Re: life spans of positives

2005-02-08 Thread anzajaguar

Akira is about 2.5 yrs old..and as far as I can tell she was not born 
with it...but contracted it VEY early...first 6 monthsprobally sooner than 
thatI say she contracted it b/c when I had found her...something had 
obviously attacked her..I am assumming it was a larger cat...who was 

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Feline leukemia in Florida Panthers--ask Dr Susan

2005-02-08 Thread anzajaguar

what does Dr susan have to sya about this? was it found in Big cats 
first.or is this just recent..
fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Metronidazole

2005-02-07 Thread anzajaguar

Pill Poppers work wonders.get one from the vet..the longest you can 
get..stick the pill in it..and stick it WAY WAY back in the throatfar enough 
back the cat just swallows it...and never tastes it

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Feline leukemia in Florida Panthers

2005-02-07 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 2/7/2005 9:58:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
This is 
  an older message from the VETMED list - I thought some of you might find 
  it interesting.Bonnie much older is it...I was told by 3 different vets that FeLV 
was not an issue for wild they couldn't get it!!! I know virus's 

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

going digest

2005-02-07 Thread anzajaguar

hi everyone..just wanted to let you know that I was going on digest..I 
thought about no mail..but I figureedd this way I could still read when I 
couldANYWAYS..I am researching and trying to implemetn a RAW diet for all 4 
cats..including Akira..and teh 2 I subscribed to several RAW lists that 
I figure..FOR NOW..I need to get I put everything else on 
DIGEST...since I allready get so many each dayI will continue to pray for 
everyone and tehir kitties, And bless I am sure he is over teh rainbow 
bridge..happy, healthy and full of life playing with all our other parted 
furkids..waiting for his time to be reunited with you and Gary.

Anyways..if anyone needs me specifically then just email me directly so I 
get it quicker!!! Ill be back to normal soon hopefully..once I get 
all this other info processed!!!

PS..if anyone on here feeds me with ideas/history 
etc..ALSO...from what I have been finding in my research...RAW diets can greatly 
boost the immune systemenoughn to handle any Samonella or Ecoli...just like 
another just have to make sure not to leave it out to long..and 
put it up for later...sounds like a GREAT way to support our special little 
furballsif anyone is interested in teh group it is on YAHOO groups and is 
called RAWCAT

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: PCR test and FeLV answer

2005-02-05 Thread anzajaguar

This reply form Kate is actually FAR more closer to what I understood PCR 
to be...much more accurate as long as done correctly, and used more often in 
research...but either way..more accurate...and it tests the genetic materials 
for the cat as to see any infection at allI found (please no offense!!) Dr. 
Susan's answer to be dated.(as well as her article on WINN)

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: PCR test and FeLV answer

2005-02-05 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 2/5/2005 12:54:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  This reply form Kate is actually FAR more closer to what I understood PCR 
  to be...much more accurate as long as done correctly, and used more often in 
  research...but either way..more accurate...and it tests the genetic materials 
  for the cat as to see any infection at allI found (please no offense!!) 
  Dr. Susan's answer to be dated.(as well as her article on WINN)
I dont know WHERE this came form but I posted this like 2 weeks 
agoAOHELL is acting up again..please disregard

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Lysine question

2005-02-04 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 2/4/2005 10:05:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I could 
  syringe it as someone suggested, but I tasted it and it is bitter and he 
  is already so miserable today I do not want to do 
Lysine is ok to give him 500mg at once.a lot of times if a cat is 
asymptomatic they get 250 mg once a daysome when symptomatic get it 2wice a 
day to equall a total of 500 mg like you were doing...but even still some vets 
will perscribe up to 1000 mg a dayI was giving Akira 1000mg a day at one 
point and she got 500mg at once 2wice a she only gets it if she gets 
teary eyed

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: from Dr. Susan RE: PCR test and FeLV answer

2005-02-03 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 2/3/2005 2:52:06 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  So what is correctly, and how do you know?
That's the problem Dr Susan is trying to get acrossyou DONT 
know :(

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: from Dr. Susan RE: PCR test and FeLV answer

2005-02-02 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 2/2/2005 3:38:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
If I 
  understood the posts ( I'm not saying I did!), wouldn't a 
  latentinfection NOT show a positive Elisa/IFA? I was wondering if 
  there is anyway to detect latent 
yes you are correct...and yes a PCR test...done correctly can detect 
a latent infection..the key word is CORRECTLY

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: from Dr. Susan RE: PCR test and FeLV answer

2005-02-01 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 2/1/2005 7:49:01 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  should not be basing our decisions about using a test solely on 
  thematerial put out by those with a commercial interest in the test. 
  Justbecause a test methodology is feasible in print does not guarantee 
  anyspecific lab is actually good at doing the test. That's the crux of 
I understand that but Im not using that as my only sourceand from 
my understanding PCR testing is NOT new to FeLV or any kind of virus...I am 
under the understanding that it was among the first tests available to check for 

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: from Dr. Susan RE: PCR test and FeLV answer

2005-02-01 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 2/1/2005 7:22:02 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
OneAmerican lab I worked with had the right result only 50% of the 
  time - youdo just as well tossing a coin and it costs 
that's pretty bad!!!

what about the western Inkblot tests and all that stuff..if you dont mind 
the history lesson :)

I thought the IFA and Dr Hardy's tests were different too?

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Dr. Susan's comments RE: PCR test and FeLV answer

2005-01-31 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/31/2005 6:44:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I too 
  was confused about why Kate would state that the ELISA screens for 
my guess it would be a simple mistype

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: from Dr. Susan RE: PCR test and FeLV answer

2005-01-31 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/31/2005 9:26:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
It is a 
  mistake to assume that a new technique such as PCR is more accuratethan 
  exisiting methods until that has been confirmed. It turned out not tobe 
  more accurate when done by commercial labs for diagnosis of FIV, and 
  workdone at the University of Guelph suggests that PCR for FeLV may not be 
in reply.
from ANTECHS site (

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test has been used for 
the diagnosis of FeLV infection. This test detects viral nucleic acid sequences 
instead of protein antigens. PCR may be useful in helping to determine the true 
status of cats with discordant results from other testing techniques. PCR is 
capable of detecting FeLV infection in blood, solid tissues, tissue cultures, 
and fixed specimens.
also ANTECH refer's to "screening tests" as the ELISA test

