Re: [Opensim-dev] move some parameters between inis

2013-10-16 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 13-10-15 04:42 PM, Serendipity Seraph wrote:

Of course I would be happier still if we moved on from these old school
config files to a nice opensim DSL.  :)

I know you don't mean digital subscriber line. What does DSL stand for in 
this context?


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
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#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] move some parameters between inis

2013-10-15 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 13-10-14 11:43 PM, ssm2017 wrote:

what do you think about moving :
- database settings from GridCommon.ini to OpenSim.ini (because it is not
concerning the grid itself)

There is a reason as to which settings are in OpenSim.ini and which are in 
one of the ini files in config-include but I don't know what it is off-hand. 
It would seem to make sense to have the database settings in OpenSim.ini as 
they would apply whether running in grid mode or standalone.

- datasnapshot groups, profiles, offline ims from OpenSim.ini to
GridCommon.ini (because it is concerning the grid and not the simulator itself)

These settings should not be moved. They are not just for grid use.

im asking this because as a grid maintainer, i would prefer to only give the
GridCommon.ini file to the people and let them do what they want with

I don't follow what you are saying here.

BTW, the above are just my thoughts. I'm not a core developer of OpenSim. I 
run it locally in standalone mode for testing and for building items, and I 
also help maintain a grid.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
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#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Conversion Script Flotsam -- V2 Groups

2013-09-15 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 13-09-14 05:34 PM, 3DGrid wrote:

If someone has an Idea, how to seperate the field values and to convert
them back to usable values for the new fields, I'm more then willing,
finding a way to feed this back to the new tables!

I documented the format of the binary bucket in the patch files attached to 
mantis #6699.

Byte offset and description of bucket data:
0:  1 byte indicating if attachment is present
1:  1 byte indicating the type of attachment
2:  16 bytes - Group UUID
18: 16 bytes - UUID of the attachment owner
34: 16 bytes - UUID of the attachment
50: variable - Name of the attachment
??: NUL byte to terminate the attachment name

As Diva stated, if the patches attached to mantis #6699 have NOT been 
applied to the Open Simulator code base, or you don't care about any 
attachments that may be on old group notices, you don't need to do anything.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
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#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Conversion Script Flotsam -- V2 Groups

2013-09-14 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 13-09-12 02:00 PM, 3DGrid wrote:

I migrated from Flotsam Groups to the new core group functionality.


Here the link:

Thanks for the script. It will help a number of people who want/need to 
migrate to core groups.

As an FYI, it won't help with the migration of the binary bucket (group 
notice attachment data) used with Flotsam groups for anyone using the patch 
I provided as part of mantis #6699. To migrate the bucket data would require 
a more sophisticated script (probably a PHP based one).


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
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#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Conversion Script Flotsam -- V2 Groups

2013-09-14 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 13-09-14 01:12 PM, 3DGrid wrote:

Where do you store the binary bucket? I have some in my flotsam, but do
not know, where they have to go during the migration (did not find a
conrrespondable table in os*groups)

In Flotsam groups, the table osgroupnotice has a field called 
BinaryBucket. That is what I used to store information about attachments 
to group notices.

The binary bucket contains up to four pieces of information in it. I don't 
know the detailed structure of core groups but AFAIK it uses separate fields 
to store all the data about notice attachments.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
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#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
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[Opensim-dev] Three minor OpenSim issues in mantis with patches

2013-06-17 Thread Kevin Cozens

Greetings, all.

I just filed three mantis reports about minor issues and included a patch to 
each report which fixes the reported issue. The mantis numbers are 6679, 
6680, and 6681.

The three mantis reports and patch files address the following issues:
6679 - Prevent an exception if offline message list is null
6680 - Don't clear all cached group data on an update for one group
6681 - Set default name of mute list module as shown in OpenSim.ini.example


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
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#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] GIT (Linux only) allways need to stash commits to update repo with pull...

