Re: LiveCode's http methods

2013-04-17 Thread Ray Horsley

I haven't heard your name in so long.  Good to hear from you again.  My son 
Jason and I are currently working on this very thing.  I believe you've found 
your bounty-hunters.  We'd love to explore CRUD via http.  What we have to 
offer right now is what we've discovered uploading/downloading files in various 
file formats.

It seems the only thing we're missing is delete.  That is, if we can read we 
can certainly edit what we've read and thenPut, thus accomplishing the Update 
part of CRUD.  Our next tasks include deleting files as well as creating and 
deleting directories, in addition to listing the contents of directories.

We're working with standard Linux/Apache using MySql.

Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

On Apr 17, 2013, at 5:02 PM, Alain Farmer wrote:

 Does LiveCode support HTTP-methods other than GET and POST ?
 IOW, does LiveCode support the following http-methods : HEAD, PUT, DELETE
 I'm asking because there are web-based CRUDs that could therefore be 
 leveraged. Ex: Couch-DB
 CRUD = Create, Read, Update, Delete
 Create = PUT
 Read  = GET
 Update = POST
 Delete = DELETE
 If it is not currently implemented, are there any bounty-hunters wishing to 
 take this on ?
 Btw Couch-DB is a powerful noSQL database, open-source of-course, that is 
 accessed via HTTP. 
 It's speciality is replication and synchronization. Supports any topology: 
 master-slave, peer-to-peer, etc.
 Couch stores everything as JSON, which is JavaScript's native data-exchange 
 JSON is used by many applications. It's easy to generate, and easy to parse.
 This could REALLY open-up things for RunRev!  :-))
 Alain F.
 metacard mailing list

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Re: I'm back!

2012-09-20 Thread Ray Horsley

Alain - I'll answer as best as I can, inline, below...

On 9/20/2012 10:25 PM, Alain Farmer wrote:


It's Alain, the HyperCard Pantechnicon host.. I have been using 
HyperCard since 1986, MetaCard 2.5 since 1996, but I never made the 
leap to RunRev, specifically LiveCode these days. Now I am seriously 
considering it, so I have some questions for y'all:

* With MetaCard 2.5, above a [few] thousand cards, performance slowed 
down dramatically.

Is Rev faster than this? Can Rev handle tens-of-thousands of cards?

I believe so.

Would it require Valentina?
Does Rev support mySQL databases ?

Drivers exist for some databases including Valentina.

* MetaCard started in the UNIX world, was then ported to windows, then 
ported to Mac.

Does Rev run on Linux? Does Rev run on Debian ?

Yes to Linux.  Not sure about Debian.

* Rev's web plugin is available for which browsers ?
FireFox ?IceWeasel? Chrome ?
Unfortunately RunRev has discontinued all support of the plugin. It's 
currently broken with no plans from RunRev to fix it.

* Is there a Rev licence that allows standalones ? If so, how much 
does it cost ?

I think it's about $400.  They might have lowered this fee.

* Best way(s) to learn LiveCode ?
Alain, as far as I can tell RunRev is concentrating all their efforts in 
the mobile app arena.  You can of course still use Livecode to create 
traditional desktop apps, however, if you're looking to create web 
applications you're probably better off with something like Construct 2 
which exports directly to HTML5.


Ray Horsley

Thanks y'all, and I hope that I will be joining you soon,  :)


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Re: Still here

2009-08-19 Thread Ray Horsley
I still use Metacard quite a few hours daily.  I've recently tried  
once again switching to Rev but it's a time consuming thing to do and  
there are parts of the MC IDE which I too appreciate such as the  
Control Browser.

Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

On Aug 19, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Shari wrote:

You can all help me a bit by simply encouraging me!

After the release of the last IDE 3.5, the one with the complex  
datagrid support,
I only got 1 (ONE/EINE/UNO/UN/EEN/UM) response/thank you/whatever,  
is a tad disappointing and not really meant to encourage a  
volunteer! YO :-)

Why wait?  How about a HUGE round of applause right now!  Woo hoo!

One of my favorite parts of the MC IDE is the Control Browser.  It  
gets me right where I want to go without a fuss.  I struggle with  
the Rev browser, it just doesn't get me there as easily and I waste  
a lot of time hunting around trying to figure out where Rev would  
put my control.

Yes I know that's old news, but it's one of my favorite aspects.  
There are so many.  Like those students said, it doesn't get in my  
way.  Exactly right.

The MC list doesn't get much activity now that's its IDE only, all  
other stuff goes to the Rev list.  But yes, we're still here, still  
loving the MC IDE, and very thankful that you are still making it  

 Dogs and bears, sports and cars, and patriots t-shirts
WlND0WS and MAClNT0SH shareware
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Re: Span Tags in HTML

2009-02-10 Thread Ray Horsley
Thanks Brian but I'm afraid including the body tags doesn't render  
anything either.  I've also tried including a document declaration as  
in the example below but I'm still getting nothing rendered.  (That's  
the trouble when working with externals.  You can't open them up to  
see what's going on.)

Any other ideas are welcome.


Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software


!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
titleTitle of the document/title

The content of the document..


On Feb 9, 2009, at 9:30 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:


What happens if you include body tags? Your HTML probably won't  
render without them:

put htmlbodypThis is an example./p/body/html into  

Greetings again,

The RevBrowser external works great in Metacard, even as far back  
as 2.7.4.  Nonetheless, I'm trying to pass in my own html document  
instead of a real web page and it doesn't respond.  So, this works  

  put revBrowserOpen(tWinID,;) into  

  set the BrowserId of image BrowserImage to sBrowserId

But this doesn't:

  put htmlpThis is an example./p/html into myHtmlDoc
  put revBrowserOpen(tWinID, myHtmlDoc) into sBrowserId
  set the BrowserId of image BrowserImage to sBrowserId

Any ideas?


Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Span Tags in HTML

2009-02-10 Thread Ray Horsley


Thanks for the functions!  I'll send you some if I go this route and  
write any of my own.  I just can't believe that the RevBrowser  
external doesn't allow for the rending of a local html doc passed  

Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Sofware

On Feb 10, 2009, at 4:40 AM, David Bovill wrote:

2009/2/10 Ray Horsley
Thanks Brian but I'm afraid including the body tags doesn't render  
anything either.  I've also tried including a document declaration  
as in the example below but I'm still getting nothing rendered.   
(That's the trouble when working with externals.  You can't open  
them up to see what's going on.)

Any other ideas are welcome.

Hi Ray - did a bit of work on this recently. AFAIK the only way is  
to process the raw html, and create your own htmltext. Here are the  
handlers I've got so far:

-- HTML | Span
/* Strip span tags
These functions replace html span tags such as those found in basic  
html / jabber / im html with tags for rev htmltext


function html_BasicToRev someHtml
put html_BoldSpanToRev(someHtml) into someHtml
put html_ColourSpanToRev(someHtml) into someHtml
return someHtml
end html_BasicToRev

function html_RevToBasic someHtmlText
put html_RevToColourSpan(someHtmlText) into someHtml
return html_RevToBoldSpan(someHtml)
end html_RevToBasic

function html_RevToColourSpan someHtml
replace quote with ' in someHtml
put (?miU)(font color=').*(/font) into someReg
if matchchunk(someHtml, someReg, oTagStart, oTagEnd,  
cTagStart, cTagEnd) is true then

put /span into char cTagStart to cTagEnd of someHtml
put span style='color: into char oTagStart to oTagEnd  
of someHtml

replace quote with ' in someHtml
return someHtml
end if
end repeat
end html_RevToColourSpan

function html_RevToBoldSpan someHtml
put (?miU)(b).*(/b) into someReg
-- put (?mi)(b)[^\]*(/b) into someReg
if matchchunk(someHtml, someReg, oTagStart, oTagEnd,  
cTagStart, cTagEnd) is true then

put /span into char cTagStart to cTagEnd of someHtml
put span style='font-weight:bold' into char  
oTagStart to oTagEnd of someHtml

return someHtml
end if
end repeat
end html_RevToBoldSpan

function html_ColourSpanToRev someHtml
-- U is for non-greedy
replace quote with ' in someHtml
put (?miU)(span style='color:).*(/span) into someReg
-- put (?mi)(span style='color:)[^\]*(/span) into someReg
if matchchunk(someHtml, someReg, oTagStart, oTagEnd,  
cTagStart, cTagEnd) is true then

put /font into char cTagStart to cTagEnd of someHtml
put font color=' into char oTagStart to oTagEnd of  

replace ' with quote in someHtml
return someHtml
end if
end repeat
end html_ColourSpanToRev

function html_BoldSpanToRev someHtml
put (?miU)(span style='font-weight:bold').*(/span) into  
-- put (?mi)(span style='font-weight:bold')[^\]*(/span)  
into someReg

if matchchunk(someHtml, someReg, oTagStart, oTagEnd,  
cTagStart, cTagEnd) is true then

put /b into char cTagStart to cTagEnd of someHtml
put b into char oTagStart to oTagEnd of someHtml
return someHtml
end if
end repeat
end html_BoldSpanToRev

If you improve them do post back. I'm interested in getting robust  
two way html span to rev htmltext based style sheets working :)

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Re: Span Tags in HTML

2009-02-10 Thread Ray Horsley


Thanks for the boost.  I've got it rendering now.

Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

On Feb 10, 2009, at 6:52 AM, Dave Cragg wrote:

On 10 Feb 2009, at 04:40, Ray Horsley wrote:

But this doesn't:

  put htmlpThis is an example./p/html into myHtmlDoc
  put revBrowserOpen(tWinID, myHtmlDoc) into sBrowserId
  set the BrowserId of image BrowserImage to sBrowserId

Ray, try with revBrowserSet, using the htmltext property.


   put htmlpThis is an example./p/html into tHtml
   put revBrowserOpen(the windowID of this stack) into tBID
   put 0,0,200,100 into tRect
   revBrowserSet tBID, rect, tRect
   revBrowserSet tBID, htmltext, tHtml

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Span Tags in HTML

2009-02-09 Thread Ray Horsley


Anyone with any ideas on how to use span tags when setting the  
htmlText of a fld?  Example:

style type=text/css {color:lightskyblue;font-weight:bold} {color:darkolivegreen;font-weight:bold}
pMy mother has span class=bluelight blue/span eyes and my  
father has span class=greendark green/span eyes./p


This works fine in any browser, but setting the htmlText of a fld  
ignores the span tags.


Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: Span Tags in HTML

2009-02-09 Thread Ray Horsley

Greetings again,

The RevBrowser external works great in Metacard, even as far back as  
2.7.4.  Nonetheless, I'm trying to pass in my own html document  
instead of a real web page and it doesn't respond.  So, this works fine:

  put revBrowserOpen(tWinID,;) into  

  set the BrowserId of image BrowserImage to sBrowserId

But this doesn't:

  put htmlpThis is an example./p/html into myHtmlDoc
  put revBrowserOpen(tWinID, myHtmlDoc) into sBrowserId
  set the BrowserId of image BrowserImage to sBrowserId

Any ideas?


Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

On Feb 9, 2009, at 8:08 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

Anyone with any ideas on how to use span tags when setting the
htmlText of a fld?  Example:

style type=text/css {color:lightskyblue;font-weight:bold} {color:darkolivegreen;font-weight:bold}
pMy mother has span class=bluelight blue/span eyes and my
father has span class=greendark green/span eyes./p

This works fine in any browser, but setting the htmlText of a fld
ignores the span tags.

