Re: Precompiled binaries for LyX1.5.x on Linux

2008-03-21 Thread rgheck

Geevarghese Philip wrote:

  I have no root permission on my Linux machine, and I would like to 
install LyX1.5.x on it. Is there a way to get precompiled binaries for 
Lyx1.5.x that can be installed in my home directory without root 
permissions, and which has all the dependencies built in to it?

Precompiled, I don't know, but you can usually install packages you 
compile yourself to local directories by setting the PREFIX variable: 
./configure --prefix=/home/gphilip/. This will install LyX into 
/home/gphilip/bin, /home/gphilip/share/, etc. You'll also need to set 
some environment variables, I believe, so that the libraries will be 
found, if you have to install any dependencies, but those can be handled 
the same way.

That said, perhaps it's easier to get root to install LyX for you.


Re: Querverweis+Text

2008-03-21 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
G. Milde wrote:
  Did you check Global in Prefs-Language Settings-Language?

 No, as some of my documents are English, some German and some NGerman.

This is completely unrelated. Global just means that the languages of the 
document will be passed as an option to the document class, not to the babel 
package, i.e.:


instead of


The advantage of this global approach is that the language options are 
passed down to all packages, while in the latter case, they are not.

That's why varioref is not aware about the document language in your case.


Kleine Probleme mit LyX 1.5.x

2008-03-21 Thread Steffen Steinwand
Guten Tag,


ich habe mir LyX herunter geladen um damit meine Diplomarbeit zu schreiben.
Denn ich habe von vielen Leuten von Problemen mit Word gehört, wenn die
Texte umfangreicher werden.


Ich bin nun dabei meine ersten DA - Zeiten in LyX zu schreiben und mir sind
dabei ein paar kleine Schwierigkeiten aufgetreten. Ich habe auch die
verschiedenen Hilfsmöglichkeiten überflogen, konnte aber keine Hilfe finden,
deshalb wende ich mich an sie!



1.  Wenn ich meine LyX Datei als Dvi anschauen will, werden
die Umlaute Ä, Ö, Ü nicht mit umgewandelt und fehlen in der Dvi Anzeige!

 sollte eigentlich Vollständigkeit. Hat diese Fehlermeldung etwas damit zu

Es werden auch andere Buchstabenkombinationen nicht korrekt konvertiert.

 soll „eingepflegt“ heißen. Auch aufgefallen bei „offiziell“ 






2.  Beim exportieren in eine PDF File stehen nur Teile der
Überschriften da und die richtige Anzahl der Blätter wird erzeugt, aber es
fehlt jeglicher „Standard“ Text.


3.  Kann ich ein sich selbst aktualisierendes Datum der Form
„TT.MM.“ einfügen.



Vielen Dank für Ihre Mühen und Ihre Antwort.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen 

Steffen Steinwand


Re: Kleine Probleme mit LyX 1.5.x

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm

as this mailing list an English one, I am answering in English.

2008/3/21 Steffen Steinwand [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 1.  Wenn ich meine LyX Datei als Dvi anschauen will, werden
 die Umlaute Ä, Ö, Ü nicht mit umgewandelt und fehlen in der Dvi Anzeige!

  sollte eigentlich Vollständigkeit. Hat diese Fehlermeldung etwas damit zu

 Es werden auch andere Buchstabenkombinationen nicht korrekt konvertiert.

  soll „eingepflegt heißen. Auch aufgefallen bei „offiziell

I would guess that this is an encoding/font problem. Please try to add

%% Dadurch werden die richtigen Fonts eingebunden - PS-Fonts statt Bitmap-Fonts
%% Damit werden z.B. deutsche Umlaute im PDF unterstützt

to the preamble. In plain LaTeX that solves problems with German umlauts, etc.

 2.  Beim exportieren in eine PDF File stehen nur Teile der
 Überschriften da und die richtige Anzahl der Blätter wird erzeugt, aber es
 fehlt jeglicher „Standard Text.

No clue, sorry.

 3.  Kann ich ein sich selbst aktualisierendes Datum der Form
 „TT.MM. einfügen.

Yes, insert an ERT-inset into the document (Insert - TeX code --
Ctrl + L) and enter \today. Make sure that your text language is set
to German/German (new spelling), otherwise it gets rendered in the
English way.

If those things didn't help, you could post your lyx-file so that I
can have a look if it works on my computer.


Re: Kleine Probleme mit LyX 1.5.x

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm
2008/3/21 Dominik Böhm [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   3.  Kann ich ein sich selbst aktualisierendes Datum der 
   „TT.MM. einfügen.

  Yes, insert an ERT-inset into the document (Insert - TeX code --
  Ctrl + L) and enter \today. Make sure that your text language is set
  to German/German (new spelling), otherwise it gets rendered in the
  English way.

Update, you can also insert it directly with (Insert - Date) using the menu.

Re: Kleine Probleme mit LyX 1.5.x

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 11:19 AM, Dominik Böhm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2008/3/21 Dominik Böhm [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

3.  Kann ich ein sich selbst aktualisierendes Datum der 
 „TT.MM. einfügen.
Yes, insert an ERT-inset into the document (Insert - TeX code --
Ctrl + L) and enter \today. Make sure that your text language is set
to German/German (new spelling), otherwise it gets rendered in the
English way.

  Update, you can also insert it directly with (Insert - Date) using the menu.

Sorry to bother you again, Insert - Date doesn't insert a date that
gets updated automatically. Thus, you should stick to my first

Re: Kleine Probleme mit LyX 1.5.x

2008-03-21 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Steffen Steinwand schrieb:


1.  Wenn ich meine LyX Datei als Dvi anschauen will, werden
die Umlaute Ä, Ö, Ü nicht mit umgewandelt und fehlen in der Dvi Anzeige!

This list ist in English, so I'm replying in English.

After looking at the images you sent, it seems that your LaTeX installation is broken. I recommend 
to reinstall LaTeX and LyX again to get a fresh and working system:

- uninstall LyX completely
- uninstall MiKTeX completely (assure that you check the uninstaller option tidy up 
- open an internet connection
- reinstall LyX using the complete variant of this installer:

3.  Kann ich ein sich selbst aktualisierendes Datum der Form
„TT.MM.“ einfügen.

Inset the command
in ERT.

regards Uwe

Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread Pavel Sanda
 On multiline copies, Edit-Paste in LyX usually removes linefeeds. 
 Edit-pastespecial-text puts in the last thing copied or cut from LyX, 

with middle button and using Edit- paste special - Selection
linefeeds are correct (tested with eterm, xterm and lyx 1.5.4).


Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 12:22 PM, Pavel Sanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On multiline copies, Edit-Paste in LyX usually removes linefeeds.
   Edit-pastespecial-text puts in the last thing copied or cut from LyX,

  with middle button and using Edit- paste special - Selection
  linefeeds are correct (tested with eterm, xterm and lyx 1.5.4).

Why is that not the default pasting behavior?


Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread Pavel Sanda
   On multiline copies, Edit-Paste in LyX usually removes linefeeds.
Edit-pastespecial-text puts in the last thing copied or cut from LyX,
   with middle button and using Edit- paste special - Selection
   linefeeds are correct (tested with eterm, xterm and lyx 1.5.4).
 Why is that not the default pasting behavior?

middle button is not default mechanism

Indentation after a list

2008-03-21 Thread jean beney


I notice that after a list (i.e. after \end{itemize}) LyX does not put 
an empty line, so that the next standard paragraph is not indented. My 
editor wants this paragraph to be indented. Until now, I use a script to 
add a newline after \end{itemize}.

Is there a way to tell LyX to add an empty lmine after a list?


Re: Using a network printer

2008-03-21 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 19 Mar 2008, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Les Denham wrote:

 Perhaps this is exactly the problem Paul has encountered: the error
 message gives the impression it is a printer problem, whereas the real
 problem is the difference between latex and pdflatex.

That could be his problem, but mine is that the network printer which I 
can use from other programs does not appear when trying to print from LyX.
If we then recommend users to print through one of the viewers, I'm not 
sure we should keep File-Print. Or maybe we should have:

Just a thought (I don't think it makes sense spending a lot of time making 
print to work directly from LyX when it works via viewers).

Maybe it'd be an idea to put a tip in the print dialog, that recommends 
the user to print via a viewer?

snip distribution, you might get short-hopped by the differences.  I 
always try to print from a viewer looking at the final distribution 


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Lyx shortcut key problem

2008-03-21 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 20 Mar 2008, Jim wrote:

I am a Lyx user. Lyx is a perfect word processor.


  As I don't use that shortcut key I cannot answer your question.

  However, I want to point out that LyX (and LaTeX) are not word processors.
That term applies to text editors that can do formatting on a word-by-word
and line-by-line basis.

  LyX is a GUI front end to LaTeX, a higher level wrapper for the underlying
TeX typesetting system. It is not a WYSIWYG application because the
formatting/styling commands are kept in files separate from the text itself,
then applied to the text when the file is compiled. Formatting is
paragraph-by-paragraph and page-by-page. The differences in the underlying
approaches are quite visible in the outputs.

  I believe it's important for users to really grok the differences between
LyX and a word processor. If what one really wants is the latter, then use
one of those and do not expect LyX to be another offering in the same

  By the same token, neither LyX/LaTeX nor word processors perform the same
function as a page layout program. The latter, and Scribus is an excellent
example, focus on design of a page that includes graphics as well as text.
Trying to write text in such an application is a major PITA. Use a plain
text editor to write and edit, then import the results into a text frame on
the layout.

  Each is a different tool for a different purpose. We all need to
understand that there are different tools available, and we should choose
the most appropriate one for a given task. Asking one such tool to acquire
the functions of another is not reasonable. That's why you can go to the
hardware store and buy hammers for tacks, driving nails, framing, forming
metal, and so on. No single hammer does it all. Similarly, LyX is neither a
word processor nor a graphics-intensive page layout tool.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: final feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Kamran SHAFQAT

Bob Lounsbury wrote:

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 4:00 PM, William B. King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

After struggling with LyX for two days, I can't even get it to print out
 its own documentation, which was prepared in LyX!  How much more
 retarded could it possibly get?  Good idea.  Let me know when you get it

Posts like this are very unwarranted and extremely rude! You're
blaming LyX for something that is out of it's control!

