Re: [fpc-other] Mac Questions

2007-10-30 Thread Marco van de Voort
 This is kind of not pascal related..
 Can one use a Mac to compile BSD web programs and then upload these BSD 
 to a BSD server?
 Can one create ELF on Mac and upload to a linux server fairly easily.. 
 to Windows where it is harder to make Elf's)

No. The trouble of crosscompiling to *nix doesn't lie in ELF, but in the way
of shared linking that requires (in the current form) libraries on the host.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Re: fpc-other Digest, Vol 10, Issue 3

2007-10-31 Thread Marco van de Voort
  Cross compiling on a Mac is no more difficult than cross-compiling on
  BSD or Linux. The only thing to keep in mind is that if you need to
  generate i386 programs, the host compiler has to be an i386 binary as
  well currently.
 Which Mac compilers/computers not capable of producing i386?
 Take the typical Mac user today, for example.. with a typical up to date Mac..
 or an older Mac from 2 years ago or similar time period.

Afaik all of them. Has to do with bootstrapping the compiler, and different
sizes of extended afaik.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Re: [fpc-pascal] PCRE

2007-11-13 Thread Marco van de Voort
 The fact that we cannot use JCL code inside freepascal is in fact very much on
 topic. The fact that the freepascal compiler is distributed with a license
 called GPL is in fact very much on topic since it relates to the Pascal
 compiler, download, installation, etc.

First, it is more likely  because that we maintain a LGPL-with-exception
distribution policy, not because of the compiler license.

Second, the issue is symmetrical.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] FPC Hypocrisy: overloaded L505

2008-02-26 Thread Marco van de Voort
 Florian Klaempfl wrote:
Skybuck Flying schrieb:
For records, I would use an extension field like:
I would hardly call that obfuscation :)
   Having the same name for different things is always obfuscation.
 procedure test;
 procedure test(i: integer);
 procedure test(s: string);
 // oh shit, a STRING? Shortstring? or ANSISTRING!!

UTF16 Widestring on Tiburon (D2008 when it comes out) even.

(rest of rant skipped). 

You are partially right. If you encounter code that uses a string and its
implementation expects a certain type, please file a bug.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Turbo51

2008-07-05 Thread Marco van de Voort
 I think that the biggest problem for using it in a commercial project
 is that it is not open source and a hobby project. There is a risk it
 gets abandoned.

Yes. But that depends on the scale of you rusage.
 For PIC microcontrollers there is a good amount of a Pascal compilers.

For 8-bitters there are some, but for 16 none. Moreover I didn't like the
that much. 

To be honest, there is no point also, since we mostly only instrument the
hardware building blocks.
fpc-other maillist  -

[fpc-other] What would your second language be and why?

2008-12-06 Thread Marco van de Voort

But  there comes a time, when I like to extend my knowledge a bit.
Pick up some new skills and maybe ever carry those skills over to my
daytime job and programming language.

First, on what primary grounds do you select the language? Commercial (iow
something to put on your resume) or technical skills?

If commercial, and aiming at larger business, pick either C# and Java.  If
technical, pick something that is complementary rather than competing to the
skills you already have.

But first, decide if you want to target larger or smaller companies. 
Smaller companies are less rigid in their language ways.

Also, the languages you picked are geared at the straight administrative
side of programming, where both the money and competition is biggest. 

If you go numeric, embedded (and there are several levels there), choices
can be different.

From the start I have been a big fan of the Java programming language.
To me, it's a very clean and well designed language and is relatively
easy to learn and understand. Just a shame the GUI performance was so
bad, though that was many years back. I don't know if things have
improved since.

I never really liked Java syntax. I don't mind the language itself so much,
but there is no love lost there. 

I don't want to learn some obscure
 anguage like D or F# that nobody would hire you for - there just
isn't a commercial demand for such languages, no matter how good
features they have.

So, the commercial angle. Well, blindly selecting, VB.NET or C# then. Maybe
if you have a feel for the industry that you go to (say they are not
typically MS shops, but IBM or Sun), Java could be a choice too.

Anyway, what I see as mainstream at the moment is Java and C#. Both
seem to be well designed, commercially acceptable (from a job hiring
point of view) and appears to be clean code. Scripting / interpreted
languages like Perl etc are out! So for me, it seems a choice between
C# and Java. So far I am leaning towards Java, because it's more open
(no big giant monopoly hanging over it), been around for years and is
commercially viable. Development tools, documentation etc are plenty
full! Plus it's well supported on just about any OS and device.

Don't try to rationalize a commercial decision with technical arguments. It
is pointless.

 * What's your thoughts between Java vs C#?

Roughly the same. Choice boils down to allegiance of your future employer to
either MS or Sun/IBM.  The size of the C# language scares me a bit though,
specially the heaps of modifiers, and new syntax every two years. Though for
the former one could argue where C# stops, and MSVC modifiers start.

