Re: Of interest to the Independent Contractors on the list

2010-05-22 Thread Ed Gould

From: Graeme Gibson
Sent: Wed, May 19, 2010 6:13:37 AM
Subject: Re: Of interest to the Independent Contractors on the list

 How many of those Prophets of Doom knew what they were talking about but it 
 worked for most executives.

The doom would have been real enough if the prophets had been ignored.


I always thought that even IBM cut it real close when it came to fixing SMF 
records. I vaguely remember some ptf's coming out in last 1990's fixing a 
record. Since its been over 10 years my memory cannot come up with specifics 
other than I remember some.

I agree that with out the doom sayers management would never have paid any 
attention (or very little). I know for sure my code for SMF record(s) reporting 
needed a few tweaks here and  there. I would have hated to fix the reporting 
program I wrote in 197x as that was a program that even I was amazed at as to 
its efficiency. I am pretty sure the kludge that would have had to be redone 
would not have been pretty.


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Re: very strange ISHELL behaviour

2010-05-22 Thread Brian Westerman
I have access to a test system in Dallas as well, and it appears to function
correctly for me.

Have you made any changes to the default configuration that they supplied?


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Re: z/OS 1.11 Dallas RDP system request (was very strange ISHELL behaviour)

2010-05-22 Thread Brian Westerman
I have access to the Dallas system as well.  I'm assuming that you mean
/u/ibmuser/.sh_history.  It works for me, is there another one in another
location that you want me to test?

Sorry if things don't line up well when I paste them.

step 1:

   File  Directory  Special_file  Commands  Help
 Directory List 

 Select one or more files with / or action codes.  If / is used also select an  
 action from the action bar otherwise your default action will be used.  Select 
 with S to use your default action.  Cursor select can also be used for quick   
 navigation.  See help for details. 
 EUID=0   /u/ibmuser/   
   Type  Filename   Row 1 of 3  
 _ Dir   .  
 _ Dir   .. 
 e File  .sh_history

step 2

   File  Directory  Special_file  Commands  Help   
 - +---+ --
   |  Select Edit or Browse Options|   
   |   |   
 S | Enter options for edit:   | s used also select an 
 a | Profile name . . . .  |  will be used.  Select
 w | Initial macro  . . .  | so be used for quick  
 n |   |   
 E | Select additional options:|   
   | _  Edit or browse command line on bottom  |Row 1 of 3 
 _ | _  Bypass this panel on edit  |   
 _ |   |   
 e |   |   
   |   |   

just press enter and you get step 3

  File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help
EDIT   /u/ibmuser/.sh_history  Columns 1 00072 
Command ===  Scroll === PAGE 
** * Top of Data **
==MSG -CAUTION- Data contains invalid (non-display) characters. Use command   
==MSG   === FIND P'.' to position cursor to these
==MSG -Warning- The UNDO command is not available until you change
==MSG   your edit profile using the command RECOVERY ON.  
01  cd /u/ivp  
02   etpval
03   etpvalc   
04   ctof  
05   man -ls   
06   man ls
07   exit  
08   cd /u/ivp 
09   ctof  
10   exit  
11   cd /u 
12   cd ivp
13   etpval
14   exit  
15   cd /u/dasuser/das/adm 

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Re: SDSF Authority Change with z/OS 1.9

2010-05-22 Thread Brian Westerman
When using the old parms, it's likely that they have not 'lost access but
that they have changed their settings and can't see the output because of

To be sure, when they are in the output queue, they should type the PREFIX
command with no options.  

If they still can't see it, they should type H ALL

If they STILL can't see it, then it could be that you have actually changed
the parms from the previous release, and you just need to locate the
actual parms that you are using, sometimes people will have steplibs, or
another set of the parms will be in a linklist library that precedes the one
you think you are using.

It's usually something quite simple like that.  The parms are pretty
straightforward, and remember that they are first match oriented, so the
first group that they match, is the one that they will use, it's not best
match, just first match.

If you still can't get this fixed after the above, send me you parms and the
userid and the TSO authorizations of the user in question, (i.e. JCL, OPER,
etc.) and I'll let you know what the problem was/is.