If you don't like the program then don't use it, but don't bother the
list with this nonsense.

This list helped me create my thesis and I'll be forever thankful and
try to provide 'open' individuals with help whenever I know the

Is it possible to block people from the list? I wish it were.



It’s been a long time since I wrote here because I ma very busy with my 
thesis. I try my best to answer things that I know. I never worked with 
latex before when I started with Lyx and I am glade not only because the 
program is quite good but also because of the help I got from this 
people here are way too kind than on other discussion forums and they do 
try to help every one even with questions which arises simply because 
the person has not look at the manual properly. As someone suggested 
there should be a way to block people from the list that is the only 
solution I think.

By the way do you work for Microsoft by any chance?


Re: LyX discussion boards?

2008-03-21 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 20 Mar 2008, Manveru wrote:

GMAIL is nice. However it lacks simple case when someone adds [solved] 
to the mail topics (which is quite often on lyx-users). And it does not 
have option to manually link threads (I need such option quite often for 
plenty other situations as much as changing Topic for reply).

Link threads...?  I'm not sure what you mean, but if you mean being able 
to link to a conversation/thread from a web/wiki page, then e.g. gmane is 
your friend.

On the wiki, there's a prefix for linking to gmane. I just added an 
example to the sandbox that links to this thread.

Since I read these messages through gmane's news interface, I just look in 
the header of the message to see what number it has. Your message had 
number 45661, so I could link to the thread in the wiki by adding

to a page.

Hope this helps someone.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: final feedback

2008-03-21 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 20 Mar 2008, William B. King wrote:

After struggling with LyX for two days, I can't even get it to print out 
its own documentation, which was prepared in LyX!  How much more 
retarded could it possibly get?  Good idea.  Let me know when you get it 

I've encountered that problem myself and it is indeed frustrating. If I 
remember correctly it was caused by things outside of LyX (I have a vague 
memory of some LaTeX distribution that had stopped distributing a package 
called floatflt.sty).

However, if you don't provide details we can't help you, nor fix it so 
that others won't suffer the same problem.

In the meanwhile, you can have a look here for some older versions of the 
manuals in PDF.

Best regards,

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Change page numbering

2008-03-21 Thread Filippo Zangheri
Hi guys,

I'm facing a LaTeX related problem. Do you know a working method for
having all pages numbered in the desired way, e.g. - page -?

The (obvious) first method I tried was this:

\fancyfoot[EC,OC]{-\ \thepage\ -}

Tha problem is that it only works for non chapter-starting pages.
The second thought was to add the following, to extend fancy page
style to chapter-starting pages:


Now the problem is that I have headers even on those pages, which I
don't want.

So, any ideas? Any further package to suggest?

Thanks for the great effort in helping so many people in a so
effective and fast way.

Filippo Zangheri

GPG key ID: 0xE1D879FA
Key fingerprint: 816B CE57 D43C 0A47 EF35 3378 EA5F A72A E1D8 79FA
Key server:

Version: 3.12
GE d- s+:- a-- C++ UL+++ P+ L+++ E-- W+ N* o-- K- w--- O-- M--
V- PS++ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5-- X++ R* tv b+ DI-- D G-- e++ h--
r++ z*

Re: Using a network printer

2008-03-21 Thread Mark Hansel

On Fri, 21 Mar 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 14:29:49 +0100
Subject: Re: Using a network printer

On Wed, 19 Mar 2008, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Les Denham wrote:

 Perhaps this is exactly the problem Paul has encountered: the error
 message gives the impression it is a printer problem, whereas the real
 problem is the difference between latex and pdflatex.

That could be his problem, but mine is that the network printer which I can 
use from other programs does not appear when trying to print from LyX.
If we then recommend users to print through one of the viewers, I'm not sure 
we should keep File-Print. Or maybe we should have:

Just a thought (I don't think it makes sense spending a lot of time making 
print to work directly from LyX when it works via viewers).

Maybe it'd be an idea to put a tip in the print dialog, that recommends the 
user to print via a viewer?

snip distribution, you might get short-hopped by the differences.  I 
always try to print from a viewer looking at the final distribution 

A restriction to print exclusively through viewers breaks lyx! There are 
circumstances where printing an exported ps file makes sense (e.g., 
multiple collated copies, transmit). Under most circumstances, a keyboard 
shortcut or a print icon (or using a menu) produces COMMON SENSE result. 
An editor/text processor that is the only one on the planet that won't 
conduct a friendly hand shake with the print layer of sofware is not going 
to be very popular.

(Don't emulate MS -- How many MS engineers does it take to change a light 
bulb? None. MS declares darkness the standard.)

Mark Hansel

Re: Change page numbering (solved)

2008-03-21 Thread Filippo Zangheri
Filippo Zangheri ha scritto:
 Filippo Zangheri ha scritto:
 Hi guys,

 I'm facing a LaTeX related problem. Do you know a working method for
 having all pages numbered in the desired way, e.g. - page -?

 The (obvious) first method I tried was this:

 \fancyfoot[EC,OC]{-\ \thepage\ -}

 Tha problem is that it only works for non chapter-starting pages.
 The second thought was to add the following, to extend fancy page
 style to chapter-starting pages:


 Now the problem is that I have headers even on those pages, which I
 don't want.

 So, any ideas? Any further package to suggest?

 Thanks for the great effort in helping so many people in a so
 effective and fast way.

 Sorry for te mess, I solved just by redefining \thepage:
 \renewcommand{\thepage}{-\ \arabic{page}\ -}
 Best regards to the whole list.

I've discovered something about customizing (redefining) \thepage,
it must be re-customized each time you issue one of the \pagestyle
commands, otherwise it will be reset to the LaTeX default value.


Filippo Zangheri

GPG key ID: 0xE1D879FA
Key fingerprint: 816B CE57 D43C 0A47 EF35 3378 EA5F A72A E1D8 79FA
Key server:

Version: 3.12
GE d- s+:- a-- C++ UL+++ P+ L+++ E-- W+ N* o-- K- w--- O-- M--
V- PS++ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5-- X++ R* tv b+ DI-- D G-- e++ h--
r++ z*

Re: Change page numbering (solved)

2008-03-21 Thread Filippo Zangheri
Filippo Zangheri ha scritto:
 Hi guys,
 I'm facing a LaTeX related problem. Do you know a working method for
 having all pages numbered in the desired way, e.g. - page -?
 The (obvious) first method I tried was this:
 \fancyfoot[EC,OC]{-\ \thepage\ -}
 Tha problem is that it only works for non chapter-starting pages.
 The second thought was to add the following, to extend fancy page
 style to chapter-starting pages:
 Now the problem is that I have headers even on those pages, which I
 don't want.
 So, any ideas? Any further package to suggest?
 Thanks for the great effort in helping so many people in a so
 effective and fast way.

Sorry for te mess, I solved just by redefining \thepage:

\renewcommand{\thepage}{-\ \arabic{page}\ -}

Best regards to the whole list.

Filippo Zangheri

GPG key ID: 0xE1D879FA
Key fingerprint: 816B CE57 D43C 0A47 EF35 3378 EA5F A72A E1D8 79FA
Key server:

Version: 3.12
GE d- s+:- a-- C++ UL+++ P+ L+++ E-- W+ N* o-- K- w--- O-- M--
V- PS++ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5-- X++ R* tv b+ DI-- D G-- e++ h--
r++ z*

Re: Using a network printer

2008-03-21 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Fri, 21 Mar 2008, Mark Hansel wrote:

 Maybe it'd be an idea to put a tip in the print dialog, that recommends
 the user to print via a viewer?

  snip distribution, you might get short-hopped by the differences.  I 
  always try to print from a viewer looking at the final distribution 

A restriction to print exclusively through viewers breaks lyx! There are 
circumstances where printing an exported ps file makes sense (e.g., 
multiple collated copies, transmit).

I don't think anyone proposes that we remove the ability to produce 
.ps-files... Personally, I think it'd be nice to be able to rpint directly 
from LyX. The question as I see it is if it's worth spending time trying 
to fix bugs in LyX that are related to printing. (And that are probably 
specific to the GNU/Linux distribution etc)

Under most circumstances, a keyboard shortcut or a print icon (or using 
a menu) produces COMMON SENSE result. An editor/text processor that is 
the only one on the planet that won't conduct a friendly hand shake with 
the print layer of sofware is not going to be very popular.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

2 nomenclatures

2008-03-21 Thread diefettenjahre
Hi everyone,

I need in my Bachelor Thesis two nomenclatures: on for abbreviations and the
other  one for important keywords (as some kind of glossary).

I created the first nomenclature and don't know how to add another one?

Thanks in advance and have nice holidays!

Re: Indentation after a list

2008-03-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

jean beney wrote:


I notice that after a list (i.e. after \end{itemize}) LyX does not put 
an empty line, so that the next standard paragraph is not indented. My 
editor wants this paragraph to be indented. Until now, I use a script to 
add a newline after \end{itemize}.

Is there a way to tell LyX to add an empty lmine after a list?

I don't think there is an automatic way (unless you want to hack one of 
the layout include files), but as of LyX 1.5.4 you can put an empty 
paragraph between the list and the next line of text and change the 
environment of the empty paragraph to --Separator-- (or however the 
separator is listed on your environment drop-down list -- seems to vary 
a bit among classes).


Re: Precompiled binaries for LyX1.5.x on Linux

2008-03-21 Thread Steve Litt
On Friday 21 March 2008 02:14, rgheck wrote:
 Geevarghese Philip wrote:
I have no root permission on my Linux machine, and I would like to
  install LyX1.5.x on it. Is there a way to get precompiled binaries for
  Lyx1.5.x that can be installed in my home directory without root
  permissions, and which has all the dependencies built in to it?

 Precompiled, I don't know, but you can usually install packages you
 compile yourself to local directories by setting the PREFIX variable:
 ./configure --prefix=/home/gphilip/. This will install LyX into
 /home/gphilip/bin, /home/gphilip/share/, etc. You'll also need to set
 some environment variables, I believe, so that the libraries will be
 found, if you have to install any dependencies, but those can be handled
 the same way.

