Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-04-02 Thread Vaj

On Apr 2, 2009, at 12:01 AM, Robert wrote:

I personally don't care which meditation technique the kids  
learn...just as long as they learn and are taught something which  
transcends the usually superficial nonsense they spend all of their  
time on...
TM or Mindfulness; either is fine...perhaps one should be given the  
choice, as mindfulness is a Buddhist practice.

The mindfulness movement, or an aspect of it, is to promote  
mindfulness meditation as a truly non-sectarian, universal practice  
common to ALL religions. So the trend is to remove any blatant  
Buddhist elements to any such practices and base them on solid science.

My sister practices mindfulness and she calls herself a Buddhist...
So, is Buddhism a religion?

Not in the traditional sense. As Robert Thurman points out,  
Buddhism or buddha-dharma is actually an Awakening School. That not  
to say that there are people who don't practice Buddhism as a  
religion or even as a superstition, some do. IMO to the extent that  
Buddhism or Hinduism, etc. are practiced as superstitious religions  
is the extent to which they depart from being Awakening Schools.

Because when I ask my sister if she believes in God, so seems to  
explain the Buddha is not a God, and that mindfulness makes you  
aware of the nothingness of existence...

So, in a way, it just seems like a form of 'Existentialism'.
And in that case, we still are back to 'In God We Trust'...dollar   
as king of kings, queen of queens, and so on and so forth.

So, I would assume that since Caesar's  been running things,  
perhaps this Existential existence meditation, might fly better in  
the American schools.

That's why the idea of non-sectarian, non-religious programs like the  
MindfulKids Foundation need to be promoted and why disguised  
religious movements like the David Lynch Foundation and  
Transcendental Meditation need to be exposed for the frauds they  
truly are. Even their science does not pan out.

What I don't understand about Buddhism, is the belief in  
nothingness, and the belief in reincarnation...
How could we have the 14th of one? Is the Dalai Lama like God, to  
the Buddhists?

No, he's a reincarnating Bodhisattva, westerners who like to project  
things based on their own lack of understanding characterize him as a  
god man. Very misleading and factually incorrect.

Who and what reincarnates?

Good question. It's answered different depending on the View of who's  

Does one have a specific soul, or is one soulless, what does  
Buddhism really teach about these things?

From the POV of Inner Tantra, what transmigrates is basically our  
spiritual gene, our subtle accumulated propensities and habits,  
both good and bad. We continue to find different levels of RNA and  
DNA expression. I suspect what we'll eventually find is that a finer  
level of this physical or non-physical phenomenon exists and allows  
traits to continue across what appears as sequential time that  
condition continuation of similar consciousness'. Morphogenetic  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 28, 2009, at 10:13 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

 On Mar 28, 2009, at 8:47 PM, Vaj wrote:

 This is not like any other thought. The level of mantra repetition
 where mantra continues continuously like a spontaneous thought
 actually is ajapa-japa: no effort or smriti, just constant ongoing
 awareness of mantra 24/7/365.

 WRONG. When we become aware that we are not thinking the mantra,  
 then we quietly come back to the mantra. Very easily we think the  
 mantra and if at any moment we feel that we are forgetting it, we  
 should not try to persist in repeating it. Only very easily we  
 start and take it as it comes and do not hold the mantra if it  
 tends to slip away.

 My god, don't you guys ever get tired
 of this boring crap?

Yes, I do. It's probably time for a TM and mantra meditation FAQ. But  
since RD's relatively new here, I thought I'd help dispossess her of  
some of the fictions she's acquired with so little independent  
thought. But, yeah, it's like having to watch an old grump wake up.  
Some never really do, but instead cling to their illusions.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 28, 2009, at 10:18 PM, raunchydog wrote:

--- In, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

Vaj, You haven't a clue about the practice of TM.

Intersting opinion but WRONG. :-)

Really, in terms of the technical description of how TM is  
in the initial technique--it's not truly like 'any other  
thought', as
one is enjoined to maintain mindfulness (or smriti to use the  

WRONG. No one is enjoined to maintain mindfulness. That would
require effort. TM is effortless.

You weren't told to wait for the mantra? You don't remember to return
to the mantra when you're back in thoughts?

You need to get checked!

Maintaining mindfulness implies effort. It is not TM and is not  
the same as coming back to the mantra as effortlessly as any other  

That's why the Sanskrit word for technique, prayatna, also means  
effort. The two are inseparably and inescapably interconnected. If  
there is no smriti, you'd never re-engage the mantra.

PS: Any technique cannot, by definition, be effortless. This is a
common TM fallacy. All it indicates is you've been indoctrinated in a
untenable belief and you fell for it. MMY actually admitted at Estes
Park that TM is not effortless. It's just a marketing spiel  

by people who really aren't that familiar with meditation.

I never heard of such BS as you're pumping out here, today.

You should get out more and stop believing what everything everyone  
tells you. It makes you look like a fool parroting nonsense.

Although it does sound like a good sales spiel, you obviously will  
have a hard time as the truth about meditation becomes clearer to you.  
All I can say is, you are not alone. This is part of what happens with  
phony gurus who really make it up as they go along: sometimes they get  
it right, but more often than not they just seed confusion in the  
hearts and minds of their students.

My TM practice IS effortless and the hundreds of people I've checked  
have had effortless meditation during checking.

Well no Raunch, let me stop you right there. You believed it was  
effortless because you were conditioned to believe this and accepted  
this conditioning. Now you're attached to that conditioning and you  
protect it like a security blanket. You cannot see through the  
illusions you've acquired. So you lash out when someone points out  
your illusions. You're not the only one thrashing about with their  
illusions here Raunch, this one's a hard one for TM folks, esp.  
teachers who accepted teachings uncritically and then incorporated  
them into who they thought they were.

Maharishi never said TM requires any effort other than effortlessly  
picking up the mantra as effortlessly as any other thought. Do you  
interpret this to mean Maharishi is ADMITTING TM requires effort?  
You're way off base on that one, Buddy. Further, TM IS effortless  
and just not a marketing spiel and yes, I am VERY familiar with  
effortless meditation, everyday twice a day since 1972. Unless, you  
have actually practiced TM, and it doesn't sound like you have,  
you're just pontificating about something you don't know anything  
about. I don't know what meditation you practice, but I'd be  
surprised if you've ever had an effortless meditation a day in your  

It's pretty clear you really don't know what you're talking about. Ole  
Mahesh promoted a number of lies about meditation in general and TM  
specifically. I suspect you'd be in for a big surprise if you went to  
India and tried to spout off your imagined wisdom. Granted these are  
very subtle distinctions, but meditation is a subtle practice. But the  
distinction between method, prayatna-based meditation and true  
effortless meditation represents a very important distinction between  
dualistic forms of meditation and advaita, esp. in the Shankaracharya  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 28, 2009, at 11:40 PM, raunchydog wrote:

--- In, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

I've learned a lot of variations on mantra concentration over the
years, from the TM charm causes the mind to spontaneously
concentrate idea to many other kinds. One of the problems I noticed
with very slack techniques like TM is that you can lose clarity if
you get used to allowing the mantra to be just this fuzzy impulse.
It's too easy to fall into the defects (of mantra practice). It seems
to me the dogmas that surround TM mantra recitation has actually
hindered the practice.

What a load of crap. The only thing that hinders TM practice is  
effort. TM is not mantra recitation. Recitation implies effort.
Checking establishes effortless practice. Seems to me your defective  
dogma has hindered your understanding of TM.

Checking establishes easy practice, but no method can be considered  
effortless. Chuch the method, then we can talk. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 29, 2009, at 9:53 AM, raunchydog wrote:

--- In, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

On Mar 28, 2009, at 10:13 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

On Mar 28, 2009, at 8:47 PM, Vaj wrote:

This is not like any other thought. The level of mantra repetition
where mantra continues continuously like a spontaneous thought
actually is ajapa-japa: no effort or smriti, just constant ongoing
awareness of mantra 24/7/365.

WRONG. When we become aware that we are not thinking the mantra,
then we quietly come back to the mantra. Very easily we think the
mantra and if at any moment we feel that we are forgetting it, we
should not try to persist in repeating it. Only very easily we
start and take it as it comes and do not hold the mantra if it
tends to slip away.

My god, don't you guys ever get tired
of this boring crap?

Yes, I do. It's probably time for a TM and mantra meditation FAQ. But
since RD's relatively new here, I thought I'd help dispossess her of
some of the fictions she's acquired with so little independent
thought. But, yeah, it's like having to watch an old grump wake up.
Some never really do, but instead cling to their illusions.

Vaj, Your superior tone is nothing more than delusions grandeur. You  
think you know about TM. You don't. By the way when and where did  
you do TTC? Did you ever teach anyone TM? Where and when was that?  
If you're a TM teacher, as Judy says you claim, you've seriously  
fallen off the wagon. Answer straight up or expose yourself as a  

Non sequitur. Correct view of dualistic meditation has nothing to do  
with TTC, since correct View of meditation is not taught at TTC!

