he was sitting on or standing on, and hovered there in mid-air
 in exactly the way that a brick doesn't. For extended periods of time --
 minutes, not seconds.
 That said, I can tell you nothing whatsoever about the nature of what it
 was that I saw other than I and others saw it.
 I do not know whether video or movie cameras trained on the guy as he
 lifted off would have captured it; I strongly suspect that they would
 not have. If I had to speculate, I would suspect that the phenomenon we
 witnessed was -- if it truly existed -- taking place on an alternate
 level of reality that might not have been captured by technology on this
 level of reality.
 I am equally comfortable with the notion that it didn't really exist at
 all, but that brings up more unanswerable questions. I don't know about
 you, but I have a harder time with the notion that someone can hypnotize
 200-500 people at a time into seeing the same thing -- *without ever
 pre-announcing what it was that they were going to see* -- less
 believable than that something was actually happening. Something else.
 WHAT that something else was, I have no idea.
 Do I feel somewhat uncomfortable saying this? You betcha. I share almost
 all of Curtis and salyavin's skepticism about such things. But I really
 *did* see this shit. Over and over and over, for an 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
 Proof that God heals amputees:

   And this is a joke to make us think you're more credulous
   than you are so you can accuse us of being too stupid to 
   see the irony.
   Or am I joking in assuming no-one else realised the irony
   and want to call you stupid for thinking I'm not clever
   enough to see what everyone could see instantly and considered
   not worth commenting on.
  Q.E.D. = quod erat demonstrandum, it has been demonstrated
  (literally, which was to be demonstrated)
  In this case, salyavin, what is it that Robin is saying has
  been demonstrated?
  Careful, now. You might want to review what has gone before.
  Irony sometimes has more than one layer.
 Erm, you didn't have to take that seriously you know...

OK, you didn't get beyond the top layer. Too bad. The
next layer down is funnier.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread Share Long
TurqB, if this took some courage to post, which I'm guessing it did, I thank 
you for that.  Also for scrambling my brains nicely in reference to my opinions 
about you.  This scrambling will definitely take some time to settle out.  

IMHO, you are the Biggest Mystery Man on FFL.  And given the presence of So And 
So and You Know Who, that's saying a lot.    

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2012 11:21 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@
  It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
  the invention of cinema.

 I am so glad that I didn't offer my wordy response before you nailed
 I could have said in just sixteen words!

Just to pour gasoline on already-roaring flames, and to save a certain
someone from bringing it up in an attempt to demonize me :-), I shall
weigh in on the subject of levitation from a unique point of view. Other
than Nabby, whose credibility I submit is in the same ballpark as Rush
Limbaugh's or Paul Ryan's, I think I'm the only person here who has
claimed to have witnessed real, hang-there-in-mid-air levitation.

And I have. Not once, but dozens of times, over a period of 14 years.
And it wasn't only me. Often I was one of a group of 200-500 students
watching the guy do this, in various locations, ranging from out in the
desert in the middle of the night to the Los Angeles Convention Center
to Carnegie Hall. In those environments, Rama - Frederick Lenz didn't
hop on his butt like a frog, he just lifted gently up off of the sofa or
the sand he was sitting on or standing on, and hovered there in mid-air
in exactly the way that a brick doesn't. For extended periods of time --
minutes, not seconds.

That said, I can tell you nothing whatsoever about the nature of what it
was that I saw other than I and others saw it.

I do not know whether video or movie cameras trained on the guy as he
lifted off would have captured it; I strongly suspect that they would
not have. If I had to speculate, I would suspect that the phenomenon we
witnessed was -- if it truly existed -- taking place on an alternate
level of reality that might not have been captured by technology on this
level of reality.

I am equally comfortable with the notion that it didn't really exist at
all, but that brings up more unanswerable questions. I don't know about
you, but I have a harder time with the notion that someone can hypnotize
200-500 people at a time into seeing the same thing -- *without ever
pre-announcing what it was that they were going to see* -- less
believable than that something was actually happening. Something else.

WHAT that something else was, I have no idea.