Sorry, Ray... the htmlText of a field only has limited HTML support,  
span tags aren't one of them, nor is any CSS. You'd have to  
replace your
span tags with old-style font tags in order to get what you  
want, so you
could do something like this (assuming field 1 contains the actual  
HTML and

you want to render it into field 2):

-- watch line wraps
on mouseUp
 put fld 1 into tData
 put replaceText(tData,style.*/style,) into tData
 replace format(span class=\blue\) with format(font
color=\lightblue\b) in tData
 replace format(span class=\green\) with format(font
color=\darkolivegreen\b) in tData
 replace /span with /b/font in tData
 set the htmlText of fld 2 to tData
end mouseUp


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

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Re: Font Chooser in MC-IDE 2.9 and 3.0b

2008-10-19 Thread Ray Horsley

Jackeuline, can you help me out?  What are the new arrays?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Oct 19, 2008, at 10:40 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Klaus Major wrote:

Ken, I was wondering if you had any plans to update the variable  
watcher so it works with the new arrays? I'm not sure what the  
best way to do that is, and it would be a huge undertaking, but it  
sure would be nice to have. If you are willing to tackle that,  
then maybe it could go out with the 3.0 IDE too?

Sorry, I'm afraid I do not have the time for this task.

Me either. But more importantly, I don't have the brains for this  
task. :) I think we need Ken.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: [SPAM] Avoiding openField on resumeStack

2008-01-18 Thread Ray Horsley


Try setting the traversalOn property of the field to false.

Ra Horsley
LinkIt! Software

On Jan 12, 2008, at 6:50 PM, David Epstein wrote:

MC 2.2 on Mac OSX 10.4.

While observing the message watcher, I click on the titleBar of a (not
frontmost) stack that contains an unlocked field.  The message watcher
shows these two messages:


and the unlocked field gets a blinking insertion point.

How can I suppress this behavior?  I only want an insertion point if
the user clicks on the unlocked field itself, not if he simply brings
the stack to the front.

Many thanks.

David Epstein
metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: strange error in MC IDE script editor

2007-12-18 Thread Ray Horsley


This has been going on with m copy of 2.7.4 for several years.  I hit  
the enter key, I get an error report that there's something wrong  
with the script, I look for the error, can't find it, hit the enter  
key again, and she closes just fine.  As far as I can tell it has  
something to do with editing how the script was typed in.  It seems  
the engine is still seeing text you've typed and deleted.  I've grown  
used to it, but if anybody can provide a fix it sure would be nice.


Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

On Dec 2, 2007, at 5:37 AM, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi friends,

I am encountering some errors when closing script windows with the
ENTER key in the MC IDE 2.8.5.
But this buggered me spoaradically with earlier version if I  
remember right.

This does not happen with all scripts and when I hit ENTER the second
time, it closes without error?!

This is the error:
missing '' after literal
Line: 0 Column: 0

What difference might the engine see in the first time hitting ENTER
and the second time I hit the ENTER key?

Anyone seen this, too?
Any hints are very appreciated, this drives  me crazy :-)


Klaus Major

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Color of text when it's hilited

2007-04-30 Thread Ray Horsley
One of the longest standing thorns in my side is developing on the  
Mac, then viewing the app on Windows and getting reminded that  
Metacard has the nasty habit of changing the color of text, when it's  
hilited, to something really light.  Text is usually black so it  
makes sense to set the highlight color of the background block  
surrounding the text when it's hilited to something light like a  
light blue so the black text itself can still be red when it's  
hilited against the light blue background.  Looks great on a Mac.   
Move it to Windows, highlight your text, and the color of the text  
itself also changes to some other color I never specified, usually  
something light, so you lose your contrast and can't read the text.

Any ideas on how to put this to bed once and for all?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: Screen Resolution

2007-04-22 Thread Ray Horsley

On Apr 21, 2007, at 2:33 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 11:33:07 -0400, Ray Horsley wrote:

Ken, this is on Mac OSX and Windows (no Linux).

OK, for OS X you can download and implement Jon's Commands X with
AppleScript ( He has an AppleScript
command called screen list that lets you get data on one or more
screens, and set screens to to change them. Or you can use the
'cscreen' command line application, although the original developer  

gone off the grid and his site is nowhere to be found (but you might
be able to scare it up with a web search).

For Windows, you can use one of these three third-party command line
executables (MultiRes, Resolution Changer, or VidRes):


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
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metacard mailing list

Re: Screen Resolution

2007-04-22 Thread Ray Horsley

Your always very helpful, Ken.



On Apr 21, 2007, at 2:33 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 11:33:07 -0400, Ray Horsley wrote:

Ken, this is on Mac OSX and Windows (no Linux).

OK, for OS X you can download and implement Jon's Commands X with
AppleScript ( He has an AppleScript
command called screen list that lets you get data on one or more
screens, and set screens to to change them. Or you can use the
'cscreen' command line application, although the original developer  

gone off the grid and his site is nowhere to be found (but you might
be able to scare it up with a web search).

For Windows, you can use one of these three third-party command line
executables (MultiRes, Resolution Changer, or VidRes):


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
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metacard mailing list

Re: [SPAM] Re: Screen Resolution

2007-04-21 Thread Ray Horsley

Ken, this is on Mac OSX and Windows (no Linux).

Thanks for your interest,


On Apr 20, 2007, at 4:05 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

On Fri, 20 Apr 2007 14:54:10 -0400, Ray Horsley wrote:

Anybody have a way to present users with available screen resolutions
and then get the current resolution, change switch to the one
chosen?  I'm concerned many of my school teacher end users aren't
familiar with how to do this using their system software so it might
be nice to offer them the option of doing this from my standalone,
then returning it to their previous setting on quitting.

Is this on Macs, PCs, Linux... all of the above?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
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Screen Resolution

2007-04-20 Thread Ray Horsley
Anybody have a way to present users with available screen resolutions  
and then get the current resolution, change switch to the one  
chosen?  I'm concerned many of my school teacher end users aren't  
familiar with how to do this using their system software so it might  
be nice to offer them the option of doing this from my standalone,  
then returning it to their previous setting on quitting.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

RevCreateXmlTree and RevXmlNodeContents

2007-04-17 Thread Ray Horsley


I'm working with some calls available in Revolution but not in  
Metacard such as the revCreateXmlTree() function and the  
revXmlNodeContents() function.  Do these functions exist in a stack  
somewhere that comes with the Revolution distribution or are they an  
inherent part of Revolution which simply can not be used in Metacard?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: [SPAM] Re: RevCreateXmlTree and RevXmlNodeContents

2007-04-17 Thread Ray Horsley
Thanks for the help!  I'm trying to open the file named RevXml.Bundle  
from within Rev 2.7.4 and Metacard 2.7.4 and unable to, getting the  
error in the result stack was produced b a newer version.  This  
happens with both theRevXml.Bundle from Revolution 2.7.2 and 2.7.4.

Any ideas?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Apr 17, 2007, at 2:43 PM, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi Ray and Richard,

Ray Horsley wrote:
I'm working with some calls available in Revolution but not in  
Metacard such as the revCreateXmlTree() function and the  
revXmlNodeContents() function.  Do these functions exist in a  
stack somewhere that comes with the Revolution distribution or  
are they an inherent part of Revolution which simply can not be  
used in Metacard?

Those libraries are part of the Rev IDE stacks, so their handlers  
aren't normally accessible in MC.

A short-term solution is Ken's great XML library:

For the long-term, I've been working on an experimental fork of  
the MC IDE which I'm tentatively calling M2.  Among the other  
things I've been experimenting with is the ability to load Rev's  
runtime libraries for use within MC, and to include those as  
options in the standalone builder.  It'll be some time before it's  
ready for public consumption, but when it is I suspect the Rev  
compatibility module will be completed in a way that will make it  
easy to contribute as an MC plugin.

Actually revCreateXMLTree etc. are part of the EXTERNALS, which  
can be used with MetaCard without problems,

I have worked this way many time!

I still cannot get used to the Rev IDE, spoiled by many years with  
MetaCard ;-)

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
metacard mailing list

Klaus Major

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Re: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: RevCreateXmlTree and RevXmlNodeContents

2007-04-17 Thread Ray Horsley

Ahh.  I'm thinking of this file as a stack like LibURL.  Evidently not.


On Apr 17, 2007, at 3:03 PM, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi Ray,

Thanks for the help!  I'm trying to open the file named RevXml.Bundle

??? You are trying to OPEN the external? Did I understand you  

You should set the externals of your stack(s) to that file...

from within Rev 2.7.4 and Metacard 2.7.4 and unable to, getting  
the error in the result stack was produced b a newer version.   
This happens with both theRevXml.Bundle from Revolution 2.7.2 and  

Any ideas?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software


Klaus Major

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: RevCreateXmlTree and RevXmlNodeContents

2007-04-17 Thread Ray Horsley

on mouseUp
  set the externals of this stack to [file path to revxml.bundle]
end mouseUp

Still doesn't let me execute handlers using these functions.  What am  
I doing wrong?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Apr 17, 2007, at 3:03 PM, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi Ray,

Thanks for the help!  I'm trying to open the file named RevXml.Bundle

??? You are trying to OPEN the external? Did I understand you  

You should set the externals of your stack(s) to that file...

from within Rev 2.7.4 and Metacard 2.7.4 and unable to, getting  
the error in the result stack was produced b a newer version.   
This happens with both theRevXml.Bundle from Revolution 2.7.2 and  

Any ideas?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software


Klaus Major

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: RevCreateXmlTree and RevXmlNodeContents

2007-04-17 Thread Ray Horsley

Much thanks, Klaus.

On Apr 17, 2007, at 3:27 PM, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi Ray,

on mouseUp
  set the externals of this stack to [file path to revxml.bundle]
end mouseUp

Still doesn't let me execute handlers using these functions.  What  
am I doing wrong?

You are a bit impatient that's all ;-)

After you set the external of your stack, save it and close it.
Then after opening the stack again, you are ready to use all the  
command/finctions the external provides.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software


Klaus Major

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2007-01-24 Thread Ray Horsley
Does anybody have any suggestions for a charting tool which could be  
distributed with a standalone?  Something which numbers and text  
could be plugged into to produce dazzling 3-D line, dot, bar, column,  
and pie charts would be nice.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
metacard mailing list

Which port does LibUrl use

2007-01-12 Thread Ray Horsley

Greetings two days in a row!

Many of my clients have a variety of security systems or settings in  
place which block LibUrl's calls to put and get from our remote  
server.  From time to time I get asked whether my standalone uses  
port 80 or not.  I've also been asked if it could use http protocol  
instead of ftp (which is what I believe LibUrl is using).

Can anybody shed some light on this for me?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
metacard mailing list

Can't upload a Mac OSX App using 'put url'

2007-01-11 Thread Ray Horsley

Greetings all,

Some of my clients are having trouble opening StuffIt files so I've  
written a small stack which uploads for me and downloads for the  
client my uncompressed standalone and support files.  It runs via FTP  
protocol using Lib URL's simple 'put url...' command.  Everything  
uploads and downloads fine except the Mac OSX app, which is actually  
a 'package', more of a folder than it is an app, although I still  
don't fully understand Apple's point in the 'package'.  Can anybody  
provide some insight here?  Do I really need to open the whole  
'package' and deal with each folder and file in it, or can I upload  
and download this in one 'put url' command?

Thanks for any insight into this,

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
metacard mailing list

Re: UB standalones - update

2006-12-05 Thread Ray Horsley
I wrestled with it for a while and I believe I broke down and ended  
up making my standalone in Rev instead.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Dec 5, 2006, at 6:55 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Richard Gaskin wrote:
I'm testing w/2.7.4, trying to make a standalone with the latest  
MC IDE.  After following the steps to set up the runtime engines  
(as outlined in Ken's doc), I can build the standalone  
successfully but it doesn't run.

What might I be missing?

Since then I've gone through the process a second time, downloading  
a new copy of the IDE, making a new runtime engine to build from,  
and even including Jacque's plist file which works for her to make  
sure it isn't that.

Still no go.

Tereza has mentioned a similar experience.

