[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #14118] wish: AI treaties with allies proposed last

2009-08-13 Thread Ann


 Summary: wish: AI treaties with allies proposed last
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: kudra
Submitted on: Thursday 08/13/2009 at 11:28
Category: ai
Severity: 1 - Wish
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: None



With 2.1 the following can happen before the user gains control for the turn:
(1) your ally proposes an exchange, (2) you meet your ally's ally and
instantly go to war; your ally cancels the treaty, (3) your ally's ally
proposes a ceasefire.

In this situation, you cannot conclude the treaty with your former ally. 
I've also found that sometimes, you cannot conclude the ceasefire either, but
need to close both proposals and then initiate your own cease-fire proposal. 
The only way the ally's proposal will ever be possible to conclude is if you
conclude a cease-fire, then propose a new alliance, and then return to the
original treaty--but I've found this often doesn't work.

One partial solution would be for the ally's proposal to be the last action
taken before control is given to the user, so that it will be made in light
of any other diplomatic actions taken in the turn.  In the situation
described above, this means that the ally simply wouldn't make the proposal
at all.

However, it's also possible for the player to gain control, then move and
discover another player, before addressing the outstanding treaties.  I would
expect the AI to then cancel any treaties which it proposed but is no longer
willing to agree with, or else to modify them (by adding a proposal of
alliance to the top) to make them acceptable.  This is the only situation I
can think of where the AI proposes a treaty and then doesn't want to conclude
it, so there's not really much reason to leave it open for negotiations.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #1188] proposed menu and command key revamp

2009-08-13 Thread John Keller

Follow-up Comment #16, patch #1188 (project freeciv):

 I use the new menu structure. It is a little bit strange first - I expect
tax setting in the game menu.

I can understand the initial confusion. I'd agree to an extent, since I
myself am still not sure this is the most optimal structure - but I think
some of the strange feeling comes from previous experience (Tax Rates were in
Edit previously, also not optimal).

The idea is to separate actions that affect the game structure (i.e.
preferences, etc.) and the game in progress (city list, tax rates, etc).
Hence, your civilization (the overarching condition of the collection of
cities, etc).

I laid out my reasons much better before, but I also would like to repeat
that if this set of patches are accepted, they'd be the basis for future
evolution rather than the end-all be-all. Which would include integrating
feedback from users like that.

 One message I get:
 Can't set sensitivity for non-existent menu main/Civilization/Tax
 It is repeated quit often for the client

OK, I'll take a look into that and make a revised patch. I was going to make
one other revision to bring it in line with the patches I submitted for other
clients anyway.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #1188] proposed menu and command key revamp

2009-08-13 Thread John Keller

Follow-up Comment #17, patch #1188 (project freeciv):

 I use the new menu structure. It is a little bit strange first - I expect
tax setting in the game menu.

Speaking of my incorporating feedback, I'd definitely like to take the
opportunity to learn your other feelings. This first round was very focused
on the unit selection and manipulation (and hopefully that shows up well :-)
). So I'm curious to hear if there were problems, suggestions, etc for those.
Or anything else - user testing is iterative, and it's always good to hear
feedback even if it's only testing on a small group... :-)

(Note that there is one additional patch that I need to make for drop
paratrooper/clean pollution, but I was waiting to do that until I had a
better feeling of whether this patch would be accepted. I'm at least feeling
hopeful, so I'll add that one as well this weekend.)


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #14122] Civclient Crash

2009-08-13 Thread anonymous


 Summary: Civclient Crash 
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Thursday 08/13/2009 at 19:36 CEST
Category: client-gtk-2.0
Severity: 4 - Important
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: None



v. 2.1.9

attached is large bug report generated by gnome
(too large to post here)

** Gtk **: gtk_tree_view_set_cursor_on_cell: assertion `tree_view-priv-tree
!= NULL' failed 

civclient: city.c:553: city_owner: Assertion `((void *)0) != pcity  ((void
*)0) != pcity-owner' failed.


File Attachments:

Date: Thursday 08/13/2009 at 19:36 CEST  Name: civclient-bugreport.txt  Size:
343kB   By: None



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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #13946] Wish: Ability to escort units automatically

2009-08-13 Thread Nathan

Follow-up Comment #4, bug #13946 (project freeciv):

Ann, I think you've hit upon the can of worms that may have prevented this
feature coming to fruition yet.  I see these as separate concerns that might
be addressable the same way, but let's identify them, because I think the
best solution could turn out to be separate ones:

1. Escort weak units.  (my top priority)  In this situation, a chain is
overkill and inappropriate.  I merely want to do something like assign a
musketeer to each worker in a war zone so I don't get 43 automated workers
butchered because they keep getting sniped by weak units.

