Re: [Frameworks] Kodak Film Stocks to be Discontinued, Announced in December

2014-08-30 Thread Scott Dorsey
Well, if 3378 goes away, there is always the Agfa ST-8 replacement.

But I can see 3378 disappearing as projection prints become less and less
in demand, and I can see an age where electroprinting returns.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Kodak Film Stocks to be Discontinued, Announced in December

2014-08-31 Thread Scott Dorsey
We're pretty much lost the ability to make magstriped prints.

We have a long way to go before we lose the ability to make conventional
optical prints, although if all four available sound recording films go
away the quality of using another lab intermediate film in the sound camera
will be a bit poorer.

As long as we can make prints, somebody will be able to electroprint one-off
tracks.  These sound pretty dreadful, but they were very popular in the 
seventies when only a couple prints would be struck on a 16mm production.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] processing 16mm colour negative

2014-09-08 Thread Scott Dorsey
If you have a reddish cast, try just re-running the film through the blix
and stabilizer again.

If you use split bleach and fixer, you can adjust the times independently
to leave controlled amounts of silver behind while still completely fixing
the image.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Projecting for Installation so that people don't walk in front

2014-09-13 Thread Scott Dorsey
It's possible to use a perspective-control lens so that you can project
from an extreme angle downward, but there is a lot of light loss in the

But to my mind, this seems like a good application for a huge flatpanel
monitor array rather than projection.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Bolex EL Power question

2014-09-18 Thread Scott Dorsey
What does the charge meter do when you turn the camera on?
Don't worry about what it does when the camera isn't rolling, worry about
what it does when the motor is on.

If you have left that AGM battery on the shelf for a year or two without
keeping it charged, it will be time to replace it.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Bolex EL Power question

2014-09-19 Thread Scott Dorsey
> The only kind of battery that comes as one big singular thing is Sealed Lead 
> Aci
> d, essentially a miniu-version of a car battery.

Yes.  All of the Bescor belts I have seen were either AGM lead-acid batteries
or gel-cell lead-acid batteries.  They are heavy, but cheap and very difficult
to damage.  However, they charge in a very different way than NiCds and NiMH
batteries, you will want to replace them with newer lead-acid types which
won't cost much.

As far as replacing NiCd types with NiMH types, you can do this if you are
only trickle charging, but the high-rate NiCd chargers will rapidly destroy
the NiMH batteries.  The NiMH batteries are a lot higher capacity and have
higher peak current too, but they are also less rugged than the NiCd types.

If you put NiMH cells into the battery pack of a CP-16 for instance, the
rather crude Cinema Products charger will wreck them pretty quickly.  On
the other hand, they'll be fine in a Scoopic with the slow charger.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 35mm workprint from super 16?

2014-09-19 Thread Scott Dorsey
Why do this?  I don't think anyone is set up anymore to do direct blow ups
from 16mm originals to 35mm prints, timed or untimed.  So you are probably
going to be paying for two intermediates, one print, and a setup fee for the
optical printer (unless they do so many blowups that they have one just
sitting around already set up, which is unlikely today).

BUT... if you get a straight untimed workprint, a lot of labs are able to
open up the gate so that they can expose the sound track area and give you
a genuine super-16 print.  You can project this on various 16mm projectors
with interchangeable aperture plates (like the Kinotons) or on a modified
16mm classroom projector with the gate filed out.   The modification is not
a difficult one.

If you absolutely have to have a blowup, a lot of labs would probably be
willing to do it untimed for a little bit less money, but the timing cost
is really not a substantial part of the blowup cost any more.

Who were the guys who used to advertise in American Cinematographer with the
full page ad saying "Blow Up Your Mother!" years ago?  They used to do direct
blow-ups back then...
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] If you want Kodak hicon, order it now

2014-09-30 Thread Scott Dorsey
For photograms you might try 7366, which is fine with an LED red safelight
and will develop in Dektol. 

You could also try 7302, which will be still less sensitive.  However, 7302
will be long pitch so it will not print as well or sharply as a short pitch
intermediate film.

Neither one of these will be as contrasty, which you may or may not like.
If you absolutely have to have the contrast, a sound recording stock will
be better (and those are short pitch but they are also all estar-based today).
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] If you want Kodak hicon, order it now

2014-09-30 Thread Scott Dorsey
ST-8 is very close to Kodak's 2378, it's pretty fast, polyester, short pitch.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 35mm internegative

2014-09-30 Thread Scott Dorsey
If you're doing a B&W interneg, there will be some degradation but it will be
okay.  If you're doing a color interneg, there will be a lot of degradation.

