Re: interface instead of implementation

2002-11-11 Thread Kevin O'Neill
On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 18:15, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
 Hi Peter
 Sorry, that question slipped away under my fingers. But thanks, Kevin,
 for this excellent answer. I couldn't have done it better. So if I may
 provide a short answer to your question and to sum up the mail by Kevin:
 IMO the cost, if any, is by far not enough to outweigh the benefits
 (code readability, clear design, maintenance costs etc) of using the
 interface instead of the implementation. And I agree that instanceof is
 to be used with caution.

In fact it's better than that. Interfaces have NO cost. The only cost is
if you need to cast from the interface to the concrete class (which you
should not need to do).

Casting has a cost, it's small (and very vm dependent) the same for 
instanceof and usually not worth the the effort to avoid.

instanceof may indicate design problems (not always, but often).


 On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 09:18:44 +1000 Peter B. West wrote:
  This was a serious question, really.  Joerg, when he gets back, might 
  like to comment on this, because it was as a result of some of his input 
  that I first realised there was a significant cost associated with such 
  Java fundamentals as instanceof and type casting.  Those discussions 
  gave me much food for thought.  So I'll rephrase the question: what, if 
  anything, is the cost of using the interface instead of the implementation?
  Peter B. West wrote:
I have no objection at all, as long as it costs nothing.  It is free,
isn't it?
Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Fellow FOP developers,
would you mind using the interface instead of the implementation where
possible? Map instead of HashMap, List instead of ArrayList. I've seen
this habit in a number of places and not only by Keiron! I've made it a
habit to follow this pattern
 Jeremias Maerki
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If you don't test then your code is only a collection of bugs which 
apparently behave like a working program. 


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Re: interface instead of implementation

2002-11-10 Thread Peter B. West

This was a serious question, really.  Joerg, when he gets back, might 
like to comment on this, because it was as a result of some of his input 
that I first realised there was a significant cost associated with such 
Java fundamentals as instanceof and type casting.  Those discussions 
gave me much food for thought.  So I'll rephrase the question: what, if 
anything, is the cost of using the interface instead of the implementation?


Peter B. West wrote:

 I have no objection at all, as long as it costs nothing.  It is free,
 isn't it?

 Jeremias Maerki wrote:

 Fellow FOP developers,

 would you mind using the interface instead of the implementation where
 possible? Map instead of HashMap, List instead of ArrayList. I've seen
 this habit in a number of places and not only by Keiron! I've made it a
 habit to follow this pattern

Lord, to whom shall we go?

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Re: interface instead of implementation

2002-11-10 Thread Kevin O'Neill
On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 10:18, Peter B. West wrote:
 This was a serious question, really.  Joerg, when he gets back, might 
 like to comment on this, because it was as a result of some of his input 
 that I first realised there was a significant cost associated with such 
 Java fundamentals as instanceof and type casting.  Those discussions 
 gave me much food for thought.  So I'll rephrase the question: what, if 
 anything, is the cost of using the interface instead of the implementation?

There is very little difference between casting and the instanceof
operator. Both are a single op in the bytecode (use javap to look at the
generated byte code). The speed of the operations are largely determined
by the vm (no shit sherlock :)).

For a look at the op codes here is a cheesy bit of code.

public class Casting
public void test()
Cast1 testInstance = new Cast2();

if (testInstance instanceof Cast2)
System.out.println(Instance of Cast2);

// cast to subclass
Cast2 subClassVersion = (Cast2) testInstance;

// cast to interface
CastInterface interfaceFromCast1Version = (CastInterface) testInstance;

