Re: [Marxism] Existential crisis as BHL quotes fictional philosopher

2010-02-11 Thread Lüko Willms
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Louis Proyect ( wrote on 2010-02-09 at 20:33:46 in  about 
[Marxism] Existential crisis as BHL quotes fictional philosopher:
 Doubtless enjoying the moment, Pagès said: ?It has never been firmly 
 established that Botul didn?t exist and it cannot therefore be ruled out 
 that one day history will prove Bernard-Henri Lévy right.?

  Before that, history may prove that BHL is a fake. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] Coyotes spotted at my workplace

2010-02-11 Thread Lüko Willms
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Paul Flewers ( wrote on 2010-02-10 at 16:17:01 
in  about Re: [Marxism] Coyotes spotted at my workplace:
 The fox-hunting toffs say that their antics are necessary as they reduce 
 amount of foxes and thus keep chicken-runs safer, 

  as my dog goes after cats only to save the little birdies...

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] Coyotes spotted at my workplace

2010-02-11 Thread Lüko Willms
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Nestor Gorojovsky ( wrote on 2010-02-09 at 21:28:08 in  
about Re: [Marxism] Coyotes spotted at my workplace:
  Foxes [in England] used to
  be confined to the countryside, but over the last 20 years or so they 
  been moving into towns and cities. 
 Hey, how long will it take before you can see gallant cavalcades of 
 lordly aristocrats breaking the traffic rules at Trafalgar Square, in 
 sportly pursuit of some urban fox?

  They already prowl the city streets with luxurious all-terrain vehicles. 


Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-11 Thread Gary MacLennan
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 Paula wrote:

  Gary, there will always be droughts. They are a normal phenomenon -
  as are storms, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. They wouldn't be
  so horrific if society was rationally organized, and that's the main
  point the left should be making.

 My reply:

Sorry I missed this Paula.  I have been traveling.  Look we are obviously at
the stage where we have nothing new to say to each other. But I will make a
final effort at dialogue. I have to confess though -that I simply don't
understand where you and Shawn are coming from.  As I see it there are three

A.. The world is not getting warmer.
B. Global warming is a fact but it is caused by cyclical events.
C Global warming is a fact and it is caused or aggravated by carbon

The deniers seem to me to move in an unprincipled way between positions A.
and B. For instance it seems to me at times you occupy position B and at
other times you move to A. Certainly Shawn bewilders me with his switching.

My position is C. and I also add that the cost of holding B. is greater than
the cost of holding C. If people like me are wrong then it is not a
catastrophe.  If you and Shawn are wrong then it is a terminal disaster for
the human race.  I personally think that puts a moral onus on all you Bers
to be extra careful.  Now Shawn jumping up and down about routine academic
thuggery at East Anglia is not being serious in my opinion.

I teach a class on scientific method.  I am absolutely frank about the
academy.  When paradigms clash  it is like something out of the Godfather
movies. I have lived all that shit and I know it.  But I tell my students
that they must put the dialectics of epistemology i.e academic thuggery
aside and seek the ontological.  Jones may be and I am certainly inclined to
think so one of the greatest shits on the planet but he may still be right
about global warming.  As the notorious Chinese Machiavelli said seek truth
from facts!

comradely regards


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Re: [Marxism] Tritium Hot Zone Expands Around Vermont Nuclear Plant

2010-02-11 Thread Karen Saunders
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Les gave a good list of some of the issues at the heart of Vermont
Yankee's tritium leak.

Those of us who live in the area have additional issues:
What else is about to leak or starting to fail at this plant that is
nearing the end of its planned operating lifespan?
How responsibly will a far-distant corporation handle this and future
problems of an aging plant, particularly given Entergy's plans to sell
Vermont Yankee to a limited liability spin-off plant?
How important is the health of people and ecosystems in the tri-state
region in relation to Entergy's quest for profit, again given the plans
for spin-off to a limited liability company?

And another issue that doesn't come up often enough, how are our local
concerns connected to health and environmental concerns in the areas where
uranium is mined?

Mark, if the Asian long-horned beetles get much closer to us, we won't
have to worry about glowing maple syrup, as the beetles will have munched
all the trees.  ;-}


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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-11 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 2/11/2010 4:19 AM, Gary MacLennan wrote:
 I teach a class on scientific method.  I am absolutely frank about the
 academy.  When paradigms clash  it is like something out of the Godfather

hahahahahha. nice ... clash of little kingdoms and all that...

   I have lived all that shit and I know it.  But I tell my students
 that they must put the dialectics of epistemology i.e academic thuggery
 aside and seek the ontological.  Jones may be and I am certainly inclined to
 think so one of the greatest shits on the planet but he may still be right
 about global warming.  As the notorious Chinese Machiavelli said seek truth
 from facts!

Gary, what -- as you see it --  did Jones do that was so bad?  the 
trick issue is not an issue scientifically. as you say, bad-mouthing 
goes on all the time. plus these research centers are deluged by 
denialist requests and they have no PR departments like Exxon (pacem 
Shawn) to handle the overload.

i've been planning to write on the IPCC/CRU storm for a while now, but 
am curious to hear your thoughts Gary in more detail.


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[Marxism] NYT review of Finkelstein documentary

2010-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect
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(Holden is not the typical reviewer at the Times, thank goodness. 
This is a fairly decent review.)

NY Times February 11, 2010
Is This a Man Who Sheds Light, or Simply Sets Fires?

“American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein” is a 
cautiously respectful documentary portrait of a political 
firebrand who presents himself as a beacon of moral truth in the 
murk of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A scholar, author and 
passionate advocate of the Palestinian cause, Mr. Finkelstein, 56, 
is a thorn in the side of the Israel lobby.

Early in the film, directed by David Ridgen and Nicolas Rossier, 
Mr. Finkelstein is shown at a 1982 rally in front of the Israeli 
consulate in New York carrying a poster urging “Israeli Nazis” to 
“stop the Holocaust in Lebanon,” referring to the Israeli invasion 
of that country. Until he was banned from traveling to Israel, he 
paid regular visits to Palestinian friends on the West Bank. He is 
a supporter of Hezbollah.

Mr. Finkelstein’s inflammatory rhetoric has earned him many 
powerful enemies, most notably the civil liberties lawyer Alan M. 
Dershowitz, whose book “The Case for Israel” Mr. Finkelstein has 
called a fraud, accusing the author of plagiarism. Leon 
Wieseltier, the literary editor of The New Republic, describes Mr. 
Finkelstein as “poison: a disgusting self-hating Jew.” Even Mr. 
Finkelstein’s political ally Noam Chomsky questioned his judgment 
in picking some of his fights.

Born in Brooklyn, Mr. Finkelstein explains in the film that he 
inherited his temperament from his mother, Maryla Husyt 
Finkelstein. Both Maryla and Mr. Finkelstein’s father, Zacharias, 
were survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto and of concentration camps. 
His father was interned in Auschwitz, his mother in Majdanek.