 * Have you got a better choice in mind and why?

While learning C#, learn VB.NET too. Not that hard, and VB.NET shops are
often in desperate need for that one programmer that solves the problems the
hordes can't.

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Re: [fpc-pascal] Illogical automatic dereferencing

2009-10-13 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Jonas Maebe said:
  Then another person pops up and asks why it is allowed only for  
  pchar/pwidechar being illogical because this is not orthogonal.
 Undoubtedly. I guess the best solution is to have that Delphi switch  
 so everyone can set the behaviour he/she prefers.

I guess some choice is fine, but I wouldn't change the default behaviour,
except for Delphi mode. It breaks a lot of code (e.g. fcl-image uses it a
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Lazarus LRS to Delphi DCR

2009-12-30 Thread Marco van de Voort
On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 09:29:13AM -0200, wrote:
 I'm creating a set of components for lazarus/delphi.
 Now I'm creating the icons for the component palette. So I drawed it on
 inkscape, created a shell script to convert from svg = png = xpm = bmp
 and from these xpm files I create a lazarus resource (LRS). I'm USING
 But now, I don't know how to create delphi DCR from LRS (or from BMP files)
 without go to Windows.

Note that like many Delphi binary formats, it might be version specific.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Re: [fpc-pascal] Pascal dialect -- was: Re: fpc-pascal Digest, Vol 72, Issue 12y

2010-06-04 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:
  The main goal is implementing stuff we care about. If Delphi already 
  something similar, then unless there is an extremely good reason for doing 
  differently, it is stupid to implement it in a different way simply because 
  don't want to follow Delphi:
 This brings me to another question. Don't you guys feel that FPC is
 good enough to stand on it's own feet.

As far as I know it always has

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Pascal dialect -- was: Re: fpc-pascal Digest, Vol 72, Issue 12

2010-06-05 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho said:
 It seams to me that they only standarize the language itself,
 something which could be done adding a {$Mode ExtPascal} or something.
 Having said that, think that Object Pascal as we know it should also
 have a standard.

Such discussions have raged several times. But most good standards are the
result of a multi-vendor effort, usually under the pressure of their
customers. (like the ansi C and POSIX standarization)

Unilateral standards rarely make sense, since the single vendor can deviate
from them at any time, and might not even implement it fully (e.g. OOXML)
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Re: [fpc-devel] Parallel processing in the compiler

2010-09-06 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Henry Vermaak said:
  how it should integrate with Windows, and how it should handle
  LineEnding characters etc. ?Nothing difficult about it, and the tools
  included work just fine.
 Yes, I'm talking about msysgit.  It installs a whole msys tree, which
 I am not interested in, as I've explained above.  Perhaps I'll try and
 build git inside my own msys.  I have no idea why they just didn't
 integrate it - I'm sure there must be a reason.

Afaik, like cywin, msys has also started with keeping a global state. It
might be possible that recent builds of GIT have problems with installing
 multiple versions (or just moving them), while olders (that Graeme uses)
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Fork

2010-10-22 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Adem said:
 I don't mind the filter; this is life, it happens,
 But, I must say I am disappointed at the lack of management skills.

You should ask yourself how management skills work in a community where
nobody can force work on sb else.

Graeme's last mail where he explains he just wants to drop quick and dirty
patches AND IT IS FPC'S CORE TEAM JOB to make head or tails of it,
explains the fundamental misconception better than I could do here.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Fork

2010-10-24 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:
  Graeme's last mail where he explains he just wants to drop quick and dirty
  patches AND IT IS FPC'S CORE TEAM JOB to make head or tails of it,
  explains the fundamental misconception better than I could do here.
 And here I thought that is what a detailed commit log is for. Correct
 me if I'm wrong, but it seems the norm of SubVersion users is to give
 one liner commit comments. That is just wrong. The normal in Git
 repositories, well at least git.git repo and our company repos, is to
 give a much more detailed commit message. Makes applying patches a
 breeze, as well as when you have no review a old commit.

I don't understand what providing quick and dirty patches that are not
cleansed in the bug tracker has to do with a VCS. Either SVN, GIT or etching
sources into metal plates.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] old installer

2012-03-01 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, P?ter, Bugledits said:
 I'm searching for old 1.X (official) FreePascal installers for all
 platform, especially for DOS (go32v1 and go32v2), OS2, win32 and
 linux. But I can't found installers older than version 2.X. Can you
 help me, where can I find these installers?

All versions before 2.2.2 were retracted due copyright issues. 

The go32v1-go32v2 change happened years before 1.0.x.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Re: fpc-other Digest, Vol 62, Issue 1

2012-10-07 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Mark Morgan Lloyd said:
  He unsubscribed from all FPC lists immediately after he sent his last 
 Highly regrettable, but at least it happened /before/ all of the mailing 
 lists etc. were transitioned to a system which the core project 
 maintainers didn't understand and might not be in control of.
 That's not to say that the current system is perfect, in particular I 
 think that everybody agrees that better integration of forums and 
 mailing lists would be a Good Thing.

