Re: [OAUTH-WG] JWT grant_type and client_id

2013-02-19 Thread Brian Campbell
Yeah, in general the client identification/authentication is independent
from the grant being presented. There may be policy (maybe unidentified
clients aren't allowed) or other protocol details (like some kind of HoK
bound to the client, though that doesn't exist yet) that dictate more
requirements on the client identifier.  But in the general case they are
independent and the client_id is not required.

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Mike Jones

  The client_id value and the access token value are independent.

 ** **

 -- Mike***

 ** **

 *From:* [] *On Behalf
 Of *Lewis Adam-CAL022
 *Sent:* Monday, February 18, 2013 2:50 PM
 *To:* WG
 *Subject:* [OAUTH-WG] JWT grant_type and client_id

 ** **

 ** **

 Is there any guidance on the usage of client_id when using the JWT
 assertion profile as a grant type?  draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bearer-04 makes no
 mention so I assume that it is not required … but it would be necessary if
 using in conjunction with a HOK profile where the JWT assertion is issued
 to – and may only be used by – the intended client.  Obviously this is
 straight forward enough, really I’m just looking to be sure that I’m not
 missing anything.

 ** **



 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Using SAML2 Bearer for the authentication

2013-02-19 Thread Brian Campbell
The scope of assertion based client authentication is only in OAuth and
only for the client calling the AS's token endpoint. Defining a general
HTTP auth scheme for assertions would have a much broader scope and be much
more difficult to standardize.

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 6:54 AM, Sergey Beryozkin sberyoz...@gmail.comwrote:


 Assertions like SAML2 Bearer can be used for authenticating the client.
 Why a dedicated Authorization scheme can not be introduced, instead of or
 in addition to client_assertion  client_assertion_type parameters ?

 IMHO, the following

 Authorization: SAML base64url-encoded assertion


 is more in line with OAuth2 recommending not to prefer including client id
  secret in the body:

 Including the client credentials in the request-body using the two
 parameters is NOT RECOMMENDED and SHOULD be limited to clients unable
 to directly utilize the HTTP Basic authentication scheme (or other
 password-based HTTP authentication schemes) - though it talks about a
 password based scheme...


 Authorization: JWT encoded jwt assertion


 Just a thought.

 Cheers, Sergey

 OAuth mailing list**listinfo/oauth

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Re: [OAUTH-WG] oauth assertions plan

2013-02-18 Thread Brian Campbell
I do believe some face to face discussion amongst a smallerish group might
be valuable on this. I'll be in Orlando and plan on contributing to that as
much as I can. Thanks for organizing the lunch discussion Stephen.

I do feel that this conversation has strayed a bit and I'd like to clear up
one important misconception. The three assertion documents do not define an
access token type at all. The questions and concerns around bearer tokens
and MAC tokens and other token types may well be very legitimate but are
completely orthogonal to the scope and intent of the assertion documents.
The assertions drafts define how to trade an assertion for a an access
token at the token endpoint via the extension grant type mechanism provided
by RFC 6749. The assertions drafts also define an alternative means of
client authentication but its scope is very limited and only applies to a
client authenticating to the AS's token endpoint. I believe the documents
are pretty clear on what they seek to accomplish (and what they do not) but
this is definitely not the first time this has come up and that likely
points to the need for some more clarification in docs themselves.

It seems to me that much of the recent discussion here is largely unrelated
to that actual intent and scope of the documents in question. It may well
be valuable discussion but, even if we can find some common ground on it,
these assertion drafts probably aren't the right place to address these

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 12:09 PM, Barry Leiba barryle...@computer.orgwrote:

 Dynamically declaring, in what sense?  Where are those mechanisms

 ** **

 Many of them are documented in draft-ietf-oauth-dyn-reg.

 ** **

 One profile (an outer doll J) that enables fully interoperable
 implementations is documented in draft-hardjono-oauth-umacore.


  Another related profile that enables fully interoperable
 implementations is documented in

 It's possible, then, that this isn't an issue of major changes needed in
 this document, but one of document ordering.  It's possible (I'm still not
 sure, but maybe) that if some of these other documents came out before or
 at the same time as this one, they would all fit together and all would be

 So maybe that's one way through this.

 In the end, all I'm saying is that if I hear that everyone is using oauth
 to peel bananas, and I want put my banana-peeling application on the market
 by adding oauth to it, I need to be able to read a set of specs that say
 how to do that, and that's all.  And if I do that, my application will work
 when it's slotted into any oauth-based banana-peeling system.


 OAuth mailing list

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Re: [OAUTH-WG] comments on draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-15

2013-02-14 Thread Brian Campbell
Thanks for the feedback Prateek. I've tried to address some of you comments
and questions inline below.

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 3:53 PM, Prateek Mishra

 It would be helpful if the draft identified the various cases that are
 intended to be supported. For example,
 in draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-**10, there is a helpful distinction made
 between Client acting on behalf of a user vs.
 Client Action on behalf of an anonymous user (vs. even more advanced
 use-cases). Otherwise, folks
 have a hard time figuring out the pieces they need to implement and the
 required behavior.

The guidance in §6 of draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-10 provides some
particular details of the more general general cases and they apply here as
well as the JWT draft. I'd like to avoid repeating the text and bloating
the documents.

 It feels like Section 3 speaks to all of these cases simultaneously. I
 think this is confusing and
 our developers have raised some questions about it.

It's not really intended to speak to the cases so much as provide the
required processing rules to validate the assertion in a reasonably secure
way. There is some simultaneous treatment of the client authentication case
and the authorization grant case because they have much more in common than
they have that's different. I can make a pass at better pointing out where
the differences are.

 BTW, it would also help if the rules in Section 3 were numbered.

I'll see what I can do. I assume it's possible with the xml2rfc markup but
have never done it.

 1) For the case where we have Client acting on behalf of user - this
 case seems to be where we
 have something like a SAML SSO assertion - complete with Subject
 identifying the
 authorized accessor or delegate. The Client offers this bearer
 instrument as an access grant and the Authorization
 server understands that its acting on behalf a user.

 a) As the SAML assertion is a bearer instrument and can be stolen, the
 authorization server should insist on client credentials being present.
 In other words, the client should be confidential. What is the value in
 permitting a public client to participate in this exchange?

Very similar to SAML Web SSO where the client (HTTP user agent browser in
that case) is unidentified and the bearer assertion is the sole token
provided to identify/authenticate the subject and gain access. In some
cases there is a quite a bit of value in not having to provision or manage
the clients.

 b) Further, as part of its processing rules, once the client has been
 the authorization server should determine whether the particular client
 has the right to present the SAML bearer assertion.

An AS is free to deploy that kind of policy as needed for the deployment or
product. But the spec intentionally does not dictate any such policy.  And
intentionally allows for unidentified clients.

 c)  What is the value of including an AuthNStatement? Specifically, what
 does the Authorization server understand by its
 presence or absence? What is the guidance to deployers? Should they
 require end-user authentication to have taken place?

It's intended to convey whether or not the issuer actually authenticated
the subject or not. It's a distinction that, based on some conversations
I'd had, seemed like it might be useful for some. But much existing SAML
software doesn't work that way currently, which is why there's not a MUST
there. I'm trying to accommodate existing practice, within reason, while
also provide potentially useful functionality.

 2) Bullet 5 (counting from the bottom of Section 3) references a more
 advanced use case based on a SAML delegation
 model. Is this the ONLY case where AuthNStatement's are allowed to be
 omitted? If so, that should be stated clearly.

I've got a SHOULD NOT there. I don't think a MUST is reasonable based on
what I've seen actual deployments do. Please suggest some text, if you
think it can be improved.

  I think this bullet refers to an advanced use-case and should be moved to
 an independent section.

I think it's pretty common actually.

 I think by the presenter act autonomously on behalf of the subject you
 mean something like Client acts on Behalf of Anonymous Users.
 as identified in draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-**10.

No. I mean that the presenter (client) is acting on behalf of the user.
And the user probably isn't present for the transactions. Autonomous is a
word that kind of got inherited from the very early OAuth 2.0 drafts ( and maybe
causes more trouble than it's worth here?

 I also found the sentence The presented SHOULD be identified in the
 NameID or similar element,.. problematic. Its pretty open ended
 and it seems to me it will be difficult to have an interoperable
 implementation based on this text.

I agree that it's confusing and I believe it's partly because there's a
mistake in that text. It 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Registration: JSON Encoded Input

2013-02-12 Thread Brian Campbell
+1 to what Pat and Justin said.

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 12:59 PM, Justin Richer wrote:

  If that's the question, then my proposal is the Content-type is
 application/json and the HTTP Entity Body is the JSON document. No form
 posts or parameter names to be had here.

  -- Justin

 On 02/12/2013 02:58 PM, John Bradley wrote:

 Some people apparently encode the JSON as the key in a form POST,  some
 people do a form POST with a special key and the JSON as the value.

  There appear to be a number of theories in the wild.   I am not an
 expert I just looked up code examples from several sources stack overflow
 and the like.

  We probably need to get input from developers who have experience
 working with different frameworks.   I think the differences have to do
 with decoding it at the receiver.

  We originally had registration posting JSON but we changed form encoding
 as that worked in all environments.   We just need to be sure we are not
 creating problems for people with the change back.

  John B.

  On 2013-02-12, at 4:48 PM, Tim Bray wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:44 AM, John Bradley wrote:

 Nat and I hashed out the pro's and cons of JSON requests.

  If we POST or PUT a JSON object we need to be specific as there rare
 several ways to do it that may work better or worse depending on the
 This needs to be looked over and one picked.

  Hm?  Not following on “several ways”, I’d have thought that POSTing JSON
 is just POSTing JSON, must be missing something. -T

  In the other thread about the server returning the update URI and being
 able to encode the client in that if it needs to takes care of Servers that
 need that info in query parameters or the path to do the routing.

  The use of structure can be used to enhance readability and parsing of
 the input, and output.

  However we need to temper our urge to apply structure to everything.

  IT needs to be applied carefully otherwise we start looking like

  If we do it cautiously I am in favour of JSON as input.

  John B.

  On 2013-02-12, at 4:32 PM, Justin Richer wrote:

  Thanks for forwarding that, Mike. I'll paste in my response to Nat's
 concern here as well:

 It's an increasingly well known pattern that has reasonable support on
 the server side. For PHP, I was able to find the above example via the top
 hit on Stack Overflow. In Ruby, it's a matter of something like:


 depending on the web app framework. On Java/Spring, it's a matter of
 injecting the entity body as a string and handing it to a parser (Gson in
 this case):

 public String doApi(@RequestBody String jsonString) { JsonObject json =
 new JsonParser().parse(jsonString).getAsJsonObject();

 It's a similar read/parse setup in Node.js as well.

 It's true that in all of these cases you don't get to make use of the
 routing or data binding facilities (though in Spring you can do that for
 simpler domain objects using a ModelBinding), so you don't get niceities
 like the $_POST array in PHP handed to you. This is why I don't think it's
 a good idea at all to switch functionality based on the contents of the
 JSON object. It should be a domain object only, which is what it would be
 in this case.

 I think that the positives of using JSON from the client's perspective
 and the overall protocol design far outweigh the slightly increased
 implementation cost at the server.

  -- Justin

 On 02/12/2013 02:11 PM, Mike Jones wrote:

  FYI, this issue is also being discussed as an OpenID Connect issue at  I think that Nat's
 recent comment there bears repeating on this list:

 Nat Sakimura:

 Not so sure. For example, PHP cannot get the JSON object form
 application/json POST in $_POST.

 It is OK to have a parameter like request that holds JSON. Then, you
 can get to it from $_POST['request']. However, if you POST the JSON as the
 POST body, then you would have to call a low level function in the form of:



 $file = file_get_contents('php://input'); $x = json_decode($file); ```

 Not that it is harder, but it is much less known. Many PHP programmers
 will certainly goes ???.

 We need to check what would be the cases for other scripting languages
 before making the final decision.

 -- Mike

 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Justin Richer
 Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 1:15 PM
 Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Registration: JSON Encoded Input

 Draft -05 of OAuth Dynamic Client Registration [1] switched from a
 form-encoded input that had been used by drafts -01 through -04 to a JSON
 encoded input that was used originally in -00. Note that all versions keep
 JSON-encoded output from all 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Assertion Draft: Text about Interoperability -- Today

2013-01-18 Thread Brian Campbell
I apologize for not participating in much of the discussion around this -
I've been otherwise occupied this week with a myriad of other priorities at

I would, however, like to voice my support in favor of the version of the
text that Mike proposed.

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Mike Jones

 To make the proposed changes concrete, I've made them in a proposed draft
 10 (attached).  This contains no normative changes from draft 9.  People
 should look at Section 1.1 (Interoperability Considerations) and review the
 new text there.  The only other change was renaming Principal to
 Subject to align terminology with the SAML and JWT specs, as discussed on
 the list.

 I will wait for OK from one of the chairs or Stephen before checking this

 -- Mike

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Mike Jones
 Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 2:31 PM
 To: Stephen Farrell; Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo)
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Assertion Draft: Text about Interoperability --

 I can't agree with proceeding with Hannes' rewrite of the interoperability
 text, as editorially, it reads like it is apologizing for a defect in the
 specification, whereas it is an intentional feature of the specification
 that the syntax and verification rules of some fields is intentionally left
 open for profiles to specify (even while the semantics of them is defined
 by the Assertions spec).  I propose that instead, we go with the revised
 version at the end of this message, which I believe incorporates Hannes'
 ideas while keeping the editorial tone positive.

 Second, I believe that we should proceed with the non-normative
 terminology change of Principal to Subject, which was proposed in and
 supported by Justin and Torsten, with no one opposed.  This should go into
 the version being discussed on the telechat (as well as the
 interoperability text).

 Finally, I believe that it would be beneficial to all to have the
 Assertions and SAML Profile specs be discussed on the same telechat, as
 both are useful for understanding the other.  Frankly, I think they should
 go to the IETF Editor together as related specifications, with the goal
 being consecutively numbered RFCs referencing one another.  Is there any
 reason we can't schedule both for the February 7th telechat?  (I don't
 actually understand how they failed to proceed in lock-step in the first
 place.  Chairs - any insights?)


 Interoperability Considerations

 This specification defines a framework for using assertions with OAuth
 2.0. However, as an abstract framework in which the data formats used for
 representing many values are not defined, on its own, this specification is
 not sufficient to produce interoperable implementations.

 Two other specifications that profile this framework for specific
 assertion have been developed:  one ([I-D.ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer]) uses
 SAML 2.0-based assertions and the other ([I-D.ietf-oauth-jwt-bearer]) uses
 JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).  These two instantiations of this framework specify
 additional details about the assertion encoding and processing rules for
 using those kinds of assertions with OAuth 2.0.

 However, even when profiled for specific assertion types, additional
 profiling for specific use cases will be required to achieve full
 interoperability.  Deployments for particular trust frameworks, circles of
 trust, or other uses cases will need to agree among the participants on the
 kinds of values to be used for some abstract fields defined by this
 specification.  For example the values of Issuer, Subject, and Audience
 fields might be URLs, URIs, fully qualified domain names, OAuth client IDs,
 IP addresses, or other values, depending upon the requirements of the
 particular use case.  The verification rules for some values will also be
 use case specific.

 This framework was designed with the clear expectation that additional
 specifications will define prescriptive profiles and extensions necessary
 to achieve full web-scale interoperability for particular use cases.


 Thanks all,
 -- Mike

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Stephen Farrell
 Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 9:47 AM
 To: Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo)
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Assertion Draft: Text about Interoperability --


 So I'll take the lack of further discussion about this an meaning that the
 wg want this to shoot ahead. I'll put this in as an RFC editor note for the


 On 01/18/2013 12:04 PM, Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo) wrote:
  Hi all,
  As you have seen on the list (see

[OAUTH-WG] Missed comments on the assertion framework

2013-01-18 Thread Brian Campbell
There were some comments on the document made by Shawn Emery as part of a
security directorate's review that seem
to have gotten lost in the shuffle.

His editorial comments are spot on and I believe the changes he suggests
should all be made. I'm not sure if a new draft or a RFC editor's note is
more appropriate at this stage?

The question about providing more guidance on the Assertion ID is a little
less straightforward. The JWT and SAML instances of the framework both
inherit some guidance from their respective token format definitions -
§1.3.4 ID and ID Reference Values of saml-core-2.0-os. Perhaps that is
sufficient. If we were to add something to draft-ietf-oauth-assertions, I'd
probably look to borrow some text from one or both of those locations.
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-09

2013-01-11 Thread Brian Campbell
That text around audience in the framework spec changed from a SHOULD to a
MAY in -09 so that it would be more consistent with the the SAML and JWT
versions, which were already using a MAY in that context.

Your concern is valid Hannes and your point is taken. But reality is rather
messy and I don't believe it can addressed as easily as you suggest.

In SAML, for example, an entity identifier is often used as a value for the
audience (per spec and in practice).  But an AS may not necessarily
identify itself with a full blown SAML entity, in which case the token
endpoint URI is more appropriate. The whole issue is also somewhat
complicated in SAML too by it having both audience and recipient that are
similar but not the same. I've tried to account for all of this in the SAML
doc but it's admittedly somewhat awkward and complex and not as simple as
saying the value has to be X and must be validated in exactly such a way.

JWT doesn't have the same history and baggage of SAML but is subject to
many of the same real world deployment variations.

I'm definitely open to improvements with respect to the handling of
audience values but I believe anything that is done needs to reflect the
realities of current implementations and deployments as well as related

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 8:55 AM, John Bradley wrote:

 Yes in assertions it needs to be general.  It is the JWT and SAML profiles
 that need to nail down what the format of the audience is.They should
 probably both be the URI of the token endpoint.   In both SAML and JWT
 there can be multiple audiences for the token.

 On 2013-01-11, at 11:37 AM, Richer, Justin P. wrote:

  It's my understanding that the general assertions claim is more of a
 conceptual mapping than it is a concrete encoding, so anything more
 specific here would be out of place. I would like the authors to either
 confirm or correct my assumptions, though.
  -- Justin
  On Jan 11, 2013, at 6:30 AM, Stephen Farrell
  Since we thought we were done with it, I put this document
  on the IESG telechat agenda for Jan 24. Hannes' question
  however looks like its a real one that needs an answer.
  I'd appreciate it if the WG could figure out if there's any
  change needed and either make that change in the next week,
  or else tell me to take the draft off the telechat agenda
  for now.
  If discussion doesn't happen, or happens but doesn't reach
  a conclusion, then I'll take the draft off the agenda in a
  week's time and we can sort out if any changes are needed
  The reason why now+1-week matters, is that that's when
  IESG members tend to do their reviews and having 'em all
  review a moving target isn't a good plan.
  On 01/11/2013 08:18 AM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
  Hi guys,
  Thanks for updating the assertion document and for incorporating the
 comments received on the mailing list.
  There is only one issue that caught my attention. You changed the
 description of the audience element to the following text (in version -09
   Audience  A value that identifies the parties intended to process the
  assertion.  An audience value MAY be the URL of the Token Endpoint
  as defined in Section 3.2 of OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749].
  Since the value in the audience field is used to by the authorization
 server in a comparison operation (see Section 5.2) I believe the current
 text will lead to interoperability problems. Not only is the comparision
 operation unspecified but even the value that is contained in the field is
 left open. The RFC 2119 MAY does not really give a lot of hints of what
 should be put in there.
  Without having a clear description of what identifier is contained in
 this field and how the comparison works it is either possible that a
 legitimate client is rejected by the authorization server (which is
 annoying) or an assertion with an incorrect assertion is accepted (which is
 a security problem).
  Btw, the same issue can also be seen in, and in a more
 generic form also in the JWT (Section 4.1.3 of; aud
 claim). From the description in the JWT document I was not quite sure
 whether the ability to carry an array of case sensitive strings for that
 field is also allowed in any of the assertion documents.
  Note that there are two documents that provide input to this problem
 space, namely:
  So, I would suggest to decide what type of identifier goes into this
 field and then to point to a document that illustrates how the comparison
 operation would look like. 

[OAUTH-WG] Open Issue in draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-06

2012-12-29 Thread Brian Campbell
I noticed the open issue quoted below while perusing the diffs of some new
I-Ds today and it reminded me that I'd been meaning to comment on that very

  Should all claims continue to be required to be understood by
  implementations using them when used in a security-related context
  or should a means of declaring that specific claims may be safely
  ignored if not understood should be defined?  This is related to
  the similar JOSE issue about whether all header fields must
  continue to be understood.

I've been reluctant to weigh in on the similar JOSE discussion for lack of
confidence about the right answer but I do have a lot of experience working
with identity and security type tokens that may be relevant to the issue in
the JWT context. In my experience many consumers of such tokens will
process the special attributes/claims that it knows about (i.e. aud, iss,
exp, etc.) and pass the remaining values to the application layer as (not
necessarily expected but potently useful) additional claims about the
subject. In fact, I recently wrote a JWT/JWS based OAuth access token
implementation that does exactly that (which a colleague of mine
successfully tested with a MS JWT implementation although I don't know what
claims he used).

Maybe that's not the best approach but I believe it's fairly common and, as
such, that must understand requirement in JWT is likely to be ignored by
many, which can result in a neglected spec requirement and/or potential
interoperability issues.

My 2 cents,
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Must the Audience value in the Assertions Spec be a URI?

2012-12-28 Thread Brian Campbell
I believe John meant to refer to Google's adding of the *cid* claim rather
than the *prn* claim.

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 5:53 PM, John Bradley wrote:

 The discussion on the Connect call was that audience could be a literal or
 an array.



 In some cases the token may want to have more than a single audience.
 (anthropomorphic license)

 in the simple case it would still be

 While dynamic typing of variables is not my favourite thing in principal,
 I am assured that this is common JSON syntax that people can deal with.

 The idea is to standardize this rather than everyone coming up with their
 own way around the restriction as google did by adding the prn claim.

