[L-I] 100 000 in Berlin honor Communist heroes

2001-01-20 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

 Via Workers World News Service
 Reprinted from the Jan. 25, 2001
 issue of Workers World newspaper
 By John Catalinotto
 Some 100,000 people walked to the memorial in 
 Friedrichsfelde Cemetery here in Berlin Jan. 15 to pay 
 respects to two martyred communist leaders, Rosa Luxemburg 
 and Karl Liebknecht.
 The two were murdered by the German Free Korps on Jan. 15, 
 1919, just days after the communist party they founded took 
 responsibility for the Berlin workers' abortive attempt to 
 seize power earlier that January.
 The two revolutionaries are famous and beloved for their 
 courageous opposition to Germany's role in World War I. At a 
 time when the majority of the Social Democratic Party 
 leadership was betraying their promises to fight against 
 their country's role in that murderous war, Liebknecht was 
 the only member of the party in the German Bundestag 
 (Parliament) to vote against war credits.
 Luxemburg was the only woman at the time who was a top 
 ideological leader of a major party, and had influence in 
 the struggles within the worldwide communist movement.
 The Luxemburg-Liebknecht demonstration takes place each 
 year, gathering pro-revolutionary forces from all over 
 Germany into Berlin. In times when the socialist German 
 Democratic Republic existed, the government supported and 
 encouraged the demonstration.
 Now, when there is one imperialist-ruled Germany, the 
 demonstration is a measure of the mood of the left and the 
 potential for struggle.
 Really, two demonstrations take place.
 One consists of marches of a coalition of left, 
 revolutionary working-class and anarchist forces that march 
 from further downtown to the memorial. In past years the 
 police have provoked clashes with this part of the 
 demonstration, though these clashes were limited to a few 
 arrests this year.
 About 10,000 people took part in this march, with a larger 
 and more visible participation this time from Turkish and 
 Kurdish revolutionary organizations. These groups, who also 
 were calling attention to the many Turkish and Kurdish 
 political prisoners the Turkish military killed last month, 
 carried banners honoring the two German revolutionaries.
 The other is a gathering of 90,000 people, most of them from 
 the former GDR, who lay red carnations on the memorial site 
 for Luxemburg and Liebknecht, or perhaps on the graves and 
 markers of other socialist and communist heroes buried in 
 the cemetery. These people were called out by the Party for 
 Democratic Socialism, the only pro-socialist party in the 
 German Bundestag.
 - END -
 (Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to 
 copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but 
 changing it is not allowed. For more information contact 
 Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail: 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to: 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)

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[L-I] Indigenous Summit on FTAA.

2001-01-20 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

For Rad-Greens: Any movement built on anti capitalist environmentalist issues that
leaves this behind *again* will be useless and bound to fail. Make the links and make
the alliance.



The proposal to create the FTAA extends a process of imperial
globalization that began in 1492 and continues yet.  Once again the
geopolitical map of the Americas is about to be redrawn in ways that
violate the titles, treaties and basic human rights of the hemisphere's
First Nations.  The FTAA continues the genocidal tradition which began
with the founding of New Spain, New England, New France, New Netherlands
etc as jurisdictions based on the absorption of Indian lands, usually
without Indian consent.

Again and again the map of America has been redrawn in Europe on the
assumption that the hemisphere's Indigenous peoples are inferior and
subordinate and have no fundamental right to a say in deciding what
happens on First Nations lands and territories.  This process began when
the Pope apportioned the Americas for Spain and Portugal.  It continued
with the founding of the USA as an engine of genocidal western expansion.
The Treaty of Paris which granted the USA its original land base in 1783,
the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, the absorption of the northern part of
Mexico into the USA in 1848, the USA's purchase of Alaska in 1867, the
transfer of the land titles of the Hudson's Bay Company to the Dominion of
Canada in 1869, and the creation of the Noth America Free Trade Area in
1993, all were negotiated as if the hemisphere's Indigenous peoples didn't
exist. Now the ministerial gathering in Quebec City points to the prospect
of yet another redrawing of the map of the hemisphere with the creation of
what is being called the Free Trade Area of the Americas.  Such an illegal
imposition on all the hemisphere's citizens projects into new
jurisdictional frontiers the Columbian Conquests which began in 1492.

The USA's notorious violations of its 400 or so treaties with Indigenous
peoples shows that the world's only remaining Superpower has no respect
for the sanctity of treaties and for the requirements of living within the
framework of international law.  The USA added to its notorious reputation
in 1871, when the American Congress passed a law excluding the American
government from the international juridical principles as they then
existed.  From that time forward the USA has been an outlaw state in terms
of its failure to respect even the limited requirements of international
law mandating the purchase through treaty of Aboriginal title before
non-Aboriginal settlement can proceed.

