Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-14 Thread Share Long
turq, the tip off that there's no worrying involved, no trying to figure 
anything out, no needing to feel smart, just simple enjoyment: first I said 
it's a favorite concept and then I ended with a smiley face. And IMHO when 
someone enjoys, they actually do benefit other people just by enlivening the 
joy that's available for everyone. 

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 2:08 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

--- In, Share Long  wrote:

 Ah, one of my favorite math concepts: the fact that infinity comes 
 in different sizes. Which is larger the set of all integers or the set 
 of just the even integers? Even math has koans (-:  


A lot like spending one's time thinking about stuff like this.  :-)

It *amazes* me sometimes the useless shit people ponder to convince
themselves they're smart. 

What would be the RESULT of finding an answer to any of these 
silly questions? Who would it help? Whose suffering would it ease?

  From: authfriend
 Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 1:45 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis
 --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  There's a philosophical question as to whether the
  infinite set of odd or even numbers is bigger than
  the set of all numbers.
 Sorry, make that smaller, not bigger.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear RD- Your interest in Sun MD necessitates looking at your overall chart
and I will do that and get back to you.

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 7:21 PM, raunchydog wrote:


 Ravi, you're a peach. I'd love to have you analyze my chart. No hurry.
 What I'm most curious about is the Vimshottari dasha predictions starting
 in Sun mahadasha. It seems the start of every mahadasha has marked the
 beginning of a new phase in my life. Tempus fugit and I'm feeling it.

 Su/Su Jul 18,2012
 Su/Mo Nov 4,2012 Su/Ma May 6,2013 Su/Ra Sep 11,2013
 Su/Ju Aug 6,2014 Su/Sa May 25,2015 Su/Me May 6,2016
 Su/Ke Mar 12,2017 Su/Ve Jul 18,2017

 Mo/Mo Jul 18,2018
 Mo/Ma May 19,2019 Mo/Ra Dec 18,2019 Mo/Ju Jun 18,2021
 Mo/Sa Oct 18,2022 Mo/Me May 18,2024 Mo/Ke Oct 17,2025
 Mo/Ve May 18,2026 Mo/Su Jan 17,2028

 Ma/Ma Jul 18,2028
 Ma/Ra Dec 14,2028 Ma/Ju Jan 1,2030 Ma/Sa Dec 8,2030
 Ma/Me Jan 17,2032 Ma/Ke Jan 13,2033 Ma/Ve Jun 12,2033
 Ma/Su Aug 12,2034 Ma/Mo Dec 17,2034

 Ra/Ra Jul 19,2035
 Ra/Ju Mar 31,2038 Ra/Sa Aug 23,2040 Ra/Me Jun 30,2043
 Ra/Ke Jan 17,2046 Ra/Ve Feb 4,2047 Ra/Su Feb 4,2050
 Ra/Mo Dec 30,2050 Ra/Ma Jun 30,2052

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Share Long
Me too noozguru, Libra ascendent in both.  And thanks for explaining the about 
the ayanamsha.  

 From: Bhairitu
Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

LIbra ascendant in both.  Sun in Sag in Jyotish and barely in Capricorn 
in tropical

Subtract about 23 degrees from the western ascendant for the jyotish 
one.  Same with the Sun.  The ayanamsha has been 23 degrees x minutes 
since 1939 and only recently changed to 24 degrees but I don't think we 
have any members with that ayanamsha posting.

On 06/09/2013 11:35 AM, emptybill wrote:
 Hey! FF-Lifers ...

 Wake up and clarify yer data. Tula lagna or Libra rising? Western or
 Jyotish charts?

 So far I think only Judy has confirmed which one.

 --- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
 How many Libra (Tula) rising do we have on FFL?

 On 06/08/2013 05:58 PM, emptybill wrote:
 Ravioli Shitviscrewyou -

 So inspiring that you can do this. It's almost like yer a real
 instead of a Western-sucking Injun psychophant.

 Western astrologers weren't so good with rahu/ketu or as they used
 call 'em -
 north node/south node or new karma/old karma.

 Got to see Injun jyotish first hand 'cause I have Rahu in Aries in
 Wife lasted 7 years before being struck down by Kaaladeva.

 P.S. ... ain't no GuruDevi gonna save yer asssets from them notches
 on the karmic clock. Like them Buddhists say ... karma rules all -

 How're them martinis comin' along?
 Still calling them Soma to your admirers?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
 Dear LGG (ji)

 Thank you very much.

 It's all self-learned, self-taught - free of cost, everything on
 Internet (I'm a product of the internet era, all my philosophical
 online including FFL of course), nothing from actual books since
 - and
 also from the various astrology characters that were mentioned here
 past few days - the likes of Das Goravani, Sanjay Rath, PVR
 and many others. I don't study astrology anymore - stopped for the
 5-10 years now. Like I told Obba - if I ever need to refresh my
 head on down to run by a lady named Annie Heese
 apparently. (Except she uses the wrong zodiac and wrong
 nodes - she reverses it, one could read her all other
 safely transfer it to the sidereal zodiac/Jyotish chart)

 OMG I wasn't looking to spend half of my posts on astrology, anyway
 only myself to blame and perhaps Ann for her post on Das and for
 my impulsive, spontaneous offer :-)

 Anyway I have an un-influenced  blemish-less Mercury in 1st in
 so I'm always learning, curious, eager - if you have something to
 teach I
 will learn and then make fun of you. Mercury is un-aspected hence
 learning is never tainted by my beliefs or subjectivity. Because
 Jupiter is
 the lord and in 12th, it's all in the areas of religion and

 When my Saturn dasha started in Jan 2010 I started magically
 (I was
 extremely introverted all my life, hesitant, unsure, nerdy, geeky
 then) and writing and I haven't shut up since. Saturn lord of 2nd
  3rd (writing) in the 5th house of creativity. I also Rahu in 3rd
 makes me obsessive energy wise and so writing then is a good way to
 this obsessive Rahu. And it all started because I was trying to
 this cute Indian dentist I was hitting on and she liked astrology.

 On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 2:49 PM, laughinggull108

 Well done Raviji. I must say that I really like this side of're
 a natural! Where did you learn all this?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula
 Dear Ann,

 First off, let me remind you again that I use astrological
 analysis for
 personal growth - nothing less, nothing more. It only strengths,
 weaknesses, inclinations, challenges, influences in various
 domains of
 life. The unique, personal consciousness of the person under
 It does your destiny in a sense, doesn't show free-will, would a
 for understanding one-self, tuning oneself in meeting reality.

 I have an analysis below. Understand this is what your chart
 shows. You
 might be already aware of many of your challenges, of your
 you certainly may have already overcome or addressed them,
 considering how you come across on FFL.

 Of course I might have been completely off the mark - anyway I
 will wait
 for your feedback.

 You are a very self-focused individual, hardworking, reliant,
 disciplined -
 you, most likely at a young age were compelled to take
 to family circumstances. You were

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Michael Jackson
What a great story! Do you remember how many quid she had to put up for the 
session? Was it an official Marshy Jyotish reading or was he just Marshy's fav 
and therefore got a lot of TM business?

 From: salyavin808
Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 4:58 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis


--- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I have known some TM'ers who have been told by jyotish-s there in 
 Fairfield that they have the yoga for enlightenment - they are even told 
 what year enlightenment will strike - they are among the most un-enlightened 
 people I have known. They are also told their health problems will clear up 
 and they are among the sickest people I have known. 

Ha ha, I've had all that as well.

My only trip to a jyotishee was when a girlfriend wanted a
compatability chart done and offered to pay ( I refused to
hand any cash over - which could maybe have told her something 
important about me)

I reasoned that if she didn't know if we were suitable how
the hell would Jupiter? But she went ahead and got my chart read
and it was crap, I'm going to get enlightened and win loads of
money and me and this girl would stay together forever yada yada.
This guy was supposed to be Marshy's favourite jyotishee and it 
was the usual load of vague crap that could apply to anyone.
Except for me winning loads of money - that's going to come true
this week I'm certain.

I never saw the girl again either. Bloody planets, you can't 
trust them

  From: turquoiseb
 Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 3:31 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis
 --- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   Hey! FF-Lifers ...
   Wake up and clarify yer data. Tula lagna or Libra rising? Western 
   or Jyotish charts?
  When I was born there were some stars a long, long way off and
  some planets in the same place they always are, just going
  round the sun, same for you and me and everyone that ever lived.
  But it's OK to pretend the Earth is the centre of the solar
  system and the stars are actually connected in some way in their
  constellations and that astrological houses are real and that 
  it all means something (*anything*) to our lives depending on 
  what time we were born.
  But then I've got my moon in capricorn so I'm bound to be
 I have my moon in Fresno and gall rising, so I guess
 that accounts for me, too.  :-)
 Seriously, the reason I made my snippy phrenology 
 comment is that THAT is how this whole discussion
 strikes me. Really. 
 I bailed from the TMO *long* before Jyotish or any
 other form of astrology got the thumbs up from the
 Rish. Therefore I never invested more than a few
 minutes of my time in examining it as if it were
 a rational system. 
 I honestly believe that -- to some extent - the
 degree to which people defend astrology (of any form)
 on this forum depends to some extent on that very
 *investment* I mention above. They were told it was
 meaningful, and so they dived into it and learned
 about it (as much as one *can* learn about a total
 pseudoscience), and the more time and energy they
 invested in it, the more they became defenders
 of astrology. 
 In other words, it's the same phenomenon we see in
 TMers who still defend Maharishi. 
 *I* spent a lot of time and energy on this, and *I* 
 could not possibly have been wrong or deluded or 
 taken in, so therefore it *has* to have merit.
 Astrology strikes me now -- and always has -- as a 
 pseudoscience aimed at those who believe that the
 infinite complexity of human behavior can be explained
 by a simplistic system. 
 I give humans -- and Nature -- far more credit than to
 be able to believe that.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Michael Jackson
 don't the jyotish folk leave out the outer planets in their calculations? If 
the heavenly bodies have an influence, how can some just be ignored?

 From: Ravi Chivukula
Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

Your argument here doesn't hold any water here salyavin.

The calculations are the only part of astrology that are mathematical, it is 
geocentric - from the POV of the observer on earth. The positions of planets 
have precise calculations so now you have softwares which churn out the charts, 
as Bhairitu has commented certainly Indians didn't believe earth was the center 
and astronomy could have been developed to cater to astrology.

There are other valid arguments against astrology - it's mystical origins and 
philosophical arguments against it. That it doesn't capture the essence, beauty 
of life - life which is a dynamic, living, in the moment - but then most 
philosophical ideas don't and creative pursuits such as music, poetry reflect 
the beauty, vulnerability of life.

More arguments against - Something you yourself addressed in a subsequent post 
of yours - the personal subjectivity of astrologer creeping in, which of course 
taints everyone - including yours here where the scientific salyavin comes 
across as very unscientific. Arguments against the scope, validity of astrology 
are also equally valid.

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 11:51 AM, salyavin808 wrote:


--- In, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 Hey! FF-Lifers ...
 Wake up and clarify yer data. Tula lagna or Libra rising? Western or
 Jyotish charts?

When I was born there were some stars a long, long way off and
some planets in the same place they always are, just going
round the sun, same for you and me and everyone that ever lived.

But it's OK to pretend the Earth is the centre of the solar
system and the stars are actually connected in some way in their
constellations and that astrological houses are real and that 
it all means something (*anything*) to our lives depending on 
what time we were born.

