Re: [Mpls] comment to (no subject)

2003-08-29 Thread j c harmon
Our insurance company is covering the cost of medical treatment for my 
husband's injuries - but won't cover the damage to the vehicle as someone 
else hit him in 2001 and this is technically the second 
not-at-fault-accident they would have to pay out for. Regardless, the young 
man slammed into him while he was at a dead-stop signalling to turn left, 
and is currently free to drive without a license and insurance. We will 
likely go after him in civil court per the advice of our attorney.

A few points of my own:
The article I read mentioned MISDEMEANOR violations - guess it depends on 
whether or not you consider a misdemeanor a MINOR offense; last I checked a 
DWI is a misdemeanor...not unlike the charges pending for the recent 
lead-foot congressman incident.

Considering these were repeat offenders it wouldn't be offering them a 
second chance, but actually a THIRD. And lastly, if litterbugs WERE 
prosecuted, we wouldn't have to pay OR reward people to pick up their own 
litter-laden neighborhoods in the first place.

Jill Harmon
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[Mpls] (no subject)

2003-08-28 Thread j c harmon
Is anyone else even slightly miffed about the free ride issued to repeat 
misdemeanor traffic offenders at Pilot City last Saturday

For a mere two hours picking up trash on West Broadway, folks with multiple 
arrests and/or outstanding warrants for misdemeanor traffic violations had 
the chance to get their driving records cleaned up. Why? 1. Because they 
were primarily African American and unable to stand up and face the music 
like the rest of the population and 2. They're clogging up the 
administration downtown with too much paperwork.

I guess I'm suppose to take comfort that after pulling weeds for two hours, 
or as the article suggested, paying his debt to society, the young black 
man who was driving after his license was revoked sans insurance, and 
slammed into the rear end of my husband's vehicle and caused $5600 worth of 
damage remains free to drive, and to kareen around uninsured and 
unlicensed...he never showed up to his court date - and now doesn't have to 
thanks to Mark Stenglien and the African American project for 
irresponsibility that sponsored this timely event...

Jill Harmon
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Re: [Mpls] comment to (no subject)

2003-08-28 Thread j c harmon
The 'mainstream' media also reported that Commissioner Stenglien described 
the event as a prime example that it's a untrue that Black men don't care. 
Why no 'mainstream' announcement of the event? Had the sponsors advertised 
prior to the event to a more ethnically diverse audience, they may have had 
a bigger (more diverse) turnout.
As far as the racist tag, if the people were PERIWINKLE they still got off 

Jill Harmon
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Re: [Mpls] Home Ownership, and kind list members helping Dyna with herfinances...

2003-08-25 Thread j c harmon
A nice break for the current and future residents of the new developments at 
Heritage Park - the property will be maintained (lawn, maintenance, weeding, 
snow removal, etc.) by the Public Housing Authority ( or a service hired by 
them )  I imagine most lower income residents can't afford a lawnmower, 
weedwacker, shrub trimmer, snowblower, rake, shovel, paint, brushes, hoses, 
sprinklers, poopscoops

I shoulda bought a condo...
Jill Harmon
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Re: [Mpls] Home Ownerships: The Problems

2003-08-25 Thread j c harmon
This is what angers me about inspections nailing the individual homeowner 
for slightly chipped paint when they've blatantly neglected to inspect an 
entire population of potentially hazardous properties. I could spend 
thousands rehabbing my house, but if the neighboring property is a 
ramshackle rental, my value plummets regardless...
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] LRT/ Frats

2003-08-23 Thread j c harmon
Sean Ryan's thought seems to me like it could relate to property everywhere, 
not just near the U.

I find it unfortunate that people (insert renters/landlords/owners) have 
lost respect
for the places that there 'brothers' worked hard to build decades ago.  
Deferred maintenance and lack of basic values has plagued many of these once 
symbolic homes (insert MINNEAPOLIS or anywhere USA here.)

Can't sleep, and have a 8am appointment with a can of paint and a bucket o' 
donut holes...if all goes well Ill weedwack.
Jill Harmon

From: Mark Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Minneapolis Issues Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] LRT/ Frats
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 00:39:36 -0500
On 8/22/03 8:57 PM, Michael Atherton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sean Ryan wrote:

   Both historic designation and LRT could be beneficial to
 the University/Prospect Park communities.  I find it
 unfortunate that people (fraternities) have lost respect
 for the places that there 'brother's' worked hard to build
 decades ago.  Deferred maintenance and lack of basic values
 has plagued many of these once symbolic homes surrounding the
 U of M.  Simple things like painting every 7-10 years and
 keeping that ratty old velour cough off of the lawn would be
 a start.  Many 'Frats' were built to last a century and many
 have but sadly basic measures were not taken to sustain the
 structures.  Now the HPC must get involved before these pieces
 of the neighborhood history rot into the ground.  Certainly a
 clause could be worked in to allow for future LRT service
 (a tremendously good idea) to link our sister cities.

 Perhaps this could be related to a change in our value system
 from the turn of century to now.  Party now, consequences later.

 My post said nothing about the value of the proposal to
 make fraternity row a historic district.  I was offended by
 the attitude of someone in a position of power within a
 neighborhood association who seems to think that they
 have as much right of ownership as a person who holds
 the title of a property.
 I don't believe that Historic designation requires
 maintenance, it just limits the types of changes that can
 be made.  If these properties are substandard, there's
 always the Housing Dept to issue violations; which was the
 subject of the thread to being with. The designation does
 require that a major project, such as LRT, do additional
 studies and make additional expenditures.
Although Michael was not arguing against the proposal to turn Fraternity 
(and parts of Dinkytown where other fraternities and sororities are 
into a historic district, I will.

First off, I agree with his comment that the Florence Littman quote in the
Strib goes way overboard. If she thinks she can claim ownership of the
fraternity and sorority houses, I hope she won't mind when some of them 
visit for her contribution to their second half property taxes in a couple
months. Greek houses are zoned commercial as lodging houses, so they pay a
little more than their homesteaded neighbors like Florence.

What a lot of people don't realize about the Greek system is that while U 
MN students live in the houses, most, if not all, are actually owned by
alumni housing corporations (alumni boards) and these folks are pretty much
all volunteers. I'm vice president for mine. I agree that some of the
chapters at the U have not done the best job at maintaining their
properties, but I don't think historic designation is the way to remedy 
problem. As Michael points out, historic designation does not require
maintenance. What it does do is create more hoops to jump through to do
maintenance work. There are already quite enough of those with the code of
ordinances and an understaffed Inspections department that barely can keep
up with violations, let alone provide guidance, thank you.

Greek alumni boards already have enough to do with routine maintenance for
old structures (most were built in the late 1800's to early 1900's) that 
subjected to about as much traffic and abuse as a small apartment building
would be. My board of five members has probably volunteered a collective
200-250 hours this past month on some major renovations at one of the 
we own. This is nearly all done on evenings and weekends after we put in 40
or more hours at our regular jobs.

While some chapters hire out maintenance to contractors and others defer,
there are a few of us who do a lot of the upkeep ourselves because it's so
expensive and we want to keep rents as affordable as possible for our
undergraduate members. Tuition increases are hard enough on them as it is
without us raising the rent, too.
I hadn't heard anything about the historic designation being a way to
prevent LRT from coming to University Ave, but if Michael is correct about
that, it just makes the idea even worse. University Ave. is a perfect route
for connecting Minneapolis to St. Paul and would only strengthen the plans
that are 

Re: [Mpls] LRT/ Frats

2003-08-23 Thread j c harmon
Unfortunately historic designation can sometimes quadruple the cost re: 
particular materials required, techniques, loop-de-loops...and results in a 
much larger expenditure than a standard 'rehab'. Guess it depends on who's 
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] Prison Time for Pealing Paint: the Next Stage in Minneapolis DeathSpiral?

2003-08-21 Thread j c harmon
I got one too; mine was a cutesie letter from some pseudo-neighborhood 
clean-up organization stating that if I don't paint the trim on my garage in 
two weeks I can expect a violation notice from the city.  I called and told 
them I felt there were more important things going on in North Minneapolis 
than chipping paint, and that they can come and pry the paintbrush out of my 
cold, dead hands. I mentioned I didn't like that the rather threatening tone 
of the letter either - apparently the city has kept enough employees to be 
able to send someone out to do it for me for an exorbinant amount of 
money. Does anyone know if they let you look at a color chart? Or do they 
use street-stripe yellow on everybody's? I also told them my neighbor's 
garage has been physically crumbling for years and that I hope they got a 
nice letter too. I twisted the knife by reminding them that there's a vacant 
house owned by the city on the corner of 34th  Russell that's been sitting 
for nearly SIX YEARS. He assured me by saying they sent out 250 notices...
Jill Harmon

Subject: [Mpls] Prison Time for Pealing Paint: the Next Stage in 
Minneapolis Death Spiral?
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 03:13:26 -0500

	As Mark Snyder has noted,  I'm not the only citizen targeted in 
Inspection's latest fund raising scheme.

	In hopes of making the city budget our city has decided to raise tax rates 
by 8% a year. Add in paper appreciation in housing values and the loss of 
various protections like the circuit breaker and we're looking at double 
digit property tax increases for years to come. Unfortunately, our city 
fathers and mothers are assuming that we taxpayers will blindly pay these 
increases. In reality as taxes increase more citizens will cancel 
improvements that would increase the tax base. Here on the Northside many 
properties have sat empty for months and ultimately will go tax forfeit 
when the increasing taxes on them exceed their rental potential or value to 
an owner occupant.

	I have no doubt Inspections thinks the revenue from wholesale fines will 
fill their departments funding gap. In reality assessing thousands of 
dollars of fines on property owners who are barely able to pay the taxes on 
their empty buildings in crime ridden neighborhoods will merely hasten the 
day when they give up and let their properties go tax forfeit. Ultimately 
the city will find itself in similar straights to what it did in the early 
90s- stuck with a bunch of never to be paid assessments and unpaid tax 
bills on worthless vacant lots. To cover those losses they'll raise taxes 
even more and levy even more fines- and more citizens will move out and 
leave the city with even less revenue and more expenses.

	from increasingly abandoned Hawthorne,

		Dyna Sluyter

On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 11:39 PM, Mark Snyder wrote:

You have my sympathies. I'm vice president for my fraternity alumni 
corporation. We received a similar summons a few days ago to appear in 
next week over failure to fix a retaining wall at our chapter house in
Dinkytown. It was damaged earlier this year when a truck exiting the
neighboring parking lot ran into it and knocked part of it down.

The sad thing is that we did get the retaining wall fixed. It was a few
weeks after the deadline that Inspections had set because we had trouble
finding a contractor to do the job, but the work was completed about six
weeks ago. And we already paid a $100 reinspection fee for missing that
As best I can guess, the inspector did not bother to check the retaining
wall out before filing a complaint with the courts or the turnaround time
from when he filed to when a date was actually set must be awfully slow.
I'm all for aggressive enforcement of the housing ordinances, but this is 
little ridiculous! What's next - going after homeowners that have tallish
flowers in their boulevard gardens? Oops - they already do that, too.

Mark Snyder
Windom Park
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Re: [Mpls] Prison Time for Pealing Paint: the Next Stage in Minneapolis DeathSpiral?

2003-08-21 Thread j c harmon
I know I shouldn't be so grumpy and just paint the thing -
Jill Harmon
From: Barbara Lickness [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Prison Time for Pealing Paint: the Next Stage in 
Minneapolis Death Spiral?
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 06:24:28 -0700 (PDT)

Don't know the neighborhood group here, but, try to cut them some slack. 
What they did was probably done as part of their commitment to citizen 
inspections.  I learned a long time ago that dealing with criminal issues 
is about way more than policing. It's a holistic approach that includes 
crime management methods, stabilizing the housing stock by fixing up 
dilapidated or deteriorating housing and adding home ownership 
opportunities in neighborhoods that are high rental.  It's about making the 
local schools and parks attractive and the library too if there is one in 
your neighborhood.  It's about developing social service and educational 
programs in attempts to address some of the over-arching issues that are 
causing social stress in neighborhoods.

I am sure if you tell them painting isn't something you can do right now, 
they will probably work with you to help out if you need. Give them a 
chance and give them a break. They are volunteers.

Barb Lickness
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Re: [Mpls] Sabo Named 2002 Noise Legislator of the Year - Some Southsiders alsoneed to dodge!

2003-08-19 Thread j c harmon
My apologies everybody- you're right - just a little fed-up and crabby 

From: gemgram [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: j c harmon [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Sabo Named 2002 Noise Legislator of the Year - Some 
Southsiders also need to dodge!
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 19:11:47 -0500

Please Jill, do not lump all Southsiders together.  Some of us are also in
neighborhoods where you have to dodge bullets.
Eric, a really cool person who had beaten chemical addiction and Franklin
Avenue to live in the neighborhood after living in a cardboard box in the
Ventura Village Neighborhood was murdered last night.  The poster child of
success and reclaimed lives was taken by those same mean streets that he 
escaped a life on.  We in Ventura Village mourn tonight for him and his
family.  We took such pride in him and his power to return from that evil
voyage of addiction, but he has been taken now.  We will miss that
demonstration of such power to re-control one's life.  It was an example 
each of us in the power of the spirit if we allow it into our lives.  Real
Communities take more pride in those who have been recovered sometimes
than its regular members, because they have been lost and then again found.
We will miss Eric's good humor and Truth, but mostly we will miss him.  
was a part of each of us.

Jim Graham,
Ventura Village
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- A Cherokee Feast of Days
- Original Message -
From: j c harmon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Sabo Named 2002 Noise Legislator of the Year
 Are you sure you didn't mean to say Noisiest?
 How many deaths have been a direct result of airport noise? Not nearly 
 many as a stray bullet I wouldn't think. And wasn't the airport there
 Doesn't that sort of give them 'dibs'?
 While south siders are whining about nuisances such as airport noise and
 their lakes are 'so stinky', north siders are dodging bullets. There 
 no justice.
 Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] Correction re MacPhail Construction

2003-08-18 Thread j c harmon
Sorry to be a the list and otherwise!

From: Tetzlaff, Bill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] Correction re MacPhail Construction
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 09:53:15 -0500
This may have already been noted,  I hate to publicly correct JC, but -

The construction JC refers to below is in fact an office bldg, housing 
 parking being built by CSM on the block across from the Hyatt Whitney,
which itself will soon be converted to condos. MacPhail is currently in
fund-raising mode,  will build on the corner of 2d St.  5th Ave. when
funding is complete.