How many of you are able to sucessfully make v2.7 builds in MC?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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Re: [ANN] ErrorLib 1.0.1

2006-12-01 Thread Ray Horsley
Can you give me a link to this page.  I'm unfamiliar with the Economy- 
x-talk area.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Dec 1, 2006, at 8:42 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Dear MetaCard users,

An ErrorLib user reported a problem with ErrorLib, which we have  
fixed. We have also added a new feature.

ErrorLib is a shareware library which gives you control of  
execution errors. With ErrorLib, you decide whether errors are  
reported and how they are reported. Password protected stacks no  
longer hamper bug reports from your clients and you will get all  
error information Revolution can possibly provide.

With errorLib, you have a simple light-weight set of scripts that  
you can include with your standalones and use in your IDE. The  
execution error dialog will no longer lock up your IDE if you use  
errorLib instead. You can easily parse error information and  
display the error, using either the built-in routines of errorLib  
or your own custom error dialog.

New in this version:
- a problem causing the error log files to be useless has been fixed
- the log file now also includes information about platform and  
- errors were sometimes parsed as “theParsedData” but are now  
parsed correctly

You can download ErrorLib from the Developers section of the  
Economy-x-Talk homepage.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Consultant and Software Engineer

eHUG coordinator

Advertise with us and reach 1000 truely interested internet users  
every month. See for more  

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Re: Text Color on Mac and Windows

2006-11-08 Thread Ray Horsley
Thanks, Dave.  I'm sure that would work.  It just seems like an  
inconvenience to have to do all the time when writing for both  
platforms.  I wonder why the inconsistency?


On Nov 8, 2006, at 5:00 PM, Dave Cragg wrote:

On 8 Nov 2006, at 20:54, Ray Horsley wrote:

Here's one of those things that's bothered me for some time now.   
On the Mac I create a list behavior field, leave the default text  
color as black and set the highlight color as something light,  
like a light blue, to contrast against the black text.  Then I  
look at it on Windows and discover that highlighting a line of  
text in the field there turns it white which is all but unreadable  
against a light blue highlight color.

Anybody know how to stop text in a list behavior field from  
turning white when clicked on Windows?

Try setting the text color of the text in the field rather than the  
color of the field itself. (Make any sense??)

Like this:

  set the forecolor of char 1 to -1 of field 1 to 0,0,0

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Reading from Excel Files

2006-10-23 Thread Ray Horsley
Greetings,I'm using "open file myPath for binary read" to read an Excel file and I'm getting lots of garbage characters since I believe it's Microsoft's proprietary binary format.  If I save the Excel file as a Text (Tab Delimited) file I can read from it fine.  The problem is I have about 500 of these file.  To manually convert all of them would be extremely time consuming.Any suggestions on reading an Excel file and filtering out all the garbage characters?Thanks,Ray horsleyDeveloper, LinkIt! Software___
metacard mailing list

Re: Reading from Excel Files

2006-10-23 Thread Ray Horsley
Never got into AppleScript.  That's not a bad idea, though.On Oct 23, 2006, at 2:37 PM, jbv wrote:Ray , If you're on Mac, I've you tried some applescript to convert all your excel files to tab/return test files ? JB Greetings, I'm using "open file myPath for binary read" to read an Excel file and I'm getting lots of garbage characters since I believe it's Microsoft's proprietary binary format.  If I save the Excel file as a Text (Tab Delimited) file I can read from it fine.  The problem is I have about 500 of these file.  To manually convert all of them would be extremely time consuming. Any suggestions on reading an Excel file and filtering out all the garbage characters?___metacard mailing listmetacard@lists.runrev.com ___
metacard mailing list

Re: Mac OS 9 Stand Alone Engine

2006-10-21 Thread Ray Horsley
Thanks, Jacqueline.  Just one last thing, where can I find the engine  
I need to create the classic standalone?  My version 2.6.1 is for OSX  
which has the bundle instead of a classic style app.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Oct 20, 2006, at 5:24 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Ray Horsley wrote:
Thanks to all for ideas on this.  After changing the  
stackFileVersion for these stacks, where do I find the engine to  
use when creating the standalone which will run on Mac OS 9?

I think you'll have to use the 2.6.1 engine, that's the most recent  
Classic I could find. If your stacks use any 2.7 features, I'm  
afraid you may be out of luck. If it helps, the team knows they  
need to do a Classic release soon (as well as some of the unixes.)

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Mac OS 9 Stand Alone Engine

2006-10-21 Thread Ray Horsley
Thanks, Jackie.  I downloaded all of these engines, but I just got documents.  They're unavailable when selecting an engine in Metacard's standalone builder.  However, I downloaded the "Revolution 2.6.1.sit file in the Distributions folder and that engine seems to be giving be an OS9 application.Thanks for your help,Ray HorsleyDeveloper, LinkIt! SoftwareOn Oct 21, 2006, at 3:02 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote: ___
metacard mailing list

Re: Mac OS 9 Stand Alone Engine

2006-10-20 Thread Ray Horsley
Thanks to all for ideas on this.  After changing the stackFileVersion for these stacks, where do I find the engine to use when creating the standalone which will run on Mac OS 9?Ray HorsleyDeveloper, LinkIt! SoftwareOn Oct 19, 2006, at 4:09 PM, Klaus Major wrote:Hi Ray, I can try this, setting the stackFileVersion to "2.4". you could write a little repeat loop which iopens all these "new" stacks andsave them in old format:...set the stackFileVersion to "2.4"lock messages ##!!!repeat for each line i in fld "list of all the new (2.7) stacks with full pathnames"  toplevel stack i  save stack i  close stack iend repeat...Not tested, but should work.(Famous last words ;-) Just two quickies.  Why not set it to 2.6.6 which was the last version of MC I used before upgrading? There is no stackFileVersion "2.6.6" ;-), only stackfileversion "2.4" which was used until version 2.7 of Revand "2.7" which is used from version 2.7x of Rev. There had been a change in the fileformat. The other question is, will I find any speed decreases in doing this? Don't think so. I'm thoroughly enjoying my new MacPro quad Intel running 2.7.  I'd hate to loose any of that speed, although I believe all the speed is coming from the app, not the stacks.Thanks,Ray HorsleyDeveloper, LinkIt! Software RegardsKlaus Major[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.major-k.de___metacard mailing listmetacard@lists.runrev.com ___
metacard mailing list

Mac OS 9 Stand Alone Engine

2006-10-19 Thread Ray Horsley
Anybody know where I can get an engine to build a Mac OS 9 stand  
alone using stacks saved in 2.7 (not legacy)?

I work with schools, many of which tend to hang on to old technology  
for a long time.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
metacard mailing list

Re: Mac OS 9 Stand Alone Engine

2006-10-19 Thread Ray Horsley
Ouch!  Is there any work around for this at all?  We've got hundreds  
of public school tests which are 2.7 stacks, but many schools which  
are still running 9.x.  Is the only option (other than telling them  
they have to upgrade) maintaining two separate piles of all these tests?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Oct 19, 2006, at 1:35 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Ray Horsley wrote:
Anybody know where I can get an engine to build a Mac OS 9 stand  
alone using stacks saved in 2.7 (not legacy)?

There isn't one yet, I'm afraid.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Mac OS 9 Stand Alone Engine

2006-10-19 Thread Ray Horsley
I can try this, setting the stackFileVersion to 2.4.  Just two  
quickies.  Why not set it to 2.6.6 which was the last version of MC I  
used before upgrading?  The other question is, will I find any speed  
decreases in doing this?  I'm thoroughly enjoying my new MacPro quad  
Intel running 2.7.  I'd hate to loose any of that speed, although I  
believe all the speed is coming from the app, not the stacks.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Oct 19, 2006, at 3:51 PM, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi all,

Richard Gaskin wrote:

Ray Horsley wrote:
Ouch!  Is there any work around for this at all?  We've got  
hundreds of public school tests which are 2.7 stacks, but many  
schools which are still running 9.x.  Is the only option (other  
than telling them they have to upgrade) maintaining two separate  
piles of all these tests?
Unless your app requires features unique to v2.7, you can have  
your v2.7 app simply save them in the older format using the  
global property which governs that:

   set the stackFileVersion to 2.4

That's my suggestion too. Also, note that we've added a preference  
in the Prefs dialog that lets you set the stackfileversion  
permanently. Just check that, re-save all your stacks, and you  
should be good to go.

Ray Horsley clearly wrote:
- We've got hundreds of public school tests which are 2.7 stacks...

He wants to open existing stacks stacks in new (2.7) format, not  
save new stacks in old format.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |


Klaus Major

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metacard mailing list

Re: Can't assign App and Doc icons building stand alone

2006-10-10 Thread Ray Horsley
Please don't apologize, Klaus.  I just downloaded the latest and it  
works fine now.  Your work is greatly appreciated!

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Oct 10, 2006, at 5:49 AM, Klaus Major wrote:

HI all,

oh my god, how embarrassing :-(
Apologies to all for the inconveniences!

I corrected this mistake and will upload the fixed IDE to the
Yahoo group immediately.


Klaus Major

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metacard mailing list

Re: New Variable Watcher

2006-10-09 Thread Ray Horsley
I'm looking for the new Variable Watcher, clicking 'Files' after  
logging in to Yahoo Groups, but somehow I'm missing it.  Where is it?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
metacard mailing list

Re: Can't assign App and Doc icons building stand alone

2006-10-09 Thread Ray Horsley
The error I've always gotten is Icon is the wrong size.  If I copy  
the SB from 2.6b12 will this solve the problem?

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Oct 9, 2006, at 6:41 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Ken Ray wrote:

On 10/8/06 1:19 PM, Ray Horsley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ken, did you get a chance to bugzilla this?  Let me know if there's
anything I can do to help resolve this.

Yes, bug #3895...

The problem is that the older SB was accidentally included in the  
IDE 2.7 archive, looks like. I just checked out 2.6b12 and 2.7 and  
the 2.6b12 SB is the correct one. Just a simple oops. There is a  
lot to keep track of in there.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Can't assign App and Doc icons building stand alone

2006-10-08 Thread Ray Horsley
Ken, did you get a chance to bugzilla this?  Let me know if there's  
anything I can do to help resolve this.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Oct 8, 2006, at 1:39 PM, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi Ken and all,

On 10/5/06 8:48 PM, Ray Horsley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Problems once again with assigning desktop icons.  This time it's  

application's icon during the build of the Windows stand alone which
is not cooperating.  I thought I had created the right 16X16 .ico
files.  They worked with Metacard 2.6.  But suddenly that's broken.

Actually, I'm running into the same problem - I have full icon  
sets (created
in Iconographer) for Windows that have worked great up until 2.7  
and now
don't. I get an error that they're the wrong size; when I get info  
in the
Finder, they're 26,588 bytes, but MC 2.7.4 asks for 25086 bytes.  

enough, the same bad icons, work fine in Rev 2.7.4.

Anyone else experiencing this, or has anyone else successfully  
built a

Windows standalone with icons in 2.7.4?

just did a short test, and yes, 2.7.4 throws an error that the  
three 32 bit icons are

missing in the icon file, but they are definitively there!

Did the test with MC, so it IS an engine issue.

The error text must be coming from the engine, since this error  
string is
definitively NOT in the script of the standalone building routine  
of MetaCard!

Oh my god scotland, big fun :-/

Could you please bugzilla thgis, Ken? Thanks.
I am a bit in a hurry.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:


Klaus Major

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How to Build Stand Alones Using 2.7.4

2006-10-05 Thread Ray Horsley
My apologies if I missed a recent thread on this.  Is there a recipe  
somewhere for building stand alones in 2.7.4?

