Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Steve R

Please, sir, where does Dan Knight, List Mom, on his updated 
2008.02.15 webpage, continue to insist that bottom posting is the 
only way to post? See content of that page below the link you posted.

Kyle, I wish you no ill -- perhaps it was when you resigned from 
being List Nanny that Dan Knight, List Mom, posted to all lists 
saying that the 'banned for top posting' rule was no longer being 
enforced because Apple Mail even had its default for top posting. 
Just in the past week, someone reposted Dan Knight's email complete 
with headers to verify validity of the email. Dan Knight's email said 
bottom posting was preferred however it was up to the individual 
poster to determine how best to reply.

Surely, Dan Knight's email can be found in the archive.

Steve R

At 10:54 PM -0700 6/12/09, Kyle Hansen posted:

Netiquette for Email Lists
updated 2008.02.15

There are informal rules of Internet communication which are termed 
netiquette to help people use proper etiquette within forums and 
email groups. Some examples of poor netiquette are not signing 
messages, sending unsubscribe messages to the posting address 
(instead of the administrative address), or TYPING IN ALL CAPS (which 
is the equivalent of yelling).

The Internet is a dynamic environment and netiquette evolves over time.

Some rules for the Low End Mac family of mail lists:

Remember that replies automatically go to the list, not the just the 
person who posted the message. You need to change the To: address to 
respond to an individual. (Some other lists, such as Mac-Mgrs and the 
Low End Mac Swap list, work just the opposite way. On those lists, a 
reply goes to the original sender by default, not to the list.) Never 
post private (off-list) correspondence to the list without the 
permission of the sender.

Please quote only the relevant portion of messages you respond to - 
and please quote some of the original message so others know what 
you're responding to.

Mom and the nannies are watching. The list managers (the List Owner 
or mom and List Managers or nannies) have the right to remove 
posting privileges or ban anyone from the list for vulgarity, 
trolling, flaming, name calling, threats, or other behavior 
detrimental to this online community. They also have the right to 
switch you to moderated mode* for continued violations of the list 
rules and netiquette; this could escalate to blocking or banning if 
the infractions continue.

Never send attachments to the list. An attachment may contain a 
virus, may be in a format others cannot use, may not make it through 
some mail gateways, makes the message bigger, and could bog down both 
the list server and the mail server.

Don't send styled text or HTML files; only send plain text. Styled 
text may or may not come through as an attachment, but it is very 
difficult to read with a plain text email client. Google Groups will 
accept styled text and attachments, and this can result in garbled 

Style your posting - ASCII style.

Please keep me too messages off the list; these are best sent 
privately, if at all.

Never send test messages to the list. Test when you have something to 
say to the list by saying it, not by sending a test message.

Please avoid cross posting - sending the same message to several 
lists at the same time. Pick the list most likely to help, post 
there, and if you don't find what you need in that forum within a day 
or so, try another list.

Let sleeping threads lie. If it's been over a week since the last 
posting in a thread, consider it dead and buried.

When asking a question, please list relevant information regarding 
hardware, software, and version of the Mac OS involved.

Change the subject line when the subject of the thread changes. If 
you don't do that, Google Groups will thread it with the old subject.

When responding to a digest post, be sure to change the subject to 
match that of the original message.

Signature lines
* Signature blocks (sigs) are considered personal expression as long 
as the poster's name comes between the body of the message and the 
* Please keep your signature concise. Six lines or less is best. Ten 
or more is excessive.
* Many email clients wrap text at 80 characters or less (sometimes as 
little as 72); check that your signature doesn't wrap badly because 
of this.
* Taglines should be clearly separated from the body of the email and 
should come after your name.
* Avoid vulgar and offensive taglines.

Don't use PGP encryption on your messages. A lot of people (probably 
most) can't even use it.

Disclaimers and authentication. Please don't include corporate 
disclaimers or PGP authentication when posting to the list.

Treat your list neighbor as you wish to be treated. Address breaches 
of netiquette privately, not on the list. Assume the best, not the 
worst. And please notify List Mom if things seem to be getting out of 


Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Steve R

I have no idea if this link to the thread where Dan Knight's email 
will work for everyone but here it is:

Steve R

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
Power Macs.
The list FAQ is at and our netiquette 
guide is at
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Re: Lightening Season

2009-06-13 Thread Ralph Green

On Fri, 2009-06-12 at 22:39 -0700, Kyle Hansen wrote:
 On 6/12/09 10:21 PM, Stephen Weber Broadcast
 into the ether:
 My suggestion is to get a really nice surge protector or get a
 battery back up.  Were I live I had some really bad storms
 pass through on the 9th and when I went down stairs to turn on
 my iMac G3 I noticed that the surge protector was tripped.  So
 they do work.
 On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 12:41 AM, Ralph Green wrote:
  Absolutely.  That is what the PRAM batteries are
 there for.  They keep
 the system settings when you are unplugged.  It does
 not take much
 power, but you do run them down faster when you are
 unplugged.  When you
 are plugged in, they are not being drained by the
 computer at all.  They
 are just naturally discharging, as batteries always
 Good day,
 I suggest the same.  But not in the form of top posting as Stephen
 did.  Buy a decent UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) that also has a
 voltage regulator.  That is what I do with all my important systems.  
  Since I am leaving the thread above in place, I'll bottom post.  I
generally prefer top posting and heavily trimming the message you are
responding to, but bottom posting has its place.
  I keep my main system on a UPS, as is mentioned above.  But, we should
specifically address Billy's original question.  UPS's do not make your
system immune to a lightning strike.  They can help.  Lighting has a lot
of power and if it hits near you, there is nothing short of an air gap
that has a chance of protecting the system.  If it is really close, an
air gap is not enough.  I have some computers I regularly unplug in bad
thunderstorms.  I figure if I get a lightning strike, I want to have
some surviving systems.  If you do this, look and make sure everything
is unplugged.  If you leave the monitor connected to power and your
computer, the lightning will come that way.  An ethernet cable is a fine
power conduit for lightning, too.
 And finally, since Dan Knight says we can top post, I'll continue to do
it where I think it is appropriate.  Kyle has provided a lot of useful
answers to this list, so it is not intended as disrespect.  But, Dan
sets the rules here, as far as I know.
Good luck,

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
Power Macs.
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Re: Lightening Season

2009-06-13 Thread Bill Christensen

At 11:44 PM -0400 6/12/09, insightinmind wrote:

I've come to mistrust surge protectors, and really don't want to go 
into UPSs ... but are they immune to lightening?

UPSs are better than surge protectors, usually, but they are NOT 
immune.  We had a transformer blow about a half a mile away last 
December and it took out my APC SmartUPS 3000.  And the power supply 
on one computer behind it (out of 8, plus various periferals). 
Everything else was unharmed.  Fortunately, APC came through on the 
lifetime warranty and quickly replaced it with a newer unit (probably 
a refurb) and eventually a check to replace the fried PS.

I also disconnect my DSL modem and ethernet cables:

I've had good luck for many years using inline ethernet surge 
surpressors.  I use TrippLite DNet-1, at about $18 per last time I 
checked.  There are better/more expensive ones out there, to be sure, 
but I'd go broke putting them on all the hubs and switches and 
computers that need them in my neighborhood-wide wired network.

We used to have to replace a hub or two everytime a big storm rolled 
through.  We haven't had to in years, since we put the surge 
surpressors in.   We've lost a port here and there, and a couple of 
the surpressors have croaked, but overall it's a whole lot better 
than slogging around right after every storm patching up the network 
while watching the *next* storm brew.

