(",) Mail art calls - websites

2010-08-12 Thread tamarawyndham
You can find calls to submit mail art to here:





(",) FWD: Mail art questionaire

2010-07-02 Thread tamarawyndham
Dear mail artist,

Expecting your contribution, I am sending you a questionnaire that  is part of 
my doctoral investigation about mail art.   

Please see:


By answering the questions you will be contributing to  building a mail art 

For further information: https://sites.google.com/site/mailarthistory

Your contributions will be very useful, and I will be very grateful. 

Yours, sincerely,

Fabiane Pianowski 


PhD. Student
Art History, Theory and Critics program
History of Art Department
University of Barcelona



Estimado artista correo,


Esperando su colaboración, le remitimos un cuestionario que hace parte de mi 
investigación de doctorado acerca del arte correo.


Por favor, acceda:



Contestando las cuestiones usted estará contribuyendo con la construcción de 
una base de datos acerca del arte correo.


Para más informaciones: https://sites.google.com/site/mailarthistory


Sus aportaciones serán bienvenidas y le quedo muy agradecida por su apoyo.




Fabiane Pianowski 


estudiante de doctorado

Programa de Historia, Teoría y Crítica del Arte

Departamento de Historia del Arte

Universidad de Barcelona



Estimado artista postal,


Esperando a sua colaboração, lhe remeto um questionário que faz parte da minha 
pesquisa de doutorado sobre arte postal.


Por favor, acesse:



Respondendo as questões você estará contribuindo com a construção de uma base 
de dados sobre arte postal.


Para mais informações: https://sites.google.com/site/mailarthistory


Suas aportações serão muito bem-vindas e lhe serei muito grata pelo apoio.




Fabiane Pianowski


Estudante de doutorado

Programa de História, Teoria e Crítica da Arte

Departamento de História da Arte

Universidad de Barcelona


(",) Know Anyone in Kiev?

2010-06-19 Thread tamarawyndham
I am forwarding this from another art list I belong to. I don't know anything 
more about this, if you have questions, contact jstark below.

Know Anyone in Kiev? Small international artist group looking for contacts in 
the Ukraine for August 2010 art project. Do you have any leads? Please mail 
jstark(at)nonsensenyc.com with any contacts.

(",) Sound and Mailbox!

2010-06-16 Thread tamarawyndham
This poetry book project is so COOL!


(",) Call for artist's books

2010-06-09 Thread tamarawyndham
I am just passing this on, contact Susana for more info. 
 - Tamara

New opportunities ( ART BOOK AND EXHIBITIONS)  for visual artists
Actually we are selecting artists for participation in the art fairs IN 
Austria, Bélgiun , Miami, New York, Basrcelona, Buenos Aires and  our  art book 

 If you are an artist producing innovative art of high quality, please email us 
some images + curriculum ( or web or blog) and we will be pleased to consider 
your work.

More opportunities atasociacionadapiyahoo.com.ar
Looking forward to hearing from you.
With kind regards

(",) PERFORMATIVE MAIL Re: Live Matter, 2005-2008

2010-03-12 Thread tamarawyndham
PERFORMATIVE MAIL - sounds like an action, rather than an object.

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, par...@... wrote:
> Reed: now I speak of "mail-art" as PERFORMATIVE MAIL.   Perhaps you can 
> explain to me what I ought to mean by "performative" --  Bill
> In a message dated 3/11/2010 1:42:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
> ralte...@... writes:
> http://livematter.blogspot.com
> To  unsubscribe, send an email to:
> ma-network-unsubscr...@...!  Groups Links


2010-02-26 Thread tamarawyndham
Yeah, I was waiting for someone to make a comment
It's not my call, it's a forward. Dunno what Barnaby is thinking, you can email 

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, Clemente Padín  wrote:
> Dear friend,
> Is this mail art or commercial mail art?
> Fraternally,
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: tamarawyndham 
>   To: ma-network@yahoogroups.com 
>   Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 1:10 AM
>   opening March 12, 7-11pm (and 13th 1-6pm)
>   at H215 Gallery, 55 Bethune St, NY,NY 10014
>   rsvp barnabyr...@... 917 721 2541
>   and mail your 4x6 inch postcard original art
>   to Barnaby Ruhe at H215
>   SASE if you want your painting returned, otherwise
>   your art will be held for later showing.
>   No liability. Any sales 100$ each unless you stipulate otherwise; will cut 
> 50%. put your return address on the back of the artcard and contact info.
>   you may run a "curator's corner" with your name and your group of ten 
> artists you bring into the show. tell Ruhe so we can cite your group.
>   we can put two artworks per person under 6 inches each. one is good.
>   forward this email to artists you believe in. this is a grass roots salon 
> de refuse phenom. potluck opening. no fee to enter. make it real make it 
> count make it art. art at heart. this is a competition and the art world is 
> the judge. so take this to heart. i will return all art with SASE (self 
> addressed stamped envelope for return).
>   Barnaby Ruhe PhD
>   barnabyr...@...
>   917 721 2541
>   55 bethune st, h215, ny,ny, 10014 USA
>   shamanista, provocateur, artist, Waterposse.com

(",) FWD: creative thing call

2010-02-24 Thread tamarawyndham
A friend is converting her warehouse in Eagle Rock into a "pop-up" art space 
for the months of April and May.
Part of the exhibits and performances is a mailart show I am organizing, on the 
theme of "Critical Mass".
So get your creativeness in gear and make some fabulous thing that can be 
mailed to the warehouse called pLAyLAnd.
Everything sent will be exhibited, no entry fee, no return of artwork, every 
artist will get documentation mailed to them (be sure to include your return 

Mail your creative thing to:
4140 Eagle Rock Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90065

The space opens April 3, but mailart submissions will be accepted until the end 
of the exhibit on May 31.


2010-02-24 Thread tamarawyndham

opening March 12, 7-11pm  (and 13th 1-6pm)
at H215 Gallery, 55 Bethune St, NY,NY 10014

rsvp barnabyr...@gmail.com 917 721 2541
and mail your 4x6 inch postcard original art
to Barnaby Ruhe at H215

SASE if you want your painting returned, otherwise
your art will be held for later showing.

 No liability. Any sales 100$ each unless you stipulate otherwise; will cut 
50%.  put your return address on the back of the artcard and contact info.

you may run a "curator's corner" with your name and your group of ten artists 
you bring into the show. tell Ruhe so we can cite your group.

we can put two artworks per person under 6 inches each. one is good.

forward this email to artists you believe in. this is a grass roots salon de 
refuse phenom. potluck opening. no fee to enter. make it real make it count 
make it art. art at heart.  this is a competition and the art world is the 
judge. so take this to heart. i will return all art with SASE (self addressed 
stamped envelope for return).

Barnaby Ruhe  PhD

917 721 2541

55 bethune st, h215, ny,ny, 10014 USA

shamanista, provocateur, artist, Waterposse.com

(",) Young me, Now me

2010-02-24 Thread tamarawyndham
This is a fun site, some are great!
No, it's not mail art.

 - Tamara

YoungmeNowme is a collection of photographs of people re-staging photographs 
from their childhood! Submit yours today


(",) Which country?

2010-02-18 Thread tamarawyndham
I have an address for a mail artist, but she didn't write the country.

Please remember to write your country on your address!

(",) Zero Rupee Note

2010-01-29 Thread tamarawyndham
I was reading about the "Zero Rupee Note" - in India. Made me think a little 
bit of mail-art flux bucks, except these zero rupees are used to make a 
political point against bribes.

Zero Rupee Note
"In India, petty corruption is pervasive -- people often face situations where 
they are asked to pay bribes for public services that should be provided free. 
5th Pillar distributes zero rupee notes in the hopes that ordinary Indians can 
use these notes as a means to protest demands for bribes by public officials. 
According to Vijay Anand, the idea was first conceived by an Indian physics 
professor at the University of Maryland, who, in his travels around India, 
realized how widespread bribery was and wanted to do something about it. He 
came up with the idea of printing zero-denomination notes and handing them out 
to officials whenever he was asked for kickbacks as a way to show his 
resistance. Anand took this idea further: to print them en masse, widely 
publicize them, and give them out to the Indian people. He thought these notes 
would be a way to get people to show their disapproval of public service 
delivery dependent on bribes. The notes did just that. The first batch of 
25,000 notes were met with such demand that 5th Pillar has ended up 
distributing 1 million zero-rupee notes to date since it began this initiative. 
Along the way, the organization has collected many stories from people using 
them to successfully resist engaging in bribery. Anand believes that the 
success of the notes lies in the willingness of the people to use them. People 
are willing to stand up against the practice that has become so commonplace 
because they are no longer afraid: first, they have nothing to lose, and 
secondly, they know that this initiative is being backed up by an organization 
-- that is, they are not alone in this fight. For people to speak up against 
corruption that has become institutionalized within society, they must know 
that there are others who are just as fed up and frustrated with the system. 
Once they realize that they are not alone, they also realize that this battle 
is not unbeatable. Then, a path opens up—a path that can pave the way for 
relatively simple ideas like the zero rupee notes to turn into a powerful 
social statement against petty corruption.""

5th Pillar

Zero Currency (Select by Country)
"Corruption in the form of bribery is prevalent throughout the world. The zero 
currency note in your country's currency is a tool to help you achieve the goal 
of zero corruption. The note is a way for any human being to say no to 
corruption without the fear of facing an encounter with persons in authority. 
Next time someone asks you for a bribe, just take your country's zero currency 
note and hand it to them. This will let the other person know that you refuse 
to give or take any money in order to perform services required by law or to 
give or take money to do something illegal."

Corruption Perceptions Index

(",) fwd: call for microcassettes

2010-01-26 Thread tamarawyndham
Thoughts on microcassettes, Dictaphonia, 
and those nasty mean little tapes

Back in the 1980s I was one of the people who spearheaded the original wave of 
interest in cassettes as a legitimate audio art form and format. The
Golden Age of Cassette Culture! And this wasn't just people doing mix tapes.
These were fully-realized experimental music audioworks, with a highly
personal and idiosyncratic feeling and sound to them, and often with
homemade packaging. In the mid-80s I operated with Debbie Jaffe the Cause And 
Effect Distributon Service and label and in three years we sold and traded 
5,000+ cassettes of homemade experimental music from all over Planet Earth. You 
can see a list of my own early stuff from the 80s plus even download many of 
those original cassette albums here:
http://www.halmcgee .com/Music/

I released all of my work on cassette up until about 1998. From about 2000
until roughly 2005-6 I released all of my new experimental music on CDRs and a 
few CD releases.

>From about 2006 onward I stopped releasing my music in physical formats
(tapes, discs) and released all of my stuff online on my web site,
halmcgee.com. Online music was to me the perfect and logical extension of
what we were doing with our homemade cassette releases back in the 80s. Open 
access democratic anarchy. Anybody with a computer and an internet connection 
had free access to my music. I have generally in recent years offered all of my 
music for free. My downloads have always been free.

A couple of years ago I encountered a lot of resistance to and downright
hostility toward online music in discussions on the Noise discussion boards. 
There were endless and highly-detailed complaints about the shitty sound 
quality of mp3s and about how online music wasn't genuine enough. Many people 
still wanted to have a physical object to hold in their hands with printed 
artwork, something tangible and "real". People 20-30 years younger than me were 
resisting what I saw as natural "progress" - online music – and were, in my 
mind, regressing somewhat by insisting on physical container audio formats. 
Hence, the renewed interest in cassettes, as your study suggests. I think that 
it was natural for me and people of my age group to pass through the stages 
that I did, because we started making our homemade music at a time that was 
pre-computer, pre-internet, pre-email, pre-MySpace and pre-Facebook. We 
handwrote letters, dubbed tapes, went to Kinko's and printed tape covers, 
packaged up the tapes, went to the post office and mailed them, etc. For people 
much younger than me, whose lives have essentially always been mediated by 
digital culture... I think that they are looking for authenticity, for genuine 
experiences, and in some ways I think they see online anything as drudgery, as 
work-related, as something that doesn't connect them to other people, but as 
something that is distancing and cold.

I must say, that as much as admire the general spirit of today's cassette
resurgence, I also take a dim view of it. To me it's like reaching for
something that isn't really there any more. And much of what I see in
today's cassette labels is a sort of preciousness, a fetishistic clinging to
physical objects almost as if they are totemic magical devices. Many of
these labels produce their releases in ridiculously limited editions, which
just increases the fetishism.

So why did I start a microcassette label? There are many reasons.

You can actually interact with a cassette, change it, erase the original
contents, insert your own content. Aside from scratching and altering a
vinyl record there's not a whole lot that you can do with a vinyl record.

There's an essential difference here.

I know about all of the work that's been done by turntablists, locked-groove
people, Christian Marclay, Milan Knížák, etc., but a vinyl record is
basically non-interactive. It's meant for listening to, being an audience to
what someone else has done. The same with CDs and CDRs, which are worse and 
more boring from an artistic standpoint than vinyl.

Like I said above, a cassette, standard or micro-, offers/invites
interaction and open-ended creation. It's an empty container that awaits
you, me, anybody, everybody. It breaks down the false barrier between artist 
and audience. Everyone can be an artist.

Why did I choose to release microcassettes? Lots of reasons.