 From Maryla, Mr. Finkelstein says that he inherited the 
conviction that Jews have a special obligation to ease the 
suffering of humanity because of what was done to them, and that 
it is not enough to pay lip service to one’s convictions; they 
must be acted on. A childhood friend remembers her emotional 
investment in left-wing humanitarian causes as bordering on 
hysteria. Mr. Finkelstein recalls that as his notoriety spread, 
she came to feel he had taken her too literally and become a 
“Frankenstein’s monster” on a path toward self-destruction.

The film chronicles the controversies in which Mr. Finkelstein has 
become embroiled, beginning with his attack on Joan Peters’s 
widely praised 1984 best seller, “From Time Immemorial: The 
Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine,” which he 
denounced as a hoax. In a television interview after the 
publication of his best-known book, “The Holocaust Industry: 
Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering” (2000), he 
declares, “A handful of American Jews have effectively hijacked 
the Nazi Holocaust to blackmail Europe” and “divert attention from 
what is being done to the Palestinians.”

The cost of Mr. Finkelstein’s outspokenness has been steep. In 
2001 he left Hunter College, where he had taught for nine years, 
after his teaching load and salary were reduced. He was 
subsequently hired by DePaul University in Chicago, where he 
became an assistant professor of political science. But in 2007 
his bid for tenure, opposed by Mr. Dershowitz — who called him “a 
propagandist” and “not a teacher” — was denied, despite strong 
on-campus support.

Because it is a film, “American Radical” can only begin to sketch 
the complicated historical and political debates that engage Mr. 
Finkelstein and his detractors, but it allows both sides to make 
their cases. In his more reflective moments Mr. Finkelstein 
demonstrates an acute analytical intelligence and even an inkling 
of humor. “Speaking as a devout atheist, thank God in his Almighty 
wisdom that he made us mortal,” he says.

But he also appears to be a man who reflexively rises to the bait: 
a strident polemicist who, however right or wrong, has chosen to 
travel a long, hard road.


The Trials of Norman Finkelstein

Opens on Thursday in Manhattan.

Produced and directed by David Ridgen and Nicolas Rossier; 
directors of photography, Mr. Ridgen and Mr. Rossier; edited by 
Cameron Clendaniel; music by Judd Greenstein and Kill Henry Sugar; 
released by Typecast Releasing. At the Anthology Film Archives, 32 
Second Avenue, at Second Street, East Village. Running time: 1 
hour 24 minutes. This film is not rated.

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Re: [Marxism] Americans unhappy with both parties

2010-02-11 Thread brad bauerly
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The most interesting part of this poll report is the potential split in the
Republican party caused by the Tea-gang/Palin.  This has been my political
dream for about 10 years: for a split in the Reps which could open up the
space for a split on the left between the Dems and something to the left of
them.  Only problem is there is nothing organized to the left of the Dems.
Hope we don't miss this historic opportunity.


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Re: [Marxism] Americans unhappy with both parties

2010-02-11 Thread Thomas Bias
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Actually, a meeting to do exactly what Steven is describing took  
place in Oklahoma City in early 2008 under the leadership of former  
OK Senator David Boren. The media spin was that it was a means of  
promoting Michael Bloomberg as a presidential candidate, but its  
purpose was actually much more long-term and serious than that. If a  
new party of such moderates as Bloomberg, Christie Whitman (who  
attended the meeting), Colin Powell, Joe Lieberman, etc., etc., etc.  
were formed it could win elections almost immediately and would  
attract a great deal of money. But it would have a serious problem co- 
opting and derailing the discontent that is running deep within the  
population. People SAY that they want bipartisan cooperation to  
solve problems, but what they FEEL is pissed off because they're  
struggling so hard just to keep the bills paid week to week. Middle- 
of-the-road compromisers ultimately can't answer that resentment.


On Feb 11, 2010, at 12:59 PM, Steven L. Robinson wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 Actually, what you describe  has been the dream of the Dem Party  
 leadership since at least 1994, which calls for incorporating much  
 of the Republican Party into the Dems, thus making the latter the  
 party of the center,  with the right wing rump of the Republicans a  
 harmless nuisance and enabling the Dems once and for all to  
 jettison organized labor and the liberal grassroots as superfluous.  
 Obama seems to have been working on making that dream come true for  
 the past year or so. SR

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[Marxism] When Israel Joins NATO

2010-02-11 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] Nation Magazine review of new Louis Armstrong bio

2010-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect
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The author of the bio is one Terry Teachout, who is the chief 
cultural critic of the wretched neoconservative magazine 
Commentary. The review is a bit too long to include in its 
entirety, but this excerpt gives you an idea of how Teachout gets 
taken apart:

The bombshell comes near the end of the prologue, when Teachout 
quotes from the essay Louis Armstrong + the Jewish Family, in New 
Orleans, La., the Year of 1907, published posthumously in In His 
Own Words. In this essay, written in 1969 when he was recovering 
from a life-threatening illness, and dedicated to his manager Joe 
Glaser, Armstrong recalled how the Karnofsky family helped him in 
his boyhood. But Teachout quotes instead an outpouring of rage 
from Armstrong against the black community, beginning with 
Negroes never did stick together and they never will and ending 
with Believe it--the White Folks did everything that's decent for 
me. That's our Louis. Claiming that the meaning of the passage is 
as clear as a high C, Teachout does not contextualize it, let 
alone test its validity. Neither does he square it with 
ac-cen-tu-at-ing the positive. Just in case there was any doubt, 
in the November 2009 issue of Commentary Teachout prepared readers 
of his book, which was published the following month, for his 
pinched reading of the essay: The bluntness with which Armstrong 
expressed himself in this 1969 memoir was more than just the 
remembered resentment of an old man. On numerous other occasions, 
he made it clear that he believed poor people, regardless of their 
color, to be largely responsible for their own fate. Armstrong's 
jeremiad reminds me of the dyspeptic letter that Arnold 
Schoenberg, exiled to Brentwood, California, wrote in 1938 
complaining, perversely, that his fellow Jews had never shown any 
interest in his music. Show business is tough; everyone has bad days.


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[Marxism] Greece bailed out ... for now

2010-02-11 Thread Shawn Redden
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If I remember correctly, during the Gaza 
blitzkrieg the Greek unions wouldn't collaborate 
in the movement of weapons.  The FT makes the 
point in another way today:  there is a strong 
strain of puerile anti-capitalist, 
anti-imperialist feeling in Greek society.

No fait accompli, here.  It's a long struggle 
ahead, and I'd bet against the Euro.  No way they 
jam this through.



Germany Rescues Greece but Demands its Pound of Flesh
February 11, 2010 12:04pm

Today's European Union summit in Brussels will 
set out the framework for a financial rescue 
operation for Greece.  This much is clear is from 
various briefings being given by officials from 
countries as varied as Austria, Lithuania, Poland 
and Spain.  But financial markets will have to 
wait until next week to see the full details of 
the plan.