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Re: SDSF Authority Change with z/OS 1.9

2010-05-22 Thread Lizette Koehler
Have you had the user do a WHO in SDSF and confirm that you are using the
correct ISFPRM00?  Maybe there is a default one shipped with the system you
do not know you are picking up?  Or perhaps you need to check on if the
ISFPRM00 was compiled from before and the wrong version is in the LINKLST

I would look at the ISFGRP and SDSF member being used and make sure they
match from before the upgrade.


 Hello group, I have another puzzler that I haven't solved yet.  We've
 migrated from z/OS 1.7 to 1.9 and some people have lost the ability to
 view output that is in held class 5.
 This doesn't seem to be affecting everyone  as there's lots of entries
 in class 5 and various jobs and I've only heard from two people.
 We're using the SDSF server with ISFPRM00 in a pds, not external
 security.  Any clues how I can rectify this?  The SDSF manual is a lot
 less clear on non-SAF security than it used to be.

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Re: ServerPac and HBBN700G problem (WAS OEM)

2010-05-22 Thread R.S.

W dniu 2010-05-21 22:12, Steve Dover pisze:

Friday afternoon, thought I was going to be done.  I have the same problem.
Freshly installed z/OS V1.11, buckets pulled and installed.  Had hired help who
ran into problems before he left, so I picked up where he left off.  Had to run
the HBBN700I job to back off previous run of HBBN700G, then reran 700G.
Have all the same logs, with all the same messages.  Was this problem ever

Well, maybe. I've got several answers off-list (THANK YOU!). All of them 
did not resolve the problem, most of them simply gave up and omitted the 
OSMF and all related components. It seems that Simplify is as true for 
OSMF as Green for z10. (Explanation: green z10 consumes 50% more 
power. OSMF is meant to simplify management, but it requires singinicant 
amount of sysprog time to be installed).

Of course YMMV, I'm sure that someone somewhere does use it.

BTW: The tool is almost completely unintegrated with ServerPac. All the 
datasets EXCEPT WAS OEM and OSMF and Co are managed in organized way. 
RACFTGT job contains numerous mistakes (even obvious ones) and requires 
serious modifications. The worst thing I met and still not resolved is 
HBBN700G - the worst is lack of messages. The way of communication 
remains the Windows. That's very hard accusation, but justified IMHO g

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

Sd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy 
XII Wydzia Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sdowego, 
nr rejestru przedsibiorców KRS 025237

NIP: 526-021-50-88
Wedug stanu na dzie 01.01.2009 r. kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA (w caoci 
wpacony) wynosi 118.763.528 zotych. W zwizku z realizacj warunkowego 
podwyszenia kapitau zakadowego, na podstawie uchway XXI WZ z dnia 16 marca 
2008r., oraz uchway XVI NWZ z dnia 27 padziernika 2008r., moe ulec 
podwyszeniu do kwoty 123.763.528 z. Akcje w podwyszonym kapitale zakadowym 
BRE Banku SA bd w caoci opacone.

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ZFS problems

2010-05-22 Thread R.S.
Recently I first time IPLed z/OS 1.11. I followed IBM's recommendations 
and completely switched to ZFS filesystem (this is default in 
ServerPac). So long so good.
However, possibly after some unclean system close (this is sandbox 
system) I had serious problems with IPL. OMVS could not initialize for 
approx. 50 minutes. I guess during the time a checking of ZFS structures 
had a place. A lng time. Imagine you have to restart your production 
system after some (i.e. power) failure. And you have more filesystems 
than ROOT. DUe to lack of OMVS no TCPIP communication was possible. Only 
console and (AFAIR) non-SNA terminals.

Is the above one of numerous enhancements of ZFS?

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy 
XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, 
nr rejestru przedsiębiorców KRS 025237

NIP: 526-021-50-88
Według stanu na dzień 01.01.2009 r. kapitał zakładowy BRE Banku SA (w całości 
wpłacony) wynosi 118.763.528 złotych. W związku z realizacją warunkowego 
podwyższenia kapitału zakładowego, na podstawie uchwały XXI WZ z dnia 16 marca 
2008r., oraz uchwały XVI NWZ z dnia 27 października 2008r., może ulec 
podwyższeniu do kwoty 123.763.528 zł. Akcje w podwyższonym kapitale zakładowym 
BRE Banku SA będą w całości opłacone.

