Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ......

2017-08-22 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Dave, you are wrong, I never said a blind person must use the Jaws virtual 
ribbons. They can use them or not use them, this is a personal choice. However, 
in my opinion, I think they would benefit, from using the Jaws virtual ribbons. 
You are the only person being dogmatic about not using the Jaws virtual 
ribbons. Let all members try using or not using the Jaws virtual ribbons for 
themselves. Quit putting words in my mouth. I said, in my humble opinion, I 
think new Jaws users would benefit from using the Jaws virtual ribbons and its 
simple layout, in all the office 365 products. So, seems to be your way or the 
highway. Why don't you give the virtual ribbons a try yourself? Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Dave ...
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..


Agree completely. It's fine for folks to tell of their experience with a 
particular feature, but to insist that a particular method is best for a blind 
person seems to be dogmatic.

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 08:36
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

I am not sighted either, however, not being able to avail myself of
frequently used shortcut keys I have known since Word 97 is the reason I
turn off or never turn on this Jaws Feature.  Your mileage may vary which is
why I suggest anyone interested try each and do what feels best to them.
For newbies they are probably just made to order, but for me and many like
me, not having the ability to use key commands we have used from Word 97
forward is a definite disadvantage.

Individuals need to make informed choices and choose options to their
tastes, to tell them they must use something or cannot use something else
when Jaws has so many options seems counterproductive.  I turn off keyboard
echo when typing, have for years, and using Word echo drives me crazy also
but I'd never tell anyone out there they needed to work the same way I work.
I am totally annoyed with a new version of Jaws when it is set at defaults
to hear space every time I space, it is one of the first keys I mute even if
I switch the keyboard echo off.  However, I hate hearing the space, and I
turn off echo because it does not keep up with my typing speed but I'd never
tell any of you to work the same way I work.

Same goes for the ribbons issues, try working both ways if interested and
decide which works for you, not your mate, not your coworker but for you.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On
Behalf Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Yes, I guess that explains why you don't use the Jaws virtual ribbons. I can
see where you were trying to interact with the sited computer users where
you worked. That's fine and understandable. But what I am trying to
patiently say is, for a blind computer user of Jaws, in a home or work
environment, I believe it is more efficient to use the Jaws virtual ribbons
and the new tell me feature in the office 365 subscription. The office 2016
products work well with Jaws 18 using the virtual ribbons. As a blind
computer user, why not take advantage of the Jaws virtual ribbons feature? I
am not sited, so why should I put to my memory, all the various office
shortcut keystrokes for using word, outlook, and excel 2016. This sounds
like a lot of extra work, that a blind user of office should not have to add
to the learning of how to use W-10 with Jaws. I did try that method for a
few years, but I did not like it. No hard feelings, we are just having a
friendly discussion on whether to use the
  Jaws virtual ribbons or not. No shame in using the Jaws virtual ribbons.
Just call me lazy, only so much room in this Pinhead of mine! LOL. No, I
don't believe the moderators will get upset, if we keep this topic as a
friendly discussion. I think it will benefit the group. Let me say, I meant
no disrespect to your views on not using the virtual ribbons in Jaws. So,
thanks and smiles for your friendly discussion on this topic.

-Original Message-From: JAWS-Users-List
[] On Behalf of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Hi, Jim.

The reason I don't try the JAWS virtual ribbon is the one I gave you before.
To quote that part of my post: This is one area, however, where I believe
JAWS users have both a practical and philosophical choice to make, and new

Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ......

2017-08-21 Thread Jim Flusche
Yes, I guess that explains why you don't use the Jaws virtual ribbons. I can 
see where you were trying to interact with the sited computer users where you 
worked. That's fine and understandable. But what I am trying to patiently say 
is, for a blind computer user of Jaws, in a home or work environment, I believe 
it is more efficient to use the Jaws virtual ribbons and the new tell me 
feature in the office 365 subscription. The office 2016 products work well with 
Jaws 18 using the virtual ribbons. As a blind computer user, why not take 
advantage of the Jaws virtual ribbons feature? I am not sited, so why should I 
put to my memory, all the various office shortcut keystrokes for using word, 
outlook, and excel 2016. This sounds like a lot of extra work, that a blind 
user of office should not have to add to the learning of how to use W-10 with 
Jaws. I did try that method for a few years, but I did not like it. No hard 
feelings, we are just having a friendly discussion on whether to use the
  Jaws virtual ribbons or not. No shame in using the Jaws virtual ribbons. Just 
call me lazy, only so much room in this Pinhead of mine! LOL. No, I don't 
believe the moderators will get upset, if we keep this topic as a friendly 
discussion. I think it will benefit the group. Let me say, I meant no 
disrespect to your views on not using the virtual ribbons in Jaws. So, thanks 
and smiles for your friendly discussion on this topic.

-Original Message-From: JAWS-Users-List 
[] On Behalf of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Hi, Jim.

The reason I don't try the JAWS virtual ribbon is the one I gave you before. To 
quote that part of my post: This is one area, however, where I believe JAWS 
users have both a practical and philosophical choice to make, and new users 
need to know that this choice exists. I quickly became comfortable with the MS 
ribbons, as others on this list have. If they were too difficult, then I, too, 
would use the virtual ribbon. But since we have a true choice here, the 
question becomes whether I choose a method everyone else in the world uses or 
the one that only a few can.

I'll elaborate. I used to supervise a consumer protection mediation program 
where all my staff was sighted. As many middle-age people find, college 
students handle technology much more naturally than I did. If I had a problem 
using MS Word or some other application, one or other of my student interns 
would have an answer for me right away. If I'd been using the JAWS virtual 
ribbon, they could have given me no help. Besides, there were times when I knew 
how to solve a Word or other tech problem that no one else did, which helped 
ensure that I kept interacting with my staff on an even playing field. If I'd 
been using the JAWS virtual cursor, I would have been out of that loop.

So what I mean by a "philosophical" choice is that I chose interaction with the 
sighted world over the seemingly simpler JAWS virtual ribbon. As I wrote 
before, I would have used the JAWS virtual ribbon if the MS ribbons had been 
inaccessible, but they're extremely easy to use, thanks in large part to 
shortcuts, the applications key and the key tips. 

I hope this answers your question once and for all. I don't want to test our 
moderators' patience over a non-technical JAWS question.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

OK, just wondering, you say, I neither use nor advocate the use of the virtual 
ribbon. So how do you know how the Jaws virtual ribbons work with the office 
365 products? I am not trying to start trouble, I am just curious as to your 
strong response against not using the Jaws virtual ribbons, if you have not 
tried using them. Again, I am speaking through experience from using the Jaws 
virtual ribbons with office 365 on a W-10 computer, running the Creators update 
with the latest Jaws 18 version. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Hi, LeDon. If you use any Office application, such as Word or Outlook, chances 
are you already use the Microsoft ribbons and that you use  a number  of 
shortcuts. The thread is about the JAWS virtual cursor, which FS created in an 
attempt to simplify how visually impaired computer users manage these 
applications. I neither use nor advocate the use of the virtual ribbon. If 
you're looking for information about that, listers 

Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ......

2017-08-21 Thread Jim Flusche
OK, just wondering, you say, I neither use nor advocate the use of the virtual 
ribbon. So how do you know how the Jaws virtual ribbons work with the office 
365 products? I am not trying to start trouble, I am just curious as to your 
strong response against not using the Jaws virtual ribbons, if you have not 
tried using them. Again, I am speaking through experience from using the Jaws 
virtual ribbons with office 365 on a W-10 computer, running the Creators update 
with the latest Jaws 18 version. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Hi, LeDon. If you use any Office application, such as Word or Outlook, chances 
are you already use the Microsoft ribbons and that you use  a number  of 
shortcuts. The thread is about the JAWS virtual cursor, which FS created in an 
attempt to simplify how visually impaired computer users manage these 
applications. I neither use nor advocate the use of the virtual ribbon. If 
you're looking for information about that, listers who do use it will need to 
respond to your query. Note that the JAWS virtual ribbon prevents you from 
using shortcuts and first-letter navigation.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of LeDon
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

OK, I must confess, I have not followed this thread. So I am not a power user. 
I am wondering, how do you get to the ribbon? How do I learn the short cuts and 
hints you speak of? 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Hi, Laura.

Rose previously posted a message that was critical of the JAWS virtual ribbon 
that I agree with. For one thing, it prevents you from using familiar 
shortcuts. In a bigger picture sense that might or might not matter to you, 
avoiding the regular Microsoft ribbon will make it more difficult to get 
sighted assistance, since they won't know anything about the JAWS virtual 
ribbon. For this and other reasons, I prefer to use the MS ribbons.

Each of us has a different way of learning the MS ribbons. Whenever possible, I 
will use a shortcut instead of delving into the ribbon. For example, I'll press 
control-d to get to the font dialog rather than go hunting for it in the 

Another way of getting around the ribbons is to use the applications key, 
between the right Windows and control keys on most keyboards. This is where I 
go for the dialog that takes you through line-spacing, margins, etc. 

But then there are the times when you must use the ribbon. Here, you may find 
yourself remembering what are called key tips. For example, when I want to 
place the page number at a certain point on a page (top left, top middle, 
etc.), I press the following keys: alt+n together for "insert," and then n, u 
in quick succession. I'm immediately in the right dialog. 

When you explore the MS ribbons, listen carefully for these key tips. I find 
they aren't always easy to hear, but usually I can make them out. The example I 
just gave will be verbalized when you go through the "insert" part of the 

I'm not pretending to give you an exhaustive explanation of the MS ribbons, but 
I hope it might help you think about how to approach them. Shortcuts, 
applications key, key tips, in that order of simplicity. When I first faced the 
MS ribbons, I was intimidated. I shouldn't have been. Just learn what you need 
as the need arises. And never hesitate to post questions here.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Laura Richardson
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 9:58 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..



When it comes to navigating MS Word ribbons I'm pretty much a beginner.
I've memorized certain shortcut keys to do very specific things but need to 
learn how to navigate these ribbons.


Right now virtual ribbons are turned on .. Would it be easier and more 
efficient to learn the ribbons if I turned this off?  I want and need to learn 
as much as I can so any feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,






For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list 

Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ......

2017-08-21 Thread Jim Flusche
Yes, I agree, thanks.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Vicki
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 2:14 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

I've followed this thread for awhile and I'm wondering why people don't just 
try it both ways and see what works best for them.

Some people, for whatever reason, age, time, ability to learn new things, etc., 
have trouble learning new things.

Others, however, learn quickly and love the challenge of learning anything and 
everything that is released in the latest technology, no matter what it is.

For me, I love trying new things but I don't always have the time right away 
and simply put it off until I do have the time. My mom, who is in her 80's, 
won't even touch a computer, while my neighbor, in her 90's, takes on the 
challenge of just about anything.


- Original Message -
From: "David Ferrin" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

> Opinions are like pebbles of sand, they are all different. No one is worth 
> more or less than any other as they all come together to form a beach.
> -----Original Message- 
> From: Jim Flusche
> Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 2:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..
> No, Jim is not wrong. LOL. I have just given my humble opinion on why we 
> should use the virtual ribbons with Jaws just like all other members have 
> given their opinions on why not to use the virtual ribbons. Also, I have 
> given good directions on how to use the word 2016 ribbons with the Jaws 
> virtual ribbons activated. Why make myself remember a hundred special 
> keystrokes for word 2016, when VFO gives us the ability to use the virtual 
> ribbons with Jaws 18. Oh, how this makes life much easier with using Word, 
> outlook, and excel. Again, I am not demanding from anyone that they must 
> do it this way. Each of us can decide for ourselves weather we use the 
> Jaws virtual ribbons or not. So please do not single me out and say my 
> opinion is wrong over another member opinion. We are all entitled to give 
> our own opinions out on this group unless things have changed that I am 
> not aware of. Just my two cents worth. Smiles.
> -Original Message-
> From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
> Behalf Of Adrian Spratt
> Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 1:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..
> Guess where I got it from? One of your messages some years ago. But if you 
> posted it, it was right at the time, and probably what you say here 
> explains it. Regardless, Gerald and you posted excellent instructions on 
> how to rid yourself of the virtual ribbon once and for all.
> Laura is seeing just how strong opinions can be on this list with Jim's 
> new posts. I think he's wrong to say the virtual ribbon makes life easier 
> because shortcuts and first-letter navigation don't work with it. Besides, 
> whenever possible, I would much rather use the options available to 
> everyone and be part of the whole wide world.
> -Original Message-
> From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
> Behalf Of Dave ...
> Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 11:57 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..
> Adrian,
> I was curious about that. However I launched Word and then tried the 
> keystroke. It said "collapsed" and then when pressed again, said 
> "expanded".
> In either case, the virtual ribbon did not appear. Since I have mine 
> disabled in the settings center, this might have an effect. Perhaps this
> Ctrl+F1 keystroke is meaningful if the virtual ribbon is enabled?
> Dave
> Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer
> - Original Message -
> From: "Adrian Spratt" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 07:32
> Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..
> Control+F1 turns the virtual ribbon on and off. That's what my notes say.
> I've never done it.
> -Original Message-
> From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
> Behalf Of Laura Richardson
> Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 10:28 AM
> To:
> Subject: 

Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ......

2017-08-21 Thread Jim Flusche
No problem, we all use whatever Jaws settings works best for us. No right or 
wrong answer in what option we choose to use with Jaws. In my opinion, I 
recommend using the Jaws virtual ribbons. I say this after using and testing 
the Jaws virtual ribbons for many years with the Microsoft products. Just my 
two cents worth! Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Jim, I carefully said "I think" you're wrong when saying the virtual cursor is 
easier. You're a valuable contributor to this list, and I've made notes from a 
number of your contributions. ON this particular issue, I disagree, and I 
explained why. I didn't do so out of disrespect or even to cause controversy, 
which is draining. This is one area, however, where I believe JAWS users have 
both a practical and philosophical choice to make, and new users need to know 
that this choice exists. I quickly became comfortable with the MS ribbons, as 
others on this list have. If they were too difficult, then I, too, would use 
the virtual ribbon. But since we have a true choice here, the question becomes 
whether I choose a method everyone else in the world uses or the one that only 
a few can. 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Thanks David, I like that, it takes all of us and our opinion working together 
to finish the beach. Thanks, and smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of David Ferrin
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Opinions are like pebbles of sand, they are all different. No one is worth more 
or less than any other as they all come together to form a beach.

-Original Message-----
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

No, Jim is not wrong. LOL. I have just given my humble opinion on why we should 
use the virtual ribbons with Jaws just like all other members have given their 
opinions on why not to use the virtual ribbons. Also, I have given good 
directions on how to use the word 2016 ribbons with the Jaws virtual ribbons 
activated. Why make myself remember a hundred special keystrokes for word 2016, 
when VFO gives us the ability to use the virtual ribbons with Jaws 18. Oh, how 
this makes life much easier with using Word, outlook, and excel. Again, I am 
not demanding from anyone that they must do it this way. Each of us can decide 
for ourselves weather we use the Jaws virtual ribbons or not. So please do not 
single me out and say my opinion is wrong over another member opinion. We are 
all entitled to give our own opinions out on this group unless things have 
changed that I am not aware of. Just my two cents worth. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Guess where I got it from? One of your messages some years ago. But if you 
posted it, it was right at the time, and probably what you say here explains 
it. Regardless, Gerald and you posted excellent instructions on how to rid 
yourself of the virtual ribbon once and for all.
Laura is seeing just how strong opinions can be on this list with Jim's new 
posts. I think he's wrong to say the virtual ribbon makes life easier because 
shortcuts and first-letter navigation don't work with it. Besides, whenever 
possible, I would much rather use the options available to everyone and be part 
of the whole wide world.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Dave ...
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..


I was curious about that. However I launched Word and then tried the keystroke. 
It said "collapsed" and then when pressed again, said "expanded".
In either case, the virtual ribbon did not appear. Since I have mine disabled 
in the settings center, this might have an effect. Perhaps this
Ctrl+F1 keystroke is meaningful if the virtual ribbon is enabled?

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: "Adrian Spratt&q

Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ......

2017-08-21 Thread Jim Flusche
Well I have been using the Jaws virtual ribbons for years now. I am using 
office 365, Freedom Scientific does a great job in keeping up with all the 
automatic updates in all the Microsoft products with Jaws. Any Jaws user is not 
missing out on anything by using the Jaws virtual ribbons. Again, this is just 
my opinion through much time in testing the Microsoft products with the Jaws 
virtual ribbons. They work great with Jaws. Thanks, and smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of JM Casey
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

That makes sense to me. As far as I understand the functioning of the virtual 
ribbons, too (someone correct me though if I am wrong), JAWS may not be keeping 
up with the frequent Windows 10 updates, so there's a chance you could actually 
lose functionality or miss out on features if you use these.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of David Ferrin
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

For what it is worth I myself have never tried them at all because it occurred 
to me that it would not be moving forward with the learning curve that is 

In other words how could you help somebody with such an animal IE ribbons in 
windows if you don't try them out for yourself?

-Original Message-
From: Adrian Spratt
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Guess where I got it from? One of your messages some years ago. But if you 
posted it, it was right at the time, and probably what you say here explains 
it. Regardless, Gerald and you posted excellent instructions on how to rid 
yourself of the virtual ribbon once and for all.
Laura is seeing just how strong opinions can be on this list with Jim's new 
posts. I think he's wrong to say the virtual ribbon makes life easier because 
shortcuts and first-letter navigation don't work with it. Besides, whenever 
possible, I would much rather use the options available to everyone and be part 
of the whole wide world.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Dave ...
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..


I was curious about that. However I launched Word and then tried the keystroke. 
It said "collapsed" and then when pressed again, said "expanded".
In either case, the virtual ribbon did not appear. Since I have mine disabled 
in the settings center, this might have an effect. Perhaps this
Ctrl+F1 keystroke is meaningful if the virtual ribbon is enabled?

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: "Adrian Spratt" 
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 07:32
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Control+F1 turns the virtual ribbon on and off. That's what my notes say.
I've never done it.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Laura Richardson
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Would you or somebody please tell me how to turn off the virtual ribbon?


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Dave ...
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

I would turn off the virtual ribbon. It is handy, but you become dependent on 
them and they don't work as well as the original menus, since they don't use 
first-letter navigation. I tried them briefly years ago and decided to buckle 
down and just learn to use the ribbons.

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: "Laura Richardson" 
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 06:58
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..


When it comes to navigating MS Word ribbons I'm pretty much a beginner.
I've memorized certain shortcut keys to do very specific things but need to 
learn how to navigate these ribbons.

Right now virtual ribbons are turned on .. Would it be easier and more 
efficient to learn the ribbons if I turned this off?  I want and need to learn 
as much as I can so any feedback and suggestions are greatly 

[JAWS-Users] Thanks to a member for using the Taskbar in W-10 with Jaws

2017-08-21 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi group, I want to thank David Bailes, for reminding me about using first 
letter navigation in the taskbar of W-10 with Jaws, in his taskbar 10 guide. 
After pressing Windows key+T, just press the first letter of any pinned item to 
the taskbar to quickly jump to that item on the taskbar, and just press enter 
to open that taskbar item. I appreciate the time it took you David to write 
this guide. Thanks for reminding me about using first letter navigation with 
Jaws on the taskbar in W-10. God bless and smiles.

Your humble Pinhead!
Owner of the Windows 10 and Jaws group!

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ......

2017-08-20 Thread Jim Flusche
Thanks David, I like that, it takes all of us and our opinion working together 
to finish the beach. Thanks, and smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of David Ferrin
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Opinions are like pebbles of sand, they are all different. No one is worth more 
or less than any other as they all come together to form a beach.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

No, Jim is not wrong. LOL. I have just given my humble opinion on why we should 
use the virtual ribbons with Jaws just like all other members have given their 
opinions on why not to use the virtual ribbons. Also, I have given good 
directions on how to use the word 2016 ribbons with the Jaws virtual ribbons 
activated. Why make myself remember a hundred special keystrokes for word 2016, 
when VFO gives us the ability to use the virtual ribbons with Jaws 18. Oh, how 
this makes life much easier with using Word, outlook, and excel. Again, I am 
not demanding from anyone that they must do it this way. Each of us can decide 
for ourselves weather we use the Jaws virtual ribbons or not. So please do not 
single me out and say my opinion is wrong over another member opinion. We are 
all entitled to give our own opinions out on this group unless things have 
changed that I am not aware of. Just my two cents worth. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Guess where I got it from? One of your messages some years ago. But if you 
posted it, it was right at the time, and probably what you say here explains 
it. Regardless, Gerald and you posted excellent instructions on how to rid 
yourself of the virtual ribbon once and for all.
Laura is seeing just how strong opinions can be on this list with Jim's new 
posts. I think he's wrong to say the virtual ribbon makes life easier because 
shortcuts and first-letter navigation don't work with it. Besides, whenever 
possible, I would much rather use the options available to everyone and be part 
of the whole wide world.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Dave ...
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..


I was curious about that. However I launched Word and then tried the keystroke. 
It said "collapsed" and then when pressed again, said "expanded".
In either case, the virtual ribbon did not appear. Since I have mine disabled 
in the settings center, this might have an effect. Perhaps this
Ctrl+F1 keystroke is meaningful if the virtual ribbon is enabled?

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: "Adrian Spratt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 07:32
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Control+F1 turns the virtual ribbon on and off. That's what my notes say.
I've never done it.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Laura Richardson
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Would you or somebody please tell me how to turn off the virtual ribbon?


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Dave ...
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

I would turn off the virtual ribbon. It is handy, but you become dependent on 
them and they don't work as well as the original menus, since they don't use 
first-letter navigation. I tried them briefly years ago and decided to buckle 
down and just learn to use the ribbons.

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: "Laura Richardson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 06:58
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..


When it comes to navigating MS Word ribbons I'm pretty much a beginner.
I've memorized certain shortcut keys to do very specific things but need to 
learn how to navigate these ribbons.

Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ......

2017-08-20 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Dave, I am sure we have all been wrong more than one time on any group. Just 
because you quit using the jaws virtual ribbons years ago, does not mean others 
cannot try them out for themselves. LOL. Yes, we are all entitled to give out 
our own opinions on the best ways of Using Jaws. Now if I am wrong about this 
may David F. correct me. But I think this is correct and OK for all of us to 
give out our own opinion here on the Jaws users list. I always try to find the 
easiest and simplest ways to use W-10 with Jaws. Thanks, and Smiles. Again, 
just my two cents worth, do whatever your heart desires.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Dave ...
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Moi? Well, then either that was the one and only time I've been wrong, or as 
you say, things have changed. Take your pick.

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: "Adrian Spratt" 
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 10:02
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Guess where I got it from? One of your messages some years ago. But if you 
posted it, it was right at the time, and probably what you say here explains 
it. Regardless, Gerald and you posted excellent instructions on how to rid 
yourself of the virtual ribbon once and for all.
Laura is seeing just how strong opinions can be on this list with Jim's new 
posts. I think he's wrong to say the virtual ribbon makes life easier 
because shortcuts and first-letter navigation don't work with it. Besides, 
whenever possible, I would much rather use the options available to everyone 
and be part of the whole wide world.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
Behalf Of Dave ...
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..


I was curious about that. However I launched Word and then tried the 
keystroke. It said "collapsed" and then when pressed again, said "expanded".
In either case, the virtual ribbon did not appear. Since I have mine 
disabled in the settings center, this might have an effect. Perhaps this
Ctrl+F1 keystroke is meaningful if the virtual ribbon is enabled?

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: "Adrian Spratt" 
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 07:32
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Control+F1 turns the virtual ribbon on and off. That's what my notes say.
I've never done it.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On
Behalf Of Laura Richardson
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Would you or somebody please tell me how to turn off the virtual ribbon?


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On
Behalf Of Dave ...
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

I would turn off the virtual ribbon. It is handy, but you become dependent
on them and they don't work as well as the original menus, since they don't
use first-letter navigation. I tried them briefly years ago and decided to
buckle down and just learn to use the ribbons.

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: "Laura Richardson" 
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 06:58
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..


When it comes to navigating MS Word ribbons I'm pretty much a beginner.
I've memorized certain shortcut keys to do very specific things but need to
learn how to navigate these ribbons.

Right now virtual ribbons are turned on .. Would it be easier and more
efficient to learn the ribbons if I turned this off?  I want and need to
learn as much as I can so any feedback and suggestions are greatly

Thanks in advance,


For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list 

Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ......

2017-08-20 Thread Jim Flusche
No, Jim is not wrong. LOL. I have just given my humble opinion on why we should 
use the virtual ribbons with Jaws just like all other members have given their 
opinions on why not to use the virtual ribbons. Also, I have given good 
directions on how to use the word 2016 ribbons with the Jaws virtual ribbons 
activated. Why make myself remember a hundred special keystrokes for word 2016, 
when VFO gives us the ability to use the virtual ribbons with Jaws 18. Oh, how 
this makes life much easier with using Word, outlook, and excel. Again, I am 
not demanding from anyone that they must do it this way. Each of us can decide 
for ourselves weather we use the Jaws virtual ribbons or not. So please do not 
single me out and say my opinion is wrong over another member opinion. We are 
all entitled to give our own opinions out on this group unless things have 
changed that I am not aware of. Just my two cents worth. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Guess where I got it from? One of your messages some years ago. But if you 
posted it, it was right at the time, and probably what you say here explains 
it. Regardless, Gerald and you posted excellent instructions on how to rid 
yourself of the virtual ribbon once and for all. 
Laura is seeing just how strong opinions can be on this list with Jim's new 
posts. I think he's wrong to say the virtual ribbon makes life easier because 
shortcuts and first-letter navigation don't work with it. Besides, whenever 
possible, I would much rather use the options available to everyone and be part 
of the whole wide world. 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Dave ...
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..


I was curious about that. However I launched Word and then tried the keystroke. 
It said "collapsed" and then when pressed again, said "expanded". 
In either case, the virtual ribbon did not appear. Since I have mine disabled 
in the settings center, this might have an effect. Perhaps this 
Ctrl+F1 keystroke is meaningful if the virtual ribbon is enabled?

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: "Adrian Spratt" 
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 07:32
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Control+F1 turns the virtual ribbon on and off. That's what my notes say. 
I've never done it.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Laura Richardson
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Would you or somebody please tell me how to turn off the virtual ribbon?


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Dave ...
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

I would turn off the virtual ribbon. It is handy, but you become dependent on 
them and they don't work as well as the original menus, since they don't use 
first-letter navigation. I tried them briefly years ago and decided to buckle 
down and just learn to use the ribbons.

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: "Laura Richardson" 
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 06:58
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..


When it comes to navigating MS Word ribbons I'm pretty much a beginner.
I've memorized certain shortcut keys to do very specific things but need to 
learn how to navigate these ribbons.

Right now virtual ribbons are turned on .. Would it be easier and more 
efficient to learn the ribbons if I turned this off?  I want and need to 
learn as much as I can so any feedback and suggestions are greatly 

Thanks in advance,


For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit: 

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently 

[JAWS-Users] Using Word 2016 with Jaws

2017-08-20 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Jaws users group. The following lesson for Using Word 2016 with Jaws 
includes the directions for how to use the Jaws virtual ribbons in word 2016, I 
hope this helps all of you.
Using Word 2016 with Jaws
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, anyone may 
freely share this file.
Author: Jim Flusche

This lesson is now updated to the W-10 Creators update.
**This lesson is on, Using Word 2016 with Jaws 18.
Some things have now changed in the Word 2016 options.
*For example, Office 365 now supports the use of office sounds in the office 
If you wish to turn on the office sounds in your office 365 subscription, do 
the following.
1. Open word 2016.
2. Either press Enter on the blank document button, or press the Escape key to 
open a blank document, or if you are not using the Word start screen, you are 
already placed in a blank document.
*Tip, using Jaws, you may need to tab and shift+Tab again to see the blank 
document button on the start screen of Word 2016.
3. Press ALT+F, followed by pressing the letter T, opens word options.
4. Down arrow and highlight Ease of Access.
5. Tab to, Provide feedback with sound checkbox, press the Spacebar to check.
6. Tab again to, Provide feedback with animation check box not checked, if you 
have some site, you may still leave this checked I believe.
7. Tab to the OK button, press Enter.
8. You will now have office sounds for Word, Outlook, Excel and other Microsoft 
*Tip, You will also see under the Ease of Access, Show the Start screen when 
this application starts check box checked, press the Spacebar to uncheck this 
if you do not wish to see the start screen when you open word 2016.
*Tip, when you first open word 2016 using the Start screen, just tab one time 
to see a list of all your word documents.
*Tip, if you decide not to use the Start screen, you will already be in a blank 

*After pressing Enter on the Word 2016 icon, you land on a Start screen page.
*You will hear such items, as the following items as you use all four of the 
ArrowKeys on the new Start Screen in Word 2016, which is a grid.
Single spaced (blank) Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Crisp and clean resume, designed by MOO Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Polished cover letter, designed by MOO Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Spec design (blank) Button
Pin status: unpinned.
APA style report (6th edition) Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Event menu Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Personal letterhead Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Thank you cards Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Summer event flyer Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Blank document Button
Welcome to Word Button
Pin status: pinned.
**To open a blank document from the Start screen, press the Escape key.
**Or you can just press Enter, on the Blank document Button.
**On the Start screen, You can also Tab one time to see all your recent 
documents, use the Up and Down arrow keys to highlight a document, press Enter 
to open that selected document.
*Tip, you must check this checkbox in recent documents in word options first.
Check the following settings in Word 2016 options.
Press ALT+F, for file menu, followed by the letter T, for Word 2016 options.
Down arrow to the Advanced Tab, Tab many times to the following setting.
Show this number of Recent Documents edit spin box, 50.
Tab again to, Quickly access this number of Recent Documents check box checked.
Use the arrow key to change the numberr of recent documents Spin box, to show 
more or less items, and make sure the quickly access this number of recent 
documents check box is checked.
Tab to the OK button, press Enter.
Now the next time you open Word 2016, just Tab one time to the list of your 
recent documents.
**Press the Applications key on a selected document in your recent document 
list, you have many options, such as, pin the document, remove the document 
from the list, and other options.
*Tip, you can turn off this Start screen in the Word 2016 options page, under 
General options, or you can turn the start screen on/off now in Ease of Access.
To do this, press ALT+F, followed by the letter T.
Jaws incorrectly lands on Display the second item below General options, press 
the UpArrow one time to highlight General options.
Tab many times to, Show the Start screen when Word 2016 opens, this is a 
checkbox, if it is checked, the Start screen will show up when you open Word 
This Start screen is a cool new feature, to look at a lot of options for 
opening different documents formats.
If you find an item you like, you can pin that item to a list here on the Start 
screen, of Word 2016.
For example:
1. I highlighted, Single space blank button.
2. I pressed the Applications key.
3. I arrowed down to, Pin to list, press Enter.
**So now when I open Word 2016, using the Start screen.
I can just press Enter on, the Blank document Button, which is already 
highlighted, with Jaws you may need to press  Taband shift+tab  to highlight 
the blank document

Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ......

2017-08-20 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Laura, I would not turn off the use virtual ribbons in Jaws if I were you. 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Laura Richardson
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

Would you or somebody please tell me how to turn off the virtual ribbon?


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Dave ...
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

I would turn off the virtual ribbon. It is handy, but you become dependent on 
them and they don't work as well as the original menus, since they don't use 
first-letter navigation. I tried them briefly years ago and decided to buckle 
down and just learn to use the ribbons.

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: "Laura Richardson" 
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 06:58
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..


When it comes to navigating MS Word ribbons I'm pretty much a beginner.
I've memorized certain shortcut keys to do very specific things but need to 
learn how to navigate these ribbons.

Right now virtual ribbons are turned on .. Would it be easier and more 
efficient to learn the ribbons if I turned this off?  I want and need to learn 
as much as I can so any feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit: 

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ......

2017-08-20 Thread Jim Flusche
I disagree, I would not tell new Jaws users to turn off the virtual ribbons in 
the jaws settings. You said you have not used them for years. Using the Jaws 
virtual ribbons makes the task of using the ribbons for word and outlook 2016 
so much easier. Also, the addition of the tell me feature, also helps to find 
what you are looking for much easier.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Dave ...
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..

I would turn off the virtual ribbon. It is handy, but you become dependent on 
them and they don't work as well as the original menus, since they don't use 
first-letter navigation. I tried them briefly years ago and decided to buckle 
down and just learn to use the ribbons.

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: "Laura Richardson" 
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 06:58
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ..


When it comes to navigating MS Word ribbons I'm pretty much a beginner.
I've memorized certain shortcut keys to do very specific things but need to
learn how to navigate these ribbons.

Right now virtual ribbons are turned on .. Would it be easier and more
efficient to learn the ribbons if I turned this off?  I want and need to
learn as much as I can so any feedback and suggestions are greatly

Thanks in advance,


For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit: 

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Learning MS ribbons - virtual or not ......