 That said, perhaps it's easier to get root to install LyX for you.


Or, you can do what I sometimes do -- don't do the make install at all, and 
just run it out of the directory where it was compiled 
(whatever/lyx-1.5.x/src, I think). Somewhere in my path (hopefully you have 
write permissions to at least one path directory), I make a simple 
shellscript that runs the LyX binary you compiled there.


Steve Litt
Books written in LyX:
Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting: Just the Facts

Re: Precompiled binaries for LyX1.5.x on Linux

2008-03-21 Thread Richard Heck

Steve Litt wrote:

On Friday 21 March 2008 02:14, rgheck wrote:

Geevarghese Philip wrote:

  I have no root permission on my Linux machine, and I would like to
install LyX1.5.x on it. Is there a way to get precompiled binaries for
Lyx1.5.x that can be installed in my home directory without root
permissions, and which has all the dependencies built in to it?

Precompiled, I don't know, but you can usually install packages you
compile yourself to local directories by setting the PREFIX variable:
./configure --prefix=/home/gphilip/. This will install LyX into
/home/gphilip/bin, /home/gphilip/share/, etc. You'll also need to set
some environment variables, I believe, so that the libraries will be
found, if you have to install any dependencies, but those can be handled
the same way.

That said, perhaps it's easier to get root to install LyX for you.


Or, you can do what I sometimes do -- don't do the make install at all, and 
just run it out of the directory where it was compiled 
(whatever/lyx-1.5.x/src, I think). 
Indeed. I should have mentioned that. I do this for all the development 

Somewhere in my path (hopefully you have 
write permissions to at least one path directory), I make a simple 
shellscript that runs the LyX binary you compiled there.


And you can presumably change your path by editing .bashrc.


Re: Using a network printer

2008-03-21 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 09:38:33AM -0500, Mark Hansel wrote:
 On Fri, 21 Mar 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (Don't emulate MS -- How many MS engineers does it take to change a light 
 bulb? None. MS declares darkness the standard.)

I guess MS is such a large organization that you can't judge single
engineers by the behaviour of the company's CEO or Sales department...


Re: Indentation after a list

2008-03-21 Thread Steve Litt
On Friday 21 March 2008 11:10, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
 jean beney wrote:
  I notice that after a list (i.e. after \end{itemize}) LyX does not put
  an empty line, so that the next standard paragraph is not indented. My
  editor wants this paragraph to be indented. Until now, I use a script to
  add a newline after \end{itemize}.
  Is there a way to tell LyX to add an empty lmine after a list?

 I don't think there is an automatic way (unless you want to hack one of
 the layout include files),

Or you can make your own layout file and either redefine the list or create a 
new one. Here's some content I wrote on making your own list environments:

 but as of LyX 1.5.4 you can put an empty 
 paragraph between the list and the next line of text and change the
 environment of the empty paragraph to --Separator-- (or however the
 separator is listed on your environment drop-down list -- seems to vary
 a bit among classes).

Couldn't you also use ERT to insert \\~ after the list?


Steve Litt
Books written in LyX:
Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting: Just the Facts

Re: WRB - Discoveries

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:06 AM, Pavel Sanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If someone likes, he or she can upload it into the wiki - I don't know
   where to put it and how to upload it...

  such page was recently created in wiki

Okay, I would like to upload my screencast to the wiki, but I have to
login in order to upload files. So, maybe you could put my screencast
on the according page in the wiki?!


Re: 2 nomenclatures

2008-03-21 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 8:57 AM, diefettenjahre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

  I need in my Bachelor Thesis two nomenclatures: on for abbreviations and the
  other  one for important keywords (as some kind of glossary).

  I created the first nomenclature and don't know how to add another one?

  Thanks in advance and have nice holidays!

I put this into the preamble:

% Sets up the nomenclature page the way I want it to look.

% Creates a Greek and Subscript section in the nomenclature page.

You can change 'Greek' and 'Subscript' to any heading like
'Abbreviations'. The 'G' and 'S' are then used when inserting a
nomenclature entry as the 'sort as' parameter to tell it to be put
under that section heading. I've also attached a small example.


Description: application/lyx

okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Bill King
Yes, it's me again, the same guy who couldn't get lyx to work in Ubuntu 7.10.
Just downloaded and installed what is supposed to be a COMPLETE operative
LyX/LaTeX/Tex system in windows (from your download page--vers. 1.5.4).  It

After the installation, I clicked the desktop shortcut.  Nothing happened
for such a long time I was beginning to think nothing would ever happen and
that the program was just broken.  It took 50 sec. to start, with no
indication in the meantime that anything was happening.

It's running now.  Apparently it eats up so much of the system resources (in
WinXP, 2.8 GHz Intel Pentium 4, 1 GB of RAM) that my system has been dragged
down to almost a complete halt!  I've never seen things move this slowly

Finally, just as was the case in Linux, it WILL NOT EVEN PRINT ITS OWN
DOCUMENTATION!  That is just flat out RETARDED.  I spent a good bit of last
night installing every Latex doodad I could get my hands on in Linux.
Nothing helped.  Hence, my trial in Windows this afternoon.  Got exactly the
same error message.  (Attached)

I don't buy the blame-it-on-the-OS mentality that a lot of of software
programmers seem to have these days (e.g., broken GIMP on Mac OS X 10.5).
If the software doesn't work, it just DOESN'T WORK!  (Btw, the Latex
Configuration item under Help wouldn't open at all, so couldn't check that
either to see what might be broken.)

Thank you for your time.  I'm wiping this crap off both my HDs now!
attachment: error_message.png

Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Ethan Metsger

On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:42:39 -0400, Bill King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, it's me again, the same guy who couldn't get lyx to work in Ubuntu  
7.10.  Just downloaded and installed what is supposed to be a COMPLETE  
operative LyX/LaTeX/Tex system in windows (from your download  
page--vers. 1.5.4).  It also DOESN'T WORK!


It looks like you've posted four messages, none of which provided  
significant details of the failure, the system that you're using, or any  
constructive criticism.

Why not simply use lyx 1.5.1 (the latest version in Ubuntu's repositories)  
if you're having so much trouble:

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache show lyx
   Package: lyx
   Priority: optional
   Section: universe/editors
   Installed-Size: 8432
   Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Original-Maintainer: Debian LyX Maintainers  

   Architecture: i386
   Version: 1.5.3-1~gutsy1

You can install it easily with

   sudo apt-get install lyx

This list is a more than suitable resource for help and information, even  
when frustrated -- as plenty of the list members can tell you.



Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Bo Peng
 Thank you for your time.  I'm wiping this crap off both my HDs now!

Happy ending for all of us, after all.


Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Bill King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, it's me again, the same guy who couldn't get lyx to work in Ubuntu
 7.10.  Just downloaded and installed what is supposed to be a COMPLETE
 operative LyX/LaTeX/Tex system in windows (from your download page--vers.
 1.5.4).  It also DOESN'T WORK!

The error message is telling me that you have not installed a TeX
system on your computer. It's a little difficult to use a tex/latex
based program without having tex/latex installed on your computer.

When installing the program did the setup not ask if you wanted to
download and install MiKTeX? This is the 'standard' TeX distribution
for Windoze and would eliminate this error message.

 Thank you for your time.  I'm wiping this crap off both my HDs now!

It's a little strange that you are having trouble, but hundreds of
other people have not (may say something about the installer). If you
don't want to use the program or troubleshoot the issue then that's
fine too, have a good day.


Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Hi, Bill, 

It appears that  your MiKTeX installation didn't go through, or was 
interrupted, possibly because internet connectrivity was lost or something. Can 
you successfully use MiKTeX on that computer? If so, I'm probably wrong. 

I've had no problems with LyX on either linux (Ubuntu should be able to 
apt-get install LyX, with all needed packages pulled in) or Windows (at least 
try a Reconfigure after installing on Windows). 

Have you seen this: ?

 Good luck!
  Down with categorical imperative!

- Original Message 
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 11:42:39 AM
Subject: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

Yes, it's me again, the same guy who couldn't get lyx to work in Ubuntu 7.10.  
Just downloaded and installed what is supposed to be a COMPLETE operative 
LyX/LaTeX/Tex system in windows (from your download page--vers. 1.5.4).  It 

After the installation, I clicked the desktop shortcut.  Nothing happened for 
such a long time I was beginning to think nothing would ever happen and that 
the program was just broken.  It took 50 sec. to start, with no indication in 
the meantime that anything was happening.

It's running now.  Apparently it eats up so much of the system resources (in 
WinXP, 2.8 GHz Intel Pentium 4, 1 GB of RAM) that my system has been dragged 
down to almost a complete halt!  I've never seen things move this slowly 

Finally, just as was the case in Linux, it WILL NOT EVEN PRINT ITS OWN 
DOCUMENTATION!  That is just flat out RETARDED.  I spent a good bit of last 
night installing every Latex doodad I could get my hands on in Linux.  Nothing 
helped.  Hence, my trial in Windows this afternoon.  Got exactly the same error 
message.  (Attached)

I don't buy the blame-it-on-the-OS mentality that a lot of of software 
programmers seem to have these days (e.g., broken GIMP on Mac OS X 10.5).  If 
the software doesn't work, it just DOESN'T WORK!  (Btw, the Latex Configuration 
item under Help wouldn't open at all, so couldn't check that either to see what 
might be broken.)

Thank you for your time.  I'm wiping this crap off both my HDs now!


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread rgheck

Bill King wrote:

That is just flat out RETARDED.

That sort of language is extremely inappropriate and has no place on a 
list like this.

Frankly, we're all pretty glad you won't be back. Have fun with Word.


Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread John
On Saturday 22 March 2008 12:54:30 am Pavel Sanda wrote:
On multiline copies, Edit-Paste in LyX usually removes linefeeds.
 Edit-pastespecial-text puts in the last thing copied or cut from
with middle button and using Edit- paste special - Selection
linefeeds are correct (tested with eterm, xterm and lyx 1.5.4).
  Why is that not the default pasting behavior?

 middle button is not default mechanism

After many years of relying on the middle mouse button for pasting text, I 
recently upgraded one of my machines to openSUSE 10.3 and the middle button 
no longer works quickly or reliably for any app (not just LyX). I now need to 
click up to 4 times and wait before it works.