// cast to interface from implementing class
CastInterface interfaceFromCast2Version = subClassVersion;

testInstance = subClassVersion;

public interface CastInterface
CastInterface getInstance();

public static class Cast1
public String foo;

public static class Cast2 extends Cast1 implements CastInterface
public CastInterface getInstance()
return this;

and the resulting bytecode for the test method

Method void test()
   0 new #2 Class Casting. Cast2
   3 dup
   4 invokespecial #3 Method Casting. Cast2()
   7 astore_1
   8 aload_1
   9 instanceof #2 Class Casting. Cast2
  12 ifeq 23
  15 getstatic #4 Field out
  18 ldc #5 String Instance of Cast2
  20 invokevirtual #6 Method void println(java.lang.String)
  23 aload_1
  24 checkcast #2 Class Casting. Cast2
  27 astore_2
  28 aload_1
  29 checkcast #7 Interface Casting. CastInterface
  32 astore_3
  33 aload_2
  34 astore 4
  36 aload_2
  37 astore_1
  38 return

op 8 - 12 deal with the instanceof test
op 23 - 27 are the class cast
op 28 - 32 are the interface cast
op 33 - 34 are the interface assign
op 36 - 37 are the class assign

the casting operations invoke one extra opcode.

Castiong and Performace

The pattern I use is to expose the objects via their interface but 
internal method access the implementation class. This allows external
use without casting, leave me to decide which concrete implementation is
more applicable. A good example of this is ArrayList vs LinkedList;
simply expose List and determine the concrete class that is suited to
the situation, if you get it wrong you can replace the concrete without
violating your external contracts. 

Because java lacks templates (bring on 1.5) there will always be a cost
associated with generic collection usage (in most cases you have to cast
to get access to the information you want).

The only place I take a second look at casting then is in large loops
(where the negative opcode jump usually costs a lot more than the cast)

instanceof usage always worries me a little, it can be an indication
that there is a problem in encapsulation and interface provision. The 
most common usage is when the interface is used as a marker interface
(eg serializable). The correctness of this is a point that can be

I've seen people skipping the instanceof check and doing a speculative
cast and empty catch. On older vms this was sometimes faster, in my
recent tests this is not the case. My advice, don't do it.  

Optimization - know the outcomes but leave it until the end.

When you code, understand what a cast will do, understand how to use
StringBuffers and Strings, don't apply an optimization unless it's
blatantly obvious.

I've seem many cases where developers have heard that something is a
performance problem, heard about the solution then apply that solution
everywhere without understanding the performance issue. Often this leads
to no improvement in speed but always leads to increased problems in
code maintenance (StringBuffer usage is a classic example).

When you do optimize do it with a profiler and profile a couple of vms.
What is an improvement in one is not always an improvement in the other.
Unwinding loops will usually come well before casting.

Enough rambling about casting and one final point on interfaces. Use
them on every published method you can. They will allow you to tune the
internals of your class without effecting the published contract.


 Peter B. West wrote:
   I have no objection at all, as long as it costs nothing.  It is free,
   isn't it?
   Jeremias Maerki wrote

Re: interface instead of implementation

2002-11-10 Thread Jeremias Maerki
Hi Peter

Sorry, that question slipped away under my fingers. But thanks, Kevin,
for this excellent answer. I couldn't have done it better. So if I may
provide a short answer to your question and to sum up the mail by Kevin:
IMO the cost, if any, is by far not enough to outweigh the benefits
(code readability, clear design, maintenance costs etc) of using the
interface instead of the implementation. And I agree that instanceof is
to be used with caution.

On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 09:18:44 +1000 Peter B. West wrote:
 This was a serious question, really.  Joerg, when he gets back, might 
 like to comment on this, because it was as a result of some of his input 
 that I first realised there was a significant cost associated with such 
 Java fundamentals as instanceof and type casting.  Those discussions 
 gave me much food for thought.  So I'll rephrase the question: what, if 
 anything, is the cost of using the interface instead of the implementation?
 Peter B. West wrote:
   I have no objection at all, as long as it costs nothing.  It is free,
   isn't it?
   Jeremias Maerki wrote:
   Fellow FOP developers,
   would you mind using the interface instead of the implementation where
   possible? Map instead of HashMap, List instead of ArrayList. I've seen
   this habit in a number of places and not only by Keiron! I've made it a
   habit to follow this pattern

Jeremias Maerki

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RE: HashMaps (WAS:RE: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-07 Thread Rhett Aultman
Well, we can get as detailed as people want.  I just figured that, while we were 
throwing around ideas about what kind of programming paradigm and idioms we want, we 
may wish to consider using different kind of Reference objects or Collections that 
employ them (ala a WeakHashMap) in certain cases.  Judiciously used WeakReferences can 
pay out in spades on memory usage, which can also mean a performance boost in 
processing time as the GC isn't running as freuqently.  We could get more detailed in 
a discussion of this if you're interested, though...what aspects of Reference use did 
you want to discuss?

