Re: [Goanet] Inside Outside

2022-02-24 Thread Nascy Caldeira
I don't know.  

On Wednesday, 23 February 2022, 03:04:32 pm AEDT, Joao Barros-Pereira 

now free

go home


It is
too dangerous

stay here

the jailbird

what does joao want to say?

Re: [Goanet] Bravo Singapore PM

2022-02-20 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Thank you.  

On Friday, 18 February 2022, 11:35:13 am AEDT, Roland Francis 
 The truth is sometimes difficult to swallow and in Modi’s India, it is a most 
reviled dish in the Hindutva cuisine.

The Singapore PM has made 3 important points though not in so many words.

1. Modi’s India is a sordid and far cry from Nehru’s India.
2. Almost half of India’s parliament is filled with seriously criminally 
charged MPs.
3. Trumped up charges are laid against some people.
Delhi objects to Singapore PM remark on ‘tainted’ Indian MPs -

Interesting video of the Singapore’s Lee speaking in his Parliament.



Re: [Goanet] Pants On Fire

2022-02-20 Thread Nascy Caldeira

On Saturday, 19 February 2022, 03:01:39 am AEDT, Roland Francis 
 I’m betting that if your pants were on fire you would take immediate 
corrective action rather than: 
1 Wait for passers by to help you.
2 Blame the tailor for making them long so they touched a passing bonfire.
3 Faulted yourself for buying flammable material.

But the Chief of Goa Police is doing exactly what one would not expect him to 
do - which is moan in the press about how half of all Street CCTV cameras in 
Goa are not functioning and how this is contributing to increase in unsolved 
and undetected crime.

I can understand that street lights are the responsibility of either the local 
civic authorities or some ministry or other but I cannot understand why the DGP 
of an Indian state cannot lift the phone and put the fear of god into someone 
who should be taking the action on this.

Shows the sorry state of administration in Goa for treating with such lack of 
care and responsibility as crucial  a matter as the public’s street safety.



Re: [Goanet] Zooming in on: MLA Vijay Sardessai’s United Call of Like-Minded Political Parties to Fight Communal BJP!

2021-10-17 Thread Nascy Caldeira

On Thursday, 14 October 2021, 03:37:31 pm AEDT, Joao Barros-Pereira 
 Zooming in on:
MLA Vijay Sardessai’s United Call of Like-Minded Political Parties to
Fight Communal BJP!

I read this with a smile and a flood of memories came rushing into my
memory box - is this the same guy?

Now let me clear the fog from the start: I do not know the man, never
met and have not even exchanged a single word with him on the phone.
Nothing personal about what I have to say.

For two or three years a couple of elections ago, MLA Vijay Sardesai
was blowing hot and cold about the communal BJP.

He was, in fact, the star attacker which made a big impression on
Goans as we all thought he was a man of secular values and also man of

He was, in fact, he was but after the success of the BJP in the
elections his Goa Forward Party which includes his two sidekicks gave
their support to the communal BJP!

The highly hyped Goa Forward Party has taken Goa a few steps backward,
and if the Forward Party can pull of this feat maybe it is time for
Goa Backward party to do the contrary - take Goa forward!

Overnight, he changed sides, chameleon-like betraying his voters trust
brutally. The voters in Nuvem were in a state of shock, and still are!

Are Goans ready and willing to be taken for a ride again?

His record is shameful but he obviously is shame-proof and wants to be
the leader to lead Goa to a new dawn by fighting the communal BJP.

His call to unity of so-called like-minded political parties will fall
on deaf ears. All we need to do is take a quick look at his past
record. His success is highly unlikely!

Are Goans completely bankrupt to fall for his line, hook, and sinker -
one more time?

Re: [Goanet] Inaugural opening ceremony of the Goa Toronto Community Centre

2021-10-17 Thread Nascy Caldeira

On Sunday, 17 October 2021, 01:05:17 pm AEDT, MELVYN FERNANDES 
 The inaugural opening ceremony of the Goa Toronto community centre I am sure 
was watched by many Goans around the world and brought a tear or two of joy to 
see such a great achievement in flying the flag for Goa in Canada.  

Congratulations to all those involved in making this 50 year old dream come 

With technology, we were delighted to join you live in spirit.

Viva Canada, Viva Goa.

Melvyn and Rose Fernandes

Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

16 October 2021

Re: [Goanet] Goan Pao

2021-09-17 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Love it!  

On Friday, 17 September 2021, 05:10:11 pm AEST, Antonio Menezes 
 Pao, the Goan specialty bakery product, is derived from the Portuguese
nasal work pao meaning bread.
Till about the end of 18th century, pao was unknown in Western  India and
the locals only ate the unleavened bread called chapati. When the British
arrived in West India by the 18th century they had to import bakers and
from England to feed their troops whose main meal was composed of bread
and meat products.
Not only bread but even meat dishes were taboo in the hands of the then
Indian chiefs.
Pao along with meat dishes were introduced in Goa by the missionaries in the
16th century and Goans were well used to feeding on them.
When the British troops briefly occupied Goa at the beginning o  f 19th
during the Napoleonic wars they found that there was no need to import
and chefs to feed their troops. Goans could do the job rather cheaply.
That was the beginning of the Goan emigration to other parts of India.
PS. The price of the Goan pao has been increased to Rs. 5 per unit from

Re: [Goanet] Crystal Ball Gazing

2021-09-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira

On Thursday, 2 September 2021, 02:02:56 pm AEST, Joao Barros-Pereira 
 Girish Chodankar

great navigator

a victory

Congress Party

in last

three cheers


10 winning

to the
BJP Party

two cheers

what does joao want to say?

Re: [Goanet] The President of Russia

2021-08-28 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Love it!  

On Wednesday, 25 August 2021, 12:32:07 am AEST, Joao Barros-Pereira 

think of

making love

Put in!
Put in!

what does joao want to say?

Re: [Goanet] Goa's Coming Election

2021-08-28 Thread Nascy Caldeira

On Thursday, 26 August 2021, 02:24:40 pm AEST, Roland Francis 
 Good one João Barros!


> On Aug 25, 2021, at 11:22 PM, Joao Barros-Pereira 
>  wrote:
> Goans are
> empty vessels
> canoes
> sailing on
> dangerous
> waters
> with room
> only for
> wrongdoers
> others
> not welcome
> next
> election
> will change
> nothing
> except
> the boat
> which
> will be
> under water
> what does joao want to say?

Re: [Goanet] The Optics

2021-08-28 Thread Nascy Caldeira

On Wednesday, 25 August 2021, 08:35:24 am AEST, Roland Francis 
 No matter what the future strategy, or the compulsions - both foreign policy 
and military, or the justifications or the spin, this is what everybody views 
in Afghanistan.

1. The world’s most modern and powerful fighting force has been humiliated by a 
primitive pyjama-wearing ragtag bunch of ignorants.

2. America is not a nation to be relied on. This is not a new discovery.

3. They rallied allies to fight with them but ignored their pleas to delay 
departure to enable safe evacuation. No man is left behind is their empty 

4. They have idiotic presidents succeeded by even more idiotic presidents. 

5. They raise money recklessly borrowed and even more recklessly spent. If 
there is a global financial crash, you know who caused it.

6. They fight wars without a plan i.e. why they are there and what to do after 
they win or lose (mostly lose).

7. They have an awful democratic system that is like a block of cheese so full 
of holes, even the mice won’t touch it and here’s the catch - they want to flog 
it everywhere.

8. If their government system is a cheese their capitalist system is a powdery 
Sohan Halwa. They are chock full of  billionaires but so many people in so many 
places that have no proper food and shelter. 

9. They call themselves the greatest but that may be true only if greatness 
comes from being laughed at.

10. With the end of this war their drugees and mental numbers will increase 
leaps and bounds.



Re: [Goanet] Jawaharlal Nehru’s vision for a just and equitable post-colonial world, with India leading the way

2021-08-08 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Thank you.  

On Sunday, 8 August 2021, 03:54:48 am AEST, Roland Francis 
 Fantastic article from ABC news in Australia. Thanks for bringing it to us 

It would have been wonderful if Nehru were living today when the world really 
needs the lessons he could teach us.

When capitalism runs rife and creates horrible inequities, for example vaccines 
that are wasted in rich countries while they are sorely needed in poor, when 
America and China run riot where help is really needed, when a powerful voice 
like his is sorely missing in a completely weakened United Nations, the need 
for a Nehru is badly felt.

Admittedly he failed in advancing India’s economic interests although he did 
give the country a solid industrial base and and a sound political system in 
which to grow.

But can you imagine in 2021 a Nehru as Prime Minister and a Manmohan Singh in 
Finance. India would have been a country to admire.


> On Aug 7, 2021, at 5:24 AM, Mervyn Maciel  
> wrote:
> Thought of sharing this interesting article - but just wonder what
> Nehru would make of today's India?
> Mervyn Maciel

Re: [Goanet] McCarthyism and India’s Moment of Truth (Dhaka Tribune, 24/7/2021)

2021-07-25 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Thank you.  

On Sunday, 25 July 2021, 12:14:14 am AEST, V M  wrote:

Sometimes, all it takes to change the course of history is a single
act of conscience.

That’s what happened on June 9, 1954 in the USA, during yet another
inquisitorial public hearing in Joseph McCarthy’s persecution of
innocent Americans as anti-national communists, an inherently unfair
process where – as the Harvard law dean Ervin Griswold aptly
summarized – the Senator from Wisconsin was "judge, jury, prosecutor,
castigator, and press agent, all in one."

On that day, McCarthy still towered at the height of his notoriety and
reach, but all that came crashing down after the Boston lawyer Joseph
Welch (he was representing the Army) responded spontaneously to the
accusation that one of the young members of his own team was
communist: “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged
your cruelty or your recklessness. Let us not assassinate this lad
further, Senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?"

That sincere, homespun appeal stunned the national television
audience, and McCarthy’s popularity evaporated to nothingness
overnight. In short order, he was censured by his colleagues, then
ostracized by his own Republican party. Just three years later in
1957, he died at 48, still confused about where he had gone wrong.

Who and what is going to make the difference in India in 2021, where
the convenient routine is now to label any criticism of the ruling
party as emanating from “Urban Naxals” who are thereby rendered fair
game to face the menacing arsenal of the state?

It’s impossible to predict with any degree of accuracy - just like no
one quite anticipated the rapid demise of McCarthy’s reign of terror -
but there are many indications that we might have arrived at an
important tipping point for India’s own cynical alarmists. Just like
the American drama that played out nearly 70 years ago, overreach will
be their comeuppance.

This entire, widely developing scenario is nicely encapsulated by the
furore that erupted this week over revelations that many Indians –
journalists, politicians, and a range of others – have been targeted
by sophisticated spyware surveillance that its Israeli manufacturer
has attested is only sold to “vetted” state actors (which implies the
user is the intelligence apparatus in New Delhi).

As has been splashed all over global media, “The Pegasus Project is a
ground-breaking collaboration by more than 80 journalists from 17
media organizations in 10 countries coordinated by Forbidden Stories,
a Paris-based media non-profit, with the technical support of Amnesty
International, who conducted cutting- edge forensic tests on mobile
phones to identify traces of the spyware.”

Many governments have responded angrily to the revelations, but it is
only in India that the knee-jerk response yet again invoked a fanciful
“Red Scare.” This was the Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma,
who made himself an instant social media laughing stock by holding a
press conference to declare “We all know the role of Amnesty. They are
encouraging left-wing terrorism in India. This is a well-designed
conspiracy to defame Narendra Modi, and the Indian parliamentary
system. I will demand that Amnesty International’s activity should be
immediately banned.”

Immediately afterwards, the eager politician tweeted “Amesty
International is infamous for its long history of hatching
conspiracies against India's democratic fabric & its leadership. I
strongly condemn this conspiracy and demand ban on activities of such
organisations which are hell bent on defaming & harming our nation.”

Sarma’s grandstanding ignores the reality that India is only one of
the countries identified as a likely NSO client (the others are
Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Morocco, Rwanda,
Saudi Arabia, Togo, and the United Arab Emirates). But assertions like
that are one bedrock characteristic of McCarthyism: it requires no due
process. Just allegations are enough, and the process is punishment in

In its editorial immediately following the Pegasus revelations, The
Indian Express noted “The new minister for Information Technology,
Ashwini Vaishnaw, has said that the outing of the list is a bid to
“malign Indian democracy and its well-established institutions” [and]
Home Minister Amit Shah has spoken darkly of “disruptors” and
“obstructors” and recycled his own disturbing formulation from an
earlier time, “aap chronology samajhiye…”

But this time, the editorial continued, “The ministers cannot point
the finger away by invoking worn spectres. The growing impression [is]
that red lines have been breached, for government or its agencies to
target political opponents, dissidents and activists. This is about
the constitutionally guaranteed right to privacy of individuals, and
also about more than that. The Pegasus 

Re: [Goanet] Who'll Stop The Rain (Dhaka Tribune, 16/7/2021)

2021-07-17 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Thank you.  

On Saturday, 17 July 2021, 07:39:11 am AEST, V M  wrote:

It has rained non-stop all this week in my home town of Panjim, the
pocket-sized capital city of India’s smallest state.

Right outside where I live beside the estuary where the Mandovi river meets
the Arabian Sea at Aguada Bay, the landscape is drenched and utterly
dreamy: sky and sea blurring into each other with sublime effect.

This, of course, is the magnificent South West monsoon, the dramatic
weather event that plays out in spectacular style from June to September
each year. It is the basis of our civilization, the backbone of our food
security, and the wellspring of our culture.

Here, we are blessed with an average of just over three metres of annual
rainfall, and almost all of it will come down from the heavens in this

But even as every patch of exposed earth explodes green, and innumerable
rivulets become charged with rainwater to feed the state’s eleven rivers,
there’s the troubling realization that none of it is going to be enough.

This is because by the end of the year many parts of Goa will be right back
into water shortage.

Our situation is already pretty bad, but it’s far more dangerous right
across the border in Maharashtra and Karnataka, where many districts have
suffered drought conditions for several years. These are all facets of the
increasingly grave, interlinked water crisis that threatens the lives and
livelihoods of hundreds of millions of South Asians.

The immediate problem is not the monsoon itself. As multiple scientists
from three countries (led by Steven Clemens of Brown University) describe
in *Remote and local drivers of Pleistocene South Asian summer monsoon
precipitation: A test for future predictions*, their research article
published in *Science* last month, “South Asian precipitation amount and
extreme variability are predicted to increase due to thermodynamic effects
of increased 21st century greenhouse gases.”

Put more simply, the fact of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
will actually result in more and heavier rainfall from the South West
monsoon for the time being, with the caveat that all this increased
precipitation will arrive in more intense bursts of extreme weather.

We can see that this is already happening: each rainy season of the past
five years has been accompanied by devastating storms that have wrought
immense damage in multiple locations (including Goa just weeks ago).

But if it isn’t due to diminished rainfall, how is it that India – and more
broadly, South Asia – still has such an entrenched water crisis?

Like so many other problems in our part of the world, it’s due almost
entirely to incompetence and epic mismanagement by an entire generation of
elites that has wilfully destroyed the age-old water-harvesting systems
that sustained their forbears, while installing unsustainably short-sighted
and rapacious practices that have brought us – perhaps irredeemably – to
the brink of disaster.

This is the story of Mumbai and Bangalore, but also Karachi and Dhaka, and
my once-idyllic Panjim as well: polluted wells, concretized wetlands,
paved-over lakes, encroached rivers and streams, and absurdly inadequate
drainage. When it rains it floods, but the water table still doesn’t get
replenished. All the while borewells go deeper, buildings rise higher, and
urbanization proceeds unstoppably.

It’s a regional issue, but it also has to be acknowledged that no country
in the world has depleted its groundwater more carelessly than India. The
scale of dependence is staggering: each year the country uses more
groundwater than China and the USA combined.

The results from this overuse are wholly predictable. According to the New
Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), nearly 30% of India’s
land mass is currently undergoing desertification (defined as “a type of
land degradation in which a relatively dry land region becomes increasingly
arid, typically losing its bodies of water as well as vegetation and

Taken as a whole, the CSE’s predictions are absolutely horrifying: 26 of 29
states are experiencing enough desertification to be worried, and 8 of them
already have an emergency because between 40% and 70% of their land mass is
threatened. These are Rajasthan, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Jharkhand, Nagaland, Tripura, and Goa.

Yes, it’s the sorry truth. My famously lush and riparian Goa, with its
three metres of rainfall each and every year, still shows up on this list
of states that are turning to desert. It’s maddening: we waste more than we
use, and both are more than what we receive from the skies.

It’s what Credence Clearwater Revival sang about in 1970, “Long as I
remember the rain been coming down / Clouds of mystery pouring confusion on
the ground / Good men through the ages trying to find the sun / And I
wonder, still I wonder, who'll 

Re: [Goanet] Goa Philatelic and Numismatic Society

2021-05-29 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Thank you.  

On Friday, 28 May 2021, 10:37:34 pm AEST, Frederick Noronha 

_/  FN * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436
_/  See a different Goa here, via

Re: [Goanet] Baccara

2020-03-28 Thread Nascy Caldeira
 Hi Roland, It is better U start with Goanet Face Book instead of these lists. 
I miss Ur inputs. This lists' interaction is too lethargic. On FB Goanet it is 
instant and responses are more quick and sensible.Nascy Caldeira.
On Saturday, 28 March 2020, 09:16:37 am AEDT, Roland Francis 
 The Spanish singing duo of Mayte Mateos and Maria Mendiola was formed in 1977 
and shot to prominence with their ‘Yes Sir, I Can Boogie’ which sold more than 
18 million copies making it the best selling single of all time by a female duo.

Their act spawned a new genre of music - the Euro Disco. Their successful 
follow-up single ‘Sorry I’m A Lady’ accompanied with a European tour, made them 
immensely popular resulting in album releases, television appearances and 
nomination for The 1978 Eurovision Song Contest.

Yes Sir, I Can Boogie

Sorry I’m A Lady

You deserve to hear this too: The Devil Sent You To Laredo



2019-10-05 Thread Nascy Caldeira
 U are so Right in what U are saying and implying here.
On Friday, 4 October 2019, 09:56:45 pm AEST, Aires Rodrigues 
 It is so outrageous but comes as no surprise that the BJP did not care to
even remember their former Mapusa MLA and ex- Deputy Chief Minister our
late Adv. Francis D’Souza on his birthday today. The fate of the other
Altar boys lingering in the saffron party will be no different as the BJP
has distinguished in its crafty manoeuvres of ‘use and throw’.

In his death on 14th February this year Goa lost a very thorough gentleman
politician that the late Francis always was. I was privileged to know him
for over four decades. Over the years Francis D’Souza was openly misused by
the saffron brigade and consistently politically undermined besides being
sidelined, despite his over two decade long unflinching loyalty to the BJP.

On 24th September last year the then Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar who
himself was very ill had that rank audacity to  backstab and axe a very
loyal Francis D’Souza from the cabinet on health grounds despite his
lengthy unwavering support to the party. Manohar Parrikar did not even show
that minimum courtesy of informing Francis about his ouster having
deviously politically butchered the longest serving altar boy in the
saffron brigade.

The conduct of the BJP towards the minority only shows that they value them
no more than toilet paper. Less said the better on how in October 2000 the
then BJP coalition Chief Minister Francisco Sardinha was dispatched on a
voyage to see the Kangaroos in Australia and was here very unceremoniously
and sneakily unsaddled from the throne by Manohar Parrikar.

Nothing more needs to be said on how after having vowed to carry on Matanhy
Saldanha’s legacy, Manohar Parrikar and the BJP reneged on everything that
Matanhy stood for. In 2017 Alina Saldanha, despite being the lone lady MLA,
was craftily kept out of the cabinet. The BJP’s deceitful agenda is in the
open and there for even the blind to see.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] No Emails

2019-03-24 Thread Nascy Caldeira
hello,I am not receiving any emails since Wednesday last. Is something wrong or 
is my Mailbox playing up?I am registered as Nascy Caldeira with my Gmail 
lease help. alternate email:

Re: [Goanet] Dalai Lama's controversial reference to Nehru

2018-08-09 Thread Nascy Caldeira
 I do tend to agree, with this analysis.Nascy  Caldeira
On ‎Thursday‎, ‎9‎ ‎August‎ ‎2018‎ ‎01‎:‎26‎:‎52‎ ‎PM‎ ‎AEST, Sandeep Heble 
 I don't think it was right on Dalai Lama's part to come to Goa and make a
few controversial references on some historical events. Was there a need
for him to call India's first Prime Minister  "self centred" just because
Nehru did not agree to make Jinnah the Prime Minister? Did Jinnah really
command the kind of support within the Congress that Nehru did?

