InterPhil: CFP: Beyond Imperial Centre and Colonial Periphery

2004-08-17 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Beyond Imperial Centre and Colonial Periphery:
Reconnecting the Global and the Local
Interdisciplinary Conference
Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and
Humanities, University of Cambridge
Cambridge (UK)
11-12 March 2005

This conference seeks to explore new ways of understanding
the global movement of ideas and information. Moving beyond
the problematic ideas of the 'centre' and 'periphery' which
have dominated the recent historiography of the
extra-European world, it will explore exchanges between
colonisers and colonised, and between Atlantic, African and
Asian colonial spheres. As well as questioning current
conceptions of the geography of knowledge, we hope to
present work challenging conventional chronological
divisions between the colonial and the post-colonial.

Part of the 'Conversation' theme coordinated by the Centre
for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities at
the University of Cambridge (,
the conference will discuss dialogues and conversations
between cultures, media, knowledge systems, geographies and

The conference aims to highlight the work of graduate
students and scholars at an early stage in their careers.
While its focus is historical, we welcome papers from
historians, anthropologists, social scientists, geographers,
and other disciplines.

Particular focuses will be:

- The limits of imperial reach: how ideas associated with
empire have been reshaped by the social and cultural
practices of individual communities; and how ideas and
knowledge move beyond national and imperial borders

- 'Trans-imperial' ideas: the movement of ideas between
different imperial systems, both within the same
geographical area, and between Africa, Asia and the Atlantic

- Bridging the colonial and the post-colonial: continuities
between colonial and post-colonial experiences, whether
through the retention of ideas, policies, and personnel; or
through the emergence of 'post-colonial' ideas within
colonial states

- Science and medicine: encounters between different
knowledge systems; tensions between European science's ideal
of universal knowledge, and the difficulties of science's
geographical and cultural extension

- Modernity and knowledge: how connections between ideas and
information have been expanded and reshaped by new
technologies of media, commerce and transport; and by
distinctively modern spaces, from new cities to factories

Call for Papers Deadline: 15 November 2004


Rachel Berger
University of Cambridge
Michael Lewis
University of Cambridge

Abstracts may be sent to:


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Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: UNESCO's History

2004-08-22 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Participants

UNESCO's History
International Symposium
Paris (France)
November 2005

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the adoption of
UNESCO's Constitution, (16th November 1945), UNESCO is
organizing an international symposium in Paris, in November
2005, in cooperation with the Institute for Political
Sciences in Paris, the University Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris
I) and the Centre for History and Economics at Cambridge
University (United Kingdom).

This symposium is part of a larger programme to support
research on UNESCO's history and encourage critical and
multidisciplinary reflection on the history of the
Organization and its past orientations, activities and
results. This programme, the UNESCO History Project, was
launched by the Director-General of UNESCO on 30th April
2004. For more information, please consult:

The History Project is a five-year programme; its
orientations will be influenced by the expressions of
interests and ideas, in particular those coming from the
research community.

Project description

The objective of the symposium is to inspire and catalyze
research on topics relating to the history of the
Organization. Rather than providing official answers and
final conclusions, the symposium aims at multiplying
approaches to UNESCO's history in a critical and pluralistic
spirit. Furthermore, the symposium will try to foster a
better understanding of the way in which the Organization's
action, seen from the periphery rather than from the centre,
has been perceived and experienced by the different actors

UNESCO therefore invites students and researchers with
backgrounds in different disciplines, including history,
political sciences, the study of international relations,
cultural studies, international law, anthropology and
sociology, to express their interest by suggesting papers,
themes or approaches for the symposium or in the wider
context of the history project. Examples of themes and
issues that could be raised at the symposium are: the
origins of UNESCO, the role of the Organization in broader
contexts, such as the Cold War and the process of
decolonization, human rights, normative and standard-setting
actions, cultural diversity, sustainable development,
cultural and natural heritage, education for all and
reflections on the mandate, values and philosophy of

All suggestions for themes and topics are welcome. Please
send your response, preferably before 20th September 2004,
to the coordinator of the UNESCO History Project, Mr. Jens
Boel, Chief Archivist, UNESCO (e-mail:
Replies received after this deadline, but before 1st
December 2004, can still be taken into consideration in the
planning of the symposium.

Programme of work

The symposium is expected to last for two days. It could
include four main sessions, three of which would focus on
the institutional, political and intellectual history of
UNESCO, respectively. The topic of the fourth session would
be the identification of new, major research themes. This
final session would be the conclusion of the Symposium and
should therefore aim at opening perspectives for research
works during the period 2005-2010.

The proceedings of the symposium will be published as the
first volume of a series of publications that will present
the results of the History Project. With this end in view, a
scientific committee will be established after the symposium
to ensure the follow up on the activities, promote
historical research on the Organization and, depending on
the resources available, award study grants to students and
young researchers. An oral history programme could also be
launched. UNESCO will attempt to mobilize extrabudgetary
resources from Member States and foundations in order to
finance these research and publication activities.

A presentation of results and a general evaluation of the
outcomes of the project could take place at the
International Congress on Historical Sciences in 2010.

Jens Boel
UNESCO History Project
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP


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Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Border//Crossings: Culture - Media - Economy

2004-08-28 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Border//Crossings: Culture - Media - Economy
6th Interdisciplinary, International Graduate Conference
The Departments of German Studies, American Studies, English
Literature, Political Sciences, Economics and Sociology at
the University of Erlangen/Nuremberg
Erlangen (Germany)
November 5-7, 2004

Keynote Speakers:
Giorgio Agamben (to be confirmed)
Elena Esposito

The concept of 'border' is - paradoxically? - gaining new
relevance in the wake of what is usually described as
'globalization', including such diverse phenomena as
migration, inter-cultural communication, transformation or

This concept is equally important for those theories
centering around identity and those centering around
difference. In trying to cross national as well as
disciplinary borders we are looking for contributions with
current theoretical and/or empirical perspectives,
critically analysing the concept and/or the construction of
borders. We would like to confront different angles on the
subject and are hoping to create space for productive

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

- Oikos/Nomos
- Production/Distribution/Consumtion
- Constructions of Knowledge
- Biopolitics
- GenderTransitivities
- Discourse Analyses
- Power Structures
- Marxologics  Criticism of Ideology
- LanguageRituals  Representations
- Hybrid Cultures
- Ethics after Postmodernism
- Postcolonialisms
- BodyFormations
- MediaExperiences and MediaPerspectives
- Free and Open Source-Software Development

Please register using our online submission form at The deadline for paper proposals (1-3
page abstracts) is August 31, 2004 (registration for other
participants until October 31, 2004).

Panels with three to five speakers will last two to two and
a half hours. The time allocated for each paper is about 10
minutes, in order to permit ample time for discussion.

Before the conference, each contribution (3 to 10 pages)
will be posted on our web page in order to facilitate
discussion and scholarly exchange. The deadline for
submitting these short contributions is October 15, 2004.
Please send abstracts and short papers in Rich Text Format
(.rtf) or Portable Document Format (.pdf) to:

Selected papers will be published in the conference

The conference fee is 20 EUR.

For further information please do not hesitate to contact us

Conference organizers:
Michael Popp M.A.
Gerd Sebald M.A.


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Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Private Military Companies and Global Civil Society

2004-08-30 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Private Military Companies and Global Civil Society:
Ethics, Theory and Practice
Interdisciplinary Conference
KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)
14-16 July 2005

While the history of mercenary forces stretches back at
least 4000 years, recent events in Africa, Iraq and
elsewhere have highlighted the fact that private military
forces are now being employed to a degree that is arguably
unprecedented in the era since the signing of the Treaty of
Westphalia in 1648. Also unique is the degree to which
'Private Military Companies' (PMC's) are demanding
recognition as legal and morally legitimate entities. These
developments raise important moral, ethical, and policy
questions. Despite this, there has been little focused
attention on this phenomenon, nor has there been any
sustained investigation into the relationship between Global
Civil Society and Private Military Companies.

This conference provides a forum for an interdisciplinary
engagement with this important topic. Papers on related
topics will also be considered for inclusion in the
conference programme. Likely conference speakers include:

- Doug Brooks (International Peace Operations Association)
- Kevin O'Brien (RAND Europe)
- MB Ramose (University of South Africa)
- Joseph Runzo (Chapman University and Clare Hall, Cambridge)
- Nancy Sherman (Georgetown University)

Negotiations with other possible keynote speakers are
currently under way. Further details will be included in
later versions of this call for papers.

Submissions are invited from representatives of a broad
range of fields, including (but not limited to) history,
legal theory, international relations/strategic studies,
philosophy and applied ethics. Submissions from
representatives of NGO's, PMC's and other affected
organisations will also be welcomed. Those interested in
presenting a paper at the conference should e-mail a
detailed abstract of approximately 1000 words, in Word or
rtf format, to Deane Baker at, by the
1st of December 2004. Participants will be selected on the
basis of the submitted abstracts. Abstracts should be
submitted in a form suitable for blind review.

The conference is being coordinated by Deane Baker (School
of Philosophy and Ethics, University of KwaZulu-Natal) and
Natashia Chhiba (Department of International Relations,
University of the Witwatersrand). Informal inquiries should
be directed to Deane at the e-mail address listed above.


Deane-Peter Baker
University of KwaZulu-Natal
School of Philosophy and Ethics
Pietermaritzburg Campus
Room 344a, New Arts Building
Private Bag X01
Scottsville 3209
South Africa
Phone: +27-033-2605582
Fax:   +27-033-2605092


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Mobile Boundaries / Rigid Worlds

2004-08-30 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Mobile Boundaries / Rigid Worlds: The Contemporary Paradox
2nd Annual Conference
Centre for Research on Social Inclusion,
Macquarie University
Sydney (Australia)
27-28 September 2004

'Mobile Boundaries/Rigid Worlds' is a two-day conference
dedicated to the examination of our mobile world, and how it
intersects with new and continuing forms of
inclusion/exclusion. Presenters will address this theme from
a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary
perspectives, covering topics such as global and local
media, new economies and global exchange, transnationality
and identity, postcolony, biotechnics and bodies.

We live in a world of change and movement. People, money and
things are in a constant state of flux. There is movement
from place to place. Our identities are ever-changing.
Nothing seems fixed. As Manuel Castells has observed, we
live in a 'space of flows'. Despite the fluidity of things,
the world order is marked by segregations and forms of
exclusion, both new and old, global and local. The
contemporary condition is one of paradox, torn between and
general trend towards increased fluidity and the
disappearance of boundaries, and the opposing trend that
sees the thriving of old orders and the emergence of new
boundaries of containment and exclusion.

Parallel presentations are arranged into the following

- Changing Bodies, Changing Worlds
- Identities: Race, Community, Citizenship
- Poverty Amid Affluence
- Social Justice and Spaces of Containment
- Imagining Globalisation: Media, Culture, Information and
- Biotechnics, Bodies and Belonging


$100 (waged), $50 (student, includes lunch), $10 (student,
excludes lunch)
Registration form and further info at the web address below.


Obelia Modjeska
Centre for Research on Social Inclusion
Division of Society, Culture, Media and Philosophy
Macquarie University
NSW 2109
Phone: +61 02 9850 9171


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Orality and New Dimensions of Orality

2004-08-30 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Orality and New Dimensions of Orality:
Intersections in Theories and Materials in African Studies
Interdisciplinary Conference
University of Leiden
Leiden (Netherlands)
26-27 November 2004

Keynote speaker:
Professor Karin Barber (University of Birmingham)

Orality is an essential means for mental and emotive
exchange as well as for artistic expression. However, oral
communication in African languages has taken on new
dimensions given by the increasing presence of literacy and
technical media. Therefore, in this conference we intend to
address the actual forms that African Orality takes in
present contexts of communication and literary creation
marked by the diffusion of print, radio, television and more
recently the Internet. We ask attention for oral
communication in rural, urban and new international spaces
(created by electronic media) as well as for interactions
between languages and styles.

Linguistic, literary and anthropological researches have
contributed to explore African orality from different
methodological and theoretical perspectives as we can see in
the studies concerning the shift from orality to literacy,
the construction of identity (and gender), and the creation
of new genres and styles. We suggest that an
interdisciplinary approach can shed light on the complexity
of oral communication in the present technological

E-mail the below address for the full text of the call for
papers and send your abstract before 30 September 2004.

Conference convenors:
Mena Lafkioui and Daniela Merolla, University of Leiden

Daniela Merolla
African Literatures, Languages and Cultures of Africa (TCA)
University of Leiden
Postbox 9515
NL-2300 RA Leiden

Mena Lafkioui
Languages and Cultures of the Middle East (TCMO)
University of Leiden
Postbox 9515
NL-2300 RA Leiden



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Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Jus in Bello: The Conduct of War

2004-08-30 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Jus in Bello: The Conduct of War
International Conference
Institute of Applied Ethics, University of Hull
Hull, England (UK)
27-28 September 2004

The conference will examine the ethics of the conduct of war
(jus in bello).

Key speakers include:

- Professor James Turner Johnson, Rutgers University
  (Author of 'Can Modern War be Just?')
- Major General (Retd) Patrick Cordingley
  (Commander of 7th Armoured Brigade in the Gulf War 1991)
- Professor Asa Kasher, Tel-Aviv University
  (Author of the Code of Ethics of the Israeli Defence
- Professor Paul Gilbert, University of Hull
- Professor Michael Schmitt, George Marshall Centre,
- Professor Henry Shue, Merton College, Oxford

Other speakers will include both academics and members of
the UK and US military. Subjects of conference papers will
include: the definition of excessive force; the limits of
force in the ‘War on Terror’; the ethics of air power;
non-combatant immunity; and case studies.

For further information, or to offer a paper or to attend
the conference, please contact Dr Paul Robinson at:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Menschenrechte zwischen Wirtschaft, Recht und Ethik

2004-08-30 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Menschenrechte zwischen Wirtschaft, Recht und Ethik:
Theoretische und praktische Perspektiven
Internationale Konferenz
Wiener Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Philosophie (WiGiP)
Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst (IWK)
Österreichische UNESCO-Kommission
Liga für Menschenrechte
Wien (Österreich)

Auf die Frage, wie das Menschenrechtssystem auf die
zunehmende Bedeutung von Global Players als Gestalter der
Lebensumstände der Menschen reagieren kann, sollen aus
theoretischer, juristischer und praktischer Sicht Antworten
gefunden werden. Es geht daher um Fragen nach Globalität und
Regionalität, nach der Rolle und Wirkungsweise von
Wirtschaft und Recht sowie nach konzeptueller
Weiterentwicklung des Menschenrechtssystems.

Pro Halbtag sind drei Hauptreferate mit jeweils einem
vorbereiteten Kommentar vorgesehen. Nach jeder solchen
Einheit findet eine Diskussion mit Moderation statt.

Freitag, 3. Dezember 2004, 9.00 - 13.00 Uhr:

Zu Fragen der Theorie von Menschenrechten heute referieren:

Univ. Prof. Dr. Pavel Barsa
(Philosoph, Karls-Universität Prag)
Kommentar: Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Stadler
(Rechtsphilosoph, Universität Wien)

Univ. Prof. Dr. Herlinde Pauer-Studer
(Philosophin, Universität Wien)
Kommentar: N. N.

Univ. Prof. Dr. Gregor Paul
(Philosoph, Universität Karlsruhe)
Kommentar: PD Dr. Thomas Göller
(Philosoph, Universität Karlsruhe, angefragt)

Freitag, 3. Dezember 2004, 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr:

Zu Fragen der internationalen Rechtsentwicklung im
Zusammenhang mit Menschenrechten referieren:

Prof. Dr. Yersu Kim
(Philosoph, koreanische UNESCO-Kommission, Seoul)
Kommentar: Univ. Prof. Dr. Franz M. Wimmer
(Philosoph, Universität Wien)

Prof. Dr. Ann Elisabeth Mayer
(Rechtstheorie, Legal Studies Department, Pennsylvania)
Kommentar: Univ. Ass. Prof. Dr. René Kuppe
(Institut für Recht und Religion, Wien, angefragt)

Univ. Prof. Dr. Manfred Nowak
(Boltzmann Institut für Menschenrechte, Wien)
Kommentar: N. N.

Samstag, 4. Dezember 2004, 9.00 - 13.00 Uhr:
Praxis und Wirtschaft

Zu Möglichkeiten der Zivilgesellschaft und Fragen der
Arbeitsbedingungen in internationalen Zusammenhängen

Prof. Mgr. Andrea Barsova
(Menschenrechtsabteilung der tschechischen Regierung, Prag)
Kommentar: Dr. Dieter Schindlauer
(Boltzmann Institut für Menschenrechte, Wien, angefragt)

Univ. Doz. Dr. Paul Kolm
(Gewerkschaft der Privatangestellten, Wien)
Kommentar: Univ. Prof. Dr. Eva Kreisky
(Politikwissenschaftlerin, Universität Wien, angefragt)

Univ. Prof. Dr. Ursula Schneider
(Internationales Management, Universität Graz)
Kommentar: N. N.

Städtische Büchereien - Hauptbücherei
Urban Loritz Platz 2a
A-1070 Wien

Das genaue Programm wird noch bekanntgegeben. 

Konzept und Organisation:

Dr. Hakan Gürses:

Mag. Mathias Thaler:

Univ. Prof. Dr. Franz M. Wimmer:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: migration, ethical and political aspects

2004-09-01 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
From: Raffaele Marchetti

Dear all,

Migration is to be one of the key themes at the ECPR-WISC Istanbul
conference in August 2005 (you may find additional info below). The breadth
of such a theme is an invitation to step back and take a fresh look at a
phenomenon that is older than politics or international relations, and one
which currently is at the top of national and international agendas.

We would like to invite you to participate in a set of panels convened to
examine migration and the issues it raises from first principles. At this
early stage our intention is question whether political regulations and
controls of migration are necessary, if so - whether they can be just and
humane and if not, what an alternative might look like. We propose 3 panel:

The Ethical-Political Nexus.
Equality and universalism, whether as thick or thin concepts, are among the
founding principles of democratic ideologies. Migration policies are
founded on discrimination - the right of states to choose from among
potential non-citizen entrants. This panel will offer a forum where
scholars can examine the ethics of the current regime, question the basis
of =91managed migration=92 model, or propose alternative principles of
migratory justice.

The next two panels offer platforms for the development of two different
responses to the questions posed by panel 1:

A Humane and Just Migration Regime is Possible.
In this panel, migration experts are asked to outline different systems
(national, regional, intergovernmental and supranational) for managing the
migratory phenomenon that takes into account the interests of all actors
involved: migrants (for whatever reason or combination of reasons), non-
migrants (in sending, receiving and transit states), states and

Open Borders is a Feasible and Desirable Option.
This panel moves beyond some of the arguments raised in panel 1 for Open
Borders and asks - how would it work? Among the questions to be raised
might be - what are the challenges (politically, socially/culturally,
economically) and how could they be addressed?

What we envisage are 3 papers per panel, with a discussant chosen to
question the arguments presented in each. Our goal is to move the debate
beyond the well-known critiques of current regimes and to offer
alternatives that challenge and stimulate.

As you will see below, it seems there is likely to be a shortage of places,
so we would like to put something together well before the February 2005
deadline. If you are interested, could you please email brief paper
proposals to both of us (  and by September 30 (before term starts but when
people are back from holidays).

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone else you think may be
willing to join the panels.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Raffaele Marchetti and Liza Schuster

In 1938, the League of Nations issued a call for a global convening of all
IR scholars to come to grips with the nature of international relations,
including theories, and methodologies. Instead, World War II began, and the
call was never executed. However, 67 years later, we are going to convene a
global meeting of IR scholars, and start this process all over again. It is
occurring under the auspices of WISC, an umbrella organization of ISA's, of
which our own ISA is a major partner.

The conference will occur in Istanbul, in August of 2005. It is being co-
sponsored by no fewer than a dozen different organizations, representing
virtually the entire globe, with co-program chairs from Latin America,
Europe, Asia, and North America. Our contribution is through Bob Kudrle,
who will not only help program ISA participants but has also agreed to
coordinate the program activities of the other program chairs.

I hasten to add that this is not primarily an ISA project. We are only one
of the partners, and as such, we don't want to or plan to overwhelm the
global nature of participation. Therefore, we would like to limit the
participation of our ISA members to no more than 300. So, if you are
interested, either in proposing a panel or a paper, I would urge you to
apply as soon as possible. We will limit according to quality of proposals,
but also quantity of ISA members as well.

ISA members with especially limited incomes, including some senior graduate
students, we will have a limited number of travel grants available. They
will not likely cover the entire cost of attendance, but will assist those
in most need. However, for this international conference, our travel grants
are available only to ISA members.

If you are interested in participating in this unique venture, please look
at the call for proposals at:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy 

InterPhil: CONF: Is Multiculturalism Bad for the Welfare State?

2004-09-07 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Is Multiculturalism Bad for the Welfare State?
International Conference
Research Group on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multicultural
Citizenship (RGONEMC)
Forum for Philosophy and Public Policy and the School of
Policy Studies, Queen's University
Kingston, Ont. (Canada)
October 29-30, 2004

The conference will bring together experts on
multiculturalism and the welfare state in Europe and the
Americas, to discuss drafts of papers for a forthcoming
volume on the topic, to be edited by Keith Banting and Will
Kymlicka, and published by Oxford University Press.
Contributors include:

Willem Assies (Colegio de Michoacán)
Geoffrey Evans (Oxford)
H.B. Entzinger (Erasmus)
Rodney Hero (Notre Dame) and Rob Preuhs (University of Denver)
Matt James (Victoria)
Peter Kraus (Humbolt) and Karen Schoenwaelder (WZB)
Nicola McEwen (Edinburgh)
David Miller (Oxford)
John Myles (Toronto)
Anne Phillips (LSE)
Stuart Soroka (McGill) and Richard Johnston (UBC)
Donna Lee Van Cott (Tulane)

For further information about the workshop, contact the
Keith Banting (
Will Kymlicka (



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InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Constructing World Order

2004-09-07 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Constructing World Order
5th Pan-European Conference
Standing Group on International Relations (SGIR)
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
The Hague (Netherlands)
September 9-11, 2004

Main Themes:

- International Relations Theory meets International Law

The Fifth Pan-European Conference on International Relations
will take place in The Hague - the Legal Capital of the
World. The Peace Palace hosting the International Court of
Justice, the Yugoslav Tribunal, the International Criminal
Court, Europol and other international law serving
institutions symbolise the construction of a world order in
which ideas matter as much as material power. With the
international courts around the corner, the Netherlands
Congress Centre offers a fine setting for a new round in the
debate about the intertwinement of International Relations
Theory and International Law. In the late 19th Century, the
International Peace Conferences in The Hague set the stage
for the first wave of international relations studies.
Drowned in good intentions and the Second World War, this
mainly legalistic wave of International Relations was
labelled Idealism. Nevertheless, more than a hundred years
later, international cooperation is beyond original dreams -
but nightmares of major warfare are back as well. What did
we learn over the past century? Are we still in a fruitless
debate between Idealism and Realism? Can new approaches,
notably Social Constructivism, shed new light on the
analysis? How will International Relations Theory meet
International Law in the historical setting of The Hague?

- The European Union meets New Members

On May 1st, 2004, the European Union intends to enlarge its
membership with ten states. Chairing the EU in the second
half of 2004, the Netherlands will have to play a strong
coordinating role in organizing the Intergovernmental
Conference (IGC) of Heads of State and Government at which
the outcome of the European Convention will be sealed. The
Fifth Pan-European Conference will provide a timely input in
both academic and public debates about Europe’s future.
Additionally, the conference will present an early
opportunity to evaluate the enlargement process that started
fifteen years ago, in Berlin in 1989. Scholars from both
sides of the table can discuss the negotiations on the basis
of their outcomes. This conference wants to be pan-European
indeed, in order to analyse the societal, economic,
political, legal and military consequences of Europe’s ‘new
deal’. We welcome panels that combine both academics and

- Anarchy meets Hierarchy

The final theme combines the others at a higher level of
abstraction. How do traditional and new schools of thought
in International Relations cope with the variety of
politically relevant structures in the present world
society, such as the international system, the world
economy, international society, and the fruits and perils of
globalisation? What does the English School have to say
about failed states in well-ordered subsystems? How does
International Political Economy accommodate to changes in
the mutually constitutive nature of ‘state’ and ‘markets’?
Will Strategic Studies and Security Studies grasp the
transformation of war? Can International Relations survive
without an echo of inside/outside logic? (And should it

Conference Programme Convenors:

- Prof.Dr. Richard Higgott
(Director, UK ESRC Centre for the Study of Globalisation and
Regionalisation and Professor in International Politics at
the University of Warwick)

- Prof.Dr. Jaap H. de Wilde
(Director, Centre for European Studies at the University of
Twente and Professor in European Security Studies at the
Free University Amsterdam)

- Dr. Eleni Tsingou
(Research Fellow, UK ESRC Centre for the Study of
Globalisation and Regionalisation and Lecturer in
International Politics at the University of Warwick)

To contact the Conference Organisers, send an e-mail to:

Conference Website:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: ANN: Mailing list on ethics and global justice

2004-09-07 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Mailing list on ethics and global justice

To those concerned

Many thanks for the 80 or so replies I received to my call
for expressions of interest in establishing a contact list
for those working on ethics and global justice.

I have now set up a listserve which you can subscribe to. 

I have left it open to those interested in subscribing
rather than subscribe all those who replied, this way you
can choose yourself when and how to join.

Can I ask all those wishing to subscribe to bear in mind
usual e-etiquette and only post those messages and
announcements directly relevant to the topic of
international ethics and global justice.

I look forward to hearing from you all again online



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Dr Richard Shapcott
Senior Lecturer in International Relations
School of Political Science and International Studies
University of Queensland
St Lucia, 4072
Phone: +61 7 33653290


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Technology and the Changing Face of Humanity

2004-09-11 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Technology and the Changing Face of Humanity
International Conference
Canadian Jacques Maritain Association
University of Western Ontario
London, Ont. (Canada)
May 29-30, 2005

As technology rapidly changes, so too must its relationship
to humans. Of course the very idea of what it means to be
human has changed throughout history. The objective of this
conference is to explore issues such as what it means to be
human as well as how technology influences our understanding
of ourselves as persons. The ways in which humans understand
themselves have had enormous influence on social structures,
political, educational and so on. This conference will also
consider the impact of technology on human rights. As new
technologies appear, such as biometrics, it remains unclear
as to their effects on the concept, for instance, of privacy
rights. Many hold that new technologies enhance our
security, but it remains unclear as to how this will affect
our thinking about individuals and their rights? Finally,
given that new technologies are ever more invasive in terms
of the body, one of the great philosophical problems again
rears its head: what does it mean to be human?

Some suggested topics for papers:

- Technology, genetic engineering and human rights
- Technology and the changing views on privacy
- Technology and the individual
- Historical views on the relationship between techné and
  the nature of the person
- Transhumanism, Posthumanism and Humanism

Other relevant suggestions are welcome. Please send a 250
word abstract, by October 15, 2004, to either of the
following addresses:

Professor Chantal Beauvais
St Paul University
Ottawa, Ontario

Professor Richard Feist
St Paul University
Ottawa, Ontario

The University of Ottawa Press is interested in publishing
the results of this conference.