Do I feel somewhat uncomfortable saying this? You betcha. I share almost
all of Curtis and salyavin's skepticism about such things. But I really
*did* see this shit. Over and over and over, for an extended period of

Am I supposed to *deny* that I saw it, or come up with some convenient
skeptic's explanation for what it was I and hundreds of others saw?
That, to me, would be the easy path, a cop-out.

I *did* see it. I have NO FUCKING IDEA what exactly it was that I saw,
only that I saw it. Many times.

Lemme tell you, that is a great deal harder to live with than those who
think that witnessing levitation would be a Good Thing That Would Make
Their Incarnation might think.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread Emily Reyn
Yup, Barry, the upsurge in creative posts is inspiring.  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2012 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring 

TurqB, if this took some courage to post, which I'm guessing it did, I thank 
you for that.  Also for scrambling my brains nicely in reference to my opinions 
about you.  This scrambling will definitely take some time to settle out.  

IMHO, you are the Biggest Mystery Man on FFL.  And given the presence of So And 
So and You Know Who, that's saying a lot.    

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2012 11:21 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@
  It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
  the invention of cinema.

 I am so glad that I didn't offer my wordy response before you nailed
 I could have said in just sixteen words!

Just to pour gasoline on already-roaring flames, and to save a certain
someone from bringing it up in an attempt to demonize me :-), I shall
weigh in on the subject of levitation from a unique point of view. Other
than Nabby, whose credibility I submit is in the same ballpark as Rush
Limbaugh's or Paul Ryan's, I think I'm the only person here who has
claimed to have witnessed real, hang-there-in-mid-air levitation.

And I have. Not once, but dozens of times, over a period of 14 years.
And it wasn't only me. Often I was one of a group of 200-500 students
watching the guy do this, in various locations, ranging from out in the
desert in the middle of the night to the Los Angeles Convention Center
to Carnegie Hall. In those environments, Rama - Frederick Lenz didn't
hop on his butt like a frog, he just lifted gently up off of the sofa or
the sand he was sitting on or standing on, and hovered there in mid-air
in exactly the way that a brick doesn't. For extended periods of time --
minutes, not seconds.

That said, I can tell you nothing whatsoever about the nature of what it
was that I saw other than I and others saw it.

I do not know whether video or movie cameras trained on the guy as he
lifted off would have captured it; I strongly suspect that they would
not have. If I had to speculate, I would suspect that the phenomenon we
witnessed was -- if it truly existed -- taking place on an alternate
level of reality that might not have been captured by technology on this
level of reality.

I am equally comfortable with the notion that it didn't really exist at
all, but that brings up more unanswerable questions. I don't know about
you, but I have a harder time with the notion that someone can hypnotize
200-500 people at a time into seeing the same thing -- *without ever
pre-announcing what it was that they were going to see* -- less
believable than that something was actually happening. Something else.

WHAT that something else was, I have no idea.

Do I feel somewhat uncomfortable saying this? You betcha. I share almost
all of Curtis and salyavin's skepticism about such things. But I really
*did* see this shit. Over and over and over, for an extended period of

Am I supposed to *deny* that I saw it, or come up with some convenient
skeptic's explanation for what it was I and hundreds of others saw?
That, to me, would be the easy path, a cop-out.

I *did* see it. I have NO FUCKING IDEA what exactly it was that I saw,
only that I saw it. Many times.

Lemme tell you, that is a great deal harder to live with than those who
think that witnessing levitation would be a Good Thing That Would Make
Their Incarnation might think.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread Bhairitu
Curtis, I think you studied hypnotherapy?  Does it make you wonder if 
Lenz did some sort of mass hypnosis?  There was this Sci-Fi series 
called Stormfront was based on a series of books about a supernatural 
investigator by a martial arts instructor.  In one episode a character 
was doing shape shifting but winds up explaining to the protagonist that 
his body didn't actually change shape but the technique he had made 
somebody think he did.

That said, my tantra teacher said he has floated and said I probably 
would but haven't.  He didn't indicate there was any specific technique 
involved but he just noticed something funny during meditation and 
opened his eyes enough to see he was floating several feet off the ground.