2017-08-20 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Laura, you did not say what version of word you are using. Yes, you should 
use the use virtual ribbons setting in Jaws. This makes getting around the 
ribbons in word and outlook much easier. I wrote this short lesson for using 
Word 2016 with Jaws below.
Using Word 2016 with Jaws
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, anyone may 
freely share this file.
Author: Jim Flusche

This lesson is now updated to the W-10 Creators update.
**This lesson is on, Using Word 2016 with Jaws 18.
Some things have now changed in the Word 2016 options.
*For example, Office 365 now supports the use of office sounds in the office 
If you wish to turn on the office sounds in your office 365 subscription, do 
the following.
1. Open word 2016.
2. Either press Enter on the blank document button, or press the Escape key to 
open a blank document, or if you are not using the Word start screen, you are 
already placed in a blank document.
*Tip, using Jaws, you may need to tab and shift+Tab again to see the blank 
document button on the start screen of Word 2016.
3. Press ALT+F, followed by pressing the letter T, opens word options.
4. Down arrow and highlight Ease of Access.
5. Tab to, Provide feedback with sound checkbox, press the Spacebar to check.
6. Tab again to, Provide feedback with animation check box not checked, if you 
have some site, you may still leave this checked I believe.
7. Tab to the OK button, press Enter.
8. You will now have office sounds for Word, Outlook, Excel and other Microsoft 
*Tip, You will also see under the Ease of Access, Show the Start screen when 
this application starts check box checked, press the Spacebar to uncheck this 
if you do not wish to see the start screen when you open word 2016.
*Tip, when you first open word 2016 using the Start screen, just tab one time 
to see a list of all your word documents.
*Tip, if you decide not to use the Start screen, you will already be in a blank 

*After pressing Enter on the Word 2016 icon, you land on a Start screen page.
*You will hear such items, as the following items as you use all four of the 
ArrowKeys on the new Start Screen in Word 2016, which is a grid.
Single spaced (blank) Button 
Pin status: unpinned.
Crisp and clean resume, designed by MOO Button 
Pin status: unpinned.
Polished cover letter, designed by MOO Button 
Pin status: unpinned.
Spec design (blank) Button 
Pin status: unpinned.
APA style report (6th edition) Button 
Pin status: unpinned.
Event menu Button 
Pin status: unpinned.
Personal letterhead Button 
Pin status: unpinned.
Thank you cards Button 
Pin status: unpinned.
Summer event flyer Button 
Pin status: unpinned.
Blank document Button 
Welcome to Word Button 
Pin status: pinned.
**To open a blank document from the Start screen, press the Escape key.
**Or you can just press Enter, on the Blank document Button.
**On the Start screen, You can also Tab one time to see all your recent 
documents, use the Up and Down arrow keys to highlight a document, press Enter 
to open that selected document.
*Tip, you must check this checkbox in recent documents in word options first.
Check the following settings in Word 2016 options.
Press ALT+F, for file menu, followed by the letter T, for Word 2016 options.
Down arrow to the Advanced Tab, Tab many times to the following setting.
Show this number of Recent Documents edit spin box, 50.
Tab again to, Quickly access this number of Recent Documents check box checked.
Use the arrow key to change the numberr of recent documents Spin box, to show 
more or less items, and make sure the quickly access this number of recent 
documents check box is checked.
Tab to the OK button, press Enter.
Now the next time you open Word 2016, just Tab one time to the list of your 
recent documents.
**Press the Applications key on a selected document in your recent document 
list, you have many options, such as, pin the document, remove the document 
from the list, and other options.
*Tip, you can turn off this Start screen in the Word 2016 options page, under 
General options, or you can turn the start screen on/off now in Ease of Access.
To do this, press ALT+F, followed by the letter T.
Jaws incorrectly lands on Display the second item below General options, press 
the UpArrow one time to highlight General options.
Tab many times to, Show the Start screen when Word 2016 opens, this is a 
checkbox, if it is checked, the Start screen will show up when you open Word 
This Start screen is a cool new feature, to look at a lot of options for 
opening different documents formats.
If you find an item you like, you can pin that item to a list here on the Start 
screen, of Word 2016.
For example:
1. I highlighted, Single space blank button.
2. I pressed the Applications key.
3. I arrowed down to, Pin to list, press Enter.
**So now when I open Word 2016, using the Start screen.
I can just press Enter on, the Blank document Button, which is already

Re: [JAWS-Users] getting office sounds for office 365

2017-08-18 Thread Jim Flusche
May be the old standalone office sounds is blocking the new included office 
sounds from working in office 365. Give Microsoft support a phone call to make 
sure of the correct steps to take to resolve this issue. I am sure the answer 
is simple. Because you do see the Ease of Access options in word 2016, you 
should be getting the office sounds. So, give them a call for help with this 
issue. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Fernando Gregoire
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2017 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] getting office sounds for office 365

Hi Jim,

Unfortunately, these Microsoft instructions aren't working for me as right as 
it should.
I have both 32 and 64-bit Office versions on different machines, and both were 
running the old Office Sounds add-in which users had to download and install 
While in 32-bit the update worked fine when it rolled to me, it is not the case 
on 64-bit, where sounds simply stopped working. Although I now have the Ease of 
Access options category on 64-bit and the Provide Feedback with Sound option 
which previously was in Advanced, the sounds simply don't work, and there's no 
combobox to choose a sound scheme. Office sound events in Windows Sounds 
Control Panel applet still remain, but they don't produce any sound.
Should I remove the add-in and run an Office online repair, or do you think 
there's a better alternative to test first?

Thanks in advance!

2017-08-17 14:35 GMT-03:00 Jim Flusche <>:

> This getting office sounds for office 365, is simply fantastic and 
> very easy to do.
> Now all subscribers to office 365 will eventually get the update for 
> office sounds as the update rolls out to all office 365 subscribers.
> *Tip, How to turn the office sounds on in office 365.
> 1. Open word 2016.
> 2. Press ALT+F, followed by pressing the letter T, opens word options.
> 3. Down arrow and highlight Ease of Access.
> 4. Tab to, Provide feedback with sound checkbox, press the Spacebar to 
> check.
> 5. Tab again to, Provide feedback with animation check box not 
> checked, if you have some site, you may still leave this checked I believe.
> 6. Tab to the OK button, press Enter.
> 7. You will now have office sounds for Word, Outlook, Excel and other 
> Microsoft products.
> Read the Microsoft article below for more information about sounds for 
> office 365.
> Getting started with Office Sounds
> This article region
> Applies To: Excel 2016Word 2016Outlook 2016PowerPoint 2016 This 
> article region end article Sound effects can enhance your productivity 
> in Microsoft Office by providing audio cues. For example, a sound cue 
> might notify you when options on the screen change. Or, a sound can 
> confirm that an action (such as send a mail, delete something, or 
> paste content) actually completed.
> Important: New Office 365 features are released gradually to Office 
> 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To 
> learn how you could get new features faster, visit When do I get the 
> newest features in Office 2016 for Office 365?.
> Turn sound effects on or off
> Important: When you select or clear the Provide feedback with sound 
> check box, the setting affects all Microsoft Office programs that 
> support this option.
> list of 3 items
> 1.  In the File menu, select Options.
> 2.  On the Ease of Access tab, under Feedback Options, select or clear 
> the Provide feedback with sound checkbox.
> 3.  If you wish, you can use the original Office sound effects by 
> selecting the Classic theme from the Sound Theme drop-down.
> list end
> Turn sound effects on or off with the keyboard list of 3 items 1.  
> ?Navigate to the File menu, then select Options. You can use the 
> access keys Alt, then F, T.
> 2.  ?Once in the Options window, use the arrow keys to highlight Ease 
> of Access.
> 3.  ?Press Tab to move to the Provide feedback with sound checkbox, 
> then press Enter to select or clear the checkbox, which turns the 
> sounds on or off, respectively.
> list end.
> Your humble Pinhead!
> Owner of the Windows 10 and Jaws group!
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] getting office sounds for office 365

2017-08-17 Thread Jim Flusche
Works with all office 365 subscriptions.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Tom Behler
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] getting office sounds for office 365


Will this work with Windows 7?

I currently have an office 365 subscription, and am looking forward to these 
new features.

Tom behler

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 1:35 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] getting office sounds for office 365

This getting office sounds for office 365, is simply fantastic and very easy to 
Now all subscribers to office 365 will eventually get the update for office 
sounds as the update rolls out to all office 365 subscribers.
*Tip, How to turn the office sounds on in office 365.
1. Open word 2016.
2. Press ALT+F, followed by pressing the letter T, opens word options.
3. Down arrow and highlight Ease of Access.
4. Tab to, Provide feedback with sound checkbox, press the Spacebar to check.
5. Tab again to, Provide feedback with animation check box not checked, if you 
have some site, you may still leave this checked I believe.
6. Tab to the OK button, press Enter.
7. You will now have office sounds for Word, Outlook, Excel and other Microsoft 
Read the Microsoft article below for more information about sounds for office 

Getting started with Office Sounds
This article region
Applies To: Excel 2016Word 2016Outlook 2016PowerPoint 2016 This article region 
end article Sound effects can enhance your productivity in Microsoft Office by 
providing audio cues. For example, a sound cue might notify you when options on 
the screen change. Or, a sound can confirm that an action (such as send a mail, 
delete something, or paste content) actually completed.

Important: New Office 365 features are released gradually to Office 365 
subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you 
could get new features faster, visit When do I get the newest features in 
Office 2016 for Office 365?.

Turn sound effects on or off

Important: When you select or clear the Provide feedback with sound check box, 
the setting affects all Microsoft Office programs that support this option.

list of 3 items
1.  In the File menu, select Options.

2.  On the Ease of Access tab, under Feedback Options, select or clear the 
Provide feedback with sound checkbox.

3.  If you wish, you can use the original Office sound effects by selecting the 
Classic theme from the Sound Theme drop-down.
list end

Turn sound effects on or off with the keyboard list of 3 items 1.  ?Navigate to 
the File menu, then select Options. You can use the access keys Alt, then F, T.

2.  ?Once in the Options window, use the arrow keys to highlight Ease of Access.

3.  ?Press Tab to move to the Provide feedback with sound checkbox, then press 
Enter to select or clear the checkbox, which turns the sounds on or off, 
list end.

Your humble Pinhead!
Owner of the Windows 10 and Jaws group!

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

[JAWS-Users] getting office sounds for office 365

2017-08-17 Thread Jim Flusche
This getting office sounds for office 365, is simply fantastic and very easy to 
Now all subscribers to office 365 will eventually get the update for office 
sounds as the update rolls out to all office 365 subscribers.
*Tip, How to turn the office sounds on in office 365.
1. Open word 2016.
2. Press ALT+F, followed by pressing the letter T, opens word options.
3. Down arrow and highlight Ease of Access.
4. Tab to, Provide feedback with sound checkbox, press the Spacebar to check.
5. Tab again to, Provide feedback with animation check box not checked, if you 
have some site, you may still leave this checked I believe.
6. Tab to the OK button, press Enter.
7. You will now have office sounds for Word, Outlook, Excel and other Microsoft 
Read the Microsoft article below for more information about sounds for office 

Getting started with Office Sounds
This article region
Applies To: Excel 2016Word 2016Outlook 2016PowerPoint 2016
This article region end
Sound effects can enhance your productivity in Microsoft Office by providing 
audio cues. For example, a sound cue might notify you when options on the
screen change. Or, a sound can confirm that an action (such as send a mail, 
delete something, or paste content) actually completed.

Important: New Office 365 features are released gradually to Office 365 
subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you 
get new features faster, visit
When do I get the newest features in Office 2016 for Office 365?.

Turn sound effects on or off

Important: When you select or clear the Provide feedback with sound check box, 
the setting affects all Microsoft Office programs that support this option.

list of 3 items
1.  In the File menu, select Options.

2.  On the Ease of Access tab, under Feedback Options, select or clear the 
Provide feedback with sound checkbox.

3.  If you wish, you can use the original Office sound effects by selecting the 
Classic theme from the Sound Theme drop-down.
list end

Turn sound effects on or off with the keyboard
list of 3 items
1.  ?Navigate to the File menu, then select Options. You can use the access 
keys Alt, then F, T.

2.  ?Once in the Options window, use the arrow keys to highlight Ease of Access.

3.  ?Press Tab to move to the Provide feedback with sound checkbox, then press 
Enter to select or clear the checkbox, which turns the sounds on or off,
list end.

Your humble Pinhead!
Owner of the Windows 10 and Jaws group!

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Changing to Windows 10

2017-08-14 Thread Jim Flusche
Yes, but using Jaws 18 is better.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Pam Mahuika
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2017 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Changing to Windows 10

I have just purchased a new laptop and want to know if these instructions
will work using jfw17?

Kind regards
Pam Mahuika

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On
Behalf Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Monday, 14 August 2017 3:25 a.m.
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Changing to Windows 10

Yes, read the below guide for how to set up and customize W-10 with Jaws.
This will give you most of what you need to know. The following instructions
are for the W-10 creators update with Jaws.

Windows 10 and Jaws, Creators  update complete guide.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, this
guide may be freely shared with anyone.
Author: Jim Flusche

This guide is now updated to the latest Creators update for W-10, using Jaws

General Overview, Customizing, Navigation, and learning about w-10 with

Here is a Complete Index of this guide and what it covers.
All sections start with , that is four *'s in a row.
Important reminders.
Section, Cortana and search settings.
Section, Customizing Windows 10 with Jaws.
Setting default programs in w-10.
Changing your folder options, now called File Explorer Options, in w-10.
How to Turn off the background apps in w-10.
How to change how Windows updates are delivered.
Pinned Tiles list box.
All Apps list box.
How to put the, This PC, Icon on the Desktop.
How to put a shortcut to your user folders, on the Desktop.
Making Program shortcut Icons, on your Desktop.
How to put a shortcut, for iE on your Desktop and Taskbar.
Making your W-10 desktop look like W-7.
The Notification area and the Notification Chevron button.
Tip for navigating the W-10 desktop:
W-10 Context Menu.
How to pin, Apps or pin Programs to the pinned Tiles list box, of the
Start area or to the Taskbar.
How to create a Desktop shortcut for a program in the All Apps list box.
How to uninstall Apps and Programs in W-10.
The Power button in the Start area of W-10.
Customizing the Start Area in W-10 with Jaws.
Personalizing the Start Area in W-10.
The all Apps list box.
The Power button under the Start list box, under the Start button area
of W-10.
Maintenance tips for Windows 10 with Jaws.
Using Quick Access in Windows 10 with Jaws
So, how do I set my W-10 computer to open using File explorer Quick
How to pin items to Quick Access:
How to pin, This PC to Quick access.
How to pin Quick Access to the Start area.
How to create a desktop icon, for all the W-10 built-in app
How to update all your W-10 apps at one time.
Two ways of doing a Jaws repair on your W-10 computer.
Device Manager.
Devices and Printers.
Using and setting up OneDrive on your computer.
How to do a System Restore in W-10 with Jaws.
How to read or listen to bookshare books with F S Reader 2.0 and 3.0.

Important reminders.
*A Change to starting Narrator, Press Control+Windows+Enter, to turn/off
narrator in the Creators update.
There have been changes to how we use the Settings area, in the Creators
update to W-10.
After pressing Windows key+I, you now land in the search edit box of the
settings area.
With Jaws 18, just start typing an item you are looking for, press the Down
arrow key to hear the results.
After pressing Windows+I, Just tab one time to the main list of 11
Again after pressing enter on one of the 11 main categories, you land on the
search edit box, just tab one time to the list of sub-categories, for that
selected main category.
Remember the first sub-category is already highlighted for you, just begin
tabbing across the tab controls.
*Tip, always press the Insert+Tab keys, to make Jaws speak just the tab
control and its current setting.
*Tip, you can press Shift+PC curser to turn on the touch curser while in the
settings area, pressing the PC curser two times quickly turns the PC curser
back on.
*Remember, From the list of sub-categories, if you down arrow past the first
item, to any other sub-category, you must press the enter key first, to
highlight that sub-category, before you can begin tabbing across the tab
controls for that sub-category.
More reminders:
The Start button area.
After pressing the Windows key or pressing enter on the Start button.
1. You will land in the search edit box.
Just begin typing what you are looking for, use the arrow keys to find it,
press enter to open it.
2. Tab one time to,the Start list box, you will hear, Toggle Start
navigation menu items 1 of 6.
*Here you will find your account picture, folder shortcuts

Re: [JAWS-Users] One Drive

2017-08-13 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Tom, these instructions should work the same way for W-7.
How to set up and use the OneDrive back up for yourself and how to share a 
folder with others.
*for windows 10, Open your personal folder link under the start area if you 
have it set up that way, go down to OneDrive, press enter.
*do this in Windows 7: Or, type OneDrive into the search edit box, press enter 
on OneDrive desktop app.
Or, if OneDrive is on your Taskbar, press enter on it there, or press  its 
shortcut keystroke windows key+the number of its order on the Taskbar.
*do this in windows 10, Or, press the windows key, up or down arrow to, All 
apps, press enter.
Press the letter O, down arrow to one drive, press the enter key, press enter 
on OneDrive.
Now you will be in a list of default OneDrive folders, that you can use, or you 
can create your own folders in OneDrive.
In this example, I will create my own folder under the main default folder list 
of OneDrive.
While you are in the list of default folders under the main OneDrive folder 
1. Press Control+shift+N, for new folder.
2. In this example, I will type the name, "Jaws users", then press enter to 
create this new folder.
3. Copy the files or folders you wish to back-up, and paste them into this new 
Jaws Users folder.
Do the same thing if you wish to share this folder with others by a OneDrive 
link , copy and paste any files into this new folder to share them with others.
Now we need to sink our OneDrive folders if you wish too, you do not have to 
sink your OneDrive folders if you do not want too.
4. Highlight the new folder, in my case, Jaws users, do not press enter.
5. Press the applications key, down arrow to, Choose OneDrive folders to sink, 
press enter.
6. Now, you can choose a check-box to sink all folders.
Or, uncheck this, tab to the list view of folders, only check the folders you 
wish to sink to your computer by pressing the Spacebar on each folder.
After checking all the folders you wish to sink, tab to OK, press enter.
Now, How to share this new OneDrive folder and its contents, with others 
through a OneDrive link.
7. Now, highlight your new folder, in my case, Jaws users, do not press enter.
8. Press the Applications key, go down to, Share a OneDrive link, press enter.
By pressing Enter, This automatically pastes, a OneDrive link to this folder, 
that you can share with others, into the clipboard.
9. Now, open an email to the person you wish to give access to this OneDrive 
folder and all its content, in my case the Jaws users list.
10. Paste the OneDrive link into the email, this will give that person a link 
to access the folder you are sharing with them.
What does it mean to sink your OneDrive folders?
When you choose to sink your OneDrive folders on your computer.
You have a mirror copy of these files online, on your OneDrive page.
You also place a mirror copy of these files in your OneDrive folder on your 
Now, the advantage of doing it this way is:
When you are inside the OneDrive folder and inside a text file in one of your 
shared folders, for example.
Whatever changes you make to that text document on your computer, are 
automatically changed in the text document stored in OneDrive on line.
Can I use the default folders of OneDrive, to place my audio or text files into 
for back up, or for sharing with others?
Yes, you can use them the same way, as I explained above.
OneDrive is a cool and easy way, to share large audio or text files with others.
Microsoft gives each person a free 5 GB's of storage space on OneDrive.
*Tip, when you sink folders, you are taking up room in your OneDrive folder, 
what ever the size of the one drive folder on line is also taking up room on 
your C: drive as a mirror copy.
I am currently sharing two OneDrive links to two different folders on my 
OneDrive on my computer, with no issues.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Tom Behler
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2017 7:57 PM
To: 'Jaws users list' 
Subject: [JAWS-Users] One Drive

Hello, everyone.


I am looking for an easy-to-use program with which I can share files that are 
too large to send to people via normal e-mail.


I have had some very limited success with Dropbox, but someone has just 
suggested that I try One Drive, which I should have access to since I purchase 
an annual subscription to the Microsoft Office 365 suite of products.


Does anyone have some Jaws-friendly instructions for locating, and setting up 
one-drive, as well as  for easily transferring files to another person using 
that program?


Thank you!


Dr.  Tom Behler from Michigan



For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Changing to Windows 10

2017-08-13 Thread Jim Flusche
Yes, read the below guide for how to set up and customize W-10 with Jaws. This 
will give you most of what you need to know. The following instructions are for 
the W-10 creators update with Jaws.

Windows 10 and Jaws, Creators  update complete guide.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, this guide 
may be freely shared with anyone.
Author: Jim Flusche

This guide is now updated to the latest Creators update for W-10, using Jaws 18.

General Overview, Customizing, Navigation, and learning about w-10 with Jaws.

Here is a Complete Index of this guide and what it covers.
All sections start with , that is four *'s in a row.
Important reminders.
Section, Cortana and search settings.
Section, Customizing Windows 10 with Jaws.
Setting default programs in w-10.
Changing your folder options, now called File Explorer Options, in w-10.
How to Turn off the background apps in w-10.
How to change how Windows updates are delivered.
Pinned Tiles list box.
All Apps list box.
How to put the, This PC, Icon on the Desktop.
How to put a shortcut to your user folders, on the Desktop.
Making Program shortcut Icons, on your Desktop.
How to put a shortcut, for iE on your Desktop and Taskbar.
Making your W-10 desktop look like W-7.
The Notification area and the Notification Chevron button.
Tip for navigating the W-10 desktop:
W-10 Context Menu.
How to pin, Apps or pin Programs to the pinned Tiles list box, of the Start 
area or to the Taskbar.
How to create a Desktop shortcut for a program in the All Apps list box.
How to uninstall Apps and Programs in W-10.
The Power button in the Start area of W-10.
Customizing the Start Area in W-10 with Jaws.
Personalizing the Start Area in W-10.
The all Apps list box.
The Power button under the Start list box, under the Start button area of 
Maintenance tips for Windows 10 with Jaws.
Using Quick Access in Windows 10 with Jaws
So, how do I set my W-10 computer to open using File explorer Quick access.
How to pin items to Quick Access:
How to pin, This PC to Quick access.
How to pin Quick Access to the Start area.
How to create a desktop icon, for all the W-10 built-in app
How to update all your W-10 apps at one time.
Two ways of doing a Jaws repair on your W-10 computer.
Device Manager.
Devices and Printers.
Using and setting up OneDrive on your computer.
How to do a System Restore in W-10 with Jaws.
How to read or listen to bookshare books with F S Reader 2.0 and 3.0.

Important reminders.
*A Change to starting Narrator, Press Control+Windows+Enter, to turn/off 
narrator in the Creators update.
There have been changes to how we use the Settings area, in the Creators update 
to W-10.
After pressing Windows key+I, you now land in the search edit box of the 
settings area.
With Jaws 18, just start typing an item you are looking for, press the Down 
arrow key to hear the results.
After pressing Windows+I, Just tab one time to the main list of 11 categories.
Again after pressing enter on one of the 11 main categories, you land on the 
search edit box, just tab one time to the list of sub-categories, for that 
selected main category.
Remember the first sub-category is already highlighted for you, just begin 
tabbing across the tab controls.
*Tip, always press the Insert+Tab keys, to make Jaws speak just the tab control 
and its current setting.
*Tip, you can press Shift+PC curser to turn on the touch curser while in the 
settings area, pressing the PC curser two times quickly turns the PC curser 
back on.
*Remember, From the list of sub-categories, if you down arrow past the first 
item, to any other sub-category, you must press the enter key first, to 
highlight that sub-category, before you can begin tabbing across the tab 
controls for that sub-category.
More reminders:
The Start button area.
After pressing the Windows key or pressing enter on the Start button.
1. You will land in the search edit box.
Just begin typing what you are looking for, use the arrow keys to find it, 
press enter to open it.
2. Tab one time to,the Start list box, you will hear, Toggle Start navigation 
menu items 1 of 6.
*Here you will find your account picture, folder shortcuts, and the power 
button, go to Settings/personalization/ press enter on Start, to ajust the 
start area.
3. Tab a second time to, All Apps list box.
This is a list of all the apps and programs on your computer.
*Tip, after pressing the Windows key, or pressing Enter on the start button, 
press either the up/down arrow to open the All apps list box.
*while in the All apps list box, Press enter on any collapsed folder, to expand 
that folders content, press enter again to collapsed that folder.
First letter navigation works, you must have an app or program starting with 
that letter.
4. Tab a third time to, Pinned tiles list

Re: [JAWS-Users] Guide to the taskbar for Windows 10 creators update

2017-08-10 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi David, thanks for all your good work. I will share the link to this post 
with my group as well. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of David Bailes
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 10:05 AM
To: Jaws Users 
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Guide to the taskbar for Windows 10 creators update

I've revised my guide to the Taskbar on Windows 10 for the creators update.
As before, it covers the Start menu, search, Cortana, the taskbar buttons, the 
notification area, and notifications. It is available here:

If I've got anything wrong, please let me know, David.
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Thanks for all your prayers

2017-08-07 Thread Jim Flusche
Amen. Thanks. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Cathy
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Thanks for all your prayers


You will be in my prayers. I do believe that God, being our Creator, can do 
miracles. Hold tightly to His Hand.
I'd like to share something I read this evening, which ministered to me. 
Hope it will to you, too.

Looking to the Lord

As for me, I look to the LORD for help. I wait confidently for God to save me. 
Micah 7:7

Wait, with confidence.

Standing In The Gap,

Cathy Harris

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Flusche" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2017 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Thanks for all your prayers

Thanks, before David and the moderators pop me upside my bald pinhead, let 
me change the subject line. Smiles. I thank all of you for your prayers as I 
continue to battle my bladder cancer. I had two cancer tumors removed last 
year from my bladder, but one has now returned this year. So I am in the 
hands of God. I have no worries, I am totally in his hand and will except 
his sovereign will for my future. So let me thank all of you again for your 
support and prayers for my health situation. My wife and  I, appreciate them 
very much. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
Behalf Of Panagiotis Antonopoulos
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 2:44 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hi Jim,
I shall be remembering you too, and hope that Wednesday will prove a day of 
good news.
All the best,

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
Behalf Of andy t
Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2017 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Yes and I believe he can do that and you are in my prayers.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2017 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Thanks Andy, yes the bladder cancer is out of my control. But thank God I 
know the great physician who is able to heal my body and soul according to 
his will!

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
Behalf Of andy t
Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2017 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hello Jim we will just have to make it go back where it came from and that 
is the devil's house you know his three purposes for us and that is to kill 
steal and destroy but like I always say, one of these days I will have the 
last laugh.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2017 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Just pin Jaws to the taskbar, press the windows key+ the number row number 
in order that Jaws is pinned to the taskbar. For example on my computer, 
pressing Windows key+8, starts Jaws 18 every time. Smiles. I desire all your 
prayers here on the Jaws users list. My bladder cancer has come back. I will 
find out more on Wednesday of this week. So please remember me. God bless 
and smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
Behalf Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Actually, my JAWS shortcut keeps disappearing. It's easy enough to fix, but 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
Behalf Of Miriam Vieni
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Wow, that hot key really wasn't there. Thanks so much. I just did it. I was 
so sure I'd set it up but I think it was with old directions for an old 
version of Jaws.


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
Behalf Of Mr. Ed
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hi Miriam,
Do you have the shortcut setup for your Jaws? Here are the steps to do that.
1. Press windows + M to go to your desktop.
2. Press the letter J until you hear Jaws 18.
3. Press the application key and arrow up one time and press enter on 
4. Tab two  times and you should hear short cut key. If it says none then 
press the letter J
  If it says shortcut key ctrl+alt+J then just press the escape key.
6. Now tab until you hear ok, then press enter. Another dialog box may come 
up just

Re: [JAWS-Users] Thanks for all your prayers

2017-08-07 Thread Jim Flusche
Thanks David, I do appreciate all the prayers of the Jaws members on this list 
and on my group. Thank you all very much for caring. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of David Ferrin
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Thanks for all your prayers

No worries mate.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Thanks for all your prayers

Thanks, before David and the moderators pop me upside my bald pinhead, let me 
change the subject line. Smiles. I thank all of you for your prayers as I 
continue to battle my bladder cancer. I had two cancer tumors removed last year 
from my bladder, but one has now returned this year. So I am in the hands of 
God. I have no worries, I am totally in his hand and will except his sovereign 
will for my future. So let me thank all of you again for your support and 
prayers for my health situation. My wife and  I, appreciate them very much. 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Panagiotis Antonopoulos
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 2:44 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hi Jim,
I shall be remembering you too, and hope that Wednesday will prove a day of 
good news.
All the best,

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of andy t
Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2017 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Yes and I believe he can do that and you are in my prayers.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2017 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Thanks Andy, yes the bladder cancer is out of my control. But thank God I know 
the great physician who is able to heal my body and soul according to his will!

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of andy t
Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2017 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hello Jim we will just have to make it go back where it came from and that is 
the devil's house you know his three purposes for us and that is to kill steal 
and destroy but like I always say, one of these days I will have the last laugh.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2017 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Just pin Jaws to the taskbar, press the windows key+ the number row number in 
order that Jaws is pinned to the taskbar. For example on my computer, pressing 
Windows key+8, starts Jaws 18 every time. Smiles. I desire all your prayers 
here on the Jaws users list. My bladder cancer has come back. I will find out 
more on Wednesday of this week. So please remember me. God bless and smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Actually, my JAWS shortcut keeps disappearing. It's easy enough to fix, but 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Miriam Vieni
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Wow, that hot key really wasn't there. Thanks so much. I just did it. I was so 
sure I'd set it up but I think it was with old directions for an old version of 


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Mr. Ed
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hi Miriam,
Do you have the shortcut setup for your Jaws? Here are the steps to do that.
1. Press windows + M to go to your desktop.
2. Press the letter J until you hear Jaws 18.
3. Press the application key and arrow up one time and press enter on 
4. Tab two  times and you should hear short cut key. If it says none then press 
the letter J
  If it says shortcut key ctrl+alt+J then just press the escape key.
6. Now tab until you hear ok, then press enter. Another dialog box may come up 
just press yes or continue then you should be done.

Now you should have a shortcut key so when you press ctrl+alt+J it should start 
Jaws. Now if you use the other hotkey that now should work.
Mr. Ed
-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Miriam

Re: [JAWS-Users] Thanks for all your prayers

2017-08-06 Thread Jim Flusche
Thanks, yes I do pray for all of you. Yes I agree with keeping group subject 
lines matching the body of group emails. As a group owner myself, I stress this 
on my goup as well. Yes, using any version of Jaws we can read God's wonderful 
word. Have a great day! Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of wayne smith
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Thanks for all your prayers

Jim, thank you for your example of faith and trust in God and we will keep 
praying for you as I am sure that you pray for us.  As far as the moderators 
go, some have expressed their love of ice cream so I am guessing that there is 
some flexibility.  Can God be accessed through JAWS 15?


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2017 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Thanks for all your prayers

Thanks, before David and the moderators pop me upside my bald pinhead, let me 
change the subject line. Smiles. I thank all of you for your prayers as I 
continue to battle my bladder cancer. I had two cancer tumors removed last year 
from my bladder, but one has now returned this year. So I am in the hands of 
God. I have no worries, I am totally in his hand and will except his sovereign 
will for my future. So let me thank all of you again for your support and 
prayers for my health situation. My wife and  I, appreciate them very much. 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Panagiotis Antonopoulos
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 2:44 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hi Jim,
I shall be remembering you too, and hope that Wednesday will prove a day of 
good news.
All the best,

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of andy t
Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2017 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Yes and I believe he can do that and you are in my prayers.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2017 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Thanks Andy, yes the bladder cancer is out of my control. But thank God I know 
the great physician who is able to heal my body and soul according to his will!