What Bob _can_ do is make you an interneg on sound recording stock and an
interneg on color stock, and print the image from one and the sound from
the other.  There will be sound degradation but it won't be as great as
any other alternatives.  But, it will cost more.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] FILM Ferrania Kickstarter: potential new color reversal film stock

2014-10-04 Thread Scott Dorsey
The thing is, Ferrania currently makes some acceptable quality C-41 still
films.  They are more grainy and less saturated than the similar Kodak
consumer film equivalents, but they are entirely acceptable.

If that film were to be slit down and perforated with cine-grade accuracy
(rather than the more sloppy perforation and slitting that are acceptable
for still film), I think it would have a small but dedicated market as it
is.  It would be fine in a lot of cameras.

I'm surprised that they are going for the reversal market but I think their
push is probably to get a still reversal film out there and while they have
the line running anyway to slit some motion picture film out of the deal.

The question is basically how small a line they have and how small a quantity
can they make in a run vs. how large a quantity can they sell.  The fact
that they're selling the same stock into both still and motion picture markets
means they can sell more of one stock and concentrate on getting that right.

I'm a little surprised though that, if they can slit motion picture film,
that they don't just take their existing C-41 stock and sell some of that
as a motion picture stock.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] FILM Ferrania Kickstarter: potential new color reversal film stock

2014-10-04 Thread Scott Dorsey
Jeff Kreines says:
> On Oct 4, 2014, at 10:12 AM, Scott Dorsey  wrote:
> > I'm a little surprised though that, if they can slit motion picture =
> film,
> > that they don't just take their existing C-41 stock and sell some of =
> that
> > as a motion picture stock.
> What about rem-jet backing?  Will it run smoothly through a cine camera =
> and not get kickback from shiny pressure plates without it?

Works great on an Arri II although you may have to fiddle with the spring
a little.

On some of the modern cameras with totally chromed pressure plates, you will
have to replace the plate or you will get ghosting.  Same problems that you
get running B&W films on those cameras.

Incidentally the Ferrania and Fuji consumer color print films will run
just fine through an Eyemo or Konvas in spite of the KS perfs, no remjet
backing, and thicker base.  It'll run through your lab's ECN-II machine
and although the color rendition may be a little off, it looks respectable.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] FILM Ferrania Kickstarter: potential new color reversal film stock

2014-10-06 Thread Scott Dorsey
> There is no C-41 Ferrania stocks being manufactured, hasn't been for some 
> years. Ferrania closed their film factory 2006. 

Wow!  I had no idea.  I'm still seeing Ferrania films coming out of the
pipeline but they're probably just the dregs of old production.  For a 
while, Ferrania were the kings of "house brand" C-41 film and every 
supermarket and drugstore brand print film said "Made in Italy" in tiny

> This Ferrania is a new company. They are starting everything "from scratch" 
> (they do have the recipes, but those have to be modified to replace some 
> chemicals that aren't available anymore due to environmental regulations).

Making film is a difficult process; even if you know what went into the
original making a replica in a consistent fashion is difficult.  Kodak had
an army of engineers and when they moved production of their cinefluorography
films from France to the US it took them a year before they could get the 
consistency right.  And that's a simple, single-coating B&W film.

> When starting from scratch E-6 is a better choice than C-41 because there is 
> only one company producing E-6 films left (Fuji) and that same stock can be 
> sold for both still and motion picture use.

Granted, although with C-41 there are only two companies making it.

> There is also a working existing infrastructure to process those films 
> already in place. For C-41 the problem would be that motion picture film 
> could only be home processed.

No, C-41 stocks will work okay in ECN-II chemistry.  The curves are a little
funny, but here is an example:

This isn't a very good quality transfer, but this was Kodak 400ASA consumer
film in a Eyemo.  Edited workprint scanned on a Marconi machine.  Yeah, I
should have brought a tripod...

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 16mm black leader status

2014-10-07 Thread Scott Dorsey
Kodak still has leader although the minimum is very high and some types
have disappeared.

Urbanski's leader may be short perf I would ask and make sure it is
camera perf and not print perf before buying it. definitely has the proper leader.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Zoom lens and camera used for "Wavelength"

2014-10-11 Thread Scott Dorsey
In the early seventies, the 12-120 was the lens to have, and all of the
TV guys were desperate for the things because they had such a huge range
of focal lengths.  They were ubiquitous for a good while, but they really
weren't very sharp.

Angenieux made hundreds of different lenses back then... and some of them
were better than others but if someone said "french zoom" your first
thought was probably that 12-120.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Kodak NYC office closing

2014-10-15 Thread Scott Dorsey
>> if Kodak created quick self developing film and a camera that digitized that 
>> developed film while still within the camera, things would be different.

