Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Robert wrote:
 I am wondering how this crazy German dude, got approved to be on that 
 Anyone have any ideas about that...?

He's as free to be in that position as anyone else.  You start with 5 MM Euros.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-26 Thread Vaj

On Apr 26, 2009, at 12:19 AM, I am the eternal wrote:

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 10:46 PM, geezerfreak wrote:
See, I am the eternal (man, why didn't you just go all the way and  
call yourself GOD) the thing is, WillyTex really IS nuts. This is  
not just my opinion, by the way.

Let's ask Judy. Judy...want to speak up on the state of Willy Tex's  
mental health?

Judy, like most of the ladies here except Sal show some class.  But  
are you and Judy licensed mental health professionals?  If so, can  
you diagnose someone from afar?

It takes someone in the same state of consciousness to recognize  
another Eternal.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 26, 2009, at 2:07 AM, geezerfreak wrote:

You worked at Pac Pal? So did I, but that was right before terms  
like vedic atom were being used. (How many parents got calls from  
their kid announcing that they were now part of a vedic atom?)  
The Council of Supreme Intelligence. So 50's SciFi!

No kidding--you almost expect Green Lantern and Red
Flash to jump out and start fighting Lex Luther or
something when you hear those silly terms used.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 26, 2009, at 2:51 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Is it possible that you turned down someone's
application because the unidentified voice on
the other end of the phone said to out of spite,
or because he thought that they might have once
seen another spiritual teacher or done some-
thing Off The Program?

If so, and someone was discriminated against
and kept away from a course that even YOU would
have to believe would be beneficial for them,
does this present a case for YOUR unfounded
beliefs being a tad harmful to someone else?
Or is their experience of YOU turning them down
all their experience, not yours?

I'm looking forward to this answer too,
as this happened fairly often, from
what I recall.  It was especially evil
when one spouse would be accepted,
but not the other.  That's basically
breaking up families, forcing people
to choose, triangulating them.

And it's interesting, isn't it,
that that kind of behavior was
not only tolerated, it was usually
exalted as keeping the knowledge
pure or whatever other BS phrase
they used, while attempting to save
marriages or relationships by seeking
counseling was condemned, as far
as I know, always--no exceptions.
Quite a system of ethics there, eh?

So I too am wondering about Raunch's
answer, and whether or not the dismay/
anxiety of others being turned away
for reasons the TMO never even had the
decency to own up to (undoubtedly because
they didn't actually *have* any reasons, or they
were too lame for anyone to own up to) had any
effect on her other than, Well, it's not
*my* problem, why should I worry?

Good question, Barry.  I'm not holding
my breath waiting for the answer, though.

I'm SURE you can make a case for I was just
doing my job, and following orders. But you
don't even know WHOSE orders you were follow-
ing. Do you not see something vaguely remin-
iscent of Germany during WWII about this,
where good Germans sent Jews somewhere (they
didn't care where) because some unidentified
male voice told them to?

I believe even the Nazis identified themselves.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 26, 2009, at 4:28 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Perhaps you have a different way of explaining
why you agreed to such an artificial lifestyle
if you were NOT following orders and trying
to fit into Maharishi's culture.

As you said earlier, I report, you decide.

Please report on this seeming contradiction.

The Vedic Atom in the town I was living in
at the time lived right at the TM Center, slept
on the floors, etc.  Barry, your questions are
great, and very thought-provoking.

Mine are much more prosaic...I was wondering
then, and I still wonder...where TF did they
take showers??  And how do 10 or so people
get washed up in one or two tiny sinks.

Rick, where did you and the guys take showers?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-26 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 10:39 AM, raunchydog wrote:
 When I agreed on to be on the Vedic Atom I freely, and willingly made a
pledge, a commitment to Maharishi to take direction from him. The mission of
the Atom was to establish a Capital of the Age of Enlightenment in cities
assigned to the Atom.

I've only known two sets of /male/ Vedic atoms.  Both of them acted like
God's gift to National Socialism.  The set in Florida taught us Age of
Enlightenment Technique #1 (out of 12 so far).  The psychiatrist who was
part of our group, Dr. Balend (sp?) said that they reminded him of new
preachers (he was from North Carolina, I believe).  Dr. Balend was flying
the plane, incidentally, that was giving a free ride to people representing
Maharishi in their quest for a place to put a capital in North Carolina.
 When the plane crashed, Maharishi changed his mind about NC.