Enjoy your false views Raunch, they're yours.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 29, 2009, at 10:24 AM, raunchydog wrote:

Vaj, Until you answer whether or not you are a TM teacher, you have  
absolutely no credibility on anything you say about TM. You are a  
fraud until you prove otherwise.

The only fraud I see here is the one presenting false views. I guess  
the good thing is, you have a lot of other people here who share your  
delusion. If you consider that good.

My answer is the same as it's always been.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM, authfriend wrote:
 If Vaj really ever was a teacher, he's got some kind
 of extremely weird cognitive deficit. He's frequently
 dishonest, but I can't believe he'd be so *stupid* as
 to think anyone who had ever been involved with TM
 would fall for the sort of thing he was going on about
 in this post, so I think he really must believe it

He came on to me in private email after doing an extensive search on
the 'Net about me.  He still does not see how slamming me with the
results of his very extensive search was an invasion of privacy and
not at all the way to make friends and influence people, which people
you're trying to make friends with.

He told me enough about himself (revealing nothing, actually) that I
was downright confused and remained confused to this day.  Suffice it
to say that I did not take him up on his offer to talk further.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM, authfriend wrote:
 --- In, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

  Vaj claims to have been a *TM teacher*.

 Really? Well, Hush my mouth. Has he said anything
 specific that leads you to believe it's true?

 He's been very evasive about specifics, but I vaguely
 recall at one point he did say something about which
 TTC he was on. I had no basis to question what he
 claimed, not being a teacher myself, but none of the
 people here who were teachers challenged him on it.
 I don't recall whether anyone here actually
 confirmed it.

 I've seen former teachers demonstrate that they never
 really got what TM was, but none in my experience has
 ever gone off the deep end like Vaj has. You could
 tell they'd at least been *exposed* to what MMY taught,
 even if they hadn't gotten it straight.

 If Vaj really ever was a teacher, he's got some kind
 of extremely weird cognitive deficit. He's frequently
 dishonest, but I can't believe he'd be so *stupid* as
 to think anyone who had ever been involved with TM
 would fall for the sort of thing he was going on about
 in this post, so I think he really must believe it

I suspect that Vaj was never a TM teacher.  That's my intuition.  But
it could be that he did go to TTC and has studied other approaches to
the point that he's had a complete cognitive shift such that he sees
all of TM in a different light.  Take for example his saying that TM
is not effortless, that we don't think effortlessly and don't go back
to the mantra effortlessly.  I grok that.  I ever have a problem
understand Maharishi's use of the word intention, which is what we
use to shift back to the mantra.  I've spent many an hour, many a day,
many a year wondering if I'm doing the sidhis right because there's
stress flowing out and sometimes I have to intend thinking the sutra
harder than other times.  I congratulate myself for finally having
used intention to get the sutra just suble enough and yeah, now I'm
getting results from the sutra.  These are very subtle teachings from
Maharishi and seeing them from a different viewpoint can change the
whole sense of them, IMO.  Yes, I've been checked and I've had my
research into consciousness checked as well.  I am a TM checker.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 10:40 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
 --- In, I am the eternal l.shad...@... wrote:

 You've been doing OK lately, but if you're
 about to have another inner child tantrum,
 can you make this next one a little more
 believable than the previous ones?

Some family friends taught me something I consider very wise.  Revenge
is a dish best served cold.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 29, 2009, at 11:05 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

The lack of interest in Vaj's perspective I see here, the polemic  
gamesmanship used to try to discredit him personally rather than  
address the points he has brought up, reveals an anti-intellectual  
bias that reminds me of a political machine. I know that he returns  
fire and I'm sure I'll be deluged with his many online sins for  
defending him here.

It hard to argue with cult mindsets. Apparently it wouldn't matter  
what was said. It's the same feeling you get when you invite Jehovah  
Witnesses into your home and try to talk about the Bible.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 29, 2009, at 11:20 AM, I am the eternal wrote:

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM, authfriend wrote:

If Vaj really ever was a teacher, he's got some kind
of extremely weird cognitive deficit. He's frequently
dishonest, but I can't believe he'd be so *stupid* as
to think anyone who had ever been involved with TM
would fall for the sort of thing he was going on about
in this post, so I think he really must believe it

He came on to me in private email after doing an extensive search on
the 'Net about me.  He still does not see how slamming me with the
results of his very extensive search was an invasion of privacy and
not at all the way to make friends and influence people, which people
you're trying to make friends with.

Completely untrue. I slammed you? Hardly.

Here I thought we were having a friendly conversation.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 12:34 PM, Vaj wrote:

 On Mar 29, 2009, at 11:20 AM, I am the eternal wrote:

 On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM, authfriend wrote:

 If Vaj really ever was a teacher, he's got some kind

 of extremely weird cognitive deficit. He's frequently

 dishonest, but I can't believe he'd be so *stupid* as

 to think anyone who had ever been involved with TM

 would fall for the sort of thing he was going on about

 in this post, so I think he really must believe it


 He came on to me in private email after doing an extensive search on
 the 'Net about me.  He still does not see how slamming me with the
 results of his very extensive search was an invasion of privacy and
 not at all the way to make friends and influence people, which people
 you're trying to make friends with.

 Completely untrue. I slammed you? Hardly.
 Here I thought we were having a friendly conversation.

It's not a friendly conversation when one reveals the result of an
extensive search of the 'Net about someone else in a very sensitive
area.  The material might have been available but I consider the
search and revealing the result of the search to be an invasion of
privacy.  Not the way to have a friendly conversation.  So you've
gathered everything about me but when I ask about you, tell me you
don't reveal about yourself.

That you just don't get it speaks volumes about your air of
superiority, which is quite evident here on FFL.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread Vaj

On Mar 29, 2009, at 1:42 PM, I am the eternal wrote:

 It's not a friendly conversation when one reveals the result of an
 extensive search of the 'Net about someone else in a very sensitive
 area.  The material might have been available but I consider the
 search and revealing the result of the search to be an invasion of
 privacy.  Not the way to have a friendly conversation.  So you've
 gathered everything about me but when I ask about you, tell me you
 don't reveal about yourself.

No such extensive search of the internet ever took place.

I do not recall you ever revealing anything extensive about yourself  
or requesting any such thing from me.

 That you just don't get it speaks volumes about your air of
 superiority, which is quite evident here on FFL.

Maybe it's your own inferiority complex? I'm simply speaking the facts  
of mantra practice as I know it, from experience. If that sounds  
superior to you then I guess you should ask yourself why? One would  
hope others could share insight or gain insight from such a  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 12:55 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
 --- In, Richard J. Williams willy...@... 

   Show me you dome badge buddy!?
 Judy wrote:
  He's discredited *himself* personally. And
  you're discrediting yourself by defending
  him and attacking us.
 So, it's settled then - Vaj and Curtis and
 Turq are discredited by Judy. But, nobody
 here has a dome badge they can show. Is there
 anyone here who has a dome badge?

 I have a Purusha-badge and could have a dome-badge anytime if I wanted to, 
 but I'm not in your country and don't need one.

No one who hasn't recently been in the Dome has a valid Dome badge.
The expiration dates of Dome badges are over the place.  You have to
be re-admitted to the Dome by DEVCO if you've not recently been in the
Dome.  You have to go through orientation anew each time.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Nelson wrote:
 --- In, Richard J. Williams willy...@... 
  Got an ancient field badge with no current sticker.
  -CIC-9, great times back then.

National Field Badges were never honored in the Dome.  I always had to
have a new badge made.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-29 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 4:28 PM, raunchydog wrote:

 Finally, it all makes sense. Vaj invites Jehovah Witnesses into his home.
 Why?  So he can show off his superior knowledge about the Bible, of course.
 Now everyone knows that most Jehovah Witnesses have actually read the Bible.
 Has Vaj? He's not saying but I'm sure he has no problem spouting off
 bullshit about it. Just like he does about TM.

I invite JWs into my home.  They ask if I believe that the Bible is the
inspired work of God.  I say no, I believe the Bhagavad Gita is.  I pull out
Maharishi-ji's translation and begin reading.  The JWs thank me for my time
and go to the next house.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-28 Thread Vaj

On Mar 28, 2009, at 12:00 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Although Maharishi promotes the idea of coming back to the mantra  
was his unique contribution, I'm not sure a broader study of the  
source documents would support this.

If he indeed made that claim, it's and out and out lie. Another one.  
But then again, most of us back then knew no better--we actually  
believed it, at least for a while. So, in brief, it was not his unique  
contribution, but traditional in many forms of meditation practice,  
not just mantra repetition. It precedes TM by thusands and thousands  
of years.

The problem with TM is that it's a canned form of mantra practice,  
rather than allowing different styles of repetition for different  
types of people, the way it really should be. After all, we're all  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-28 Thread Arhata Osho
Outsiders have no clue what TM means let alone the infinite amount of 
available.  Take a poll of 'meditators' (including Yoga people), and they have 
0 interest!

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, authfriend jst...@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:


  So no, Judy, I've never been religious. And yes,

  I have always viewed most religion as the *anti-

  thesis* of self discovery. Still do.


 Total agreement.


 If I could follow up:


 But you now believe that TM is a religion, not a

 means of self-discovery? 