The Germans did that in the 1940s.  Well, it wasn't digitized, it was scanned
on a little flying spot scanner in there after monobath processing.  Same
technology got used for the Lunar Orbiters twenty years later since they were
280,000 miles away from the nearest lab and needed to get high resolution
images back
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Deep Listening Experimental Film--bringing Deep Listening to the Office!

2014-10-16 Thread Scott Dorsey
Okay... someone has to explain the concept of deep listening to me.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] lighting equipment rental in Washington D.C.

2014-10-21 Thread Scott Dorsey
Washington Source in Hyattsville.  They are good people, mostly catering
toward large productions, but they will haggle.

DC Camera has some small lighting gear... not a lot but they are more apt
to be used to dealing with small jobs and they won't try to rent you a Brute
because they have a lot of them on hand.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] reliable S-8mm laboratry in Europe?

2014-10-30 Thread Scott Dorsey
I would send the film BACK to the and ask them to run it through remjet
removal again at least

If it gets stuck in the emulsion you might be out of luck though.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] lab for painted film

2014-11-01 Thread Scott Dorsey
Try Colorlab first off!  They are very good about weird originals, although
not cheap.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 100ft daylight spools for Eyemo Camera

2014-11-12 Thread Scott Dorsey
I believe Acrometals can still make you new daylight spools but when I talked
to them, they had a minimum order of several thousand.

Labs seldom give them up when they arrive they are in some demand.

Precision Microproducts will sell you a plastic solid flange reel. and I believe these will
work in the Arri cameras although I have not tried one in the Eyemos.  They
will require loading the camera in the darkroom, though.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Xenon projection

2014-11-13 Thread Scott Dorsey
If a film has been timed for xenon or arc projection, it will look a little
bit yellow when shown on an incandescent classroom projector, but the eye
will adjust in a minute or two.

You could put a filter on, but you'd lose most of a stop of light, and you
would lose some sharpness, and in the end the eye would adjust in a minute
or two anyway.

If you're worried about it, dim the room lighting or use orange house lights
before showing, so that people's eyes are already adapted to very warm light, 
and then when the film comes up it will seem artificially blue at first, even.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Uhler and Superior Bulk cine printers

2014-11-18 Thread Scott Dorsey
The Superior was actually made by someone else and resold by Superior Bulk
film in Chicago, along with a lot of other film handling devices.  They
were cheap, and every TV newsroom bought one to make dirty dupes of news
footage to send to the networks, make dupes of public domain movies, etc.

The stability and sharpness is... not exactly good, but good enough to show
on TV, and they were very cheap.  The tension control is kind of poor and
limited so the degree of printer slip changes from the beginning and end of
the reel.

Some other companies made similar ones Testrite Instruments made the
one that we had at Master Sound for making dupes of workprints.  I don't
know about the Uhler...
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 16mm optical soundtrack

2014-12-08 Thread Scott Dorsey
Gibbs Chapman in San Francisco is a little weird but actually does very good
sounding tracks.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Buying Scopitones

2014-12-11 Thread Scott Dorsey
Put an ad in Classic Images magazine, or ask on  There
are a lot of people out there who have collected Scopitones and you may
find someone willing to loan you sets.  Note that there are various
different sound formats for them.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Printing color negative film to Orwo PF2

2014-12-18 Thread Scott Dorsey
> I tried Agfa ST8, and Orwo PF2.
>I did some test, with ST8, i put cyan filter kodak cc10c, and ND5.
>The results was good.

The cyan filter will really do nothing at all.  ST8 is orthochromatic, so
it's already biased strongly toward the blue.  

The problem with printing color materials to an ortho print stock (aside from
the weird color rendition that you get in the print) is that the yellow 
mask on the negative means you have to increase the exposure a lot.

If you look at the datasheet for ST8, it has a .5 density for 0 log exposure,
a density of 3 for 1 log exposure.  So you're wanting to keep exposure within
that range.

> Then i applied to PF2, the same negative, same filters.
> The result for PF2 print was totally clear. Nothing exposed.

If you look at the datasheet for PF2, to get a .5 density you need a 2 log
exposure, and to get a density of 3 you need a 3 log exposure.  So you need
to expose the film about 100 times more strongly than you do ST8.

>Is there any way to print color negative film on Orwo PF2 stocks?

Run the printer 100 times slower or open the iris 7 stops.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Nagra service

2014-12-24 Thread Scott Dorsey
Try Dan Dugan, he does good work and still has a good parts inventory
for those machines.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] optical printer questions

2014-12-27 Thread Scott Dorsey
Sure, you could use CC filters on the light source.  Ask your local camera
store for a CC filter kit like people with B&W enlargers used to use for
printing still color work.

