Re: Bizarre install behaviour

2008-11-23 Thread Ken Williams
On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 11:41 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The failed test is

 lib/Module/Build/t/tilde..#   Failed
 test at ../lib/Module/Build/t/tilde.t line 49.
 #  got: '/var/root'
 # expected: '/Users/robin'

This failure is probably unrelated to your other ones - it's a test
bug in Module::Build 0.30 (which we'll have a fix for in a few days).
The workaround is to make sure you run cpan as your normal user, and
only use 'sudo' for the 'install' phase.  That's a safer way to
operate anyway.


Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread Ken Williams

On Oct 17, 2007, at 10:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Oct 17, 2007, at 5:25 PM, brian d foy wrote:


It looks like I will have to stick with debian for developing my  


If you want to work on the Mac, you still can. It doesn't sound like
you want to though.

It may sound like that to you, but if I didn't want to develop (in  
perl) on the Mac, why would I bother writing about this at all?

Perhaps brian thought it was odd that you'd refuse to develop on a  
platform because of the wrong marketing statements, when all the  
right tools are there for both you and any target users.


Re: File::Path rmtree portability (works on OS X, fails on WinXP)

2007-09-28 Thread Ken Williams

On Sep 28, 2007, at 5:52 PM, Jim wrote:

# define build dir path
if ($runOS eq win){
$buildDir = .PSF\\builds\\$version;
} else {
$buildDir = /builds/$version;

# test for dir and remove if it exists
if ( -d $buildDir) {
   # using File::Path here for directory removal
use File::Path;
rmtree $buildDir,1,0;

Everything works as expected on OS X, but on WinXP, rmtree seems to  
fail with the following error...

Can't call method rmtree without a package or object reference

The problem is because of a different version of perl, not rmtree()  
itself.  One version of perl is interpreting your code as

   $buildDir-rmtree, 1, 0;

and the other as you intended:

   rmtree( $buildDir, 1, 0 );

If you add the parens explicitly, the problem should go away.


Re: XML - Attribute/Element names and XML::Simple module

2007-06-13 Thread Ken Williams

On Jun 12, 2007, at 8:50 PM, Jim wrote:

I'm having a bear of a time figuring out why XML::Simple seems to  
want to make both the attribute and child element of a specific  
element into their own elements.  I'm starting to wonder if the XML  
supplied as input is illegally formatted?

There's nothing wrong with your XML, there's of course no prohibition  
against attributes and children with the same names.  You can run / 
usr/bin/xmllint on it to be sure.  If XML::Simple is messing it up,  
that must be a bug.


Re: CamelBones - Does anyone still care about Jaguar?

2007-04-27 Thread Ken Williams

On Apr 9, 2007, at 3:07 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

Subject says it all. Would dropping Jaguar support bother anyone?

Wouldn't bother me.  For most of my modules I try to support 5.6 just  
because it makes me feel like a nice guy, but for CamelBones I think  
it's perfectly reasonable to require a recent perl.  It's a complex  


Re: Interacting with other applications

2007-03-24 Thread Ken Williams

On Mar 23, 2007, at 9:56 AM, David Cantrell wrote:

Consider what happens if I'm busily typing away, and the dialogue box
pops up and grabs focus, and then whatever its default is gets  

because i hit space or enter.

That's exactly what a couple applications do on my machine  
( and a shareware reminder for SideTrack), and I agree it's  
annoying.  A better behavior would probably be a bouncing dock icon  
that defaults to yes after 30 seconds or whatever.  Still annoying,  
but it wouldn't actually cause problems.


Re: Running a PERL script from a PERL CGI

2007-02-07 Thread Ken Williams

On Feb 7, 2007, at 4:33 PM, Philippe de Rochambeau wrote:

if (param()) {
	my $ret = ` perl `;

Try losing the double quotes.  Methinks that long-named script isn't  
even running.


Re: Strange problem with @INC

2007-01-09 Thread Ken Williams

On Jan 9, 2007, at 6:25 PM, Jesse Engel wrote:

i'm poking through man x to see if i can find something.

That's a red herring.  As Jay indicated, the only difference between  
your two environments is that under you've got $PERL5LIB  
set (to /sw/lib/perl5), but under X11 you don't.


Re: How to know if a module is installed

2006-09-28 Thread Ken Williams

On Sep 27, 2006, at 10:25 AM, David Cantrell wrote:

On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 12:00:34AM +0900, Nobumi Iyanaga wrote:

This is a newbie question: how can I determine if a specific module
is installed on a client machine?

if(eval use Whatever::Module) {
do this;
} else {
do that;

use() isn't documented to have a return value, so you need to do this:

if(eval use Whatever::Module; 1) {
do this;
} else {
do that;


Script menu makes perl zombies?

2006-09-08 Thread Ken Williams


For months I've been trying to figure out what's causing some perl  
zombie processes on my system.  Looks like it might be the script  
menu.  I have a script menu item called that establishes  
some SSH tunnels, and it works fine.  But after I run it, I see this:

% ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
ken  14697   0.0  0.00  0  ??  Z31Dec69   0:00.00  

Its parent process is 1982, which is /System/Library/CoreServices/

ystemUIServer -psn_0_786433 .

Can other people confirm this?  Any known bug covering this or  
something (not sure where to look)?


Re: Script menu makes perl zombies?

2006-09-08 Thread Ken Williams

I'm talking about the script menu:

Did you run your script from the script menu?


On Sep 8, 2006, at 11:16 AM, Michael Barto wrote:

I am not quite sure how you mean to verify this.

Re: iCal modules

2006-08-10 Thread Ken Williams

On Aug 10, 2006, at 4:30 PM, Christian Huldt wrote:

sudo find / -name gluemac -print

Heh - try this:

 locate gluemac

and see how much faster it is. =)


Re: anyone know where i can get 10.3 Developers Tools?

2006-07-28 Thread Ken Williams
Wasn't it included in /Applications/Installers/ on 10.3?  Or was that  
just for certain hardware models?


On Jul 28, 2006, at 7:41 AM, Adam Witney wrote:

This may be slightly off topic, but I have just bought an iBook off
eBay, and it comes with a fresh install of 10.3, however it doesn't  

the Developers Tools installed.

I will be using this for Perl development, so i need to be able to
compile and install modules, do i need the whole Developers Tools?  
I can

only seem to find these for 10.4 on the apple site...

does anyone know if i can still download the Developer Tools for  
10.3 or
is there another way of getting the tool set i need for compiling  


Re: convert string to number?

2006-07-10 Thread Ken Williams

On Jul 7, 2006, at 3:18 AM, Adam Witney wrote:
then the error goes away, therefore i suspect this is a problem  
with the

internal datatype. I have never worried about this in Perl before, but
it appears to be more important now as R is more strict.

I'd call this a bug in the RSPerl code, actually.  If it's looking  
for a number, it should use the SvNV() or SvIV() macros (to get a  
double or integer, respectively).  I suspect it's using SvIOK() or  
SvNOK(), which don't attempt to do any automatic coercion.  This  
forces you, the caller, to do it.

Check out the first couple pages of `perldoc perlguts` for the details.


Re: Mac::Carbon for Intel ... Done?

2006-06-23 Thread Ken Williams

On Jun 19, 2006, at 9:40 PM, Paul McCann wrote:

Hi Chris,

Go play with it, if you have an Intel Mac.  Let me know if you find
anything wrong, and let me know soon, since I have less than a  
week left

with this Intel Mac.

The module (Mac-Carbon-0.75) was fine through make on my intel  
Mac (modulo all the deprecated warnings of course, which I  
imagine should be ignored).

However make test failed  with the following problem:

AppleEvents/t/desc.NOK 2#   Failed test 'require '$Bin/';'

#   in AppleEvents/t/desc.t at line 11.
# Tried to require ''$Bin/''.
# Error:  Can't locate $Bin/ in @INC

Chris: it's not interpolating the $Bin variable and the quotes are  
literal quotes too.


Re: Storable problem on Intel Mac Mini

2006-05-12 Thread Ken Williams

On May 12, 2006, at 6:05 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

On 2006.5.12, at 10:01 AM, Mike Schienle wrote:

Hi all -

I just installed an Intel Mac Mini as a replacement for a dual 1.8  
GHz G5 at

my colocation place a couple days ago.

Can I ask a silly question in public, or would off-list be more  

Apparently you can!



Re: Storable problem on Intel Mac Mini

2006-05-11 Thread Ken Williams
Yeah, any time you use Storable to move data from a big-endian  
machine to a little-endian machine, or vice versa, you need to use  
network format, i.e. the nstore() or nstore_fd() functions.

The only way I know of to convert the existing files you've got is to  
find a G5 or another old-world mac and do a retrieve()  nstore()  
cycle on the data.


On May 11, 2006, at 8:01 PM, Mike Schienle wrote:

Hi all -

I just installed an Intel Mac Mini as a replacement for a dual 1.8  
GHz G5 at
my colocation place a couple days ago. All seems to be going fine  
with one

exception so far. This error is showing up in my web error logs:
[Thu May 11 19:21:18 2006] [error] [client] Byte order  
is not

compatible at blib/lib/ (autosplit into
blib/lib/auto/Storable/ line 331, DATA line 4, at
/Library/Tenon/WebServer/WebSites/blosxom/plugins/calendar line  
322, referer:

This is from the blosxom weblog program, so it was a simple matter  
of just
turning off the calendar function for now. However, the issue with

still remains. Has anyone run into this?

Mike Schienle

Re: openning file...

2006-04-02 Thread Ken Williams

On Apr 1, 2006, at 2:49 AM, kurtz le pirate wrote:


mac os x store file name in utf-8 format. so, how to open file with
special characters in name ?

a very simple exemple is a file name that begin with space. if i  
write :

open(FILE, Read in a file), perl return an error:
  *** can't open [ Read in a file] : No such file or directory

That's just because open() trims whitespace from the front of the  
argument.  See the open() docs in perlfunc:

The filename passed to 2-argument (or 1-argument) form of open() will
have leading and trailing whitespace deleted, and the normal
redirection characters honored.  This property, known as magic open,
can often be used to good effect.  A user could specify a filename of
Frsh cat file |, or you could change certain filenames as needed:

$filename =~ s/(.*\.gz)\s*$/gzip -dc  $1|/;
open(FH, $filename) or die Can't open $filename: $!;

Use 3-argument form to open a file with arbitrary weird characters in  

open(FOO, '', $file);

otherwise it's necessary to protect any leading and trailing whitespace:

$file =~ s#^(\s)#./$1#;
open(FOO,  $file\0);

The 3-argument form of open() is definitely preferred.


