2001-03-02 Thread Jim Archer

Denis, this is way overstating the "compliance" of both Orion and Weblogic. 
Both of these servers have substantial issues with adherence to the 
proposed final draft. Both lack some features and implement others 
incorrectly or incompletely.

Any examples you see that are written to demonstrate EJB 2.0 on Orion 
(particulary the ones I wrote) demonstrate not EJB 2.0 as speced in the 
PFD, but rather how to make EJB 2.0 run on Orion. Orion has big differences 
between what it does and whats written in the PFD spec.

This is not a knock on Orion. EJB 2.0 is a moving target and keeping up 
would take substantial resources maybe for very little gain. I expect when 
the actual spec comes out we will see Orion adopt it agressively, although 
I am just guessing, as I don't speak for Orion. I cdertianally hope this is 
the case, as I want to deploy my J2EE/EJB 2.0 stuff on it.

If you want to start coding for EJB 2.0 now then there are two options that 
adhere ridgely to the PFD. First, is the reference implementation of J2EE 
beta recently released by Sun and available from them. Next is the MVC Soft 
persistence manager, available at:

Be warned! The final spec may change and you may have to change your code.

Have fun and good luck!


--On Friday, March 02, 2001 10:49 AM -0800 denis despinoy 

 After testing against the ejb2.0 spec It appears Orion
 and Weblogic are the only two considered EJB2.0
 compliant so far.

 What are looking after in the ejb2.0 spec ?


 --- Ray Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The latest information in hand that I know of is
 that no - they do not support EJBQL - although
 that may have changed recently. Not sure that I know
 of any app server that is fully EJB2.0
 compliant as yet...

 --- fresnaULL [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does Orion provide support for EJBQL? Which Orion
  Is Orion full EJB 2.0 compliant?
  Thanks in advance

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

- Robert Frost, 1916

Re: Test20Cmp / Jim Archers example

2001-02-23 Thread Jim Archer

Yes, I know why they are there...

At one point with some version of Orion way back when, failing to 
initialize the fields to something caused an error (I don't remember 
exactly what error) when the bean was persisted or activated or something 
like that. Much of my code from which pieces of the examples were taken 
didn't populate all fields in the bean, just the key field, in the create 
method. This example, I believe, does not work that way (I would have to 
check and don't remember off the top of my head).

So prehaps the need for this was long ago removed by a fix or upgrade. This 
is an old example now. Mostly, the three examples I wrote, I feel, are 
usefull for demonstrating how to make EJB 2.0 CMP work under Orion. Orion's 
implementation veries a bit from the proposed final draft, so these 
examples do whats needed to make the code work.

BTW, Joe and whoever else maintains, could you guys add my 
other two examples to the site? I get many requests for these files from 
people who said they looked there first...


--On Thursday, February 22, 2001 1:02 PM -0500 Tim Endres 

 I am not certain about Jim's example. However, we use this style of code
 to null out "transient" fields that get filled in during the use of an
 entity bean. The problem is that these fields are not "cleared" between
 passivation and re-activation. Thus, you can have fields with invalid
 values from a pervious incantation of the bean. Clearing these fields
 solves that problem.


 I just read Arhcer's Test20Cmp example (posted on this list earlier on).
 I am unaware of the need for the initToNull() method (see below); does
 anyone know why its there - its is repeated in the later examples aswell.

 Well, I know at least one guy who knows... but if anyone else but Jim
 himself knows, you are of course also very welcome to reply ;-). Thanks.


 public String ejbCreate() {
  trace("ejbCreate() entered");


  setEmail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");

  trace("ejbCreate() exiting");

   // In CMP, should return null.
   return null;

  private void initToNull()
  trace("initToNull() entered");


  trace("initToNull() exiting");

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

- Robert Frost, 1916

RE: CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem

2001-02-23 Thread Jim Archer

Heck, I would love to know a guess on when the darned spec will be available! The 
sooner the better!


--On Friday, February 23, 2001 9:15 AM -0500 Michael A Third [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the reply.  We were already doing this, and I realized how
 repetitive it was and hoped that 1.4.7 could cut the time we spent doing
 this (we have a lot of these relationships).  Does anyone have a guess as
 to when full EJB 2.0 support will be available?



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Schnitzer
 Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 8:18 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem

 Bidirectional relationships do not yet work.

 There are two workarounds that have worked for me:

 Manually add (and remove!) both sides of the relationship.  So your
 Marketplace.addStorefront() method would look like this:

 void addStorefront(Storefront front)


 etc.  Alternatively you can modify your
 Marketplace.getMarketplaceStorefronts() method so that instead of
 obtaining the storefronts from the internal collection it runs a
 findByMarketplace finder method on the StorefrontHome.  Then you just
 need to make sure that the storefronts-marketplace reference is kept


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael A Third [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 3:37 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem

 I have been trying to get Orion to correctly map a non-dependant
 bidirectional 1:N relationship using EJB 2.0.  It tries to generate a
 collection mapping that uses a third table to hold the
 reference.  I was
 able to deploy it properly using a unidirectional relationship.

 Here is the relevant entries from ejb-jar.xml (edited for brevity):









  !-- 1:N (Marketplace Storefront) --












 Here is the generated orion-ejb-jar.xml (again, edited):
 name="marketplaceID" persistence-
  name="marketplaceID" /
  cmp-field-mapping name="storefronts"


 cmp-field-mapping name="marketplaceID" persistence-

 name="marketplaceID" /

 cmp-field-mapping name="value"


Port 23791

2001-02-19 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

Does anyone know why Orion is listening on port 23791?



I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

- Robert Frost, 1916

RE: Any news from Orion yet??

2001-02-14 Thread Jim Archer

Everyone on this thread has made excellant points. To me, the issue for 
this list is not the best way for these people to train on EJB. Thats for 
them (and then their customers) to decide, and I am disinterested. I think 
the point here is that Orion was asked a question and didn't reply. A 
simple and quick 'yes' or 'no' would suffice.


--On Wednesday, February 14, 2001 9:25 AM -0800 "Duffey, Kevin" 

 I can not speak for Orion, but I can tell you that I have read many a
 thread in this list and there are plenty of people knowledgeable about
 Orion. However, I still lack the connection between Orion and EJB. Sure,
 it gives you a platform to run EJB on, but I am not sure why someone must
 learn Orion EJB, instead of just EJB. If you are looking for a FREE EJB
 application server, there are a few around, JBoss being one of the best I
 have seen. However, I don't believe you would need to pay Orion for the
 use of Orion in a classroom. I could be wrong, but that doesn't sound
 like a production environment to me. Orion only charges based on
 production licenses. Again..I could be wrong and if I am I apologize. In
 that case, I would look at using free alternatives that get the job done.
 Jboss appears to be a very capable EJB application server, and I am sure
 Tomcat can provide a good enough front-end for jsp/servlets to get the
 job done. Also, unless you are teaching a specific tool (such as
 JBuilder) which is not what is indicated in the original thread (teaching
 EJB on Orion), I see no reason why you wouldn't teach them the "right"
 tools, being command line tools that get the job done. There are many
 free IDE's that do nicely, and cheap ones too. I personally use UltraEdit
 ($30) and ANT (Java make/script that allow me to quickly
 compile, jar and deploy a project with a single easy to understand xml
 script file. My point is, why does it require a $3000 tool for each
 person in the class, and a $1500 (by the way..that is very cheap
 especially when you compare the costs to a cluster of WebLogic, WebSphere
 or Jrun (or others) that can costs as much as $15K (or more) per CPU per
 server) app server when you can teach them the EJB and the tools that get
 the job done (that the fancy IDE's usually use anyways) for free? My focus
 here is on the original post that said they want to teach EJB. There
 wasn't any mention of teaching tools that deploy EJB into any specific
 app server. I think the original post made it clear they want to instruct
 on EJB. If the class is to teach EJB within Orion, then possibly teaching
 how to set up Orion, deploy into it, etc is a good thing. If you took
 that approach, and you bought several licenses at once (if they are
 required), the Orion team may even give you a break on the price. As for
 why they don't respond..well, I can't answer that.

 Anyways..I hope the class goes well.

 -Original Message-
 From: Rabi Satter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 7:03 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Any news from Orion yet??

 As a former trainer I can understand exactly what Kevin is
 trying to say.
 That is when you do training you need a platform for the
 students to learn.
 In the case of EJB you don't say gee here is how it should
 work and have a
 nice day. You say here is how it works and now lets have you build an
 example. The spec does not help you and your students build a
 example. You need an app server.

 As for the cost at $1500 a pop per workstation and a typical
 training room
 of 15 workstations plus trainer workstation that is $24,000
 not including
 cost of hardware and other software to support training
 people on EJB like
 JBuilder. JBuilder Enterprise is $2999 and you can see that a
 training room
 can quickly become an expensive proposition without aid from
 the vendor. I
 have not even begun to add the cost of developing courseware and

 Regardless, what is more disheartening is the lack of
 response from Orion.
 Quite frankly the fast way to become the number one app server is by
 training people. Those people then become your main sales
 force and with
 little or no cost to the company.

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Duffey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 1:41 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: RE: Any news from Orion yet??

 I am sorry, but I don't quite understand how training of EJB
 on Orion is any
 different than that of other platforms? You are trainging EJB, not the
 vendor application server. EJB is EJB, no matter what
 platform it runs on.
 If every vendor adhered to the spec as they should, an EJB
 will run on any
 app server.

 Also, are you providing an online service that teaches over
 the internet and
 you need Orion to run that site? Or do you have in-class
 instruction and
 each person in the class needs to use Orion? I am unclear as
 to why you only
 need one license? Orion 

RE: How does this effect Orion?

2001-02-14 Thread Jim Archer

The EJB 2.0 support is my big question. Currently, there is none.


--On Wednesday, February 14, 2001 3:37 PM -0800 Jeff Schnitzer 

 That's an interesting question.  The investor story is not good - they
 recently terminated their CEO/President and CFO, restated a year of
 earnings (which put them in the red), and reduced their heacount from
 132 to 106.  Their stock, which was trading ~$20 this time last year, is
 now at $0.31.  New Atlanta backed out of their stock-based acquisition
 arrangement, although Unify is still bundling ServletExec.  It looks

 How is their EJB 2.0 support?  I'm guessing that quite a few J2EE
 providers are going to be shaken out in this transition.  There's no way
 a market will continue to support thirty people selling the same thing.


 -Original Message-
 From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 7:10 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: How does this effect Orion?

 I have read the announcement at about
 the ewave server for only $595 per CPU.  The company marketing
 it has a good marketing and capital engine behind them, so I
 wonder how this will effect Orion?  It is very interesting
 that there are over thirty vendors offering some flavor of
 J2EE technology, anywhere from the high priced servers like
 Weblogic to the open source servers like Jboss.  Yet this
 industry is supposed to be around $2 billion now and projected
 to be $12 billion in two years.  This means there is a market
 for all the "good" products, and the consumer and developer
 will become the clear winners.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

- Robert Frost, 1916

Re: EJB-QL in 1.4.7

2001-02-13 Thread Jim Archer


--On Monday, February 12, 2001 11:02 PM -0600 Christian Billen 

 Is there any implementation of EJB-QL at this time in the 1.4.7 code?



RE: Any news from Orion yet??

2001-02-13 Thread Jim Archer

As the lower cost and open source products continue to mature, we may see 
prices come down. Check out The server side today.


--On Tuesday, February 13, 2001 6:37 PM -0600 Kemp Randy-W18971 

  I don't knock the higher priced products, and they do have the lion's
  share of the market, and many large companies run big applications on
  them.  Personally, I feel as many low price (Orion) and open source
  (jboss, etc.) mature, more people will ride that path.  Look at the
  history of Apache, and now 60 % of the world's servers run it.
  Developers see that the low priced and open source options are maturing
  and proving themselves.  It's just a matter of time.

 -Original Message-
 From: Konstantin Polyzois
 To: Orion-Interest
 Sent: 2/13/01 6:56 AM
 Subject: RE: Any news from Orion yet??

 "Weblogic (and the high priced products like Websphere) are great..."

 Speaking as someone who has done development using Websphere (3.0 
 It sucks! Don't use it for anything but JSP or servlets. It has so many
 flaws that I don't even want to get in to them!!


 -Original Message-
 From: Kemp Randy-W18971
 To: Orion-Interest
 Sent: 2001-02-12 13:58
 Subject: RE: Any news from Orion yet??

 Weblogic (and the high priced products like Websphere) are great, if you
 want to pay the price.  They come with nice tools like front end gui's,
 good documentation, paid support, etc.  But if you look for the opinions
 of developers who have used these products, and compared them to Orion,
 jboss, etc., they would say the EJB capacies are no better then the
 other high priced products.  In order of ranking, here's how I look at
 the other products.
 1 Orion -- This product is ready now, but I haven't seen anyone from
 this list run a Sears store on it.
 2. Jboss ( -- The founders are very bright, have five
 hundred developers on the projects, have EJB heavies contributing to the
 list, and it's a very easy to use product.  Personally, even though it
 is ready for production now, I would wait for it to mature a bit more.
 It's like a fine wine -- drink it now, and it is OK, or allow it to age
 a bit then drink it (like jboss 3.0 final).
 3. Openejb ( - this project has a very bright and well
 known person heading it, and it is slated to be intergrated with Tomcat
 and Apache.  It has yet to prove itself, as it is not yet ready for
 production release.  But it has good future promise.
 4. Jonas ( - This is a good product, but it is not
 as advanced as the other two open source products and I don't think they
 have as many people behind them.
 5. Enhydra enterprise (  If you like the enhydra
 application server, this product has potential.  But it is not
 production ready yet and it intergrates with the jonas server.
   In summary, Orion is here now but can it run Sears?  Jboss is ready
 but I would let it mature a bit more for production environments.
 Openejb and Enhydra have great potential, but they are not ready yet and
 have to prove themselves.  Jonas is OK but I prefer the other open
 source alternatives.

 -Original Message-
 From: Anthony W. Marino
 To: Orion-Interest
 Sent: 2/11/01 9:06 AM
 Subject: Re: Any news from Orion yet??

 On another note, can you and/or someone, qualify/quantify what you mean
 the following previously made statement :

 "For the most part, Orion is still very much ahead of the pack, and the
 speed is stil EXCELLENT."

 In the Apache Tomcat list I asked the following question:

 "Can someone suggest to me what Apache and/or other OpenSource products
 be integrated to compete with functionally and/or considered in the same

 category as BEA WebLogic?
 I don't necessarily need all of what BEA has to offer at this time,
 I would like to know, generally, what it would take to get there without
 big $ price tag."

 Thank You,

 On Monday 15 January 2001 15:20, you wrote:
 On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Jason Boehle wrote:
  WL6 has support for EARs.  They also support all of the EJB 2.0 spec
  except for dependent objects.  In fact, I am currently using WL6 for
  development instead of Orion, due to the apparent lack of
  going on in the Orion team on EJB 2.0.  I had suggested to my boss
  we use Orion, as I had been lurking and following it for several
  and saw that it always met the latest specs first, etc. - now I feel
  for doing so, as they haven't had a new release in several months...

 Of course, this is a little unfair - weblogic hadn't had a new release
 several months, either. They've just had a major release recently,
 makes it seem like they're more active than Orion, when that's not
 necessarily the case. It might be, but that's not implied by the
 at present.

 For the most part, Orion is still very much ahead of the pack, and 

OT: Excellent new EJB 2.0 CMP book available

2001-02-12 Thread Jim Archer

I apologize that this is off topic, but its probably of interest to 
everyone here. For anyone interestred in EJB 2.0, there is a great book 
available at:

Its included in their persistence manager product. BTW, that persistence 
manager is a complete implementation of EJB 2.0 PFD, so if you want to get 
a head start you can.

Even if you don't need their code, the included PDF book is worth more than 
the $28 they ask for it. (No, I don't have anything to do with them... I 
just think its a great product that everyone can benefit from).



Re: SV: EJB 2.0 EB n--m implemented?

2001-02-09 Thread Jim Archer

Magnus, thanks very much for the reply.

I should know the answer to this by now, but I have been avoidiung Orion specific 
features in hopes of ending up with a portable J2EE app. So I don't know...

Can someone please tell me if its possible to have a many-to-many relationship between 
two EJB 2.0 entity beans using CMP and using Orion specific features?

I would appreciate any help on this...



--On Thursday, February 08, 2001 8:47 AM +0100 Magnus Rydin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 no, its not there yet. :(

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Frn: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 7 februari 2001 13:57
 Till: Orion-Interest
 mne: EJB 2.0 EB n--m implemented?

 Hi All...

 Does anyone know if many to many relationships between EBs is
 on Orion 1.4.7?

 I was going to write a bit of code to test it, but my
 laziness got the
 better part of me and I was hopeing someone else had already
 this and could save me a bit of work ;-)



Re: Problem with two Orions on same box!!!

2001-02-09 Thread Jim Archer

In the case of the web server, in the config directory is an XML file in 
which you set that.

Go to Orion's web site and read the installation instructions. The long 
version tells you exactly what to set.


--On Thursday, February 08, 2001 3:32 PM +0530 Mohit Palhan 

 I do not have access to two servers, and have installed 2 Orions on the
 same box, how do I make sure that they do not use the same ports for the
 RMI server and for the HTTP server??
 Please help
 Have a nice day :-)

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 the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of AITPL.

EJB 2.0 EB n--m implemented?

2001-02-07 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

Does anyone know if many to many relationships between EBs is implemented 
on Orion 1.4.7?

I was going to write a bit of code to test it, but my laziness got the 
better part of me and I was hopeing someone else had already discovered 
this and could save me a bit of work ;-)



1.4.6 breaks the EJB 2.0 CMP Do OM example

2001-02-05 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

I just ran my EJB 2.0 CMP Do OM example through Orion 1.4.6. It breaks with 
the error pasted below. I just thought I would let everyone know...