Let's start with a basic one.

I think they sound great. They have a limited frequency response, usually
about 400 Hz to 4000 Hz, which by design, matches the range of the human voice. 
So, they seem very human to me in their sound. The sound is
hyper-compressed, and if one doesn't clutter the tape with too many sounds at 
once it can have a startling clarity and directness. The sound on a
microcassette is very focused. It is what it is, right there, there it is.

Also, they are monophonic - no bothering with stereo sound! - who needs it?

Here's something else. The microcassette was 

(",) Call for online show - "Git Outta My Face"

2010-01-04 Thread tamarawyndham
Happy New Year to All of you!
I pass along this post from artist Sheree Rensel's blog.

Art Blog: HELP From My Friends?

"Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends,
Mmm I get high with a little help from my friends,
Oh, I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends
With A Little Help From My Friends
-The Beatles

OK. Where do I start? I got this idea. I wanted to have a series of 
online art shows during 2010. I created the "Git Outta My Face" 
website. I put up a prospectus. It pretty much went unnoticed. I was 
bummed out but I am not a quitter. I am trying it again. I am 
promoting it in a different way. The new deadline is January 15, 2010. 
It costs nothing to submit your work.

PLEASE participate or help me find artists who are interested!

My motivation is simple. I want to have five online shows with 
different themes during the coming year. I think it would be fun. It 
offers artists another place to show their work. Since each artist 
will have their own exhibition page with their information, it will 
offer a way for viewers to be redirected to the artist's websites. 
Also, the shows will allow artists to meet new, unfamiliar artists.

Now here comes the "help from my friends" part. I need help promoting 
the first show "GO AWAY!" I am trying to do something for artists, but 
I can't do it alone. This is why I am asking for help from you, my 
friends. If you have a blog, use Twitter, Facebook, or any other 
online forums, I would appreciate it if you would mention the show and 
encourage artists to participate. I would really appreciate any and 
all help from any of you. I am trying to do something positive and fun 
for artists. I think this is a win/win situation.

Go to Git Outta My Face website and get the prospectus! If you have 
ANY questions, email me at wizzlew...@aol. com
or go to:
http://www.gitoutta myface.com/
www.shereerensel. blogspot. com

(",) Artists Respond to Drilling the Marcellus Shale

2009-12-21 Thread tamarawyndham
Not exactly mail art, but there's no fee.


EarthStewards Coalition:
Artists Respond to Drilling the Marcellus Shale

Opening: Friday, February 5, 2010, 6 to 9 PM
thru February 26

City Plaza Gallery
Binghamton City Hall, 2nd Floor
Gallery is open Monday thru Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM

-All media accepted; work MUST be ready to hang
-Artists MUSTprovide their own pedestals for 3-D work
-No entry fee
Drop-off date for artwork: Wednesday February 3

To register, or for more information, contact
Yvonne Lucia at 772-9711 / arts...@aol. com
Organized by the Gaia Grrrls--find us on Facebook

(",) Re: I'm a newbie

2009-12-06 Thread tamarawyndham
You can also answer "calls" - people organize mail art exhibitions on a 
specific theme. Answering a call can sometimes be a way to "meet" other mail 
artists you can correspond with individually.

You can find calls here:
http://denis.charmot.free.fr/projets%20of%20the%20day.htm  (deadline)
http://denis.charmot.free.fr/projets%20on.htm  (no deadline)

Sometimes we post calls here on this list.

Welcome to mail art!

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, "catlady2112"  wrote:
> Hi!  I have tried to approach doing mail art twice, but I could never quite 
> "get it" in terms of who to send mail to and how to receive it.
> I just read the book "good Mail Day"  and learned there that you can casually 
> mail your art to another mail artist and there is an assumption that they 
> will probably you back one of theirs.  Is this true? 
> I'm pretty laid back sort of person and don't really want to add extensive 
> documentation to my life.  I just want to create fun things to send out and 
> ideally receive mail art to hang on my wall. 
> Where do I begin at sending mail art to?  Who do I send it to and how do I 
> find their mailing addresses? Is is possible to see their mail art style?
> I am a greeting card designer by trade, so mail art sounds like a more 
> self-expressive playful process than what I normally do.  I have a 
> professional greeting card designer blog I was thinking of featuring mail 
> artists on too http://kateharperblog.blogspot.com/
> Thanks for all your help ahead of time!-Kate

(",) Did anyone here contribute to the Buffalo Field Campaign call?

2009-11-24 Thread tamarawyndham
Hi Mail Artists, 

I put out a call a few months ago to send mail art to save the wild buffalo, in 
support of the Buffalo Field Campaign. You were supposed to send mail art that 
said PROTECT THE YELLOWSTONE WILD BUFFALO  to the Yellowstone National Park and 
some other places. 

Did anyone send art for that and did you get any response?

 - Tamara


2009-11-14 Thread tamarawyndham
It's not my call, I am passing it on.

However, the way I understand it is that you send ONE copy of your doodles, and 
when he gets enough submissions, he makes a 22-page zine and sends the zine to 
you. He says "no size restriction"

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, LaVona Sherarts  wrote:
> You want 22 copies of a doodle.  How big paper? I just don't understand. 
> Thanks. LaVona
>  Are you going to put the book on the web or what   " )
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/lavonasherarts
> From: tamarawyndham 
> To: ma-network@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Fri, November 13, 2009 11:02:13 PM
> Subject: (",)  SEND ME YOUR DOODLES
> Do you doodle when you're on the phone, watching tv, in a meeting or class, 
> or wherever? Lots of people love to doodle and draw, and most of the time it 
> ends up in the trash. Now there's a home for your doodles. I'm starting a 
> zine just for doodlers called Oodles of Doodles. It's a 22-page, black & 
> white, digest size art zine for doodlers to share their doodles.
> There's no deadline. When one if filled, I'll start a new one. No size 
> restriction, doodles are no larger than a piece of paper anyway. Medium is 
> usually a pen or marker. Documentation: When the zine is full I'll send you a 
> copy.
> No deadline.
> PJ 
> 380 Lafayette Rd. #11-307 
> Seabrook
> NH 03874 

(",) Lettres et Images call

2009-11-11 Thread tamarawyndham

Laissez parler les petits papiers...


Lettres et Images
5 rue de Mandavit
format, technique : libre
date limite : 15 mai 2010
Nom, adresse postale, site ou blog : au dos ou dans l'enveloppe
Si vous ne souhaitez pas que vos coordonnées soient diffusées,
veuillez le noter sur votre envoi.
Documentation à tous par e-mail. Pas de retour.
Exposition sur le blog et à Gradignan-33- en 2010.
Media, Size : free. Deadline to be received : may 15, 2010
Please include your name, address and website or blog.
If you do not wish your details to be circulated,
please advise on your correspondence.
Documentation to all participants by e-mail. No return.
Exhibition on the blog as well as in Gradignan (3

Lettres & Images
Calligraphie latine, Encadrement, Art Postal
5 rue de Mandavit
33170 Gradignan

05 57 96 86 60 / 06 17 93 58 08

(",) Flying: International Mail Art Exhibition in Nyíracsád

2009-11-10 Thread tamarawyndham
Call for application

International Mail Art Exhibition in Nyíracsád

The Local Authority of Nyíracsád, Dózsa György
Cultural Centre and the Tour inform Office are calling for an application to 
create Mail-Art (postal –art) works of arts.

Topic: Flying

Size: maximum: 40 cms by 30 cms

Technic: not fixed

Number of works: maximum 2

The works mustn't disturb any national feelings
or feelings of ethnic minorities.

Deadline for the works of art to arrive:

2010. March 01.

Address: Kiss József


Széchenyi Street 11.



kis...@freemail.hu or kissj...@gmail.com

There will be an exhibition from the works of
arts opening on 24 April 2010
in the Mill Gallery in Nyíracsád.

We won't send back the works, they will be in the
ownership of the Local Authority of Nyíracsád, and they will be exhibited in 
the Mill Gallery.

We are planning to continue this application
every second year with different topics.

We are also planning to open a Mail Art
Gallery in Nyíracsád and
exhibit the collection there.

It would be advisable to start posting any
"Mail Art" contributions from the beginning of November so they don't get
accumulated at the post office just before the deadline.

Dr Katona Gyula Kiss József
mayor painter, organiser

(",) Welcome new members

2009-11-02 Thread tamarawyndham
Welcome new members, please introduce yourself... we're a friendly bunch.

(",) Would any of you like a random postcard from ABAD?

2009-10-15 Thread tamarawyndham
I have a small apartment with no space for storage. I took too many postcards 
from the Book About Death show if anyone would like me to send them a 
random postcard from that show, let me know and give me your snail mail address.

Tamara Wyndham


"Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original 
in your work." 
- Gustave Flaubert

(",) The end of Book About Death

2009-09-23 Thread tamarawyndham

I went to the Emily Harvey Foundation at the end of the mail art show "A Book 
About Death" with the mission to get a full set of
cards for John Bennet, and for Melissa, as they had asked me to. I thought I
might as well get a couple more sets, as someone else would want one. But I
forgot how many cards there were, I got down one row and realized I would not be
able to carry 4 sets, so I just got 2, one for John and one for Melissa. Then I
took all the rest of my own cards, and cards by 2 local friends.

There were only 5 people at the gallery, including Devin who works there. Viv
Maudlin was one of the people there, and she was smart to bring a suitcase with
wheels. She made a funny video of me in the elevator when we left. You guys saw
her other videos:

Well, I suppose she will post the one of me in the elevator later on

Anyway, Just as I finished putting together my collection of cards, Devin said
the gallery had to close. There were hundreds and hundreds of cards left over. I
don't know what he is going to do with them.

I never made it to the Allan Kaprow opening, I had so many cards that was so
heavy, I had to take a taxi straight home.

- Tamara


2009-09-19 Thread tamarawyndham
Hi Matthew,

Thank you so much for organizing this. It certainly was a successful show!

What are you going to do with the leftover cards?
I thought I would come by and pick mine up.

 - Tamara

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, "MISTAHCOUGHDROP"  wrote:
> The exhibition A Book About Death at The Emily Harvey Foundation Gallery, 
> will close at 7 PM, Tuesday September 22, 2009.
> Hours: Friday, Saturday and Tuesday (inclusive), from 1 PM - 7 PM.
> Location: 537 Broadway, NYC, NY (between Prince and Spring).
> Collect your book, free, and visit the site/blog for all details, artists 
> works, free download of posters and installation shots of the show.
> The opening was a wild success, the gallery filled to capacity and a line of 
> some 500+ outside on Broadway (to Prince) waiting an hour to get in.   
> SEE: http://abookaboutdeath.blogspot.com/
> Thank you for participating and for seeing the exhibition in NYC.

(",) Handwriting

2009-09-08 Thread tamarawyndham
I suppose mail artists are the few that write by hand nowadays; I was charmed 
by this article:

New York Times

(",) I ran across this quote

2009-08-29 Thread tamarawyndham
I ran across this quote, I don't know what year he said it.

"It seems a long time since the morning mail could be called correspondence."
- Jacques Barzun 
a French-born American historian of ideas and culture.

I guess he wasn't a mail artist!

(",) OT - Herb and Dorothy (film)

2009-08-25 Thread tamarawyndham
I noticed that the collector is a postal worker... I haven't seen this movie 
yet, I've heard it's very good.

Herb and Dorothy
(2008) NR

Chronicling the story of unlikely art collectors Herb Vogel and Dorothy Vogel, 
filmmaker Megumi Sasaki demonstrates that it's not necessary to be wealthy in 
order to build a significant collection in this fascinating documentary. A 
postal clerk and a librarian, the Vogels share a passion for art, which they 
pursued over decades, becoming two of the most important collectors of 
minimalist and conceptual art with more than 4,000 pieces.

(",) Re: Mail art call "Hurricanes"

2009-08-24 Thread tamarawyndham
My nickname is "Tornado" I should send you something!

That's a December 12th deadline?

Thanks for the call!

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, "pussnboots1965"  wrote:
> After surviving Hurricanes Katrina and Gustav in Louisiana, I am calling for 
> mailart dealing with the subject of Hurricanes to be displayed publically in 
> Louisiana after the current Hurricane seasondocumentation to all that 
> participate. looking forward to your art. crazyre' 
> Info: no size or medium restrictions
> Deadline: 31.12.2009 
> Artist: Crazyre / 185 New Haven Street / Raceland, LA 70394-2524 / USA / 
> tugboatgir...@...

(",) Mail art from space aliens...

2009-08-22 Thread tamarawyndham

It all began during the summer of 1993 when one night Tony had a close 
encounter with a strange UFO behind his house. Tony never saw the UFO again, 
However, two days later his life was to change abruptly when he began to 
receive a series of mysterious messages in his mailbox that were delivered 
without a return address.

"The first letter stated that the individual writing to me knew all about my 
low-level UFO sighting and indicated that he was actually on board the craft at 
the time of the encounter. He said that by picking up on my vibrations they 
were able to tell that I was not a threat to their continuing operations in my 
area and that, basically, I was a kind person at heart -- one that really cared 
about other people and wished to see those around me prosperous and live a life 
of harmony with what they called the laws of creation."