Re: flock

2006-02-03 Thread Ken Williams

On Feb 2, 2006, at 5:01 PM, James Reynolds wrote:

As I understand it, in C, if I open (create) a file and want to lock 
it, I should pass in the O_EXLOCK flag at the same time, otherwise, 
I've got a race condition, another process could potentially lock the 
file after I've created it, but before I've locked it.


Does Perl have this problem if I use:

open (FILE, data.txt);
flock (FILE, 2);

Well, there's no problem if you're just reading, because if you don't 
get the lock then you just abort (or wait).  Only the flock() needs to 
be atomic by itself, not the open() and the flock() together.

If you need to write too, then you need to acquire an exclusive lock, 
which I don't know any way to do in perl atomically with the open().  
One way to be safe would be to open the file for both reading and 
writing, try to acquire the exclusive lock, and if you can't, then 
abort without doing any writing (or wait until you can).


Re: Newbie Q about vars sub-routines

2006-01-03 Thread Ken Williams
It's fine if you think it's fine, but it might get difficult to manage 
in a large codebase.  An alternative with more encapsulation would be 

  my $interact = 0;
  sub interact { $interact }

sub ask {
  return 1 unless interact();
  # otherwise do user-prompt stuff


On Jan 3, 2006, at 6:16 AM, James Harvard wrote:

I'm building a script that uses a sub-routine for user-interaction:

if ( ask('Do you want to do this?') ) {
# do stuff

I'd like to have a switch variable that allows me to toggle the 
user-interaction mode. In other words, if $interact is false then 
ask() will not prompt the user and will return true.

I see that Perl does not complain if I do this ...

my $interact = 0;

sub ask {
return 1 unless $interact;
# otherwise do user-prompt stuff

... but is that considered bad programming practice? It seems like 
unnecessary extra typing to pass $interact as an argument to the 
sub-routine every time, or to always do if ( (! $interact) || ask 

Many TIA,
James Harvard

Re: CPAN modules ...

2006-01-01 Thread Ken Williams

On Dec 31, 2005, at 7:43 PM, John Delacour wrote:

At 6:49 pm -0500 31/12/05, Chris Devers wrote:

On Sat, 31 Dec 2005, John Delacour wrote:

 print `/usr/bin/./printenv`


Why the '/./' here?

Isn't `/usr/bin/printenv` equivalent, clearer, and simpler?

Sure, but I didn't get that far.  printenv works in tcsh without the 
path but not in bash, so I tried that in bash, it worked and voilĂ .

That's because in tcsh it's a built-in shell command, but in bash it 
invokes /usr/bin/printenv.  For some reason you seem not to have 
/usr/bin in your path or something.


Re: CPAN modules not included with OS X

2005-12-30 Thread Ken Williams

On Dec 29, 2005, at 7:03 PM, James Reynolds wrote:

Grumble.  That is exactly what I wanted to know!  Thanks!

Does CPAN install C libraries to /usr/local/lib or somewhere else?

I could search for all new files right after a CPAN install.

Anything that gets installed during 'make install' (or 'Build install' 
if you're using Module::Build) will be present in the blib/ directory 
after a 'make' (or a 'Build').

Precisely where the things from blib/ *go* during the install is a 
matter of how you've configured things, your system layout, etc.


Re: eval a string with a hash ref?

2005-11-13 Thread Ken Williams

On Nov 13, 2005, at 12:16 AM, Boysenberry Payne wrote:

On Nov 12, 2005, at 10:18 PM, Ken Williams wrote:

The pretend you have methods instead of subroutines solution is 
just wishful thinking,

Just out of curiosity, why is this wishful thinking?

Because he doesn't have methods, he has functions.  They're expecting 
one argument, the hash ref, not an additional $self or $class argument 
at the beginning.  In order to use this solution he'd have to retool 
his entire code base of functions to make them methods instead.


Re: eval a string with a hash ref?

2005-11-13 Thread Ken Williams

On Nov 13, 2005, at 1:22 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Nov 12, 2005, at 11:18 PM, Ken Williams wrote:

Yeah, I know, but I posted it because I didn't really like the other 
solutions; while they use better (and more complicated) techniques, 
they won't actually solve the OP's problem.  The pretend you have 
methods instead of subroutines solution is just wishful thinking, 
and the dispatch tables solution seems overengineered and won't 
work unless the specific list of allowed functions (rather than just 
a naming-scheme pattern or similar) is known to the dispatcher.

The subroutines have to be known anyway. Unless, of course, you're 
going to let the eval() just crash...

They have to *exist*, but they don't have to be known to the dispatcher.

When in doubt, benchmark it:
Benchmark: timing 10 iterations of Dispatch Table, Eval, Symref...
Dispatch Table: 17 wallclock secs (14.77 usr +  0.29 sys = 15.06 CPU) 
@ 6640.11/s (n=10)
  Eval: 155 wallclock secs (139.45 usr +  3.23 sys = 142.68 CPU) @ 
700.87/s (n=10)
Symref: 18 wallclock secs (17.49 usr +  0.35 sys = 17.84 CPU) @ 
5605.38/s (n=10)

Yeah, that seems about right.

The Eval results are no surprise - it has to compile the string for 
each iteration, which is a huge performance hit.

The symref approach has some overhead too, I suppose because of the 
extra scoping block for no strict, but it's relatively small. Still, 
it's enough to make using symrefs a questionable idea.

Well, symrefs do start out as a questionable idea in the first place.  
It's old-school programming reminiscent of goto and poke.  But it 
seemed like exactly what James was looking for - he had the name of a 
function in a variable and wanted to call it.  So rather than treat 
this as an x-y problem, I decided to just answer the question 


Re: eval a string with a hash ref?

2005-11-12 Thread Ken Williams

On Nov 12, 2005, at 1:56 AM, James Reynolds wrote:

Is there someway to execute this code like this:

$subroutine_name = something; # can't change
$hashref-{'key'}='value'; # can't change

eval $subroutine_name($hashref); # how do I eval this?  It doesn't 

You want:

eval $subroutine_name(\$hashref);


Re: eval a string with a hash ref?

2005-11-12 Thread Ken Williams

On Nov 12, 2005, at 4:12 PM, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

Ken == Ken Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ken You want:

Ken eval $subroutine_name(\$hashref);

Only if you also want slow and dangerous'.  See the other answers
in this thread for safer faster solutions.

Yeah, I know, but I posted it because I didn't really like the other 
solutions; while they use better (and more complicated) techniques, 
they won't actually solve the OP's problem.  The pretend you have 
methods instead of subroutines solution is just wishful thinking, and 
the dispatch tables solution seems overengineered and won't work 
unless the specific list of allowed functions (rather than just a 
naming-scheme pattern or similar) is known to the dispatcher.

James, if you don't want to use an eval, and you need to call functions 
by name this way, you can just use a symbolic reference:


If use strict; is in effect (I'm guessing it's not ;-), then preface 
that line with no strict qw(refs); or else it'll blow up.

Note that under the hood this is a dispatch table just like Sherm's 
solution, but it uses Perl's symbol tables for dispatch rather than a 
new hash.

I'm assuming you're being careful enough in this code that someone 
can't come along and call some function that you don't want them to 


Re: print 3 up labels

2005-11-10 Thread Ken Williams

On Nov 10, 2005, at 2:46 PM, Jay Savage wrote:

On 11/10/05, Joseph Alotta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I want to print Avery 6140 labels with name and address from a mac.
Is there a library.  If not, does anyone know how to set a font and
tab a certain number of inches to print 3 columns?

Joe Alotta

A CPAN search is your best friend here. Avery label turns up
PostScript::MailLabels, labels, and Paper::Specs. Other search terms
will undoubtedly turn up other results. Take a look and see what works
for you.

Or AddressBook can print mailing labels in lots of Avery formats 
natively.  You could create some data in a format that it can import, 
then print there.


Re: Help Wanted: Testing CamelBones on Intel

2005-10-25 Thread Ken Williams

On Oct 25, 2005, at 12:53 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Oct 15, 2005, at 9:02 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

What about if I built a universal binary for y'all to try?

Done. As the announcement mentions, the recent release of ShuX, as 
well as the CamelBones framework itself, are built as universal 
binaries. So, of someone with an Intel Mac would download ShuX and 
give it a click, I'd be most appreciative.

I feel bad seeing this entire thread Warnocked three times, but I'm 
afraid I'm unable to do anything substantive about it - perhaps Intel 
Macs are still so rare out there that nobody on this list actually has 
one.  Maybe try p5p if you haven't already?


Re: Get/set file type/creator in plain Perl?

2005-08-03 Thread Ken Williams

On Aug 3, 2005, at 10:22 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Aug 3, 2005, at 10:35 AM, Iyanaga Nobumi wrote:

But now I have it twice, once in 
/System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level/, and 
the other in /Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level.  Does 
this make some conflict?

No conflict. @INC is searched in order, and the first one found is 
used. /Library/Perl appears before /System/Library/Perl in @INC for 
precisely this reason, so that you can install newer versions of the 
modules that came with Perl, and they'll be used instead of the older 

Unfortunately that's not true, unless it's changed recently:

% perl -le 'print for @INC'

So if you want to install a copy in /Library/Perl/ and use it rather 
than the built-in one, you have to delete the copy in 
/System/Library/Perl/ .


Re: problems with WWW::Curl, perl 5.8.7, Mac Mini, 10.4.2

2005-07-21 Thread Ken Williams

On Jul 21, 2005, at 11:06 PM, Joel Rees wrote:

I installed 5.8.7 on a Mac Mini running 10.4.2 under /usr/local, 
executables in /usr/local/bin, used .bash_profile to add 
/usr/local/bin to the front of my path (bleaugh).