Probably like others I have dreams where I just step up into space and 
sail along like surfing through air.  It seems ridiculously simple and 
confuses the mind when you wake up as to why it just doesn't work that way.

On 09/06/2012 10:46 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
 Thanks for weighing in Barry because this demonstrates what I was trying to 
 get at with Robin.  I was looking for the reasons he has for giving these 
 accounts credibility.

 Your reasons are transparent, you witnessed it. Even then you show some 
 restraint in evaluating what it all means and I believe that is appropriate 
 given the conditions under which you saw these things.  But the reasons for 
 your belief are present.  And you are not extending the claim very far beyond 
 your own experience.  I have always enjoyed this wrinkle in the fabric of 
 skepticism to have you say you saw this many times.  I am not inclined to go 
 any further than that you are reporting that you saw it.  I can't verify if 
 others did, or that they all saw the same thing, and I am not inclined to 
 immediately assume that this guy actually could break the known laws of 

 It goes into my category of the relationship between perception and 
 conception in our sensory perception for me.  It is not a mechanical process 
 and as we learn more how our minds construct our reality out of the jumble of 
 choices available, it makes me less rather than more confident of our ability 
 to sort this kind of perception out.  Does this make me flawed as a skeptic 
 because I don't automatically take your word for what it means?  No, in fact 
 it aligns me with your own caution about its objective reality.

 People can see weird shit. Now the personal implications of how this would 
 affect a person is a different story.  This sounds like the potential for 
 some heavy cognitive dissonance and I don't envy your position...or maybe I 
 do!  Shit I would love to see someone floating above a desert.  But if I had 
 to bet, I would say that the chances of its objective reality might be 
 diminished a bit by the fact that this amazing thing didn't cause more of a 
 stir or was recorded somehow for outsiders to evaluate.  Like Maharishi the 
 guy seemed to like PR and this sure would have put him over the top if he 
 could do it for the cameras with magician's present.  My best guess is that 
 it has a connection to the darshon experiences I had with Maharishi.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@

 It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
 the invention of cinema.
 I am so glad that I didn't offer my wordy response before you nailed
 I could have said in just sixteen words!
 Just to pour gasoline on already-roaring flames, and to save a certain
 someone from bringing it up in an attempt to demonize me :-), I shall
 weigh in on the subject of levitation from a unique point of view. Other
 than Nabby, whose credibility I submit is in the same ballpark as Rush
 Limbaugh's or Paul Ryan's, I think I'm the only person here who has
 claimed to have witnessed real, hang-there-in-mid-air levitation.

 And I have. Not once, but dozens of times, over a period of 14 years.
 And it wasn't only me. Often I was one of a group of 200-500 students
 watching the guy do this, in various locations, ranging from out in the
 desert in the middle of the night to the Los Angeles Convention Center
 to Carnegie Hall. In those environments, Rama - Frederick Lenz didn't
 hop on his butt like a frog, he just lifted gently up off of the sofa or
 the sand he was sitting on or standing on, and hovered there in mid-air
 in exactly the way that a brick doesn't. For extended periods of time --
 minutes, not seconds.

 That said, I can tell you nothing whatsoever about the nature of what it
 was that I saw other than I and others saw it.

 I do not know whether video or movie cameras trained on the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread wayback71
Barry, when you saw Lenz levite
1.  had you heard before that he did this sort of thing?
2.  can you recall if you and others present all described seeing exactly the 
same thing, including small variations, without cuing each other and leading 
each other?  In other words, did the reports of individuals match exactly 
without talking to each other or anyone about the experience first?  So - it 
you had all been asked to write about what you saw before saying a word to each 
other, would those descriptions match?
3.  what other out of the ordinary experiences like levitation did you witness 
with him?

If this happened now, people would whip out their phones and begin 
photographing him.  Did people try to take photos of these events with regular 

What was Rama's explanation for what was going on?

Did any of his students develop the same levitation ability? What that part of 
the training he gave?

Did Lenz himself have training in magic/sleight of hand?