Nonetheless, I think it was wrong on the Tibetan leader's part to make such
controversial references. It was Pandit Nehru who during his tenure granted
Dalai Lama asylum and he has been allowed be India's honoured guest ever
since. He shouldn't have chosen to be critical of the very person who gave
him his freedom. Dalai Lama during the course of his speech said that
everyone makes mistakes. I agree with him on this. The controversial
reference was Dalai Lama's mistake and given his stature and spirituality,
we can pardon him for that.

Sandeep Heble

[Goanet] Fw: "Two Overseas Goan Associations with a Vision and both showing a remarkable Fortitude, one in Canada and one in Australia, which bring out the very Best in showcasing our OverSeas Goan pr

2017-07-25 Thread Nascy Caldeira

- Forwarded Message -
 From: Joseph Rebello 
 To: GOA UK  
 Sent: Tuesday, 25 July 2017, 20:23
 Subject: Fw: "Two Overseas Goan Associations with a Vision and both showing a 
remarkable Fortitude, one in Canada and one in Australia, which bring out the 
very Best in showcasing our OverSeas Goan pride
 " Here are two Overseas Goan Associations both with a solid Vision and 
showing a remarkable Goenkarponn Fortitude, one in Move Over, America: Canada 
Is the Land of the Free and one in Australia : the new land of Hope, countries 
which bring out the very Best in showcasing our OverSeas Goan pride in 
Beethoven's dying words are said to have been "I shall hear in heaven." about 
your culture and your 'Goenkarponn' as a unified community like no other in 
keeping your Hopes Alive" because Friends, you may physically remove a Goenkar 
from Goa by Jove, but you can never "remove the very heart" of Goa outta of a 
Goenkar and thats been our living dream even in our second Home from Home. Viva 
we were ARE ! Viva Goa!. 

|   ||


 Nostalgia Restaurant Goa, Celebrates World Goa Day on 15th August, 2012 11 a.m 
to 4 p.m. Come celebrate Goa'...  |   |



Goan Overseas Association of Toronto under the Presidency of Selwyn 
Collaco continues its success story in 2017. Selwyn said, “We are so looking 
forward to next week's VIVA GOA, an event that's brings our whole community 
together to celebrate our rich Goan Culture, Cuisine and Music on Saturday July 
29. This year's early bird ticket sales have exceeded last year's numbers. Join 
us as we showcase our pride in our culture and heritage at VIVA GOA”.

|   ||


palomi at Viva Goa 2016
 Palomi Ghosh performs at Viva Goa 2016 -Toronto  |   |



 Goan Overseas Association of Toronto is all set to showcase Goan culture, 
cuisine and music at the upcoming Viva Goa festival which drew an attendance of 
over 3,000 last year when artistes, including Sonia Shirsat, Palomi Ghosh and 
O'Luv from state, enthralled the audience. The event is scheduled for July 29 
,,, "We are so looking forward to next week's VIVA GOA … The event is about 
showcasing our pride in our culture and our 'Goenkarponn' as a unified 
community," said the association's president Selwyn Collaco… 



Celebrating all things Goan in Toronto - Times of India
 Panaji: The Goan Overseas Association of Toronto is all set to showcase Goan 
culture, cuisine and music at the u...  |  



Goan Association Sydney NSW Australia shared Tony Colaco's post.
3 July at 09:22 · Tony Colaco added 3 new photos.  

|   ||


Adeus Korchea Vellar (84 years old also singing)
 This Mando composed by Late Reginald Fernandes (Romanxincho Patxai) in 1958. 
It popular Mando. Sung by Rosy 84, ...  |   |






Re: [Goanet] Christmas in Down under.

2016-12-28 Thread Nascy Caldeira

This is beautiful Site U have posted. Thanks Con.
Nascy From: Con Menezes 
 Sent: Wednesday, 28 December 2016, 14:33
 Subject: [Goanet] Christmas in Down under.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.



2016-11-02 Thread Nascy Caldeira
All this is terrible Governance!

 Nascy Caldeira

-Original Message-

Former Haryana Minister Gopal Kanda’s Golden Globe Hotels Private Limited
today gave an undertaking to the High Court that it would not till the next
hearing operate the offshore Casino even if it was granted a licence by the
Government. The Government Advocate today informed the Court that no
license has yet been issued to the new Casino.

The Vacation Judge of the Bombay High Court at Goa Justice Mahesh Sonak
today adjourned to 15th November the further hearing on the petition
challenging the illegal and high-handed move by the Goa Government to renew
and grant an offshore Casino licence to controversial former Haryana
Minister Gopal Kanda.

Meanwhile , Goa Human Rights Commission (GHRC) headed by f Retired District
Judge A.D.Salkar and comprising of Mr.J.A Keny was today informed that the
Director General of Police has written to the Chief Secretary seeking that
the probe into the food scam during last month’s BRICS summit be conducted
by a non-police officer.

As directed by the GHRC the Chief Secretary today submitted an interim
report on the complaint filed on the alleged food scam. Adjourning the
matter to 8th December the GHRC today directed the Chief Secretary and DGP
to file a detailed report.

The DGP in his report to the Chief Secretary stated that  Panaji SDPO
Serafin Dias, Mapusa SDPO Mahesh Gaonkar and Porvorim PI Jivba Dalvi  had
complained that the food served to the police personnel during the BRICS
summit was of poor and substandard quality which was not good for
consumption while the packaging itself was unhygienic.

It was further stated that amongst other police personnel Police Inspector
Roy Pereira complained of food poisoning after consuming chicken biryani on
16th October. The DGP in his report has also stated that as the food
Contract was issued to Amonkar Classic Caterers on the eve of the BRICS
summit no security deposit was obtained from the contractor.

In the complaint to the GHRC last month it was submitted that the contract
for a whopping Rs 51, 60,000 given to Amonkar Classic Caterers was sub-let
to a road side contractor who clandestinely prepared the food in an open
place owned by the police department near the Verna Police Petrol Pump next
to the Verna Church Cemetery.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


Re: [Goanet] The ten most beautiful cafes in Lisbon.

2016-11-02 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Certainly cannot be better then Goa's Kamat cafes. Do U agre?

 Nascy Caldeira

> Our assorted bokteo, chotleo, and peepeets, poperts, perpets [ :) ] should
> contemplate what is it that we were unable to bring, ok! continue with,
> from our 5,000 year and counting civilization into a lived aesthetic.
> Amcam soglem mellta, Cafe Prashantan/ thun!. Service, hot cuppa,
> aesthetic, journos interaction, bhojje, missal pav/u, and what not. All the
> missol fit for a Goan. Some mussol!
> I am sure the children of the Freedom Fighters living in Lisbon do not set
> foot in those Lisbon cafes. Or do they?!
> English shinkle, Portuguese shinkle, Reformation ani Enlightenment zannav
> pun torui sogli sounkruti nakarli. Hanh, tumchi nhuim ti? Borem, borem.
> Pick and choose. Tizule (tiles) moddle! Ghorantle tizule foddat. Kiteak
> goroz tya soundoryacha?

Re: [Goanet] What can you do at 22?

2016-08-25 Thread Nascy Caldeira
And old enough to have a driving License and drive, too!

 Nascy Caldeira

-Original Message-
From: Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا 
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! <>; gn-news 
Sent: Fri, Aug 26, 2016 8:24 am
Subject: [Goanet] What can you do at 22?

* Old enough to marry...
* Four years older than the minimum age to vote...
* Too young to be taken seriously in a job.
* Three years beyond your teenage years.
* Or... just old enough to be Goanet.

Happy 22nd birthday Goanet. And happy birthday to Herman Carneiro too.
Pls take a look at

25 Aug 2016.
_/ Frederick Noronha | |
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content

Re: [Goanet] Why Brexit came an observer.

2016-06-29 Thread Nascy Caldeira
very well said, Naguesh

 Nascy Caldeira

The British could not digest 40 years of a "loose" Union with Europe and felt 
the need to bolt from the EEU.The ancestors of these British, went out and 
captured the world and imposed their will on millions, across the 
worldChurchill wanted a united Europe but did not want to give India its 
Talking about the UK companies run by non-British, many were bailed out by 
foreign companies... Why did the British give them up in the first place?... 
Tatas did not loot the pension funds of its British employees. The Leave 
campaign spread a lot of canards..
UKIP's Nigel Farage's arrogance was quite evident in yesterday's speech at the 
European Parliament.He should consider himself lucky to be even allowed to 
speak there.It now appears that neither Nigel Farage nor Boris Johnson have 
the guts to tell David Cameron or the Parliament to invoke Article 50, right 
away!... They now want to have the best of both the worlds... You cannot have 
the cake and eat it too...Sad for those who wanted to continue within the EEU...
Perhaps, the misery has just begun  
Naguesh Bhatcar


Re: [Goanet] Did I say that?

2015-04-30 Thread Nascy Caldeira

Unholy Trinity; you mean? then, YES!
 Nascy Caldeira

-Original Message-
From: Joao Barros-Pereira

As we all know, the holy trinity consists of politicians, journalists and
but not least, the owners of newspapers and other publications whose
are in various pies.  What to do ?



2014-12-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira

Hi all,

I do not know who proclaimed M Parrikar as a man who can 'DO'. in fact this man 
is a 'No Can DO' conniving man. He has proved himself thus. And he is an RSS 
fellow, and a BJP leader. By their very philosophy these groups and Manohar 
Parrikar are Bad People. They are Anti Progressive India of today that was born 
on 15th August 1947 and confirmed by the Constitution adopted in 1950. These 
guys want to take India and its diverse people back to the days of the Cave Age 
 and Hanuman times?? Looks like it!

The sooner it is acknowledged that the erstwhile CM of Goa is and has shown 
himself incompetent, the better, for Goa and indeed for mankind!
 Nascy Caldeira

-Original Message-
From: Aires Rodrigues


Manohar Parrikar needs to publicly explain what he has achieved for Panaji
while being the MLA for the last twenty long years. He was also the Chief
Minister of Goa from 24th October 2000 to 2nd February 2005 and once again
from 9th March 2012 to 8th November this year.

By his endless U turns Manohar Parrikar has reneged on every promise made
to the people of Goa and Panaji in particular. By all his empty talk he has
taken the people of Panaji for a ride. That the city even saw massive
flooding last monsoon only shows how neglected and decaying the
infrastructure is despite him being the MLA for two decades. Under Manohar
Parrikar’s patronage Panaji has today sadly ended up being the country’s
gambling and prostitution hub.

His exit from Goa was a well orchestrated and pre-planned stage managed
drama having realized that he was unable to deliver on all those tall
promises made. He left every issue unresolved while creating additional
problems in his last two and a half years as Chief Minister with Goa having
been witness to rampant corruption and nepotism.

For the better of Goa Manohar Parrikar should keep away from local politics
and allow Laxmikant Parsekar to freely govern Goa and clear the mess left
behind. That Manohar Parrikar has zeroed on his Principal collection agent
to be his successor in Panaji only exposes the political bankruptcy in the
BJP. But the voters of Panaji may not be that stupid.

Aires Rodrigues



2014-02-18 Thread Nascy Caldeira
This whole saga of the governance method of the CM that is M Parrikar, the 
saffronite RSS and BJP member, with the Hindutva Ideology, comes into question 
here; this man is always trying to shield his followers to the detriment of the 
Enlightened minorities, and placing his henchmen into positions of control, to 
usurp the administration and thereby strengthen his stranglehold of  Cultural 
Fascim. All efforts must be made by one and all to Stop This Fascist in his 
tracks and demolish him politically. Thank you Aires for your continual 
Vigilance on the wrong doings of this government.
Nascy Caldeira

Highly deplorable is the very high handed manner in which Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar has unceremoniously shunted out the Special Public
Prosecutor Rajeev Gomes who was appointed in the Canacona building collapse
tragedy case which has claimed 31 innocent lives.
Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has stated that Rajeev Gomes has been
removed for having spoken about the case to the press. If the police are
scuttling the investigation to shield the accused builders the matter has
to be highlighted. And if it has to be done through the press so be it.
In the Canacona case Rajeev Gomes has been replaced by Sarojini Sardinha
who is a very distinguished Public Prosecutor but the timing of her
appointment is suspect. The Goa government is currently in the process of
appointing two State Information Commissioners. Sarojini Sardinha is one of
the 46 in the hot race to grab that plumb post which carries the salary and
perks on par with the Chief Secretary of the State.
Will Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar now keep the carrot of that plumb
posting dangling over the head of Sarojini Sardinha hoping that she will
tow his line by ensuring that the builders of that project are not brought
to book?

Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar's is well known for his crafty Carrot and
Stick approach. Rajeev Gomes stood like a rock unperturbed by the Chief
Minister's stick. Will Sarojini Sardinha succumb to that carrot? We shall
soon know.

Aires Rodrigues

Re: [Goanet] Goan food in Delhi

2013-10-02 Thread Nascy Caldeira
If they did not serve Beef, in addition to Pork and Fish dishes; then it is not 
authentic Goan.
More like Gomantak' Ghatti cuisine?
Or Goan Cuisine under Stress and Controlled ??

 From: Eugene Correia
Sent: Friday, 13 September 2013 5:32 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goan food in Delhi

Real Taste of Goa in Khan’s Middle Lane

by Sourish Bhattacharyya

BERNARDO’S has seen seven address changes over the past 10 years, starting
with Chittaranjan Park to its present location at Super Mart, DLF Phase-
IV, but it has had a loyal band of devotees who’ve flocked to it no matter
how far it may have moved.

There’s something very welcoming about the Goan restaurant’s home- like
feel and the natural warmth of the couple who run it — Chris Fernandes, who
was a sales manager at Philips before he chose to answer his real calling,
and Crescentia Scolt Fernandes, his wife who used to be with the Unicef’s
India Office before she decided to join her husband in a culinary journey
that started with a pickle factory.

Add to this authentic Goan food — some diners, though, still turn up their
nose at the vindaloo because it has no aloo — served at shack prices and
you have a real winner. Unsurprisingly, Bernardo’s is a doughty survivor.
Fashionable restaurants have come and gone, but Bernardo’s is yet to see a
bad day.

For many of us, Gurgaon is like another planet, especially because of the
deathless wait at the toll, but Bernardo’s had to move to DLF Phase- IV
because Chris and Cres, as Crescentia is better known as, live in Farrukh
Nagar near the Sultanpur bird sanctuary, which is an hour’s drive from
Millennium City, because of their extended family of 40 dogs. Sudha
Kuckreja and Manav Sharma therefore have done a good deed by hosting
Gourmet Goa, a month- long festival of the signature dishes of Bernardo’s,
at The Kitchen, their little Khan Market Middle Circle restaurant famous
for its khao suey.

The challenge with Goan food is that most of us have very little idea about
it. Those of us who know about the cuisine are put off by the fare offered
by restaurants because they don’t get their masala right. It was this
collective feeling that did Souza Lobo in. The famous Goan restaurant was
so keen to pander to the local palate, it didn’t realise that Delhiites who
venture out to have regional food are well aware of the authentic fare and
don’t want to be fed a Goan version of butter chicken. Thankfully, Chris
and Cres have strong feelings on the subject. They insist on kingfish ( or
surmai ), Kolkata bekti and sea sole because they rightly consider basa, a
favourite of restaurateurs because it comes filleted and requires minimal
cooking, to be the “ paneer among fish”. And they get hand- ground masala —
each Goan curry has its own — from Chris’s native village.

Such attention to detail makes a real difference. It shows in the authentic
palate of the fiery Prawn Recheado, shallow- fried prawns bursting with the
sharpness of the recheio masala of red chillies and spices ground in Goan
vinegar. It’s the same feeling you’ll get when you wipe up the pork and
liver sorpotel with your warm pao, or the Goan classic, Caril de Camarão,
prawn curry simmered with ground spices and coconut milk, with a tart twist
of kokum, or the sizzling Ambotik, sizzling hot and sour fish curry cooked
with red chillies, spices ground in Goan vinegar and kokum. The slowcooked
Vindalho de Porco, of course, is the piece de resistance . It is a
flavourful feast for the senses and the cubes of pork just melt in the
mouth ( I also love the way Chris and Cres have reverted to the old
Portuguese spelling to avoid the aloo confusion!).

You need jasmine tea to wash down this feast and to make room for the
iconic Goan layered cake, Bebinca. It’s made with white flour, coconut
milk, eggs yolks, sugar and ghee flavoured with nutmeg and baked in layers.
The taste will stay in your memory for a long time, just like its zillions
of calories will haunt you forever.

The challenge with Goan food is that most of us have very little idea about
it but Bernardo’s has got it right



2013-10-02 Thread Nascy Caldeira
This is a good one, Mervyn!
Have U sent this to our Mario Goveia?
If not please tell all the Republicsns in USA that they are Nuts and very Anti 

Nascy Caldeira 

 From: Mervyn Lobo
Sent: Wednesday, 2 October 2013 10:03 AM


UNITED STATES (The Borowitz Report)—Millions of Tea Party loyalists fled the 
United States in the early morning hours today, seeking what one of them called 
“the American dream of liberty from health care.”

Harland Dorrinson, 47, a tire salesman from Lexington, Kentucky, packed up his 
family and whatever belongings he could fit into his Chevy Suburban just hours 
before the health-insurance exchanges opened, joining the Tea Party’s Freedom 
Caravan with one goal in mind: escape from Obamacare.

“My father didn’t have health care and neither did my father’s father before 
him,” he said. “I’ll be damned if I’m going to let my children have it.”

But after driving over ten hours to the Canadian border, Mr. Dorrinson was 
dismayed to learn that America’s northern neighbor had been in the iron grip of 
health care for decades.

“The border guard was so calm when he told me, as if it was the most normal 
thing in the world,” he said. “It’s like he was brainwashed by health care.”

Turning away from Canada, Mr. Dorrinson joined a procession of Tea Party cars 
heading south to Mexico, noting, “They may have drug cartels and narcoterrorism 
down there, but at least they’ve kept health care out.”

Mr. Dorrinson was halfway to the southern border before he heard through the 
Tea Party grapevine that Mexico, too, has public health care, as do Great 
Britain, Japan, Turkey, Spain, Belgium, New Zealand, Slovenia, and dozens of 
other countries to which he had considered fleeing.

Undaunted, Mr. Dorrinson said he had begun looking into additional countries, 
like Chad and North Korea, but he expressed astonishment at a world seemingly 
overrun by health care.

“It turns out that the United States is one of the last countries on earth to 
get it,” he said. “It makes me proud to be an American.”

Re: [Goanet] Churchill versus Laloo

2013-10-02 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Well said Albert! It is not that the Marathi and S Konkani wallahs do not 
realise what U have said here. It is all dirty politics; jealousy and the mean 
thing of trying to keep others down. Goa and India has still to 'grow out of 
this narrow vision' mentality!

 From: Albert Peres
Sent: Wednesday, 11 September 2013 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Churchill versus Laloo
My position: The ability to read, write, and importantly comprehend, the 
English language is arguably the single most important skill for Goan to 
acquire if they wish to succeed in India or in any part of the world. 
For a young Goan it is a big deal.

Take a random poll of GoaNet participants. What language did we use to 
acquire most of your education? What language do we use to keep your 
professional skills up to date? What language helps in travel to any 
city in the world? What language allows the privilege of earning a 
living in any part of the world? What is the language of international 
diplomacy, business, sciences, programing? Like it or not, English is 
the de facto official language of India and the world. English is the 
language of friendship, of art. It is the language of cross cultural 
communication. It is the language that opens doors.

English may not be the mother tongue of Goa, but only a mastery of 
English will help  articulate, communicate, engage the appropriate 
resources to resolve issues on the scale that Goa now faces.

English, and not Konkini or Marathi, as much as we may hope and wish it 
to be, is the most successful medium to successfully preserve Goan 
Culture by transmitting our values to new generations and in communities 
around the world. This has been the case for the last 150 years.

I do not knock Konkini or Marathi. Languages are wonderful human tools. 
Ideally everyone would have a native language for family, transmission 
of culture, personal orientation. English, however, is the acquirable 
tool that propels one, and Goa, beyond the village gates.

Re: [Goanet] Democracy or self-interest, human rights or oil?

2013-10-01 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Free access to OIL is also a Human Right and is a self Defence if stopped or 

 From: Frederick FN Noronha *  फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Sunday, 15 September 2013 10:57 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Democracy or self-interest, human rights or oil?