Any suggestions about how to accomplish this better?

I'll go with what the others said.  Get a UPS.  You'll rest a little 
easier if a storm comes up while you're at the grocery store or 

Or, plug everything into a power strip (they make 'em with built-in 
phone surge surpression too) and unplug it.

Bill Christensen

Green Building Professionals Directory:
Sustainable Building Calendar:
Green Real Estate:
Straw Bale Registry:

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Kris Tilford

On Jun 13, 2009, at 1:52 AM, Steve R wrote:

 I have no idea if this link to the thread where Dan Knight's email
 will work for everyone but here it is:

The link worked perfectly for me.

Top posting is still poor netiquette.

My preferred order:

Best:   Interleaved post w/edited contextual quotes
Better: Bottom post w/contextual quoting
Acceptable: Top post w/contextual quoting
Worse:  Post without contextual quoting
Worst:  Post off topic or hijack a thread

Why be acceptable rather than best?

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
Power Macs.
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guide is at
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For more options, visit this group at
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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Peter

On Jun 13, 2009, at 1:54 AM, Kyle Hansen wrote:


 I am a Nanny here at LEM.  We have some rules about posting in our  
 One rule that gets looked over quite frequently is what is called ³top
 posting.²  We ask that you post your responses AFTER the text you are
 answering.  This is called ³bottom posting² and considered the polite
 Internet standard.  Naturally you should also trim out some of the
 non-essential information from the previous post as well.
 Kyle Hansen
 LEM List Nanny

Some time ago (last year, I believe) it was established here on the  
list that top posting was ok. I can remember the that it was a lengthy  
discussion. Now we have changed that again and went back to bottom  
posting only?

Peter M.

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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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guide is at
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Re: Lightening Season

2009-06-13 Thread Lawrence David Eden

We've entered lightening season and I have begun unplugging my 
systems as storms approach. I have concerns for my G4s: Yikes!, QS 
2002 Dual 1GHz, and soon to be had DA Dual 533.

Does this place a drain on the PRAM batteries? I believe someone 
contributed awhile back, that when the psu capacitor drains, that's 
when the batteries are used more. What might be a time limit on such 
a capacitor drain?

I've come to mistrust surge protectors, and really don't want to go 
into UPSs ... but are they immune to lightening?

I also disconnect my DSL modem and ethernet cables: that's how 
lightening fried my last QS mobo [and a USB connected Nikon 5000ED 
circuit board (now back fresh as well)] ... the QS I think actually 
had problems since eBay. My replacement mobo is behaving really well.

All this unplugging has become rather 
comical (well, to my cat and dog, since we're here, mostly to ourselves).

Any suggestions about how to accomplish this better?

Many power companies offer a Whole House Surge and Lightening 
Arrester.  It is a little expensive, but if you are concerned about 
lightning strikes, it may be the best protection available.  I doubt 
that any surge protector that you buy is fast enough to prevent 
damage due to lightning.

Larry Eden
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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Safari 4.0

2009-06-13 Thread Dan

At 9:03 PM -0500 6/12/2009, George R. Hozendorf wrote:

Is there any way to get the progress bar back in lieu of the rotating wheel?

No.  The preferences to change this (set with a raw defaults 
command), that were in the beta, have been removed in this final 

I recommend using Safari's Report a Bug feature.  If enough people 
complain, maybe Apple will fix (yea right).  sigh.

Why do they keep trying to improve what works?

In cyberspace, good designs are often obliterated by over-paid putz 
developers anxious to get puppy treats from their boss.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Safari 4.0

2009-06-13 Thread Dan

At 10:37 PM -0700 6/12/2009, Ernest L. Gunerius wrote:

[HTML removed]

Take a look at:

Cache spew isn't relevant to changing the Loading indicator.

This cache mess bugs me.  I don't understand why Apple would violate 
their own guidelines, by hiding data outside the user's account, then 
failing to garbage collect it properly.

disabling Top Sites.
14 Tips for Safari 4 Beta ;

The beta preferences have been removed from the released Safari 4.

I've seen one suggestion of extracting the final beta Safari app from 
its installer, and using it on top of the rest of the release.  Been 
there, tried that, got the crashes.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Lightening Season

2009-06-13 Thread Nestamicky

On Jun 13, 2009, at 5:38 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:

 Any suggestions about how to accomplish this better?

Yes, buy a power strip. Disconnect the strip instead of several  
cables. Makes it efficient.
You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Lightening Season

2009-06-13 Thread Dan

At 11:44 PM -0400 6/12/2009, insightinmind wrote:
We've entered lightening season and I have begun unplugging my 
systems as storms approach.

Me too!

Does this place a drain on the PRAM batteries?

Yea, but so what?  That's what they're for.  And the battery lasts 
for years anyway...

I've come to mistrust surge protectors, and really don't want to go 
into UPSs ... but are they immune to lightening?

NOTHING is immune to lightning.  Some devices are simply more 
protective than others.

Note also that a UPS is nothing more than a better surge protector 
plus a battery backup (for when the power goes out totally).  The 
surge protectors in them are just like the ones you buy separately - 
price vs quality.

I also disconnect my DSL modem and ethernet cables: that's how 
lightening fried my last QS mobo [and a USB connected Nikon 5000ED 
circuit board (now back fresh as well)] ... the QS I think actually 
had problems since eBay. My replacement mobo is behaving really well.

All this unplugging has become rather comical

Any suggestions about how to accomplish this better?

Use a power strip / surge protector that has phone line protection. 
That way you have only two plugs to pull - the power and the dsl line 
into the strip.

As for the ether... how big is your LAN?  If it's just local to your 
room, then it's fine once any hub/switch is unpowered.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Lightening Season

2009-06-13 Thread James E. Therrault

I live in a rual area and frequently take precautions to prevent 
lightning damage.

Disconnecting the phone cable (since I'm on dial up) is the most 
important and other than turning off my power supply surge protector (ha 
ha), that's about it.  Sometimes if it looks real bad, I'll unplug the 
surge protector which supplies all of my computer stuff.

I think that modem (cable or otherwise) is the greatest risk for your 


insightinmind wrote:
 On Jun 12, 2009, at 11:44 PM, insightinmind wrote:
 meaning lightning, of coarse (sic) ...
 Bill Connelly

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread James E. Therrault

Um, this requirement went away quite some time ago...


Kyle Hansen wrote:

 I am a Nanny here at LEM.  We have some rules about posting in our forums.
 One rule that gets looked over quite frequently is what is called ³top
 posting.²  We ask that you post your responses AFTER the text you are
 answering.  This is called ³bottom posting² and considered the polite
 Internet standard.  Naturally you should also trim out some of the
 non-essential information from the previous post as well.  Here is a snippet
 of the rules that you read when you signed up for these lists:
 Thanks for your understanding.  You will be warned first, then temp banned
 and then banned from the list if you don¹t follow the few rules we ask you
 to follow.  Usually we will ban you or moderate you (so your post has to be
 approved by a nanny before it will hit the list) then temporarily ban you
 (usually 72 hours), and then if you still don¹t ³get it² you will just be
 banned from the listŠ.which we really do not want to do.  So please take the
 few extra seconds and trim your posts then post your response at the bottom.
 Not only is it polite, it is a requirement of our lists.  Some threads get
 really hard to follow if you ³top post.²
 We have posted several warnings.  The warnings are going to stop and then
 bans are going to begin.  It is not that difficult to trim a post and then
 reply in the natural fashion which is below the quoted text.
 Thank you again for your understanding.
 Kyle Hansen

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
Power Macs.
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guide is at
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For more options, visit this group at
Low End Mac RSS feed at feed://

Re: Lightening Season

2009-06-13 Thread Dan

At 9:52 AM -0400 6/13/2009, Dan wrote:
Use a power strip / surge protector that has phone line protection. 
That way you have only two plugs to pull - the power and the dsl 
line into the strip.