The events leading up to the Trail of Tears as well as the country's
horrific genocides make the USA one of the world's most grievous
perpetrators of that genre of international crime which has recently been
labelled "ethnic cleansing." The founding of the state of California as
the result of a particularly violent gold rush make that jurisdiction the
site of especially horrific crimes against humanity. The tradition of the
Indian wars continued into recent times with particular severity in the US
backed reign of terror directed against Mayan peoples in Guatemala.  As
Nobel Peace Prize Rigobertu Menchu has clarified, this ruthless genocide
against her own peoples was aimed at destroying the Indian way of life.
Until those violations are addressed in appropriate venues for the
arbitration of international crimes against humanity, there is no reason
for Indigenous peoples, or, for that matter, any other people throughout
the Americas to have trust in a new treaty creating a FTAA.  Such a treaty
would violate hundreds of earlier treaties made with First Nations peoples
throughout the Americas.  Such a treaty which would formalize the USA's
hegemonic dominance in a hemisphere bathed with Indian blood in the
ongoing Columbian Conquests.

From April 19-21, the Huron Reserve in Quebec City, the current capital of
Wendake, will be the site of an alternative summit to highlight the many
issues in and around the relationships of Indigenous peoples throughout
the Americas to the proposed FTAA.  The meetings will take place at Salle
Kondiaronk on the Huron reserve at Loretteville. This community is
situated about eight miles from downtown Quebec City.  This announcement
includes a request for proposals for presentations, presenters and panel
discussions of relevance to the idea of the FTAA as a violation of the
basic human rights of all the hemisphere's citizens, but most especially
of the First Nations. This alternative summit can be the site of a wide
array of discussions, including those pertaining to environmental, labour
and women's issues. The gathering will be in the tradition of the freedom
fighters in the Zapatista movement in Mexico.  In 1994 the Zapatistas

Re: [L-I] Any translators? This from another list...

2001-01-20 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

I would also like to point out that what I posted here (from another list) is also
from a subscriber to this list. In other words, if Alexander (or anyone else) would
like to take it upon him/herself to translate, you can direct your questions about
the KPRF directly to them. They have been quietly watching us discuss them without
saying a word.

My criticisms of their actions in political struggle in Russia notwithstanding, I
welcome them strongly and hope that some of their members have a chance to talk with
us. It could only help our understanding, whether we agree or not. Anyone who slongs
mud at them *directly* knows what will happen.


- Original Message -
From: Alexander Domrin [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Dear Comrades:

 That would be extremely appreciated if you could send your materials
 to us in Russian (to avoid possible mistakes in our translation);
 your materials would be placed on the CPRF official site (www.kprf.ru)
 Hope to continue our cooperation.

 Our email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Vladimir Sovetsky

 - Original Message -
 From: Macdonald Stainsby [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Уважаемые товарищи.

Leninist-International mailing list
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Is Party for Democratic Socialism pro-socialist? (was Re: [L-I] 100 000 in Berlin honor Communist heroes)

2001-01-20 Thread Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky

En relacin a [L-I] 100 000 in Berlin honor Communist heroes,
el 20 Jan 01, a las 2:55, Macdonald Stainsby dijo:

  Via Workers World News Service
  Reprinted from the Jan. 25, 2001
  issue of Workers World newspaper


  By John Catalinotto

  Some 100,000 people walked to the memorial in
  Friedrichsfelde Cemetery here in Berlin Jan. 15 to pay
  respects to two martyred communist leaders, Rosa Luxemburg
  and Karl Liebknecht.


  Really, two demonstrations take place.

  About 10,000 people took part in this march,


  The [...] gathering of 90,000 people [...] were called out by the Party for
  Democratic Socialism, the only pro-socialist party in the
  German Bundestag.

I would take exception to the qualification of the Party for Democratic
Socialism as a "pro-socialist party" in the Leninist sense. Before I extend, I
would ask German or Austrian cdes. on the list to provide us with their
opinions and with information.

Nstor Miguel Gorojovsky

Leninist-International mailing list
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[L-I] : [L-I] To moderators from Russia - to Mark Jones

2001-01-20 Thread Svetlana Baiborodova

I am sure we'd all want to welcome Svetlana to this list. It is very good
establish cordial relations with Russian leftist and working class
organisations. I
hope that she will play an active part in our discussions. When comrades
and sincerely strive to understand each other's positions, and diligently
seek to
explain and analyse differences, much can be achieved. But to begin by
attacking the
moderators is not helpful. Rather than begin with a discussion of
personalities and
of list policy, I think it would be more useful if Svetlana informed the
list about
the activities of her organisation in Samara, and about its viewpoint and
and also if she asks any questions she has about the political orientations
etc of
other people on the list. Then we can hope to find some common ground, or
anyway to
understand one another better.


Dear Mark!

Certainly I would like to take an active part in your discussions. My
comrades and I see that your list pays much attention to Russia and this
fact makes us happy.

We was glad that among paticipants of your list we have been seeing the
comrades who give great help to the Russian left and workers' movement such
as Vladimir Bilenkin and Steve Mayers. True, Steve`s letters do not appear
in the list in the last days, probably he is too busy.

I have told the list about activity of my organization quite in detail, in
my opinion.