2013-05-28 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 13-05-28 03:43 PM, OpenSimFan wrote:

with GIT (Linux only)  I always need to stash commits to update master repo
with pull... why

If you have uncommited changes you need to stash them before you can pull. 
If you have commited but not pushed changes then use git pull --rebase.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
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#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Diva Groups and Offline IM

2013-02-18 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 13-02-16 03:29 PM, John Sheridan wrote:

Really cool, thank you Diva! :)  I wonder, per chance could this commit
be ported over to 0.7.5-postfixes?

It is something I will be looking at to see how easy it might be to 
backport. Don't know when I might get time to do it with all the 
projects already on my plate.

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Update for group module flotsam

2012-10-29 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-10-28 06:54 PM, Melanie wrote:

The presence service already has a call to fetch the online status
for a list of users rather then for just one user, AFAIR. At least I
remember putting such a call into the design.

I just took a look at the code and you are correct. In the file 
Services/Connectors/Presence/PresenceServicesConnector.cs there is a 
function GetAgent() which takes a string[] of UUID's and returns an array of 
type PresenceInfo.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
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#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Whats best way to get more debug info on linux mono.

2012-10-02 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-10-01 06:57 PM, R.Gunther wrote:

But my train is crashing the sim regulair sofar in 24 hours with stacktrace.
My train is a good stresstest. grin.

Maby i can get more intressting data for the devs.

The main thing you can do is to run OpenSim using mono --debug. The 
--debug option will make the stacktraces include file names and line 
numbers. Not sure what else you can do other than include a log extract 
along with the backtrace when the program hits an exception or crashes.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
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#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] How do I get to put references to the dll's I need in the build file for OptionalModules?

2012-09-07 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-09-07 08:43 PM, Edmund Edgar wrote:

I've got a new module I'm building called FreeMoney under
Region/OptionalModules/ which wants to be able to use MySql and dll's. When I try to build the project on Ubuntu:

...I get errors like:


What do I have to do to make put those lines in the
build file?

You need a prebuild.xml file for the module.

Other can comment on the use of putting module code under 
Region/OptionalModules. When I use, or work on, additional modules I put 
them under addon-modules. In your case you would create a directory 
addon-modules/FreeMoney and put the prebuild.xml file in that directory 
along with the files and directory structure for the files needed to compile 
the module.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
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#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] opensim Exception - faild to load addtional modulle....

2012-07-25 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-07-25 07:47 AM, OpenSimFan wrote:

  i'm using My Open Grid HGExchange modulle,  what exactly has changed to
fail an additional dll to load?

Some changes were made to module loading a while ago. That might have 
affected your module depending on its age. Off the top of my head, I would 
say you should compare the Initialise() and AddRegion() in your module code 
to other modules.

Without knowing the exact message(s) you get when you try to load the module 
its hard to say for sure if this has anything to do with the reason your 
module won't load.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
| powerful!
#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] opensim Exception - faild to load addtional modulle....

2012-07-25 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-07-25 02:40 PM, OpenSimFan wrote:

the module is a money module, and for MOG marketplace website .

I am also working on a money module and initially had problems with loading 
it in 0.7.3 when it was originally written for 0.7.1 version of OS.

this is a recurring problem, when you compile a new version of opensim,
its not possible to use older modules.

If you are paying for a money module you would expect the creator of the 
module to keep it up to date. If you aren't paying for the module you should 
have source for it so you can review what it is doing and look for possible 

It is possible to update OS and still use older modules. It depends on how 
old is the module you are trying to use.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
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#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] take on the CenomeAssetCache challenge..??

2012-07-20 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-07-18 04:29 AM, OpenSimFan wrote:

someone wants to take on the CenomeAssetCache challenge..?? (try to fix it)
I still like it, to bad it doesn't work...