I believe that many in the TM movement have

turned basic TM into a religion, one that has

something but not everything to do with its

origins *as* a religious technique. I believe

that the environment of the *TMO* is very

definitely religious in nature currently, and

is actively seeking to hide that.

 Because it seems that for

 a few years, at least, you were having the

 experience of self-discovery as a result of the


I was pursuing my own self discovery while

practicing the TM technique. I am not con-

vinced that all of the discovery happened

as a result of that practice. In fact, I

think that a lot of it just happened, similar

to the way that shit just happens. 

*At the time*, I would have credited TM 

for those experiences; now I would not and

do not. 

I am trying to be as precise as I possibly

can here.

 What if you had learned TM and continued to

 meditate but never became a TM teacher or went any

 further with the techniques or teachings? Would you

 ever have come to be uncomfortable with the practice

 because you felt it was religious?

If I had never become a TM teacher, I am

fairly confident that I would have given

up on the TM technique at the five-year mark.

One of my reasons for attending TM Teacher

Training was to either jumpstart the tech-

nique such that I began perceived sufficient

benefits from TM to continue practicing it, 

or quit altogether. The jumpstart worked, 

for a number of years, but then when I no

longer perceived sufficient benefit, I quit.

I did NOT stop TM because I thought it was

religious. I stopped primarly because as 

far as I could tell it was doing nothing 

to further my self discovery. 

Secondarily, I guit because as a TM teacher

I was being asked to lie and do other things

on a regular basis that I found to be con-

trary to my own ethics and repulsive to my


Thirdly, I quit because the TM movement was

clearly going in a direction I did not want

to go -- towards becoming more of a cult, 

and away from openness and transparency. The 

question of whether that direction was in 

the direction of becoming more of a religion 

would not and did not occur to me. It was 

just no longer an organization I wanted to 

be associated with.

 If you had stuck with basic TM but then read the

 translation of the puja years later and been told

 the mantras were the names of Hindu deities, would

 that have soured you on the practice? 

No. Not me personally. It would have soured

some friends who *started* from a fairly

religious background; I did not. At the time,

all I would have cared about was that it 

seemed to work. 

I now see that seeming to work period as 

more of a *contrast* between my life up till

then, practicing no form of meditation reg-

ularly, and then practicing *some* form of

meditation regularly. *Of course* I felt 

some benefits at the start. When I stopped 

feeling those benefits, I moved on and found 

other techniques from which the sense of them 

working and providing continuing benefits

did not fade and has not faded in any of 

the years since.

 Would it have

 become less about self-discovery for you?

No. It would have been irrelevant.

But it would not have been irrelevant to, say,

the former Catholic priest who shared a trailer 

with me at Humboldt. If the origin and the 

nature of the mantras had not been hidden from 

him, he would never have begun TM. Some months

later, he *did* learn about those origins,

and dropped TM like a hot potato. He also

felt betrayed and lied to.

That's because IMO he *was* betrayed and lied 

to, by people like yourself who were trying to

protect him from knowledge he didn't need

to know.

 You say, The vast majority of religions -- modern

 and ancient -- strove to *prevent* that kind of inner

 exploration rather than facilitate it.


 Would it be fair to say Hinduism is one of the

 minority of religions that still strives to facilitate

 inner exploration?

Absolutely not, not in my opinion. Mainstream

Hinduism *in India* probably attempts to limit 

and prevent the mystical experience as much as 

the Catholic Church does, and stresses faith

more than anything else. But many of the off-

spring of Indian Hinduism, transplanted to 

the West, found that Westerners were more 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-28 Thread Arhata Osho
Checks in the envelope . . where to mail it!

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Arhata Osho 
arhatafreespeech@ ... wrote:

 Outsiders have no clue what TM means let alone the infinite amount of 
 meditations available.  Take a poll of 'meditators' (including Yoga people), 
 and they have 0 interest!

But if they forked over $2,500 they could get the HIGHEST teaching!  You must 
convince them that whatever they are doing is only a relative benefit and lacks 
the mega mojo of full blown TM mantra meditation.  If you can't get them to 
fork over the cash please at least see if you can get them to feel badly about 
their own practice.  Maharishi will bless you for this. (By bless I mean ignore 
which is how he blessed the rest of us.) 














 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, authfriend jstein@ 




  --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:




   So no, Judy, I've never been religious. And yes,


   I have always viewed most religion as the *anti-


   thesis* of self discovery. Still do.




  Total agreement.




  If I could follow up:




  But you now believe that TM is a religion, not a


  means of self-discovery? 




 I believe that many in the TM movement have


 turned basic TM into a religion, one that has


 something but not everything to do with its


 origins *as* a religious technique. I believe


 that the environment of the *TMO* is very


 definitely religious in nature currently, and


 is actively seeking to hide that.




  Because it seems that for


  a few years, at least, you were having the


  experience of self-discovery as a result of the






 I was pursuing my own self discovery while


 practicing the TM technique. I am not con-


 vinced that all of the discovery happened


 as a result of that practice. In fact, I


 think that a lot of it just happened, similar


 to the way that shit just happens. 




 *At the time*, I would have credited TM 


 for those experiences; now I would not and


 do not. 




 I am trying to be as precise as I possibly


 can here.




  What if you had learned TM and continued to


  meditate but never became a TM teacher or went any


  further with the techniques or teachings? Would you


  ever have come to be uncomfortable with the practice


  because you felt it was religious?




 If I had never become a TM teacher, I am


 fairly confident that I would have given


 up on the TM technique at the five-year mark.


 One of my reasons for attending TM Teacher


 Training was to either jumpstart the tech-


 nique such that I began perceived sufficient


 benefits from TM to continue practicing it, 


 or quit altogether. The jumpstart worked, 


 for a number of years, but then when I no


 longer perceived sufficient benefit, I quit.




 I did NOT stop TM because I thought it was


 religious. I stopped primarly because as 


 far as I could tell it was doing nothing 


 to further my self discovery. 




 Secondarily, I guit because as a TM teacher


 I was being asked to lie and do other things


 on a regular basis that I found to be con-


 trary to my own ethics and repulsive to my






 Thirdly, I quit because the TM movement was


 clearly going in a direction I did not want


 to go -- towards becoming more of a cult, 


 and away from openness and transparency. The 


 question of whether that direction was in 


 the direction of becoming more of a religion 


 would not and did not occur to me. It was 


 just no longer an organization I wanted to 


 be associated with.




  If you had stuck with basic TM but then read the


  translation of the puja years later and been told


  the mantras were the names of Hindu deities, would


  that have soured you on the practice? 




 No. Not me personally. It would have soured


 some friends who *started* from a fairly


 religious background; I did not. At the time,


 all I would have cared about was that it 


 seemed to work. 




 I now see that seeming to work period as 


 more of a *contrast* between my life up till


 then, practicing no form of meditation reg-


 ularly, and then practicing *some* form of


 meditation regularly. *Of course* I felt 


 some benefits at the start. When I stopped 


 feeling those benefits, I moved on and found 


 other techniques from which the sense of them 


 working and providing continuing benefits


 did not fade and has not faded in any of 


 the years since.




  Would it have


  become less about self-discovery for you?




 No. It would have been irrelevant.




 But it would not have been irrelevant to, say,


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-28 Thread Sal Sunshine

--- In, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

Would you
have any objections to attendees at the up-
coming McCartney concert being handed a
flyer containing only the English translation
of the TM puja -- no commentary, only a sim-
ple explanation that this was a translation
of the ceremony their kids would be witnessing
and asked at the end to participate in by
kneeling down -- as they went into the concert?

And if you *would* have objections, why?

Actually, what's to stop anyone from doing that?
Anybody free one week from tonight
for a few hours? :)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-28 Thread Vaj

On Mar 28, 2009, at 5:01 PM, sparaig wrote:

--- In, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

On Mar 28, 2009, at 12:00 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Although Maharishi promotes the idea of coming back to the mantra
was his unique contribution, I'm not sure a broader study of the
source documents would support this.

If he indeed made that claim, it's and out and out lie. Another one.
But then again, most of us back then knew no better--we actually
believed it, at least for a while. So, in brief, it was not his  

contribution, but traditional in many forms of meditation practice,
not just mantra repetition. It precedes TM by thusands and thousands
of years.

The problem with TM is that it's a canned form of mantra practice,
rather than allowing different styles of repetition for different
types of people, the way it really should be. After all, we're all

Seems to me that MMY's unique contribution is the understanding that
thinking a mantra is no different than thinking any other thought.

His particular phrasing--which IMO the sensitivity and careful  
phrasing--is all that is unique. But easy repetition of mantra itself  
is not unique at all, although limiting oneself to just that slant on  
mantra, to the exclusion of others, is a uniqueness (really a dogmatic  
narrowness) of the TM technique.

