Re: [Geoserver-devel] Website certificate issue

2020-06-05 Thread Jonathan Moules
Not a certificate expert, but as far as I can tell, the certificate is 
valid for the domain name and its subdomains (so would probably work). The website domain name being 
"" this triggers the browsers:
"The servers name "" does not match the certficate's name:, *, etc.

So it looks like the wrong certificate is being used/has been issued.

On 2020-06-05 18:39, Jody Garnett wrote:
Do you have any more details, the domain is supposed to be 
transferred to osgeo. I am concerned that this has not been done.

The website is hosted on github pages...
Jody Garnett

On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 00:59, Jonathan Moules>> 

Hi Folks,

The GeoServer website is giving me security certificate issues across
all my browsers. Seems that the certificate is for some flavour of <> rather than
<>. May be worth taking a look at.



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[Geoserver-devel] Website certificate issue

2020-06-05 Thread Jonathan Moules

Hi Folks,

The GeoServer website is giving me security certificate issues across 
all my browsers. Seems that the certificate is for some flavour of rather than May be worth taking a look at.



Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Release schedule for 2.17.0: typo or actual desire?

2020-01-07 Thread Jonathan Moules

It's something that can be discussed, but requires a proposal... (once upon
a time FOSS4G was in September, I remember
Justin pressing a "release" button directly during "state of geoserver").

I remember that; Nottingham 2013!

Although for that one I think it was Jody pressing the button - - so 
maybe it was a more recent one (impressive that it's still online and 

Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Optional flag to remove root Layer in WMS Capabilities documents

2019-05-29 Thread Jonathan Moules

Hi Jody,

Thanks! Feedback is always welcome (off-list too). Unfortunately I won't 
be going to Bucharest so the next FOSS4G international I'm likely to 
make is 2022 given I'm trying to keep my pollution footprint low by not 
flying. But I hope to present it at FOSS4GUK later this year.

> I assume you are filling what was formally the root SRS list in the 
"top-level" layer definition in each case?

Layers do "inherit" the parent's SRS, BBOX, and ScaleHint when nested if 
that's what you mean. Either adding (SRS) or replacing (BBOX), as 

Excepting of course that because the GeoServer default SRS list is 
lengthy(!), if there are more than 30 SRS' declared, then I keep none of 



On 2019-05-29 10:36, Jody Garnett wrote:
That is really neat! Thanks for the background, when do we get a 
foss4g presentation on your database?

Based on the research do we want to have the option remove root in all 

root --> groups --> layers
group --> layers

I assume you are filling what was formally the root SRS list in the 
"top-level" layer definition in each case?

Jody Garnett

On Tue, 28 May 2019 at 17:08, Jonathan Moules>> 

I believe most WMS clients can already handle no-root-layers, at
least if they interact successfully with ArcGIS Server WMS', which
don't always provide one. For instance try the getcap for:


This seems to only be true of the /ImageServer/ endpoints. ArcGIS
/MapServer/ endpoints have a root layer.

Thredds, QGIS Server and MapServer also have a root layer.

> {Jody} ... it is just very unusual to see a WMS service
configured this way (with a single layer).

From a purely statistical perspective, most WMS services only have
have a single layer. Of 116,762 public WMS services in my
database, 62,442 have exactly one (1) named layer. Just 54,320
have > 1 layer. That's across all types of WMS Server.

Note that I only keep "named layers" (layers that have a "name"
set and can thus be requested via GetMap), and I don't keep
nested-layers relationships.



On 2019-05-21 08:32, Andrea Aime wrote:

On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 9:27 AM Mauro Bartolomeoli>> wrote:

Hi Jody. The most interesting use case is when you are asking
for a layer group and you get the group as root and the
subgroups and layers as child nodes (so not really a single
layer, but a tree with a single root, that is not the GS
default root, but the group itself).
I would not make it active by default, because I suspect many
GeoServer aware WMS clients could stop working.

Yeah, I agree with the idea in general, but best to have it off
by default, don't think I've seen a WMS with a single root layer
so far. The layer group case should work instead, after all, it's
still a tree, but even in that case, some clients
would break on upgrade if we move from root->group->layers to
just group->layers


GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information. == Ing. Andrea Aime
@geowolf Technical Lead GeoSolutions S.A.S. Via di Montramito 3/A
55054 Massarosa (LU) phone: +39 0584 962313 fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549
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Geoserver-devel mailing list  

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Optional flag to remove root Layer in WMS Capabilities documents

2019-05-28 Thread Jonathan Moules
I believe most WMS clients can already handle no-root-layers, at least 
if they interact successfully with ArcGIS Server WMS', which don't 
always provide one. For instance try the getcap for:


This seems to only be true of the /ImageServer/ endpoints. ArcGIS 
/MapServer/ endpoints have a root layer.

Thredds, QGIS Server and MapServer also have a root layer.

> {Jody} ... it is just very unusual to see a WMS service configured 
this way (with a single layer).

From a purely statistical perspective, most WMS services only have have 
a single layer. Of 116,762 public WMS services in my database, 62,442 
have exactly one (1) named layer. Just 54,320 have > 1 layer. That's 
across all types of WMS Server.

Note that I only keep "named layers" (layers that have a "name" set and 
can thus be requested via GetMap), and I don't keep nested-layers 



On 2019-05-21 08:32, Andrea Aime wrote:
On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 9:27 AM Mauro Bartolomeoli 
> wrote:

Hi Jody. The most interesting use case is when you are asking for
a layer group and you get the group as root and the subgroups and
layers as child nodes (so not really a single layer, but a tree
with a single root, that is not the GS default root, but the group
I would not make it active by default, because I suspect many
GeoServer aware WMS clients could stop working.

Yeah, I agree with the idea in general, but best to have it off by 
default, don't think I've seen a WMS with a single root layer so far. 
The layer group case should work instead, after all, it's still a 
tree, but even in that case, some clients
would break on upgrade if we move from root->group->layers to just 


GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information. == Ing. Andrea Aime 
@geowolf Technical Lead GeoSolutions S.A.S. Via di Montramito 3/A 
55054 Massarosa (LU) phone: +39 0584 962313 fax: +39 0584 1660272 mob: 
+39 339 8844549 
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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Geoserver WMS/WMTS Link authentication

2019-03-01 Thread Jonathan Moules

Hi Arun,

There are a number of different options listed here:



On 2019-02-27 05:25, Arun Premachandran wrote:

Hii friends,

I'm trying to make the published WMS/ WMTS link username and password
protected. Currently i'm using IP protection, but as you all know since IP
is not a static thing it will change over time. So i'm planning to change it
to username and password protected. I tried to use user roles to apply layer
wise security in data security section but its seems like it's not working
for me. I appreciate any comments regarding the same.

Thanks and regards


Sent from:

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[Geoserver-devel] 404 when searching the docs

2019-02-04 Thread Jonathan Moules

Hi Folks,

The search on the geoserver docs page is providing bad links. I searched 
for "LegendURL". Two results:

Search result url:

Correct url:

Search result url:

Correct url:

Clicking on the search result link returns a 404:

 404 Not Found

 * Code: NoSuchKey
 * Message: The specified key does not exist.
 * Key: latest/en/user/services/wms/reference.rst.html
 * RequestId: 65B3838F17DB268B
 * HostId:



Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Thinking out loud... should the next GeoServer be "GeoServer 22.0"?

2018-07-12 Thread Jonathan Moules

Hi Andrea,

I believe it was Chrome that popularised the "every other release is a 
major release" thing, and so of course FireFox ended up following suit 
(number envy?). Fortunately FireFox has LTS\ESR releases, so sensible 
organisations use those.

Personally I'm a fan of the current Semantic Versioning - - At least I'm assuming that's what GS is using and 
it's not just a coincidence. Sure GS has major new features in 2.12.x 
that are not in 2.8.x, but it's basically API compatible between 
versions. The recent QGIS 2.x to 3.x is a prime example of a good use of 
a Major increase because it is largely API incompatible.

I suppose if GeoServer is going to continue always being backwards 
compatible then switching number scheme away won't lose anything, and in 
this era of version inflation it may become clearer to some users how 
far behind they are. But if it later starts having jumps where the API 
changes significantly (ala QGIS 2->3), that's going to get really 
confusing ("So lets see, 34 can go to... 43, then you need to manually 
go to 44, then you ").

This reminded me of the thread last year where I posted the versions for 
public GeoServer boxes - 
- it really depends what the motivations are for the old versions. I 
haven't done similar with MapServer as yet which might offer some 
interesting insights into the end-user psychology of upgrading as 
they're at 7.1 I think, but over 20+ years.

Just my 2p,



On 2018-07-12 18:27, Andrea Aime wrote:
On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 7:21 PM, Chris Snider>> 

Just a thought;

Many businesses and governments will grant a project authority to
include a major level of a product, for example GeoServer 2.x.  If
GeoServer moves to a version numbering scheme that adjusts the
commonly viewed major version number, then these users may not be
able to upgrade as readily.  These types of institutions have a
longer lead time to approve major upgrades from 2.x to 3.x etc.

Wondering what do they do with popular browsers, updating their major 
number once every few months?


GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information. == Ing. Andrea Aime 
@geowolf Technical Lead GeoSolutions S.A.S. Via di Montramito 3/A 
55054 Massarosa (LU) phone: +39 0584 962313 fax: +39 0584 1660272 mob: 
+39 339 8844549 
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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Website search not working

2018-06-16 Thread Jonathan Moules

Hi Andrea,

Well, I guess the server keeps logs as to how often it's used. It 
definitely worked last time I used it (quite a while back mind), though 
I agree that (as I believe I have lamented before) it's not the most 
efficacious search engine.

I tried taking a look through the code but can't seem to find it. I 
expect the string "activate JavaScript to enable the" to be in the 
search code, but there are no hits for that at all in



On 2018-06-16 09:13, Andrea Aime wrote:

Hi Jonathan,
I'm actually wondering if the search ever worked, I remember similar 
issues years ago.

I normally use Google to search for GeoServer docs.

If someone could spare time to investigate why it's not working/what 
we're missing and fix it,

it would be much appreciated of course :-)


On Sat, Jun 16, 2018 at 12:20 AM, Jonathan Moules>> 

Hi Folks,

The website search isn't currently working. The links all seem to
have an extraneous ".rst" in the url.



has links to pages like:


when it should be:




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Regards, Andrea Aime == GeoServer Professional Services from the 
experts! Visit for more information. == Ing. 
Andrea Aime @geowolf Technical Lead GeoSolutions S.A.S. Via di 
Montramito 3/A 55054 Massarosa (LU) phone: +39 0584 962313 fax: +39 
0584 1660272 mob: +39 339 8844549 
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Geoserver-devel mailing list

[Geoserver-devel] Website search not working

2018-06-15 Thread Jonathan Moules

Hi Folks,

The website search isn't currently working. The links all seem to have 
an extraneous ".rst" in the url.


has links to pages like:

when it should be:



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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Monitoring hibernate module: does it have a maintainer?

2018-05-21 Thread Jonathan Moules

Hi Andrea,
Your insights are always welcome.
I think you actually told me the same thing at FOSS4G a couple of years 
ago when we talked about it, I've just not gotten around to delving into 
it; it is somewhere on my todo list... :-)

The downside to that enhancement though is that it requires yet more 
setup, configuration, and maintenance. I'm trying to go for simple to 
deploy/maintain with this: just point it at your extant logs, tweak the 
config file, set up a cron job, start the python web-server and you're done.


On 2018-05-21 11:32, Andrea Aime wrote:
On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 12:11 PM, Jonathan Moules 
< <>> 

It basically solves half of the problem the monitoring module
deals with, but with absolutely no performance penalty as it uses
the logs that you're already creating. Its weakness as compared to
the monitoring module is that because it's not integrated into
GeoServer, it can only monitor what gets logged, and it's not
real-time (it's next-day). POST requests don't get logged by
default, but those are usually only WPS and some more complex WFS
requests, so not much is missed.

Hi Jonathan,
you could actually make it work with monitoring in audit mode, which 
creates log files with a structure of your choosing, in asynch mode, 
so no significant perf penalty either, and
grabbing info also from POST requests (you could, for example turn 
them back into GET lookalikes).
That's what we normally do with the audit mode, the only difference is 
that we feed the resulting logs into the ELK stack instead, and build 
a dashboard that way.

Just thinking out loud :-)


GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information.==Ing. Andrea Aime 
@geowolfTechnical LeadGeoSolutions S.A.S.Via di Montramito 3/A55054 
 Massarosa (LU)phone: +39 0584 962313fax: +39 0584 1660272mob: +39 
 339 8844549http://www.geo-solutions.it


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Monitoring hibernate module: does it have a maintainer?

2018-05-21 Thread Jonathan Moules

Hi Steve,
The details are heading a little off-topic for the GeoServer-Dev list, 
but I'll answer here as it does relate a little to the monitoring plugin.

Basically the GeoServer Servlet Container (usually Tomcat, but can be 
Jetty etc) will by default log all requests ever made to it (as does a 
load-balancing proxy which could also be used). Most of these requests 
are GET requests, and so you end up with a log file filled with lines 
that look like these: - - [17/Jun/2013:06:30:05 +] "GET 
/geoserver/gwc/service/tms/1.0.0/Warks_Full/11/1160/695.png HTTP/1.1" 
200 10883 "" "Mozilla/4.0" - - [17/Jun/2013:06:30:08 +] "GET 
HTTP/1.1" 200 7631 "" "Mozilla/4.0"

Logacity analyses these lines (mostly the request portion) to figure out 
what layers / projections / etc are being requested.

It basically solves half of the problem the monitoring module deals 
with, but with absolutely no performance penalty as it uses the logs 
that you're already creating. Its weakness as compared to the monitoring 
module is that because it's not integrated into GeoServer, it can only 
monitor what gets logged, and it's not real-time (it's next-day). POST 
requests don't get logged by default, but those are usually only WPS and 
some more complex WFS requests, so not much is missed.

Let me know if you have any more questions and we can talk off-list.

On 2018-05-21 06:53, Steve Omondi wrote:

Hi Jonathan,

I've looked at Logacity and the Demo and I'm very interested in it and 
knowing how it works exactly.

How would I set this up?

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi

On Sat, May 19, 2018 at 10:17 PM, Jonathan Moules 
< <>> 

Hi Paul,
  A little late to the thread, but if you want to do log analysis
for how your service has been used with no performance penalties,
you may be interested in Logacity -
It comes with a pretty and "manager-proof" interface.
(Disclaimer - I'm the developer.)

