Re: Alt Gr key troubles in FreeBSD

2006-07-17 Thread nocturnal


I'm sorry for the late reply but i thought i had sent you an e-mail when 
actually i had not.

I tried all the things you mentioned and i discovered that the problem 
can easily be reproduced in any application. It's simply a matter of me 
not letting go of the shift key fast enough. I reproduce it by typing 
any number of characters in caps with the shift key down and then 
directly switching to pressing the alt gr key and hitting the 8 
character for example in order to produce the [ character on Swedish 
keyboards. This is when the output becomes silent and nothing happens.

I tried on a co-workers computer which runs Windows and it's the same on 
that system. It's been a while since i properly used the Windows system 
so i had forgotten that it was like that there to.

No reply is required to this thread as i have found out that this is 
just the way the driver works on both FreeBSD and Windows systems. So i 
have my answers.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Stefan Midjich aka nocturnal

Erik Nørgaard wrote:

nocturnal wrote:

Well i usually use vim and it's hard to know if it happens in other
applications, because i use vim so much compared to the other
applications and also because i mostly write those characters in vim. I
do use FreeBSD at home to and i can't remember any problems from writing
e-mails or chatting on irc. I use rxvt for all my terminal applications.
Of course this could simply mean i don't use those characters much in
those applications. I used to use nedit, before vim, and i am sure i had
the same problem in nedit.

Well, could you to narrow in on the problem try and test these things?

0th: Tell us your keyboard settings in XF86Config (model and layout)

1st: List the characters that you have problem with - obviously you need
a computer that doesn't suffer this problem :)

2nd: Try to type all these characters with the correct key-combinations,

- In the console
- In xterm
- In vi (not vim)
- In xemacs/emacs
- In firefox or thunderbird - any place you can type

Then maybe someone can point you closer to the solution.

Cheers, Erik

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Re: Alt Gr key troubles in FreeBSD

2006-07-17 Thread Erik Norgaard

nocturnal wrote:

I tried all the things you mentioned and i discovered that the problem 
can easily be reproduced in any application. It's simply a matter of me 
not letting go of the shift key fast enough. I reproduce it by typing 
any number of characters in caps with the shift key down and then 
directly switching to pressing the alt gr key and hitting the 8 
character for example in order to produce the [ character on Swedish 
keyboards. This is when the output becomes silent and nothing happens.

I don't think this is a bug, but rather a feature:

Some characters become available with the combination of Alt-Gr+shift, 
for example if you don't have a spanish keyboard, you can produce a '¿' 
with Alt-Gr+'?' but to get the '?' you may have to use shift as well. 
Same ting with '¡' and you will find that Alt-Gr+a produces a 'ª' while 
Alt-Gr+shift+a produces a 'º' ... IIRC.

That output becomes silent is simply a result of no character being 
located at the Alt-Gr+shift position on that key.

The only characters (I know) I haven't figured out how to type on my 
danish keyboard are ç (French, Portuguese ...) and · (Catalan).

So if someone complains, then just say that it's because they have the 
Babelfish keyboard layout :)

Anyway, I think that this behaviour may date back to old style keyboards 
where the Alt-Gr was a compose character and to avoid you having to 
press the fourth key with your nose, you could let go of the others.

Cheers, Erik
Ph: +34.666334818  web:
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Re: Alt Gr key troubles in FreeBSD

2006-07-11 Thread nocturnal


I was afraid you wouldn't understand how the problem works. The chacters 
work on this computer, or i wouldn't be able to work daily with it, but 
at times they just get stuck and refuse to work temporarily until i let 
go of the alt gr key and try again. At rare times i can let go of the 
alt gr key to try again but they wont work until after two or three 
attempts. I doubt this is happening at random so i would like to say it 
happens when i type fast and change key combinations fast but sometimes 
it happens when i type slower to. I think it has something to do with me 
using shift just before i switch over and use alt gr, i think i'm simply 
switching over too fast. Actually, now that i said that, i just tried it 
in the thunderbird application where i'm writing this e-mail and i was 
able to reproduce the problem by typing a bunch of uppercase characters 
holding the shift key down and then directly trying to type [ using alt 
gr+8 on my keyboard. What happened was i got no character output for the 
[ character and after holding it for a while i heard a beep, then i let 
go of alt gr and 8 was output.