I wonder what someone like Ricky Jay would say about this - if he could provide 
an explanation of how you go about appearing to levitate in the desert in front 
of hundreds.
How far off the ground did he appear to go?  I think I recall a friend saying 
he was in the clouds, or else that he moved clouds.

To me, the alternate reality theory sounds likely - kind of explains a lot we 
can't explain - ghosts, angels, levitation and other miracles.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@
   It's just a shame that they seem to have stopped just before
   the invention of cinema.
  I am so glad that I didn't offer my wordy response before you nailed
  I could have said in just sixteen words!
 Just to pour gasoline on already-roaring flames, and to save a certain
 someone from bringing it up in an attempt to demonize me :-), I shall
 weigh in on the subject of levitation from a unique point of view. Other
 than Nabby, whose credibility I submit is in the same ballpark as Rush
 Limbaugh's or Paul Ryan's, I think I'm the only person here who has
 claimed to have witnessed real, hang-there-in-mid-air levitation.
 And I have. Not once, but dozens of times, over a period of 14 years.
 And it wasn't only me. Often I was one of a group of 200-500 students
 watching the guy do this, in various locations, ranging from out in the
 desert in the middle of the night to the Los Angeles Convention Center
 to Carnegie Hall. In those environments, Rama - Frederick Lenz didn't
 hop on his butt like a frog, he just lifted gently up off of the sofa or
 the sand he was sitting on or standing on, and hovered there in mid-air
 in exactly the way that a brick doesn't. For extended periods of time --
 minutes, not seconds.
 That said, I can tell you nothing whatsoever about the nature of what it
 was that I saw other than I and others saw it.
 I do not know whether video or movie cameras trained on the guy as he
 lifted off would have captured it; I strongly suspect that they would
 not have. If I had to speculate, I would suspect that the phenomenon we
 witnessed was -- if it truly existed -- taking place on an alternate
 level of reality that might not have been captured by technology on this
 level of reality.
 I am equally comfortable with the notion that it didn't really exist at
 all, but that brings up more unanswerable questions. I don't know about
 you, but I have a harder time with the notion that someone can hypnotize
 200-500 people at a time into seeing the same thing -- *without ever
 pre-announcing what it was that they were going to see* -- less
 believable than that something was actually happening. Something else.
 WHAT that something else was, I have no idea.
 Do I feel somewhat uncomfortable saying this? You betcha. I share almost
 all of Curtis and salyavin's skepticism about such things. But I really
 *did* see this shit. Over and over and over, for an extended period of
 Am I supposed to *deny* that I saw it, or come up with some convenient
 skeptic's explanation for what it was I and hundreds of others saw?
 That, to me, would be the easy path, a cop-out.
 I *did* see it. I have NO FUCKING IDEA what exactly it was that I saw,
 only that I saw it. Many times.
 Lemme tell you, that is a great deal harder to live with than those who
 think that witnessing levitation would be a Good Thing That Would Make
 Their Incarnation might think.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 TurqB, if this took some courage to post, which I'm guessing it did, I thank 
 you for that.

He has told this story again and again for many years before you arrived. 
I don't doubt his story, but suspect he is telling it to gain weight and 
credibility for his lifelong project; to bash Maharishi and the TMO as much as 
possible and in a subtle way introduce Buddhism as sooo much better. 
In other words, it's a trick to make him more believable in the eyes of 
gullible readers.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  TurqB, if this took some courage to post, which I'm guessing
  it did, I thank you for that.
 He has told this story again and again for many years before you 

This is true. Didn't take any courage per se. But it's
unusual in that the concomitant bashing was minimal.

 I don't doubt his story, but suspect he is telling it to gain
 weight and credibility for his lifelong project; to bash
 Maharishi and the TMO as much as possible and in a subtle
 way introduce Buddhism as sooo much better. 
 In other words, it's a trick to make him more believable in
 the eyes of gullible readers.

I think the project is just to promote Barry. Bashing
MMY/the TMO and/or touting Buddhism are means to that

The main point of the story is to make himself seem
Important. But this was a good post on its own terms.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-06 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 wayback71@... wrote:

 Barry, when you saw Lenz levite
 1.  had you heard before that he did this sort of thing?