Critics say American self-interest has trumped democracy and human rights
time and again, and that Obama’s America is no different. So is the US
foreign policy counter-productive? Or is America a force for good in the
FN  Land +91-832-240-9490 Cell  +91-982-212-2436

Re: [Goanet] CHANGING FACE OF MUMBAI SoBos Parsis Catholics now call Borivli their home

2013-10-01 Thread Nascy Caldeira
This is true for all communities; But there are still large Christian/Parsee 
communities in Mahim, Bandra and Santa Cruz, Kalina etc.
Nascy Caldeira 

 From: Marshall Mendonza
To: goanet 
Sent: Friday, 13 September 2013 3:23 AM
Subject: [Goanet] CHANGING FACE OF MUMBAI SoBos Parsis  Catholics now call 
Borivli their home

This may be of interest to Bombay oldtimers like Roland and Eric.



Re: [Goanet] Public voice stifled by the Opposition Leader -- By Nisser Dias

2013-10-01 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Is it that the Saffron bjp Fascist Dictatorship is already here? 
Shame on you Mr Pratapsingh Rane! 
Is your mouth sealed? 
Why should you be paid any salary at all, for doing or saying Nothing?

 From: Nisser Dias
 Sent: Tuesday, 1 October 2013 3:31 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Public voice stifled by the Opposition Leader -- By Nisser
*Public voice stifled by the Opposition Leader*

    The only opposition to the BJP led government in the state seem
to the same people that have voted it to power as the principal Opposition
party namely the Congress has abdicated its responsibilities and sacrificed
its role at the altar of power. The Opposition Leader Pratapsing Rane does
not seem to know his role as he is often seen as more accommodating of the
ruling BJP then his own party colleagues. He agreed to the government’s
decision of appointing Information Commissioners even though one them
lacked the requisite qualification. It required an activist lawyer to set
things right. And now Rane has gone and agreed to curtail the number of
starred and un-starred questions in the forth coming assembly. Fatorda
independent MLA Vijay Sardessai was very much right when he said that he is
quiet on attacking the government because he wants to expose the Congress
for going soft on the government.
    The decision to curtail starred and un-starred questions seems
to have endorsed his view. Sardessai further criticized the Opposition
Leader’s decision as a mechanism to restrict legislative freedom terming it
unjustified, undemocratic and meant to stifle the voice of the Opposition.
    Maybe the longest serving former chief minister does not have
experience in being an Opposition Leader as most part of his political
career he has been the chief minister and for the last five years he was
Speaker of the Assembly. The other aspect could be that he has not done his
homework about the functioning of the Manohar Parrikar government and hence
does not have the right questions to put the government on the back foot.
    The difference with the BJP or rather Manohar Parrikar and the
Congressmen is that the former studies issues and keeps close tab on the
functioning of the government and then tries to embarrass them on the floor
of the house. Infact prior to the assembly sessions the BJP conducts mock
assembly for its legislators on tackling the government during assembly
sessions. But I have my doubts that the Congressmen can ever come together
for such an exercise as within the party one-upmanship is their motto.
    Manohar Parrikar would have never allowed such a consideration
if it had to come from the government if he was in the Opposition. And
there lies the difference when Congress is in power they get all the work
done from the IAS officers and other government officers and then present
it as their own and hence do not have the habit of studying the files or
issues. This is clearly reflected in Opposition Leader’s capability of
taking on the government and thus the reason for capping assembly
    If one is to believe former Education minister and St. Cruz MLA
Atanasio Babush Monserrate the decision of the Opposition Leader to cap the
starred questions to three and un-starred to fifteen was not discussed, it
exposes the functioning of the Pratapsing Rane as being autocratic and
overbearing who does not take his party-men into confidence. Monserrate has
taken the battle to Opposition Leader’s door steps with his comments that
nothing is happening to check the government and those who are afraid
should stand aside. He has gone to the extent of saying that some people
are there just for positions. This is a clear indication at whom he was
taking a pot-shot.
    As rightly pointed out by St. Cruz MLA – public’s voice should
re-sound in the Assembly through the Opposition. If that is not being done
or the Opposition Leader gives a clean chit to the government then there is
something wrong with the Congress, within the Congress and the Opposition
    There is so much resentment against this government be it the
Law and order or Mopa issue or the turmoil in the Education department, in
the cancellation of recruitment in various department, over off shore
casino, illegal mining and stoppage of mining, etc. but the Opposition
Leader allows a free passage to the government during the forthcoming
    The Opposition should have cornered the government on the Law
and Order when BJP’s own MLA has said that the situation has to improve.
The government should have been made to answer on all the promises and
U-turns. It is an opportunity lost. And in return the Opposition Leader
Pratapsing Rane receives accolades from the BJP as being a mature
politician and a statesman. A ‘Statesman’ who has played into the hands of
the government and offered the Congress party as a 

Re: [Goanet] Goa Su-Raj Party Speaks - Re: BJP crowning Modi the King and dropping LK Advani

2013-10-01 Thread Nascy Caldeira
It is High Time that The Congress at the Centre selects a good PM candidate, 
and that is certainly NOT Rahul Gandhi; lolly Pop indeed!
Else we will be having the saffron Swastika Fascist Hindutva pig as PM. and he 
will then change the Constitution of India from a Secular to a Medieval Age 
Hindutva one. What a tragedy that will be!
Better start saying Prayers not to sant Antonio, but to Jesus!

 From: floriano lobo
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
Sent: Saturday, 14 September 2013 2:30 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa Su-Raj Party Speaks - Re: BJP crowning Modi the King  
and dropping LK Advani

What the Goan Newspapers SCREAM ABOUT - 14 August, 2013



This is the day that GSRP is  both HAPPY and SAD.

1. Happy: Because, LK Advani's life's dreams of becoming India's Prime Minister 
one day has been shattered. He had nursed this dream since the time he was the 
Jansang member, when, as such, he had spoken these words at a public meeting at 
Mahim, Bombay in 1966 saying thus:
PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA  . Now that the 'show' is over and done with, Advani 
will have to steer himself well out from the Tihar Jail for the demolition of 
the Babri Masjid. Good riddance to bad rubbish, in deed.

2. Sad: Because, the BJP has met it's WATERLOO with Modi, the mass murderer of  
'Godhra' fame  crowned as it's King. The only way he can be the Prime Minister 
of this rudderless nation is for the CONGRESS to give this position to him on a 
silver platter. And that Silver Platter of the Congress shall be  the 
half-baked - immature and a lollypop, RAHUL GANDHI.

The Year 2014 will go down in the history of the  'so called' free India  of 67 
years as the year of the downfall of two political giants, the CONGRESS [INC] 
and the Bharatiya Janata Party [BJP]  whose foundations were not strong enough 
to hold the weight of this diverse nation, the Congress,  having been riddled 
with sycophantic dynastic politics and the BJP for having been built on the 
funeral pyre of  India's monument, the BABRI MASJID.    

Let us now wait and watch for the new 'INDIA SU-RAJ' rising over the horizons 
of this Super Power in the making.


PS:   If the people refuse to become politically 'SANE', politics will remain 
dirty + more.


Amchem Goem

Re: [Goanet] Parrikar-Vijay bhai bhai? -- By Nisser Dias

2013-10-01 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Will our Independent Vijay Sardessai respond to this? 
He lead the Rally in Margao late last year against Mopa and For Dabolim and 
spoke against many of Parrikar's programs. 
Vijay; are you an opportunist, a Feku? Please explain what values and what 
Issues you stand for, NOW.

 From: Nisser Dias
To:Sent: Thursday, 12 September 2013 5:53 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Parrikar-Vijay bhai bhai? -- By Nisser Dias

*Manohar Parrikar – Vijay Sadessai bhai bhai?*

 The recent political development of chief minister Manohar
Parrikar swaying and leaning towards Fatorda MLA Vijay Sardessai has raised
a lot of eyebrows simply because both the personalities are poles apart
ideologically, politically and in outlook. But then how true is the saying
that politics make strange bed-fellows so also in politics there are no
permanent friends or enemies. Former Fatorda MLA Damodar Naik stepped into
quagmire by outplaying his hand or rather he learnt the hard way that in
politics nobody can be trusted.
   Have we forgotten statements of chief minister before the 2012
assembly elections that he would not like to form the government with the
likes of Mickky Pachecos and Vijay Sardessais? But today Manohar Parrikar
seems to be cozying up to Fatorda MLA by sacrificing his own party
colleague. Sardessai on the other who was still vociferous in his
opposition of the BJP government has suddenly invoked ‘Tapasya’. Former
chief minister Luizinho Faleiro had used it and was rewarded by the party
High Command. Since Sardessai is his own High and Low command being an
independent MLA seems to have been promised rewards by the government for
his silence.
 And the incentives are said to be developmental work in Fatorda
and the MLA has demanded that it be completed before the Lusofonio games
slated for November as the lone international stadium lies in his
constituency. Of course shrewd that he is Vijay Sardessai is likely to
extend the deadline till the parliamentary elections in 2014 as the BJP
will need Sardessai’s supporters to vote for their candidate since there is
an alleged rift between Damu and the BJP over his candidature for the
parliamentary polls.
 Among the developmental works Vijay is most likely to demand
beautification of the Fatorda lake which is being opposed by former MLA’s
camp. If the government gives in to this demand then it will be seen as a
slap on Damu’s face. Undoubtedly Vijay is playing his political cards damn
well so as to isolate his political foe from the BJP.
  On the other hand Damu Naik being young and ambitious
out-played his hand by resorting to gimmicks like opening a facebook page
to demand party ticket to contest the parliamentary elections, knowing very
well that advocate Narendra Sawaikar was the party’s or rather Manohar
Parrikar’s backed candidate. For the BJP their former legislator is a spent
force and feels that his supporters and well-wishers can be weaned away
easily by the party internal machinations. Politicians like Damu should
have realized by now that if you are not in power you automatically become
a non-entity in the political circles. This has been happening in the
Congress for decades now and BJP is no different.
 Having said that I failed to understand why defeated
legislators want to immediately contest parliamentary elections. They
should realise that the voters of their assembly constituency have lost
faith in them, what makes them think they can be successful at the
parliamentary elections where the constituency is much bigger. Only
politician who did not aspire to contest parliamentary elections
immediately after his defeat was Luizinho Faleiro who instead undertook
party work and proved his mantle to the party big-wigs.
 Now continuing to dwell on the newly found friendship between
unlike personalities. Both have realised that attacking each other they are
only strengthening the Congress but if they join hands the government is
spared from criticism and censure from one quarter, at the same time the
independent MLA gets funding to carry out development in his constituency.
Hence it is win-win situation for both. But the question is how long this
relation is going to last. It is doubtful that this relationship is built
on trust and faith, to me it looks like it is laid more on the foundation
of ‘what-can-I–get-out-it’ and hence it is not going to go beyond
parliamentary elections 2014. And ultimately Fatorda MLA is likely to get
the lion’s share in the deal, that is, he is going to get developmental
work underway in his constituency and major victory would be isolation of
Damu from the BJP. The government will be spared of almost 50 percent of
criticism and receive some share of votes from MLA’s camp. Even Vijay
himself cannot promise the BJP that all those who had voted for his success
would cast their franchise for another candidate even if supported by him.
 The question that remains now is how Damu will react 

[Goanet] Trip To UK Turns Bad

2013-09-16 Thread Nascy Caldeira

 This message may be
 coming to you as a surprise but I need your help. Few days back I made 
an unannounced vacation trip to United Kingdom. Everything was going 
fine until last night when I got mugged on my way back to the hotel. 
They stole all my cash, credit cards and cell phone but thank God I 
still have my life and passport.Another shocking thing is that the hotel
 manager has been unhelpful to me for reasons I don't know. I'm writing 
you from a local library..I reported to the police and after writing 
down some statements that was the last I heard from them. I also 
contacted the consulate and all I keep hearing are they will get back to
 me. I need your help.I need you to help me out with a loan to settle my
 bills here so I can get back home tomorrow. I'll refund the money as 
soon as I get back. All I need is $1,800.You can also try to call the 
hotel manager's line on +447035997143 his name is James Williams. You 
can wire me the money through Western Union to my name and location 

Name: Nascy Caldeira
Location: London United Kingdom  E28AS


Re: [Goanet] OBITUARY: Tony Correia Afonso... a long-time Goanetter

2013-04-05 Thread Nascy Caldeira
My sincere condolences to Marina and family, on the demise of her beloved Tony.
I know Marina and Tony for many years, over 30 years now, and used to meet them 
often whenever in Goa.
This is a big loss for Benaulim, and Goa.
It is also a bit of a shock really. May his soul RIP.
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Frederick FN Noronha *  फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Friday, 5 April 2013 4:54 AM
Subject: [Goanet] OBITUARY: Tony Correia Afonso... a long-time Goanetter
Antonio (Tony ) Correia- Afonso  .

Born 2.12.1930 , died  4.4.2013.

Beloved husband of Marina, and father /father-in law of Lalita /Dr. Roque
Wiseman Pinto, Priya/Ralph Rau, Dr. Deepa/Dr. Bala, Romilla /Ranjit Cota

Warm hearted and  gentle, Tony had an appealing nature which endeared him
to most, and was a much loved figure  both within  his large  family and
within a wider circle of friends.

Tony  had a wide range of interests and made a significant contribution to
public life, whether at the Rotary Club , The Goa Management Association,
The Benaulim Environment Trust  and of course the Goanet. He took an
active interest in the youth, and was  instrumental in setting up the local
village sports club at Benaulim as well as encouraging academic pursuits by
setting up the Fr. John Correia-Afonso Scholarships.  A  niz goenkar he was
born in Benaulim and wished to  breathe his last there as well.

He will be missed by many.
Funeral Cortege  will be at  the Church of St.John the Baptist  Benaulim at
3.30 pm on 5th April 2013. Holy Mass will be at 4.00 pm, followed by
FN  Land +91-832-240-9490 Cell  +91-982-212-2436

Re: [Goanet] Insensitive rmarks made by an MPT official to father of young raped girl in Vasco.

2013-01-20 Thread Nascy Caldeira
The non Goans in high and low positions with the MPT has been around for over 
30 years. 
These persons then bring in their relatives and friends; so by now the majority 
of the people in Mormagao and Vasco are already non Goan. More so they have 
bought apartments and houses too; thus pushing up the cost of housing for 
Sorry state  of affairs indeed!
nascy caldeira

 From: Gabe Menezes
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Insensitive rmarks made by an MPT official to father of 
young raped girl in Vasco.
On 18 January 2013 15:10, joe lobo wrote:

    The  general  attitude  of  officialdom , even  in  Goa ,  towards
 sexual  assault on  females in  India  is   illustrated  by this  report on
 the NDTV  website of  today :

RESPONSE: The rapist probably also works for MPT. I saw a clip on NDTV and
nearly all the parents were speaking in Hindi - looks like lot of non Goans
have taken up positions at the MPT.


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Can they? What do Goanetters believe?

2013-01-17 Thread Nascy Caldeira
U are residing in the West; in Texas USA. What are You doing there? Looting the 
Have U been deported there?
Is it not high time U set up shop in Chimbel? 
Or is it that YOU have been Deported to the West from the East? Hah Hah!
Even the East proper is doing better than  India who are to the west of the 
succesful Orient!
Why? because they Modernise, and do not stick to centuries old tabboos, 
unreasonable dogma and cave age traditions.
Modernisation, (Westernisation) is the answer!
Nascy Caldeira

From: Santosh Helekar
 ent: Wednesday, 16 January 2013 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Can they? What do Goanetters believe?

The way the East is making great progress is by self-deportation of all the 
racist, casteist and religious bigots to the West, Macau and Down Under.



- Original Message -
From: Nascy Caldeira
 Hi all,
 Catching Up? Yes. What percentage of the population has really succeeded in 
 'catch up''. 
 More importantly What Caste based Race has shown 'catch up' success; how 
 many of the 450 millions POOR are of the higher castes?
 Al this 'catch up' progress is due to Modernisation' of 
 Thought, Effort, Science  and Technology of the so called West. 
 Modernisation is essentially westernisation; as the west first modernised, in 
 almost every field of Human activity.
  Now the inferiority complex bharatis are talking aginst westernisation. What 
 Bloody humbug!
 nascy caldeira

Re: [Goanet] Can they? What do Goanetters believe?

2013-01-15 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hi all,
Catching Up? Yes. What percentage of the population has really succeeded in the 
'catch up''. 
More importantly What Caste based Race has shown 'catch up' success; how many 
of the 450 millions POOR are of the higher castes?
Al this 'catch up' progress is due to Modernisation' of Thought, Effort, 
Science  and Technology of the so called West. 
Modernisation is essentially westernisation; as the west first modernised, in 
almost every field of Human activity.
 Now the inferiority complex bharatis are talking aginst westernisation. What 
Bloody humbug!
nascy caldeira

 From: Frederick FN Noronha *  फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Wednesday, 16 January 2013 1:51 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Can they? What do Goanetters believe?
Yes they can! says Hans Rosling about low and middle income countries that,
with economic and health progress, are catching up with high income
countries – countries we used to call the western world.
FN  Land +91-832-240-9490 Cell  +91-982-212-2436
Goa,1556's updated list of books available on and from Goa:


2013-01-12 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Kudos to Vijay Sardesai.  He is our man of the Hour! 
I know he will make a very able and matured leader and possibly Ch. Mantri for 
Goa in the near future.
I would urge all Goans, Christian, Hindu and Muslim and other non believers 
etc. to start believing in Goa and put their trust in Vijay.
First step is to attend the Rally and join up, and encourage the Man towards 
Goa's success in moving away from saffron Fascism and Corruption too.
It is good that responsible persons like Aires Rodrigues is behind this 
important event.
This is Goa's chance to redeem themselves from selfish bjp wallahs and 
congressmen too.
Viva Goa. Goa Must WIN!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Aires Rodrigues
To: goanet 
Sent: Saturday, 12 January 2013 6:44 AM
Subject: [Goanet] FOR A BETTER GOA
Fatorda Independent MLA Mr.Vijai Sardesai has taken a brave initiative to
launch GOEMKAR. A platform to stand up and protect the interests of Goa and
Goans. This was long overdue to ensure a better future for Goa from the
current mess it is embroiled in.

GOEMKAR will be officially launched at a public meeting to be held at Lohia
Maidan on 15th January 2013 which is also the eve of the anniversary of the
historic 1967 Opinion poll.

Let us show our commitment to protect our Goa by being present on Tuesday
15th January at 5pm at Lohia Maidan. A meeting every  Goan should not miss.
Please pass on the message to your friends and family. Together for a
better Goa.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

Re: [Goanet] AULD LANG SYNE by Andre Rieu The European Pipe Band - YouTube

2012-12-29 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Andre Rieu is always the guy to listen to! Auld lang syne for 31st /1st morning.
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Con Menezes
To: Goanet 
Sent: Saturday, 29 December 2012 4:22 PM
Subject: [Goanet] AULD LANG SYNE by Andre Rieu  The European Pipe Band - 
Sing in the New and sing out the old!!
Happy new Year to all Goanetters.

Re: [Goanet] Ban tourism in Goa?

2012-12-28 Thread Nascy Caldeira
dear Barad,
I am not able to comprehend you response at all; Who or what is 'ATTENDENTS'??
Please answer: Do U agree or not with my statement on Saffronism, Caste based 
Racism, Fascism of the BJP wallahs, the RSS, VHP etc. and other like groups 
mushrooming by the day?
Do U have any reason why these groups and their dirty philosophies of the medi 
Evil era, should be NOT Banned,from Modern India that all progressive Indians 
want and aspire for?
If U cannot answer, then ask your  saffron wallahs in the BJP fascist 
philosophy party and ANSWER.
Else YOU and these UGLY parties that you are supporting stand condemned and 
should be consigned to Kala Pani,.
Thank you for evading my question?
Nascy Caldeira  

 From: U. G. Barad
Sent: Tuesday, 25 December 2012 9:31 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Ban tourism in Goa?
I think you wake up only when Kangress party goes out of power in Goa! And
when Kongress comes back to power you take siesta!!

Now coming to your reply, which ATTENDANTS are you talking about? Which
political party you think is more responsible of creating them? But before
you answer these two basic questions first please study which political
party ruled Goa for more number of years in last 50 years and study their 
Goa's economical profile! 

And how can you expect any political party, who were and presently in power,
to clean up ATTENDS and other detrimental OLD mess of 40 - 45 years at the
press of button! Do you have any such MAGIC than I request you in the
interest of Goa  Goans to please pass on that MAGIC to chief minister of
Goa through Goanet.  