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Re: ZFS problems

2010-05-22 Thread Shane Ginnane
Radoslaw, this sounds like journal (log) replay issues.
I guessing you had the root mounted read/write. You *really* don't want to be 
doing that - even 
on test systems, remount as r/w only for the time you need it (say for mkdir).

zFS has had its share of latch contension issues, but I'd lean toward it 
attempting recovery.

Shane ...

On Sat, May 22nd, 2010 at 9:43 PM, R.S. 

 However, possibly after some unclean system close (this is sandbox
 system) I had serious problems with IPL. OMVS could not initialize
 for approx. 50 minutes. I guess during the time a checking of ZFS
 structures  had a place. A lng time. Imagine you have to restart your
 system after some (i.e. power) failure. And you have more filesystems
 than ROOT. DUe to lack of OMVS no TCPIP communication was possible.
 Only console and (AFAIR) non-SNA terminals.

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Re: Extrac ting BIND/ Link-edit date from a program object or load modul e‏

2010-05-22 Thread Rick Fochtman

An IDR is an IDR is an IDR. 'Translator' IDRs are not different in 
format from putative 'user' IDRs; nor do they appear in some canonical 
sequence that makes them distinguishable from others. That said, any 
competent HLASM programmer can retrieve existing ones or create and 
timestamp a new one. A number of ISVs have indeed succeeded in 
retrieving them in order to incorporate the information they contain in 
their own products' outputs.

Dig out your old Linkage Editor PLM and check the record descriptions. 
IDRs have four different type of data, but a single physical record can 
only contain one of the types. Since I haven't looked at program 
objects, I won't dispute the point in that case.

Moreover, it has been a long time since the linkage editor extracted 
such information from translator-generated END statements; and the 
binder never did. (The historical use that CICS made of [different] 
information appended to END statements made this operation problematic 
early on.) They (and the translators, which associate them with object 
modules) have generated their own IDRs for decades.

Funny thing. My most recent PL/1 objects don't contain anything but ESD, 
TXT, RLD and END records. Where's the IDR? On my Assembler objects, it's 
there in the END record for all the world to see.


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Re: SDSF Authority Change with z/OS 1.9

2010-05-22 Thread Schwartz, Alan
All solved.  There was a usermod to ISFUSER that was overlooked.
IBM gave great guidance:

The symptom looks like either the SDSF class and/or the JESSPOOL class

is activated on the system.  When either one of those 2 classes is  
activated, and when you have not customized the SDSF user exit, then the
dummy SDSF user 
exit we shipped will direct SDSF to make decision on who can see which
jobs using the 
external security instead of the ISFPRMxx.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Lizette Koehler
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 6:11 AM
Subject: Re: SDSF Authority Change with z/OS 1.9

Have you had the user do a WHO in SDSF and confirm that you are using
the correct ISFPRM00?  Maybe there is a default one shipped with the
system you do not know you are picking up?  Or perhaps you need to check
on if the ISFPRM00 was compiled from before and the wrong version is in
the LINKLST somewhere.

I would look at the ISFGRP and SDSF member being used and make sure they
match from before the upgrade.


 Hello group, I have another puzzler that I haven't solved yet.  We've 
 migrated from z/OS 1.7 to 1.9 and some people have lost the ability to

 view output that is in held class 5.
 This doesn't seem to be affecting everyone  as there's lots of entries

 in class 5 and various jobs and I've only heard from two people.
 We're using the SDSF server with ISFPRM00 in a pds, not external 
 security.  Any clues how I can rectify this?  The SDSF manual is a lot

 less clear on non-SAF security than it used to be.

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Re: Configuring HOSTNAME for OMVS segment

2010-05-22 Thread Chris Mason

Ideally, you would be posting in IBMTCP-L rather than IBM-MAIN since that is 
where you will find the greater concentration of folk who know and use the IP 
component of z/OS Communications Server - and also TCP/IP for VM.