 At least this way if you only trust tokens with yourself as the audience
 you have a easy way to check.

 John B.

 On 2012-12-27, at 7:57 PM, Anthony Nadalin wrote:

 What do you mean by multi-valued and what are the semantics of multi-vale ?

 *From:* [] *On Behalf
 Of *John Bradley
 *Sent:* Thursday, December 27, 2012 5:32 AM
 *To:* Mike Jones
 *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Must the Audience value in the Assertions Spec
 be a URI?
 ** **
 ** **
 We need to clarify that the value of the audience claim can be multi
 valued as well. 
 ** **
 John B.
 ** **
 On 2012-12-26, at 10:43 PM, Mike Jones

Audience  A URI that identifies the party intended to process the

   assertion.  The audience SHOULD be the URL of the Token Endpoint

   as defined in Section 3.2 of 
 OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749].


 I think that “URI” should be changed to “value”, since audience values in
 general need not be URIs.  In particular, in some contexts OAuth client_id
 values are used as audience values, and they need not be URIs.  Also, SAML
 allows multiple audiences (and indeed, the OAuth SAML profile is written in
 terms of “an audience value” – not “the audience value”), and so the
 generic Assertions spec should do likewise.
 Thus, I would propose changing the text above to the following:

Audience  A value that identifies the parties intended to process the

   assertion.  An audience value SHOULD be the URL of the Token 

   as defined in Section 3.2 of 
 OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749].

 -- Mike
 OAuth mailing list

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Must the Audience value in the Assertions Spec be a URI?

2012-12-27 Thread Brian Campbell
I agree that “URI” should be changed to “value” for audience in the
Assertions Spec (draft-ietf-oauth-assertions) as well as the JWT
incarnation of it (draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bearer).  The SAML incarnation
(draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer) should probably keep URI because that's how
the core SAML specification (saml-core-2.0-os) defines audience.

On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 6:43 PM, Mike Jones

 ** **

Audience  A URI that identifies the party intended to process the

   assertion.  The audience SHOULD be the URL of the Token Endpoint

   as defined in Section 3.2 of 
 OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749].

 ** **

 I think that “URI” should be changed to “value”, since audience values in
 general need not be URIs.  In particular, in some contexts OAuth client_id
 values are used as audience values, and they need not be URIs.  Also, SAML
 allows multiple audiences (and indeed, the OAuth SAML profile is written in
 terms of “an audience value” – not “the audience value”), and so the
 generic Assertions spec should do likewise.

 ** **

 Thus, I would propose changing the text above to the following:

 ** **

Audience  A value that identifies the parties intended to process the

   assertion.  An audience value SHOULD be the URL of the Token 

   as defined in Section 3.2 of 
 OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749].

  ** **

 -- Mike

 ** **

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Summary - Assertion Framework - Why does issuer have to be either the client or a third party token service?

2012-12-19 Thread Brian Campbell
They are just some examples and shouldn't limit who or what can be the issuer.

Maybe just removing that whole sentence that says, The issuer may be
either an OAuth client (when assertions are self-issued) or a third
party token service.' would be better, if it's causing confusion?

On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 5:29 PM, wrote: 写于 2012-12-17 23:21:36:

 Hi all,

 I read through the mailing list discussion raised by Nat in this
 mail to the list on the 3rd of December, see http://www.ietf.

 There were two types of issues:

 1) The current text about the issuer (in Section 5.1 of draft-ietf-
 oauth-assertions-08.txt says that the assertion can either be
 created by the client (in which case it is self-signed) or it can be
 created by some other entity.

 There was, however, the perception that the current text, in the way
 it is worded, creates the impression that third party token services
 excludes entities like the resource owner.

 2) Some folks had the idea that the resource owner could create the
 assertion and they had a specific use case in mind. While this is
 not a currently deployed scenario (using OAuth technology) there
 seem to be some other deployment (the Austrian eID card deployment
 was mentioned by Nat) that could be re-build with this support in mind.

 It seemed that just mentioning that the resource owner could create
 the assertion wouldn't be enough to understand the scenario. A more
 detailed writeup of the envisioned scenario would be needed but has
 not been provided to the mailing list.

 To me it seems that the best approach would be to do the following:

 a) to update the text in Section 5.1 as suggested by Nat in his mail

 Nat's suggestion Example of issuers include an OAuth client, resource
 owner, an independent third party.
 there is still an issue,  indenpendent from who?  If  AS be an assertion
 issuer, could AS be called indenpendent?

 This by itself would not lead to any normative text change but may
 make it clear what the intention was.

 b) to encourage those who care about the use case where the resource
 owner creates the assertion to compile a document and to submit it
 to the group. This would allow us to evaluate whether all the
 required functionality is indeed available.


 OAuth mailing list

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Additional informative references for Assertions draft

2012-12-19 Thread Brian Campbell
+1 for the references

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 3:06 PM, Mike Jones wrote:
 BTW, the SAML purists would probably point out that I should have written
 “SAML 2.0 assertions” – not “SAML 2.0 tokens” below. J

 From: Justin Richer []
 Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 1:42 PM
 To: Mike Jones
 Cc: WG
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Additional informative references for Assertions

 +1, cross references are a good thing when documents are split up.

 On 12/19/2012 04:33 PM, Mike Jones wrote:

 I’d suggest adding informative references to the OAuth SAML and JWT Profile
 documents in the Assertions draft.  After this sentence of the Introduction:

 In order to be implementable, companion specifications are necessary to
 provide the corresponding concrete instantiations.

 I’d add the following:

 For instance, the SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0
 [draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer] defines a concrete instantiation for SAML
 2.0 tokens and JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token Profiles for OAuth 2.0
 [draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bearer] defines a concrete instantiation for JWT

 Doing that will help readers find the concrete instances from the abstract


 -- Mike


 OAuth mailing list

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[OAUTH-WG] JWT audience claim

2012-12-18 Thread Brian Campbell
WG folks,

I'm wondering if the current definition of the aud (audience) claim in
JWT [1], which limits the value of the claim to a case sensitive string
containing a StringOrURI value, might not be flexible enough?

In thinking about or discussing various potential applications of JWT, the
possibility of having a token intended for consumption by more than one
entity has come up frequently. One such example would be an AS that is
using JWTs as structured access tokens intended for use at multiple RSs and
wants to audience restrict those access tokens. Doing that with the current
JWT and aud claim could be rather awkward in that a single aud value
would need to somehow represent multiple entities, which seems likely to be
done in very application specific ways that would not result in much
interoperability. Scope is potentially applicable in this case but isn't
standardized at that level and wouldn't be useful outside of OAuth specific

At a high level, I'm proposing that we consider changing the definition of
aud to allow for an array of StringOrURI values. And change the
processing requirement such that the thing consuming the claim must
identify itself with [at least] one of the values of the aud claim array.
That would allow a JWT AT that's intended for consumption by RS 1, 2 and 3
to be audience restricted like this, aud: [RS1, RS2, RS3] and an
individual RS just needs to find itself in one of the values of the claim.

Such a change would add some complexity but I'm beginning to think that
it's a good trade off for the added flexibility it brings. The validation
would be basically the same but just over a list of values rather than
against a single one. We would have to decide whether the case of a single
audience could still be represented as it is now or if everything would
always have to be an array (i.e. aud: RS vs. aud: [RS] ). The
former introduces slightly more complexity to validation but is a nice
optimization for the common case and would preserve compatibility with
existing implementations.

Thoughts, comments, questions, or angry diatribes?


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] JWT audience claim

2012-12-18 Thread Brian Campbell

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 3:14 PM, John Bradley wrote:
 We probably also need to consider this in light of people like Google
 already adding new JWT claims to specify a secondary audience, though there
 'cid' Client ID claim is more about who requested the token.

There is a lot of similarity.  When I first heard about the cid claim,
I wondered if they might have used multiple aud values to accomplish
the same thing, if that been readily available in the spec. There are
some subtle differences between the two and I don't fully understand
the reasons for going with that secondary claim name.

 I am not keen on claims that are sometimes a literal and sometimes an array,
 though it works in JSON it can be confusing.

 Are you proposing that aud us always an array with one or more values, or
 that it is a literal if it is one value and array if more than one?

I could go either way. But I'd lean towards the latter given all the

 The other way to deal with it is having a abstract audience that all the
 recipients recognize.  Though that has its own issues.

Indeed. And is complicated in applications or specifications that
require audience to be a very specific value (OpenID Connect, for
example, dictates that the aud of the id token MUST be the OAuth 2.0
client_id of the Client.).

 Having one way to do it would be better, I just don't have a good feeling
 that it is worth complicating the simple case where there is only one

Fair enough.

 I might be convinced of the utility for aud to be an array if you need mopre
 than one value and leave the single case as a literal.

I think that's where it'll end up, if there's a (rough) consensus to
make a change.

 John B.

 On 2012-12-18, at 6:41 PM, Brian Campbell

 WG folks,

 I'm wondering if the current definition of the aud (audience) claim in JWT
 [1], which limits the value of the claim to a case sensitive string
 containing a StringOrURI value, might not be flexible enough?

 In thinking about or discussing various potential applications of JWT, the
 possibility of having a token intended for consumption by more than one
 entity has come up frequently. One such example would be an AS that is using
 JWTs as structured access tokens intended for use at multiple RSs and wants
 to audience restrict those access tokens. Doing that with the current JWT
 and aud claim could be rather awkward in that a single aud value would
 need to somehow represent multiple entities, which seems likely to be done
 in very application specific ways that would not result in much
 interoperability. Scope is potentially applicable in this case but isn't
 standardized at that level and wouldn't be useful outside of OAuth specific

 At a high level, I'm proposing that we consider changing the definition of
 aud to allow for an array of StringOrURI values. And change the processing
 requirement such that the thing consuming the claim must identify itself
 with [at least] one of the values of the aud claim array. That would allow
 a JWT AT that's intended for consumption by RS 1, 2 and 3 to be audience
 restricted like this, aud: [RS1, RS2, RS3] and an individual RS just
 needs to find itself in one of the values of the claim.

 Such a change would add some complexity but I'm beginning to think that it's
 a good trade off for the added flexibility it brings. The validation would
 be basically the same but just over a list of values rather than against a
 single one. We would have to decide whether the case of a single audience
 could still be represented as it is now or if everything would always have
 to be an array (i.e. aud: RS vs. aud: [RS] ). The former introduces
 slightly more complexity to validation but is a nice optimization for the
 common case and would preserve compatibility with existing implementations.

 Thoughts, comments, questions, or angry diatribes?


 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Using structured access_token as grant type in assertion flow

2012-12-14 Thread Brian Campbell
Maybe I'm missing the bigger picture but, if your going back to the same AS
like the diagram shows, why not just request the xyz scope in the initial
request and cut out the middle steps?

More generally I can say I've thought about these kinds of token exchange
cases and they should be possible in theory. In practice I expect getting
everything to work and validate correctly with respect to scopes and
audience values might be a little tricky.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 7:34 AM, Lewis Adam-CAL022 wrote:


 I continue to have an interest in the OAuth assertion profiles for my use
 cases.  I'm wondering if the idea of performing a first OAuth dance which
 returns to the client a structured JWT access token (with scope=AS for
 example) could then be used as the JWT in an assertion grant type?  So
 something like this (I show the RO credential flow since it is the simplest
 to draw, but same idea for the code flow):

 Client  AS
 |   |
 || (authorization request scope=AS, grant_type=RO
 password credentials)
 |   |
 || (token response with access_token scoped to AS)
 |   |
 || (authorization request, scope=xyz, grant_type=JWT
 assertion as obtained from previous step)
 |   |
 || (token response with access token scoped to xyz)

 I suppose there is nothing in theory which should prevent this, but I am
 wondering if anybody else has thought of such a usage.

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Assertion Framework - Why does issuer have to be either the client or a third party token service?

2012-12-13 Thread Brian Campbell
Those are common steps for obtaining an assertion from an STS but the only
possibly way. The assertion framework document doesn't or shouldn't impose
any requirements or restrictions on how the client obtains an assertion.
Two common ways are discussed as examples but they are by no means indeed
to constrain clients from doing something else.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 6:41 PM, wrote:

 In section 3
  The token service is the assertion issuer; its
  role is to fulfill requests from clients, which present various
  credentials, and mint assertions as requested, fill them with
  appropriate information, and sign them.

 As I understand, an assertion generated by a STS, is done flollowing thess
 1. Client presents credential and requests an assertion
 2. STS generates assertion and sends to Client

 It is an interactive process, but there are cases that credential from
 client is not necessary,
 e.g. my RO issuer use case:
 1. RO generate a delegation statement specifying client-name has the right
 to do something, signs it, sends to client.

 No client credential is needed, and even request from client is not needed.

 Any comments?

 ZhouSuJing00132831/user/zte_ltd 写于 2012-12-07 08:17:00:

  Brian Campbell 写于 2012-12-07 07:03:38:
   A question for the chairs or others more versed in the workings of
   the IETF - is this document even in a place where changes can be
   made? The Shepherd Write-Up for the document was recently sent to
   the IESG Secretary and I'm honestly not sure what the protocol is
   for making changes at this point.
  Or we can start a new draft extending and clarifying the assertion

  more use cases could be implemented by assertion may be included,
  and other things...


   On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 12:50 AM, Nat Sakimura
   Here, I think it is better to differentiate the entity and
   Authorization Server in OAuth is kind of entity.
   Its function actually is split into two, or in most cases three.
   1. Authentication Endpoint
   2. Authorization Endpoint
   3. Token Endpoint
   Now, Assertion Verifier is a function/role. It is performed by 3.
   Token Endpoint.
   It check the validity, and issues access tokens (which in turn can
   be another assertion by the way.)
   Authorization Endpoint is another function. It can be located
   anywhere. In your case, it is located in what you call as Resource
   Owner (Browser plug-in?) In my Self-Issued IdP case, it is issued by
   the App in the phone which is called by the custom schema.
   This is the reason why I constantly grumble that it is better to
   speak in terms of functions rather than entities.
   Functions may reside in any entity, and if we talk only in terms of
   the entities, the combination will explode.
   On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 9:46 AM, wrote:
   As I understand, RO=issuer  does not mean RO=AS.
   RO as an issuer generates assertion (if the assertion is similar to
   delegation statement in my use cases),
   AS as an assertion verifier receives the assertion and check its
   写于 2012-12-06 01:35:10:
Just checking that I understand: If the RO == the issuer, then the
RO == the AS, right? Just as in Nat's example, the user (or at least
the device presenting a user agent to them) == the IdP? Colocating
the RO and AS functions shouldn't be precluded, but I would be
awfully confused if there were an RO/issuer in the picture and
*also* an AS that *doesn't* issue assertions.
On 5 Dec 2012, at 9:13 AM, Nat Sakimura wrote:
It is not OAuth, but Austrian eID system is an example of RO as an
assertion issuer pattern. They have their own SAML IdP on their PC
(at least a few years ago) and combined with the qualified certs in
the user's smart card and another file, creates a SAML assertion
with sectoral identifier and supply it to other systems.
On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 11:05 PM, Brian Campbell
I say that it's only theoretical because I don't believe there are
any actual deployments supporting, or planning on supporting, RO as
an assertion issuer.
On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 5:39 PM, wrote:
Why RO as an issuer is only theoretical today?
Brian Campbell
2012-12-04 23:41
Nat Sakimura
Re: [OAUTH-WG] Assertion Framework - Why does issuer have to be
either the client or a third party token service?

The intent was definitely not to constrain who/what could be the
issuer.  But also try to provide

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Assertion Framework - Why does issuer have to be either the client or a third party token service?

2012-12-05 Thread Brian Campbell
I say that it's only theoretical because I don't believe there are any
actual deployments supporting, or planning on supporting, RO as an
assertion issuer.

On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 5:39 PM, wrote:

 Why RO as an issuer is only theoretical today?

  *Brian Campbell*

 2012-12-04 23:41
 Nat Sakimura
 Re: [OAUTH-WG] Assertion Framework - Why does issuer have to be either the
 client or a third party token service?

 The intent was definitely not to constrain who/what could be the issuer.
  But also try to provide
 some guidance around the common cases that are actually being deployed
 now, which are the client self-issued and STS variants. Resource owner as
 an issuer is an interesting case but seems mostly theoretical at this point.

 I feel like mentioning the resource owner there in §5.1 would cause more
 confusion than anything else. I'd prefer to just strike the whole sentence
 in question and maybe add some additional text to §3 that clarifies that
 the issuer can really be any entity, if folks think a change is needed

 On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 9:20 PM, Nat Sakimura 
 Actually, The issuer may be either
   an OAuth client (when assertions are self-issued) or any other
 entity, e.g.,  a third party
 token service, resource owner.   is not really clean.

 OAuth client is just another example of an issuer.

 So, perhaps the sentence could be:

 Example of issuers include an OAuth client, resource owner, an
 independent third party.

 So, the clause becomes:

  Issuer  The unique identifier for the entity that issued the
  assertion.  Generally this is the entity that holds the key
  material used to generate the assertion.
   Example of issuers include an OAuth client, resource owner, an
 independent third party.



 On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 11:40 AM, 

 Chuck Mortimore **
 写于 2012-12-04 10:26:50:

  Please feel free to suggest better language.

  Issuer simply allows the token service to know who created the
  assertion, so it can look them up and see if they're trusted.
  Effectively the same as an Issuer in SAML.

 a conflict : The token service is the assertion issuer in assertion
 while you said token service know who created the assertion

 I wonder if the following text is acceptable:

  Issuer  The unique identifier for the entity that issued the
  assertion.  Generally this is the entity that holds the key
  material used to generate the assertion.  The issuer may be either
   an OAuth client (when assertions are self-issued) or any other
 entity, e.g.,  a third party
 token service, resource owner.

 6.3.  Client Acting on Behalf of a User

 The Issuer of the assertion MUST identify the entity that issued
  the assertion as recognized by the Authorization Server.  If the
  assertion is self-issued, the Issuer SHOULD be the client_id.
  If the assertion was issued by a Security Token Service (STS), the
  Issuer SHOULD identify the STS as recognized by the Authorization
  Server.If the assertion was issued by the resource owner, the
  Issuer SHOULD identify the resource owner as recognized by the

  On Dec 3, 2012, at 6:23 PM, 
  Obviously, it is not so clear from the language there.
  Chuck Mortimore **
 写于 2012-12-04 10:17:12:
   There's no reason why it can't be resource owner today.
   On Dec 3, 2012, at 6:06 PM, 
   And why it was not looked at that time?
   ** 写于 2012-12-04
Actually, I think it is a good time to start looking at the resourse
owner issuing assertions@ (Interestingly enough, Hui-Lan had brought
this up a couple of years ago.)
On 12/3/2012 3:58 AM, Nat Sakimura wrote:
I suppose, yes. I was reading it like that all the time.
Whether it is or not, if it is still ok, it might be better to
  clarify it.
Word like third party tends to be a bit of problem without
I had similar experience in other fora.
Sent from iPad
2012/12/03 0:52、**
 ** の
could be Resource owner?
Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo) 

发件人:  **
2012-12-03 16:49

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Assertion Framework - Why does issuer have to be either the client or a third party token service?

2012-12-04 Thread Brian Campbell
The intent was definitely not to constrain who/what could be the issuer.
But also try to provide
some guidance around the common cases that are actually being deployed now,
which are the client self-issued and STS variants. Resource owner as an
issuer is an interesting case but seems mostly theoretical at this point.

I feel like mentioning the resource owner there in §5.1 would cause more
confusion than anything else. I'd prefer to just strike the whole sentence
in question and maybe add some additional text to §3 that clarifies that
the issuer can really be any entity, if folks think a change is needed

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 9:20 PM, Nat Sakimura wrote:

 Actually, The issuer may be either
   an OAuth client (when assertions are self-issued) or any other
 entity, e.g.,  a third party
 token service, resource owner.   is not really clean.

 OAuth client is just another example of an issuer.

 So, perhaps the sentence could be:

 Example of issuers include an OAuth client, resource owner, an
 independent third party.

 So, the clause becomes:

  Issuer  The unique identifier for the entity that issued the
   assertion.  Generally this is the entity that holds the key
   material used to generate the assertion.
Example of issuers include an OAuth client, resource owner, an
 independent third party.



 On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 11:40 AM, wrote:

 Chuck Mortimore 写于 2012-12-04 10:26:50:

  Please feel free to suggest better language.

  Issuer simply allows the token service to know who created the
  assertion, so it can look them up and see if they're trusted.
  Effectively the same as an Issuer in SAML.

 a conflict : The token service is the assertion issuer in assertion
 while you said token service know who created the assertion

 I wonder if the following text is acceptable:

   Issuer  The unique identifier for the entity that issued the
   assertion.  Generally this is the entity that holds the key
   material used to generate the assertion.  The issuer may be either
   an OAuth client (when assertions are self-issued) or any other
 entity, e.g.,  a third party
 token service, resource owner.

 6.3.  Client Acting on Behalf of a User

 The Issuer of the assertion MUST identify the entity that issued
   the assertion as recognized by the Authorization Server.  If the
   assertion is self-issued, the Issuer SHOULD be the client_id.
   If the assertion was issued by a Security Token Service (STS), the
   Issuer SHOULD identify the STS as recognized by the Authorization
   Server.If the assertion was issued by the resource owner, the
   Issuer SHOULD identify the resource owner as recognized by the

  On Dec 3, 2012, at 6:23 PM, wrote:
  Obviously, it is not so clear from the language there.
  Chuck Mortimore 写于 2012-12-04 10:17:12:
   There's no reason why it can't be resource owner today.
   On Dec 3, 2012, at 6:06 PM,
   And why it was not looked at that time? 写于 2012-12-04 01:30:55:
Actually, I think it is a good time to start looking at the resourse
owner issuing assertions@ (Interestingly enough, Hui-Lan had
this up a couple of years ago.)
On 12/3/2012 3:58 AM, Nat Sakimura wrote:
I suppose, yes. I was reading it like that all the time.
Whether it is or not, if it is still ok, it might be better to
  clarify it.
Word like third party tends to be a bit of problem without
I had similar experience in other fora.
Sent from iPad
2012/12/03 0:52、 の
could be Resource owner?
Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo)
2012-12-03 16:49
ext Nat Sakimura, Brian Campbell, oauth
Re: [OAUTH-WG] Assertion Framework - Why does issuer have to be
either the client or a third party token service?
Hi Nat,
The current text essentially says that the assertion can either be
created by the client (in which case it is self-signed) or it can be
created by some other entity (which is then called the third party
token service). So, this third party could be the authorization
From: [] On
 Behalf Of
ext Nat Sakimura
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 10:35 AM
To: Brian Campbell; oauth
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Assertion Framework - Why does issuer have to be

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Review of Assertions drafts

2012-11-07 Thread Brian Campbell
Fixed that one in -15 of the SAML draft. Thanks for the review.