I think the party personnel who were responsible for creating so called
ATTENDANTs must be hanged in public first and only than you can expect
complete GOA in good and clean condition. 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

Nascy Caldeira wrote: 

dear Barad,

No need to Ban Tourism. some attendant problems can be easily addressed.
But it is Saffronism, Fascism and Casteism and caste based Racism and
Segregation in living spacs that need to be Banned forever! 
These once allowed to take hold, like a venomous disease, spreads like wild
fire to totally destroy the Social fabric of Society.
Do U not agree? if not please explain WHY, ?OK?

Nascy Caldeira

Re: [Goanet] Chevalier Gigi - YouTube

2012-11-30 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Maurice Chevalier and Gigi was for long a favourite of mine in my younger days. 
The song used to be always on my mind then. Memories indeed!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Con Menezes
To: Goanet 
Sent: Friday, 30 November 2012 12:35 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Chevalier Gigi - YouTube
Weekend enjoyment  as one Goanet reminded us' that memories are made of this'

Re: [Goanet] FW: 'Dress Code' required

2012-11-23 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hi all,
It is the usual practice of Indians in India and Indians in USA (not red 
Indians) to compare performance, codes etc. and say they are 'better' than 
Pakistan better than Bangladesh etc. In this case the scientist examplifies in 
the dress code of the Arab people for their FF International.
Why does this fellow not compare with that at Cannes, or Hong Kong or China or 
Japan?  The truth hurts!
The minister I see that it is no other than M. Parikar, Hon. Ch. Minister of 
Goa, in the photo in question; He is wrong in wearing Sandals to an Official 
Perhaps he thought he is going to 'the Ghadda' in Mapusa? Even that would be 
wrong on my standards!
This backward etiquette at functions cannot be ignored, as a private matter; as 
it brings into disrepute all Goans and Indians! As a Goan and Indian I resent 
being brought down to this lowly medievil customs of the saffron brigade!. 
Manohar Parrikar must reform, and earn the title of Hon. Parrikar that his 
position as Chief Minister entitles hin to.
In all, it is definitely the sordid  fascist philosophy and arrogance that 
shows them as such.
Some people never change for the better; Some misguided politicions have given 
them this Arrogance at the last elections!
Nascy Caldeira 

 From: Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
PAES bennetpaes at
Wed Nov 21 04:45:37 PST 2012 wrote:

To hell with dress code. They



Yes, it seems so there are some
Indians (Not Red Indians) who are in the US and go to work in ‘chappals’; and
they want special status!

 Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

Re: [Goanet] Nachoea Kumpasar

2012-11-23 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Oh Roland!
Is it true that U get an Orgasm everytime U write filth on some ones very 
private life? 
Then why do U have to rake up such 'false' filth that is too, to make a point?
Well the others have already said; stop defending the indefensible, and now 
'apologise' to all the affected parties.
See Ya!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: J. Colaco   jc
To: Roland.francis; Goa's premiere mailing list, 
estb. 1994! 
Sent: Thursday, 22 November 2012 3:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Nachoea Kumpasar
I am going to assume that:

1: There was an agreement (signed or oral) between the film maker and Lorna.
2: There were 3 parts to the agreement (contract) i.e. An offer made
by the film maker, an acceptance by Lorna and a consideration (like an
advance, signing on bonus etc) by the film maker.
3: Roland knows the above for a fact.
4: Lorna is in breach of contract by failing to fulfill the terms of
the contract.

IF the above is NOT true in toto  I am afraid, Roland needs a new
hat. His present hat must be well worn with all the 'talking through
the hat' that Roland has been engaging in.

IF, however #1-4 (supra) are true:

The law of the land allows the film maker to sue for 'damages'.

The law of NO land allows Roland to bring forth personal allegations
(true or rumoured) as a consequence of the breach.

I repeat: Cecil and FN are absolutely right. I hope Roland accepts it
and sits down quietly (please).

When one is wrong, one is wrong. No point in trying to defend the indefensible.


On 21 November 2012 13:30, Roland.francis wrote:

Dear Cecil, Aside from me giving overseas Goans a bad name by hurling
brickbats at Lorna for non-cooperation in a film about the 60s and 70s
Goan music scene and Goan musicians, I take it you endorse her SIGNING
an AGREEMENT with the film-makers and reneging on it one week later.

Cecil Pinto wrote:

Dear Roland, How dare you talk about brickbats to Lorna when you
have not bothered to hear her side of the story? It is stupid
uninformed one-sided reactions like this that give a bad name to all
overseas Goans.


Re: [Goanet] Happy Birthday Silviano Barbosa

2012-11-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Happy Birthday, Silviano. Best Wishes!


 From: JoeGoaUk
Sent: Saturday, 3 November 2012 2:41 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Happy Birthday Silviano Barbosa

Although we never met each other, you are one of my best friends

Your birthday always reminds me of my mother for she also wished me thus..

Feppi boddey baba

Sorry, no presents,  no gifts, no flowers..
Just this same old LP record playing for 1 minute only 

for Goa  NRI related info...

For Goan Video Clips

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc 

Re: [Goanet] Dhobi Talao Circle - below ground.

2012-09-25 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Ha Ha! No vendors, U say? A first for Bombay and indeed for all of India.
Castle Hotel and Taj Hotel too, brings memories of childhood!
Sunday Taj Pulao for 10 annas! Hard to beat!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: eric pinto
To: GOA2 
Sent: Saturday, 22 September 2012 10:21 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Dhobi Talao Circle - below ground.
  It was excavated and created to help pedestrians beat traffic around
the circle.  Finished with nice architectural touches, it really is a nice 
for the user. There are no vendors, a Bombay surprise, and a guide 
mans a help desk.  Do use it if you visit the area.   
    Rolly -  Castle Hotel bill of fare now fifty rupees, a tad off the five 
we dropped.  The daughter  now at the desk.   eric.

Re: [Goanet] goanet's 18th anniversary

2012-09-03 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Frederick and all,
It is the same forum. but the name at first was not goanet. I am quite sure it 
was Marlon came into the picture later on when a Node was 
established in Panjim Goa in addition to the one in USA/Canada by Herman. I was 
using my first PC at work with RMIT UNI, in early 1995 then, when I discovered 
this; after that I bought and had my own PC at Home in  late1995. It was then I 
used to boast to my colleagues that a small entity like Goa had a website 
running and most Govts. of the day did not have one
.That is the Great Achievement of Herman; It was all broadcast from USA. 
I think Marlon was resident in Goa then, true goenkar! still with sheeth koddi! 
Then when the decision was taken to put up a Node in Goa, that is when Marlon 
was inducted, I think.We were then worried that the Forum might Fail as power 
outages in Goa were a dozen a day then! Marlon and his Dad, may have used 
portable diesel generators.
Those were the pioneering days in these ventures!
Then suddely came the Big Split; and goanet was started with the New Name and 
completely divorced from I do not know, who divorced whom; or if 
any Dowry was given or contemplated.
That is the history as I remember it. I was one of the earliest subscriber to 
the forum and Proud of it!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Sunday, 2 September 2012 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] goanet's 18th anniversary
On 1 September 2012 16:36, Nascy Caldeira wrote:

 I think Herman will calarify that in Sept.1994, the goanet was know by
 another name. It was; some serious split or collision took
 place, and goanet was started as a seperate entity and quite divorced from
 Nascy Caldeira

Nascy, you're mixing fact and fiction.

You could find some links here:!search/profile/person?personId=21061911targetid=profile

If you have any pointers to the contrary, please let me know.

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436
Books from Goa,1556
Audio recordings (mostly from Goa):

Re: [Goanet] goanet's 18th anniversary

2012-09-03 Thread Nascy Caldeira
dear Jose;
It is not fiction. I have been with the forum as the earliset subscriber since 
1995 or so; and the story I have known from the very website, since then; when 
I had a job with RMIT UNI in Melbourne where I had a PC on my work desk; as I 
was in charge of a team working with 'monitoring and remote control systems' 
for the 16 modern buildings on the Citi Campus. Honeywell and Siemens 
structured systems; it was new technology then, and we had a good time learning 
with practice as well.
The account given in the wikipedia could be fiction!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: J. Colaco   jc
To: Nascy Caldeira; Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 
Sent: Sunday, 2 September 2012 2:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] goanet's 18th anniversary
On 1 September 2012 07:06, Nascy Caldeira
wrote: I think Herman will calarify that in Sept.1994, the goanet was
know by another name. It was; some serious split or
collision took place, and goanet was started as a seperate entity and
quite divorced from

Dear Nascy,

I note that you have resumed writing fiction.


Re: [Goanet] goanet's 18th anniversary

2012-09-01 Thread Nascy Caldeira
I think Herman will calarify that in Sept.1994, the goanet was know by another 
name. It was; some serious split or collision took place, and 
goanet was started as a seperate entity and quite divorced from
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Eugene Correia
Sent: Thursday, 30 August 2012 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] goanet's 18th anniversary
Is Aug 26, as Herman says, is the founding date of goanet or September
17, according to Antonio Gomes, who notes in his two-part article on
the mailing list that goanet was  formally started on the 17th of
September 1994.? Need to have one date to save the confusion.


Re: [Goanet] Anyone in Goa Tourism seen this?

2012-09-01 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Well said Roland! 
That is how bad /backward Goa really is.
 And this really worries me and all forward thinking Goans.
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Roland.francis
Sent: Thursday, 30 August 2012 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Anyone in Goa Tourism seen this?
A vertical line-up of 7 ipads and sleight-of-electronics, sure this can be done 
in Goa.

The following 7 concepts will have to be presented to attract tourists:

1. Beauty of the landscape from mining.
2. Hi-tech dumping of casino boat waste into the Mandovi.
3. The Mapusa market on a Friday.
4. Russian and Hebrew welcomes in Morjim and Arambol.
5. Answering natures call on beaches to the music of the waves.
6. Easy ways to end lives in beautiful Goa - accidents, police brutality, the 
GMC at Bambolim, poisonous fish and many more.
7. Gift giving at election time.

Move over, the Singapore concept, GTD.


 Original message 
Subject: [Goanet] Anyone in Goa Tourism seen this? 
From: Wendell Rodricks 
To: Goanet 

Are there any Goans who can pull this sleight of hand magic and loaded 
iPads? Come on Goa time to go HiTech
The city of Stockholm asked an Advertising agency to develop a presentation 
about the city.
Click on the link below to see this excellent creative and innovative 
hi-tech presentation.
Wendell Rodricks
wendellrodricks at

Re: [Goanet] Goanet at 18 years

2012-08-26 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hi Herman,
Indeed all Goans have to celebrate. Where is the Cake? The 'Goanet' is 18 years 
young! Cause to celebrate and continue with a passion and  a committment.
Thanks to your very early initiative, Goanet has now grown and encompasses 
almost all Goans at home as well as in the diaspora. Like you say; FN the 
bedrock, and Bosco in Canada have played a stellar role in keeping our Goanet 
going. FN alone is like a Goapedia, what with his links on almost everything 
Goan and or Indian.
I look forward to continued growth and an all encomposing agenda, for the 
Better Goa of tomorrow.
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Herman Carneiro
Sent: Sunday, 26 August 2012 12:33 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goanet at 18 years
Dear Goanetters,

Today Goanet celebrates its 18th anniversary!  It's a monumental achievement 
that we should all be very proud off.  Thousands of people have been connected 
because of Goanet and many friendships have been forged.  The network has 
served as an important platform to support the global Goan community.  We've 
also been involved in supporting important issues such as empowering women 
through Goanet-Femnet and helping campaign to preserve Goa in conjunction with 
the Save Goa Campaign, UK.  I hope it will continue to remain important well 
into the future.

We can only grow with support from you.  If you'd like to volunteer to help us 
please drop us an email.  You don't have to be tech-savy to help out.  Don't 
forget that Goanet is run by volunteers like you and me.

We owe many thanks to FN and Bosco for their tireless work.  They have remained 
pillars of Goanet.  I'd also like to thanks all our other volunteers for their 
time and effort in supporting the community.  We couldn't do it without you.

Please support Goanet by making donations via our website.  We don't ask often 
but your financial support is much appreciated.

Happy birthday to Goanet! Congratulations!

Herman Carneiro
Where Goans Connect!

Re: [Goanet] Indian campaign confronts prevalence of female foeticide | World news |

2012-07-16 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Aree Baba!
With all this infant female foeticide gathering momentum; there will be no more 
females left to serve or to be 'made to serve' as Devdasis! OMG! What will the 
Brahmin males then do? Be Brahmachari?
Societal Change for the Better or Worse?
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Con Menezes
To: Goanet 
Sent: Saturday, 14 July 2012 10:06 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Indian campaign confronts prevalence of female foeticide | 
World news |

Re: [Goanet] Aires Fiddles While River Princess Burns the State

2012-07-06 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Is Roland Francis the new Paid Piper! And why does he not do the things he is 
asking someone else to do?
Does he not know that this issue of River Princess defied resolution even 
during the last time when the BJP was in Govt. albeit thru the back door?

 From: Roland Francis
To: 'Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!' 
Sent: Friday, 6 July 2012 11:57 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Aires Fiddles While River Princess Burns the State
The salvaging of the grounded and rusting River Princess off Candolim by a
private firm will burn a hole of 99 crores in the present government's

70 crores given by the Central Govt under 'disaster management for the RP
salvaging to the previous state Congress Govt was allocated to other heads
making the present Manohar Parrikar Govt too embarrassed to ask for funds
from the Centre again.

Right To Information champion Aires Rodrigues is chasing windmills like the
positions of Information Commissioner, the GMC Dean, the government clerk
himself filing RTIs, govt advocates and all manner of other relatively
inconsequential matters when such huge scandals ruining Goa's finances are
begging to be exposed and investigated.

This very public River Princess matter which has been affecting the
environment, the coastline people and the govt for many years, could have
done with some no-nonsense revelations like Aires has proved to be capable
of. For example:
Why was Anil Salgaocar who owned the vessel not held responsible for salvage
costs and punitive fines.
Why did the Centre so willingly allot 70 crores from disaster management
funds. Was there an illegal Salgaocar-Centre trade-off.
Where did the 70 crores go.
At the cost of which Goa State expenditure will the 99 crores now come from.
Which citizens and projects will be affected.

While I am an Aires fan, I am of the opinion he should step back a little
from harassing the Manohar Parrikar Govt on small matters and concentrate on
follow the money. 

Roland Francis


2012-07-05 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Yes that is what it seems like now; he was funded all thru and thru. 
The fascist chamchas were prodding him on to join the BJP even at that time. 
That now seems like all camouflage;
But his stance was just a 'pretence' at the time that he was contesting 
independently all by himself.

 From: floriano
To: Goa's premiere mailing list,estb. 1994! 
Cc: Nascy Caldeira 
Sent: Thursday, 5 July 2012 1:40 PM

May be he was funded by BJP as an Independent.



- Original Message - From: Nascy Caldeira
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 8:30 PM

He did have a sizable number of votes; it was a three cornered contest, btw 
Valanka, caitu fieded bu mischief making Pacheco and Hubert. Valanka or Hubert 
could have won the seat if not for Caitu, who won by a small margin. The three 
scored more or less even.

Anyway that is politics. It's OK?
Hubert did command a sizable number of votes with help from his BJP guys who 
befriended him from the begining; and also set up the website Goa Speaks on 
Facebook for his benefit. They worked very diplomatically and with all their 
resources for him, speaking out on corruption and other dada giri topics. That 
is why I feel he is now being grateful by joining BJP. To hell with ethics and 
fascism seems to be the motto! May be he was funded by BJP as an Independent.

Nascy Caldeira


RESPONSE: Nascy, you are getting ahead of yourself - Hubert Gomes does not 
command even a scintilla of support in Benaulim. People have heard of him, how 
many voted for him? Did he lose his deposit?


Gabe Menezes.


2012-07-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira

Shame on (Dr) Hubert Gomes, for joining the BJP party and giving them a 'non 
communal' character certificate too! Did he, or is he, that big a Failure in 
his Dentistry, that he had to fall into the arms of the BJP Bear Hug? You 
capitulated to BJP Lies? Do you not read?
Even Now, it is Not Too Late, to Resign from this BJP the Casteist, Fascists, 
Racist, Hindutva-wadis only Party. 
U have the capacity and following to form a NEW PARTY for All Goans , 
irrespective of Caste, Creed and Culture. There are a lot of Good Thinking 
Goans, both Hindu and Christian, who will suport U in this venture; if U go 
about it the right way.
 A Third Alternative to the Congress and the BJP, is urgently required. People 
voted fot the BJP as there was no viable alternate Party. I am sure Hubert will 
Resign Now and Oblige.
Nascy Caldeira.

 From: Aires Rodrigues
To: goanet 
Sent: Monday, 2 July 2012 11:06 PM
It was announced through the churches and chapels at Benaulim that
Government officers would be briefing the people and giving away
application forms of various new social welfare schemes. To their utter
surprise the meeting held at Don Bosco Centre yesterday turned out for
doling out applications forms inducing people to join the BJP.

How puerile an explanation by quite an educated and well meaning person,
Dr. Hubert Gomes – that he needed to join the BJP to serve the people. As
if Goa is facing such a dire situation that one more saffron saviour had to
stand up and be counted from among the faithful of South Goa. And the
birthday greeting, held out like a lollipop, by the Chief Minister Manohar
Parrikar, did the trick of roping in the good doctor, says it all… indeed
holds a mirror to Goans.

With this frog-leap of Dr. Gomes into the BJP, Goa gains nothing but the
risk of being further drowned in jaundiced communal pestilence that goes by
the name of ‘parivartan’. It needs a total and ruthless extraction and
extermination, a root canal treatment per se, not some cosmetic dentistry
practiced by the comfortable dentist himself. It is a sad commentary on the
state of mind of a good person like Dr. Gomes, that instead of issuing a
prescription to cure the ill, he chose instead to issue a Character
Certificate that BJP is not communal. He will soon have to change his
diagnosis and prognosis, I am sure of that.

Joining a political party is no vehicle to serve the people. You are bound
by the diktats of the party and this is something the otherwise outspoken
Dr Gomes will soon realize. I have never joined any political party but for
some years I did openly support the BJP but recognized my mistake when I
had a firsthand experience that the party was utterly communal and that
Manohar Parrikar could not be trusted.

The communal agenda of the BJP is here to stay. Besides the party is
equally corrupt. With this change of government only the beneficiaries,
brokers and the quantum of corruption has changed. We were promised zero
tolerance to corruption. But Manohar Parrikar’s done a back track on
illegal mining, Casinos, and mega building projects et al.

If Dr Hubert Gomes feels that the BJP is not communal he would have to wait
and taste it for himself. In the meantime, all right thinking Goans will
have to bear the grief of one more good Goan falling victim to naivety.
When will Goans be less gullible and understand the tricks of the brainy
IIT C.M. Parrikar?  Goa at all costs has to remain secular. We do not need
a Narendra Modi neither should we allow another Godhra in our State.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372


2012-07-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hello smart  Florian;
The people of Goa, whatever religion or no religion, have to and enjoy the 
right to jon and participate whatever. That is to be taken for granted. More so 
the Goam Muslims are good people; as they are not the 'fundamentalist' type 
like the Saffron wallahs are as far as I I know!
Thanks and no thanks for your unfounded attack!
Nascy Caldeira.

 From: floriano
To: Goa's premiere mailing list,estb. 1994! 
Cc: Nascy Caldeira 
Sent: Wednesday, 4 July 2012 11:06 PM
Goans must congratulate Nascy Caldeira for his excellent brain wave.
He should be made the KING MOMO of Hubert's New Hindu-Christian Party to banish 
all the Goan Muslims  to Pakistan.


- Original Message - From: Nascy Caldeira
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!; 
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 7:23 AM

Shame on (Dr) Hubert Gomes, for joining the BJP party and giving them a 'non 
communal' character certificate too! Did he, or is he, that big a Failure in 
his Dentistry, that he had to fall into the arms of the BJP Bear Hug? You 
capitulated to BJP Lies? Do you not read?

Even Now, it is Not Too Late, to Resign from this BJP the Casteist, Fascists, 
Racist, Hindutva-wadis only Party.

U have the capacity and following to form a NEW PARTY for All Goans , 
irrespective of Caste, Creed and Culture. There are a lot of Good Thinking 
Goans, both Hindu and Christian, who will suport U in this venture; if U go 
about it the right way.

A Third Alternative to the Congress and the BJP, is urgently required. People 
voted fot the BJP as there was no viable alternate Party. I am sure Hubert will 
Resign Now and Oblige.

Nascy Caldeira.