I could also expound my political views and my comrade`s view-points to
subjects discussed in your list but I am not sure that the words which do
not belong to me will not be attributed to me and I shall not be dumped
after sending my first two debatable messages to the list, as this happened
with our comrade Vladimir Bilenkin.

You consider incorrect that I began with discussion of personalities. But I
am going to communicate not with robots in your list but  with the people,
and it is very important for me to know  what human streaks have the people
which have created this list and participate in it. I believe, it is very
important that there were comradely, democratic relations during our common
work for communism in this list or else honest and fruitful polemics will be

I do not deny, that your list should have and carry out its editorial policy
and, as on any list, and I consider necessary the expelling from any list
those members who debate dishonestly or insult other participants of
discussion. But in Vladimir Bilenkin`s case there were no such basis. The
attribution of another`s words to Vladimir took place. I have shown it in my
answer to Louis Project which I have just sent. Read it, please. And I hope
that this annoying situation will be remedied by you and your unbiassed

Dear Mark, you wrote that "It is very good to establish cordial relations
with Russian leftist and working class organisations". We also would like to
establish such relations with Western leftists and organizations of Western
working class. But unfortunately we do not see, how it is possible, while
our comrade Vladimir is still striked off the Leninist-international list.

And I do not doubt, that you and other moderators of the list consider that
it is impossible to expell from the list those members whose political views
contradict their own ones or veiw-points of majority of the participants of
discussion. I am sure that you are agree that freedom of expression of
judgements is the first necessary condition for any fruitful polemics,
especially marxist.

That`s why we suppose that elemination of  Vladimir Bilenkin from the list
was an outcome of misunderstanding and we repeat our request to remedy
occured and to subscribe his address to your list.

Best wishes,

Svetlana Baiborodova

Leninist-International mailing list
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[L-I] : [L-I] To moderators from Russia - to Louis Proyect

2001-01-20 Thread Svetlana Baiborodova

I and my comrades in Russia want to read Vladimir Bilenkin`s point of view
on problems disturbing us in living discussion with all other participants
of your list.
I hope, you will heed our request and correct the situation.

Svetlana Baiborodova

I think Vladimir was thrown off not for what he wrote about Russia, but
what he wrote about the USA:

"The big problem in Florida was that democratic operatives gave voters the
wrong information. They bused illiterate blacks to the polls and told them
to punch a hole on every page - forgetting there were 2 pages of
presidential candidates. . . .The reasons the dems didn't want to join in
on the black complaints was simple. Black voting in Florida was up 65%. A
full 16% of all votes cast in Florida were cast by black voters. Yet, only
13% of Florida's population is black. It's almost impossible to make a
claim that they were disenfranchised, when they were actually
overrepresented at the polls."

This business about busing "illiterate blacks to the polls" is racist.
Frankly, I was shocked to read this. I haven't seen anything Vladimir has
written in probably 5 years when he was one of the most disruptive
Trotskyists in cyberspace. I am afraid he has shifted far to the right.

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Louis, Vladimir is an internationalist. I know this exactly. You  haven't
seen anything written by Vladimir in nearly 5 last years but I have read his
recent articles on different subjects including problems of nationalism and
I know his practical activity in development of the working class
organizations in Russia. Vladimir is a genuine communist, fighting against
any chauvinizm, depend upon me.

I have to express my  view-point to an aspect important for the list, to my

Firstly, when I have met with this case on this list, I have supposed that
it is a contingency, misunderstanding. But the further, the more I wonder
and become perplexed. You wrote that Vladimir was thrown off for he wrote
the following:

"The big problem in Florida was that democratic operatives gave voters the
wrong information. They bused illiterate blacks to the polls and told them
to punch a hole on every page - forgetting there were 2 pages of
presidential candidates. . . ." etc.

But you have not seen, that the indicated phrase belongs not to Vladimir but
to his friend, whose letter was published on the Leninist-International
list. Look once again at Vladimir Bilenkin`s letter "Re: [L-I] Well, what
the heck?", January 14, from which you have taken this fragment.

He wrote:
"I forwarded this article to a friend of mine who took the mess in Florida
rather close to heart and researched it.  ...  Anyway, THIS IS WHAT MY
FRIEND, who has a more than healthy doze of scepticism about both right and
left, WROTE TO ME."

Or I should not trust my own eyes?
How could this fact not be noticed by you?
I am in bewilderment and do not understand what is this. May be this is any
eyelight disease? In that case see a doctor, please.

Moreover, I think the fact that anybody publishes some article on the list
for discussion does not signify that the sender agrees with position of the

As I see, Vladimir forwarded his pal`s letter with debatable vew-point
because Vladimir  consider  that the class method of approach should include
the analysis of national aspects in research of all social problems. And I
agree entirely with him. Otherwise we shall have only poor, abstract
substitute of the class method of approach.

May be I am mistaken because of my imperfect English but, in my opinion, the
fraze from that letter "They bused illiterate blacks to the polls ",  means
not that the author considers that all Negro race is illiterate, but the
indication to the fact that the operatives from the democratic party used
dishonestly the illiterate, retarded representatives of this race at the

Whether the racial oppression in USA is already overcome completely and
there is no more retarded blacks?

