[Matplotlib-users] Announcing JupyterCon 2017, August 23-25 in NYC!

2017-01-26 Thread Fernando Perez
Dear Jupyter Community,

[ Forgive the cross-post, trying to spread the word to at least the most
relevant communities ]

it is my pleasure to announce that this year, we'll be having our first
Jupyter community conference, JupyterCon. It will take place in August in


To accompany the conference launch, Brian and I drafted a little "State of
Jupyter" post that we hope you'll find useful:

For JupyterCon, we have partnered with O'Reilly Media, long-time supporters
of the project and active publishers in the Python/Data Science space who
have extensive experience running conferences. Andrew Odewahn, CTO of
O'Reilly and I will be co-chairing the conference, and we hope many of you
will be interested in participating with talk proposals, tutorials or
attending to engage with your fellow Jupyter users and developers.  We have
a great program committee composed of a broad and diverse sample of our
community, who will work with you to ensure you have a positive and
productive experience submitting and preparing your talks, tutorials and

This is a big milestone for our project, and for me personally: I never
imagined a tiny bit of Python config more than fifteen years ago would take
us here, and I want to extend my most sincere gratitude to every single one
of you who makes this possible.

I also want to thank the entire team at O'Reilly for taking a risk with a
project that has never held an event like this, as well as to our funders,
the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and
the Helmsley Trust, without whose support we would not be where we are
(this conference was in fact part of our current grant deliverables).

Please spread the word, submit a proposal, and join us in NYC so we can
have both a great event and a project that continues to grow and contribute
to research, education, industry and more!

Very best,

Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail

Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] how to create interactive plots in jupyter python3 notebook?

2016-02-28 Thread Fernando Perez
On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 1:18 PM, Andy Davidson <
a...@santacruzintegration.com> wrote:

> Thanks. %matplitlib notebook looks great!. As I move the mouse around I
> see values for x, and y . Any idea how I can get programmatic access to the
> mouse events? I.E. When a user clicks I need to fetch some additional info.
> I am sure there are many other things I’ll eventually want to do. For
> example I have several different lines on the same graph. I want to make it
> easy for the user to select values on a give line not just some random spot
> Are there any other code examples or documentation?

Unfortunately it doesn't work perfectly yet, see:


But the following code can be used as a workaround, using an IPython widget
to display the event data:

%pylab notebook
import ipywidgets as widgets

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

w = widgets.HTML()

def onclick(event):
w.value = 'button=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xdata=%f, ydata=%f'%(
  event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata)

cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick)

Note, however, that at least for me, the interactive figures in the
notebook are getting auto-closed for reasons I don't understand:


Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Looking for feedback on figures using matplotlib and jupyter notebook

2016-01-28 Thread Fernando Perez
On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 3:23 PM, Andreas Mueller <t3k...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all.
> This is about a joint jupyter-notebook / matplotlib problem I've been
> thinking about.
> So I'm writing a book using jupyter-notebook, and all my figures are
> generated using matplotlib.
> In books, there is usually a figure caption with a running number and
> some description.
>  From what I read, the best way to add captions is just using plt.text.
> However, the caption should probably be in the markup,
> not in a rendered PNG. I'm not sure if changing the backend might help,
> but that probably doesn't make the notebook happy?
> The other problem is that I want to have running numbers that I can
> refer to by a tag (as you would in latex).
> That is more of a notebook problem, though.
> Any feedback would be very welcome

I've been wanting to do something about this problem for a while, but
haven't had the cycles to work on it...  Here's my current idea, perhaps I
can goad you into implementing it :)

I think that IPython.display should provide a Figure object, capable of
wrapping any input image (with nice code to automatically swallow a
matplotlib figure without asking the user to convert it to an image first),
and taking an optional caption.

Figure() would then produce as output the displayed image but with a bit of
nice CSS to center it on the page, along with the caption.

The trick is to send the entire data bundle correctly structured so that,
at the other end, nbconvert could recognize these figures as such, and not
only produce nice HTML, but more importantly, push them into the LaTeX
output with the correct call to \figure, including \caption as well as size
and placement specifiers.

The signature of Figure() might be something like

def Figure(fig, caption=None, width=None, height=None,

I would try implementing this first as a standalone tool, and once it's
been tested enough in real-world usage with both HTML and LaTeX output from
nbconvert, it could be merged in.  I suspect it's going to take a few
iterations to get it right.

But it's not particularly hard, and someone working on a book would be the
perfect candidate to have enough test cases to be able to iterate until
happy ;)

If you think you want to take a stab at this, don't hesitate to ping us on
the jupyter list. We can help with some of the more obscure parts of
getting this to work on nbconvert (and there may be things I've overlooked
in the sketch above).



Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Lorenz: A Composition

2015-04-01 Thread Fernando Perez
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Prahas David Nafissian 
prahas.mu...@gmail.com wrote:

 For a little right brain diversion, here's what I created
 using matplotlib:



Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this, it's beautiful, and a really great
combination of math and art.

John would have loved it... :)

Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] what are the new features of nbagg?

2015-02-18 Thread Fernando Perez
On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 4:57 PM, Thomas Caswell tcasw...@gmail.com wrote:

 Interesting, I was going off what the IPython devs said here

That was just adding the notebook alias to the `%matplotlib` magic. The
actual underlying functionality has been around for a while longer.

Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Basic matshow question

2014-07-30 Thread Fernando Perez
On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Nathan Goldbaum nathan12...@gmail.com

 Pylab is going to be removed in IPython 3.0 (in fact it's already gone in
 master) since it has several bad interactions with the rest of the
 numpy/scipy universe and leads to un-reproducible code.

Quick clarifications:

- `--pylab` as a command-line flag is strongly discouraged and we will
likely remove it (having it in that location requires really awkward
special-case code everywhere).  But we'll probably keep the %pylab magic
indefinitely, since it's useful for quick-and-dirty command-line work where
you don't care about namespace pollution, just about minimizing typing and
namespace access for convenience.

- The %matplotlib magic can also be used without args, case in which it
works like %pylab used to, and will pick up the user's default backend:

In [1]: %matplotlib
Using matplotlib backend: TkAgg

In [2]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [3]: plt.plot([1,2,3])
Out[3]: [matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x4b90ed0]



Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Matplotlib history

2014-07-30 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi Ben,

if by interactive plotting you refer to using it interactively via ipython
and other such systems, there's a good part of that history that is spread
somewhere between the early mpl and ipython archives AND John's and my
personal inboxes.

A good chunk of that (not all, mind you, since many others contributed)
happened with John and I working on it, and sadly he's not with us and I
had a loss of my early email (anything older than 2005) when I left the
University of Colorado.

I'd be happy to answer some questions if you have them, to the best of my
memory. Probably quicker over skype/phone, ping me directly (at my Berkeley
address) if you want.



On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 7:20 PM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:

 Hello all,

 I am trying to put together notes for a writeup on a short history of
 matplotlib (in particular, its uses for interactive plotting). I have John
 Hunter's SciPy 2012 Keynote, which helps, but I was hoping for some other

 Unfortunately, searching for matplotlib and history gets me lots of
 results on our trials and tribulations with version control...

 Anybody have anything bookmarked?

 Ben Root

 P.S. - Yes... this is for a book. Stay tuned!

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 Matplotlib-users mailing list

Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] [ANN] IPython 1.0 is finally released, nearly 12 years in the making!

2013-08-08 Thread Fernando Perez
 Sailer, in addition to the many more whose names are
in our logs, we have a crazy amount of energy being poured into
IPython.  I hope we'll continue to harness it productively!

The full list of contributors to this release can be seen here:


# Release highlights

* nbconvert: this is the major piece of new functionality in this
cycle, and was an explicit part of our roadmap
(https://github.com/ipython/ipython/wiki/Roadmap:-IPython). nbconvert
is now an IPython subcommand to convert notebooks into other formats
such as HTML or LaTeX, but more importantly, it's a very flexible
system that lets you write custom templates to generate new output
with arbitrary control over the formatting and transformations that
are applied to the input.

We want to stress that despite the fact that a huge amount of work
went into nbconvert, this should be considered a *tech preview*
release. We've come to realize how complex this problem is, and while
we'll make every effort to keep the high-level command-line syntax and
APIs as stable as possible, it is quite likely that the internals will
continue to evolve, possibly in backwards-incompatible ways.  So if
you start building services and libraries that make heavy use of the
nbconvert internals, please be prepared for some turmoil in the months
to come, and ping us on the dev list with questions or concerns.

* Notebook improvements: there has been a ton of polish work in the
notebook at many levels, though the file format remains unchanged from
0.13, so you shouldn't have any problems sharing notebooks with
colleagues still using 0.13.

  - Autosave: probably the most oft-requested feature, the notebook
server now autosaves your files!  You can still hit Ctrl-S to force a
manual save (which also creates a special 'checkpoint' you can come
back to).

  - The notebook supports raw_input(), and thus also %debug. This was
probably the main deficiency of the notebook as a client compared to
the terminal/qtconsole, and it has been finally fixed.

  - Add %%html, %%svg, %%javascript, and %%latex cell magics for
writing raw output in notebook cells.
  - Fix an issue parsing LaTeX in markdown cells, which required users
to type \\\, instead of \\.
  -Images support width and height metadata, and thereby 2x scaling
(retina support).
  - %%file has been renamed %%writefile (%%file) is deprecated.

* The input transofrmation code has been updated and rationalized.
This is a somewhat specialized part of IPython, but of importance to
projects that build upon it for custom environments, like Sympy and

Our full release notes are here:


and the gory details are here:


# Installation

Installation links and instructions are at: http://ipython.org/install.html
And IPython is also on PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ipython

# Requirements

IPython 1.0 requires Python ≥ 2.6.5 or ≥ 3.2.1. It does not support
Python 3.0, 3.1, or 2.5.

# Acknowledgments

Last but not least, we'd like to acknowledge the generous support of
those who make it possible for us to spend our time working on
IPython.  In particular, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation today lets us
have a solid team working full-time on the project, and without the
support of Enthought Inc at multiple points in our history, we
wouldn't be where we are today.

The full list of our support is here:


Thanks to everyone! Please enjoy IPython 1.0, and report all bugs as usual!

Fernando, on behalf of the IPython Dev Team.

Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] In Memoriam, John D. Hunter III: 1968-2012

2013-07-01 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

after John's untimely passing we had a memorial service in Chicago,
but only a few on these lists were able to attend. At last week's
scipy conference I read a slightly edited version of the eulogy from
that memorial service, and I figured some of you might be interested
if you missed the conference:




Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] A generous donation of $10, 000 from Simula/Hans Petter Langtangen via NumFOCUS

2013-05-29 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

I just wanted to let you all know that Hans Petter Langtangen,
well-known author of books on scientific Python and long-time champion
of these tools at the University of Oslo for many years, has arranged
for a donation of $10,000 to support matplotlib's development.

Hans Petter is the Director of the Center for Biomedical Computing at
Simula (http://home.simula.no/~hpl), where a number of projects use
Python as key elements of their research, the Fenics platform being
among the most well-known (http://fenicsproject.org).

We have now confirmed that these funds have been transferred to the
NumFOCUS donations account, where Michael and the rest of the team can
make use of them.

I wanted to publicly thank Hans Petter and Simula Labs for
persistently jumping through the necessary hoops to make this
possible, and to Leah, Travis and Anthony at NumFOCUS for managing the
receiving side of things.

Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Matplotlib produced plots in academic journal articles

2012-10-05 Thread Fernando Perez
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 6:52 AM, Michael Droettboom md...@stsci.edu wrote:
 This is a great idea.  Anything to raise the level of perceived legitimacy
 in the academic community would be great. We can definitely add content like
 this to the documentation and/or website.

Our strategy:

- Prominent display on the main page of a citation request, along with
links on our top nav-bar:

- A copy/paste ready citation entry: http://ipython.org/citing.html

Matplotlib has a 'canonical' paper back in the same CISE issue that
can be used, here's the bibtex entry for it (should probably be
trimmed only to the main fields):

  Author = {Hunter, J. D.},
  Title  = {Matplotlib: A 2D graphics environment},
  Journal= {Computing In Science \ Engineering},
  Volume = {9},
  Number = {3},
  Pages  = {90--95},
  abstract   = {Matplotlib is a 2D graphics package used for Python
   for application development, interactive scripting, and
   publication-quality image generation across user
   interfaces and operating systems.},
   CA 90720-1314 USA},
  bdsk-url-1 =
  date-added = {2010-09-23 12:22:10 -0700},
  date-modified  = {2010-09-23 12:22:10 -0700},
  isi= {000245668100019},
  isi-recid  = {155389429},
  month  = may # / # jun,
  publisher  = {IEEE COMPUTER SOC},
  year   = 2007



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Matplotlib produced plots in academic journal articles

2012-10-05 Thread Fernando Perez
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Nelle Varoquaux
nelle.varoqu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Here is an example on circos' website of how they advertise the use of their
 plotting library in research: http://circos.ca/intro/published_images/

Wow, that is one hell of a visually spiffy site.  Can't find any links
to development repositories, but in terms of targeting end users, the
author (because it looks like a single-person job, given the many I
references) has done a solid job.

