Re: [osg-users] [3rdparty] osg::image / Create a 3d image

2009-12-16 Thread Ulrich Hertlein
Hi Thomas,

On 16/12/09 3:23 AM, Thomas Canipel wrote:
 //creation of the data
 int height=100;
 int width=100;
 int length=100;
 const long size = width*height*length;

For RGB this needs to be (w*h*l)*3, ie. number-of-pixels * channels-per-pixel.

 unsigned short* data = (unsigned short*)calloc(size, sizeof(unsigned short));
 for(long i=0; i  size ; i+= 3) {

For unsigned short the maximum is 2^16-1 ie. 65535, not 255.

 // declaration and allocation of the 3d image (size : 100,100,100) 
 osg::ref_ptrosg::Image image = new osg::Image;
 image-allocateImage(width, height, length, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT);
 image-setImage(width, height, length,GL_RGB,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 
 (unsigned char*)data,osg::Image::NO_DELETE);

I don't believe the 'allocateImage' call is necessary, 'setImage' will 
overwrite that.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] [vpb] adding optional datasets to existing db

2009-12-16 Thread Christiansen, Brad
Hi all,

A quick comment first, it has been a couple of years since I have used
osgdem, and it is great to see it is going so well (as VPB). Thanks

I have been experimenting with the various options for patching an
existing db. One of things I need to be able to is to add more optional
data sets. When I tried to do this  vpbmaster complained that the new
options were not compatible with the existing db. 

I couldn't see why what I was trying to do shouldn't work so I simply
commented out the check on optional layers in the
BuildOptions#compatible method. Once this was done, I could successfully
add new optional layer sets with no obvious issues.

Is my 'fix' something that can be included or I am missing something
that could lead to problems if this functionality is allowed?

I have also changed the code to allow changing layer inheritance for a
new optional sets. I haven't experimented with this much yet, but it
seems to work ok. Should I expect problems with this?



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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] [vpb] dynamic overlays on geocentric db, any suggestions?

2009-12-16 Thread Christiansen, Brad
Hi All,

I need to implement a dynamic 'drawing' overlay that is rendered onto a
model created using vpb. Has anyone tackled this so far?

My first thought is to use the osgSim Overlay as I have used this to do
the same thing on a flat world. Should this work for a geocentric model?

My first attempts at using it failed, but I am now pretty sure this was
due to the MultitextureControl turning off my texture unit, so I will
try again. Any thoughts on whether the osgSim Overlay is the best
approach / if it will work?

I will also need to select objects on this layer. My plan is to
intersect with the 3D model, get the lat lons, then convert this into
the reference frame used to render the overlay, and do a second
intersect operation from there. I think this will be fine but seems a
little complex. Does anyone have a suggestion for a better approach?



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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] QUAD_BUFFER Stereo on Vista

2009-12-16 Thread Kim Bale
Hi Teodor,

I'm not sure if this is a common problem, but in the company I work
for we have never been able to get quad buffered stereo to work in a
window in Vista (fullscreen is fine). We've come to the conclusion
that it is a driver issue and reported it to nVidia, but thus far
there there hasn't been a resolution.

It would be interested to know if there are many people on the list
having this issue actually since there seems to be a lot of bods
working with stereo here.



2009/12/15 Teodor Hanchevici

 I have a 3D stereo application that runs fine in anaglyph mode on Windows XP, 
 however when changing the mode to QUAD_BUFFER and switching to Windows Vista 
 it stops working. Basically using the NVIDIA vision glasses and a Quadro FX 
 3700, the stereo effect is not present.

 I am using driver 191.66 for Windows Vista, and the operating system is 32 
 bit ultimate.

 The application is a QT application using the QOSGWidget and the composite 
 viewer classes provided as example.

 the OSG example (osgstereoimage) works fine, so I wonder if anyone has 
 experienced such problems.

 Thank you!


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 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Text Crash On Main Thread While DB Pager Unrefs Font From Temp Object Cache

2009-12-16 Thread Ryan H. Kawicki

 More generally I'm not convinced that we need to deprecate the none
 ref versions. I'd be inclined towards just documenting that
 multi-threaded reads should use the Ref versions.

It might not be convincing to have to go back to the code base and remove these 
unsafe sections of code, but by having a set of documentation is really not 
going to help eighty or ninety percent of the OSG community.  I rarely look at 
the documentation.  My documentation is really just the source code that is 
provided.  With multiple cores available on the cheap and new and old 
applications requiring database support, I feel that it is in the best interest 
of OSG to have these functions removed.  It will save for headaches in the long 
run for you, as you will not have to explain each and every time to use the ref 
version instead of the other.

 The cache flipping trick used is not good needs to be removed. I'd be
 inclined towards use osgDB::Options to store the cache, and have an in
 memory ObjectCache to mirror the current FileCache. Such an approach
 would allow you to override the default ObjectCache to a single read
 call, such as ones done from the DatabasePager and avoid the need to
 cache flipping completely.