FWIW, another school of thought

Surges need a path to follow that's better than your computer.

If you cannot totally disconnect (isolate) all your equipment, then 
it's better to simply shut it all down and turn the power off at the 
surge protector.  Leave the equipment plugged in...  That way the 
grounding system is still connected...

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
Power Macs.
The list FAQ is at and our netiquette 
guide is at
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For more options, visit this group at
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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Lana

Please take me off this list.
- Original Message - 
From: Steve R
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: Top Posting (read up)

 Please, sir, where does Dan Knight, List Mom, on his updated
 2008.02.15 webpage, continue to insist that bottom posting is the
 only way to post? See content of that page below the link you posted.

 Kyle, I wish you no ill -- perhaps it was when you resigned from
 being List Nanny that Dan Knight, List Mom, posted to all lists
 saying that the 'banned for top posting' rule was no longer being
 enforced because Apple Mail even had its default for top posting.
 Just in the past week, someone reposted Dan Knight's email complete
 with headers to verify validity of the email. Dan Knight's email said
 bottom posting was preferred however it was up to the individual
 poster to determine how best to reply.

 Surely, Dan Knight's email can be found in the archive.

 Steve R

 At 10:54 PM -0700 6/12/09, Kyle Hansen posted:

 Netiquette for Email Lists
 updated 2008.02.15

 There are informal rules of Internet communication which are termed
 netiquette to help people use proper etiquette within forums and
 email groups. Some examples of poor netiquette are not signing
 messages, sending unsubscribe messages to the posting address
 (instead of the administrative address), or TYPING IN ALL CAPS (which
 is the equivalent of yelling).

 The Internet is a dynamic environment and netiquette evolves over time.

 Some rules for the Low End Mac family of mail lists:

 Remember that replies automatically go to the list, not the just the
 person who posted the message. You need to change the To: address to
 respond to an individual. (Some other lists, such as Mac-Mgrs and the
 Low End Mac Swap list, work just the opposite way. On those lists, a
 reply goes to the original sender by default, not to the list.) Never
 post private (off-list) correspondence to the list without the
 permission of the sender.

 Please quote only the relevant portion of messages you respond to -
 and please quote some of the original message so others know what
 you're responding to.

 Mom and the nannies are watching. The list managers (the List Owner
 or mom and List Managers or nannies) have the right to remove
 posting privileges or ban anyone from the list for vulgarity,
 trolling, flaming, name calling, threats, or other behavior
 detrimental to this online community. They also have the right to
 switch you to moderated mode* for continued violations of the list
 rules and netiquette; this could escalate to blocking or banning if
 the infractions continue.

 Never send attachments to the list. An attachment may contain a
 virus, may be in a format others cannot use, may not make it through
 some mail gateways, makes the message bigger, and could bog down both
 the list server and the mail server.

 Don't send styled text or HTML files; only send plain text. Styled
 text may or may not come through as an attachment, but it is very
 difficult to read with a plain text email client. Google Groups will
 accept styled text and attachments, and this can result in garbled

 Style your posting - ASCII style.

 Please keep me too messages off the list; these are best sent
 privately, if at all.

 Never send test messages to the list. Test when you have something to
 say to the list by saying it, not by sending a test message.

 Please avoid cross posting - sending the same message to several
 lists at the same time. Pick the list most likely to help, post
 there, and if you don't find what you need in that forum within a day
 or so, try another list.

 Let sleeping threads lie. If it's been over a week since the last
 posting in a thread, consider it dead and buried.

 When asking a question, please list relevant information regarding
 hardware, software, and version of the Mac OS involved.

 Change the subject line when the subject of the thread changes. If
 you don't do that, Google Groups will thread it with the old subject.

 When responding to a digest post, be sure to change the subject to
 match that of the original message.

 Signature lines
 * Signature blocks (sigs) are considered personal expression as long
 as the poster's name comes between the body of the message and the
 * Please keep your signature concise. Six lines or less is best. Ten
 or more is excessive.
 * Many email clients wrap text at 80 characters or less (sometimes as
 little as 72); check that your signature doesn't wrap badly because
 of this.
 * Taglines should be clearly separated from the body of the email and
 should come after your name.
 * Avoid vulgar and offensive taglines.

 Don't use PGP encryption on your messages. A lot of people (probably
 most) can't even use it.

 Disclaimers and authentication. Please don't include corporate
 disclaimers or PGP authentication when posting to the 

Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread


On Jun 13, 1:54 am, Kyle Hansen wrote:

 I am a Nanny here at LEM.  We have some rules about posting in our forums.
 One rule that gets looked over quite frequently is what is called ³top
 posting.²  We ask that you post your responses AFTER the text you are
 answering.  This is called ³bottom posting² and considered the polite
 Internet standard.  

This was posted in error. Bottom posting is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED, along
with selective trimming. Top posting will not get you banned or

HOWEVER, many of the more active/ knowledgeable members adhere to
bottom posting/ selective trimming etiquette and on more than one
occasion have mentioned (on or off list) If they are not willing to
take the 3-5 seconds to bottom post and trim, why should I take 3-5
minutes to help them out.

It makes email list threads much easier to read. If you examine some
of the longer threads we have had here lately, you will see how hard
to read a thread/ long message with a lot of previous top/bottom
posting, along with trying to figure out who said what.

So, PLEASE folks, TRY and bottom post and trim out non-relevant
portions. But there is no firing squad or banishment for violators.

Also, just a reminder, do not post attachments to the list.

Len Gerstel
G3-5List Nanny

You received this message because you are subscribed Low End Mac's G3-5 List, a 
group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
Power Macs.
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For more options, visit this group at
Low End Mac RSS feed at feed://

Re: Lightning Season

2009-06-13 Thread insightinmind

On Jun 13, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Dan wrote:

 At 9:52 AM -0400 6/13/2009, Dan wrote:
 Use a power strip / surge protector that has phone line protection.
 That way you have only two plugs to pull - the power and the dsl
 line into the strip.

 FWIW, another school of thought

 Surges need a path to follow that's better than your computer.

 If you cannot totally disconnect (isolate) all your equipment, then
 it's better to simply shut it all down and turn the power off at the
 surge protector.  Leave the equipment plugged in...  That way the
 grounding system is still connected...

My home network is a simple 3 or 4 computers-off-one-dsl-modem/router  
LAN. Computer setups are located in several rooms/studios. Each  
computer/other equipment (expensive and sensitive audio, scanners,  
etc) are connected to a power strip ... strips are sometimes daisy  

So I usually only have 1 plug per room to pull ... and at the router,  
I pull all the ethernet cables, and the phone  line. I feel like the  
hardwire ethernet cables still might act as an antenna for nearby  
strikes, but I'm resisting pulling them from the backs of my  
computers. Wireless connections would likely resolve that part ...

Someone's comment made me start thinking of my CRTs as antennas as  
well ...

