Re: [Felvtalk] Difficult decision

2009-08-12 Thread Frank and Sue Koren

Thank you for your kind words.  I think it makes it easier to know that 
others do not judge you, even when you can't quite get past judging 
I know I have learned so much over the years and always hope to improve the 
way I take care of my kitties.  There were cats I had years ago that would 
have lived longer and healthier lives if I had known then what I do now. 
But I guess that goes for any of us that are "ever so much more then 

Again, thank you.
- Original Message - 
From: "MaryChristine" 

Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Difficult decision

sue, i think that we learn those hard, hard lessons that way specifically 

that we do NOT make the same choice again. you did the best you could with
the information you had at the moment--buzz' last lesson to you may well
have been to teach you to listen to your heart from now on. i thank 

universe that these bits of light wrapped in fur are so forgiving of our
human frailty, and understand so much better than we do, that doing our 

IS the best we can do the folks on lists like this do NOT make choices
that intentionally hurt our charges--and they know that.


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference

Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue 

Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)
Felvtalk mailing list 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Difficult decision

2009-08-11 Thread Frank and Sue Koren

I am so sorry to hear about your little kitty.  I was in the same position 
about a year ago.  My darling FeLV+ kitty Buzz was anemic and slowly going 
down hill.  He had stopped eating and I was carrying him to his litter box 
and upstairs to sleep next to me every night.  One morning when I carried 
him down to his litter box he just sat there and swayed.  I decided that it 
was probably time and made the appointment to put him to sleep. When the 
time came to go to the vets he used the last bit of strength he had to fight 
going into the carrier.  That horrible moment will live with me forever.  I 
so wish that I had stopped right there and canceled the appointment.  Poor 
Buzzy hated going to the vets as most cats do and I made his last moments 
miserable.  Even though I held him close while they did it, it will never 
make up for his fear.  If ever I am in that position again I will wait and 
not chose to euthanize unless I know for sure the cat is in pain.


- Original Message - 
From: "Lorrie" 

Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 4:02 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Difficult decision

Dear Friends,  I have a difficult decision to make, and I hope you
can help...  I have several FelV cats at a shelter I have in
town. Most remain in good health by all appearances, however one 8
year old female has been steadily losing weight, she is now very
anemic; extremely emaciatedm and she stopped eating two days ago. She
will still lick a bit of baby food from my fingers, and she is still
drinking water, but this is all. I know she is probably going to die
soon, but I want her to die in familiar surroundings where she is
loved, rather than having to make a trip to the vet which is always
terrifying for cats. The vets here will not come out to see or
euthanize a sick cat.

This cat does not appear to be in any pain. She has no tumors, nor
neurogical symptoms, but I know she will soon die from the anemia.
I do not believe in extending the life of a cat who has a terminal
illness, therefore I will not put her through transfusions or heroic
measures.  If I had a terminal illness I would not wish this for

What I'm asking is this I'm sure some of you have had anemic
FelV cats and I want to know if dying from anemia is painful.  If so
I will have her put to sleep. Even though I know the trip to the vet
will be frightening for her... I do not want her to suffer.

Thank you for your help,


Felvtalk mailing list 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Adopted an FIV+

2009-07-04 Thread Frank and Sue Koren
Thanks for the links everybody!  I intend to read up and join some groups. 
Also,  thank you to Belinda for passing on my questions.  I don't know why 
the list is bumping some of my e-mails lately. Maybe I've got cooties!  ; )


- Original Message - 
From: "Belinda Sauro" 

Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 10:18 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Adopted an FIV+

  This message is from Sue (address below), for some reason it got cut so 
I am forwarding it.  Not sure if this is Sue's list email so if you reply 
you may want to CC her on it [] to make sure she gets 
your reply.

Adopted an FIV+
"Frank and Sue Koren" 
Fri, 3 Jul 2009 21:04:00 -0400


 Today I brought a "new" 15 year old cat home from the shelter.  He is a 
very sweet flame point  FIV positive.  I know next to nothing about FIV 
except that it is not supposed to be as easy to transmit as feline 
leukemia.  Does anyone have any information or links for FIV?  He seems 
very healty except for goopy eyes.  He is going to get Wellness food with 
lysine mixed into it.

Thanks for any advise!