John O'Gorman

Re: Indentation after a list

2008-03-21 Thread John
On Saturday 22 March 2008 01:59:07 am jean beney wrote:

 I notice that after a list (i.e. after \end{itemize}) LyX does not put
 an empty line, so that the next standard paragraph is not indented. My
 editor wants this paragraph to be indented. Until now, I use a script to
 add a newline after \end{itemize}.

The purpose of indentation is to show that where a new paragraph begins.
That's why you don't indent the 1st paragraph in a part or chapter.
That's also why you don't need to indent after a list.
Your editor is wrong! He seems to be one of those people (all too common 
nowadays) who slavishly follows 'procedure' without regard to purpose.

John O'Gorman

 Is there a way to tell LyX to add an empty lmine after a list?


Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sat, 22 Mar 2008, John wrote:

After many years of relying on the middle mouse button for pasting text, I
recently upgraded one of my machines to openSUSE 10.3 and the middle
button no longer works quickly or reliably for any app (not just LyX). I
now need to click up to 4 times and wait before it works.


  Over the years I discovered that the middle button (actually, the two
simultaneously for my 2-button trackballs) works as advertised on most
console apps (pine and slrn being exceptions), but not with many GUI apps.
What does work with these is holding the Shift key while pressing the two
rodent or trackball buttons. Don't try to understand, just go with the flow
and use the Shift key when needed. :-)


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread Pavel Sanda
 After many years of relying on the middle mouse button for pasting text, I 
 recently upgraded one of my machines to openSUSE 10.3 and the middle button 
 no longer works quickly or reliably for any app (not just LyX). I now need to 
 click up to 4 times and wait before it works.

this belongs to suse bugzilla.

Re: WRB - Discoveries

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:06 AM, Pavel Sanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If someone likes, he or she can upload it into the wiki - I don't know
   where to put it and how to upload it...

  such page was recently created in wiki

I created a directory /uploads/LyX/Screencasts where screencasts can
be saved. I think it's reasonable to create a page for each SWF
screencast (I created
as SWF-movies need quite a lot of space and I am not sure, how to make
them not start playing as soon as the page loads.

Well, it seems as if uploading screencasts were not as easy as I thought:
1. pmWiki disables HTML by default, thus including a swf-movie using
OBJECT ... isn't possible
2. There exist various possibilities, how to include swf-movies
(, but they seem to be

So, please someone activate the swf.php script for the wiki.

Place the swf.php
( script in your
cookbook/ directory, add the line
to your config.php file, and any link ending in .swf will
automatically be converted to HTML code for an embedded Flash


Re: WRB - Discoveries

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 9:11 PM, Dominik Böhm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:06 AM, Pavel Sanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If someone likes, he or she can upload it into the wiki - I don't know
 where to put it and how to upload it...
such page was recently created in wiki

  I created a directory /uploads/LyX/Screencasts where screencasts can
  be saved. I think it's reasonable to create a page for each SWF
  screencast (I created
  as SWF-movies need quite a lot of space and I am not sure, how to make
  them not start playing as soon as the page loads.

  Well, it seems as if uploading screencasts were not as easy as I thought:
  1. pmWiki disables HTML by default, thus including a swf-movie using
  OBJECT ... isn't possible
  2. There exist various possibilities, how to include swf-movies
  (, but they seem to be

  So, please someone activate the swf.php script for the wiki.

  Place the swf.php
  ( script in your
  cookbook/ directory, add the line
  to your config.php file, and any link ending in .swf will
  automatically be converted to HTML code for an embedded Flash

Alternatively the swf-file can also be linked directly, instead of
including it into the page. I don't know what's the better approach.

Re: 2 nomenclatures

2008-03-21 Thread diefettenjahre
Hi Bob,

thank you very much for your reply.
Using nomgroups in combination with ifthenelse is pretty sophisticated, though
I'm afraid this isn't an option for me. I really need two different indexes such
as 'Abbreviations' and 'Glossary'.

I'm searching for a thing like nom-superior-groups :-) or some completely
different. Any suggestions?

Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Steve Litt
On Friday 21 March 2008 15:18, rgheck wrote:
 Bill King wrote:
  That is just flat out RETARDED.

 That sort of language is extremely inappropriate and has no place on a
 list like this.

 Frankly, we're all pretty glad you won't be back. Have fun with Word.

Several months ago some guy email me (personally, not on a mailing list). He 
told me that LyX was difficult to install, that he blew 2 weeks trying to 
make a layout, and that he was completely misled by your claims about LyX, 
where your referred to Steve Litt.

I think he was trying to blame me for his lost two weeks :-)

I have one more thing to say. We all get frustrated at software sometimes. 
Heck, a couple months ago I was hopping mad about Qt compile dependencies 
with LyX. The question is, how do you react to software frustration.

I didn't call LyX retarded, I tried to find a solution (which a couple people 
on the LyX list eventually came up with). AND I didn't just yell -- a few 
days before the LyX compile solution came my way, I began the starting phase 
of designing a VimOutliner front end for LaTeX that WOULD compile. I was 
beginning to line up contributors and create a preliminary design for the 
VimOutliner LaTeX front end when a LyX list person gave me the tip to compile 

My advice for the guy who called LyX retarded -- if you don't like LyX, code 
up a substitute. That's what REAL men do in the Free Software world. They 
don't get mad, they get even, and that's how great new software is born.

Or, of course, they could contribute to the software that frustrates them, in 
order to help eliminate the frustrations. That's how old software 
continuously gets better.

Steve Litt
Books written in LyX:
Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting: Just the Facts

Long table settings problem

2008-03-21 Thread Julio Rojas
Hi, I have been using the long table settings in the attached sample
document with two tables, to get a wider border line for the heading on both
of them. If they are activated, the tables are numerated 1 and 3. If
they are not, the tables are rightly numerated 1 and 2.

A new bug? A know bug? A misconception on my part?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Julio Rojas

Description: application/lyx

Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 03:18:14PM -0400, rgheck wrote:
 Bill King wrote:
 That is just flat out RETARDED.

 That sort of language is extremely inappropriate and has no place on a list 
 like this.

Seems to be the average language to expect from an Associate Professor
of Psychology at Coastal Carolina University (that's him, isn't it?)

Well, no problem with that. I did not intent to see a psychologist
over there in the near future...


 He has conducted research on conditioned taste aversion, and on the
  effects of amphetamines and LSD on social behavior.

Could well be that we are in the middle of a psychological experiment ;-)


Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 21 Mar 2008, Andre Poenitz wrote:

He has conducted research on conditioned taste aversion, and on the
 effects of amphetamines and LSD on social behavior.


  A friend of mine (a psychologist in private practice, also along the East
coast) who dropped acid in the '60s told me that he still has flashbacks now
and then. Perhaps we're caught in that flashback. Or, he's conditioning us
to find him distasteful and avoid him.

Carpe weekend,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Indentation after a list

2008-03-21 Thread rgheck

John wrote:

On Saturday 22 March 2008 01:59:07 am jean beney wrote:


I notice that after a list (i.e. after \end{itemize}) LyX does not put
an empty line, so that the next standard paragraph is not indented. My
editor wants this paragraph to be indented. Until now, I use a script to
add a newline after \end{itemize}.

The purpose of indentation is to show that where a new paragraph begins.
That's why you don't indent the 1st paragraph in a part or chapter.
That's also why you don't need to indent after a list.
Your editor is wrong! He seems to be one of those people (all too common 
nowadays) who slavishly follows 'procedure' without regard to purpose.

Actually, there seems to be a difference here: The list may be part of a 
paragraph that continues after it ends, or it may end a paragraph. Right?


Re: Indentation after a list

2008-03-21 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 05:24:04PM -0400, rgheck wrote:
 John wrote:
 On Saturday 22 March 2008 01:59:07 am jean beney wrote:

 I notice that after a list (i.e. after \end{itemize}) LyX does not put
 an empty line, so that the next standard paragraph is not indented. My
 editor wants this paragraph to be indented. Until now, I use a script to
 add a newline after \end{itemize}.

 The purpose of indentation is to show that where a new paragraph begins.
 That's why you don't indent the 1st paragraph in a part or chapter.
 That's also why you don't need to indent after a list.
 Your editor is wrong! He seems to be one of those people (all too common 
 nowadays) who slavishly follows 'procedure' without regard to purpose.

 Actually, there seems to be a difference here: The list may be part of a 
 paragraph that continues after it ends, or it may end a paragraph. Right?

Right, and in this case the indentation is unwanted...


Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread John
On Saturday 22 March 2008 08:36:24 am Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Mar 2008, John wrote:
  After many years of relying on the middle mouse button for pasting text,
  I recently upgraded one of my machines to openSUSE 10.3 and the middle
  button no longer works quickly or reliably for any app (not just LyX). I
  now need to click up to 4 times and wait before it works.


Over the years I discovered that the middle button (actually, the two
 simultaneously for my 2-button trackballs) works as advertised on most
 console apps (pine and slrn being exceptions), but not with many GUI apps.
 What does work with these is holding the Shift key while pressing the two
 rodent or trackball buttons. Don't try to understand, just go with the flow
 and use the Shift key when needed. :-)
Who am I to spurn such hard won knowledge!

Thanks Rich
John O'Gorman


Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Kenward Vaughan

On Fri, 2008-03-21 at 14:19 -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Fri, 21 Mar 2008, Andre Poenitz wrote:
  He has conducted research on conditioned taste aversion, and on the
   effects of amphetamines and LSD on social behavior.
A friend of mine (a psychologist in private practice, also along the East
 coast) who dropped acid in the '60s told me that he still has flashbacks now
 and then. Perhaps we're caught in that flashback. Or, he's conditioning us
 to find him distasteful and avoid him.

Ha, ha.  He rang my bell from the get-go.  Woof, woof.


 Carpe weekend,


(Another professor, but from the west coast.  ;-)
In a completely rational society, the best of us would aspire to be 
_teachers_ and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, 
because passing civilization along from one generation to the next 
ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone 
could have. - Lee Iacocca

Re: Precompiled binaries for LyX1.5.x on Linux

2008-03-21 Thread rgheck

Geevarghese Philip wrote:

  I have no root permission on my Linux machine, and I would like to 
install LyX1.5.x on it. Is there a way to get precompiled binaries for 
Lyx1.5.x that can be installed in my home directory without root 
permissions, and which has all the dependencies built in to it?