Jim String not terminated at end of line.
^ Invalid expression statement.
^ ';' expected.
^ '}' expected.
4 errors
Error compiling 
a/Sample20EbDoOM-ver001a-ejb.jar: Syntax error in source
Orion/1.4.6 initialized

1.4.6 also breaks the Test20CmpDo example

2001-02-05 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

The example, which shows how to have a dependent object in 
EJB 2.0, is also broken under Orion 1.4.6. I have filed bugzilla reports 
for both this one and the example I mentioned earlier. seems to still work.


Orion 1.4.7 and the EJB 2.0 examples - They all work!

2001-02-05 Thread Jim Archer

FYI, all three of the EJB 2.0 CMP examples work with Orion 1.4.7. Thanks 
guys for fixing that so quickly!


I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

- Robert Frost, 1916

Re: Which version is stable

2001-01-30 Thread Jim Archer

Depends upon what features your using. Version 1.4.5 broke some EJB 2.0 CMP 
stuff. You may want to check the bug list and see if there is anything 
reported that would be a problem for you.


--On Tuesday, January 30, 2001 1:14 PM +0100 Randahl Fink Isaksen 

 I am running Orion 1.3.8 seems to work, but I am thinking of upgrading.

 But which version should one upgrade to? - According to the new 1.4.5 is both stable and experimental...
 which sounds a bit like "stable and unstable".


RE: EJB 2.0 Dependent object example now available

2001-01-25 Thread Jim Archer

I beleive it is possible. First, in the cas of a one-to-many design, you 
will get two tables. One for persons and the other for addresses. I'll have 
that example ready very soon, probably tonight.

Also, I *believe* orion allows you to control the table names and such. Of 
course, thats a server specific feature.

I'll post the 1--n example soon.


--On Thursday, January 25, 2001 11:23 AM -0500 Neal Kaiser 

 Just ran your tutorial, had no problems at all setting it up with Orion
 1.4.5. Thank you, it was very informative.

 Is it possible to do something like this if it spans multiple tables? What
 if you had a 1-many relationship  and a user could have many addresses.
 In the database there would be a USERS table and an ADRESSES table.  Is
 that possible with CMP?  Any tutorials on that?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Archer
 Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 9:50 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: EJB 2.0 Dependent object example now available

 Hello all...

 Many people have written me requesting I provide an EJB 2.0
 CMP example
 that uses a dependent object. To all who asked, I apologize
 for the delay.
 I have sent it to Joe for posting on OrionSupport, and it is
 right now
 available at:

 This example has an entity bean to represent a person and a dependent
 object to represent the person's postal address. There is a
 relationship between the entity bean and its dependent.

 There will be a similar example with a one-to-many relationship soon.



EJB 2.0 with dependent 1 -- n sample available

2001-01-25 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

As promised, the EJB 2.0 CMP example with 1 to many EB to dependent 
relationships is available. Its posted at:

Please let me know if you have any problems with it.


Support site down - can I help?

2001-01-24 Thread Jim Archer

Hi Joe...

I noticed that OrionSupport has been down for a few days. If there is a 
problem, is there anything I can do to help? I have some resoureces 


EJB 2.0 Dependent object example now available

2001-01-24 Thread Jim Archer

Hello all...

Many people have written me requesting I provide an EJB 2.0 CMP example 
that uses a dependent object. To all who asked, I apologize for the delay. 
I have sent it to Joe for posting on OrionSupport, and it is right now 
available at:

This example has an entity bean to represent a person and a dependent 
object to represent the person's postal address. There is a one-to-one 
relationship between the entity bean and its dependent.

There will be a similar example with a one-to-many relationship soon.



Re: Support site down - can I help?

2001-01-24 Thread Jim Archer


Sorry list... This was supposed to go to Joe personally...


--On Wednesday, January 24, 2001 3:11 PM -0500 Jim Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hi Joe...

 I noticed that OrionSupport has been down for a few days. If there is a
 problem, is there anything I can do to help? I have some resoureces


Re: Composite PK classes

2001-01-23 Thread Jim Archer

Hi Daniel...

I believe I have also been unable to make this work. Let me double check. I 
don't recall the exact problem I had but I think there is one. I'll check...


--On Tuesday, January 23, 2001 1:58 PM -0500 Daniel Cardin 

 Has anyone managed to build EJB 2.0 applications using Orion, CMP and
 composite primary keys
 using a PK class ?

 I believe I have followed all recommandations but can't seem to make it



RE: Is combining Orion and PostgreSQL a good choice

2001-01-17 Thread Jim Archer

Hi Sach...

Do you remember the version of the driver you had to hack? Also, could you 
share the changes with us?


--On Wednesday, January 17, 2001 10:08 AM -0800 Sach Jobb [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 We had a problem with either timestamp or date (i can't remember which
 now) with the default postgres JDBC driver, so we had to hack the driver
 to make it work right. So if you don't need anything to do with time and
 you don't need to store large binary data you should be fine. ;)

 Actually, it works quite well. We deployed a couple of months ago with 33
 million records in the database (4 processor, 4GB RAM, Sun Server) and
 orion on two application boxes (dual processor, 4GB sun servers). It's
 incredibly fast.



 On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Randahl Fink Isaksen wrote:

 Interesting... but are you stating that without fixing bugs in the JDBC
 driver for PostgreSQL, it just will not work? If so, I would of course
 like to hear what you fixed exactly...



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike
 Sent: 17. januar 2001 13:51
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Is combining Orion and PostgreSQL a good choice

 I'm using PostgreSQL on an application that is about to go live (within
 the next month). Seems to be working fine in testing so far, we're
 moving off Sybase on Linux to PostgreSQL (probably 7.1 by the
 time we go live).

 I've personally fixed a bug or two in the JDBC driver, but other than
 that the latest driver seems very solid.

 I use the default schema (the latest one from Orion has a lot of fixes
 contributed by myself and others, the original was horrible). Let me
 know if there are any problems with the latest schema.


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randahl Fink
  Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 11:01 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Is combining Orion and PostgreSQL a good choice
  I am wondering if using PostgreSQL with Orion would be a good
  option. So my
  questions are:
  1. Has anyone tried using PostgreSQL with Orion in a real-life
  application (running for a long period with no errors) - and was it a
  2. Do you use the default database schema for PostgreSQL that comes
  with Orion?

RE: Complex O/R and EJB 2.0 CMP

2001-01-08 Thread Jim Archer

I have a few examples that are much more complex than the one I wrote on 
OrionSupport. Let me clean them up and I'll post them here...


--On Monday, January 08, 2001 5:45 AM -0800 Darren Pamatat 

 --- Konstantin Polyzois [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  "Servlet/JDBC is sure looking a bit simpler right

 But of course it is. If there is no concurrency
 (multiple clients) and if
 you don't like object-oriented programming. And if
 you dont plan on building
 more than a few servlets.

 What I meant here, is gettin an environment setup and
 working and being productive. Concurrency issues are
 not a big deal to handle when you know what you are
 doing, and you can do object oriented programming with
 servlets/java classes/ create your own minimal O/R
 code where necessary or use a o/r mapper lib. I've
 been doing this stuff for a while now, and it just
 seems that orion examples and info (when orionsupport
 is up, its been down for a while) takes you to a point
 where, if it went a little bit further would save tons
 of time.  From any vendors software solution, it is
 not just the software, but the documents, examples,
 third-party support, forums, etc which make or do not
 make it a productive environment to get started and
 develop with.

 My question is, is there any examples anywhere of some
 complexor code with client code which drives it?
 Anyone care to post or email some examples?

 Also, when will orionsupport be back up?


 what is the difference in the EJB 2.0 CMP and orion
 proprietary CMP."

 I think Orion supports Maps and Sets for dependent
 objects, the EJB2
 (proposed final draft) only mandates support for
 Orions implementation does not look complete yet
 (how could it be when there
 is no spec?) it lacks EJB-QL, Home-methods and
 Select-methods (forgive me
 for errors it has been some time since I read the


 -Original Message-
 From: Darren Pamatat
 To: Orion-Interest
 Sent: 2001-01-07 20:27
 Subject: Complex O/R and EJB 2.0 CMP

 I've been trying to get started with some O/R stuff
 with orion, and have gone thru the orion-cmp primer,
 and the complex-or example. A few problems, is that
 the orion-cmp primer is very simplistic, and the
 complex-or example (from orionsupport, which is
 currently down) does not have any examples, or docs
 how to create and use a client application to
 the ejb cmp entities. Does anyone have any
 code/examples or info on this?

 I like the layout of the complex-or example more so
 than the orion-cmp primer, because it is not
 to jar it up, and classes can just be recompiled,
 run (if only I could run something against it).
 what is the difference in the EJB 2.0 CMP and orion
 proprietary CMP.

 Servlet/JDBC is sure looking a bit simpler right
 Hopefully, some info and more examples are available
 to help get an environment setup with CMP EJB's, to
 work off of.


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 Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: Anyone heard from evermind?

2000-12-10 Thread Jim Archer

More great news, Karl! Thanks very much for your reply!


--On Monday, December 11, 2000 12:00 AM +0100 Karl Avedal 

 Hello Jim (and everyone else),


 The only change that is planned is the addition of a seperate support
 license for the ones demanding more support. There's no date set for when
 this will be available yet.

 We do not plan any changes to the normal license, neither in cost nor
 terms. And it will still be free for developers and for non-commercial

 Karl Avedal

 Jim Archer wrote:

 Karl, sounds like great news. Congrats!

 I'm wondering if any major changes in licensing or pricing policy are
 coming within the next several or six months?



 --On Thursday, December 07, 2000 1:20 PM +0100 Karl Avedal

  I thought it was time for some explanation on our silence.
  Alot of things are happening structually right now to the company. The
  biggest news is probably that the company is no longer Evermind, but is
  now called Ironflare AB, which is a new limited corporation. The owners
  are the same so it is not a takeover or anything like that, but the new
  company form will enable us to expand faster than the old company. We
  will announce this officially within a few weeks.
  This will lead to a few things:
  1. The company will become more visible, with a company website and
  information and not just a product website with product information.
  2. The resources of the company will increase. The problem lately has
  been that non-development takes more and more time as we get more
  customers. As other resources get available that do more of the
  business, the core team will be able to focus more on development and
  3. There might still be some time of confusion left. The company
  structure is not the only change we're going through. The expansion is
  just starting and as it goes on, resources will initially be spent more
  on building the organization and hiring the right people than would be
  necessary if we didn't make the expansion. Without the expansion we
  would however be lost eventually as we would hit a brick wall without
  the necessary resources.
  I will try to keep you posted on these developments and I want to
  reassure you that we are not gone, but quite the opposite, we are
  making a move to become more aggressive in the future, but it has made
  us less visible for some time and has hurt the product development and
  release cycle, and it is likely to do so from time to time as we go
  ahead. A new release with a few fixes shouldn't be far away now though.
  Karl Avedal

Re: Anyone heard from evermind?

2000-12-08 Thread Jim Archer

Karl, sounds like great news. Congrats!

I'm wondering if any major changes in licensing or pricing policy are 
coming within the next several or six months?



--On Thursday, December 07, 2000 1:20 PM +0100 Karl Avedal 


 I thought it was time for some explanation on our silence.

 Alot of things are happening structually right now to the company. The
 biggest news is probably that the company is no longer Evermind, but is
 now called Ironflare AB, which is a new limited corporation. The owners
 are the same so it is not a takeover or anything like that, but the new
 company form will enable us to expand faster than the old company. We
 will announce this officially within a few weeks.

 This will lead to a few things:

 1. The company will become more visible, with a company website and
 information and not just a product website with product information.

 2. The resources of the company will increase. The problem lately has
 been that non-development takes more and more time as we get more
 customers. As other resources get available that do more of the business,
 the core team will be able to focus more on development and bug-fixing.

 3. There might still be some time of confusion left. The company
 structure is not the only change we're going through. The expansion is
 just starting and as it goes on, resources will initially be spent more
 on building the organization and hiring the right people than would be
 necessary if we didn't make the expansion. Without the expansion we would
 however be lost eventually as we would hit a brick wall without the
 necessary resources.

 I will try to keep you posted on these developments and I want to
 reassure you that we are not gone, but quite the opposite, we are making
 a move to become more aggressive in the future, but it has made us less
 visible for some time and has hurt the product development and release
 cycle, and it is likely to do so from time to time as we go ahead. A new
 release with a few fixes shouldn't be far away now though.

 Karl Avedal

Re: EJB2.0 Generated class uncompilable

2000-12-08 Thread Jim Archer

You might want to go to:

And grab the simple EJB 2.0 sample...


--On Friday, December 08, 2000 4:02 PM -0500 Peter Pontbriand 

 Hello All.

 We've just written our first pair of 2.0-spec EJBs and are experiencing
 some really strange problems deploying them. Orion 1.4.4 auto-generates
 the DB tables for these beans, but then spits out the following message
 for every CMP field in each EJB:


  6. public class FooBean_PersistenceManager22 extends implements
 *** Error: The abstract method "void setBar(java.util.Set $1);", inherited
 from type "com/foo/components/authorization/bean/FooBean", is not
 implemented in the non-abstract class "FooBean_PersistenceManager22".
 Since the type "com/foo/components/authorization/bean/FooBean" was read
 from a class file, it is possible that it just needs to be recompiled
 because after having inherited method "void setBar(java.util.Set $1);"
 from an interface, the method was subsequently removed from that
 Error compiling file:/C:/orion/applications/foo/admin-ejb.jar: Error in

 We're totally at a loss here. What's removing what from what interface?
 There's no indication in the message of what the problem is in the source.
 We've already spend an incredible amount of time trying to sort out
 extremely cryptic deployment error messages with 1.1 and now 2.0-spec CMP
 Entity EJBs. We're definitely beginning to wonder whether there is any
 point to CMP at all - it seems like we could have ported BMP Entity EJBs
 to quite a number of different DBs in the time its taken to try and deal
 with CMP problems like this.

 Anybody have any light to on this latest problem?

 P. Pontbriand
 Canlink Interactive Technologies Inc.

Re: ejb2: EJB-DO, 1 to many problem

2000-11-10 Thread Jim Archer

Hi Tim...

I'll take a stab at trying to help with this. I have done a lot of work 
with dependent objects.

First, using Orion 1.4.0 I found that unidirectional dependents work as 
they should (when an EB has dependents). If you have an EB with dependents 
in a 1-to-1 relationship, Orion will create one table and map the fields of 
the dependent into the table for the EB. If you have a 1-ri-n relationship, 
Orion will create two tables.

I have found that Orion 1.4.0 does work with dependents in a unidirectional 
relationship properly. The error your reporting seems to indicate a 
descriptor error. Remember that Orion 1.4.0 has a bug in which you must 
define the CMR field also as a CMP field (in violation of all EJB 2.0 spec 

I have also found that Orion 1.4.0 fasils to work properly with 
bidirectional dependent relationships. According to Bugzilla, this has been 
fixed in Orion 1.4.4 but I have not attempted to test this yet.

If you can tell us what version of Orion your using and post the relevant 
portion of your descriptor we can probably offer better assistence.


--On Friday, November 10, 2000 10:42 AM -0500 Tim Drury 

 I've gotten EJB-dep obj working for 1-to-1 and
 I've gotten EJB-EJB 1-to-1 and 1-to-many working.
 But for the life of me, I cannot get EJB-dep obj
 working for 1-to-many.

 The object model is:

 EdiFile(EJB)  1 to N - EdiEnvelope (DO)

 This is a unidirectional relationship.  I think
 someone has been trying bi-directional with no

 The problem manifests itself in two ways.  First,
 Orion throws an error when it tries to compiles
 the stubs/skeletons:

 class EdiEnvelope_Dependent0 is an abstract class.
 It can't be instantiated.

 (well this is obvious; dependent objects are supposed
 to be abstract).

 Second, the database table for my EJB doesn't contain
 _any_ reference to the dependent object.  BTW, the
 table for the dependent object looks fine.

 Thanks for any help,

 Here is my dependent object:

 package com.tfc.ejb;

 import java.rmi.RemoteException;
 import javax.ejb.RemoveException;

 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Iterator;

 public abstract class EdiEnvelope implements
public abstract void setSenderIdQualifier(String s) throws
public abstract void setSenderId(String s) throws RemoteException;
public abstract void setReceiverIdQualifier(String s) throws
public abstract void setReceiverId(String s) throws RemoteException;
public abstract void setDate(Date d) throws RemoteException;
public abstract void setVersion(String s) throws RemoteException;
public abstract void setControlNumber(long l) throws RemoteException;
public abstract void setAck(boolean b) throws RemoteException;
public abstract void setNumberOfGroups(int i) throws RemoteException;
public abstract void setTransactionSets(Collection c) throws
public abstract void setId(String s) throws RemoteException;

public abstract String getSenderIdQualifier() throws RemoteException;
public abstract String getSenderId() throws RemoteException;
public abstract String getReceiverIdQualifier() throws RemoteException;
public abstract String getReceiverId() throws RemoteException;
public abstract Date getDate() throws RemoteException;
public abstract String getVersion() throws RemoteException;
public abstract long getControlNumber() throws RemoteException;
public abstract boolean getAck() throws RemoteException;
public abstract int getNumberOfGroups() throws RemoteException;
public abstract Collection getTransactionSets() throws RemoteException;
public abstract String getId() throws RemoteException;

public String ejbCreateEdiEnvelope() throws RemoteException
   this.setId( (new java.rmi.server.UID()).toString() );
   return null;
public void ejbPostCreateEdiEnvelope() { }
public abstract EdiEnvelope deepCopy();

 } // end EdiEnvelope

 Here is my EJB:

 package com.tfc.ejb;

 import javax.ejb.EntityBean;
 import javax.ejb.CreateException;
 import javax.ejb.RemoveException;
 import java.rmi.RemoteException;
 import javax.ejb.EntityContext;

 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.Collection;

 public abstract class EdiFileEJB implements EntityBean
private EntityContext ec;

// accessors

public void setEntityContext(EntityContext ec) { = ec; }
public void unsetEntityContext()   { ec = null; }

public abstract void setFilename(String s);
public abstract void setDateDownloaded(Date d);
public abstract void setEnvelopes(Collection c);
public abstract void 

RE: ejb2: EJB-DO, 1 to many problem

2000-11-10 Thread Jim Archer
!-- --

!-- --


--On Friday, November 10, 2000 2:19 PM -0500 Tim Drury 


 Thanks for the quick response.  I'm using 1.4 and I've
 gotten 1:1 to work.  I think my problem may be what
 you mentioned about a non-standard CMR field in
 ejb-jar.xml.  What are you talking about exactly?
 In the relationship tag?  Here is my relationship
 area again:


 le- name


 hip -role-name

 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 1:14 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Tim Drury
 Subject: Re: ejb2: EJB-DO, 1 to many problem

 Hi Tim...