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of andy t
Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2017 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hello Jim we will just have to make it go back where it came from and that is 
the devil's house you know his three purposes for us and that is to kill steal 
and destroy but like I always say, one of these days I will have the last laugh.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2017 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Just pin Jaws to the taskbar, press the windows key+ the number row number in 
order that Jaws is pinned to the taskbar. For example on my computer, pressing 
Windows key+8, starts Jaws 18 every time. Smiles. I desire all your prayers 
here on the Jaws users list. My bladder cancer has come back. I will find out 
more on Wednesday of this week. So please remember me. God bless and smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Actually, my JAWS shortcut keeps disappearing. It's easy enough to fix, but 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Miriam Vieni
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Wow, that hot key really wasn't there. Thanks so much. I just did it. I was so 
sure I'd set it up but I think it was with old directions for an old version of 


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Mr. Ed
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hi Miriam,
Do you have the shortcut setup for your Jaws? Here are the steps to do that.
1. Press windows + M to go to your desktop.
2. Press the letter J until you hear Jaws 18.
3. Press the application key and arrow up one time and press enter on 
4. Tab two  times

Re: [JAWS-Users] Thanks for all your prayers

2017-08-06 Thread Jim Flusche
Thanks, before David and the moderators pop me upside my bald pinhead, let me 
change the subject line. Smiles. I thank all of you for your prayers as I 
continue to battle my bladder cancer. I had two cancer tumors removed last year 
from my bladder, but one has now returned this year. So I am in the hands of 
God. I have no worries, I am totally in his hand and will except his sovereign 
will for my future. So let me thank all of you again for your support and 
prayers for my health situation. My wife and  I, appreciate them very much. 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Panagiotis Antonopoulos
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 2:44 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hi Jim,
I shall be remembering you too, and hope that Wednesday will prove a day of 
good news.
All the best,

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of andy t
Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2017 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Yes and I believe he can do that and you are in my prayers.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2017 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Thanks Andy, yes the bladder cancer is out of my control. But thank God I know 
the great physician who is able to heal my body and soul according to his will!

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of andy t
Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2017 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hello Jim we will just have to make it go back where it came from and that is 
the devil's house you know his three purposes for us and that is to kill steal 
and destroy but like I always say, one of these days I will have the last laugh.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2017 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Just pin Jaws to the taskbar, press the windows key+ the number row number in 
order that Jaws is pinned to the taskbar. For example on my computer, pressing 
Windows key+8, starts Jaws 18 every time. Smiles. I desire all your prayers 
here on the Jaws users list. My bladder cancer has come back. I will find out 
more on Wednesday of this week. So please remember me. God bless and smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Actually, my JAWS shortcut keeps disappearing. It's easy enough to fix, but 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Miriam Vieni
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Wow, that hot key really wasn't there. Thanks so much. I just did it. I was so 
sure I'd set it up but I think it was with old directions for an old version of 


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Mr. Ed
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hi Miriam,
Do you have the shortcut setup for your Jaws? Here are the steps to do that.
1. Press windows + M to go to your desktop.
2. Press the letter J until you hear Jaws 18.
3. Press the application key and arrow up one time and press enter on 
4. Tab two  times and you should hear short cut key. If it says none then press 
the letter J
  If it says shortcut key ctrl+alt+J then just press the escape key.
6. Now tab until you hear ok, then press enter. Another dialog box may come up 
just press yes or continue then you should be done.

Now you should have a shortcut key so when you press ctrl+alt+J it should start 
Jaws. Now if you use the other hotkey that now should work.
Mr. Ed
-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Miriam Vieni
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Since Jaws has never restarted, it never popped up. I sit there and wait, and 
nothing happens.


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of net bat66
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

it pops up automatically when jaws restarts. then you

Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

2017-08-05 Thread Jim Flusche
Thanks Andy, yes the bladder cancer is out of my control. But thank God I know 
the great physician who is able to heal my body and soul according to his will!

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of andy t
Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2017 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hello Jim we will just have to make it go back where it came from and that is 
the devil's house you know his three purposes for us and that is to kill steal 
and destroy but like I always say, one of these days I will have the last laugh.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2017 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Just pin Jaws to the taskbar, press the windows key+ the number row number in 
order that Jaws is pinned to the taskbar. For example on my computer, pressing 
Windows key+8, starts Jaws 18 every time. Smiles. I desire all your prayers 
here on the Jaws users list. My bladder cancer has come back. I will find out 
more on Wednesday of this week. So please remember me. God bless and smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Actually, my JAWS shortcut keeps disappearing. It's easy enough to fix, but 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Miriam Vieni
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Wow, that hot key really wasn't there. Thanks so much. I just did it. I was so 
sure I'd set it up but I think it was with old directions for an old version of 


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Mr. Ed
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hi Miriam,
Do you have the shortcut setup for your Jaws? Here are the steps to do that.
1. Press windows + M to go to your desktop.
2. Press the letter J until you hear Jaws 18.
3. Press the application key and arrow up one time and press enter on 
4. Tab two  times and you should hear short cut key. If it says none then press 
the letter J
  If it says shortcut key ctrl+alt+J then just press the escape key.
6. Now tab until you hear ok, then press enter. Another dialog box may come up 
just press yes or continue then you should be done.

Now you should have a shortcut key so when you press ctrl+alt+J it should start 
Jaws. Now if you use the other hotkey that now should work.
Mr. Ed
-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Miriam Vieni
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Since Jaws has never restarted, it never popped up. I sit there and wait, and 
nothing happens.


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of net bat66
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

it pops up automatically when jaws restarts. then you are notified to send or 
send automatically without notifying you.;

-Original Message-
From: Tim Ford
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

How does one get the error report after doing that type of JAWS re-start?

Tim Ford

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Justin Williams
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Freedom said that the error reports sometimes really help them.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Tim Ford
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 3:10 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Just amending the subject line since this string has gone on for some time with 
just "JAWS 18" as the subject.

Tim Ford

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of net bat66
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws 18

if it comes back at all it takes about 20 seconds with a error report most of 
the time. thats why i don't use it.

-Original Message-
From: Miriam Vieni
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 6:43 AM
To: jaws-users

Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

2017-08-05 Thread Jim Flusche
Just pin Jaws to the taskbar, press the windows key+ the number row number in 
order that Jaws is pinned to the taskbar. For example on my computer, pressing 
Windows key+8, starts Jaws 18 every time. Smiles. I desire all your prayers 
here on the Jaws users list. My bladder cancer has come back. I will find out 
more on Wednesday of this week. So please remember me. God bless and smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Actually, my JAWS shortcut keeps disappearing. It's easy enough to fix, but 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Miriam Vieni
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Wow, that hot key really wasn't there. Thanks so much. I just did it. I was so 
sure I'd set it up but I think it was with old directions for an old version of 


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Mr. Ed
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Hi Miriam,
Do you have the shortcut setup for your Jaws? Here are the steps to do that.
1. Press windows + M to go to your desktop.
2. Press the letter J until you hear Jaws 18.
3. Press the application key and arrow up one time and press enter on 
4. Tab two  times and you should hear short cut key. If it says none then press 
the letter J
  If it says shortcut key ctrl+alt+J then just press the escape key.
6. Now tab until you hear ok, then press enter. Another dialog box may come
up just press yes or continue then you should be done.   

Now you should have a shortcut key so when you press ctrl+alt+J it should start 
Jaws. Now if you use the other hotkey that now should work.
Mr. Ed
-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Miriam Vieni
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Since Jaws has never restarted, it never popped up. I sit there and wait, and 
nothing happens.


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of net bat66
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

it pops up automatically when jaws restarts. then you are notified to send or 
send automatically without notifying you.;

-Original Message-
From: Tim Ford
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

How does one get the error report after doing that type of JAWS re-start?

Tim Ford

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Justin Williams
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Freedom said that the error reports sometimes really help them.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Tim Ford
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 3:10 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Re-starting Jaws 18

Just amending the subject line since this string has gone on for some time with 
just "JAWS 18" as the subject.

Tim Ford

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of net bat66
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws 18

if it comes back at all it takes about 20 seconds with a error report most of 
the time. thats why i don't use it.

-Original Message-
From: Miriam Vieni
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 6:43 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws 18

But Jaws doesn't appear to come back when I do it.


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Justin Williams
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 11:02 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws 18

Actually, that keystroke shuts down jaws, and brings it back up automatically 
without having to toggle.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Miriam Vieni
Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2017 10:40 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Jaws 18

Please tell me again, in detail, what to do when Jaws 18 disappears. I wrote 
down to press Jaws key plus windows key plus 

Re: [JAWS-Users] how accessible is I tunes

2017-07-31 Thread Jim Flusche
Yes, should work fine.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Tom Behler
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] how accessible is I tunes


Are your iTunes tutorial instructions good for Windows 7 as well?

I'm using Windows 7 and Jaws 18 here.

Dr.  Tom Behler from Michigan

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] how accessible is I tunes

Yes, Most of them should work, Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] how accessible is I tunes

Jim: Will the abovementioned instructions work with version17 as well, using 
Windows 10 on a Dell Laptop? Thanks. Jerry

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] how accessible is I tunes

Hi Dennis, try reading the below guide I wrote for iTunes and see if it helps 
you with using it with Jaws.
Using iTunes 12 with Jaws 18.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group.
Author: Jim Flusche

**Press ALT+V, moves you to the View Tab in iTunes.
**After pressing ALT+V, you will see the following items.
*Tip, we need to go to the Column Browser sub menu first.
So Down arrow past the following items, on your way to the Column Browser sub 
Media Kind sub menu.
All Music checked.
Only Downloaded Music.
Sort By sub menu.
Show View Options Ctrl+J.
**Column Browser sub menu, press the Right arrow key one time.
If you hear, Show Column Browser, press Enter.
*Tip, you will need to press ALT+V, again, Arrow down and Right arrow back 
inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**Make sure you have the four items checked below, these four items have a * 
before them.
*Tip, Each time you press the Enter key, to check one of these items, you will 
need to press ALT+V, to go back inside the View tab, and go back to where you 
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
*Artists checked.
*Albums checked.
*Group Compilations checked.
*Use Album Artists checked.
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
**Press the left arrow, from inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**You will hear, Column Browser sub menu.
**Now continue to Arrow down, you will hear the following items.
Show Up Next Ctrl+Shift+U.
Show Status Bar Ctrl+/.
Hide Sidebar Ctrl+S.
sideo Playback Unavailable sub menu.
Visualizer sub menu.
Full Screen Ctrl+Shift+F Unavailable.
Show MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+1.
Show Equalizer Ctrl+Shift+2.
Show Activity Window Ctrl+Shift+3.
Switch to MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+M.
Media Kind sub menu.
*Tip, you have now wrapped back to the top of the view tab.
**Pressing the Right arrow, and pressing the down arrow as you go through the 
Media Kind sub menu, you will see the following items.
*Tip, each item has a Control+Number row shortcut, to switch directly to that 
**For example, for this lesson right now, I have Music checked.
Music Ctrl+1 checked.
Movies Ctrl+2.
TV Shows Ctrl+3.
Podcasts Ctrl+4.
iTunes U Ctrl+5.
Audiobooks Ctrl+6.
Apps Ctrl+7.
Tones Ctrl+8.
Internet Radio Ctrl+9.
*Tip, the three I use the most are:
**Control+1, for Music.
**Control+4, for Podcasts.
**Control+9, for Internet radio.
*Reminder, If you are in Music, press Control+9 on the number row, you will 
open and be placed in the Internet radio treeview list.
**Right arrow opens a Music category, Left arrow closes it.
**More about Internet radio later.
*Tip, in this lesson I will use the Search edit box, as the central place to 
show you how to, navigate through iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**We will use the F6, key quite a bit in navigating iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**Press the F6 key, several times until you hear Search edit.
**Press the F6 key, one more time from the Search edit box, you will land on, 
Library Sidebar Tree view, mine is set to Songs.
For example, press F6 until you hear, Search Edit Type in text.
**Press F6 one more time, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 
**Now press the Home key, takes you to the top of the list.
As you press the Down arrow key, you will hear the following items.
**Pressing Insert+Up arrow, Jaws will say, Recently Added, this incorrectly 
says, 2 of 20, this is the first item.
On my computer, there are 16 items in the list, ignore the numbers.
Library Sidebar Tree view Artists 3 of 20 Albums, Sidebar Tree view, 4 of 20.
Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20
Library Sidebar Tree view Genres 6 of 20 Videos Genius Purchased 90's Music 
Classical Music My Top Rated Recently Played Top 25 Most Played *Tip, the next 
three with a * before

Re: [JAWS-Users] how accessible is I tunes

2017-07-31 Thread Jim Flusche
Yes, Most of them should work, Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] how accessible is I tunes

Jim: Will the abovementioned instructions work with version17 as well, using 
Windows 10 on a Dell Laptop? Thanks. Jerry

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] how accessible is I tunes

Hi Dennis, try reading the below guide I wrote for iTunes and see if it helps 
you with using it with Jaws.
Using iTunes 12 with Jaws 18.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group.
Author: Jim Flusche

**Press ALT+V, moves you to the View Tab in iTunes.
**After pressing ALT+V, you will see the following items.
*Tip, we need to go to the Column Browser sub menu first.
So Down arrow past the following items, on your way to the Column Browser sub 
Media Kind sub menu.
All Music checked.
Only Downloaded Music.
Sort By sub menu.
Show View Options Ctrl+J.
**Column Browser sub menu, press the Right arrow key one time.
If you hear, Show Column Browser, press Enter.
*Tip, you will need to press ALT+V, again, Arrow down and Right arrow back 
inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**Make sure you have the four items checked below, these four items have a * 
before them.
*Tip, Each time you press the Enter key, to check one of these items, you will 
need to press ALT+V, to go back inside the View tab, and go back to where you 
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
*Artists checked.
*Albums checked.
*Group Compilations checked.
*Use Album Artists checked.
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
**Press the left arrow, from inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**You will hear, Column Browser sub menu.
**Now continue to Arrow down, you will hear the following items.
Show Up Next Ctrl+Shift+U.
Show Status Bar Ctrl+/.
Hide Sidebar Ctrl+S.
sideo Playback Unavailable sub menu.
Visualizer sub menu.
Full Screen Ctrl+Shift+F Unavailable.
Show MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+1.
Show Equalizer Ctrl+Shift+2.
Show Activity Window Ctrl+Shift+3.
Switch to MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+M.
Media Kind sub menu.
*Tip, you have now wrapped back to the top of the view tab.
**Pressing the Right arrow, and pressing the down arrow as you go through the 
Media Kind sub menu, you will see the following items.
*Tip, each item has a Control+Number row shortcut, to switch directly to that 
**For example, for this lesson right now, I have Music checked.
Music Ctrl+1 checked.
Movies Ctrl+2.
TV Shows Ctrl+3.
Podcasts Ctrl+4.
iTunes U Ctrl+5.
Audiobooks Ctrl+6.
Apps Ctrl+7.
Tones Ctrl+8.
Internet Radio Ctrl+9.
*Tip, the three I use the most are:
**Control+1, for Music.
**Control+4, for Podcasts.
**Control+9, for Internet radio.
*Reminder, If you are in Music, press Control+9 on the number row, you will 
open and be placed in the Internet radio treeview list.
**Right arrow opens a Music category, Left arrow closes it.
**More about Internet radio later.
*Tip, in this lesson I will use the Search edit box, as the central place to 
show you how to, navigate through iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**We will use the F6, key quite a bit in navigating iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**Press the F6 key, several times until you hear Search edit.
**Press the F6 key, one more time from the Search edit box, you will land on, 
Library Sidebar Tree view, mine is set to Songs.
For example, press F6 until you hear, Search Edit Type in text.
**Press F6 one more time, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 
**Now press the Home key, takes you to the top of the list.
As you press the Down arrow key, you will hear the following items.
**Pressing Insert+Up arrow, Jaws will say, Recently Added, this incorrectly 
says, 2 of 20, this is the first item.
On my computer, there are 16 items in the list, ignore the numbers.
Library Sidebar Tree view Artists 3 of 20 Albums, Sidebar Tree view, 4 of 20.
Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20
Library Sidebar Tree view Genres 6 of 20 Videos Genius Purchased 90's Music 
Classical Music My Top Rated Recently Played Top 25 Most Played *Tip, the next 
three with a * before them, are my created playlist.
*Chill out
*Work out
*Tip, first letter navigation does work in this list.
**Quickly type S,O, You will land on Songs, this is what you want set here for 
**For example, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20.
**Press F6 again, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Library, leave this 
set to library.
**Press F6 again, you will hear list box.
*Tip, to make Jaws read correctly, press the Down arrow key, then press the Up 
arrow key, you will correctly hear.
All (388 Artists), shows up in my iTunes list.
**So we are at the top of the artist list, this is where iTunes 12 will open, 

Re: [JAWS-Users] how accessible is I tunes

2017-07-31 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Dennis, try reading the below guide I wrote for iTunes and see if it helps 
you with using it with Jaws.
Using iTunes 12 with Jaws 18.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group.
Author: Jim Flusche

**Press ALT+V, moves you to the View Tab in iTunes.
**After pressing ALT+V, you will see the following items.
*Tip, we need to go to the Column Browser sub menu first.
So Down arrow past the following items, on your way to the Column Browser sub 
Media Kind sub menu.
All Music checked.
Only Downloaded Music.
Sort By sub menu.
Show View Options Ctrl+J.
**Column Browser sub menu, press the Right arrow key one time.
If you hear, Show Column Browser, press Enter.
*Tip, you will need to press ALT+V, again, Arrow down and Right arrow back 
inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**Make sure you have the four items checked below, these four items have a * 
before them.
*Tip, Each time you press the Enter key, to check one of these items, you will 
need to press ALT+V, to go back inside the View tab, and go back to where you 
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
*Artists checked.
*Albums checked.
*Group Compilations checked.
*Use Album Artists checked.
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
**Press the left arrow, from inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**You will hear, Column Browser sub menu.
**Now continue to Arrow down, you will hear the following items.
Show Up Next Ctrl+Shift+U.
Show Status Bar Ctrl+/.
Hide Sidebar Ctrl+S.
sideo Playback Unavailable sub menu.
Visualizer sub menu.
Full Screen Ctrl+Shift+F Unavailable.
Show MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+1.
Show Equalizer Ctrl+Shift+2.
Show Activity Window Ctrl+Shift+3.
Switch to MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+M.
Media Kind sub menu.
*Tip, you have now wrapped back to the top of the view tab.
**Pressing the Right arrow, and pressing the down arrow as you go through the 
Media Kind sub menu, you will see the following items.
*Tip, each item has a Control+Number row shortcut, to switch directly to that 
**For example, for this lesson right now, I have Music checked.
Music Ctrl+1 checked.
Movies Ctrl+2.
TV Shows Ctrl+3.
Podcasts Ctrl+4.
iTunes U Ctrl+5.
Audiobooks Ctrl+6.
Apps Ctrl+7.
Tones Ctrl+8.
Internet Radio Ctrl+9.
*Tip, the three I use the most are:
**Control+1, for Music.
**Control+4, for Podcasts.
**Control+9, for Internet radio.
*Reminder, If you are in Music, press Control+9 on the number row, you will 
open and be placed in the Internet radio treeview list.
**Right arrow opens a Music category, Left arrow closes it.
**More about Internet radio later.
*Tip, in this lesson I will use the Search edit box, as the central place to 
show you how to, navigate through iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**We will use the F6, key quite a bit in navigating iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**Press the F6 key, several times until you hear Search edit.
**Press the F6 key, one more time from the Search edit box, you will land on, 
Library Sidebar Tree view, mine is set to Songs. 
For example, press F6 until you hear, Search Edit Type in text.
**Press F6 one more time, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 
**Now press the Home key, takes you to the top of the list.
As you press the Down arrow key, you will hear the following items.
**Pressing Insert+Up arrow, Jaws will say, Recently Added, this incorrectly 
says, 2 of 20, this is the first item.
On my computer, there are 16 items in the list, ignore the numbers.
Library Sidebar Tree view Artists 3 of 20
Albums, Sidebar Tree view, 4 of 20. 
Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20
Library Sidebar Tree view Genres 6 of 20
90's Music
Classical Music
My Top Rated
Recently Played
Top 25 Most Played
*Tip, the next three with a * before them, are my created playlist.
*Chill out
*Work out
*Tip, first letter navigation does work in this list.
**Quickly type S,O, You will land on Songs, this is what you want set here for 
**For example, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20.
**Press F6 again, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Library, leave this 
set to library.
**Press F6 again, you will hear list box.
*Tip, to make Jaws read correctly, press the Down arrow key, then press the Up 
arrow key, you will correctly hear.
All (388 Artists), shows up in my iTunes list.
**So we are at the top of the artist list, this is where iTunes 12 will open, 
after making all the changes above.
>From the top of the artist list, if you tab one time, you will be at the top 
>of the Albums list.
Press the Up and Down arrow to get Jaws to correctly read, in my iTunes on my 
computer it says, all 607 albums.
Now if you Tab again from the top of the Albums list, you will be on the songs 
Press the Down arrow to highlight the first song, you must always do this when 
in any song list.
Press Insert+Up arrow, on the first song, on my computer, it says, List box 1 
of 18788.
Now press Shift+Tab two times, this will take you back to the Artis

Re: [JAWS-Users] sign in with jaws.

2017-07-20 Thread Jim Flusche
Yes, that is the question. I have heard it's a w-10 creators update issue, and 
I have also heard it's a Jaws issue. So take your choice. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of michaeel's mail
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] sign in with jaws.

Okay Jim but is it a win 10 issue or a jaws problem.
chees Michael.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 1:21 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] sign in with jaws.

Yes, this is an issue from time to time.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of michael fridey
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 11:55 PM
To: jaws help list <>
Subject: [JAWS-Users] sign in with jaws.

Hi guys i find jaws some times  at start up jaws will not see the log in screen.

I start naratter when jaws will not see the edit box.

Is anybody else finding that.

cheers Michael.


For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit: 

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

2017-07-19 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Rick, thank you, yes, that's  all I was saying. With so many computer 
models, with so many various programs installed on all of our computers. Each 
person will have a different experience with the performance of Jaws. I was 
just giving a positive report on my setup, so others would know. Thanks and 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Rick Ely
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

Hi All,
Please remember that simply because we are running the same Windows version, 
the same JAWS version and the same application does not mean that our computers 
are in any way identical. Over time, all kinds of junk can get installed that 
we are not aware of, lots of pieces of applications run in the background and 
unless we look at those, we don't know they are running. All of that makes it a 
challenge for tech support staff to figure out solutions. Lots of us have 
commented on JAWS going silent, most of us have stated what we have had to do 
to get the little guy talking again. Jim's statement was not meant to say that 
others of us were crazy or incompetent. His report was just one more bit of 
evidence for the Freedom sleuths to use to correct the issue.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

Well, no point in being a smart-alec, I did not say the rest of us are just 
losing our minds. I was just reporting what was going on over here, like all of 
us do on this list. This way we all know what is happening on different 
machines. No, no issues using Internet Explorer at all on my machine. Sorry if 
this upsets you. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of The Iowa Gal
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 12:10 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

So if you're not having the issue, the rest of us are just losing our minds, 
huh? Here's another vote for it being an I.E. problem.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
Behalf Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

This is Not a Internet Explorer issue. I am running latest Jaws 18, the 
Creators update, office 365, current updates to all. I am having no issues.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
Behalf Of JM Casey
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

I always used to have these sorts of issues with iE...any version, of either 
JAWS or IE. I finally pretty much switched 100% to firefox and now everything 
works like a charm.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
Behalf Of Steve
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

Just to add to this, I have the same issue with Jaws 16 through 18 on a Win
7 Ultimate system.

It invariably seems to correlate to the use of IE 11.  It is not duplicatable, 
but it does happen with enough consistency that there's got to be a bug 
somewhere in the program.

When it happens, if I can get Jaws to stumble-and-bumble to the process 
manager, I can close IE and reload Jaws.  Oftentimes, Jaws is so sluggish i.e. 
not quite non-responsive -- that I end up loading System Access to go and 
close IE11 and Jaws.  Then, I can re-load Jaws and its happy.

If I use a competitive screen-reader, I've not encountered these issues.

- Original Message -
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

> Hi Miriam,  The mysterious and annoying behavior you describe also
> happens to me on occasion.  Likewise, I have the latest JAWS 18 with
> Windows 7 and a 64 bit system.
> Short of rebooting the system, applying the hot key sequence I have
> assigned to JAWS 18 will sometimes return speech but it's all
> guesswork and when the hot key fails to return speech, I am forced to
> restart the system.  Lastly, it seems to happen when tabbing away from
> an open web site but beyond this pattern, I remain puzzled by this
> annoyance.  Mitch
> "The problem with quotes on the Internet
>is that people instantly believe they're real."
>-(Abraham Lincoln)
> -Original Message-

Re: [JAWS-Users] sign in with jaws.

2017-07-19 Thread Jim Flusche
Yes, this is an issue from time to time.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of michael fridey
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 11:55 PM
To: jaws help list 
Subject: [JAWS-Users] sign in with jaws.

Hi guys i find jaws some times  at start up jaws will not see the log in screen.

I start naratter when jaws will not see the edit box.

Is anybody else finding that.

cheers Michael.


For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

2017-07-19 Thread Jim Flusche
Well, no point in being a smart-alec, I did not say the rest of us are just 
losing our minds. I was just reporting what was going on over here, like all of 
us do on this list. This way we all know what is happening on different 
machines. No, no issues using Internet Explorer at all on my machine. Sorry if 
this upsets you. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of The Iowa Gal
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 12:10 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

So if you're not having the issue, the rest of us are just losing our minds, 
huh? Here's another vote for it being an I.E. problem.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

This is Not a Internet Explorer issue. I am running latest Jaws 18, the 
Creators update, office 365, current updates to all. I am having no issues.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of JM Casey
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

I always used to have these sorts of issues with iE...any version, of either 
JAWS or IE. I finally pretty much switched 100% to firefox and now everything 
works like a charm.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Steve
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

Just to add to this, I have the same issue with Jaws 16 through 18 on a Win
7 Ultimate system.

It invariably seems to correlate to the use of IE 11.  It is not duplicatable, 
but it does happen with enough consistency that there's got to be a bug 
somewhere in the program.

When it happens, if I can get Jaws to stumble-and-bumble to the process 
manager, I can close IE and reload Jaws.  Oftentimes, Jaws is so sluggish i.e. 
not quite non-responsive -- that I end up loading System Access to go and close 
IE11 and Jaws.  Then, I can re-load Jaws and its happy.

If I use a competitive screen-reader, I've not encountered these issues.

- Original Message -
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

> Hi Miriam,  The mysterious and annoying behavior you describe also 
> happens to me on occasion.  Likewise, I have the latest JAWS 18 with 
> Windows 7 and a 64 bit system.
> Short of rebooting the system, applying the hot key sequence I have 
> assigned to JAWS 18 will sometimes return speech but it's all 
> guesswork and when the hot key fails to return speech, I am forced to 
> restart the system.  Lastly, it seems to happen when tabbing away from 
> an open web site but beyond this pattern, I remain puzzled by this 
> annoyance.  Mitch
> “The problem with quotes on the Internet
>is that people instantly believe they’re real.”
>-(Abraham Lincoln)
> -Original Message-
> From: Miriam Vieni
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 6:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing
> Even after this latest update, Jaws occasionally and unexpectedly goes 
> silent when I change from one window to another. Jaws 18, Windows 7 .
> Office
> 365, 64 bit computer. None of the key strokes that have been 
> suggested, appear to work. I go to the desktop and wait. Nothing 
> happens. If I press the power  button lightly, just before the 
> computer turns off, Jaws starts to talk. But I can't, at that point, stop the 
> computer from turning off.
> It
> just happened to  me again. Very frustrating! Is this happening to 
> anyone else? What do you do when it happens?
> Miriam
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

2017-07-18 Thread Jim Flusche
This is Not a Internet Explorer issue. I am running latest Jaws 18, the 
Creators update, office 365, current updates to all. I am having no issues.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of JM Casey
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

I always used to have these sorts of issues with iE...any version, of either 
JAWS or IE. I finally pretty much switched 100% to firefox and now everything 
works like a charm.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Steve
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

Just to add to this, I have the same issue with Jaws 16 through 18 on a Win
7 Ultimate system.

It invariably seems to correlate to the use of IE 11.  It is not duplicatable, 
but it does happen with enough consistency that there's got to be a bug 
somewhere in the program.

When it happens, if I can get Jaws to stumble-and-bumble to the process 
manager, I can close IE and reload Jaws.  Oftentimes, Jaws is so sluggish i.e. 
not quite non-responsive -- that I end up loading System Access to go and close 
IE11 and Jaws.  Then, I can re-load Jaws and its happy.

If I use a competitive screen-reader, I've not encountered these issues.

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing

> Hi Miriam,  The mysterious and annoying behavior you describe also 
> happens to me on occasion.  Likewise, I have the latest JAWS 18 with 
> Windows 7 and a 64 bit system.
> Short of rebooting the system, applying the hot key sequence I have 
> assigned to JAWS 18 will sometimes return speech but it's all 
> guesswork and when the hot key fails to return speech, I am forced to 
> restart the system.  Lastly, it seems to happen when tabbing away from 
> an open web site but beyond this pattern, I remain puzzled by this 
> annoyance.  Mitch
> “The problem with quotes on the Internet
>is that people instantly believe they’re real.”
>-(Abraham Lincoln)
> -Original Message-
> From: Miriam Vieni
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 6:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: [JAWS-Users] Jaws still disappearing
> Even after this latest update, Jaws occasionally and unexpectedly goes 
> silent when I change from one window to another. Jaws 18, Windows 7 .
> Office
> 365, 64 bit computer. None of the key strokes that have been 
> suggested, appear to work. I go to the desktop and wait. Nothing 
> happens. If I press the power  button lightly, just before the 
> computer turns off, Jaws starts to talk. But I can't, at that point, stop the 
> computer from turning off.
> It
> just happened to  me again. Very frustrating! Is this happening to 
> anyone else? What do you do when it happens?
> Miriam
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Pinning and unpinning items from the taskbar in W-10.

2017-07-18 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Rick, thank you for your positive and kind feedback. Just doing what I can 
do to help others. Yes, I personally love W-10. That's why only after using 
W-10 for about three weeks and seeing how well it worked with Jaws, I started 
the W-10 and Jaws group. Almost two years later, I still love W-10! There are 
many members of this list and members on my own group that know way more about 
using computers them me, but I do my best to help them to the best of my 
knowledge. I also want to thank David F, and all of his moderators on this 
list, who helped teach this pinhead how to use a computer with Jaws! So in a 
way, I am giving back to the blind community as well as helping others because 
of the kindness of many people who have helped me over the years! May God bless 
all of us for helping one another learn the computer using Jaws! Thanks. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Rick Ely
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Pinning and unpinning items from the taskbar in W-10.

What a great step by step. I have a folder with your lessons. It is so good to 
see someone with a clear understanding of Windows. When, in the long ago and 
far away, and teaching WindowEyes I told my students that so much of good use 
of a screen reader relied on knowing what was possible in the operating system 
and having a good group of shortcut keys in your OS between your ears. I was a 
GW guy back in the VocalEyes days and then a WE user and teacher. When WE went 
away, I dreaded the switch. All that dread has mostly vanished. Now if I can 
retrain my head to press the specific JAWS function keys. I will be in good 
shape. Motor memory is a wonderful thing until the task has its key combo 

Thanks from lots of us,

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 6:03 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Pinning and unpinning items from the taskbar in W-10.

Pinning and unpinning items from the taskbar in W-10.
OK, first of all, What Items are pinned to my Taskbar?
Second of all, What are the order of the pinned items on my Taskbar?
Third of all, Why does the pinned order of items on the Taskbar matter?
Fourth of all, How do I unpin items from the Taskbar?
Fifth of all, How do I pin items to the Taskbar?
**What Items are pinned to my Taskbar?
After pressing Windows key+T, and pressing the Right arrow key, I will hear the 
following Items.
Task bar Internet Explorer Button
Word 2016 Button
Notepad - 1 running window button menu
Outlook 2016 Button
Control Panel Button
Windows Defender Security Center Button
iTunes Button
JAWS 18 Button
**What are the order of the pinned items on my Taskbar?
1. Internet Explorer
2. Word 2016
3. Notepad
4. Outlook 2016
5. Control Panel
6. Windows Defender Security Center
7. iTunes
8. JAWS 18
**Why does the pinned order of items on the Taskbar matter?
Because, depending on the order of the pinned items to the Taskbar, this will 
determine the shortcut key that will start that program on your computer.
*For example:
on my computer pressing the windows key followed by a number on the numbers 
row, will start the following program or open the item pinned to the Taskbar.
Pressing Windows key+1, will open Internet Explorer.
Pressing Windows key+2, will open Word 2016.
Pressing Windows key+3, will open an untitled Notepad file.
Pressing Windows key+4, will open Outlook 2016.
Pressing Windows key+5, will open the control panel.
Pressing Windows key+6, will open Windows Defender Security Center.
Pressing Windows key+7, will open iTunes.
Pressing Windows key+8, will always start Jaws 18.
*Tip, if you have more than one of these windows open.
Pressing their windows key+number, will take you to that program.
*For example:
If you are in the Internet Explorer window, and you wish to go back to your 
open notepad file, just press Windows key+3, on my computer.
If you wish to start a new notepad file, Press Windows+shift+3, this will open 
a blank notepad file.
So as you can see this is a quick and fast way, to start your favorites 
programs on your W-10 computer including Jaws.
**How do I unpin items from the Taskbar?
As you are busy customizing your new W-10 computer, you should clear the pinned 
items off your Taskbar.
This way you can start from scratch, pinning your pinned items to the Taskbar 
in your own order.
*Press Windows key+T, you land on the first item pinned to your Taskbar.
Press the Applications key, up arrow to, unpin from Taskbar, press Enter.
Press Windows key+m or D, go to your desktop.
Press Windows key+T, returns you to the Taskbar, repeat the above directions 
until the Taskbar is empty.
Keep repeating these steps, until all the current items are unpinned from your 
**How do I pin items

[JAWS-Users] Pinning and unpinning items from the taskbar in W-10.