Bill Tetzlaff
-Original Message-
From: j c harmon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 6:26 PM
Subject: [Mpls] question about MacPhail
The new MacPhail Center is under construction at Portland and 2nd Avenue
South, across the street from the Hyatt Whitney Hotel.
Jill Harmon
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Re: [Mpls] A few points re: police v. Johnson Lee

2003-08-16 Thread j c harmon
Right on David.
What irks me most of all about the whole thing is Johnson Lee's insinuation 
that the cop 'didn't know she was a council member'. So what. She's the one 
rallying that everyone be treated equally, but gets pissy because she wasn't 
recognized as some sort of local celebrity. Tough bounce.
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] Did the MPS close the gap with C.J. at the helm?

2003-08-15 Thread j c harmon
Good points - however, Ms. Johnson DID manage to close her SALARY gap...
: )
Jill Harmon
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[Mpls] question about MacPhail

2003-08-15 Thread j c harmon
The new MacPhail Center is under construction at Portland and 2nd Avenue 
South, across the street from the Hyatt Whitney Hotel.
Jill Harmon

From: David Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Harmon Historic District-question about MacPhail
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 15:24:23 -0700 (PDT)
Bravo!  As a resident of one of those prewar buildings
bordering the historic district this is great news
that the Supreme Court upheld the district
I the MacPhail Center still to be demolished due to
the St. Thomas expansion?
I know at one point plans called for this.

Just a couple of weeks ago a relative of mine visiting
from South Dakota who is now in her 80's was rather
distressed that this building that had so much meaning
for her while growing up in Minneapolis might be torn
David Strand
Loring Park
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Re: [Mpls] Mpls spending and LGA

2003-08-14 Thread j c harmon
I'm all for 'sin' taxes - fur coats, cigarettes, liquor, viagra...but am 
wondering why cigarettes are now down to less than $3/pack. A couple years 
back they were much more. Is this a Pawlenty/republican/big tobacco thing? 
Can't the city and/or the state tax them to the hilt - calling it a public 
health issue? Why isn't anyone taxing the hell out of them being the tobacco 
companies were sued and smoking has been outlawed nearly everywhere? Just 
Jill Harmon

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[Mpls] Olsen press conference

2003-08-14 Thread j c harmon
Did anyone on the list attend the press conference in Jordan today? I 
haven't been able to catch it on the news except in blips.
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] Sabo Named 2002 Noise Legislator of the Year

2003-08-14 Thread j c harmon
Are you sure you didn't mean to say Noisiest?
How many deaths have been a direct result of airport noise? Not nearly as 
many as a stray bullet I wouldn't think. And wasn't the airport there FIRST? 
Doesn't that sort of give them 'dibs'?
While south siders are whining about nuisances such as airport noise and why 
their lakes are 'so stinky', north siders are dodging bullets. There ain't 
no justice.
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] Gangs, Drugs and Patrols

2003-08-14 Thread j c harmon
The woman interviewed on television the other night, relative to the 
shooting of a toddler, had a nine-inch tattoo running up the side of her 
neck. MEN aren't the only gang members to worry about. Right after moving 
into the lovely Cleveland neighborhood, the nice young black woman across 
the street told my husband to (quote), get his white ass in the house 
before she put a 'cap' in his ass. The outburst being spurred by the fact 
that he had the NERVE to ask the nice young man picking her up if he 
wouldn't mind turning down his bass cannon and not honking his horn 
continuously to let her know he arrived)
Jill Harmon

PS  Her mother works for the Minneapolis schools - what a deal.

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RE: [Mpls] Gangs, Drugs and Patrols

2003-08-10 Thread j c harmon
For all we know Campbell has a tattoo. My point was that if you play (with 
gangs), sometimes you pay - not with your own life or livlihood (which 
doesn't appear to be the case) but that with folks you care about that live 
with you. I think the correct term is collateral damage.
Jill Harmon

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RE: [Mpls] Gangs, Drugs and Patrols

2003-08-08 Thread j c harmon
Her tattoo wasn't a horsie or a kitty, and it's not unusual for women 
involved with gangmembers to be tagged with tattoos - I'll let tattooed 
and current residents of the Seward community comment as to the nature of 
theirs, thanks.
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] C.M. Samuels on MPR

2003-08-08 Thread j c harmon
Oh, so they're from Chicago now? Not Gary...or Detroit... or New York...
What a relief.
What's the MN Dept of Tourism say - what's the big attraction? The owner at 
that 'mall' says we're too small; the weather stinks, there's no transit, no 
housing, no jobs, no welfare.
Are the citizens of Minneapolis to believe that this city's thirst for 
contraband is heftier than the windy city's?
Jill Harmon

Subject: [Mpls] C.M. Samuels on MPR
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 10:49:47 EDT

If you didn't have a chance to hear Mr. Samuels yesterday it's quite
worth your while to pull it from the archives offered on someone elses post 
He's a motivating man, highly eloquent.
I called in and inquired as to the makeup of the dealers and he 
that bangers are migrating especially from Chicago. Does anyone happen to
know which gangs these are and what their M.O. might be? Hopefully we won't 
the savagery of the Detroit Boys or their ilk to deal with.

Jon Gorder
Loring Park
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Re: [Mpls] GoMemphis reports: Johnson will be new supt.

2003-07-31 Thread j c harmon
Nothing to keep a superintendent here? The salary bump served up by the 
school board last year during their budget crisis to keep her majesty here 
seemed to do it. Doesn't her dedication to the students of Minneapolis 
suffering a pathetic 40% graduation rate garner SOME reason to stay and FIX 
I'm sure Steve Belton isn't the only one with a $400 per month car allowance 
- with perks like that I'm surprised she doesn't stay.
Jill Harmon

From: Jason C Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] GoMemphis reports:  Johnson will be new supt.
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 06:17:10 -0700 (PDT)
I have a hard time believing that it takes salaries at those levels to 
attract qualified
candidates.  Methinks that needs be rethunk.

Jason Stone | Hale

 List Manager wrote:

 Strib's reporting it too:
 Doug Grow: There's nothing to keep a superintendent here
 David Brauer
 List manager
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Re: [Mpls] GoMemphis reports: Johnson will be new supt.

2003-07-31 Thread j c harmon
Sans snippiness, why do Minneapolis and St. Paul feel they're the ONLY 
cities and school districts in the nation dealing with immigrants and the 
education thereof? I simply don't believe that.  And she hasn't 'given' 30 
years of her life - she was paid a salary for what she chose as a 
profession. I'm sure she's done a good job, however I get sick of hearing 
how wonderful a job she does/has done then listening to everyone lamenting 
that the schools here SUCK. If the chief administrator of a school district 
isn't responsible for the performance of their district than who is?
Jill Harmon

From: WizardMarks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: j c harmon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] GoMemphis reports: Johnson will be new supt.
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 12:56:54 -0500
There is no call to savage a woman who has given 30 years of her 
professional life to the children of Minneapolis, first as a teacher, then 
a principal, then assistant super, and finally, super. As Terrell Brown 
noted, what she made as superintendent was not excessive considering the 
responsibility. Too, she turned down the raise, so beating that dead horse 
is pointless.
The poor graduation rate cannot be cured easily, if at all. To change that 
would require moving at least three entities off the dime--the feds, the 
leggie, and the teacher's unions. Our state has been jacking the kids 
around for several years now, profile of learning/no profile being one of 
the problems the legislature brings us on a regular basis. Short-changing 
schools rather than arranging the tax laws to support them is another. 
Presuming that we can afford to waste the talents of any child as a future 
adult is a third, though maybe first in line.
Too, perhaps only here and in St. Paul does the school district have to 
deal with massive numbers of immigrants from several different language and 
cultural groups as well as those who have been poorly served in education 
and are born here (Indians, African Americans, poor whites).
I can hear the snippiness in her majesty, but Johnson doesn't deserve 
that. This is an opportunity for a school superintendent. I feel quite 
satisfied that our school board chose so well. After all, Tennessee 
wouldn't want her if she were just any-old-body. The particulars of her c. 
vitae must be awesome.
WizardMarks, Central

j c harmon wrote:

Nothing to keep a superintendent here? The salary bump served up by the 
school board last year during their budget crisis to keep her majesty here 
seemed to do it. Doesn't her dedication to the students of Minneapolis 
suffering a pathetic 40% graduation rate garner SOME reason to stay and 
FIX it?
I'm sure Steve Belton isn't the only one with a $400 per month car 
allowance - with perks like that I'm surprised she doesn't stay.
Jill Harmon

From: Jason C Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] GoMemphis reports:  Johnson will be new supt.
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 06:17:10 -0700 (PDT)
I have a hard time believing that it takes salaries at those levels to 
attract qualified
candidates.  Methinks that needs be rethunk.

Jason Stone | Hale

 List Manager wrote:

 Strib's reporting it too:
 Doug Grow: There's nothing to keep a superintendent here
 David Brauer
 List manager
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Re: [Mpls] Westbank crime situation

2003-07-23 Thread j c harmon
RE: Gentrification
It could be that this melting pot of various ethnicities and cultures 
doesn't feel the cops will do anything anyway, or maybe they're practiced at 
looking the other way. Some of the residents are from places where much 
worse crimes took place. I'm sure there are a number of factors. There's a 
very large amount of public housing units in that small area, one of the few 
highrise type buildings left. There are often inebriates wandering about as 
well. In my days of frequenting some of the establishments for music and/or 
adult beverages, I've always been amazed at the peacefulness of the very 
often just as mixed crowd. I've been elbow to armpit at shows and have 
rarely seen a ruckess - even though I'm hopeful the fire codes have been 
strengthened w/regard to crowd capacity...heh, heh.
Jill Harmon

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I fail to understand how the police engaging in the withholding of services could be construed as a reason for the under-reporting of crimes on the west bank area. Wouldn't the crime have to be reported for the police to selectively withhold services?

Also, how to the "gentrification forces" on the west bank stop these crimes from being reported? Is it an internal (within city government) conspiracy where the calls (by the victims) are actually made, but the internal forces just don't respond to, ordoes the "gentrification force" actually have undercover people that strong-arm victims into not reporting the crimes?

In all fairness (and I can only speak formy immediate neighborhood),on a dailybasis, I witness numerous incidents (for which I call 911) of illegal activity and not only are they ALL responded to. MOST (not all) of my minority neighbors choose to turn a blind-eye. Seems to me that the issue is more an issue of trust (hopefully seating a new chief will help) than it is of conspiracy. Am I part of the gentrification force? My wife who is African American and native american, would be very surprised to find this out.

Dennis Plante
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Re: [Mpls] Environment Activist Not Welcome

2003-07-20 Thread j c harmon
I'm certain there's EZ money in it and Havey's an employee of the MCDA/now 
CPED...and offices at the MCDA.  In addition Darrell Washington, the project 
coordinator for the Heritage Park Project, now reports to Havey.
Jill Harmon

From: WizardMarks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Environment Activist Not Welcome
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2003 10:11:20 -0500


After the dust cleared today from the city of Minneapolis work crews at 
Heritage Park, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Flowers and myself decided to evaluate the 
progress. This resulted in lies being told to armed security guards, the 
Minneapolis Park Police and the Minneapolis Police Department. All of this 
occurred as Minneapolis department head Kim Havey, and two unidentified 
participants watched for over 40 minutes from the same city sidewalk that 
we stood on.

I don't understand why Havey would be there. He's head of the Enterprise 
Zone stuff. Does the EZ have money in Heritage Park?

WizardMarks, Central

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Re: [Mpls] HiltonFund/NRP

2003-07-19 Thread j c harmon
It's my understanding that the reason MCDA had to be formally dismantled at 
the legislative level, and CPED then created in its stead, was so the city 
would have direct access to Common Project funds in addition to the Hilton 
money. The Hilton funds have been brought up for years as some sort of 
fix-all for various projects of interest...sure hope it's gaining good 
interest...heh, heh.
Jill Harmon

From: Lisa McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] HiltonFund/NRP
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 10:07:43 -0500
After reading this mornings article in the Strib, I'm wondering if the City 
is successful in raiding the Hilton Hotel Funds for the MCDA,will the MCDA 
no longer take the $2.1 million a year they are getting to administer the 
Common Project? Maybe in the spirit of generosity and cooperation with the 
neighborhoods the MCDA will return that money to NRP to be used for 
neighborhood programs.

Lisa McDonald
East Harriet
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Re: [Mpls] Spin Will Not Win

2003-07-15 Thread j c harmon
My understanding is that MCDA/now CPED let four former directors go in a 
streamlining attempt but those folks will be paid through the end of this 
year as they have a six-month severance package. The new directors make more 
than the old, so the city will pretty much be paying seven directors' 
salaries through the end of the year. Slick, eh?
Jill Harmon

From: Peter T Schmitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Spin Will Not Win
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 07:55:38 -0500
David asks:

1. Restructuring. How can the city justify $100,000 salaries at a  time
of layoffs - and when a similar number of MCDA high-level execs were let
2. Related to #1: Is this about downsizing, or merely cleaning house at
the top?
3. The 35W Access Project has split neighborhoods and activists. It  has
been portrayed as helping major employers at the expense of neighborhood
livability (though others say major employers and neighborhood
livability will both be improved). Was Mike Christensen involved in the
Project, and how will he handle it as head of strategic partnerships and
 4. What neighborhood-level experience does the CPED leadership  bring?
Based as much on history as any one appointee's resume, there is
skepticism that economic development will be guided by a bottom-up
philosophy (as opposed to a long-running big-employer, top-down one.)
How can the mayor or Mr.
Sheehy reassure reasonable skeptics that CPED's reform is nothing  more
than repackaged top-down.?
Peter says:  Excellent questions, David.  Thank you very much for posing
David says: I would appreciate answers from someone at City Hall to the
list, in  the name of fuller discussion.
Peter says:  Again, thank you, David and bless your heart.  Really.  But
don't hold your breath.  I've been waiting to hear from the Mayor myself,
regarding  whether he opposes or supports the 35 W Access Project.  (A
local journalist, responding to this inquiry off list last Friday, told
me R.T.'s in favor of the project, but I think we'd be better served
hearing it straight from the mayor.)  I've also asked Mayor Rybak why he
publicly defended Council Member Barrett Lane, a white male,  when he was
being attacked by the Minneapolis Police Federation, but remained silent
when the same organization demanded the resignation of Council Member
Natalie Johnson Lee, a woman of color.
If City Hall should give you the silent treatment David, please realize
that a lot of members on this list feel your pain.Peter Schmitz
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Re: [Mpls] Oh yeah, CEPD continued ...and what about that MCDA appointment?