I'm going to assume IPv4 from this point on.

This is a tricky topic - mixed in with another tricky topic - so it's best to 
very clear over what you have done.

 We have changed the IP address of our test mainframe ...

First to clear away possibly incorrect terminology. An IP address belongs to an 
IP *interface*. An IP address does *not* belong to an IP node. You may have 
established a static VIPA and you may consider that this IP address 
represents the IP logic in the test LPAR, the IP node, to be referenced by 
applications which are necessarily associated with the IP node such as the 
SNMP agent. Or your IP node may have only one IP interface and so you have 
got into the habit of thinking of the interface address as belonging to the 
node - quite understandable.

Actually whether the IP address is actually that of an interface or a static 
VIPA you logically associate with the node doesn't in fact affect the remaining 
discussion so very much.

Incidentally, the above was neither of the trick topics!

 We have changed the IP address of our test mainframe and the DNS names 
for the same.

So you have changed the IP address which you associate with the IP node 
and you have added an entry in the name server to which you refer which 
includes the new IP address and you have defined a name for it. You have 
removed the entry in the name server which contained the old address with 
which another name was associated.

What do you mean by

 we check the hostname in OMVS segment still showing old DNS name ... ?


 ... but MVS side it showing the new DNS name. ?

In other words what command is it that you enter and what is the output. Or 
perhaps it was not a command but some other operation which reveals a name 
which you imagine is the name stored with the IP address in the name server.

This is the first *tricky* topic: from where does the name in your tests come?

A. Some operations in an IP context take an IP address and, using whatever 
information is provided in order to perform the translation of IP addresses 
names, use the gethostbyaddr() API call for the translation.

B. Other operations discover an IP address using the gethostid() API call and 
use that IP address, identified explicitly or by default as the 
PRIMARYINTERFACE and, using whatever information is provided in order to 
perform the translation of IP addresses into names, use the gethostbyaddr() 
API call for the translation.

C. Yet other operations simply acquire the name using the gethostname() API 
call without any reference to IP addresses or, of course, information provided 
in order to perform the translation of IP addresses into names.

All these operations now depend on the other *tricky* topic: where is your 
generically named TCPIP.DATA file?

Incidentally, it is here that Patrick Lyon's extremely sparse contribution 
possibly relevant since it highlights where the UNIX and MVS paths have a 

The relevance of the TCPIP.DATA file is that it contains the character string 
which satisfies the gethostname() API call as the HOSTNAME statement[1] - 
and - the statements used to access the name server - or a local file.

There is a search order which, if you have customised your resolver function, 
can involve merging parameters from two data sets - I did say *tricky*!

The search order is as follows:


Base resolver configuration files


plus the first of the following%

* Environment variable - RESOLVER_CONFIG
* /etc/resolv.conf
  //SYSTCPD DD statement

* only UNIX

# x is userid for UNIX and userid/jobname/procname for MVS
% If GLOBALTCPIPDATA used, the following are completely specified there:


The following may be found in the search order data set:



You see that Patrick Lyon's /etc/resolver.conf file just about fits in here 
although it is more accurately /etc/resolv.conf.

It is actually an extension of the TCPIP.DATA tricky topic to be sure whether 
the IP function uses the UNIX environment or the MVS environment. My 
notes on the resolver, from which the above notes were taken, have 17 - I 
just counted them - *unresolved* questions concerning confusion in what is 
stated in the manual.

Just to muddy the water, I believe there are some commands which distort 
the story just given by insisting on performing name 

Re: Of interest to the Independent Contractors on the list

2010-05-22 Thread Tony Harminc
On 21 May 2010 08:10, Binyamin Dissen wrote:
 On Fri, 21 May 2010 06:43:42 -0400 Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

 :Indeed. On the flip side, not every Y2K bug was worth fixing. At NSF
 :we had a monitor that showed the date as 19100; the only real effect
 :that bug had was to provoke the occasional chuckle.

 So it was smart enough to know that it needed 3 digits for the end part of the
 year, but then it concatenated the string '19' in front?

 One wonders who programmed such a thing (unless it was PL/I which would do
 that automatically).