But you could also just let it go blue, and correct it in the final print
when you print the interneg.  You won't have as much range, but if you are
starting with a blue positive original you probably don't have much color
range in the original anyway.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] optical printer questions

2014-12-27 Thread Scott Dorsey
Agreed, a test is never a bad idea.

Also, put the filter over your eye and look at the positive print see
how many CC of cyan or cyan+magenta it takes to get the color to look right.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Holy Shit!

2015-01-10 Thread Scott Dorsey
Hey, this gag was already used by Woody Allen in _Take the Money and Run_.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] projector belts

2015-02-01 Thread Scott Dorsey
I believe the belts on those projectors are just big O-rings.  Grainger will
probably have them in stock.

Also, if they break, the show can be maintained by gluing them together with
cyanoacrylate superglue.   Usually if they are brittle enough to break in
one place, though, they are soon to break in another.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 35mm / 16mm hot splicer question

2015-02-08 Thread Scott Dorsey
Cardinal in Baltimore has some spare parts for M-H splicers in their 
copious back room.

However, I don't think it would be impossible to make your own pins
out of brass stock.  They don't have to be super hard, and the profile
does not have to be perfect as long as it is consistent, I don't think.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Any ideas for 16mm film can storage that's not just piles around the house?

2015-02-17 Thread Scott Dorsey
There are commercial steel racks from Neumade that are very nice and often
show up cheaply now that movie theatres are abandoning film.

You could make your own rack with 1" black iron pipe and pipe fittings.  Paint
it with automotive lacquer and it will look nice.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] VS motor for Arriflex S camera

2015-02-28 Thread Scott Dorsey
I have a box marked "Arri No. 1161 motor, marked "8V governor speed controlled 
motor 24 fps" but the motor inside is stamped 7550 and appears to have a 
variable resistor marked from 1 to 8.  Does it work?  I have no idea.  Is it
for the S?  I don't know, I'm not even sure it's not for a 35mm Arri.
Make an offer.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Formula for processing 7240 reversal as vhf or e6?

2015-03-14 Thread Scott Dorsey
I would suggest that, since running E-6 process of VNF film provides 
reasonable (if muted) color, and reduced contrast, that merely increasing
the contrast would probably make you happy.

If I were looking to do this in a small batch environment, I'd first try
just increasing the first developer time, say by 50%, to move the gamma
up somewhat.  If that were not sufficient I might consider doubling the
first developer time, but if that did not bring the gamma up where you
want it, I would consider a more active first developer. 

I would be inclined to leave all the rest of the E-6 chemistry alone.

Now... all that said, I just had Yale run some 7239 for me through
the conventional E-6 bath and while the contrast was quite reduced
compared with VNF processing, the effect was quite nice and was appropriate
for the work.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Super 8 to 35mm blowup?

2015-03-14 Thread Scott Dorsey
I think Colorlab can do it, but I suspect you'll pay a big setup charge
for the optical printer since it's not something they do every day.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] CineSpace NASA remix competition

2015-03-19 Thread Scott Dorsey
I think this is a very fine idea.

However, I cannot imagine how anyone could ever do a better job than the
fine pornographic film "Star Babe," which aside from sex scenes consists
entirely of NASA stock Skylab footage.

With such a high bar to reach and such fine existing work, I am reluctant to
even try to enter such a competition.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] bolex/camera repair training

2015-03-19 Thread Scott Dorsey
All of the camera repair guys I know either started with the National Camera
course, a US military camera repair course, an apprenticeship with Marty
Forscher, or else they transitioned from watch repair...

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 35mm Black and White Print - Dolby Sound

2015-04-04 Thread Scott Dorsey
So do you like the Cinevator transfers better than the Arri ones?

Because DIs were so popular in the latter age of film, a lot of labs
are set up to do filmouts.  Unfortunately not all of them do a great
job, and if you want a filmout done to a B&W interneg instead of a 
color interneg that may fade, it becomes that much more difficult.

But ask the lab for a sample, and watch the sample for clean highlights
that don't blow out and good shadow detail.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] analogue photo lab (ilfochrome)

2015-04-21 Thread Scott Dorsey
I don't know of anyone that has been able to do Ciba for years, but there
are a bunch of labs that can do an interneg and then a type C print.  All
of the Type R materialas are gone, both Ciba and Fuji.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] analogue photo lab (ilfochrome)

2015-04-21 Thread Scott Dorsey
You know what, I take that back!  There are some folks who are still making
dye transfer prints.  Very expensive, but more stable and with a better
color gamut than Ciba.