Come to think of it ... I did have my electrical service upgraded  
fairly recently, and they added a surge protection to the system ...  
but he warned me about its function ... the lightning can enter the  
system anywhere, so its effectiveness is debatable ...

I really think physical disconnection is the safest ... even with its  
comedic possibilities.

Thanks all for the refresher course / comments ...

Bill Connelly

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Re: Lightening Season

2009-06-13 Thread Paul Stamsen

Previously, at 11:58  pm -0400 6/12/09, insightinmind wrote:
  On Jun 12, 2009, at 11:44 PM, insightinmind wrote:

  meaning lightning, of coarse (sic) ...

not if he was referring to diluting the colour towards white (or whitening) :-}
I am not only a pacifist but a militant pacifist. I am willing to fight for 
Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war.
-Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel laureate (1879-1955)

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Re: Lightening Season

2009-06-13 Thread Al Poulin


At first, I thought you were talking dieting!  But good catch on your

On Jun 12, 11:44 pm, insightinmind wrote:
 We've entered lightening season and I have begun unplugging my  
 systems as storms approach. I have concerns for my G4s: Yikes!, QS  
 2002 Dual 1GHz, and soon to be had DA Dual 533.

I sometimes do this, even though I use two APC BackUPS Pro 450s, old
models which have a nice capability to deal with brownouts.  I guess
they call that automatic voltage regulation (AVR).  These units deal
nicely with appliances in the house which sometimes give a momentary
dimming of the lights, like the clothes washer and vacuum cleaner.  I
hear them click quickly on/off.

 Does this place a drain on the PRAM batteries?


 I believe someone  
 contributed awhile back, that when the psu capacitor drains, that's  
 when the batteries are used more.  What might be a time limit on such  
 a capacitor drain?

Don't know.

 I've come to mistrust surge protectors, and really don't want to go  
 into UPSs ... but are they immune to lightening?

It depends.  They may sacrifice themselves if lightning strikes the
house, the tall tree 10 feet away, or the transformer at the street
that serves your house.  But our electric company installed new
equipment including fuses on the lines after Hurricane Isabell, and
our service has become much more stable.  Years ago, I lost my first
APC unit when, on a clear bright sunny Saturday morning, the power
company generated a massive surge.  That saved the computer gear.
Neighbors lost TVs, microwaves, wall thermostats, etc.  After that
incident, I installed an all-house surge protector in my Square D
entrance panel.

Last week, at 6:40 AM, when I had left everything plugged in, there
was a lightning strike nearby, with instantaneous lights off for about
two seconds.  It burned out a transformer about 150 feet from my house
which supplies my neighbor's house.  No problem here.  And I have not
seen any other service vehicles at my neighbor's place.

 I also disconnect my DSL modem and ethernet cables: that's how  
 lightening fried my last QS mobo [and a USB connected Nikon 5000ED  
 circuit board (now back fresh as well)] ... the QS I think actually  
 had problems since eBay. My replacement mobo is behaving really well.

I sometimes unplug the other gear and cables.  If, by unplugging, you
accelerate the drain on your G4 tower PRAM batteries, that is no big
deal.  You just easily replace the battery.  But with the new style
iMac computers, that really is a big deal, because the internal
battery is not easily replaceable by users.  For that reason, when
away from the house for vacations, I leave the iMac attached to the
UPS, and the UPS powered on.  I unplug everything else.  But first, I
backup our stuff to an external drive and DVDs which then remain off

When I had Verizon come in to install their FiOS service so that I
could get rid of Cox Communications, I installed a power receptacle
near the entrance panel off a little used light circuit instead of
having them plug their entrance box into the clothes washer
receptacle.  The service tech did not want my point of use surge
protector.  Neither did he want the coax cable going to their router
come via my APC surge protector.  He specifically said their equipment
is adequately protected.  But I can still unplug my own ethernet gear.

 All this unplugging has become rather comical (well, to my cat and  
 dog, since we're here, mostly to ourselves).

 Any suggestions about how to accomplish this better?

Whole house surge protector.  Except for D Square from Home Depot,
that may require an electrician.
UPS with AVR.
Unplug when convenient.

Al Poulin

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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Dan

At 7:28 AM -0700 6/13/2009, wrote:
So, PLEASE folks, TRY and bottom post and trim out non-relevant portions.

yea.  What he said!

But there is no firing squad or banishment for violators.


I'm getting one or two private emails a week that all say the same 
thing:  Why didn't you post in this or that thread?

I reply with what I'll say here:

Offering tech support via email is Not Easy.  Reading upside down 
top-posted untrimmed threads makes the job so difficult ... I'd 
rather spend the time chasing my cats.  Ditto for styled-text / 
HTML-based messages using itty bitty fonts.

So when I see top posting or tiny fonts, I usually just delete the 
message without reading it.  And move on...

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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Re: Lightening Season

2009-06-13 Thread Al Poulin

On Jun 13, 9:52 am, Dan wrote:

 Note also that a UPS is nothing more than a better surge protector
 plus a battery backup (for when the power goes out totally).  The
 surge protectors in them are just like the ones you buy separately -
 price vs quality.

The more expensive UPSs include automatic voltage regulation (AVR).
Also, beyond normal home use, there is power conditioning.

Al Poulin
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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Peter

On Jun 13, 2009, at 10:28 AM, wrote:


 On Jun 13, 1:54 am, Kyle Hansen wrote:

 I am a Nanny here at LEM.  We have some rules about posting in our  
 One rule that gets looked over quite frequently is what is called  
 posting.²  We ask that you post your responses AFTER the text you are
 answering.  This is called ³bottom posting² and considered the polite
 Internet standard.

 This was posted in error. Bottom posting is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED, along
 with selective trimming. Top posting will not get you banned or

 HOWEVER, many of the more active/ knowledgeable members adhere to
 bottom posting/ selective trimming etiquette and on more than one
 occasion have mentioned (on or off list) If they are not willing to
 take the 3-5 seconds to bottom post and trim, why should I take 3-5
 minutes to help them out.

 It makes email list threads much easier to read. If you examine some
 of the longer threads we have had here lately, you will see how hard
 to read a thread/ long message with a lot of previous top/bottom
 posting, along with trying to figure out who said what.

 So, PLEASE folks, TRY and bottom post and trim out non-relevant
 portions. But there is no firing squad or banishment for violators.

 Also, just a reminder, do not post attachments to the list.

 Len Gerstel
 G3-5List Nanny

Sometimes it is not as easy executed as said. Sometimes people use  
mobile devices (iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry or who knows) and on  
some of the mobile devices you can't cut or partial delete if you hit  
the reply button. I'm pretty sure most people try very hard to follow  
your advice but it is not always as easy as it seems. Just some  
thoughts from somebody using mobile devices a lot.

Peter M.
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Re: Lightning Season

2009-06-13 Thread Al Poulin

On Jun 13, 10:33 am, insightinmind wrote:

 My home network is a simple 3 or 4 computers-off-one-dsl-modem/router  
 LAN. Computer setups are located in several rooms/studios. Each  
 computer/other equipment (expensive and sensitive audio, scanners,  
 etc) are connected to a power strip ... strips are sometimes daisy  

I like to distinguish between surge protectors or surge strips on the
one hand and power strips on the other hand.  I understand that surge
protectors/strips must not be daisy chained.  Daisy chaining power
strips seems okay.  Bruce once mentioned that he ties power strips to
the battery side of his home APC UPS boxes.  I could do the same with
a triple tap.