Are there plans for this to be addressed for a future release?  If so, can you 
detail which release you are trying to target?


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Question regarding Culling issue in the SceneView

2009-12-16 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi J-S,

Viewer::updateTraversal() and CompositeViewer::updateTraversal() both
traverse the scene graph and explictly camera's update callbacks.

What these updateTraversal() methods do is switch of the traversal of
the camera's subgraph when the camera subgraphs are traversed, so the
children won't be traversed.  This is done so that the scene graphs
aren't traversed multiple times per frame, but... I believe in your
case were the Camera has the subgraph attached that isn't attached as
a View's scene, won't get called.

To make sure subgraphs of Camera's that aren't part of the any View's
scene graph get traversed we'll need to make the camera update
callback calling code in *::updateTraversal() a little more
intelligent.  Perhaps a set of scene graphs that have been traversed
on each frame, or perhaps even just checking to see if a Camera has a
View associated with it would be enough to determine if the subgraph
should be traversed or not.

Does any of this make sense in the context of what you are seeing?

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 7:10 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 Hi Robert,

 As Paul suggests CullVisitor::apply(osg::Camera) handles in scene
 graph camera's, so will not handle the viewer level scene graph
 correctly so _camera-accept(*cullVisitor) won't behave correctly.

 Perhaps you could try replacing the for loop with
 _camera-traverse(*cullVisitor) as this will call the cull callback
 and avoid the CullVisitor::applyOsg::Camera) method.   If this works
 fine let me know as I can make this change to SceneView.cpp.

 I had a similar question about update callbacks. Reading the code (can't
 recall where, but I suspect it's in SceneView.cpp as well) the update
 visitor is being passed to the Scene objects, and not to the cameras. The
 effect of this is that update callbacks on cameras are not called, and more
 importantly, update callbacks on nodes that are children of the camera but
 not part of the view's SceneData will not be called either.

 We frequently add nodes directly under a camera (instead of under a scene
 root that's the scene data of a given view) so that the nodes are only
 visible to that camera. But with the present behavior, update callbacks on
 those nodes are never called.

 If, instead of passing the update visitor to the scene data's root, we
 passed it to the camera's children, then we're sure all visible nodes would
 be visited, even those in the scene data...


 Jean-Sebastien Guay
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG QT

2009-12-16 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Samuel,

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 9:00 PM, Samuel Grant wrote:
 Getting unresolved reference errors when trying to build OSG into QT. All 
 stemming from the OSG libs?

 Any thoughts?

Are you linking your app to the OSG???  Go check there aren't errors
about not finding the OSG libs.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [3rdparty] OSG Volume / Transfer Function

2009-12-16 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Thomas,

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Thomas Canipel wrote:
 I am actually trying to understand the OSG Volume Example, The alpha 
 coefficient allow me to play with the extinction coefficient, but have 
 problem to use the transfer function. What does represent the first parameter 
 when we set a new Color ?

The transfer function first value relates the intensity value of the
3D image.  On the GPU the intensity value will be read from the 3D
texture, then used to look up the RGBA value from the transfer
function's 1D texture (that is created automatically from the
osg::TransferFunction values).

 transferFunction-setColor(value, osg::Vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,apha));

 this line permit normally to set a transferControl point I think... in this 
 case does the function will color all the vortex between ? and my value with 
 this color and the opacity in parameter ?

I'm not clear what you mean here.  The values between the different
colours you assign to the TransferFunction will be interpolated.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] file extension alias

2009-12-16 Thread Robert Osfield
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 11:23 PM, Jan Pečiva wrote:
 I like Coin (Open Inventor clone, OSG competitor) since:
 1. it has intuitive consistent API and excellent design

IMHO, Inventor has a terrible design for a scene graph, the state
system breaks the ability to have a high performance cull traversal.
For me Inventor is good example of object composition gone mad,
seemingly a good idea, but in practice it breaks what should be the
key asset of a scene graph - performance.

 2. if there is something where SGI experts failed the design, the place is
 well documented with examples and explanations of specialties of the design

You can't fix the state system in Inventor, it's broken.  The only way
to fix it is to dump it and adopt parental inheritance rather than
sibling inheritance.

It's worth noting that Performer and Inventor existed side by side
because neither could solve the full range of problems that scene
graph users wanted to tackle.  Inventor might be been more OO
inspired, but Performers parent inheritance scheme made it far more
suitable for high performance, something that Inventor could never
attain and SGI knew it.

The OSG is far more inspired by the example of Performer than
Inventor, but is has strong OO routes, which enables it to be
extensible whilst still retaining the performance.

 I wish OSG to constantly improve and to become even better with powerful and
 intuitive API.
 To name the strengths of OSG:
 - it follows the latest technology and design patterns
 - there is a working mailing list, patches and discussions

There are political and technical reasons why Inventor has been on
life support, and the OSG is alive and healthy.

 [...] for the specific purpose of one user [...]

 Maybe two?
 But we understand, you are the authority deciding how it will be...
 Reference for other people: By the alias extension, people would not lose
 anything of the current plugin features - all the current extension
 protection would still work as well as it is working just now. They would
 just get one additional feature for OSG.