Sites like this remind me that we really should put a bit more effort
into the 'marketing' aspect of our sites.  From what I can tell,
circos is very nice but has nowhere the technical depth,  complexity
and flexibility of matplotlib.  It's a fairly narrowly targeted tool.
But a site like that makes it really appealing to people.

Thanks for that link, Nelle!



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Matplotlib produced plots in academic journal articles

2012-10-05 Thread Fernando Perez
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Damon McDougall
damon.mcdoug...@gmail.com wrote:
 It's maybe a bit over the top,
 but it's certainly a good reference.

I agree, a bit too rich for my taste too.  But our sites tend to be
the opposite extreme, so it's a good data point to keep in mind.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] XKCD style graphs?

2012-10-04 Thread Fernando Perez
Sweet!  That should *defiintely* go into the mpl gallery, and honestly
I'd love for it to be cleaned up enough to be usable to style
generically any plot, much like the mathematica code I linked to
earlier does.

It would be a beautiful demonstration of matplotlib's capabilities,
and furthermore, I can imagine it being useful in practice.  If I want
to make a purely 'qualitative' diagram, something in this style
actually looks great and I prefer it to something that looks more like
a 'real data' plot.

Thanks everyone for the enthusiasm with which you took this and ran with it!



On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 2:39 PM, Damon McDougall
damon.mcdoug...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Juergen Hasch pyt...@elbonia.de wrote:
 Here is my take on it as an IPython notebook, based on Damon's code:

 I took the engineering approach and filtered the random function instead of 
 doing some fft/ifft magic.
 Also, X and Y of the functions are affected now, giving them a more 
 natural look in the slopes.


 I think I actually prefer your output over mine :)
 Nice job.

 Damon McDougall
 Mathematics Institute
 University of Warwick
 West Midlands
 CV4 7AL
 United Kingdom

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 Matplotlib-users mailing list

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] John Hunter has been awarded the first Distinguished Service Award by the PSF

2012-09-14 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi folks,

you may have already seen this, but in case you haven't, I'm thrilled
to share that the Python Software Foundation has just created its
newest and highest distinction, the Distinguished Service Award, and
has chosen John as its first recipient:


This is a fitting tribute to his many contributions.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] John Hunter's memorial service

2012-09-07 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

I have just received the following information from John's family
regarding the memorial service:

John's memorial service will be held on Monday, October 1, 2012, at
11.a.m. at Rockefeller Chapel at the University of Chicago.  The exact
address is 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave, Chicago, IL 60615.  The service is
open to the public.  The service will be fully planned and scripted
with no room for people to eulogize, however, we will have a reception
after the service, hosted by Tradelink, where people can talk.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] [matplotlib-devel] A sad day for our community. John Hunter: 1968-2012.

2012-08-29 Thread Fernando Perez
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Jim Benson jben...@nofs.navy.mil wrote:
 My apologies also for replying to the lists (double post), but the above web
 address did not work for me under Safari Version 5.1.7 (6534.57.2) (there
 was only one other post when i tried to post).
 I only got a Please complete the CAPTCHA, The message i attempted to post

There's a little CAPTCHA which is a little arithmetic problem.  Did
you by any chance miss that?



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] [ANN] Call for abstracts: BigData minisymposium at CSE'13, February 2013, Boston

2012-08-23 Thread Fernando Perez
Dear colleagues,

next year's SIAM conference on Computational Science and Engineering,
CSE'13, will take place in Boston, February 25-March 1
(http://www.siam.org/meetings/cse13), and for this version there will
be a track focused on the topic of Big Data.  This term has rapidly
risen in recent discussions of science and even of mainstream business
computing, and for good reasons.  Today virtually all disciplines are
facing a flood of quantitative information whose volumes have often
grown faster than the quality of our tools for extracting insight from
these data.  SIAM hopes that CSE'13 will provide an excellent venue
for discussing these problems, from the vantage point offered by a
community whose expertise combines analytical insights, algorithmic
development, software engineering and domain-specific applications.

As part of this event, Titus Brown (http://ged.msu.edu) and I are
organizing a minisymposium where we would like to have a group of
presentations that address both novel algorithmic ideas and
computational approaches as well as domain-specific problems.   Data
doesn't appear in a vacuum, and data from different domains presents a
mix of common problems along with questions that may be specific to
each; we hope that by engaging a dialog between those working on
algorithmic and implementation questions and those with specific
problems from the field, valuable insights can be obtained.

If you would like to contribute to this minisymposium, please contact
us directly at:

C. Titus Brown c...@msu.edu,
Fernando Perez fernando.pe...@berkeley.edu

with your name and affiliation, the title of your proposed talk and a
brief description (actual abstracts are due later so an informal
description will suffice for now), by Wednesday August 29.  For more
details on the submission process, see:


Please forward this to any interested colleagues.


Titus and Fernando.

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] New tutorial (beginner level)

2012-08-13 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi Ben,

On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 8:30 AM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:
 I have said this before, and it can't be repeated often enough.  The work
 that you and your team has been doing the past few years with the notebook
 is *already* revolutionizing how we teach python.  10 years from now,
 programmers will point to this as the *killer* feature of python.

well, your kind words are very much appreciated, truly.  It's been a
ton of work, and at this point far more credit goes to the rest of the
team than to me.

One thing I'd like to emphasize is how strong, productive and positive
the collaboration between IPython and matplotlib has been over time:
we have managed to allow both projects to fully retain their identity
(we don't even have a hard dependency on mpl in IPython, and
matplotlib doesn't even import IPython at all), and yet the two
projects complement each other very well, benefiting both of them, and
ultimately all of our users.  A good combination of communication and
collaboration has allowed us to maintain a strong separation of
concerns while providing users a feel of integrated functionality
where it matters.

I have every reason to believe that, as we push into the second decade
of this effort with the vision of challenges and ideas that John and
Michael D. recently laid out (at the SciPy'12 keynote and in Michael's
posts), this is only going to get better.  The web work is going to be
a pretty tough challenge, but at the same time it's a great
opportunity to revisit key parts of matplotlib with a lot of hindsight
we've accumulated.

That kind of hindsight is what let us refactor all of IPython over the
last few years, so that while the user experience at the terminal from
0.10 to 0.11 remained mostly unchanged (we did have some regressions
but they were pretty mild), we had a completely new architecture under
the hood that paved the way for the qt console, the notebook and the
current parallel machinery.  I hope we'll see similar benefits as the
web forces us to rethink matplotlib for a multiprocess model.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] New tutorial (beginner level)

2012-08-11 Thread Fernando Perez
On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 12:09 AM, Nicolas Rougier
nicolas.roug...@inria.fr wrote:
 By the way, I suspect the simple plot part may well suited for the ipython 
 notebook !
 I'll give it a try.

Actually in the notebook it is now possible to enable exercises,
hints, reveal-boxes, etc.  I'm cc'ing here Matthias Bussonnier b/c I'm
not sure if he's on the mpl list.  He's one of our recent core devs
who is behind a lot of our new JS magic in the notebook, and he's also
a French scientist who will be at Euroscipy, so you guys could perhaps
touch bases (I'm unfortunately not going to make it this year).

Ultimately we'd like to make it very easy to write tutorials such as
yours directly as notebooks, so that when used in the classroom
students can work straight off them, and yet also publish then with
clean and customizable HTML on the web like you did.  Lots of the
pieces are in place, though not quite all yet :)



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] New tutorial (beginner level)

2012-08-10 Thread Fernando Perez
On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 5:23 AM, Nicolas Rougier
nicolas.roug...@inria.fr wrote:

 I've just finished a new introductory tutorial for incoming Euroscipy 2012. 
 You can find it here:


Wow!  Other than the rendering glitches already mentioned, this is
*awesome*.  We're teaching a python workshop at UC Berkeley in 2 weeks
(http://register.pythonbootcamp.info) and I just suggested we use this
for our mpl intro.

It's the best one I've seen so far, and the reference info at the
bottom as well as the mini-gallery will make it a very useful resource
even for seasoned users.

Fantastic job, Nicolas (and Mike M.), and thanks for sharing this
great resource!



Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] [ANN] SIAM Conference on Computational Science Engineering Submission Deadlines Approaching!

2012-08-02 Thread Fernando Perez
Dear Colleagues,

the SIAM CSE13 conference will be held next year in Boston, and this is a
conference that is well suited for much of the type of work that goes on in
the open source scientific Python development community (and Julia).  The
conference is co-chaired by Hans-Petter Langtangen, well known around these
parts for his several books on scientific computing with Python and for
having led a campus-wide adoption of Python as the core computational
foundation across the University of Oslo.  I am also on the program
committee, as well as Randy LeVeque and other Python-friendly folks.

An excellent way to participate is to organize a one- or two-part
minisymposium on a specific topic with a group of related speakers
(instructions at http://www.siam.org/meetings/cse13/submissions.php).

Please note that the MS deadline is fast approaching: August 13, 2012.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me or one of
the other organizers if you feel they can address your concerns more

Fernando Perez fernando.pe...@berkeley.edu
Randy LeVeque r...@amath.washington.edu (Reproducible research track)
Hans Petter Langtangen h...@simula.no (Conference co-chair)
Karen Willcox kwill...@mit.edu (conference chair)

-- Forwarded message --
From: Karen Willcox kwill...@mit.edu
Date: Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 6:08 AM
Subject: [SIAM-CSE] SIAM Conference on Computational Science  Engineering
Submission Deadlines Approaching!
To: siam-...@siam.org

*SIAM Conference on Computational Science  Engineering (CSE13)*
February 25-March 1, 2013
The Westin Boston Waterfront, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

** **


August 13, 2012: Minisymposium proposals
September 10, 2012: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers

Visit http://www.siam.org/meetings/cse13/submissions.php to submit.

** **

Twitter hashtag: #SIAMcse13

** **

For more information about the conference, visit *
http://www.siam.org/meetings/cse13/* or contact SIAM Conference Department
at meeti...@siam.org.

Karen Willcox
Professor and Associate Department Head
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT

SIAM-CSE mailing list
To post messages to the list please send them to: siam-...@siam.org
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/___
Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] [ANN] IPython 0.13 is officially out!

2012-06-30 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

on behalf of the IPython development team, and just in time for the
imminent Debian freeze and SciPy 2012, I'm thrilled to announce, after
an intense 6 months of work, the official release of IPython 0.13.

This version contains several major new features, as well as a large
amount of bug and regression fixes. The previous version (0.12) was
released on December 19 2011, so in this development cycle we had:

- ~6 months of work.
- 373 pull requests merged.
- 742 issues closed (non-pull requests).
- contributions from 62 authors.
- 1760 commits.
- a diff of 114226 lines.

This means that we closed a total of 1115 issues over 6 months, for a
rate of almost 200 issues closed per month and almost 300 commits per
month. We are very grateful to all of you who have contributed so
enthusiastically to the project and have had the patience of pushing
your contributions through our often lengthy review process.

We've also welcomed several new members to the core IPython
development group: Jörgen Stenarson (@jstenar - this really was an
omission as Jörgen has been our Windows expert for a long time) and
Matthias Bussonier (@Carreau), who has been very active on all fronts
of the project.


There is too much new work to write up here, so we refer you to our
full What's New document
for the full details. But the main highlights of this release are:

* Brand new UI for the notebook, with major usability improvements
(real menus, toolbar, and much more)

* Manage all your parallel cluster configurations from the notebook
with push-button simplicity (cluster start/stop with one button).

* Cell magics: commands prefixed with %% apply to an entire cell. We
ship with many cell magics by default, including timing, profiling,
running cells under bash, Perl and Ruby as well as magics to interface
seamlessly with Cython, R and Octave.

* The IPython.parallel tools have received many fixes, optimizations,
and a number of API improvements to make writing, profiling and
debugging parallel codes with IPython much easier.

* We have unified our interactive kernels (the basic ipython object
you know and love) with the engines running in parallel, so that you
can now use all IPython special tricks in parallel too. And you can
connect a console or qtconsole to any parallel engine for direct,
interactive execution, plotting and debugging in a cluster.


Download links and instructions are at: http://ipython.org/download.html
And IPython is also on PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ipython

Those contain a built version of the HTML docs; if you want pure
source downloads with no docs, those are available on github:

Tarball: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/tarball/rel-0.13
Zipball: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/zipball/rel-0.13

Please see our release notes for the full details on everything about
this release:

As usual, if you find any other problem, please file a ticket --or
even better, a pull request fixing it-- on our github issues site

Many thanks to all who contributed!

Fernando, on behalf of the IPython development team.


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Is IPython useful for your research/industry work? Feedback wanted for grant proposal.

2012-06-22 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi folks,

sorry for the cross-post, but I expect all replies to this to happen off-list.