-Original Message-
From: Peter B. West [mailto:pbwest;]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: HashMaps (WAS:RE: interface instead of implementation)

Rhett, Jeremias,

I was hoping there might be a little more detailed discussion here.  I 
have no experience of WeakHashMaps or the various Reference objects, but 
I have been thinking about using Reference objects, rather than direct 
references, to point to the Nodes in my Tree, with the idea that at 
least the first iteration in a cache/retrieve cycle on a subtree could 
be handled transparently within the Tree.


Rhett Aultman wrote:
 Mostly it was for caching benefits.  As I said, though, I haven't read enough code 
to know.  I just thought I'd throw it out as a possibile way to save on memory usage 
when FOP processes large documents.  *shrug* ;)
 -Original Message-
 From: Jeremias Maerki [mailto:dev.jeremias;]
 For caching and if done correctly, yes, there could be benefits.
 WeakReferences can be used if you have objects you want to keep but
 you're not angry when they get swept away by the GC. Good for keeping
 images and fonts in memory, but for overall FOP I don't see any use case.
 Or can anyone think of another one?
 On 06.11.2002 18:16:47 Rhett Aultman wrote:
You mentioned HashMaps briefly here.  I suppose I could try auditing the
code and answering my own question here, but I have very little free
time in general. (Hopefully, I'll have more free time after
Saturday...I've spent a lot of time for weeks studying for the GRE). So,
I'll just ask- has anyone considered looking into the potential memory
benefits of using WeakHashMaps instead of HashMaps?

Lord, to whom shall we go?

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Re: HashMaps (WAS:RE: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-07 Thread Jeremias Maerki
I didn't intend to kill that discussion with my response. I'm not a
specialist on those Reference classes but I've heard enough to say that
it can be tricky and should probably not be used just because it's sexy.
I'd vote for not using them unless there is a real good reason. I'm not
sure about your use case, but you might just have to do some research.
I'm sorry not to be more of a help.

Here's one URL describing the stuff in short. I'm sure there are better

On Thu, 07 Nov 2002 09:54:51 +1000 Peter B. West wrote:
 I was hoping there might be a little more detailed discussion here.  I 
 have no experience of WeakHashMaps or the various Reference objects, but 
 I have been thinking about using Reference objects, rather than direct 
 references, to point to the Nodes in my Tree, with the idea that at 
 least the first iteration in a cache/retrieve cycle on a subtree could 
 be handled transparently within the Tree.

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: HashMaps (WAS:RE: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-07 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias, Rhett,

I didn't realise that Reference objects were sexy, which seems to imply 
that was not my reason for being interested in them.  Basically, Rhett, 
I was prompting for peoples' experiences, if any.

Jeremias Maerki wrote:
I didn't intend to kill that discussion with my response. I'm not a
specialist on those Reference classes but I've heard enough to say that
it can be tricky and should probably not be used just because it's sexy.
I'd vote for not using them unless there is a real good reason. I'm not
sure about your use case, but you might just have to do some research.
I'm sorry not to be more of a help.

Say I have a tree, one line of which looks something like this:

+-+-| 0 | P | | C | | C |
|  |  +---+---+-+---+-...-+---+
|  |^ | |
|  ||  +--+ +--...
|  ||  |
|  ||  v
|  |  +---+-+-+-+---+-...-+---+
|  +--+-R | P | | C | | C |
| +---+---+-+---+-...-+---+
|   ^ | |
|   |  +--+ +--...
|   |  |
|   |  v
| +---+---+-+---+-...-+---+
+-+-R | P | | C | | C |
  | |
   +--+ +--...

etc., where C are the child references, P are the parent references and 
R are the root references, necessary in this case because the root of 
the FO tree has turned into a singleton with a lot of the common data 
used by properties and FO nodes.

