Re: Can ISRDDN show the complete minor name of an ENQ'd resource?

2008-05-29 Thread David Eisenberg
Is there a way *YOU* (as an application programmer) can do it

Of course I can, if I have to. The ISGQUERY macro provides all the info I need.

My point was that the precise tool that I need is already available in ISRDDN, 
but unfortunately, the piece of the rname that I need to see is just beyond 
the end of the display, and the display isn't scrollable. I was wondering if 
anyone knows of another utility that would do the job.


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Re: Can ISRDDN show the complete minor name of an ENQ'd resource?

2008-05-29 Thread David Eisenberg
At the side of the dsn type the command ISRDDN E

It's not a dataset that has the enqueue. It's an application program (CA's 
PanAPT) that has done an ENQ on a resource with an 84-byte minor name, 
and I need to see the entire rname to know who has the enqueue.

I've coded my way out of this by using the ISGQUERY macro.

Thanks, everyone.


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Can ISRDDN show the complete minor name of an ENQ'd resource?

2008-05-28 Thread David Eisenberg

I'm an application programmer. We are on z/OS 1.7. If I wish to see the 
system ENQ status of all ENQs for a given major name, I do this within 
ISRDDN, option ENQ. I filter on the major name prefix, and I see all the ENQs; 
voila. However, if the *entire* minor name doesn't fit on the screen, it seems 
that ISRDDN doesn't permit scrolling to show the remainder of the minor name.

I'm told that there are other resources that can show ENQs which are in 
contention, but the resources I'm trying to see are not in contention. I can't 
seem to find a way to simply view view any/all existing ENQs that show the 
complete minor names.

Is there a way I can do this? Thanks so much!


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Simple newbie file tailoring question

2008-04-30 Thread David Eisenberg

I'm working with a skeleton that generates an EXEC statement that looks like 


I wish to pass the value in ZUSER to MYPROG, but I see that if the TSO userid 
is  8 characters long, the trailing blanks from the ZUSER variable are 
truncated, and are not being passed to my assembler application. I.e., if the 
userid is USER1, I get a 5-byte parm string instead of an 8-byte parm string 
padded with blanks (or nulls, or anything).

Is there a way to prevent the truncation, so that my application always 
receives a full eight-byte value, preferably blank-padded?

Thank you!


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Re: Simple newbie file tailoring question

2008-04-30 Thread David Eisenberg
If you are z/OS 1.8 or later

Naturally, we are at z/OS 1.7.

This is the sort of thing I was looking for, however. For the time being, I'll 
accept the truncated PARM= and deal with it in the application (as per Bill 
Wilkie's earlier post).

Thanks, gentlemen.


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Re: Simple newbie file tailoring question

2008-04-30 Thread David Eisenberg
If you have other parms at fixed offsets, then this won't work.

I don't have other parms right now, but I would like to reserve the right to do 
so going forward. That's why I was hoping to force the length of the PARM 
string to 8.


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Re: TIOT filling up: too many dynamic concatenations

2008-04-10 Thread David Eisenberg
My apologies if this has already been answered but I haven't seen it.

No apologies necessary!

The entry that was filling up was actually not MYFILE; that entry remained at 
20 bytes. The ever-growing entry seemed to contain all of the history of the 
concatenated DDs. With each new allocation and concatenation, it grew 

After reading all of these very informative replies, I think that the best 
of action for me will be to modify the application to process one file at a 
It may not be perfect, but it will work, and it will be scalable.

Thanks so much!


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TIOT filling up: too many dynamic concatenations

2008-04-09 Thread David Eisenberg

I have a mainframe assembler application which is invoking Unix system 
services to get the names of all of the files in an NFS-mounted folder. The 
application dynamically allocates and logically concatenates these files into 
one giant dataset, then uses QSAM macros to read it.

The DYNALLOC calls work this way: first, I dynamically allocate the first file 
the folder with DDNAME MYFILE. Then the program enters a loop, performing 
these steps for each remaining file in the folder:
1) Dynamically allocate the file, asking the system to provide the DDNAME (I 
observe that these are getting the ddnames SYS1, SYS2, etc).
2) Dynamically concatenate MYFILE with the SYSx dataset just allocated 
(with the permanently allocated attribute on).

This works beautifully; when I exit the loop, I can OPEN and GET all the 
records successfully from MYFILE.

The problem is that I have reached a practical limit of approximately 540 files 
in the folder, because when I reach that point, I get a dynamic concatenation 
ABEND due to the TIOT filling up. I am told that our TIOT size is the default 
32K, which would allow for a maximum of 1,635 DDs in a job step. It would 
seem, however, that something in my allocation/concatenation loop is 
preventing me from reaching that number of files. There are only a handful of 
other DDs allocated to the step (e.g., STEPLIB, etc).