Al Poulin
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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Bruce Johnson

On Jun 13, 2009, at 8:21 AM, Dan wrote:

 I reply with what I'll say here:

 Offering tech support via email is Not Easy.  Reading upside down
 top-posted untrimmed threads makes the job so difficult ... I'd
 rather spend the time chasing my cats.  Ditto for styled-text /
 HTML-based messages using itty bitty fonts.

 So when I see top posting or tiny fonts, I usually just delete the
 message without reading it.  And move on...

What Dan said...

Bruce Johnson

Wherever you go, there you are B. Banzai,  PhD

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Re: Lightening Season

2009-06-13 Thread insightinmind

On Jun 13, 2009, at 11:36 AM, Al Poulin wrote:

 On Jun 13, 9:52 am, Dan wrote:

 Note also that a UPS is nothing more than a better surge protector
 plus a battery backup (for when the power goes out totally).  The
 surge protectors in them are just like the ones you buy separately -
 price vs quality.

 The more expensive UPSs include automatic voltage regulation (AVR).
 Also, beyond normal home use, there is power conditioning.

That would help with the audio equipment, too, I believe.

Brownouts are a related beast, most likely solved by the UPS with AVR.

Guess I could benefit by a sale on expensive UPSs ...

Bill Connelly

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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Dan

At 11:43 AM -0400 6/13/2009, insightinmind wrote:
On Jun 13, 2009, at 11:21 AM, Dan wrote:
   So when I see top posting or tiny fonts, I usually just delete the
   message without reading it.  And move on...

Regarding Rich vrs Plain text and html ... I recently changed my 
Signature to be plain text/non-http-html (for my G3-G5 list e-mail 
address account only) ... I think that was over-riding my other 
choice of Responding: Use the same message format  My responses 
have returned to immediate turn-around whereas they were delayed 
probably by the google Server, for possibly containing Rich Text and/
or html.

Make sense? maybe I should drop my signature ... seems harmless enough.

Bill Connelly

I doubt plain vs rich (aka html) in a sig would block your emails at 
the server level.  If they were going to bock, the thing they'd most 
likely hit on is the content therein, eg the myspace url.  A quick 
search thru my unfiltered spam trap shows thousands of messages 

At the user level, a lot of people junk html-based emails unless 
they're from someone on their whitelist.  It's easy enough to do - 
just filter for an x-html tag.

Your original post in the Lightning thread is rich (HTML), btw, but 
the font sizes are good.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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Re: Lightning Season

2009-06-13 Thread Dan

At 8:32 AM -0700 6/13/2009, Al Poulin wrote:

I like to distinguish between surge protectors or surge strips on the
one hand and power strips on the other hand.  I understand that surge
protectors/strips must not be daisy chained.

Daisy chaining surge protectors is of little value.  But it works.

Daisy chaining power strips is a political issue - between you, the 
size of the circuit breaker in the garage, and your fire insurance. 

I've got four daisy chained here.  Only one outlet in this room...

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Doug McNutt

At 22:54 -0700 6/12/09, Kyle Hansen wrote:
x_charset windows-1_2_5_2
I am a Nanny here at LEM.  We have some rules about posting in our forums.
One rule that gets looked over quite frequently is what is called „top
posting.¾  We ask that you post your responses AFTER the text you are
answering.  This is called „bottom posting¾ and considered the polite
Internet standard.  Naturally you should also trim out some of the
non-essential information from the previous post as well.  Here is a snippet
of the rules that you read when you signed up for these lists:


I am a low end Mac user on this G3 equipped 8500 running Eudora 5.1. Character 
encodings in the upper ASCII range were once fairly well defined until Windoze 
changed things. Character set windows-1252 causes problems for me that are 
far worse than top posting.

Those smart quotes are coming out as superscript 3 and 2 characters or as 
greater than or equals depending on the blah-blah setting of Eudora.

I would really appreciate it if users on this LOW END MAC list would either 
stick to low end ASCII or use Macintosh machines for posting.

Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, though not thoroughly, thought through.

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Re: Safari 4.0

2009-06-13 Thread Ralph Green

  Well, it is not exactly what George asked for.  But, if you like the
progress bar, use Firefox and install the fission add-in.  I almost
always add that add-in, because I like the Safari style progress bar.
Good day,

On Sat, 2009-06-13 at 09:18 -0400, Dan wrote:
 At 9:03 PM -0500 6/12/2009, George R. Hozendorf wrote:
 Is there any way to get the progress bar back in lieu of the rotating wheel?
 No.  The preferences to change this (set with a raw defaults 
 command), that were in the beta, have been removed in this final 

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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread insightinmind

On Jun 13, 2009, at 12:28 PM, Dan wrote:

 At 11:43 AM -0400 6/13/2009, insightinmind wrote:

 Make sense? maybe I should drop my signature ... seems harmless  

 I doubt plain vs rich (aka html) in a sig would block your emails at
 the server level.  If they were going to bock, the thing they'd most
 likely hit on is the content therein, eg the myspace url.  A quick
 search thru my unfiltered spam trap shows thousands of messages

 At the user level, a lot of people junk html-based emails unless
 they're from someone on their whitelist.  It's easy enough to do -
 just filter for an x-html tag.

 Your original post in the Lightning thread is rich (HTML), btw, but
 the font sizes are good.

Well I shortened my Sig to just be my artsite ... non-myspace url.

My message above hasn't come through to my Mail box, yet. Maybe its  
my verizon server ...

Bill Connelly

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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread John Musbach

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 1:54 AM, Kyle wrote:


 I am a Nanny here at LEM.  We have some rules about posting in our forums.
 One rule that gets looked over quite frequently is what is called ³top
 posting.²  We ask that you post your responses AFTER the text you are
 answering.  This is called ³bottom posting² and considered the polite
 Internet standard.  Naturally you should also trim out some of the
 non-essential information from the previous post as well.  Here is a snippet
 of the rules that you read when you signed up for these lists:

 Thanks for your understanding.  You will be warned first, then temp banned
 and then banned from the list if you don¹t follow the few rules we ask you
 to follow.  Usually we will ban you or moderate you (so your post has to be
 approved by a nanny before it will hit the list) then temporarily ban you
 (usually 72 hours), and then if you still don¹t ³get it² you will just be
 banned from the listŠ.which we really do not want to do.  So please take the
 few extra seconds and trim your posts then post your response at the bottom.
 Not only is it polite, it is a requirement of our lists.  Some threads get
 really hard to follow if you ³top post.²

 We have posted several warnings.  The warnings are going to stop and then
 bans are going to begin.  It is not that difficult to trim a post and then
 reply in the natural fashion which is below the quoted text.

 Thank you again for your understanding.

 Kyle Hansen

Why are you trying to enforce a non-existent rule:


After discussion with the other list managers, we've decided to end
our policy of asking that list members not top post their replies.
That's the default behavior of most email clients, and just reminding
people of our recommendation to bottom post or interleave your
replies has become more trouble than its worth. From this point
forward, top posting is no longer an issue.

Dan Knight, list owner

.Dan Knight a while ago made this rule no longer a issue, I don't
quite get why you're trying to reinforce it now. I don't think it's
too wise to try and cross the list owner.