(Hesitated about installing gpg, but trying to build it gave me a huge 
bunch of integer precision errors with the sign bit so I decided to 
just move ahead. Does cpan use openssl if it doesn't find gpg? Or does 
it just not bother to check the checksums/signatures?)

sudid cpan, with the .cpan file under /usr/local/share/perl. (Is that 

Tried to install WWW:Curl from the cpan prompt. At the make test 
stage, I get about twenty occurences of

Bareword CURLOPT_MUTE not allowed while strict subs

It looks like WWW::Curl isn't happy under 5.8.7.  That's a compile-time 
error, so it's never even getting off the ground.

Definitely not related to CPAN, or Mac Mini, or 10.4.2.

Best bet is to report this to the author of WWW::Curl.


Re: psync backup problems: suggestions?

2005-07-13 Thread Ken Williams

On Jul 13, 2005, at 1:56 PM, Joseph Alotta wrote:

Hi Randall,

How did you get it to work?  I had trouble getting cpan to install 
File::MacOS and I put it out to the group and nobody offered a way to 
get it to compile.

Look at the first message in this very thread - the one that says 
SOLVED in the subject.


Re: Cat and Dos2unix Command Line Utilities?

2005-07-11 Thread Ken Williams

On Jul 8, 2005, at 9:57 PM, Joseph Alotta wrote:

On Jul 8, 2005, at 9:26 PM, Chris Devers wrote:

perl -pi -e tr/\r//d

Hi Chris,

I tried to call perl directly.  But this does not work
at all.  Does anyone know why?

#!/usr/bin/env perl -pi -e tr/\r//d

Because using 'env' doesn't preserve switches.

Personally, I use a tcsh alias:

  % which dos2unix
  dos2unix:aliased to perl -pi -e tr/\r//d

But Chris' script could become:

#!/usr/bin/perl -pi

which would save one level of processes but no longer search the $PATH.


Re: psync and MacOSX::File installing with cpan

2005-07-11 Thread Ken Williams

On Jul 8, 2005, at 10:56 PM, Chris Devers wrote:

The first failed test is:

use MacOSX::File::Catalog;
my $asked = askgetfileinfo(dummy);
$asked eq avbstcLinmed ? ok(1) : ok(0);

Dan, it would be helpful if you'd just write lines like this simply as:

   ok $asked, avbstcLinmed;

because then people can turn on TEST_VERBOSE=1 and see how the output 
differs from the expected output.


Re: building 5.8.7 on 10.4

2005-07-07 Thread Ken Williams

On Jul 7, 2005, at 5:57 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

Just accepted all the defaults.

sudo make

gave one error:

cc -L/usr/local/lib -force_flat_namespace -o miniperl \
miniperlmain.o opmini.o libperl.a -ldl -lm -lc
./miniperl -w -Ilib -MExporter -e '?' || make minitest
make: [extra.pods] Error 1 (ignored)


make test

You shouldn't run sudo make and then make test without sudo.  The 
first step may create items that the second step can't deal with.

In general the only step that you should use sudo for is sudo make 
install.  All previous steps should be done as your regular 
non-privileged user.


Re: building 5.8.7 on 10.4

2005-07-07 Thread Ken Williams

On Jul 7, 2005, at 6:04 PM, Joel Rees wrote:

Anyway, I should be able to just install it, then?

Yeah, it sounds like it - I wasn't familiar with that locale issue, but 
if Dominic says it's okay then it probably is.

If you want more details about the failure, you might be able to run 
make test VERBOSE=1 TEST_FILES=lib/locale.t and look at the output.


Re: How to build 5.4.5 on OS X

2005-07-04 Thread Ken Williams

On Jul 4, 2005, at 2:41 AM, Michael G Schwern wrote:

With a hint from Jarkko I got 5.4.5 to build on OS X.  Here's how.

Do I hear a 5.4.6 in the future, then? ;-)


Re: [OT?] Dynamically loading Perl into C programs

2005-06-28 Thread Ken Williams

Hi Wren,

Probably the first place to look is perldoc perlembed, which 
describes in general how to embed a perl interpreter in C programs.

There's no way that I know of for embedding chunks of perl (e.g. 
subroutines) in C without embedding the entire perl interpreter too.  
To do so would require compiling perl down to machine code, which isn't 
possible in any clean way.

Apache2's libperl seems completely unrelated, except that it also 
happens to be another example of someone embedding a perl interpreter 
in a C program (the apache web server).


On Jun 28, 2005, at 3:13 AM, wren argetlahm wrote:

There's a project I'm working on (Paperboy RSS) that's
written in C, the simplest part of which is basically
applying XSLT to files with libxml2/libxslt. There's a
separate but related project written in Perl that's
going to use paperboy to do the heavy lifting but
needs to be able to let users define their own
XSLT/XPath functions. Since these functions are
user-defined I need to find some way to dynamically
load them into paperboy at runtime.

So my question is, what's the best/easiest way to do
this? Ideally paperboy would be dynamically loading
another C object file so that we could have a number
of these for writing xpath functions in different
languages; though that's not strictly a requirement.
I've had Apache2's libperl suggested to me, but my
weak google-fu can seem to find anything relevant on
that. Any guidance is appreciated.

Live well,

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Re: Flat file being Scrambled

2005-06-15 Thread Ken Williams

Hey Mark,

I doubt any mortal brain could follow all the various permutations of 
clients hitting your files and trying to lock them while some other 
client is doing the same.  But here's one way your data could get 
hosed: one client reads the file in between the time another client 
opened it for writing (thus blowing it away) and locked it.

I'd suggest opening the file for both reading *and* writing, and not 
making any changes to the file until you can get your lock.  Keep the 
file locked for the entire duration you've got the filehandle open.  If 
you want, you can use a shared lock up until you start to write, at 
which point you can convert to an exclusive lock.

How you get your data back, well, that's another matter.  I suggest 
going back in time and using an SQLite or Berkeley DB database to begin 


On Jun 15, 2005, at 5:49 PM, Mark Wheeler wrote:


Here's a quick question. This doesn't have anything to do with perl on 
my mac, but just a perl question. I have a a small script that simply 
increases a number by 1, when it is run, then writes the changes back 
to the file. I am using it to check how many people come to the site 
by way of an email. Everything seemed to work fine until I got here 
this morning and the file was only left with 1 row of 1 number verses 
2 rows of 10 numbers each.

Here is what the file should look like

(The zeros would not necessarily be zeros, but could be any number.

What I have found is that when I click at a normal pace, everything 
works fine, BUT... when I click the reload button unmercifully, the 
data file gets rewritten to look like the following:

0 (or some other number - less then what it was previously)

That's it! everything else is gone. Is is possible that if there are 
so many hits that it can't keep up with the opening and writing of the 
file? This simple database is potentially being alter by 2 million 
people, as the email went out to that many people.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Below is the script.


Mark Wheler

Here is the script:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# format for ab variable in html email:
# control(0)/test(1):week(1-10)
# So 0:5 would be control group, week 5 and 1:9 would be
# test group, week 9

use strict;
use CGI ':standard';

if (!-e blastinfo-test.txt) { # Create blastinfo-test.txt file in 
not in place

 open (FILE,  blastinfo-test.txt) || die (Cannot open file);
 flock (FILE, 2);
 print FILE 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\n0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0;
 close (FILE);

# Set and get variables

my $pathtolandingpage='../email_blasts/carnival/carnival1.html';
my $pathtodatafile='blastinfo-test.txt';

my @blasts_split;
my $ab = param('ab');
my @ab_split = split(/:/, $ab);


#my $anchor = param('anchor');

open (FILE,  $pathtodatafile) || die $!;
flock (FILE, 2);
my @blasts = FILE;
close (FILE);

if ($ab_split[0] eq 0) {
 @blasts_split = split(/:/, $blasts[0]);
 $blasts[0] = join(:, @blasts_split).\n;
} else {
 @blasts_split = split(/:/, $blasts[1]);
 $blasts[1] = join(:, @blasts_split);

# Write changes back to file

open (FILE,  $pathtodatafile) || die (Cannot open file);
flock (FILE, 2);
print FILE @blasts;
close (FILE);

# Send to landing page at correct anchor

print Location: $pathtolandingpage\n\n;


Re: CamelBones on Intel? Maybe not.

2005-06-09 Thread Ken Williams

On Jun 9, 2005, at 4:39 AM, wren argetlahm wrote:

--- Edward Moy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So what is really needed at this
point is for the CamelBones community to get
together and innovate.
Create some killer apps with CamelBones.  Get
developer excited about
this technology.

I'll bite.

Dunno if it'd count as killer or not but I have a
F/OSS project I've been working on that's been looking
for a GUI for a while. We were going to go with Python
for cross-platformability, but I've been thinking
about learning Cocoa for a while and have really
wanted to use CB for *something*.

It seems like the Fink Commander application could also have been 
written well in CB.  It's an example of a fairly broad category of 
applications: Cocoa interfaces to perl modules.  What with the depth  
breadth of CPAN, that's seems like it would be a pretty broad category.


Re: Frickin' CPAN

2005-06-09 Thread Ken Williams

I feel like nobody's listening...

Look at your 'tar', 'unzip', 'lynx', and 'gzip' entries.  They don't 
actually include the name of the program.

Here are the equivalent ones from my config:

  'gzip' = q[/usr/bin/gzip],
  'lynx' = q[],
  'tar' = q[/usr/bin/tar],
  'unzip' = q[/usr/bin/unzip],


On Jun 9, 2005, at 10:04 AM, John Mercer wrote:

Hi guys,

Firewall problems? Or config problems? Or both?

I've found that CPAN works when I run sudo perl -MCPAN etc, but not 
when I run as root: macbox:/ root# perl -MCPAN. I find that very 
strange, but hey, if it works as sudo, it works and that's all I need.

However, it doesn't work very well. When I run CPAN it take FOREVER to 
download modules, but then installs them pretty quickly (at least when 
there aren't any errors--and I often have plenty). Could my firewall 
by interfering with CPAN? I don't have anything fancy: just the OSX 
Tiger firewall and a Netgear router on a home-office network. Do I 
need to tweak some obscure config file so that CPAN can get in and out 
of the firewall.

PPM also takes forever to download, if it downloads at all.

In case it help, I've appended the sudo/root config file below. Please 
let me know if anything's wrong w/ it.

