Re: [Gimp-developer] fact roundup

2006-07-20 Thread David Gómez

> Speaking as a lurker, I think Sven Neumann's suggestion (to
> unsubscribe from the list) is on the right track.

Yep, count me as another lurker who is interested in gimp
development and not in pointless ramblings.


David Gómez  Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp certification

2006-05-14 Thread David Gómez
Hi Alan,

On May 14 at 04:40:47, Alan Horkan wrote:
> word.  Point it is the name does cause embarassment to some who have to
> explain it to other English speakers more familiar with the other meanings

Point is that people should worry less about names and more about software
quality. Too much embarassment avoids to focus on the important things, and
i'm not talking only about software...


David Gómez  Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp certification

2006-05-14 Thread David Gómez
Hi Alan,

On May 14 at 12:25:59, Alan Horkan wrote:
> In all seriousness I would not risk putting the word "gimp" anywhere on my
> CV and I have had funny reactions (funny weird, never funny ha ha) when
> explaining the GIMP to users not already familiar with it.

Remember that not in all languages the "gimp" word has funny connotations,
but only in english. I got the word gimp in my curriculum and it's ok. 
Actually the people on human resources don't know the meaning of most of
the acronyms in a curriculum ;).

> > a statement like this, if it really could happen, would clearly show how
> > completely unprofessional the "professional world" would be and would be
> > a very good reason for good people to take things over.
> Interviewers are notoriously shallow, how few people risk going to a job
> interview not wearing a suit?  (Rhetorical question.)

Me (non-rhetorical answer :))


David Gómez  Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] ./configure not finding glib?

2006-03-23 Thread David Gómez
Hi Martin,

On Mar 23 at 11:14:57, Martin Nordholts wrote:
> The strange thing is that when I run glib-config --version, it spits out 
> 1.-something. That's weird isn't it?

What it's weird is that you got glib-config in glib-2.10.1. glib-config
is only in old versions, recent versions use pkg-config files.


David Gómez  Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Compiling 2.2.3

2005-02-08 Thread David Gómez
Hi all,

In the configuration process, i got this error:

config.status: creating gimp-2.0.pc
config.status: creating gimpthumb-2.0.pc
config.status: creating gimpui-2.0.pc
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: config.h is unchanged
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: executing intltool commands
sed: -e expression #5, char 24: unknown option to `s'
sed: -e expression #5, char 24: unknown option to `s'
sed: -e expression #5, char 24: unknown option to `s'
config.status: executing default-1 commands
config.status: executing libgimpbase/gimpversion.h commands
config.status: libgimpbase/gimpversion.h is unchanged
config.status: executing chmod-scripts commands
config.status: executing sed-po-makefiles commands

After that, if i try to compile, it fails, and i think it's because
of the above sed error. I have sed 4.1.2 installed.


David GÃmez  Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: Gimp 2.0

2004-04-21 Thread David Gómez
Hi ; ),

> >Also, I find the picture of the wet baby in the "Screen Shots" section 
> >rather annoying. I mean, it's not the baby's fault, but I think that with 
> >all the stuff going on in Europe (Dutroux), placing a half-naked kid with 
> >amateur lightning in this section is not a matter of particularly good 
> >taste. Maybe it would be good to show more neutral photographs, like skies 
> >and landscapes etc. that are bright and where's much to look at.

I find that observation rather exaggerated. There is no "special"
situation in Europe, at least in the Europe i live in. And a baby picture
is just a baby picture, anything else is just on the mind of 
of those who look at the picture, no matter if it's a professional
photograph or a amateur one with you digital camera.

Of course the photo is from Dave's son and he can do whatever he thinks
is better with it...

> will take them down. I'm not sure where screenshot submissions should go 
> though - perhaps someone else will pipe up with ideas about that?

I think the actual policy is ok, to put good screenshots, not politically
correct ones.


David Gómez

"The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of
 whether submarines can swim." -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Dithering

2004-01-07 Thread David Gómez
Hi Sven ;),

> The GIMP display canvas uses the dithering routines from GdkRGB which
> is probably what you are refering to.

Yes i was referring to GdkRGB dithering, but it seems that was not
the cause of the problem, as i said in my previous mail, and i was
wrong thinking that was caused by gimp dithering implementation.


David Gómez

"The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of
 whether submarines can swim." -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Dithering

2004-01-07 Thread David Gómez
Hi Yosh ;),

> > The GIMP display canvas uses the dithering routines from GdkRGB which
> > is probably what you are refering to. Of course this does only affect
> > the display, not the image data. I am not sure but I think I remember
> > a plug-in that could apply dithering to RGB images w/o converting to
> > Indexed colors.
> Actually, gqview defaults to GDK_RGB_DITHER_NORMAL whereas gimp uses
> GDK_RGB_DITHER_MAX always, which should theoretically do a better job.

It should, certainly.

> Maybe you could put up a sample image somewhere so we can see what exactly
> the problem is?

You're right, that would be the best. Please get it from:

It's has a size of 2.80Mb.