Insomuch as most other meditation techniques seem to miss this  

I'd say it is unique to TM (or at least, my interpretation of TM).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-28 Thread Vaj

On Mar 28, 2009, at 5:24 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

This principle doesn't hold up all the way through the advanced  
techniques or the defunct Chopra technique. But in any case I've  
not met any TMer who could rightfully claim the kind of exposure  
to different meditaitons that would make this claim valid and that  
criticism goes doubly for Maharishi who according to his own  
reports was a company man.  But was have a few people here who  
seem to have gone further and found out that it was not a unique  

Huh. I've taken chopra's primoridal sound technique and several  
advanced techniques

about 4-5 of them, I think

We seem to have different ideas about how things work.


At one stage you are directing the mantra. This is not like any  
other thought.  That was my point.

I know all of these advanced techniques are on the web but I don't  
like to piss people off unnecessarily by being more specific. I  
remember how people into it feel about their secrets.  But I hope  
you get my point from that.

Really, in terms of the technical description of how TM is practiced  
in the initial technique--it's not truly like 'any other thought', as  
one is enjoined to maintain mindfulness (or smriti to use the actual  
technical term) both as the mantra first arises (waiting or  
monitoring for the mantra to appear) and one must be mindful to  
return to the mantra--otherwise one would potentially end up never  
returning to the mantra, but remain distracted for the entire session!  
This is not like any other thought. The level of mantra repetition  
where mantra continues continuously like a spontaneous thought  
actually is ajapa-japa: no effort or smriti, just constant ongoing  
awareness of mantra 24/7/365.

Technically the style of mantra repetition where one has to return to  
the mantra still is called faulty or defective in Sanskrit since  
one has to constantly re-engage the mantra as it is lost. It's one of  
the lower levels of mantra practice.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 4:24 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
 I know all of these advanced techniques are on the web but I don't like to 
 piss people off unnecessarily by being more specific. I remember how people 
 into it feel about their secrets.  But I hope you get my point from that.

Would you mind conveying that to Vaj, who has no problem searching for
other people's medical secrets?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-28 Thread Vaj

On Mar 28, 2009, at 7:59 PM, raunchydog wrote:

--- In, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

On Mar 28, 2009, at 5:24 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

This principle doesn't hold up all the way through the advanced
techniques or the defunct Chopra technique. But in any case I've
not met any TMer who could rightfully claim the kind of exposure
to different meditaitons that would make this claim valid and that
criticism goes doubly for Maharishi who according to his own
reports was a company man.  But was have a few people here who
seem to have gone further and found out that it was not a unique

Huh. I've taken chopra's primoridal sound technique and several
advanced techniques

about 4-5 of them, I think

We seem to have different ideas about how things work.


At one stage you are directing the mantra. This is not like any
other thought.  That was my point.

I know all of these advanced techniques are on the web but I don't
like to piss people off unnecessarily by being more specific. I
remember how people into it feel about their secrets.  But I hope
you get my point from that.

Vaj, You haven't a clue about the practice of TM.

Intersting opinion but WRONG. :-)

Really, in terms of the technical description of how TM is practiced
in the initial technique--it's not truly like 'any other thought', as
one is enjoined to maintain mindfulness (or smriti to use the actual

WRONG. No one is enjoined to maintain mindfulness. That would  
require effort. TM is effortless.

You weren't told to wait for the mantra? You don't remember to return  
to the mantra when you're back in thoughts?

You need to get checked!

PS: Any technique cannot, by definition, be effortless. This is a  
common TM fallacy. All it indicates is you've been indoctrinated in a  
untenable belief and you fell for it. MMY actually admitted at Estes  
Park that TM is not effortless. It's just a marketing spiel parroted  
by people who really aren't that familiar with meditation.

technical term) both as the mantra first arises (waiting or
monitoring for the mantra to appear) and one must be mindful to
return to the mantra--otherwise one would potentially end up never
returning to the mantra, but remain distracted for the entire  

WRONG. The mantra may change in different ways. It can get faster  
or slower, louder or softer, clearer or fainter. Its pronunciation  
may change, lengthen or shorten or even may appear to be distorted  
or it may not appear to change at all. In every case, we take it as  
it comes, neither anticipating nor resisting change, just simple  

Read what I said again, you missed the point.

This is not like any other thought. The level of mantra repetition
where mantra continues continuously like a spontaneous thought
actually is ajapa-japa: no effort or smriti, just constant ongoing
awareness of mantra 24/7/365.

WRONG. When we become aware that we are not thinking the mantra,  
then we quietly come back to the mantra. Very easily we think the  
mantra and if at any moment we feel that we are forgetting it, we  
should not try to persist in repeating it. Only very easily we start  
and take it as it comes and do not hold the mantra if it tends to  
slip away.

Non sequitur. Your response has nothing to do with what I'm saying!

Technically the style of mantra repetition where one has to return to
the mantra still is called faulty or defective in Sanskrit since
one has to constantly re-engage the mantra as it is lost. It's one of
the lower levels of mantra practice.

WRONG. This is a gross misunderstanding of TM.

No, it's actually the level of mantra practice where you must  
repeatedly return to mantra. You just were just never told about  
mantra practice...sorry. Not my fault you still parrot these  
misunderstood ideas.

Losing the mantra just means the mind has transcended thought,  
transcending even the mantra as a thought, as in no mantra and no  
thought. The mantra is a vehicle for transcending thought, a  
comfortable, effortless ride to the transcendent. When your vehicle  
arrives at its destination, you don't think, should I stay in the  
car? get back in the car? drive the car some more? No. If you can  
think a thought, you effortlessly pick up the mantra. Losing the  
mantra is just the inward stroke of the mind and a thought is just  
the outward strokes of mind due to normalization of the physiology.  
Nothing more. If one has to constantly re-engage the mantra as it  
is lost it's not TM. It places the practitioner is a deplorable  
quandary, Jeez, I lost the mantra AGAIN and I HAVE TO re-engage it.  
Shit! They told me this was effortless, I must be doing it WRONG.  
And so goes the doubt about one's practice and TM down the tubes.  
Time for checking, doncha know.

I'm talking about the outward stroke RD, not the inward one. If you  
keep returning on the outward stroke it's because your level of  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-28 Thread Vaj

On Mar 28, 2009, at 8:45 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

--- In, sparaig lengli...@... wrote:

At one stage you are directing the mantra. This is not like any  
other thought.  That was my point.

We seem to have different ideas about how things work

I know all of these advanced techniques are on the web but I don't  
like to piss people off unnecessarily by being more specific. I  
remember how people into it feel about their secrets.  But I hope  
you get my point from that.

We seem to have different ideas about how things work

But I'm not surprised, I've objected strongly to descriptions of  
advanced techniques

that I have heard before.

I don't really understand how many different ways there are to think  
of it. My point was that there seems to be a lot of leeway with the  
so called innocent practice and it still works.  For example Indians  
who are using their Istideva's name transcend just fine despite all  
sorts or emotional connections with their mantra. Thinking your  
mantra from a body part, which would be exactly the kind of things  
TM teachers are taught to poo poo as not innocent and would be  
introducing effort, work just fine as well. And by the time we get  
to the expansion of awareness technique found in certain advanced  
techniques and the now defunct Age of Enlightenment technique, we  
have a practice that for all purposes is a straight up hypnotic  
inductions with all the trappings of a contrived moodmaking  
technique generated by imagination.  But again, it is just fine from  

I've learned a lot of variations on mantra concentration over the  
years, from the TM charm causes the mind to spontaneously  
concentrate idea to many other kinds. One of the problems I noticed  
with very slack techniques like TM is that you can lose clarity if  
you get used to allowing the mantra to be just this fuzzy impulse.  
It's too easy to fall into the defects (of mantra practice). It seems  
to me the dogmas that surround TM mantra recitation has actually  
hindered the practice.

Conversely, finding a relaxed balance between too much attention and  
not enough attention--and then continuously repeating mantra for a  
half hour or so without losing attention of your repetition is quite  
different. You can tell if you're losing focus because you start to  
screw up on your repetition. You'll get the same changes in the  
mantra, but awareness is much quicker to respond. The advantage is,  
you get results from the mantra much quicker and your attentional  
skills get honed very finely.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-28 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Mar 28, 2009, at 8:47 PM, Vaj wrote:

This is not like any other thought. The level of mantra repetition
where mantra continues continuously like a spontaneous thought
actually is ajapa-japa: no effort or smriti, just constant ongoing
awareness of mantra 24/7/365.

WRONG. When we become aware that we are not thinking the mantra,  
then we quietly come back to the mantra. Very easily we think the  
mantra and if at any moment we feel that we are forgetting it, we  
should not try to persist in repeating it. Only very easily we start  
and take it as it comes and do not hold the mantra if it tends to  
slip away.

My god, don't you guys ever get tired
of this boring crap?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-27 Thread Zoran Krneta
Kirk wrote:
 TM is ultimately a Vaishnava methodology...

You are right...

Shankara had Shri Vidya and Saiva background... but his Guru was
Vaishnava... He worshiped Lord Narasimha and whole lineage was worshiping
Vishnu: Parashara (read Brihad Parashara Hora Sastra), Vyasa, Shukadev...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-27 Thread Kirk
I suggest for a fictitious narrative of this sort of thing this little 

- Original Message - 
From: TurquoiseB
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 8:40 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert 
to Push TM in Public Schools

 --- In, grate.swan no_re...@... wrote:

 You [Curtis] may say well its not TM that is being
 proposed to give to students, its rajas and SCI and
 yagyas. I disagree.