Typical C programming style combined with C library behaviour produced
this in many many programs. I have a Windows fax program that came
with a Dell machine in 1998 or so (called Focal Point - long out of
business). It still runs fine, except that it cranks out the date as

Tony H.

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VSE with DB2 on zLinux

2010-05-22 Thread Arye Shemer
Has anyone had experience with z/VSE connected to DB2 on zLinux ?

If yes, it would be much appreciated to get some performance
information like number of queries per second or any other numbers.

Thank you,


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Re: Getting BIND/LINK date out of load module members

2010-05-22 Thread Frank Swarbrick
First, LIBR is a program, not a proc (VSE defaults to PGM, not PROC, on the 
EXEC statement).  LIBR is a VSE operating system component.  LIBR can be used 
to catalog, for example, an OBJ module in to a VSE library:

...object module goes here...

On the other hand, LNKEDT (the VSE linkage editor) is used to catalog an 
executable phase (VSE load module) to a VSE library:


The lines between OPTION CATAL and EXEC LNKEDT are instructions to the linkage 
editor.  This instructs it to create phase named DDAR04 from DDAR04.OBJ found 
in the system library search chain (something that z/OS does not have).  The 
LIBDEF PHASE,CATALOG=USER.PROD JCL statement specifies the destination VSE 
library name, the the OPTION CATAL JCL statement instructs the linkage editor 
to catalog it's result to that library.

Is this the same product library as is LIBR?  Well, they are both part of 
VSE.  And for all I know (I am not a systems programmer) LIBR could be used 
under the covers by LNKEDT.
Anyway, as far as I know, these are the only two methods of placing a member in 
a VSE library.  Even an application program would, I assume, call LIBR or 
LNKEDT to place something in a VSE library.

Seems to me this standard of placing things in a library is a good thing.  YMMV.


Frank Swarbrick
Applications Architect - Mainframe Applications Development
FirstBank Data Corporation - Lakewood, CO  USA
P: 303-235-1403

On 5/21/2010 at 7:18 PM, in message, Rick Fochtman wrote:
I am not interested in it being in the load module (or program object), 
 though that may be useful for things other than what I am specifically 
 concerned about.  I am interested in it being in the directory (be it PDS or 

Here is my specific concern.  If a new module is to be implemented today 
 (though perhaps bind/linked prior to today and then copied in to the load 
 library today) I want to be able to verify for sure that it was done.  
 Sometimes our production migration process has failed in that the actual of 
 the load module to production was forgotten, or somehow failed, or something. 
  In VSE I can do this:


And I get a nice report of the members in the USER.PROD VSE library, like 

TIME: 18:41 


ACCTCHEK PHASE02-02-20 08-06-04  35984 B  37 YES  NO  31 ANY
ACCTNO   PHASE08-07-31 09-02-26  21080 B  22 YES  NO  31 ANY
ACDSTAT1 PHASE03-06-13   -  -12344 B  13 YES  NO  31 ANY
ACDSTAT2 PHASE03-06-13   -  -54064 B  55 YES  NO  31 ANY
ACHCVT   PHASE07-07-25 07-08-28  24688 B  25 YES  NO  31 ANY

Is that not very useful?

 Frank, what you're asking for is not unreasonable. Unfortunately, 
 directory entry data can vary from product and there are no set 
 standards beyond the first 12 bytes. For example, what product created 
 the members in this example? Does your LIBR proc use something from the 
 same product family to create this listing? Do all those dates get 
 appropriately updated when you move the member into USER.PROD? Is that 
 move done by another piece of this Product family? There are just too 
 many variables to be able to say that This product or program will give 
 you a similar or equivalent listing. The high level of flexibility of 
 z/OS and its predecessors is in part due to this lack of concrete 
 standards. It's not always helpful for those of us that manage system 
 resources, etc., but it's part of the evolution, whether we like it or not.
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Re: VSE with DB2 on zLinux

2010-05-22 Thread Frank Swarbrick
We were doing this for a few years, but in fact actually moved to DB2 on Intel 
because we were having performance issues with Linux for System z.  From what 
I've heard on the internet I think it was simply a Linux for z tuning issue, 
but the inhouse VSE/VM sysprogs and (distributed) Linux admins spent months 
trying to tune it, but in the end management directed them to just go to Intel. 
 Frustrating, because I think if we'd contacted some outside experts we could 
have got it working; but...