Over a period of time, Tony has received numerous letters, all of which seem to 
indicate an alien presence on Earth. "It's as if they are living amongst us -- 
know our trouble and are able to offer advice on the subject that matter to us 
the most."

While the messages received from "MR X" may be delivered by his friendly rural 
mail carrier in an ordinary manner, this not the first time that such unusual 
-- and apparently otherworldly - communications have come through the postal 


(",) Re: Buffalo Mail Art Call

2009-07-23 Thread tamarawyndham
I am hoping that this project will be more effective than a normal 
letter-writing campaign.

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, Tamara Wyndham  wrote:
> Buffalo Mail Art Call
> America’s last wild buffalo herd is in danger. The Yellowstone, Montana 
> herd is both genetically and behaviorally unique, being the only herd with 
> continuously wild ancestry from the days when 50 million buffalo migrated 
> freely across the Great Plains. Today they are being killed because of the 
> greed of beef ranchers.
> For more information see The Buffalo Field Campaign:
> http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/
> Mail Art Call:
> Please make Buffalo themed mail art. Any size, any materials. Please write on 
> your artwork anywhere an unambiguous message such as PROTECT THE YELLOWSTONE 
> No deadline
> No documentation
> Send mail art to:
> Director National Park Service
> Mary Bomar
> 1849 C Street NW Room 3312
> Washington, DC 20240
> Yellowstone National Park

> Superintendent Suzanne Lewis

> PO Box 168

> Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190
> Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
> Department of the Interior
> 1849 C Street, N.W.
> Washington DC 20240

(",) The Sketchbook Project: Library

2009-07-23 Thread tamarawyndham
Subject: The Sketchbook Project: Library

Be one of the founding contributors to The Sketchbook Library by
signing up to receive a sketchbook, filling it up with art, and
sending it back. Sketchbooks offers a glimpse into an artist's life,
which is why we want to make a publicly accessible library of
sketchbooks that people can browse, peruse, and check out. We think
that this sketchbook collection has the potential to open a new line
of communication between the artist and the viewer, since the
experience of making and viewing are both so personal. Anyone can sign
up to receive a sketchbook. Before joining our permanent collection,
sketchbooks will be exhibited at select galleries across the US. Each
sketchbook will be barcoded and cataloged, allowing visitors to choose
what they want to look at via theme, medium, geographic location, name
of the artist, etc.

Sketchbooks will be shown in LA, Brooklyn, Chicago, Atlanta, and
St. Louis.

To sign up to receive a Sketchbook please visit:


For more info on Art House, please visit:


(",) Re: Introduction

2009-07-21 Thread tamarawyndham
Welcome, Theresa!

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, Theresa  wrote:
> Good morning everyone - well, it's almost lunchtime, but close enough. :)
> I'm Theresa. I live in SW MO, with my sweet and beautiful Yorkie 
> Heidi, my folks, and several cats. I have come to hate getting the 
> mail, too many bills and other people asking for money, I hope to 
> quickly change that.
> Right now I do mainly decorated postcards for mail art. I have worked 
> with altered books, ATCs, altered Barbies and so forth. Trust me, 
> don't try the latter if you don't have the right materials, acrylic 
> paint and Barbie plastic don't stick well together (grins). Trying 
> them again is on my someday/maybe list.
> Also on that list is fabric art, and more altered ideas. I also 
> write, sing, enjoy computers, am looking for a full time job, teach 
> kids on Sunday mornings, and am trying to be more organized. Life is 
> good - I wish I had a couple of clones and some more hands at times.  :)
> Take care,
> Theresa
> I check my email once a day, often less.
> Gentlemen, I believe we have much to discuss.
> (Robert Lansing as Control, The Equalizer, Trial by Ordeal.)

(",) Create a Culture of Peace Now! call for mail art

2009-07-21 Thread tamarawyndham
Zero Nuclear Weapons, Zero WMD: Create a Culture of Peace Now!  

Theme: The Ribbon International, and Women's Caucus for Art invite artists, 
mail artists, students, children, activists and concerned individuals, 
classrooms and organizations to create postcards for this year's United Nations 
NGO Conference, "For Peace and Development: Disarm Now!". 

Why? How? When?".  What does a culture of peace look like? How would you 
resolve conflict in peaceful ways? What does it mean to feel safe and secure? 
Why must we oppose the creation of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass 
destruction? How can we remove these weapons? What can happen if we remain 
silent? What can change look like?
Media/Technique: please send only postcards that deal with any technique. 
Size: 4"x6" (10x15 cm) postcards.
Please include your name and State/Country on the back of the postcard so we 
can acknowledge your submission on the blogsite. 
Exhibition:  Online and displayed together with The Ribbon International at the 
United Nations Conference in Mexico City in September, 2009. Afterwards, this 
exhibition will travel to venues in the United States for further display and 
Documentation: http://wcaartwavesinternational.blogspot.com 
Info: mrpot...@yahoo.com 

Deadline to be received: September 1, 2009 

Create a Culture of Peace Now!" 
263 Laidley Street 
San Francisco, CA 94131 

(",) FWD: call for postcards for benefit

2009-07-15 Thread tamarawyndham
Hi Everyone,

A benefit is being organized by Crane Street Studio (LIC) and other artists to 
Nicole Gagne, a tenant at Crane Street Studios who was in a devastating 
accident there in April. 
The exhibit and sale will be will be held at Priska Juschka Fine Art in Chelsea
on July 30, 2009 from 5:30 to 9:30 pm.
Kindly consider donating a 6" x 4" artwork on paper to this worthy cause.  
I forward the "Call  to Artists" below, where you can also find details about 
how to submit work. 
My apologies for the lateness of this request (artwork is due July 23rd),
but I've been out of the country on a residency for 2 months and just returned. 
The good news is that Nicole is home, and though she has much rehabilitation 
her condition continues to improve.  She is a lovely, strong-spirited woman, who
always helped organize the Crane Street Open Studios and other community 
If you can submit a piece, confirm this at the e-mail address listed in the 
call and
your name will be included on the benefit website.
In any case, please save the date July 30th and plan to attend.
My apologies to those for whom this is a repeat message.
Thank you and regards to all,  Joan 

Benefit for Nicole: A Postcard Show

Call To Artists!

In April 2009 an exterior staircase collapsed at Crane Street Studios, a large 
building housing work studios for over 200 artists and artisans in Long Island 
City (Queens), New York City. Nicole Gagne, a tenant in the building, was 
seriously injured in the accident. This show is being held to raise funds to 
help with her immediate expenses. This will be a 1-day event, a combined 
opening and sale. All works will be donated pieces that are original artworks 
(any media) on 4" x 6" paper. All works will be sold for $40 cash. All proceeds 
will go to Nicole.

Event Location: Priska Juschka Fine Art 

Event Date: Thursday, July 30th, 2009. 5:30P to 9:30P

Blog: http://benefitfornicole.blogspot.com 

Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=97224180094 

Email: benefitfornic...@gmail.com 

To participate, please download the Artists submission form here:

Deadline: donated postcards must be received by July 23, 2009

Send To:
Benefit for Nicole
c/o Wide Angle Films, Inc.
125 Christopher St. #2J
New York, NY 10014

(",) Re: How to undo a mistake?

2009-07-15 Thread tamarawyndham
--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, "tamarawyndham"  wrote:
> Does anyone know, I made a mistake.
> Someone applied to join this group. They have to apply, so we can keep the 
> spam out. I was trying to approve the person, and somehow the thing slipped 
> and I accidentally denied them. How do I undo that?
> Ay, I feel terrible!
>  - Tamara, one of the moderators.

Ok, I just mailed the person an invite to join the group, hope that works!

(",) How to undo a mistake?

2009-07-15 Thread tamarawyndham
Does anyone know, I made a mistake.

Someone applied to join this group. They have to apply, so we can keep the spam 
out. I was trying to approve the person, and somehow the thing slipped and I 
accidentally denied them. How do I undo that?

Ay, I feel terrible!

 - Tamara, one of the moderators.


2009-07-07 Thread tamarawyndham
Matthew I called the Emily Harvey Foundation gallery they are closed until 
September Are they recieving the mailed in cards before then?

I was going to walk them over, guess I have to wait for September... ?

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, MATTHEW ROSE  wrote:
> http://abookaboutdeath.blogspot.com/ 
> Take a look.  Artist call is a link on the right hand side of the blog.
> Best,
> Matthew

(",) OT - Hallmark postcard virus

2009-06-30 Thread tamarawyndham
Hi All,

I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up
for this virus!
I checked Snopes, and it is for real.

Get this E-mail message sent around to your contacts ASAP.


You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open
any message with an attachment entitled 'POSTCARD FROM
HALLMARK, 'regardless
of who sent it to you. It is a virus which opens A
POSTCARD IMAGE, which 'burns' the whole hard disc C
of your computer.

This virus will be received from someone who has your
e-mail address in
his/her contact list. This is the reason why you need to
send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to
receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and
open it.

If you receive a mail called' POSTCARD,' even
though sent to you by a friend, do not open it! Shut down
your computer immediately. This is the worst virus announced
by CNN.

It has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive
virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday,
and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This vir
us simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where
the vital information is kept.


(",) OT - Twitter's role in democracy

2009-06-24 Thread tamarawyndham
If any of you are on Twitter, set your location to Tehran and your time zone to 
GMT +3.30. Security forces are hunting for bloggers using location/timezone 
searches. The more people at this location, the more of a logjam it creates for 
forces trying to shut Iranians' access to the internet down. Do it under 
"settings" on upper right. It's easy. Cut & paste & pass it on, please. 

If you aren't on twitter, send this to someone who is.

Check out this video on Twitter's role in democracy:


Twitter is networking

(",) fwd: Celebrate Urban Birds

2009-06-11 Thread tamarawyndham
Not exactly mail art, but here goes:

Celebrate Urban Birds
Funky Nests in Funky Places

Photo-Video- Art Challenge
Have you noticed any bird nests in your neighborhood? Peek in a hanging flower 
basket…a street light…a store sign…an old boot…or under 
a bridge! Birds build nests in the strangest places!
People of all ages are invited to go outside and look for funky nests in your 
neighborhood. Take a photo, create some artwork, shoot video, write a story or 
a poem, or create a sculpture. Get creative! Just show a bird's nest built in 
some out-of-the-way or out-of-this- world place.
When observing nests please be sure to avoid touching them or disturbing the 

How to Enter the Challenge
Email your photo, art, or video entry to urbanbi...@cornell.edu. 
Links are acceptable for videos.•
Write "Funky Nests in Funky Places" in the subject line. •
Include your name and mailing address •
Tell us why you submitted your entry to the Funky Nests in Funky Places 
contest. What's the story • behind your image?
Send us your entry before July 31, 2009•

Selected entries will be posted on the Celebrate Urban Birds website. 
By entering, you agree that you are granting the Cornell Lab of Ornithology a 
royalty-free, perpetual license to use the images or video for any purpose, 
including but not limited to publications, websites, and commercial products 
benefiting our education, outreach, 
and research programs.

Visit www.CelebrateUrbanBirds.org for details

Prizes include a Leica C-LUX 3 compact camera, HUMM bird feeders, shrubs for 
planting, signed copies of John Robinson's book Birding for Everyone, Laura 
Erickson's 101 Ways to Help the Birds and much more.
We'll send the first 50 entries a copy of our "Doves and Pigeons" poster by 
Julie Zickefoose.

(",) fwd: Call for Zines

2009-06-07 Thread tamarawyndham
Call for Zines

Minnesota Center for Book Arts will be hosting an exhibition of zines titled
©¯Independent Variables: Contemporary Zine Publications©— from June 26 to
September 6, 2009 in the Open Book Lobby Gallery.

To participate in this exhibition, work must be received by 5 pm June 26. It
may be dropped off at MCBA©–s Shop desk or mailed (MCBA, attn: Jeff
Rathermel, 1011 Washington Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55415). Please include
contact information with your submission, including an email address.

Note: Work will handled by the public and will be fastened to the wall by a
cord. This may involve drilling into the publication to make a hole for
fastening. Do not submit work you are not willing to have altered and
handled by multiple readers. Works should weigh a pound or less.

We will do our best to exhibit all work submitted. Multiple works by a
single artist are permitted. If the number of submissions is great, the
number of works exhibited by a single artist will be limited.

Work will be available for pick up at the Shop desk the week following the
show. Work will not be returned by mail. Items not picked up by Sept 11,
2009 will be added to the MCBA archives and used for educational purposes.