On 2018-04-30 09:55, Paul Wittle via Geoserver-devel wrote:

That is interesting and I have certainly seen some evidence of
some of the errors which may be what Steve is referring to. I’m
not sure I’d go as far as ‘break’ but certainly it may be
introducing some bugs.

With regard to speed, we clean out the tables daily using
procedures in our database. These run a series of summary
statistics which we then keep so we avoid any potential cost in
that regard but we do get a wealth of very useful historical
usage information when it is running.

We have also been developing methods which use the Tomcat access
logs and FME / Power BI so I guess we will just have to switch to
those if the plugin is not supported.


*From:* <>
[] *On Behalf Of *Andrea Aime
*Sent:* 25 April 2018 10:45
*To:* Steve Omondi <>
*Cc:* Paul Wittle <>
<>; Geoserver-devel
<>; Simone
Giannecchini <>
*Subject:* Re: [Geoserver-devel] Monitoring hibernate module:
does it have a maintainer?

On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 11:09 AM, Steve Omondi
< <>> wrote:

Hi Andrea,

We use Monitor Hibernate and lately we upgraded to Geoserver
2.13 and the extension definitely breaks Geoserver from
infact version 2.12 for us.

Sad to hear... but one more reason to drop the module out of
supported status, since nobody would look into it.

On performance, we have't performed any tests and we have't
cleaned the database since we started using it for monitoring
close  to 10 Geoserver instances.

I would imagine it adds costs in request time as it has to
write to the database every request data.

The database write gets slower and slower over time as the cost
for checking primary key uniqueness increases. Once you hit the
millions of entries,

in our tests, that time becomes comparable (or bigger, for GWC
requests) than the request processing itself, making
monitoring-hibernate a liability.




GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Monitoring hibernate module: does it have a maintainer?

2018-05-19 Thread Jonathan Moules

Hi Paul,
  A little late to the thread, but if you want to do log analysis for 
how your service has been used with no performance penalties, you may be 
interested in Logacity -

It comes with a pretty and "manager-proof" interface.
(Disclaimer - I'm the developer.)

On 2018-04-30 09:55, Paul Wittle via Geoserver-devel wrote:

That is interesting and I have certainly seen some evidence of some of 
the errors which may be what Steve is referring to. I’m not sure I’d 
go as far as ‘break’ but certainly it may be introducing some bugs.

With regard to speed, we clean out the tables daily using procedures 
in our database. These run a series of summary statistics which we 
then keep so we avoid any potential cost in that regard but we do get 
a wealth of very useful historical usage information when it is running.

We have also been developing methods which use the Tomcat access logs 
and FME / Power BI so I guess we will just have to switch to those if 
the plugin is not supported.


*From:* [] *On Behalf 
Of *Andrea Aime

*Sent:* 25 April 2018 10:45
*To:* Steve Omondi 
*Cc:* Paul Wittle ; Geoserver-devel 
; Simone Giannecchini 

*Subject:* Re: [Geoserver-devel] Monitoring hibernate module: does it 
have a maintainer?

On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 11:09 AM, Steve Omondi 
> wrote:

Hi Andrea,

We use Monitor Hibernate and lately we upgraded to Geoserver 2.13
and the extension definitely breaks Geoserver from infact version
2.12 for us.

Sad to hear... but one more reason to drop the module out of supported 
status, since nobody would look into it.

On performance, we have't performed any tests and we have't
cleaned the database since we started using it for monitoring
close  to 10 Geoserver instances.

I would imagine it adds costs in request time as it has to write
to the database every request data.

The database write gets slower and slower over time as the cost for 
checking primary key uniqueness increases. Once you hit the millions 
of entries,

in our tests, that time becomes comparable (or bigger, for GWC 
requests) than the request processing itself, making 
monitoring-hibernate a liability.




GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information.


Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39  339 8844549


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Stats on GeoServer versions as currently deployed

2017-03-29 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
  If I had a cunning plan to take over the world with GeoServer, I wouldn't 
admit to it on a public list either. :-)

  But more seriously, I was specifically thinking in relation to the 
about-yearly thread that comes up discussing how often to release, LTR's, etc. 
Although I get that too is driven by commercial necessity (customers want their 
paid-for-features *now*).


 On Wed, 29 Mar 2017 08:43:19 +0100 Andrea wrote  

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 9:04 PM, Jonathan Moules wrote:
I figured this may be of interest/use to the devs/PSC in guiding maintenance 
plans etc.

Reality check: there is no plan :-) 
Planning is possible when there is a pile of money set aside and one needs to 
decide what to do about it.

There is no pile of money, there are people sponsoring specific work, and devs 
on the other side
trying to make it compatible with the project (suitability, general interest, 
ethics and the like).

That's how much control we really have, it's bending the requests and 
occasionally say no to some of


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[Geoserver-devel] Stats on GeoServer versions as currently deployed

2017-03-28 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi list,
As a consequence of my recent scrape of /geoserver/web pages, I thought I'd 
quickly parse the resulting pages and pull out the version number of the 
GeoServer deployments. Below is a breakdown of version numbers and the number 
ofdistinct hosts that have GeoServer deployed (there are 366 below, by no means 
a complete set). There were ~6 custom snapshots not represented here.

I figured this may be of interest/use to the devs/PSC in guiding maintenance 
plans etc. It definitely indicates people just load up their GeoServer and then 
forget about it, rarely upgrading even within a version (2.8 series best 
exemplifies this). 2.5 in particular seems to be very popular despite its age.

Copy and paste into your favourite spreadsheet for stats-related fun (I'll 
leave it to someone else to do proper statsy stuff, maybe including dates of 
I guess you could call this Open Source market research. ;-)



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Re: [Geoserver-devel] SQL views and performance

2017-03-21 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Gabriel,
If you turn the GeoServer logging level to Geotools-developer level, the log 
file will then include the SQL query that is sent to the database. This should 
facilitate debugging this issue.

You can then try running the query against your database's EXPLAIN syntax - 
which shows how your database thinks it will run it (or even better, EXPLAIN 
ANALYZE, which runs it and then says how it ran it). This will let you try and 
determine where the bottleneck is.
I've found this to be a fairly decent tutorial:]

Between these you should hopefully be able to determine whether the 
optimisation scope is GeoServer, PostGres, your query, or some combination 


 On Mon, 20 Mar 2017 17:34:03 + Gabriel Vatin wrote  

  Thanks Andrea for the quick answer. What I can't really guess for now, is 
when and how is the SQL view executed : does the BBOX attribute of GetMap 
queries affect this SQL view (when no parameter in the view definition) ?
 The type of query to create a new layer is done so : I have a whole "goi" 
table with attributes such as name etc., and a table with all geometries 
(stored in geo_data column, which is a Geometry,4326 with GIST index). Each 
layers of my GeoServer changes with the "got_id" (layer theme ID), stored on 
the goi table. Here is the whole view 
 SELECT id, id_ori, name, geo_data
 FROM geometrie
 LEFT JOIN goi USING (goi_id)
 WHERE got_id = 105
 I add this extra line for the 2nd version, where the POLYGON is view parameter 
generated from the client :
   AND St_Intersects(geo_data,St_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((808771 
5420870,810771 5420870,810771 5422870,808771 5422870,808771 
 Le 20/03/2017 à 17:00, Andrea Aime a écrit :
  Hi Gabriel, it seems your database of choice has real trouble figuring out a 
good access plan 
 for those queries. Hard to say if the db should be able to just figure out 
that the
 outer spatial index can be executed directly in the inner query or not without 
seeing the query.
 Normally postgis/postgresql is pretty good with planning, while Oracle and SQL 
Server are
 rather poor.
 Some systems allow to add a place where the current "bbox" can be expanded as 
a parameter
 transparently (without explicit support). GeoServer could have it too with 
some development effort:
 That said, in your case it seems it's not always a win, I guess it's a matter 
of figuring out
 how many zoomed in vs zoomed out requests you need to produce.
 Maybe you could create two views, one with, one without, bind them in a layer 
group, and use scale dependencies to
 switch from one to the other.
 On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 3:55 PM, Gabriel Vatin wrote:
 Hi all,
 Some questions about Geoserver performances when using SQL views as
 layers. I've got many layers that are defined from SQL views directly on
 Geoserver (no viewson the database), from Postgres. It seems that each
 time the Geoserver receive a query (single WMS, or multi WMS coming from
 tiled queries in OpenLayers), it does the wole SQL query for each GET.
 And then return the image from the BBOX.
 When I query a GetMap for a small area, the whole country is queried
 just to have a small extent.
 I tried a new SQL view with a %polygon% attributes : this adds "AND
 ST_Intersects() " between the geometry from this polygon, and the
 geometry of the table. Now I have a strange change :
 - for largest images (a whole city), the return time for GetMap is
 divided by 6 (6000ms - 1000ms)
 - for smallest images (a district), the return time for GetMap is
 multiplied by 3 (100ms - 300ms)
 The SQL with the ST_Intersects and the Bbox takes 300ms, so I guess the
 GetMap won't be faster than this...
 Thanks for the advice !
 Gabriel Vatin
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Re: [Geoserver-devel] On breaking backwards compatibility

2017-03-17 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
Excellent points - I've seen such deployments first hand.
A prime example of backwards incompatibility between versions is the jump from 
Python 2 to 3. Python 3 isn't entirely backwards compatible with 2 (refactoring 
is often required), so uptake of 3 has been considerably slower than for a 
minor version update.

That said, assuming GeoServer ever makes the leap to 3.x, it may be worth 
considering implementing sufficiently important backwards-incompatible changes 
then, like the Python folks did for Python 3.

Just my 2p,

 On Fri, 17 Mar 2017 07:48:41 + Andrea wrote  

Hi,seeing proposals that do break backwards compatibility, I believe it's time 
to make it clearer as to why backwards
compatibility in GeoServer is very important (and breaking it represents a 
fatal mistake most of the time).

The common GeoServer deployment in public administrations is one or more 
GeoServer installations 
being accessed by a variety of internal and external clients. The range of 
clients accessing the server
is vast and often completely out of control of the admins... because this is 
the nature of an interoperable
service, it does not talk with a specific client, it's make to talk with 

To give a small summary:
Internal users using one of the task specific web applications
Internal users with desktop clients (often different types, different 
departments might have different desktop clients, sometimes different versions 
of them, especially if the desktop client in question does not require a 
licence and the power user in question got the right to install programs 
Other internal services cascading or consuming the OGC service (SOA like)
External users, same as above but with a lot more variability
The admins every now and then need to upgrade the server, be it because of 
security reasons, a critical bug fix, or because a new application requires 
extra functionality provided by a newer version.

When they do so, they need to ensure that everything else keeps on working... 
and that's a lot of pain, because most of the clients above are _outside_ of 
their control, even the in house ones:
Maybe a web application provided by a external vendor relies on some extra 
flexibilty (e.g., not requiring the version or service), upgrading it breaks 
it, but to fix the application a new contract with the provider needs to be 
setup (administrative and econominal issues arise)
Maybe an internal desktop client is in the same boat, but an upgrade of the 
client might require contracts, or verification that plugin X custom developed 
still works on the newer version, and so on.
Long story short, doing upgrades requires a lot of verification, and the 
slightest backwards incompatibility just breaks havoc and makes the upgrade 
impossible (which, in case of upgrades related to security fixes, makes the 
situation untenable).

That's why I keep on using a hard line on backwards incompatible changes, even 
when fixing a mistake: being "right" is not enough, operational continuity is 
more important than that.
That does not mean we cannot change stuff, but at least a fallback option to 
re-enable the previous behavior must be always provided.


PS: there is also a good read here
To it, I'd add that on day one it's good to be as strict as possible, but once 
the deploys happen, whatever
flexibility remained should be kept.

GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime 

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Re: [Geoserver-devel] GeoServer 2.11-beta artifacts available for testing

2017-02-23 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea/Torben,
I get that in my console on the Windows exe too.

23 Feb 09:50:17 WARN [config.XMLConfiguration] - 

23 Feb 09:50:17 WARN [config.XMLConfiguration] - *** GWC configuration 
validation error: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 
23 Feb 09:50:17 WARN [config.XMLConfiguration] - *** Will try to use 
configuration anyway. Please check the order of declared elements against the 
23 Feb 09:50:17 WARN [config.XMLConfiguration] - 

But it works, so I figured that was that.


 On Wed, 22 Feb 2017 19:59:16 + Andrea Aime wrote  

Hi,trying the bin package. Starts up fine, noticed this warning:

22 feb 20:38:27 INFO [config.XMLFileResourceProvider] - Found configuration 
file in gwc
22 feb 20:38:27 INFO [config.XMLFileResourceProvider] - Found configuration 
file in gwc
22 feb 20:38:27 WARN [config.XMLConfiguration] - 

22 feb 20:38:27 WARN [config.XMLConfiguration] - *** GWC configuration 
validation error: cvc-elt.1: impossibile trovare la dichiarazione dell'elemento 
22 feb 20:38:27 WARN [config.XMLConfiguration] - *** Will try to use 
configuration anyway. Please check the order of declared elements against the 
22 feb 20:38:27 WARN [config.XMLConfiguration] - 

Hum... oh well, it starts anyways, but it might be something to look into 
Besides that, it looks good to me (very light testing done while writing the 
blog post)


On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 4:03 PM, Jonathan Moules wrote:
Hi Torben,

The exe 2.11-beta seems to work fine on Windows 8.1.



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Re: [Geoserver-devel] GeoServer 2.11-beta artifacts available for testing

2017-02-22 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Torben,

The exe 2.11-beta seems to work fine on Windows 8.1.



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Re: [Geoserver-devel] a couple of website glitches

2017-02-13 Thread Jonathan Moules
I'm a a little late to the game here, but couldn't the robots.txt be set 
to Disallow searching any docs that are not "stable" or "nightly"?

The robots.txt standard doesn't have a good way of doing "allow" so 
you'd need to update the robots.txt to contain a link to all docs for 
specific versions - could probably be automated to update with any new 

Alternatively a copy of all specific versions of docs could be put in a 
/historical/ subfolder and that alone would need to be added to 
robots.txt as Dissallowed, but could be linked to as needed by others.

That way the historical docs can remain online which I've found useful 
in the past, and the search engines will only keep links to the 
current/stable versions.

Does that seem workable?

On 26/01/2017 19:44, P O'Toole wrote:

>Reading this I wonder if we should remove prior versions of the docs; 
since they are available for download? It is kind of nice when running 
an older version of GeoServer to look up the docs for just what you 
need ... but as a community we do better to work with (and funding) 
the latest release :)


>Do you have an example of "jumping between parallel 
documentation-pages" Patrick?  I know when looking into Tomcat issues 
recently I always ended up back in the Tomcat 4 documentation when 
doing a web search (so this issue is not unique to GeoServer).