La technologie et le paradigme émergent de l’humain
Conférence International
Association Canadienne Jacques Maritain
University of Western Ontario
London, Ont. (Canada)
29-30 mai, 2005

Les innovations technologiques incessantes propres à notre
époque modifient le rapport que l'humain entretient
vis-à-vis la technologie. On sait par ailleurs que la
manière dont l'être humain se comprend n'a cessé d'évoluer
au cours des âges. L'objectif de cette conférence est
d'explorer l'impact mutuel de ces évolutions. La manière
dont nous nous comprenons en tant qu=être humains influe
considérablement sur nos structures sociales, politiques,
pédagogiques, etc. Cette conférence se penchera également
sur l'impact qu'exerce la technologie sur les droits
humains. Il n'est pas facile de préciser les effets des
technologies nouvelles, comme la biométrie, dans des
domaines comme le droit à la vie privée. Si certains
estiment que les technologies émergentes augmentent notre
sécurité, il est légitime de s'interroger à propos de leur
impact sur notre manière de penser les individus et leurs
droits. Enfin, le fait que les nouvelles technologies sont
de plus en plus intégrées à la corporéité fait émerger à
nouveaux frais cette formidable interrogation philosophique
: que signifie être humain ?

Quelques suggestions de thèmes qui pourraient être abordés:

- La technologie, l’ingénierie génétique et les droits
- La technologie et les conceptions différentes de la vie
- La technologie et l’individu
- Histoire de la relation entre la technè et la nature de la
- Le transhumanisme, le posthumanisme et l’humanisme

D’autres suggestions pertinentes seront acceptées. Veuillez
envoyer votre résumé de communications (250 mots) avant le
15 octobre à l’une des personnes suivantes :

Professor Chantal Beauvais
St Paul University
Ottawa, Ontario

Professor Richard Feist
St Paul University
Ottawa, Ontario

Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa ont manifesté leur
intention de publier les articles émanant de cette


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: ANN: Human Development and Capability Association

2004-09-12 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
From: Ingrid Robeyns

Announcement/Press Release:
Human Development and Capability Association

Pavia, Italy. September 6th, 2004

Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen, eminent philosopher Martha
Nussbaum and over 200 scholars from 36 countries launched a
new academic association entitled the Human Development and
Capability Association (HDCA).

The HDCA was launched during the 4th International
Conference on the Capability approach, which was on the
theme, Enhancing Human Security. At this conference 120
papers were presented on fields ranging from philosophy to
economics to gender studies to ecosystems. Professor Enrica
Chiappero- Martinetti from the University of Pavia and
Sabina Alkire were the co- organisers of the conference.
Previous conferences were at the Von Hügel Institute,
University of Cambridge (2001, 2002) and Pavia (2003).

The Launch was hosted in the Castello Visconteo, and was
attended by the Rector of the University, the Prefect of
Pavia, and the Mayor of Pavia among others.

The Human Development and Capability Association shall
promote high quality research in the interconnected areas of
human development and capability. It shall be concerned with
research in these areas across a broad range of topics where
the human development and capability approaches have made
and can make significant contributions, including the
quality of life, poverty, justice, gender, development and
environment inter alia. It shall further work in all
disciplines - such as economics, philosophy, political
theory, sociology and development studies - where such
research is, or may be, pursued. While primarily an academic
body, the HDCA shall bring together those primarily involved
in academic work with practitioners who are involved in, or
interested in, the application of research from the fields
of human development and capability to the problems they

All members of the Association will receive the Journal of
Human Development: Alternative Economics in Action. This
Journal, founded in 2000, publishes original work across
disciplines that expand the concepts and measurement tools
for human development and challenge traditional views of
economics. It also acts as a conduit for members and critics
of human development.

The HDCA gratefully acknowledges financial support from the
International Development Research Centre, Canada (IDRC) and
from the law firm Ropes  Gray, Boston.

For more information or to join the HDCA please visit the
website at:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: JOB: Fellows in Peace Studies

2004-09-12 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

Visiting Fellows Program, 2005-2006
University of Notre Dame

The Kroc Institute brings together outstanding pre-doctoral,
post-doctoral, and senior scholars for a semester or year to
conduct research in peace studies, broadly defined. In
connection with our Rockefeller Fellows program in
2005-2006, we encourage applications from scholars who
specialize in the Middle East. The Kroc Institute provides
fellows with a stipend ranging from $20,000 to $40,000 per
semester and housing.
Application materials must be postmarked on or before
November 1, 2004.

For further information and the application form, see:

For questions, contact:

Dr. Martha Merritt
Associate Director
100 Hesburgh Center
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Epistemological Contextualism

2004-09-12 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Epistemological Contextualism
International Conference
Amsterdam Free University
Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
19-20 October 2004

Conference theme:
Contextualism is one of the most widely discussed topics in contemporary
epistemology. The purpose of this conference is to evaluate whether
contextualism is an acceptable position and to investigate whether there
are alternatives to it that are perhaps more plausible (and still do the
work that the contextualist thesis is supposed to do).

1. Peter Baumann (University of Aberdeen, UK)
2. Martijn Blaauw (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
3. Jessica Brown (University of Bristol, UK)
4. Igor Douven (University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands)
5. Duncan Pritchard (University of Stirling, UK)
6. Jonathan Schaffer (University of Massachusetts-Amherst, USA)
7. René van Woudenberg (Amsterdam Free University, the Netherlands)

The conference will be held at the Amsterdam Free University, the
Netherlands. The registration fee will be EUR 80,-. This will include a
buffet lunch on the Wednesday, coffee/tea/biscuits during the breaks, as
well as the conference booklet.

For more information on the conference, or to register for the conference,
please e-mail the conference organizer, Martijn Blaauw, at the following

For the conference homepage, go to


Martijn Blaauw
Department of Philosophy
University of Aarhus

Office address:
Martijn Blaauw
Center for Kulturforskning
Bygning 451
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 3
DK-8000 Aarhus C
0045 8942 6309



InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Conflict in Identities, Identities in Conflict

2004-09-12 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Conflict in Identities, Identities in Conflict
4th International Conference
School of Social Studies, Masaryk University Brno
Brno (Czech Republic)
October 21-23, 2004

The conference is held by the Department of Sociology,
Masaryk University Brno and the Institute for Study of
Culture and Ethnocentrism (ISKE).

The aim of the conference is to present and discuss some
recent concerns with the concept of identity in a broad
variety of contexts (nationality, religion, ethnicity,
gender, generation, class, etc.), and to test the concept's
analytical power and weaknesses. We believe that the wide
contextual range and prospective critical approaches will
contribute to this latter goal. Those who attended in the
last year will be familiar with the unique spirit of the

More information:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Mending the Past: Memory and the Politics of Forgiveness

2004-09-13 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Mending the Past: Memory and the Politics of Forgiveness
International Conference
Centre de recherche sur l'immigration, l'ethnicité et la
citoyenneté (CRIEC), Université de Quebec à Montreal
Montreal (Canada)
October 13-15, 2004

The conference will study the philosophical, social and
ethical issues relating to historic memory, reconciliation
and dialogue, with speakers from Latin America, the US,
Canada, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. It proposes a
critical analysis of the issues that are related to the duty
of memory and policies of forgiveness. These will include
particular measures of reparation such as meaningful
recourse, legal avenues, reparations and compensation, and
other measures at the national, regional and international
levels. Without excluding the set of universal situations
arising from these issues, the conference will focus on
post-colonial situations in the context of the Americas –
Aboriginal Peoples and people of African descent. As such,
the conference is in line with the Durban Declaration and
current efforts to counter racism and discrimination.

Conference Website:


Sabrina Bertrand
Conference coordinator
Centre de recherche sur l'immigration, l'ethnicité
et la citoyenneté (CRIEC)
Université du Québec à Montréal
C.P. , succursale Centre-Ville
Montreal, H3C 3P8
phone: +1(514) 987-3000 2233
fax: +1 (514) 987-4638


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Bringing International Studies Together

2004-09-13 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Proposals

Bringing International Studies Together: Contrasting
Approaches and Agendas
First Global International Studies Conference
World International Studies Committee (WISC)
Bilgi University
Istanbul (Turkey)
24–27 August 2005


The theme of the Conference is intended to be inclusive of
different approaches, methodologies and conceptions of
International Studies. We want to look at global problems
through different lenses and regional and local problems
from varying perspectives. Our aim is to bring together for
the first time scholars from all parts of the world to
examine the contrasting approaches and agendas of
international studies, broadly conceived.

The Conference Committee is chaired by A J R Groom (Kent,
Canterbury) and formed by the four Programme Chairpersons,
Robert Kudrle, (Minnesota, USA), Bertrand Badie
(Sciences-Po, Paris), Chung-in Moon (Yonsei, Seoul), Diana
Tussie (Flacso, Buenos Aires) together with Ilter Turan
(Bilgi, Istanbul), Clare Dekker (ECPR) and Tom Volgy (ISA).
There will be a plenary to be addressed by the Turkish
Foreign Minister and the Committee will organise three
plenary roundtables on the themes of ‘Multilateralism Facing
Unilateralism’, ‘Neoliberal Economics and its Critics’ and
‘The Crisis of the State in International Relations’ with
participants drawn from different quarters of the globe. The
Committee wishes particularly to encourage panels or papers
on the following themes:

 1. Weapons of mass destruction
 2. New wars and soft security
 3. Human rights and needs
 4. Regional integration
 5. Ecological and environmental questions
 6. Global civil society
 7. The UN at 60
 8. Identity issues and fundamentalism
 9. Cutting edges in International Relations theory
10. New trends in diplomacy and foreign policy
11. Imposition of democracy
12. Ethics in International Relations
13. Migration

This list is in no sense restrictive. The Committee invites
submissions for panels or papers on other themes or topics
as well. The Programme Chairpersons’ email is

The Conference is open to all members of any WISC member
organisation and to others with like interests in the
scholarly and practical aspects of international studies.
The Conference Committee reserves the right to refuse
permission to participate without giving a reason.


Individuals may propose linked panels, panels or papers by
completing the attached form to be available very soon on
this website. A linked panel consists of a number of panels
(up to 10) on a particular theme. A panel consists of three
papers, a discussant and a chairperson or it can take the
form of a Round Table. Each panel lasts for 90 minutes.
Paper givers will have 15 minutes for presentation, as will
the discussant. Both panels and Round Tables should leave 30
minutes for discussion from the floor. Papers will normally
be given in English. It is expected that paper givers will
circulate their paper to all other participants on their
panel. The only equipment provided is an overhead projector.
A paper will be allocated to an appropriate panel, tabled or
rejected. Panel proposals should include an international
element among its participants or the Committee may exercise
its prerogative to include such an element. A tabled paper
is an official contribution to the Conference but one which
will not be discussed in a panel due to the exigencies of
time, space or topic. Such papers may be placed in the paper

Submission of proposals must be via the online system on
this web site (see button on the left hand side of this


WISC takes no responsibility for the production and
distribution of papers. However, there will be a paper room
where paper givers may deposit copies of their work (25
copies are recommended) available gratis to other
participants. The Conference is NOT distributing papers and
participants must NOT send them in advance to Bilgi
University. Neither WISC nor Bilgi will pay any charges. All
the arrangements for delivery and distribution of papers are
a paper giver’s responsibility. However, use may be made of
the facility where paper givers may bring their papers and
deposit them in the paper room from the opening of
registration (not before).

Arrangements are in hand to enable participants to post an
abstract of their paper on the website, along with their
email so that others may request a copy of the paper.

The submission of panels and papers will be accepted until 1
February 2005. The deadline for responding to submissions is
1 March 2005. The Programme Committee will, however, confirm
acceptance of submissions before the deadlines so that early
submission is recommended.

For more information, see:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: The Challenge of Multiculturalism in the Eastern and Central Europe

2004-09-13 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

The Challenge of Multiculturalism in the Eastern and
Central Europe
International Workshop
Society for the Research of Religions and Ideologies (SACRI)
“Al. I. Cuza” University
Iasi (Romania)
28-30 October 2004


The topic and issues of multiculturalism represent the
research object of several categories of disciplines, such
as political science, sociology, philosophy, history and so
on. In the same time, it constitutes the basic theory for
many practitioners, ranging from politicians to
representatives of NGOs. Through this project, we attempt at
facilitating the encounter and the dialogue among all these
types of people, in a 3-day workshop and consequently in a
volume with the texts and discussions. In this way, we
expect to benefit from an interdisciplinary meeting where
both the theoretical framework and the concrete cases should
be put face to face. The invitation of specialists from the
whole CEE region is meant to open up the discussion and to
bring about the consolidation of a network of people
connected by their topic of investigation.

In the same time, we intend to disseminate and multiply the
information and the practical knowledge on these issues.
This is why we plan to invite representatives of mass media
to participate during the whole event, and to a press
conference. It represents another reason for publicizing the
results of the workshop in a volume.

Sections of the workshop:

1. Multicultural/ intercultural politics. Theoretical
   framework, challenges and opportunities
2. The challenge and the reality of multiculturality in the
   CEE region. Case studies, threats and solutions
3. Multicultural education. Achievements and prospects

Conference Website:

Project Coordinators:

Assoc. Prof. Sandu Frunza
Babes-Bolyai University
President of SACRI
Phone: + 40 (741) 676936

Assoc. Prof. Nicu Gavriluta
Al. I. Cuza University
SCIRI Iasi coordinator
Phone: +40 (740) 545234


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Moral Pluralism and Universalism

2004-09-13 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Moral Pluralism and Universalism
51st Annual Meeting
American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy (ASPLP)
Boston, MA (USA)
December 29-30, 2004

The topic for this year's annual meeting of the American
Society for Political and Legal Philosophy is Moral
Universalism and Particularism. The meeting will be held at
the Marriot Hotel in Boston on 29-30 December 2004, in
conjunction with the meetings of the American Philosophical


Panel I/ APA Panel GX-2:
Wednesday, December 29, 7:00-9:00 pm

Chair: Melissa Williams (University of Toronto)
Speaker: Barbara Herman (Philosophy, University of California-Los Angeles)
Commentators: Frank Michelman (Law, Harvard University)
Seyla Benhabib (Political Science, Yale University)

Panel II/ APA Panel GXI-1:
Thursday, December 30, 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Chair: Henry Richardson (Philosophy, Georgetown University)
Speaker: Benedict Kingsbury (Law, New York University)
Commentators: Gopal Sreenivasan (Philosophy, University of Toronto)
William Scheuerman (Political Science, University of Minnesota)

Panel III/ APA Panel GXII-1:
Thursday, December 30, 11:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m.

Chair: Jacob Levy (Political Science, University of Chicago)
Speaker: William Galston (Public Affairs, University of Maryland)
Commentators: Daniel Weinstock (Philosophy, University of Montreal)
Robin West (Law, Georgetown University)

For more information, visit the ASPLP website at:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Human Rights in Crisis

2004-09-13 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Human Rights in Crisis
Interdisciplinary Conference
Human Rights Initiative, Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA (USA)
February 18-19, 2005

The conference will explore the theory and practice of human
rights from historical and contemporary perspectives,
including in the area of women's rights, social and economic
rights, culture, technology, medicine, globalization and the
'War on Terror'. Please submit abstracts for proposed
papers, not longer than one page, as well as a short CV, to
Human Rights Initiative. Proposals are due by September 25,


Human Rights Initiative
School of History, Technology and Society
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0345


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: First Nations, First Thoughts

2004-09-13 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

First Nations, First Thoughts
Interdisciplinary Conference
Centre of Canadian Studies
Edinburgh, Scotland (uk)
5-6 May 2005

This interdisciplinary conference will explore the
significance of Aboriginal peoples in the development of
cultural and intellectual thought in Canada. The conference
is designed to bring Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal scholars
together to consider the development and transmission of
Indigenous thought and the impact of Aboriginal perspectives
on cultural, political, environmental, historical, legal,
philosophical and anthropological thought in Canada. Papers
might address the following themes:

- Indigenous knowledge and its intergenerational
- Aboriginal cultural production and its impact on Canadian
- Indigenous perspectives on kinship
- Aboriginal approaches to sustainable development
- Indigenous ethics
- Debates about Aboriginal sovereignty, nationalism and
- The inclusion and exclusion of Indigenous perspectives in
  Canadian historiography, cultural theory, jurisprudence and
  political economy
- The impact of Aboriginal ideas on political and
  constitutional thought in Canada
- The influence of Indigenous perspectives on Canadian
  feminist thinking
- Reconciling Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal perspectives in

It is planned that papers will be considered for publication
in a peer-reviewed volume.

Please send paper proposals (250 word max.) and a short
curriculum vitae by 30 November 2004 to:

Grace Owens
Centre of Canadian Studies
21 George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9LD


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: 'Klick!' Eine gespaltene Welt?

2004-09-15 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

'Klick!' Eine gespaltene Welt?
Der Zugang zur Technik in der Wissensgesellschaft
7. Interdisziplinäres Hochschulkolloquium
Forum Technik und Gesellschaft, RWTH Aachen
Aachen (Deutschland)
3.-4. November 2004

Mit der Herausbildung der Wissensgesellschaft verändert sich
unsere Welt gravierend. Obschon die Ressource Information
prinzipiell ubiquitär verfügbar ist, droht ein Großteil der
so genannten Entwicklungsländer den Anschluss an die
entstehende Wissensgesellschaft zu verlieren. Doch
durchzieht der 'digitale Graben' nicht auch die
Wissensgesellschaft selbst? Verläuft er zwischen den
Gestaltern und Nutzern von Technik nicht ebenso wie zwischen
den Generationen? Und welche Rolle spielt in diesem Kontext
die Technik: Ist sie die Ursache der Spaltung, oder eröffnet
sie vielmehr Chancen, die 'digitälen Gräben' zu überbrücken?

Das Forum 'Technik und Gesellschaft' wird in seinem siebten
Hochschulkolloquium diesen und ähnlichen Fragen nachgehen.
Im Dialog mit Vertretern unterschiedlicher technik- und
kulturwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen werden wir einerseits
fragen, wie eine Partizipation an den Schlüsseltechnologien
der Wissengesellschaft möglich ist und auf welchen sozialen
und kulturellen Voraussetzungen dieses Wissen beruht. Zum
anderen möchten wir diskutieren, wie Technik gestaltet
werden kann, damit sie den kulturellen, sozialen und
generationellen Lebenswelten ihrer Nutzer angemessen ist.

Das Kolloquium setzt sich damit das Ziel, den Blick für die
vielfältigen Wechselwirkungen zwischen Technik und
Gesellschaft zu schärfen und Impulse für eine
verantwortungsvolle und nachhaltige Technikgestaltung in der
globalisierten und digitalisierten Welt zu geben.

Die Tagung steht allen Interessierten offen. Da nur eine
begrenzte Anzahl von Plätzen zur Verfügung steht, wird eine
rechtzeitige Anmeldung empfohlen.


Thomas Müller, MA
Forum Technik und Gesellschaft
Kármánstr. 11
D-52056 Aachen
Tel. +49 (241) 809 40 30
Fax  +49 (241) 809 23 63


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Borderlands and Boundaries

2004-09-15 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Borderlands and Boundaries
4th Annual Race and Place Conference
Department of History, University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL (USA)
March 10-12, 2005

The University of Alabama’s Department of History invites
single paper and panel proposals for the 4th Annual Race and
Place Conference: Borderlands and Boundaries, to be held
March 10-12, 2005 on the university’s campus in Tuscaloosa.

The conference seeks to promote cutting-edge scholarship on
the study of race and ethnicity, broadly defined, in a
global context. We especially encourage papers examining how
power and difference are imagined, configured, and
contested, as well as critical explorations of collective
cultural identities (including notions of race, ethnicity,
nation, clan, lineage, family, and so forth) as these are
created and negotiated across geographical, temporal, and
ideological boundaries. Ideally, papers and panels will
embrace a variety of theoretical and disciplinary
perspectives beyond the narrowly historical.

For more information, and examples of past Race and Place
programs, please refer to our website (web address given
below). Those interested in presenting a paper should submit
a one-page abstract and a one-page c.v., by October 31,
2004, via mail or e-mail.


Dr. Gregory M. Dorr
University of Alabama
Department of History
Box 870212
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0212
(205) 348-1854
Fax: (205) 348-0670


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Jews, Empire and Race

2004-09-15 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Jews, Empire and Race
International Conference
Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish
Relations, University of Southampton
Southampton (UK)
27-29 July 2005

This international conference has two parts:

I. Jews and Empire

The first two days of the conference will aim to develop
literary, historical and theoretical approaches to the study
of the various roles played by both Jews and ‘the Jew’ in
the rise and fall of European empires, from the early modern
period to decolonization. While recent years have seen a
burgeoning critical literature on European imperial
cultures, as well as some important work on the history,
culture and representation of the Jewish minorities in
Europe, there has been little attempt to connect these two
fields of enquiry. The conference will bring together
scholars working in both fields to study the representation
and self-representation of Jews and Judaism as actors in the
imperial apparatus as well as objects in the imperial

Possible themes could include:

- Jews and the Black Atlantic
- Evangelicalism, Millennialism and Missions to the Jews
- Imperialism and the imagery of “Chosen People”
- Jewish emigrants and immigrants
- Global networks of communication
- Jewish and imperial historiographies
- Semitism and Orientalism
- 'The Jew' in Imperial Gothic narratives
- Zionism and imperial culture
- Anti-Semitism and imperialism
- Representations of the Wandering Jew
- Jews as colonists, colonial administrators or colonized
- Diaspora, globalization and the Jews

II. Jews, Racialisation and the Anglo-American World

The third day of the conference will develop further,
through theoretical work and case studies, considerations of
how Jews have been subjected and responded to processes of
racialisation from the late eighteenth century onwards. In
particular, it will focus on the role of 'race science' and
how it confronted/constructed Jewish 'difference'. The
geographical scope wil be Britain (including the British
Empire and Commonwealth) and America. Papers are
particularly welcome from those working in a comparative
framework, situating the construction of 'the Jew' in
relation to other minority groups. We seek to encourage
multi- and inter-disciplinary approaches.

Strands will include:

- theories of racialisation
- Jews and Afro-Caribbeans/Afro-Americans
- Jews and other minorities
- contemporary asylum seekers and processes of racialisation'
- the continuation of 'race science' through genetic
  mapping? self-construction of minorities and processes of
- the impact of Empire and its aftermath

Sponsored by the 'Jews and Literary Representation' and the
'Race, Ethnicity and Memory' projects of the Parkes-AHRB
Research Centre for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish
relations, University of Southampton and the journal
Patterns of Prejudice.

Please send 200 word proposals for papers for either part of
the conference, with a brief CV, by 10 December 2004 to:

Dr Steve Taverner
AHRB Parkes Centre
Department of History
University of Southampton
Southampton, SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Imperialism, Slavery, Race and Genocide: The Legacy of Hannah Arendt

2004-09-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Call for Papers

Imperialism, Slavery, Race and Genocide:
The Legacy of Hannah Arendt
Volume of essays on Hannah Arendt

A call for papers has been issued for a forthcoming volume
of essays on Hannah Arendt. The volume will be entitled
Imperialism, Slavery, Race and Genocide: The Legacy of
Hannah Arendt. It will seek to use Arendt's insights as a
source for further investigation into the ways in which
race, imperialism, slavery, and genocide are linked, and the
ways in which these terms have affected the United States,
Europe, and the colonised world in different ways. The
volume is meant not as another set of essays exploring
Arent's thought, but rather as an experiment in intellectual
history that uses Arendtian terms and concepts to explain
the racialization of the enlightened west.

Proposals (500-1000 words) should be sent
by September 30, 2004, to:

Richard H. King


Dan Stone


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: JOB: Chair in Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multicultural Citizenship

2004-09-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Fulbright Chair in Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multicultural
Department of Political Studies, Queen's University
Kingston, Ont. (Canada)

The Department of Political Studies at Queen's University
has recently established the Fulbright Chair in
Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multicultural Citizenship, which
will be awarded annually to a visiting scholar from the
United States. This Chair is part of the Canada-U.S.
Fulbright Visiting Research Chairs Program. Applicants are
welcome from scholars working on such issues as immigrant
integration, multiculturalism and multicultural education,
indigenous peoples, policing and minorities, affirmative
action, minority nationalism, or normative theories of
accommodating ethnic diversity.

For details on the chair, including how to apply, visit the
Fulbright website at:

Prof. John McGarry
Canada Research Chair in Nationalism and Democracy
Dept. of Political Studies
Queen's University
Kingston, Ont., K7L 3N6
Tel: +1 (613) 533-6237


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: PRIZE: Ethnicity and nationalism

2004-09-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Prize in Ethnicity and Nationalism
Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN)
Nations and Nationalism

The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism
(ASEN) and the journal Nations and Nationalism have
established a prize to encourage young researchers to
publish original scholarship in the area of ethnicity and
nationalism. The prize will be awarded for the best article
submitted, and the winning article will be announced at 15th
Annual ASEN Conference, to be held in April 2005.
The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2004.

The prize includes a sum of £250, and 2 years' free
membership in the ASEN, and potential publication of the
winning article in Nations and Nationalism. Submissions may
be made by currently enrolled post-graduate students and
those with theses submitted not more than two years prior to
the deadline.

Submissions and enquiries should be forwarded to:

Managing Editor
Nations and Nationalism
ASEN - 2nd Floor - Old Building
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London, WC2A 2AE


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Understanding Nationalism: Identity, Empire, Conflict

2004-09-18 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Understanding Nationalism: Identity, Empire, Conflict
10th Annual World Convention
Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN)
Columbia University
New York (USA)
14-16 April 2005

Earlier submission deadline: 4 November 2004

Contact information:
proposal submission:
exhibitors, advertisers:

*Proposals sought for Panel, Individual Paper, Individual Discussant,
and Innovative Format*

100 panels on the Balkans, the Baltics, Central Europe, Russia, Ukraine,
Belarus, Moldova, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Turkey, Greece,
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kurdistan, China, and Mongolia

**INCLUDING a Special Section on Theoretical Approaches to Nationalism**

AS WELL AS thematic panels on Islamic Movements, Genocide and Ethnic
Violence, Anthropology of Identity, Citizenship and Nationality,
Conflict Resolution, Demography, and EU Expansion

AND the screening and discussion of new ** Films/Documentaries**

The ASN Convention, the most attended international and
inter-disciplinary scholarly gathering of its kind, welcomes proposals
on a wide range of topics related to national identity, nationalism,
ethnic conflict, state-building and the study of empires in
Central/Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Eurasia, and adjacent
areas. Disciplines represented include political science, history,
anthropology, sociology, economics, geography, socio-linguistics, and
related fields.

For the second consecutive year, the 2005 Convention will feature a new
section devoted to theoretical approaches to nationalism, from any of
the disciplines listed above. The papers in this section do not
necessarily have to be grounded in an area of the former Communist bloc
usually covered by ASN, provided that the issues examined are relevant
to a truly comparative understanding of nationalism-related issues. In
this vein, we are welcoming theory-focused and comparative proposals,
rather than specific case studies from outside Central/Eastern Europe
and Eurasia.