2012-07-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira
He did have a sizable number of votes; it was a three cornered contest, btw 
Valanka, caitu fieded bu mischief making Pacheco and Hubert. Valanka or Hubert 
could have won the seat if not for Caitu, who won by a small margin. The three 
scored more or less even.
Anyway that is politics. It's OK?
Hubert did command a sizable number of votes with help from his BJP guys who 
befriended him from the begining; and also set up the website Goa Speaks on 
Facebook for his benefit. They worked very diplomatically and with all their 
resources for him, speaking out on corruption and other dada giri topics. That 
is why I feel he is now being grateful by joining BJP. To hell with ethics and 
fascism seems to be the motto! May be he was funded by BJP as an Independent.
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Gabe Menezes
To: Nascy Caldeira; Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 
Sent: Thursday, 5 July 2012 12:38 AM

On 4 July 2012 02:53, Nascy Caldeira wrote:

Shame on (Dr) Hubert Gomes, for joining the BJP party and giving them a 'non 
communal' character certificate too! Did he, or is he, that big a Failure in 
his Dentistry, that he had to fall into the arms of the BJP Bear Hug? You 
capitulated to BJP Lies? Do you not read?
Even Now, it is Not Too Late, to Resign from this BJP the Casteist, Fascists, 
Racist, Hindutva-wadis only Party.
U have the capacity and following to form a NEW PARTY for All Goans , 
irrespective of Caste, Creed and Culture. There are a lot of Good Thinking 
Goans, both Hindu and Christian, who will suport U in this venture; if U go 
about it the right way.
 A Third Alternative to the Congress and the BJP, is urgently required. People 
voted fot the BJP as there was no viable alternate Party. I am sure Hubert 
will Resign Now and Oblige.
Nascy Caldeira.

RESPONSE: Nascy, you are getting ahead of yourself - Hubert Gomes does not 
command even a scintilla of support in Benaulim.   People have heard of him, 
how many voted for him? Did he lose his deposit? 


Gabe Menezes.


2012-07-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Yes, you are right, on the votes count; I think I did not correctly remember 
the facts that I read a long time ago. Sorry for the misleading info.
Gabe is right; Hubert was not popular at all; as per the votes polled. I think 
people knew that he was being brought into the fray by BJP Parrikar and Co. 
They helped him all the way; and in the end Valanka became the real loser, as  
all those other small contestants and Uncle? Hubert took away her votes.
 Pacheco was always an opponent of Churchill in Salcete, and he was expected to 
field a candidate.
So it is now a fact that this was a BJP plot to divide the secular vote in 
Benaulim, just like in Navelim.
The greatest tragedy is that a person like Hubert Gomes fell lock, stock and 
barrel for the clever machinations of Parrikar. That is why I told him off. 
Read my continuing response to him in Facebook Goa Speaks.
Nascy Caldeira.

 From: J. Colaco   jc
To: Nascy Caldeira; Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 
Sent: Thursday, 5 July 2012 5:45 AM
On 4 July 2012 11:00, Nascy Caldeira wrote:

[1] Valanka or Hubert could have won the seat if not for Caitu, who
won by a small margin.
[2] The three scored more or less even.

My dear Nascy,

While #1 (above) might have been the case as the issue was For or
Against Valanka,  Your #2 defies fact.

Infra is the breakdown of the results. Review them and advise IF you
still believe that The three scored more or less even.

CAETANO R. SILVA Goa Vikas Party    9695
VALANKA ALEMAO    INC            7694
HUMBERTO GOMES    Independent    1775


2012-07-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Yes you are right; the BJP chamchas were in charge at the time and were in 
force to drown out every else's views/ opinions. Finally Hubert appointed two 
admins  who are BJP alright. I know from their write up style.

 From: Venantius J Pinto
Sent: Thursday, 5 July 2012 8:54 AM

 Message: 8
 Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 08:00:07 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Nascy Caldeira

Anyway that is politics. It's OK?
 Hubert did command a sizable number of votes with help from his BJP guys
 who befriended him from the begining; and also set up the website Goa
 Speaks on Facebook for his benefit. They worked very diplomatically and
 with all their resources for him, speaking out on corruption and other dada
 giri topics. That is why I feel he is now being grateful by joining BJP. To
 hell with ethics and fascism seems to be the motto! May be he was funded by
 BJP as an Independent.
 Nascy Caldeira

 RESPONSE: That FB page was an odd one. I recollect a deletion of something
I had responded to. I did comment on a couple of areas. Seemed like the
genuine deal with pros and cons being thrashed out, and a few linesmen
doing their utmost by way of appearances at projecting impartialy.

venantius j pinto

Re: [Goanet] Parivarting: BJP netas go free in Governor car attack case

2012-06-25 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Why does this Parrikar BJP Govt. want to emulate the erstwhile Kangress Govt. 
Should they not be doing better and upholding the Law? BJP promised and mislead 
people to uphold the Law and curtail corruption; and this 'withdrawal of cases' 
is aiding Corruption!  And now the dirty 'saffronisation' has started. Put on 
your glasses and U may see better; not saffron tinted glasses, never do that! 
It makes one BLIND!
BJP wallahs the fascist, casteist, apartheid and segregation liking party, 
should do the right thing and re-instate all those withdrawn cases, and 
facilitate their quick resolution in the courts. Stop adjournments and let the 
courts function! Who is Afraid of the Law? Only the Law breakers!
Barad, you are now caught with your 'pants down'.  Do look yourself in the 
And U will realise how biased your thought and dirty your philosophy is!
Untenable in our Noble Secular Democracy in India.
Nascy Caldeira.

 From: U. G. Barad
Sent: Monday, 25 June 2012 8:07 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Parivarting: BJP netas go free in Governor car attack case

Don't you worry about my foot or any other Goanet members' foot, instead
always make sure that you don't put your foot into your mouth!

You wrote saying withdrawing cases in state amounts to interference with
process of law! Does this mean that when Kongress was ruling in Goa and when
they withdrew pending cases on their netas and their party men on two
occasions, first after defeat of MGP party and later after defeat of BJP
party was not an act of interference! And that that ACT of Kongress was
LEGAL!! Is it? OR are you trying to say that only Kongress party chief
ministers are given license to interfere with process of law and not any
other party's chief ministers?

You asked me, 'do you Barad think that M Parrikar has that power invested in
the Chief Minister's Job?' 

To this my counter question is: Do you mean to say only Kongress Chief
ministers have the powers to withdraw pending cases and no other party's
chief minister has such powers? 

My counter question to your second followed question: is it only M.
Parrikar's job to 'uphold the rule of law' and Kongress party chief
ministers are free to play with rule of law? 

Lastly, you are asking me: 'So why do you not tell Parrikar to let these
cases have their final conclusion? Is it not 'dadagiri'??' 

My answer to this is: You claim yourself to be Goan and therefore you show
your concern to Goa and Goans. So, as a responsible Goan, why don't you
directly tell Manohar parrikar to let all pending cases go to logical
conclusions? Why you are showing your reluctance to do so? Talk to Parrikar
directly to get the answer whether it is Dadagiri or other '*giri'! 

About Presidential Pardon  clemency petitions read my message written in
reply to JC's response. Here I will only say, don't jump to conclusion like
JC did in haste.

U. G. Barad

On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 Nascy Caldeira wrote:

You have put your 'foot into your mouth' here.
Ha Ha Ha!
It is one thing to withdraw cases, amounting to interference with process of
law; and another thing to grant clemency to convicted people by Presidents
who have been granted the Constitutional power to do so, after due process.
Do you Barad think that M Parrikar has that power invested in the Cheif
Minister's Job? 
His first and most important job is the 'Uphold the Rule of law; is it not?
So why do you not tell Parrikar to let these cases have their final
conclusion? Is it not 'dadagiri'?? Nascy Caldeira

Re: [Goanet] Parivarting: BJP netas go free in Governor car attack case

2012-06-24 Thread Nascy Caldeira
You have put your 'foot into your mouth' here.
Ha Ha Ha!
It is one thing to withdraw cases, amounting to interference with process of 
law; and another thing to grant clemency to convicted people by Presidents who 
have been granted the Constitutional power to do so, after due process.
Do you Barad think that M Parrikar has that power invested in the Cheif 
Minister's Job? 
His first and most important job is the 'Uphold the Rule of law; is it not?
So why do you not tell Parrikar to let these cases have their final conclusion? 
Is it not 'dadagiri'??

Nascy Caldeira 

 From: U. G. Barad
Sent: Sunday, 24 June 2012 12:51 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Parivarting: BJP netas go free in Governor car attack case

It has become a common practice to withdraw pending cases filed by the
government when new ruling party comes in power. 

What BJP did now in withdrawing cases against netas is not a new thing.
Congress ruling party did the same thing when they came to power first after
defeat of MGP party and later after defeat of BJP party.

Have a look to something similar thing working at all India level!

Retiring President of India, Pratibha Patil, exercised her executive
prerogative and granted clemency to 35 convicts of death sentence by highest
court in India, and rejected only 3 - a record by any president of India so
far. Without checking, she even granted clemency to one convict who was dead
in prison much earlier to President sanctioning clemency! 

Just for record: A.P.J.A. Kalam received 25 clemency petitions; rejected
plea of Dhanajoy Chatterfee, India's last execution; commuted one to life
and returned all other pleas. K. R. Narayanan: Sat to return all 100 pleas;
S. D. Sharma: Rejected all 14 mercy petitions.

U. G. Barad 

On Sat, 23 Jun 2012, Soter forwarded a message, under title 'BJP netas go
free in Governor car attack case', that appeared in TOI - Goa edition


2012-06-18 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Well said, Aires! 
As usual, U have put the whole thing in the right perspective. Looks like Alina 
is 'ignorant' in democratic systems and methods. She certainly needs to 'go to 
basic school' all over again. The 'cost' in conducting the 'bye election' was 
already there; and that is what it should be!
It is not that the bye election was not held!
Or is she already 'indoctrinated' into fascist BJP  philosophy and thought? 
Being 'subersive' and 'anti establishment' to further their own strategies and 
I fear for India's democracy and liberalism and genuine progress, Now and in 
the Future.
Nascy Caldeira.

 From: Aires Rodrigues
To: goanet 
Sent: Monday, 18 June 2012 8:53 AM
While reacting to her unopposed election from Cortalim Mrs. Alina Saldanha
has in an interview with the local magazine “Goa Today” claimed that her
unopposed victory had saved the State exchequer a lot of money and that
this money would have been unnecessarily spent on conducting the Cortalim

This statement by the former Headmistress and now the Forest Minister is
presumptuous while revealing her political naiveté and sheer ignorance of
the basics of democracy and the Indian Constitutional framework. Her line
of thinking that money was saved by not holding the elections is a matter
of great concern as it runs contrary to the very fundamentals of electoral

Free, fair and transparent elections hold the key to a good functioning
democracy. There is no substitute to a political process through elections
conducted in a democratic manner. Making the democracy really
representative, calls for strong institutions, headed by honest and
knowledgeable people. It requires a leadership with vision and integrity,
which has become a rarity in today’s political system. The only way to
improve democracy and politics is through a more effective and better
political democracy in which Mrs. Alina Saldanha needs a lesson or two if
not an intensive refresher course. How much it had cost the BJP to clear
the Cortalim turf of other contestants and potential players only God
knows. All we know was that the damage done to democracy was irreparable
and unpardonable.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

Re: [Goanet] Sanal Edamaruku trial

2012-06-01 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hi all, 
I would second this proposal in toto, from George Pinto. 
It could promote compassion and understanding among people, when out in the 
open; rather than in a coutroom where only a few people are privy.
There is a lot of sense in it. The so called laws of Blasphemy should be 
repealed all over the world; starting with Muslim and Islamic Countries to 
begin with, since Islamism is like a dictatorship and Fascist movement and 
intrinsically so. Fast on their track is the Hindutva fascist program of the 
RSS and BJP. 
When this BJP and VHP were asked for a dialogue, some years ago by the Church 
Authorities in New Delhi, these groups just refused to talk, as their sinister 
plans would be exposed. 
When the Popes visit came, these groups insisted  a Sadhu be present at the 
Ceremony of Holy Mass by the Pope as main celebrant. This was so silly as if it 
could prove anything like all religions are equal. Will these groups make 'such 
a demand' from Muslim religious? Bloody hypocretes!
In the end they only made a fool of themselves. The helpless Sadhu looked and 
felt like a 'Fish Out of Water' totally lost physically and spirtually! 
Such is the communally charged atmosphere in India. 
Wake Up  now and arrest this. 
Nascy Caldeira


 From: George Pinto
To: Goanet 
Sent: Monday, 28 May 2012 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Sanal Edamaruku trial
My view is that the Sanal Edamaruku case should not be adjudicated in a court 
of law but in an open public forum with both sides presenting their views and 
moderated by an independent person. The Indian courts are clogged enough and 
emphasis should be on violent crimes, including where real injury of life and 
limb is suffered like murder, rape, etc. and measurable like financial loss and 
theft of property, etc.

In a democracy, one can make the same arguments in an open public forum, as 
vigorously and robustly as in a court of law. This can be done in a calm, 
civilized manner. Indian courts of law which derive their legitimacy from a 
secular constitution, are still a notch below in matters of truth than an open 
public discussion of such matters, better settled in the court of public 
opinion. Imagine if all of India through public forums, television, newspapers 
engaged in these discussions rather than the narrow confines of a court of law. 
And Sanal and his accusers would be no less wrong or no less right at the end 
of such a forum, where the public can make up its own mind after hearing both 

Towards this end, I would hope the Christian group withdraws its legal case 
(would that be the Christian thing to do?) and instead makes available a church 
hall and invites Sanal and his colleagues to an open public discussion about 
his statements and about miracles, religious offense, Church impropriety, etc.  
Let each side present its case without fear or favor. The truths which result 
are no less true than those derived in court, but substantially more valid when 
derived in the court of public opinion. And yes, I believe the public is free 
and capable of making up its own mind. That is how democracy should work.

P.S. I have intentionally not used the word debate for such a proposed forum, 
a male-oriented word which implies confrontation as opposed to discussion. In 
fact, most of the voices on this issue are male, and they seem to prefer to 
resolve this issue as they do war - the tone and language unmistakeably 
hostile. Perhaps it is time to seek civil resolutions - again, for one 
aggrieved party would that be the Christian thing to do?

Re: [Goanet] Yogic Farming....

2012-05-29 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hi all,
The time for 'doubting' is over. The saffronisation has started and the State 
and Country are now being led down, to the Cave-men times; thanks to all who 
were blind to the strategies of the BJP/ RSS wallahs!
Will these converts and supporters open their eyes now and LOOK?   and desert 
this fascist saffron ship?Hope so.
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Sandesh Anvekar
To: Santosh Helekar; Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 
Sent: Tuesday, 29 May 2012 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Yogic Farming
I too have my doubts about this Yogic farming .

Yet on a different note, I would be interested in knowing what is this so

Last time I had posted question to Santosh on What the bleep. I must
admit that his answer (and the link that he had posted in the reply) were
not convincing at all.

I actually intended to know more about how quantum physics itself proves
that matter might be an illusion. I also wanted to know what is time ..
space .. consciousness etc

But so called scientific community not only fails to answers this...
instead they are only being ARROGANT to deny views of even some of their
fellow scientists as pseudo-scientic and occult


PS: BTW till date no scientific community has been able to explain what is
matter.. let alone consciousness.

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 1:42 AM, Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.comwrote:

 The scientific claims made in the report below are completely bogus. In
 particular, the following assertions are a dishonest attempt to fool the
 public with pseudoscientific nonsense:

 The yogic practice involving positive thoughts releases electro
 magnetic power into the plants. Scientific research has demonstrated the
 effect of thoughts on water. Water stores thought energy and thus
 energy impacts whoever and whatever use it. The positive thoughts
 subjected to water had been found to form beautiful crystals and water
 exposed to negative thoughts form either no crystal or deformed ones.


 There is absolutely no evidence or scientific rationale to support these
 pronouncements. None of these claims have been published in the mainstream
 scientific literature. Such pseudoscientific claims have only been
 displayed on fringe New Age, psychedelic and crackpot websites, as well as
 on websites of religious cults such as the Brahma Kumari Rajayoga cult.
 Here is one of these bogus websites:

 It is disturbing that the government department of Agriculture, which is
 supposed to be secular and to follow only real agricultural science, is
 promoting such religious nonsense. Could you please give me the email
 address of a responsible official in this department?



 - Original Message -
 From:  Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
  From Saligao-Net
  The Dept. of Agriculture, Mapusa has requested us to make the
  following announcement...
  The Bhrama Kumari University will be conducting a programme on Yogic
  Farming in Saligao:


Re: [Goanet] GOA OPINION POLL 2012

2012-05-26 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Internet based 'opinion poll' only counts if all the voters are identified by 
location and for authenticity!
Besides only Mopa/Dabolim suporters may be having internet facility available 
to them.
Also lots of persons can vote twice or more, and also under fictitious names!
Surely not worth it. This is not the way to go about it. Debates and Seminars 
is more effective; also rallies with reason to take the issus to the masses.

Nascy Caldeira


 From: floriano
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Saturday, 26 May 2012 1:40 AM
Subject: [Goanet] GOA OPINION POLL 2012
[For all Niz Goenkars]

Q1. Do you want MOPA International Airport ?
      [1-YES]   [2-NO]  [ 3-DON'T KNOW]

Q2. Do you believe that two airports are good for GOA?
      [1-YES]   [2-NO]  [ 3-DON'T KNOW]

Q3. Do you believe the Navy will allow Civilian flights from DABOLIM Airport if 
      [1-YES]   [2-NO]  [ 3-DON'T KNOW]

Q4. Should the NAVY be told to shift it's 'Small Defence Enclave' to Sea Bird, 
       /elsewhere ???
      [1-YES]   [2-NO]  [ 3-DON'T KNOW]

Q5. Do you want Goa's DABOLIM Airport to go to the NAVY?
      [1-YES]   [2-NO]  [ 3-DON'T KNOW]

Kindly send your response to:
Thank you.
Viva Goa


Re: [Goanet] Mr. Chief Minister, why there was hurry and now delay in induction?

2012-05-26 Thread Nascy Caldeira
helo Joe 'goaUK' et al,

Alina elected 'unopposed' means she has 100% of the vote. It also means that 
Alina is the most popular person electorally, in the ruling party. Why no 
'induction' yet? 
Seems like Parrikar is about to resign as Ch. Minister and give the position to 
Me thinks Alina deserves it, as she is 'secular' in spirit and in every way; 
and not an RSS hitched communal, fascism groomed person like M. Parrikar is!
Will CM: M Parrikar oblise? After all; the BJP and RSS fascism is not in 
keeping with the Secular Constitution of India, not at all.
Saiba Tencham Bogus!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: JoeGoaUk
Sent: Saturday, 26 May 2012 12:43 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Mr. Chief Minister, why there was hurry and now delay in 
Mr. Chief Minister, why there was hurry and now delay in induction?

Jgu: Why there was so much rush in inducting someone then?
CM: Inducting someone whether MLA or not it my prerogative. Or it’s my 
constitutional right. Which means, I can induct whoever I want and whenever I 
No one can stop me, not even the so called election Code of Conduct.

Jgu: So, did you actually go ahead with your proposed induction then?
CM: Well, I had to put it off with due respect to Election Commission of India 
(ECI) and 
not that I was wrong on my part though

Jgu: Now that there are no Codes (ended on 21/5/12) nor objections from ECI why 
there is 
a delay in induction or what’s stopping you now ?
CM: Well, as I told you, who to induct and when to induct is CM’s or my 
Which also mean, I can do whenever I want.

Jgu: Well, Mr. Chief Minister, you can certainly induct WHOEVER you want but it 
seems that 
you as a CM cannot always induct WHENVER you want, sometimes one has to give 
due respect to ECI remember?

fictitious Jgu  his interview 

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Re: [Goanet] We worship the crucified Lord......

2012-05-05 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Please understand that this is, Fr Ivo's style of writing/responding on forums.
His 'response' is only in the second paragraph starting with two **.
The first para is the quote from an 'anti Catholic' who mentioned that 
Catholics 'worship' the Cross!
Fr Ivo is saying that we only 'venerate' the Cross, like you do.
That is how he is responding to; OK? 
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Oscar Lobo
Sent: Friday, 4 May 2012 7:17 PM
Subject: [Goanet] We worship the crucified Lord..
Dear Fr. Ivo

I refer to the message 9 Goanet Digest, Vol 7, Issue 434 on the subject.

I am dismayed, baffled and confused as a layman.  Your views on the cross
are of negative nature and assisting people to sort of atheistic view.