Precompiled, I don't know, but you can usually install packages you 
compile yourself to local directories by setting the PREFIX variable: 
./configure --prefix=/home/gphilip/. This will install LyX into 
/home/gphilip/bin, /home/gphilip/share/, etc. You'll also need to set 
some environment variables, I believe, so that the libraries will be 
found, if you have to install any dependencies, but those can be handled 
the same way.

That said, perhaps it's easier to get root to install LyX for you.


Re: Querverweis+Text

2008-03-21 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
G. Milde wrote:
  Did you check Global in Prefs-Language Settings-Language?

 No, as some of my documents are English, some German and some NGerman.

This is completely unrelated. Global just means that the languages of the 
document will be passed as an option to the document class, not to the babel 
package, i.e.:


instead of


The advantage of this global approach is that the language options are 
passed down to all packages, while in the latter case, they are not.

That's why varioref is not aware about the document language in your case.


Kleine Probleme mit LyX 1.5.x

2008-03-21 Thread Steffen Steinwand
Guten Tag,


ich habe mir LyX herunter geladen um damit meine Diplomarbeit zu schreiben.
Denn ich habe von vielen Leuten von Problemen mit Word gehört, wenn die
Texte umfangreicher werden.


Ich bin nun dabei meine ersten DA - Zeiten in LyX zu schreiben und mir sind
dabei ein paar kleine Schwierigkeiten aufgetreten. Ich habe auch die
verschiedenen Hilfsmöglichkeiten überflogen, konnte aber keine Hilfe finden,
deshalb wende ich mich an sie!



1.  Wenn ich meine LyX Datei als Dvi anschauen will, werden
die Umlaute Ä, Ö, Ü nicht mit umgewandelt und fehlen in der Dvi Anzeige!

 sollte eigentlich Vollständigkeit. Hat diese Fehlermeldung etwas damit zu

Es werden auch andere Buchstabenkombinationen nicht korrekt konvertiert.

 soll „eingepflegt“ heißen. Auch aufgefallen bei „offiziell“ 






2.  Beim exportieren in eine PDF File stehen nur Teile der
Überschriften da und die richtige Anzahl der Blätter wird erzeugt, aber es
fehlt jeglicher „Standard“ Text.


3.  Kann ich ein sich selbst aktualisierendes Datum der Form
„TT.MM.“ einfügen.



Vielen Dank für Ihre Mühen und Ihre Antwort.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen 

Steffen Steinwand


Re: Kleine Probleme mit LyX 1.5.x

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm

as this mailing list an English one, I am answering in English.

2008/3/21 Steffen Steinwand [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 1.  Wenn ich meine LyX Datei als Dvi anschauen will, werden
 die Umlaute Ä, Ö, Ü nicht mit umgewandelt und fehlen in der Dvi Anzeige!

  sollte eigentlich Vollständigkeit. Hat diese Fehlermeldung etwas damit zu

 Es werden auch andere Buchstabenkombinationen nicht korrekt konvertiert.

  soll „eingepflegt heißen. Auch aufgefallen bei „offiziell

I would guess that this is an encoding/font problem. Please try to add

%% Dadurch werden die richtigen Fonts eingebunden - PS-Fonts statt Bitmap-Fonts
%% Damit werden z.B. deutsche Umlaute im PDF unterstützt

to the preamble. In plain LaTeX that solves problems with German umlauts, etc.

 2.  Beim exportieren in eine PDF File stehen nur Teile der
 Überschriften da und die richtige Anzahl der Blätter wird erzeugt, aber es
 fehlt jeglicher „Standard Text.

No clue, sorry.

 3.  Kann ich ein sich selbst aktualisierendes Datum der Form
 „TT.MM. einfügen.

Yes, insert an ERT-inset into the document (Insert - TeX code --
Ctrl + L) and enter \today. Make sure that your text language is set
to German/German (new spelling), otherwise it gets rendered in the
English way.

If those things didn't help, you could post your lyx-file so that I
can have a look if it works on my computer.


Re: Kleine Probleme mit LyX 1.5.x

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm
2008/3/21 Dominik Böhm [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   3.  Kann ich ein sich selbst aktualisierendes Datum der 
   „TT.MM. einfügen.

  Yes, insert an ERT-inset into the document (Insert - TeX code --
  Ctrl + L) and enter \today. Make sure that your text language is set
  to German/German (new spelling), otherwise it gets rendered in the
  English way.

Update, you can also insert it directly with (Insert - Date) using the menu.

Re: Kleine Probleme mit LyX 1.5.x

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 11:19 AM, Dominik Böhm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2008/3/21 Dominik Böhm [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

3.  Kann ich ein sich selbst aktualisierendes Datum der 
 „TT.MM. einfügen.
Yes, insert an ERT-inset into the document (Insert - TeX code --
Ctrl + L) and enter \today. Make sure that your text language is set
to German/German (new spelling), otherwise it gets rendered in the
English way.

  Update, you can also insert it directly with (Insert - Date) using the menu.

Sorry to bother you again, Insert - Date doesn't insert a date that
gets updated automatically. Thus, you should stick to my first

Re: Kleine Probleme mit LyX 1.5.x

2008-03-21 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Steffen Steinwand schrieb:


1.  Wenn ich meine LyX Datei als Dvi anschauen will, werden
die Umlaute Ä, Ö, Ü nicht mit umgewandelt und fehlen in der Dvi Anzeige!

This list ist in English, so I'm replying in English.

After looking at the images you sent, it seems that your LaTeX installation is broken. I recommend 
to reinstall LaTeX and LyX again to get a fresh and working system:

- uninstall LyX completely
- uninstall MiKTeX completely (assure that you check the uninstaller option tidy up 
- open an internet connection
- reinstall LyX using the complete variant of this installer:

3.  Kann ich ein sich selbst aktualisierendes Datum der Form
„TT.MM.“ einfügen.

Inset the command
in ERT.

regards Uwe

Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread Pavel Sanda
 On multiline copies, Edit-Paste in LyX usually removes linefeeds. 
 Edit-pastespecial-text puts in the last thing copied or cut from LyX, 

with middle button and using Edit- paste special - Selection
linefeeds are correct (tested with eterm, xterm and lyx 1.5.4).


Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 12:22 PM, Pavel Sanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On multiline copies, Edit-Paste in LyX usually removes linefeeds.
   Edit-pastespecial-text puts in the last thing copied or cut from LyX,

  with middle button and using Edit- paste special - Selection
  linefeeds are correct (tested with eterm, xterm and lyx 1.5.4).

Why is that not the default pasting behavior?


Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread Pavel Sanda
   On multiline copies, Edit-Paste in LyX usually removes linefeeds.
Edit-pastespecial-text puts in the last thing copied or cut from LyX,
   with middle button and using Edit- paste special - Selection
   linefeeds are correct (tested with eterm, xterm and lyx 1.5.4).
 Why is that not the default pasting behavior?

middle button is not default mechanism

Indentation after a list

2008-03-21 Thread jean beney


I notice that after a list (i.e. after \end{itemize}) LyX does not put 
an empty line, so that the next standard paragraph is not indented. My 
editor wants this paragraph to be indented. Until now, I use a script to 
add a newline after \end{itemize}.

Is there a way to tell LyX to add an empty lmine after a list?


Re: Using a network printer

2008-03-21 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 19 Mar 2008, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Les Denham wrote:

 Perhaps this is exactly the problem Paul has encountered: the error
 message gives the impression it is a printer problem, whereas the real
 problem is the difference between latex and pdflatex.

That could be his problem, but mine is that the network printer which I 
can use from other programs does not appear when trying to print from LyX.
If we then recommend users to print through one of the viewers, I'm not 
sure we should keep File-Print. Or maybe we should have:

Just a thought (I don't think it makes sense spending a lot of time making 
print to work directly from LyX when it works via viewers).

Maybe it'd be an idea to put a tip in the print dialog, that recommends 
the user to print via a viewer?

snip distribution, you might get short-hopped by the differences.  I 
always try to print from a viewer looking at the final distribution 


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Lyx shortcut key problem

2008-03-21 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 20 Mar 2008, Jim wrote:

I am a Lyx user. Lyx is a perfect word processor.


  As I don't use that shortcut key I cannot answer your question.

  However, I want to point out that LyX (and LaTeX) are not word processors.
That term applies to text editors that can do formatting on a word-by-word
and line-by-line basis.

  LyX is a GUI front end to LaTeX, a higher level wrapper for the underlying
TeX typesetting system. It is not a WYSIWYG application because the
formatting/styling commands are kept in files separate from the text itself,
then applied to the text when the file is compiled. Formatting is
paragraph-by-paragraph and page-by-page. The differences in the underlying
approaches are quite visible in the outputs.

  I believe it's important for users to really grok the differences between
LyX and a word processor. If what one really wants is the latter, then use
one of those and do not expect LyX to be another offering in the same

  By the same token, neither LyX/LaTeX nor word processors perform the same
function as a page layout program. The latter, and Scribus is an excellent
example, focus on design of a page that includes graphics as well as text.
Trying to write text in such an application is a major PITA. Use a plain
text editor to write and edit, then import the results into a text frame on
the layout.

  Each is a different tool for a different purpose. We all need to
understand that there are different tools available, and we should choose
the most appropriate one for a given task. Asking one such tool to acquire
the functions of another is not reasonable. That's why you can go to the
hardware store and buy hammers for tacks, driving nails, framing, forming
metal, and so on. No single hammer does it all. Similarly, LyX is neither a
word processor nor a graphics-intensive page layout tool.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: final feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Kamran SHAFQAT

Bob Lounsbury wrote:

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 4:00 PM, William B. King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

After struggling with LyX for two days, I can't even get it to print out
 its own documentation, which was prepared in LyX!  How much more
 retarded could it possibly get?  Good idea.  Let me know when you get it

Posts like this are very unwarranted and extremely rude! You're
blaming LyX for something that is out of it's control!

If you don't like the program then don't use it, but don't bother the
list with this nonsense.