But then I've got my moon in capricorn so I'm bound to be

 So far I think only Judy has confirmed which one.
 --- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
  How many Libra (Tula) rising do we have on FFL?
  On 06/08/2013 05:58 PM, emptybill wrote:
   Ravioli Shitviscrewyou -
   So inspiring that you can do this. It's almost like yer a real
   instead of a Western-sucking Injun psychophant.
   Western astrologers weren't so good with rahu/ketu or as they used
   call 'em -
   north node/south node or new karma/old karma.
   Got to see Injun jyotish first hand 'cause I have Rahu in Aries in
   Wife lasted 7 years before being struck down by Kaaladeva.
   P.S. ... ain't no GuruDevi gonna save yer asssets from them notches
   on the karmic clock. Like them Buddhists say ... karma rules all -
   How're them martinis comin' along?
   Still calling them Soma to your admirers?
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
   Dear LGG (ji)
   Thank you very much.
   It's all self-learned, self-taught - free of cost, everything on
   Internet (I'm a product of the internet era, all my philosophical
   online including FFL of course), nothing from actual books since
   - and
   also from the various astrology characters that were mentioned here
   past few days - the likes of Das Goravani, Sanjay Rath, PVR
   and many others. I don't study astrology anymore - stopped for the
   5-10 years now. Like I told Obba - if I ever need to refresh my
   head on down to run by a lady named Annie Heese
   apparently. (Except she uses the wrong zodiac and wrong
   nodes - she reverses it, one could read her all other
   safely transfer it to the sidereal zodiac/Jyotish chart)
   OMG I wasn't looking to spend half of my posts on astrology, anyway
   only myself to blame and perhaps Ann for her post on Das and for
   my impulsive, spontaneous offer :-)
   Anyway I have an un-influenced  blemish-less Mercury in 1st in
   so I'm always learning, curious, eager - if you have something to
   teach I
   will learn and then make fun of you. Mercury is un-aspected hence
   learning is never tainted by my beliefs or subjectivity. Because
   Jupiter is
   the lord and in 12th, it's all in the areas of religion and
   When my Saturn dasha started in Jan 2010 I started magically
   (I was
   extremely introverted all my life, hesitant, unsure, nerdy, geeky

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Michael Jackson
Man oh man - I missed all that - by all that I mean the TM money making ploy to 
send shills to rounding courses to drain course participants money from their 
pockets whilst rounding - so much for don't make decisions when rounding - 
what a bunch of hood-winking bastards they were and are - and yes that includes 
Marshy himself, the penultimate side show barker - the P.T. Barnum of vedic 

 From: salyavin808
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 10:28 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis


--- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 What a great story! Do you remember how many quid she had to put up for the 
 session? Was it an official Marshy Jyotish reading or was he just Marshy's 
 fav and therefore got a lot of TM business?

I don't remember how much it was, it only cost me a cup of tea
and a straight face, but judged in terms of accurate results, 
very expensive indeed. But you never know I might get enlightened 
and win loads of money still, if I do I will doff my cap to 

We were on a big course and international were sending all sorts
of people down to rip us off - sorry tempt us with vedic wonders -
and it was not long after the jyotishee that the vedaland PR guy 
came for a visit and gave us his once in a lifetime opportunity

But he was Marshy's fave astrologer and everyone on the course
was excited until I started pointing out inconvenient facts like
he was telling everyone the same thing. As we all have the same 
basic needs I got the impression his job was to tell us what we 
wanted to hear with a few warnings about being nicer to people 
etc. Which seems a good summation of how it all works anyway.
But I want it to be true.

I heard a quote from Marshy about astrology that I liked:

Everything is set, but everything that's set can be reset


  From: salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@...
 Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 4:58 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis
 --- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  I have known some TM'ers who have been told by jyotish-s there in 
  Fairfield that they have the yoga for enlightenment - they are even told 
  what year enlightenment will strike - they are among the most 
  un-enlightened people I have known. They are also told their health 
  problems will clear up and they are among the sickest people I have known. 
 Ha ha, I've had all that as well.
 My only trip to a jyotishee was when a girlfriend wanted a
 compatability chart done and offered to pay ( I refused to
 hand any cash over - which could maybe have told her something 
 important about me)
 I reasoned that if she didn't know if we were suitable how
 the hell would Jupiter? But she went ahead and got my chart read
 and it was crap, I'm going to get enlightened and win loads of
 money and me and this girl would stay together forever yada yada.
 This guy was supposed to be Marshy's favourite jyotishee and it 
 was the usual load of vague crap that could apply to anyone.
 Except for me winning loads of money - that's going to come true
 this week I'm certain.
 I never saw the girl again either. Bloody planets, you can't 
 trust them
   From: turquoiseb
  Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 3:31 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis
  --- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ 
   --- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
Hey! FF-Lifers ...

Wake up and clarify yer data. Tula lagna or Libra rising? Western 
or Jyotish charts?
   When I was born there were some stars a long, long way off and
   some planets in the same place they always are, just going
   round the sun, same for you and me and everyone that ever lived.
   But it's OK to pretend the Earth is the centre of the solar
   system and the stars are actually connected in some way in their
   constellations and that astrological houses are real and that 
   it all means something (*anything*) to our lives depending on 
   what time we were born.
   But then I've got my moon in capricorn so I'm bound to be
  I have my moon in Fresno and gall rising, so I guess
  that accounts for me, too.  :-)
  Seriously, the reason I made my snippy phrenology 
  comment is that THAT is how this whole discussion
  strikes me. Really. 
  I bailed from the TMO *long* before Jyotish or any
  other form of astrology got the thumbs up from the
  Rish. Therefore I never invested more than a few
  minutes of my time in examining it as if it were
  a rational system. 
  I honestly 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/09/2013 06:50 PM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
 Thanks dear RD - I got your birthdate and time (It can be reverse
 engineered easily if you know the approximate age of the person) and it
 would have been good to have your place of birth, which I know now. So you
 may want to delete your posts if you are not comfortable with that.

 Very good to know and pleasantly surprised to hear about your Jyotish
 background. Yes free Jyotish software was a challenge even for me in 1997.
 I have used JJ before PVR Narasimha Rao created JHL for free - a beautiful
 software indeed -

 Anyway JJ uses true nodes whereas I use mean nodes - so 10 degrees for Rahu
 is correct.

So why do you use the mean nodes?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Michael Jackson
Well he was second - I said that once before - the Ultimate Indian Con Man was 
Mithilesh Kumar Srivastava, better known as Natwarlal - I bet Marshy, Girish 
and all the rest were jealous as hell of that guy.

 From: Ann
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 11:30 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis


--- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Man oh man - I missed all that - by all that I mean the TM money making ploy 
 to send shills to rounding courses to drain course participants money from 
 their pockets whilst rounding - so much for don't make decisions when 
 rounding - what a bunch of hood-winking bastards they were and are - and yes 
 that includes Marshy himself, the penultimate side show barker - the P.T. 
 Barnum of vedic vibes.

Remember, penultimate means second to last. Everyone gets that confused 
because it sounds like penultimate should be the ultimate ultimate. Maybe 
somebody needs to change the meaning. Who's in charge of that sort of thing?
  From: salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@...
 Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 10:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis
 --- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  What a great story! Do you remember how many quid she had to put up for the 
  session? Was it an official Marshy Jyotish reading or was he just Marshy's 
  fav and therefore got a lot of TM business?
 I don't remember how much it was, it only cost me a cup of tea
 and a straight face, but judged in terms of accurate results, 
 very expensive indeed. But you never know I might get enlightened 
 and win loads of money still, if I do I will doff my cap to 
 We were on a big course and international were sending all sorts
 of people down to rip us off - sorry tempt us with vedic wonders -
 and it was not long after the jyotishee that the vedaland PR guy 
 came for a visit and gave us his once in a lifetime opportunity
 But he was Marshy's fave astrologer and everyone on the course
 was excited until I started pointing out inconvenient facts like
 he was telling everyone the same thing. As we all have the same 
 basic needs I got the impression his job was to tell us what we 
 wanted to hear with a few warnings about being nicer to people 
 etc. Which seems a good summation of how it all works anyway.
 But I want it to be true.
 I heard a quote from Marshy about astrology that I liked:
 Everything is set, but everything that's set can be reset
   From: salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@
  Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 4:58 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis
  --- In, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   I have known some TM'ers who have been told by jyotish-s there in 
   Fairfield that they have the yoga for enlightenment - they are even 
   told what year enlightenment will strike - they are among the most 
   un-enlightened people I have known. They are also told their health 
   problems will clear up and they are among the sickest people I have 
  Ha ha, I've had all that as well.
  My only trip to a jyotishee was when a girlfriend wanted a
  compatability chart done and offered to pay ( I refused to
  hand any cash over - which could maybe have told her something 
  important about me)
  I reasoned that if she didn't know if we were suitable how
  the hell would Jupiter? But she went ahead and got my chart read
  and it was crap, I'm going to get enlightened and win loads of
  money and me and this girl would stay together forever yada yada.
  This guy was supposed to be Marshy's favourite jyotishee and it 
  was the usual load of vague crap that could apply to anyone.
  Except for me winning loads of money - that's going to come true
  this week I'm certain.
  I never saw the girl again either. Bloody planets, you can't 
  trust them
From: turquoiseb
   Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 3:31 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis
   --- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ 
--- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:

 Hey! FF-Lifers ...
 Wake up and clarify yer data. Tula lagna or Libra rising? Western 
 or Jyotish charts?

When I was born there were some stars a long, long way off and
some planets in the same place they always are, just going
round the sun, same 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/09/2013 11:07 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... 
 --- In, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
 I love the way you said maths, so British, so traditional.
 How could anyone get mad at you when you say that?
 Hey, how could anyone get mad at me *anyway*?
 You challenge the belief systems they've invested in.
 Rather than challenge them themselves, they get mad.

 Some go as far as to describe the grade-school math
 of astrology as non-simplistic. Clearly anyone who
 believes that (I taught myself how to cast charts
 in less than an hour) has never worked with linear
 and non-linear math programming, quadratic program-
 ming, and optimization/predictive algorithms based
 on chaos theory. Now THOSE are non-simplistic
 maths. But *they* can't predict for shit, either,
 even after millions of man-hours thrown into the

 Astrology is just simple grade-school math combined
 with a lot of subjective data-mining, with a lot of
 wishful thinking thrown in. It only works in the
 rear-view mirror, to explain to people *who already
 believe in it* what already happened and try to fit
 the randomly-shaped pegs of reality into the square
 hole of their ideas about reality.

 The challenge to astrology or Jyotish on this
 forum is the same as it's ever been. Predict some-
 thing. Something concrete, non-hazy, non-general,
 and that can be easily verified. We'll wait.

 Most believers in astrology here have never even
 tried. The ones who did presented *laughably*
 generalistic predictions that could be applied
 to anyone. I seem to remember JohnR even once
 predicting that something bad is going to
 happen to person X or something like that. :-)

 I restate my position -- the more time they've
 invested in the belief system, the less able they
 are to step back and challenge it, to see whether
 it has any validity or not.

No astrologer can predict what color car will cross a street where you 
are waiting for the light to change at 9:15 AM on Tuesday.  If that is 
what you think astrology is  then you are wrong.  I provides a weather 
report of what conditions exist for something to happen.  Malefic 
planetary periods can produce negative results.  If the planet for that 
period rules finances the person may indeed experience financial 
difficulties.  Supposedly remedial measures such as gems, performing 
charitable acts, yantras and mantras can reduce that effect.

Bad transits can also effect people.  I've seen it time and again. 
That's the thing, many astrologers spend their lives testing astrology 
to see if it works.  Why it works is another matter.  Das Goravani 
didn't help much with his explanation of rays the other. He sounded 
more like he was mocking astrology. :-D

It probably says in your horoscope you won't like astrology anyway. Each 
to his own.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/10/2013 04:10 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 --- In, card cardemaister@... wrote:

 --- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:

 --- In, card cardemaister@ wrote:

 --- In, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:

 I'm pretty good with what you're saying here. While astrology is an 
 interesting concept I don't think it is a science because I don't think 
 anything is provable. And I certainly wouldn't base who I was going to 
 marry or not marry based on some astrological chart. I wouldn't use an 
 astrological chart to determine where I should move and when. I don't 
 think I would use any astrological data to make ANY decisions nor would I 
 spend the time to learn how to read people's charts. But it is 
 interesting to see how some are really believers and actually take this 
 stuff into consideration when making life-altering decisions. But I did 
 really appreciate Ravi taking the effort and time to give me a reading.

 If I'd believed my own (partly playful) predictions (I seem to recall it 
 was at the end of 2009 or 2010) concerning the 5th Saturn Return of Nokia 
 Corp (b. 1865), I might be some 50 thousand euros richer now...  ;-(

 There you go Card, the perfect test for astrology. Make some predictions 
 based on company start dates and let's see how well
 they do. I won't invest if you don't mind as I have to remain
 objective. I predict they will perform the same as randomly
 picked stock except in a crisis where they will do worse.
 Prove me wrong!

