Re: [osmosis-dev] How to use EntityBuffer

2009-04-20 Thread Brett Henderson wrote:

 I am trying to use the EntityBuffer -class but seem to be doing something
 wrong here.

 I did:

 XMReader task = new ...
 EntityBuffer  buffer = new EntityBuffer(BUFFERCAPACITY);


 It seems that this hangs indefinately waiting for entities to
 come in from the buffer.
 Do I need to call some special method or use a special
 manager-class to make the buffer start it's Executor or Thread?
The key reason for using EntityBuffer is to separating processing into 
multiple threads.  It is a key class implementing the --buffer task 
whose main reason for existing is to spread the pipeline execution 
across multiple threads and therefore CPU cores.

So, the reason you're having a problem is because the 
method must be run in a separate thread to the task feeding data into 
it.  The input thread calling the process method will block when the 
buffer becomes full.  Likewise, the thread will block until 
data becomes available.  If you call both from the same thread the first 
one will never complete.

Internally there are actually three buffers.  The first is 
unsynchronised and allows the input thread to accumulate a number of 
entities before gaining the main lock.  The second is synchronised and 
is shared between the two threads.  The third is unsynchronised and 
allows the output thread to retrieve a number of records from the second 
buffer reducing the number of times the lock has to be obtained.

If all you want is a way of buffering data within a single thread then 
EntityBuffer isn't what you're looking for but I've never found a case 
where buffering without an additional thread improves performance, I've 
always had more like using file buffers, database transactions, 
multi-row inserts, etc to achieve that.

There is a class called TaskRunner which is a Thread class that allows 
you to detect when errors occur within the thread, it might be useful 
for you.  If you want an example of its use check out the 
ActiveTaskManager which is used to run all tasks requiring their own 
thread (ie. all reading tasks and some others), and the ChangeDownloader 
task which is used for concurrently reading and merging many files into 
a single change stream.


osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Dropping 0.5 tasks

2009-05-06 Thread Brett Henderson
Frederik Ramm wrote:

 Brett Henderson wrote:
 I'm in the process of releasing 0.31 so that people have a known 
 stable version to download that supports 0.6.  It still includes all 
 of the existing 0.5 tasks.

 So, would there be any objections to dropping 0.5 support?  It's not 
 urgent, but I'd like to get rid of them at some stage.

 There are some minor tools out there which don't yet support 0.6 (some 
 simply do a version compare and balk if it isn't 0.5 - easy for a 
 programmer to fix but maybe not so easy for every user). Only recently 
 someone complained that the Ruby osmlib does not support 0.6. I told 
 them to simply run the 0.6 file through osmosis and --write-xml-0.5... 
 but of course 0.6-to-0.5-translation could also be achieved by an XSLT 
 one-liner I guess.
It's not a big deal, I'll keep them around for a bit longer then.  I 
don't want to spend much effort looking after them though.  If they need 
to be fixed to keep up with osmosis changes I'd rather drop them and 
avoid the effort.

The other point is that so long as a copy of osmosis-0.31 is available 
somewhere they'll have that as a fallback option.


osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Dropping 0.5 tasks

2009-05-09 Thread Brett Henderson
Karl Newman wrote:
 When you do eventually drop it, it would be a good idea to create an 
 SVN tag for the last Osmosis version with 0.5 support so it can be 
 easily found later (I seem to recall having to sort through commit 
 messages to find the last 0.4-supporting version for someone a few 
 months back).
Yep, that makes sense.  I'll try not to forget.


osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] SQL schemas not available

2009-06-01 Thread Brett Henderson
Paul Balomiri wrote:
 the server refuses to answer due to high traffic.
 Could you please send me the file hosted at

 alternatively you could check it into svn at openstreetmap, or post it  
 to this list?
 I'm really stuck on this one,

Can you try again now?  It's working here.

It's a google server.  Perhaps they had an outage when you tried ...

I'm hesitant to check it in because I only provide it as a convenience 
and it's not always up to date.  The proper way to create the schema is 
using the rails_port schema creation scripts (ie. the rake db:migrate 
command).  At least the last four schema migrations are not included in 
the script, although they probably won't affect you.


osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Problem using Osmosis (PluginLifecycleException)

2009-11-11 Thread Brett Henderson
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Marcus Wolschon wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Brett Henderson

  Changing osmosis.bat is not the problem but how can I do an entry
  anybody know how to build a classpath list based on the jars contained in
  directory within ant?
 That would be the attribute sub-element.

Unless I'm misunderstanding the attribute element that's not quite what I

I already have the following snippet in build.xml.
manifest file=build/binary/jar.txt
attribute name=Main-Class
attribute name=Built-By value=${}/
attribute name=Implementation-Title value=Osmosis Library/
attribute name=Implementation-Version
value=${project.version} (${TODAY})/
attribute name=Implementation-Vendor value=Brett

I could add a classpath element, but I don't know how to add it dynamically
so that I don't have to hard code the list of jars.
osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] WayKeyFilter

2009-11-19 Thread Brett Henderson
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 11:27 PM, Andrew Byrd wrote:

 On 19 Nov 2009, at 07:30, Brett Henderson wrote:
  Can you please update the wiki detailed usage page to reflect the
  new task?

 Done. I noted that it is currently only in svn.

Great, thanks.

  On this note, if anybody is keen Osmosis could really do with
  somebody to take on creating a consistent set of filtering tasks for
  all entity types (at a minimum it appears that relations are missing
  from the existing set of tasks).  I'm not sure what the requirements
  would be and I don't do any filtering myself so don't have much
  experience with it.  I think all existing tasks have a bug at the
  moment where they don't handle ',' characters in the key names which
  probably should also be fixed.

 It should be rather simple to extend the existing filter set to
 relations. I have little experience with OSM/Osmosis myself, yet the
 task architecture was easy to understand. One thing needs to be
 clarified, though: should entities belonging to entity types not being
 filtered be passed through or thrown away? Currently, the node filters
 pass only nodes through, while the way filters pass non-way entities
 through unchanged. I see the practical reason for this, but it's not
 consistent. Maybe there should be an option to choose between behaviors.

I think filters should behave consistently rather than having each entity
type treated differently for a particular use case convenience.  Usually I
try to avoid changing existing behaviour, but only if there's a reasonable
alternative.  If the current filters are inconsistent I think we should
change them.  If we are going to break existing behaviour though I think we
should attempt to make all the breaking changes at once rather than
dribbling them in over a longer period.

But I didn't write the original tasks and haven't used them so I'm not well
placed to decide how they should work.

 According to the wiki, a tag is a Key-Value pair of Unicode strings
 of up to 255 characters (full Unicode characters, not bytes).  There
 is no mention of excluded list separator characters, so if it was
 changed from comma to something else, there would still be a bug and
 it would cause havoc with people used to using commas.  One reasonable
 solution is some kind of escape character (backslash?) for non-
 splitting commas that are in the key name.

Yep, I think we'd have to escape the separating character if it is included
in the key.  Given the rarity of something like a ',' in a tag name, I don't
think there's an issue with requiring users to escape it when it does occur.

 It would also be helpful to have a switch to invert filter logic from
 accept to remove, e.g. so you can accept everything with a highway tag
 then remove everything that has the highway=motorway value. This would
 make for a cleaner operation (and command line) than trying to make an
 exhaustive list of every key-value you want to keep.

 It would be nice to have comments from users and developers about how
 the filter set should be designed, and once that's clear I think the
 new tasks would show up, since they are useful to a lot of people, but
 not major undertakings.

I'm gonna take a back seat on this one :-)  If you have some time to gather
some requirements, tidy up the existing tasks, and add new features then go
for it.

Don't feel the need to get full consensus before you do something.
Obviously it's a good idea to gather ideas, but feel free to come up with
what you think works well, implement it, and then get feedback.

osmosis-dev mailing list

[osmosis-dev] Replication Changes

2009-11-19 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi All,

I thought I should give an update on recent Osmosis replication changes.

The existing minute diffs are irreparably broken.  The timestamp approach
for extracting changes only works if a long delay is used.  1 hour is
probably a minimum and unacceptable for supposedly minute diffs.
The existing minute-slow diffs were created as a means of auditing the
minute diffs.  The number of differences between using a 5 minute delay and
30 minute delay is quite scary.
Both minute and minute-slow will get disabled soon.

The new minute-replicate diffs are a new approach for replication that
uses PostgreSQL transaction ids to identify changed data in the database.
Bugs aside they should never miss data.  I have recently fixed a one off
error which was causing the last transaction id in each interval to be
missed in some but not all cases.  I believe this mechanism is now reliable
but only time will tell for sure.  Please post to the dev list if any missed
data is detected.

The very new hour-replicate diffs are a new experimental process (totally
untested) that takes minute-replicate diffs and rolls them up into hourly
changes.  This is preferable to existing hourly diffs due to the
elimination of a delay, and the elimination of the need to query the main
database.  Eventually I will disable the existing hourly diffs in favour
of the new hour-replicate diffs but this is a bit further off.  Note that
unlike existing hourly diffs, the new hourly diffs are not exactly hour
aligned.  One file will get produced per hour, but the changes they contain
won't necessarily be hour aligned.  This is largely invisible to clients
though, the key thing is still to apply them in order and starting from a
point prior to your initial data import timestamp.

The history diffs are in the process of being generated and are well
through 2008 as we speak.  These are effectively daily diffs but aren't
getting deleted on a rolling window basis.  This is effectively creating a
full history dump of the database.  This has been in the wings for a while,
but only possible now that there is some more disk space available.  These
are still timestamp based extracts due to transaction id queries being
useless for historical queries.  As a result of the use of timestamps, these
will be run with a large delay to avoid missing data.  I'll probably set
this delay to 1 day to be safe, but perhaps a couple of hours would be
The existing daily diffs will probably get disabled at some point in the
near future as a result of these new diffs which perform much the same

One big point to note is that all new extracts are *full* history diffs
which means that they may contain multiple changes for a single entity.
There is a new (as yet undocumented) task in osmosis called
--simplify-change which allows a full history diff to be collapsed into an
older style delta diff.  This new task may be needed to make some existing
Osmosis tasks work correctly.  This is all fairly new so there will be a few
bugs in Osmosis until this is worked through.

Once this all settles down, all changesets on the planet server will be full
history diffs.  Full history for the life of the db will be available.
Minute diffs will be available that allow an offline database to be kept
within 1-2 minutes of the main API.

That summarises the changes currently happening.  Some of it is a bit
experimental, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't work.  Please yell if you
see any problems, it's the only way they'll get investigated and fixed.

On a related note, the good thing about the new transaction id based
mechanism is that it allows zero delay to be used which means at least
theoretically that we could get much lower than a 1-2 minute delay.  But
achieving less than 1-2 minutes can't be done easily with the existing
file-based distribution approach.  Moving away from a file-based
distribution approach has serious implications for reliability in the face
of server and network outages, cacheability, bandwidth consumption, and
server resource usage.  As a result, the existing approach is likely to
represent the state of the art in the near to medium future.  We need to
stabilise the existing features before attempting new ones :-)

Osmosis itself is in a fairly complete state, but the implications of full
history changes need to be examined.  Once this is sorted out I'll create an
overdue release, in the meantime the nightly builds will have to suffice.

I think that was all, feel free to ask any questions.  But be patient for
responses from me because my connectivity is limited at the moment, I'm not
online every day and it's difficult for me to investigate problems.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] duplication of nodes on apply-change

2009-11-23 Thread Brett Henderson
In an attempt to fix this I have done the following:
* Rolled back EntityByTypeThenIdComparator to the previous behaviour of only
checking type then id.
* Created a new EntityByTypeThenIdThenVersion comparator which (obviously
:-) includes version as part of the checking.
* Updated ChangeMerger (--merge-change) to use the new version inclusive
* Updated SortedChangePipeValidator used by ChangeMerger (--merge-change)
and ChangeSimplifier (--simplify-change) to use the new version inclusive
* Created a new --simplify-change task that reduces full history diffs to
delta diffs to allow old tasks relying on single changes per entity to
continue to work.

At some point I need to go through all change processing tasks and check to
see if they need updates to support full history diffs but I'm not sure when
I'll get around to it.

If anybody sees any problems with the changes I've made please let me know.


2009/11/18 Maxim Dubinin

 Thanks for explanation, Frederik.
 I confirm that it was indeed the problem and rolling back to rev18121
 fixed the issue. I also note that 0.31.3 still has this bug.


 Вы писали 16 ноября 2009 г., 15:11:06:

 FR Hi,

 FR Maxim Dubinin wrote:
  MD But after I do:
  MD osmosis --read-xml-change
  MD --read-xml file=data/rus.osm --apply-change --write-xml
  MD I'm getting two versions of the same node in the output:

 FR Is it possible that I am resposible for this because I recently changed
 FR the sorting function to treat something with version=x+1 as larger
 FR than something with version=x, instead of equal?

 FR (SVN r18230, change to EntityByTypeThenIdComparator...)

 FR Bye
 FR Frederik

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] GetPropertyAction in xml/common/ElementWriter

2009-12-08 Thread Brett Henderson
Some Mac users still require it.  I think some older Macs will never get a
Java6.  But I think the existing 1.5 compatible version is probably enough,
it lets them work with API 0.6 format files.

It's up to you though, you can maintain a 1.5 compatible version if you


On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 8:37 PM, Alexander Chmyr ach...@cloudmade.comwrote:


 Is there any issues here related to Java1.5 support branch, is it still
 required for Mac users, or they're already using Java6.

 Alexander Chmyr
 Senior Software Engineer
 Cogniance, Inc
 skype: alex.smudgy

 On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 2:52 AM, Hakan Tandogan ha...@gurkensalat.comwrote:

 Brett Henderson wrote:
  On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Hakan Tandogan wrote:
  Hi again,
  Is there any particular reason why ElementWriter uses new instead of a
  simple System.getProperty(line.separator) ?
  Not that I can see.  I've been meaning to take a look at that myself.



 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] use classworlds-Loader fort start script?

2009-12-08 Thread Brett Henderson
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 7:39 PM, wrote:

 On Tue, 08 Dec 2009 02:04:55 +0100, Hakan Tandogan
  Brett Henderson wrote:
  If it isn't too invasive it should be fine.  I guess the best way is to
  try it out and see if any problems crop up.
  I committed my changes to use the classworlds launcher a few hours ago.
  The configuration is in the file config/plexus.conf and instructs the
  launcher to load all jars from lib and lib/default ; I also modified the
  windows and unix scripts to use the classworlds launcher.

 Is this just in SVN or a part of 0.32?

It's just SVN for now.  Once the tag transform patch is in (I haven't had
time to check it in tonight, and need to fix the bzip2 ivy problem first),
this classworlds launcher doesn't cause any complaints, and I get around to
documenting all the new tasks on the wiki then a new 0.33 release could be

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Postgis is in

2009-12-10 Thread Brett Henderson

 [ivy:resolve] -- artifact org.postgis#postgis;1.3.2!postgis.jar:
 [ivy:resolve]   ::
 [ivy:resolve]   ::  UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES ::
 [ivy:resolve]   ::
 [ivy:resolve]   :: org.postgis#postgis;1.3.2: not found
 [ivy:resolve]   ::

 /home/mapnik/osmosis/build-ivy.xml:56: impossible to resolve dependencies:
resolve failed - see output for details

Okay, the postgis library has a different name on the public repo.

I've tried updating the ivy dependency descriptor as follows (note addition
of -jdbc in the name):
dependency org=org.postgis name=postgis-jdbc rev=1.3.2

This doesn't work for a couple of reasons.
1. It also pulls in a postgis-stubs module.  I don't know what the purpose
of this is but it breaks all PostgreSQL functionality.  Presumably it stubs
out the PGConnection object for some reason, but I don't know why the
postgis-jdbc pom includes it as a transitive dependency.
2. The postgis jdbc extensions aren't registered.  This breaks classes such
as PGGeometry such that any PostGIS functionality breaks (ie. --pgsql-*

I can work around problem 1 by excluding postgis-stubs explicitly.  It works
well enough.  I suspect this stubs jar should only be part of test scope or
somesuch but I could be wrong.
dependency org=org.postgis name=postgis-jdbc rev=1.3.2
exclude module=postgis-stubs/

However it doesn't solve the postgis extensions not being registered.  I've
compared the original postgis.jar with the new postgis-jdbc.jar and there is
one key difference.  The file org/postgresql/ is
missing in the postgis-jdbc.jar.

Hakan, I assume you produced this jar yourself using your own maven setup?
Are you able to fix it to include this missing file?  Or is there another
dependency I need to include in order to get this file from somewhere else?

When I get a chance I'll revert the delete of postgis jar from the local
repo and use that until the public one works.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Postgis is in

2009-12-13 Thread Brett Henderson
On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Hakan Tandogan ha...@gurkensalat.comwrote:

 If you want to wait a few moments more, you should have a fixed postgis
 jar latest tomorrow.

I did the revert to get the build running because switching backwards and
forwards between jars is straightforward.  Let me know when you're done
though and we can switch it back to your implementation.

The build and all tests are completing successfully at the moment.

On a related note, I also made some classworlds launcher fixes so I think
that is working properly as well.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Bzip2-issues

2009-12-13 Thread Brett Henderson
It looks like the commons-compress library changes how it handles the file
prefix.  The old libraries didn't use a prefix so I had hacks in a class
called CompressionActivator like the following to make it compatible with
command line bzip2.

// Command line BZip2 adds BZ to the start of the file which
// we must strip out.
if ( != 'B' || != 'Z') {
throw new OsmosisRuntimeException(
The source stream must start with the characters BZ if it is to be
read as a BZip2 stream.

These should be able to be removed now but I'll do some tests to make sure.


On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 12:17 AM, Marcus Wolschon mar...@wolschon.bizwrote:

 org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: Unable to
 instantiate a BZip2 compression stream.
 Caused by: Stream is not BZip2 formatted:
 expected 'B' as first byte but got 'h'
at org.apache.commo...)

 The file clearly starts with B and 7zip can decompress it as bzip2.
 This is Osmosis 0.32.1 with the supplied commons-compress-1.0.jar .

 I wanted to release a new version of Traveling Salesman today but this
 issue is blocking it.


 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Bzip2-issues

2009-12-14 Thread Brett Henderson
0.32 should be fine because these library changes were made after that was
released.  Version 0.32.1 is just a development release and shouldn't be
treated as a stable version.  In fact the 0.32.1 build on will get overwritten
when the next nightly build kicks off.

So in your case I'd suggest targeting 0.32 and sticking with it until 0.33
is released.

I can see that the current numbering scheme is very confusing though,
perhaps it should be changed.  Any suggestions?

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 8:16 PM, wrote:

 I'll test it.

 Do you want to do a 0.32.2 -release with this?
 I imagine the latest osmosis-release not being
 able to read map-dumps is quite a showshopper.


 On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 19:22:09 +1100, Brett Henderson
  Hi Marcus,
  I've checked a fix into svn.  Let me know if you see any more problems.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] download Osmosis 0.32

2009-12-17 Thread Brett Henderson
Anything's possible.  What would you like to see?

The osmosis-latest download links are actually symbolic links that point to
the osmosis-0.32 release files anyway.  The build directory contains

The wiki only points to the osmosis-release files to save updating the wiki
when a new release is made, but perhaps that is a bad idea.  Feel free to
update the wiki to make it clearer.