This list helped me create my thesis and I'll be forever thankful and
try to provide 'open' individuals with help whenever I know the

Is it possible to block people from the list? I wish it were.



It’s been a long time since I wrote here because I ma very busy with my 
thesis. I try my best to answer things that I know. I never worked with 
latex before when I started with Lyx and I am glade not only because the 
program is quite good but also because of the help I got from this 
people here are way too kind than on other discussion forums and they do 
try to help every one even with questions which arises simply because 
the person has not look at the manual properly. As someone suggested 
there should be a way to block people from the list that is the only 
solution I think.

By the way do you work for Microsoft by any chance?


Re: LyX discussion boards?

2008-03-21 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 20 Mar 2008, Manveru wrote:

GMAIL is nice. However it lacks simple case when someone adds [solved] 
to the mail topics (which is quite often on lyx-users). And it does not 
have option to manually link threads (I need such option quite often for 
plenty other situations as much as changing Topic for reply).

Link threads...?  I'm not sure what you mean, but if you mean being able 
to link to a conversation/thread from a web/wiki page, then e.g. gmane is 
your friend.

On the wiki, there's a prefix for linking to gmane. I just added an 
example to the sandbox that links to this thread.

Since I read these messages through gmane's news interface, I just look in 
the header of the message to see what number it has. Your message had 
number 45661, so I could link to the thread in the wiki by adding

to a page.

Hope this helps someone.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: final feedback

2008-03-21 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Thu, 20 Mar 2008, William B. King wrote:

After struggling with LyX for two days, I can't even get it to print out 
its own documentation, which was prepared in LyX!  How much more 
retarded could it possibly get?  Good idea.  Let me know when you get it 

I've encountered that problem myself and it is indeed frustrating. If I 
remember correctly it was caused by things outside of LyX (I have a vague 
memory of some LaTeX distribution that had stopped distributing a package 
called floatflt.sty).

However, if you don't provide details we can't help you, nor fix it so 
that others won't suffer the same problem.

In the meanwhile, you can have a look here for some older versions of the 
manuals in PDF.

Best regards,

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Change page numbering

2008-03-21 Thread Filippo Zangheri
Hi guys,

I'm facing a LaTeX related problem. Do you know a working method for
having all pages numbered in the desired way, e.g. - page -?

The (obvious) first method I tried was this:

\fancyfoot[EC,OC]{-\ \thepage\ -}

Tha problem is that it only works for non chapter-starting pages.
The second thought was to add the following, to extend fancy page
style to chapter-starting pages:


Now the problem is that I have headers even on those pages, which I
don't want.

So, any ideas? Any further package to suggest?

Thanks for the great effort in helping so many people in a so
effective and fast way.

Filippo Zangheri

GPG key ID: 0xE1D879FA
Key fingerprint: 816B CE57 D43C 0A47 EF35 3378 EA5F A72A E1D8 79FA
Key server:

Version: 3.12
GE d- s+:- a-- C++ UL+++ P+ L+++ E-- W+ N* o-- K- w--- O-- M--
V- PS++ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5-- X++ R* tv b+ DI-- D G-- e++ h--
r++ z*

Re: Using a network printer

2008-03-21 Thread Mark Hansel

On Fri, 21 Mar 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 14:29:49 +0100
Subject: Re: Using a network printer

On Wed, 19 Mar 2008, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Les Denham wrote:

 Perhaps this is exactly the problem Paul has encountered: the error
 message gives the impression it is a printer problem, whereas the real
 problem is the difference between latex and pdflatex.

That could be his problem, but mine is that the network printer which I can 
use from other programs does not appear when trying to print from LyX.
If we then recommend users to print through one of the viewers, I'm not sure 
we should keep File-Print. Or maybe we should have:

Just a thought (I don't think it makes sense spending a lot of time making 
print to work directly from LyX when it works via viewers).

Maybe it'd be an idea to put a tip in the print dialog, that recommends the 
user to print via a viewer?

snip distribution, you might get short-hopped by the differences.  I 
always try to print from a viewer looking at the final distribution 

A restriction to print exclusively through viewers breaks lyx! There are 
circumstances where printing an exported ps file makes sense (e.g., 
multiple collated copies, transmit). Under most circumstances, a keyboard 
shortcut or a print icon (or using a menu) produces COMMON SENSE result. 
An editor/text processor that is the only one on the planet that won't 
conduct a friendly hand shake with the print layer of sofware is not going 
to be very popular.

(Don't emulate MS -- How many MS engineers does it take to change a light 
bulb? None. MS declares darkness the standard.)

Mark Hansel

Re: Change page numbering (solved)

2008-03-21 Thread Filippo Zangheri
Filippo Zangheri ha scritto:
 Filippo Zangheri ha scritto:
 Hi guys,

 I'm facing a LaTeX related problem. Do you know a working method for
 having all pages numbered in the desired way, e.g. - page -?

 The (obvious) first method I tried was this:

 \fancyfoot[EC,OC]{-\ \thepage\ -}

 Tha problem is that it only works for non chapter-starting pages.
 The second thought was to add the following, to extend fancy page
 style to chapter-starting pages:


 Now the problem is that I have headers even on those pages, which I
 don't want.

 So, any ideas? Any further package to suggest?

 Thanks for the great effort in helping so many people in a so
 effective and fast way.

 Sorry for te mess, I solved just by redefining \thepage:
 \renewcommand{\thepage}{-\ \arabic{page}\ -}
 Best regards to the whole list.

I've discovered something about customizing (redefining) \thepage,
it must be re-customized each time you issue one of the \pagestyle
commands, otherwise it will be reset to the LaTeX default value.


Filippo Zangheri

GPG key ID: 0xE1D879FA
Key fingerprint: 816B CE57 D43C 0A47 EF35 3378 EA5F A72A E1D8 79FA
Key server:

Version: 3.12
GE d- s+:- a-- C++ UL+++ P+ L+++ E-- W+ N* o-- K- w--- O-- M--
V- PS++ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5-- X++ R* tv b+ DI-- D G-- e++ h--
r++ z*

Re: Change page numbering (solved)

2008-03-21 Thread Filippo Zangheri
Filippo Zangheri ha scritto:
 Hi guys,
 I'm facing a LaTeX related problem. Do you know a working method for
 having all pages numbered in the desired way, e.g. - page -?
 The (obvious) first method I tried was this:
 \fancyfoot[EC,OC]{-\ \thepage\ -}
 Tha problem is that it only works for non chapter-starting pages.
 The second thought was to add the following, to extend fancy page
 style to chapter-starting pages:
 Now the problem is that I have headers even on those pages, which I
 don't want.
 So, any ideas? Any further package to suggest?
 Thanks for the great effort in helping so many people in a so
 effective and fast way.

Sorry for te mess, I solved just by redefining \thepage:

\renewcommand{\thepage}{-\ \arabic{page}\ -}

Best regards to the whole list.

Filippo Zangheri

GPG key ID: 0xE1D879FA
Key fingerprint: 816B CE57 D43C 0A47 EF35 3378 EA5F A72A E1D8 79FA
Key server:

Version: 3.12
GE d- s+:- a-- C++ UL+++ P+ L+++ E-- W+ N* o-- K- w--- O-- M--
V- PS++ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5-- X++ R* tv b+ DI-- D G-- e++ h--
r++ z*

Re: Using a network printer

2008-03-21 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Fri, 21 Mar 2008, Mark Hansel wrote:

 Maybe it'd be an idea to put a tip in the print dialog, that recommends
 the user to print via a viewer?

  snip distribution, you might get short-hopped by the differences.  I 
  always try to print from a viewer looking at the final distribution 

A restriction to print exclusively through viewers breaks lyx! There are 
circumstances where printing an exported ps file makes sense (e.g., 
multiple collated copies, transmit).

I don't think anyone proposes that we remove the ability to produce 
.ps-files... Personally, I think it'd be nice to be able to rpint directly 
from LyX. The question as I see it is if it's worth spending time trying 
to fix bugs in LyX that are related to printing. (And that are probably 
specific to the GNU/Linux distribution etc)

Under most circumstances, a keyboard shortcut or a print icon (or using 
a menu) produces COMMON SENSE result. An editor/text processor that is 
the only one on the planet that won't conduct a friendly hand shake with 
the print layer of sofware is not going to be very popular.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

2 nomenclatures

2008-03-21 Thread diefettenjahre
Hi everyone,

I need in my Bachelor Thesis two nomenclatures: on for abbreviations and the
other  one for important keywords (as some kind of glossary).

I created the first nomenclature and don't know how to add another one?

Thanks in advance and have nice holidays!

Re: Indentation after a list

2008-03-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

jean beney wrote:


I notice that after a list (i.e. after \end{itemize}) LyX does not put 
an empty line, so that the next standard paragraph is not indented. My 
editor wants this paragraph to be indented. Until now, I use a script to 
add a newline after \end{itemize}.

Is there a way to tell LyX to add an empty lmine after a list?

I don't think there is an automatic way (unless you want to hack one of 
the layout include files), but as of LyX 1.5.4 you can put an empty 
paragraph between the list and the next line of text and change the 
environment of the empty paragraph to --Separator-- (or however the 
separator is listed on your environment drop-down list -- seems to vary 
a bit among classes).


Re: Precompiled binaries for LyX1.5.x on Linux

2008-03-21 Thread Steve Litt
On Friday 21 March 2008 02:14, rgheck wrote:
 Geevarghese Philip wrote:
I have no root permission on my Linux machine, and I would like to
  install LyX1.5.x on it. Is there a way to get precompiled binaries for
  Lyx1.5.x that can be installed in my home directory without root
  permissions, and which has all the dependencies built in to it?

 Precompiled, I don't know, but you can usually install packages you
 compile yourself to local directories by setting the PREFIX variable:
 ./configure --prefix=/home/gphilip/. This will install LyX into
 /home/gphilip/bin, /home/gphilip/share/, etc. You'll also need to set
 some environment variables, I believe, so that the libraries will be
 found, if you have to install any dependencies, but those can be handled
 the same way.

 That said, perhaps it's easier to get root to install LyX for you.