Your suggestion on forcing aliases onto plugins will break existing
plugins.  For instance take the the quicktime plugin which handles
many different formats - it requires the extension to have a specific
mapping to file format to enable it to know which format to use.  Are
we to tell Apple to adopt your scheme for re-interpreting extension

Clearly your suggestion can't be applied to all plugins, just ones
that are agnostic about their extensions.  I have given already given
two ways you can already do this - even one telling you how to
implement the scheme you want - injecting aliasing directly into the
plugin, just doing it manually.  Please re-read my posts.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [vpb] dynamic overlays on geocentric db, any suggestions?

2009-12-16 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Brad,

osgSim::OverlayNode does work for whole earth databases.  Have a look
at the osgsimulation example for an example of this in action.


On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Christiansen, Brad wrote:
 Hi All,

 I need to implement a dynamic 'drawing' overlay that is rendered onto a
 model created using vpb. Has anyone tackled this so far?

 My first thought is to use the osgSim Overlay as I have used this to do
 the same thing on a flat world. Should this work for a geocentric model?

 My first attempts at using it failed, but I am now pretty sure this was
 due to the MultitextureControl turning off my texture unit, so I will
 try again. Any thoughts on whether the osgSim Overlay is the best
 approach / if it will work?

 I will also need to select objects on this layer. My plan is to
 intersect with the 3D model, get the lat lons, then convert this into
 the reference frame used to render the overlay, and do a second
 intersect operation from there. I think this will be fine but seems a
 little complex. Does anyone have a suggestion for a better approach?



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 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Text Crash On Main Thread While DB Pager Unrefs Font From Temp Object Cache

2009-12-16 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Ryan,

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Ryan H. Kawicki wrote:
 It might not be convincing to have to go back to the code base and remove 
 these unsafe sections of code, but by having a set of documentation is really 
 not going to help eighty or ninety percent of the OSG community.  I rarely 
 look at the documentation.  My documentation is really just the source code 
 that is provided.  With multiple cores available on the cheap and new and old 
 applications requiring database support, I feel that it is in the best 
 interest of OSG to have these functions removed.  It will save for headaches 
 in the long run for you, as you will not have to explain each and every time 
 to use the ref version instead of the other.

I understand the principle of short term pain for long term gain...  but...

In the current case I'm looking towards getting the OSG users moving
on to the upcoming 3.0, during this transition their will inevitably
be some refactor work required by users due to the wider changes such
as GLES/GL3 support, but the more pain there is the slower the uptake
will be and the slower we'll sort out all the bugs/issues.  In this
context I want to minimize how much more pain we might introduce.  The
less pain the quicker people will try out and move to OSG 3.x and the
quicker it's quality will improve.

So right now I don't want to add any further backwards compatibility
breakages if I can avoid it.

 The cache flipping trick used is not good needs to be removed. I'd be
 inclined towards use osgDB::Options to store the cache, and have an in
 memory ObjectCache to mirror the current FileCache. Such an approach
 would allow you to override the default ObjectCache to a single read
 call, such as ones done from the DatabasePager and avoid the need to
 cache flipping completely.

 Are there plans for this to be addressed for a future release?  If so, can 
 you detail which release you are trying to target?

I don't have any specific version for this.  It's an issue right now
and should be fixed a soon as I or others have time to tackle it.  I
would guess that it's a day or two's work.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] QUAD_BUFFER Stereo on Vista

2009-12-16 Thread Jan Ciger
Hash: SHA1

On 2009-12-16 10:28, Kim Bale wrote:
 It would be interested to know if there are many people on the list
 having this issue actually since there seems to be a lot of bods
 working with stereo here.

Yep, but not all are such masochists as to use Vista for graphics work :)

That problem looks like a driver issue, indeed. However, I vaguely
recall that in Windows the stereo had to be enabled in two places -
first checkbox turned on the quad buffer support and the other stereo or
something like that (yay for usability engineering, Nvidia!).

But even in XP the stereo was pretty spotty - sometimes the driver
didn't want to turn the emitters on for no obvious reason until the
machine was rebooted or driver reinstalled. I have seen also everything
apparently working, but the stereo frusta were messed up and similar
problems. Quite a pain if you need a stable and predictable system to
run demonstrations on. That is the primary reason why everything
stereo-related here is running in Linux now - set it up once and it works.



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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgSim problem

2009-12-16 Thread İsmail Kurnaz

I start to study openscenegraph. I try to do tutorials. On Basic Tutorials 7 
that Finding and Manipulating a Switch and DOF Node I couldn't run the codes 
wihich I download from the site. Winding Nodes worked but Manipulating a Switch 
and DOF Node didn't work. I think mistake about osgSim. Because I took 3 error 
that contain linker problem with osgSim:DofTransform and osgSim:MultiSwitch.


How can I correct these errors.