FWIW, the requirement about only one client authentication mechanism being
used actually comes from core OAuth at and is worded pretty
strongly there where it says, The client MUST NOT use more than one
authentication method in each request.

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Anganes, Amanda L aanga...@mitre.orgwrote:

   Good catch, thanks for double-checking.


   From: Mike Jones
 Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2012 4:40 PM
 To: Anganes, Amanda L,
 Subject: RE: Review of Assertions drafts

   Amanda wrote: [3] Section 2.2 first sentence: client authentication
 grant should just be client authentication.

 ** **

 This change should also be applied to the first sentence of 2.2 in SAML
 draft, where the same phrase occurs.

 ** **

 -- Mike

 ** **

 *On Behalf Of *Anganes, Amanda L
 *Sent:* Tuesday, November 06, 2012 12:41 PM
 *Subject:* [OAUTH-WG] Review of Assertions drafts

 ** **

 Hannes requested that some folks read through the assertion drafts and
 give feedback in light of the upcoming shepherd review.

 ** **


 ** **

 I can't speak to the security considerations or advisability of these
 drafts, but as far as the documents go I think they are well-organized,
 consistent (internally and across all 3 documents) and straightforward. **

 ** **

 A few comments:

 ** **

 [1] Section 4.2.1 says in passing that it is an error condition if more
 than one client authentication mechanism is used. If this is a true
 requirement / error state I think it should be called out more strongly.
 Perhaps 4.2 should say at the top that Other client authentication
 mechanisms MUST NOT be used in conjunction with an assertion. 

 ** **

 If so, [2] 3.2 and [3] 3.2 should also indicate that additional client
 credentials MUST NOT be used in addition to the assertion for Client

 ** **

 [3] Section 2.2 first sentence: client authentication grant should just
 be client authentication.

 ** **

 --Amanda Anganes

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] JOSE and JWT specs updated for IETF 85 working group meetings

2012-11-07 Thread Brian Campbell
On the heels of this, I've just published new versions of the Assertion
Framework for OAuth 2.0 and SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth
2.0 that update references to the new RFCs and fix some typos recently
identified by folks in the WG.

The updated documents are available at:

On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 3:13 AM, Michael Jones

  I’ve made a small set of updates to the JSON Object Signing and
 Encryption (JOSE) and JSON Web Token (JWT) specs in preparation for the
 JOSE and 
 OAuth group meetings at 
 85  These updates incorporate
 resolutions to issues that have been discussed by the working groups since
 publication of the previous drafts.**

 ** **

 Normative changes to the working group specs were to add length fields for
 PartyUInfo and PartyVInfo values for key derivation calculations and to
 change the JWK field identifiers for RSA keys from (mod, xpo) to (n, e).
 Fields for representing the RSA private key values needed for Chinese
 Remainder Theorem (CRT) calculations were added to the JSON Private Key

 ** **

 The updated specs are available at:










 ** **

 HTML formatted versions are available at:










 ** **

 See the history entries in the specs for detailed change descriptions.

 ** **

 -- Mike

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth token entropy

2012-11-02 Thread Brian Campbell
I believe the original text (which was borrowed from elsewhere) had a must
followed by a should rather than two shoulds like that. The text seems to
have drifted a bit in various places but the threat model text should
probably be aligned with what's in core OAuth at

On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Oleg Gryb wrote:

 Can somebody please provide clarification for this:
   High entropy of secrets...
The probability of any two Authorization Code
values being identical should be less than or equal to 2^(-128) and
should be less than or equal to 2^(-160).

 Is there any reason why we have two inclusive conditions in this statement
 or is it a typo and you meant something else?

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-06

2012-10-09 Thread Brian Campbell
As a vendor we can't really share deployment particulars of our customers.
But we've had product support for the SAML authorization grant for some
time now. So I can point to some online documentation for the support we
provide in our PingFederate product as an AS,
well client side support for obtaining suitable SAML tokens via
or brokering the OAuth request directly to the AS,

Off hand I also remember that Google released some support for JWT grants
in March. My colleague, the venerable John Fontana, wrote about that on

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 6:14 PM, Chuck Mortimore

 Our use-cases are pretty straightforward - customers want to perform
 server to server integration tasks without passwords.

 We use the SAML and JWT assertion profiles to enable them to authenticate
 to our system without having a password for the service principal they're
 trying to act as.   Sometimes this is for security purposes ( customer
 doesn't want to use passwords ), and sometimes it's for scale purposes (
 customer is building some sort of hub-spoke integration architecture where
 passwords and their associated distribution and maintenance simple won't
 scale )

 While SAML is predominantly used for Web SSO today, it is used and quite
 applicable in these types of scenarios.   The easy way to picture what
 we're doing is deploying a Security Token Service similar to WS-Trust, but
 without all the baggage of WS-Trustyou can simply post Assertions to
 our Token Endpoint and we can exchange that for oauth access tokens.


 On Oct 8, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Mike Jones wrote:

 Yes, OpenID Connect uses the Assertions spec and the JWT Assertion
 Profile.  See uses of [OAuth.JWT] in   It is used
 for both client_secret_jwt and private_key_jwt client authentication.  Per, there are a dozen
 publicly declared OpenID Connect implementations (admittedly some
 incomplete), and substantial interop testing is under way, per
 ** **
 Brian Campbell and Chuck Mortimore may be able to provide similar data for
 use of the SAML Profile.
 ** **
 -- Mike***
 ** **
  *From:* [] *On
 Behalf Of *Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo)
 *Sent:* Monday, October 08, 2012 5:13 AM
 *Subject:* [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-06
 ** **

 Hi all,

 I took a look at version -06 of the assertions draft to see whether some
 of the discussions had been reflected in this recent draft update.

 I was hoping that there is a bit more explanation of the use case that
 motivates the work. Unfortunately, the update does not contain anything
 along these lines.

 For example, the use cases could clarify the following aspects:

 ·   Why we need these new client authentication mechanisms? This is
 not necessarily a way in which SAML is used (at least not to my knowledge).
  If I understood it correctly then the new client authentication
 mechanism is only used between the client and the authorization server but
 not with the resource server. Did I correctly read the document? 

 ·   Then, there is the assertion usage for authorization grants.
 There, one could argue that the use case is to interwork with existing SAML
 infrastructure. The sameargument does not apply for the JSON based format
 since there is no transition need (IMHO at least).


 PS: For the shepherd write-up I have to attach information about the
 implementation and deployment experience. Is there anything I could
 mention? Has this specification been part of the OpenID Connect interop
 tests? If so, what specifically had been tested?
 OAuth mailing list

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Re: [OAUTH-WG] RFC 6755 on An IETF URN Sub-Namespace for OAuth

2012-10-08 Thread Brian Campbell
Thanks Mike!

They say you never forget your first RFC...

On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 5:04 PM, Mike Jones

 Congratulations on completing the first OAuth working group RFC!!!

 -- Mike

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 3:30 PM
 Subject: [OAUTH-WG] RFC 6755 on An IETF URN Sub-Namespace for OAuth

 A new Request for Comments is now available in online RFC libraries.

 RFC 6755

 Title:  An IETF URN Sub-Namespace for
 Author: B. Campbell, H. Tschofenig
 Status: Informational
 Stream: IETF
 Date:   October 2012,
 Pages:  5
 Characters: 8336
 Updates/Obsoletes/SeeAlso:   None

 I-D Tag:draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns-06.txt


 This document establishes an IETF URN Sub-namespace for use with
 OAuth-related specifications.  This document is not an Internet Standards
 Track specification; it is published for informational purposes.

 This document is a product of the Web Authorization Protocol Working Group
 of the IETF.

 INFORMATIONAL: This memo provides information for the Internet community.
 It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this
 memo is unlimited.

 This announcement is sent to the IETF-Announce and rfc-dist lists.
 To subscribe or unsubscribe, see

 For searching the RFC series, see
 For downloading RFCs, see

 Requests for special distribution should be addressed to either the author
 of the RFC in question, or to  Unless
 specifically noted otherwise on the RFC itself, all RFCs are for unlimited

 The RFC Editor Team
 Association Management Solutions, LLC

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] New assertion drafts published

2012-09-14 Thread Brian Campbell
New versions of the three OAuth assertion related drafts have been
published. The documents are available in the usual locations:

Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0

SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0

JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token Profiles for OAuth 2.0

Text was added to the introduction of all three further explaining that an
assertion grant type can be used with or without client
authentication/identification and that client assertion authentication is
nothing more than an alternative way for a client to authenticate to the
token endpoint. Two new examples were added to each of the JWT and SAML
drafts. References were updated in all three.

Hopefully now draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-06 and
draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-14 are ready to go to WGLC.

Thanks to Mike Jones for the preliminary review and updates/fixes.

Brian Campbell
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposed additions to clarify authz and/or authn usage with assertions

2012-09-13 Thread Brian Campbell
The last sentence is intended to say that any form of client
authentication that the AS supports (including none) can be used with
an assertion grant. It's a general policy statement and doesn't mean
that more than one type of client authentication can be used in a
single request. That The client MUST NOT use more than one
authentication method in each request and other requirements from
draft-ietf-oauth-v2 still apply.

Could this be worded differently to be more clear?

On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 4:26 AM, Willem van Engen wrote:
 On 12-09-12 21:58, Brian Campbell wrote:

 Client assertion authentication is nothing more than an alternative
 way for a client to authenticate to the token endpoint and must be
 used in conjunction with some grant type to form a complete and
 meaningful protocol request. Assertion authorization grants may be
 used with or without client authentication or identification. Whether
 or not client authentication is needed in conjunction with an
 assertion authorization grant, as well as the supported types of
 client authentication, are a policy decisions at the discretion of the
 authorization server.

 The last sentence appears to leave some space for client assertion
 authentication to be used with other forms of client authentication. Is this
 intended, as it appears to go contrary to The client MUST NOT use more than
 one authentication method in each request in [1] ?

 - Willem


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Informal OAuth Chat @ IETF#84

2012-07-30 Thread Brian Campbell
Is there any consensus about this?

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Leif Johansson wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On 07/30/2012 10:43 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:
 I can't do it before 5

 Maybe find another day Hannes?
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

 OAuth mailing list
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposed note to RFC Editor

2012-07-27 Thread Brian Campbell
Hey Torsten,

The requirement that public clients send their client_id with an authz
code grant is in 4.1.3 (Where the Access Token Request for the code
grant is defined) of John's proposed text:

4.1.3.  Access Token Request

 REQUIRED if the client is NOT authenticating with the
 authorization server as described in Section 3.2.1

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 11:40 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
 Hi John,

 I would expect sending a client_id is a MUST for public clients in the authz
 code grant type. That's not how I read the proposed text for section 3.1.


 John Bradley schrieb:

 The changes introduced in Draft 29 had unintended consequences on parts of
 the spec caused by
 Sec 4.3,  4.4 and 6 referencing Sec 3.2.1 as part of client

 This change restricts the requirement to send client_id to only Sec 4.1.4
 for clients that are not authenticated per Sec 3.2.1

 Section 3.2.1

   A public client that was not issued a client password MUST use the
   client_id request parameter to identify itself when sending
   requests to the token endpoint.  This allows the authorization server
   to ensure that the code was issued to the same client.  Sending
   client_id prevents the client from inadvertently accepting a code
   intended for a client with a different client_id.  This protects
   the client from substitution of the authentication code.  (It
   provides no additional security for the protected resource.)

 Change  to

   A client MAY use the client_id request parameter to identify itself
   when sending requests to the token endpoint.
   In the authorization_code grant_type request to the token endpoint,
   an unauthenticated client sends client_id to prevent itself from
   inadvertently accepting a code
   intended for a client with a different client_id.  This protects
   the client from substitution of the authentication code.  (It
   provides no additional security for the protected resource.)

 ** This allows any client to send client ID and explains the threat to

 4.1.3.  Access Token Request

 REQUIRED if the client is NOT authenticating with the
 authorization server as described in Section 3.2.1

 ** This makes client_id only REQUIRED for the code flow if the client is
 not otherwise authenticated.


  ensure the authorization code was issued to the authenticated
  confidential client or to the public client identified by the
  client_id in the request,

  ensure the authorization code was issued to the authenticated
  confidential client, or if the client is public, ensure the code was
  issued to client_id in the request,

 ** That removes the implication of authentication.

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposed note to RFC Editor

2012-07-27 Thread Brian Campbell
Fair enough. I read 3.2.1 as being more informative and explanatory
while 4.1.3 has the actual normative requirements. But I see what you
are saying too.

On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
 Hi Brian,

 I know. But there is this sentence in 3.2.1,


 In the authorization_code grant_type request to the token endpoint,
 an unauthenticated client sends client_id to prevent itself from
 inadvertently accepting a code
 intended for a client with a different client_id.

 which explicitely discusses the authz code w/o saying this behavior is
 mandatory. People might feel a contradiction or difference to 4.1.3. I
 would suggest to either remove this sentence in 3.2.1 or change it to:


 In the authorization_code grant_type request to the token endpoint,
 an unauthenticated client MUST send its client_id to prevent itself from

 inadvertently accepting a code
 intended for a client with a different client_id.


 Am 27.07.2012 15:47, schrieb Brian Campbell:

 Hey Torsten,

 The requirement that public clients send their client_id with an authz
 code grant is in 4.1.3 (Where the Access Token Request for the code
 grant is defined) of John's proposed text:

 4.1.3.  Access Token Request

  REQUIRED if the client is NOT authenticating with the
  authorization server as described in Section 3.2.1

 On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 11:40 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:

 Hi John,

 I would expect sending a client_id is a MUST for public clients in the
 code grant type. That's not how I read the proposed text for section 3.1.


 John Bradley schrieb:

 The changes introduced in Draft 29 had unintended consequences on parts
 the spec caused by
 Sec 4.3,  4.4 and 6 referencing Sec 3.2.1 as part of client

 This change restricts the requirement to send client_id to only Sec
 for clients that are not authenticated per Sec 3.2.1

 Section 3.2.1

   A public client that was not issued a client password MUST use the
   client_id request parameter to identify itself when sending
   requests to the token endpoint.  This allows the authorization server
   to ensure that the code was issued to the same client.  Sending
   client_id prevents the client from inadvertently accepting a code
   intended for a client with a different client_id.  This protects
   the client from substitution of the authentication code.  (It
   provides no additional security for the protected resource.)

 Change  to

   A client MAY use the client_id request parameter to identify itself
   when sending requests to the token endpoint.
   In the authorization_code grant_type request to the token endpoint,
   an unauthenticated client sends client_id to prevent itself from
   inadvertently accepting a code
   intended for a client with a different client_id.  This protects
   the client from substitution of the authentication code.  (It
   provides no additional security for the protected resource.)

 ** This allows any client to send client ID and explains the threat to

 4.1.3.  Access Token Request

 REQUIRED if the client is NOT authenticating with the
 authorization server as described in Section 3.2.1

 ** This makes client_id only REQUIRED for the code flow if the client is
 not otherwise authenticated.


  ensure the authorization code was issued to the authenticated
  confidential client or to the public client identified by the
  client_id in the request,

  ensure the authorization code was issued to the authenticated
  confidential client, or if the client is public, ensure the code
  issued to client_id in the request,

 ** That removes the implication of authentication.

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] overreach of the scope of when client_id is required from public clients?

2012-07-26 Thread Brian Campbell
Yes, the intent is to allow totally anonymous clients. There are cases
where that is very useful and where user revocation isn't applicable
(i.e. only an access token is issued).

The changes in -29 were introduced to protect clients against
authorization code substitution. Those changes are breaking changes to
the code flow (in some cases) but it was felt that the security
benefits warranted the change even this late in the process. However,
by placing that text in §3.2.1, and having it apply to all requests to
the token endpoint, the change impacts a lot more than just the
authorization code grant and introduces breaking changes to
functionality not subject to the authorization code substitution issue
that the change was made to address.

That inadvertent breaking changes isn't just theoretical either. It
and -
see the example at the end of section 4 of each for requests to the
token endpoint that legitimately have no client identification. The
change also breaks features that have been available in our product
for nearly a year (and presumably other products/services
implementations as well).

I realize it's late in the process to bring this up but the
aforementioned change was also introduced very late and had a broader
impact than what was intended. I'd strongly suggest that the text in
the last paragraph of §3.2.1 be moved (and slightly adjusted for
context) into §4.1.3 right after, or as part of, the paragraph about
client authentication.  And the the last paragraph of §3.2.1 should be
reverted to what it was in -28.

At this stage I don't know how that kind of thing is best handled - an
RFC editor note? But I believe it needs to be taken care of somehow
before publication.


On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 4:21 PM, John Bradley wrote:
 The client_id of a public client is self asserted in the request to the token 
 endpoint, the authorization server can reject it if it is wrong without 
 relying on it to be correct.

 I agree that the word identify in both places seems like a contradiction on 
 the surface.

 4.1.3 could be softened from 'identified by' to 'indicated by'

 For your first point, are there public clients without client_id?

 If so how would a user revoke access?

 One reading of 4.3 step c is that the server must authenticate the client.

 If the intent really is to allow totally anonymous clients then I see your 

 Thoughts from others?

 John B.

 Sent from my iPad

 On 2012-07-25, at 12:07 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:

 In -29 the quoted text below was introduced to §3.2.1 Client
 Authentication [1] to protect clients against authorization code
 substitution. However, the text's placement under 3.2. Token Endpoint
 [2] and some of the wording suggest that public clients must use
 client_id on all requests to the token endpoint, regardless of grant
 type, even though the change was introduced only to mitigate an issue
 with the authentication code.

 A public client that was not issued a client password MUST use the
   client_id request parameter to identify itself when sending
   requests to the token endpoint.  This allows the authorization server
   to ensure that the code was issued to the same client.  Sending
   client_id prevents the client from inadvertently accepting a code
   intended for a client with a different client_id.  This protects
   the client from substitution of the authentication code.  (It
   provides no additional security for the protected resource.)

 Was the change intended to be that broad? I think it goes too far.
 There are cases, like extension grants and even the resource owner
 credentials grant type, where it's useful to allow requests from
 unidentified clients.

 Could that text (or the spirit of it) be moved somewhere under the
 specific sections on the Authorization Code Grant so that it only
 applies to that grant type?

 A somewhat related issue is the following text from §2.3. Client 

 the authorization server MUST NOT rely
   on public client authentication for the purpose of identifying the

 which seems to contradict the text from  §3.2.1 above as well as the
 following from 4.1.3. Access Token Request [3]

 o  ensure the authorization code was issued to the authenticated
  confidential client or to the public client identified by the
  client_id in the request,

 Should the text in §2.3 be loosened or somehow qualified so it doesn't
 read like a contradiction?


 OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposed note to RFC Editor

2012-07-26 Thread Brian Campbell
I agree with the proposed changes and they do adequately address the
concerns I raised in a previous message about the unintended breaking
changes introduced in 29. Thanks for writing that up John.

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 2:33 PM, John Bradley wrote:
 The changes introduced in Draft 29 had unintended consequences on parts of
 the spec caused by
 Sec 4.3,  4.4 and 6 referencing Sec 3.2.1 as part of client authentication.

 This change restricts the requirement to send client_id to only Sec 4.1.4
 for clients that are not authenticated per Sec 3.2.1

 Section 3.2.1

   A public client that was not issued a client password MUST use the
   client_id request parameter to identify itself when sending
   requests to the token endpoint.  This allows the authorization server
   to ensure that the code was issued to the same client.  Sending
   client_id prevents the client from inadvertently accepting a code
   intended for a client with a different client_id.  This protects
   the client from substitution of the authentication code.  (It
   provides no additional security for the protected resource.)

 Change  to

   A client MAY use the client_id request parameter to identify itself
   when sending requests to the token endpoint.
   In the authorization_code grant_type request to the token endpoint,
   an unauthenticated client sends client_id to prevent itself from
   inadvertently accepting a code
   intended for a client with a different client_id.  This protects
   the client from substitution of the authentication code.  (It
   provides no additional security for the protected resource.)

 ** This allows any client to send client ID and explains the threat to code.

 4.1.3.  Access Token Request

 REQUIRED if the client is NOT authenticating with the
 authorization server as described in Section 3.2.1

 ** This makes client_id only REQUIRED for the code flow if the client is not
 otherwise authenticated.


  ensure the authorization code was issued to the authenticated
  confidential client or to the public client identified by the
  client_id in the request,

  ensure the authorization code was issued to the authenticated
  confidential client, or if the client is public, ensure the code was
  issued to client_id in the request,

 ** That removes the implication of authentication.

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Clarification enhancement for saml2 bearer spec

2012-07-25 Thread Brian Campbell
I'm really inclined to keep it such that that is an option. We've got
product features that allow for it an assertion grant to be used alone
now and I think they are really useful in some cases.  And I think
this use case is different enough from the authorization code
situation that the fix for the code swapping there doesn't really
apply here.