2003-07-15 Thread j c harmon
Mr. Sheehy is an attorney as well, lest we forget.
Jill Harmon

Subject: [Mpls] Oh yeah, CEPD continued ...and what about that MCDA 
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 20:02:04 EDT

Hennepin County is planning a major reconstruction of
Lake Street. Unfortunately, this project is heavily
influenced by another road-building project, the
controversial 35W Access Project. Both of these
projects are linked in many ways. Both projects are
managed by Smith Parker, a law firm with no urban
design expertise but plenty of political connections.
Excerpt from an article by Ken Avidor and Jeff Carlson
   I find the above info a start on why a Smith Parker attorney should not 
a director of CEPD--of course I doubt the need for CEPD or two high paying

 and regarding Doug Walter's post:
Observation: Lately, Lee Sheehy has signed letters as Executive
Director, Minneapolis Community Development Agency.  Does anyone know
when and how he became director of the MCDA?
   I would like to hear an answer to the above question as well.
   Margaret Hastings-Mpls-Kingfield

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Re: [Mpls] BOYCOTT MARKET BAR-B-QUE (The e-mail)

2003-07-12 Thread j c harmon
I agree w/Jon and find it hard to believe that Market BBQ hasn't served a 
myriad of people of color over the years. Sounds like this is an isolated 
incident, and suggesting people take their complaints to the courthouse 
instead of the manager is a bit much. If you don't like the service or food 
then do the simple thing - DON'T GO BACK
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] I've had ENOUGH elitist prattle too.....

2003-07-03 Thread j c harmon
I've personally found an inordinant amount of white men with forestry 
degrees in upper level city government; that, and tall, white guys with 
'some' college. If you're a typist though, you'd damn well better have a 
degree and a detailed plan prepared as to how you'll be improving yourself 
and expanding your education, or you won't get that 2% merit raise. 
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] I've had ENOUGH elitist prattle too.....

2003-06-26 Thread j c harmon
In my experience there's an inordinant amount of white men with forestry 
degrees in upper level city government.
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] Benson: no conflict pushing for 2 a.m. bar time

2003-06-19 Thread j c harmon

The city's ethics officer says Benson is ok. What do you think?

He should make the decision whether to vote on his own - it would be an 
admirable thing to do. I guess I assumed there are enough votes for it 
without his vote, but then I generally 'skim' the paper.
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] Personal Property Taxes

2003-06-18 Thread j c harmon
Any idea of the sales tax figures due the city related to 
nacho/ticket/beverage sales? Must be a bundle. Snacks are pretty pricey 
there, and the sales tax is 9.5%. Wouldn't the CITY get that? Say 30,000 
people buying 15,000 nachos for $4.75 sales tax is aroud $78,000 
per night/performance, not to mention drinks and beer. Wonder too if 
concerts could eventually go until 2 a.m. i.e. the proposed closing time. 
Just rambling...
Jill Harmon

From: Cathy Leighton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] Personal Property Taxes
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 17:17:50 -0500
I am afraid that Ms. Long is, at least, partially mistaken.  Personal
property taxes, as used in previous posts, refers to the property taxes 
are paid by profit-making enterprises that are located in or on tax-exempt
properties.  These are properties that would primarily be owned by
non-profit organizations and the government--at all levels.

If we use the new park board headquarters as an example:  If the MPB rented
extra space to a profit making company, that company would have to pay
personal property taxes.  The for-profit company does not get the exempt
status of the property owner.
I would really like to know however, why this information is not available
publicly as it is for are all other property taxes?
Catherine Leighton
Live in Longfellow/Work North East
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Re: [Mpls] What Is Reasonable? High Marx/New Narcs

2003-06-18 Thread j c harmon
HA! I have another...

'Religion and intelligence are mutually exclusive...'

Jill Harmon
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Re: [Mpls] Story on West Broadway Target from Insight News

2003-06-14 Thread j c harmon
So cut to the quicki - how much is it to buy the place? No mention of that. 
And how come the announcement of the new Orivlle building at the Capital 
isn't broken down into tax payer dollars paid? It's gotta be a million or 
more. Why is Minneapolis always held to such scrutiny??
Jill Harmon

From: Mark Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Minneapolis Issues Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] Story on West Broadway Target from Insight News
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 06:07:17 -0500
Northside seeks silver lining in store closing
by Lloyd Nicholas, Contributing Writer


But despite the allegations of poor management by Target and their 
closing of their doors to buyers in the area, Sen. Higgins sees their
withdrawal as a blessing in disguise to the community.

Their (withdrawal) should be viewed as an opportunity and a lot of small
business people in the area who are working out of their houses may be able
to get their wares out in a public place and expand (as a result of
ownership of the Broadway Avenue Target property) just like the enterprise 
the Mercado, on Lake Street where people come together.

[Rep. Neva] Walker, however, said the retailer¹s departure will cause
extensive economic damage to the area and recovery will not be easy. She
claimed that the vitality of established smaller scale businesses was
bruised when Target established the Broadway store now the shopping 
is closing, she added, the area is even worse off than before their

Mark Snyder
Windom Park
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Re: [Mpls] Surveillance cameras, statistics, and neighborhood jealousy

2003-06-04 Thread j c harmon
gemgram states that, unfortunately our culture has placed a very high value 
on theft, and in
particular car theft.

I think our society has placed a very high value on owning an automobile 
too. Why? Poor alternate transportation options, sprawl, unavailability of a 
decent wage job in your neighborhood, economic status, convenience, and the 
freedom to move about the city, region, state, country, and because they've 
worked and earned enough to get one and pay for insurance and obey the law. 
While I admire those with alternative transport methods on their agenda, I 
don't believe the bike/bus/pool or rail argument will ever stop particular 
sects of society from owning and desiring an automobile, no matter where 
they live, and no matter how wrong it is to drive around a gas-guzzling, air 
polluting, earth destroying automobile. I see people driving vehicles in 
this city that cost more than my home did. And even though it makes my 
stomach turn, they bought it and they deserve to have it remain in tact 
while parked on their own property. And I can personally attest that it's a 
tremendous pain in the hind-end when your car is stolen/vandalized or 
burglarized, or even bashed in and set on fire by an insanely celebratory 
college student.

While I certainly don't equate auto theft with any crime that brutalizes a 
human being (and cats and dogs for that matter), I can't imagine the number 
of rapes and murders comes close to outnumbering nuisance crimes such as 
property and auto theft/vandalization. Having a video camera in order to 
protect your property, or in this case the city's i.e. its citizens, can't 
be THAT bad if it helps identify someone doing something wrong, can it? It's 
all got to do with a city or neighborhood's livability. Is it strictly 
income that allows my friends in Edina and on parts of the southside to be 
able to STILL leave the back door open, or their garage or car unlocked? If 
not, what is it? Race? A better lawnmower? Political leanings? Anyone?
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] Closing Businesses

2003-05-31 Thread j c harmon
If the city invested in projects that were required to produce a positive 
cash flow, they wouldn't do many projects; especially those of the housing 
variety. The city tends to do projects the public sector either can't or 
won't do on their own. Any why, with the tremendous subsidy and political 
support given to the downtown Target can't Target Corp THEMSELVES float some 
dough to the Broadway one to keep it afloat? Kowalski has repeatedly stated 
that their northside store is barely breaking even but they stay 'for the 
good of the people' and 'tough it out'. They're making money, trust me. 
Target's not a struggling corporation, but that particular store is. If the 
downtown Target isn't raking it in, then it will be the city's loss too. But 
to offer another business that wants the Target property that I believe has 
been subsidized by the city once already ADDITIONAL subsidies to move into 
the same location without approaching or passively suggesting that Target HQ 
kick in something is, in my mind, throwing money in the wrong direction.
As an aside, I admit I shop at the Robbinsdale Rainbow Foods now and again, 
as there still isn't a choice for economical groceries on the north end of 
town.  I heard the Rainbow Foods in both Brooklyn Park AND Brooklyn Center 
are to close soon too. Maybe they should be approached for either the Target 
site or Penn/Lowry. The one northeast is long gone and the one in 
Robbinsdale isn't much of an option these days.
Jill Harmon

Reply-To: Jim Mork [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] Closing Businesses
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 14:26:49 -0500
I know there is a strong emotional component in the reaction to
the closing of the northside Target.  Target is a powerful
Minnesota symbol. Having a Target is like belonging.  Losing a
Target looks like rejection.  But the fact is that these stores
have to make money. The corporation DONATES money to local
communities, but that comes out of the money it MAKES.  Now the
best-case-scenario might be locating the Cub in that property. A
dedicated Minneapolis booster will hope that is what happens, but
who knows?  Cub and Super Value are a couple more huge icons of
our region.
Lots of northside people treat downtown as their second
neighborhood.  Given the involvement of us taxpayers in the
downtown Target, I hope at least some of the abandoned customers
will go down there and make THAT store a better site for the
What this all represents is a good argument for fighting the
concentration of poverty in one area.  If it is dispersed, it
would have less of an effect on the neighborhood businesses.  It
is a fact that the poorer people are, the harder it is for them
to travel to shop.  Not impossible, mind you.  I've done lots of
shopping by busing.  People take the bus to Rosedale from
northside, so its done.  It isn't the favorite way, but the bus
will take you from that area to both Brookdale and Rosedale.  So,
the argument here is more about symbolism than practicality.  In
fact, I would recommend the boosters of the area to look at the
overall commercial health of the area, and stop focusing on a
particular store.  Minnehaha Mall has been kind of a worry in
Longfellow, but it is still alive and kicking, even though the
overall quality of the leasing businesses isn't quit what it used
to be (used to have Minnesota Fabrics, Dairy Queen, Super Value,
Great Clips, and Twin City Federal. Now we have Petters, The
Alternative School Federation, and another liquidator store).
I think it would be really good to develop some sort of index
that measured the overall health of a neighborhood.  Business
departures vs. openings.  Number of condemned houses.  Crime
statistics.  It could all be lumped into something like the index
of leading indicators to show the OVERALL health of the
neighborhood, and that could be used to offset something  showy
like a big store closing.  Heck even attendance at community
group meetings could be part of it.  Because more people coming
out shows something about commitment to a neighborhood.
Public Projects:
I think maybe there should be a circuit-breaker on public
projects that says something like an increase of 50 percent
above the approved budget requires reconsideration of the whole
idea.  I can see it is awfully tempting to lowball a public
project to get SOME money spent on it so that now they can argue
if we cancel, that money is wasted.  Well, there is some level
of money we can AFFORD to waste rather than trudge mindlessly
forward with a project that is not worth its final price.  Also,
maybe there should be a MONETARY penalty for lowballing.  In the
adjudication process, the entity that is being fined gets to show
how it wasn't ITS fault.  On the other hand, this mitigation
stuff should be priced into the project. You know it will be
there.  It is pure folly to add it on afterwards.

Jim Mork
Cooper Neighborhood

[Mpls] Merger process can take awhile

2003-04-03 Thread j c harmon
I recently was informed that the City of Minneapolis currently has 
80-something active union locals among its employees. The merger between 
MCDA and Planning et al has been a long time coming - going on nearly two 
years - and it's a more cumbersome process than I think even our esteemed 
leaders expected.
Currently, the legislation that will dissolve the MCDA and create the new 
Community Planning  Development division/CPED got pulled from the 
legislative floor and sent to the tax committee. That could tie it up until 
we all reach retirment.
Despite claiming that labor will be involved in the potential merger 
discussions, I find it hard to believe that the County/City merger could be 
any less cumbersome and involved as the merger would involve even more union 
representation at the County level.
Jill Harmon, VP AFSCME 3419

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Re: [Mpls] Cub Foods in North Mpls./Should be on West Bro!!

2003-04-03 Thread j c harmon
I believe the Cleveland Neighborhood Association meets on Tuesdays and 
there's one coming up to chaw this very issue - I'll do some digging to find 
out when and get backtaya.
Far as the quality of life, it'd be a grand improvement - here's tons of 
foot traffic at either site. Traffic would certainly increase, but if 
designed well, the intersection's effects on the neighborhood could be 
minimized. Hint: don't hire the guys who did the lot at the HUB) I curse 
them everytime I tell myself I'm never going back...
If anything the store might slow down drivers who sort of scream down Lowry 
Jill Harmon

Subject: Re: [Mpls] Cub Foods in North Mpls./Should be on West Bro!!
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 22:44:11 EST
In a message dated 4/3/03 9:44:10 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

  I have heard that Cub is looking at two sites in North Minneapolis:
  Lowry/Emerson and Penn/Lowry.

  Anyone know anything about this rumor?  Have there been any community
  meetings about it?

  and does the addition of a Cub Foods improve the quality of life to a
  neighborhood? or just traffic?

Keith says; The most likely reason Cub will never be on Lowry is physical.
They require something like three acres to site the business. It just ain't
available there.
Cub, of course does not belong on Lowry, anyway. The County is seeking to
make Lowry Ave. more of a Parkway, in the near future. Future plans include
concentrating retail at specific nodes. Retail nodes shall be Lyndale,
Emerson, and Penn; and these to be neighborhood friendly C-1 uses, ideally.
The rest of the Avenue shall be residential; both current low density, and
higher density.
West Broadway is the appropriate place for the needed, new, Northside Cub.
West Broadway is the unique, main, commercial corridor of the Northwest
quadrant of our City. Commercial uses are appropriate on most all of this
corridor. It is the Avenue with the Most Potential for serving the bulk
grocery needs of Northside families. Providing convenience and saving
families money is why West Broadway exists. It is failing at this function
now, and will be robbed of potential to serve this function in the future.
Unfortunately, the City Planning Dept. is creating a Zoning plan that 
the potential for unique, and larger, retail uses on this; our unique
arterial/commercial corridor. West Broadway has far too few C-2 classified
parcels to serve our Northside. It needs more C-2 Zoning. It is the most
convenient, and only appropriate, place for certain vitally needed business
activities. It is a 'destination' Avenue.

Smart urban growth design demands: Big Avenue/Big Zoning---little
All Northside avenues are not created equal. West Broadway IS our Big 
The other avenues are not big. All are vital; and must be zoned, and used,
correctly. The Northside will be denied potential for vitality in direct
proportion to West Broadway being denied potential for growth, and use.

Keith Reitman  NearNorth

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Re: [Mpls] Cub at 46th

2003-04-02 Thread j c harmon
Underground parking at a grocery store? You've got to be kidding. The cost 
is astronomical and can you imagine the fender benders? I run into the worst 
drivers ever in parking lots at grocery stores; put it underground and it's 
a demolition derby.
Jill Harmon

From: Bruce Gaarder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] Cub at 46th
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2003 07:47:54 -0600 (CST)
Matt Mason would like Cub to have underground parking or parking behind
the store or apartments overhead.
I can just imagine how much fun it would be to live above a Cub store -
open 24 hours every day, trucks making early/late deliveries, cars pulling
in and out of the lot, garbage compressors running.
I expect that they already have the back of the store tied up with bays
for trucks, garbage compressors, utilities, etc.
The amount of parking a Cub needs to survive wouldn't fit in the back,
most likely, unless the land was very wide.
Where else, outside of downtown, are businesses being required to put
parking underground?
He also wonders where the new residents are to ride the train.  The claim
is that existing residents are supposed to switch over from their cars.
Future growth, if any, in ridership may come from new residents.  The
forecast growth of 2,500 round trips a day over 20 years is hardly a
business-busting annual rate of increase (1.1%).