Many thanks,

John Mercer


build_dir  /var/root/.cpan/build
cache_metadata 1
cpan_home  /var/root/.cpan
getcwd cwd
gzip   /usr/bin
histfile   /var/root/.cpan/histfile
histsize   100
inactivity_timeout 0
index_expire   1
inhibit_startup_message 0
keep_source_where  /var/root/.cpan/sources
lynx   /sw/bin
make   /usr/bin/make
ncftpget   /usr/bin/ncftpget
pager  /usr/bin/less
prerequisites_policy ask
scan_cache atstart
shell  /bin/sh
term_is_latin  1
unzip  /usr/bin
wget   /sw/bin/wget

On Jun 8, 2005, at 9:56 PM, Ken Williams wrote:

Hi John,

The permissions thing is a red herring.

Look more closely at the error message.  It's trying to run a program 
called /usr/bin.  Look at your CPAN configuration (o conf in the 
CPAN shell) to figure out why.


On Jun 8, 2005, at 3:14 PM, John Mercer wrote:

Hi all,

CPAN is being a pain in the ass, and I don't know what the problem 
is. Here's an error message when I run install Bundle::XML.

Can't exec /usr/bin: Permission denied at 
line 176, FIN line 1.
Could not pipe[/usr/bin --decompress --stdout 
/var/root/.cpan/sources/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz |]: Permission 
denied at /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/ line 5727, FIN line 

When I try to run install XML::XPath I get about 20 repetitions of

Subroutine AUTOLOAD redefined at 
/sw/lib/perl5/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Compress/ line 
84, FIN line 2

Regarding the first error, I don't see how I can have a permissions 
error when I'm running CPAN as the root user. Root has--I 
checked--read, write, execute permissions in that directory 
(/System/Library/etc, etc). Regarding the second error, I have no 
idea what that's about. Could fink have somehow messed up my perl 

In case this helps, I'm running Perl 5.8.6 under OSX 10.4 on 
Macmini. I'm running all the install scripts as root.

Any help would really be appreciated. Thanks.

--John M

Re: CamelBones on Intel? Maybe not.

2005-06-08 Thread Ken Williams

On Jun 8, 2005, at 5:53 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

There's been some discussion on the Perl 5 Porters' list as well, 
wondering if Apple could set up accounts on a 'net-accessible machine. 
Such a machine would be helpful to several others besides myself. The 
latest CB version supports standalone .pl scripts. So an account on a 
shared machine would be quite adequate to for me to run the CB 

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.  Access to a compile  test farm 
would be really nice for those of us who can do all of our testing in 
the shell environment.


Re: Frickin' CPAN

2005-06-08 Thread Ken Williams

Hi John,

The permissions thing is a red herring.

Look more closely at the error message.  It's trying to run a program 
called /usr/bin.  Look at your CPAN configuration (o conf in the 
CPAN shell) to figure out why.


On Jun 8, 2005, at 3:14 PM, John Mercer wrote:

Hi all,

CPAN is being a pain in the ass, and I don't know what the problem is. 
Here's an error message when I run install Bundle::XML.

Can't exec /usr/bin: Permission denied at 
/System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level/IO/ line 
176, FIN line 1.
Could not pipe[/usr/bin --decompress --stdout 
/var/root/.cpan/sources/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz |]: Permission denied 
at /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/ line 5727, FIN line 1.

When I try to run install XML::XPath I get about 20 repetitions of

Subroutine AUTOLOAD redefined at 
/sw/lib/perl5/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Compress/ line 
84, FIN line 2

Regarding the first error, I don't see how I can have a permissions 
error when I'm running CPAN as the root user. Root has--I 
checked--read, write, execute permissions in that directory 
(/System/Library/etc, etc). Regarding the second error, I have no idea 
what that's about. Could fink have somehow messed up my perl 

In case this helps, I'm running Perl 5.8.6 under OSX 10.4 on Macmini. 
I'm running all the install scripts as root.

Any help would really be appreciated. Thanks.

--John M

Re: CamelBones on Intel? Maybe not.

2005-06-06 Thread Ken Williams

Hey Sherm,

I have two suggestions.

Since I know you to be a very good programmer with a very good 
knowledge of how things work under OS X, I suggest going straight to 
Apple and pitching the idea of developing CamelBones for them.  It 
could work out quite well if the arrangement is crafted well enough.

Or, set up a storefront and start charging some money for a premium 
version of camelbones, or charging a specific amount of money for 
support licenses.

But to be honest, I'm not surprised you haven't received enough 
donations yet to keep afloat.  A google search for camelbones donate 
gives no useful results, nor did I see any invitation to donate by 
browsing on your site.  But even if it were there, I don't think 
donations make a business model.  Support licenses and premium products 
can, though.


On Jun 6, 2005, at 4:51 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

This is not a decision to be made lightly, nor quickly. I'm not 
writing this to announce the end. But really, something's got to give 
here - I need to pay the rent, and so far, CamelBones isn't doing it. 
If something doesn't change - a job, serious financial backing, 
something - the end may not be very far off.

Re: BBEdit/Interarchy

2005-06-03 Thread Ken Williams

On Jun 3, 2005, at 7:34 AM, Ken Williams wrote:

On Jun 2, 2005, at 10:16 AM, Bill Stephenson wrote:
So I guess what I'm asking is if there a way to get either of these 
apps to upload a file with a new name and rename it after the upload 
is complete with one click. Obviously, this doesn't entirely solve 
the problem, but it does reduce the potential.

Actually, it *would* entirely solve the problem.  Renaming a file is 
an atomic operation, there's no point at which anybody could get a 
partial file.  People still reading the old file would be fine too, 
even if the rename happened while they're in the middle of reading; 
the old file is readable until they close it.

Peter pointed out in a private email that this isn't reliable using 
FTP's rename functionality (if your FTP even supports it) - what I 
meant in the above, though I wasn't clear, was to use /bin/mv on the 
server, not a rename through the FTP connection.


Re: keychain

2005-04-21 Thread Ken Williams
Hi Joseph,
In my address book, I've got several of those too.  I believe they're 
certificates from people who have signed their messages.  If you don't 
know them, they're probably on a list you're on.

On Apr 19, 2005, at 11:31 PM, Joseph Alotta wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I looked at man security, just for kicks and I dumped the keychains.  
I was suprised to find email addresses for people who I do not know.  
I am a single user powerbook with dial up 56k access.
Is this normal to have email keychain data for people I do not know?

I could post those emails, but in case they're legitimate, I don't 
want them to get spammed.  Any suggestions?

On Apr 19, 2005, at 7:47 PM, Ken Williams wrote:
Yeah, check out the 'security' command-line program.  I use it in 
conjunction with Module::Release so that I don't have to type my 
PAUSE password every time I upload something to CPAN - it just 
fetches the password from my keychain.

On Apr 19, 2005, at 5:01 PM, Larry Landrum wrote:
I need to authenticate users in a perl CGI and was hoping to use the 
Keychain but can't find a perl way to do that. Has anybody done that 

Re: Installing Mac::Carbon / gcc

2005-04-16 Thread Ken Williams
On Apr 16, 2005, at 9:17 AM, Chris Nandor wrote:
NB: Under Tiger, gcc 4 is in use, and Mac::Carbon will not build under 
4.  One therefore also needs to set gcc to 3.3 under Tiger.  Anyone who
wants to take on this project of getting it to build under gcc 4 would 
be my
own private hero.
Wow.  I didn't even know there *was* a gcc 4.  Is 5 coming out, like, 
next week, then?  And 6 the next day?


Re: character encoding on file upload name

2005-04-07 Thread Ken Williams
On Apr 7, 2005, at 3:04 PM, John Delacour wrote:
You're talking of file names, I suppose. I think you'll find that this 
is a function of the file system which stores file names in 
decomposed form, for what reason maybe someone else can tell you.
So that the OS can quickly compare filenames in a case-independent 


Re: GUI for Perl

2005-03-22 Thread Ken Williams
On Mar 21, 2005, at 2:33 PM, john horner wrote:
I'm new round here (just bought a new Mac with Mac OS 10.3.5). I want 
to build perl apps that can have things dropped on them and display 
alerts and file chooser dialogues.
Nobody's mentioned Pashua yet, which I found very interesting. It will 
give you dialogs with all the normal options, radio buttons, 
checkboxes, drop menus etc but it's not a full application-creating 

There's also Mac::Carbon, which will give you access to a few basic 
file choosers and question dialogs.


Re: GUI for Perl

2005-03-21 Thread Ken Williams
On Mar 21, 2005, at 9:51 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
When you build a Perl from source, you specify a prefix. The default 
prefix is /usr/local.
The installation doesn't necessarily have to conform to the 
PREFIX-oriented directory structure - the lib/ and arch/ and bin/ and 
man/ sections and so on can be spread out in various places (e.g. 
/System/Library/Perl/ and /Library/Perl/).

It's not at all clear that a directory should be selected, for one 
thing. For another, choosing a directory and assuming the binary name 
is perl probably isn't the best choice anyway - if you want to 
choose /usr/local/bin/perl5.8.4, for instance, you're out of luck. A 
better solution would be to require a file selection, and only allow 
files that match either perl or perlx.y.z to be selected.
I think there should be no restrictions on the filename.  Some people 
compile debugging binaries and call them /usr/local/bin/perldb.  Some 
people name their binaries after their dogs.  Better to just let the 
user choose whatever binary or symlink they have, regardless of where 
it is or what it's called.

If you need to find the other components of that installation, you can 
consult the %Config entries.


Re: Taint mode (was Re: Variables in external file)

2005-02-19 Thread Ken Williams
On Feb 19, 2005, at 1:51 AM, wren argetlahm wrote:
Which reminds me... I've been using the #!/usr/bin/env
perl shebang for easier distribution, but env doesn't
like switches. Is there a way to set taint mode via
`use` or the like (ala use warnings; for -w).
No.  By definition, any switch in the script itself would be too late 
to set taint mode.  Even a '-T' in the shebang line doesn't work if the 
script is invoked as perl instead of ./  In that case 
it'll just die with the error 'Too late for -T option'.  See 'man 


Re: Variables in external file

2005-02-18 Thread Ken Williams
On Feb 18, 2005, at 10:39 AM, Mark Wheeler wrote:
Just a quick question. Is it possible to have a bunch of variables in 
a separate file and then require that file in the script file?
It's generally not a wise choice.  Better to use something like 
Data::Dumper to write the data to a file, then load it back in the way 
the Data::Dumper manpage describes.  Or YAML (as Rich pointed out), or 
Storable, etc.