Felvtalk mailing list 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Cat losing weight/question about Doxy

2009-07-01 Thread Frank and Sue Koren

I get a compounded form of Doxycycline from Pet Health Pharmacy.  It's 
supposed to be flavored so cats will like it better. (Yeah, right.  They 
love having meds squirted down their throats.) Anyway the phone # there is 

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 4:19 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Cat losing weight/question about Doxy

I have an appointment for Wolfie to get bloodwork tomorrow. He's been losing 
weight steadily for almost 4 years now. We've done numerous stool samples, 
bloodwork (CBC and chem) every 6 months, and 2 thyroid tests. He's been on 
kitten food (high fat) to try to stop the weight loss but it's not helping. 
He eats well and always seems hungry.

I've been discussing how to proceed with my vet and her suggestions of 
possibilities were an IDEXX hemobart test, a pancreatitis test (spec-flp), a 
feline digestive panel (which would include the flp test), and a more 
extensive thyroid panel. Abdominal ultrasound and bone marrow biopsy came up 
as well as B-comp and B-12 injections. The lab suggested we start with the 
hemobart and thyroid panel tomorrow to see what we find.  If we don't find 
anything there, we will do the extensive digestive panel in a couple weeks. 
Does that sound like a reasonable plan?

We have been discussing whether to just treat for hemobart and while she is 
open to treating him without a test confirming he has it, we have some 
concerns. Most of the research she sent me expressed concerns about 
developing antibiotic resistance especially among cats with retroviruses. 
The other concern is what form of doxycycline to use if we do treat. What do 
most people use for their cats?  She sent me some options and it seems 
esophageal stricture is a concern if using tablets for cats.  She said I can 
get it compounded but wondered what form people on this board are using. 
Can anybody let me know what form of doxy they use to treat hemobart?


Felvtalk mailing list 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing

2009-06-17 Thread Frank and Sue Koren
Amy, I am so sorry about your Maverick.   He sounds like he was a wonderful 
kitty.  The things you say about him remind me so much of one of my 
positives, Tweezer.  He was also in horrible shape when we got him and has 
quite the personality now. You are so lucky to have such a sympathetic vet. 
These kitties are so often too young when we lose them.  Last November I 
lost my Buzzy and he was only two.  There have been so many wonderful cats 
that people on this list have lost in the last few weeks and every one takes 
a piece of my heart.  Some of them beat the odds, though.  My oldest 
positive is 11, and at the shelter where I volunteer there is a sweet 21 
year old boy named Alex who lives in our positive room.
It sounds like you do so much for your kitties.  I hope you do not lose any 
more for a very, very long time.  Hugs to you and a pleasent journey to the 
bridge for Maverick.

- Original Message - 
From: "Amy" 

Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing

He was white with a few orange spots and an orange tail.  When we got him, 
he was so run down.  Within no time at all, I thought he was the coolest 
looking cat I ever saw.  He was all personality.  He's the one that would 
stick his paws out from under the chair or couch to get me as I walked by. 
He loved life and would sit in the windows and make all sorts of crazy 
noises at my birds and squirrels, ones I've never heard a cat make.

He was really one of a kind.  I'll never forget how much he touched our 
lives.  I got him the minute I returned home from my honeymoon in August of 
05.  I took one cat (possibly his sister or relative) with FIV right before 
we left and when I got home from my honeymoon, there was a message that he 
was waiting to see if I would give him a home.  My husband let me make a 
special allowance for him (I had promised to keep my number to five since we 
spend so much money on them) and take him as my 6th cat for an early 
birthday present.

I've rescued several leuk positive and for us the ones that got it as 
kittens never seemed to do as well in the long run.  I have 5 (til today) 
and this is the longest stretch we've ever had without losing one.  We were 
hoping maybe all these cats got leukemia as adults and would be around for a 
long time.  Maverick was way too young, probably only 4 or 5 years old :(

Thanks for thinking about us.


Amy, what color was Maverick? I
picture him as black and white...and want to
get the right picture of him in my mind.
He is lucky to have had you. Your vet sounds wonderful!
How long did you have Maverick?
Take care and let your other kitties comfort you.
Btw - a note of hope- I had one FeLV cat (Squeaky) live to
22 and another
(Stripes) live to 16.