The central question is how far Germany has been 
pushed to swallow its words and offer help for 
Greece, after weeks of denying that it would do 
anything of the sort.  Only this morning Otmar 
Issing, the German former chief economist of the 
European Central Bank, was telling German 
television viewers that Greeks enjoyed one of 
the most luxurious pensions systems in the world 
and it was unreasonable to expect German 
taxpayers to fund it.

He is absolutely right, of course.  But to fund 
or not to fund Greek pensions is not the choice 
facing the German government at this critical 
hour.  The real choice is whether or not to 
tolerate the financial collapse of a eurozone 
member-state, a mere 11 years after the euro's 
birth.  To that, there is only one answer: No.  
And so Germany, with others, will have to support 
Greece - through loan facilities, guarantees or 
similar means.

The Germans will in return extract their pound of 
flesh from Greece.  The Greek government will 
lose a great deal of fiscal sovereignty as it 
struggles to restore order to its public finances 
over the next three years.  If it looks in danger 
of missing its budget deficit reduction targets, 
there will be EU experts leaning over the Greeks' 
shoulders and telling them what to do.  Nothing 
like this has ever been attempted in the EU's 
53-year history.

Will it work?  Will Greeks take their medicine?  
It will not be simple.  On the one hand, there is 
a strong strain of puerile anti-capitalist, 
anti-imperialist feeling in Greek society.  On 
the other, anti-German sentiments linger from 
Greece's horrific experiences under Nazi 
occupation from 1941 to 1944.  It would not be 
difficult for populist forces to draw on these 
prejudices and link them to the austerity plan 
that the EU is about to force on the Greek 

For the moment, the Greek public seems to 
understand that difficult times lie ahead and 
that everyone is going to have to make sacrifices 
- no new car and cheaper make-up, as one 
middle-class Greek woman puts it.  Ah-hem Š 
better not pass on that to Otmar Issing!

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2010-02-11 Thread Hunter Gray
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If there has ever been a time that Real Social Justice Organizing -- not just 
jawsmith talk -- is needed, it's now: 2010.  Occasionally, I've passed around 
some of our website pieces on organizing techniques and related dimensions.  
Here is one that hasn't been that widely circulated at all. Among other things, 
it has some Cactus Spines therein -- as well as very good words for some very 
good people. [H]


I still marvel at the great teachers and warriors who funnel a bundle of 
lessons for the new beginner and the weary who would tackle imperialism. You 
are the among the great ones. 
Colia L  [Colia Liddell Lafayette Clark]  [Jackson Movement veteran and 
life-long activist]

I so enjoyed your discussion on Navajo life, i.e. the birth of the twins, 
particularly the monster slayer and the remaining monsters , etc. The language 
is so clear and colorful. Your son, Beba, seems to be following in your 
footsteps the way he writes and descibes things.
Love and regards to Mrs. Salter  and the rest of the clan .

Mary Ann [Mary Ann Hall Winters] [From the Jackson Movement days]  


[The legendry of the Navajo, as with any tribal nation, is rich and
enduring.  It was in that context -- that of the Dine' [Dineh] -- that I was
privileged to largely grow up and our ties with that vast Nation remain
extremely close to this very moment.  It was Changing Woman who, impregnated
by the Sun and a waterfall, gave birth to the Hero Twins:  Monster Slayer
and Child of the Water.  In due course, the Twins traveled the Rainbow to
their Father the Sun -- killing many mortal adversaries along the trail.

But several monsters still remain:  Hunger, Poverty, Dirt and Old Age -- and
the Battle, with the Hero Twins much to the fore, continues.]

Time runs away [it often seems to me] like a jackrabbit -- leaping and
bounding across my native Northern Arizona sage, faster often than the
sometimes pursuing relay teams of young Hopi runners.  Early this morning I
received this note from Buddy [Joseph] Tieger whose address I had finally
retrieved a day or so ago and to whom I had written regarding the untimely
death of our old colleague-in-arms: J.V. Henry.  Buddy, J.V. and I had
initially met each other right at the end of 1963.

We met in a jail cell -- a Southern jail -- always a proper place for real
and aspiring Organizers.  And Buddy wrote today:

Hi John [Hunter],

Thank you, John, for posting this sad and shocking news.

As it happens, I came across your [Hunterbear] post, seemingly quite by
chance, a few evenings ago, when I was googling people from the
movement years, more or less at random, and thought I'd try to see
what J.V. was up to these days.

I still picture him, of course, at age 23, in blue jeans, and denim
jacket with a SNCC button.

My love to you and Eldri,

Joseph [always Buddy to us]

As I am known to say, Real Organizing is the most challenging and toughest
work of all. My oldest son, John  [Beba], born in North Carolina, wrote in
part a couple of years ago in the very kind and generous Tribute to me from
a throng of friends over many decades:

Except for his refusal to be walked on by any boss, my father was never
like Abner Snopes, but like that peculiar family in Faulkner's Barn
Burning, we were always loading up the wagon with our battered furniture
and moving, moving, moving. We lived in North Carolina, we lived in Vermont;
we lived in Chicago, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Seattle, and Rochester, New
York. We lived on the Navajo Nation, we lived in Grand Forks, North Dakota.
Our houses were never too grand, never too squalid. Not much survived the
moves but our family, and, of course, the steady parade of visitors, people
in rags and suits, people coming to see Hunter, people in need-in need of
money, advice, food, sanctuary from the feds, respite from self-destruction;
people with plans, problems, with energy that could benefit from focus.

Beba also recalls, and often, that he and the other children were
consistently warned not to be the ones to answer our home phones -- given
the frequency of hate calls spread over many, many years indeed.

To his apt account, I add only that we have all found the satisfactions of
this Outlaw Trail to be 

Re: [Marxism] When Israel Joins NATO

2010-02-11 Thread
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The author, Galal Nassar, asks what
the Arab leaders intend to do
if Israel is accepted into NATO.
I suspect, that they intend to do
very little. They make some faint
noises of protest but that's about
all I would expect out of them, since
most of the conservative Arab regimes
are objectively allies of Israel, regardless
of any public statements to the contrary
that they might make.  Most of these
regimes are more worried about Iran
than they are about Israel, and if in
the case of domestic uprisings, they
would, if they had to, accept Israeli
assistance in putting them down.

Jim F.

-- Original Message --
From: Dennis Brasky
Subject: [Marxism] When Israel Joins NATO
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 13:39:07 -0500

Click here to find the perfect banking opportunity!