Errors: File [path into app's bundle] is not a Metacard engine.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
metacard mailing list

Re: How to Build Stand Alones Using 2.7.4

2006-10-05 Thread Ray Horsley
Klaus, thanks a lot!  Building stand alones is now much less tedious without having to edit the pList files.Just two other things: I'm assuming the PowerPC-32 engine produces a stand alone for the Mac OSX platform, and the Universal engine produces a stand alone for the Mac Intel platform.  I'm not sure what the x86-32 engine for.  Any light you can shed on this is appreciated.Thanks,Ray HorsleyDeveloper, LinkIt! SoftwareOn Oct 5, 2006, at 6:47 AM, Klaus Major wrote:Hi Ray, My apologies if I missed a recent thread on this.  Is there a recipe somewhere for building stand alones in 2.7.4?Errors: File [path into app's bundle] is not a Metacard engine. please take a look at the Yahoo MC IDE group.There you will find explicit info about this topic. a line if you do not want to register for this group and I will sendyou the infos directly. Thanks,Ray HorsleyDeveloper, LinkIt! Software BestKlaus Major[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.major-k.de___metacard mailing listmetacard@lists.runrev.com ___
metacard mailing list

Can't assign App and Doc icons building stand alone

2006-10-05 Thread Ray Horsley
Problems once again with assigning desktop icons.  This time it's the  
application's icon during the build of the Windows stand alone which  
is not cooperating.  I thought I had created the right 16X16 .ico  
files.  They worked with Metacard 2.6.  But suddenly that's broken.



Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
metacard mailing list

Re: New Variable Watcher

2006-10-04 Thread Ray Horsley
Thanks, Ken, for your attention regarding the VW.  Generally  
speaking, the inherently close relationship between the VW and the  
Script Editor [SE] beckon several questions.  Typically throughout my  
day I open the SE without opening the VW and write my scripts.  I  
then run them with the debugger on, in which case I nearly always  
want the VW open.  I assume a lot of us work this way but I'm not  
sure since I never stand over anybody's shoulder and look.  But if my  
assumption is correct I think the following short list would greatly  
increase productivity and eliminate a lot of repetitive chores:

1)  When the SE opens in debug mode the VW should automatically open
-- or at least have a keyboard shortcut to open it
2)  When closing the SE the VW should also close
   -- a keyboard shortcut to close here would also be nice
3)  Keyboard shortcuts typed after clicking in the VW should pass  
through to the SE

The last one of these would really be a welcome addition since it can  
be quite exasperating to click somewhere in the VW during debugging,  
then forget to click in the SE and instead just type a keyboard  
shortcut to step to the next line of script.  The whole script runs  
and blows all the work you just did positioning windows and so forth  
to debug.  This area also brings up the question, why does the  
command-M shortcut to step through a script never work in the out-of- 
the-box stack?  I always have to change this to command-D  
(easier to do with the left hand) and then trap for it in both the VW  
as well as the SE.

On a note of appreciation, I really like the new VW's ability to  
remember not only where I left it on screen, but also the height of  
the fields within it.  I use to add my own handlers for this, too.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Oct 4, 2006, at 2:25 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

I have uploaded a new build of the Variable Watcher to the MC_IDE  
group in
the Files area (in the Extras folder) that fixes a bug in the VW  
where you
would get a Parameter is not a variable error if you tried to  
bring up the
VW and you had either a variable where there should be a quoted  
string (like
set the decorations of this stack to title) or where you  
named a variable the same as a reserved word (like put 123 into  

If you leave the VW open when not debugging, it normally displays the
globals in the state they were in when you stopped debugging, but they
didn't update if you changed them subsequent to that. A new feature  
has been
added that the VW will update its global list when you pass the  
mouse over

any of the fields in the VW.

If you run into any other problems, or have any other suggestions  
for the

VW, please let me know.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: New Variable Watcher

2006-10-04 Thread Ray Horsley
Thanks Ken.  I was unaware of the VW's context menu.  I agree it  
would be great to add some way to store those choices as  
preferences.  Future additions to the context menu such as auto  
opening and closing could also be stored.  For right now I'm happy  
having altered the Step Over menu to command-D and setting up command- 
E to open the VW.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Oct 4, 2006, at 10:25 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

On 10/4/06 7:19 AM, Ray Horsley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks, Ken, for your attention regarding the VW.

You're welcome! :-)

Generally speaking, the inherently close relationship between the
VW and the Script Editor [SE] beckon several questions.  Typically
throughout my day I open the SE without opening the VW and
write my scripts.  I then run them with the debugger on, in which
case I nearly always want the VW open.  I assume a lot of us work
this way but I'm not sure since I never stand over anybody's
shoulder and look.

I agree with you... I do the same thing.

But if my assumption is correct I think the following short list
would greatly increase productivity and eliminate a lot of repetitive

1)  When the SE opens in debug mode the VW should automatically open
 -- or at least have a keyboard shortcut to open it
2)  When closing the SE the VW should also close
-- a keyboard shortcut to close here would also be nice

This would be a great optional addition to the VW/SE - I'm not sure if
you're aware, but the VW has a context menu that lets you change  
the font,

text size, and colors used for different kinds of tokens, as well as
bringing up the Execution Contexts window (just Control/Right-click  
on any

field in the VW).

Obviously I need to store those preferences, so I could add two  
to AutoOpen and AutoClose the VW in that menu so they could be set  
to each

person's individual tastes.

3)  Keyboard shortcuts typed after clicking in the VW should pass
through to the SE

Command-keys in the SE are flaky right now... and I'm not sure if  
it's an SE

thing or a MetaCard/focus thing. I'll see what I can do about passing
command-keys from the VW to the SE.

The last one of these would really be a welcome addition since it can
be quite exasperating to click somewhere in the VW during debugging,
then forget to click in the SE and instead just type a keyboard
shortcut to step to the next line of script.  The whole script runs
and blows all the work you just did positioning windows and so forth
to debug.

Been there, done that! ;-)

This area also brings up the question, why does the
command-M shortcut to step through a script never work in the out-of-
the-box stack?  I always have to change this to command-D
(easier to do with the left hand) and then trap for it in both the VW
as well as the SE.

The reason is that it was a poor choice of command keys because  
when the SE

is open, it still has the MC menubar, so typing a command-key that
corresponds to an existing menu item in the menubar seems to get  
there and not to the SE sometimes. I'll see if there's anything I  
can do to

stabilize that...

On a note of appreciation, I really like the new VW's ability to
remember not only where I left it on screen, but also the height of
the fields within it.  I use to add my own handlers for this, too.

This goes along with being able to store the VW prefs I was mentioning

Once that was possible, saving the sizes/positions/colors/font/etc.  



Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Fixed VW is up

2006-10-04 Thread Ray Horsley
Just downloaded and test drove the new Variable Watcher, Ken.   

I don't know how new some of these other features are.  Maybe a  
missed something a while back, but I especially like the ability to  
click a variable in the Script Editor and have the Variable Watcher  
respond.  Saves a lot of hunting in lengthy scripts.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Oct 4, 2006, at 12:56 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

Fixed the bug I'd mentioned in my last email... it's good to go now  

place as before).

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: New Variable Watcher

2006-10-04 Thread Ray Horsley

Absolutely, Ken.  I for one would find such an addition very useful.

On Oct 4, 2006, at 2:30 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

On 10/4/06 9:25 AM, Ken Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2)  When closing the SE the VW should also close
-- a keyboard shortcut to close here would also be nice

Obviously I need to store those preferences, so I could add two  
to AutoOpen and AutoClose the VW in that menu so they could be set  
to each

person's individual tastes.

Actually I looked into it, and it would be very difficult to tag  
the closure

of the VW to the closing of the SE, since it is possible (and I do it
frequently) to have multiple SE windows open (as I'm tracing  
through things

for example) and to be able to tag the VW to a specific SE.

However, I *could* close the VW when your debugging session is over  
(like if
you close the script you're debugging, or choose Abort). Would  
that work
for you, Ray? Obviously it would be an option that people could  
turn on or

off, and defaults to off...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Modified Script Editor

2006-10-03 Thread Ray Horsley
Here's a good head scratcher.  The recent thread about upgrading to 2.7.4 was incentive for me to finally do so.  Everything went smoothly and I made various personal changes I prefer such as adding the keyboard shortcut command-E to the Script Editor so I can easily open the Variable Watcher during debugging.  Then when I used it, only in certain scripts, I got the error:Keys: Parameter is not a variableIt appears the offending line in my script was:      set the decorations of stack "•Standards•" to titleIf I make "title" a literal, as in:      set the decorations of stack "•Standards•" to "title"I have no more problems, for the moment.Anybody got any ideas?Ray HorsleyDeveloper, LinkIt! SoftwareMacPro, Quad Core Xeon, 10.4.7, MetaCard, 10.7.4___
metacard mailing list

Re: Modified Script Editor

2006-10-03 Thread Ray Horsley
Thanks for the insight, Jackie.  I'm usually pretty good about  
avoiding the use of reserved words.  This was a case where I thought  
the engine actually needed to see the reserved word without the  
quotes.  After all, that's how it worked with previous versions of  
the engine.  Anyway, live and learn.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Oct 3, 2006, at 5:46 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Ray Horsley wrote:
Here's a good head scratcher.  The recent thread about upgrading  
to 2.7.4 was incentive for me to finally do so.  Everything went  
smoothly and I made various personal changes I prefer such as  
adding the keyboard shortcut command-E to the Script Editor so I  
can easily open the Variable Watcher during debugging.  Then when  
I used it, only in certain scripts, I got the error:

Keys: Parameter is not a variable
It appears the offending line in my script was:
  set the decorations of stack •Standards• to title
If I make title a literal, as in:
  set the decorations of stack •Standards• to title
I have no more problems, for the moment.
Anybody got any ideas?

I get this same error all the time, and Ken finally cleared it up  
for me the other day. In your example, title is a reserved word  
in Revolution, and without the quotes it is seen by the debugger as  
an invalid variable name. Decorations are supposed to be in quotes  
anyway; not putting them in quotes is handled in a forgiving  
fashion by the engine in some cases but not in all.

In my case, I was using a variable called tExt (for storing the  
extension of a file name) and the engine saw it as the word text  
-- also a reserved word and therefore not a variable.

Gotta watch those.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Good new features - Rev IDE

2006-09-01 Thread Ray Horsley
I'm enjoying following your discoveries in Revolution, Shari.  One of 
the things I recall missing in the Rev IDE a while back was the Control 
Browser.  This feature in Metacard was and continues to be the easiest 
way I know of to open the script of a grouped object.  Without it I was 
a little put out in the Rev IDE.  Have you found an easy way to edit 
the scripts of grouped objects?

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Sep 1, 2006, at 3:40 PM, Shari wrote:

Working in the Rev IDE to help familiarize myself with all the changes 
and new features.

Found a happy change.  With a script open, can save the stack with 

In my old version of MC, Command-S with the script open told it to 
search the script.

Good new feature :-)

Another happy change is the ability to hit Command-M with the script 
open, and get the message box.  Previously it added something to the 
script itself, I do not recall, maybe on mouseUp/end mouseUp?

Another good new feature :-)

I miss the buttons at the top of the script that let me view all the 
handlers, though.  I know I can turn on this list in a field at the 
left of the script.  But this means to either widen the script window, 
or narrow the area for script editing.

Miss this feature a LOT :-(

Mac and Windows shareware games
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metacard mailing list

Re: Displaying Stacks in Browsers

2006-08-30 Thread Ray Horsley
My most sincere thanks to all who have replied to my inquiry regarding 
the display of stacks in a browser.  Some very creative ideas came out 
of this, especially those presented by Bill Burman.  Richard Gaskin's 
approach was also very helpful.  It's been a very interesting thread.

Thanks to all who responded!

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Displaying Stacks in Browsers

2006-08-28 Thread Ray Horsley


It may sound a bit dreamy, but does anybody know of a way to display a 
stack in a browser for normal interactive use with the cgi processing 
the input?