Can the moderator help Clemente? Re: (",) fwd: Mail artist censored and harassed

2009-05-04 Thread tamarawyndham
I am not sending anything directly to Clemente, I am sending to this mail art 
list on yahoo... can someone help Clemente change his email address for this 


--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, Clemente Padín <7w1k4...@...> wrote:
> Dear Tamara,
>  pleasse, change my email to:
> clementepa...@...
> Thanksin advance...fraternally,
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: Tamara Wyndham 
>   To: Tamara Wyndham 
>   Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 10:25 PM
>   Subject: (",) fwd: Mail artist censored and harassed by police in France
>   I am forwarding this - Looks like a mail artist got in trouble... 
>   I googled it, Here's a website:
>   http://user.cyberlink.ch/~koenig/2008/pissier.htm
>   Here is a shorter version, but with a jpeg of the postcard in question
>   http://nicholasurfe.com/article/356/the-curious-case-of-philipe-pissier
>   there's a French news report here:
>   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He45aioz9is
>   Dear friends of Networking
>   Without a doubt you will know that the mailartist Phillipe Pissier 
>   ( pissier.phili...@... ) has slope a judgement by having sent a postal with 
> the image of the bosom of a woman to an exposition to the who he was invited. 
> Pissier runs the risk of three years of prison and a penalty of 175.000 Euros 
> for the crime of "perturb the public and mental order that they put in danger 
> to the children by means of a pornographic work." The same image, that 
> belongs to an French anonymous artist of XVI century, is in the opened screen 
> of Museum of Louvre , including for children.
>   A Committee of Support has been started for those interested :
>   Comité de Soutien à Philippe Pissier,
>   c/o Libraithèque « Le Droit à la Paresse »
>   68 rue Saint-James,
>   46000 Cahors, France.
>   Phone.
>   Contact : Michel Guillaumin,
>   Phone:
>   miguillau...@...
>   Pissier will be carried to judgement presently for which we solicited to 
> Networking the shipment of applications in his favor and demands for liberty 
> of expression to:
>   Tribunal de Grande Instance de Cahors
>   Boulevard Léon Gambetta
>   B.P. 289
>   46010 CAHORS CEDEX 9
> …………………………………………………………………………………………….
>   A la Red de artistas correo del mundo:
>   sin duda Ustedes sabrán que el artista-correo Phillipe Pissier ( 
> pissier.phili...@... ) tiene pendiente un juicio por haber enviado una postal 
> con la imagen del pecho de una mujer a una exposición a la cual fue 
> invitado. Pissier corre el riesgo de tres años de prisión y una multa de 
> 175.000 euros por el delito de "perturbar el orden público y mentales que 
> ponen en peligro a los niños por medio de un trabajo pornográfico". La 
> misma imagen, perteneciente a un artista anónimo francés del siglo XVI, se 
> encuentra en la pantalla abierta en el Museo del Louvre, incluyendo a los 
> menores de edad.
>   El Comité de apoyo a Phillipe Pissier está en :
>   Libraithèque
>   « Le Droit à la Paresse »
>   68 rue Saint-James,
>   46000 Cahors, France.
>   Phone.
>   Contact : Michel Guillaumin,
>   Phone :
>   miguillau...@...
>   Pissier será llevado a juicio en breve por lo cual solicitamos al 
> Networking el envío de solicitudes en su favor y demandas por la libertad de 
> expresión a:
>   Tribunal de Grande Instance de Cahors
>   Boulevard Léon Gambetta
>   B.P. 289
>   46010 CAHORS CEDEX 9
>   Tamara Wyndham
>   http://www.tamarawyndham.com
>   "Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and 
> original in your work." 
>   - Gustave Flaubert
>   __ Informació® ¤e NOD32, revisió® ´022 (20090420) __
>   Este mensaje ha sido analizado con NOD32 antivirus system
>   http://www.nod32.com

(",) US Postage goes up May 11, 2009

2009-05-03 Thread tamarawyndham
US Postage as of May 11, 2009
A first-class stamp will rise to 44 cents. (2 cents more)
The price for each additional ounce will remain unchanged at 17-cents.
• The postcard stamp increases 1-cent to 28 cents.
• The first ounce of a large envelope increases 5 cents to 88 cents.
• The first ounce of a parcel increases 5 cents to $1.22.
• New international postcard and letter prices are, for one ounce, 75 cents to 
Canada; 79 cents to Mexico; and 98 cents elsewhere.
Most Postal Service shipping services prices were adjusted in January and will 
not change in May.

(",) Noney

2009-04-12 Thread tamarawyndham
Noney--rhymes with money--is cultural tender for the payment of any amount, 

In 2003, Obadiah Eelcut began circulating 10,000 Noney notes. Each note is a 
hand-drawn, hand-printed and hand-signed piece of art. Each note can also be 
traded for things. The result is an experimental combination of printmaking, 
performance and public art... an experience unlike that of traditional currency.
Need Noney? Then send a hand-written postcard with the following information: 
your name, mailing address, email address and some vegan food item(s) you wish 
to exchange for Noney. If your proposal is sufficiently intriguing, you'll 
receive a reply with further instructions. Mail the postcard to...

Noney, P.O. Box 1013, Providence, RI 02901, USA



2009-03-21 Thread tamarawyndham
Hi Mathew, 

When is the deadline?

Would you like me to pass this on? The yahoo group does not display email 

 - Tamara Wyndham

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, MATTHEW ROSE  wrote:
> Opening, Thursday, 10 September 2009.
> Exhibition: 10 - 22 September 2009 
> Emily Harvey Foundation  537 Broadway  New York City, New York 10012 USA
> 1000 Artists Produce Each An Edition Of 500 Postcards In A Sprawling Unbound 
> Book About Death.  1000 pages, edition: 500.
> An Open Call To Artists Worldwide To Contribute To A BOOK ABOUT DEATH.
> A BOOK ABOUT DEATH is an open, unbound book produced by artists worldwide. 
> Artists are invited to create a page in the form of a postcard about deathâ€" 
> any aspect about death. Works should be of any design, personal or 
> conceptual, color or black and white. The original works, and the postcards 
> produced for the exhibition, should address the topic of death.   
> A BOOK ABOUT DEATH takes its inspiration from the late, underground American 
> artist Ray Johnson (1927 - 1995). Ray Johnson’s unbound “book” of the 
> same title was mailed to his New York Correspondence School “students” 
> and included pages in his idiosyncratic style that were funny, sad and ironic 
> “one-page essays” on death.  With the A BOOK ABOUT DEATH project, artists 
> are invited to plunge into the subject in creating their own pages that score 
> the dramatic final dance of death. 
> EXHIBITION & EVENT: Each artist contribution will be displayed in the Emily 
> Harvey Foundation gallery space in New York. Visitors will be free to take 
> cards and create their own book about death. As the cards are removed, the 
> exhibition will disappear. 
> During the exhibition, a lecture/panel discussion will take place with a 
> number of leading writers, curators, artists and collectors bringing together 
> a number of salient ideas about death, books, mail art works, Ray Johnson and 
> the global nature of A BOOK ABOUT DEATH.  The panel list will be announced 
> when it is finalized this summer.
> There will also be a website, http://abookaboutdeath.net/, serving as the 
> portal for the exhibition.
> 1. Produce an artwork about death. Make 500 postcards and mail the package to 
> A BOOK ABOUT DEATH c/o Emily Harvey Foundation Gallery 537 Broadway New York 
> City, New York 10012.  All submissions will be accepted if they arrive in 
> time.  Artists may produce more than one card if they wish.
> DEADLINE: Postcards should be in the gallery no later than 5 September 2009.
> 2. Once images are produced, a light-weight jpg should be e mailed to 
> matthew.rose.pa...@..., along with the artist's name and URL (artist web site 
> address) for publication on the blog â€" 
> http://abookaboutdeath.blogspot.com/.  This will allow the organizers to 
> archive the works and artist details. Other artists will also be able to 
> visit the exhibition in progress.
> Note: An “official” website will be created by artist Caterina Verde at 
> the address: http://abookaboutdeath.net. 
> The artist is 100 percent responsible for her/his image and card and delivery 
> to the gallery.  
> FORMAT: Postcards should be at least 4 x 6 inches or 10 x 15 cm, but can be 
> any size, but no larger than A4 or 8 1/2 x 11 inches. 
> To help unify the edition, please include the words A BOOK ABOUT DEATH on 
> your printed post cards. We have also included an image/text by Ray Johnson 
> that could be printed on your cards.  
> PRINTING OPTIONS: You can either produce the cards yourself or upload the 
> file to any number of printers for delivery to the gallery. You, as the 
> artist are in complete control of your artwork and cards.  
> Option 1: A very inexpensive online printer offers extremely reasonable 
> prices for a 4 x 6 inch (or 10 x 15 cm) card. PDF upload or online design is 
> possible. Payment directly to the printer via MasterCard, PayPal, VISA are 
> options. Please see: http://www.overnightprints.com/main.php. 
> Please note: The exhibition organizers are not working with this printer but 
> in our research have determined that their prices are some of the lowest on 
> the market, their print quality is high, service is good and delivery to a 
> NYC address via United Parcel Service is a very good option.  
> Option 2: Alternately, artists are free to produce their own cards locally if 
> they need to supervise print and image quality. Artists can sign and number 
> their cards if they wish.
> Option 3: Artists can also produce handmade cards, however, these cards must 
> be in an edition of 500 to ensure continuity with other images.  Artists can 
> sign and number their handmade cards if they would like. Variety in paper and 
> material is encouraged.
> Unfortunately we cannot pay any artist or production f


2009-03-11 Thread tamarawyndham

Mail art



"Our goal is to realize international visual art actions by taking PEACE as the 
main theme in promoting ART & FRIENDSHIP & SOLIDARITY and PEACE, not violence, 
and an active attitude against War. 

We aim to come together in İstanbul with our artworks; within sounding by 
our unique feelings, thoughts and ideals for the world peace. We issue the 
beauties and forces of arts instead of wars and violences, by the concepts of 
peace; Love, Freedom, respecting of human rights, political and cultural 
pluralism within a global context, throughout the worldwide."

Contact adresses:


Office&Studio Address

ARTSTUDIO Taksim Fırın Sok. No:8/1 Taksim/Beyoğlu/Istanbul/Turkey


(",) Tree leaf call for fiber art

2009-02-06 Thread tamarawyndham
DEADLINE: Sun, March 15, 2009  


The International Fiber Collaborative announces its 2008-2009 project, 
Participants will create a full-sized tree for display in April 2009 at Big 
Springs International 
Park in Huntsville, Alabama. Participants are invited to create leaves to 
contribute to the 
creation of the tree. Leaves should be created using fiber or fiber techniques. 
Each leaf 
should be roughly 5 inches wide by 7 inches long. Entrants are encouraged to be 
creative in 
deciding on materials and techniques. Up to 30,000 leaves may be used. Download 
an entry 
form at www.internationalfibercollaborative.com/html/treeproject.html

Contact: Jennifer Marsh |   |  | blueangle1...@yahoo.com

(",) Museum of Temporary Art

2009-01-31 Thread tamarawyndham
I have a little contribution to the Museum of Temporary Art, in Germany. They 
are closing 

You can contribute also:

- Tamara Wyndham

"If art isn't free to do badly, it really isn't free to do well."
- Oyvind Molbach

(",) Re: Wheelie Bin Gallery update

2008-12-31 Thread tamarawyndham
What is the call, you want stickers?

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, "Michael Leigh"  wrote:
> Thanks to all who have sent stickers to the Wheelie Bin project during 
> 2008.  Deadline March 2009.
> New stickers from Vittore Baroni (Italy)and Clemente Padin (Uruguay) 
> just uplaoded to-
> http://wheeliebingallery.blogspot.com/
> All the best for 2009!
> Michael

(",) Fwd: extra post for photos? COULD SOMEONE REPLY 2seeifthisgoestoiuoma

2008-12-31 Thread tamarawyndham
Hi Rain Rein,

I had to paste the address in to reply, it usually puts the address in 
What sort of sending are you doing?

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, rrrainr...@... wrote:

  Permalink Reply by Rain Rien Nevermind 4 hours ago Delete

 I went to the post office today and the clerk noticed that my envelope was a 
little bit heavy. She asked me if there were photos in it. I said No. Then I 
asked, "Does it make a difference?" and she said that it was extra postage for 
photos. Did I misunderstand her? I never heard that before. I thought it was 
just by weight, period. An extra fee for photos??

- Tamara

Dear Dear Dear minus Tamara ,

The Post Office is NOW making ALL SORTS of NEW REGULATIONS
 furr instance MEDIA MAIL is not MEDIA MAIL if it contains " Advertising " 
They will continue to
ADD NEW CHARGES for Virtually Everything as long as people 
ALLOW them their  Luxury of Doing So...so Virtual Mail anyone ?
 Love , rain rien nevermind the cost just post.
 ? Reply to This  

 Permalink Reply by Rain Rien Nevermind 4 hours ago Delete 
15 minutes left to edit your comment. Edit Ting Dynasty !
 ? Reply to This 
  Permalink Reply by Wilma Duguay 4 hours ago 
Wow! That is a shocker!! I also thought that the postage was calculated on 
the weight and size of a package alone and had nothing to do with the contents. 
It doesn't make much sense.
 ? Reply to This 

 Permalink Reply by eepy 2 hours ago 

If they ask me what's in the package I always say "toys". No problem so far.
 ? Reply to This

HAVE YOU BEEN CAUGHT  Toying around with the MAIL ! ! !



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--- End forwarded message ---

(",) extra postage for photos?

2008-12-30 Thread tamarawyndham
I went to the post office today and the clerk noticed that my envelope was a 
little bit heavy. 
She asked me if there were photos in it. I said No. Then I asked, "Does it make 
a difference?" 
and she said that it was extra postage for photos. Did I misunderstand her? I 
never heard 
that before. I thought it was just by weight, period. An extra fee for photos??