The PostgreSQL docs are an easy concrete example of the way I was 
thinking, and probably resemble how it might be approached if going 
the route of keeping all Geoserver docs versions online and just 
making the addition of cross-links between versions.

A set that I know had some changes between versions: to The 
core Python documentation is similar (though they use a dropdown-menu 
instead of a list of hyperlinks). The docs for much of Microsoft's 
DotNet stuff are also in the same vein.

Other projects provide a _/single/_ set of documentation-pages with 
notes about how (and when) certain behaviors or requirements changed, 
or first became available. Mozilla Developer Network does this. Same 
with and This prevents search-engines from 
leading people to outdated versions of the documentation, but has the 
disadvantage of getting cluttered/confusing if a given component has 
really major changes and shares little in common with its previous 
incarnations — I don't know how likely/common this is with Geoserver 
and its various addons and extensions.

I think the first option of just linking between versions is a bit 
simpler to manage and probably requires less effort to transition to 
than the other option, although it does burden readers with the 
responsibility to navigate to the version that applies to them if 
linked to the correct *topic* but a different version that the one 
they use. The second option removes this burden in exchange for 
requiring more attention to notes about new/deprecated parameters, 
invocations, dependencies, etc., etc. It also has the side-effect of 
making it easier to understand changes between versions, which may be 
an important activity even though it's probably not the most common 
type of interaction with the docs.

I'm be glad to roll up my sleeves and get behind either effort.

- Patrick

*From:*Jody Garnett []
*Sent:* Thursday, January 26, 2017 11:47 AM
*To:* P O'Toole 
*Subject:* Re: [Geoserver-devel] a couple of website glitches

Reading this I wonder if we should remove prior versions of the docs; 
since they are available for download? It is kind of nice when running 
an older version of GeoServer to look up the docs for just what you 
need ... but as a community we do better to work with (and funding) 
the latest release :)

Do you have an example of "jumping between parallel 
documentation-pages" Patrick?  I know when looking into Tomcat issues 
recently I always ended up back in the Tomcat 4 documentation when 
doing a web search (so this issue is not unique to GeoServer).


Jody Garnett

On 25 January 2017 at 00:54, P O'Toole > wrote:

>Rounding them up here, rather than a bug report ...
>- lists 2.10 not 2.11
>- correct nightly build, but does not link to community modules
>- looks good!
>Jody Garnett

Somewhat relatedly, that reminds me
 was marked
'resolved' but has not really been addressed. The specific issue
itself may not matter 

Re: [Geoserver-devel] readthedocs

2016-12-17 Thread Jonathan Moules

Hi Jody,
A bit (very) late, but I've done a little research into this.

The docs are currently "owned" by a user called "eshon" - - it's pointing at his/her 
geoserver fork rather than the official repository.

Their own docs ironically don't specify what to do in this sort of 
scenario as best I can tell. There's an implication in one of their docs 
that a ticket can be opened at their github -
I'd suggest it be taken over by one of the PSC, at least as the project 
"Owner", I believe they have other roles too.

As to building the docs, these two pages are probably of interest:


On 15/11/2016 00:42, Jody Garnett wrote:
So the robots.txt is cutting down web searches finding old docs, but is holding on to an old version.

Anyone know who set this up, can we update or kill it?
Jody Garnett


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Show 45 Millions of data : HeatMap or Clustering

2016-11-30 Thread Jonathan Moules
I'd go one step further than Andrea and ask: Have you considered 
pre-rendering the data into a raster heatmap representation or otherwise 
pre-processing into an aggregation of some sort using a standalone 
GIS/tool? 45 million points is a *lot* of data - hundreds of megabytes 
on the conservative side.
When datasets get that large, it's usually worthwhile optimising so 
you're not selecting/using the entire dataset per-query.

Even if the data changes on say, an hourly basis, you could probably 
automate re-generation using GRASS/GDAL or similar and use GeoServer to 
serve only the latest edition.


On 29/11/2016 08:52, jarjar wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> For my work, I have to be able to propose by wms a representation of 45
> million point data (position).
> For the moment, I use the Heatmap and Clustering representations, proposed
> on different forums, and calculated using the WPS module. Beyond 16 million
> features, geoserver no longer responds, or it takes a lot of time.
> Do you ever encounter this problem? If so how then? Can I multi-thread
> treatments?
> Moreover, looking at the logs, I have the impression that geoserver requests
> 3 times the selection of the elements in database, why?
> thank you for everything
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the GeoServer - Dev mailing list archive at
> --
> ___
> Geoserver-devel mailing list

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Re: [Geoserver-devel] The bug fix sprint did not happen?

2016-09-01 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
   I believe there was some sprinting done. I know Jody spent quite a while 
going through the JIRA tickets doing housekeeping, and we created a PR for 
There was also quite a bit of work done on the docs by a small group at the 
other end of the table.
I'm not sure if that output level is normal; it was my first code-sprint. But 
it certainly seemed like some things got done.
That was Saturday; I'm not sure about Sunday though.


 On Mon, 29 Aug 2016 08:16:34 +0100 Andrea wrote  

Hi,I was checking Jira today looking to make another chart about the planned 
bug fix sprint, as
far as I can tell, it did not happen, is that right? Only 5 tickets resolved in 
the last 3 days,
as far as I can see.

Looks like we have a cool new labeling option in a GeoTools community module 
though, and some

new WCS 2.0 demo requests, right?


PS: unfortunately neither me nor Simone could join, between travels back home 
and some family duties after
a week away. We'll try to make up with the next bug fix sprint towards the end 
of September :-)

GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information.

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Re: [Geoserver-devel] GeoServer Style page improvements

2016-07-12 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Torben,
 On the issue of layout, this may be out of scope, but how about having the 
style box on one side of the screen for large-screens and the tabbed-stuff on 
the other? For less-wide screens have them stacked as they are now.
I don't know how well wicket can handle that sort of thing, but it'd certainly 
make for excellent use of screen real-estate.


 On Tue, 12 Jul 2016 16:54:14 +0100 Torben wrote  

Hi Andrea,

This is a functionality that I do want to retain, however I have not yet 
decided on the best place to put it. 

The CSS styling page has these controls to the right of the style box, however 
this reduces the amount of space available for styling, which can be usefull, 
especially for styles with complex filters or other functions.

A seperate tab for Set preview layer / set as default style / associate style 
with layer may be a good idea. Alternatively, I could include these controls in 
the existing style admin tab.

Other suggestions are welcome.


On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 10:40 PM, Andrea Aime wrote:
Hi Torben, 
 Checking the proposal and screenshots from my phone, it's a bit hard to read 
and check (seaside vacation, no computers).
 I do not see a way to associate a style as primary or secondary style to a 
layer, which is available in the CSS one instead.
 If retaining that functionality is too much work please do not remove the 
existing CSS style editor
 Il 11 lug 2016 20:45, "Torben Barsballe" 
ha scritto:

I am currently putting together a GSIP proposing several improvements to the 
GeoServer Style page. This idea has been informally discussed before - this 
email is in part attended to gather up the ideas which were discussed. 
I expect there will also be new suggestions for what you would like to see in 
an improved style page, which will affect the content of the GSIP. 

The basic idea is to move some of the features from the CSS Styles page over to 
the main GeoServer styling page in order to improve the main page.

Additionally, once the core styling page has incorporated these features, the 
CSS Styles page would be deleted from the CSS Styling extension

The WIP GSIP is here: GSIP-149
I will continue updating it with more details, and will add in any viable ideas 
discussed here.



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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Considering a new WMS/WMTS output format: jpeg or png (JPENG for friends)

2016-06-10 Thread Jonathan Moules
Raising this more as a "something for the future" but it's related to this 
discussion: there's also the WebP format ( ).

It's probably not suitable for use yet simply because several browsers don't 
implement it, and it's still undergoing some development, but from a technical 
perspective as best I can tell it offers both lossy and lossless compression, 
plus transparency for both types.
The advantage if it ever takes off is that you don't need to use multiple 
formats for the "same" content, just a flag for the compression type.


 On Fri, 10 Jun 2016 12:01:04 +0100 Andrea wrote  

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 1:17 AM, Jody Garnett 
What an interesting problem, I don't really mind what format is named as. I 
find image/jpeg-png to be clear, but if other software is using image/jpeng it 
is worth while to avoid introducing an alternate "standard".

Nah, nobody is using it. The other systems we have seen use "mixed" as a config 
parameter, but I don't know what they expose.

Aside: GeoTIFF provides a lot of flexibility in encoding contents, including 
JPEG compression. Is it worth dynamically tuning the image/tiff output 
compression for the same affect as above?

Unsure... that depends a lot on the user, and GeoTIFF is a different kind of 
beast... I would handle it in a different way, allowing
the user to specify what they want like in WCS 2.0, if that machinery gets 
built then yes, within that context it would make
a bit more sense to have a way for the user to tell GeoServer to use a "JPEG or 
DEFLATE" compression based on whether
there is transparency (but then again, one could argue that in that case it 
makes more sense to return a JPEG compressed
image with a binary nodata mask instead... as said, GeoTiff is complicated...)


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] motion: Accept Simone Giannecchini as    project    officer

2016-06-07 Thread Jonathan Moules
I'm not in the PSC, but I'd like to put in a show of support with a +1 anyway.


 On Tue, 07 Jun 2016 10:29:40 +0100 Brad 

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Adding MBTiles Support in GWC

2016-05-28 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Nuno,
 A late reply; this looks very interesting!
One thought on the "Replace Operation" you describe - given the sensible 
aversion to VACUUM, how about doing the replace operation function at 
the SQLite level rather than the file-system level? So rather than just 
copying the file, you could SELECT the content from the old SQLite file 
and then INSERT it to a new one. This would function the same way as a 
"VACUUM", although would have a higher cost than doing it at the 
file-system level.

Also, if you have any questions about the how to design this optimised 
to SQLite's capabilities, I'd strongly suggest asking on the SQLite 
mailing list - they're a very helpful, friendly, and knowledgeable bunch.


On 19/05/2016 11:00, Nuno Oliveira wrote:
> Hi all,
> sorry for the cross posting.
> We would like to add MBTiles support to GWC.
> Follows a description of the work with the main issues\limitations.
> I would like to have community feedback on this, by the way is there a better 
> way to propose this work ?
> * MBtiles and SQLitle *
> MBtiles is a specification that describe how to store tiles in an SQLite 
> database, this will allow us to store many tiles in a single SQLite
> file avoiding us file systems headaches:
> We can rely on GeoTools gt-mbtiles module for reading and writing MBTiles, 
> this way most of the work of implementing this blobstore will be
> managing SQLite connections and SQLite files.
> SQLite files cannot be managed as simple files. When connections to an SQLite 
> database are open we should not delete, move or switch the
> associated file. Databases files can be filled with "empty space" after 
> deleting an huge amount of data or can become fragmented after
> frequent inserts, updates or delete operations.
> SQLite documentation warns us against putting databases files on a shared 
> file system if multiple process need access to it (which is our
> case). Unless we can rely on a distributed lock mechanism SQLite databases 
> files should not be used with shared stores.
> * VACUUM and DiskQuota *
> To remove the fragmented space (or the empty space), the VACUUM command needs 
> to be executed. Although, performing a VACUUM command as a few
> drawbacks:
>  - During a VACUUM twice the size of the original database file is 
> required in disk.
>  - During the VACUUM operation no access to the database is allowed.
>  - The VACUUM operation copies the whole database which can take minutes.
> For these reasons the VACUUM command cannot  be performed after each 
> operation. When possible we will avoid creating fragmented space. For
> example, during a truncate operation we may prefer remove a whole SQLilte 
> file instead of deleting part of is content. Another consequence
> of the fragmented space is that DiskQuota will not be compatible with this 
> blobstore.
> * MBTiles Granularity *
> Reading and writing tiles on an SQLite database will be slower than writing 
> on a file system but will allow us to avoid file system
> headaches. In order to limit the amount of contention on each single MBTiles 
> file we will allow users to decide the granularity of the files
> so that instead of having a single file for each single layer we will allow 
> users to have more granularity.
> MBTiles force us to have at least a file per layer and format. If we want to 
> support more CRSs we will also need a file for each CRSs. By
> configuration it will be possible to configure the granularity  of the 
> database files. By default we will have a granularity per layer, crs,
> format and zoom level. As an instance something like this could be offered:
> /path/to/{grid}/{dim}/{tileset}/{z}/{x}-{y}.sqlite
> 1000
> 1000
> In this case we should include the {x}, {y} and {z} replacements in the 
> template determining the file to use. In the previous example, tile
> (z,x,y)=(15,3024,1534) would be stored in a file named 
> /path/to/g/mytileset/15/3000-1000.sqlite3 and tile (5,2,8) would be stored in 
> a file
> named /path/to/g/mytileset/5/0-0.sqlite3.
> With more databases files we have more performance but we will have also more 
> files to manage on the file system. In addition we can couple
> this with the in-memory cache in order to improve tile serving performance.
> * Connection Pooling and Performance *
> SQLite allow multiple readers but only allow one writer at the time which 
> will block the entire database. At most only one connection should
> be open to each SQLite database, the total number of open connections is 
> limited by the number of open files allowed by the OS (in linux
> this is controlled by the ulimit). A connection pool that will control the 
> number of open connections and that will be responsible to manage
> the connections will be implemented.
> * Replace Operation *
> As said before, if the 

[Geoserver-devel] Docs link - 2.7.1

2015-06-12 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Folks,
Just wanted to point out that the docs here:

Has a list of release versions. The user and dev manuals under 2.7.1 both lead 
to empty directories. The other versions seem fine.


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Propose to add an option for latLongBoundingBox range checking before database query.

2015-03-18 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Jukka,
  Your mentioning SDO_TUNE.EXTENT_OF reminded me of a thread from a couple of 
years ago:

The summary is – speed varies considerably depending on which version of Oracle 
you have (10g versus 11g) and maybe indexes and things too.


From: Rahkonen Jukka (MML) []
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 8:53 AM
To: Geoserver-devel
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Propose to add an option for latLongBoundingBox 
range checking before database query.


If it should save some time when testing, these queries are fast for me and 
they return the same result.