The 2005 Convention is also inviting submissions for documentaries or
feature films made within the past year and available in VHS or DVD
format. Most videos selected for the convention will be screened during
regular panel slots and will be followed by a discussion moderated by an
academic expert.

The 2005 Convention invites proposals for INDIVIDUAL PAPERS or PANELS. A
panel includes a chair, three presentations based on written papers, and
a discussant. Proposals using an INNOVATIVE format are also particularly
encouraged. Examples of new formats include a roundtable on a new book,
where the author is being engaged by three discussants; a debate between
two panelists over a critical research or policy question, following
rules of public debating; or special presentations based on original
papers where the number of discussants is equal or greater than the
number of presenters.

The 2005 Convention is also welcoming offers to serve as DISCUSSANT on a
panel to be created by the program committee from individual paper
proposals. The application to be considered as discussant can be
self-standing, or accompanied by an individual paper proposal.

There is NO APPLICATION FORM to fill out in order to send proposals to
the convention. All proposals must sent by email to Dominique Arel at INDIVIDUAL PAPER PROPOSALS must include the name and
affiliation of the author, the title of the paper, a 500 word abstract
and a 100 word biographical statement. PANEL PROPOSALS must include the
title of the panel; a chair, three paper-givers, and a discussant; and
the name, affiliation and 100 word biographical statement of each
participant. PROPOSALS USING AN INNOVATIVE FORMAT must include the title
of the panel; the names, affiliations, and a 100 word biographical
statements of each participant and a discussion on the proposed format.
affiliation, and areas of expertise of the applicant and a 100 word
biographical statement.

All proposals must be included IN THE BODY OF A SINGLE EMAIL.
Attachments will be accepted only if they repeat the content of an email
message/proposal, and if all the information is contained IN A SINGLE

Participants are responsible for covering all travel and accommodation
costs. ASN has no funding available for panelists.

An international Program Committee will be entrusted with the selection
of proposals. Applicants will be notified in December 2004 or early
January 2005. Information regarding registration costs and other
logistical questions will be communicated afterwards.

The full list of panels from last year's convention, for the
geographical and thematic sections, the video screenings, and the new
section on Theories of Nationalism, can be accessed at programs
from past conventions, going back to 2001, are also online.

Several dozen publishers and 

InterPhil: CFP: Simposio de Estudos Interculturais

2004-09-27 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Simpósio de Estudos Interculturais
Associação Sul-Americana de Filosofia e Teologia
Interculturais (ASAFTI)
Canoas, RS (Brasil)
24 e 25 de janeiro de 2005


Propiciar intercâmbio e troca de experiências entre
pesquisadores, acadêmicos e lideranças engajadas em questões
sociais de cunho intercultural, abrangendo os eixos
temáticos: Culturas Ibero-americanas, Ameríndias,
Afro-americanas, Migrantes, e Emergentes

Comunicações até 20/12/2004


Neusa Vaz e Silva


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Globalisation and Representation

2004-09-30 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Globalisation and Representation.
Politics, Visuality, Performance, Construction, Reception
3rd International Conference
on Globalisation and its Discontents
School of Historical and Critical Studies,
University of Brighton
Brighton (UK)
March 12-13, 2005

Key speakers include:
Mike Davis, Susan Buck-Morss, Achille Mbembe, Charles
Harrison, Lindsey German, Terry Eagleton, Sue Gollifer, John
McKean, T.J. Clark, Kate Soper, Geoff Eley, Alex Callinicos.

Bringing together academics, practitioners and activists,
this two-day interdisciplinary conference investigates the
implications of one for the other - the Global City,
International Relations, Democracy and Economics, Virtuality
and Representation, Texts and Locations, Globalised
Identities, Objects and Spaces, Architecture and Design,
Culture Industry Revisited, Imaging the Globe, Cognitive
Mapping Today, Art and Ethics.

Proposals for twenty-minute papers, or for complete panels
(of three or four papers delivered within 60 minutes) in
these or in related areas, should be submitted in the form
of a 250 word abstract by 10th January, 2005.

Further details at


Anita Rupprecht
Mark Devenney


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Chinese Perspectives on Culture and Society

2004-10-12 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Chinese Perspectives on Culture and Society
Interdisciplinary Conference
Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU)
International Cultural Research Network (ICRN), University
of Alberta
Fort Myers, FL (USA)
February 24-27, 2005

Florida Gulf Coast University, in association with the
International Cultural Research Network at the University of
Alberta, is planning a conference on Chinese Perspectives
on Culture and Society to be held on February 24-27, 2005
in Fort Myers, Florida, USA. The social, economic,
educational and political in modern China create
reverberations that are positively or deleteriously
affecting global policies. Wider academic discussion can
alleviate some of unanswered questions that these changes
have engendered. Sino-scholars and others whose research
focuses on China, as well as persons interested in China,
teachers, policy makers, NGO's, interested people from
Taiwan, and consultants are invited answer this call for
papers at this conference.

The focus of the program will include the following four

(1) Environment;
(2) Education;
(3) Economics; and
(4) Historical Evolution of Chinese Perspectives

Abstracts that clearly state one of the conference
categories should be 250 words or less and are due on 15
November 2004. A 150 word biography should accompany the
abstract submission. Abstracts should be sent via email to Acceptance will be acknowledeged
within six weeks of the initial submission. Papers developed
for this event will be peer reviewed and considered for
publication in a book of the same name to be published by
ICRN in early 2006. The conference language is English.

Registration, hotel accommodation and information about the
various conference activities can be found at our website at


Prof. Pamella A. Seay or
Annette Richardson, Ph.D.
551 Ed. South
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 3G5



InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: PUBL: International Journal on Multicultural Societies

2004-10-14 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

The International Journal on Multicultural Societies (IJMS)
has a new web address:

The International Journal on Multicultural Societies (IJMS)
is a scholarly and professional journal, published by
UNESCO. It provides a platform for international,
interdisciplinary and policy-related social science research
in the fields of migration, multiculturalism, and minority
rights. Established by UNESCO's social sciences research and
policy division in 1998, it aims at improving the linkages
between academic communities in various regions and accross
different social science disciplines. One of its particular
features is to promote the policy-relevance of social
science research. Each issue is devoted to a coherent
thematic debate on a key issue in the field of migration and
multiculturalism. All articles published in the IJMS are
refereed in external peer-review.

Current Issue of the IJMS:

Multilingualism on the Internet
Volume 6, Number 1, February 2004
Edited by Sue Wright in cooperation with the Initative B@bel.

Up-coming issue:

# Migration and Multiculturalism in the Asia Pacific Region
Vol. 6, No 2 (2004)
Guest-Editor, Christine Inglis (Sydney University, Australia)

# The Links Between Academic Research and Public Policies in
the Field of Migration and Ethnic Relations: selected
national case-studies
Vol. 7, No 1 (2005)
Guest-Editor: Marco Martiniello  Eric Florence (Université Liège)

# National Identity and Attitudes Towards Migrants –
Findings from the ISSP
Vol. 7, No 2 (2005)
Guest-Editor: Juan-Díez Medrano (International University Bremen)

# Transnational Communities  International Knowledge Networks
Vol 8, No 1 (2006)
Guest-Editor: Sami Mahroum

Call for Papers:

IJMS is organizing a special thematic issue focusing on
transnational communities, scientific diaspora and
international knowledge networks and their relationship to
local and national scientific and technological development.
Paper submissions related to these topics are welcome and
should be send to Dr. Sami Mahroum, Joint Center for
Bioethics, University of Toronto.

For more information please see:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: JOB: Fellowship in Politics, Culture, and Identity

2004-10-14 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Two-Year Post-Doctoral Fellowship
in Politics, Culture, and Identity

Watson Institute for International Studies,
Brown University

The Watson Institute for International Studies of Brown
University seeks a recent PhD for a two-year postdoctoral
fellowship in the Institute’s Research Program on Politics,
Culture, and Identity (PCI), beginning July 1, 2005. The PCI
program seeks to advance the qualitative study of cultural
processes at work in contemporary international relations.

We seek a social scientist with substantial ethnographic or
other empirical research experience and commitment to
multi-disciplinary collaboration, and whose work fits into
any of the following broad themes: Transnationalism and
foreign aid, The politics of empire and military power,
and/or Peace and human rights movements.

The successful candidate will also teach one senior
undergraduate seminar per year in his or her area of

Salary: $37,500 (12-month), plus individual health benefits
and access to research and travel funds.
Closing date for applications: January 3, 2005.
Brown University is an AA/EEO employer and especially
welcomes applications from women and minority candidates.
All Applications must be submitted online. For further
information and a link to the application form, see

Contact Info:

Deborah Healey
Brown University
111 Thayer Street, Box 1970
Providence, RI 02912


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: The Wisdom of Love

2004-10-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

The Wisdom of Love
2nd Biennial Conference
Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology (SCPT)
Wheaton, IL (USA)
March 18-19, 2005

Keynote Speakers:
John D. Caputo (Syracuse University)
Amy Laura Hall (Duke University Divinity School)

Continental philosophy of religion has recently turned to
issues concerning love. We welcome papers that address such
questions as: What is the difference between eros and agape?
How do we practice love hermeneutically? Must a
phenomenology of the other address love to be truly
complete? Does love or charity reverse or radicalize
intentionality? What is the relation of the three Christian
virtues of faith, hope, and love? Are knowledge and love

We encourage papers that draw on such figures as Chrétien,
Derrida, Irigaray, Kierkegaard, Levinas, and Marion; such
philosophical traditions as deconstruction, feminist
philosophy, hermeneutics, and phenomenology; and such
religious traditions as Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and

Only complete papers with a maximum of 3,000 words will be
accepted. Papers should be prepared for blind review and
sent to as email attachments.

DEADLINE: January 7, 2005

The Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology seeks to
promote inquiry at the intersection of philosophy and
For more information about SCPT, visit
For further information regarding the conference, contact

Bruce Ellis Benson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Wheaton College
Wheaton, Illinois 60187
Phone +1 (630)752-5617
Fax +1 (630) 752-5617


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Contemporary Human Rights Issues

2004-10-18 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Contemporary Human Rights Issues
The Essex Human Rights Review (EHRR)
December 2004

The Essex Human Rights Review (EHRR) is now accepting
submissions for its December 2004 issue.

EHRR welcomes articles, book reviews and other contributions
on contemporary human rights issues, primarily (but not
exclusively) in the areas of law, political science,
sociology, and philosophy, covering both the academic and
the practical aspects of human rights. For our next issue,
we would particularly welcome submissions that focus on the
following topics:

- Implementing the Right to Health
- From the Rules of War to the Rule of Law?
  Iraq at the Crossroads
- The Rule of Law in Central Asia and Former Soviet Union

All submissions should be in English. The contributions must
be original, previously unpublished material. Submissions
must not already be under consideration for any other
publication. The length of submissions should not exceed
8,000 words for articles and 3,000 words for other items
(e.g. book/conference reviews), including footnotes.
Submissions exceeding the word limit will be considered only
in exceptional circumstances. The initial appraisal of all
submissions will be carried out on an anonymous basis; the
final decision on the publication of a paper rests with the
EHRR's Editorial Board.

Please e-mail your submissions in Microsoft Word format,
together with full contact details, to the e-mail address
shown below, by 1 November 2004. The subject line of your
e-mail should include the title of your article.

All submissions have to follow the EHRR style sheet,
available on our website, or else they will not be
considered for publication.

Visit the Essex Human Rights Review website:



InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: On Our Own Terms: African Feminist Epistemologies in a Transnational Frame

2004-10-28 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

On Our Own Terms: African Feminist Epistemologies in a
Transnational Frame
Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy

We will continue to define ourselves and our concerns on
our own terms, thus concludes Oyeronke Oyewumi’s thought
provoking introduction to her recently edited volume,
African Women and Feminism (2003). The assertion underscores
one of the most enduring predicaments of African feminist
epistemologies: the inevitable alterity of dominant Western
knowledge formations and their compulsive will to
universality. Although the detotalizations and
despatializations of postmodernism, coupled with the
postcolonial’s privileging of cultural pluralism,
intermeshings, and contingencies, have unsettled the bases
of cultural/epistemological authenticity, Oyewumi’s phrase –
on our own terms – suggests that epistemological
authenticity remains an atavism, easily invoked as resistant
praxis in the face of misrepresentation, appropriation
and/or occlusion by dominant, foreign knowledge systems.
Although African feminist knowledge systems, such as Obioma
Nnaemeka’s negofeminism and Molara Ogundipe’s stiwanism,
emerged out of the necessity of addressing African female
subjecthood and agency in the context of transnational
pressures and mediations, the persistence of authenticist
inclinations, even in the face of cyber-powered and
media-induced immediacy of global contact zones,
necessitates a renewed inquiry into the meaning, nature,
modalities, possibilities, and even, desirability, of an
African feminist epistemology, fashioned on its own terms
in an unavoidably transnationalist context.

To this end, the Holland-based Quest: An African Journal of
Philosophy, seeks theoretically grounded and
cross-disciplinary submissions for its Fall 2005 special
issue on African feminisms. Essays of between 6000 – 8000
words (MLA style) could address any of the following
necessarily inexhaustive areas:

* African feminist epistemology as travelling theory –
modalities, politics of insertion, and terms of deployment
in Western academe;

* African feminism on its own terms – meaning, problems,

* The space of African feminisms in Third World feminist
discourses – in relation to Asian (especially Indian) and
Africana feminisms;

* African feminisms and the competition for space with
imported Western theories in African Universities.

Submissions should reach the guest co-editors by May 31,


Pius Adesanmi
Department of Comparative Literature
The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Sanya Osha
Centre for Civil Society
The University of Natal, Durban, South Africa


Pius Adesanmi, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature
The Pennsylvania State University
311 Burrowes Building
University Park, PA 16802

814 863 4933 (office)


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: On the Rational Legitimization of Political Norms

2004-11-06 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

On the Rational Legitimization of Political Norms under
Conditions of Cultural Pluralism and Cultural Changes
International Conference
Department of Philosophy, SFB 485 'norm and symbol' and
'Philosophy, Probability, and Modeling' research group,
University of Konstanz
Konstanz (Germany)
10-11 December 2004

Jörg Kühnelt (

Website (including program and abstracts):

Main speakers:
Christopher Morris (Philosophy, University of Maryland)
Philip Pettit (Philosophy, Princeton University)
Russell Hardin (Politics, New York University)
Matthias Kaufmann (Philosophy, University of Halle)
Michael Baurmann (Sociology, University of Duesseldorf)
Reinhard Zintl (Politics, University of Bamberg)
Wilfried Hinsch (Philosophy, University of Saarland)

Aim of the conference:

States can use their legal coercive power to motivate their
citizens to obey political norms. However, existing states
do not necessarily have a foundation in basic moral or
cultural values to legitimize these norms. The project of a
rational justification of political norms tries to
legitimate norms only by reference to the benefit maximizing
behaviour of individuals and some basic and universal
interests. Therefore it appears to be interesting especially
for pluralistic or multicultural societies.

Within the conference several suggestions for a rational
legitimization will be discussed. The conference focuses on
the empirical conditions that are relevant for a rational
legitimization. Examples for these empirical conditions are
assumptions about the behaviour of individuals and the
functioning of certain possible societies. Therefore they
appear to be relevant for the conditions and possibilities
of an advantageous and stable state.

Several scholars from sociology, politics and philosophy are
invited to discuss the critiques and the potential of
possible modifications of a rational justification of
political norms.


Seats are limited. Please send an email to if you would like to
participate as a guest. Informal deadline is 25.11.2004. We
expect places to fill up quickly.

There is no conference fee, but if you would like to eat at
the conference, you have to expect costs around 17 Euros a
day. (Conference dinner will be additional 35 Euros)

Further information:

Konstanz, Department of Philosophy:

or conference website:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Private Military Companies, States, and Global Civil Society

2004-11-09 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Private Military Companies, States, and Global Civil
Society: Ethics, Theory and Practice
Interdisciplinary Conference
University of KwaZulu-Natal
KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)
14 - 16 July 2005

While the history of mercenary forces stretches back at
least 4000 years, recent events in Africa, Iraq and
elsewhere have highlighted the fact that private military
forces are now being employed to a degree that is arguably
unprecedented in the era since the Peace of Westphalia in
1648. Also unique is the degree to which 'Private Military
Companies' (PMC's) are demanding recognition as legal and
morally legitimate entities. These developments raise
important ethical, theoretical and practical questions for
those who contract PMC's, whether they be states or the
organisations that, in part, make up Global Civil Society.
Despite this, there has been little by way of in-depth focus
on these questions.

This conference provides a forum for an interdisciplinary
engagement with this important topic. Papers on related
topics will also be considered for inclusion in the
conference programme.

Confirmed conference speakers thus far include:

Kevin O'Brien (RAND Europe)
Marina Caparini (Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of
Armed Forces)
Mervyn Frost (Kings College, London)
Asa Kasher (Tel-Aviv University)
MB Ramose (University of South Africa)
Joseph Runzo (Chapman University and Clare Hall, Cambridge)
Nancy Sherman (Georgetown University)

Financial support for the conference has generously been
made available by:
- The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed
- The Unilever Ethics Centre, University of KwaZulu-Natal
- The School of Philosophy and Ethics, University of

Negotiations with other possible funders and invited
speakers are currently under way.

Submissions are invited from representatives of a broad
range of fields, including (but not limited to) history,
legal theory, international relations/strategic studies,
philosophy and applied ethics. Submissions from
representatives of NGO's, PMC's and other affected
organisations will also be welcomed. Those interested in
presenting a paper at the conference should e-mail a
detailed abstract of approximately 1000 words, in Word or
.rtf format, to Deane Baker at, by the
1st of December 2004. Participants will be selected on the
basis of the submitted abstracts. Abstracts should be
submitted in a form suitable for blind review.

An edited book on the conference topic will be published,
for which conference papers will automatically be

The conference will be held at the Spionkop Lodge in
northern KwaZulu-Natal. The Lodge overlooks the Spionkop
battlefield, one of the bloodiest of the Anglo-Boer War. The
conference fee has not yet been finalised, but is likely to
be in the region of R3000 ZAR (US$500, 270GBP) for the two
and a half days of the conference (the fee includes 3 nights
accommodation and food for the duration of the conference).
Some limited funding may be available to assist
postgraduates and South African participants in meeting the
cost of the conference fee (but NOT for travel), but this
has yet to be confirmed.

The conference is being coordinated by Deane Baker (School
of Philosophy and Ethics, University of KwaZulu-Natal) and
Natashia Chhiba (Department of International Relations,
University of the Witwatersrand). Informal inquiries should
be directed to Deane at the e-mail address listed above.


Deane Baker
School of Philosophy and Ethics
University of KwaZulu-Natal


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Globalization, Violent Conflict, and Peacebuilding

2004-11-11 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Globalization, Violent Conflict, and Peacebuilding

IDRC Research Competition

For further details, please consult the Call
for Proposals and the Application Kit at:

The Peacebuilding and Reconstruction Program of the
International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is inviting
research proposals on the theme Globalization, Violent
Conflict, and Peacebuilding. The purpose of the competition
is to identify and support promising new research that sheds
light on the various conflict-related impacts of
globalization, seen as a complex and wide-ranging phenomenon
with political, economic, as well as socio-cultural
ramifications. Specifically, the competition wants to
encourage research around the following four themes:

- Conflict-Related Impacts of Economic Liberalization
- Methodologies for Assessing the Conflict-Related Impacts of
- Revisiting the Role of the Private Sector
- The Role of Migration in Building Peace and Preventing

The competition is aimed at researchers based in the
developing world, but partnerships with researchers in
developed countries are possible. Comparative, multi-country
research projects are particularly welcome.

Up to two grants with a maximum value of $400,000 (four
hundred thousand Canadian dollars) will be available.

Location: Online
Deadline: December 17, 2004


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Social Justice in a Changing World

2004-11-17 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
From: Sonja Wrobel

Last Call for Papers

Social Justice in a Changing World
Interdisciplinary Conference
Graduate School of Social Sciences
at the University of Bremen (GSSS)
Bremen (Germany)
March 10-12th, 2005

A growing number of experts in economics, political science
and sociology believe that the freedom of action of the
nation- state in coping with issues of distributive justice
is waning. Current processes of economic privatisation and
globalization shift power over distribution from the state
toward ‘capital’ and markets. What are the implications for
social justice? The conference will explore the risks and
options of privatised markets and transnational regimes for
social justice on different levels. On the individual level,
we experience an increasing mismatch of individual life
course risks like unemployment, poverty or marital
separation and state protection, and the emergence of new
forms of social inequality. In this conference, we may
address the distributional outcomes and developments of
different social groups. Who are the winners and losers in
times of globalization? What kind of social justice do
people expect? On the domestic level, we witness the
disintegration of the collective bargaining process, the
scaling back of social insurance and the resulting
bourgeoning of mixed and private forms of social provision.
Does distributive justice continue to be a central goal of
welfare state activity? What could be the features of a new
social contract? On the international level, trade is the
main area in which regulatory processes occur. Transnational
regimes increasingly constrain the environmental,
agricultural, health and food safety rules of democratic
constitutional states, and thus affect the fundamental
welfare of citizens. How can social rights and distributive
justice be guaranteed in the international legal framework?
What role do non-governmental actors play in the regulatory
processes? Can the recognition of social rights open avenues
towards ensuring the legitimacy of transnational governance?

The conference will consist of plenary sessions as well as
of thematic panels for which we invite abstract submissions.
The abstract deadline is November 30th, 2004. The conference
venue will be the Atlantic Hotel Bremen close to the campus
of the University of Bremen. For more information on
registration, panels, accommodation etc. please visit the
conference website:

Best regards,

Sonja Wrobel
--- -- - -   -  -- - --- - -
sonja wrobel
universität bremengraduate school of social sciences
fvg-west wiener strasse/ ecke celsiusstrasse
postfach 330 440 28334 bremen

tel:  0049 (0)421 218 4155fax: 0049 (0)421 218 4153


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Postmodernism, Globalisation and the Media

2004-11-17 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Postmodernism, Globalisation and the Media
International Conference in Science and Humanities
Kogakuin University (Tokyo Urban Tech)
University of Limerick
Mudra Institute of Communication (MICA)
Ahmedabad (India)
March 5-7, 2005

Even though the terrain of this conference is vast, the
basic purpose of this seminar is to engage in a dialogue to
touch upon all sides to this phenomenon. The purpose is to
bring in scholars from science and humanities for an
interface. The other need for this conference is in its
context. There is a need to get into such inquiries
primarily because of its potential to bring in a range of
scholars for a dialogue. The idea of holding this conference
is also to forge stronger academic links with the
participant universities for joint research.

The first International conference on Postmodernism was held
at the Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan in March 2004. The
University of Limerick (Ireland) was also an active
participant in the conference. It was at this conference
that it was proposed that the follow up conference be held
in India. This proposal was accepted by the Mudra Institute
of Communication (MICA), Ahmedabad, India. It is now
proposed that the conference be held between March 5th -7th,
2005 at MICA.

The Tokyo conference was an overview of postmodernism with
respect to science and humanities. The MICA conference would
be an extension to the same with a focus on the arts and the
media in the context of globalization. Papers are also
invited from related areas. Given the global scenario today
and the interplay of postmodernism in academic discourses,
it is necessary to delve deeper into the realm of social
sciences. The underlying themes of the India conference
would be:

   1. An enquiry into postmodernism in the realm of science
   and humanities in the context of globalisation.
   2. How the various dimensions of arts, cinema and the
   media are linked to the process and,
   3. It is also proposed that there be a one day focus on
   the south Asia region; as the conference is being held in
   this region.

Research Papers are invited from scholars, academic and
doctoral students. Even though there is a specific focus
with the keywords being postmodernism, globalisation and
media, papers with related focus in the realm of social
sciences are also invited. For instance the list could
include the areas of:

   1. Architecture
   2. Artificial Intelligence
   3. Business Studies
   4. Environmentalism
   5. Feminism
   6. Film
   7. Information Sciences
   8. International Relations
   9. Literature
  10. Modern European Languages
  11. Philosophy and Art
  12. Applied Physics
  13. Physics
  14. Politics
  15. Music
  16. Robotics
  17. Sociology 

All papers will be refereed. The last date for submission of
abstracts is January 15th, 2005. Full papers have to be
submitted by February 15th, 2005. Please send abstracts and
subsequently the papers to the following address which in
turn will be send to the area chairs.


Asssitant Professor
Mudra Institute of Communication (MICA)
Shela, Ahmedabad 380058
Fax: +91-2717-237945
Phone: +91-2717-237946


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: WWW: Revista Cubana de Filosofia

2004-11-17 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Revista Cubana de Filosofía
Edición Digital

Estimados amigos y colegas, 

Queremos invitarle a visitar las páginas de una nueva
revista digital creada y puesta a disposición del amplio
público de Internet. Esta revista de filosofía estará en y cada cuatro meses aparecerán en ella
nuevos trabajos, ensayos, artículos, debates, que muestran
parte de los rumbos que el mundo de la filosofía tiene en
Cuba. Bien podría ser -si su acogida es favorable- una vía
de intercambio, de estímulo al debate mediante la red.

Usted puede navegar por ella como si se tratara de un libro,
página a página, pero si no desea estar conectado todo el
tiempo, o quiere leer de un tirón cada trabajo, en un solo
documento, imprimirlo, descargarlo, enviarlo por correo a un
amigo, puede entrar al Dossier de la revista y abrir el
trabajo de su interés en un documento único en formato html.

En este primer número incluimos:

- La ausencia de una revista especializada en temas de
  filosofía, nos hace concebir este proyecto. Crear una
  revista digital que...

Artículos y ensayos:
- Luis Suárez:
  El método de Marx en las redes de la racionalidad moderna
  (Mención en el concurso Temas de ensayo 2003)
- Yohanka León del Río:
  Contribución de la educación popular a la socialización y
  creación de sentido común contra la hegemonía cultural
- Lino Morán Beltrán:
  Reflexiones en torno a la construcción de una ética
- Juan Eduardo Bernal Echemendía:
  La permanente resurgencia

Filosofando... En torno a la diversidad:
- Gilberto Valdés:
  La controversia en torno de la diversidad (fragmentos)
- Georgina Alfonso:
  Diversidad, valores y vida cotidiana (Fragmentos)

Estudios de pensamiento cubano:
- Felix Valdés García:
  Sin hacer del monte orégano. Jorge Mañach en la filosofía
  cubana. (Mención en el concurso Temas de ensayo 2003)

De archivos:
- Carta de Fernando Ortiz a Miguel de Unamuno.
  25 de abril de 1910
- Carta de Jorge Mañach a José Ferrater Mora.
  18 de mayo de 1949
- Carta de Jorge Mañach a José Ferrater Mora.
  11 de marzo de 1952

Encuesta: El estado actual de la filosofía y sus
perspectivas para el siglo XXI

Ante la petición realizada a conocidos filósofos y amigos
por la naciente revista digital sobre: El estado actual de
la filosofía y sus perspectivas en el siglo XXI, recibimos
las consideraciones que más abajo listamos. Envie la suya...
- Esther Días de Kobila (Rosario, Argentina)
- Alvaro Márquez (Maracaibo, Venezuela)
- Yamandú Acosta (Montevideo, Uruguay)

Estamos abiertos a su colaboración y sugerencias. Participe
de la encuesta. Envíenos su opinión y póngala al alcance de
los lectores de la revista.