As I've mentioned before, I'm open to suggestions on how to better number
the releases.  The fact that 0.32 is a full release and 0.32.1 is an
unstable dev release is not obvious.


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 11:58 PM, Jan Tappenbeck wrote:

 is there a possiblity to see the right number outside ???

 in changes.txt you can the only the milestones ... 0.31, 0.32

 regards Jan :-)

 Brett Henderson schrieb:
  On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Marcus Wolschon wrote:
  Where can I download Osmosis 0.32 ?
  The wiki-page only contains links for 0.31.1 and changing the
  version-number in these does not work.
  Which wiki page are you referring to?  I think the links here are
  The links should point to here:
  0.32 is available there.
  osmosis-dev mailing list

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

[osmosis-dev] Fwd: download Osmosis 0.32

2009-12-17 Thread Brett Henderson
Forwarding back to the list ...

-- Forwarded message --
From: Brett Henderson
Date: Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [osmosis-dev] download Osmosis 0.32
To: Jan Tappenbeck
Cc:, Marcus Wolschon,
osmosis-dev public-osmosis-dev-3+rWM/WnaLOn4i5uJCXUsti2O/

Anything's possible.  What would you like to see?

The osmosis-latest download links are actually symbolic links that point to
the osmosis-0.32 release files anyway.  The build directory contains

The wiki only points to the osmosis-release files to save updating the wiki
when a new release is made, but perhaps that is a bad idea.  Feel free to
update the wiki to make it clearer.

As I've mentioned before, I'm open to suggestions on how to better number
the releases.  The fact that 0.32 is a full release and 0.32.1 is an
unstable dev release is not obvious.


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 11:58 PM, Jan Tappenbeck wrote:

 is there a possiblity to see the right number outside ???

 in changes.txt you can the only the milestones ... 0.31, 0.32

 regards Jan :-)

 Brett Henderson schrieb:
  On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Marcus Wolschon wrote:
  Where can I download Osmosis 0.32 ?
  The wiki-page only contains links for 0.31.1 and changing the
  version-number in these does not work.
  Which wiki page are you referring to?  I think the links here are
  The links should point to here:
  0.32 is available there.
  osmosis-dev mailing list

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] download Osmosis 0.32

2009-12-17 Thread Brett Henderson
On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Hakan Tandogan ha...@gurkensalat.comwrote:

 Brett Henderson wrote:

 Anything's possible.  What would you like to see?

 As I've mentioned before, I'm open to suggestions on how to better number
 the releases.  The fact that 0.32 is a full release and 0.32.1 is an
 unstable dev release is not obvious.

 O.k., I am pretty strongly brainwashed by maven by now, but how about
 adopting the maven way?

 0.32-SNAPSHOT would be the current unstable dev
 0.32  would be the stable release
 0.33-SNAPSHOT would be the next unstable after 0.32

Okay, sounds good to me.

 We could set up some big reminder that -SNAPSHOT versions are always
 prone to breakage, and hudson would copy the SNAPSHOT builds to the
 deployment web space...


I'll update the build.xml so that the next nightly build on
dev.openstreetmap.*org* produces SNAPSHOT builds from now on.  I probably
should delete any existing nightly builds in the download directory to avoid

Is there anything that needs to be done for maven or that managed via hudson
somehow.  Whatever we do, we just have to keep in mind users who download
the source and build Osmosis themselves.  For that reason I think we'll have
to keep the current version in the build files in svn.  Within hudson itself
we can do whatever we want.  For the ant build at least, you can use Hudson
to set the properly project.version and that will override whatever is in
the ant build.xml file.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Problem opening .osm files in JOSM after osmosis-0.32 processing

2010-01-05 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Holger,

I don't have much net connectivity at the moment, and don't have JOSM

I'm assuming that osmosis is creating node id 289490930 in such a way that
JOSM doesn't like it.

Can you provide the xml element for node with id=289490930 from both the
original unterfraken.osm.bz2 file, and the osmosis modified files?  Then we
can compare the two and try to figure out what might be causing the problem.


On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 9:06 AM, Holger Blum wrote:


 I want to extract all data within a polygon out of an .osm file. Some
 time ago I've already used an older version of osmosis for this task,
 but this was with API 0.5 which obviously doens't work anymore, so I've
 downloaded osmosis 0.32.

 The processing was successful, but I'm not able to open the generated
 file in JOSM.

 The exact proceeding was:
 * download the data

 * edit a simple polygon file
9.90 49.75
9.90 49.80
9.99 49.80
9.99 49.75
9.90 49.75

 * run osmosis
 D:\GPS\osmosis-0.32\binosmosis.bat --read-xml file=unterfranken.osm
 --bounding-polygon file=wue_rect.poly --write-xml file=wue_rect_ufr.osm

 * open the file in JOSM

 The error message in JOSM is
 DataIntegrityProblemException: Objekt {Node id=289490930 version=0 IV }
 kann nicht zum Datensatz hinzugef³gt werden, weil es bereits im
 Datensatz enthalten ist

 I've tried with different .osm files, different polygons in this area
 and both JOSM latest and stable, it always fails. The original .osm file
 loads without error, so I guess that there's something wrong with the
 processing in osmosis.

 Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong? The files from geofabrik
 are still made with 0.31 and are ok, but I wasn't able to make this
 version work on my XP to try it myself.
 Extracts of other areas do work, for example an extract of the data
 within a polygon based on relation 162360. The main difference is that
 this is a rural area with lower node density and simpler tagging.

 I think this behaviour should be easily reproduceable, if not I'd
 willingly supply my files for analysis.


 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] planet diff to polygon extract?

2010-01-05 Thread Brett Henderson
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 3:56 AM, David Carmean wrote:

 For the moment I'm working with just the Cloudmade California extract
 (in PostGIS simple schema).  Is it possible to perform a polygon
 clip/extract of the daily planet diffs (changefile)?  Failing that,
 what happens if a planet-wide diff is applied to an incomplete
 planet base file?

You can't perform a polygon extract of a diff file (the diff file doesn't
contain enough info to determine the location of ways whose nodes haven't
changed).  However you can perform a polygon extract on the merged result.

In other words:
1. Apply the full diff to your extract first.
2. Run the result through the bounding polygon task again with the
California coordinates.

You can do it all in a single osmosis incantation if necessary.  Something
osmosis --read-xml-change diff.osc --read-xml california-orig.osm
--apply-change --bounding-polygon file=polygonfile.txt --write-xml

 Also curious: how much diskspace does the postGIS simple schema
 use for a complete planet file?

I have no idea ... lots :-)

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] completeRelations flag for --bp/--bb not working

2010-01-10 Thread Brett Henderson
On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 9:15 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:


consider this test case (run with 0.31.3):

 osm version=0.6
   node id=1 version=1 timestamp=2007-10-31T23:48:54Z uid=1
 user=fred changeset=1 lat=53 lon=10/
   node id=2 version=1 timestamp=2008-09-28T17:44:53Z uid=1
 user=fred changeset=1 lat=54 lon=10 /
   node id=3 version=1 timestamp=2008-09-28T17:44:53Z uid=1
 user=fred changeset=1 lat=55 lon=10 /
   relation id=1  version=1 timestamp=2005-07-05T02:14:07Z
 uid=1 user=fred changeset=1
  member type=node role= ref=1 /
  member type=node role= ref=2 /
   relation id=2  version=1 timestamp=2005-07-05T02:14:07Z
 uid=1 user=fred changeset=1
  member type=node role= ref=3 /

 Cutting out from this a bbox that only contains node #1, such as

 osmosis --rx test.osm --bb left=1 right=90 top=53.5 bottom=52.5 --wx -

 one would expect to find in the output:

 * without extra flags: node #1, relation #1 referring to nodes #1,#2

   -- pass

 * with clipIncompleteEntities: node #1, relation #1 refering to node #1

   -- pass

 * with completeRelations: nodes #1,#2, relation #1 referring to both

   -- fail; instead, you get node #1 only, but relations #1 and #2.

 It seems that completeRelations always acts as copy all relations from
 input to output no matter what and has no influence on handling nodes
 and ways. Re-writing the same example to use ways, and the trying it
 with completeWays=true, yields the expected result.

 The Wiki documentation on completeRelations says:

 Include all available relations which are members of relations which
 have at least one member in the bounding polygon.

 This describes neither the behaviour I had expected, nor the behaviour I
 have observed. I believe the intended behaviour is really Include all
 available *objects* ...- no?

My expectation is much the same as yours.  I have no idea what's going on
there.  I'll check it out when I get time.  If you have the time to patch it
to give you the expected behaviour I'd appreciate it.

Thanks for the detailed example, that should make it much easier to debug

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Crash on processing nodes?

2010-01-11 Thread Brett Henderson
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 8:38 PM, Brett Henderson wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 6:40 PM, Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.orgwrote:

 The problem was that in switching from --rci to --rri I didn't add the
 --simc filter, which led to duplicate objects in the extracts. It should
 be fixed now. I don't think that it was related to the Osmosis version,
 but switched to 0.32 nonetheless.

 I probably should fix the --apply-change so that it either fails or handles
 history diffs properly ... it's fairly non-obvious.

 I've checked in a change to detect this scenario and fail now.  It's only
in svn for now.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Crash on processing nodes?

2010-01-20 Thread Brett Henderson
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 11:24 PM, Simon Nuttall simon.nutt...@gmail.comwrote:

 On one of the CycleStreets machines it takes 17.3 hours to extract and
 merge data from the Britain and Ireland GeoFabrik planets using:

 osmosis -v 100 --read-xml data/osm/downloads/great_britain.osm
 enableDateParsing=no  --sort-0.6 type=TypeThenId --read-xml
 data/osm/downloads/ireland.osm enableDateParsing=no  --sort-0.6
 type=TypeThenId --merge --write-apidb dbType=mysql host=localhost
 database=britainOSM user=import password=xxx validateSchemaVersion=no

 (On our main machine the same only takes about 5 hours.)

 During that time it builds an 11 GB innodb file in /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1

 Osmosis fills the britainOSM database, which I then treat as 'read
 only' to build the CycleStreets routing tables in a separate database.

 As I'm only filling a database and then treating it as read-only do I
 really need all the transaction processing that is provided by innodb?
 Is there a way of turning those features off to speed up all the
 processing and use less disk space?

You could possibly add populateCurrentTables=no to the --write-apidb task
and use the history tables for your queries.  After a planet import they
contain identical data to the current tables.  Are the history tables still
MyISAM or are they InnoDB?  I haven't used MySQL for a while.  If the
history tables are MyISAM and you disable current table population you
should get very large performance speedups.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] [RFE] Add bounding shape to OSM dumps

2010-01-21 Thread Brett Henderson
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 5:17 AM, WanMil wrote:

  Apollinaris Schoell wrote:
  osmosis supports 2 options to keep ways and relations intact. but
  geofabrik extracts don't use it as far as I know. completeWays
  That is correct: These options exist, and are not used, because if we'd
  use them, the nightly build would take something like three days instead
  of six hours. Osmosis works very well in streaming mode and these
  options make it impossible to stream - Osmosis needs to create a
  temporary copy of the full dataset and is rather inefficient at it.
  We typically do something like
  osmosis --rx file.osm --tee 20 --bp file=country1.poly --wx country1.osm
  --bp file=country2.poly --wx country2.osm...
  which would causes Osmosis to make 20 temporary full copies of the data
  and write them to disk in completeWays mode.
  We use clipIncompleteEntities which means that Osmosis removes
  references to those nodes outside the polygon from any ways or relations.
  It would be good if Osmosis could somehow flag the clipped entities so
  that processing software could at least know that there is something
  wrong, or incomplete, with them.
  Adding the actual polygon used for clipping could of course be done but
  it will not automatically enable proper filling. Assume this:
  | | |
  | | |--- filled area
  |-- clipping boundary
  After clipping with clipIncompleteEntities, this will lead to
  | +-+
  | | |
  | | |
  | +-+
  Even if you know where the clipping boundary is, you cannot extend the
  object towards that boundary properly because you are missing the nodes
  beyond the boundary.

 Ok, we cannot reconstruct the 100% exact original shape if the first
 node outside the boundary is missing. But a reasonable workaround is to
 connect directly to the boundary in case there are nodes missing in a
 polygon and the last point is not too far away from the boundary. I
 think in most cases this will be ok.

 This is not the 100% solution and it would be better if ways and
 relations are added completely or at least the first point beyond
 boundary should be clear. But as long as this is too time-consuming the
 proposed solution to add the boundary to the OSM dump is an easy to
 realize and very helpful improvement. Flagging of clipped ways is
 another good and helpful improvement.

Hi WanMil,

Frederik has already given you most useful info, but I'll add some comments
to the discussion in case you or others find it useful.

It is not simple to add additional geometry information to an output OSM
file due to the way Osmosis works internally.  The task that extracts
boundary data (eg. --bounding-polygon) is independent of the --write-xml
task producing the output file which means that the geometry information
cannot be written to the output file.  This is an intentional design design
in the Osmosis design where each task can be implemented independently of
all other tasks.

The advantage of this approach is that tasks can be combined in various
combinations according to what the end user requires.  The disadvantage is
that there is no simple way of passing additional information between tasks
other than standard node/way/relation data.  Osmosis is a generic tool
supporting many use cases, which means it can't always provide the ideal

It is not impossible, but requires a fair bit of rework to implement.
Simple bounding box information can be propagated through the pipeline so I
believe the --bounding-box will cause a Bound element to be added to the
output file.  But more complex geometries such as those used by
--bounding-polygon are not supported.  This would need to be enhanced if we
wanted to pass bounding box information.

I don't have a lot of time for Osmosis so I can't tackle this one.

Flagging clipped ways would be quite useful.  It requires enhancing the
Entity class within Osmosis to allow additional information to be attached.
It also requires all existing tasks to be enhanced where necessary to
manipulate this additional data.  Again, I'm not likely to do this myself,
but would support anybody trying to implement it themselves.

As you've discovered, you can end up with missing data for ways or relations
that sit outside the bounding box.  For example, nodes that sit outside the
area may be part of a way inside the area but will be left out.

The --bounding- tasks are unlikely to ever be fixed in this regard.  As
Frederik points out there is just no way to efficiently do this in a streamy
fashion because it requires random access to the entire dataset which isn't
something Osmosis is good at.  By the time you process ways, the nodes are
not available in memory any more so you can't tell where each way is
located.  You can't go back and add extra nodes to the 

Re: [osmosis-dev] extracting with --used-node BitSet misses certain objects

2010-01-27 Thread Brett Henderson
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Maxim Dubinin wrote:

 Hi osmosis-devs,

 I've encountered rather strange behaviour for this test case:

 osmosis --rx file=data/planet-091230.osm --bp file=poly/tatar.poly
 idTrackerType=BitSet --used-node idTrackerType=BitSet --wx file=tatar.osm

 It produces  OSM XML, that completely misses place=hamlet. If I run it like

 osmosis --rx file=data/planet-091230.osm --bp file=poly/tatar.poly
 idTrackerType=BitSet --wx file=tatar.osm

 They are back. Is it normal? I'm using Osmosis 0.33 (r19236)

The --used-node task removes all nodes that aren't part of a way.
Presumably your hamlet nodes are not part of any ways.  However, if you can
show me a hamlet node that *is* part of a way, but is being left out of the
output file then please let me know.

osmosis-dev mailing list

[osmosis-dev] Osmosis Release 0.34

2010-02-21 Thread Brett Henderson

I've created osmosis 0.34 which should fix the recent issues with a missing
plexus.conf file, and problems with various other missing files in the tar

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Slow to import into a postgres api schema

2010-02-22 Thread Brett Henderson
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:31 AM, Kai Krueger wrote:

 On 02/21/2010 11:43 AM, Brett Henderson wrote:

 Having a --write-api0.6-dump command might not be a bad idea. Although the
 --wd task is simpler from a users point of view if it can be made to be
 equally fast.

Sorry, I wasn't clear there.  I wasn't suggesting we create a
--write-apidb-dump task.  I was just suggesting that there may be some
re-usable code in the --write-pgsql-dump task because it already formats a
number of PostgreSQL data types into the COPY format.  Although I haven't
looked at the new JDBC COPY support so I'm not sure if that even makes

As a proof of concept, I added statements into disableIndexes to
manually drop each index and then recreate them in enableIndexes.
Together with using the Copy command (supported in the postgres 8.4
driver), my initial experiments show a speedup of 3 - 4 times on the
initial population of the tables (i.e. without populating the current
tables, but I suspect that this step can be similarly sped up). These
numbers were obtained using small country extracts (e.g. 1 - 20 Mb in
bz2 size), but I would guess that they hold up with the full planet
imports too.

The main benefit comes from disabling the indecies, and the copy
seems less important.

The patch I have is quite ugly (and untested for correctness), as it
breaks the levels of abstraction and has to hard code all the available
indecies. So my question is, what would be the best way to do this in a
clean way? Looking at the speedups obtained and the time involved in
imports, it seems like it might be worth it.

 If it's truly 3-4 times faster then it's worth a lot of effort.  I don't
 have a lot of time to get involved in this myself though, so if you have
 some time to write a maintainable patch, then I'd be very grateful.  My
 only ask is that you stick around to get it working and provide support
 until it is proven stable.

 I have very little time myself at the moment. But perhaps I will be able to
 come up with something. Perhaps not too soon though. At least not a
 maintainable patch that integrates nicely with moduler structure of osmosis.

Okay.  See how you go, and post whatever you come up with back to the list.

 * I'd prefer to make this a new task within Osmosis.  The current

  one is called --write-apidb I think.  You could create a new one
  called something like --write-apidb-fast.  If you can get it
  stable and it works well, then we can point --write-apidb at your
  task and delete the current one.

 Oh, that would mean I would actually have to understand this wonderful
 extensible structure of osmosis rather than just hack some random bits and
 pieces into it... ;-)

In case you don't know already, creating a new task is a matter of modifying
TaskRegistrar to register your task factory, creating a new task factory
(use those called from TaskRegistrar as an example), then create a new Task
implementing the Sink interface (use the existing DB tasks as an example).
How much of the rest of Osmosis you choose to use is largely up to you,
although more re-use is definitely a good thing from a maintenance

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] keeping an AOI-API-DB up to date

2010-02-22 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Marco,

I'm not sure if you've received an answer elsewhere, but here goes.

There are a number of ways your data can end up with referential integrity
problems.  The most likely is simply that by cutting an area out using the
bounding polygon task you'll end up with missing nodes.  Some ways will be
included because they have nodes within the bounding polygon, but nodes that
are part of the way but lie outside the polygon will not be included.

You have a couple of choices:

   - Set clipIncompleteEntities=true on your --bp task.  This will modify
   the ways and relations to fix referential integrity, but be aware that the
   entities no longer match the API database so they *MUST NOT* be re-uploaded.
   - Simply drop the offending constraint from the database.  This is what
   I've done in the past.  I can't guarantee it will work with rails, but it
   certainly used to in the past.