-  select sdo_tune.extent_of('geotable','geometry') from dual;

-  select sdo_root_mbr from all_sdo_index_metadata where 

I guess that the tune.extent is doing about this:

select sdo_root_mbr from all_sdo_index_metadata where sdo_index_name=
(select INDEX_NAME from all_sdo_index_info where table_name='GEOTABLE’ and 

I believe that this query is always safe so that if the BBOX does not intersect 
with root_mbr there can’t be any geometries in the Oracle table to find. It may 
be that root_mbr is not shrinked if features are deleted and it may be too 
large sometimes but that is easy to test. However, the bounding box that is 
given for the layer in Geoserver is not updated automatically either.

If this is too slow to me performed with every query, perhaps Geotools can be 
made to cache the root_mbr?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Rahkonen Jukka wrote:


The bounds in the table metadata do not have a direct connection with index 
bounds. They are inserted by hand or automatically by ogr2ogr or other 
utilities.  DIMINFO puts the maximum extents for the index, though, and it is 
impossible to insert new features which fall outside these bounds. Therefore we 
use always in DIMINFO such bounds which cover whole Finland and a little bit 
extra so that is an unusable metadata for reducing spatial extents of queries 
in our case. We put more realistic bounds into layer metadata with Geoserver 
but that would not be accessible for Geotools.

Jody has written 5 years ago that the correct place to look is sdo_root_mbr of 
the rtree index

However, in this 7 years old thread it is said that 
accessing the bounds directly from Oracle should be very fast:

For fastest speed, if you are getting the mbr of an entire layer, use 
sdo_tune.extent_of, which does use the top level MBR values stored in the index 
to very quickly give you the extent of the layer. For projected data this has 
been the case for some time. For geodetic data the reading of the index 
metadata might be new for 11g.

Is the Oracle bug that started this discussion just in that sdo_tune.extent_of 
does not work with some Oracle versions?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Jody Garnett  wrote:

 I think the index is constructed with the bounds from the table metadata.

I expect the data store can cache anything it wants. Check the bounds 
implementation to see if is based on the index or metadata configuration.
On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 5:44 PM wrote:

Thanks for your input.

Do you know how we could get index bounds at this level?


From: Jody Garnett 
Sent: Tuesday, 17 March 2015 8:49 AM
To: Jiang, Lingbo (Digital, Marsfield)
Cc: Andrea Aime; Tey, Victor (Mineral Resources, Kensington);

Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Propose to add an option for latLongBoundingBox 
range checking before database query.

Hey Lingbo, I am a geotools lead (like Andrea) and I would be happy to help.

The reason to catch it there (other than it being the right thing to do) is 
that it will fix more than just the WMS GetMap case. WMS GetFeatureInfo and WFS 
GetFeatures would also be affected after all.

The GeoTools project is built with maven (much like GeoServer), the classes you 
are looking for are in JDBCDataStore:


In particular there is an 
 where we construct all the oracle specific SQL queries:


The code of interest in OracleFilterToSQL goes 

[Geoserver-devel] GSOC 2015?

2015-02-17 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi List,
It's probably a bit late now (closing date for ideas is 18th Feb I believe), 
but does GeoServer do anything with the Google Summer of Code? I can see a blog 
post from 2009, but not seen any mention this year, nor does it appear to have 
come up at the GT/GS meeting.


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] GeoServer support for Java 8, Java 7 end of life April 2015?

2015-01-29 Thread Jonathan Moules
  I recommend you to make your own tests and report here if you find any 

For this sort of thing, it's also worth reporting if there aren't any problems 

-Original Message-
From: Rahkonen Jukka (MML) []
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 2:49 PM
To: Michael Ferrante;
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] GeoServer support for Java 8, Java 7 end of life 
April 2015?


GeoServer is probably already functioning under Java 8. It does not build yet 
with jre 8 but you can run binaries which are compiled with jre 7 with jre 8. 
Running Geoserver with jre 8 is not thoroughly tested but I haven't seen any 
reports about malfunctions in the mailing list. I have made some quick tests 
without problems and I am sure that others have done the same. I recommend you 
to make your own tests and report here if you find any issues.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Michael Ferrante wrote:

 It seems like Oracle is stepping up the pace of Java upgrades. Java 8 is now 
 strongly recommended by Oracle (Java auto-updater suggests installing it) 
 and Java 7 end of public updates is scheduled for April 2015.

 How close is Geoserver to being able to function under Java 8?


Java 7 - end of public updates - April 2015:

Java 8 update strongly recommended from Oracle:

  Free Java Update 8
  Version 8 Update 31
  Release date January 20, 2015

  Your system currently has an older version of Java and you are
  receiving this update notification because a newer version has
  been automatically detected.

  This release addresses security concerns. Oracle strongly recommends
  that all Java SE 8 users upgrade to this release.

  Please install this free Java Update by clicking on the Install
  button on the Java Update window.

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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Documentation cleanup/updates

2015-01-12 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Mike,
Possibly beyond the scope of your request, but an improved search engine for 
the docs wouldn't go amiss. After all, what's the use of excellent docs (and 
generally GeoServer's are some of the best I've seen in an Open Source project) 
if they're hard/impossible to search effectively. Currently to effectively 
search it's necessary to use a 3rd-party search engine.

Random example I just picked - Try searching using the GeoServer engine for say 
WMS or when that fails - WMS Animator, which will also fail. Finally try 
Animator - this time there are 5 results, but none is what should be the 
obvious result - the WMS Animator page -


-Original Message-
From: Mike Pumphrey []
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2015 10:44 PM
To: Geoserver-devel
Subject: [Geoserver-devel] Documentation cleanup/updates

Hi all. Apologies for being away for a while. I have recently been given a bit 
more time/space to contribute to GeoServer, and so my first thought 
(unsurprisingly) was to see how the docs are doing.

So I just wanted to solicit a few opinions here on the -devel list to start for 
those who have been closer to the project than I have been:

* What are the major needs of the documentation as it exists now?
* What are the major gaps in the documentation (stuff not in there that should 
* Is it worth asking those two questions on the -users list as well?

I can't guarantee that I'll be able to spend oodles time on this right now, but 
I can say that I can spend more time than I have been (which, granted, isn't 
all that hard).



Mike Pumphrey
User Advocate | Boundless

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Status of the CSS extension?

2014-12-18 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Jukka,
I believe it’s this:

Looks like it’s using YAML but with CSS-like traits.
Reminds me of


From: Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) []
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 4:01 PM
To: 'Geoserver-devel'
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Status of the CSS extension?


What is this new ySLD  and how it differs from other alternatives?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

David Winslow wrote:

Right, I'm not using the CSS extension myself these days and with OpenGeo Suite 
moving to ySLD I expect that the Scala implementation is dead for good.  I 
would say it's not worth the added complexity to try and support both in 

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 7:27 AM, Andrea Aime wrote:
as you might be aware I'm working on the gt-css module, which should provide 
more or less
the same functionality of the GeoScript scala css support.

Now, the current css module in GeoServer relies on the Scala code, and I'm 
a patch to have it work against either the Scala code or the gt-css one 
on what it finds in the classpath.

However, given that the Scala CSS support has not seen any activity in a long 
and hearing on twitter that apparently that the latest version of the OpenGeo 
dropped support for CSS I'm wondering if I'm just overthinking it, and I should
go for a direct replacement.

David, are you around, care to comment?
In case we don't hear from David, what do you suggest we should do?


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Replacing drop downs for long lists of values (JDBCConfig)

2014-11-17 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
+1 for autocomplete being the default, but there should definitely be a way for 
folks to use a non-autocomplete option too ( for  1000 or whatever features). 
This way folks who are not intimately familiar with the project will be better 
able to use it by navigating a list rather than trying to guess the name of the 
thing. I realise most names are in other lists, and could be cross-referenced 
manually, but that’s rather cumbersome.


From: Andrea Aime []
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 5:17 PM
To: Geoserver-devel
Subject: [Geoserver-devel] Replacing drop downs for long lists of values 

so going back to the user interface, in a previous thread we said that
there is a number of combo boxes and two pane selectors in the
UI that would just break badly when working against a very large catalog.
Think for example about the style dropdown, trying to choose from
10 different styles (good luck with that..), it would be unmanageable
from a size p.o.v. (too large HTML) but also for the admin to find
anything in it.

For the combo boxes, I was thinking that we could have something like
the SRS editor, that is, text input plus a button following it, to open
a dialog that can act as a search GUI (less intimidating than
a empty text box):

[Inline image 1]

The text box would be auto-complete style, and would return
anything that contains the typed text, the find would open a
dialog like the layer panel one, but paged, and with the ability to
filter using the usual search box:

[Inline image 2]

Now... should we have this as the default UI? Personally I find the 
interesting, because I find sometimes I know more or less then name of what I'm
looking for (it had red inside the word) but might struggle finding it in a 
with 100 or so elements.

An alternative would be that we put a size limit, and we have a component that
switches between combo and the above representation (e.g., switch when there
are more than 100 items, or 1000 items).

For the side by side panel case (think alternative styles in the layer editor) 
we have
a similar issue, and I guess we could have something similar to the keyword 
but with the autocomplete text + find on top of it (instead of below), and an 
arrow to add
the new item to the list of selected items

[Inline image 3]

Feedback please :-)


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Replacing drop downs for long lists of values (JDBCConfig)

2014-11-17 Thread Jonathan Moules

The other option is, as said, to switch between combo and autocomplete text + 
dialog based on the number of items,
but I'm afraid it would be surprising to people (what if you end up living at 
the threshold... you get one control
or the other depending on the hour of the day? ;-) )

Think of it as adding exciting and variety to their lives! ;-)
But yes, good point. The “Find” button and dialog should suffice in that case 
I’d guess as the alternative.


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Improving scalability of UI (and other subsystems) against very large catalogs

2014-11-12 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
  I’ve never used it with anything like those numbers of layers/stores/etc. But 
a few thoughts triggered from your post:

 One possible approach is to create smart UI components, that would show
a DropDown if the list is short (less than 1000 items?) but would switch
to a textbox with autocomplete otherwise, which would start proposing 
values as the user types into it.

How about just add an “autocomplete” which is available for everyone to use, as 
well as the drop-down. And then disable the drop-down when there are  1000 
As a bonus, the autocomplete could probably also be used for things like 

if you have 100k layers the first
request will try to build a WFS schema containing all the schemas of all
the vector layers.
And I thought it was slow with just a couple of hundred WFS features! How about 
caching individual WFS schemas to disk and rebuilding only ones that have been 
changed? Seems pretty obvious so I guess there’s a reason that won’t work. ☺

HT(try and)H.

From: Andrea Aime []
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 3:30 PM
To: Geoserver-devel
Subject: [Geoserver-devel] Improving scalability of UI (and other subsystems) 
against very large catalogs

we are looking at what makes GeoServer hard to use (or simply impossible to use)
when one has a very large amount of layers/styles/stores/workspaces configured,
and eventually stored in jdbcconfig.

Point in case, to give you an idea: 450 workspaces, 1000 stores, 100k+ layers

So the first thing that shows up is UI bits, the table pages, but the layer one,
are very slow: this is because Gabriel migrated the layer one so that filtering,
sorting and paging are done inside the catalog, but all others are not.
Migrating these is not too difficult, and seems to be rather mechanical, with
no visible consequences for the user (or else, one, the UI suddenly becomes
worth using ;-) )

Then there is a category of issues that are instead mixing togherer a full
listing of the catalog, coupled with the wrong UI: we dropdowns
or right/left choosers such as the style and security ones that end up
listing the name of all stores/layers/styles and whatnot.

In this case it's the UI element itself that is not really scaling up, it was 
for small lists.
For these cases I'm not totally sure what to do.
One possible approach is to create smart UI components, that would show
a DropDown if the list is short (less than 1000 items?) but would switch
to a textbox with autocomplete otherwise, which would start proposing 
values as the user types into it.
Or it could be a read only box, with link and a dialog to choose from, and have
a  table in the dialog.
These at least are the approaches that are relatively easy to implement.
A combo box looking like a drop down, but editable and with the ability to
shrink the contents of the drop down as one types would probably be best,
but I'm not sure about how that would be done in Wicket.

Finally, there is some very nasty issue in WFS, if you have 100k layers the 
request will try to build a WFS schema containing all the schemas of all
the vector layers.
Do we have any indication on how to proceed, in order to make requests
work only with the feature types needed, instead of having to build a
Godzilla schema and having to drop it every time anything in the config
changes (feature type config, new ft, ft removed)

There are more issues, like CascadeDeleteVisitor doing linear scan,
or capabilities document generation grabbing a list instead of scrolling over
an iterator, that needs to be address, as well, but let's say these are not
as visible as the issues above, you need some load and very large
caps documents to get into troubles with these, fortunately in our case
the layers are split among many workspaces, which make things
quite a bit more manageable.

Anyways... feedback, suggestions, very important bits that we migth
have missed?


GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
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phone: +39 0584 962313
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Re: [Geoserver-devel] [Geoserver-users] GeoServer unable to compute intersection when unit of longitudes are in different format

2014-08-29 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Joseph,
I don't know much of anything about this part of GeoServer but I'd guess
it's a bug, probably worth reporting to JIRA and letting the devs confirm
it's not if that's the case.


On 22 August 2014 17:21, Joseph Shin wrote:

 requestedEnvelope, GeneralEnvelope nativeEnvelope) returns correctly
 computed intersection for below case:

 -- crs=DefaultGeographicCRS
 -- ordinates=[-128.075,  21.925004, -108.875, 43.075]

 -- crs=DefaultEngineeringCRS
 -- ordinates=[-128.075,  21.925004, -108.875, 43.075]

 requestedEnvelope, GeneralEnvelope nativeEnvelope) returns NULL for below

 -- crs=DefaultGeographicCRS
 -- ordinates=[231.925,  21.925004, 251.925, 43.075]

 -- crs=DefaultEngineeringCRS
 -- ordinates=[-128.075,  21.925004, -108.875, 43.075]

 The first envelope was created from WPS post request with below envelope

 ns1:Envelope srsName=EPSG:4326

 gml:pos xmlns:gml=;-128.075   21.925/gml:pos

 gml:pos xmlns:gml=;-108.875   43.075/gml:pos


 The second envelope was created from WPS post request with below envelope

 ns1:Envelope srsName=EPSG:4326

 gml:pos xmlns:gml=;231.925   21.925/gml:pos

 gml:pos xmlns:gml=;251.925   43.075/gml:pos


 *For both cases, the requestedEnvelope references the same area.  The only
 difference is that one is in [-180:180] format and the other is in [0:360]
 format for longitudes.*

 Is this known issue?  Or is the requestedEnvelope in second case
 incorrectly created and should be using some other CRS?