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Amy
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing


Thank you to everybody that has responded. This
passing has been extremely
sad for us. They all are. No matter how many
times I see this disease take
one away, it never gets any easier. This guy came to
me so sick. He was
full of worms and stuff bursting out from under his
eyes. I honestly didn't
think he'd make it a year. He totally thrived and
proved me wrong and he
was such a character, such a presence. We miss him
deeply already and the
house is not the same. It is just empty in a way I
can't express. It helps
to hear from all of you that can understand because you've
been there.


> Amy, lighting a candle for a peaceful passage for
> Maverick. We love them. care for them and in the
> let them go.
> Sharyl
> --- On Wed, 6/17/09, Diane Rosenfeldt 
> wrote:
> > From: Diane Rosenfeldt 
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> > To:
> > Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 1:27 PM
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > []
> > On Behalf Of Amy
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 11:09 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> >
> >
> > His name is Maverick.
> >
> > He woke up this morning with a yellow color and
> let us
> > know he's had
> > enough. We just returned from the vet and he
had a
> > peaceful passing.
> >
> > Amy
> >
> > --- On Wed, 6/17/09, Laurieskatz 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > From: Laurieskatz 
> > > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat crashing
> > > To:
> > > Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 9:45 AM Poor
> What
> > is his name?
> > > Please keep us posted.
> > > Laurie
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From:
> > > []
> > > On Behalf Of Amy
> > > Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 7:22 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re

Re: [Felvtalk] Pixie is a fluffy orange angel

2009-05-15 Thread Frank and Sue Koren

I am so sorry to hear of your sweet Pixie's passing.  It is such a 
heartbreak and many of us on this list have been through it more then once 
and completely understand how hard it is. There is nothing so empty as their 
favorite places after they are gone.
Most of all please do not feel guilty for the time you were traveling.  It 
is so easy to second guess yourself and keep saying "what if". You obviously 
took wonderful care of Pixie and gave her a great life. This is a horrible, 
evil disease and nothing you could have done can change that.

Peace and kitty blessings to you and your angel Pixie.
- Original Message - 
From: "G D" 

Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 12:43 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Pixie is a fluffy orange angel

It is with profound sadness that I share that my sweet baby Pixie 
Katzenellenbogan passed away yesterday evening. She was euthanized by a 
gentle and sympathetic vet while I stroked and talked to her. I told her she 
was deeply


Yesterday I got second and third opinions from vets I felt were genuinely 
interested in Pixie (unlike the apathetic first vet) and it was terrible 
news all around (see the bloodwork analysis below). In the last two days she 
deteriorated quickly before my eyes despite the regimen of
syringe-administered diluted wet food prescribed by the vet. Her breathing 
had become increasingly fast and
shallow (a vet explained she was gasping for oxygen due to the anemia). She 
was crying out in
pain, even while lying still, too weak to stand up or walk, and staring 
blankly. It was heartbreaking to
see her suffering.  Things she once enjoyed held no interest (favorite 
stinky foods, lying in a sunbeam, toys, going out in the yard, being 

I emailed the lab results from Pixie's bloodwork to a friend who's a vet in 
Canada and her analysis was: "There are a couple of things on her bloodwork 
that are alarming.
First of all, she is very anemic (ie very low red blood cell count).  In 
with what's going on with her high white blood cell count and platelets 

I'm less concerned about the anemia itself and more concerned about an
actual leukemia (ie cancer).  Her red blood cells and platelets are both 
very low

which indicates that the bone marrow is likely diseased and not
producing them properly.  On top of that, according to the written
interpretation at the bottom, the red blood cells and platelets that do
exist are all showing signs of immaturity- this means that they are not
sticking around in the bone marrow long enough to mature completely
because something (ie the leukemia that is pumping out cells) is taking
up space in the bone marrow. Besides the changes in her CBC, some other 
parameters also point

towards this diagnosis:  her calcium level is elevated which is often
seen in association with cancer and her CPK is high which might
indicate muscle wasting.  Muscle wasting is often also seen with

I thought yesterday was hard (choosing to end Pixie's suffering & helping 
her cross over) but today is even worse. Waking up with

no Pixie at the foot of the bed, no Pixie meowing for her tuna, no
scampering down the stairs. Seeing her things everywhere -- food
bowls, toys, blankets, cat grass, scratching mats, the armchair she 
shredded, a brush full of orange

fur -- is devastating. HOW can I possibly live here without her?