Best Regards,

John Musbach

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Re: Safari 4.0

2009-06-13 Thread Dan

At 12:09 PM -0500 6/13/2009, Ralph Green wrote:
Well, it is not exactly what George asked for.  But, if you like the
progress bar, use Firefox and install the fission add-in.  I almost
always add that add-in, because I like the Safari style progress bar.

ug.  Firefox is s slow compared to Safari 4!

That's like handing someone rusted rollerskates 
while you zoom off in their Porché.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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Re: Safari 4.0

2009-06-13 Thread Peter
On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Dan wrote:

 At 12:09 PM -0500 6/13/2009, Ralph Green wrote:
 Well, it is not exactly what George asked for.  But, if you like the
 progress bar, use Firefox and install the fission add-in.  I almost
 always add that add-in, because I like the Safari style progress bar.

 ug.  Firefox is s slow compared to Safari 4!

 That's like handing someone rusted rollerskates
 while you zoom off in their Porché.

 - Dan.

I believe solutions will be found very soon for Safari 4. We just have to
wait a little. Personally, I still use Webkit but would not change to Camino
or Firefox.

Peter M.

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Re: Safari 4.0

2009-06-13 Thread insightinmind

On Jun 13, 2009, at 1:47 PM, Dan wrote:

 At 12:09 PM -0500 6/13/2009, Ralph Green wrote:
 Well, it is not exactly what George asked for.  But, if you like the
 progress bar, use Firefox and install the fission add-in.  I almost
 always add that add-in, because I like the Safari style progress bar.

 ug.  Firefox is s slow compared to Safari 4!

 That's like handing someone rusted rollerskates
 while you zoom off in their Porché.

I noticed that, too.

I especially ... like the Top Sites window (new to 4?) ... except I  
can't really figure where its getting those from ... I haven't  
visited many of them ...

Bill Connelly

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Re: Safari 4.0

2009-06-13 Thread irrational john

On Jun 13, 1:47 pm, Dan wrote:
 ug.  Firefox is s slow compared to Safari 4!

My experience is that Firefox 3 is much slower in OS X than it is in
Windows. In Windows Firefox is still my preferred browser. I don't
know what about its implementation might slow Firefox down in OS X,
it's just how it works out for me. I notice the difference most when
I'm opening and closing the Firefox app.

I haven't checked to see if the Firefox 3.5 beta is available for the
Mac. If it is then I'll have to try it out to see how it compares in

-irrational john

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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Kyle Hansen

On 6/12/09 11:39 PM, Steve R Broadcast into
the ether:

 Please, sir, where does Dan Knight, List Mom, on his updated
 2008.02.15 webpage, continue to insist that bottom posting is the
 only way to post? See content of that page below the link you posted.
 Kyle, I wish you no ill -- perhaps it was when you resigned from
 being List Nanny that Dan Knight, List Mom, posted to all lists
 saying that the 'banned for top posting' rule was no longer being
 enforced because Apple Mail even had its default for top posting.
 Just in the past week, someone reposted Dan Knight's email complete
 with headers to verify validity of the email. Dan Knight's email said
 bottom posting was preferred however it was up to the individual
 poster to determine how best to reply.
 Surely, Dan Knight's email can be found in the archive.

None taken.  But Dan Knight himself just posted the same thing on the
macintel list.  We will clarify and the web page will be updated.  I am well
aware of that post.  The Listnannies are at the round table as we speak.

And what does it matter anyway?  If you are a thoughtful and polite person
you would bottom post.  It's that simple.

Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Kyle Hansen
On 6/13/09 4:11 AM, Peter Broadcast into the ether:

 On Jun 13, 2009, at 1:54 AM, Kyle Hansen wrote:
 I am a Nanny here at LEM.  We have some rules about posting in our forums.
 One rule that gets looked over quite frequently is what is called ³top
 posting.²  We ask that you post your responses AFTER the text you are
 answering.  This is called ³bottom posting² and considered the polite
 Internet standard.  Naturally you should also trim out some of the
 non-essential information from the previous post as well.
 Kyle Hansen


I pronounce this thread dead until Dan Clarifies.  Because he himself is
insisting on bottom posting (macintel list this morning I believe) and many
many complaints have been received by list nannies about the difficulty in
following threads when people top post etc.  THIS THREAD IS DEAD, until
further clarification.  I was well aware of the previous post saying that we
would ³Prefer² that you bottm post.  But due to the volume of complaints
that top posting is not only arrogant and inconsiderate, it makes threads
hard to follow.  Will post back when this has all been decided by Dan


Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Steve R

At 1:44 PM -0700 6/13/09, Kyle Hansen posted:
  And what does it matter anyway?  If you are a thoughtful and polite person
  you would bottom post.  It's that simple.

I could take offense from that comment but I won't. Being thoughtful 
and/or polite has nothing to do with top or bottom posting, not in 
this day and age. As posted by others, there are circumstances that 
leave no option but top posting, such as using a mobile device such 
as duh! Apple's own iPhone and iPod Touch. And then there's even 
Apple Mail... set to default to top posting. If you were a thoughtful 
and polite person you might understand those limitations, set by 
Apple itself, that make bottom posting to an Apple-related list a bit 
difficult for some people.

It really sucks that a forum for communication is being held hostage 
by some folks who really could use a bit more fiber in their diet. 
Those who *strenuously* and *adamantly* object to top posting have 
already posted a solution --- don't respond to those who top post. 
Those of us who understand there are limitations that make bottom 
posting difficult can continue to respond to those queries that we 


Steve R

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Re: Lightning Season

2009-06-13 Thread Kyle Hansen

On 6/13/09 9:34 AM, Dan Broadcast into the ether:

 Daisy chaining surge protectors is of little value.  But it works.
 Daisy chaining power strips is a political issue - between you, the
 size of the circuit breaker in the garage, and your fire insurance.
 I've got four daisy chained here.  Only one outlet in this room...


I just buy a good UPS with AVR and never think about it.  I figure that If I
spent $3000 on a computer $150 is worth protecting it.

Even when I lived in Florida where the lightning is unreal during parts of
the year I just left things lugged into my UPS with AVR and didn't worry
about it.

Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread Kyle Hansen

On 6/13/09 1:57 PM, Steve R Broadcast into
the ether:

 At 1:44 PM -0700 6/13/09, Kyle Hansen posted:
  And what does it matter anyway?  If you are a thoughtful and polite person
  you would bottom post.  It's that simple.
 I could take offense from that comment but I won't. Being thoughtful
 and/or polite has nothing to do with top or bottom posting


I could now ban you for posting on a closed thread, but I am also a
considerate and polite person.  Blackberries (like mine) and iPhones (like
mine) are capable of bottom posting.  Start a new thread if you wish to
discuss this further.

Thank you.


Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-13 Thread Kyle Hansen

I will even start the new thread so that we can calmly discuss the issue.  I
am of the opinion that I don't need to respond to a mailing list (like this
one) while at work or out for dinner or whatever.  Nothing has to be
answered instantly on a list like this.  In fact a lot of people subscribe
to this via Digest and won't get it until tomorrow anyway.  So what I do is
quickly scan for EMERGENCY messages that can't wait a couple of hours and
then answer them.  So that involves a couple more minutes of my time to
format the return email.  Be it a Blackberry or an iPhone bottom posting is is just not the default.

Taken directly from Wikipedia:

Top-posting is a natural consequence of the behavior of the reply function
in most e-mail readers, such as Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Gmail,
and others. Partially because of Microsoft's influence, top-posting is very
common on mailing lists and in personal e-mail.[7][8][9][10]
Objections to top-posting on newsgroups, as a rule, seem to come from
persons who first went online in the earlier days of Usenet

So if we as Mac users want to adopt Microsoft's way then ok...I guess.