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] QUAD_BUFFER Stereo on Vista

2009-12-16 Thread Jean-Christophe Lombardo

Jan Ciger wrote:

Yep, but not all are such masochists as to use Vista for graphics work :)

That problem looks like a driver issue, indeed. However, I vaguely
recall that in Windows the stereo had to be enabled in two places -
first checkbox turned on the quad buffer support and the other stereo or
something like that (yay for usability engineering, Nvidia!).

Actually, to enable openGL stereo display you have turn off the 3D 
stereoscopic Driver...
(see  Display Settings on

Usability you said ?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] file extension alias

2009-12-16 Thread Jan Pečiva

Robert Osfield wrote:

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 11:23 PM, Jan Pečiva wrote:

I like Coin (Open Inventor clone, OSG competitor) since:
1. it has intuitive consistent API and excellent design

IMHO, Inventor has a terrible design for a scene graph, the state
system breaks the ability to have a high performance cull traversal.
For me Inventor is good example of object composition gone mad,
seemingly a good idea, but in practice it breaks what should be the
key asset of a scene graph - performance.
We can never agree in the discussion. Inventor became de-facto standard 
for visualization and simulations for its design that was revolutionary 
in 90's. Its design followed OpenGL state design, and if scene graph is 
well designed - no cull traversal is needed - you render it directly 
while getting highest possible performance. But you are right, SGI 
turned to OpenGL Performer with this cull overhead that can win other 
benefits. With poorly conditioned scene graphs, OSG will perform 
probably much better. But well designed model - it completely does not 
matter which one you are using - the traversal time is negligible - at 
least that is what I usually reach with Open Inventor. I hope, you are 
reaching the same with OSG. Howg. No more comments from me. But please, 
go forward with OSG. I like the parent state inheritance. I am also 
interested in other things and functionalities, not performance only. 
Always eager for new features.

Your suggestion on forcing aliases onto plugins will break existing
plugins.  For instance take the the quicktime plugin which handles
many different formats - it requires the extension to have a specific
mapping to file format to enable it to know which format to use.  Are
we to tell Apple to adopt your scheme for re-interpreting extension
You probably do not understand me. I do not want to re-interpret 
anything. Plugin is going to get the same file name as before. Plugin 
gets loaded the same way as before. The whole discussion was just about 
content of ReaderWriter::_supportedExtensions . But please, let it be 
for now.

Thanks for providing us by OSG,
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] QUAD_BUFFER Stereo on Vista

2009-12-16 Thread Jan Ciger
Hash: SHA1

On 2009-12-16 12:44, Jean-Christophe Lombardo wrote:
 Actually, to enable openGL stereo display you have turn off the 3D
 stereoscopic Driver...
 (see  Display Settings on
 Usability you said ?

Ah yes, this is the new proprietary Nvidia system. I do not have
experience with these glasses, only the older CrystalEyes-like hardware
and the Cyviz converters.

Considering the rip-off pricing for the Nvidia equipment, one would
expect a more reasonable interface to the drivers ...

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] QUAD_BUFFER Stereo on Vista

2009-12-16 Thread Teodor Hanchevici
Thank you all for your insight.

I have followed all the instructions on NVIDIA page to enable the stereo, and 
then I have tried the osgstereoimage with --window option and it worked fine in 
a 800x800 window.


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG QT

2009-12-16 Thread Samuel Grant
Yeah, as far as I can tell, the OSG libs are on the link path...

This happens even when trying to compile the 'QOSGWidget' without any mods 
(other than making sure it points to my OSG dir).


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG QT

2009-12-16 Thread Teodor Hanchevici
Hi Sam,

did you use moc to generate QT code from header files?


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] file extension alias

2009-12-16 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi John,

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Jan Pečiva wrote:
 We can never agree in the discussion. Inventor became de-facto standard for
 visualization and simulations for its design that was revolutionary in 90's.

Inventor was the defacto standard in the 90's for scientific
visualization, while Performer became defacto standard for visual

It was design that was so revolutionary no modern scene graph has adopted it.

 Its design followed OpenGL state design, and if scene graph is well designed
 - no cull traversal is needed - you render it directly while getting highest
 possible performance.

This is so wrong I don't know where to start.  State storting and view
furstum culling are the two essentials for efficient graphics, send
graphics brute force to OpenGL is absolutely not the most efficient
way.  OpenGL on it's own doesn't do any state sorting or culling it
relies upon the calling application to do this all and without it you
will not get the best performance from your system.

 But you are right, SGI turned to OpenGL Performer with
 this cull overhead that can win other benefits. With poorly conditioned
 scene graphs, OSG will perform probably much better. But well designed model
 - it completely does not matter which one you are using - the traversal time
 is negligible - at least that is what I usually reach with Open Inventor.

Inventor might be familiar to you, but it certainly isn't anywhere
near the OSG or Performer for performance even with the best
conditioned scene graph imaginable.

The only time Inventor might come close is when there is no view
frustum culling because the whole scene is on screen and the state set
up is very straight forward that the traversal isn't complicated.