 I'll take a stab at trying to help with this. I have done a
 lot of work
 with dependent objects.

 First, using Orion 1.4.0 I found that unidirectional
 dependents work as
 they should (when an EB has dependents). If you have an EB
 with dependents
 in a 1-to-1 relationship, Orion will create one table and map
 the fields of
 the dependent into the table for the EB. If you have a 1-ri-n
 Orion will create two tables.

 I have found that Orion 1.4.0 does work with dependents in a
 relationship properly. The error your reporting seems to indicate a
 descriptor error. Remember that Orion 1.4.0 has a bug in
 which you must
 define the CMR field also as a CMP field (in violation of all
 EJB 2.0 spec

 I have also found that Orion 1.4.0 fasils to work properly with
 bidirectional dependent relationships. According to Bugzilla,
 this has been
 fixed in Orion 1.4.4 but I have not attempted to test this yet.

 If you can tell us what version of Orion your using and post
 the relevant
 portion of your descriptor we can probably offer better assistence.


 --On Friday, November 10, 2000 10:42 AM -0500 Tim Drury

  I've gotten EJB-dep obj working for 1-to-1 and
  I've gotten EJB-EJB 1-to-1 and 1-to-many working.
  But for the life of me, I cannot get EJB-dep obj
  working for 1-to-many.
  The object model is:
  EdiFile(EJB)  1 to N - EdiEnvelope (DO)
  This is a unidirectional relationship.  I think
  someone has been trying bi-directional with no
  The problem manifests itself in two ways.  First,
  Orion throws an error when it tries to compiles
  the stubs/skeletons:
  class EdiEnvelope_Dependent0 is an abstract class.
  It can't be instantiated.
  (well this is obvious; dependent objects are supposed
  to be abstract).
  Second, the database table for my EJB doesn't contain
  _any_ reference to the dependent object.  BTW, the
  table for the dependent object looks fine.
  Thanks for any help,
  Here is my dependent object:
  package com.tfc.ejb;
  import java.rmi.RemoteException;
  import javax.ejb.RemoveException;
  import java.util.Date;
  import java.util.Collection;
  import java.util.Iterator;
  public abstract class EdiEnvelope implements
 public abstract void setSenderIdQualifier(String s) throws
 public abstract void setSenderId(String s) throws
 public abstract void setReceiverIdQualifier(String s) throws
 public abstract void setReceiverId(String s) throws
 public abstract void setDate(Date d) throws RemoteException;
 public abstract void setVersion(String s) throws RemoteException;
 public abstract void setControlNumber(long l) throws
 public abstract void setAck(boolean b) throws RemoteException;
 public abstract void s

RE: ejb2: EJB-DO, 1 to many problem

2000-11-10 Thread Jim Archer

Tim, I just reviewed your messages again, a bit more carefully. I see your 
using Orion 1.4 and you have posted your code and descriptors.

It looks like you are defineing a *bidirectional* relationship between your 
EB and dependent. This will fail under Orion 1.4. The example I sent you 
will fail under 1.4, as it was designed to as a demonstration of the bug. A 
*unidirectional* relationship will work.

Anyhow, I just added a comment to a bit of your descriptor (right below) 
that will make this a unidirectional relationship. Try that change and if 
it will deploy. If it does not deploy I'll take some time to look over your 
code and descriptors when I can, but not right away. I'm just became 
swamped. Always a crisis!

If you need the bidirectional relationship, you'll need to go to 1.4.4, 
where this is supposed to work, although I have not tested it yet.


- name

p -role-name

 !-- This cmr-field tag makes this a bidirectional relationship that 
will fail under Orion 1.4


--On Friday, November 10, 2000 2:54 PM -0500 Tim Drury 

 I did put that in.  In fact, it was your examples
 that I based all my development on :)

 I just don't see any differences between your
 descriptor file and mine.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 2:31 PM
 To: Tim Drury; Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: ejb2: EJB-DO, 1 to many problem

 Hi Tim...

 No, I didn't mean in the relationship tag. Sorry for the
 confusion. My
 fault entirely. I meant in the entity tag.

 The descriptor I pasted below is an example of one which
 fails to deploy on
 Orion 1.4.0 because of a now fixed Orion bug (I have not yet
 retested but
 Bugzilla says its fixed in 1.4.4). However, if you exampne
 the part that
 defines the entity beans you'll see what I mean. There is a
 comment you
 can't miss.

 Let us know if it works and if not we'll look at other things.


 ?xml version="1.0"?
 !DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise
 JavaBeans 2.0//EN" ""
  descriptionTest Sample EJB 2.0 EB/description

  !-- These lines should not be required
 (according to the spec) --
  !-- but without them deployment fails --



RE: ejb2: EJB-DO, 1 to many problem

2000-11-10 Thread Jim Archer

OK Tim. Let me know if you don't find it by some time this evening and I 
can look it over this weekend. All I ask is that if you do find it you let 
me know so I can not put time in to it unnecesserally.

I do have the PD1 spec and I'll send it to you, but I can't do so for an 
hour or so. You will find very minor changes, like the removal of the 
deepcopy() method decloration (it was required in pd1, removed in pd2).


--On Friday, November 10, 2000 3:32 PM -0500 Tim Drury 

 I took out the bi-directional stuff (I had actually
 tried both ways).  No luck.  I went ahead and upgraded
 to 1.4.4 and it still gave me the same problem.  There
 must be an error in my code (something not abstract
 when it should be or visa versa) or something wrong
 with ejb-jar.xml.

 BTW, 1.4.4 still requires you create a cmp-field for
 your dependent object collection.

 ALSO: do you (or anyone on the list) have a copy of
 the ejb 2.0 pd1 spec?  I have pd2 and pdFinal, but
 not the one that Orion is based on.  Maybe that would
 help me find my problem.  I couldn't find pd1 on the
 sun site.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 3:16 PM
 To: Tim Drury; Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: ejb2: EJB-DO, 1 to many problem

 Tim, I just reviewed your messages again, a bit more
 carefully. I see your
 using Orion 1.4 and you have posted your code and descriptors.

 It looks like you are defineing a *bidirectional*
 relationship between your
 EB and dependent. This will fail under Orion 1.4. The example
 I sent you
 will fail under 1.4, as it was designed to as a demonstration
 of the bug. A
 *unidirectional* relationship will work.

 Anyhow, I just added a comment to a bit of your descriptor
 (right below)
 that will make this a unidirectional relationship. Try that
 change and if
 it will deploy. If it does not deploy I'll take some time to
 look over your
 code and descriptors when I can, but not right away. I'm just became
 swamped. Always a crisis!

 If you need the bidirectional relationship, you'll need to go
 to 1.4.4,
 where this is supposed to work, although I have not tested it yet.


 - name


 p -role-name

  !-- This cmr-field tag makes this a bidirectional
 relationship that
 will fail under Orion 1.4


 --On Friday, November 10, 2000 2:54 PM -0500 Tim Drury

  I did put that in.  In fact, it was your examples
  that I based all my development on :)
  I just don't see any differences between your
  descriptor file and mine.
  -Original Message-
  From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 2:31 PM
  To: Tim Drury; Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: ejb2: EJB-DO, 1 to many problem
  Hi Tim...
  No, I didn't mean in the relationship tag. Sorry for the
  confusion. My
  fault entirely. I meant in the entity tag.
  The descriptor I pasted below is an example of one which
  fails to deploy on
  Orion 1.4.0 because of a now fixed Orion bug (I have not yet
  retested but
  Bugzilla says its fixed in 1.4.4). However, if you exampne
  the part that
  defines the entity beans you'll see what I mean. There is a
  comment you
  can't miss.
  Let us know if it works and if not we'll look at other things.
  ?xml version="1.0"?
  !DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise
  JavaBeans 2.0//EN" ""
descriptionTest Sample EJB 2.0 EB/description




Re: EJB SLSB Question

2000-11-09 Thread Jim Archer

First, you are free to have seperate client threads access the same 
instance of a SLSB via its remote interface. This will work fine.

However, I don't know why you would want to do that. One of the nice things 
the EJB server is supposed to do for you is to manage the life cycle of its 
beans. You are seeking to defeat that capability, which will reduce the 
performance of your app. SLSBs are passed seemelessely from app to app by 
the server so that a small number of them can serve a very large number of 

You say your client wants to "cache" the bean. Does this mean that you are 
assigning some state to the bean you want to maintain or top persist? If 
so, this is not an appropriate use of a *stateless* session bean. I 
recomend using a *statefull* session bean.

Good luck.


--On Wednesday, November 08, 2000 11:05 PM -0500 Vidur Dhanda 

 I can't find a _definite_ answer to my question.  Hopefully, someone can
 give me some pointers.  Is it legal, per EJB 1.1, for multiple client
 threads to access a SLSB?  Here's why this is important for me.
 Apparently, there is no portable way for a SLSB to tell a client that it
 has timed out.  Hence, if a client caches a SLSB, it is prone to some
 "random" error.  So, I figured, I will write a "keep-alive" thread and
 wrap the SLSB in an application object as a delegate.  And in the SLSB,
 I will implement a no-op - ping(). Now, there's the possibility, that
 the SLSB will be in a method call when the keep-alive thread decides to
 do a ping.  DO I need to guard against that?


 Vidur Dhanda
 Active Solutions
 tel: 617/566-1252

Re: ejb 2.0 relations in orion 1.4.3 broken ?

2000-11-08 Thread Jim Archer


Axel, I have not yet tried to verify this and am not dure how to work 
around it, but if you are sure please Bugzilla it as soon as possible. I 
was just reviewing the bug list and saw that Magnus seems to be making 
excellent progress in cleaning up the EJB 2.0 persistence manager related 
bugs. Maybe if you get this one logged quickly, he can throw a fix in for 


--On Wednesday, November 08, 2000 6:28 PM +0100 Axel Grossmann 

 The current ATM example uses EJB 2.0 definitions of ont-to-many
 relationships (account_owner - account) . When I deployed it on
 orion 1.4.3 it workes quite well until I added some accounts.

 After shutting down orion and re-login all accounts are lost. A quick
 look into the hsql file (.script) revealed that there was no INSERT
 statement for the ACCOUNTOWNER_ACCOUNTS table at all, where the
 set-mapping between the AccountOwner and Account bean should happen.

 Any idea, or maybe an example how I can work around it by using
 orion-ejb-jar.xml ?

 Thank you in advance,


RE: What's new? - Where is 1.4.2??

2000-11-08 Thread Jim Archer

Actually, no, you can't always do this, for two reasons.

First, on a Unix system, we the orion user the permission to write to 
itself. This is a basic security procedure. As a xonsequence, autoupdate 
won't work.

Second, although I may be able to do this, I may not want to. There is risk 
in grabbing the newest experimental server and I'm not always willing to 
accept that risk. If things are working for me and I have a tight deadline, 
I prefer not to update unless there is a fix or an enhansement I need. 
Therefore, I prefer to check the changes.txt file first.


--On Wednesday, November 08, 2000 5:17 PM +0100 Runar Svendsen 

 You can always get the latest version of Orion by running

 java -jar autoupdate.jar

 in the orion dir.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Archer
 Sent: 7. november 2000 20:15
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Kesha Sibilev
 Subject: Re: What's new? - Where is 1.4.2??

 Where can we even get 1.4.2? The web site shows the latest experimental
 is  still 1.4.0 and when I bypass that and go to the unpacked version
 that has  the changes.txt file from 1.4.0.



 --On Tuesday, November 07, 2000 12:02 PM -0500 Kesha Sibilev

 Does anybody know what is new in the 1.4.2 version of orion server?


RE: newsgroup forum

2000-11-07 Thread Jim Archer

Except, of course, for those of us who can't access a news server through 
our company firewalls. For us, it would be a major headache...


--On Monday, November 06, 2000 12:47 PM -0800 "Duffey, Kevin" 

 I agree! Using a newsgroup is a grand idea! Sure would make the threads
 alot easier to navigate.

 -Original Message-
 From: James Hays [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 11:21 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: newsgroup forum

 Would it be possible or in enough peoples interest to put
 this list serv in
 a newsgroup forum.  For new people coming on with Orion, and
 others just
 wanting to search through the information, this method has become very
 exhaustive and message threads utilized by newsgroups would
 help eliminate
 this.  Is there any other interest in moving this information
 to a newsgroup
 forum?  Scott, is this possible or feasible?


RE: What's new?

2000-11-07 Thread Jim Archer

Thanks, everyone, for the heads up! I guess I'll be waiting for 1.4.3!


--On Tuesday, November 07, 2000 3:31 PM -0500 Russ White [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Updated and get same wrapper exception.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert Krueger
 Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 2:15 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: What's new?

 At 13:45 07.11.00 , you wrote:
  How do you get 1.4.2?

 autoupdate, it's been there only for a few hours.


   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert
   Krueger Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 12:38 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Re: What's new?
   At 12:02 07.11.00 , you wrote:
Does anybody know what is new in the 1.4.2 version of orion server?
   I get syntax errors compiling the generated wrappers for entities
   with complex pks.
   (-) Robert Krüger
   (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
   (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
   (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

 (-) Robert Krüger
 (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
 (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
 (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

RE: error logs - where are they?

2000-10-31 Thread Jim Archer

John, I don't know for sure.

If you didn't find anything in the Orion logs, did you look in the 
application specific logs, under Orion/application-deployments/myapp ???

Other than that, I have nothing more to suggest. Sorry.


--On Tuesday, October 31, 2000 9:44 AM + John Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 Thanks for the suggestion but I don't think that is the problem.

 I do sometimes get compilation errors displayed in my browser, but not

 Is there no Orion logging facility for things like this?


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 5:02 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: John Miller
 Subject: Re: error logs - where are they?

 John, one possibility is that if your using Microsoft Internet Explorer,
 you have the "display friendly error messages" option enabled and, as a
 result, the real error from Orion is being hidden by the browser.

 If this is the case, you'll be a happy camper after disabling that
 option.  I sure was!


 --On Monday, October 30, 2000 6:01 PM + John Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am trying to find some indication of JSP compilation errors and cannot
 locate them in any of the Orion log files.

 On several occasions I have got a 500 error and could not locate a log of
 what might be generating this error or any indication of what might be
 causing this.

 Does anyone know where I should be looking, or how I might configure
 Orion to log these JSP compilation errors?



Re: Does Orion have a database access ejb/bean creation tool?

2000-10-30 Thread Jim Archer

Keith, I don't think Orion ships with such a tool. However, I do believe 
CocoBase does this. Have a look at:


--On Monday, October 27, 2003 7:14 AM -0500 Keith Kwiatek 


 Does Orion have a tool that will allow you to generate code for a a
 ejb/bean by simply pointing it at a set of database tables?

 Anything out there that will do it?


Re: HIGH PRIORITY:Contact Information??????

2000-10-30 Thread Jim Archer

Try [EMAIL PROTECTED] Maybe if you put something in the subject line 
like "I WANT TO GIVE YOU MONEY"  it will get their attention :-)

Good luck!


--On Monday, October 30, 2000 5:58 PM -0700 J Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Does anyone have any contact information for Orion.  We have been trying
 to contact them for over two weeks about purchasing and licenses, and no
 one has gotten back to us.  The seem to only have an E-mail address for
 sales on their site and we cannot find any sort of phone number or other
 e-mail that will work.  Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
 Orion has been by far the fastest, smoothest EJB server we have found for
 it's cost and we want to purchase it.  Unfortuanately if we cannot get a
 hold of anyone we will have to take our business elsewhere.



Re: Session beans don't get removed

2000-10-30 Thread Jim Archer

Fabio, thats not necesserally important. Many servers keep session beans 
lieing around to avoide the performance penality of creating them when they 
are needed. They are frequently moved from quickly client to client inside 
the container.

I don't know how Orion handles this specifficially, but its unlikely 
something to worry about. But I could be wrong ;-)


--On Monday, October 30, 2000 6:41 PM + Fabio Silva 

 Hi there,

 When I have migrated from Orion 1.1.24 to Orion 1.4.0, My session beans
 which after a short while of inactivity were removed from the container,
 stopped doing that... The ejbRemove method isn't getting called anymore.

 Anyone has ideas?

 Thanks in advance,

Re: Using JMS with auto-started client

2000-10-30 Thread Jim Archer

If you have tried to solve it and can not, go ahead and file a bug report 
on it. The Orion team members have pointed out that they frequently don't 
read every message on this list and the preferred method of communication 
in a case like this is Bugzilla.

Good luck!


--On Monday, October 30, 2000 11:55 AM -0500 Vidur Dhanda 

 Well, that's good (in a bad way).  At least I'm not the only one to have
 experienced this.  Unfortunately, I can't use message-driven beans
 (restricted to EJB1.1, for now).

 Memo to Orion team: could you please respond to this.  I've sent email to
 support regarding this.  I'm hesitant to file this as a bug report since I
 haven't verified that it isn't a problem with my approach/configuration.


 Arved Sandstrom wrote:

 Funny you should bring this up. I wanted a JMS listener as a "service",
 and in order to keep it more compliant with most app servers, the first
 thing I tried was exactly what you describe, with the same results.

 Eventually I went with a message-driven bean, even if that only avoided
 the problem.

 Arved Sandstrom

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vidur Dhanda
 Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2000 4:46 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Using JMS with auto-started client


 In my application.xml I have a module block and in
 orion-application.xml  I have a client-module block with
 auto-start=true.  This correctly starts up some application code along
 with the orion server.  One of the classes that are started, subscribes
 to a JMS queue.  It is able to get a connection factory, create a
 subscriber etc. but _never_ gets any messages.  When I run the same
 class from the command-line and not have orion auto-start it, it gets
 messages fine.  Actually, I'm rather impressed with the speed with which
 messages are delivered.