I can not know whether the fact indicated in the letter took place or not in
reality, but if it really has taken place it is incorrect to ignore it
because the fact of  manipulation by the backward part of the black
population by various political forces is manifestation of racism too, in my

And the ignoring of this fact, refusal of discussion of it because of fear
that it will be recognized as racism, - is not it capitulation to racism?

And even if  Vladimir`s friend is mistaken  and Tony Abdo is right writing:
"I think that you have made some pretty wild comments here..." (attributing
it by mistake to Vladimir Bilenkin), -  why you, comrade Luois,  and your
colleagues - moderators deprive me and my comrades of a possibility to learn
what happens in USA in reality?

Tony has presented arguments against an expressed hypothesis, he has
explained why "the idea that the Black population gets a fair shake PLUS in
Florida is incredible" and 

[L-I] Re: Socialist Democracy at Home and Abroad

2001-01-20 Thread Tony Abdo

Nestor, I don't know that there is a scientific/ 'leninist' definition
of Social Democracy. You have pegged it with two aspects; trade
unionism and 'cooptation of the workers by the bourgeois state in an
imperialist formation'.

But can't workers be coopted by the bourgeois state outside the
imperialist countries and outside the trade unions?What about the
work in the communities done by socialists in groups like the

Much of the poliical work of the Left falls outside trade unionism.
It involves struggles over access to electricity, drainage, or drinking
water, rights to property in shanty towns 'illegally' built and
occupied,, defense against police or official oppression, tax issues,
access to necessary federal and/or state funds funds, and so on.

In Mexico, much of this work had little connection with trade unionism,
yet fell under the umbrella of PRD politics.

But I would, rather surprisingly for you, however, take some exception
to the definition of the PRD as a "social democratic" party. If you push
me to a definition, I will give it, but as you know I am quite
respectful of the opinions of those who are on the spot..

Well, I am not on the spot so to speak. If anything, I am in between
the spots by currently living in Laredo, Texas (main truck stop of
NAFTA).  Most of the Left I know in Mexico are Zapatista supporters
many miles away, in their own world of activities.So we are two
'outsiders' discussing if the PRD qualifies/ qualified with the covetted
SD label, or not. I think it did consist of the same basic material
as Social Democracy in the imperial bloc countries. Now it has
probably somewhat withered away into liberalism, same as Tony Blair's

You go on to describe how you see groupings like the PRD
they generally act in our politics as either a false exit for
impoverished or deranged petty bourgeois (the Frepaso in Argentina,
Cardoso's party in Brazil, IMHO also the PRD in Mexico) or directly as a
transmission belt for the imperialist powers (such as our own Partido
Socialista Democrtico...

It is the exageration of this aspect of these groupings that gets them
labelled as being somehow fundamentally non- social democratic in
aspect, by comrades in the imperial bloc countries. They
conveniently ignore the non trade union involvement in community
struggle that I mentioned previously. Why is this?

Well, it might be be simply because there are so few equivalent
struggles over these issues in the First Word bloc.  So it's
difficult to see the parallels.  Do we see the struggle for
'squatters rights' as SD activity?  Not in Germany, say. But
what about Mexico or Brazil?  Most certainly we should?

But there is another factor in all this labelling of SD vs non SD.
In US Left politics, this labelling of PRD style activity as non SD but
rather as 'class colaboration', has been used as a barrier to prevent
American comrades from making contacts with a more plural exposure to
leadership issues.

Historically within the US Trotskyist movement, the excuse for not doing
joint activities with the Mexican Trotskyists has been, that the
overwhelming bulk are revisionists that have crossed over into class
colaborationism. No need to expose US rank and file comrades to
opnions at variance, with opinions emanating from above within the US
leadership.  How convenient it was to NOT qualify as SD, Third World
activism of this character.

Social Democracy embodies a natural tendency of the oppressed to first
approach power apologetically. and with minimal demands.

Maybe it is just a matter of words. Maybe not. If it is, then let us
not fall into the sin of nominalism!

The above I would rather name, in a more Leninist way, tradeunionism.
Social Democracy, as it has appeared after WWI, is something different,
it is the cooptation of the parties of the workers by the bourgeois
state in an imperialist formation.

Leninist-International mailing list
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[L-I] Illiterate blacks

2001-01-20 Thread Louis Proyect

May be I am mistaken because of my imperfect English but, in my opinion, the
fraze from that letter "They bused illiterate blacks to the polls ",  means
not that the author considers that all Negro race is illiterate, but the
indication to the fact that the operatives from the democratic party used
dishonestly the illiterate, retarded representatives of this race at the

Svetlana, literacy tests were used to exclude Blacks from voting in the
South for most of the 20th century. Sharecroppers, who could not read
because of poor education, were literate enough to tell the difference
between the name of a racist and a desegregationist during Jim Crow years.
When Marxists give credit to the notion that illiteracy is some kind of
litmus test for voting, then we have no business talking about revolution.
Revolutions of the 20th century have been made by illiterate people.