Personally, I think the whole discussion has to be too tools centric.
Content, that matters.

That is not to say that the current website doesn't have problems (a TCL
dependency to regenerate the makefiles, and the generator tool has a custom
cwstring that needs regular fixing).

IIRC I can't currently run all of it on FreeBSD, so I actually update the
website from a work fedora machine.

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Re: fpc-other Digest, Vol 62, Issue 1

2012-10-07 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Jonas Maebe said:
  Highly regrettable, but at least it happened /before/ all of the mailing
  lists etc.  were transitioned to a system which the core project
  maintainers didn't understand and might not be in control of.
 I don't think he ever insisted on that, and even if he did, that would
 never have happened.  He was offering to help, not threatening a hostile
 takeover.  As Tomas said, his proposal would have been a good candidate
 for replacing the broken community site.

Why run a separate forum from Lazarus?
fpc-other maillist  -

[fpc-other] FPC 2.6.2 released!

2013-02-24 Thread Marco van de Voort

Finally, FPC 2.6.2 has landed. FPC 2.6.2 is an update to 2.6.0 that
contains most library progress in 2012 and some crucial
compiler fixes, as well as a few new targets.

Building is still in progress and some formats (deb,rpm) and targets might
not be available yet. 

Changes that may break backwards compatibility are documented at:

For Downloads, please use the FTP server at

and sourceforge

as much possible.


The Free Pascal Compiler Team

Free Pascal Compiler

Version 2.6.2

  What's New in 2.6.2

Free Pascal 2.6.2 is a point release from the 2.6.0 fixes branch.

Please also see for a list
of changes that may affect the behaviour of previously working code, and
how to cope with these changes.

Some highlights are:

  * Improvements and fixes for the ARM architecture

  * New package fpindexer (indexing engine)
  * Support for observer pattern added to fcl-base (and base classes in RTL)
  * Lots and lots fixes and improvements for fcl-db
* Support for JSON dataset added among others
  * Fixes and improvements for fcl-passrc (and fpdoc)
  * Updates for PTCPas and gtk2
  * fpmkunit improvements (better support for future switch to fpmake)
  * Several fixes for x11
  * Several fixes for winunits (and winceunits)

  * Improvements to the NativeNT target (newly introduced as alpha in 2.6.0)
  * Many fixes for OpenBSD and NetBSD (considered in beta state now)
  * Internal ELF writer supported for more BSD targets
  * Fixes and improvements for gba and nds

See for the list of reported
bugs which have been fixed in this release.

fpc-other maillist  -

[fpc-other] Free Pascal 2.6.4-rc1 released!

2013-12-19 Thread Marco van de Voort

We have placed the first release candidate of the Free Pascal Compiler
version 2.6.4 on our ftp servers.

You can help improve the upcoming 2.6.4 release by downloading and
testing this release. If you want you can report what you have done here:

Changes that may break backwards compatibility are documented at:

Downloads are available at the main FTP server and


The Free Pascal Compiler Team

Free Pascal Compiler

Version 2.6.4rc1

  What's New in 2.6.4rc1

Free Pascal 2.6.4 is a point release from the 2.6.0 fixes branch.

Please also see for a list
of changes that may affect the behaviour of previously working code, and
how to cope with these changes.

Some highlights are:


  * Lots and lots fixes and improvements for fcl-db
  * web and json packages synchronized.
  * improvements to the chmcmd compiler.
  * Several fixes for winunits (and winceunits)


See for the list of reported
bugs which have been fixed in this release.

fpc-other maillist  -

[fpc-other] FPC 2.6.4 release!

2014-03-11 Thread Marco van de Voort

Finally, FPC 2.6.4 has landed. FPC 2.6.4 is an update to 2.6.2 and 2.6.0 that
contains most library progress over the 2.6.2. It will probably conclude the 
2.6.x branch.

Building is still in progress and some formats (deb) and targets might
not be available yet.

Changes that may break backwards compatibility are documented at:

Due to issues with mirroring, please use sourceforge as much as possible,

or the main (Hungarian) FTP server at

We hope the mirror will come into sync again in the coming


The Free Pascal Compiler Team

Free Pascal Compiler

Version 2.6.4

  What's New in 2.6.4

Free Pascal 2.6.4 is a point release from the 2.6.0 fixes branch.

Please also see for a list
of changes that may affect the behaviour of previously working code, and
how to cope with these changes.

Some highlights are:

  * Lots and lots fixes and improvements for fcl-db
  * web and json packages synchronized.
  * improvements to the chmcmd compiler.
  * Several fixes for winunits (and winceunits)

  * Many additions
  * fpjson documented.