Or, you can do what I sometimes do -- don't do the make install at all, and 
just run it out of the directory where it was compiled 
(whatever/lyx-1.5.x/src, I think). Somewhere in my path (hopefully you have 
write permissions to at least one path directory), I make a simple 
shellscript that runs the LyX binary you compiled there.


Steve Litt
Books written in LyX:
Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting: Just the Facts

Re: Precompiled binaries for LyX1.5.x on Linux

2008-03-21 Thread Richard Heck

Steve Litt wrote:

On Friday 21 March 2008 02:14, rgheck wrote:

Geevarghese Philip wrote:

  I have no root permission on my Linux machine, and I would like to
install LyX1.5.x on it. Is there a way to get precompiled binaries for
Lyx1.5.x that can be installed in my home directory without root
permissions, and which has all the dependencies built in to it?

Precompiled, I don't know, but you can usually install packages you
compile yourself to local directories by setting the PREFIX variable:
./configure --prefix=/home/gphilip/. This will install LyX into
/home/gphilip/bin, /home/gphilip/share/, etc. You'll also need to set
some environment variables, I believe, so that the libraries will be
found, if you have to install any dependencies, but those can be handled
the same way.

That said, perhaps it's easier to get root to install LyX for you.


Or, you can do what I sometimes do -- don't do the make install at all, and 
just run it out of the directory where it was compiled 
(whatever/lyx-1.5.x/src, I think). 
Indeed. I should have mentioned that. I do this for all the development 

Somewhere in my path (hopefully you have 
write permissions to at least one path directory), I make a simple 
shellscript that runs the LyX binary you compiled there.


And you can presumably change your path by editing .bashrc.


Re: Using a network printer

2008-03-21 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 09:38:33AM -0500, Mark Hansel wrote:
 On Fri, 21 Mar 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (Don't emulate MS -- How many MS engineers does it take to change a light 
 bulb? None. MS declares darkness the standard.)

I guess MS is such a large organization that you can't judge single
engineers by the behaviour of the company's CEO or Sales department...


Re: Indentation after a list

2008-03-21 Thread Steve Litt
On Friday 21 March 2008 11:10, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
 jean beney wrote:
  I notice that after a list (i.e. after \end{itemize}) LyX does not put
  an empty line, so that the next standard paragraph is not indented. My
  editor wants this paragraph to be indented. Until now, I use a script to
  add a newline after \end{itemize}.
  Is there a way to tell LyX to add an empty lmine after a list?

 I don't think there is an automatic way (unless you want to hack one of
 the layout include files),

Or you can make your own layout file and either redefine the list or create a 
new one. Here's some content I wrote on making your own list environments:

 but as of LyX 1.5.4 you can put an empty 
 paragraph between the list and the next line of text and change the
 environment of the empty paragraph to --Separator-- (or however the
 separator is listed on your environment drop-down list -- seems to vary
 a bit among classes).

Couldn't you also use ERT to insert \\~ after the list?


Steve Litt
Books written in LyX:
Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting: Just the Facts

Re: WRB - Discoveries

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:06 AM, Pavel Sanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If someone likes, he or she can upload it into the wiki - I don't know
   where to put it and how to upload it...

  such page was recently created in wiki

Okay, I would like to upload my screencast to the wiki, but I have to
login in order to upload files. So, maybe you could put my screencast
on the according page in the wiki?!


Re: 2 nomenclatures

2008-03-21 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 8:57 AM, diefettenjahre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

  I need in my Bachelor Thesis two nomenclatures: on for abbreviations and the
  other  one for important keywords (as some kind of glossary).

  I created the first nomenclature and don't know how to add another one?

  Thanks in advance and have nice holidays!

I put this into the preamble:

% Sets up the nomenclature page the way I want it to look.

% Creates a Greek and Subscript section in the nomenclature page.

You can change 'Greek' and 'Subscript' to any heading like
'Abbreviations'. The 'G' and 'S' are then used when inserting a
nomenclature entry as the 'sort as' parameter to tell it to be put
under that section heading. I've also attached a small example.


Description: application/lyx

okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Bill King
Yes, it's me again, the same guy who couldn't get lyx to work in Ubuntu 7.10.
Just downloaded and installed what is supposed to be a COMPLETE operative
LyX/LaTeX/Tex system in windows (from your download page--vers. 1.5.4).  It

After the installation, I clicked the desktop shortcut.  Nothing happened
for such a long time I was beginning to think nothing would ever happen and
that the program was just broken.  It took 50 sec. to start, with no
indication in the meantime that anything was happening.

It's running now.  Apparently it eats up so much of the system resources (in
WinXP, 2.8 GHz Intel Pentium 4, 1 GB of RAM) that my system has been dragged
down to almost a complete halt!  I've never seen things move this slowly

Finally, just as was the case in Linux, it WILL NOT EVEN PRINT ITS OWN
DOCUMENTATION!  That is just flat out RETARDED.  I spent a good bit of last
night installing every Latex doodad I could get my hands on in Linux.
Nothing helped.  Hence, my trial in Windows this afternoon.  Got exactly the
same error message.  (Attached)

I don't buy the blame-it-on-the-OS mentality that a lot of of software
programmers seem to have these days (e.g., broken GIMP on Mac OS X 10.5).
If the software doesn't work, it just DOESN'T WORK!  (Btw, the Latex
Configuration item under Help wouldn't open at all, so couldn't check that
either to see what might be broken.)

Thank you for your time.  I'm wiping this crap off both my HDs now!
attachment: error_message.png

Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Ethan Metsger

On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:42:39 -0400, Bill King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, it's me again, the same guy who couldn't get lyx to work in Ubuntu  
7.10.  Just downloaded and installed what is supposed to be a COMPLETE  
operative LyX/LaTeX/Tex system in windows (from your download  
page--vers. 1.5.4).  It also DOESN'T WORK!


It looks like you've posted four messages, none of which provided  
significant details of the failure, the system that you're using, or any  
constructive criticism.

Why not simply use lyx 1.5.1 (the latest version in Ubuntu's repositories)  
if you're having so much trouble:

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache show lyx
   Package: lyx
   Priority: optional
   Section: universe/editors
   Installed-Size: 8432
   Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Original-Maintainer: Debian LyX Maintainers  

   Architecture: i386
   Version: 1.5.3-1~gutsy1

You can install it easily with

   sudo apt-get install lyx

This list is a more than suitable resource for help and information, even  
when frustrated -- as plenty of the list members can tell you.



Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Bo Peng
 Thank you for your time.  I'm wiping this crap off both my HDs now!

Happy ending for all of us, after all.


Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Bob Lounsbury
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Bill King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, it's me again, the same guy who couldn't get lyx to work in Ubuntu
 7.10.  Just downloaded and installed what is supposed to be a COMPLETE
 operative LyX/LaTeX/Tex system in windows (from your download page--vers.
 1.5.4).  It also DOESN'T WORK!

The error message is telling me that you have not installed a TeX
system on your computer. It's a little difficult to use a tex/latex
based program without having tex/latex installed on your computer.

When installing the program did the setup not ask if you wanted to
download and install MiKTeX? This is the 'standard' TeX distribution
for Windoze and would eliminate this error message.

 Thank you for your time.  I'm wiping this crap off both my HDs now!

It's a little strange that you are having trouble, but hundreds of
other people have not (may say something about the installer). If you
don't want to use the program or troubleshoot the issue then that's
fine too, have a good day.


Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread curtis osterhoudt
Hi, Bill, 

It appears that  your MiKTeX installation didn't go through, or was 
interrupted, possibly because internet connectrivity was lost or something. Can 
you successfully use MiKTeX on that computer? If so, I'm probably wrong. 

I've had no problems with LyX on either linux (Ubuntu should be able to 
apt-get install LyX, with all needed packages pulled in) or Windows (at least 
try a Reconfigure after installing on Windows). 

Have you seen this: ?

 Good luck!
  Down with categorical imperative!

- Original Message 
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 11:42:39 AM
Subject: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

Yes, it's me again, the same guy who couldn't get lyx to work in Ubuntu 7.10.  
Just downloaded and installed what is supposed to be a COMPLETE operative 
LyX/LaTeX/Tex system in windows (from your download page--vers. 1.5.4).  It 

After the installation, I clicked the desktop shortcut.  Nothing happened for 
such a long time I was beginning to think nothing would ever happen and that 
the program was just broken.  It took 50 sec. to start, with no indication in 
the meantime that anything was happening.

It's running now.  Apparently it eats up so much of the system resources (in 
WinXP, 2.8 GHz Intel Pentium 4, 1 GB of RAM) that my system has been dragged 
down to almost a complete halt!  I've never seen things move this slowly 

Finally, just as was the case in Linux, it WILL NOT EVEN PRINT ITS OWN 
DOCUMENTATION!  That is just flat out RETARDED.  I spent a good bit of last 
night installing every Latex doodad I could get my hands on in Linux.  Nothing 
helped.  Hence, my trial in Windows this afternoon.  Got exactly the same error 
message.  (Attached)

I don't buy the blame-it-on-the-OS mentality that a lot of of software 
programmers seem to have these days (e.g., broken GIMP on Mac OS X 10.5).  If 
the software doesn't work, it just DOESN'T WORK!  (Btw, the Latex Configuration 
item under Help wouldn't open at all, so couldn't check that either to see what 
might be broken.)

Thank you for your time.  I'm wiping this crap off both my HDs now!


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread rgheck

Bill King wrote:

That is just flat out RETARDED.

That sort of language is extremely inappropriate and has no place on a 
list like this.

Frankly, we're all pretty glad you won't be back. Have fun with Word.


Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread John
On Saturday 22 March 2008 12:54:30 am Pavel Sanda wrote:
On multiline copies, Edit-Paste in LyX usually removes linefeeds.
 Edit-pastespecial-text puts in the last thing copied or cut from
with middle button and using Edit- paste special - Selection
linefeeds are correct (tested with eterm, xterm and lyx 1.5.4).
  Why is that not the default pasting behavior?

 middle button is not default mechanism

After many years of relying on the middle mouse button for pasting text, I 
recently upgraded one of my machines to openSUSE 10.3 and the middle button 
no longer works quickly or reliably for any app (not just LyX). I now need to 
click up to 4 times and wait before it works.