If I were able to handle up to 750 (or perhaps 1,000) files at a time, it would 
be of immense help. At the moment, our only option seems to be to split up 
the files into multiple folders of 500 files each.

Do I have any other options? Thanks so much.


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Re: TIOT filling up: too many dynamic concatenations

2008-04-09 Thread David Eisenberg

Field S99ERROR (after the dynamic concatenation request to DYNALLOC) is 
coming back with a value of X'0238': Space unavailable in task input output 
table (TIOT). The manual says that the application should Reduce the total 
number of allocated DDs and devices. Deallocate data sets that are not 
needed simultaneously.

The only way I've found to reduce the total number of allocated DDs is to 
reduce the number of files in the folder. I can't deallocate any of the 
component allocations once they've been concatenated.

I did use IDF to step through and watch the TIOT grow. With each new 
concatenation call, there is an entry which keeps growing in size until the 
TIOT fills up.

I think that what I need to know is if I'm missing some approach/technique 
that can get around what is probably a legitimate limitation.


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Re: TIOT filling up: too many dynamic concatenations

2008-04-09 Thread David Eisenberg
Yes, it is a bit more difficult to program, but it is infinitely scalable.

Of course, you are correct. I took this approach because I have inherited a 
pre-existing application that used to read a single mainframe dataset. It's 
recently that the capability to read multiple files via NFS was made necessary.

My approach worked very nicely until very recently. If I have to modify the 
application to work the way you've suggested, then of course, I will.


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Re: TIOT filling up: too many dynamic concatenations

2008-04-09 Thread David Eisenberg
Try putting DYNAMNBR=1024 on your EXEC card.

Just tried it; no good. Same result as before. Thanks, though.


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Re: TIOT filling up: too many dynamic concatenations

2008-04-09 Thread David Eisenberg
You didn't say what language you are writing in.

Mainframe assembler.

Your suggestion would work, but then I would have to get into an argument 
with the network guys when I tell them that I need twice as much disk just so 
that I can do a physical concatenation of all of the files. I don't think I 
have a 
leg to stand on, given that there is a programmatic, scalable solution (i.e., 
processing each file on its own).

I think that I might have to modify the appllication...


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Re: Can I know programmatically if a load module has been zapped?

2008-03-19 Thread David Eisenberg
You can browse the load module and see IDRDATA if you know what to look 

I think I might start with that approach. I have the documentation.

Thanks so much, everyone, for all of your rapid and informative responses!


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Can I know programmatically if a load module has been zapped?

2008-03-18 Thread David Eisenberg

Might there be a way, from within an assembler module, to know whether or 
not a given load module has been modified via SPZAP? I'm perfectly happy to 
LOAD the load module, if that's any help.

I know that AMBLIST can tell me if something has been zapped, but that 
didn't seem like an easy interface to use from within an assembler module.

Thanks so much!


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Re: Can I know programmatically if a load module has been zapped?

2008-03-18 Thread David Eisenberg
it's possible to zap a module and not leave footprints, though it's not the 


Our programmers occasionally ZAP a load module in a test load library, which is 
fine. When the time comes to promote the load module into a production load 
library, however, I would like our change management package to prevent the 
promotion of any load module which has been zapped. I'm prepared to do that 
check programmatically via an exit, if I have a reasonable way of doing it.


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Re: Newbie RACROUTE question: how to *test* authorization?

2008-02-26 Thread David Eisenberg
If the user has given you a data set name and asked you to operate on it, 
and he does not have the proper authority, then it is most appropriate to 
have the violation occur.

Not in this case, IMO.

The violations are occurring as a result of a text string scan across all 
members of a production source code library in CA's Panvalet format. The 
library contains hundreds of members, but a handful of them have 
UACC=NONE. Here's how: Panvalet supports *member-level* security. We 
create RACF pseudo-profiles that contain the member name as the last 
qualifier, and if we wish to read-protect a member, we set that profile to have 
UACC=NONE. A Panvalet security exit constructs the pseudo-profile name, and 
invokes RACROUTE to see if read access to the member is permitted or not.

Under normal circumstances, if the security exit detects a violation of any 
kind, we want to know about it. But if a programmer issues a text scan of the 
entire library, he/she typically has no need or intention of scanning the 
handful of read-protected members. He's just looking for all occurrences of a 
variable name in the source code library (for example). The problem is that 
there's no easy way to instruct the scanning program to skip the read-
protected members. So the programmer gets a meaningless violation for each 
read-protected member in the library.