The group I met in Austin didn't mix with us citizen sidhas.  They did an
amazingly long program.  I remember that I had received an Ayurvedic consult
and taught to yodel certain ways before program to balance certain doshas.
 I as usual raced down to the Austin Capital, got on my flying clothes,. sat
in the dark and seeing no one about, commenced my yodeling.  Out behind a
curtain came a member of the Vedic Atom, very upset that I had interrupted
the divine program.

It appears that it took 10 women to do what 3 men did, because I had only
ever heard mention of 3 men in a Vedic Atom.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 26, 2009, at 12:24 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
This line of reasoning seems far fetched and out of line.  It is  
pure speculaton.  We've heard from Raunchy that she acted in good  
faith.  And now you're asking her if she thinks the course office  
was acting in good faith?   Sort of like  Isn't it possible  
Raunchy, isn't it entirely possible that the this UNIDENFIED,  
ANONYMOUS, -DO  YOU HEAR ME ANONYMOUS voice on the other end of the  
line,  might NOT have been acting in good faith.  And isn't it true  
Raunchy, that an negative experience  that the this unidentified  
voice may have had with a person named Todd sometime in his past,  
may have predudiced him against any applicant named Todd.  Please  
Raunchy, tell the court, isn't this possible?  Indeed, isn't it even  
likely this unidentied was voice was  applying arbitrary standands  
for acceptance to a course., based on previous life experiences that  
affected his outlook, most likely in negative way that could have a  
profound effect on the individual applying  including, but not  
limited to loss of self esteem, or divorce.   Isn't this a  
possiblity Raunchy.  Tell the court, yes, or no.

And then Sal, chimes in that if Rauncy doesn't take this bait, then  
the point is proved.  Or even more likely, if the answer isn't to  
Sal's satisfaction then the point is proved as well.

I believe this is what is called baiting.  And a little cheap IMO.

But fun nonetheless. :)

Alright, lurk, here's a true experience of mine,

just to show (at least IMO) what brainwashed groupies

were in the TMO even years back (of which I consider

myself to have been one, BTW, although thankfully

not so far gone as I might have been):  I was asked by someone who

didn't have enough$$ to go on a course if I would help sponsor

her, along with a few others.  I was applying to the same course,

so I said sure.

Come to find out a week or two later, she then reported me,

after getting the $$, for some minor OTP (gasp!) infringement,

can't remember now what it even was.

We both got on the course, BTW, but as geeze put it so well,

it was just another dent in the armor that many of us wore in

order to maintain the fiction that we were actually dealing

with normal, well-intentioned people.  We weren't.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 26, 2009, at 12:52 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

Lurk: I believe this is what is called baiting.  And a little cheap  

Sal: But fun nonetheless. :)

Alright, lurk, here's a true experience of mine,

just to show (at least IMO) what brainwashed groupies

were in the TMO even years back (of which I consider

myself to have been one, BTW, although thankfully

not so far gone as I might have been):  I was asked by someone who

didn't have enough$$ to go on a course if I would help sponsor

her, along with a few others.  I was applying to the same course,

so I said sure.

Come to find out a week or two later, she then reported me,

after getting the $$, for some minor OTP (gasp!) infringement,

can't remember now what it even was.

We both got on the course, BTW, but as geeze put it so well,

it was just another dent in the armor that many of us wore in

order to maintain the fiction that we were actually dealing

with normal, well-intentioned people.  We weren't.

I understand.  I got rejected from a course (or going to Zambia back  
in 77?) based on a very subjective termination by Reed Martin.  I  
was in Livingson Manor at the time, and when it happened, a voice  
inside me said go home, go home. That may have been when the  
bonds to TMO started to weaken some.

Yeah, you mentioned that you might have
described some experience a little too
enthusiastically or something, and then
they put you on some hit-list.

This was one Lisa A who ratted on me,
for what I've forgotten.  But I'm pretty
sure I started hearing the same voice.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-26 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 26, 2009, at 4:43 PM, raunchydog wrote:

--- In, Richard J. Williams  
willy...@... wrote:

Inside the Golden Dome:

Thanks for the great link.