I'm in the process of writing an NSF grant that will partly include
IPython support, and along with Brian we will soon be doing more of
the same.  In the past we haven't had the best of luck with the NFS,
hopefully this time it will be better.  I think one mistake we've made
has been to have very little in the way of hard evidence of the value
(if any) that IPython provides to the scientific work of others and to

So I would greatly appreciate if you can contact me off-list (best at
fernando.pe...@berkeley.edu) with any info that I could use in a
typical NSF grant application.  I'm not looking for marketing-type
testimonials nor letters of support (the NSF frowns on those), but
rather specific info, best if backed by journal citations, on how and
where IPython plays an important role in your research or industry
project (while the NSF is a science funding agency, it also has as
part of its mission the economic well-being of the US).

I'd also like to clarify that I'm not looking for quotes strictly of
personal use as an interactive shell, since I know in this community
most people do that.  What I'm after are things like:

- a research project that builds on IPython in some capacity
- important results obtained with the IPython parallel machinery that
were better/easier/whatever than a classical approach with other tools
- uses of the notebook in education
- anything else along these lines you can think of, that goes beyond
pure personal shell use.

Thanks! Again, in the interest of keeping list noise down, please
reply directly to me:  fernando.pe...@berkeley.edu.


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] What is your matplotlib workflow?

2012-06-11 Thread Fernando Perez
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:05 PM, wiswit chaoyue...@gmail.com wrote:
 While in emacs or vim, you cannot simple select lines and execute them, so
 you have to frequently copy and code and use %cpaste or %paste to paste the

In emacs you can activate ipython in your emacs.el file and then you
can send arbitrary snippets you highlight, with C-c |.  In vim, Paul
Ivanov's vim-ipython integration
(https://github.com/ivanov/vim-ipython) gives even more powerful and
detailed control.

Not saying the issues being discussed don't exist, but we do have some
tools to partially address them (the questions about the MPL api are
obviously beyond IPython's control).



Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] who (F/OSS science) uses matplotlib?

2012-06-05 Thread Fernando Perez
On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Eric Firing efir...@hawaii.edu wrote:
 In oceanography: it is used in the shipboard ADCP data acquisition and
 processing systems, presently installed on 20 ships.

Suggestion: let's have for mpl something like what we created long ago
for IPython, an official page listing projects that use it (and btw,
if your project uses IPython as a component/library and you're not
already listed here, please do so!):


While I'm not a huge fan of wikis for everything, for this it's
actually a good solution, as it's very low overhead for others to
update.   And it comes in handy as an official list whenever we do
presentations about IPython, to show that it's actually useful for

I don't think we have a MPL wiki, but if it's just for a page or two
we could just use the one at github.



Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] All of the PyData videos are now up at the Marakana site

2012-04-17 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi folks,

A number of you expressed interest in attending the PyData workshop
last month and unfortunately we had very tight space restrictions.
But thanks to the team at Marakana, who pitched in and were willing to
film, edit and post videos for many of the talks, you can access them
all here:


They are in 720p so you can actually read the terminals, though I
think you have to click the YouTube link to be able to change the



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] pydata hack Friday night in Santa Clara

2012-03-01 Thread Fernando Perez
On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 4:16 PM, Mic micta...@gmail.com wrote:
 Would be greate if it would be possible to record talks and slides and make
 them public for whome are not leaving near by.

The hack night will be 'open space' so not videotaped, but the main
workshop will be, thanks to the awesome folks at Marakana who pitched
in to do the hard work.

We'll provide links to the videos once they get uploaded.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Discussion with Guido van Rossum and (hopefully) core python-dev on scientific Python and Python3

2012-02-14 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi folks,

[ I'm broadcasting this widely for maximum reach, but I'd appreciate
it if replies can be kept to the *numpy* list, which is sort of the
'base' list for scientific/numerical work.  It will make it much
easier to organize a coherent set of notes later on.  Apology if
you're subscribed to all and get it 10 times. ]

As part of the PyData workshop (http://pydataworkshop.eventbrite.com)
to be held March 2 and 3 at the Mountain View Google offices, we have
scheduled a session for an open discussion with Guido van Rossum and
hopefully as many core python-dev members who can make it.  We wanted
to seize the combined opportunity of the PyData workshop bringing a
number of 'scipy people' to Google with the timeline for Python 3.3,
the first release after the Python language moratorium, being within
sight: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0398.

While a number of scientific Python packages are already available for
Python 3 (either in released form or in their master git branches),
it's fair to say that there hasn't been a major transition of the
scientific community to Python3.  Since there is no more development
being done on the Python2 series, eventually we will all want to find
ways to make this transition, and we think that this is an excellent
time to engage the core python development team and consider ideas
that would make Python3 generally a more appealing language for
scientific work.  Guido has made it clear that he doesn't speak for
the day-to-day development of Python anymore, so we all should be
aware that any ideas that come out of this panel will still need to be
discussed with python-dev itself via standard mechanisms before
anything is implemented.  Nonetheless, the opportunity for a solid
face-to-face dialog for brainstorming was too good to pass up.

The purpose of this email is then to solicit, from all of our
community, ideas for this discussion.  In a week or so we'll need to
summarize the main points brought up here and make a more concrete
agenda out of it; I will also post a summary of the meeting afterwards

Anything is a valid topic, some points just to get the conversation started:

- Extra operators/PEP 225.  Here's a summary from the last time we
went over this, years ago at Scipy 2008:
and the current status of the document we wrote about it is here:

- Improved syntax/support for rationals or decimal literals?  While
Python now has both decimals
(http://docs.python.org/library/decimal.html) and rationals
(http://docs.python.org/library/fractions.html), they're quite clunky
to use because they require full constructor calls.  Guido has
mentioned in previous discussions toying with ideas about support for
different kinds of numeric literals...

- Using the numpy docstring standard python-wide, and thus having
python improve the pathetic state of the stdlib's docstrings?  This is
an area where our community is light years ahead of the standard
library, but we'd all benefit from Python itself improving on this
front.  I'm toying with the idea of giving a lighting talk at PyConn
about this, comparing the great, robust culture and tools of good
docstrings across the Scipy ecosystem with the sad, sad state of
docstrings in the stdlib.  It might spur some movement on that front
from the stdlib authors, esp. if the core python-dev team realizes the
value and benefit it can bring (at relatively low cost, given how most
of the information does exist, it's just in the wrong places).  But
more importantly for us, if there was truly a universal standard for
high-quality docstrings across Python projects, building good
documentation/help machinery would be a lot easier, as we'd know what
to expect and search for (such as rendering them nicely in the ipython
notebook, providing high-quality cross-project help search, etc).

- Literal syntax for arrays?  Sage has been floating a discussion
about a literal matrix syntax
(https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sage-devel/mzwepqZBHnA).  For
something like this to go into python in any meaningful way there
would have to be core multidimensional arrays in the language, but
perhaps it's time to think about a piece of the numpy array itself
into Python?  This is one of the more 'out there' ideas, but after
all, that's the point of a discussion like this, especially
considering we'll have both Travis and Guido in one room.

- Other syntactic sugar? Sage has a..b = range(a, b+1), which I
actually think is  both nice and useful... There's also the question
of allowing a:b:c notation outside of [], which has come up a few
times in conversation over the last few years. Others?

- The packaging quagmire?  This continues to be a problem, though
python3 does have new improvements to distutils.  I'm not really up to
speed on the situation, to be frank.  If we want to bring this up,

Re: [Matplotlib-users] How matplotlib got me a job

2012-02-07 Thread Fernando Perez
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 9:02 AM, Ethan Gutmann ethan.gutm...@gmail.com wrote:

 Also, congrats Ben, both on finishing the PhD and on the job. If you ever 
 find yourself in Boulder, CO (I'm at NCAR), let me know and I'll buy you a 

Indeed, congrats to Ben!  And I'm very glad to see your many
contributions to the project finding acknowledgment and long-term
benefits for you.

BTW Ethan, it's been a few years since the last time that John  Hunter
and I lectured at NCAR (Dec. 2007), but in early April Min
Ragan-Kelley and I will be teaching at a workshop at CU, focusing on
data analysis with the 'scipy stack' and ipython's parallel machinery.
 This will be in the context of a genomics workshop on campus, but if
you are interested we might be able to meet up with some of the python
crowd at NCAR...

Just let me know if you are interested; best to write to
fernando.pe...@berkeley.edu, as I sometimes stop monitoring mailing
lists if I get swamped.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Events

2012-01-29 Thread Fernando Perez
On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 3:41 AM, Jerzy Karczmarczuk
jerzy.karczmarc...@unicaen.fr wrote:

 There is one rant, if you wish (of course, I am joking).

 The animation objects (FuncAnimation, etc.) are coded as they are,
 probably sufficient for you. They are one shot. But if you want to
 stop and to resume your animation, they are not so well adapted.

Actually many thanks for this very interesting discussion!  Just on
Friday I came to this same conclusion while preparing some lecture
material using animations.  The lack of a clean pause/restart
functionality is indeed problematic.  Furthermore, closing a window
that's running an animation, at least with the Qt backend, gave rise
to a massive swarm of 'C++ object has been deleted' messages flooding
the console where my ipython kernel had been started.

One thing to keep in mind, if you go down the road of implementing a
full-blown event loop for matplotlib, is how well it will play with
existing event loops. Whenever an interactive GUI backend is running,
there's already an event loop at work: that of the GUI toolkit.
Integrating multiple event loops in the same process takes some
delicate footwork if you don't want to end up with a nasty fight
between the two.

In any case, keep us posted on any progress!



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Events

2012-01-29 Thread Fernando Perez
On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Jerzy Karczmarczuk
jerzy.karczmarc...@unicaen.fr wrote:

 This happens also with different backends and the driving interface (say,
 Idle with Tkinter...)
 Some solutions exist. The simplest one is the following.

Thanks for the tips!  It would really be nice if in animation mode,
the mpl windows had automatically a play/pause toggle at the very
least, so that regular users could get more functional animations
without having to wire these extra tricks.

I now see there's even a pause() call:


so it seems like it should be an easy matter of adding the button and
wire it to pause().   Perhaps one of your students could make a nice
contribution :)

 But first, you don't need to launch show() and force some mainloop(),
 MainLoop(), gtk.main(), etc. under the hood. We wrote some loops under wx,
 simple-minded ; there is one included in the standard docs-and-demos. I
 don't know yet how to force WindowUpdate from Matplotlib, but some plugin
 solution should exist, since Matplotlib does that already.

 Second, even if an event loop runs already, the question is to plug in the
 access to the concrete event queue mechanism, not to superpose another one,
 and yell with horror at which level declare callbacks...

Best of luck.  Having burned many hours on the ipython/matplotlib
event loop integration over the years, I don't envy you right now if
you're going to fight this little battle... But I'll happily cheer you
from the safety of the sidelines :)



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Events

2012-01-29 Thread Fernando Perez
On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Jerzy Karczmarczuk
jerzy.karczmarc...@unicaen.fr wrote:
 This is a temporal pause, not an undetermined suspension, restartable.

Ah, never mind then.  I didn't read the docstring and misunderstood
the discussion in the pull request.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] cycling mechanism

2012-01-04 Thread Fernando Perez
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 6:52 PM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:

 Thoughts? Comments?

None other than my eternal gratitude if you do this: it's one of the
few things (perhaps the only one) I still miss from the old gnuplot,
which made it trivial to switch from color to b/w mode and it would
produce sensible output immediately in either mode.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] [ANN] IPython 0.12 is out!

2011-12-19 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

on behalf of the IPython development team, I'm thrilled to announce,
after an intense 4 1/2 months of work, the official release of IPython

This is a very important release for IPython, for several reasons.
First and foremost, we have a major new feature, our interactive
web-based notebook, that has been in our sights for a very long time.
We tried to build one years ago (with WX) as a Google SoC project in
2005, had other prototypes later on, but things never quite worked.
Finally the refactoring effort started two years ago, the
communications architecture we built in 2010, and the advances of
modern browsers, gave us all the necessary pieces.

With this foundation in place, while part of the team worked on the
0.11 release, Brian Granger had already started quietly building the
web notebook, which we demoed in early-alpha mode at the SciPy 2011
 By the EuroScipy conference in August we had merged Brian's amazing
effort into our master branch, and after that multiple people (old and
new) jumped in to make all kinds of improvements, leaving us today
with something that is an excellent foundation.  It's still the first
release of the notebook, and as such we know it has a number of rough
edges, but several of us have been using it as a daily research tool
for the last few months.  Do not hesitate to file issues for any
problems you encounter with it, and we even have an 'open issue' for
general discussion of ideas and features for the notebook at:

Furthermore, it is clear that our big refactoring work, combined with
the amazing facilities at Github, are paying off.  The 0.11 series was
a major amount of work, with 511 issues closed over almost two years.
But that pales in comparison to this cycle: in only 4 1/2 months we
closed 515 issues, with 50% being Pull Requests. And very importantly,
our list of contributors includes many new faces (see the credits
section in our release notes for full details), which is the best
thing that can happen to an open source project.