In my view, this ought to be an acceptable use of LOG=NONE. If the 
programmer isn't allowed to view the member, the security exit won't let it be 
scanned. The members are secure. Why record endless violations that are 
essentially noise, and might mask an actual hacking attempt?


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Re: Newbie RACROUTE question: how to *test* authorization?

2008-02-23 Thread David Eisenberg
For your own userid, you can use LISTDSD or RLIST to check resource 
authorization without cutting audit records.

That would be perfect... is LISTDSD something I can do from within an 
assembler program? Or is there an assembler macro equivalent?

All I really need to do is, from within an assembler application, invoke some 
function that will tell me whether or not the current userid is authorized via 
given RACF profile to *read* a resource. The userid will always be either the 
person who is logged onto TSO or is the submitter of a batch job. It will never 
be anyone else.

I guess I should have said that up front... sorry...


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Re: Newbie RACROUTE question: how to *test* authorization?

2008-02-23 Thread David Eisenberg
All I really need to do is, from within an assembler application, invoke some 
function that will tell me whether or not the current userid is authorized via 
given RACF profile to *read* a resource. The userid will always be either the 
person who is logged onto TSO or is the submitter of a batch job. It will never 
be anyone else.

And of course (as I indicated in my original post), I need to be able to do 
without producing a RACF violation if the user is not authorized to read the 

I'll shut up now...


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Newbie RACROUTE question: how to *test* authorization?

2008-02-22 Thread David Eisenberg

I'm just getting familiar with the RACROUTE macro. I have a working example 
of the macro with REQUEST=AUTH that generates a violation when 

My question is: is there a way to interrogate RACF (presumably via the 
RACROUTE macro) to simply *ask* whether or not a particular user has read 
or write access to a dataset, but without actually issuing a violation if the 
user is unauthorized? All I want to do is get a yea or nay answer (via R15, I 
assume), then proceed accordingly and programmatically.

I hope this makes sense... thank you!


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Re: Newbie RACROUTE question: how to *test* authorization?

2008-02-22 Thread David Eisenberg
Another way is to issue a RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT

Am I correct when I say that both of these solutions require APF-authorization 
(or similar)? Might there be a way that would not require this?

I wouldn't have thought that there would be a security issue with merely 
interrogating an authorization level, but perhaps I'm wrong...


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Re: Are comments possible in IEBUPDTE SYSIN?

2007-11-26 Thread David Eisenberg
the closest you'll come to that is to put a flower box (why tombstone?) as 
comments preceding the SYSIN (using //*  comments), or adding a dummy 

Ah, so. Got it. Thanks so much for your help!


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Are comments possible in IEBUPDTE SYSIN?

2007-11-25 Thread David Eisenberg

I'm a newbie with IEBUPDTE, which I'm using to add members to a temporary 
PDS for use in a later job step.

I checked the manual, but I can't seem to find a way to add 
comments/remarks to the IEBUPDTE SYSIN input. Is there a way to do that? 
Thanks so much.


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Re: Are comments possible in IEBUPDTE SYSIN?

2007-11-25 Thread David Eisenberg
Utility control cards adhere to the JCL/Assembler standard
allowing comments on the control cards after the last operand,
and with one or more separating spaces. If that's not enough
room, you're out of luck.

If you're updating to a temporary, why not include comments in
the contents, appropriate to the language or other format you're

What I've created is a SYSIN dataset to IEBUPDTE which generates the 
individual SYSIN members for an ICETOOL job. I.e., one generated member 
contains the DFSORT SYMNAMES definitions, one member is contains the 
TOOLIN control cards, the other members are the individual control card 
members for the various statements in TOOLIN. I did it this way so that I can 
maintain all of the control cards for the entire ICETOOL job in a single 
rather than in separate members. The job begins by using IEBUPDTE to burst 
the dataset into temporary members, which are then referenced in the 

I was hoping that there would be a supported IEBUPDTE syntax to have an 
entire line devoted to a comment, rather than my being restricted to remarks 
appended to the ends of control statements. That way, I could put a 
tombstone at the top of the IEBUPDTE input dataset explaining what the 
ICETOOL job does.

I hope this makes sense...


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DFSORT SYMNAMES: soft lengths possible?

2007-11-04 Thread David Eisenberg

I have a DFSORT question regarding symbol definitions in SYMNAMES. I did 
check the manual, and I don't think that what I want to do is possible, but 
here goes...