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Metacard to Revolution

2006-06-29 Thread Ray Horsley
Anybody know where to post questions regarding moving from Metacard to 

It seems there should be a Revolution mailing list to post these kinds 
of questions to instead of here on the Metacard mailing list.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: Metacard to Revolution

2006-06-29 Thread Ray Horsley

Thanks Richard.

By the way, what's the latest version of Metacard and where can I 
download it?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Jun 29, 2006, at 3:49 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Ray Horsley wrote:
Maybe I mis-worded my request.  I'm not really 'moving away' from 
using Metacard.  Instead, I just intended to 'add Revolution' to the 
list of tools I use.  I purchased an enterprise license a few years 
back but I never took the time to really get set up using Revolution. 
 Recently, Heather tempted me with an attractive upgrade offer, so I 
purchased it and I'm now trying once again to get set up so I can use 
either tool.  I'm assuming each one has its pros and cons, I'd just 
like to broaden my horizons a bit as they say and have both 
available.  In any event I am definitely still an avid 14+ hour a day 
Metacard IDE user and fan, and will more than likely remain so.

Hope this is helpful,

Very.  If you find things in Rev that are especially useful please 
drop a note here so we can consider adding them to either MC IDE or my 
own variant of it.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
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Re: Disappearing windows

2006-06-23 Thread Ray Horsley

On Jun 23, 2006, at 11:29 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

On Mac OS X, using the RC-1 IDE, I have twice had all visible windows 
disappear on me entirely. I accidentally double-clicked on (I think) 
the message box's titlebar and everything went away. The MC icon in 
the dock does not show any windows in its contextual menu, so I can't 
get them back. The message box is hidden so I can't type any commands. 
The only way out is to quit MetaCard. MC knows the stacks are there 
and asks if I want to save them (thank god) but I have to quit and 
restart. When I re-open the stack I was working on, it has been saved 
as invisible and I have to issue a show command to see it.

This sounds like it might be related to Klaus' changes that minimize 
all open windows when only one is minimized, except that none of these 
stacks appear in the dock, so they aren't really minimized, they are 
just invisible. I don't have time right now to track down where the 
handler is and check it, but I'm hoping someone else has seen this and 
knows where to change it. Klaus?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Disappearing windows

2006-06-23 Thread Ray Horsley

By george you're right, Jacqueline.  I'm getting the exact same 
behavior by double-clicking the message box's title bar.  I'm using IDE 
version 2.6b12, engine 2.6.6, build number 152.  I never noticed that 
before.  I'll goof around a little with it to see if I can trace it.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Jun 23, 2006, at 11:29 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

On Mac OS X, using the RC-1 IDE, I have twice had all visible windows 
disappear on me entirely. I accidentally double-clicked on (I think) 
the message box's titlebar and everything went away. The MC icon in 
the dock does not show any windows in its contextual menu, so I can't 
get them back. The message box is hidden so I can't type any commands. 
The only way out is to quit MetaCard. MC knows the stacks are there 
and asks if I want to save them (thank god) but I have to quit and 
restart. When I re-open the stack I was working on, it has been saved 
as invisible and I have to issue a show command to see it.

This sounds like it might be related to Klaus' changes that minimize 
all open windows when only one is minimized, except that none of these 
stacks appear in the dock, so they aren't really minimized, they are 
just invisible. I don't have time right now to track down where the 
handler is and check it, but I'm hoping someone else has seen this and 
knows where to change it. Klaus?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Sending E-mail

2006-04-29 Thread Ray Horsley
Thanks.  I've downloaded several of the lib... files from the libraries 
page of this site, but none of them open in Metacard or Revolution on 
my Mac OSX.  The document type is listed as a .php (Hypertext 
Preprocessor) document and double-clicking them attempts to open 
Macromedia's Dreamweaver.

Any ideas?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Apr 29, 2006, at 12:32 AM, LiangTyan Fui wrote:

On Apr 29, 2006, at 5:27 AM, Ray Horsley wrote:

Anybody know of a way to send an E-mail from Metacard?

You can find one with:



Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Sending E-mail

2006-04-28 Thread Ray Horsley

Anybody know of a way to send an E-mail from Metacard?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: CGI calling on Metacard

2006-04-28 Thread Ray Horsley

Hi Shari,

I'm working on a simpler but related project right now which is simply 
to solicit an E-mail address from a Metacard stack and then use it to 
send an ID number or something to the user.  The intention is to 
receive valid E-mails in exchange for providing access codes to various 
parts of my software.  Your project sounds a little more complex, but 
as a suggestion you might try looking through Ken Ray's SonsoThunder 
site at:

Good luck,

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Apr 28, 2006, at 5:41 PM, Shari wrote:

All this CGI talk has me thinking about this again.  Every once in 
awhile I ponder a desire.  But don't know how to approach it without 
wasting many weeks or months over something I do not understand.

I'd like to automate my registration system.  Currently I will get an 
email, pull out certain info from the email and enter it into a 
Metacard stack, which gives me the registration code, which I email 
back to the person.

I've never automated this online because I just don't know enough 
about online security to protect it.  Nor do I know anything about 
writing CGI or PHP.  I use pre-written CGI and PHP scripts on 
occasion.  But would not trust someone else's to actually generate 
registration code for me.  I don't know enough about online security 
to even trust that my CGI script is not gettable somehow.  You hear so 
much about hackers.

I do trust my ability to create a Metacard app which hides the 
algorithm used to generate codes.  So using CGI to send the info to 
Metacard and retrieve the info from Metacard would be within my safety 

A lot of discussion occurs here linking Metacard with CGI.  Most of it 
is way over my head.  Think of me as a CGI kindergartner.  Or better 
yet, a pre-schooler.  Also, as I do not know the C programming 
language, only Metacard's language, a lot of CGI script is 
gobbledygook to me.

Is it possible for a simple CGI script to just take the parameters 
from an email and send that to an online Metacard app somehow?  And 
for the Metacard app to generate the code, send it either back to the 
CGI or as an email to the purchaser without my help?  And trap for 
errors (such as the email didn't go out) and email me?

The whole Metacard app would presumably need to reside online.  I am 
guessing this goes into the CGI folder?  Would one simply create a 
Metacard app just like I'd use it on my hard drive?  And upload it to 
a CGI folder?  I'm assuming I'd have to compile it for Windows for 
most web hosts to handle it?

Is anyone doing this?  Are there any how-to's with detailed (How To 
for Dummies) step-by-step instructions on how to do it?

Gypsy King Software
Mac and Windows shareware games
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Re: ColorizeScript challenge

2006-04-25 Thread Ray Horsley

Hi Richard,

I've found the 'repeat for each' structure, the first one below, to be 
incredibly faster than the second and third ones below since it doesn't 
have to count returns or spaces to get to lines and words.  For 
example, in the second repeat loop I believe the second line 'put line 
cline of s into curline' is going to take a long time to count all 
those return characters in long scripts, so I believe replacing the 
'repeat while...' structure with another 'repeat for each line' 
structure would speed things up substantially.  In the third repeat 
loop there's a similar situation with the 'repeat with curword...' 
structure.  Here a 'repeat for each word...' structure might speed 
things up substantially, also.  Of course, in each of these 
replacements you'll have to add 1 to a variable for each repetition in 
the loop so you know where you are, but that's just math which isn't 
going to slow anything down.

Hope this helps,

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Apr 25, 2006, at 7:00 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Anyone have ideas on how to speed up MC's script colorizing?

Here's the handler from the card script of the Script Editor stack:

on colorizescript
  if tokencolors[if] is empty then setupcolors
  local s
  put field Editor Field into s
  put s into field Editor Field
  go to card 2
  local curword
  put 1 into curword
  repeat for each word w in s
if tokencolors[w] is not empty
then set the textColor of word curword of field Editor Field of 
card 1 to tokencolors[w]

add 1 to curword
  end repeat
  local oldline, cline, curline, nwords
  put min(lineoffset(#, s), lineoffset(--, s)) into oldline
  put 0 into cline
  repeat while oldline is not 0
add oldline to cline
put line cline of s into curline
put the number of words in curline into nwords
repeat with curword = 1 to nwords
  if char 1 of word curword of curline is # or char 1 to 2 of 
word curword of curline is -- then
set the textColor of word curword to nwords of line cline of 
field Editor Field of card 1 to DarkOrchid4

exit repeat
  end if
end repeat
put min(lineoffset(#, s, cline), lineoffset(--, s, cline)) 
into oldline

  end repeat
  go to card 1
  unlock screen
end colorizescript

On short scripts it's fine, but run it on lengthy ones like libURL and 
it takes some time.

Any suggestions welcome...

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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Tabbed Button's Formatted Width

2006-03-23 Thread Ray Horsley


Anybody got an easy way to get the formattedWidth of a button whose 
appearance is set to Tabbed?  I'm running through a repeat loop while 
setting the label or name of the button to each line of its contents, 
adding the formattedWidth each time, but I'm still coming up short.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: Tabbed Button's Formatted Width

2006-03-23 Thread Ray Horsley

That did it!

Thanks, Ken.


On Mar 23, 2006, at 2:01 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

On 3/23/06 9:56 AM, Ray Horsley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Anybody got an easy way to get the formattedWidth of a button whose
appearance is set to Tabbed?  I'm running through a repeat loop while
setting the label or name of the button to each line of its contents,
adding the formattedWidth each time, but I'm still coming up short.


Here you go:


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

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What's in a group

2006-02-20 Thread Ray Horsley
Really basic question which I should know:  How do I get a list of all 
objects in a group?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: Formatted Width of a Tabbed button

2006-02-08 Thread Ray Horsley

Hi Ken,

That did the trick!

Thanks for your help.  Very much appreciated!

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Feb 7, 2006, at 9:55 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

On 2/7/06 7:12 PM, Ray Horsley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm just trying to find out how wide I have to make the button in 
to see all the tabs.  Unlike other button styles, a tabbed button 
all lines of its contents, but the formattedWidth property only 

the width of one line of the contents.  I'd like to get the width of
all the contents as they're displayed horizontally.

Thanks for your concern.  Let me know if you've got any ideas.

Here you go, Ray... try this:

on mouseUp
  put tabFormattedWidth(long id of btn 1) into tWidth
  set the width of btn 1 to tWidth
end mouseUp

function tabFormattedWidth pBtnDesc
  put the text of pBtnDesc into tTabs
  lock screen
  put 0 into tWidth
  put the number of lines of tTabs into tNum
  put the label of pBtnDesc into tOrigLabel
  repeat with x = 1 to tNum
set the label of pBtnDesc to (line x of tTabs)
put the formattedWidth of pBtnDesc into tFW
add tFW to tWidth
  end repeat
  put tWidth + (18* tNum) into tWidth
  set the label of pBtnDesc to tOrigLabel
  unlock screen
  return tWidth
end tabFormattedWidth


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

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metacard mailing list

Formatted Width of a Tabbed button

2006-02-07 Thread Ray Horsley
Does anybody know how to get the formattedWidth of a btn when it's 
appearance is set to Tabbed?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: Formatted Width of a Tabbed button

2006-02-07 Thread Ray Horsley
I get the same number returned regardless as to what the contents or 
the name of the button is.  What I'd like to get is the formatted width 
of the entire contents since that's what is displayed for a button set 
to Tabbed appearance.



On Feb 7, 2006, at 12:58 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Why can't you just use the formattedWidth?


Ray Horsley wrote:
Does anybody know how to get the formattedWidth of a btn when it's 
appearance is set to Tabbed?

Ray Horsley


eHUG coordinator

Please inform me about vacancies in the field of
general economics at your institute. I am also looking
for new freelance programming projects.

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Re: Formatted Width of a Tabbed button

2006-02-07 Thread Ray Horsley
I'm just trying to find out how wide I have to make the button in order 
to see all the tabs.  Unlike other button styles, a tabbed button shows 
all lines of its contents, but the formattedWidth property only returns 
the width of one line of the contents.  I'd like to get the width of 
all the contents as they're displayed horizontally.