Puede enviarnos sus comentarios a estas direcciones de
correo: ó

Muchas gracias,
Colectivo de la Revista 


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: TOC: Satya Nilayam. Chennai Journal of Intercultural Philosophy No. 6

2004-11-17 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Satya Nilayam: Chennai Journal of Intercultural Philosophy
No. 6, August 2004
ISSN: 0972-5016
Editor: Anand Amaladass

Focal Theme: Role of Committed Intellectuals

Role of Intellectuals
Lawrence Surendra   ...  5

Dalit Intellectuals and Dalit Discourse
Prakash Louis   ...  17

Popular Religiosity, Eighteenth Century Religious 
Reformers and Religious Communalism
A. Marx   ...  32

Muslim Women: The Way Ahead
Syeda Hameed   ...  43

Tribal Intellectual Activists
Virginius Xaxa   ...  52

Another World is Necessary and Possible: 
Reflections on the Mumbai Social Forum
Joseph Xavier   ...  60

Europe’s Image as Seen from the Romanian Periphery
Mƒdƒlina Diaconu   ...  78

Viewpoints: Does Religion Promote Violence?
Augustine Perumalil   ...  102

Animal Sacrifice in Tamil Nadu
A. Sivasubramanian   ...  119

Book Reviews   ...  128

Satya Nilayam: Chennai Journal of Intercultural Philosophy
is published bi-annually in February and August.

Subscription Rates: Rs.150 for India, Nepal and Bhutan.
Other countries (Air Mail): US $ 20.

Subscriptions from India could be sent either by Money Order
or Demand Draft. For cheques add Rs.15 as encashment fee.
All payments are to be made in the name of Satya Nilayam
Chennai Journal.

All correspondence (requests for subscription, manuscripts,
books for review, exchange copies of Journal, advertisements
etc.) to:

Satya Nilayam Chennai Journal
The Editor
201, Kalki Krishnamurthy Road
P.B. 8665
Tel. O44-24483654


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Popper und die Menschenrechte

2004-11-17 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Popper und die Menschenrechte
Sir Karl Popper Society
Afro-Asiatisches Institut (AAI)
Wien (Österreich)


Das Leben und das Werk Sir Karl Poppers bietet zahlreiche
Anknüpfungspunkte zum Thema Menschenrechte, auch
verschiedenste aktuelle politische und wirtschaftliche
Ereignisse und Entwicklungen bieten reichhaltigen
Diskussions- und Analysebedarf.

Popper ist der Schöpfer des kritischen Rationalismus. In
seinen zahlreichen Werken kämpfte Popper gegen Intoleranz,
Dogmatismus und gegen jede Form der Diskriminierung. Er war
ein Humanist und als solcher blickte er über die
Naturwissenschaften hinaus, bis hin zu Möglichkeiten, die
sozialen Probleme zu lösen. Er war mit den Regimen Hitlers
und Stalins konfrontiert, was ihn schließlich zur
Unterscheidung von Offenen und Geschlossenen Gesellschaften

Menschenrechte und demokratische Regeln charakterisieren die
Offenen Gesellschaften, welche wünschenswert und anzustreben
sind. Das Fehlen von Menschenrechten, persönlichen
Freiheiten und Demokratie findet sich in Geschlossenen
Gesellschaften wieder.

Poppers Hauptinteresse galt auch der Methodologie bei der
Lösung sozialer Probleme, welche durch eine Politik der
kleinen Schritte, mit einem Trial and Error-Approach zu
lösen sein sollten, und nicht mit radikalen ideologischen
Konzepten. Radikale ideologische Konzepte mit einem
absoluten Wahrheitsanspruch bringen zumeist menschliches
Leid hervor. In diesem Zusammenhang verlangen die aktuellen
nationalen und internationalen Entwicklungen zum Thema
Menschenrechte geradezu nach einer kritischen Aufarbeitung
im Stile Sir Karl Poppers.

Die Konferenz soll am Beispiel des Lebens und Wirkens von
Sir Karl Popper neue Wege aufzeigen und das Thema
Menschenrechte in diesem Kontext darstellen. Das Symposium
umfaßt drei verschiedene Sektionen, wobei der
interdisziplinäre Charakter seines Wirkens und die
behutsamen Ansätze von Sir Karl Popper im Sinne der
Menschenrechte hervorgestrichen werden:

Sektion 1:
Allgemeine Betrachtungen zu den Menschenrechten

Sektion 2:
Migration, Minderheiten und Menschenrechte

Sektion 3:
Individuelle und kollektive Menschenrechte

Ebenso findet eine Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema mit
Vertretern von politischen Parteien und
Menschenrechtsorganisationen statt. Eine Filmpräsentation,
Fotoausstellung, Collagen, Autorenlesung und Musik begleiten
das Programm.


Freitag, 10.12.2004:

13.00 Eröffnung der Veranstaltung
Vorstellung des Symposiums, Einführung in das Thema

14.15 Impulsvortrag Rektor Mag. Spiegelfeld: Zur
historischen und gegenwärtigen Situation der Menschenrechte;
Gedanken im Sinne Sir Karl Poppers

14.45 Sektion 3: Dr. Martin Potschka, kollektive
Menschenrechte in Abgrenzung zu individuellen
Menschenrechten am Beispiel Chinas

16.15 Sektion 1: Dr. Wolfgang Caspart, Psychologie und

17.15 Vernissage: Projekt Transformazija - Leben in
Bulgarien nach 1989. Ljuben Stoev (Bulgarien) Collagen,
Doris Peter (Schweiz) s/w Fotografie, Ulli Gladik
(Österreich) Fotografie - Laudatio: Fr. Maria Wiech -
Bildungsreferentin AAI

Samstag, 11.12.2004:

09.00 Eröffnung

09.15 Sektion 2: Boris Pancevsky, Migration und

10.15 Projekt Transformazija - Dokumentarfilm Drei Cent
von Ulrike Gladik

11.15 Autorenlesung: Dr. Peter Kaiser Nicht nur in
Begleitung meines Körpers

11.45 Mag. Raimund Weiß, Rote Khmer-Tribunal: Geschichte
einer gescheiterten Menschenrechtspolitik?

14.30 Sektion 3: DDr. Gerald Schmidt, Menschenrechte und
Nachhaltigkeit, verknüpfe Zukünfte

15.00 Podiumsdiskussion zur aktuellen Situation der
Menschenrechte mit Vertreter/Innen politischer Parteien und
- Matthias Ellmauer, Menschenrechtssprecher ÖVP
- Walter Posch, Menschenrechtssprecher SPÖ
- Nurten Yilmaz, Integrationssprecherin und Labg. SPÖ Wien
- Mag. Terezija Stoisits, Menschenrechtssprecherin Grüne
- Alexander Zach, Bundessprecher Liberales Forum
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Garnitschnig, Liga der
- Obrad Jovanovic, Romavertreter Verein Romanodrom
- Moderation und Einleitungsreferat Die Erosion der
  Menschenrechte von Dr. Haimo L. Handl

17.30 Zusammenfassung, Schlussworte

Sonntag, 12.12.2004:

09.00 Eröffnung

09.45 Sektion 1: Mag. Karin Lukas, Menschenrechte und

10.45 Sektion 2: o.Univ.Prof.Dr. Christian Brünner,
Menschenrechte und religiöse Minderheiten

11.30 Sektion 3: Dr. Charlotte Spitzer, Menschenrechte in
der modernen Psychiatrie

12.15 Sektion 1: Bertold Lünse, Ein neuzeitliches
Verständnis der Menschenrechte

14.00 Sektion 2: Mag. Johann Sebastian Kann: Migration -
Changes arising from European Enlargement

14.45 Sektion 3: Michael Pand, Verschiedene Konzeptionen von
Menschenrechten am Beispiel Kambodschas

15.45 Zusammenfassung, Diskussion über die Ergebnisse der
drei Sektionen

17.00 Sektion 1: Dr. Christian Pippan: Gibt es ein
Menschenrecht auf Demokratie?

18.00 Zusammenfassung, Ende der Veranstaltung

18.30 Autorenlesung: 

InterPhil: CFP: Gender Across Borders

2004-11-22 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Gender Across Borders
Graduate Student Conference
History Department, Brown University
Providence, RI (USA)
May 13-14, 2005

In May of 2005 the Brown University History Department will
hold a two-day conference for graduate students of history
and other disciplines on issues relating to gender. Titled
Gender Across Borders, the conference will examine how
gender functions as a category of analysis by examining the
thematic, methodological, and theoretical continuities
between all scholars of gender and women. To that end, the
conference will stress cross-temporal conversations and
organize panels around thematically similar but temporally
or geographically diverse papers. Panels will feature three
papers and one commentary by an advanced student or
professor. The conference will offer graduate students
opportunities for participation usually reserved for

Potential panel topics include:

* Gender and Conflict
* Gender and the Nation-State
* Intersections of Gender and Sexuality
* Gender and Labor
* Dialogues of Gender across Class and Race
* Gender and Literature
* Gender, Human Rights, and Development
* Influential Scholars of Gender
* Gender and Place
* Gender and Media
* Gender and the Environment 

Students are encouraged to submit their own ideas for panels
with the goals of the conference in mind. The list of
possible topics above is by no means intended to be

The Conference Planning Committee and the Brown University
History Department are pleased to welcome Joan Scott as the
Marjorie Harris Weiss keynote speaker for 2005. Joan Scott's
work has challenged the very foundations of historical
analysis through her pathbreaking examination of gender. Her
most recent work focuses on the vexed relationship of the
particularity of gender to the universalizing force of
democratic politics. She is currently the Harold F. Linder
Professor in the School of Social Science at the Institute
for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.

Submission Guidelines:

All submissions must be received by January 15, 2005. To
submit a paper, please email an attachment in Word format
containing an abstract of no more than 250 words and a
one-page curriculum vitae. To submit a panel, please email
only one attachment containing all of the abstracts and
curriculum vitae. The subject of the email must read
Conference Proposal and should be sent to the e-mail address
given below. We cannot be responsible for submissions that
do not meet these requirements.

For more information please contact the Planning Committee
or visit our website (web address and e-mail address
provided below):

Planning Committee
Graduate Student Conference
Brown University
History Department, Box N
Providence, RI 02912


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Imagining the Asia-Pacific

2004-11-22 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Imagining the Asia-Pacific
Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies
Vol. 3, No. 1

The Asia-Pacific with its vast assortment of interwoven
peoples, places and cultures has long been a site of
fascination for academics and artists alike. Characterized
by fluidity, diversity and the coexistence of contrasting
visions and interpretations of the past, present and future,
the region and its many component parts offer fertile ground
for the imaginative process. Those who observe and attempt
to interpret for others the myriad symbols, rituals and
stories that exist within the region inevitably participate
in the ongoing imagination and construction of individual
and collective identities. At the same time such attempts to
explain and describe often reveal as much about the
imaginative processes and priorities of those who produce
the discourse as they do about the Asia-Pacific itself.

The Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies invites
submissions from all humanities and visual arts disciplines
which offer a creative articulation of how some or other
part of Asia-Pacific existence is imagined. Contributors are
actively encouraged to be innovative in their use of theory,
methodology and/or the visual and multimedia possibilities
of electronic publishing. Deadline for submissions is 31
January 2005.


Michael O'Shaughnessy
Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies
Tel: +64-4-971-7510


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Teaching in Translation

2004-11-22 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Teaching in Translation
Transformations, Special Issue

Teaching in Translation refers to pedagogies that cross
boundaries - language, nationality, culture, class,
race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality - as well as teaching that
questions traditional disciplinary and hierarchical limits.
Translation raises questions of authenticity, authority,
legitimization, subjectivity, and objectivity. How can we
theorize translation so that it serves as a tool to present
experience with respect for the integrity of the other?
What is the relationship between the different subjects
involved in the process of translation? What is the role of
translation in the validation of the narratives of
marginalized communities and indigenous cultures? What are
the ethics of translation? What does the process of
translation teach us about power and inequality?

The editors of Transformations seek articles (3,000–8,000
words) and media reviews (books, film, video, performance,
art, music, etc. – 1,000 to 3,000 words) examining
approaches to teaching translation as a broadly understood
concept in a variety of contexts: creative writing (for
example, multilingual texts), literature, women’s and gender
studies, anthropology, history, psychology, sociology, art,
photography, geography, religion, philosophy, working-class
studies, ethnic studies, cultural studies, science, and
others. Multidisciplinary approaches that focus on - or
include - discussions of non-western cultures are especially
encouraged. Autobiographical criticism, narrative
scholarship, photo-essays, and experimental work are

Topics might include, but are not limited to:

- Explorations of the translation process at all levels of
  education, from K-12 to universities
- Hybrid genres and hybrid languages
- The politics of bilingual education
- Immigration, assimilation, nationalism, and transnationalism
- Teaching non-traditional students, in non-traditional
  setting and/or teaching as non-traditional faculty
- How teaching in translation can be relevant to progressive
- How to formulate and incorporate translation theories into
  pedagogical practice
- Teaching ethical research methodologies (in sociology,
  anthropology, the sciences, etc)

Transformations relies on blind peer review. Send two hard
copies in MLA format (6th ed.) to the editors or email
inquiries and submissions (attachments in MS Word or Rich
Text) to the e-mail address provided below.
Deadline: 15 January 2006


Jacqueline Ellis and Edvige Giunta
New Jersey City University
Grossnickle Hall Room 303
2039 Kennedy Boulevard
Jersey City, NJ 07306


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Clausewitz in the 21st Century

2004-11-22 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Clausewitz in the 21st Century
International Conference
Department of Politics and International Relations,
University of Oxford
Oxford (UK)
21-23 March 2005

In the 1990s a series of high-profile books in English
argued that Clausewitz’s On War had ceased to be a helpful
guide to war today. They included: John Keegan, A history of
warfare (1993); Martin van Creveld, The transformation of
war (1991); and Mary Kaldor, New and Old Wars (1999). Keegan
argued that war is more a matter of culture than politics;
van Creveld and Kaldor that future wars are more likely to
be waged by non-state actors.

Defenders of Clausewitz have emphasised that his work
constitutes a continuous dialectic, embracing many areas of
war, but presenting no easy solutions. It is tempting to
conclude that On War would never have been finished, even if
Clausewitz had survived his bout of cholera of 1831. They
further suggest that his critics have focused on one
proposition to the exclusion of its counter, and, above all,
have confused what is real with what Clausewitz sees as
normative. Yet defenders of On War then tend to restate what
they take to be eternal truths - they are too ready to tell
us why Clausewitz is still relevant, but not how.

Both sides seem to agree, however, that Clausewitz is
important. Certainly the underlying military, historical,
and philosophical issues about which the controversy swirls
are crucial ones. Yet these two camps seem to be arguing
past one another, in an increasingly sterile and
unproductive debate. Accordingly, this conference, and its
resulting volume, will focus on the application and
realisation of Clausewitz today.

Programme Speakers and Provisional Programme:

21 March 2005

1. Clausewitz and the dialectics of war - Hew Strachan
2. Problems of text and translation – Jan Willem Honig
3. Primacy of policy vs the trinity – Chris Bassford
4. Aims and objectives in war – Daniel Moran
5. Clausewitz’s methodology and its relevance for today –
   Beatrice Heuser
6. War as “art”. Aesthetics and Politics in Clausewitz´
   social thinking - José Fernandez Vega

22 March 2005

7. Clausewitz and small wars – Christopher Daase
8. Clausewitz and the privatisation of war and violence –
   Herfried Münkler
9. Clausewitz, ethics and war – Jon Sumida
10. Clausewitz and the war on terror – Antulio Echevarria
11. Clausewitz and the nonlinear nature of warfare – Alan D
12. Clausewitz and information warfare – David Lonsdale

23 March 2005

13. Limiting war and violence – Andreas Herberg-Rothe
14. Civil-military relations and democracies – Wilfred von
15. Clausewitz and the ethics of politics – to be confirmed

Panel discussion

Conference Website:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Menschenrechte zwischen Wirtschaft, Recht und Ethik

2004-11-25 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Menschenrechte zwischen Wirtschaft, Recht und Ethik
Internationale Konferenz
Wien (Österreich)
3.-4. Dezember 2004

Ehrenschutz: Bundespräsident Dr. Heinz Fischer

Projektleiter: Franz Martin Wimmer
Konferenz Koordination: Hsueh-i Chen

Gemeinsame Veranstaltung der Wiener Gesellschaft für interkulturelle
Philosophie, der österreichischen UNESCO-Kommission, der Österreichischen
Liga für Menschenrechte, des Instituts für Wissenschaft und Kunst und den
Wiener Städtischen Büchereien

In den freien Wirtschaftszonen herrschen zumeist menschenunwürdige
Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnisse; die Grundrechte werden von zahlreichen
Staaten mit der Ausrede auf wirtschaftliche Entwicklung oder kulturelle
Werte verletzt; um die Migrationsströme zu dämmen oder die nationale
Sicherheit zu schützen, werden die Menschenrechte in den Aufnahmeländern
zunehmend über Bord geworfen; Kriege werden neuerdings im Namen der
Menschenrechte geführt ...
Wie kann das Menschenrechtssystem auf diese neuen Entwicklungen reagieren,
wie kann es sich konzeptuell weiter entwickeln?
Die Konferenz wird aus theoretischer, juristischer und praktischer Sicht
Antworten auf die Fragen nach Globalität und Regionalität, nach der
Bedeutung von global players sowie der Rolle von Wirtschaft, Recht und
Ethik suchen.

Freitag, 3. Dezember 2004, 9.00 Uhr: Begrüßung

Dr. Johann Marte (Präsident der Österreichischen UNESCO-Kommission)
Bm. a. D. Dkfm. Ferdinand Lacina (Präsident der Österreichischen Liga für
Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Franz M. Wimmer (Präsident der Wiener Gesellschaft für
Interkulturelle Philosophie)

Freitag, 3. Dezember 2004, 9.00 - 13.00 Uhr: Philosophie
Moderation: Hakan Gürses (Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien)

9.00 Uhr:
Jan Sokol (Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften, Karl-Universität, Prag):
Woher kommen die Menschenrechte?
Kommentar: Mathias Thaler (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen,

10.30 Uhr:
Herlinde Pauer-Studer (Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien):
Menschenrechte - zwischen moralischem Anspruch und politischer
Kommentar: Franz M. Wimmer (Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien)


11.45 Uhr:
Pavel Barsa (Institut für Politikwissenschaften, Karls-Universität, Prag):
Wage a War in the Name of Human Rights?
Kommentar: Christian Stadler (Institut für Rechtsphilosophie und
Rechtstheorie, Universität Wien)

Freitag, 3. Dezember 2004, 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr: Recht
Moderation: Dilek Cinar (Europäisches Institut für Wohlfahrtspolitik und

14.00 Uhr:
Yersu Kim (Koreanische UNESCO-Kommission, Seoul):
Expanding the Grounds of Universality of Human Rights
Kommentar: Benedikt Wallner (Rechtsanwalt, Wien)

15.00 Uhr:
Ann Elisabeth Mayer (The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania,
Clashing Human Rights Priorities: How the United States and Muslim Countries
Selectively Use Provisions of International Human Rights Law
Kommentar: Jameleddine Ben-Abdeljelil (Institut für Orientalistik,
Universität Wien)


16.15 Uhr:
Stefan Hammer (Institut für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht, Universität Wien):
Menschenrechte als Schutzansprüche gegenüber wirtschaftlicher Macht
Kommentar: Konrad Pleterski (Österreichische Liga für Menschenrechte)

Samstag, 4. Dezember 2004, 9.00 - 14.00 Uhr: Praxis
Moderation: Max Koch (Österreichische Liga für Menschenrechte)

9.00 Uhr:
Andrea Barsova (Human Rights Unit, Government Office, Tschechien):
Possibilities and Limits of the Civil Society in Human Rights Protection
Kommentar: Dieter Schindlauer (ZARA, Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit,

10.00 Uhr:
Ursula Schneider (Institut für Internationales Management,
Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz):
Governance statt Government?
Kommentar: Dragana Damjanovic (Institut für österreichisches und
europäisches öffentliches Recht, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)


11.15 Uhr:
Paul Kolm (Gewerkschaft der Privatangestellten, Technische Universität
BürgerInnenrechte im Betrieb - ein blinder Fleck in der öffentlichen
Kommentar: Volker Frey (Wiener Integrationsfond)

12.15 Uhr:
Gregor Paul (Institut für Philosophie, Universität Karlsruhe):
Der Krieg gegen den Terrorismus: Eine grundsätzliche Kritik
Kommentar: Ingvild Birkhan (Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien)

Hauptbücherei am Gürtel / Veranstaltungssaal (3. Stock)
A-1070 Wien, Urban Loritz-Platz 2a

Biografien, weitere Details zu den Vortragenden und Abstracts der Referate:


Wiener Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Philosophie
Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien
Universitätsstr. 7
A-1010 Wien
Tel. +43 / 1 / 42 77 / 474 11
Fax: +43 / 1 / 42 77 / 474 93


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Difference, Borders, Others

2004-12-03 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Difference, Borders, Others
6th Essex Graduate Conference in Political Theory
University of Essex
Colchester, Essex (UK)
13-14 May 2005

Guest Speakers:

Bonnie Honig (Northwestern University)
David Owen (University of Southampton)
Ernesto Laclau (University of Essex)
Aletta J. Norval (University of Essex)

The Department of Government (,
in collaboration with the Centre for Theoretical Studies
( and the Doctoral
Programme in Ideology and Discourse Analysis
(, is pleased to invite you to the Sixth
Essex Graduate Conference in Political Theory to be held at
the University of Essex between the 13th and 14th of May
The conference has achieved a renowned reputation for the
quality of the papers presented and the large number of
international participants. Previous guest speakers have
included Wendy Brown, Judith Squires, Quentin Skinner, Joan
Copjec, James Tully, Fred Dallmayr, David Campbell and
Chantal Mouffe, among others.
The conference provides an important opportunity to engage
with the contemporary challenges and possibilities of social
and political theory and to exchange views on ongoing
research. Papers are encouraged from a wide variety of
backgrounds in the field of social and political theory.
Broad themes include:

- Issues in Political Theory
- Inclusion, Exclusion and Representation
- Consensus, Agonism and Democracy
- Immigration, Ethnicity and Race
- Identity Politics and Mobilisation
- Modes of Subjectivity and Psychoanalysis

Please send proposed paper abstracts of 300-400 words to the
e-mail address given below by Friday 25th March 2004.

Registration form and general information available at:

Conference fees: £25 (Attendance Only); £20 (Paper Givers)


Jonathan Dean and Michael Strange
Department of Government
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park,
Colchester, Essex, CO4 3SQ


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Re-ethnicize the Minds?

2004-12-06 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Publications for the forthcoming book:

Re-ethnicize the Minds?
Tendencies of Cultural Revival in Contemporary Philosophy
(Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi: 2005)

Contributers should send us an abstract as quickly as
possible. The final versions of the papers should be ready
by June 30, 2005.

So far we have received papers dealing with Africa, Japan,
Russia, India, Finland, Northern Siberian Peoples... New
contributions about these regions are still welcome. We
would be particularly happy to receive contributions that
consider China, Iran, the Arab speaking world, Lat. America
or Rabbinistic philosophy, but also of other regions.

For details please click here:

Thank you very much.
Thorsten Botz-Bornstein


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: JOB: Fellowships in 'Fundamentalism(s) in a Multicultural Society'

2004-12-06 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Postdoctoral fellowships:

Fundamentalism(s) in a Multicultural Society
Rockefeller Humanities Residency Program
California State University Los Angeles

Postdoctoral fellowships available for research or creative
work focusing on the Greater Los Angeles area and
Fundamentalism(s) in a Multicultural Society. The
fundamentalism focus encompasses a variety of mindsets
advocating strict adherence to cultural norms and
traditions. We are particularly interested in work exploring
how fundamentalisms operate within/between the diasporas of
this multi-ethnic metropolis.

Two fellowships: September-June ($35,000) and February-June
($17,500). Fellows receive health insurance, $1,000
research/travel, $2,000 relocation (if applicable), graduate
research assistant, office space, computer, CSU system-wide
library privileges.

Fellows will work on a project for publication or
exhibition, attend Rockefeller events, deliver final
presentation, and return to participate in the 2006

For more information, see the web address below.

Submit proposal (5 page maximum), C.V., two letters of
recommendation, and writing sample or creative portfolio to:

Rockefeller Humanities Residency Program
College of Arts and Letters
California State University Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Redefining Europe

2004-12-09 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Redefining Europe: Federalism and the Union of European Democracies
2nd Global Conference
Ashburn Institute
University of Northern Virginia Prague campus
EuroAtlantis Society of Prague
Prague (Czech Republic)
29 April - 2 May 2005

This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary conference is the second in
an annual series of research projects which seeks to focus on methods of
evaluating the implications and opportunities posed by the expansion of the
European Union over the last year. In particular, the conference will assess
the development of the proposed EU constitution with reference to federalist
and democratic principles and ideals. Additionally, the need to address the
impact of an enlarged EU on its relations with the United States will also
be explored.

As a result of these studies, we hope to build a road map to (1) a stronger
EU; (2) a stronger Euro-Atlantic partnership; and (3) an EU in which the
newly accessed can play a key role in the decision-making process as well as
relations within and outside this growing international organization.

Papers, short papers, and workshops are invited on issues related to any of
the following themes:

* The proposed constitution of the EU and the impact of federalist and/or
democratic principles
* The opportunities and implications the EU expansion has had or will have
on democracy, liberty and international cooperation
* The role or impact the expanded EU has or will have on relations with the
United States
* A study on the issue of equal representation of all members of the EU
* The issue of sovereignty in the development of the EU
* Implications for European and state systems of educational institutions,
political organizations, judicial organs, and social welfare
* The future process of state accession to the European Union

Papers will be considered on any related theme. 500 word abstracts should be
submitted by Friday 21st January 2005. If accepted for presentation, 8 page
draft conference papers should be submitted by Friday 5th April 2005.

500 word abstracts should be submitted to the Organising Committee;
abstracts may be in Word, WordPerfect, PDF or RTF formats.
Please send abstracts to both:
Dr Joseph Drew
University of North Virginia - Prague

Marielle Reiss
Ashburn Institute

The conference is sponsored by the Ashburn Institute in partnership with the
University of Northern Virginia Prague campus, the EuroAtlantis Society of
Prague, and Inter-Disciplinary.Net. It aims to bring together people from
different areas and interests to share ideas and explore various discussions
which are innovative and exciting.

One ISBN eBook has been published and one themed hard copy volume is in
preparation from the previous meeting of this conference project. All papers
accepted for and presented at this conference will be published in an ISBN
eBook. Selected papers will be developed for publication in a themed hard
copy volume.