Yeah, thanks is right.  Here's a terrific example of
the pearls of wisdom to be found in today's TMO:

In other words, the Golden Dome at Fairfield, (not to be confused  
with the Maharishi Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge at Radience, Texas,  
home of the Superadiance program), is a sort of hollow tope,  
surmounted by a kalasa, supported by the amalaka in which the akasha,  
symbolizing dimensionless space, is supported by the linga,  
surmounting the eight-angled cintamani vajra, an 8-sided prototypic  
harmika with a rail surrounding the hypaethral pavilion constituting a  
veritible chaitya-garbha pradakshina with a nice fence around it!

In any other group this insane gibberish would
earn whoever had written it a one-way trip to
the nearest asylum.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-25 Thread Vaj

On Apr 24, 2009, at 11:43 PM, raunchydog wrote:

 Rather, it is a product of Maharishi's good sense and planning,  
 interleaved and inseparable from his unique culture.

OK. Now I can completely stop taking you seriously.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-25 Thread Vaj

On Apr 25, 2009, at 12:23 AM, raunchydog wrote:

 Not by me. Nothing wrong with wanting to save the

 Agreed. Somebody has to do it. Maharishi's World Peace Plan inspired  
 me to become a teacher. It still inspires me. How could anyone not  
 be inspired by the hope of a better day, a kinder world, and a more  
 fulfilling life for everyone? Cynics laugh at idealism. I don't.

No cynics laugh at people who make such claims while laughing all the  
way to the bank, while students doing the techniques have very  
serious nervous breakdowns, episodes of dangerous and bizarre  
behavior, suicidal and homicidal ideation, threats and attempts,  
psychotic episodes, crime, depression and manic behavior, tax fraud  
and money laundering goes on, people got horrible diseases and  
maladies on the India courses from living in terrible insanitary  
conditions, he has sex with his students--just to mention a few of the  
types of things Mr. World Peace was really doing. Yeah, he did SUCH a  
great job.

I'd say you need deprogrammed REAL bad is what I'd say.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-25 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 24, 2009, at 11:16 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

--- In, raunchydog raunchy...@...  

I bought a bunch of saris and that is all I wore, and still I felt  
out of place.


He did not fit into our culture and he never asked anyone to fit  
into his.

The reason you wore a sari was because of his expressed desire to  
the ladies on that course.

Did he ever express any other desires to the women on that course? :)

 He shaped every nuance of our lives on that course. There was no  
aspect of our lives that that he didn't comment on, and we reacted  
to immediately.

Maharishi not only asked us to fit into Indian culture, he required  
it.  Every single thing he wanted was carried out by all of us down  
to what we ate, what we wore, what we did every second of every day  
in India.

This is so obvious to anyone who's had anything to do with
the TMO in the last 30 years it seems incredible to even
have to say it!  One wonders in what dim-ension raunchy
has been operating in if she somehow missed that.  Where
exactly does the whole idea of saris come from?

For you to say he never asked anyone to fit into his culture as an  
insider, to a bunch of us who were there living and dying by every  
statement and announcement from the guy each day of that course is  
shocking to read.  I am reminded not only about what a complete  
control freak the guy was, but how willing we are were to fall on  
our own sword for him rather than let the world know what absolute  
control he had over our lives.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-25 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 25, 2009, at 7:58 AM, guyfawkes91 wrote:

Just the intention to shift the energy.
In a tiniest quantum way, the wind blows, the clouds form, the  
lightning comes, and the disturbing influences are cleared...

You've been listening to too much John Hagelin who has a similar  
effect on people's thought processes to ingesting too much LSD.  
Just by saying the word quantum everyone's critical abilities are  
zapped and they start experiencing wild cognitive hallucinations.

My thought processes must not have gotten the memo--
all I experience is boredom, intense boredom.

Any nonsense idea can be made to appear plausible just by using the  
word quantum somewhere in the explanation. At least with LSD it  
wears off in a few hours.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-25 Thread Vaj

On Apr 25, 2009, at 11:27 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Thanks for the CD plug brother.  I heading over to Florence for two  
weeks starting Tuesday to do a little busking and hopefully see the  
insides of more churches than Italian jails!  A little Delta by the  

What you just read Bruneschelli's Dome and you had to check it out?