 How do I understand this further? Since the code runs fine when not
 auto-started and when auto-started it doesn't throw any exceptions, I'm
 assuming this is a problem with my configuration.  Can anyone help me
 with fix it, please.


Re: error logs - where are they?

2000-10-30 Thread Jim Archer

John, one possibility is that if your using Microsoft Internet Explorer, 
you have the "display friendly error messages" option enabled and, as a 
result, the real error from Orion is being hidden by the browser.

If this is the case, you'll be a happy camper after disabling that option. 
I sure was!


--On Monday, October 30, 2000 6:01 PM + John Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I am trying to find some indication of JSP compilation errors and cannot
 locate them in any of the Orion log files.

 On several occasions I have got a 500 error and could not locate a log of
 what might be generating this error or any indication of what might be
 causing this.

 Does anyone know where I should be looking, or how I might configure
 Orion to log these JSP compilation errors?



Bug 153 filed for dependent object bi relationships failing on EJB2.0

2000-10-30 Thread Jim Archer

And I just filed bug 153 reporting that EJB 2.0 dependent object 
bidirectional relationships fail. I attached a sample program to the bug 
for anyone who would like to try it out for themselves.


--On Monday, October 30, 2000 3:58 AM -0500 Jason Rimmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I've filed a few bugs with Bugzilla (149, 150, and 151) regarding a
 null pointer exception with rollback, lack of persistent
 functionality, and lack of client_acknowledgement functionality
 respectively.  If 150 and 151 are resolved then the JMS implementation
 will at least be functional. Compliance would seem to be a ways off.
 Note that non-critical bug number 149's already been taken care of.

 Jason Rimmer

 - Original Message -
 From: "Jason Rimmer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2000 10:42 PM
 Subject: JMS implementation, is it for real?

  Is Orion's JMS implementation for real?  While it supports the
  simplistic behavior as demonstrated by the chat and coffeemaker demo it
  doesn't appear to support much else.
  JMS parts I can't get working:
  o Transactions.  Doesn't seem to matter what you call: commit,
  etc.  Doesn't make a difference.
  o Persistence: Make the change in the jms.xml to define a queue's
  persistent-file, set the message delivery mode to persistent, watch it
  Has anyone had much luck with this?  Perhaps SwiftMQ is the answer
  (even though I want to use the MessageDrivenBeans).
  Jason Rimmer

Re: rumors

2000-10-27 Thread Jim Archer

Except that neither of those products have any portion of EJB 2.0 released. 
We are building on EJB 2.0 in teh hope that by the time we are done we'll 
see the spec final and Orion supporting it.


--On Monday, October 27, 2003 7:52 AM -0500 Keith Kwiatek 

 Probably not... but you know sooner or later someone is going to buy
 Orion... and the product price will NOT remain anywhere near $1500 OR be
 "free" to non-commercial projects !!

 I like Orion, but for projects on a budget, I think it is safer and less
 costly to maybe go with or These are dedicated "open source"
 ejb servers  hh if only Orion would open source.

 Admittedly, I don't know how the above ejb servers compare to orion. I
 know they don't have servlets/jsp... but then there is the open source
 free resin...


 - Original Message -
 From: Frank Kettenbeil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 4:51 AM
 Subject: rumors

 is this a rumor or a joke ? just found it on bugzilla of as a headline

 "BEA Closes Acquisition of Orion - The transaction is valued at
 approximately DM 582 million (US$283 million). "

Anyone using Interbase in production?

2000-10-27 Thread Jim Archer

Does anyone here have any experience with Interbase in a production 
environment? We are trying to decide which database to deploy in 
production. Since we are a very low budget operation, we are looking at 
Open Source, but somehow missed this one.

Our most important requirements are stability, transaction support, a solid 
JDBC driver (for use with an EJB server) and online backup capability.

Any experiences people can offer would be appreciated, especially in a 
Linux environment.



--On Friday, October 27, 2000 11:46 AM +0200 Jonas Larsson 

 You could always use Interbase which now is opensource..

 - Original Message -
 From: Laufer, Michael
 To: Orion-Interest
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 10:41 AM
 Subject: MYSQL, Orion, EJB and transactions ??

 Hi there,

 I know that the question has been discussed here before, but I'm still a
 little confused about using  MYSQL together with Orion.
 I've just downloaded mysql (version 3.23.22 beta) and the manual
 announces that mysql is now supporting transactions.  If I understood it
 correctly, that would mean, that it should be possible to use mysql with
 entity beans. Am I right ??  What's confusing to me is the fact, that I
 only find news in mailing-list, that mysql is not supporting

 So I don't really now, if I can use mysql for entity beans.
 If not, which database would you suggest ??
 It should work on NT and not be the most expensive one as I use it 'only'
 for writing my Master's Thesis.

 Thanks in advance,


Re: Servlet class folder

2000-10-27 Thread Jim Archer

If your running Microsoft IE as your browser, be sure to turn off the 
"friendly error messages" option in that browser. Then, you'll get a good 
error message from Orion that will help you diagnose your problem.

--On Thursday, October 26, 2000 11:53 PM -0700 Yi Su [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hi all,

 I've successfully deployed an web application to orion
 server.  I have the following file structure:


 However, the orion server forces me to put my
 Test.class (pack\Test.class) under
 \orion\default-web-app/WEB-INF/classes.  Otherwise the
 server throws me "500 Internal Server Error" error

 I follow the way of depolying in orion-primer, but my
 application doesn't have EJB module.  Can someone
 please help me to solve the problem as putting classes
 under orion default-web-app does give me trouble.  I
 must miss something.

 Thank you.


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

RE: Can't call an EJB from Within another EJB

2000-10-27 Thread Jim Archer

Hi Kevin...

I have apps in which a servlet creates a stateless session bean that in 
turn creates an entity bean (or finds one that exists). It runs fine. My 
guess is that you have a deployment descriptor error if you get a nameing 
exception. Cjheck all your EJB-REF tags and remember that they are scoped 
to the bean in which they exist. If you want, for example, to access a 
PersonEB from two seperate beans, each of those seperate beans needs an 
EJB-REF entry within its definition for that PersonEB.

As for EJB 1.1 CMP being very limited, yes it is. Very limited (as you 
said). This is why third party OR Mapping tools like CocoBase have become 
extremely popular. With them, you define your relationship schema and it 
makes BMP beans for you. But don't dispair! You have several options. 
First, use BMP instead. Next, CocoBase (and TopLink, a similar product) 
cost one heck of a lot less then that testing tool you use for the 
performance tests (and we all know how much venture money you guys have - 
grin). The best solution (and the riskiest right now) is to use EJB 2.0. 
This has a tremendousely powerfull scheme for modeling complex 

We are developing for EJB 2.0 CMP in hopes of the spec going final and 
Orion supporting it fully soon. Hopefully, we will win that bet. If we 
don't, well... let's just say that the bleeding edge will leave us with a 
blood pressure of zero over zero.


--On Thursday, October 26, 2000 12:14 PM -0700 "Duffey, Kevin" 

 I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM!!! I was about to write an email to the
 list..hopefully someone else can answer this. Its pissing me off.

 My problem is that EJB A uses EJB B, but my servlet, when it tries to get
 EJB A, throws the naming exception. The code in EJB A hasn't even ran
 yet..and the stack trace says it can't find EJB B! That is strange to me
 on why if the code in EJB A that uses B isn't even running yet..just when
 the object is trying to be found, that it says it can't find EJB B. Must
 be some mechanism of EJB containers that makes sure they all exist.

 My EJB A does a JNDI call to java:comp/env/ejb/Test and that should work
 according to the ejb book I have. That is how a session bean uses an
 entity bean supposedly. From what I read, a session bean (or I suppose
 any ejb) must use a JNDI lookup for every bean it wants to use. God
 forbid if I had a bean that needed to use 50 other beans! Isn't there a
 way to simplify this process?

 Also, it appears EJB 1.1 entity CMP stuff is very limited..VERY limited. I
 can't have any type of joins. How then is a join done? Does EJB A
 (session) that uses two entities, with entity A having a join to entity
 B..does this have to be done in code? You have to get all the entities of
 both A and B, then in code do a loop through all As and on each iteration
 do a loop through all B's and if the fields of both that are in the
 "query" match, store that in a vector, then return that result? That
 seems like a whole lot of code just to do a simple one to many join of
 two tables. It's enough to make me use standard JDBC sql, instead of
 entity CMP.

 -Original Message-
 From: J Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 10:21 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Can't call an EJB from Within another EJB

 We have gotten our Orion server(1.3.8) to work with EJBs on a singular
 level(i.e. we can call EJB A, B or C and it works fine.)  But
 If one of our
 EJB's tries to call another(i.e. A calls B)  A throws a
 naming exception
 that it can't find the EJB reference when doing a jndi
 lookup.  Is there a
 dependency tag or something within one of the XML files that
 denotes EJB
 dependencies on one another?  I'm sure this is something
 simple, but it is
 getting annoying.

How to learn EJB 2.0 (was: Can't call an EJB from Within anotherEJB)

2000-10-27 Thread Jim Archer

Hi Kevin...

Currently, the only good source of info on how to develop for EJB 2.0 is 
the spec. But thats not so bad. The spec is very well written and has 
examples of code and descriptors. I will send you a 2.0 CMP example off 
list (I sent it off to Joe for inclusion on Orion Support, but it has not 
made it up there yet).

You can download the spec in PDF format from Sun. A bit of warning; it's 
about 530 pages long and has no fluff! I printed it double side on 3 hole 
punch and its a few inches. That said, it sounds worse than it is. Read 
chapter 9 several times. This is about 110 pages long and covers CMP in EJB 
2.0 (including relationships and dependent class objects). After reading 
it, you'll know what can be done and have a good idea how to do it.

Also, if you go to there is a link to an article 
wrtten by Richard Monson-Haefel that covers the changes from EJB 1.1 to 2.0 
(although this article is a little out of date, it is almost completely 
correct still).

Read some of that, go through the example, then feel free to post your 
questions here. There are several of us (at least) active in 2.0 
development and I expect you'll get your questions answered.

In addition to big CMP improvements you'll see other nice enhancements, in 
particular the ability to use JMS for asynchronus actions. I feel 2.0 is a 
huge improvement.

 WARNING WILL ROBINSON (dryer vent arms waveing, lights flashing) 

But be warned! The current version of the EJB 2.0 spec is public draft 
2 and will probably change at least a little or maybe alot (probably only a 
little, though) before it is final. Further, be aware that only Orion and 
Weblogic have any portion of EJB 2.0 spec implemented. It could be as long 
as 2001 Q2 before you see servers with full EJB compliance (assuming the 
spec goes final this year).

Good luck!


--On Friday, October 27, 2000 3:48 PM -0700 "Duffey, Kevin" 

 Hi Jim (all),

 Thanks for the informative reply. Since what I am working on wont be in
 production for at least 3 or 4 months, I think I would rather start using
 EJB 2.0 capabilities. The problem is, every book on the market is all EJB how do you learn what you can do with EJB 2.0, how to make the
 calls, lookups, mappings, etc. The spec is almost certainly geared towards
 vendors, and its not an easy read..not to mention short! Can you point me
 to any docs, tutorials, etc that explain EJB 2.0, the differences, etc?


 -Original Message-----
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 2:59 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Duffey, Kevin
 Subject: RE: Can't call an EJB from Within another EJB

 Hi Kevin...

 I have apps in which a servlet creates a stateless session
 bean that in
 turn creates an entity bean (or finds one that exists). It
 runs fine. My
 guess is that you have a deployment descriptor error if you
 get a nameing
 exception. Cjheck all your EJB-REF tags and remember that
 they are scoped
 to the bean in which they exist. If you want, for example, to
 access a
 PersonEB from two seperate beans, each of those seperate
 beans needs an
 EJB-REF entry within its definition for that PersonEB.

 As for EJB 1.1 CMP being very limited, yes it is. Very
 limited (as you
 said). This is why third party OR Mapping tools like CocoBase
 have become
 extremely popular. With them, you define your relationship
 schema and it
 makes BMP beans for you. But don't dispair! You have several options.
 First, use BMP instead. Next, CocoBase (and TopLink, a
 similar product)
 cost one heck of a lot less then that testing tool you use for the
 performance tests (and we all know how much venture money you
 guys have -
 grin). The best solution (and the riskiest right now) is to
 use EJB 2.0.
 This has a tremendousely powerfull scheme for modeling complex

 We are developing for EJB 2.0 CMP in hopes of the spec going
 final and
 Orion supporting it fully soon. Hopefully, we will win that
 bet. If we
 don't, well... let's just say that the bleeding edge will
 leave us with a
 blood pressure of zero over zero.


 --On Thursday, October 26, 2000 12:14 PM -0700 "Duffey, Kevin"

  I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM!!! I was about to write an email to the
  list..hopefully someone else can answer this. Its pissing me off.
  My problem is that EJB A uses EJB B, but my servlet, when
 it tries to get
  EJB A, throws the naming exception. The code in EJB A
 hasn't even ran
  yet..and the stack trace says it can't find EJB B! That is
 strange to me
  on why if the code in EJB A that uses B isn't even running
 yet..just when
  the object is trying to be found, that it says it can't
 find EJB B. Must
  be some mechanism of EJB containers that makes sure they all exist.
  My EJB A does a JNDI call to java:comp/env/ejb/Test and
 that should work
  according to the ejb book I have. That i

Re: How to learn EJB 2.0 (was: Can't call an EJB from Withinanother EJB)

2000-10-27 Thread Jim Archer


No sooner do I send this note than I see I was wrong on two counts.

First, Sun yesterday released the "Proposed Final" version of the EJB 2.0 
spec. Kevin, grab that one instead of public draft 2, of course. I'm glad 
to be wrong! This is great news!

Next, Orion and Weblogic are not the only two servers with some EJB 2.0 
support. Kevin, check out for details.



--On Friday, October 27, 2000 8:17 PM -0400 Jim Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hi Kevin...

 Currently, the only good source of info on how to develop for EJB 2.0 is
 the spec. But thats not so bad. The spec is very well written and has
 examples of code and descriptors. I will send you a 2.0 CMP example off
 list (I sent it off to Joe for inclusion on Orion Support, but it has not
 made it up there yet).

 You can download the spec in PDF format from Sun. A bit of warning; it's
 about 530 pages long and has no fluff! I printed it double side on 3 hole
 punch and its a few inches. That said, it sounds worse than it is. Read
 chapter 9 several times. This is about 110 pages long and covers CMP in
 EJB 2.0 (including relationships and dependent class objects). After
 reading it, you'll know what can be done and have a good idea how to do

 Also, if you go to there is a link to an article
 wrtten by Richard Monson-Haefel that covers the changes from EJB 1.1 to
 2.0 (although this article is a little out of date, it is almost
 completely correct still).

 Read some of that, go through the example, then feel free to post your
 questions here. There are several of us (at least) active in 2.0
 development and I expect you'll get your questions answered.

 In addition to big CMP improvements you'll see other nice enhancements,
 in particular the ability to use JMS for asynchronus actions. I feel 2.0
 is a huge improvement.

  WARNING WILL ROBINSON (dryer vent arms waveing, lights flashing) 

 But be warned! The current version of the EJB 2.0 spec is public
 draft 2 and will probably change at least a little or maybe alot
 (probably only a little, though) before it is final. Further, be aware
 that only Orion and Weblogic have any portion of EJB 2.0 spec
 implemented. It could be as long as 2001 Q2 before you see servers with
 full EJB compliance (assuming the spec goes final this year).

 Good luck!


 --On Friday, October 27, 2000 3:48 PM -0700 "Duffey, Kevin"

 Hi Jim (all),

 Thanks for the informative reply. Since what I am working on wont be in
 production for at least 3 or 4 months, I think I would rather start using
 EJB 2.0 capabilities. The problem is, every book on the market is all EJB how do you learn what you can do with EJB 2.0, how to make the
 calls, lookups, mappings, etc. The spec is almost certainly geared
 towards vendors, and its not an easy read..not to mention short! Can you
 point me to any docs, tutorials, etc that explain EJB 2.0, the
 differences, etc?


 -Original Message-----
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 2:59 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Duffey, Kevin
 Subject: RE: Can't call an EJB from Within another EJB

 Hi Kevin...

 I have apps in which a servlet creates a stateless session
 bean that in
 turn creates an entity bean (or finds one that exists). It
 runs fine. My
 guess is that you have a deployment descriptor error if you
 get a nameing
 exception. Cjheck all your EJB-REF tags and remember that
 they are scoped
 to the bean in which they exist. If you want, for example, to
 access a
 PersonEB from two seperate beans, each of those seperate
 beans needs an
 EJB-REF entry within its definition for that PersonEB.

 As for EJB 1.1 CMP being very limited, yes it is. Very
 limited (as you
 said). This is why third party OR Mapping tools like CocoBase
 have become
 extremely popular. With them, you define your relationship
 schema and it
 makes BMP beans for you. But don't dispair! You have several options.
 First, use BMP instead. Next, CocoBase (and TopLink, a
 similar product)
 cost one heck of a lot less then that testing tool you use for the
 performance tests (and we all know how much venture money you
 guys have -
 grin). The best solution (and the riskiest right now) is to
 use EJB 2.0.
 This has a tremendousely powerfull scheme for modeling complex

 We are developing for EJB 2.0 CMP in hopes of the spec going
 final and
 Orion supporting it fully soon. Hopefully, we will win that
 bet. If we
 don't, well... let's just say that the bleeding edge will
 leave us with a
 blood pressure of zero over zero.


 --On Thursday, October 26, 2000 12:14 PM -0700 "Duffey, Kevin"

  I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM!!! I was about to write an email to the
  list..hopefully someone else can answer this. Its pissing me off.
  My problem is that EJB A uses EJB B, 

RE: Anyone using Interbase in production?