 Well, of course that's a coincidence, but it mightn't be hard
 to guess how pissed off I've been as I knew the situation
 based on a simple astrological transit some two years in
 advance, but didn't act as  I should've on the basis of that:
 sell my shares and wait for NOK to almost plummet to buy them back
 near the lowest price for years... LoL!
 I'd love to make a killing like that, must be satisfying but I lack
 the know-how to get started in a risky business like that.

 BTW, what were Nokia doing in 1865? Can't have been much of a mobile
 network in those days...

Wood pulp.  Guess they diversified.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/10/2013 10:43 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 EVERY system is simplistic.

 The map is not the territory.

 First, astrology IS fairly simplistic, as systems go.
 Compared to, say, quantum mechanics. But more important,
 NO system can EVER explain reality because it is by
 definition lesser than reality, and only a crude approx-
 imation of reality designed by crude human minds hoping
 to understand the non-understandable.

 Now if you want a definition of simplistic, it's the
 people who believe in systems.  :-)

So how many charts have you cast and analyzed?  None?  But you better 
not try your hand at it because you might find it works. That has 
happened to skeptics including one teacher who wanted to debunk it then 
found it worked.

We get it. It's not your cuppa tea.  Feel free to start a thread on 
the care and grooming of Afghan hounds. I wouldn't have any interest in 
that myself. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Share Long
Ah, one of my favorite math concepts: the fact that infinity comes in different 
sizes. Which is larger the set of all integers or the set of just the even 
integers? Even math has koans (-:  

 From: authfriend
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 1:45 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

--- In, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:
 There's a philosophical question as to whether the
 infinite set of odd or even numbers is bigger than
 the set of all numbers.

Sorry, make that smaller, not bigger.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/10/2013 12:27 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

 --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 --- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:

 --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 On 06/10/2013 10:43 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 EVERY system is simplistic.

 The map is not the territory.

 First, astrology IS fairly simplistic, as systems go.
 Compared to, say, quantum mechanics. But more important,
 NO system can EVER explain reality because it is by
 definition lesser than reality, and only a crude approx-
 imation of reality designed by crude human minds hoping
 to understand the non-understandable.

 Now if you want a definition of simplistic, it's the
 people who believe in systems.  :-)

 So how many charts have you cast and analyzed?  None?  But you better
 not try your hand at it because you might find it works. That has
 happened to skeptics including one teacher who wanted to debunk it then
 found it worked.
 I used to do it but found I couldn't tell people apart. Once
 I was doing two and didn't put the names on top of the paper
 [I did it the hard way] and had absolutely no idea who was who!
 That was my first inkling that something wasn't right.

 But I guess that with computers it's a whole lot easier so
 can you recommend a programme so I can have a go? I'm in a
 scientific mood these days, and the only way to test things
 is to, erm, test them.

 Preferably a free thing I can download, that's what I need.
 Cool, thanks. But unfortunately it's set for America and I was
 born a mere stone's throw from Greenwich and it won't take a 0.5

So what is 0.5 of a degree? It is 30 minutes.  Enter 0 degrees 30 
minutes.  And don't forget to enter whether it is west or east of 0 
degrees.  Slight difference though depending on the time of year the 
ascendant won't change much.  BTW, longitude and latitude are ONLY used 
for calculating the ascendant (or if you are using some unequal house 
system).  The planets are based on the terms for UTC so the time zone is 
needed there.  But then you were probably born UTC or GMT.  UTC does not 
change but these days for DST GMT become BST.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Share Long
salyvin said: Or Saturn giving me bad techno influences. Share replies: no no, 
Mr. Aquarius, Saturn is exalted now so it's probably Mars or whatever is ruler 
of cookies in your chart (-:

thanks, I love the quote from Maharishi about set and reset.

Just replying to another of your posts and speaking for myself, I don't think 
of jyotish as vedic cognition or infallible knowledge. I think of it more like 
a weather report.  It indicates probabilities and tendencies. I think noozguru 
said something like this already. For me it's enjoyable to have enough 
knowledge to see what might unfold. And then watch and see what actually does 

For 20 years I drove from Iowa to Maryland every Christmas. Watching weather 
reports and later observing the weather, I came to at least 2 conclusions: 
storms almost always come sooner than predicted; and when they say 30% chance 
of rain, it almost never rains. Meaning, I think we're all scientists all day 
long. How could we be anything else? We really don't ever know what's gonna 
happen next with 100% certainty.  We may know with 99% certainty that when we 
turn the tap, water will come out; that when we put our foot on the brake, the 
car will stop. But we don't really know anything with 100% certainty. In this 
sense, we're always conducting experiments and watching what happens.

 From: salyavin808
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 4:09 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis


--- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 06/10/2013 12:27 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
  --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  --- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ 
  --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  On 06/10/2013 10:43 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  EVERY system is simplistic.
  The map is not the territory.
  First, astrology IS fairly simplistic, as systems go.
  Compared to, say, quantum mechanics. But more important,
  NO system can EVER explain reality because it is by
  definition lesser than reality, and only a crude approx-
  imation of reality designed by crude human minds hoping
  to understand the non-understandable.
  Now if you want a definition of simplistic, it's the
  people who believe in systems.  :-)
  So how many charts have you cast and analyzed?  None?  But you better
  not try your hand at it because you might find it works. That has
  happened to skeptics including one teacher who wanted to debunk it then
  found it worked.
  I used to do it but found I couldn't tell people apart. Once
  I was doing two and didn't put the names on top of the paper
  [I did it the hard way] and had absolutely no idea who was who!
  That was my first inkling that something wasn't right.
  But I guess that with computers it's a whole lot easier so
  can you recommend a programme so I can have a go? I'm in a
  scientific mood these days, and the only way to test things
  is to, erm, test them.
  Preferably a free thing I can download, that's what I need.
  Cool, thanks. But unfortunately it's set for America and I was
  born a mere stone's throw from Greenwich and it won't take a 0.5
 So what is 0.5 of a degree? It is 30 minutes.  Enter 0 degrees 30 

Nope, tried that and a few other things but it won't take the
verification code now, must be a cookie limiting freebies. Or
Saturn giving me bad techno influences.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/10/2013 02:09 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

 --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 On 06/10/2013 12:27 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
 --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

 --- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ 

 --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 On 06/10/2013 10:43 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 EVERY system is simplistic.

 The map is not the territory.

 First, astrology IS fairly simplistic, as systems go.
 Compared to, say, quantum mechanics. But more important,
 NO system can EVER explain reality because it is by
 definition lesser than reality, and only a crude approx-
 imation of reality designed by crude human minds hoping
 to understand the non-understandable.

 Now if you want a definition of simplistic, it's the
 people who believe in systems.  :-)

 So how many charts have you cast and analyzed?  None?  But you better
 not try your hand at it because you might find it works. That has
 happened to skeptics including one teacher who wanted to debunk it then
 found it worked.
 I used to do it but found I couldn't tell people apart. Once
 I was doing two and didn't put the names on top of the paper
 [I did it the hard way] and had absolutely no idea who was who!
 That was my first inkling that something wasn't right.

 But I guess that with computers it's a whole lot easier so
 can you recommend a programme so I can have a go? I'm in a
 scientific mood these days, and the only way to test things
 is to, erm, test them.

 Preferably a free thing I can download, that's what I need.
 Cool, thanks. But unfortunately it's set for America and I was
 born a mere stone's throw from Greenwich and it won't take a 0.5
 So what is 0.5 of a degree? It is 30 minutes.  Enter 0 degrees 30
 Nope, tried that and a few other things but it won't take the
 verification code now, must be a cookie limiting freebies. Or
 Saturn giving me bad techno influences.

Just download and install one of the free programs.  Online horoscopes 
are for someone who wants to look up a chart without having to install a 
program. Capchas are used to keep people from hotlinking.

Longitude would be 0 W 30 or 0 E 30 though it won't make much difference 
in the ascendant.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Share Long
FFL jyotishis, why are there so many Libra rising people in the world?  
Anyway, some FFL jyotish Sun signs:
Aries, Steve and Robin
Gemini, Doc, Curtis, Share
Leo, Funny Farm Lounge itself
Libra, Ann, Emily and maybe Cardemaister 
Sagittarius, turq, Ravi, noozguru

Hmmm, wind and fire, very interesting.  

 From: Bhairitu
Sent: Saturday, June 8, 2013 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

How many Libra (Tula) rising do we have on FFL?

On 06/08/2013 05:58 PM, emptybill wrote:
 Ravioli Shitviscrewyou -

 So inspiring that you can do this. It's almost like yer a real brahmana
 instead of a Western-sucking Injun psychophant.

 Western astrologers weren't so good with rahu/ketu or as they used to
 call 'em -
 north node/south node or new karma/old karma.

 Got to see Injun jyotish first hand 'cause I have Rahu in Aries in 7th.
 Wife lasted 7 years before being struck down by Kaaladeva.

 P.S. ... ain't no GuruDevi gonna save yer asssets from them notches
 on the karmic clock. Like them Buddhists say ... karma rules all - fuck

 How're them martinis comin' along?
 Still calling them Soma to your admirers?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
 Dear LGG (ji)

 Thank you very much.

 It's all self-learned, self-taught - free of cost, everything on the
 Internet (I'm a product of the internet era, all my philosophical
 online including FFL of course), nothing from actual books since 1998
 - and
 also from the various astrology characters that were mentioned here in
 past few days - the likes of Das Goravani, Sanjay Rath, PVR Narasimha
 and many others. I don't study astrology anymore - stopped for the
 5-10 years now. Like I told Obba - if I ever need to refresh my memory
 head on down to run by a lady named Annie Heese
 apparently. (Except she uses the wrong zodiac and wrong interpretation
 nodes - she reverses it, one could read her all other interpretations
 safely transfer it to the sidereal zodiac/Jyotish chart)

 OMG I wasn't looking to spend half of my posts on astrology, anyway I
 only myself to blame and perhaps Ann for her post on Das and for
 my impulsive, spontaneous offer :-)

 Anyway I have an un-influenced  blemish-less Mercury in 1st in
 so I'm always learning, curious, eager - if you have something to
 teach I
 will learn and then make fun of you. Mercury is un-aspected hence my
 learning is never tainted by my beliefs or subjectivity. Because
 Jupiter is
 the lord and in 12th, it's all in the areas of religion and

 When my Saturn dasha started in Jan 2010 I started magically talking
 (I was
 extremely introverted all my life, hesitant, unsure, nerdy, geeky till
 then) and writing and I haven't shut up since. Saturn lord of 2nd
  3rd (writing) in the 5th house of creativity. I also Rahu in 3rd -
 makes me obsessive energy wise and so writing then is a good way to
 this obsessive Rahu. And it all started because I was trying to
 this cute Indian dentist I was hitting on and she liked astrology.

 On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 2:49 PM, laughinggull108

 Well done Raviji. I must say that I really like this side of're
 a natural! Where did you learn all this?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
 Dear Ann,

 First off, let me remind you again that I use astrological
 analysis for
 personal growth - nothing less, nothing more. It only strengths,
 weaknesses, inclinations, challenges, influences in various
 domains of
 life. The unique, personal consciousness of the person under
 It does your destiny in a sense, doesn't show free-will, would a
 for understanding one-self, tuning oneself in meeting reality.

 I have an analysis below. Understand this is what your chart
 shows. You
 might be already aware of many of your challenges, of your
 you certainly may have already overcome or addressed them,
 considering how you come across on FFL.

 Of course I might have been completely off the mark - anyway I
 will wait
 for your feedback.

 You are a very self-focused individual, hardworking, reliant,
 disciplined -
 you, most likely at a young age were compelled to take
 to family circumstances. You were either through your or other's
 perceptions counted on to be the elder, regardless of if you were
 not the
 eldest of your siblings or not, you were the major influence, had
 say in your family.