 Joseph Shin

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6623) GWC failure mode issue with missing SLD's

2014-08-20 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6623

  GWC failure mode issue with missing SLD's 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime




 20/Aug/14 7:05 AM




 Jonathan Moules

 Rather foolishly I yesterday renamed a reference to an SLD in the XML file but forgot to rename the SLD itself.
GeoServer 2.5.2
To replicate this issue, just rename a SLD file using your file manager of choice (I know that's not best practice, but I'm going to be distributing the SLD's shortly and wanted to fix a typo).
That SLD should be used as part of a layer that's in a LayerGroup that GWC uses for TMS requests.
The result of this is that everything works, except GWC won't respond to any tile requests once the a request for the layergroup with the missing SLD has been made (they'll work until then). So the following request fails with a 503 (Service unavailable): http://compass/geoserver/gwc/service/tms/1.0.0/z_OS_Vector_Basemap/11/1196/751.png8
And that's for a layergroup that doesn't use that SLD file at all. 
GWC itself was running fine and responding to the home-page query just fine

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6615) Configuration of Number of Decimals on a per-unit basis

2014-08-14 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6615

  Configuration of Number of Decimals on a per-unit basis 

Issue Type:



 Andrea Aime


 14/Aug/14 6:29 AM




 Jonathan Moules

The Number of Decimals can be set in a few places to limit the number of decimals returned within a GML document.
It may be an idea to allow this to be configurable on a per-unit basis. 
i.e. Something to 2 decimal places: Metres based system: Accurate to 1mm. Decimal degrees: Accurate to ~ 1.1km (depends on latitude). Feet based - ~3mm


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[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6592) Layer Preview - GML 3.2 fails

2014-07-30 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6592

  Layer Preview - GML 3.2 fails 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime


 30/Jul/14 6:34 AM




 Jonathan Moules

On the Layer Preview dropdown, under WFS, the GML 3.2 always fails for me:
ServiceException code=InvalidParameterValue locator=outputFormat Failed to find response for output format application/gml xml; version=3.2  /ServiceException
I guess related to the tweaks to that name of a few versions ago?


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[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6593) GML 3.1 exception where GML 2 works.

2014-07-30 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6593

  GML 3.1 exception where GML 2 works. 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime





 30/Jul/14 6:43 AM




 Jonathan Moules

I receive the below exception when I request this layer as GML 3.1. It works fine as GML 2.:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Encode failed for _Feature. Cause: INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: An invalid or illegal XML character is specified. Encode failed for _Feature. Cause: INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: An invalid or illegal XML character is specified. INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: An invalid or illegal XML character is specified.


Load the attached shapefile. No special settings. Declare the CRS as 4326

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6591) TIME parameter treated as Mandatory

2014-07-29 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6591

  TIME parameter treated as Mandatory 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime




 29/Jul/14 6:14 AM




 Jonathan Moules

The following query works fine:
However, if I change it to remove the TIME parameter: http://wppgeog3/gs/ows?LAYERS=Public_Data_DB%3ATRO_ORDERSTRANSPARENT=TRUEFORMAT=image%2FpngSERVICE=WMSVERSION=1.1.1REQUEST=GetMapSTYLES=SRS=EPSG%3A27700BBOX=299012.5,224193.75,560987.5,315806.25WIDTH=1497HEIGHT=523
The result is an XML error:
 Internal error  Problem visiting TRO_ORDERS visiting TRO_ORDERS.fid-3d3d23d3_14781baaf14_-45fb:java.lang.NullPointerException null
Looking at the WMS 1.1.1 and 1.3.0 specs, TIME is an Optional parameter, so it should work fine.
To replicate (or at least, what I did

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6573) Priority tag not processed by SLD1.1 engine

2014-07-15 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6573

  Priority tag not processed by SLD1.1 engine 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime


 15/Jul/14 4:58 AM




 Jonathan Moules

The Priority tag is not processed/parsed by the SLD1.1 engine. Works fine with 1.0.
This may be a chance to deprecate priority and make it a vendor parameter instead like the rest of them. Good for consistency and compatibility between systems.


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 This message

[Geoserver-devel] Invalid link to blog on webpage

2014-06-20 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi List,
The geoserver homepage links to the 2.5.1 blog post GeoServer 2.5.1
Released, but the page it links to is a 404 -

Actual URL:


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6548) Java 7 Security Policy

2014-06-19 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6548

  Java 7 Security Policy 

Issue Type:



 Andrea Aime




 19/Jun/14 5:39 AM




 Jonathan Moules
 - has a link to Oracle JCE policy jars - however these are only for Java 6 (they'll break horribly with Java 7!).
The link for the 7 files is:
Worth updating the docs to show both.


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[Geoserver-devel] Print module/extension and GSIP 110

2014-06-12 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi List,
I was wondering as to the state of the Print Module and GSIP 110.
Unfortunately due to the website transfer the URL that search engines
return is currently a 404.

I see that it's an extension on Ares for master (2.6.x), but a community
module in 2.5.x. Is it going to be backported to 2.5.x?

Also, which version of MapFish Print are the versions using (the 2.5.x and
2.6.x)? I believe there was an interest in getting that updated to use MFP
2.0, did that happen.


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Print module/extension and GSIP 110

2014-06-12 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Both,
Thanks for the links and information. We've got one or two bugs we'd like
fixed in MFP too, so I guess we should pursue the if we want them in MFP
2.0.1 and GeoServer.

Thanks again,

On 12 June 2014 10:25, Mauro Bartolomeoli wrote:

 Hi Johnathan,

 2014-06-12 11:14 GMT+02:00 Jonathan Moules

 I see that it's an extension on Ares for master (2.6.x), but a community
 module in 2.5.x. Is it going to be backported to 2.5.x?

 The module has been promoted to extension only on master for the moment,
 and there it uses mapfish-print 2.0.0.
 We are waiting for some bug fixes to be deployed on a 2.0.1 (the fixes are
 already on mapfish-print master, but we are waiting for an official release
 to include it), hopefully before the final 2.6 is out.
 I was waiting for those bug fixes before asking for backport, because they
 are quite important (expecially one that is about thread leaks in the
 printer servlet).

 You can find the nightlies for master here:
 If you look at the ext-* folders you will find the extension using
 mapfish-print 2.0.


 GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information.

 Dott. Mauro Bartolomeoli
 Senior Software Engineer

 GeoSolutions S.A.S.
 Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
 55054  Massarosa (LU)
 phone: +39 0584 962313
 fax: +39 0584 1660272


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Rendering rasters stacked over vectors as WMS

2014-06-09 Thread Jonathan Moules
This is the developer list. You'd probably be better served asking on the
geoserver-users mailing list.

On 3 June 2014 23:46, srinaath27 wrote:

 I'm trying to render a raster stacked over several vector layers as a
 WMS layer.The raster renders perfectly fine when it is fetched as a
 WMS layer but I'm having several issues including the raster appearing as a
 black rectangle over the vector layers and disappearing as I zoom in . What
 are the properties that need to be specifically set in the SLD (For ex
 GammaValue, Histogram etc) so that the raster is rendered perfectly stacked
 over vector layers.

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the GeoServer - Dev mailing list archive at

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[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6515) Reprojection of ImageMosaic from native gives / by 0 error (regression?)

2014-06-02 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6515

  Reprojection of ImageMosaic from native gives / by 0 error (regression?) 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime




 02/Jun/14 5:23 AM




 Jonathan Moules

We have a ImageMosaic of GeoTiffs which has the default  native projections of 27700 (British National Grid). In 2.4.3, this imageMosaic could be accessed by way of the WMS using the 4326 projection. This was working fine and is how the OpenStreetMap community was using our services with their editors.
However, in 2.5.1 it seems that the same imageMosaic doesn't work in these circumstances.
The following URL to our services:,52.0905209,-1.4927313,52.0953991
Results in this exception result:

ServiceException Error rendering coverage on the fast path Unable to create this mosaic Unable to create this mosaic java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6516) Default Raster SLD fails Validation

2014-06-02 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6516

  Default Raster SLD fails Validation 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime


 02/Jun/14 10:20 AM




 Jonathan Moules

Using the default Raster sld (raster), I wanted to use it as the basis of my own SLD. However It seems that it fails validation, giving an error:

line 6: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'UserStyle'. One of '

Unknown macro: {http}

' is expected.


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] GSP 115 - VirtualCoverage

2014-05-21 Thread Jonathan Moules
 about the name, we initially thought about Virtual Coverage since we
 got inspired by GDAL Virtual Raster.
 That's not the very same thing, but with a Virtual Raster you may define
 a new Raster built on top of other Rasters, by defining some properties to
 customize how to use them.
 So this is why we called that Virtual Coverage.

Well, when I saw the name Virtual Coverage I immediately thought cool -
it's pulling data from that GDAL format, that might be useful. But this
apparently isn't that. Others may have the same thought process, so I'm
with those who suggest an alternate name; it'd help differentiate it. The
CompositeCoverage suggestion is a good one.

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Re: [Geoserver-devel] [Geoserver-users] Handling of a detected security flaw

2014-05-09 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi List,
Cc'ing the dev list too because this raises a question that some googling
doesn't answer - does GeoServer have a Responsible (or Full) Disclosure
policy? I can't seem to find anything which is surprising given the nature
of GeoServer as a server and thus potentially a portal into many

Those with commercial support can go to their vendor, but a security
researcher (or just random person) won't have that. And beyond that, it
doesn't address whether GeoServer should go with Full or Responsible
disclosure (or something else) - something for the PSC? Many projects have
a email address which points to something private.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Isakson Mats
Date: 9 May 2014 12:32
Subject: [Geoserver-users] Handling of a detected security flaw


In general, how do you handle potential security flaws? Do we discuss the
potential flaw here on the mailing list?


*Mats Isakson*


Lantmäteriet, Division Informationsförsörjning

the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority

Box 820, 981 28 Kiruna


Tel: +46 980 670 46

Mobil: +46 72 242 37 24

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6470) Raster nodata breaks displaying of GeoTiff

2014-05-01 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6470

  Raster nodata breaks displaying of GeoTiff 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:

 2.5, 2.4.3


 Andrea Aime






 01/May/14 5:53 AM




 Jonathan Moules

I have a geoTIFF generated in the usual way (inner types, overviews), but it's grey-scale.
The gdalinfo:
Files: 2m_DSM__2012_2013.tif Size is 28500, 42500 Coordinate System is: PROJCS[OSGB 1936 / British National Grid, GEOGCS[OSGB 1936, DATUM[OSGB_1936, SPHEROID[Airy 1830,6377563.396,299.324964644, AUTHORITY[EPSG,7001]], TOWGS84[446.448,-125.157,542.06,0.15,0.247,0.842,-20.489], AUTHORITY[EPSG,6277]], PRIMEM[Greenwich,0], UNIT[degree,0.0174532925199433], AUTHORITY[EPSG,4277]], PROJECTION[Transverse_Mercator], PARAMETER[latitude_of_origin,49], PARAMETER[central_meridian,-2], PARAMETER[scale_factor,0.9996012717], PARAMETER[false_easting,40], PARAMETER[false_northing,-10], UNIT[metre,1, AUTHORITY[EPSG,9001]], AUTHORITY[EPSG,27700]] Origin

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6465) autoWrap should count ( as being within the same string

2014-04-29 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6465

  autoWrap should count ( as being within the same string 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime


 29/Apr/14 12:19 PM




 Jonathan Moules

I have text labelled like this: se:Label ogc:PropertyNameNAME/ogc:PropertyName (ogc:PropertyNameUPRN/ogc:PropertyName) /se:Label
And I'm using: se:VendorOption name=autoWrap100/se:VendorOption
NAME has a value of: 14 Cherry Street (Group Home)  (sans quotes) UPRN: 5276
The output is: 14 Cherry Street ( Group Home) ( 5276)
The desired output is of course: 14 Cherry Street (Group Home) (5276)
Autowrap is currently treating brackets as a suitable breakpoint. Doesn't matter if the bracket is within the property or explicitly declared in the SLD.


 Add Comment

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Homepage changes

2014-04-16 Thread Jonathan Moules
I quite like it and agree with Andrea's suggestion of having a link to the
nightly too.

However I'd suggest changing the way it is presented slightly. Currently
all four boxes are the same size and have the same amount of text in (exact
same number of characters!), even though the text is slightly different.
This makes it a little harder to intuitively grab stuff.
Instead I'd suggest a format like:

[image: Inline images 1]

At the very least making the download visually disparate from the release


On 16 April 2014 10:24, Simone Giannecchini wrote:

 Ciao Jody,
 I disagree, I have got people complaining multiple times in the past
 to be in troubles understanding what to download from where, for
 stable releases but also for nightlies (especially for them).

 Having a clear indication of the available downloads on the home page
 is much more important than a map with some OSM data (at least IMHO :)

 Simone Giannecchini
 Meet us at GEO Business 2014! in London! Visit
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 On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 11:19 AM, Jody Garnett
  The home page seems messed up, we have lost our two column layout.
 Really we
  are now just reproducing the download page and I do not see the value.
  The goal of this is to show the project is alive and releasing software,
  chance we can get the latest entry from our blog instead?
  Jody Garnett
  On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 5:07 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
  I have put a small table at the top of the homepage to list both stable
  and maintenance recent releases and announcements:
  Is this an improvement (to encourage older 2.4.x users to upgrade) or a
  regression (might tempt new users to to 2.4.x rather than 2.5.x)?
  Kind regards,
  Ben Caradoc-Davies
  Software Engineer
  CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
  Australian Resources Research Centre
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[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6453) ImageMosaic regression - WMS requests take forever to serve

2014-04-16 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6453

  ImageMosaic regression - WMS requests take forever to serve 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:

 2.5, 2.4.6


 Andrea Aime


 16/Apr/14 7:35 AM


 Windows server 2008; tomcat 6




 Jonathan Moules

Happens in both 2.5 and 2.4.6. However works perfectly in 2.4.3.
An imageMosaic (of irregularly sized GeoTiffs - innertiled/pyramided) that worked fine in 2.4.3 and would respond promptly to a request:,231785.68975,468010.72433301,320242.83875WIDTH=377HEIGHT=512
Now takes an inordinantely long time to respond to a request. For a simple one (97MB - 6 files) it can take nearly a minute. For larger ones it takes too long to measure

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6454) Transparent PNG's not rendered correctly for WMS.