CVI Labs in NY might still exist. seems to be gone now. has some directions on doing it yourself.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Aaton A-Minima to buy

2015-04-30 Thread Scott Dorsey
> this camera is allmost simular.

Sadly, nothing is similar to the A-Minima.  It is a unique snowflake.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] G3 B&W Neg and Reversal processing

2015-05-06 Thread Scott Dorsey
I also am not a fan of the G3.  If you use a dilute developer with a long
developing time they are more consistent but then again you scratch your
film up more in the process.  You can have it one way or the other...
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Seeking 16mm Hi-Con film stock

2015-05-07 Thread Scott Dorsey
It was discontinued some time ago but if you can survive with estar base,
try the sound recording film instead.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Seeking 16mm Hi-Con film stock

2015-05-09 Thread Scott Dorsey
If you are doing rayograms you might consider 7366 which is a good bit
slower than either stock, I think.  Lower contrast but that is fine 
considering the wide contrast range being applied to the film.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] black mask on colour print film

2015-05-16 Thread Scott Dorsey
Optical?  Why not do this with a contact printer, just stick a piece of 
card in the gate and fog one half of the film.  How sharp a line do you
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Timelapse and camera shutter/mirror jam

2015-05-17 Thread Scott Dorsey
Hmm... the thing is, it really doesn't matter if the mirror moves or not
since you don't actually use the finder at all anyway.  If you could disable
that motor and just leave the mirror retracted at all times you'd prevent
wearing the mechanism out too.  I don't know if that's possible or not
but surely someone would know.  Where is Marty Forscher when you need him?
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] black mask on colour print film

2015-05-18 Thread Scott Dorsey
Matte box on the camera shooting the original material???
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Experimental works about presidential election cycles?

2015-05-26 Thread Scott Dorsey
Primary, by Robert Drew?
It's not experimental by modern standards but in many ways it was unique
and innovative when it came out, both technically and in production methods.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Does anyone know how to adjust volume or gain within Adobe Media Encoder?

2015-05-29 Thread Scott Dorsey
Whatever happened to sending it back?  "This is clipped and overcompressed,
not broadcast-ready."
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] AC lock projector

2015-06-01 Thread Scott Dorsey
Why do you need it to lock to the AC line precisely?

If you link the inching knobs together with bicycle chains, you can
mechanically synchronize any number of projectors, just be careful
starting them and don't get your fingers caught.  Used to be very
common for 3D showings.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] AC lock projector

2015-06-02 Thread Scott Dorsey
Some of the eikis will more or less synchronize.  The 5-series B&H
projectors will, but the 3-series ones won't at all.  The Pageants 
are pretty close to synchronous.

But of course this all depends on your starting them precisely together
as well as them staying locked to line.  I'd just chain the inching
knobs to make sure.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] seeking hi-con, hand-processible B&W 16mm & 35mm stock

2015-06-26 Thread Scott Dorsey
7302 isn't as high contrast as 7363, but it's nice and low-speed, you can
use a safelight, and it will process well in dektol.  It's like photographic
paper: the development basically stops after a certain point so there is a
wide range of acceptable times.  Gamma will run you around 1.4 I think.

If you don't like the thick polyester base of 7302 (and if you are projecting
your original you probably will like it), consider 7366.  It's a good bit
more expensive, though, but it's acetate.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] seeking hi-con, hand-processible B&W 16mm & 35mm stock

2015-06-26 Thread Scott Dorsey
3378 is a whole lot faster, and although it's more touchy about processing
than the print stock, it's still easy to hand-process and it's even 
contrastier than 7363!

I could see the speed making photograms harder, but on the other hand you
can use the same stock in camera!
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] countryside film

2015-07-13 Thread Scott Dorsey
Well... there is always Frankenstein... and all of the various adaptations of
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Digital file to VHS?

2015-07-14 Thread Scott Dorsey
Why would I need a scan converter if the scan rate is not changing?
FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Someone giving away an upright Moviola in the DC area!

2015-07-23 Thread Scott Dorsey

I know nothing more than what is in the ad.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] processing 16mm Tri X as negative in a bucket like a savage

2015-07-31 Thread Scott Dorsey
Dektol is a very, very fast-working developer and very grainy.  It is
intended for paper and print materials, not for film.  It may be possible
to use very diluted dektol but you will have to do some testing on short
lengths, and the results will tend to be inconsistent because of the short
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] processing 16mm Tri X as negative in a bucket like a savage

2015-08-02 Thread Scott Dorsey
Yes, ST8 will run nicely in dektol, it is intended to run in print
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 16fps 16mm projectors?