On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 2:50 AM, Marco Lechner - FOSSGIS e.V. wrote:

 Hi I tried to use the described way to keep a AOI (area of interest)
 OSM-file up to date. The following errors or unexpected behaviour occured:

 1. downloaded planetfile (planet-100120.osm.bz2)
 2. osmosis (0.32) with --bp completeWays=yes and completeRelations=yes
 to cut out myAOI
 3. downloaded daily-diffs (20100120-20100121.osc, ...)
 4. merged the diffs using osmosis = 20100120-20100120.osc
 5. applied merged diffs using:
./bin/osmosis --rxc 20100120-20100126.osc --rx aoi-100120.osm.bz2
 --ac --bp file=aoi.pff completeWays=yes completeRelations=yes --wx
 6. tried to import both aoi-osm.bz2 into separate PostgreSQL-DBs
 using API-Scheme.
No Errors: - bzcat ./aoi-100120.osm.bz2 | ./bin/osmosis --rx file=-
 --wd database=osmAOI_api_1 host=localhost:5432 user=osmuser password=pass
Error: - bzcat ./aoi-100126.osm.bz2 | ./bin/osmosis --rx file=- --wd
 database=osmAOI_api_2 host=localhost:5432 user=osmuser password=pass
 Error message:
 Unable to load current way nodes.

 Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: Insert or Update in
 table »current_way_nodes« verletzt foreignkey-Constraint
  Detail: key (node_id)=(581918002) does not exist in table »current_nodes«.

 The error message says it clear. My workflow to keep aoi.osm.bz2 up to
 date seems to produce an erroneous aoi.osm.bz2 or at least a osm-file
 that differs from a freshly cutted one. I expected that cutting an AOI
 from a planetfile should produce the same results than keeping my AOI up
 to date by applying planet*.osc and cutting these back to myAOI.

 Before trying to:

 bzcat ./aoi-100120.osm.bz2 | ./bin/osmosis --rx file=- --wd
 database=osmAOI_api_1 host=localhost:5432 user=osmuser password=pass

 ./bin/osmosis --rxc 20100120-20100126.osc --rd database=osmAOI_api_1
 host=localhost:5432 user=osmuser password=pass --ac --bp file=aoi.pff
 completeWays=yes completeRelations=yes --wd database=osmAOI_api_1
 host=localhost:5432 user=osmuser password=pass

 will this keep my apiDB of an AOI up to date?


 P.S. I'm not sure if this is more or less a user-question and therefore
 using the wrong list, but I guess it moves quite next to the
 feature-wish section.

 Lennard schrieb:
  Marco Lechner - FOSSGIS e.V. wrote:
  Otheriwse I have to apply the diff onto a planetfile and cut it everyday
  or apply the planet diff to ma AOI.osm and cut it afterwards.
  Is this a proper workflow?
  Or what ist the best task to keep an AOI.osm (cutted by osmosis using
  --bp) up-to-date?
  Apply the diffs first, then pass it through the --bp task before writing
  it out again:
  osmosis --rxc 20100127-20100128.osc.gz --rx AIO-20100127.osm --ac --bp
  file=/path/to/your/polygon/file --wx AIO-20100128.osm

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] keeping an AOI-API-DB up to date

2010-02-25 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Marco,

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 12:08 AM, Marco Lechner - FOSSGIS e.V. wrote:

 Hi Brett,

 thanx for your answer.
 I thought using completeWays=yes and completeRelations=yes takes care of
 nodes outside my bounding polygon.

Those options will fix the problem, but they are horrendously slow.  If they
work for you then that's fine, but most users avoid those options if at all

 1. If a node is created new it will be inside my merged osc and
 therefore be inside my patched AOI.osm and (if part of a way or
 relation) put in my recently cutted AOI.osm


 2. If a node is deleted it will be deleted by patching the merged osc

Also correct.

 3. the only problem seems to exist if an existing node outside the
 polygon is changed and integrated into a way or relation inside my AOI.
 Because the node doesn't exist in my AOI (also not in the patched AOI
 before cutting it again), because it isn't created freshly. Am I right?
 Or are there situations I miss?

Yes, also correct :-)  Well kind of anyway.  If the node is modified as well
as the newly containing way or relation then it will be available for
inclusion (if you're using completeWays or completeRelations anyway).  But
if the node is not modified but it is added to a new or existing way or
relation then it cannot be included.  However if you're not using the
completeWays and completeRelations options then it will never be included
regardless of scenario.

 I'm very interessted in creating a consistent regionally bordered OSM-DB.

Creating a perfect bordered extract is not simple.  But you do have a couple
of options:
1. Load the complete planet (or at least an area somewhat larger than the
one you require) into the Osmosis simple schema via the --write-pgsql-dump
task, then use the --read-pgsql and --dataset-bounding-box task to extract a
perfect extract including all required nodes.  Keep the database up to date
with minute changesets and the --write-pgsql-change task.
2. Create the extract in two parts.  First part is to extract a region from
the overall planet that is larger than your required area, but small enough
to keep the result file small.  Do this with the default --bounding-box
task.  Then run the --bounding-box task over the smaller result file with
completeWays and completeRelations both enabled.  I haven't tried this
myself, but I think it should work.

It's not a simple problem unfortunately, and unless you have a really really
good reason to make the extract correct, it's much simpler to make some

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] getting all the relations from source with completeRelations=yes

2010-03-09 Thread Brett Henderson
Frederik Ramm wrote about similar issues on January 9 (not sure if they're
the same though).  I haven't had a chance to look into them yet.  I didn't
write the completeRelations, completeWays functionality so I don't
understand how they work at the moment.

It's on my TODO list, but I'm finding it hard to get the time.  If somebody
else has the time to look into that area of the code I'd be very grateful


On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Maxim Dubinin wrote:

 Hi all,

 to follow up on

 I'm using 0.34 and I'm doing:

 osmosis --read-xml file=input.osm --bounding-polygon file=bnd.poly
 completeWays=yes completeRelations=yes idTrackerType=BitSet
 --write-xml file=output.osm

 As a result, I'm having _all_ relations (more that 16 thousands) from
 input.osm dumped into
 output.osm. All these extra relations are empty ones, ways and nodes
 are not extracted.

 According to wiki:
 completeRelations Include all available relations which are members of
 relations which have at least one member in the bounding box.

 But some of extracted ones definitely do not have any members in bnd.poly.

 Any ideas?


 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] problems with xapi, relations and osmosis

2010-03-12 Thread Brett Henderson
You need to check both of your OSM files downloaded from XAPI.  The first
one contains the full relation details as you expect.  The second one
contains an empty relation.  Both have the same version number.

The Osmosis *--merge* task is intentionally simple and doesn't alter
relation contents in any way.  In your case it is seeing that the relation
exists in both inputs, it determines that both have the same version number,
and picks the second one.  The second one is written to the result file.

The real question to ask is Why does XAPI return an empty relation for my
second query?.  But that will have to be asked on the dev mailing list ;-)


On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 6:22 AM, Jan Tappenbeck wrote:

 hi !
 i have following statement to download NODES for memorial-elements:[memorial:type=stolperstein][bbox=5.5,47.4,15.0,55.3]

 on the other way i have following statement for download the main-relation
 of this categorie:[name=Stolpersteine][bbox=5.5,47.4,15.0,55.3]

 in the next moment i want to merge the files, and some other, with OSMOSIS.
 because there are some NODES in the first and the secound download-files.

 in the new file only this line exists for the relation
 relation id=407359 version=75
 timestamp=2010-03-05T21:26:43Zuid=32786 user=Netzwolf

 this is the osmosis-statement and the message:

 OSMOSIS_command: D:\DATEN\JAN\openstreetmap\osmosis\bin\osmosis.bat
 xapi4osm_node_1.osm --sort-0.6 --read-xml xapi4osm_relation_1.osm
 --sort-0.6 --r
 ead-xml xapi4osm_node_2.osm --sort-0.6 --read-xml xapi4osm_relation_2.osm
 -0.6 --merge --merge --merge  --write-xml
 10.03.2010 20:21:17 org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis run
 INFO: Osmosis Version 0.32
 10.03.2010 20:21:17 org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis run
 INFO: Preparing pipeline.
 10.03.2010 20:21:17 org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis run
 INFO: Launching pipeline execution.
 10.03.2010 20:21:17 org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis run
 INFO: Pipeline executing, waiting for completion.
 10.03.2010 20:21:17 org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis run
 INFO: Pipeline complete.
 10.03.2010 20:21:17 org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis run
 INFO: Total execution time: 468 milliseconds.

 did anybody now why the relation in the merge-file is only one line and so
 uncomplete ???

 regards Jan :-)

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] problems with xapi, relations and osmosis

2010-03-12 Thread Brett Henderson
On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 11:38 PM, Jan Tappenbeck wrote:

  Am 12.03.2010 12:30, schrieb Brett Henderson:

 You need to check both of your OSM files downloaded from XAPI.  The first
 one contains the full relation details as you expect.  The second one
 contains an empty relation.  Both have the same version number.

 The Osmosis *--merge* task is intentionally simple and doesn't alter
 relation contents in any way.  In your case it is seeing that the relation
 exists in both inputs, it determines that both have the same version number,
 and picks the second one.  The second one is written to the result file.

 The real question to ask is Why does XAPI return an empty relation for my
 second query?.  But that will have to be asked on the dev mailing list ;-)

  HI !

 but i did not understand your new question !

 * when you download by[memorial:type=stolperstein][bbox=5.5,47.4,15.0,55.3]then
  there are only NODES - RIGHT !

 * when you download by[memorial:type=stolperstein][bbox=5.5,47.4,15.0,55.3]then
  there are ALL RELATIONS-Members (even Nodes) and the RELATION

Both of the above URLs are identical.  I think you meant:

URL1 -[memorial:type=stolperstein][bbox=5.5,47.4,15.0,55.3],47.4,15.0,55.3%5D


URL2 -[name=Stolpersteine][bbox=5.5,47.4,15.0,55.3],47.4,15.0,55.3%5D

Unless I'm mistaken, URL1 returns a file containing the following entry:
relation id='407359' user='Netzwolf' uid='32786'
timestamp='2010-03-05T21:26:43Z' version='75' changeset='4044847'

 ONLY the MERGE file include the RELATION-Definition by ONE LINE  - so i
 did not see a Problem by XAPI. OSMOSIS lose the relation-MEMBERS -
 OSMOSIS-Question !

Can you please open your two OSM files and check them before you add more
!!'s to your emails ;-)

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] problems with xapi, relations and osmosis

2010-03-12 Thread Brett Henderson
On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 12:05 AM, Jan Tappenbeck wrote:

  Am 12.03.2010 13:52, schrieb Brett Henderson:

 On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 11:38 PM, Jan Tappenbeck o...@tappenbeck.netwrote:

 Am 12.03.2010 12:30, schrieb Brett Henderson:

 You need to check both of your OSM files downloaded from XAPI.  The first
 one contains the full relation details as you expect.  The second one
 contains an empty relation.  Both have the same version number.

 The Osmosis *--merge* task is intentionally simple and doesn't alter
 relation contents in any way.  In your case it is seeing that the relation
 exists in both inputs, it determines that both have the same version number,
 and picks the second one.  The second one is written to the result file.

 The real question to ask is Why does XAPI return an empty relation for my
 second query?.  But that will have to be asked on the dev mailing list ;-)

  HI !

 but i did not understand your new question !

 * when you download by[memorial:type=stolperstein][bbox=5.5,47.4,15.0,55.3]then
  there are only NODES - RIGHT !

 * when you download by[memorial:type=stolperstein][bbox=5.5,47.4,15.0,55.3]then
  there are ALL RELATIONS-Members (even Nodes) and the RELATION

 Both of the above URLs are identical.  I think you meant:

 URL1 -[memorial:type=stolperstein][bbox=5.5,47.4,15.0,55.3],47.4,15.0,55.3%5D


 URL2 -[name=Stolpersteine][bbox=5.5,47.4,15.0,55.3],47.4,15.0,55.3%5D

 Unless I'm mistaken, URL1 returns a file containing the following entry:
 relation id='407359' user='Netzwolf' uid='32786'
 timestamp='2010-03-05T21:26:43Z' version='75' changeset='4044847'

 ONLY the MERGE file include the RELATION-Definition by ONE LINE  - so
 i did not see a Problem by XAPI. OSMOSIS lose the relation-MEMBERS -
 OSMOSIS-Question !

  Can you please open your two OSM files and check them before you add more
 !!'s to your emails ;-)


 Hi Brett,

 the URL's are not identical !!! URL1 ask for NODE and URL2 ask for RELATION

Have you opened the files and actually checked them yet?  I'm only going to
say this once more.  Download the OSM files from both URLs.  OPEN! them
both.  Search for the text relation id='407359'.  It appears in both
files.  One contains relation members, the other one doesn't.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Database is empty after five days of importing

2010-03-26 Thread Brett Henderson
It's not currently possible.  The --truncate-apidb and --write-apidb tasks
have to be run via separate Osmosis invocations (to ensure one completes
before the other starts), and cannot be made to run inside a single

Note that the import itself does run in a transaction, but doesn't include
the truncate.

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 1:26 AM, Klemens wrote:

 Thanks. Any hints on how this can be done with osmosis?

 On 24.03.2010 21:12, Peter Körner wrote:
  Import in a transaction.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Error with osmosis.bat when using paths that include spaces

2010-03-28 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Franz,

Thanks for the error report.  I haven't been able to test this out yet but I
haven't forgotten.  I'll get to it eventually and apply your changes.


On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 2:39 AM, Franz wrote:


 I just wanted to try osmosis and encountered an little error because I
 tried to launch it from my home directory (Windows).

 Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: und
 Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: und
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
 Could not find the main class: und.  Program will exit.

 Well, the reason was, that the path contains whitespaces:
 C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\user\Eigene

 Starting osmosis from c:\temp caused no problem (as expected).

 After changing the Set Exec-line in osmosis.bat to
 -Dclassworlds.conf=%MYAPP_HOME%\config\plexus.conf %MAINCLASS%
 (just adding some  around path variables) everything was fine.

 Just wanted to let you know.
 Thanks for the cool program anyways! Saved me quite some time.


 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] extracting data in a polygon

2010-03-30 Thread Brett Henderson
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 8:25 PM, Brett Henderson wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 10:04 AM, Nakor wrote:

 On 03/28/2010 09:28 PM, Brett Henderson wrote:

osmosis --read-xml enableDateParsing=no file=MI_limits_merged.osm
--bounding-polygon file=mi_poly.txt --write-xml file=michigan.osm

and am getting the following error message:

SEVERE: Thread for task 1-read-xml failed
at java.lang.Class.initializeClass(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:


What am I doing wrong?

  Can you give some more details about your installation?  OS version,
 Java version (ie. java -version output), Osmosis version, etc.

 I am running Fedora 12 on a 64bit processor

 $ java -version
 java version 1.6.0_18
 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_18-b07)
 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 16.0-b13, mixed mode)

 INFO: Osmosis Version 0.34

 Note that extracting with a bounding box works correctly here.

 A few things appear strange to me.

- I'm also running Fedora 12 (albeit 32-bit) and don't have the same
- I don't think you're using the java version you think you are.  I
notice that the stack trace refers to  To the best of my
knowledge that library is not used by a real Java VM, but by the GCJ
version of java.
- Your version output is considerably different to mine.  Do you have
the Fedora openjdk packages installed?  Or have you installed java 

 Osmosis appears to be trying to run under the GCJ version of Java, and your
 non-openjdk java output makes me suspect a Java installation problem.

 There may be several reasons for this problem.

- Do you have a /etc/osmosis or ~/.osmosis file lying around that
is causing an alternative java to be invoked?
- Have you installed java manually using a download from Sun/Oracle and
not included it on the search path?


You can check which copy of Java Fedora thinks it is using with the
following command:
alternatives --display java

It produces a lot of output, but the last line in my output is:
Current `best' version is /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-openjdk/bin/java.

Yours will probably be different on a 64-bit OS, but unless you have a good
reason for not using OpenJDK it should be similar.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Problem using Osmosis34, Please Help

2010-04-21 Thread Brett Henderson
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 5:03 PM, M Naveed Akram wrote:

 I can connect to my database explicitly, i think there is some problem with
 jdbc connection

Sorry to ask, but did you run:
mysql -h -u root -p rose*
*Or did you run:*
*mysql -h -u root -p rose *openstreetmap*

The error seems to indicate that a successful connection is being made to
the database server, but that that database schema doesn't exist.  Can you
verify that you can run a query against this schema?  For example:
*SELECT * from nodes;*

I'm confused because I've never before seen a case where a successful
connection is made to the server, but the schema can't be found.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Problem using Osmosis34, Please Help

2010-04-21 Thread Brett Henderson
The MySQL support isn't well tested any more because PostgreSQL is now the
preferred database.  It is possible there's a problem there.  Unfortunately
I don't have a working MySQL installation to verify this.  Do you have to
use MySQL, or could you use PostgreSQL instead?

Can anybody verify that Osmosis 0.34 still works with MySQL?

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 7:55 PM, M Naveed Akram wrote:

 i am using FreeBSD 7.1 Release
 i changed the db but same stuff..i have almost 4 dbs in place one with 0.5
 schema and other with 0.6 schema
 i also tried with empty db..

 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Peter Körner osm-li...@mazdermind.dewrote:

 M Naveed Akram schrieb:

  It also gives the same error stack if i give wrong database information..

 What OS are you running on? Are you using VMs or Jails or sth. like that?

 I thought about some strange SELinux error but that would prevent you from
 connecting. I also thought about a permission issue on the database-files
 but that would prevent mysql from working, too.

 Could you create another database and try with this? Or try to rename the
 openstreetmap database to any other name and try this? I'm not sure whether
 this is an osmosis problem or it's somewhere in the sql server.

  but the build failed..
 saying one or more junit tests failed..
 couple of failed tests are
 - org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.pgsql.v0_6.PostgreSqlTest
 - org.openstreetmap.osmosis.extract.apidb.v0_6.DatabaseTimeLoader

 These tests always fail if you don't have the right postgres-db in place.


 M Naveed Akram

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Problem using Osmosis34, Please Help

2010-04-21 Thread Brett Henderson
I've just looked at your error message again.  It appears to be using the
PostgreSQL drivers instead of MySQL.  That might explain the problem.  Now I
just need to figure out why it's not using the MySQL drivers ...

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 9:03 PM, Brett Henderson wrote:

 The MySQL support isn't well tested any more because PostgreSQL is now the
 preferred database.  It is possible there's a problem there.  Unfortunately
 I don't have a working MySQL installation to verify this.  Do you have to
 use MySQL, or could you use PostgreSQL instead?

 Can anybody verify that Osmosis 0.34 still works with MySQL?

 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 7:55 PM, M Naveed Akram wrote:

 i am using FreeBSD 7.1 Release
 i changed the db but same stuff..i have almost 4 dbs in place one with 0.5
 schema and other with 0.6 schema
 i also tried with empty db..

 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Peter Körner osm-li...@mazdermind.dewrote:

 M Naveed Akram schrieb:

  It also gives the same error stack if i give wrong database

 What OS are you running on? Are you using VMs or Jails or sth. like that?

 I thought about some strange SELinux error but that would prevent you
 from connecting. I also thought about a permission issue on the
 database-files but that would prevent mysql from working, too.