Really Florence has to be one of the most fascinating places in the  
west--the birthplace of the Renaissance. I'm a big Francesco Giorgi  
and Neoplatonism fan, so it's always a place I wanted to visit. When  
the Jew's were kicked out of Spain in 1492 (on the day Columbus left),  
many went to Sicily and Italy, thus the Kabbalah first is found in  
Europe in Firenzia. The first Jewish ghetto was in Venice, and there's  
a museum there I've always wanted to visit.

Hopefully you're taking a camera! Any chance of blogging the visit?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-25 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 9:51 PM, geezerfreak wrote:

 Boo, in case it's not obvious this fella is nuttier than a fruitcake.
Trying to dialog with him is useless. I do wonder thoughwas he always
this way or was he damaged in um, some other way. I'll to have to ask Ned
Wynn about it since I believe he knew Willy at one point back there

Why don't we just add to the homepage of FFL that the main purpose of the
group is to sling nastygrams at each other?  That anyone who joins has
nothing better to do with his/her time (and karma) than to call others nasty
names and characterize them in the worse possible way?

Does anyone here have a concept of this thing called karma?  Now I am
characterized as being a hateful, deranged individual, yet I try whenever
possible to avoid conflict unless really pushed.  But all of these people
here who are holier than I am somehow don't get Matt. 7:1.  Yet they tell
each other how much more evolved they are than the others here.

In typical FFL fashion, a person who posted here that he wasn't happy with
me couldn't take my reply that that's life and my feelings weren't hurt as
an end of our exchange.  He had to use a private email to tear me a new
asshole and tell me that I'd have to suffer living in my hate for the rest
of my life.  Gosh.  I wasn't even told such things at Our Lady of The
Inquisition Catholic School when I was growing up.  I replied back that I'm
not suffering.  Life's a ball and it's getting better day by day.  I pointed
out that the motive behind his email was *to vent his hate towards me*.  I'm
sure he didn't get it, as he can only see people one way:  fitting into his
expectations or not.  Yeah, that shows how far along on the path he is.

I forgave him.  That's how hateful I was toward him.

Would there actually be anything to post here if the main purpose of posting
wasn't to engage in the Eric Berne game Now I've Got You, You Son of a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-25 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 10:46 PM, geezerfreak wrote:

 See, I am the eternal (man, why didn't you just go all the way and call
 yourself GOD) the thing is, WillyTex really IS nuts. This is not just my
 opinion, by the way.

 Let's ask Judy. Judy...want to speak up on the state of Willy Tex's mental

Judy, like most of the ladies here except Sal show some class.  But are you
and Judy licensed mental health professionals?  If so, can you diagnose
someone from afar?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-24 Thread Kirk
You didn't have my POV, why?

- Original Message - 
From: raunchydog
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 9:53 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

TM cannot exist without the TMO. Warts and all, it is the only organization 
capable of teaching TM so that it remains TM, a simple mental technique, 
rather than some watered down version that loses its effectiveness. 
Maharishi's great gift to the world was a systematic way to allow the mind 
to transcend.

IMO the foundation of Maharishi's worldwide TMO is secure enough to endure 
leadership foibles and growing pains just as it always has. It will always 
have detractors, saints, dummies and TM teachers off the reservation who 
will teach, who knows what. Regardless, the TMO is the only reliable glue 
that can hold the teaching of TM together in perpetuity or at least for a 
very long time.

I am the eternal, thinks the TMO kitsch and crowns are funny and since the 
TM works as advertised, he is content to let sleeping dogs lie. So don't 
bother telling him about other meditations.

I agree with Eternal. I give TMO goofiness a pass because TM works as 
advertised However, TM critics, each from unique perspectives, routinely 
argue, TM does not work. Let's start with the usual suspects.

TM doesn't work for me and besides, most people stop TM. Obviously, it 
doesn't work for them either. So, you arrogant bunch of SOB's, don't 
presume you have the keys to a kingdom that does not exist or mislead 
children into practicing a religion, which will eventually disappoint them 
as I have been.

Barry, master of non-sequitur:
TM doesn't work? Well, neither does Purusha for that matter.

Apart from his disappointment with himself and the TMO, I really don't know 
what Edg thinks about TM and whether or not it works.

Uhm..Buddhist meditation good, TM bad. TM not work. (Bonk!) Take that, TM 
vermin! Vaj exclaims as he projectile vomits longwinded Google posts about 
the minutia of superior Buddhist meditation. Fie! TM'er scum will 
reincarnate as dogs and cats! says he.