 You have a powerful need to be nurture and be nurtured. You spend
 a lot
 your effort,energy into creating a secure home

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Share Long
emptybill since I have plenty of it, I know what old karma is. But can you say 
more about what you mean by new karma? How new? This lifetime? This post? Shall 
we commiserate or celebrate or both the transiting of Ketu to natal Rahu and 
Rahu to natal Ketu?

 From: emptybill
Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 8:27 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

Ca ... Ca ... Can ... Can't we jus ... just get along?

--- In, Bhairitu  wrote:

 How many Libra (Tula) rising do we have on FFL?

 On 06/08/2013 05:58 PM, emptybill wrote:
  Western astrologers weren't so good with rahu/ketu or as they used
  call 'em -
  north node/south node or new karma/old karma.
  Got to see Injun jyotish first hand 'cause I have Rahu in Aries in
  Wife lasted 7 years before being struck down by Kaaladeva.
  P.S. ... ain't no GuruDevi gonna save yer asssets from them notches
  on the karmic clock. Like them Buddhists say ... karma rules all -
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
  Dear LGG (ji)
  Thank you very much.
  It's all self-learned, self-taught - free of cost, everything on
  Internet (I'm a product of the internet era, all my philosophical
  online including FFL of course), nothing from actual books since
  - and
  also from the various astrology characters that were mentioned here
  past few days - the likes of Das Goravani, Sanjay Rath, PVR
  and many others. I don't study astrology anymore - stopped for the
  5-10 years now. Like I told Obba - if I ever need to refresh my
  head on down to run by a lady named Annie Heese
  apparently. (Except she uses the wrong zodiac and wrong
  nodes - she reverses it, one could read her all other
  safely transfer it to the sidereal zodiac/Jyotish chart)
  OMG I wasn't looking to spend half of my posts on astrology, anyway
  only myself to blame and perhaps Ann for her post on Das and for
  my impulsive, spontaneous offer :-)
  Anyway I have an un-influenced  blemish-less Mercury in 1st in
  so I'm always learning, curious, eager - if you have something to
  teach I
  will learn and then make fun of you. Mercury is un-aspected hence
  learning is never tainted by my beliefs or subjectivity. Because
  Jupiter is
  the lord and in 12th, it's all in the areas of religion and
  When my Saturn dasha started in Jan 2010 I started magically
  (I was
  extremely introverted all my life, hesitant, unsure, nerdy, geeky
  then) and writing and I haven't shut up since. Saturn lord of 2nd
   3rd (writing) in the 5th house of creativity. I also Rahu in 3rd
  makes me obsessive energy wise and so writing then is a good way to
  this obsessive Rahu. And it all started because I was trying to
  this cute Indian dentist I was hitting on and she liked astrology.
  On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 2:49 PM, laughinggull108
  Well done Raviji. I must say that I really like this side of're
  a natural! Where did you learn all this?
  --- In, Ravi Chivukula
  Dear Ann,
  First off, let me remind you again that I use astrological
  analysis for
  personal growth - nothing less, nothing more. It only strengths,
  weaknesses, inclinations, challenges, influences in various
  domains of
  life. The unique, personal consciousness of the person under
  It does your destiny in a sense, doesn't show free-will, would a
  for understanding one-self, tuning oneself in meeting reality.
  I have an analysis below. Understand this is what your chart
  shows. You
  might be already aware of many of your challenges, of your
  you certainly may have already overcome or addressed them,
  considering how you come across on FFL.
  Of course I might have been completely off the mark - anyway I
  will wait
  for your feedback.
  You are a very self-focused individual, hardworking, reliant,
  disciplined -
  you, most likely at a young age were compelled to take
  to family circumstances. You were either through your or other's
  perceptions counted on to be the elder, regardless of if you were
  not the
  eldest of your siblings or not, you were the major influence, had
  say in your family.
  You have a powerful need to be nurture and be nurtured. You spend
  a lot
  your effort,energy into creating a secure home for yourself -
  stemming from your childhood. Mostly extremely attached to your
  not the father, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Bhairitu
Sure, but this IS the Funny Farm Lounge.  I just was noticing how many 
house positions in the charts  were relative to a Libra ascendant. ;-)

On 06/09/2013 06:27 AM, emptybill wrote:
 Ca ... Ca ... Can ... Can't we jus ... just get along?

 --- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
 How many Libra (Tula) rising do we have on FFL?

 On 06/08/2013 05:58 PM, emptybill wrote:
 Ravioli Shitviscrewyou -

 So inspiring that you can do this. It's almost like yer a real
 instead of a Western-sucking Injun psychophant.

 Western astrologers weren't so good with rahu/ketu or as they used
 call 'em -
 north node/south node or new karma/old karma.

 Got to see Injun jyotish first hand 'cause I have Rahu in Aries in
 Wife lasted 7 years before being struck down by Kaaladeva.

 P.S. ... ain't no GuruDevi gonna save yer asssets from them notches
 on the karmic clock. Like them Buddhists say ... karma rules all -

 How're them martinis comin' along?
 Still calling them Soma to your admirers?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
 Dear LGG (ji)

 Thank you very much.

 It's all self-learned, self-taught - free of cost, everything on
 Internet (I'm a product of the internet era, all my philosophical
 online including FFL of course), nothing from actual books since
 - and
 also from the various astrology characters that were mentioned here
 past few days - the likes of Das Goravani, Sanjay Rath, PVR
 and many others. I don't study astrology anymore - stopped for the
 5-10 years now. Like I told Obba - if I ever need to refresh my
 head on down to run by a lady named Annie Heese
 apparently. (Except she uses the wrong zodiac and wrong
 nodes - she reverses it, one could read her all other
 safely transfer it to the sidereal zodiac/Jyotish chart)

 OMG I wasn't looking to spend half of my posts on astrology, anyway
 only myself to blame and perhaps Ann for her post on Das and for
 my impulsive, spontaneous offer :-)

 Anyway I have an un-influenced  blemish-less Mercury in 1st in
 so I'm always learning, curious, eager - if you have something to
 teach I
 will learn and then make fun of you. Mercury is un-aspected hence
 learning is never tainted by my beliefs or subjectivity. Because
 Jupiter is
 the lord and in 12th, it's all in the areas of religion and

 When my Saturn dasha started in Jan 2010 I started magically
 (I was
 extremely introverted all my life, hesitant, unsure, nerdy, geeky
 then) and writing and I haven't shut up since. Saturn lord of 2nd
  3rd (writing) in the 5th house of creativity. I also Rahu in 3rd
 makes me obsessive energy wise and so writing then is a good way to
 this obsessive Rahu. And it all started because I was trying to
 this cute Indian dentist I was hitting on and she liked astrology.

 On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 2:49 PM, laughinggull108

 Well done Raviji. I must say that I really like this side of're
 a natural! Where did you learn all this?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula
 Dear Ann,

 First off, let me remind you again that I use astrological
 analysis for
 personal growth - nothing less, nothing more. It only strengths,
 weaknesses, inclinations, challenges, influences in various
 domains of
 life. The unique, personal consciousness of the person under
 It does your destiny in a sense, doesn't show free-will, would a
 for understanding one-self, tuning oneself in meeting reality.

 I have an analysis below. Understand this is what your chart
 shows. You
 might be already aware of many of your challenges, of your
 you certainly may have already overcome or addressed them,
 considering how you come across on FFL.

 Of course I might have been completely off the mark - anyway I
 will wait
 for your feedback.

 You are a very self-focused individual, hardworking, reliant,
 disciplined -
 you, most likely at a young age were compelled to take
 to family circumstances. You were either through your or other's
 perceptions counted on to be the elder, regardless of if you were
 not the
 eldest of your siblings or not, you were the major influence, had
 say in your family.

 You have a powerful need to be nurture and be nurtured. You spend
 a lot
 your effort,energy into creating a secure home for yourself -
 stemming from your childhood. Mostly extremely attached to your
 not the father, yet there is lot of friction with the mother,
 feelings. You get involved or get caught up, willingly or
 unwillingly in
 lot of family drama. OTOH your 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Michael Jackson
I have known some TM'ers who have been told by jyotish-s there in Fairfield 
that they have the yoga for enlightenment - they are even told what year 
enlightenment will strike - they are among the most un-enlightened people I 
have known. They are also told their health problems will clear up and they are 
among the sickest people I have known. 

 From: turquoiseb
Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 3:31 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

--- In, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:

 --- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Hey! FF-Lifers ...
  Wake up and clarify yer data. Tula lagna or Libra rising? Western 
  or Jyotish charts?
 When I was born there were some stars a long, long way off and
 some planets in the same place they always are, just going
 round the sun, same for you and me and everyone that ever lived.
 But it's OK to pretend the Earth is the centre of the solar
 system and the stars are actually connected in some way in their
 constellations and that astrological houses are real and that 
 it all means something (*anything*) to our lives depending on 
 what time we were born.
 But then I've got my moon in capricorn so I'm bound to be

I have my moon in Fresno and gall rising, so I guess
that accounts for me, too.  :-)

Seriously, the reason I made my snippy phrenology 
comment is that THAT is how this whole discussion
strikes me. Really. 

I bailed from the TMO *long* before Jyotish or any
other form of astrology got the thumbs up from the
Rish. Therefore I never invested more than a few
minutes of my time in examining it as if it were
a rational system. 

I honestly believe that -- to some extent - the
degree to which people defend astrology (of any form)
on this forum depends to some extent on that very
*investment* I mention above. They were told it was
meaningful, and so they dived into it and learned
about it (as much as one *can* learn about a total
pseudoscience), and the more time and energy they
invested in it, the more they became defenders
of astrology. 

In other words, it's the same phenomenon we see in
TMers who still defend Maharishi. 

*I* spent a lot of time and energy on this, and *I* 
could not possibly have been wrong or deluded or 
taken in, so therefore it *has* to have merit.

Astrology strikes me now -- and always has -- as a 
pseudoscience aimed at those who believe that the
infinite complexity of human behavior can be explained
by a simplistic system. 

I give humans -- and Nature -- far more credit than to
be able to believe that. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/09/2013 11:51 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 --- In, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:
 Hey! FF-Lifers ...

 Wake up and clarify yer data. Tula lagna or Libra rising? Western or
 Jyotish charts?
 When I was born there were some stars a long, long way off and
 some planets in the same place they always are, just going
 round the sun, same for you and me and everyone that ever lived.

 But it's OK to pretend the Earth is the centre of the solar
 system and the stars are actually connected in some way in their
 constellations and that astrological houses are real and that
 it all means something (*anything*) to our lives depending on
 what time we were born.

 But then I've got my moon in capricorn so I'm bound to be

Kepler's day job was casting charts for astrologers.  Astronomy 
developed from astrology not the other way around.  And astrologers knew 
a long time before others that the earth wasn't the center of the solar 
system.  It was obvious from observation.

 So far I think only Judy has confirmed which one.

 --- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
 How many Libra (Tula) rising do we have on FFL?

 On 06/08/2013 05:58 PM, emptybill wrote:
 Ravioli Shitviscrewyou -

 So inspiring that you can do this. It's almost like yer a real
 instead of a Western-sucking Injun psychophant.

 Western astrologers weren't so good with rahu/ketu or as they used
 call 'em -
 north node/south node or new karma/old karma.

 Got to see Injun jyotish first hand 'cause I have Rahu in Aries in
 Wife lasted 7 years before being struck down by Kaaladeva.

 P.S. ... ain't no GuruDevi gonna save yer asssets from them notches
 on the karmic clock. Like them Buddhists say ... karma rules all -

 How're them martinis comin' along?
 Still calling them Soma to your admirers?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
 Dear LGG (ji)

 Thank you very much.