Although testing is relatively straight forward, no test is accurate 
100% of the time. It is possible to have discordant test results, especially if 
the tests target different disease stages or require different specimens. In 
populations with a low prevalence of infection, 50% of cats with positive 
test results may be uninfected. Since the consequences of both false-positive 
and false-negative test results can be disastrous for individual cats or for 
multiple cat populations, confirming positive test results is crucial, 
especially in asymptomatic cats. Generally, screening tests are 
believed to be more sensitive for FeLV and FIV infection (fewer 
false-negatives), whereas the advanced confirma-tory tests are felt to be more 
specific (fewer false-positives).
It is 
actually a very informative and interesting article considering our recent 
discussions on the different types of test

and yes it can be easily contaminated..I stated that and also "when done 
correctly" was in my post regarding PCR testing. It is too expensivee for 
most people to consider, or for vets to commonly recommend. I see it 
commonly go for 65-105$ per test..just for that ONE TEST!!!
fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: from Dr. Susan RE: PCR test and FeLV answer

2005-01-31 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/31/2005 11:01:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Are you confusing this Dr. Susan with Dr. Susan 
Perhaps...and If I am I am COMPLETLY sorrybut I dont think 

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Chocolate

2005-01-30 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/30/2005 2:42:54 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
We had a 
  dachsund when I was a child, let's say over well over 20 years ago. lol. 
I have a Wiener dog too..they get into EVRYTHING..and from talking to 
other little guy is VERY well behaved...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: I'm losing my Gypsy

2005-01-26 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/25/2005 2:47:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Lisa, I'll pick them up. I'm assuming they carry them in Petsmart 
  type stores?
yes they do..that's where I got mine

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: My words come back to me sooner than i expected

2005-01-24 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/24/2005 8:35:22 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  "I don't have a plan for this cat!"
  dear human, who asked you? i, the cat, clearly havemy own 
heheeh SPEW alert please...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Kerry, how is Levi today?

2005-01-24 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/24/2005 1:25:37 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  keep Levi in your thoughts. It'snot been a good weekend for him, and I'm 
  very afraid for him.Thanks for all your support. It means such a 
is he laying exclusivly on that one side?It may be bed soars 
(so?) brain fart..sorry!!! ANYWAYS..if that is the ONLY spot loosing 
hair that is what I would think

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: My words come back to me sooner than i expected

2005-01-24 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/24/2005 1:29:03 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  She tried to kill one of my dogs, lol. I don't know how friendly she is 
  yet, she's terrified. I don't know if I can even keep her yet, so I am not 
  getting too attached.
My Mona did the SAME thing she was absolutly viscious!!! but 
she now lives harmoniously with all5 of my other is still a 
bit tense with her and Akira..but its not Mona's took me about 6 
months before I totally trusted her, and ALOT of work...but she was worth 
it to me...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: For Dr. Susan - Milk for Cats?

2005-01-24 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/23/2005 5:04:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  My son drinks it, my cats drink it, I even have an occasional glass. I 
  just hope they filter it enough to clean some of the crap out. 
Id post a link but youd probally never touch the stuff 
is REALLY gross ..not much better than factory farming meat in the way they care 
for them..the FDA actually has a minimum amount of bacteria and infection 
allowed IN the milk...I wish my BF had never found that link...I love mill to 
much to give it up though...but every now and then I cringe ..

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Being a worry wort

2005-01-24 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/23/2005 3:58:58 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  that, one would need a DNA test and that is not routinely performed if you 
  have no reason to believe that the results of the ELISA do not tell the true 
  tale, e.g., you have a cat who is sick and all symptoms point to FeLV, but the 
  ELISA says negative.
the PCR test is a DNA testit is more accurate..IF done 
correctly...but it is also more expensive,more easily screwed up, and more time 
consuming...I have asked my vet about it, and she says as long as teh blood is 
collected correctly, packaged correctly, sand handled correctly it is a far 
superior is actually the one they use more often in experimental 
settings,,you can do a PCR test via blood, or even hair

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Kerry, how is Levi today?

2005-01-24 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/24/2005 12:30:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Sorry...what d'you mean by brain fart? 
that what I call it when I cant remember something I REALLY should 
knowand I KNOW I really should know it...its like when you try to remember know you know it.. it is on the tip of your tounge..but you just 
can't get it outthat's a "Brain fart"

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Kerry, how is Levi today?

2005-01-24 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/24/2005 12:58:54 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Sorry...what d'you mean by brain fart? 
  Scattered brainedlose train 
  of thoughts and forgetful. Term used in the world of 
IVE never met anyone else who knew what that meant!!!

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FDA has frozen approvals of VO!

2005-01-24 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/24/2005 1:32:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Those are my thoughts. Any additional thoughts or insights or suggestions 
  are requested and welcome.
I thnk those are all great thoughts..and I would definantly contact 
Joy form the Marley fund..Actually I will give her your email...she will contact 
you.They are working with BAYER and another company right now to get 
Virbagen Omega and Baypapumn legalized here..Im sure she will be more than 

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FDA has frozen approvals of VO!

2005-01-24 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/24/2005 1:53:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I have 
  been thinking all weekend about other issues involving the FDA. I 
  cannot believe their report determining that there is an acceptable level 
  of pentobarbital in pet foods. Just as the FDA has been shown to be 
  in bed 
they also have a maximum amount of bacteria/infection/and 
bloodallowed in Milk among other things

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FDA has frozen approvals of VO!

2005-01-24 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/24/2005 5:01:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  special dispensation in the past they have just "pretended" that they didn't 
  know it was necessary and ordered the drug anyway. Usually these drugs 
  have to be paid for in advance of shipment, and my vet has special insurance 
  for reimbursement, if they are not
how does that work? I would think the company wouldn't let them 
order it...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: positive in GA needs home

2005-01-24 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/24/2005 9:39:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I have 
  pics that I can send to anyone interested. It is a male long haired seal 
email me pics..I will send them to Joy at the Marley fund...also 
include contact info for whoever has the cat right now...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: For Dr. Susan - Milk for Cats?