Instead of using direct references for the C and P pointers, I have been 
thinking vaguely about using some kind of indirect reference - type 
unknown as yet.  Ignoring R pointers for now, if I want to cache a 
subtree, the Reference objects seem to offer the possibility of 
indicating that the caching is required, and leaving the actual caching 
operation until GC demands it.  If the cached subtree is accessed in 
the meantime, it should be pushed to the end of the caching queue.  If 
the memory is reclaimed, the Reference object is alerted, and arranges 
to do the actual caching, then converts itself to a different kind of 
indirect reference, one which, when normally accessed, will arrange to 
retrieve the cached subtree, and reestablish it as a pending.

These things just sound interesting - sexy, even, now that you mention 
it - though I doubt their sex appeal was a strong motive for creating 
them.  The raw documentation doesn't really give much of a feel for 
their potential.

Lord, to whom shall we go?

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RE: HashMaps (WAS:RE: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-07 Thread Rhett Aultman
Something like what you're describing might be doable with SoftReference objects.  
Basically, you could consider a SoftReference to be much like a regular reference 
except that, whereas the GC must respect regular references at all times, it's allowed 
to ignore SoftReferences when it's trying to free memory.  The guarantee is that 
SoftReferences will be broken before memory runs out (whereas, of course, regular ones 
aren't).  JVMs can do as they want with them (regarding the choice to reclaim or not) 
the rest of the time, but I don't think they're particularly aggressive on them.

In this case, if your pointers were SoftReferences, then everything would be in a 
GC-enforced expirable cache.  If a subtree is accessed prior to the GC reclaiming it, 
the accessing body would contain a hard reference to it.  The hard reference trumps 
the soft one, so the subtree is now safe from collection until the hard reference is 
released.  If the subtree's children should be held on to at this time, then it will 
need to hold hard references to them as well.

The biggest issue in working with References is in analyzing how the part of the 
program using SoftReferences will interact with the rest of the program.  An entire 
chunk of your program can use regular references internally, but if that chunk is 
softly referred to the rest of the program, the entire chunk can be GCed as needed.  
Using hard references internally in that subsystem, though, ensures that the entire 
subsystem is atomically GCed, whereas with soft references, anything could go at any 

This can be a complex and dicey issue, and I'd be happy to discuss it with you 
further, but maybe we should take the conversation off-line, since it doesn't seem to 
be FOP specific?

-Original Message-
From: Peter B. West [mailto:pbwest;]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: HashMaps (WAS:RE: interface instead of implementation)

Instead of using direct references for the C and P pointers, I have been 
thinking vaguely about using some kind of indirect reference - type 
unknown as yet.  Ignoring R pointers for now, if I want to cache a 
subtree, the Reference objects seem to offer the possibility of 
indicating that the caching is required, and leaving the actual caching 
operation until GC demands it.  If the cached subtree is accessed in 
the meantime, it should be pushed to the end of the caching queue.  If 
the memory is reclaimed, the Reference object is alerted, and arranges 
to do the actual caching, then converts itself to a different kind of 
indirect reference, one which, when normally accessed, will arrange to 
retrieve the cached subtree, and reestablish it as a pending.

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Re: HashMaps (WAS:RE: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-07 Thread Peter B. West

Thanks for this.

Rhett Aultman wrote:

This can be a complex and dicey issue, and I'd be happy to discuss it with

 you further, but maybe we should take the conversation off-line,
 since it doesn't seem to be FOP specific?
Not for now - this is percolating in the back of the mind - but I'll 
remember the offer.

Lord, to whom shall we go?