 Could you create another database and try with this? Or try to rename the
 openstreetmap database to any other name and try this? I'm not sure whether
 this is an osmosis problem or it's somewhere in the sql server.

  but the build failed..
 saying one or more junit tests failed..
 couple of failed tests are
 - org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.pgsql.v0_6.PostgreSqlTest
 - org.openstreetmap.osmosis.extract.apidb.v0_6.DatabaseTimeLoader

 These tests always fail if you don't have the right postgres-db in place.


 M Naveed Akram

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Problem using Osmosis34, Please Help

2010-04-21 Thread Brett Henderson
It should be fixed now.  Try a continuous integration build here:

It will be included in the 0.35 release when that occurs.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 9:48 PM, Brett Henderson wrote:

 I've just looked at your error message again.  It appears to be using the
 PostgreSQL drivers instead of MySQL.  That might explain the problem.  Now I
 just need to figure out why it's not using the MySQL drivers ...

 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 9:03 PM, Brett Henderson wrote:

 The MySQL support isn't well tested any more because PostgreSQL is now the
 preferred database.  It is possible there's a problem there.  Unfortunately
 I don't have a working MySQL installation to verify this.  Do you have to
 use MySQL, or could you use PostgreSQL instead?

 Can anybody verify that Osmosis 0.34 still works with MySQL?

 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 7:55 PM, M Naveed Akram wrote:

 i am using FreeBSD 7.1 Release
 i changed the db but same stuff..i have almost 4 dbs in place one with
 0.5 schema and other with 0.6 schema
 i also tried with empty db..

 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Peter Körner 

 M Naveed Akram schrieb:

  It also gives the same error stack if i give wrong database

 What OS are you running on? Are you using VMs or Jails or sth. like

 I thought about some strange SELinux error but that would prevent you
 from connecting. I also thought about a permission issue on the
 database-files but that would prevent mysql from working, too.

 Could you create another database and try with this? Or try to rename
 the openstreetmap database to any other name and try this? I'm not sure
 whether this is an osmosis problem or it's somewhere in the sql server.

  but the build failed..
 saying one or more junit tests failed..
 couple of failed tests are
 - org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.pgsql.v0_6.PostgreSqlTest
 - org.openstreetmap.osmosis.extract.apidb.v0_6.DatabaseTimeLoader

 These tests always fail if you don't have the right postgres-db in


 M Naveed Akram

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Error with osmosis.bat when using paths that include spaces

2010-04-21 Thread Brett Henderson
HI Franz,

I've applied the fixes now.  Sorry for the delay.

An interim release is available here:

Or at least it will be as soon as this build completes:


On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Brett Henderson wrote:

 Hi Franz,

 Thanks for the error report.  I haven't been able to test this out yet but
 I haven't forgotten.  I'll get to it eventually and apply your changes.


 On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 2:39 AM, Franz wrote:


 I just wanted to try osmosis and encountered an little error because I
 tried to launch it from my home directory (Windows).

 Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: und
 Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: und
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
 Could not find the main class: und.  Program will exit.

 Well, the reason was, that the path contains whitespaces:
 C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\user\Eigene

 Starting osmosis from c:\temp caused no problem (as expected).

 After changing the Set Exec-line in osmosis.bat to
 -Dclassworlds.conf=%MYAPP_HOME%\config\plexus.conf %MAINCLASS%
 (just adding some  around path variables) everything was fine.

 Just wanted to let you know.
 Thanks for the cool program anyways! Saved me quite some time.


 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

[osmosis-dev] Osmosis Release 0.35

2010-04-22 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi All,

I just released Osmosis 0.35.  There are no major new features, just an
assortment of bugs and improvements that should be useful to users.

The key changes are listed below.



   - Registered --fast-read-xml as a task instead of requiring
   --fast-read-xml-0.6 to be specified.
   - Fixed the completeRelations option on the --bounding-box and
   --bounding-polygon tasks to work as expected and documented.
   - Updated the --fast-read-xml task to ignore changeset elements.
   - Various enhancements to the Ivy processing including publishing of all
   - Fixed apidb tasks to correctly select the MySQL drivers instead of
   always using PostgreSQL drivers.
   - Fixed the osmosis.bat launcher to handle spaces in the installation
osmosis-dev mailing list

[osmosis-dev] Removed 0.5 Support

2010-04-22 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi All,

With the 0.6 API having been released for 12 months now, the time has come
to remove 0.5 support from Osmosis.  While 0.5 support hasn't caused much
pain, I'm keen to simplify things where possible.

Some before and after stats.

Lines of Java Code: 91,602
Number of Java Classes: 843
Size of osmosis.jar: 1,147,843 bytes

Lines of Java Code: 60,730
Number of Java Classes: 558
Size of osmosis.jar: 756,598

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Osmosis Release 0.35

2010-04-22 Thread Brett Henderson
On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 11:17 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:


 Brett Henderson wrote:

 There are no major new features, just an assortment of bugs

 That's how we love our Osmosis ;-)

Hehe, oops.  Bug *fixes* :-)


osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] problems importing .osm files into postgis

2010-05-02 Thread Brett Henderson
On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 10:12 PM, _-_ wrote:

   Hi there,

  I've got a problem with importing .osm files into a postgis database.

 I think i set up the database correcly is, I used the
 pgsql_simple_schema_0.6.sql schema from osmosis.
 I also used the 900913.sql file.

What is the 900913.sql file for?

  When i try to import files like this:

 osmosis --read-xml file=madagascar.osm --write-apidb host=localhost
 database=osm5 user=postgres password=12345

  I'll get the following output/Error messages:


 SEVERE: Thread for task 1-read-xml failed
 org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: Unable to create
 at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown
 at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
 at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
 at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
 at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
 at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.parse(Unknown
 at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
 at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
 Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation
 schema_migrations does not exist
 ... 20 more

You are using the wrong task to write to the database.  It doesn't support
that schema.  So don't use these tasks:

Use these tasks instead:

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Can't load osm file to PostGRESql

2010-05-03 Thread Brett Henderson
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 12:30 AM, Ibrahim Bouchrika wrote:


 I'm trying to load a osm file to my postgresql database.

 I'm working on a windows xp system with dual core and 3GB of RAM and about
 10GB of free space.

 I downloaded the netherlands.osm file from, and extracted
 Amsterdam (which is now slightly bigger than 6MB) using Osmosis' latest
 version 0.35 :

 C:\osmosis-0.35\binosmosis --read-xml file=netherlands.osm --bb
 left=4.8828 top=52.3927 right=4.9501 bottom=52.3654
 clipIncompleteEntities=true idTrackerType=BitSet --write-xml amsterdam.osm

 This worked without issues.

 I then proceeded loading the 0.6 schema and the linestring schema into a
 PostGIS database.
 After that I tried using the command line to load the extracted city into
 this database, using next command:

 C:\osmosis-0.35\binosmosis --read-xml amsterdam.osm --write-pgsql host= database=Amsterdam user=postgres

 This used to work without issues (Last time I used it was a few months less
 then a year ago, but now it doesn't seem to work anymore, while the only
 thing that changed is the country/city i'm trying to load. I used to use
 version 0.31.1, which back then worked, but now doesn't seem to do the trick
 anymore. That's why I switched to the newest release, which doesn't seem to
 solve the problem.

 I copied the output below (excuse me for posting the whole printout, but I
 don't know for sure which information is relevant and which is not)

 Could anyone tell me how I can get by this problem? 'cause it's really
 bugging me that something which worked before now all of the sudden doesn't
 cut it.

 SEVERE: Thread for task 1-read-xml failed
 org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: Unable to execute
 Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not create
 unique ind
 ex pk_ways
   Detail: Table contains duplicated values.

The error message above is stating that you are trying to insert a way
twice.  This could be because your database already contains data, or that
your data file contains multiple copies of the same way.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Can't load osm file to PostGRESql

2010-05-04 Thread Brett Henderson
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:50 PM, Brett Henderson wrote:

 On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 5:56 PM, Ibrahim Bouchrika wrote:

  The database i'm using is a fresh made one, so the error must be
 duplicate entries in the osm. I have the same problem with a duplicate
 relation in the new york city file i extracted from a cloudmade map.

 Could the duplicate values be a result of a bug while extracting a bbox
 with osmosis?

 I doubt it, extracting a bbox should never create multiple instances of the
 same id.  It's more likely to be caused by incorrect use of the
 --apply-change task when applying minute or hourly diff files.  It was
 possible with older versions of osmosis to apply a full history diff
 containing multiple changes for a single entity which would result in
 multiple versions of the same entity being written to the result file.

 Is there a way around those duplicate entries, like perhaps overwriting
 duplicate data? Going through all those entries manually seems almost

 Hmm, I'm not sure about the best way to tackle this ...

 I seem to remember Frederik having a clever way of removing duplicates.  I
 think he did something like the following:
 1. Convert the entire file to an osc file by wrapping the entire contents
 of the file in osmChange element with an action of create or modify.
 2. Feed the osc file through the --simplify-change task.
 3. Create an empty osm file, then use the --apply-change task to add the
 entire change file to it.

Found it.  His steps were:

Just for laughs - and wonder if you can come up with something better? -
this is what I did to remove the duplicate objects from an existing OSM file
named faulty.osm:

echo osm/osm  empty.osm

osmosis --rx faulty.osm --rx empty.osm --dc --sort-change-0.6 --simc --wxc

osmosis --rxc good.osc --rx empty.osm --ac --wx good.osm

(The two osmosis steps could be written as one but that would probably make
it more confusing.)

Can you try these steps on your cloudmade file and see if that fixes the
problem?  If it does, Cloudmade has a problem with duplicate data in their
files.  If it doesn't fix it, then we'll have to dig further :-)

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Can't load osm file to PostGRESql

2010-05-10 Thread Brett Henderson
Can you try downloading this file?

And then follow Frederik's instructions as below.

osmosis --rx faulty.osm --rx empty.osm --dc --sort-change-0.6 --simc --wxc
osmosis --rxc good.osc --rx empty.osm --ac --wx good.osm

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 8:38 PM, Ibrahim Bouchrika wrote:

  I tried finding another source of osm-data, but I haven't found anythig
 yet. openstreetmap itself only alows dumps of less then 50k nodes, and
 downloading the whole planet file is a bit of overkill (+ it wouldn't fit on
 my hard drive anymore).

 So I guess i'm stuck trying with the cloudmade file, in which case brett's
 proposal still is the best idea yet...if it would work properly. I still
 haven't figured out how to get that idea working, and I hope someone could
 help me further out on this!

 Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 14:29:51 +

 Subject: Re: [osmosis-dev] Can't load osm file to PostGRESql

 I deleted the first line of the file, which started with xml. The first
 line is now osm version=0.6 generator=Osmosis 0.31.1, but the same
 error persists.

  Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 16:09:50 +0200
  Subject: Re: [osmosis-dev] Can't load osm file to PostGRESql
  Ibrahim Bouchrika wrote:
   Your idea seams nifty, although it's giving an error on the --rx
  command. I don't know Osmosis well enough to figure out where the error
  comes from. Is it just an error in the syntax or is it because of the
   Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in
  Can you make sure your empty.osm and your amsterdam.osm begin with the
  and nothing else?

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 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] build problem with 0.35 release

2010-05-16 Thread Brett Henderson
On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 6:05 AM, datendelphin wrote:


 I tried to make an ebuild for gentoo for the recent osmosis 0.35. But
 ant fails building with
 ant build_binary
 Buildfile: build.xml

 Cannot find build_support/build-ivy.xml imported from

 I tried the svn version, and there it works, because the build_support
 directory is included. It seems that it is missing in the source tarball.

Hi Detendelphin,

Thanks for the info.

I've fixed this issue in SVN now.  Are you able to use the current SVN
version to build your package?

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Unexpected Database Migration

2010-05-17 Thread Brett Henderson
Thanks Shaun, I don't think it was in git when I checked last time.

I didn't realise I sent this to the osmosis-dev list.  I meant to send it to
the main dev list.  Oh well :-)

Anyway, now I can fix the Osmosis on horntail and stop the warning emails
occurring every minute ...


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 8:25 AM, Shaun McDonald

 Looks like it's just an index:;a=blob_plain;f=db/migrate/20100513171259_add_user_date_index_to_changeset.rb;hb=8657cd4724619b22a7c99b2400a0faa36229ae71


 On 14 May 2010, at 02:07, Brett Henderson wrote:

  Can somebody tell me what migration 20100513171259 does in the production
 database?  I can't see it in the git repo.
  I'm getting warnings from the Osmosis replication and before I turn them
 off for each migration I verify that the db change isn't in an area I care
  osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] question about --merge

2010-05-19 Thread Brett Henderson
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 4:29 AM, Christoph Wagner wrote:

 Am 18.05.2010 15:18, schrieb Brett Henderson:

  To summarise, if you can draw a graph of the data flows in Osmosis,
  that you never have data being split then recombined at a later point.
  In your case the only option is to split it into two steps using
  XML files as you already appear to be doing.
  It would be nice if Osmosis could detect this situation and throw an
  but it would take a lot of effort and add a lot of complexity that I
  really wish to attempt.

 Ok, thanks for your reply. I think now I understand the situation better.

 While reading your answer I got an idea to solve the problem without
 writing to disk.

 I use a very big buffer now:

 osmosis-0.35.1/bin/osmosis --rx input.osm --t outPipe.1=points \
 --wk keyList=addr:interpolation,addr:housenumber --un --s --b 1 \
 --nk inPipe.0=points keyList=addr:housenumber --s --b 1 \
 --m --wx addr.osm

 This works very well if you have enough RAM and set the bufferCapacity high

Yes, that will also work if you're prepared to experiment a bit with buffer

 Another possibility would be a better tagfilter that allows me to filter
 POIs and ways at once.
 The task would be for example: Give me all ways that match this way-filter
 and all nodes that match this node-filter or are part of the way that
 matches the way-filter

The --tag-filter task is about the most comprehensive task currently
available.  To add a full boolean expression language is certainly possible,
but not trivial.  If somebody wants to take on the challenge of creating a
complex yet generic tag analysis task then I'll do my best to help them
out.  I'll be honest though, it's not likely to be something I'll get around
to implementing myself.

Thinking about your case a bit more, you could avoid the temp file if you
simply read the input file twice so you avoid the --tee.  Although that
might be slower than creating a temp file and invoking Osmosis twice.  If it
was me I'd simply create a wrapper shell script to tie several osmosis
commands together and do some checking of the Osmosis return code to ensure
it hasn't failed at each step.  The --buffer approach might work, but the
memory consumption is likely to bite you at some point.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] rails_port and Mapnik with one database

2010-06-10 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Klemens,

I believe the answer is no.  Both schemas are serve different purposes and
use a very different implementation.  Perhaps not the ideal list for this
question though given that neither schema is defined by Osmosis.


On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 1:34 AM, Klemens wrote:


 This has probably been asked before but I haven't found an answer yet: I
 need both the OSM rails_port (for xml exporting) and the static maps
 from Mapnik on one server. What I've done so far is to use two
 databases, one importing data with osmosis, the other importing with
 osm2pgsql. I only need read-only databases and so far I have used only
 Europe and country .osm extracts. Now if I have two databases for the
 full planet.osm this takes up really a lot (too much) of disk space. Is
 there a way that both can use the same database?

 I estimate that the osmosis DB will have about 410 GB, and the osm2pgsql
 another ~115 GB.


osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] [OSM-dev] Problem in rake db:migrate with postgre

2010-06-12 Thread Brett Henderson
The Osmosis error message seems to indicate that the active column on the
users table no longer exists.  I haven't checked the recent migrations to
figure out exactly what has changed.

Currently when populating a datatabase, Osmosis creates any required users
and makes them active (active = 1 I think).  If active no longer exists, the
replacement column will need to be populated with an equivalent value.


On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 6:43 PM, M Naveed Akram wrote:

 Brett: the issue is still there in the latest build of osmosis..
 can u please guide a little if i want to resolve it

 On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 12:44 PM, M Naveed Akram wrote:

 can anyone tell me that to which schema migration version number the new
 osmosis works fine

 On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 7:35 AM, Brett Henderson wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 10:38 PM, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 09:40, M Naveed Akram wrote:
  thanks to all
  UTF8 issue resolved.
  but now its osmosis

 Last I checked osmosis hadn't been fixed to work with the latest
 schema changes in the rails port, I run the Debian osmosis version,
 but it wasn't fixed in trunk either (at least the newest user group

 Maybe that's what's going on, I just use an older version of the rails
 port for my importing purposes.

 Due to the way osmosis does imports it's fairly susceptible to
 breaking like this due to relatively small schema changes.

 I wasn't aware of the breakage until now.  The database I use for unit
 tests is ancient.  I won't get to this for a while, but if anybody else
 wants to take a look I'd appreciate it muchly.


 M Naveed Akram

 M Naveed Akram

osmosis-dev mailing list

[osmosis-dev] Project Restructure

2010-06-15 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi All,

I just created a breakup branch.  I had several hours in an airport
without much to do so started experimenting with a new way of packaging

One problem I have with the current single project approach is that every
time a new feature is added, a whole bunch of new libraries need to be added
and the distribution is starting to get fairly large.  It's also reached the
limit of what I can maintain myself given the limited time I have to spend
on it.  I'm hesitant to allow too many new tasks to be added because it gets
hard to ensure that they're maintained properly and they're hard to remove
once they're in there.

So far the branch has the following projects:
- core - Most of the existing project.
- apidb - All of the apidb tasks (with postgresql dependencies), depends on
- pgsnapshot - All of the pgsql tasks (with postgresql and postgis
dependencies), depends on core.
- package - Depends on the above three projects and adds the launch scripts
and config files.

The apidb and pgsnapshot tasks are no longer loaded directly via the
TaskRegistrar class, but instead defined via a osmosis-plugins.conf file in
the package project which specifies their plugin class names.  The idea is
that all tasks will be factored out of the core and into plugins which are
bundled into the main distribution so that the end user doesn't see any

It doesn't compile yet due to some class dependency issues in the
replication code, but I'll sort that out next.  I aim to move the vast
majority of existing tasks out into plugin projects.  The plugins will
loosely be aligned to the task groups defined on the detailed usage page on
the wiki.

I'm hoping this will allow people to develop new plugins and incorporate
them into the main build and distribution without too much effort, and lower
the current barrier to entry by eliminating the need to pass my code review
to make it into core.  By keeping them out of the core, I can focus on core
and the tasks I maintain and rely on others to keep their tasks up to date.
If they fall behind and aren't maintained they can be removed from the build
and distribution by changing a couple of config files instead of having to
delete them entirely.  The existing plugin methods (ie. raw plugins
specified with -p on command line, and JPF plugins) will both continue to
work so external plugins can still be developed if desired.

Once I get it working I'll create a simple No-Op plugin task that provides
an example of how the plugin projects are created.

So far it looks like it should work fairly well without adding too much
complexity.  The ant builds for each project are becoming much smaller and
more well defined which should be a good thing.

Let me know if you see any major issues with this approach.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] error caused by Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column active of relation users does not exist

2010-06-23 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Michael,

There were some changes made to the schema recently that have broken
Osmosis.  Fixing Osmosis is on my list of things to do, but I'm not sure
when I'll get to do it.