 But the dogma explaining what really
 happens when they transcend, and what that
 means, will most definitely be given. And
 that is Hindu dogma, with a search on gods
 and goddesses to replace them with laws of
 nature. TM *itself* is based on Hindu teach-
 ings, from the puja onwards. And I, for one,
 cannot see any court in the land not seeing
 that and deciding on the basis of that.

 There is no requirement or necessity to spew a lot
 of words, hot air  or otherwise, to do TM. SCI has
 nothing absolutely nothing to do with the actual
 practice of meditation. (Other than I suppose to
 be a cautionary tale -- that is -- if a mind so
 soaked in meditation comes up with this crap -- 
 the technique clearly has it s limits.)

 I have to ask, since if it's been mentioned
 before I missed it -- are you a TM teacher?
 If not, I can see how you might believe that
 there is no requirement or necessity to
 spew a lot of words.

 But this program will not be *implemented*
 by people who think like you do. It will be
 implemented by FANATICS. By definition, TM
 cannot be taught these days except by
 recertified TM teachers. That means that
 these people were SO fanatical that they
 agreed to pay for TM Teacher Training TWICE
 (once to become teachers originally, and then
 again later, when Maharishi said to). They
 had to sign pieces of paper agreeing to give
 up their jobs and work for the TM movement
 full time as teachers, for a pittance.

 Such people are fanatics, evangelists. I do
 not see how there is an icicle's chance in
 Hell that they WON'T be spewing lots of
 words. That's just what evangelists DO.

 JUST as they could never even *conceive* of
 teaching TM without a puja, they could never
 even *conceive* of not spouting a lot of words
 about the laws of nature and enlivening
 them, and doing non-stop commercials for butt-
 bouncing for peace.

 The situation you propose for teaching TM as
 purely a technique and leaving it at that
 DOES NOT EXIST. The people who will be teach-
 ing these kids are incapable of allowing it
 to exist. To do so would violate the *need*
 they feel to evangelize.

 These people who say that they're going to
 teach TM and only TM are LYING.

 And you saw evidence of that in one of the
 posts today, saying that the Rajas are going
 to attend the McCartney concert dressed not
 as Rajas, but as normal people.

 If they're so proud of what they do and what
 they are and what being a king allows them

 They're LYING. They want these kids as fodder
 for the next generation of TM cultists, and
 they hope to find it in thousands of young,
 impressionable kids.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-27 Thread Vaj

On Mar 27, 2009, at 10:31 AM, grate.swan wrote:

Provind a pure meditation method is what I am discussing and  

No you're not. You're being an apologist for a religious form of  
meditation, plain and simple. There's nothing pure about it, unless  
of course you meant purely Hindu.

If you want a non-sectarian form of meditation and attentional skills  
for children, you need look no further than the InnerKids Foundation.  
No mumbo jumbo Hindu initiation rituals. no repeating bija-aksharas  
of Hindu devatas. No faux-physics, pilot research, exaggeration or  
bias. Just awareness being aware of itself. Mindfulness is universal,  
the science is good and sound and the infrastructure is already in  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Vaj

On Mar 26, 2009, at 3:39 AM, Robert wrote:

Well, now I  see, said the 'Blind Man'...

For an excellent exposition of the use of deity in Buddhist tantras,  
see HH 14th Dalai Lama's excellent  Deity Yoga, which contains parts  
on the siddhis, use of mantra, etc. It also contains the excellent  
Heart of Mantra by HHDL. It includes a section on the purpose of  
deity yoga and advanced uses of mantra (which was very upsetting to  
some TMers previously, caveat emptor): 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Kirk
Looks good. Also the basic Vimalaprabha text of HHDL contains also an entire 
mantra science. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Vaj 
  Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 8:20 AM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit 
Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

  On Mar 26, 2009, at 3:39 AM, Robert wrote:

Well, now I  see, said the 'Blind Man'...

  For an excellent exposition of the use of deity in Buddhist tantras, see HH 
14th Dalai Lama's excellent  Deity Yoga, which contains parts on the siddhis, 
use of mantra, etc. It also contains the excellent Heart of Mantra by HHDL. 
It includes a section on the purpose of deity yoga and advanced uses of mantra 
(which was very upsetting to some TMers previously, caveat emptor):,M1



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Mar 26, 2009, at 3:48 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

 * The reading of Rig Veda and the chanting of Sama
 Veda after flying. What is NOT religious about
 being forced to sit there and listen to hour after
 hour of readings *directly* from the pages of

According to Judy, if you don't understand
Sanskrit and hence have no idea that you're
reading a religious text, then it isn't religious.
Kind of like, if the president does it, it isn't
illegal.  With impeccable logic like that, who
needs fanatics?

 * The growing status of the TMO as a cult. This was
 the period in which Off The Program first was
 making its appearance, and in which TMers were being
 denied permission to go to courses because of life-
 style choices they had made, such as living with
 their girlfriends outside of marriage, or reading
 Off The Program books. Look at that last one -- if
 you are denied the ability to become a TM Teacher
 *because you read a book by another teacher*, as
 happened with some frequency back then, what is NOT
 religious about that?

More cult-like than religious per se, I would say.

 * The growing reclusive nature of many TMers. People
 were beginning to NOT meditate and dive into activity.
 They were starting, in fact, to *avoid* activity as
 much as possible, and find ways to stay on rounding
 courses forever, or to stay in Europe working on staff
 forever. This was a trend that I saw as contrary to
 what TM was selling itself as, and not completely
 healthy. I still feel that way.

This was one thing that drove me nuts
when I first started to get involved...
the almost complete disregard for
activity or any kind of exercise.

 * Outright persecution of dissent. That was the biggest
 tell for me that the organization had flipped from
 the SIMS days and was well on its way down the slippery
 slope towards becoming a full-blown religion. I bailed
 before it got far enough down that slope to include
 yagyas and pundits and people in Raja costumes *while
 claiming it was not a religion*. What inspired me to
 bail was noticing how people (both TMers and TM Teachers)
 were treated who did not agree with some point of dogma
 or some rule that had been imposed on them or their
 lifestyle. To make a long story short, what happened to
 them was that they were EXCOMMUNICATED, sent away,
 denied access to the organization completely and
 anathemitized to the point that their former friends
 were afraid to have anything to do with them. Again,
 what is NOT a religion about that?

 Just some points, to remind you of what has happened
 in the time SINCE those days. If I was seeing signs of
 the TMO being a cult and a religion THEN, it just blows
 my mind that people looking at what the TMO has become
 in the time SINCE then can't see it.

 But the force of the TM Is Not A Religion Religion
 is strong. Once you've become a member of that church,
 it's very difficult to leave. Or so it seems...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Vaj

On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Kirk wrote:

Looks good. Also the basic Vimalaprabha text of HHDL contains also  
an entire mantra science.

Not sure I've seen that. Can you share a link?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Kirk

- Original Message - 
From: Sal Sunshine
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit 
Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

 But the force of the TM Is Not A Religion Religion
 is strong. Once you've become a member of that church,
 it's very difficult to leave. Or so it seems...

--Well then you've hit the nail on the flat end. For me, I switched 
first to Devi Bhakta after understanding the religious nature of my TM 
Mantra, then to the same but from a Buddhist context which I purposely 
sought out due to its similarities to my previous experiences, thus making a 
switch, but not really switching anything. Three Card Monty - religious 

I did not find the opposite to be true, which is to say that I did not have 
nondevotional esteem for my practice. Which is to say that I understood the 
fundamentally religious and Hindu nature of TM from the outset and I had 
always dug on that.

TM Mantras are based on ishtadevata and varnashrama. Thus early year kids 
are given Kama bijas of Devi, then early middle year people are given 
Knowledge bijas of Saraswati, then later middle years are given Dharma bijas 
and lastly latter aged people are given moksha bijas of Mahakali. Does 
anyone else think this sounds correct? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Vaj

On Mar 26, 2009, at 11:04 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

Tibetan teachings are 'far-fetched' according to
Marshy - they are a 'mixup' of traditions, some don't
even make any sense at all.

Yeah like we'd take the Donald Trump of Hinduism as an authority on  
Tibetan Buddhism! He couldn't even finish a comment on the Bhagavad- 
geeta in 40 years. I'm sure there's a lot that didn't make sense to  
Mr. Varmarishi.

Heck the Marshy can't even read Sanskrit, seems like he should've  
stuck to selling gaudy Hindu houses missing their doors on the south  
side. If you really wanna see something far-fetched? I'll show ya  
some human bunnies who think they're helping create world peace by  
manipulating the unified field of physics.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Vaj wrote:

 On Mar 26, 2009, at 11:04 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 Tibetan teachings are 'far-fetched' according to

 Marshy - they are a 'mixup' of traditions, some don't

 even make any sense at all.