It would help if you provided more information about what is wrong with the 


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
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#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Questions about Vehicle scripting calls

2012-07-04 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-06-08 06:15 PM, Mike Higgins wrote:

Then I looked in the ODEDynamics.cs code where, starting at line 663, the
comments from KF say So far I have found no good method to combine a
script-requested .Z velocity and gravity. Then he proceeds to replace the
requested linear motor Z value with the current Z velocity of the body.
Since a balloon is buoyant, the Z of the current velocity is always 0 and
this looks like it is probably the problem. It always resets the linear
motor Z value to 0 here. I'll have to think about what should be done here...

Nice catch, Mike. Have you had time to investigate this any further?


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
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#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Questions about Vehicle scripting calls

2012-06-07 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-06-07 03:09 AM, Mike Higgins wrote:

Also at the recent OpenSim developers meeting, Andrew Hellershanks said
(about llSetTImerEvent minimum time limits) Not sure why you would want to
use something other [less] than 1.0. I think the developers need to know
that there are 1000's of scripters in SL DESPERATELY trying to find ANY WAY
to make simple things like a fish move smoothly through the water at a
constant velocity.

That is a misquote. The comment about using something other than 1.0 was 
about the ScriptDelayFactor and not about wanting time delays less than 1 
second. IIRC, if you ask for a delay of x seconds, you get a delay of 
x*ScriptDelayFactor seconds. Changing the scale factor affects every script 
in a grid and is probably not something you would want to do unless you are 
testing, or else you will get complaints from users asking why the delays in 
their script aren't giving them the delay they asked for.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
| powerful!
#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Questions about Vehicle scripting calls

2012-06-06 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-06-05 07:46 PM, Mike Higgins wrote:

I am in the process of testing the OpenSim vehicle scripting calls and
trying to find out what works and what can be worked around.


Instead of submitting 1000 line vehicle scripts that do not work, I am
writing small 10-line scripts that demonstrate a particular problem.

Issue 0006040 is
particularly interesting because if my hypothesis is correct, the linear
 motor direction is being actively projected onto the global XY plane. I
 cannot get an airplane to glide up, or a balloon to rise using the
linear motor.

I'm somewhat interested in vehicle scripting as some of the issues may be 
related to other movement related issues I have when I try to make some 
fireworks. It would also be good to have fixed so I could use my flying 
sleigh at Christmas time. :-)

I have a fireworks script from SL. It seems to be almost working. The 
problem I see is that when the main script tries to launch the firework 
projectile, the vertical velocity requested in the llRezObject call is 
ignored. The projectile moves slightly in the X and Y directions a small 
amount (less than expected), then explodes. The lack of vertical motion 
sounds similar to the problem mentioned above with vehicle scripts.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
| powerful!
#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Questions about Vehicle scripting calls

2012-06-06 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-06-06 07:30 PM, Brianna wrote:

let me remind you OpenSim is not SL.. as such start with a fresh script
using X and ODE.

I don't find a lot of scripts need massive rewrites. I've brought a lot of 
scripts over from SL to OS. Sometimes I have to deal with poorly written 
scripts, sometimes I clean them up to reduce possible sources of lag (ie. 
reducing their runtime), and sometimes it is to eliminate SLisms in the 
code. For scripts I also use in SL I have often done some initial cleanup 
(dealing with the first two issues) before the script makes it so an OS grid.

The flying sleigh might need a new script but I haven't looked at it in 
detail for some time. The firework script is very simple and it comes down 
to one line to fire the projectile. Hard to get much simpler than that.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
| powerful!
#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Getting Maptiles in a robust installation

2012-05-30 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-05-29 05:20 AM, Klaus-E. Klingner wrote:

how can I access the maptiles in a robust-installation?

Wiredux uses that method to obtain map tiles. First, check that you have set 
GenerateMaptiles=true in the OpenSim.ini file. Second, double check the IP 
address and port you are using. The port address of 8002 looks like a port 
used by Robust.

You should be using the IP address of an OS instance and the port address on 
which that instance is listening. In my setups, I have been running wiredux 
so I can run the map_parser.php script to contact all running instances and 
obtain map tiles which are then saved on the web server for later use by 


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
| powerful!
#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] UserFlags

2012-05-21 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-05-21 06:28 PM, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:

1 seems to be AllowPublish and 2 is MaturePublish (whatever those mean).