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interface instead of implementation

2002-11-06 Thread Jeremias Maerki
Fellow FOP developers,

would you mind using the interface instead of the implementation where
possible? Map instead of HashMap, List instead of ArrayList. I've seen
this habit in a number of places and not only by Keiron! I've made it a
habit to follow this pattern:

import java.util.List;


private List myvalues = new java.util.ArrayList();

ArrayList never gets imported. That makes it easier to switch between
implementation, for example if you have to switch between the
unsynchronized ArrayList and the synchronized Vector. The decision which
implementation to take should happen at one place in the code, not at
many places. For Map there exist new implementations in Jakarta Commons
Collections, for example. A method that takes List parameters (instead
of ArrayList) is more universal.

Thank you all!

On 6 Nov 2002 15:07:04 - keiron wrote:
   + * Traits for this area stored in a HashMap
   + */
   +protected HashMap props = null;

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: interface instead of implementation

2002-11-06 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 16:18, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
. . .
 would you mind using the interface instead of the implementation where

big +1.
The only drawback is when you need to clone Collections, but the benefits far 
outweigh this I think.

Maybe a minimal best practices or style guide document for developers 
would be nice, I don't think there is one already?


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Re: interface instead of implementation

2002-11-06 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 16:25:24 +0100 Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
 On Wednesday 06 November 2002 16:18, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
 . . .
  would you mind using the interface instead of the implementation where
 big +1.

Thanks for your support.

 The only drawback is when you need to clone Collections, but the benefits far 
 outweigh this I think.

I agree.

 Maybe a minimal best practices or style guide document for developers 
 would be nice, I don't think there is one already?

We've discussed coding style issues a few weeks ago. But we still
haven't hammered anything down, I think. Still on my todo list. I'll
have time for this in two or three weeks.

Jeremias Maerki

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RE: interface instead of implementation

2002-11-06 Thread Rhett Aultman
I wholeheartedly agree.  This is really just good style in general.

Maybe we should seriously consider a FOP developer coding standard and start writing 
it down and putting it on the site.  I'd offer to help with that.

-Original Message-
From: Jeremias Maerki [mailto:dev.jeremias;]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: interface instead of implementation

Fellow FOP developers,

would you mind using the interface instead of the implementation where
possible? Map instead of HashMap, List instead of ArrayList. I've seen
this habit in a number of places and not only by Keiron! I've made it a
habit to follow this pattern:

import java.util.List;


private List myvalues = new java.util.ArrayList();

ArrayList never gets imported. That makes it easier to switch between
implementation, for example if you have to switch between the
unsynchronized ArrayList and the synchronized Vector. The decision which
implementation to take should happen at one place in the code, not at
many places. For Map there exist new implementations in Jakarta Commons
Collections, for example. A method that takes List parameters (instead
of ArrayList) is more universal.

Thank you all!

On 6 Nov 2002 15:07:04 - keiron wrote:
   + * Traits for this area stored in a HashMap
   + */
   +protected HashMap props = null;

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: interface instead of implementation

2002-11-06 Thread Oleg Tkachenko
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Maybe a minimal best practices or style guide document for developers
would be nice, I don't think there is one already?

Some time ago Jeremias has promised us that already :)

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

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RE: interface instead of implementation

2002-11-06 Thread Rhett Aultman
Well, if he needs help getting it done, I'm available.

-Original Message-
From: Oleg Tkachenko [mailto:olegt;]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: interface instead of implementation

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

 Maybe a minimal best practices or style guide document for developers
 would be nice, I don't think there is one already?

Some time ago Jeremias has promised us that already :)

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

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FOP developer's style guide? (Was: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-06 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 16:31, Rhett Aultman wrote:
. . .
 Maybe we should seriously consider a FOP developer coding standard and
 start writing it down and putting it on the site.  I'd offer to help with
. . .

How about using a wiki page (web page where everyone can very easily write 
and edit) to work together on a draft style guide. including links to 
existing guides so we don't reinvent the wheel?

If I get some +1s on this I'll setup the page and publish its address here.