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Re: [Marxism] Greece bailed out ... for now

2010-02-11 Thread Steve Palmer
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It's not clear to me that there is any *real* bailout in the works - the only 
specific measures mentioned are *talk* of *loans* to meet repayments and avoid 
a default, combined with very severe oversight of the Greek budget. 
Politically, the EU can't make up its mind whether to let the IMF carry the can 
(smart choice, 'cos it can be blamed on America ... but a blow to European 
pride). Whatever happens, Greece is going to be severely f*cked over. The 
question is whether what happens in Greece stays in Greece ... there are not 
only the PIGS but also Britain, which is talking about cutting public 
expenditure by 20% in the near future. Somebody is about to get severely 
whacked. Will they sit and take it, or fight back?


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[Marxism] Weekly Worker 804 (11/02/2010) now available at

2010-02-11 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Weekly Worker 804 - Thursday February 11 2010

The latest edition of the Weekly Worker is now available online at

In this week's issue:

Tusc poses the necessity of a Marxist party, not a Labour Party mark
two, writes Peter Manson

Moron Chomsky; Bonobo ideas; Befuddled; Marxist fact; Neo-Stalinism;
Everything; Disservice; Disrepute; Direct justice; Anti-Semitic?; End
detention; Policy demands;

This is the Draft programme of the CPGB as agreed by the Provisional
Central Committee. It will be put before a special conference of CPGB
members before the end of 2010. Comments, suggestions, and criticisms
are welcome
1. Our epoch
2. Capitalism in Britain
3. Immediate demands
4. Character of the revolution
5. Transition to communism
6. The Communist Party

These are the Draft rules of the CPGB as agreed by the Provisional
Central Committee

International Marxist Tendency has suffered a damaging split. Not a
new phenomenon, notes James Turley

The resignation of Oskar Lafontaine is a serious blow to the German
left party. Tina Becker reports

The Reesites no longer peddle the line that Iran is a democratic
country. But despite Lindsey German’s resignation from the SWP, their
support for the ‘green movement’, including the butcher Moussavi,
shows that the comrades still have not learned what principled
international solidarity is, says Tina Becker

The disgraceful role of Campaign Iran, outlined by Tina Becker

The comfort and self-respect of the incurably ill and the dying must
be ensured, writes Eddie Ford

Laurie McCauley reports on last Saturday’s surprisingly positive
conference of leftwing student activists

Tony Greenstein gives his view of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign
annual conference

For recallable MPs on a worker’s wage, writes Jim Moody

Robbie Rix asks for some financial support

A PDF version of the paper can be downloaded at

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Re: [Marxism] Zinn on Anarchism

2010-02-11 Thread Mark Lause
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Of course, some people who call themselves anarchist also call themselves
Marxist.  But what does someone mean aobut being an anarchist if they're
talking about voting?

Second, what is a populist who's not voting for a third party (like the
Populists)?And, if you want to be consistent and accept what Zinn calls
himself, you'd say he's an anarchist, but he doesn't call himself a
populist.  So, once more, you manage to switch yardsticks before your done
with the sentence.

. . . . Personally, babbling about labels while ignoring the substance
strikes me as fueling the illusion that we're talking about something

In substance, my recollection is that Zinn backed Nader in 2000 but Obama in
2008.  He may have supported Kerry in 2004.

If so, it would have still put him one decision to the left of the CPUSA.


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Re: [Marxism] Greece bailed out ... for now

2010-02-11 Thread Paul Papadeas
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What is problematic with this post Louis? 

I completely support the general strikes in Greece and the Dec 2008 uprising 
and worked on getting the word out to other comrades in Los Angeles area. I 
recently spoke about it at the recent 2nd annual Anarchist Bookfair. 

I was merely answering a comrades question about the militancy and degree of 
the Greek working class to fight back against the austerity measures. 
Moreover, I've had many relatives persecuted by the Greek Government in the 
past for being communists or leftists. 

From: Louis Proyect
Sent: Thu, February 11, 2010 1:19:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Greece bailed out ... for now

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From time to time, Les and I feel that moderating Marxmail is a 
bit like herding rabid raccoons. But a post like this coming out 
of the blue reminds me why it is worth it.

Paul Papadeas wrote:
 Historically, modern economic development in Greece has
 depended on outright dictatorship in order to impose the will
 of capital.
 First under the regime of authoritarian dictator Ioannis
 Metaxas (1936-1941) and then the fascist Colonels (1967-74).
 Metaxas (4th of August Regime): banned political parties,
 prohibited strikes and introduced widespread censorship of the
 media, dissolving the Communist party. He instituted a
 corporatist state, increasing trade with Germany.  His support
 came mainly from the military and king.
 The Colonels: another revolution to save the nation. Banning
 the right to assembly, free press, political parties dissolved.
 The excuse? A communist conspiracy to take over Greece which
 was never proven! Here the Greek tourist industry was built up
 as was the acceptance of direct foreign investment and
 corporations and the system of patronage and corruption (which
 was the hallmark of the Royalist People's Party post WW 2).
 Greeks continue to have a history of militant struggle (without
 strike breaking) and already many feel betrayed by Papandreou
 Many protesters today are even chanting - the Varkiza Peace
 Agreement is over! Which was brokered during the Greek Civil
 War between Royalists and Communists. The political
 polarisation continues to run deep.
 So far the military has taken a neutral position, but for how
 much longer?

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Re: [Marxism] Greece bailed out ... for now

2010-02-11 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 2/11/10 4:30 PM, Paul Papadeas wrote:
 What is problematic with this post Louis?

he was paying you a compliment for your informative post on Greece.


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Re: [Marxism] Greece bailed out ... for now

2010-02-11 Thread Paul Papadeas
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My apologies comrade. I misred your post. Greek was always my first language! ;)

I appreciate and am thankful of the positive support! I rarely like to post 
anywhere and instead spend my time absorbing your thought provoking analysis! 

In solidarity, 


From: Louis Proyect
Sent: Thu, February 11, 2010 1:19:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Greece bailed out ... for now

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From time to time, Les and I feel that moderating Marxmail is a 
bit like herding rabid raccoons. But a post like this coming out 
of the blue reminds me why it is worth it.

Paul Papadeas wrote:
 Historically, modern economic development in Greece has
 depended on outright dictatorship in order to impose the will
 of capital.
 First under the regime of authoritarian dictator Ioannis
 Metaxas (1936-1941) and then the fascist Colonels (1967-74).
 Metaxas (4th of August Regime): banned political parties,
 prohibited strikes and introduced widespread censorship of the
 media, dissolving the Communist party. He instituted a
 corporatist state, increasing trade with Germany.  His support
 came mainly from the military and king.
 The Colonels: another revolution to save the nation. Banning
 the right to assembly, free press, political parties dissolved.
 The excuse? A communist conspiracy to take over Greece which
 was never proven! Here the Greek tourist industry was built up
 as was the acceptance of direct foreign investment and
 corporations and the system of patronage and corruption (which
 was the hallmark of the Royalist People's Party post WW 2).
 Greeks continue to have a history of militant struggle (without
 strike breaking) and already many feel betrayed by Papandreou
 Many protesters today are even chanting - the Varkiza Peace
 Agreement is over! Which was brokered during the Greek Civil
 War between Royalists and Communists. The political
 polarisation continues to run deep.
 So far the military has taken a neutral position, but for how
 much longer?