Pixie was born in South Philadelphia in spring 2005, rescued from the
streets during a snowstorm in February 2006, and came into my life in
March 2006. She was a feisty little champ like Rocky. Pixie became a
Dutch cat in August 2006 when we moved to the Netherlands (her
permanent & final home), flying Northwest so I could bring her in
the cabin, tucking her carrier under the seat in front of me, and carrying a
pop-up make-shift litterbox, food, water, vet documents, and Rescue

She was the perfect companion.

Hotmail® goes with you.
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Re: [Felvtalk] Please add Houdini to the next CLS

2009-04-24 Thread Frank and Sue Koren
Sharyl, I am so sorry to hear about your little Houdini.  She sounds like a 
very sweet cat.  It is always so hard to lose our little cats, especially 
when they are so young.  It has been five months since I lost my sweet Buzz 
and I still miss him so much.  Hugs to you and gentle bridge vibes to 

- Original Message - 
From: "Sharyl" 

Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:51 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Please add Houdini to the next CLS

My dear sweet little girl Houdini died today.  She was just 10 months old. 
Test positive twice but never had any symptoms.  For the last couple of 
days she meowed when I picked her up.  This little girl loved to be held 
and petted.  Since I have 8 house cats, I thought perhaps a bite or sprain 
but could find any evidence of an injury.   Yesterday she started 
breathing kind of heavy so today we headed to the vet, a 45 minute drive. 
She stopped meowing a couple of miles away from the vet's office.  I 
thought she had finally gotten used to the ride.  Didn't know she was dead 
until I got into the vets office.

I'm still in shock.  Bright Eyes had failed over several weeks.  I just 
didn't think I wouldn't be coming home with her.

She loved to sit on the desk beside the computer while I was on line. 
When I sat down on the sofa she immediately got in my lap.  She just loved 
to be loved.  I will sorely miss her.  I am just grateful I was able to 
have her love for as long as I did.  I rescued her and her litter mates 
from a dumpster site when she was 4 weeks old.  She earned her name 
because she was the only one of the 4 that could escape from the crate I 
had them in.

Please add her to the next CLS.
Sharyl Sissy Rocket CJ Mattie and all my Angels

Felvtalk mailing list 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Charlotte is going back to the vet tommorrow

2009-04-23 Thread Frank and Sue Koren
I do the same thing when I come home from the shelter where I volunteer.  I 
even have a special pair of shoes that I only wear at the shelter and I keep 
them in a plastic bag in the garage when I am not at the shelter.  I would 
rather be safe then sorry.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Charlotte is going back to the vet tommorrow

I'm certainly not a vet, so maybe this is overkill,  but I'm very cautious
about carrying disease/germs etc. when I come back from the shelter (I
volunteer there)  I am afraid, not that I'll infect anyone there, but that 
FeLV+ boy will pick up some germ from there.  So I don't take him there 
and I

literally take off my shoes at the door of my house, and immediately go to
the bathroom and take off all my clothes and take a shower when I come in 

door just in case I have anything on me that he might get.  I then spray
down my shoes with lysol before I bring them in. I put the clothes in the
hamper and wash them before I wear them again.  I'm a regular volunteer.

I may be carrying it too far but i am scared that I'll bring something 

to either the cat or the dog who has chronic erlichiosis.


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Re: [Felvtalk] Charlotte is positive....tested negative last year

2009-04-10 Thread Frank and Sue Koren

My vet has said that he has seen research that says vaccination every three 
years is ok,  so don't beat yourself up over being late for the yearly.  My 
Casper and Scottie are going tomorrow for theirs and they are a few months 
late.  Time and expense - it just doesn't work out some times.