Just one point of clarification: when an assertion is used as a grant
alone with no client identification or authentication, the assertion
doesn't authenticate the client. The client is anonymous. The issuer
of the assertion may give some clues about the client or the security
domain of the client. But it doesn't necessarily directly identify the

Sorry (as usual) for the delayed response. And I've still got it on my
queue to propose some new text for the points of confusion you raised
in the beginning of this thread.

On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:

 On 2012-07-03, at 2:12 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:

 Thanks for the feedback Phil.

 In the case of §2.1, Using SAML Assertions as Authorization Grants
 the intent was to allow for such a SAML grant to be used with or
 without client authentication. Whether or not client authentication is
 required (and what type of authentication) would be a
 deployment/policy decision of the AS. But both are possible from the

 Yes. This makes sense. However in light of the recent discussion about bearer
 codes and tokens I'm a little more nervous of convolving the grant and client
 authentication together. It's really the token server that should properly
 authenticate the client and obscuring that act by combining in a single grant
 may serve to confuse. There is also the issue of offering too many choices.

 Just an opinion, but I can live with your suggestion that grant can be used 
OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] overreach of the scope of when client_id is required from public clients?

2012-07-25 Thread Brian Campbell
In -29 the quoted text below was introduced to §3.2.1 Client
Authentication [1] to protect clients against authorization code
substitution. However, the text's placement under 3.2. Token Endpoint
[2] and some of the wording suggest that public clients must use
client_id on all requests to the token endpoint, regardless of grant
type, even though the change was introduced only to mitigate an issue
with the authentication code.

A public client that was not issued a client password MUST use the
   client_id request parameter to identify itself when sending
   requests to the token endpoint.  This allows the authorization server
   to ensure that the code was issued to the same client.  Sending
   client_id prevents the client from inadvertently accepting a code
   intended for a client with a different client_id.  This protects
   the client from substitution of the authentication code.  (It
   provides no additional security for the protected resource.)

Was the change intended to be that broad? I think it goes too far.
There are cases, like extension grants and even the resource owner
credentials grant type, where it's useful to allow requests from
unidentified clients.

Could that text (or the spirit of it) be moved somewhere under the
specific sections on the Authorization Code Grant so that it only
applies to that grant type?

A somewhat related issue is the following text from §2.3. Client Authentication

 the authorization server MUST NOT rely
   on public client authentication for the purpose of identifying the

which seems to contradict the text from  §3.2.1 above as well as the
following from 4.1.3. Access Token Request [3]

o  ensure the authorization code was issued to the authenticated
  confidential client or to the public client identified by the
  client_id in the request,

Should the text in §2.3 be loosened or somehow qualified so it doesn't
read like a contradiction?


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Change in editorship of OAuth Core Spec

2012-07-23 Thread Brian Campbell

Well said Justin. And thank you Eran.

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Richer, Justin P. wrote:
 Eran Hammer has decided to step down as Editor of the OAuth Core
 specification.  I would like to personally thank Eran for all his years
 of hard work and effort to the draft as well as to the working group at

 As former chair, I want to add my thanks.  Eran has done a *lot* of
 work on the OAuth documents over the last years, and deserves much
 appreciation for it.

 Late to the party, but I also want to publicly thank Eran for what has been a 
 nearly thankless job over the last few years. It's very difficult wrangling a 
 pack of angry nerds and trying to express a group consensus, to be sure. In 
 the end I think we have a specification document that is readable, makes 
 sense, and will ultimately be one of the most useful protocols on the 
 internet over the next few years. I know it hasn't been easy, and things 
 probably could have gone a lot better than they did, but even still: Thank 

  -- Justin
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[OAUTH-WG] Fwd: I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns-06.txt

2012-07-16 Thread Brian Campbell
Draft -06 of An IETF URN Sub-Namespace for OAuth has been published.
The only changes in this draft are to address editorial comments made
in the Gen-ART LC Review at -
the comment was a typo (from should be form) rather than a missing


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 11:41 AM
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns-06.txt

A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
 This draft is a work item of the Web Authorization Protocol Working
Group of the IETF.

Title   : An IETF URN Sub-Namespace for OAuth
Author(s)   : Brian Campbell
  Hannes Tschofenig
Filename: draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns-06.txt
Pages   : 7
Date: 2012-07-16

   This document establishes an IETF URN Sub-namespace for use with
   OAuth related specifications.

The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:

There's also a htmlized version available at:

A diff from previous version is available at:

Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

OAuth mailing list
OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] Fwd: I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-13.txt

2012-07-03 Thread Brian Campbell
Draft -13 of the SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0 document
has been published. This draft includes only the minor changes listed below.


   o  Update references: oauth-assertions-04, oauth-urn-sub-ns-05, oauth

   o  Changed Description to Specification Document in both
  registration requests in IANA Considerations per changes to the
  template in ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns(-03)

   o  Added (or an acceptable alias) so that it's in both sentences
  about Recipient and the token endpoint URL so there's no ambiguity

   o  Update area and workgroup (now Security and OAuth was Internet and


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 7:12 AM
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-13.txt

A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
 This draft is a work item of the Web Authorization Protocol Working Group
of the IETF.

Title   : SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0
Author(s)   : Brian Campbell
  Chuck Mortimore
Filename: draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-13.txt
Pages   : 17
Date: 2012-07-03

   This specification defines the use of a SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion as
   a means for requesting an OAuth 2.0 access token as well as for use
   as a means of client authentication.

The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:

There's also a htmlized version available at:

A diff from previous version is available at:

Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

OAuth mailing list
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Clarification enhancement for saml2 bearer spec

2012-07-03 Thread Brian Campbell
Thanks for the feedback Phil.

In the case of §2.1, Using SAML Assertions as Authorization Grants
the intent was to allow for such a SAML grant to be used with or
without client authentication. Whether or not client authentication is
required (and what type of authentication) would be a
deployment/policy decision of the AS. But both are possible from the

In the case of §2.2, Using SAML Assertions for Client
Authentication, yes it's just providing an alternative method of
client authentication beyond what's specified in §2.3 of core. It
doesn't really do anything on its own and must be used in conjunction
with the grant_type parameter.

I'll take a stab at some clarifying text and/or examples for those
points of confusion. Suggestions are, of course, welcome too.

On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 1:15 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:
 I have had a couple developers get confused by sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the 
 spec. What seems to be happening is they read them as distinct complete flows 
 rather then considering the core spec still applies.

 In the case of 2.1, Using SAML Assertions as Authorization Grants they 
 forget that a client credential is also needed and only specify the SAML 
 authorization assuming it includes both (which may or may not be intended).

 In the case of 2.2, Using SAML Assertions for Client Authentication, they 
 are not making the link that the client authentication may be used in 
 connection with any of the OAuth flows. They are instead treating this as a 
 new flow. IOW they forget to add the grant_type parameter.

 It might be helpful to include complete examples for each of 2.1 and 2.2 to 



 OAuth mailing list
OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] Published -04 of Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0

2012-07-02 Thread Brian Campbell
Draft -04 of the Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0 (now with a new name!)
has been published. This draft includes significant changes that attempt to
incorporate comments and proposed new text from the document shepherd[1].

The new draft is available at as well as the
other usual locations.


[1] the main thread is at
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Review of draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-03

2012-06-28 Thread Brian Campbell
Hi Hannes,

Near the end of §1 of your draft -04 you discuss client authentication with
the Resource Server by saying that the client authentication concerns steps
(E) and (F) in figure 1. However, my reading of §2.3 of the core OAuth
Framework[1] was that only client authentication to the AS was in scope for
the spec. Following from that, my assumption and intent with the assertion
spec was that client assertion authentication is only defined for a client
authenticating to the token endpoint of an AS. §3 of the -03 of the
assertions doc[2] even says, This specification provides a model for using
assertions for authentication of an OAuth client during interactions with
an Authorization Server.

Was there something in the -03 draft (or the core spec for that matter)
that suggested it was intended for client to RS authentication? I don't
think specifying that (other than in defining how an access token is
presented like draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer does) that would be appropriate.
Maybe some clarification is needed?



On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 7:42 AM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:

 Hi Brian,

 thanks for your response. I have tried to put additional text into version
 -04 of the draft to address my earlier comments.

 The most recent version of the updated document is there:

 Here is the XML:

 It took me a little while to make these changes, as you can imagine. I
 hope I was able to improve the quality and clarity of the document.

 I still have to respond to your second mail about the relaxed usage of the
 RFC 2119 language. Will do that asap.


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth URN Registry Discussion Summary

2012-06-24 Thread Brian Campbell
I concur.

RFC 3553 does say the colon character (:) is used to denote a very
limited concept of hierarchy and the current text in -04 uses the
colon consistent with that limited concept of hierarchy. However, as
Mike already said, the intent of is that it be a
general naming convention and not something that need be part of the

On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Mike Jones wrote:
 I'd rather that we did the review based upon the current draft rather than 
 rolling back.

 Hannes, my point about three levels was that we can't necessarily know up 
 front what the structure of URNs would be that might make sense to register 
 in the future.  I was using that possibility as an example to object to a 
 strict two-level hierarchy.  Sometimes a one-level name may make sense as 

 I agree with you that Section 3 of says 
 about the colon character (:) defines a lightweight syntax for hexarchies 
 to use when they make sense.  I just think it's overkill to put the hierarchy 
 in the registry, per se.

 I agree that in 
 we should add IANA considerations text saying that any new extensions for 
 client assertions should be registered with the name client-assertion-type:*. 
  Likewise we should figure out the right place to say that new grant types 
 should be registered as grant-type:*.  These would be naming conventions 
 though - not something that's a part of the registry.

                                -- Mike

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of 
 Hannes Tschofenig
 Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2012 8:17 AM
 To: OAuth WG
 Subject: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth URN Registry Discussion Summary

 As you have seen I have responded to various mails and I believe I understand 
 what people want.

 Some of you obviously have plans to write extensions (in other organizations 
 outside the IETF, and as vendor-specific extensions).  That's fine.

 You want something really lightweight (in terms of process) that does not 
 require you to come to the IETF to write an RFC and get the entire working 
 group excited about your hobby project. Clearly, this makes sense to me.

 So, the policy for adding new extensions has to be either 'Specification 
 Required' or 'Expert Review' with the difference being about the information 
 that goes into the registry. For the cases I have seen on the list it will 
 not make a huge difference. It may make a difference for an organization 
 where their final specifications are not publically available. Yes, these 
 organizations still exist today

 Then, there is the question about how the identifier that gets registered 
 should look like. You seem to like the idea of concept of a structured 
 identifier (since otherwise you wouldn't be using it in various working group 
 drafts already, including the example in draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns itself!) 
 but you don't like to call it hierarchy because you fear that you will not be 
 allowed to do whatever you want. An unjustified concern.

 In that sense version -03 of the draft (see pretty much does 
 already everything you want already do. As a policy it says Expert Review 
 and it has the structure in the ID that you guys are using in your current 

 There are two options to go forward.

 The first one is to roll-back to version -03.

 Another option is to take version -04 and add text that explains the id a 
 bit further by saying that it may contain a structure and other documents 
 populating the registry will define the detailed structure of the id part.

 In we would then 
 add a section to the IANA consideration section saying that any new 
 extensions for client assertions needs to be registered under 

 The same for urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type: in some other document and so 


 OAuth mailing list

 OAuth mailing list
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns-03.txt

2012-06-22 Thread Brian Campbell
Unless there are objections from the WG, I'd like to publish -04 today
with two smallish changes (new text listed below) to address the
question raised yesterday in and
have -04 be the draft for LC.

First paragraph of §3:
 If a registrant wishes to have a OAuth URI registered, then a URN of
   the form urn:ietf:params:oauth:value will be requested where
   value is a suitable representation of the functionality or concept
   being registered.

Index value bullet of §5.1
   Index value: values subordinate to urn:ietf:params:oauth are of
  the from urn:ietf:params:oauth:value with value as the index
  value.  It is suggested that value include both a class and an
  identifier-within-class component, with the two components being
  separated by a colon (:); other compositions of the value may
  also be used.


On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 6:06 AM, Stephen Farrell wrote:

 I'll wait until the chairs tell me what you want
 but I'm fine with doing the IETF LC on -03 now, or
 with waiting if the chairs reckon that's better.
 So just let me know.

 OAuth mailing list
OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] issues with §8.3 grant type parameters? (was ... draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns-03.txt)

2012-06-22 Thread Brian Campbell
It was a design decision that seemed most appropriate given the
various factors and goals of my application at the time. My goal in
pointing to that was not to elicit feedback on the design itself but
to show that 'vendor-specific' extension grants will happen, and
already have happened, and that that might suggest a problem with the
text in §8.3 of the core spec. Do others see an issue here?

We can discuses the merits of the introspection as a grant type
approach if/when the WG chooses to take that on as a work item and to
the extent that approach is of interest. My colleague posted an
early/rough draft of that approach as an attachment to

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:09 AM, Manger, James H wrote:
 In fact, I've already got a vendor-specific grant type that uses an
 unregistered parameter on the token endpoint - it's a simple grant
 type for access token introspection [2].


 Why are you trying to overload this new functionality onto a URI used for 
 other purposes?
 Why not just pick a URI specifically for your purpose, eg /as/validate?

 James Manger
OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] -03 IETF URN Sub-Namespace for OAuth published

2012-06-21 Thread Brian Campbell
An IETF URN Sub-Namespace for OAuth draft -03 has been published and
is available at

Changes (listed below as well as in the document history) from the
previous version were made in response to AD review and the subsequent
discussion prompted by that review.

The intent of the document remains unchanged (to create and register
an IETF URN Sub-namespace of urn:ietf:params:oauth and allow OAuth
related specs to establish and use URIs underneath it) but the actual
text in the doc has changed significantly. So additional review
(particularly by those involved in the discussion yesterday) would be
very much appreciated.

draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns-03 changes:

   o  Changes to address comments in the message AD review of
  draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns-02 at
  and subsequent messages in that thread

   o  Update area and workgroup (now Security and OAuth was Internet and

   o  Change from informational to standards-track

   o  Requesting new URNs now more lightweight by changing from 'RFC
  Required' to 'Expert Review' (RFC5226)

   o  Rework much of the document to be more clear about it registering
  the urn:ietf:params:oauth URN sub-namespace and separately how
  other documents are to request URNs under that sub-namespace.

   o  Removed everything about asking the IANA to generate any part of
  the URN.

   o  Added an Example Registration Request

   o  Added reference to OAuth security considerations in security

   o  Added Acknowledgements

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] AD review of draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns-02

2012-06-20 Thread Brian Campbell
Thanks Stephen (also Peter) for the review and feedback. Responses are inline.

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Stephen Farrell wrote:


 Many thanks for a nice short document!

If only they could all be so short right? :)

 I've a few questions though and suspect that a quick re-spin
 might be needed, but let's see what the wg think about 'em

 (1) Why Informational? Everything else at that level seems to
 be specified in a standards track or BCP level RFC, and IETF
 Consensus is required. [1] I think you have to do this as
 standards track. Did I miss something?

I'm pretty sure that was just an oversight when using some boilerplate
xml to get the document started. I agree with you and Peter that
standards track makes more sense and I've updated my local copy of the
source to reflect that.

 (2) Do you *really* want RFC or specification required for all
 registrations?  I don't care, but there is a trend away from
 that at the moment since its been found to discourage
 registrations in a lot of cases. Perhaps expert review would
 be ok?  No trying to push you one way or the other, I just
 wanted to check.

Again I agree with you and Peter - lighter is preferred.  Though
Hannes wrote the original text for this so I'd ask that he please
speak up if there was some reason to require RFC here that we aren't
aware of.

Can you help me with the proper text for this? Is it sufficient to
drop the NOTE: in  order for a URN of this type to be assigned, the
item being registered MUST be documented in a RFC text from the 1st
paragraph of §3 and change New entries to the registry are
Specification Required to New entries to the registry require expert
review in §5.1?

 (3) If answer to (2) is yes: Section 5.1 says Specification
 Required but section 3 said RFC Required and those differ.
 For example, an OASIS spec would not be ok if you say RFC
 required. I don't know if you care, but you need to be
 consistent. (Or else I've misread something;-)

Having chaired an OASIS TC for 2 years I probably should care :)  See
the previous comment/question about relaxing this.  Expert review
seems good or maybe Specification Required but not RFC Required.
Regardless, your are right, it should at very least be consistent :)

 (4) Isn't the template missing the reference to the RFC or
 other specification that defines the URN?

I believe the Description portion of the template was intended to
capture that. Or that's how it's kinds been used by specs that use it
anyway. Should we add a Specification document(s): to the template?

 (5) I don't get section 3, sorry;-) Can you give an example of
 a class:id pair that'd be registered?
are real examples that *hopefully* do the registration correctly.

Do you think I should add an example registration directly to

 Asking IANA to generate
 the id part seems odd.

Agreed. The please assign text should probably be removed. It's
really up to the defining spec to say what the class and id are/


 s3: s/generally referred/generally known/

Will do.

 s4: Might be worth pointing at the security considerations
 section of draft-ietf-oauth-v2? I'd say that text would be
 good to have read to know about the security considerations
 for the use of these URNs, before you go making one up.

Is just referencing it sufficient?
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposed URN for JWT token type: urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt

2012-05-02 Thread Brian Campbell
I agree that context does sufficiently differentiate. I guess I'm just
lamenting the way that type has been overloaded in the base OAuth
stuff and am already dreading the conversions that might go something
like, well which type of token type are we talking about here?

This particular URN probably doesn't change that one way or the other
and I'm okay with what you've proposed. I just felt compelled to
mention the potential confusion point.

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 6:39 PM, Mike Jones wrote:
 I understand what you're saying, but I still believe that the URN is the 
 correct one.

 While I agree that the potential for confusion is unfortunate, context will 
 actually successfully differentiate the two uses of similar terms.  Bear in 
 mind that the OAuth usage of the term is actually short for Access Token 
 Type (see OAuth Core sections 8.1 and 11.1), whereas the URN above is to 
 provide a type identifier for a particular kind of security token.

 I also believe that the examples in the Bearer spec (see, the MAC 
 spec (see, and 
 the JWT spec will make the uses of these terms clear to implementers in 

                                -- Mike

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Campbell []
 Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 4:26 PM
 To: Mike Jones
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposed URN for JWT token type: 

 The only concern I might raise with it is that use of the token-type
 part might lead to some confusion. The term token type and the parameter 
 token_type are already pretty loaded and have specific meaning from the core 
 OAuth framework:

 That token type is about providing the client with the information required 
 to successfully utilize the access token to make a protected resource 
 request (i.e. mac and bearer) and is not about the structure of the token 
 itself which is what this URI seems to want to describe.
 JWTs are usually thought of as bearer type tokens but might someday have HoK 
 or mac like constructs.

 I don't think there's really a problem with name collisions here but I think 
 that the current use of token type in the frame work spec is already the 
 cause of some confusion and I'd hate to exacerbate that.

 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 5:04 PM, Mike Jones 
 I'm editing the JWT spec to prepare for the OAuth WG version and to
 track changes in the JOSE specs.  Currently the typ values defined
 for JWT tokens are JWT and; (see
 I believe that the URN value should be changed to use a URN taken from
 the OAuth URN namespace urn:ietf:params:oauth (defined in

 I propose to use the URN:


 I believe this fits well with the other four uses of this namespace to date:





 (The first two are from  The
 latter two are from

 Do people agree with this URN choice?


     -- Mike

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposed URN for JWT token type: urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt

2012-05-01 Thread Brian Campbell
The only concern I might raise with it is that use of the token-type
part might lead to some confusion. The term token type and the
parameter token_type are already pretty loaded and have specific
meaning from the core OAuth framework:

That token type is about providing the client with the information
required to successfully utilize the access token to make a protected
resource request (i.e. mac and bearer) and is not about the structure
of the token itself which is what this URI seems to want to describe.
JWTs are usually thought of as bearer type tokens but might someday
have HoK 
or mac like constructs.

I don't think there's really a problem with name collisions here but I
think that the current use of token type in the frame work spec is
already the cause of some confusion and I'd hate to exacerbate that.

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 5:04 PM, Mike Jones wrote:
 I’m editing the JWT spec to prepare for the OAuth WG version and to track
 changes in the JOSE specs.  Currently the “typ” values defined for JWT
 tokens are “JWT” and “” (see  I
 believe that the URN value should be changed to use a URN taken from the
 OAuth URN namespace urn:ietf:params:oauth (defined in

 I propose to use the URN:


 I believe this fits well with the other four uses of this namespace to date:





 (The first two are from  The latter two
 are from

 Do people agree with this URN choice?


     -- Mike

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0 Draft -11 and OAuth 2.0 Assertion Profile Draft -02

2012-04-26 Thread Brian Campbell
Draft -11 of SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0 and
draft -02 of OAuth 2.0 Assertion Profile have been published. The
changes address comments raised during WGLC on the two documents that
ended earlier this week. A summary of changes is included (with links
to the comment in the mail archive when appropriate) in the document
history section of each draft. A copy of the relevant portion of the
history is also copied to the bottom of this message for convenience.
I'd like to specifically thank Mike Jones for his assistance in
getting these updates posted quickly.

The drafts are available at:


   o  Removed text about limited lifetime access tokens and the SHOULD
  NOT on issuing refresh tokens.  The text was moved to
  draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-02 and somewhat modified per

   o  Fixed typo/missing word per

   o  Added Terminology section.


   o  Added text about limited lifetime ATs and RTs per

   o  Changed the line breaks in some examples to avoid awkward
  rendering to text format.  Also removed encoded '=' padding from a
  few examples because both known derivative specs, SAML and JWT,
  omit the padding char in serialization/encoding.

   o  Remove section 7 on error responses and move that (somewhat
  modified) content into subsections of section 4 broken up by
  authn/authz per

   o  Rework the text about MUST validate ... in order to establish a
  mapping between ... per

   o  Change The Principal MUST identify an authorized accessor.  If
  the assertion is self-issued, the Principal SHOULD be the
  client_id in 6.1 per

   o  Update reference in 4.1 to point to 2.3 (rather than 3.2) of
  oauth-v2 (rather than self)

   o  Move the Section 3 of out of the xref to hopefully fix the link
  in 4.1 and remove the client_id bullet from 4.2 per

   o  Add ref to Section 3.3 of oauth-v2 for scope definition and remove
  some then redundant text per

   o  Change The following format and processing rules SHOULD be
  applied to The following format and processing rules apply in
  sections 6.x to remove conflicting normative qualification of
  other normative statements per

   o  Add text the client_id must id the client to 4.1 and remove
  similar text from other places per

   o  Remove the MUST from the text prior to the HTTP parameter
  definitions per

   o  Updated examples to use grant_type and client_assertion_type
  values from the OAuth SAML Assertion Profiles spec.