We hope you will find the new features (the notebook isn't the only
one! see below) compelling, and that many more will not only use
IPython but will join the project; there's plenty to do and now there
are tasks for many different skill sets (web, javascript, gui work,
low-level networking, parallel machinery, console apps, etc).


Download links and instructions are at: http://ipython.org/download.html
And IPython is also on PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ipython

Those contain a built version of the HTML docs; if you want pure
source downloads with no docs, those are available on github:

Tarball: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/tarball/rel-0.12
Zipball: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/zipball/rel-0.12

* Features *
Here is a quick listing of the major new features:

- An interactive browser-based Notebook with rich media support
- Two-process terminal console
- Tabbed QtConsole
- Full Python 3 compatibility
- Standalone Kernel
- PyPy support

And many more...

We closed over 500 tickets, merged over 200 pull requests, and more
than 45 people contributed commits for the final release.

Please see our release notes for the full details on everything about
this release:

* IPython tutorial at PyCon 2012 *

Those of you attending (or planning on it) PyCon 2012 in Santa Clara,
CA, may be interested in attending a hands-on tutorial we will be
presenting on the many faces of IPython.  See
https://us.pycon.org/2012/schedule/presentation/121/ for full details.

* Errata *
This was caught by Matthias Bussionnier's (one of our great new
contributors) sharp eyes while I was writing these release notes: In
the example notebook called display_protocol, the first cell starts

from IPython.lib.pylabtools import print_figure

which should instead be:

from IPython.core.pylabtools import print_figure

This has already been fixed on master, but since the final 0.12 files
have been uploaded to github and PyPI, we'll let them be.

As usual, if you find any other problem, please file a ticket --or
even better, a pull request fixing it-- on our github issues site

Many thanks to all who contributed!

Fernando, on behalf of the IPython development team.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] I get a warning when running code with ipython, but not with python

2011-11-14 Thread Fernando Perez
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 6:11 AM, Michael Droettboom md...@stsci.edu wrote:
 This looks like a bug for the IPython folks.  If you make a file
 containing only import gtk and %run that file, one gets the same error.

Mmmh, I don't get the problem on ubuntu 10.10.  I'll try to check
later on an 11.10 machine I have.

To the OP: yes, this will be best discussed on the ipython list, since
it really has nothing to do with matplotlib.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Matplotlib 1.1.0 and PySide

2011-10-13 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi Jean-Louis,

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:47 AM, Durrieu Jean-Louis
jean-louis.durr...@epfl.ch wrote:

 Is that the right way to do so? Is there any way of setting the QT_API more 
 definitely, and not having to change the call to python?

Yes, in your $HOME/.bashrc file that your shell loads at startup time,
you can write

export QT_API=pyside

And this will ensure that you always have this variable set as part of
your 'environment'.  The concept of 'environment' is a unix-specific
idea of a set of variables and other parameters visible to any
program; you can actually read and write the enviroment in python by
importing 'os' and using the os.environ variable:

$ export SOMEVAR=Hello matplotlib
$ ipython --no-banner

In [1]: import os

In [2]: os.environ['SOMEVAR']
Out[2]: 'Hello matplotlib'



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] [ANN] PyHPC2011: Python at SuperComputing 2011 in Seattle

2011-09-12 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

SC is the largest conference focused on high-performance computing,
this year it will be held in Seattle:


and as part of the conference, a Python-focused workshop is being
organized.  The deadline for papers is coming up soon (Sept 19), so if
you are interested in participating there is still time to get your
submission ready!  Papers up to 10 pages are welcome on any of the
following topics:

Python-based scientific applications and libraries
High performance computing
Parallel Python-based programming languages
Scientific visualization
Scientific computing education
Python performance and language issues
Problem solving environments with Python
Performance analysis tools for Python application

For full details, please see:


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] mathtext in eps figures doesn't come out in pdf

2011-08-18 Thread Fernando Perez
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 5:53 AM, Jonathan Slavin
jsla...@cfa.harvard.edu wrote:
 Attached are examples of the problem -- a PostScript file and the pdf
 that is created using ps2pdf.  The y-axis is properly labeled in the ps
 file, but the part of the label using mathtext becomes invisible in the

What happens if you generate the pdf file directly from matplotlib,
and not via ps2pdf?  That should work fine...



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] [ANN] IPython 0.11 is officially out

2011-08-03 Thread Fernando Perez
On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 10:19 AM, Fernando Perez fperez@gmail.com wrote:

 Please see our release notes for the full details on everything about
 this release: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/zipball/rel-0.11

And embarrassingly, that URL was for a zip download instead
(copy/paste error), the detailed release notes are here:


Sorry about the mistake...



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] [ANN] IPython 0.11 is officially out

2011-07-31 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

on behalf of the IPython development team, I'm thrilled to announce,
after more than two years of development work, the official release of
IPython 0.11.

This release brings a long list of improvements and new features
(along with hopefully few new bugs).  We have completely refactored
IPython, making it a much more friendly project to participate in by
having better separated and organized internals.  We hope you will not
only use the new tools and libraries, but also join us with new ideas
and development.

After this very long development effort, we hope to make a few
stabilization releases at a quicker pace, where we iron out the kinks
in the new APIs and complete some remaining internal cleanup work.  We
will then make a (long awaited) IPython 1.0 release with these stable

Download links and instructions are at: http://ipython.org/download.html
And IPython is also on PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ipython

Those contain a built version of the HTML docs; if you want pure
source downloads with no docs, those are available on github:

Tarball: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/tarball/rel-0.11
Zipball: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/zipball/rel-0.11

* Features *
Here is a quick listing of the major new features:

- Standalone Qt console
- High-level parallel computing with ZeroMQ
- New model for GUI/plotting support in the terminal
- A two-process architecture
- Fully refactored internal project structure
- Vim integration
- Integration into Microsoft Visual Studio
- Improved unicode support
- Python 3 support
- New profile model
- SQLite storage for history
- New configuration system
- Pasting of code with prompts

And many more...

We closed over 500 tickets, merged over 200 pull requests, and more
than 60 people contributed over 2200 commits for the final release.
Please see our release notes for the full details on everything about
this release: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/zipball/rel-0.11

As usual, if you find any problem, please file a ticket --or even
better, a pull request fixing it-- on our github issues site

Many thanks to all who contributed!

Fernando, on behalf of the IPython development team.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] dolphin save as svg broken

2010-10-13 Thread Fernando Perez
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 6:33 AM, Michael Droettboom md...@stsci.edu wrote:
 Yes, but this is fixed in SVN 1.0 branch and trunk -- at least for me.
 Not for you?

Nope, identical behavior, just tested with a rebuilt-from-now numpy and mpl:

amirbar[matplotlib] svn info
Path: .
URL: https://matplotlib.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/matplotlib/trunk/matplotlib
Repository Root: https://matplotlib.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/matplotlib
Repository UUID: f61c4167-ca0d-0410-bb4a-bb21726e55ed
Revision: 8753
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: mdboom
Last Changed Rev: 8753
Last Changed Date: 2010-10-13 11:04:01 -0700 (Wed, 13 Oct 2010)

This was tested on linux, ubuntu 10.04 (both 32 and 64 bits).  Only
numpy and matplotlib are source builds, all other dependencies are
system libraries.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] dolphin save as svg broken

2010-10-13 Thread Fernando Perez
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Jouni K. Seppänen j...@iki.fi wrote:

 Is there a way to ask apt what the build dependencies for a package are,
 and then install only a subset?

A crude but functional way is to just run apt-get build-dep, and then
cancel the actual download.  That list is printed on screen, and one
can then manually apt-get install just a subset.  I'm sure one of our
resident Debian experts can suggest a more elegant solution.



Beautiful is writing same markup. Internet Explorer 9 supports
standards for HTML5, CSS3, SVG 1.1,  ECMAScript5, and DOM L2  L3.
Spend less time writing and  rewriting code and more time creating great
experiences on the web. Be a part of the beta today.
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] dolphin save as svg broken

2010-10-13 Thread Fernando Perez
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Fernando Perez fperez@gmail.com wrote:

 Nope, identical behavior, just tested with a rebuilt-from-now numpy and mpl:

OK, the plot thickens.  I may have spoken too fast: the behavior we
see in the Qt console is indeed the same I reported earlier, and the
MPL bug where doing pastefig() (which just calls savefig() to svg)
causes the bad redrawing of the axis is still there, and definitely a
MPL issue.

BUT, if I save the svg manually to a file from mpl or from the Qt
console, so the raw SVG data is written out, then it looks fine once I
open it in inkscape.

So it seems the problem is actually with the Qt widget's display of
that SVG file, somehow it seems the Qt widget doesn't correctly
understand the clipping info (which Inkscape is OK with).

We'll bounce this over to the Qt folks to see if it's a known bug in Qt.

In summary, only the bad redrawing of axes is a confirmed MPL issue,
sorry for the confusion.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] dolphin save as svg broken

2010-10-13 Thread Fernando Perez
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 6:33 AM, Michael Droettboom md...@stsci.edu wrote:
 Yes, but this is fixed in SVN 1.0 branch and trunk -- at least for me.
 Not for you?

And for the record, I can confirm that from trunk, a saved
dolphins.svg opens OK with inkscape.  The bug (as mentioned on -dev)
we're seeing is actually a Qt bug.



Beautiful is writing same markup. Internet Explorer 9 supports
standards for HTML5, CSS3, SVG 1.1,  ECMAScript5, and DOM L2  L3.
Spend less time writing and  rewriting code and more time creating great
experiences on the web. Be a part of the beta today.
Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] [ANN] IPython 0.10.1 is out.

2010-10-12 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

we've just released IPython 0.10.1, full release notes are below.

Downloads in source and windows binary form are available in the usual location:

But since our switch to github, we also get automatic distribution of
archives there:

and we've also started uploading archives to the Python Package Index
(which easy_install will use by default):

so at any time you should find a location with good download speeds.

You can find the full documentation at:


Fernando (on behalf of the whole IPython team)

Release 0.10.1

IPython 0.10.1 was released October 11, 2010, over a year after version 0.10.
This is mostly a bugfix release, since after version 0.10 was released, the
development team's energy has been focused on the 0.11 series.  We have
nonetheless tried to backport what fixes we could into 0.10.1, as it remains
the stable series that many users have in production systems they rely on.

Since the 0.11 series changes many APIs in backwards-incompatible ways, we are
willing to continue maintaining the 0.10.x series.  We don't really have time
to actively write new code for 0.10.x, but we are happy to accept patches and
pull requests on the IPython `github site`_.  If sufficient contributions are
made that improve 0.10.1, we will roll them into future releases.  For this
purpose, we will have a branch called 0.10.2 on github, on which you can base
your contributions.

.. _github site: http://github.com/ipython

For this release, we applied approximately 60 commits totaling a diff of over
7000 lines::

(0.10.1)amirbar[dist] git diff --oneline rel-0.10.. | wc -l

Highlights of this release:

- The only significant new feature is that IPython's parallel computing
  machinery now supports natively the Sun Grid Engine and LSF schedulers.  This
  work was a joint contribution from Justin Riley, Satra Ghosh and Matthieu
  Brucher, who put a lot of work into it.  We also improved traceback handling
  in remote tasks, as well as providing better control for remote task IDs.

- New IPython Sphinx directive.  You can use this directive to mark blocks in
  reSructuredText documents as containig IPython syntax (including figures) and
  the will be executed during the build::

  .. ipython::

  In [2]: plt.figure()  # ensure a fresh figure

  @savefig psimple.png width=4in
  In [3]: plt.plot([1,2,3])
  Out[3]: [matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x9b74d8c]

- Various fixes to the standalone ipython-wx application.

- We now ship internally the excellent argparse library, graciously licensed
  under BSD terms by Steven Bethard.  Now (2010) that argparse has become part
  of Python 2.7 this will be less of an issue, but Steven's relicensing allowed
  us to start updating IPython to using argparse well before Python 2.7.  Many

- Robustness improvements so that IPython doesn't crash if the readline library
  is absent (though obviously a lot of functionality that requires readline
  will not be available).

- Improvements to tab completion in Emacs with Python 2.6.

- Logging now supports timestamps (see ``%logstart?`` for full details).

- A long-standing and quite annoying bug where parentheses would be added to
  ``print`` statements, under Python 2.5 and 2.6, was finally fixed.

- Improved handling of libreadline on Apple OSX.

- Fix ``reload`` method of IPython demos, which was broken.

- Fixes for the ipipe/ibrowse system on OSX.

- Fixes for Zope profile.

- Fix %timeit reporting when the time is longer than 1000s.

- Avoid lockups with ? or ?? in SunOS, due to a bug in termios.

- The usual assortment of miscellaneous bug fixes and small improvements.

The following people contributed to this release (please let us know if we
omitted your name and we'll gladly fix this in the notes for the future):

* Beni Cherniavsky
* Boyd Waters.
* David Warde-Farley
* Fernando Perez
* Gökhan Sever
* Justin Riley
* Kiorky
* Laurent Dufrechou
* Mark E. Smith
* Matthieu Brucher
* Satrajit Ghosh
* Sebastian Busch
* Václav Šmilauer

Beautiful is writing same markup. Internet Explorer 9 supports
standards for HTML5, CSS3, SVG 1.1,  ECMAScript5, and DOM L2  L3.
Spend less time writing and  rewriting code and more time creating great
experiences on the web. Be a part of the beta today.
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] [ANN] IPython 0.10.1 is out.