2000-10-27 Thread Jim Archer

I can't say which is the best, but I can supply the URLs you requested. 
They all have either the JDBC driver linked or included.





--On Friday, October 27, 2000 2:24 PM -0700 "Duffey, Kevin" 

 So of all the databases that are "free" to use, which one is best for
 load? I know of PostgreSQL, mySQL, Interbase, and Sybase 11.x. Can anyone
 maybe fill in the URLs where we can get these databases, as well as JDBC
 2.0 compliant drivers for them?


 -Original Message-
 From: Colin Jacobs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 1:56 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Anyone using Interbase in production?

 We built our prototype on InterBase. Mostly on NT but some
 linux also.

 I had pretty mixed experiences with it. As a developer doing
 JDBC stuff, I
 didn't have many complaints. On paper, at least, IB6 looks
 like a pretty
 full-featured open-source DB. But our DB guy complained about
 IB a lot (the
 tools and features) - although, I think a lot of it was him
 having been
 "spoilt" by Oracle.

 One caveat: The IB JDBC drivers ("InterClient") connect to a
 process called
 interserver, then then connects to ibserver. I don't think
 interserver is
 very robust. I know that on NT, the interserver.exe processes
 accumulate, until you start getting problems connecting. We
 have to reboot
 pretty regularly.

 Be advised the JDBC drivers don't support SQL dialect 3 yet. Also, the
 relationship between the IB open source community and Inprise
 isn't a great
 one. I think this is slowing down the development of the JDBC
 2.0 drivers.
 Plus, I believe there was a major fork in the IB source
 within the last
 couple of months.

 Luckily our real product is built on Oracle. I'd be a bit
 hesitant to use IB
 in production under any significant load. With hindsight I
 would have looked
 into PostgreSQL a bit more thoroughly.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 10:26 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Jonas Larsson
 Subject: Anyone using Interbase in production?

 Does anyone here have any experience with Interbase in a production
 environment? We are trying to decide which database to deploy in
 production. Since we are a very low budget operation, we are
 looking at
 Open Source, but somehow missed this one.

 Our most important requirements are stability, transaction
 support, a solid
 JDBC driver (for use with an EJB server) and online backup capability.

 Any experiences people can offer would be appreciated,
 especially in a
 Linux environment.



 --On Friday, October 27, 2000 11:46 AM +0200 Jonas Larsson

  You could always use Interbase which now is opensource..
  - Original Message -
  From: Laufer, Michael
  To: Orion-Interest
  Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 10:41 AM
  Subject: MYSQL, Orion, EJB and transactions ??
  Hi there,
  I know that the question has been discussed here before,
 but I'm still a
  little confused about using  MYSQL together with Orion.
  I've just downloaded mysql (version 3.23.22 beta) and the manual
  announces that mysql is now supporting transactions.  If I
 understood it
  correctly, that would mean, that it should be possible to
 use mysql with
  entity beans. Am I right ??  What's confusing to me is the
 fact, that I
  only find news in mailing-list, that mysql is not supporting
  So I don't really now, if I can use mysql for entity beans.
  If not, which database would you suggest ??
  It should work on NT and not be the most expensive one as I
 use it 'only'
  for writing my Master's Thesis.
  Thanks in advance,

Re: Can't call an EJB from Within another EJB

2000-10-26 Thread Jim Archer

Remember that your EJB-REF tage are scoped within each bean, so that the 
same tag name can refer to different things, depending upon which bean it 
is defined in. So, my guess is that you didn't include an EJB-REF tag *in 
the bean definition* for the bean you want to reference.

If thats not the problem, post your deployment descriptor for us to look at.


--On Wednesday, October 25, 2000 11:21 AM -0600 J Davis 

 We have gotten our Orion server(1.3.8) to work with EJBs on a singular
 level(i.e. we can call EJB A, B or C and it works fine.)  But If one of
 our EJB's tries to call another(i.e. A calls B)  A throws a naming
 exception that it can't find the EJB reference when doing a jndi lookup.
 Is there a dependency tag or something within one of the XML files that
 denotes EJB dependencies on one another?  I'm sure this is something
 simple, but it is getting annoying.

Re: Code generation error at deployment stage.

2000-10-24 Thread Jim Archer

Paul, be sure to bugzilla that, if you don't mind. The Orion folks have 
said that bad error messages should be Bugzillaed. There is a link to 
Bugzilla from the homepage.

I have had silmilar trouble with cryptic error messages, so I'm kind of on 
an unofficial campeign to report all poor error messages.


--On Tuesday, October 24, 2000 6:09 PM +0200 Paul Hammant 

 OK, It was to do with the transaction type (should have been "Container"
 for the session bean).  I guess the "!created" is short hand for " not
 created " as in System.err.println("It was not created");

 It would be preferable for the Orion stub generator to throw an
 exception here ...

  throw new OrionXYZDeploymentException("Session bean's transaction tye
 not recognized", beanName);

 ... far more debugable.


 - Paul H

RE: EJB 2.0 Dependent bidirectional relationships not working

2000-10-24 Thread Jim Archer

I have a one-to-one bidirectional relationship between two entity beans 
that appears to be working correctly. Orion creates a LONGBINARY field in 
Hypersonac to represent the EB reference and stores some value in there. It 
seems to be working on both sides.

I also have a one-to-many bidirectional relationship between entity beans 
which seems to be working half way. The sode with just one gets populated, 
but the table with the many is empty when I look at it.

This is odd, since it seems to be the oppisit of what you said. You seemed 
to say that the "many" table gets populated but not the field for the "one" 
reference. Am I right?


--On Tuesday, October 24, 2000 11:39 AM -0400 John D'Ausilio 

 I can't even get bidirectional relationships between beans working here

 I have a simple one-many relationship, collection in the parent, parent
 object in the child. When deployed, it correctly puts the backreference
 field in the child, but never fills it in with the parent's objectID

 has anyone used *any* bi-directional relationship successfully?

 john d

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Archer
 Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 4:22 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: EJB 2.0 Dependent bidirectional relationships not working

 Hi All...

 As I mentioned in an earlier message, I have some working example
 code that
 has an EJB 2.0 CMP entity bean working with both one-to-one and
 unidirectional relationships.

 Next, I want to change the one-to-many relationship to be
 bidirectional. I
 expected this to be a simple change, but it didn't work out that
 way. I see
 that the ATM example does not include a dependent object with a
 bidirectional relationship, so I'm wondering if thie feature is known to
 work or not. If no one here has used this feature successfully,
 I'll add a
 bug report to bugzilla, but I wanted to make sure I did everything right

 To make my changes, I added abstract set/get methods to the dependent
 object class ( the remote interface of the EB it should
 refer to ( I also modified the deployment descriptor
 to have a
 CMR field in the dependent relationship section and a CMP field in the
 dependent section. I realize that the presence of the CMP-FIELD tag
 violates the spec, but Orion will not deploy dependent objects without it
 (it complaines that it can't instansiate an abstract class that it had
 generated). It all now looks like the Order-Lineitem example in the PD1

 After Orion deployed the app, I ran it and looked at the database. Orion
 had correctly created a table to hold the dependent (since its a many it
 needs its own table), but the field for the Person EB remote interface
 (which is the EB that the dependent is created by and should
 refer to) was
 named VALUEPERSON and had null as its value.

 This seems to indicate that Orion is not understanding that this field is
 supposed to be a CMR field. I reviewed the spec and there is no
 that I manually set the Person remote interface in the dependent object,
 but I doubt thats the problem anyhow, since Orion named the person field
 "valueperson", indicating it thinks person is just another CMP field.

 Anyhow, I think I did everything right and I posted the code below. If
 someone sees something wrong or has any suggestions as to what I should
 try, I would appreciate you correcting me.

 Thanks VERY much!!


 ?xml version="1.0"?
 !DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise
 JavaBeans 2.0//EN" ""
  descriptionTest Sample EJB 2.0 EB/description
  descriptionPerson has an address DO/description

  !-- These lines should not be required
 (according to the spec) --
  !-- but without them deployment fails --







Re: EJB 2.0 Dependent Object problem - NPE on deploy

2000-10-23 Thread Jim Archer


That was the problem! I sure wish I had seen that. I compared my 
descriptor to the sample many times and missed that each time. I guess 
thats what I get for working all night ;-)

Seriousely Earl, I can't thank you enough!

I now have dependent object samples with a one-to-one unidirectional 
relationship and a one-to-many unidirectional working. Next challenge is to 
make them work bidirectional. This is the important one, since thats what 
my app needs to do. I have my fingers crossed.

I'm going to clean up the samples and send them off to OrionSupport, but if 
anyone needs them in the meantime, send me a note off list and I'll send 
them to you.


--On Sunday, October 22, 2000 11:48 AM -0600 Earl Marwil 


 Try adding a field-name tag in your dependent cmp-field declarations:


 I can't remember how I discovered this - it worked for me when I first
 looked into ejb 2.0 / cmr / orion a couple of months ago.

 Also, the ejb-name for the entity must match exactly with the role-source
 ejb-name in the relationship. You have Temp20CmpDo.eb.Person in the
 former and and Temp20CmpDo.eb.PersonEJB in the latter.

 Hope this helps,


Earl S. Marwil, Ph.D. /  Senior Scientist / SCIENTECH, Inc.
    __o  /  TEL: (208) 525-3717  / 1690 International Way
   -\,     /  FAX: (208) 529-4721  / Idaho Falls, ID 83402
  0/ 0__   /  net: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

EJB 2.0 Dependent bidirectional relationships not working

2000-10-23 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

As I mentioned in an earlier message, I have some working example code that 
has an EJB 2.0 CMP entity bean working with both one-to-one and one-to-many 
unidirectional relationships.

Next, I want to change the one-to-many relationship to be bidirectional. I 
expected this to be a simple change, but it didn't work out that way. I see 
that the ATM example does not include a dependent object with a 
bidirectional relationship, so I'm wondering if thie feature is known to 
work or not. If no one here has used this feature successfully, I'll add a 
bug report to bugzilla, but I wanted to make sure I did everything right 

To make my changes, I added abstract set/get methods to the dependent 
object class ( the remote interface of the EB it should 
refer to ( I also modified the deployment descriptor to have a 
CMR field in the dependent relationship section and a CMP field in the 
dependent section. I realize that the presence of the CMP-FIELD tag 
violates the spec, but Orion will not deploy dependent objects without it 
(it complaines that it can't instansiate an abstract class that it had 
generated). It all now looks like the Order-Lineitem example in the PD1 

After Orion deployed the app, I ran it and looked at the database. Orion 
had correctly created a table to hold the dependent (since its a many it 
needs its own table), but the field for the Person EB remote interface 
(which is the EB that the dependent is created by and should refer to) was 
named VALUEPERSON and had null as its value.

This seems to indicate that Orion is not understanding that this field is 
supposed to be a CMR field. I reviewed the spec and there is no requirement 
that I manually set the Person remote interface in the dependent object, 
but I doubt thats the problem anyhow, since Orion named the person field 
"valueperson", indicating it thinks person is just another CMP field.

Anyhow, I think I did everything right and I posted the code below. If 
someone sees something wrong or has any suggestions as to what I should 
try, I would appreciate you correcting me.

Thanks VERY much!!


?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise 
JavaBeans 2.0//EN" ""
descriptionTest Sample EJB 2.0 EB/description
descriptionPerson has an address DO/description

!-- These lines should not be required (according to the 
spec) --
!-- but without them deployment fails --





HINT: One possible way to cure an internal error on deployment

2000-10-23 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

I just thought I would put this out in case anyone finds it usefull to tuck 
away for future use.

For about an hour now, I have been getting an "Internal error" on 
deployment. The error complained that the persistence type was not set for 
one of my fields in an EB that participated in an EJB 2.0 CMP relationship.

I don't know what made me do it, but I went over to application-deploymnts 
and blew away the entire application folder. Then I started Orion and the 
app deployed like a champ.

If I could reproduce this, I would bugzilla it, but I can't, so I'm just 
offering this hint.


Re: Creating EAR Files

2000-10-23 Thread Jim Archer

Santosh, if your using the exact same source and descriptor files from the 
primer, the error is most likely the location of everything in the archive. 
I would suggest that you use some zip tool to examint the archive built by 
the ant file and aloso your own to see how they differ.

Once you figure out how ti use the service console to make your archive 
look like the one built by ant, you'll be in business.

Good luck.


--On Tuesday, October 24, 2000 9:57 AM +0530 Santosh Kumar 

 Hi all,

   How do i create EAR/WAR/JAR files without using ANT1.1 as required
 When i try to build these using the Orion provided SERVICE CONSOLE tool,
 it shows error "Class hello.ejb.HelloBean" not found, though it does
 exist in the same directory where i was pointing to. where am i going


 == =  Santosh Kumar C
 = =  Senior Systems Engineer
 = =  Wipro Technologies
 = =  1-8-448, Laxmi Building, S.P. Road,
 = =  Begumpet, Secunderabad - 500 003
 = =  A.P, India.
 = =  Phone@: 91407896008 Ext 4511
 = =  Fax  @: 91407896123
 = =  eMail@: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 = =  url  @:
 = =  The World's First SEI CMM Level 5 Software Services Company

RE: EJB Help..

2000-10-22 Thread Jim Archer

Uaually, I need to build on top of legacy code. If I had time I would build 
a tool to generate the 2.0 entity beans and descriptors from a database 
schema, but I don't have time. I have seen these tools for 1.1, so someone 
will be doing it.

Currently, my project is to build something brand new.


--On Saturday, October 21, 2000 8:23 PM -0400 Cory Adams 


 Thanks for the reply.  I have not looked over the 2.0 spec. in detail yet
 but I will.

 Are you mapping cmp entity beans to an existing db structure most of the


 At 07:28 PM 10/21/00 -0400, you wrote:
 Hi Cory...

 I doubt we'll see anything thats database engine specific supported in
 CMP.  I agree that sequences are extremely usefull and wish that there
 was a  standard way on implementing them on database engines so that
 JDBC (and  therefore J2EE) could take full advantage. PostgreSQL has a
 sequence and MS  SQL Server has an identity field and so on.
 Unfortunatly, database vendors  have no standard for implementing them.

 You can write code to generate a unique value for a primary key. You
 could  code up a session bean that uses JDBC to create a new record in a
 table  with no fields but the identity field. Of course, this bean would
 be  database specific and it would be used by the non-database specific
 CMP  entity beans.

 Orion makes a key generator available called counter.jar, which you can
 read about in the Orion FAQ (although I don't know what its licensing
 terms  are - check this before you rely on it in your app).

 Setting aside the question of sequence types and primary key generation,
 I  have not yet run into a RDBMS data structure I don't think I could
 replicate using EJB 2.0 CMP. Even if I did, I could isolate part with
 BMP  or session beans and use CMP for the rest. I expect if I found
 something so  strange 2.0 CMP could not handle it that I would try to
 redesign it so that  it could be handled. I would probably end up with a
 better and simpler  design.

 With EJB 2.0 CMP, I have a very good chance of getting my J2EE app to
 run  on whatever database on whatever compliant server on whatever
 operating  system. And, all the work it does for me is nice as well.
 Also, with EJB  2.0, its entirely possible to create a tool that would
 let you draw a UML  diagram and generate almost the entire back end of
 an app - deployment  descripters, code, maybe everything but the QL-
 automatically and then make  changes a snap. There is no such tool now,
 but give some time.

 The best source of how to do CMP, unfortunatly, is still the spec.

 Anyhow, I thought EJB 1.1 was of limited utility. I think 2.0 is much,
 much  better and can probably handle most systems. Just my opinion.


 --On Saturday, October 21, 2000 3:11 AM -0400 Cory Adams


 How could a CMP managed entity bean handle a create for say an Oracle
 database table that used db specific sql for describing the key using a

 Where the sql itself might look like

 insert into customer (id, name, address) values(cust_sequence.NEXTVAL,
 "Jim" "12 Willow Street");

 Maybe this is trivial.

 Better yet could I ask you to provide some of the sources of information
 that you use to help all of us better understand how to do CMP with
 perhaps complex RDBMS entity relationships?



 At 09:07 PM 10/20/00 -0400, Jim Archer wrote:
 What types of relationships do you feel EJB 2.0 can't adequately
 support? I  have been studying 2.0 CMP carefully, and it seems to be
 quite powerfull.  There may be holes in it, but it can handle the
 majority of real works  cases.


 --On Friday, October 20, 2000 12:28 PM -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you don't use an object-relational mapping tool you're still in
 for a lot of hurt with EJB if you have a complex data model. I don't
 think CMP really addresses the kind of data models large systems
 have. Nor does the relationship support in EJB 2.0 either. I think
 you'll end up doing JDBC BMP with your Session and Entity beans.
 Performance is only an issue when you make everything a stateful
 session bean or an entity bean. There are rules for when it's
 appropriate to make things entity beans. There still isn't a whole
 lot of useful information around on design EJBs yet though with most
 of it only explaining the basics including the ORA book.

 On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Duffey, Kevin wrote:


 I only meant to use the /classes folder because my ejb code is in the
 same project as the rest of my code (Servlets, javabeans, action
 classes, etc). Since it all compiles to the same one folder, I
 assume I will have to "move" the ejb compiled classes every time I
 compile them. What I was hoping for was a way to not have to do
 this..instead, just let the whole project compile to the
 WEB-INF/classes folder (all my code), and then have Orion pick up on
 the ejb changes from that poi

RE: EJB Help..

2000-10-22 Thread Jim Archer

Hi Kevin...

Accessing entity beans through session beans is usually the recomended 
procedure, but it does depend on what your doing.


--On Sunday, October 22, 2000 10:32 AM -0700 "Duffey, Kevin" 


 Good news...I used ANT 1.1 and made a simple build script that compiles my folder into a .jar file including the META-INF dir. I was
 finally able to get EJB deployed!!! So i am stoked about that. I do have a
 lot to learn still, and the spec from what I heard was mostly for vendors
 to understand..didn't help developers too much. But I will read it again.
 I am also still reading on an EJB book from ORiely press that covers EJB
 1.1. It talks more about CTM's than EJB J2EE servers to my surprise, but
 I suppose they are the same thing.