For further details about the project please visit:

For further details about the conference please visit:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Authoritarianism and Democracy in the Age of Globalization

2004-12-10 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Authoritarianism and Democracy in the Age of Globalization
2005 Middle East and Central Asia Politics, Economics, and
Society Conference
The University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT (USA)
8-10 September 2005

The third annual multidisciplinary Middle East  Central
Asia Politics, Economics, and Society Conference will be
held on the campus of the University of Utah in Salt Lake
City, USA, during Sept. 8-10, 2005. The objective of the
conference is to bring together academics, analysts, and
policy makers interested in the Middle East and Central Asia
who wish to network and share their research endeavors.

The three-day event will include as many as four prominent
guests and keynote speakers: Two renowned experts on the
Middle East and Central Asia, and two Ambassadors to the US
from the two regions. There will be an estimated 32
conference sessions, as many as 140 paper presentations and
a special plenary discussion panel on: 'An End to
Authoritarianism or Democratization?' Other attractions
include three complimentary meals, an evening of Middle
Eastern and Central Asian music and art, and optional
viewing of recently released films and documentaries on the
Middle East and Central Asia.

THEMES: Specific themes covered by the conference encompass
interdisciplinary social science approaches to analyses and
problem solving in the Middle East and Central Asia and may
fall within, but not limited to, the following:

# Authoritarianism and Democracy
# Impacts of Globalization
# Problems of Economic and Democratic Transitions
# State and Society Relations
# Religion and Politics
# Islam and Islamism
# Challenges of Post-Communism
# Culture, Gender, and Ethnicity
# Natural Resources, Conflict, and Sustainability
# Media, Cinema, and Film
# Migration, Refugees, the Displaced, and Diaspora
# Human Rights and Minorities
# Post-9-11 Regional and International Affairs
# Nation-building Projects in Afghanistan and Iraq
# Politics of External Actors (US, Russia, EU, China, etc.)
# Israel and Palestine Studies
# US-Iran Relations
# Xinjiang and Uyghur Nationalism
# Terrorism and State Violence
# Conflict Prevention and Resolution
# Regional Organizations and Cooperation
# Civil Society

Selected papers from the conference will be submitted to a
refereed academic journal for likely publication by fall

If interested in presenting a paper in the 2005 MIDDLE EAST
please submit ONLY the following:

#  TELEPHONE NUMBERS (work, cell, home)
#  Indicate willingness to serve as a session MODERATOR or DISCUSSANT

Kindly save the above in NO MORE THAN 2 PAGES in ONE WORD
FILE and name your file as your last name in capitals, a
hyphen and then your first name (e.g. if your name is
'Fatima Baghdadi', your 2-page Word application should be
named: BAGHDADI-Fatima). Furthermore, as the 'Subject' of
your email, please type: 'MECA 2005 Proposal'. Send your
completed application to:


BOOKS, EXHIBITS, ADVERTISING: If you are a publisher or
organization and would like to reserve an exhibition space
at the conference or if you would like to purchase an
advertisement for publication in the conference brochure,
please contact:
Mr. Kristian Alexander at
or  +1-801-581-6047.

Note that the Conference Committee is unable to provide for
participant travel and lodging expenses. Participants are
expected to seek funding from their own institutional and
organizational affiliations. With regard to overseas
participants whose paper proposals have been approved, we
will send official letters necessary for acquiring entry
visas into the United States. All participants will be
required to provide a conference participation fee of $50
($80 late fee). Other important information including due
dates and suggested lodging venues will be forthcoming.
Updates will also be included in the conference website:


2005 Middle East  Central Asia Conference Committee
c/o Dept. of Political Science
260 S. Central Campus Dr.
OSH Building, Room 252
The University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Tel: +1-801-581-6047


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: ANN: Foundation For the Future Research Grant Award

2004-12-13 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Foundation For the Future
Research Grant Award

Choose one of the subjects below for your application for a Foundation For the
Future Research Grant Award

Preliminary Grant Applications, in this cycle, will be considered for funding
only if they pertain to one of the four specific subject areas described below:

1. How will global changes in birth rates, mortality rates, and reproductive
technology affect the human genome over the long-term future?

2. What effect will the current global immigration and emigration of populations
have on the demography of the planet over the long-term future?

3. What are likely to be the major global driving forces/initiatives/issues for
humanity through the new millennium?

4. Are mechanisms of biological and cultural evolution in sync with our systems
of governance and economy? How are they likely to evolve and develop over the
long-term future?

Conditions for Consideration of the Preliminary Grant Application

The following conditions must be met for applications to be considered for

1. Preliminary Grant Applications must be submitted between January 1 and April
30 of a given year to be considered for funding awarded in that year.

2. Preliminary Grant Applications must be complete and the proposed work must
relate specifically to one of the subject areas listed above.

3. Research time frames may take past, present, and the immediate future into
account, but must be focused on the 50- to 200-year (or longer) future time

4. The researcher must document and demonstrate the suitability of his or her
background, ability, resources, and competence to conduct the research for
which funding is sought.

5. Research proposals spread over multiple phases and extended periods of time
will not be funded. The maximum term for completion of Foundation grant
projects is 24 months.

6. The Foundation For the Future does not fund experimental or laboratory
scientific research in the micro sense, unless such research is clearly
demonstrated to be relevant for the long-term future of humanity in the macro
sense. As an example, a project focused on one geographic region of the world,
or a single culture, would be rejected unless the applicant clearly
demonstrates relevance for the long-term future of humanity as a whole.

Deadline: preliminary applications accepted from January 1 to April 30; invited
formal proposals August 1, 2005

Foundation for the Future
123-105th Avenue, SE
Tel: +1-425-451 1333


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Consciousness, Self-Consciousness and Cultural Identity

2004-12-15 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Consciousness, Self-Consciousness and Cultural Identity
International Interdisciplinary Conference
Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion
Calcutta (India)
July 27-30, 2006

The Society for Indian Philosophy  Religion will hold an
International Interdisciplinary Conference in Calcutta July
27-30, 2006. The Conference theme is Consciousness,
Self-Consciousness and Cultural Identity.

The theme can be addressed critically, reflectively and
creatively by the philosophical, religious and scientific
traditions of the World's great civilizations. The program
will include plenary addresses, volunteered papers, invited
papers and panel discussions. Registered participants who
are members of professional associations or societies are
encouraged to submit proposals for holding meetings in the
conference on behalf of their associations or societies. The
organizers are committed to upholding the highest academic
standards with emphasis on the exchange of ideas and
dialogues among thinkers drawn from a wide range of the
world's cultural traditions and movements.

Possible topics include: Self-Consciousness and Personal
Identity, Qualitative Aspects of Consciousness,
Phenomenology of Consciousness, Theories of Action and
Agency, Time Consciousness and Memory, Self-Consciousness
and Language, Consciousness, Knowledge and Reality, Social
and Political Dimensions of Consciousness, Ethics, Alterity
and the Phenomenology of Obligation, Technology and
Consciousness, Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness of
Self and Other; Imagination, Dreaming and Altered States of
Consciousness, Consciousness and Cognition,
Physicalist/Reductive vs. Non-Physical/Non-Reductive
Accounts of Consciousness, Atomistic and Holistic Aspects of
Consciousness, Race, Gender and Ethnicity, Post-modern
Selfhood, Relativism and Absolutism , Cultural Relativism,
Culture and Meaning, Singularity of Culture, Tradition and
Modernity, Culture: Descriptive and Normative Approach,
Values, Customs and Culture, Culture and Hermeneutics, Text
and Interpretation, Globalization of Culture, Sociology of
Knowledge, etc. This list is illustrative and not

The Program Board comprises: Elysabeth Agnew (USA), David
Blanks (Egypt),Victoria Harrison-Carter (U.K), George Berry
(Australia), Elysabeth Koldzak (Poland), Richard Libendorfer
(USA), Craig Matarrese(USA), Devasish Mukherjee (India),
Nityananda Saha (India), Joel Wilcox(USA).

Registration: The advance registration fee for the
conference is $100 and on site registration fee is $140.
Conference events are currently expected to include a
reception and an evening cultural program.

We welcome your participation and suggestion. The deadline
for submission of abstracts is May 25, 2005. The advance
registration fee of $100 (due by October 31, 2005) should be
paid by check drawn in favor of the Society for Indian
Philosophy and Religion mailed to the Secretary, Society for
Indian Philosophy and Religion , 1210 Jamestowne Drive,
Elon, North Carolina 27244, USA.

If you would like to contribute a paper to this event please
send an abstract of about 150 words to:

Dr. Chandana Chakrabarti
Society for Indian Philosophy  Religion
Phone: (336) 524-9349


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: JOB: Africana Philosophy

2004-12-15 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Position in Africana Philosophy
Africana Studies Department, Brown University

The Africana Studies Department at Brown University is
pleased to announce an open rank search for a position in
Africana Philosophy to begin July 1, 2005. Combinations of
interests and teaching capabilities such as African and
Afro-American philosophy, or African, African American and
Native American, will be particularly competitive.

Candidates should send a letter of application and CV to
Chair, Africana Philosophy Search Committee, Department of
Africana Studies, Box 1904, Brown University, Providence, RI
02912. Junior applicants should also submit three letters of
reference; senior applicants should supply the names and
addresses of five referees. Review of applications will
begin Date. To assure full consideration applicants should
submit their materials by that date. Brown University is an
EEO/AA employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to

If you have any questions about this search, please contact or by telephone (401) 863-3137.


Paget Henry
Professor of Africana Studies  Sociology
Chair, Search Committee
Africana Studies Department
Brown University
P.O. Box 1904
155 Angell Street
Providence, Rhode Island 02912
Tel: +1 (401) 863-3137
Fax: +1 (401) 863-3559



InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Religion and Politics of War: Colonization and Globalization

2004-12-15 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Religion and Politics of War:
Colonization and Globalization
International and Interdisciplinary Conference
Asian Studies Program, Elon University
Elon, NC (USA)
March 3-5, 2005

The Asian Studies program will hold an International and
Interdisciplinary conference at the Elon University, Elon,
NC, March 3-5, 2005. The theme of the conference is
Religion and Politics of War: Colonization and
Globalization. The conference is co-sponsored by the Elon
University International Programs Office, International
Studies Office, Department of Politics, and the Society for
Indian Philosophy and Religion.

The conference theme can be addressed critically,
reflectively, and creatively from interdisciplinary
perspectives. The program will include plenary addresses,
volunteered papers, invited papers, and panel discussions.
Participants who are members of professional associations or
societies are encouraged to submit proposals for holding
meetings in the conference on behalf of their associations
or societies.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 15,
2005. If you would like to contribute a paper to this event,
please send an abstract of about 150 words to:

Dr. Chandana Chakrabarti
1210 Jamestowne Drive
Elon, NC 27244


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Philosophy, Ideology, and Civil Society

2004-12-15 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Philosophy, Ideology, and Civil Society
XI Annual Conference
International Society for African Philosophy and Studies
Bigard Memorial Seminary
Enugu (Nigeria)
March 10 - 12, 2005

The International Society for African Philosophy and Studies
(ISAPS) invites proposals for the 11th ISAPS Annual
Conference to be held March 10-12, 2005 Bigard Memorial
Seminary, Enugu, Nigeria.

This conference focuses attention on the role of philosophy
in society in general and African/Africana societies in
particular. It explores the philosophical underpinnings of
civil society, and their real effects in ordering the life
of people especially on the African continent and among
Africans in diaspora. Mindful of the many difficulties
besieging African societies today, we encourage
participants:;to go beyond the apparent order and often
artificial structures of the societies; to explore the
presumptions, attitudes and values that generate these
dysfunction, and to expose their philosophical and
ideological relevance and superfluity. The conference aims
to analyse the actual context of the African societies and
to highlight their positive characteristics, while
indicating possible solutions to various problems The themes
include the following:

1. The nature and evolution of civil society.
2. The Philosophical/Ideological Foundations of Civil
3. Determininism, Relativism, Other Ontological and
Methodological Issues int he Study of Civil Society.
4. Civil Society, Ideological Diversity and
5. Ethnic,Religious Diversity and Social Conflicts and
6. Poverty and Social Disorder.
7. Ideology, Civil Society and Development (political,
economic, socio-cultural, etc).
8. Democracy and the Taming of Power.
9. Philosophical and Ideological Issues in the Development
for Civil Society in Specific African Countries, Regions.
10. Civil Society, AU, NEPAD, Pan-African Organisations,
World Bodies and Globalization.

Please note that paper presentations which do not directly
address the main theme of the conference, but are relevant
to African Philosophy or African Studies always are welcome.
The organizers therefore welcome the submission of abstracts
on topics related generally to the African and Africana

We welcome other topics of interest. Selected conference
papers will be published in Journal on African Philosophy

Conference registration fee
Members: $35 USD (Naira 3,500)
Students: $15 USD (Naira 1,500)

Membership dues
Members: $25 USD (Naira 2,500)
Students: $15 USD

Abstract Deadline: January 31, 2005.

Confirmation letters will be sent out in the beginning of
February 2005.

Addresses for submission of abstracts:

(1) For Participants from Nigeria and Other African

Dr. J. Obi Oguejiofor
Bigard Memorial Seminary
P.O. Box 327

(2) For Participants from the Caribbean, Europe, U.K., and
the U.S., etc.

Dr. Kola Abimbola, Secretary
International Society for African Philosophy and Studies
Lecturer in Law
University of Leicester
Leicester LE1 7RH

Conference Website:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Configurations of the Third

2004-12-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Configurations of the Third: 1800 to the Present.
Third Agents and the Missing Links of Modernity
International Conference
St. John’s College, University of Cambridge
Cambridge (UK)
29-31 August 2005


Department of German, University of Cambridge
Research Group ‘Figur des Dritten’, University of Konstanz

Keynote Addresses

Zygmunt BAUMAN, Leeds (Sociology)
Andrew BOWIE, London (Philosophy)
Rüdiger GÖRNER, London (Literary Theory)
Ann HARDY, Wellcome Institute, London (History of Medicine)
George HUNSINGER, Princeton (Theology)
Judith RYAN, Harvard (Comparative Literature), tbc


Parasites, miasmata and missing links; dialectics, the
unconscious and chiliasm; Hermes figures, rivals and
tricksters – all these catchphrases refer to third agents or
tripartite agencies. The ‘figure of the third’ often takes
the form of a privileged entity or space which overcomes
binary oppositions and effects transformation.
Post-Cartesian intellectual and scientific enquiry has
witnessed an explosion in attempts to move beyond the
dichotomy of mind vs. matter and develop and criticise
triadic structures of thought.

This has unleashed modes of thinking which relate the figure
of the third to fundamental questions of subjectivity and
self-consciousness. With this conference we want to create
an opportunity to engage in an interdisciplinary debate on
continuities and discontinuities between tripartite
configurations during the last 200 years.

Linking the imaginative and theoretical implications of
these structures to post-Enlightenment culture’s unease with
both ambivalence and binary oppositions has been a central
preoccupation of cultural theory (e.g. the Frankfurt School,
J. Habermas, N. Elias, Z. Bauman). The conference will
pursue this further and ask whether the modern human
condition can be adequately captured as an unfinished
project of invoking third agents to reconfigure ambivalence
and binarity.

We are inviting contributions in the following fields:

1. Philosophy and Theology:
· 1800 and all that? The late 18th century as a paradigm shift
· Idealism and Materialism
· German philosophy - French theory: the migrations of thirdness
· Configurations of the Third in Modern Theology
· Chiliasm, millenarianism and utopia in the 19th and 20th centuries

2. History  Philosophy of Science:
· Third bodies
· Parasites, epidemics, infections: configurations of the Third in the
history of medicine
· The dialectics of evolution
· The uncertainty principle and metareflexivity in modern science

3. Social and Political Sciences:
· Third ways
· Money, circulation, acceleration: reflections on modernity
· Concepts of time and space in postcolonial discourse
· Jürgen Habermas and the public sphere
· Giorgio Agamben’s concept of ‘homo sacer’

4. Literary Studies:
· The Third as a literary theme: demigods and
angels, rivals and voyeurs, pícaros and tricksters
· Theories of metaphor
· Reader-response criticism and the author-text-reader triangle
· The sublime, the uncanny, the individual: psychoanalysis and literature

5. Media Studies / Cultural Studies:
· Intertextuality, Intermediality
· Tertiary models in media studies and communication theory
· Configurations of the uncanny in media studies
· The Third in cultural studies (eg cultural materialism, postcolonial
· The notion of 'ecology' in cultural theory

Papers are welcome in English, French and German.

Abstracts should be sent to

Ulrich Bröckling (,
Ian Cooper (,
and Bernhard Malkmus (

by 15 January 2005.

A selection of papers will be published.


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Knowledge and Science in Africa

2004-12-22 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Panels

Knowledge and Science in Africa
International Conference
African Studies Association in Germany
Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Africa
Frankfurt/Main (Germany)
July 13-16, 2006

The “African Studies Association in Germany” meets every two
years to discuss current developments and the status of
research in Africa within the framework of an international
conference. At the conference planned for 2006, various
conceptions of “knowledge” in the broadest sense are to be
dealt with, whereby local concepts of knowledge are to play
just as much a role as the knowledge accumulated and
institutionalized by academics. Central topics are the
production, dissemination, and preservation of knowledge.
But also questions concerning the power to define what
“knowledge” is and how this knowledge has changed in the
history of African studies are to take center stage at the
conference: Which questions are posed by African and
nonAfrican scholars/scientists, and which thematic
priorities condition their research? Under what political
and economic conditions is scholarship conducted in Africa,
and what attempts have been made to achieve forms of
cooperation in terms of equal partnership? Does Africa need
more scholarship/science to solve its problems – and what
role can be played by the research on Africa pursued at
universities? In addition to the thematic focus on the
networking of local and academic conceptions of knowledge,
interdisciplinary panels are to receive special attention in

The “Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Africa (CIRA)”
will host the conference.

The conference will be divided into panels with a relatively
variable scope. In contrast to the last VAD conference in
Hannover (June 2004), an organizational uniformity among the
sessions will be foregone. Panel coordinators are more or
less free to organize their panels as they see fit
(presentations, podium discussions, film, performance,
etc.). A small panel covers a maximum of two hours
(including a break), which corresponds to approximately
three presenters plus discussion. A standard size panel
consists of a half-day event with a double program. Larger
panels are to a great extent dependent on room capacities
and the demand expressed for them. Decisions concerning the
acceptance of panels will be made at a meeting of the
executive committee and board of the VAD on April 4, 2005.

German, English, and French are allowed as conference
languages. Out of consideration for foreign guests, all
presenters will be required to submit an English abstract,
which is to be no longer than one page. For presentations in
French, a more detailed English abstract modeled on the
outline of the presentation will be required.

Please submit your proposals for panels no later than March
20, 2005 to Dr. Stefan Schmid (e-mail address given below)
with the following information:

- Classification under a topic heading
- Estimated duration (2/4/6/8 hours)
  and estimated number of presenters
- Short description (half a page)

Please note that panels can only be proposed in cooperation
with a german partner.

Once a panel is accepted, each panel coordinator will have
the opportunity to post a call for papers on the VAD
homepage (web address shown below). The panel coordinators
are urged to give special consideration to young scholars
when organizing their panels. They are emphatically
encouraged to invite African presenters, in which case early
correspondence with the conference coordinator is necessary.
In order to complete the DFG application to finance the
costs for foreign guests, all relevant information must be
submitted to the conference organizer no later than May 15,
2005, even if such information has only a provisional

Suggested Topics:

- Production, communication and adaptation of knowledge
- Changing 'sites' of knowledge
- Knowledge, development and shaping the future
- Transmission of knowledge
- Environmental Changes and Environmental Knowledge
- Generation and Transfer of Religion-Knowledge
- Knowledge and Action in the Context of Disease and Poverty
- International Science/Scholarship Cooperation and
  International Knowledge Exchange
- African studies in Europe: A by-product of the (post)
  colonial experience?


Dr. Stefan Schmid
Leiter der Geschäftsstelle/Koordinator
Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Afrikaforschung (ZIAF)
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Grüneburgplatz 1
60323 Frankfurt/Main
Tel.(004969) 798 32097
Fax (004969) 798 32098
Mobil 0049179 / 2136059


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Religious Diversity: Global Challenges and Local Responsibilities for the Commonwealth

2005-01-02 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Religious Diversity: Global Challenges and Local
Responsibilities for the Commonwealth
3rd Diversity Matters Forum
Australian Multicultural Foundation
Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit
Commonwealth Foundation
The Statesman
Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements
Kolkata (India)
February 28 - March 2, 2005

The First Diversity Matters Forum was held in Brisbane,
October 2001. It was a bi-partisan approach between the
Commonwealth Institute and the Australian Multicultural
Foundation. The forum successfully concluded with a number
of resolutions and a Statement of Principles, which was
forwarded to the CHOGM meeting in March 2002.

More than 80 participants from Commonwealth countries took
part in the three-day forum designed to promote dialogue and
encourage practical solutions fostering and celebrating
cultural diversity. The forum focused on issues relevant to
members of the Commonwealth.

The Second Diversity Matters Forum, hosted by the Australian
Multicultural Foundation, the Commonwealth Policy Studies
Unit and the Commonwealth Foundation, was designed to follow
up and further develop themes and ideas that were initiated
by participants in the first forum. In addition, the second
forum was designed to develop and implement pragmatic
approaches that Commonwealth countries can take on board as
they work towards promoting social cohesion through
acceptance and understanding between community and religious

The third forum will specifically look at identifying
multi-faith initiatives, issues and challenges for the
Commonwealth with a view to recommending the establishment
of a Commonwealth Multi-Faith Advisory Group. The Australian
Multicultural Foundation, in partnership with the
Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit, the Commonwealth
Foundation, The Statesman, and the Monash Institute for the
Study of Global Movements, will co-ordinate a gathering of
international speakers and practitioners from relevant
institutions and NGOs within the Commonwealth.

Information and Registration:


Australian Multicultural Foundation
PO Box 538
Carlton St. South VIC 3053
Fax: +61 3 9347 2218


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Dual Citizenship: Rights and Security in an Age of Terror

2005-01-03 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Dual Citizenship: Rights and Security in an Age of Terror
International Conference
Joint Initiative in German and European Studies, Toronto
Social Science Research Council, New York
Toronto, Ont. (Canada)
March 17-19, 2005

The purpose of the conference is to identify global trends
towards convergence and nationally- specific variations in
approaches to dual citizenship. The keynote speaker is Seyla
Benhabib, who will speak on Transformations of

For further information contact:

Thomas Faist


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Politics and Ethnicity: Communities, the State and Managing Changing Relationships

2005-01-03 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Politics and Ethnicity:
Communities, the State and Managing Changing Relationships
International Conference
21st Century Trust
Trudeau Foundation
Merton College, University of Oxford
Oxford (UK)
1-9 April 2005

Lord Durham famously described what would become Quebec as
‘two nations warring in the bosom of a single state’, a
phrase which could apply in myriad locations worldwide.
Durham’s nineteenth-century solution – assimilation – has
been widely resisted, especially by minority communities.
The problem, however, remains and has become increasingly
acute over the last 15 years in what, in some parts of the
world, has been an era notorious for ‘ethnic cleansing’. The
relationship between communities is of prime concern now as
states are reconstructed after conflict in Iraq and
Afghanistan, and as the crisis in Darfur has unfolded. The
relationship between the state and diverse communities is
also under renewed scrutiny in many parts of the West. Even
in countries such as the Netherlands, so long renowned for
its liberal consensus, the political ground has been
shifting on this issue.

There is therefore renewed urgency in questioning how to
balance the rights of diverse minority and majority
religious and ethnic groups (nations, so to speak) within a
state, in a world where the nation-state is still a fictive
norm in and around which institutions are built. What are
the problems and strengths inherent in the concept of
minority rights as distinct from individual rights? When is
multi-culturalism the best approach? Or how far are its
critics right that it tends to institutionalize, or even
increase existing divisions, and give power within
communities to leaders who are not necessarily

Through case studies, the conference will consider different
strategies – both of the state and of groups – as to claims
on state attention and resources, and the impact of these on
the country as a whole. This latter question is complicated
in many states by a growing split between cosmopolitan urban
areas and more mono-cultural rural ones, with even the
possibility of the ‘horizontal’ territory, the nation state,
losing out to ‘vertical’ conurbations, increasingly
autonomous cities.

Finally, the conference will assess the significance of
hybridity - newly developing cultural syntheses, accepting
neither the ‘one-way street’ of assimilation into a majority
culture nor the boundaries of multi-culturalism - and the
set of issues which it in turn may bring to the fore.

For more information, or for an application to attend this
event, contact:

John Lotherington, Director
21st Century Trust
25 Museum St.
London, WC1A 1JT
Tel. +44(0)207-323 2099
Fax: +44(0)207-323 2088


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: WWW: Just War Theory

2005-01-04 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
A new website in philosophical and empirical peace and war
studies: is a free, non-profit aid to research and
instruction in applied ethical, political and legal theories
of armed conflict, peace-making, and international law. is an annotated host of free
internet-available resources covering such topics as just
war theory, terrorism, counter-terrorism warfare, military
strategy, military ethics, defense policy, pacifism,
alternatives to warfare, international law enforcement,
nationalism, humanitarian intervention, international war
conventions, war crimes, U.S. foreign policy, and related
current events.


Mark A. Rigstad, Ph.D.
Department of Philosophy
Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309
Phone +1 (248) 370-2662


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: JOB: Lecturer in General, European, Comparative Philosophy and Gender/Cultural Sudies

2005-01-05 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Job Announcement

Position: Associate Lecturer (50% fractional)
Type: Academic Staff
Location: Launceston
School/Section: Philosophy
Appointment: Fixed Term
Availability: Internal  External
Closing Date: Wednesday, 26 January 2005
Reference No: LA 3/05

Applications are invited for appointment to the above position, which will
be offered on a 50% fractional-time fixed-term basis for a period of 2
The School has an established and developing range of programs at both
undergraduate and postgraduate levels and currently employs 14 staff on the
Hobart and Launceston campuses. The School is interested in appointing a
person with demonstrated teaching or research expertise in one or more of
the following areas of philosophy: general philosophy, European philosophy
(especially phenomenology), comparative philosophy and gender/cultural
studies, especially relevant to the University's theme areas.
The appointee will be expected to coordinate and teach two first-year units
and contribute to research leading to scholarly publication. Although the
appointee's principal duties will lie on the Launceston campus, some
administrative contribution may be required that includes activity on other
The appointment will be at Academic Level A and will have a total
remuneration package of up to $32,269 per annum (comprising salary within
the range $20,645 - $27,580 plus 17% superannuation).
For further information about the position please contact the Head of
School, Associate Professor Robyn Ferrell, on telephone (03) 6226 2256, fax
(03) 6226 7847 or email


The University has also implemented an Aboriginal Employment Strategy, and
Aboriginal people are strongly encouraged to apply for this and other
University appointments.