On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 7:10 PM, Michael musset mickamus...@gmail.comwrote:


 I've a france.osm from geofabrik

 i'm trying to import it into my database with osmosis with this command :

 ./osmosis --read-xml file=/home/mickael/planet/france.osm --write-apidb
 populateCurrentTables=yes host=localhost database=openstreetmap
 user=openstreetmap validateSchemaVersion=no

 the osmosis come from :

 tar xvfz osmosis-bin-latest.tgz

 cd osmosis-0.35
 chmod a+x bin/osmosis

 my railsport config is :
   adapter: postgresql
   database: osm_test
 #  username: osm_test
 #  password: osm_test
   host: localhost
   encoding: utf8

   adapter: postgresql
   database: osm
 #  username: osm
 #  password: osm
   host: localhost
   encoding: utf8

   adapter: postgresql
   database: openstreetmap
 #  username: openstreetmap
 #  password: openstreetmap
   host: localhost
   encoding: utf8

 when i've created the database i've done :

 createdb -E UTF8 -O openstreetmap openstreetmap
 createdb -E UTF8 -O openstreetmap osm_test
 createdb -E UTF8 -O openstreetmap osm


 psql -d openstreetmap  /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/btree_gist.sql


 rake db:migrate
  env RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate

 I don't understand what is wrong !

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] How to merge 2 osm files

2010-07-19 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Sam,

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 6:09 AM, Sam Vekemans

 Hi there,
 I was wondering how i can use osmosis to merge 2 osm files.

 I use Windows XP and want to use the command line for it.

 My guess is this

 osmosis --rx file2.osm --rx file1.osm --m --wx merged.osm

That looks correct.

 Yet it does not work on my computer.

Why?  What is going wrong?  Are you seeing an error?  Are you getting an
unexpected result file?

 When preforming this task, i need to make file1.osm and file2.osm in
 the 'osmosis' directory.

 Perhaps i need to use

 java -jar osmosis.jar --rx file2.osm --rx file1.osm --m --wx merged.osm

java -jar won't work.  You definitely need to use the osmosis.bat launcher.

 and i get a 'noClassDefFoundError

 similar to the errors in this thread

 Unfortunatly, the wiki page tells users to download a planet.osm file.
  But that is just 1 function of the osmosis program, and not what im
 looking for.

 I dont have a planet.osm extract, nor a local PostgreSQL rails port

 Im just looking to take 2 .osm files and bring them into 1 .osm file.

You're on the right track with the --m (also --merge) command.  We just need
to find out why that isn't working for you.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] postgresql base for osmosis

2010-07-22 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Nakor,

You're getting an error earlier in the script:

psql:/tmp/pgsql_simple_schema_0.6.sql:42: ERROR:  AddGeometryColumns() -
invalid SRID
CONTEXT:  SQL statement SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','', $1 , $2 , $3 , $4 ,
$5 )
PL/pgSQL function addgeometrycolumn line 4 at SQL statement

You don't appear to have the PostGIS SRID tables populated.  I don't have
details handy on how to do this, but your PostGIS distribution should
include a script for doing this ...

I'll look again later when I have a PostgreSQL system available.


On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Nakor wrote:


 Is there a good documentation for how to setup a postgresql base for
 osmosis. I've read thru OpenStrettMap wiki and it is quite hard to
 understand waht exact schema you need to use.

 I tired to use pgsql_simple_schema_0.6.sql but got errors (see below) and
 then when I run osmosis it complains about index idx_nodes_geom not

 Thanks in advance,


 -bash-4.1$ psql -d local -f /tmp/pgsql_simple_schema_0.6.sql
 psql:/tmp/pgsql_simple_schema_0.6.sql:42: ERROR:  AddGeometryColumns() -
 invalid SRID
 CONTEXT:  SQL statement SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','', $1 , $2 , $3 , $4
 , $5 )
 PL/pgSQL function addgeometrycolumn line 4 at SQL statement
 psql:/tmp/pgsql_simple_schema_0.6.sql:111: NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD
 PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index pk_schema_info for table
 psql:/tmp/pgsql_simple_schema_0.6.sql:113: NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD
 PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index pk_users for table users
 psql:/tmp/pgsql_simple_schema_0.6.sql:115: NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD
 PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index pk_nodes for table nodes
 psql:/tmp/pgsql_simple_schema_0.6.sql:117: NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD
 PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index pk_ways for table ways
 psql:/tmp/pgsql_simple_schema_0.6.sql:119: NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD
 PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index pk_way_nodes for table way_nodes
 psql:/tmp/pgsql_simple_schema_0.6.sql:121: NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE / ADD
 PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index pk_relations for table relations
 psql:/tmp/pgsql_simple_schema_0.6.sql:126: ERROR:  column geom does not

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] postgresql base for osmosis

2010-07-24 Thread Brett Henderson
On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Nakor wrote:

 On Fedora, the script to run against your database is


 Thanks that helps. I was able to import data into the DB.

 BTW what are the other schema useful for?

What other schema are you referring to?

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] other schemas delivered with osmosis (was postgresql base for osmosis)

2010-07-26 Thread Brett Henderson
On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 1:46 AM, Nakor wrote:

 On 07/24/2010 04:59 AM, Brett Henderson wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Nakor
 What other schema are you referring to?


  The ones provided with osmosis like pgsql_simple_schema_0.6_bbox.sql

They're all documented here:

Let me know if any of the descriptions aren't clear.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] How to merge 2 osm files

2010-07-26 Thread Brett Henderson
On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 3:23 AM, Sam Vekemans

 to start, the .bat file was actually in the sub directory called
 'bin', i was expecting it to be in the root directory, instead of the
 .jar file which maybe should be in a sub folder?

That is where the batch file should be.  That's not a problem.

 i looked in the .bat file and i couldnt figure out what to replace.
 i'm not familar with the % syntax used.

I can't help you until you tell me what error you're encountering :-)

 i'll move the .bat file over to the root directory, along with the
 .osm files and what should these files be named in order for it to
 merge to a single output.osm file?

Moving the .bat file is not necessary.  Neither is moving the .osm files.
The .osm files can be called whatever you like so the names aren't

If you provide the full command line that you're typing, along with the
entire output of the Osmosis command I may be able to assist.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Patch: ReplicationLagReader

2010-07-26 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Peter,

You seem to have left my name as the author in some of the source code.
Presumably that should be your name ;-)

Can you let me know what the purpose of this is?  Okay, I understand that
this is for replication lag, but what is it comparing?  On first read it
appears to be comparing the latest server timestamp from the local
timestamp, but I can't see the local timestamp ever being set.  Is that


On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Peter Körner osm-li...@mazdermind.dewrote:


 To learn a bit about the internal structure of osmosis I developed a new
 task in the replication section. It's basicly the same as the little
 replag script [1] I use on my servers.

 I also added a munin plugin that plots the replication lag into a graph. On
 some systems the plugin needs some extra time (upper munin-node timeout)
 because of javas slow startup.

 I don't know if this task should be comitted to svn or if it's too simple
 (its task can also be fulfilled by that simple shell-script). I also don't
 know where to place the muinin plugin in the source tree and how to make it
 installed into the right place when using debuild to make a debian package.

 Please find the patch attached.



 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Changes to Osmosis Pgsql Schema

2010-08-09 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi David,

On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 10:10 PM, David Carmean wrote:

 Brett, et al:

 Please consider leaving the current simple schema intact (with
 the addition of the index clustering) and instead create a third
 schema for the HSTORE version.

 Losing the current schema would break at least two of my use cases:

 1: I use postGIS as back-end storage for GIS client software, and
 use views and tables derived from queries against the OSM simple
 schema to create various layers of OSM data in the GIS client,
 e.g. roads, footpaths/trails/bike routes, hydrography, landuse,
 structures (buildings), etc.  This is such an obvious technique
 that I'd be very surprised not to find a lot of others doing the

It's great to hear you're finding this schema useful.  I don't hear a lot
from people using it, so getting feedback is always appreciated.

Is it enough to have the existing 0.36 version of Osmosis to do this?  Is it
possible to change your queries to use the hstore data instead?

I'm hoping to avoid maintaining lots of different schemas if possible.

 2: I am beginning a project to parallelize OSM data processing
 with Hadoop, and the postgreSQL copy-format output is perfect
 for loading into HDFS. (If this goes well, I'd want to discuss
 ideas for adapting Osmosis to talk to Hadoop, eventually.)

 I also think that the simple schema lends itself better to
 research uses, especially when the input is a country/state
 extract or smaller.

 That said, I can also see cases where it would be useful to have
 the option to create a simple++ schema, with the separate
 tags table *and* the HSTORE columns as well.

I did think about adding the hstore columns as an optional add-on to the
existing schema.  I already have a couple of cases of this (ie. action
table, way linestring column, way bbox column).  But this change is fairly
invasive and given that I have to re-work a large amount of existing code
I'd end up having to implement everything twice.

If the only bit you need here is the COPY format, you may be better off with
a new task that creates a file in exactly the format you want.

 The CLUSTER operation is indeed a big performance booster.  Also,
 creating the optional ways.bbox column is at least two orders of
 magnitude faster when performed against an indexed ways.linestring
 column rather than as-shipped, which uses the nodes geometry before
 that has been indexed.

The general intent is that you only create one of the linestring or bbox
columns.  If you already have a linestring column is there any point
creating the bbox column?

As for using the node geometry before indexing, you shouldn't have to do
that.  The fastest way to create the linestring or bbox columns will be to
use the enableLinestringBuilder or enableBboxBuilder options on the various
write-pgsql tasks.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Reading OSM History dumps

2010-08-22 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Peter,

This all sounds very interesting and will no doubt have many uses that I
can't anticipate.

I can't give you much assistance but will try to answer any specific
questions you have.  My wife is going to give birth sometime within the next
month which means my priorities are about to change drastically ;-)

You seem to have thought about most of the complexities of the problem
already so you know what you're dealing with.

You mentioned the problem of obtaining test data.  I'd suggest using:

That is a full history from day one of the project up until now.  It is
already in the OSM change format that Osmosis understands.  Cutting bounding
boxes out of full history data is a difficult (but not impossible) problem
that you may have to solve in order to move forward.  In order to build way
linestrings for all way versions and for all node versions impacting the way
you will have to solve a similar problem to understanding how to cut bbox
data so you may be able to kill a couple of birds with one stone.

One thing to note is that I'm currently changing the simple schema a bit to
improve performance.  I've moved the tags into hstore columns, and have
duplicated the way_node table info into a nodes array column on the way
table.  This improves bounding box style query performance by several times
on large datasets.  I don't think it will impact you too much.

Good luck!


On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 12:18 AM, Peter Körner osm-li...@mazdermind.dewrote:


 I during the last week I thought intensively about the new full history
 dump and how we could use it. I wrote some kind of paper and also some demo
 code to check how we could get osm history information into a postgis
 database with linestings and all this delicate features osmosis offers.

 I've put it on the wiki at

 I'd love to hear some comments about it.


 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Parsing the JOSM file format

2010-08-23 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Michael,

The JOSM format differs from the Osmosis format in a number of ways, not
just version information.  In order to open a JOSM file properly you really
need to handle other information including the extra action attribute.

I try to keep Osmosis pure wherever possible to avoid lots of special case
coding, avoid weird corner cases, and keep the behaviour simple and
predictable.  For that reason I'm hesitant to add JOSM specific logic to the

I'd prefer to treat the JOSM file format separately and create a new task
capable of reading JOSM (eg. --read-josm-xml).


On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Michael Zilske michael.zil...@gmail.comwrote:


 I'm using Osmosis for extracting road networks and public transit
 routes from OSM and converting them to our own file format with my own
 Sink. (We do transportation research.)

 We work on an API 0.6 planet extract .osm file which we sometimes open
 with JOSM to manually add some tags of our own, e.g. as conversion
 hints for our application. We're not checking this in, because it's of
 no use to anyone else.

 Now my problem is that the Osmosis FastXMLParser chokes on the .osm
 files saved by JOSM, because newly added entities get neither a
 version nor a changeset attribute in JOSM's interpretation of the
 .osm format.

 I helped myself by patching the Parser to simply ignore the fact that
 these mandatory attributes aren't there. Is there a better solution to
 this? Would it be an option to integrate this into Osmosis, or don't
 you want to parse these improper files?


 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Reading OSM History dumps

2010-08-24 Thread Brett Henderson
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 1:09 AM, Peter Körner osm-li...@mazdermind.dewrote:

 Am 23.08.2010 13:35, schrieb Brett Henderson:

 To create your own store implementation you can build on the Osmosis
 persistence support.  All classes that are persistable implement the
 Storeable interface and have a constructor with StoreReader sr,
 StoreClassRegister scr arguments.

 The existing IndexedObjectStore assumes that the key is a long but
 provides a good example to start from.  The underlying IndexStore it
 uses can support any type of key as long as it has a fixed width (ie.
 always persists to the same number of bytes).

 It would need a key of 96 bit (id long + version int). I was not aware of
 any type 64bit in java so I'm not sure how I could build a store with a
 96bit index, but I think I have to take a deeper look into the IndexStore 

IndexStore just requires an IndexElement implementation that holds both the
key and the value.  You can define a key implementation class that holds as
many individual long or int values as you like, so long as it persists
through the Storeable interface to a fixed number of bytes.  You also have
to provide the IndexStore with a comparator that knows how to compare the
order of two keys.

 The timestamp is just a 64bit long value, so the only problem is here to do
 the comparison but this is the easy past, i think.

  It may
 be possible to make the existing IndexedObjectStore more generic but I'd
 need to experiment with it.

 I'll try to keep the whole changes local to my project. Once its finished
 you can take classes over to core as they're needed.

  Hmm, but thinking more about your problem it may make more sense to
 stick with the IndexedObjectStore and store a list of Nodes as each
 element instead of single Nodes.  I suspect in most cases you won't know
 the exact version you're looking for when you're loading a Node

 In the first phase when selecting the versions of the nodes used to create
 a version of a way I'll have a lot of timestamp searches (find the oldest
 node that is younger then the timestamp of the way) that need the timestamp

 later on, when the intermediate versions are calculated, i'll need a lookup
 for all versions of an id.

 a direct request for a known id/version will, as far as I see in this early
 stage, not be used too often (maybe during linestring building)


 only know node ids when looking at a way after all), and will only know
 a timestamp range.  When looking up a specific node/version/timestamp
 combination you would have to load all versions of a node from the
 IndexedObjectStore then linearly search for a match in the (usually
 fairly limited) list of objects.  You will possibly need to create you
 own Storeable list type to hold all versions of a particular Node
 because I don't think one exists.

 The main problem I see is, that such a list won't be of fixed size. When I
 write it to the store and later on add another version, it will grow bigger
 and have to be re-allocated in the store file, freing up space at the
 beginning. Basically a malloc/realloc/free in files.

If you need the ability to write values randomly then it won't work.  But if
you have sorted input (ie. all versions of a node are together on input)
then you can write them all to the store at once.  IndexedObjectStore will
allow you to write variable length objects to the store which is already
necessary to hold entities with variable numbers of tags.

  Just keep in mind that Osmosis stores aren't particularly fast to query
 because they're based on very simple data structures.  They tend to
 result in huge amounts of disk seeks when processing, so there may be
 libraries out there that perform better.  The main reason they were
 originally developed was to minimise external library dependencies and I
 haven't revisited that decision since Osmosis put on weight (ie. it now
 relies on many third-party jars).

 Thinking about all this I find that we're re-inventing the wheel. I'll try
 to use a JavaDB as the backend store. It is entirely written in Java ant
 thus cross platform compatible, supports btree indexes on multiple fields an
 can reside both, in-memory and on-disk. If it shows that it's fast enough,
 it may be a good alternative to a custom binary file/memory store.

I hope it works out because I've been down a similar path here.  After I
gave up on custom stores I tried Berkeley DB Java edition and performance
was horrible.  I finally bit the bullet and went the PostgreSQL path and
created the pgsql tasks.  I hope JavaDB works out though because requiring a
full database server really complicates usage.

Be very careful with btree indexes on multiple fields because they usually
only work well when you're looking up values for specific values of indexed
fields.  If you ever need to use range queries (eg. timestamp range)
involving multiple fields they tend to fall down.  I suspect you'll be just
as well off

Re: [osmosis-dev] Reading OSM History dumps

2010-08-25 Thread Brett Henderson
On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 11:14 PM, Peter Körner osm-li...@mazdermind.dewrote:

 Brett, the pgsql tasks currently write (in COPY mode) all data to temp
 files first. The process seems to be

 PlanetFile - NodeStoreTempFile - CopyFormatTempFile - PgsqlCopyImport

 in osm2pgsql the copy data is pushed to pgsql via unix pipes (5 or 6 COPY
 transactions running at the same time in different connections). This
 approach skips the CopyFormatTempFile stage. Is there any special reason
 this approach isn't used in the pgsnapshot package?

Not too sure now :-)  I think it was the simplest way to share code between
both the --write-pgsql-dump task and what was then the --fast-write-pgsql
(now simply --write-pgsql) task.

In practice the COPY file creation and loading is fairly fast.  The biggest
downside is the extra disk space.  The slowest parts of the whole process
are the way geometry creation, index building, and the CLUSTER statements
(in the newest schema).  On relatively low-end hardware it takes many days
to import an entire planet, only a small part of which is the COPY

In most cases I create the COPY files using --write-pgsql-dump and load them
via the provided load script so that I can better monitor progress and
resume if processing is interrupted.

In short it just hasn't been a high priority to change it.

While I'm on the topic, I've mostly completed the changes to the schema
now.  Performance is drastically improved over the old version for bounding
box query processing.  The --read-pgsql --dataset-bounding-box task
combination would previously take approximately an hour to retrieve a 1x1
degree box in a populated area, now it is down to around 5 minutes due to
far better disk layout.  The biggest downside is that the table clustering
takes a long time during initial database creation.
osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Reading OSM History dumps

2010-08-25 Thread Brett Henderson
On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 11:33 PM, Peter Körner osm-li...@mazdermind.dewrote:

 Am 25.08.2010 15:26, schrieb Brett Henderson:

  In short it just hasn't been a high priority to change it.

 I was planning to share on FileInputStream/FileOutputStream level. You can
 feed a FileInputStream into the CopyManager as well as into a file, can't

Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean.  I think the only way to feed data into
the CopyManager is via an InputStream.  That InputStream can be a
FileInputStream or a piped input stream or whatever you wish.  But there are
also classes like PGCopyOutputStream so perhaps you can use those directly
to avoid using multiple threads.  It's been a while since I looked at it.

 Maybe want to can copy the relevant bits later to pgsnapshot.

Yep, sure.
osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Reading OSM History dumps

2010-08-25 Thread Brett Henderson
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 8:19 AM, Peter Körner osm-li...@mazdermind.dewrote:

 Hi Marco

 The first snapshot is out. Unfortunately the hstore migration progress
 Brett is still in let the pgsnapshot tests fail, which is why hudson is not
 providing nightly builds anymore.

I hope to have this fixed over the next few days.  I'm working with the
server admins to get hstore support added to the database.

Because of that you'll need to compile osmosis yourself. I attached
 instructions to this mail that also include the concrete plugin usage.

If you wish to avoid compiling yourself you can also get nightly builds

The 0.37.SNAPSHOT version in the above location is built via a cron job.  No
tests are run during the build.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] keyValueList option, and latest node versions

2010-08-30 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Andrzej,

I finally got around to checking out your patch.  I've just checked it in.
I changed the name of the task to --flatten or --f for short because I don't
believe any other tasks have filter in the name.