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

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[L-I] To Mark Jones - : [L-I] To moderators from Russia

2001-01-20 Thread Svetlana Baiborodova

I am sure we'd all want to welcome Svetlana to this list. It is very good
establish cordial relations with Russian leftist and working class
organisations. I
hope that she will play an active part in our discussions. When comrades
and sincerely strive to understand each other's positions, and diligently
seek to
explain and analyse differences, much can be achieved. But to begin by
attacking the
moderators is not helpful. Rather than begin with a discussion of
personalities and
of list policy, I think it would be more useful if Svetlana informed the
list about
the activities of her organisation in Samara, and about its viewpoint and
and also if she asks any questions she has about the political orientations
etc of
other people on the list. Then we can hope to find some common ground, or
anyway to
understand one another better.


Dear Mark!

Certainly I would like to take an active part in your discussions. My
comrades and I see that your list pays much attention to Russia and this
fact makes us happy.

We was glad that among paticipants of your list we have been seeing the
comrades who give great help to the Russian left and workers' movement such
as Vladimir Bilenkin and Steve Mayers. True, Steve`s letters do not appear
in the list in the last days, probably he is too busy.

I have told the list about activity of my organization quite in detail, in
my opinion.

I could also expound my political views and my comrade`s view-points to
subjects discussed in your list but I am not sure that the words which do
not belong to me will not be attributed to me and I shall not be dumped
after sending my first two debatable messages to the list, as this happened
with our comrade Vladimir Bilenkin.

You consider incorrect that I began with discussion of personalities. But I
am going to communicate not with robots in your list but  with the people,
and it is very important for me to know  what human streaks have the people
which have created this list and participate in it. I believe, it is very
important that there were comradely, democratic relations during our common
work for communism in this list or else honest and fruitful polemics will be

I do not deny, that your list should have and carry out its editorial policy
and, as on any list, and I consider necessary the expelling from any list
those members who debate dishonestly or insult other participants of
discussion. But in Vladimir Bilenkin`s case there were no such basis. The
attribution of another`s words to Vladimir took place. I have shown it in my
answer to Louis Project which I have just sent. Read it, please. And I hope
that this annoying situation will be remedied by you and your unbiassed

Dear Mark, you wrote that "It is very good to establish cordial relations
with Russian leftist and working class organisations". We also would like to
establish such relations with Western leftists and organizations of Western
working class. But unfortunately we do not see, how it is possible, while
our comrade Vladimir is still striked off the Leninist-international list.

And I do not doubt, that you and other moderators of the list consider that
it is impossible to expell from the list those members whose political views
contradict their own ones or veiw-points of majority of the participants of
discussion. I am sure that you are agree that freedom of expression of
judgements is the first necessary condition for any fruitful polemics,
especially marxist.

That`s why we suppose that elemination of  Vladimir Bilenkin from the list
was an outcome of misunderstanding and we repeat our request to remedy
occured and to subscribe his address to your list.

Best wishes,

Svetlana Baiborodova

Leninist-International mailing list
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[L-I] My two cents (was: Re: [L-I] ïÔ×ÅÔ: [L-I] To moderators from Russia - to Louis Proyect)

2001-01-20 Thread Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky

En relacin a [L-I] : [L-I] To moderators from Russia - to,
el 20 Jan 01, a las 19:36, Svetlana Baiborodova dijo:

 ... you have not seen, that the indicated phrase belongs not to Vladimir but to
 his friend, whose letter was published on the Leninist-International list.


I agree with the above. I was not sure whether it had been Bilenkin himself who
had written those lines or, as I had thought, his friend in Florida. The
Russian cdes. are finally supporting my first impression. I feel that eviction
of Vladimir was quite unjustified, in this sense, and a concession to political

We have an opportunity, at least as a potential opportunity, to have some most
important debate on Russia in L-I, where we have cdes. who belong or favor the
KPRF, we have cdes. like Svetlana Baiborodova with a clearly distinct non-KPRF
position, and we can have (if his expulsion is revised, and provided he agrees
to return --VB has a defect IMHO: he gets too angry too easily) Bilenkin with
his own points of view. If we add to this Mark's positions and experience, then
we can probably provide from L-I a unique melting pot where the current
situation of the Russian working class and the perspectives for Russia (which
in more senses than one are still essential for the perspectives of the whole
globe) can be debated, for the benefit of all.

As to the other comments by cde. Svetlana, I am afraid they betray her lack of
contact with the actual situation in the USA and, particularly, of the
situation of African Americans. This is nothing to blame her for, since what
really matters with a revolutionary is to be able to understand the concrete
situation at the place where she or he has to help making a revolution.

One may, of course (and I do commit that sin more often than I would like to)
give opinions on other countries' realities, which is a good way to learn from
those who are actually involved in that reality. But I am sure that what most
members of this list expect from me is, besides general theoretic positions,
the theory and the facts that spurt out of the concrete Argentinean (and to a
lesser extent, Latin American) history and politics.

