Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Can't export OSG to 3DS in 2.9.6 and can't build osgIntrospection Lib

2010-02-16 Thread Zsolt Babák

I have the same problem with 2.9.6 and 3ds write.

I export 3d data from a CAD software in ive format into a lot of relatively 
small files.
And after that i combine the needed parts by reading in the ives and writing 
them out into a single ive. So with ive format this process works without a 

However I've been asked to provide a combined 3ds file too. (OSG 3DS write 
support came in time :)).

However the same process ends with an exception with the big 3ds file. The 
interesting part is that I can write the small ives one by one into 3ds, I just 
can't make a big 3ds from them (the biggest 3ds I was able to produce was 
around 42 megs) (the big ive file for this model is 62 M).

I'm just building a debug version of osg to get some sort of info back from the 
crash. Although I don't really know visual studio...

Is it possible that I hit a hard limit in 3ds ? (eg: 32768 max geometries) 


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Can't export OSG to 3DS in 2.9.6 and can't build osgIntrospection Lib

2010-01-13 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Agostinho,

Regarding the compilation problem, it was solved, as you said.
But I think that info should be in the documentation or in a readme file, because it's so 
important, or if it is there, it should be made more visible because I 
searched a lot and still couldn't find it.

The CMake options are documented in their description which you'll see 
if you hover over them. Of course, documentation can always be improved. 
I don't know if there's a page on the Wiki which describes the common 
CMake options.

Well, now I have 277MB of compiled files of the new version, which includes, 
all the libs, examples, 3rdparty, with added lib2xml (which I got it myself and 
added to the project).
Now I think it would be fair for me to share it with the world, but I don't 
know if there is a place where I can upload such volume of files. Is there?

There are binaries on, but only for stable 
releases. If a developer wants a developer release it's expected that 
they'll compile it themselves, so I don't think it's that useful to put 
binaries of dev releases on the web site (Robert may disagree).

Regarding the problem about converting to .3ds, it's really weird.

I'll have to let Sukender check your files out, as he developed the 3ds 
write functionality. Sukender, see the link below for the zip file 
Agostinho attached to his post.


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Can't export OSG to 3DS in 2.9.6 and can't build osgIntrospection Lib

2010-01-13 Thread Agostinho Silva
Hi Jean.

Thank you again.
Ooops.. I didn't know there was the habit of making everybody compiling 
developer versions... but after all, aren't all of them for developers? :-P

So, I think that puting those binaries there could spare newbies, like myself, 
lots of precious time working around to solve problems others have already 
solved, or at least handling them when it is more favourable to us, which was 
not my case now, because I was in a hurry.. and still am, but I already quit 
trying to do what I wanted...
So I won't upload anything, if that's not the practice in these cases here.

But many thanks for your help. 
At least now I know what direction I have to go. :)



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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Can't export OSG to 3DS in 2.9.6 and can't build osgIntrospection Lib

2010-01-13 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Agos,

Ooops.. I didn't know there was the habit of making everybody compiling 
developer versions... but after all, aren't all of them for developers? Razz

Yes but not all developers need to use developer releases... Some use 
stable releases exclusively.

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Can't export OSG to 3DS in 2.9.6 and can't build osgIntrospection Lib

2010-01-10 Thread Agostinho Silva
Hi you all!

Since this is my first post here, let me thank Robert for the amazing work that 
you’ve been doing with OSG! :-)

I started working with OSG only about a month ago, for a project on my master 
thesis, so I’m still a rookie…
I wanted to build a scene graph 100% programmatically in order to use it in a 
CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment
I’m using CAVE H Spawner, which uses GTK Radiant 1.5 (built for the quake 
engine), therefore I need several formats of the same content: OSG, IVE, OBJ 
and 3DS.

After spending weeks doing it, I now need to convert my OSG to 3DS.
When I started a few weeks ago, I thought the 3DS plug-in worked both ways, but 
it doesn’t.
But know I learned that the new 2.9.6 version of OSG allows for writing 3DS 
from an OSG file, exactly what I need.

But then, my problems started…

1. BUILDING OSG 2.9.6, using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and CMake 2.8
I don’t know why, but CMake just doesn’t create the project file for the 
“osgIntrospection” library.
So that lib is never created, and my program won’t even compile without it. 

I tried so many things and lost so many hours trying to figure it out, that I’m 
not going to tell you all now.
I tried tricks in in CMake and Visual Studio, and I searched the Web for 
answers, but found none.
I created a project manually but then CMake wouldn’t work because it didn’t 
understand INTERNAL_LINK command… neither did I…

Then, I thought it might just be a bug in the newest version, and tried to 
build 2.8.2 in order to get the project files from it.
And then came my biggest surprise! The exact same problem happened in that 
previous version too!
So, what the hell is wrong with this make for this particular project 

I managed to compile everything, but this library.

2. Then I used the “OSGCONV” utility, to try to convert my OSG file to 3ds, but 
it crashes in windows (both XP and 7)! :-(
I’m using two computers, one with windows XP and another one with Windows 7 (64 
bits). A friend of mine had the exact same problem.
I have all the environment variables set correctly, and I’m experienced in Unix 
systems, so I understand the syntax perfectly and know what to do.
So I don’t think the problem is mine, but…

So I still have not the complete OSG version 2.9.6 compiled, and much less, I 
have no way of using its new functionality to convert OSG to 3DS.
I’ve learned about AC3D format and 3d program, but I don’t have it, and don’t 
even know how to use... I know a bit of blender but it does not have an 
importer for OSG, only an exporter.

Please let me know if you know any way around these two problems, because I 
need desperately to export OSG to 3DS in a few days, or else all my work has 
been in vain... :-(

I searched a lot and tried a lot of weird things, so please don’t just make me 
search any more. If you know any way, programmatically to solve this using VS 
2008, C++ and OSG (any version) let me know please.

Thank you all in advance.



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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Can't export OSG to 3DS in 2.9.6 and can't build osgIntrospection Lib

2010-01-10 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Agostinho,

I don’t know why, but CMake just doesn’t create the project file for the 
“osgIntrospection” library.
So that lib is never created, and my program won’t even compile without it. 

If you need osgIntrospection, then you need to activate the CMake option 
called BUILD_OSG_WRAPPERS. Then CMake will generate the appropriate 
project which will be part of the OpenSceneGraph.sln solution and you'll 
be able to build it.

If you don't activate that option, CMake will not generate the project. 
This is also the case for examples (BUILD_OSG_EXAMPLES) and so on. This 
is done because not everyone wants to build all the projects (libraries, 
applications, examples, introspection support, plugins, packaging, 
documentation, etc.).

2. Then I used the “OSGCONV” utility, to try to convert my OSG file to 3ds, but 
it crashes in windows (both XP and 7)! :-(

3DS write support is still fairly recent, but is being actively 
developed still. Sukender (who wrote it) may be able to help, but your 
best bet is to run osgconv (built in debug configuration) in Visual 
Studio with the same command line arguments and get a stack trace for 
where it crashes. With the call stack you may be able to see why it 
crashes, and if you post it here it will give us a better idea of what 
happens. Just saying that it crashes doesn't really help. Also providing 
an example file that makes it crash can really help Sukender debug it 
with you.

Hope this helps,

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