 Yeah like we'd take the Donald Trump of Hinduism as an authority on Tibetan
 Buddhism! He couldn't even finish a comment on the Bhagavad-geeta in 40
 years. I'm sure there's a lot that didn't make sense to Mr. Varmarishi.
 Heck the Marshy can't even read Sanskrit, seems like he should've stuck to
 selling gaudy Hindu houses missing their doors on the south side. If you
 really wanna see something far-fetched? I'll show ya some human bunnies who
 think they're helping create world peace by manipulating the unified field
 of physics.

And if anyone can find something on the 'net you can Vaj.  You appear
to be obsessed with finding out who's posting what where and making
out the true identity of each poster from site to site.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Vaj

On Mar 26, 2009, at 12:22 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

Tibetan teachings are 'far-fetched' according to
Marshy - they are a 'mixup' of traditions, some
don't even make any sense at all.

Vaj wrote:

I'm sure there's a lot that didn't make sense to
Mr. Varmarishi...

You don't have to be a scholar of anything to realize
that Tibetan Buddhism is mixed-up, Vaj. Maybe you're
in a state of denial.

Apparently the historical Buddha didn't even teach
most of the doctrines found in the Mahayana or

So, it's all about Shakyamuni?

Apparently you don't know what you're talking about. Tibetan Buddhism  
largely stems from the second, tantric Buddha named Padmasambhava and  
even earlier Buddhas from the Treta yuga, various rishis, etc.

Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:39 AM, Richard M wrote:

I wonder why you're not expected/required to change your mantra as
early middle years all too quickly gives way to later middle
years and beyond?

Because TM works so well nobody ages, Richard.
Have you forgotten that already?  Tsk, tsk.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Zoran Krneta
Hindu word for religion is Dharma.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Kirk
Gavin Kilty translation of Ornament of Stainless Light is the one I use.  Not 
sure there's a link anywhere to the alternating Kalachakra on the net as of 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Vaj 
  Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:00 AM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit 
Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

  On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Kirk wrote:

Looks good. Also the basic Vimalaprabha text of HHDL contains also an 
entire mantra science.

  Not sure I've seen that. Can you share a link?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Kirk
I wonder why you're not expected/required to change your mantra as
 early middle years all too quickly gives way to later middle
 years and beyond?

That's the part relating to istadevata. Each of the expansion of awareness 
mantras are related to expanding practice or related to Mahalakshmi. So 
they are all mantras of Mahalakshmi.

Alternatively they are all mantras of Mahakali or Saraswati. Each of these 
Sahasranamas contains the names of the others. Thus they are all one. Yes?

Seems at first Maharishi used only Ram and Shyam at first, and he refined 
his mantra lore as he went along. TM is ultimately a Vaishnava methodology. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Kirk

 Patanjali, the author of the Yoga Sutras, said next
 to nothing about 'religion' - there was no 'Hinduism'
 at that time (cica 200 BC). From what I've read,
 there was 'Brahmanism', 'animism', and the atheist
 sects, Charvaka, etc. But I've seen no evidence that
 Patanjali was a teacher in a 'religious tradition'.
 If he was, he would have said so...duh!

Not so. Patanjali is also known as a proponent of Shaivaism. And he has 
authored a well known sutra to this effect. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Kirk

 I think in Rubberband Paul's book on MMY, or some place, MMY said very
 early on that the mantra is just selected according to the meditator's
 chosen deity (that's istadevata, right?). I think that might be where
 he also says your mantra could be ANY old word, but on the other hand
 some words/sounds might be more appropriate than others, and all that.

 So is it like this:  as Westerners don't have a chosen deity -
 istadevata - MMY just created a simple method of assigning them one
 with at least some semblance of rationality (i.e. as might be
 thought appropriate for your stage of life at the time). In which case
 it actually doesn't matter that much which mantra you have (as long
 as it is one of the 'bija' mantras I suppose). And of course, that's
 also why there's no need to switch mantras as you get older.

-Yes, this is what I'm saying. I don't know if this is what 
Maharishi thought though. Also, since mental japa of bija mantra has no 
specific quality or qualtity therefore it is termed 'nirguna' or without 
guna, and therefore since without intention there is no specific 
manifestation all of the more specific qualities of the mantra are not fully 
expanded and so each mantra is ultimately united in purpose - lessness.

 TM is ultimately a Vaishnava methodology - why so, would you say?

-First TM mantras were of Ram and Krishna, (Shyam) progenitor of the TM 
lineage is Narayana. Sri Vidya which is personal path of Sri Shankara still 
is exuded from Narayana, as Mahalakshmi. Specific qualities of 
Narayana/Lakshmi mantras are that one need not renounce anything in life but 
merely follow ones Sanatanadharma.

It should be noted for ones posterior that Buddha is one of the Dashavataras 
of Vishnu, or would you kill Buddha and just have Navavataras of Wishnu? No 
one needs the ten for the ten directions and the ten Mahavidyas.

You're doing fine with the lingo.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-26 Thread Kirk
 to the ever peaceful God,
Whose lotus like feet are worshipped
By enemies of Madhu and other devas,
Who has the golden mountain as his bow,
And who is the lord of the silver hall [Rajatha Sabhai in Madurai Temple].

Halasya nadhaya maheshwaraya,
Hala halalankrutha kandharaya,
Meenekshanaya padaye shivaya,
Namo nama Sundara thandavaya. 10

Salutations and salutations to the handsome dancer,
Who is the great god and lord of town of Madurai,
Who stopped the poison called halahala in his neck,
And who is the lord of the devi with eyes like fish.

Ishwara Uvacha:-
Thwaya krutham idham sthothram ya padeth bhakthi samyutha,
Thasya ayur deergam arogyam sampadascha dadamyaham.

God told:-
He who reads this prayer composed you with devotion,
Will be given long life, health and wealth by me.

- Original Message - 
From: Richard J. Williams
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 5:04 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert 
to Push TM in Public Schools

  Patanjali, the author of the Yoga Sutras, said next
  to nothing about 'religion' - there was no 'Hinduism'
  at that time (cica 200 BC). From what I've read,
  there was 'Brahmanism', 'animism', and the atheist
  sects, Charvaka, etc. But I've seen no evidence that
  Patanjali was a teacher in a 'religious tradition'.
  If he was, he would have said so...duh!
 Kirk wrote:
 Not so. Patanjali is also known as a proponent of
 Shaivaism. And he has authored a well known sutra to
 this effect.

 Patanjali lived around 200 B.C., Kirk, long before the
 rise of the sects such as 'Shaivaism' in India. Mircea
 Eliade says that the role of God in man's acquisition
 of freedom is of no importance. Thus Patanjali and Vyasa
 say almost nothing about religion or God as a means of
 obtaining yoga.

 Eliade on the role of Ishvara:

 Unlike Sankhya, Yoga affirms the existence of a God,
 Ishvara. This God is, of course, no creator, the cosmos,
 life, and man having, as we have already noted, been
 created by prakrti, for they all proceed from the
 primordial substance.

 But, in the case of certain men, Ishvara can hasten the
 process of deliverance; he helps them toward a more
 speedy arrival at samadhi. This God, to whom Patatnjali
 refers, is more especially a god of yogins. He can come
 to the help only of a yogin-that is, a man who has
 already chosen Yoga.

 In any case, Ishvara's role is comparatively small. He
 can, for example, bring samadhi to the yogin who takes
 him as the object of his concentration. According to
 Patanjali, this divine aid is not the effect of a
 desire or a feeling - for God can have neither
 desires nor emotions - but of a metaphysical sympathy
 between Ishvara and the purusa, a sympathy explained by
 their structural correspondence.

 Ishvara is a purusha that has been free since all
 eternity, never touched by the klesas. Commenting on
 this text, Vyasa adds that the difference between
 Ishvara and a liberated spirit is as follows: between
 the latter and psychomental experience, there was once
 a relation (even though illusory); whereas Ishvara has
 always been free.

 God does not submit to being summoned by rituals, or
 devotion, or faith in his mercy; but his essence
 instinctively collaborates, as it were, with the Self
 that seeks emancipation through Yoga.

 What is involved, then, is rather a sympathy,
 metaphysical in nature, connecting two kindred entities.
 One would say that this sympathy shown by Ishvara
 toward certain yogins - that is, toward the few men who
 seek their deliverance by means of yogic,techniques -
 has exhausted his capacity to interest himself in the
 lot of mankind.

 This is why neither Patanjali nor Vyasa succeeds in
 giving any precise explanation of God's intervention in

 It is clear that Ishvara has entered Sankhya-Yoga
 dialectics, as it were, from outside. For Sankhya
 affirms (and Yoga adopts the affirmation) that Substance
 (prakriti), because of its teleological instinct,
 collaborates in the deliverance of man.

 Thus the role of God in man's acquisition of freedom is
 of no importance; for the cosmic substance itself
 undertakes to deliver the many selves (purusa) entangled
 in the illusory meshes of existence.

 Although it was Patanjali who introduced this new and
 (when all is said and done) perfectly useless element of
 Ishvara into the dialectics of the Sankhya soteriological
 doctrine, he does not give Ishvara the significance that
 late commentators will accord to him. What is of first
 importance in the Yoga-sutras is technique (Eliade 73-74).