2017-07-17 Thread Jim Flusche
Pinning and unpinning items from the taskbar in W-10.
OK, first of all, What Items are pinned to my Taskbar?
Second of all, What are the order of the pinned items on my Taskbar?
Third of all, Why does the pinned order of items on the Taskbar matter?
Fourth of all, How do I unpin items from the Taskbar?
Fifth of all, How do I pin items to the Taskbar?
**What Items are pinned to my Taskbar?
After pressing Windows key+T, and pressing the Right arrow key, I will hear the 
following Items.
Task bar Internet Explorer Button
Word 2016 Button
Notepad - 1 running window button menu
Outlook 2016 Button
Control Panel Button
Windows Defender Security Center Button
iTunes Button
JAWS 18 Button
**What are the order of the pinned items on my Taskbar?
1. Internet Explorer
2. Word 2016
3. Notepad
4. Outlook 2016
5. Control Panel
6. Windows Defender Security Center
7. iTunes
8. JAWS 18
**Why does the pinned order of items on the Taskbar matter?
Because, depending on the order of the pinned items to the Taskbar, this will 
determine the shortcut key that will start that program on your computer.
*For example:
on my computer pressing the windows key followed by a number on the numbers 
row, will start the following program or open the item pinned to the Taskbar.
Pressing Windows key+1, will open Internet Explorer.
Pressing Windows key+2, will open Word 2016.
Pressing Windows key+3, will open an untitled Notepad file.
Pressing Windows key+4, will open Outlook 2016.
Pressing Windows key+5, will open the control panel.
Pressing Windows key+6, will open Windows Defender Security Center.
Pressing Windows key+7, will open iTunes.
Pressing Windows key+8, will always start Jaws 18.
*Tip, if you have more than one of these windows open.
Pressing their windows key+number, will take you to that program.
*For example:
If you are in the Internet Explorer window, and you wish to go back to your 
open notepad file, just press Windows key+3, on my computer.
If you wish to start a new notepad file, Press Windows+shift+3, this will open 
a blank notepad file.
So as you can see this is a quick and fast way, to start your favorites 
programs on your W-10 computer including Jaws.
**How do I unpin items from the Taskbar?
As you are busy customizing your new W-10 computer, you should clear the pinned 
items off your Taskbar.
This way you can start from scratch, pinning your pinned items to the Taskbar 
in your own order.
*Press Windows key+T, you land on the first item pinned to your Taskbar.
Press the Applications key, up arrow to, unpin from Taskbar, press Enter.
Press Windows key+m or D, go to your desktop.
Press Windows key+T, returns you to the Taskbar, repeat the above directions 
until the Taskbar is empty.
Keep repeating these steps, until all the current items are unpinned from your 
**How do I pin items to the Taskbar?
OK, let us start with pinning Jaws to the Taskbar.
Press the Windows key, followed by the down arrow key, you will land in the All 
Apps list box.
Press the letter J, you will land on JAWS 18.0 folder, Collapsed.
Press the Enter key to expand Jaws 18.
Highlight Jaws 18.
Press the Applications key, down arrow to, more sub menu, Right arrow to pin to 
taskbar, press Enter.
You now have Jaws 18 pinned to the Taskbar.
*Tip, remember if you have more than one version of Jaws installed on your 
computer, do the following.
After pressing Windows key, and pressing the down arrow, and pressing the 
letter J, you will land on the oldest version of Jaws first.
So just repeat the above steps for pinning all the versions of Jaws to the 
Taskbar, that are installed on your computer.
I always use this method for starting Jaws on my computer, instead of the old 
way of pressing Control+ALT+J, to start Jaws.
So because Jaws 18 is the eighth item pinned to the Taskbar, pressing Windows 
key+8, always starts Jaws 18 on my computer.
*How to find items like Internet explorer or notepad, to pin to my Taskbar?
Press Windows key, followed by the Down arrow, this lands you in, All Apps list 
Press the letter W, down arrow to, Windows Accessories folder, Collapsed, press 
the Enter key to expand.
Highlight either Internet explorer or notepad.
Press the Applications key, Arrow down to, more sub menu, Right arrow to, pin 
to Taskbar, press Enter.
Now you have pinned either Internet explorer or Notepad to your Taskbar.
*How to find the Control panel, to pin it to the Taskbar?
Press the Windows key, followed by the Down arrow to open the All Apps list box.
Press the letter W, Down arrow to, Windows System folder, Collapsed, press 
Enter key to expand.
Down arrow and highlight Control panel.
Press the Applications key, Arrow down to more sub menu, Right arrow to pin to 
Taskbar, press Enter.
Now you have pinned the Control panel to the Taskbar.
*Other examples:
1. Press the Windows key, or Enter on the Start button.
2. Either press the up or down arrow or Tab two times to All apps list box,.
3. Use first letter navigation, or just Down 

Re: [JAWS-Users] Microsoft free giveaway for books.

2017-07-17 Thread Jim Flusche
Also Word.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Jitendra Kumar
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Microsoft free giveaway for books.

As far as I know, multiple formats are available for download.
E.G. pdf, mobi, epub.
Remember that not all formats are available for all the books, see for yourself.

On 7/15/17,  wrote:
> Are these books ones that can be used only on devices such as Kindel 
> readers?
> -Original Message-
> From: Jitendra Kumar
> Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 7:04 AM
> To: jaws-users-list
> Subject: [JAWS-Users] Microsoft free giveaway for books.
> This is the microsoft sharing nearly 250 books for free which are 
> paid, feel free to share this link with your friends, And Download for 
> you what you want.
> crosoft-ebook-giveaway-im-giving-away-millions-of-free-microsoft-ebook
> s-again-including-windows-10-office-365-office-2016-power-bi-azure-win
> dows-8-1-office-2013-sharepo/
> Thanks, J.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] McAfee Removal

2017-07-14 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Mike, go to programs and features, highlight the mcafee program, press enter 
to start the removal of mcafee. I believe you tab one time to enter the mcafee 
removal window, use your arrow keys, find where it says remove all mcafee 
components or something like that, make sure you check the checkbox with the 
spacebar, to remove the entire program. Staying on the same screen, you should 
see a message at top of the screen saying removing mcafee, please wait. When it 
is done, you will see at the bottom of the page, a restart is required to 
finish removing mcafee, press enter on the restart button at the bottom of the 
page. I did this to remove mcafee from my new computer, after I restarted my 
machine, Windows defender security center was activated. This is all you need 
for your anti-virus, no need in wasting money for other anti-virus programs, 
windows defender works just as well as any paid anti-virus programs that are 
out there. Now this is in reference to a computer running the W-10 
 creators update. But the steps above work on removing mcafee from your 
computer, no special tool needed. I just did a tandem with Jaws to remove 
mcafee from Ed's computer. I have now used the windows defender built-in free 
anti-virus program on both my computers for the last year, no issues at all on 
either of my computers. When people hear the word free and anti-virus, they 
think they are getting a weak product, this is not true anymore. Why waist your 
money on giant anti-virus programs that do not work well with Jaws, when you 
can use the free windows defender program that works well with Jaws. Again, I 
am speaking to those of you who are running W-10. If you are paying for a 
yearly subscription to an anti-virus program, in my humble opinion, you are 
wasting your money! Again I am speaking from experience, after using windows 
defender for one year on two computers. I used to use mcafee because it was one 
of the better anti-virus programs that used to work well with Jaws, not any m
 ore. Just my two cents worth! Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Mike B.
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] McAfee Removal

Hi Glen,

Thank you very much!  Trying to get this program shutdown to remove it is a 
total pain in the A**, & its really ticking me off!  LOL Take care.  Mike.  Go 
Sent from my iBarstool.
Arguing with a woman is like reading a software license agreement.  In the end 
you have to ignore everything, & click I agree.
- Original Message -
From: Dialup @ 56k
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] McAfee Removal

Hello Mike,
The only safe way to remove any of these weeds is to use the un install tool 
provided by the specific vendor.
In your case, it's called "McAfee Consumer Products Removal tool"; can't speak 
on it's accessibility at all.

On 14-Jul-2017 12:57 pm, Mike B. wrote:
> Hi All,
> Running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit with Jaws 15.  How the heck do you remove 
> McAfee?!  How do you shut the program totally down?!  I'm trying very 
> hard to remove McAfee, but it's becoming a real pain!  All advice will 
> be greatly appreciated!  Thanks much.
> Take care.  Mike.  Go Dodgers!
> Sent from my iBarstool.
> Arguing with a woman is like reading a software license agreement.  In 
> the end you have to ignore everything, & click I agree.
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Re: [JAWS-Users] Test message

2017-07-13 Thread Jim Flusche
Yes, same hear, all is OK now.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Tom Behler
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Test message


I'm not sure what is going on, but I got bounced from the list as well.

I replied to the alert message, so hopefully, I'm now back on the list.

Dr.  Tom Behler from Michigan

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 11:02 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Test message

I am testing my email, the jaws list said my account is being stopped because 
of too many bounces.

Your humble Pinhead!
Owner of the Windows 10 and Jaws group!

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Re: [JAWS-Users] Test message

2017-07-13 Thread Jim Flusche
Thanks, seems to be OK right now. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Gerald Levy 
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Test message

I had the same problem myself yesterday and had to re-enable my subscription.  
.  Apparently, some ISP's, notably AOL Mail are bouncing messages to this list.


-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 11:01 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Test message

I am testing my email, the jaws list said my account is being stopped because 
of too many bounces.

Your humble Pinhead!
Owner of the Windows 10 and Jaws group!

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[JAWS-Users] Test message

2017-07-13 Thread Jim Flusche
I am testing my email, the jaws list said my account is being stopped because 
of too many bounces.

Your humble Pinhead!
Owner of the Windows 10 and Jaws group!

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] An Updated Text Tutorial on Using the Google ChromeBrowser with JAWS or NVDA

2017-07-07 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi David, I don't use the Chrome browser, but I am glad to see someone else 
providing text tutorials about using other programs with Jaws. Thanks for 
taking the time to write this. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of David Moore
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] An Updated Text Tutorial on Using the Google 
ChromeBrowser with JAWS or NVDA

Yes, David!
Please put the tutorial on the tips and tricks page.
I hope you and many get something out of it.
Thanks a lot, David!
David Moore
Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: David Ferrin
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] An Updated Text Tutorial on Using the Google 
ChromeBrowser with JAWS or NVDA

David, if you want I can post it on the tips and tricks page. It is of course 
totally up to you.

-Original Message-
From: David Moore
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 6:17 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] An Updated Text Tutorial on Using the Google Chrome 
Browser with JAWS or NVDA

Hi all,
I did an Updated text tutorial on using the Google Chrome browser. It is pasted 
right here in this email, so you can read it, and give me feedback.
On each line, I tell you what my computer says as I take you through the Google 
Chrome menu, and I take you carefully through the settings web page.
This is a lot like the Options page in Firefox, but it is easier to navigate.
I hope this really helps you get started with Chrome, because it works so well 
for me.
Here is the tutorial right below!
Tutorial for Using the Google Chrome Browser By David Moore This tutorial will 
be done with the latest update of Chrome.
I will also use JAWS 18 and NVDA 2017.2for this tutorial, because they both 
work the same in Chrome.
Finally, I will use Windows 10 Creators Update latest public build.
I will assume that you have downloaded and installed Chrome.
There should be a shortcut on your desktop.
First, I will launch Chrome. We will not create a home page until we get to the 
Chrome settings web page.
This is a lot like the Options page in Firefox, or the Options dialog in IE.
Pressing the Alt key, opens the one and only, Chrome menu, with many choices 
that I will arrow down through.
The first very important step, is to press Windows+up arrow to maximise the 
window. Chrome often opens with the window not maximise, and you will get 
undesirable results.
I will press the Alt key.
The Chrome menu is open.
I will press insert+up arrow to hear the first option in this menu.
New Tab, CTRL+T.
You can press that command right from the web site you are on.
New Window, CTRL+N
You can press these commands right from your web page, instead of coming here.
New incognito Window.
History sub menu.
I will press right arrow here to see what is in this sub menu!
History, CTRL+H
So, there is a key command for reading your history.
You can read a few sites you were on right here.
I will press left arrow to close this history sub menu.
Downloads, CTRL+J
There is the command for opening your downloads you have downloaded with Chrome.
Next, the important Bookmarks sub menu.
I will press right arrow, to open this.
I hear, bookmark this page, CTRL+D
That command will bookmark the page you are reading.
Next down arrow, says show bookmarks bar, CTRL+Shift+B That command, will show 
your bookmarks on your Chrome browser for all to see. I do not want that.
Here is the important one.
manage bookmarks
The command is, CTRL+Shift+O
In here, you can organize your bookmarks into folders, see the bookmarks you 
have imported from different browsers, and very importantly, you can download, 
to your computer, an HTML file of all of your bookmarks in Chrome.
On your computer, you can press enter on this file, after it downloads, and a 
page will show up in Chrome with a list of all bookmarks you have saved in 
Chrome. This is an awesome way to download all of your bookmarks right to your 
computer, so you can back them up.
That is all for manage bookmarks.
Next, I hear import bookmarks and settings.
press enter on this, and you can import all bookmarks and settings from IE, and 
Firefox, right into Google Chrome, and they will be in their corresponding 
Now, I hear all of my saved bookmarks as I continue to arrow down.
Very important!
Sometimes, when I open that bookmarks sub menu, I do not land on the choices I 
mension here, but instead, I start hearing my saved bookmarks. If this happens, 
I press up arrow a few times, and it gets me to these choices.
Keep in mind, that many of these choices, like bookmark manager, have key 
commands, so you do not have to come to this bookmarks sub menu at all. You 
only need to come here most of the time, to arrow through your saved bookmarks, 
and enter on the desired one.
The next few are very self explanatory.
The next one I will mension, 

Re: [JAWS-Users] How can I lock the JAWS key?

2017-07-06 Thread Jim Flusche
Well, hypothetical questions cause a lot of confusion in my opinion. Maybe we 
need to get back to asking and answering real questions about Jaws. Again, just 
my opinion after reading all the emails in this thread. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of John O'Regan
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] How can I lock the JAWS key?

Hello Again,

Thanks to everyone for their replies.  Remapping the date function to the Pause 
key is the best solution I've heard so far, imho.

But I'm afraid I've unintentionally misled you.  My question was meant to be 
more generic.  Holding down the Ins key while pressing F12 twice quickly was 
just an example.

How would my hypothetical one-handed typist who can only press one key at a 
time press the Ins key and press T twice quickly in help mode
(Ins+1) to hear extended help for the Say Title keystroke, for instance?

Icymi, in the latest release of NVDA it is now possible to lock the NVDA key by 
pressing it twice, if Sticky Keys are enabled.



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Re: [JAWS-Users] JAWS layered keystrokes

2017-07-01 Thread Jim Flusche
I think if you press the Escape key, Jaws will go back to reading the normal 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of George Martinez
Sent: Saturday, July 1, 2017 1:05 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] JAWS layered keystrokes

I have recently seen where I can use JAWS key + Space Bar then select T to help 
announce rows & columns in a Table.
Is this a toggle or does it only stay in effect for the session?

"Whatever you are, be a good one."  ~ Abraham Lincoln 
 George A Martinez CPA, PC
12231 North 50th Avenue
Glendale, AZ 85304-2215
Voice 602.368.8854 FAX 1-206-666-2589

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Re: [JAWS-Users] JAWS not copying text from a web-site.

2017-06-27 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Mike, At the beginning of the text to be selected, press Control+Windows+K, 
this makes a temporary place marker at the beginning of your text. At the end 
of the text to be copied, press Insert+Spacebar, you will hear a sound, Then 
press the letter M, this will select all text between the temporary place 
marker and the end of the text, press Control+C, will copy all the block of 
text, then just paste with Control+V in to your word document. Good luck, 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Mike Mote
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 7:59 AM
To:; '' 
Subject: [JAWS-Users] JAWS not copying text from a web-site.

Good morning all!  Using the latest version of JAWS 18, (Build 2945), I'm 
encountering an issue when trying to copy text from a web page into a word 
document.  I am able to highlight the text, but unable to copy and paste it to 
my document.  When I press Control C, JAWS says nothing, indicating that 
nothing has been copied.  This is confirmed, when I go to my document and press 
Control plus V.  The text that I selected does not copy to my document.  A 
sighted user can copy and paste the text without any problems.
Why is this happening?

Mike Mote
Technology Accessibility Developer,  Human Resources IFB Solutions Our Vision 
is Working - see more at  
Work Phone (336) 245-5650 Mobile Phone (336) 793-6006
Shipping:  7730 North Point Dr
Winston-Salem, NC 27106

*Large font facilitates reading for people with low vision

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Re: [JAWS-Users] questions about office 365 repost

2017-06-23 Thread Jim Flusche
Go to the following link and then read below the link for more info in this 

Office 365 Home
(per year)

Buy now Office 365 Home annual subscription
try for free Office 365 Home trial
 Or buy for $9.99 per  month

Best for households. Includes Office applications for up to 5 users.

Office applications included
list of 6 items
Access (PC only)
list end

Services included
list of 2 items
Skype for Business
list end
list of 2 items
*  Desktop versions of Office 2016 applications: Outlook, Word, Excel, 
PowerPoint, and OneNote, plus Access for PC  only 
Tooltip about current Office versions
*  One license covers 5 PCs or  Macs 
Tooltip with information about operating system requirements
list end

Office 365 Personal
(per year)

Buy now Office 365 Personal annual subscription
 Or buy for $6.99 per  month

Best for individuals. Includes Office applications for 1 user.

Office applications included
list of 6 items
Access (PC only)
list end

Services included
list of 2 items
Skype for Business
list end
list of 2 items
*  Desktop versions of Office 2016 applications: Outlook, Word, Excel, 
PowerPoint, and OneNote, plus Access for PC  only 
Tooltip about current Office versions
*  One license covers 1 PC or  Mac 
Tooltip with information about operating system requirements
list end
-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Vicki
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 10:11 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] questions about office 365 repost

Good Morning,

I posted this question a few days ago and got no response, so I thought I would 
try one more time.

Can someone explain to me the differences between Office 365 home, Office 365 
personal and what a key card is? 

Also, if there are 5 subscriptions, do the people sharing the subscriptions 
have to be in the same household? I have a friend who lives in a different town 
and I am wondering if I can share the subscription with her on her computer and 
mobile devices, even though she is not living with me.

I also would like to know how the different versions, home, personal, etc. work 
with JAWS. I have JAWS 14 and 18.


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Re: [JAWS-Users] command to change desktop in windows 10

2017-06-20 Thread Jim Flusche
Just ignore it, you are on your regular desktop. Jaws 18 is just saying desktop 
one. Maybe someone on hear from Freedom scientific can give you a better 
answer, but this is what I am telling my group. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of John R. Vaughn
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 5:00 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] command to change desktop in windows 10

List, on one of my windows 10 laptops running latest Jaws V18, my desktop says 
desktop 1.  Is there a jaws command to close this desktop and return to regular 
desktop?  This is all new to me.

Thanks for top.


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Re: [JAWS-Users] turning on narrator

2017-06-12 Thread Jim Flusche
No, Control+windows+Enter is for the Creators update, and windows+enter is for 
the anniversary update.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of net bat66
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] turning on narrator

you have a old version of windows 10.
and windows enter should turn narrator on and off.
control windows enter is for the windows 10 anaversory edition.

-Original Message-
From: Scorpio
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] turning on narrator

Shouldn't that be Windows key+enter?

I see the control key in everyone's key combination, but when I depress that 
key combination, I do not get any reaction, however, when I use the original 
keystroke of Windows key+Enter, Narrator turns on for me.  I also have to press 
escape in order to turn Narrator off, when Windows key+Enter use to be a toggle.

Does this have anything to do with Jaws?

Can anyone explain why it's different for me than everyone else?

I'm using Windows 10 Pro, Jaws 18.


-Original Message-
From: Michael
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:22 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] turning on narrator

Hi.  The keystroke to turn narrator on and off is ctrl-windows key-enter.  I 
realize that David responded to your message, but I also responded earlier and 
unintentionally sent the message to a jaws e-mail address and discovered the 
address was the incorrect one.  No wonder I didn't receive my message back, 

Mike M.

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Re: [JAWS-Users] turning on narrator

2017-06-12 Thread Jim Flusche
No, not in the creators update. Windows key+Enter is for the W-10 anniversary 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Scorpio
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] turning on narrator

Shouldn't that be Windows key+enter?

I see the control key in everyone's key combination, but when I depress that 
key combination, I do not get any reaction, however, when I use the original 
keystroke of Windows key+Enter, Narrator turns on for me.  I also have to press 
escape in order to turn Narrator off, when Windows key+Enter use to be a toggle.

Does this have anything to do with Jaws?

Can anyone explain why it's different for me than everyone else?

I'm using Windows 10 Pro, Jaws 18.


-Original Message-
From: Michael
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:22 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] turning on narrator

Hi.  The keystroke to turn narrator on and off is ctrl-windows key-enter.  I 
realize that David responded to your message, but I also responded earlier and 
unintentionally sent the message to a jaws e-mail address and discovered the 
address was the incorrect one.  No wonder I didn't receive my message back, 

Mike M.

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Re: [JAWS-Users] interesting issue with jaws and outlook 2016

2017-06-12 Thread Jim Flusche
Press the control key to stop this message. Press insert+down arrow to hear the 
current highlighted message and where it is in the email list of messages. 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of james
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 12:15 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] interesting issue with jaws and outlook 2016

greetings all starting yesterday when I check for  the number of messages in my 
in box instead of reading the number jaws says  we removed extra line breaks in 
the message any thoughts.

From: "Fred Adams" 
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 4:33 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Volume up and down

> Mr Ed, I do have latest jaws update but I will double check today just 
> to be sure.  Very good to hear from you and thanks much for your 
> response.
> -Original Message-
> From: JAWS-Users-List [] 
> On Behalf Of Mr. Ed
> Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2017 7:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Volume up and down
> Hi Fred,
> Do you have the latest Jaws which is Jaws 18.0.2945. They had an 
> update in the latest Jaws to fix the volume issue for the Creators update.
> Mr. Ed
> -Original Message-
> From: JAWS-Users-List [] 
> On Behalf Of Fred C. Adams
> Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2017 3:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: [JAWS-Users] Volume up and down
> I am using  W10, jaws 18 and outlook 2010 and having a problem with 
> volume going up or down.  It sounds sort of like volume ducking but 
> isn't, as it is not turned on.  I have jaws 16, 17 and 18 installed on 
> my computer and it does the same on all three.  I have uninstalled and 
> reinstalled jaws 18 but this did not change anything and did a jaws 18 
> repair.  None of this helped.
> I have checked all settings that I think might be causing the problem.  
> I will appreciate any suggestions.
> Thanks much,
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Re: [JAWS-Users] turning on narrator

2017-06-12 Thread Jim Flusche
Window key+Control+Enter.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Kevin
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:41 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] turning on narrator

someone remind me the shortcut keys to turn on narrator in windows 10 17 03 
latest when I press win key + shift + enter  nothing happens but jaws 
announceing the key strokes using the latest jaws 18 if that matters!
Email is golden!!!
Kevin Lee
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Re: [JAWS-Users] McAfee live safe

2017-06-10 Thread Jim Flusche
Yes, I quit paying for and using Mcafee over a year ago, I use windows defender 
on both computers now. No issues at all with Jaws 18 latest and with the 
Creators update, all works great. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Mr. Ed
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] McAfee live safe

Hi Anna,
I did play around with the new MacAfee interface. It still is not as accessible 
as it was before they updated it.
Mr. Ed 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of anna vimini
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 5:01 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] McAfee live safe

I figured it out to run a manual scan first you have to click on security and 
then you click on virus scan secure and then a window will appear with your 
last scan and your next scan and you arrow or tab one more time and click on 
scan button and the scan page will appear  and then you just click on the scan 
type that you want.

Re: [JAWS-Users] McAfee live safe
Since the users interface has change it seems to me it is not accessible with 
Jaws any more. When my subscription runs out in September I will be using 
Windows Defender. By McAfee not being accessible any more this seals their fate 
with me.
Mr. Ed

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List []
Behalf Of Anna vimini
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 12:25 PM

Subject: [JAWS-Users] McAfee live safe

The user interface has changed and I need to know how do you run a manual scan

I use to be able to run a manual scan by clicking schedule and run scans but 
now since the user interface has changed I can not find that so how would I go 
about running a manual scan?

Thanks for any help in advance

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Re: [JAWS-Users] I tunes and jaws

2017-06-05 Thread Jim Flusche
Try pressing Control+Shift+B, to make the columb browser show. Then press the 
ALT+V, for the  view menu. If that does not work, try Control+J, then press the 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Ralph Supernaw
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] I tunes and jaws


I got lost on the first step.  When I press alt+V I did not have the same list 
of items.  I could not find the options for column browser.  I am running 
Windows 10, JFW 18, and ITunes

Any help would be much appreciated.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2017 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] I tunes and jaws

Hi Russ, below is the text guide I did for iTunes, let me know if this helps 
Using iTunes 12 with Jaws 18.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group.
Author: Jim Flusche

**Press ALT+V, moves you to the View Tab in iTunes.
**After pressing ALT+V, you will see the following items.
*Tip, we need to go to the Column Browser sub menu first.
So Down arrow past the following items, on your way to the Column Browser sub 
Media Kind sub menu.
All Music checked.
Only Downloaded Music.
Sort By sub menu.
Show View Options Ctrl+J.
**Column Browser sub menu, press the Right arrow key one time.
If you hear, Show Column Browser, press Enter.
*Tip, you will need to press ALT+V, again, Arrow down and Right arrow back 
inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**Make sure you have the four items checked below, these four items have a * 
before them.
*Tip, Each time you press the Enter key, to check one of these items, you will 
need to press ALT+V, to go back inside the View tab, and go back to where you 
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
*Artists checked.
*Albums checked.
*Group Compilations checked.
*Use Album Artists checked.
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
**Press the left arrow, from inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**You will hear, Column Browser sub menu.
**Now continue to Arrow down, you will hear the following items.
Show Up Next Ctrl+Shift+U.
Show Status Bar Ctrl+/.
Hide Sidebar Ctrl+S.
sideo Playback Unavailable sub menu.
Visualizer sub menu.
Full Screen Ctrl+Shift+F Unavailable.
Show MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+1.
Show Equalizer Ctrl+Shift+2.
Show Activity Window Ctrl+Shift+3.
Switch to MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+M.
Media Kind sub menu.
*Tip, you have now wrapped back to the top of the view tab.
**Pressing the Right arrow, and pressing the down arrow as you go through the 
Media Kind sub menu, you will see the following items.
*Tip, each item has a Control+Number row shortcut, to switch directly to that 
**For example, for this lesson right now, I have Music checked.
Music Ctrl+1 checked.
Movies Ctrl+2.
TV Shows Ctrl+3.
Podcasts Ctrl+4.
iTunes U Ctrl+5.
Audiobooks Ctrl+6.
Apps Ctrl+7.
Tones Ctrl+8.
Internet Radio Ctrl+9.
*Tip, the three I use the most are:
**Control+1, for Music.
**Control+4, for Podcasts.
**Control+9, for Internet radio.
*Reminder, If you are in Music, press Control+9 on the number row, you will 
open and be placed in the Internet radio treeview list.
**Right arrow opens a Music category, Left arrow closes it.
**More about Internet radio later.
*Tip, in this lesson I will use the Search edit box, as the central place to 
show you how to, navigate through iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**We will use the F6, key quite a bit in navigating iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**Press the F6 key, several times until you hear Search edit.
**Press the F6 key, one more time from the Search edit box, you will land on, 
Library Sidebar Tree view, mine is set to Songs. 
For example, press F6 until you hear, Search Edit Type in text.
**Press F6 one more time, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 
**Now press the Home key, takes you to the top of the list.
As you press the Down arrow key, you will hear the following items.
**Pressing Insert+Up arrow, Jaws will say, Recently Added, this incorrectly 
says, 2 of 20, this is the first item.
On my computer, there are 16 items in the list, ignore the numbers.
Library Sidebar Tree view Artists 3 of 20 Albums, Sidebar Tree view, 4 of 20. 
Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20
Library Sidebar Tree view Genres 6 of 20 Videos Genius Purchased 90’s Music 
Classical Music My Top Rated Recently Played Top 25 Most Played *Tip, the next 
three with a * before them, are my created playlist.
*Chill out
*Work out
*Tip, first letter navigation does work in this list.
**Quickly type S,O, You will land on Songs, this is what you want set here for 
**For example, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20.
**Press F6 again, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Library, leave this 
set to library.
**Press F6 again

Re: [JAWS-Users] How to access and use the Jaws help topics system

2017-06-04 Thread Jim Flusche
OK, that explains it, Yes, you must use num pad insert+J, to open the Jaws 
options page. But if you have that insert key turned off, then now I see what 
you mean. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of net bat66
Sent: Sunday, June 4, 2017 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] How to access and use the Jaws help topics system

i have tried it both ways. grin.
right now i am useing laptop layout and in the system tray.
my keys that open the context menu are the jaws capslock, shift, and control.
the insert key works if i tell jaws to use the insert key in the settings 
i forgot i have to turn this off because i have a program just checking that 
uses the insert key for most of its shortcut keys and can not be changed.
that is why the insert j keys don't work.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2017 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] How to access and use the Jaws help topics system

Are you running Jaws from the system tray? Pressing Insert+J, will open the 
Jaws page. The reasons I run Jaws from the system tray are, takes the Jaws 
window out of the way when doing a ALT+Tab, also in windows 10, when you press 
windows key+M, you have to press it twice to go to the desktop.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of net bat66
Sent: Sunday, June 4, 2017 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] How to access and use the Jaws help topics system

with me  and the laptop layout insert jay or capslock j doesn't do anything.
i have to click on the jaws desktop icon  or my shortcut keys control alt j to 
bring up that context menu.

Subject: [JAWS-Users] How to access and use the Jaws help topics system

Hi Jaws users list, In my continued effort to do my part in helping all the 
users of window eyes learn how to use Jaws 18, please read below.
How to access and use the Jaws help topics system.
Most of this material was taken directly from the Jaws help system of the Jaws
18 version, provided by the VFO group.
I take no credit for this material, I am only using this as a learning tool, to 
teach new Jaws users how to use Jaws.

If you are using Jaws to run from the system tray like I recommend.
Press Insert+J, opens the Jaws options window.
*Tip, if you are not running Jaws from the system tray, press ALT+Tab, 
highlight the Jaws window, press ALT+F, to bring up the same menu.
Press the letter H, opens the help section of the Jaws window.
Down arrow to, Jaws help topics, press Enter.
*Tip, press Insert+J, opens the Jaws options page, press the letter H, followed 
by the letter J, to directly open the Jaws help topics page.
You will hear:
JAWS 18 Help, Contents page, Tree view
Introduction book open, 9 items
This is a simple tree view of Jaws help books.
Press the Right arrow key to open any category, press the left arrow key to 
close any open category.
Press Enter followed by the F6 key, to open that section of the Jaws help 
For example.
After pressing the Insert+J, to open the Jaws window.
After pressing the letter H, to go to the Help section of the Jaws window.
After pressing the letter J, you will be directly taken to, the Jaws help 
topics page.
After you press the down arrow key to, About JAWS Cursors.
After pressing enter on, About JAWS Cursors.
After pressing the F6 key, you will see the following page in the Jaws help 
HTML system:
*Tip, remember HTML, means that you can press H, for headings, press the Tab 
key to jump by links, press Insert+F7, to display a Jaws links list, and so on.
After pressing enter on, About JAWS Cursors, and pressing the F6 key, press
Control+Home, to go to the top of the page, down arrow through the page, 
will hear.

About JAWS Cursors
Navigating through Windows with JAWS is accomplished with cursors.
These cursors determine the focus of JAWS speech and are often directly linked 
with Windows cursors.