Thanks for your concern.  Let me know if you've got any ideas.


On Feb 7, 2006, at 3:20 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Hi Ray,

The formattedwidth of a tabbed button is determined by its name or, if 
it has one, its label. If you change the name or the label, the 
formattedWidth will change as well.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?



Ray Horsley wrote:
I get the same number returned regardless as to what the contents or 
the name of the button is.  What I'd like to get is the formatted 
width of the entire contents since that's what is displayed for a 
button set to Tabbed appearance.

On Feb 7, 2006, at 12:58 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Why can't you just use the formattedWidth?


Ray Horsley wrote:

Does anybody know how to get the formattedWidth of a btn when it's 
appearance is set to Tabbed?

Ray Horsley


eHUG coordinator

Please inform me about vacancies in the field of
general economics at your institute. I am also looking
for new freelance programming projects.

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Second copy of app launching

2006-01-25 Thread Ray Horsley
Thanks Shari.  I wrote this solution a while back for this particular 
app which is for elementary school teachers.  The problem I'm 
encountering is it seems no matter how simply and straight forward I 
word the dialog which comes up when a second copy is launched, the 
teacher's, especially beginners, just don't get it.  Unfortunately, 
with this method I've got to count on them to decide whether they 
should continue or not, since they could have forced the first app to 
quit (control-alt-delete) in which case it would be legitimate to 
continue launching what appears to be a second copy of the app.

I'm going to try the two suggestions I've gotten from Ken Ray, one of 
which will hopefully remove the end user from the decision making 
process.   I'll let you know how it works out, but thanks for your 
alternate idea!

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Jan 25, 2006, at 7:52 AM, Shari wrote:

Another way is to have your application either create a text file on 
launch, or write something to it.

Then, anytime the app launches it looks for that text file, and if the 
file exists or the wording inside of it say something specific, the 
app is running.

On quit, either delete the file or write something else to it.  The 
key here is to catch any type of quit the user uses.  If the program 
doesn't go thru your quit routine, the file will not be changed on 
quit, and will give a false positive on the next launch.

Mine has a text file that on launch, it opens the file for read, reads 
from it etc.  If the word Windows is in the text, my app is already 
open.  If it is opening for the first time, it writes something with 
the word Windows to the file, signifying that the game has been 
launched and is running.  On quit, it writes something else to the 


Mac and Windows shareware games
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Second copy of app launching

2006-01-24 Thread Ray Horsley
This could be an old topic.  Does anyone have a way to detect if a copy 
of an application is open?  I need this to prohibit launching my app 
when a copy of it is already running.  It's only a problem on Windows 
since the Mac OS simply brings the already open app to the front 
instead of launching a second copy.  A list of all open applications 
would be nice.


Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: How to edit a script with a script?

2006-01-07 Thread Ray Horsley

Try working with the variables instead literals.  That is, instead of using keywords like then as literals in your script, put them into variables and work with the variables.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
On Jan 7, 2006, at 3:05 PM, Reinhold Venzl-Schubert wrote:


I have a stack Karten with a lot of cards and a lot of images (BiFra1, BiFra2, BiFra3, ... ,BiFra20).
I want to move the images with the mouse. Therefore I will add the following lines to the scripts of the images:

x-tad-biggeron mousedown/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger  if the visible of btn Krtgeaendert then  # /x-tad-biggerKrtgeaendert means card is changed. This button is visible when the user is changing the cards
x-tad-bigger    grab me/x-tad-bigger                                                                  x-tad-bigger# /x-tad-biggerand it stopps the changing. Only in changing-mode it shall be possible to drag the image to another position.
x-tad-bigger  end if/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-biggerend mousedown/x-tad-bigger

Because I don't want to change each script manually I created a little stack and a button with this script:

x-tad-biggeron mouseUp/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger  global ScriptMerk/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger  go stack Karten/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger  repeat with i = 1 to 20/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger    if there is a img (BiFra  i) then/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger      put the script of img (BiFra  i) into ScriptMerk/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger      if on mousedown is not among the lines of ScriptMerk then/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger        add CR  on mousedown  CR  if the visible of btn Krtgeaendert then  CR \/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger           grab me  CR  end if  CR  end mousedown to ScriptMerk/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger      set the script of img (BiFra  1) to ScriptMerk/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger      edit the script of img (BiFra  i)/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger     end if/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger   end if/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger  end repeat/x-tad-bigger

But when I try to apply the script I get the Script Error:

x-tad-biggerif: not a command/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-biggerif: error in command/x-tad-bigger

Metacard is grumbling about the word x-tad-biggerKrtgeaendert/x-tad-bigger.
It understand it as a command, because it follows a behind the second quotation mark.
In what way can I put the name of a button in a script?


metacard mailing list
metacard mailing list

Re: MC IDE v2.6b12 posted

2005-12-30 Thread Ray Horsley

Thanks Richard.

I've downloaded and installed.  Everything looks great so far.  Just 
one thing:  Should I be concerned with the note which appears warning 
me the Tools stack, version 2.6.1 does not match the engine version 
which is 2.6.6?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Dec 30, 2005, at 12:34 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

The latest build of the MC IDE is now available at:

Among other enhancements, this build include an updated Variable 
Watcher from Ken Ray, and the latest libURL from Dave Cragg.

Thanks to all for their contributions to this build.

Earlier, Wilhelm Sanke wrote:
1. When the MC IDE is started, stack mctools appears to have been 
be loaded twice. This was mentioned by Tariel Gogoberidze 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on Sept 1, 2005:

Also, one kind of strange thing I just noticed in my copy of IDE.

In freshly launched MC if I type in msg box put the stacks, it puts twice
I see this this happening here, too. Maybe the double-loaded stack is 
the cause underlying the nex item:

I was unable to reproduce this.  Please let me know if this recurs 
with the latest build, and if so what OS and engine version.

2. Launching the IDE from a CD you get a warning Cannot build a 
Plugins folder - or the like. If you press the skip button, the 
same warning is repeated. Only after after the second skip the IDE 
is started.

Could it be that both mctools stacks are involved here?
And maybe we could let detect the script from where the IDE is 
started, then in case of a CD we could skip the warnings altogether.
What is the cause of the double-loaded mctools stack? I think we can 
rule out that the stack may launch itself another time (as that could 
lead to an infinite loading of mctools stacks).

Same as above.

Has the home stack been changed or is the cause the new 
Metacard/Revolution engine? (for another engine-related bug see 

The Home stack has not been updated since it was first made open 
source by Dr. Raney.

3. The Find tool comes up with bwidth; the replace tools comes 
up with bwidth for the find string and 4wDev for the replace 
string. They should come up blank.
4. The Standalone Builder displays 4W WebMerge Folder/ 
for the stack name and /Area 51/4W/WebMerge/wm24/dev... for the 
standalone file name. They should come up without any preset entries.

Mea culpa. Pardon the poor housekeeping.

I belive I've cleared all old strings out in this build.  Please let 
me know if you find any remaining anomalies.

5. The Standalone Builder builds standalones according to the 
look-and-feel for  OS native even if Windows 95 has been set in 
the preferences.
I noticed this when I build the splash stack for my Colorpattern 
Toolkit ( and 
tested it with other stacks.
I tried to find out whether version 2.6 of the two embedded (in 
mctools) standalone builders was the cause, but it wasn't. Even using 
an older standalone builder (of MC 2.5) , but with the 2.6.6 engine, 
made no difference. But changing to an older engine, namely that of 
MC 2.5, produced a standalone with Windows look-and-feel even when 
the new standalone builder was being used.
Which means that the culprit must the new engine! I built a 
standalone of the same stack in the Rev IDE with Windows emulated 
checked: Same result, the produced standalone displays MacOS native 
features (like they appear on Windows).

Do we have a confirmation that this is an engine issue?  BZ#?

6. Width of answer dialogs
Also on Sept 1 Tariel Gogoberidze  had written:

Great, especially because I recently noticed that  in my copy of B11
IDE answer dialog can't expand it's width dynamically more than about
460 pixels, trims my forth button in half.
I myself noticed that one button was cut in half in the longer 
dialogs of my Colorpattern Toolkit (when six button were displayed), 
but only when OS native was checked. With Windows set, all buttons 
appear in full length, but - see item above - when the standalone had 
been built, it was transformed to OS native and the last button cut 
in half.
The Revolution answer dialogs display all 6 buttons in full length 
irrespective of the chosen look-and-feel. However, I do not like the 
overall length of the Revolution dialogs.

The Ask and Answer dialogs have been substantially revised for this 
build.  Please give 'em a whirl and let me know how they work for you.

7. The case of the placed answer and ask dialogs
One thread of the discussion had ended Sept 5 with statements from 
Scott Rossi and Richard Gaskin:

 You can of course use the available IDE dialogs: Just add the two 

 lines I have proposed (at the right place) to them, this is what I
 normally do when a new version appears.

Not when I'm delivering tools to other developers, no.  I have no 
messing around with my own development environment

Re: MC IDE v2.6b12 posted

2005-12-30 Thread Ray Horsley

This solution has turned out to be the best for me.

Thanks much and Happy New Year to all!

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Dec 30, 2005, at 1:56 PM, Klaus Major wrote:

set the mcversion of stack mctools to 2.6.6

RETURN and thats was it...

Dont forget to:

save stack mctools

metacard mailing list

Anyone interested in customizing the Execution Error stack

2005-12-09 Thread Ray Horsley
I've successfully customized the execution error substack from the 
McTools stack, thanks to help from Richard Gaskin and Xavier.  This is 
something I think a lot of us could use, so for anyone who's 
interested, here's how I did it.

I decided to alter the existing Execution Error stack instead of 
trapping for the errorDialog message and writing my own window since I 
couldn't seem to get the data out of the field in the Execution Error 
stack called Error Message soon enough (although it's nearly the same 
as the data supplied with the parameter for errorDialog).  With this 
approach in mind, I changed the name of the Help button on the 
Execution Error stack to Submit Report.  I then wrote my own handler 
which grabs all the error data from the field in the Execution Error 
stack called Error Message.  Of course I added data like the date and 
the user's registration, and I gave the user an area to provide extra 
notes of what lead to the error.  Finally, my script grabs a screen 
shot of the entire monitor.  Then, a text file of the report is 
uploaded to my FTP site as well as the picture.

I studied a little the data Metacard provides regarding errors, but I 
still don't understand what some of the numbers mean.   The whole thing 
is kind of a weird area of Metacard to work with, a lot of unexpected 
behavior.  I eliminated a problems by sending the message from the 
Submit Report button in 30 instead of executing it right away.

I hope this is helpful.

Thank again to Richard and Xavier!

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Customizing the Execution Error stack

2005-12-08 Thread Ray Horsley

Greetings members,

I'm working on customizing the Execution Error stack, but it's a weird 
thing to work with.  Each time I add buttons or fields to it they seem 
to disappear.  Looking at it in the Control Browser produces weird 
behavior, too, such as clicking on one control and highlighting 
another.  I'd like to add a Submit Report button to it which posts 
the specs of the error on an ftp site or something.  Specifically, it 
would be nice to know how it's triggered, what messages are sent to it, 
from where, and how to trap for them.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: Thank you to Metacard and RunRev...

2005-11-05 Thread Ray Horsley
And I second all that, Shari!  I came into this very much the same way 
you did, i.e. through HyperCard originally.  I hope Scott get this 

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
On Nov 5, 2005, at 11:19 AM, Shari wrote:

No questions, no answers, just a happy thought that I love Metacard!

I want to take a moment to say Thank You to Scott, for creating 
Metacard, and to RunRev, who has allowed Metacard to grow forth and 
flourish, and keep on being.