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[Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-11 Thread Paula
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Louis asked:
Why is so hard to pin you down on the *science*?

Louis, it's because the science itself is difficult to pin down. That's why 
scientists are still investigating climate change, improving their models, etc. 
For an example see this recent report, 'Water Vapor Caused One-Third of Global 
Warming in 1990s, Study Reveals':


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Re: [Marxism] Greece bailed out ... for now

2010-02-11 Thread Dan Russell
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I second Louis' compliment on this post, I would love to hear more about the
situation in Greece, particularly SYRIZA.

THE GREEK economy is the weak link in the capitalist chain of the European
Union (EU). The term--used by the revolutionary Lenin to describe Russia in
1917--was initially used in Greece by the radical left. But now, it's in
broad use, even by Prime Minister Georgios Papandreou Jr., who, as head of
the social democratic party PASOK, took office after the collapse of the
right-wing New Democracy party in elections held in October 2009.

Greece isn't the only weak link, however. Other EU countries are under
enormous pressure from the economic crisis. The European press not so
affectionately refers to them as the PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece
and Spain).

The crisis is particularly sharp in Greece, which has an annual budget
deficit equal to 12.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP)--which is four
times the 3 percent limit mandated under the EU's Maastricht Treaty. Greek
public debt stands at 130 percent of GDP, which is double the EU limit.
Thus, articles in the European press point to the likelihood of national
bankruptcy in Greece.

Politicians and the media blame the crisis on the supposedly generous Greek
welfare state, which, they claim, must be slashed to bring the budget under
control. In fact, the situation is the direct result of the neoliberal
policies that were followed by the social democratic governments of the
1990s, and even more so by the right-wing government of Prime Minister
Kostas Karamanlis, as the leader of the New Democracy (ND) party between
2004 and 2009.

For many years, Greek public finances were based exclusively on the taxation
of the wage-earning population and the lower middle class. Greece has one of
the lowest corporate taxes among EU countries, but even these low taxes
aren't collected properly--corporate tax evasion is at record highs. Even
the sales tax isn't fully collected by the government, but is left in
business hands to further raise their profits.

At the same time, Greece has one of the highest taxes on wages among the EU
countries. What's more, employers and even the state--the biggest
employer--have stopped paying their contributions to pension funds, creating
a shortfall of more than 10 billion euros annually.

These factors are sufficient to explain the bad situation of public finances
up until now. Today, of course, conditions have been made even worse with
the outbreak of the economic crisis that hit Greek capitalism in its most
crucial sectors. For example, the bursting of the real estate bubble brought
construction--a sector considered the locomotive of the economy--to a
complete standstill.

The crisis hit particularly hard in the tourism and shipping industries. And
the supposedly strong Greek banks--used to acting as the dominant players in
the greater Balkans region--were forced to admit not only that there is no
more gold in the Balkan El Dorado, but that many of their old speculative
enterprises have also turned toxic.

The government budget problems were made even worse last year by the
decision of the former Greek government to follow its European counterparts
in carrying out a colossal bailout for corporations at the onset of the

To understand why, consider the numbers. The Papandreou government today
wants to extract 25 billion euros from the people over the next three years
in order to reduce the budget deficit from 12.5 percent of GDP to 3 percent.
Yet in one night only last year, former Prime Minister Karamanlis made
available for the support of Greek banks a colossal total of 28 billion
euros! Similar support programs were speedily put together for the tourist
interests and other capitalist groups.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TO PAY for these bailouts, the Greek government has been forced to turn to
massive borrowing. To meet its financing needs for 2010 alone, the
government has to sell bonds--that is, borrow--some 55 billion euros.

Investors are skeptical that the government can repay those loans. Thus, at
the beginning of January, a report by Germany's Deutsche Bank on the
potential risks of government bonds sent interest rates on loans to the
Greek government through the roof. On January 25, with the first issue of
Greek bonds for a loan of 5 billion euros, there was surprising interest,
with offers for almost five times the asking amount. However, the bonds
carry a stiff interest rate of 6.2 percent, which, together with the
bankers' commission, raised the cost of the loan to 8 percent.

The head of the bank consortium that organized this robbery was none other
than Deutsche Bank, the same outfit that warned the 

Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect
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Paula wrote:
 Louis asked: Why is so hard to pin you down on the *science*?
 Louis, it's because the science itself is difficult to pin down.

No, what is difficult to pin down is Paula. You posted a refutation on 
the Bolivia glacier melting based on a article that clearly states that 
exceptionally high temperatures in the summer over a 4 year period 
melted it.

You are a charlatan and something of a troll, I should add.

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[Marxism] Obama's Wall Street ass lick: cause and effect

2010-02-11 Thread Marv Gandall
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The effect:

Obama Doesn’t ‘Begrudge’ Bonuses for Blankfein, Dimon 
By Julianna Goldman and Ian Katz
Feb. 10 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama said he doesn’t “begrudge” the 
$17 million bonus awarded to JPMorgan Chase  Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie 
Dimonor the $9 million issued to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. CEO Lloyd Blankfein, 
noting that some athletes take home more pay.

The president, speaking in an interview, said in response to a question that 
while $17 million is “an extraordinary amount of money” for Main Street, “there 
are some baseball players who are making more than that and don’t get to the 
World Series either, so I’m shocked by that as well.”

“I know both those guys; they are very savvy businessmen,” Obama said in the 
interview yesterday in the Oval Office with Bloomberg BusinessWeek, which will 
appear on newsstands Friday. “I, like most of the American people, don’t 
begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free- market system.”

The cause:

In a Message to Democrats, Wall St. Sends Cash to G.O.P.
New York Times
February 8, 2010

WASHINGTON — If the Democratic Party has a stronghold on Wall Street, it is 
JPMorgan Chase.

Its chief executive, Jamie Dimon, is a friend of President Obama’s from 
Chicago, a frequent White House guest and a big Democratic donor. Its vice 
chairman, William M. Daley, a former Clinton administration cabinet official 
and Obama transition adviser, comes from Chicago’s Democratic dynasty.

But this year Chase’s political action committee is sending the Democrats a 
pointed message. While it has contributed to some individual Democrats and 
state organizations, it has rebuffed solicitations from the national Democratic 
House and Senate campaign committees. Instead, it gave $30,000 to their 
Republican counterparts.

The shift reflects the hard political edge to the industry’s campaign to thwart 
Mr. Obama’s proposals for tighter financial regulations.

Just two years after Mr. Obama helped his party pull in record Wall Street 
contributions — $89 million from the securities and investment business, 
according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics — some of his 
biggest supporters, like Mr. Dimon, have become the industry’s chief lobbyists 
against his regulatory agenda.