2010-10-12 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

Illustrating the need to *always* remember we credit in the commit
message the name of the person who made a contribution originally...

2010/10/12 Fernando Perez fperez@gmail.com:
 Hi all,
 - New IPython Sphinx directive.  You can use this directive to mark blocks in
  reSructuredText documents as containig IPython syntax (including figures) and
  the will be executed during the build::
 The following people contributed to this release (please let us know if we
 omitted your name and we'll gladly fix this in the notes for the future):

I completely failed to note that this feature (one out of the only two
new features in 0.10.2!) was contributed by John Hunter.

John shall be generously compensated for this offense with fresh
coffee and tropical fruit candy from Colombia, so there's nothing to
worry :)

But this is a good lesson for the committers.  I wrote the release
notes last night by scanning the full changelog and running this

function gauthor() {
git log $@ | grep '^Author' | cut -d' ' -f 2- | sort | uniq

Since when John sent this, I failed to record his name in the
changelog, last night I simply forgot.  It's very, very hard to
remember months after the fact where any one piece of code came from,
so let's try to be disciplined about *always*:

- if the contribution is more or less ready-to-commit as sent, and the
committer only does absolutely minimal work, use

git commit --author=Original Author origi...@author.com

- If the committer does significant amounts of rework, note the
original author in the long part of the commit message (after the
first summary line).  This will make it possible to find that
information later when writing the release notes.

Here are some examples from our log where I didn't screw up:

- Using --author:
commit 8323fa343e74a01394e85f3874249b955131976a
Author: Sebastian Busch 
Date:   Sun Apr 25 10:57:39 2010 -0700

Improvements to Vim support for visual mode.

Patch by Sebastian Busch.

Note: this patch was originally for the 0.10 series, I (fperez) minimally
fixed it for 0.11 but it may still require some tweaking to work well with
the refactored codebase.

Closes https://bugs.launchpad.net/ipython/+bug/460359

-- Not using --author, but recording origin:
commit ffa96dbc431628218dec604d59bb80511af40751
Author: Fernando Perez fernando.pe...@berkeley.edu
Date:   Sat Apr 24 20:35:08 2010 -0700

Fix readline detection bug in OSX.

Close https://bugs.launchpad.net/ipython/+bug/411599

Thanks to a patch by Boyd Waters.

Ideally, when a significant new feature lands, we should immediately
summarize it in the whatsnew/ docs, but I know that is often hard to
do, as features continue to evolve or a while.  All the more reason
why commit messages with sufficient, accurate information are so



Beautiful is writing same markup. Internet Explorer 9 supports
standards for HTML5, CSS3, SVG 1.1,  ECMAScript5, and DOM L2  L3.
Spend less time writing and  rewriting code and more time creating great
experiences on the web. Be a part of the beta today.
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] dolphin save as svg broken

2010-10-12 Thread Fernando Perez
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Carl Karsten c...@personnelware.com wrote:

 Run the code, you get a window that has a 'save' button, the dialog
 has a 'type svg' option
 the svg renders with the blue/green dots everywhere (rendering using
 both rsvg-view and inkscape, which use different rendering engines.)
 save as png, display png, dots only inside circle.

Yup, clipping is completely broken in SVG, reported here:




Beautiful is writing same markup. Internet Explorer 9 supports
standards for HTML5, CSS3, SVG 1.1,  ECMAScript5, and DOM L2  L3.
Spend less time writing and  rewriting code and more time creating great
experiences on the web. Be a part of the beta today.
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] autoscale when adding data to a Line2D?

2010-09-27 Thread Fernando Perez

On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 10:56 PM, Jae-Joon Lee lee.j.j...@gmail.com wrote:

 Did you try autoscale_view method?


 Please post a sample script that reproduces the problem.

I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong then.  Just now I was
writing some notes about this for a tutorial, and tried this code:

line, = plt.plot([1,2,3], label='my data')
plt.title('My title')
x = np.linspace(0, 1)
y = x**2
line.set_data(x, y)
ax = gca()

but I get the result shown in the screenshot.  Am I misusing
autoscale_view?  As best I can tell from the docstring, I'm making
correct use of it, but perhaps I'm missing something...


attachment: autoscale.png--
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] autoscale when adding data to a Line2D?

2010-09-27 Thread Fernando Perez
On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 1:23 AM, Eric Firing efir...@hawaii.edu wrote:
 You can do this using Axes.relim()
 prior to calling autoscale_view().

Aha!  That's the call I missed, thanks a bunch.  Perhaps a note
indicating that in the autoscale_view docstring wouldn't hurt, because
as it reads now I think the confusion I had is an easy one to fall

Many thanks! I added this to my tutorial notes :)



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Python 3

2010-09-24 Thread Fernando Perez
On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 2:54 PM, Ryan May rma...@gmail.com wrote:

 The one called Py3k :)


In case you want to have ipython while testing, there's already an
experimental py3k branch of ipython as well:


We'll be working with Thomas over the next few months to merge
upstream as much of his work as possible, so that we start having
decent py3k support in ipython.  If you end up helping IPython as
well, even better :)



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Level surface of a function of 3 variables

2010-09-17 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi Luke,

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Dale Lukas Peterson
hazelnu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm not sure I understand how I would make use of my function then.
  My function needs to be evaluated over a 3-d mesh (x, y, and z) , and then 
  level surfaces (not contour lines) calculated.  I guess I could treat
  z as a parameter, then plot the zero level contour lines of my function for
  a discrete number of z values, but then I would need to adjust the
  height that each countour line is plotted at when I do the 3-d plot.
  This still would only give bunch of vertically stacked contour
  lines, rather than a nice smooth 3-d surface.

  If I'm misunderstanding what you meant, perhaps you could point me
  to an example of something that makes a level surface of a function
  of 3 (not 2) variables?

You're looking for an isosurface; as far as I know matplotlib does not
have isosurface modules, only 2-d contours embedded in 3d (such as
those illustrated in

VTK does have powerful isosurface capabilities, nicely exposed by mayavi:


If the mlab helper isn't sufficient for you, you can create directly
VTK isosurfaces, the heart example is a good point to start learning:




Start uncovering the many advantages of virtual appliances
and start using them to simplify application deployment and
accelerate your shift to cloud computing.
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] CMYK images

2010-08-26 Thread Fernando Perez
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Eric Firing efir...@hawaii.edu wrote:
 It's not trivial.  This might help:


 See the tutorial for some nice background info.

And this could be a good start for a python-based workflow:


*if* it works (it looks old, so it may have bit-rotted in the meantime).

Another option would be to ctypes-wrap the calls of littleCMS one
needs just for this and be done with it.  Not very elegant, but it
might get the OP out of a bind with minimal work, and he'd have a
little eps2cmyk.py script he could run on his MPL-generated EPS files
for colorspace conversion.  Just an afternoon hack.  :)



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] New subplots from 1.0 + shared axis

2010-08-09 Thread Fernando Perez
On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Filipe Pires Alvarenga Fernandes
ocef...@gmail.com wrote:

 It sacrifice a more fine control, but simplify the processes for the
 majority of the plots that I produce.

Yes, that was the idea.  We figured that if you need very fine-grained
control over axis sharing in complex ways, you're probably OK using
the manual API.  But for the vast majority of users this seemed like a
decent solution.

It could in the long run be extended to allow passing of a list of
axis indices to activate sharing for x/y on, though.  Patches welcome



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Draggable matplotlib legend

2010-01-28 Thread Fernando Perez
On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 8:01 PM, Christopher Barker
chris.bar...@noaa.gov wrote:
 Might I suggest that that be made:


Agreed.  My favorite api for toggles is:

_state = True

def toggle(state=None):
global _state
old = _state
if state is None:
_state = not _state
_state = state
return old


This lets you:

- toggle without arguments
- set state specifically as needed
- save previous state before setting it if you need to make temporary changes.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Fwd: SciPy2009 BoF Wiki Page

2009-08-13 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi folks,

David  Warde-Farley kindly set up a page to coordinate BoF attendance
at the conference, in case anyone on this list is interested.  Details



-- Forwarded message --
From: David Warde-Farley d...@cs.toronto.edu
Date: Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:20 PM
Subject: [IPython-user] SciPy2009 BoF Wiki Page
To: SciPy Users List scipy-u...@scipy.org, Discussion of Numerical
Python numpy-discuss...@scipy.org, ipython-u...@scipy.net

I needed a short break from some heavy writing, so on Fernando's
suggestion I took to the task of aggregating together mailing list
traffic about the BoFs next week. So far, 4 have been proposed, and
I've written down under attendees the names of anyone who has
expressed interest (except in Perry's case, where I've only heard it
via proxy). The page is at


I've created sections below that are hyperlink targets for the topic
of the session, if someone more knowledgeable of that domain can fill
in those sections, please do.

Edit away, and see you next week! (And if someone can forward this to
the Matplotlib list, I'm not currently subscribed)

IPython-user mailing list

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] [ANN] IPython 0.10 is out.

2009-08-05 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

on behalf of the IPython development team, I'm happy to announce that
we've just put out IPython 0.10 final.  Many thanks to all those who
contributed ideas, bug reports and code.

You can download it from the usual location:

- http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/Download: direct links to various formats
- http://ipython.scipy.org/dist: all files are stored here.

The official documentation for this release can be found at:

- http://ipython.scipy.org/doc/rel-0.10/html: as HTML pages.
- http://ipython.scipy.org/doc/rel-0.10/ipython.pdf: as a single PDF.

In brief, this release gathers all recent work and in a sense closes a
cycle of the current useful-but-internally-messy structure of the
IPython code.  We are now well into the work of a major internal
cleanup that will inevitably change some APIs and will  likely take
some time to stabilize, so the 0.10 release should be used for a while
until the dust settles on the development branch.

The 0.10 release fixes many bugs, including some very problematic ones
(a major memory leak with repeated %run is closed), and also brings a
number of new features, stability improvements and improved
documentation.  Some highlights:

- Improved WX-based ipythonx and ipython-wx tools, suitable for
embedding  into other applications and standalone use.

- Better interactive demos with the IPython.demo module.

- Refactored ipcluster with support for local execution, MPI, PBS and
systems with SSH key access preconfigured.

- Integration with the TextMate editor in the %edit command.

The full release notes are available here with all the details:


We hope you enjoy it, please report any problems as usual either on
the mailing list, or by filing a bug report at our Launchpad tracker:



The IPython team.

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Tutorial topics for SciPy'09 Conference

2009-07-01 Thread Fernando Perez

On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 10:20 PM, Fernando Perezfperez@gmail.com wrote:
 The time for the Scipy'09 conference is rapidly approaching, and we
 would like to both announce the plan for tutorials and solicit
 feedback from everyone on topics of interest.

rather than rehash much here, where it's not easy to paste a table,
I've posted a note with the poll results here:


The short and plain-text-friendly version is the final topic ranking:

1   Advanced topics in matplotlib use
2   Advanced numpy
3   Designing scientific interfaces with Traits
4   Mayavi/TVTK
5   Cython
6   Symbolic computing with sympy
7   Statistics with Scipy
8   Using GPUs with PyCUDA
9   Testing strategies for scientific codes
10  Parallel computing in Python and mpi4py
11  Sparse Linear Algebra with Scipy
12  Structured and record arrays in numpy
13  Design patterns for efficient iterator-based scientific codes
14  Sage
15  The TimeSeries scikit
16  Hermes: high order Finite Element Methods
17  Graph theory with NetworkX

We're currently contacting speakers, and we'll let you know once a
final list is made with confirmed speakers.



Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Tutorial topics for SciPy'09 Conference

2009-06-15 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

In order to proceed with contacting speakers, we'd now like to get
some feedback from you.  This Doodle poll should take no more than a
couple of minutes to fill out (no password or registration required):


So please let us know which topics you are most interested in, and
we'll do our best to accommodate everyone.  Keep in mind that speaker
availability and balancing out the topics means that the actual
tutorials offered probably won't be exactly the list of top 8 voted
topics, but the feedback will certainly help us steer the decision

Thanks for your time,

Dave Peterson and Fernando Perez

On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Fernando Perezfperez@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 The time for the Scipy'09 conference is rapidly approaching, and we
 would like to both announce the plan for tutorials and solicit
 feedback from everyone on topics of interest.

 Broadly speaking, the plan is something along the lines of  what we
 had last year: one continuous 2-day tutorial  aimed at introductory
 users, starting from the very basics, and in parallel a set of
 'advanced' tutorials, consisting of a series of 2-hour sessions on
 specific  topics.

 We will request that the presenters for the advanced tutorials keep
 the 'tutorial' word very much in mind, so that the sessions really
 contain hands-on learning work and not simply a 2-hour long slide
 presentation.  We will  thus require that all the tutorials will be
 based on tools that the attendees can install at least 2 weeks in
 advance on all  platforms (no I released it last night software).