-- Brian
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] double normative? (draft-ietf-oauth-assertions WGLC comment V)

2012-04-25 Thread Brian Campbell
I just noticed that there is a similar situation in §4.1* and 4.2**
where there's a MUST before defining the HTTP parameters but some of
the individual parameters are marked as OPTIONAL.

The MUST should probably be dropped.


On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 3:26 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:
 Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 of are all similar in
 that they have a paragraph at the top that ends with, The following format
 and processing rules SHOULD be applied: followed by a bullet list of
 specific rules. However some of the individual bullets themselves have
 normative language including several that have a MUST. On rereading the
 draft today, I found this to be a little confusing. I mean, what does it
 mean to say that you SHOULD MUST do something? At a minimum, it seems like
 kind of bad form. I'm thinking that the lead in text before each list should
 just say something like The following format and processing rules are to be
 applied: to avoid any potential logical conflict between the normative
 terms. But depending on how the previous text was interpreted, that could be
 considered a breaking change? That might be okay though as this is just an
 abstract specification. Any thoughts?
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC on Assertion Drafts

2012-04-23 Thread Brian Campbell
Just a note (to myself as much as anything) that that same text is also in
§6.2, §6.3  §6.4 and should updated for all occurrences.

On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Zeltsan, Zachary (Zachary) wrote:


 ** **

 The intent is clear. Perhaps the following change would clarify the text:*

 Old: The Authorization Server MUST validate the assertion in order
 to establish a mapping between the Issuer and the secret used to generate
 the assertion.

 New: The Authorization Server MUST validate the assertion’s signature in
 order to verify the Issuer of the assertion.

 ** **


 ** **

 ** **

 *From:* Chuck Mortimore []
 *Sent:* Friday, April 13, 2012 1:20 PM
 *To:* Zeltsan, Zachary (Zachary); Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo);
 *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC on Assertion Drafts

 ** **

 Hi Zachary – sorry about the delay in responding.

 Perhaps the language is a bit confusing – let me explain the intent and
 see if it makes sense and if you have a recommendation on how it could be
 made clearer.

 All this is really saying is that the Authorization server must validate
 the signature to make sure the Issuer is who they say they are.   The
 authorization server would use the Issuer as it’s mechanism for looking up
 either the shared secret for an HS256 or the public key for RS256.   It
 then checks the signature, and proves to itself that the generator of the
 assertion had possession of the expected keying material and identified
 itself as the issuer.

 Feedback welcome


 On 4/5/12 1:33 PM, Zeltsan, Zachary (Zachary) wrote:


 The draft,
 section 6.1 has the following requirement:

 The Authorization Server MUST validate the assertion in order to
   establish a mapping between the Issuer and the secret used to
 generate the assertion.

 I thought that checking a signature is a part of the assertion validation,
 which cannot be done without knowing the mapping between the issuer and the
 secret used to generate the assertion.
 It appears that the quoted text requires validation of the assertion prior
 to checking the signature.
 What am I missing?


 *On Behalf Of *Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo)
 *Sent:* Thursday, April 05, 2012 10:47 AM
 *Subject:* [OAUTH-WG] WGLC on Assertion Drafts

 Hi all,

 this is a Last Call for comments on these three documents:

 Please have your comments in no later than April 23rd.

 Do remember to send a note in if you have read the document and have no
 other comments other than it’s ready to go - we need those as much as we
 need I found a problem.


 Hannes  Derek

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-assertions WGLC comment

2012-04-23 Thread Brian Campbell
§6.1 on Client authentication* has the following requirement,

The Principal MUST identify an authorized accessor. If the assertion is
self-issued, the Principal SHOULD be the client_id.

which doesn't really make sense for client authentication.  The
self-issuedness of the assertion should have no bearing on the principal
(rather the issuer) and, when used for client authentication, the principal
should always represent the client.  I believe the bullet should instead

The Principal SHOULD be the client_id.

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-assertions WGLC comment II

2012-04-23 Thread Brian Campbell
The third paragraph of §4.1* has, The following section defines the use of
assertions as client credentials as an extension of Section
OAuth 2.0 [
However the Section 3.2 link is to #section-3.2 in the assertions document
(which doesn't exist and is the wrong document) rather than to the core
OAuth document.

I think it should probably reference §2.3 (rather than 3.2) of oauth-v2**
and the link should be fixed or removed.

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-assertions WGLC comment IV

2012-04-23 Thread Brian Campbell
§4.2* discusses the use of the scope parameter in an authorization grant
request.  This section should probably reference §3.3 of
draft-ietf-oauth-v2** for the formal definition of scope and, subsequently,
a fair amount of text can be removed from the assertions draft.

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] double normative? (draft-ietf-oauth-assertions WGLC comment V)

2012-04-23 Thread Brian Campbell
Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 of are all similar
in that they have a paragraph at the top that ends with, The following
format and processing rules SHOULD be applied: followed by a bullet list
of specific rules. However some of the individual bullets themselves have
normative language including several that have a MUST. On rereading the
draft today, I found this to be a little confusing. I mean, what does it
mean to say that you SHOULD MUST do something? At a minimum, it seems like
kind of bad form. I'm thinking that the lead in text before each list
should just say something like The following format and processing rules
are to be applied: to avoid any potential logical conflict between the
normative terms. But depending on how the previous text was interpreted,
that could be considered a breaking change? That might be okay though as
this is just an abstract specification. Any thoughts?
OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-assertions WGLC comment VI

2012-04-23 Thread Brian Campbell
The treatment of client_id draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-01 seems a bit

§4.1  4.2 say it's OPTIONAL.

§'s 6.1 and 6.2 have, The client_id HTTP parameter SHOULD identify the
client to the authorization server while 6.3 and 6.4 have, The client_id
HTTP parameter MUST identify the client to the authorization server.  Are
these intended to be the stronger than the optional in the 4.xs?  Or to say
that it should/must identify the client, in the case that the parameter is

I would suggest that all of those except the one in §4.1 be removed and
that the 4.1 one changed to say,

   client_id  OPTIONAL.  The client identifier as described in Section 2
  of OAuth 2.0 [I-D.ietf.oauth-v2]. When present, the client_id MUST
(or SHOULD?) identify the client to the authorization server.

That would cover the client authentication cases and defer to the core spec
for authorization cases (thought it's not 100% clear, I think it says or
should say that it's optional in most cases).

I'm not sure if that meets the original intent though?
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Using OAuth to get a JWT/SAML token

2012-04-20 Thread Brian Campbell
You're right, resource owner credentials is specifically for username and
password. If by RSA you mean a one time password from a hard token, you
might be able to kind of shove it into a resource owner credentials flow.
But I don't think that was really the intent. If you mean RSA signatures,
then it doesn't really work.

In general stronger forms of user authentication for direct client to AS
communications are allowed for by the extensibility of the grant type
that does require an extension spec or a proprietary implementation.

There is work underway to standardize some assertion/token grants with this
abstract definition these more
concrete definitions for SAML and JWT respectively and

Neither of those directly address the question of other forms of stronger
authentication directly with the AS. However some from of stronger authn
could have been used to acquire the SAML or JWT - maybe an X509 token sent
to an STS. Admittedly that just kind of pushes the problem around and
there's some chicken and egg going on here.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Lewis Adam-CAL022 wrote:

  Hi Brian,

 ** **

 I was also looking at the resource owner credentials flow, but it seems
 limited to username  password … it’s not clear that it would work with
 stronger authentication methods such as RSA.  Thoughts?

 ** **


 ** **

 *From:* Brian Campbell []
 *Sent:* Thursday, April 19, 2012 5:08 PM
 *To:* Lewis Adam-CAL022
 *Cc:* Justin Richer;

 *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Using OAuth to get a JWT/SAML token

  ** **

 A browser isn't required. The browser based flows are pretty common with
 OAuth but they are certainly not the only way to get a token.

 The resource owner credentials and client credentials grant types are both
 involve only direct communication between the client and the AS. And there
 are also the SAML and JWT grants that allow a client to get an access token
 directly from an AS without a browser being involved.

 On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Lewis Adam-CAL022 wrote:

 Hi Justin,


 There is one thing I have not understood about the whole external browser
 vs. embedded browser guidance … and that is, why is **any** browser
 needed?  Java for example has an HTTP library, and OAuth is RESTful.  So
 why is it necessary to require the web browser at all, whether external or
 embedded?  Why can’t my native client make RESTful API calls to the AS and
 RS natively?





 *From:* Justin Richer []
 *Sent:* Friday, April 13, 2012 11:38 AM
 *To:* Lewis Adam-CAL022
 *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Using OAuth to get a JWT/SAML token


 If the mobile device has a web browser (such as a smart phone), then this
 is pretty easy, and you've got a couple of options.

 One of the best options when the token is on behalf of an end user is, in
 my opinion, to use the authorization code flow like this: First, register
 what's called a public client with your server -- so you'll get an ID but
 not a client secret. With that client ID, register a custom-scheme callback
 URI, like myapp://oauthcallback, and register your app on the device as
 the handler for myapp.

 In your application, to start things off, you fire off a web browser to
 the authorization server's authorization endpoint. The user logs in to the
 authorization server through the web browser, approves this copy of your
 app, and gets redirected to myapp://oauthcallback?code=basdf132. Your app
 grabs the myapp:// url and plucks the authorization code off the end of
 it. Your app then takes that code and sends it in the background to the
 token endpoint to exchange for a token.

 Some key points:

 1) You need to have access to a web browser on the platform, and it's
 considered best practice to push the user to the external browser
 application on the platform instead of embedding one. There are a couple
 paragraphs in the spec's security considerations section that talk about
 2) Your app is public because you can't publish it with a secret at
 configuration time. It can, however, keep the tokens secret at runtime.
 3) You need to be very careful with how you store the tokens on the device
 -- they need to be in a trusted space where other apps on the device can't
 sniff them out.
 4) Another app can try to register myapp:// and intercept your code on
 the way through, so make sure your codes are all one time use and short

 None of this is just theoretically possible, people are doing it today.
 What libraries and stuff you'd be after depends wholly

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Using OAuth to get a JWT/SAML token

2012-04-19 Thread Brian Campbell
A browser isn't required. The browser based flows are pretty common with
OAuth but they are certainly not the only way to get a token.

The resource owner credentials and client credentials grant types are both
involve only direct communication between the client and the AS. And there
are also the SAML and JWT grants that allow a client to get an access token
directly from an AS without a browser being involved.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Lewis Adam-CAL022 wrote:

  Hi Justin,

 ** **

 There is one thing I have not understood about the whole external browser
 vs. embedded browser guidance … and that is, why is **any** browser
 needed?  Java for example has an HTTP library, and OAuth is RESTful.  So
 why is it necessary to require the web browser at all, whether external or
 embedded?  Why can’t my native client make RESTful API calls to the AS and
 RS natively?

 ** **



 ** **

 *From:* Justin Richer []
 *Sent:* Friday, April 13, 2012 11:38 AM
 *To:* Lewis Adam-CAL022
 *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Using OAuth to get a JWT/SAML token

 ** **

 If the mobile device has a web browser (such as a smart phone), then this
 is pretty easy, and you've got a couple of options.

 One of the best options when the token is on behalf of an end user is, in
 my opinion, to use the authorization code flow like this: First, register
 what's called a public client with your server -- so you'll get an ID but
 not a client secret. With that client ID, register a custom-scheme callback
 URI, like myapp://oauthcallback, and register your app on the device as
 the handler for myapp.

 In your application, to start things off, you fire off a web browser to
 the authorization server's authorization endpoint. The user logs in to the
 authorization server through the web browser, approves this copy of your
 app, and gets redirected to myapp://oauthcallback?code=basdf132. Your app
 grabs the myapp:// url and plucks the authorization code off the end of
 it. Your app then takes that code and sends it in the background to the
 token endpoint to exchange for a token.

 Some key points:

 1) You need to have access to a web browser on the platform, and it's
 considered best practice to push the user to the external browser
 application on the platform instead of embedding one. There are a couple
 paragraphs in the spec's security considerations section that talk about
 2) Your app is public because you can't publish it with a secret at
 configuration time. It can, however, keep the tokens secret at runtime.
 3) You need to be very careful with how you store the tokens on the device
 -- they need to be in a trusted space where other apps on the device can't
 sniff them out.
 4) Another app can try to register myapp:// and intercept your code on
 the way through, so make sure your codes are all one time use and short

 None of this is just theoretically possible, people are doing it today.
 What libraries and stuff you'd be after depends wholly on your platform
 (both server and client side).

  -- Justin

 On 04/12/2012 03:01 PM, Lewis Adam-CAL022 wrote: 

 Hi all,


 I’ve been talking to some of you off line about this already, but I need
 some help in terms of implementation.  I would like to use OAuth as a means
 to get either a JWT or SAML token to a client running on a handheld
 device.  This is something that I’m looking to prototype (as part of a
 larger project) beginning this week.  So, it is important to me to
 understand the divide between what is theoretically possible and what is
 actually possible.


 Anybody aware of any implementations out there, either vendor or open
 source, that I can use for this?





 OAuth mailing list

 ** **

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Updated Charter to the IESG (this weekend)

2012-04-16 Thread Brian Campbell
The Ping doc was sent a while back on a different thread about

I should probably have my people (aka Paul) submit it as an actual I-D?

On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 8:25 AM, John Bradley wrote:
 There is a Ping document.  I was talking to openAM/ForgeRock today about a 
 similar endpoint they are working on.

 Justin can submit his and I will look for the others.

 John B.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On 2012-04-14, at 2:28 PM, Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo) wrote:

 OK, but

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] typo/missing word in JWT and SAML I-Ds

2012-04-12 Thread Brian Campbell
I was putting together a little summary writeup on some of these
drafts yesterday and I noticed a missing a in the abstract of - it says,
This specification defines the use of a JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer
Token as means for requesting... but should probably say This
specification defines the use of a JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer  Token
as *a* means for requesting...

And has
nearly the identical omission.

The latter draft is in WGLC and I wasn't sure if I should produce a
new revision to correct this little editorial item now or wait until
after last call?
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC on Assertion Drafts

2012-04-12 Thread Brian Campbell
Thanks Justin, a couple comments/questions are inline...

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Justin Richer wrote:

 Section 7's second portion about a client including multiple credentials
 types seems buried down here in the Error Responses section for something
 this fundamental.

Yeah, I can see that. Although the restriction on multiple client
authentication methods is actually inherited from core OAuth (last
sentence in
so maybe there shouldn't even normative language about it in this doc?

 It also conflates discussion of selection of this client
 authorization type in here, where it ought to be in its own section, closer
 to the top.

I'm not sure I follow you here? As I re-read §7 I think it might make
sense to break it into two pieces, one on grants and one on client
auth.  Maybe a 7.1 and a 7.2 or maybe subsections of §4, like a §4.1.1
for client authentication errors and §4.2.1 for authz/grant errors.
But I don't think that was what your comment was about?

Was your comment that this text should live somewhere else?
  Token endpoints can differentiate between assertion based
   credentials and other client credential types by looking for the
   presence of the client_assertion and client_assertion_type attributes
   which will only be present when using assertions for client

I wouldn't disagree with you there, if that was the case.
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-10 question

2012-04-06 Thread Brian Campbell
It really depends on the situation - what other systems are available to
the client and the nature of the trust relationship between the client and
the AS.

As John said, a client could generate and self sign an assertion. This
likely works for well for client authentication via asymmetric keys.

WS-Trust/STS is the most typical (in my view anyway) way a client might get
an assertion to use for authorization. We've got a few customers doing it
that way.  I did a little demo a while back using WS-Trust but where the
assertion issuer acts as a broker of sorts in the transaction rather than
returning the assertion to the client:

ECP is possible but you are right that lack of support for it makes it

Various permutations of Web SSO are possible too.  The client might be a
SAML SP, for example, and get an assertion from an IDP that's suitable for
both SSO and use as a grant type. Although, in current practice, I don't
think IDP support for issuing such assertions is very good.

And there's nothing ruling out some kind of simple proprietary exchange
between the client and the assertion issuer.

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 7:46 PM, John Bradley wrote:


 It may be a self signed SAML assertion.

 That is likely the case where someone wanted to use asymmetric keys to
 authenticate to the Token Endpoint.

 I could see an STS used in some cases.

 ECP is a touch unlikely unless someone was super keen.

 The client could use a Web SSO profile to get a assertion for the user if
 you are using the Assertion profile for the Authorization endpoint.

 There is also a JWT token profile for assertions,  you knew I couldn't
 resist a plug:)

 John B.
 On 2012-04-05, at 10:35 PM, Lewis Adam-CAL022 wrote:

 ** **
 Reading draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-10, it states:
 ** **
 The process by which the client obtains the SAML Assertion, prior to
exchanging it with the authorization server or using it for client
authentication, is out of scope.
 ** **
 Accepting that it’s out of scope from the draft, what are the realistic
 alternatives to obtaining the SAML assertion out of band?  WS-Trust
 provides a direct method to request a SAML assertion from a STS, and the
 SAML ECP profiles seems to allow this behavior, but it doesn’t seem like
 ECP is very well supported.  What other viable means are there from a
 client to directly request a SAML assertion from an assertion issuer?
 ** **
 OAuth mailing list

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] Google using JTW assertions?

2012-03-21 Thread Brian Campbell
I noticed this post,
via a tweet from a colleague, that mentions sending a JWT to Google’s
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server in exchange for an access token.  The
post mentions compliance of draft 25 of OAuth v2 but doesn't give much
more detail. I'm wondering if any Google folks on this list know if it
was implemented to the specs?  It
would be great to have some feedback one way or the other on the
applicability of those documents from a real world deployment.
OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] Assertions (was Agenda Proposal)

2012-03-14 Thread Brian Campbell
Unfortunately I will not be in Paris for the Thrus meeting but I'd
love to see the assertion drafts progress. So thanks to Hannes for
putting it on the agenda and to Mike for owning that portion of it.

There's been some light discussion on this list around the assertion
stuff but, as far as I know, there's only been one question raised
that might potentially involve changes:

Just a nit/clarification that while draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns is
used by draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer, it is intended to have a
broader scope and not just limited to assertions. It should be a means
of registering urn:ietf:params:oauth:* URNs for any OAuth related
specifications or extensions that might need one.

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
 Feedback appreciated!

 3. OAuth Assertions (Mike)
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] question about the b64token syntax in draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer

2012-03-11 Thread Brian Campbell
On Mar 11, 2012 7:08 AM, John Bradley wrote:


 Sent from my iPhone

 On 2012-03-10, at 12:49 PM, Mike Jones

  I plan to make the change to the example access token value to
 mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM before Monday’s submission deadline, per the requests for
 b64token syntax clarification.  I’m also considering adding an access token
 response example, pre the requests in this thread.  I would propose adding
 the following new text for this in a new Section 4 (before the current
 Security Considerations).  This is largely parallel to what is done in
 Section 5.1 of the MAC spec.

 ** **

 *4.  Example Access Token Response*

 ** **

 Typically a bearer token is returned to the client as part of an OAuth 2.0
 [I-D.ietf-oauth-v2] access token response. An example of such as response

 ** **

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

  Cache-Control: no-store

  Pragma: no-cache

 ** **







 ** **

 Please send either +1s or objections to this text by mid-day Monday.
 Unless I receive several +1s, to be conservative at this point, I will not
 be including it in Monday’s draft.

 ** **

 -- Mike

 ** **

 *From:* [] *On Behalf
 Of *Paul Madsen
 *Sent:* Wednesday, March 07, 2012 1:34 PM
 *To:* Brian Campbell
 *Cc:* oauth
 *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] question about the b64token syntax in

 ** **


 On 3/7/12 4:08 PM, Brian Campbell wrote: 

 Yeah, it is case insensitive. I just went with the upper case B

 because that's how it was written in §5.1.1 of

 draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer-17* which is where I guess it's actually

 defined. But I see draft-ietf-oauth-v2-23 uses a lower case b**.

 Either one would be fine.

 ** **

 I agree that an example response from the token endpoint would be

 worthwhile.  Something like the following might help tie together with

 the Authorization header example (proposed earlier). It could maybe be

 worked in near the top of §2?

 ** **

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

  Cache-Control: no-store

  Pragma: no-cache

 ** **







 ** **

 It'd probably make sense to change the examples in the body §2.2***

 and query §2.3 to use the same access token value too.

 ** **

 ** **




 ** **

 ** **

 On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Justin Richer wrote:

  Makes sense to me, except that I think the token_type value is typically

 lowercase bearer, though it's defined to be case insensitive in

 Oauth-v2-23 section 5.1. Come to think of it, I'm not sure that the value 

 this field for the Bearer token type ever got defined anywhere. Section 

 references the bearer spec as defining the value of the token_type

 parameter, and passes its example as if by reference. Would be worthwhile

 giving an example of a token endpoint response, such as what's found in

 OAuth-v2-23 section 5.1.