- Original Message - 
From: "Laura Mostello" 

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 4:34 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Charlotte is positivetested negative last year

I got some bad news at the vet today. I brought Charlotte in for a visit 
because she wasn't herself and had been losing weight. She's been with me 
for about a year, and, like all my cats, was combo-tested before she was 
put in with my other cats. So FeLV was the last thing I was worried about. 
But they re-tested her when they did the bloodwork, and guess what, she's 
positive. We have started her on interferon.
I'm really worried about my other cats. They're 100% indoor cats and have 
no contact with my FeLV+/FIV+ crew, and I hate to admit it, but their 
yearly vaccinations don't always get done quite on schedule. My vet said 
he really wasn't that concerned about it since they've always been 
vaccinated, but maybe he was just trying to make me feel better. I'm going 
to get all 15 of them re-tested and if anyone turns up positive, well, we 
will just have to deal with it.
I did lose Duncan, one of my FeLV cats, last July, but the others have 
been stable and look great.

I'm going to give Charlotte lysine, too. Any other suggestions?

Felvtalk mailing list 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] 2 Positive FELV togehter with 1 Negative NEED HELP FROMGREECE PLEASE

2009-03-31 Thread Frank and Sue Koren

Hello and welcome to the list.  I am katlover 13 on the forum.  I hope you 
will find some information that will help you here.  Nearly everybody in 
this group has or has had positive cats and there is a great deal of good 
advise here. Best wishes for all of your cats.


- Original Message - 
From: "Marcel Wallat" 

Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 4:22 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] 2 Positive FELV togehter with 1 Negative NEED HELP 

Hello and Greetings from Greece,
We need help from the experts, pls.

Before 2 weeks we've found out that 2 of our cats are FELV +
It was an ELISA bloodtest (this are the only ones here in Greece)
Now we wrote and talked with so many people but this made us more 
confused, because we have one tomcat here (so 3 cats in the home) which is 
9 years old and he was tested Negative.
Everyone tells us something different , one time they say that we shouldnt 
give our negative tomcat a vaccency-injection for the FELV because it can 
be dangerous in his age and that he will not get FELV now and another one 
tells that we should go asap to give him the injection.

To explain it:
We took a stray cat before one year in our house, he was sleeping 
sometimes inside and had contact with our both cats. One our little cat 
girl got FELV but the older tomcat not.
We want to help them but dont know what is now the best to protect at 
first the old tomcat and what we can do with the both infected cats ? 
Because here you cant get INTERFERON etc. also you get here only the 
standard cat food like whiskas, Felix, Gourmet.

Please can help some expert here, what we should do now with our lovely 
old tomcat that he gets not infected and what we can do that we help the 
both infected cats?/

Thank you very much


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Re: [Felvtalk] Please add Bob to the bridge list

2009-03-25 Thread Frank and Sue Koren
I'm so sorry to hear about poor Bob.  He sounds like a very sweet little guy 
who had a hard life until you had him.  Gentle bridge vibe to him.

God help us find a cure for this miserable disease!

- Original Message - 
From: "Gloria B. Lane" 

Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 4:43 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Please add Bob to the bridge list

Bob was a wonderful little gray tabby FELV boy that I took in from a 
couple here who rescue cats.  He was found at a truck stop on the 
highway, all alone, last November, and such a sweetie!  But then he 
tested positive for FELV. The folks who brought him to me were just 
devastated, just loved him so much, as I did.They thought he was  not 
quite a year old, and we were all hoping he'd make it longer.

Bob was fine  - eating heartily, playful - until March.  He became 
lethargic and the vet said he was severely anemic.  He got a blood 
transfusion, and was on prednisone, pettinic, etc.  But just couldn't 
make it back from his sickness.  He died the early morning of March  17, 
2009, and with St Patrick's help went to the Rainbow Bridge where  he was 
greeted by all our other sweet feline kitties.  Sleep soft  sweet Bob.

Gentle thoughts to all of you who have lost little ones, it helps so  much 
having others out there.


Felvtalk mailing list 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Bridge Addition- Shaft

2009-03-08 Thread Frank and Sue Koren

I'm sorry to hear about Shaft.  It sounds like he was a lucky kitty that you 
had 15 years together, you must miss him so much.

Gentle bridge vibes to him and comfort to you.
- Original Message - 
From: "catatonya" 

Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 11:45 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Bridge Addition- Shaft

Hello Everyone,

I know I haven't been online much lately. I've had 2 very sick (felv -) 
kitties. On Tuesday I had to have my big boy Shaft euthanized. He had 
hyperthyroid, lymphoma, etc... He lived 15 years with me and I don't know 
how old he was when I pulled him from the shelter, but he was old. My other 
sick cat (Bob) is doing well with his crf for now. It seems like my positive 
cat (knock on wood) is my healthiest cat. lol. It just goes to show you what 
a shame it is that people put down cats for being positive.