 With that in mind, we'd like feedback from all of you on possible
 topics for the advanced tutorials.  We have space for 8 slots total,
 and here are in no particular order some possible topics.  At this
 point there are no guarantees yet that we can get presentations for
 these, but we'd like to establish a first list of preferred topics to
 try and secure the presentations as soon as possible.

 This is simply a list of candiate topics that various people have
 informally suggested so far:

 - Mayavi/TVTK
 - Advanced topics in matplotlib
 - Statistics with Scipy
 - The TimeSeries scikit
 - Designing scientific interfaces with Traits
 - Advanced numpy
 - Sparse Linear Algebra with Scipy
 - Structured and record arrays in numpy
 - Cython
 - Sage - general tutorial
 - Sage - specific topics, suggestions welcome
 - Using GPUs with PyCUDA
 - Testing strategies for scientific codes
 - Parallel processing and mpi4py
 - Graph theory with Networkx
 - Design patterns for efficient iterator-based scientific codes.
 - Symbolic computing with sympy

 We'd like to hear from any ideas on other possible topics of interest,
 and we'll then run a doodle poll  to gather quantitative feedback with
 the final list of candidates.

 Many thanks,


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Tutorial topics for SciPy'09 Conference

2009-06-01 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

The time for the Scipy'09 conference is rapidly approaching, and we
would like to both announce the plan for tutorials and solicit
feedback from everyone on topics of interest.

Broadly speaking, the plan is something along the lines of  what we
had last year: one continuous 2-day tutorial  aimed at introductory
users, starting from the very basics, and in parallel a set of
'advanced' tutorials, consisting of a series of 2-hour sessions on
specific  topics.

We will request that the presenters for the advanced tutorials keep
the 'tutorial' word very much in mind, so that the sessions really
contain hands-on learning work and not simply a 2-hour long slide
presentation.  We will  thus require that all the tutorials will be
based on tools that the attendees can install at least 2 weeks in
advance on all  platforms (no I released it last night software).

With that in mind, we'd like feedback from all of you on possible
topics for the advanced tutorials.  We have space for 8 slots total,
and here are in no particular order some possible topics.  At this
point there are no guarantees yet that we can get presentations for
these, but we'd like to establish a first list of preferred topics to
try and secure the presentations as soon as possible.

This is simply a list of candiate topics that various people have
informally suggested so far:

- Mayavi/TVTK
- Advanced topics in matplotlib
- Statistics with Scipy
- The TimeSeries scikit
- Designing scientific interfaces with Traits
- Advanced numpy
- Sparse Linear Algebra with Scipy
- Structured and record arrays in numpy
- Cython
- Sage - general tutorial
- Sage - specific topics, suggestions welcome
- Using GPUs with PyCUDA
- Testing strategies for scientific codes
- Parallel processing and mpi4py
- Graph theory with Networkx
- Design patterns for efficient iterator-based scientific codes.
- Symbolic computing with sympy

We'd like to hear from any ideas on other possible topics of interest,
and we'll then run a doodle poll  to gather quantitative feedback with
the final list of candidates.

Many thanks,


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Has IPython been useful to you? Please let me know...

2009-03-15 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

[ apologies for the semi-spam, I'll keep this brief and expect all
replies off-list ]

IPython is a project that many of you on this list are likely to use
in your daily work, either directly or indirectly (if you've embedded
it or used it as a component of some other system).  I would simply
like to ask you, if IPython has been significantly useful for a
project you use, lead, develop, etc., to let me know.

For legal/professional reasons, I need to gather information about who
has found IPython to be of value.  I started IPython as a toy
'afternoon hack' in late 2001, and today it continues to grow, as the
nicely summarized Ohloh stats show:  https://www.ohloh.net/p/ipython
(obviously, this is now the result of the work of many, not just
myself, as is true of any healthy open source project as it grows).
But I have never systematically tracked its impact, and now I need to
do so.

So, if you have used IPython and it has made a significant
contribution to your project, work, research, company, whatever, I'd
be very grateful if you let me know.  A short paragraph on what this
benefit has been is all I ask.  Once I gather any information I get, I
would contact directly some of the responders to ask for your
authorization before quoting you.

I should stress that any information you give me will only go in a
documentation packet in support of my legal/residency process here in
the USA (think of it as an oversized, obnoxiously detailed CV that
goes beyond just publications and regular academic information).

To keep traffic off this list, please send your replies directly to
me, either at this address or my regular work one:


In advance, many thanks to anyone willing to reply.  I've never asked
for anything in return for working on IPython and the ecosystem of
scientific Python tools, but this is actually very important, so any
information you can provide me will be very useful.

Best regards,

Fernando Perez.

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] ANN: python for scientific computing at SIAM CSE 09

2009-03-09 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi folks,

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 6:51 AM, Fernando Perez fperez@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 sorry for the spam, but in case any of you are coming to the SIAM
 Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE09) in Miami:


A little trip report:


and the slides I have so far, for those who may be interested (I'll
continue to add more as I get them):


Thanks to all the speakers!



Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] ANN: python for scientific computing at SIAM CSE 09

2009-03-04 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

sorry for the spam, but in case any of you are coming to the SIAM
Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE09) in Miami:


you might be interested in stopping by the Python sessions on Thursday:


Think of it as the East Coast March mini-edition of Scipy'09 ;)



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] wxmpl incompatibility with matplotlib 0.98.x

2008-08-27 Thread Fernando Perez

On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Michael Droettboom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not aware of the problem (but I'm not a regular wxmpl user).

  From 0.91 to 0.98, a major refactoring was done to make it easier to
 add new kinds of projections.  So PolarAxes is no longer a special case,
 it is just one of many possible non-Cartesian projections.
 Unfortunately to do this, the API had to change in a number of places.
 These are documented in the API_CHANGES file in the TRANSFORMS

 wxmpl needs to be updated based on those instructions in order to be
 compatible with mpl 0.98.  Hopefully that process won't be too
 difficult, but it's hard to say without trying.  basemap, a fairly large
 mpl toolkit, was able to handle the transition fairly smoothly.

Are there any news on this front?  Has wxmpl been updated, are there
plans to do so, or is it on hold for now?

Just curious...



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] The who command in Ipython-PyLab

2008-07-11 Thread Fernando Perez
On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 12:02 PM, Eli Brosh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In [1]: a=2

 In [2]: who

 In [3]: from pylab import *

 In [4]: who
 Out[4]: function who at 0x0141FAF0

 Why is this happening?

Because pylab provides its own who _function_, which overrides the
ipython command ('magic function', in ipythonese).

 Is there a way to use the who command with pylab ?



instead.  The '%' disambiguates and tells ipython that you are
explicitly after the magic function, not any other python fuction
currently available.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] The who command in Ipython-PyLab

2008-07-11 Thread Fernando Perez
On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 12:19 PM, Eli Brosh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Fernando,
 I now tried %who.
 The result was a huge output, apparently containing all the pylab functions.
 This is exactly the thing I was trying to avoid.
 I wanted to use the who command to see only the variables I defined as part
 of the pylab session.

 Is there a way to do just this ?

Yes, update ipython :)  The problem you mention is fixed in the
current version already:
maqroll[books] ipython -pylab
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, May  7 2008, 15:19:09)
Type copyright, credits or license for more information.

IPython 0.9.0.bzr.r1016 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
? - Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref - Quick reference.
help  - Python's own help system.
object?   - Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.

  Welcome to pylab, a matplotlib-based Python environment.
  For more information, type 'help(pylab)'.

In [1]: %who
Interactive namespace is empty.

In [2]: a = 1

In [3]: %who

In [4]:



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Changing backend with ipython

2008-06-27 Thread Fernando Perez
On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 10:52 AM, Andrew Jaffe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 All the usual apologies if this is a FAQ, but I can't find it.

 Is there any way to change the backend interactively when using ipython?

 Best of all would a way to make changes in the middle of a session, but
 even being able to do it at the beginning without editing matplotlibrc
 would be great.

Mid-session you can't swtich *GUI* backends in ipython because the
entire GUI event loop can only be initialized once.  But at startup,
as of fairly recent versions you can do:

ipython -pylab -Xthread

for X in {g,w,q,q4}.  This will force a specific threading/gui backend
regardless of your mplrc settings.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] [OT - IPython] Old 'broken terminal' bug finally fixed

2008-04-18 Thread Fernando Perez
[ Sorry for the cross-post, but I know this is something that has hit
quite a few people on this list.  If you have any questions on it,
please ask on the ipython list, this is just an FYI ]

Hi all,

there's a very old, *extremely* annoying bug that multiple people have
asked about (on list and in person) that is finally just fixed.  The
behavior was that at some point during a normal session, after a call
to 'foo?', your terminal would be totally messed up, with no displayed
input.  You could (blindly) type !reset to issue the system terminal
reset command, but that would only help until the next time foo? was
called, and the problem would then return.  Most of us would end up
just quitting ipython and restarting, often losing useful session

The problem with this is that we never knew how to reliably reproduce
it...  Anyway, it's fixed now in current bzr:


I don't actually know how to trigger it, but it hit me during an
important session where I really couldn't afford to lose what I was
working on, and I managed to track it down to what I'm pretty sure is
a curses bug.  Basically curses.initscr() fails to correctly
initialize the terminal sometimes (I still don't have a clue why), and
after that it's all lost.  But it turns out that via termios one can
in fact reset the terminal state reliably , so now we unconditionally
do that.

Anyway, I figured this would be worth mentioning here, since I know
the problem is one that quite often bites people in the middle of work
sessions an it can be very, very annoying.



back to what I was busy doing, with my terminal now fully functional again... :)

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] IPython -pylab/-Xthread improvements in SVN - testers?

2008-01-31 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

sorry for the quick cross-post, but I know that many mpl users rely on
the ipython -pylab support for interactive work.

This is a call for testing from current SVN of anyone who uses ipython
with the GUI thread support, whether via -pylab or directly via one of
the -Xthread options.

For a long time I've known that this code was subject to possible
deadlocks, having seen it go nuts on me on occasion, but I'd never
been able to track down the exact source of the race conditions
causing it (I'm not an expert in threads at all).  In


a very helpful analysis and solution code was provided by Marc.  I've
applied his fixes to current SVN, and with my testing so far I've been
unable to get any more deadlocks or crashes, so this looks great, and
his analysis looks very sound to me.  In particular, it makes proper
use of a re-entrant lock which I'd originally tried to use but given
up on, due to having used it incorrectly (though I knew it should be
the right tool).  I'd just left a comment noting the issue, which
Marc's fixes now address.

It would be great if any of you who relies on the GUI thread support
could test this, since this threaded code is subtle and has a long
history of hard to trigger but annoying bugs.  You can run it from
SVN.  In a few minutes I'll finish uploading test builds as well to


if you prefer to install from there.

I'd appreciate feedback, either of improvements or of any remaining misbehavior.

Thanks, especially to Marc for helping us make progress on this
long-standing nag.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] matplotlib, ipython and ubuntu

2008-01-29 Thread Fernando Perez
On Jan 29, 2008 4:13 PM, Tim Michelsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In [1]: import timeseries as TS

 In [2]: whos
 type 'exceptions.AttributeError'Traceback (most recent call last)

 /var/tmp/install/qgislite_trunk/ipython console in module()

 /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/IPython/iplib.py in ipmagic(self, arg_s)
  962 else:
  963 magic_args = self.var_expand(magic_args,1)
 -- 964 return fn(magic_args)
  966 def ipalias(self,arg_s):

 /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/IPython/Magic.py in magic_whos(self,
  989 array_type = None
  990 else:
 -- 991 array_type = Numeric.ArrayType.__name__
  993 # Find all variable names and types so we can figure
 out column sizes

 type 'exceptions.AttributeError': 'module' object has no attribute

 maybe some of the IPython power users can give me a hint why this
 happes. [1]

Very strange.  I can't reproduce it here (on gutsy, but running
ipython from my own tree). What's odd is this:

In [1]: import Numeric

In [2]: print Numeric.ArrayType
type 'array'

So Numeric *most definitely* has an ArrayType member. Try doing the
same as I did, also showing us whether you started ipython with -pylab
or not.  There may be something odd about your Numeric installation.
Also do this:

In [3]: Numeric?
Type:   module
Base Class: type 'module'
Namespace:  Interactive
File:   /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Numeric/Numeric.py


It's possible that you have in your path a file called Numeric.py
which is not the 'real' Numeric module.  This would explain your
problem and why nobody else sees it.



This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] New flags in IPython, of interest to matplotlib users

2007-12-12 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

This was posted to the ipython-dev list, but since it's specifically
for MPL, I figured the cross-list spam would be forgiven.