Republicans are rushing to capitalize on what they call Wall Street’s “buyer’s 
remorse” with the Democrats. And industry executives and lobbyists are warning 
Democrats that if Mr. Obama keeps attacking Wall Street “fat cats,” they may 
fight back by withholding their cash.

“If the president doesn’t become a little more balanced and centrist in his 
approach, then he will likely lose that support,” said Kelly S. King, the 
chairman and chief executive of BBT. Mr. King is a board member of the 
Financial Services Roundtable, which lobbies for the biggest banks, and last 
month he helped represent the industry at a private dinner at the Treasury 

“I understand the public outcry,” he continued. “We have a 17 percent real 
unemployment rate, people are hurting, and they want to see punishment. But the 
political rhetoric just incites more animosity and gets people riled up.”

A spokesman for JPMorgan Chase declined to comment on its political action 
committee’s contributions or relations with the Democrats. But many Wall Street 
lobbyists and executives said they, too, were rethinking their giving.

“The expectation in Washington is that ‘We can kick you around, and you are 
still going to give us money,’ ” said a top official at a major Wall Street 
firm, speaking on the condition of anonymity for fear of alienating the White 
House. “We are not going to play that game anymore.”

Wall Street fund-raisers for the Democrats say they are feeling under attack 
from all sides. The president is lashing out at their “arrogance and greed.” 
Republican friends are saying “I told you so.” And contributors are wishing 
they had their money back.

“I am a big fan of the president,” said Thomas R. Nides, a prominent Democrat 
who is also a Morgan Stanley executive and chairman of a major Wall Street 
trade group, the Securities and Financial Markets Association. “But even if you 
are a big fan, when you are the piñata at the party, it doesn’t really feel 

Roger C. Altman, a former Clinton administration Treasury official who founded 
the Wall Street boutique Evercore Partners, called the Wall Street backlash 
against Mr. Obama “a constant topic of conversation.” Many bankers, he said, 
failed to appreciate the “white hot anger” at Wall Street for the financial 
crisis. (Mr. Altman said he personally supported “the substance” of the 
president’s recent 

Re: [Marxism] Obama's Wall Street ass lick: cause and effect

2010-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect
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Marv Gandall wrote:
 The effect:
 Obama Doesn’t ‘Begrudge’ Bonuses for Blankfein, Dimon By Julianna
 Goldman and Ian Katz Feb. 10 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama
 said he doesn’t “begrudge” the $17 million bonus awarded to JPMorgan
 Chase  Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimonor the $9 million
 issued to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. CEO Lloyd Blankfein, noting that
 some athletes take home more pay.

Oh, I see. It took Wall Street shifting to the Republicans to get Obama 
lined up behind Goldman-Sachs. Interesting. That will teach me to 
vacation on the planet Neptune when such profound changes are taking place.

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[Marxism] glaciergate

2010-02-11 Thread Paula
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Louis wrote:
once again, keep in mind that the problem is climate change, not global 

Climate change has been around for billions of years. It cannot be eliminated, 
though future generations might be able to control it to some extent. In the 
meantime society should expect phenomena such as the 1 degree C cooling 
experienced in the Bolivian highlands over the past 5 decades. My point is that 
in a rationally organized society such phenomena would not have the impacts 
they have today. Note that the author also says the Bolivian highlands are 
poorer than the lowlands. I suspect poverty, and not the change in temperature, 
is the underlying problem - otherwise we'd have to conclude that what the poor 
of the Bolivian highlands need now is more global warming!

Words to note: THE FOUR CONSECUTIVE WARM SUMMERS OF 2002 2003, 2004 AND 

Noted, but remember that glaciers have been retreating and disappearing for 
thousands of years. One main reason is surely natural global warming - what 
you'd expect in an inter-glacial period such as the one we are living through. 
But the Chacaltaya story shows us that, paradoxically, cooling can also 
contribute to the process. The question then is whether human activity adds 
anything to the natural and inevitable patterns of climate change, and if so 
how much and with what consequences. That question is very difficult to answer.

In brief, the drop in winter temperatures is offset by a rise in summer 
temperatures. Paula, in the future when you are trawling for factoids to 
support a denialist perspective, at least take the trouble to read your 
material more carefully

I'm afraid it's you who should have been more careful. Andersen's article on 
Chacaltaya does not say that the drop in winter temperatures is offset by a 
rise in summer temperatures. What it says is that summer temperatures have also 
dropped, but *less so* than winter temperatures. The article does not tell us 
at all *why* 2002-2005 were warm summers, but the wikipedia page does say that 
'The final meltdown after 1980, due to missing precipitation and the warm phase 
of El Nino, resulted in its final disappearance in 2009'.

For those interested, the Andersen article on Chacaltaya is at
The wikipedia page is at


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Re: [Marxism] glaciergate

2010-02-11 Thread Mark Lause
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Paula wrote:

 Climate change has been around for billions of years. It cannot be
 eliminated, though future generations might be able to control it to some

...and laughably unserious.

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Re: [Marxism] glaciergate

2010-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect
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Paula wrote:

 Climate change has been around for billions of years. It cannot be
 eliminated, though future generations might be able to control it to
 some extent. In the meantime society should expect phenomena such as
 the 1 degree C cooling experienced in the Bolivian highlands over the
 past 5 decades. My point is that in a rationally organized society
 such phenomena would not have the impacts they have today.

I have no idea what you mean by a rationally organized society. For 
me, that means curtailing the production of greenhouse gases. Since you 
think that water vapor might be problem, I can only assume that you are 
indifferent to air conditioning in Phoenix, families owning one car per 
member, etc. But more to the point, it is impossible to understand what 
you propose because you are a master of evasion except fighting against 
poverty or some other platitude.

 Noted, but remember that glaciers have been retreating and
 disappearing for thousands of years. One main reason is surely
 natural global warming - what you'd expect in an inter-glacial period
 such as the one we are living through. But the Chacaltaya story shows
 us that, paradoxically, cooling can also contribute to the process.
 The question then is whether human activity adds anything to the
 natural and inevitable patterns of climate change, and if so how much
 and with what consequences. That question is very difficult to

Difficult perhaps for you, Spiked online and Alexander Cockburn.

Btw, Paula, have one more go at your denialism thing and then that's it.

Frankly, I am really wondering what your purpose is here since you only 
surface periodically to argue some point held by virtually nobody on the 
list except Paddy. At least he would have no use for your ideas about 
imperialism. To be blunt, you have the typical behavior of a troll and I 
don't think it is worth our time to answer you on an ongoing basis. My 
guess is that if you collected your denialist thoughts and put them up 
on a blog, they'd get about 3 visits a month. So Marxmail allows someone 
with bizarro ideas to have a ready-made audience. I can put up with this 
for a few days, but then it grows quite tiresome.