It's probably because shift+8 is supposed to produce the ( character 
while alt gr+8 produces the [ character so there's some kinda conflict 
when i don't let go of shift fast enough. My theory is that i was so 
used to Windows after years of using it that this happened to me a lot. 
I also suspect that the Windows driver that handles this is more 
developed in the sense that you can hit shift+alt gr+8 but if those keys 
have no kombination in that order it simply takes the last keys which 
had a combination and uses them, alt gr+8 that is. I'm just guessing of 

Med vänliga hälsningar

Stefan Midjich aka nocturnal

Erik Nørgaard wrote:

nocturnal wrote:

Well i usually use vim and it's hard to know if it happens in other
applications, because i use vim so much compared to the other
applications and also because i mostly write those characters in vim. I
do use FreeBSD at home to and i can't remember any problems from writing
e-mails or chatting on irc. I use rxvt for all my terminal applications.
Of course this could simply mean i don't use those characters much in
those applications. I used to use nedit, before vim, and i am sure i had
the same problem in nedit.

Well, could you to narrow in on the problem try and test these things?

0th: Tell us your keyboard settings in XF86Config (model and layout)

1st: List the characters that you have problem with - obviously you need
a computer that doesn't suffer this problem :)

2nd: Try to type all these characters with the correct key-combinations,

- In the console
- In xterm
- In vi (not vim)
- In xemacs/emacs
- In firefox or thunderbird - any place you can type

Then maybe someone can point you closer to the solution.

Cheers, Erik

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Alt Gr key troubles in FreeBSD

2006-07-10 Thread nocturnal


These problems have been going on ever since i first started using 
FreeBSD frequently with 4.10-RELEASE. Before that i used Windows to 
write software and would usually upload it onto a FreeBSD ftp server. 
This was no problem for me in Windows but as soon as i made the switch 
to FreeBSD at work and started actually writing code in FreeBSD 8 hours 
a day, 5 days a week, i noticed major issues with Alt Gr keys. I think 
they're called deadkeys in the configuration. It's mainly because 
i'm from sweden and have all the important characters like {, [, ], }, 
among others, on keys that require the Alt Gr key to be pressed for me 
to use them. It's hard to reproduce the problem as sometimes i can type 
at very high speed and still not have a problem when i hit an alt gr 
character and other times i type really slow but get stuck on the alt gr 

What happens is that the character just doesn't work, once the problem 
happens i can very often just hold the alt gr key and keep hitting the 
other key multiple times without anything at all happening, at those 
times i actually must let go of the alt gr key in order to continue 
typing. Even if the problem is very hard for me to reproduce i am 100% 
sure it is a problem because like i said, i do this every day of my life 
and i know this happens. My boss has discovered it to, he does not write 
as much code as i do but sometimes he writes a perl program or two and 
he has the same problems. I think maybe one of the reasons i haven't 
heard much about this problem could be that i use a Swedish keyboard 
layout and require the deadkeys, this combination along with someone who 
writes as much code as i do and cares enough about the problen to solve 
it might be rare so i haven't been able to find anything at all about 
this problem on search engines like Google.

I would love to solve the problem though, even if i've learned to live 
with it, it's the most annoying thing ever when you get a good flow 
going in your code writing and suddenly it all gets stuck on some damn 
alt gr key.

I'd love it if someone could point me in the right direction because i 
suspect this could be something i need to take up with the people.


Med vänliga hälsningar

Stefan Midjich aka nocturnal

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Re: Alt Gr key troubles in FreeBSD

2006-07-10 Thread Erik Norgaard

nocturnal wrote:

i noticed major issues with Alt Gr keys. I think 
they're called deadkeys in the configuration. It's mainly because 
i'm from sweden and have all the important characters like {, [, ], }, 
among others, on keys that require the Alt Gr key to be pressed for me 
to use them. It's hard to reproduce the problem as sometimes i can type 
at very high speed and still not have a problem when i hit an alt gr 
character and other times i type really slow but get stuck on the alt gr 

Dead keys AFAIK refers to the keys you normally use to compose other 
characters with, such as ^ which you normally use to write a character 
like â or ~ to write ñ. The keys you refer to, {},[] are not dead keys.