The most interesting and personally encouraging thing I discovered in this 
thread is that there are a few TMO critics who, although they think TM 
works, their only real complaint is about the TMO's perceived flaws and 
not TM. Somehow, they have managed to appreciate the value of TM despite 
everything else being up for grabs in the TMO grumble machine. Here is the 
difficulty; defining exactly what is a wrong with the TMO is debatable and 
IMO, ultimately unimportant.

TM on its own is pretty good, I quite like it.It's a poison that gets into 
the group psyche, just like Bush and his minions getting off on torturing 

Over the top hyperbole, much? Comparing TMO to Bush torturers? Really?

The TMO has definitely got the poison and it will be the end of the TMO 
because it is the antithesis of what they're supposed to achieve.

The TMO will always have a new crop of unattractive warts popping up here 
and there who ever ends up running the show in the future. Every 
organization has a political life whose leadership wrestles with its mission 
for better or worse. We can complain endlessly about the TMO but I don't 
doubt that TM will prevail on its own merits regardless of TMO buffoonery.

The best thing that can be said about TM in this situation is that at least 
the calming influence stops the more extreme elements going around getting 
physically violent with people.

Well, thank God for that. Heaven knows, that had it not been for the calming 
effect of TM, those extreme TMers (who happen to be underweight vegetarians) 
just might have organized a pogrom against the non-TMers of Fairfield, 
marshaled some righteous pitchforks and poked non-believers in the ass until 
they agreed to learn TM.

Which is what normally happens when people get the idea that they're so 
noble that they should dominate the rest of humanity. It's just mental and 
verbal violence.

Armies, dominate. TM'ers meditate. I just don't get it that anyone needs to 
fear a few guys wearing crowns and robes. Think of it as playing dress up. 
Catholic priests wear some pretty cool robes and hats as well. Don't sweat 
the small stuff. Enjoy the view.

The people in the audience now have a proper answer to their question what 
do you mean by invincibility. At the time DL tried to fudge the answer to 
mean peace and love, but now we know it's the same invincibility that 
Hitler wanted, smash your enemies and make everyone fear you.

Again, this is over the top hyperbole. Maharishi never spoke of 
invincibility in the sense that Hitler thought of it, and you know it.

Guyfawkes, you and I may agree or disagree about the shenanigans of the TMO 
but despite it all, I am grateful that we can agree that TM works. It 
gives me hope that people will continue to learn and enjoy TM for many years 
to come.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-24 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 7:18 PM, raunchydog wrote:

 It's the girl we took to the dance and even though she got drunk and made a
 fool of herself, she is OUR girl and it is our responsibility to get her
 home safely.

Thank you, Raunch.  Well put in terms of an old saying that used to ring
true when people still had honor and felt responsibility.  Bygone times,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread Peter

This clip always blows my mind. At least David does his sincere best to recover 
the situation. Raga E is the shocking aspect. Here is a man so intellectually 
bankrupt that he can't even explain the concepts he's talking about beyond 
slogans and buzzwords. It appears that he isn't even aware of how he comes 
across as a total fool. How far gone do you have to be not to be aware of your 
impact on others?

--- On Thu, 4/23/09, geezerfreak wrote:

 From: geezerfreak
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews
 Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 3:07 AM
 --- In,
 guyfawkes91 guyfawke...@... wrote:
  I see the TMO is starting to get heavy with people who
 point out its rather obvious failings. YouTube has been told
 to take down the famous Berlin clip of Schiffgens making an
 idiot of himself.
  This isn't the only recent case of the TMO getting
 heavy with people. My guess is that Bevan is the driving
 force behind the new heavy handed attitude to detractors
 since he's basically a bully and enjoys that sort of
 Comments? The tape speaks for itself. You see how normal
 people react when confronted with this madness of the
 pretend rajas and their imaginary world
 Is it any wonder that the TMO and its defenders so strongly
 reject any attempts to be more upfront about the puja or any
 of the real goings on at the core of the TMO? Is it any
 wonder that the rajas dressed themselves as normies for the
 big Paul McCartney concert? Ask yourself...would Paul have
 done this concert if he saw this clip or any of the daily
 raja madness from Vlodrop? Wanna test the theory and show
 him? Anyone?
 C'mon people.are some of you so far gone that this
 is such a difficult concept to grasp? (Nabby, no need to
 answer. I already know you view the German raja spewing
 fascism and wonder what all the fuss is about.)
 This tape should be viewed again and again. 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread Vaj

On Apr 23, 2009, at 7:19 AM, Peter wrote:

This clip always blows my mind. At least David does his sincere  
best to recover the situation. Raga E is the shocking aspect. Here  
is a man so intellectually bankrupt that he can't even explain the  
concepts he's talking about beyond slogans and buzzwords. It  
appears that he isn't even aware of how he comes across as a total  
fool. How far gone do you have to be not to be aware of your impact  
on others?