If you don't like that approach, consider at *least* wrapping it in a 

Script file
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
require variables.conf
print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
foreach (list) {
my @list;
$list[0] = '1';
$list[1] = '2';
$list[2] = '3';
$list[3] = '4';
$list[4] = '5';
sub list { @list }

Re: Next Problem...

2005-02-15 Thread Ken Williams
On Feb 11, 2005, at 10:39 AM, Chris Nandor wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kim Helliwell) wrote:
When I type:
kim% sudo gluemac /Applications/
I get:
What is the glue name? [AddressBook]:
ref is not a valid file specification at
/Library/Perl/5.8.1/Mac/AETE/ line 252, STDIN line 1.
This didn't happen before. (that is, it worked on an older machine)
I think you entered the filename incorrectly.  There's a space:
   % sudo gluemac /Applications/Address\
Would be nice if the error was
  /Applications/ - no such file or directory

Re: TextWrangler

2005-01-21 Thread Ken Williams
On Jan 21, 2005, at 4:45 AM, John Delacour wrote:
At 9:34 pm -0800 20/1/05, Chris Nandor wrote:
I think the only thing it cannot do that BBEdit does -- from what I 
can tell
-- is that it doesn't talk directly to Affrus (the perl debugger for 
Mac OS
X), like BBEdit can.
There is an option in Preferences/UNIX scripting to use Affrus for 
See for a 3-way 
comparison between BBE, TW, and BBELite.


Re: stupid newbie question

2005-01-18 Thread Ken Williams
On Jan 17, 2005, at 6:06 PM, John Delacour wrote:

Apologies first of all for my original useless response.  Here's how I 
would do it -- and it works.

while () {
  /Contig([0-9]+)/i and $hash=$1 and eval my \%$hash;
  /CR05-C1-102|CR05-C1-103/i and eval \$$hash\{\$\} += 1;
A bit eval-y for my tastes.  I'd translate that to:
while () {
  ($n) = /Contig([0-9]+)/i;
  /CR05-C1-102|CR05-C1-103/i and $data{$n}{$}++;
and use a real two-level hash.

Re: Problems with Spidering Hack #56

2005-01-15 Thread Ken Williams
On Jan 15, 2005, at 11:04 AM, David Cantrell wrote:
Morbus Iff wrote:
I'm working on my knowledge of Perl by working through Spidering 
Hacks (O'Reilly).  Right now I'm stumped as to why this hack isn't 
working (code can be found at
Besides this bug, how's the book? :)
Judging by the random scattering of 'single' and double quotes in 
the original post - not worth buying.
Man, you've gotta get yourself past the syntax layer and start 
concentrating on the semantics.  I never would have noticed any quoting 
disparity if you hadn't called attention to it.  Seems like such a 
silly thing to obsess over (and to publicly criticize the author for, 
which just seems a little mean) when the world is full of much more 
important things to criticize.


Re: Undoing/Fixing an installation of CPAN on Mac OS X 10.2.6

2005-01-10 Thread Ken Williams
On Jan 10, 2005, at 4:39 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
Start the CPAN shell and enter:
o conf init
That will repeat the question  answer session. Pay attention this 
time - nuff said about that.

Once you're done, enter:
o conf commit
Or, you can just do
o conf
and look at which value you messed up, then do
o conf foo bar
where 'foo' is the key you messed up on, and 'bar' is the value you 
should have entered.  Then

o conf commit
will make sure your fix persists for your next CPAN session.

Re: Reading in a File

2004-12-26 Thread Ken Williams
On Dec 26, 2004, at 4:34 AM, John Delacour wrote:
At 10:44 pm -0500 25/12/04, Lola Lee wrote:
This script has you count words in a file.  The line where one is 
supposed to read in the file being counted is like so:

while (defined($line = ))
However, when I type this in: perl history.txt
Nothing happens.

The line you quote simply puts each line of a putative file into the 
scalar variable $line.  What happens will depend on how you deal 
with $line and where you print your results.

Supposing that is a script something like the one below 
and that history.txt is a file in the same directory (say your home 
directory), then you will get output in the terminal as below when you 
run your command.  I personally would substitute for your line:

  foreach $line ()
which does the same thing and, to me at least, is simpler and clearer.
It doesn't quite do the same thing.  The 'while' loop will read one 
line, then process it, then read the next line, then process it, and so 
on.  The 'foreach' loop will read all the lines into memory, then 
process each of them one by one.  So if it's a large file, you'll have 
the whole thing in memory at once.

The simplest, if you like using the default variable $_, is this:
  while () {
which is shorthand for:
  while (defined($_ = )) {

Re: File::stat

2004-12-13 Thread Ken Williams
On Dec 13, 2004, at 5:19 PM, Tom McDonough wrote:
I've been getting no results from File::stat or a
system call to stat.  Finally I called stat from the
command line and got Command not found.  Indeed, it
is neither in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin and I could not
find a website to download it.
I'm running OS X 3.5
Has anyone else had this problem?
Any idea where I can get stat?
'stat' isn't a command you type in the shell, it's a C function call.  
Try man stat and you should see the manual page, in section 2.

As for File::stat, it seems to be working fine for me (also on Panther):
% perl -MFile::stat -le 'print for @{stat /etc/passwd}'


Re: Problems installing modules

2004-12-05 Thread Ken Williams
On Dec 5, 2004, at 6:56 AM, William Ross wrote:
On 5 Dec 2004, at 09:07, Marek Stepanek wrote:
* installing blib/man1 to ?~name
* mkpath(?~name)
mkdir ?~name: Invalid argument at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.5/ExtUtils/ line 115
make: *** [pure_site_install] Error 255
your perl configuration is slightly broken. If you look in (probably)
you should see a couple of lines like this:
In mine they're around line 760.	The value for installman1dir in yours 
is broken, I'm guessing. Others may be too.

I'm guessing this happened because while installing perl, it asked you 
where you wanted to install your man pages, saying something like 
Where would you like to install manual pages for executables (~name 
ok)?, and you typed ?~name.

What it meant was that you could type ~marek, or the name of some 
user's home directory, and it would expand it.  But ?~name wasn't 
what it was looking for. =)


Re: Module regression

2004-11-17 Thread Ken Williams
On Nov 17, 2004, at 3:38 AM, Phil Dobbin wrote:
On 16/11/2004 @ 02:32 GMT, Ken Williams, [EMAIL PROTECTED], wrote:
On Nov 16, 2004, at 3:47 PM, Phil Dobbin wrote:
I need to step back a version in a module compliled from source (from
v.3.0 - v.2.0).
What's the best way to go about this (again compiling from source
rather than cpan)?
* The best way to do this is to have a backup of the previous system
with v.2.0 installed, and revert to the backup.
[snip excellent advice]
My bad. I explained things very poorly. I've mistakenly installed 
v.3.0 of a module when the I should've installed v.2.0 (the particular 
script I'm trying to run will not work with v.3.0). So I need to 
expunge/override 3.0 and get the script to use v.2.0 which I haven't 
yet installed.
Oh. =)  In that case, removing based on the packlist is probably fairly 
reasonable (using a package manager would still be preferable, but 
admittedly almost nobody does that for installing perl modules).

To see which files were installed as part of a certain module 
installation, you can use the following one-liner:

perl -MExtUtils::Installed -le 'print foreach 

where Foo::Bar is the name of your module.  Then you can remove all 
those files with 'sudo rm -f'.


Re: Module regression

2004-11-16 Thread Ken Williams
On Nov 16, 2004, at 3:47 PM, Phil Dobbin wrote:
I need to step back a version in a module compliled from source (from 
v.3.0 - v.2.0).

What's the best way to go about this (again compiling from source 
rather than cpan)?
* The best way to do this is to have a backup of the previous system 
with v.2.0 installed, and revert to the backup.

* If you don't have a backup, the next best way is to use a package 
manager like RPM or DPKG to track your installed modules, remove the 
v.3.0 package and install the v.2.0 package.

* If you don't have a backup, and you don't have a package manager, the 
next next best way is to go back in time and start using one or the 

* If you can't do any of the above, your only option is to brute-force 
remove v.3.0 using the packlist file (CPANPLUS provides some support 
for this) and then install v.2.0 again.  This is not a great option 
because packlists can get out of sync, it can remove files that are 
required for some other thing you've installed, and so on.

Incidentally, using CPAN *is* compiling from source.

Re: apple's system transfer tool

2004-10-25 Thread Ken Williams
On Oct 18, 2004, at 5:52 AM, William Ross wrote:
Incidentally, I've just used Apple's new system-transfer tool to start 
off the new powerbook, and noticed that it successfully copies /sw and 
the contents of /Library/Perl as well as the more obvious directories.
Interesting - this is the new Setup Assistant?  Is that available as 
a standalone, or just as part of a new system package?


Re: unlocking a file

2004-10-14 Thread Ken Williams
On Oct 14, 2004, at 6:02 PM, jtownsen wrote:
I have a hierarchy of folders that I'd like to delete. Normally I'd 
use rm -r. However, there folders contain at least one file that is 
locked. I'm familiar with using chmod to change permissions. However a 
locked file on a Mac, as I understand it, is a not a permission thing, 
but a Mac OS thing.

I've heard that their is an Apple-provided tool to unlock files (e.g. 
in terminal). Anyone know what the tool is called? Or any other 

It's /Developer/Tools/SetFile.  There's a man page at `man SetFile`.

Re: [OT] Text Editor for OSX

2004-10-03 Thread Ken Williams
On Oct 3, 2004, at 9:46 AM, wren argetlahm wrote:
I apologize in advance for the off-topic nature of
this posting. I've recently been lamenting the
shortcomings of my current text editor for my purposes
(SubEthaEdit since my copy of BBEdit is Classic and a
new one costs way to much for my budget). I did a
quick google search to try and find out what other
options are out there, particularly in the F/OSS realm
and with good support for XML/HTML/etc. And I couldn't
find anything in particular. So, in my infinite (lack
of) wisdom I've decided that it might be good to write
my own.
If you want to write one because you think it'll be fun, okay.
But if you want to write one because you think you'll save money: 
suppose you earn about $40/hour.  BBEdit upgrade costs about 60 bucks.  
Do you think it'll require more than one and a half hours of your time 
to write something better for your needs than BBEdit?