 - Tamara

(",) mail artist Wallace Berman in NY Times

2008-12-23 Thread tamarawyndham
Two Artists United by Devotion to Women

New York Times - December 23, 2008


As artists' biographies go, those of Wallace Berman and Richard Prince could 
hardly be 
more different. Berman, who died at 50 in 1976, the victim of a drunken driver, 
was a 
kind of Beat guru flying just below the radar, showing his work in only one 
gallery exhibition during his lifetime and popping into rare view in strange 
places: a 
cameo in "Easy Rider"; the cover of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," 
where his face 
is wedged next to Tony Curtis's, just below Jung's.

By contrast Mr. Prince, 59, labored in obscurity for years but not exactly by 
choice: he 
wanted a larger audience and found it. For more than two decades he has been 
one of the 
most influential contemporary artists, and his work — paintings, photography, 
sculpture — has sold for many millions of dollars, allowing him to create an 
studio complex in Rensselaerville, N.Y., in Albany County.

But Berman's eccentric, highly personal art and career has long fascinated Mr. 
Prince, who 
has painstakingly collected copies of his signature work, Semina, a kind of 
early California 
zine that Berman made with — and mailed only to — his friends, from 1955 to 
1963. For 
Mr. Prince, a bibliophile with a special love for the Beat years, the 
fascination stems partly 
from Berman's Zelig-like connections in those years: his circle included Allen 
Dennis Hopper and Henry Miller. One of Berman's collaborators was the artist 
known as 
Cameron, whose first husband, Jack Parsons, as Mr. Prince notes, was a friend 
of L. Ron 
Hubbard, the founder of Scientology.

But these days Mr. Prince seems to be drawn to Berman as much for what his life 
represented, an almost ascetic pursuit of art for art's sake that seems 
increasingly distant 
from today's art world. Berman's work "was very word-oriented and a lot of it 
was free," 
Mr. Prince said in a recent telephone interview. "It had nothing to do with the 
market, and 
it had to do with a lifestyle that was very anti-establishment."

For the first time Mr. Prince's work will appear alongside Berman's in a show 
called "She" 
opening Jan. 15 and running through March 8 at the Michael Kohn Gallery in Los 
The exhibition focuses on a common subject where the two artists overlap in odd 
unexpected ways: women.

Berman surrounded himself with women and loved photographing them, seemingly 
for the pleasure of taking the shot; most of his pictures were never even 
printed during his 
lifetime. He made romantic portraits of his wife, Shirley, and erotic ones of 
the painter Jay 
DeFeo and unlikely ones of the young actress Teri Garr, a friend to whom he 
mailed artwork. "He was a great person," Ms. Garr recalled. "He was always 
saying, `Just 
make things, just make things.' "

His collages often relied on found imagery of women in magazines. And it was a 
image of a woman — a sinuous drawing of a demonlike one and a man in flagrante 
— that led to Berman's arrest and conviction in 1957 on obscenity charges 
during his first 
commercial show at the Ferus Gallery in Los Angeles, establishing the twin 
themes of his 
career: exploring the fringes of American society and shunning the attention of 

Like Berman, Mr. Prince mines the ways that society has portrayed women and how 
women have seemed to want to be portrayed. But his obsessions — images of half-
clothed women taken from pulp fiction, biker magazines and other subculture 
publications — toy much more ambiguously and provocatively with sexism, 
and the conventions of pornography than did Berman's. And Mr. Prince constantly 
buttons to keep those ambiguities alive. In a question-and-answer session 
included in the 
show's catalog, he is asked whether he has any female friends. He says no. 
Asked when he 
thinks a girl becomes a woman, he says it is when she starts baby-sitting.

"I think he likes to be mischievous," said Kristine McKenna, a writer and 
curator who 
organized the exhibition with Mr. Prince and Berman's widow. "When Richard 
makes this 
kind of work, you get the impression that it's very playful, that he goes into 
it to figure out 
what it's going to be." (Ms. McKenna recalled that when she first met Mr. 
Prince in the 
1980s, while he was living in the Venice section of Los Angeles, his spare, 
house was "strewn with copies of all these weird specialty magazines like 

She said the idea for the show came about because she knew of Mr. Prince's 
interest in Berman and thought that their mutual focus on women and sensuality 
would be 
an interesting way to put their work together. After many years of newfound 
interest in 
Berman's art, this also seems to be his moment. His work is included in an 
exhibition now 
on view at the Moderna Museet in Sto

Re: (",) new mail art site

2008-11-29 Thread tamarawyndham
--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, "Taraka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how do we get invitation?
> T

Please email me directly.

(",) How to Sneak Into Art Museums Without Paying (call for entries)

2008-11-24 Thread tamarawyndham
"How to Sneak Into Art Museums Without Paying" (call for entries)


Hello all,

The Peter Coffin Studio and The Suburban Gallery, Chicago are working  
on a project called; "How to Sneak into Art Museums Without Paying".  
We'd like you to share any techniques you have acquired through your  
life/work experience to submit to this project. These instructions  
(of "How to...") from you should be hand drawn and scanned to  
reproduced in a booklet/zine that will be distributed for an  
exhibition at the Suburban and to participants.

These illustrated techniques should actually work and must be  
relatively current. The instructions you provide should not require  
doctored documents such as fake passes etc or fake uniforms/badges  
and should be relatively easy to understand so that someone on the  
street can enter without paying using the instructions you submit.

If you would like to submit a plan, please hand draw it on 8 1/2 x 11  
white paper in black pen/or pencli and scan in on gray scale @ 200  
DPI and send to; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Include your name/pseudonym separate from the drawing in the email,  
to be included in the credits of the booklet. All accepted  
participants will of course receive a copy of the booklet/zine. And  
remember to include in the drawing the museum's name and city.

These are plans that should actually work so stick to keeping them as  
clear as possibleincluding street entrances, descriptive markers  
or "what to say to a guard"... anything to make the drawing  
effective. I have included a sample of a plan to sneak into the KW  
museum in Berlin to show generally what we are looking for. Feel free  
to forward this to any sneaky pals you know anywhere, especially  
outside the US as this is for any major museum/institution across the  



(",) How to Sneak Into Art Museums Without Paying (call for entries)

2008-11-24 Thread tamarawyndham
"How to Sneak Into Art Museums Without Paying" (call for entries)


Hello all,

The Peter Coffin Studio and The Suburban Gallery, Chicago are working  
on a project called; "How to Sneak into Art Museums Without Paying".  
We'd like you to share any techniques you have acquired through your  
life/work experience to submit to this project. These instructions  
(of "How to...") from you should be hand drawn and scanned to  
reproduced in a booklet/zine that will be distributed for an  
exhibition at the Suburban and to participants.

These illustrated techniques should actually work and must be  
relatively current. The instructions you provide should not require  
doctored documents such as fake passes etc or fake uniforms/badges  
and should be relatively easy to understand so that someone on the  
street can enter without paying using the instructions you submit.

If you would like to submit a plan, please hand draw it on 8 1/2 x 11  
white paper in black pen/or pencli and scan in on gray scale @ 200  
DPI and send to; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Include your name/pseudonym separate from the drawing in the email,  
to be included in the credits of the booklet. All accepted  
participants will of course receive a copy of the booklet/zine. And  
remember to include in the drawing the museum's name and city.

These are plans that should actually work so stick to keeping them as  
clear as possibleincluding street entrances, descriptive markers  
or "what to say to a guard"... anything to make the drawing  
effective. I have included a sample of a plan to sneak into the KW  
museum in Berlin to show generally what we are looking for. Feel free  
to forward this to any sneaky pals you know anywhere, especially  
outside the US as this is for any major museum/institution across the  



Re: (",) new mail art site

2008-11-24 Thread tamarawyndham
Anybody who wants to join write to me personally and I will send you an 
 - Tamara

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, "tamarawyndham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, I didn't realize that...
> --- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, "Mircea Bochis"  wrote:
> >
> > need invitation...
> >   - Original Message - 
> >   From: tamarawyndham 
> >   To: ma-network@yahoogroups.com 
> >   Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 4:29 PM
> >   Subject: (",) new mail art site
> > 
> > 
> >   There is a new website for mail artists to network from IUOMA:
> > 
> >   http://iuoma-network.ning.com/
> >

Re: (",) new mail art site

2008-11-24 Thread tamarawyndham
Oh, I didn't realize that...

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, "Mircea Bochis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> need invitation...
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: tamarawyndham 
>   To: ma-network@yahoogroups.com 
>   Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 4:29 PM
>   Subject: (",) new mail art site
>   There is a new website for mail artists to network from IUOMA:
>   http://iuoma-network.ning.com/

(",) new mail art site

2008-11-23 Thread tamarawyndham
There is a new website for mail artists to network from IUOMA:


(",) new mail art site

2008-11-23 Thread tamarawyndham
There is a new website for mail artists to network from IUOMA:


(",) atcs commercialized now.

2008-11-22 Thread tamarawyndham
Looks like yet another mail art idea has been commercialized:

Strathmore Artist Papers™ is hosting a global artist trading card swap! Create 
your own 
holiday or winter-themed trading card and we'll pass it on. In exchange, you 
will receive an 
original piece of art from another artist somewhere around the world.


(",) Re: Elephant art?

2008-11-11 Thread tamarawyndham
I found the essay here:

White Elephant Art vs. Termite Art
This is the full text of a manifesto by Manny Farber, written in 1962.  Since 
disavowed by 
Farber, this piece has nonetheless served as fierce inspiration for me and the 
members of the Termite Television Collective. 


--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, "Oh Boy Mailart!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the episode of Six Feet Under where Claire's art teacher, brought up 
> the opposed concepts of White Elephant Art and Termite Art, 
> these ideas belong to Manny Farber, the film critic. 
> They have to do with pretentious art and progressive art.
> White Elephant art destroys its meaning and creativity in pursuit of 
> seriousness and acclaim, whereas termite art burrows and eats away the 
> boundaries of its genre as it goes forward, just eating and 
> regurgitating wood fibers all crazy-style.

(",) Free Obama Sticker

2008-11-07 Thread tamarawyndham
These commemorative stickers mark Barack Obama's historic victory and were 
designed by 
groundbreaking artist Shepard Fairey—the same artist who designed the 
iconic "Hope" poster for Obama.

You can get one sticker for free. For a $3+ donation, we'll send you 5 stickers.


(",) Re: Elephant art?

2008-11-07 Thread tamarawyndham
My friend found this when she Googled it-


"Laurette's manner of working equally recalls artist-critic Manny Farber's 
of termite vs. white elephant art. In Farber's case, he was addressing the 
cinema and 
painting around 1962, but perhaps in Laurette's case he is the resourceful 
termite artist against the bloat and bombast of, say, America's own pride and 
joy Matthew 
Barney. To quote Farber, "the most inclusive description of the art is that, 
termite-like, it 
feels its way through walls of particularization, with no sign that the artist 
has any object 
in mind other than eating away the immediate boundaries of his art, and turning 
boundaries into conditions of the next achievement."[12]Farber's termite art is 
against art "as an expensive hunk of well-regulated area."[13] Such an instance 
of termite 
art in Laurette's case is the Scattered Library piece of the late 1990s, in 
which the artist 
proposed to lend a selection of his own books—ninety of them to be exact—to the 
Bruno library in Grenoble, ending up during that period as almost 3/4 of one 
percent of 
the library's holdings."

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, Reid Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No need to blush ... Six Feet Under was a pretty good show. As for  
> the writers, I think they were probably combining several different  
> things when they came up with Elephant Art and Termite Art.
> On Nov 6, 2008, at 12:53 PM, tamarawyndham wrote:
> > OK, I'll tell you the context I heard it - it was on an old TV show  
> > (blush) "Six Feet Under" -
> > Claire is in art school and the teacher criticizes her friend's  
> > sculpture as "elephant art"
> > Then he asks the class "Anybody know what elephant art is?" No one  
> > says anything. Then
> > he says "It was invented by Fluxus artists. Anybody know what  
> > Fluxus is?" No one says
> > anything. Then he scolds them for not reading he goes on to  
> > call Claire's sculpture
> > "termite art". I assumed "termite art" was a made up thing, but  
> > I wasn't sure about
> > "elephant art" ... maybe they just made it up for the TV show...
> >
> > - T
> >
> > --- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, Reid Wood  wrote:
> > >
> > > Some zoos have their elephants make paintings, which they then sell.
> > > Don't know if this was the reference.
> > >
> > > Reid Wood
> > >
> > > On Nov 5, 2008, at 10:00 PM, Tamara Wyndham wrote:
> > >
> > > > I just heard a reference to something called "elephant art" that
> > > > was something invented by Fluxus. I just tried to google it, but
> > > > nothing showed up anybody familiar with "elephant art"?
> > > > Just wondering,
> > > >
> > > > thanx,
> > > >
> > > > Tamara Wyndham
> > > > http://www.tamarawyndham.com
> > > >
> > > > "No man who has managed to keep out of an office can be called a
> > > > failure in life."
> > > > - Richard Aldington
> > > >

(",) Re: Elephant art?