I notice that it assumes that data is sorted.  Ideally it should utilise
something like the SortedEntityPipeValidator class to ensure that data is
sorted and to throw an error if it isn't.  Do you have time to add that in?


On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 2:20 AM, andrzej zaborowski balr...@gmail.comwrote:

 On 6 July 2010 23:26, Peter Körner wrote:
  Am 06.07.2010 19:41, schrieb Simon Nuttall:
  Are there osmosis options for just catching the latest versions of the
  nodes and ways?
  It's called --simplify-changeset:

 That's for change streams.  For entity streams you can use the --ff
 filter I sent in a patch attached to
 It only works on sorted streams.


 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] keyValueList option, and latest node versions

2010-09-03 Thread Brett Henderson
I've applied the patch, modified it to use a new
SortedDuplicateEntityPipeValidator class, and checked it all in.  I haven't
tested it though ...

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 10:20 PM, Brett Henderson wrote:

 Hi Andrzej,

 On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 12:45 PM, andrzej zaborowski balr...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Brett,
 [I tried sending this yesterday with git-send-email but the list
 doesn't seem to accept, either way sorry if you get a duplicate]

 On 30 August 2010 13:15, Brett Henderson wrote:
  I finally got around to checking out your patch.  I've just checked it
  I changed the name of the task to --flatten or --f for short because I
  believe any other tasks have filter in the name.

 Thanks.  I seem to remember there were some but I may be talking
 about a terribly old version. (tagfilter?)

 Yes, there is a --tag-filter task.  So there is one other task with filter
 in the name ... Oh well, there's less typing now :-)

  I notice that it assumes that data is sorted.  Ideally it should utilise
  something like the SortedEntityPipeValidator class to ensure that data
  sorted and to throw an error if it isn't.  Do you have time to add that

 The attached diff makes it use SortedEntityPipeValidator, however
 SortedEntityPipeValidator bails out immediately on multiple objects with
 the same id so it doesn't work.  Possibly I need a new validator, is my
 thinking correct?  I'm sending the patch anyway to see if you're
 ok with using the validator this way.

 Yes, it looks like it will need a new validator that allows two versions of
 the same entity in a row.

 I don't mind how you use the validator.  I'm not too fussy about the
 internal implementation of tasks.  Your usage is fine.  For an example of
 how I've used it in the past check out the
 org.openstreetmap.osmosis.dataset.v0_6.impl.DatasetStore class.  But yours
 might be better actually.

 The reason I didn't add it in the first place was that I generally trust
 the data I throw at osmosis so don't want to use cycles for testing, I'm
 missing a way to globally turn off creation of the validators.  Each of
 them adds at least a full function call per entity.

 I try to avoid adding options without good reason.  If you can show that
 the additional validation slows things down then we can look at ways of
 disabling them, but I highly doubt that the performance impact will be
 measurable.  I think that one extra function call per entity will be lost in
 the noise.


osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Boxing accuracy

2010-09-03 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Zenon,

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 11:33 AM, Zenon Panoussis ora...@provocation.netwrote:

 Hi everyone

 I just subscribed and, as you might expect, I'm coming here with
 a problem. I think it's an osmosis bug, but I can't say that for

 I find the planet.osm file completely unworkable because of its
 sheer size, so I used osmosis to split it into 720 more manageable
 parts, which I then imported into a postgis/mapserver-utils database.

 Looking at the result, I have lost about 2 meridian minutes of data
 along each meridian, one on each side of it.

 A couple of images explain it best:

 Both Lima and Manaus lie smack on a meridian.

 Those bands of nothingness in the middle of densly populated cities
 are not the result of some conspiracy among osm data contributors.
 Here's the original dataset:

 Thus, my import ate up some of the data.

 This is what I did in the specific part of the world where Manaus

 --rx planet.osm \
 --tee 2 \
 --bp file=S-78--77.pol \
 --wx S-78--77.osm \
 --bp file=S-77--76.pol \
 --wx S-77--76.osm

 These are the polygon files referenced:

   -77.0  -90.0
   -77.0   0.0
   -76.0   0.0
   -77.0  -90.0

   -78.0  -90.0
   -78.0   0.0
   -77.0   0.0
   -78.0  -90.0

 As you can see, I was just slicing meridian cake triangles from
 the equator to the poles. Note that the overlap between the
 polygons is a one-dimensional line, not an area.

Um, don't your polygons only touch at a single point (-77,0) and not along a
one dimensional -77 longitude line as you suggest.  The two polygons touch
at the equator, drift apart as they travel south, then touch again at the
south pole.  There's a gap between them which would explain the missing

Have I misinterpreted something here?

 The resulting .osm files were imported into postgres with
 for i in *.osm;
  do osm2pgsql -d osm -a -s -v -S /usr/share/osm2pgsql/ \
 -k -G $i

 The osm2pgsql binary was built out of yesterday's SVN with the
 insert-as-modify patch at .

 Theoretically, my meridian gap could be caused by osmosis, by osm2pgsq,
 or by any of their underlying libraries. My gut feeling though is that
 it's caused by a rounding error in osmosis or by an accuracy error in
 its underlying routines.

Osmosis uses the class
to manage the polygon, and it is constructed from the
which provides double precision coordinates.  It will only treat
objects lying along some edges of shapes as being inside the area (ie. left
edge of a polygon is included, but right edge isn't).  This should mean that
in cases of touching polygons data should only be included in one of the
two.  See
more details.

That's not to say there isn't a bug in the Sun *cough* Oracle libraries, but
it's certainly not custom code that I've written.

On that note, I suspect that data along the international date line might
encounter issues if you specify a polygon right edge of exactly 180 degrees
because data on that line will then be excluded.  But that's not your
issue.  The solution in that case is probably to specify a right edge of 181
degrees to work around the problem.

 Ideas anybody?

Please check your polygons again.  And if you still think they're right
please let me know where I've gone wrong :-)

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Problem with 0.36

2010-09-13 Thread Brett Henderson
On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:


 Frederik Ramm wrote:

 I'll debug this further - currently unsure if there's something wrong with
 the input data or what. The problem occurs about 1h50m hours into processing
 the job. so it looks more like it is towards the end.

 Ok, that was easy; it looks like clipIncompleteEntities is broken in 0.36
 because Way.getWayNodes is documented as returning a read-only list, and
 AreaFilter does this if clipIncompleteEntities is true:

I should read all of my emails before responding :-)
osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Planet import

2010-09-27 Thread Brett Henderson
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Nakor wrote:

  On 09/24/2010 09:52 AM, Nakor wrote:


 I should have read the whole documentation first. I am using --write-pgsql
 . I'll let it continue (as I am now over 200 Gb) and see how it goes. Next
 time I need to import I will probably just import the US vs the whole
 planet. Thanks for your input it gives a rough idea.



 It finished in 7 days and 17hours. The DB is 260Gb. Note that some speed
 loss is probably due to the fact that the only disk where I had space to
 store the DB is encrypted.

Okay, cool.

Which version of the schema are you using?  Is it the version 5 schema that
comes with Osmosis 0.36, or the version 6 schema that comes with Osmosis
0.37-SNAPSHOT?  The version 6 schema takes much longer to import if you have
the optional bbox or linestring columns on the ways table, but the query
performance is much improved due to table CLUSTERing.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Problem with bounding-polygon and completeWays=yes

2010-10-04 Thread Brett Henderson
On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Brett Henderson wrote:

 On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 1:47 AM, Martin Kaistra wrote:


 when I try this command
 ./osmosis --read-xml file=friedrichshafen_highways.osm
 --bounding-polygon file=Friedrichshafen.poly completeWays=yes
 clipIncompleteEntities=true --write-xml

 with Osmosis 0.36, there are missing ways in the output file. When I try
 the same command with Osmosis 0.35.1 it works as expected.

 This is the first time I use osmosis so I am not sure whether it is a
 bug or I am making a mistake somewhere..

 The files can be found here: [5.1mb] [2.6mb] [2.9mb]

 For example way:14805086 is missing in friedrichshafen_output_0_36.osm

 It looks like a bug to me.  If you specify the option idTrackerType=BitSet
 or idTrackerType=IdList the way shows up correctly.  That is a workaround
 you can use for now.

 It might take me a while to figure this one out.

There were a couple of bugs in there.  The first was that it wasn't handling
unsorted ids correctly.  The input file has ids in non-sorted order.  That
caused your way to be left out.  But the output still wasn't correct and I
found another bug that was causing some nodes to be left out.

Both have been fixed in the latest SVN version.  So you can either use the
latest dev version, or simply use the idTrackerType=BitSet for now.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Osmosis 0.37 Released

2010-10-16 Thread Brett Henderson
On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 9:41 PM, Jochen Topf wrote:

 On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 05:33:37PM +1100, Brett Henderson wrote:
 - Updated the pgsql schema (now version 6) to move all tags into
 columns, add a ways.nodes column and CLUSTER the nodes and ways
 Significant performance increases.

 Is there some magic involved or do you just call CLUSTER after the import?
 When I tested CLUSTER it helped with reads, but creating the cluster was
 very expensive.

No magic unfortunately.  The CLUSTER step is the most expensive part of the
process because it changes the location on disk of every record in the
database.  It took several days for a full planet when I tested it out.

I was performing bbox queries (similar ROMA or TRAPI but with my
implementation that uses true way geometries instead of just node locations)
and 1x1 degree queries for heavily populated areas (eg. Munich, London) were
taking up to an hour to perform.  After removing tags tables and performing
CLUSTER statements the time reduced to somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes
due to much reduced disk seeking.  The database is kept up to date with
hourly diffs so the CLUSTER step only has to be performed once (or once
every few months perhaps) but the read benefits are ongoing.  If you're
performing regular full imports it may not make sense.

If the overhead of performing the CLUSTER step outweighs the read benefits
(depends on the lifetime of your database) then you can skip the CLUSTER
step.  It makes no functional difference that I'm aware of.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] lost relations while clipping

2010-10-16 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Maxim,

2010/10/12 Maxim Dubinin

 Hi osmosis-devs,

 On our regional extraction system we've ran into what seems to be a

 Relations, that are members by themselves are dropped while extracting.

 Example of such relation:

 Code and example to reproduce this behavior is attached.

Thanks for the detailed example, it makes it much easier to diagnose your

The reason for the dropped relation is a limitation of how Osmosis performs
bounding-box/bounding-polygon processing.  Osmosis processes all data in a
stream.  First it processes all nodes one by one and keeps track of which
nodes are in the bounding box.  It then processes each way one by one and
uses the node list to determine which ways are in the bounding box.  Then it
processes the relations one by one and uses the list of nodes, ways, and
already selected relations to determine if a relation is in the bounding

In your example, relation 795 is processed first and contains relation 792.
But 792 hasn't been processed (in your example, the two ids are out of
order) yet so Osmosis doesn't know that it will be inside the bounding box
and ignores it.  It then processes 792 which has two ways inside the
bounding box so it includes that relation.  But it never goes back to
include relation 795 because it has forgotten about it.  In your example, if
you switched the order of relation 792 and 795 then 795 *would* get

The only way to avoid this limitation is to replace your existing --bp step:
--bp file=test.poly
--bp file=test.poly completeWays=yes completeRelations=yes

This makes Osmosis run *much* slower and might not be acceptable.  With
those options enabled, it builds temporary stores of nodes, ways and
relations so that it can go back and randomly access data.  But the
temporary data stores are quite slow which has a very large impact on

Hope that helps.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Problem with --node-key-value

2010-10-16 Thread Brett Henderson
I've just taken a look at the code (I didn't write these tasks) for the
--node-key-value task and it works slightly differently to the
--way-key-value task.  The --way-key-value task passes through node and
relation objects unchanged, but the --node-key-value task drops them.

That means that when you have a --node-key-value task followed by a
--used-node task you are going to drop everything.  Note that it doesn't
make sense to use the --used-node task in this case anyway because place
nodes will typically not be part of a way.

So two suggestions:
1. Remove the --used-node task.
2. Use the --tag-filter task instead which is much more flexible.


On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 1:15 AM, Flex Fauler wrote:

 i am new here so sorry if i mail to the wrong place.
 I wanted an osm file with all places=* so city, town etc.
 But i am getting an empty out.osm.
 What am i donig wrong? With ways (--way-key-value) this works great.

 terminal command:

 osmosis --read-xml in.osm --node-key-value,,place.village,place.hamlet,place.suburb
 --used-node idTrackerType=BitSet --write-xml out.osm


 ?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?
 osm version=0.6 generator=Osmosis 0.36
  bound box=49.39089,7.76757,51.66252,10.24398

 regards faulerflex

 GMX DSL Doppel-Flat ab 19,99 euro;/mtl.! Jetzt auch mit
 gratis Notebook-Flat!

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Osmosis on Windows

2010-11-06 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Nakor,

Thanks for the report.

On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:39 AM, Nakor wrote:


 Lately I had to use osmosis on Windows. I found a few issues in osmosis.bat
 that I want to report.

 1) lines 14 and 19 need to have extra quotes:

 IF EXIST %USERPROFILE%\osmosis.bat CALL %USERPROFILE%\osmosis.bat

I've made this change and checked it in.  Is it enough to only quote the
second half of the lines, or should they look like this?

 2) around line 28-35, MYAPP_HOME will not be correct if the starting
 directory is not on the same drive where osmosis is:

 C:\tmpset SAVEDIR=C:\tmp
 C:\tmpset MYAPP_HOME=P:\OSM\osmosis-0.37\bin\..
 C:\tmpREM Now make the MYAPP_HOME path absolute
 C:\tmpcd P:\OSM\osmosis-0.37\bin\..
 C:\tmpset MYAPP_HOME=C:\tmp
 C:\tmpREM Change back to the original directory
 C:\tmpcd C:\tmp
 C:\tmpset MAINCLASS=org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher
 C:\tmpset PLEXUS_CP=C:\tmp\lib\default\plexus-classworlds-2.2.2.jar
 C:\tmpSET EXEC=java  -cp C:\tmp\lib\default\plexus-classworlds-2.2.2.jar
 -Dapp.home=C:\tmp -Dclassworlds.conf=C:\tmp\config\plexus.conf
  --read-pbf file=E:\Downloads\OSM\Canada_101103.osm.pbf --bounding-box
 left=-83.08 bottom=42.30 right=-83.03 top=42.33 --write-xml
 C:\tmpjava  -cp C:\tmp\lib\default\plexus-classworlds-2.2.2.jar
 -Dapp.home=C:\tmp -Dclassworlds.conf=C:\tmp\config\plexus.conf
 org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher   --read-
 pbf file=E:\Downloads\OSM\Canada_101103.osm.pbf --bounding-box left=-83.08
 bottom=42.30 right=-83.03 top=42.33 --write-xml
 Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
 Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
 Could not find the main class: org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.  Program
 will exit.

Do you have any idea how to fix this second issue?

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Improve relation extraction handling

2010-11-07 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Frederik,

On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 10:44 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:


   I'm a major user of the --bp task in Osmosis, for the nightly Geofabrik
 country extracts. I cannot use the complete-something flags as that would
 take far too much time, and on the whole the clip-incomplete-entities mode
 seems not to be too bad for users.

 There's one thing that has popped up on this list however (lost relations
 while clipping) which is an increasing concern to our users and which I
 hope I can fix. The problem is that with cascading relations, Osmosis will
 only include a relation if one of its children has been included already, so

 node N1 is inside the clipping area,
 relation R1 contains node N1,
 relation R2 contains relation R1

 then relation R1 will alway be included in the output, but relation R2 will
 only be included if it comes after R1 in the input file.

 Now while using the temporary storage for nodes and ways would be too
 expensive for the nightly Geofabrik build, I think that temporarily storing
 relations would be acceptable (as there aren't too many). I'm thinking of
 adding a cascadingRelations=yes flag to the --bp/--bb tasks that would

 * process relations not containing other relations as usual,
 * throw all other relations onto a stack and process them in a suitable
 order afterwards

 I am aware that determining a suitable order could be difficult if you
 have many levels of cascasing (or even circular) relations, and that the
 output file would not be ordered properly, but I think such an option would
 mean a big improvement at a relatively low cost.

 1. Any comments?

It sounds good to me.

 2. Anyone done something like that already?

Not exactly, although it should be very similar to the existing completeXXX

 3. Is any of Osmosis' internal storage mechanisms suitable for buffering
 relations in this way or do I have to invent something new?

I'd try to use the existing completeXXX options as a starting point.  The
existing file system stores should work for your purposes.  If their
performance is not good enough then it might be necessary to investigate
other options.  In that case if you did come up with a higher performance
design it might also be able to be used for the completeXXX options as well.

osmosis-dev mailing list

[osmosis-dev] Changes to Plugin Loader

2010-11-15 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Everybody,

I've made a simple but significant improvement to the way Osmosis loads
tasks and plugins.

Previously there was a file called osmosis-plugins.conf in the config
directory that listed out all the plugins to be loaded during startup.  This
was the way that the tasks for each individual sub-system (ie. xml, apidb,
pgsql, dataset, etc) were loaded.  In other words, only a single
osmosis-plugins.conf file was loaded so only one could exist on the

I've changed that now so that all instances of osmosis-plugins.conf on the
classpath will be processed.  This allows each project (and jar file) to
provide its own osmosis-plugins.conf file.  I've modified all projects to
include their own copy, and have removed the global copy.

The implication of this is that creating new plugins is as simple as
creating a new jar file with your tasks, your plugin loader class, and an
osmosis-plugins.conf file.  Installing them is just a matter of adding the
new jar to the classpath (ie. in the lib/default directory).

Note that this has nothing to do with the JPF (Java Plugin Framework)
support provided by Osmosis.  JPF is a far more capable (and complex) system
that is unchanged and will continue to be supported (although to be honest I
have very little idea how it works ;-)

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Osmosis 0.37 and enableLinestringBuilder error

2010-11-17 Thread Brett Henderson
It looks like the wiki needs a fix up :-)  Sorry about that.

You don't need to specify that option.  The code *should* (been a while
since I looked at it) figure out what columns you have in the database
dynamically.  There is no need to specify such an option.  Just remove the
option and try again.

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 2:42 AM, Emilie Laffray emilie.laff...@gmail.comwrote:


 I have been trying to run the following command line (the host information
 was removed from the command line):

 osmosis --read-pbf file=roads.osm.pbf --bounding-box top=90
 bottom=-90 left=-180 right=-126 completeWays=yes
 idTrackerType=BitSet --write-pgsql enableLinestringBuilder=yes
 But I run into a problem as write-pgsql doesn't seem to support the
 parameter enableLinestringBuilder. The parameter as far as I can tell from
 the documentation is still here:
  I am getting the following error though. I am not quite sure what is

 Nov 17, 2010 4:27:00 PM org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis run

 INFO: Osmosis Version 0.37

 Nov 17, 2010 4:27:00 PM init

 INFO: got SAX parser factory -

 Nov 17, 2010 4:27:00 PM

 INFO: configured, stopOnError=false, isValidating=true Nov 17, 2010 4:27:00
 PM register

 INFO: plug-in and fragment descriptors registered - 1 Nov 17, 2010 4:27:00
 PM activatePlugin

 INFO: plug-in started - org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.plugin.c...@0.37.0

 Nov 17, 2010 4:27:00 PM org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis run

 INFO: Preparing pipeline.