 Work Cited:

 Yoga: Immortality and Freedom
 By Mircea Eliade
 Princeton University Press, 1970


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-25 Thread Zoran Krneta

 It heightens awareness of an aspect of our mind. I don't believe that it
 heightens awareness itself or our capacity to be aware of anything else more
 or better. The purpose for me is that it is enjoyable. No higher state
 needed. That said it is way down on my list of things I want to do with my
 day so I haven't meditated in a long time. But I enjoy meditation without
 the belief's attached to it or the idea that I am experiencing a higher
 state of mind.
 That was my original point. You can enjoy meditaiton without the context of
 religious beliefs. Without assuming the traditional belief structure it
 becomes an experiment without an assumed conclusion. I don't assume any
 benifits other than the enjoyment of the experience itself. This approach
 isn't for everyone, but it works for me.

What you are promoting here is certain belief system.

My point was that there is no secular meditation – it means that there is
no meditation WITHOUT certain belief system whether you believe in Mickey
Mouse or God or nothing at all.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-25 Thread Zoran Krneta
*I believe* you are confused about the meaning of the word secular:

Hallelujah brother... you are believer :)

I know what word secular in strict sense means, but if you want to explain
to mass of others about your type of meditation you will end up in some sort
of belief system because you will not have scientific arguments about it.

Like... you say: The purpose for me is that it is enjoyable.

Then you will need to explain what kind of joy is that, what is purpose of
it... etc.etc. and soon you will have belief system no matter how that fits
in your understanding of word secular.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-25 Thread Kirk

 If Buddhism honors no god, then where did the Buddha come from?
 Mom and Dad Buddha?

---That's the right question to be asking, but rather, where did you come 
from, also, when and which god solved suffering, disease, pain, conflict and 
fear and death. Which Deva dissolves these issues? These are the right 
questions to be pondering. That is how Buddha came to be, not by worshipping 
gods. But by questioning their aims, motives, actuality in reality rather 
than just thinking God this God that.  Nobody can surely know any of that, 
and if they do, nobody can really know that either.

The real question is how can one worship a Deva and be enlightened ...and 
not be a Buddha?! Not where or who God is. If one is enlightened then they 
have become a Buddha.  If Maharishi was enlightened then Maharishi was a 
Buddha. Not the other way around. the human intellect and cognition can only 
fathom so much and then the mind stops. This is called state of Buddhahood, 
when cognition and knowledge have reached their end. Nirvana.

Yoga Citta Vritti Nirodaha.

Buddha said pondering God questions is like being shot by an arrow and 
worrying who shot you and why. What is not needed is an answer, but a cure 
for the arrow wound. Pondering who and why and what is not going to cure the 
arrow wound. What Buddha said was there is a cure. Then he outlined it in 
his 4 Noble Truths. They are hard to beat as far as meaning goes, also 
Buddha's answers are more humanitarian than otherworldly systems. Since his 
system is grounded in the solid state of direct perception and questioning, 
and worrying little about issues of faith, hope and so on.

For most people they cannot simply just live with themselves. Instead they 
must make up all kinds of high falutin secret societies with hierarchies and 
unobtainable goals to keep the mind ever engaged in ever more discursive 
ratiocination. As if by broadening the net of the mind one can someday hold 
the sky. No. Mind cannot hold anything. Let the mind go and become a Buddha. 
Otherwise you are just rebirthing the continuum of mind over and over, thus 
reifying samskara.

But because different people have different tendencies and aims there are 
many Buddhisms. Not just one. Thus I am a Buddhist who practices secret 
mantra yoga. I am a Buddhist who lives in the world amongst everyone else 
hiding in plain sight. Since Buddhism deals with finalizing ones solution to 
lifes problems it is said to be the end all of religions. Some Buddhists 
know the various devas and energies, others don't. This isn't really the 
point. The point is does the mind feel satisfied and does it then open to 
direct vision. That is a Buddha then. Not anything else. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-24 Thread Zoran Krneta
Meditation is for Self realization and God realization.

Secular meditation simply does not exist. If Sufi meditation HELPS me to
realize my Self and finally God I would accept it.

You wouldn't?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-24 Thread Kirk
Which God?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Zoran Krneta 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 4:07 AM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit 
Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

  Meditation is for Self realization and God realization. 

  Secular meditation simply does not exist. If Sufi meditation HELPS me to 
realize my Self and finally God I would accept it.

  You wouldn't?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-24 Thread Zoran Krneta
Which you like…

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-24 Thread Kirk
I like them all, it's rather confusing. Also I hate them all for fucking me 
over and stealing my father from me when I was eight. Nothing the Gods could do 
now could make up for that, so fuck em all I say. If the Gods' cared about 
making things better they would start by having people stop all the wasteful 
sacrificing for selfish ends.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Zoran Krneta 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 8:41 AM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit 
Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

  Which you like… 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-24 Thread Zoran Krneta
In my personal life, sure. In state-sponsored public schools? No.
In my Country in state-sponsored public schools children have religion
classes and they participating on the voluntary basis. Other confessions
have the same chance. Nobody makes problems about that.

Meditation has many different purposes in many person's lives.

May have different purposes and effects but goal is the same.

Buddhism honors no god.

But it is religion.

Is it your feeling that Buddhists don't meditate?

They meditate of course, but the object or goal of their meditation they can
call as they like... it's essentially the same as in other religions no
matter they honors God or not.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-24 Thread Zoran Krneta
Secular meditation simply does not exist.

Sure it does.

You are claiming that secular meditation develops higher state of
consciousness too. If you are right than Self realization/God realization
are reachable by your secular meditation also.

So what are the differences between them?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-24 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Mar 24, 2009, at 12:38 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

--- In, authfriend jst...@... wrote: seems to me that many
people enjoy their TM -- while a significant minority
have problems such as depression, anxiety, dissociation,
involuntary tics, etc.

Every once in a while John's mask slips, and what's
behind his lip service to TM--such as that in your
quote--gets inadvertently spat out in all its ugliness.

What phrase do you object to?  If your job is helping people who do  
have problems like the late Margret Singer then the reality of such  
a population is just a fact.

I was wondering the same thing--seems to me
John's quote is right on, realistic.  God only
knows what mask Judy is really afraid of.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-24 Thread Kirk
I don't know if Lynch said he would teach IN Schools. You know they have 
every sort of religious club in the world in schools. Why not TM clubs? The 
truth is soon found out by any slightly savvy youngster now. Let them figure 
it out.

At any rate try talking to a kid now about anything and you'll find a total 
expert on everything. Your issues Knapp are your own issues and they are 
passing with your brain, not to be mean or smug, which I am not. This is a 

I am a Buddhist. I have said it plenty. I also might do TM if I feel like 
it. And so on.  TM saved my life when I was fifteen and a burned out punk 
rocker in Hollywood. Yeah, already at age fifteen. Age means little.

All this afterthought is just that. I hope TM is still around my next go at 

TM teachers who believed and sacrificed everything many times over should 
have at least one David Lynch on their side. Don't be mean Bro. Or go pierce 
some Jesus somewhere. Same difference.

- Original Message - 
From: John M. Knapp, LMSW
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 9:42 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert 
to Push TM in Public Schools


 No offense taken! You actually touch on something that I agree with, all 
 education is an experiment. I could rant about that, too.

 That being said, two wrongs don't make a right. I'd just as soon that 
 education were more evidenced-based AND that TM not be taught in public 


 --- In, Kirk kirk_bernha...@... wrote:

 No offense John, but education is a myth. It works for a few. All 
 is an experiment. If you look at the WORKS of the educated then you know
 their education was an experiment in how to step in dogshit.

 - Original Message - 
 From: John M. Knapp, LMSW jmknap...@...
 Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 6:26 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit 
 to Push TM in Public Schools

  To be honest, I don't know if a nonreligious form of TM would be good 
  kids or not. Basically, what David Lynch, with inspiration from the 
  Maharishi, is proposing is large-scale psychological experimentation on
  school kids.
  I'm not aware of substantive research on the long-term effects of
  meditation on children. I imagine some will have abreactions, just as 
  adults do.
  Just as I think drugs with negative side-effects need to regulated and
  monitored, but may be taken safely by most people, it seems to me that
  many people enjoy their TM -- while a significant minority have 
  such as depression, anxiety, dissociation, involuntary tics, etc.
  I'd sure be more comfortable if researchers would stick to 
  on monkeys and leave the kids alone.
  --- In, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
  --- In, John M. Knapp, LMSW 
   The upcoming McCartney/Lynch Concert to benefit the David Lynch
   Foundation will raise funds to teach Transcendental Meditation in 
   public schools.
   Many critics feel this is a clear Church/State violation because of 
   religious trappings of Transcendental Meditation.
   A group of critics -- including James Randi, Barry Markovsky, Meera
   Nanda, Andrew Skolnick, myself, and others -- have organized a free 
   event to discuss this controversy. You may be interested in 
   You can find the details at
  Since the ruling on TM, back in the late '70's, I can see our school
  system has really improved in so many ways...
  Do you really think that practicing TM in schools would be a bad 
  Do you think that ruling did anything to improve the quality of 
  or the quality of anything?
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  and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-24 Thread Kirk

  - Original Message - 
  From: Zoran Krneta 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:22 AM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit 
Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

  Secular meditation simply does not exist. 