In IPython SVN, I just added the ability to manually control the pylab
threading backend choice directly from the command line.  So for
example if by default you have:

tlon[~] ipython  -pylab --nobanner

In [1]: matplotlib.rcParams['backend']
Out[1]: 'TkAgg'

You can now do this as well:

tlon[~] ipython -wthread -pylab --nobanner

In [1]: matplotlib.rcParams['backend']
Out[1]: 'WXAgg'

In [2]:
Closing threads... Done.
tlon[~] ipython -gthread -pylab --nobanner

In [1]: matplotlib.rcParams['backend']
Out[1]: 'GTKAgg'

The feature is fairly simplistic: the -Xthread flags map automatically
to the XAgg backends in MPL, with no more fine-grained choice than
that.  We can later look into allowing explicit backend selection if
you really scream for it, but I'd rather keep this simple. This means
that if you don't have the *Agg builds of the GUI backends, you'll
still need to do the backend selection by hand as before (i.e. by
modifying your mpl config file).

This has often been requested and I'd needed it myself on multiple
occasions, so it's finally in.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] [matplotlib-devel] New flags in IPython, of interest to matplotlib users

2007-12-12 Thread Fernando Perez
On Dec 12, 2007 7:16 AM, Paul Kienzle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm curious about the term 'threading backend'.

 Recently I posted a question about how to handle slow plots, suggesting
 that the backend canvas have an isabort() method so that the renderer
 can stop what it is doing and post the current bitmap as it stands.
 This is to support interactive operations such as panning and resizing
 on large data collections.

 Do you mean something similar when you say 'threading backend', and is
 it already supported in IPython?

No, it just means that ipython can run in conjunction with the major
GUI toolkits in a non-blocking manner.  In a plain python shell, if
you open a plot window (for any backend other than Tk), you can't go
back to the prompt and keep typing until you close the plot.  IPython
allows that to happen, with Wx, GTK, Qt and Qt4.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] installation problem/crash

2007-12-11 Thread Fernando Perez
On Dec 11, 2007 12:01 PM, Ryan Krauss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to help a student get started with
 Python/Scipy/Numpy/Matplotlib in windows.  On one of his machines,
 everything seems to install correctly, we can call figure(1) without a
 problem, and plotting is fine until we try the show() command.  Then
 python crashes without much in the way of useful information.  His
 laptop is completely fine.

 We have downloaded a current rc file and set the backend to TkAgg.

 Any thoughts?

 How do we get more info to track down the problem?

Go to the windows information screens and fetch out some CPU details.
If it's a Pentium III, chances are the SSE2 instructions in the latest
numpy binary are the culprit. If it's a newer chip, we'll need to dig



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] CocoaAgg backend status?

2007-12-05 Thread Fernando Perez
On Dec 5, 2007 11:55 AM, Barry Wark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The CocoaAgg backend is not supported in IPython.

Though we'd love to support it, were a few patches to land our way :)



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] CocoaAgg backend status?

2007-12-05 Thread Fernando Perez
On Dec 5, 2007 8:37 AM, Stephen Uhlhorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was just wondering what the status of the CocoaAgg backend is since
 there is not much info available.

 Can it be used interactively w/ipython?

I don't know for a fact, but the answer is probalby no.  Each GUI
backend requires an explicit implementation in ipython, since they all
have their own threading/callback/timer quirks (even qt3 and qt4 are
different).  Thus far, we don't have one for Cocoa.  It may 'just
work', but I don't know that, so if you find that it doesn't, and
decide to dig in to implement the support, by all means send it our
way!  The file to look at for inspiration is:




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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Bug in mathtext

2007-12-04 Thread Fernando Perez
Hey Jorgen,

On Dec 4, 2007 12:10 PM, Jörgen Stenarson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I get a complete crash dumping me in the console when there are unknown
 latex commands in a mathtext expression, this when doing interactive
 stuff in ipython -pylab.


that's odd, it's OK for mpl to throw the exception, what shouldn't be
happening is for ipython to fully crash out.  I can't reproduce it
with SVN mpl on my box, I tried both tkagg and gtkagg as backends and
in both cases I see the exception traceback (as Michael intended by
raising the error) but I simply get back the next ipython prompt, as
usual.  I don't understand how this particular exception could crash
out ipython, since it's being raised inside regular user code...

Really, really strange...


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] RuntimeError after clearing and plotting for many times

2007-12-02 Thread Fernando Perez
On Dec 2, 2007 2:07 PM, Yongtao Cui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Could anyone give me some help?

No help here, just providing a data point for the devs.  Under linux, with

In [5]: wx.__version__
Out[5]: ''

In [6]: matplotlib.__version__
Out[6]: '0.91.1'

I ran test(100) several times, no error.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Plotting Continuous Functions

2007-11-24 Thread Fernando Perez
On Nov 24, 2007 4:17 PM, Rich Shepard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 25 Nov 2007, Angus McMorland wrote:

  I've found it easiest to solve these sorts of bugs by running the code in
  an ipython shell, with automatic pdb calling. That way you can inspect the
  values of the parameters in question - one of which is, I think, the
  problem here.

I've not run ipython with pdb; I'll look at the docs to learn how. I do
 use winpdb on the application.

If you type %pdb *before* running your scripts, then any exception
that fires will automatically activate pdb.

But for a while we've had a more convenient way to access pdb, which
is the new %debug command.  At any time if you simply type %debug, the
pdb debugger will activate into the last unhandled exception.  So as
long as you don't wait too long after seeing an exception (since the
system only works with the *last* one, if you get a new exception from
a typo at the command line you lose the chance to inspect your
program), you can use it in a more fluid way than letting %pdb
forcefully activate every single time.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] [IPython-user] matplotlib and ipython inside ide (mac osx)

2007-09-10 Thread Fernando Perez
On 9/7/07, killian koepsell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i am looking for help in using matplotlib inside a graphical IDE in mac osx
 and preferabley even ipython with matplotlib inside an IDE. i am used to
 interact with the python interpreter (inside ipython, even inside
 ipython-inside-emacs) while several plot windows are open, but i don't have
 any success using a graphical IDE.

 i tried free IDEs (eric3, eric4) and commercial ones (komodo, wing ide) but
 all had the same problem: the debugger was blocked as long as the matplotlib
 window was open. i focussed on QtAgg since eric uses Qt, but i also tried

 does anyone have a suggestion what i might be doing wrong?

All I can say is that pure ipython is very likely to NOT work at all.
It makes too many assumptions about being in a terminal/readline to
work inside a random GUI.  We do have in SVN (saw branch) a prototype
WX client that will allow this, but it's still a looong way from being

For GTK, some people did hack something out:


that works.  I suppose you might be able to implement something
similar in some other GUI, but I've never tried.

By all means please post a similar page on the wiki if you do
something along these lines and succeed!



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Looking for a way to save a graph

2007-08-24 Thread Fernando Perez
On 8/24/07, David Tremouilles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK I see... nothing straightforward...

 Best way for me is maybe to implement such a system myself:
 The system would collect the information to be saved by kind of
 introspection of the figure.
 I'm planning to save data and plot properties in an hdf5 file. Kind of
 inverted process will be used to restore the figure.
 Of course I will not cover the whole possible figure case but only
 what I'm currently using for my work.
 If somebody did similar work and is eager to share or
 if somebody have any suggestion please let me know.

A huge +1 for this approach.  Pickle is NOT meant to be a persistent,
on-disk file format, but rather a way to serialize the *current* state
of an object in memory.  Emphasis on current: if you unpickle an old
pickle in an environment where the class layout of your object (or any
object the parent holds a reference to) has changed, the unpickling
fails, completely and irrecoverably.

As someone who has already had to write pickle loader functions to
salvage old pickles (because computing them had been very expensive),
I've learned my lesson.  Pickle works well as a way to quickly
dump/load data that is either made up of simple python types *only*
(since they don't change often) or for objects that you have good
reason to expect won't be changing their API while you care about the

But pickling is NOT a 'data format', and using it as such will
inevitably lead to much pain and suffering.  HDF5 *is* a data format.
In our project we precisely went to hdf5 instead of pickling.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] SVG vs PNG

2007-05-12 Thread Fernando Perez
On 5/12/07, Steve Schmerler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fernando Perez wrote:
  Did you install pstoedit?  If you do, you'll see that inkscape will
  then be able to load .eps/.ps files in a fully editable format.  I've
  used it to fix decade-old plots for which the only thing around was
  the eps file.

 I tried to export an .svg from MPL (0.90.0rev3131) with
 rcParams['text.usetex']=True and got a NotImplementedError (same for the pdf 
 with usetex, see attached log). I was wondering: Is it (technically) possible 
 to have
 .svg export capabilities with usetex-support and if so, has there been no 
 need for
 this feature so far (not that I need it urgently, just curious..)?

There's actually a real MPL bug in there (not just the
NotImplementedError) but I'll report it separately in a minute.

 Anyway, to work with MPL-images (.ps/.eps) in Inkscape, I installed pstoedit 
 loading these files doesn't work (seems not to recognize them as images).
 Sorry if I'm driving the Inkscape-stuff a bit OT here, but:
 What version of Inkscape  friends are you using? I'm using pstoedit 3.44, 
 0.44.1. The Latex-formula-feature of Inkscape is also not working and the 
 error seems
 related to pstoedit. Maybe someone had similar experiences ...

 Thanks for any hint!

Well, unfortunately it seems that inkscape is crashing python
itself...  I made a trivial .eps in mpl with:

In [1]: plot(range(10))
Out[1]: [matplotlib.lines.Line2D instance at 0x8f45a8c]

In [2]: title(r'Some \LaTeX $\int_0^\infty f(\gamma) d\gamma = 1$')
Out[2]: matplotlib.text.Text instance at 0x8f4590c

In [3]: savefig('foo.eps')

and when I tried to load it into inkscape, I got this very nasty traceback:

*** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/python: free(): invalid pointer: 0x4081e4e0 ***
=== Backtrace: =


At this point, this is really becoming OT for the mpl list, so I'll
stop.  But if anyone has the time, it might be worth sending this
example to the inkscape list so they work on it and hopefully fix it.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] SVG vs PNG

2007-05-11 Thread Fernando Perez
 Thanks everybody for the explanation of svg in Gimp.  That makes sense.  Is 
 there any vector based program that does what Gimp does?

Try inkscape.  I've used it successfully for simple things, though
I've never tried to handle a MPL SVG file with it.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] SVG vs PNG

2007-05-11 Thread Fernando Perez
 Bingo!  My prayer appears to have been answered.

 inkscape has no trouble reading the .svg files created by MPL, and Word has 
 no trouble reading the .eps files created by inkscape.   So, at least I can 
 use it to preserve the vectors.  Too bad inkscape doesn't read .eps directly 
 (complaining...complaining)   :=)

Did you install pstoedit?  If you do, you'll see that inkscape will
then be able to load .eps/.ps files in a fully editable format.  I've
used it to fix decade-old plots for which the only thing around was
the eps file.

 Thanks, Fernando.

Glad it helped.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Python issue of Computing in Science and Engineering available

2007-04-25 Thread Fernando Perez
On 4/25/07, Andrew Straw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The May/June issue of Computing in Science and Engineering
 http://computer.org/cise: is out and has a Python theme. Many folks we
 know and love from the community and mailing lists contribute to the
 issue. Read articles by Paul Dubois and Travis Oliphant for free online.

Since authors are allowed by their publication policy to keep a
publicly available copy of their papers on their personal website,
here's the ipython one:





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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Python issue of Computing in Science and Engineering available

2007-04-25 Thread Fernando Perez
On 4/25/07, John Hunter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 4/25/07, Fernando Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Since authors are allowed by their publication policy to keep a
  publicly available copy of their papers on their personal website,
  here's the ipython one:

 Didn't know that...  here's a link to my matplotlib article

I'm going by the language here:



 When IEEE publishes the work, the author must replace the previous
electronic version of the accepted paper with either (1) the full
citation to the IEEE work or (2) the IEEE-published version, including
the IEEE copyright notice and full citation. Prior or revised versions
of the paper must not be represented as the published version.

This explicitly mentions author website redistribution,  as long as
the official IEEE version is used.

Unless I'm misreading the above, I think it's OK for us to keep such
copies in our personal sites.  We can link to them from the scipy
wiki, though I don't think it would be OK to /copy/ the PDFs to the
scipy wiki.

As always, IANAL and all that.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Python issue of Computing in Science and Engineering available

2007-04-25 Thread Fernando Perez
On 4/25/07, Christopher Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fernando Perez wrote:
  This explicitly mentions author website redistribution,  as long as
  the official IEEE version is used.
  Unless I'm misreading the above, I think it's OK for us to keep such
  copies in our personal sites.  We can link to them from the scipy
  wiki, though I don't think it would be OK to /copy/ the PDFs to the
  scipy wiki.

 I assume you are referring to this:

 D. Personal Servers. Authors and/or their companies shall have the right
 to post their IEEE-copyrighted material on their own servers without
 permission, provided that the server displays a prominent notice
 alerting readers to their obligations with respect to copyrighted
 material and that the posted work includes the IEEE copyright notice as
 shown in Section 8.1.9A above.

