Re: Change order of bibliography entries

2009-12-11 Thread Matthias Bußjäger

rgheck schrieb:

On 12/11/2009 05:49 AM, Matthias Bußjäger wrote:


I use Lyx 1.6.3 with JabRef 2.4.2 to create the bibliography entries. 
Perhaps this question is not really Lyx specific, but I hope that 
others of you already solved a problem like this.

I want to reference a standard with 10 parts.
To get my preferred notation, I use the field "author" to set the 
name of the standard with the part, for example:


The problem is that the order in the output pdf is wrong. It's sorted 


Is it somehow possible, to change this wrong order like in the 
example above? (Without changing my preferred notation) Perhaps I 
only ignored some settings?

I don't really understand what you are trying to do, but I'd think the 
obvious thing would be to use 01, 02, etc, instead of 1, 2, etc.


What I want to do is to change the order of the list of literature at 
the end of my document. It seems that bibtex or lyx/latex decides this 
order based on the name of the author.
Is it possible to have effect on this order in another way, than to 
change this name? (I don't really like the 01, 02  to get the right 
order ;) )

Thanks anyway!

Change order of bibliography entries

2009-12-11 Thread Matthias Bußjäger


I use Lyx 1.6.3 with JabRef 2.4.2 to create the bibliography entries. 
Perhaps this question is not really Lyx specific, but I hope that others 
of you already solved a problem like this.

I want to reference a standard with 10 parts.
To get my preferred notation, I use the field "author" to set the name 
of the standard with the part, for example:


The problem is that the order in the output pdf is wrong. It's sorted like:

Is it somehow possible, to change this wrong order like in the example 
above? (Without changing my preferred notation) Perhaps I only ignored 
some settings?

Thanks for hints!

Re: bibtex screen problem on a netbook

2009-12-05 Thread Matthias Bußjäger

John Kane schrieb:
I seem to have run into a problem with LyX and bibtex on a small 
netbook computer. I have a Acer Aspire One with Windows XP Home edition on 
it. I recently installed LyX 1.6.4 using the Windows alternate 

I run into trouble when I try to insert a bibtex reference 
list. All goes well until I actually try to insert the citation. 
I can select the citation, citation format etc, but then the 
citation window is too large for me to click the 
okay a button at the bottom of the 
that window. 

The citation window extends off the bottom 
of my physical screen.I don't seem to be able to get the window to size properly. I can widen or narrow it but I cannot change its height. 
Control arrows appear at the top or at the corners but do not 
have any effect. 

I get the same problem using LyTex with it's 1.6.3 version of 

I am having no problem with LyX or Lytex on a standard PC with Windows XP Pro.

Can anyone suggest a solution or work around?


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I don't have a solution for your problem, but I  had troubles on my 
subnotebook without the external TFT, too.
It seems you only have the problem to click the OK Button, so try the 
workaround to press ALT and O. The result should be the same.

Good luck

Re: Adjust margin for just one page

2009-09-01 Thread Matthias Bußjäger

clluiz schrieb:

I´m having problems to change the margin of just one page in lyx. I tried to
use the packages changepage and chngpage without success. How can I change
the margins for just one page in lyx?

I've done this to solve this problem for a twosided doc:

\oddsidemargin -5 mm  %or whatever you want/need
\oddsidemargin=\oddsidemarginorig  %recovery of the original value

Perhaps it works in your case, perhaps you have to make some changes, 
perhaps there's a better way ;)

Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 1.6.4 is released

2009-08-24 Thread Matthias Bußjäger

I would really like to use this version because of more stability. Currently
I use Lyx 1.6.3 to write my thesis.
Thereby I am very careful and would like to know if it might result in any
problem if I change my current version of Lyx?