Re: Thunderbird

2004-09-21 Thread Ken Williams
You might be interested in this page, entitled Import Address Book 
records into to Thunderbird :
When I googled for thunderbird and address, trying to learn what 
thunderbird was, this was the first link that came up.

On Sep 21, 2004, at 7:21 PM, wren argetlahm wrote:
I've recently started messing around with Thunderbird.
I like it a bunch but I'm wondering if there's any
good way to port over my Address Book, with perl or
I've tried exporting from AB (as .vcf, the only
option) then importing in Thunderbird (.vcf isn't one
of the formats listed that it can import, but it
doesn't tell me I can't do it). A new address book
list icon thing shows up, but so far as I can tell the
information isn't actually imported. My second attempt
was going to be through Mac::Glue, but Thunderbird
doesn't appear to support AE (which makes sense).
Any other suggestions?

Re: BBEdit 8.0

2004-09-09 Thread Ken Williams
On Sep 9, 2004, at 8:54 PM, Doug McNutt wrote:
I am told, by my son, that the best replacement for MPW in OS neXt is 
really emacs but it requires that I learn smalltalk or something 
similar and, though I have read the book, I just ain't there. X11 
isn't that easy to use either with my four monitors.
I think there are a few mismatches in that paragraph.  I think MPW is 
most analogous to the shell itself, not to emacs.  I'm a happy longtime 
power-user of emacs, though I've never taught myself Lisp (which is 
what you meant to say, not Smalltalk).  I just use emacs for editing 
the text, and when I want to run commands I hit control-z and run a 
perl one-liner, or a 'wc' command, or whatever.  Then, since I have 
bindkey ^Z run-fg-editor in my .login file, I just hit control-z 
again to drop me back into my editor.  I almost never use emacs' shell 
integration, or write lisp functions, because I find the parent shell a 
more powerful tool.  And this way I get the environment benefits you 
mentioned too.

I'm not sure why X11 got mentioned there either, since you can use 
emacs  the shell without X11 (it's probably been months since I used 
X11 under OS X).

When I'm working with text that's heavily structured, like code or 
delimited data files, I usually plunge into the shell  emacs.  For 
other stuff I usually fire up BBEdit.  Getting comfortable with both is 
really handy. =)


Re: [OT?] Shebang question

2004-07-26 Thread Ken Williams
On Jul 26, 2004, at 12:26 AM, Rich Morin wrote:
 #!/usr/bin/env perl -wl
Looking in the Camel, I'm not sure what the -l flag is supposed to
be doing for you.  You're not using it with -n or -p, so it isn't
auto-chomping the input lines; you didn't give it an argument, so
it isn't changing the output line terminator.  So, what's it for?
It adds a newline after each print().

Re: XML::LibXML install on Mac?

2004-07-23 Thread Ken Williams
On Jul 23, 2004, at 4:21 PM, Ingo Weiss wrote:
Hi all,
I am using XML::LibXML and so far did all the testing on my Linux web
server (meaning that I had to be online to test). Now I would like to
set my Mac up for local development - is it possible to install
XML::LibXML on a Mac (Panther)? Can I just go ahead and install it from
If not, is there an easy way to check which CPAN modules work on a Mac?
The easy way is to try to install it via CPAN and see whether it works. 
 In principle most things work.


Re: Mac::Glue and Address Book

2004-07-18 Thread Ken Williams
On Jul 18, 2004, at 8:54 PM, John Delacour wrote:
At 5:24 pm -0700 18/7/04, Chris Nandor wrote:
I can't see a way.  If someone can tell me how to do it in 
AppleScript, I
can convert it to Mac::Glue.  But I can't see how to do it in 
tell app Address Book to get the value of the first email of person 
11 Ltd

tell app Address Book to get the value of the first email of person 
11 Ltd whose label is work

It's all clear in the dictionary.
Those don't do what I'm talking about - look for a person who has a 
given email address.  Your examples will show the email address for a 
person who has a given name.

If I understand the dictionary correctly, I could find an email object 
with a given value ($glue-obj(email = whose(value = equals = 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'))), but I don't know how I'd go from that to its parent 
(the person object).

Chris, I think at application startup I can build a map of lc($email) 
= $person.  That will be faster than an app query anyway.  Thanks for 
the suggestion.


Re: Mac::Glue and Address Book

2004-07-16 Thread Ken Williams
Hi Chris,
This is all working great.  I just realized, though, that my initial 
email search isn't working - to find a person with the email $foo, I've 

 $person = $glue-obj(people = whose(email = equals = $foo));
Obviously this can't work, because email is an element, not a property. 
 Is there a way to do this in a single query, or do I need to iterate 
through some result list?

On Jul 14, 2004, at 3:54 PM, Chris Nandor wrote:
Properties are simple enough.  You get like this:
And similarly, set like this:
   $person-prop('last_name')-set(to = 'Baz');
In the case of the email elements, emails property returns a list, and 
element of the list is an email object, which you can then get and set 
the value property.

   for my $email ($person-prop('emails')-get) {
  print $email-prop('value')-get;
To set:
   for my $email ($person-prop('emails')-get) {
  my $value = $email-prop('value');
  (my $text = $value-get) =~ s/\@/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/;
  print $value-set(to = $text);

Re: Mac::Glue and Address Book

2004-07-15 Thread Ken Williams
Thanks, Chris - this will give me enough info to do what I need to do, 
I'm sure.

Hopefully my Mac::AddressBookMerger won't be too far behind... my wife 
needs it to merge the addresses from our various address lists into one 

On Jul 14, 2004, at 3:54 PM, Chris Nandor wrote:
Hope that helps,

Re: Mac::Glue and Address Book

2004-07-10 Thread Ken Williams
Another question - to add new entries to the address book, I think I do 
something like this:

  my $person = $glue-make(new = 'person', with_properties =
 {first_name = 'Foo',
  last_name = 'Bar',
  email = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'});
When I do this, the first_name and last_name entries show up fine in 
Address Book, but the email doesn't.  I'm guessing this is because it's 
an 'element' of a person and not a 'property', whatever that means 
(what does that mean?).

On Jul 2, 2004, at 6:06 PM, Ken Williams wrote:
When I get a record from the Address Book like so:
  use Mac::Glue ':all';
  my $ab = Mac::Glue-new('Address Book');
  my $person = $ab-obj( people = whose(AND =
   [[ first_name = begins_with = 'Smorgasbord' ],
[ last_name  = equals  = 'Milhouse']] );
I can't seem to tell the difference between someone who doesn't exist 
in the Address Book, and someone who exists but has no phone number 
(or address, or whatever).  Any tips on how to do this?


Re: Mac::Glue and Address Book

2004-07-10 Thread Ken Williams
Oh, and while I'm at it:
I can't quite figure out how to change the values of an existing 
Address Book record.  I guess there are two cases: changing 'property' 
values and changing 'element' values.  Any examples I could get for 
that would be great.

On Jul 10, 2004, at 11:16 PM, Ken Williams wrote:
Another question - to add new entries to the address book, I think I 
do something like this:

  my $person = $glue-make(new = 'person', with_properties =
 {first_name = 'Foo',
  last_name = 'Bar',
  email = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'});
When I do this, the first_name and last_name entries show up fine in 
Address Book, but the email doesn't.  I'm guessing this is because 
it's an 'element' of a person and not a 'property', whatever that 
means (what does that mean?).


Krazy Mac::Glue entities

2004-07-04 Thread Ken Williams
When I do the following:
  use Mac::Glue ':all';
  my $ab = Mac::Glue-new('Address Book');
  my $person = $ab-obj( people = whose(AND =
   [[ first_name = begins_with = 'Smorgasbord' ],
[ last_name  = equals  = 'Milhouse']] );
the $person object is absolutely nuts.  It's got about a million 
key-value pairs that look like this:

   bless( {
  'GLUE' = bless( {
   'IDS' = {
'mbox' = {
  'name' = 
'JPEG' = {
  'name' = 
'left' = {
  'name' = 'left'
'sqkm' = {
  'name' = 
 'ednb' = {
   'name' = 
 'ksb^@' = {
   'name' = 'f7_key'

and so on and so forth.  Among other highlights: 'kilometers', 'ovals', 
'arrow_at_both_ends', 'degrees_kelvin', and 'as_taught_in_school'.

Is this, like, every four-letter Apple ID that has ever lived?  Or can 
I really find out how many degrees Kelvin my friends are?


Re: Mac::Glue and Address Book

2004-07-04 Thread Ken Williams
On Jul 4, 2004, at 1:23 PM, Chris Nandor wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Williams) wrote:
When I get a record from the Address Book like so:
   use Mac::Glue ':all';
   my $ab = Mac::Glue-new('Address Book');
   my $person = $ab-obj( people = whose(AND =
[[ first_name = begins_with = 'Smorgasbord' ],
 [ last_name  = equals  = 'Milhouse']] );
I can't seem to tell the difference between someone who doesn't exist
in the Address Book, and someone who exists but has no phone number 
address, or whatever).  Any tips on how to do this?
I am not sure what you're asking.  Are you saying someone who exists 
doesn't have any contact info -- just a name -- won't be returned by 
I works for me (modifying your parens/brackets slightly):

   print my $person = $ab-obj( people = whose(AND =
  [ first_name = begins_with = 'S' ],
  [ last_name  = equals  = 'Wonder'] ))-get;
That returns for a card for the name Stevie Wonder, with no other 
info.  If
I change it to Sn Wonder, I get an uninitialized value warning in 
Ah, I see - I was trying to tell the difference between a hit and a 
miss, i.e. a search that found someone and a search that didn't.  
Looks like I can use defined($person-get) for it, thanks.


Re: Curses trouble

2004-07-01 Thread Ken Williams
I couldn't install it either.  I note on that the failures greatly 
outweigh the passes, FWIW.

However, how come in your example it's libCurses.dylib instead of 

On Jul 1, 2004, at 2:02 PM, Mike Lemmon wrote:
I've gotten off of CPAN, but any program I try to run with 
it fails to compile, saying that libcurses.dylib is not a 
recognisable object file. Anyone know what I need to do to fix this? 