I'm sorry for any losses I've not responded to. I know how you feel. :(


Felvtalk mailing list 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] forms of lysine

2009-03-07 Thread Frank and Sue Koren
I purchase the lysine that the shelter I volunteer for uses from
If you key in Pet Rescue when you are ordering from them you get a 20% 


- Original Message - 

Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] forms of lysine

The one I use is a powder, bought from my vet, that I sprinkle on food.

Sidney and the General

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Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] My Mickey

2009-02-26 Thread Frank and Sue Koren
Viky, I am so sorry to hear about your sweet Mickey.  So many of us have 
been through this and it is always heartbreaking.  I am glad you had those 
last moments of special time with him.

- Original Message - 
From: "Viky Digangi" 

Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 4:50 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] My Mickey

In October I joined the group requesting information on hemangio sarcoma 
which my felv cat was diagnosed with.  Everything I read was bad.  He had 
the first tumor removed on 10-13-08.  It came back this time two tumors 
and they were removed on 1-6-09. This surgery was very, very difficult on 
him to get over.  Then on 2-13-09 the vet discovered it had come back even 
more rapidly than the first time.  x-rays showed nothing in the lungs or 
spleen but the liver was hard to see though not enlarged.  This past 
Monday he stopped eating and drinking and I knew it was time.  The next 
morning  I took my heart disguised as a little 7 pound black and white 
angel to the vet for the final time.  The night before I laid him on the 
bed next to me and he stared into my face purring for hours.  The cancer 
had spread to his liver and I knew I could not stand for him be in pain. 
Before I took him to the vet I wrapped him in his cat blanket and walked 
him all over the yard so he could see his ducks and feel the air on his 
face.  He loved to be outside.   So from start to finish he lived 19 weeks 
from diagnosis.  This is a deadly, aggressive cancer and I hope none of 
you experience it with your babies.   I had my little man for 8 years and 
7 months and they were worth every minute.

Viky Digangi
Support Enforcement Officer II
Monroe Regional Office
318-362-5280 ext 297
Fax 318-362-3363

Felvtalk mailing list 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Assisted Feeding

2009-02-17 Thread Frank and Sue Koren
We bought our Buzz a few more months when he was anemic by giving him 
Doxycycline and Prednesolone.  It all depends on if you are talking about 
anemia and why she is anemic. Whatever you do it needs to be fast.  Anemia 
doesn't give you much time.
- Original Message - 
From: "gary" 

Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Assisted Feeding

You didn't say exactly what was bad in the blood work but I'm going to 

she was very anemic.  If that is the case, you need more than assisted
feeding.  Depending on what the numbers are, she might need an immediate
transfusion just to give you a little time to try some things and there is
no guarantee.  It is really hard to win against a fast moving anemia.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of

Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 3:04 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Assisted Feeding

My Macy is only 10 1/2 mos. and I took her to the vet yesterday because 

had become lethargic and wasn't playing. My son is one of the vet techs so
they know us and have been with Macy since we got her at 10 wks old. She 

a feral cat in the neighborhood. We even tried catnip on her favorite toy,
Mr. Lion. After an exam, urinalysis and blood work, the vet came in and 
stood there, too upset to talk. Macy's blood count is so bad they don't 

how she's even walking, although she still jumps up on furniture but not
with much energy. They said she only has a few days.

I've read about assisted feeding but don't recall anyone saying what 

feeding the cat. She is still eating a very small amount but if more is
going to help her, we're willing to try anything. I'd appreciate any 

or suggestions.

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Re: [Felvtalk] testing the list

2009-02-03 Thread Frank and Sue Koren
I'm also here with my positives, Tweezer and Orlando, and 5 negatatives. 
Tweez is doing a round of Doxy for a URI, but otherwise all healthy!  Hope 
everyone else is well.
- Original Message - 
From: "James G Wilson" 

Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 3:48 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] testing the list

Hey all,

Just testing the list since there's been no activity since
Saturday. Here's hoping that everyone is doing well.
Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research & Support)

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