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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-11 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 2/11/10 5:19 PM, Paula wrote:
 Louis, it's because the science itself is difficult to pin down. That's why 
 scientists are still investigating climate change, improving their models, 
 etc. For an example see this recent report, 'Water Vapor Caused One-Third of 
 Global Warming in 1990s, Study Reveals':

for which there is a nice discussion over at from a few 
weeks ago:

along with copious scientific discussion.

doubtless, Paula is entranced by the headlines because the media 
speculates this could fuel further attacks on the science of climate 
change. i assume she knows climate scientists have ALWAYS known about 
water vapour and its contribution to climate. as the authors of the 
current study state, their work is investigating decadal changes in 
climate due to changes in water vapour concentrations in the lower 
stratosphere. and in fact this may explain some suggestion that warming 
leveled off some in the last decade. remember that denialists ragged 
on Kevin Trenberth for stating we should have a better handle on 
*short-term* changes. well, here is a contribution, which Paula turns 
around and tries to push its relevance, presumably,  for the longer term 
climate dynamics. here is from Trenberth's website, as a response to the 
CRU emails:

In my case, one cherry-picked email quote has gone viral and at
last check it was featured in over 99,200 items (in Google). Here is
the quote: /The fact is that we can't account for the lack of
warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't./ It is
amazing to see this particular quote lambasted so often. It stems
from a paper I published this year bemoaning our inability to
effectively monitor the energy flows associated with short-term
climate variability. It is quite clear from the paper that I was not
questioning the link between anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions
and warming, or even suggesting that recent temperatures are unusual
in the context of short-term natural variability.

see also:

nice coverage at NOAA:

The new study used calculations and models to show that the
cooling from this change caused surface temperatures to increase
about 25 percent more slowly than they would have otherwise, due
only to the increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

and better coverage in the popular press:


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[Marxism] reviewer wanted

2010-02-11 Thread George Snedeker
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I am looking for someone to review Valances of the Dialectic by Fred Jameson 
for Socialism and Democracy. If you are interested in writing the review of 
this book, I can be reached at


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Re: [Marxism] Obama's Wall Street ass lick: cause and effect

2010-02-11 Thread Marv Gandall
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 2010-02-11, at 6:12 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 Marv Gandall wrote:
 The effect:
 Obama Doesn’t ‘Begrudge’ Bonuses for Blankfein, Dimon By Julianna
 Goldman and Ian Katz Feb. 10 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama
 said he doesn’t “begrudge” the $17 million bonus awarded to JPMorgan
 Chase  Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimonor the $9 million
 issued to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. CEO Lloyd Blankfein, noting that
 some athletes take home more pay.
 Oh, I see. It took Wall Street shifting to the Republicans to get Obama 
 lined up behind Goldman-Sachs. Interesting. That will teach me to 
 vacation on the planet Neptune when such profound changes are taking place.
Newer comrades should know that Gandall is a longstanding apologist for the DP 
leadership who does not understand it's historic ties to Wall Street...

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[Marxism] more reds oppose BDS

2010-02-11 Thread jay rothermel
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Why left-wing students should not support boycotts of Israel *
Produced by Workers' Liberty students. For a downloadable, copyable version
of this briefing, see attachment.*

*Permissible and obligatory are those and only those means which unite the
working class, fill their hearts with irreconcilable hostility to
oppression, teach them contempt for official morality, imbue them with
consciousness of their own historic mission, raise their courage and spirit
of self-sacrifice in the struggle. Precisely from this it flows that not all
means are permissible. When we say that the end justifies the means, then
for us the conclusion follows that the great revolutionary end spurns those
base means and ways which set one part of the working class against other

*Leon Trotsky, Their Morals and Ours*

Since Israel's brutal invasion of Gaza in January 2009, calls for
international boycotts of various aspects of Israeli society – whether
academic, cultural, sporting, economic or simply thoroughgoing,
root-and-branch boycotts “of Israel” – have gained prominence. Many trade
unions have adopted some form of pro-boycott position, and the tactic is
also being debated in the student movement. At present, unfortunately, the
dominant voices opposing it are supporters of the Israeli government and
those who believe that student unions should have nothing to do with big
political issues.

Workers’ Liberty condemned and opposed Israel's invasion of Gaza, and we
condemn and oppose its occupation of the Palestinian territories. We believe
solidarity with the Palestinians should be the left’s starting point on the
question of Israel/Palestine. But we believe that the proposal to boycott
Israel is reactionary, counter-productive and will hinder efforts to build
an effective movement of solidarity with the Palestinians.

In this briefing, we set out our arguments against the boycott, and for a
different kind of solidarity with the Palestinians and the Israeli left.

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Re: [Marxism] more reds oppose BDS

2010-02-11 Thread Patrick Bond
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Similar to debates in South Africa, circa early 1980s. But then came a 
robust debate within the oppressed forces and with a very few 
exceptions, by the late 1980s no one in any liberation movement was 
actively opposed to sanctions and disinvestment, and the Congress of SA 
Trade Unions actively campaigned for sanctions, even knowing it would 
hardm their own membership in the short term.

So principle one is always to ask: what do the oppressed people say 
should be done? And the progressive Palestinians that have commented on 
BDS have been nearly uniformly supportive.

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Re: [Marxism] Zinn on Anarchism

2010-02-11 Thread sobuadhaigh
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Mark wrote,
Of course, some people who call themselves anarchist 
also call themselvesMarxist.

Yes they do and I call them confused. How about you? 
As far as actual practice goes these are fairly discrete 
categories in the world of real politics. Was Zinn confused 
in that he claimed to be simultaneously part of both of 
these movements?

Second, what is a populist who's not voting for a third 
party (like the Populists)?

You meant to say “the Populist Party” but you were so 
anxious to get to the nasty personal stuff you obviously 
forgot. Perhaps in your haste you simply drew a blank on 
the very well known history of left wing populism and its 
influence on radical politics in this country. It is a very 
well known quantity with both tremendous appeal and profound 
limitations. I often loose patience for those who invoke only 
the more well known racist/national chauvinist manifestations 
of populism but of course it is a much more complex movement 
than that (as I am sure you are well aware). I don;t understand 
why you feel that populists are merely those who voted for the 
Populist Party. This like saying that a person isn’t a Marxist 
unless they voted for Larry Holmes. Feel free to discuss this 
fascinating topic with me off line any time you wish.

And, if you want to be consistent and accept what Zinn 
calls himself, you'd say he's an anarchist, but he doesn't 
call himself a populist. So, once more, you manage to switch 
yardsticks before your done with the sentence.