2005-01-24 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/24/2005 10:20:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  heard there's even a certain amount of "pus" in it. 
yes...if anyone wants me to post teh link to the site that goes into 
ALL kinds of detail about milk and other tings that are really gross that teh 
FDA allows..I will...but I warn you..its gross

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FELV+ Kitty

2005-01-23 Thread anzajaguar

Tonya..where is the kitty has anyone contacted the Marley Fund here 
in NC? Give me the most info you can about the kitty and a pic..I will send it 
to Joy...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FELV+ Kitty

2005-01-23 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/22/2005 6:55:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  I am still looking for a placement for Ginger, she is a 16 week old 
  orange kitten that is FELV+, she is in a foster home but in a cage and we 
  really need to place her as it is so unfair to have her in a cage. Can 
  anyone help? Linda 
where are you..
and I need more info on her please
fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Question for Dr. Susan

2005-01-22 Thread anzajaguar

those are good questions..esspecailly about the immunity!!!

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: For Dr. Susan - thanks

2005-01-22 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/21/2005 10:47:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  How can she be an 11 year old positive and symptomless cat? How 
  could she have gotten this?
  Thanks Dr. Susan for any input!
my point of view? this happens ALOT more than anyone 
gives credither body was probally weak when she got the virus, so it took 
hold, yet her immune system is strong enough to keep it in check so therefore 
she is fine and has lived a good long life...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: overstressed/overgrooming

2005-01-22 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/22/2005 2:31:24 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  As I just mentioned, my cats are not getting along very well. My 
  positive (DD) has begun overgrooming her tummy and back legs. Does 
  anyone have any ideas about how to deal with this? She seems to fight 
  with them all. :(
FELIWAY diffusers and spray

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: For Dr. Susan - thanks

2005-01-22 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/22/2005 12:43:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  How do 
I ask Dr. Susan a question??Since people  animals get Vitamin 
"D" by being in sunlight. Whathappens to indoor only cats 
when they don't get this vitamin?
  It's so funny you ask that because I was just wondering the same 
dont your cats sit in window sills basking in sunlight?

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: overstressed/overgrooming

2005-01-22 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/22/2005 12:57:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  I've been thinking about doing that, Sally. I haven't because I 
  really just believe I have too many cats in too small a house. But maybe 
  I might find out something that would help.
If you really think that is the problem try making different levels for the 
cats to use..this gives them ALOT more can try those shelves that 
lead to "tracks" that go around the celings..or even just stair like 
shelves..big enough for a kitty to sit on...they make really neat "furniture"/ 
"decorations" too..even without the kitties sitting on them..just empty neat patterns..that go up the wallsjust let them be for the cats 
to have more room...
fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: For Dr. Susan - thanks

2005-01-22 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/22/2005 2:12:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Mine make a beeline for the 
  windows when I open the curtains and sliding doors. They lay up against the 
  screen doors/windows. Thank god they are sturdy! They are furever 
  sunbathing... :)
Mine too..they LOVE it when teh windows are actually open adn they 
can smell everything...yet the same kitties are terrified of going outside..but 
not Akira...she loves her walks...I am trying to talk Bobby into making an 
enclosure for her around one of the trees so she can climb too..she LOVES to 
climb trees..but having a leash attached makes it a bit difficult!!!

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: For Dr. Susan - thanks

2005-01-22 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/22/2005 2:12:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  for my Rescue Siameses "KITTEN TRIO" it's a race please continue voting.
HEY I just voted 2 times in teh same day...just different sessions sure is close!!! EVERYONE..sign off AOHELL..tehn get back on in a few 
mins and vote again I know we can make them win!!!

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: My Smokey's time is near....

2005-01-22 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/22/2005 3:23:54 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  He is doing alot of sleeping. 
  His body is just worn out. He has seen alot of kitties come and go 
  positives/negatives. Heis the "Boss Man" as my husband puts it. Now he 
  is stepping down to let the next oldest to take over. 
  I ask for all your thoughts, 
  vibes, and prayers for a safe and quiet passing for my Smokey if this should 
  be his time.
  Thanks to a wonderful and caring 
  group of people!
WOW 19 is a wonderful long life..esspecially with you as 
mommy!!! I will pray for his passingalso weve been talking about 
assisting in transitions a lot on the animal communication board that I am on 
and someone posted something that their vet gave them about assisting in a 
natural death..Ill see if I can find may be something you can 
talks about different herbs, and incenses, and colors that can be placed around 
teh area to help the transition to be more harmonious

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Is FeLV really the WORST?

2005-01-22 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/22/2005 4:37:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Snowball was playing and eating with the bleeding so it just was one of 
  those things. Not to mention my daughter (age 1) bled to death in my arms, 
  many years ago. 
CHERIE OMG how wonder Snowball dieing like he 
did was so scary for youI am sorry about your little girl...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

the best positions in bed

2005-01-22 Thread anzajaguar

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Simon is having another good day

2005-01-20 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/20/2005 8:39:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  weeks ago I did not think he would be here now, though, and I think he is 
  in large part to the steroids (and the good energy sent by thi 
  group!).What did your cat get them 
I know you are so worried and anxious to know if Simon is going to be 
ok..but often times they say if you think it enough it will happen. That 
is also why they say prayer works as well..if you get a LOT of people to pray 
for one thing the positive energy REALLY works its try to stay 
positive..I know its hard and you dont want to get you hopes up..and then 
crushed..but Simon is doing so welljust keep praying to anyone who will 
listen in a good way, and keep thinking positive wonderful thoughts that Simon 
is going to beat all the odds!!! Mabey the Chemo is working

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Simon is having a good morning

2005-01-19 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/19/2005 10:13:57 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  all the bad stuff so i wanted to share this with you too. He is 
  still in the woods, deep deep in the woods, so please do not stop praying 
  for him and sending him energy.
that is great news how well he is doing...he is sure amazing 
everyone!!! Perhaps it is the Chemo that is making him feel S bad for 
that week right has been about a week right? So what if he 
get the depo shots a few days before the chemo next time? Can they do 
that...then another a few days afterwards? Just a thought

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: to Lisa...decongestant for cats? Anything Better?

2005-01-18 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/18/2005 12:02:17 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  normally suggest the nose drops - it's just thatGary's nose is so tiny and 
  was so plugged up, wecouldn't really use them effectively. If drops 
  willwork for you - my vet suggested "Little Noses". It'sa 
  decongestant for children without any 
I just use if I dont want teh cyprohedadine (sp) saline nose 
drops...just plain jane saline nose drops...ANY store will have them...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: OT: My current Guilt

2005-01-17 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/17/2005 9:45:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Thanks for listening, I have no one else to vent to, since I have to keep 
  a firm upper lip for my son, who is also upset over this.
Oh Cherie!!! Im so sorryyou poor are so right..what a 
week..but please dont beat yourself p ove the mouse...the poor little things can 
be so fragile...or so strongperhaps one of the cats had him for a bit...or 
he has injured allready...there are HUMDREDS of things that could have killed 
him...and I doubt your one

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Cyproheptadine...decongestant for cats? Anything Better?