The Independent, Unsubsidized, Voice of
Citizens for Effective Transit in the Twin Cities
* lrt isn't a potato chip, you can stop at just one *

Bruce Gaarder
Highland Park  Saint Paul
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Re: [Mpls] Hot Flashes - and COLD HEARTS OF PRIORITIES

2003-04-02 Thread j c harmon
Apparently all of Minneapolis' poor, undernourised kids will somehow become 
literate, cultured and employable should they be fortunate enough to afford 
to purchase a ticket to one of these 'public' facilities. Who needs stuff 
like libraries and wading pools anyway; sounds like they're just more holes 
to throw money into...
Yours in thick, sticky sarcasm,
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] No more crime?

2003-03-31 Thread j c harmon
I live on the northside where crime (and blatant littering) run rampant. 
About two weeks ago Saturday I went out to run some errands. I noticed my 
front license plate was barely hanging on, but figured I had a rear one on 
and tossed it in the backseat.
I came home about 1-ish and didn't notice until I looked out later that one 
of our persons in blue had issued me a $75 ticket for failure to display a 
front plate! Musta been a slow crime day...
Jill Harmon

From: Dennis Plante [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] No more crime?
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 13:21:17 -0600



Pretty Clear-cut revenue producer running a ramp-light. It's much more costly to apprehend drug dealers on the street corner. Our judicial system doesn't impose a very stiff penalty on them. Apparently, you're more of a "threat" running a red light than you are dealing drugs and toting a gun :)
Dennis Plante

From: "Leurquin, Ronald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject: [Mpls] No more crime? 

Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 08:40:53 -0500 


I need to vent a bit. Forgive me. 

As our fine city debates cutting police, fire, etc. 

This very morning the worst crimes in Northeast Mpls were people running the 

ramp meters. 

How wonderful that I live in such a Utopia. 

If that's all the force could find for that man to do why don't they put him 

on another shift where he is needed more. 

Is it impossible to put these officers to work on worse crimes than running 

ramp meters? 

Maybe running red lights, even? 


Ronald Leurquin 

Waite Park 



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Re: [Mpls] Some possible explanations

2003-03-28 Thread j c harmon
potential additions to the list of wasteful government spending:

-bailing out a mediocre airline (run by greedy executives who if graded on 
the actual performance of the company couldn't likely land a job at Burger 

-moving a theater 4 (million dollar) blocks

-the potential $15 million or so that will eventually be provided to rehab 
the theater that was moved 4 blocks

-purchasing a bulletin board for $249 from a vendor when they're 
available for about $4.99 at Michael's Crafts

I'm sure I left something out...

Jill Harmon

From: Chris Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] Some possible explanations
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 10:28:58 -0600
Doug Grow's column in the Star Tribune today (Thursday, March 27 -- provides the answers 
to two questions that may have been floating around in the minds of people 
on this list and elsewhere:

1.  Why do so many people think the government is grossly wasteful of tax 
dollars and, therefore, we need to have a no new taxes governor in place?

2.  Will Hennepin County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin run for Minneapolis 
mayor, and do we even want him as mayor?

From my point of view, the answers are as below, but I encourage you to 
read the column yourself and make your own conclusions.

1.  Why?  Because the government IS grossly wasteful of tax dollars -- but 
not on social programs, per se, or on police departments, or libraries -- 
but most often on edifices and perks for the top officials and 
self-important bureaucrats.

Why do I say that?  In 1974, Hennepin county spent half a million on Swiss 
imported tiles for the plaza at the government center.  Hello? What's wrong 
with Minnesota manufactured pavers?  But wait, there's more!

In 1990, they spent another $1.6 million to replace them with pavers from 
Ohio.  But that wasn't good enough either.  They're now poised to spend a 
major portion of a $6 million project to replace them once again.

The court room that Kirby Puckett's trial will take place is wood-paneled 
and granite-trimmed.  Have you paneled your living room in real wood 
paneling and trimmed it granite recently?  Cheaper than the alternatives, 
wasn't it?

More than 23 years ago, as a young, apolitical 20-something I spent a 
number of hours in the offices of some bureaucrat on the upper floors of 
the Hennepin County Government Center.  I say apolitical, because my 
interest, awareness and knowledge of government and political goings-on at 
the time was pretty close to zero.  I was more interested in my job, my 
friends, the next beer party, whatever.

Despite that lack of wisdom and interest, I was still flabbergasted beyond 
all belief at the luxuriousness and opulence of those offices. Compared to 
private industry, even top executive offices, they were far nicer.   The 
secretary had a nicer office than the director of the entire division of 
hundreds of professionals at my employer.  Even at that point in my life, I 
was disgusted with the thought that it was my tax dollars that paid for 
those offices.

Apparently, things have not changed at Hennepin County.  Which brings us to 
question #2.

2.  Will Hennepin County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin run for mayor, and 
can he be elected?

Beats me if he WILL run, but I am adamantly opposed to him being mayor.  
For that matter, every commissioner who voted for these 2 repaving the 
plaza fiascos, including McLaughlin, should be voted out of office at the 
first opportunity.

This kind of waste is precisely why taxpayers are so outraged that they 
have voted into office people who will slash urban budgets to pieces, doing 
great harm.

Chris Johnson

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Re: [Mpls] Some possible explanations. 'LITE' is just less filling!

2003-03-28 Thread j c harmon

Where did they get the idea that there is an OVER-abundance of multi-family 
affordable housing?? I've repeatedly been told that 20,000 additional units 
will be needed by 2010 to fill the potential need, and that affordable 
rental housing is one of 'the' priorities among council members with regard 
to housing production in the city.
I imagine NRP is just responding to the fact that MCDA will no longer be 
providing mortgage/first time buyer or home improvement funding any longer.
Currently calls to MCDA regarding mortgages and rehab loans are being routed 
to the MHFA.
Jill Harmon

From: gemgram [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Some possible explanations.  'LITE' is just less 
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 13:32:15 -0600

Since we are talking boondoggle, lets look at a possible City one.  The NRP
Policy Board, realizing that there is an over abundance of Multi-family
affordable housing units, votes to hold aside 2 million out of 14 million
earmarked for affordable housing.  They planned to use it to increase
affordable homeownership as a complimentary housing solution.  What
happened?  The Mayor and the City Council outraged because this may take
funding from political cronies, veto it before the plan is even brought to
them.  Since they did not have a proposal before them exactly what did they
Like the tile, exactly who is being paid off? I am not saying that someone
necessarily took a bribe, (a Minneapolis Council Member wouldn't take 
would they?).  I am saying that somebody is being greased by something, or
would the politicians prefer that we think they are just stupid? The
overabundance of such housing is now considered to be Un-Healthy.  When
vacancy rates are between 3 and 7% it is considered healthy.  The vacancy
rate has now topped 7% with a couple of thousand more units of such housing
presently under construction.  It took years to get the politicians
attention when there was a shortage, and now after they have made their
Deals it doesn't seem they care to stop.

It shows the Mayor and Council may not be as interested in addressing
housing needs for poor people as they are in giving huge amounts of money 
their buddies. The Mayor and Council would rather subsidize $60, 000.00 
$90,000.00 per rental unit, (that there is an overabundance of), than to
assist or allow a poor person to buy a home.  Something smells here and
BOONDOGGLE is written all over it.  Before spending more tax payer 
I think the Powers need to prove the shortage and need.  It is a matter 
trust.  I for one do not trust them, so they got to show us. In poker it
is said to be Calling.  Well they have been called, lets see if they are
holding or just four-flushing!

We need to look at a lot of politicians in a very hard way at this time. We
need a little more walk and a little less talk.  We need a little more
substance and a lot less fluff.  'Lite' politics are indeed less filling
Jim Graham,
Ventura Village
Old Thomas, the father of the Democratic Party, said it correctly over two
hundred years ago:
The people are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our 
We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.
- Thomas Jefferson

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Re: [Mpls] Property Taxes for a Mpls Home

2003-03-24 Thread j c harmon
There's a large difference between what Hennepin County claims my house is 
valued at for tax purposes and what Minneapolis determined.
Is that normal or am I showing my homeownership naivete? Can I choose to pay 
the lesser?!?!
Jill Harmon

From: Beth Popalisky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Property Taxes for a Mpls Home
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 16:29:54 -0600
I just happened to see a house in Fridley advertised through my union 
newsletter.  Value?  $319,000  Taxes? roughly $1900.  What would be the 
property taxes of a house with that value in Minneapolis?

It is very frustrating to see the differences in tax rates from the city to 
the suburbs and then to realize that city dwellers are getting hit so hard 
by the governor's budget.  I encourage all of us to write the governor, 
call, email, make contact somehow and express our opinions about the impact 
his budget proposal will have on city dwellers and city services.

Beth Popalisky
East-Harriet Farmstead
Hennepin County sent us a property tax statement today.   The figure seems 
steep at first. But the have a line for what state aids do to it, and 
those aids are about 1.5 times larger than the actual bill.  So, I guess I 
can see what is going to happen if Pawlenty has his way.  Basically, city 
residents are going to see themselves socked pretty hard on their 
property.  Worst part is, of course, that the state tax bill won't go 
DOWN.  I know.  Let's hear Pawlenty offer to cut his pay 20 percent.  
After all, if we city taxpayers can take a huge nick, Pawlenty ought to be 
in a much better position than we are to take it.

(Dream on, I can hear them saying).

Jim Mork

What 9/11 has done is to pull together the diverse and sometimes 
contradictory military and economic strands of this 'no rivals' policy 
into one seamless approach. This war on terrorism looks more like a war 
for the preservation of US imperial power. That is why countries like 
France, Germany, Russia and China - which have a stake in the dilution of 
US power globally - are at the forefront of international opposition to 
the impending invasion of Iraq.  --Times of India

We hold these truths to be self-evidentthat governments are formed, 
deriving their just powers by the consent of the governedDeclaration 
of Independence

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[Mpls] Protesters ditching work and school

2003-03-21 Thread j c harmon
I hope everyone patting themselves on the back for their work  school- 
optional humanitarian efforts will save a little back-patting for our 
returning troops. Thankfully, their lives are on the line so you can grab an 
overpriced latte', ditch work and school, and head on down to the courthouse 
to protest openly about military personnel doing THEIR jobs. I also wonder 
if any of the well-meaning teachers and parents involved are adequately 
prepared to explain to children, likely far too young to fully comprehend 
it, why they're not to blame even though their parent(s) or sibling(s) or 
aunt(s) or uncle(s) fought for their ability to protest, and died as a 
I can only imagine the potential guilt and trust issues a kid like that may 
end up with down the road.

I have little or no sympathy for students at the U who constantly gripe 
about their exorbinant tuition, yet everytime someone in this town squashes 
an insect, they leave class and go marching...

Jill Harmon, daughter and wife of VFWs

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Re: [Mpls] Democracy in Minneapolis: Illusion v. Reality

2003-03-17 Thread j c harmon
Whoa Nellie!!
The NRP is paid for by everyone's taxes, not just yours or Cooper 
neighborhood's, so NRP salaries and expenditures are included at everyone's 
expense - even city employees. Not all city employees are civil servants or 
members of AFSCME and we're not protected from the current financial 
realities as you've assumed. Many of us have already or soon will be losing 
our jobs just like everybody else. I disagree that just because a person 
lives in the city, it makes them a more productive, valuable or 
knowledgeable employee, and that if they live in the suburbs, they're a lazy 
slacker...but the issue could be taken further: what about state employees? 
Where in the state should they be required to live in order to perform their 
jobs to the best of their ability? And should farmer/senators from rural 
Minnesota w/manure on their boots be able to voice an opinion on issues that 
even remotely pertain to Minneapolis? Maybe NRP policy board members should 
be required to live in each and every neighborhood that gets a dime of NRP 
money - although then they'd be transient and that last I checked is 
illegal. And speaking of legality, this is pretty much what the Hollman 
lawsuit was about - rather forcefully suggesting where people of a certain 
ilk, color, or financial situation should live according to some visionary 
milktoast's idea of what's right(wing).
Due to the limited availability of affordable housing and housing options at 
the time (it escapes me as to exactly when) the City's residency requirement 
was repealed. Add to that police officers not necessarily wanting to have to 
go home to a neighborhood where they may have arrested (or urinated) on a 
neighbor. A valid concern in my opinion, as one could only imagine the 
retaliation in Jordan last summer should a decent, hard-working police 
officer have parked his squad in front of his own darn house after a hard 
day at work. And just imagine if that particular officer had been (gulp) 
Add to that the recent surprise to the council that the the city doesn't pay 
some of its own employees a living wage (its the thought that counts) and it 
makes even more sense to allow them freedom of residential choice - 
something that city employees have been working at providing for EVERYONE in 
this city for years now.
Forcing someone to live in a community not of their choosing or liking isn't 
going to make them perform their job better in neither the public or the 
private sector.
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] Lindner thread

2003-03-11 Thread j c harmon
I agree. Jesse Helms and Strom who's old? Thurmond were in the senate and 
house for umteen years, supposedly representing this country and it's umteen 
billion confederate-flag wielding rednecks. So a big fat pinko-pansy, 
commi-bedwetter legislator speaks candidly about his beliefs and everyone's 
undies get in a bundle? Big deal!
Our (freedom-preaching) government thinks freedom of speech is ok in the 
overwhelmingly boring house and senate discussions, but doesn't believe it's 
ok for neighbors to tell other neighbors what's wrong with themPlease 
let's move on to a subject we can possibly affect, and wish everyone 
mentioned by name a peaceful death.
Jill Harmon

From: List Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] Lindner thread
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 21:28:19 -0600
As some posters have mentioned, this thread was borderline
Minneapolis-specific at the outset, but it isn't now.
Let's move on. Thanks.

David Brauer
List manager
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Re: [Mpls] Proposed Budget Cuts at the City other than Police and Fire

2003-03-07 Thread j c harmon
I can confirm that four directors at the Minneapolis Community Development 
Agency have been dismissed effective 3/7/03:

Jerrold Boardman, Housing Division Director
Terrell Towers, Economic Development Division Director
Keith Ford, Deputy Director, Strategic Financial Planning/Parnterships
Paul Fuchs, Deputy Director, Administrative Services
Regretfully and with great respect,
Jill Harmon

Subject: [Mpls] Proposed Budget Cuts at the City other than Police and Fire
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 00:26:41 EST
Does anyone know what level of cuts are being proposed for City departments
other than Police and Fire (which have been pretty detailed in the news
media); e.g., the City Council, City Attorney, etc?  It might be 
to see how some of the departments Lisa McDonald mentioned in her post that
should be considered for elimination or consolidation will be faring.  Is
there somewhere to find out these numbers?  Thanks for any input.