That would be references to publishing an avatars profile so it can be 
access via a website.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
| powerful!
#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Updating Datasnapshot

2012-03-11 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-03-11 03:06 PM, Diva Canto wrote:

I'm about to update the DataSanpshot module to include relevant information
that has been added to OpenSim in the last couple of years. I'd like to take
this opportunity to clean up some things that were there as sketches for
what would come, but before I do, I want to make sure that no one is using

Good of you to check first, Diva. Keep me up-to-date on your changes to the 
XML data (if possible before the changes) so I can check on their impact (if 
any) to ossearch, discuss changes if they might be a problem, and update 
ossearch to keep it work as you make changes.

As seen, way back then we added a node called grid that had a child called
gridserverURL. That was a guess name at the time meant to capture what is
now known as the Gatekeeper. Before I rename this to GatekeeperURL: is
anyone relying on the existence of this field called gridserverURL?

I didn't remember seeing the grid/grid section until you mentioned it. 
That section isn't being used by ossearch.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
| powerful!
#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Updating Datasnapshot

2012-03-11 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-03-11 10:22 PM, Diva Canto wrote:

It's there. That's the only thing I want to change: gridserverURL --
gatekeeperURL inside that grid section.
Any objections anyone?

ok. The e-mail made me think you were planning other changes.
No objections from me.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
| powerful!
#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Proposal: Implement a de-duplicating core ROBUST asset service

2012-03-09 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-03-09 10:47 AM, Bo wrote:

Have assets in the MySql is a fine solution for standalones and very small
grids. Please, don't change it, if you feel this as the only OS future..

IIRC, the intention is to make it optional. Standalones and small grids can 
continue to have blobs in the database as is done currently. Larger grids 
can benefit from switching to a de-duplicating asset system.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
| powerful!
#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Cloning avatar

2012-03-07 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-03-07 08:15 AM, Olli Aro wrote:

Does anyone know how I can copy the appearance of an existing user to a
newly created user? With older version of OpenSim I used to do this by
copying the rows in avatars database table.

That should be all you need to do. Keep in mind that the current version of 
OpenSim uses multiple rows per avatar for the full set of appearance data.

Do, I now also have to copy across the inventory items, so they are
visible to the newly created user?

If you don't copy the wearable items to inventory the avatar will not be 
able to reset their appearance to what you provide after they change to some 
other set of wearables.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
| powerful!
#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] change the URL in the viewer for the search (Websearch)

2012-02-28 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-02-25 02:26 PM, FoTo50 wrote:

Am 25.02.2012 20:03, schrieb Kevin Cozens:

It would be useful to be able to set some of those settings via a .ini
file but that isn't supported yet.

Is there any plan to implement it in the near future?

Probably not. I think it would be a low priority item compared to a lot of 
the other things that need fixing.

I dont mean the partner information itself, but the small button with the
? beside of it, that leads to an external web page

That is most likely another issue of a URL embedded in the viewer source. 
You would have to check the viewer source to see if the item could be 
changed by something sent during login to OS.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
| powerful!
#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Avatar Override IAR available??

2012-01-12 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 12-01-12 12:05 PM, Robert Martin wrote:

(bonus points if you also have a source for a good set of Free Ballet
animations ( the basic postions, a good sit , walk and a couple dances
would work))

Lots of dance moves (and lots of other stuff) at:

You may need to convert some of the files to BVH format.


Kevin.   |Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
| powerful!
#include disclaimer/favourite | --Chris Hardwick
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Improved OSSearch OSProfile @mailing mods

2011-11-17 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 11-11-15 02:13 PM, Argus wrote:

I posted a patch over a week ago which due to the patch size still
waiting to be passt on... Maybe a mod could review it an send it around?

I have done some changes to the OSSearch and OSProfile module. The
changes require the webservices and the os modules to be updated.