The PC Cursor - Follows Keystrokes

This cursor is linked to the keyboard functions of Windows and applications.
This is the cursor that is used when typing information, moving through options 
in dialog boxes, and selecting options or icons.
As you type information, the PC Cursor follows along with each key you press.
If you are making a selection in a menu or dialog box, the PC Cursor highlights 
the currently selected object.
The PC Cursor is activated by default when JAWS starts. If you are using a 
different cursor, pressing NUM PAD PLUS returns you to the PC Cursor.
*Tip, If you are using the Jaws touch cursor, pressing NUM PAD PLUS twice 
quickly returns you to the PC Cursor.

The JAWS Cursor - Follows Mouse Pointer

The JAWS Cursor is linked to mouse pointer functions in Windows and other 
It is used to read information the PC Cursor cannot

Re: [JAWS-Users] How to access and use the Jaws help topics system

2017-06-04 Thread Jim Flusche
Are you running Jaws from the system tray? Pressing Insert+J, will open the 
Jaws page. The reasons I run Jaws from the system tray are, takes the Jaws 
window out of the way when doing a ALT+Tab, also in windows 10, when you press 
windows key+M, you have to press it twice to go to the desktop.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of net bat66
Sent: Sunday, June 4, 2017 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] How to access and use the Jaws help topics system

with me  and the laptop layout insert jay or capslock j doesn't do anything.
i have to click on the jaws desktop icon  or my shortcut keys control alt j to 
bring up that context menu.

Subject: [JAWS-Users] How to access and use the Jaws help topics system

Hi Jaws users list, In my continued effort to do my part in helping all the 
users of window eyes learn how to use Jaws 18, please read below.
How to access and use the Jaws help topics system.
Most of this material was taken directly from the Jaws help system of the Jaws
18 version, provided by the VFO group.
I take no credit for this material, I am only using this as a learning tool, to 
teach new Jaws users how to use Jaws.

If you are using Jaws to run from the system tray like I recommend.
Press Insert+J, opens the Jaws options window.
*Tip, if you are not running Jaws from the system tray, press ALT+Tab, 
highlight the Jaws window, press ALT+F, to bring up the same menu.
Press the letter H, opens the help section of the Jaws window.
Down arrow to, Jaws help topics, press Enter.
*Tip, press Insert+J, opens the Jaws options page, press the letter H, followed 
by the letter J, to directly open the Jaws help topics page.
You will hear:
JAWS 18 Help, Contents page, Tree view
Introduction book open, 9 items
This is a simple tree view of Jaws help books.
Press the Right arrow key to open any category, press the left arrow key to 
close any open category.
Press Enter followed by the F6 key, to open that section of the Jaws help 
For example.
After pressing the Insert+J, to open the Jaws window.
After pressing the letter H, to go to the Help section of the Jaws window.
After pressing the letter J, you will be directly taken to, the Jaws help 
topics page.
After you press the down arrow key to, About JAWS Cursors.
After pressing enter on, About JAWS Cursors.
After pressing the F6 key, you will see the following page in the Jaws help 
HTML system:
*Tip, remember HTML, means that you can press H, for headings, press the Tab 
key to jump by links, press Insert+F7, to display a Jaws links list, and so on.
After pressing enter on, About JAWS Cursors, and pressing the F6 key, press
Control+Home, to go to the top of the page, down arrow through the page, 
will hear.

About JAWS Cursors
Navigating through Windows with JAWS is accomplished with cursors.
These cursors determine the focus of JAWS speech and are often directly linked 
with Windows cursors.

The PC Cursor - Follows Keystrokes

This cursor is linked to the keyboard functions of Windows and applications.
This is the cursor that is used when typing information, moving through options 
in dialog boxes, and selecting options or icons.
As you type information, the PC Cursor follows along with each key you press.
If you are making a selection in a menu or dialog box, the PC Cursor highlights 
the currently selected object.
The PC Cursor is activated by default when JAWS starts. If you are using a 
different cursor, pressing NUM PAD PLUS returns you to the PC Cursor.
*Tip, If you are using the Jaws touch cursor, pressing NUM PAD PLUS twice 
quickly returns you to the PC Cursor.

The JAWS Cursor - Follows Mouse Pointer

The JAWS Cursor is linked to mouse pointer functions in Windows and other 
It is used to read information the PC Cursor cannot read, such as toolbar 
The mouse follows along with the JAWS Cursor when it is moved, and you 
therefore have access to information in an application window that is beyond 
the scope of the PC Cursor.
To activate the JAWS Cursor, press NUM PAD MINUS.

The Invisible Cursor - Explore Without Moving Focus

The Invisible Cursor allows you to move around the screen without changing the 
position of the PC Cursor or mouse pointer.
You can use this cursor to read text and access options that you cannot move to 
with the PC Cursor.
You can also use the Invisible Cursor to provide a quick overview of the 
information currently available on the screen.
To activate the Invisible Cursor, press NUM PAD MINUS twice quickly.

The Touch Cursor - Object Navigation

The Touch Cursor enables you to navigate the Windows environment using a touch 
screen, found on many tablet computers running Windows 8 or later.
*Tip, you do not need to have a touch screen to use the Jaws touch cursor.
To control JAWS from a touch screen, you will use one or more fingers to 
perform various gestures 

Re: [JAWS-Users] How to access and use the Jaws help topics system

2017-06-03 Thread Jim Flusche
OK, not used to using Jaws outside of the system tray, thanks for adding this 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of net bat66
Sent: Saturday, June 3, 2017 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] How to access and use the Jaws help topics system

if jaws is not in the system tray all you have to do is alt tab to open the 
jaws screen and press f1 to do the same thing.
i can not put jaws in the system tray as a standard user because i can not 
unhide the icons. what i change as a administrator will not apply to the 
standard user account either.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2017 1:32 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] How to access and use the Jaws help topics system

Hi Jaws users list, In my continued effort to do my part in helping all the 
users of window eyes learn how to use Jaws 18, please read below.
How to access and use the Jaws help topics system.
Most of this material was taken directly from the Jaws help system of the Jaws
18 version, provided by the VFO group.
I take no credit for this material, I am only using this as a learning tool, to 
teach new Jaws users how to use Jaws.

If you are using Jaws to run from the system tray like I recommend.
Press Insert+J, opens the Jaws options window.
*Tip, if you are not running Jaws from the system tray, press ALT+Tab, 
highlight the Jaws window, press ALT+F, to bring up the same menu.
Press the letter H, opens the help section of the Jaws window.
Down arrow to, Jaws help topics, press Enter.
*Tip, press Insert+J, opens the Jaws options page, press the letter H, followed 
by the letter J, to directly open the Jaws help topics page.
You will hear:
JAWS 18 Help, Contents page, Tree view
Introduction book open, 9 items
This is a simple tree view of Jaws help books.
Press the Right arrow key to open any category, press the left arrow key to 
close any open category.
Press Enter followed by the F6 key, to open that section of the Jaws help 
For example.
After pressing the Insert+J, to open the Jaws window.
After pressing the letter H, to go to the Help section of the Jaws window.
After pressing the letter J, you will be directly taken to, the Jaws help 
topics page.
After you press the down arrow key to, About JAWS Cursors.
After pressing enter on, About JAWS Cursors.
After pressing the F6 key, you will see the following page in the Jaws help 
HTML system:
*Tip, remember HTML, means that you can press H, for headings, press the Tab 
key to jump by links, press Insert+F7, to display a Jaws links list, and so on.
After pressing enter on, About JAWS Cursors, and pressing the F6 key, press 
Control+Home, to go to the top of the page, down arrow through the page, 
will hear.

About JAWS Cursors
Navigating through Windows with JAWS is accomplished with cursors.
These cursors determine the focus of JAWS speech and are often directly linked 
with Windows cursors.

The PC Cursor - Follows Keystrokes

This cursor is linked to the keyboard functions of Windows and applications.
This is the cursor that is used when typing information, moving through options 
in dialog boxes, and selecting options or icons.
As you type information, the PC Cursor follows along with each key you press.
If you are making a selection in a menu or dialog box, the PC Cursor highlights 
the currently selected object.
The PC Cursor is activated by default when JAWS starts. If you are using a 
different cursor, pressing NUM PAD PLUS returns you to the PC Cursor.
*Tip, If you are using the Jaws touch cursor, pressing NUM PAD PLUS twice 
quickly returns you to the PC Cursor.

The JAWS Cursor - Follows Mouse Pointer

The JAWS Cursor is linked to mouse pointer functions in Windows and other 
It is used to read information the PC Cursor cannot read, such as toolbar 
The mouse follows along with the JAWS Cursor when it is moved, and you 
therefore have access to information in an application window that is beyond 
the scope of the PC Cursor.
To activate the JAWS Cursor, press NUM PAD MINUS.

The Invisible Cursor - Explore Without Moving Focus

The Invisible Cursor allows you to move around the screen without changing the 
position of the PC Cursor or mouse pointer.
You can use this cursor to read text and access options that you cannot move to 
with the PC Cursor.
You can also use the Invisible Cursor to provide a quick overview of the 
information currently available on the screen.
To activate the Invisible Cursor, press NUM PAD MINUS twice quickly.

The Touch Cursor - Object Navigation

The Touch Cursor enables you to navigate the Windows environment using a touch 
screen, found on many tablet computers running Windows 8 or later.
*Tip, you do not need to have a touch screen to use the Jaws touch cursor.
To control JAWS from a touch screen, you will use one or more fingers

Re: [JAWS-Users] opening up an email

2017-06-03 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Patty, using outlook 2016 here. Pressing Insert+V, arrowing down and 
checking the setting Messages automatically read to checked. Works for me. When 
I open a new email, Jaws reads from the top down. But most of the time, I just 
press control, to silence Jaws, press Control+home, do a Jaws say all with 
Insert+down arrow. Works just fine as well.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of patti
Sent: Saturday, June 3, 2017 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] opening up an email

No that didn't work for me, smiles.
That made the email that I was on change from read to unread.
I'm using outlook.
Any other commands?

Hi Patti, yes, Control U

-Original Message-
From: patti
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2017 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] opening up an email

I didn't knoe about ctrl D, thanks.
Is there a key command when you are in your  inbox, and you have a lot of 
emails in there to get to your unread emails?
I keep a lot of emails that I have already read.

I do the same here in outlook 2010, and if I wish to keep a message, a simple 
press of the escape key puts me back where I need to be to go through the rest 
of my inbox.

John Fitzgerald
Muse, Oklahoma
Article V Convention of States

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Dave ...
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2017 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] opening up an email

John, which is nice if you delete each one.

Oregonian, woodworker, Engineer, Musician, and Pioneer

- Original Message -
From: "John R. Vaughn" 
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2017 07:33
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] opening up an email

When reading my messages in outlook 2010, I open the first message and it reads 
the E-mail.  To close this message and delete the message, I do control key 
plus letter D to delete the message and open the next E mail which is read from 
top to bottom without headers.
Again, you do the control delete while in an open message.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Jim Fettgather
Sent: Saturday, June 3, 2017 12:44 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] opening up an email

This is what I need to do, hit control home and then Jaws down arrow.
Why is this, this is not acceptable.
This behavior does not happen in Windows 10 mail, messages are read in their 
entirety when opening an  email.
Work arouns like control home and then doing a say all such as must be done in 
outlook are a productivity killer and should not be tolerated.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Kurt Miller
Sent: Friday, June 2, 2017 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] opening up an email

When it opens, use control home to go to the top of the email and then use say 

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of patti
Sent: Friday, June 2, 2017 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] opening up an email

I'm sorry, but I don't understand.
If when I open up an email, and it starts reading from the middle, how will the 
read all key help? smiles Patti

Did you receive my respond, I guess you couldn't read it, how about the read 
all command, TC, Jorge

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of patti
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2017 8:03 PM
To: jaws 
Subject: [JAWS-Users] opening up an email

Hey Gang,

I haven't heard anything, so I thought I would try it again, smiles.

Every time I open up an email it starts reading in the middle, or sometimes at 
the bottom.

How do I get it to read at the top?

I'm using windows10, jaws18, MS2010, and outlook, on a 32 bit computer.

Thanks Patti

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[JAWS-Users] How to access and use the Jaws help topics system

2017-06-03 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Jaws users list, In my continued effort to do my part in helping all the 
users of window eyes learn how to use Jaws 18, please read below.
How to access and use the Jaws help topics system.
Most of this material was taken directly from the Jaws help system of the Jaws 
18 version, provided by the VFO group.
I take no credit for this material, I am only using this as a learning tool, to 
teach new Jaws users how to use Jaws.

If you are using Jaws to run from the system tray like I recommend.
Press Insert+J, opens the Jaws options window.
*Tip, if you are not running Jaws from the system tray, press ALT+Tab, 
highlight the Jaws window, press ALT+F, to bring up the same menu.
Press the letter H, opens the help section of the Jaws window.
Down arrow to, Jaws help topics, press Enter.
*Tip, press Insert+J, opens the Jaws options page, press the letter H, followed 
by the letter J, to directly open the Jaws help topics page.
You will hear:
JAWS 18 Help, Contents page, Tree view
Introduction book open, 9 items
This is a simple tree view of Jaws help books.
Press the Right arrow key to open any category, press the left arrow key to 
close any open category.
Press Enter followed by the F6 key, to open that section of the Jaws help 
For example.
After pressing the Insert+J, to open the Jaws window.
After pressing the letter H, to go to the Help section of the Jaws window.
After pressing the letter J, you will be directly taken to, the Jaws help 
topics page.
After you press the down arrow key to, About JAWS Cursors.
After pressing enter on, About JAWS Cursors.
After pressing the F6 key, you will see the following page in the Jaws help 
HTML system:
*Tip, remember HTML, means that you can press H, for headings, press the Tab 
key to jump by links, press Insert+F7, to display a Jaws links list, and so on.
After pressing enter on, About JAWS Cursors, and pressing the F6 key, press 
Control+Home, to go to the top of the page, down arrow through the page, you 
will hear.

About JAWS Cursors
Navigating through Windows with JAWS is accomplished with cursors.
These cursors determine the focus of JAWS speech and are often directly linked 
with Windows cursors.

The PC Cursor - Follows Keystrokes

This cursor is linked to the keyboard functions of Windows and applications.
This is the cursor that is used when typing information, moving through options 
in dialog boxes, and selecting options or icons.
As you type information, the PC Cursor follows along with each key you press.
If you are making a selection in a menu or dialog box, the PC Cursor highlights 
the currently selected object.
The PC Cursor is activated by default when JAWS starts. If you are using a 
different cursor, pressing NUM PAD PLUS returns you to the PC Cursor.
*Tip, If you are using the Jaws touch cursor, pressing NUM PAD PLUS twice 
quickly returns you to the PC Cursor.

The JAWS Cursor - Follows Mouse Pointer

The JAWS Cursor is linked to mouse pointer functions in Windows and other 
It is used to read information the PC Cursor cannot read, such as toolbar 
The mouse follows along with the JAWS Cursor when it is moved, and you 
therefore have access to information in an application window that is beyond 
the scope of the PC Cursor.
To activate the JAWS Cursor, press NUM PAD MINUS.

The Invisible Cursor - Explore Without Moving Focus

The Invisible Cursor allows you to move around the screen without changing the 
position of the PC Cursor or mouse pointer.
You can use this cursor to read text and access options that you cannot move to 
with the PC Cursor.
You can also use the Invisible Cursor to provide a quick overview of the 
information currently available on the screen.
To activate the Invisible Cursor, press NUM PAD MINUS twice quickly.

The Touch Cursor - Object Navigation

The Touch Cursor enables you to navigate the Windows environment using a touch 
screen, found on many tablet computers running Windows 8 or later.
*Tip, you do not need to have a touch screen to use the Jaws touch cursor.
To control JAWS from a touch screen, you will use one or more fingers to 
perform various gestures directly on the screen, such as tapping, flicking, and 
When activated from the keyboard, you can use keystrokes to simulate touch 
screen gestures to move through the objects in an application to access 
information that is not readily accessible using the JAWS or PC Cursor.
The Touch Cursor is always available when navigating using a touch screen.
To activate the Touch Cursor from the keyboard, press SHIFT+NUM PAD PLUS.
Tip, to change from using the touch cursor back to the PC cursor, press the num 
pad plus, twice quickly to change back to the regular PC cursor.

The Virtual PC Cursor - HTML Environment
The virtual PC Cursor mimics the functions of the PC Cursor, but is activated 
by default when entering an HTML document, such as a web page on the Internet.
The virtual PC Cursor speaks the number of elements on 

Re: [JAWS-Users] Creators update, The Insert and Escape keys, your best friend part 2

2017-06-03 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Russ, yes, I forgot to copy it before sending it in, please read below.
Creators update, The Insert and Escape keys, your best friend part 2
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, anyone may 
freely share this file.
Author: Jim Flusche

So useing the laptop keyboard layout in Jaws is an advantage, not a drawback.
Again for this lesson I will call the capslock key the Jaws key and the numpad 
insert key, the insert key.
For example: using the laptop keyboard layout, For some Jaws keystrokes you 
must use the Capslock+Shift+Control, plus a key on the keyboard to do them.
For Example, in the laptop keyboard layout, If you are running Jaws from the 
system trey, pressing capslock+Shift+Control+J, Brings up the JAWS options menu 
window, with the options sub menu highlighted for you.
You can also press Numpad Insert+J, in the desktop keyboard layout to bring up 
the JAWS options menu window.
Another example, using the laptop keyboard layout, Pressing 
Capslock+Shift+Control+H, Places JAWS Hot Keys in the Virtual Viewer.
You can review them with the Arrow keys, and press the Escape key to close this 
Using the desktop keyboard layout, pressing the numpad Insert+H, Places JAWS 
Hot Keys in the Virtual Viewer.
In the below lesson I will list the Insert key keystroke, followed by the 
Laptop keyboard layout Capslock key keystroke.
I personally use the Jaws laptop keyboard layout, that way I can choose what 
keyboard keystroke combonations, works best for using both my hands.
So it's very nice to have another Jaws modifier key, to use when pressing Jaws 
keystrokes involving the pressing of many keys on the keyboard.
**Now let us look at how to use Jaws layered keystrokes, Insert+Spacebar, or 
Capslock+Spacebar, followed by a letter.
This means when you press Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, you will hear 
a ding sound, you then can press a certain letter or key to open one of the 
many options for the Jaws layered keystrokes.
For example: Pressing Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the ? 
Question mark, you will hear:
Search commands press J.
Repeat last background notification from Skype press Shift+R.
Show recent speech history press H.
Clear recent speech history press Shift+H.
View text on clipboard press C.
Select text between marked place and current position press M.
Customize web page with Flexible Web press X.
ResearchIt press R.
OCR Feature Layer press O.
Table Navigation Layer press T.
Switch to your recent Windows Live Messages press Number row 1 through 5.
Text Analyzer press A.
Mute Synthesizer press S.
Lock Keyboard press L.
Toggle audio ducking press D, still working on this in the Creators update.
So let us look at most of these layered keystrokes one at a time.
**Pressing either the Numpad Insert+Spacebar, or the Capslock Jaws 
key+Spacebar, followed by the letter J, opens the search for Jaws commands 
For example, after pressing Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, followed by 
J, You are in a Jaws search for commands edit box, type the word copy, press 
the tab key, you are put in a Jaws HTML page of results.
You can use the Arrow keys or H, for heading or Insert+F7, for a Links list, 
press the Escape key to close this window.
Below is an example of what comes up, when you type the word copy in to the 
Jaws search for commands edit box, and press the Tab key, I have shortened the 
*Copy Selected Text To Clipboard. Control + C
Standard Windows copy command, usually found in the Edit menu, any selected 
text or items will be copied to the Windows Clipboard. The selected items or 
text can then be pasted into another window or application.
*View Clipboard Text. press Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, followed by 
the letter C.
The Clipboard Text Viewer displays all text that has been copied to the Windows 
Clipboard using the standard Windows Copy and Cut commands, press escape to 
close this window.
*Virtualize Window. Alt + Insert + W or Capslock+ALT+W.
This keystroke displays the text in the current window in the Virtual Viewer. 
You can then select the text and copy and paste it to another application, such 
as an e-mail message. This is especially useful in error dialog boxes, press 
escape to close this window.
*Select Text Between Marked Place And Current Position. Insert+Spacebar, or 
Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the letter M.
This command selects text between the temporary Placemarker and current virtual 
cursor location. You may then use Control+c to copy the selected text to the 
*For example: on a website, press Control+Windows+k, to set a temporary 
Placemarker at the beginning of the text to be copied.
At the end of the text to be copied, press Insert+Spacebar, or 
Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the letter M, all the text in-between has been 
selected, press Control+C to copy all the text.
*Append Selected Text To Clipboard. Insert + Windows + C or Capslock+Windows+C.
With the Freedom

Re: [JAWS-Users] Creators update, The Insert and Escape keys, your best friend part 2

2017-06-02 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Mr. Mike, yes, even a pinhead forgets to paiste the message in the email. 
LOL. Read below.
Creators update, The Insert and Escape keys, your best friend part 2
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, anyone may 
freely share this file.
Author: Jim Flusche

So useing the laptop keyboard layout in Jaws is an advantage, not a drawback.
Again for this lesson I will call the capslock key the Jaws key and the numpad 
insert key, the insert key.
For example: using the laptop keyboard layout, For some Jaws keystrokes you 
must use the Capslock+Shift+Control, plus a key on the keyboard to do them.
For Example, in the laptop keyboard layout, If you are running Jaws from the 
system trey, pressing capslock+Shift+Control+J, Brings up the JAWS options menu 
window, with the options sub menu highlighted for you.
You can also press Numpad Insert+J, in the desktop keyboard layout to bring up 
the JAWS options menu window.
Another example, using the laptop keyboard layout, Pressing 
Capslock+Shift+Control+H, Places JAWS Hot Keys in the Virtual Viewer.
You can review them with the Arrow keys, and press the Escape key to close this 
Using the desktop keyboard layout, pressing the numpad Insert+H, Places JAWS 
Hot Keys in the Virtual Viewer.
In the below lesson I will list the Insert key keystroke, followed by the 
Laptop keyboard layout Capslock key keystroke.
I personally use the Jaws laptop keyboard layout, that way I can choose what 
keyboard keystroke combonations, works best for using both my hands.
So it's very nice to have another Jaws modifier key, to use when pressing Jaws 
keystrokes involving the pressing of many keys on the keyboard.
**Now let us look at how to use Jaws layered keystrokes, Insert+Spacebar, or 
Capslock+Spacebar, followed by a letter.
This means when you press Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, you will hear 
a ding sound, you then can press a certain letter or key to open one of the 
many options for the Jaws layered keystrokes.
For example: Pressing Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the ? 
Question mark, you will hear:
Search commands press J.
Repeat last background notification from Skype press Shift+R.
Show recent speech history press H.
Clear recent speech history press Shift+H.
View text on clipboard press C.
Select text between marked place and current position press M.
Customize web page with Flexible Web press X.
ResearchIt press R.
OCR Feature Layer press O.
Table Navigation Layer press T.
Switch to your recent Windows Live Messages press Number row 1 through 5.
Text Analyzer press A.
Mute Synthesizer press S.
Lock Keyboard press L.
Toggle audio ducking press D, still working on this in the Creators update.
So let us look at most of these layered keystrokes one at a time.
**Pressing either the Numpad Insert+Spacebar, or the Capslock Jaws 
key+Spacebar, followed by the letter J, opens the search for Jaws commands 
For example, after pressing Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, followed by 
J, You are in a Jaws search for commands edit box, type the word copy, press 
the tab key, you are put in a Jaws HTML page of results.
You can use the Arrow keys or H, for heading or Insert+F7, for a Links list, 
press the Escape key to close this window.
Below is an example of what comes up, when you type the word copy in to the 
Jaws search for commands edit box, and press the Tab key, I have shortened the 
*Copy Selected Text To Clipboard. Control + C
Standard Windows copy command, usually found in the Edit menu, any selected 
text or items will be copied to the Windows Clipboard. The selected items or 
text can then be pasted into another window or application.
*View Clipboard Text. press Insert+Spacebar, or Capslock+Spacebar, followed by 
the letter C.
The Clipboard Text Viewer displays all text that has been copied to the Windows 
Clipboard using the standard Windows Copy and Cut commands, press escape to 
close this window.
*Virtualize Window. Alt + Insert + W or Capslock+ALT+W.
This keystroke displays the text in the current window in the Virtual Viewer. 
You can then select the text and copy and paste it to another application, such 
as an e-mail message. This is especially useful in error dialog boxes, press 
escape to close this window.
*Select Text Between Marked Place And Current Position. Insert+Spacebar, or 
Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the letter M.
This command selects text between the temporary Placemarker and current virtual 
cursor location. You may then use Control+c to copy the selected text to the 
*For example: on a website, press Control+Windows+k, to set a temporary 
Placemarker at the beginning of the text to be copied.
At the end of the text to be copied, press Insert+Spacebar, or 
Capslock+Spacebar, followed by the letter M, all the text in-between has been 
selected, press Control+C to copy all the text.
*Append Selected Text To Clipboard. Insert + Windows + C or Capslock+Windows

[JAWS-Users] Creators update, Pinning items to the Taskbar and making desktop shortcuts for programs

2017-06-01 Thread Jim Flusche
Good evening Jaws user group, this is my last text lesson for now in helping 
all the new Jaws users, please enjoy and learn about using Jaws and W-10.

Creators update, Pinning items to the Taskbar and making desktop shortcuts for 
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, anyone may 
freely share this file.
Author: Jim Flusche

**Pinning items to the Taskbar, and making desktop programs shortcuts in the 
W-10 Creators update.
1. Press the Windows key, or Enter on the Start button.
2. Press the uparrow or downarrow to go directly to the All apps list box.
3. Use first letter navigation, or just Down arrow through all the apps and 
programs on your computer, Highlight the App or the program that you want to 
pin to the Taskbar.
4. Press the Application key, on any App or program, arrow down to, more sub 
menu, right arrow one time, to pin to Taskbar, press enter to pin the app or 
program to the taskbar .
Now your App or Program, has been pinned to the Taskbar.
5. If a group is collapsed, press enter key to expand, this is a toggle, 
pressing enter Opens and closes a program group.
**For example, while in the All apps list box.
1. Press the letter O, for Outlook 2016.
2. Arrow down and highlight Outlook 2016.
3. Press the Application key.
4. Down arrow to the more sub menu, right arrow one time to, pin to Taskbar, 
press enter.
Now, you have pinned Outlook 2016, to the Taskbar in W-10.
**another example, pinning the Control panel to the Taskbar.
1. Press the Windows key, or Enter on the Start button, press either uparrow or 
downarrow , to go directly to the All apps list box.
2. Press the letter W, arrowdown and highlight, Windows system folder 
collapsed, press Enter to expand.
3. Arrowdown two times and highlight, Control panel.
4. Press the applications key, Arrow down to more sub menu, right arrow to pin 
to Taskbar, press Enter.
5. The Control panel, has now been pinned to the Taskbar in W-10.
**Another example, Pinning Internet explorer and notepad to the Taskbar.
1. Press the Windows key, or Enter on the Start button, press either uparrow or 
downarrow , to go directly to the All apps list box.
2. Press the letter W, Arrowdown to Windows accessories folder collapsed, press 
Enter to expand.
3. Downarrow and highligh Internet explorer.
4. Press the applications key, arrowdown to more sub menu, rightarrow to pin to 
Taskbar, press Enter.
5. you have now pinned Internet explorer, to the Taskbar in W-10.
6. From the All Apps list box, Press the letter W, Arrowdown to Windows 
accessories folder collapsed, press Enter to expand.
7. Downarrow and highlight Notepad.
8. Press the Applications key, Downarrow to more sub menu, Rightarrow to pin to 
Taskbar, press Enter.
9. You have now pinned Notepad to the Taskbar in W-10.
**Another example, pinning Jaws 17 and 18, to the Taskbar in W-10.
1. Press the Windows key, or Enter on the Start button, press either uparrow or 
downarrow , to go directly to the All apps list box.
2. Press the letter J, highlight the Jaws 17.0 folder collapsed, press enter to 
3. Highlight the Jaws 17 folder.
4. Press the Applications key, Arrowdown to More sub menu, Rightarrow to pin to 
Taskbar, press Enter.
5. You have now pinned Jaws 17 to the Taskbar in W-10.
6. From the All Apps list box, press the letter J.
7. Arrowdown to the Jaws 18.0 folder collapsed, press Enter to expand.
8. Highlight the Jaws 18 folder.
9. Press the Applications key, Arrowdown to more sub menu, Right arrow to, Pin 
to Taskbar, press Enter.
10. You have now pinned Jaws 18 to the Taskbar in W-10.
*Tip, I have Jaws 17, and Jaws 18, pinned on the Taskbar at 7 and 8, this makes 
it much easier to change from Jaws 18 to Jaws 17 and back and forth.
**What is the order of the pinned items, on my Taskbar?
1. word 2016.
2. internet explorer.
3. notepad.
4. outlook.
5. control panel.
6. Windows defender security center.
7. Jaws 17.
8. Jaws 18.
9. iTunes.
**How to open all my pinned items on the Taskbar, in W-10.
If I want to open the first pinned item to my Taskbar which is Word 2016, press 
Windows key+1, on the numbers row to, open Word.
Press Windows key+2, on the number row to, open Internet explorer.
Press Windows key+3, on the numbers row to, open Notepad.
Press Windows key+4, on the numbers row to, open Outlook 2016.
Press Windows key+5, on the numbers row, to open Control panel.
Press Windows key+6, on the numbers row, to open the Windows defender security 
Press Windows key+7, on the numbers row to, start Jaws 17.
Press Windows key+8, on the numbers row to, start Jaws 18.
Press Windows key+9, on the numbers row to, open iTunes.
**Tip, I find using the above way with the Taskbar, to start up Jaws 17 and 
start up Jaws 18 works the smoothest and best in W-10.
**If I am reading a notepad document, how do I open a blank notepad document 
using the Taskbar?
On my computer I press Windows+Shift+3, and a new blank notepad document opens.
**Making desktop

[JAWS-Users] Creators update, The Windows key, your best friend

2017-06-01 Thread Jim Flusche
Sorry about the blank message before this one, forgot to paste the file. LOL.
Creators update, The Windows key, your best friend
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, anyone may 
freely share this file.
Author: Jim Flusche

This file has been updated to the W-10 Creators update, some keystrokes may 
work in previous versions of windows.

Last year I did a short lesson on the application key, "The application key 
your best friend".
Now let us take a short look at the Windows key, your best friend.
I will point out several of my favorite, and most used windows key keystrokes 
followed by the Microsoft support, complete list of windows key, keystrokes for 
the Creators update.
**First of all pressing the windows key will open or close the start search 
edit box.
As you begin typing, a list of items is automatically populated for you in the 
search edit box.
The more letters you type, the populated items will change.
Use the up or down arrow keys, to highlight the populated item you are 
searching for.
You can also see web results right here in the search edit box.
Press enter on the item you wish to open.
**Windows key+x, Opens the W-10 Quick Link menu, with 17 items.
Apps and features is the first item, desktop is the last item in the list.
*tip, Programs and features is no longer in this list, look under Control panel.
Just press enter to lonch any selected item.
**Windows key+e, Opens file explorer, quick access.
When I press, Windows key+e, I am placed into a list of 8 items that I have 
pinned to my quick access shortcut list.
Use either your arrow keys, or first letter navigation to quickly highlight the 
item you wish to open.
For example, pressing the letter j, will highlight my personal users folder.
If I press enter, I will see the list of all my personal users folders, such as 
documents, music, downloads, and so on.
When I am in this list, of my users folders, I can use first letter navigation 
to select a folder, pressing enter on any selected folder will open that folder.
Pressing the back space key will take me back to this list of my users folders, 
very easy and handy way to jump between your users folders.
**Windows key+i, opens the settings area search edit box.
You are placed in the search edit box of the settings area.
With Jaws 18, Just type what you are searching for, and start pressing the down 
arrow to find your result, press Enter to go directly to that part of the 
settings area.
For example, press Windows key+i, type update.
Down arrow to, check for updates, press Enter.
You will be taken to the check for updates button, press the Spacebar or enter, 
to check for updates.
*Tip, use the Jaws touch cursor with Shift+PC cursor, left arrow across to 
updates, press the right arrow to hear what is going on with the updates, press 
the PC cursor twice quickly to go back to using the PC cursor.
Or you can do the following, Press Windows key+i, you will land in the Settings 
area search edit box.
Tab one time to the list of the 11 main categories in the settings area of the 
Creators update.
Press the right arrow key or just press the end key to jump to, update and 
Press enter on update and security, tab one time  You will land on, Windows 
update, 1 of 9, this is already highlighted for you.
Tab one time to, check for updates, press the Spacebar to check for updates.
*Tip, while in the settings area, pressing the backspace key, will take you 
back to the search edit box in settings area, just tab to the list of 11 main 
*Tip, remember the first sub-category is already selected for you, just begin 
tabbing across, for any other sub-categories, press Enter first, and then begin 
tabbing across the window.
So as you can see from my example above, typing directly into the search edit 
box in the settings area of W-10, is much faster to get to where you wish to go.
*Remember, after pressing Windows key+i, you will land in the search edit box, 
also after pressing enter on a ssub-catigory, you will land in the search edit 
box, just tab one time to go to the list of either main or subcategories.
*Remember the first item of any subcategory is already selected, you can begin 
tabbing across the tab controls of that window.
*Always press inser key+tab, to make jaws repeat the tab control, and its 
current setting, for you in the settings area.
**Press Windows key+Tab, opens Task view, press the Right arrow key to go 
across all open windows, press the Enter key to go directly to that open window.
**Press Windows key+A, opens the action center.
Press the down arrow to hear the notifications, tab one time on a highlighted 
notification to clear this notification, press the Spacebar to clear.
**Windows key+d or m, takes you to the desktop.
**Windows key+b, takes you to the notification chevron button.
Just press the right arrow key to see all your notification area icons.
*Remember you can press the application key on any icon to open

[JAWS-Users] Creators update, The Windows key, your best friend

2017-06-01 Thread Jim Flusche

>From your humble Pinhead!
A Ballast for My Soul

Life is like a stormy sea
That tosses to and fro,
But God's Word will ever be
A ballast for my soul.

By its truth I'll be held fast
Till I reach heaven's shore
Where I will be home at last
And sail life's sea no more!

Author: Perry Boardman

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Creator's edition ISO

2017-06-01 Thread Jim Flusche
I think it is the Creators update.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Gene Warner
Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2017 1:12 PM
To: JAWS Users 
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Creator's edition ISO

Hi All!

Does anyone know if Microsoft's Media Creation Tool downloads the Creator's 
edition? Or is it only downloading the original release of Windows 10?

The reason I'm asking is because when I tried installing Windows 10 last summer 
it would never go past the first screen where it asks some privacy questions 
and for your Microsoft Live account credentials. So I assumed that if I ever 
wanted to upgrade to Windows 10, I'd have to get a new computer, I'm kind of 
hoping that the hanging problem was just a problem with the original release 
and that the subsequent releases might actually work.

My computer is a nine year old Dell Latitude D830 with 4 GB of RAM, An Intel 
2.5 GHz Core2 Duo processor, a nVidia 160M Quadro graphics system, and an Intel 
300 GB SSD.


For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

[JAWS-Users] Creators update, The Insert and Escape keys, your best friend, part 3

2017-06-01 Thread Jim Flusche
I think this lesson will help those of you who are coming from using window 
eyes to Jaws the most.
Creators update, The Insert and Escape keys, your best friend, part 3
This will be the final lesson in this series, the Insert and Escape keys, your 
best friend part 3.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, anyone may 
freely share this file.
Author: Jim Flusche

Remember all these keystrokes may work in previous versions of windows.

The insert and escape keys, your best friend part three.
We will look at the reading commands and editing text with Jaws.
In this lesson the Jaws Capslock key will be just Capslock, and the Jaws Insert 
key will be just Insert.
I personally use a combonation, of both the desktop and the laptop keyboard 
Of course this depends on what method is the most convenient at the time in 
using both my hands on the keyboard.
**Reading commands with Jaws.
**Read the current word, Capslock+Numpad5, or Capslock+K, or Insert+Numpad5.
**Moves to and Read the prior word, Capslock+Numpad4, or Capslock+J, or 
**Moves to and Read the next word, Capslock+Numpad6, or Capslock+L, or 
**Pressing Capslock+Numpad7, or Capslock+Home key on the 6pack, or 
Inser+Numpad7, Says the text from the beginning of the line up to the active 
**Read the current line, Capslock+Numpad8, or Capslock+Up arrow, or 
**Pressing Capslock+Numpad9, or Insert+Numpad9, or Capslock+Page up on the six 
pack, Says the text from the active cursor to the end of the current line.
**Pressing Capslock+Numpad1, or Insert+Numpad1, or Capslock+the End key on the 
six pack, Reads the top line of the active window.
**Pressing Capslock+Numpad2, or Capslock+Down arrow, or Insert+Numpad2, 
Document reading Command. Says to the end or bottom of the current document or 
the bottom of the window depending on which cursor is active.
*If you press either Capslock+Numpad2, or Capslock+Down arrow, or Insert+down 
arrow, this is the Jaws say all, command used by all Jaws users quite a lot.
**Pressing Capslock+Numpad3, or Insert+Numpad3, or Capslock+Page down on the 
six pack, Reads the bottom line of the active window.
*You can use just one hand and press the Insert+Numpad 1 through 9 as well, to 
perform the above keystrokes with Jaws.
**Pressing just the UpArrow, or Numpad8, Moves to the prior line and speaks it.
**Pressing just the DownArrow, or Numpad2, Moves to the next line and speaks it.
**Pressing just the LeftArrow, or Numpad4, Moves to the prior character and 
speaks it.
**Pressing just the RightArrow, or Numpad6, Moves to the next character and 
speaks it.
**Pressing just the Home key on the 6pack, or Numpad7, Sends a Home command to 
the active cursor, this will place you at the beginning of a line of text.
**Pressing just the End key on the 6pack, or Numpad1, Sends an End command to 
the active cursor, this will place you at the end of the line of text.
**Pressing just the PageUp key on the 6pack, or Numpad9, Sends a PAGE UP 
command to the active cursor, this will move you up a page in your document.
**Pressing just the PageDown key on the 6pack, or Numpad3, Sends a PAGE DOWN 
command to the active cursor, this will move you down a page in your document.
**Pressing Insert+UpArrow, or Insert+Numpad8, Says the current line, you can 
exchange the Insert key for the Capslock key with this command.
**Pressing Insert+DownArrow, or Insert+Numpad2, Document reading Command. Says 
to the end or bottom of the current document or the bottom of the window 
depending on which cursor is active, this is the Jaws Say all command, again 
you can exchange the Insert key with the Capslock key for this command.
**Pressing Insert+LeftArrow, or Insert+Numpad4, Moves to the prior word and 
speaks it, you can exchange the Insert key with the Capslock key for this 
**Pressing Insert+RightArrow, or Insert+Numpad6, Moves to the next word and 
speaks it, you can exchange the Insert key with the Capslock key for this 
**Pressing Insert+Home, or Insert+Numpad7, Says the text from the beginning of 
the line up to the active cursor, you can exchange the Insert key for the 
Capslock key for this command.
**Pressing Insert+End, or Insert+Numpad1, Reads the top line of the active 
window, you can exchange the Insert with the Capslock key for this command.
**Pressing Insert+PageUp, or Insert+Numpad9, Says the text from the active 
cursor to the end of the current line, you can exchange the Insert key with the 
Capslock key for this command.
**Pressing Insert+PageDown, or Insert+Numpad3, Reads the bottom line of the 
active window, you can exchange the Insert key with the Capslock key for this 
*Using the Jaws Laptop keyboard layout, keeping both of your hands on the home 
row of your keyboard, this is great for Laptop users.
**Capslock+Y, Moves to and speaks the prior sentence.
**Capslock+I, Says the current line.
**Capslock+O, Moves

[JAWS-Users] Creators update, The Insert and Escape keys, your best friend part 2

2017-06-01 Thread Jim Flusche
Creators update, The Insert and Escape keys, your best friend part 2

>From your humble Pinhead!
A Ballast for My Soul

Life is like a stormy sea
That tosses to and fro,
But God's Word will ever be
A ballast for my soul.

By its truth I'll be held fast
Till I reach heaven's shore
Where I will be home at last
And sail life's sea no more!

Author: Perry Boardman

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

[JAWS-Users] Creators update, The insert and escape keys, your best friend, part 1

2017-06-01 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Jaws users list, I thought this lesson would help the new Jaws users on 
group with learning Jaws, they do not have to be using the W-10 Creators 
update. Many of these keystrokes will work in erlier versions of windows.
Creators update, The insert and escape keys, your best friend, part 1
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, anyone may 
freely share this file.
Author: Jim Flusche

Many of the keystrokes in all my lessons, should work in previous versions of 
This lesson has been updated to the W-10 Creators update.

Remember in this lesson, these are not the total list of all of the keystrokes 
for these keys, however in this lesson I give most of the keystrokes.
As we all know, the Insert key is very important to all blind computer users.
*Let's take a look at the most important keystroke combonations with the Insert 
and Capslock keys.
*Tip, You must be using Jaws 18 in the laptop keyboard layout.
**Insert+1, or Capslock+1, on the number row, turns on keyboard help, this is a 
toggle keystroke, press once to turn on and again to turn off.
When keyboard help is on, press any key or keystroke to hear about that key or 
When pressing a keystroke combonation like Insert+T, for the title window, 
gives a short message about that keystroke.
If you press that keystroke twice quickly, you will hear a longer discription 
about that keystroke combonation and what it does.
**Insert+F2, or Capslock+F2, opens the run Jaws manager list of 17 items.
For example, you will find dictionary manager, research it, and settings center 
and more.
First letter navigation works in the list of Jaws managers.
If you want to see a list of all the Jaws managers, press Insert+F2, or 
Caplock+F2, use the arrow keys or first letter navigation to look around, press 
enter on any manager to open it, press the escape key to close this window.
**Insert+F11, or Capslock+F11, opens, the Select a system tray icon list box.
For example my computer says, Jaws for windows 1 of 5.
After pressing the Insert+F11, or Capslock+F11, after you look at the current 
list of icons, you can press the Escape key to close this window.
Or you can press enter on one of the icons, to open a context menu list for 
that item.
For example, if I press enter on, No actions needed 1 of 5, this will open a 
context menu with one item open, pressing enter on open, will open the new 
Windows defender security center.
**Insert+F10, or Capslock+F10, Opens the Windows list dialog, this is the 
active list of running applications on your PC.
Press the Right arrow key to go across the open windows, press Enter to go 
directly to that window, or Press the Escape key, to close this window.
**Insert+F12, or Capslock+F12, Jaws will tell you the current Time, if pressed 
twice quickly tells you the current Date.
**Insert+F1, or Capslock+F1, opens Screen Sensitive Help.
Pressing the escape key, will close this window.
If you press and hold INSERT or Capslock, then press F1 twice quickly, this 
will Open the JAWS Help for specific applications window.
For example, if you press and hold INSERT or Capslock, then press F1 twice 
quickly, why you are in outlook.
You will hear, popular applications, contents page, treeview, topic outlook.
If you press enter followed by the f6 key, you will open the Jaws HTML help 
file system to the outlook topic.
The following is what the page will look like.
Microsoft Outlook(tm) is an e-mail and information manager.
Outlook makes it simple to keep e-mails, contacts, calendar items, tasks, and 
notes organized in one location.
Outlook works with other Microsoft Office applications to help you access and 
integrate information.
Please visit for more information on Outlook.
The following are links, to other pages in the Jaws HTML help file system.
JAWS Commands for Outlook
Outlook Getting Started
Customizing an Outlook Message List
Outlook Helpful Hints
List of all Supported Applications
Press ALT+f4, to close the Jaws help system page.
**Insert+F4, or Capslock+F4, opens the unloading Jaws dialog, quit Jaws dialog, 
Jaws says, are you sure you want to quit Jaws?
If you pressed this keystroke by mistake, just press the Escape key to close 
this window, or press Enter to shut down Jaws.
**Insert+Control+F, or Capslock+Control+F, activates the Jaws find dialog.
Type a word you are searching for, and press Enter.
**Insert+F3, or Capslock+F3, Searches the current screen or virtual document 
for the next instance of the item you previously have used the JAWS Find dialog 
to locate.
For example, in Internet Explorer, you press just F3 and not Insert+F3 to jump 
to the next occurrence of the word.
While in internet explorer, If you press Insert+Control+F, or 
Capslock+Control+F, this brings up the Jaws find dialog, type a word, press 
Now just press the F3 key by itself to see the next occurrence of that word on 
the webpage.
If you press Insert+F3, or Capslock

[JAWS-Users] Creators update, The control and ALT keys, your best friend, part 3

2017-05-31 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Jaws users, this lesson mostly covers using Internet explorer with Jaws. 
This will be helpful for all the new Jaws users to the group.

Creators update, The Control and ALT keys, your best friend, part 3
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, anyone may 
freely share this file.
Author: Jim Flusche

This lesson has been updated to the W-10 Creators update.
This lesson mainly covers using Internet explorer with Jaws.

Let us start this lesson out, being focused on the Desktop, press Windows key+M.
Press the Home key, you should land on the, This PC icon, or whatever icon is 
first on your desktop.
**Press Control+Spacebar, to deselect the desktop icon, this keystroke will 
also select.
**Now press the Applications key.
For example on my computer, this is how I have things set up.
Press Control+Spacebar, you will hear, Not Selected This PC.
Press the Applications key, you will hear.
*Tip, your computer may have more or less items.
Context Menu To navigate press Up or Down Arrow, AMD VISION Engine Control 
Down arrow one time, View  sub menu.
Right arrow one time, you will hear, Large icons.
Down arrow through the list, you will hear.
Medium icons  checked.
Small icons.
Auto arrange icons  checked.
Align icons to grid  checked.
Show desktop icons  checked.
Now press the Left arrow key.
Down arrow to, Sort by  sub menu.
Press the Right arrow one time to, Name  checked.
Down arrow through this list, you will hear.
Item type.
Date modified.
You will wrap back around to Name  checked.
Now press the Left arrow key again.
Down arrow one time to, Refresh.
Down arrow again to, Paste  Unavailable.
Down arrow again to, Paste shortcut  Unavailable.
Down arrow again to, NVIDIA Control Panel.
Down arrow again to, New  sub menu.
Right arrow to, Folder.
Down arrow through this list, you will hear.
Microsoft Access Database.
Bitmap image.
Microsoft Word Document.
Microsoft Access Database.
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation.
Microsoft Publisher Document.
Text Document.
Microsoft Excel Worksheet.
Compressed (zipped) Folder.
Press the Lef arrow back to, New  sub menu.
Press the Down arrow key to, Display settings.
Down arrow again to, Personalize.
*Tip, Pressing the Down arrow key again, will wrap you back around to the top 
of the list.
If you press Enter on Display settings, you will be taken to the display page 
in the settings area of W-10.
If you press Enter on Personalize, You will land in the search edit box, Tab 
one time to, background, under the personalization, main category in the 
settings area of W-10.

**Now open Internet Explorer on your computer.
**If you press ALT+A, you will land on the Ad to favorites button.
*Tip, After pressing ALT+A, pressing the Enter key two times, will ad the 
current internet Explorer page, to your favorites list in IE.
**For example: After pressing ALT+A, you will hear.
Add to favorites...
Down arrow one time, you will hear.
Add to Favorites bar.
*Tip, this will also save websites in a different folder for easy access.
Down arrow again, you will hear.
Organize favorites...
Down arrow again, you will hear.
Favorites Bar sub menu, press the Right arrow key one time, I hear the 
following on my computer. - Official Site of the National Football League.
My Account.
My Microsoft Account.
**Now after pressing ALT+A, you can use first letter navigation to jump to any 
of your saved favorite web sites.
*Tip, if you only have one saved website with that letter, after pressing that 
letter, you will go to that website.
*Tip, if you have several websites starting with that letter, you will jump to 
the next saved one, each time you press that letter, press Enter to open that 
favorite website.
**After pressing ALT+A, you also can just down arrow to Favorites Bar sub menu, 
and press the Right arrow key, and Down arrow through the items on the 
Favorites Bar sub menu, press Enter to open.
**You can also press ALT+C, to open Favorites, tip, you may need to press this 
keystroke two times to open.
For example, after pressing ALT+C:
I landed on Favorites Bar Closed, 1 of 39.
I pressed the Right arrow key one time, Favorites Bar Opened, 3 items.
1 My Microsoft Account, 1 of 3.
My Account 2 of 3. - Official Site of the National Football League 3 of 3.
I pressed the Up arrow to, Favorites Bar Opened, I press the Left arrow to 
It now says, Favorites Bar Closed 1 of 39.
If I Down arrow one time, I will hear:
Accessible YouTube - YourTube 2 of 39.
If I just press the letter W, I will hear, windows-10-and-Jaws - Yahoo Groups, 
24 of 39
**Other keyboard shortcuts for Internet Explorer.
**Press ALT+D, takes you to the address bar, the address is already highlighted 
for you.
Just press Control+C, to copy that website address to the clipboard.
**Press Insert+A, to hear Jaws speak the current website address.
**How to use and set up place markers with Jaws.
For example, why on the home page in Internet

[JAWS-Users] Creators update, The control and ALT keys, your best friends, part 2

2017-05-31 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Jaws users list, this lesson covers using word 2016 with Jaws.
Creators update, The Control and ALT keys, your best friend, part 2.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, anyone may 
freely share this file.
Author: Jim Flusche

This lesson is now updated to the W-10 Creators update.
**This lesson is on, Using Word 2016 with Jaws 18.

*After pressing Enter on the Word 2016 icon, you land on a Start screen page.
*You will hear such items, as the following items as you use all four of the 
ArrowKeys on the new Start Screen in Word 2016, which is a grid.
Single spaced (blank) Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Crisp and clean resume, designed by MOO Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Polished cover letter, designed by MOO Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Spec design (blank) Button
Pin status: unpinned.
APA style report (6th edition) Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Event menu Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Personal letterhead Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Thank you cards Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Summer event flyer Button
Pin status: unpinned.
Blank document Button
Welcome to Word Button
Pin status: pinned.
**To open a blank document from the Start screen, press the Escape key.
**Or you can just press Enter, on the Blank document Button.
**On the Start screen, You can also Tab one time to all your recent documents, 
use the Up and Down arrow keys to highlight a document, press Enter to open 
that selected document.
*Tip, you must check this checkbox in recent documents in word options first.
Check the following settings in Word 2016 options.
Press ALT+F, for file menu, followed by the letter T, for Word 2016 options.
Down arrow to the Advanced Tab, Tab many times to the following setting.
Show this number of Recent Documents edit spin box, 50.
Tab again to, Quickly access this number of Recent Documents check box checked.
Use the arrow key to change the numberr of recent documents Spin box, to show 
more or less items, and make sure the quickly access this number of recent 
documents check box is checked.
Tab to the OK button, press Enter.
Now the next time you open Word 2016, just Tab one time to the list of your 
recent documents.
**Press the Applications key on a selected document in your recent document 
list, you have many options, such as, pin the document, remove the document 
from the list, and other options.
*Tip, you can turn off this Start screen in the Word 2016 options page, under 
General options.
To do this, press ALT+F, followed by the letter T.
Jaws incorrectly lands on Display the second item below General options, press 
the UpArrow one time to highlight General options.
Tab 13 times to, Show the Start screen when Word 2016 opens, this is a 
checkbox, if it is checked, the Start screen will show up when you open Word 
This is a cool new feature, to look at a lot of options for opening different 
documents formats.
If you find an item you like, you can pin that item to a list here on the Start 
screen, of Word 2016.
For example:
1. I highlighted, Single space blank button.
2. I pressed the Applications key.
3. I arrowed down to, Pin to list, press Enter.
**So now when I open Word 2016, using the Start screen.
I can just press Enter on, the Blank document Button, which is already 
highlighted, you may need to press down then up arrow to highlight it.
Or I can Right arrow one time to, my new pinned item, Single space blank 
button, press Enter to open.
*Tip, I highly recommend using the Jaws virtual ribbons, under the Jaws 
settings, it makes using the office ribbons a whole lot easier using the Jaws 
virtual ribbons.
**Using the Word 2016 ribbons.
**Press the ALT key, to open and close the virtual ribbons in Word 2016.
**How to use the virtual ribbons in Word 2016.
**Press the ALT key, you will land on the Home tab, press your Right arrow key, 
you will hear the following.
Virtual Ribbons, Home Tab.
Insert Tab.
Design Tab.
Layout Tab.
References Tab.
Mailings Tab.
Review Tab.
View Tab.
*Tip if you Right arrow past the View tab, you will land in the Tell me edit 
box, you will hear.
Leaving menus, Tell me what you want to do Edit.
So if you Tab too far, press the Escape key to close the Tell me edit search 
*Tip, on any of the upper ribbons, just press the Down arrow key, to go into 
the lower ribbon of the selected upper ribbon tab.
*Tip, from any lower ribbon, just press the left arrow key, to go back to the 
upper ribbon tab.
**For example:
**If you press the Down arrow key, when you are on the Home ribbon tab, and 
down arrow, you will hear the following items.
Lower Ribbon, Clipboard sub menu.
Font sub menu.
Paragraph sub menu.
Styles sub menu.
Editing sub menu.
**To go into any of the sub menus, press Right arrow followed by the Down arrow 
to go through the items in the sub menu.
**For example, press the Right arrow key on the Font sub menu, as you Down 
arrow, you will see the following items.
Font edit combo, Calibri (Body).
Font Size edit combo, 11.
Grow Font

[JAWS-Users] Creators update, The Control and ALT keys, your best friend, part 1.

2017-05-31 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Jaws users list, I have made a few changes in this guide, I hope this helps 
the new users of Jaws with learning W-10 with Jaws.

Creators update, The Control and ALT keys, your best friend, part 1.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, anyone may 
freely share this text file.
Author: Jim Flusche

This lesson is now updated to the W-10 Creators update.
*This lesson also includes using Outlook 2016 with Jaws.

*Lets look at some general Control, keystrokes first in W-10, many of these 
keystrokes may work in prior versions of Windows as well.
**Press Ctrl + Esc to Open Start
Pressing the Windows key by itself will also open and close Start.
Pressing Enter on the Start button, will also open Start.
*Tip: The Start button area has also changed, in the Creators update for W-10.
**After pressing the Windows key or pressing enter on the Start button, or 
pressing Control+Escape.
1. You will land in the Start area search edit box.
Just begin typing what you are looking for, use the Arrow keys to find it, 
press enter to open it.
2. From the Search edit box, Tab one time to, the Start list box.
Here you will find your Account picture, your folder shortcuts, like Downloads, 
Documents, and your personal folder, if you have set them up under Start in the 
settings area, and the Power Button.
3. After pressing the Windows key, either press the up or down arrow key, or 
Tab two times to, All Apps list box.
This is a list of all the Apps and Programs on your computer.
Press Enter on any collapsed folders, to expand that folders content.
First letter navigation works in the All Apps list view.
*Tip: you must have an app or program starting with that letter installed on 
your computer.
*Tip: After pressing the Windows key, press either Up or Down Arrow to go 
directly to the Apps View list box.
4. Tab a third time from the Search edit box or press Shift+Tab from the search 
edit box to, Pinned tiles list box.
Here you have the Group Headers, plus any Pinned items you have Pinned to Start 
which are located under one of these Group Headers.
*Tip, the group headers may be side by side, or in a list, the pinned items 
under each header may be side by side or in a list.
*Now the Start button area is subject to change in the next major update to 
**Pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc will directly Open Task Manager in W-10.
*Tip, opening the Task manager for the first time, Tab one time to more 
details, press the Spacebar, this allows all the Tabs to show in Task manager.
**You also can press, Windows key+X, for the W10 context menu, Uparrow to Task 
Manager, press Enter.
**You can also press, Control+ALT+Delete, this will open a list of seven items 
1. Switch users.
2. Task Manager.
3. Shutdown.
4. Lock.
5. Network status.
6. Ease of access.
7. Sign out.
They are not in the above order.
So for example: If you need to see what your wireless, signal strength is 
currently, do the following.
1. Press Control+ALT+Delete.
2. Uparrow to Network status.
3. You will hear the name of your Network provider, followed by the signal 
strenth of your wireless signal.
**Press Control+Alt+Tab together, Use the Rightarrow key to switch between all 
open apps
*After pressin Control+ALT+Tab, then release the keys, press the Rightarrow 
key, to go across all the open windows, press enter to bring that window into 
**In W-10, you can also press Windows key+Tab, Rightarrow across all open 
Windows, press Enter on the window to bring it into focus.
**You can also press Insert+F10, press Rightarrow to the Window, press Enter to 
bring it into focus.
**Press Ctrl + Shift + N to Create a new folder.
So from any file explorer list of folders, just press Control+Shift+N, type the 
name for the new folder, press Enter.
**Press Control+F, Will Open find window for the current document or window.
**Press Control+Insert+F, Opens the Jaws find dialog edit box.
Type the word you are looking for, press enter to find that word.
Press F3 or Insert+F3, to find the next occurrence of the word, depending on 
the program you are using.

**Using Outlook 2016 with Jaws.
**Pressing the ALT key, will open or close the Virtual ribbons in Outlook 2016.
**Pressing the ALT key, will land you on the Home ribbon of the virtual ribbons 
 menu, in Outlook 2016.
>From the Home ribbon, Rightarrow across to the other upper ribbons.
For example, as you Rightarrow from the Home ribbon, you will hear.
Send/recieve tab.
Folder tab.
View tab.
Tell me what you want to do, edit box window, pressing Escape will close this 
edit box window.
*For example, using the new, Tell me what you want to do feature, just type the 
word you are looking for, press the Downarrow key to see the list of results.
Press Enter, on one of the items to automatically have Outlook 2016, complete 
that Task for you.
*Tip, pressing ALT+Q, will bring up the Tell me search edit box from anywhere 
in Outlook 2016.
For example, in an open email message with a l

Re: [JAWS-Users] Creators update, The applications key, your best friend

2017-05-31 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi David, you are welcome, yes, all of us can benefit from all the various 
computer groups, about using Jaws. Smiles. Big thanks to David F. for this list!

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of David Moore
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Creators update, The applications key, your best 

Hi Jim,
Thanks a lot. I can always use a review. When I read your updated stuff, I 
realize that there are a few very powerful key commands that I have forgotten. 
Also, I realize that I have been doing tasks the long way, and you give a much 
shorter way to save time. Even for the advanced computer user, what you put 
together reminds me of stuff. For the beginner, I really encourage you to read 
everything Jim puts on here. You will be a power user before you know it. We 
are so blessed to have all of this information in one place. For example, on 
other lists, people are in a panic, because they do not know how to put a short 
cut on their desktop with Windows 10. There are many people who are really lost 
when using Windows 10, and they do not have access to this information. Tell 
everyone about this list. When I run into a Windows 10 question, I tell people 
about this list. I am so glad that you and Joseph have done so much to make 
Windows 10 the best OS for the blind yet.
Have a great one, guys!
David Moore
Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 4:06 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Creators update, The applications key, your best friend

Hi new Jaws users and current members of the Jaws users list, I have updated 
and added to this short lesson about the Applications key, your best friend, 
let me know what you think about it. Smiles.
Creators update, The application key, your best friend This is a text tutorial, 
provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, all may freely share this text 
Author: Jim Flusche

This text file had now been Updated to the Creators update, new material had 
been added.
The applications key is your best friend in using W-10 with Jaws.
As you have read my complete guide, we use the applications key and its context 
menu to do many things in W-10.
For example:
*After pressing Windows key+T, takes you to the taskbar and its pinned items.
Use your right arrow to move to each pinned item on the Taskbar.
*If you wish to remove a pinned item from the Taskbar.
Highlight the item, Press the applications key, up arrow to unpin from Taskbar, 
press enter.
*If you wish to start over with the list of pinned items on the Taskbar.
Highlight them one by one, press the applications key, arrow up to unpin from 
the Taskbar, press enter.
*Now use the All apps list box, in the start button area, pin all items back to 
the Taskbar in the order you wish to have them.
How do I do this?
*Press the windows key or press enter on the start button, either press up or 
Down arrow or tab two times to, All Apps list box.
Use first letter navigation to jump through your list of all the apps and all 
the programs on your computer.
*Tip, you must have an app or program installed starting with a certain letter 
to use first letter navigation in the All Apps list box.
When you find a app or find a program you wish to pin to the Taskbar.
Highlight it, Press the applications key, down arrow to, more submenu, right 
arrow to, pin to the Taskbar, press enter.
Do this for all the items you wish to pin to the Taskbar.
I use the Taskbar pinned items a lot.
For example:
After you have pinned your items to the Taskbar, you now have shortcuts for all 
the pinned items on your Taskbar.
Just press the windows key with the number of the pinned item on the Taskbar to 
open that App or program.
For example, on my computer:
Pressing Windows key+1, opens Internet Explorer.
Pressing Windows key+2, opens Word 2016.
Pressing Windows key+3, opens Notepad.
Pressing Windows key+4, opens Outlook 2016.
Pressing Windows key+5, opens Control Panel.
Pressing Windows key+6, opens Windows defender security center.
Pressing Windows key+7, opens Jaws 17.
Pressing Windows key+8, opens Jaws 18.
Pressing Windows key+9, opens iTunes.
These are very handy shortcuts for opening your pinned apps or programs that 
you have pinned to the Taskbar.
*Using Quick access, pinned items.
*Now you can also use the Windows key+E, to bring up a list of items you have 
pinned to quick access.
Remember in W-10, we now have what is called, File explorer, desktop App.
You can set file explorer to open in Quick access or open in This PC.
I show you in the complete guide and in the audio lessons, why I use the file 
explorer to open in quick access.
How do I pin items to quick access?
The easiest way to do them at one time is to do the following.
Press enter on your This PC icon on the desktop.
Arrow down and highlight your C: drive.
Press Shift+Tab, you

[JAWS-Users] Creators update, The applications key, your best friend

2017-05-30 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi new Jaws users and current members of the Jaws users list, I have updated 
and added to this short lesson about the Applications key, your best friend, 
let me know what you think about it. Smiles.
Creators update, The application key, your best friend
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, all may 
freely share this text tutorial.
Author: Jim Flusche

This text file had now been Updated to the Creators update, new material had 
been added.
The applications key is your best friend in using W-10 with Jaws.
As you have read my complete guide, we use the applications key and its context 
menu to do many things in W-10.
For example:
*After pressing Windows key+T, takes you to the taskbar and its pinned items.
Use your right arrow to move to each pinned item on the Taskbar.
*If you wish to remove a pinned item from the Taskbar.
Highlight the item, Press the applications key, up arrow to unpin from Taskbar, 
press enter.
*If you wish to start over with the list of pinned items on the Taskbar.
Highlight them one by one, press the applications key, arrow up to unpin from 
the Taskbar, press enter.
*Now use the All apps list box, in the start button area, pin all items back to 
the Taskbar in the order you wish to have them.
How do I do this?
*Press the windows key or press enter on the start button, either press up or 
Down arrow or tab two times to, All Apps list box.
Use first letter navigation to jump through your list of all the apps and all 
the programs on your computer.
*Tip, you must have an app or program installed starting with a certain letter 
to use first letter navigation in the All Apps list box.
When you find a app or find a program you wish to pin to the Taskbar.
Highlight it, Press the applications key, down arrow to, more submenu, right 
arrow to, pin to the Taskbar, press enter.
Do this for all the items you wish to pin to the Taskbar.
I use the Taskbar pinned items a lot.
For example:
After you have pinned your items to the Taskbar, you now have shortcuts for all 
the pinned items on your Taskbar.
Just press the windows key with the number of the pinned item on the Taskbar to 
open that App or program.
For example, on my computer:
Pressing Windows key+1, opens Internet Explorer.
Pressing Windows key+2, opens Word 2016.
Pressing Windows key+3, opens Notepad.
Pressing Windows key+4, opens Outlook 2016.
Pressing Windows key+5, opens Control Panel.
Pressing Windows key+6, opens Windows defender security center.
Pressing Windows key+7, opens Jaws 17.
Pressing Windows key+8, opens Jaws 18.
Pressing Windows key+9, opens iTunes.
These are very handy shortcuts for opening your pinned apps or programs that 
you have pinned to the Taskbar.
*Using Quick access, pinned items.
*Now you can also use the Windows key+E, to bring up a list of items you have 
pinned to quick access.
Remember in W-10, we now have what is called, File explorer, desktop App.
You can set file explorer to open in Quick access or open in This PC.
I show you in the complete guide and in the audio lessons, why I use the file 
explorer to open in quick access.
How do I pin items to quick access?
The easiest way to do them at one time is to do the following.
Press enter on your This PC icon on the desktop.
Arrow down and highlight your C: drive.
Press Shift+Tab, you are in a tree view of all the stuff on your computer.
Use the right arrow to open any closed folder, use the left arrow to close any 
open folder.
*Press the applications key on any folder, file, drive, or location you wish to 
pin to quick access.
Arrow down to, pin to quick access, press enter.
Now where ever you are on your computer, when you press Windows key+E, you will 
open a list of pinned items that you have pinned to quick access.
*For example on my computer, after pressing windows key+E, I hear the following.
Frequent folders expanded, as I press the Down arrow, I hear.
This PC
Seagate Expansion Drive (E:)
Windows (C:)
My Users folder.
*First letter navigation works in the quick access, list of pinned shortcuts.
You can also pin many things to your desktop.
*How do I pin programs to the desktop?
Press the Windows key, press up or down arrow, to go directly to the All Apps 
list box in the start button area.
*Remember first letter navigation works in the All Apps list box.
Highlight the program you wish to make a desktop shortcut icon for and do the 
Press the applications key.
Arrow down to, more sub menu, press the right arrow key.
Arrow down to, Open file location, press enter.
Press the applications key again, arrow down to, send to sub menu, Right arrow 
one time.
Down arrow to, Desktop, create shortcut, press enter.
Now you have pinned an icon for that program on your desktop.
Repeat the above steps, to make all your Desktop icons for all your desired 
programs in W-10.
*The Notification chevron button system tray area.
Press windows key+B, you will land on the Notification

Re: [JAWS-Users] Say All

2017-05-30 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Mike and other new users of Jaws, I did a best friend series a while back on 
the keyboard, read below, I hope this helps you to learn Jaws.
The application key, your best friend
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, anyone may 
freely share this text file.
Author: Jim Flusche

The applications key is your best friend in using W-10. As you have read my 
complete guide, we use the applications key and its context menu to do many 
things in W-10.
For example:
After pressing Windows key+T, takes you to the taskbar and its pinned items.
Use your right arrow to move to each pinned item on the Taskbar.
If you wish to remove a pinned item from the Taskbar.
Highlight the item, Press the applications key, up arrow to unpin from Taskbar, 
press enter.
If you wish to start over with the list of pinned items on the Taskbar.
Highlight them one by one, press the applications key, arrow up to unpin from 
the Taskbar, press enter.
Now use the All apps list box, in the start area, pin all items back to the 
Taskbar in the order you wish to have them.
How do I do this?
Press the windows key or press enter on the start button, tab two times to, 
Apps view list box, or just press the down arrow after pressing the Windows key.
Use first letter navigation to jump through your list of all the apps and all 
the programs on your computer.
When you find a app or find a program you wish to pin to the Taskbar.
Press the applications key, down arrow to, more submenu, right arrow to, pin to 
the Taskbar, press enter.
Do this for all the items you wish to pin to the Taskbar.
I use the Taskbar pinned items a lot.
For example:
After you have pinned your items to the Taskbar, you now have shortcuts for all 
the pinned items on your Taskbar.
Just press the windows key with the number of the pinned item on the Taskbar.
For example, on my computer:
Windows key+1, Jaws 17.
Windows key+2, Internet explorer.
Windows key+3, Notepad.
Windows key+4, OneDrive.
Windows key+5, Skype.
Windows key+6, Calculator.
Windows key+7, Control panel.
Windows key+8, Outlook 2016.
Windows key+9, Groove music.
Windows key+0, F S Reader 2.0.
These are very handy shortcuts for opening your pinned apps or programs that 
you have pinned to the Taskbar.
Now you can also use the Windows key+E, to bring up a list of items you have 
pinned to quick access.
Remember in W-10, we now have what is called, File explorer.
You can set file explorer to open in Quick access or open in This PC.
I show you in the complete guide and in the audio lessons, why I use the file 
explorer to open in quick access.
How do I pin items to quick access?
The easiest way to do them at one time is to do the following.
Press enter on your This PC icon on the desktop.
Arrow down and highlight your C: drive.
Press Shift+Tab, you are in a tree view of all the stuff on your computer.
Use the right arrow to open any closed folder, use the left arrow to close any 
open folder.
Press the applications key on any folder, file, drive, or location you wish to 
pin to quick access.
Arrow down to, pin to quick access, press enter.
Now where ever you are on your computer, when you press Windows key+E, you will 
open a list of pinned items that you have pinned to quick access.
You can also pin many things to your desktop.
How do I pin programs to the desktop?
Go to the all apps list box.
Highlight the program you wish to make a desktop shortcut icon for and do the 
Press the applications key.
Arrow down to, more sub menu, press the right arrow key.
Arrow down to, Open file location, press enter.
Press the applications key again, arrow down to, send to sub menu, Right arrow 
one time.
Down arrow to, Desktop, create shortcut, press enter.
Now you have pinned an icon for that program on your desktop.
We showed you yesterday how to pin apps to your desktop.
So as you can see by the lesson above, the applications key is your best friend 
in W-10!
What you have pinned to the Taskbar.
Just press the windows key+the numbered position of the pinned item to the 
Taskbar, to open that item.
Again, this is very convenient, I use this most of the time to open my programs.
What you have pinned to quick access.
Just press Windows key+E.
Again you can press this very convenient keystroke anywhere to bring up a list 
of pinned items, such as files, folders, drives, or other stuff, that you have 
pinned to quick access.
You can press Windows key+m, to go to your desktop.
You can press first letter navigation; to find all the programs or apps 
shortcuts you have pinned to your desktop.
Just press enter to open them.
While using Internet explorer.
When you come across a website you wish to pin to the desktop.
Press ALT+f, for the file menu.
Arrow down to, Send sub menu, right arrow one time.
Down arrow to, Shortcut to desktop, press enter.
To confirm, press the spacebar.
Now you have convenient shortcuts to your favorite websites right on your 

*My purpose for developing

Re: [JAWS-Users] I tunes and jaws

2017-05-30 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Russ, no, I have not used itunes file sharing? I don't have a clue. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Russ Kiehne
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] I tunes and jaws

Hi Jim,

I saved it as a text file for future use.  By chance, have you used itunes file 
sharing?  If so, can you add how to use it to this tutorial?

-Original Message-
From: Jim Flusche
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2017 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] I tunes and jaws

Hi Russ, below is the text guide I did for iTunes, let me know if this helps 
Using iTunes 12 with Jaws 18.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group.
Author: Jim Flusche

**Press ALT+V, moves you to the View Tab in iTunes.
**After pressing ALT+V, you will see the following items.
*Tip, we need to go to the Column Browser sub menu first.
So Down arrow past the following items, on your way to the Column Browser sub 
Media Kind sub menu.
All Music checked.
Only Downloaded Music.
Sort By sub menu.
Show View Options Ctrl+J.
**Column Browser sub menu, press the Right arrow key one time.
If you hear, Show Column Browser, press Enter.
*Tip, you will need to press ALT+V, again, Arrow down and Right arrow back 
inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**Make sure you have the four items checked below, these four items have a * 
before them.
*Tip, Each time you press the Enter key, to check one of these items, you will 
need to press ALT+V, to go back inside the View tab, and go back to where you 
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
*Artists checked.
*Albums checked.
*Group Compilations checked.
*Use Album Artists checked.
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
**Press the left arrow, from inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**You will hear, Column Browser sub menu.
**Now continue to Arrow down, you will hear the following items.
Show Up Next Ctrl+Shift+U.
Show Status Bar Ctrl+/.
Hide Sidebar Ctrl+S.
sideo Playback Unavailable sub menu.
Visualizer sub menu.
Full Screen Ctrl+Shift+F Unavailable.
Show MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+1.
Show Equalizer Ctrl+Shift+2.
Show Activity Window Ctrl+Shift+3.
Switch to MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+M.
Media Kind sub menu.
*Tip, you have now wrapped back to the top of the view tab.
**Pressing the Right arrow, and pressing the down arrow as you go through the 
Media Kind sub menu, you will see the following items.
*Tip, each item has a Control+Number row shortcut, to switch directly to that 
**For example, for this lesson right now, I have Music checked.
Music Ctrl+1 checked.
Movies Ctrl+2.
TV Shows Ctrl+3.
Podcasts Ctrl+4.
iTunes U Ctrl+5.
Audiobooks Ctrl+6.
Apps Ctrl+7.
Tones Ctrl+8.
Internet Radio Ctrl+9.
*Tip, the three I use the most are:
**Control+1, for Music.
**Control+4, for Podcasts.
**Control+9, for Internet radio.
*Reminder, If you are in Music, press Control+9 on the number row, you will 
open and be placed in the Internet radio treeview list.
**Right arrow opens a Music category, Left arrow closes it.
**More about Internet radio later.
*Tip, in this lesson I will use the Search edit box, as the central place to 
show you how to, navigate through iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**We will use the F6, key quite a bit in navigating iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**Press the F6 key, several times until you hear Search edit.
**Press the F6 key, one more time from the Search edit box, you will land on, 
Library Sidebar Tree view, mine is set to Songs.
For example, press F6 until you hear, Search Edit Type in text.
**Press F6 one more time, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 
**Now press the Home key, takes you to the top of the list.
As you press the Down arrow key, you will hear the following items.
**Pressing Insert+Up arrow, Jaws will say, Recently Added, this incorrectly 
says, 2 of 20, this is the first item.
On my computer, there are 16 items in the list, ignore the numbers.
Library Sidebar Tree view Artists 3 of 20 Albums, Sidebar Tree view, 4 of 20.
Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20
Library Sidebar Tree view Genres 6 of 20 Videos Genius Purchased 90’s Music 
Classical Music My Top Rated Recently Played Top 25 Most Played *Tip, the next 
three with a * before them, are my created playlist.
*Chill out
*Work out
*Tip, first letter navigation does work in this list.
**Quickly type S,O, You will land on Songs, this is what you want set here for 
**For example, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20.
**Press F6 again, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Library, leave this 
set to library.
**Press F6 again, you will hear list box.
*Tip, to make Jaws read correctly, press the Down arrow key, then press the Up 
arrow key, you will correctly hear.
All (388 Artists), shows up in my iTunes list.
**So we are at the top of the artist list, this is where iTunes 12

Re: [JAWS-Users] win 10 desktop

2017-05-30 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Iram, to do that join my group, I share a group OneDrive link with the W-10 
and Jaws group. The subscribe link is:

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Iram Shabbir
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 6:24 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] win 10 desktop

hi gym i want to read all of your articals related to technology. regards
- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Flusche" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2017 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] win 10 desktop

> Hi, read below.
> Making Program shortcut Icons, on your Desktop.
> 1. Press Enter on the Start button, or just press the Windows key.
> 2. Either press the up or down arrow key or Tab two times to, All Apps 
> list box.
> For example, making a shortcut for Word 2016.
> 3. After moving to the All Apps list box, Press the letter W, press the 
> Down arrow key to, Word 2016.
> 4. After highlighting Word 2016, Press the Applications key.
> 5. Go down to, More sub menu, press the Right arrow, Arrow down to, Open 
> file Location, press enter.
> 6. Again Press the Applications key, go down to, Send to, sub menu, Right 
> arrow one time.
> 7. Down arrow to, Desk Top create shortcut, press enter.
> You now have a shortcut Icon for Word 2016 on your desk top.
> You can do these same steps to creat desktop icons, for all the other 
> programs here under All Apps list box as well.
> -Original Message-
> From: JAWS-Users-List [] On 
> Behalf Of Lenny McHugh
> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2017 6:20 PM
> To: JFW List <>
> Subject: [JAWS-Users] win 10 desktop
> I noticed that some icons are not on the desktop. there is none for eset 
> anti virus and end it all that I installed the other day. windows f use to 
> be able to search for a file or folder that I could create a desktop 
> entry.
> how can I do this in win 10? thanks
> ---
> Please visit my web page
> It's motivational, inspirational with a touch of humor
> There is also a very extensive resource list for the blind
> International Brotherhood of Magicians member #43990 For answers to 
> frequently asked questions about this list visit:
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Question regarding the system tray with jaws

2017-05-29 Thread Jim Flusche
Yes, when you have show all notifications checked, this hides the notification 
chevron button.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Rose
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2017 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Question regarding the system tray with jaws

I fixed the problem, but I saw no notification chevron, or I should say heard 
none.  I have what I wanted to show for the first time since the Anniversary 
update arrived here and that is what counts.  

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of net bat66
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2017 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Question regarding the system tray with jaws

they are there. just hidden.
you need to click on notification shevron then customize. there you can choose 
the icons you want to show. or click on show all icons.

-Original Message-
From: Rose
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2017 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Question regarding the system tray with jaws

Notification in systray?  I have only speaker volume and my internet connection 
in the systray!  Before Windows 10 Jaws was there also at least.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of net bat66
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2017 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Question regarding the system tray with jaws

look in the w e windows enhanced app. it is probibly useing the option to show 
all icons even the hidden ones.
if you were to uncheck this option you would only have 2 in the list like jaws.
you probibly have to open the notification sheveron in the systray and unhide 
the icons before jaws will see them.

-Original Message-
From: Russ Kiehne
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2017 6:26 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Question regarding the system tray with jaws

When I press insert+f11 with jaws, I only have 2 items in the system tray?
with window eyes, I have 11 items in the system tray.  Why is this?
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit: 

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] I tunes and jaws

2017-05-29 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Dennis, below is the text version of the iTunes 12 with Jaws 18. Let me know 
if this helps.
Using iTunes 12 with Jaws 18.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group.
Author: Jim Flusche

**Press ALT+V, moves you to the View Tab in iTunes.
**After pressing ALT+V, you will see the following items.
*Tip, we need to go to the Column Browser sub menu first.
So Down arrow past the following items, on your way to the Column Browser sub 
Media Kind sub menu.
All Music checked.
Only Downloaded Music.
Sort By sub menu.
Show View Options Ctrl+J.
**Column Browser sub menu, press the Right arrow key one time.
If you hear, Show Column Browser, press Enter.
*Tip, you will need to press ALT+V, again, Arrow down and Right arrow back 
inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**Make sure you have the four items checked below, these four items have a * 
before them.
*Tip, Each time you press the Enter key, to check one of these items, you will 
need to press ALT+V, to go back inside the View tab, and go back to where you 
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
*Artists checked.
*Albums checked.
*Group Compilations checked.
*Use Album Artists checked.
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
**Press the left arrow, from inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**You will hear, Column Browser sub menu.
**Now continue to Arrow down, you will hear the following items.
Show Up Next Ctrl+Shift+U.
Show Status Bar Ctrl+/.
Hide Sidebar Ctrl+S.
sideo Playback Unavailable sub menu.
Visualizer sub menu.
Full Screen Ctrl+Shift+F Unavailable.
Show MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+1.
Show Equalizer Ctrl+Shift+2.
Show Activity Window Ctrl+Shift+3.
Switch to MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+M.
Media Kind sub menu.
*Tip, you have now wrapped back to the top of the view tab.
**Pressing the Right arrow, and pressing the down arrow as you go through the 
Media Kind sub menu, you will see the following items.
*Tip, each item has a Control+Number row shortcut, to switch directly to that 
**For example, for this lesson right now, I have Music checked.
Music Ctrl+1 checked.
Movies Ctrl+2.
TV Shows Ctrl+3.
Podcasts Ctrl+4.
iTunes U Ctrl+5.
Audiobooks Ctrl+6.
Apps Ctrl+7.
Tones Ctrl+8.
Internet Radio Ctrl+9.
*Tip, the three I use the most are:
**Control+1, for Music.
**Control+4, for Podcasts.
**Control+9, for Internet radio.
*Reminder, If you are in Music, press Control+9 on the number row, you will 
open and be placed in the Internet radio treeview list.
**Right arrow opens a Music category, Left arrow closes it.
**More about Internet radio later.
*Tip, in this lesson I will use the Search edit box, as the central place to 
show you how to, navigate through iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**We will use the F6, key quite a bit in navigating iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**Press the F6 key, several times until you hear Search edit.
**Press the F6 key, one more time from the Search edit box, you will land on, 
Library Sidebar Tree view, mine is set to Songs. 
For example, press F6 until you hear, Search Edit Type in text.
**Press F6 one more time, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 
**Now press the Home key, takes you to the top of the list.
As you press the Down arrow key, you will hear the following items.
**Pressing Insert+Up arrow, Jaws will say, Recently Added, this incorrectly 
says, 2 of 20, this is the first item.
On my computer, there are 16 items in the list, ignore the numbers.
Library Sidebar Tree view Artists 3 of 20
Albums, Sidebar Tree view, 4 of 20. 
Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20
Library Sidebar Tree view Genres 6 of 20
90’s Music
Classical Music
My Top Rated
Recently Played
Top 25 Most Played
*Tip, the next three with a * before them, are my created playlist.
*Chill out
*Work out
*Tip, first letter navigation does work in this list.
**Quickly type S,O, You will land on Songs, this is what you want set here for 
**For example, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20.
**Press F6 again, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Library, leave this 
set to library.
**Press F6 again, you will hear list box.
*Tip, to make Jaws read correctly, press the Down arrow key, then press the Up 
arrow key, you will correctly hear.
All (388 Artists), shows up in my iTunes list.
**So we are at the top of the artist list, this is where iTunes 12 will open, 
after making all the changes above.
From the top of the artist list, if you tab one time, you will be at the top of 
the Albums list.
Press the Up and Down arrow to get Jaws to correctly read, in my iTunes on my 
computer it says, all 607 albums.
Now if you Tab again from the top of the Albums list, you will be on the songs 
Press the Down arrow to highlight the first song, you must always do this when 
in any song list.
Press Insert+Up arrow, on the first song, on my computer, it says, List box 1 
of 18788.
Now press Shift+Tab two times, this will take you back to the Artist list.

Re: [JAWS-Users] I tunes and jaws

2017-05-29 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Russ, below is the text guide I did for iTunes, let me know if this helps 
Using iTunes 12 with Jaws 18.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group.
Author: Jim Flusche

**Press ALT+V, moves you to the View Tab in iTunes.
**After pressing ALT+V, you will see the following items.
*Tip, we need to go to the Column Browser sub menu first.
So Down arrow past the following items, on your way to the Column Browser sub 
Media Kind sub menu.
All Music checked.
Only Downloaded Music.
Sort By sub menu.
Show View Options Ctrl+J.
**Column Browser sub menu, press the Right arrow key one time.
If you hear, Show Column Browser, press Enter.
*Tip, you will need to press ALT+V, again, Arrow down and Right arrow back 
inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**Make sure you have the four items checked below, these four items have a * 
before them.
*Tip, Each time you press the Enter key, to check one of these items, you will 
need to press ALT+V, to go back inside the View tab, and go back to where you 
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
*Artists checked.
*Albums checked.
*Group Compilations checked.
*Use Album Artists checked.
Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.
**Press the left arrow, from inside the Column Browser sub menu.
**You will hear, Column Browser sub menu.
**Now continue to Arrow down, you will hear the following items.
Show Up Next Ctrl+Shift+U.
Show Status Bar Ctrl+/.
Hide Sidebar Ctrl+S.
sideo Playback Unavailable sub menu.
Visualizer sub menu.
Full Screen Ctrl+Shift+F Unavailable.
Show MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+1.
Show Equalizer Ctrl+Shift+2.
Show Activity Window Ctrl+Shift+3.
Switch to MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+M.
Media Kind sub menu.
*Tip, you have now wrapped back to the top of the view tab.
**Pressing the Right arrow, and pressing the down arrow as you go through the 
Media Kind sub menu, you will see the following items.
*Tip, each item has a Control+Number row shortcut, to switch directly to that 
**For example, for this lesson right now, I have Music checked.
Music Ctrl+1 checked.
Movies Ctrl+2.
TV Shows Ctrl+3.
Podcasts Ctrl+4.
iTunes U Ctrl+5.
Audiobooks Ctrl+6.
Apps Ctrl+7.
Tones Ctrl+8.
Internet Radio Ctrl+9.
*Tip, the three I use the most are:
**Control+1, for Music.
**Control+4, for Podcasts.
**Control+9, for Internet radio.
*Reminder, If you are in Music, press Control+9 on the number row, you will 
open and be placed in the Internet radio treeview list.
**Right arrow opens a Music category, Left arrow closes it.
**More about Internet radio later.
*Tip, in this lesson I will use the Search edit box, as the central place to 
show you how to, navigate through iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**We will use the F6, key quite a bit in navigating iTunes 12 with Jaws.
**Press the F6 key, several times until you hear Search edit.
**Press the F6 key, one more time from the Search edit box, you will land on, 
Library Sidebar Tree view, mine is set to Songs. 
For example, press F6 until you hear, Search Edit Type in text.
**Press F6 one more time, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 
**Now press the Home key, takes you to the top of the list.
As you press the Down arrow key, you will hear the following items.
**Pressing Insert+Up arrow, Jaws will say, Recently Added, this incorrectly 
says, 2 of 20, this is the first item.
On my computer, there are 16 items in the list, ignore the numbers.
Library Sidebar Tree view Artists 3 of 20
Albums, Sidebar Tree view, 4 of 20. 
Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20
Library Sidebar Tree view Genres 6 of 20
90’s Music
Classical Music
My Top Rated
Recently Played
Top 25 Most Played
*Tip, the next three with a * before them, are my created playlist.
*Chill out
*Work out
*Tip, first letter navigation does work in this list.
**Quickly type S,O, You will land on Songs, this is what you want set here for 
**For example, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20.
**Press F6 again, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Library, leave this 
set to library.
**Press F6 again, you will hear list box.
*Tip, to make Jaws read correctly, press the Down arrow key, then press the Up 
arrow key, you will correctly hear.
All (388 Artists), shows up in my iTunes list.
**So we are at the top of the artist list, this is where iTunes 12 will open, 
after making all the changes above.
From the top of the artist list, if you tab one time, you will be at the top of 
the Albums list.
Press the Up and Down arrow to get Jaws to correctly read, in my iTunes on my 
computer it says, all 607 albums.
Now if you Tab again from the top of the Albums list, you will be on the songs 
Press the Down arrow to highlight the first song, you must always do this when 
in any song list.
Press Insert+Up arrow, on the first song, on my computer, it says, List box 1 
of 18788.
Now press Shift+Tab two times, this will take you back to the Artist list.
*Tip, in the Artist list

Re: [JAWS-Users] Question regarding the system tray with jaws

2017-05-28 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Rose, read below.
The notification area and the notification Chevron button.
1. Press Windows key+I, for the Settings area.
2. Tab one time and right arrow to Personalization, press enter.
3. Tab one time and Arrow down to, Taskbar, press enter.
4. Tab many times to, Select which icons appear on the Taskbar link, press 
5. You will land on the Home button.
6. Tab one time to,  always show all icons in the notification area button.
7. Make sure that Jaws says, just button, if Jaws says, button checked, press 
the Spacebar to maike it say, Just button.
8. If you have this checked, the Notification Chevron button will not show up 
on the Notification area of the Taskbar, it will just say, System tray area 
9. Now you can continue to tab across to all the items in your System tray.
10. Any items you wish to have showing, in the notification area of the 
Taskbar, make sure they say, button Checked.
11. Any items you do not wish to have showing in the Notification area of the 
Taskbar, make sure they just say, Button and not button checked.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Rose
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2017 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Question regarding the system tray with jaws

Notification in systray?  I have only speaker volume and my internet connection 
in the systray!  Before Windows 10 Jaws was there also at least.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of net bat66
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2017 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Question regarding the system tray with jaws

look in the w e windows enhanced app. it is probibly useing the option to show 
all icons even the hidden ones.
if you were to uncheck this option you would only have 2 in the list like jaws.
you probibly have to open the notification sheveron in the systray and unhide 
the icons before jaws will see them.

-Original Message-
From: Russ Kiehne
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2017 6:26 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Question regarding the system tray with jaws

When I press insert+f11 with jaws, I only have 2 items in the system tray?
with window eyes, I have 11 items in the system tray.  Why is this?
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit: 

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] win 10 desktop

2017-05-28 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi, read below.
Making Program shortcut Icons, on your Desktop.
1. Press Enter on the Start button, or just press the Windows key.
2. Either press the up or down arrow key or Tab two times to, All Apps list box.
For example, making a shortcut for Word 2016.
3. After moving to the All Apps list box, Press the letter W, press the Down 
arrow key to, Word 2016.
4. After highlighting Word 2016, Press the Applications key.
5. Go down to, More sub menu, press the Right arrow, Arrow down to, Open file 
Location, press enter.
6. Again Press the Applications key, go down to, Send to, sub menu, Right arrow 
one time.
7. Down arrow to, Desk Top create shortcut, press enter.
You now have a shortcut Icon for Word 2016 on your desk top.
You can do these same steps to creat desktop icons, for all the other programs 
here under All Apps list box as well.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Lenny McHugh
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2017 6:20 PM
To: JFW List 
Subject: [JAWS-Users] win 10 desktop

I noticed that some icons are not on the desktop. there is none for eset anti 
virus and end it all that I installed the other day. windows f use to be able 
to search for a file or folder that I could create a desktop entry. 
how can I do this in win 10? thanks


Please visit my web page

It's motivational, inspirational with a touch of humor

There is also a very extensive resource list for the blind

International Brotherhood of Magicians member #43990 For answers to frequently 
asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] OverlayWindow0 On Top

2017-05-25 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Reed, thanks for letting me know. Same here in the Creators update. In this 
"OverlayWindow0, I tried the Jaws cursor, the touch cursor, but it seems like a 
phantom window. No way that I see to interact with this window. I will leave 
this up to the smart computer technicians. After all I am just a pinhead. LOL.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Reed
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 12:17 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] OverlayWindow0 On Top



With Windows Version 10.0.14393, when I hit Insert+F10 to show "window list", I 
am now seeing this "OverlayWindow0 On Top" that I've never seen before.  

I have seen it just after boot up, after loading Outlook and at other random 

When I hit Enter to open it and hit Insert+Q twice quickly, it tells me "JAWS 
for Windows settings are used in the jfw.exe application. The configuration 
name is JAWS Window. The current scheme is Classic."


When I hit Insert+F1, I get "JAWS may not recognize this control. To show JAWS 
what type of control it is, press Insert+7. To see more technical information 
on the control, press Control+Insert+F1."


When I hit Control+Insert+F1, I get,

"Window Technical Information:

Control ID  0

Class  OverlayWindowClass_F7A740FA-AB45-4F46-BB58-3DCEDB196F1C

Handle  983746".

So, it shows the Control Id, Class and Handle.  Try saying that Class real 
fast.  Bet you can't.


When I use Alt+Tab to cycle through my open programs, I don't land on this 
Overlay Window; even when I've opened it from the window list.


Do any of you JAWS experts have an explanation for this Overlay window?






For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Cannot run latest Jaws update file

2017-05-24 Thread Jim Flusche
The insert+Tab, repeats the control and its current setting in the settings 
area of W-10 with Jaws. Think of it as a Jaws repeat keystroke for the 
highlighted item on the screen. In the settings area you open a combo box with 
ALT+Down arrow, use the arrow key to find a different choice, press Enter to 
select the new choice and close the combo box.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Kenny
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Cannot run latest Jaws update file

Well I didn't hit [Alt]+[Down Arrow]. That was why it didn't read the 
selections in the listbox? So tell me what the heck is the [Insert]+[Tab] 
shortcut meant to do? I use it all the time to read to me a listbox selection. 
Doesn't work in this settings panel for some reason.

At 09:27 AM 5/23/2017, you wrote:
>Jaws works fine in the combo box, in the settings area of the Creators 
>update, read below.
>Apps & Features.
>1. Press the Windows key+I, For the Settings area search edit box, Tab 
>one time.
>2. Press the Right arrow key to Apps, press the Spacebar, Tab one time.
>3. You land on Apps & Features, this Tab is already highlighted for 
>you, begin by Tabbing one time.
>4. You will hear, Choose where you can get apps from. Installing only 
>apps from the Store helps protect your PC and keep it running smoothly. 
>Combo box Allow apps from anywhere.
>If your computer does not say this, press ALT+Down arrow, Highlight, 
>Allow apps from anywhere, press enter to change and close the Combo-box.
>-Original Message-
>From: JAWS-Users-List
>[] On Behalf Of Kenny
>Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 10:20 PM
>Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Cannot run latest Jaws update file
>You have to enable "Install Apps from Anywhere."
>Press [Windows key]+[i]. Hit the [Tab] key once. Now [Right Arrow] 
>until you hear "Apps" then hit [Enter]. You're now in the "Apps and 
>Features" treeview option, so simply [Tab] twice to "Choose where you 
>can get apps from" and use the arrow keys to select "Install Apps from 
>Now JAWS doesn't seem to read the options in this listbox at all, so 
>you will need to [Arrow down or up] one time to change options, [Tab] 
>once and then [Shift]+[Tab] once to hear your selection. The JAWS 
>[Insert]+[Tab] key for reading the listbox selection once changed 
>doesn't work for me.
>Hope this helps.
>At 08:33 PM 5/22/2017, you wrote:
> >I downloaded the latest Jaws 18 update file from FS.  When I tried to 
> >open it I got a pop up security message from Windows Defender saying 
> >the file was from an unknown origin and I could not open or run the 
> >update file.  I clicked on more info and then clicked on run anyway 
> >but I still could not run the file.  I just updated to windows 10 
> >Creator a few days ago.  Any suggestions/ideas?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Greg Washington
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
> >
>For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
>For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] Windows Defender

2017-05-24 Thread Jim Flusche
Yes, the windows defender security center in the Creators update, is a lot more 
complex. But honestly, it takes care of itself very well. Just run it from time 
to time, if you miss the sound notification, press Windows key+A, for the 
action center and down arrow and hear the results of the scan.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Maria Campbell
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Windows Defender

In the Anniversary version Defender is pretty much accessible. In the Creator's 
version, it's a lot more complex.
Faithfulness does not begin with large tasks-if it is not present in small 
things, it does not exist at all.

On 5/23/2017 5:41 PM, wrote:
> Afternoon all. Can anyone tell me exactly how accessible Windows Defender is? 
> I am using JAWS 17 and Windows 10 on a Dell laptop. Many thanks in advance.
> Jerry
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

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Re: [JAWS-Users] Cannot run latest Jaws update file

2017-05-23 Thread Jim Flusche
Jaws works fine in the combo box, in the settings area of the Creators update, 
read below.
Apps & Features.
1. Press the Windows key+I, For the Settings area search edit box, Tab one time.
2. Press the Right arrow key to Apps, press the Spacebar, Tab one time.
3. You land on Apps & Features, this Tab is already highlighted for you, begin 
by Tabbing one time.
4. You will hear, Choose where you can get apps from. Installing only apps from 
the Store helps protect your PC and keep it running smoothly. Combo box Allow 
apps from anywhere.
If your computer does not say this, press ALT+Down arrow, Highlight, Allow apps 
from anywhere, press enter to change and close the Combo-box.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Kenny
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Cannot run latest Jaws update file

You have to enable "Install Apps from Anywhere."

Press [Windows key]+[i]. Hit the [Tab] key once. Now [Right Arrow] until you 
hear "Apps" then hit [Enter]. You're now in the "Apps and Features" treeview 
option, so simply [Tab] twice to "Choose where you can get apps from" and use 
the arrow keys to select "Install Apps from Anywhere."

Now JAWS doesn't seem to read the options in this listbox at all, so you will 
need to [Arrow down or up] one time to change options, [Tab] once and then 
[Shift]+[Tab] once to hear your selection. The JAWS [Insert]+[Tab] key for 
reading the listbox selection once changed doesn't work for me.

Hope this helps.

At 08:33 PM 5/22/2017, you wrote:
>I downloaded the latest Jaws 18 update file from FS.  When I tried to 
>open it I got a pop up security message from Windows Defender saying 
>the file was from an unknown origin and I could not open or run the 
>update file.  I clicked on more info and then clicked on run anyway but 
>I still could not run the file.  I just updated to windows 10 Creator a 
>few days ago.  Any suggestions/ideas?
>Greg Washington
>For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

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[JAWS-Users] Settings area, Important places to check in the Creators update with Jaws.

2017-05-22 Thread Jim Flusche
Settings area, Important places to check in the Creators update with Jaws.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, all may 
freely share this document with anyone.
Author: Jim Flusche

Section list for this guide.
Important reminders about the Settings area.
The Default Apps.
Apps & Features.
Background Apps.
Notifications & Actions, add or remove quick actions.
Notifications & Actions, How to control sound notifications in W-10.
Power and sleep.
-Start button area settings.
Choosing what items to ad to the Notification Chevron button System tray 
How to review your Microsoft account.
Sign in options.
Checking for windows updates.
Windows defender security center.
Checking the Health of your computer using the Windows defender security 

Important reminders about the Settings area.
After pressing Windows key+I, you can type a setting you are looking for, and 
press the down arrow key to see the results.
Press enter or the Spacebar to go directly to that part of the settings area.
In different parts of the settings area, use the Jaws touch cursor to see 
what's going on.
For example, when doing a check for updates.
Press Shift+PC cursor, to turn on the touch cursor, press the left arrow key to 
go to the beginning of updates, press the right arrow key to go across and read 
the status and results.
Press the Numpad plus twice quickly, to turn back on the PC cursor.
Remember to use Insert+Tab, to make Jaws repeat the Tab control and its current 

The Default Apps.
1. Press Windows key+I, For the Settings area search edit box, Tab one time.
2. Press the Right arrow key to Apps, press the Spacebar, Tab one time.
3. Press the Down arrow key to, Default Apps, press Enter before Tabbing across.
4. Tab to the Edge browser, press the Spacebar, Tab to Internet Explorer, press 
the Spacebar.
5. Do the same for all the default Apps you wish to change in the W-10 Creators 

Apps & Features.
1. Press the Windows key+I, For the Settings area search edit box, Tab one time.
2. Press the Right arrow key to Apps, press the Spacebar, Tab one time.
3. You land on Apps & Features, this Tab is already highlighted for you, begin 
by Tabbing one time.
4. You will hear, Choose where you can get apps from. Installing only apps from 
the Store helps protect your PC and keep it running smoothly. Combo box Allow 
apps from anywhere.
If your computer does not say this, press ALT+Down arrow, Highlight, Allow apps 
from anywhere, press enter to change and close the Combo-box.
5. Tab five times to, see the list of apps on your computer.
6. Tab one more time to, Programs & features link, press enter here to remove 
any programs from your computer.

Background Apps.
1. Press Windows key+I, For the Settings area search edit box, Tab one time.
2. Press the Right arrow key to Privacy, press Enter, Tab one time.
3. Down arrow to Background Apps, press Enter.
4. Tab across here, Press the Spacebar to uncheck most of these Apps, all are 
checked by default.
If you are taken back to the home button after unchecking an item, just Tab 
back to where you were.

Notifications & Actions, add or remove quick actions.
1. Ppress Windows key+I, For the Settings area Search edit box, Tab one time.
2. Press the Spacebar on System, the first item, Tab one time.
3. Press the Down-arrow to Notifications and Actions, press the Spacebar.
4.Tab two times to, Add or remove quick actions Link, press Enter.
5. Tab across here and press the Spacebar to uncheck any item you wish not to 
show up in the Action center of W-10.

Notifications & Actions, How to control sound notifications in W-10.
1. Press Windows key+I, For the Settings area search edit box, Tab one time.
2. Press the Spacebar on System, Tab one time.
3. Press the down arrow key, press the Spacebar on Notifications & Actions.
4. Tab three times to Get notifications from apps and other senders Button 
checked, if you want no sound Notifications at all press the Spacebar to turn 
all sound notices off.
5. Tab several times to individually choose what App Notifications you wish to 
hear, if you left, Get notifications from apps and other senders Button checked.
For example, you will see Autoplay, Tab again you will see Autoplay button 
You will hear OneDrive, Tab again, you will hear OneDrive button checked, press 
the Spacebar to turn off any sound notifications you do not wish to hear.

Power and sleep.
1. Press the Windows key+I, For the Settings area search edit box, Tab one time.
2. Press the Spacebar on System, Tab one time.
3. Down arrow to, power and sleep, press the Spacebar.
4. Tab one time to, When plugged in, turn off after Combo box 15 minutes, this 
is for your computer monitor.
5. Tab again to, When plugged in, PC goes to sleep after Combo box 45 minutes, 
this is for your computer.

Re: [JAWS-Users] the creators update guide

2017-05-20 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi David, thank you very much for posting the Creators update guide! Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of David Ferrin
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2017 9:25 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] the creators update guide

For those of you who might have missed Jims’ last message, his guide is now 
posted on the server for all to freely download.
David Ferrin
Life is what happens after you have already made other plans. 
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

[JAWS-Users] W-10 and Jaws Creators update complete guide

2017-05-19 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Jaws users list. I tried 11 times to update my Acer computer to the creators 
update, but the drivers were just not available to update that computer. But a 
nice Christian person bought me this Lenovo computer,
I was able to manually update the the creators update the first time. So here 
is my guide for the Creators update, please enjoy! Smiles.

Windows 10 and Jaws, Creators  update complete guide.
This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group, this guide 
may be freely shared with anyone.
Author: Jim Flusche

This guide is now updated to the latest Creators update for W-10, using Jaws 18.

General Overview, Customizing, Navigation, and learning about w-10 with Jaws.

Here is a Complete Index of this guide and what it covers.
All sections start with , that is four *'s in a row.
Important reminders.
Section, Cortana and search settings.
Section, Customizing Windows 10 with Jaws.
Setting default programs in w-10.
Changing your folder options, now called File Explorer Options, in w-10.
How to Turn off the background apps in w-10.
How to change how Windows updates are delivered.
Pinned Tiles list box.
All Apps list box.
How to put the, This PC, Icon on the Desktop.
How to put a shortcut to your user folders, on the Desktop.
Making Program shortcut Icons, on your Desktop.
How to put a shortcut, for iE on your Desktop and Taskbar.
Making your W-10 desktop look like W-7.
The Notification area and the Notification Chevron button.
Tip for navigating the W-10 desktop:
W-10 Context Menu.
How to pin, Apps or pin Programs to the pinned Tiles list box, of the Start 
area or to the Taskbar.
How to create a Desktop shortcut for a program in the All Apps list box.
How to uninstall Apps and Programs in W-10.
The Power button in the Start area of W-10.
Customizing the Start Area in W-10 with Jaws.
Personalizing the Start Area in W-10.
The all Apps list box.
The Power button under the Start list box, under the Start button area of 
Maintenance tips for Windows 10 with Jaws.
Using Quick Access in Windows 10 with Jaws
So, how do I set my W-10 computer to open using File explorer Quick access.
How to pin items to Quick Access:
How to pin, This PC to Quick access.
How to pin Quick Access to the Start area.
How to create a desktop icon, for all the W-10 built-in app
How to update all your W-10 apps at one time.
Two ways of doing a Jaws repair on your W-10 computer.
Device Manager.
Devices and Printers.
Using and setting up OneDrive on your computer.
How to do a System Restore in W-10 with Jaws.
How to read or listen to bookshare books with F S Reader 2.0 and 3.0.

Important reminders.
*A Change to starting Narrator, Press Control+Windows+Enter, to turn/off 
narrator in the Creators update.
There have been changes to how we use the Settings area, in the Creators update 
to W-10.
After pressing Windows key+I, you now land in the search edit box of the 
settings area.
With Jaws 18, just start typing an item you are looking for, press the Down 
arrow key to hear the results.
After pressing Windows+I, Just tab one time to the main list of 11 categories.
Again after pressing enter on one of the 11 main categories, you land on the 
search edit box, just tab one time to the list of sub-categories, for that 
selected main category.
Remember the first sub-category is already highlighted for you, just begin 
tabbing across the tab controls.
*Tip, always press the Insert+Tab keys, to make Jaws speak just the tab control 
and its current setting.
*Tip, you can press Shift+PC curser to turn on the touch curser while in the 
settings area, pressing the PC curser two times quickly turns the PC curser 
back on.
*Remember, From the list of sub-categories, if you down arrow past the first 
item, to any other sub-category, you must press the enter key first, to 
highlight that sub-category, before you can begin tabbing across the tab 
controls for that sub-category.
More reminders:
The Start button area.
After pressing the Windows key or pressing enter on the Start button.
1. You will land in the search edit box.
Just begin typing what you are looking for, use the arrow keys to find it, 
press enter to open it.
2. Tab one time to,the Start list box, you will hear, Toggle Start navigation 
menu items 1 of 6.
*Here you will find your account picture, folder shortcuts, and the power 
button, go to Settings/personalization/ press enter on Start, to ajust the 
start area.
3. Tab a second time to, All Apps list box.
This is a list of all the apps and programs on your computer.
*Tip, after pressing the Windows key, or pressing Enter on the start button, 
press either the up/down arrow to open the All apps list box.
*while in the All apps list box, Press enter on any collapsed folder, to expand 
that folders content, press enter again

[JAWS-Users] New computer, Creators update

2017-05-17 Thread Jim Flusche
Good evening Jaws users group. I have a new computer I wanted to let you know 
about. At first, I was not sure how Jaws would work with a hybrid drive. But 
Jaws 18 works fantastic with one. I finally upgraded the new computer today to 
the creators update. Read the computer information below, before now I always 
used an Acer computer. But this Lenovo start fast. After pressing the power 
button in about 4 or 5 seconds, Jaws comes up talking on the pin log-in screen. 
I bought this desktop on sale at best buy for $579, this was a bargan.
Name: Lenovo-710-25ISH Desktop (ideacentre)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz 2.71 GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 8.00 GB
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
This has a one TB of storage, regular Sodda drive.
This also has a 8 GB's SSD drive.
They call it a hybred drive.
Having the SSD drive allows for fast start up, very fast.
They work together, when doing a big task, information is dumped to the SSD 
drive, and than converted back to the regular drive.
This is the best way I can explain it.
The computer works fantastic and the computer is very quick.
I highly recommend this computer to anyone who is looking for a new computer. 

>From your humble Pinhead!
Owner of the W-10 and Jaws group.

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

[JAWS-Users] How to use office sounds if you just have 2016 versions of Outlook and word

2017-05-06 Thread Jim Flusche
Good evening Jaws list. When I refreshed my PC, I decided to leave word 2010 
off of my computer for now. But I could not stand to not have any office sounds 
in outlook 2016 or in word 2016. So after doing some searching and playing 
around with the below steps, I finally figured out how to get the office sounds 
working if you are just using the latest Outlook or word without any prior 
office versions on your computer.
Warning, first go to file explorer options, view tab, change to allow hidden 
folders, tab to the OK button, press enter.
Now go and download the office sounds from the Microsoft website.
1.Run sounds.exe - it will give you an error message.  Don't click 
this error message away.
Just leave the error message opened on your computer.
With the error message still up, go to your AppData folder (HDD:\Users\**Your 
username**\appdata\local\temp, and search for sounds.msi, and run it with
Admin rights.
*This is where I was confused for a minute.
Go to users/your users name/appdata/local/temp.
Press Control+E, for the search edit, type, sounds.msi, press enter.
Now tab until you here the full path of the sound.exe file,
This will sound something like this, sounds.msi 
C:\Users\pi***nppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP Windows Installer Package 
‎5/‎25/‎1999 ‏‎2:30 PM 638 KB.
Now just press enter here on this long path name.
Say yes to users account, the office sounds install dialog will now come up for 
Follow all the prompts, after the sounds.exe finishes installing the sounds, 
close this window and the open error message window message you left open.
*Step two.
• Follow my directions, I just opened up word 2016 and did the 
1.Press ALT+F, followed by the letter T, for word options.
2.Go to the advanced tab.
3.Faster to Shift+Tab, and go to, Provide feedback with sound 
4.I pressed the spacebar to check it, tab to the OK button, press 
5.Now close word 2016, open it again, you should have sounds.
6. Go back to file explorer options, change it back to, don't allow hidden 
folders, tab to OK, press enter.
7.This is fantastic, I finally have my sounds back in outlook 2016 
and word 2016, with no prior word products installed on my computer.

Your humble pinhead!
Owner of the Windows 10 and Jaws group.

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] another technology list some of you might find of interest

2017-05-02 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi David, thanks, I will also share this with my group. Smiles.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of David Ferrin
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 10:39 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] another technology list some of you might find of interest

As a favor to another list owner I am offering another list for those of you 
who might be interested in branching out as it covers all technology and as 
such a wider scope of topics than we cover on here:

It is the tech talk list and although it is quite busy for me to always keep up 
with I personally find it very informative. I know that a number of members on 
here are also subscribed I wanted to let everybody know about it. 

It is managed by a gentleman named Carlos and I have learned quite a bit from 
him as he brings a lot to the table. 
David Ferrin
Life is what happens after you have already made other plans.
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

[JAWS-Users] Jaws 18.0.2740 released today

2017-04-27 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi Jaws list. JAWS 18.0.2740 (April 2017)
What's new followed by the direct download link.
This update addresses a few issues that were discovered shortly after the 
release of the April 2017 update.

To download the latest release, visit the
Downloads web page.

list of 3 items
* Resolved an issue with JAWS not reading row titles in tables on web pages as 
* Addressed a reported issue where Forms Mode was not turning off as expected 
in certain situations.
* Resolved a reported issue with JAWS not reading the list of messages in the 
new Mozilla Thunderbird version 52 release.
list end

Direct download link for Jaws 18.0.2740, 64 bit.

Enhancements in JAWS 18.0.2740 (April 2017)

This update addresses a few issues that were discovered shortly after the 
release of the April 2017 update.

To download the latest release, visit the
Downloads web page.

list of 3 items
* Resolved an issue with JAWS not reading row titles in tables on web pages as 
* Addressed a reported issue where Forms Mode was not turning off as expected 
in certain situations.
* Resolved a reported issue with JAWS not reading the list of messages in the 
new Mozilla Thunderbird version 52 release.
list end

>From your humble pinhead!
Owner of the Windows 10 and Jaws group.

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

[JAWS-Users] Microsoft Planning to End Support for Standalone Versions of Office by 2020

2017-04-26 Thread Jim Flusche
Microsoft Planning to End Support for Standalone Versions of Office by 2020
banner end
Andre Da Costa
| April 26, 2017 in

The future of Microsoft Office is
That sums up what the company confirmed recently in a blog post notifying users 
about its plans to
wind down support for standalone versions
 of Office aka perpetual licenses; which want to connect to its Office 365 
cloud services. That means versions such as Office 2010, 2013 and 2016 will
no longer be able to access O365 cloud services such as Exchange Online, 
Sharepoint Online, OneDrive for Business or Skype for Business by October 2020.

The company is not ending development of perpetual versions of the suite, but 
users will need to move to the latest versions in order to access all of
Microsoft's O365 Cloud services. For example, Office 2016 which was launched in 
September 2015 will have its mainstream support end in 2020. So, if you
don't cut over to a Microsoft Office subscription by then, it will no longer be 
supported to connect to Microsoft's cloud services.

Microsoft Winding Down Support for Perpetual Versions of Office

One of the key benefits of Office 365 versus Office 2016 is the ongoing 
delivery of new features and functionality. Office 2016 Professional Plus has 
much stood still since its 2015 release, receiving only security updates. 
Office 365, on the other hand, has received numerous improvements and features
such as improved collaboration, business intelligence enhancements in Excel and 
Motion Path in PowerPoint. For many users, the standalone suite remains
attractive, especially for organizations that need control over access to 
features in the suite. Here is what Microsoft's Ron Markezich had to say about
the changes ahead.

block quote
When customers connect to Office 365 with a legacy version of Office, they're 
not enjoying all that the service has to offer. The IT benefits-particularly
security-are cut short. And the end user experience in the apps is limited to 
the features shipped at a point in time. To ensure that customers are getting
the most out of their Office 365 subscription, we are updating our
system requirements.

list of 3 items
* Office 365 ProPlus or Office perpetual in mainstream support required to 
connect to Office 365 services. Starting October 13, 2020, Office 365 ProPlus
or Office perpetual in mainstream support will be required to connect to Office 
365 services. Office 365 ProPlus will deliver the best experience, but
for customers who aren't ready to move to the cloud by 2020, we will also 
support connections from Office perpetual in mainstream support.
* Applies to Office 365 commercial services only. This update does not change 
our system requirements or support policies for the Office perpetual clients,
Office perpetual clients connecting to on-premises servers, or any consumer 
* More than three years' notice. We're providing more than three years' notice 
to give IT time to plan and budget for this change. Until this new requirement
goes into effect in 2020, Office 2010, Office 2013 and Office 2016 perpetual 
clients will still be able to connect to Office 365 services.
list end
block quote end

Office 365 repair 9

Users can read further details about the changes at the company's
Tech Community website.
Microsoft is slowly nudging users to move to Office 365, which actually offers 
greater value in the long run by being cheaper up front, plus it's continually
updated with new features and flexible deployment options. Three years is ample 
notice, especially for versions such as Office 2010, which would have been
expected to stop receiving support by 2020.

The dream of Office as a service goes back as far as Office 2003 when Microsoft 
had originally planned to offer its suite as a subscription, but the market
wasn't ready. Office 365, first launched in 2011 has evolved over the years to 
become a consistent revenue generator for the software firm. The rest of
the industry has followed suit, brands such as AutoDesk, Adobe, and Intuit have 
also moved their business models to subscriptions.

>From your humble pinhead!
Owner of the Windows 10 and Jaws group.

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

[JAWS-Users] Complete List of Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts and Run Commands

2017-04-26 Thread Jim Flusche
Complete List of Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts and Run Commands
banner end
Andre Da Costa
| August 24, 2015 in

Everyone loves a quick way to get things done in Windows. If a mouse tends to 
slow you down, then here is a comprehensive list of keyboard commands you
can use to accomplish almost any task you would normally use a mouse for.

table with 2 columns and 16 rows
Power menu
press Windows key + X or right-click Start
Windows + Tab
Launch Windows 10 Task View
Windows + Q
Search the web and Windows with Cortana (speech)
Windows + S
Search the web and Windows with Cortana (keyboard input)
Windows + I
Open Windows 10 settings
Windows + A
Open Windows 10 notifications
Windows + L
Lock your Windows 10 device
Windows + Ctrl + D
Create new virtual desktop
Windows + Ctrl + F4
Close current virtual desktop
Windows + Ctrl + [Left][Right]
Switch between virtual desktops
Windows + [Left][Right][Up][Down]
Position windows on your screenE.g. Windows + [Left] moves the current window 
to the left half of your screen. If you use Windows + [Up] afterward, the
current window will be placed in the upper left quarter of your screen.And, 
what's very handy in my opinion: If you release the Windows key after 
a window, Task View shows up on the opposite side of the positioned window to 
select and position another app.
Windows + H
Share content (if supported by current app)
Windows + K
Connect to wireless displays and audio devices
Windows + X
Open Start button context menu
Windows key + G
Starts App recording
table end

table with 2 columns and 12 rows
Windows + D
Show Windows desktop
Windows + E
Open File Explorer
Windows + Space
Switch keyboard input language (if you have added at least a second one)
Windows + Shift + [Left][Right]
Move current Window from one monitor to another (when using a multiple monitor 
Windows + [1][2][3][...]
Open programs that are pinned to task barE.g. if first pinned program on your 
taskbar is Windows Explorer (from left to right); the shortcut Windows +
1 opens Windows Explorer for you
Windows + R
Run a command
Windows + P
Project a screen
Alt + Tab
Switch to previous window
Alt + Space
Restore, move, size, minimize, maximize or close current window. Also works 
like a charm for Windows 10 modern apps.
Alt + F4
a) Close current window.  b) If you're on your Windows 10 desktop, open Power 
dialogue to shut down or restart Windows, put your device in sleep mode,
or sign out or switch the current user.
Open Task Manager
Alt + underlined menu
Open menu or program. Example, to open the Edit menu in WordPad, press Alt then 
press E on your keyboard. Repeat the same step for the menu you want to
table end

General Windows keyboard shortcuts

table with 2 columns and 14 rows
Access help system in an application
Activate menu bar
Close a program
Alt + F4
Close current window in Multiple Document interface based programs
Access right click menu in application
Shift + F10
Launch Start menu
Ctrl + ESC or Windows key
System Properties
Windows key + Pause/Break
Bypass auto-play when an external storage device is connected
Hold down SHIFT key while inserting storage device
table end

Desktop, My Computer, and File Explorer

For selected items, you can use the following shortcuts:

table with 2 columns and 12 rows
CTRL + F or F3
Rename an item
Delete a folder or files permanently
Access properties of a file or folder
ALT + ENTER or ALT + double-click
Copy a file
CTRL key while dragging file
Create a shortcut
CTRL + SHIFT while dragging file
Select All
Refresh contents of window
View the folder one level up
Backspace key
Close the selected folder and its parent folders
SHIFT key while clicking the close button
Switch between left and right panes
table end

File Explorer commands
Function Command
Switch between left and right panes F6
Expand all subfolders under the selected folder NUMLOCK + ASTERISK when using a 
numeric keyboard
Expand the selected folder NUMLOCK + PLUS sign when using a numeric keyboard
Collapse the selected folder NUMLOCK + MINUS sign when using a numeric keyboard
Expand current selection if it's collapsed, otherwise select first subfolder 
Right arrow
Collapse current selection if it's expanded, otherwise select parent folder 
Left arrow

Properties dialog commands

table with 2 columns and 5 rows
Move forward through options
Tab key
Move backward through options
Move forward through tabs
CTRL + Tab
Move backward through tabs
table end

Open and Save dialog commands

table with 2 columns and 4 rows
Open the Save In and address bar
CTRL + O and F4
Open the folder one level up, if a folder is selected
table end

Windows 10 Command Prompt keyboard commands


[JAWS-Users] Four Ways You Can Still Open the Control Panel in Windows 10

2017-04-26 Thread Jim Flusche
Four Ways You Can Still Open the Control Panel in Windows 10
Four Ways You Can Still Open the Control Panel in Windows 10
banner end
Andre Da Costa
| April 22, 2017 in

The classic Control Panel, which has been a part of
Windows since version 3.0,
is finally in its sunset years. With each revision of Windows 10, Microsoft is 
slowly deprecating many of the items found in Control Panel and replacing
them with modern interfaces found in the new Settings app. The Settings app has 
almost superseded Control Panel, but there are still a few tasks that you
can only perform from Control Panel. The latest revision called the
Creators Update,
takes it even further, adding new categories for
managing Apps
changing Themes,
among other changes. If you need to access the Control Panel in Windows 10 for 
one of the holdout settings, or if you just prefer the classic Control Panel
interface, here's how you get to it.

Find the Old Control Panel in Windows 10

Its absence from the
Power menu
is the latest sign that the Control Panel is on its way out. When you press 
Windows key + X, you will now find only the Settings menu. The Control Panel
is still around, just hidden from view.


The first method you can use to launch it is the run command. Press Windows key 
+ R then type: control then hit Enter. Voila, the Control Panel is back;
you can right-click on it, then click Pin to Taskbar for convenient access.


Another way you can access the Control Panel is from within File Explorer. 
Clicking in the Address Bar provides a quick link to Control Panel and other


Search is another way you can find it. Click Start, type: control panel then 
hit Enter.


You can also add a shortcut to Control Panel on the desktop. Open Start > 
Settings > Personalization > Themes, under Related Settings, click Desktop icon
settings. Check the box for Control Panel, click Apply then OK.


There you have it, the Control Panel is back!

>From your humble pinhead!
Owner of the Windows 10 and Jaws group.

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

[JAWS-Users] Installing office sounds without previous versions of word installed on your computer

2017-04-15 Thread Jim Flusche
Good afternoon Jaws Users group. When I refreshed my PC, I decided to leave 
word 2010 off of my computer for now. But I could not stand to not have any 
office sounds in outlook 2016 or in word 2016. So after doing some searching 
and playing around with the below steps, I finally figured out how to get the 
office sounds working if you are just using the latest Outlook or word without 
any prior office versions on your computer.
Warning, first go to file explorer options, view tab, change to allow hidden 
folders, tab to the OK button, press enter.
Now go and download the office sounds from the Microsoft website.

  1.  Run sounds.exe - it will give you an error message.  Don't click this 
error message away.
Just leave the error message opened on your computer.
With the error message still up, go to your AppData folder (HDD:\Users\**Your 
username**\appdata\local\temp, and search for sounds.msi, and run it with
Admin rights.
*This is where I was confused for a minute.
Go to users/your users name/appdata/local/temp.
Press Control+E, for the search edit, type, sounds.msi
Now tab until you here the full path of the sound.exe file, press enter.
Say yes to users account, the office sounds install dialog will now come up for 
Follow all the prompts, close this window and the open error message window 
message you left open.
*Step two.
After this installation completes, go into Office or Word, and disable the 
option "Provide feedback with sound" if already checked, close your app, reload
and re-enable it.  If already enabled, just enable it, other words, just press 
the spacebar, make sure it is checked, tab to OK, press enter.

  *   Follow my directions, I just opened up word 2016 and did the following.

  1.  Press ALT+F, followed by the letter T, for word options.
  2.  Go to the advanced tab.
  3.  Faster to Shift+Tab, and go to, Provide feedback with sound checkbox.
  4.  I pressed the spacebar to uncheck, and pressed the spacebar to check it 
again, tab to the OK button, press enter.
  5.  Now close word 2016, open it again, you should have sounds.
  6.  This is fantastic, I finally have my sounds back in outlook 2016 and word 
2016, with no prior word products installed on my computer.

Good luck... Smiles.

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [JAWS-Users] W10 slowing down when it starts.

2017-04-13 Thread Jim Flusche
Also, turn off all background apps you are not using. Turn off all live tiles 
you are not using as well.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Kenny
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] W10 slowing down when it starts.

Take a look at your Privacy settings. I was noticing the same thing. 
Had to go in there and turn off everything that Microsoft took it upon 
themselves to turn on. My PC now loads quickly again.

Also make sure to checkout your WiFi network settings. Windows has a service 
that turns your PC into a server to transfer updates to other Windows users 
behind the scenes. Upi definitely want to disable it.

At 07:13 AM 4/13/2017, you wrote:

>Using new W10, NVDA, current browser IE. Noticing that now my PC takes 
>several minutes to restart when I restar my PC. Before it was very 
>fast. What can I do to make it fast again. Did disc cleaning.
>There is sometime in start where you can go to uncheck apps to run 
>unless you do it manually. Help please. Was able to do so with W7.
>Holger Fiallo
>For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

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Re: [JAWS-Users] Using the Refresh this PC in W-10

2017-04-13 Thread Jim Flusche
Yes, at some time in the very near future, depends how old your computer is, 
you should get a notice about your privacy settings people say.

-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Kathy Pingstock
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Using the Refresh this PC in W-10


Will the update for the  creator automatically be a part of the windows update?


-Original Message-
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Jim Flusche
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 3:08 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Using the Refresh this PC in W-10

Good morning Jaws users list, I was finally able to get the refresh this PC, to 
work for me. I tried this feature out several times a year ago, I could not get 
it to work for me. But lo-and-behold, it worked this time. I chose to keep my 
files. So after waiting for 90 minutes or so, I was on the log-in screen. Of 
course the refresh feature removed more than 20 programs and apps on my 
computer including all Freedom Scientific products, all the Jaws versions, the 
F S reader and much more. The benefit of doing a refresh, it reloads the 
windows operating system files new and fresh. So I had to turn off all live 
tiles and remove them from start. I had to uninstall all unwanted apps. I had 
to turn off all the background apps that I did not want turned on. I had to 
install Jaws and put my authorization code back into the Jaws activate window. 
I had to download and set up my office 365 again, I had to set up my outlook 
2016 email accounts again. LOL. But I believe this has fixed the issues I
  encountered after trying to manually update to the creators update and 
failing to do so. So hopefully with any luck, my computer will get updated to 
the creators update when it comes to my computer. I have learned my lesson, no 
more manually trying to update to the creators update, I will just wait. So if 
any of you decide to use this refresh your PC feature in W-10, know you will 
have to reinstall Jaws and much more. Read below and see what all was removed 
on my computer after I successfully completed the refresh my PC process.

Apps removed while refreshing your PC

App name Publisher Version

Freedom Scientific 5.0.2510.0
AMD Catalyst Install Manager Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 8.0.881.0 Apple 
Application Support (64-bit) Apple Inc. 5.4.1 Apple Mobile Device Support Apple 
Inc. Bonjour Apple Inc. Freedom Scientific FSReader
3.0 Freedom Scientific 3.3.2476.101 Freedom Scientific JAWS 17.0 Freedom 
Scientific 17.0.2729.400 Freedom Scientific JAWS 18.0 Freedom Scientific
18.0.2738.400 Freedom Scientific JAWS Training Table Of Contents DAISY Files 
Freedom Scientific 18.0.2516.0 Freedom Scientific Ocr 64 Freedom Scientific
15.0.2316.0 Freedom Scientific Talking Installer 17.0 Freedom Scientific
17.0.2729.400 Freedom Scientific Talking Installer 18.0 Freedom Scientific
18.0.2737.400 Freedom Scientific Touch Server 64 Freedom Scientific
1.0.2318.0 Freedom Scientific Video Accessibility Freedom Scientific
12.6.347.0 iTunes Apple Inc. Microsoft Office 365 - en-us Microsoft 
Corporation 16.0.7870.2031 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 
17.3.6798.0207 Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation
5.1.50906.0 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) Microsoft 
Corporation 8.0.59192 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) Microsoft 
Corporation 8.0.61000 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 
10.0.40219 Microsoft Corporation 10.0.40219 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools 
for Office Runtime (x64) Microsoft Corporation
10.0.50903 Wednesday, April 12, 2017 6:17 PM The refresh feature also remove my 
Sword searcher program, my Quinton's C game room, Microsoft office 2010, and 
sports and watch ESPN apps. So please be aware of this if you use the refresh 
feature. I think that this should fix all my issues I was having after the 
failed update to the creators update.
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

[JAWS-Users] Using the Refresh this PC in W-10

2017-04-13 Thread Jim Flusche
Good morning Jaws users list, I was finally able to get the refresh this PC, to 
work for me. I tried this feature out several times a year ago, I could not get 
it to work for me. But lo-and-behold, it worked this time. I chose to keep my 
files. So after waiting for 90 minutes or so, I was on the log-in screen. Of 
course the refresh feature removed more than 20 programs and apps on my 
computer including all Freedom Scientific products, all the Jaws versions, the 
F S reader and much more. The benefit of doing a refresh, it reloads the 
windows operating system files new and fresh. So I had to turn off all live 
tiles and remove them from start. I had to uninstall all unwanted apps. I had 
to turn off all the background apps that I did not want turned on. I had to 
install Jaws and put my authorization code back into the Jaws activate window. 
I had to download and set up my office 365 again, I had to set up my outlook 
2016 email accounts again. LOL. But I believe this has fixed the issues I
  encountered after trying to manually update to the creators update and 
failing to do so. So hopefully with any luck, my computer will get updated to 
the creators update when it comes to my computer. I have learned my lesson, no 
more manually trying to update to the creators update, I will just wait. So if 
any of you decide to use this refresh your PC feature in W-10, know you will 
have to reinstall Jaws and much more. Read below and see what all was removed 
on my computer after I successfully completed the refresh my PC process.

Apps removed while refreshing your PC

App name Publisher Version

Freedom Scientific 5.0.2510.0
AMD Catalyst Install Manager Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 8.0.881.0
Apple Application Support (64-bit) Apple Inc. 5.4.1
Apple Mobile Device Support Apple Inc.
Bonjour Apple Inc.
Freedom Scientific FSReader 3.0 Freedom Scientific 3.3.2476.101
Freedom Scientific JAWS 17.0 Freedom Scientific 17.0.2729.400
Freedom Scientific JAWS 18.0 Freedom Scientific 18.0.2738.400
Freedom Scientific JAWS Training Table Of Contents DAISY Files Freedom 
Scientific 18.0.2516.0
Freedom Scientific Ocr 64 Freedom Scientific 15.0.2316.0
Freedom Scientific Talking Installer 17.0 Freedom Scientific 17.0.2729.400
Freedom Scientific Talking Installer 18.0 Freedom Scientific 18.0.2737.400
Freedom Scientific Touch Server 64 Freedom Scientific 1.0.2318.0
Freedom Scientific Video Accessibility Freedom Scientific 12.6.347.0
iTunes Apple Inc.
Microsoft Office 365 - en-us Microsoft Corporation 16.0.7870.2031
Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 17.3.6798.0207
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation 5.1.50906.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) Microsoft Corporation 8.0.59192
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) Microsoft Corporation 8.0.61000
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 Microsoft 
Corporation 10.0.40219
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64) Microsoft 
Corporation 10.0.50903
Wednesday, April 12, 2017 6:17 PM
The refresh feature also remove my Sword searcher program, my Quinton's C game 
room, Microsoft office 2010, and sports and watch ESPN apps. So please be aware 
of this if you use the refresh feature. I think that this should fix all my 
issues I was having after the failed update to the creators update.
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

[JAWS-Users] Changes in the settings area of W-10 after today's Jaws 18 update

2017-04-11 Thread Jim Flusche
Hi group. Using the latest Jaws 18 update of today. There are now Changes in 
the way Jaws speaks in the settings area of W-10.

  1.  Now after pressing Windows key+I, you land in the search edit box, if you 
type something to look for, just press the down arrow key to see a list of 
  2.  The settings area now reads correctly with Jaws as you tab through all 
the controls, you will just hear the current control and its settings.
  3.  Tip, you must now use the touch curser to hear, you computer is up to 
date, last checked, bla, bla.
  4.  Because they finally fixed Jaws 18 to correctly read the settings area, 
you must now use the touch curser to hear the status.
Remember to use the touch curser, to use the touch cursor, press Shift+PC 
cursor, on the num pad, press the PC cursor two times quickly to go back to the 
regular PC cursor. I hope this helps you all. Smiles.

Your humble pinhead!
Owner of the W-10 and Jaws Yahoo group! Smiles.

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

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