As for me, I have never learnt more from comrades on L-I than when they
commented on realities they had been strongly engaged into, or they were
engaged into at the moment of writing their postings. And I am hopefully
looking forwards to the exchange that I hope the various Russian members of
this list can have, for Russia and Russian workers are, I repeat, a cornerstone
of the current world situation, and the latter will IMHO -a heavy honor, I
admit- be soon called to decide whether they want to begin again the long march
they assumed when, taking the leadership of the whole of humankind, they
stormed the Winter Palace in 1917, or they prefer to sink further in barbarism
together with all of us.

Nstor Miguel Gorojovsky

Leninist-International mailing list
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[L-I] Re: ïÔ×ÅÔ: To moderators from Russia -to Louis Proyect

2001-01-20 Thread Tony Abdo

I absolutely agree with you, Svetlana. Vladimir and I have both been
deprived of our right to discuss these issues.  And most importantly
still, other participants on this list have been deprived of the right
to see the issues debated.

This trigger happy attitude towards expelling people off list has been
made into some kind of supposed virtue, when it is nothing more than the
most rank and abusive censorship.

I once again call upon the moderators to cancel their expulsion off
list, of Vladimir, Owen, and Steve. It would be an act of characer
to admit the mistake, rather than compounding it. It is no sin to do
something mistakenly, and then to rectify it.

I suggest that in the future, if it appears that a particular
commentator is abusing his list participation in some form or another,
that the list be polled about whether it be necessary to remove that
person or not.

 Svetlana wrote.
And even if Vladimir`s friend is mistaken and Tony Abdo is right
writing: "I think that you have made some pretty wild comments here..."
(attributing it by mistake to Vladimir Bilenkin), - why you, comrade
Luois, and your colleagues - moderators deprive me and my comrades of a
possibility to learn what happens in USA in reality? 

Tony has presented arguments against an expressed hypothesis, he has
explained why "the idea that the Black population gets a fair shake PLUS
in Florida is incredible" and has made it in the correct form. 

Having thrown Vladimir off the list, what did you deprive both him and
Tony Abdo of the means to debate in public for? Why did you deprive me
and my Russian comrades of the possibility to read their polemics?

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[L-I] Re: [L-I] : [L-I] To moderators from Russia - to Louis Proyect

2001-01-20 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

- Original Message -
From: Svetlana Baiborodova [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Svetlana, neither Louis or Mark are moderators here.

I hope you stay, but Bilenkin is not- EVER- welcome here. I hope that can be clear.
No Myers, no Bilenkin. Only one Jones.

Macdonald Stainsby,

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[L-I] Re: [L-I] Re: ïÔ×ÅÔ: To moderators from Russia -to Louis Proyect

2001-01-20 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

 I once again call upon the moderators to cancel their expulsion off
 list, of Vladimir, Owen, and Steve. It would be an act of characer
 to admit the mistake, rather than compounding it. It is no sin to do
 something mistakenly, and then to rectify it.

I like you Tony. But it ain't gonna happen.
The mistake was waiting so long that all of these characters got comfortable. Beyond
that, as far as Bilenkin goes, he was only partially removed because of his
endorsement of racist filth against US Blacks. He also has quite a history of
declaring "lines" on elists and splitting them down the middle. In fact, Bilenkin was
the only individual of the three removed that Johannes agreed to.

Owen and Steve, for reasons I will not go over again, are in the dustbin of L-I
history. Move on.


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[L-I] : [L-I] Re: [L-I] : [L-I] To moderators from Russia - to Louis Proyect

2001-01-20 Thread Svetlana Baiborodova

Svetlana, neither Louis or Mark are moderators here.

I hope you stay, but Bilenkin is not- EVER- welcome here. I hope that can
be clear.
No Myers, no Bilenkin. Only one Jones.

Macdonald Stainsby,

Oh, I am sorry for my mistake. It was found that you are the boss of this

I hope that I speak clear too. If no Bilenkin - no me and no anyone of my
Russian comrade.
Only you. And Jones.


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Re: [L-I] Illiterate blacks

2001-01-20 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

 Revolutions of the 20th century have been made by illiterate people.

 Louis Proyect
 Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Far more often than by the literate, I would almost guarantee. If the revolution was
socialist, the illiteracy wasn't going to last for long.


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[L-I] Re:Svetlana to Moderation team

2001-01-20 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

Ugh. I hate the word "boss". It's sufficient grounds for suicide.
I am a co-moderator. Two women- Yoshie Furuhashi and Mine Aysen Doyran- are my
co-moderators. I speak clearly because I already know they agree to these points and
I merely received your message first. Bilenkin was dumped "unanimously"

Saying "no" to list-members is a very painful thing to do. But, in this case the list
is in better hands without the gentleman you speak of. I'm sorry you feel the way you
do. You are welcome to return and tell us of your struggles whenever you wish, but I
get the feeling you do not understand the kind of list we are building here. Sorry,
Nestor- Valdimir is trouble. I can't say your advice rings with me, at least this

Macdonald Stainsby,

Rad-Green List: Radical anti-capitalist environmental discussion.