 IANAL either, but I'm not sure how they would define a personal
 server. Would a web page on a University server count, for instance? Id
 think putting it on the Wiki would count. Key is that copyright is
 properly attributed.

 I assume there is someone at IEEE that you could ask.

Well, I simply interpreted 'personal' as my personal page, on my
institution's servers, while I worry that physically uploading it to
scipy's servers, which are owned by an external entity (Enthought)
might land them in trouble.  I may be overly cautious here, but I just
didn't want to take chances.



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[Matplotlib-users] Request for testing: IPython

2007-04-05 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

sorry to spam the list a bit, but what follows is of direct interest
to a good number of matplotlib users.

Yesterday we put out here:


a release candidate for IPython 0.7.4, as well as PyReadline (needed
by windows users).  There is one new feature in this release which is
of particular interest to matplotlib users: the ability to hit Ctrl-C
to interrupt a long-running script or computation, even when using any
of the multithreaded backends for matplotlib (WX, GTK or QT-based).

Doing this requires ctypes (part of python 2.5 but not automatically
in 2.4), and I had to use an undocumented feature of the Python C API,
so this is a bit of a 'black hack'.  On the other hand, it is
*extremely* useful to be able to stop something you didn't want to run
for long without having to completely kill your ipython session.

Since I'm not 100% sure this will really work without any glitches,
I'd greatly appreciate the testing from any willing participants here.

If this feature survives real-world beating, we'll release next week.
If the feature remains, I'm likely to change the official version
number to 0.8 to indicate a new series with asynchronous exception
support in multiple threads.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-04-05 Thread Fernando Perez
On 4/5/07, belinda thom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Darn. I am writing this reply as a desperate attempt to make sure
 there's not some quick fix to make it work in my specific case; I'm
 about ready to give up or try something like Tk, but am running out
 of time. We might, alas, have to settle for a command-line based
 game :-(.

This has already been mentioned, but not in this theread:


You may find it useful, he describes a number of concepts that are
involved in this discussion in a step-by-step fashion.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] matlab, idle, interactivity and teaching

2007-03-30 Thread Fernando Perez
On 3/30/07, Mark Bakker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I always thought ipython didn't come with a good editor.
 Am I mistaken?

You are not mistaken, and this is by design: ipython is not an IDE,
it's the interactive component of a python workflow.

As others have mentioned (thanks to all, btw), it has limited support
for specifying your editor and a special command called %edit.  Many
people find this very useful, which is why I added it.  Personally I
don't use that at all.  My workflow consists of an open Emacs session
(with multiple frames, typically) and a terminal with ipython in it.
I do the heavy-duty editing in Emacs (replace with vi, IDLE, Komodo or
any other editor of your preference), save, and then run the code in
the terminal via

run filename

Since ipython has history that backtracks on what you've typed so far,
this normally just requires typing 'r' and then 'up-arrow' once.  I
personally don't find it any more cumbersome than hitting some F-key
in an IDE, and I get the power of Emacs with the comfort of a good
terminal (Konsole in my case).

Others have mentioned how ipython can also be used *inside* emacs,
which can be very handy for complex debugging.  It's not my daily
environment because I prefer Konsole to the emacs terminal, but it is
certainly a good way to work for many.

IPython comes from the Unix tradition of 'do one thing well and let
users work whichever way they want' rather than the windows approach
of 'provide a single, fully integrated mega-app'.  So it is easy to
use ipython with your personal combination of editor and terminal
emulator, but it does NOT provide the kind of IDE feel many expect
these days.  Whether this particular balance is a feature or a
drawback is largely dependent on personal preference, I think.

We are currently refactoring ipython in a way that will make it very
easy to embed all of its functionality into the terminal component of
an IDE.  So hopefully in the future, this discussion won't have to
happen: I'll be able to use ipython the way I do today, but it will
become possible for IDE authors to incorporate it in their own

Until then, it's worth understanding the pros and cons of using
ipython so you can decide whether you find its approach comfortable
for your style.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] creating live plot (update while data is arriving)

2007-03-28 Thread Fernando Perez
On 3/28/07, Ken McIvor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You'd almost certainly be happier doing things the other way around.
 Most GUI toolkits are extremely fussy about what thread the GUI event
 loop runs in.  For example, wxPython requires App.MainLoop() be
 called from the thread that first imported the wxPython module.  That
 being said, it's possible to run the GUI thread in the background --
 the iPython wizards might be able to help you figure it out.

No, the limitation you describe is there just as much.  What we do in
ipython is push the *user code* execution into the secondary thread,
to make sure we keep the GUI toolkits happy for the very reasons you



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Ipython and python2.5

2007-03-18 Thread Fernando Perez
On 1/26/07, Fernando Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 1/25/07, Alan G Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, 24 Jan 2007, Fernando Perez apparently wrote:
   Let us know if this is not enough or if you have any other issues.
  How about for Windows users?  You list as dependencies:


 We obviously need to update the windows documentation...

Done in SVN, thanks for reporting this.



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[Matplotlib-users] Hold-related strangeness, looks like a bug.

2007-03-08 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

today at work we ran into some odd behavior, all of which seems to be
triggered by calling hold().  I'm using a fresh SVN build from this

Here's the first example demonstrating the problem, it's best to run
this in a fresh pylab shell or from the command line, since I suspect
internal state matters (when it shouldn't):

import pylab as P

x = P.arange(10)
y = x+1

P.title('Two plots ok')

P.title('Two plots ok - HOLD called')

P.title('One plot MISSING!')



And here's the second manifestation of the problem, where the colorbar
gets all messed up:

import numpy as N
import pylab as P

a = N.random.rand(64,64)

P.title('Colorbar OK')

# If the hold() calls are commented out, the problem disappears

P.title('Colorbar BROKEN!')



It looks like making calls to hold() messes up internal state in pylab
somehow.  I've never used hold() myself before, but my officemate did,
coming from matlab, and started seeing bizarre behavior.  These are
little self-contained examples showing the problem.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Hold-related strangeness, looks like a bug.

2007-03-08 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi Simon,

On 3/8/07, Simon Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 3/8/07, Fernando Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
  today at work we ran into some odd behavior, all of which seems to be
  triggered by calling hold().  I'm using a fresh SVN build from this
  Here's the first example demonstrating the problem, it's best to run
  this in a fresh pylab shell or from the command line, since I suspect
  internal state matters (when it shouldn't):
  import pylab as P
  x = P.arange(10)
  y = x+1
  P.title('Two plots ok')
  P.title('Two plots ok - HOLD called')
  P.title('One plot MISSING!')

  I do not think this is a bug. The default value for the hold function is
 True. When you originally plotted x and y the hold state was already set to
 True. So, actually your first case and second case are the same. However,
 right before your third figure you set P.hold(False) . You then plot x
 followed by y. So, yes I would expect to see only one line in the final
 figure. This is exactly like Matlab (perhaps with the exception that the
 default state of hold is False in Matlab). Perhaps that is what is confusing
 you and your colleague. In Matlab the default state of hold is False,
 however in Matplotlib is looks like the default state of hold is True.

Many thanks for your clear explanation.  Since I had never used hold
(or matlab for that matter) in my life, I was rather surprised by the
behavior and (mis)understood it as a bug.

I've always gotten by just fine in pylab without even knowing what
hold did, and simply clearing the figure by hand when needed or just
making a new one.

Sorry for the noise.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] [Numpy-discussion] Unifying numpy, scipy, and matplotlib docstring formats

2007-02-25 Thread Fernando Perez

On 2/25/07, Jouni K. Seppänen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I suppose these things could be addressed quite neatly by IPython.
 It could even modify your history similarly to what it currently
 does with the %magic commands, so that when you type

Feel free to play with implementing this, it's easy to do so on your
personal setup, since input prefilter can be trivially added by any
user.  Once you find a set of tools that you're happy with, just send
them my way and we'll include them officially.

Here's some links you may find useful:


the code for these extensions ships already with ipython, under

Look at the one for quantities with units, it's a good starting point
for what you want to do.

 Perhaps the namespace issue could also be addressed at the IPython
 level. The pylab profile could import the various packages, perhaps
 with some kind of abbreviated names, and rewrite commands like




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Re: [Matplotlib-users] setting the default line style order

2007-02-23 Thread Fernando Perez
On 2/23/07, Fernando Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2/23/07, Jouni K. Seppänen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Brian Blais [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Is there a way to specify the default order of line colors and
   styles, for plot commands given in sequence
  I don't think there is built-in support for this. See e.g.
  for some previous discussion and suggestions.

 It's probably worth mentioning that the cyclers John mentions are
 trivial to write using itertools:

Sorry, tab put me in the 'send' button in gmail too early... I meant:

import itertools

colorcycler = itertools.cycle(['blue','green','red','magenta','cyan']).next
linecycler = itertools.cycle([ '-','--', '-.' , ':' ]).next
n = itertools.count().next

y = array([1,2,3])

for i in range(10):



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[Matplotlib-users] Buglet with vertical scale markers?

2007-01-27 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi all,

this simple test


produces with current SVN a vertical axis with all labels as '0'.  I
first saw this with some actual data I was working with this week, and
I imagine this isn't intended behavior.

It's not a big deal, but I figured I'd report it.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Buglet with vertical scale markers?

2007-01-27 Thread Fernando Perez
On 1/27/07, Eric Firing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think it is OK in svn now.

Much better, thanks!



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Ipython and python2.5

2007-01-26 Thread Fernando Perez
On 1/25/07, Alan G Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 24 Jan 2007, Fernando Perez apparently wrote:
  Let us know if this is not enough or if you have any other issues.

 How about for Windows users?  You list as dependencies:

 # PyWin32 from http://starship.python.net/crew/mhammond

 But that link is broken.  Can we just use
 pywin32-210.win32-py2.5.exe from
 http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/ ?

Yes, should be the same thing.

 # CTypes from http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/ctypes

 But that should not apply to Python 2.5+, right?

Correct, ctypes is now included.

 # PyReadline for Windows from

 But the correct link now seems to be
 and the binary installer instructions there are Python
 2.4 specific.  (I assume they translate directly to 2.5.)


We obviously need to update the windows documentation...

 So I installed PyWin32 as above, and PyReadline.  I do NOT
 see IPython in my Start Menu nor when I look at
 Install/Uninstall programs.  I do see an IPython folder in
 Lib/site-packages, so I guessed I should call Shell.py, but
 this is either a bad guess or IPython is failing: I briefly
 see a shell labelled IPython flash on screen and disappear.

As Dave said, you may need to run the post-install script manually.
The binary win32 installer does this for you because when the
installer is /built/, it is told what to do as a post-install step.
But a manual installation from source may require that step to be
applied manually (it's been years since I wrote that code, and much of
the win32 setup has been changed since by others, so take anything I
say here with a big grain of salt).



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] numpy and matplotlib usage

2006-12-31 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi Belinda,

On 12/29/06, belinda thom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using matplotlib w/numerix set to numpy (as described in my prior

 What I am wondering is in what situations one would want to:

 import pylab
 import numpy

 together, because there is matlab-style stuff (e.g. matrices, arrays,
 cumprod, fft, arange etc.) by importing the pylab package alone.

To add to Eric's detailed reply, keep in mind that much of this
duplication is a historical accident.  John Hunter developed mpl (and
hence pylab) back in the Dark Days of the Split (aka, when we lived
with Numeric and Numarray, both lacking critical functionality).  At
that time he needed various pieces of numerical functionality for his
own work, so the most logical thing to do was to put it in the package
he had control over: matplotlib.  In fact, the same thing happened in
three places: if you look at the python landscape for these tools
around 2003/4, you'll find that ipython, scipy and matplotlib ALL had
tools for: interactive work, plotting and numerics.  Over time, as
each package has matured, we've all tried to move away from this, so
that hopefully the responsibilities will be:

- ipython - interactive work
- numpy/scipy - numerics
- matploblib - plotting

While little code has been removed yet (to avoid breaking
compatibility for existing users), at least most of what mattered has
been moved to where it makes sense: numpy inherited utilities from
ipython and pylab, ipython has absorbed the interactive support for
matplotlib and I don't develop its plotting tools anymore (they were
for gnuplot), etc.

Following these ideas, in my personal use I normally do:

import numpy as N
import scipy as S
import pylab as P

and I try to use P.plottingStuff(), N.arrayStuff() and
S.scipyOnlyThings().  I think this is an approach that better matches
the real intent of these tools for the long term.

I hope this is useful.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Some remarks/questions about perceived slowness of matplotlib

2006-12-12 Thread Fernando Perez
On 12/12/06, John Hunter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --verbose-helpful will confirm the setting).  A good way to start is
 to write a demonstration script that you find too slow which makes a
 call to savefig, and run it with

time myscript.py --verbose-helpful -dAgg

It may be worth mentioning here this little utility (Linux only, unfortunately):


For profiling more complex codes, it's really a godsend.  And note
that the generated cachegrind files are typically small and can be
sent to others for analysis, so you can run it locally (if for example
the run depends on data you can't share) and then send to the list the
generated profile.  Anyone with Kcachegrind will then be able to load
your profile info and study it in detail.



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