The thing is this far gone disjointedness is present in almost all  
the official representatives. It's not an isolated thing. Even  
Hagelin, who was once enjoyable to listen to, has begun to do the  
Marshy-castrato thang. The only parallel I can think of is in sci-fi  
movies where some extraterrestrial infection or organism takes over  
the crew and everyone's personality changes. Stepford meditators.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread Kirk
Been jamming cream?

- Original Message - 
From: nablusoss1008
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:20 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

 --- In, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 They're clearly quite scared and they should be. Their efforts will  
 fail if the reality of their situation is made known.
 Thus spoke Vaj, the voice of irrelevance.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread Kirk
Thus spake Nowblusus, the voice of Bevan Morris' butt.

- Original Message - 
From: nablusoss1008
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:20 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

 --- In, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 They're clearly quite scared and they should be. Their efforts will  
 fail if the reality of their situation is made known.
 Thus spoke Vaj, the voice of irrelevance.
 To subscribe, send a message to:
 Or go to:
 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:00 AM, raunchydog wrote:

 In either case, it is a mistake to judge the value of TM by the actions of an 
 idiot or a saint. There is no measure of idiocy or sainthood before, during 
 or after TM. Whether we witness the actions of Schiffgens the buffoon, Lynch 
 the angel of mercy or Bevan the fascist bully, TM will prevail as wholly 
 separate from them.

Indeed my TM/TMSP practice is becoming sweeter and sweeter.  I am once
again sponsoring some ex-pats on Invincible America and I hope to join
them in a month or two.  I find all of the pomp to be as funny as all
the golden antics Maharishi pulled year after year, ever adding more
golden props to his alter.  I fully expected Maharishi to add golden
horns to his alter.  Now the people I sponsor really dig this stuff
and I dare not bring any of my feelings that this is all self satire
up to them.  They know how I feel and we just let sleeping dogs lie.
Amongst all of the kitsch there is a technique that works as
advertised and those don't agree don't really have to bother telling
me about this or that meditation, this or that Tsongen or whatever the
Tibetan techniques are called.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:28 AM, guyfawkes91 wrote:

 TM on its own is pretty good, I quite like it. The problems arise when people 
 get the idea that noble ends justify ignoble means. It's a poison that gets 
 into the group psyche, just like Bush and his minions getting off on 
 torturing people. They justify it to themselves on the basis that they meant 
 well and the goal was noble. The TMO has definitely got the poison and it 
 will be the end of the TMO because it is the antithesis of what they're 
 supposed to achieve.

My take on the zaniness of the TMO is that it all started with
Maharishi, who instead of fitting into western ways decided to bring
Indian ways to us.  So even if the puja might not have been necessary,
Maharishi brought it to us and now there's all the debate about TM
being a religion or not because of this.  So if it seems crazy, well,
that's perfectly acceptable.  I remember the first seasonal festival.
All of us meditators at the festival were embarrassed for ourselves,
the teachers and our esteemed guests.  We knew what the people
receiving awards were thinking.  But within the TMO that was
acceptable.  It was as though the weirder it got, the more it had to
make sense to the initiators.  My group of meditators thought it was
just a joke we'd play along with.  Then there was the problem that
Maharishi had of having really green starry eyed former hippies who
were his initiators.  He had to do things military style:  strict
hierarchy, strict rules, no deviation from your orders.  Throw both of
those together, let it percolate for a couple of decades and you get
what you've got now.