2008-11-06 Thread tamarawyndham
OK, I'll tell you the context I heard it - it was on an old TV show (blush) 
"Six Feet Under" - 
Claire is in art school and the teacher criticizes her friend's sculpture as 
"elephant art" 
Then he asks the class "Anybody know what elephant art is?" No one says 
anything. Then 
he says "It was invented by Fluxus artists. Anybody know what Fluxus is?" No 
one says 
anything. Then he scolds them for not reading he goes on to call Claire's 
"termite art". I assumed "termite art" was a made up thing, but I wasn't 
sure about 
"elephant art" ... maybe they just made it up for the TV show...

 - T

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, Reid Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some zoos have their elephants make paintings, which they then sell.  
> Don't know if this was the reference.
> Reid Wood
> On Nov 5, 2008, at 10:00 PM, Tamara Wyndham wrote:
> > I just heard a reference to something called "elephant art" that  
> > was something invented by Fluxus. I just tried to google it, but  
> > nothing showed up anybody familiar with "elephant art"?
> > Just wondering,
> >
> > thanx,
> >
> > Tamara Wyndham
> > http://www.tamarawyndham.com
> >
> > "No man who has managed to keep out of an office can be called a  
> > failure in life."
> > - Richard Aldington
> >
> >
> >

(",) Re: Elephant art?

2008-11-06 Thread tamarawyndham
OK, I'll tell you the context I heard it - it was on an old TV show (blush) 
"Six Feet Under" - 
Claire is in art school and the teacher criticizes her friend's sculpture as 
"elephant art" 
Then he asks the class "Anybody know what elephant art is?" No one says 
anything. Then 
he says "It was invented by Fluxus artists. Anybody know what Fluxus is?" No 
one says 
anything. Then he scolds them for not reading he goes on to call Claire's 
"termite art". I assumed "termite art" was a made up thing, but I wasn't 
sure about 
"elephant art" ... maybe they just made it up for the TV show...

 - T

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, Reid Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some zoos have their elephants make paintings, which they then sell.  
> Don't know if this was the reference.
> Reid Wood
> On Nov 5, 2008, at 10:00 PM, Tamara Wyndham wrote:
> > I just heard a reference to something called "elephant art" that  
> > was something invented by Fluxus. I just tried to google it, but  
> > nothing showed up anybody familiar with "elephant art"?
> > Just wondering,
> >
> > thanx,
> >
> > Tamara Wyndham
> > http://www.tamarawyndham.com
> >
> > "No man who has managed to keep out of an office can be called a  
> > failure in life."
> > - Richard Aldington
> >
> >
> >

(",) Re: Elephant art?

2008-11-06 Thread tamarawyndham
OK, I'll tell you the context I heard it - it was on an old TV show (blush) 
"Six Feet Under" - 
Claire is in art school and the teacher criticizes her friend's sculpture as 
"elephant art" 
Then he asks the class "Anybody know what elephant art is?" No one says 
anything. Then 
he says "It was invented by Fluxus artists. Anybody know what Fluxus is?" No 
one says 
anything. Then he scolds them for not reading he goes on to call Claire's 
"termite art". I assumed "termite art" was a made up thing, but I wasn't 
sure about 
"elephant art" ... maybe they just made it up for the TV show...

 - T

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, Reid Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some zoos have their elephants make paintings, which they then sell.  
> Don't know if this was the reference.
> Reid Wood
> On Nov 5, 2008, at 10:00 PM, Tamara Wyndham wrote:
> > I just heard a reference to something called "elephant art" that  
> > was something invented by Fluxus. I just tried to google it, but  
> > nothing showed up anybody familiar with "elephant art"?
> > Just wondering,
> >
> > thanx,
> >
> > Tamara Wyndham
> > http://www.tamarawyndham.com
> >
> > "No man who has managed to keep out of an office can be called a  
> > failure in life."
> > - Richard Aldington
> >
> >
> >

(",) Re: Dragonfly Dream?

2008-09-17 Thread tamarawyndham
I went to her site again, it's fine. I don't know why I had trouble before. 
Check it out:



--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, "tamarawyndham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How is Dragonfly Dream?
> I just tried to go to her site:
> "dragonflydream.com expired on 09/10/2008 and is pending renewal or deletion."

(",) Dragonfly Dream?

2008-09-16 Thread tamarawyndham
How is Dragonfly Dream?

I just tried to go to her site:

"dragonflydream.com expired on 09/10/2008 and is pending renewal or deletion."

(",) Sketch swapping

2008-09-06 Thread tamarawyndham
Web art:

This site is addicting... you make a drawing and hit send drawing and you get 
another one in 
return from someone somewhere...

(",) Utopian Library

2008-08-16 Thread tamarawyndham
A quick look at the LUOGHI DELL'UTOPIA exhibition (including fragments of the 
Library rooms) in this video posted by Andrea Sozzi, a participant to the 
artist's books 

After two weeks of exhibition, the books have been often shuffled but not 
broken or stolen, 
all the visitors seem to enjoy the experience.
The catalogue will be prepared in September and mailed to all the participants 
as soon as 
Best wishes,

(",) Re: Fw: mail art canada

2008-08-04 Thread tamarawyndham
Hi Ross, attachments don't come through, can you copy and paste the info?


--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, ross priddle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- On Sat, 8/2/08, Chantal Laurin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Chantal Laurin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: mail art canada
> Received: Saturday, August 2, 2008, 2:25 PM
> Chantal 
> Hello  !!!
> This is Canada writing !!!
> I am the founder of a newly-created independant artist center and Currently 
> organizing 
a Mail Art exhibit. I have received postcards from France and USA, which gave 
me the idea 
to extend it international. The Mail Art community is international, creative 
and very much 
alive. And Free !!!
> All one needs is to create an original homemade postcard. There is no imposed 
> theme 
and one can use paint- drawing - computer art - visual poetry - collage - 2D or 
3D...anuthing goes so let your creativity go Free !
> I have attached to this email further informations.
> Please, spread the word !!!
> THANK YOU !!! Chantal  Laurin
> www.sparkio.com/laurinart
> Rawdon, province of Quebec, Canada
>   __
> Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! 
> http://www.flickr.com/gift/

(",) Museum of bad art

2008-04-23 Thread tamarawyndham
museum of bad art

This is absolutely priceless ... or do I mean valueless? (wink)


(",) Fwd: call for triangles

2008-01-28 Thread tamarawyndham
YOU ARE INVITED no entry fee 
participatory installation.

Title: Open the Door Richard 

Participation: all inclusive. All artists are invited.

Format of installation: geodesic dome

Shape of the individually contributed art piece: one uneven 
sided triangle < 14.5"x14.6"x15. 0" >

Base material flexible: like paper, plastic, fabric, 
transparent material, anything that can be folded and mailed in any 
standard size flat envelope per snail-mail. No email entries.

Medium: free.

Concept: worldwide concerns with the environment; religion, 
population movements, animals, plants, etc. All the aspects- the good 
as well as the bad.

No returns but a web catalogue will be made of all installed 

Mailing address: Nelleke Nix postal Box 375 Mercer Island WA 

Postmark deadline April first. No late work can be 
considered. No limit to number of participants

ALL Questions: Nelleke Nix: [EMAIL PROTECTED] com Mention: "DOME".

Please spread the info? 800 artists and more can participate. With 
your submission include a typed note with: permission to use the 
piece, your name, snail-mail address or email address, short title 
(explaining content) and medium of the work. Date and signature.-- 

An email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] com expressing you interest to 
participate is very much appreciated.

Gallery: SOHO20 Chelsea Gallery Gallery1 and Gallery2. Address: 511 
West 25th street NY, NY 10001

Title of the exhibition of which this participatory piece is a part: 
Hot Spots & Canaries by Nelleke Nix 

An installation about our changing world including a participatory 
work titled Open The Door Richard

Reception: April 24, 5-7.30 pm . Other events in connection with 
this exhibition to be announced


2007-11-28 Thread tamarawyndham

Mail art is art which uses the postal system as a medium. Mail artists 
typically exchange 
artistic works in any medium, including but not limited to: painting, drawing, 
graphic design, sculpture, assemblage, video- or audio-based works, conceptual 
and installations. (SCENE) presents an in-depth investigation into this 
artform, which 
evolved between the 1950s and the 1990s, and was influenced by such art 
movements as 
Dada and Fluxus. The size and scope of each artwork depends on the artist. No 
entry fee.


Peter Richards
(SCENE) Metrospace Gallery
410 Abbott Road
East Lansing MI 48823


(",) U.S. Postal Service Destroyed By Four Reckless Teens In Car

2007-11-27 Thread tamarawyndham
U.S. Postal Service Destroyed By Four Reckless Teens In Car

WASHINGTON—Millions of Americans and thousands of federal employees awoke 
to find the national mail service in disarray after a group of rowdy teens on a 
reportedly destroyed up to 90 percent of the postal service's nationwide 
infrastructure with 
a baseball bat.

Citing more than $45 billion in damages from the late-night escapade, the 
United States 
Postal Service has suspended all mail delivery and requested relief aid to 
rebuild more than 
650 demolished post offices. The agency is also seeking supplemental funding to 
clean up 
the letters, packages, and crushed Budweiser can the teens left in their wake.

"These hooligans have absolutely no respect for property, fellow residents, or 
country," Postmaster General John E. Potter said as he picked up pieces of the 
headquarters that had flown across the street and into a neighboring yard. 
"This is the 
third postal service I've had to replace this year."

According to police documents, Potter told investigators he was working late at 
his office 
Sunday night when, around 11:30 p.m., he heard the sound of a loud muffler and 
music coming from outside USPS headquarters. Potter said he ran outside to see 
what was 
happening, but by the time he arrived the teens were speeding off down a gravel 
giving him only enough time to throw a crab apple at the departing car, which 
described as "a rusted-out old Buick."

Authorities have thus far not been able to identify the teens responsible, who 
remain at 
large and in serious trouble.

"It's those Murphy twins and their no-good friend Tim Strougle," Potter said 
while shaking 
a broom. "What they did was destruction of property, plain and simple. Those 
kids should 
know better than to tamper with a federal mail service agency—it's a felony."

Potter went on to argue that the irresponsible teens should have to personally 
pay the 
rebuilding costs of his agency's infrastructure, a punishment he believes would 
them a lesson they won't soon forget."

Added Potter, "Someone's going to have to spend a whole day digging a new hole 
for that 

Though FBI agents assigned to investigate the nationwide act of vandalism would 
comment on any potential leads, they did disclose that the task force has ruled 
out a 
number of suspects, including those two Anderson boys from just up on Hoyt Road.

"Sure, they've gotten into trouble in the past, but [their father] Dave 
[Anderson] set them 
straight after the shenanigans they pulled last Halloween," said Special Agent 
Richards, who told reporters the FBI was enlisting the help of municipal law- 
agencies and snoopy neighbors from across the country in the investigation. 
"Nor do we 
have reason to believe that Shane and Lance McMurray were involved in this 
terrible crime. 
They're good boys. Mowed my lawn last summer."

Tampa resident Eric Thompson, 39, was one of countless American citizens 
outraged by 
the night of teenage mischief.

"I just don't get it," said Thompson, standing in front of his broken local 
postal branch. 
"Why would someone want to ruin a perfectly good post office? Don't they have 
better to do? If this is what kids today do for fun, I don't know what to tell 

Added Thompson: "Now I'm not going to get my magazines until who knows when."

While many Americans remain convinced that whichever local teens are 
responsible should 
be punished to the full extent of the law, some feel the public is overreacting.

"Everyone's getting all riled up over nothing," Attorney General Michael 
Mukasey said. "The 
U.S. Postal Service got a little banged up—so what? We did the same thing when 
we were 

"Who knows, maybe old man Barrington ran over the damn things," Mukasey added. 
shouldn't even have a license anymore, he's so darn nearsighted. I wouldn't be 
surprised if 
he knocked over all those buildings and didn't even realize he did it."

On Tuesday, the USPS announced they have begun taking extreme measures to 
further destruction of federal property. As part of the new strategy, beginning 
next month 
security officers will take posts in the bushes surrounding USPS facilities in 
all major cities, 
and a select number of new offices will be reinforced by constructing a smaller 
inside a large post office and filling the middle portion with cement.

"I can't wait for one of those punks to take a swing at one of our mail centers 
after that," 
Potter said.

According to FBI records, the destruction of the U.S. Postal Service was the 
significant incident of rampaging teens since the entire U.S. Air Force was 
keyed during 
the homecoming in 1998.


(",) Has performance art lost its edge?

2007-11-15 Thread tamarawyndham

The Big Clean-Up
Has performance art lost its edge? Is that a bad thing? A visit to Performa 07.
by James Hannaham
November 13th, 2007 12:40 PM

Adam Pendleton, 26, known primarily as a painter and conceptual artist, paces 
back and 
forth on a podium. He's a young, shaven-headed, very handsome black man, 
dressed in a white sport coat, and he's preaching about language—cribbing from 
poetry of John Ashbery, speeches by Larry Kramer, intoning in a voice 
reminiscent of Jack 
Handy's "Deep Thoughts." He stomps a brightly colored shoe on the podium. 
Behind him, 
a black gospel choir hums and sways rapturously in its robes, and the 
accompanying band 
responds to his call, ebbing and flowing with his passionate, if amateur, 
Substitute Jesus for Ashbery and change the venue—we're at the cavernous 
Stephen Weiss 
Studio—and we'd really be in church. This is a seamless, upscale, elegant 
enjoyable, inoffensive, and not especially challenging. It could run on the 
Upper West Side 
with no difficulty. Is this performance art?
If you asked RoseLee Goldberg that question, she'd answer with an emphatic yes. 
South Africa–born author and art critic is the curator of Performa 07, New 
York's recently 
minted performance-art biennial, which Pendleton's show is a part of. A 
festival spread out over 74 city venues—including spaces like BAM and the 
Zipper, and art 
galleries such as Metro Pictures and White Columns—Performa is a cornucopia 
stuffed full 
by Goldberg and her team, all without corporate sponsorship. Frustrated by what 
she calls 
a recent "lull" in performance—"it seemed repetitive, there were too many 
Goldberg mounted her first Performa two years ago specifically to encourage 
visual artists 
to take risks with "time-based" work, or what the British now call "live art." 
rechristening seems deliberate, as if to cast off a messy, inappropriate past.