2005-01-17 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/17/2005 11:49:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Another rescuer gave me some Cypro which was prescribed for another 
  rescued kitty "for sneezing." I looked it up in the Merck drug reference 
  book I have and it is an antihistamine. She said it is gnarly 
  tasting and causes kittys to foam at the mouth and I am hesitant to use it 
  if there is something gentler available. I seem to remember someone 
  posting a while back about giving pediatric decongestant to a kitty, but 
  can't remember which kind. Any feedback will be most 
I keep it in stock..just in works great..I don t have the 
dose right now though..I THINK its a half tab

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: does FELV kitten imply FELV mama?

2005-01-16 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/16/2005 1:18:14 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
 So... if Babycakes is FELV+, will that mean Fatima 
  is FELV+?  And if Babycakes is FELV-, will that mean 
  Fatima is FELV-?
it is possible ye..but how long have you had them in..he MAY have 
come into contact with another cat other than there is a SMALL 
possibility she is negative...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Levi/cat meditation objects

2005-01-15 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/14/2005 4:04:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  The Buddha pictures are right behind it, so it is sort of funny. I think 
  my partner took a picture of him doing this, which at some point I will figure 
  out how to post somewhere based on the suggestions and offers of web pages 
  sent to me (thanks to those who sent them).
If the quality of the picture is really should enter it 
in "The Marley Fund" calander is l;ike 5 $ per entry of a 
cat..5 photos each...they start it in march...I have several of each cat I am 
sending in...all the proceeds got to FeLV research at NC state..and Special 
needs kittys sanctuary.

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Taming 'ferals'

2005-01-15 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/14/2005 4:49:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  and Im always looking for advice on that oneone of 
  my older cats cant stand BB  is so brutal with him that I have to keep 
  them seperated. Any ideas on getting her to just let him be is always 
  more than gratefully accepted!
that is the exact thing that happened with Mona...when I 
brought her in...we went on for like 4-6 months I think before I felt I could 
trust hershe was visciousI tried everything..what ended up working was I 
had to crate her for several the room with all the others loose. 
then I took her out on a leash, with my friendliest cat and dog loose, she did 
well until I decided to take the leash off..adn leave just the harness 
fight and I put her back in the crate..for about a week I 
think..then..again..just like before...leashed...then I just dropped the 
leash...but left it on her..tehn I let her off...she did pretty well that 
time..she would stalk the others..curisously but never attacked them...and 
whenever she would get a little "pissy" a sharp hiss from me..of a 
loud..negative sound would snap her out of it...and things have been going 
really well since then...I also REALLY BELIEVE this helped out alot..I spoke to 
her..plain as day, and thought to her ALOT"if you cant learn to be 
will not live here..I will find you another home, if you ever hurt any of the 
others..ESSPECIALLY will be out of my door."..ever since I finally 
let Akira loose Mona hasnt laid a paw on fact..Akira is a little witch 
to her..and all she does is Hiss and run awayshe has been VERY good with 

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Simon's progress, Friday

2005-01-15 Thread anzajaguar

I want to see the pics too..I can just imagine!!! they sound 

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: I'm worried abt Levi

2005-01-15 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/15/2005 11:20:32 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  And regarding ringworm, I've never had to deal with it at my 
  house.HANK GOODNESS!!! But from my understanding it's so contagious that 
  you don't have to come into contact with a cat to expose them. I've heard of 
  people with ringworm having to wash all sofas, surfaces, etc... and still have 
  ringworm "in the house." I'm not sure if it's actually airborne... but 
  as a fungus, the spores just get everywhere, anywhere around the 
OH YES..that is VERY true..the spores live in teh enviroment 
FOREVER..adn they are VERY hardy...Ive had to BLEACH my house several I am still washing all clothes with a little bleachin fact its 
about time to bleach the house again!!!

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Update on FeLV+ needing home in NJ

2005-01-15 Thread anzajaguar

that's wonderful..what a neat name...I would definantly say that she 
liked that name.,...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: I'm worried abt Levi

2005-01-13 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/13/2005 1:56:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  scratching on the 'shoulder' area.
have you recently put any "flea drops" on him, such as revolution, 
advavtage...or even...GASP...Hartz?

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: I'm worried abt Levi

2005-01-13 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/13/2005 2:45:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I haven't heard of 
Well that's a good thing then...they carry it in Walmart and many pet is a name brand that makes MANY pet related products..all are crap 
in my opinion, but there "medical line" of stuff..such as OTC fela drops, 
wormers,a nd ear mite known to be very harmful, if not deadly in many 
cases..esspecially with cats...yet its still on the market...CRINGE

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: for Kerry - Levi

2005-01-13 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/13/2005 3:04:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  cats can get ring worm too, or it could be
OH yes they can..and what a PITA it is to get rid whole house 
has had it for about 6-8 months I think now..I THINK it is gone finally but 
every now and then I THINK I feel scabby things on 2 of my cats where the 
original lesion wasSO I still may have it around ANd actually cats 
are known as one of the more common sources for ringworm

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: ringworm

2005-01-13 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/13/2005 3:59:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Thanks Lisa.
  Is there any way to tell if it's ringworm 
  without shaving? 
Oh yesthey can look under a "woods lamp" or a black light lamp 
reallyand MOST ringworm will florecess a green color...but not all...AND 
they can do a culture..they take a few hairs from around the spot and they let 
it grow..this usually take 10 days thoughThe only reason they shaved my 
kitties is b/c they all had obvious hairloss and lesions on themsome cats 
can have it without even showing any signs of it...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: socialization

2005-01-13 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/13/2005 4:16:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Lisa, I got a bit sidetracked with my worries re Levi---belatedly want 
  to thank you SO much for taking the time and effort to share your 
  experiences. I'm with you there re teaching via experience. It has to be 
  spelled out to me. 
YoYour welcome...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Levi - re: Barbara's reply

2005-01-13 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/13/2005 6:03:23 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  wild bunch you hang with! Maybe you should try smoking the 
NOOO I dont recommend makes you VERY queesy.. 