2015-08-03 Thread Scott Dorsey
The B&H filmosound in a box projectors (the 300 series) have universal
motors with mechanical governors, which can be adjusted for a variety of
speeds.  If set according to the manual the silent speed is 16 fps, but
if no maintenance has been done it could be anything.  They are truly
among the best projectors made, aside from the narrow barrel which severely
limits your lens selection.

That said, I doubt the difference between 16 and 18 fps would be that 
dramatic on screen.  
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 16mm film Guillotine Splicer

2015-08-10 Thread Scott Dorsey
Cardinal Sound and Motion Picture in Elkridge, MD has parts for the
Catozzi splicers on the shelf and can work on them.

You can sharpen the blade yourself with a stone if you want, though.
It will stay lined up when put back into position.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Elmo/Hokushin service recommendations?

2015-08-18 Thread Scott Dorsey
Cardinal Sound and Motion Picture, Elkridge, MD.

Denevi Digital, Dublin CA.

I know Cardinal knows the xenon lamp Elmos very well, and Denevi knows
the ST-180 and Transvideo machines very well.
FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Auricon for sale

2015-08-24 Thread Scott Dorsey

So... a local surplus dealer has an Auricon Cine-Voice.  This is one of the
100 foot cameras with optical sound galvos, and it is pretty much completely
original.  It has not been retrofitted for mag heads, and it has not had the
top chopped off to put on a 400 foot magazine.  To my mind these make it less
desirable but some collector somewhere might prefer it.

It is in a kit with an RA-30 optical amplifier and all cables (although the
cables are old and should probably be rebuilt), and most importantly two
spare lamps which is a big deal since they aren't available.  The finder is
missing but a replacement can probably be located.  The body is painted

The lens on it is a 1" Cooke Filmo lens, which is actually a beautiful,
beautiful lens and certainly the most interesting part of the kit to my mind.

The dealer wants $2k for the whole kit, which I think is ludicrous, but I
think he is just fishing at that price and that he'll be willing to take
something a lot more reasonable.

Oh, and I didn't apply power to the thing to check the motor although I
did turn the movement by hand.  If you get this, don't run the motor until
you lube the movement or you are likely to tear up the cam which is probably
dry by now.

here is the thing:
If you talk to them tell them that I sent you.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Auricon for sale

2015-08-24 Thread Scott Dorsey
$400 is about fair.  I'd offer this guy a little more because of that
Cooke lens, but not a whole lot.

There are a _lot_ of chop-top options... everybody and his brother was
doing a modified top for a magazine.  Some are better-made than others.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] removing Rex-O-Fader from a Bolex H16

2015-08-31 Thread Scott Dorsey
Put a drop of kroil or some other penetrating oil on the cog.  Maybe
heat it up a little with a soldering iron.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] removing Rex-O-Fader from a Bolex H16

2015-09-01 Thread Scott Dorsey
WD-40 is not penetrating oil!  Use a real penetrating oil!

The service guys won't charge much.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Articles/essays on the history of flatbed editors (Moviola, Steenbeck, etc)?

2015-09-06 Thread Scott Dorsey
The Pageant Analyst was by no means the first analysis projector.  The use
of 16mm for motion analysis came about during WWII with the introduction
of gunsight cameras and there were a number of projectors like the hand-cranked
Devry and the Speco which were intended for screening gunsight films one 
frame at a time (and which were all very rough on film).

After the war, the use of high speed photography of machinery and of stop
frame photography for analysis of slower processes like traffic and assembly
line work brought about the Analyst.

But... these machines were not intended for editing work.  They were very
different in application than the flatbed.  While flatbed and upright editing
machines did get used for analysis work, that wasn't their original intent.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] NEW DIRECTOR NEEDED for Millennium Film Workshop

2015-09-25 Thread Scott Dorsey
> ''I was warned. I've heard from many sources, i.e. young experimental
> filmmakers, that this listserv was a space of negativity, where people were
> shamed and attacked over the most innocuous things.''

The internet is like that.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 400' mag and cable release in NYC?

2015-09-28 Thread Scott Dorsey
What kind of 400 ft. mag?  Just about everything made has been retrofitted
onto Bolexes over the years.

Last time I looked, Olden Camera had a cabinet full of old Mitchell magazines
that they were practically giving away.  So if you have a Mitchell saddle from
JK Engineering, I'd go to Olden and buy a couple Mitchell mags.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] High-definition frame grabs

2015-09-30 Thread Scott Dorsey
You don't get high definition images from DVDs.  You get 640x480 because
that's what there is.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Shooting Super 16 but composing for regular

2015-10-09 Thread Scott Dorsey
What kind of camera is it?