After implementation the inworld search will show the classifieds and the
search is improved. Maybe someone of the devs could aply the changes to
Forge ;)

Profile Module -

- Added the inworld search for classiefieds to the Profile Module as the
Classifieds are created and saved by the Profile Module.

Search Module -

- Removed the classifieds which are now in the profile module -
improved the seach by keywords... - added a db cleanup option to
register.php. This removes all old data from the database. This is to
improve the search and keep the db smaler. This also requires a new field
in regions table...

It is not that easy to review patch files that have changes for several 
different issues at the same time. Separate patches dealing with 
improvements to search, dealing with hostsregister, and restructuring would 
have made rewing the changes easier.

Good catch on noticing events and classifieds weren't using the user 
supplied text in the search query. A modified version of your change has 
been committed for events and I'm going to do the classified one shortly.

BTW, your original change didn't protect against possible SQL injection.

I don't like the idea of the search code being able to remove entries from 
the hostsregister table. The data might be useful for some debugging 
situatins. Any removal of the data should be done via an external routine. 
The timestamp might be useful but someone who runs a bigger grid might want 
to comment on that. Knowing how often OS instances are polled along with the 
failcounter field can tell you how long it has been since the last 
successful poll of an OS instance.

Both the Search and Profile modules will be installed in most OpenSim 
installations although each can work without the other. I like the division 
of labour that exists between the two modules. I don't think moving code 
between modules to avoid the overlap in classifieds is the right thing to 
do. It might even complicate things a bit if you only wanted to install one 
of the two modules. I'm open to discussion on this if someone wants to make 
a case for moving the classifieds code to the profile module.

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Improved OSSearch OSProfile @mailing mods

2011-11-15 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 11-11-15 02:13 PM, Argus wrote:

I posted a patch over a week ago which due to the patch size still waiting

Search and Profile are two modules that interest me. I was busy on another 
project when you sent the revised patch so I haven't looked at it yet. I 
started some work on Search this past weekend and was just reminded of your 
patches so I will look at them in the next day or so.

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] WiFi Suggestion

2011-11-09 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 11-11-09 01:16 PM, Jason Spriggs wrote:

1. Options to have a user agree to a TOS/EULA before they can register.

IIRC, the Aurora grid software has this feature. Perhaps the relevant code 
can block can be adapted for use in OpenSim.

1. Will User Search Work again?

The search features are enabled using the OpenSimProfile module. If you have 
that installed and finding there is a problem when searching on avatar 
names, please provide more details about the issue you are having.

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] WiFi Suggestion

2011-11-09 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 11-11-09 02:10 PM, Kevin Cozens wrote:

On 11-11-09 01:16 PM, Jason Spriggs wrote:

1. Options to have a user agree to a TOS/EULA before they can register.

IIRC, the Aurora grid software has this feature. Perhaps the relevant code
can block can be adapted for use in OpenSim.

1. Will User Search Work again?

The search features are enabled using the OpenSimProfile module. If you have
that installed and finding there is a problem when searching on avatar
names, please provide more details about the issue you are having.

Of course, I meant to say OpenSimSearch module.
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] The case for greater than 1024x1024 pixel textures.

2011-11-07 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 11-11-06 11:53 PM, Amy Smith wrote:

This is part of an effort to increase the awareness in
the developer community of a longstanding need among
OpenSim content creators and designers of simulator
environments, for higher resolution pixel textures

I'm not sure that is such a good idea. It could fill up the memory of a 
video card if you had several large textures in nearby objects. I have 
wondered about the possibility of one or both of two other options.

First, add support for scalable vector graphics. This wouldn't solve the 
cartoon look but would allow for things like signs and certain other 
images to be scaled without loss of quality to any size required.

Second, add support for a (Renderman-like?) shading language system. Shaders 
are used by rendering systems used in 3D modelling and/or animation programs 
(such as Blender). Examples of shading language based rendering packages are 
Yafray, Aqsis, Pixie, and 3Delight. This would not be an easy thing to 
implement as there would need to be changes on the viewer end to support 
editing of shader parameters. It would certainly open up a lot of 
interesting possibilities for item textures and effects.