John O'Gorman

Re: Indentation after a list

2008-03-21 Thread John
On Saturday 22 March 2008 01:59:07 am jean beney wrote:

 I notice that after a list (i.e. after \end{itemize}) LyX does not put
 an empty line, so that the next standard paragraph is not indented. My
 editor wants this paragraph to be indented. Until now, I use a script to
 add a newline after \end{itemize}.

The purpose of indentation is to show that where a new paragraph begins.
That's why you don't indent the 1st paragraph in a part or chapter.
That's also why you don't need to indent after a list.
Your editor is wrong! He seems to be one of those people (all too common 
nowadays) who slavishly follows 'procedure' without regard to purpose.

John O'Gorman

 Is there a way to tell LyX to add an empty lmine after a list?


Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sat, 22 Mar 2008, John wrote:

After many years of relying on the middle mouse button for pasting text, I
recently upgraded one of my machines to openSUSE 10.3 and the middle
button no longer works quickly or reliably for any app (not just LyX). I
now need to click up to 4 times and wait before it works.


  Over the years I discovered that the middle button (actually, the two
simultaneously for my 2-button trackballs) works as advertised on most
console apps (pine and slrn being exceptions), but not with many GUI apps.
What does work with these is holding the Shift key while pressing the two
rodent or trackball buttons. Don't try to understand, just go with the flow
and use the Shift key when needed. :-)


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread Pavel Sanda
 After many years of relying on the middle mouse button for pasting text, I 
 recently upgraded one of my machines to openSUSE 10.3 and the middle button 
 no longer works quickly or reliably for any app (not just LyX). I now need to 
 click up to 4 times and wait before it works.

this belongs to suse bugzilla.

Re: WRB - Discoveries

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:06 AM, Pavel Sanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If someone likes, he or she can upload it into the wiki - I don't know
   where to put it and how to upload it...

  such page was recently created in wiki

I created a directory /uploads/LyX/Screencasts where screencasts can
be saved. I think it's reasonable to create a page for each SWF
screencast (I created
as SWF-movies need quite a lot of space and I am not sure, how to make
them not start playing as soon as the page loads.

Well, it seems as if uploading screencasts were not as easy as I thought:
1. pmWiki disables HTML by default, thus including a swf-movie using
OBJECT ... isn't possible
2. There exist various possibilities, how to include swf-movies
(, but they seem to be

So, please someone activate the swf.php script for the wiki.

Place the swf.php
( script in your
cookbook/ directory, add the line
to your config.php file, and any link ending in .swf will
automatically be converted to HTML code for an embedded Flash


Re: WRB - Discoveries

2008-03-21 Thread Dominik Böhm
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 9:11 PM, Dominik Böhm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:06 AM, Pavel Sanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If someone likes, he or she can upload it into the wiki - I don't know
 where to put it and how to upload it...
such page was recently created in wiki

  I created a directory /uploads/LyX/Screencasts where screencasts can
  be saved. I think it's reasonable to create a page for each SWF
  screencast (I created
  as SWF-movies need quite a lot of space and I am not sure, how to make
  them not start playing as soon as the page loads.

  Well, it seems as if uploading screencasts were not as easy as I thought:
  1. pmWiki disables HTML by default, thus including a swf-movie using
  OBJECT ... isn't possible
  2. There exist various possibilities, how to include swf-movies
  (, but they seem to be

  So, please someone activate the swf.php script for the wiki.

  Place the swf.php
  ( script in your
  cookbook/ directory, add the line
  to your config.php file, and any link ending in .swf will
  automatically be converted to HTML code for an embedded Flash

Alternatively the swf-file can also be linked directly, instead of
including it into the page. I don't know what's the better approach.

Re: 2 nomenclatures

2008-03-21 Thread diefettenjahre
Hi Bob,

thank you very much for your reply.
Using nomgroups in combination with ifthenelse is pretty sophisticated, though
I'm afraid this isn't an option for me. I really need two different indexes such
as 'Abbreviations' and 'Glossary'.

I'm searching for a thing like nom-superior-groups :-) or some completely
different. Any suggestions?

Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Steve Litt
On Friday 21 March 2008 15:18, rgheck wrote:
 Bill King wrote:
  That is just flat out RETARDED.

 That sort of language is extremely inappropriate and has no place on a
 list like this.

 Frankly, we're all pretty glad you won't be back. Have fun with Word.

Several months ago some guy email me (personally, not on a mailing list). He 
told me that LyX was difficult to install, that he blew 2 weeks trying to 
make a layout, and that he was completely misled by your claims about LyX, 
where your referred to Steve Litt.

I think he was trying to blame me for his lost two weeks :-)

I have one more thing to say. We all get frustrated at software sometimes. 
Heck, a couple months ago I was hopping mad about Qt compile dependencies 
with LyX. The question is, how do you react to software frustration.

I didn't call LyX retarded, I tried to find a solution (which a couple people 
on the LyX list eventually came up with). AND I didn't just yell -- a few 
days before the LyX compile solution came my way, I began the starting phase 
of designing a VimOutliner front end for LaTeX that WOULD compile. I was 
beginning to line up contributors and create a preliminary design for the 
VimOutliner LaTeX front end when a LyX list person gave me the tip to compile 

My advice for the guy who called LyX retarded -- if you don't like LyX, code 
up a substitute. That's what REAL men do in the Free Software world. They 
don't get mad, they get even, and that's how great new software is born.

Or, of course, they could contribute to the software that frustrates them, in 
order to help eliminate the frustrations. That's how old software 
continuously gets better.

Steve Litt
Books written in LyX:
Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting: Just the Facts

Long table settings problem

2008-03-21 Thread Julio Rojas
Hi, I have been using the long table settings in the attached sample
document with two tables, to get a wider border line for the heading on both
of them. If they are activated, the tables are numerated 1 and 3. If
they are not, the tables are rightly numerated 1 and 2.

A new bug? A know bug? A misconception on my part?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Julio Rojas

Description: application/lyx

Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 03:18:14PM -0400, rgheck wrote:
 Bill King wrote:
 That is just flat out RETARDED.

 That sort of language is extremely inappropriate and has no place on a list 
 like this.

Seems to be the average language to expect from an Associate Professor
of Psychology at Coastal Carolina University (that's him, isn't it?)

Well, no problem with that. I did not intent to see a psychologist
over there in the near future...


 He has conducted research on conditioned taste aversion, and on the
  effects of amphetamines and LSD on social behavior.

Could well be that we are in the middle of a psychological experiment ;-)


Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 21 Mar 2008, Andre Poenitz wrote:

He has conducted research on conditioned taste aversion, and on the
 effects of amphetamines and LSD on social behavior.


  A friend of mine (a psychologist in private practice, also along the East
coast) who dropped acid in the '60s told me that he still has flashbacks now
and then. Perhaps we're caught in that flashback. Or, he's conditioning us
to find him distasteful and avoid him.

Carpe weekend,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Indentation after a list

2008-03-21 Thread rgheck

John wrote:

On Saturday 22 March 2008 01:59:07 am jean beney wrote:


I notice that after a list (i.e. after \end{itemize}) LyX does not put
an empty line, so that the next standard paragraph is not indented. My
editor wants this paragraph to be indented. Until now, I use a script to
add a newline after \end{itemize}.

The purpose of indentation is to show that where a new paragraph begins.
That's why you don't indent the 1st paragraph in a part or chapter.
That's also why you don't need to indent after a list.
Your editor is wrong! He seems to be one of those people (all too common 
nowadays) who slavishly follows 'procedure' without regard to purpose.

Actually, there seems to be a difference here: The list may be part of a 
paragraph that continues after it ends, or it may end a paragraph. Right?


Re: Indentation after a list

2008-03-21 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 05:24:04PM -0400, rgheck wrote:
 John wrote:
 On Saturday 22 March 2008 01:59:07 am jean beney wrote:

 I notice that after a list (i.e. after \end{itemize}) LyX does not put
 an empty line, so that the next standard paragraph is not indented. My
 editor wants this paragraph to be indented. Until now, I use a script to
 add a newline after \end{itemize}.

 The purpose of indentation is to show that where a new paragraph begins.
 That's why you don't indent the 1st paragraph in a part or chapter.
 That's also why you don't need to indent after a list.
 Your editor is wrong! He seems to be one of those people (all too common 
 nowadays) who slavishly follows 'procedure' without regard to purpose.

 Actually, there seems to be a difference here: The list may be part of a 
 paragraph that continues after it ends, or it may end a paragraph. Right?

Right, and in this case the indentation is unwanted...


Re: Pasting iffy in LyX 1.5.3

2008-03-21 Thread John
On Saturday 22 March 2008 08:36:24 am Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Mar 2008, John wrote:
  After many years of relying on the middle mouse button for pasting text,
  I recently upgraded one of my machines to openSUSE 10.3 and the middle
  button no longer works quickly or reliably for any app (not just LyX). I
  now need to click up to 4 times and wait before it works.


Over the years I discovered that the middle button (actually, the two
 simultaneously for my 2-button trackballs) works as advertised on most
 console apps (pine and slrn being exceptions), but not with many GUI apps.
 What does work with these is holding the Shift key while pressing the two
 rodent or trackball buttons. Don't try to understand, just go with the flow
 and use the Shift key when needed. :-)
Who am I to spurn such hard won knowledge!

Thanks Rich
John O'Gorman


Re: okay, can't resist one more bit of feedback

2008-03-21 Thread Kenward Vaughan

On Fri, 2008-03-21 at 14:19 -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Fri, 21 Mar 2008, Andre Poenitz wrote:
  He has conducted research on conditioned taste aversion, and on the
   effects of amphetamines and LSD on social behavior.
A friend of mine (a psychologist in private practice, also along the East
 coast) who dropped acid in the '60s told me that he still has flashbacks now
 and then. Perhaps we're caught in that flashback. Or, he's conditioning us
 to find him distasteful and avoid him.

Ha, ha.  He rang my bell from the get-go.  Woof, woof.


 Carpe weekend,


(Another professor, but from the west coast.  ;-)
In a completely rational society, the best of us would aspire to be 
_teachers_ and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, 
because passing civilization along from one generation to the next 
ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone 
could have. - Lee Iacocca

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