% perl -e 'use Curses'
Can't load '/usr/lib/libCurses.dylib' for module Curses: 
/usr/lib/libCurses.dylib(2): Not a recognisable object file at -e line 
Compilation failed in require at -e line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.

% perl /Library/Perl/
Can't load '/usr/lib/libCurses.dylib' for module Curses: 
/usr/lib/libCurses.dylib(2): Not a recognisable object file
DynaLoader::croak('Can\'t load \'/usr/lib/libCurses.dylib\' 
for module Curses: /...') called at 
line 229
DynaLoader::bootstrap('Curses') called at 
/Library/Perl/ line 64

Re: n00b needs help with file arguments

2004-06-01 Thread Ken Williams
On May 31, 2004, at 4:13 PM, Ian Ferguson wrote:
I program AppleScript as well. In fact, this is what introduced me to 
and Ruby. Since Perl can handle many of the things I need faster and 
efficiently, I started digging into Perl to do things like sort 
arrays, etc.

In AppleScript, If I have a script and I need to call on a shell 
script to
run with specific parameters, I have to issue a quoted form of ... 
to make
sure that the argumetn is quoted to prevent the shell from seeing 
arguments as you noted. This is what led me to ask the question 

The key difference here is that AppleScript is calling the shell to 
perform its actions, whereas Perl is calling native system routines.  
So no protection from the shell is necessary.

I asked a question about quoting an argument prior to removing a 
to learn something about how the language handles things. I don't know 
the rmdir method is recursive and/or forced in Perl.. Telling me to 
try and
see is a BS answer to give. Of course I could create a directory and 
but what is the need for a community of experts if I can't ask a 
Well, in Perl there's more of a culture that tries things - just 
because it's so much easier to write one-off simple Perl programs than 
one-off Java or C or AppleScript or whatever.  So I suspect Ricardo, in 
his terse way, had that in mind.

However, using the try it and see approach can get you in trouble 
too, since people should really rely on the documentation (and a real 
understanding thereof) to achieve true enlightenment.

Also... Read perldoc this and that... Most people new to a language 
have no clue what you are talking about. Keep this in mind for the 
Do you tell a person who can't drive standard ... Hey it's a car. Just
drive it!? Of course not.
Right, but I don't think you're going to run over any little old ladies 
with a test perl script. ;-)


Re: [BUG ?] sort/reverse or RegExp problem

2004-05-18 Thread Ken Williams
On May 18, 2004, at 3:37 AM, allan juul wrote:
hmm, ok
so if i do one test that actually matches late in my string and later 
do a test
that would match earlier, the latter will never match ?

i didn't know that; to me it doesn't sound logical. to me i'm doing a 
fresh test in the regexp so if i had a match in a previous regexp test 
shouldn't matter since the string doesn't change and even the pos() 
change because to me both are completely fresh
Well then, don't use the /g flag - that's what it's for. =)

Re: [BUG ?] sort/reverse or RegExp problem

2004-05-17 Thread Ken Williams
Hi Allan,
No bug; here's a simpler example that shows what's going on.
$str = one two;
if ($str =~ /one/g) {  print Found one\n }
print pos(\$str): , pos($str), \n;
if ($str =~ /two/g) {  print Found two\n }
print pos(\$str): , pos($str), \n;
$str = one two;
if ($str =~ /two/g) {  print Found two\n }
print pos(\$str): , pos($str), \n;
if ($str =~ /one/g) {  print Found one\n }
print pos(\$str): , pos($str), \n;
On May 17, 2004, at 2:35 PM, allan juul wrote:
i have some difficulty with a rather simple loop and simple RegExp:
please try the following code two times - one with no command line 
arguments and one with a true argument [the latter call will reverse 
the sorting of the hash keys]

for example:
$ 1
the funny thing is that even that perl guarantees me that the two 
strings $str and str2 are equal  (which they should be since i assign 
them to each other just before the eq test), the RegExp only match 
when the keys in the hash are alphabetically sorted

can anybody explain this ?
use strict;
my %maps  = (
i = 'somestring',
j = 'someother',
my $str = q(
foreach my $key (sort by_str keys %maps ) {
my $str2 = $str;
if ($str eq $str2) {
print \n\tGoing to testing the key $key\n\tApparently the 
varibale \$str is identical to \$str2\n\n;

print Testing \$str ...\n;
if ($str =~ m/^$key.+/mig) {
print \tA match for \$str\n;
} else {
print \tHmm no match in \$str\n;
print Testing \$str2 ...\n;
if ($str2 =~ m/^$key.+/mig) {
print \tA match for \$str2\n;
} else {
print \tHmm no match in \$str2\n;
sub by_str {
if ($ARGV[0]) {
($b cmp $a)
} else {
($a cmp $b)

Re: Sort by Mod Date

2004-05-13 Thread Ken Williams
On May 13, 2004, at 6:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

my $dir = /Users/jay/Desktop/Other Stuff/old stuff 4;

opendir FOLDER, $dir or die Cannot open $dir: $!;

foreach $file (readdir FOLDER) {
   next if $file =~ /^\./;
   $path = $dir/$file;
   next unless -f $path and -r $path;
   push @files, (stat $path)[9].chr(1).$path.\n;
@files = sort @files;

foreach (@files) {
   push @sortedList, (split(chr(1), $_))[1];
Instead of using string-munging, you can use a real data structure:

my $dir = /Users/jay/Desktop/Other Stuff/old stuff 4;

opendir FOLDER, $dir or die Cannot open $dir: $!;

foreach $file (readdir FOLDER) {
   next if $file =~ /^\./;
   $path = $dir/$file;
   next unless -f $path and -r $path;
   push @files, [(stat $path)[9], $path];
@files = map $_-[1], sort {$a-[0] = $b-[0]} @files;

print $_\n foreach @files;


Re: [slightlyOT] reading logs with long urls

2004-05-03 Thread Ken Williams
On May 2, 2004, at 8:17 PM, Joel Rees wrote:
My apache log files show that I'm getting two or more of those long 
url attacks every day, and access_log grows to over 4Mb in just a 
week, in spite of the fact that there are less than ten valid accesses 
in any particular day.
How about configuring Apache to disregard (and not log) any URL longer 
than a predefined length?  Also, what are those long url attacks, I 
haven't heard of them.


Re: backing up using DejaVu

2004-05-03 Thread Ken Williams
On May 3, 2004, at 6:37 PM, Jerry LeVan wrote:
Hmmm, maybe it will work... I started the following shell script
while true
echo $i
i=`expr $i + 1 `
I forced the system to sleep for a few seconds, woke it up and the
script kept on trucking...
Oh, certainly - you can interrupt basically anything at all on the 
computer with sleep, and it will simply continue where it left off.  I 
do this all the time with compilations, long-running scientific 
experiments, regression tests, etc. on my PowerBook.  The 
wake-from-sleep functionality is very robust and fast.

The only trouble you're likely to see is when an external resource 
(like a network or a printer) doesn't like you pausing in the middle of 
something you're doing to it, and then some operations involving that 
resource might not just continue where you left off.


Re: backing up using DejaVu

2004-05-03 Thread Ken Williams
On May 3, 2004, at 5:18 PM, Joseph Alotta wrote:
Hi Jerry,
I used sudo psync -d / /Volumes/backup  and it worked real nice.  I 
kind of like watching
it work while I do other things.  If my powerbook were to sleep in the 
middle of it, would it break something or would it just pick up where 
it left off?
I think it depends how /Volumes/backup is mounted.  If it's a local 
drive connected by USB or Firewire or whatever, everything should be 
fine.  If it's a remote drive, it might not be happy.


Re: Copying files

2004-04-28 Thread Ken Williams
On Apr 28, 2004, at 2:11 AM, Mark Wheeler wrote:

Ok, It's working great, now. Thank you Ken and Bruce and anyone else I 
am forgetting. Now the to finish the ride, all I have to do now is 
figure out how to get the file from my PC and copy to an external hard 
drive. I'm resuming all I need are the paths to the PC and the drive. 
Does that sound right?
Yup, sounds right.  By the way, I note that you've switched from using 
rename() to using copy(), so your new script is doing something 
different than your old script.  Make sure it's what you want. =)


Re: hi

2004-04-28 Thread Ken Williams
On Apr 27, 2004, at 11:52 PM, devulapally krishna wrote:

Hi all
i'm working on perl.
i need to download webpages from the internet and
analyze them,which i'm unable to do with perl.
Please help me.
I highly recommend WWW::Mechanize.  It's got a little bit of a learning 
curve (I'll probably get flamed for saying so, but it took me a couple 
tries before I really understood it), but once you understand it, it's 
REALLY easy to write download-and-analyze, or crawl-the-web scripts 
with it.  For instance, here's something I wrote that logs into the New 
York Times web site, inputs my username  password, gets the crossword 
puzzle from whatever date is specified on the command line, and opens 
that puzzle using the AcrossLite application - all in 24 lines of code:

use WWW::Mechanize;
use Date::Manip;
use Path::Class;
(my $date = UnixDate(shift || 'today', '%A, %B %d')) =~ s/ 0/ /g;

my $m = WWW::Mechanize-new;
$m-follow_link( text_regex = qr/Click here to enter/ );
$m-set_visible( username = 'password' );
$m-follow_link( text_regex = qr/$date/ );

(my $filename = $m-uri) =~ s{.*/}{};
my $out = file('', 'tmp', $filename);
my $fh = $out-openw;
print $fh $m-content;
close $fh;
system(open = $out);
Notice that the web-interaction portion of it is only 7 lines.

If you need to do some HTML analysis that WWW::Mechanize can't do, 
check out the book Perl  LWP:


Re: Copying files

2004-04-28 Thread Ken Williams
On Apr 28, 2004, at 11:48 AM, Mark Wheeler wrote:

Hi Ken,

I switched that because it was suggested that writing files over 
system boundaries might be a problem. What is the difference between 
the two? It sounds like, from your comment, that they do very 
different things.
Yeah - rename() moves the file, and copy() makes a copy of it.