No. Not the first time I saw him/it.

 2.  can you recall if you and others present all described 
 seeing exactly the same thing, including small variations, 
 without cuing each other and leading each other?  In other 
 words, did the reports of individuals match exactly without 
 talking to each other or anyone about the experience first?  

No, they did not. That is one of the things that makes
me believe that if the phenomena like levitation and
invisibility and others were actually happening, they
were happening on a more subtle alternate plane of
existence, literally Carlos Castaneda's separate
realities. So people could see the same basic event
taking place, but with variations.

One of the things that still makes it all fascinating
to me is that many of these experiences really were
*not* pre-announced or set up. He'd just be talking
away, teaching about some odd piece of philosophy or
whatever, and then go all invisible, fade out like
the Cheshire Cat, so first you could see through him,
and then there was no him, and then he'd come back.

All the while there has been no mention of this. He
was talking about something completely different. At
the end of it all, several people ask, UH...did you
just disappear? And then he laughs. When polled,
most of the people there saw it happen.

But not all. So it -- whatever it was -- was somewhat
subjective, and no, not everyone saw the same thing.
Same general thing, but with variations. The same,
I would imagine, as if you polled people about more
normal events; not all of them would see/remember
them the same way.

 So - it you had all been asked to write about what you 
 saw before saying a word to each other, would those 
 descriptions match?

Not necessarily, but they often did. If you can still
find the scanned PDF of it on the Web, see The Last
Incarnation, a series of stories about the dude 
written by his students. Some of the stories are 
about the same events, and some agree, some don't.

 3.  what other out of the ordinary experiences like 
 levitation did you witness with him?

Too many to even begin to talk about. If you think that
seeing someone violate the laws of nature as we know
them by levitating or going invisible would fuck with
your mind, consider what witnessing things that even
more couldn't happen would do to you. Not gonna get
into it here. I said pretty much all I have to say
about the whole thing in Road Trip Mind.

 If this happened now, people would whip out their phones 
 and begin photographing him.  Did people try to take 
 photos of these events with regular cameras?

I don't know. I know I didn't. I did make audio tapes
of talks while in the desert, but no photographs. It
was usually nighttime, after all, and thus one would
have needed flash. 

 What was Rama's explanation for what was going on?

I just do what I do, and people report their experiences.

There was clearly no technique involved in doing what
he did, in the sense that he had to sit a certain way 
or meditate first or work himself up to it. He'd just
lift up off the ground or go all invisible kinda at will.
I think that if he ever described these powers and how
he got them it was in terms of having remembered them
from a previous life, not ever having tried to attain
them in this one.
 Did any of his students develop the same levitation ability? 
 What that part of the training he gave?

No. See above. He never taught these things, only demo'd them.

 Did Lenz himself have training in magic/sleight of hand?

No. I saw him try to do a simple card trick once, and he
was terrible at it. *I* was better.  :-)

 I wonder what someone like Ricky Jay would say about 
 this - if he could provide an explanation of how you go 
 about appearing to levitate in the desert in front of 

I'd love to hear him try, but I won't hold my breath
waiting for it, because he would be looking for an
explanation based on the assumption that it didn't
really happen, and was some kind of trick. I find that
difficult to accept. In the desert we're talking about
hiking into places that are just sand, surrounded by
nothing from which to suspend wires or anything. I 
once saw Rama levitate off the naugahyde benches of
a Denny's late at night, ferchrssakes. I don't think
he managed to pre-arrange some kind of apparatus in
that Denny's.  :-)

 How far off the ground did he appear to go?  I think I 
 recall a friend saying he was in the clouds, or else 
 that he moved clouds.

He moved clouds around and made them disappear. As far
as I ever saw, he never got more than a few feet off
the ground.

 To me, the alternate reality theory sounds likely - 
 kind of explains a lot we can't explain - ghosts, angels, 
 levitation and other miracles.

Sounds right to me, too. It goes along with many other
experiences I've had of