 You probably do not understand me. I do not want to re-interpret anything.
 Plugin is going to get the same file name as before. Plugin gets loaded the
 same way as before. The whole discussion was just about content of
 ReaderWriter::_supportedExtensions . But please, let it be for now.

To be clear automatically setting ReaderWriter::_supportedExtensions
from osgDB won't be generally be safe.   For specific plugins it might
be possible to use it, and for these I would recommend you try loading
the plugin and then adding the extra extension directly as I've
suggested in my last two post.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG QT

2009-12-16 Thread Samuel Grant

calin wrote:
 Hi Sam,
 did you use moc to generate QT code from header files?

In examining the output from the compile, it appears that the header files get 
moc'ed. Also I get a few moc-prefixed CPP files in my source dir from some of 
the QOSGWidget headers.

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] QUAD_BUFFER Stereo on Vista

2009-12-16 Thread Teodor Hanchevici
Hi there,

OK, after some fiddling around I was able to make the application run by 
setting the following in the environment:


In my code I have the following:

but it seems it is not enough. My application is showing only one component. 
Are there any other things to be set in the code to enable the quad buffer 

Using the QTViewer, even with the environment variables set, I cannot render 
stereo, so this makes me wonder if the issue is QT related.


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Question regarding Culling issue in the SceneView

2009-12-16 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Colin,

I tried adding an update callback to the top level camera and that did 
work. I checked the code and it does call accept:

So it should work correctly (as of 2.8.2)

Sorry, I was mistaken in saying that the cameras did not get the update 
visitor. They do as you point out.

I did some checking, and what I was talking about is in 

void Viewer::updateTraversal()
// ...

_scene is the scene graph that's passed to the view when you call 
setSceneData(). A bit lower, you can see where the update visitor is 
passed to the cameras too, but it does not traverse to its children. 
That means that anything that's a child of the cameras but not in the 
scene data will not be traversed in the update traversal. That's what I 
was talking about.

I really wonder why the camera can't just let the update visitor 
traverse its children, instead of traversing the _scene separately as 
above. The _scene's nodes are under the camera anyways, or else they 
would not be visible...

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Question regarding Culling issue in the SceneView

2009-12-16 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

What these updateTraversal() methods do is switch of the traversal of
the camera's subgraph when the camera subgraphs are traversed, so the
children won't be traversed.  This is done so that the scene graphs
aren't traversed multiple times per frame, but... I believe in your
case were the Camera has the subgraph attached that isn't attached as
a View's scene, won't get called.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

So you're saying that as opposed to the cull traversal, which will of 
course traverse the camera's subgraph once per view each frame, the 
update traversal needs to traverse all nodes only once. If I have the 
same scene graph attached to multiple cameras, just traversing the 
cameras' subgraphs would result in the scene being traversed multiple 
times. Makes sense.

To make sure subgraphs of Camera's that aren't part of the any View's
scene graph get traversed we'll need to make the camera update
callback calling code in *::updateTraversal() a little more
intelligent.  Perhaps a set of scene graphs that have been traversed
on each frame, or perhaps even just checking to see if a Camera has a
View associated with it would be enough to determine if the subgraph
should be traversed or not.

Well in my case, the camera can have a view. It can be the view's main 
camera. i.e. a node can be added as a direct child of the view's main 
camera and its update callback will not be called.

I'd have to look into the code in 
Viewer/CompositeViewer::updateTraversal() to see if I can spot a 
solution. The set of subgraphs that have been traversed seems like it 
would work, but it's perhaps too time-consuming to check?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG 2.8.2 compile error...

2009-12-16 Thread Markus Lacay
Thanks Alberto! This helped. More specifically, disabling this option helped to 
allow osgUtil to build. (building osg 2.9.6)

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Re: [osg-users] QUAD_BUFFER Stereo on Vista

2009-12-16 Thread Jan Ciger
Hash: SHA1

On 2009-12-16 14:56, Teodor Hanchevici wrote:
 Hi there,
 OK, after some fiddling around I was able to make the application run by 
 setting the following in the environment:
 In my code I have the following:

You do not need to set both - setting the environment variables has the
same effect as the code.

The osg::DisplaySettings are, I believe, used only when you create a
window, so if you have used that command after a window has been opened,
it is not taken into account.

 but it seems it is not enough. My application is showing only one component. 
 Are there any other things to be set in the code to enable the quad buffer 
 Using the QTViewer, even with the environment variables set, I cannot render 
 stereo, so this makes me wonder if the issue is QT related.

Does stereo work if you set the environment variables and use normal
osgviewer executable to view some model? If that doesn't work too, then
the problem is most likely with either the configuration of your driver
or your hardware. Check if any error messages are printed out when you
run the program from command line - if quad buffer visual is not
available, you will get a stream of OpenGL errors in the terminal. The
application may continue to run, but it will be without stereo.

Qt is not really likely to be the culprit, because it does not interfere
with OpenGL rendering. Qt only provides a window into which an OpenGL
context is attached and it knows nothing about quad buffering being
enabled or disabled.