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Ringworm

2005-01-13 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/13/2005 6:09:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  started to really panic when I read it was necessary to sterilize the 
  house. What a joke! I'd be proud of myself if I could just 
  keep the place neat.Nina
Let me tell you the story my vet told me when I was going through 
this..her and I are VERY close...

Her PERSIAN got ringworm back when she was a vet student. This cat 
gave the ringworm to 7 of her friends and 3 of their parents!!! Talk about 
emmbarrassinganyways...NOTHING would get rid of this stuff..she tried every 
medical outlet she could, then she tried all the "old" remedies...she even gave 
teh poor cat a bleach bathand yes ..I was recommended that as well...the cat 
survived teh bath..but still had ringwormfinally She had to go to the people 
Dr b/c she had it...BUT also b/c the ONE medicine she had not tried yet was VERY 
expensive...and only by her getting her insurance to pay for it could she get 
it...So she the "good stuff" and gave it to her cat...instead of 
taking it herselfTHAT finally got rid of it...along with bleaching her house 
almost every day for several weeksand THAT is how you stearlize the dilute bleach...WAY down...and take a spray bottle..and SPRAY 

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: PCR TEST--Is it accurate?

2005-01-13 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/13/2005 7:30:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Is this 
  test genuinely reliable?
Yes but also highly uncommon..they use it far more often in research 
labs..than they do for the public..mainly b/c of its is about 60$ for 
just that one test

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Ringworm

2005-01-13 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/14/2005 1:14:14 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  grandmother taught us to use Gentian Violet on ringworm. Works GREAT 
  but my is is messy - lots of 
Lets see everything I tried...and ended up I believe a combination of 
it all that got rid if it IF its gone...SIGH

rescue remedy
Gentian Violet
Tea Tree oil
all above combined

Blue Star Ointment
Metronidazole lotion 
and finally as a last resort Metronidazol tablets

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: news on Dr. Susan

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 3:32:30 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Also, in 
  regard to feline leukemia testing, she wrote:"this is a subject I have to be 
  very current on because one of my jobs in 2005 is giving lectures around the 
  U.S. to veterinary groups on FeLV and FIV testing." So if anyone has any 
  questions on testing, Dr. Susan would be an excellent source of 
  information. She is very willing to teach and I know she would be happy 
  to answer questions. 
I know you said she is going to be gone..but perhaps you could have 
her give us...via email...a synopsis of her views and understanding of FeLV in 
general...testing, treatments, ressearch etcWe could even put it in as a 
file or something on the webisite..i think that would be extrememly benificial 
to everyone here...and for those looking

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Sharing food

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 11:47:46 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
All, 5 
  share boxes and they all share food, now I am worried. What is Lysine? What 
  does it do for Princess?
All 4 of mine share water, food boxes..etc they are all still 
negative...please dont worry nessacearily..just listen. read and learn..then 
make your own informed decision...MANY of us here on teh list mix our 
kitties..just as many dont mix them. here is MY take on it.ALL of my 
kitties are rescues, who were taken in off the street, thin, pregnant, 
dying...etcthey are ALL WAY better off now than before..even IF they chanced 
to catch FeLVwhich after much research, I find it difficult to believe a 
vaccinated, healthy adult cat will catch FeLVthere is ALWAYS a 
with anything there is always a chance...but I dont think it is large enough to 
worry about it...IMO...also..I would the instances 
yourself..allready have several cats togeather...bonded togeather..that it would 
be far more stressful on them to separate them...they are allready mixed, 
allready exposed...if they havent gotten it yet..I seriously doubt they will get 
it..just keep them vaccinated and once you are justified in knowing they are 
negative..test yearly..

the Lysine is a natural supplement that is a viral can help 
the body to control viral replicationit is most often seen to help in the 
Herpes virus...which in cats shows as watery eyes...but it is also believed to 
aid in inhibiting FeLV replication as well...Akira does not get it any 
she quit eating food with supps in it a while back..but she was at one time on 
500 mg 2 times a day..which is considered the max..ok fulltime amount to 
give...I am slowly being able to mix stuff into ehr food I am going to 
try and start her back on it...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Sharing food

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 3:34:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Thank you Nina, yes I have heard of Interferon, and she is on it...I read 
  that that looses it potency after this 
it is good refridgerated for about 90 days I believe...but it must 
remain frozen until that pointit is supposed to be good frozen 
indefinantlyof course that is not he lableing..but after speaking with 
several pharmamsict about it..they all agreed...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Sharing food

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 3:48:55 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  are he had feline heartworm. 
WOW..that's rare

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FeLV

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 4:21:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Karolyn,I found out a bit ago that my angel Timmy, (one of six kittens 
  rescued at 2/12 weeks), that we suspect got the virus invitro, also tested 
  negative. I'm overjoyed. I know the virus might be sequestered 
  in his bone marrow, but I'm still celebrating his "negativity"! 
  Sally also just had one of her positives tested and he's turned up 
  negative now too! It's one of the baffling aspects of this disease, 
  you just don't know what's going to happen. Prepare for the worst, 
  expect the best!Nina

you could run a PCR test and it "SHOULD" tell you if it is in the 
bone marrow or not..the PCR test tests for the genetic alteration of the cat to 
aid the virus in replicationdamn retrovirus' aggrecating!!! but 
anyways my point is that that test should be able to tell you if eh still 
has it or not...for sure...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Sharing food

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 4:50:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I will 
  have to look into it, and ask my vet what she thinks, will I still be able to 
  give Interferon to Amber.
Yes you can...Akira gets it daily

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FeLV - PCR test

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 5:04:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Lisa. What does PCR stand for? Is that the bone marrow 
no its not the bone marrow test...that is actually a very invasive 
painful procedure...PCR ...I dont remember what it stands for..but they 
use a blood sample like they do for teh IFA and the ELISA test...HOWEVER it must 
be sent tothe lab make sure your vet knows before they 
draw blood for it what test you looks at the genetic level of the the genetic level any change anywhere in teh body can be seenand the 
FeLV virus is a retrovirus..which means it alters teh cats genetic code

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Sharing food

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 5:11:22 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I meant 
  it looses it's potency in the cat.
OH.well what it does is that since the human interferon is not 
the exact natural horomone...the cat can become immune to its effects...just 
like any other that is why the common protocol is 7 days on and 7 days give teh body time to become unaquainted with it..Akira is on it 7 days 
a week...all the time...I decided this after seeing her in noticibly worse 
health each week she was off it..she slept more, wouldn't eat, adn was what I do is give it to her 7 days a week..but let myself 
forget it every once in a while..just to give ehr body a lapse..but not long 
enough to make her feel badly...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Simon's rally

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 5:28:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
While I was writing 
  that last paragraph, he got up and walked a few feet to his cat bed and curled 
  up normally in it. It is as if he knew what I was writing.Thanks for 
  being there and being part of this,Michelle 

thank you for letting US be apart of is absolutly 
amazingprayer and tender loving care is so powerful..adn you adn him are 
eximplary examples of it!!!