See for the list of reported
bugs which have been fixed in this release.

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] PROLOG written in Pascal

2014-09-21 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Hans-Peter Diettrich said:
  I don't understand why interested people couldn't implement mark/release for
  the base TP compatible level of FPC ?  What is so different between TP and
  FPC there?
 Perhaps it's the effort to support it for multiple architectures?

Afaik only if you try to optimize it it gets OS and arch specific.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Anybody using ultra-wide or square monitors for programming?

2015-03-22 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:
 Or something like the Eizo FlexScan EV2730Q which is a 27 1920x1920
 resolution monitor. Giving you back that critically important vertical
 space we lost since wide screen monitors got introduced.
 I really like the idea of the Eizo square monitor. Anybody using any of
 these (or similar) for programming?

I use a 27 Ilyama Prolite fullhd screen rotated to portrait with a
secondary fullhd screen (a cheaper one) for the few cases that rotated
dimensions are annoying for about half an year now.

I'm quite happy about the setup. (for work at home, Delphi, Windows) Not
just the programming benefits, but also e.g.  PDF reading (specs,
datasheets) is improved.

It is just a matter of learning the keybindings to toss apps quickly between
screens for e.g. design work that needs the full width.

If the landscape screen is not in use, I usually have a notepad with notes
or so open in it.

Lazarus is even easier than Delphi, since it has no sidebars to hide or make
autohide. Just make whatever you don't need floating again, and use F11 etc
to pop them up again.

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] [fpc-pascal] Google Code closing down

2015-03-15 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, vfclists . said:
 Now Florian, considering your preference for GUI tools, won't the
 development of cross platform Git GUI surpassing Tortoise Git, Github and
 Atlassian's tools, SmartGit and whatever be the best advert for Lazarus and
 FPC? There would such a major flow of patches coming in that you would have
 to stop coding actively and review the patches going in like Linus does.

Yeah, and I have interesting property on the moon to sell. I've a feeling
you are the perfect guy for it :-)

Arguments on change your infrastructure like this and the hordes will come
are considered with very big scepticism. Call it Voort's law if you will.

Since somehow those hordes never materialize.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] [fpc-pascal] Google Code closing down

2015-03-16 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:
  A better metric might be finding somebody who offers a selection of VCS 
  protocols (possibly with a common backend- I believe such things exist?) 
  and then looking at the relative use for checkouts etc.
 You can start by looking at the following Wikipedia page
 See the Popularity section. GitHub sits and 19.8mil projects.

If you look on the github referenced page, its repositories, not projects.
The translation to projects is wikipedias own.

The fact that github+gitlab  projects people and by others the other way
around should ring a bell.

I get the feeling these stats are meaningless because github has a large 
excess of personal repositories that skews stats, while sf was more
collaboration oriented.

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] $100, 000 for C++ implementation of FPC's -CR option

2015-08-14 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Karoly Balogh (Charlie/SGR) said:
  Well, now all they need is a decent equivalent to Pascal's units (instead of
  relying on preprocessor hacks such as #include),
 Meet the C(++) Modules proposal:

And Stroustrup is considering modules for C++17:
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] $100, 000 for C++ implementation of FPC's -CR option

2015-08-14 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Nikolay Nikolov said:
 Yes, I know about that too, but I'm still wondering why it took so long. 
 C++ has an everything but the kitchen sink approach, where they 
 introduce every programming language feature they can think of into the 
 language (they had generics before everyone else, they have multiple 
 inheritance, esoteric class inheritance modes (protected inheritance, 
 wtf), template metaprogramming, etc.), so it's surprising modules took 
 so long.

I'm not deep in the C++ scene, Nico is probably better at answering this,
but if I would have to guess probably a matter of demand. Till now legacy
requirements outweight demand for a solution to this. Also because most C++
don't know or don't want to know the problems.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Git repository of FPC not syncing with SVN

2017-02-12 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Victor Campillo said:
> I mostly use Git to checkout FPC development and today I saw that the 
> Git repository created by Graeme is not in sync with Subversion since 6 
> days ago.

> Graeme, could you check the issue?

Considering the date, that might be the 3.0.2 branching it choked on.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Git repository of FPC not syncing with SVN

2017-02-12 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Victor Campillo said:
> > Considering the date, that might be the 3.0.2 branching it choked on.
> So, this means that 3.0.2 will be released soon or there will be an 
> another RC?

Relatively soon, one or two weeks, depending how building goes, final, no
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] [fpc-pascal] Delphi may have Linux support next year

2016-08-30 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:
> > Also afaik the compiler is the same as for mobile targets, with probably the
> > same limitations, and not the win32/win64 delphi compiler.
> :-/

Note that I heard this when it first came on the roadmap. I haven't seen any
confirmation/repitition of that tidbit in the newer rounds of roadmap news
(this summer) yet.