Jan Del Calzo

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[Mpls] my first swingin' bachelorette pad

2003-03-03 Thread j c harmon
My first apartment was a 1 bedroom, 1 bath efficiency in an octoplex in 
Camden for $320/month in 1988. I was working full time making $5.50/hour 
($10,560 gross per year) at the time, and I took the bus to work and back - 
never considered a car the, worked downtown and likely couldn't have 
afforded one anyway what with repairs and maintenance. My rent credit that 
came in August was usually about $500, and I was single at the time. There 
were times it was tough - I remember paying my bills the day before getting 
paid and by the time I deposited my bi-weekly check I had $7 liquid to my 
name. I honestly don't know how I did it. Shopped at thrift stores for 
clothes for work mainly, and ate alot of maccheese and ramen noodles I 
guess. By the time I moved about three years later, I was making about 
$7.25/hour and the rent hadn't increased in that time. It was a clean, 
comfortable little basement apartment, sans the incoming roach swarm, and 
all the other renters were female seniors at the time. They told me I was a 
'test case' because I was only 22 at the time, and they didn't want some 
rowdy, party-girl causing trouble or 'humbuggin' (a direct quote from the 
landlord.) I didn't...much.

Upon purchasing my first home, I was making about 28K/year. I had $9000 from 
a divorce settlement to put down, and bought at 5.99% fixed in 2000. My 
house payments were about $530/month then and I got a lot of a fixer-upper 
house for the money - almost 3 bedrooms, 2-story, but built in '21 though so 
very few closets. Double garage, creepy basement to store stuff in. It was 
recently appraised for $113 but I'm sure if we sold we'd likely be able to 
get more for it - (God willing and the creek don't rise.)

As an aside, a house in my current neighborhood that looks as if three 
different additions were added over time, using three different materials 
was recently listed at $113K. It looks kinda rickety. There's a wire and 
wood fence similar to something you might see on an emu or llama farm and 
it's set way back on a corner lot. I thought the price was way too high due 
to the condition of the property, but in a couple weeks someone overbid and 
it sold for $140,000!

Amazingly affordable are two condo units (they may have already sold) at the 
old Bremer school building on Lowry  Emerson. They listed a one bedroom 1 
bath for $59K and a two bedroom for $79K. It's a secure building and is 
likely the lowest priced ownership housing I've seen recently. Surprisingly, 
two similar units at the Bremer were for sale when I was looking for about 
the same price. I often wish I would have opted for a condo. No mowing, 
shoveling, schlepping. I've always loved that building but have never been 
inside to see the actual units...

Jill Harmon

List members, what are your recollections of your first apt, house, and 
much of your pay it consumed?

Craig Miller
Former Affordable Housing Provider
Living in Rogers

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Re: [Mpls] NRP and city affordable housing fund/Pop-Fly

2003-02-27 Thread j c harmon
And people say the MCDA is rogue.
Jill Harmon

Subject: Re: [Mpls] NRP and city affordable housing fund/Pop-Fly
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 21:34:12 EST
In a message dated 2/27/03 2:17:48 AM Pacific Standard Time,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: (Re:Sole vote against funding 'pop-up'
  I did so not so much on the
  merits of the program but on principle and because I did not think an
  appropriate process was followed. Let me explain.

Keith says; I agree with your principles, on process, in this matter. It 
seem, though, that your post IS ...much on the merits, The arguments made
by Jim G. and others garner my support on the merit. I went to The List
Archive, to remind concerned individuals of another NRP gathering that
through a bunch of money into a sack. And without a lot of 'due diligence'

Keith Reitman  NearNorth

From The Archive 3/03:
A few years ago, I attended an NRP
gathering to vote on funding some proposals. I felt that packing of the
voting audience enabled the funding of a project to build a new
Kitchen/training facility at our local Mosque.
 Was this people of like mind doing there civic duty and showing up at a
neighborhood meeting; or getting all the people of a church to show up one
evening and bring home the municipal bacon? By the way there was no handout
available with drawings, projected costs, cooking skills class offerings, 
who would qualify for access, nor anything else that I could examine.
Simply...give us 1 or 2 hundred thousand...we do good stuff...motion
carried...meeting adjourned. There were two or three other 'projects' that
got cash, too.

Keith Reitman  NearNorth

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Re: [Mpls] Mpls. LGA cuts in Pi Press

2003-02-26 Thread j c harmon
I recently heard that Minneapolis is one of the only cities that doesn't 
have a volunteer fire department. Is this true? Anyone know why?
Jill Harmon

From: Borger, Judith Yates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mpls Forum (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] Mpls. LGA cuts in Pi Press
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 14:11:26 -0600

MINNEAPOLIS: Rybak outlines budget cutbacks 5254772.htm
Minneapolis firefighters might soon be painting fire hydrants when they
aren't fighting fires, under a money-saving plan suggested by Mayor R.T.
Rybak on Monday.
( BY JUDITH YATES BORGER, Pioneer Press, 02/25/2003 03:01 AM CST)

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Re: [Mpls] Student Project-hoax?

2003-02-22 Thread j c harmon
Yikes. I had no idea it was a hoax. Sorry to trouble everyone.
Jill Harmon
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RE: [Mpls] Budget seminar

2003-02-21 Thread j c harmon
Michael cited the fact that 'many people have lost their jobs, lost their 
health care benefits, or are experiencing dramatically reduced earnings; all 
while their local taxes, especially in Mpls., continue to increase 
Ironic that politicians who apparently have no financial woes personally, 
would cite 'quality of life' as yet another reason to raise taxes. Who's 
life? And can somebody QUANTIFY quality?
Seems another case of I know what's good for you government. I guess if 
you're poor you learn not to expect anything, so you won't be disapointed.
Wouldn't continuing to raise taxes, property or otherwise, potentially drive 
folks who are barely hanging on into further financial despair?
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] Syl Jones on 2-21

2003-02-21 Thread j c harmon
Good questions. I wonder how many arrests are made in Minneapolis per day, 
and how many go off without a hitch as compared to the ones where cops have 
been accused or were guilty of/misconduct? Granted one bad apple can spoil 
the bunch, but we only hear about the bad stories - no mention of the 
officers who are out there every day simply keeping the peace. I imagine 
there's an incredible burn-out factor. 70% of domestic abuse cases alone 
involve alcohol. People get violent, vulgar, loud, obnoxious, insane. 
Because the disease's symptoms are behavioral, it's the only disease people 
get mad at a person for having. And it's real likely officers arrest repeat 
offenders over and over again, day in and day out. It would wear on a 
person, seeing people digging themselves further and further into the 
'system'. I'm sure they get burned out, just like the rest of us. I'm glad 
they're getting a raise - the good ones anyway. The bad-to-the-core ones 
need to be dismissed or counseled or sent fishing for 6 months - whatever it 
takes. The reality is that the city would be in far worse shape without 
Jill Harmon

Are they hiring the wrong people, or retaining people who are burned out,
or teaching good people to turn bad?  What is creating this atmosphere?
Are they still rotating police personnel from precinct to precinct on a
regular basis?  Emilie Quast
SE Como
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Re: [Mpls] Syl Jones on 2-21

2003-02-21 Thread j c harmon

If the reports are accurate and neither of the persons involved were sober 
enough to remember what the weak-bladdered officer looked like, whether they 
were male or female or where they themselves lived - I wouldn't be surprised 
if it was his OWN urine.
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] Good Restaurants: Two Oversights

2003-02-19 Thread j c harmon
What about Tootie's on Lowry N? Excellent burgers...
I remember Diavolo's Pizza at Penn  Lowry too. Good pizza and they'd even 
deliver a single order of spaghetti w/garlic bread for about $4.00. The 
Starlite Club next door was dusty and musty; but the burger baskets were 
$1.25 (circa 1990)
Jill Harmon

Subject: [Mpls] Good Restaurants: Two Oversights
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 22:11:33 -0600

Had to consult my own online restaurant guide to realize I had two glaring 

1. Caspian Bistro, the ONLY Iranian restaurant in good old Mpls. Where 
Washington Ave and University Ave converge in SE Mpls.  All sorts of 
barbecued meat with basmati rice.  Amazing how Prospect Park claims TWO of 
the best providers of S Asian regional food.

2. Gardens of Salonica, the BEST Greek restaurant in Mpls, located in, 
where else, NE.

Jim Mork--Cooper

Save yourself from this corrupt generationAll who believed were 
together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions 
and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. Acts 2:4-45

The disciples determined that according to their ability, each would send 
relief to the believers.  Acts 11:29

From each according to his each according to his need.  Karl 
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Re: [Mpls] d-e-f-a-u-l-t

2003-02-11 Thread j c harmon
As I was aggressively schlepping some long-ripening garbage out to my curb 
this evening (only missed the garbage crew by a day) I reflected on the fact 
that, regardless of the benefits offered, I'd rather be someplace south 
tonight, should I someday be homeless...I'd sure as heck choose someplace 
further south than Minneapolis. It's colder and windier out than it's been 
in years and I often cringe when I see our Somalian and Ethiopian neighbors 
walking (as quite a number of them lack motorized transport other than the 
bus) and can see by the look on their faces that they're out of their 
proverbial element. Strong people, I'll give them that - to move half-way 
around the globe the dress in layers and eat carbohydrates, in hopes of 
inducing winter slumber. I know they must feel the chill more than I - a 
carbo-overeatin', semi-Scandinavian, early-risin' Minnasoootan.
Incidentally, on a more positive and entertaining note, there's a band from 
Africa I've recently discovered that's been around longer than I care to 
admit, called Orchestra Baobab. They hail originally from Senagaal, Africa. 
It's the best motown you've every heard with a more spicy, jumped-up rhythm 
than zydeco. Really fun when yer slippin' and slidin' on these icy roads...
Jill Harmon

From: WizardMarks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: James E. Jacobsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] d-e-f-a-u-l-t
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 10:37:51 -0600

James E. Jacobsen wrote:

 Then you got the social services mania, people coming here from 
over the world because the hand outs are the best.

WM: People come here from other parts of the world because they had a 
relative who came here first, maybe as a refugee, maybe as a student, or 
maybe because they had a job here. Then when things fall apart in their 
country of origin, they come to their relatives, running for their lives.

The city is now forced to get into sensible perspectives in its
budget.  You can't blame the new Governor nor the nearly new Mayor, they 
locked in by law to a balanced budget.

WM: I certainly can and I do blame governors--and presidents--when budgets 
are cut because they want to give back the taxes which previously allowed 
them to balance the budget and meet the legitimate needs of the populace.

BTW, it's still very much up in the air whether the mayor's budget cutting 
will serve the city well or ill. So far these measures have been passed or 
will be passed, but the cost of enacting them has not hit all the way 

WizardMarks, Central

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Re: Fwd: [Mpls] Unneeded Air Cargo means Noisy Night Flights

2003-02-11 Thread j c harmon
from c harmon, cleveland

In the 18 years I've been a technician and engineer in the aircraft 
industry, the only quiet way to make money is with a repair station, that 
can employ up to twenty times more people than any cargo operation at ANY 
international airport.
When an aircraft flies in, it's down for 3-6 months getting anywhere from a 
C-check to an aging-aircraft check. Therefore, no flight traffic and 1500 
jobs including two shifts, three hangars and day-shift admin.
Reference in point. MAE (Mobile Aerospace Engineering, Mobile AL)
We took three old hangars and turned them into a modern aircraft repair 
station, owned currently by Singapore Aerospace.
I have been in 14 countries in 10 years serving as a product support 
representative and contractor for all the major commercial and business jet 
I understand the concerns of residents of the city regarding jet noise 
levels, but a repair facility provides more jobs, less noise and the use of 
the existing unoccupied hangars (i.e. Sun Country) at the current airport.
Something to consider...
Chris Harmon

From: Dennis Plante [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Mpls] Unneeded Air Cargo means Noisy Night Flights
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 14:49:05 -0600

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Most commercial jets are designed so that they are easily configured for either passengers or cargo. A good case in point - many of the NW Airlines jets you've all flown on probably at one point had the seats stripped out of them and were used to transport seafood from Alaska to destinations in the south.
It might be more prudent to look at the pros and cons of this issue in light of whether or not additional business can be generated for the area than whether or not the area "needs" another international air carrier. It might be wise to check the range capabilities of modernjet aircraft, and international air-cargo traffic terminus patternsbefore determining whether a venture of this type is viable. BTW-most non-retail air cargo does not require night flights as it is not sensitive to consumer requirements.

Dennis Plante
former CPM and logistics director from Alaska currently living in -
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RE: [Mpls] Flakes in Minneapolis

2002-10-07 Thread j c harmon

Flakes sighted at 8:47a.m. at the Crown Roller Mill.
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis Council Member Lisa Goodman resigns from key positions

2002-10-06 Thread j c harmon

ALL the council members are to share responsibilities with relation to 
serving on committees, boards, and the like; it's part of the job.
Jill Harmon

Subject: Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis Council Member Lisa Goodman resigns from 
key positions
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2002 20:36:02 -0400

In the real world, That would be assuming that Ms. Goodman received a pay 
increase when she assumed responsibility of that magnitude.

wade russell
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Re: [Mpls] New Central Library Design

2002-10-02 Thread j c harmon

With the recent concerns related to heightened security I certainly hope 
it's bullet-proof. And with Randy Moss careening around downtown, 
automobile-proof as well.
Jill Harmon

From: Hamilton, Colin J [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] New Central Library Design
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 10:18:11 -0500

In reply to a question raised by another list member: All of the glass
planned for the new Central Library will be UV protected in a manner that
ensures there will be no light damage to books or other pieces of the
library collection.  This was a problem in the old library that will be
corrected in the new library.