 I really want to use stateless EJB session objects that work with entity
 objects. I don't want my web/client side to access entity objects
 directly...I don't know if thats the right way or not. What do you think?
 One of our developers here thinks we should just use Entity objects
 directly, but I don't see how that will help locate our logic on the ejb
 server. Do ejb session objects work directly with entity objects? much to little time. I think I'll be just in time for
 EJB 2.0! :)

 -Original Message-
 From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 2:52 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: EJB Help..

 the create method must reside in the Home interface and must match an
 ejbCreate method in the bean class...

 the Home And Remote interfaces ( and must be
 implemented somewhere,
 because the Bean class doesn't implement it...

 EJB Servers/Containers, at deploy time, build a class that
 implements them
 and calls your ejb--
 providing an indirection pattern which enables to provide transaction,
 security, caching and pooling support

 I suggest you read (again) extra carefully the ejb spec, and
 don't skip any
 section, specially the ones about
 Container responsabilities, this will give you the insight to
 know why your
 app isn't behaving well...



 PS: Copies of your Login*.java and the ejb-jar.xml would be welcome...

 -Original Message-
 From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 20 de Octubre de 2000 17:22
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: EJB Help..


  Double check your ejb-jar.xml--are you setting LoginHome as
 your Home
  interface in there? Is there a LoginHome.create() method
  declared? Is there
  a LoginBean.ejbCreate() method defined?

 Hmm..I don't have a LoginHome.create()..the Orion Primer
 didn't show that. I
 have a, and I think is
 the only one with a create() method in it. Should both the "interface"
 classes have a create() in it?

 Also, why is Orion trying to compile it if its already
 compiled? Or is this
 some sort of "assembly" routine Orion does? I assume from
 what I read that
 the EJB server "implements" the is it
 generating its own code
 at runtime and that is what compiling is failing?

 Thanks again.

EJB 2.0 Dependent Object problem - NPE on deploy

2000-10-21 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

After being told that Orion supports the PD1 spec for EJB 2.0 dependent 
objects I went through the PD1 spec carefully and compared it to the PD2 
spec and changed my code accordingly. In fact, I have created a very 
stripped down example that fails. I also have looked carefully at the 
LogEntry class in the ATM example and its associated deployment descriptors 
and AccountEJB class. The best I can get Orion to do is throw a null 
pointer exception (pasted below) at deployment time. I have been trying a 
variety of things for many hours so far Friday and this weekend and still 
just the same, cryptic null pointer error.

I have posted the code and deployment descriptors below. I realize the 
error is mine, since I can successfully deploy the ATM example.

If someone could take a look and let me know what I screwed up, I would be 
greatly appreciative. This whole mess is pretty straightforward. In the 
PersonEJB class you'll see I used AddrDo for the varible name as in 
getAddrDo(), but I also tried to use a different name than the type, sich 
as getAddress(). If I remove the dependent object portions of this code and 
descriptor it works fine, except of course without the dependent.

Also, there is a servlet and web descriptors and application descriptors I 
didn't post to save bandwidth. If thats needed I'll gladly post it.

Thanks to everyone in advance. I'm sorry I'm asking so much, but the side 
of my head is bashed in from the brick wall.


C:\orionjava -jar orion.jar
C:\Orion-test-apps\Test20CmpDo\rel\Sample20EbDo-ver001a.ear... do
bDo-ver001a-web.war... done.
Auto-deploying Sample20EbDo (Assembly had been updated)...
Auto-deploying Sample20EbDo-ver001a-ejb.jar (ejb-jar.xml had been touched 
the previous deployment)... java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.util.HashMap.put(Unknown Source)
at java.util.HashSet.add(Unknown Source)
at java.util.AbstractCollection.addAll(Unknown Source)
at java.util.HashSet.init(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind.server.ejb.deployment.Dependent.zk(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.f4.init(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.rn(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.apr(JAX)
at Source)

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise 
JavaBeans 2.0//EN" ""
descriptionTest Sample EJB 2.0 EB/description
descriptionPerson has an address DO/description

!-- Same failure with  without the next line --






RE: Orion in production - autoupdate tool

2000-10-21 Thread Jim Archer

I would love to take credit, but one of the guys I work with is an expert 
in this field and he has been working on securing Orion on a Debian Linux 
server. I'll see if I can get him to write up a little doc on this, but 
unfortunatly we have not got it working properly yet.

When we remove Orion's permission to write to itself, we find thst it is no 
longer able to make the JSP cache files when a JSP is run for the first 
time. This is odd, since we moved them and granted Orion permission to 
write to them, so this should not fail.

We sent some questions off to Orion, but have not heard back yet. So for 
now, we are running it unsecure in test mode. We really can't deploy like 
that, so it is being worked on.

When we figure out what the heck is going on, we'll do as you request, 
gladly. We have received a lot of help from this list and so we'll be happy 
to give back. However, I doid post a long note from my friend describing 
the some problems and solutions, except for that last one. I'll see if I 
can hunt it down and forward it to you.



--On Sunday, October 22, 2000 2:28 PM +1000 Mike Cannon-Brookes 

 This sounds fascinating - I'd love to know more about *ix permissions,
 securing Orion properly etc.

 You sound like you've got it all down pat, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love
 to learn more about your setup - as I'm sure other Orion users would. How
 about writing a quick how to doc about securing Orion on *ix?

 The OrionSupport team will love you for it ;)


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 1:18 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Mike Cannon-Brookes
 Subject: RE: Orion in production - autoupdate tool

 Actually, I'm not sure the auto-update tool is very usefull at all in
 production. For security reasons, we don't allow Orion write access to

 If we configure our operating system to allow Orion to over write its own
 code files, we create a serious security hole. A hacker may discover an
 exploit in Orion that gets it to change its files and open a
 security hole.
 If Orion can't write to itself, this can't happen. Configuring an
 app like
 a web server to not have write access to itself is security
 measure number


 --On Sunday, October 22, 2000 12:09 PM +1000 Mike Cannon-Brookes

  I agree with some of your points, and I have a 'semi' solution that
  I've told Magnus about before.
  The autoupdate tool is brilliant, but too addictive. Sometimes I've
  updated to get fixes for bugs, only to get another version with a
  different annoying bug.
  If it had the option to autoupdate to the latest 'stable'
 version, or the
  latest 'rough edged' version, it would be perfect.
  eg java -jar autoupdate.jar -version=stable / development
  Oh, and to Al who says he can't see Orion because it's too inexpensive?
  Just tell the client it's $10k, bill 'em $10k and they'll love
 you for it
  - oh, and either pocket the $8.5k or donate it to the Orion guys, I'm
  sure they wouldn't knock you back ;)
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Robert Krueger
  Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 5:19 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Orion in production
  At 07:46 21.10.00 , you wrote:
   I think that Orion far outshines products like EA Server, Web
  Sphere, etc
   of the functionality available - and you are right - the
 docs are just
   a little more pretty
   and their tech support is absurdly costly and much less informative
   than what is found on
   this list.
  ok, sorry to somehow take the part of mr. bad guy here but I get the
  feeling someone following this discussion IMHO doesn't really get
  the right
  impression. it's a little bit too black and white. first of all,
  let me say
  that after about a year of intensively using orion in development
  and half
  a year in production, I'm a generally very satisfied customer and I do
  appreciate the completeness, standards conformance, speed,
 great logical
  concept of orion. however, I think it's oversimplifying things to
  say it's
  just marketing that makes the big names so expensive (it's a
  factor, though) and it's not a very good assessment to say that
  orion beat
  all competitors' asses if it weren't for the lack of good
  there are some significant things that are a lot of work and
  therefore very
  expensive like QA and rigid testing with many, many hardware,
  software, db,
  vm combinations that a company the size of evermind simply
 cannot deliver
  (have you looked at the number of platforms you can get
 websphere for?).
  anyone who says that write once run anywhere really works 100%
  probably hasn't been involved in too many real-world projects where
  certain combinations of VMs and software just crash under certain load

Do EJB 2.0 dependent object classes work as per the spec?

2000-10-20 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

I'm just wondering if dependent object classes in Orion 1.4.0 work as laid 
out in the EJB 2.0 PD2 spec.

I have been trying to get it to work as the spec says but have gotton a 
number of errors from Orion when I start it, mostly complaining that the 
get/set methods for the dependent object class in the EJB should not be 
declared abstract, which they clearly must be per the spec.

I looked at the ATM example, and saw that the LogEntry dependent object 
class is serializable and set up as a CMP field of an entity. Also, it 
declares the deepCopy method, all of which is worng for EJB 2.0 PD2. But 
its methods are abstract, which is right for 2.0.

So I'm just wondering if anyone has gotton it to work as per the spec. If 
so, I'll keep trying. If anyone knows that it does not work, I would 
appreciate knowing, so I can stop beating my head against the brick wall. 
If it works kinda-sorta with tricks, what are the tricks?

Thanks very much...


RE: Do EJB 2.0 dependent object classes work as per the spec?

2000-10-20 Thread Jim Archer

Thanks, Tim. I do have that tag in place. I'll have to review PD1 and see 
how dependent objects work under that spec. Hopefully, there are not huge 


--On Friday, October 20, 2000 4:29 PM -0400 Tim Drury 

 I was getting the same thing until I added
 cmp-version2.x/cmp-version to the entity
 area.  You don't need the ejb2 DTD.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 2:54 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Do EJB 2.0 dependent object classes work as per the spec?

 Hi All...

 I'm just wondering if dependent object classes in Orion 1.4.0
 work as laid
 out in the EJB 2.0 PD2 spec.

 I have been trying to get it to work as the spec says but
 have gotton a
 number of errors from Orion when I start it, mostly
 complaining that the
 get/set methods for the dependent object class in the EJB
 should not be
 declared abstract, which they clearly must be per the spec.

 I looked at the ATM example, and saw that the LogEntry
 dependent object
 class is serializable and set up as a CMP field of an entity.
 Also, it
 declares the deepCopy method, all of which is worng for EJB
 2.0 PD2. But
 its methods are abstract, which is right for 2.0.

 So I'm just wondering if anyone has gotton it to work as per
 the spec. If
 so, I'll keep trying. If anyone knows that it does not work, I would
 appreciate knowing, so I can stop beating my head against the
 brick wall.
 If it works kinda-sorta with tricks, what are the tricks?

 Thanks very much...


RE: Orion in production - Let's sell support!

2000-10-20 Thread Jim Archer

Hello all...

--On Friday, October 20, 2000 5:35 PM -0300 "Juan Lorandi (Chile)" 

 And also, lack of support  documentation is becoming now, as most
 developers are finishing
 their work and reach deployment time(from what I pick up of many mails in
 this list), a critical point about orion.
 Many of us are reaching the point where we have to prove no only that
 orion's the best, but that it also is a good business
 choice. This is unfairly hard due to little colaboration from Evermind's
 team regarding, as said, support  documentation,
 tough it clearly seems to be changing.

This is a key issue. There is an old saying that time is money. Not true in 
software. Time is far more valuable than money. Money can be raised but 
time can not. Orion is reasonably priced for the product itself. However, 
if using Orion means a lot of trial and error development and no official 
support from the vendor, the costs in extra consumption of developers time 
and oppertunity loss from delayed market entry could easily exceed the 
price tag of Weblogic.

Don't get me wrong, I like Orion. I like it alot. Currently, our intention 
is to complete development on it and then license it and deploy with it and 
hopefully sell it with our product. This goal would be one heck of a lot 
easier to obtain if we had official support from the vendor. Right now, 
there are people here banging their heads on the wall just trying to guess 
at what works and what dossen't, whats implemented and whats not. It's 

Anybody want to help me start a business selling Orion support on a 900 
number? Just charge several dollars a minute, on an incident by incident 
basis. If the support is competant, it would sell big. Heck, we could make 
more money then Evermind! Big Grin OK, just kidding, but this is a 
serious issue.


RE: EJB Help..

2000-10-20 Thread Jim Archer

What types of relationships do you feel EJB 2.0 can't adequately support? I 
have been studying 2.0 CMP carefully, and it seems to be quite powerfull. 
There may be holes in it, but it can handle the majority of real works 


--On Friday, October 20, 2000 12:28 PM -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you don't use an object-relational mapping tool you're still in for a
 lot of hurt with EJB if you have a complex data model. I don't think CMP
 really addresses the kind of data models large systems have. Nor does the
 relationship support in EJB 2.0 either. I think you'll end up doing JDBC
 BMP with your Session and Entity beans. Performance is only an issue when
 you make everything a stateful session bean or an entity bean. There are
 rules for when it's appropriate to make things entity beans. There still
 isn't a whole lot of useful information around on design EJBs yet though
 with most of it only explaining the basics including the ORA book.

 On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Duffey, Kevin wrote:


 I only meant to use the /classes folder because my ejb code is in the
 same project as the rest of my code (Servlets, javabeans, action
 classes, etc). Since it all compiles to the same one folder, I assume I
 will have to "move" the ejb compiled classes every time I compile them.
 What I was hoping for was a way to not have to do this..instead, just
 let the whole project compile to the WEB-INF/classes folder (all my
 code), and then have Orion pick up on the ejb changes from that point.
 It appears to me from what everyone is saying I will have to use some
 sort of script every time I make a change to an ejb, which my first
 thoughts is a pain in the ass. Its very easy to develop servlets, action
 classes, javabeans, core classes, but ejb not only requires 3 classes
 per component, but lots of "special" work just to get the thing
 deployed. Then, every time you make a change, it requires the same
 process. I would think turn-around time for ejb development is on the
 order of a couple of minutes for every change you make. That results in
 a lot slower development cycle than I am currently using.

 Worse, I have started hearing alot of people turn away from ejb and going
 back to servlets because of development time, and performance. Supposedly
 the ejb stuff isn't living up to all the hype. However, I look at what
 the ejb container does for you (connection pooling, transactions,
 security, instance pooling, etc) and it seems there is alot of stuff I
 wont have to do on the side of persistence, transactions and maybe the extra time is worth it? ;)

 Anyways..I did as one person suggested in this list, I set up in my
 application.xml like so:


 and Orion seems to be finding the classes (the ejb). However, I keep
 seeing an error appear. It says something like:

 Error compiling class c:/path/www/WEB-INF/classes/  can't find method create()in

 Its a very strange message to me. If I change the module path, it
 tells me it can't find the classes. If I delete the classes, it also
 tells me it can't find them. So I assume the path is set correctly in
 the module ejb it is finding the classes. I am just not sure
 why the heck its giving me some compiler error..or why its even trying
 to compile them..they are already compiled.

 Anyways..I'll keep plugging away.

  -Original Message-
  From: Stanislav Maximov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 6:34 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: EJB Help..
  look inside the news-application example bundled with Orion,
  lots of things
  will become clear for you after that.
  www-dir/WEB-INF/classes directory is for servlet classes,
  not for EJBs.
  You'll see how to deploy EJBs in that example and in
  documentation as well.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
  Duffey, Kevin
   Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 3:45 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: EJB Help..
   Thanks for the note. One thing..since I compile all of my
  classes into the
   www/WEB-INF/classes dir, should I put a META-INF in the
  /classes dir, and
   just point the module to the WEB-INF/classes folder? Would
  that work?
   Not that I want you to tell me everything, ok..I do, but
  what exactly do I
   need to get EJB deployed in that way? My first stab that I
  want to do is
   create a login process. I would like to use statless session
   beans, and also
   use an entity bean..using CMP. I created 3 classes, Login,
  LoginBean and
   LoginHome. I have them in com.mycompany.ejb package. That
  compiles to
   www/WEB-INF/classes dir. So do I make application.xml like so:
   where the com folder starts? Or do I actually have to point them
   directly to
   the .class files 

RE: EJB Help..

2000-10-20 Thread Jim Archer

Kevin, your "Home interface" class, the LoginHome object, should have a 
create() method. In fact, you can have several create methods if you like, 
each with a different parameter list (yes, you can have no create methids, 
but thats a special case no relevant here). The Orion primer does show a 
create method. Check out steps 4 and 5. Look for helloHome.create().

Once you have gotton an instance of your home interface object, you call 
its create method and it returnes to you an instance of your EJB's remote 

As for compiling, In EJB 1.1 Orion has to generate the RMI stubs and 
skeletons for your classes and it has to compile those. In EJB 2.0, Orion 
has to create actual classes that extens the abstract classes you wrote, 
and these have to be compiled.

In both cases, you must have the JDK installed and not just the JRE for 
this reason.

Good luck...


--On Friday, October 20, 2000 1:21 PM -0700 "Duffey, Kevin" 


 Double check your ejb-jar.xml--are you setting LoginHome as your Home
 interface in there? Is there a LoginHome.create() method
 declared? Is there
 a LoginBean.ejbCreate() method defined?

 Hmm..I don't have a LoginHome.create()..the Orion Primer didn't show
 that. I have a, and I think is the only one with a create() method in it. Should both the
 "interface" classes have a create() in it?

 Also, why is Orion trying to compile it if its already compiled? Or is
 this some sort of "assembly" routine Orion does? I assume from what I
 read that the EJB server "implements" the is it generating
 its own code at runtime and that is what compiling is failing?

 Thanks again.

RE: support EJB2.0 or not?

2000-10-19 Thread Jim Archer

Hi Jeff...

Thats odd. I don't have cmp-version 2.x /cmp-version specified anywhere 
in my descriptor. Nor do I have any indication in my application.xml file 
that it should use EJB 2.0. And, as you know, I also have a bunch of EJB 
2.0 CMP entity beans.

I started my ejb-jar.xml file by copying the one from the ATM sample. It 
does not have that either. There is nothing in the server.xml file about 
it. So I wonder, how does Orion it know? I assumed it guessed by looking at 
the code, so prehaps he should post the code for his entity bean as well?.


PS - Did you know that whatever you use for a mail server routinely has 
trouble accepting mail? I always get the 4 hour can't send warning from my 
outgoing mail server.