What looked like a shameful death for Jesus was actually a glorious triumph
for God's plan; because it is through the cross that Jesus won victory over
enemy powers, including Satan, sin and death. Their claim on us has been
fully satisfied in the death of the innocent victim. They cannot demand any
more than what he has already paid. They have nothing further to threaten us

By his death, we are told, Jesus was able to destroy him who holds the
power of death-that is, the devil (Hebrews 2:14). The reason the Son of
God appeared was to destroy the devil's work (1 John 3:8). Victory was won
on the cross.

We are walking by faith, not by sight -2 Corinthians 5:7

If one of your very young relatives had to die, would you not keep the
little booties and clothes he/she wore as a reminder for their parents?

Similarly the cross is a reminder of the cost the son of God paid to
liberate us from the original sin. 

On Good Friday we venerate the cross, are you suggesting that the church
should cease this century old practise.

You say Christians are not idolaters, what about the statues we have in the
churches i.e. mother of Christ and all saints that are kept on the pedestal
of the church?

I am confused that as a theologian you seem to give message contrary to our
believe. The cross is there to remind us of the price he paid.

You have lots of explanation to give when you come in the presence of St.
Peter at the pearly gates.

Oscar C. Lobo


Message: 9
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 19:40:38 +0530
From: Ivo da C.Souza
Subject: [Goanet]  We worship the Crucified Lord
Message-ID: 018d01cd286d$5b9acb70$12d06250$@in
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=US-ASCII

If Christ was killed on the Cross, then it is not a thing to be
worshipped. Does anyone worship the gun with which Gandhi was shot?
Then why should Christians worship the Cross?

**We worship the divine Person of Jesus, not the Cross. We venerate the
Cross, symbol of the epitome of love of God for humankind. Christians are
not idolaters. Miracles are not superstitions. Jesus of Nazareth performed
miracles. There are witnesses in the Gospels.


2012-05-03 Thread Nascy Caldeira
And the squalid ways of politicions, statesmen and beaurocrats, go on and on, 
placing a Heavy Burden on people by way of taxes that pay for all this.
There has to be a proper co ordinated effort to Define and List this whole 
business of Entitlements. The non payments should be enforced; the person/party 
concerned should first 'spend out of pocket' and then try and get 
re-imbursement from the declared authority supervised by a 
Parliament/Legislature Committee consistiing of reps. from all parties. This 
also should be transparent and signed by three persons at once; and published 
in the Gazette!
I hope something like this will take the nitty gritty out!
But Who Will Bell the Cat??
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Aires Rodrigues
To: goanet 
Sent: Wednesday, 2 May 2012 12:43 PM
Besides her foreign trips the President of India Pratibha Patil has been
also recklessly traveling across the country too.

Last year President Patil was on a four day fiesta in Goa. It was first
projected that it was a private visit but it was later revealed under the
RTI Act that it was shown as an official one. Though President Patil was on
a private holiday to Goa her visit was sought to be shown as official so
that the expenditure could be charged to the State exchequer. If the trip
was official the authorities should have explained the purpose of that four
day trip.

A total expenditure of Rs 14, 18, 772 was incurred by the Goa Government on
that President Pratibha Patil’s holiday in Goa. President Pratibha Patil
was accompanied on that trip to Goa by her husband Dr. Devisingh Shekhawat,
her daughter Jyoti Rathore, grand daughter Vedika Rathore and a total of 36
personal staff.

While President Pratibha Patil parked herself at Goa Raj Bhavan, a whopping
Rs 3, 20,250 was spent on the lodging and boarding expenses at a five star
resort Cidade de Goa for the members of the President’s entourage, and a
further amount of Rs 1, 29,915 was spent on the lodging and boarding of
some others in her troupe housed at the International centre at Dona Paula.
A total of Rs 6, 23,188 was spent on vehicles hired by the Goa Tourism
Development Corporation to be used for the President’s entourage. Rs 2,
01,220 was spent for the lunch on a day trip by the President Pratibha
Patil at Taj Exotica in Benaulim.  Another lunch hosted by the Chief
Minister at Cidade de Goa in honour of President Patil cost the exchequer
Rs 1, 19,999. While Rs 20,000 was spent on the boat ride, Para sailing and
Jet Ski organized for President Patil at Benaulim beach, flowers presented
to her cost the tax payer Rs 4,400

Such unnecessary trips and extravagant expenditure should stop. Besides
being a very unjust burden on the State exchequer it is also an
inconvenience to the public at large because of traffic jams caused by such
visits. In a country where poverty is wide spread and the prevalence of
child under nutrition is among the highest in the world, we cannot afford
such wasteful expenditure. While Dr Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister can be
termed a political disaster, the 205 crores squandered on President
Pratibha Patil’s foreign jaunts is a national disgrace.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

Re: [Goanet] Mogal Goenkar Bhainino ani Bhavano

2012-04-30 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Oh Anand,
Surely yes; we have to all unite and remain united. But what about dismantling 
the Hundutva Agenda with the BJP, the ruling party in Goa and the RSS their 
mentors. Do U not feel that this segregation and apartheid doctrine should 
first be destroyed; as it is this policy/ agenda that is dividing the 
India never had this sort of divisions earlier when this BJP had not a single 
MP anywhere in India. 
Now in Goa  and everywhere where this party is ruling, they encourage their 
groups to harras and intimidate the minorities.
 Let us have your views and support and or denial on these issues, OK?
Then we can simply follow: Live and Let Live; the need of the hour.
Nascy Caldeira

 From: anand virgincar
To: Goanet 
Sent: Monday, 30 April 2012 6:15 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Mogal Goenkar Bhainino ani Bhavano
Mogal Goenkar Bhainino ani Bhavano,

UNITEDso we can preserve at least a fraction of 
the Sobit Mankulem Bhangrachem Goem we inherited for future generations of Niz 

Dev Borem Korun,

anandvirgincar at


2012-04-30 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Kudos to you, Aires!
U are and have been the lone valiant fighter for Goa and the people.
The red eyed photo in Niz Goenkar is so very true of M Parrikar of today!
It should have been 'saffron-red' coloured.
 As I have said before; the Wolf in Sheep's clothing.
He is out to prove that!
Nascy Caldeira.

 From: Aires Rodrigues
To: goanet 
Sent: Monday, 30 April 2012 10:52 PM

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] The Case Against Mopa

2012-04-26 Thread Nascy Caldeira
You always seem to think U are a shannah guy!
There is already approved one new airport at Chipi, some where in Southern 
Maharasthra to relieve congestion in Bombay, and also a Second long 'Cross 
Runway' is also already functioning at the Bombay airport.
Goa is very small in land area! Goa land is not for Maharasthra, Never Mopa! Do 
not get 'stolen' by this Politics of Corruption and Money making!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Mervyn Lobo
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Thursday, 26 April 2012 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The Case Against Mopa
Rajan P. Parrikar wrote:
In the same post, I had written about my one-on-one meeting with Manohar 
in February, a couple of weeks before the election.  We had agreed on every 
that I put before him except one: Mopa.  I expressed my opposition to the 
Mopa airport in no uncertain terms and briefly laid out my
 case.  He was unmoved 
and equally upfront about it.  He said he wanted Mopa to go ahead should he be
voted to power.  I pleaded that at the very least he should defer its 
until he had first resolved the other sicknesses afflicting Goa.
You need a certain quality of intellect for this type of thinking.  Clearly, 
Manohar Parrikar does not appear to be in possession of it.

The story is told in the arid areas of Tanzania of traders arriving at a river 
bank and seeing another group camped there for the evening. The newly arrived 
group saw that the other traders had planted mango seedlings at the river bank. 
The newly arrived group asked as to why anyone would plant mango trees in the 
bush when not even their children would get to enjoy the fruit.

The tree
 planters explained that the trees would first provide shade, then a meeting 
spot and perhaps some day someone would build a bridge nearby, making trade 

Mopa airport is the same story. India desperately needs the infrastructure to 
expand its economy. Mumbai airport cannot handle the regional needs anymore. 
Last month I was scrambling for a ticket to fly from Mumbai to Goa and was 
informed there were none. Cargo space is twice as hard on the same route. 

Mopa Airport is the brain child of the central govt. The previous 
Goa administration actually did its best to stop the development of Mopa. Stop 
the development Everywhere else govts are trying to speed up development. 
While you may not appreciate Parrikar's intellect, I think he is a very smart 
cookie.  Mopa is the right choice for expanding the economy.

One item that really has to be addressed though, is what happens to the 
wildlife in the area. I hope
 the environmentalists are not asleep on this one, else the surrounding habitat 
is going to disappear.


Re: [Goanet] Goanet - Bad news for pedestrians..Bangalore has India's worst behaved motorists

2012-04-26 Thread Nascy Caldeira
How sad!
Instead of advancing, the people in Goa and India are being taken backwards to 
early saffron culture; that is what it is. Old methods of thinking and acting!
What else can one expect of this cavemen's culture that is slowly and slyly 
being enforced on the enlightened??
Seeing is believing!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Vivian A. DSouza
Sent: Thursday, 26 April 2012 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet - Bad news for pedestrians..Bangalore has India's 
worst behaved motorists
I dont believe anything can be worse than Goa.  There does not seem to be ANY 
traffic rules in Goa, especially when it comes to two-wheelers which weave in 
and out of traffic with impunity.  I once asked a traffic policeman, who had 
right of way at a traffic circle
and he did not know !
Zebra crossings ?  I have to go across a zebra crossing to get to church on 
I have a feeling that motorists and two-wheelers speed up when they see someone 
in a 
Zebra crossing, hell bent on mowing you down, as though you are in a 
bulls-eye.  It is
probably easier to cross where there is no Zebra crossing.
Want to make a left turn ?  Sure enough there is someone around the  blind 
corner who wanting to make a right turn decides to take a short cut.  Instead 
of keeping to his left side
he cuts across and comes to the right of the road bound for a collision..  One 
has to blow his horn incessantly and go very slowly to avoid that collision.
Everyone is in a hell-bound hurry to get somewhere, pushing aggressively 
looking for any opening where he can push his car or two-wheeler through.
Night time.  Many folks dont turn on their lights till it is pitch dark 
(probably hoping that their headlights will last longer ?), and when they do 
turn on their lights it is full-beam,
blinding on-coming motorists.  I can go on and on, and probably write a book on 
driving in
Goa.  Oprah Winfrey on her recent visit to India was aghast at the traffic 
madness in Delhi.
I am sure that the same goes for all mejor cities in India.

Re: [Goanet] Time to include Goa in our National Anthem JANA GANA MANA - Pañjāba Sindhu GOA Gujarāṭa Marāṭhā!

2012-04-22 Thread Nascy Caldeira
This is a very clever and well explained suggestion! U should get all the 
support from the Govt. of Goa and all Goans in general; except may be the 
'marathi-wadis'! We Goans can just ask the Goa Govt. to interact with the Delhi 
Govt and then complete the job.
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Silviano Barbosa
To: goanet goanet 
Sent: Sunday, 22 April 2012 4:26 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Time to include Goa in our  National Anthem  JANA GANA MANA - 
Pañjāba Sindhu  GOA Gujarāṭa Marāṭhā!

It's high time to add GOA to our National Anthem JANA GANA MANA  NOW!

I think the following line can be modified to include GOA with little effort:

Panjaba Sindhu GOA Gujarata Maratha

and the rest will sound fine.

Re: [Goanet] Driving in Canada

2012-04-20 Thread Nascy Caldeira
The whole of the American Continent, North and South, they keep 'right' same as 
in Europe excluding the UK and Ireland. That is good; less confusion!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Tony de Sa
To: Goa's Premiere Mailing List, Estd 1994 
Sent: Saturday, 21 April 2012 1:48 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Driving in Canada
Query: Do Canadians keep left or do they keep right as the Americans?


** Tony de Sa  tonydesa at gmail dot com  **

Re: [Goanet] The sore losers

2012-03-26 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Oh!  'r' Parrikar,
Of course Pamela D'Mello's analysis is right; I would add that the loss was 
also due to selfish politicians who railroaded themselves into the Congress, 
then blackmailed and finally managed to bring the Party down along with them. 
It was a Vote for change; anti incumbent politicions' Vote, it is; not a vote 
for anti minority Fascists as such!
To be an 'independent journalist' does not mean that she has to side with the 
saffron fascists.
Looks like it has touched a 'raw nerve' in you and your likes. Hope it helps 
'open your mind'!
The core principles and thrust in the BJP/RSS  constitution has not changed; 
has it? Why then were these 'guiding stratergies' towards Fascism and 'anti 
minorities' stance in the very being of the BJP/RSS not advertised to the 
electorate openly??
You can fool some people some times; but you cannot fool all the people all the 
Down with saffron Casteism, Rascism, Segregation, Apartheid, and Hindutva 
Fascism In India.
Let there be 'Equality, Liberty and Fraternity' all over India.
For this to happen, These groups/parties like BJP/RSS etc have TO DISMANTLE 
NOW; Else the country is Doomed in the Long Run!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Rajan P. Parrikar
Sent: Monday, 26 March 2012 1:27 PM
Subject: [Goanet] The sore losers
To Goanet -

Aires posted this link -

Let's summarize Pamela D'Mello's 'analysis':

- BJP won because of covert back-room activists who went to bat for it
and pulled the wool over all you zombie Catholics.  I won't name these
cloak-and-dagger batsmen. (Pssst, they include saffronites Dr. Anil Desai, 
Dr. Anand Virgincar, and Rajan Parrikar.)

- BJP won because a multi-crore NGO campaign zapped Goan minds.  Shantaram
Naik (of the Manohar Parrikar is Hitler fame) has questioned the crores spent,
an amount unimaginable to his honest Kangress party.

- BJP won because Catholics were marginalized through delimitation.

- BJP won because saffron was wrapped in purple foil and secretly
mixed with sorpotel.

- BJP won because oooh my pea brain hurts now so I'll stop making up more 

Is Pamela D'Mello an 'independent' journalist, too?


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Re: [Goanet] Reverse Osmosis by SoterJ. Colaco wrote:

2012-03-15 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hi all,
J. Colaco wrote:This includes those who are wary that the ghost of the
BJP-past might return to Goa.
The ghosts of the past need not concern anybody that much. That time, the 
minorities suffered without even a clear majority for the BJP. 
Now, the BJP has an absolute majority, for the first time in Goa history, Hell 
could overshadow the comparatively 'small' ghosts that were excorcised.
Will Manohar execute the hidden Hindutva agenda of his party? or be polite and 
respectful of all minority rights and Cultural LIFE in Goa! I hope and 
pray, and wish that M. Parrikar the Goa Ch. Minister, goes for the latter. A 
full gaurantee on all minority cultural rights without let or hindrance.
Live annd Let Live!
Nascy Caldeira


 From: J. Colaco   jc
Sent: Thursday, 15 March 2012 1:21 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Reverse Osmosis by Soter
Soter wrote:  The cristao fans are yet to understand about 'double
speak' in politics. The hosannas sung about Cristaos having turned to
BJP need to be consumed with a pinch of salt. Pomp marpak is the
common expression. One should not be taken aback to witness the
reverse osmosis in days to come.

My dear Soter,

I suggest that ALL the people of Goa take a step back and a deep
breath. This includes those who are wary that the ghost of the
BJP-past might return to Goa.

While it is the duty of watch dogs and activists to keep the
potentially unlimited power of 'gorrment' in check, too much of
confusão right from the start serves nobody well.

The BJP has run on its manifesto. The people have voted. It matters
little whether it was just an anti-incumbency vote or not. The fact is
that when the votes were counted, the BJP won.

Now, will there be a run for the 'money generating' cabinet positions
e.g. PWD? But of course!

A few comments:

The  'double speak', ' hossanas' and 'pompo' having been noted, it
will be worth watching whether the Hebles, Hazares, Bedis etc will
have reason to be active for the next 5 years, and if so, whether they
will do so.

I leave you with this url from about 17 months ago. There is a saying:
What goes around, comes around. The amdars will take turns in making
their rupees, and the people will continue to offer themselves to be
'pomped' into being ...


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Re: [Goanet] Goanet on Facebook

2012-03-15 Thread Nascy Caldeira
U do not have to read or reply to all. If U have your Facebook configured 
properly not 'to email also' any posting on goanet facebook; then U will be 
much relieved. 
This way U will be confronted with all of the postings, only when U open or log 
on to Facebook.
It is really not so many, actually. It could be that U got to see/read all the 
posting at once when U first joined!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Eugene Correia
Sent: Thursday, 15 March 2012 8:28 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goanet on Facebook
OMG, I didn't expect so much of messages from Goanet on Facebook.
Already too much in the inbox that I find hard to cope with and now an
avalanche of messages from Fred. I don't know how Fred manages time
with all this volunteer activity. I signed up for Goanet on Facebook
not knowing I would be submerged under so many messages per day.
Can I unsign from it or dear Fred can you get me out of there.


                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Re: [Goanet] Film Nostalgia - Amchem Noxib

2012-03-14 Thread Nascy Caldeira
All this does bring back, good memories to the fore. I know, U know my niece in 
Canada who acted in Amchem Noxib!
Anthony Mendes is the Charlie Chaplin of India not only of Goa! Even recognised 
by Bollywood and given a stint but did not make it high up there, I think 
'cause of health. I knew Souza Ferrao and Anthony D'Sa in person, so to say.

 From: Roland Francis
To: 'Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!' 
Sent: Thursday, 15 March 2012 12:49 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Film Nostalgia - Amchem Noxib
For those with a yearning to see something old, Goan and Konkani, Frank
Fernand's 1963 film in black and white on YouTube (the full version 1hr
56mins) will stir many memories. The comedy scenes, the songs, the actors
Anthony Mendes and Souza Ferrao among others, the pristine scenes of a
beautiful Goa not too long ago all make for leisure time well spent.



                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Re: [Goanet] Bhagavathi, Birla, Ragbhavan and St. Mary's theatres in Bombay

2012-03-13 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Here is me venturing to answer.
The Rangbhavan is an 'open air' theatre near St Xavier's College near 
Dhobitalao. It was built by the state govt. on a plot of land that was part or 
the Technical School next door. This theatre is much like the open air theatre 
at the Kala Academy Goa; but not as good. The great Charles Correia got 
international recognition for his Goa project; for the wonderful accoustics 
etc. I have senn Adi Marzban's production of Evita here in Goa. The 
production was labelledby internation critics at the time, as better than that 
performed on Broadway  NY, and at Albert Hall in London. The design and 
ambience of Charles Correia at the Kala, did justice to the production and 
performance, of such an epoch making Event.
The Rangbhavan in Bombay, has been hired for use by Goan Tiatrists many times 
for staging the tiatre.
The Birla Theatre is an Indoor Auditorium inside the Bombay Hospital Annexe in 
the basement next and very close to the Cross on Cross Maidan. I had first 
known this place when Nehru, India's first PM had come there in those early 
days. Again since it is close to Dhobitalao, it was another popular hall for 
staging the Tiatre.
St Mary's School Hall is over the Rly Bridge in Byculla, that used to come 
handy for Tiatre as it was close by to the Goan population residing in Mazagon 
and Byculla areas.
I am at a loss to locate Bhagvathi; but there used to be a great, not so big, 
Theatre on Kalbadevi Road near to Dhobitalao, which was the springboard for 
Goan tiatrists in the field of acting, singing and composing all that goes to 
make a successful Drama on stage. I think the name was, 'princess theatre', but 
not so sure. The great Anthony Mendes who was almost always drunk, used to be 
carried there, and stood up on stage. When the band struck the first chords, 
and the curtains opened, he used to come Alive, and nobody could decipher that 
the great tiatrist Comedian was drunk. 
Myself have been to just a few tiatres in Bombay; but had a lot of info thru 
the grapevine when I lived in Princess Street before I got married and moved 
out to Bandra.
Well that is all folks, for now.
Curtains Down.
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Carvalho
Sent: Tuesday, 13 March 2012 5:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Bhagavathi, Birla, Ragbhavan and St. Mary's theatres in 
Come on Rolly, do I really have to beg? :-)
Give us another one of your pieces which all of us will read and re-read and 
cherish for months afterwards carefully saving them in our files. And with you, 
I have the added advantage of not having to rewrite the information, I just put 
borrowed from Roland Francis memoirs with permission.
You can start by telling me the location of St. Mary's hall and something about 
its audiences and surrounds. Also someone wrote in to say tiatrs were held 
frequently at St Xavier's college hall. Any more info on this would be 
Many thanks,

From: Carvalho
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 9:39 AM
Subject: Bhagavathi, Birla, Ragbhavan and St. Mary's theatres in Bombay

Dear esteemed members and bombaimkars,

Can anyone tell me a little bit about the theatres mentioned above in Bombay 
and particularly in relation to our tiatrists playing at these theatres in the 
1950s; the sort of audiences that would have patronised them and also the 
surrounding areas of these theatres. I do intend to visit these places but any 
information you can supply will be much appreciated for me to research.