Colin Hamilton
Executive Director
Friends of the Minneapolis Public Library
612/630-6180 (fax)

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Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis Council Member Lisa Goodman resigns from key positions

2002-10-02 Thread j c harmon

In the real world decreased responsibility of this magnitude would 
constitute a cut in pay. No one's mentioned that as of yet.
Jill Harmon

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[Mpls] issues gathering

2002-10-02 Thread j c harmon

Is the gathering at 6pm tomorrow? How would a person know where the issues 
folks will be? Indoors or out?
Jill Harmon

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Re: [Mpls] Where to take kids in Minneapolis

2002-09-27 Thread j c harmon

The Minneapolis Park  Rec Board's most recent publication has Tot Time or 
storybook time or crafts and other activities for kids listed at most of the 
local libraries/community centers, although it's usually designated for ages 
3 and up, and you may have to pre-register.
And this may sound creepy, but the Salvation Army Thrift Stores have bins 
and shelves full of oodles of gently used toys, books, dollies...I've 
witnessed more than one toddler having a whirl of a good time digging 
through the stuff, and you don't have to worry about the breakage factor.
Plus, you can kill two birds with one stone and drop off a bag of used goods 
to donate, if you're in the 'gotta clean out the basement' mode- All 
donations are tax deductible of course and they go toward a good cause. I'm 
actually considering donating my car. Can't sell it, too many dents. Anyone 
interested in a mangled Subaru? I broke-down and bought a gall-dern American 
car this time - gently used but new to me.
Jill Harmon

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[Mpls] talking trash

2002-09-22 Thread j c harmon

I recall a semi-controversy a couple years back when former CM Cherryhomes 
was seeking some funds to help to clean-up West Broadway. Naysayers from the 
cleaner, gentler wards were miffed. The argument being that people in their 
wards don't throw garbage all over, and why should another ward get money to 
fix what is essentially a behavioral problem... It's hard to convince people 
who don't litter to part with tax dollars to pay the slobs that do. Besides, 
there are already tax dollars at work paying Sentenced-to-Serve crews to do 
that for them.
I don't understand it. In MY day (and it wasn't yesterday) my mother would 
have slapped me into next week if I tossed a piece of gum out the car 
window. Yet nearly every morning I have to pick up beer bottles, 
superamerica bags, candy wrappers, chip bags from the boulevard and my front 
yard. I'm up until 10 p.m. and it's not there then. It shows up overnight 
like some bad mushrooms. Doesn't anyone on the north side sleep anymore? 
Know how to cook? Eat a green vegetable?
It's one greasy, take-out, styrofoam container after another. No wonder the 
young people in this country are cursed with obesity.
I'm all for encouraging kids to pick up the trash -if not simply for the 
exercise, but paying them to do it is another story.
Someone ought to hit-up Subway for $25,000 worth of lo-cal sandwiches 
instead; sans wrappers of course.

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Re: [Mpls] Yes, we are living in the same City. Just each looking at it thruthe colored and distorted glasses of RACE

2002-09-06 Thread j c harmon

Well for cryin out loud. The exchanges between the two appeared to me as 
personal attacks back and forth - a sort of chicken/egg argument that can 
never be 'won' really. I don't discount the discussion - just the 
contemplation of the roots of racism part, as if there was a point in time 
when it started and by whom. I wholeheartedly agree that it does need to be 
talked about - openly and loudly, if necessary. I find it ironic that it's 
acceptable and perfectly appropriate dinner conversation to let even a mild 
acquaintence know your sexual preferences these days, yet racism remains in 
the closet as a sort of Shhh subject for most people, 
especially Minnesotans er, Minneapolitans of a pinkish-hue.

From: paul weir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] Yes, we are living in the same City. Just each looking at 
it thru the colored and distorted glasses of RACE
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 09:11:15 -0500

I think the exchanges between J. Palmer and J. Graham on the subject of 
race are very valuable. Not elegantly written, to be sure, but indisputably 
serious, deeply felt, intelligent, and for the most part, civil. In other 
words, a far cry from the bigoted polemics that J.C. Harmon seems to think 
they are.
Paul Weir
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Re: [Mpls] Bikes, busses, and walkers unite!

2002-09-05 Thread j c harmon

Someone sent me an FAO Schwartz catalog, as I recently had a brand new baby 
boy. There's a hovercraft in there for ages 14 and up for a mere $15,000. It 
hovers (on a mixture of gas and oil) above pavement and lawn, and motors up 
to a speed of 15 mph. Sounds like a hoot to me. Certainly a more fun, 
alternate form of transport.

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Re: [Mpls] Yes, we are living in the same City. Just each looking at it thruthe colored and distorted glasses of RACE

2002-09-05 Thread j c harmon

This whole thread of who's the biggest bigot is a real drag. Speaking of 
drags, they water patrol pulled a relatively young man from what I could see 
from the Mississippi this afternoon, right near the locks, North of the 
Stone Arch. He was alive but I know little else. Anyone else know more?

PS   The winner of my prior post regarding MAD DADS t-shirts was Robert 
Bob Cooper of the not so infamous MCDA. May he wear them well...

Subject: Re: [Mpls] Yes, we are living in the same City. Just each looking 
at it thru the colored and distorted glasses of RACE
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 21:55:53 -0500

Jonathan seems to take some liberalities with what I actually wrote. His
opinion of what I meant, and his assumptions about the real meaning of what
I said may be at odds with what I wrote and what I actually meant.

I said the small minority of people of color was not enough to elect a
person of color until recently. I think this is true. When I asking the
question of Brandon, I was asking if Brandon actually thought a person
should be elected only on the basis of color just so we would be viewed as
liberal. The percentage of the population has changed so that there is more
power in the communities of color if they unite, and this has been lately
apparent.  Of course this is about as likely as it was for Swedes and Irish
to unite behind a recent immigrant candidate in the 1890's.

Jonathan should also think about another issue, I have never heard anyone 
a political convention say that someone should be voted for because they
were white.  I have heard the statement for a reason to vote for a Black
candidate on many such occasions. Any Democrat that says he or she has not
heard such is deaf or not being truthful.  So Jonathan, have you ever said
that one of your qualifications was because you were a Black Candidate? Or
identified yourself as a Black candidate? Another question Jonathan, have
you ever heard a white candidate at a convention or debate identify himself
or herself as a white candidate or imply that they had a better
understanding of issues because of being white?  In the south I have heard
such, but not in Minnesota. I could be wrong but I believe I may have heard
some such a statement from Jonathan.

Jonathan also says, Jim's implication was that they were, that almost
everyone came here as slave.

I do not believe that was either said or implied at all.  I in fact said,
The ancestors of
today's population by and large immigrated to the US at least one full
generation after slavery was abolished. Though Minnesota had very little
real political interest in slavery, I think if you check you will find that
Minnesotans of that time, on a per-capita basis, gave their lives to end
slavery at a higher rate than almost any other State. Visit Shiloh or
Gettysburg and look at the memorials to Minnesota's dead.

I also said,
This country like almost every country in the world, and particularly
African Countries, has enslaved every race there is. Scots and Irish were
sent to this country as slaves, Chinese people came as slaves, Indian 
were enslaved here, and of course Black people were.  It is something we 
share and something that we all bear.  But lets not blame people
indiscriminately. I do not believe my wife's Norwegian grandparents who 
in the 1920's, or their progeny, had anything to do with slavery in this
country, (and probably not Norway, since they were peasant farmers).

These are the actual things I wrote, so I have a problem seeing what
foundation Jonathan has for such a statement. I see nowhere here where I
said almost everyone came here as slaves.  What I said was that all races
have been brought here as slaves or enslaved here. I also implied that all
peoples have practiced slavery until the very recent past.  Quite a
different proposition, unless someone is making assumptions about what they
read. (Those distorted glasses I talked about or political opportunism). 
Jonathan, have you ever read a Bible about the enslavement of the Jews by
the Egyptians because of perceived race. That was a mighty long time ago.
And yes Jonathan, the British, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, 
Native Americans, etc. have practiced slavery by race. Their perception of
race may be different from yours, but as Jonathan says race is nothing 
than a non-existent social constructs.

Jonathan writes,
I didn't say they haven't had experience with discrimination, but rather
that they haven't had the same and definitely not equal experiences.  Jim's
implication was that they were, that almost everyone came here as slaves.
The logical argument is such that if all external experiences and
characteristics were equal then the shortcomings in a particular group come
from internal characteristics or experiences.

I argue again with Jim's implication, (I didn't imply 

Re: [Mpls] Doug Grow: Activist or act. Spike Moss is a conundrum

2002-08-31 Thread j c harmon

Hey, what ever happened to Shariff Willis/Gangs for Peace and all that 
stuff? SSB and him organized some sort of 'get out of gangs free' 
organization in the say, early 90s. Anyone know?
How about a group called MAD DADS - Men Against Destruction -Defending 
Against Drugs and Social disorder?
I've had two t-shirts in my office here for nearly two years now and no one 
knows who should get them. On the back the partners in the endeavor are 
listed as follows:
Abbott Northwestern Hospital, WeedSeed, MCDA, Center for Fathering
They're nice shirts - a rather kelly green w/black print, both size L.
If you know and are the FIRST caller/emailer I'll mail them to you...

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Re: [Mpls] rascism

2002-08-31 Thread j c harmon

I have a friend whose husband is African American who was refused to be 
served breakfast(although they said they'd still serve HER) in Brainerd in 
1982. Irony is he lives in Brainerd now; they're divorced. I often wonder 
how he can stand it.

From: WizardMarks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: James E Jacobsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] rascism
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 12:06:38 -0500

James E Jacobsen wrote:

  About the southern cities scenario, I didn't say they had
integrated social events or that the blacks or the whites wanted to 
interact socially, I doubt they did. I got that from my sister and brother
in law, who, as new PHD, they went to work at St Judes of Memphis, rented 
place and that's what their neighbors told them, that previously, the 
and whites had good working relations.

WM: What are good working relations? In this country it meant that African 
Americans knew (know) their place. For some folks, this is still the 
case apparently. So long as AAs did all the slog work at poor wages, the 
whites would only hang, beat, brutalize those who had the temerity to look 
a white person in the eye, or not move off the sidewalk to allow whites to 
pass, or sit in the back of the bus. (I remember riding the bus in St. 
Louis when that was still true in the late 60s.)

  I said you should read an old southern novel, and check out
Bernard Baruch.  Actually, Baruch entertained members of congress and the
President at his anti bellum plantation at Hobcow,  Franklin Roosevelt
himself spent a good month there late in his time of office and during 
they would go to church, of course on Sunday and the only church there was
the black's church with the black preacher and they went and it is fun
reading the discussion of it.

WM: I've read the old Southern novels, I read the new ones as well. Reading 
the ones by Caucasians may not give an accurate picture (like Gone with the 
Wind, what a farce). Check out Barbara Hambly who writes about Louisiana in 
the 1830s. That'll curl your hair. Read Toni Morrison, Chester Himes, James 
Baldwin, and on and on. The happy darky crap is just that--crap.

 The people carping about rascism are the ones who know and have
thought little of the background of it all.

WM: This is an assumption you are in no position to natter on about.

   Having read a lot of the
histories, when I see people here and now in Minneapolis who think they
still are fighting the civil war, I am not charmed.

WM: People here in Minneapolis are still fighting against racism. Possible 
reasons: it hurts the body politic to have it continue unabated. It hurts 
our neighbors who are AA. I don't like it when some gratuitous racist feels 
the need to behave like a pig to one of my neighbors over the color of 
his/her skin. I find it insulting to all of us. I've read the hate male to 
AA leaders in this community--I've received some myself for supporting my 
neighbors. I've been called a race traitor for supporting the just claims 
of my AA neighbors. The Civil War may be over in some parts of this 
country. My neighbors are struggling against the racism that takes places 
every day right here in MN.

As to the white - black relationship being often one of employer 
employee -same as the white white relationship is often as
employer-employee- that is a big step up from master - slave, and nobody 
argue that today opportunity -for school employment and good life- is not
open to people of any race color or religion, at least in America.

WM: Mr. Jacobson, your entire screed is an insult to all the people of 
Minneapolis who recognize the racism still prevalent in the city. You have 
to have your head pretty far down in the sand to have missed the realities 
of that racism.

WizardMarks, Central

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Re: [Mpls] Baseball

2002-08-31 Thread j c harmon

I'm just wondering how much in union dues these guys pay per month, and the 
monetary value of their sunshine fund.
Jill Harmon
Cleveland, not Ohio

From: Dean Carlson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Baseball
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 16:42:36 -0500

Jeez Loueez, the ink isn't even dry on this sucker and the no-stadium
contingent is already out, fangs bared.

Many on this list said no new stadium until baseball got it's economics in
order.  Well they just did that.  We don't have to worry about the threat 
contraction anymore either.  I know most on this list don't want to accept
it but a majority of the public want a new stadium and are willing to have
some (small) amount of public assistance included to do it.  Let's just get
it done.

Dean Carlson
East Harriet, Ward 10

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 12:11 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Baseball

  According to preliminary reports (, part of the 11th hour deal
  to prevent a baseball work stoppage is that contraction of teams will 
  reconsidered until 2006.
  Note to elected officials:  THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT WE REWARD our
  waiting, Carl, with a new stadium.
  Note to citizens:  We can expect at least 4 more years of our elected
  coming back each year with some new stadium deal.  The solution: THROW 
  INCUMBENTS!  I can state that I will be a solid NO vote on a stadium
  as long as the education funding issues and other budgetary
  loom.  I say let Carl come up with a proposal and get the public behind
it; why
  should our elected officials be on the hook for convincining the public
that we
  need a new stadium?
  Bob Velez
  Shingle Creek
  Ward 4-1
  Citizen Bob Velez
  Green Party endorsed candidate for Hennepin County Commissioner, 
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Re: [Mpls] Re: Pit Bulls: Ban Them !

2002-08-28 Thread j c harmon

With regard to citing that the CDC seems to have no trouble telling us which 
breed leads statistically in the number of attacks on human beings, I have 
to disagree.
I'd put pit bulls at a close second behind OTHER human beings.

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[Mpls] (no subject)

2002-08-28 Thread j c harmon

Personal responsibility for pet-owners or parents - what an insane concept. 
Personally, I'm up for euthanizing HUMANS involved in perpetrating any 
violent crime; melee or no melee. Sure would save on all those hot meals and 
cots in the prisons. Ironic that the state/city/county can't scrape up 
enough dough to house the homeless who have kids and jobs - but stab someone 
with a blunt instrument and you've got a home for life. Or, like the 'dude' 
in the recent Skyway News article, move here from the 'bay area', hang out 
with your girlfriend for awhile and, if your luck runs bad, you can get a 
check and a free bus ride home. It's a rather pathetic state er, city of 
affairs. Nearly all the people interviewed when asked why they were homeless 
stated that they moved here. I wonder why. Sure isn't the weather. And how 
does moving somewhere make you homeless? Did someone force you onto the 
Greyhound? Ever read a newspaper? Heard the term housing crisis? I've moved 
13 times in my 30+ years and it'd be a cold day in heck when I'd just move 
someplace without a plan. Research the job market, the cost of living, the 
availability of a place to live. I think most of the people cited in the 
article are in denial not only due to their addictions, but in neglecting to 
have a plan. Is planning so anal? Life doesn't happen to you, you sort of 
carve a path as you go.
And to try to tie in to the recent uproar with relation to pre-fab housing, 
I doubt any one of the folks interviewed would mind living in one, provided 
it was warm and cozy in the winter months. Even tony East Hampton has 
numerous mobile home communities i.e. trailor courts. I'd rather have 
trailor courts than families camping under bridges. But that's just me. The 
opposition to pre-fabs reaks of legislated socialism. Since when do people 
care whether their neighbors have a place to store their lawnmowers? Mine's 
in my backyard last I checked. And further, since when is owning a full 
array of yard implements a prerequisite to buying a house? Do you have to 
have a snowblower too? A trash compactor? Digital cable? 2.5 SUVs in the 
driveway? Who makes up these rules anyway? Don Imus said it best: UPTIGHT 
I don't obsess over the turnover rate of my house on a daily basis. My 
investment in my home is the time I've spent in it, not how much I've spent 
on it. But then I'm no land baron.