--On Wednesday, October 18, 2000 10:12 PM -0700 Jeff Schnitzer 

 No, you don't need to specify the new DOCTYPE.  I haven't, and I'm
 making extensive use of EJB2.0 beans.

 Tim, you probably are missing something important in the deployment
 descriptor.  It's hard to say what without seeing it.  Do you have

 cmp-version 2.x /cmp-version

 in your entity block?  You should post your descriptor if you would
 like further help.


 -Original Message-
 From: John D'Ausilio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 4:59 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: support EJB2.0 or not?

 I believe the difference is in which dtd you specify in the deployment
 descriptor DOCTYPE

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Drury
  Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 5:21 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: support EJB2.0 or not?
  My guess is the Orion is assuming my EJB is a 1.1 entity
  bean.  What tell Orion that the bean is a 2.0 bean?
  Perhaps that is where my mistake lies.
   -Original Message-
   From: John D'Ausilio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 3:28 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: support EJB2.0 or not?
   You need to examine your deployment descriptor and
   class/interface defs ..
   there are lots of rules to follow, and they're easy to miss.
   I have CMP
   beans and dependent objects in various types of relationships
   all running
   just fine, but I've spent many an hour trying to find
   mistakes evidenced by
   errors such as yours. Go through the contract in section 9 of
   the spec, and
   assume nothing  :)
   (I wish I could remember just which mistake it was that
   caused that problem,
   but I cant)
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
 Of Tim Drury
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 12:18 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: support EJB2.0 or not?
When I try to write a 2.0 compliant entity bean:
public abstract class ContactBean implement EntityBean
   public abstract void setName(String s);
   public abstract String getName();
Orion throws the error (at deployment):
... Bean class com.tfc.ejb.ContactBean must not be declared
So what did I do wrong?  Does Orion 1.3.8 or 1.4.0 support
EJB 2.0 entity beans like the web page advertises or not?

RE: Please help! I get null pointer exception after callingcreateonan EB with EJB 2.0 CMP Orion 1.3.8...

2000-10-18 Thread Jim Archer

Hi Jeff!

Thanks alot! I see I'm not the only one up at 4:00AM! I really, really 
appreciate your help with this.

I'll look at that right away. In the meantime, I solved the problem minutes 
before your email arrived. Apparently, Orion does not like for the create() 
method on the bean class to not set a value for the primary key. I was 
leaving them set to null, which was causing the NPE.

I replicated this in a small, simple sample that does nothing more than 
have a servlet create an entity bean (in EJB 2.0, of course).

Anyhow, I don't know what the scoop on this is. I'm going to review the 
spec, since I thought that was legal behavior. Then again, anything seels 
legal at 4:00AM!!!

Thanks again!! I'll let you know what I figure out.


--On Wednesday, October 18, 2000 1:16 AM -0700 Jeff Schnitzer 

 I took a quick look through and noticed one thing which looks strange.

 I believe that when you use a primary key class for a compound key, you
 should *not* make the key class a cmp member of the EJB.  Rather, the
 EJB needs to have cmp fields which are named the same as the public
 fields in the primary key class.  The container figures out how to map
 it all out.

 Take a look at section of the spec.  I'm pretty sure this is
 your problem.

 I seem to remember one of the Orion guys mentioning that any
 less-than-stellar error messages should be considered bugs to be logged
 in bugzilla :-)

 Good luck,

 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 1:54 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Jeff Schnitzer
 Subject: RE: Please help! I get null pointer exception after calling
 createonan EB with EJB 2.0 CMP Orion 1.3.8...

 OK, here is the code and deployment descriptor. I apologize
 that there is a
 lot here, but I have included one entity bean, a session bean
 that creates
 this entity bean, and the deployment descriptor.

 Eventually I am planning to move all the address information into a
 dependant object, but heck, I have to get create working first ;-)

 Thanks VERY much!



 package com.regtek.eb20;

 import java.rmi.RemoteException;
 import java.util.*;
 import javax.ejb.CreateException;
 import javax.ejb.EJBHome;
 import javax.ejb.FinderException;

 import com.regtek.types.RegnetCR;
 import com.regtek.types.RegnetTag;

 public interface CrHome extends EJBHome {
 Cr create()
throws CreateException, RemoteException;

 Cr create(RegnetCR cr)
throws CreateException, RemoteException;

 Cr findByPrimaryKey(RegnetTag primaryKey)
throws FinderException, RemoteException;

 Collection findByLastname(String lastname)
throws FinderException, RemoteException;

 Collection findByFullName(String lastname, String firstname)
throws FinderException, RemoteException;

 Collection findByEmail(String email)
throws FinderException, RemoteException;

 Collection findByPhone(String phone)
throws FinderException, RemoteException;

 Collection findAll()
throws FinderException, RemoteException;


 // Cr EJB 2.0 Entity Bean

 package com.regtek.eb20;

 import java.rmi.RemoteException;

 import java.sql.*;
 import java.util.Enumeration;
 import java.util.Vector;
 import java.util.Date;

 import javax.ejb.*;
 import javax.naming.*;
 import javax.sql.DataSource;
 import javax.transaction.*;

 import com.regtek.types.RegnetCR;
 import com.regtek.types.RegnetTag;

 public abstract class CrEJB implements EntityBean {

 protected EntityContext ejbContext;
 public void setEntityContext(EntityContext ctx) {
   ejbContext = ctx;

 public void unsetEntityContext() {
 ejbContext = null;

 public void ejbRemove() throws RemoveException {

 public void ejbLoad() {

 public void ejbStore() {
 public void ejbPostCreate() throws CreateException {

 //public void ejbPostCreate(RegnetTag tag) throws
 CreateException {

 public void ejbPostCreate(RegnetCR cr) throws CreateException {

 public RegnetTag ejbCreate() {
  trace("ejbCreate() entered");
   trace("ejbCreate() entered");

   // In CMP, should return null.
   return null;

 public RegnetTag ejbCreate(RegnetCR cr)
throws CreateException {

  trace("ejbCreate(RegnetCR cr) entered");
  if(cr == null)
  return null;


RE: displaying xml

2000-10-17 Thread Jim Archer

The lack of self starters? Here? You have GOT to be kidding!

--On Tuesday, October 17, 2000 8:11 AM -0400 "Joseph B. Ottinger" 

 Or, of course,, which I know at least two other people
 might be working on, and I'm considering reviving it myself.

 Although, honestly, the lack of self-starters here is rather
 annoying... "Why doesn't somebody ELSE do it" is a crappy way to go about

 On Mon, 16 Oct 2000, Hani Suleiman wrote:

 Or how about a faq-o-matic? Seems ideal for this kind of thing.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Porfiriev
 Sergey Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 8:33 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: displaying xml

 To Magnus  Karl Avedal:

 it will be good idea to open "users contribution" topic at
 ( like orionsupport was). and as result traffic in orion-interest will be
 decreased :)

 - Original Message -

 From: Derek Akers mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 6:44 PM
 Subject: Re: displaying xml

 Hi Troy, thanks, but I've already tried.  the pre /pre tags do
 preserve the indentation of the XML, but do not allow for the displaying
 of tags for some reason.

 1) use xmp /xmp tags - pre can;'t help.

 2) use this xsl for XML parsing - ( i use it with Salaman's Saxon XSLT
 engine, but it will work under Orion default XSLT (xerces))
 it will display your XML as HTML with XML reformating and coloring

 xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0"
 xsl:output method="html" encoding="windows-1251" indent="yes"/

 !-- Generic stylesheet for viewing XML --
 !-- This stylesheet has been modified to use modes instead of nested
 templates. --
 !-- Last Updated by Parf: moved to lotus xsl, main tag fix --

   xsl:template match="/"

   xsl:template match="node()"
xsl:if test="name()!='xml-stylesheet'"
 DIV DEFANGED_STYLE="font-family:Courier; font-size:10pt;
 margin-bottom:0em" xsl:apply-templates mode="inside"/

   xsl:template match="*" mode="inside"
 DIV DEFANGED_STYLE="margin-left:1em"
   SPAN DEFANGED_STYLE="color:blue"
 bxsl:value-of select="name()"//b
 xsl:for-each select="@*"
   xsl:call-template name="attribute"/
   xsl:when test="self::node()"
 xsl:apply-templates mode="inside"/
 xsl:value-of select="name()"/

   xsl:template name="attribute"
   xsl:text /xsl:text
   xsl:value-of select="name()"/
   SPAN DEFANGED_STYLE="color:black"
 xsl:value-of select="."/

   xsl:template match="comment()" mode="inside"
 SPAN DEFANGED_STYLE="color:orange"

   xsl:template match="processing-instruction()" mode="inside"
 DIV DEFANGED_STYLE="margin-left:1em; color:maroon"
   xsl:value-of select="name"/
   xsl:text /xsl:text
   xsl:value-of select="."/

   xsl:template match="text()" mode="inside"
 SPAN DEFANGED_STYLE="color:green"
   xsl:value-of select="."/


 - Original Message -
 From: Troy E.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Echols
 To: Orion-Interest mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 5:09 PM
 Subject: Re: displaying xml

 Perhaps enclosing the xml in pre /pre will work.

 Troy Echols

 Derek Akers wrote:

  Hi all...  I am trying to display the contents of an XML file to the
 screen, embedded inside a JSP page.  That is, I want to include a header
 and footer on the page (for navigation purposes), with the XML in the
 middle.  I want the text to be viewable literally (tags  all), but I
 have been unable to find a solution... I thought maybe the contentType
 attribute of the %@ page % directive might do it, but it seems not.
 Does anyone know of a way to do this?  Derek Akers Internet Application
 Eldan Software, Toronto
 (416) 341-0070

Re: 2 many messages - News Server needed. - Or we could split thelist

2000-10-17 Thread Jim Archer

Actually, I think the mail list is fine. I use a filter to move these 
messages into their own folder.

However, I do feel that some improvement is possible. I recomend splitting 
the list into a few other lists. Probably the most obvious split is between 
developers using Orion and administers trying to maintain, configure and 
install it.


--On Tuesday, October 17, 2000 7:58 PM +0200 Miles Daffin 

 Hi Folks,

 I have not picked up my email for 2 days and have just downloaded 108
 Orion-Interest messages. Imagine what would have happened if I had left
 this job until Friday.

 I think it is time to turn this thing into a news group. It would also
 make it easier to see, follow, save   contribute to separate threads. In
 fact I cannot see a reason not to do this.

 Maybe you can.

 Miles Daffin
 Java Developer

 HOT Company BV
 Mathernesserlaan 171
 3014 HA Rotterdam

 Land: +31 (0) 10 476 2500
 Fax: +31 (0) 10 476 5762
 Mobile: +31 (0) 2959 1423

Re: EJB-EJB relationship example

2000-10-17 Thread Jim Archer

FYI, the Orion EJB 2.0 ATM example does use JMS. It uses a MessageDriven 
bean to implement loogging.

--On Tuesday, October 17, 2000 12:24 PM -0700 Luis M Bernardo 

 I don't remember whether the atm example uses jms but orion comes with
 jms. comment out the jms entry in the server.xml file.

 On Mon, 16 Oct 2000, Truong Di Ly wrote:

 has someone a short example with EJB2 which use EJB-EJB relationship.
 The atm example doesn't run because i don't have a JMS server installed.
 Thanks, Di

RE: Please help! I get null pointer exception after calling createonan EB with EJB 2.0 CMP Orion 1.3.8...

2000-10-17 Thread Jim Archer




--On Tuesday, October 17, 2000 11:32 AM -0700 Jeff Schnitzer 

 I have had no problems creating CMP entity beans from session beans with
 EJB2.0.  Seems to work as advertsied :-)

 I suggest posting your code and descriptors; I'll take a look, and the
 more examples of EJB2.0 beans floating around the better :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 4:18 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Please help! I get null pointer exception after
 calling create
 onan EB with EJB 2.0 CMP Orion 1.3.8...

 Hi All...

 Please help me out wityh this if you can. I'm really stuck
 and already
 behind schedual, so any ideas would be appreciated...

 I'm using Orion 1.3.8 and EJB 2.0 for CMP.

 I have written a fairley simple stateless session bean that's
 job is to
 just create a particular entity bean and populate it. This
 session bean is
 called from a servlet.

 When the session bean calls create on the home interface
 object of the
 entity bean it wants to create, the create method seems to
 execute properly
 and returns null. This seems true reguardless of which of two
 methods I call.

 After the create() method returns but before the next line of code is
 executed, Orion throws the following exception:

 at com.evermind.util.ExternalHashSet.get(JAX)
 at com.regtek.protocol_servlets.MakeCR.doPost(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at com.evermind.server.http.d1.forward(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.http.ed.sp(JAX)

 Of course, I have a pile of code and descriptors, but didn't
 want to post
 all that. If it is necessary, I will do so. Its not that I
 didn't want to,
 but I'm not sure which of it is relevant to this problem and
 posting all of
 it would make for a very long message.

 If someone could give me an idea of how to solve this I would
 it. I went through the archives and saw one other posting
 from Sep 22 from
 someone who was having this exact problem, but I could find
 no reply. I
 sent that guy a note, and he wrote back telling me he gave up on it.

 I would post a bug in Bugzilla, but I'm not sure this is a
 bug. It seems
 too fundamental a problem to be a bug in Orion.

 Thanks very much.


Re: Steps For Deploying the EJB

2000-10-16 Thread Jim Archer

Check out the Orion primer and Orion CMP primer at:

These are great starting points for making EJBs and deploying them. In 
particular, pay attention to the ant build files (build.xml) to learn how 
to package up the .ear file and its components.

Good luck.


--On Monday, October 09, 2000 2:13 PM +0530 Santosh Kumar 

 Hi All,
I am pretty new to EJB. Have started with Orion.
I would like to know the step by step procedure
for deploying an EJB Application on the Orion.
Or atleast a pointer to the same. some url site? Some Doc?

 Please Help Me!


 == =  Santosh Kumar C
 = =  Senior Systems Engineer
 = =  Wipro Technologies
 = =  1-8-448, Laxmi Building, S.P. Road,
 = =  Begumpet, Secunderabad - 500 003
 = =  A.P, India.
 = =  Phone@: 91407896008 Ext 4511
 = =  Fax  @: 91407896123
 = =  eMail@: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 = =  url  @:
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Re: Communication Error with moved Product ejb example

2000-10-16 Thread Jim Archer

Hello Vivek...

--On Monday, October 16, 2000 10:20 PM -0500 Vivek Iyer 

 The error I get is (ultimately):

 D:\vivek\pricing\ejb\productjava ProductClient
 Communication error: Error reading application-client descriptor: No
 location specified and no suitable instance of the type 'Product' found
 for the ejb-ref MyProduct

I have found that the cause of this error is a mistake in the ejb-jar.xml 
file or in your web.xml file. In order for your app to use the nameing 
context like this:

Object obj = context.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/CreateNewUarHomeSlsb");

You need an entry in the proper deployment descriptor like this:


I have these entries in my web.xml file for my servlets that want to access 
EJBs and also in my ejb-jar.xml file for EJBs that want to access other 
EJBs. Often, I mistype some part of this entry to point to a bean that does 
not exist and occasionally I forget this entry entirely. Every time, I get 
the error you described.

Remember, in the ejb-jar.xml file, these references are scopped for a 
particular bean, so that different beans can have the same reference name 
but have it point to somewhere different. Be sure to set these entries in 
that deployment descriptor for each bean, within the EJBs definition. Here 
is an example of a session bean I use:

   descriptionCreate a UAR/description

This example allows my EJB session bean called CreateNewUAR to access two 
other entity beans using the references ejb/UarHomeEb and ejb/CrHomeEb.

I hope this helps. Good luck.


 Is this an obvious problem? I can't believe this is just happening
 because I change the location of the class files and meta-inf files. I
 noticed someone else got this error some time ago, but no solution was
 posted.  Here's the gory story, steps 1 through 7:

 System: WinNT4 SP6
 JDK: 1.2.2

 1. INITIALIZED ORION, deployed the ejbsamples, and the "ProductClient"
 successfully ran, out-of-the-box. All classes are located in

 2. COPIED the, ProductEJB, ProductHome and Product (remote
 interface) and ProductClient to d:\vivek\pricing\ejb\product\ and all the
 meta-inf files (application-client.xml, ejb-jar.xml,
 orion-application-client.xml) _without change_, recompiled all the files.
 Added an application.xml file into
 d:\vivek\pricing\ejb\meta-inf\application.xml with the following lines -


 3. COMMENTED out the "ejbsamples" part of orion's server.xml. Deleted that
 application's deployment files. Added the following application to

 application name="pricing" path="d:\\vivek\\pricing\\ejb" /

 4. RESTARTED Orion. Observed that

 Auto-deploying pricing (New server version detected)...
 Auto-deploying product (No previous deployment found)... done.
 Orion/1.4.0 initialized

 5. RAN ProductClient, and got this message -

 D:\vivek\pricing\ejb\productjava ProductClient
 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: No such
 domain/applicati on: ejbsamples
 at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIServer.f3(JAX, Compiled Code)
 at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.administration.LazyResourceFinder.f3(JAX)

 at com.evermind.server.Application.aqo(JAX, Compiled Code)
 tial Context(JAX, Compiled Code)
 va:6 72)

Re: calling EJBs from outside orion

2000-10-16 Thread Jim Archer

Hi Greg...

You won't find this messsage too helpfull, except that I can tell you it 
can be done. I tried it and got it to work. I did so be searching the 

I no longer have the code I slapped together, or else I would sent it to 
you. Bu the answer is in the mail list archive.

Good luck.


--On Tuesday, October 17, 2000 2:52 PM +1000 Greg Matthews 

 dear all,

 is it possible to call EJBs running in orion from a java program started
 at the DOS command line, i.e from outside orion?

 i guess i might have to generate the client stubs (?). has anyone done

 this would be useful when building the ejb components to be used by the
 web developers.


I get null pointer exception after calling create on an EB with EJB2.0 CMP Orion 1.3.8...

2000-10-15 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

I'm using Orion 1.3.8 and EJB 2.0 for CMP.

I have written a fairley simple stateless session bean that's job is to 
just create a particular entity bean and populate it. This session bean is 
called from a servlet.