In fact, Goldberg's idea was never to revisit the gritty, low-budget operations 
of the sort 
that made performance art famous, the type that proliferated in the East 
Village during the 
'80s at P.S. 122 and ABC No Rio, making New York the center of the performance 
Instead, Goldberg envisioned linking street-wise experimental venues with the 
establishment. "There wasn't a level between the Kitchen and BAM," she says, 
Performa's mission.

Back in the day, most performance artists wouldn't have dreamed of the high 
gloss that 
BAM has come to represent. Performance used to mean getting naked, chanting 
words, smearing chocolate all over yourself, talking about homosexuality, and 
your nose at Ronald Reagan. In short, it meant the NEA Four, a group of 
artists who sued the National Endowment for the Arts in 1990 because they'd 
defunded for the "indecent" content of their work. Karen Finley's act became 
national news 
after she and her 1986 performance piece Yams Up My Granny's Ass received a 
profile from C. Carr in the Voice. During the act, Finley, exorcising the 
spirit of abuse, 
smeared canned yams all over her butt and squealed profane words—inadvertently 
a scapegoat of herself, exposing the nation's rabid aversion to female public 
and sparking a controversy that eventually blew up in the Supreme Court.

While the other three of the NEA Four were quietly awarded compensatory money 
in 1993, 
and the organization ceased funding individual artists, the case National 
Endowment for 
the Arts vs. Finley wasn't decided by the Supreme Court until 1998. In that 
ruling, the 
court determined that Congress hadn't violated the First Amendment by refusing 
government funds to work it considered offensive to "general standards of 
decency and 
respect for the diverse beliefs and values of the American public." The 
decision was 8-1, 
with David Souter the lone voice of dissent.

No yams, raw or otherwise, are likely to crop up at Performa 07 (which runs 
November 20). But don't blame the biennial alone for performance's newly glossy 
Something's clearly in the air, especially in the theater-y and dance-ish wings 
performance. The Wooster Group, renowned for fragmenting and juxtaposing high 
low art, has staged a tech-savvy Hamlet at the Public Theater; John Fleck, 
another of the 
NEA Four, has become a TV character actor; a third, Holly Hughes, teaches 
performance at 
the University of Michigan. Similarly, performance group Elevator Repair 
Service (this 
writer's former cohorts) have generated glowing reviews for their 
production Gatz—which features every last word from The Great Gatsby—while 
a drunken party that occasionally erupts into theater, is riffing on Moby-Dick. 
pioneer Yvonne Rainer has created a piece for Performa that revisits the 1913 
of St

(",) Night of 1,000 Drawings

2007-11-14 Thread tamarawyndham

Night of 1,000 Drawings

deadline: Friday, December 7th

(",) Fwd: Heads Turn Over Mystery Sculptures

2007-10-06 Thread tamarawyndham
Has anyone seen these?

Heads Turn Over Mystery Sculptures
Updated: 14:36, Monday October 01, 2007

Mystery stone sculptures have turned up outside a number of properties in 
Yorkshire - but 
no-one knows why or where they have come from.

The sculptures all feature the same carved symbol and come with a riddle 

So far, 12 stone heads have appeared in Goathland and Kilburn, in North 
Yorkshire; four have 
been found in Arthington, near Leeds, West Yorkshire; and three in Braithwell, 
Rotherham, South Yorkshire.

Each of the heads looks different but all feature the same carving - which 
appears to spell 
out the word "paradox" - and a note bearing the riddle: "Twinkle twinkle like a 
star does love 
blaze less from afar?"

(",) Edd Higgins Exhibit

2007-10-04 Thread tamarawyndham
Ed HIggins, mail artist,  has an exhibit of his paintings at the Meat Market 
gallery at Jeffreys
Essex St Market, Corner of Delancey and Essex Streets. (120 Essex) New York 
until December  1, 2007

The opening is this Saturday Oct 6, from 3 - 7 pm

(",) Fwd: As Street Art Goes Commercial, a Resistance Raises a Real Stink

2007-06-29 Thread tamarawyndham
June 28, 2007
As Street Art Goes Commercial, a Resistance Raises a Real Stink

The covert campaign targeting street art began about seven months ago, with 
blobs of 
paint that appeared overnight, obscuring murals and wheat-pasted art on walls 
Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan. Arcane messages were pasted at the sites, but it 
difficult to ask for an explanation. The author was never identified.

Then in November, during a panel discussion on women and graffiti that included 
a street 
artist called Swoon, a figure wearing a hooded sweatshirt flung a sheaf of 
fliers using 
similar language from a balcony overlooking an auditorium at the Brooklyn 
Swoon was among those whose work had previously been struck by paint, and some 
couldn't help wondering whether the person who threw the fliers was also the 
Splasher, as 
the perpetrator of the paint attacks had come to be known.

Web sites, magazines and newspaper articles reported about the splatterings. 
wondered about the motivation and identity of those responsible, but the 
Splasher — or 
Splashers — remained anonymous.

The most recent episodes came this month, in two incidents involving what 
seemed to be 
stink bombs lobbed at shows of street artists on the Lower East Side and Dumbo. 
some in the art world believe the identify of the Splasher may have been 
revealed. Last 
Thursday night James Cooper, 24, was arrested at the Dumbo show after witnesses 
accused him of attempting to ignite a homemade incendiary device in a metal 

Mr. Cooper was charged with third-degree arson, reckless endangerment, placing 
a false 
bomb, criminal possession of a weapon, harassment and disorderly conduct. He 
arraigned and released on his own recognizance, a spokesman for the Brooklyn 
Attorney's Office said.

That show featured works by Shepard Fairey, who had been one of the prominent 
of the street splatterings. Mr. Fairey said there wasn't yet enough evidence to 
tie Mr. 
Cooper definitively to the paint blobs, but acknowledged apparent 
parallels."Maybe the 
stink bomb thing was their way of being disruptive without using paint and 
penetrating a more controlled atmosphere," he said.

Two days after Mr. Cooper's arrest, a group of people showed up at the Jonathan 
Gallery in Chelsea, where a reception was being held for Mr. Fairey. Without 
themselves, they distributed copies of a 16-page tabloid with the title "If we 
did it this is 
how it would've happened," with a cover photograph of an image created by Mr. 
defaced with paint.

Inside were reproductions of the communiqués that were pasted next to the sites 
of many 
paint attacks and appeared to draw inspiration from the writings by the 
Situationists, a 
group of political and artistic agitators formed in the 1950s, and a 1960s 
anarchist group 
called Black Mask.

In often bombastic language those fliers condemned the commercialization of art 
included statements saying that the wheat paste used to affix the fliers had 
been mixed 
with shards of glass. An essay in the paper given out at the gallery scoffed at 
those who 
had difficulty understanding the fliers and added footnotes clarifying parts of 
them. One 
footnote stated that the tabloids had been dusted with anthrax.

In a series of essays and in text that appeared under the headline "Interview 
With Myself" 
the anonymous authors said that the splashings were committed not by an 
individual but 
by a group of men and women, and offered some explanation of their motives.

The authors wrote that street art was "a bourgeoisie-sponsored rebellion" that 
pave the way for gentrification, and called it "utterly impotent politically 
and fantastically 
lucrative for everyone involved."

The writings also criticized people prominent in the world of street art, 
including Mr. 
Fairey and Swoon, the art collectives Faile and Visual Resistance, and Marc and 
Schiller, who run a Web site about street art called the Wooster collective 

"There is a very strong viewpoint there, and there's an element of interest I 
can't deny," 
Mr. Schiller said. Still, he said, "I don't agree with the perspective and I 
don't think the 
assumptions are accurate."

Previous incidents of agitprop were described, and the authors claimed 
responsibility for 
assailing a mural in Williamsburg by the reclusive British artist known as 
Banksy, and for 
hurling paint at a billboard advertising sneakers on Lafayette Street made by 
an artist 
called Neckface. Because the authors are unidentified, it isn't known for sure 
whether they 
are indeed the Splashers. An e-mail address was published in the paper but a 
sent by a reporter to that address on Tuesday night went unanswered.

The distribution of the paper at the gallery and its mailing to two Web sites 
that write 
about street art has stirred speculation, but ma

(",) Children Re:yikes

2007-05-27 Thread tamarawyndham
Since I don't have children, my opinions on what I would allow children to see 

But I was a child, and I remember we'd get ahold of pages from Playboy; 
pictures of nude 
women, and I'd hide mine under the mattress and take them out and look at them. 
fact that they were forbidden made them more excititng. 

I also remember as a young child, not being able to distinguish between the 
violence in 
cartoons and reality. Old cartoons like the roadrunner and many others the 
would be hit or something and they would recover from the damage immediately. I 
remember conciously imitating the violence I saw in cartoons, hitting other 
children and 
being surprised when they didn't simply bounce like rubber balls like the 
characters did. 

 - T

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, "tamarawyndham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Seems to me that it's parents and teachers, who worry most about what is 
> shown. 
> are such an inspiration to me, but the urge to shelter them can be such a 
> damper on 
> things for the rest of us. 
> I am (proudly) childless. So I don't have to be concerned about raising 
> children myself. I 
> am often resentful of the restrictions made in children's interest. 
> What should children be sheltered from? Are children always the real reason 
> that art is 
> censored?
> So much of the time children are sheltered from sex, but not from violent 
> imagery. 
>  - T 
> --- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, guido bondioli  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > > 
> > > >
> > > > When we had the Mail Art Extravaganza in Dallas in
> > > 2003 we had a  
> > > > mailbox holding the 'scary' mail (from a City of
> > > Dallas point of  
> > > > view) with a tiny lock saying it would be opened
> > > on request.  That  
> > > > way everything was there and didn't upset the
> > > conservative family  
> > > > viewers.
> > The conservative viewers should not be permitted to
> > control anything but themselves. The rest of us
> > rolling over for them gives them power over us which
> > is illegitimate. We are stupid to agree to any of
> > their fears. It is we who are without fear that are
> > the leaders. The frightened and gutless ideologues
> > have no place in my decisions and I urge you to leave
> > them out of yours.
> > > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > Gee, how did I miss that It would have been fun
> > > to take a peek.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Dragonfly Dream
> > > www.dragonflydream.com
> > > 
> > > gotta mail art call to post?
> > > go here-
> > > http://htmlgear.tripod.com/guest/control.guest? 
> > > a=sign&u=dragonflydream&i=2&r=
> > > 
> > > Dragonfly's blog-
> > > http://www.thedragonflydream.blogspot.com
> > > 
> > > "The great end of art is to strike the imagination
> > > with the power of a
> > > soul that refuses to admit defeat even in the midst
> > > of a collapsing
> > > world."
> > > 
> > > -- Friedrich Nietzsche
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's 
> > Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when. 
> > http://tv.yahoo.com/collections/222
> >

(",) Re: Who defines "pornography"?

2007-05-25 Thread tamarawyndham
I have recieved "pornographic " mail art, and it hasn't offended me. Hardly 
anything sexual 
in itself would offend me. Once someone new wrote to me and told me that she 
want to recieve anything pornographic I don't usually send "pornography" 
but I could 
not help but to think that she was too uptight for me to correspond with.

Most of the "pornographic" mail art I have recieved is the usual commercial 
male hetero 
oriented photography that has been collaged. I don't find most of it very 
interesting as art. 
There is nothing surprising or moving about it. Yawn.

One time I was concerned when a man sent me something that I considered sexual 
harassment, it was directed personally to me, and I was very glad he had my PO 
box and 
NOT my home address. I told him I was offended and he apologized, but then he 
sent me 
more, so I broke off contact with him. I haven't heard from him for a long 
time, thankfully.

Another time I was offended when someone from Europe sent me "hate mail" -- the 
envelope was written with "nuke whales" and "kill all gays" and such, I think 
it was meant 
as a parody, and perhaps to test if the envelope would be delivered, but 
especially the "kill 
all gays" really got to me. It still happens, so it was too close to reality. I 
stopped writing to 
the person, but I regret that I did not ask what the motivation was and 
dialogued about it.

I think dialogue is something that can be very enriching when contraversial 
work comes 

I think what would be beneficial in sexual imagery is basic sex education, 
there's so much 
so many people don't understand even today. Basic issues of birth control, safe 
practices, issues of consent, tolerance for other's sexual orientations, it's 
amazing how 
many people need more imformation on this.

The more sophisticated and open-minded we become, the harder it is to come up 
something provocative. Do you think?