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] [fpc-pascal] Delphi may have Linux support next year

2016-08-30 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:
> > What might be interesting is if the Delphi command line compiler could run
> > on AMD64 Linux, but that's yet to be seen.
> [I would assume your message is off-topic, so I set the reply-to of this
> message to FPC-Other]

> I doubt it will actually run on Linux, because then they would also need
> a debugger, which then begs for an IDE to make debugging easier. So in
> all likelihood, you would need a copy (and license) of Windows to
> develop for Linux - just like you need for OSX/iOS development.

Yes, it is a crosscompiler with their paserver remote debug solution.

Also afaik the compiler is the same as for mobile targets, with probably the
same limitations, and not the win32/win64 delphi compiler.

> Just stick with FPC and have native tools for each platform. I see no
> benefit of having Delphi these days. Delphi is outshined by Free Pascal
> and Lazarus IDE for some years now.

The debug experience under Delphi is still several times better than
Lazarus.  More expressions evaluate directly, and types are more easily
browsed and inspectable (specially under D2010+ which has proper debug
support for collection types)

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] [fpc-pascal] Missing messages

2016-10-31 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:
> They even allow "limited commercial use" with it. I don't know the
> details though.

iirc up to Eur/$ 1000 turnover. I don't know if you can use it in a big
corporation inhouse to send 3 values to your PLC via serial though (since
how to calculate turnover in that case?)
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Your thoughts on cloud based server instances?

2017-03-11 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:
> > 100 bucks, I'm not complaining, since a standard T1 is only 1.54MBPS.
> Here in the UK they have been trial'ing 1Gbps fiber-to-the-home
> connections in a single town for a couple months now. The rate is
> ?30/month. I can't remember the exact upload speed, I think it was 100Mbps.

In most Dutch cities too. I'm currently on 60/60mbps for 65 eur/month triple
play. (fullhd TV, internet, telephone landline). 100mbps and higher speeds
are also available.

It is a bit expensive though, and I want to downgrade, but they seem to have
abandoned their cheaper offerings. So probably back to cable again soon.

P.s. the best thing about fiber is the latency and general reliability.
(ssh's never time out)
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Anyone using Orange PI

2017-03-01 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Mark Morgan Lloyd said:
> I agree. Most of our RPis are actually running Debian, but in extremis 
> it's always possible to roll back to Raspbian as a baseline configuration.
> There are of course other small boards: Olimex, Odroid and now Asus. 
> However RPi does offer a fairly flexible and cost-effective range, and 
> unless the OP is considering shipping hundreds rather than 10s of boards 
> I suggest that getting onto both the Linux learning curve and one for 
> minority hardware is quite simply not cost-effective.

The problem is that rpi has no fast storage interface (like SATA), some of
the more expensive orangepis have sata. (though I'm not entirely sure if it
is not bridged via usb)
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Git & SVN

2017-05-23 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:
> As with any new applications or technologies, there is always some 
> learning curve (big or small). There are tons of bad habits ingrained in 
> SVN users. Those do not translate well to Git (thank goodness). Git 
> works fundamentally different to SVN (for the better). So you need a 
> change in mindset - some refuse, hence they struggle with Git. And then 
> wrongly blame Git for it. I fear this is most likely what happened with 
> Florian.

That is your very colored view about it, that automatically declares
non-gits stupid.

However in the last discussion we showed you various faqs (like from LLVM
and FreeBSD) that mirrored the FPC core teams.

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Git & SVN

2017-05-23 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Mark Morgan Lloyd said:
> Now I don't deny for a moment that Git has its advantages for 
> distributed working. But am I correct in my understanding that it has 
> nothing that maps directly onto the monotonic revision list of 
> traditional VCSs including Subversion?

Nope. There is only some hash, and various hacks to emulate with post commit
hooks, which is not at all the same in behaviour.

some info is at

merging, external repos were some of the other issues. (Potentially) solved 
issues since
the previous discussion were repo dictated configuration (for linefeeds),
and the ability to avoid certain branches to have multiple ends (thus
leaving the next committer with the unenviable choice to wait or potentially
make the situation even more complex).

All from memory of ourse.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Git & SVN

2017-05-24 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, said:
> >> impossible person is usually swiftly dealt with.
> > 
> > Honestly, I can't even... You sound like the Expert Beginner Twitter
> > account. No personal offense intended, but you just do.
> > 
> He's talking about Army of Programmers in a Building, an article I wrote 
> years ago ;-)
> Sometimes it's better to just walk over and talk to a real programmer in 
> a real building than it is to send some email over the christmas 
> holidays and wait 2 weeks for a reply for him to commit his changes.. 
> since he's in Barbados or Cuba on vacation.

The scenario was based on older commercial VCS systems (VSS, that Team thing
from Borland etc etc) that required explicit locking, and people would lock
files, change some formatting and then go on holiday before their real work
started.  During that time nobody could make changes to those files, and
even back then we already had some form of CI to a testserver that worked
from the VCS, so that also hampered testing your own mods.