Anyway, we now actually have DB2 and Federation Server running on Intel, and we 
use Federation Server to access our Oracle (on Intel) databases.  So we go 
z/VSE application - remote DB2 / Fed Server - Oracle.  We get adequate 
performance, that's all I'll say.

Of course that's only for one more week!  A week from tonight we cut over to 
z/OS.  So we'll have z/OS application - DB2 for z/OS - remote DB2 / Fed 
Server - Oracle.  Wheee  :-)  I added an additional step because on z/OS 
the application address space communicates with the DB2 address space, which 
then communicates with the remote DB2 server.  On VSE the application address 
space itself goes directly (using DRDA) to the remote server.

I'd be glad to answer more specific questions, but I don't know how to get you 
numbers or statistics.


Frank Swarbrick
Applications Architect - Mainframe Applications Development
FirstBank Data Corporation - Lakewood, CO  USA
P: 303-235-1403

On 5/22/2010 at 1:09 PM, in message, Arye Shemer wrote:
 Has anyone had experience with z/VSE connected to DB2 on zLinux ?
 If yes, it would be much appreciated to get some performance
 information like number of queries per second or any other numbers.
 Thank you,
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Re: VSE with DB2 on zLinux

2010-05-22 Thread Rich Smrcina
This is very difficult to quantify, as it depends upon a great many things;
the speed of the CP that z/VSE is running on, the speed of the IFL that
Linux is running on, whether or not hipersockets is in use, the MTU size of
the link, the release of z/VSE, the release of DB2 LUW, the number of rows
in the query... and there's likely to be more that I can't think of right
off the top of my head.

I might suggest requesting reference accounts that have been through this

On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Arye Shemer wrote:

 Has anyone had experience with z/VSE connected to DB2 on zLinux ?

 If yes, it would be much appreciated to get some performance
 information like number of queries per second or any other numbers.

 Thank you,


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Rich Smrcina
Velocity Software, Inc.

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Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-22 Thread Chris Mason

 Does Enterprise Extender still function with 1.11?

Has there been an IBM announcement that says Enterprise Extender (EE) has 
been withdrawn? I would find this enormously surprising given the massive 
investment in new functions which can be found going from z/OS 
Communications Server release to release for EE - which, after much research 
and quite a bit of frustration with the level of IBM APAR documentation these 
days, I discover is the source of the FUD being put about by Brian Peterson 
and - although appearing only in Google and not the regular archives - Tom 

All this to say nothing of the ostrich egg that will be on my face for 
encouraging the customer where I work from time to time to rely upon EE for a 
major set of support functions within the network.

Were you perhaps burned by the withdrawal of AnyNet SNA over IP a few 
releases back and so are driven quivering into a corner by any release 
movement involving SNA over IP? Recall that Enterprise Extender was the 
migration path provided - even if you were likely to lose an arm and a leg in 
the migration process - for AnyNet SNA over IP. It was the poor folk who saw 
the - theoretical - advantages of using AnyNet IP over SNA who suffered 
being cast into outer darkness with no migration support when they were cut 
off at the knees.

 Does either system require any service?

In principle, in asking a question such as this one it's important to know 
platform is in use supporting EE in your partner data center so that you can 
check compatibility. It need not be z/OS Communications Server. It could be 
one of a range of other IBM Communications Server products including the one 
which runs on Linux for System z or whatever the favourite name is this week. 
The other platforms are Windows and AIX and Linux on Intel architecture. Also 
we mustn't forget the AS/400 or again whatever the favourite name is this 
week. Then there are the non-IBM platform such as Microsoft's Host 
Integration Server (HIS) or Cisco's SNA Switching Services (SNASw). Actually 
I can't say the list is endless!