 ** **

  -- Justin

 ** **

 ** **

 On 03/07/2012 12:16 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:

  ** **

 I'd like to propose the following changes and additions, derived

 largely from Bill and James suggestions, to

 draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer-17.  These changes have no normative impact

 and only aim to add additional clarity and explanation the workings

 and implications of the current spec.  I'm definitely open to changes

 or improvements in the wording here (not my strong suit by any means)

 but I think it's important that these general ideas be conveyed in the


 ** **

 ** **

 ==  Insert the following text at the beginning of §2:

 ** **

 To make a protected resource request, the client must be in possession

 of a valid bearer token. Typically a bearer token is returned to the

 client as part of an access token response as defined in OAuth 2.0

 [I-D.ietf-oauth-v2]. When the token_type parameter of the access

 token response is Bearer, the string value of the access_token

 parameter becomes

Re: [OAUTH-WG] question about the b64token syntax in draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer

2012-03-07 Thread Brian Campbell
I'd like to propose the following changes and additions, derived
largely from Bill and James suggestions, to
draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer-17.  These changes have no normative impact
and only aim to add additional clarity and explanation the workings
and implications of the current spec.  I'm definitely open to changes
or improvements in the wording here (not my strong suit by any means)
but I think it's important that these general ideas be conveyed in the

== Insert the following text at the beginning of §2:

To make a protected resource request, the client must be in possession
of a valid bearer token. Typically a bearer token is returned to the
client as part of an access token response as defined in OAuth 2.0
[I-D.ietf-oauth-v2]. When the token_type parameter of the access
token response is Bearer, the string value of the access_token
parameter becomes the bearer access token used to make protected
resource requests.

== Change the value of the token in the Authorization header example to this:

Authorization: Bearer vF_9.5dCf-t4.qbcmT_k1b

== Insert the following text before the last paragraph of §2.1:

Note that the name b64token does not imply base64 encoding but rather
is the name for an ABNF syntax definition from HTTP/1.1, Part 7
[I-D.ietf-httpbis-p7-auth]. Because of its use, the access_token
string value from an access token response MUST match the b64token
ABNF so it can be used with the Bearer HTTP scheme.


On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 11:45 AM, William Mills wrote:
 Yeah, something as simple as, Note that the name 'b64token' does not imply
 base64 encoding, see the definition in [[INSERT REFERENCE HERE]]. would do


 From: Brian Campbell
 To: Mike Jones
 Cc: oauth
 Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:23 AM

 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] question about the b64token syntax in

 Thanks Mike, I think changing the example would be helpful.

 However I think that including some text along the lines of what James
 suggested would also be very valuable. I agree that the connection
 between OAuth and Bearer could and should be made more explicit. And
 that the implications of the b64token syntax, particularly on what AS
 can use to construct ATs, could/should be made more clear.

 I can propose some specific text (building on James') if others in the WG

 On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 5:32 PM, Mike Jones
 I'm fine with changing the example to make it clearer that b64token allows
 a wider range of characters than just those legal for base64 and base64url
 encodings of data values.

 I'll add it to my to-do list for any additional edits for the Bearer spec.

                                -- Mike

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Manger, James H
 Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 3:33 PM
 To: Brian Campbell; oauth
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] question about the b64token syntax in


 On casual reading of The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol: Bearer
 Tokens* I've encountered several people (including myself) who have
 made the assumption that the name b64token implies that some kind of
 base64 encoding/decoding on the access token is taking place between
 the client and RS.

 Digging a bit deeper in to HTTP/1.1, part 7: Authentication**,
 however, I see that b64token is just an ABNF syntax definition
 allowing for characters typically used in base64, base64url, etc.. So
 the b64token doesn't define any encoding or decoding but rather just
 defines what characters can be used in the part of the Authorization
 header that will contain the access token.

 Do I read this correctly?


 If so, I feel like some additional clarifying text in the Bearer
 Tokens draft might help avoid what is (based on my small sample) a
 common point of misunderstanding.

 Changing the example bearer token should be a simple way to avoid some
 confusion by showing that it does not have to be base64 encoding. How about
  Authorization: Bearer vF9dft4qmT
  Authorization: Bearer vF9.dft4.qmT

 The Bearer spec has lots of (unnecessary) text about OAuth, but doesn't
 quite manage to be precise about how OAuth and Bearer connect. It could
 explicitly state that the string value of the access_token member of an
 access token response is the bearer token. The access_token string value
 (after unescaping any JSON-escapes) MUST match the b64token ABNF so it can
 be used with the Bearer HTTP scheme. Such text could be put in §5.1.1 where
 the Bearer OAuth access token type is defined.

 Also, does the use of b64token implicitly limit the allowed characters
 that an AS can use to construct a bearer access token?



Re: [OAUTH-WG] question about the b64token syntax in draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer

2012-03-07 Thread Brian Campbell
Yeah, it is case insensitive. I just went with the upper case B
because that's how it was written in §5.1.1 of
draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer-17* which is where I guess it's actually
defined. But I see draft-ietf-oauth-v2-23 uses a lower case b**.
Either one would be fine.

I agree that an example response from the token endpoint would be
worthwhile.  Something like the following might help tie together with
the Authorization header example (proposed earlier). It could maybe be
worked in near the top of §2?

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
 Cache-Control: no-store
 Pragma: no-cache


It'd probably make sense to change the examples in the body §2.2***
and query §2.3 to use the same access token value too.


On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Justin Richer wrote:
 Makes sense to me, except that I think the token_type value is typically
 lowercase bearer, though it's defined to be case insensitive in
 Oauth-v2-23 section 5.1. Come to think of it, I'm not sure that the value of
 this field for the Bearer token type ever got defined anywhere. Section 7.1
 references the bearer spec as defining the value of the token_type
 parameter, and passes its example as if by reference. Would be worthwhile
 giving an example of a token endpoint response, such as what's found in
 OAuth-v2-23 section 5.1.

  -- Justin

 On 03/07/2012 12:16 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:

 I'd like to propose the following changes and additions, derived
 largely from Bill and James suggestions, to
 draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer-17.  These changes have no normative impact
 and only aim to add additional clarity and explanation the workings
 and implications of the current spec.  I'm definitely open to changes
 or improvements in the wording here (not my strong suit by any means)
 but I think it's important that these general ideas be conveyed in the

 ==  Insert the following text at the beginning of §2:

 To make a protected resource request, the client must be in possession
 of a valid bearer token. Typically a bearer token is returned to the
 client as part of an access token response as defined in OAuth 2.0
 [I-D.ietf-oauth-v2]. When the token_type parameter of the access
 token response is Bearer, the string value of the access_token
 parameter becomes the bearer access token used to make protected
 resource requests.

 ==  Change the value of the token in the Authorization header example to

 Authorization: Bearer vF_9.5dCf-t4.qbcmT_k1b

 ==  Insert the following text before the last paragraph of §2.1:

 Note that the name b64token does not imply base64 encoding but rather
 is the name for an ABNF syntax definition from HTTP/1.1, Part 7
 [I-D.ietf-httpbis-p7-auth]. Because of its use, the access_token
 string value from an access token response MUST match the b64token
 ABNF so it can be used with the Bearer HTTP scheme.


 On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 11:45 AM, William

 Yeah, something as simple as, Note that the name 'b64token' does not
 base64 encoding, see the definition in [[INSERT REFERENCE HERE]]. would


 From: Brian
 To: Mike
 Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:23 AM

 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] question about the b64token syntax in

 Thanks Mike, I think changing the example would be helpful.

 However I think that including some text along the lines of what James
 suggested would also be very valuable. I agree that the connection
 between OAuth and Bearer could and should be made more explicit. And
 that the implications of the b64token syntax, particularly on what AS
 can use to construct ATs, could/should be made more clear.

 I can propose some specific text (building on James') if others in the WG

 On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 5:32 PM, Mike

 I'm fine with changing the example to make it clearer that b64token
 a wider range of characters than just those legal for base64 and
 encodings of data values.

 I'll add it to my to-do list for any additional edits for the Bearer

                                -- Mike

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf
 Manger, James H
 Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 3:33 PM
 To: Brian Campbell; oauth
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] question

Re: [OAUTH-WG] question about the b64token syntax in draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer

2012-03-06 Thread Brian Campbell
Thanks Mike, I think changing the example would be helpful.

However I think that including some text along the lines of what James
suggested would also be very valuable. I agree that the connection
between OAuth and Bearer could and should be made more explicit. And
that the implications of the b64token syntax, particularly on what AS
can use to construct ATs, could/should be made more clear.

I can propose some specific text (building on James') if others in the WG agree?

On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 5:32 PM, Mike Jones wrote:
 I'm fine with changing the example to make it clearer that b64token allows a 
 wider range of characters than just those legal for base64 and base64url 
 encodings of data values.

 I'll add it to my to-do list for any additional edits for the Bearer spec.

                                -- Mike

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of 
 Manger, James H
 Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 3:33 PM
 To: Brian Campbell; oauth
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] question about the b64token syntax in 


 On casual reading of The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol: Bearer
 Tokens* I've encountered several people (including myself) who have
 made the assumption that the name b64token implies that some kind of
 base64 encoding/decoding on the access token is taking place between
 the client and RS.

 Digging a bit deeper in to HTTP/1.1, part 7: Authentication**,
 however, I see that b64token is just an ABNF syntax definition
 allowing for characters typically used in base64, base64url, etc.. So
 the b64token doesn't define any encoding or decoding but rather just
 defines what characters can be used in the part of the Authorization
 header that will contain the access token.

 Do I read this correctly?


 If so, I feel like some additional clarifying text in the Bearer
 Tokens draft might help avoid what is (based on my small sample) a
 common point of misunderstanding.

 Changing the example bearer token should be a simple way to avoid some 
 confusion by showing that it does not have to be base64 encoding. How about 
  Authorization: Bearer vF9dft4qmT
  Authorization: Bearer vF9.dft4.qmT

 The Bearer spec has lots of (unnecessary) text about OAuth, but doesn't quite 
 manage to be precise about how OAuth and Bearer connect. It could explicitly 
 state that the string value of the access_token member of an access token 
 response is the bearer token. The access_token string value (after 
 unescaping any JSON-escapes) MUST match the b64token ABNF so it can be used 
 with the Bearer HTTP scheme. Such text could be put in §5.1.1 where the 
 Bearer OAuth access token type is defined.

 Also, does the use of b64token implicitly limit the allowed characters
 that an AS can use to construct a bearer access token?



 James Manger
 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] question about the b64token syntax in draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer

2012-03-05 Thread Brian Campbell
On casual reading of The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol: Bearer
Tokens* I've encountered several people (including myself) who have
made the assumption that the name b64token implies that some kind of
base64 encoding/decoding on the access token is taking place between
the client and RS.

Digging a bit deeper in to HTTP/1.1, part 7: Authentication**,
however, I see that b64token is just an ABNF syntax definition
allowing for characters typically used in base64, base64url, etc.. So
the b64token doesn't define any encoding or decoding but rather just
defines what characters can be used in the part of the Authorization
header that will contain the access token.

Do I read this correctly?

If so, I feel like some additional clarifying text in the Bearer
Tokens draft might help avoid what is (based on my small sample) a
common point of misunderstanding.

Also, does the use of b64token implicitly limit the allowed characters
that an AS can use to construct a bearer access token?


OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] Fwd: [OAuth2.0][SAML2.0] 2.2. Using SAML Assertions for Client Authentication Problem ?

2012-02-01 Thread Brian Campbell
I wanted to get the below question and answer to the right place.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Brian Campbell
Date: Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: [OAuth2.0][SAML2.0] 2.2. Using SAML Assertions for Client
Authentication Problem ?
To: Shiu Fun Poon

Hi Shiu,

Section 2.2 is about client authentication and the parameter names are
correct for that context (the names are defined in and this profile
defines the values for use with SAML).

The example in Section 4 that uses assertion and grant_type is about
authorization and not client authentication. And it is consistent with
section 2.1


On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 10:29 PM, Shiu Fun Poon shiufunp...@gmail.comwrote:

 Reading the latest spec.. are there typos in the following section ?

 2.2.  Using SAML Assertions for Client Authentication

 he value of client_assertion_type parameter MUST  ??  Should this be 
 The value of the client_assertion parameter   ?? Is this assertion (which 
 is what is shown in the example).


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] SAML Bearer Spec 09 - Refresh Clarification

2012-01-23 Thread Brian Campbell
Sorry, I had a section reference and link wrong in the previous message.
The question/suggestion about moving some text into the OAuth 2.0
Assertion Profile should have referenced section 4.2 and linked to here:

That mistake also gives me an excuse to raise this to the WG again.  I
suggest that whatever text we settle on be moved to general assertion
profile. I'm not sure I know what that text should be.

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 3:58 PM, Brian Campbell

 Hey Phil,

 Your understanding is pretty much inline with how I understand it.
 That text actually originates from earlier versions of the core spec
 (I think -09 [1] was the last sighting). And I carried it over when
 the grant_type got generalized and the assertion pieces moved into the
 SAML/OAuth draft.

 The main idea was that the extension grants (or at least assertions)
 relied on some existing trust framework and that issuing a refresh
 token would effectually undermine that by giving the client a new way
 of getting access outside the established framework of trust. So, for
 example, with an RT a fired employee might still be able to access
 resources at a SaaS provider.

 That was the thinking anyway but I don't disagree that the wording in
 the draft could make that more clear and/or be a less restrictive.

 Regarding the text you've proposed, I'm not sure I know exactly what
 lifetime of the authorization grant means or how the AS would know.
 And I think it might be too ambiguous to have as normative language.
 Can you give a workable definition? Or was it intentionally left kind
 of vague?

 I'll should also note that that exact same text is in section 3.1 of
 the JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token Profiles for OAuth 2.0 [2]
 draft.  Whatever we decide, I can't think of any reason it would't
 apply to both drafts. And that suggests that it should be moved up
 into the OAuth 2.0 Assertion Profile - perhaps into section 4.1.3


 P.S. My apologies for the extremely slow response - this one just
 slipped though the cracks for a while - I have no other excuse.


 On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:
  Section 4.5 of the OAuth Core spec provides that extension spec MAY issue
  refresh tokens.  Yet, section 3.1 of the OAuth2 SAML Bearer specification
  currently says SHOULD NOT (from draft 09):
  Authorization servers SHOULD issue access tokens with a limited lifetime
  require clients to refresh them by requesting a new access token using
  same assertion, if it is still valid, or with a new assertion. The
  authorization server SHOULD NOT issue a refresh token.
  There has been some confusion as to why authorization servers SHOULD NOT
  issue refresh tokens. Apparently this wording was put in place because a
  SAML Bearer authorization might have a shorter life than typical refresh
  token lifetime. Hence there was a concern that an authorization server
  inadvertently issue a long-lasting refresh token that outlives the
  SAML Bearer authorization.  In order to make this concern clear I propose
  the following text that makes clear the concern and makes refresh tokens
  more permissive:
  Authorization servers SHOULD issue access tokens with a limited lifetime
  require clients to refresh them by requesting a new access token using
  same assertion, if it is still valid, or with a new assertion. The
  authorization server SHOULD NOT issue a refresh token that has an expiry
  longer than the lifetime of the authorization grant.
  I'm not aware of any other concerns regarding refresh tokens being
 issued in
  conjunction with SAML Bearer assertions?  Are there any concerns that
  suggest we should keep the wording as generally SHOULD NOT?
  OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns-00.txt

2011-12-28 Thread Brian Campbell

See draft -01 at

Sorry it took so long to get that little change done. Thanks for the
feedback, Peter.

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Peter Saint-Andre stpe...@stpeter.imwrote:

 On 8/30/11 1:55 PM, wrote:

 A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
 directories. This draft is a work item of the Web Authorization Protocol
 Working Group of the IETF.

Title   : An IETF URN Sub-Namespace for OAuth
Author(s)   : Hannes Tschofenig
Filename: draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns-**00.txt
Pages   : 5
Date: 2011-08-30

This document establishes an IETF URN Sub-namespace for use with
OAuth related specifications.

 Seems like a good idea.

 The security considerations point to RFC 3553, but that just points to RFC
 2141, so you might as well point to the latter spec.


 Peter Saint-Andre

 OAuth mailing list**listinfo/oauth

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] SAML Bearer Spec 09 - Refresh Clarification

2011-12-16 Thread Brian Campbell
Hey Phil,

Your understanding is pretty much inline with how I understand it.
That text actually originates from earlier versions of the core spec
(I think -09 [1] was the last sighting). And I carried it over when
the grant_type got generalized and the assertion pieces moved into the
SAML/OAuth draft.

The main idea was that the extension grants (or at least assertions)
relied on some existing trust framework and that issuing a refresh
token would effectually undermine that by giving the client a new way
of getting access outside the established framework of trust. So, for
example, with an RT a fired employee might still be able to access
resources at a SaaS provider.

That was the thinking anyway but I don't disagree that the wording in
the draft could make that more clear and/or be a less restrictive.

Regarding the text you've proposed, I'm not sure I know exactly what
lifetime of the authorization grant means or how the AS would know.
And I think it might be too ambiguous to have as normative language.
Can you give a workable definition? Or was it intentionally left kind
of vague?

I'll should also note that that exact same text is in section 3.1 of
the JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token Profiles for OAuth 2.0 [2]
draft.  Whatever we decide, I can't think of any reason it would't
apply to both drafts. And that suggests that it should be moved up
into the OAuth 2.0 Assertion Profile - perhaps into section 4.1.3


P.S. My apologies for the extremely slow response - this one just
slipped though the cracks for a while - I have no other excuse.


On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:
 Section 4.5 of the OAuth Core spec provides that extension spec MAY issue
 refresh tokens.  Yet, section 3.1 of the OAuth2 SAML Bearer specification
 currently says SHOULD NOT (from draft 09):

 Authorization servers SHOULD issue access tokens with a limited lifetime and
 require clients to refresh them by requesting a new access token using the
 same assertion, if it is still valid, or with a new assertion. The
 authorization server SHOULD NOT issue a refresh token.

 There has been some confusion as to why authorization servers SHOULD NOT
 issue refresh tokens. Apparently this wording was put in place because a
 SAML Bearer authorization might have a shorter life than typical refresh
 token lifetime. Hence there was a concern that an authorization server would
 inadvertently issue a long-lasting refresh token that outlives the original
 SAML Bearer authorization.  In order to make this concern clear I propose
 the following text that makes clear the concern and makes refresh tokens
 more permissive:

 Authorization servers SHOULD issue access tokens with a limited lifetime and
 require clients to refresh them by requesting a new access token using the
 same assertion, if it is still valid, or with a new assertion. The
 authorization server SHOULD NOT issue a refresh token that has an expiry
 longer than the lifetime of the authorization grant.

 I'm not aware of any other concerns regarding refresh tokens being issued in
 conjunction with SAML Bearer assertions?  Are there any concerns that
 suggest we should keep the wording as generally SHOULD NOT?



 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] 2 Leg with OAuth 2.0

2011-11-29 Thread Brian Campbell
Or using the SAML or JWT grants to get an access token, then using the
protocol as usual.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
 This functionality can be implemented in two main ways:

 1.   Using the client credentials flow to get an access token, then
 using the protocol as usual

 2.   Just using the Bearer (over SSL) or MAC token schemes without the
 rest of OAuth


 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Brian Hawkins
 Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 11:49 AM
 Subject: [OAUTH-WG] 2 Leg with OAuth 2.0

 I'm having trouble finding information on how to do 2leg authentication with
 OAuth 2.0.  Does it even support it?



 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] Fwd: I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-09.txt

2011-10-28 Thread Brian Campbell
I posted a new draft that addresses a potential ambiguity raised by an
engineer I work with who is currently implementing against the draft.

draft -09 can be found at:

and here's the relevant snippet from Appendix B.  Document History:


   o  Attempt to address an ambiguity around validation requirements
  when the Conditions element contain a NotOnOrAfter and
  SubjectConfirmation/SubjectConfirmationData does too.  Basically
  it needs to have at least one bearer SubjectConfirmation element
  but that element can omit SubjectConfirmationData, if Conditions
  has an expiry on it.  Otherwise, a valid SubjectConfirmation must
  have a SubjectConfirmationData with Recipient and NotOnOrAfter.
  And any SubjectConfirmationData that has those elements needs to
  have them checked.

   o  clarified that AudienceRestriction is under Conditions (even
  though it's implied by schema)

   o  fix a typo

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 11:22 AM
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-09.txt

A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
directories. This draft is a work item of the Web Authorization
Protocol Working Group of the IETF.

       Title           : SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0
       Author(s)       : Chuck Mortimore
       Filename        : draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-09.txt
       Pages           : 16
       Date            : 2011-10-28

  This specification defines the use of a SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion as
  means for requesting an OAuth 2.0 access token as well as for use as
  a means of client authentication.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

This Internet-Draft can be retrieved at:
OAuth mailing list
OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] Status and next steps on Assertions

2011-10-19 Thread Brian Campbell
A few of us had a chance to meet face to face this morning at IIW 13
in Mountain View and talked a bit about the assertions document. I
wanted to try and (very quickly) summarize that and also talk about
the some next steps for these documents. This is partly a summary and
partly a reminder of things to be done.

The OAuth 2.0 Assertion Profile

Hannes and Barry expressed concern about some of the wording (and
possibly the SAML one as well?) saying that it could potentially be
misleading or confusing regarding the actual security properties
implied or provided by the profile. Hannes was going to take a crack
at proposing some new text.

This draft is due for an update and there have been some comments on
it over the last few months. I found which
are some general comments from Yaron and which
is from me about the need to do parameter registration in this doc.

I thought there were some additional comments but I can't seem to find
them. Personally, given the treatment of client_id in
draft-ietf-oauth-v2-22, I think that this draft needs to rework its
handling of client_id. It should probably just be omitted completely
from section 4.2. Using Assertions as Authorization Grants and made
optional or even forbidden in section 4.1. Using Assertions for
Client Authentication

An IETF URN Sub-Namespace for OAuth

I think this short document is ready to go on to whatever is next.

SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0

I believe this document is also ready to go. Although it depends on
the previous two documents so they should probably progress together
as a group.
The only comment I'm aware of on it came from a cross posting at the
OASIS SSTC and while I acknowledge what was said, I don't believe it
can be addressed. I can provide more detail, if anyone is interested.

Hannes said he thought there might be some editorial issues with it or
perhaps it contained incorrect URI(s). He wasn't sure if he was
working against the latest draft, however, so is planning on double
checking and providing comments if appropriate.

JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Profile for OAuth 2.0

Mike is going to update this draft to be an instance of
draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-00 similar to what
draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-08 does.
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposed resolution for issue 26

2011-09-29 Thread Brian Campbell
+1 to I think James made it pretty clear that we have a problem and
that we have to solve it.

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Marius Scurtescu wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 6:40 AM, Barry Leiba

 I'd like to see more participation in this thread, besides just from
 Mike and James.  What do others think?

 I think James made it pretty clear that we have a problem and that we have
 to solve it.
 One solution would be for the core spec to limit the characters that can be
 used in a scope, such that scopes are HTTP header safe. I think this would
 be pretty limiting and fragile.
 Another solution would be for the bearer spec to specify what escaping
 should be used. RFC 5987 seems like the only good choice.

 Barry, as chair

 On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Mike Jones
  While you take the viewpoint that the bearer spec is restricting scope
  values, in fact, the spec intentionally allows all characters that can
  safely communicated in an HTTP response header parameter to be
  used.  About whether those characters employ an encoding
  methodology to sometimes represent other characters or abstractions,
  I believe that Barry's proposed wording hits the nail on the head:
    Interpretation of scope strings requires semantic agreement on the
    meaning of the scope strings between the parties participating the
    OAuth flow.  Should an encoding be used for scope strings in a
    particular deployment context, participants have to have agreed
    upon that encoding, just as they agree on other OAuth configuration
                                 Best wishes,
                                 -- Mike

 On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 8:20 PM, Manger, James H wrote:
  While you take the viewpoint that the bearer spec is restricting scope
  values, in fact,
  the spec intentionally allows all characters that can be safely
  communicated in an HTTP
  response header parameter to be used.
  But all characters that can be safely communicated in an HTTP response
  header parameter is only a subset of the characters that OAuth Core
  allows in a scope value (any Unicode string excluding space). I don't
  understand how this isn't the Bearer spec restricting scope values.
  P.S. You recognize here that non-ASCII chars cannot be safely
  communicated in an HTTP response header parameter. This is why
  Julian was concerned about the spec saying the error_description holds
  raw UTF-8.
  [Actually the ABNF for error_description restricts it to 93 ASCII chars
  when the text says it is UTF-8 encoded it is raising the potential
  of arbitrary UTF-8 in HTTP headers unnecessarily.]
  James Manger

 On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 11:50 PM, Manger, James H wrote:
  I'll have another go trying to explain the problem I see with the scope
  parameter in the Bearer spec.
  Consider a French social network that decides to offer an API using
  It chooses 3 scope values for parts of the API related to family,
  friends, and
  business colleagues:
  * famille
  * ami
  * collègues
  Let's focus on the last scope.
  The site describes the scope and its semantics in HTML developer docs.
  That works.
  Client apps construct authorization URIs to which users are sent.
  That works.
  The authorization server issues credentials in a JSON token response.
  That works.
   { access_token:SlAV32hkKG, scope:coll\u00E8gues, ...}
  The authorization server also supports implicit grants. That works.
  Client apps request protected resources (without needing to mention
  That works.
   Authorization: Bearer vF9dft4qmT
  A protected resource server responds with a 401 error when a bearer
  is wrong. They don't know what to put in the HTTP response header scope
  parameter: collègues does not fit.
  One server knows HTTP headers have historically used ISO-8859-1.
   WWW-Authenticate: Bearer scope=collE8gues,
  Another server sees that error_description is specified as UTF-8 so uses
   WWW-Authenticate: Bearer scope=collC3A8gues,
  A third server reasons that the value will be copied to an authz URI so
   WWW-Authenticate: Bearer scope=coll%C3%A8gues,
  A fourth server thinks JSON-escaping looks most like HTTP's
  quoting (both use '\').
   WWW-Authenticate: Bearer scope=coll\u00E8gues,
  A fifth uses RFC 5987 Character Set and Language Encoding for HTTP
  Field Parameters:
   WWW-Authenticate: Bearer scope*=UTF-8''coll%C3%A8gues,
  It is a total 

[OAUTH-WG] Extensions example update (was Draft -21 next steps)

2011-09-19 Thread Brian Campbell
Although this isn't related to changes made since -20, it should
probably still be done (unless it's something for the final RFC
editors?) and shouldn't be much of a change.

The example in section 4.5 [1] uses the old grant type URI for the
SAML grant type ( and it
should probably be updated to use the new and hopefully final and
stable one (urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer).

Here's the example from the latest SAML draft [2]:

   POST /token.oauth2 HTTP/1.1
   Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

   [...omitted for brevity...]aG5TdGF0ZW1lbnQ-PC9Bc3NlcnRpb24-

Also the source xml, if that's useful:

POST /token.oauth2 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

[...omitted for brevity...]aG5TdGF0ZW1lbnQ-PC9Bc3NlcnRpb24-]]



On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
 I’d like to ask the chairs to declare a 2 weeks review period limited to
 changes made since -20 after which we will either declare -21 as the final
 WG draft or publish a quick -22 with all changes agreed prior on the list
 and no additional WG review period. Of course, the chairs can change all
 these rules as they see fit.


 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Section 4.3. Resource Owner Password Credentials: Invalid Credentials Error Handling

2011-09-19 Thread Brian Campbell
The error should be invalid_grant as it is the grant (the resource
owner's username and password) that is invalid.

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 10:07 AM, Colm Divilly wrote:
 Apologies if this has been covered before, a cursory search of the archives
 and issue tracker didn't turn up anything.

 What is the expected error response when performing a Resource Owner
 Password Credentials flow, if the resource owner provides incorrect

 From reading the spec it looks like the expectation is that a response like
 the following should be generated:

     HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
     Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
     Cache-Control: no-store
     Pragma: no-cache


 Which is not terribly helpful for a user-agent trying to determine that it
 is the user supplied credentials at fault (and therefore be able to
 re-prompt the user for credentials). Perhaps something like the following
 would be more useful:

     HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
     Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
     Cache-Control: no-store
     Pragma: no-cache


 A bit verbose perhaps, any alternative suggestions?

 Colm Divilly
 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Mail regarding draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer

2011-08-26 Thread Brian Campbell
Hi Michael,

I apologize for being so slow in responding to this.  I did not
receive the first message and haven't had a chance to respond to this
direct email as I've been very busy trying to get a product release
out the door.  I attempt to answer the questions inline below.  I'm
also cc'ing the OAUTH WG mailing list as these are questions that
others might have too.  Note there are also questions about
draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-00 too.

Thanks for the review and feedback.  Hopefully I can address your questions.

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 5:50 AM, Engler, Michael wrote:

 Hi Brian,

 possibly the previous mail was lost somewhere in the IETF mailinglists … thus 
 I send here again directly. I apologize if you now received it twice … J


 From: Engler, Michael
 Sent: Mittwoch, 10. August 2011 18:11
 To: ''
 Cc: Doersam, Joachim
 Subject: Mail regarding draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer

 Hi Brian,

 I are currently reading your latest draft on SAML bearer assertion usage in 
 OAuth 2. Some parts are currently unclear, and it would be great if you could 
 bring light into the dark J …

 In the document I read the following: “If the Assertion was issued with the 
 intention that the presenter act autonomously on behalf of the subject, an 
 AuthnStatement SHOULD NOT be included.  The presenter SHOULD be identified 
 in the NamseID or similar element, the SubjectConfirmation element, or by 
 other available means like [OASIS.saml-deleg-cs].”

 What does it actually mean if the presenter (= OAuth client) acts 
 autonomously but still on behalf of the subject? Isn’t this a contradiction?

Perhaps 'autonomously' isn't the best word there and I'm open to
suggestions on an alternative.  What I'm trying to do is differentiate
between two general cases:  1) the case where the user/resource owner
is present to the client in some way and the client has authenticated
the resource owner or is sufficiently confident in the authentication
event and 2) the case where the client is doing something on behalf of
a resource owner but the resource owner isn't present to the client
and hasn't directly authenticated with the client.   An example of the
former case might be where the client is some web application that the
resource owner has logged onto and is using at the time of this
transaction.  The later case might be where the client is some cron
job or something that runs nightly and does something on the user or
users behalf but without them being around for the transaction.

 Can you elaborate more on this point why the authentication statement should 
 be left out here?

Related to what I said above, there are cases where the resource owner
hasn't authenticated with the client (or some STS) and so it seems
like it makes sense to say that no claim should be made in the
assertion about any type of authentication.  In that case, it's really
just a claim about some identity about whom this access token is being

 Should the SAML subject reference the resource owner, or the OAuth client in 
 that case?

My intent is that the subject (or the subject and some of the
attributes) should reference the resource owner while the delegation
to the client (though it's kind of implied) can be expressed through
other semantics in the assertion (that's what the second sentence from
the piece of the spec you quoted is intended to cover).

 In section 3.1 you write that “If present, the authorization server MUST also 
 validate the client credentials.“ …

 What is the syntax for adding the client credentials to the assertion request 
 in case of the SAML bearer token? Do you refer to the separate assertion 
 covering the client as SAML subject … or are there yet another type of client 
 credentials to take into account?

The means of client authentication is totally independent from the
grant type being presented (true for SAML grant type but also in
general).  That statement is just intended to ensure that client
credentials aren't ignored, if they are there.

 I would assume that the client id needs to be transferred as part of the 
 access token request. In draft-ietf-oauth-assertions-00 you write the 
 The following non-normative example demonstrates an assertion being
 used as an authorization grant. (line breaks are for display purposes
 POST /token HTTP/1.1
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

 assertion=PHNhbWxwOl...[omitted for brevity]...ZT4

 Why do you assume it is sufficient that the client_id is not contained within 
 the assertion but is “solely” added to the request? In our discussions so 
 far, we assumed that the client id could be transferred as an attribute 
 statement within the SAML assertion. This would prevent tampering 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Comments on Assertions draft 00 by Yaron Goland

2011-08-26 Thread Brian Campbell
Couple comments on the comments inline:

On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Mike Jones wrote:

 4.1. Using Assertions for Client Authentication:  Comment on “client_id”:
 “It seems like a bad idea to have the client_id outside of the assertion.
 It’s either redundant or insecure.”

I tend to agree with this.  Now that treatment of client_id seems to
have stabilized in the core spec, this draft is probable due for some
reconciliatory changes around the parameter.

 7.  Error Responses:  Comment on “Audience validation failed”: “Isn’t
 returning this kind of information just helping an attacker to hone their
 attack by trying various values and seeing what errors they get? I’m not
 sure how serious this threat is though. But I get nervous any time we leak
 data about security validation failures.”

Trying to walk the line between security and having useful feedback
available for troubleshooting during the early stages of deployments.
Given that there's a signature over the assertion, providing details
about other semantic validation issues doesn't seem like an issue to
me.  But I know that such information disclosure is usually considered
a no no in security related contexts.  Anyway, the error_description
parameter is optional so individual implementation/deployments can
make their own decisions about what, if anything, to put there and/or
when to put info there.
OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] Fwd: I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-06.txt

2011-08-19 Thread Brian Campbell
This -06 draft at contains
only a few fixes to typos identified by my colleague Peter Motykowski.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 7:56 AM
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-06.txt

A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
directories. This draft is a work item of the Web Authorization
Protocol Working Group of the IETF.

       Title           : SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0
       Author(s)       : Chuck Mortimore
       Filename        : draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-06.txt
       Pages           : 15
       Date            : 2011-08-19

  This specification defines the use of a SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion as
  means for requesting an OAuth 2.0 access token as well as for use as
  a means of client authentication.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

This Internet-Draft can be retrieved at:
OAuth mailing list
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and identification

2011-08-18 Thread Brian Campbell
FWIW, I was okay with the text EHL had originally proposed for 21.

                  REQUIRED. The client secret. The client MAY omit the
  parameter if the client secret
                  is an empty string.

 I would suggest rewording the above as follows:
       REQUIRED unless it is an empty string. The client secret.

 unless its value is an empty string. Do people read this new text to mean 
 OPTIONAL if not empty?
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-05.txt

2011-08-03 Thread Brian Campbell
This 'nice' version of this is at

The draft has been reworked significantly to become a profile of and cover
both assertions as access grants as well as assertions as client

The grant_type URI value no longer uses and is
urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer which is
registered/requested per and a new
URI of urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:saml2-bearer is
introduced for client_assertion_type.

Lastly the processing rules on the assertion have been relaxed
somewhat to allow for SubjectConfirmationData element(s) to be
optional when the Conditions element has a NotOnOrAfter attribute.


On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 3:16 PM, wrote:
 A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts 
 directories. This draft is a work item of the Web Authorization Protocol 
 Working Group of the IETF.

        Title           : SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0
        Author(s)       : Chuck Mortimore
        Filename        : draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer-05.txt
        Pages           : 15
        Date            : 2011-08-03

   This specification defines the use of a SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion as
   means for requesting an OAuth 2.0 access token as well as for use as
   a means of client authentication.

 A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

 Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

 This Internet-Draft can be retrieved at:
 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] Parameter Registration Requests in draft-ietf-oauth-assertions

2011-08-03 Thread Brian Campbell
One of the changes I made in was to
drop the parameter registration request for the assertion parameter
because the parameter is now defined in however that
document doesn't currently have the registration request in its IANA
Considerations section.  It probably needs to have that as well as
requests for client_assertion and client_assertion_type.

To bootstrap that bit of work, I've included the XML source for the
assertion parameter request from a previous version of the SAML

section title='IANA Considerations'
  section title='Parameter Registration Request'
  The following is the parameter registration request, as
defined in The OAuth Parameters Registry of xref
target=I-D.ietf.oauth-v2The OAuth 2.0 Authorization
Protocol/xref, for the
  spanx style='verb'assertion/spanx parameter:

  list style='symbols'
tParameter name: assertion/t
tParameter usage location: token request
tChange controller: IETF/t
tSpecification document(s): [[this document]]/t
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and identification

2011-07-28 Thread Brian Campbell
I would be very much in favor of that addition/clarification.

On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 9:20 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:

 [...] and I can also add a short note that public clients may use
 the client_id for the purpose of identification with the token endpoint.

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and identification

2011-07-27 Thread Brian Campbell
Okay, looking at some of those drafts again, I see that now. Except
for -16 they are all pretty similar on client_id back to -10.
Apparently it was my misunderstanding.  Maybe I'm the only one who
doesn't get it but I do think it could be clearer.  I'd propose some
text but I'm still not fully sure I understand what is intended.

If a client doesn't have a secret, is client_id a SHOULD NOT, a MUST
NOT or OPTIONAL to be included on token endpoint requests?

Here's a specific question/example to illustrate my continued
confusion - it would seem like the majority of clients that would use
the Resource Owner Password Credentials grant (although 4.3.2 shows
the use of HTTP Basic) would be public clients.  How is it expected
that such clients Identify themselves to the AS?  The client identity,
even if not something that can be strongly relied on, is useful for
things like presenting a list of access grants to the user for

On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
 Not exactly.
 The current setup was pretty stable up to –15. In –16 I tried to clean it up
 by moving the parameter into each token endpoint type definition. That
 didn't work and was more confusing so in –17 I reverted back to the –15
 What makes this stand out in –20 is that all the examples now use HTTP Basic
 instead of the parameters (since we decided to make them NOT RECOMMENDED).
 So it feels sudden that client_id is gone, but none of this is actually much
 different from –15 on. Client authentication is still performed the same
 way, and the role of client_id is just as an alternative to using HTTP Basic
 on the token endpoint.
 I think the current text is sufficient, but if you want to provide specific
 additions I'm open to it.
 From: Brian Campbell
 Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 10:16:21 -0700
 To: Eran Hammer-lahav
 Cc: oauth
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and

 I'm probably somewhat biased by having read previous version of the
 spec, previous WG list discussions, and my current AS implementation
 (which expects client_id) but this seems like a fairly big departure
 from what was in -16.  I'm okay with the change but feel it's wroth
 mentioning that it's likely an incompatible one.
 That aside, I feel like it could use some more explanation in
 draft-ietf-oauth-v2 because, at least to me and hence my question, it
 wasn't entirely clear how client_id should be used for those cases.
 On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav

 The client_id is currently only defined for password authentication on the
 token endpoint. If you are using Basic or any other form of authentication
 (or no authentication at all), you are not going to use the client_id

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and identification

2011-07-27 Thread Brian Campbell
That was more or less what I was trying to say as well.  There are
times when client identification is needed at the token endpoint and
it's not clear if or how, short of actual authentication, the current
spec allows for it.

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
 Am 27.07.2011 12:08, schrieb Eran Hammer-Lahav:

 The way I've set it up in –18 is that the client_id parameter in the
 authorization endpoint is used to identify the client registration record.
 The identifier is described in section 2.3. Then in section 2.4.1 the
 parameter is extended for use with the token endpoint for client
 authentication when Basic is not available.
 So the idea is that the only place you should be using client_id is with the
 authorization endpoint to reference the client registration information
 (needed to lookup the redirection URI). I have argued in the past that a
 future extension to remove the need to register clients should make this
 parameter optional but that's outside our current scope.
 The token endpoint performs client authentication instead of client
 identification using the client identifier as username.

 It can do so for confidential clients only. What about public clients using
 e.g. the Resource Owners Password flow? I see the need to identify them as
 well. For example, if the authz server issues a refresh token to such a
 client there must be a way to relate this token to a certain client in order
 to give the user a chance to revoke this specific token.


 Hope this helps.

 From: Brian Campbell
 Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 04:32:42 -0700
 To: Eran Hammer-lahav
 Cc: oauth
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and

 Okay, looking at some of those drafts again, I see that now. Except
 for -16 they are all pretty similar on client_id back to -10.
 Apparently it was my misunderstanding.  Maybe I'm the only one who
 doesn't get it but I do think it could be clearer.  I'd propose some
 text but I'm still not fully sure I understand what is intended.
 If a client doesn't have a secret, is client_id a SHOULD NOT, a MUST
 NOT or OPTIONAL to be included on token endpoint requests?
 Here's a specific question/example to illustrate my continued
 confusion - it would seem like the majority of clients that would use
 the Resource Owner Password Credentials grant (although 4.3.2 shows
 the use of HTTP Basic) would be public clients.  How is it expected
 that such clients Identify themselves to the AS?  The client identity,
 even if not something that can be strongly relied on, is useful for
 things like presenting a list of access grants to the user for

 On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav

 Not exactly.
 The current setup was pretty stable up to –15. In –16 I tried to clean it up
 by moving the parameter into each token endpoint type definition. That
 didn't work and was more confusing so in –17 I reverted back to the –15
 What makes this stand out in –20 is that all the examples now use HTTP Basic
 instead of the parameters (since we decided to make them NOT RECOMMENDED).
 So it feels sudden that client_id is gone, but none of this is actually much
 different from –15 on. Client authentication is still performed the same
 way, and the role of client_id is just as an alternative to using HTTP Basic
 on the token endpoint.
 I think the current text is sufficient, but if you want to provide specific
 additions I'm open to it.
 From: Brian Campbell
 Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 10:16:21 -0700
 To: Eran Hammer-lahav
 Cc: oauth
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and
 I'm probably somewhat biased by having read previous version of the
 spec, previous WG list discussions, and my current AS implementation
 (which expects client_id) but this seems like a fairly big departure
 from what was in -16.  I'm okay with the change but feel it's wroth
 mentioning that it's likely an incompatible one.
 That aside, I feel like it could use some more explanation in
 draft-ietf-oauth-v2 because, at least to me and hence my question, it
 wasn't entirely clear how client_id should be used for those cases.
 On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav
 The client_id is currently only defined for password authentication on the
 token endpoint. If you are using Basic or any other form of authentication
 (or no authentication at all), you are not going to use the client_id

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and identification

2011-07-26 Thread Brian Campbell
I'm probably somewhat biased by having read previous version of the
spec, previous WG list discussions, and my current AS implementation
(which expects client_id) but this seems like a fairly big departure
from what was in -16.  I'm okay with the change but feel it's wroth
mentioning that it's likely an incompatible one.

That aside, I feel like it could use some more explanation in
draft-ietf-oauth-v2 because, at least to me and hence my question, it
wasn't entirely clear how client_id should be used for those cases.

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:

 The client_id is currently only defined for password authentication on the 
 token endpoint. If you are using Basic or any other form of authentication 
 (or no authentication at all), you are not going to use the client_id 
OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and identification

2011-07-25 Thread Brian Campbell
I need to revisit a question that came up about two months ago.  I
thought I had a clear understanding of when client_id was and wasn't
included in access token requests but drafts 18/19 seemed to have
changed things (or my understanding of 16 was wrong).

The question is, when is client_id a required parameter on requests to
the token endpoint and when can/should it be omitted?

In -16 I was under the impression that client_id was always to be
included even when using HTTP Basic or other means of authentication.
See and for

But the text and examples in -18/-19 would suggest that client_id is
to be omitted when using HTTP Basic.  Text in and
example in

I don't have a strong preference for either direction but do feel it
needs to be more explicitly spelled out.  Scenarios that should be
accounted for are, for both clients in possession of a client password
and clients without, using client_id/client_secret, using  HTTP Basic
and using other means of authentication/identification.
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and identification

2011-07-25 Thread Brian Campbell
How should HTTP Basic be used for a client not in possession of a
client secret?

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 10:25 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
 client_id is only required on the authorization endpoint, not the token 
 endpoint. -18 cleaned up how the document talked about client authentication 
 in general. So you should remove client_id from your draft and instead 
 mention client authentication (if appropriate).