Re: Copying files

2004-04-27 Thread Ken Williams
On Apr 27, 2004, at 11:59 AM, Wiggins d Anconia wrote:
The script is as follows:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my @files = db1.txt, db2.txt, db3.txt, db4.txt;

foreach (@files) {
rename /path/to/pc/file/$_, /Users//Documents/$_..bak;
You should always check that 'rename' succeeded (as apparently it 

rename $oldfile, $newfile or warn Can't rename file: $!;

$! will then provide you more information as to why its not working.
I'd be willing to bet that it will be because there's no file called

  /path/to/pc/file/db1.txt, db2.txt, db3.txt, db4.txt

on your system.  Perhaps you mean:

  my @files = (db1.txt, db2.txt, db3.txt, db4.txt);

or just

  my @files = qw(db1.txt db2.txt db3.txt db4.txt);

Anyway, Wiggins is right - if you'd checked the error status, $! would 
have told you...


Re: Copying files

2004-04-27 Thread Ken Williams
On Apr 27, 2004, at 5:07 PM, Mark Wheeler wrote:

Yup. You're right. I missed that one. Here's what I did to simplify 
the testing of the script.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use File::Copy;
/Users/xx/Documents/db1.txt.bak) or warn Can't copy file: $!;

print Backup Completed.;

I know the cron is firing off the request, because when first tried 
it, I got Permission Denied in my email box. So I changed the 
permission to 755 and it still doesn't copy the file. And I get 
nothing in my email box. I'm a little confused. What am I missing?
First rule when it looks like a script isn't doing anything on OS X: 
check the line endings.  Make sure they're unix-style.  If they're 
Mac-Classic style, running the script won't actually do anything.

First rule when setting up cron jobs: make sure cron itself is running. 
 Set up a job with the same timings as the script in question, but make 
its action echo foo or something like that.  You should get an email 
when it runs.  If not, then cron's the problem, not perl.  I know you 
said it worked before, but just to make sure...


Re: Copying files

2004-04-27 Thread Ken Williams
On Apr 27, 2004, at 5:46 PM, Bruce Van Allen wrote:

On 4/27/04 Mark Wheeler wrote:
Good question. Here are the results.
The permissions for the /Users/xx/Documents directory is:
drwx--   7 xx  xx   238 27 Apr 15:08 Documents
The permission for the /Users/xx/Library/Scripts directory is:

drwxr-xr-x   3 xx  xx   102 27 Apr 14:22 Scripts

Does that look right? Or should the Documents directory be the same as
Most likely your script is not running as owner, so you probably want
for the Documents directory ( chmod 0777, '/Users/xx/Documents' ).
That's a bad idea.  I wouldn't want *my* Documents directory 

The cron script is going to run as the user who sets it up, so it's not 
necessary either.


Re: Merging into Address Book

2004-04-22 Thread Ken Williams
On Apr 21, 2004, at 9:11 AM, Chris Nandor wrote:
Did you look at the Address Book example in ex/ ?  It uses whose() to 


Yeah, I'd seen it, but I forgot about it when I saw the other example 
you mailed to the list.  Thanks.


Re: Merging into Address Book

2004-04-20 Thread Ken Williams
On Apr 14, 2004, at 2:57 PM, Chris Nandor wrote:
I've been called out!  ;-)  Here's a version with Mac::Glue.
Say, I built the Address_Book glue and looked through its docs, but I 
don't see methods to search the database for entries that have certain 
properties.  Do you know of any way to use the Find functionality, or 
specify required properties, using the applescript/glue interface?


Re: Merging into Address Book

2004-04-15 Thread Ken Williams
Excellent.  So maybe I'll make a little command-line app to do a merge 
(with prompting) from a tab-delimited file into Address Book.  Or maybe 
I won't, but I bet I will.


On Apr 14, 2004, at 2:57 PM, Chris Nandor wrote:
I've been called out!  ;-)  Here's a version with Mac::Glue.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Mac::Glue ':all';

my $ab = new Mac::Glue 'Address Book';

my $person = $ab-make(new = 'person',
   with_properties = {
  first_name  = 'Stevie',
  last_name   = 'Wonder',
$ab-make(new = 'email', at = location(end = 
   with_properties = {
  value = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
  label = 'work',

$ab-make(new = 'phone', at = location(end = 
   with_properties = {
  value = '555-123-4567',
  label = 'work',

$ab-make(new = 'phone', at = location(end = 
   with_properties = {
  value = '555-890-1234',
  label = 'home',

$ab-make(new = 'address', at = location(end =
   with_properties = {
  street   = '123 Main St.',
  city  = 'New York',
  state = 'NY',
  label = 'home',

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Re: Merging into Address Book

2004-04-09 Thread Ken Williams
On Apr 8, 2004, at 1:33 AM, Jason Fleetwood-Boldt wrote:
At 8:51 PM -0500 4/7/04, Ken Williams wrote:
Yeah, that's probably a good way to go.  Perhaps I should just 
synchronize directly from Palm Desktop to Address Book, rather than 
exporting to vCards.

Unless you mean syncrhronize Palm with your PDA, then switch over to 
Apple Address Book and sync again with Address Book -- I don't know 
what you mean. There's no script that syncs Address Book to Palm 
desktop that I know of. If anyone knows of such a script please send 
info my way.
Drat.  So it looks like there's really know way to do an automated 
*merge*, just an *import*, i.e. It'll create duplicates of any people 
that exist in there already.  Is this your understanding too?

Sounds like I may need to create my own heuristic merge tool, then use 
the Address Book Importer to do the final import.


Re: Merging into Address Book

2004-04-07 Thread Ken Williams
On Apr 7, 2004, at 9:11 AM, Bill Jastram wrote:


Although it's not a Perl soultion, here's a link which might give you  
what you need: 
Hmm - I'm a little hesitant to use that (or a perl equivalent), as it  
doesn't seem like it handles any of the complexities of the vCard  


Re: Merging into Address Book

2004-04-07 Thread Ken Williams
On Apr 6, 2004, at 10:18 PM, Chris Devers wrote:

On Tue, 6 Apr 2004, Ken Williams wrote:

For my wedding

I made an AppleWorks database containing the names of all the wedding
guests, their addresses, emails, and so on.  Now I want to merge that
info back into Address Book.
Anyone have recommendations for how to do this nicely?  I thought
about creating vCards and merging them somehow, but none of the CPAN
vCard modules seem to actually be able to create them.  Also, I'm not
exactly clear on how I'd do the merge anyway.  Is there some way to
tap into iSync or something?
Err, this may be a more annoying than helpful suggestion, but have you
considered using Palm Desktop as an intermediary? It can import data in
a variety of formats, including CSV. If you can get your AppleWorks
database to make a report in a CSV format that Palm Desktop can use,
then Palm Desktop can in turn export the data in a format that Address
Book can import (e.g. vCard).
Yeah, that's probably a good way to go.  Perhaps I should just 
synchronize directly from Palm Desktop to Address Book, rather than 
exporting to vCards.


Merging into Address Book

2004-04-06 Thread Ken Williams

For my wedding, I made an AppleWorks database containing the names of 
all the wedding guests, their addresses, emails, and so on.  Now I want 
to merge that info back into Address Book.

Anyone have recommendations for how to do this nicely?  I thought about 
creating vCards and merging them somehow, but none of the CPAN vCard 
modules seem to actually be able to create them.  Also, I'm not exactly 
clear on how I'd do the merge anyway.  Is there some way to tap into 
iSync or something?


Re: opening multiple files

2004-04-01 Thread Ken Williams
On Mar 31, 2004, at 6:53 PM, Bohdan Peter Rekshynskyj wrote:
I still would try to do something such as (rough script here)

open COMMAND ls *.files |;   # Don't forget to code a die here if 
unsuccessful in opening.  Defensive programming!
while COMMAND {
 $theParms .= $_;  		# you may or may not need to cho(m)p !
$theCommand = system open ' . $theParms . ';

system (or eval) ($theCommand);		# and check for RC...

Something like that, as above in Perlese, I think, should do the trick!
No, that won't work.  As explained earlier by Chris, you cannot do 
anything with perl  system() that you couldn't just do at a shell 

The other Chris posted an example with Mac::Glue which solves the 
original problem, have you tried that?


Re: Trying to understand signals and restartable system calls

2004-03-19 Thread Ken Williams
On Mar 19, 2004, at 11:34 AM, Mark Alldritt wrote:


I'm trying to understand how signals and restartable system calls 
Take this example:


$SIG{USR2} = sub { print Here I Am\n; };

print Starting...\n;

my $abc;
while (read STDIN, $abc, 20) {
print $abc\n;
print Done\n;

If I run this script and then send a USR2 signal with kill -31 while 
script is blocked in the read call, the read returns 0, and the script
It seems to return not 0, but undef.  And $! is set to Interrupted 
system call.

Does this help?  Perhaps you could just restart the loop in such cases.


Re: Getting the size of a folder with Mac::Glue

2004-03-16 Thread Ken Williams
On Tuesday, March 16, 2004, at 12:48  AM, Rick Measham wrote:

I'm trying to get the size of a folder and figure Mac::Glue would be 
the way to go. However I'm getting back a 0:

(If there's a better way to get the size of a folder, please let me 
You can use `du -sk $folder` to get the size in Kbytes.  For the 
options taken, look at 'man du' in the terminal.

I'm not sure how this deals with resource forks, though.


Re: Affrus PLUS Perl/TK

2004-03-12 Thread Ken Williams
On Thursday, March 11, 2004, at 04:38  PM, Bohdan Peter Rekshynskyj 

On Mar 11, 2004, at 17:21, Chris Nandor wrote:

Affrus is an excellent product.  I hate using the Perl debugger on the
command line, it gives me the willies.  Affrus makes it much easier 
to find
problems in your perl code, especially when it goes through many 
modules and
files.  I only wish I had more bugs in my code so I could use it 
more!  ;-)

This is good stuff to know.   I'm a Unix command line Perl coder but 
wouldn't mind checking out IDE's and debuggers as this!
Yeah, and actually Affrus comes with a command-line tool so that you 
can initiate debugging from the command line.  It's nice for people 
like me, who do all development from the shell  emacs, but sometimes 
want to switch quickly to Affrus for debugging in a nice environment.

I was a beta tester for Affrus and I was really glad when the 
command-line tool was added.


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