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] The case for greater than 1024x1024 pixel textures.

2011-11-07 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 11-11-07 12:37 PM, Fritigern Gothly wrote:

Or do you mean the svg file format?

I meant the SVG file format.

Second, add support for a (Renderman-like?) shading language system.

Yes, it would take changes on the viewer end. But how would this
affect OpenSim, as it would a viewer only feature?

It might not affect the Open Simulator code much if at all. I don't know if 
a new asset type would be useful, or required, to properly support use of 

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Signal Handling

2011-11-07 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 11-11-07 06:51 PM, Melanie wrote:

You should Mantis it and then maybe post the Mantis link here. I for
one might be interested in signals processing, like proper SIGTERM
and maybe SIGHUP.

I would also find that useful.
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Improved OSSearch OSProfile

2011-10-24 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 11-10-23 09:28 AM, Argus wrote:

- Added the inworld search for classiefieds to the Profile Module as the
 Classifieds are created and saved by the Profile Module.

Thanks for the changes. I'll take a closer look when I have more time. It 
has been a while since I looked at the search and profile code. It is

not that easy to see what changes you made as you provided a modified copy
of the original source trees. A unified diff of the changes would have made
the review process easier.

Search by keywords in the profile module sounds good. I don't quite see the
need for the change to the database structure for regions. When an OS
instance shuts down the entry in the hostsregister table should be removed. 
IIRC, when the search parser wants to retrieve data for a given entry in the 
hostsregister table, it deletes all data for that host before adding the 
current data.

Rather than adding a date you could use the failcounter field in the
hostsregister table. If an OS instance listed in that table goes away the
failcounter will keep incrementing and the data for that host would remain 
in the tables until the OS instance becomes available.

IIRC, the parsing routine will stop checking a region after the failcounter 
reaches a given value. If it doesn't, it could be easily updated to do so 
and when that limit is reached, the host entry and associated data could be 
removed automatically. This might be the better approach and no special 
clean up would be required as it would happen automatically.

Removing the classifieds table from one of the modules isn't the right thing
to do. One would expect typical OS install to have both search and profile 
modules but each module can work without the other.

An external web page (for example) could create classifieds to be seached 
without the need for the profile module. On the other hand, someone could 
create classifieds using the profile section in their viewer that would be 
searched via a web page if the search module wasn't installed.

You might be seeing a problem with the modules if you are using a separate 
databases. While it would be possible to do so, it would need some changes 
to the code to avoid difficulties when it comes to creation/searching of 
classifieds. In the First time installation section of the README in the 
ossearch module source tree I mention that you should use the same database 
for osprofile and ossearch.

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Changing HUD for all accounts

2011-09-15 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 11-09-15 02:10 PM, Robert Martin wrote:

on a sidenote is there any good sites with a LARGE number of free scripts/iars
a site where you can get things like a Stargate (which assumes you can
handle the backend)

Try this --
There used to be a free script library in Second Life. The closed down the 
in-world region but left everything on their website. I don't remember the 
URL for it at the moment but I can look for it another time if you need it.

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Extract OAR Files

2011-08-21 Thread Kevin Cozens

On 11-08-21 04:32 PM, Levi Martson wrote:

Is there any way to extract the oar file from a OpenSim 0.6.9 instance
without having to setup the database and run the .exe file?

An oar file is a gzipped tar file. If you want to extract its contents you 
can use tar xfz file.oar. I don't think you can (easily) load the contents 
of an oar file in to an OpenSim database without using an OS instance.