Locks were notorious hard to break, and persons with the required
rights were often also rare during those periods.

And yes, if you did that, specially if the file was something central (like
a file that listed all commands accepted by the command processor), people
could get somewhat aggressive ;-)

The DVCS scenario is not as bad, but some simple prevention of this would
prevent some mistakes, and make the minefield for new devels a bit smaller,
thus save a lot of annoyance on all sides.

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Git & SVN

2017-05-23 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Karoly Balogh (Charlie/SGR) said:
> > Git just doesn't do KISS.
> You need an SVN server to start working with SVN. With Git, you go to a
> directory, do "git init" and start committing. Everything is local. Not
> sure how that's not KISS. (You can add a remote later, and then push to
> it, with the full history intact. This remote can even be an SVN repo.)

The previous discussions were about team use of GIT, to be specific, FPC
core repo.

The problem is that if problems get practical the advocatists suddenly step
back and aren't really able to do more than regurgitate either the standard
beginner "wisdoms" or "you shouldn't want this" or "this is the new improved
ways" or similar platitudes.

To get get back on track, I'll restate the question I posed in the last
message unambigously:

how to avoid that a push of member X doesn't leave a branch in an
undesirable state that leaves member Y three choices:

1. push anyway and make the mess worse
2. hold the commit/push
3. clean the mess himself.

In your own repository that is no problem, and even in companies this only
takes only a few LART/cluebat applications to fix. However in distributed
teams this is a pain.

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Git & SVN

2017-05-23 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Karoly Balogh (Charlie/SGR) said:
> > how to avoid that a push of member X doesn't leave a branch in an
> > undesirable state that leaves member Y three choices:
> How to avoid that member X with commit write access doesn't leave a branch
> in SVN in an undesirable state? :) You have to trust people, and choose
> who you give write access to a given branch/repository, really. This
> didn't really change and not an argument against git.

Trust is that people are not deliberately doing things. For accidental
things there are tools (except GIT, apparently)
> And well, in Git you don't push, but people who want to contribute, have a
> pull request. Then you can review that, and either apply to your tree or
> reject it. It's important to understand that in git all repositories are
> equal, and that I have a "make-amiga-great-again" branch, doesn't mean
> that you should have it, I could still send a pull request against your
> master branch, or whatever branch. All pull requests are just a set of
> changes, really.

Yeah, blabla, distributed, anarchy, world domination. I though I did mention
I wanted practical info?

> > 1. push anyway and make the mess worse
> > 2. hold the commit/push
> > 3. clean the mess himself.
> Well, ideally 

I was not asking for ideally. I was asking very specifically how a GIT in a
FPC team group would work.

And no, sending 40+ pull requests to all members of core does not count. So
there is one golden repo and that is what I'm talking about.

> easily. It's the responsibility of the maintainer of a given branch to
> accept that pull request or not, or request further changes before its
> accepted.

So tool failure is fixed by throwing manpower at it?

We don't have an approval person now, so a requirement to that would IMHO be
a dealbreaker for GIT.

> And talking about myself - as much as I enjoy just committing my crap to
> trunk, I sometimes would really prefer review. Not because I'm not a
> senior engineer, but especially because of that... Now if I don't want to
> do a branch in SVN which are huge and expensive (Git branches are cheap
> and small), I either have to commit it first anyway to trunk, then ask for
> a review, or send a patch for review first in e-mail, which is quite
> cumbersome. Plus there's absolutely no warranty, that I later commit the
> same patch which was reviewed.

I would like to have lots of extra manpower too, but I rather not spend it
on what in practice would be rubberstamping commits (and delays in 
distribution till something is approved if the reviewers are AFK). 

This is exactly what I wanted to avoid with the primary case posed in this
subthread: how to avoid blocking the central repo for commits (from a
practical viewpoint)
> At work, I don't even push against master, but I do a pull request against
> my own repository, and ask one of my senior colleagues to review... I
> don't know about you, but to me this sounds a lot more like teamwork, than
> going around beating up people "for wrongdoing" with a cluestick.

Then you don't understand what I mean. In the job you go see the person,
work something out, and problem sorted in a few minutes. The odd impossible
person is usually swiftly dealt with.

In distributed, volunteer driven, projects, people are away/nonresponsive for
extended periods of time, working hours (and days) don't match. Also working
this out via mail is much less productive.

> Of course in the end it's just like crypto - you need to have a chain of
> trust from the top, a group of trustees who will do the actual merging of
> the pull requests, reviews and then push it upstream/mainline/trunk. If
> one of these maintainers do a bad job, then you need to sort out that
> problem, but that doesn't mean the whole system is broken. It's similar to
> giving commit access to a developer who doesn't deserve it in SVN, really.