Early internet adopters like myself do not like top posting.  It makes a
thread difficult to follow.  Even more trimming the text to just the
relevant information is of great benefit.  Especially to people with mobile
devices.  This forces us to download the whole email and fumble through it
to figure out what people are talking about.

Here are a couple of links that were just googled by me and were first page
hits using the words bottom posting as the search words:
Having just attended the WWDC here in SF that was a huge outrage.  It will
be an option if not the default on the iPhone very soon.  All the people
that I spoke with about things like widgets and iPhone apps etc eventually
got around how they HATE the fact that the iPhone top posts by default.
Because it is considered impolite, in forums like this anyway. Your
workplace may prefer top posting.  That's great.  Whatever.  We here at LEM
prefer bottom posting.

Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-13 Thread Brian

OH MY GOD.  WHAT THE CRAP??  Why the hell is this asinine issue being  
debated AGAIN?

On Jun 13, 2009, at 6:32 PM, Kyle Hansen wrote:

 On 6/13/09 4:21 PM, Kyle Hansen Broadcast  
 into the

 And page 2 of why bottom posting is considered the polite way to  
 things, especially in a back and forth forum:

 Top-posting forces your reader to work

 A top-posted message is easy to write; since, it doesn't require the  
 to edit any of the original message. As a consequence, a top-posted  
 makes the message reader do the work of understanding what was said.  
 new to a top-posted conversation has to read a message unnaturally  
 bottom to top. A reader may have to skip over the new top-posted  
 comment at
 the top of the message and scroll down to the bottom of the message  
 to see
 the context for the comment, then scroll back up, message by  
 message, to
 read the added comments in an unnatural bottom-to-top reverse order.  
 editing has been done by the top-posting writers; so, each message  
 redundant signatures and irrelevant material.

 And a few more links:

 Kyle Hansen
 This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.


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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-13 Thread Paul Stamsen

Previously, at 8:28  pm -0500 6/13/09, Brian wrote:
  OH MY GOD.  WHAT THE CRAP??  Why the hell is this asinine issue being
  debated AGAIN?


Because some PEOPLE insist on making the same mistake over and over?
Reaganomics proved what every farmer knows: The only
thing that trickles down is fertilizer!
-- unattributed

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Re: A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-13 Thread Brian

Not a mistake

On Jun 13, 2009, at 8:33 PM, Paul Stamsen wrote:

 Previously, at 8:28  pm -0500 6/13/09, Brian wrote:
 OH MY GOD.  WHAT THE CRAP??  Why the hell is this asinine issue being
 debated AGAIN?


 Because some PEOPLE insist on making the same mistake over and over?
 Reaganomics proved what every farmer knows: The only
 thing that trickles down is fertilizer!
 -- unattributed


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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-13 Thread John Callahan
BINGO!! Twitter, Twitter,Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter,  

On Jun 13, 2009, at 9:28 PM, Brian wrote:

 OH MY GOD.  WHAT THE CRAP??  Why the hell is this asinine issue being
 debated AGAIN?

 On Jun 13, 2009, at 6:32 PM, Kyle Hansen wrote:

 On 6/13/09 4:21 PM, Kyle Hansen Broadcast
 into the

 And page 2 of why bottom posting is considered the polite way to
 things, especially in a back and forth forum:

 Top-posting forces your reader to work

 A top-posted message is easy to write; since, it doesn't require the
 to edit any of the original message. As a consequence, a top-posted
 makes the message reader do the work of understanding what was said.
 new to a top-posted conversation has to read a message unnaturally
 bottom to top. A reader may have to skip over the new top-posted
 comment at
 the top of the message and scroll down to the bottom of the message
 to see
 the context for the comment, then scroll back up, message by
 message, to
 read the added comments in an unnatural bottom-to-top reverse order.
 editing has been done by the top-posting writers; so, each message
 redundant signatures and irrelevant material.

 And a few more links:

 Kyle Hansen
 This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.


John Callahan
If there are no dogs in Heaven, when I die I want to go where they  
--Will Rogers
extreme positive = (ybya2)

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Re: A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-13 Thread Kyle Hansen
On 6/13/09 6:40 PM, John Callahan Broadcast into
the ether:

 BINGO!! Twitter, Twitter,Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter.

He he.  At WWDC they say Twitter will be gone in less than a year.

And the reason was that as a nanny I get blasted over and over again weekly
about why people are still top posting, and some people had some questions
offlist.  So I guess there is no being polite allowed here either.

Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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group for those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on 
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Re: [G3-5]Re: The powerpc now and in the future....

2009-06-13 Thread MaGioZal

On 6/11/09 4:32 PM, Kris Tilford at wrote:

 On Jun 11, 2009, at 2:12 PM, Dan wrote:
 As emulators go, Rosetta - the black box that makes PPC stuff run on
 x86 Macs - is pretty good.
 Now we need the opposite emulator, the one that will allow future
 Intel x86 only code to run on our PPC Macs. I doubt this will ever
 exist, but it would certainly be welcomed.

Well, the Macintosh is no stranger to CISC/x86 emulation! CISC emulation was
already present in the PowerPC/Classic Mac OS era in order to run Motorola
68k applications. And x86 emulation was used on Windows-emulation programs
like VirtualPC.


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Booting G4 MDD via external DVD drive?

2009-06-13 Thread joplinfan

Will a Mac G4 Mirror Drive Door model boot via an external double
layer DVD drive via USB? Want to install Leopard going this route if
possible. Otherwise I'll just install a DL DVD in it.

Also, does the MDD have USB 1.0 or 2.0 ports?

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Re: Booting G4 MDD via external DVD drive?

2009-06-13 Thread Po-en Tsai

On 14/06/2009, at 2:34 PM, joplinfan wrote:

 Will a Mac G4 Mirror Drive Door model boot via an external double
 layer DVD drive via USB? Want to install Leopard going this route if
 possible. Otherwise I'll just install a DL DVD in it.

Im pretty certain it won't boot from USB, unless you have a PCI USB  
2.0 card, as I think you Mac has USB 1.1 (USB boot requires 2.0)

You could get an external Firewire Drive, which your Mac could boot  

 Also, does the MDD have USB 1.0 or 2.0 ports?

1.1 I think

Po-en Tsai

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Re: [G3-5]Re: Safari 4.0

2009-06-13 Thread MaGioZal

On 6/13/09 3:09 PM, insightinmind at wrote:

 I noticed that, too.

And the Firefox Mac interace eats up a sizeable part of display real estate,
too, mainly if you're in 1024x768.


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Re: [G3-5]Re: The powerpc now and in the future....

2009-06-13 Thread Alex Smith (K4RNT)

I'm still thinking about picking up a Quicksilver 2002 to use as a
light-to-medium-duty server. Power Architecture is a great and
efficient platform, too bad Apple didn't follow it through.

DISCLAIMER: I work for IBM as a contractor, but I liked their products
even before I started working with them. :)

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 9:27 PM, wrote:

 On 6/11/09 4:32 PM, Kris Tilford at wrote:

 On Jun 11, 2009, at 2:12 PM, Dan wrote:

 As emulators go, Rosetta - the black box that makes PPC stuff run on
 x86 Macs - is pretty good.

 Now we need the opposite emulator, the one that will allow future
 Intel x86 only code to run on our PPC Macs. I doubt this will ever
 exist, but it would certainly be welcomed.