When the session bean calls create on the home interface object of the 
entity bean it wants to create, the create method seems to execute properly 
and returns null. This seems true reguardless of which of two create() 
methods I call.

After the create() method returns but before the next line of code is 
executed, Orion throws the following exception:

at com.evermind.util.ExternalHashSet.get(JAX)
at com.regtek.slsb.CreateNewCRBean.makeNew(
at com.regtek.protocol_servlets.MakeCR.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.evermind.server.http.d1.forward(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.ed.sp(JAX)

Of course, I have a pile of code and descriptors, but didn't want to post 
all that. If it is necessary, I will do so.

If someone could give me an idea of how to solve this I would appreciate 
it. I went through the archives and saw one other posting from Sep 22 from 
someone who was having this exact problem, but I could find no reply.

Thanks very much.


Re: Run Orion as a daemon in Linux

2000-10-07 Thread Jim Archer

When you change ownership to a normal user, do you find that Orion has 
difficulty creating the JSP cache files?


--On Friday, October 06, 2000 10:33 AM -0700 Sach Jobb [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 We use something very similar to this, only we change the ownership to a
 normal user.

 On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, Tony Abbott wrote:

 This is off the top of my head but something like this should work...


 case "$1" in
   cd /usr/local/orion  (java -server -Xmx128m -jar orion.jar )
   cd /usr/local/orion  java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin
   123 -shutdown ;;


 On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 06:51:06PM -0400, Sean Han wrote:
  Hi, everyone:
  I know some of you guys use linux as the platform for running Orion
  server. Do you use the Sys V script to startup and shutdown the Orion
  server? If you do, could you please send me a copy of the script? If
  not, is there any solution to startup the Orion server when the OS



RE: Can't create xxxxx.jsp.jspCache files

2000-10-03 Thread Jim Archer

Thanks Magnus.

The problem we are having is that when Orion attempts to create those files 
a permission denied error is issued by Linux. This does not happen when 
Orion runs as user root, but rather when it runs as user orion. However, as 
user orion it has full control over its own directory tree, so the 
implication is that Orion is attempting to write outside its own directory 

For example, if we first run Orion as user root and then execute the JSP 
checkbox example, the checkbox.jsp.jspCache file is created and runs. If we 
then run Orion as user orion the checkbox JSP example still runs, but now 
the other JSP examples fail because permission is denite to write a file.

Here is the key: We assume the denied file is the JSP cache file, but it 
could be another intermediate file or something else. So we are wondering 
exactly how that JSP cache file is created so we can be sure to give user 
orion the proper permissions.

I apologize if it seems that I am going on and on about this, but we can't 
let Orion run as user root and we can't leave all Orion files world 
writable. So we are looking for a solution that is secure.

Thanks again...


--On Tuesday, October 03, 2000 9:05 AM +0200 Magnus Rydin 

 the cache files are normaly written to the 'persistence' directory under
 the applications deployment directory.  For example, the
 default-web-app's jspCache files gets written to


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: den 3 oktober 2000 08:40
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Can't create x.jsp.jspCache files

 Hi All...

 When we run Orion under Debian Linux as user orion where orion has
 permission to write into its directory tree, an attempt to
 create the JSP
 files x.jsp.jspCache fails (permission denied). If we run
 Orion as
 root, it runs fine and creates the files, which persist.

 If we then run orion again as user orion, the JSP examples
 that we ran when
 Orion was root run fine, indicating that Orion, when running
 as user orion,
 can at least read these files.

 So, my question is, exactly what does Orion do and where does
 it write when
 it makes those xxx.jsp.jspCache files? If we know this, we
 should be able
 to configure our system to give Orion the correct permissions.



Is 1.3.8 EJB 2.0 draft complete?

2000-09-30 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

Is the implementation of the draft EJB 2.0 spec in Orion 1.3.8 complete 
with respect to the draft, Including EJB QL and 1-n E relationships?



Stupid EJB2.0 build question

2000-09-30 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

I'm trying to build the ATM example that came with Orion 1.3.8. The stupid 
build question is, what do I have to put in the CLASSPATH to get it to 
build? I can't get the file to build, since it can't find 

I expect I don't include anything from the J2EE RI, like I did for EJB 1.1?




Re: Stupid EJB2.0 build question - NEVER MIND!

2000-09-30 Thread Jim Archer

OOPS... Never mind. It was a stupid question.

Sorry for wasting your bandwidth.


--On Saturday, September 30, 2000 10:45 PM -0400 Jim Archer 

 Hi All...

 I'm trying to build the ATM example that came with Orion 1.3.8. The
 stupid build question is, what do I have to put in the CLASSPATH to get
 it to build? I can't get the file to build, since it
 can't find javax.ejb.

 I expect I don't include anything from the J2EE RI, like I did for EJB



What database are you using??

2000-09-29 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

I'm currious to know what database products people are using with Orion, 
open source or commerical. Also, please include any comments about problems 
if you have had any, or anything thats really great.



Re: What database are you using??

2000-09-29 Thread Jim Archer

Hi David...

If Orion server is used in conjunction with a database that does not 
support transactions, then are transactions lost to the EJB server, or does 
Orion somehoe provide that capability?



--On Friday, September 29, 2000 9:12 PM -0400 David Morton 

  MYSQL very successfully.

 SkyLabs Corporation

 At 08:44 PM 9/29/00 -0400, you wrote:
 Hi All...

 I'm currious to know what database products people are using with Orion,
 open source or commerical. Also, please include any comments about
 problems if you have had any, or anything thats really great.



Re: Orion on Linux NOT as root

2000-09-28 Thread Jim Archer

Thanks to all who replied.

Acually, my original message was not too well written. I was not concerned 
about the port mapping issue. Thats not a big deal. We already have that 
issue with other processes, such as Apache, which runs as user nobody.

Our issue is where to install Orion, what permissions each file should 
have, what user Orion should run as and so on. We would prefer Orion not 
run as root (we don't let Apache run as root either) and that its files not 
all be world writable by default (which is what happens when we unzip it 
onto our Debian system).

Mostly, we need to know what directories Orion needs to write in, what ones 
it does not, which files it needs to edit and so on. Below is a note from 
the guy who has been working on this. He explaines our problem and the 
partial solution he worked up in detail:


I figured out most of the pieces needed to do it, but we
still have a problem.

This all applies to Orion 1.3.8 running on Debian Linux 2.2 "Potato" with
a 2.2.14 (patched) kernel and IBM JDK 1.3.0 build cx130-2815.

1. The main issue these people are discussing on the list is how to get
the server to listen on port 80, which is not our issue.  On Unix, only
"root" can connect to ports below 1024.  This is actually a trivial
problem, since the solution is to have the Orion server listen on some
other port, like 8080, and have a simple shim running as root that proxies
port 80 to that other port.

2. What was causing us grief was exactly what I thought was causing us
grief.  The file structure is Windows-like, and it has to be shoehorned
into a proper Unix structure.  Basically, I split the Orion directory
structure into a bunch of things that Orion itself should never have write
permission for, which is now in /usr/local/share/orion and is owned by
"root," and into a bunch of things that Orion itself does need write
permission for, which is now in /var/local/orion and is mostly owned by
the new "orion" user.  It is necessary to edit the XML files in
/usr/local/share/orion/config to account for this.

What actually must be moved to /var/local/orion is only three directories:

guardian:~$ ls -l /var/local/orion
drwxr-sr-x3 orion   orion4096 Jul  5 14:40 application-deployments
drwxr-sr-x4 rootstaff4096 Sep 28 16:03 default-web-app
drwxr-sr-x2 orion   orion4096 Sep 28 03:44 log
drwxr-sr-x3 orion   orion4096 Jun  5 14:38 persistence

I also moved "default-web-app" here, although only the "WEB-INF" directory
below it needs to be writable to the server:

guardian:~$ ls -l /var/local/orion/default-web-app/
drwxr-sr-x3 orion   orion4096 Sep 28 16:11 WEB-INF
drwxr-sr-x8 rootstaff4096 Jun  5 14:38 examples
-rw-r--r--1 rootstaff2044 Sep 28 16:03 index.html

(Note that the Orion server does not seem to handle CRLF end-of-line
conventions, and I had to convert "index.html" to LF-only in order to get
things working without errors.  Of course, that is a very minor problem,
but it explains why the timestamp on the file is recent.)

In the "WEB-INF" directory, the "classes" subdirectory does not appear to
need to be writable by the server:

guardian:~$ ls -l /var/local/orion/default-web-app/WEB-INF/
drwxr-sr-x9 rootstaff4096 Jun  5 14:38 classes
-rw---1 orion   orion 386 Sep 28 15:37 web.xml

3. Now, this arrangement ALMOST works.  The first time a particular JSP
file is invoked the server tries to create directores below
such as "checkbox" for the checkbox example and "num" for the numberguess
example, and then it tries to create x.jsp.jspCache files in these
subdirectories (where "x" is the base name of the JSP file).  This
works only if the server is started by the "root" user, but not if the
server is started by the "orion" user.  Since the entire tree from
/var/local/orion/application-deployments down is owned by the "orion" user
who has full permissions, this makes no sense:

guardian:~$ ls -l 
drwx--4 orion   orion4096 Sep 28 17:46 jsp

Once the directory and the x.jsp.jspCache file have been created by
invoking the JSP file the first time with the server started by the "root"
user, ownership of this directory and its contents can be changed manually
to the "orion" user and the server can then be started as the "orion"
user.  At that point, any JSP for which the appropriate x.jsp.jspCache
file already exists will work.

My guess is that the server is somehow trying to drop privilege or
otherwise change its euid when it does whatever it does to build the
x.jsp.jspCache files.  When this fails, we get an error message (in
the browser from which the JSP invocation was attempted) like this:

500 Internal Server Error
Error parsing JSP page /examples/jsp/dates/date.jsp
IO Error: 

Re: Using strut with Orion

2000-08-26 Thread Jim Archer

Here's the URL for the latest version of the Jakarta Struts User's Guide:

Be aware that this link actually checks it out of publicly accessible CVS
in order to display it in your browser.


--On Saturday, August 26, 2000 2:14 AM -0400 Jason Rimmer 

Where is information for Apache struts available?  I looked around the
 Apache Org's website a bit and couldn't find a reference to it.  I
 assume it's part of a larger Java project.

 Jason Rimmer

RE: 1.2 GUI tools - Do they work?

2000-08-24 Thread Jim Archer

I agree that if I could get it to work it would sure not be pointless, so 
that why I tried. Maybe you can help me?

If I click "add bean" I then get a dialog with three text fields in which I 
am supposed to specify a bean. What should I type there? A full path to the 
class file? Just the bean name? Whatever I type, it says it can't find it. 
I t complaines specifficially about the actual bean. It never complains 
abut the first two entries (I think they were the remote interface and home 
interface, but thats off the top of my head).

I did see it automatically added EJB after the name, which for my stuff is 
wrong. I changed the EJB to Bean, which is the correct name of my beans. 
Could that be it?



--On Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:09 AM +0100 Robert Hargreaves 

 I've been using the ejbassembler with 1.2 successfully since it came out
 and it works great (apart from the JTree not showing on startup). Don't
 really understand why its 'pointless', I mean what else is quicker when
 deploying CMP entity beans?

 Just my ten bob.


 Rob Hargreaves

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Cannon-Brookes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 24 August 2000 07:30
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: 1.2 GUI tools - Do they work?

 Never used the assembler (pointless tool IMHO *g*) but the ejb maker
 works? Save only saves a skeleton. You're looking for "Create Beans At"
 then select a folder (don't open it, select it) and hit create or save
 button (can't remember)



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Archer
 Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 3:50 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: 1.2 GUI tools - Do they work?

 Hi All...

 I have just lost the battle with the GUI tools that came with Orion 1.2,
 which I realize is a beta.

 Are they supposed to work? I got the console to work, but I was unable to
 get the EJB Maker or the EJB Assembler to work.

 In the case of the EJB Maker, hitting the save button when I wanted to
 create my beans did nothing (I was able to save the skeleton). This was
 true whether I asked for 2.0 or 1.1 version beans.

 In the cas of the EJB Assembler, I was unable to add beans. I would try to
 add a bean and would get the dialog that asks for the name of the bean,
 but no matter what I typed it complained it could not find it. I tried
 just the bean name, a full path with drive letter, a full pate without
 the drive letter, a partial path, with the .class extensions and without.
 No luck.

 If they are supposed to work, I would sure appreciate some hints. If not,
 thats OK. Heck, they are beta. But at least I'll know not to bother. I
 have killed the entire evening on deployment issues (very little
 success). Time for bed.



Re: EJB deployment example?

2000-08-23 Thread Jim Archer

I don't fully understand the Orion primer either. In particular, I don't 
understand the directory structure. Does each servlet need its own 

I could really benefit from a more comprehensive guide to what goes where, 
including stateless and statefull session beans, entity beans, and servlets 
and regular HTML files...

If anyone knows of such a guide, I would appreciate it if you could refer 
me to it...



--On Wednesday, August 23, 2000 2:15 AM +1000 James Ho 

 Hi all,

 Anyone has any EJB deployment examples apart from the orion primer?  I
 don't fully understand the orion primer...One of the main questions is
 "Where are the beans deployed?"  I saw the source code for the servlet
 client that it is at "java:comp/env/ejb/HelloHome", but where is it

 Also, if I want to deployed my beans at some remote host, where do I
 set that info?  I saw there is a files in the other
 examples, how would I add that in the orion primer example?

 Thanks heaps


RE: Documentation initiative

2000-08-20 Thread Jim Archer

I agree with all these comments... As a new Orion user, I'm most interested 
in seeing live samples that do more than the most basic things. Also, I 
have had the most trouble with deployment. So, several good, easy to follow 
source samples with deployment descriptors and the deployment procedures 
outlines would be really, really great...


--On Monday, August 21, 2000 10:54 AM +1000 Mike Cannon-Brookes 

 These are all good ideas Kevin, I agree contributing docs to OrionSupport
 is a good idea, but docs themselves can be tricky to write - if I'm
 interpreting the list correctly, it's _sample applications_ that people

 Perhaps if people have code / apps they don't mind Open Sourcing, we could
 get a library of 'good', well documented applications on Orion Support? (I
 have one HUGE app that will be out within the next two weeks that is OSS
 and uses everything Orion has to offer)

 As for the tools, I've told the team many times that my personal opinion
 is tools should be Open Source. They don't sell the tools, they sell the
 app server. I know myself, Joseph, Victor and a few of the other 'Orion
 oldies and know-it-alls' would be happy to hack at the admin tools to
 make them better. (And with the upcoming J2EE Management Spec we could
 make them kick ass tools for _any_ app server, which ironically would
 bring more cred to Orion if we could best WL's buggy console)

 Installer is not so useful IMHO, I'm sure the Orion team are working on
 tools to tweak the running server's values, and setting up the initial
 values are pretty much what Orion does out of the box?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kevin Duffey
 Sent: Monday, 21 August 2000 7:53
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Documentation initiative

 Hey all,

 Since so many of us love Orion, or are trying to love it but have
 problems understanding some things, how bougt we help out the Orion team
 by documenting as much as we can? I for one have been using it for quite
 some time and have some knowledge of some areas. I would love to learn
 other areas as they become available. Joseph is doing a good job with, and he has asked for any contributions. For those of us
 that feel we know the product somewhat well, lets do our part. Hell,
 other products, Orion is free for everything except production, and that
 cost is a fraction of the cost of other app servers.

 Also, while the team hasn't opened up the source or anything for us to
 contribute, I was thinking of doing a Wizard installer in Java,
 but I am not
 very good with SWING. Right now you unzip, configure the xml
 files, and let
 it rip. Maybe a simple installer that the team can use and
 package that has
 a wizard interface for setting up the common areas would be nice. Anyone
 want to help with this? Would the Orion team mind if we help out in these
 areas? May be a while as I don't have much time, but it might help on the
 installation woes some people seem to have.

 If anyone to everyone is in agreement (including Orion team),
 lets help kick
 the Orion App Server into high gear so it can kick the crap out of those
 much much much more expensive app servers that don't quite follow the
 standards as well. If all in favor, maybe we can start off a chapter
 index in this list (or on the site) and contribute to
 areas needing documentation as well as writing those. Also, I believe a
 good "review" of docs by all involved would allow for the most accurate
 docs instead of relying on faith of one person. No offense, but I sure
 don't want
 people reading what I write assuming its 100% right. I would rather have
 others look it over and make sure it makes sense, is easy to follow along
 and actually works as stated.

 Awaiting replies.

Does Orion support TLS?

2000-07-21 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

I was wondering if Orion supports TLS in addition to just SSL?



Orion as EJB server only?

2000-05-19 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

I have been looking for an inexpensive EJB development/deployment platform. 
Orion looks to be a good choice, especially since it fully implements EJB 

My question, though, has to do using the EJB server without the web server 
portion. I need an EJB server that can have client applications communicate 
with it directly, using the remote interface objects (and RMI or IIOP).

Therefor, can I disable the web server part of Orion, or else simple ignore 
it? I also would like to run Apache on the same machine as Orion. Is this a 
problem (assuming, of course, I can turn the Orion web server off or change 
its port)?



EJB Deployment

2000-05-19 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

A look through the archives seems to indicate this question is often asked 
but I didn't see an answer...

Two people here have spent the afternoon trying to deploy EJB beans under 
orion. No luck.

Is there any documentation or guide, beyond the docs that came with Orion, 
available? We are getting errors that indicate the server can't find our 
calsses, and have not been able to fix this problem or get even simple 
beans to deploy.

Any hints or information would be appreciated.



Re: J2EE SDK Deployment tool

2000-05-03 Thread Jim Archer

I have a dumb question... Whats an EAR file?



--On Wednesday, May 03, 2000 11:09 AM +0100 "Robert Keith (UK)" 

 Hi Guys,

 Can I use the J2EE SDK tool to create EAR files and then use these EAR
 files with Orion?

 If so can you guys point me in the direction of the docs, or provide some
 useful tips on doing this.