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RE: [Mpls] Red Light Running

2002-08-21 Thread j c harmon

I think most would agree Minnesota drivers are the pits. Red lights = 
accellerate at all costs; green lights, you break out a lunch.
I've noticed most can't seem to do two things at once i.e. talk on the phone 
and continue to accellerate and at least attempt to stay in their lane. I 
thought speaker phones were relatively mandatory w/relation to car phones, 
but I might be mistaken. Is there an increased insurance rate for car 
phones? Wasn't there higher rates for smoking drivers at one time? The 
rationale being that the smoking driver would be lighting a cigarette or 
dousing one, or fanning their flaming trousers, and therefore the risk of an 
accident was greater?
I loved the letter from a Star Tribune reader that suggested giving cell 
phone users the sane lane...
As far as everyone seeming to be in a hurry, it's rather self-important - 
they're such an integral part of where they're going they feel totally 
justified in risking my life and theirs to get there.
I once made a bumper sticker that said:

Tube of mascara - $8.95
Cost of removing applicator wand from eye socket should the driver in front 
of you hit the brakes suddenly - $10,895.00

Of course that's just an estimate.

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Re: [Mpls] Sharon Sayles Belton: Time to rally behind Block E

2002-08-02 Thread j c harmon

When the council finally approved the redevelopment of Block E it was after 
some long and tedious discussion. They thought long and hard and had genuine 
concern that they not just approve any old plan just to spur activity on a 
block that long stood vacant; but that they approve a plan that blended with 
the city and its vision. Can't say I was surprised that our esteemed former 
mayor termed the current discussion of design details involved in the 
project as quibbling. I do however, find it insulting to staff who've had 
the project on their proverbial plate for over a decade now.
I'd like to suggest that the folks struggling over whether or not to name a 
street after her quit their dilly-dallying and scratch her name off the 

From: Rosalind Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Minneapolis Issues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] Sharon Sayles Belton: Time to rally behind Block E
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 20:30:06 -0500

This is not the time to quibble about the location of Block E's

No one can accuse her of lacking nerve.

Rosalind Nelson
Bancroft, ward 8
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Re: [Mpls] yank the lifeguards at (some) city beaches

2002-08-02 Thread j c harmon

the Minneapolis beach rules appear to be designed to keep someone from even 
THINKING about filing a lawsuit. We're talking hyper-protective, hyper 

It's frustrating I know, but the truth is most laws are written for the 
lowest common denominator - people who don't know any better, have to have 
the rules spelled out to them (and even then not adhere or fiegn 
understanding) and who'd bring their kids (or pets) there to swim WITHOUT 
watching them or making sure they're not in harm's way. It takes a split 
second for a child to drown. If you have a lake full of splashing kids and 
semi-attentive adults engrossed in the latest who did who issue of People, 
who just happen to be parents, it can be troubling. My husband was a 
lifeguard for many years. Upon reflection, he frequently expresses 
frustration at how many times he had to rescue a small child by yanking them 
out of the water while the parent (who couldn't swim or was in what was I 
THINKING? shock) stood in ankle deep water screaming - apparently helpless.
They don't make much money - but they earn their dinero should they save a 
small child (i.e. yours) when a parent looks away for that split-second of a 
It's rather a toss-up in that respect.

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RE: [Mpls] Minneapolis police officer killed

2002-08-02 Thread j c harmon

Interesting note:
Not to make light of any situation of the sort:
I was standing in my front yard chatting with the neighbor when my husband, 
driving his prized white '65 Cadillac DeVille convertible pulls up, with two 
MPD squads behind him with their lights on. I asked my neighbor if I should 
approach and identify myself and before he could say, Nah, I wouldn't just 
yet, they had my husband in cuffs. Another squad cruised by...
Turns out they were after a fellon who was driving a similar vehicle.
I'm glad they're on the scene and wouldn't want the job for all the money in 
the world.

From: Joe Barisonzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'List Manager' [EMAIL PROTECTED],'Mpls list' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Minneapolis police officer killed
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 08:02:36 -0500


I am stunned, shocked and saddened. Officer Schmidt was an outstanding
example of a committed community police officer.  Her commitment to our
neighborhood was tremendous.

Her loss will be deeply felt by the residents of Horn Terrace, so many
of them who escaped this type of violence overseas. Deeply felt by the
residents of the neighborhood, so many who value a deep relationship
with their local CCP-Safe officer.

My heart goes out to her professional family of fellow officer and her
immediate family of friends and loved ones.


Joseph Barisonzi
Lyndale, Ward 10
Live across the street from Horn Terrace

-Original Message-
Of List Manager
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 7:13 AM
To: Mpls list
Subject: [Mpls] Minneapolis police officer killed

35-year-old officer Melissa Schmidt died when she was shot under a
bulletproof vest in a bathroom at Horn Towers in southwest Minneapolis.
A 60-year-old woman, spotted in the Horn Towers parking lot with a gun,
was killed, too.

You think about this every day on the job and hope it never happens,
said Sgt. John Delmonico, president of the Police Officers Federation of
Minneapolis. It's a big dose of reality.

David Brauer
List manager

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Re: [Mpls] Jordan residents discuss safety concerns

2002-08-01 Thread j c harmon

Nary a mention of the large amount of prostitutes roaming the streets at all 
hours. Or is that just in Cleveland neighborhood? This summer the presence 
of independent contractors du jour is especially prevelant, all along Lowry 
from Lyndale to Penn and on Penn too by the new school. I wonder what's 
changed. Market fluctuation? Increase in disposeable income? I've lived in 
the 'hood on and off for many years and never noticed such a large number of 
them. I would suppose it goes hand and hand with gangs and drugs.

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[Mpls] I was taught that civil service was apolitical

2002-08-01 Thread j c harmon

I shall remain stifled no longer!
I'm neither a neighborhood activist nor a politician. A hack possibly, but 
only when I'm weeding or trimming the schnauzers, neither of which is a 
particularly political venture.
I imagine we'll get to see how apolitical the process is when McKinsey's 
recommendations are implemented and city employees, members of the some 12 
labor unions involved, are given their new assignments or in some cases, the 
boot. Surprising there's been no discussion of the fact that many of the 
current council and the mayor were DFL endorsed. I can just hear the battle 
cry of Remember McKinsey!! during the next election...
The good news is that if we're all as prehistoric, uneducated and difficult 
to work with as folks claim, MCDA staff will likely remain verbal punching 
bags for every angry citizen, mediocre developer and disgruntled politician 
for decades to come -regardless of McKinsey's glowing recommendations. I am 
struck, but have empathy to some extent, for the folks that really are 
counting on municipal government suddenly becoming a smooth-running, 
well-oiled machine by merely adopting someone else's idea of business 
acumen. Especially a former consultant to KMart (eew) and Enron (blech!)I 
guess the devil's in the details. It's been my personal experience that free 
advice is worth pretty much what you pay for it.

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Re: [Mpls] Earwig info

2002-07-31 Thread j c harmon

I didn't see any predators mentioned. Ohio and Colorado and Texas though 
have trouble with them, and have websites on attempting to control them, so 
I would imagine they could be a problem if they got out of hand. It says 
they're nocturnal and once inside the home, will hang out in a wet mop or in 
decaying organic matter, in cracks in a basement, etc. Recommends using a 
crevice spray of somesort. Also says they emit a foul odor too - when 
squashed. Weird eh?

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Re: [Mpls] Panel recommends downtown parking changes

2002-07-30 Thread j c harmon

The Social Security Administration does not consider alcoholism a 
disability. Contrary to your tiresome and consistent mantra, alcoholics and 
drug addicts are human beings with voting rights and homes and families too, 
and the majority of them are functional. They hold down a job, pay taxes, 
mow the grass. Some even own property. Some people, of course, are just 
plain nuts...

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[Mpls] Earwig info

2002-07-30 Thread j c harmon

The good news is that they don't crawl in your ear and bore into your brain. 
(that's a relief)
Here's some info though about iradicating and evicting them that I found:

The European earwig is the species most common to the Atlantic Provinces and 
can be found outside and inside the home. They enter a house with the help 
of a host - on humans, clothing, vegetables, newspapers, etc. Earwigs are 
reddish-brown, approximately 4/5 of an inch (2 cm) long with antennae and a 
noticeable set of pincers which protrude from the abdomen. The pincers of 
the male are curved whereas those of the female are straight. The female 
uses her pincers to protect herself and eggs from other insects, but they 
cannot harm humans. Earwigs have wings but they are rarely used to fly.

Earwigs wait for darkness to begin their search for food and shelter. They 
enjoy dark, moist areas and feed on decaying plant and animal matter. They 
also cause slug-like damage to leaves, petals, fruit and vegetables. One way 
to determine if a slug or earwig is the cause of damage is to look for a 
slimy substance which slugs leave behind. Earwigs also damage vegetables by 
entering and enlarging existing holes.

Earwigs can be beneficial in the garden if they can be prevented from 
damaging vegetables and flowers, and entering the household. It is important 
to avoid killing earwigs because they are predators of some small insect 
pests such as aphids.

The life cycle of the earwig consists of egg, nymph and adult. In early 
spring, after overwintering in soil, the female earwig lays up to 60 eggs in 
the top section of soil. In about seven days, the eggs hatch and nymphs 
emerge. The female tends to the eggs and nymphs for the first two weeks. The 
nymphs are similar to adults, only smaller. Over a 70 day period, the nymphs 
pass through four growth stages before becoming an adult. Egg laying can 
take place twice per year (spring and summer). Adult earwigs will be most 
noticeable in July, August and September. Earwigs live for approximately one 
year, but most often the males die during the winter months.

If earwigs are damaging your plants, there are some physical control 
measures available. Since they are active at night, check your garden with a 
flashlight to determine if earwigs are present and causing damage. Practice 
sanitary conditions around your home by removing leaf litter, stacks of 
firewood, decaying matter and other items which attract earwigs.

Earwig traps are easy to construct and very economical. Take a rolled up 
newspaper, a piece of corrugated cardboard or a paper towel tube filled with 
straws and seal it on one end. Place it in an area of the garden where 
earwigs have been observed. When the earwigs crawl inside, it is next to 
impossible for them to escape. A bait of honey or peanut butter can be used 
to attract earwigs to these traps, but it is not necessary. Another trapping 
method is to place a shallow dish or can in a hole so that the top of it is 
at ground level. If a tin can is used, an empty tuna or sardine can with oil 
remaining on the inside is best. In the morning, check the traps and shake 
all captured earwigs into a bucket of soapy water.

To limit the number of earwigs which find a way into the household, take 
time to shake and look at objects before bringing them inside, seal cracks 
and check window openings and doors. Also check damp hiding places such as 
windows, flooring and under sinks. Earwigs may be found indoors during hot, 
dry summers.

If physical control measures are not effective, use a pesticide which will 
have a minimal impact on both you and the environment. It is easier to treat 
earwigs during the nymph stage. Insecticidal soaps are available as a 
pesticidal control. There are also baits, dusts and sprays available to 
control earwigs.

If the above measures are not effective, consult with an expert at a garden 
center for additional pesticides available. Before using pesticides, consult 
the Backyard Bug Brigade Brochure which contains information on safe pest 

Always use a registered domestic class pest control product labelled for 
earwig control and carefully follow the label directions.

Happy Hunting,

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2002-07-29 Thread j c harmon

We shouldn't assume that because someone's not actively limping that they're 
not disabled. Heart disease, asthma, and arthritis to name a few, are 
disabilities for many, yet they may not look disabled to the ablebodied.

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RE: [Mpls] SSB Boulevard

2002-07-26 Thread j c harmon

No one's even suggested Fraser Boulevard. If memory serves, he was mayor 
when the gentrification and segregation took place that resulted in poor 
minority people being steered toward the projects in the first place. Why 
not name it after him?
It could be one of those let's remember not to forget deals.

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RE: [Mpls] Biernat Had 'Full Knowledge'

2002-07-26 Thread j c harmon

You raise some good points, although hoping for Biernat's moral fiber to 
reawaken rather assumes that he has some. I suspect most of his fiber these 
days comes in a cereal box.

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Re: [Mpls] Neighborhood Environments (was Trainor website)

2002-07-16 Thread j c harmon

I won't win any friends for saying this, but maybe people who live on the 
north side have accepted the fact that they live in an urban setting and 
that planes, cars, buses, and car alarms are simply part of that equation.
People who have chosen to live in an urban environment or near the airport 
can't have all the amenities of city living and the peace and quiet of the 
suburbs too.
I got a kick out of the folks on Lake Harriet griping about thumping stereos 
on the news a couple weeks back - seems they just can't concentrate on their 
raking. For some ureason the media thought that warranted news coverage.
Sure thumping stereos are a nuisance, sort of like anal compulsive 
weed-wackers and lawn mowers...

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Re: [Mpls] Let's get specific: Mpls spent $66 million for Culture Recreation

2002-07-13 Thread j c harmon

No company that I've ever been involved with/worked for releases the 
statemnts for an annual report for at least a year after it happens. The 
bureacracy alone involved in (city) budget activities makes it nearly 
impossible for the figures to be analyzed for up to a year ahead of time.
The (Minneapolis) park board is famous for whining about money; as is the 
school board. The MCDA consistently gets the mundane brow-beaten for trying 
to provide places for all people of varied incomes to live...yadda yadda 
yadda...NEWS FLASH: even though it might be the almighty school board 
ordering the demolitions (of affordable housing) for the(forward thinking 
goal )construction of a public (although mediocre) school, it's that cursed 
rogue MCDA that often times ends up in ownership of the subject properties 
in the interim; so they're the proverbial public punching bag.
I applaud the new administration for attempting to bring the school board 
and the park and rec people into the planning and development process. Maybe 
then the entire bureaucracy can share the blame for demolishing livable 
P.S. there ain't no justice.

From: Victoria Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] Let's get specific:  Mpls spent $66 million for Culture  
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 06:34:13 -0500

During the year 2000, the total City expenditures were $480 million broken
down as follows..

 $52,081,000 for general government
 $149,636,000 for public safety
 $35,846,000 for highways and streets
 $20,718,000 for health and welfare
 $66,585,000 for culture and recreation ***
 $21,692,000 for economic development
 $35,232 ,000 for urban development and housing
 $97,997,000 for debt service

Assuming that the Parks department is part of Culture and Recreation,
let's get an audit of where the money actually goes.