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] QUAD_BUFFER Stereo on Vista

2009-12-16 Thread Teodor Hanchevici
Hi Jan,

I commented off the line
and unset OSG_STEREO in the environment, leaving only OSG_STEREO_MODE as 
QUAD_BUFFER. This generated a lot of OpenGL errors and the app did not render 

however, if I set both OSG_STEREO and OSG_STEREO_MODE then the application 
works fine. I will have to see if the display settings is updated after the 
window is created.


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] QUAD_BUFFER Stereo on Vista

2009-12-16 Thread Jan Ciger
Hash: SHA1

On 2009-12-16 16:18, Teodor Hanchevici wrote:
 Hi Jan,
 I commented off the line
 and unset OSG_STEREO in the environment, leaving only OSG_STEREO_MODE as 
 QUAD_BUFFER. This generated a lot of OpenGL errors and the app did not render 

(both need to be set).

 I will have to see if the display settings is updated after the window is 

I do not think they are, but I may be wrong here.


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] file extension alias

2009-12-16 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi John et. al,

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 To be clear automatically setting ReaderWriter::_supportedExtensions
 from osgDB won't be generally be safe.   For specific plugins it might
 be possible to use it, and for these I would recommend you try loading
 the plugin and then adding the extra extension directly as I've
 suggested in my last two post.

I've just realized that since the ReaderWriter::supportsExtension()
method is protected it isn't possible inject additions extensions into
a plugin.  Changing this and associated methods to be be public would
open the door to it, although given it's not generally safe
documenting.  To this end I've just checked in the change of these
methods to public scope, and added docs explain their usual usage.

/** Specify fmt string as a supported protocol.
  * Please note, this method should usually only be used
internally by subclasses of ReaderWriter, Only in special cases
  * will a ReaderWriter implementation be able to handle a
protocol format that is wasn't original designed for.
  * To know whether it's safe to inject a new protocol format
to an existing ReaderWriter you will need to review
  * the source code and dependencies of that ReaderWriter. */
void supportsProtocol(const std::string fmt, const
std::string description);

/** Specify ext string as a supported file extension.
  * Please note, this method should usually only be used
internally by subclasses of ReaderWriter. Only in special cases
  * will a ReaderWriter implementation be able to handle a
file extension that is wasn't original designed for.
  * To know whether it's safe to inject a new file extension
to an existing ReaderWriter you will need to review the
  * the source code and dependencies of that ReaderWriter. */
void supportsExtension(const std::string ext, const
std::string description);

/** Specify option string as a supported option string.
  * Please note, this should usually only be used internally
by subclasses of ReaderWriter. */
void supportsOption(const std::string opt, const std::string

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Question regarding Culling issue in the SceneView

2009-12-16 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Colin,

Your analysis of the what is required is spot on, the only little
change I've made to it is to remove the (osg::Node node =
*_camera.get()); as one can simple use the _camera ref pointer
directly thus:

// traverse the scene graph to generate the rendergraph.
// If the camera has a cullCallback execute the callback which has the
// requirement that it must traverse the camera's children.
   osg::NodeCallback* callback = _camera-getCullCallback();
   if (callback) (*callback)(_camera.get(), cullVisitor);
   else _cullVisitor-traverse(*_camera);

I'm currently awaiting a clean build and test before checking this in.


On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Colin Branch wrote:

 Unfortunately camera-traverse does not handle any callbacks, it only calls
 'accept' on every child.
 Sadly it is impossible to exactly achieve the desired behavior with the
 existing functions. You can get close using CullVisitor::accept(Group*)
 however it pushes an additional StateSet.
 Ideally the function wanted is
 CullVisitor::handle_cull_callbacks_and_traverse however that is protected.

 So here what I believe is the best code to use. I have tested it and it has
 the desired effects of executing cull callbacks on the camera node, or doing
 traverse which is 100% identical to the for loop in the current source code.

 // traverse the scene graph to generate the rendergraph.
 // If the camera has a cullCallback execute the callback which has the
 // requirement that it must traverse the camera's children.
    osg::Node node = *(_camera.get());
    osg::NodeCallback* callback = node.getCullCallback();
    if (callback) (*callback)(node,cullVisitor);
    else cullVisitor-traverse(node);

 The only potential issue this change might introduce to existing code bases
 is where a cull callback which was added to the camera that did not traverse
 would cause culling of the scene to not occur. However since previously the
 callback was never executed in the first place I believe that would be
 highly unlikely to happen and since cull callbacks are expected to normally
 traverse the children this should be an extremely rare (possibly
 nonexistent) case in current code bases. In either case I believe a bug
 would have existed in the original code, and the new behavior is entirely
 consistent with std OSG behavior regarding culling.