Leninist-International: Building bridges within Marxism in the tradition of V.I.

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[L-I] Russian officials boycott George W. Bush's inauguration celebration in Moscow

2001-01-20 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

January 19, 2001

Russian officials boycott George W. Bush's inauguration celebration in Moscow

It has become known to Strana.Ru that there is a maturing opinion among the
invited leading Russian representatives of the presidential administration
and the government to boycott the reception at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow in
the evening of January 20 commemorating the inauguration of the U.S.

The reception is being given in honor of the inauguration of the newly
elected President of the United States of America, George W. Bush, and is to
take place from 7:00 p.m. to 10:10 p.m., exactly at the time when the newly
elected American President will be sworn in.

This can be regarded as an extremely scandalous and unprecedented
demonstration on the part of the Russian state elite: Russian ministers,
their first deputies and a number of ranking officials from the government,
as well as prominent figures from the presidential administration and its
subdivisions were invited to the ceremony.

"This is not an official decision, and because of that, in the given
situation, I would not like to speak out as an official person," one of the
governmental spokesmen told our correspondent. "But as for myself, we have
decided that it would be incorrect to go to the U.S. Ambassador's residence
in Moscow and smile in front of the American diplomats, including those who
issued a visa to Borodin, possibly knowing what kind of reception was in
store for him (in the United States). The Russian government spokesman
explained that, of course, the matter did not concern specific figures from
the U.S. Embassy.

Macdonald Stainsby

Rad-Green List: Radical anti-capitalist environmental discussion.

Leninist-International: Building bridges within Marxism in the tradition of V.I.

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Re: [L-I] Re: Socialist Democracy at Home and Abroad

2001-01-20 Thread LROBERTS46

I have many friends who are supporters of the PRD.  Many Californians and 
trade unionists support them.  But the PRD was criticized for not supporting 
the Zapatistas clearly enough.  Some Mexican friends of mine state that the 
leadership of the PRD were former PRI folks.  Yes, I would say that they are 
Social Democratic and Liberal.  We unite with them against the genocide and 
imperialism that was happening in Mexico.  But, they are not revolutionary 
and not supportive of self defense for indigenous folks.  

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[L-I] Re: ïÔ×ÅÔ: To moderators from Russia-to Louis Proyect

2001-01-20 Thread Tony Abdo

Let me see if I have all this right? Johannes wanted Vladimir off
list, with Steve and Owen off? Nestor wants Vladimir on, but  Steve
and Owen off.Mark is not a list moderator, yet assures us that
certain folk shall not return.And Lou is against having people use
the word illiterate, Buchanan, or hillbilly. That's grounds for

I never did hear a reply to the idea of getting list paticipants feed
back on who is on, and who is off.

My last expulsion off a list for my supposedly deplorable conduct was
off a Houston list called the HoustonPeaceRoundTable.   The excuse was,
that I kept mentioning that someone who declared himself a friend of the
police, might be unwlecome on a 'peace' oriented list. He even used
a false name, ' Villa Logan', that seemed to match an area of the city
which was famous for it's lynching of Blacks.But my conduct was less
than peaceful on a 'peace' list.According to the moderator.

Prior to that, I was expelled off Lacny's marxism list for not being
supportive of the Fletcher wing of the AFL-CIO bureaucracy. I called
into question certain 'in' methods of union organizing, using
'professional organizers from outside the community.Of course, once
again, it was my 'conduct' that was the reason given.Not that I was
critical of certain aspects of politics that the moderator supported
religiously.No, it's always the way it's done. 

It's always that 'conduct' that is inappropriate!

Right before this all blew up on this list, the moderator of the Chomsky
list had posed the question on whether there should be limits on 'free
speech'. I suggested that Yes, stop 'free speech' for Pepsi and
Coke.It's actually paid for by vampires that are sucking our

Obviously, there is more to this question than just that. So,
outside of the immediate and current situation with on and off list
people here, what about the general question of 'free speech'?Should
it be limited in a 'free society'?


I like you Tony.Move on.

What are you suggesting here, Macdonald? BTW, I like you, too.
It's just that I believe that power to remove people off list should not
be concentrated so, but distributed around a little more.

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[L-I] : [L-I] Re:Svetlana to Moderation team

2001-01-20 Thread Svetlana Baiborodova

I like you Tony. But it ain't gonna happen.
The mistake was waiting so long that all of these characters got
comfortable. Beyond
that, as far as Bilenkin goes, he was only partially removed because of his
endorsement of racist filth against US Blacks.

I am a co-moderator. Two women- Yoshie Furuhashi and Mine Aysen Doyran- are
co-moderators. I speak clearly because I already know they agree to these
points and
I merely received your message first. Bilenkin was dumped "unanimously"

Oh, it is found that not only Louis Proyect has this strange "eyelight
defect"! It is collective disease. I am a physician by my first profession
but I did not meet such strange case before... It looks like infection. A
bad case. And what if it is contagious for other members of the list?!  What
can I advise them? The only remedy to prevent spreading of infection is
isolation of contagion...
And as to you, Macdonald, your "ÓÏ-moderators", Proyect, Jones -
unfortunetely I can not help you.  And any oculist cannot. Dishonesty is

I go away, be happy!