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RE: FOP developer's style guide? (Was: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-06 Thread Rhett Aultman
You get my +1.  A Wiki for a draft, followed by a vote for commitment to a less 
malleable form, is the best way I could see for us to do this.

-Original Message-
From: Bertrand Delacretaz [mailto:bdelacretaz;]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 10:48 AM
Subject: FOP developer's style guide? (Was: interface instead of

On Wednesday 06 November 2002 16:31, Rhett Aultman wrote:
. . .
 Maybe we should seriously consider a FOP developer coding standard and
 start writing it down and putting it on the site.  I'd offer to help with
. . .

How about using a wiki page (web page where everyone can very easily write 
and edit) to work together on a draft style guide. including links to 
existing guides so we don't reinvent the wheel?

If I get some +1s on this I'll setup the page and publish its address here.


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Re: interface instead of implementation

2002-11-06 Thread Jeremias Maerki
Hey, Rhett, that would be cool. But it involves reading through that
whole discussion again, trying to find a common line and distill that
into a nice little document. As I've said, I'll have time to do it, just
not now. If you take it, THANKS A LOT!

On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 10:37:12 -0500 Rhett Aultman wrote:
 Well, if he needs help getting it done, I'm available.
 -Original Message-
 From: Oleg Tkachenko [mailto:olegt;]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 10:32 AM
 Subject: Re: interface instead of implementation
 Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
  Maybe a minimal best practices or style guide document for developers
  would be nice, I don't think there is one already?
 Some time ago Jeremias has promised us that already :)

I know, I know. :-) See my other mail.

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: FOP developer's style guide? (Was: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-06 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 16:48:11 +0100 Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
 On Wednesday 06 November 2002 16:31, Rhett Aultman wrote:
 . . .
  Maybe we should seriously consider a FOP developer coding standard and
  start writing it down and putting it on the site.  I'd offer to help with
 . . .
 How about using a wiki page (web page where everyone can very easily write 
 and edit) to work together on a draft style guide. including links to 
 existing guides so we don't reinvent the wheel?
 If I get some +1s on this I'll setup the page and publish its address here.

Jeremias Maerki

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RE: FOP developer's style guide? (Was: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-06 Thread Sauyet, Scott (OTS-HAR)
 How about using a wiki page [ ... ]


  -- Scott

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Re: interface instead of implementation

2002-11-06 Thread Jeremias Maerki
Sorry, Keiron, for explicitly mentioning you. I was just working in the
maint branch seeing all those ArrayLists (former Vectors) and HashMaps
(former Hashtables) that are creeping through all the code. And then
your CVS commit came... I know I can be an elephant in a porcelaine
store sometimes. Sorry.

Anyway, I intend to overtake you with style error fixing soon. :-)

On 06 Nov 2002 16:43:06 +0100 Keiron Liddle wrote:
 Since I have removed over 3000 style errors you give me a bit of slack!!

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: FOP developer's style guide? (Was: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-06 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
Wow, that's a quick vote...

I have setup the page at
with a most basic style guide skeleton.

I have to run now, but feel free to work on it. Make sure you keep copies of 
what you write, I cannot guarantee backups on this server yet.


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HashMaps (WAS:RE: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-06 Thread Rhett Aultman
You mentioned HashMaps briefly here.  I suppose I could try auditing the code and 
answering my own question here, but I have very little free time in general. 
(Hopefully, I'll have more free time after Saturday...I've spent a lot of time for 
weeks studying for the GRE).  So, I'll just ask- has anyone considered looking into 
the potential memory benefits of using WeakHashMaps instead of HashMaps?

-Original Message-
From: Jeremias Maerki [mailto:dev.jeremias;]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: interface instead of implementation

Sorry, Keiron, for explicitly mentioning you. I was just working in the
maint branch seeing all those ArrayLists (former Vectors) and HashMaps
(former Hashtables) that are creeping through all the code. And then
your CVS commit came... I know I can be an elephant in a porcelaine
store sometimes. Sorry.