2014-04-16 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6454

  Transparent PNG's not rendered correctly for WMS. 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime




 16/Apr/14 7:59 AM




 Jonathan Moules

This seems to be a regression. It works in 2.4.6
This URL: http://wppgeog3/gs/ows?LAYERS=Historical_Maps%3A2500_OSPlan_a5_processedSTYLES=rasterSERVICE=WMSVERSION=1.1.1REQUEST=GetMapSRS=EPSG%3A27700BBOX=403200,268800,448000,313600WIDTH=256HEIGHT=256TRANSPARENT=TRUEFORMAT=image%2Fpng
Won't work properly in 2.5 - it'll return a PNG, but it won't contain correct data and the supposedly transparent parts will be black. Changing the output format to say jpeg, or leaving it as PNG but turning TRANSPARENT=FALSE doesn't evidence this problem.



Re: [Geoserver-devel] Backporting GEOS-6372 to 2.5.x

2014-04-11 Thread Jonathan Moules

 As for user testing, our user community is pretty much useless from that
 point of view, bugs about 2.5.x series are starting
 to be reported now, we got very little out of betas and RCs (it's not like
 we did not give them time, beta + rc1 + rc2 was a two
 months long period)... so I would not worry about user testing anyways :-(

On reflection I wonder if part of this is a consequence of the rapid
regular releases that GeoServer does. Consider: when a new version of
Windows or even ArcGIS is released it's years after the last version and
has tons of new stuff. Some users download the beta/RC's to see what's new,
while departments download it to test if it's compatible with their systems
and devs to see what it'll take to create new apps for it. Contrast with
GeoServer - there are rarely any major changes between versions, and as new
versions are only 6 months apart departments are unlikely to be considering
upgrading straight off the bat (indeed, that's why there was that GSIP a
few months ago for more maintenance releases).
Combined with the low percentage of users who test betas/RC's in the first
place (be it Windows, ArcGIS, or GeoServer) and this seems like a logical

Disclaimer - I like the regular releases! :-)

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6437) Buffer parameter not working as expected.

2014-04-04 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6437

  Buffer parameter not working as expected. 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:

 2.5, 2.4.3


 Andrea Aime




 04/Apr/14 8:04 AM




 Jonathan Moules

Setting ?buffer=100 only gives me results up to about 20 pixels when I do a GFI query. (WMS 1.1.1)


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[Geoserver-devel] Health check tools

2014-04-01 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi List,
An idea I came up a while ago but forgot until our services broke today.

How about some health-checking tools built into GeoServer? Currently it's
very hard to administrate from a health perspective because if I get a Null
Point Exception(NPE) it could be anything (as a non-dev).
I believe there are a few things that could be automatically checked.
I'm thinking something like the current Tools button (or maybe change
Tools to Tools  Health and have a list of health tools.

Possible health tools (just thinking aloud - no idea as to the

- List all SLD's in the styles directory and indicate ones that are
unused (general admin; keeping things tidy).

- List all layers - indicate ones that don't have a working style
associated (can cause NPEs).

Any thoughts on this? Any other possible tools? Worth pursuing?


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6427) WMS GetCapabilities only partially completed

2014-03-31 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6427

  WMS GetCapabilities only partially completed 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime



 31/Mar/14 9:57 AM




 Jonathan Moules

(also affects 2.4.3)
As you can see: and
It returns an invalid GetCapabilities - there's an exception error at the end. This was only on our live server until I reset our pre-production server (which has the exact same config and is copied nightly to the live server) - then it exhibited on the pre-production too. So I guess something became corrupted in one of the files.
Despite the implication that the issue is with Historical_Maps:2500ep1Warwickshire_processed (the last working layer) - it's almost certainly not. That layer has been untouched for many months. I've already deleted the previous candidate which was the last item on this list and the issue didn't change - it just moved. Historical_Maps:2500ep1Warwickshire_processed - is a GeoTIFF. The previous candidate was an Oracle layer.

Attached are debug

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6419) No Legend created for layer (Return exception)

2014-03-28 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6419

  No Legend created for layer (Return exception) 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime




 28/Mar/14 7:46 AM




 Jonathan Moules

This URL:
Get's an exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Filter Function problem for function round argument #0 - expected type float Filter Function problem for function round argument #0 - expected type float
However, the layer itself works just fine. Style file attached.


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Update printing community module to MapFish-Print 2.0.0 final

2014-03-28 Thread Jonathan Moules
  On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Mauro Bartolomeoli wrote:

 Hi everybody,
 since today has been announced that MapFish-Print 2.0.0 has been
 released, I think it could be a good moment to update the dependency on the
 printing community module to this version, on master.
 I was also thinking of promoting the community module to extension.
 Two roadmaps are possible:
  1) update the dependency now and let it stay for some time on master
 before promoting to extension
  2) do both at the same time

 Mauro, haven't we used mapfish 2.0 dev builds for some time now in our
 projects, with no particular
 If so, I'd go for 2

 Yes we did, I'm for option 2 too.

I've been using it on my live systems since we launched - no particular
problems that aren't also in 1.x.


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Make it clear what's up and down in the layer group page

2014-03-21 Thread Jonathan Moules

 Works for me. Another thing that would help is to add a help icon to that
 component with a pop up with a quick explanation of why the ordering is
 like that. Same idea as on the workspace edit page where you specify
 workspace local configuration.

That would work on top of some other more visual solution. The problem is
many people don't click on those ? help icons so they're a bonus help
rather than something to rely on to convey critical information.


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disclose it to anyone else. If you have received this transmission in error 
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Geoserver-devel mailing list

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6404) GeoServer

2014-03-18 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6404


Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime




 18/Mar/14 8:45 AM




 Jonathan Moules

Possibly an instance of - but this log has more stuff in and it didn't start broken as far as I can tell, it happened during the day.
At some point today one of our GeoServer instances started becoming non-responsive to things like WFS requests and TMS requests. WMS GetCapabilities was still served properly. WFS returned an exception.
Attached are the complete logs for the day. Logging level was PRODUCTION (as it's a production system).


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] GeoServer 2.4.5 Released

2014-03-07 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Jody,
An observation not specific to this release. This page: has a list of Recent version of the
documentation. But it only goes up to 2.4.1. As of this release I guess it
should have the manuals up to 2.4.4 too? Not that much changes between them
of course so not sure if this is intentional or not. Figured I'd raise it.

Oh, and thanks for the release folks!

On 7 March 2014 11:45, Jody Garnett wrote:

 The GeoServer team is pleased to announce the release of GeoServer 2.4.5:

 This is the final stable release of the 2.4 series:

- Oracle JNDI configuration now allows a fetch size parameter
- Fix for Polar stereographic projections
- Fix for CSW namespace handling
- Review the change 
the full list

 Now is a good time to plan your upgrade to the 2.5 series. Our extended
 six month maintenance window allowing you to upgrade when ready.

 Jody Garnett

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Sample KML file load error ( java.lang.Exception: No target store for task)

2014-03-04 Thread Jonathan Moules
This is better placed on the users mailing lists; The developers one is for
discussion of GeoServer development.

That said, your problem sounds like your install has gone wrong. GeoServer
can't seem to find the data directory which is why there are no sample
layers. This also explains the error that to my (lay) eyes appears to also
be suggesting it can't find the data directory to write your new data to.


On 17 February 2014 18:27, amitj wrote:

 Hey guys,

 I am very new to Geoserver. I was browsing through a tutorial , and the
 tutorial required me to play around with sample layers from OpenLayers.

 According to the tutorial, Geoserver comes with sample layers.

 I did not find any, so I tried to load a kml file via import data in

 It recognizes the kml file but throws the following error

 *java.lang.Exception: No target store for task

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the GeoServer - Dev mailing list archive at

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6369) GeoServer fails too late with spatial-indexless Oracle data

2014-02-25 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6369

  GeoServer fails too late with spatial-indexless Oracle data 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime




 25/Feb/14 12:19 PM




 Jonathan Moules

Entirely our fault we accidentally loaded data without a spatial index (to be fair, it's a extremely small dataset).
GeoServer allows this data to be added as a layer and configured etc.
However, when trying to render it, a OGC Exception is returned:
 Rendering process failed null ORA-13226: interface not supported without a spatial index ORA-06512: at MDSYS.MD, line 1723 ORA-06512: at MDSYS.MDERR, line 8 ORA-06512: at MDSYS.SDO_3GL, line 1173
Complete stack follows:
2014-02-25 18:11:17,068 ERROR [geoserver.ows] -  org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException: Rendering process failed at at at at org.geoserver.wms.GetMap.executeInternal(

Re: [Geoserver-devel] How about having all JIRA discussions getting on the devel list too?

2014-02-17 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Christian,
  Depending on what mail client you use, you should be able to set up some
sort of filters. This would allow you to automatically divide out the JIRA
updates and either put them into a new folder or bin them as desired. I use
it to divide all my mailing list stuff into appropriate folders and it's
exceptionally useful.  (It's also useful for automatically binning
institutional spam within your organisation ;-) ).


On 16 February 2014 10:22, Christian Mueller wrote:

 Hmm, not sure if this is an optimal solution for part time developers like
 me. Its already a daily effort to filter the mails related to me. Too many
 mails in the inbox may result in discarding mails without reading them.

 Is it possible to give the right to add watchers for an issue to each
 developer ?.  I can remember you often added me as a watcher. I think this
 could be a solution for a more fine grained mail distribution.


 On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 3:03 PM, Andrea Aime

 I see in other projects that whatever change happens to JIRA tickets, it
 gets notified
  on the developer list as well.
 Given we have a sizable amount of discussion going on in JIRA that is
 lost to developer eyes,
 what would you think about having new comments on each ticket
 also be sent to the developer list?


 == Our support, Your Success! Visit for
 more information ==

 Ing. Andrea Aime
 Technical Lead

 GeoSolutions S.A.S.
 Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
 55054  Massarosa (LU)
 phone: +39 0584 962313
 fax: +39 0584 1660272
 mob: +39  339 8844549


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 Geoserver-devel mailing list

 DI Christian Mueller MSc (GIS), MSc (IT-Security)
 OSS Open Source Solutions GmbH

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] How about having all JIRA discussions getting on the devel list too?

2014-02-17 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Christian,
I'm using Gmail too and am also using tags. What you want is to use filters.

Take a gander at this page:

I'm on ~13+ mailing lists and the 9 busiest all get filtered with a
separate tag - the rest just go into the Mailing lists parent tag. Then I
can browse them at my leisure (i.e. the MapServer list I rarely bother
reading, GeoServer ones I read frequently).

It's simply a matter of figuring out what the unique element of an email is
(gmail does a good job of picking this up though). It's extremely powerful
and saves having to manually do it; sounds like it'll save you a bunch of


More ontopic: I quite like Andrea's notion. One thing to consider - QGIS I
think has tickets go to a separate list, maybe that would be worth
considering depending on how often updates happen on the JIRA tickets.


On 17 February 2014 12:21, Christian Mueller wrote:

 Hi Jonathan

 I am using GMail  and use tags to divide the different mailing lists.
 (Gmail uses tags instead of folders allowing assignment of multiple tags to
 a mail).

 Nevertheless I have to inspect each incoming mail.


 On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Jonathan Moules wrote:

 Hi Christian,
   Depending on what mail client you use, you should be able to set up
 some sort of filters. This would allow you to automatically divide out the
 JIRA updates and either put them into a new folder or bin them as desired.
 I use it to divide all my mailing list stuff into appropriate folders and
 it's exceptionally useful.  (It's also useful for automatically binning
 institutional spam within your organisation ;-) ).


 On 16 February 2014 10:22, Christian Mueller wrote:

 Hmm, not sure if this is an optimal solution for part time developers
 like me. Its already a daily effort to filter the mails related to me. Too
 many mails in the inbox may result in discarding mails without reading

 Is it possible to give the right to add watchers for an issue to each
 developer ?.  I can remember you often added me as a watcher. I think this
 could be a solution for a more fine grained mail distribution.


 On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 3:03 PM, Andrea Aime wrote:

 I see in other projects that whatever change happens to JIRA tickets,
 it gets notified
  on the developer list as well.
 Given we have a sizable amount of discussion going on in JIRA that is
 lost to developer eyes,
 what would you think about having new comments on each ticket
 also be sent to the developer list?


 == Our support, Your Success! Visit http://opensdi.geo-solutions.itfor 
 more information ==

 Ing. Andrea Aime
 Technical Lead

 GeoSolutions S.A.S.
 Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
 55054  Massarosa (LU)
 phone: +39 0584 962313
 fax: +39 0584 1660272
 mob: +39  339 8844549


 Android apps run on BlackBerry 10
 Introducing the new BlackBerry 10.2.1 Runtime for Android apps.
 Now with support for Jelly Bean, Bluetooth, Mapview and more.
 Get your Android app in front of a whole new audience.  Start now.
 Geoserver-devel mailing list

 DI Christian Mueller MSc (GIS), MSc (IT-Security)
 OSS Open Source Solutions GmbH

 Android apps run on BlackBerry 10
 Introducing the new BlackBerry 10.2.1 Runtime for Android apps.
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Re: [Geoserver-devel] SDO_UTIL.SIMPLIFY - Oracles version of ST_SIMPLIFY

2014-02-17 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
Interesting module. I'll bear it in mind for the future though I'm not
convinced it would help our problem (which is mostly just a rubbish Oracle
Database at this point).
Thanks though!

On 4 February 2014 18:51, Andrea Aime wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Jonathan Moules wrote:

 Hi Andrea,
 Well those numbers certainly indicate there's no point investigating that
 further. I'm not sure how to easily do a like-for-like comparison using my
 Oracle, but given the lack of speed I'm getting for 5000 features that's
 strongly indicative of performance issues.

 Hum... now that I think about it, I believe Christian created the feature
 pre-generalized modules
 just to handle this case (where extracting geometries is slow, and trying
 to simplify them on the
 fly is hard too).
 Not an easy module to setup, but there is a tutorial here:


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[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6340) As long as at least one layer is queryably GetFeatureInfo (LayerGroups)

2014-02-10 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Jonathan Moules created an issue

 GeoServer /  GEOS-6340

  As long as at least one layer is queryably GetFeatureInfo (LayerGroups) 

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



 Andrea Aime


 10/Feb/14 5:17 AM




 Jonathan Moules

Currently, if even one layer in a layerGroup has querying disabled, the entire layer group is unequeryable. Even if the unqueryable layer isn't visible at the given scale it still happens.
What I think should happen is that a layergroup only returns no queryable layer if all layers are non-queryable at the given scale.


 Add Comment

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Enhanced GetFeatureInfo and new GetProfile

2014-02-05 Thread Jonathan Moules
On the Improved GetFeatures part:
I think this is an excellent idea and in hindsight I'm surprised there
isn't already this feature within WMS as it should probably be very simple
to implement (one level of maths *less* than a standard GetFeatures query).