Svetlana Baiborodova

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Re: [L-I] Any translators? This from another list...

2001-01-20 Thread Alexander Domrin

Yeah, but it might be a pseudonym too - in the best traditions
of Lenin-Trotsky-Stalin...

Have a nice weekend,

At 12:36 PM 1/20/2001 -0300, you wrote:
En relacin a Re: [L-I] Any translators? This from another list, 
el 20 Jan 01, a las 5:46, Macdonald Stainsby dijo:

  Vladimir Sovetsky

A nom de guerre? Is "Vladimir child of the Councils" a true Russian name?

Just curious, actually.

Nstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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Re: [L-I] Illiterate blacks

2001-01-20 Thread Alexander Domrin

There is a tendency on this list to give a highly sophisticated
explanation to often ordinary events.
The question is NOT about problems of education in the U.S. 
The question is did "they" REALLY provide free transportation to 
poorly educated voters to get their votes? Or did "they" NOT?
Is it TRUTH or NOT? Period.
If it's possible to buy a vote for a bottle of vodka in Russia,
why something like that cannot be possible in the U.S., 
hardly having better educated people than Russia?
Did Bilenkin's informer LIE or did he NOT?

Have a nice weekend,

At 10:56 AM 1/20/2001 -0500, you wrote:
May be I am mistaken because of my imperfect English but, in my opinion, the
fraze from that letter "They bused illiterate blacks to the polls ",  means
not that the author considers that all Negro race is illiterate, but the
indication to the fact that the operatives from the democratic party used
dishonestly the illiterate, retarded representatives of this race at the

Svetlana, literacy tests were used to exclude Blacks from voting in the
South for most of the 20th century. Sharecroppers, who could not read
because of poor education, were literate enough to tell the difference
between the name of a racist and a desegregationist during Jim Crow years.
When Marxists give credit to the notion that illiteracy is some kind of
litmus test for voting, then we have no business talking about revolution.
Revolutions of the 20th century have been made by illiterate people.

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

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RE: [L-I] oTWET: [L-I] Re:Svetlana to Moderation team

2001-01-20 Thread Mark Jones

Svetlana Baiborodova wrote:
 I go away, be happy!

Svyetichka, this already your 5th or 6th curtain call, are you going or staying?



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Re: [L-I] Re: oTWET: To moderators from Russia -to Louis Proyect

2001-01-20 Thread Carrol Cox

Mark Jones wrote:


 what about the general question of 'free speech'?Should
  it be limited in a 'free society'?

 This is a very interesting question. What did Lenin and/or Marx have to say about

Freedom of speech refers only to the use  abuse of
state power. it is irrelevant in the present context.


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RE: [L-I] Re: oTWET: To moderators from Russia -to Louis Proyect

2001-01-20 Thread Mark Jones

 Carrol Cox wrote:

 Freedom of speech refers only to the use  abuse of
 state power. it is irrelevant in the present context.

Damn, and here was I hoping to drag Lenin into it somehow. You're right of course.
As ever.


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Re: [L-I] Baiborodova-Bilenkin-Myers-Shein

2001-01-20 Thread Mine Aysen Doyran

Racist Bilenkin  secterian Myers had no positive business here. The decision
was made in the interest off all. There is no reason to occupy ourselves with
dead horse topics. Let's move on, comrades!!!


Alexander Domrin wrote:

 I wonder why Svetlana is so upset because of Bilenkin's expulsion only
 and not about expulsion of Myers. In the end, it was Myers who arranged
 a tour to England and somewhere else for Oleg Shein
 (Bilenkin would say, "bused literate Shein to Europe"),
 co-chairman of Defence of Labour trade union
 Baiborodova is a co-chairman of a regional (Samara) organisation
 of that TU.


 At 09:30 PM 1/20/2001 +0400, you wrote:
 Svetlana, neither Louis or Mark are moderators here.
 I hope you stay, but Bilenkin is not- EVER- welcome here. I hope that can
 be clear.
 No Myers, no Bilenkin. Only one Jones.
 Macdonald Stainsby,
 Oh, I am sorry for my mistake. It was found that you are the boss of this
 I hope that I speak clear too. If no Bilenkin - no me and no anyone of my
 Russian comrade.
 Only you. And Jones.
 Leninist-International mailing list
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 Leninist-International mailing list
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Mine Aysen Doyran
Ph.D Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 1

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RocketCash, a NetZero subsidiary

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RE: [L-I] Baiborodova-Bilenkin-Myers-Shein

2001-01-20 Thread Mark Jones

 I wonder why Svetlana is so upset because of Bilenkin's expulsion only
 and not about expulsion of Myers.

A very interesting question. Ho-hum, I suppose we shall never know, know that Svyeta
has *gone*.


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[L-I] Re: [L-I] Re: ïÔ×ÅÔ: To moderators from Russia -to Louis Proyect

2001-01-20 Thread LROBERTS46


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