I have the following symbol defined in a sort record:


I'm using that symbol to BUILD that field into two different sort record 
(A and B). The field appears in different columns in records A and B. So I have 
these symbols defined:




I can't use the equals sign to denote use the previous length within records 
A and B. What I'm wondering is if there's a way I can assign a length to a 
symbol (for example), and then use that symbol as a constant length 
throughout SYMNAMES. I actually did try that, but it failed. It appears that I 
have no choice but to replicate the constant length of 20 for every 
occurrence of the last name (assuming that I never want it truncated) in 
every record that it appears.

Am I missing something? Thanks so much.


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Dynamic load module name extraction?

2007-09-25 Thread David Eisenberg

Is there a way for an executing assembler program to extract its own load 
module name for programmatic examination? (If it matters, it would be the 
original load module called via an EXEC statement in the JCL; it wouldn't have 
been loaded by a previously executing program.)

Thanks so much,


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Re: Dynamic load module name extraction?

2007-09-25 Thread David Eisenberg
Thanks, everyone. Someone e-mailed me with a beautiful solution. I coded 


and it seems to work.


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CLIST question (the ampersands are killing me)

2007-05-10 Thread David Eisenberg

I have inherited responsibility for a CLIST; this is not my forte. I'm trying 
to do 
something pertaining to the ampersand character, and despite my efforts, I 
cannot figure this out. As God is my witness, this is not a homework 
assignment (I'm a BAL programmer, not a sysprog).

I've carved out and simplified the relevant portion of the CLIST for perusal:


The CLIST above works, and the concept is simple. The user is prompted to 
enter a string of characters chosen from the letters A, B, and C, each of 
which is associated with the string OPTA, OPTB, and OPTC (respectively). The 
CLIST sets X to the concatenation of these strings, delimited by blanks. So if 
the user enters BA, X is set to OPTB OPTA (quotes added for illustration 
only). If the user enters CCB, X is set to OPTC OPTC OPTB. Not hard.

The problem: I want each of the tokens in the generated string to be 
preceded by a double-ampersand. E.g., if the user enters ACB, I want X to 
be set to amp;OPTA amp;OPTC amp;OPTB.

I have read the manuals, I have tried everything I can think of... but the 
ampersands have laid me low. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: CLIST question (the ampersands are killing me)

2007-05-10 Thread David Eisenberg
Follow up to my original post: the ampersands seem to have nailed me even in 
my previous message. To clarify (I hope this shows up correctly): if the user 


the CLIST should produce

amp;OPTA amp;OPTB amp;OPTC

I.e., two ampersand characters concatenated to the relevant string (e.g., 
OPTA), followed by a blank, then the same thing repeated for the next input 
character, etc.

I'm sorry for any confusion!


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Re: CLIST question (the ampersands are killing me)

2007-05-10 Thread David Eisenberg
So, as you want 2 ampersands you need to use 4, and thus I suggest trying:

I've tried things like that; it is absolutely not that simple. I just tried 
solution; it sets X to a single ampersand concatenated only to the last 
expression. For example, if the user enters ABC, the result is OPTC.

There's something more to it than just doubling the ampersands.


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Re: CLIST question (the ampersands are killing me)

2007-05-10 Thread David Eisenberg
NRSTR did the trick!

Thank you so much, everyone!!!


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Re: CLIST question (the ampersands are killing me)

2007-05-10 Thread David Eisenberg
I doubt it; in fact, I doubt that you're old enough to have ever seen BAL. 
And you're certainly not using it on z/OS.

I appreciate the CLIST information you provided in your post, but I don't 
understand why you have accused me of being a liar when I came here for 
help. This is the first time I've posted to IBM-MAIN, but it surely won't be 

I guess I could have e-mailed John Ehrman at IBM directly to get the answer, 
but that didn't seem appropriate. He has helped me enough with BAL-related 
issues, and CLIST isn't BAL.

I am a 46-year-old, 23-year veteran BAL programmer, on z/OS. I've seen 
many of your posts, and have no reason to doubt anything you say. Any 
particular reason that you've accused me of being a liar on a public listserv 
without knowing anything about me?


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Re: CLIST question (the ampersands are killing me)

2007-05-10 Thread David Eisenberg
I think he was picking on BAL because in some contexts that refers to an old 
Assembler and is therefore not accurate for our context.

Right... someone else said the same thing.

So I'm a HLASM programmer. But for the record, whatever language it is, I 
learned it originally in 1980 from the Struble text (it might have been the 
edition). Was that BAL? I doubt it was HLASM...


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Re: CLIST question (the ampersands are killing me)

2007-05-10 Thread David Eisenberg
We all know what you mean, David, but a few of us tend to prefer the terms 
that are technically correct.

I see that!

Mea maxima culpa. I'll be more careful next time...


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