I wonder if maybe it can be added to WMS 1.3.1 or whatever it next?


On 5 February 2014 15:43, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)


 Inspired by the Get Height values fast discussion I started to dream.
 The WMS GetFeatureInfo is nice tool for getting an answer to question
 What's here. Unfortunately it is designed to work on top of a map that
 has previously captured from WMS and even it is possible to construct
 working queries as Andrea wrote, they are ugly. That made me to dream that
 it would be cool if all the WMS server projects under the OSGeo umbrella
 (Geoserver, Mapserver, deegree, QGIS Mapserver, MapGuide) would start to
 support GetFeatureInfo requests by plain coordinates in a common  way.

 The request could look a much like the Standard GetFeatureInfo, but
 simpler. M means mandatory, O optional parameter.

 REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo  M
 SRS or CRS= M
 LON_E=  M   longitude or easting of the queried point in given
 LAT_N=  M   latitude or northing of the queried point in given

 Nothing special there. LON_E and LAT_N are as they are to prevent the
 struggle about the axis order. Order of the parameters would not matter.
 Common parameter for defining the buffer would be needed or otherwise it
 would be hard to hit points and linear features.

 Another extension could be a profile query tool. Most typical use case
 would be to read a height profile along a line from a DEM layer.  The query
 would take in the line in for example WKT format and the relation which
 means the distance between returned height profile points is units of the
 SRS/CRS. Example:

 PROFILE=LINESTRING(3413306 6974122, 3413316 6974132)

 I do not believe so much that this idea will come true but I think that
 both query types could have real use cases.

 -Jukka Rahkonen-

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Re: [Geoserver-devel] GeoServer Name Usage

2014-02-05 Thread Jonathan Moules
I'm not a GeoServer developer, but I loiter around on the list and have a
ArcGIS install.

I quite like it though don't envision using it myself.

Have you considered making it a QGIS plugin? That's more in keeping with
the Open Source ethos (not that this isn't potentially useful) I imagine
your python scripts could be made fairly portable if you separate the logic

Some thoughts below, mostly little feature enhancement things. Apologies
for the longish list; I didn't test everything but put down what I noticed.

1) The readme has a .md extension for some reason.

2) The readme doesn't say how to install it. I see that's online.

3) I wanted to install the script here: C:\GeoServer-ArcAdmin-1.0\
But it didn't work because the toolbox couldn't find the script - it seems
you've hardcoded the location that the toolbox is looking for the script.
If possible I'd strongly suggest making it look for relative locations
rather than absolute locations. Not everyone will be able to create a
directory in their C:\ drive with the applicable name.

4) When I got it installed and tried to use it, I received this error
(because it turns out my test server was turned off! :-) ):

 Running script newWorkspace...
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\GeoServer ArcAdmin\, line 30, in module
 response = urllib2.urlopen(istek)
   File D:\Python27\ArcGIS10.1\Lib\, line 126, in urlopen
 return, data, timeout)
   File D:\Python27\ArcGIS10.1\Lib\, line 394, in open
 response = self._open(req, data)
   File D:\Python27\ArcGIS10.1\Lib\, line 412, in _open
 '_open', req)
   File D:\Python27\ArcGIS10.1\Lib\, line 372, in _call_chain
 result = func(*args)
   File D:\Python27\ArcGIS10.1\Lib\, line 1199, in http_open
 return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req)
   File D:\Python27\ArcGIS10.1\Lib\, line 1174, in do_open
 raise URLError(err)
 URLError: urlopen error [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because
 the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
 established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
 Failed to execute (newWorkspace).

- You may want to make the error messages more human-friendly if possible -
I understood the meaning, but others may not. Also you may wish to remove
the stacktrace for obvious errors like the server not responding so you
can make the error even more user friendly.

5) If possible, the tools remembering the URL/credentials entered
previously would be *really* useful. Ideally for all tools (so enter the
credentials in one tool, they get pre-filled-in in all tool). Having to
re-enter them every time would get very irksome very quickly. If you do
this, an option to enable or disable saving the password locally would be
an idea (some people may not wish it to be saved for security reasons,
others might).

6) Looking at the help for Upload Compressed File - it says Shapefile
must be top of the ZIP archive. - I'm not clear what that actually means.

7) You may want to use * (asterisks) for the password to hide it.

And please, please, add comments to your Python code! :-) There are only 3
in the entire thing. Even if they are in Turkish(?) they'll help someone in
the future if they want to utilise it.

Hope that helps; as noted, it looks like quite a nice little tool,
especially for adding data to GeoServer.


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[Geoserver-devel] SDO_UTIL.SIMPLIFY - Oracles version of ST_SIMPLIFY

2014-01-31 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi List,
Following Andrea's excellent optimisations over the holiday period, I've
done some tentative investigations into Oracle's SDO_UTIL.SIMPLIFY.
Very simple tests,using one of these two queries:


 select CODE, SDO_GEOMETRY from os_strategi_minor_road

The Simplify is using the tolerance (2800) that GeoServer would when
selecting the data at 1:10million scale.
All times are in seconds.

[image: Inline images 1]

As you can see, Simplify seems to be around an order of magnitude slower
than the same non-simplified result. And the Oracle-side caching offers
little benefit for it either.

What sort of speeds does the PostGIS ST_SIMPLIFY get for comparison? If
they're similar then it may be worth implementing this for the Oracle
Driver. If Oracle is considerably slower (as I suspect looking at those
numbers) then we can just scupper that idea.

(I don't have a PostGIS install so can't test it myself)

Thoughts? Results? Comments? Other databases?


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] SDO_UTIL.SIMPLIFY - Oracles version of ST_SIMPLIFY

2014-01-31 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
I'm using the Strategi Minor Roads layer as it has the most line features.
It's not actually used at 1:10million in the SLD's I provided.

I'm not actually sure what the query was that was run - I'm using SQL
developer and it appends the stuff to limit it to 50 or 5000 results itself
(depending on whether you run it as a statement or a script).

I imagine it just appended:
*where rownum=50*
to the query.

I used the two queries that I put in my first email and then pressed the
applicable Run button.


On 31 January 2014 14:04, Andrea Aime wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 2:59 PM, Jonathan Moules wrote:

 Hi List,
 Following Andrea's excellent optimisations over the holiday period, I've
 done some tentative investigations into Oracle's SDO_UTIL.SIMPLIFY.
 Very simple tests,using one of these two queries:


 select CODE, SDO_GEOMETRY from os_strategi_minor_road

 The Simplify is using the tolerance (2800) that GeoServer would when
 selecting the data at 1:10million scale.
 All times are in seconds.

 [image: Inline images 1]

 As you can see, Simplify seems to be around an order of magnitude slower
 than the same non-simplified result. And the Oracle-side caching offers
 little benefit for it either.

 What sort of speeds does the PostGIS ST_SIMPLIFY get for comparison? If
 they're similar then it may be worth implementing this for the Oracle
 Driver. If Oracle is considerably slower (as I suspect looking at those
 numbers) then we can just scupper that idea.

 (I don't have a PostGIS install so can't test it myself)

 Thoughts? Results? Comments? Other databases?

 Are you using the strategi data? Which layer?
 Can I see the Oracle full Oracle query?


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Time boxed release mode: proposing some modifications

2014-01-24 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi List,
If I can chip in as a general observer briefly.

 Which brings me to the second source of concern: who is going to be
 interested in a 1-2 years old release?

From my readings of the user mailing lists, there are still people using
2.1.x and 2.2.x. I don't know what proportion, but a quick google shows
there have been posts stating the use of those versions within the last


On the issue of LTS - looking at Andrea's spreadsheet it occurs to me that
if the optional LTS releases are taken up, then 1/3rd of the time you're
going to end up with potentially four active releases at once (Optional
LTS, LTS, Stable, Beta/RC). That's rather a lot - a user may end up
wondering which they should be going with.

I'd suggest there should only ever be one LTS active at a time, maybe for
longer than 6 months. A year maybe?


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Time boxed release mode: proposing some modifications

2014-01-24 Thread Jonathan Moules

 Right. But in order for that to be viable, it has to be a portion of
 users interested in support contracts or development projects.
 Otherwise how do you justify spending hours backporting patches that will
 conflict during the backport due to 12-18 months
 of code changes in the middle.

Fair point. Might it be worth asking the customers? How about a web survey?
Distribute to the customers and post to the user list; include a question
where the user specifies if they have commercial support and use that to
determine the weight of the results for the LTS question.

As a bonus, with intelligent questioning this would give a good idea as to
what everyone is using GeoServer for, what components etc and could benefit
everyone in the longer term as development efforts could be directed in
that direction.
Seems like it might be worth doing; off the top of my head I can't think of
many (any?) Open Source projects that seek user feedback in this manner.


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Update EPSG-database?

2014-01-22 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
Interesting, thanks for that. I knew GeoServer had lots of parts, but
that's a *very* long list.


On 22 January 2014 11:19, Andrea Aime wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 1:15 PM, Jonathan Moules wrote:

 A thought stemming from this - Is there a page/document somewhere that
 states what version all the components of GeoServer are? I'm not so much on
 about GeoTools and GWC (those are in the About GeoServer page after all),
 but the little things like OpenLayers, EPSG catalog, Wicket, PNGJ,
 TurboJpeg and the many more parts I don't know about?

 This would make it easier to keep track of how old what components are
 and thus what bugs/security-vulns GeoServer is susceptible to.

 No, there is no such a document, but we have a REST api call that should
 give you the full list of jars and versions contained
 in a GeoServer:


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Re: [Geoserver-devel]

2014-01-22 Thread Jonathan Moules
It's up and working for me here just fine. So either it's randomly
intermittent or DNS as Ian suggests.

On 22 January 2014 15:36, Ian Turton wrote:

 Oddly I can't see it but can see it. might be
 a DNS issue?

 It's just you. is up.

 On 22 January 2014 14:33, Andrea Aime andrea.a...@geo-solutions.itwrote:

 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Mauro Bartolomeoli wrote:

 the site seems to be down.

 Can anyone check?

 Seems to be up now, but it was definitely unreachable for me too 15
 minutes ago


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[Geoserver-devel] stax-api-1.0.1.jar in both GeoServer and Excel extension

2014-01-21 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi List,
  An minor observation, hopefully not noise - I use the Excel output
format extension and one of the files that it comes with
is stax-api-1.0.1.jar (that's the version in the 2.5 beta anyway).

However GeoServer distribution already has one of these files in the same
location. A comparison of their hashes show's they're identical.

So my question - does this file need to be in the Excel extension?


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] GeoServer 2.5-beta released

2014-01-21 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi list,
Weird observation from

[image: Inline images 1]

Note the date - I thought they were released in the last few days, but the
date there is a month ago.

They both have a more sensible date on

Has the GeoServer team accidentally invented time travel? :-)


On 21 January 2014 09:12, Andrea Aime wrote:

 Hello everybody,
 here is the 2.5-beta release:

 Please try it out and let us know how it works for you!

 The GeoServer developers

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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Update EPSG-database?

2014-01-21 Thread Jonathan Moules
A thought stemming from this - Is there a page/document somewhere that
states what version all the components of GeoServer are? I'm not so much on
about GeoTools and GWC (those are in the About GeoServer page after all),
but the little things like OpenLayers, EPSG catalog, Wicket, PNGJ,
TurboJpeg and the many more parts I don't know about?

This would make it easier to keep track of how old what components are and
thus what bugs/security-vulns GeoServer is susceptible to.

Maybe there is one but I just couldn't find it.

On 21 January 2014 12:01, Andrea Aime wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:


 I did not mean right now and not for 2.5 but just generally. What you say
 seems to mean that the more versions we skip the more work there will be
 with the checks and coding and the more mistakes will happen.

 So true. At the same time it's not something that anybody is interested in
 so what normally happens is that I throw away a couple of weekends doing
 Lately I had other fishes to fry.


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] GeoServer 2.5-beta released

2014-01-21 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
Looking at:

At the very bottom it says:

The release packs also a hefty number of fixes and improvements that were
not backported to the stable series yet, check out thefull release

The link however is invalid - it goes to:,%20or%20if%20you%20are%20using%20geometry%20transformations%20to%20offset%20them%20from%20the%20central%20point%20location


On 21 January 2014 09:12, Andrea Aime wrote:

 Hello everybody,
 here is the 2.5-beta release:

 Please try it out and let us know how it works for you!

 The GeoServer developers

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[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6304) Remove stax-api-1.0.1.jar from excel extension

2014-01-21 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)

Jonathan Moules
 created  GEOS-6304

Remove stax-api-1.0.1.jar from excel extension

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:

2.4.3, 2.5-beta


Andrea Aime


21/Jan/14 9:17 AM


stax-api-1.0.1.jar is in GeoServer core. Can be removed from Excel Extension.






Jonathan Moules

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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Production logging and WARN level events

2014-01-14 Thread Jonathan Moules
Further to this, another few potentials for lowering of the logging level:

This seems to happen in response to WFS GetCapabilities requests from QGIS:

2014-01-14 10:05:32,294 ERROR [geoserver.wfs] - ERROR IN class
 org.geoserver.wfs.response.Excel97OutputFormat IMPLEMENTATION.
  getCapabilitiesElementName() should return avalid XML element name string
 for use in the WFS 1.0.0 capabilities document.
 2014-01-14 10:05:32,294 ERROR [geoserver.wfs] - ERROR IN class
 org.geoserver.wfs.response.Excel2007OutputFormat IMPLEMENTATION.
  getCapabilitiesElementName() should return avalid XML element name string
 for use in the WFS 1.0.0 capabilities document.
 2014-01-14 10:05:32,294 ERROR [geoserver.wfs] - ERROR IN class
 org.geoserver.kml.WFSKMLOutputFormat IMPLEMENTATION.
  getCapabilitiesElementName() should return avalid XML element name string
 for use in the WFS 1.0.0 capabilities document.

No Idea what caused these two, but they don't look like they're something I
as a server admin would want to know or could do anything about.

 2014-01-14 10:05:46,942 WARN [wms.capabilities] - Map output format
 text/html does not include mime type in output format names. Will be
 excluded from capabilities document.
 2014-01-14 10:05:46,942 WARN [wms.capabilities] - Map output format
 application/xml does not include mime type in output format names. Will be
 excluded from capabilities document.

Like the no legend, it seems querying the unqueryably brings up an ERROR
level event. Could be INFO or similar.