Anyway, I intend to overtake you with style error fixing soon. :-)

On 06 Nov 2002 16:43:06 +0100 Keiron Liddle wrote:
 Since I have removed over 3000 style errors you give me a bit of slack!!

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: HashMaps (WAS:RE: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-06 Thread Jeremias Maerki
For caching and if done correctly, yes, there could be benefits.
WeakReferences can be used if you have objects you want to keep but
you're not angry when they get swept away by the GC. Good for keeping
images and fonts in memory, but for overall FOP I don't see any use case.
Or can anyone think of another one?

On 06.11.2002 18:16:47 Rhett Aultman wrote:
 You mentioned HashMaps briefly here.  I suppose I could try auditing the
 code and answering my own question here, but I have very little free
 time in general. (Hopefully, I'll have more free time after
 Saturday...I've spent a lot of time for weeks studying for the GRE). So,
 I'll just ask- has anyone considered looking into the potential memory
 benefits of using WeakHashMaps instead of HashMaps?

Jeremias Maerki

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RE: HashMaps (WAS:RE: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-06 Thread Rhett Aultman
Mostly it was for caching benefits.  As I said, though, I haven't read enough code to 
know.  I just thought I'd throw it out as a possibile way to save on memory usage when 
FOP processes large documents.  *shrug* ;)

-Original Message-
From: Jeremias Maerki [mailto:dev.jeremias;]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: HashMaps (WAS:RE: interface instead of implementation)

For caching and if done correctly, yes, there could be benefits.
WeakReferences can be used if you have objects you want to keep but
you're not angry when they get swept away by the GC. Good for keeping
images and fonts in memory, but for overall FOP I don't see any use case.
Or can anyone think of another one?

On 06.11.2002 18:16:47 Rhett Aultman wrote:
 You mentioned HashMaps briefly here.  I suppose I could try auditing the
 code and answering my own question here, but I have very little free
 time in general. (Hopefully, I'll have more free time after
 Saturday...I've spent a lot of time for weeks studying for the GRE). So,
 I'll just ask- has anyone considered looking into the potential memory
 benefits of using WeakHashMaps instead of HashMaps?

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: HashMaps (WAS:RE: interface instead of implementation)

2002-11-06 Thread Peter B. West
Rhett, Jeremias,

I was hoping there might be a little more detailed discussion here.  I 
have no experience of WeakHashMaps or the various Reference objects, but 
I have been thinking about using Reference objects, rather than direct 
references, to point to the Nodes in my Tree, with the idea that at 
least the first iteration in a cache/retrieve cycle on a subtree could 
be handled transparently within the Tree.


Rhett Aultman wrote:
Mostly it was for caching benefits.  As I said, though, I haven't read enough code to know.  I just thought I'd throw it out as a possibile way to save on memory usage when FOP processes large documents.  *shrug* ;)

-Original Message-
From: Jeremias Maerki [mailto:dev.jeremias;]

For caching and if done correctly, yes, there could be benefits.
WeakReferences can be used if you have objects you want to keep but
you're not angry when they get swept away by the GC. Good for keeping
images and fonts in memory, but for overall FOP I don't see any use case.
Or can anyone think of another one?

On 06.11.2002 18:16:47 Rhett Aultman wrote:

You mentioned HashMaps briefly here.  I suppose I could try auditing the
code and answering my own question here, but I have very little free
time in general. (Hopefully, I'll have more free time after
Saturday...I've spent a lot of time for weeks studying for the GRE). So,
I'll just ask- has anyone considered looking into the potential memory
benefits of using WeakHashMaps instead of HashMaps?

Lord, to whom shall we go?

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Re: interface instead of implementation

2002-11-06 Thread Peter B. West

I have no objection at all, as long as it costs nothing.  It is free, 
isn't it?


Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Fellow FOP developers,

would you mind using the interface instead of the implementation where
possible? Map instead of HashMap, List instead of ArrayList. I've seen
this habit in a number of places and not only by Keiron! I've made it a
habit to follow this pattern


Lord, to whom shall we go?

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