Hmmm..., don't bother to download it ;), i'm starting to see the cause
of my problem. The image is quite big (2100x2800) and when the image
is scaled to fit in the screen, the ugly 'bands' appears, but they aren't
visible with a 1:1 zoom. I've scaled down the image and the bands are not
there now.

So it seems the problem is with the zoom. When a big image is fitted to
the screen size, it doesn't look nice (you know, bands ;)). What confused
me was that gqview, with the same image size, fitted it to the screen 
size and no bands were drawed...

I think now is time for the gimp gurus to solve this zoom thing, i'll 
leave the image in the URL above some time in case somebody is interested ;)

Thanks all for your help ;),


David Gómez

"The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of
 whether submarines can swim." -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Dithering

2004-01-07 Thread David Gómez
Hi David ;),

> This is a normal phenomenon when moving to higher bitdepths.
> Unless you're talking about 16 bits in total, and not 16 bits per
> channel, in which case I'd be a bit mystified...

Yes, i meant 16 bits per channel ;)

> Floyd-Steinberg dithering is basically a way to approximate more 
> colors with a smaller palette... it does not actually do anything
> like what you are expecting (as you have noticed).

Yup, i already noticed that. Maybe i'm wrong, so please correct me, but
the Floyd-Steinberg is implemented by the gimp, and the dithering in
gdk_pixbuf (the paramater XlibRgbDither to functions like gdk_pixbuf_draw)
are different things, isn't it?

> Have you tried blurring the image with a radius of 0.5 or 1.5
> pixels? This sometimes works quite well.

I've tried it without success. The bands are too visible to be removed
with a blur filter...

> > Programs like gqview, an image viewer, use the dither
> > algorithms bundled with gdx_pixbuf in gtk2, and they work perfectly with
> > the same images. Why cannot the gimp do the same quality dithering if
> > it's using the same library?
> Oh, I see what you mean, I think - you're talking about the
> rendering of the data, you don't actually want to change the
> underlying data, you want it to look better. Is that right?

Yes, i want it to look better, and have the option to save the dithered
image ;). Gqview does a dithering pass on the image, and the image looks
great. I looked in the sources and saw that it doesn't implements any
dithering algorithm, it just uses the underlying gdk_pixbuf dithering

> If that's the case, then I'm afraid the answer is that I don't
> know. I thought we used a GdkPixbuf, so if we don't I'm stumped
> :)

I know that the Gimp is using GdkPixbuf, that's why i'm asking
why it doesn't do a better dithering ;)


David Gómez

"The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of
 whether submarines can swim." -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Dithering

2004-01-07 Thread David Gómez
Hi all,

Just installed gimp-2.0pre1 ;)

I've scanned some jpeg images with a 24bit depth. Some of them are old
photographies in black&white that show 'bands' when are displayed on
a 16 bit depth display. After digging in the menus i noticed that the
image could be transformed to a indexed pallete, with a Floyd-Steinberg
dithering, but that did not solve nothing, the maximum number of colors
cannot be set to more that 256 :-/. Is there another way to dither an
image in gimp? Programs like gqview, an image viewer, use the dither
algorithms bundled with gdx_pixbuf in gtk2, and they work perfectly with
the same images. Why cannot the gimp do the same quality dithering if
it's using the same library?


David Gómez

"The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of
 whether submarines can swim." -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Giving a try to gimp-perl

2003-07-25 Thread David Gómez
Hi all ;),

I know gimp-perl is still unstable, anyway i tried to compile it myself
and test it with the bbgallery script. It's not a very complex script, just
loads the jpeg images, rescales them to create the thumbnails, and save them.
After that uses the HTML perl module to create a html gallery.

I'm using gimp 1.3.16 and gimp-perl from cvs, and i got some errors after
running it, mainly in the module. I post the output of the script,
maybe it will be of some help for people currently working in gimp-perl:

Warning: Unknown token 'vlink' in config file: /home/huma/.bbgallery
Warning: Unknown token 'bgcolor1' in config file: /home/huma/.bbgallery
Warning: Unknown token 'alink' in config file: /home/huma/.bbgallery
Warning: Unknown token 'bgcolor' in config file: /home/huma/.bbgallery
Warning: Unknown token 'thumb_only' in config file: /home/huma/.bbgallery
Warning: Unknown token 'text' in config file: /home/huma/.bbgallery
Warning: Unknown token 'link' in config file: /home/huma/.bbgallery
Warning: Unknown token 'text1' in config file: /home/huma/.bbgallery
Warning: Unknown token 'text2' in config file: /home/huma/.bbgallery
Warning: Unknown token 'bgcolor2' in config file: /home/huma/.bbgallery protocol error (1) at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/Gimp/ line 67.
(ERROR) protocol error (1) at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/Gimp/ line 67. protocol error (1) at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/Gimp/ line 67.
(ERROR) protocol error (1) at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/Gimp/ line 67.
Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/HTML/ line
399.  Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
/usr/bin/bbgallery line 222.

And thanks for all the great work with gimp 1.3 ;)), even unstable, is a
lot better that gimp 1.2 ;)

David Gómez

"The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of
 whether submarines can swim." -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Gimp-developer mailing list