  Sure it does.

  You are claiming that secular meditation develops higher state of 
consciousness too. If you are right than Self realization/God realization are 
reachable by your secular meditation also.

  So what are the differences between them?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-24 Thread Zoran Krneta
 You are claiming that secular meditation develops higher state of
consciousness too.

I don't see any evidence that they do.
I think meditation heightens an awareness of an aspect of our mind that has
a small role in who we are or how we perform in the world.

What you say is contradiction.

If you don’t see evidence then what would be the purpose of doing
“meditation that heightens awareness…”?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-24 Thread Vaj

On Mar 24, 2009, at 9:10 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

 I disagree with your assessment of the religious nature of TM, but  
 am not inclined to sum up your POV as the result of some negitive  
 emotional state.  We just disagree on the religious nature of TM  
 instruction.  This doesn't surprise me because you didn't spend many  
 weeks bowing down to the floor to a picture of Maharishi's dead guru  
 after invoking divine and semi divine Gods in the Hindu religion. 
 (Vyasa is 3/4 Vishnu don't ya know.)  It is easier for you to ignore  
 its religious roots.

This selective memory and selective seeing interests me. It's a  
universally observable phenomenon in cults like the TMO and the TM  
mindset. What varies is the degree to which the person suspends their  
disbelief to allow themselves to be blindsided to the absurdly  
obvious. I think I already unconsciously use it as a kind of yardstick  
to see how far some people have gone.

At one extreme you have the people like Isaac Tigrette who founded the  
Hard Rock Cafe and obviously has had to navigate a huge set of factors  
in the real world of international business to become incredibly  
successful, but at the same time he can hear all these child  
molestation things going on with Sai Baba and just decide 'they don't  
matter because he's a magical avatar'. Any grade-school kid would have  
to get that he's using sleight of hand. Then at the other end you have  
people who fudge philosophically smaller, but equally egregious  
cognitive errors--without ever realizing--or some cases even be  
willing to accept, that they are clearly erroneous. In many ways the  
blind acceptance of TM quantum tomfoolery and TM-as-secular BS is  
really not that different in my yardstick from Christianity or Islam  
as universal teachings or transubstantiation as real.

The zeal of it's believers is quite similar.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-23 Thread Kirk
Knapp, Knapp, Knapp
Christian, Christian, Christian

- Original Message - 
From: nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 10:02 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert 
to Push TM in Public Schools

 --- In, John M. Knapp, LMSW

 You may be interested in attending.

 What should interest you would be finding a deep hole to jump into. If you 
 won't find anyone who would like to fill the hole afterwards I'd be happy 
 to help.


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RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-23 Thread Rick Archer
From: []
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 1:19 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert
to Push TM in Public Schools


--- In , John M. Knapp, LMSW
jmknap...@... wrote:

 Interesting that this question keeps coming up.

The really interesting question would be if you dared jump into a very, very
deep and dark hole and let someone fill it up with filth and dirth.

According to my information 

And Nabby has some friends in high places, so watch out!

fools like you are going out of circulation big time now (after a natural
death ofcourse, nothing sinister will happen) and will be kept out of
incarnation for a rather long time.
You represent energies that are on the way out of this earth anyway so why
delay ?

Are you suggesting that John off himself, Nabby?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-23 Thread Kirk
You all are counting chickens before eggs.
Go ahead and waste your minds.

- Original Message - 
From: John M. Knapp, LMSW
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 6:30 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert 
to Push TM in Public Schools


 As always you make my arguments so much more eloquently than I.

 I agree my major concern is about the civil liberties aspect of teaching 
 TM in public schools -- and the doors that may be opened by Quiet Time.

 Should Muslim kids be allowed to pray 5 times a day in public schools? 
 Maybe. But I would have real troubles with Sufi meditation techniques 
 being taught in public schools in their religious form.


 --- In, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltabl...@... wrote:

 --- In, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
  Since the ruling on TM, back in the late '70's, I can see our school 
  system has really improved in so many ways...

 I work in schools, in many ways they have improved. Especially with 
 regard to less naivete about the agenda of groups like TM.

  Do you really think that practicing TM in schools would be a bad thing?

 No one is saying they can't practice it if their parents want them to. It 
 is presenting it in schools that is the problem for me.

 I was introduced to TM in my high school.  I wish the adults in my world 
 had done a bit more due diligence in checking it out.  They seemed to 
 take every claim at face value and it influenced the credibility I gave 
 it to see the adults nodding their heads.

  Do you think that ruling did anything to improve the quality of 
  education or the quality of anything?

 I do.  I am not against kids having a moment of silence but the 
 indoctrination into the belief system of TM is too much to support for 
 me.  Skipping the puja would be a start in the right direction.  But this 
 line is very important to keep an eye on with millions of Christians 
 trying to subvert science classes with creationism dressed up as 
 intelligent design.  Being very clear about where our beliefs come from 
 is critical for our survival.  Blurring this line is dangerous because it 
 makes harder to rank the probability of beliefs if religious concepts are 
 blended with more rigorously supported beliefs.  And in today's 
 multicultural school system, it is ridiculous to try to pawn off the 
 Hindu based TM system as scientific.


  --- In, John M. Knapp, LMSW 
  jmknapp53@ wrote:
   The upcoming McCartney/Lynch Concert to benefit the David Lynch
   Foundation will raise funds to teach Transcendental Meditation in the
   public schools.
   Many critics feel this is a clear Church/State violation because of 
   religious trappings of Transcendental Meditation.
   A group of critics -- including James Randi, Barry Markovsky, Meera
   Nanda, Andrew Skolnick, myself, and others -- have organized a free 
   event to discuss this controversy. You may be interested in 
   You can find the details at
  Since the ruling on TM, back in the late '70's, I can see our school 
  system has really improved in so many ways...
  Do you really think that practicing TM in schools would be a bad thing?
  Do you think that ruling did anything to improve the quality of 
  education or the quality of anything?


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-23 Thread Vaj

On Mar 23, 2009, at 7:30 PM, John M. Knapp, LMSW wrote:


As always you make my arguments so much more eloquently than I.

I agree my major concern is about the civil liberties aspect of  
teaching TM in public schools -- and the doors that may be opened by  
Quiet Time.

Should Muslim kids be allowed to pray 5 times a day in public  
schools? Maybe. But I would have real troubles with Sufi meditation  
techniques being taught in public schools in their religious form.


If you missed them, Curtis recently shared some very interesting  
personal insights into the Christian mystics who (initially) bought  
into the Universality of TM lie. Later, as it became clear what they  
were not told, they did what their heart's conscience told them. They  
split, seeing the TM Universality lie, because they grokked the  
reality of the situation. Those same Christian mystics have gone on to  
found even more profoundly personal meditation forms.

I do see some universal meditation forms (e.g. InnerKids) which can  
and are successfully being used, openly and--most of all--freely being  
shared with school kids, for their benefit and for the future of us  
all. But TM, with it's cold eye on the buck and a way into our school  
and healthcare systems needs to revealed for the greedheads they truly  
are, and the plainly Hindu meditation forms disguised as for everyone.

Keep up the Great Work man!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-23 Thread Kirk
No offense John, but education is a myth. It works for a few. All education 
is an experiment. If you look at the WORKS of the educated then you know 
their education was an experiment in how to step in dogshit.

- Original Message - 
From: John M. Knapp, LMSW
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 6:26 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert 
to Push TM in Public Schools

 To be honest, I don't know if a nonreligious form of TM would be good for 
 kids or not. Basically, what David Lynch, with inspiration from the late 
 Maharishi, is proposing is large-scale psychological experimentation on 
 school kids.

 I'm not aware of substantive research on the long-term effects of 
 meditation on children. I imagine some will have abreactions, just as some 
 adults do.

 Just as I think drugs with negative side-effects need to regulated and 
 monitored, but may be taken safely by most people, it seems to me that 
 many people enjoy their TM -- while a significant minority have problems 
 such as depression, anxiety, dissociation, involuntary tics, etc.

 I'd sure be more comfortable if researchers would stick to experimenting 
 on monkeys and leave the kids alone.


 --- In, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 --- In, John M. Knapp, LMSW jmknapp53@ 
  The upcoming McCartney/Lynch Concert to benefit the David Lynch
  Foundation will raise funds to teach Transcendental Meditation in the
  public schools.
  Many critics feel this is a clear Church/State violation because of the
  religious trappings of Transcendental Meditation.
  A group of critics -- including James Randi, Barry Markovsky, Meera
  Nanda, Andrew Skolnick, myself, and others -- have organized a free web
  event to discuss this controversy. You may be interested in attending.
  You can find the details at
 Since the ruling on TM, back in the late '70's, I can see our school 
 system has really improved in so many ways...
 Do you really think that practicing TM in schools would be a bad thing?
 Do you think that ruling did anything to improve the quality of education 
 or the quality of anything?


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