Thanks in advance, Matthias

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller  wrote:

> Public release of LyX version 1.6.4
> ===
> We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 1.6.4. This is the fourth
> maintenance release in the 1.6.x series. This release covers, amongst
> many minor improvements, fixes to some rather severe issues, such as:
> * A workaround to a nasty problem in recent Qt versions (Qt 4.5.0 up to
>  4.5.2) that made LyX crash if the document included images that were
>  scaled to certain sizes in the work area.
> * Fixes to problems that might result in the loss of data.
> * Many other stability improvements, thanks to a new debugging script that
>  helped to reveal uncovered critical bugs.
> * Further fixes to the LaTeX importer (tex2lyx) and the conversion of
>  older LyX documents (lyx2lyx).
> A detailed list of changes is appended below, remaining known problems
> are listed in the file RELEASE-NOTES.
> All users and distributors are urged to upgrade to this version.
> In case you are wondering what LyX is, here is what
> has to say on the subject:
>   LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
>   based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. It
>   is released under a Free Software/Open Source license.
>   LyX is for people that write and want their writing to look great,
>   right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting
>   details, 'finger painting' font attributes or futzing around with
>   page boundaries. You just write. In the background, Prof. Knuth's
>   legendary TeX typesetting engine makes you look good.
>   On screen, LyX looks like any word processor; its printed output --
>   or richly cross-referenced PDF, just as readily produced -- looks
>   like nothing else. Gone are the days of industrially bland .docs,
>   all looking similarly not-quite-right, yet coming out unpredictably
>   different on different printer drivers. Gone are the crashes
>   'eating' your dissertation the evening before going to press.
>   LyX is stable and fully featured. It is a multi-platform, fully
>   internationalized application running natively on Unix/Linux, the
>   Macintosh and modern Windows platforms.
> You can download LyX 1.6.4 here (the .bz2 are compressed with bzip2,
> which yields smaller files):
> and it should propagate shortly to the following mirrors (which will
> also host the .bz2 versions):
> Prebuilt binaries (rpms for Linux distributions, and Windows
> installers) should soon be available at
> NOTE that no Mac OS X binaries will be provided for this release, due to
> a regression on this platform that was detected after 1.6.4 was released.
> Expect a minor update that addresses this problem to be released soon.
> If you already have the sources of the previous release, you may want to
> apply
> one of the following patches instead
> If you find what you think is a bug in LyX 1.6.4, you may either
> e-mail the LyX developers' mailing list (lyx-devel,
> or open a bug report at
> If you're having trouble using the new version of LyX, or have a
> question, first check out If you can't find
> the answer there, e-mail the LyX users' list (lyx-users
> ).
> Enjoy!
> The LyX team.
> What's new in version 1.6.4?
> ** Updates:
> ***
> - LaTeX import (tex2lyx) was updated and now also supports:
>  * nomenclature entries
>  * the LaTeX-package esint
>  * the alternative LaTeX document language names "portuguese" and
> - Implement separate chains for Japanese bibliography and index
>  compilation. This allows for proper support for jbibtex and mendex,
>  pLaTeX's bibtex and makeindex replaceme

Problem with table

2009-08-14 Thread Matthias Bußjäger

I have a problem to build a table with different rows in the columns.
For Example:
I have 4 rows and 2 columns.
How is it possible to merge the 4 rows in the first column? Or something
else to get the text in the first column centered vertically? The rows in
the second column should be untouched and with lines because I need the
partitioning there.

The only way I know to manage this problem works with an odd number of rows:
For example if I have 3 rows, I just write in the second row and delete the
lines over and below it. So the text in the first column is centered
vertically. Of course this doesn't work with an even number of rows :(

Any hints to solve this problem? (I bet that it's simple, but I don't
understand :) )


Re: view latex source - noob prob?

2009-06-30 Thread Matthias Bußjäger

Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW wrote:

since this morning i have a problem with lyx, I can't handle.
I use Lyx in Linux Debian testing.
I've always been able to view the latex source code below the window.
"view source" is acitvated, but there's nothing to see. Never. In any
section of the text.
The buttons to view the entire code or to refresh automatically are
gray, deaktivated and i can't change them.


Seems to be a bug in my brain or something like this...


No, its a bug in LyX. Happened to me after I disabled both auto-update and
full view with the next start of LyX.


Someone got an idea?


find ~/.config/LyX/LyX-1.6.2.conf

and change the lines with view-source to look like:



This is fixed in 1.6.3.
It is easier to turn on the view source window again by entering the following command in the command buffer twice: "buffer-toggle-read-only". (And make sure you check one of the two checkboxes after that, before closing all open documents or opening a read-only document).