Dr James Chase
School of Philosophy
Launceston Campus
University of Tasmania
Locked Bag 340
Launceston Tas 7250

phone: +61 3 6324 3439


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Hegemonic Masculinities and International Politics

2005-01-10 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Hegemonic Masculinities and International Politics
International Conference
Manchester University Centre for International Politics
Manchester (UK)
5-6 May 2005

Key note speakers Cynthia Enloe and Michael Kimmel

This two day conference aims to bring together scholars
whose work engages with issues concerning the study of
masculinities in International Relations/International
Political Economy.

The conference will be structured around the following core

(1) Bringing the concept of hegemonic masculinities into the
study of global politics
- The idea of global politics as a masculinised realm
- Capitalism, globalisation and masculinities
- Critical engagements with the concept of hegemonic
  masculinities within IR
- The relationship between studies of hegemony and hegemonic
- The relationship between feminist theorizing and the
  concept of hegemonic masculinities

(2) Sites and sightings of hegemonic masculinities in global
- Studies of ‘masculinised’ actors within global politics
  (militaries, global corporations, foreign policy makers and
  diplomats, international financial institutions)
- Global media/film/imagery and hegemonic masculine
- Nationalism and masculinity
- Men and political action in global politics

(3) Recognising and resisting hegemonic masculinities
- Alternative masculinities operating within global politics
- The contribution of queer theory in challenging hegemonic
- Feminities and resistances to hegemonic masculinities

Conference website:

Juanita Elias


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Dialogics of Cultural Encounters

2005-01-11 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Dialogics of Cultural Encounters
Book Project

Pepers are invited for a collection tentatively titled
Dialogics of Cultural Encounters scheduled for publication
by the end of this year. Papers should focus on points of
cultural contact. A core group of papers for this volume
will come from the presentations at the 7th international
conference on criticism and theory held last December at
Visakhapatnam, India.

The theme of the conference, Dialogics of Cultural
Encounters, is part of the ongoing debate of the Forum on
the question of identity, which has acquired greater urgency
and meaning today in the context of the recent events in
Afghanistan and Iraq and the threat of international
terrorism to the civilized world. The theme extends the
scope of the debate on modernity, to encompass the larger
dimension of the question involving dialogue between
cultures, between civilizations, between religious and
political ideologies, and between the present and the past.
The idea of modernity, which was disseminated throughout the
world under colonial dispensation, was both a spatial mode
of intervention across cultures and a reflection on the
nature of residual temporality of the past through the
present. Through migration and displacement of people,
through translations of works, through study of comparative
literary perspectives and influences, and through expansion
of regimes of control under colonialism and forms of
globalization the world continues to be shaken and
invigorated by spatial dynamics of cultural exchange.
Temporal markers of disjunction and conjunction of cultural
forces would include modernity's invocation of the past and
its continued reworking of tradition through both
conflicting and collaborative dialogues. The influx of
modernity into the life-world of the countries influenced by
the West could be seen as both a disturbing phenomenon for
traditional cultures as well as a facilitation for a
fruitful exchange of ideas for a healthy cross-fertilization
of shared perspectives.

Although some cynics have predicted a clash of civilizations
and battles over ideological differences, there seems to
have continued a subtle dialogue between systems of thought
apparently opposed by their epistemic differences. The
emergence of poststructuralist thinking and its profound
impact on contemporary thought have made us aware that the
old-fashioned dichotomies and polarities are no longer
helpful in re-conceptualizing the nature of the human world;
there is a need for a fresh look from the vantage point of
the new century and new millennium, which is expected to
offer us a vision of a new future. By using the term
dialogics from Mikhail Bakhtin and implying its opposition
to the Marxist term dialectics we have tried to understand
the more complex but valuable interplay of ideas across
cultures and time as a way of making sense of the intricate
process of encounters between cultures, despite the more
obvious signs of many forms of conflicts resulting in
violent political and ideological clashes. The conference
will try to examine through close studies of cultural forms
as well as the nature of philosophical debates through
history how there has been a persistence of dialogical
impulses, even when conflicts among cultures have been more
open and bloody.

Papers, mostly on conceptual nature, supported by textual
examples, are welcome. Mere textual analysis without any
broad philosophical framework will not be entertained.

Deadline:  30 April 2005
Publication date: December 2005
Average length of MS.: 6000-8000 words
Style:  MLA Handbook (Please keep notes to a minimum.)
Manuscripts may be submitted electronically.


Sura P. Rath, Director
The William O. Douglas Honors College
Central Washington University
Language  Literature Building, Ste. 103B
400 East University Way
Ellensburg, WA 98926-7521
Phone: +1-509-963-1440
Fax:   +1-509-963-1206


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Physiognomy of Origin: Multiplicities, Bodies and Radical Politics

2005-01-14 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Physiognomy of Origin:
Multiplicities, Bodies and Radical Politics
International Conference
University of Sydney
4-6 May 2005

Keynote speakers: Antonio Negri, Adriana Cavarero

This conference brings together two key figures in the contemporary 
reconsideration of the concept of origin. Radical theorist and activist, 
Antonio Negri has introduced a materialist perspective on the concept of 
origin through his investigations of constituent power and multitudes. 
Italian feminist philosopher, Adriana Cavarero has been engaged in 
reconceiving origin through the thought of sexual difference, an ethics 
of embodiment and more recently, the politics of vocal expression.

In conversation with Negri and Cavarero, this conference reflects on the 
question of the physiognomy of origin. What forms does the concept of 
origin take as it progresses and changes? How does its changing 
character affect the constitution of life? What are the historical and 
(bio)political conditions of the transformation of origin? What are the 
sites of precariousness and potentiality to which this progression gives 
rise? How does the materiality of the origin disclose its inner 
character? And how does the concept of origin inform a conception of the 
human, in both its material and normative modes? Does embodiment 
necessarily entail a return to origin, or does the genealogical focus on 
conditions of emergence allow for alternative ways of understanding 
embodiment? In what ways can a democratic politics configure the social 
body to allow for diversity to take shape and qualify the powers of origin?

Themes to be addressed may include:

- biopolitics and potentiality
- sovereignty and states of exception
- constituent and constituted power
- labour mobility, political movements, and exodus
- creative labour and cognitive capitalism
- democracy and forms of life
- materiality and corporeality
- the politics of the voice
- biotechnology, genetics, and kinship
- modernity, multiple modernities and temporality
- metaphysics and post-metaphysical thought

In addition to open panels, submissions are also requested for two 
themed panels. The first panel is entitled Moods of Modernities, and 
is led by Andrew Benjamin. This panel addresses issues such as: 
temporalities of modernity, the time of bodies, times of lived 
experience, the time of moods. The second panel is entitled Spinoza and 
Politics, and is led by Genevieve Lloyd. This panel explores the 
bearing of Spinoza's philosophy on contemporary political issues, 
Australian and international. Potential topics include: changing 
attitudes to borders, refugees and asylum seekers, issues of origin 
and belonging in the relations between non-indigenous and indigenous 
peoples, and issues of rights, freedom and security after September 11.

Physiognomy of Origin is an interdisciplinary conference and invites 
papers from perspectives such as political theory, philosophy, 
anthropology, cultural studies, geography, European (and Italian) 
studies, sociology, literature, art history and theory, communication 
and performance studies, political economy, and gender studies. The 
event is also open to non-academic participants whose practice (creative 
and/or political) relates to the broad themes of the conference.
Submission abstracts should be approximately 300 words long, clearly 
describing the topic and aims of the paper. If your abstract is directed 
toward one of the themed panels, please indicate this clearly with the 
title of the panel. Your abstract should also include a biographical 
note, indicating current institutional affiliation and research/practice 
interests. Please also indicate whether audio-visual equipment will be 

The extended date for the submission of abstracts is: 31st January 2005.

Submit abstracts by email to:
Direct other inquiries to:

For more information, see website:

Organising Committee:

Paolo Bartoloni (International and Comparative Literary Studies, 
University of Sydney)
Craig Browne (Sociology, University of Sydney)
Catherine Mills (Philosophy, University of New South Wales)
Brett Neilson (Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney)
Timothy Rayner (Philosophy, University of Sydney)
Robert Sinnerbrink (Philosophy, Macquarie University)


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Fronteras culturales y fronteras disciplinares

2005-01-14 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Fronteras culturales y fronteras disciplinares:
El desafio de las identidades transnacionales y los límites
del cosmopolitismo en antropología
1er Congreso Latinoamericano de Antropología
Rosario (Argentina)
11 al 15 de julio del 2005

Los simposios tendrán un máximo de 15 ponencias que serán
evaluadas (para su aceptación o rechazo) por los coordinadores.


Los trabajos destinados a  las mesas de comunicaciones tendrán las
siguientes características y deberan ser enviados como ponencia
terminada y los autores deberan aclararan si están de acuerdo en que
el trabajo sea publicado en CD-Rom:

a. Tamaño de papel: A4
b. Parámetros del texto:  interlineado simple; fuente Times New
Roman 11; justificado
c. Márgenes: superior e inferior  3 cm; derecho, 2.5 cm.
Izquierdo, 3.5 cm. Texto justificado.
d. Extensión máxima: no podrán exceder las 10 páginas
incluyendo gráficos, figuras, notas y comentarios, bibliografía y
e. Corrector de texto: sugerimos usarlo antes de enviar el trabajo
f. Diagramación:
  a. Título: primer renglón. Centrado. Mayúsculas y negrita.
  b.  Autor/es: segundo renglón. Apellido, nombre. Centrado.
Mayúsculas y minúsculas.
  c.  Pertenencia institucional:  Tercer renglón. Lugar de trabajo.
Centrado. Mayúsculas y minúsculas. Correo electrónico.
  d.   Estructura del texto: Debe estar precedido por un abstracta de
250 palabras en castellano,portugués,inglés o francés . Sugerimos
que adopten el esquema de: Introducción - Desarrollo - Conclusiones.
  e.   Bibliografía: las citas bibliográficas tendrán la
siguiente forma: autor/es, año de edición;  Título (en negrita si
es título de libro, en normal si es capítulo de compilación  o
artículo en Publicación Periódica); Lugar de edición; página/s
si corresponde. Si es capítulo o artículo, se consignará en
negrita su título.

A título de ejemplo:

Madrazo, G. 1968 Alfarería de Prehumahuaca de Tilcara. Etnia,  8: 16
- 18.

Lischetti, M. (compiladora) 2003 Desafíos para la Integración
Regional. Chilenos en Argentina. Una perspectiva antropológica.
Editorial Antropología Buenos Aires.

f. Citas bibliográficas en el texto: se consignarán el apellido
del autor/es, año de edición y páginas si correspondiere.

A título de ejemplo: (Lischetti, 2003: 25).

g.Fotografías: serán scaneadas  con resolución de 300 dpi o
más y en escala de grises o en color, con formato de extensión jpg,
indicando en el texto la referencia a cada una de ellas o al pie.

h. El envio del trabajo será solo por correo electrónico,
recordando enviar a los mails del congreso y a los coordinadores

especificando a qué  simposio es enviado, y con copia a los coordinadores
del simposio al que se solicita incorporar la ponencia.

26 de febrero del 2005.


Titulares con ponencia:

- Residentes en Argentina: $ 150   (hasta 26/02/05); $180
(después del 26/2/05).
- Residentes en el exterior: U$A 100 (hasta el 26/02/05); u$s
130 (después del 26/02/05).

Titulares sin ponencia:

- Residentes en Argentina: $ 100 (hasta26/02/05 ) 75; $ 130
(después 26/02/05)
- Residentes en el exterior. u$s 75 (hasta 26/02/05); u$s 90
(después del 126/02/05)

Estudiantes con ponencia:

- Residentes en Argentina: $ 50 (hasta 26/02/05); $ 70
(después del 26/02/05)
- Residentes en el exterior: u$s 35 (hasta  26/02/05); u$s 50
(después del 26/02/05)

Estudiantes sin ponencia:

- Residentes en Argentina: $ 25 (hasta 26/02/05); $ 35
(después del 26/02/05)
- Residentes en el exterior: u$s 15 (hasta el 26/02/05); u$s
25 (después del 26/02/05)


- Residentes en Argentina:  $ 50 (hasta el 26/02/05); $ 70
(después del 26/02/05)
- Residentes en el exterior: u$s 25 (hasta 26/02/05); $ 35
(después del 26/02/05)

Los giros postales deben ser enviados a nombre de:

Nélida F. E. De Grandis. L.C. 5.007.767

A la siguiente dirección postal:

Paraguay 542 - 8BA piso - Dto. B
2000 Rosario - Argentina

Para dar aviso del envío del pago:  fax: 0054-341-4802675

Dr. Lorenzo Macagno (

Dr. Gunther Dietz  (
Dra. Silvia Montenegro  (


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: What is Terror?

2005-01-18 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

What is Terror?
Joint Conference
Society for European Philosophy
Forum For European Philosophy
University of Reading
Reading (UK)
8-10 September 2005

Conference web site:
Two of the leading UK Societies for European Philosophy have
decided to hold a joint conference in September 2005. The
three-day event offers a new context for students, academics
and others with an interest in Modern European Philosophy to
meet and discuss their work and ideas.

The intention is to make the final day something like a
one-day conference on the theme: the first two days will be
'theme-thin' and the Saturday 'theme-rich'. There will be
three themed plenary sessions on Saturday and only one panel
session on the theme on Thursday and on Friday.

There will be a range of non-theme plenaries and panel
sessions on both Thursday and Friday. These sessions aim to
offer students and scholars the opportunity to present their
work-in-progress in any area of Modern European Philosophy.

Abstracts of no more than 500 words - whether on the theme
or not - to be submitted by May 1st 2005 to Catherine Lowe,
either in electronic form or by mail.


Catherine Lowe
Forum for European Philosophy
London School of Economics
Room J105, Cowdray House
Portugal Street
London, WC2A 2AE


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Divination in Sub-Saharan Africa

2005-01-20 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Realities Re-Viewed / Revealed.
Divination in Sub-Saharan Africa
International Conference
National Museum of Ethnology Leiden
Leiden (The Netherlands)
July 4-5, 2005

(Please note, for matters of organization, that this
conference has been scheduled two days after the AEGIS
conference at SOAS, London.)

Organizers: Philip Peek (Drew University), Wouter van Beek
(African Studies Center, Leiden), Jan Jansen (Leiden
University), and Annette Schmidt (National Museum of
Ethnology, Leiden)

Among the sub-topics we hope to address are the roles of
today's diviners as political leaders and healers, the
fundamental epistemologies which divination articulates, and
the complex processes by which underlying realities are
revealed. We also encourage descriptions of previously
unstudied divination systems. Selected papers from the
conference will be published.

If you want to attend the conference or to present a paper,
please contact Jan Jansen at

Hosted by: the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden

Sponsored by: Leiden University, Research School CNWS,
Netherlands Association for African Studies NVAS, African
Studies Centre, Leiden, and Brill Academic Publishers


 JULY 4, 2005

   9.00 - 10.00 Subscription and reception
 10.00 - 10.15   Opening (Walter van Beek [African Studies Center, Leiden],
 Jan Jansen
 [Leiden University], Philip Peek [Drew University])

 10.15 - 11.00 Keynote Speech

 -   Wim van Binsbergen (African Studies Center/ Erasmus
 University) Divination through Space and Time

 11.00-11.15 Discussion

 11.15-11.30 Break

 11.30 - 13.00 Panel I
 Mediums, Codes, Principles
 Chair: Peter Geschiere (University of Amsterdam)

 -   Adrien N. Ngudiankama (Princeton University) Kongo Divination
 Principles and Practices
 -   René Devisch (Africa Research Centre, K.U.Leuven) Matrixial
 Intelligence in Yaka Mediumnic Divination
 -   Jeanne-Francoise Vincent (Université de Clermont-Ferrand)
 Pouvoir du futur, pouvoir du present: le devin face au pouvoir politique chez
 les Mofu-Diamare

 13.00 - 14.30 Lunch

 14.30-16.30 Panel II (Break at 15.30)
 Mathematically Inspired Interpretations of Divination
 Chair: Peter Pels (Leiden University)

 -   David Zeitlyn (Kent University) Almost the Real Thing - Using
 Computer Based Simulation to Study Mambila Divination
 -   Ron Eglash (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute): An
 Ethnomathematics Comparison of African and Native American Divination Systems
 -   Franklin Tjon Sie Fat (Leiden University) Binary models in
 Divination in Africa and Beyond
 -   Jan Jansen (Leiden University) Maninka Sand Divination : a
 Formalized Teaching Trajectory in an Illiterate Context

 16.30 -  21.00 Reception/Dinner

 JULY 5, 2005

  9.00-11.00 Panel  III
 Maraboutic and non-maraboutic divination in the Mande World
 Chair: Jan Jansen (Leiden University)
 Discussant: Benjamin Soares (African Studies Center, Leiden)

 -   Knut Graw (Africa Research Centre, K.U.Leuven) Divinastion
 and Ttime: a Processual Analysis of Prospective Divinatory Praxis in Senegal
 and The Gambia
 -   Amber Gemmeke (Leiden University) Marabout Women in Dakar:
 Islam, Divination, and Femininity
 -   Ferdinand de Jong (University of East Anglia) People said: It
 is like 9/11. The Interpretation of a Senegalese Shipwreckage
 -   Dorothea Schulz (Freie Universität, Berlin) Divination and
 Monetarisation; Marabouts in Mali
 -   Trevor Marchand (SOAS, London) Fortifying Futures on Blessed
 Foundations: masons, magic and gaurantees in Djenne

 11.00-11.15 Break

 11.15 - 12.00 Keynote speech

 -   Alfred Adler (CNRS, Paris) Retour au bâton de l' aveugle: les
 dynamiques de la divination Moundang

 12.00-13.30 Lunch

 13.30-15.00 Panel IV
 Divination as Codes of Behavior?
 Chair:  Philip Peek (Drew University)

 -   Koen Stroeken (Africa Research Centre, K.U.Leuven) Sensory
 Codes in Sukuma Divination
 -   Anja Veirman (Gand University) Sandogo Divination chez les
 Senufo du Folona (Mali)
 -   Walter van Beek (African Studies Center/Utrecht University)
 Predicting the past, foreseeing the future: choices in Dogon divination

 15.00-15.15 Break

 15.15-16.45 Panel V
 Divination and the Construction of the Self
 Chair: Benjamin Soares (Africa Studies Center, Leiden)

 -   Philip Peek (Drew University) The Communal Self: Diviners,
 Twins, and Doubles
 -   Rijk van Dijk (African Stdies Center, Leiden) Confession as
Divination in Pentacostal Practice: Private Narratives in Changing Public
 -   Kai Kresse (St. Andrews University) Can research on African
 divination be made fertile for the field of African philosophy?



InterPhil List Administration:

InterPhil: CFP: The Thought of New World: The Quest for Decolonization

2005-02-01 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

The Thought of New World: The Quest for Decolonization
4th Caribbean Reasonings
The Centre for Caribbean Thought, University of the West
Indies (UWI) - Mona
Kingston (Jamaica)
June 16-18, 2005

The New World Group (NWG) was established in the early
1960s, when Lloyd Best, Alister McIntyre, and other social
scientists at the Institute for Social and Economic
Research, UWI, Mona and later with others in Georgetown,
Guyana, formed a loose discussion group for the purpose of
examining economic and social problems in light of an
analysis of West Indian history and society. They were
committed West Indian integrationists and before the concept
of the Third World became fashionable, were radical and
innovative in their approach to and rejection of
metropolitan intellectual and political hegemony. With an
aim to transform the mode of living and thinking in the
region, the Group rejected external dogmas while
engendering an unfettered analysis of the experience and
existing conditions of the region for future development.
With the spread of ideas through Jamaica, Guyana, Trinidad
and Tobago and the Windward and Leeward islands, the Group's
membership was regional, formidable and made an indelible
contribution to the discussions, ideas and activities
surrounding nation- and region-building. Many of the ideas
generated by the Group found an outlet through the New World
Quarterly out of Jamaica, and the New World Fortnightly out
of Guyana. The distinguished participants included Lloyd
Best, George Beckford, Norman Girvan, David deCaires, Miles
Fitzpatrick, James Millette, Owen Jefferson, Roy Augier,
Mervyn Alleyne, Kari Levitt, Alister McIntyre, Vaughn Lewis,
Havelock Brewster and Sylvia Wynter, among many others.

In recognition of their seminal contribution to Caribbean
thought and to stimulate evaluation of the saliency of many
of their post-colonial ideas, The Centre for Caribbean
Thought announces the call for papers, panels, roundtables
and exhibitions related, but not limited to, the following

1. The origins and structure of the NWG.
2. New World philosophy: The quest for epistemic
3. Theory of change: role of ideas in social change.
4. Political economy: the Plantation school and dependence.
Questions of economic methodology.
5. New World and radical politics: Relationship to political
movements and the experience of New World members in
6. Doctor politics, crown colony political culture and
constitutional reform.
7. New World and Marxism.
8. New World and literature: different ways of seeing and
9. New World and the Caribbean intellectual tradition.
10. Gender, political economy and change: Reflections on the
era of New World.
11. New World and radical Caribbean journalism.
12. New World and the New World Order: The relevance of the
NWG in changing times.
13. New World and Black Power.
14. The role of women in New World.
15. The NWG and UWI curricula (economics, politics, history
and culture).
16. The impact of New World on Caribbean Economic policy.
17. New World, Pan Caribbeanism and Caribbean Integration.
18. New World Thinking on Race and ethnicity: Bestian and
Beckfordian perspectives.

All proposals for papers, panels, round tables and
exhibitions will be considered. Please submit a 200 word
abstract to by February 28,
2005. If you do not have access to email, please send it by
mail to:

Sonjah Stanley Niaah,
Centre for Caribbean Thought,
Department of Government,
University of the West Indies, Mona Campus,
Kingston 7, Jamaica W.I.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by March 1, 2005.
All papers must be submitted by May 20, 2005.

New World Group members, contributors and other interested
persons are invited to attend. Undergraduate and graduate
students are especially invited.

Brian Meeks  Rupert LewisAnthony Bogues
Director Associate Director  Associate Director


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Diasporic Encounters and Collaborations

2005-02-01 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Diasporic Encounters and Collaborations
3rd Biennial Conference
Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
October 5-7, 2005

The Association for the Study of the Worldwide African
Diaspora (ASWAD) was created as an avenue through which
scholars, activists, policy-makers, and others can discuss
ideas concerning the state of the global African Diaspora
and connect these ideas with concrete concerns and actions.
Recognizing both the unity and the diversity of the African
Diaspora, ASWAD conferences facilitate, in workshops,
roundtables and panels, the exchange of information and
knowledge about issues confronting African Diasporan
populations around the world.

ASWAD has selected Brazil, the country with the largest
African descendant in the Americas and the second largest
African descendant population in the world after Nigeria, as
the venue of its third biennial conference in recognition of
both the historic place of Brazil within the Diaspora and
the prevalent Africanity of its national culture. Brazil is
traversing a most intriguing moment in Brazilian, South
American and Lusophone history due to its population
growth180 million soulsand its current racial policies that
favor the interests of its substantial population of African
descent. According to the national census, the African
descendant population of Brazil is approximately 90 million
people, 50% of the total, and the city of Rio has almost 6
million inhabitants, of whom 52% are of African descent. In
addition, ASWAD is aware of the increasing involvement of
the Brazilian government with present-day Africa,
highlighting a whole range of issues including North-South
trade, debt relief, and the fight against pandemic disease.

The official conference languages will be Portuguese,
English, and Spanish, and simultaneous interpretation will
be provided for all major events.

Conference Participation

Abstracts of conference presentations or proposed panels
should be double-spaced, 300 words or no more than 1page.
These should be sent to by March 1,

Conference Themes will include but are not restricted to the

- Relationships and Connections between Africa and its
- Afrogenic Epistemologies and Hermeneutics: Conceptualizing
  the African Diaspora from the Inside
- The Pre-Columbian African Presences in the Americas
- The Diaspora as Imagined Community
- Africa and the Development of the Americas and Europe
- Twenty-First Century Pan-Africanism
- Twenty-First Century Racism and Anti-racism
- African and Diasporic Intellectuals and Discussions of a
  Black Atlantic
- The Indian Ocean African Diaspora
- Diasporic Migrations
- Wars, Dysfunctional States, Refugees and Migration
- Diasporic Languages and Linguistics
- Expressive Culture as Boundaries and Linkages between
  Diasporic Populations
- The Media and Diaspora Representations
- Independent Film and the Reconstruction of the Black Image
- African and Diasporic Oratures as Historic Sites of
- Economies of the African Diaspora
- Gender and Class in Trans-National Perspective
- Non-governmental Organizations as Catalysts for Change or
  as Cultural Imperialists
- Human Rights within the Diaspora: Issues of Autonomy and
- African Diaspora Youth Attitudes and Behaviors
- The Plight of Black Children Globally and its Implications
  for the Future
- African and Diaspora Theologies and their Relationships
  with Ethics and Law
- African Diasporan Spiritualities
- Health Care Issues in African and African Diasporan
- Diasporic Collaborations
- Reparations
- Resistance and Marooning
- Sustainable Development in the Diaspora
- Education in and about the African Diaspora

Conference Registration

Registration for participation/observation is US$50 for
participants from the US and Europe. Registration for
participants and observers from Latin America, the Caribbean
and Africa is US$30 (or equivalent in reais).


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Symbolic Meanings of Spaces/Places

2005-02-01 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Symbolic Meanings of Spaces/Places
Inaugural Annual Conference
International Association for the Study of Environment,
Space, and Place
Towson University
Towson, MD (USA)
April 29 - May 1, 2005

The International Association for the Study of Environment,
Space, and Place will hold its Inaugural Annual Conference
at Towson University, Towson Maryland, April, 29 - May 1,
2005. Our theme is Symbolic Meanings of Spaces/Places.
Abstracts are invited from all those who are interested in
the theme of the Conference.

Some possible topics:
- Symbolism in natural landscapes (forest, river, mountain,
sky, rock, cloud, animal, beach, ocean, wilderness, earth,
cave, etc).
- Symbolism in human landscapes (nation, mall, skyscraper,
restaurant, garden, hell, heaven, stadium, school, cemetery,
prison, temple, pyramid, television, etc).

Papers or presentations should not exceed 25 minutes.
Because this is an interdisciplinary conference, speakers
are requested to consider the audience diversity as they
prepare their presentations. Accepted papers may be
submitted for possible publication. Send abstracts of
approximately 200 words by February 10, 2005.

Send all abstracts by e-mail to:
Gary Backhaus, program coordinator

For further information contact:
John Murungi, chairperson
Dept. of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Towson University
Towson, MD 21204
Tel: +1 (410) 704-2755
Fax: +1 (410) 830-4398

Persons who are interested in serving as session chairs
should contact Gary Backhaus.

Towson University is located at Towson, Maryland, which is
approximately 4 miles North of downtown Baltimore, Maryland.