Does the rental house have a 16mm reticle for it?

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Shooting Super 16 but composing for regular

2015-10-10 Thread Scott Dorsey
If you have your choice of cameras use a camera with replaceable 
finders, and use the 16mm finder with the super-16mm gate.

There is already a plague of cameras out there which have had the gates
cut out without having the lens recentered or the finder changed, as
part of a poorly improvised super-16 modification.  You could use one of
those as well, there are certainly plenty out there.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Arri SR Accessories?

2015-10-12 Thread Scott Dorsey
Screw-in filters are fine what lenses do you have and what screw threads
do they have?
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 16mm projector bell&howell tq iii specialist

2015-10-13 Thread Scott Dorsey
That projector could be a 1694, 1695, 1698, 2685, 2692, or 2698, but they all
use the same body casting.

If you pull the front cover off, you should be able to watch the autoshredding 
mechanism work and see that the loops are being properly formed.  Make sure 
both sprockets are turning and that the notches on the sprockets are in the 
same positions.  Make sure the gate is immaculately clean.

The autoshredders are very touchy about leader... you will need a heavy
leader with the front of it curved properly; follow the directions in the
manual.  And unlike the older 500-series autoshredders, you cannot convert
them back to manual thread.

Now... SOME Of these machines, I and I think they are just the 1694, have
a wick oiling system for the cam on those machines you really should
not turn one on without making sure the wick is saturated with light machine

If you are in the US, Optech in Boston does routine maintenance on these
projectors and will keep them in good condition.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 16mm projector bell&howell tq iii specialist

2015-10-13 Thread Scott Dorsey
> When you load this projector and the film comes out the back, you 
> give it a slight tug before threading the take-up reel. 

If you're having to do this, it's time to lube the autoshredding linkages!
The pull of the take-up reel should pop it out, but if it's not, it's time
for a clean and lube!
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Double 8mm

2015-10-19 Thread Scott Dorsey
Anyone who runs a 16mm machine can process the double-8 original and return
double-8 film to you.

SOME labs will have slitters to cut the double-8 original down to 8mm.

Some slitters are more accurate than others.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] data recovery help

2015-10-31 Thread Scott Dorsey
First, take the drive offline and don't do anything else with it.

Secondly, call the telecine guys and see if they have a copy still left
on their system.

Thirdly, there are some tools for extracting undeleted files.  PC or mac,
and what kind of filesystem?
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Sound ? from an Eikie

2015-11-01 Thread Scott Dorsey
Burns?  Do you mean it clips?

You could use a direct inject box from the music store if you have only
a speaker output, but many of the eikis do have a proper line output and
if yours does not it can be modified for one.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Projector/optical sound reader that's easy on film

2015-11-13 Thread Scott Dorsey
I wouldn't put them on a projector... I would hunt down someone with a
Steenbeck that is in proper maintenance.  That might mean calling 
Dwight Cody who does steenback repair and asking who has a machine for

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Elmo Projector Belts

2015-11-27 Thread Scott Dorsey
PRB/Russell Industries will have them but may not have them in the index.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Eyemo camera repair

2015-11-28 Thread Scott Dorsey
Yes.  Do not, absolutely, do not attempt to mess with the spring yourself.
The big warnings in the manual are not joking.

Replacement springs are available and the work is not hard for someone who
has the tooling, but it _is_ hazardous even for people who are well-trained.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 35 mm & 16 mm transfers

2015-12-07 Thread Scott Dorsey
Negatives or prints?  What format do you want them on?
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 16mm prints turned pink

2015-12-17 Thread Scott Dorsey
Yes.  There is a warning on the box when you buy the film about color dyes
changing in time and film not being warranted.

Eastman prints both from reversal and negative tend to go red.  LPP prints
tend to go red much more slowly than SP prints.  Fuji print stocks tend to
go blue and get smoky blacks instead of going red.

Agfa print stocks with Eastman chemistry go red, Agfa print stocks with 
ball and chain dye coupler chemistry are sometimes very stable and sometimes
lose all color completely, depending on the pH of the wash water at the lab.
Kodachrome prints are very very dark-stable but fade faster with light.

Color film is not considered acceptable for archival storage.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 16mm prints turned pink

2015-12-17 Thread Scott Dorsey
I don't remember whether it had to be slightly acid or slightly basic, and
it was _just_ a thing with the Agfa/Ansco chemistry which is very different
(and can be a lot more stable than) the modern Eastman chemistry.  I think
there is a discussion of it in Mees' book, though.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Projector installation prep

2015-12-28 Thread Scott Dorsey
The first thing I think about it... how long as it been since the movement
was lubricated?
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Shower scenes...