Many thanks,

                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Re: [Goanet] BrieFNcounters: Musings on the crorepati race

2012-03-06 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hello Frederick N.
You have constructed your analysis of the situ in Goa so well, that it puts 
renowned and other self proclaimed journos in Goa and abroad, in the shade. 
I like the depth and unbiased looking into the various factors that go to make 
up the body politic in Goa specially.
Keeep it up, dear Frederick!
Lets us wait and see how the election results turn out. There are certainly a 
lot of new elements in the Goa scenario; and is difficult to say which of these 
have played into the hands of the electorate.
Nascy Caldeira.

 From: Frederick Noronha
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Tuesday, 6 March 2012 10:46 AM
Subject: [Goanet] BrieFNcounters: Musings on the crorepati race
If one goes by probability alone, just three outcomes are
possible from the Goa 2012 elections.  Firstly, a hung
assembly (this was the widely accepted conventional wisdom
till 2-3 days ago, when the voting percentage figures came
in).  Secondly, a BJP majority (more are buying this, after
the 82% high voter turnout).  Or, thirdly, Congress somehow
managing to retain its majority.

          If one goes by past experience, a hung-assembly
          would see the Congress Dirty-Tricks Department get
          overactive and launch head-first into the game.
          With the Governor being a party nominee, and Delhi
          still in the party's hands, you could easily guess
          who has the (unfair) advantage in such a case.
          Besides, to survive in Goa, any government here
          badly needs the Delhi protective umbrella.  Even
          Digambar Kamat, leave aside anyone else, did it for
          a full five-year term!  Without this, we end up
          with the intense political instability of the
          1990s, which has vanished as suddenly as it
          descended on Goa after March 1990.  But don't count
          on the situation necessarily remaining the same in

          To be fair, in similar situations, the BJP
          responded in a like manner.  (Remember late 1999
          and late 2000, when the party with a difference
          came to power by cashing in on dissidence and
          horsetrading?  And got the cooperation of its
          fellow travellers in Delhi?) Of course, neither of
          these is justified; this is nothing short of a
          manipulation of what we here proudly call

As noted, the 82% vote has already widely been interpreted as
favouring the BJP.  How true this is, we shall know in a few
hours. Or maybe you already know by the time you read this

A swing of a few percent of votes can have a huge impact in
our first-past-the-post electoral system.

BJP getting a majority of its own would need to be
interpreted for what it is.  Theories fly fast and quick.
There is the usual media haste to be first with the story,
but this avoids deeper issues.  The 'real story' takes time
to emerge, if it at all does.

Is there a widening of the support base? If so among whom,
and how?  Do we need to look at which candidates cut into
whose votes where, who were the pseudo-candidates set up
specifically for such a job, what role parties like the
Trinamool and Independents played in shaping the result, how
effective the Storming Salcete campaign proved to be, among
other issues?  There's also the media support the BJP
secured, and the impact it had would need to be understood.

Despite its own dubious record, controversial candidates and
insensitive role while in office, a Congress possible win
might be even tougher to explain.  Moneypower and migrant
votes are often propped up as the main alibi why Congress
manages to stay in power.  But this may not be the whole story.

Where the middle-classes harp on corruption and 'family
rule', the Congress has been presiding over a partial shift
of power in contemporary Goa.  One which empowers some
hitherto deprived sections even while not completely
displacing a part of the traditional elite.

(Of course, as the moneybags make an increasing dent in Goan
politics -- in all parties -- the Congress has badly lost its
ability to build coalitions of various sections of the

For its part, the BJP is supposedly taking a more enlightened
approach towards minorities in Goa (only the Catholics so
far, the anti-Muslim bias remains within Goa's two main
communities).  But even as it does so, the caste churnings it
has been seeing within its own ranks (the Bhandaris and the
Sripad Naik case in Porvorim in the recent past) give a hint
of the narrow social base where its core support comes from.

          Behind the surface, there are realignments -- of
          caste and community -- happening here too.  If you
          bought the argument that just issues like
          corruption decides the result, then you would even
          swallow the myth that Nitish wins Bihar due

Re: [Goanet] The list system

2012-03-03 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hey all,
This list system as u call it is certainly Not suited to a multi cultural, muti 
religion place like India; where all sorts of ideologies, liberal, fascists etc 
come up. It is definitely not conducive to minority rights 'protection' either. 
It can and will lead to Brutes' majority Rule and suffocation of the Minorities!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Tony de Sa
To: Goa's Premiere Mailing List, Estd 1994 
Sent: Saturday, 3 March 2012 7:08 PM
Subject: [Goanet] The list system
In our present day electoral system, Parties field candidates for the
Assembly./ parliamentary seats. The candidates need not be only party
candidates, but may also be independents owing/ not owing allegiance to any
party. Some nations prefer the List System.

In the list system, parties as a whole contest for the elections. At the
time of nomination, the party fields a list of candidates which is not more
than the total number of seats in the house. The candidates are listed in
order of preference. At the polls, the voters vote for the party of their
choice. The number of seats won by the party is proportional to the number
of votes polled.

If the elections to the Goa Assembly were conducted on this basis for the
40 seats and say BJP got 52.5 percent of the vote and say Congress got 35
pc of the vote and the rest (i.e. 12.5 p..c) went to Trinamool, then each
party would have the following numbers of candidates in the Assembly: BJP
21 seats, Cong 14 seats and Trinamool 5 seats. Thus the Assembly would
comprise of the first 21 from the BJP list, first 14 from the Cong. list
and first five from the Trinamool list.

The List system is followed in Israel.

Here the issues are more simple. One votes for a party ideology. One gets
the benefit of the best candidates of the various victorious parties.


** Tony de Sa  tonydesa at gmail dot com  **

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2012-02-28 Thread Nascy Caldeira
U should know, that a Bridge is not really the answer to avoid such tragedies. 
It is the overall effeciency and lack of experties with various agencies and 
trades and the RTO Goa etc. that tragedies like this take place.
They look backwards to primitive times rather than looking forward and learning 
for the experience of already developed countries.
Bridges also 'come down' any where in the world, more so in Goa with.bridges 
built after  liberation. The Govt; of the day then was not thrown out and the 
MGP coolly went on, without suffering any electoral backlash because of it.
They were finally demolished by other groupism and tactics of dislodging by 
smaller parties and new entrants into the fray. That is what is happenning now, 
and the stronger wind shall prevail.
If U ask the candidates on their plans; they will answer to satisfy; but once 
elected they have to be in Govt. not opposition, to deliver and then too they 
must be capable and willing to shoulder the responsibility, and shake up the 
various players in the modern society..
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Bernardo de Sousa
Sent: Tuesday, 28 February 2012 11:14 PM
A question to Aires or any Aldoncar or anyone else who could enlighten me:

With regard to the five candidates for Aldona constituency:

54,10, Aldona, DAYANAND G. NARVEKAR, Indian National Congress, Male,

55,10, Aldona, JULIUS PEREIRA, Goa Su-raj Party, Male,

56,10, Aldona, RAVINDRA VASUDEV PANJIKAR, Independent, Male,

57,10, Aldona, TICLO GLENN J V A E SOUZA, Bharatiya Janata Party, Male,

58,10, Aldona, WILFRED D'SOUZA, All India Trinamool Congress, Male,

What is their record with regard to the Calvim tragedy? What help or
assistance have they provided/ are they providing to the affected families?
What statements have they made? What are they doing with respect to the
rumours of a cover-up? What are their plans to ensure that this kind of
tragedy never ever occurs again? What are their plans re. a bridge linking
Carona with Calvim?

Would appreciate any information that anyone could provide. Thanks.


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Re: [Goanet] Good Bye Congress Thank You for Nothing!!!

2012-02-26 Thread Nascy Caldeira
SAVE GOA forever from BJP, RSS and other Saffron Fascist Tribes and parties! 
If U do not want to vote Congress then Vote for the other parties and 
NEVER this slimy BJP_MGP combine. They are a filthy Primitive Philosophy, 
Primitive Policy type who belong and are rooted in Primitive times! 
They say in their base Party Manifesto on Who Should Rule India for all 
time.The saffron swastika fascists!  
Sandeep should be Ashamed of himself to Prop up these fascist pigs! 
U know who destroyed the Campal football Ground' of old? It is none other than 
The Vile and sham Manohar Parrrikar!
I would like U to reverse your poll propoganda and tell the Panjim Voters:
 Never to vote a Single vote for this goat, Shri Manohar Parrikar, so that he 
even looses his deposit. 
Nascy Caldeira


 From: Sandeep Heble
Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012 12:31 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Good Bye Congress  Thank You for Nothing!!!
Good Bye Congress  Thank You for Nothing!!!

The new fundamentals of the Goan economy. If 2007 was a horror story,
then 2012 onwards under Congress rule will be a catastrophe of
unbridled proportions.

I have this one question for Mr. Shantaram Naik, the face and voice of
the Congress-NCP campaign in Goa: “Why is it that a decent, honorable,
articulate, secular and relatively non-controversial person like you
never figures in the list as a Congress nominee for the Assembly
polls?” Clearly, loyalists have to do the dog work, whereas the
“winnable” candidates have to bring in the booty!! Classic Congress
cowboy stuff!

I think we need to stop pussy footing and molly coddling on this issue
any longer, this Election 2012. We need to set the record straight.

By and large the whole of Goa shares the ideology of the Cong – NCP.
An ideology propounded by Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru and Patel. An
ideology of pluralism, liberalism and genuine secularism (a respect
for all religions and not a divorce between state and religion). And
we will all continue to celebrate and propagate this ideology. As a
society! As a people! As a Generation! No sweat.

But we do not need these ruthless oligarchs masquerading as social
workers / lovers of Goa / Proponents of secularism to hold that flag
aloft for us.  This CONG – NCP alliance for Goa is like the Costa
Concordia! - a glittering dazzling, alluring ship that is going to
take all of us crashing into a rock. Goa in a ruinous heap. And of
course, true to form, the captains (MLAs) of the ship would desert it,
in a heartbeat and jump off board first as and when the crash happens.

It is a pathetic joke that the Congress manifesto of 2012 reads
exactly like the one in 2007. So it’s been five years of pulling wool
over  people’s eyes; Five years of cloak and dagger games; Five years
of devastating mining to disembowel the hinterlands; Five years of
spurious insertions in RP2021, Five years of Agitations; Litigations
and Frustrations; Five years of broken promises and knives in our
back; Five years of the putrid stench of corruption; Five years of
pandering to the real estate and mining lobbies; and Five years (This
is the cruelest joke) of daily prostrations before a cross, a masjid
or a temple!

Five years of pure unadulterated daylight murder of Goa!

So yes, you wrestle with your conscience; you wonder if you are
betraying your ideological position; you weigh the options of a
BJP/RSS entry if everyone deserts the mother lode Congress. You wonder
if the opposition parties who also have mining dynasties and real
estate sharks as candidates will do a better job!

BUT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! This CONG-NCP in Goa has impaled us on a slow
fire for far too long. They have betrayed our trust beyond redemption.
The logic therefore is obvious. The CONG-NCP like a cockroach who has
survived billions of years, will always be around but Goa will most
certainly be dead, buried and entombed if these guys triumph again!

Because what is it that will change over the next five years? More
Build and dig and bribe!!! The new fundamentals of the Goan economy.
If 2007 was a horror story, then 2012 onwards under Congress rule will
be a catastrophe of unbridled proportions.

In the five years of its rule ministers have run amok; there has been
no prosecution when government agencies themselves have indicted
criminal officials; the drug barons have carved out their own
fiefdoms; there has been this strange logic among Congressmen: Protect
my constituency but Screw Goa!

So Goa will have to be reclaimed from the vice like grip of these
oligarchs. How? I don’t know and the solutions to do so may not be
perfect. There is the real danger of trishul wielding lunatics
crawling out of the wood work. The smaller parties may be gobbled up
by big brother Congress eventually and jettison all the gains; the
Greens may not break the glass ceiling. We all may be back

Re: [Goanet] Election manifestos

2012-02-21 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Well said George. 
I agree and concur fully with all that you say re election manifesto. 
It is very important to have a Manifesto with Ideals not Bribes!
I must add that M Parrikar is known to be a sham. The main thing that Voters 
more so in the Panjim electorate should consider, is the fascist Saffron 
Communal Philosophy and Actions of the BJP party to which Manohar belongs and 
his khaki pants RSS who are Ghandi Killers. They could  kill .any good moderate 
people who do not suport their Evil Cause!
On MOI, see how M Parrikar and his swastika Fascist party tries to confuse the 
electorate; by mentioning mother tongue, instead of The Right of Parents to 
send their Children to Language Medium Schools of their Choice. 
These idiots are telling the Enlightened people what they should learn and 
when! Dictatorship of Language and the saffron brigade avowed goal of BJP, RSS 
etc. of keeping  everyone, LOW For Ever, Casteism and Racism indeed. 
Is this what Panjimites want?   NO NO NO! 
Then shove M Parrikar and his Foul Philosophy down the St. Inez Nullah, NOW!
Why does the BJP manifesto not declare:
An end to Casteism,  An End to Racism; an End to Communalism; an End to Fascism 
from their ugly saffron groups. an End to dadagiri from them from the Hindutva 
And a Ban on 'Cow Slaughter Bans' everywhere?
Freedom of Culture for all Indians. No imposition of primitive culture on 
enlightened Indians!
That  above alone can be a Progressive Manifesto!
 The rest is Saffron Shit!
Nascy Caldeira. 

 From: George Pinto
To: Goanet 
Sent: Tuesday, 21 February 2012 6:25 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Election manifestos
Considering Goa is in the toilet politically, the election manifestos are  at 
best useful as toilet paper. The election manifesto which Goans should look for 
is a - 

   Corruption free state
   Communal free state
   Casteist free state
   Mininal government intervention in Goan lives, 
    (especially promising goodies from the public exchequer)
   Law and order
   Separation of religion from government
   Phased out mining
   Responsible, sustainable development tourism
   No land conversions for ANY development
   No mega-projects
   No MOPA
   A Civilian controlled Dabolim
   Controlled migrant population 
   (Goa cannot afford uncontrolled migration which is primarily
    to conduct illegal activities in Goa (mining, mega-projects).
The list above is not comprehensive but could start to lift the state from the 
political sewer it finds itself in.


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[Goanet] Who is this Manohar Parrikar? How very Nice?

2012-02-21 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hello Goans and all Indians,
Manohar Parrikar  is the current leader of the opposition in the Goa State 
But is he a good 'non communal' person?  NO. NO NO! 
Because he is aligned with the communal forces of Evil and has a 'shrewd anti 
minority mentality' hiding under his cloak of seemingly good! Hah Ha! 
His party in opposition, is there 'only to oppose everything' that comes from 
the governing party; and to opppose everything that is 'non communal'. This 
party, the BJP is the Saffron Communal Fascist Party of all India noteriety!
In all the BJP ruled States, there is no end to the suffering and misery heaped 
on the minorities, and this will only go on increasing with time, unless the 
electorate throws them out into the 'Rubbish Bin' where they all belong. 
Their thrust is Anti Minorities, and aim to devide and destabilise society in 
India, and once in Power at the Centre on their own strength, they will tear up 
the Constitution of India, and declare Hindutva Swaraj and all others be damned.
The BJP has all sorts of 'side kick' parties/ groups under various disguises 
and  names. These groups cause communal tensions and mayhem by their unholy 
tactics in the name of Caste and Hindutva, that is different from the age old 
simple Hindu religion by assimilation. Am I right?
The BJP the parent party, NEVER disciplines these other groups and in fact 
encourages these to take the Law into their own hands, with their unholy 
Manohar is also a member of The RSS' the khaki shorts militant wing and 
'mentor' of the BJP.
Am I right, so far? If not you may correct me. 
These saffron groups take delight in the misery heaped on minorities, in Babri 
incident, Ghodra, Khandamal, Magalore, etc and not once have any of their 
leaders ordered or asked their goons to STOP What They are Doing! Have they? NO 
NO NO.Why? Is it not their way? Of course it is. They even do not deny it! 
Instead they are ready with all sorts of defensive utterings.
Is Manohar P.  a clean non corrupt person? NO NO NO.  
During his breif  Ch. Ministership in Goa which he got by stealth, there was 
'holy lingam' placed in the Catholic Archbishop's compoud and their goons did 
this to have a claim on the Church. How very nice? 
Then there was the VCD incident when history was sort to be re written the 
Hndutva way. How very Nice!
Good Friday as a Holiday cancellation in Goa was sought by this communal 
person. How very Nice!
The muslim migrants taking refuge in Goa, from harrasment in neighbouring 
Karnataka were  put into all sorts of problems. Am I right? How very nice!
Most of all democracy was undermined when during a vote of no confidence in the 
State Assembly an independent member was by force dragged out to prevent a 
collapse of his government. How very Nice.
During the first IFFI multi Crores Rupees were spent on upgrading of the Kala 
Academy. No defferences of that astronomical costs are seen, Where was this 
money spent? How very Nice!
A month after the first IFFI, I walked the footpaths around the Kala Complex; 
and had a fall on the upturned tiles that were laid that clumsy way. And 
Manohar was given the credit of supervising the  construction activity then; 
all those thousands of Crores Rupees was spent and the accounting shadowy? Was 
there a Judicial enquiry then into all this? No!  How very Nice!
Then Crores of Rupees were given to The Konkan Rly CEO (was this CEO another 
Hindutva guy?) to plan and invent the so called sky train. All this came from 
the poor Goan Tax payer. And where is it now. Holy Smoke! Tons and tons of 
Steel is rotting 'high up' at the Margao Rly Station side and is a distortion 
for radio waves and TV. How very Nice!
The all India BJP party Meet was held in Goa and the delegates were housed 
lavishly in five star hotels. In the end the hotel and food BILLS were not paid 
for, by the Party, and Parrikar helped pay from Goa Tax payers Money. Is this 
not so? Will he reimburse Goa from his own kitty? How very Nice!
How then is Manohar Not Corrupt? He is also a Hindutva Fascist! Oh my God!
Panjimites!  Please Do Not Vote for this Fall Guy, Manohar Parrikar; let him 
loose his deposit, and thus teach him and the BJP a lesson. Then you can shove 
him into the St. Inez Nullah, where he has 'let breed' billions of Mosquitoes, 
during his reign as MLA for the Panjim seat. Ha! Ha! 
If Panjimites do vote for this 'unholy guy' again, then they alone will be to 
blame for all the communal swaraj that will follow!
Voters Please Think, SEE and LOOK hard at the consequences involved, before 
casting your precious vote. Think of Goa 's future, with Freedom for all and 
Prosperity, not BJP saffron Communal future.
Saffron Stnks, and so do all those wearing it! Get rid of them; if not Goans 
loose everything!
VIVA GOA; VIVA FREEDOM for All Communities. and Power to ALL!
Nascy Caldeira

[Goanet] The respective Manifestos!

2012-02-21 Thread Nascy Caldeira
The BJP Manifest is full of BRIBES for the people, to vote for them. The people 
are not told that all that Bribe will eventually come from their own money, 
through more taxes!
the Congress Manifest is full of promises and is indeed visionary, but that Goa 
needs Visionary and capable people to execute them. Never saffron leaders 
though, who talk of corruption and have to resort to Bribes in their Manifesto. 
What a Farce, Elections and Governing in Goa has become!
Nascy Caldeira.

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Re: [Goanet] Days' summary (02/19/2012)

2012-02-19 Thread Nascy Caldeira
I fully concur with Rajan on what he says here; not necessarily  his other 
More so on his acount of the Indian Navy not only in Goa but elswhere too.
Long ago I had wriiteen here that the Indian Navy Skills and resources should 
have been utilised to get the Infamous River Princess out of trouble off 
Candolim Beach.
 Perhaps the Navy had no skills?? and the meagre extra resources are spent on 
unimportant issues; and of course the Navy is in Goa only for the annual Ball, 
it defeinitely looks that way!. This too I had mentioned in the early years.
What Goa? The whole of India is inept and corrupt and totally in-efficient in 
these things.
The RTO Goa and everywhere else in India are a 'Laughing Stock'. All the 
officials from Top to Bottom need to be given 'ajut' with salt in the mix; that 
should 'cleanse' them! . That might cure them for good!
Nascy Caldeira.