 - T

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, "Allan Revich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For clarity:
> My view is NOT that art and mail art must be shocking or "pornographic" in
> order to be thoughtful or interesting. In fact the author of the post in
> question (Reed A.), sends out incredibly thoughtful, and thought provoking
> work that does not use images that anyone would likely call pornographic.
> Also, I personally do respect both the letter and intent of the mail art
> calls that I reply to. I just think that there is room for other, more
> "open" interpretations, and that these too should be respected. 
> If an exhibit will be seen by minors, then it is reasonable given the social
> constructs in which we operate, to place images that are deemed to be
> inappropriate for minors in an adults only forum. Hiding works with sexual
> content from adults is just plain silly though. 
> As artists we should be AGAINST censorship of all kinds.
>   _  
> From: ma-network@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Allan Revich
> Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 11:22 PM
> To: ma-network@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: RE: (",) Who defines "pornography"?
> These questions to Guido sound exactly like the questions that Fluxus (and
> all avant garde) artists often get. Like, "why do you make that stuff?",
> "who would buy that crap?" "do you really think that stuff is art?" "do you
> make that stuff just to shock people or upset them?".
> What is shocking to me is that a mail artist or fluxus artist would ask
> another artist to defend the "artistic merit" of his art. If what he sends
> is his answer to a mail art call - then that is what it is. The recipient
> can exhibit it, collect it, trade it, catalogue it, or do whatever he/she
> does with the other art received. 
> Anyone who doesn't like getting surprises in the mail should probably not be
> putting out calls for mail art! 
> As for me, I define pornography as images that are designed to titillate for
> nefarious purposes. The worst porn of all is corporate advertising that
> appeals to sexuality to sell consumer goods. Just as bad is fear-porn
> sponsored by political power interests and designed to scare the crap out of
> ordinary people so that they will support the suspension of their civil
> rights. That stuff will do far more harm to children than pictures of naked
> people engaged in sexual behaviour. This may surprise some of you, but
> full-penetration vaginal sex is how our species reproduces. No sex act=no
> humans (or any other animals).
>  Fight pornography with sexuality.
> So Guido, keep up the good fight brother!
> Allan
>   _  
> From: ma-network@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Reed Altemus
> Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 3:44 PM
> To: ma-network@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: (",) Who defines "pornography"?
> I think what Guido is trying to say here is that he himself sends
> out pornographic mail art and the lack of response he gets he

(",) Re:yikes

2007-05-25 Thread tamarawyndham
Seems to me that it's parents and teachers, who worry most about what is shown. 
are such an inspiration to me, but the urge to shelter them can be such a 
damper on 
things for the rest of us. 

I am (proudly) childless. So I don't have to be concerned about raising 
children myself. I 
am often resentful of the restrictions made in children's interest. 

What should children be sheltered from? Are children always the real reason 
that art is 

So much of the time children are sheltered from sex, but not from violent 

 - T 

--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, guido bondioli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > > When we had the Mail Art Extravaganza in Dallas in
> > 2003 we had a  
> > > mailbox holding the 'scary' mail (from a City of
> > Dallas point of  
> > > view) with a tiny lock saying it would be opened
> > on request.  That  
> > > way everything was there and didn't upset the
> > conservative family  
> > > viewers.
> The conservative viewers should not be permitted to
> control anything but themselves. The rest of us
> rolling over for them gives them power over us which
> is illegitimate. We are stupid to agree to any of
> their fears. It is we who are without fear that are
> the leaders. The frightened and gutless ideologues
> have no place in my decisions and I urge you to leave
> them out of yours.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > Gee, how did I miss that It would have been fun
> > to take a peek.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Dragonfly Dream
> > www.dragonflydream.com
> > 
> > gotta mail art call to post?
> > go here-
> > http://htmlgear.tripod.com/guest/control.guest? 
> > a=sign&u=dragonflydream&i=2&r=
> > 
> > Dragonfly's blog-
> > http://www.thedragonflydream.blogspot.com
> > 
> > "The great end of art is to strike the imagination
> > with the power of a
> > soul that refuses to admit defeat even in the midst
> > of a collapsing
> > world."
> > 
> > -- Friedrich Nietzsche
> > 
> > 
> > 
sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's 
> Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when. 
> http://tv.yahoo.com/collections/222

(",) EF Higgins exhibit

2007-03-08 Thread tamarawyndham
Mail artist and painter E.F. Higgins is having an exhibit, "Fishing Lures"
at Dietz Space, 429 Greenwich street, between Vestry and Laight. 
In New York City.
Show is up until March 31.


(",) updated address, Re: Mail art call for prisoner

2006-08-08 Thread tamarawyndham
Hello, we found another address for the prison, perhaps the PO Box is
better?? I tried to call but could not find out which address is best.
Probably either one will work. 

 - T

Mail Art Call:

Defend a prisoner's right to make art and to donate his art to
charity. Details in article below.

Send mail art of encouragement to the prisoner:

Donny Johnson
Pelican Bay State Prison
P.O. Box 7000
Crescent City, CA  95531-7000
Pelican Bay State Prison
5905 Lake Earl Drive
Crescent City, CA  95531

Send letters, mail art protesting Donny's treatment to:
Richard Kirkland, Warden
Pelican Bay State Prison
5905 Lake Earl Drive
Crescent City, CA  95531
P.O. Box 7000
Crescent City, CA  95531-7000

and to:

Francisco Jacquez
Chief Deputy Warden
Pelican Bay State Prison
5905 Lake Earl Drive
Crescent City, CA 95532-0002
P.O. Box 7000
Crescent City, CA  95531-7000



New York Times:
August 4, 2006

Prison Disciplines Inmate Who Paints With M&M's

A prison artist in California who uses the dye from
M&M's for paint has been disciplined for what a prison
official yesterday called "unauthorized business
dealings" in the sale of his paintings. The prison has
also barred the prisoner, Donny Johnson, from sending
his paintings through the mail.
Mr. Johnson's work has been on display for the last
several weeks at a gallery in San Miguel de Allende,
Mexico. Twenty of his paintings have been sold, for
$500 each.
Mr. Johnson had donated the paintings to the Pelican
Bay Prison Project, a charity which says it will honor
Mr. Johnson's wish that it use the proceeds from the
show to help the children of prisoners.
According to a "serious rules violation report" issued
by the prison last month, Mr. Johnson ran afoul of a
corrections department regulation that prohibits
engaging in a business or profession without the
warden's permission. The regulation defines a business
as "any revenue-generating or profit-making activity."
Francisco Jacquez, the chief deputy warden at Pelican
Bay State Prison, in Crescent City, Calif., said the
violation could extend Mr. Johnson's sentence or
restrict his privileges. "There are some consequences,
and that's what we use to maintain discipline in
prison," Mr. Jacquez said, declining to be more
Stephen A. Kurtz, a founder and director of the
charity, said the discipline was unwarranted. "He
wasn't doing business," Mr. Kurtz said of Mr. Johnson.
"He was simply making a donation. He didn't make a
penny off this."
The discipline was prompted by a front-page article
about Mr. Johnson in The New York Times last month,
according to the violation report. Pamela B. Hooley, a
deputy attorney general, sent a copy of the article to
prison officials on the day it appeared, the report
Mr. Johnson, who is 46, is serving three life
sentences. He pleaded guilty to second-degree murder
in 1980 for a drug-related killing, drawing a sentence
of 15 years to life. In 1989, he was convicted of
slashing the throat of one guard and assaulting
another. Those crimes resulted in two additional
sentences of nine years to life.
He has been in solitary confinement in a small
concrete cell for almost two decades. He paints with a
brush he created with plastic wrap, foil and his own
hair. He makes paint by leaching the colors from M&M's
in little plastic containers that once held packets of
grape jelly. His canvases are postcards.
It is not clear whether the prison will stop Mr.
Johnson from creating paintings. In a recent postcard
to his mother, Mr. Johnson wrote that prison officials
have stopped him from mailing his art to his family,
friends and supporters.
A lawyer for Mr. Johnson, Charles Carbone, said he was
considering bringing a legal challenge.
The United States and California Supreme Courts have
struck down laws that would have prohibited people
convicted of crimes from profiting from them. But
courts have been reluctant to interfere with prison
administration, even where First Amendment issues are
involved. In June, for instance, the United States
Supreme Court upheld a Pennsylvania prison policy that
denied access to newspapers and magazines to some

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(",) Marilyn Dammann

2006-04-06 Thread tamarawyndham
 I recently started corresponding with Markus Steffen of Switzerland,
who has sent me some lovely things. I think they are scraps from
itaglio prints, collaged.

He asked me about Marilyn Dammann, he knows that she died, he wanted
to know if there is a commemorative book or anything for her. He says
he corresponed with her for several years.

I did not know Marilyn very well, I think I corresponded with her once
or twice.

So  anyone let me know what information I can share with him, or I can
forward his address to you.

Thank you,


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(",) Day de Dada performances

2006-03-30 Thread tamarawyndham
I am participating in a performance art festival, Day de Dada, in New
York. My performance is this coming Saturday in Staten Island. S.I. is
rumored to be the up & coming artist neighborhood.


There are actually several days involved.

2006 "Day de Dada Performance Art Festival" Schedule

"Happy Birthday Dada !"
This year is the 90th birthday of Dada and the 5th year of the Day de
Dada Performance Art Festival and we are celebrating !

  Saturday April 1st, 2006 2:00-4:00pm NYC Arts Cypher (12 Broad
St, Staten Island)
  April Fools Party - Celebrate the state of Dada with short
performances, site pieces and happenings.
  April 1st Event at NYC Cypher Artist Information

For questions or to sign up [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  Saturday May 6th, 2006 2:00 pm Staten Island Museum (75
Stuyvesant Place , Staten Island)
  Batter-up as Day de Dada takes on Baseball - who will win ! ?

For questions or to sign up [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  Saturday June 3rd, 2006 12:00 - 4:00pm ETG Everything Goes Book
Cafe (208 Bay St, Staten Island)
  Party with us at a Dada Baby Shower with open mic, cake, and
performances -

For questions or to sign up [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  Wednesday July 12th, 2006 7:00pm Anthology (32 Second Ave, NY)
  Enjoy short dada inspired films and videos

For questions or to sign up [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Saturday July 15th, 2006 2:00 - 4:00pm Le Petit Versailles (346
East Houston St at Avenue C, NY)
  Join us for a celebration of the 90th anniversary of Hugo Ball's
Dada Manifesto and the first Dada Soirée in Zurich with Day de Dada
birthday and party games

For questions or to sign up [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  June 3 - June 28, 2006 Mauro Graphics (1277 Clove Road Staten
Island) "
  Artists As Artists as Art: Celebrating Pastiche"
  Helen Levin shows pastiche photos of the art stars we know and
love. Opening is Saturday June 10th, 2006 3:00 - 5:00 pm. (with
surprise performances)

More info contact: 718- 448-8300 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  Dada Show at MoMa - "Day de Dada Goes to Moma" the Staten Island
Dadaists go to theDada Exhibition at the MoMA. (date to be announced)


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(",) RE: (,) Sztuka Fabryka in New York

2006-03-30 Thread tamarawyndham
HI Geert,

Of Course I'll be there, I would like to bring a couple friends as well.

 - Tamara Wyndham, NYC

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the end of art (was: Re: (",) technology quote)

2005-05-17 Thread tamarawyndham
WOW I didn't expect to generate so much discussion with that quote!

Donald Kuspit has a critique of Duchamp in his book, "The New
Subjectivism" -- I can't find it right now, but I remember reading it
a long while ago he had a great critique of Warhol also

I haven't read his new book yet, "The End of Art"  -- Ha! There's been
a whole slew of these books the last couple years, Danto's "After the
End of Art" and Robert Morgan's "The End of the Art World"

George Machinuas (and others) spoke openly and hopefully about the end
of art, his stated intention in Fluxus was to destroy the difference
between art and life... it was part of his vision of an ideal society... 

More recently there's been some talk of the merging or lack of
division between fine art and popular art. It seemed radical at first,
but now I think of it as more the mass commercialization of art.
"Popular art" is taken too much to mean the mainstream culture created
by corporations: movies, pop music, fashion, etc.

Here in New York, you see so much art being merged with advertising. A
while ago the Guggenheim had a show of Harley motorcycles, and
Artforum was writing about Benneton sweater ads. I can't help but to
feel cynical about it all.

 - T
--- In ma-network@yahoogroups.com, guido bondioli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > the funny thing about duchamp is that he made his
> > most memorable work 
> > as a response of being denied to an exhibit, an art
> > show.
> As he wasn't capable of making Art, lacking an
> appropriate skill set, he was appropriately denied.
> Regardless he made quite a few artifacts that
> represent his place and time quite well. I am reminded
> of the film, The Gods Must Be crazy. Much of what he
> did was only antisocial and had no larger context.
> > 
> > he had no problem in having his work documented,
> > presented, and 
> > pandered about by the art world. go to philadelphia
> > PA USA and see it.
> Finding a Duchamp in a museum only suggests that it is
> an artifact. Most of what we find in museums is only
> artifacts. Very little is Art. Seeing Duchamp's work
> in museums proves little about Duchamp and much about
> the poor quality of art education and the knowledge of
> curators.

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