 2014-01-14 12:17:50,914 ERROR [geoserver.ows] -
 org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException: Layer
 Public_Data_DB:OS_MM_TOPOGRAPHIC_AREA is not queryable


On 18 December 2013 13:35, Jonathan Moules wrote:

  But mind, a the objective of a GSIP is twofold: on one side, describe
 changes that you want to implement, on the other, ensure that
 you have the coding/testing resources necessary to pull off the changes
 you described

 Ah right, kind of a lot beyond me an my knowledge of GeoServer then.
 Anyone else want to volunteer? :-)


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[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6278) Tile seeding stops on timeout request

2014-01-14 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)

Jonathan Moules
 created  GEOS-6278

Tile seeding stops on timeout request

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



Andrea Aime


14/Jan/14 9:53 AM


I'm trying to seed my tiles. Unfortunately for whatever reason some of the tile renderings are timing out.

  2014-01-14 15:41:16,243 ERROR geoserver.ows - 
  org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException: This requested used more time than allowed and has been forcefully stopped. Max rendering time is 60.0s

The problem however, is that once the seeder receives this, it stops the entire thread so no further tiles are seeded, even though only one failed. This means it then becomes impossible to seed the layer.






Jonathan Moules

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Re: [Geoserver-devel] Switching the preview to OL3

2014-01-13 Thread Jonathan Moules

 The challenge is testing - my XP VM updated IE to 9 before I could stop it

Our corporate install includes IE8 on Windows 7, so I can test if it's put
into the nightlies.


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] PDF documentation

2014-01-10 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
Took a peak at that file. A few observations:

 - It seems there's a Contents section but it's completely empty (Page i
and ii).

- Footers - The alternating-side-page-numbers make sense for a book, but
not for a PDF.

- Footers - 21.10. Using the ImageMosaic plugin for raster time-series
data - the number has a trailing decimal place but probably shouldn't.

- Page 898 (22.10.2 Getting a NetCDF output file) has a link that goes into
the margin and off the page.
There's quoted text on the page above that does something similar too. Code
comments ala 21.14.3 Hidden Deployment as well.

All minor things; it looks good (I've never peeked at the pdf before).


On 10 January 2014 11:11, Andrea Aime wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Andrea Aime wrote:

 the PDF documentation has not been generated for the past few releases.
 I'm wondering if we can automate its generation any way, or if we should
 simply drop it
 as something we're failing to deliver?

 Doh, I gave it another crack (never really worked on my machine) and this
 time I've found this page:

 So the trick is, you have to install the texlive-full monster (1GB
 download, 1.8GB installed on disk)
 to have the PDF generation work (eeek!).
 And then the generated PDF really sucks as all the images are ridiculously
 big... but a quick
 search on the internet shows latex can rescale the images if instructed
 to, so for example the following
 command makes the images 50% of their original size in the tex file:

 sed  s/includegraphics/includegraphics[scale=0.5]/g
 GeoServerUserManual.tex  manual.tex

 and then pdflatex can be invoked so that it does not require manual
 intervention (we still have a million
 issues in the generated tex file) like this:

 pdflatex -interaction batchmode manual.tex

 which in turn generates the following pdf file (still 900+ pages, please
 please don't print this thing...):

 The images are at least not completely ridiculous in this output..
 although it seems it's still missing
 a table of contents, good luck navigating it without it...

 Wondering if the above could be replicated on the build server, to
 automate the PDF production during
 the release process... we'd need to have texlive-full there to have things
 working though.


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 mob: +39  339 8844549


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[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6249) Request for PNG8 fails but PNG works

2014-01-03 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)

Jonathan Moules
 created  GEOS-6249

Request for PNG8 fails but PNG works

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



Andrea Aime


error.xml, style.sld




03/Jan/14 5:57 AM


The following request works fine as a PNG but fails when requested as a PNG8.



Attached is the (extremely simple) SLD, and the error report.






Jonathan Moules

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6250) Error in exception report

2014-01-03 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)

Jonathan Moules
 created  GEOS-6250

Error in exception report

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



Andrea Aime




03/Jan/14 5:59 AM


The following request produces an error:,159618.75,541300,380381.25WIDTH=1272HEIGHT=1261

The bug isn't the fact the request doesn't work (that's, but the way it is presented:

	The response seems to have a MIME type of PNG, not exception-XML.
	The exception report includes most of the error twice.

Attached is the error.






Jonathan Moules

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6253) TMS - request fails for PNG8 but works for PNG

2014-01-03 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)

Jonathan Moules
 created  GEOS-6253

TMS - request fails for PNG8 but works for PNG

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



Andrea Aime




03/Jan/14 9:21 AM


Slightly different from - this is for a TMS tile and the error is different.
When I request:

I get a "bad request"

But request a "png" and it works fine.

The log for the bad request is attached.
Using the new PNGJ encoder (would that make a difference?)






    Jonathan Moules

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6254) SLD 1.1 - Priority fails validation

2014-01-03 Thread Jonathan Moules (JIRA)

Jonathan Moules
 created  GEOS-6254

SLD 1.1 - Priority fails validation

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



Andrea Aime


03/Jan/14 10:40 AM


The "priority" (or se:Priority) fails validation with 1.1. Not tested with SLD 1.0.

I get the error:
"line 213: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'se:Priority'. One of '
' is expected."






        Jonathan Moules

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Some interesting optmizations from Jonathan's load test

2014-01-02 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
  Interesting stuff.

* ST_simplify usage does indeed help at all scales in these benchmarks,
 probably because even at 1:15 we're
   still somewhat away from the native resolution of the data

OS Strategi has a desired scale range of 1:187,500 - 1:312,500, with the
nominal scale being 1:250,000. Or so says their technical spec; maybe it
hasn't been generalised enough.

* It has all the linework (roads, waterways, borders, whatever) heavily
 using translucency, I'm pretty sure none of these roads should really
   be translucent in a map

Yep. As noted in my previous email from earlier in this discussion, I was
going to get rid of that, and actually did that Tuesday. My
improved/optimised set of SLD's are at the below link. That was one of the
first things I styled in GeoServer, so I was still learning a lot.

There's also a second set of SLD's plus the layergroup too - these are for
Strategi as well but a completely different style. They should give
different benchmark results (I find this neutral styling renders faster).
Both sets are in this file:

Also, the Oracle dump of the data is ready -


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Re: [Geoserver-devel] PNG encoder comparison - complex stylings

2014-01-02 Thread Jonathan Moules
How odd. I'll try and remember to re-run the tests when you've released the
optimised .jar file; maybe that's somehow affecting the results.

On 2 January 2014 18:33, Andrea Aime wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 3:47 PM, Jonathan Moules wrote:

 Hi Andrea,
 I thought of that too, but these are going over the LAN.
 Ping time from my machine (where jmeter was running) to the server is

 Download speed of a ~670MB zip file from there to my machine averaged
 100MB/s (or 800Mbits/s!).

 I still had the test harness setup for my last test, so running another
 with 50% compression was quick.
 Here are the results:

  PNG comparison ST_Simplify + 1 fetch size ST_Simplify + 1 fetch
 size + PNG 50% Avg Time Throughput Avg Time Throughput 10million 725 
 11,5982110,175 million76810,7983710,042,5 

 So, on my machine, I have a rather visible slowdown by upping the PNG
 However... I don't have a network that's really usable for tests (only
 100MB/s with an ADSL router
 in the middle) so all my tests have JMeter and GeoServer deployed on the
 same machine


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Slow rendering - isometric

2014-01-01 Thread Jonathan Moules

 Hmm... does not respond (at least to me).

Hmmm, looks like my IIS server broke for the new year. I'll have to fix it

I'm actually using the drop-shadow method already (I'd provide a link but
given the server is dead... ), however the isometric looks significantly
better so I've converted to that. The cost is the significant processing
overhead, but we're pre-rendering most tiles anyway.

I kind of guessed it may not be optimisable, but figured it was worth
bringing up anyway.

Per your suggestion and my tests, I'll tweak my SLD so only the drop-shadow
is used at 1:5000 scale (currently has isometric too), and the isometric
comes on at 1:2500 where it will be visible.


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Some interesting optmizations from Jonathan's load test

2013-12-31 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
Excellent analysis and some very good prospective optimisations there.

In order to get the fully benefit the styles must not use partial
 transparency, and I had

to fix one of the styles accordingly (believe it was lakes, not 100% sure).

Interesting. Originally I used transparency, but for my re-made styles
(which is what you're using) I got rid of that because I figured it would
slow stuff down and I also realised that I could get the same colour
without it. I'll definitely further-optimise my SLD's.

Then again, Jonathan has this data in Oracle... I did not want to venture
 there: loading
 data there is a pain, the styles need fixing because of the uppercase
 and honestly, why waste an open source developer spare time on closed
 source databases anyways?

Completely concur. And thanks for all your work given it's your free time!
(That said, these styles are completely interchangeable between shapefile
and our Oracle, with just one change - search/replace ROAD_NO (shapefile)
to ROAD_NUMBER (Oracle)).

Now, this is PostGIS specific (no
 plain simplification in Oracle, only the topology preserving one is
 available, which
 is supposedly more expensive than not doing it, at least, it is in

There is plain simplify in Oracle:
that tool is available via Oracle Locator and doesn't require Oracle
Spatial. It's just a simple Douglas-Peucker implementation
*Topological characteristics of the input geometry might not be maintained
after simplification.*

Spatialite of course has one too -

And with MSSQL Server it seems to be Reduce -

I don't know if OGR is used as an input source in GeoServer (shapefile
reading?), but it appears to have a Simplify function too (If I'm looking
in the right place) -

So the ST_Simplify optimisation could potentially be carried over to other
datastores (although that does presume that ST_Simplify is as fast on the
other implementations as it is in PostGIS).

Again, thanks for your free-time work! :-)

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] Some interesting optmizations from Jonathan's load test

2013-12-31 Thread Jonathan Moules

 Btw, how did you import your data in Oracle again? ogr2ogr?

Nothing so open source I'm afraid. We used FME for all our data loading; if
you have a copy I can provide you with the loader if you're interested,
otherwise I can export the Strategi tables as sql/csv (either data or
structure or both).

 Spatialite of course has one too -

 And with MSSQL Server it seems to be Reduce -

 Cool stuff

  I don't know if OGR is used as an input source in GeoServer (shapefile
 reading?), but it appears to have a Simplify function too (If I'm looking
 in the right place) -

 Shapefile reading is done via pure java code. We do have an unsupported
 OGR based store in GeoTools (which I've originally developed, guess what,
 in my spare time), but it has been difficult to make it graduate
 to supported status as installations that could justify the work normally
 try to stay away from native packages, unless they are super-duper tested
 (as they will bring down the whole JVM if they segfault). Sort of catch 22

 So the ST_Simplify optimisation could potentially be carried over to
 other datastores (although that does presume that ST_Simplify is as fast on
 the other implementations as it is in PostGIS).

 Right, that needs to be verified indeed.

 Again, thanks for your free-time work! :-)

 Always happy to spend some time looking into performance improvements :-p


 *== GeoSolutions will be closed for seasonal holidays from 23/12/2013 to
 06/01/2014 ==*

 Ing. Andrea Aime
 Technical Lead

 GeoSolutions S.A.S.
 Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
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 phone: +39 0584 962313
 fax: +39 0584 1660272
 mob: +39  339 8844549


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

[Geoserver-devel] Slow rendering - isometric

2013-12-31 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi List,
While optimisations are on our minds (who needs holidays anyway?), I
thought I'd bring up a function that seems to be particularly slow. Namely
the isometric one.

Same parameters as before (single test instance, 1 thread, coming from
I'm getting GeoServer to render this png:

There are about 9000 buildings on there.

My response times for this layer using jmeter average 8500ms! Now, much of
that is Oracle (booo!), however I've noticed that it seems to take
considerably longer when I'm using the isometric function than some of my
other stylings that don't use that.

If I disable just the isometric effect (so comment out the below; the
features are still rendering, but just without going through the isometric

 ogc:Function name=isometric

My request time drops to 7300ms - a significant saving.
(Optimisation for me - The output is almost identical at that scale - - so I'll turn
it off at that scale in the future.)

There's also an offset function which is being used here - disabling that
results in absolutely no difference.

But even for a small subset of those (i.e., zoomed in), the isometric thing
severely bogs down rendering.

Something related I noticed in the Geoserver logs while investigating this:

2013-12-31 17:44:08,379 DEBUG [org.geotools.jdbc] - SELECT
 'mask=anyinteract querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'  AND (OSMMSTYLE_NAME = ? OR
 2013-12-31 17:44:08,379 DEBUG [] - Using layer
 SRID: 27700
 2013-12-31 17:44:08,379 DEBUG [org.geotools.jdbc] - Setting parameter 1 as
 2013-12-31 17:44:08,379 DEBUG [org.geotools.jdbc] - 1 = POLYGON
 ((431115.103 265345.6461141951, 431115.103
 267131.3538858049, 432915.5 267131.3538858049, 432915.5 265345.6461141951,
 431115.103 265345.6461141951))
 2013-12-31 17:44:08,379 DEBUG [org.geotools.jdbc] - 2 = *buildingFill*
 2013-12-31 17:44:08,379 DEBUG [org.geotools.jdbc] - 3 = *structureFill*
 2013-12-31 17:44:08,379 DEBUG [org.geotools.jdbc] - 4 = *buildingFill*
 2013-12-31 17:44:08,379 DEBUG [org.geotools.jdbc] - 5 = *structureFill*

Note that GeoServer has appended OR clauses for buildingFill and
structureFill twice (I guess because they're in separate
FeatureTypeStyles). I'm sure Oracle optimises that out, but it might be
worth doing it on the GeoServer end anyway.

Unfortunately they're locking up the building now, so I can't do any
further testing until Thursday. I can create JIRA's for these if desired.

And Happy New Year all!


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-devel] PNG encoder comparison - complex stylings

2013-12-30 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
 Well, one thing might be interesting: what's your PNG compression level,
to be found in in the WMS panel?
It's 50. I guess I changed it given the default is 25 apparently.

 About Oracle... not sure what to say. Do you have handy a backup of the
database that I could import locally?
Well the database is about 50GB, and any time we've tried to supply it in
the past it's been impossible to import (apparently Oracle tools are
incompatible with themselves in relation to importing versus exporting;
can't say I'm surprised).

Interesting that 3 instances seems to be optimal; I got lucky in choosing
to deploy that many then. :-)

As noted previously, we're hoping to do some Oracle upgrading very soon, so
hopefully we'll be able to get significant increases in speed that way.

But the renderers still slow down considerably when threaded, even for
shapefiles, so the speed gains will probably be quite minor in those
This isn't a critical issue for us currently as we're pre-rendering the
basemap for TMS, but some of the others are still a bit slow and could
benefit from a speedup.

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