While I have had problems with _dead keys_ in some programs, I have 
never had problems with the characters you mention (I use a danish 

One thing I have noticed is that this may be application specific, you 
may be able to write the character in one program under X but not in 
another. I had for example a problem writing ñ with eterm while it 
worked perfectly in xterm.

Some programs allow or require you to set these things separately, for 
example xemacs and thunderbird.

I'd love it if someone could point me in the right direction because i 
suspect this could be something i need to take up with the people.

First check if this problem occurs in all applications or just some 
applications, do also try xterm and vi under xterm. Also, try on a plain 
console without X. And check your keyboard setting in your XF86Config.

If the problem is specific to some applications, post which.

Cheers, Erik
Ph: +34.666334818  web:
X.509 Certificate:
Key ID: 69:79:B8:2C:E3:8F:E7:BE:5D:C3:C3:B1:74:62:B8:3F:9F:1F:69:B9
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Re: Alt Gr key troubles in FreeBSD

2006-07-10 Thread nocturnal


Well i usually use vim and it's hard to know if it happens in other 
applications, because i use vim so much compared to the other 
applications and also because i mostly write those characters in vim. I 
do use FreeBSD at home to and i can't remember any problems from writing 
e-mails or chatting on irc. I use rxvt for all my terminal applications. 
Of course this could simply mean i don't use those characters much in 
those applications. I used to use nedit, before vim, and i am sure i had 
the same problem in nedit.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Stefan Midjich aka nocturnal

Erik Norgaard wrote:

nocturnal wrote:

i noticed major issues with Alt Gr keys. I think they're called 
deadkeys in the configuration. It's mainly because i'm from 
sweden and have all the important characters like {, [, ], }, among 
others, on keys that require the Alt Gr key to be pressed for me to 
use them. It's hard to reproduce the problem as sometimes i can type 
at very high speed and still not have a problem when i hit an alt gr 
character and other times i type really slow but get stuck on the alt 
gr characters.

Dead keys AFAIK refers to the keys you normally use to compose other 
characters with, such as ^ which you normally use to write a character 
like â or ~ to write ñ. The keys you refer to, {},[] are not dead keys.

While I have had problems with _dead keys_ in some programs, I have 
never had problems with the characters you mention (I use a danish 

One thing I have noticed is that this may be application specific, you 
may be able to write the character in one program under X but not in 
another. I had for example a problem writing ñ with eterm while it 
worked perfectly in xterm.

Some programs allow or require you to set these things separately, for 
example xemacs and thunderbird.

I'd love it if someone could point me in the right direction because i 
suspect this could be something i need to take up with the people.

First check if this problem occurs in all applications or just some 
applications, do also try xterm and vi under xterm. Also, try on a plain 
console without X. And check your keyboard setting in your XF86Config.

If the problem is specific to some applications, post which.

Cheers, Erik

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Re: Alt Gr key troubles in FreeBSD

2006-07-10 Thread Erik Nørgaard
nocturnal wrote:

 Well i usually use vim and it's hard to know if it happens in other
 applications, because i use vim so much compared to the other
 applications and also because i mostly write those characters in vim. I
 do use FreeBSD at home to and i can't remember any problems from writing
 e-mails or chatting on irc. I use rxvt for all my terminal applications.
 Of course this could simply mean i don't use those characters much in
 those applications. I used to use nedit, before vim, and i am sure i had
 the same problem in nedit.

Well, could you to narrow in on the problem try and test these things?

0th: Tell us your keyboard settings in XF86Config (model and layout)

1st: List the characters that you have problem with - obviously you need
a computer that doesn't suffer this problem :)

2nd: Try to type all these characters with the correct key-combinations,

- In the console
- In xterm
- In vi (not vim)
- In xemacs/emacs
- In firefox or thunderbird - any place you can type

Then maybe someone can point you closer to the solution.

Cheers, Erik
Ph: +34.666334818  web:
X.509 Certificate:
Key ID: 69:79:B8:2C:E3:8F:E7:BE:5D:C3:C3:B1:74:62:B8:3F:9F:1F:69:B9

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature