Re: LI Princess diana Will

1998-03-19 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue from my understanding and I may be wrong on this is her personal
property, the one example they gave was her cars and clothing. That is
what I see as her "chattels" and she does give them permission to sell
her chattels.

Sue Hartigan wrote:
 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Kathy:
 This is interesting.  What are chattels, do you know?
  For those who would like to read Princess Dian's will it's at the
  following link:
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 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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LI Wednesday's Jokes

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

During an Army war game a commanding officer's jeep got stuck in the
mud. The C.O.
 saw some men lounging around nearby and asked them to help him get

 "Sorry sir," said one of the loafers, "but we've been classified dead
and the umpire
 said we couldn't contribute in any way." 

 The C.O. turned to his driver and said, "Go drag a couple of those dead
bodies over
 here and throw them under the wheels to give us some traction." 

 The Center of Disease Control in Atlanta, GA announced today that the
President has
 PROVEN that you CAN get sex from aides! 

 But someone sent me this addendum:
 There has been an unconfirmed rumour surfacing that as part of their
training, the
 President is teaching interns how to wrestle. First hold taught: a Full
Willey Nelson 

A customer in a Boston Irish pub goes up to another customer and
says, "Excuse me, but where are you from?"
"Why I'm from Ireland," comes the answer
"No kidding? Why I'm from Ireland, too! Let's have a drink to
And so they do.
Then the first customer asks, "And what city are you from?"
"Why, I'm from Dublin."
"You don't say. I'm from Dublin, too! Let's have a drink to
And so they do.
Then the first customer asks, "And what school did you go to in
"Why, I went to St Mary's."
"It can't be! I went to St. Mary's, too! Let's have a drink to
St. Mary's."
And so they do.
Then the first customer asks, "And what year did you graduate
from St. Mary's?"
"Why, I graduated in 1964."
"This is incredible. I graduated in 1964, too. Let's have a drink
to the Class of '64."
And so they do.
Another customer walks in to the bar and goes up to the bartender.
"What's up, Mike?" he asks.
"Oh, nothing unusual," says the bartender. "The O'Malley
twins are drunk again.
Top Ten Signs Your Company is going to downsize 
Offensive to CEO's

10.  Company Softball Team is converted to a Chess Club.

9.  Dr.Kevorkian is hired as an "Outplacement Coordinator".

8.  Your best looking women in Marketing are suddenly very friendly
with the dorky Personnel Manager.

7.  The beer supplied by the Company at picnics is Schlitz.

6.  Weekly yard/bake sale at Corporate Headquarters.

5.  Company President now driving a Ford Escort.

4.  Annual Company Holiday Bash moved from the Sheraton to the local
Taco Bell.

3.  Employee discount days at the local "Army  Navy Surplus Store"
are discontinued.

2.  Dental plan now consists of a Company supplied kit (String,
pliers and 2 aspirin).

1.  Your CEO has installed a dart board in his office marked with all
existing departments in the Company.
How to Loose Weight Without Exercise  

Here's the guide to calorie-burning activities and the number of 
per hour they consume.

Beating around the bush. . . . . . . . .75

Jumping to conclusions . . . . . . . . 100

Climbing the walls . . . . . . . . . . 150

Swallowing your pride. . . . . . . . . .50

Passing the buck . . . . . . . . . . . .25

Throwing your weight around
   (depending on your weight). . . .50-300

Dragging your heels. . . . . . . . . . 100

Pushing your luck. . . . . . . . . . . 250

Making mountains out of molehills. . . 500

Hitting the nail on the head . . . . . .50

Wading through paperwork . . . . . . . 300

Bending over backwards . . . . . . . .  75

Jumping on the bandwagon . . . . . . . 200

Balancing the books. . . . . . . . . . .25

Running around in circles. . . . . . . 350

Eating crow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

Tooting your own horn. . . . . . . . . .25

Climbing the ladder of success . . . . 750

Pulling out the stops. . . . . . . . . .75

Adding fuel to the fire. . . . . . . . 160

Wrapping it up at the day's end. . . . .12

To which you may want to add your own favorite activities, including:

Opening a can of worms . . . . . . . . .50

Putting your foot in your mouth. . . . 300

Starting the ball rolling. . . . . . . .90

Going over the edge. . . . . . . . . . .25

Picking up the pieces after. . . . . . 350

Counting eggs before thay hatch. . . . . 6

Calling it quits . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
ACTUAL Warnings on labels from various countries:

An insect spray boasts "Kill all insects", but adds "Warning
- harmful to bees." (Very thoughtful, that).

On the packaging of a chainsaw: "Do not try to stop chain
with hands."

Marks  Spencer bread and butter pudding has a warning
on the box bottom: "Take care - product will be hot after heating."
From Rowenta: "Do not iron clothes on body." From Boots (chain of
pharmacies  manufacturer of pharmaceuticals), on a cough syrup for
young children urges: "Do not drive car or operate machinery. Avoid
alcoholic drinks." (This must be meant for *very* precocious kids).

Label on a cigarette lighter: "Do not light flame near the face."

On the box of a kitchen knife: "Warning - may be dangerous to
children." (Translation 

Re: LI Question for Kathy

1998-03-19 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Sue,

Again, the issue with Lewinsky is that they have her on tape encouraging
Tripp to lie under oath in a deposition in the Paula Jones case.  That
has the potential for prosecution of a felony.  So she wants full

I also think there has been lying on all sides of this issue, but I think
that Clinton is much too smart to lie under oath.  So I tend to believe
what he said under oath.  I suspect that the Willey incident could have
involved a rather heavy and consensual make out session.

But everything is speculation based on what we see in the media.


On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 14:06:16 -0800 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill:

This thing has gotten so intertwined in lies from all sides, I don't
know how anyone can believe anyone anymore.  I know that the minute I
think I have it figured out someone comes up with something to refute
the person or story.

Maybe that is what they are all trying to do, confuse the issue so 
that we will all get sick of it, and that will be the end of it.

Lying under oath, seems to be no big deal here either.

Look at Monica.  Her lawyer said that she would stand by her signed
affidavit *unless* she got immunity.  :)  What is that, anyway???

 HI Sue,
 I think it's obvious that Willey lied several times.  So which story 
 we supposed to believe?

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI CBS News Won't Release Bennett Tape

1998-03-19 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Sue,

LOL...well that explains it!  


On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 16:25:14 -0800 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CBS News Won't Release Bennett Tape

   NEW YORK (AP) -- CBS News rejected a White House request
   Wednesday to release a transcript or tape of the full
   45-minute interview given by presidential lawyer Robert
   Bennett this weekend in response to Kathleen Willey.

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Re: LI Question for Kathy

1998-03-19 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hello Doctor,

Where is Jeff Goldblum when we need him. G  With our luck we would
train a shoulder fly and after a particularly interesting session between
Clinton and some woman the last thing that would happen is that Clinton
would swat and kill our fly before he could report back to us. :)


On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 17:07:28 -0800 "dr. ldmf [ph.d, j.d.]"
"dr. ldmf [ph.d, j.d.]" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill - this goes way way way back, but I recall that in describing
the "omniscient" intelligence (knows all, sees all "objectively"), 
James posited a "shoulder fly" that just perches there and observes.
Such a creature would know a lie from a truth, as far as perception,
cognition, and appearances - but then, oh well, how much truth can fit
into a fly brain? C U soon, :) LDMF.
William J. Foristal 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
 HI Sue,
 I think it's obvious that Willey lied several times.  So which story 
 we supposed to believe?
 On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 13:28:36 -0800 Sue Hartigan 
 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Bill:
 I have heard this, but the depo that says she didn't talk to anyone 
 the day she went to the WH, the same day her husband was killed, 
 *signed by her under oath*.  That makes it more important, IMO, 
 what her publisher is saying.  Although he is probably telling the
 The problem I have with this though is that Trapp says she talked 
 about what happened.  So someone is lying.  A lot of someones.
  HI Sue,
  The publisher is also saying that the original story they came to
  with concerning the book deal is a different story from what she 
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 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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LI BrainBenderz: Vera's Preference

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

-=Today's Puzzle:
 Vera prefers her dates to be tall, dark, and handsome.
 1) Of the preferred traits - tall, dark, and handsome - no two
of Adam, Boyd, Cary, and Dirk have the same number.
 2) Only Adam or Dirk is tall and fair.
 3) Only Boyd or Cary is short and handsome.
 4) Adam and Cary are either both tall or both short.
 5) Boyd and Dirk are either both dark or both fair.
 Who is tall, dark, and handsome?*
 -=Yesterday's Answer:
 One To Answer For Three - From statement 1, A must be the
 Midrorean. The statement would be false if made by the Sororean
 and true if made by the Nororean, neither of which would be
 Since statement 1 is truthful, and made by the Midrorean,
 statement 2 is false; B is the Nororean. Statement 3 is
 truthful and C must be the Sororean.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Help your gullible friends the next time you receive a virus hoax.

   Gullibility Virus Spreading over the Internet!

WASHINGTON, D.C.--The Institute for the Investigation of Irregular
Phenomena announced today that many Internet users are becoming infected
a new virus that causes them to believe without question every
story, legend, and dire warning that shows up in their inbox or on their
browser.  The Gullibility Virus, as it is called, apparently makes
believe and forward copies of silly hoaxes relating to cookie recipes,
viruses, taxes on modems, and get-rich-quick schemes.

"These are not just readers of tabloids or people who buy lottery
based on fortune cookie numbers," a spokesman said. "Most are otherwise
normal people, who would laugh at the same stories if told to them by a
stranger on a street corner."  However, once these same people become
infected with the Gullibility Virus, they believe anything they read on

"My immunity to tall tales and bizarre claims is all gone," reported one
weeping victim. "I believe every warning message and sick child story my
friends forward to me, even though most of the messages are anonymous."

Another victim, now in remission, added, "When I first heard about Good
Times, I just accepted it without question. After all, there were dozens
other recipients on the mail header, so I thought the virus must be
It was a long time, the victim said, before she could stand up at a
Anonymous meeting and state, "My name is Jane, and I've been hoaxed." 
however, she is spreading the word. "Challenge and check whatever you
she says.

Internet users are urged to examine themselves for symptoms of the
which include the following:

 o The willingness to believe improbable stories without thinking.

 o The urge to forward multiple copies of such stories to others.

 o A lack of desire to take three minutes to check to see if a story is

T. C. is an example of someone recently infected.  He told one reporter,
read on the Net that the major ingredient in almost all shampoos makes
hair fall out, so I've stopped using shampoo."  When told about the
Gullibility Virus, T. C. said he would stop reading email, so that he
not become infected.

Anyone with symptoms like these is urged to seek help immediately. 
recommend that at the first feelings of gullibility, Internet users rush
their favorite search engine and look up the item tempting them to
thoughtless credence.  Most hoaxes, legends, and tall tales have been
discussed and exposed by the Internet community.

Courses in critical thinking are also widely available, and there is
help from many sources, including:

 DOE Computer Incident Advisory Capability

 Symantec Anti Virus Research Center

 McAfee Associates Virus Hoax List

 Dr. Solomons Hoax Page

 The Urban Legends Web Site

 Urban Legends Reference Pages

 Datafellows Hoax Warnings

Those people who are still symptom free can help inoculate themselves
against the Gullibility Virus by reading some good material on
sources, such as:

 Evaluating Internet Research Sources at

 Evaluation of Information Sources at

 Bibliography on Evaluating Internet Resources at

Lastly, as a public service, Internet users can help stamp out the
Gullibility Virus by sending copies of this message to anyone who
them a hoax.


This message is so important, we're sending it anonymously!  Forward it
all your friends right away!  Don't think about it!  This is not a chain
letter! This story is true!  Don't check it out!  This story is so
there is no date on it!  This story is so important, we're using lots of
exclamation points!  Lots!!  For every message you forward to some
unsuspecting person, the Home for the Hopelessly Gullible will donate
cents to itself.  (If you wonder how the Home will know you are
these messages all over creation, you're obviously thinking too much.)



Re: LI Welcome Back Terry

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

Welcome "home".  Glad to see you back.  :)   Sue
 Hi All I want to welcome back Terry to the Law list :) It's good to have
 you back Terry and I look forward to see your posting again :)

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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LI Re: Tabloid Talks About Willey Interest

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Tabloid Talks About Willey Interest

   WASHINGTON (AP) -- A supermarket tabloid said today it
   pursued an interview with presidential accuser Kathleen
   Willey for six months, and that last month her lawyer
   indicated she might be willing to sell her story for
   Phil Bunton, editor of Star Magazine, said his
   publication countered with an offer of $50,000 to Mrs.
   Willey's lawyer, Dan Gecker, but the idea fizzled after
   Mrs. Willey gave an interview to ``60 Minutes'' last
   ``We've been trying to persuade Kathleen Willey to talk
   to us for about six months now, and basically some time
   in the last month Mr. Gecker said she might talk for
   $300,000,'' Bunton said.
   ``It seemed to be a number that he was really sort of
   fixated on and was not prepared to bend on,'' he said.
   The tabloid's disclosure, first reported in today'
   editions of The Daily News in New York, is the latest to
   raise the possibility that Mrs. Willey may have had a
   financial motive in coming forward with her allegation
   Clinton made an unwanted sexual advance.
   Court records indicate Mrs. Willey has six-figure debts
   left over from before her husband committed suicide in
   Mrs. Willey, both in the ``60 Minutes'' interview and in
   a sworn deposition in the Paula Jones sexual harassment
   lawsuit, has described the alleged advance she said
   occurred during a Nov. 29, 1993 meeting in the Oval
   Office when she came to ask the president for a paying
   job at the White House, where she was working as a
   On Wednesday, the California book publisher, Michael
   Viner, said Gecker approached him about a possible book
   deal for $300,000 but that Mrs. Willey's account last
   Sunday night on ``60 Minutes'' was ``a different story''
   from the one given by her lawyer during the book talks.
   Also Wednesday, a former friend, Julie Hiatt Steele,
   released a sworn affidavit in which she alleged Mrs.
   Willey asked her to lie about the encounter with Clinton
   to a reporter last year.
   Gecker has not returned repeated phone calls to his
   office and home in recent days seeking comment.
   Bunton said his tabloid considered the $300,000 figure
   suggested by Gecker as ``too steep for what we
   understood was basically the one incident'' with
   The editor said ``we sort of countered and said said
   maybe we would be able to pay her $50,000 but we needed
   to know what she had to say and whether it was more than
   what had been written in Newsweek'' which published an
   article last year that first disclose the Willey
   Bunton said during the discussions Gecker gave the
   magazine ``very vague, titilating hints that there was
   more to the story than what had come out at that time''
   but no specifics.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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LI Trooper: Jones Sought Out Clinton

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Trooper: Jones Sought Out Clinton
   WASHINGTON (AP) -- An Arkansas trooper who is a
   co-defendant in the Paula Jones lawsuit testified
   that she initiated a meeting with then-Gov. Bill
   Clinton in a hotel suite after remarking at a
   conference that he was ``good-looking'' and had
   ``sexy hair.''
   Trooper Danny Ferguson, in a deposition in the
   Jones case, contradicted Mrs. Jones in describing
   how events unfolded before he escorted her to
   Clinton's suite on May 8, 1991.
   Mrs. Jones contends that Clinton and Ferguson
   conspired to get her to the room, where she said
   Clinton made a crude and uninvited sexual advance.
   She said she rejected Clinton and eventually was
   denied advancement and proper raises in her job at
   the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission.
   She also maintains that Ferguson initiated the
   encounter by handing her a slip of paper with
   Clinton's room number and telling her, ``The
   governor would like to meet you.'' The state
   worker, who was at the state conference
   registration desk, says that if Clinton merely
   wanted to meet her, he could have done so in the
   hotel lobby.
   In Clinton's Jan. 17 deposition, he said he didn't
   recall ever meeting Mrs. Jones, let alone making
   an unwanted sexual advance, and has denied doing
   anything to stunt her job advancement.
   The credibility of another Clinton accuser,
   Kathleen Willey, was challenged by a former
   friend, Julie Hiatt Steele. In a sworn affidavit
   made public Wednesday, Ms. Steele said Mrs. Willey
   asked her to lie about a 1993 incident in which
   Mrs. Willey alleged Clinton made an unwelcome
   sexual advance.
   Ms. Steele's affidavit said she had never heard of
   the 1993 encounter when Mrs. Willey called her in
   1997 and asked her to tell a reporter that Mrs.
   Willey had confided the entire episode to her
   right after it happened.
   ``Mrs. Willey also asked me to describe her
   demeanor at the time as 'upset, humiliated,
   disappointed and harassed,''' Ms. Steele said in
   the affidavit.
   The House was struggling with what, if anything,
   it would do about Clinton allegations now being
   investigated by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.
   Majority Leader Dick Armey of Texas said that if
   Starr refers Clinton allegations to the House, the
   Judiciary Committee should handle it, while
   Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia has broached the
   possibility of establishing a special committee
   for the job.
   The Washington Post reported that Gingrich and
   Judiciary Chairman Henry Hyde, R-Ill., agreed
   Wednesday to have a small group of House members,
   primarily from Hyde's committee, conduct the
   initial examination of Starr's evidence.
   Two senior House Republican aides, speaking on
   condition of anonymity, told The Associated Press
   that Gingrich and Hyde were close to an agreement.
   In another development, William Ginsburg, the
   lawyer for White House intern Monica Lewinsky,
   said he will be more cautious about talking to the
   media. ``I've learned a lot and I'm perfectly big
   enough to admit mistakes. I think I'm overexposed.
   I think I need to back off quite a bit now,'' he
   In the Jones case, Trooper Ferguson said in a Dec.
   10 videotaped deposition that on May 8, 1991,
   Clinton had delivered the opening speech at the
   government conference in Little Rock's Excelsior
   Hotel, then mingled with reporters and
   participants and eventually chatted with Mrs.
   Jones and another state worker.
   Although the gist of Ferguson's story has been
   known previously, his deposition provides the most
   detailed account of his version and is his first
   sworn testimony on the matter.
   A transcript of Ferguson's deposition was among
   700 pages of material filed by Mrs. Jones late
   last Friday in Little Rock -- along with Clinton's
   own deposition and one from Mrs. Willey.
   ``They were kind of giggling about the governor's
   pants being too short,'' testified Ferguson, who
   was Clinton's bodyguard that day. ``And they --
   she (Mrs. Jones) said that she thought he was
   good-looking, had sexy hair, wanted me to tell him

LI Re: Prosecutor Proposes Ray Furlough

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Prosecutor Proposes Ray Furlough

   MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -- A prosecutor is floating the idea
   of James Earl Ray receiving a medical furlough if he
   admits he killed Martin Luther King Jr., but his lawyer
   says that's out of the question.
   The 70-year-old Ray, seriously ill with liver disease,
   was denied a furlough last year. But prosecutor John
   Campbell said Wednesday that authorities ``may look at
   (Ray) a little differently if he just came clean and
   said, `I did this.' That might be the only option he's
   Ray defense lawyer Wayne Chastain said his client would
   rather die in prison than accept those terms.
   ``He's not going to confess to something he didn't do,''
   Chastain told The Commercial Appeal on Wednesday. ``Ray
   has made his position clear.''
   Ray pleaded guilty in 1969 to killing King, who was shot
   to death in Memphis on April 4, 1968, and received a
   99-year prison sentence. But he recanted his plea days
   after making it and has been seeking a trial since. Ray
   claims he was framed for the killing, though the gun
   prosecutors say was used to kill King was found at the
   scene with Ray's fingerprints on it.
   Ray, suffering from cirrhosis of the liver and other
   problems, has been hospitalized repeatedly in the past 1
   1/2 years, most recently March 8. He slipped into a coma
   March 11, but has since regained consciousness. He was
   listed in serious condition Wednesday.
   Campbell said he has received a series of phone calls
   from Ray defense attorney William Pepper seeking freedom
   for Ray. Campbell said he told Pepper ``my door is
   always open'' to discuss a furlough, but stressed only
   the state Department of Correction may grant one.
   State law allows furloughs of indeterminate length for
   inmates ``in imminent peril of death'' so they may spend
   their final months with loved ones and receive special

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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LI Re: Anita Hill Remarks Haunt Clinton

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Anita Hill Remarks Haunt Clinton

   WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Clinton is learning that
   his own words can hurt him just as much as those of
   Republicans and other critics.
   GOP lawmakers took remarks made years ago by
   then-presidential candidate Bill Clinton about Anita
   Hill's sexual harassment claims and aimed them directly
   at the White House on Wednesday.
   On Capitol Hill, they circulated copies of comments made
   about the 1991 confirmation hearings of Supreme Court
   nominee Clarence Thomas. Democrats at the time supported
   Hill and defended her sexual harassment allegations
   against Thomas.
   In an October 1991 interview, Clinton blamed lawmakers
   of both parties for conducting a Senate hearing ``that
   reminded me of a trial where someone accuses someone
   else of a sexual offense and then an attempt is made to
   destroy the character of the victim.''
   The campaign Wednesday was an attempt by Republicans to
   counter the White House release earlier this week of
   numerous friendly letters written to Clinton by Kathleen
   Willey, who claims Clinton made a sexual pass at her.
   The letters display a friendship between the two and
   some are even signed, ``Fondly.'' Presidential aides
   apparently released the letters to discredit Mrs.
   Republicans also searched the news archives for remarks
   by Vice President Al Gore -- then a senator from
   Tennessee -- and pulled out a floor speech in which he
   explained his vote against Thomas' confirmation.
   ``One of the things we've all been learning about on the
   subject of sexual harassment is what goes on inside the
   mind of a victim, which sometimes leads that person to
   keep silent about it and to continue maintaining a
   facade of friendship and an outward relationship so long
   as that secret is kept,'' Gore said.
   In another October 1991 interview, Clinton explained why
   he found both Hill and Thomas credible in their
   ``I believed them both a little bit,'' he said. ``My
   feeling after listening to the whole thing was that the
   truth was something that will never come out, that in
   their own way they both felt they were telling the

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Many people don't take this report seriously, so I am just putting it
here because I thought it interesting.  Consider the source.   Sue


**Contains Graphic Description**

While prosecutors in Kenneth Starr's office have not yet decided exactly
what to include in their report to Congress regarding the Monica
mess, one theme of concern is already taking place behind the scenes on
Capitol Hill: How explicit is Starr's report going to be! 

House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde
Wednesday and agreed to send a small group of House members to examine
evidence assembled by Starr's investigation, reports Thursday's
POST. The members hope to determine if there is any basis for the
to consider impeachment charges. 

What will they find? 

A national television audience last week may have heard Kathleen Willey
describe in graphic detail what she says was an unwanted sexual advance
the president, but, according to sources familiar with Lewinsky's tale,
Willey specifics are Disney compared to the story the former White House
intern relayed to friends -- including conversations caught on tape with
co-worker Linda Tripp. 

There is concern on The Hill that the political scandal may very well
Triple-X once transcripts of Lewinsky/Tripp conversations are given to
Congress, or otherwise become public. 

As one senior congressional source explained to the DRUDGE REPORT: "No
here is looking forward to hearings on Monica Lewinsky's description of
President Clinton's penis size." 

Lewinsky's graphic descriptions of what she claims was a sexual affair
the president has been the talk of the underground since the scandal

Example: As reported in this space last month, Lewinsky confided in
details of a sexual encounter with Clinton that took place on the carpet
the Oval Office -- on the carpet of the presidential seal! 

It is not known if Lewinsky was exaggerating her contact with Clinton in
conversations, but investigators have also been briefed on a supposed
sexual episode Clinton had with Lewinsky as Clinton talked on the phone
with then presidential adviser Dick Morris -- while Dick Morris himself
engaging in a sexual episode with a prostitute. 

Lewinsky called the session "Quadraphonic sex," a source close to the
situation tells the DRUDGE REPORT. Dick Morris has strongly denied the
episode ever took place. "If she's saying that stuff, the girl is really
outer space." 

Congressional hearings that may include these stories, as well as
will be unprecedented in American history. 

The vision of congressmen exploring the torment Lewinsky said she went
through after the president refused sexual penetration during one
for example, is a nightmare scenario. 

"I continue to feel horror at the abuse of power and emotional anguish
has endured," Linda Tripp explained in a statement after the Lewinsky
broke. Tripp is set to tell-all to the grand jury in the coming weeks. 

What sex evidence will eventually be passed to Congress is a debate that
has been under way inside of Starr's office, the DRUDGE REPORT has
Starr's office is currently working on a draft report. 

Thursday's WASHINGTON POST reveals that the independent counsel's office
has not yet decided whether to supplement their Lewinsky report -- which
hopes to complete within two or three months -- "with evidence
there have been patterns of perjury and obstruction in other areas of
Whitewater financial investigation, or to treat Whitewater issues in a
separate report." 

Sue Schmidt breaking news again... And anxiety is beginning on The Hill. 

"We are not looking forward to turning the hearings into the Jerry
show," one well-placed congressional source said late Wednesday. "We
keep dignity and decorum, we will not present anything pornographic to

What evidence actually will find its way into public view may all depend
who chairs the House committee looking into the matter, who gets the

"If it's Henry Hyde... well, there is no way he will explore sex in much
detail," said a Hill source. 

Sentiments also echoed over at Justice. 

A staffer in Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder's office recently
whispered: "This is about the law." 

But while investigators and congressional leaders publicly maintain that
Starr's search is focused on potential crimes of obstruction of justice,
witness-tampering and perjury, it's the graphic sexual dynamic swirling
around some of the possible crimes that may have Capitol Hill blushing

X X X X X 


Vernon Jordan is still waiting to see just what Starr's grand jury does
with the conflicting evidence that has been presented before them. After
Jordan testified before the 

LI House Group to Look At Starr's Evidence

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and Judiciary Committee
Chairman Henry J. Hyde (R-Ill.) met yesterday and agreed to send a small
group of House members to examine evidence assembled by independent
counsel Kenneth W. Starr's investigation of President Clinton to
if there is any basis for the committee to consider impeachment charges,
according to officials who had been briefed by both men.

No timetable was set, but the officials said they contemplate
contacts in the near future with Starr on the status of his four-year

Neither Gingrich nor Hyde has met with Starr, and their plans appeared
be proceeding on a separate track from those of the independent counsel.
Lawyers in Starr's office are working on a draft report for Congress but
have not yet determined its scope or timing.

The Gingrich-Hyde agreement came after several days of public sparring
over leaks suggesting Gingrich might bypass the Judiciary Committee --
traditional venue for impeachment -- and appoint a select committee to
consider the Clinton case. Officials said the speaker and the veteran
Republican emerged from their one-on-one meeting "in tandem" on how
the first steps toward possible consideration of impeachment charges

Their plan envisages appointment of a small group of House members,
drawn primarily but perhaps not exclusively from Hyde's committee. The
select panel would examine evidence assembled by Starr's probe of
financial transactions by Clinton and his wife, primarily during the
and the more recent allegations of Clinton's lying about his relations
with a
number of women and trying to obstruct justice related to their
Hyde, who bridled at earlier suggestions that Gingrich might preempt his
committee, told the speaker he would be willing to accept some members
from outside the committee in order to assure broader support in the
House for whatever recommendations the smaller group might make,
officials said.

Sources have said Gingrich is concerned that some of the more partisan
junior Republicans on the committee might damage the credibility of

Gingrich and Hyde agreed the panel would be bipartisan, presumably
meaning that the Democratic leadership would decide the makeup of the
minority side.

Hyde recommended that the group examine Starr's evidence at the office
of the independent counsel to avoid being bound by House rules making
material in the files of any standing committee available to any member
the House. He said that would give Starr assurance that evidence
critical to
possible future criminal prosecutions would not become public
Officials said the speaker and Hyde agreed that if the small group
it had seen evidence sufficient to suggest the possibility of an
offense, it might ask Starr to sum up the case against Clinton and ask
president's attorneys to offer their rebuttal.

Only then, according to the plan, would this group recommend to the
Judiciary Committee whether a formal impeachment investigation be

Starr's office already is preparing a report for Congress detailing the
evidence of possible perjury and obstruction by Clinton in the Monica S.
Lewinsky matter. The independent counsel's office has not yet decided
whether to supplement that report -- which it hopes to complete within
or three months -- with evidence suggesting there have been patterns of
perjury and obstruction in other areas of the Whitewater financial
investigation, or to treat Whitewater issues in a separate report.

Starr's office also has been considering timing and procedural issues
could be dramatically affected by the current Gingrich-Hyde scenario.
Prosecutors have been mulling how quickly to dispatch the report --
whether, for example, to send it promptly even if it's not entirely
or to wait until testimony from all witnesses before Starr's grand jury
obtained, according to lawyers who have some knowledge of discussions
taking place among them.

Lewinsky, whose claims of a sexual relationship with Clinton in
tape-recorded conversations with a friend sparked the current phase of
investigation, has not yet testified. For nearly two months, her lawyers
been sparring with prosecutors in an attempt to obtain complete immunity
for any testimony. Starr has threatened her with prosecution for perjury
related to an affidavit in which she denied any sexual relationship with
president, and the matter still could take many months to resolve.

As Starr's prosecutors begin drafting their report, knowledgeable
said they are concerned that they not look as if they are acting in a
manner -- either by rushing the report or taking so long that its
coincides with the fall election campaign.

Prosecutors also have been considering whether they need any sort of
court approval to send to Congress 

Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill:

I agree I don't think that it would ever leave her mind either.  But I
do think that under the circumstances that it would not be the first and
most important thing on her mind either.

I also think that if it did happen, over a period of a couple of months
or so when her mind was on her husbands death and the financial
problems, that the death of a spouse can bring on, possibly she talked
to Clinton as well as Hillary and the incident became less important to
her.  Or at the very least not something that she would dwell on.  Maybe
he even apologized to her, and they decided to put it away and try to
get on with their friendship.

This of course is just speculation, but I can honestly see it happening
this way.

Didn't I see news footage of Hillary and Clinton at her husbands
funeral.  I think I did.

 HI Sue,
 Yes the letters were dated and they were after the alleged incident.
 Also, she was very active in campaigning for Clinton's re-election in
 I would think that her tragedy with her husband would have created an
 even higher level of anger and indignation about the incident if it
 happened the way she describes it.  I can understand why she would not
 want to report it, however.
 But I don't think something like that would ever leave her mind.  It
 would have to be a very traumatic thing to go through.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill:

LOL you are right about that.  :)  I used to be able to pretty much tell
exactly when Simpson was going to show up again, because everytime
things got quiet, there he was.  Every two weeks for him.  :)

This isn't going to go away until they finally have some sort of
hearings in congress about this.  And with the popularity that this man
has with the American public, there is no way that they are ever going
to impeach him, IMO.

 HI Sue,
 He came across much better on LKL, IMO, but Bennett doesn't have a very
 compelling presentation no matter where he is.  The most noticeable
 difference was that he was prepared for the LKL appearance and I don't
 think he was prepared for the 60 Minutes appearance.
 Clinton was responding to reporters after his appearance at the high
 school.  That's all they want to ask him about these days.  Have you
 noticed the trend where as soon as things start to get quiet something
 radical happens to stir things up again?

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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LI Welcome Back Terry

1998-03-19 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi All I want to welcome back Terry to the Law list :) It's good to have
you back Terry and I look forward to see your posting again :)
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Welcome Back Terry

1998-03-19 Thread hallinan


Hi All I want to welcome back Terry to the Law list :) It's good to have
you back Terry and I look forward to see your posting again :)
Kathy E

Thanks, Kathy and Sue.  It will take me a while to learn who is here and
what you all are talking about.  I will confine myself for now to posting a
general interest article on governmental operations.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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LI A Word From the Leftwing of The Vast Rightwing Conspiracy

1998-03-19 Thread hallinan



by Doug Ireland

[Excerpts from an article in "The Nation."  Doug Ireland was onetime
media critic for the "Village Voice."]

[The "Frank rule" for outing homosexuals is named for Barney Frank who
ended an orgy of gay bashing by rightwingers by threatening to name
some of their own.  The rule, naturally, is that it is permissible to
out gays only to stop gay bashing by the outees.]

The first indication that the Clinton White House might be violating
the Frank rule came in late February, when MSNBC reported that Clinton
loyalists had been leaking derogatory rumors about members of the
independent counsel Kenneth Starr's staff, including matters of
"sexual preference..."

As both a journalist and as someone who's gay, my interest was
sparked, and I began making calls to determine whether the outing
accusations were true.  Three members of the media confirmed to me
that Sidney Blumenthal, the White House media counselor, had indeed
been spreading such stories.  They'd heard him do it.  These reputable
members of the Beltway media agreed to tell me what they knew only if
guaranteed complete anonymity; they were afraid of losing access to
White House sources, and of possible reprisals.  Two said
that Blumenthal told them directly of the same-sex orientation of a
member of Starr's staff, and third said he had been present for a
conversation in which Blumenthal made such a comment to a third

The claims about Blumenthal's activities go beyond Starr's office.  On
the February 25 "Nightline," ABC's Chris Bury reported that Blumenthal
"is not only suspected [of] leaking damaging material about Starr's
staff, sources tell "Nightline" he has been disparaging aggressive
reporters on the Lewinsky story to their colleagues in the media."
Two of the members of the media I spoke to about the Starr allegations
also said Blumenthal had described at least two other media figures to
them as gay.  One of those sources, as well as other people who know
Blumenthal, described him as as fascinated by sexual gossip that they
said he recycles as part of his defense of the Clintons.

When I called Blumenthal, he branded the outing charges a "complete
lie." When told my sources said they had heard the outing information
from his lips, he reiterated, "They did not."  People who know
Blumenthal maintain that he is not a homophobe. 

[Interesting.  A recruit perhaps who must overcome his reluctance to
bash gays. :-} ]

Reporters' fears of White House retribution are hardly groundless.
The excellent new book by "Washington Post" media reporter Howard
Kurtz, "Spin Cycle:  Inside the Clinton Propaganda Machine" (Free
Press), recounts how Blumenthal, "still writing for 'The New Yorker'
but increasingly whispering political advice to Hillary," had dreamed
up an attack on "Washington Post" reporter Susan Schmidt for her
coverage of the Clinton scandals that was to be used to undermine the
respected reporter with her newspaper.  Although dissemination of the
critical assault on Schmidt was eventually squelched by presidential
press secretary Mike McCurry, Kurtz's book is replete with details of
other reporters considered guilty of lese-majeste who were frozen
out of White House access or had complaints lodged against them with
their bosses.

While I was making my inquiries, a column by Michael Kelly, a senior
writer for "National Journal," appeared in the March 5 "Post" under
the heading "Clinton's Whisperers."  Kelly wrote:  "One particularly
aggressive campaign involves a prosecutor who is a bachelor, and who
has been the subject of smears concerning both his professional
conduct and his past sex life...Other recent calls to Starr's office
from journalists reportedly have concerned such pertinent matters as
whether a member of the investigation was a closeted homosexual and
whether another person was involved in a sexual relationship with a

Such conduct constitutes a fraud and a deception on gays who voted
overwhelmingly for Clinton, who in both his '92 and '96 campaigns
received millions of gay-raised dollars...

[The wily Chinese Communists got more for their money.  There have
been quite tangible benefits for them.]
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Au Pair: Update/Kathy

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill:

Actually after hearing the interview I agree with you about her going to
London.  This interview was done by a British television station, and
really showed the bias.  And actually it was kinda boring, IMO.

But I did notice one thing, unless it was set up, the people of the
little town she comes from are really behind her.  They have the yellow
ribbons hung all over town and are waiting for her return.  A lot of
them are antiAmerican when it comes to our justice system, and feel that
Louise got screwed over.

Maybe it would be better for all concerned if she was just sent home,
with time served.  Not for the Eapins of course, but for everyone else.

 Hi Sue,
 I would bet that she would be just as reliable as the people they now
 have working those jobs.  Perhaps more so. :)
 And I doubt that the people who supported her and contributed money to
 her will be upset because she chooses to live in London.  I think they
 were just happy to see her get out of jail.
 The media tends to make such a big deal out of these cases that we tend
 to lose our perspective on things.  I suspect that once the appeals court
 rules this will gradually slip out of the public interest.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-19 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Sue,

Your speculation is as good as anyone else's on this matter.  Who knows
what really went through her mind.  Now I hear that she and her lawyer
were talking to the Star about them buying her story back in February.


On Thu, 19 Mar 1998 10:47:35 -0800 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill:

I agree I don't think that it would ever leave her mind either.  But I
do think that under the circumstances that it would not be the first 
most important thing on her mind either.

I also think that if it did happen, over a period of a couple of 
or so when her mind was on her husbands death and the financial
problems, that the death of a spouse can bring on, possibly she talked
to Clinton as well as Hillary and the incident became less important 
her.  Or at the very least not something that she would dwell on.  
he even apologized to her, and they decided to put it away and try to
get on with their friendship.

This of course is just speculation, but I can honestly see it 
this way.

Didn't I see news footage of Hillary and Clinton at her husbands
funeral.  I think I did.

 HI Sue,
 Yes the letters were dated and they were after the alleged incident.
 Also, she was very active in campaigning for Clinton's re-election 
 I would think that her tragedy with her husband would have created 
 even higher level of anger and indignation about the incident if it
 happened the way she describes it.  I can understand why she would 
 want to report it, however.
 But I don't think something like that would ever leave her mind.  It
 would have to be a very traumatic thing to go through.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill:

Although I do agree with you that no one should be convicted on sexual
harassment just because someone accuses them of it.  But you do have to
admit, there rarely is any hard evidence in cases like this.  It usually
is a he said she said situation.  So then what do you do?

I didn't follow the Army sex case, but here was a situation of five
women who all said that they were sexually assaulted, harassed, etc. 
And no one believed them.  So what is a woman or a man, in some cases
suppose to do.  

 HI Doc,
 LOL...look for the deep pockets.  I feel very sorry for anyone who is
 sexually harassed and does not have the solid evidence to prove it.  But
 I don't think the answer is to simply convict people based on what
 someone accuses when there is no solid evidence.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill:

I know, I read that.  I have to agree her credibility is shot.  Even if
what she said happened, I doubt that anyone is going to believe her now.

Did you hear about the model in New York that came forward saying
Clinton went after her?  It has come out that she has a rap sheet, a
very long rap sheet for bad checks, and other such things.

Why do these people come forward when they know that their entire
history is going to be splashed all over the papers.  I can't figure
that one out.

 HI Sue,
 Your speculation is as good as anyone else's on this matter.  Who knows
 what really went through her mind.  Now I hear that she and her lawyer
 were talking to the Star about them buying her story back in February.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-19 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-19 15:21:10 EST, you write:

 I didn't follow the Army sex case, but here was a situation of five
 women who all said that they were sexually assaulted, harassed, etc. 
 And no one believed them.  So what is a woman or a man, in some cases
 suppose to do.  

Sue, I don't think it's necessarily true that no one believed them.  A jury
cannot convict just because it "believes" something.  There must be evidence.
And in this, as in most similar cases, the evidence was lacking.  (My off the
cuff answer to your rhetorical question is, don't get mad, get even.)

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Re: LI Re: EMF/Jackie

1998-03-19 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill

There is some stuff written on this but I can't recall where I read it.  Let
me check a few sources and see what I can find on it.  I know attitude has
some bearing on why some people seem to be able to fight the odds, but I
don't remember what factors were included in this.


William J. Foristal wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

 Hi Jackie,

 I think that religious beliefs will always have to depend on faith
 instead of proof.  I like to think that scientists choose their areas of
 research based on what will be of most benefit to mankind, but I know
 that is wishful thinking.  But I DO think it's worth studying why some
 people seem to be able to fight for survival against certain diseases and
 trauma while others die quickly without much of a fight.  Is there
 something that can be taught that would enable everyone to fight for
 their life in these situations?


 On Tue, 17 Mar 1998 05:41:05 -0600 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Bill
 That is a good question--maybe that is why scientists in some respects
 away from studying these phenomena.  Or it might strengthen religion
 people could observe that a person does have a soul (life force) and
 there are miracles because there are rare instances where this
 does not follow the laws of nature.  H, I guess I just don't know.
 William J. Foristal wrote:

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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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St Louis was Re: LI Re: Disparity in Infant Mortality Rates

1998-03-19 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill

Yep, that was the mansion.  It was really interesting.  We also drove to the
haunted place on the campus of the university.  Was great fun as it was
something so different to do.  Was even more fun that the tour of Budweiser.
We also went to the Masters and Johnson Institute, the zoo, and the art
gallery.  See what we profs. do when we attend conferences : ).  I guess it
is a "go" for me to attend a 2 day seminar in Seattle this summer, but won't
be able to have much free time at this one.  Don't tell Kathy, but it is a
computer seminar.  Wouldn't she just ROTF.  The great computer genius (me) is
going to a conference so she can show others at school how to make good use
of their computers--hahahaha.


William J. Foristal wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

 Hi Jackie,

 I know that when I went there it was a bastion of liberal thinking amidst
 a rather conservative neighborhood.  This was during the Vietnam War and
 I remember students protesting the war being allowed time to make brief
 statements to classes about why they opposed the war.

 But I graduated in '73 and, aside from an annual donation, did not keep
 up with what was going on with respect to their curriculum.  I'll see if
 I can find out about the sociology department.

 I know the restaurant you are talking about.  I think it's the old Lemp
 mansion.  Lemp was a prominent brewery in early St. Louis.  And we did
 have a lot of ghosts in our city so the haunted houses are no surprise.


 On Tue, 17 Mar 1998 05:37:07 -0600 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Oh, oh, Bill
 I think it was Washington U., they were gossiping about.  I think it
 talked so much because Washington faculty and administration were well
 to be truly independent.  They are suppose to have dropped sociology
 as a
 separate department and combined it with something else.  No longer
 topic of gossip though in academia.  When I was in St Louis went on a
 haunted house tour--very interesting--you got a chance to see the city
 in a
 different way.  Went to that resturant that is in that once
 home.  The one that had a tunnel to the brewery he opened from his
 William J. Foristal wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
  Hi Jackie,
  There are several universities in St. Louis.  University of Missouri
  a campus there.  Washington University (my alma mater) where John
  Danforth, one of the Ralston Purina heirs is chancellor.  Webster
  University, Fontbonne, and a few others I can't remember right now.
  And there are a lot of companies like Anheuser Busch and Ralston
  that have their roots based in St. Louis.
  On Sat, 14 Mar 1998 02:41:32 -0600 Jackie Fellows
  Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hi Bill
  Is the U of St Louis the only college there??  I can't remember.
  is the
  college that had Laud Humphreys as a faculty member.  The gossip is
  that the
  faculty could not get along at all--differences in sociological
  etc.  Part of the reason was that Humphreys was thought to have
  unethical research for his dissertation.  The administration said
  making a combined department--can't remember the title they gave
  behavioral sciences or something like that--because of money
  considerations.  But, of course, other reasons were thought by
  Oh the
  trivia you pick up sometimes in gossip.
  I really don't know much about Monsanto, so can't comment on what
  But, St. Louis does have quite a bit of old wealth there don't
  they--Budweiser, etc.  Went on a tour of haunted houses in St.
  when I was at my first conference.  Very interesting city in more
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 In the sociology room the children learn
 that even dreams are colored by your perspective
 I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"
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Re: LI Friday The 13th: Evil Or Excuse? It doesn't hurt to be prepared:

1998-03-19 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I bet Kathy is thanking you too.  See Kathy, your
teaching paid off--the learner is now a teacher bg.  I will try this the next time I
surf as a test.  Boy, wait this  I go to the computer seminar--they will really be
impressed, don't you think.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Jackie:

 Jusst highlight the address, then press control and c.  Then go to where
 you want it put and press control and v.  And you have it.  That was
 part of my year long lesson Kathy gave me.  :)

  Hi Sue
  Now the big question--if I go to the site and want to included the address in an
  e-mail to someone, how do I make a link??  I know I have an insert icon and it
  says link, but I really don't know what to do with it.  Oh the brilliance of me,
  sometimes.  I have all this modern technology, but don't know what to do with what
  I have.

 May the leprechauns be near you to spread luck along your way.  And may
 all the Irish angels smile upon you this St. Patrick's Day.

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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: LI Sleep Apnea

1998-03-19 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

You know the ole' saying--if men had the first child.  That may be a good area to 
be included
in pre-nuptial instructions (?) that many churches now require.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Jackie:

 Well let me put it this might just get in the way of any further
 activities that bring on new ones.  BG

 Yes, please let me know what you think of the book.  :)

  Hi Sue
  Don't know if that was one of the intentions of the manufacturer's, but might be a 
100% safe
  measure of birth control VBG
  BTW--the book arrived--thanks so much.  Looking forward to reading it.

 May the leprechauns be near you to spread luck along your way.  And may
 all the Irish angels smile upon you this St. Patrick's Day.

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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: LI This may be -- probably is -- a lie, but........

1998-03-19 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Doc

Guess you are the only lucky one, but of course I am not on AOL : )


DocCec wrote:

 DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Did all of you get this, or am I just one of the lucky ones?

 Date:   98-03-18 05:12:07 EST

 Breaking News Report For AOL Members Only !

 A news source close to the Monica Lewinsky investigation says that Kenneth
 Starr, the independent council investigating president Clinton’s alleged
 sexual improprieties, has been caught on video tape soliciting sexual favors
 from elderly male prostitutes in the employ of televangialist Jerry Falwell.
 It is not clear at this time why Mr. Falwell employs male prostitutes, but
 according to an unidentified source one or more of the gay prostitutes has
 come forward and implicated Kenneth Starr and Jerry Falwell in a romantic
 The source tells AOL that Mr. Falwell is in tears. Falwell’s spokesman says,
 “Jerry is extremely angry and upset and has threatened to go on the Sam and
 Cokie show and tell all.” Mr. Starr was reportedly seen fleeing his offices
 and clutching a large leather object with straps. A strange pall of silence
 has fallen over Washington. A spokesman from Starr’s office, while smirking
 and winking, has reportedly said that Mr. Starr and Falwell had been “very
 close” friends. Starr’s investigation into the Clinton sex scandal has
 apparently gone on hold while Starr’s staff desperately scramble to find a way
 to defuse these latest shocking allegations to rock Washington.
 More on this fast breaking story as further developments leak.

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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: LI Jim McDougal

1998-03-19 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

I guess the pollers didn't ask any independents then or even someone who has no 
professed party
affliation.  Geez, now I can't have an opinion of my own that isn't influenced by my 
political leanings,
excuse me all to heck.

Had my students do a little off-the-cuff exercises.  Asked them to tell me what they 
would do if they had
to meet with a person they had heard was a womanizer.  How would they handle it??  My 
18 year old males
and females had more moxy than Ms Willey.  I guess that is why I didn't find it so 
credible in the first
place.  I guess I agree with Doc in this respect.

IMO, once again, we see the idea of the woman who should have all the rights, but bear 
responsibility for the consequences that occur when she takes unnecessary risks.  Yes, 
all these women had
the right to expect not to be harassed, but knowing the reputation of Clinton if all 
the stories can be
believed, didn't they also have the responsibility to cut down their risks of being 
harassed?  Just a


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Jackie:

 I really found her very credible.  She just seems like she was telling
 the truth.

 But now that the letters and the book deal has come out, I dunno,
 I keep going back to the fact that Starr has been trying all these years
 to get something on the President, and so far he has been unable to.
 This time though there is no doubt that either she is lying or the
 President is lying.  Let's see if she gets brought up on charges of

 The latest poll taken say that the majority of the men in the country
 thought that she was telling the truth, whereas the majority of the
 women thought otherwise.

 But someone tonight explained that as being that the majority of the men
 are Republicans whereas the majority of the women are Democrats.  BG


  Hi Sue
  I don't know who leaked it finally, but I would imagine someone at the Pentagon 
after the digging
  started.  Somehow I wonder if Tripp doesn't have a direct hotline to someone or 
something--like you
  say, she is always there in the background.
  I watched 60 Minutes too, as did Ed.  Ed found her very creditable, but I was a 
little cynical.  I
  kept wavering back and forth as she talked.  I can see ole Bill (C) doing the 
number with Jones and
  Lewinsky, but somehow I would think he was a little smarter than to try it with 
one of his friend's
  wife out of the clear blue sky.  I am not saying that she invited this if it 
occurred, but common
  sense tells me most people don't sh## in their own backyards, so to speak.  It 
seemed in some
  instances though that she was trying to close up some of the arguments that the 
defense could
  suggest in the Lewinsky affair.  One thing I caught (or thought I heard)--it 
wasn't in the Oval
  office, but his study, right??  Little detail, I know, but those little details 
are sometimes
  important.  Another thing that bothered me somewhat is the naive, hesitant little 
girl that was on
  60 Minutes (my, my, such cynicism this morning).  This is no 21 year old intern 
and this was someone
  who did not want the story public.  If someone had made my story public, I would 
not be this
  hesitant little woman--I would be angry that a friend had made a pass and a friend 
had made it
  public and drew me into this mess.  But, I am not Willey.
  I have a tough time with Bennett sometimes--he is a good example of the good ole' 
boy network and
  their ideas about women.  Remember his remark about Jones?  And, sometimes I feel 
he is about to
  make another wonderful statement like he did then.
  So I am still waiting--but I still think the money could be spent in better places 
and I am
  wondering more about the deal where a private citizen cannot bring up ethics 
charges on a
  Congressperson, only another Congressperson is allowed to do that.  Hmm.

 May the leprechauns be near you to spread luck along your way.  And may
 all the Irish angels smile upon you this St. Patrick's Day.

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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: LI Another Woman

1998-03-19 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill

You know I can't help but wonder why the producers of 60 Minutes didn't ask
themselves why Willey was so willing to come on the program and tell her
devastating tale?  I know I would wonder after she was previously a reluctant
witness.  This whole mess to me really has gotten to me a "let's win--no
matter what methods we use to win" on both sides.  Truly a sad commentary on
our political process.   I guess my skepticism when I watched her on 60
Minutes saved me from feeling any letdown when all this other stuff became
public.  The one thing that really riled me the most, however, was the
reaction of the feminists to this whole thing.  To me, they sent out an
implicit message to all women that you had better be seen as a "worthy" cause
to be defended.  I may have been the only woman that felt that, but I hope
not, especially after hearing a feminist badmouth a woman commentator for
daring to question Willey's allegations as she was a woman and should be
standing up for her.  I know that I am not being clear in voicing my thoughts
about this, but hope you know what I mean.


William J. Foristal wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

 Hi Jackie,

 Well now we know a possible motive for Willey.  Apparently she has a book
 deal in the works.  Guess she gave up on Clinton finding her a job and
 decided this might be an easier way for her to get out of debt.  If the
 book deal is a fact and not a spin.


 On Tue, 17 Mar 1998 06:16:23 -0600 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Sue and Dr. L
 Here comes the ole' devil's advocate here.
 Question:  if Willey was so concerned about her husband's whereabouts,
 was she making an appointment to see the President to ask for a job??
 Wouldn't she be trying to find out where he was??  Where did the
 commit suicide (home, office, ?).
 Second question:  if Willey was one of the Clintons friends, which it
 like they were, and Bill was really the 'womanizer--no time for work,
 sexual games guy' that people are alleging, then she would surely be
 of his reputation--why would she believe he wouldn't do the same to
 her ??
 ("I just couldn't believe this was happening") Remember she asked for
 meeting, and I guess as a female I learned very young how to avoid
 situations where I had to be alone with a man who was a known
 womanizer--brought a friend, wandered in and sat down in a more public
 to talk with him, etc..  This is not to excuse his behavior if he
 really is
 doing these things--hanging by his genitals might be an appropriate
 punishment.  (I wonder though how he got this far in public life if he
 as horney as is implied by all these "true confessions" we are hearing
 and had such poor lack of control over his physical responses.  All I
 see is
 a walking "h#$%-on" if all these stories are to be believed.  (I
 for my language here).
 Her story credible--yes, so was Mata Hari.  Her telling of the story
 theatrical--yes.  The makeup was perfect, the hesitant little wounded
 demeanor was perfect, her emotions needed a little more rehearsal.
 Now to poor, maligned Bill, if you believe the w.h..  His story
 credible--not really.  His telling of the story theatrical--yes.  I
 have cast a better actor for the soap opera we are now staying tuned
 to on a
 daily basis, especially weekends when we know something will break.
 at the Oval House" should win an emmy this year, I would think.
 Sue Hartigan wrote:
  Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hi Dr. L.:
  I'm not too good at doing that, but maybe we could get Kathy to do
  She is wonderful when it comes to those sorts of things.
  I was impressed with this woman.  I still haven't taken her word as
  being the absolute truth, but I can't discount her either.
  She sounded very sincere, and her story did sound very plausible,
  And she certainly didn't fit the image that we have been having of
  women who are telling these stories.  She was more mature, and came
  across as not the kind of woman who would be soliciting sexual
  Someone here is lying, and the problem now is to find out which one.
  it is the President then he should step down, and let the country
  back to what it should be doing.  I just don't know how we are ever
  going to find out who it is though that is lying.  :(
  It certainly was a bad day for Clinton, that is for sure.  His own
  Friday the 13th.
  One thing that I did notice about Ms. Willey, she mentioned that her
  husband was in real financial problems because he had stolen money
  some of his clients.  This was a similar problem that Susan McDougal
  had.  What is it with these people that the President was friends
  anyway.  Are they all a bunch of crooks?
  Also another 

LI Conjoined Twins

1998-03-19 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

Thanks for the article.  It is really a thought provoking article, isn't


In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Doc:

The man's attorney and the women's attorney were on (I think) it was The
Today show the other day.  The man's attorney is now saying that he is
suing one of the women in a civil court.  I don't think he should be
doing this, simply because the women's attorney is just hoping and
waiting for the opportunity to go after him. :)   She said things would
be a whole lot different in a civil court as opposed to an army court.

I think your advise is great.  "Don't get mad, get even."  And I think
if this guy keeps pushing it he will find out that these women can and
will get even.  BG

 Sue, I don't think it's necessarily true that no one believed them.  A jury
 cannot convict just because it "believes" something.  There must be evidence.
 And in this, as in most similar cases, the evidence was lacking.  (My off the
 cuff answer to your rhetorical question is, don't get mad, get even.)

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Media Trial

1998-03-19 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Kathy

I may be wrong but didn't she, at first, deny that this had happened.  I
thought that this is partly where some of the problem has been.  I may be wrong
on this, so many have changed their stories that it is hard to keep track.
But, if as I think happened, then she lied somewhere either at the beginning or
at the interview with 60 minutes.

I guess I feel like some do that we know Clinton has been lying or
stretching/narrowing the boundaries on definitions and he is constantly being
called on it.  The same then should hold true for the women--all of them.  And
I am sorry but her demeanor did not send out a message of credibility to me,
even before all the later stuff came out.  I don't know of too many women who
haven't been harassed if they have been in the workforce, military, or public
service.  And all the women I have talked to years later after the incidents[s]
do not sit there like simpering idiots and sound like it is so difficult to
discuss that they needed to be handled with "kid gloves."  Also, she traveled
in circles where her livelihood did not depend on getting and keeping a job
with only one person or place of employment.  There are many women who do not
have choices in employment or bosses.  She did--but continued to fawn on ole'
Bill until it seems she saw greener pastures on the other side of the fence.


Kathy E wrote:

 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Bill what I believe is what I have seen proven to me, I have proven to
 me that Clinton lied about his meeting with her. He has since changed
 his story. I have not seen her lie. I'm waiting for someone to point out
 to me where she lied, I'm also waiting for someone to show me where she
 has changed her story so often, as I have seen people here say she has.
 I haven't seen that at all. Now I'm ready to back up what I believe with
 consistent news articles all saying the same thing she has said. And I
 can easily show where Clinton has not been consistent.

 Yes you can easily try to allege she was a no talent nothing, but Bill
 the facts don't back you up, beleive it or not most no talent nothings
 are not able to donate thousands of dollars to a campaign or donate a
 lot of volunteer time. Watch what you allege, especially when your
 allegations can be proven to be false quite easily.

 You have jumped on the bandwagon of people who are guessing at things
 and instead of geussing you have now decided to turn those guesses into
 facts. I am surprised. Since when did you decide her motive for this
 interview? She clearly stated her motive but that wasn't good enough for
 some people they had to come up with something to draw blood, so what do
 they say, oh yes! She is a women who is mad she wants to get Clinton for
 NOT getting her a job like she asked. But here is my problem he did do
 that, and she did do the job. So what's the deal here folks? Attack
 anyone you can and make up things and state them as fact even though you
 have nothing to back you up? Nope I don't buy that.

 So now the new line is she did this to write a tell all book, well folks
 guess what she already did the tell all it was on TV I saw it along with
 a lot of people, she gave her story away for free folks. Last time I
 heard 60 minutes doesn't pay for interviews.

 Whats the next line going to be? That he rejected her and she was so
 enraged that she made this up? It's very easy to sling mud, the problem
 is make sure your tossing it the right way and that you have the right
 to sling it.

 I guess I could follow along like some and look at all the gossip and BS
 that is circulating, there is a lot of it. Yet I think I'll still refuse
 to do that. I'm going to go with the known facts and let others wallow
 in the juicy stuff. And my last line is for both sides of this issue,
 Clinton and Willey, I don't want to hear the gossip or guessing on
 either side of the issue, I want the facts. So far the facts aren't
 looking good for the prez so his team is tossing in the BS and that
 really stinks IMHO.

 BTW do you think Clinton has had any coaching? Or is he a naive little
 child in this whole thing?
 William J. Foristal wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
  HI Kathy,
  It seems to me that you make similar assumptions in your choice to
  believe Willey. I thought she was the most credible accuser of Clinton so
  far, but the recent information we have seen after her 60 Minutes
  interview has really posed some questions with respect to her
  It is just as easy to make assumptions that she was disappointed that
  Clinton had not taken care of her better in the sense of getting her a
  high paying job so she found a better way to make money by lying to hype
  up a book she is writing.
  It seems that there are numerous people like Willey in both major parties
  who have no real talents of their own but somehow latch on to the power
  politicians in each party 

Re: LI GOP Women Want Dems Outrage Outloud

1998-03-19 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

In a hallway outside the Oval House??  Oh my!!


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 GOP Women Want Dems Outrage Outloud

``I wish they would talk,'' said Rep. Sue Kelly, R-N.Y.,
one of a group of GOP women who met privately this week
after Mrs. Willey's television interview. In a widely
watched 60 Minutes broadcast on Sunday night, the former
White House aide said Clinton fondled her in a hallway
just outside the Oval Office in 1993.

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Re: LI Welcome Back Terry

1998-03-19 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry

Welcome back--the water's fine


Kathy E wrote:

 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi All I want to welcome back Terry to the Law list :) It's good to have
 you back Terry and I look forward to see your posting again :)
 Kathy E
 "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
 isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: LI Welcome Back Terry

1998-03-19 Thread hallinan


Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry

Welcome back--the water's fine


You mean there's been some heat to warm it up?

Thanks, Jackie.  Good to hear from you again.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Question for Kathy

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill:

What I basically ment was that as far as lying under oath goes, it seems
like in this case the fact that something is said under oath doesn't
seem to make much difference.  Monica swore under oath that she and
Clinton didn't engage in sex.  Now her lawyer is saying, "well, give her
immunity and she will tell her story."  So why should we believe
anything she says under oath the second time around, when the first time
around it was under oath also?

As for Clinton lying under oath.  I dunno, so far he hasn't changed his
story and says he won't.  He still says that he didn't engage in
anything illicit.  But that can be different in different eyes too.

Even if he did lie and say that he hadn't had sex with her.  Someone on
Politically Incorrect brought out something that I hadn't thought of. 
What would people have to say about him if he had gotten up in front of
the whole country and said, "Yes, Monica and I were screwing around in
my office."  That wouldn't have gone over too well either.  Kissing and
telling isn't exactly the kind of thing that any woman would look up to
a man for doing.  What he should have said was that it was no ones
business what his sex life was, and that if they had any questions
regarding running the country and his job, ask it, but leave his sex
life where it belongs, private.

It will never get to court, IMO.  And Paula Jones won't win her lawsuit
either.  This thing has gotten completely out of hand.  Clintons ratings
are still high with the American people, and there is no way that they
are going to impeach him, if for no other reason, for that reason alone.
But that is just my opinion, and not one that anyone should take to the
bank. :)


 Hi Sue,
 Again, the issue with Lewinsky is that they have her on tape encouraging
 Tripp to lie under oath in a deposition in the Paula Jones case.  That
 has the potential for prosecution of a felony.  So she wants full
 I also think there has been lying on all sides of this issue, but I think
 that Clinton is much too smart to lie under oath.  So I tend to believe
 what he said under oath.  I suspect that the Willey incident could have
 involved a rather heavy and consensual make out session.
 But everything is speculation based on what we see in the media.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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LI Apologies and I'll get to it ASAP

1998-03-19 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi All :)

A quick note I offer my apologies first, there are a lot of postings I
was addressed in over the last couple days, unfortunately I will not be
able to reply in a timely matter right now, there is something else that
is taking a bit of a higher priority, I am not implying the postings
aren't important they are :) So please be patient I will get to them as
soon as I can. I just wanted you to know I'm not sluffing y'all off but
it may take longer than expected. I thank you for your patience :) And
yes I know I haven't been doing the COTD this week I'll get back to that
also, as soon as the other things settle down. Happy Posting :)
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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LI Jokes for Thursday

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

NOTE:  Dr. Jack Kevorkian recently presided over his 100th 
assisted suicide. In honor of this milestone, Top5 brings you...
The Top 16 Ways to Celebrate Your 100th Assisted Suicide 
(Part I)  
16 For #100, let's just say to Hell with that annoying  "terminal
illness" requirement.  
15 Head for Times Square and wait for Dick Clark's blood pressure
to drop.  
14 Offer 1.9% GMAC Financing.  
13 Set goal of trying harder -- the tobacco companies are still 
so far ahead in the league standings.  
12 Same as with #1 -- dinner for 2 with "Big Lou" in the Detroit
11 Update your website to read, "ONE HUNDRED dead people and no
convictions yet!"  
10 Line up next couple dozen clients by cranking Michael Bolton
at the celebratory bash.  
 9 "I'm going to Defrost Walt Disney!!"  
 8 Call the boys at the Franklin Mint and tell them they can 
issue that centennial plate now.  
 7 Explain to President Clinton that you don't do *political*
 6 Light a hundred candles on a cake, then freak everyone out 
by snuffing them out one at a time.  
 5 Just for the day, change your name from "Dr. Death" to  
 4 Appear on The Today Show as Willard Scott's "assistant."  
 3 Get a couple of hookers and give the back of that van some  
*live* action for a change.  
 2 "Bartender!  Purple Kool-Aid for all my friends!"  
and the Number 1 Way to Celebrate Your 100th Assisted Suicide...  
 1 Pop open a cold one.  Just be sure to put him back in his  
drawer after you've danced him around the morgue.  
Take a break.

1. Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to? 

2. Does the Little Mermaid wear an algebra? 

3. Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery? 

4. How do I set my laser printer on stun? 

5. How is it possible to have a civil war? 

6. If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting? 

7. If God dropped acid, would he see people? 

8. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? 

9. If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown

10. If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2? 

11. If work is so terrific, how come they have to pay you to do

12. If you're born again, do you have two bellybuttons? 

13. If you ate pasta and antipasta, would you still be hungry? 

14. If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done? 

15. Is a castrated pig disgruntled? 

16. Why are hemorrhoids called "hemorrhoids" instead of

17. Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot at them? 

18. Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that

19. What happens when none of your bees wax? 

20. Where are we going?  And what's with this handbasket? 

21. If the black box flight recorder is never damaged during a
plane crash, why isn't the whole airplane made out of the stuff? 

22. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? 

23. If most car accidents occur within five miles of home, why
doesn't everyone just move 10 miles away? 
Yet even more strange facts.

If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to
suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or
neck and die.

Nearly a third of all bottled drinking water purchased in the US is
contaminated with bacteria.

Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over
1 million descendents.

You are more likely to be struck by lightning that to be eaten by a
shark. You are more likely to be infected by flesh-eating bacteria
than you are to be struck by lightning.

If you urinate when swimming in a South American river, you may
encounter the candiru. Drawn to warmth, this tiny fish is known to
follow a stream of urine to its source, swim inside the body, and
flare is barbed fins. It will remain firmly embedded in the flesh
until  surgically removed.

The soft plastic headphones used on airplanes create a warm, moist
environment in the ear canal that is ideal for breeding bacteria.
Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in
your ear by 700 times.

On a plane, if the passenger in your seat on the incoming flight had
serious gas, then you are sitting on a cushion full of
disease-causing microbes.

Four sunken nuclear submarines sit at the bottom of the Atlantic
Ocean. One, a Russian sub resting in deep water off of Bermuda, holds
16 live nuclear warheads. Scientists and oceanographers are unsure
what the impact of the escaping plutonium will have, but warn that
corrosion could create the proper chemical environment for a massive
nuclear chain reaction.

In 1994, electromagnetic interference (EMI) from a nearby cellular
telephone captivated a power wheelchair at a scenic vista in
Colorado, sending the passenger 

LI For Steve and Vi

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If the U.S. government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title
14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on
July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact
with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI For Steve and Vi

1998-03-19 Thread Steve Wright

Steve Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If the U.S. government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title
14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on
July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact
with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?

Exactly my point why waste millions of dollars, and thousands of hours of
research into something that doesn't exist.  If any of you are at all
skeptical about what I have posted then go to your GAO, and ask for all
records related to Roswell AAFB, you will find that over 70% of the index
documents have been illegally distroyed, due the  saucer crash and documents
related to human experiments performed at White Sands, in relation to your
nuclear test program.

In the near future I will look at my records and scan some of the most
interesting documents I have into JPEG format, all those of you who are
curious or want to debunk what I have been saying (I would welcome the
debate) are more than welcome to a copy.  Some of these are so good I had
them imported from the US at my own expense.

Go to Yahoo and look up Stanton Friedman (hes a good egg as they say over
here), don't bother with Whitley Strieber though I'm not overly impressed.


Its 2am now I'm off to bed night, night everyone.

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LI Whitewater: Tucker Plea agreement

1998-03-19 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This agreement allowed former Arkansas governor Jim Guy Tucker to
protect himself against further prosecution by independent counsel
Kenneth Starr in return for a guilty plea to charges of defrauding the
federal government by filing misleading bankruptcy papers. In return for
the two dropped counts, the February 20, 1998 plea required that Tucker
cooperate with Starr's Whitewater investigation and potentially to
testify at trial for Starr. Since the plea, Tucker has appeared before
Starr's Little Rock grand jury to give testimony, presumably about his
knowledge of Arkansas land deals in which Tucker was involved and which
may have included involvement by President Clinton or Hillary Rodham  

Tucker said he agreed to the plea in order to save himself a prison
term, which he said would have been a "death sentence" due to his ailing
health. He will likely receive probation instead and will have to pay  
some back taxes. 





 No. LR-CR-95-117



This Plea Agreement between the United States, by and through the
Independent Counsel, KENNETH W. STARR, and his undersigned associates,
and the Defendant, JIM GUY TUCKER and his attorneys, William H. Sutton
and George D. Collins, is made pursuant to Rule 11(e)(1)(C) of the
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

This Plea Agreement is entirely voluntary and represents the entire
agreement between the United States and the Defendant regarding the
Defendant's criminal liability in case No. LR-CR-95-117.

This Plea Agreement resolves all of the Defendant's criminal liability
involving those events set forth in the Indictment, including all
criminal charges of conspiring to defraud the United States as set forth
in Count Three.  Nothing herein shall limit or in any way waive or
release any civil claim, demand or cause of action, whatsoever, of the
United States or its agencies relating to the conduct of the Defendant
set forth in the Indictment in this case.  This Agreement is limited to
matters within the jurisdiction of the Independent Counsel, and cannot 
bind other federal, state, or local prosecuting, administrative,  or
regulatory authorities except as expressly set forth in this Agreement.

Upon the entry of the guilty plea to Count Three of this Indictment, the
United States agrees that there will be no further federal criminal
charges brought against the Defendant, JIM GUY TUCKER, provided he
complies with all the conditions set forth in this agreement.

Further, the United States agrees in the event Mr. Tucker's conviction
in the first case, U.S. v. McDougal, Tucker  McDougal, Case No.
LR-CR-95-173, is reversed on appeal, there will be no retrial as to Mr.

The United States and the Defendant, JIM GUY TUCKER, and his attorneys,
William H. Sutton and George B. Collins, agree upon the following:

  1.   The Defendant will enter a plea of guilty to Count Three of the
Indictment in this case.  Upon sentencing of the Defendant an Count
Three of the Indictment, the United States will move to dismiss Counts
One and Two of the Indictment.

  2.   The Defendant will plead guilty because he is in fact guilty of
the charge contained in Count Three of the Indictment.

  3.   The Defendant understands that Count Three of the Indictment to
which he will plead guilty carries a maximum statutory penalty of five
years imprisonment; a fine of  $250,000.00, or an alternative fine based
on gain or loss; three years of supervised release; and any restitution
ordered by the Court.

  4.   The Defendant agrees to fully and completely cooperate with the
United States and provide complete, accurate and truthful information
and testimony as to any matter within the jurisdiction of the Office of
the Independent Counsel before any trial jury or grand jury if called as
a witness before su@h tribunal.  The Defendant will provide this
cooperation on a continuing basis for as long a time as it may be
needed, and his continuing cooperation is required for his compliance
with the Agreement.  The Defendant will neither attempt to protect any 
person or entity through false information or omission, nor falsely
implicate any person or entity.  The Defendant will, at all times, tell
the truth in any interviews, or as a witness, regardless of who asks the
questions.  The Defendant understands that a failure to provide complete
and truthful information and testimony would be a breach of this Plea
Agreement and that a false statement under oath would subject him to
prosecution for perjury.

   5.   The Defendant agrees to continue to provide truthful information
and will provide full and complete cooperation, 

LI Re: Author: Willey left hate note -Cornwell ties event to her GOP move

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Richmond Times-Dispatch

   Thursday, March 19, 1998
   Author: Willey left hate note
   Cornwell ties event to her GOP move

   Richmond celebrity novelist Patricia Cornwell says she
   lists herself among those who've felt the sting of
   Kathleen Willey's wrath.
   In a tale that may make the best-seller list of
   anecdotes spawned by the long-running sex, lies and
   videotape saga enveloping the White House, Cornwell
   says Willey trespassed on her property 4½ years ago and
   left a hate note and a stack of her books.
   A spokesman for Willey said last night he was unable to
   confirm whether the book delivery came from her.
   Cornwell was out of the state and could not immediately
   provide a copy of the letter.
   The alleged incident followed George Allen's comeback
   gubernatorial win in November 1993 over former Attorney
   General Mary Sue Terry, a victory aided in its last
   weeks by the well-publicized defection of Cornwell from
   the Democratic to Republican camp. She took with her a
   $10,000 campaign contribution.
   "She wasn't very fond of me," Cornwell said of Willey,
   a fervent Democrat whose firsthand account of an
   alleged Oval Office grope by the president captivated a
   national television audience Sunday night on CBS' "60
   According to Cornwell, the incident occurred soon after
   Allen's election and within days, she now realizes, of
   when Willey had the Nov. 29, 1993, meeting with
   Cornwell, author of nearly a dozen best-selling crime
   novels and one of the world's wealthiest writers,
   described Willey as "a big Mary Sue Terryite."
   "Way back in 1993, after the election, she trespassed
   on my property -- that's the only way to put it -- when
   I lived in Windsor Farms, and left books and a very
   vicious letter on my doorstep."
   Cornwell said the signed note was written on Kathleen
   Willey stationery and blasted the author for what
   Willey termed a self-serving political agenda.
   "She said she was returning the books, which isn't true
   because I never gave them to her. . . . She said I was
   a disgrace to other women and that George Allen and I
   deserved one another.""It was very ugly and

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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LI Rolling/London: Background report

1998-03-19 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This is a background report for those who are not familiar with Danny
Rolling and Sandra London.
The state of Florida, acting under its Civil Restitution Lien and Crime
Victims'Remedy Act of 1994 (also known as Florida's "Son of Sam" law),
is attempting to seize approximately $21,000 that writer Sondra London
made from the sale of serial killer Danny Rolling's story to the media.
The law prohibits a convicted person or a person acting on behalf of the
criminal from earning money from factual accounts of the convict's

Prosecutors allege that London is not entitled to the money she earned
from the stories on Rolling that she sold to various media outlets
because at the time of the stories, she was Rolling's lover. Therefore,
the state argues, relationship makes London a person acting on behalf of
Rolling, and not merely an objective reporter. London claims that her
relationship with Rolling is irrelevant, and her stories on Rolling were
serious journalistic ventures. The defendant argues that she deserves
the money she has earned from her work and that this case is really
a violation of her right to free speech under the First Amendment.

The state wants to enforce a lien, or legal claim, on any profits
connected to Rolling's that would go to London and Rolling. Prosecutors
want the money to compensate the families of Rolling's victims and help
pay his legal and prison housing bills. London is asking the court to
find Florida's "Son of Sam" law unconstitutional because it restrains
free speech.

Romance with a Serial Killer

Danny Rolling admitted to killing five college students in or around the
University of Florida in Gainesville in 1990. In 1994, he pleaded guilty
to five counts of first-degree murder, three charges of sexual battery,
and three counts of armed burglary in the deaths of Sonja Larson,
Christina Powell, Christa Hoyt, Tracey Paules, and Manuel Taboada.
Rolling was sentenced to the death penalty. While he awaits his
execution, his case is currently on appeal before the Florida Supreme

London, a free-lance writer, became engaged to Rolling in 1993. She
covered Rolling's case for The National Enquirer and "A Current Affair."
A five-part series on Rolling's story in the tabloid The Globe and two
books from London, The Making of a Serial Killer and Knockin' on Joe:
Voices from Death Row, soon followed. Florida officials have been trying
to preventing London from collecting any Rolling-related profits since
1994. (London earned $15,000 from the Globe series and about $6,000 from
the two books. The Making of a Serial Killer contained Rolling's
confession; Voices from Death Row contained the writings of Rolling and
another convict London used to date, Gerard John Schaefer.) An original
contract stipulated that money unable to go to Rolling would then be
transferred to London or Rolling's brother, Kevin. 

Since then, Kevin Rolling has waived any rights to money earned from
works about his brother. In April 1997, the temporary injunction was
placed on the money Rolling and London had earned on the books and
articles. London had also posted web pages on America Online featuring
essays and artwork by Rolling. However, in September 1997, AOL removed
the pages from its system.

 An Issue of Unlawful Profit or The First Amendment?

One of the central issues is whether in her works, London has acted as a
journalist or an agent working on behalf of Rolling. London ended her  
engagement to Rolling in June 1996 and claims that her contractual
agreement with him ended as well. Therefore, London claims, since
Rolling has relinquished his right to the money earned from the books
and articles, she is entitled to her profits. However, London claims
that Florida's Civil Restitution Lien and Crime Victims' Remedy Act is
unconstitutional because it restrains her right to Freedom of Speech.

This case seems destined for the U.S. Supreme Court because the Florida
law closely resembles various "Son of Sam" laws which the Court has
already ruled violate the First Amendment.

The Ruling
On Dec. 31, 1997, Judge Martha Ann Lott ruled that the State of Florida
could seize the profits that Sondra London made on her story
collaborations with Danny Rolling. In her decision, Judge Lott said that
London's projects with Rolling were indeed subject to the state law that
bars convicted felons like Rolling from profiting from stories and
artwork related to their crimes. The ruling was the first to use a
version of New York's "Son of Sam" law against an author collaborating
with a convicted felon.

The U.S. Supreme Court declared New York's "Son of Sam" law
unconstitutional in 1991, but the Florida law has never been challenged
in appellate court. Sondra London has indicated that she will appeal
Judge Lott's ruling.

The Aftermath

By March, 1998, Sondra London still had not 


1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This is really getting dirty now.  :(  Sue


The DRUDGE REPORT has learned that the WASHINGTON POST will report in
Friday editions that President Clinton's legal defense team plans to
introduce in court Friday sealed evidence about Paula Jones' past sex

Clinton lawyer Bennett has notified the court that he will file
information of a sexual nature about Paula Jones" to counter her
that she was so traumatized by Clinton's alleged proposition that she
suffers from an antipathy toward sex. 

Bennett once said in an interview: "One of the weapons I will not use
is going into Paula Jones' sexual history." 

But in a letter sent to U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright in
Rock Thursday, and obtained by the WASHINGTON POST, Bennett now
Jones "has placed her sexual conduct directly at issue with a brand new
claim of alleged 'sexual aversion' injury... We have no choice but to
respond in a vigorous but appropriate way. To do otherwise would allow
scurrilous and false allegations to remain in the public record
This would be greatly unfair to President Clinton." 
Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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LI School can't limit student web speech

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

WESTLAKE, Ohio, March 29 (UPI) _ High school junior Sean O'Brien,
suspended because he
criticized a teacher on an Internet web site, has returned to his
classes under a court ruling that
school officials can't limit what he says after school hours. 

O'Brien said he was building a web page last month when it occurred to
him that it was a good
place to air his grievances against his band teacher, Raymond Walczuk. 

But when school officials saw the page _ ``'' _ they
suspended O'Brien for 10
days and threatened to expel him. 

Senior U.S. District Judge John Manos in Cleveland Wednesday ordered
school officials to
reinstate the teenager and prohibited them from restricting what O'Brien
says on the Internet from
his home computer. 

An April 3 hearing is scheduled on O'Brien's claim the school district
violated his First Amendment

The American Civil Liberties Union said the case could become the first
nationally to explore how
much, if any, control a school can exert over what students say on the
Internet from their home

Christine Link, executive director of the ACLU's Ohio chapter, told UPI:
``The issues involved (in
the case) are old traditional free speech issues. The Supreme Court has
said you don't abandon
your rights at the school house door. But in this case, the school
authorities went farther and went
into his home to suppress the kid's free speech rights.'' 

School officials contend they have a right to discipline O'Brien under a
rule that says students may
not ``demonstrate physical, written or verbal disrespect/threat''
against school employees. 
Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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LI Web Site

1998-03-19 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The latest:

Here is an article from the Associated Press's Tech Wire Section of
web site:
I went to the web site that was made up by the student who posted his
feeling about his teacher and this is what I found.  Sue

MARCH 19, 12:30 EST

Court Backs Student's Web Site 

CLEVELAND (AP) -- A federal judge ordered a school district to reinstate
a student suspended for using the Internet to gripe that a band teacher
had a bad haircut and favored some students over others. 

Senior U.S. District Judge John M. Manos also ordered Westlake school
district officials not to restrict what 16-year-old Sean O'Brien puts on
Web site set up through his home computer. 

O'Brien's Web site featured a photograph of his high school band
teacher and described him as ``an overweight middle aged man who
doesn't like to get haircuts.'' The student also wrote: ``He likes to
involve himself in everything you do, demands that band be your No. 1
priority, and favors people.'' 

The temporary order Wednesday will be in effect until at least April 3,
when a full hearing is scheduled on O'Brien's claim that the district
violated his First Amendment rights. 

O'Brien, a junior, served eight days of his 10-day suspension. He
returned today to Westlake High School today -- and band class. 

``I'm going to sit there and do what I'm expected to do,'' he said. 

Chris Link, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of
Ohio, said she was unaware of any previous court decision regarding a
student's free-speech rights on the Internet. 

``The school cannot control the communication off the school grounds,''
she said. 

The lawsuit seeks a court order declaring that the suburban Cleveland
district violated O'Brien's First Amendment rights and asks for $550,000
in damages from various school administrators and the district. 

School officials contend they were entitled to discipline O'Brien under
school rule that requires students not to ``demonstrate physical,
written, or verbal disrespect/threat'' against school employees. 

O'Brien closed down the Web site after his March 6 suspension, but the
judge's order allows him to restore it. He said he did not know yet if
will reopen it. 

``I'm not sure my dad will let me,'' he said. 

A Message From The Systems Administrator of Omni-NET Internet
Services, the server formerly hosting this site:

For some odd reason, a fairly large number of High Schools, Colleges,
and Corporations feel that they have more power then our Bill of Rights.

How foolish of them.

The third article of the Bill of Rights, an integral part of a document
which has existed for over two hundred years, clearly states that no law
shall be made "...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...",
both of which apply to the information on the World Wide Web.
Granted, there aren't many legal precedents dealing with the World
Wide Web, and it is relatively uncharted territory for our legal system,
but taken at face value anyone should have the right to put up any web
site assuming that it does not contain information slandering a person
or company. If the information contained on a web site is truthful, even
if it is damaging, it is under the protection of the Bill of Rights. The
World Wide Web was designed to be a medium of communication,
communication of information, communication of opinions and
communication of ideas. Support freedom of speech on the Web. Don't
allow those in positions of power to stop you from using the Web to
voice your opinions. If this happens, the Web will become just another
advertisement. You must stand up for your right to use this medium. If
you resist all threats toward your opinions, their sovereignty is

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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