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Proposed feature addition to OpenSim/Region/OptionalModules/Avatar/XmlRpcGroups/GroupsModule.cs (patch included)

2011-05-27 Thread Kevin Cozens

Justin Clark-Casey wrote:

The best way to generate a suitable patch is to use

git am commit uuid^

git am is used when applying a patch file. I think you meant to say git 
format-patch uuid^ or you can use the format I usually use which is git 
format-patch -n where n is a number stating how many of the recent 
commits are to be saved out as patch files. Each commit will be saved in a 
separate file with a file name that starts with a number and ends with part 
of the commit message.

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Groups

2011-05-12 Thread Kevin Cozens

Pi And Company wrote:

What is the most simple, least complex, fastest, method to setup groups in
opensim 0.7.1

I was going to suggest the flotsam group code but I haven't tested it 
recently with an 0.7 based grid.

See for additional information.
Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] OpenSimulator 0.7.1 released

2011-05-08 Thread Kevin Cozens

Ai Austin wrote:
show version works in the OpenSim.exe console... but not in the 
Robust.exe console. Should show version be added as a command there too?

I would vote for show version to be available in the Robust console.

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] Inventory Migration

2011-03-01 Thread Kevin Cozens

Andrew Hughes wrote:

What's your favorite tool for migrating your created material out of SL into
Opensim? I have heard of some options but wanted to know what you found to
be the most user friendly?

I have used Stored Inventory (previously called Second Inventory). Not the 
friendliest of programs in some ways but it has worked. Recently they have 
tightened up the permission checks performed by the program so you need to 
be the creator of all prims/objects and the textures they use.

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.

2011-02-14 Thread Kevin Cozens

Ina Centaur wrote:

In trying to apply a hair color change script, I encountered the above
error. LSL @

The error is in the last argument you are passing in the list in the call to 
llSetPrimitiveParams. It takes a float and you are passing a vector.

The details about the parameters lists can be found at:

The bit of code would be a bit more efficient if you were to save the result 
from the call to llList2String/llGetLinkPrimitiveParams in a variable at the 
top of the inner loop. In each of the if statements you would then use that 
variable instead of having to do the pair of calls for each of the conditionals.

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] 0.7.1

2010-12-09 Thread Kevin Cozens

Diva Canto wrote:
It would be great if we could focus some energy around fixing the stated 
critical bugs. Energy means testing, reporting, *and* fixing. If there 
are other bugs that ppl think are critical, please add them to the list. 

There are a couple of issues that come to my mind.

There can be a lot of lag in a region when several people are logging in at 
the same time. This is seen regularly in osgrid. I don't know if this 
problem is in the code that will be part of 0.7.1 or if it is only a 
problem in git master. If it will hit 0.7.1 I would put it in the list of 
Want To Fix bugs or possibly in MUST FIX.

The second issue that came to mind is the location of green dots in the 
mini map often shows avatars somewhere other than where they really are. 
Now that I wrote that I reminded myself its only an issue for the mini map 
so this is a minor issue. If it gets added to the list it would be filed 
under Optional.

Opensim-dev mailing list

Re: [Opensim-dev] interfaces to opensim for sensor network data

2010-11-24 Thread Kevin Cozens

CJ Davies wrote:
Can anybody link me to any information on what available interfaces 
there are for presenting the sensor data to opensim?

Sounds like an interesting and fun project.

The easiest way to get the sensor data in to opensim is to have an inworld 
script that polls an external webserver. The polling rate you would need would 
depend on how quickly you want the virtual world to respond to events in the 
real world.

A similar but slightly better way to do this is to use an inworld script that 
listens for data via an http connection. There are a couple of advantages to 
this. The inworld scripts will be mostly idle (minimizing their impact on the 
server load) while waiting for data vs. constantly polling for data and having 
to parse the data to see what might have changed. It would also make the 
inworld scripts more responsive to real world events. As soon as new sensor 
data was available it can be pushed to opensim and the waiting scripts would 
wake up to process the incoming data.


Kevin.   |What are we going to do today, Borg?
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  |Same thing we always do, Pinkutus:
|  Try to assimilate the world!
#include disclaimer/favourite |  -Pinkutus  the Borg
Opensim-dev mailing list