 It's all self-learned, self-taught - free of cost, everything on
 Internet (I'm a product of the internet era, all my philosophical
 online including FFL of course), nothing from actual books since
 - and
 also from the various astrology characters that were mentioned here
 past few days - the likes of Das Goravani, Sanjay Rath, PVR
 and many others. I don't study astrology anymore - stopped for the
 5-10 years now. Like I told Obba - if I ever need to refresh my
 head on down to run by a lady named Annie Heese
 apparently. (Except she uses the wrong zodiac and wrong
 nodes - she reverses it, one could read her all other
 safely transfer it to the sidereal zodiac/Jyotish chart)

 OMG I wasn't looking to spend half of my posts on astrology, anyway
 only myself to blame and perhaps Ann for her post on Das and for
 my impulsive, spontaneous offer :-)

 Anyway I have an un-influenced  blemish-less Mercury in 1st in
 so I'm always learning, curious, eager - if you have something to
 teach I
 will learn and then make fun of you. Mercury is un-aspected hence
 learning is never tainted by my beliefs or subjectivity. Because
 Jupiter is
 the lord and in 12th, it's all in the areas of religion and

 When my Saturn dasha started in Jan 2010 I started magically
 (I was
 extremely introverted all my life, hesitant, unsure, nerdy, geeky
 then) and writing and I haven't shut up since. Saturn lord of 2nd
  3rd (writing) in the 5th house of creativity. I also Rahu in 3rd
 makes me obsessive energy wise and so writing then is a good way to
 this obsessive Rahu. And it all started because I was trying to
 this cute Indian dentist I was hitting on and she liked astrology.

 On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 2:49 PM, laughinggull108

 Well done Raviji. I must say that I really like this side of're
 a natural! Where did you learn all this?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula
 Dear Ann,

 First off, let me remind you again that I use astrological
 analysis for
 personal growth - nothing less, nothing more. It only strengths,
 weaknesses, inclinations, challenges, influences in various
 domains of
 life. The unique, personal consciousness of the person under
 It does your destiny in a sense, doesn't show free-will, would a
 for understanding one-self, tuning oneself in meeting reality.

 I have an analysis below. Understand this is what your chart
 shows. You
 might be already aware of many of your challenges, of your
 you certainly may have already overcome or addressed them,
 considering how you come across on FFL.

 Of course I might have been completely off the mark - anyway I
 will wait
 for your feedback.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Bhairitu
LIbra ascendant in both.  Sun in Sag in Jyotish and barely in Capricorn 
in tropical

Subtract about 23 degrees from the western ascendant for the jyotish 
one.  Same with the Sun.  The ayanamsha has been 23 degrees x minutes 
since 1939 and only recently changed to 24 degrees but I don't think we 
have any members with that ayanamsha posting.

On 06/09/2013 11:35 AM, emptybill wrote:
 Hey! FF-Lifers ...

 Wake up and clarify yer data. Tula lagna or Libra rising? Western or
 Jyotish charts?

 So far I think only Judy has confirmed which one.

 --- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
 How many Libra (Tula) rising do we have on FFL?

 On 06/08/2013 05:58 PM, emptybill wrote:
 Ravioli Shitviscrewyou -

 So inspiring that you can do this. It's almost like yer a real
 instead of a Western-sucking Injun psychophant.

 Western astrologers weren't so good with rahu/ketu or as they used
 call 'em -
 north node/south node or new karma/old karma.

 Got to see Injun jyotish first hand 'cause I have Rahu in Aries in
 Wife lasted 7 years before being struck down by Kaaladeva.

 P.S. ... ain't no GuruDevi gonna save yer asssets from them notches
 on the karmic clock. Like them Buddhists say ... karma rules all -

 How're them martinis comin' along?
 Still calling them Soma to your admirers?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
 Dear LGG (ji)

 Thank you very much.

 It's all self-learned, self-taught - free of cost, everything on
 Internet (I'm a product of the internet era, all my philosophical
 online including FFL of course), nothing from actual books since
 - and
 also from the various astrology characters that were mentioned here
 past few days - the likes of Das Goravani, Sanjay Rath, PVR
 and many others. I don't study astrology anymore - stopped for the
 5-10 years now. Like I told Obba - if I ever need to refresh my
 head on down to run by a lady named Annie Heese
 apparently. (Except she uses the wrong zodiac and wrong
 nodes - she reverses it, one could read her all other
 safely transfer it to the sidereal zodiac/Jyotish chart)

 OMG I wasn't looking to spend half of my posts on astrology, anyway
 only myself to blame and perhaps Ann for her post on Das and for
 my impulsive, spontaneous offer :-)

 Anyway I have an un-influenced  blemish-less Mercury in 1st in
 so I'm always learning, curious, eager - if you have something to
 teach I
 will learn and then make fun of you. Mercury is un-aspected hence
 learning is never tainted by my beliefs or subjectivity. Because
 Jupiter is
 the lord and in 12th, it's all in the areas of religion and

 When my Saturn dasha started in Jan 2010 I started magically
 (I was
 extremely introverted all my life, hesitant, unsure, nerdy, geeky
 then) and writing and I haven't shut up since. Saturn lord of 2nd
  3rd (writing) in the 5th house of creativity. I also Rahu in 3rd
 makes me obsessive energy wise and so writing then is a good way to
 this obsessive Rahu. And it all started because I was trying to
 this cute Indian dentist I was hitting on and she liked astrology.

 On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 2:49 PM, laughinggull108

 Well done Raviji. I must say that I really like this side of're
 a natural! Where did you learn all this?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula
 Dear Ann,

 First off, let me remind you again that I use astrological
 analysis for
 personal growth - nothing less, nothing more. It only strengths,
 weaknesses, inclinations, challenges, influences in various
 domains of
 life. The unique, personal consciousness of the person under
 It does your destiny in a sense, doesn't show free-will, would a
 for understanding one-self, tuning oneself in meeting reality.

 I have an analysis below. Understand this is what your chart
 shows. You
 might be already aware of many of your challenges, of your
 you certainly may have already overcome or addressed them,
 considering how you come across on FFL.

 Of course I might have been completely off the mark - anyway I
 will wait
 for your feedback.

 You are a very self-focused individual, hardworking, reliant,
 disciplined -
 you, most likely at a young age were compelled to take
 to family circumstances. You were either through your or other's
 perceptions counted on to be the elder, regardless of if you were
 not the
 eldest of your siblings or not, you were the major influence, had
 say in your family.

 You have a powerful need to be nurture and be nurtured. You spend
 a lot
 your effort,energy into 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Your argument here doesn't hold any water here salyavin.

The calculations are the only part of astrology that are mathematical, it
is geocentric - from the POV of the observer on earth. The positions of
planets have precise calculations so now you have softwares which churn out
the charts, as Bhairitu has commented certainly Indians didn't believe
earth was the center and astronomy could have been developed to cater to

There are other valid arguments against astrology - it's mystical origins
and philosophical arguments against it. That it doesn't capture the
essence, beauty of life - life which is a dynamic, living, in the moment -
but then most philosophical ideas don't and creative pursuits such as
music, poetry reflect the beauty, vulnerability of life.

More arguments against - Something you yourself addressed in a subsequent
post of yours - the personal subjectivity of astrologer creeping in, which
of course taints everyone - including yours here where the scientific
salyavin comes across as very unscientific. Arguments against the scope,
validity of astrology are also equally valid.

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 11:51 AM, salyavin808 fintlewoodle...@mail.comwrote:


 --- In, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:
  Hey! FF-Lifers ...
  Wake up and clarify yer data. Tula lagna or Libra rising? Western or
  Jyotish charts?

 When I was born there were some stars a long, long way off and
 some planets in the same place they always are, just going
 round the sun, same for you and me and everyone that ever lived.

 But it's OK to pretend the Earth is the centre of the solar
 system and the stars are actually connected in some way in their
 constellations and that astrological houses are real and that
 it all means something (*anything*) to our lives depending on
 what time we were born.

 But then I've got my moon in capricorn so I'm bound to be

  So far I think only Judy has confirmed which one.
  --- In, Bhairitu wrote:
   How many Libra (Tula) rising do we have on FFL?
   On 06/08/2013 05:58 PM, emptybill wrote:
Ravioli Shitviscrewyou -
So inspiring that you can do this. It's almost like yer a real
instead of a Western-sucking Injun psychophant.
Western astrologers weren't so good with rahu/ketu or as they used
call 'em -
north node/south node or new karma/old karma.
Got to see Injun jyotish first hand 'cause I have Rahu in Aries in
Wife lasted 7 years before being struck down by Kaaladeva.
P.S. ... ain't no GuruDevi gonna save yer asssets from them notches
on the karmic clock. Like them Buddhists say ... karma rules all -
How're them martinis comin' along?
Still calling them Soma to your admirers?
--- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
Dear LGG (ji)
Thank you very much.
It's all self-learned, self-taught - free of cost, everything on
Internet (I'm a product of the internet era, all my philosophical
online including FFL of course), nothing from actual books since
- and
also from the various astrology characters that were mentioned here
past few days - the likes of Das Goravani, Sanjay Rath, PVR
and many others. I don't study astrology anymore - stopped for the
5-10 years now. Like I told Obba - if I ever need to refresh my
head on down to run by a lady named Annie Heese
apparently. (Except she uses the wrong zodiac and wrong
nodes - she reverses it, one could read her all other
safely transfer it to the sidereal zodiac/Jyotish chart)
OMG I wasn't looking to spend half of my posts on astrology, anyway
only myself to blame and perhaps Ann for her post on Das and for
my impulsive, spontaneous offer :-)
Anyway I have an un-influenced blemish-less Mercury in 1st in
so I'm always learning, curious, eager - if you have something to
teach I
will learn and then make fun of you. Mercury is un-aspected hence
learning is never tainted by my beliefs or subjectivity. Because
Jupiter is
the lord and in 12th, it's all in the areas of religion and
When my Saturn dasha started in Jan 2010 I started magically
(I was
extremely introverted all my life, hesitant, unsure, nerdy, geeky
then) and writing and I haven't shut up since. Saturn lord of 2nd
 3rd (writing) in the 5th house of creativity. I also Rahu in 3rd
makes me obsessive energy wise and so writing then is a good way to
this obsessive Rahu. And it all started because I was trying to

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Mr. Bill - thank you very much, this was probably not easy for you :-)

Sorry to hear about your loss, yes Rahu in Aries in 7th can be very tough.
Do agree with your points on the nodes in Western astrology. I incorporated
nodes in my analysis only after the Indian dentist's persisent questioning
on Rahu, so I acknowledge her contribution in that regard. And of course I
started doing astrological analysis during that period.

OK - now I will revert to my martini-sipping, trash-talking Brahmin persona
in my subsequent interactions with you Empty Bill. I have a major influence
of Scorpio in my chart, Venus, Mars, Jupiter in the 12th and Scorpio is the
tamasic Brahmin and you are right I'm the real deal baby.

Anyway I am surprised with all the traction astrology is getting for the
past few days, I suppose that's how FFL goes - some topics dominating. But
I will try to extricate myself from this since it is not something which is
my primary focus.

On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 5:58 PM, emptybill wrote:


 Ravioli Shitviscrewyou -

 So inspiring that you can do this. It's almost like yer a real brahmana
 instead of a Western-sucking Injun psychophant.

 Western astrologers weren't so good with rahu/ketu or as they used to
 call 'em -
 north node/south node or new karma/old karma.

 Got to see Injun jyotish first hand 'cause I have Rahu in Aries in 7th.
 Wife lasted 7 years before being struck down by Kaaladeva.