 We will be building OSG with the above code, and we would be very pleased if
 it can be integrated into the main branch. I've attached the modified file.
 Going even further into the future it might be desirable to be able to
 simply make normal Camera's accept cull visitor on the main camera. It
 appears that the SceneView goes doesn't strictly follow the principle of
 encapsulation as it is doing much of the same functionality 'to' the
 CullVisitor externally, that is normally done internally in the apply

 Thank you,
 Colin Branch

 On 12/15/2009 1:53 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:

 Hi Colin,

 As Paul suggests CullVisitor::apply(osg::Camera) handles in scene
 graph camera's, so will not handle the viewer level scene graph
 correctly so _camera-accept(*cullVisitor) won't behave correctly.

 Perhaps you could try replacing the for loop with
 _camera-traverse(*cullVisitor) as this will call the cull callback
 and avoid the CullVisitor::applyOsg::Camera) method.   If this works
 fine let me know as I can make this change to SceneView.cpp.


 On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Colin  wrote:

 Greetings All,

 I added a CullCallback to the camera of a view. I found it was not
 hit. After much searching I believe it is due to the implementation in

 Specifically at line 957:

    // traverse the scene graph to generate the rendergraph.
    for(unsigned int childNo=0;

 Is there a reason that it is simply not replace that whole section of
 with the following?


 Shouldn't the main camera be culled?
 I'm somewhat inclined to think so.

 I'd appreciate any feedback on why this may not be the case.

 Colin Branch

 Colin Branch
 work: (617) 876-8085 Ext. 159

 Colin Branch
 work: (617) 876-8085 Ext. 159

 osg-users mailing list

 osg-users mailing list

 Colin Branch
 work: (617) 876-8085 Ext. 159

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Frustum/Culling issue with PagedLod

2009-12-16 Thread Vincent Bourdier


No more idea ? because the only way I found is to remove the little 
sphere... and this is a real bad way to solve the problem...

Thanks a lot.

Vincent Bourdier a écrit :

Hi Robert,

Sorry, the camera manipulator is my own one, and the position is hard 
coded for the home position.

I spend 3h yesterday night to find any explanation without success



Robert Osfield a écrit :

Hi Vincent,

Could it be that your home position is changing with changes in the
sphere's dimensions/poistion, and the home position is affecting the
LOD selection.


On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Vincent Bourdier wrote:

Hi all,

I just get something very strange I cannot really understand :

In my scene, there is a graph will hundred of PagedLOD nodes, and no 

I manually set the frustum of the viewer :


  float divider = (float)(zNear/config-frustumNearPlan);
  view-getCamera()-setProjectionMatrixAsFrustum (left/divider,
right/divider,bottom/divider, top/divider, zNear/divider,
(near is 2 and far is 2e+07)

The scene render normally... there is no problem... BUT

When I add a little Sphere (osg::Sphere) on the scene (center 0,0,0  

1) before the render loop starts, the LODs never loads anything
and nothing but the Sphere is visible...

Because I set the frustum myself with the same values each time, I 
do not

understand why I didn't see the LODs nodes

The StatsHandler do not show the databasePager stats, which means 
there is

no cull on the LOD ? This is a real question I am not yet a
osg master...

To conclude, when I add the Sphere with a radius upper than 5000, 
the LODs

are visible... It really seems to be a wrong far plan frustum
value... but I verified it is always the same and never change from 


Any idea or suggestion could help me a lot :-)



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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [3rdparty] osg::image / Create a 3d image

2009-12-16 Thread Thomas Canipel
yes the allocate Image is not necessary it is override by the setImage(), I was 
missing the size of the channel ;) 

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [3rdparty] osg::image / Create a 3d image

2009-12-16 Thread Thomas Canipel
In order to use a limit of 255, I needed to use GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE (char)


int height=100;
int width=100;
int length=100;
const long size = width*height*length*3;

unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)calloc(size,sizeof(unsigned 

for(long i=0; i  size ; i+= 3)
data[i] = 255;//red
data[i+1] = 0;//green
data[i+2] = 0;//blue

osg::ref_ptrosg::Image image = new osg::Image;
image-allocateImage(width, height, length, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
image-setOrigin(osg::Image::BOTTOM_LEFT);//start countingpixels on the 
Bottom left of the picture
image-setImage(width, height, length , GL_RGB, GL_RGB, 
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,data, osg::Image::NO_DELETE);

osgDB::writeImageFile(*image, test.jpg);

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Load file from URL link

2009-12-16 Thread Danny Lesnik

Is there any way to read node file using osgDB::readNodeFile method from URL? 

For example http://localhost/1.3DS

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Problem with using static initializers to preload plugins

2009-12-16 Thread Paul Martz

Hi Robert and all --

As you know, I have a private nodekit that uses the .osgb extension. In 
order to avoid collisions with the upcoming new OSG binary format, I've 
added a static initializer to the nodekit to force load my .osgb plugin. 
As we've discussed previously, this is what I need to do to avoid 
forcing client apps to do this explicitly, right?

My nodekit depends on osgWorks, which contains a plugin that supports 
the .skel extension. So, just to be safe and avoid possible future 
collisions with the .skel extension, I also added a static initializer 
to osgWorks to force loading the .skel plugin.