 Nov 17, 2010 4:27:00 PM org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis main

 SEVERE: Execution aborted.

 org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: Argument
 enableLinestringBuilder for task 5-write-pgsql was not recognised.





 at org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis.main(

 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)



 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(





 at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(

 Emilie Laffray

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

[osmosis-dev] Osmosis 0.38 Released

2010-11-19 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi All,

I've just released Osmosis 0.38.

From changes.txt:

   - Updated internal storage to use long instead of int identifiers to
   remove 2^31 node id limit.
   - Updated apidb support to the latest schema 20100910084426.
   - Fixed the --write-pbf short option --wb to point to the writer
   implementation instead of the reader.
   - Added additional quoting to commands in the osmosis.bat launcher to fix
   issues with spaces in the installation path.
   - Modified plugin loader code to support multiple osmosis-plugins.conf
   files to allow each plugin to provide its own.

Let me know if you see any issues.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Problem with pbf import into a postgres DB

2010-12-15 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Thomas,

My German isn't great, but I'm guessing that the following message is
complaining about a missing tags column in the nodes table.

FEHLER: Spalte »tags« von Relation »nodes« existiert nicht

I notice you're specifying the following option.

Why are you doing that? You need to use a schema version that matches your
version of Osmosis.


On 16/12/2010, at 4:10, Thomas Schreiner wrote:

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Problem with pbf import into a postgres DB

2010-12-16 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Thomas,

I think you have the wrong schema installed.  There is no node_tags table in
the schema.  There used to be in older versions of the schema.

Can you try a couple of things please?

   - Remove the validateSchemaVersion=no option from your Osmosis command
   line.  You don't need it and it can hide the real problem.
   - Re-create your schema from the 0.38 distribution.  The 0.38 script
   doesn't create a node_tags table, it creates a hstore tags column on the
   nodes table.  The below script should be the one you are using.
   - Make sure that no errors occur during execution of the above script.
   - You may need to install hstore support in your database.  Your
   PostgreSQL distribution should provide this script.
   - Note that the scripts are in the script directory, not in the
   script/contrib directory.  Do NOT use the script/contrib/apidb_0.6.sql

There are no step by step instructions on debugging Osmosis, however there
are some basic instructions on configuring Eclipse.

If you do want to test it in Eclipse, run the existing JUnit tests in the
pgsnapshot project from within Eclipse.


On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 8:05 PM, Thomas Schreiner

 Hello Brett,

 my english is also not so well, but we can at least communicate.
 What I did is, I set up a postgres 8.4 database, create a user and a
 database. Run the sql script pgsql_simple_schema_0.6.sql from the 0.38
 distribution out of the directory script/contrib.

 I downloaded a pbf file from an try to import these
 pbf file.
 The first error message I got was about the schema version, so I turned the
 validation of the schema of.

 Then I got the error with the index, no idea why the index is not created
 in the sql script. Never then less I changed the code as described bevor.

 Now I get the error message that the node table has no tags column. That's
 right, because there is another table called node_tags. A node can have
 several tags, e.g. house number, telephone number, name, amenity, ...

 So I had also a look into the sql script which creates the postgres schema,
 but I find nothing strange.

 Can you tell me how to set up osmosis via svn in eclipse to be able to
 debug the application? Is there a step by step documentation?



  Datum: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 18:58:51 +1100
  Von: Brett Henderson
  An: Thomas Schreiner
  Betreff: Re: [osmosis-dev] Problem with pbf import into a postgres DB

  Hi Thomas,
  My German isn't great, but I'm guessing that the following message is
  complaining about a missing tags column in the nodes table.
  FEHLER: Spalte »tags« von Relation »nodes« existiert nicht
  I notice you're specifying the following option.
  Why are you doing that? You need to use a schema version that matches
  version of Osmosis.
  On 16/12/2010, at 4:10, Thomas Schreiner

 Thomas Schreiner
 Grasslweg 4
 85049 Ingolstadt

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osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Source for JAR archives in osmosis source

2010-12-23 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Giovanni,

The source for the osmbin jar is stored in a git repo on github. I
don't have the URL handy (I'm on my phone) but I think a search for
PBF or similar should find it on the osm wiki ...

The source for osmosis-hstore is in the binary jar I think. I didn't
bother setting up a proper project for it because it is relatively

Let me know if you can't find them and I'll dig up details once I'm
back on a PC.


On 24/12/2010, at 4:55, Giovanni Mascellani wrote:


 I'm one of the people that maintains the package osmosis in the Debian
 (and Ubuntu) distribution. I'd like to update our package to version
 0.38 of osmosis, but there are some JAR archives in the SVN repository
 for which I cannot find the source code:


 Could you please point me to the corresponding source? Google wasn't
 able to help! :-)

 Thanks, Giovanni.
 Giovanni Mascellani
 Pisa, Italy

 Jabber: /

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Source for JAR archives in osmosis source

2011-01-07 Thread Brett Henderson
I've finally checked this in.  There's now a new directory in the Osmosis
source tree called hstore-jdbc.  It is a project called osmosis-hstore which
creates the osmosis-hstore.jar file.  Note that the licence is BSD unlike
the rest of Osmosis because it is a file obtained from the PostgreSQL forum
that will (hopefully) eventually become part of the PostgreSQL JDBC driver.

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 9:07 AM, Brett Henderson wrote:

 On 24/12/2010, at 10:26, Brett Henderson wrote:

 On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Giovanni Mascellani wrote:


 On 23/12/2010 22:27, Brett Henderson wrote:
  Hi Giovanni,

 Thanks for the quick reply. :-)

  The source for the osmbin jar is stored in a git repo on github. I
  don't have the URL handy (I'm on my phone) but I think a search for
  PBF or similar should find it on the osm wiki ...

 Ok, found. Anyway, no license indication is present in the repository,
 and this is a problem for including the package in Debian, because
 technically it means that no one can do anything with it.

 Since this project is strictly tied with osmosis, I suppose that it's
 its author intention to release it in public domain like osmosis. Could
 this bit be made explicit in some file into the repository, something
 like the copying.txt present in osmosis main repository?

 (BTW, Scott Crosby reads this mailing list, doesn't he?)

 Yes, he should do.

 I'm glad you've asked the licence question actually.  I should have sorted
 that out sooner but it slipped my mind.

  The source for osmosis-hstore is in the binary jar I think. I didn't
  bother setting up a proper project for it because it is relatively

 No, they're not. I can just see the .class files.

 Oops.  Not sure what I've done there.  I'll take a look when I get home,
 perhaps it's just sitting on my home PC.  I need to get that checked in

 Sorry for delay. I have found the source. Will try to get it checked in
 over the next few days.

 It's a single class I found on a forum somewhere. Relatively simple so I
 hope licensing isn't an issue.


osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] [patch] Suboptimal handling of the compressionMethod parameter in xml tasks

2011-02-06 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Igor,

Thanks for the patch.  It looks good to me.  I've applied it to trunk.

Can you please update the documentation for the next version on the wiki to
describe the new argument value?


On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 4:12 AM, Igor Podolskiy wrote:

 Hello everybody,

 first of all, thank you all for developing Osmosis! :)

 I currently have some issues with the compressionMethod parameter in the
 XML tasks. This is just a minor annoyance but nevertheless:

 The compressionMethod parameter of the --[fast]-read-xml task is currently
 handled somewhat differently than most other parameters in Osmosis.
 CompressionMethod has three official values (none, gzip, bzip2), but
 actually there is a fourth option (autodetect) which can only be specified
 implicitly by omitting compressionMethod altogether.

 Although this is documented in the wiki, it creates problems for people who
 build tools around Osmosis which read and/or generate Osmosis command lines
 automatically, and even for a human user, this is another special case which
 you need to think of (no other parameter in any task works this way).

 This can easily be fixed by creating an explicit fourth value (say, auto)
 for compressionMethod, and making it the default value. This change doesn't
 break old scripts and streamlines the parameters for new ones. The attached
 patch against current trunk does this (and the trunk still passes all unit
 tests with the patch applied).

 It would be cool if you could integrate this into the next version of
 Osmosis. If you have any questions or if the patch needs some improvement,
 I'll be here on the mailing list :).

 Best regards

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Improving completeWays/completeRelations performance

2011-02-18 Thread Brett Henderson
On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 10:20 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:


 On 02/18/11 11:40, Igor Podolskiy wrote:

 just a random thought: what's wrong with using --dataset-bounding-box?
 Importing the planet file into a database and doing a bunch of queries
 against is equivalent to creating a single disk buffer for all bb tasks
 (the database _is_ the disk buffer, if you want). This still isn't very
 elegant as it requires two passes (import into DB and export to PBFs)
 but is IMHO more elegant than selection lists.

 I currently use bounding polygons so I'd have to add a
 --dataset-bounding-polygon task for that but that should be possible.

 The major problem is finding a database that would be able to import the
 data, index it, and fulfil my requests, all within less than 24 hours. From
 what I hear, PostGIS takes a week for the import step alone but I want to
 produce fresh extracts every day. So I would have to import into PostGIS and
 then apply the daily diffs, but I could only do that if applying a daily
 diff and making all the bounding-polygon requests would take much less than
 a day and somehow I suspect that's not going to work.

  Don't get me wrong, maybe there's a reason why dataset tasks are
 unsuitable - but I've not found any... Maybe the dbb task itself needs
 improvement - but in this case, this should be the way to go.

 I doubt that a performant solution can ever be found with PostGIS but I'd
 love to hear from someone who can prove me wrong.

Processing a full day's worth of daily diffs is doable in much less than a
day.  The one time I did this on a server with only average IO performance
(data spread across two disks) it would take about 6 hours to process a day
of data.  Extracting continent sized chunks from the database will probably
be a problem though.  The schema works well for 1x1 or 2x2 degree bboxes,
but gets rapidly slower as the size of returned data increases.

Given that each of your extracts is extracting a large percentage of the
overall planet, then doing multiple passes across the entire planet will be
tough to beat performance wise.

In other words, a database is best (and the only way possible) for small
up-to-date extracts, but sequential reads are still best for large extracts
where multi-hour time lags are acceptable.  I suspect that lots of
optimisation is possible for databases, because for one thing the PostGIS
data types take up humungous amounts of disk space.  Perhaps someone with
lots of time and some custom data types could improve on this ...

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Unable to load current way nodes, when extracting and importing data from a osm file to a API BD

2011-03-03 Thread Brett Henderson
This is a known limitation of Osmosis bounding box processing.

When you perform a bounding box extract, if nodes lie outside the bounding
box, but are referenced by ways inside the bounding box they will not be
included in the file.  This is due to the way Osmosis processing works
because it finishes processing nodes before it sees the ways.

You have several options here:
1. Drop the constraint from the database.  This might lead to other issues.
2. Add the clipIncompleteEntities=true option to the --bounding-box task.
This will modify the ways so that they no longer reference the problematic
ways.  Obviously they will no longer be identical to the original ways from
the input planet file.
3. Add the completeWays=true option to the --bounding-box task.  This will
include the missing nodes, but will slow down processing enormously.

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 12:07 AM, Egoitz Ormaetxea wrote:

 - Downloaded planet file planet-110202.osm.bz2
 - Extracted a osm for the zone 43.5N -3.5W | 42N -1W with osmosis :
 bzcat planet-101027.osm.bz2 | osmosis --read-xml file=/dev/stdin
 enableDateParsing=no --bounding-box top=43.5 left=-3.5 bottom=42 right=-1
 --write-xml file=- | bzip2  extracted.osm.bz2
 It takes 2 hours to complete but it finishes with no errors.

 - Clear the API DB :
 dropdb openstreetmap
 createdb -E UTF8 -O openstreetmap openstreetmap
 dropdb osm_test
 createdb -E UTF8 -O openstreetmap osm_test
 dropdb osm
 createdb -E UTF8 -O openstreetmap osm
 psql -d openstreetmap  /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/btreet_gist.sql
 rake db:migrate
 rake test

 - Import extracted osm file to the API DB with osmosis :
 bzcat extracted.osm.bz2 | osmosis --read-xml-0.6 file=- --write-apidb-0.6
 populateCurrentTables=yes host=localhost database=openstreetmap
 user=openstreetmap password=xxx validateSchemaVersion=no

 Ends with error :

 org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: Unable to load
 current way nodes.
 Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: insert or update on
 table current_way_nodes violates foreign key constraint
 Detail: Key (node_id)=(490767853) is not present in table current_nodes

 The 'weird' thing is that 490767853 node is out of the bounding box : 42.3951781,

 Am I doing the process to extract+import correctly ? Is there a way to
 avoid this error ?

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] [PATCH] Some issues with Osmosis launch scripts

2011-03-03 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Igor,

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 4:25 AM, Igor Podolskiy wrote:


 one of my students and I managed to discover different issues with the
 Osmosis launch scripts in the $OSMOSIS/bin directory, both on Windows and
 Unix-like systems.

 The shell script (osmosis) will fail or even worse, silently pass incorrect
 parameters to the Java process if any of the parameter values contain
 spaces. Consider the following command entered in an interactive shell:

 osmosis --read-apidb database=osm user=os m password=os m

 This will fail with the Only one default (un-named) argument can exist per
 task. message. Changing the quoting on the original command line doesn't

 The problem is with the way osmosis shell script executes the java runtime.
 The relevant lines of the script read like this:

 exec $EXEC

 While interpolating the $@ in this expression, the shell discards all
 original quoting. The solution I've found for this is doing the following:

 exec $EXEC $@

 Apparently, the exact sequence $@ instructs the shell to preserve
 original quoting in the arguments, while foo $@ does not. It doesn't make
 any sense to me, either, but it's probably some compatibility burden from
 decades ago. Anyway, the attached patch osmosis-shell-quoting.patch makes
 the necessary change (tested on Ubuntu 9.10 with bash 4.0.33 and /bin/sh
 which is linked to dash here).

I've applied your patch directly without any modifications.  Thanks for the
patch, it seems to fix the problem nicely.

 The Windows batch script gets the quoting right, but fails if Osmosis is
 installed on a drive different from the current working directory of the
 user. This is somewhat tricky, so I'll try to explain it step by step.

 Assume that Osmosis is installed in c:\osmosis, PATH includes
 c:\osmosis\bin, and the current working directory is d:\data. User types:

 d:\data osmosis --read-xml dump.osm --write-null

 The osmosis.bat script does the following:

 set SAVEDIR=%CD%   # SAVEDIR == d:\data
 set MYAPP_HOME=%~dp0.. # MYAPP_HOME == c:\osmosis\bin\..
 cd %MYAPP_HOME%# expands to cd c:\osmosis\bin\..  -- BUG!
   # %CD% == d:\data
 set MYAPP_HOME=%CD%# MYAPP_HOME == d:\data, which is clearly wrong.
 # everything fails hereafter as the classpath points to d:\data\lib etc.

Ah, nice work.

 The bug is that the current working directory (%CD%) didn't change after cd
 %MYAPP_HOME% since the working directories are per-drive as they were in DOS
 2.0 or so and we're on drive D: and did just change the CWD for drive C:.

 The solution is really simple: all this %SAVEDIR% theater for getting the
 absolute path isn't necessary at all, because %~dp0 already returns the
 absolute path ('d' magic letter gets the drive, 'p' gets the full path, as
 documented on TechNet), so

 set MYAPP_HOME=%dp~0

 is perfectly sufficient, AFAIK.

 The attached osmosis-batch-cwd.patch does the necessary change, tested on
 Windows 7 (32-bit).

Your solution looks okay.  The only hesitation I have is that it leaves a
.. in the path it generates which the original version must have been
trying to avoid.  It probably doesn't matter but I think I've solved it
anyway.  The cd command accepts a /D argument which changes the current
drive as well as path.  I've modified the two cd statements to use that
switch and it seems to work correctly now.

But thanks for the patch, it highlighted the cause of the problem which is
90% of the work.

 Both patches apply to current trunk. I'd also like to thank Markus Bernd
 Wagner from the University of Stuttgart for discovering the shell script
 issue. If anything is wrong with the patches, just say so, I'll try to fix

 Best regards

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] using osmosis to import full history planet

2011-03-04 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Martijn,

The history tasks you're using are part of some experimental work that Peter
Körner was working on and they're not part of the normal Osmosis

Perhaps Peter can provide some assistance ...


On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 1:09 AM, Martijn van Exel wrote:

  Op 03-03-11 15:07, Martijn van Exel schreef:

 Hi all,

 We have been trying to import an extract (bbox) of the full history planet
 file into a PostGIS database using the osmosis db schema. Without much
 success so far. We described the steps we took here:

  ..or the published version of the Google Doc for readability...

 Martijn van Exel
 Senior Researcher
 Geodan SR
 President Kennedylaan 1
 1079 MB Amsterdam (NL)
 Tel: +31 (0)20 - 5711 318
 Fax: +31 (0)20 - 5711 333
 KvK-nummer: 33 247475

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] OSMembrane - GUI front-end for Osmosis

2011-03-04 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Tobias,

I just finished having a play with OSMembrane.  Colour me impressed :-)
It's a great little app, and provides a nicely polished user experience.

I hope development on the tool remains active, or that it at least continues
to be maintained.  It should be a great complement to Osmosis.


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Tobias Kuhn wrote:

 Hello OSM community,

 we're three students which had to develop a *Graphical Interface for
 Osmosis* during a practical task. This task now is finished and we'd like to
 release our product to the real world and see whether the world needs it or

 The program is written in Java with Swing and named OSMembrane, the name is
 a pun on Osmosis and semipermeable membranes. It is available at ** (the site is in English) you can obtain the latest executable release
 as well as the source code and project managment. It's licensed under the
 GPL to be compatible with software already present in OSM. The Osmosis tasks
 are included via an XML file so it is extendible. Currently supported
 locales are English and German.

 We're primarily interested in feedback for OSMembrane: Do you like it? Do
 you need it? Will you use it in the future? What's good and what's bad? So
 please don't hesitate to post your thoughts, a lousy answer is better than
 none. :)

 And additionally, since we won't be able to spend too much additional time
 on this project we'd also like to offer the possibility to maintain the
 project and continue the development, if anyone likes to.


 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Improving completeWays/completeRelations performance

2011-03-04 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Frederik,

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 7:57 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 But I've been thinking: With the the high performance of PBF reading, a
 two-pass operation should become possible. Simply read the input file twice,
 determining which objects to copy in pass 1, and actually copying them in
 pass 2. I'm just not sure how that could be made to fit in Osmosis. One way
 could be creating a special type of file, a selection list, from a given
 entity stream. A new task --write-seelction-list would dump the IDs of all
 nodes, ways, and relations that were either present or referenced in the
 entity stream:

Your suggestion of creating a selection list file to support a two-pass
approach seems quite reasonable, and would avoid making any changes to the
pipeline design.

I've often thought about ways of allowing tasks to receive their input data
stream twice, but can't think of a way to do it without greatly complicating
the entire pipeline.  My latest idea was for Sink tasks (eg. your --multi-bb
task) to throw an exception (eg. ResendDataException) that could be caught
by Source tasks (eg. --read-xml) triggering them to re-start processing.  It
wouldn't be terribly difficult to add support for it to tasks like
--read-xml, but it starts to get messy in the pipeline control tasks like
--tee and --buffer.  I'd have to re-write the DataPostbox class which forms
the basis of all thread interaction to fix --buffer, and --tee would have to
track which downstream pipes had requested a restart then trigger a single
restart when all downstream pipes had finished with the first pass.