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Nationalism and National Identities in the Americas

2005-02-02 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Nationalism and National Identities in the Americas
A Symposium of the
52nd International Congress of Americanists
Association for Research in Ethnicity and Nationalism in the
Americas (ARENA)
Seville (Spain)
July 17-21, 2006

ARENA, a new international organization, invites proposals for a symposium
focusing on nationalism and national identity in the Americas.  Our
symposium will be open to a wide range of subjects and methodologies
involving all nations of the Americas, but we are especially interested in
comparative, transnational approaches to subjects of particular relevance
to the formation of nations in the Americas:

 The Americas and the trans-Atlantic exchange of ideas and models
 Independence and liberation movements
 Nation-building and state construction: integration, unification, ethnic
autonomy, and secession
 Nationalism and national identity in multi-ethnic immigrant nations
 Nationalism as a plural and contested identity
 The American nations of the New Millennium: plurality, sexual diversity,
multiculturalism, democracy and recognition

Deadline: February 21, 2005 (preliminary round).
Final Deadline: September 15, 2005.
Send proposals of 500 words (English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French) and a
curriculum vitae to:

Don H. Doyle, University of South Carolina, USA
Natividad Gutiérrez Chong, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Marco Antonio Villela Pamplona, Universidade Federal Fluminense e
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

For further information on ICA 52, see:
For further information on ARENA, see:



Nacionalismo e Identidades Nacionales en las Américas
Un Simposio del
52o. Congreso Internacional de Americanistas
Association for Research in Ethnicity and Nationalism in the
Americas (ARENA)
Sevilla (España)
Julio 17-21, 2006

ARENA, una nueva organización internacional invita a presentar ponencias a
su simposio enfocado al nacionalismo e identidades nacionales en las
Américas. Nuestro simposio estará abierto a un amplio espectro de objetos
de estudio y metodologías, pero nos interesa especialmente recibir
contribuciones que discutan o hagan planteamientos comparativos y/o

Las Américas y el intercambio trasatlántico de ideas y modelos
Independencia y Movimientos de Liberación Nacional
Construcción del estado-nación: integración, unificación, autonomías étnicas
y secesión
Nacionalismo e identidad nacional en naciones multiétnicas e
Nacionalismo como una identidad plural y en estado de contestación y
Las naciones americanas del nuevo milenio: pluralidad, diversidad sexual,
multiculturalismo, democracia y reconocimiento

Fecha límite de la ronda preeliminar: Febrero 21, 2005.
Fecha limite final: Septiembre: 15, 2005.
Favor de enviar título y resumen de la ponencia no mayor a las 500
palabras, así como un breve currículo vitae en Inglés, Español o Por
tugués a

Natividad Gutiérrez Chong, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Don H. Doyle, University of South Carolina,
Marco Antonio Villela Pamplona, Universidade Federal Fluminense e
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Para mayor información, visite:
ICA 52


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Hear the Cries of the World

2005-02-08 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Hear the Cries of the World: Buddhists and Christians in Dialogue
for Global Healing
7th International Conference
Society of Buddhist-Christian Studies
Loyola Marymount University
Los Angeles, CA (USA)
3-8 June 2005

Since its beginnings 25 years ago, the Society of Buddhist
Christian Studies has brought together some of the foremost
scholars, activists, and practitioners - both monastic and lay -
engaged in the dialogue between these two great religions. The
goals have been understanding and practice. The activities of the
Society help to enhance one another's faith experience and address
the troubling issues of our global community.

The conference will take place June 3 - 8, 2005 at Loyola
Marymount University in Los Angeles, California, conveniently
located between LAX and Marina del Rey. It will open with a
performance of From Prince to Buddha, the story of the Buddha's
enlightenment, by the celebrated dance company of Viji Prakash.

During the conference, select sessions will be held at:
Wat Thai Buddhist Temple, North Hollywood
Cathedral of Our Lady of The Angels, Los Angeles; and
Hsi Lai Temple, Hacienda Heights.

Confirmed speakers for the 2005 conference include:

- Fr. Laurence Freeman, World Community for Christian Meditation
- Dharma Master Hsin Dao, Founder, Museum of World Religions, Taiwan
- Fleet Maul, Buddhist Prison Ministry
- Sr. Mary John Mananzan, OSB, Manila, Philippines
- Jan Chozen Bays, Abbess of Great Vow Zen Monastery
- Dr. Christine Puchalski, Founder  Director of George Washington
  Institute of Spirituality  Health
- Diana Winston, Founder, Buddhist Alliance for Social Engagement
- Greg Boyle, S.J., Homeboy Industries
- Fr. Peter Phan, Georgetown University

The conference will also feature:
Buddhist  Christian meditation  prayer workshops
Presentations about socially engaged Buddhism  Christianity
Scholarly papers
Dialogues between Buddhist  Christian communities
Working groups on dual practice, Buddhist  Christian
Information booths for local Buddhist communities
Book vendors

The program committee welcomes papers for:

1. Working Groups scheduled to meet in three successive morning
sessions for two hours each, addressing a specific theme or issue,
with one or two coordinators and five or more core-group meetings.
Proposals on themes such as Religion and Ecology, Human Rights and
Social Justice, Women and Religion, Toward a Global Ethic,
Practice Across Traditions, Catholic-Buddhist Relations, Religious
Responses to Violence, Religion and Globalization, and other
relevant themes are welcomed. Working Group proposals should
include the title or theme of the Working Group, a short 200-300
word description of the goal(s) of the Working Group, and the
names and contact addresses (including phone, fax, and e-mail) of
the coordinator(s) and at least five other core-group members.

2. Full Panels to be presented in one two-hour session on a
specific theme with a moderator, three to four speakers, and one
or two respondents. Proposals for Full Panels for a two-hour time
slot, addressing specific themes, including issues in doctrine and
theory, ritual, religious practice, methodology, and others, are
encouraged. Full panel proposals should include the title of the
panel, a short 100-200 word description of the theme and intent of
the panel, and the names and contact addresses of the moderator,
and three or four panel participants.

3. Individual Papers on a specific topic related to an issue or
issues in Buddhist Christian dialogue. Individual paper proposals
for a 30-minute presentation on various themes, including
doctrinal, ritual, practical, ethical and other issues relevant to
Buddhist Christian dialogue are also encouraged.

Proposals should be sent to, with a copy to, or by postal mail.
The deadline for submission is February 28, 2005.


Prof. Ruben Habito
Perkins School of Theology
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75225


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Pueblos y Culturas de las Americas

2005-02-09 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Pueblos y Culturas de las Américas:
Diálogos entre Globalidad y Localidad
52° Congreso Internacional de Americanistas
Sevilla (España)
17 al 21 de julio de 2006

Propuestas, Aprobación y Desarrollo de los Simposios

a) Los simposios deberán tener dos (2) coordinadores, preferentemente de
países distintos. Los coordinadores, o al menos uno de ellos, deben disponer
de los diversos medios de comunicación: correo-e, teléfono y fax.
b) Es recomendable que una misma persona no coordine más de un simposio.
c) Los coordinadores deberán:
- Cuidar de la línea temática establecida y fijar las reglas técnicas de
las ponencias.
- Decidir la aceptación de las ponencias.
- Atenerse al programa y horario asignados al simposio.
- Decidir sobre la publicación de las memorias.
- Eventualmente, lograr un patrocinio para el simposio.
d) Los organizadores del 52 ICA se comprometen, en relación con los
simposios, a:
- Difundir la información antes de congreso y durante el desarrollo del
- Asegurar el espacio físico y el equipamiento audio-visual y técnico
para la realización del simposio.
e) Un simposio deberá tener como mínimo 8 ponencias y como máximo 20,
disponiendo en todo caso de 10 horas de una sala para desarrollarlas.
f) Por razones prácticas sugerimos realizar los simposios en uno o más de
los tres idiomas americanos más hablados: español, inglés y portugués. En el
desarrollo del Congreso no se dispondrá de traducción simultánea.
g) En relación con la presentación y aceptación de simposios en el Congreso
conviene adelantar que:

Las propuestas de simposios deberán ser presentadas a los organizadores del
Congreso antes del 31 de marzo de 2005, incluyendo: nombre y dirección de
los coordinadores, título del simposio, un resumen (de 3 á 5 folios) de su
contenido, relación preliminar de participantes, así como título y resumen
(de 1 folio máximo) de las respectivas ponencias, que para esa fecha deberán
ser como mínimo 4.
Su pre-aceptación será decidida por la Comisión Científica del 52 ICA y
anunciada el 31 de mayo de 2005.
Después de este trámite, para que un simposio sea aceptado definitivamente
e incorporado al programa del Congreso deberá contar con un número mínimo de
8 ponencias inscritas, y todos los ponentes del mismo deberán haber pagado
la cuota de inscripción al Congreso antes del 31 de diciembre de 2005.

Sitio del congreso:

52 ICA - Universidad de Sevilla
Departamento de Historia de América
C/ Doña María de Padilla, s/n
E-41004 Sevilla


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: TOC: Ethnicities No. 5:1

2005-02-10 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Vol. 5, No. 1 (March 2005)

Editorial: Editorial - 5 Years On
 Stephen May and Tariq Modood
 Ethnicities 2005;5 5-8

Spanish nationalism: Ethnic or civic?
 Diego Muro and Alejandro Quiroga
 Ethnicities 2005;5 9-29

Mirror, mirror: Western democrats, oriental despots?
 S. Sayyid
 Ethnicities 2005;5 30-50

Kinship, ethnicity and religion in post-Communist societies: Russia's 
autonomous republic of Kabardino-Balkariya
 Galina M. Yemelianova
 Ethnicities 2005;5 51-82

Children's accounts of Wales as racialized and inclusive
 Jonathan Scourfield and Andrew Davies
 Ethnicities 2005;5 83-107

Liberal multiculturalism: A defence of liberal multicultural measures 
without minority rights
 Patrick Loobuyck
 Ethnicities 2005;5 108-123

The limited resources of liberal multiculturalism: A response to Patrick
 Avigail Eisenberg
 Ethnicities 2005;5 123-127

How do you split the difference when the difference can't be split?: A 
response to Patrick Loobuyck
 Daniel Weinstock
 Ethnicities 2005;5 128-131

A reply to Daniel Weinstock and Avigail Eisenberg
 Patrick Loobuyck
 Ethnicities 2005;5 132-135


Bernie Folan
Senior Marketing Manager

SAGE Publications
1 Olivers Yard
55 City Road
London EC1Y 1SP
Tel: +44 (0)20 7324 8500
Fax: +44 (0)20 7324 8600


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Dominance of Cultures and Interculturality

2005-02-10 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Dominance of Cultures and Interculturality
VI. International Congress on Intercultural Philosophy
Missionswissenschaftliches Institut Aachen
Fachhochschule Lausitz
Senftenberg/Niederlausitz (Germany)
23–27 May 2005

Aims  Objectives

I. Context of the Congress:
- Sorb (Wend) areas of settlement in Lusatia: minorities under the
dominance of German language and culture
- Economic and cultural concequences of the brown coal industry
dominating for more than hundred years: Spreewald – conversations
and study trips into the Lusatia

II. On the Phenomenology of Dominant Culture: 
- Culture and power
- Dominant culture and capitalism
- Dominant culture and patriarchy
- Dominant culture and information
- Dominant culture in comparison with cultures and religions

III. On the Practice of Interculturality: 
- A different philosophy is possible
- Folklore and cultural awareness
- Interculturality and the Andean world
- African and Asian cultures
- Interculturality under the condition of dominant cultures

IV. Province in Europe or Interculturality as a Chance for a
Balanced Europe in the Globalized World:
- Dominant culture and eurocentrism
- Minorities in Europe
- The dream of purity of culture: who does it want?
- Intercultural architecture in Europe
- Identity as a boundary or starting point for intercultural


Monday, May 23, 2005
17.00 - 19.00   Opening Session
- Opening (B. Klotz)
- Welcome Address
- History and Objectives of the International Congresses on
Intercultural Philosophy (G.-R. Hoffmann)
- Dominance of Cultures and Interculturality
(R. Fornet-Betancourt)
- On the Dialectics of „Leitkultur“ (Ch. Türcke)

I. (A) Context of the Congress
19.00 - 20.00
- The Lusatian University of Applied Sciences will be introduced
(B. Klotz)

20.00   Reception/Dinner

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 
II. On the Phenomenology of Dominant Cultures

09.00 - 10.30   Presentations and Discussions 
(Chairman: R. Fornet-Betancourt)
- Culture and Power (M. Brie)
- Dominant Culture and Patriarchy (H. Kim)

10.45 - 12.15   Presentations and Discussions 
(Chairman: G.-R. Hoffmann)
- Dominant Culture and Capitalism (F.-J. Hinkelammert)
- Dominant Culture and Information (K. Wiegerling)

I. (B) Context of the Congress
12.30 – 17.30   Study Trips into Lusatia 
- Slawenburg Raddusch
- Spreewaldmuseum Lehde
- Internationale Bauausstellung Fürst-Pückler-Land Großräschen

18.30 - 20.00   Presentation and Conversation 
- Changing Landscape – Changing Society (R. Kuhn)

20.00   Reception/Dinner

Wednesday, May 25, 2005
III. On the Practice of Interculturality
09.00 – 10.30   Presentations and Discussions 
(Chairman: V. G. Furtado)
- A Different Philosophy is Possible (D .V. Picotti)
- Interculturality and Borderlines (D. Machado)

11.00 – 12.30   Presentation 
(Chairwoman: K. Rebling)
- Artificial Sorb (Wend) Music – Folklore and cultural
Self-awareness (B. Greiner/G. G. v. Bimberg/R. Pfeiffer)

14.30 – 16.00   Presentations and Discussions 
(Chairman: R. O. Madu)
- The Importance of African Philosophy in Intercultural
Conversations (H. Kimmerle)
- On the Position of the Other in African Philosophy
(A. Tshibilondi Ngoyi)

16.30 – 18.00   Presentations and Discussions
(Chairwoman: U. Klesing-Rempel)
- Asian Cultures and Interculturality (H. Choe)
- Interculturality and the Andean World (J. Estermann)
- Traditions of Interculturality (A. Kasanda)

19.30 – 21.00   Public Meeting

Thursday, May 26, 2005
IV. Province in Europe or Interculturality as a Chance for a
Balanced Europe in the Globalized World

09.00 – 10.30   Presentations and Discussions 
(Chairwoman: A. Stickel)
- Dominant Culture and Europe-centrism (E. Dussel)
- The Dream of Purity of Culture: who does it want?
(E. Tschernokoshewa)

11.00 – 12.30   Presentations and Discussions
(Chairman: J. Wojcieszak)
- Islam in the Context of the Dialogue of Cultures between East
and West (N. Kirabaev)
- Provincial Languages? Translation and Discourse in the East
European Context (Y. B. Raynova)

14.30 – 16.00   Presentations and Discussions
(Chairman: Ch. Beck)
- The Modern Age, Colonialism and the Dominant Culture
(W. Mignolo)
- Eurocentrism – a Structural Worldwide Phenomenon with Cultural
Specifics (M.-Th. Albert)
- Intercultural Architecture in Europe (R. Sommer)

16.30 – 18.00   Meetings between congress participants and local

19.30 – 21.00   Public Meeting 
- Reading with Raimon Panikkar
- Concert with Collegium musicum

Friday, May 27, 2005
Summary, Final Presentation and Closed-Door Meeting 

09.00 – 10.30   Conclusions and Discussions I 
- I. Context of the Congress (A. Sidekum/C. Bürgelt)
- II. On the Phenomenology of Dominant Cultures
(E. Steffens/M. Massoni)

11.00 – 12.30   Conclusions and Discussions II 
- III. On the Practice of Interculturality
(D. de Vallescar/J. C. K. Akenda)
- IV. Province in Europe or Interculturality as a Chance for a
Balanced Europe in the Globalized World (... /A. 

InterPhil: CFP: A Multi-Voiced Dialogue on Global Society

2005-02-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Research Proposals

A Multi-Voiced Dialogue on Global Society
Cortona Colloquium 2005
Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA)
Cortona (Italy)
20-21 August 2005

The Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, one of Europe's most
important documentation and research centers devoted to the social
sciences, history, political and social economics, and the study
of modern societies, and the University of Pavia, in association
with the Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA), an
academic forum that promotes high quality research in the
interconnected areas of human development and capability across a
broad range of topics including the quality of life, poverty,
justice, gender, development, and the environment invites PhD
students working within the capability approach (CA) on the themes
of global economy, global justice, global law and human rights,
global culture, global sustainable development, and global society
to participate in the 2005 Colloquium - A Multi-Voiced Dialogue
on Global Society.

Professor Amartya Sen, Nobel Laureate in Economics (1998) and
president of the HDCA, will be keynote speaker at this event,
which will be held in Cortona, a beautiful medieval city in
Tuscany close to Arezzo, Siena, and Perugia. Other prominent
scholars working in these fields of research are also expected to

A limited number of PhD students (10-15) will be invited to attend
the two-day colloquium. Those selected to participate will be
given the opportunity to present their research projects, or a
specific part of their research, within special workshops to be
held on Sunday 21st August. The workshops will be chaired by
prominent scholars from these fields of research. The working
language will be English.

The organizers of the Colloquium will cover accommodation costs
(3-night stay) for the students invited to attend, as well as
providing a lump-sum contribution that should be sufficient to
cover a low-fare round-trip ticket within Europe.

PhD students interested in participating must submit their
research proposal (using the Application Form attached) no later
than 15 April 2005 (NB: earlier submissions are welcome). A
Committee will select the proposals and send notice of acceptance
to those students invited to attend by 30 May 2005. Application
forms should be sent to Enrica Chiappero Martinetti, University of
Pavia, Italy at


A Multi-Voiced Dialogue on Global Society
2005 Cortona Colloquium
20-21 August 2005 in Cortona, Italy

This application form must be emailed no later than 15 April 2005
to the attention of Enrica Chiappero Martinetti, University of
Pavia, Italy at

First name:

Last name:

Title:  Ms. / Mr. / Other: 

Please indicate:

- Title and topic of your Ph.D. thesis/research project:

- Name and institution of your supervisor:

- Your academic institution:

- Country:

- Your full address:

- Your email address:

- Your daytime telephone number:

Please provide a brief description (contents  structure) of your
research project and explain how it engages with the capability
approach (400 words maximum):





InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Digital Divide, Global Development and the Information Society

2005-02-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Digital Divide, Global Development and the Information Society
World Forum on Information Society
International Research Foundation for Development (IRFD)
Tunis (Tunisia)
14-16 November 2005

World Forum on Information Society 2005 is a major international
conference that will address the challenges posed by the
accelerating convergence between telecommunications, broadcasting
multimedia and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
that are driving new products and services, and also ways of
conducting business and commerce.

The major focus of the Tunis Phase is to find concrete ways of
using ICT as tools for development, and to improve the quality of
life around the world. It is noted that particular attention
should be given to the challenges facing the Least Developed
Countries and marginalized segments of the world population.
Issues and considerations pivotal to three major areas: internet
governance; financing mechanisms; and the issue of media which had
difficulty during the Geneva Phase negotiations must be carefully
examined and debated during the preparatory process of the Tunis
Phase. Furthermore, IRFD recognizes the complex and intricate
nature of these remaining issues and the importance of conducting
continuous research and policy dialogues in the broad context of
information technological revolution and global transformation.

To this effect IRFD is organizing this World Forum to contribute
to the United Nations’ World Summit on the Information Society,
its preparatory process, and its aftermath effort of implementing
the final plan of action. Therefore, IRFD invites all
stakeholders, and provides a forum to examine all relevant issues
and considerations pertaining to the information revolution and
knowledge society in a comprehensive and scientific manner which
will pave the way to commitments being made by all stakeholders to
find solutions, share best practices and experiences, and launch
new action programs.

World Forum Themes:

- Knowledge Economy, Knowledge Management, and Information Society
- Information Communication Technology, e-Commerce and Business
- The Role of ICT in Economic Growth, and Socio-Economic Development
- Information Science and Technology:
  Scientific Innovation and Information Society
- Transfer of Information Technology and Knowledge:
  Development and Underdevelopment
- Geographical Information System and Sustainable Information Society
- Cities and Regions, and Community Empowerment in an Information Age
- Information Society and e-Governance
- Social Stratification and the Digital Divide
- Culture and Politics in an Information Age
- Issues and the Role of Media in an Information Age
- Digital Divide: Development Policies and Action
- Digital Education, Distance Learning and Creation of Information
- Financing Mechanisms and International Cooperation for
  Information Society
- Presentation of Case Studies:
  Best Practices and Experiences of ICT application for Development
- ICT for Small Island Developing States, Least Developing Countries,
  Land Locked Developing Countries
- The Role of ICT in women's participation in development

Abstracts deadline: 31 March 2005


IRFD World Forum Secretariat
2830 S. Holly Street
Cambridge, MN 55008
Phone: +1-763-689-2963
Fax:   +1-763-689-0560


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Reconciling Academic Priorities with Indigenous Realities

2005-02-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Reconciling Academic Priorities with Indigenous Realities
Indigenous Knowledges Conference
Victoria University
Wellington (New Zealand)
22-25 June 2005

The 4 day conference brings together scholars from a range of
disciplinary fields and nations to develop discipline-based
responses to the real-world struggles of Maori and indigenous

The purpose of Indigenous Knowledges Conference is to promote
discussion and interaction between academics and indigenous
communities focused in different disciplines as well as different
nations. We are particularly interested in generating new thinking
about academia and its role in indigenous communities and

We are providing a forum for established and emerging Maori and
indigenous academics to map disciplinary and intellectual
discourses from an indigenous perspective.

The Conference will highlight the work of indigenous experts in a
range of academic disciplines and offer a forum for the
development of indigenous research priorities.

Another aim and outcome of the conference is the production an
edited book. The cultural dynamics that inform social and
political transformations amongst indigenous peoples are crucial
topics for academic and public discussion, and Victoria University
of Wellington endeavours to fulfil its commitment to promoting
understandings of these aspects of social and political life.

During the conference, two essay prizes will be awarded to
tertiary students who have written about the conference theme(s).

We invite papers and poster presentations from people who are
actively engaged in conducting participatory research alongside or
within Maori and/or other indigenous communities. We are
particularly interested in research that has been instigated in
the first instance by indigenous communities.

If you wish to present a paper or give a poster presentation email
or mail the conference organiser your proposal, abstract or
description no later than 11 March 2005.
Abstract word limit: 500 word maximum.

Conference Themes

Conference papers and poster presentations should address at least
one of the following conference sub-themes.

I. Healthy and Sustainable Maori and Indigenous Communities

Papers should highlight research that:
- Contributes to creating healthy environments for Maori and/or
  indigenous communities
- Strengthens the generations.

Papers must address the aims of the conference and may include
discussion about:
- Maori and indigenous priorities and dilemmas
- Academic priorities and dilemmas
- The research process.

II. Social, Political and Economic Transformation

Papers should highlight research that:
- Is geared towards improving the lives of Maori and/or indigenous
  peoples regionally and/or globally.

Papers must address the aims of the conference and may include
discussion about:
- Maori and indigenous priorities and dilemmas
- Academic priorities and dilemmas
- The research process.

III. New Frontiers of Knowledge

Papers must address the aims of the conference and may include
discussion about:
- Traditional epistemologies and new knowledge
- Transforming academic paradigms.

We are looking for contributions on, but not limited to, the
following topics:
- Indigenous communities and legal scholarship
- Globalisation, culture and the role of academic scholarship
- Land, environment and indigenous territories
- Health and well-being research initiatives in Maori and
  indigenous communities
- Technology and indigenous peoples
- Cultural identity, resistance and research.

Poster Presentations

Are scheduled for two conference afternoon sessions. You can find
useful tips on effective poster presentations from the following


Gloria Clarke
He Parekereke: Institute for Research and Development in Maori and Pacific 
School of Educational Studies
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
Phone +64 04 463 7489
Fax   +64 04 463 5349


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: JOB: Fellowship in International Studies

2005-02-17 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Center for International Studies
Bryn Mawr College
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship

Bryn Mawr College seeks a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (one year renewable) 
in international studies with research interests in one of the following 
fields: future of democracy, transitional democracies, human rights in 
global economies, theories of global justice and of human rights, urban 
living in the global context and in relation to theories of human 
development, the challenges of global cultural conflict, and international 
institutions and non-governmental organizations committed to understanding 
globalization and its effects on people in the contemporary global context.

The Fellow should have completed the Ph.D. with a specialization in 
political theory, philosophy, history, area studies, or one of the social 
sciences. The Fellow will be affiliated as a Lecturer with Bryn Mawr's 
Center for International Studies as well as with one of the College's 
humanities or social science departments and is expected to participate in 
Center activities and curricular planning for a major in international 
studies. The Fellow will teach an undergraduate course each semester and 
should be engaged in a publishable interdisciplinary research project.

A strong background in theories of justice, rights, democracy, or 
development will be viewed as an asset.

Please send letter of application, curriculum vitae, including a statement 
of research and teaching interests, and three current letters of reference 
by March 31st to:

Chair, Mellon Postdoctoral Search Committee
Office of the Provost
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

N.B. The College does not provide financial assistance for costs related to 
immigration matters.


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: ANN: Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution

2005-02-19 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution
at the European University Center for Peace Studies (EPU)
Stadtschlaining (Austria)

We wish to invite you to join a select group of 40 students from around the
world in an intensive course in peace and conflict studies at the European
University Center for Peace Studies (EPU) in Stadtschlaining, Austria.  All
the courses are taught in English, by leading specialists in their field
from around the world, including Johan Galtung, founder of the field of
peace research.  Studying with the founder of a new academic discipline is a
rare opportunity, like studying medicine with Hippocrates, economics with
Adam Smith, or relativity theory with Albert Einstein.  EPU offers students
a well-rounded program covering Peace with Security, Development, Freedom,
Nature and Culture.

The Program, established in 1991 by Dr. Gerald Mader, Founder and President
of the Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution, received the
1995 UNESCO Prize for Peace Education.

In addition to attending courses, students get to know each other closely
and conclude friendships that last a lifetime.  In the fall of 2004, we had
40 students from 27 countries. Many former students said that studying at
EPU was the best time of their life.  Peace Studies are a highly
interdisciplinary and growing academic field. Our students who have
successfully completed their studies are well grounded in both theory and
practice to face the challenges of global conflict transformation.  We are
happy and proud that many of our former students now have thriving careers
with international organizations, NGOs or work with their respective home

TOPICS INCLUDE: Introduction to Peace Studies, Cross-Cultural Communication,
Peaceful Conflict Transformation, Human Rights, Governance, Participation,
the Global Economy, Peacebuilding and Development, Demilitarization,
Nonviolence, Security, United Nations Reform, Mediation, Peace Education,
Peace and the Media, Reconciliation after Violence, Peace and Deep Culture.

Fall term 2005: 2 October - 21 December (Apply by 15 March 2005)

LOCATION: Stadtschlaining, a beautiful, small and quiet medieval town with a
700 year old castle hosting a peace museum, in the foothills of the Alps,
between Vienna and Graz, surrounded by hiking trails, with a hot spring
nearby.  Classrooms and 44 single rooms with private bath are located in a
new building.

PEACE LIBRARY: next to the castle is a famous peace library with 25,000
books and some films, most of them in English.

COSTS: Euro 2500 tuition + Euro 1400 room rent per semester, plus Euro 700
examination fee for the Master of Arts program.