2. Send groups of units (armies, fleets, squadrons) places together as if
they were one unit.  (also important to me)  With this ability, you could
have an offensive group, a defensive group, and a fort-building group, and
have only three groups to move for a fully decked out, well-defended strike
force, for example.  Move your alpine troops to Point X and fortify them. 
Move your Cannons to Point X, confident that their defense is better than 1. 
...and that's for when you're feeling fancy.  Once you get enough military
momentum, you can just barrel over the globe with offensive units.  Again, I
don't think chains are necessary here.  I think we really just want to group
some units and move the group as if it were a unit.

I think your suggested restriction of same-medium units is very appropriate
in both cases, of course.

Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space, another favorite game, makes use of
escort during combat, and it allows you to chain them.  The practical
application of it is not really to escort a unit as much as it is to manage a
formation.  The default is that the fleet has a leader, and everyone else
escorts that leader; however, units faster than the leader match the leader's
speed, and slower units just fall behind.  Sometimes you want to split the
formation into smaller formations, and that works just fine.  Chaining is
rarely (if ever) useful, but it's sometimes fun.  Due to the placement of
most ships' firing arcs, a fluid chain of ships is simply less effective in
most situations  Nonetheless, I will have to see how they chose to deal
with the user trying to set the leader of the convoy to escort the trailer. 
(Some research is very fun - hee hee.)

Thank you for keeping this discussion interesting!  I look forward to this
leading to another very cool feature or two appearing in the fabulous


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[Freeciv-Dev] Scriptable client

2009-08-13 Thread Joshua Isom
Although I made a brief wiki post at 
http://freeciv.wikia.com/wiki/User_talk:Cazfi, I figured it'd be best 
to post more here.  I would like to be able to run scripts on the 
client.  It would allow a user controlled auto-settler, explore, 
patrol(and improve to do something more than just move), and more and 
take some of the burden off of the server.  Part of the inspiration is 
managing a large army of units, such as when winning the giant earth 
map.  I'd like a miniature AI, or General, to do the attacking an 
conquering for me, and perhaps another AI for defense(and auto attack). 
  All that would really need to be done is add lua(or anything) to the 
client to allow scripting, an ability to add units and cities to 
groups, and some user IO method, even a kludgy one.  With what I've 
seen in the server scripting capabilities, there's sufficient back work 
to overcome the initial hurdles.

But here's what's probably the best part, with enough development, and 
switching the server-ai code to the script(at least temporarily), it'd 
be possible to run 8 different AI's with different code and different 
preferences on one server to test superiority, and superiority on 
different map types so code could be added to make the AI as hard as 
possible for each map.  If people are using the General idea enough 
and tweaking it enough for their liking it could make the AI better 
than what's currently used.  Here's some of my idea.

Player AI:
Manages cities and improvements, orders the AI's, switching unit's 
between itself and the attack and defense AI's
May split an AI into two if the forces are large enough, and for 
defense, if there's enough of a split to prevent ferrying units across 
wide area's that would make the transport's vulnerable

Attack AI:
Instructed to attack a city/continent/player and how determined to 
attack(kamikaze to near guaranteed success) based on some want level
May attack just to conquer, or attack to weaken the enemy for a later 
May ask the player for a delay if it would prefer or need time for 
units such as transports, or to group units better, but of course can 
be overridden
Only really cares about patrolling/conquering so assumes the player 
knows the rest

Defense AI:
Protects designated cities, moves units around based on apparent 
threat(how many enemy units have been spotted recently, how close to 
border, etc)
Attack incoming enemy units(submarines and stealth bombers are great 
for this).

An AI may ignore a new order if the 'want' of the new order is low 
enough compared to a previous order to allow the AI a little more 
ability to follow through on it's actions.  Also, if the militaristic 
units are split off from the player and managed as such, the AI may 
commit more units(like every unit the attack AI has) for a particular 
attack instead of petty skirmishes.  This combined with the attack and 
defense being client side and scriptable(so faster and easier to edit, 
and more likely to be tweaked by various poeple), could make the AI far 
stronger than it is now, so that perhaps there could just be games of 
seeing who's made the strongest AI.  And by being client sided easier 
to directly compare different AI strength's.

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