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Sharing food

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar
ng guy...much like Indy..but a 
bit more hellionish...if that makes sence? After he was UTD I just let him 
loose...he had been crated, while not UTD, and in a room they could play paws 
with under the door some tooso they just had to get used to him...

Hope any of that helps...I know its not really techniques...but I find I 
learn better by

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Simon's rally

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 6:21:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
It has 
  been very heartening and strengthening for me to have your support like 
  this. You can not imagine. 


I hope you dont mind but I also posted about Simon and you to my AC 
list...the group owner is Carla Pearson..if you know her...she is a very 
talented AC, Reiki,and other spiritual aspectsshe has a healing circle in 
her classes every Wednesday...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Sharing food

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 7:04:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  wonderful tips
  I myself have a cat room, and any new member starts there for an hour or 
  a day then, after the inital sniffing I let them looseso far so good not 
  many fights and never big.
your welcomeI never had any big fights until Mona..who is blue by 
the ways...hense "blue demon" I was so heartbroken by it..I was 
convinved I was going to have to giver her up..but I jsut kept telling her that 
if she wanted to stay at my house she COULD NOT act that way..and if she DARED 
to hurt Akira..she was finding a new home...she has never once tried to attack 
Akira..even though Akira insists on being nasty to her

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Sharing food

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 7:12:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I am 
  convinced they understand EVERYTHING...they just have selective 
YOu are SOOO right..

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Simon's rally

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 7:25:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Maybe I'm back in time but what 
  is a "Reiki"?
  I have no clue what it 
It is a form of alternative healing..done much more on a spiritual 
levelit helps the body's energy flows and the spirtual healing belived to be 
needed in physical healing...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FeLV - PCR test

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 11:29:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Hey Lisa 
  - just wondering - Why is it an invasive painful procedure? 
b/c they must actually asspirate the bone marrow..which means they 
must actually go in with a small drill.../..BIG needle and puncture the 
bone...and remove bone marrow from inside...they usually do it while they are 
asleep I believe...but not always

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FeLV - PCR test

2005-01-12 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/12/2005 11:38:22 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
The bone 
  marrow biopsy is the painful bit. I can NOT imagine any vet being able, 
  let alone trying, to do one on an aware feline. You don't have to use 
  bone marrow to have a PCR test, blood will work 
Oh no..I know that..the only reason I threw that in was that I 
thought someone on this list a t one point siad they had it doen adn the animals 
was tranqued...but not out...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: rabbit dental

2005-01-11 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/11/2005 6:49:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Martin certainly is one lucky wabbit!!
  ttamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Wow. And I thought having guinea pigs, dogs and cats could get 
complicated.I think I'll stay away from 
Dont Guinea pigs teeth grow just like rabbits, and hamsters do 
too? they "CAN" have the same problems?

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Simon update, Tuesday

2005-01-11 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/11/2005 11:17:31 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I assume 
  that without food he will get weak enough soon that he won't want to walk 
  around, or sick enough that it will be no question as to what I should 
  do. I wish that one of these times when he falls asleep purring he will 
  just slip off quietly.
Without food..either the liver or kidneys will shut down..I dont 
remember which one..How is his jaundice? Have you tried making him the 
liver shake..or letting him have bits of raw chicken livers? It would help 
the anemia..adn I dont kow many cats who can refuse to eat them...even when 
sick...does someone have that recepie to post?

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: third try, Growler is gone

2005-01-11 Thread anzajaguar

Bless you and Growler...just keep peace in knowing she is pain free,a nd 
running through mouse filled fields now

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: rabbit dental

2005-01-11 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/11/2005 1:12:13 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  yes they do (as do all rodents), butguinea pigs  hamsters, 
  micedon't typically live as long as rabbits, so I think overall 
  there is less chance of developing those complicationsor perhaps I was 
  just lucky.
Ho long can rabbits live? My guinea pig was.7-8 yrs old 
when she passed..and it was NOT normal..I felt so horrible for her...actually 
since there eseem to be some rodent savy peeps on..Ill ask about it...After it 
happened I spoke with a vet who said it sounded like she had a tumor...or her brain...rupture...killing her ALMOST instantly... I woke 
up to her squeeliing terribly, running around her cage..aimlessly, running into 
the sides of it head on, bleeding out of her nose and ears...and eyes...I rushed 
to her and picked her up, she was pantinng heavily when she collapsed and was 
gone...she was or seemd 100% fine up until that momentthe vet I spoke to 
said it was fairly common?

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Simon is pale but nibbling and purring again

2005-01-09 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/9/2005 1:00:42 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
It may 
  have been the Cipro that made him feel so terrible, because he is back to 
  nibbling at food (ate about 4 or 5 pieces of dr food and two bites of wet 
  food just now) and wanting belly rubs and purring. He is deathly 
  pale, though, so I think his PCV must still be plunging. I will keep 
  trying to get him to nibble throughout the night, as I am afraid to 
  syringe him again. I think he does not have much time left, and I want him 
  to remain content.Thanks and please keep him in your 
Have you tried giving him a Liver shake? the recipie is in the 
archives somehwere..or mabey just on our website.that may help his pcv 
valueeven raw chicken livers..that would help even more...perhaps 
someone has teh recipie on hand...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: I told my son