That's it!
Thank you very much!
The problem is, that in Debian only Lyx 1.6.2 is available...
But with your command it shouldn't be a problem :)


view latex source - noob prob?

2009-06-28 Thread Matthias Bußjäger


since this morning i have a problem with lyx, I can't handle.
I use Lyx in Linux Debian testing.
I've always been able to view the latex source code below the window.
"view source" is acitvated, but there's nothing to see. Never. In any 
section of the text.
The buttons to view the entire code or to refresh automatically are 
gray, deaktivated and i can't change them.

Seems to be a bug in my brain or something like this...

Someone got an idea?

Best regards, Matthias


2009-06-17 Thread Matthias Bußjäger

Pavel Sanda schrieb:

Matthias Bußjäger wrote:
characters after stop typing). During this time Lyx needs 99% of the cpu 
time, so I don't wonder about this fact!

it is exactly the lyx.exe process right?

My system is a Thinkpad X41 with 1,5Gb Ram and 1,6GHz Pentium M CPU, this 
should be enough...

i think 1.6ghz pentium should be enough. when happens if you make the lyx
screen half-sized?

(outliner is switched too i suppose...)

YEAH, thanks!

If I make the LYX-Screen half-sized it only needs about 19% CPU and it's 
as fast as on Linux -> Realtime!

Don't know what's the problem in full-size mode, but this way it's 
possible to write in lyx at work :)

Hope they solve this problem in future...

So, thank you again,
best regards,


2009-06-16 Thread Matthias Bußjäger

Florian Rubach wrote:

Matthias Bußjäger schrieb:

I have a question to Lyx 1.6.2 / 1.6.3 used on Windows XP.

If I type a text in Lyx there's a delay of approximately half a 
second to
one second between typing a character and the illustration in the 

This is really annoying when writing a text speedy.
I also use Lyx on Debian. There it's in real-time and a pleasure to 

So, can anyone tell me, what's the problem using Lyx on Windows XP ?

I found no bug report, is this problem only in my case?


I experienced typing delay when I had the Latex-Source-windoe opened 
and both checkboxes activated (complete source and auto-update). Maybe 
you have unchecked the "complete source" on your debian machine.

Thanks for answering, I already tried this without a change of behaviour 
(in Lyx 1.6.2 this was a big change in behaviour).
I really would like to use Lyx only on Linux, but at work there's only 
Windows XP where I can write my Thesis.

Perhaps I should write it in Word and import the text at home on Linux...



2009-06-16 Thread Matthias Bußjäger

Pavel Sanda schrieb:

Matthias Bußjäger wrote:

I have a question to Lyx 1.6.2 / 1.6.3 used on Windows XP.

If I type a text in Lyx there's a delay of approximately half a second to
one second between typing a character and the illustration in the display.
This is really annoying when writing a text speedy.
I also use Lyx on Debian. There it's in real-time and a pleasure to write!

So, can anyone tell me, what's the problem using Lyx on Windows XP ?

I found no bug report, is this problem only in my case?

from time to time somebody report this on a different platforms and its
usually problem to pinpoint where is the problem. which processes take
most cpu time when you type fastly in the task manager? there was problem
with speed on 1.6.2 and many child documents in 1.6.2, fixed in 1.6.3.
are your .lyx files placed on some net or usb device?


I just tried it again with a new document on my internal hdd in Lyx 1.6.3.
If I just type lots of characters in really short time, lyx needs longer 
to illustrate the text in the display (I can watch the illustration of 
characters after stop typing). During this time Lyx needs 99% of the cpu 
time, so I don't wonder about this fact!

It's much better than in Lyx 1.6.2, but not as perfect as on Linux.
My system is a Thinkpad X41 with 1,5Gb Ram and 1,6GHz Pentium M CPU, 
this should be enough...


2009-06-16 Thread Matthias Bußjäger
I have a question to Lyx 1.6.2 / 1.6.3 used on Windows XP.

If I type a text in Lyx there's a delay of approximately half a second to
one second between typing a character and the illustration in the display.
This is really annoying when writing a text speedy.
I also use Lyx on Debian. There it's in real-time and a pleasure to write!

So, can anyone tell me, what's the problem using Lyx on Windows XP ?

I found no bug report, is this problem only in my case?