I'm still waiting for the 2001 financial reports - will produce a cash flow
statement for the list as soon as they're available.

Vicky Heller
North Oaks
Minneapolis Property Owner and Taxpayer

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Re: [Mpls] Still kinda quiet of the McKenzie report

2002-07-11 Thread j c harmon

As an employee of le rogue agency, I'll likely be directly effected by the 
proposed McKinsey recommendations and believe me, there are some changes I'd 
welcome. I agree that job creation should be THE city priority, but it'll 
likely have to be coupled with a skills/training, get-up-and-get-there sort 
of program for the folks who are seemingly unemployable - a population that 
seems to fall through the cracks.

Regarding implementation of the proposed recommendations, convincing 
seasoned bureaucrats to get on board is another matter entirely. The 
paperwork alone that's required to implement the changes would likely fill 
the Metrodome. (now THERE'S an idea)
Rybak has optimistically stated that he forsees the new agency up and 
running within a year's time. That'd be quite a feat.
Having just digested Business Week's article citing McKinsey's cozy 
relationship with Enron, I'm rather out of sorts. The WORLD'S most 
prestigious consulting firm? Right here in River City?! Sort of makes you 
wonder what (potentially) is in it for them. I mean let's face it, the City 
of Minneapolis is no KMart. And even I'd question a $1 million free lunch.
At the very least we should all be darn happy that as taxpayers, who've been 
footing the bill for one tiresome study after another, year after year; we 
may have gotten exactly what we paid for.

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Re: [Mpls] Nicollet and Lake Commons Project

2002-06-22 Thread j c harmon

Anybody know the estimate for re-and re-locating Nico Plating??

From: Dave Harstad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] Nicollet and Lake Commons Project
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 09:48:48 -0700 (PDT)

I am an attorney who works for Sherman Associates on
the Nicollet and Lake Commons Project.  I live in the
Whittier neighborhood, a few blocks away from the
site, and have been actively involved in neighborhood
efforts to get Nicollet re-opened for several years.
I write to respond to Joe Barazonzi’s comments about
the project.

[JB]  “The process has always been developer rather
than community lead. Although it should be noted that
there has been significant community involvement and
the credit for that goes to Sherman and Associates.”

[DH]  Sherman Associates became interested in the
project when people from the neighborhood approached
Sherman and requested that they think about
redevloping Nic-Lake.  There is a joint
Lyndale-Whittier Task Force that meets regularly to
discuss the project and advise Sherman.  Each
component of the project came from the community, and
is supported by the community.  Of course, the devil
is in the details, but Sherman is working extremely
hard on details too.  Here is a run down of the the
big picture:
a)  Re-opening Nicollet:  Closing Nicollet was a huge
mistake that needs to be remedied by the City.  I have
never met anyone who is opposed to re-opening
Nicollet.  A few years ago, the City Council formed
the Nicollet Avenue Task Force, and staffed it with
Planning Department and MCDA staff.  The Task Force
Found that re-opening Nicollet was the top priority
for Nicollet Avenue (which it called “Minneapolis’
Main Street”).  Jim Niland and Lisa McDonald in
particular recognized the importance of getting this
done.  Their efforts should not be forgotten.
b)  Discount Grocer:  In Whittier Alliance focus
groups, a discount grocer was listed the top
development priority for the neighborhood.
c)  Discount retailer:  When Kmart pulled out the
project last fall and was tentatively replaced by the
Hennepin County Medical Clinic, there was a loud
outcry from the neighborhoods.  People vigorously
argued that area residents, particularly low and
moderate income residents without cars, needed to be
able to do “one stop shopping” for clothing, consumer
products, etc. at a discount retailer.  At one
community meeting, a woman incredulously demanded of
the developer, “If Kmart goes, where will I buy my
underwear?”  Sherman Associates listened, and began
working to attract a discount retailer to the
d)  Affordable housing:  Sherman will build
approximately 300 units of affordable for sale and
rental units.  Some neighborhood activists want more
expensive for sale housing, some want more units for
the needy.  So Sherman has tried to come up with a
mixed income plan that works for everyone.  Certainly
everyone agrees that housing production is a top
development priority for the City.  Here are 300 new
units that could be built without a single renter or
homeowner displaced.
e.)  Retail condos.  The developer proposes to build
25 x 25 retail condos around the grocery, the discount
retailer, and along the Midtown Greenway.  The Asian
community on Nicollet is very excited about this
component and has lists of interested buyers.  These
condos will add life to the street, and create a
retail “farm system” that will certainly lead to
further successes on Nicollet, particularly south of
Lake Street, where investment is really needed.
f)  Midtown Greenway:  Another top priority for the
neighborhood is to encourage development that enhances
the Midtown Greenway.  The housing will overlook the
Greenway and there will be numerous new connections to
it, both for recreation and for future transit.
g)  Empowerment Zone:  The development is in the south
EZ, and would bring $100 million in investment.
Sherman hopes to use Empowerment Zone Bonding, which
requires that EZ residents be employed by businesses
benefiting from the bonding.  So the project will
create good jobs for EZ residents.  Again, I can think
of few people who would be opposed to this sort of
investment and job creation in the EZ.

[JB]  “The developer has not delivered despite
previous extensions.”

[DH]  Respectfully, Joe you have the facts wrong.
There haven’t been any previous extensions.  Further,
its unfair to say Sherman hasn’t delivered.  Putting
together a $100 million project is tough work, and
doesn’t happen overnight.  But Sherman wouldn’t be
spending so much time and money on pre-development if
it didn’t think it could get this done soon.  Sherman
has a great tract record, and has every intention of

[JB]  “The current proposal does not seem to have
numbers that work.”

[DH]  Not true.  Not only does Sherman have numbers
that work, the numbers work without significant
subsidy.  A rundown of the pro forma is outside the
scope of this forum, but I’d be happy to share it with
anyone off 

[Mpls] Reorganization of the MCDA, the FBI, my kitchen cupboards

2002-05-30 Thread j c harmon

Seems it's the fashionable thing now, this reorganization and streamlining 
effort. I'm surprised there's not been more discussion on the list about the 
pending merge/re-org of the Planning Dept/MCDA/Public Works. Guess the topic 
was more alluring during election time, sorta like McDonald's bra ad.but 
I digress.
I'm optimistic (so un-like me) and am hoping if it's aggressively pursued 
that it happens quickly and to the benefit of everyone - both residents and 
employees of our fair city.

Enjoying my final days of maternity leave before returning to my post at the 


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Re: [Mpls] Krispy Kreme?

2002-04-23 Thread j c harmon

And only 12 grams of fat per!!

From: Andy Driscoll [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Krispy Kreme?
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 10:49:04 -0500

The same might be said of the Vikings, the Twins, etc. Icons are big stuff
in our culture these days. Diversion is the deal. Anything to distract us
from challenging questions like what the Kondirator is doing to our air,
eight lanes on Lake Street, using money woes to revert back to neighborhood
school to avoid the de-segregation issues.

No. Krispy Kreme donuts look good on television and the national icon for
big bellied Americans is coming to a Minneapolis north suburb. Let's spend
10 minutes of a 15-minute prime time newscast during sweeps week watching
children planting themselves for 24 hours outside the door for the imminent
opening of a drive-through bakery.

Our news has become a series of front-page and dominant stories about the
comings and goings of celebrity, sports and cultural icons.

Ever get the idea no one wants to think any more?

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul
I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied
corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of
strength, and bid defiance to the laws of the country.
 --- Thomas Jefferson,1816

  From: Conor Donnelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 10:28:36 -0500
  Subject: [Mpls] Krispy Kreme?
  Please excuse the softness of this fatty topic, but seriously, what's up 
  Krispy Kreme? I
  mean, since when is the opening of a donut shop in Maple Grove such a 
  scoop? I swear I've
  seen nearly a baker's dozen of theses stories in the Strib over the last
  several months. Can
  some knowledgeable person with years of experience purchasing baked 
  explain to me why
  this is being covered so rigorously? Judging by the popularity of this 
  should we be
  anticipating the opening of one in Mpls soon?
  conor donnelly
  Waitepark W1
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Re: [Mpls] re: bad driving

2002-03-29 Thread j c harmon

On a related note; there's a  t.v. commercial out, portraying the 'horror' 
of smoking in a car w/an infant, and the potential horrific dangers of 
second-hand smoke; yet I've seen so many people driving around w/their 
children standing up or sitting w/out restraint in the front or backseat. I 
even know of an accident-related DWI in which a 6-week old baby was found 
sprawled across the dashboard of the car...makes one wonder where the real 
danger lies; in knowledge, or lack thereof or the ultimate realization of 
one of many new moms surely suffering from carseat fobia

Subject: Re: [Mpls] re:  bad driving
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 19:49:21 -0600

I do most of my personal transit by bus or by bicycle (depending on weather
and, frankly, the current status of my tendonitis - cycling daily in
addition to working on computers all day can be painful).

As a result of this, poor driving has major consequences for me.  On a 
drivers not paying attention are a matter of life and death.  Every 
cyclist knows this and is hyper aware of what happens around him or her.

As to a phone # to call to report bad drivers.  I really honestly hope no
such thing exists.  If it does - I have to ask - does one have to join the
Hitler Youth to be eligible to use it - or do you use it first in order to
gain eligibility to join?  Pardon my bluntness, but the last thing I want 
be is a member of a society where it's a practice to spy on and report your
neighbors to authorities.

Jim McGuire
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Re: [Mpls] Don't get your car towed while you are on vacation

2002-02-07 Thread j c harmon

can't find people to collect
the cash to get back the cars

Just a thought:
The above excuse could be because the city offers a whopping $8-9.00/hour to 
folks who are willing to stand behind the bullet and spit-proof glass and be 
verbally assaulted by angry people attempting to pick up their cars, often 
times sans a license, proof of ownership, insurance or the funds to pay 
their bill.
I wouldn't want the job either.

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Re: [Mpls] Re: dara and jucy lucys

2002-02-07 Thread j c harmon

The Cardinal used to serve a good  greasy version as well. Are they still 
around or is there a proposed LRT station there now? I used to live in that 
neighborhood and haven't been by much since...

Subject: [Mpls] Re: dara and jucy lucys
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 16:31:05 GMT

If you're not at MATT's, you're not eating a Jucy Lucy.

Dean Carlson
East Harriet.

Todd Melby writes:

It's a hotly debated topic and folks are dead-set in their opinions. So I
thought I'd throw it out to the group.

Matt's or 5-8?

(And don't be saying Adrian's.)

Todd Melby
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Re: [Mpls] Re: Soucheray's column in Pioneer Press

2002-02-01 Thread j c harmon

Did the naked man's socks match?

Subject: Re: [Mpls] Re: Soucheray's column in Pioneer Press
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 13:14:48 EST

Gee, I don't know, guys. I'm probably wrong, but I am so disillusioned with 
professional baseball that I'd rather stick St. Paul with the Twins and 
steal the Saints. Wouldn't that be a coup.

Regarding the non-PC attitude: burning incense, etc., yawn, ZZZ. 
As I always say, there's nothing like a good joke, and THAT was nothing 
like a good joke. The 60's were 40 years ago and some anti-PC quips seem 
even older.

As for Kelly, he may think he's swimming with the sharks now, but I predict 
he'll jump out of the pool the second he spies a vacant beach chair, and 
try to save RiverCentre instead.

P.S. Mpls City Hall has a naked man in its lobby, but St. Paul can't even 
have red poinsettias. The rivalry is alive and well.
Kristine Harley
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Re: [Mpls] Rybak staff proposals and Diversity

2002-02-01 Thread j c harmon

The new mayor has repeatedly solicited for resumes both in person and on his 
website for ANYONE interested in partaking in his administration's employ. 
Secondly, I believe traditionally that the mayor gets to choose their 
immediate staff, or often a chief of staff to assist them in doing so. 
Thirdly, it's my understanding that most employees at City Hall are civil 
servants and as such, have a negotiated union contract that must be adhered 
to by management with relation to hiring, salaries, etc.
The last point I wanted to make is that regardless of ethnicity, women still 
make a whopping 75 cents to a man's dollar, and I've yet to attend a meeting 
where a woman says, could you fetch us some coffee? or where are the 
Race is used as an inequity yes, but it's one of many that take place in 
workplace sectors, both public and private. If three women are seen chatting 
near the water cooler it's a hen party - if it's men gaffawing (or to keep 
with the crows thread, cawing) about their golf game, it's healthy, 
stress-relieving banter due to their demanding workloads that has proven to 
result in measurable increased productivity...
This sort of behavior can make a non-gender specific person wanna just stay 
home, barefoot and pregnant. :)

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Re: [Mpls] re: stadia

2002-01-31 Thread j c harmon

Bonham states:
I would not oppose building new stadium(s) if they REALLY were set up so
that no public financing was used.  But I have not seen such a plan
yet.  All the plans proposed hide subsidies from the public somewhere
inside them.

The whole public financing thread reaches a more morose level when you 
realize that public funds have already been spent by the truckload vis a' 
vis the fact that, for years now, there have been municipal, county, state 
and likely federal employees, in addition to many well-paid, esteemed 
elected officials, toiling their hours away chawing over the issue on the 
taxpayer's dime.
JHarmon, curmudgeon

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RE: [Mpls] Minneapolis Crows

2002-01-31 Thread j c harmon

Several million and we'd have to declare a Crow Emergency.

From: Richard K. Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Minneapolis Crows
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 15:25:14 -0800

Several hundred is a slow news day. Several thousand is something else.
Richard Anderson
Loring Park

-Original Message-
Clark C. Griffith
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis Crows

Several hundred crows settled into trees between James and Irving, South
of Douglas, last Saturday. They arrived from the west and departed to
the east.   Is this a slow news day or what?
Clark Griffith, Seventh Ward
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RE: [Mpls] Bad, Bad, Renters!

2002-01-24 Thread j c harmon

Since when are affluence and mental illness or chemical dependency mutually 
exclusive? There are more untreated mentally-ill and addicted folks 
wandering the streets of this city than will ever make up the 
self-proclaimed recovering folks who make up this supposedly evil 30% of the 
And further, if supportive programs' successes are to be measured in any 
way, then they have to be accessibile to those who need them, which in turn 
means locating the services where the people are - whether it's in Stevens 
or anywhere else.

   John Cevette responds:

   The point the poster was making was balance.  A truly integrated
Minneapolis means rich, poor, and disabled all sharing the same
neighborhood.  No one can seriously argue against the inbalance in Stevens

   With 31% of population requiring supportive services because of the 
and power of the affordable/supportive housing industry forcing facilities
into our neighborhood, they squeeze out the middle class and the affluent.
There should be a place for everyone in every neighborhood.  The arguement
is not who's bad and who's good.

   While they create enclaves, we lose diversity.

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