 P.S. ... ain't no GuruDevi gonna save yer asssets from them notches
 on the karmic clock. Like them Buddhists say ... karma rules all - fuck

 How're them martinis comin' along?
 Still calling them Soma to your admirers?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  Dear LGG (ji)
  Thank you very much.
  It's all self-learned, self-taught - free of cost, everything on the
  Internet (I'm a product of the internet era, all my philosophical
  online including FFL of course), nothing from actual books since 1998
 - and
  also from the various astrology characters that were mentioned here in
  past few days - the likes of Das Goravani, Sanjay Rath, PVR Narasimha
  and many others. I don't study astrology anymore - stopped for the
  5-10 years now. Like I told Obba - if I ever need to refresh my memory
  head on down to run by a lady named Annie Heese
  apparently. (Except she uses the wrong zodiac and wrong interpretation
  nodes - she reverses it, one could read her all other interpretations
  safely transfer it to the sidereal zodiac/Jyotish chart)
  OMG I wasn't looking to spend half of my posts on astrology, anyway I
  only myself to blame and perhaps Ann for her post on Das and for
  my impulsive, spontaneous offer :-)
  Anyway I have an un-influenced blemish-less Mercury in 1st in
  so I'm always learning, curious, eager - if you have something to
 teach I
  will learn and then make fun of you. Mercury is un-aspected hence my
  learning is never tainted by my beliefs or subjectivity. Because
 Jupiter is
  the lord and in 12th, it's all in the areas of religion and
  When my Saturn dasha started in Jan 2010 I started magically talking
 (I was
  extremely introverted all my life, hesitant, unsure, nerdy, geeky till
  then) and writing and I haven't shut up since. Saturn lord of 2nd
   3rd (writing) in the 5th house of creativity. I also Rahu in 3rd -
  makes me obsessive energy wise and so writing then is a good way to
  this obsessive Rahu. And it all started because I was trying to
  this cute Indian dentist I was hitting on and she liked astrology.
  On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 2:49 PM, laughinggull108

   Well done Raviji. I must say that I really like this side of're
   a natural! Where did you learn all this?
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
Dear Ann,
First off, let me remind you again that I use astrological
 analysis for
personal growth - nothing less, nothing more. It only strengths,
weaknesses, inclinations, challenges, influences in various
 domains of
life. The unique, personal consciousness of the person under
It does your destiny in a sense, doesn't show free-will, would a
for understanding one-self, tuning oneself in meeting reality.
I have an analysis below. Understand this is what your chart
 shows. You
might be already aware of many of your challenges, of your
you certainly may have already overcome or addressed them,
considering how you come across on FFL.
Of course I might have been completely off the mark - anyway I
 will wait
for your feedback.
You are a very self-focused individual, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
It is definitely very complex and it really baffled, hindered me in the
beginning because there were so many variables - some conflicting, to
consider. In fact I have had to pare down the factors I look at, and the
scope and parameters to come up with a reasonable analysis. Logic dictates
you really try to have some good understanding of the topic before you
criticize it and Barry, salyavin come up with some lame arguments after I
have really detailed a clear summary of some of the major limitations of

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:12 PM, authfriend wrote:


 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

  Astrology strikes me now -- and always has -- as a
  pseudoscience aimed at those who believe that the
  infinite complexity of human behavior can be explained
  by a simplistic system.

 It's almost guaranteed that the more scornful a person
 is about astrology, the less they know about it.

 One of the first things one learns when one studies
 astrology is that it's a infinitely complex system.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
And salyavin is blind to his own subjectivity, hypocrisy making fun of
astrologers. It's the same subjectivity that taints all knowledge, all
philosophical thought contemplating the nature of reality and it's

He doesn't realize that his beliefs in physicalism and the reductionist
model when taken to its logical conclusion would imply that we don't have
any free will. As deterministic and fatalistic as astrology.

But then the contradiction of it all reflected in his vehement opposition
to anything that's not the reductionist, physical model. Where is this
vehement opposition of his originating from?

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 It is definitely very complex and it really baffled, hindered me in the
 beginning because there were so many variables - some conflicting, to
 consider. In fact I have had to pare down the factors I look at, and the
 scope and parameters to come up with a reasonable analysis. Logic dictates
 you really try to have some good understanding of the topic before you
 criticize it and Barry, salyavin come up with some lame arguments after I
 have really detailed a clear summary of some of the major limitations of

 On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:12 PM, authfriend wrote:


 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

  Astrology strikes me now -- and always has -- as a
  pseudoscience aimed at those who believe that the
  infinite complexity of human behavior can be explained
  by a simplistic system.

 It's almost guaranteed that the more scornful a person
 is about astrology, the less they know about it.

 One of the first things one learns when one studies
 astrology is that it's a infinitely complex system.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
And this is why I call salyavin an idiot.

As tainted - his subjectivity tainting - his opinions, as deterministic, as
fatalistic as astrologers all the while arguing that such a subjectivity
even exists.

The contradiction here is by pointing out the perverse subjectivity of
astrologers disproving his own beliefs in physicalism and the reductionist

What a fucking hypocrite you are salyavin, blind to your own subjectivity.

Go play or listen to music, write some poetry, love a woman - express your
helplessness, the vulnerability at the baffling, puzzling complexity,
contradiction that is the life, that is the human consciousness - this
complexity which neither astrology or your reductionist physicalism ever
can touch.

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 And salyavin is blind to his own subjectivity, hypocrisy making fun of
 astrologers. It's the same subjectivity that taints all knowledge, all
 philosophical thought contemplating the nature of reality and it's

 He doesn't realize that his beliefs in physicalism and the reductionist
 model when taken to its logical conclusion would imply that we don't have
 any free will. As deterministic and fatalistic as astrology.

 But then the contradiction of it all reflected in his vehement opposition
 to anything that's not the reductionist, physical model. Where is this
 vehement opposition of his originating from?

 On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Ravi Chivukula 

 It is definitely very complex and it really baffled, hindered me in the
 beginning because there were so many variables - some conflicting, to
 consider. In fact I have had to pare down the factors I look at, and the
 scope and parameters to come up with a reasonable analysis. Logic dictates
 you really try to have some good understanding of the topic before you
 criticize it and Barry, salyavin come up with some lame arguments after I
 have really detailed a clear summary of some of the major limitations of

 On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:12 PM, authfriend wrote:


 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

  Astrology strikes me now -- and always has -- as a
  pseudoscience aimed at those who believe that the
  infinite complexity of human behavior can be explained
  by a simplistic system.

 It's almost guaranteed that the more scornful a person
 is about astrology, the less they know about it.

 One of the first things one learns when one studies
 astrology is that it's a infinitely complex system.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Bhairitu
23 deg 15 minutes would be true for March 1956.  The anyanamsha 
increases about 50 seconds a year. This is  the precession of the 
equinox.  Tropical astrology does not use ayanamsha.  Jyotish is 
sidereal and hence takes into account the precession of the equinox.  
Lahiri ayanamsha was 0 in 285 AD.  Some astrologers will use different 
ayanamshas but they are often only a degree or two different.  The 
ayanamsha is subtracted so it is currently at a little less than 6 
degrees Pisces and that Age of Aquarius is still a couple hundred 
years off or when it goes into Aquarius.  But that was just a lyric for 
a song anyway.

On 06/09/2013 02:07 PM, card wrote:
 Well, at least according to the Swiss(?) site,, Lahiri
 ayanaamsha (ayana-amsha) is 23°15'15...

 --- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
 LIbra ascendant in both.  Sun in Sag in Jyotish and barely in
 in tropical

 Subtract about 23 degrees from the western ascendant for the jyotish
 one.  Same with the Sun.  The ayanamsha has been 23 degrees x minutes
 since 1939 and only recently changed to 24 degrees but I don't think
 have any members with that ayanamsha posting.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Bhairitu
Especially when astrology teachers throw you a copy of the Parashara 
Hora Shastra and expect you to memorize it.  Fortunately a few have 
taken to distilling  the underlying principles which make it easier.  
That book reads like Parashara was traveling throughout India and 
cataloging all the different systems he found.  Many successful India 
astrologers just use a few basic principles and don't bother with the 

On 06/09/2013 02:29 PM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
 It is definitely very complex and it really baffled, hindered me in the
 beginning because there were so many variables - some conflicting, to
 consider. In fact I have had to pare down the factors I look at, and the
 scope and parameters to come up with a reasonable analysis. Logic dictates
 you really try to have some good understanding of the topic before you
 criticize it and Barry, salyavin come up with some lame arguments after I
 have really detailed a clear summary of some of the major limitations of

 On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:12 PM, authfriend wrote:


 --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Astrology strikes me now -- and always has -- as a
 pseudoscience aimed at those who believe that the
 infinite complexity of human behavior can be explained
 by a simplistic system.
 It's almost guaranteed that the more scornful a person
 is about astrology, the less they know about it.

 One of the first things one learns when one studies
 astrology is that it's a infinitely complex system.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Oh come on please - these calculations are the basic of astrology, that
they are geocentric.

I am not going to get into any detailed argument with you, because I have
already addressed everything you had to say.

Having watched your arguments with Robin, Judy, Richard etc, I am not a fan
of your reductionist style of argument - where you refuse to address major
portions, you are stubborn, you obfuscate, you distort.

You are very unscientific in your perverse support for science.

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 3:03 PM, salyavin808 fintlewoodle...@mail.comwrote:


 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  Your argument here doesn't hold any water here salyavin.

  The calculations are the only part of astrology that are mathematical, it
  is geocentric - from the POV of the observer on earth. The positions of
  planets have precise calculations so now you have softwares which churn
  the charts, as Bhairitu has commented certainly Indians didn't believe
  earth was the center and astronomy could have been developed to cater to

 I know how to draw up horoscopes Ravi, and the maths is what gives
 it away - IF you know that everything in the solar system goes round
 the sun, the ephemeris used to plot positions on the natal chart are
 designed to make it look like the earth is in the middle, all those
 logarithm tables used to drive me nuts, I used a calculator and a
 piece of paper, the hoops you have to jump through to make it look like
 the earth is the middle are ridiculous but not as ridiculous
 as thinking it will work the same way with the sun where it ought to be,
 that would just throw everything else out completely, or rather
 it would make even less sense.

  There are other valid arguments against astrology - it's mystical origins
  and philosophical arguments against it.

 Tha fact it doesn't work?

 That it doesn't capture the
  essence, beauty of life - life which is a dynamic, living, in the moment
  but then most philosophical ideas don't and creative pursuits such as
  music, poetry reflect the beauty, vulnerability of life.
  More arguments against - Something you yourself addressed in a subsequent
  post of yours - the personal subjectivity of astrologer creeping in,
  of course taints everyone - including yours here where the scientific
  salyavin comes across as very unscientific.

 Actually I'm being ruthlessly scientific here, the only force
 known to be infinite in extent is gravity and astrology has
 nothing to do with that as a lorry passing you in the street
 has a much larger effect on you than Jupiter ever could, let
 alone a titchy little speck like Mercury.

 The astrologer must be proposing some sort of personality field
 that permeates space and is somehow affected by planets movements
 and by having a corresponding and predictable effect on people born
 at a particular time and place on Earth, but a different effect
 on people born somewhere else at the same or a different time.

 The field appears to be unmeasurable except in its effects but
 even then only subjectively, no one has ever convincingly
 demonstrated that it is a usable indicator of future events or
 that personality profiles can be picked out by the people who they
 supposedly are excellent descriptions of. These experiments have
 been done many times.

 The trick with any scientific endeavor is to make sure there is a
 signal to measure and then you can start speculating. Which would
 be fine and a good place for starting research *if* we didn't have
 any idea about how personalities are formed and a much better
 understanding of our place in the cosmos than the people who devised

 But giving physics a complete rewrite with no discernable gain is going to
 be a tough sell, to me anyway. It's all a bit too anthopo-
 morphic. Give a monkey a brain and it thinks it's the centre of the

 Arguments against the scope,
  validity of astrology are also equally valid.
  On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 11:51 AM, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@...wrote:

   --- In, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
Hey! FF-Lifers ...
Wake up and clarify yer data. Tula lagna or Libra rising? Western or
Jyotish charts?
   When I was born there were some stars a long, long way off and
   some planets in the same place they always are, just going
   round the sun, same for you and me and everyone that ever lived.
   But it's OK to pretend the Earth is the centre of the solar
   system and the stars are actually connected in some way in their
   constellations and that astrological houses are real and that
   it all means something (*anything*) to our lives depending on
   what time we were born.
   But then I've got my moon in capricorn so I'm bound to be
So far I think only Judy has confirmed which one.
--- In 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Yes - I have been very scientific, so to speak - as in logical, analytical,
consistent in my approach, given the limitations, the scope and validity of
astrology, which salyavin in his reductionist obfuscation doesn't even
acknowledge - oblivious to his own subjectivity which he denies, the
fatalistic, determinstic approach of his reductionist, physicalism that he

I have clearly defined the scope, the parameters under which I operate and
the persons who received an astrological analysis from me were more than
satisfied. And my goals from an astrology reading i.e providing a sort of
therapeutic, psychosomatic relief were delivered even if the persons who I
did the reading for were conscious and perceptive of my intentions or not.