WHO SHOULD APPLY: Students from any discipline interested in peace and
conflict resolution, young diplomats, government officials, NGO members,
teachers, journalists, lawyers, social workers, psychologists, officers, and
anyone interested in solving conflicts by peaceful means.  A first
university degree is required, and preferably some professional experience.

DEGREES: Those who successfully complete one semester obtain an Advanced
Certificate in Peace and Conflict Studies.  Those who complete two semesters
(Fall/Spring or Spring/Fall) and write a thesis obtain a Master of Arts in
Peace and Conflict Studies, approved by the Austrian Ministry of Education.

European University Center for Peace Studies, second on the left.

If you have further questions, please contact Anita Flasch, EPU Secretary, Tel +43-3355-2498-515 (mornings). We will be happy to
answer your questions, or help you apply.

With best regards, Dietrich Fischer

RECEIVE BY MARCH 15 a completed application form (available at, a curriculum vitae, and an essay of about 2-300 words
explaining how you intend to apply what you learned. Please send it by email
(no scanned documents, please!), fax or airmail.  Recommendation letters,
COPIES of transcripts and diplomas and proof of English proficiency can
follow by airmail.

The Peace Center Burg Schlaining also offers two-week courses by EPU's
PEACE-BUILDING TRAINING PROGRAM (IPT).  In the 1992 Agenda for Peace, then
UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali encouraged the establishment of
regional training centers for civilian peace-keeping and peace-building
activities.  Austria's government responded positively and supported the
development of a training program for the preparation of civilian personnel.
Established in 1993, IPT became the first program world-wide of this kind.

CORE COURSES (Weeks 1 and 2) are offered three times a year, usually in
February, June and September.  They provide the participants with the basics

InterPhil: CFP: Cultural Dynamics of New World Visions and Representations

2005-02-24 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Cultural Dynamics of New World Visions and Representations
International and Interdisciplinary Conference
Centre d'Etudes sur les Modes de la Représentation
Anglophone (CEMRA), Department of English, Université
Stendhal Grenoble III
Grenoble (France)
8-10 December 2005

Please send a 300- to 350-word abstract to the conference
co-chairs and plus a copy to the
conference coordinator (e-mail address provided below).
Abstract submission deadline is June 10, 2005. Candidates
for papers will be informed of acceptance by September 15th.
The full conference program will be available in October

Cultural dynamics of ‘New World’ visions and representations
passed down through history in first-hand accounts, or
shaped by writers and artists, what visions of the New World
have been transmitted by the Anglo-Saxon culture? How does
the British eye/I perceive the ‘otherworldliness’ of the
North Atlantic (the U.S. and Canada) and the Pacific
(Australia and New Zealand)? How have immigrant and
aboriginal populations sought to produce their own
representations of the New World?

Representations and visions of the New World have fuelled
the motivations of Renaissance explorers, inspired colonists
and social visionaries, and given impetus to the founding of
distant, modern nations formerly under the yoke of colonial
empires. Can the analysis of such philosophical, religious,
political and economic aspirations lead to the uncovering of
what may be called a ‘New World syndrome’ characterized by
the recurrence of preconceived images and emerging
‘national’ stereotypes?

The study of the highly diverse textual, iconographic,
spatial and architectural creations springing from the ‘New
World syndrome’ may reveal the dynamics of how these
societies forged new cultures which embrace, reject or
redefine established cultural models. If certain
characteristics are recognizable, and therefore easily
assigned to the influence of the British Empire, to what
extent is it possible to ascertain the limits of convergence
or divergence?

Papers (30 minutes maximum) may concentrate on one or
several of the countries mentioned above, and focus on
specific works (fiction, essays, institutional documents),
periods or cultural strategies. In-depth discourse analysis
of written documents and artefacts of all kinds and detailed
study of the driving forces behind various art forms will be
greatly appreciated. The fields of cinema and photography
are not to be excluded.

The conference theme will be divided into three different areas of research

1. Taming the Unknown; describing Otherworldliness and the Other
   The real, the exotic and the strange; culture clashes and
   the multiple voices of discourse
2. World-building: social projects as duplicates of European
   societies, New-World hybrids and original creations
3. Myth-making: grand narratives and national stereotypes;
   constructing and deconstructing national myths

Keynote speakers at the plenary sessions will include:
- Gérard Bouchard, professor at the University of
Quebec/Chicoutimi and author of Genèse des nations et des
cultures du Nouveau Monde
- Michael Kammen, Newton C. Farr professor of American
History and Culture at Cornell University and winner of the
Pulitzer Prize for History in 1972 for his book People of
Paradox: An Inquiry Concerning the Origins of American
- Gerry Turcotte, Canadian-born associate professor at the
University of Wollogong, Australia; author of fictional
autobiographies and studies of Canadian-Australian


Agnes Vere
Université Stendhal Grenoble 3
UFR d'Etudes Anglophones
1180 avenue Centrale BP 53
Grenoble Cedex 9


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: ANN: Summer University: Federalism, Decentralisation and Diversity

2005-02-24 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Federalism, Constitutionalism and Conflict Transformation
in Multicultural Societies
Summer University
Institute of Federalism, University of Fribourg
Fribourg (Switzerland)

The Summer University of the Institute of Federalism is an annual three week
course on the topic of Federalism, Decentralisation and Diversity. 

The Summer University is organised around three major modules. The first
week addresses in a theoretical approach the major challenges that
federalism and decentralisation face in multicultural societies. The second
week addresses various institutional aspects of nation-state and
supranational forms of federalism, including the European Union. The third
week focuses on some of the major issues discussed in the first or second
week. While in the first two weeks the work runs through interactive classes
and workshops, in the third week the professors guide students' work in
groups on given cases and the results are discussed in plenum.

In 2004 over 51 participants from 35 countries attended the Summer
University, including Ph.D. students, civil servants, constitutional
advisors and a member of parliament. The members of the Summer University's
faculty are internationally known scholars of law, political science,
sociology and economy with expertise in the issues of post-modern challenges
to nation-state and democracy, federalism, decentralisation and

The seventeenth session, with the theme of Federalism, Constitutionalism
and Conflict Transformation in Multicultural Societies, will be held from
29 August to 16 September 2005.


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Muslims Experiences of Globalization

2005-03-09 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Muslims' Experiences of Globalization
Interdisciplinary Conference
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA (USA)
April 1-2, 2005

The goal of this conference is to explore, on the one hand,
how Muslim majority societies have been transformed by the
processes of globalization, and how, on the other hand,
Muslims have conditioned and informed these processes by
their participation in or contestation of its institutions.
The conference is also informed by a view that conceives
globalization as a world historical event without a
unidirectional flow and with paradoxical consequences. The
main premise of this conference is to analyze different
dimensions of globalization in the context of Muslims
responses to it. More specifically, the conference will
explore the political economy of globalization, its cultural
productions and their dissemination through new technologies
of networking, not as a unidirectional transformative event
from the West towards the Rest, but rather as reciprocal and
paradoxical processes of social change and cultural

The conference is free to public and there are no
registration fees. Please visit our website for the
preliminary program.


Prof. Behrooz Ghamari
Georgia State University
Department of Sociology


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Self and Identity in Translation

2005-03-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Self and Identity in Translation
Postgraduate Symposium
School of Literature and Creative Writing,
University of East Anglia
Norwich (UK)
4-5 February 2006

This two-day postgraduate symposium organised by the School
of Literature and Creative Writing aims to explore notions
of subjectivity and identity (be it cultural/historical,
creative, sexual or other) in the translation event/text:
the overall focus is on the diversity of ways identity (of
translators, their cultures, or ‘marginal’ communities)
shapes the (ab)uses of translation, and what identities
translations can assume as a result. How do different kinds
of translating (from domestication to conference
interpreting) affect the translator’s sense of identity?
Papers are invited that range from literary, cultural,
psychological, cognitive, linguistic or philosophical
perspectives to considerations of how, in globalizing times,
the person of the translator and the nature of the processes
s/he is involved in can provide assertions of
identity/subjectivity and can inscribe difference, endorse
ideologies, re-adjust what is normally expected of
translation, create new selves for writers or simply conform
to, and echo dominant trends and narratives. Papers should
also therefore engage with senses of selfhood in

Exploring such issues, this is a list of possible

- translation as personal expression; issues of subjectivity
in creative/poetic translations and the place of translation
in the work of poets-translators; translation fostering
identity/subjectivity within literary systems – for instance
issues of influence as issues of translation

- problematic types of translation; e.g. self-translation,

- translation as auto/biography or self-writing, and/or
instances of translation in life-writing

- how are historical/cultural, sexual, collective or other
identities transferred or transformed through translation?

- psychological/cognitive contexts of the translator and/or
psychology of the writer turning to translation

- socio-political, ideological contexts of translation. Can
translation be both involved and ethical/responsible?

- relating translational processes/products/contexts to
considerations of identity and identification

- the translation of marginal and/or minority communities
–translating as voicing

- how does globalisation provide new challenges for the
translation of alternative/subversive/dissident narratives?

- how does or can translation engage with textual markers of
identity (e.g. dialects) in circumstances such as the ones
outlined above?

- visible and invisible translators. How can translation
theory, from DTS to Derrida and interpreting studies engage
with issues of identity?

Keynote speakers:
Mona Baker, Josephine Balmer, Jean Boase-Beier, Ian Mason,
Clive Scott

Abstracts of max 350 words (with bibliographical references)
for 20 min papers should be sent by 12 June 2005 to:

Notification of acceptance of proposals will be given by the
end of July 2005. Selected papers will be submitted for
Organising Committee:
Maria-Venetia Kyritsi, Paschalis Nikolaou, Funda Isbuga-Erel

For more details and information visit our website:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Experts and Mediators of Knowledge in the 20th Century

2005-03-18 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Experts and Mediators of Knowledge in the 20th Century:
Transregional Perspectives
Summer Academy
Institute for Advanced Studies,
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
Schmoeckwitz, Berlin (Germany)
September 4-11, 2005

- Andreas Eckert, Professor of African History, University
of Hamburg, Germany;
- Marianne Braig, Professor of Political Sciences, Institute
for Latin American Studies, Free University, Berlin,
- Shalini Randeria, Professor of Social Anthropology,
University of Zurich, Switzerland

In conjunction with the research project ‘Ways of Knowledge’
at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin

Participants in this Summer Academy will discuss the
circulation of knowledge and cultural transfer processes in
the tensile field of mutual relations and interconnectivity.
Particular emphasis will be placed on interaction among
non-European societies, Europe and the United States, as
well as on interactions between non-European societies. We
will proceed from the assumption that these contacts exerted
a formative influence on all interacting parties, and that
they are embedded in the process of social and cultural
globalization. The aim of the Summer Academy is to examine
and debate these processes without reproducing Eurocentric
assumptions about the linear transfer of knowledge.

The Summer Academy will focus on experts, translators and
mediators of knowledge. These individuals and groups,
including local teachers, government employees, mission
catechists, traders and journalists, had to mediate and
translate between different worlds in colonial and
post-colonial societies. In the colonial period, these
experts and mediators were able to gain a new authority as
representatives of knowledge, and they increasingly
benefited from the order of knowledge established by

In the process, they entered into competition with other,
often religiously rooted orders of knowledge and their
representatives—and with European experts who claimed the
exclusive monopoly on the ‘right knowledge’ and tried to
push it through. In this way, competing expert cultures and
knowledge orders emerged that interacted in manifold ways.
Thus more recently the ‘experts’ in international
development agencies increasingly refer to ‘local knowledge’
and ‘local experts.’ In this process, however, local experts
and knowledge are often only just ‘constructed’ as ‘local.’

A closer look at experts and mediators of knowledge will
enable us to reveal complex, ‘interactive’ networks of
competing orders of knowledge, orders which resulted not
only from an often hierarchical communication between
representatives of European and non-European societies, but
also from communication among non-European societies only.
Moreover, we seek to provide impulses for cooperation
between regional research and the systematic disciplines.

We welcome candidates from the disciplines of history,
anthropology, literature, sociology, political sciences as
well as area studies. Applicants should be at the doctoral
or postdoctoral level. Ph.D. holders should have received
their doctorate in the last five years. Proposed projects
should employ a historical perspective and emphasize
connections beyond the national state. Travel expenses and
costs incurred during the stay in Berlin will be covered
(pending the definite confirmation of funding).

Application procedure:
To apply, please send the following documents in English:

1. A curriculum vitae
2. A statement about current research relevant to the Summer
Academy’s theme; length: up to 1,000 words (not counting
cited references)
3. The names and addresses (incl. e-mail) of two references

Application deadline: 30 April 2005

Candidates will be informed in mid-May whether they have
been accepted. Participants will be asked to submit a full
paper (10,000 words) in English by end of July to be
distributed to the other participants.

Please send your application to:

Dr. Felicitas Hentschke
Ways of Knowledge. Transregional Studies
Institute for Advanced Studies
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
Wallotstr. 19
D-14193 Berlin


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Humanitarian Responses to Inflicted Suffering

2005-04-19 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Humanitarian Responses to Inflicted Suffering
International Conference
Humanities Institute and Human Rights Institute,
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT (USA)
13-15 October 2006

We invite scholars from the Humanities, Social Sciences, and
Law to submit papers that analyze humanitarian responses to
narratives of suffering inflicted by states, political
groups and/or social, economic, or cultural forces.

Panels will address:
- Slavery and Abolition
- Apartheid
- Colonialism and Decolonization
- Genocide
- Legal Institutions and Human Rights Commissions
- Media and Visual Representations

The Foundations of Humanitarianism program will pay
panelists’ expenses. Please submit a one-page abstract and
current c.v. (up to 3 pages) by March 1, 2006 to either of
the e-mail addresses provided below.


Richard Brown
Director, Humanities Institute
University of Connecticut
Unit 4234
215 Glenbrook Road
Storrs, CT 06269-4234

Richard A. Wilson
Gladstein Chair of Human Rights
Director, Human Rights Institute
University of Connecticut
U-1205, Storrs, CT 06268



InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Einheit in der Vielheit

2005-06-09 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Einheit in der Vielheit
VIII. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress
Universität Hannover
Hannover (Deutschland)
24. bis 29. Juli 2006,

Leibniz' historische Stellung in der Philosophie und den
Wissenschaften sowie seine Bedeutung für die Gegenwart
stehen im Mittelpunkt des Kongresses. Seit dem letzten
Kongress sind sechs Bände der Leibniz-Akademieausgabe
erschienen; drei weitere werden noch bis zum nächsten
Kongress erscheinen. Hinzu kommen eine größere Anzahl von
bisher unveröffentlichten Texten, die von den Editoren vorab
im Internet zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Darüber hinaus
sind in den letzten Jahren auch grundlegend andere
Interpretationen bekannter Texte vorgestellt worden. So wird
zur Zeit die Frage erörtert, ob Leibniz' Rationalismus nicht
vielgestaltiger ausgefächert und weniger ausschließlich an
Deduktion orientiert ist, als es vom Projekt der
Characteristica universalis her erscheint. Auch die bisher
gängige Identifizierung von Monade und individuellem Begriff
ist in Zweifel gezogen worden; die zeitliche Entwicklung von
Leibniz' Denken ist offenbar weniger klar, als man noch vor
kurzem geglaubt hat. All dies gibt Anlass, die bisherigen
Untersuchungen zusammenzuführen und zu konfrontieren, das
Erreichte festzustellen sowie eventuelle Lücken in der
Forschung erkennbar werden zu lassen.

Das Thema Einheit in der Vielheit soll einen Schwerpunkt
des Kongresses bilden. Um Einheit und Vielheit, Monaden und
Körper bewegen sich nach Leibniz' eigener Aussage seine
fundamentalen Überlegungen. Wie die Perzeption der Ausdruck
der Vielheit in der Einheit ist, so sind Vollkommenheit und
Harmonie als identitas in varietate bestimmt. In der
Perspektivität der Monaden, im Umgang mit anderen Kulturen
(insbesondere der chinesischen) und in der mühevollen Arbeit
an der Reunion der Konfessionen entwickelt Leibniz eine
Konzeption von Einheit und Vielheit, die auf ihre Relevanz
für die aktuelle Diskussion um Toleranz und ihre Grenzen zu
befragen ist. Wenn Leibniz, wie es in der augenblicklichen
Forschung anklingt, über ein Bündel von
Rationalitätskonzeptionen verfügte, so ist doch die Frage
nach ihrer Einheit unabweisbar.

Die Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft lädt alle
interessierten Forscher, Sachkenner und Freunde zur
Teilnahme ein, Vortragsanmeldungen erbitten wir bis zum 1.
Dezember 2005. Bis zum 1. März 2006 wird von den
angenommenen Beiträgen eine Datei oder reproduktionsfähige
Papiervorlage (camera ready, maximal 8 Seiten) erbeten, da
die Texte zum Kongress als Band vorliegen sollen.

Detaillierte Erläuterungen zum Kongressablauf und zur Gestaltung der Beiträge
folgen in weiteren Rundschreiben, Anfragen sind zu richten an die


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InterPhil: CFP: Writing Lives: Mixed Race, Hybrid, Transnational

2005-06-23 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Call for Papers

Mixed Race, Hybrid, Transnational:
Writing Lives in National and Global Frames
Special issue of Life Writing
(September 2006)

The editors invite articles that theorize and read mixed
race, hybrid, and transnational subjects represented in all
forms of life writing—autobiography, memoir, biography,
diaries, letters, autobiographical novels, other forms of
creative non-fiction, and more. We are open to new research
on hybridity, multiple subjectivities, interculturalism,
flexible citizenships, and all forms of crossings and
overlapping identities and narratives, and are particularly
interested in studies that recuperate historical and
neglected texts and that move their interpretative
perimeters to include experimental and mixed life writing
genres. Counter-academic and creative non-fiction work on
these subjects will be considered for the Reflections
section of this special issue.

We welcome submissions from diverse territories in the
Americas, Africa and the Middle East, Asia, Pacific-Oceania,
and Europe. All articles will be peer-reviewed.

Please send submissions to guest-editor Shirley Geok-lin Lim
or associate guest-editor Caroline Hong by December 30,
2005, for a publication date of September 2006.


Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Guest-Editor
Caroline Hong, Associate Guest-Editor
Department of English
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106


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InterPhil: JOB: Fellow in International Relations / Political Theory

2005-06-24 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Job Announcement

Post-doctoral Fellow
in International Relations / Political Theory
University of Bremen (Germany)

The Graduate School of Social Sciences (GSSS) at the
University of Bremen is seeking a post-doctoral fellow in
international relations / political theory. Candidates
should have a background in either political science or
political philosophy and some specialization in normative
aspects of international relations. The fellow would be
expected to contribute to teaching and doctoral supervision
at the GSSS. The participation in research projects is
possible. Good knowledge of English is required, German an
asset. Candidates should have completed a doctorate / PhD by
the time of their appointment. Some teaching experience is
an asset.

The post is tenable from 1 August 2005 to 30 September 2008.
Salary according to the German public service pay scale
(BAT IIa).

As the University of Bremen intends to increase the
proportion of female employees in science, women are
particularly invited to apply. In case of equal personal
aptitudes and qualification disabled persons will be given

For more information please contact:
Werner Dressel
Phone: +49 (421) 218 4150

If you wish to apply please send a letter of intent, a full
CV and a list of publications to:

Prof. Dr. Karin Gottschall
Graduate School of Social Sciences (GSSS)
University of Bremen
Postfach 330 440
D-28334 Bremen


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Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CFP: Mundos religiosos: identidades y convergencias

2005-06-29 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Mundos religiosos: identidades y convergencias
XI Congreso Latinoamericano sobre Religion Popular y
Asociación Latinoamericana para el Estudio de la Religión
Sao Bernardo do Campo (Brasil)
3-8 de Julio de 2006


1. La ALER (Asociación Latinoamericana para el Estudio de la
Religión) fue fundada en 1990 en la ciudad de México, en el
marco del III Congreso Latinoamericano sobre Religión y
Etnicidad, y agrupa a conocidos docentes e investigadores
sobre del fenómeno religioso que proceden de América Latina
y especialistas de Europa, Estados Unidos que trabajan en la
Región. La ALER organiza congresos cada dos años. Los
primeros fueron en México, pero desde 1996, para facilitar
una mayor participación de otros países, los congresos han
tenido otras sedes: en 1996, Bogotá, en 1998, Buenos Aires,
y en 2000, Padua, Italia, Lima, 2002. Además, la ALER, con
la finalidad de fome ntar más aún el intercambio entre los
estudiosos del fenómeno religioso, ha iniciado la
organización, en los años impares, de Coloquios
Latinoamericanos sobre Religión y Sociedad: el primero se
tuvo en 1999 en México, D.F., el segundo en 2001 en Jerez de
la Frontera, España. Aunque desde 2001 y atendiendo al
acuerdo de la Asociación de Cientistas Sociales de la
Religión del Mercosur prefiere dedicar los años impares para
actividades de los distintos grupos nacionales,
fortaleciendo de ese modo los proyectos alternativos como es
el caso de las Jornadas que organizan los colegas del

2. El XI Congreso de ALER tendrá lugar Brasil, entre del 3
al 8 de julio de julio de 2006. El lugar sede será la ciudad
de Sao Bernardo do Campo.

3. Temática del Congreso.
El tema general del XI Congreso es Mundos
religiosos:identidades e convergencias lo cual nos permitirá
abordar desde una perspectiva, antropológica e histórica,
con enfoques contemporáneos y compara tivos la dinámica de
los sistemas religiosos, simbólicos e identitarios en los
procesos sociales, permitiendo recibir aportes
interdisciplinarios y multidisciplinarios de otras
disciplinas sociales y humanas. Este congreso funcionará,
como es usual, a base de varios simposios temáticos que
agrupan las ponencias sobre un mismo tema. Se invitan a los
estudiosos a proponer simposios a partir de los grandes
apartados, que tratan de recoger los temas y las preguntas
más importantes sobre las religiones latinoamericanas.

3.1. Temáticas:

Las ciencias de las religiones y sus distintas disciplinas -
métodos y técnicas de investigación - problemas de
investigación en sociedad es complejas - la ética en la
investigación - posibilidades y límites del estudio
interdisciplinar de la religión - Filosofía y Teología. El o
los objeto(s) -Sujeto(s) de estudio de las ciencias sociales
y humanas en la cuestión religiosa.

Magia, ciencia y religión - religión y mito - religión y
rito - religión e iglesia - sacerdotes y chamanes - la
experiencia y la ética en el estudio de la religión -
experiencia religiosa y religión - éticas religiosas y
éticas seculares - las éticas del catolicismo
latinoamericano, religión y política - la ética protestante,
las nuevas éticas y sus religiones a los distintos
evangelismos y religiones paracristianas.

Ritos y rituales. Mitos. Simbolismo y sistemas de
representaciones. Religión e ideología. Chamanismo.
Curanderos y especialistas religiosos. El interaccionismo
simbólico. Los símbolos de la etnicidad y las identidades
confesionales. Los sistemas multiétnicos. Las identidades
nacionales y las propuestas religiosas.

El pluralismo religioso - los sincretismos y los
eclecticismos postmodernos - naturaleza y vigencia de los
distintos tipos de secularización - ateísmos y agnosticismos
- religión y género - integrismos y fundamentalismos -
mesianismos y milenarismos.

Las religiones indígenas de las altas culturas y de las
sociedades tribales - modelos de evangelización de las
Iglesias coloniales (España, Portugal o Francia) - sínodos y
concilios provinciales - evangelización inculturada y
liberadora - las etapas de la evangelización según las
regiones - métodos de evangelización y formas de resistencia
indígena - resultados de la evangelización y apropiac ión
del catolicismo por los indios - esclavitud negra y
religiones africanas - los métodos de evangelización de
población negra y aparición de religiónes afro -americanas -
impacto de la Independencia sobre el catolicismo
latinoamericano - catolicismo y movimientos migratorios -
renovación pastoral a partir de los 50 e influjo de las
conferencias del episcopado en Medellín, Puebla y Santo

Desafíos de la definición del catolicismo 'popular' - la
imagen de Dios de los católicos 

InterPhil: JOB: Lecturer in Human Rights and Global Ethics

2005-07-04 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Job Announcement

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
Human Rights and Global Ethics
School of Politics
University of the West of England (Bristol, UK)

The Faculty of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences
provides high quality education, supported by research and
scholarship, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
It has an excellent reputation for teaching and a growing
reputation for research, which it wishes to enhance further.
A permanent full-time post is available in the School of
Politics which achieved a 4 in the last RAE. You will need
experience of teaching in higher education along with a
specialist knowledge of human rights and global ethics.

Salary will be in the range £23,600 - £36,400. Visit our
Website to see full details and to complete an on-line
application form, or telephone our 24 hour answerphone
service on 0117 32 82890 to request documents by post.

Closing date for applications is 12 July 2005.
Please quote reference number: L/0394/JAC.
We are an equal opportunities employer.

If you apply for this position, please say you saw it on
URL of this document:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Racism, Violence and Human Rights

2005-07-08 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Racism, Violence and Human Rights
National Conference
The Monitoring Group
London (UK)
27-28 October 2005

Organised by The Monitoring Group, this Conference offers a
unique opportunity to discuss and debate policies and
practice on tackling racism, violence and promoting human

The conference will for the first time bring together a
broad range of key eminent speakers and practitioners who
have been championing the cause of tackling racism over
recent years. Speakers have been invited from the Government
and statutory agencies; lawyers and journalists; academics
and students; community groups and victims.

The Aims of the Conference:

- to acknowledge and discuss effective strategies to combat
  race hate crime and institutional racism
- to share information on best policy and practice in the
  public and voluntary sectors
- to support and develop effective anti-racist initiatives
  in Europe
- to analyse the efficacy of current legislative framework
  and practice in dealing with racism and human rights
- to develop real and effective partnerships
- to tackle race hatred
- to analyse the future of race relations in Britain


The Conference Secretariat
The Monitoring Group
14 Featherstone Road
Southall, Middlesex UB2 5AA
Phone: +44 (20) 8843 2333
Fax:   +44 (20) 8813 9734


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:

InterPhil: CONF: Dialogue and Deliberation

2005-07-08 Thread Bertold Bernreuter
Conference Announcement

Dialogue and Deliberation
Canadian Conference on Dialogue and Deliberation (C2D2)
Ottawa, Ont. (Canada)
27-30 October 2005

The Canadian Conference on Dialogue and Deliberation plans
to bring together up to 300 community activists, concerned
citizens, public involvement practitioners, policy - and
decision-makers, academics and researchers in Canada, and
beyond, for a unique learning and networking experience. The
conference will provide participants with interesting and
exciting activities.

- Enhance skills in organizing face-to-face and on-line
  dialogue and deliberation
- Build a Canadian community of practice for dialogue and
- Increase effective use of dialogue and deliberation in
  policy formulation and policy research
- Highlight research on key questions and current issues
  related to dialogue and deliberation

- Building communities and organizations
- Increasing effectiveness, impact and outcomes of dialogue
  and deliberation
- Addressing democracy and democratic renewal
- Using methodologies, methods and tools to enable dialogue
  and deliberation
- Sustaining and institutionalizing dialogue and deliberation

Conference website:


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