One thing I like about the exception approach to restarts is that it could
be rolled into existing tasks incrementally.  Any tasks not supporting it
would abort cleanly when they received the exception.

I started experimenting with this idea this evening, but I've had to abandon
the idea because I don't have the time to see it through.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] Cannot represent -1 as a char.

2011-03-23 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Scott,

I've just modified the serialisation code to serialise the full 32-bit
signed int instead of casting to an unsigned chararacter.

This means that the internal serialisation format will be slightly less
efficient but I suspect the difference will be immeasurable.  Note that
recently I updated the primary id to be stored as a 64-bit signed long
instead of casting to a 32-bit signed int because some users of Osmosis were
expected to run into the limit soon.  That change has an even bigger impact
to the serialised format (4 extra bytes versus 2) so this one isn't worth
worrying about.

Changing your code to 0 would have also worked, but at least this way
there'll be no surprises for anybody else in the future who wishes to use
negative ids.


On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Scott Crosby wrote:

 Brett, do you have any advice?

 In OsmosisBinaryParser, I'm using NOCHANGESET and NOVERSION when
 there's omitted metadata. Currently both are -1. The bug is because
 another serializer in osmosis is complaining that the version number
 is negative. We can set NOVERSION to 0, make that code more robust, or
 something else.


 On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 8:01 AM, Nakor wrote:
  Can you give me more of the stack trace?
  Here you go:
  SEVERE: Thread for task 1-read-pbf failed
  org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: Cannot represent
  as a char.
 at crosby.binary.BinaryParser.parse(
 at crosby.binary.BinaryParser.handleBlock(
 at crosby.binary.file.FileBlock.process(
 at Source)
  Mar 7, 2011 9:01:05 AM org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis main
  SEVERE: Execution aborted.
  org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: One or more tasks
 at org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis.main(
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
 at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

[osmosis-dev] Osmosis Maintenance

2011-03-23 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi All,

I'm getting worse and worse at responding to any Osmosis issues.  The
primary reason is a recent addition to the family, but a busy day job isn't

This manifests as slow response to emails, slower response to patches, extra
slow response to bugs, and total absence of new features (from me anyway).

If there's anybody out there who wants to take a more active role in Osmosis
maintenance (if not full development) let me know.  This can be as simple as
testing out the very occasional patch and creating releases, through to
taking Osmosis in new directions without fear of me jumping in and saying I
don't like it :-)  Obviously I'd prefer somebody who I've already dealt with
and have a reasonable level of trust in, but I'll consider all options.  The
main requirement is some familiarity with the existing code base.

I suspect along with most of OSM that developers with spare time on their
hands are in short supply and I won't be inundated with offers.  If that's
the case then I'm happy to continue with things in their current state, but
just be aware that for all intents and purposes Osmosis is going to be
fairly stagnant for the foreseeable future.  I'll find time where I can, but
Osmosis maintenance isn't going to get much attention.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] planet import

2011-04-18 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Brian,

Yes, you should definitely use the built-in box builder functionality.  I've
never tried to use the database to do it on a complete planet.  I have no
idea how long it will take.


On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 4:34 AM, Brian DeRocher wrote:

 On Saturday 09 April 2011 22:27:31 you wrote:
  I started a full planet import on the 29th, 11 days ago.  I'm trying to
 get an idea how long this will take.  I just want to know if this will take
 about 20 days or more like 40 days.

 I think i found my answer, thanks to Toby:

 enableBboxBuilder=yes: This tells the write-pgsql-dump task to calculate a
 bounding box for each way. This is stored in a geometry type column in
 postgres that can be used in spatial queries. This can be done in the
 database but you may not live to see it finish if you are processing the
 entire planet. Seriously.

 Also i was using Osmosis 0.34 from Debian 6.  I'll upgrade to the stable or
 devel release, or try svn.

 For the record this import is on day 17.5 and it's currently running this
 query for 15 days.

 UPDATE ways SET bbox = (
 SELECT Envelope(Collect(geom)) FROM nodes JOIN way_nodes ON
 way_nodes.node_id =
 WHERE way_nodes.way_id =


 Brian DeRocher

 osmosis-dev mailing list

osmosis-dev mailing list

[osmosis-dev] Proposal for Allowing Additional Data in Pipeline

2011-05-11 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi All,

This email is just musings at this point.  I'm not sure if I'll be able to
implement anything anytime soon, but I'd be interested in people's thoughts
on this.

Until now I've intentionally kept the core data classes in Osmosis as simple
as possible to simplify maintenance and ensure consistency across all
tasks.  I've only added attributes that are required to support basic OSM
data and avoided any extensions from creeping in.

However it can be quite limiting when there is no way of passing additional
data through the pipeline.  Examples of additional data might be:

   - A mutated flag of some kind to flag when a particular entity has been
   changed and shouldn't be uploaded to the main API.  An example is when ways
   are clipped at bounding box boundaries.
   - A visible flag.  I hesitate to include this one because Osmosis
   supports this via change streams, not optional visible attributes.
   - Header information to be attached to the Bound element such as
   replication timestamp information, source URLs, etc.
   - Custom data exchanged between specialised tasks.  For example, a
   polygon processing task might add full geometric information to a way.

To add some flexibility I'm thinking along the following lines:

   - Add a new collection to entities that can be optionally populated with
   String/Object pairs.  Conceptually similar to a MapString, Object but
   possibly stored like existing Tag objects in a simple Collection (currently
   implemented as an ArrayList) for efficiency.
   - The collection may be null when no data is required to minimise
   overhead in the common case.  Consumers would need to explicitly check for
   null which is a tad ugly but I think warranted here.
   - Modify key tasks such as XML tasks to support serialising these
   additional values as attributes on the entities themselves (eg. node id=1
   version=1 ... mutated=true / ).  Alternatively represent them as
   sub-elements (eg. metatag stored as node id=1...mtag k=mymtag
   v=myvalue/node) .  The object would simply have the toString method
   called on it to get a string representation.  Reading from XML would result
   in a String object.
   - Tasks not caring about the data would simply pass the objects on
   without modification.
   - Some Sink tasks such as PostgreSQL database tasks would ignore the
   additional data.
   - Some tasks such as --bounding-box could add a flag such as mutated.
   - Rename the existing Bound entity to something more generic like Header
   to allow more file attributes to be persisted.

I think this approach would allow additional data to be attached to entities
in a generic fashion without Osmosis itself having to add special support
for it.  It would keep the pipeline generic but allow specialised tasks to
exchange their own custom data.  I think representing the value part of data
as an Object rather than String makes more sense because it allows custom
tasks to exchange complete objects instead of forcing serialisation to and
from String.

The additional data could in theory be represented as Tags without changing
the pipeline at all, but it gets messy mixing real data with metadata.

I'm not sure if it makes sense to add support for this to the Bound object,
or to simply allow Tag objects to be added instead.  Perhaps tags make more
sense here?  The whole Bound concept has always fitted awkwardly in Osmosis,
so I'm not sure how to tackle this one.

Hmm, a somewhat rambling email :-)  Any thoughts?

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] --used-node performance and a possible way to improve it

2011-06-03 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Igor,

You're describing a common problem with the Osmosis pipeline.  Many
scenarios would be improved if you could access the data stream twice rather
than having to buffer all data within the task itself.

Your solution of requiring two input streams is quite practical.  I've often
been tempted to do something similar.  The main issue is that it relies on
the user passing an identical input stream twice which is somewhat error
prone and ... well just feels messy.  Without a good solution I've just
avoided solving the problem at all :-)

I've dabbled with the idea of allowing pipeline restarts.  The only way I
can think to do it without requiring a more complicated task API is to allow
tasks to throw a special type of exception (eg.
RequestStreamRestartException) which could be caught by reader tasks (eg.
--read-xml) and indicate to them to begin reading from the start of the
stream again.  Reader tasks not supporting the new exception would simply
abort as per normal exception handling.  This approach has the benefit that
end-users could construct pipelines without consideration for whether data
was read once or twice.  The downside is a bunch of added complexity
though.  I haven't had time to investigate it properly.

I'm a little hesitant to see this type of workaround become the norm, but I
don't have a better option right now.  Given that your tasks are independent
of existing tasks I don't have any objection to them being added.


On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 5:29 AM, Igor Podolskiy wrote:

 Hi Osmosis developers,

 recently I found myself filtering large extracts of data with fairly
 restrictive tag-based filters. Imagine a task like get all administrative
 boundaries in the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It was taking a long
 time, lots of CPU, and lots of I/O. And I asked myself what it was doing all
 that time, actually.

 I had a pipeline like [1] (OSMembrane screenshot). Just the old-fashioned
 filter for ways and relations with a merge at the end (in the screenshot,
 top row is ways, bottom row is relations).

 Turns out that the main culprit is the --used-node task. As you surely
 know, it works like this:

 1. Store all ways, nodes and relations coming in into a simple object
 2. During this, records all node references.
 3. Replay the simple object store to the output, filtering out unneeded

 Basically, in a workflow like

   read from disk - filter ways - get used nodes - write

 you basically write _everything_ you got from disk back to disk and then
 read it back again in --used-nodes. More than that, you only can control the
 filesystem the second write happens by setting the property
 which isn't really intuitive. And you spend CPU time compressing and
 decompressing the intermediate store.

 So, in actual numbers for boundaries in Baden-Württemberg (128 MB PBF as of
 today) this workflow boils down to read 128 MB from disk, write ~180 MB
 gzipped serialized objects to disk, read ~180 MB from disk, write 2 MB PBF
 to disk. In the example pipeline shown above, those ~180 MB of gzipped
 serialized objects get written and read _twice_ because of two --used-node

 This seemed, well, a little wasteful to me. You should only pay for what
 you getting (the 2 MB), not for everything there is (the 128 MB), and surely
 not twice :) So I thought up an approach which avoids intermediate stores.

 It involves a task that takes two input streams and produces a single one.
 It works like this:

 1. Read everything from the first stream and ignore all nodes, record the
 required ids for ways and relations in an id tracker just like --used-node,
 and pass the ways and relations downstream immediately.

 2. Read everything from the second stream, ignore all ways and relations
 and only pass the required nodes (based on the id tracker) downstream.

 It's a bit like a merge with an id tracker.

 In terms of the complete workflow, it involves reading the source file from
 disk twice; the pipeline equivalent to [1] is shown in [2] (another
 OSMembrane screenshot).

 I implemented this task (named --fast-used-node, better name needed ;)) and
 made a couple of measurements for the example I mentioned above (admin
 boundaries in Baden-Württemberg).

 Pipeline [1] with --used-node: ~312+-10 seconds
 Pipeline [2] with --fast-used-node: ~140+-10 seconds

 A simple pipeline like read-filter ways-used-nodes-write takes about 140
 seconds with --used-node, the --fast-used-node one takes ~90 seconds

 All numbers on Pentium Dual-Core E5300 2.6 GHz, Win7 Pro 32-Bit, vanilla
 SATA disk, default 64MB heap size (irrelevant for this task). Both
 approaches seem to be CPU-bound (so the compression/decompression is more a
 problem than the IO in and of itself).

 Of course, everything has a price. First, you effectively need to read the
 source file twice from disk; just splitting up a stream and buffering it

Re: [osmosis-dev] --used-node performance and a possible way to improve it

2011-06-12 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Igor,

On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 6:04 AM, Igor Podolskiy wrote:

 Hi Brett, hi @osmosis-dev,

  You're describing a common problem with the Osmosis pipeline.  Many
 scenarios would be improved if you could access the data stream twice
 rather than having to buffer all data within the task itself.

 good to know I'm not alone ;)

 In the meantime I've been working quite a lot with Osmosis, with the
 standard tasks, and with my custom ones, and I've been following the
 discussions on this list, especially your posts about metadata... so now I
 think I have some clue about what actually lies behind these problems and
 solutions, mine included. In a way, this is also a reply to your recent post
 about metadata. Feel free to skip my ramblings :)

 Here's the TL;DR version: my --fast-used-* is really just a workaround and
 should really stay a plugin and out of the main tree. What I think we need
 is a much more generic solution, like a second type of communication channel
 between the tasks for flow control information.

 Full version:

 There seem to be many use cases for Osmosis which more or less blow up the
 current streaming principle, --used-* being only one of them. That's why
 we're talking on this list about additional metadata, and completeWays
 performance of --bbox, and performance of --used-node, and

 Even the bound handling is actually wrong at many places, and it can't be
 made right because of the stream ordering requirements. I somewhat fixed it
 in --merge, but it's more or less unfixable in, say, --apply-change without
 caching the whole stream which leads to the --used-node problem (lots of
 wasted CPU, I/O and disk space).

 As I used Osmosis over the last couple of weeks, and I often found myself
  thinking: can I do X with Osmosis? Can I optimize step Y of the pipeline?
 And the answer is almost always: no, it requires replaying the stream. No,
 it requires a bit of information from another task up or down the pipeline.
 No, it requires some coordination or synchronization between multiple tasks.

 In short, and I think that's the core problem: the answer is no because
 _the tasks do not know enough about each other_ both before and during

 And as tempting as some metadata embedded in the data stream like you
 implemented in your last commits or a workaround implemented with my
 --fast-used-node might be - in my very humble and uninformed opinion it
 handles symptoms, not this core problem.

 What we have now, is very similar to the plain old analog telephone
 network: we transmit both data and control information over a single
 channel. And there's a reason the telecom networks switched to out-of-band
 signaling with separate channels for data and metadata like call setup: it
 is more flexible. Before that, you had crazy workaround stuff like hook
 flash where you submitted information by actually interrupting the channel
 with a particular timing. Maybe that's just me, but throwing an exception up
 the pipeline is in a way very much like a hook flash :)

 As to the RestartStreamException in particular, I have a feeling that it
 isn't really going to work well with --tee, --buffer, --merge,
 --apply-change and similar tasks. And even if, an exception really seriously
 messes up your control flow. Once you throw it, you cannot really make any
 assumptions as to what state you're currently in. And even if you work
 around it, that code going to be _really_ messy.

 So I think what we need is a full-blown control plane for communication
 between tasks. Like in telecommunications, it should be orthogonal to the
 data streams, otherwise you will always be having the problem that the bit
 of information that you need is in the wrong place of the stream. We see
 this with bound: you need to write it out at the start of the stream but
 can only you know it at the end in the current model. That's why you would
 need to cache a GB-sized stream which seems pretty wasteful for 4 doubles.

 I'd like a way for a task to know what is downstream and upstream of the
 pipeline. I'd like proper synchronization like locks and latches adn waits
 between tasks - yes, synchronization is complex and can lead to deadlocks,
 but we also can have deadlocks _now_ without the benefits of
 synchronization. I'd like a way for one task to be able to say what it is
 going to do to stream with respect to the sort ordering or the bounding box.
 And I like for other tasks to be able to reason about that in the context of
 the current pipeline.

 Enough I'd likes. :) If you have a good control plane, good things
 happen, that's it, actually ;) I very well understand that this is going to
 make the task API more complex. But I think it would pay off as you could
 use Osmosis for more tasks. Passing metadata in the data stream and
 exceptions and --fast-used-node make things more complex as well, and the
 payoff is less IMHO. You're right when you say that 

Re: [osmosis-dev] bounding-polygon dismisses points at +180° longitude

2011-07-22 Thread Brett Henderson
On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 4:25 AM, WanMil wrote:

 what need to be done to get this issue fixed?
 The following things were provided:
 * a simple testcase
 * a scenario in which the problem is a real issue (extracting russian
 * a simple patch based on Brett ideas

 I don't know what I can do now to speed up a bugfix. So please commit the
 patch or let me know what's wrong with it.

Hi WanMil,

I've applied the patch (plus checkstyle fixes).  Let me know if you see any

osmosis-dev mailing list

[osmosis-dev] Version Control Full History and GIT Test

2011-09-07 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi All,

I've been playing in a couple of areas with regards to Osmosis version

   - I'm pondering a move to GIT.  Primarily because it gives people a
   better opportunity to experiment with the codebase.  Secondly because I am
   experimenting with GIT anyway and wanted a real-world task to work with.
   - The svn history is disjointed due to the early history being hosted on
   my server, and subsequent history being on the osm svn server.  In addition
   there have been some renames and re-organisation that are confusing and
   break potential migrations to other tools (ie. GIT).

I decided I'd try to fix the SVN history and produce a single repo with
complete history.  What started out as a simple shell script with some grep
and sed statements quickly got out of hand and became a full-blown
java-based SVN dump file re-writer that looks quite a lot like Osmosis
itself.  Perhaps I should have written it as an Osmosis plugin :-)  Anyway,
it does the following major operations.

   - Creates a new empty repo with standard trunk/tags/branches structure at
   the root.
   - Extracts history from from revision
   417-471 which was the initial period of Osmosis when it was called
  - Replaces the conduit path with trunk.
  - Removes the initial creation of conduit directory which isn't
  necessary as data will be imported into existing trunk.
  - Renumbers the revisions from 1 upwards.
  - Skips revision 472 which was a rename from conduit to osmosis.  We
   don't need this because the project name isn't reflected in the new repo,
   the project is stored in the root.
   - Extracts history from revision 473-474 which are the only two revisions
   with code stored in the root of the osmosis project.
  - Replaces the osmosis path with trunk.
  - Renumbers the revisions.
  - Skips revision 475 which was a re-organisation into a
   trunk/tags/branches structure.  This is already done in the new repository.
   - Extracts all remaining revisions in my repository from 475-HEAD.
  - Removes the osmosis prefix on paths.
  - Renumbers the revisions.
  - Skips 4742 because that's the original import which is already done
   in the new repo.
   - Extracts history from from 4743-12410.
   - Replaces the applications/utils/osmosis path with trunk.
  - Renumbers the revisions.
  - Skips 12411 which was a re-organisation into a trunk/tags/branches
   - Extracts remaining history from 12412-HEAD.
  - Replaces a copyfrom path for creation of 0.28 and 0.29 tags which
  refer to revisions prior to the repo re-structure and thus have incorrect
  path structures in the dump file.
  - Removes the applications/utils/osmosis prefix on paths.
  - Renumbers the revisions.

It seems to have all worked well.  It provides a single repo with full
history from day 1, gives a consistent directory layout for the entire
history, and includes all tags that were ever created.  I got part way there
with shell scripts, but the real trick was the revision renumbering which
had to be done because there are numerous occasions where revisions copy
files from significantly older revisions where the main svn repo moved on
between me copying a latest version file and actually doing a commit.
Renumbering required knowledge of entire history and called for a better
language.  One thing I haven't fixed is the svn:mergeinfo tags (it's hard),
so I'll probably remove them completely to avoid any confusion.

If you want to try it out for yourself, the migration app is here:

If you load it up in Eclipse, you can simply run the DumpFileMigrator
class.  From a command line you'd need to compile the app and run it with
the shell scripts in your working directory.  Note that it will take a
*very* long time the first time you run it because it generates a complete
snapshot of the main osm repository locally using svnsync.  If you already
have a replica you can copy it in because it continues to update the one it
has each time you run it.

Any thoughts re a possible GIT move?

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