I truly love this language and the doors that it opens.  It allows me 
to pursue a dream that I so enjoy.

As a person who came into the computer world one generation too early, 
before computers became a mainstay, where manual typewriters still 
existed in the classroom and electric typewriters were all the rage... 

As a person who did not experience computers in any capacity until my 
late-thirties was it?  Dunno, just a guess...

As a person who, thanks to Hypercard, discovered the world of 
programming, never having studied an official programming language... 
never having even used a computer but almost immediately upon 
purchasing my first Macintosh, discovered Hypercard and created a 
program with it... albeit a simple program but one that opened the 
doors of creativity...

That Metacard allows me to create that which I can imagine... I say 


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Re: Order of execution

2005-11-04 Thread Ray Horsley


Did you try locking messages just in case something else is catching 
your handlers?  Also, are other stacks like the menubar or McTools 
maybe the culprit?

Good luck,


On Nov 4, 2005, at 3:02 PM, Shari wrote:

I am trying to find out why there is a long delay.

The following command is issued from a stack:

go invisible stack Felix as toplevel

In the preOpenStack handler of stack Felix I've put the following to 
help debug the delay:

answer preOpenStack Felix
This is at the very beginning of the preOpenStack handler.

There is a very long delay between the go and the preOpenStack 
commands.  I've put various answer commands into other preOpen- and 
open- handlers of various stacks in an attempt to see what the trouble 

Nothing seems to happen in between the two.

The only theory I have is that I recently added a large number of 
hidden objects to the main card of stack Felix.

I've tried setting the alwaysBuffer of stack Felix to ON and OFF. 
There is no difference.  Still a very long delay.

Is there anything that can happen with a stack before preOpenStack? I 
would have assumed this to be the first thing that would happen.

Any ideas?

Mac and Windows shareware games
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Re: standalone don't find images

2005-10-25 Thread Ray Horsley
You could try importing your images without the Link Only box checked so they reside in the stack itself.

On Oct 25, 2005, at 4:35 AM, Reinhold Venzl-Schubert wrote:


The standalone, that I built, don't find the images in the folder Media

In the stackscript I set the directory with

x-tad-biggeron preopenstack/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger  get the effective filename of this stack/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger  set the itemdel to //x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger  delete last item of it/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-bigger  set the directory to it/x-tad-bigger
x-tad-biggerend preopenstack/x-tad-bigger

every image was imported with Link Only and Set Directory and has the Filename Media/Imagename.jpg

and the Media-Folder is at the right place, in the same folder as the standalone.

What is wrong?

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Re: Printing PDF Files

2005-09-26 Thread Ray Horsley

Hi Ken,

Thanks for your response.  I'd like to print directly from a script.  
Hopefully, this would be something like placing an image on a card, 
linking it to a JPEG and printing the card.  I need this to work on Mac 
Classic, Mac OSX and Windows, so I'd like to avoid getting into 
launching another app and then running Apple Script or something.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Sep 24, 2005, at 11:41 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

On 9/23/05 3:38 PM, Ray Horsley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anybody have a way to print PDF files from a script?

Ray, do you mean *directly* printing PDF files from a script, or 
launching an app that can do the printing, and print it from there? 

what platform(s) do you need this to work on?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

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Printing PDF Files

2005-09-23 Thread Ray Horsley

Does anybody have a way to print PDF files from a script?

Thanks in advance!

Ray Horsley
developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Moving files among machines on a common router

2005-09-22 Thread Ray Horsley


I use the LibUrl commands to move files back and forth (local to an ftp  
server) a lot.  The following works well for me:

ftp://myUserName:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mytopdirectory/ 
myNextDirectory/ into someLocalFilePath

Does anybody know how a variant of this could be used to move a file  
from a Mac to a PC which is connected to the same router?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: Moving files among machines on a common router

2005-09-22 Thread Ray Horsley
I guess the issue then is the fact that my Windows machine in the other room is not an FTP Server, it's just another PC.  Any suggestions?

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Sep 22, 2005, at 9:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


FTP is a net protocol. It should work the same everywhere. Regardless of router or network 
as long as there is an ftp server on the other side and a connection to there ;) 


x-tad-smaller[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 22/09/2005 15:22:03:/x-tad-smaller

x-tad-smaller > Greetings,/x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > /x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > I use the LibUrl commands to move files back and forth (local to an ftp  /x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > server) a lot.  The following works well for me:/x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > /x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > put  /x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > ftp://myUserName:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mytopdirectory//x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > myNextDirectory/ into someLocalFilePath/x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > /x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > Does anybody know how a variant of this could be used to move a file  /x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > from a Mac to a PC which is connected to the same router?/x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > /x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > Thanks,/x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > /x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > /x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > Ray Horsley/x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > Developer, LinkIt! Software/x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > /x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > ___/x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller > metacard mailing list/x-tad-smaller
x-tad-smaller >
x-tad-smaller >

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Re: Networked stacks

2005-08-09 Thread Ray Horsley
Why not just write text files on the local server and use them to load 
fields in your stacks?  You can include traps as to whether they're 
currently open, when they were last updated, etc.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Aug 8, 2005, at 9:59 PM, David Epstein wrote:

Can someone suggest a source for examples or explanation of using
Metacard in a networked environment?  What are the best ways to script
interactions between stacks on two or more computers on a local area
network, e.g., passing text back and forth easily?  Are there some
stacks available that exemplify this?

Many thanks.

David Epstein
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Re: Calendar

2005-08-03 Thread Ray Horsley

Works like a charm.

Much thanks!

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Aug 2, 2005, at 1:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anybody have [and willing to share] a  calendar maker?


Ray  Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

From ssBk:

on  mouseUp
# Syntax: FLCcalendar (startDay 1-7, Month  1-12,Year 1970-2037)
# Gives a language-localized calendar  with selectable first day of 

put random(7) into  weekStartsOn
put random(12) into tMonth
put random(67) +1969  into tYear
put FLCcalendar(weekStartsOn,tMonth,tYear) into cd fld  Calendar
end mouseUp

function FLCcalendar  tStartDayNum,tM,tY
put the system monthNames into  tMonthNames
get the abbrev system WeekDayNames
repeat for  each line L in it
if len(L) is 2 then put space  L  into L
put char 1 to 3 of L cr after  tAbbrevWeekDayNames
end repeat
delete last char of  tAbbrevWeekDayNames
# Verify params...
put tM  /1/ tY into tCalendarMonth
convert tCalendarMonth to  dateItems
if the result  then return Date error
put item 1 of tCalendarMonth into tY
# Build Calendar  title...
put line (item 2 of tCalendarMonth) of tMonthNames   tY into 
# Build Calendar day header line, starting from  selected day of the 

put tAbbrevWeekDayNames into  dayHeader
put (line tStartDayNum to -1 of dayHeader)cr(line  1 to tStartDayNum 
-1 of

dayHeader) into dayHeader
replace cr with  space in dayHeader
# To centre the monthHeader...
put char 1  to round((length(dayHeader)-length(monthHeader)) div 2) +1 

before monthHeader
# Build Calendar...
put empty into  days
if tStartDayNum is 1 then put 7 into tEndDayNum
else  put tStartDayNum -1 into tEndDayNum
# Calculate position of first  date...
put (item 7 of tCalendarMonth) - (tStartDayNum)+1 into  dayOffset
if dayOffset  1 then put (7+ dayOffset) into  dayOffset
repeat with dayNum = 1 to dayOffset -1
put  after days
end repeat
# Complete  Calendar...
repeat while item 2 of tCalendarMonth is  tM
getitem 3 of tCalendarMonth
if length(it) is 3 then get it
if item 7 of tCalendarMonth is tEndDayNum then get it   cr
put it after days
add 1 to  item 3 of tCalendarMonth
convert tCalendarMonth from  dateItems to long system date -- to force 

line to  update
convert tCalendarMonth from long system date to  dateItems
end repeat
return monthHeader  crdayHeader  cr  days
end FLCcalendar


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2005-08-02 Thread Ray Horsley

Does anybody have [and willing to share] a calendar maker?


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: How to get feedback if a substack is opened

2005-07-21 Thread Ray Horsley
I wrote a tiny function for this a while ago which has worked fine for me:

function stackIsOpen stk
set the wholeMatches to true
put the openStacks into tmp
if lineOffset(stk,tmp) = 0 then
return false
else return true
end stackIsOpen

Hope it works for you, too.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Jul 21, 2005, at 3:55 AM, Reinhold Venzl-Schubert wrote:


How do mc reports if a substack is open / visible or not?
I tried it in two ways but I failed:

on mouseUp
if the openstack of stack xyz is true then
put stack xyz is opened
put stack xyz is closed
end if
end mouseUp

I this case I get stack xyz is closed as well if the stack in opened.

on mouseUp
if the visible of stack xyz is true then
put stack xyz is visible
put stack xyz is invisible
end if
end mouseUp

I this case I got stack xyz is visible as well if the stack is invisible.

What's the right way?


PS: Hi Klaus, how are you?
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Posting to E-mails via scripts

2005-07-19 Thread Ray Horsley


Anybody know of a simple way to send text to an E-mail address?

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

Re: Posting E-mails

2005-07-19 Thread Ray Horsley

Thanks Xavier,

I guess then that there are no tools such as the URL suite which I can 
use inside of Metacard to accomplish this?  I'm always looking for a 
way to write just once for both platforms.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Jul 19, 2005, at 11:11 AM, MisterX wrote:

Hi Ray

mac or windows?

mac - applescripts

windows - shell tools like Postie.exe (or others)...

they do everything as far as i know...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ray Horsley
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 14:50
To: Metacard List
Subject: Posting E-mails


Anybody know of a simple way to send text to an E-mail address?

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

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Re: And here is the Super Card 4.5 'Killer'

2005-07-01 Thread Ray Horsley
Don't we already have scrolling fields with embedded images?  I do this 
by assigning the imageSource of a character an id number of an image.  
Or were you referring to something else?

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Jul 1, 2005, at 12:26 PM, Mathewson wrote:


this allows embedded objects (images and so forth) inside

Of course SC is limited to Macs which seems a bit
odd as a lot of people (!!!) use Windows and Linux.

Notwithstanding this - it would be really super to
have scrolling text fields with embedded images: at least
from an educational point of view.


See Mathewson's software at:
The Think Different Store
For All Your Mac Gear
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Re: Standalone RSRC Item?

2005-05-19 Thread Ray Horsley
Shari, thanks for posting this again.  I tried these steps a while back 
when you posted them but somehow it didn't work out for me regarding 
the doc icons.  Maybe I missed something.  I'll try them again.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
On May 19, 2005, at 10:38 AM, Shari wrote:
In my app which is named LinkIt! I renamed the MetaCard.rsrc file to 
LinkIt.rsrc (I left out the exclamation mark since it usually causes 
problems).  I also replaced the text Metacard with LinkIt for all 
occurrences inside the file. I did this in an attempt to get my own 
app and doc icons to appear on the desktop, a process I still don't 
fully understand.  So far I've gotten the app icon to appear, but my 
docs are taking the app icon, too, instead of the doc icon.  It's 
been a thorn in my side for a long time.  I'd love to see some a 
simple list of the steps to accomplish this on OSX, Classic and 
Windows posted somewhere.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
What has worked for me is to do the following.
1.  In the MacOS folder, I rename the MetacardCarbonMach-0 file to 
GoldCarbonMach-O (replacing the word Metacard with Gold, short for 
Blackjack Gold, my program).