2016-01-01 Thread Scott Dorsey
I am surprised that of mainstream films nobdy has mentioned either Psycho
or M*A*S*H.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] SCOOPIC 16 battery recalling (Spain/Europe)

2016-01-19 Thread Scott Dorsey
Ask your local police department's radio shop who recells their walkie-talkie
batteries and send them there.  The job is very easy but requires a spotwelder
to connect the cells, but any battery shop should be able to do it it.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Hello - Curious about Double X 7222 reversal

2016-01-28 Thread Scott Dorsey
If you want to just process it as negative, follow the directions on
the datasheet.  It is designed for that and works very well.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Buying a VCR in 2016

2016-02-04 Thread Scott Dorsey
I suggest sending it out to a transfer house that can do it right.  The
difference between cheap and good VCRs is pretty high, and if you buy an
old thrift store VCR you're in for a lot of work replacing every rubber
part on the transport.  The question comes down to how good a job do you
really want?
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Eiki SSL claw problem

2016-02-09 Thread Scott Dorsey
Do adjust that screw... but FIRST make sure the cam lubrication is good.  I
have seen too many of these machines where the cam just wears out because
people aren't careful about doing regular maintenance on them.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Kodak gelatin filter set

2016-02-14 Thread Scott Dorsey
New ones are available from Edmund Optics.

They are expensive because they are optically very clear.  If you don't need
them to be optically clear, just buy cheap lighting gels from Rosco for a 
tiny fraction of the price.  If you need them to be optically clear, the
Wratten ones from Kodak are cheaper than the glass alternatives.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Ferrania?

2016-02-16 Thread Scott Dorsey
I think that's wise, in that you can sell the same reversal film in 16mm,
8mm, and for 35mm stills, without modification, and there will be basically
no competition in the market for either of the three.

I'm a little skeptical of trying to make so many different speeds at once,
but think the world would welcome 64D and 400D slide and motion picture
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Ferrania?

2016-02-17 Thread Scott Dorsey
> 100 foot spools of 64d and 400d in 35mm for us eyemo users!

Well, here is the cool thing... the eyemo will very happily run KS-perfed
film.  So you can take 100 footers of slide film and run them nicely though
the Eyemo, then have them processed by Dwayne's.  It's expensive, but looks
great, and you still get a couple stocks left.  The still film comes on 
little cores with square hubs that will fit right into the Eyemo but have
to be loaded in the dark.  Or, you can spool onto a #10 daylight reel.

I shoot a lot under mixed daylight/tungsten lighting and I'd rather use a
daylight stock gone warm than a tungsten stock gone cold.  But I concede
there is a demand for a tungsten stock.  On the other hand, if the film is
a stop faster you can add a filter.

I still don't have a solution for Jeff's wanting to shoot in the dark.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Black Leader

2016-02-20 Thread Scott Dorsey
Note that Urbanski's black leader is or was print pitch, not camera pitch.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Looking for Steenbeck 6000 16/35 timing belts

2016-02-22 Thread Scott Dorsey
Those belts are made by Brecoflex.  US reps can be found at 
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Black Leader

2016-03-09 Thread Scott Dorsey
MPE is Kodak.  I believe they have discontinued the long-perf black leader.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Black Leader

2016-03-09 Thread Scott Dorsey
No, no, the MPE _material_ is from Kodak.  (Well, it's from FPE which is
owned by Kodak).

Although for all I know they might have a new source.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] recording audio from a Pageant

2016-03-10 Thread Scott Dorsey
That is a 0.206" plug.  Switchcraft part S250.

That said, you'll find that getting a tech to install a direct output from
the phototube that bypasses the power amplifier will have better sound quality.
But you could make a cable with a .206" plug on one and end a 1/4" phone on
the other and plug the thing into a DI box.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] recording audio from a Pageant

2016-03-10 Thread Scott Dorsey
> Alternatively, for the ground loop isolation, you can use the RCA isolation 
> cables they sell at car stereo shops.

Those things have transformers inside them... not very good transformers, but
transformers nonetheless.

I'd use a decent DI box personally, if there was no way to bypass the power
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] S8mm Elmo sound play/record projector

2016-03-24 Thread Scott Dorsey
Optech are good people and they know the Elmo machines.

Denevi Digital in California also knows the Elmo machines very well.

Cardinal Sound in Elkridge Maryland knows the larger Elmo systems, they 
might be kind of slow on getting a small 8mm projector turned around

There used to be a freelance guy in New York called Abdul Setoua.  I don't
know if he is still in the business but I have seen his signature on a 
couple of machines in the past.
FrameWorks mailing list

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