I know what an honor-system is. It doesn't protect against mistakes the day
before holiday. Remember the old locking VCSes ?

> Now, how the actual process would look with the FPC team, that's hard to
> define at this point. But the tools are there for it.
> Was this a proper answer, or I was beating around the bush in your views?
> :)

Sorry to say, but I didn't find anything new or usable in this post. It is
the standard "think different" nonsense from a very idealist viewpoint,
little practical details.

So I now give up this thread (and GIT).
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Git & SVN

2017-05-25 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Santiago A. said:
> Workflows are designed according with the tools you had when you
> designed it. Sometimes you improve your workflow as you improve your
> knowledge of tools. And sometimes you create new tools to improve your
> workflow.
> But sometimes other people create a new tools that improves the system
> but requires a dramatic change of workflow for better. I know Changing
> of mindset is never easy, but the attitude of "I won't change my
> workflow" closes the doors to any improvement.
> Many projects are using Git, we are not talking about early adopters or
> isnewisbetter guys. It has been tested in real world for several year,
> and may projects are moving to it. So I would give it a second chance.
> I'm doing so, in spite I'm not exactly a young boy and early adopter, I
> can see some advantages in git easy branching and merging.
> Evaluate git and workflows again as for the first time, as if it were
> the first time you have heard about it. Forget Graeme Geldenhuys,
> sometimes he says  things with manners that well, sometimes is looks
> like seducing people is not among his virtues but the other way around
> ;-),  Take a new fresh look to Git.

I've done so every time the discussion looks up. I also have some DVCS
experience with Mercurial, and I still don't see it.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] What makes a Compiler project (like FPC) special?

2017-05-25 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:
> Yet the ?packages? and ?rtl? directories is just that - which by the way 
> is part of the FPC project.

Yes, except some of the parts directly connected to the compiler and its
features (like exceptions, RTTI etc)

> And that is also where most commits have been going - based on the history
> I queried for the last 4-6 months. 

That overview is skewed by a high amount of work done on pas2js by Michael
and Mattias. It is atypical, and strictly speaking pas2js is ALSO a

Nikolay and Karoly (+ rest of Amiga committers) have been persistently high
this cycle though.

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] What makes a Compiler project (like FPC) special?

2017-05-25 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:

>Just to be clear, I'm not pushing Git here - I know you guys will
>not change - Florian made that very clear.

Yes, boundless leaps of faith are out of the question. Git should be a tool,
not a religion.

>But Florian's statements just bugged me, and I see no proof to
>convince me otherwise - a compiler is just a complex project.
>Nothing "special" as he claimed it to be.

I do think Nikolay's point of it being more interconnected describes it
fairly well. There are no narrow interfaces that are natural seams for
modularization inside the compiler.

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Git & SVN

2017-05-25 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Florian Kl?mpfl said:
> > donate a month of our time. 
> Indeed, it depends on the person who does it. It requires knowledge about the 
> specific workflow
> requirements of a compiler project. And that this is not easy is proven by 
> the fact that gcc as well
> as llvm still use svn as canonical repository. They probably have a lot more 
> man power than FPC.

So does FreeBSD, (though IIRC they also use Perforce internally), so even it
is not pinacle of OS kernel development either :-)
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Git & SVN

2017-05-24 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Florian Kl?mpfl said:
> > If you haven't found the Git project documentation on this workflow, I'll 
> > find it for you and post
> > the URL.
> The workflow will not change. If the tool does not fit the workflow, it is 
> the wrong tool. Period.

Even if we will change workflow more GIT like in time, the required leap of
faith and transition is too large. 

I think the Git advocatists should focus more on a workable model for a
transition and not some ideal in the far future.

Even a limited change is already a massive operation, let's keep it
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Object Pascal Interface Delegation, but in Java

2017-09-09 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:
> Does anybody familiar with Object Pascal and Java know if Java supports 
> something similar to Object Pascal's Interface Delegation "implements 
> syntax" functionality?

That is often called delegation, and if you search for java and delegation,
it seems not (which is not THAT surprising IMHO):
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Object Pascal Interface Delegation, but in Java

2017-09-09 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:
> > That is often called delegation, and if you search for java and delegation,
> > it seems not (which is not THAT surprising IMHO):
> Thanks Marco. So it is actually similar to Object Pascal where you use 
> object composition, but with Object Pascal's "implements" keyboard the 
> interface is automatic in the new class's interface. Where-as with Java 
> you have to define the interface and then delegate the calls to the 
> composition object. I'm sure Eclipse must have that code-generation 
> functionality built-in or an add-on that can do that.
> So Object Pascal is just a bit more convenient, but the end-result 
> (functionality) is the same in.

Well, with Pascal's syntax you could link through VMT fragments, without
actually bouncing through additional code. 