2005-01-09 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/9/2005 1:27:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Tell me 
  more, I do not know about animal communication, I know that in another email 
  topic, animal communicating was discussed.
they say all of us can do it...we just have to learn to pay 
attention..and belive what we hear...but obviously some of us are more in tuned 
than anotheran AC is one of those people...but then again..some are more 
skilled in different beliefs and areas than othersAC involves speaking 
directly to the soul of a creature...or even to its higher being..and 
"oversoul" and AC would contact Snowball for you and speak to him..see if 
he has any messages for you to knowetc.of course you want to make sure 
you get an honest and reliable personand of course some cost more than 
others..the list leader of the yahoo AC group I am on is a very knowladgable 
and"famous": woman in this regard...she gives workshops and has several books 
and tapes as well, to try and help others interested in it learn how to really 
communicate her name is Carla...dont remember her last...ill post teh link 
to the group at the bottom of you can see there...they also list the 
names of several other professionals on there that are highly trustworthy...but 
as others have allready posted there are several on this list who have personal 
experiences with a few other AC's adn have had good luck

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FeLV

2005-01-09 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/9/2005 1:52:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  under the impression that the Interferon helps with pain, and 
Interferon has nothing to do with pain and is a 
natural "hormone" found in all bodies that aids in the immune system reactions, 
and replications. so it in essence helps to keep the virus at 
supporting the immune system..helping it out

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Simon

2005-01-09 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/9/2005 3:02:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  really do just want to do what is best for him, but just do not know what 
  that is.Michelle
Have you spoken to your vet since this newest happenings? I know it 
is hard...but be it you or your partners decision...YOU know him best...If your 
not sure than mabey it isnt time...have you tried contacting an AC about it..and 
perhaps they could see what is really he is getting better, 
dying, or if his soul is allready gone...That could help you decide what is know what he wantsI know everyone knows how much I love poetry in 
hard times..I hope these may ease your pain


If it should be that I grow frail and weakAnd pain does keep me from my 
sleep,Then will you do what must be donefor this - the last battle 
-can't be won.

You will be sad I understandBut don't let grief then stay your 
hand.For on this day, more than the restYour love and friendship must 
stand the test.

We have had so many happy years,You wouldn't want me to suffer 
so.When the time comes, please, let me go.

Take me to where my needs will end,Please, stay with me till the 
end.And hold me firm and speak to meUntil my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you will agreeIt is a kindness you do to me.Although 
my tail its last has waved,From pain and suffering I have been saved.

Don't grieve that it must now be youWho has to decide this thing to 
do.We've been so close - we two -these years,Don't let your heart hold 
any tears.

(author unknown)

May I Go? by Susan A. Jackson

May I go now? Do you think the time is right? May I say goodbye to 
pain-filled days and endless lonely nights? I've lived my life and done 
my best, an example tried to be. So can I take that step beyond and 
set my spirit free?  I didn't want to go at first, I fought 
with all my might. But something seems to draw me now to a warm and 
living light. I want to go  I really do. It's difficult to stay. 
But I will try as best I can to live just one more day.  
To give you time to care for me and share your love and fears. I 
know you're sad and afraid, because I see your tears. I'll not be far, I 
promise that, and hope you'll always know that my spirit will be close 
to you wherever you may go.  Thank you for loving me. You 
know I love you too, that's why it's hard to say goodbye and end this 
life with you. So hold me now just one more time and let me hear you 
say, because you care so much for me, you'll let me go today.  

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FeLV

2005-01-08 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/8/2005 1:25:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  out this afternoon, that one other tested positive, so that is probally the 
  case. I am just having a hard time swallowing the fact that the way it 
  happened seems to be so uncommon.
No not really..several member on here have found out this very 
way...that another of their kitties was a dormant carrier and never knew it 
until another cat they had became sick and died..the WAY he died is a bit 
odd..but I would lay a guess that there was something else going on as 
it FeLV related or not.that is why I suggested an autopsy to be done

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FeLV

2005-01-08 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/8/2005 1:30:01 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  but I do not want to have this happen again. I am nervous and scared but, 
  I almost have a drving force to replace that place in my heart.
Well, Since you now know that one of your others is positive..this is 
what I would do...JMO...I would make sure everyone else is UTD on their said they all still tested negative...SO..they have allready 
been exposed..more than likely..if they havent caught it yet..they wont catch it 
at all...leave all of them togeather, and for your next kitty, try and adopt 
another FeLV+ kitty. There are far to many of them..and far to few homes, 
rescues, and sanctuaries for themagain...that's just what I would 

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FeLV

2005-01-08 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/8/2005 3:51:55 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I have 
  major guilt that I can not shake.
That is ok..and is a part of grieveing..I think we 
all do it...but what is important is being able to move on past the guilt, to 
understanding, graetfullness to you Snowball, and the time you had with him...I 
think you will find many of us here understand..and poems always help 
about this one?

LEND ME A KITTEN"~Julia A. Morrison~

I will lend to you for a whilea kitten, God said.For you to love 
while he lives,and mourn when he's gone.

Maybe for twelve or fourteen years,or maybe two or three.But will 
you, 'till I call him back,take care of him for me?

He'll bring his charms to gladden youand should his stay be 
brief,you'll always have his memoriesas solace for your grief.

I cannot promise he will stay,since all from earth return.But there 
are lessons taught belowI want this kitten to learn.

I've looked the whole world overin search of teachers true,And from 
the folk that crowds life's landI have chosen you.

Now will you give him all your love,nor think the labor vain?Nor 
hate me when I come to takemy kitten home again?

And my heart replied,"My Lord, Thy Will Be Done."For all the joys 
this kitten brings,the risk of grief I'll run.

We'll shelter him with tenderness,we'll love him while we may.And 
for the happiness that we've known,forever grateful stay.

But should you call him backmuch sooner than we planned,We'll brave 
the bitter grief that comes,and try to understand.

If by our love we've managedyour wishes to achieve,in memory of his 
sweet sweet love,please help us while we grieve.

When our cherished kittendeparts this world of strife,Please send 
yet another needing soulfor us to love all his life.

I know its hard...but God always has a purpose..mabey there is another soul 
who needs your and your sons love..