That Maharishi had no sense of design didn't help either.  The Burger
Boy hats, the Raja clothing.  That's pure Maharishi.   I guess it
could have been worse.  Maharishi could have been into army green.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread Rick Archer
From: []
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 12:10 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

Emmanuel did very well. The fools in the audiance that reacted to his words
belongs to the generation of germans born after WWII, brainwashed by the
americans to believe that the german people are trash and altogether a very
dangerous people. 
I think that in general, Americans like and respect the Germans. They just
don't like what happened under Hitler, and no self-respecting German does
These hillbillies took over all schools, threw out all books and made new
ones fitting for the americans and their ridicelous capitalism (we see where
that idea is going now) and even banned their National Anthem !
What was that, Deutschland Uber Alles? Can you provide some documentation
for the above sentence?

Now the same ubermensh, the utterly foolish americans, the white trash of
the West here on FFL try to humilate a true german ! 
I don't think most Germans would consider this guy a True German.

What an utter garbagedump FFL has turned into.
You mean you used to view it as something other than one?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread Kirk

booo b


booo b


booo b


booo b

Must be a new sutra they are worried will give away some secret


booo b


booo b

You fucking Nazi 

now acting like fucking Nazis


booo b


booo b

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 23, 2009, at 11:16 AM, do.rflex wrote:

You'd do better to make the distinction between critics of the TMO  
and critics of TM.

To me, Transcendental Meditation properly taught is indeed a gift  
from God to humanity. The TMO on the other hand has for a long time  
been a publicly insignificant, inept, pathetic and clownish  

And you really think it's realistic to try and separate the
two, flex?

The TMO is run by a bunch of clownish, inept dolts (not that
there's anything wrong with that, of course) because those
are the only ones left.  The reason they're the only ones left
is because everyone with a functioning brain left years if not
decades ago.  The reason nobody replaced them is because
for a lot of people, TM either didn't work, didn't work well enough,
or, like me, they simply got bored to tears after
deciding they had gotten whatever benefits from the
technique they were likely to.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread Kirk
They want to stem this incendiary instance of Movement foolishness but you 
can be sure they will end up in lights on Guruphiliac if they haven't 
already.  They really are losing touch with the way of the world.

- Original Message - 
From: guyfawkes91
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 10:55 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

 William Goldstein contacted Natel, asking that the two unpublished 
 chapters of MMY's Gita be removed from my webserver. When Natel called 
 me, I wasn't near a phone, so they left a message and shut off my 
 Internet connection.

 Any more heavy handedness out there that needs to be reported? Dates and 
 names are useful. It seems to have started recently.

 I didn't even know about the unpublished chapters of MMY's Gita. That's 
 extremely interesting. What's in them that they didn't want the world to 


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread Kirk

 Now the same ubermensh, the utterly foolish americans, the white trash 
 of the West here on FFL try to humilate a true german !

 What an utter garbagedump FFL has turned into.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread Kirk

 What trouble ? Emmanuel did a great job in revealing the american 
 brainwashed generation of the germans, those who objected to his words in 
 Berlin. You might not like it but he pointed the finger of a very 
 sensitive issue in Germany; that they were occupied by Hillbillies for 
 generations after WWII.

is that what passes for thought in your brain?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread Kirk

 What trouble ? Emmanuel did a great job in revealing the american 
 brainwashed generation of the germans, those who objected to his words in 
 Berlin. You might not like it but he pointed the finger of a very 
 sensitive issue in Germany; that they were occupied by Hillbillies for 
 generations after WWII.


Is that what passes for thought in your brain?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread Kirk

What an utter garbagedump FFL has turned into.
  You mean you used to view it as something other than one?

  What he fails to realize is only a garbage dump would have him. So our 
loss is his gain. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 3:03 PM, do.rflex wrote:
 The Germans themselves rightly railed against and laughed at the goofy Raja's 
 out-of-touch-with-reality speech, his claim of kingship and his pathetic 
 Halloween clown costume.

Plus if I caught his German right, when someone said that Hitler was
not invincible, he said something like more's the pity.  His
audience was very liberal and they took exception to his declaring
Germany a nation.  People chimed in that Germany has been a member of
the EU for 10 years.  The Raja wasn't just out of touch with reality,
he could potentially gotten himself in legal trouble for the things he
said.  He was way out of touch with his audience.   He deserved to be
shouted down.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread Kirk

 I don't know; I didn't read them. A link to them was posted on FFL, and I 
 put them on my server because that's what I do with interesting TM-related 
 stuff that comes my way. I will no longer be a source for those files, but 
 there's probably someone else on FFL who can get them to you, if you want 
 to read them.

---But I'll tell you what they say.

Answer to everything is Turiyah and TM.