Actually comrade it is you who rushed passed the subject 
(I) and the predicate (don’t know) in my quandary as just 
what Howard Zinn actually was in the way of ideology. 
He self identified as an anarchist but then again through 
all five volumes of the Selected Works of Mao Zedong, 
the Great Helmsman identified as a Marxist. Was he, or was 
the Chairman an agrarian reformer, or an unreconstructed 
Stalinist, or a Machiavellian  (as someone here recently 
suggested)? Any number of people self identify as Marxists 
but is that the only criteria for realistically assessing 
them and, in the case of Howard Zinn, his impact on the era 
in which he lived? How about actually testing that self 
identification alongside what they wrote, said, and did 
and then try to determine the mix of ideas and influences 
that informed this body of work. I am quite sure that you 
remember all those sessions in grad school with people 
talking about how cool intellectual history is but that 
it’s impossible to get a job with that specialization. 

. . . . Personally, babbling about labels while ignoring 
the substance strikes me as fueling the illusion that 
we're talking about something real.

I knew we would get to the nasty stuff. ‘Babbaling?’ 
‘illusions?’  Any time you feel like telling me why you 
feel the obvious compulsion for such vitriol aimed at 
me and I would be most interested to hear. Please make 
it offlist again though because, really, there is such a 
thing as wasting those electrons you expressed anxiety 
about earlier.

If so, it would have still put him one decision to the 
left of the CPUSA.

You are unfortunately suffering under an illusion that I 
give a rabid raccoon’s ass if Howard Zinn, or anyone else, 
is to the left, the right, or in perfect synchronicity 
with the CPUSA. The stylistic problem with rushing to be 
nasty is that it oft sounds like babbling. 

In solidarity,

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Re: [Marxism] Howard Zinn: The Historian who made history

2010-02-11 Thread sobuadhaigh
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Mark, and then Shawn, wrote:

In substance, my recollection is that Zinn backed Nader 
in 2000 but Obama in 2008. He may have supported Kerry 
in 2004.

He (and Chomsky) supported the 'Safe State' strategy of 
David Cobb, as I recall, which amounted to an endorsement 
of Kerry without affirmatively saying so.
That sure felt like a kick in the groin.

When this thread started out, it seemed like the title 
was a bit of a stretch, but the more I think about it,
the more it seems absolutely right.  Zinn’s enormous 
reputation gave him a political leadership potential 
that was unique among the left wing professor set. Mark 
writes that ‘A People’s History’ inspired him to enter the 
history profession. I’m sure that Shawn wasn't the only one 
that that felt that swift kick from some of the political 
choices Zinn made.  Perhaps one of the reasons that
Zinn is difficult to categorize is that the devotion his work 
inspired causes different people to want to construct him in 
the shape of their own beliefs.

The issues raised here of anarchism, Marxism, and 
populism, will continue to be discussed and there is 
always the occasional rabid response to look forward to. 
Zinn’s work and life will certainly continues to be a focus 
of study and debate for some time. He was definitely the 
historian who made history.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] South Carolina AFL-CIO Endorses DC March for Jobs, Peace and Justice!

2010-02-11 Thread c b
South Carolina AFL-CIO Endorses DC March for Jobs, Peace and Justice!


P.O. Box 40009, San Francisco, CA 94140 Tel. (415)
641-8616; fax: (415) 626-1217 email: website:


[please excuse duplicate postings, and please
distribute widely]

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Rank-and-file unions from various parts of the country,
as well as Central Labor Councils, have been passing
resolutions calling on the AFL-CIO and Change to Win to
organize a massive Solidarity Day III demonstration in
Washington to demand job-creation programs as well as
other programs vital to working people. [See initial
list of endorsers of this call below.]

This campaign just took a qualitative leap forward when
the statewide South Carolina AFL-CIO passed a similar
resolution, which you will find below.

These resolutions have a receptive audience. AFL-CIO
President Richard Trumka recently argued: It's not
time to leave it to any political party to take care of
us once we put them in office. It's time to organize
and mobilize as never before to make every elected or
aspiring leader PROVE he or she will create the jobs we
need in an economy we need with the healthcare we need.
I know we are the people who can mobilize a massive
army to force elected leaders to deliver.

Together, these developments signal that now is the
time to act. We want to encourage all of you to raise
similar resolutions in your union locals and
labor/community organizations. Every resolution will
help, and any single resolution might just provide the
essential tipping point that results in a nationwide
call for a Solidarity Day III demonstration.

Every recent poll has concluded that job loss is the
top concern of the American public. If we succeed in
winning a call for Solidarity Day III march in
Washington, this diffuse sentiment will achieve
concrete expression in the streets as working people
across the country mobilize under the banner of a
demand for job-creation programs, single-payer
healthcare, an end to home foreclosures and evictions
and war, money for education and vital social services,
and so on.

The labor movement in this country represents the
interests of the majority of the people in this
country. The bankers do not. We have a solemn duty to
press for Solidarity Day III so that the collective
voice of the majority of working people can be heard
across the nation.

In Solidarity,

Alan Benjamin and Bill Leumer WERC Co-Conveners

Post Office Box 39
Swansea, S.C. 29160

* (803) 798-8300 * Toll free 866-798-8300 *
FAX (803) 798-2231 * E-Mail:

Resolution in Support of a Labor-Sponsored March on
Washington WHEREAS in the aftermath of the
Massachusetts special senatorial election, AFL-CIO
President Richard Trumka issued a statement declaring,
It's time to organize and mobilize as never before to
make every elected or aspiring leader PROVE he or she
will create the jobs we need in an economy we need with
the healthcare we need. I know we are the people who
can mobilize a massive army to force elected leaders to
deliver; and

WHEREAS despite the so-called economic recovery, the
economic crisis for working people has continued
unabated, with growing unemployment and
underemployment, rising home foreclosures and
evictions, and the underfunding of public education and
vitally needed social services; and

WHEREAS the government has bestowed billions of bailout
dollars on the financial institutions whose
recklessness and greed created this economic crisis and
who are rewarding those responsible with obscene
gigantic bonuses; and WHEREAS the labor movement's
legislative priorities -- a massive program for jobs,
true universal healthcare, and enactment of the
Employee Free Choice Act -- are all in great peril; and

WHEREAS while the government has no problem allocating
a trillion dollars for two wars thousands of miles
away, it has not committed funds critically needed to
put America back to work, with healthcare and quality
education for all; and

WHEREAS right wing, anti-labor forces, such as the Tea
Bag movement, have brought hundreds of thousands of
people into the streets to advance their reactionary
demands; and WHEREAS there is a growing movement within
the House of Labor to counter the right-wing offensive
against workers' living standards with our own massive
mobilization; and

WHEREAS various union bodies, including the South Bay
Labor Council (CA), acting on a resolution submitted by
Plumbers and Fitters Local 393, Troy Area Labor Council
(NY), and the San Francisco Labor Council, AFL-CIO,
have adopted resolutions calling upon the AFL-CIO and
Change to Win to organize a Solidarity Day III March on
Washington D.C. in the spring of 2010 to demand jobs,
healthcare, housing, full funding for public education
and social services, and peace; now therefore be it

RESOLVED that the South