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf
 Of Brian Campbell
 Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 7:02 AM
 To: oauth
 Subject: [OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and

 I need to revisit a question that came up about two months ago.  I thought I
 had a clear understanding of when client_id was and wasn't included in
 access token requests but drafts 18/19 seemed to have changed things (or
 my understanding of 16 was wrong).

 The question is, when is client_id a required parameter on requests to the
 token endpoint and when can/should it be omitted?

 In -16 I was under the impression that client_id was always to be included
 even when using HTTP Basic or other means of authentication.
 See and for

 But the text and examples in -18/-19 would suggest that client_id is to be
 omitted when using HTTP Basic.  Text in and example

 I don't have a strong preference for either direction but do feel it needs to
 be more explicitly spelled out.  Scenarios that should be accounted for are,
 for both clients in possession of a client password and clients without, 
 client_id/client_secret, using  HTTP Basic and using other means of
 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and identification

2011-07-25 Thread Brian Campbell
I'm asking from both an implementation perspective as well as the spec

On the spec side, draft-ietf-oauth-assertions will deal with client_id
and while it's currently required I'd guess it will become optional or
even forbidden.

On the implementation side, let me make sure I understand.  Clients
without a secret must present client_id on token endpoint requests and
must use only that method of identifying themselves?   HTTP Basic and
other means of client authentication are reserved for clients that
actually have some secret to authenticate with?

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
 It shouldn't. You are still allowed to reuse client_id outside the specific 
 password credentials use case. Just make sure the way the parameter is 
 defined in v2 is consistent.


 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Campbell []
 Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 9:28 AM
 To: Eran Hammer-Lahav
 Cc: oauth
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and

 How should HTTP Basic be used for a client not in possession of a client

 On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 10:25 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
  client_id is only required on the authorization endpoint, not the token
 endpoint. -18 cleaned up how the document talked about client
 authentication in general. So you should remove client_id from your draft
 and instead mention client authentication (if appropriate).
  -Original Message-
  From: [] On
  Behalf Of Brian Campbell
  Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 7:02 AM
  To: oauth
  Subject: [OAUTH-WG] treatment of client_id for authentication and
  I need to revisit a question that came up about two months ago.  I
  thought I had a clear understanding of when client_id was and wasn't
  included in access token requests but drafts 18/19 seemed to have
  changed things (or my understanding of 16 was wrong).
  The question is, when is client_id a required parameter on requests
  to the token endpoint and when can/should it be omitted?
  In -16 I was under the impression that client_id was always to be
  included even when using HTTP Basic or other means of authentication.
  See and for
  But the text and examples in -18/-19 would suggest that client_id is
  to be omitted when using HTTP Basic.  Text in and
  example in
  I don't have a strong preference for either direction but do feel it
  needs to be more explicitly spelled out.  Scenarios that should be
  accounted for are, for both clients in possession of a client
  password and clients without, using client_id/client_secret, using
  HTTP Basic and using other means of authentication/identification.
  OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Extra Authorization: Basic lines in examples

2011-07-25 Thread Brian Campbell
I believe those examples are okay.

The content in the post body is the grant while the HTTP Basic
Authorization header is the client authentication. They are two
different things.

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 10:27 PM, Mike Jones wrote:
 In sections 4.1.3, 4.3.2, 4.4.2, and 6 of draft -20, the examples contain
 both the line “Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW” and
 credentials in the post body.  For instance, the example from 4.3.2 is:

  POST /token HTTP/1.1


  Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW

  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8


 I believe that the “Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW” line
 should be deleted from all of these examples, as you either use Basic or
 credentials in the post body, but not both.


     -- Mike

 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] SAML Assertion Draft Items [Item 1: client auth]

2011-07-10 Thread Brian Campbell
Not before the submission deadline tomorrow.  Probably sometime before
submissions reopen.

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
 Sounds reasonable. Can you provide a schedule outline?


 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Campbell []
 Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2011 5:53 AM
 To: Eran Hammer-Lahav
 Cc: oauth
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] SAML Assertion Draft Items [Item 1: client auth]

 Thanks for the response, Eran. I'm breaking this thread up into the distinct
 issues.  Reply inline below to the first item about client auth.

 On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 11:24 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
   However, the SAML draft does not currently cover SAML for client
   authentication and profiling draft-ietf-oauth-assertions would
   suggest that it should.  Is there any general consensus as to if
   SAML should be profiled as a client authentication method?  It is
   certainly feasible but might require restructuring and retitling the 
  Are there use cases pending such functionality today? It would be a shame
 to delay an otherwise useful draft when the functionality can be added later.

 I don't have any such use cases in the near future.  Perhaps others can speak
 up? I personally see assertion based grants as being more important and
 more immediately useful.  That was one of the reasons I was looking to keep
 assertion grants and client assertion authentication separate.  That said,
 Chuck has done a nice job with his general treatment of them together in
 draft-ietf-oauth-assertions and the logical thing to do, in terms of how the
 various documents play together, would be to have draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-
 bearer cover client auth now too.

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] SAML Assertion Draft Items [Item 1: client auth]

2011-07-09 Thread Brian Campbell
Thanks for the response, Eran. I'm breaking this thread up into the
distinct issues.  Reply inline below to the first item about client

On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 11:24 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:

  However, the SAML draft does not currently cover SAML for client
  authentication and profiling draft-ietf-oauth-assertions would suggest that 
  should.  Is there any general consensus as to if SAML should be profiled as 
  client authentication method?  It is certainly feasible but might require
  restructuring and retitling the draft.

 Are there use cases pending such functionality today? It would be a shame to 
 delay an otherwise useful draft when the functionality can be added later.

I don't have any such use cases in the near future.  Perhaps others
can speak up? I personally see assertion based grants as being more
important and more immediately useful.  That was one of the reasons I
was looking to keep assertion grants and client assertion
authentication separate.  That said, Chuck has done a nice job with
his general treatment of them together in draft-ietf-oauth-assertions
and the logical thing to do, in terms of how the various documents
play together, would be to have draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer cover
client auth now too.
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] SAML Assertion Draft Items [Item 2: URI(s)]

2011-07-09 Thread Brian Campbell
Discussion on the other item, the grant_type URI, inline below.

This whole thing seems like it shouldn't be an issue at all as there's
no functionality involved.  But I've been hung up on it for a while
and the spec needs some URI. I could *really* use the advice of the AD
and/or Chairs on this.  Or anyone with more experience with defining
and using URIs/URNs.


On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 11:24 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:

 Item 2: URI(s)
 The value for grant_type is currently defined as but there have been some
 questions raised about the stability and appropriateness of the URL.

 I'm not a fan.

 I really did read RFCs 2648  3553, as was suggested at the last F2F meeting,
 but it's not clear to me how to register an IETF URI and/or if those RFCs are
 fully appropriate for this.  If someone could explain it to me in terms my
 preschooler could understand, maybe I could jump though the proper hoops
 to get the URI to be something like urn:ietf:something:something.

 Asking on the URN list usually helps.

I can try that.

I'm thinking it'd be something like
urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:grant_type:saml:2.0:bearer which is largely
based on seeing the use of urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob - was there an
actual registration done for that?  Or did it just start getting used?
Is doing that okay?

 Otherwise, I can continue to use and, assuming the draft
 should also cover client authentication, also define  The JWT version
 could then follow a similar pattern.  Or perhaps we could use the URI,
 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer which is defined in section 3.3 of
 saml-profiles-2.0-os as URI that identifies the bearer subject confirmation
 method.  It seems like that might be close enough to work out without
 violating anything serious.  And it could be used for both grant_type and
 client_assertion_type, which is nice.

 Don't use an OASIS URN. That's asking for trouble.

Is it really?  Because it's conceptually inappropriate?  Or because of
some supposed (or real) rift between standards bodies?  I mean, this
whole draft is about profiling SAML assertions (an OASIS spec) for use
with OAuth (soon an IETF spec).  Would using a URN too be so terrible?

You'd previously suggested (or asked why I didn't use)
urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion which is the XML NS for the
OASIS SAML assertion schema.  Would that somehow be different?  That
is still an option too, I think.  I hadn't used it because I wanted to
differentiate the means of confirming/validating the assertion - as a
bearer token - while leavening room for holder of key or other methods
in the future.  But using that NS wouldn't necessary preclude it.  I
was also looking for an identifier that would enable easy web
searching and urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion wouldn't really do
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] URI for OAuth SAML assertion grant type

2011-07-09 Thread Brian Campbell
Thank you for taking the initiate to post this, Eran.  And thank you,
Hannes, for the detailed and actionable reply.

If Eran is willing/able to do #1  #2, I'd be more than happy to do #3.

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
 Hi Eran, is definitely not a good idea 
 since a lookup would not return anything useful (most likely it will just 
 Whenever there is something that can be looked up, it will be looked up .

 I would create an IETF URN Sub-namespace, as documented in RFC 3553. An 
 example of such a sub-namespace is xml and described in RFC 3688.
 So, one could define a new 'oauth' sub-namespace. This would then look like 
 urn:ietf:params:oauth. Then, OAuth relevant parameters would be established 
 underneath it.

 To get this done three things are needed:

 1) Text that requests the oauth sub-namespace text
 This text has to go into draft-ietf-oauth-v2.

 2) Text that defines how values are added to this new registry
 This text has to go into draft-ietf-oauth-v2.

 3) Text that registers already defined values.
 This text would go into draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer following the template 
 created with (2).

 Regarding (1), example text could look like:


 IETF URN Sub-namespace Registration urn:ietf:params:oauth

   Per [RFC3553], IANA is requested to establish the following registry.  New 
   to the registry are Specification Required.

   Registry name: urn:ietf:params:oauth

   Specification:  Section X of this document contains the registry 

   Repository: To be assigned according to the guidelines found above.

   Index value: The class name


 Regarding (2), example text could look like:


 Section X: Registration Template for Sub-Namspace Registration of 

   If the registrant wishes to
   have a URI assigned, then a URN of the form


   will be assigned where class is the category of the parameters being 
 registered.  id is a unique id generated by the IANA
   based on any means the IANA deems necessary to maintain uniqueness
   and persistence.  NOTE: in order for a URN of this type to be
   assigned, the item being registered MUST be documented
   in a RFC.  The RFC 3553 [RFC3553] URN registration template is found
   in the IANA consideration section of this document.

   The registration procedure for new entries to the requires a request in the 
 form of the following template:

      The token URI that identifies the registerd component. If
      the registrant is requesting that the IANA assign a URI then this
      field should be specified as please assign.

   Common Name:
      The name by which the functionality being registered is generally 

   Registrant Contact:
      The individual/organization that is the registration contact for
      the component being registered.  Ideally, this will be the name
      and pertinent physical and network contact information.  In the
      case of IETF developed standards, the Registrant will be the IESG.

      Information about the registered functionality.


 Regarding (3), example text could look like:


 Sub-Namspace Registration of urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer

 This is a request to IANA to please register the value 
 grant-type:saml2-bearer in the registry urn:ietf:params:oauth established in 

   URN: urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer

   Common Name: SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Grant Type Profile for OAuth 2.0

   Registrant Contact: IESG

   Description: [[this document]]


 Other grant types would then go in 
 Other OAuth related parameters then go under urn:ietf:params:oauth:foobar


 On Jul 9, 2011, at 6:17 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:

 The OAuth WG is looking for assistance from the application area community.

 OAuth 2.0 [1] defines a URI-namespaced method for defining extension grant 
 types[2]. The first specification to use this method needs to pick a URI 
 identifier for using SAML assertions [3]. Options proposed:


 Is there a BCP established for this? We need to pick a value quickly and 
 move on.



 OAuth mailing list

 OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] SAML Assertion Draft Items

2011-07-07 Thread Brian Campbell

Unfortunately I will not be at IETF#81 and will probably not be able
to post a new draft of draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer prior to the I-D
submission cutoff date.  In lieu of that, I'd like to make a few
proposals and/or ask a few questions regarding the next draft in hopes
of fostering some productive discussion.

Item 1: Profiling of draft-ietf-oauth-assertions
Assuming the WG continues to support draft-ietf-oauth-assertions, the
SAML draft should become a profile/extension of it.  For SAML as a
grant type, that should be easy and even shorten/simplify this draft.
However, the SAML draft does not currently cover SAML for client
authentication and profiling draft-ietf-oauth-assertions would suggest
that it should.  Is there any general consensus as to if SAML should
be profiled as a client authentication method?  It is certainly
feasible but might require restructuring and retitling the draft.

Item 2: URI(s)
The value for grant_type is currently defined as but there have been some
questions raised about the stability and appropriateness of the URL.
I really did read RFCs 2648  3553, as was suggested at the last F2F
meeting, but it's not clear to me how to register an IETF URI and/or
if those RFCs are fully appropriate for this.  If someone could
explain it to me in terms my preschooler could understand, maybe I
could jump though the proper hoops to get the URI to be something like
urn:ietf:something:something.  Otherwise, I can continue to use and, assuming the draft
should also cover client authentication, also define  The JWT
version could then follow a similar pattern.  Or perhaps we could use
the URI, urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer which is defined in
section 3.3 of saml-profiles-2.0-os as URI that identifies the bearer
subject confirmation method.  It seems like that might be close enough
to work out without violating anything serious.  And it could be used
for both grant_type and client_assertion_type, which is nice.

Item 3: Processing rules
An out of band request came from folks at a large company to
change/relax the validation rules in order to allow for
interoperability with existing software products.  Which seems very
reasonable. The change would basically amount to relaxing the MUST on
the SubjectConfirmationData element to a SHOULD (or maybe loser
even) while adding a requirement for a NotOnOrAfter attribute on the
Conditions element (possibly conditionally based on the existence of
it, or not, on the SubjectConfirmationData).  It's a little hard to
explain but hopefully that conveys the idea.  It seems like a change
that should be made but I wanted to get some feedback from a wider
group before doing it.

I realize the assertion stuff is secondary to the core protocol for
most of you but I that you, if you've read this far, and I welcome and
appreciate any thoughts/feedback on these issues/questions.

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Example tokens

2011-07-06 Thread Brian Campbell
So on the 128-bit note, the examples could probably be a bit shorter,
22 characters would give somewhat more than 128 bits of randomness.
But to EHL's original question, the examples (currently 7-12
characters) should probably be longer.

On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Oleg Gryb wrote:
 log2(64^27)=162 bits

 Looks good. For comparison, 128-bit entropy for a key in symmetric encryption
 used by SSL is considered as strong.
 I'm assuming that all those 162 bits are generated by a good randomizer.

 - Original Message 
 From: Brian Campbell
 To: Eran Hammer-Lahav
 Cc: OAuth WG
 Sent: Wed, July 6, 2011 4:06:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Example tokens

 If I've done the math correctly, 27 characters would give you a little
 more  than 20 bytes worth of randomness (assuming your are using  random
 alphanumeric characters or base64url encoded bytes).  20 bytes  is
 something you see as a SHOULD type minimum length in other  protocols
 for random identifiers.  Not sure if that's sufficient  reasoning but
 it's what I can come up with.

 On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at  4:40 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav
  Are  the tokens used in the examples long enough? I don't want the examples
   to demonstrate poor choice of byte count.
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Re: [OAUTH-WG] Example tokens

2011-07-06 Thread Brian Campbell
Yes, I think it would apply to all three (in cases where the value is
some reference).  I feel like a refresh token should be a little
longer but I don't know if that feeling would actually hold up when
doing a real threat model analysis.

On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 9:53 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
 Does that apply to access tokens, refresh tokens, and authorization codes? I 
 can try squeezing in 22 characters.


 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Campbell []
 Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2011 8:46 PM
 To: Oleg Gryb
 Cc: Eran Hammer-Lahav; OAuth WG
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Example tokens

 So on the 128-bit note, the examples could probably be a bit shorter,
 22 characters would give somewhat more than 128 bits of randomness.
 But to EHL's original question, the examples (currently 7-12
 characters) should probably be longer.

 On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Oleg Gryb wrote:
  log2(64^27)=162 bits
  Looks good. For comparison, 128-bit entropy for a key in symmetric
  encryption used by SSL is considered as strong.
  I'm assuming that all those 162 bits are generated by a good randomizer.
  - Original Message 
  From: Brian Campbell
  To: Eran Hammer-Lahav
  Cc: OAuth WG
  Sent: Wed, July 6, 2011 4:06:29 PM
  Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Example tokens
  If I've done the math correctly, 27 characters would give you a
  little more  than 20 bytes worth of randomness (assuming your are
  using  random alphanumeric characters or base64url encoded bytes).
  20 bytes  is something you see as a SHOULD type minimum length in
  other  protocols for random identifiers.  Not sure if that's
  sufficient  reasoning but it's what I can come up with.
  On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at  4:40 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav
   Are  the tokens used in the examples long enough? I don't want the
    to demonstrate poor choice of byte count.
   OAuth mailing  list
  OAuth  mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] TODO: Mike J./Chuck M. (or me) to draft 4.5.1 subsection on assertions

2011-07-04 Thread Brian Campbell
I believe the new assertion draft covers it and this change can be
sidelined as long as the new draft has WG support to move forward.

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
 In light of the new assertion draft, do we still want to make this change?
 From: Brian Campbell
 Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 07:25:12 -0700
 To: oauth
 Subject: [OAUTH-WG] TODO: Mike J./Chuck M. (or me) to draft 4.5.1 subsection
 on assertions

 One of the action items out of yesterday's meeting was to draft some
 text for a section 4.5.1 in core that defined the optional but
 recommended use of an assertion parameter for extension grants where
 the use of a single parameter to carry the grant/assertion was
 possible.  Below is a first cut at some proposed text that hopefully
 avoids some of the awkwardness that EHL described in previous attempts
 to introduce such a parameter.  Comments or edits or editorial
 improvements are, of course, welcome.  But I think this hopefully
 captures the intent of what was discussed yesterday (and before).
 If we get some consensus to make this change, I think a couple of
 other actions are implied.
 - The IANA assertion parameter registration request
 should be removed from the SAML draft and put into
 - The spec
 will change the parameter it uses from jwt to assertion and drop the
 registration request for jwt

 --- proposed text for sections 4.5  4.5.1 ---
 4.5. Extensions
    The client uses an extension grant type by specifying the grant type
    using an absolute URI (defined by the authorization server) as the
    value of the grant_type parameter of the token endpoint, and by
    adding any additional parameters necessary.
    If the access token request is valid and authorized, the
    authorization server issues an access token and optional refresh
    token as described in Section 5.1.  If the request failed client
    authentication or is invalid, the authorization server returns an
    error response as described in Section 5.2.
 4.5.1 Assertion Based Extension Grants
   If the value of the extension grant can be serialized into a single
   parameter, as is case with a number of assertion formats, it is
   RECOMMENDED that that a parameter named assertion be used to
   carry the value.
  REQUIRED.  The assertion. The format and encoding of the
  assertion is defined by the authorization server or
  extension specification.
    For example, to request an access token using a SAML 2.0 assertion
    grant type as defined by [I-D.ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer], the client
    makes the following HTTP request using transport-layer security (line
    breaks are for display purposes only):
    POST /token HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    [...omitted for brevity...]V0aG5TdGF0ZW1lbnQ-PC9Bc3NlcnRpb24-
 OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] TODO: Mike J./Chuck M. (or me) to draft 4.5.1 subsection on assertions

2011-07-04 Thread Brian Campbell
Either way.  It could stay in there, if you want to show a concrete
example of an extension grant type.   Or it could be removed too -
draft-ietf-oauth-assertions and draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer will
have plenty of examples.

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 12:54 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
 What about the example using SAML assertion?
 From: Brian Campbell
 Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 11:42:21 -0700
 To: Eran Hammer-lahav
 Cc: oauth
 Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] TODO: Mike J./Chuck M. (or me) to draft 4.5.1
 subsection on assertions

 I believe the new assertion draft covers it and this change can be
 sidelined as long as the new draft has WG support to move forward.
 On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav

 In light of the new assertion draft, do we still want to make this change?
 From: Brian Campbell
 Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 07:25:12 -0700
 To: oauth
 Subject: [OAUTH-WG] TODO: Mike J./Chuck M. (or me) to draft 4.5.1 subsection
 on assertions
 One of the action items out of yesterday's meeting was to draft some
 text for a section 4.5.1 in core that defined the optional but
 recommended use of an assertion parameter for extension grants where
 the use of a single parameter to carry the grant/assertion was
 possible.  Below is a first cut at some proposed text that hopefully
 avoids some of the awkwardness that EHL described in previous attempts
 to introduce such a parameter.  Comments or edits or editorial
 improvements are, of course, welcome.  But I think this hopefully
 captures the intent of what was discussed yesterday (and before).
 If we get some consensus to make this change, I think a couple of
 other actions are implied.
 - The IANA assertion parameter registration request
 should be removed from the SAML draft and put into
 - The spec
 will change the parameter it uses from jwt to assertion and drop the
 registration request for jwt
 --- proposed text for sections 4.5  4.5.1 ---
 4.5. Extensions
    The client uses an extension grant type by specifying the grant type
    using an absolute URI (defined by the authorization server) as the
    value of the grant_type parameter of the token endpoint, and by
    adding any additional parameters necessary.
    If the access token request is valid and authorized, the
    authorization server issues an access token and optional refresh
    token as described in Section 5.1.  If the request failed client
    authentication or is invalid, the authorization server returns an
    error response as described in Section 5.2.
 4.5.1 Assertion Based Extension Grants
   If the value of the extension grant can be serialized into a single
   parameter, as is case with a number of assertion formats, it is
   RECOMMENDED that that a parameter named assertion be used to
   carry the value.
  REQUIRED.  The assertion. The format and encoding of the
  assertion is defined by the authorization server or
  extension specification.
    For example, to request an access token using a SAML 2.0 assertion
    grant type as defined by [I-D.ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer], the client
    makes the following HTTP request using transport-layer security (line
    breaks are for display purposes only):
    POST /token HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    [...omitted for brevity...]V0aG5TdGF0ZW1lbnQ-PC9Bc3NlcnRpb24-
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