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 3:19 PM, authfriend wrote:


 For the record, it doesn't bother me if people are
 skeptical of astrology--I'm dubious about it myself.

 What I find astounding is the *basis* the skeptics
 cite for their disbelief--Barry because it's
 simplistic and salyavin because astrology doesn't
 represent the solar system as it actually is.

 Barry's obviously just plain factually wrong, and
 salyavin doesn't realize his objections are completely

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  And this is why I call salyavin an idiot.
  As tainted - his subjectivity tainting - his opinions, as deterministic,
  fatalistic as astrologers all the while arguing that such a subjectivity
  even exists.
  The contradiction here is by pointing out the perverse subjectivity of
  astrologers disproving his own beliefs in physicalism and the
  What a fucking hypocrite you are salyavin, blind to your own
  Go play or listen to music, write some poetry, love a woman - express
  helplessness, the vulnerability at the baffling, puzzling complexity,
  contradiction that is the life, that is the human consciousness - this
  complexity which neither astrology or your reductionist physicalism ever
  can touch.
  On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@

   And salyavin is blind to his own subjectivity, hypocrisy making fun of
   astrologers. It's the same subjectivity that taints all knowledge, all
   philosophical thought contemplating the nature of reality and it's
   He doesn't realize that his beliefs in physicalism and the reductionist
   model when taken to its logical conclusion would imply that we don't
   any free will. As deterministic and fatalistic as astrology.
   But then the contradiction of it all reflected in his vehement
   to anything that's not the reductionist, physical model. Where is this
   vehement opposition of his originating from?
   On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@

   It is definitely very complex and it really baffled, hindered me in
   beginning because there were so many variables - some conflicting, to
   consider. In fact I have had to pare down the factors I look at, and
   scope and parameters to come up with a reasonable analysis. Logic
   you really try to have some good understanding of the topic before you
   criticize it and Barry, salyavin come up with some lame arguments
 after I
   have really detailed a clear summary of some of the major limitations
   On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:12 PM, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:
   --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
Astrology strikes me now -- and always has -- as a
pseudoscience aimed at those who believe that the
infinite complexity of human behavior can be explained
by a simplistic system.
   It's almost guaranteed that the more scornful a person
   is about astrology, the less they know about it.
   One of the first things one learns when one studies
   astrology is that it's a infinitely complex system.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Rahu 10Le38?

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 3:50 PM, raunchydog wrote:


 --- In, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:
  --- In, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In, doctordumbass@ no_reply@
--- In, raunchydog raunchydog@

 --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  How many Libra (Tula) rising do we have on FFL?

 Aries Ascendant
 Leo Sun
Taurus Ascendant
Gemini Sun
   Cancer ascendant
   Pisces sun
  Kumbha Lagna
  Vrishabha Rashi, waxing near full

 As  28Ar11 Krittika
 Su  19Le48 P.Phalguni
 Mo  27Ge36 Punarvasu
 Ma  29Le38 U.Phalguni
 Me  14Vi46 Hasta
 Ju  25Ge37 Punarvasu
 Ve   1Le23 Magha
 Sa  19Ta07 Rohini


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/09/2013 03:03 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
 Your argument here doesn't hold any water here salyavin.
 The calculations are the only part of astrology that are mathematical, it
 is geocentric - from the POV of the observer on earth. The positions of
 planets have precise calculations so now you have softwares which churn out
 the charts, as Bhairitu has commented certainly Indians didn't believe
 earth was the center and astronomy could have been developed to cater to
 I know how to draw up horoscopes Ravi, and the maths is what gives
 it away - IF you know that everything in the solar system goes round
 the sun, the ephemeris used to plot positions on the natal chart are designed 
 to make it look like the earth is in the middle, all those
 logarithm tables used to drive me nuts, I used a calculator and a
 piece of paper, the hoops you have to jump through to make it look like the 
 earth is the middle are ridiculous but not as ridiculous
 as thinking it will work the same way with the sun where it ought to be, that 
 would just throw everything else out completely, or rather
 it would make even less sense.

You must not know astronomy either?  An astronomer needs to know in the 
sky where the object they want to observe is going to be. He wouldn't be 
very interested in finding the position of that object from the Sun.  
It's rather hot there.  A geocentric astrology chart does the same 
thing. Now there are some astrologers who use heliocentric charts or the 
view from the sun.  When a geocentric sky chart is created both for 
astronomy and astrology then first the heliocentric position of the 
planet is calculated and then then adjusted by the position of the earth 
to get the geocentric position.  Astrology and astronomy programs use 
calculation engines developed by the International Astronomical Union 
and NASA.  These include VSOP87 and JPL Ephemeris.  VSOP87 uses a lot of 
mathematic terms to calculate the position of an object and the JPL 
Ephemeris uses a database of Chevyshev polynomials at certain intervals 
of days and takes far less time to calculate.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Thanks dear RD - I got your birthdate and time (It can be reverse
engineered easily if you know the approximate age of the person) and it
would have been good to have your place of birth, which I know now. So you
may want to delete your posts if you are not comfortable with that.

Very good to know and pleasantly surprised to hear about your Jyotish
background. Yes free Jyotish software was a challenge even for me in 1997.
I have used JJ before PVR Narasimha Rao created JHL for free - a beautiful
software indeed -

Anyway JJ uses true nodes whereas I use mean nodes - so 10 degrees for Rahu
is correct.

Thank you for your compliments RD. I did notice the cluster of planets in
your 5th house, that can indeed be challenging. I would love to provide an
analysis later but it will take some time.

I absolutely loved your comment on getting laid - women must think it's
amusing, the lengths guys go to get laid. Anyway I never got laid, but the
woman I was pursuing then challenged me to learn something new - so I will
always acknowledge this woman's contribution.

I presented a vulnerability that was a huge threat to the women I fell in
love since my separation. It wasn't intentional but since women are
naturally  perceptive, they detected it quickly and treated me as a threat
to their personhood because they were somehow emotionally unavailable, at
least that was my read, it wasn't that they weren't attracted to me - both
did. It seems as if I am destined to be attracted to emotionally
unavailable women, I have developed strategies to address my behavior, but
I'm not sure if I ever will fall in love with a healthy woman or someone
who strives to be healthy. I have given up - at least I have zero emotional
investment in it. I have emailed a few women on but nothing
really serious - online dating will not work for me. Nothing to worry - I
am good.

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 6:29 PM, raunchydog wrote:


 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  Rahu 10Le38?

 You're good, off by just a degree. My 5th house has a mess of planets, not
 all of them happy with each other. Oh well. I didn't have access to my
 chart when I posted so I used to
 create a chart. It turns out the coordinates for Detroit Michigan were off
 slightly when I posted on FFLife so Lagna is off a little. I the found
 exact coordinates for Detroit at 42N18
 -83W08. When I got home a little while ago I dug around and found a
 computer generated chart in an old file from 1987. The corrected
 coordinates checked out.

 I dabbled in Jyotish a few years back and I know just enough to be
 dangerous. Jyotish consumed me for about two years, OCD kicked in big time.
 I have no excuse for it because I didn't do it to get laid (like some
 people I know).

 Very few people had a Jyotish computer program in 1987. I think it's so
 cool that now you can create a chart online in just a few minutes and it's
 free. The most difficult part of Jyotish is interpretation and you, my
 friend, have an exquisite feel for it. And that's what it's all about. It's
 not just a technical analysis, but something you intuit and feel your way
 into, getting a sense of the whole chart, the whole person. Your reading
 for Ann was the most insightful I've ever seen. Even knowing as much as I
 do about my own chart, I have never come as close to understanding it as it
 relates to events and circumstances in my life as you have for Ann's chart.
 The care and thoughtfulness you extended to her is a simple blessing of
 your appreciation of her as a friend. Ann is an open book, she hides
 nothing and I respect, not so much.

 As 28Ar02 Krittika

 Su 19Le48 P.Phalguni
 Mo 27Ge36 Punarvasu
 Ma 29Le38 U.Phalguni
 Me 14Vi46 Hasta
 Ju 25Ge37 Punarvasu
 Ve 1Le23 Magha
 Sa 19Ta07 Rohini
 Ra 11Le10 Magha
 Ke 11Aq10 Shatbisha

  On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 3:50 PM, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
   --- In, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
--- In, authfriend authfriend@

 --- In, doctordumbass@ no_reply@
  --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@
   --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@
How many Libra (Tula) rising do we have on FFL?
   Aries Ascendant
   Leo Sun
  Taurus Ascendant
  Gemini Sun

 Cancer ascendant
 Pisces sun

Kumbha Lagna
Vrishabha Rashi, waxing near full

   As 28Ar11 Krittika
   Su 19Le48 P.Phalguni
   Mo 27Ge36 Punarvasu
   Ma 29Le38 U.Phalguni
   Me 14Vi46 Hasta
   Ju 25Ge37 Punarvasu
   Ve 1Le23 Magha
   Sa 19Ta07 Rohini


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-09 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Thank you dear Ann - that was real sweet.

Dear RD - someone like Ann and I would be real open since it's natural for
someone who has predominant influence of Scorpio. Scorpions wants to
uncover everything hidden in the deep corners out in the open to inspect.

But quickly, without looking at your whole chart - the predominant sign is
Leo. Leos are noble, dignified and have a strong need for privacy so
nothing wrong there.

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Ann wrote:


 --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

  --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Rahu 10Le38?
  You're good, off by just a degree. My 5th house has a mess of planets,
 not all of them happy with each other. Oh well. I didn't have access to my
 chart when I posted so I used to
 create a chart. It turns out the coordinates for Detroit Michigan were off
 slightly when I posted on FFLife so Lagna is off a little. I the found
 exact coordinates for Detroit at 42N18
 -83W08. When I got home a little while ago I dug around and found a
 computer generated chart in an old file from 1987. The corrected
 coordinates checked out.
  I dabbled in Jyotish a few years back and I know just enough to be
 dangerous. Jyotish consumed me for about two years, OCD kicked in big time.
 I have no excuse for it because I didn't do it to get laid (like some
 people I know).
  Very few people had a Jyotish computer program in 1987. I think it's so
 cool that now you can create a chart online in just a few minutes and it's
 free. The most difficult part of Jyotish is interpretation and you, my
 friend, have an exquisite feel for it. And that's what it's all about. It's
 not just a technical analysis, but something you intuit and feel your way
 into, getting a sense of the whole chart, the whole person. Your reading
 for Ann was the most insightful I've ever seen. Even knowing as much as I
 do about my own chart, I have never come as close to understanding it as it
 relates to events and circumstances in my life as you have for Ann's chart.
 The care and thoughtfulness you extended to her is a simple blessing of
 your appreciation of her as a friend. Ann is an open book, she hides
 nothing and I respect, not so much.

 Thank you for thanking Ravi so well. He did an extraordinary thing and so
 much of RAVI came out in his reading for me. Even more important than the
 reading was the beauty of the man, the sensitivity that came through. My
 chart became a conduit for me to extend to Ravi a kind of love. Very, very

  As 28Ar02 Krittika
  Su 19Le48 P.Phalguni
  Mo 27Ge36 Punarvasu
  Ma 29Le38 U.Phalguni
  Me 14Vi46 Hasta
  Ju 25Ge37 Punarvasu
  Ve 1Le23 Magha
  Sa 19Ta07 Rohini
  Ra 11Le10 Magha
  Ke 11Aq10 Shatbisha
   On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 3:50 PM, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
--- In, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

 --- In, authfriend authfriend@
  --- In, doctordumbass@ no_reply@
   --- In, raunchydog
--- In, Bhairitu noozguru@

 How many Libra (Tula) rising do we have on FFL?

Aries Ascendant
Leo Sun
   Taurus Ascendant
   Gemini Sun
  Cancer ascendant
  Pisces sun

 Kumbha Lagna
 Vrishabha Rashi, waxing near full
As 28Ar11 Krittika
Su 19Le48 P.Phalguni
Mo 27Ge36 Punarvasu
Ma 29Le38 U.Phalguni
Me 14Vi46 Hasta
Ju 25Ge37 Punarvasu
Ve 1Le23 Magha
Sa 19Ta07 Rohini


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-08 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear Ann, thank you so much. I loved what you say and that was definitely
more pleasurable than the reading. Like I said it was a chore and it just a
spontaneous decision to offer you a reading, something I regretted later,
because I don't enjoy it as such, much like work since it doesn't really
represent who I am as a person, it's just dry, intellectual analysis.