The net effect is that whenever my .osgb plugin gets loaded, my osgWorks 
.skel plugin also gets loaded. This is correct and expected behavior.

Unfortunately, this breaks osgconv --format osgb. Issuing that command 
incorrectly displays output for both my .osgb and .skel plugins. It 
should display only output for the .osgb plugin.

The root cause appears to be flawed login in osgDB::queryPlugin(). This 
function is passed a plugin filename, which it loads, and then assumes 
that any plugins that got loaded must be appropriate to query. This is a 
false assumption in the presence of static initializers, as I describe 

My personal preference would be to enhance Registry to handle multiple 
plugins that support multiple formats with the same extension, thus 
avoiding the need to preload plugins, as I have mentioned in other 
posts. But if this is still off the table, then my fallback solution 
would be to change pluginQuery so that it takes an extension as a 
parameter, and only queries a loaded plugin if it accepts the extension.

Do either of these sound acceptable? If so, let me know which one and 
I'll code it up.

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
+1 303 859 9466

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Optimal Rendering setup

2009-12-16 Thread Mark Jones
I've generated 2 textures, (started using osgprerender) and I can get those two 
textures and blend them together (although not using a shader), just a textenv:


osg::StateSet* pTextureState= new osg::StateSet;
osg::TexEnv *texenv = new osg::TexEnv(osg::TexEnv::ADD);

pTextureState-setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, texenv, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
pTextureState-setTextureAttributeAndModes(1, pTextureCulled, 
pTextureState-setTextureAttributeAndModes(1, new osg::TexEnv(*texenv) , 

However I'm not sure how to get past the 2D look that the flag has.

I'm trying to render the 2 textures and then blend them onto a polygon  
(similar to the flag in the example), but what I end up with is a flat/thin 
image that the mouse can change the coordinate view of.  Very similar to the 
flag in the example program.

What I really wanted to have was a 3d model that had some pieces that came and 
went, revealing the interior of the object like a Star Trek transport in 
use. (ok, that analogy is not quite as perfect as I would like it to be).  
So as you move about the model, you still see a 3D shape, but its translucency 
of some sides varies.

How do I?
   Generate two textures, then use a shader to combine the two images.

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Re: [osg-users] Python users

2009-12-16 Thread Massimo Di Stefano
Hi Jean-Sébastien,

running the latest notes from the wiki main page all works fine.
now i'm exploring the example code.

a question :

have you never tried to add a python osgviewer inside a PyQt4 (or wx-python) 
gui ?



Il giorno 15/dic/2009, alle ore 18.47, Jean-Sébastien Guay ha scritto:

 Hi Massimo,
 Sorry, my first reply went to you directly... I don't know why, sometimes 
 reply replies straight to the sender, even though the mailing list should 
 be changing the headers so that replies go back to the mailing list...
 i'm running osgboostpython on mac 
 osx 10.6 (osg svn, 64-bit)
 boost+python support from source (1.41)
 Please note that I've never tried to build it on Mac OS X, so your input will 
 be valuable (as below).
 now i'm tring to runs some examles, but i have problems using the code from 
 the main page :
 In [12]: s.setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, t, osg.StateAttribute.Values.ON)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ipython console, line 1, in module
 AttributeError: type object 'Values' has no attribute 'ON'
 any clue on what's wrong?
 Yes, the enums were changed to const members to fit better with the C++ style 
 but I didn't change the code on the front page  :-(
 Try to use osg.StateAttribute.ON instead (without the .Values)...
 I've updated the front page now. Sorry about that.
 ... tring to build osgboostpython 
 , seems that it don't recognize the .dylb files
 so i had to simlink *.dylb to *.so.
 You could possibly change the jam files so that it uses .dylib files instead, 
 but I have no clue how to do that. Perhaps the bjam / jam / 
 documentation can help you.
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Python users

2009-12-16 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Massimo,

running the latest notes from the wiki main page all works fine.
now i'm exploring the example code.

Good to know you're getting better success now.

have you never tried to add a python osgviewer inside a PyQt4 (or wx-python) 
gui ?

No, sorry. If you try it let me know, I would be very interested to know 
if it works well. Also if you could contribute a small example of that 
in action I would gladly add it to the osgBoostPython examples.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [3rdparty] OSG Composer released

2009-12-16 Thread James Bradbury

... i am trying to animate a solidworks model based on real position 
translation data and was looking at osg composer to do this, is there anyway of 
moving a part from a solidworks assembly using a script? i.e. to move leg 10cm 
in x plane, 5 in y and 0 in z

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgSim problem

2009-12-16 Thread Brendan Ledwich
Hi İsmail,

Are you linking against osgSim.lib or osgSimd.lib as well as core osg? In 
Visual Studio you should be able to find them in you project's properties under 
Linker-Input-Additional Dependancies.


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Re: [osg-users] dynamic QuadTree on spherical terrain

2009-12-16 Thread Torben Dannhauer

How is it possible to manage forest in osgEarth, i haven't found any clue at 
it's project page.

Can you give me a hint?

Thank you!


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