And you don't risk forgetting adding a method to existing classes if you add
one to the interface, always a risk with manual workarounds like the
codegeneration tools that assume everything is designed at once top-down and
only then implemented.
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Firebird vs PostgreSQL

2017-10-26 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Santiago A. said:
> That's my point. Why Firebird is not more popular?
> Once I read two point about Firebird lack of popularity:
> * In early days, firebird documentation was almost inexistent, there
> were a few .txt with new features but you had to rely on Interbase 6.0
> docs, that weren't very good either. So it looked like an almost
> abandoned software maintained by a few fans.
> * It had no administration tool, you had (and you still have) to rely on
> third part tools. I think flamerobin is the administration tool "de facto"

* it was x86 only for a long time.

Which is why I ended up with postgresql, having powerpc and later arm
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] M$ has bought GitHub

2018-06-06 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Mark Morgan Lloyd said:
> > What a sad day it is. It seems that one day the whole Internet will beowned 
> > and run my four companies: Apple, Google, Microsoft and Facebook.I guess 
> > I'll be doing what the Free Pascal project has done all along...Host my own 
> > repositories and bug tracker. Less sh*t and in full controlor my work.
> > I've had plans to move many of my projects off SourceForge to GitHubbecause 
> > of SourceForge's performance problems and frequent outages. Nowthat plan 
> > will NOT happen and I'll most likely start hosting my ownpublic 
> > repositories instead.
> Another problem with Sourceforge is the fact that they enthusiastically 
> block access to any country that's currently on the US government's 
> *hitlist. I don't know what Github's policy was on that but it's pretty 
> sure what MS's will be... which is absolutely correct in the context of 
> an American corporation, but not in the context of non-American users or 
> paying customers.

Actually Microsoft is quite a large cloud provider, and can afford to
partition its offerings and isn't as dependent on a single point (or
continent) hosting as others.

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] M$ has bought GitHub

2018-06-05 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Graeme Geldenhuys said:

> What a sad day it is. It seems that one day the whole Internet will be
> owned and run my four companies: Apple, Google, Microsoft and Facebook.

Well, there is always Amazon and Oracle :-)
fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Delphi 10.4

2020-04-11 Thread Marco van de Voort

Op 2020-04-11 om 14:45 schreef Sven Barth via fpc-other:

2: management operators for records, maybe also simple record 
inheritance to reuse e.g. a refcount record pattern

Yay me, we got something incompatible again...

3: (also?) having some of the iOS refcounted classes system for the 
windows targets?

I personally think the other way round. But we'll see...

Yes, some people on the Delphi forum also pointed me to

so it seems that ARC is dodo.

fpc-other maillist  -

[fpc-other] Delphi 10.4

2020-03-27 Thread Marco van de Voort

Some early info about new Delphi 10.4 features

1 Language Server Protocol for Delphi

2 Language Enhancements: Managed Records

3 Unified memory management across all platforms

my guesses:

1: no idea.

2: management operators for records, maybe also simple record 
inheritance to reuse e.g. a refcount record pattern

3: (also?) having some of the iOS refcounted classes system for the 
windows targets?

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] ARM is the future of desktop

2020-07-04 Thread Marco van de Voort

Op 2020-07-04 om 23:14 schreef Sven Barth via fpc-other:

Here is an interesting article by a ex-windows boss. He thinks that 
in a few years even desktops will be ARM and Intel will be residual. 
And obviously it will be a mayor problem to Microsoft, whose software 
is very tied to Intel platform. 

Windows 10 nowadays supports both ARM and ARM64, so I see no problem 

And it is from Sinofsky, who is considered to be good in the tech 
department, but bad in the visionary department (he was resposible for 
the tanked Windows 8 "vision", and Microsofts failed ventures in the 
phone and tablet world)

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] PostgreSQL index tuning

2021-09-25 Thread Marco van de Voort via fpc-other

Op 25-9-2021 om 16:00 schreef Graeme Geldenhuys via fpc-other:

Does anybody know if there is a tool I could use to analyse queries to a
PostgreSQL database, so I could tune it's performance. eg: detect table
scans in the execution plan, suggest creating, dropping or altering indexes

MS SQL server comes with loads of tools and options to do this, but I'm
fairly new to using PostgreSQL as the data store, so not sure what tools
are out there. Any suggestions would me much appreciated.

The default postgres admin too "pgadmin" seems to have some query 
analysis that yields plan insights according to

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] I thought it was going to get better, but no

2023-04-28 Thread Marco van de Voort via fpc-other

On 28-4-2023 23:20, Nikolay Nikolov via fpc-other wrote:

After reading this email that I am replying to here, and revisiting 
the #fpc logs, the only conclusion I can make is that Nikolay Nikolov 
== "Joanna".

Are you joking?

I actually smiled. Let's just say that what I see from Joanna doesn't 
resonate at all with knowing Nikolay IRL.

fpc-other maillist  -