2.  In the Resources folder I rename the .rsrc file to 

3.  In the Resources folder I place two files, Gold.icns and 
Data.icns, which are the icon files for the program and its associated 

4.  PkgInfo has the following text in it:  APPLbJg3
5.  My info.plist is as follows:
Note that bJg3 is my creator code which has been registered with 
Apple.  Blackjack Gold is the name of the program, and 1.1.4 is the 

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
plist version=0.9
			stringBlackjack File/string
stringMSTK /string
	string1.1.4, Copyright 2002-2005 ¬Gypsy King Software/Shari L. 
	stringBlackjack Gold/string
	stringCopyright © 2002-2005, ¬Gypsy King Software, All Rights 
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Can't Start Jobs

2005-02-28 Thread Ray Horsley
I believe I've wrestled with this one before.  I click a button with 
the script:

   open printing
   print this card
   stop printing
Metacard sends the job to Apple's Print Center, version 2.3, but a few 
seconds later Print Center behaves as if I clicked the Stop Jobs 
button.  If I click the Start Jobs button the automatic switch back to 
Jobs Stopped continues.  Printing from other programs works fine.  Any 
ideas anyone?

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
Using Metacard 2.5 on System 10.2.8
Printer = Canon BJC - 85
metacard mailing list

Re: Can't Start Jobs

2005-02-28 Thread Ray Horsley
Yes, I did mean 'close printing'.
Thanks Jackie
On Monday, February 28, 2005, at 04:57  PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 2/28/05 2:50 PM, Ray Horsley wrote:
I believe I've wrestled with this one before.  I click a button with 
the script:
   open printing
   print this card
   stop printing
Metacard sends the job to Apple's Print Center, version 2.3, but a 
few seconds later Print Center behaves as if I clicked the Stop Jobs 
button.  If I click the Start Jobs button the automatic switch back 
to Jobs Stopped continues.  Printing from other programs works fine.  
Any ideas anyone?
Yes, this started a vew versions ago. It worked fine before that, but 
somewhere around 2.4 it changed. Now you can't get a job to print 
unless you open printing with a dialog.

By the way, you probably mean close printing above, right?
Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Saving SA settings

2005-01-23 Thread Ray Horsley
On Sunday, January 23, 2005, at 12:23  PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 1/22/05 6:39 AM, Klaus Major wrote:
Would someone mind if i create a MCIDE folder in the prefs folder 
on your HD and save all infos there
in a text file or stack?
Fine with me. I'd prefer this approach over storing stuff in the IDE 
I do too.
Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Fast Searches

2005-01-11 Thread Ray Horsley
Greetings Listers,
I'm working with large amounts of data, say 50,000 tab delimited lines, 
where the 4th item in each line is the same for every 20 or so lines.  
Does anybody have a fast way of determining how many unique 4th items 
there are in the 50,000 lines?

A repeat loop examining each line is certainly out of the question, and 
I've tried using various functions such as itemOffset after sorting 
ascending and descending, but this too is turning out to be kind of 

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
metacard mailing list

Re: Fast Searches

2005-01-11 Thread Ray Horsley
Thanks for such quick reponses!
Each line of my data represents an elementary school student's answer 
to a test question.  The line has about 18 tab delimited items in it 
(such as the question number, date it was answered, number of points 
it's worth, whether the student got it right or wrong, etc).  The 4th 
item is the studnet's personal info and looks something like 
Smith,John,William,12345.  Each student has anywhere from 10 to 20 
lines of data, and the goal is to get a total count of how many 
students there are.

Richard's idea of the repeat for each structure is super fast, but I'm 
having a hard time applying it here to get the total student count.  I 
think the best way is to delve into the Valentina data base idea.  Any 
suggestions on how to get started with this are very much appreciated.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
On Tuesday, January 11, 2005, at 05:38  AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Ray Horsley wrote:
I'm working with large amounts of data, say 50,000 tab delimited 
lines, where the 4th item in each line is the same for every 20 or so 
lines.  Does anybody have a fast way of determining how many unique 
4th items there are in the 50,000 lines?
A repeat loop examining each line is certainly out of the question, 
and I've tried using various functions such as itemOffset after 
sorting ascending and descending, but this too is turning out to be 
kind of slow.
I've had good luck using repeat for each on data sets up to 40,000 
lines.  Sure, there's a pause, but it's not so bad -- give it a whirl 
and you might be pleasantly surprised.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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Re: Fast Searches

2005-01-11 Thread Ray Horsley
Many thanks!  

Now I've got a better idea of how the repeat for each can solve this, although I must say, I've also become curious about Valentina data bases and SQL and will probably continue to look into that, too.  Nonetheless, these solutions have greatly increased speed!


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Tuesday, January 11, 2005, at 07:15  AM, Wil Dijkstra wrote:

Now I better understand your datastructure  problem. Don't think it's necessary to delve into Valentina. Just try this:

repeat for each line myline in mydata
  add 1 to myArray [word4 of myLine]
end repeat
put keys (myArray) into myList
put the number of lines of myList

It puts the number of different students into the message box

Wil Dijkstra

From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Ray Horsley
Reply To:   Discussions on Metacard
Sent:   Tuesday, January 11, 2005 18:32
To:     Discussions on Metacard
Subject:    Re: Fast Searches

Thanks for such quick reponses!

Each line of my data represents an elementary school student's answer
to a test question.  The line has about 18 tab delimited items in it
(such as the question number, date it was answered, number of points
it's worth, whether the student got it right or wrong, etc).  The 4th
item is the studnet's personal info and looks something like
Smith,John,William,12345.  Each student has anywhere from 10 to 20
lines of data, and the goal is to get a total count of how many
students there are.

Richard's idea of the repeat for each structure is super fast, but I'm
having a hard time applying it here to get the total student count.  I
think the best way is to delve into the Valentina data base idea.  Any
suggestions on how to get started with this are very much appreciated.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Tuesday, January 11, 2005, at 05:38  AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Ray Horsley wrote:
>> I'm working with large amounts of data, say 50,000 tab delimited
>> lines, where the 4th item in each line is the same for every 20 or so
>> lines.  Does anybody have a fast way of determining how many unique
>> 4th items there are in the 50,000 lines?
>> A repeat loop examining each line is certainly out of the question,
>> and I've tried using various functions such as itemOffset after
>> sorting ascending and descending, but this too is turning out to be
>> kind of slow.
> I've had good luck using repeat for each on data sets up to 40,000
> lines.  Sure, there's a pause, but it's not so bad -- give it a whirl
> and you might be pleasantly surprised.
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation
>  ___
> ___
> metacard mailing list

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Re: Can MC drag and drop with a list field?

2004-11-05 Thread Ray Horsley

Sure would be nice.  I'd like to have a simple way to do this, too.  But if nobody responds with an easy solution you might find it not that much harder to create a graphic to highlight the lines (clone it, resize it and position it as needed) and then you can work with a simple field with the text locked which might offer the flexibility you need to get lines of text from and to various destinations.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Thursday, November 4, 2004, at 05:53  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Has anyone found a way to drag and drop among the lines of, from, or to a field with list behavior? I want to be able to select one or more lines, then drag and drop it or them to a different line or to some other control; and also be able to drag from other controls and drop on some line of the list.


David Epstein

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Re: Saving projects

2004-11-05 Thread Ray Horsley
Nice idea, Shari.  Thanks!
Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
On Friday, November 5, 2004, at 09:55  AM, Shari wrote:
We all know that you should save often when programming.  You never 
know when you might need to go back to an earlier version.  I learned 
a neat trick from an accountant awhile back, and they are nitpicky 
buggers, accountant's are.  But sometimes that's a good thing

I frequently save my projects into a separate file, and use the date 
as part of the file name.  I found that not having a date in the file 
name and trusting the created/modified date can easily fail.  If you 
open the file and don't do anything and close it, it might show the 
newer date and throw you off.

For example, today's folder is called BJG 11-5-04.  Throughout the 
day as I am working, I will save a copy of the folder.  By the end of 
the day I will have several folders.  Each will have today's date 
11-5-04, with a Copy 1, Copy 2 etc.  I look at the created/modified 
time for the most current version on a particular day, rather than the 
Copy 3.

At the beginning of a new day, I change the folder name for the new 
date, making sure there is a copy first.  All previous saves go into a 
Saves folder.  And as the days pass, I will clear out the Saves 
folder so that only that last save for each day remains.

I keep copies going quite a ways back.  Sometimes you need to go back 
and review how a piece of code was written way back when.

Just one gal's methodology
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Re: taking a picture of the card programmatically?

2004-10-20 Thread Ray Horsley
Use import snapshot and specify the rectangle if you don't want the 
user to have to drag open a rectangle.  For more information type 
import into the script of any object, highlight it, and then Lookup 
Selection under the Tools menu in the Script Editor window.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
On Wednesday, October 20, 2004, at 12:23  PM, Eric Engle wrote:
I need to take a screenshot of the card window (no more, no less) - 
but I have
to do it programmatically, and not by hand.

Any ideas are appreciated!

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Re: Proportional scaling

2004-09-21 Thread Ray Horsley
Wouldn't this be just a matter of making sure you increase or decrease 
the object's width the same number of pixels its height is increased or 
decreased for every change in size that's made, or am I not 
understanding your question?

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
On Monday, September 20, 2004, at 02:46  PM, Simon Lord wrote:
I have an abject on my card which can be scaled at runtime, the next 
step is to get this object to scale proportionally using it's current 
H x W as the aspect ratio when the shiftKey is down.

So if the object is currently shaped like a rectangle, when I hold the 
shiftKey down and continue dragging the object will maintain the same 
aspect ratio at the time I held the shiftKey down.

Unfortunately I'm at a lose at to where to even start the math on this.
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Re: Proportional scaling

2004-09-21 Thread Ray Horsley
Ah yes.  Now I see what you want.  How about this.  Pick either one, 
say width, and adjust it by (the amount you've adjusted height) times 
(width divided by height).  In your rectangle laying on its side 
example, if it's 100 pixels wide by 50 tall and you want an increase in 
10 pixels of height to force an increase in 20 pixels for the width (so 
width is still double the height) your adjustment of 10 pixels in 
height multiplied by 2 (100 divided by 50) should  do the trick.  
Running into negative numbers shouldn't matter, and you can always flip 
whether it's height or width change which is the determining factor.  
That is, you can always grab the user's first movement of the mouse, 
whether it's up/down or left/right, to determine whether height or 
width is dictating change.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Tuesday, September 21, 2004, at 09:47  AM, Simon Lord wrote:
This would only work for an object who's height and width are the 
same.  Objects like a rectangle on it's side will get wider at a 
faster rate than they will get taller.  That's where the math kinda 
runs away from me (and when fond memories of me doodling in 6th grade 
math come to mind).

On Sep 21, 2004, at 2:22 PM, Ray Horsley wrote:
Wouldn't this be just a matter of making sure you increase or 
decrease the object's width the same number of pixels its height is 
increased or decreased for every change in size that's made, or am I 
not understanding your question?

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
On Monday, September 20, 2004, at 02:46  PM, Simon Lord wrote:
I have an abject on my card which can be scaled at runtime, the next 
step is to get this object to scale proportionally using it's 
current H x W as the aspect ratio when the shiftKey is down.

So if the object is currently shaped like a rectangle, when I hold 
the shiftKey down and continue dragging the object will maintain the 
same aspect ratio at the time I held the shiftKey down.

Unfortunately I'm at a lose at to where to even start the math on 

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Re: Copy command in 2.61

2004-09-14 Thread Ray Horsley
I spent a good deal of time working with this in 2.5 and ended up simply not password protecting the substacks with scripts which needed to be modified or copied.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Tuesday, September 14, 2004, at 05:22  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We seem to have a related issue to the broken 'clone' command in password protected stacks in v2.61...
'Copy [obj] to [dest]' results in a 'Can't cut object [stack is locked]' error.
Can anyone else confirm this?
Similarly, we used to be able to 'get' and 'put' scripts in password protected stacks (for example on mouse enter; put line 1 of the script of me into fld feedback). This also broke under engine 2.5
I suspect a plot to disable any form of self-modification!
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