So in that astrology is a real abstraction, and doesn't capture the beauty,
the essence of the living reality and the person. I suppose it can just be
therapeutic, a kind of psychosomatic relief. Not in your case since you may
have already learned your lessons, but it can be very validating for
someone who is struggling, for acceptance - validating to hear it be
confirmed from the analysis. Perhaps it was a ruse, for my ancestors - in
the name of astrology,like the modern day therapy. Surely I think therapy
is way way superior, in the modern context but I have personally seen who
people use therapy, insights into themselves into limiting themselves,
blaming others.

So it's not astrology, philosophy, therapy as such but the lessons the
individual takes from these - responsibility, accountability, self-honesty
- acceptance, being authentic and as such.

Anyway - thank you for your response. As I can see it may have been a hit
somewhere and a miss elsewhere- there is so much to look at and I was
trying to get a quick, concise summary and so didn't spend a whole lot of
time. Just wanted to demonstrate my spin on astrology.

On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Ann wrote:


 --- In, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  Dear Ann,
  First off, let me remind you again that I use astrological analysis for
  personal growth - nothing less, nothing more. It only strengths,
  weaknesses, inclinations, challenges, influences in various domains of
  life. The unique, personal consciousness of the person under
  It does your destiny in a sense, doesn't show free-will, would a good
  for understanding one-self, tuning oneself in meeting reality.
  I have an analysis below. Understand this is what your chart shows. You
  might be already aware of many of your challenges, of your inclinations
  you certainly may have already overcome or addressed them, especially
  considering how you come across on FFL.
  Of course I might have been completely off the mark - anyway I will wait
  for your feedback.
  You are a very self-focused individual, hardworking, reliant,
 disciplined -
  you, most likely at a young age were compelled to take responsibility
  to family circumstances. You were either through your or other's
  perceptions counted on to be the elder, regardless of if you were not the
  eldest of your siblings or not, you were the major influence, had the
  say in your family.
  You have a powerful need to be nurture and be nurtured. You spend a lot
  your effort,energy into creating a secure home for yourself - probably
  stemming from your childhood. Mostly extremely attached to your mother
  not the father, yet there is lot of friction with the mother, with
  feelings. You get involved or get caught up, willingly or unwillingly in
  lot of family drama. OTOH your relationship with your father created
  feelings of being un-tethered.
  You can also get caught up in emotional upheavals, melancholy, this sense
  of burdened by being the go-to person, an obsessive emotional hang-up,
  matters involving death, dying. (All this the sign of Scorpio being your
  ascendant with Moon, Saturn and Rahu - yes Rahu and the ascendant lord in
  the 4th house).

 I am not generally one to feel 'burdened by responsibility although I have
 taken on a lot of it in various forms and I did not feel the weight of the
 family situation as something for me to solve. However, when it comes to
 death and dying just call me Woody Allen. I have been
 obsessed/intrigued/conscious of  it for most of my life and I still am. And
 there is definitely a wide streak in me that loves the macabre, the
 horrific, the strange although I also respect the need to keep all of that
 at arm's length as it has power to get into your life where it has no
 business. I have witnessed and had experiences of the clear existence of
 evil and the great power that it possesses, long before my time with Robin.

  The predominant influence of Scorpio makes you exceptionally intuitive,
  love to see through, gather the motivations of others. You are totally
  turned off by superficiality, in-authenticity You have a presence, you
  radiate a natural power because of this influence.

 I would love to think this was true, and I have to say, at the risk of
 sounding prideful, I believe it IS true. This paragraph is a pretty good
 summation of some of what I am about. I also hope that I am not a hypocrite
 in that I would like to think that I also come across 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-08 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear LGG (ji)

Thank you very much.

It's all self-learned, self-taught - free of cost, everything on the
Internet (I'm a product of the internet era, all my philosophical pursuits
online including FFL of course), nothing from actual books since 1998 - and
also from the various astrology characters that were mentioned here in the
past few days - the likes of Das Goravani, Sanjay Rath, PVR Narasimha Rao
and many others. I don't study astrology anymore - stopped for the last
5-10 years now. Like I told Obba - if I ever need to refresh my memory I
head on down to run by a lady named Annie Heese
apparently. (Except she uses the wrong zodiac and wrong interpretation of
nodes - she reverses it, one could read her all other interpretations and
safely transfer it to the sidereal zodiac/Jyotish chart)

OMG I wasn't looking to spend half of my posts on astrology, anyway I have
only myself to blame and perhaps Ann for her post on Das and for accepting
my impulsive, spontaneous offer :-)

Anyway I have an un-influenced  blemish-less Mercury in 1st in Sagittarius,
so I'm always learning, curious, eager - if you have something to teach I
will learn and then make fun of you. Mercury is un-aspected hence my
learning is never tainted by my beliefs or subjectivity. Because Jupiter is
the lord and in 12th, it's all in the areas of religion and philosophy,

When my Saturn dasha started in Jan 2010 I started magically talking (I was
extremely introverted all my life, hesitant, unsure, nerdy, geeky till
then) and writing and I haven't shut up since. Saturn lord of 2nd (speech)
 3rd (writing) in the 5th house of creativity. I also Rahu in 3rd - which
makes me obsessive energy wise and so writing then is a good way to relax
this obsessive Rahu. And it all started because I was trying to impress
this cute Indian dentist I was hitting on and she liked astrology.

On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 2:49 PM, laughinggull108 no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:


 Well done Raviji. I must say that I really like this side of're
 a natural! Where did you learn all this?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  Dear Ann,
  First off, let me remind you again that I use astrological analysis for
  personal growth - nothing less, nothing more. It only strengths,
  weaknesses, inclinations, challenges, influences in various domains of
  life. The unique, personal consciousness of the person under
  It does your destiny in a sense, doesn't show free-will, would a good
  for understanding one-self, tuning oneself in meeting reality.
  I have an analysis below. Understand this is what your chart shows. You
  might be already aware of many of your challenges, of your inclinations
  you certainly may have already overcome or addressed them, especially
  considering how you come across on FFL.
  Of course I might have been completely off the mark - anyway I will wait
  for your feedback.
  You are a very self-focused individual, hardworking, reliant,
 disciplined -
  you, most likely at a young age were compelled to take responsibility
  to family circumstances. You were either through your or other's
  perceptions counted on to be the elder, regardless of if you were not the
  eldest of your siblings or not, you were the major influence, had the
  say in your family.
  You have a powerful need to be nurture and be nurtured. You spend a lot
  your effort,energy into creating a secure home for yourself - probably
  stemming from your childhood. Mostly extremely attached to your mother
  not the father, yet there is lot of friction with the mother, with
  feelings. You get involved or get caught up, willingly or unwillingly in
  lot of family drama. OTOH your relationship with your father created
  feelings of being un-tethered.
  You can also get caught up in emotional upheavals, melancholy, this sense
  of burdened by being the go-to person, an obsessive emotional hang-up,
  matters involving death, dying. (All this the sign of Scorpio being your
  ascendant with Moon, Saturn and Rahu - yes Rahu and the ascendant lord in
  the 4th house).
  The predominant influence of Scorpio makes you exceptionally intuitive,
  love to see through, gather the motivations of others. You are totally
  turned off by superficiality, in-authenticity You have a presence, you
  radiate a natural power because of this influence.
  So the way to release the tension from the issues, the burdens of the
  emotional upheaval, over-reliance on self - presented earlier is you
  involved with your home and your spouse - this relaxes you. Being
  with spouse in social circles of higher knowledge, you may have met your
  spouse in such a fashion, you value your spouse for his knowledge or you
  look up to him as such. You have a natural respect for men that present

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ann's astrological analysis

2013-06-08 Thread Bhairitu
How many Libra (Tula) rising do we have on FFL?

On 06/08/2013 05:58 PM, emptybill wrote:
 Ravioli Shitviscrewyou -

 So inspiring that you can do this. It's almost like yer a real brahmana
 instead of a Western-sucking Injun psychophant.

 Western astrologers weren't so good with rahu/ketu or as they used to
 call 'em -
 north node/south node or new karma/old karma.

 Got to see Injun jyotish first hand 'cause I have Rahu in Aries in 7th.
 Wife lasted 7 years before being struck down by Kaaladeva.

 P.S. ... ain't no GuruDevi gonna save yer asssets from them notches
 on the karmic clock. Like them Buddhists say ... karma rules all - fuck

 How're them martinis comin' along?
 Still calling them Soma to your admirers?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
 Dear LGG (ji)

 Thank you very much.

 It's all self-learned, self-taught - free of cost, everything on the
 Internet (I'm a product of the internet era, all my philosophical
 online including FFL of course), nothing from actual books since 1998
 - and
 also from the various astrology characters that were mentioned here in
 past few days - the likes of Das Goravani, Sanjay Rath, PVR Narasimha
 and many others. I don't study astrology anymore - stopped for the
 5-10 years now. Like I told Obba - if I ever need to refresh my memory
 head on down to run by a lady named Annie Heese
 apparently. (Except she uses the wrong zodiac and wrong interpretation
 nodes - she reverses it, one could read her all other interpretations
 safely transfer it to the sidereal zodiac/Jyotish chart)

 OMG I wasn't looking to spend half of my posts on astrology, anyway I
 only myself to blame and perhaps Ann for her post on Das and for
 my impulsive, spontaneous offer :-)

 Anyway I have an un-influenced  blemish-less Mercury in 1st in
 so I'm always learning, curious, eager - if you have something to
 teach I
 will learn and then make fun of you. Mercury is un-aspected hence my
 learning is never tainted by my beliefs or subjectivity. Because
 Jupiter is
 the lord and in 12th, it's all in the areas of religion and

 When my Saturn dasha started in Jan 2010 I started magically talking
 (I was
 extremely introverted all my life, hesitant, unsure, nerdy, geeky till
 then) and writing and I haven't shut up since. Saturn lord of 2nd
  3rd (writing) in the 5th house of creativity. I also Rahu in 3rd -
 makes me obsessive energy wise and so writing then is a good way to
 this obsessive Rahu. And it all started because I was trying to
 this cute Indian dentist I was hitting on and she liked astrology.

 On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 2:49 PM, laughinggull108

 Well done Raviji. I must say that I really like this side of're
 a natural! Where did you learn all this?

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
 Dear Ann,

 First off, let me remind you again that I use astrological
 analysis for
 personal growth - nothing less, nothing more. It only strengths,
 weaknesses, inclinations, challenges, influences in various
 domains of
 life. The unique, personal consciousness of the person under
 It does your destiny in a sense, doesn't show free-will, would a
 for understanding one-self, tuning oneself in meeting reality.

 I have an analysis below. Understand this is what your chart
 shows. You
 might be already aware of many of your challenges, of your
 you certainly may have already overcome or addressed them,
 considering how you come across on FFL.

 Of course I might have been completely off the mark - anyway I
 will wait
 for your feedback.

 You are a very self-focused individual, hardworking, reliant,
 disciplined -
 you, most likely at a young age were compelled to take
 to family circumstances. You were either through your or other's
 perceptions counted on to be the elder, regardless of if you were
 not the
 eldest of your siblings or not, you were the major influence, had
 say in your family.

 You have a powerful need to be nurture and be nurtured. You spend
 a lot
 your effort,energy into creating a secure home for yourself -
 stemming from your childhood. Mostly extremely attached to your
 not the father, yet there is lot of friction with the mother, with
 feelings. You get involved or get caught up, willingly or
 unwillingly in
 lot of family drama. OTOH your relationship with your father
 feelings of being un-tethered.

 You can also get caught up in emotional upheavals, melancholy,
 this sense
 of burdened by being the go-to person, an obsessive emotional
 matters involving death, dying. (All this the sign of Scorpio
 being your
 ascendant with