 Well, the Macintosh is no stranger to CISC/x86 emulation! CISC emulation was
 already present in the PowerPC/Classic Mac OS era in order to run Motorola
 68k applications. And x86 emulation was used on Windows-emulation programs
 like VirtualPC.



 ' With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech
censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied,
chains us all irrevocably.' Those words were uttered by Judge Aaron
Satie as wisdom and warning... The first time any man's freedom is
trodden on we’re all damaged. - Jean-Luc Picard, quoting Judge Aaron
Satie, Star Trek: TNG episode The Drumhead
- Alex Smith (K4RNT)
- Murfreesboro/Nashville, Tennessee USA

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Re: A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-13 Thread Kris Tilford

On Jun 13, 2009, at 8:40 PM, John Callahan wrote:

 BINGO!! Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter.

Dingbat!! Plain text, plain text, plain text, plain text.

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Re: [G3-5]Re: Top Posting (read up)

2009-06-13 Thread MaGioZal

On 6/13/09 8:11 AM, Peter at wrote:

 Some time ago (last year, I believe) it was established here on the list that
 top posting was ok. I can remember the that it was a lengthy discussion. Now
 we have changed that again and went back to bottom posting only?

I think top posting, mainly if the reply is not so long, is not an evil
nowadays. But I think that for the sake of undersanting in a thread, the
quoting marks must be respected (I say this because many times HTML-enabled
mailers don't respect quoting order).


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Re: A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-13 Thread MacGuy

On Jun 13, 2009, at 8:13 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:

 Dingbat!! Plain text, plain text, plain text, plain text.

Oh, that was delicious! :-) Jeff

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Re: [G3-5]A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-13 Thread MaGioZal

On 6/13/09 8:21 PM, Kyle Hansen at wrote:

 Even more trimming the text to just the
 relevant information is of great benefit.

I think trimming before replying any e-mail is a fundamental lesson.
Non-trimming should be used only in special cases.

I subscribe two another high-traffic mailing lists that do permit HTML,
attachments and whose users are not used to trim before replying. Sometimes,
mainly in long threads, I feel like in an internet hell...


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Re: A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-13 Thread Kyle Hansen

On 6/13/09 8:18 PM, MacGuy Broadcast into the ether:

 On Jun 13, 2009, at 8:13 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:
 Dingbat!! Plain text, plain text, plain text, plain text.
 Oh, that was delicious! :-) Jeff

LMFAO.  I was not going to say it.

Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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Re: Booting G4 MDD via external DVD drive?

2009-06-13 Thread joplinfan

Thanks much for the info. Just realized I can try Target Disk Mode and
hook the MDD up to one of my other G4's with an internal DL DVD combo
drive. That should work.


On Jun 13, 9:42 pm, Po-en Tsai wrote:

 Im pretty certain it won't boot from USB, unless you have a PCI USB  
 2.0 card, as I think you Mac has USB 1.1 (USB boot requires 2.0)

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Re: A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-13 Thread Stanton Mitrany

Top-posting forces your reader to work . . .

It's been my impression that those who participate in the posts on  
these lists:

- Usually compose Subject: lines which are a reasonably informative  
description of the issue within the message.

- If reading any particular post in a thread, we have usually already  
become familiar with the discussion thus far by reading the earlier  
comments on an issue. Few of us, I imagine, choose to come into an  
intriguing subject, judged by the Subject: line, anywhere but in the  
beginning. Alternately, some posters may enter their reading at the  
first response from one of those among us who historically have seemed  
to be the best informed among us. These members, bless them all,  
usually encapsulate the subject of the discussion to that point  
succinctly, and trim off the balance.

- Are most often surgical in removing extraneous earlier material from  
prior postings on the thread.

Since the observations above, I believe, are generally valid, I  
personally find no difficulty following top postings. Since there's  
usually little below their addition aside from a modest encapsulation  
of what in the prior postings in the thread it is on which they wish  
to amplify, the need to read back and forth from the bottom-up to  
follow a top-posted addition to a conversation with which our readers  
are already familiar from prior postings on a thread is moot.

Sorry if this comment was hard to decipher.


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Re: A polite netiquette back and forth

2009-06-13 Thread Kyle Hansen

On 6/13/09 9:07 PM, Stanton Mitrany Broadcast
into the ether:

 Top-posting forces your reader to work . . .
 Sorry if this comment was hard to decipher.


You sir, obviously get it.
The authorities require that a person must be missing for more than 48 hours
before filing a report.  If they own a Jeep Wrangler don't bother calling.
Kyle H. Hansen

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Re: Lightning Season

2009-06-13 Thread Clark Martin

Al Poulin wrote:

 I like to distinguish between surge protectors or surge strips on the
 one hand and power strips on the other hand.  I understand that surge
 protectors/strips must not be daisy chained.  Daisy chaining power
 strips seems okay.  Bruce once mentioned that he ties power strips to
 the battery side of his home APC UPS boxes.  I could do the same with
 a triple tap.

There is nothing wrong with daisy chaining surge protectors, surge 
strips and/or power strips except that it's better not to for power 
distribution reasons.  It's best if any of the above are plugged 
directly into a wall outlet.  As long as you aren't drawing too much 
power then  daisy chaining them is acceptable.

By daisy chaining a power strip with surge suppression you are in effect 
paralleling the surge supressors which means they are adding their 

But you really only need one surge supressor, plugged into the wall, 
first in any chain.

For the most part people get overly concerned about surge protection. 
Switching power supplies are fairly robust.

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway

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Re: Lightning Season

2009-06-13 Thread Clark Martin

Dan wrote:
 At 8:32 AM -0700 6/13/2009, Al Poulin wrote:
 I like to distinguish between surge protectors or surge strips on the
 one hand and power strips on the other hand.  I understand that surge
 protectors/strips must not be daisy chained.
 Daisy chaining surge protectors is of little value.  But it works.
 Daisy chaining power strips is a political issue - between you, the 
 size of the circuit breaker in the garage, and your fire insurance. 

That isn't a big deal either, every power strip you are likely to find 
has a 10-15 A circuit breaker.  Daisy chaining them and adding loads to 
the additional power strips just increases the chance of tripping the 
breaker on the power strip or the circuit breaker protecting that outlet.

At the school I worked at we had a local fire marshall come through and 
they had no problems with daisy chaining power strips but wouldn't allow 
any power strips hanging off an extension cord (which carries the same 
protection.  This despite the fact that adequate wall outlets weren't 
provided in the new buildings, something that would have been required 
by code in any house but since they were public buildings they were exempt.

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

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Re: Booting G4 MDD via external DVD drive?

2009-06-13 Thread Clark Martin

Po-en Tsai wrote:
 On 14/06/2009, at 2:34 PM, joplinfan wrote:

 Will a Mac G4 Mirror Drive Door model boot via an external double
 layer DVD drive via USB? Want to install Leopard going this route if
 possible. Otherwise I'll just install a DL DVD in it.
 Im pretty certain it won't boot from USB, unless you have a PCI USB 2.0 
 card, as I think you Mac has USB 1.1 (USB boot requires 2.0)

I've booted G3 iMacs from USB 1.1 interfaces before but only booting OS 
9, not X.

 You could get an external Firewire Drive, which your Mac could boot from.

 Also, does the MDD have USB 1.0 or 2.0 ports?
 1.1 I think

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway

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