 From: Rajan P. Parrikar
Sent: Monday, 20 February 2012 4:18 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Days' summary (02/19/2012)
To Goanet -

1) Goan politicians talk of development all the time.  What they mean
by the word always involves land, land conversion, digging, concrete,
and migrant labour.  What the tragedy underscored is that when it comes
to REAL development, Goa and India are firmly in the ranks of the
Third World.  It took 3 hours for the first responders to get to the accident
site.  Now this kind of development - to put in place trained professionals,
processes, systems, and procedures for such emergencies - is never on
anyone's mind here.  You can rest assured that there will be no lessons 
learnt.  There will be another tragedy, the same cycle of outcry, anger,
indignation will repeat.  

Indians have pretensions of being important, but really, they 
are a third rate nation.  The reports that the Navy response 
was inadequate did not surprise me at all.  The Indian Navy 
is in Goa to hold the Navy Ball and crown the Navy Queen.  
That's their job #1.  Job #2 of the Indian Navy is to usurp 
prime Goan land.  And the goal of every respectable pot-bellied 
Indian Navy officer posted to Goa is to find for himself a flat 
to settle here once his vacation, er, I mean, service in the Navy 
is over.  The whole world got confirmation of the hollow boasts
of Indians about their military following the terror attacks in Mumbai.
Commandos arriving in rickety old buses (luxury buses reserved
only for Tendulkar  Co), the slow motion rappelling from the
sitting duck of a helicopter (fortunately the terrorist numbers had 
depleted by then), all to the accompaniment of Burqa's hysterics.

2) There is some chatter in Goan circles, both online and in real life, about
how the tourists were inconvenienced by the cancellation of the
Carnival.  All I can say is, these Goans deserve a good 'ajuta'
up their you-know-what to clear all the detritus in their bird brains.


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Re: [Goanet] Save Goa from Self-centered Politicians

2012-02-13 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Please Save Goa,
From Sandeep Heble and the Fascist saffron Hitlerism imposing, moral Police 
and other fundamentalist groups, Political and Social that he and others are 
 Down with Imposition of any culture. Down with tinkering with Religious and 
Cultural Freedom
 Stand up for Cultural Freedom in equal measure for all communities.
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Sandeep Heble
Sent: Monday, 13 February 2012 4:20 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Save Goa from Self-centered Politicians
The Congress High Command has apparently given the 'Supari' of Panjim
constituency seat to Babush. Babush is expected to receive hundreds if
not thousands of crores of rupees as part of the bargain in the
process. Hundreds and thousands of crores because that is the price
Goa will have to pay for the destruction of fields, agriculture,
landscapes, greenery and every square inch of land were he to succeed
in his evil and nefarious designs. Despite being severely indicted in
the IT Report for large scale land conversions, Babush has managed to
have his way with the high command and has secured a sizeable number
of Assembly tickets for himself and his larger family which includes
his wife and quite a few of his other cronies. The Panaji Assembly
ticket has gone to his hand-picked Mayor Yatin Parekh, an elected
representative who in the last 6 years - first as a Deputy and now as
Mayor of the CCP - has allowed a beautiful city to rot and
deteriorate. Who has allowed all sorts of scams and frauds and
illegalities to persist and thrive in the CCP. Who has treated the
city in a step motherly manner by diverting funds meant for the
beautification and development of the capital city for the benefit and
welfare of Taleigao. The Monserrates and the Ranes and the Alemaos are
all set to capture the reigns of our beautiful state and Goa will be
gone forever were we not to vote decisively against them and all their
other cronies in the forthcoming Assembly Elections. Goa must be saved
and your vote can make a difference. Will you?

Sandeep Heble

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Re: [Goanet] Ranes, Alemaos and Monserrates, could control 19 constituencies

2012-02-13 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Dear all Goans,
Any strategy is valid to keep the saffron Communalists and Fascists out of 
power and thus avoid a Third World war, that will be unleashed on India if any 
Indian Hindu Fascist (mainly BJP) group ever comes to power. 
Corruption is a common factor in Indian Polity and Indian Life; but Communalism 
and Fascism (Hitlerism) the worst kind is  a strategic thrust factor for the 
BJP. They can only thrive on that. They do NOT have Good Policy for All 
Indians, all Indian Cultures. They want only saffron swastika Raj for 
themselves, not for all Indians. It is written thus in their constitution!
Communalism and Hitlerism is identifiable only with the BJP, the RSS, the Sangh 
Parivar, the Bajrang Dal, the Senas etc. No end to these groups coming up every 
day, with their Assault on our modern Culture. 
These groups are spoiling the Fair Name of India all over the world. No modern 
Indian can walk proud with head held high, because of these saffronite 
(bloodied red) colours.
Now is the Time!  
Shun them all to Kala Pani, the Andaman Islands, to live and die there. Why? 
Because they do not know : How to Live and Let live, in Freedom and Harmony. 
Nascy Caldeira


 From: Sandeep Heble
Sent: Monday, 13 February 2012 12:00 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Ranes, Alemaos and Monserrates, could control 19 
Ranes, Alemaos and Monserrates, could control 19 constituencies

There are so many disgruntled Congressmen flouncing out, resigning
from the party and standing as Independent candidates. They are doing
this for two reasons. Since the Congress will not be funding their
campaign, all they will do is play spoiler for the Congress. If they
win, they will definitely rejoin the Congress as did Vishwajit Rane,
Churchill Alemao, Reginald Lourenco and Babush Monserrate in the
fullness of time, using the rejoining as an opportunity to drive home
a good bargain. If they stand to lose and only play spoiler, eating
into the votebase of the Congress party, they could bargain with the
Congress to withdraw from the hustings at a price. Right now
everything is in a state of flux, with both Congress and BJP.

Vijay Pai Khot is feeling like all kinds of a fool after leaving the
BJP and joining Congress. The Congress waited till he joined them,
strung him along with the promise of a ticket and then gave it to
Isidore Fernandes who is being promoted by Babush Monserrate. Pai Khot
is now caught between a rock and a hard place.

Vijai Sardesai who was certain he was going to get the Congress ticket
in Fatorda found to his dismay his ticket given to M K Shaikh. Now he
is warning Goans of the dangers of a few families of the Congress
taking over the state. He is going to stand as an Independent.

About the few families taking over the state is a real and present
danger. The Rane duo of Pratapsing and Vishwajit will have control
over 8 constituencies if their protegees win. The Alemaos will have
four constituencies, maybe five is Reginaldo wins. Monserrate will
have Mayem if Rudresh  Chodankar wins, Canacona if Isidore Fernandes
wins, Taleigao, if his wife wins, Cumbharjua if Pandurang Madkaikar
wins, Priol if Madkaikar's brother Dhaku wins and the Santa Cruz
constituency if he wins. That is six constituencies. 19 seats between
the Monserrates, Ranes and Alemaos.

Now Goa's fate lies in the hands of the voters. Literally.


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Re: [Goanet] The Gospel provides powerful hope for India’s temple prostitutes | The CSF

2012-02-13 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Aree Sandesh,
The motives of the Church have always been to Uplift, the thinking, the 
philosophy and thereby, the resultant attitudes and way of life. 
To uplift from the primitiveness wherever found, and create a society where all 
men are cast EQUAL, not divided into castes etc and that too permanently. Hah 
 Sandesh has just shown how Ignorant he is and how Ignorance prevails thru 
saffron primitive ages' philosophy and propoganda. Can I say: Father forgive 
him for he deliberately has tuned himself to the idiosyncracies of the saffron 
God Save Mother India from Saffron Fascism and  RSS of the primitive ages!

Nascy Caldeira 

 From: Sandesh Anvekar
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Monday, 13 February 2012 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The Gospel provides powerful hope for India’s temple 
prostitutes | The CSF
in the end the motive of the Church is always to convert (as always)...

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Con Menezes wrote:

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Re: [Goanet] Goa's second Liberation must begin!

2012-02-06 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Goa second liberation must begin? YES!
But NEVER thru BJP, or any other saffron Hitler Nazi groupism.Vote and 
encourage the proper alternate group: the GRA- GSRP combine. and then only Goa 
has some Hope of Resurrection.
Anything else is like jumping from the Frying Pan into the Fire!
If the saffron fascists come to power, India will be scorned and isolated by 
all neighbors and the Muslim World and the Western World. The Third World War 
will begin, to destroy the second Hitlerism in India; many innocents will die 
in the cross fire; much of my country will be destroyed 'cause of the saffron 
Hitlerism! Then China will be enabled to 'walk in' and Chow Chow will be served 
for Divali and Ganesh!
Frightening Prospect indeed!
Is that what Goans /Indians want? 
NO, NO, NO; so shun these saffron groups, the BJP, the RSS etc; Send them in 
exile to the Andaman Islands  to live and die there! They deserve no more than 
that; Unless they have a Complete Change of Heart and Philosophy/Policy.
Please do not Vote  at all for this BJP/MGP combine! and Goa will be saved!
Nascy Caldeira.

 From: Sandeep Heble
Sent: Monday, 6 February 2012 5:04 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa's second Liberation must begin!
The Congress is scoring one self goal after another. Instead of taking
action against Babush Monserate who has been severely indicted on
serious graft charges by the IT Department, the party rewards him by
giving him its ticket from the St. Cruz constituency. The second
ticket may also soon come his way. And the Mayor Yatin Parekh who has
failed miserably to perform his basic duties of keeping the Panaji
city clean, neat and hygienic is now going to contest from Panjim.
Where is Goa heading? The Ranes and Naiks may have two and the Alemaos
may soon have their own Football Team in the Assembly which is going
to be a 'Nightmare on Goan Streets'. Goa is facing a bleak future with
3 or 4 self centered politicians wanting to control the destiny of our
once beautiful state. The World may not end in 2012 but Goa's future
most certainly will if we don't act decisively to prevent this. Goa's
second Liberation must begin!

Sandeep Heble

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Re: [Goanet] Posts delayed

2012-02-05 Thread Nascy Caldeira
I think U are mistakenly accusing F N in this regard. I have found that There 
were acute internet delays for various reasons I presume; I myself could not 
get the full downloads from Xapotam as well as Goanet thru the Yahoo system, 
these last two days!
 I did blame the same on Goa's eratic Power Supply. I would confidently call it 
EROTIC. The masses all watch Bollywood glamour on TV and when the power fails 
they all go into overdrive in the Dark; and that is the reason for over 
multiplication among Indian/Goan peoples.

I could assure the delays on Goanet are not based on religious or political 
affiliations. Never!
U talk of Bosco; let me say that when Bosco moderates my posts, half of them do 
not go through! So u should see that it is a sense of perception in a way!.
In fact I would welcome more and more Diverse Groups and individuals come on 
Goanet and thrash it out. However I do also believe that religion and religious 
and socio- religious practices MUST ALWAYS be PRIVATE! Not to be flaunted in 
Public but confined to 'religious service' areas only.
Why is Manohar Parrikar not on Goanet. Bring him in and any others too. Come on 
lets take him on and prove that M Parrikar is the biggest Saffron Indian Nazi, 
HITLER and  that will be the dirtiest worst FASCISM of all time in world 
history. Any Bets?
Nascy Caldeira. 

 From: Rajan P. Parrikar
Sent: Sunday, 5 February 2012 1:47 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Posts delayed
To Goanet -

Over time I have noticed that many of the posts are held up and
not posted on Goanet on time  This is invariably the case when 
Bosco is away or otherwise occupied with something else.

The local Admin - we know who - just cannot stomach that I
won't go away.  Not that he did not try.  He imagined that he could
embarrass me into leaving (like he has done with other Hindus in
the past, those especially who do not align with his pea-brained 
Leftist drivel).  But boy, was he in for a surprise or two.  Or three.

Fellows such as these are the intolerant guys, frauds who masquerade 
as free speech champions, but who would clamp down on divergent 
opinions if they could.  Fortunately, he can't.

I will continue to post on Goanet (I read it sporadically, however) at
my own pleasure.  You get the finest photographs ever taken on Goa,
on every aspect on Goa, from a Goan who knows things first hand.
And you get the finest opinions on matters Goan, put forth without
fear, and in the finest prose around (even the gaalis are world-class).



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Re: [Goanet] Banana Republic Congress Jamboree

2012-02-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira
It does not have to be a choice of either Congress or the saffron  castesit, 
Nazi like Indian Hitlerites, the bjp.
Give a blood line/ life line to the new GRA-GSRP combine; and hope that at 
least they will resurrect GOA!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Carvalho
Sent: Friday, 3 February 2012 4:06 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Banana Republic Congress Jamboree
Remember the day Tony de Sa was so perturbed by the state of the toilet in 
Panjim that he ran home and wrote an open letter to Digu. Poor Tony didn't know 
that Digu is actually indifferent to the sight and smell of shite. So 
indifferent is he to merde, that on the same day that Babush has been accused 
of taking bribes to the extent of 24 crores, the headlines read that Congress 
will in all probability be giving their ticket to Babush in Santa Cruz.
So dear Tony, rest assured the pipe from the police station into the Mandovi 
River is not the only pipe funnelling merde into the River.  Congress is 
effectively the most indifferent party to merde of every sort. There is not an 
ounce of moral fibre in this party.
I hope to God, BJP comes into power. Five years of yatras, morchas, hurt 
sentiments at the drop of a hat, attacks on Bishops Palace, calling for change 
of road names, smashing of anything that looks Portuguese or Christian, 
cancelling of Christian holidays, suspicious VCDs with revisionist history 
don't sound so bad when compared to the general toilet Congress has managed to 
turn Goa into.

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2012-02-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira
What is all this long long CRAP that you are writing; take this topic, it it 
has any validity, to a Church Admin Forum; not this one.
Do you not see that No One is responding to your nonsense and that no one is 
interested in your despicable posts!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: jm
Sent: Friday, 3 February 2012 8:56 PM
 A Frenchman by the name Rene LeBouvier who was baptized when he was kid has
decided to quit catholicism but his local catholic church has refused from
de-baptising or un-baptizing him from Catholicism…..This Frenchman has
filed a application in French court and wants the courts there to issue
order to his local catholic church to de-baptize him and remove him from
the registers of the church.

Jorge Monteiro

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Re: [Goanet] SPORTS CONVENTION on Sunday 5th February 2012

2012-02-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hello goanetters, and Goans/Indians in general,  
I cannot comprehend how there can be any 'grace' at a function by the Rascist, 
Fascist, Casteist, and like BJP and other Saffron Shitty groups with their 
policy of primitive ages!  
Let there be 'Liberty, Equality and Fraternity' among all Indians.
Let the Philosophy. Policy and the Law (and other Rules), govern this 
'important dimension' in India. 
They are FOOLS who want to dominate others by Caste, Casteism that is Rascism. 
They will eventualy go Hitler's way!
Down with saffron casteist primitive fascism! And Indian Hindu Hitlerism! 
Nascy Caldeira.

 From: Sandeep Heble
 Subject: [Goanet] SPORTS CONVENTION on Sunday 5th February 2012
Bharatiya Janata Party(Goa Pradesh)
Sports Cell
Cordially invites you
for the
on Sunday 5th February 2012
at 3.30pm at communidade Hall, Mangor Hill, Vasco - Goa.

Please be there and grace the occasion

(Dilip Naik- Secretary)

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Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar

2012-01-30 Thread Nascy Caldeira
dear Jose,
U have clearly stated in your list, that U prefer M Parrikar as Ch. 
Minister among other things in the list.
That way one is misguiding an already confused electorate. 
I was totally taken aback when U wrote thus, in yr post in response to my 
post to Rajan under the topic: issues for coming elections. If U wanted to have 
your comments then sure U should have done so seperately but not under 
your response to something that I wanted a response from Rajan himself.
By replying thus, U called it 'wrong' 'filthy' in some word that I could not 
find in my dictionary. I will have to go in for a more elaborate version and 
size of dictionary, I feel.
I know it is not your opinion, per se; U also said that U would refuse 
'kangaroo meat' when in AU; Totally unrelated to any topic on goanet. That 
means U were under influence of a very Big Dose?? But then it is possible that 
U might have had a heavy dose of Bacardi or such, to be influenced  thus. This 
is what happens during election time in Goa/India every time. NO?
No hard feelings. What is said; let it pass.
Nascy Caldeira

 From: J. Colaco   jc
To: Nascy Caldeira; 
Sent: Sunday, 29 January 2012 6:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar
On 28 January 2012 08:07, Nascy Caldeira wrote
to Ole Xac BC:

Aree Baba,
Please tell this to our shannah Dr Jose Colaco too. He still wants
'wolf in sheep's clothing' as Cheap Minister! That is what he clearly
implied in his unwaranted response to something I said to 'r'
Parrikar!    Huurah! I often wonder how the inherent corruption
spreads even to seemingly nice people!


Mogal Nascy,

Accepting that English is a straightforward language, I invite you to
refer me to the post in which I indicated/implied that I wanted a
'wolf in sheep's clothing' as Cheap Minister.



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Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar

2012-01-28 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Aree Baba,
Please tell this to our shannah Dr Jose Colaco too. He still wants 'wolf in 
sheep's clothing' as Cheap Minister! That is what he clearly implied in his 
unwaranted response to something I said to 'r' Parrikar!
 Huurah! I often wonder how the inherent corruption spreads even to seemingly 
nice people!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Bernado Colaco
Sent: Friday, 27 January 2012 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar
The anti Catholic CD is all over Youtube and highly patronized by the RSS. It 
is a shame that some Goans continue patronizing this evil man.


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Re: [Goanet] Issues for the upcoming election

2012-01-17 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Your perception and deliberate confusion in your systematic pointers only shows 
your TRUE COLOURS! The Saffron shitty Colour! The colours of Fascim and 
Communalism of the lowest order compared to any in the world, I say!
Have U not read on what is happenning in Madhya Pradesh? Or do U have saffron 
blinkers on??
By keeping quiet on these and like matters U are confirming that U are a 
follower and strong fascist and a Saffron  Facist. Worse than Nazi Fascism!
How dare U take the 'Focus off' these blatant anti people philosophy and deeds; 
and divert the attention to anti Muslim and other carrots for the thrust of the 
BJP Communalists.
 Do U have the courage to publish 'in toto' the manifesto and the philosophy of 
the BJP and like parties and groups supporting these sordid,  stupid thought, 
wallahs? Please do so and then let us Discuss and split open all the dirty 
fascist communal tricks.
It is a Human Right, a Cultural Right to use animals and slaughter and Eat the 
flesh as per the people's choice and cultural competence. So how can one group 
of 'un-enlightened primitive' people IMPOSE their beliefs and way of life on 
the 'Enlightend' cultural groups??
The policy and law should be: Live and let Live; equal freedom for all and No 
Imposition. These stupidities coming from BJP wallas, is against the grain and 
cultural thought and deeds covering a big majority of the world!
Indians cannot be a world unto themselves; So Confirm to World Standards Now.
I will not waste any more time refuting your sordid philosophy again. I hope 
the people of Goa and India see thru all this and 'rout the fascist BJP 
un-enlightened culture primitive groups.
If U are so enamoured with muslims, then why do U and the other leaders of the 
BJP march, like satyagiris, into PoKasmir and liberate the people there; 
instead of Kandhamal and Godhra and Babri on unarmed helpless people going 
about their daily lives peacefully? Hmmm? Bring all the BJP wallah fascists on 
this forum amd let the enlightened people take them down one by one. R U up to 
the challenge?
SHAME ON YOU, Rajan Parrikar. 
Stop diverting the FOCUS of the people from the IMPORTANT ISSUES and other more 
compelling stuff.
Nascy Caldeira. 

 From: Rajan P. Parrikar
Sent: Monday, 16 January 2012 4:38 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Issues for the upcoming election
To Goanet -

Has any party or Goan politician offered Goans any platform to deal with 
the migrants swamping Goa?  Is there a single Goan politician with the 
courage to tell Delhi that we will not be jerked around any more?  In
other words, is there anyone who is sticking up for Goa and Goans any more?
I guess not.  So why is this election of any interest at all?  Goans should 
just accept that Goa is now a squalid Indian ghati land and melt away.

I can tell you one thing: if Goa were 75% muslim in 1961, we wouldn't be 
having this conversation.  Because in 2000, that percentage would have
increased to 99% muslim (by the magic wand known as ethnic cleaning - ask 
the Kashmiri pandits for details), and the Comrades lead by Susan Arundhati Roy 
would be defecating in foreign publications about India's oppression of Goa.  
Dilli babus, being the cowards that they are, wouldn't have dared to walk
the streets of Panjim in broad daylight in that case. 


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