But all of this is moot. EE is an architecture. This means that all the 
work towards a common implementation agreed by all. Thus you are entitled 
to assume - and, after alarums and excursions thanks to Brian Peterson and 
Tom Longfellow, it is shown to be a valid assumption - that any 
implementation of EE at any level of supporting software with function quite 
happily with any other implementation of EE at any level of supporting 
software - point final!

If there were really to be any showstoppers, your - or your partner's - 
regular search - due diligence - for high impact maintenance would have 
caught it. 


So to what were Brian Peterson and Tom Longfellow referring with their FUD - 
less onerous in Tom's case, I'm happy to say, since he gave a clue where to 
go and find out what it might really have been all about.

From Brian Peterson:

 I am pretty sure there was an incompatibility with EE across some number of 
z/OS releases. Your z/OS 1.4 system might NOT be able to connect to a new 
z/OS 1.11 system via EE. Last year, we almost had to delay our z/OS 1.10
implementation due to downlevel partnersas I recall.

From Tom Longfellow:

 Search the IBM or Share websites for Marna Walle's excellent presentations 
on migration actions for z/OS 1.11. I think I remember a reference to a back-
level EE connection problem.

Thanks to Tom's hint to go looking into presentations on the web, I 
discovered that Brian had managed to convert the word compatibility in a 
section I found in the document, IBM Communications Server v6.4.0 for Linux 
INSTALLATION AND RELEASE NOTES on System p 5724-I33 entitled 1.3  
Product compatibility where three APARs were listed into incompatibility - 
quite missing all the subtlety in what the purpose of the APARs was.

After looking into - as far as I could - the three APAR fixes it was suggested 
could be installed in various z/OS releases in order to improve compatibility 
with the functions available in the release of Communications Server on Linux I 
found in two cases we were talking about some optional new function - in 
other words confusion caused by IBM striving to provide enhancements to a 
very much alive EE architecture!

I hope you noticed that the words improve and enhancements were used 
there. We are absolutely ***not*** talking about showstoppers and - 
please correct me if I'm wrong - you had in mind showstoppers rather than 
the somewhat obscure facility such as Enterprise Extender connection 
network reachability awareness as implemented through the UNRCHTIM start 
option and operand of the PORT or GROUP (preferred) statement in the XCA 
major node - which I dread having to try to explain to the customer folk for 
whom I work from time to time in an education session concerning the design I 
have foisted on them.

The point is that, for this function to work 

Re: ZFS problems

2010-05-22 Thread Mark Zelden
You should mount the sysres zFS files read only (as you should have been
doing with HFS also).  But also make sure you have this in your zFS parms:

romount_recovery=on/* see APAR OA22351 */  

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS  
Mark's MVS Utilities: 
Systems Programming expert at

On Sat, 22 May 2010 23:19:28 +1000, Shane Ginnane wrote:

Radoslaw, this sounds like journal (log) replay issues.
I guessing you had the root mounted read/write. You *really* don't want to
be doing that - even
on test systems, remount as r/w only for the time you need it (say for mkdir).

zFS has had its share of latch contension issues, but I'd lean toward it
attempting recovery.

Shane ...

On Sat, May 22nd, 2010 at 9:43 PM, R.S.

 However, possibly after some unclean system close (this is sandbox

 system) I had serious problems with IPL. OMVS could not initialize
 for approx. 50 minutes. I guess during the time a checking of ZFS
 structures  had a place. A lng time. Imagine you have to restart your
 system after some (i.e. power) failure. And you have more filesystems
 than ROOT. DUe to lack of OMVS no TCPIP communication was possible.
 Only console and (AFAIR) non-SNA terminals.

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Re: ZFS problems

2010-05-22 Thread Shane Ginnane
You have to wonder why this is even a consideration.
The journal should be run automagically unless the customer chooses not to. In 
the unlikely event a 
filesystem is unmounted uncleanly *AND* the subsequent mount is changed from 
R/W to R/O, the 
decision not to run the journal should be the customers.
Fail the mount unilaterally - what sort of a default is that ?. Especially for 
things like the root ...

Shane ...

On Sun, May 23rd, 2010 at 8:04 AM, Mark Zelden wrote:

 But also make sure you have this in your zFS parms:
 romount_recovery=on/* see APAR OA22351 */  

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