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Simon is worse again already

2005-01-08 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/8/2005 5:39:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
He is 
  not mewing or crying or breathing funny or anything. Do you think this 
  means he is not in so much distress that I need to worry I am doing wrong by 
  him by letting him be?
Animals feel pain, and distress in a much different way than we 
do...for him being sick for so long..I am sure he is probally hiding it...he may 
just feel too bad to be "in it" much more..but also when their bodies are so far 
gone..often times the soul is in and outif the pain gets to be to much, the 
soul "seperates" itself from the body for a tiem...mabey that is why he is so 
vaccant looking

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FeLV

2005-01-08 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/8/2005 8:45:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  That was beautiful, and thank you for sharing it with me and usI 
  needed that
Your welcome

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: I told my son

2005-01-08 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/8/2005 9:11:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  about Snowball can be a good thig, she may be trying to lethim know she is 
More into this..I was going to...suggest this as well..but 
forgot...perhaps it would help ease your grief, and your "what ifs" if you 
were to hire a animal who is skilled with contacting spirits 
who have allready passed...that you might be able to speak to Snowball and hear 
from himself he is ok

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FeLV

2005-01-07 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/7/2005 11:17:55 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  has beed tested recently, my concern is that it happened so fast and so 
If everyone has been tested recently..and ALL were negative..then no 
one is sheding the virus...if his parents were 100% negative..I see absolutly no 
way he came into contact with the virus!!! UNLESS he got outside? 
did he mabey escape? even just onceIf all th cats were tested 
recently...and they were all negative..then I would call for an autopsy..this 
vet may have just "jumped to conclusions" based on..I dunno what...but 
with what you first said..about her deciding Snowball had FeLV based on her 
platelet and white blood cell count..and now that all your other kitties are 
100% negativethere is NO WAY he was positive!!! UNLESS he did come 
into contact with another cat at somepoint...think..think ...think...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: thank you

2005-01-07 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/7/2005 12:41:18 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  (I'm not questioning your vetting the rabbit, I heard of hampster with 
  gallstones and had a guinea pig with strepthroatI'm just curious about the 
Ive had a Guinea pig neutered my Parents did that 
one..found the vet adn everything..I was amazed..I was only like 12?

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FeLV

2005-01-07 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/7/2005 1:24:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Cherie,Did you mean your cat tested negative? Or tht he did 
  test positive?
I was wondering about that too!!! If your other kitty tested 
positive..then she gave it to Snowball...proablly

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FeLV

2005-01-07 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/7/2005 1:46:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  one of my cats carries it.
If they carried it and were SHEDDING the virus...that is the only way 
he could have been infected..if they are shedding the virus...they would show a 
positive on the ELISA

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Pilgrim's second ELISA

2005-01-07 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/7/2005 2:40:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  On whether we had the capacity to set up permanent quarters for FeLV 
  cats: not really. It's been very inconvenient and cumbersome to 
  close off the dining room and sunroom for Pilgrim. We had to block a 
  pass-through from the kitchen which blocks our view of the entire 
  backyard. To add to the mix in our small home, we're adopting two 
  beautiful children from Guatemalain the next couple months! Life 
  just can't get more exciting than this!!
That's wonderful Rhonda..about the kids..however about Pilgrim..I 
would call that positive...even if only might be that his body is 
winning the figh..but still fighting..I would still support his immune system 
with the Interferon adn supplements...

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: FeLV

2005-01-07 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/7/2005 3:35:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  which is the one that came up positive, she was tested twice before and she 
  was negative, so it must have been dormant or hidding 
So one of them DID come up psoitive...then that is for sure where he 
got it from..I know you said you were feeling guilty about them having 
contact..but please dont...I know its hard not to...but if she tested negative 
previously then there was no way for you to have known..vets dont bother to 
teach owners about anything like that...its so sadwe had a big disscussion 
on another list Im on about vaccinations adn yearly vaccinations only being left 
so b/c vets want to make money..or to get the animals in for examsI think 
instead they should focus on yearly FeLV all catsthat way, they 
would still get to see the animals for exams..., but not have to overvaccinate 
to do itif they just stressed how important it was for yearly tests in all 
catsthen mabey it would be more widley known

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Simon stopping chemo and does not have long

2005-01-07 Thread anzajaguar

Oh Michelle, 
I am so sorry to hear about Simon..I will definantly pray for hispoor 
guy You adn him have fought so hard

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Fw: new with a ? on ELISA vs IFA

2005-01-06 Thread anzajaguar

That is wonderful you didn't put her down right away!!! Also if your 
vet is still insistant on putting her down..or trying to talk you into it...find 
another who really knows what is going on!!! If the ELISA test is 
+ and the IFA is could mean that the virus hasnt "taken hold" 
yet..and she is still fighting trying to get rid of it..I would recommend 
boosting her immune system as much as possible!! Use Interferon, 
Echinaeciea (sp), and Lysine, and whatever other supplements you can find..the 
Interferon is Rx onlya liquid given orally. She just MAY be able to 
win and truly become negative!!! Also I would keep her isolated until the 
recommended retest time of 90 days at least..before you really decide what 
to do. in 90 days (during which you are boosting her immune system), 
retest her with teh ELISA and IFA..see what the outcome is thenSome cats can 
throw false test resultswhich is also a possibility..there are so 
many!! Are all your other kitties FeLV vaccinated? and UTD? I 
have 4 cats..only one is FeLV +, they are all togeather...and everyone else is 
still negative..of course they get boosters yearly, and they also get retested 
yearly..many others on the group also do this


fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

Re: Fw: new with a ? on ELISA vs IFA

2005-01-06 Thread anzajaguar

In a message dated 1/6/2005 2:20:49 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  you decide to vaccinate Pilgrim with the FeLVvaccination now that she is 
  can not currently negative, Icannot stress to you enough the 
  importance of havingher tested BEFORE ANY vaccinations are 
  given.This is due to the fact that IF she does convert backto a 
  FeLV positive status you DO NOT want to have theFeLV vaccination 
  administered. It would be adouble-dose of the virus and will only make her 
  moresick, if not kill her. Once her immune system iscompromised with 
  the Feline Leukemia it most likelywill NOT withstand another attack from 
I just wanted to jump in here..that is not really 
correct. The FeLV vaccination will not hurt a + kitty any more than 
any other vaccination. The FeLV vaccination is a KILLED VIRUS. It 
can not cause the virus or cause a "double dose" of it..if the cat already has 
the virus, then its body is allready trying to fight it,and there are allready 
antibodies..the vaccination will not "double dose" the cat with the 
virusHOWEVER it wont do them any good either for obvious reasons. 
Vaccinations in general though..are a different story..and againpersonal 
preference...many wont give them past the initial kitten vaccination..they 
believe it just harms the immune system, and is unessacary...I believe 
this..with the exception of the FeLV vaccination for my negatives...since I mix 

fur-bratsAkira--FeLV miracle baby 
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESSLance- Mini wire haired 
dashchundBow-Tie- 2yr old (sss he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel 
crossBennie Bird-- Vampire cockatielAnza-- sexist Senegal 
parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

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